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Family Fights as One for Twins’ ‘Best Possible Chance’
Moms sleep lightly, and with four kids under 10, Kate Erickson hardly remembers deep rest. But the sound that makes it possible for Kate and her husband, Rob, to close their eyes at night is the steady hum and hiss of the ventilator keeping their dau
After Leg Amputation, Child Re-Defines What it Means to Risk Life and Limb
When Vincent Lynick, was born in 2014, his parents, Sally and, Michael, of Burnsville, MN, did not know anything was wrong with his leg. But when he was 2 days old, doctors told them Vincent was missing the tibia bone in his left leg. That’s the big
Kaden’s Health Journey is Everyone’s Health Journey
Letting loose in his battery-powered Dodge Ram pickup is freedom for 7-year-old Kaden Kruciak of Cibolo, TX. And if ever a kid deserved to feel the wind in his hair—and the dust and dirt of off-road driving—it’s Kaden. Diagnosed in-utero with a rare
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Over Long Health Journey, CaringBridge Becomes Family’s Blog
In January 2008, during a 26-week prenatal check, my husband, Toby, and I learned that the right femur of our future daughter appeared to be half the length of her left femur. Though we didn’t have a name for it at the time, we learned after her birt
Gulf War Veteran Puts His Cancer in the Bullseye
While fighting a rare melanoma that has cost him his right eye, Gulf War veteran Thomas “Tomo” Riley of Hastings, MN, sometimes tapes a paper target with the word “c-a-n-c-e-r” scrawled in black ink to a backdrop in his garage. Then he takes aim with
Look Good, Even When You Don’t Feel Good
Dressing to the nines, with embellished bags for her portable oxygen tank, and gorgeous gloves to protect fingers damaged by disease, has helped heal Lovette Russell of Atlanta, GA, as she lives with two incurable illnesses. Diagnosed a decade ago w
Karate Kid Delivers Roundhouse Kick to Brain Tumor
Eleven-year-old Gavin Pierson of Ramsey, MN, has been fighting “Joe Bully” since he was 5. That’s what he has named his rare brain tumor, a growing mature teratoma, because of the way it breaks the rules and has threatened his life. Gavin’s zero-tole
In Her Son’s Honor, Mom Finds the Good Within the Bad
The words of Kat Schilling of Eau Claire, WI, pierce the heart: “As much as I don’t like the fact that I lost a child, it is exactly that … a fact. I cannot change it, no matter how hard I wish I could.” Five years since the death of her son, Zach Ha
Tomo: Music for Me is the Best Medicine
While fighting a rare melanoma that has cost him his right eye, Gulf War veteran Thomas “Tomo” Riley of Hastings, MN, sometimes tapes a paper target with the word “c-a-n-c-e-r” scrawled in black ink to a backdrop in his garage. Then he takes aim with
Tomo: Fight with Every Ounce of Your Being
While fighting a rare melanoma that has cost him his right eye, Gulf War veteran Thomas “Tomo” Riley of Hastings, MN, sometimes tapes a paper target with the word “c-a-n-c-e-r” scrawled in black ink to a backdrop in his garage. Then he takes aim with
Gavin: If You Believe It, You Can Do It
Eleven-year-old Gavin Pierson of Ramsey, MN, has been fighting “Joe Bully” since he was 5. That’s what he has named his rare brain tumor, a growing mature teratoma, because of the way it breaks the rules and has threatened his life. Gavin’s zero-tole