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Brain Tumor

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HeadStrong: Amy’s Story
It was 7:50 a.m. on a Friday in April 2013, and Amy Toconita Hodge was standing in her kitchen as her vision changed. It felt like she had been staring at a bright light, and suddenly the center of her vision field disappeared. When it returned momen
Years After Loss, Grief Still Surfaces as ‘Price of Love’
My husband, Tom Vinje, was diagnosed in March 2008 with a glioblastoma brain tumor. He passed away seven months later, in October 2008. We were together 11 years, married for nine. Tom was one of those guys who could light up a room with his smile—an
Caregiver-Turned-Patient Shares 14 Ways to Help That are Truly Helpful
I first became a CaringBridge author in March 2012, after my husband, Bob, was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder called POEMS syndrome. It is a shirt-tail relative to cancer, and required Bob to have a stem cell transplant at a hospital far from o
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The CaringBridge Project
In the rush of medical appointments and questions from loved ones after the symptom of headaches turned into a brain-tumor diagnosis, Caroline Wright’s aunt pointed her toward CaringBridge in 2017 as a way of sharing information. Get Advice & Inspira
I’m Grateful for my CaringBridge Community, and Always Will Be
In February 2017, at age 32, I was diagnosed with a glioblastoma. Other than a few strange weeks right before my MRI that found the brain tumor, I had no idea anything was wrong. We had just settled into our newly renovated house, having just moved t
Listen in on a Doctor/Patient Heart-to-Heart
Jonathan Adler, PhD, left, Dr. Annie Brewster, Dr. John Trusheim and Michael Bischoff at a healing story session hosted by Health Story Collaborative. CaringBridge author Michael Bischoff of Minneapolis, a husband and dad of two living with glioblast
Healing Gifts Come From Nature, Art, Community … Love
Michael Bischoff of Minneapolis hopes for a cure from brain cancer, and for a long life. But with little ability to control his prognosis, Michael’s main focus is on finding wholeness in each moment. Simply put: He has chosen to heal. He said, “My un
Karate Kid Delivers Roundhouse Kick to Brain Tumor
Eleven-year-old Gavin Pierson of Ramsey, MN, has been fighting “Joe Bully” since he was 5. That’s what he has named his rare brain tumor, a growing mature teratoma, because of the way it breaks the rules and has threatened his life. Gavin’s zero-tole
One Writer’s Incredible Story of Hope, Beauty, and Glioblastoma
The thing about terminal cancer is that sometimes you don’t feel sick. “I feel, weirdly, completely healthy,” Caroline Wright of Seattle said, 6 months after receiving a diagnosis of glioblastoma, a very aggressive brain cancer, in February 2017. Fee
How to Talk to a Sick Kid, From a Former Sick Kid
By the start of first grade, Molly M., of Minnesota, had learned the ropes of health care. A survivor of brain tumor surgeries at ages 2 and 6, she had endured enough needle-pokes to take charge of IV technicians aiming for her best veins. On more th
What Now! A Pivotal Story of Love, Family and the Miracle of People
Chrissie Betlach Vinje recalls the unconditional love and support that she and her husband, Tom, received, after his diagnosis of glioblastoma multiforme, the worst kind of brain cancer. In “What Now!” Chrissie captures the essence of Tom’s CaringBri