Sona Mehring

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Exploring the Topic of Healing
CaringBridge has served as the world’s witness to good stuff that comes out of bad stuff since June 7, 1997, when founder Sona Mehring, of Eagan, MN, launched one website to support two college friends whose daughter was born prematurely. Baby Brighi

Parents of Baby Brighid: CaringBridge is Our Daughter’s Legacy
Darrin Swanson and JoAnn Hardegger, the parents of Baby Brighid, for whom CaringBridge is named, with founder Sona Mehring, right, and the CaringBridge team in Eagan, MN. (Photo by David McLain) Twenty-five years ago, after a pregnancy threatened by

CaringBridge Founder: Hug Your Mom Every Chance You Get
In a four-generation photo, I am holding my oldest son, on the day of his baptism. My Grandmother, Bessie, is at left, and my Mom, Bonnie, is at right. My Mom, Bonnie, has been gone since 2001. She didn’t get to see any of my three boys graduate from
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Now a CaringBridge Author, Too, My Gratitude is Immense
Dad and I on a trip to Alaska a few years ago. The essence of CaringBridge has been coming into even sharper focus for me since this past June, when I started a site on behalf of my Dad. And my gratitude for community is immense. At the end of May, a
On the Topic, ‘I Would Never Write About My Health on Facebook’
CaringBridge author Hanna Cooper gets a kiss from her husband, Tom Moberg. Social media keeps Hanna Cooper connected—on her terms. As a leadership and executive coach based in St. Paul, MN, Hanna uses LinkedIn and Twitter professionally. As a wife, m
If I Could Mend Your Heart
Retired hospital chaplain and minister Mary Farr’s book, “If I Could Mend Your Heart,” has a direct connection to the very start of CaringBridge. When Mary was a chaplain at Children’s Hospital in St. Paul, MN, back in June 1997, she provided emotion
How to Point Gently Toward Healing
Mary Farr, left, with JoAnn Hardegger, mother of Baby Brighid, the namesake of CaringBridge, at a November 2017 event marking the 20th anniversary of CaringBridge and launch of the How We Heal series. Pediatric hospital chaplain and ordained minister
To Mark Baby Brighid’s 20th Birthday, a Visit to Birthplace of CaringBridge
In the spring of 1997, JoAnn Hardegger and Darrin Swanson were overwhelmed with joy when they learned they were expecting a child. Just 9 months prior, the couple lost their son, Gabriel, during JoAnn’s fourth month of pregnancy. JoAnn, a nurse at Un
3 Things Your Loved Ones Should Hear From You, NOW!
Since Sona Mehring’s journey with CaringBridge began in 1997, our founder has come to believe that no one should be left wondering whether their life has mattered. Driving home to the Twin Cities from Milwaukee after a recent visit with my son and da
Hope Conquers All: Inspiring Stories of Love and Healing from CaringBridge
On June 7, 1997, CaringBridge founder Sona Mehring launched one website to support a close friend who endured a life-threatening pregnancy. Baby Brighid lived only 9 days, but her legacy is reflected in more than 675,000 CaringBridge websites, with 2
5 Best Ways to Be a Caregiver’s Cheerleader
In 1998, my mother Bonnie was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer, and in 2001 she was stricken with liver cancer. As a nurse, my mother was the one providing care for others. She was even a caregiver for her mother, my Grandma Bessie, before she p
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