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Family caregivers and their loved ones on a health journey are at the heart of everything we do. We encourage caregivers and patients to share their unique stories to build a supportive community that helps everyone feel less alone.

A photo collage showcasing key moments from a stroke survivor's journey, including images of her smiling with family, sharing joyful milestones, and embracing life during her recovery.
Stroke Survivor Uses CaringBridge as a Way of Expression to Avoid Depression
Allie Levine was in the beautiful, chaotic, busy time of life. With three of her four girls grown and living on their own, she was immersed in the activity of her youngest daughter’s senior year of high school and planning her oldest daughter’s weddi
Collage of family members enjoying time together
When She’s Good, I’m Good
At 25, Tina Jackson was filled with optimism for the future. Newly married and excited to expand her family, she and her husband had just purchased their first home when they received the joyous news—they were expecting their first child. Tina’s preg
Collage of woman with family
Until Further Notice, Celebrate Everything
Undergoing a mammogram is as routine as it is nerve-wracking. While the screening is an annual process, waiting for the results can induce a lot of anxiety. Keeshia Jones knows that anxiety well. And she knows the emotions that come along with receiv
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Sonia Su, founder of Kits to Heart
Cancer Diagnosis Redefines Life Work for Graduate Student
As a 24-year-old graduate student attending Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., Sonia Su had a bright future ahead of her. Busy and focused on her studies upon starting her first semester, she didn’t think much of the mild chest pain she was e
Borg family photo
Finding Joy Amidst the Suffering
High school sweethearts Tricia and Brian always knew they wanted a big family. After marrying, they welcomed four boys and one girl, each of them a blessing their parents prayed to receive. When they found out they were pregnant with their fifth chil
Bride and groom on wedding day
After Life-Altering Accident, Newlyweds Face Challenges with Bravery and Humor
The story of how Jeff met Kristin is one made of romance movie dreams. “I was renting a duplex at the time. She moved in next to me on the other side. I went over to introduce myself and helped her move into her house,” Jeff recalled. Their love stor
Collage of husband and wife during cancer treatment
In Sickness and in Health, Wife Cares for Husband Through Two Cancer Journeys
In sickness and in health takes on profound meaning for couples like Sally and Sam, who are navigating the world of cancer diagnosis and treatment for a second time in less than 10 years. Sally and Sam’s journey started at the local post office, wher
Husbands embrace and smile for the camera
Visual Artist and Husband Cope Together Amid Rare Eye Cancer Diagnosis
For visual artist Michael Breyette, receiving the news that he had ocular melanoma (a type of eye cancer) has been both life- and career-altering. “I started noticing weird things in my vision last summer,” Michael said. “In a dark room, I would some
Two women smile at the camera
A Journey of Kindness and Grace
Friendship of any kind has its path of twists and turns, and a friendship of almost 40 years has a journey of many stories. When Stephanie Grant and Kate Ashley met at Princeton High School in 1985, little did they know of the twists their friendship
Man and woman tandem bike over frozen lake
Carrying on a Husband’s Legacy
Dale Hammerschmidt and Mary Arneson didn’t have the typical start to a lifelong love story. They didn’t meet at a bookstore or a coffee shop, and they weren’t set up on a blind date by friends. They met in medical school, over a double-headed micros
Family links arms and walks towards camera
A Father’s Support System Helps Heal on Long-Distance Health Journey
Scott Swayne is many things to many people, but above all, he’s a family man. He met his wife Paige in high school—they married 33 years ago and have four children. “They’re the epitome of cute parents who just love each other,” their daughter Hannah