
The Caregiver’s Companion- Caring for your Mind, Body & Spirit
As a caregiver, you have a job that changes constantly depending on your loved one’s health and needs. You deal with expectations and feel many emotions. Being a caregiver can be a long journey with many challenges. Taking good care of yourself, also

The Caregiver’s Companion Journaling Guide
Capture Your Journey: How Sharing Your Story Supports Emotional Health The act of capturing your loved one’s health journey can offer more than just a way to document their progress—it can serve as a powerful tool for improving your emotional health

What to know
6 Helpful Ways to Cope with Loneliness
Surgeon General Vivek Murthy’s office recently released a report titled “Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on the Healing Effects of Social Connection and Community,” after nearly half of U.S. adults report
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In Tough Times, Take Charge of Your Own Story
With COVID-19 running rampant and social distancing the expectation, these are unsettling and unprecedented times. Quite suddenly, everything is different. My typically frenetic home life is quiet. No more struggles to get kids up and out the door in
7 Dementia Care Tips From a Caregiver Who Understands
Rosalie Wosepka of St. Paul, MN, used writing and storytelling to document her journey alongside her husband, John, helping him to navigate in the world after he was diagnosed, first with Parkinson’s, and eventually with Lewy body dementia. Words bec
Wife Uses Power of Journaling to Cope After Husband’s Dementia Diagnosis
Throughout every step of living with her husband’s diagnosis of dementia, Rosalie kept writing in her journals. She credits her therapist for acknowledging that her feelings were real, and that she could let them out. And let them out she did … in he
Life After Diagnosis: How Illness Changed My Identity
In 1986, when I graduated from high school, I was voted “most likely to climb Mount Everest.” I thought I would do it, if not actually, then at least symbolically. I pictured my life unfolding as a linear ascension to some theoretical summit, with th
The Power of Journaling
Over the past few holidays as we’ve navigated the choppy waters of my husband’s terminal illness, I’ve discovered a surprising-yet-essential tool for processing through pain: the ordinary ink pen (or computer keyboard). I’ve always kept journals fait
A Story that Started Right Here: Journaling About Cancer
Writing is something I have always enjoyed (well, with the exception of required research papers.) But a busy lifestyle as a teacher and mother hadn’t allowed time for much more than an annual holiday letter these past years. Being on a medical leave
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