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The Bushaw Family, After 20 Years
When Natalie Bushaw was awaiting the arrival of her twin babies in 2003, she never dreamed she’d be journaling about their health in 2022. That’s—count’em—almost 20 years of posts, comments, support and love. “Even before the boys were born and the
How to Explain Heart Disease to Your Child
If a child has heart disease, it may be difficult to know the best ways to talk to them or tell them about it. We offer a few gentle tips to help you navigate this scary situation that will hopefully make it easier for both you, and your child. Choo
Mom of Transplant Patient: ‘Let Our Hearts Beat Again’
In July 2017, at the age of 13, Carson Gigstad of Savage, MN, went from what his parents assumed was a perfectly healthy life to a heart transplant … in 11 days. It was toward the end of a family vacation in Brainerd, MN, when Carson complained of a
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Parenting Advice for Raising a Child With Congenital Heart Condition
When Brittany and Walt Hammond got married, they said they would sit down to dinner as a family, and pray over their food. Two toddlers and two open-heart surgeries later, the tradition remains intact. Deacon Hammond of Bryan, TX, may have half a he
Family Feels Power of Prayers Through CaringBridge
By the time Deacon Hammond of Bryan, TX, arrived into the world on Oct. 10, 2016, his CaringBridge site had been up for three months and visited thousands of times. Deacon’s mom, Brittany, launched the site after she and husband, Walt, learned halfwa
‘A Miracle in Front of Us Every Day’
When her parents ask Olivia Hammond of Bryan, TX, to show what her little brother’s heart looks like, the adorable 4 year old makes the familiar shape with both hands. Then she takes half of it away. That’s a quick explanation of Hypoplastic Left He
Unexpected Bumps, and a Community to Get Them Through
Earlier, we met the Bushaws: Expecting parents who had their expectations turned on their heads when they discovered they were awaiting mono/mono twins: a high-risk, highly rare case of identical little boys. At Natalie’s twenty-eighth week, she was
A Tale of Two Babies
The journey to becoming a parent is rife with surprises. From the first positive test to all the rest. They’re supposed to be happy ones—or, at least, fulfill those parenthood rites of passage. With that optimism in mind, Ben and Natalie Bushaw set