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Premature Birth

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Parents of Baby Brighid: CaringBridge is Our Daughter’s Legacy
Darrin Swanson and JoAnn Hardegger, the parents of Baby Brighid, for whom CaringBridge is named, with founder Sona Mehring, right, and the CaringBridge team in Eagan, MN. (Photo by David McLain) Twenty-five years ago, after a pregnancy threatened by
Through Pandemic, Civil Unrest Baby Brings ‘A Ray of Sunshine’
On April 22, 2020, Areya Borsellino was born 13 weeks early, in the midst of a global pandemic, and spent her first months in a Minneapolis hospital NICU close to where George Floyd died in police custody. To get to their baby during the civil unrest
Life With Grace: A Reference Guide for Parents of Premature Babies
Grace Schwertfeger of Mankato, MN, arrived in the world in October 2004, much sooner than expected. Born at 24 weeks, Grace was a micro-preemie. She spent her first 9 months in the hospital, during which she endured seven life-saving surgeries, follo
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Family of Preemie Twins Feels Double-Blessed
Spoiler Alert: Twins born at 26 weeks, weighing just 2 pounds each, do turn into healthy, happy and very busy toddlers. I’d like you to meet Tate and Mila. My husband, Ben, and I, were expecting our babies in November of 2014. Around Thanksgiving. Bu
How to Point Gently Toward Healing
Mary Farr, left, with JoAnn Hardegger, mother of Baby Brighid, the namesake of CaringBridge, at a November 2017 event marking the 20th anniversary of CaringBridge and launch of the How We Heal series. Pediatric hospital chaplain and ordained minister
To Mark Baby Brighid’s 20th Birthday, a Visit to Birthplace of CaringBridge
In the spring of 1997, JoAnn Hardegger and Darrin Swanson were overwhelmed with joy when they learned they were expecting a child. Just 9 months prior, the couple lost their son, Gabriel, during JoAnn’s fourth month of pregnancy. JoAnn, a nurse at Un
Meet the Kim Family
After a routine pregnancy, Lindsay Kim encountered unexpected labor complications and needed an emergency C-section in order to save her baby Hazel’s life. Unfortunately, Hazel was deprived of oxygen for an undetermined amount of time, causing perman
Finding Support for a NICU baby – Kaitlyn’s Story
In 2002, Jessica Frider gave birth to her first child, Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn had suffered from a lack of oxygen during birth, which caused global brain damage and led to a variety of health difficulties, including cerebral palsy. Kaitlyn was in the NICU f