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Jeffery and family updates

This picture of our family was taken Christmas Eve 2006. Jeffery is at the bottom of the stairs with the PEACE signs. As you can see, our Iron Angel was very healthy right up until the last few weeks of his life here on earth. His body was very tired from all the meds we had put in it. **Jeffery was born on September 2, 1986 he left us here, to go Home on March 16, 2007. He was a very healthy young man, and God had been caring for him closely. Thank you for all your prayers, gifts, and concerns.
Peace and Prayers to your family from ours. 4/J's



Saturday, July 14, 2007 6:33 AM CDT

On January 17, 2002, our lives as we knew them, changed forever. Jeffery was at an eye doctors appt. (because he said that he could see black slide over his left eye) and the doctor found something behind his left eye. There was a lot of hustling going on around us. Jeffery, Joseph, (his brother) and I sat very still in the doctors little room, and waited, I realized that something terrible was going on, and that something horrible was wrong with my baby. Thank you Dr. Langley for finding the tumor, and assisting in the process that would give us more time to spend with Jeffery. May God bless your family!

Jeffery had just turned 16 years old, when he was diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforum gr. 4, (brain cancer). He had a craniotomy and from there radiation and chemo (temodar). We traveled back and forth from Ft. Pierce to West Palm Beach for what seemed like an eternity ( 6 weeks), for the radiation. Our family was shaken to the very foundation, but we survived. Soon after that was over, and before he finished the 18 months of chemo, we decided to move closer to family, and we were convinced that the water where we lived was the culprit. That is another story, one I won't get into here. We headed for Jacksonville, Florida.

I would like to also add that everyone we came in contact with concerning Jeffery's care in West Palm Beach, was unbelievable, Dr. Gowda & Company (oncology). Dr. Chapparo (surgeon, best on the south). They treated him so well, I will never forget their kindness, and willingness to help us transform our lives around "cancer". Without them, things would have been so much worse, than they where. Thank you to those of you who helped our son Jeffery Scott Sample Jr., with that part of his unpredicted journey. I would love to print everyones name here, but there are just too many of you who helped us, it would take a whole newspaper to get them all in. When we got to Jax. we where sent to Nemours, and anyone in the "cancer" world knows who they are (the best staff a parent could EVER have for their child).

Jeffery continued to thrive with his life, he did most things as any normal, healthy child would have. He loved to draw, he had started his own comic book, AID ( Angel Iron Death). He actually got a tattoo of it on his arm. Of course I called it " Iron Angel", it reminded me of Jeffery, strong and so angelic, so good, always there when someone is in need, huge arm spand to hold you with. He played Paintball, he was cleaning his guns just a few weeks before he left us to go "Home". He loved the old funnies on tv, Abbott and Costello, and any and all comedy shows!!!! Jeffery loved life, and truly intended to spend it with a family, a wife and children. He said for me never to worry because he had plans, and nowhere in them was there time to die.

Almost 3 years with no recurrence, but 2 months before that celebration party, they found another tumor in Jeffery's brain stem. Radiation, 18 more months of chemo (temodar). We kept on living, and praying for our Beautiful Iron Angel. A new tumor found, almost in the same place as the original one, but deeper in August 2006. A new chemo added (VP16), but it didn't work out. Jeffery's cancer had just gotten to hard to handle, his body was so tired, but not his spirit, not yet. Most people never get to the third round with cancer, but Jeffery fought to live, he was so strong willed!

In January of 2007 we realized that Jeffery was really growing his wings. I don't know how we made it through that process, because even though our baby went naturally, it was unbearable to watch, but we did. Jeffery tried to do everything he could, but his body let him down. We are so proud of Jeffery, he did finally acknowledge that it was time for him to go "Home". Those were actually a few of his last words to me. He said with all the strength he could muster, " It's about that time", and I knew he would go peacefully from that point on, and he did. On March 16, 2007, our son left this world to be with his Heavenly Father, at 5:55am. Dear God, help us to live on.

Our lives are still in limbo, some-days are ok, and some-days are really, really bad. It's just so draining to try and live without Jeffery. For Joseph we will keep on with this life, and see where it takes us, he is after all only 19 years old, he has a whole life ahead of him. Even if it is without his best friend and his brother. At any moment in time, I am ready to go "Home". I can hardly breathe without my Iron Angel, Jeffery.

Thank you for the opportunity to write about our son, I didn't realize how it would help me feel. Jeffery was apart of our life for 20 years, and he will continue to be with us in spirit, in our souls, 4/ever. Please think of our baby, Jeffery often. To have lived in this world without him would have been tragic! I am the person I am today, because of him.

Peace and Prayers to your families, from ours,
4/j's * 4/ever
(Jeff, Julie, Jeffery and Joseph Sample)

Oh, Thank you Lord, for taking Jeffery Home before it was too much more unbearable for us. We will miss and can hardly wait to hold our Angel again!

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I've always worried about the day I'd have to put this address in.
HEAVEN ~ Rest In Peace, my baby, we'll see you, soon!
Jeffery Scott Sample Jr.
September 2,1986 ~ March 16, 2007


http://www.caringbridge.org/fl/david   neat kid


E-mail Author: jsample2@comcast.net


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