Pancreatic Cancer

Joy! Finding Joy in Every Day
“Joy! Finding Joy in Every Day” is a collection of thoughts and quotes on ‘joy’ to inspire herself and others to capture the moment and appreciate everything life has to offer. In January 2019, Nancy Allin Nelson was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic

6 Steps to Form a Care Team and Get the Help You Need
In a health crisis, a bewildering number of decisions, choices and practical needs arise quickly and over time. Family and friends want to help, but even well-meaning offers can become overwhelming and can feel like just another project to manage. So

Remembering a Wife, Mom and Woman Who Served
By age 36, Amie Dahl-Muller of Woodbury, MN, was many things: A U.S. Air Force and Minnesota Air National Guard veteran, mom of three, wife, volunteer, activist—and a woman diagnosed with Stage III pancreatic cancer. Before her 37th birthday, she was
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6 Good Alternatives to ‘How Can I Help?’
Hanna Cooper and her husband, Tom Moberg, of St. Paul, MN, with their kids, Emilia and William. When I was unexpectedly diagnosed with stage 3 pancreatic cancer in 2016 at age 48, my family, friends and community were as shocked and bewildered as I w
Jeff and Mary’s Story: Lives of Purpose
“I didn’t let cancer destroy me and we didn’t let cancer destroy our family. In some way he is living through this new life.” – Mary A Journey Based in Love Mary is full of life. She’s vivacious, spunky and some would even say feisty. But this story
The Power of Positivity
“Each morning of my cancer journey, reading my CaringBridge messages was the first thing I looked forward to.” – Steven Lewis Steven Lewis is the author of the book, “The Ripple Effect: How a Positive Attitude and a Caring Community Helped Save My Li
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