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Identity Theft: Rediscovering Ourselves After Stroke
A stroke in 2010 deeply interfered with the life and career of Dr. Debra Meyerson, a wife, mom, daughter and tenured professor at Stanford University specializing in diversity, gender, identity and organizational change. What presented as a slight h
Kaden’s Health Journey is Everyone’s Health Journey
Letting loose in his battery-powered Dodge Ram pickup is freedom for 7-year-old Kaden Kruciak of Cibolo, TX. And if ever a kid deserved to feel the wind in his hair—and the dust and dirt of off-road driving—it’s Kaden. Diagnosed in-utero with a rare
What Life is Like, 4 Years After Stroke
During the first and second years of my recovery after stroke, I went through a grieving process. In the third year, I felt like I was living in the past—or at least thinking a lot about the way life used to be. I was consumed with trying to get thin
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Dog Named Halo Becomes Family’s Godsend
A fluffy rescue-turned-service dog named Halo has helped Cyteria Knight of Charlotte, NC, heal after suffering a ruptured brain aneurysm and stroke in her daughter Raquanza’s kitchen in January 2017. Excellent doctors and nurses got the lifelong soci
Cyteria: After Illness, Find a Way to Look at the Positive
After suffering a ruptured brain aneurysm and stroke in January 2017, Cyteria shares how she is able to find a way to look at the positive.
Cyteria: Take It One Day, One Hour at a Time
A fluffy rescue-turned-service dog named Halo has helped Cyteria Knight of Charlotte, NC, heal after suffering a ruptured brain aneurysm and stroke in her daughter Raquanza’s kitchen in January 2017. Excellent doctors and nurses got the lifelong soci
Life After Stroke: 3 Ways to Keep Aphasia From Getting in the Way of Good Conversation
Three years after experiencing a shower emboli stroke, CaringBridge author Christine Richards of Wyoming said she still speaks with a “stroke accent.” Chris is living with aphasia, an effect of stroke that can make communication challenging for those
Life After Stroke: Daughter Says Support Keeps Mom, and Family, Strong
A single event can change the course of your life and you may never see it coming. On April 4, 2014, just three days after her 56th birthday, my Mom suffered a stroke. By the end of that day, what started out as a single ischemic stroke with left-sid
Family Defines the New ‘Normal’ After Stroke
Three years after a shower emboli stroke left her in a non-responsive state for 10 days, followed by two months at three different hospitals, Christine Richards’ health journey continues. She speaks with what she calls a “stroke accent,” and her gram
Finding the Words After a Near-Deadly Stroke
Chris Richards speaks carefully and haltingly, her speech but not her mind affected by a stroke two years ago that nearly killed her. But the words are worth waiting for. They tell of the power of determination and faith, the love of a wonderful fami