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Monday, June 25, 2007 9:53 PM CDT

Ask My Mom How She is....

My Mom, she tells a lot of lies,
And she never did before.
From now until she dies,
She'll tell a whole lot more.
Ask my mom how she is,
And because she can't explain
She will tell you a lie,
because she can't describe the pain
Ask my mom how she is
"Oh, I'm fine, I'm well, I'm coping"
For God's sake mom just tell the truth
Just say your heart is broken
She will love me all of her life
I loved her all of mine
But if you ask her how she is,
She'll lie and say she's just fine
I am here in Heaven, I cannot hug her from here
If she lies to you, just hug her and hold her near
On the day we meet again
We'll smile and I'll be bold
I'll say "you're lucky to be here, Mom,
With all the lies you've told." ;)

I know how hard it must be for both of you everyday, I miss Jeffery terribly. Tonya

ok, my heart IS broken.
Peace and Prayers,
4/j's * 4/ever

Sunday, June 17, 2007 8:51 PM CDT

Happy Fathers Day to all DADS!

* good days, bad days, they all are running together * We are learning to do what we have to, and trying to do what we can. It's so easy to just sit and stare.......

Peace and Prayers,
4/j's * 4/ever

Sunday, May 13, 2007 3:38 PM CDT


I miss you poo bear!
I love you, madly!

Monday, May 7, 2007 1:00 AM CDT

Thank you all for your prayers, they are keeping us afloat. We miss Jeffery.............

Joseph to start work this week!!! He is ready, but nervous. Getting out there is so hard to do now. Things just aren't right without my baby, living with this sorrow in my soul is just killing me.

Peace and Prayers,
4/j's * 4/ever

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 5:05 PM CDT

ok, new update. I miss Jeffery so terribly today. * day 40 * (enough said) with all the emotions and the horrible fires out there, we decided to hold on the ^ Viking Funeral ^ for Jeffery. We waited till the last minute to tell everyone to boot. They were all so understanding. We did have a party for him. I couldn't get really into it, (missing my baby). I don't really have to work for the laughter, but knowing he's not there to laugh with me is painful. Most of you know Jeffery had a very strong laugh and his beautiful smile, oh God, his smile. Joseph had his birthday party and paintball, we had fun and laughed, but still the same feeling, for all I'm sure. I suppose this is our life for now. We will do what we have to, the grieving process can take awhile,maybe even a life time (I've heard). We will most surely do it for Joseph, he has a whole life without Jeffery ahead. Joe has applied @ Publix again, we'll know more about that hopefully by the end of the week. Thank you all for being there for us.

Peace and Prayers,
4/j's * 4/ever

Friday, April 6, 2007 0:23 AM CDT

Happiest of Easter's to you all!!

Today is the 20th day that Jeffery has been gone. That means 1 day, for every year of his life. Jeffery Scott Sample, Jr. was 20 and 1/2 years old when he went Home. I'm not sure what else to write. Days are passing and we keep crying. Remembering, crying just makes room for more life. So we're clearing out a few years worth.(lol) Really, I believe we're all doing well. We miss our ^Iron Angel^ terribly! I guess that will never, ever go away. We'll just have to live with it, like the pain that comes with arthritis. It flares up and hurts like crap, and then sometimes, if your lucky, it'll settle down some and let you live.

Joseph's 19th birthday party will be on the 15th day of April, (Sunday) and it's a paintball party w/ hamburgers and dogs, around 2pm. @ Uncle Jason's and Aunt Tonya's house. All welcome, but rsvp please so we know whose playing, and eating. 422-7675 (julie) We're excited to start Joseph out on his 19th birthday with a really fun event. Paintball, works everytime!!! It'll be fun, and just what we need to get us moving in the direction we should be in. Jeffery will be attending in spirit, I know he wouldn't miss out on Joey's party. Joseph tried to use Jeffery's gun, but he's not ready yet, we'll just hang on to it until he is, I know Jeffery wouldn't want me touching it, my ^Angel^ didn't trust me with it.

I went to pick up Jeffery's remains on Monday, the 2nd, how sobering that was. The wooden urn is beautiful, with his name and birthday, and birthday into Heaven printed on it in gold. We are going to put some in lockets to wear 4-ever close to our hearts, the rest in his favorite cigar box for the ^Viking Funeral^ . The urn will be kept at home until we decide what to do with it. If we cut the top off, it will make a nice memorial piece, the bottom could be used for some flowers or something, and we could put his pictures all around the inlay of it. We'll see, we have time for that decision.

Jeffery's ^Viking Funeral^ will be held @ 2pm on the 21st day of April, (Saturday) by ######, and then on to Callahan for more food and party, Jeffery wanted a party, so we'll give him one. Probably will be playing paintball again, too. I put the #'s there cause we don't want the funeral police to come by, too. (lol), just call if you want the info. It will be a short ceremony, just flames and some Roman candles, Jeffery loved them.

Hopefully we'll get to take the 4/j's Dog Cart out tonight, weather permitting. We feel like we're ready to get out there and make some money. Me and Joe got the cart cleaned up from sitting, and stocked everything, just waiting for the right time. Wish us luck!!! Jeffery will be missed by all tonight, he really loved going out on his cart. Lord give me strength, enough to get me through the questions without crying. Maybe they will just be glad to see us back, and we'll be to busy to talk.....

I'll close for now, and try to update after the 21st of April. Thank you all for taking the time to read the update.

Peace and Prayers to you all,

Thursday, March 29, 2007 1:04 AM CDT

I cried uncontrollably Monday, but Tues & Wed., I did no crying at all! Just smile when I think of my baby. I had a dream I was looking in the mirror and he was behind me to the left with a hair brush in his right hand ( he hasn't been able to use for 3/4 mths) smiling with a great big face, and a head full of hair( for 5 years now he has had hair only on one side, the first radiation killed off all the hair falicles). If that wasn't a sign, I will never be able to see one! I just walked through the day, even going through pictures and some things in his room didn't make me cry. Thanking God every morning, and speaking to Jeffery then too, helps me not to feel so lost, like he is with me, still. Jeff just returned to work. He barely made it. He just cries all the time. His son is gone. Joseph, man he's a strong one; He is just happy that Jeffery is out of this hell, and into Heaven. He knows that Jeffery isn't hurting or doesn't have any problems where he is at. Joseph will be 19yrs. old next month, they were so close. Janet's boys have taken up with him kinda like he is the big brother now. Today, he missed Jeffery all day. Matt and Zack are doing as well as Joseph, they miss him terribly, but are glad he's not sick, anymore. Bruce is hangin in there, he did return to work last week, and he's trying very hard to help Janet get through some valleys she's in right now. She was Jeffery's 2nd mom, afterall. She has very deep feelings for him. We all feel guilt, why, please take me instead, all and any feelings that can come, do. So if you would, pray for us all, we certainly still need it.

The smoker story; we were going to my mothers for dinner the day after Jeffery's funeral, and all 3 families had passed a certain place in the road, and no one saw it. Jeff is the only one in our van that did. Now some of you know Jeff, and some of you don't. He doesn't like to stop and pick up anything off the side of the road, he'll let us go trash diggin, but he doesn't do it. He saw the smoker and turned the corner to my mom's and got Bruce to go w/him to go get it. The boys did see the smoker once Jeff had pointed it out, also, but he was the only adult to notice it. The thing is that Jeff has been needing a smoker for awhile now, since he gave my brother his gaint one, and Jeffery surely had heard many stories about when his dad got a smoker what he'd do with it, etc. etc. So it had to be Jeffery showing Jeff the smoker. The man at the house it was at, must have just put it out, and when Bruce went to ask him was it trash? (Jeff requires that you ask for trash) he begged them to please take care of his smoker, his wife made him throw it out. ^JEFFERY^

I miss my baby so much, just to hold him once more, to let him hug me. No, that wouldn't be enough, I'd be greety. I wouldn't want him to make the trip back and have to be in the sick body he was in. Now that Jeffery is perfect, just seems selfish. Joseph is hugging me extra well these days, filling in for Jeffery, until we see each other again. Our seperation is just a moment in time, God, PLEASE, help us for the moment!

Thank you special people out there that keep on praying for us, and we just want you to know that we pray for your families, also.

Peace and Prayers,

Sunday, March 18, 2007 4:58 AM CDT

~~~~~~~~~~~~MARCH 23 2007, UPDATE: Just a quick one, Joseph got his liscence today, safe driver!!!! Jeffery would be so proud, and ready to go for a ride to get away from me and Jeff.(haaaa) We are riding our hills and valleys now. Jeffery has been helping us move forward in little subtle ways, we just have to look for them. Thank you God for letting us feel Jeffery's presence, he is with us. Thank you all for remembering Jeffery, and us in your prayers. Peace and Prayers, 4/j's

Wow, just lost the whole update, man that sucks. Ok, on with a new line of thought. I guess someone didn't need to read that one. ha

We are ok. We are sad, and lonely, but have choosen to continue on. Our sorrow and pain comes in waves. Joseph had a bad night, he asked God to please show him a sign that he could understand, to let him know that there really is a Heaven, and that Jeffery is there. Within 20 mins, we were all three laying in the bed, and Joe said, oh my God, do you smell that, it's Jeffery, I smell Jeffery. Thank you God for restoring our faith, it was just that simple. Joseph's request will do for us all. We know that Jeffery will touch us in some way, shape or form, when we need him to.

We had a ruff day @ the funeral home, thank you Brain and Tom for helping us out of that one. But, as we always say, everything happens for a REASON. Jeffery was able to let us know what he wanted to tell us but couldn't. Word of advise, when you know where you'd like to live, know where you'd like your person to be when you go Home. We tried hard to get Jeffery to fill out all of his "Five Wishes" booklet, but again, he left most of it up to us. He just knew that if he spoke it, it would surely come true, and he wasn't ready to go Home, yet. He did always say he wanted a Viking Funeral though. So, our last gift to Jeffery will be just that. We will still have a traditional funeral for family and friends to attend, and then we will have a Viking Funeral with Jeffery's remains when we get him back. Our baby was always, different, and humorous. I will let all that want to come, know where and when that will be. If any one doesn't understand our decision, or needs to talk it through, I'm here, call me. As you can see, day or night.

We have decided to keep the 4/j's Dog Cart going for now, verses me getting a full time job, it'll provide some funds that will still be needed. It will also help me to be accessable for Joseph while he finishes up with high school work, and goes on to college (across the street). All schooling was kinda at a stand still, but as I said before, we will continue on now. Jeff will stay @ the Arena for now, although he's almost not physically able to do it anymore. They have been very good to him these last weeks. He is very loyal and just like a work horse, they are truely lucky to have my Man!

I probably won't update much anymore, I don't want to use Jeffery's site to vent and cry all the time, although I know it's here for me to journal in. I will leave it up and running though for all of you wonderful people out there who use it to pass onto others. Sometimes it helps to read about somebody elses journey. I will update my email address anytime I change it so we will still be able to mantain contact, and if'n anyone out there needs me, for anything, I pray I'll be able to help you, the way you all have helped me.

Thank you all so much for everything, and please do continue to keep us uplifted in your prayers. We will remember your kindness, forever.

Peace and Prayers to you all,

Jeffery's funeral info:
Hardage and Giddens funeral home at 729 S. Edgewood Ave.

Viewing on Tuesday from 6pm to 8pm~~~~~
Funeral on Wendsday @ 3pm~~~~
Reception @ Park City Baptist Church @ 5pm~~~~

Thursday, March 15, 2007 10:47 PM CDT

Hello to all, just a quick note to let you all know that Jeffery has gone Home. He left at 5:55am today. March 16,2007. We will update when we can for services, etc. Thank you all for your prayers, and keep us there for awhile, please. Peace and Prayers, 4/j's

Good evening, I know I said morning, but........

Jeffery is sleeping right now, had a rough night though. He was just coughing and gagging, and it was just frigin hard to watch. My nerves are gone. I let everyone else sleep, no need for us all to watch. When he would settle some, I'd try to sleep, but my mommy needs wouldn't let me just let him keep on suffering. So we did give morphin by mouth. It was the worst of the evils. We did get the meds fixed so he hasn't had any seizures today. No pain, that we know of. All the stuff he's on, the names are not sticking in my head now, nothing really is, just Jeffery.

I know God will forgive me for going here, why???? Why must a natural process (dying) be so hard to watch???? Why do parents have to watch thier babies suffer like this. I have some words for the Most Highest, when I get there. I'm pissed now. This is not fair. For those of you who are reading these updates, not to worry, I love God! He is with me, and He understands my mind soaring all over the place, He knows I need to vent. I felt the need to let you who are going through these feelings also, know that it's o.k. to do so. We're aloud to be pissed at the process! I plan on screaming my lungs out, soon. I don't want to die naturally anymore either.

I talked to the nurse that's with us tonight, and I told her about the flaw in Gods plan, the life and dying process, and told her when I get there I'll be asking, what happened? She said, well, when you get there you can ask him about his flaw, and He'll tell you why it isn't a flaw, it's what He had planned, the whole time. FOR A REASON!! It's all for a reason.

The other thing I came back on here to write about was, yesterday, Jeffery opened his little mouth corner and said, really slurred, but all he said that day, " I think it's about time", and I said, "what"? He said "It's time". I said, "you got to go pee"? he said YES.. well, so I got out the urinal, but no pee came. A few days before that, he confused the urinal with a trash can. So, I didn't put it together until Today I remembered having a conversation with Jeffery awhile back and asking him if he could to try and let me know when it was time for him to go. And There You Have It, Folks.

Thank you wonderful people out there for helping us, your kindness, will never be forgotten. We will remember it each and every time we think of our Iron Angel ~ Jeffery!

Peace and Prayers

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:27 PM CDT

Sorry I didn't update yesterday. Our day was spent watching over our baby, he was having alot of seizures. In the early am, we decided that we needed some help. Talked with nurse Jeannie about hospice nurses again, and they came in the pm. What a relief, it was just about to do me in. All those shots, it was to much for me.(us) My baby looks like a pin holder. I don't believe he ever felt one of them though, but I did. So today they re-vamped, and put a sub-q something in his tummy for the meds to go in. The meds got changed some to fit the order, and until just a few mins ago, he hadn't had any seizure activity. It was quite contained though, all body, but not so hard or long. No shot needed. Nurse did call the doctor, just like she wanted him to. I don't know the outcome of that yet, he's giving report to the 3rd shift nurse. Jeffery has smiled twice, once because he heard me telling Joseph and Jeff that they had to clean up Rudy's throw-up, and once when they were just talking to him. Janet asked him was he in any pain and he said nnnnooooo. It's confusing because we can hear him making noises, but I think he's trying to clear his throat, those muscles just aren't working anymore, right now or maybe talk to us. When the nurse left, he waved by to him, he didn't get a hug......... (Jeffery hugs them all). Doctor said to just keep track for awhile, and if he continues to have seizures, we'll tweak the meds some more. Things change every day now. It's hard to follow it all. So that is the reason I gave the job over to the nurses, this way I can just be with Jeffery, and maybe find some much needed time, for Joseph and Jeff. We all feel more at ease now that they are here, 24hrs a day. It's a little odd someone being in the house w/us, but sleep is so needed right now, it is welcomed. I'll get back with ya'll in the morning and let you know how the night goes. God be with us all!

Peace and Prayer,

Tuesday, March 13, 2007 2:15 AM CDT

hey, Jeffery woke up today, and after much prodding, he said, yes, I want to go out side. So we got him out of the bed, onto the ramp, and out the door. When he got to the bottom he breathed, whew, real loud. Outside. My baby hasn't been outside for 2mths, since his last doctors appt. that followed with chemo, he was to weak after that. I believe we did get him out once when Jordyn was here for New Years. Wow, time flies. Anywho, he had a seizure as soon as he got to the bottom of the ramp. After the shot, we decided to take him around back to see his "4/j's Dog Cart", he really didn't seem to excited but just content to be outside. While we had him out there, someone has to hold his head up (checking on that thing that you can put on to hold his head for him),I found something very large on the back of his neck, where you would message for tension, big as a grapefruit. I hadn't noticed it before. Even the day before when we got him out of the bed, but I wasn't looking either, just excited cause we could get him out of the bed. Gratefully, Jeffery is in no pain @ this time, lots of meds on board. He doesn't know it's there. So we'll keep it like that for as long as we can, no need for him to worry about anything other than whats already on his plate. Bugs started biting cause we got out there too late in the day, almost dark by the time we got back around to the front. He was asleep as soon as he got back up the ramp, for the rest of the night. Another seizure when he got into the bed, and another around 2am this morning. They are mild, but scary, nonetheless. is that spelled correctly??? God bless our baby-man!!!

Keep holding onto us Lord, we're not ready to move on our own, yet. And thank you all for your prayers, I know that this is hard for all of us, even those who don't know Jeffery can feel our pain, and Love him just like they would if they knew him.

Peace and Prayers to you all,

Monday, March 12, 2007 5:43 AM CDT

ok, we got the ramp made, but Jeffery didn't wake up at all today. He did however wake around 12am and ask to go outside to see the ramp. I told him it was to late in the night. He seemed to understand that and didn't push the issue. He went back to sleep. At 5:45am, he woke and said, MOM, get Joseph to come here, so I went and got Joe. He wanted to talk to him about the going to the library, wanted to draw, God bless his heart he can't even hold the pencil anymore, but the thought was there. Asked Joe for the oxygen back on his face. HHHMMMMM, he doesn't need me????? I know, he's a man, and wants me to know that he can be independent (with his brothers help) if needed. So I do give them some space, and Joe is cool with doing whatever Jeffery needs him to do. I watch from the side sometimes, this lets Joe feel he's important too. I know he'll never forget these times with his brother. He's been so, I don't even know the word, The best brother, son, person, in the world throughout Jeffery's whole dx. he's never questioned why he had to do without to get something Jeffery needed, or wanted for that matter. He wouldn't even get his liscence, or permit because Jeffery couldn't. So we did end up getting Jeffery a permit while he could, he hadn't had any seizures at that time. Jeffery knew he had limits, too. He was ok with driving in a parking lot while Joseph learned to drive on the road. (Jeffery did drive up in someones yard, once, that was enough for him to realize he could have hurt someone). My smart boys. Joseph has always been absolutely amazing! When he had his own issues with his legs, he did say once why do things always happen to me? All I could come up with was that God was making him strong for a big event in his life, and he needed to be ready to handle what was to come his way. He figured out that it was for Jeffery. To be there and be strong as possible, for him. God Bless Joseph!

I'm just rambling. Gotta go make Joe go to bed, Jeffery has been sleeping for a while now.

Thank you all for your wonderful support, and prayers. Hopefully today Jeffery will get to go outside, although he does seem to be content with the knowledge that the ramp is in place. Well will see what the day holds.

Peace and Prayers,

Sunday, March 11, 2007 3:29 AM CDT

Tonight we got Jeffery up out of that bed. It took all of us to do it, and God bless him, he couldn't even hold his head up. So we did it for him. The reason we did? Well, earlier in the day, Jeffery looked at me and said," Please let me get up". He didn't yell at me, or try to fight in any way, just very quitely asked to please get up. My heart is still breaking over the request, so that's what we did. No worries over weather we would drop him, or anything else, we just did it. We did give him a bruise on his right thigh, but I'm sure he won't mind. He fell asleep every few minutes, so we just stopped and waited for him to wake up, and moved on thought the house. We took him to his old bed room, although most of his things are in the living room now. Posters all over the walls, his book shelves and end tables. The living room is his room but there's no door, and of course our bed is in there. In the kitchen, we washed his hair quickly in the sink, and he wanted to look in the fridge, he hasn't eaten in about 4 days. Something looked good, I think it was his v-8 juice, but he never got it. He came to the front door to look outside (it was dark) but he still enjoyed it. Aunt Janet asked what he wanted because he was moving his hand around,and being the boy he is, he whispered to all, "outside". Of course we didn't get him out side, but if all goes well tonight,he couldn't even wake to take his meds, I had to give them by injections, Jeff and Bruce and the boys will be BUILDING a ramp in the am. We were going to build last Sunday, but he was very quickly winding down, so we didn't think he could make it. Looks like he's holding on for that adventure, so we'll try to give it to him. Jeffery never has asked for much, and the things he does have, he paided for himself, mostly. Seems like this is a really small request, God willing, we can do it. I'll let ya'll know how it goes.

ps. we all feel real good about getting him up, like a gaint weight has been lifted off us.

Peace and Prayers to you all,

Saturday, March 10, 2007 4:20 AM CST

I thought this could sum up some of our feelings, this morning I was angry at myself for thinking, please God take him, don't let him stay like this for too much longer,this is just almost unbearable to me anymore, I can't stand watching him be angry because he can't get up anymore, or listening to that breathing, it's killing me. My sister must have been feeling somewhat the same way. Her post in Jeffery's journal from last night.
Peace and Prayers,

My Dear Family,
I love you all so much it hurts... I have tried to write several times and just couldn't find the words.. I still can't.. but I will do my best to express how I feel...(my heart is breaking)... I believe the dying process is percieved differently by ALL...
1. The PAIN,SUFFERING,DISBELIEF,ANGER,SADDNESS,HURT,GRIEF,HEART ACHE,etc... just consumes you and you aren't sure how to do or take care of anything.. everyday you just ask God to carry you through and thank him for doing so...Wishing all the time that you could change what is happening...knowing you have no control of the situation...can't stop anything from happening...wondering where your FAITH is... second guessing in the world are we going to go on???
2. The FAITH,JOY,HAPPINESS,STRENGTH,LOVE,HOPE,MERCY,etc.. that God gives us is how we handle this...PAINFULLY BEAUTIFUL process.. we call "passing away" everything to God. Trusting in Him for COMFORT, COMPASSION,STRENGTH,SERENITY, etc...

Friday, March 9, 2007 2:25 AM CST

Hello to all. Jeffery again slept for most of the day. His breathing has changed again, and his color is hazy? He is still with the program though. Around 2am this morning, we all gathered around him and prayed, and told him that we will miss him, but to know that we would be ok, and a few other things we needed to say to him, we didn't think he would be waking anymore. Jeffery's time, remember he is a Sample, and they do everything different. When it came time for his meds, he did wake. Told us he had to pee, and needed a pop cycle. I asked him if he understood what we were saying to him, and he acknowledge and opened his mouth again for some more pop cycle. He did hear us, and he does understand. He squeezed Janet's hand with his right hand (hasn't moved in over a month) He chooses not to make something big of this. I know in my heart he knows what a big life event this is, but he never wants any attention. So he'll go peacefully. We have alot of heart breaking moments with Jeffery and things that have happened to his body, but nothing can break his spirit, nothing. He is not afraid, nor worried, he knows he is going Home to be with his Heavely Father. If we could all be so brave, it's one thing to say I'm ready to leave this world whenever God's ready to take me, it's another to be in Jeffery's bed, getting ready to fly. God be with us all, and continue to carry us through this journey, I'm so sorry that we can't carry ourselves right now.

Peace and Prayers,

Thursday, March 8, 2007 4:01 AM CST

Today was slow, Jeffery sleeping alot, through most of his meds. We got alot of sleep today, also. We do shifts. Hospice could come if we wanted, but we are very hands on, and I know Jeffery wouldn't really want anyone caring for him but us. He's so private. Willing to be naked in front of us all, but private. Never wanting the light shined on him for anything. My God sent Angel. Around 3am he started to wake alittle, wanting to get into his wheel chair. Man, I can hardly get through that without crying in front of him, but I don't. He would worry about me. If by some chance he does catch me crying, and asks why, I tell him it's that time of the month, and he accepts that. I have told Jeffery that it's ok for him to keep on sleeping, if he needs to, that we will be ok if it's time for him to go. You know still he'll just stare into my eyes, and then finally roll his and look around and go tch, like I'm crazy for even thinking that he's ready. I know he's just trying to protect me. I suppose everyone comes to terms with it in their own way. We do believe in Miracles, and if that's what he's waiting on, so be it. Nothing would be better in this world for him to wake in the morning, scratch his butt, and roll out of that bed to go pee. oh man, the thoughts. Gotta go, for now, all is the same pretty much. Thank you all again for your gifts and prayers. May God bless you all!

Peace and Prayers,

Wednesday, March 7, 2007 5:23 AM CST

For today, Wed. morning; Jeffery slept for most the day on Tuesday. He had some Taco Bell, small portion only, early in the after noon, and passed right out. He ate the rest of it around 1am this morning. We put in a DVD and all just set around watching and laughin at it. Jeffery was in and out, but he laughed when we did. Oh man, that rattling in his throat is about to drive me crazy. Joseph is walking around clearing his throat from listening to it. Janet keeps trying to suction it out, but it's just out of reach. When he's awake though, it's very mild. Jeffery had 2 seizures Tuesday. Caught before they got to bad. Gave a shot, and waited to see what was going to happen. Some will break through, but for the most part the valium is working. He got a little excited in the afternoon, wanted to get out of the bed. So, he understood that we couldn't get him up, for saftey reasons (He can't hold his back up and his head just hangs down) and he is on alot of meds, but what he could control was what he had on his bed that was within his reach (only left arm can move now). Some of you may not think this is funny, but he was so cute. He'd kill me if he knew I was writing this down somewhere. He started taking off the blankets, we layer small throws. He get so hot, and then cold. Removed the littles things we use to prop parts of his body up with (animals, etc. ). He got down to a little pad we keep in front of the briefs ( he is still using urinal), picked it up with two fingers, held it over the side of the bed and dropped it on the floor. There he laid, naked as a jay bird, no cares in the world, just controlling what he could. We laughed so hard at him over that, he did join in the laughter, and didn't let me cover him for about 2hrs, refused any oxygen, and wouldn't turn his head to me for a breathing treatment, we were still amuzed. God has blessed Jeffery, he gave him a wonderful, beautiful personality. Even when he's angry, he's beautiful! Well, enough for now, we all did well yesterday for the most part. Crying just makes room for more incoming. Today, we will make room, again I'm sure.
Thank you again for all your prayers.

Peace and Prayers,

Tuesday, March 6, 2007 6:30 AM CST

Good morning to all! I was just watching my baby when I realized that I didn't update ya'll last night. For the most part, we just watched Jeffery rest. I did run out and try to find Joseph a suit. Did ya'll know that Jim Tatum's of 46yrs is opening only for school uniforms? Sign says due to the change in mens clothing over the years, how about that??? Anyway, I do have something else in mind though. I'm pretty positive that Jeffery will be leaving us for his Home from which he came, soon. Everything is slowing down now. As I said before, it's so horrible to watch, and Jeffery would not want anyone to see him this way. He hated the thoughts that people would have pitty for him, I guess that's why he chose to live his life out this way, NOT thinking or being consumed by cancer. Truely dismissing it, all together. This morning, after my quite time with him, while everyone else is sleeping, I thought about how we all tried so hard to do what Jeffery wanted. We just acted as though the cancer was just apart of one of our days. All the treatments, all the doctors visits, all the mri's. I'm happy with the thought that we did what he wanted. Jeffery's way. That doesn't mean Jeff and Joseph and myself didn't talk or think about it constantly, though. WE have been ate up with it for what seems like a life time. Joseph and I were talking, and realized that we have been caring for Jeffery for so long that we won't know what to do when he leaves us. What will be our purpose? My heart hurts, I've got to get off here for now. Please know that we are all doing what we can to return calls, just trying to talk to each other is hard, be patient with us as you always have been. We will come out of this, changed for ever or course, but we will come out of this, soon.

Peace and Prayers for you all,
Thank you so much for yours,

Sunday, February 11, 2007 2:20 PM CST

UPDATE For March 4th: Hey, this is Julie, I just wanted to get on here for a moment to thank each and everyone of you, personally for your prayers and gifts. They have been such a blessing. Jeff will stay home from work now until. We're just gonna hang out here with our little "big" man and tend to his every need. Jeffery is still talking when he can, and tonight he mangled up a chic sub. He can have whatever he wants! He got upset with me because I cut up the first half, he wouldn't even eat it. The other half he ate about a half of, mostly off his chest. He refused to let me or Joe help. Such a MAN! Janet was suctioning him later(big time rattling) and found a black olive....ohhohhoooohh grooossss! For us: we're hangin in there. God has granted us some peace. We know what is coming, and letting our Iron Angel go Home is the hardest thing I pray that we ever have to do for the rest of our lives! Watching is truely the hardest part for us. I thought I'd made a deal with God early on that If he had to have Jeffery Home this soon in his life that I would give him up only if he could go peacefully, in his sleep, NO PAIN, at all. Well, once again I've had to learn the hard way that I don't make the rules. For some unforseen reason Jeffery has had to suffer some. For the most part he is comfortable though. He doesnt' realize that he is usually only breathing about 6 labored breaths a min. WE DO. He doesn't hear the wheeze, or chooses not to listen, WE DO. He doesnt' seem to mind anymore that He can't remember the words he's trying to say to us, most of the time you can hear a faint whisper like "ssshhhhiiiitt" it just slips out then his hand goes up and we know that thought is gone forever. WE DO. I'm not trying to make everyone miserable or freak anyone out. I just want to THANK you all for letting us have these last days with Jeffery alone, so I will try to give a little update at the end of each day for you, so you can kinda "be here". Janet and Bruce are taking most of the calls, and trying to help us get to be with Jeffery all the time. Keep praying for us all, we so need the prayers to keep us up and running. Talk to ya'll tomorrow.
Peace and Prayers to you all,

Dear Family and Friends, February 11, 2007

On January 17, 2002 one of our own was diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiform gr.4 (brain cancer). Jeffery fought this illness and went almost 3 years cancer free before being diagnosed with another tumor in November 2006. This tumor is located by the brain stem. From the first diagnoses the prognosis wasn’t good but Jeffery fought back and we thought he might have beat this terrible thing called cancer. Unfortunately, as the doctors predicted the cancer has returned with a vengeance. Julie and Jeff attempted to get him into a clinical trial but the cancer was to far advanced. As of today, there has been a natural and significant progression of the disease. He has reached the final stages now. Julie, Jeff and Joey along with Janet’s family have been caring for Jeffery at home so that he is with those that mean the most to him. Jeffery has been extremely strong through this process and has not let it get the best of him, he saved that for us. His family is enjoying every minute they have with him. Julie sees to it that he is comfortable and in no pain. I just wish the same for her. No one can take away the pain that she must be feeling but with support from our family and friends we will get her through this. As I mentioned, it has taken some effort to ensure that Jeffery is comfortable keeping Julie and Joey bound to home. They do not resent nor regret any time that they are there with him. However, the expenses of everyday life are starting to take it’s toll on her and Jeff. I know that times are hard for everyone but if we all pitch in a little then we can take the stresses away that we have control over. Any donations are appreciated at this time to help our family with their financial needs. You can mail it to Julie and Jeff at: 4566 Woolman Ave.
Jacksonville,Fl 32205
Or you can personally deliver it to her at home. If you chose to visit with Julie, Jeff, Joey and Jeffery please give her a call prior to your arrival to make sure they are up for company. Jeffery sleeps for the most part and is unable to move so their time with him is very valuable. Let them know that we love them and will be there for each and every one of them. All your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated. As my beautiful sister would say “Peace and Prayers” Love, Tonya

Tuesday, January 23, 2007 11:57 AM CST



I want to begin by thanking all of our
friends & family & everyone for your
wonderful love & prayers & support of
Jeffery & our family.It has meant the
world to us. As of today, there has been
a natural and signifigant progression
in our precious son's terrible disease.
I can say that he is in the final stages
now. We did try to get him into a clinical
trial, but were not successful because his
disease is to far advanced.Please know that
we absolutely have not given up on Jeffery, we
have instead, given in to the will of God,
whatever that may be.We trust God with all
our hearts and accept that as in everything,
it has to be his will, not ours.No matter how
hard it is to accept.Jeffery is at home now
with our family.We have the option of using
hospice if we need to, but right now, we have
decided to care for our precious, angel ourselves.
We are seeing to his every need and our family
is spending as much time as we can just enjoying
being with and caring for him.We are making
sure that he is comfortable & in absolutely no
pain.To sum it all up, right now, we are praying,
waiting & trusting in God.






Tuesday, December 5, 2006 10:27 PM CST

Sorry I took so long to update, again....

The MRI came back and it showed signs of inhancement. They are not sure if its the tumor or fluid @ this point. In any case, the chemo's that he's on are not working. We've got the Doc's looking into the clinical trails @ the Mayo Clinic here in Jax. You have to be just what they are looking for in order to get in one. There aren't many out there for the "3rd round w/cancer", unfortunately, most people don't hang onto life long after the "2nd".

Our Jeffery is so strong, and willing to do most anything to stay here in this world. He also reminds me that he's ready, whenever God is. He's come along way from almost 5 years ago when he was DX.

Please, don't think anything like, oh no they are giving up, because we aren't!!! We will fight, just wish we could see the beast, so we could tear it from limb to limb.

I'll get back to ya when we talk to the Mayo Clinic and let you know what's going on.

Peace and Prayers,

Sunday, November 12, 2006 3:39 AM CST

Hello to all, trying to get back on line w/this computer. I need to take a class.

We are hangin in there for the most part. Jeffery has been well, just yesterday started showing some signs of more seizure activity, localized to the right hand area for now. Increased the dose of steriods, he's on alot of other meds to keep them at bay. Next Thursday is the mri, then the doc's apt. is the next Tues. 21st. I will update again then, unless something happens before that. I suppose then we will decide weather or not to continue treatment. We are so scared. Thank God, Jeffery takes everything so lightly, He just gave me the o.k. to sleep in his room tonight, not willingly though.

Thank you all so much for your prayers, and caring for our family. Times are tough right now, I can't work because we have to be w/Jeffery 24/7. I do still get to go out on the Hot Dog Cart on Fri. and Sat. nights, down in 5 Points. Not to worry, someone goes w/me. They won't let me go alone. Jeffery sure wants to get down there, but we just can't take the chance yet. The weather is changing too here in Jax. so we have to be careful there. God will provide, He has never left us alone before! This all is just so overwhelming, but we still try to function daily. It's so hard to drag myself out of bed everyday.

You know, these brain tumors are so decieving.. The victims look, for the most part, fine. But on the inside the are, dying. If you saw Jeffery, you would never know something was wrong w/him, unless he removes his hat, and the baldness from the radiation in 2002 shows.

We got pictures taken w/Santa last week, thanks to Peds Care, a home health company that cares and does things for you before Hospice comes in to play. I'll put them on the sight when we get them back.

Peace and Prayers to you all,
Love from all our hearts,

Monday, October 30, 2006 4:38 PM CST

Hello everyone!! I am Jeffery's Aunt Janet.. I will be updating his website today... I would like to start off by saying THANK YOU!! to ALL the people who have helped out my sisters family in many different way..Providing money for bills, gift cert. food, moral support, prayers,tickets to see concerts, and many more.. the list can go on.. But I am so grateful to all of you.. As are they. So from them, A BIG {THANK YOU}! All of them are enjoying each other and trying to have as much FUN as possiable... Providing Jeffery feels good, he has been playing paint ball lately.. Having BIG FUN!!!Had his 20th Birthday!!! WOO-HOO!!!He will be getting another MRI mid November... We are all standing on Faith,Love and Prayers..We are trying to get Jeffery to Grace Land sometime soon...His brother Joseph is feeling better... Going to get his real DL SOON. Has his learners now... Had a great Halloween Party on Sat. Both boys enjoyed scaring all the children.. Please keep remembering my Sister and her family in your prayers. And don't forget to sign the Guest book...They love to hear from you... Will update again after the MRI..
Take care and God bless you ALL!!!!


Thursday, September 21, 2006 2:33 AM CDT

Good morning everyone, first, Joseph is just fine, Praise the Lord! He had a really bad UTI, and some cists, that will go away on their own. Please don't tell him we wrote about this on here...... He'll use us for paint ball dummies.

Now for the terrible part of this report, Jeffery had an MRI sometime last week, can't right now remember when. It showed a new tumor and a massive cist to boot. It is to close to the original tumor to have any more radiation, and to deep for surgery, this would leave him paralized on his whole right side, and maybe some other complications that we just can't bare to think of at this time. I think on Tues. this week in the am. he had a granmal (sp) seizure, it was the most tramatic thing I have ever seen. but I won't go into all that here, today. God put everything into motion that we needed to get him to the hospital safely, and us too. We are still here. We choose to start Temodar before all this happened because he tolerated it so well before, and it always works, but because we can't also use any other tools out there the Dr. sugested VP16, will start that tomorrow. We will keep you updated as we can, I'll get one of my sister's to help out also. Peace and Prayers to you all, 4/J's

Thursday, September 21, 2006 2:33 AM CDT

Good morning everyone, first, Joseph is just fine, Praise the Lord! He had a really bad UTI, and some cists, that will go away on their own. Please don't tell him we wrote about this on here...... He'll use us for paint ball dummies.

Now for the terrible part of this report, Jeffery had an MRI sometime last week, can't right now remember when. It showed a new tumor and a massive cist to boot. It is to close to the original tumor to have any more radiation, and to deep for surgery, this would leave him paralized on his whole right side, and maybe some other complications that we just can't bare to think of at this time. I think on Tues. this week in the am. he had a granmal (sp) seizure, it was the most tramatic thing I have ever seen. but I won't go into all that here, today. God put everything into motion that we needed to get him to the hospital safely, and us too. We are still here. We choose to start Temodar before all this happened because he tolerated it so well before, and it always works, but because we can't also use any other tools out there the Dr. sugested VP16 we start that tomorrow, They want to introduce us to some people with PedscCare, kinda like Hospice for young ones. God help us all! For now this is all I've got the strength to talk about, but I promise I'll keep you updated as I can, or one of my sister's will. God Bless you all, and thank you for all the prayers, we know this is what keeps us going every day. God has blessed us. Peace and Prayers, 4/J's cell 904-422-7675, if i can't answer, please leave a message, and I'll return the call as soon as I can, pleases remember our Thanks to all!

Monday, September 4, 2006 8:29 PM CDT

Hello this is Janet, Jeffery's aunt...We are in the hospital because our Grandma is passing away...I am updating for my sister... Jeffery is dong good.. he will hagve his MRI on the 12th of Sept. He had his 20th Birthday on the 2nd.. We will have to try and have a party for him maybe next week with the circumstances we are facing now with Grandma... But he is very understanding...Please if you can, keep our family in your prayers.. also pray extra hard for Jeffery's brother Joseph... He is having a few problems with his bladder.. could also possiably have some kind of tumor maybe in his bladder or kidneys.... has had some bleeding and has found 2 lumps in his private area..... So PLLEASE KEEP MY WONDERFUL SISTER AND HER FAMILY IN YOUR PRAYERS .. WE ALL KNOW THAT GOD IS AN AWSOME GOD AND HE WILL HEAL THE SICK... All we have to do is PUSH!!!!!!!!!!(Pray unhjtil something happens) AMEN!!!!! Thank You for taking the time to to think of our family and Julie will be able to update again soon as we find out anything on the boys...PEACE AND PRAYERS TO YOU ALL...Janet

Monday, September 4, 2006 8:29 PM CDT

Hello this is Janet, Jeffery's aunt...We are in the hospital because our Grandma is passing away...I am updating for my sister... Jeffery is dong good.. he will hagve his MRI on the 12th of Sept. He had his 20th Birthday on the 2nd.. We will have to try and have a party for him maybe next week with the circumstances we are facing now with Grandma... But he is very understanding...Please if you can, keep our family in your prayers.. also pray extra hard for Jeffery's brother Joseph... He is having a few problems with his bladder.. could also possiably have some kind of tumor maybe in his bladder or kidneys.... has had some bleeding and has found 2 lumps in his private area..... So PLLEASE KEEP MY WONDERFUL SISTER AND HER FAMILY IN YOUR PRAYERS .. WE ALL KNOW THAT GOD IS AN AWSOME GOD AND HE WILL HEAL THE SICK... All we have to do is PUSH!!!!!!!!!!(Pray unhjtil something happens) AMEN!!!!! Thank You for taking the time to to think of our family and Julie will be able to update again soon as we find out anything on the boys...PEACE AND PRAYERS TO YOU ALL...Janet

Monday, September 4, 2006 8:29 PM CDT

Hello this is Janet, Jeffery's aunt...We are in the hospital because our Grandma is passing away...I am updating for my sister... Jeffery is dong good.. he will hagve his MRI on the 12th of Sept. He had his 20th Birthday on the 2nd.. We will have to try and have a party for him maybe next week with the circumstances we are facing now with Grandma... But he is very understanding...Please if you can, keep our family in your prayers.. also pray extra hard for Jeffery's brother Joseph... He is having a few problems with his bladder.. could also possiably have some kind of tumor maybe in his bladder or kidneys.... has had some bleeding and has found 2 lumps in his private area..... So PLLEASE KEEP MY WONDERFUL SISTER AND HER FAMILY IN YOUR PRAYERS .. WE ALL KNOW THAT GOD IS AN AWSOME GOD AND HE WILL HEAL THE SICK... All we have to do is PUSH!!!!!!!!!!(Pray unhjtil something happens) AMEN!!!!! Thank You for taking the time to to think of our family and Julie will be able to update again soon as we find out anything on the boys...PEACE AND PRAYERS TO YOU ALL...Janet

Monday, September 4, 2006 8:29 PM CDT

Hello this is Janet, Jeffery's aunt...We are in the hospital because our Grandma is passing away...I am updating for my sister... Jeffery is dong good.. he will hagve his MRI on the 12th of Sept. He had his 20th Birthday on the 2nd.. We will have to try and have a party for him maybe next week with the circumstances we are facing now with Grandma... But he is very understanding...Please if you can, keep our family in your prayers.. also pray extra hard for Jeffery's brother Joseph... He is having a few problems with his bladder.. could also possiably have some kind of tumor maybe in his bladder or kidneys.... has had some bleeding and has found 2 lumps in his private area..... So PLLEASE KEEP MY WONDERFUL SISTER AND HER FAMILY IN YOUR PRAYERS .. WE ALL KNOW THAT GOD IS AN AWSOME GOD AND HE WILL HEAL THE SICK... All we have to do is PUSH!!!!!!!!!!(Pray unhjtil something happens) AMEN!!!!! Thank You for taking the time to to think of our family and Julie will be able to update again soon as we find out anything on the boys...PEACE AND PRAYERS TO YOU ALL...Janet

Monday, September 4, 2006 8:29 PM CDT

Hello this is Janet, Jeffery's aunt...We are in the hospital because our Grandma is passing away...I am updating for my sister... Jeffery is dong good.. he will hagve his MRI on the 12th of Sept. He had his 20th Birthday on the 2nd.. We will have to try and have a party for him maybe next week with the circumstances we are facing now with Grandma... But he is very understanding...Please if you can, keep our family in your prayers.. also pray extra hard for Jeffery's brother Joseph... He is having a few problems with his bladder.. could also possiably have some kind of tumor maybe in his bladder or kidneys.... has had some bleeding and has found 2 lumps in his private area..... So PLLEASE KEEP MY WONDERFUL SISTER AND HER FAMILY IN YOUR PRAYERS .. WE ALL KNOW THAT GOD IS AN AWSOME GOD AND HE WILL HEAL THE SICK... All we have to do is PUSH!!!!!!!!!!(Pray unhjtil something happens) AMEN!!!!! Thank You for taking the time to to think of our family and Julie will be able to update again soon as we find out anything on the boys...PEACE AND PRAYERS TO YOU ALL...Janet


Friday, August 4, 2006 9:43 AM CDT

Just keeping everyone posted, Jeffery is doing very well. He's off chemo (18mths), and getting mri's very 3 mths, one due in September 2006, will let you know what's up then.

He is working the 4/J's Dog Cart w/us, too. We aren't in the Park anymore, didn't work out, but we are in Five Points still, just at night, drinking people love hot dogs. God bless them all.

I'm not going to go into detail, yet, but we still need some prayers, Joseph is having some problems. Just keep him on your list. Will update when I can.

Peace and Prayers to you all.


New address

Wednesday, May 17, 2006 5:44 PM CDT

All is well, at the Library. Jeffery's last treatment will be in May. Then we pray even harder for nothing to come back. He is well today. Doesn't look like he'll be able to drive though, as you can imagine, he's pretty uptight about that. Joseph got a job w/ Publix, bag (man). He's so excited about it, and Jeffery is trying to be just as excited about it to. getting booted off We love ya'll.
Peace and Prayers,

Sunday, March 19, 2006 5:42 PM CST

All is well. Mri looks great!!! I'm sorry it has taken me this long to update. We don't have a computer anymore, and I'm having trouble navigating the computer at the Library. I'm using Sister's now. They only give you 30 mins. and sometimes it takes that long for me to find my mail. So, that's my excuss to you. Sad, but true!!!! 4J's Dog Cart is up and running. We're in Five Points Park (the entrance way) for now. We'll try it for a month an kinda feel our way. Let's see, what else is up. HMMMMMM. The boys are driving... God help us all. Insurance won't kill us, just mame us..... Peace be with you all!!!! Chemo to start Tuesday. I think he is doing about 5/6 more, the Doc joked about staying on it for 20yrs. Jeffery didn't laugh. Joseph will be the big 18years old soon, April 15th. He wants a big family party. I'll keep in touch as I can. Anyone can reach me @ 904-422-7675 that's my cell. Home is good, still not unpacked all the way yet. I'm getting so slow in my older age.
We love you all, and always, Thank you for your prayers.

Peace and Prayers to you all,

Sunday, February 5, 2006 4:24 PM CST

All is well, MRI Feb. 8th, new address, Thank the Lord!!! Talk to ya soon to let you know about the mri, dr. appt. 20th, I promise to update then.

Peace and Prayers to you all,

Tuesday, December 6, 2005 3:49 PM CST


No news is usually GOOD news, and in this case, it's GREAT!
Jeffery is doing very well, and as soon as we get into our place, ( hopefully, God willing, it will be in the next couple of weeks!) I'll fill in the blanks, but for now, keep praying for Jeffery, and remember, all is well. We hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving, I know what I'm thankful for!

Peace and Prayers to you wonderful, caring people out there,

Sunday, July 3, 2005 8:27 PM CDT

WOW!! I'm so slow, and lazy! Sorry it has taken me this long to update.

We took Jeffery to doc's, he wanted to incert a tube to let stuff come out by itself, didn't work. He couldn't numb Jeffery's ear enough, and again, he felt the pain of the surgery. The doc decided that leaving it was good, at that point. There was alot of draining, and Thank God, there wasn't really any pain involved. When we got downstairs to the lobby of the hospital, Jeffery could hear out of his left ear again, he seemed to be astranged, I thought something else was wrong, but it was just because he could hear, and it felt funny for him. It had been a long time since he could hear, and now that I think of it, he's been complaining about that ear for about 5mths, we all thought it was damage from the radiation, and just tried to get around it, for Jeffery's sake. Well, he's fine now, he can hear still, and most of the infection has left the building!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not sure when the next mri is going to be, he does start chemo again on the 12th of July. Last treatment, he was very ill, and wanted to sleep, alot, which of course, we let him do. This week he wanted to start back to the "Y" for alittle exercise, but we haven't made it yet. We will go before the chemo. He's eating well, and drinkin well, and today, was a good day. We all went to see a paint ball tournament, then stop by an saw a house on about 2 acreas of land, w/a mud hole in the front yard, I'm not kidding the whole front yard. Kids swimming in the middle, big trucks and cars flying all over the place! Looked like abunch of fun, but our little van wouldn't have made it down the drive way.... One day we'll get a monster, and go visit that family, and have some fun!!!!!!!!!!! * Muddin * how cool.

Prayers please for an old friend on the Protocel site, Bonita, Her husband and oldest son have gone on to another world, and now her youngest son is going to a doc to find out what he has. Please pray for her to have so much strength, and to be able to lean on God's big, big, arms!

God bless you all, and thank you for all your prayers,

Friday, May 27, 2005 10:40 AM CDT

Hey folks.

Mri is done, there is mastoid itis??? Bone behind the left ear, has infection in it. going to ENT June 3rd. Not sure what the swelling on right side is from yet. Will let you know. Our computer is down and out. Will update on Tuesday when I get to work.

Peace and Prayers,

Have a great weekend!!!

Jordyn is graduating today, Janet and family went down for the walk. Pray for safe travels, oh and for Jordyn's bright future!!!

Hey we got company coming, Zenida's family is going to visit with Jeffery and us on Sunday! We haven't seen them in a long while, pray for their safe travels, coming from down south.


Tuesday, May 24, 2005 12:46 AM CDT

Alright people, we're down to more scarey stuff. Jeffery has developed a large area on the back of his head, must be some kind of fluid, doing mri tomorrow, w/doc's appt. to follow. Please keep our baby in your prayers, and thank you ahead of time for your help. Will update when we know something.

Peace and Prayers to you and yours,

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 5:52 PM CDT

Hello, Hello, it's been awhile! Thank you all for your personal notes and prayers for our family!

To the point: Today's doctor's visit, went very well. The tumor, well, let me write to you what we must read, and then you make the call.


Well, Dr. Patel said that there is necrosis in the tumor, and it's dying. That's all I need, but there's always more. I just can't figure it all out, yet. I'm working on it though. here's some more.


now this is the part the doc doesn't read, he only looks at the IMPRESSION part. and of course, you don't really have any time to read it in the office, not only till you get home, or to work, do you realize it says something different, and by then, you've told everyone that ALL IS WELL! so there's no going back and saying anything else, so you just leave it, and pray, it means, nothing!!!

On another note, my friend that I've worked with for awhile @ the resturant, Jenny, lost her brother today. Please pray for their family to get through this horrible time. The manner in which he died was very sad. He's left a hole in their lives, and in this world. God, please give them some peace!

God bless you all, and thank you for your continued support for our family.

Sunday, March 20, 2005 5:10 PM CST

Hello to all, this will be short and to the point, I can't tell when this computer will shut down on me. We're not able to open any mail at this time, and not computer literate, either. SSSSooooo, keep on writing, and one day we'll be able to get them. Remember, if it's important, please call us..... 904-786-8052.

Jeffery is finished with radiation treatments!!!! Thank God, that is over. He did very well throughtout the treatments, and is coming of the steriods, so all should be back to normal, soon! His knees are really hurting him, doc said that's from coming of the steriods. I'm not sure, but my "educated opion" is that he has been so tired that he can't hardly move, that his knees are weak, and he has gain some weight via "steriods". His eye sight does seem to be slipping some, new eye appt. soon. His hair is gone in the back, but for now, the tail that he started growing is still intact. Our baby is a man, now. His complaints are as always, very few. His stomache is the worst complaint he has. Trying to control that w/pervicid?

With all that said, he still rides in the golf cart, as a matter of fact, today, they broke the wheel off messing around to much. They, Jeffery and Joseph, still want to play paintball, only Jeffery can't play during and one week after chemo, could cause bruising and blood clots. He's mad, but he'll get over it.

We have the hot dog cart!!! Now, we just have to get some funds to get it all together. That will come. I have a new job, starting tomorrow @ Jacksonville University, only temporary, but could go into perm. position. We will see. Jeff is only going to work events @ the Arena, and work the hot dog cart, (which doesn't have a name yet.)with the boys. Joseph is still homeschooling at will. He is so out of sorts lately. He is still seeing a phycologists @ Nemours to help him out some, and of course, Lexapro is on board. We have another dog for those of you who didn't know. Now we have Bleu, and Rudy. They love each other, and we love them, it's amazing when you touch them, how calming the affect can be.

Well that's all for us, for now. Jeffery will continue w/the chemo for awhile, as long as it continues to do it's job for him. Mri will be set up for 1month. I'll update again, then.

Peace and Prayers to you all, and thank you so much for being there for us,

Saturday, February 12, 2005 8:46 PM CST

Hello to all! Sorry it's been so long between updates. Busy, Busy, Busy......

Jeffery is on his second week of radiation treatments. Supposed to have, 22 more, a different kind, but radiation still. Not sure of the name, but a little more detailed, took 2 weeks to computerize the set up for it. He's doing well with the treatments. He is very tired, but if you mention paintball, he's on it. His stomache is bothering him, too. Zofran isn't working anymore. He is to start his next round of temodar on the 22nd, I believe. He did well, blood counts stayed very high and he endured the week, it was the week after he didn't like. Tummy messed up, and we had to keep him away from just about everyone (that's the week that his counts are lower than normal, and he could get something). all in all, he did well. We, the rest of us in the family, are just trying to hold on. Jeffery is so strong, strong enough for all of us. He has the amazing ability to keep us all together. Even when he's being a kid, and acting out. Thank you, God!

ok, leaving the site before it cuts me off, again. We love and are so thankful to all of you for your prayers,

ok, one really important thing, there is a tumor beside the brainstem, there WAS one in the brainstem. Well, something was there, and now it isn't. With the last scans, they didn't see anything. THey will not be radiating anything in that area, only the one tumor. Please forgive me for not being extremly relieved, I'm worried that it just missed the scan. We'll see. But for now, please join us in thanking God for that miracle!

Peace and Prayers to you all,

Thursday, January 20, 2005 6:14 PM CST

Hello all, I pray that your lives have been peaceful, lately!

Update for Jeffery: Due to start temodar on Monday, the 24th. He'll take it for 5 days, then off for 28 days. They want to insert a couple of other types of chemo in the process, but we will make those decisions, prn.....

Radiation should start Monday as well, he still has to get mri's and ct's to update their computers so they will be precise in location. They also have to make a head mask for him, too.

Jeffery has 2 tumors, one in the brain stem, and one on the right side of it. Now, I knew about it, so did Jeffery, the day we went to see about mri's, and got the news that he had a new growth. The oncologist said something about another inhanced area, in the brain stem. Obviously, I blocked it out, can't say why, just happened. Jeffery didn't remember it either. So when we went to the radiation doc, he brought it up, and as soon as he said something about it, I remembered. They may be able to radiate it also, but not sure if we want them to. It's in the brain stem, that could cause a lot of trouble for Jeffery. We stand by our instincts and rely on your prayers to help us make choices, but one choice is clear for us. Quality of life, is to be treasured, and we don't want to see Jeffery in pain, if we can do anything to stop it, we will.

Jeffery and Joseph have been having some good days lately, playing paintball in the back part of the land w/thier cousins. Jeffery is in great spirits, just taking it as it comes. Joseph has had some better days, but we're working on it. A golf cart "fixer" man is coming to the house on Sat. to see what he can do for it, that will make the best part of the day for them, if he can fix it. We also have a riding lawn mower out there, that isn't workin, if anyone knows how to fix it, let me know. We'd be very grateful, 2 acres is alot, on foot, and it'd be fun to take the trash to the road in the wagon thing, behind it. OOOHhhh, Graceland is on. Someone is "sponsering," our family, paying for the trip. I think I know who it is, and Thank you very much!!! You've been great to our boys, May God Bless your lives, richly, and bring many happy moments for you to live with.

God bless you all, thank you for stopping by, I'll update when I can. Peace and Prayers to you all, 4/j's

Thursday, January 6, 2005 11:52 AM CST

Hello to all, and Thank you again, for your Prayers and concerns for our family! God has been busy here at home, he has been keeping all of us, together. Sanity is just a frame of mind, right.

Here's the latest update, and sorry if its late, just couldn't seen to get it together. They did the biopsy on Monday, and even though all kinds of things happened that I just won't go into now, the out come is "off the record" until the biopsy comes back, the same as the first tumor. Glioblastoma. As most of you know, it's terminal, and I just don't know what is going to happen this round. All kinds of decisions will have to be made, so please pray for us to be able to make the right choices, for Jeffery. Although he is 18yrs old, now, he has the ultimate choice, but he will say, "Whatever they want". And it will come back to us. I will say that I wont ever let what happened to him @ Shands, happen again!

Thank you God for allowing me to accept the things we cannot change, and for giving us the strength we need to wake up in the mornings, and help our children through this unfortunate journey we must take.

Thank you all for your suppport, and prayers, 4/j's

Friday, December 3, 2004 9:00 AM CST

Good morning to you all, from the last update: the time lapse is ok, Dr. Pincus is well aware of the type of aggressive cancer Jeffery has. This was discovered after much running of my mouth. We all want Jeffery to have a wonderful Christmas! This will give us some time, to do just that. Jan.3rd is the biopsy date, and a week before will be the pre-op stuff. The other question: what if something happens to Jeffery in the mean time? 911 or if he can get to Nemours, they'll take it from there. We've been so blessed! Jeffery has never really had much sign of a tumor, well if you over look the hair loss, and the personality change, really no physical signs. Thank you God!!! We are just scared that the tumor will put some pressure somewhere in his head, and cause something to happen. SCARY. Thank you for keeping Jeffery and our family in your daily prayers! Thank you for spending time here with us, and letting us know that you are there. I'll update as the count down begins, hopefully, only with good, positive, intertainment. Peace and Prayers to you all, God bless your families! Merry Christmas, 4/j's

Wednesday, December 1, 2004 11:42 AM CST

Hello ya'll. Today has brought new questions, and not so many answers. Dr. Pincus' assistant call last night, and said that IT is a tumor, and they will do a biopsy after the holidays to determine what kind of tumor it is. That's it, that's all she would say.

So, today they are in the clinic and can't talk to me, but I am to call tomorrow, Thursday, to schedule the appt. for the biopsy. I will have the questions ready, like why in the world are we waiting for after the holidays, and what to do if something happens to him in the mean time. Those are the top ones that I need an answer to.

Jeffery does know about the tumor, and God has truley Blessed our baby with courage. He said he's not worried about it at all. So, Thank you God for covering Jeffery in your warmth and spirit! And Thank you for keeping us together, also.

THank you all for your prayers, and I will get on here to update, as soon as I talk to them tomorrow.

Peace and Prayers to you all,

Thursday, November 25, 2004 11:57 AM CST

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We are so blessed to have this day together! Even when someone in your family gives you a hard time today, please give them a hug, and move on, they may not be here next year to hug.

We went to Shands in Gainesville, yesterday. Dr. Pincus and his team are not sure, 100%, that the site in Jeffery's mri's is a tumor! yeahhhhhh. So, here is what we are going to do. Jeffery took another mri there, and now we wait until Monday. He will call us and tell us what to do from there. It could possible be radiation crud, which would explain the memory loss enhancing, and the headaches. On the other hand, it could be tumor, in that case, he will possible do a biopsy to see what type, before they go in and, take it out. (if they are able to).

Reguardless of any of that info up there, we are exceptionally happy today, to be with our families, instead of in a hospital somewhere. May God bless and comfort those that are! I will update again on Monday night as info comes in. THank you all for your prayers, and concern for our family!

A special thanks to Brian Perry( cuz'n) for hooking the boys up with the gas powered truck, very awesome! You'll have to come over an play with them.

Peace and Prayers to you all,

Saturday, November 20, 2004 8:01 PM CST

Hello all you wonderful people, I pray that God has kept you all close at hand! I haven't updated in awhile, well, because all had been well. Unfortunatly, things have changed for our baby, Jeffery. He now has a tumor beside his brain stem, about 1inch around. After all the feelings have set in, and now we can deal with them, I've decided to write on here, and let ya'll know what's going on.

As most of you know, we had moved to 6mths for the mri's, well we could only go for 4. Jeffery started to have headaches, and he was getting a little more unpredictable. His memory has been slipping terribly, and we haven't even be to church in a while because we just didn't know how he was going to react to people. He's mostly just around immediate family members. Now I don't want it to sound like he's become a monster, because he hasn't, he is still our loving baby boy, even though he's 18yrs. old. Jeffery has been able to be cancer free for almost 3yrs. (2months, and 2days, to the 3rd year.) Jeff and I are, the only word I can think of is, relieved. The beast is here, now we can fight it again! No more waiting for it's return. If you don't understand that, it's ok, I don't expect most people to. We go to Shands to see Dr. Pincus on Weds,the 24th. He will decide then what the plan will be, no surgeons want to operate on the tumor because of it's placement next to the brain stem. We are all well, with the exception of having fear, and worry in our face, once again. But, with that being said, I should also say, God has always carried us through, and we can feel His presence, daily!

On a lighter note, I'd like to thank our wonderful brother in law, Bruce, for all you have done to insure our baby has had some fun lately. He got him tickets to see Alan Jackson, and tickets to a Jauguars football game this sunday! He's currently working on some help getting Jeffery to Grace Land, he just adores, Elvis. Thank you Bruce, and we Love you, dearly! and THank everyone else for being there for us, and for all the prayers!

I will get back with ya'll on Wed. night to let you know what's up, or my sister's will help me out, and fill ya'll in on the news. Peace and Prayers to you all, 4/j's

Sunday, July 4, 2004 10:07 AM CDT

Hello to all! MRI done, and ALL is the same, nothing there! Thank you God for everything! And, Thank you all for checking in on Jeffery, and keeping him in your prayers.

As most of us know, the type of cancer Jeffery has is very aggessive by nature, Glioblastoma Multiforum gr.4, just sounds ugly doesn't it. Anyway, Jeffery is 29mths. from dx., and Thank God, and still very healthy! Way past the statistical thing,(12 to 24 months of life) and still going, and going, Thank you God! Doc's are talking about mri's every 4/6mths, compared to the 3mths we wait, now. Don't know if my heart can take more of a wait, but I do know, God will work it all out, He always does. Life always seems to be such a struggle for us, don't really know why, but I guess somebodies got to be in that slot. God always, gets us through it though, somehow.

We are very thankful for what we have, and cherrish, EVERY moment we can, with our boys, and loving every min. of the peaceful season in our lives, right now!! Got to hold on tight to those, never know when it's time to fly again.

Peace and Prayers to you all, and Thank you again for checkin up on us!

Saturday, May 15, 2004 10:38 AM CDT

Hello all, hope that all is well with everyone!

first up: Jeffery is off of the Exelon, memory pill, it worked, but for only a few weeks after each increase. He was at the limit, so had to discontinue. He's now on Adderall, in hopes that it will increase his concentration, and it has sometimes, jogged the memory alittle. Hopefully it will work, there is not really anything else that can, we'll stop experimenting, and just pray about it, and move on.

Radiation effects, can permenately, damage so much. Jeffery has been very lucky, his response time is slower now days, but he's not complaining about it anymore. Thank God! He hasn't been able to truly see very well out of his left eye, for awhile, that, they believe is from the actual tumor doing damage while it was growing. His reasoning skills are that of a young teenager, but that's ok. makes life interesting! And of course his memory. With all that said, it looks like a lot, but I've read about so many children who have not been so lucky. God, please bless them all!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe we've all been living this part of our lives for 28 months now. God bless us, everyone!!

Oh, one more thing.
Jeffery and Joseph were baptized on 5-9-4. We all joined Park City church. Janet and I were members there, back in the day, "before families were thought of". The boys have been saved for awhile now, just didn't get baptized, until they were ready. Uncle Bruce was baptized the same day, too. Their family also joined the church.

Thank you all for checkin in on us, we are grateful for your prayers, and concerns for our family!

Peace and Prayers,

Sunday, April 11, 2004 8:15 PM CDT

Hello all, all is well here! Jeffery's mri's are just the same as always, perfect!! Thank you to our wonderful Lord, for allowing him to stay here with us, and be in great condition! Life is good, we just have to remember not to take it for granted!!!

Sad note: the child behind the story that convinced us to put Jeffery on Protocel has passed away, Jakey Bear will be missed in this world, Please say a prayer for his wonderful parents, Mark and Susan. Susan has been such a great help to so many people with all of her info and high hopes for us all. God allowed her angel Jake to be a tool for so many families. We will be forever Grateful to his life here on earth. Thank you God for giving us this family to learn from! Jake's site is at the bottom of this page, if you can, please stop by and let them know your praying for them during this most, devistating time in their lives!

God please give them strength and courage to go on without the child you lent to them for 5 1/2 years.

Peace and Prayers to you all, and thank you for stoppin bye, again.

Prayers to the caringbridge families, God give them all great strenght!!


Thursday, March 4, 2004 5:04 AM CST

Ok, Ok, I know, it's been awhile, and thank you for all the personal emails to "remind me" to

All is just about the same, Jeffery is still going to the GED prep classes. He is having a hard time of it though. His memory is getting worse,( radiation damage??) (the long term side effects they don't tell you about when your scared to death of losing your child, and are willing to do whatever is needed to keep them alive, being so traumatized over what is happening to your own child, radiation sounds like a gooooddddd choice, right?.) so it's very hard for him to get through another day of school lessons. As you can imagine, your memory is what you need, to let you know, what you learned, yesterday. We will not, force him to continue this process of going to the college for his GED, it is making for really bad times, and all we want around here, are GOOD times. He's so moody, and upset over not being able to remember anything. As you can imagine. It takes from who you are. We tried many things to help him remember things, and he knows, all he has to do is ask for our help, and we'll give it, but he's almost a full grown man, now, (he thinks...with his size 15 shoe...)and is feeling what all men would feel, angry, lost, embarrased, ashamed, and well, I'm not a man, but you get the idea........We addressed these issues with his phycologist, and she upped the dose of Prozac to help him with the anger and emotion, and gave him something called Exelon Oral, used for Alzhelimer's patients. Helps with the memory problems. Fact: it really works, but the side effects, well, they suck! how can they put that on those old people, my goodness. The drug has to work, they have to be able to remember WHERE the bathroom is so they can get to it, quickly!!!! just abit of nasty humor..... and the headaches, well, lets just say, I don't think the benies are worth the pain! "They say" if he can keep it in his system long enough, though, the side effects will subside, or maybe won't be as bad as they are now, but I don't think I'll make him go through this, much longer. He does remember what he had for breakfast, yesterday, and that, makes him feel better! We'll see, for now, that's all I can say about it. We'll see......... suffering, is not in the plan!!!!

We've been blessed, some one is willing to let us make payments on a van!!!!(hahahah,hahahaha,hahahahah,hahhah,ahah)

Duval Ford, is letting us make payments on it, never thought we could do that again, with the badddddd credit and all!!! So, we await the ok, to pick it up today. I'm up this early in the morning, cause I'm making a new rule in my head. If I can't sleep, I'm going to GET UP!!! been up since 4am. going to finish up here, and get a shower, and wake up every one else in the house!!! hahahahaha. It's a Plymouth Gran Vouager?? maybe, can't remember. used, 98, but in very good condition. Thank you God for giving us the hook up!! WE surely will enjoy the extra space, man will that be wonderful!!!!!!!!!!

Joseph will be going to get his GED, in April when he's 16. For now, he is studing some of the prep books we got at the college for the course. Maybe this will help him get through, quicker!! He's ready and willing, just waiting for his time.... and driving me crazy with all the questions, man that boy can ask some questions....!!!!!! Even though I complain about the questions of a growing young man, and I'm guilty of complaining about having to still "tuck in" my baby, I'd rather not live, than give these times up!! Joe is being very good about not pushing the issue of driving, well at least for now he is, since Jeffery can't drive now. We don't know if he will ever be able to drive, either, His vision in the left eye is gettin the back lash of the radiation, and of course, the actual tumor could be the reason for the optic nerve damage, as well. We may never know, but will continue to do, what we do, and try not to stop living, and enjoy the time we've been givin to be with each other.

God bless you all, and thank you, for checking up on us!!
Peace and Prayers for you all, 4/j's

Thursday, January 29, 2004 11:41 PM CST

Hello to all, hope this entry finds you all in great health, and very high spirits!

We are better now, weakness is kinda lingering though, soon to be gone!

As a said before, Jeffery and Aunt Janet are going to the college for GED stuff, and while they were there, Jeffery had a couple of seizures, they were mild, Thank God, Janet was with him, and realized something was wrong. Well, after waiting around for Nemours to get back to us, the decision was made to put him back on Topamax, seizure med. low dose, same as before. This period off the seizure med. was a trail anyway. Jeffery had never had any seizures that we knew of. Most of his docs wanted to keep him on it, 4/ever. But that's along time for a kid, so we did what he wanted, and took him off, He just wanted to be "pill free" he has that right. Now, he knows he'll have to take that pill, 4/ever. The seizures were mild, like I said, but made him very tired and sore for a few days. This week, he has been very tired, again, due to the "flu" crap. If any of you have had it, you know, your up for a few days, and then all of the sudden, your down, again. Other than that little bit of info, all is the same. The MRI's said, " no new abnormality is identified, NO recurrent mass is identified." Thank you GOd, once again! We have been so lucky, Jeffery's illness has changed our lives, in so many different ways. Some for the good, and of course, some for the bad, but we have been, so lucky!

oh, ps.. Jeffery's oncology appts. will be every 3 months now, as far as we know, after his 3 month appts. for the mri's. This is scary, but we know that all is good enough for them to not want to see him every month. I remember when he went from two x's a week, to 1x a week, and then the next horrible conclusion that he was well enough to only come, once every two weeks, we did blood work every wk. though. Then to once a month. Unfortunately, we depend on the docs visits, to keep us going, to help us know that in fact, we are still alive, this is not a dream/nightmare. We get really freaky post mri's, too. We are not alone. All tumor clients do.

Have a great week wonderful people, and thank you, again for your prayers and concern for our family

Peace and Prayers for you all, and thank you so much for signing in the guest book. 4/j's

Friday, January 9, 2004 11:05 PM CST

hey, new photos, please stop by, some of the things that Jeffery has drawn. peace

OK, we're almost done with the "flu", got us right after Christmas Day. By night, we were all 103 degrees, and just wanting to sleep. It was so weird how we all got it together, poor Jeff, just tried to help us all, he had it the least I guess, and still worked and did house hold stuff too. Joseph held his own, Jeffery was manly about it, and I just tried to remember who got what, and when it was needed again. I took the boys to the doc today, cause I wasn't sure if they were doing as well as they should be, he said, all was good, they need to take breathing treatments though. (they were), and to give it a few more days before we expect to feel human again. Did you know the flu last on average, about 4 weeks? bummer! Thank you all for calling to see if we needed any thing, that was truly a blessing, and speaking of blessings; Just to name a few, there are many, each day!

First: for Christmas, my brother in law, Bruce's job, Jax. University, adopted our family for their Christmas basket this year, something they do every year to help families that have children with cancer, it was special this year, because they actually got to know something about the family they helped. It was a very humbling experience for us, and extremely helpful to us in our time of need. We will always be thankful to them for helping us through this tuff time of the year. It was unusually hard, considering Jeff had just gotten his job. Thank you God, for watching over us! Again. And Thank you brother, Bruce, for being you!

Second: my friend, Lori's Mom's church, came and gave us a "basket" too. Well, we didn't actually get the basket, but 3 gift cards to the grocery, and a handsome bible for Jeff and I, and Jeffery, and a promise to bring Joseph one too, they didn't know he was here, too. The young man Jeff talked with, was very nice, and very considerate to our family. See, God just keeps on taking care of us! Thank you.

Third, etc.: *** this is an ongoing update, it's takin me about 2 weeks to make it. Most of the sickness in the family is gone, or going, a few have been stricken with the "flu" today. Our folks Up north, are feeling better too, and coming to visit, hopefully, around the 15th. (they are not going to make it, they are sick, again.) Jordyn got home safely on the train, that was scary. what a waste of 7 hours of the day! Let's see, oh yeah, Jeffery and Aunt Janet to sign up for GED classes on the 5th. to study up on their math skills, and we don't know how long that will take. Jeffery to get a "CLEAR" mri this month also, if any different from what we expect, I'll let you know. ( Please, Dear God, keep the tumor away!) His docs apt. is on Tues, the 13th, if you don't hear from us by the 145h,ALL is well with the MRI! He has finished all his anti-seizure meds. now, and has had NO signs of seizure activity! Thank you God! Seems he is doing just GREAT, and he's going to continue to do so!!! It's so hard for us to let him grow. On Jan. 17, 2004, Jeffery is two years out, two years, still with us, no signs of tumor regrowth, or anything! We feel so Blessed to have our boys with us this year, so excited that they are both alive, and for the most part, well! Can't remember if I told ya'll about Joseph's leg, he has bursitis, not a problem with the growth plates, like we thought! Thank you God!!!! He has decided, that he would like to finish the year up, at home, homeschooling, and go to get GED, when he's 16, that's OK, I know he'll do it. He also told the therapist this week, that he wants to get off the Wellbutrin, thinks his ticks and OCD, have gotten worse since he's on them. (they really have). He will have to get on something to sleep if he isn't able to get that under control in two weeks, she said. He misses being here at home with us, and this will give us a better opportunity to go to the Y, and try, once again, to loose some weight, the last time we tried, we were successful, and Jeffery got cancer. Kinda bad taste, still. but we are going to deal with it. I'm putting this on the web site, I just can't get rid of it, it holds too many memories for me, so many of you were there for me, all the time. Maybe I was just tired of it, or something, I don't know, but I'm writing on here again. It was like trying to throw away my old key chains, not going to happen. Listen, I gotta go now, before this shuts down on me, I will update again soon, no date, just soon, so keep on checkin in. Thank you all for all you've done for us! "you know who you are", and Thank you for your prayers for our family, those are the best thing we can recieve!

Peace and Prayers to you all, from us,

Friday, October 17, 2003 11:58 AM CDT

Hello all you wonderful people out there! I pray that all is well with you and your families! This will be our last entry, and I'll keep this site up for about 1mth. This is to just kinda of normalize, OK, take a break from all this. If, and, or, when, anything happens in our lives, I'll send out personal updates, like I used to for all to read, before caring bridge. I'd like to think that this space that has been so carefully provided for us, can go to someone else, who needs it, we are not in need of this kind of info page anymore.

**** Please send me your email address, so I can put you into the right place for updates from me. ****

Thank you all for understanding, sometimes coming to this site, is to much for me to think about, and then on top of everything else, I worry that I haven't told the lastest, and that I left you all out. "Unfortunate side effect of love" I thank all of you for being there for us and helping us through some really tough spots! Your thoughts and Prayers have been the legs we stand on! This is NOT good~bye, you will be hearing from us.

Now for the last updates:

Boys are feeling sickly, again, going to Dr. @ 3pm today to get some more antibiotics for ears and throats. all will be well!

Jeff still holding on, no job, but a few good prospects for next week, he's going to work on my car with alittle help, from his friends~!

MRI ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ALL CLEAR! Jeffery went through alot to get it finished. Had to get IV put in @ Nemours to administer contrast, and he pasted out, that, he has never experienced before, it was very scary. (for me). When he came to, he said," That was cool, why are all these people in the room?" go figure. He's an Angel! He is still taking prozac, and it seems to be helping him. He started smiling again last week. Protocel, he will continue until were comfortable with him not. Who Knows

Joseph will pass the first 9wks of this year, even with all the absence. He passed all tests, and the class work. So, they let him pass. We were ready to hear he failed, because of days gone, so we are really happy about this. Some of you may remember, Joseph was only to go to school for a few months, for social skills. Now, he wants to stay. Jeffery, wants to take the GED. if he passes, he'll get a job. If he doesn't, he'll go back to school, be in ESE classes, well, some regular classes too, and get a General Diploma when he graduates. In the state of Florida, if a child takes only one ESE class between the grades of 9th and 12th, they will get a General Diploma. It's a certificate that says they put in their time, it will do. Janet called the school board and inquired about a job, proclaiming to only have a General Diploma, they said come on in, it didn't matter. The other good thing about Jeffery staying in school, and getting a General Diploma, is that the colleges have ESE, well, they aren't called that, but they have special classes for young adults who want to go to college, but need special attention. Not that that's of any concern really, he never wanted to attend college, but he might.........

Peace to all of you, and remember to send your emails so I can log them in for updates.
Prayers to you and all your families: May God bless you and your home with peace and health!


Friday, September 26, 2003 1:06 PM CDT

Sorry for the long stint between updates, I've been in a "funk", anyway, it's just about to let up now, so here's an update.

Jeffery Scott Sample Jr.; had a wonderful birthday party, most all of the family was here to wish him a great day! He had to sleep for a few days afterward to get back on track. Thank you ALL, for making his day brighter, and one that came in second, only to the shopping spree he had last year from Make-A-Wish for his 16th birthday!

Someone I met while Jeffery was taking radiation, called me last week, Pat. She lost her son, before we met, Jeffery and Christopher looked alot alike, and the sight of Jeffery took her breathe away, when she saw him in the radiation department. I can't imagine, anywho, she called to see how it's going lately, and we started talking, and to make a long story short, I ended up talking the boys to the doctor, the next day. (thinking Joseph may have something wrong in the "private" area.....he had some pain a few times, but nothing that would really call attention. Cancer will AlWAYS, be a fear!) at least for the next 28.5years, that's how long Stronium 90, one dropplet, lives for. (from the NUC plant) God works in different ways around here, I believe that fate will always come to light, in some shape or form. Pat's call told me to pay attention, somethings wrong. I missed it. If you look, and listen close enough, you'll see or hear what you've been missing. Both the boys had ear infections again, and Joseph probably has kidney stones, will do ultra sound next time the pain comes. I had forgotten the pain that radiatated around his belly so intensly, he feel onto the bed and was sweating, and just rolling back and forth, saying how bad he hurt. God, how did I miss that?

Jeffery is severally depressed, and needs to be on meds again, I missed it. He has been so tired. A great big, fat sign that says, DEPRESSION????? We were so afraid that he was coming to the end of his cycle of life, but were so thankful that it was so gracefully happening, with it's only side effect~sleep. God, how did we fall into that? We are working on a way for him to go to school for a couple of hours a day until he can get up to speed. He should be on meds before he starts back though. I'll let you know when that will be. For now, he's helping Joseph with his home work, and staying awake for longer periods of time.

I had just talked to a protocel friend, Susan, who had just told me about all the evidence that Jeffery looks to be one of the ones, that Protocel will, save. All the statistics etc.... which we have choosen to though out the window, along time ago because Jeffery is Jeffery, and different from anyone else! He has passed his life expectancy, via the books! I think somehow, I lost something in processing that statistical information, and fell into a "funk". I was scared. Actually afraid to let that info sink in, afraid to let it be true, I guess. Letting that wall down, could actually, kill me. That's how I stand up every day. God will carry us, I know, but I am human, and think, most of the time, that IIIIIIIII can do it myself. I beg God to help me let go, and enjoy what life we have, but the real world slims it's way back into the picture somehow. Please pray for me to have faith and wisdom, and also could you ask for alittle strength! I feel, so weak.

Big, Jeff, my wonderful husband of almost 18years! needs some help. Please God, give him faith and strength also, and give him a bigger dose of it, too! He is still unemployed, at this time. He has been all over, and now, falling into a deep whole. He had to go to the hospital yesterday after an interview, for a hernia, and umbunical hernia. I noticed it about a month ago, but we didn't give into the fear, of what it was. I'm glad to know that the thing sticking out of his belly button, is a hernia, and not a tumor (cancer fear again)! The hospital told him that unless it strangles the intestines, they won't do surgery to correct it. We have no insurance. I have started to put in resumes at this time too, one of us will hopefully get employment with insurance, soon. So we can address these issues. The lady at the hospital bill department, talked us into going the DCF, for help now. I used to work for them, and I just hate to get into that, but humble myself, I will. At least this will take care of the hospital bill that now exsists. Maybe some other relief help also will be available. I'd like to thank all of you, and you know who you are, for helping us with some bills, and other things, and for doing it unselfishly, and for having the God given wisdom, to do it, without us even asking. I know, there are those out there that would like to help, but can't due to thier own personal situations, Thank you too, because I know your praying for us, and THAT is the ultimate, gift! I wouldn't normally go into all this on this site, but I just wanted everyone to know, where we are today, since I've been avoiding most phone calls. I apologize for that, too. "funk"

*** Oh, thank you for praying for my Mom, during her surgery, she is doing well, and her neck looks great, not much swelling left. For those I didn't get to, she had the left artery, sliced open, and cleaned out. yuck. To help prevent strokes and heart attack.

*** Congrates to cousin, Brian & Jennifer Perry (Butler) on her beautiful baby girl, Emily Grace.

~~May God bless your life Emily Grace, and everyone, who knows of you! Welcome to the world, my only advise is to RULE it, don't let it rule you, girly! With all my love, and prayers!~~
cuz, Julie

Peace and Prayers to you all,

new pics of Boggy Creek, soon
* new links to check out, below*

FYI: the Peace symbol was thought of in 1958, it meant, get this, Nuclear, via Mom

Monday, September 1, 2003 0:09 AM CDT

Hello all, hope the day is bright and cheery for ya. All is well here, just wanted to update.

Jeff didn't get the job he wanted, as a matter of fact, he is still unemployed at this time. His old job called last week, and said that they are selling back to the original owners, and would he like to come back, when that happens. We'll see. Hopefully, he'll get a job before they call, and won't need to go back. I'll let cha know, when we do.

Jeffery's birthday is September 2nd. he's going to be 17yrs. old. ~~~~~ almost there ~~~~~ God is good!

Joseph is doing good in school, too. He had a good week.

Hope ya'll have a good week, I'll update soon.

Peace and Prayers,

Monday, August 25, 2003 12:06 AM CDT

Hello all, just a quick update to let you know that the boys are fine, no parasites. So now we have to start eliminating things, and see where that goes. Since we have started that, we now realize that Joe is lactose intolerent too. He had to stay home today from school because he had ice cream @ Aunt Tonya's birthday.........We suspected as much, but weren't really sure. Jeffery and I eat the tofutti ice cream, and for those of you who are saying, ooooooouuuuuuuuuugggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh, try it,you like it~

Jeffery isn't going to school any more, we, and he, have decided that it's not worth him being so tired all the time, and he's doing better now. I try and make him take at least two naps during the day so he'll be rested. School was just too much for him. He's still tired, even though I lessened the protocel too, so we'll put that back up now, since that's not a culprit. Blood tests are fine, so we don't know. He just needs rest. I gotta go, Bleu tore up the trash, so we gotta clean....... dogs........ you gotta love'em~

I should wait to send this out, cause Jeff had an interview with someone today, most of ya'll know, he was laid off, friday before last. I'll let ya know though.....

Peace and Prayers to you all,

Monday, August 18, 2003 7:11 AM CDT

Good morning ya'll, I thought if I got on here as soon as I got home from taking the kids to school, I wouldn't miss any calls, we'll see.

Ok, ortho doc. for Joseph, went well, they did make us stay there for 2 1/2hrs. taking new x-rays of his leg,and pelvic bones, so they have their own set, I guess. His shoe will be ready (the lift on it,3/4in.) by next week. All good there!

Jeffery's neuro. doc., taking him off dilantin, but he'll have to be tappered off over 2mths. While he's doing that, to hopefully make sure he doesn't have any seizures, he'll be taking Topamax (anti-seizure meds.) So, for two more months, he'll be increasing his medicines, he hates that, of course, then be tappered of the Topamax, which will not need another, to stop seizure activity. By Oct. he'll only be taking, Protocel, and probably zantac still. His stomache is still hurting, we did a stool culture, for both the boys, to see if maybe they have a common parisite (sp). How gross, they'd shoot me if they knew I was telling ya'll this..... but I know some of you were concerned about Jeffery's tummy, and Joseph has had problems for about 4mths. off and on, doc said it could come from anywhere, water, food from something that they eat, and so on, so that's what we're eliminating first. Hopefully, that will be what's wrong, and they can get the right antibiotic to deal with it. Will let you know when we know.

School, yes Susan, there will ALWAYS be school problems, that's why we took our children out, 4 years ago. Unfortunately, there are just to many kids that are allowed to do whatever they want, and speak with such disrespect(I'd bust'em, for sure....that's why I'm not a teacher for the general population :) It's truly amazing to me to watch how some kids even talk to their parents. Not that mine are perfect, but we have done very well, I think, training them to be respectful to others. ( Jeffery has posed sort of a situation, but considering his reasoning skills are challenged, he does well, and God Bless his heart, when he does do or say something out of character, he apologizes for it, asap. because his heart lets him know that it was wrong.)

OK, back to school. They woke up this morning @ 5:45am, and begged me to let them stay home, and be home schooled. I stayed strong, and said, get up, and come and get your breakfast burritos that I've made for you. (most kids get something fast, not that they haven't eaten on the way to school, but they always get real food, I've brought back in the house a few, grit and egg bowls....) By the time we got to school, we had discussed them staying in school at least till Christmas, Jeffery only if he's able to physically do so. Then after closely looking at the time off from school for holidays, etc., Jeffery said well, we might as well stay in for the other 4 mths. Joseph, not disagreeing, but not lookin to happy about his brothers idea, didn't say anything. I told them, like I've been saying all along, they are not there for the grades, I've never been one for that, a child WILL learn if he wants to, whether he has books, or not. They are not there to make a lot of friends, if that happens, OK, they are there, for social structure, something that I have not been able to provide for them in homeschool. Most homeschoolers have many social things on their agenda, but we only went to a few outings with them, my kids where much older than the others. Then 19mths ago, Jeffery got cancer, and our world ceased to exist, as it was. Since then, things have been so much different for us, so much change, but we will over come these things, and live on. I will homeschool them, as soon as I think they have come across enough social skills, to keep them aboard the ship, as adults. They are so close to getting jobs, it's scarey. We will play it by ear, and PRAY, for God to let us know, what is right for our children. Thank you all for checking in, and I pray that your lives will be touched by ours, as yours, have touched us.

Peace and Prayers, for you all,

Thursday, August 14, 2003 3:06 PM CDT

OK, OK, I know, I'm a slacker...... It's been awhile, and thank you for the personal e-mails to let me know that!!!! I'm so tired, I'm more tired now that the boys are in school. What's wrong with that picture?? Anyway, here we are, six days into school, and today, I kept them both out, and tomorrow, they'll be out too. Today, all had messed up stomaches, we must have eaten something not up to par, or we've gotten a bug. Tomorrow, both boys have an apt. @ Nemours, Jeffery to neuro/to see if he can stop taking the dilantin, Joseph to see the ortho/to check his leg, and get some new shoes fitted with the lift, for him. Jeffery's having some stomache pains pretty regulary, so I'll try to get him into to see the peds doc. tomorrow, too. Busy day, and in there somewhere, we've got to make Tameles for the family, they've been waiting for them for awhile now. Then to work. See, I'm tired. Well, every day isn't like that, but I have to take alot of naps to try and catch up on sleep.

School?>>>>>>>: well, The first day wasn't all that, boys were not wanting to return. I sat in the parking lot, and cried my eyes out for about 30mins. then I moved on, slowly, incase they ran out the door, after me. didn't happen. The second day, which was Friday, 8th, A real nice teacher, I'm assuming, helped Joseph to a few of his classes, and talked very nice to him. She asked him to try and talk to at least 2 kids in every class that day. He did try, but only talked to about 2 kids all day. Jeffery wasn't so out of place, the teachers kept asking him to take off his bandana, and he replied, no, I've got a scar from one ear to the other on my head, from brain cancer, and I don't have to. I'm sure they felt stupid. I did give a note for him to give to the first teacher of the day to pass on, I'd cleared him wearing the bandana with the Princ. Jeffery didn't remember to give it to them though. So, some of them where not prepared to see a gaint, kid with a bandana on. Oh, well, they got over it. The kids were all asking questions about why he could wear it, of course, and he told one teacher in the lunch room, that he had the worst kind of cancer, anyone could have, brain cancer. I can just see him saying that too, to get a response. Well, turns out the teacher already knew of him, and wanted to introduce herself, she has lost her husband to cancer, last year, and had a tumor removed from her nose. I guess they have alot in common. That same slick teacher, talked to Joseph yesterday, and asked him to help her get something from her car, when he did, she proceeded to ask questions about him, Joseph thought it was really weird that she already knew Jeffery.?????? He said you can't miss my brother, he's the only one with something on his head. It's all ok, but we have some things to work throught. Joseph, the reason all of this school thing got started, is doing very well, socially, he's talking to people, and looking them in the face too, since he's been off the well-butrin, his room has been a mess. I haven't had to ask Joseph to clean up his room in, ever, it's always been clean. Seems funny to me that the drug that was supposed to help him control the compulsive behavior, actually inhanced it. Now that he's of it, the compulsiveness, has been pretty much, undercontrol. Not that it's gone, but lots less that it used to be.

I don't know if they will stay in school. Hopefully, till Christmas, and then maybe Joe will have so many friends, that he wants to stay in the rest of the year. Jeffery, I'm not so sure about, he's so tired. All day, tired. I've cut back on the protocel this week to see if that's what it is, but he's still tired, almost like he had the chemo this month. His stomache is hurting also, I think I mentioned that up top, can't remember, and to lazy to re-read. I will get him to the docs tomorrow, and see if he can help us, Nemours nurse of oncology, passed the buck to the peds doctor. so we'll see. I promise, I'll try to get back on the computer and let ya'll know how he's doing. I don't get on here during the day, incase the school has to call. silly, I know, but as sure as I'm sitting here right now, typing to you all, they'd call.

Oh, Jeff still has his job, for now, but looking, anyone got any openings??? He, isn't so sure about the boys and school. He's starting to question, why we're sending Jeffery. Why are we putting him though this. He is very tired all the time, and he (unfortunatly) doesn't seem to able to keep up with the work load, I'm going to open house tonight to see what we can do for him. He was up till 11pm trying to finish homework, it wasn't that it was alot, it was just alot for him. I made him put it away. We'll see, I don't want to push him, but I really want him to have a life. Peace

Peace and Prayers to you all, and thank you for stoping in to check up on us.

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 10:54 PM CDT

Hello all, we hope and pray that this update finds you all in good health, and high spirits!

The big news this week is school, yes, both of the boys will be attending this year. We went to register Joseph, and we ended up registering Jeffery, too. The counsler thought it would be best for him to start now too, instead of waiting till we get through testing him for mental stuff @ Nemours. Like, how much he can retain, remember,think about, find his way through the school, do the combination lock, the regular stuff that we don't think about. Well, I've decided, that he can do anything he wants to, and if it doesn't work out, we can homeschool, just like we've been doing for the last several years. The reason behind them going to school, because I know some of you will ask, is simply this: Joseph needs to work on his social skills, he's done very well since he's been seeing Mrs. Erin @ Nemours, school will help him to navigate through the older part of life. He doesn't really even want to finish in a school, he wants to get a GED, and get a job. Jeffery, well, I think he needs some better structure than I am providing for him at home. We do, only what he can, or wants to do, and that does put a bit of a strain on us. He does real well in front of people, but tends to be weaker for me, well, who wouldn't, I am his Mommy. Like I said before though, I was just fine with only Joseph going to school,(he needs to learn how to be with people before I can let him go out into the world, and get a job) Jeffery will be on a trail basis anyway. I won't put him in a bad situation. If he doesn't respond like I want him too, he's out. (He doesn't know that tid bit of info) I'm afraid, but I'm trying to let them be young men, and proceed forward with life. This is really hard for me, I swore that my boys would never be in the public school system again! They suck! This is alittle different though, I hope, they are going to a "out in the country school", and I am praying that the children there, will treat my kids with some respect, they've been through a life time of experiences in the last, 18mths. Big Jeff, well lets just say, he's listening to me, but he's holdin his breathe, his fears are the same as mine, but he worries about the boys, all the time. I have to remind him, that they are 15 and almost 17yrs old. they need to learn life lessons. We will be very cautious! NO BODY, will take care of your children like you can and,YOU know your children like nobody else ever will! We just have to pay attention, and fly right! I'll let ya'll know how the first day goes. They start on 8-7, and get this, the day starts @ 7:15am, and ends @ 2:15pm. We are so, not liking the hours!

Jeff's job isn't very stable @ this point, they are laying off, he's been lucky enough to keep it this far. I am working a few hours in the evening @ a pizza place, 3/4 nights a week, what will I do all day, while the boys are in school. I'll wait, and make sure all is going ok, and get a job during the hours of school too, then I won't have to clean up this house, by myself all the time..(maybe just 3 days a week) they would just freak out, if I worked @ the school...hehehehe..... I wouldn't do that to them....heheheh.....:) We'll see, I'll keep ya posted.

oh, I forgot to mention, Jeffery will be tested @ the school also, for ESE needs. This will help him w/the memory thing, and the tests @ Nemours will also be a guide as to what he is capable of learning. They can put him in some, or all of the "special" classes. So, he will be able to graduate with a diploma, just like the rest of the kids. From what I understand, the school will make provisions for him, (learning wise) if they can't, they'll try to send him to a school that will. I will not go for that, he'll be homeschooled at that point.....

Until next time, Peace and Prayers to you all, and thank you for stopping by and checking in on us!

Saturday, July 19, 2003 0:39 AM CDT

Hello to all, we hope and pray that this week is great, for everyone!

Jeffery did very well on his last round of chemo. His stomache was very upset for the most part though. Zofran helped. We are so, undecided, about how we feel about this being the last round. We're scared, happy, sad, worried, afraid, I could go on, but ya'll get the gist of it. Our prayers will continue to be for a total healing for Jeffery!

Oh, let me share something with you. This is how much Jeffery's journey has touched people. His cousin Jordyn, lives with her father and she has a little sister, Samantha. Samamtha's birthday wish (when you blow out the candles), was for Jeffery to not die from cancer, for him to be healthy and not have cancer anymore. Well, I've cried over this 4x now. It just touches me so deeply that a little child, that really doesn't even know Jeffery, would give up their birthday wish for my son. How awesome is that. Thank you Samantha for being so loving, and giving your wish to Jeffery, we will never forget it! I pray that God blesses you for your unselfishness, and keeps you close to his heart! and, Thank you Jordyn, for telling your Mom, what Samantha's wish was. It has made my year.

Joseph is doing well, also. His visits with Ms. Erin, are coming along. We're still working on the going to school thing. Will keep you updated on that subject. He has stopped taking the well butrin, and the sleeping meds. on his on. He's ready to attack whatever it is, and get on with life. We all are for that matter.

We've realized that we've been keeping these unwanted emotions and feelings in the back of our minds. The cancer has infected all of us. Our subconsious won't just, let it be, it will be dealt with. Now, we've got to figure out how to live with the cancer, and stop trying to live without it. Embrace it, and learn to except it as a part of our lives. That's easier said than done, but we will continue to try to learn and live our life as normal as possible. We will still, even when the cancer is gone, have to learn to live with it. Our lives have been, forever changed.

Peace and Prayers to you all,

Thursday, July 3, 2003 1:03 PM CDT

Happy Independence Day to you all!!!!!Hope every one has a safe and happy week end.

YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH! No tumor growth/nothing there, mri was clean!!!!!! Jeffery was so cool, he said, well we just needed to get it early because my Mom was worried, and my Dad was freakin out. THen he confessed, I just needed to know that it was ok. My precious Angel. There is however, a (something) cyst on the left lobe area, it has been seen before. Doc said that it could be a pocket of fluid, maybe just took on too much fluid and put pressure on the brain, that caused the headaches. When Jeffery had the mri, yesterday, it was not enlarged, so we're just guessing. But, there is no tumor growth/nothing there! That's what we want to hear. Jeff and I were so worried. We are so grateful to God for keeping Jeffery healthy, in no pain, and with us! STill waiting on blood results, but his have always been good, I just wanted to get on here, and let ya'll know that all was well.

Joseph did well with his appt. He actually is looking forward to going back on the 14th for another talk, and a game or two. He stayed up very late last night talking to me about being lonely, and maybe going to school this year, Huston, we may have lift off!!!!!!!!!!! I won't push him, there's still a month left to talk about it. He can't get passed the P.E. thing, but we're working on it. God will show us the way. I'll post how he's doing along the way.

Thank you all for your prayers and concerns for our family,
Peace and Prayers to you and yours,

Monday, June 30, 2003 0:17 AM CDT

Hello all you wonderful folks out there. I pray that your week has been spiritually filled, and lots of fun!

All is well on the home front. Jeffery and Joseph went to their dentist appt's. on Mon, and Tues. Both had deep cleanings, and are good to go. Joseph does have to have braces though. Not a bad deal really, but to a child that has "self esteem" things going on, NOT good! I'll start checking into those clear ones that are out now, maybe that will help. Maybe CMS will pay what they normally would for regular braces, and we could pay the rest. I'll let ya'll know more on that as is comes.

Well, Joseph is on his way next week to talk to a professional, maybe she can figure some stuff out with him. He told me that he was going to tell her that me and his Dad were crazy, and that we needed counseling....... WELL....... I guess he thought that would make me NOT take him..heheheheheeheh... little does he know, we are crazy, that's why he's going.... He'll be alright, I just have to keep telling myself that... Let ya'll know what I can about his visit.

Jeffery said he's had some headaches, and wanted to know when the next MRI's were??? Man, that just really sucks. I can worry myself to no hair, but when he might be worring, I just cringe. He said he feels funny, not that anything is wrong, just tummy feeling funny, and the headaches (for the record, he didn't tell me about them till today) said he's had them for about three days now. Oh, God, PLEASE hold my precious baby closely! I've eased up on the doses of Protocel for about a week now, he's been so tired. It makes them tired sometimes when the body is lysing to much. His head has been real itchy too, (lysing as well). When I did, he mowed the yard, well the front, for moneyyyyyy...... Joseph helps him out alot, he doesn't stay in the lines, Joe's a little compulsive, He, did the back. Now, most of ya'll know, we have two (2)acres. that's not any fun to mow. push mower. God help them..... Anyway, I'll call tomorrow and see if they want to schedule and mri asap, so we'll have it for the apt. on Thurz. I'll be letting ya'll know when we find out anything.

Everything has been going very smoothly for us, Jeff and I were just talking about when Jeffery makes it to 18yrs. old, we'll have to let him do "man things"... Things change so quickly. Don't misunderstand, He is doing very well. We just all get kinda freaky when He thinks something may be going on with the tumor site. Normally, He says, it'll all be alright, nothing is wrong, and He's always right. Jeffery is so special. We went to my niece, Madison's 1st on Sat. He had a good time, all the while, he had a headache, and never let on. Now that I think about it, I should've known something was not right, him and Jeff got into a little tiff over him trying to set on the table top, and he was very stuburn about trying to do it again. Sometimes it's alittle difficult to get him to listen, but that could be because he's almost 17yrs/old, right....? and not because his reasoning skills have been altered from brain surgery.....

Well, on to the new week, I'll be back to let ya'll in on our families goings, and comings.

note, new eddress at the bottom of the page. Peace and Prayers for you all, 4/J's

Friday, June 13, 2003 7:45 PM CDT

Hello to all out there in computer land..... All is going well here. Jeffery is done with the chemo, and felt very well, most of the week! Praise, God!!!! One more round to go, then on to the unknown. An adventure, we'll call it. One, much needed, and deserved!!! This entry will be short, because we've just learn how to burn CD's and download stuff off the net. We are busy. Thank you Grandpa Bob for the computer and the necessities that go with it, we're all enjoying this new found freedom!!! Joseph is really into it, I had to buy CD's @ Walmart, at 10:30pm, the other night. I was already out, but they are always, so busy here @ this Wallymart...... ANY WHO, appts. are set up, for all kinds of stuff, we'll keep ya'll updated as things progress around here.

And for all of you, remember, MOST of the time, when we don't update, ALL is WELL, we're just enjoying life and living it as if we were going HOME tomorrow! It's very pleasing to the soul, to just watch your children, sleep. Just a simple conversation with them, is so awesome, they are real people, with real thoughts, and emotions, just like ours, go figure. Peace and Prayers to your families, from ours. Thank you for keeping us in your lives, and your prayers. Please continue to write to us on here, someone is always checking the sign in sheet. Sometimes, Janet or Tonya will call and say, " Did you see who signed in today????" They like to read the entries too.

Desperate Hope for all childhood cancers,
Peace and Prayers,

If anyone has some extra funds just laying around, or really, if some body wants to donate monies, the Caringbridge needs some, to help support these free web sites to us folks who need them to share with our family, and friends, the awesome works that God is doing with our lives. Send your tax-deductible contribution to -
4607 Beacon Hill, Suite 200
Eagan, MN
or donate online at:

Thank you all for being here. Julie

Sunday, June 1, 2003 10:53 PM CDT

JUNE 4TH, HEY TODAY'S UPDATE: All is well with Jeffery from the docs point of view, we'll see the neurologist to see if he can get off the dilatin, and someone to help him with his memory skills, and to help us with home schooling or public school, along the lines of what to teach, and how much he'll absorb, without harming his self esteem. More on that later.

For all of you the have been following little Jalen's journey in this world. He has passed on to the best part of being human, getting to go home to our Father, his Mother is so deeply touching in what she writes about his passing, please go and read, and if you feel lead to, sign the page, she needs all the love and prayers she can get. Thank you all who go there to visit, ahead of time.

Hello ya'll, sorry it's taken so long for an update. We have been so busy around here lately.

My sister, Janet, and her family have been here with us, and they found a place in town, they move in next week end. They were lookin out here in the boonies with us, but no luck. They still will only be about 15mins. from us. That's alot for us though. We used to live 4 blocks from one another. We'll adjust, at least they are here in Jax. with us, and out of that "hot spot" that we so eagerly bought homes, and tried to raise our children in. God is good, and hopefully no one else in our family will be dx. with cancer. We'll try not to think about the fact the each droplet of Stronium 90, has a life of 28.5 years. Well, on to more news.

Jeffery is doing well, his blood counts of course, were great! He's becoming such a hard stick, they have to take his blood from his wrist, and man, does that hurt, but we were able to get some numbing meds. to put on him before they stuck him. Unfortunatly, we talked to the nurse about some things that were going on, and the Doc. requested more blood be drawn, the numbing meds. had worn off. He's had a few signs of something going on, hand shaking, his short term memory is not real good, he is forgetting alot of simple things, and he's had one head ache. He's been very tired too. Vision is fine, and his humor, well lets say, it's still there. They were checking patassium(sp), electrolytes, and calcium, to see if that was what was wrong, but they were fine too. We go to see Dr. Pitel on Wed. and maybe he'll be able to shed some light on what's happening. Maybe another MRI will be needed just to see if there is any tumor activity. We'll just keep praying that nothing is there! Most of you know that Jeffery's tumor is very fast when it starts to grow, so maybe we can catch it before it gets to strong. If that in fact is what's going on. We'll see, we have such a strong faith that God is healing Jeffery it doesn't seem possible. But, God, please forgive us, we are only human parents, and still fall to our knees when the thought of losing our son, presents itself. This is all to real, but at least some days, we can let it only hang, in the back of our minds, and not come to the surface to taunt us through out the day. We have had some very good days since our move, and at the end of each one, Jeff and I Thank God for the time that we've had, and practically, beg for more of it. My Mother said to me today, that God knew when you were born, what was in store for you, and what had to happen to you. I just can't believe that all the while Jeff and I were growing up, having the time of our lives as children, this was in store for us, I mean I do believe it, but man, CANCER SUCKS!

Joseph is having alittle trouble, were gonna seek some professional guidance for him, and us too, if needed. I just can't imagine, my sister or brother having cancer, and having to live through this. How horrible he must feel, you can't say anything, right or wrong, you might hurt someone, I know for a fact, that he'd like to kick himself in the behind for being, dare I say, mad at his brother for something. The guilt is to heavy for a child to carry. I know, he's 15yo., but he is still only a child. His heart, is that of a child, and we love him, and don't want any pain for him, either. I'll just repeat myself, CANCER SUCKS! I've read in some books about the siblings having such a hard time of it, they feel all kinds of things, resentment, shame, lonelyness, fear that they've done something to cause the cancer, the list goes on and on. He'll be OK, we'll work very hard to help him through anything, just like we will for Jeffery. That's our job right, only the manuel didn't come with instructions on how to care for your children, when cancer wants to be apart of your family too. I have to remind Joseph, and myself, we're not going to get it right ALL the time, but we'll die trying, for the wonderful priviledge that God has given to us, (being Jeffery and Joseph's, parents)

Thank you all for checking in, and please sign in, it's a great feeling to see you all out there.

Peace and Prayers for you all, from our family, 4/J's

Sunday, May 18, 2003 7:20 PM CDT

Hello all you wonderful people out there! I hope this week was good to you! Thank you all for checking in with us to see how it's going!

Well, last weeks chemo was ok, Jeffery stayed in his room, almost the whole entire time. He was very tired. We did get to go out and eat on Friday night, he really wanted to. We haven't been able to eat out for a long while. He's feeling good today, just tired, but we expect that.

Today, Jeff and the boys went out for a while, and they had a good time. Since we live out here in the boonies, they bought a gun. A pellet gun. They will not be using it unless Jeff is home to monitor, I can't be doing that kind of stuff.

Some of you know already that my sister, Janet is here with us. They have decided to stay, and find a place to live. Now more than ever, do I realize that God brought us here. It's been pretty discouraging looking for them a house to live in. I guess if we weren't being so picky, and trying to put them by us, they might have some luck. We'll see how that goes. We didn't have any, not one problem getting here, and this was the first place I looked at. My friend found it on the board at work. Maybe later, we'll be able to get some land and live on it together, when things staighten out some. That would be great, seeings we're so close to each other. Did that sound country???? Oh, nooooo. It's already happening....

Well, all the rest of our life is falling into place. Jeff's job might work out for awhile longer, he said this week end, he actually liked it. We'll see how long that lasts. God will take care of things for us though, life just seems easier when you let Him, drive. I'm signing off for now, but I'll be back soon. Hopefully we get to put the pool up in a few weeks. Man do we miss that pool.

Peace and Prayers for you all, and thank you again for checking in.


Friday, May 9, 2003 11:11 PM CDT


Just a few lines to give ya'll an update: Jeffery's MRI's are just the same as they were. Nothing there!! Praise God!! Thank you all for being patient with me on this! Dr. Pitel, the oncologist, has said that we'll go to 18 mth treatment, then stop the temodar. We are scared to death, but I guess we have to do this. He believes that 18mths. is long enough for it to do what it has to do. We'll see. Jeffery is so ready to stop taking the chemo, he's tired. God will watch over him! We have faith! I told the doc that he was tooo tired, and his comment was, " well, it's not from tumor action, because there isn't any". It's probably the Protocel, so I've cut him back to 12p,4p,8p, and double dose @ 12a. to see if this is what it is. If it is, then giving less, should help him to gain alittle more strength. It's probably from the lysing that is taking place in his body, from the Protocel juice. It's normal, supposed to happen. Getting rid of the bad cells. Blood work, excellent again this week. They are having a very hard time gettin to his veins. The mri took two times, they couldn't get in the contrast. We only let them try it 3x. We went back on Monday to try it again, and they had a peds. nurse there to assist, the radiologist is the one that actually got it. There have been having some luck with the vein in his wrist, man, that hurts! He's such a Man! We're getting that stuff to numb his arm, next time. At the mri place in Ft. Pierce, they had it there, here in Jax. they don't do it. We have to. That's ok, we will.... Anything for our baby!! Jeffery has lost alittle weight too, he was so happy about it, but we were worried, since he eats, very well!!

The people here @ Nemours are very nice to us, we're just so spoiled from Dr. Gowda and his absolutely wonderful staff! Oh, and the POST Ladies, Gosh, we miss ya'll! Did I tell ya'll they don't have a POST team here, they are called Child Care Specialist, they do just about the same thing, but a little different. Like I said, we were spoiled!

I was very impressed with their new Peds. Doctor Wallizada, he is very smart! Knew all about the Blounts Disease that Joseph has,not many Docs do. And, he suggested that,( I've not told many people this cause I have no info on this), but he said that he has heard of some of the Glio's leaving the body, as fast as they had come. Well, that would be just great to know for a fact, but like I said, I don't have any info on that view, but rest assured, if and when I do, I'll get it to ya'll. We are due to see him again, in 4 weeks, maybe he'll have some info for me, said he would look for it. We miss ya'll Dr. Walters and Beth, and Denise, and Kit.

Well, we've been very busy here still, getting lots of help from family and friends! Thank ya'll for everything, and for helping my family while we're in need. Oh, Jeff's job is very wierd, he had to work @ night this last week, but told his boss that the reason we moved here was so he could be with us, spend more time @ home, so he respectfully, put him back on days. It's a drive to the job, but just about everyone here drives quite a way to work, we just have to get used to it. I've been finding my way around Jax. again, who am I kiddin, I never knew my way around here. But, I'm doing ok at it. Maybe age has helped my sense of direction. More white hairs coming in, somebody, STOP this crazy train, and let me offfffff! This really cool radio station here has just the 80's music, my music. Man, I remember when my Mom was excited to listen to the 60's music, it was her music. Now, it's our turn..

Peace and Prayers to you all, We'll be back soon. More fun next week, will let ya'll know what it is soon.... hahaha 4/J's

Tuesday, April 29, 2003 1:44 PM CDT

Hello folks, all is well here today. Jeffery and Joseph have tired themselves out, playing, (I've been informed that I can't say that any more, they are 15, and 16yrs. old), so they've been HANGIN, outside, all day today. Everyone has felt good today. In our extended family, there is alot of sickness this week. My Mom, Grandma, and baby Madison, aren't feeling well. We therefore, can't be with them, so we're just hangin with ourselves. It's been pretty fun. I like my boys, their pretty neat guys. Even if I wasn't there mother, I'd hang out with them. lolol

We meet their new peds Doc. on Friday, the 2nd., and also Jeffery's MRI is scheduled for that day too. We will see the oncologist on the 7th, and let you know how that goes, they let the radiologist there at Nemours view the films. Thank you CMS for paying for Jeffery to go there, Medicaid wasn't excepted there. Things are panning out with the medical end of our move. Thank God. I was really stressing over the mri thing. Any who, all is well, and we pray that all is well with you and your families, please sign the guest book, so we know you were here.

enjoying our miracle, 4/J's

Wednesday, April 23, 2003 8:31 PM CDT

Hello All!!!!

Jeffery's stats: blood work, great after chemo. Just did find an open MRI place that would take CMS insurance, they wouldn't except his medicaid. (that's a load off). Nemour's is a very cool place, but we sure do miss Dr. Gowda and his wonderful staff. I had to call in to get the Kytril script, and you just can't talk to the nurse, like we're used to. So, I demanded that a child life specialist go find her, and get her on the phone, already a big mouth. Well, you've got to start somewhere, that problem got worked out rather quickly. The blood taker lady isn't like Mary and Pam (Dr. Gowda's nurses)either, but she knows the three tries rule, we made that very clear asap. All in all, it's been ok, they have been a few minor adjustments for us, but we're getting there. Jeffery had a ruff chemo week, but he is doing very well now. Thank you all for your prayers.

Well, it's been awhile hasn't it? We have been so busy, with moving, and then we had my sister and her family here for a wonderful week, and then Jeff's parent's and his Aunt Nihla, came for a few days from MI. Most everything is unpacked, well I should say, the family stuff. Jeffery's room on the other hand, is still in the closet. Janet straighted his room up real nice, but he still has alot of stuff to go in there yet. He wouldn't let me help, but he couldn't refuse Aunt Janet. Joseph is just as organized as humanly possible. His room has been in place from the start, Aunt Janet helped him put away his clothes too.

Jeff's job isn't what he expected it to be, but he's keeping it for awhile for a few good checks, maybe something will happen, and they'll get their company back on track. He doesn't like sittin around. It's a granite company, so there is potential, but no big chief's, just alot of little indian's running around.....lolol He is adjusting very well to the day time schedule though. Had his first week end off in about 10yrs. last week end. It was wonderful. To experience how normal families get to be together at night is a treat too, we will enjoy that, it may not last for long. We will see.

I'm adjusting well too, I think. It's strange to be back in Jville again. I've always been so scared of this place. At night, it looks like a Jack the Ripper stage. We don't live right in the city, so I guess that's why I haven't felt that uneasy about it. Well, that, and of course, God wanted us here anyway, so He took that fear away.

Everyone has been real nice to us, helping us out, till we can financially get back on our feet. It should only take alittle while longer. I won't name names, but you all know who you are, and we Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Your acts of kindness have truly been a blessing to our family, in our time on need, and we pray that God will bless you richly.

While I'm thanking, Thank you all for signing in on the page, as some of you know, Jeffery and Joseph have been reading them, and they have enjoyed seeing all the posts, and were really impressed that one came from London.

Peace, and Prayers to you all,

Thursday, April 10, 2003 11:24 PM CDT

Hello to all you WONDERFUL people....This is Janet... Jeffery's Aunt... I have been given the pleasure of updating Jeffery's page for you.... So to start off with... THANK YOU for your continued prayers...At this time Jeffery and his family are in Jacksonville...The move went well for them... They are very excited and exhausted.. but glad the moving part is over with... Now they can just sit back and start a new beginning for themselves...AMEN!!!!All of them are doing fine and we are going to take a vacation next week to visit them..We miss them so much.... BUT...believe me, I CALL THEM EVERYDAY!!! Hopefully Julie will have her computer up by Sat. I know it is upsetting to her not to be able to get on here and read your updates as well as read what you write to her...but, please hang in there.. If it isn't up when I get there, It will be shortly after...I would like to send their love and prayers to you all and want you to know that we are all praying for you and your families daily!!!! I seen this poem on one of the sites and I wanted to share it with you!!!! PEACE, LOVE AND PRAYERS ALWAYS, Jeff,Julie,Jeffery,Joey,Bruce,Janet,Matthew,Zachary and Jordyn
P.S.Grandma and Grandpa Sample we'll see you when you get there!!!!

For ALL Parents

I'll lend you, for a little time,
a child of Mine," He said,
"for you to love the while he lives
and mourn for when he's dead.
It may be six or seven years,
or twenty-two or three,
But will you, 'til I call him back,
take care of him for Me?
He'll bring his charms to gladden you,
and should his stay be brief,
You'll have his lovely memories
solace for your grief.
I cannot promise he will stay,
since all from earth return,
But there are lessons taught down there
I want this child to learn.
I've looked the wide world over
in search of teachers true,
And from the throngs that crowd life's lands,
I have selected you.
Now will you give him all your love,
nor think the labor vain,
Nor hate me, when I come to call
to take him back again?"
I fancied that I heard them say, "Dear Lord, Thy will be done!"
For all the joys thy child shall bring
the risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter him with tenderness,
we'll love him while we may,
And for the happiness we've known,
forever grateful stay.
But should the angels call for him
much sooner than we've planned,
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes
and try to understand!
(Association of Marian Helpers)

Sunday, March 30, 2003 1:00 PM CST

Thank you all for your letters, I am writing to you all in thanks for your prayers everybody............. ps.I am doing fine...... Love,sample Jeffery

Thursday, March 27, 2003 9:38 PM CST

Hello all you wonderful people! We hope that you all are having a great week! The butterflies are in Loving Memory of Zenyda Nerio. She loved them, and we know that she's surrounded by them all day at home with God!

For all of you who don't already now, Jeffery is doing GREAT! He has been on top of the game since Sunday morning. Yesterday, him and Joseph went outside, on their own, and took down the pool. We had attempted it the day before, but after all the draining of the season, and pulling all those tiny little plugs out, my back was hurting bad. So, while I rested the next day, and babied myself, they took down the rest of it, by their selves. ahhhhhhhhhhh, they aren't babies anymore, they could have done it without me in the first place. Today, they both got up and helped Jeff get me a washing machine into the house, and moved a couch here from Janet's house. Jeffery even noticed the quick rebound too.

He's alittle touchy with the pills he has to take, you know, kinda tired of them, so we searched the world over, and found liquid (yuk) but he'd rather them than get all choked up over the pills. Some he will still have to take, but for the most part everythings in liquid form now. A little bit more for me, but anything to make my Angel happy. Joseph is back on his Wellbutrin also, He made the choice to take it again, he thought that he needed something to help him with some issues which I won't get into here. Please say prayers for him too. His life is just as upside down, if not more, than ours.

Jeff did get to Jax. to look for some jobs, kinda rushed though, he has faith that all will work out though, so we're covered!!!!!!!!!! I gotta go for now, but I'd like for anyone who reads this to check out this site. His mother is very willing to talk to anyone who would like to about the protocel. She is well informed about it. Her name and number are at the bottom of the site. Please pass it on, if you'd like. They won't be back from their trip till April 5th I think.

Peace and Prayers to you all, and Thank you God for all you've done for us!

Saturday, March 22, 2003 6:18 PM CST

Hey everyone, hope your week end is great!

Jeffery is done with another round of temodar!!! Thank you God for holding him closly while he was under the wheather!! And Thank you for giving Jeff, Joseph, and Me, the strength to hang on!! Jeffery is tired, not wanting to go to Aunt Janet's to bathe, but he will. We pray that he will recover from this asap, so we can get out of here!

Jeff is going to Jax. Monday to look for a job. He could use ya'lls prayers for something that will allow him to be with us more, and still make ends meet. Thank you for everything. Peace and Prayers to you all, 4/J's

Almost done packing.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003 6:46 PM CST

Hello everyone, today has been a day of rest here.

Jeffery is on his third day of temodar, and feeling very tired. This round has been better than the last, but he's getting so tired all the time. He has been really sick with the nose, throat, and ear thing, since his last months chemo. He just can't shake it. Dr. Gowda put him on more antibiotics, so we'll see. We'll get his ears checked out before we get on the road to Jax. to make sure he's alright to travel to our new home.

Joseph has two ear infections, again. My sister and her husband think that our water is so bad here, that they are getting something from it. Well, just the thoughts are enough to make you sick. We will be showering at her house till we leave here. We brush our teeth with the bottled water that I buy. We have no other use for it, Thank God. What a mess, Calgone, take me away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everything is in place for the move, now we're just waiting for Jeffery to get through this round of temodar, and get to feelin better, and we're off.... on the road again.

Thank you all for checking in, and thank you to those wonderful people that checked in on a few other web sites. We all need prayer, and lots of prayer needs to be sent out to the families left here, while special people in thier lives are gone to fight in a war. God help us, all.

Peace, 4/J's

Friday, March 14, 2003 8:11 PM CST

Hello to all, thanks for checking in again. Janet (my sister)was checked out today. She has a hernia in her upper intestine,and gastritis. She is taking some meds for the gastritis, and we're not real sure about the hernia yet. I guess, it may just have to heal its self. Janet will call the doc. on Monday and ask, she was alittle out of it, and they assumed the meds. were for that too, but they are only for the gastritis. We are thankful that she has no polyps, or anything that might cause for surgery. Thank you God, and thank you all for praying for her.

Well, we're all feeling better around here, ready to move on now. Jeffery has even started to pack his room,(I know that's so I won't do it....) After Monday when we go to the doc to do the EEG, I'll update again, and let ya'll know what's going on, if we know, that is......

Joseph and Zack are playing hard tonight,(basket ball, again) and Matt went home with his Mom to watch over her while she rests. He'll be asleep in 10mins too. I'm gonna get off of here now so I can rest too. Our prayers are with you and your families also. Peace, 4/J's

Hey if any of you get a chance, and want to reach out and touch someone, please check on this most awesome family. They lost two children in the same year, four months apart. Their story is devistating, and full of faith, and the grip that they have on their trust in God is very inspiring to all that know, and know of them. Thanks for listening folks.
please let them know you've been to their site, and have prayed for them, it is the most wonderful feeling, almost like a great big hug. Peace

Sunday, March 9, 2003 12:50 AM CST

this is for 03/10/03******* HEY, just a quick update to let you know about Jeffery's Dr. appt. yesterday. IF he's having seizure's, they are very, very mild. Hopefully he will be clear to do the EEG on Mon. to try an monitor them. (will let you know, he can't be coughing or sneezing, or have had much sleep for the test) He is on another round of antibiotics. He does still have the right ear infection, and that could be the cause of his left ear having pain. He is outside right now playing basket ball with Joseph, so I know he will be ok, and get better soon. He's very strong, and tired of taking extra pills, etc.What he already takes is enough. Peace, and I'll update on Friday night or Sat. morning about Janet. 4/J's

******************* 03/09/03************

Hello to all, and thank you for checkin in on us. May the Lord bless you all.

Jeffery is feeling better, his left ear is hurting him though, and we're going to see Dr. Gowda on Monday morning, because the peds. doctors can't find anything in there. I'll update on that later.

We are hangin in there, and ready to get out of here. Seems the longer we stay, the more that happens to us. Our prayer is that the devil will leave us alone. Life is so strange lately, it's just really unbelievable the stuff that goes on, things that can really make you wonder, "what's really going on here?" I told Jeff that we just have to be strong on hold on tight, as long as we're together on things, we'll be ok. There is no time in this world for taking it on your "own" anymore. We all have to stick together, help each other, pray for each other, and truly love each other. That's how I want to leave this world anyway, with peace in my heart, knowing I did what I could, to, and for my worldly brothers, and sisters.

Peace and Prayers for you all,
Love 4/J's

Thank you, to you all that have checked into other caringbridge sites, it makes me feel real good to see your names on thier pages. A little encouragement can go a very, long, long, way. It always, makes you feel good to do something nice for some one else, doesn't it.

Oh, I forgot to tell ya'll about Janet. She went to the liver doc, and he said that wasn't what he was concerned about right now, he's having her do a colonoscopy (sp) this coming Friday, and will check the stomach too, if I understood correctly. Please pray for her, she's under alot of stress these days. Jordyn did get to come up this week end, unfortunatly my household didnt' get to see her much because we're sick.

Have a great week people, and don't move to fast, you may mish something fun, or important. Peace

Tuesday, March 4, 2003 9:55 PM CST

Hey ya'll, hope all is well this week with you and yours. We are hanging in there.

There's a new kid on the block. To be exact, he lives four (4) blocks from us. Shawn is his name, and I think he's about 9yrs. beautiful read hair, and a real sweet personality. He has been dx with Medulloblastoma, a malignant tumor in his brain. Now, as fate would have it, we met them on accident. We rarely go over to visit the POST ladies, but that day Jeffery wanted to, and there they where. It was really cool, and then, pain set in. To know another baby has to go through what Jeffery went through just makes me sick. Shawn's protocal is regular chemo, (not temodar, like Jeffery's) he's sick alot, and can't eat much of anything. He is taking radiation to his head, and spine now. Please remember them in your prayers. They are new to this ugly part of the world, he was dx. one year to the day, after Jeffery was. His web page is check it out, and sign in too, let them know your out there praying for them. Thanks again.

Is there something here??? We do intend to find out, even if we aren't going to live here anymore. God, just make it stop. Give us the courage, and the wisdom to stop this killer.

Jeffery was doing really well, feeling good after his chemo this month, and Friday he got really sick. On steriods, some kind of coughing pill, breathing treatments, antibiotics, and lots of love and care. He looks sicker than he ever has, today he feels better though, his coughing has decreased alittle, making it easier for him to breathe, and has started to be alittle productive too. Chest x-rays show NO pneumonia! Lungs are clear, just a really nasty cough, and an ear infection. Sorry I haven't updated sooner, but I've been busy, and really tired.

Joseph is feeling all better now. He's been playing video games, and helping me pack. I should say, He's packing, he has done most of it. Oh, and he's trying to get me off the computer right now, so he can search the web..... Since those wonderful people fixed this thing, the boys stay on it. That's good though.

My sister, Janet had her doc's appt. today. The ultrasound showed Nothing noticably wrong with her gallbladder. The doc is sending her to a liver specialist on Friday. CT's w/contrast stuff due to been done tomorrow, He mentioned fatty spots on her liver could be the pain she's feeling. We aren't going to add lib anything, we'll just pray, and wait till she goes to the next appt. Her boys are doing great, back at school, and playing hard. Jordyn trying to come and visit this week end too. That will be nice. We miss her terribly. Janet's friends have lost thier home to a fire, everyone in the family is fine, they were not at home when it happeded, Thank you God! Please pray for them to re-establish thier lives quickly, and gracefully.

O.K. I'm done for now, I'll be back......
Peace, and Prayers to you all,
AND, thank you for all of your prayers.

Thursday, February 27, 2003 9:52 PM CST

Well, hello everyone who's checking in. Today was a good day, I'll start by adding to last entry.

My sister's boys, Matt, and Zack, returned to school today. They were so sickly and had to miss alot of days. We went out to eat with them tonight, and it's really the first time we've seen them for awhile, they looked great, but tired. They should sleep well tonight. :) Thank you for the prayers for thier recovery. Janet has gone to get the ultra sound the doc requested, but has to wait till next Tuesday to find out what it says, and what he will do. So, I will keep you updated on that one too. (probably gallbladder)

Jeffery is feeling back up to par, around 80% I'd say. Stomache is still a mess, but he continues to move on, in spite of it. God only knows where they get that motivation. Again, Thank you all for your prayers.

Joseph wasn't well a few days before we were to go to Jax. to see the house, and by Monday, he was down for the count. Jeff stayed home with both the boys, and I went alone. The house was absolutely beautiful, very clean, and very welcoming. I just couldn't really get into it. My feelings were all over the place. Mostly just because, the decision was left up to me. alone I feared that the men in my house wouldn't like it. We are so, by ourselves in our back yard, with a big fence, and wooded lots on either side of us. In the new house, it is opened, on 2 acreas on land, but open, no trees to seperate the neighbors. Well, as it turns out, we will be able to put up some kind of fence, not the whole property, but something to house the pool, and the dog. The landlord, Mike, is a very understanding young man, He and his wife choose to let us have it, if we wanted it, even before I came up to see it. Thank you God! He is always looking out for us. As a matter of fact, that was the only place I looked at, and I already knew that it would be our home for awhile. Just felt it I guess. God always provides a way for us, somehow. It's out, away from the city of Jax. (my home town) so, I will feel more comfortable about living there. Everyone, even the boys ped. doctor, said the care there will be excellent. Dr. Gowda even said so too.

We'll be moved in by April 1st. I didn't realize how much stuff we had put in this house over the years, until I walked through it, and thought about packing. What a mess! Joseph has already packed his room, actually, it's been packed since the day We told them we were moving. He's just like me, ready to go NOW, as soon as the thought enters the mind. heheheheheheeh.

Peace and Prayers to you all,

Jeff, Julie, Jeffery, Joseph, and Bleu

Saturday, February 22, 2003 6:16 AM CST

Good moring to all, We hope and pray that this week has been good to you.

Jeffery did well on the temodar this week, he's been very tired, and not able to go out or do much but watch t.v. and play with Joseph, every now and then. It's so great to see them together, (when they are getting along....) I love hearing them talk, just like real people........ I'm sure some of you can relate to that experience, it's weird to realize that your children have grown, and have idea's and thought's , and lives of their own. Well, while they are still living at home.......................................

My sister, and her boys are sick. The boys have pnemonia(sp), and she has to go see a surgeon about her gallblader on Tues. Matthew and Zack are to have another check up this Monday, to check their blood work and chest x-rays out. We've had to keep them away from Jeffery until we know for sure that they are ok, which is hard for us, we're always together some way, shape or form. Please remember them in your prayers this week, will update about them soon.

Joseph and I will be going to Jacksonville this Monday to see our new digs, (hopefully) Jeff and Jeffery will stay home together and do guy stuff, everything better be here when we get back, Jeff!!!!! hehehehe
I'll let you know around Tuesday what's going on with the house in Jax. We know that God has been there for us this far, and has a wonderful plan for the rest. Take care all, and have a wonderful weekend!!

Peace, and Prayers to ya'll,
Jeff, Julie, Jeffery, Joseph, and Bleu

Monday, February 17, 2003 9:54 PM CST

Hey everyone, hope and pray today was well for you and yours! We've had a good day. Thank you for checkin in.

Dr. Gowda was, once again, pleased with Jeffery's check up today. His blood counts were good, as usual, Thank God. I asked him when would we have to stop the temodar, and he said," Like you, I too, am worried about what will happen when he stops taking it," So, for now, he still takes it. And just for the record, he is doing excellent, physically. Jeffery told Dr. Gowda that he still wants to come down and see him when we move. Dr. Gowda said that would be great, but he needs somebody closer to him, and told Jeffery he was welcome to come and visit him anytime. I just really think very highly of Dr. Gowda, the job he has is unbelievable, and he still found the time to make Jeffery feel good today. Thank you God! and Thank you Dr. Gowda!

After the doctors visit, Jeffery decided that it would be a good time to go see Zenyda's grave site. It was over whelming for me to say the least. Jeffery on the other hand was very Manly! He walked over to her grave, and immediately started saying a prayer, I was very uncomfortable, and my baby held my hand and comforted me. We went to the car to get his scooby do key chain, that he loves, and he said, "Mom, I'd like to go give this to her on my own." so, I watched my boy walk like a man over to Zenyda's grave, and he knelt down so gracefully, and spoke to her. While I stood trying not to watch him, crying my eyes out. I pray that this was an end for Jeffery's mourning over Zenyda, and now he can let her memory rest in his heart, and not so hard in his head.

I'll write more later, at the end of the chemo.

Peace and Love to you all,
Jeff, Julie, Jeffery, Joseph, and Bleu

Saturday, February 15, 2003 10:36 AM CST

Hey everybody!!!! Sorry no updates lately, our hard drive cruzzzzzed on us. Our wonderful brother-in-law, Bruce, has some really cool buddies that gave us a major hook up!!!! Thank you guys for your help, you've done a great thing, may your blessings be hardy, and your trails be few!!! This is so cool, the boys, me, and even Jeff are having a great time checking out all the neat stuff on here, we were so deprived.......Thank you from all our hearts.

We've all be doing well physically here, our cousin, Matt, has had a miserable flu type thing, lasting for over a week now, he missed all week of school. Recovering nicely now though.

Since our decision to move has come about, things have been falling nicely into place. We are really ready to move on now, but it will take some more time to be able to go financially. We got some new clothes, that were badly needed, and that set us back a bit, we'll be on schedule by next month though. We are going on faith, and trusting in the Lord to get us through it all.

Joseph has had some really bad nose days lately, the wind stirring stuff up doesn't help any, he still keeps on keeping on though, I see a strong, wonderful, caring, man in his near future! He's been through so many trials of his own, not to mention the trails of being a brother to a young man with brain cancer. God has blessed him with awesome insite, a loving heart, and a strong will. Joseph was put in my life to keep me grounded. Thank you God!

Jeffery is physically well, starting chemo Monday. He's been thinking about Zenyda alot lately. He told me that last night, he talks to her morning and night, he misses her, and is trying to cope with those feelings, helping a young man deal with death is just plane hard to do. Please pray that he'll get though this trail in his life, gracefully. God put Zenyda in Jeffery's life for a reason, I believe she is still there for him, guiding him sort of. There, I said it. I do not want the time for him to go, to come, but I am happy that she will be there for him, then too.

OK, didn't mean to get to deep there. I guess Jeffery tapped into some of my emotions. Crying just helps make room for more life. I'll talk to ya'll later, going to see Dr. Gowda on Monday, will update after his temodar treatment on Friday. Have a wonderful week people, and Thank you for checking up on us. Peace,

Jeff, Julie, Jeffery, Joseph, and Bleu

ps. no new pics, lost everything on the computer, we will try to get some soon.

Wednesday, February 5, 2003 11:58 PM CST

I talked to Dr. Pincus today, well his secretary. He did what he said and reviewed the films with his buds, and they all said the same as him, no surgery at this time. They will send the films back to us this week, and then I'll send them on to J.Hopkins. Jeff and I have prayed about this just about every minute of the day, and we have come to the conclusion that Jeffery doesn't need this surgery at this time. Thank you all for your prayers on this matter, this is something no parent should have to think about, and unfortunatly we don't live in a perfect world, YET. We are at peace with our decision, and pray that all of you out there will be too. Now, with that said, if the films do get to J.Hopkins, and they start up conversation about the surgery with a benefit side to it, we will then, pray about it again, and see where God leads us!

There is another change fixin to take place in our lives. Jeff and I have decided to move our family to Jacksonville. We have thought about this move for years, actually, Jeff has always wanted to be there, I always fought it though, (hey man, that's my job). Anyway, I believe God used my sister's as a tool to help me see our future, just like that, I could see that's where we need to be. There is alot of family, and a huge support system for us there. We have had all kinds of support here, we've tried very hard to keep it going, but things have been wrong ever since we moved in here. Almost like a black cloud over it or something, I always joke about the devil playing in our front yard, and telling him to get out has become an every day event around here. As our septic system over flowed once again, (we had a new one put in 2yrs ago),we just sat and decided then that it is time to go. Jeffery sat on the front porch, looking out over the yard that was then full of poopy water, and said, "Mom, when are we getting out of this hell hole?" Well, when your kids notice it's bad, it's time. I sure have loved living in this house, and I love the back porch the best, we will miss it all, but not the problems that have come with it. I know that house things will always have to be done, but if you really know us, you know what we've had to do around here, and it never stops. We are not giving up, just trying to give the best quality of life for our boys that we can, and this isn't it. We know that God will work it all out for us, we feel him making decisions for us now, I guess He figures we need His help now. We'll start getting new Doc.s for Jeffery and Joseph as soon as possible, and Jeffery will be transferred to an Oncologist there, he'll go to Shands for surgeons too. We'll find them the best pediatric doc that we can, it will be hard to leave Dr. Walters, we've been with him for along time. Jeffery asked could he still come and see Dr. Gowda. I told him, anytime he wanted we would come down and visit with him, he feels like us too, we have depended on Dr. Gowda for this whole last year, leaving him feels like leaving family. This man has meant alot to our family, as I'm sure he does to all the children that have to visit with him. Well, I chattered on for awhile now, and I'm sure I've left something out, but I'll get it in next time. This moving process should be within the next 2mths. We are afraid of what could happen in that time with Jeffery, but we are determind not to let that fear hold us back anymore. Cancer is a part of our lives, and always will be, we can't change that, but we do choose to not let it take control of all of our lives. Peace and Prayers to you all, and please don't forget to say a prayer for all the children on this web site, and those who aren't, as well. Their little lives have changed all of ours. Jeff, Julie, Jeffery, Joseph, and Bleu

Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 08:47 PM (CST)

hey everyone, we went to see Dr. Pincus @ Shands today, what a long trip that was! Anyway, he doesn't think that the surgery should be done at this time. He said maybe if there was something wrong, and Dr. Chaparro was going in anyway, then maybe. He pointed out that there are other less invasive procedures that could be done at that point too. He said that Jeffery is in remarkable condition, one year out, and doing great! He also said that after looking at the MRI's, he saw NO disease, only things that could be residuel tumor, or dead cells from radiation. We discussed the pros and cons, and the disadvantages of this surgery greatly out weighed the benefits, (none) he doesn't know of anyone, with a glio/tumor, that this type of surgery has cured. We all know that the glio's always come back and they don't have to be in the same place. The cancer cells are woven throughout the brain tissues, and have, up to this point/until they met with Jeffery, always regenerated growth. He asked us to go to Miami if we weren't satisfied with his opinion, and to keep looking until we are sure. He asked to keep the MRI's till next week so he can take them to the tumor board for those other surgeon's to look over too, then he will give me their info, one of them may say, hey, this could work, but he believes they will say the same as him. no surgery, right now.

We asked God to give him knowledge to help us, and I believe he did do just that. No, isn't what we expected to hear, we just figured he'd say, it sounds logical, but he didn't. We'll sit down and figure this out after we talk to him on Wed. and then after I tell Dr. Gowda and Dr. Chaparro what Dr. Pincus has said, we'll work through all the hard stuff and get to what is best for Jeffery. right now. Thank you all for your continued prayers for Jeffery and we love each and everyone of you for being out there for us during the most devistating time of our lives. Peace, 4/J's

Monday, January 27, 2003 at 10:22 PM (CST)

Well, we're off for Shands in Gainsville on Wed. apt. @ 9am. Dr. Pincus, I believe. Please pray with us that the Doctor will be able to help us see all that the lobectomy may bring to our baby boy. At this point, good (preferrably), or bad, information will hopefully enable us to make a decision. We are waiting on God for the final decision though, Jeff and I aren't strong enough to make it by ourselves. In reality, none of us are. Have a wonderful day today, and I'll get back with ya'll Wed. night. Peace to you all! 4/J's

Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 12:21 AM (CST)

Monday, January 20, 2003 at 09:30 PM (CST)

Today Dr. Gowda saw Jeffery and we briefly discussed what the surgery plans where. He agrees that we need someone else to help us make this decision. He can not make the decision for us,(of course not!lololol) He is not a neurosurgeon, only the best oncologist that ever lived! But he said, we are talking about a cure here. J.Hopkins wrote back to me today and said to send Jeffery's MRI's and they would give a look see, not in those words. Pam (nurse) has already sent a referral to Shands for us, so the ball is rolling, hope we can keep up with it.......I don't have anything else to tell ya'll about, oh wait, Jeffery is starting chemo tonight. He still has an ear infection, it didn't ever go away, and he hasn't complained about it once. Joseph is over his infection and doing well, our dog seems to be sickly though. Bleu is his name. don't worry we won't let him sleep with Jeffery, he usally takes up with Joseph during the chemo treatments just to be safe. (that was for my mom)lolooooo. We start our diet plan tomorrow, Jeffery has to lose alot of weight before the surgery, (if he has surgery) because he will have to be in an MRI machine during the whole thing. He says no way man. but he'd be ok if maybe they put him to sleep first? We all need to lose some anyway to feel better, stress and weight don't go well together. Anyway, I would like to thank all of you for your inputs on this situation, it has helped us to sort through some things, stuff we hadn't even thought of. Peace and Prayers to you ALL!

Patiently waiting for our miracle,
Jeff, Julie, Jeffery, Joseph, and Bleu

Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 09:40 AM (CST)

Well, I'll start out by saying, there is very little tumor left in Jeffery's brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU GOD FOR THE HEALING TAKING PLACE IN OUR SON! It may just be residuel tumor, (the dead cells). The mri's looked great, the surgeon was very impressed with Jeffery and how his recovery has just been off the charts! It is just amazing to see how a doctor reacts to God's healing! We are walking on the clouds over this, the only thing is Dr. Chaparro isn't letting us enjoy it. Our emotions are all over the place, I actually feel sick right now just thinking about it. He wants to do that frontal left labotomy, (ok, maybe I don't spell that good)that he had spoke about before. I'll try to explain it to ya'll. While the area (tumor site) in the brain is so confined in the left hemisphere he'd like to take it out, in hopes that he could get all of the cancer cells, remember this glio tumor is like a jelly fish big mass on top and tenticles all woven through the brain tissues, IF he takes the front left mass, the chances of him getting ALL the tenticles are very great. He will not give percents or anything else that could be decieving, he will only say that he has only met ONE PERSON, in his whole career, that had the whole left hemisphere taken, and is now 20years later, cancer free, the man was cured! now he does have a great disadvantage, his mind has been altered, he didn't say that her was retarded, only that he has great mental disabilities. He has no cancer though. Dr. Chaparro is a extremely confident man, his bed side manner is very minimal, but he is one of the best surgeons around! He believes that he can take the left front without damaging anything, the personality section of the brain is very close to the site, He can only say that he may have some personality changes, but he always give the worst possible outcome to cover his own butt. He did the same when we were waiting for the results of the tumor. He gave us the worst and it came back the worst. We were not prepared, but informed, so he was covered.

The big thing here is prayer, Jeff and I prayed all night last night that God would give us something, to know which decision to make, we are at a loss, no words can truly explain how we feel at this time. We have a window of 8wks to make our choice, Jeffery will be involved at this point. The doctor told him yesterday, that instead of his life expectency being 1-5years, now it could be over 20years. Needless to say Jeffery was overwhelmed at the thought of death within 5yr. (ei.... bad bedside manner) Jeffery knows that this cancer can take his life, we just never put any timelines in for him, only God can make those. Jeffery said last night at my sister's house that he was going to FIGHT, all the way, so maybe his decision is made, now would ya'll pray for Jeff and I to be able to come to terms and be given the right choice, ask God specificly to help us with an answer. ok, back to the window, we need to strike while the iron is hot, and Chaparro said, It's smoking. If Jeffery has to stop taking the temador, and he will have to eventually, it will break down his body, the cells will come back to form a tumor again, and we start all over. so that's the window of time that we have to think about, I've got a call into Duke for a second, and I'm calling Dr. Gowda here, he will also be envolved with the decision. As this thing comes into play, I will let you know every step that I can. Thank you all for your prayers!

Peace, Jeff and Julie

Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 05:45 PM (CST)

Good day to you all! I pray that all is well, and if it isn't, nobody is telling me. ( I know all of ya'll have problems too, so don't spare me, keep me in the loop please.) THANK YOU ALL for writing to me, posting on Jeffery's web page, and to me personally! That is so cool to get online and see all of ya'll, I can't wait to get on here every day, the boys are using it alot for school, learning spanish, and wouldn't you know, they have spanish games for them to play.....lololol.

We've been sickly around here this week. We all got a cold and the boys couldn't shake theirs, so they went to the doctors today.

Jeffery has a bad ear infection, and a sore throat. Doc said his throat looked good though, on antibiotics and lots of rest, he's been sleeping since we got home.

Joseph has an ear infection too, and a sore throat, his throat is also clear though, he will be taking steriod for his cough, hopefully it won't go any further than that. (asthma) and using the nebulizer(we call it the breathing machine). He's playing right now with Matthew and Zach. Can't keep that boy down!

Do you think they planned this just in the nick of time for us to start homeschooling again, we all stayed well for the holidays, and now they get sick. Go figure!!! and the ear infections?????? they haven't been in a pool for months. Maybe they put water in each others ears????? lolololol.

Jeff and I are hanging in there, he's been really sick, but still keeps on working. God has blessed me with a wonderful man, we're almost to the 17 year mark. (Feb.) I'm just tired, we all are, Jeff said today that we're all sleeping to much around here. We gotta get it together soon. Starting back with school will help, and hopefully God will be able to work it so I can get a job and help out some, you know, I've always worked, not always at the same job, but working somewhere. Staying home is harder for me than working, but whatever God wants, He will have! The most part of me not working is because Jeffery isn't supposed to be left alone, at any time via.... the surgeon. And it's to much for Joseph, Jeffery makes it hard for him. You know taking his role and all. It isn't cool for the little brother to watch out for the older brother, they have worked it out alittle though. Jeffery knows that Joseph only wants him to be careful, and he'll try ever time to do something silly so Joe will freak out.. so, they don't get left alone anymore......... Janet helps me out alot though, whenever I need her to watch them or one of them, Her, or Bruce will come over. What a blessing they are to our family! I'll post again after the surgeon visit, and let ya'll know what's going on.

Hope this weather isn't to bad for ya'll, I love it, the boys love the cold too, Jeff doesn't! Peace and Love to you all!

Jeff, Julie, Jeffery, Joseph ( 4J's)

Monday, December 30, 2002 at 05:20 PM (CST)

Hey everyone! I'm just gonna have faith that ya'll had a great Christmas! Ours was great, seemed different this year, the meaning has changed for us. We are so thankful to God for Christmas with both of our babies, and we will have faith that there are more Christmas' to come with us all together!
Today at Dr. Gowda's office, we discussed Jeffery's treatments. The temodar treatments will continue as long as they continue to help Jeffery and not make anything worse! ( thank you fda?) this means that January will not be his last month as we thought before. He is not real happy about it, but he knows that this, along with the protocel may be just what he needs to live, until they find a cure for this horrible illness. He has told me once that he couldn't imagine life without the temodar, well now he won't have to huh? I have to admit, I've been alittle worried about what will happen when he stops taking the temodar, afraid I guess about more surgery or something worse than that. Now, I can have alittle peace, for the time being too! Jeffery had some headaches, and mostly stayed in the bed this time, he was, and still is, very tired. Dr. Gowda said it would be alright to give him some vitamins, just not the week of the chemo treatments. Hopefully those will help give him some strength. His blood work is fine, and has been from the start of this, low dilantin level, but always has had that, as long as it stays in his system it's all good! The zofran isn't working as well as it did before, his tummy was very upset this time, even with round the clock zofran. We'll see what is available next month. MRI scheduled for Jan. 10th, to see surgeon on Jan. 13th. I'll let ya'll know what's up after that. Thank you all for your continued prayers, and wonderful thoughts for our family!
Oh, I almost forgot to tell ya, some people that come in where Jeff works got together and got Jeffery and Joseph a golf cart, yes, a real one! If some of you remember, that's all he wanted for his MakeAWish request, but they don't do stuff w/motors, nor pools. So this guy was like, Jeffery is getting a golf cart! And God worked it out! Isn't that awesome! These days we are really being blessed! Everyone have a safe and beautiful New Years! Peace, Jeff and Julie

Tuesday, December 24, 2002 at 12:23 PM (CST)

WELL, it's here, Merry Christmas to you all! Jeffery has started his chemo last night. Seems well today! Thank you God! We went to Jax. to visit family this last week end, and we had a wonderful time! Unfortunatly, we didn't get to see all our family there, but I promise we will try again soon. I believe when Jeffery has completed the chemo for good, we will travel around abit, I hope to get him to Graceland as soon as we can, He loves Elvis. All right, I'm gonna keep this one short and I'll be sure and get back here next week.

Mri scheduled for next week, and then on to see the surgeon, I will let you all know how it goes. Wouldn't that be awesome if they find nothing in his head, but his brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love to you all, Peace, Jeff and Julie

Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 03:47 PM (CST)

Hello to all, seems like Christmas is just around the corner now huh? Well, we wish all of you the best Christmas ever! And a great big THANK YOU to all of you who have ensured our family will have a wonderful Christmas too! It's so hard to except help, but these days it seems all God wants us to learn is to humble ourselves, and the one I have the most trouble with, patients!
I would like to take this time also to Thank all of you for your prayers concerning Jeffery's friend Zenyda, she has left this world to be with the Lord! Now, she will be in NO pain, she will be perfect in ever way! Do say a prayer for her family, they were so strong through her sickness. The funeral was so beautiful, nobody could have been strong there though. Love and hug on your babies as much as you can, they probably won't let us do that for to long.
Please say an extra prayer for my sister and her family today, they have been so good to us, just pray that God will help them find some peace through this journey too, they are our boys second set of parents. Talk to ya'll next week, Jeff and Julie

Monday, December 09, 2002 at 10:48 PM (CST)

Well, hope that everyone is doing well this week! Hey, maybe I won't be able to write in this journal EVERY week, but I'll try hard! This week we were able to attend the American Cancer Society Christmas Party! It was really great, lots of fun. They had wrestlers and a ring with lots of rounds! George "the animal steele", and "hacksaw Jim Dougin" (could be sp. wrong) and lots of local fighters. At first it was funny, but then it got good! My boys loved it, to those of you who don't know, Joseph is a big fan of wrestling, so it made his day, still he sat kinda quiet, but he had an awesome time! Jeffery got in the ring and put two locals in a headlock for some pics, they did let all the kids get pics and autographs, but Jeffery's were really cool! The wonderful fire fighters and Santa and wife were present also. The boys really dug to wrestlers, so they didn't go visit the Clauses. A couple of fire fighters came and sat w/us and talked Jeffery into gettin in the ring. I sure wish Joseph would've gone too, but maybe next time. They got to come home with two great big trash bags full of presents, and lots of pictures, I'll try to get some on here tonight. I'm not so good at that. Well, I'll get back w/ya'll soon,oh. Jeffery's health has been great this week, and his his memory has improved. Thank you for your prayers again, and we pray that your families are in good health and spirits! Jeff and Julie. Peace

Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 08:00 PM (CST)

Hello to all you wonderful people that are in our lives now. This part will be updated at least once a week. May God bless your lives richly! Jeff and Julie

Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 07:49 PM (CST)

This page has just been created. Please check back for additional updates.

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----End of History----