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What to say

Believing that the only wrong thing to say is nothing at all, patients and family caregivers offer perspective on words that can be helpful, and not so helpful.

Two people holding hands
What to say
How to Tell Someone You Have a Chronic Illness
Receiving a chronic illness diagnosis can be a profound and life-altering experience. Whether it’s a condition like Crohn’s disease, diabetes, or cancer, you might be feeling a mix of emotions—from fear and uncertainty to relief at finally having ans
Woman in head scarf stares ahead
What to say
What to Say When There are No Words
Moments in life can render us speechless. We struggle to find words of comfort when  life-changing, life-threatening, or traumatic things happen to family, friends, neighbors, or coworkers. Don't be hard on yourself if you fumble when trying to comfo
Two men somberly embrace on bed
What to say
How to Announce a Terminal Illness
For many, receiving a terminal diagnosis is one of the most challenging moments in life. It's an incredibly personal journey, and figuring out how to share the news can feel overwhelming.  It's important to remember that there’s no right or wrong way
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8 Things You Should Never Say to Patients or Caregivers
We’ve all been in this situation before: A loved one is struggling with illness or grief, and we completely fumble for the right words to say, or possibly say nothing at all. It can be disorienting to watch someone you love go through hardship. No o
Two women embrace
Remembering a Loved One: Words of Comfort on Death Anniversaries
Losing a loved one is a profound and deeply personal experience, and the pain of that loss doesn’t simply vanish as time passes. Each year, the anniversary of a loved one’s death can bring a flood of memories and emotions. This day can reopen wounds
Two children hold hands in a field
Thoughtful Words to Comfort Someone Who Lost a Loved One
Losing a loved one carves a deep void, a space that words often struggle to fill. In the vast silence of grief, sometimes a simple phrase can serve as a gentle handhold to show support. Often, it isn’t about finding the “perfect” words. It’s about of
Words of Encouragement for Cancer-Related Hair Loss
Pictured above is Courtney Lamb, whose story is part of the CaringBridge How We Heal Series. For many, hair is one of the most beautiful and important parts of personal identity. Hair helps everyone express parts of their personality and cultural upb
How to Say Goodbye to a Loved One When You Don’t Know What to Say
When we lose a loved one, finding the right words to say goodbye can add stress to an already unimaginable time. We asked our amazing CaringBridge community for advice on what to say when the time comes to saying goodbye to a loved one. Here are thei
How to Tell Your Employer You Have Cancer: 6 Thoughtful Tips
Dealing with the news of a cancer diagnosis can be an apprehensive and overwhelming time. If you have a job, you may be wondering how you should navigate informing your employer and coworkers about your diagnosis. Know that any feelings that arise a
13 Good Things to Say to Someone with Cancer
When a friend or family member is diagnosed with cancer, it’s hard to know what to say or do. Sadly, this sometimes translates into saying nothing at all. Every relationship is different, so there are no set requirements for how to talk to someone wi
Woman in head cover embraces younger woman
13 Good Things to Say to Someone With Cancer
Key Takeaways: Navigating a cancer diagnosis is a highly individual experience, so there are no set “rules” on what is right to say. Be compassionate, and make sure to follow through on any promises that you make (such as saying that you will be ther