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To shine love and light on the most challenging—and rewarding—work a person may ever do, family caregivers talk about how they manage, so you can, too.

10 Thoughtful Gifts for Caregivers to Show You Care
Whether a family caregiver is a spouse, child, sibling, relative or a friend, taking care of someone facing a health crisis can be a thankless task. This is especially true if a caregiver is working with someone who has long-term needs. Thank-you gif
What Is CaringBridge?
Confronting an illness or injury is one of the most demanding, isolating things you can do. Family and friends are an amazing source of support, but constantly sharing updates with each and every one of them is impractical. CaringBridge replaces coun
18 Best Books for Families With a Sick Child
No parent ever wants to imagine raising a child with a serious illness. You and your family may be experiencing anxiety, dread, hope, and even guilt. We’ve assembled a list of 18 of the best books for families with children who are sick and even a fe
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10 Easy Ways to Entertain Your Child During a Hospital Stay
Curious young minds certainly like to be kept busy, which can be tough if you’re in a hospital setting. As a parent, you’re likely thinking about how to combat boredom and make the hospital a little more like playtime (all while letting your child r
12 Tips to Prepare Your Child for a Hospital Stay
An upcoming hospital stay is nerve-racking for everyone: parents, caregivers, children and siblings. Taking care of everything and everyone can often feel overwhelming, if not impossible. While you may feel alone, you aren’t the first parent to stru
10 Encouraging Quotes for Caregivers to Brighten Your Day
It’s no secret – caregiving can be a tough job. On the days when you’re beyond stressed, you might feel completely alone. That couldn’t be further from the truth. In the United States, 43.5 million caregivers are currently helping their loved ones. W
Father and child embrace and look towards sun
10 encouraging quotes for caregivers to brighten your day
It’s no secret – caregiving can be a tough job. On the days when you’re beyond stressed, you might feel completely alone. That couldn’t be further from the truth. In the United States, 43.5 million caregivers are currently helping their loved ones. W
15 Best Books for Caregivers
The task of caregiving can be an emotional rollercoaster. It’s rewarding, tiring and challenging. However, there are many books that can act as helpful resources during any point of your caregiving journey. Finding a resource that really resonates wi
Caregivers Talk About Struggles and Gifts of the Heart
Six months after Tanya Bailey’s throat cancer diagnosis, the St. Paul, MN, resident was done with treatment. Her chemo port and feeding tube were gone, she had an “all-clear” PET scan, and had returned to work and graduate-school studies. Life was go
Five Helpful and Inspirational Books for Caregivers
Everyone knows providing care for someone is a thankless, rewarding, tiresome, uplifting, roller coaster – filled with many twists and turns along the way. Fortunately, for those who experience caregiving in some way, many books for caregivers exist