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Chronic Illness

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10 Tips to Cope With Your Child’s Chronic Illness
Learning your child has a chronic illness is a feeling you cannot prepare for. The new and unfamiliar stresses can cause intense feelings of love, sadness, grief, panic, and guilt. All those feelings are completely normal and valid. However, there ar
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Advice for Parents with Chronically Ill Kids, From Parents Who Know
Every time Jaxson had a scheduled hospital stay, Judy decked out his room with Ninja Turtles, Mickey Mouse, Captain America, Cars and more. Juan Martinez of Uvalde, TX, is a firefighter and EMT who says his wife, Judy, is the strongest person he kno
‘I Always Feel Better After I Finish Writing’
Louie and Nancy Grams of Eagan, MN, have been married for 46 years. For most of those 46 years, Louie has been chronically ill, with countless MRI and CT scans, hundreds of invasive procedures, and 35 surgeries. Multiple System Atrophy, in the Parkin
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Louie: Writing Helps Me Process What is Happening
Louie and Nancy Grams of Eagan, MN, have been married for 46 years. For most of those 46 years, Louie has been chronically ill, with countless MRI and CT scans, hundreds of invasive procedures, and 35 surgeries. Multiple System Atrophy, in the Parkin
Three Generations, Together Every Step of the Way
“We have walked some places no others would want to walk. Things have changed in our lives.” – Becky R. Rebecca was a first grader when she was admitted to the hospital with pancreatitis. Her grandmother, Becky, focused on two things: healing for her
How I Survive My Chronic Illness
Chronic illness has humbled me in this way; it has shown me that needing support from loved ones, and sometimes even total strangers, is not a sign of weakness, but one of strength. A Sign of Strength I have always been an independent woman. Even at