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28 Heartfelt Thank You Messages for Nurses

Nurses are truly superheroes. They brave the front lines for us so we don’t have to.

We asked our Facebook followers to share some gratitude messages for nurses, and hundreds of responses flooded in.

If you’re searching for words to show your appreciation to essential workers, these comments may offer some inspiration. Here are 28 thank you messages to say to nurses right now:

  1. “Thank you for putting yourself on the front line.”

  2. “We greatly appreciate your service.”

  3. “May God bless you and keep you safe.”

  4. “We need you.”

  5. “Thank you for all your hours of hard work and devoted labor.”

  6. “We are so proud of you.”

  7. “Thank you to all the nurses, doctors and first responders who have proven they are true heroes! We greatly appreciate your service!”

  8. “You have dedicated your lives in the medical field and helping others. We are so very grateful for that choice.”

  9. “Praying for your safety and protection as you do your job helping others.”

  10. “Thank you for going beyond the call of duty.”

  11. “You are the glue that keeps us together.”

  12. “We are forever thankful for your unselfishness.”

  13. “Words can’t express my gratefulness, but my heart can.”

  14. “Thank you for going into sometimes unknown territory and risking your lives for our health.”

  15. “You’ll be in our hearts forever.”

  16. “Your dedication and expertise is incredible.”

  17. “I admire your courage.”

  18. “You are our angels in scrubs.”

  19. “You are my heroes!”

  20. “Thank you for taking care of us and keeping us safe.”

  21. “We pray for you to come through safely and to be with your families who also need you now. Know that you are being prayed for every day by millions of people.”

  22. “You touch lives with care in all that you do.”

  23. “You have a heart of gold.”

  24. “Thank all of you who are working night and day to help our patients.”

  25. “You guys are awesome, you’re the true heroes on the front lines. God bless you all. Thanks for all you do. We love you!”

  26. “We owe all of you so much.”

  27. “Thank you for risking your lives to save ours.”

  28. “Much respect and gratefulness for what you do. Praying for God’s protection as you perform your selfless acts of love and caring.”

From Our Community to Yours, Thank You

“You all work long and hard hours and you clock in and sometimes don’t clock back out. Long shifts and you see the sun come up and the moon rise. You all see all kinds of hard things and some good. You are full of emotions yourselves but somehow you keep a straight face in the public eye. Y’all are like Marines, first to be called out and the last to come in once the mission is over. You see life and death everyday. So I totally agree to support all medical responders. Especially our nurses all over the world.”

Cheryl S.

“You all are amazing and wonderful in your jobs. Without you doing your job each and every day so many people would suffer unimaginable pain. You give of yourself freely, with love, and kindness to complete strangers that you will probably never see again, but you do touch each and every patient along with their families.”

Pamela K.

“Thank you isn’t enough. I wish I could take some of the stress, worries, pain and heartbreak from you. I wish that I could mail you a large care package of extra energy, strength, love, and compassion that is needed every day. Thank you for taking care of our loved ones when they need you.”

Pamela L.

“What can you possibly say to someone who risks their own life and also the lives of their families to take care of others? Anyone who runs to violence, fire, EMT, and the Medical field has my undying respect, my love, and my prayers. Thank you.”

Bob G.

“It is no question that you have a challenging, tireless job, but despite all that, you still push through and do the best you can for your patients… thank you.”

Lorna S. M.

“Thank you for taking such good care of so many people throughout this terrifying healthcare crisis. I can’t imagine the strain this is putting on you all – so I just want you to know that I think of you all every day with profound gratitude and awe. If there’s anything we civilians can do to help (besides wearing masks & staying home) please let us know. You are our heroes.”

Susie M.

“Thank you is too small a sentiment to express our gratitude for all you do. You are the very best among us. We appreciate all nurses, doctors, EMT’s, hospital workers and other first responders for your time and sacrifice. You are angels on Earth.”

Linda S.

Gratitude Makes a Difference

Mallory R., a nurse working in Denver, reminds us how much any display of gratitude is appreciated: “It really feels nice to be supported by the community and local businesses, and to see all the different expressions of gratitude. My pathway into work is plastered with hundreds of thank you notes from kids and adults. Every time I walk into work I see messages like ‘You matter’ and ‘You’re important.’ Things like that give us good energy before the shift starts.”

We hope these messages sparked some ideas of ways to say thank you to nurses. And if you are in the medical field, we hope this shows a glimpse of our appreciation.

The gratitude doesn’t need to stop here! You can share your own thank you message for healthcare workers in the comments below.

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