
22 Inspirational Quotes About Hope and Healing
Whether it’s you or a loved one going through a challenging period of life, it can sometimes be difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes an inspirational phrase or saying is exactly what is needed to find hope during dark times.

20 Encouraging Cancer Quotes for Patients to Inspire Hope
When it comes to cancer, we understand that finding the right words can be a challenge. Whether you or a loved one is going through a cancer journey, learning how to give and ask for support can take time. Having a supportive quote or two on hand can

7 Special Ideas for Celebrating a Cancer Free Anniversary
If you’ve ever been diagnosed with cancer, you’ll know that every experience with it is as unique as each person that receives a diagnosis. The same can be said for the milestones that one chooses to celebrate during their cancer journey. It can feel
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How to Remember a Loved One on Their Death Anniversary
The emotions tied with losing a loved one can be indefinitely tied to the anniversary of their death, making that day a difficult one to cope with. If you have lost a loved one, know that it’s common to feel stress about an anniversary even years aft
15 Motivational Quotes for Patients
Struggling with a medical condition or illness can be overwhelming, confusing and scary. It’s times like these that require courage, inspiration and hope to help you keep moving forward. Here, CaringBridge compiled some of our favorite motivational
Radiation Through a Child’s Eyes: 3 Questions With Giovanna Quevedo
As she watched her mom go through radiation treatment for breast cancer in 2019, high school senior and aspiring medical professional Giovanna Quevedo of Long Beach, CA, got to thinking how scary the procedure—and cancer itself—must seem to kids youn
6 Meaningful Ways to Express Your Gratitude
A gift that is freely given, gratitude is a selfless act. It’s an emotion that can connect us with others or to a specific purpose, and can motivate us in our everyday lives. Gratitude by itself is defined as the quality of being thankful, a readines
One Writer’s Incredible Story of Hope, Beauty, and Glioblastoma
The thing about terminal cancer is that sometimes you don’t feel sick. “I feel, weirdly, completely healthy,” Caroline Wright of Seattle said, 6 months after receiving a diagnosis of glioblastoma, a very aggressive brain cancer, in February 2017. Fee
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