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Sunday, April 12, 2009 5:44 PM CDT

Monday night from 5:00-8:00 pm at Cameronian

Tuesday at 1:00 pm at Cameronian

Saturday, April 11, 2009 10:34 pm EST

Mama passed away at 4:50 pm today.

As I wrote earlier, she was in Septic Shock and agreed to be placed on the ventilator to help her body rest and heal. She continued to have trouble keeping her blood pressure up even with the medicine and fluids. The staff at Duke did CPR for a short while and Kenneth requested they stop because mama did not want much done. She had told Kenneth, Charlie, and I that she did not want to be on life support for a long period of time. She made sure that we did not have to make the difficult decision of removing her from life support. This was her way of looking out for us and trying to make it easier for us as she always did. She was always putting others first even when she was sick.

Seven years ago when she was first diagnosed with leukemia I did not think I would get to spend 7 more years with her and 2 months ago I knew we probably would not have much time. I am so thankful for all the time I have had with her. We have made the most of our time and she was able to enjoy her 2 grandsons for a short while.

She did not suffer. Her only fear was that it would be painful and she was not in pain. She is in heaven in her healthy body rejoicing with the Lord.

Thank you to everyone that has prayed for her and supported her thourgh her battle with leukemia. I ask that you keep our family in your thoughts and prayers. I especially ask that you pray for papa and grandma.

I will post again with the funeral arrangements once they are made.


Saturday, April 11, 2009 2:54 PM CDT

Mama started running a fever on Thursday. She had called the doctor and gotten a prescription for an antibiotic. Early this morning Kenneth took her Duke. She was admitted for Septic Shock. They are going to put her in the Intensive Care Unit. I do not have anymore information at this time. I am waiting until she is moved to a room before going over to Duke. I will post again when I know more.

Please pray for her and that the antibiotics was start working quickly.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009 8:09 AM CDT

Sorry I didn't update yesterday. We had a pretty long day. We left home at 4:45am and did not get back home til after 5pm. All in all it was a good day. Even with some problems with the lab and their computers we were finished with Dr Moore by 9:15. His news was good. My WBC(white blood count) was up to 2 from 1. Still not in the normal range but defintely a step in the right direction. Platelets measured at 68,000 but Dr Moore said it looked like more on the slide so it was probably about the same as last week. My red count was down a little more. Hemoglobin was 7.7 down from 8.6 last week. Don't know the hematocrit. I had to have blood. The slide still looked good. Dr Moore did say that there were some leukemia cells on the slide but not many. He neglected to tell us that they were there two weeks ago. I still have lots of granulocytes and he is still very pleased with where I am. We are still hoping for that breakthrough when the granulocytes overtake the cancer cells and totally destroy them.

They are reducing the Prednisone and if I do well with no signs of graft vs host then we will stop. I am only on 5mg but prednisone is an immunosuppressant and my immune system does not need to be suppressed at all.

DR Moore says I am stable and as long as I am stable we will do no more treatments. He is still playing this by ear not really knowing what to do with me. I KNOW that God is still doing a work in me and I feel confident that I will feel good for a long time with or without a breakthrough.

I will have my blood checked again Wednesday in Ellerbe and return to Duke April 21(the next Tuesday). I hope you will remember to pray for me every Monday and into Tuesday. Pray for that breakthrough so I will be free of this disease.

I still feel great and hope to get started on the musical soon. I am still trying to distribute the CDs.

Thank you for your prayers and continued concern for me. I love you all!!!!


Monday, April 6, 2009 12:51 AM CDT

Hello everybody,

Just a note to remind all of you that I will be going back to Duke tomorrow(April 7). My appt is at 8:15 with me arriving at 7:15 AM to draw blood for my labs.

I had blood drawn in Ellerbe last Tuesday. The hemoglobin and hematocrit were a little lower, the platelets almost doubled from 38,000 to 72,000 and the white blood count went up from .9 to 1. The nurse from Duke called and said I appeared stable and to keep my appt for the 7th.

As I have said many times I covet your prayers and am calling on you again tonight and tomorrow early to pray that the blood looks great under the microscope with no cancer present and pray also that my counts would come up to a more normal range.

Will update sometime tomorrow with the GOOD news.

Love to all!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 7:37 PM CDT

Kenneth and I have just now returned home from a long day. When we finally got into a room the nurse practioner informed me of my blood counts. My red count was 8.6 which is down from 9.5. The hematocrit was 27 down from 27.1 and the white count was down to .9 from 1.4 last week. The nurse practitioner did not act concerned about this but when she left the room Kenneth and I were. For a moment I was sure I would be spending the night in the hospital, then I remembered that our prayer was not that my counts come up but that the smear on the slide wound be cancer free and in turn the expected bone marrow biopsy. After what seemed like an eternity Dr Moore came in and asked how I was feeling. I told him I was feeling very good. He then discussed my counts a little but said my blood looked good on the slide. I couldn't believe it. He assured us that he was not kidding and that he had looked at the slide himself. He stated that there were OVER 50% granulocytes, which are the GOOD cells, and then some maybe immature cells. He was VERY pleased with the way things looked and even said, while examining me for swollen lymph nodes, that he was trying to think of how he could "fix" me but it appeared that I didn't need fixing.God truly heard our prayers and honored them.

I want to thank all of you who pray for me daily even hourly and those who fasted, too. I understand this was a first for some of you. I encourage you to study the Bible for more info about how important God thinks fasting is. I will have blood drawn next Tuesday at Dr Kopynec's office then return to Duke in two weeks. Please continue to pray for me, my counts and another cancer free slide with even more granulocytes.

I cannot close without saying how very sad I am at Jenni's passing. I prayed for her so much, even more than I did for myself.I'm sure you did,too. We don't understand God's ways but we have to keep on trusting Him even when His will is not our will. Please keep Jenni's family in your prayers.

Love to you all!!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009 7:07 AM CDT

Hello everybody,
Surprise! It's me,Kay.
Just want to let all of you know that since coming home Sunday my energy has really increased. I haven't felt this good in a long time. I have spent this week catching up on things at home(getting taxes done,balancing the checkbook,etc). I've also had opportunity to see many of my friends which is great.

My blood counts are still low. In fact, my white count is down a little from the 3.6 it jumped to on Sunday. I go to Duke on Tuesday. I am assuming that Dr Moore will tell us his thoughts on how to treat me.

I am sure that medically it doesn't look good for me. The doctors have said that they are in uncharted waters with treating me. I know they are frightened for me, esp Dr Moore.

I am also sure that the doctors are NOT in control of my fate. God has blessed them with great knowledge and compassion but they do have limitations. I don't know His will for me but I DO know He can totally heal me. I think at this point it is entirely (as it has always been) in His hands. I think that medicine has done just about all it can do for me. Deep inside I have a peace. I don't know if it is a peace that God is going to heal me or take me home. I DO feel that there are a few things He still wants me to do. I guess everybody thinks that when faced with the possibility that they might not have much time left on this earth. Whatever happens I'm a winner. My biggest concern is for my family. This has been SO hard on them. I have often said that sometimes it's easier to be the patient than the caregiver. They must feel so helpless and frustrated to have to sit by and watch.

I want to thank you all for your prayers and now I am calling on you again. I am asking everyone who feels led to fast and pray for me on Tuesday. Pray that no cancer cells be found on the slide or in the bone marrow. They doctors were not able to achieve remission but the Great Physician can. Please pray for my family,too.

Love to you all!!!!

ps to the comunity choir and others who may be interested in singing with us in another musical. God has given me what I think is a most beautiful musical. It is not in a book but a collection of anthems. The CDs will be ready soon. I am going to try to get them out but if you are interested, call Cornelia McKenzie at the First Methodist Church(mornings) sometime after next week to arrange to pick up your copy. I need to get over this leukemia stuff so we can start practicing. I miss ya'll!

Thursday, March 19, 2009 6:01 PM CDT

Mama is feeling good. She had labwork done yesterday and the doctor called her today. Hemoglobin, hematocrit, and platelets are okay and have come up a little. The white blood cell count went down to 1.6. It was 3 something when she was discharged. She is concerned but is remaining positive and said she is not going to worry about it.

Please continue to pray for her and her continued healing.

Thank you to everyone that has sent messages that you are praying for Jenni and visited her site. For those that have not visited or are not aware of Jenni's condition please visit her site. Please continue to keep Jenni and her family in your prayers.



Sunday, March 15, 2009 9:23 AM CDT

Mama is going home in an hour or so. Her white count is 3.6 today.

Her blood smear still has some leukemia cells in it. The doctor told her that the stem cells hopefully will kick in and take care of those. She has to have blood drawn next week and see Dr. Moore. If there are still cells on the smear they will not do a bone marrow biopsy. She said Dr Moore is going to talk with Dr Horowitz about a game plan. Hopefully she will know a definite plan when she goes back next week.

She said for everyone to continue to pray for her. She said she feels a miracle is going to happen.

There probably will not be many posts between now and her doctor's appointment on the 24th. We ask that everyone continue to pray for mama and that the stem cells take care of the leukemia.

Please continue to pray and support Jenni and her husband Josh. Her site is http://Jennibugg.blogspot.com.


Saturday, March 14, 2009 1:29 PM CDT

Mama's white count is 1.2. The doctor told her that if it goes up more tomorrow she can go home but to plan on Monday so she doesn't get her hopes up.

She will have to go see Dr. Moore on 3/24. They will possibly do a bone marrow biopsy that day. Please continue to pray for her.

Jenni's still having a hard time. Please visit her site. Keep Jenni and her family in your thoughts and prayers.



Friday, March 13, 2009 3:59 PM CDT

Mama's white count is 0.9 today. They have switched all of her medicine to the oral form. Her counts have to be 1.0 and stay or go up more before she can go home. Hopefully on Sunday she can go home.

She asked that you continue to pray for her and that the counts will stay at 1.0 or improve.

She asked that everyone pray for Jenni Cornwell. She is still at Duke and has several issues going on. Jenni and her husband, Josh, need a lot of prayer and support during this time. Everyone has been great about sending mama messages and I know many of you know Jenni or her dad. I am going to include a link for Jenni everyday. It needs to be entered exactly as it is here.

Jenni's site: Jennibugg.blogspot.com


Thursday, March 12, 2009 12:38 AM CDT

White count is still 0.4. The doctors gave her a Neupogen injection. He told her that when her counts start to increase she will start to cough up more phlegm and she has been doing that today. He took her off the Amphotericin for the fungus and put her back on the Vorconazole. The tests showed that it is sensitive to the Vorconazole. She has taken that for awhile.

She asks that you still continue to pray that her counts come up.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009 4:55 PM CDT

Mama's white count is 0.4 today. She is having to get blood this evening. She said the doctors talked about doing Neupogen (? spelling) shots but that there is no evidence that it would help that much. She said the doctor told her this is normal and not to worry too much.

She asks that everyone continue to pray for the counts to come up and stay up.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009 5:32 PM CDT

Mama's white count is 0.5 today. Nothing more to report. She asks that everyone continue to pray that the white count will come on up.


Monday, March 9, 2009 12:16 AM CDT

Talked with mama a few minutes ago. She is having a good day. Her white count is 0.4 today. She has asked that everyone continue to pray for the white count come up quickly.


Sunday, March 8, 2009 9:06 PM CDT

Brayden and I went to see mama this afternoon. We took my mother-in-law, Diana Hawks, with us. Diana is going to stay with mama tonight and tomorrow night.

Mama feels good and is ready to go home. She is still getting the antifungal for the fungus in her lungs and an antibiotic. She is waiting for her white count to come up and stay up. It was 0.3 today. The doctors still have not decided what the course of action is for her after this.

Mama asked that everyone say a special prayer for her white count to come up and stay up.


Friday, March 6, 2009 9:22 AM CST

Mama said yesterday was pretty uneventful. She has to get platelets today. Mama said Dr. Moore has not decided if he will bring her back in for additional chemo or not. She said she feels good.

She asked that everyone continue to pray for her and also to pray for Jenny Cornwell. Jenny is back in Duke with pneumonia and CMV.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009 6:04 PM CST

Mama got her booster cells today around 2:00-3:00pm. She said it took about 15 minutes to infuse. She did not have to get any blood or platelets today.

Charlie and Becca came to visit.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009 6:34 PM CST

Mama had to get blood and platelets today. She said she slept most of the day because of the Benadryl they gave her with the transfusions.

She is going to get the stem cell booster tomorrow. She said they told her she could have a reaction of graft-vs-host, her counts could drop more, or nothing would happen. They told her that any of that would be okay and if nothing happens it doesn't mean the cells are not working. It all depends on how much the initial transplanted cells are already working vs. her own cells.

Dustin Melton visited her today. Lori went home and Ellen came up to stay until the weekend.

She asked that everyone continue to pray for her.


Monday, March 2, 2009 6:21 PM CST

No news today. Still waiting to see when they will give her the booster cells.

Please continue to pray for her continued healing.


Sunday, March 1, 2009 6:15 PM CST

Mama has started the new medication for the fungus and did not have any problems with it. Her white count is up to 5 today but she is having to get more platelets today. Her platelet count did not change much after receiving platelets yesterday.

She wanted everyone to know that she has finally read everyone's post and that she appreciates all of the thoughts and prayers. She asked that you continue to pray for her.


Saturday, February 28, 2009 3:07 PM CST

Mama started the Amphotericin B last night. They call it 'Shake and Bake'. She said the medication infused over 4 hours. The first 2 hours were okay and then the shaking chills started followed by getting extremely hot, hence 'Shake and Bake'. They were going to start a different medication today. She was getting some platelets when I called and then the new medication.

The stem cells have not been given to her yet because they were waiting for her insurance to approve it. It was approved yesterday. There is a certain method to thaw the cells and they have to have a large amount of staff available so not sure when she will get the cells.

She said she feels good. Hopefully the new medication for the fungus won't cause the chills which mama hates the shaking chills. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

She asked that everyone pray for Jenny Cornwell also. Jenny has had problems with graft-vs-host in her eyes and it has resulted in some damage. She has been approved to go to Boston and receive treatment for her eyes.


Friday, February 27, 2009 9:37 AM CST

I talked with mama this morning. The fungus she has is called Candida Glabrata. The are going to treat it with Amphotericin B. It will be IV dose initially and then change to oral dose. The side effects are fever and chills so she will take Benadryl before the Amphotericin doses. She said Dr Gockerman was going to have the lab run more test on it and see if would be susceptible to a less toxic medication and possible treat her with Diflucan. She asked for specific prayer that the lab finds that the fungus is susceptible to the Diflucan.

Dr. Gockerman is wanting her to received the stem cell booster today hopefully and preferably before the blood counts start to rise.

Thank you again for all the prayers and messages she has received. She has proven to us again how powerful prayer is.


Thursday, February 26, 2009 1:47 PM CST

Mama has had a good day and some positive news.

1. The wash from the bronchoscopy did grow out a fungus. It is not the fungus they were treating her for and need to change the medication. The new medication can be more toxic than the current one.

2. She had several questions for Dr. Gockerman today and he answered those for her. She will not have to do a bone marrow biopsy. He told her that they do not typically do those on post transplant patients. He felt that since her blood counts changed so much so fast that the chemo probably has taken care of the leukemia.

3. She has been off oxygen today and her saturations are staying in the high 90's. She has started to cough stuff up. She said her breathing feels better and that she feels good.

4. She said they will send her home as soon as her blood counts get high enough. Possibly as early as next week.

Please continue to pray for her and our family for healing.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009 4:45 PM CST

Mama said she feels good today. They started the new antibiotic last night for her lungs. She has had a fever the last 2 nights and the blood cultures grew a bacteria so they started her on a second antibiotic. She was getting platelets this evening. Her white count is 0.2 and her red counts have stayed pretty good so she has not had to get any more blood.

She ask that you pray she does not react to the antibiotics and her lungs continue to improve.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009 4:32 PM CST

No changes from yesterday. They are going to try another antibiotic for the lungs. This is one that they thought she may have reacted too a few years ago but they are going to try it again.

No blood products today. Still having trouble keeping her blood sugars up.

Thank you for all of the prayers and messages.


Monday, February 23, 2009 4:28 PM CST

I just spoke with mama. She has had problems with her blood sugar today. It dropped into the 40's. Last week it was very high due to the Decadron but she finished that on Friday night and her insulin has not been readjusted.

She said Dr. Gockerman came in and said that they need to find out what is causing the lung issue. He told her he was going to look at the chest xray from yesterday and see if there was any improvement. He told her if not than he was going to order another test that would be safe even with the low blood counts. They would biopsy the lung and it would be a laparascopic procedure. She was not sure what it was and I am not sure unless it is just a lung biopsy/needle aspiration of the lung tissue. Dr Gockerman had not been back in to let her know anything.

She had to get platelets today. Velma Alford is staying with mama the first part of the week. Jenny Cornwell came to visit with mama today.

Please continue to pray for her and specifically to pray that the lungs will improve and the doctors will discover the cause of the problem.


Sunday, February 22, 2009 2:25 PM CST

Sorry I have not posted anything in the last few days. I spent the weekend with mama at Duke and could not get the computer to work over there.

She took the 5th dose of chemo on Friday night. Now she has to just wait on her counts to drop and then start to return to normal. I do not know what they were today but yesterday her platelets were 14, white blood cells were 0.7, and her hemoglobin and hematocrit were ok. She did not have to get any blood products.

The plan is to do a bone marrow biopsy in 7-8 days and see if the chemo has taken care of the leukemia. We are not sure what the plan is after that. No one has really told her.

Mama wanted everyone to know that she appreciates all of the comments and the prayers that have been made. She asks that you continue to lift her up in your prayers.


Thursday, February 19, 2009 6:53 PM CST

Mama had her CT scan, echo, and bronchoscopy today. She did not know any results yet. It may take a couple of days for results from the bronchoscopy.

She said she feels good. Not much else to report today. She will have the last dose of chemo tomorrow.

Thank you to everyone that has posted especially to all of Ginger's friends. I will print the post and take to mama tomorrow. Keep her in your prayers.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009 6:33 PM EST

I talked with mama this afternoon and she said she feels good. She said she has had a busy day and it sounds like tomorrow will be busy as well. She had a Pulmonary team and an Infectious Disease team see her due to the Pneumonia. She said she has received about 6 different types of antibiotics today. The plan is to have an echo (ultrasound of her heart), a CT scan, and a bronchoscopy scheduled. The bronchoscopy is tomorrow. The doctors are doing the bronchoscopy to hopefully isolate the pneumonia and what organism is causing it in order to treat her with the right medication.

Mama asked for a special prayer request for the bronchoscopy. Due to the low platelet count they will not be able to biopsy the lung so they will have to do a gentle wash and hopefully obtain some of the organism in the fluid. They are hoping it grows the organism so they can determine what it is and treat it appropriately. Her request is that the prayers be that the doctor is able to obtain the organism in the wash and therefore her treatment will be easier to determine and she can get one medication instead of six.

Tim (Hawks) came to see her for a pastoral visit. Mama said it was a good visit and she appreciated Tim coming to see her.

She is planning the next Community Choir presentation and is excited to present it. Mama said she feels good about this and is at peace. She appreciates all of the prayers and asks that everyone continue to pray for her.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009 4:45 PM EST

I went over to Duke today and spent some time with mama and Kenneth. Charlie, Rebecca, and Luke also came up.

Mama said she feels good. She started the chemo last night. They are giving her 2 medications. One of them she has had in the past and the other is a new one. The new medication is not a proven chemo for AML type leukemia. It is used for children and in patients with ALL.

They still say there is only about a 10hance that she will go into remission and stay. They have also told her they can give her a booster of the stem cells that she received at transplant. There are some frozen for her use.

She will be in the hospital for about 30 days until her counts come back up after she completes the chemo. I am not sure what the plan is after that. Mama said the doctors have not given her a time frame of how long she may have if this does not work and she doesn't want to know. She is at peace with the situation although she does not like it.

Thank you again for all of the prayers and notes. I will print the entries out and take to her later this week. Please continue to pray for her and our family.


Monday, February 16, 2009 7:03 PM EST

Mama just called and said she had decided to do the chemo. They are starting it tonight. They will move her to the 9100 unit at Duke tomorrow. This is the unit she has been on in the past and it is not the transplant unit. She said that Dr. Moore will resume her care. He was her oncologist before the transplant. Mama said that the doctor still did not seem too optimistic that the chemo would work.

Thank you to everyone that has written in the journal and for the prayers. Please continue to pray for her.


Monday, February 16, 2009 5:11 PM EST

Bad news.

Mama's leukemia is back. She said the doctor told her that her options are to do nothing or to do chemo again but that she only had about a 10% chance of it helping. I asked about another transplant and she said the doctor told her they could do a booster but it would not give her any better percentages. She is weighing each option at this time.

She asked me what I thought and I said do the chemo. I told her that was me being selfish because it could give her more time but that I would support her in whatever decision she made. She said Kenneth had told her the same thing. She does not want to be in the hospital for 30 days or longer but wants to be at home with family.

Please continue to pray for her and our family. I know she is at peace with whatever decision she makes.


Sunday, February 15, 2009 8:01 PM EST

I talked to mama about 6:30 this evening and the doctor actually came in so I could hear him talking to mama.

Her blood counts are still low so she is getting more blood tonight. They are starting IV antibiotics tonight. He told her that there was some abnormal cells on the blood smear but he was not sure if it was the Leukemia. The plan is to put a Hickman catheter in tomorrow and possibly do a bone marrow biopsy. He said they need to rule everything out.

Please pray for her. I will post when I know more.


Sunday, February 15, 2009 5:08 PM EST

I am posting this to let everyone know about mama.

She has not felt good all week and was taking an antibiotic for pneumonia. She finished the antibiotic on Friday and felt like she was dehydrated. She has been weak and dizzy at times. Yesterday her blood pressure was good, heart rate was up to 110-120's but regular, and she just felt weak. She did not have any fever. She called her Cardiologist becuase we wondered if her medicaitons (Digoxin and Synthroid) could be causing it. He told her to go on to the hospital because he was concerned the pneumonia had not cleared up.

She called last night and said her hemoglobin was 6, platelets were 38, and her white blood cell count was up (all three abnormal). They were going to give her some blood and she had ask them to send her to Duke. Initially, my worse thought was that the Leukemia was back and I pray I am wrong and overreacting.

Mama got to Duke today around 2:00pm. She had just gotten in her room when she called me at 2:15pm. She had not seen any of the doctors yet so we don't know anything more at this time. Her cough is still pretty bad and she said if she takes the oxygen off that her oxygen saturation drops into the 80's.

Please pray that this is not the leukemia but something else that can easily be fixed (medications, ulcer, etc). We will post as soon as we know something.

Monday, November 17, 2008 8:40 AM CST

Well as promised I have not waited too long to update. My visit on Thursday was great.

First I got to see Jenni Cornwell. She has recently had many problems with GvHD and the treatment for that has made her platelets drop and we were afraid she might have relapsed, but her bone marrow biopsy prelim results show no leukemia. Praise the Lord!! That said she is still having some serious problems that require her to travel to Duke twice a week for some clinic time. Please pray that this episode will be short lived.

Now to me. Well I think the best words any cancer pt can hear would be "You have beat the odds." Those are the words I heard from Dr Horwitz. All my counts were perfect(the white count is still up a tad because of the Prednisone). They usually do a final bone marrow biopsy after a year but since I am doing so great I did not have to have that. Jill and I talked at great length about the timing of my transplant. I have told you before that one of the doctors had told me that ten years ago I would not have been a candidate for transplant because of my weak lungs. Jill thinks that even in 2005 when they wanted me to have transplant, and Kenneth and I did not have a peace about it, that I probably would not have done as well and maybe would not have survived. Research is going on and improving BMT quickly and I am alive today because of that.
They reduced the anti-rejection drug, cut it in half. In six weeks I can reduce the Prednisone to 5mg, which is also half. After another six weeks I will reduce the anti-rejection drug again. I can already tell I'm feeling better. The anti-rejection drug really makes you feel bad. I noticed that immediately after the very first dose.One of the things Dr Horwitz said was that for me now that Leukemia was on the "back burner". It is not my most pressing health issue anymore. I now am to focus on the normal problems of getting old-Cholesterol,weight-loss, exercise,diabetes, etc. How wonderful to be normal again.

Thank you all again for you concern, your prayers, your financial gifts,your love but I guess most of all your faithful prayers. You and I know that even with the great medical tmt and knowledge that this has truly been nothing short of a miracle. I don't know why God chose to do this for me but I'm gonna tell everybody that God is still in the miracle business. Words cannot express my joy and relief.

My next appt is in May and unless there is some change I probably will not update til then. You would get tired of my telling you how wonderful I feel.Feel free to e-mail me anytime at kslrdh@carolina.rr.com. I'll be seein' ya!!!!

ps We ARE making progress on our house but no projected movein date yet.

Love to all!!!!!
Kay Lynch

Monday, November 3, 2008 3:37 PM CST

Where has the time gone? I said I wouldn't wait til November to update and now I have done just that. First a big shout out to Dr. Mirian and Rita. Thanks for your note and I still miss you guys. Thanks to all of you who periodically(sp?) check me out. Thanks for your prayers and concern.

I'm doing good for the most part. I'm still having GvHD issues. I now have the rash on my ankles and calves. I hope to have it gone by the 13th when I see Dr Horwitz so I can reduce my meds more. I look like a blimp with a little fuzz on top. My hair is not coming back very thick and I think looks kinda stupid. Kenneth says I should be thankful I have hair, I am, BUT I WANT MORE!!!!

You probably noticed there's no picture. I deleted it trying to put newer ones in. I'll try to get Bridget to insert some.

Brayden is now 4 and talks nonstop and I now have a new grandson, Luke, born July 8. A perfectly healthy boy and a miracle from God. It's such a blessing to feel well enough to babysit and enjoy them.

Our house is now "dried in". Don't know how long it will take to finish but it is coming along. I just hope I still have a husband to share it with when it is finished cause Kenneth is working so hard.I love it. Some say it is too small but it is perfect for me and Kenneth. We love it!!!

I had my heart really checked out and it was good. Blood sugars are okay. Just need to exercise more.

I will(I promise) update after Nov 13 when I see Dr Horwitz. Until then remember it's my birthday Nov 6 and I'll be ONE YEAR OLD!!!!!!

Love to all,

Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:14 AM CDT

I have just been reading some of my past entries. I can't help but cry as I remember those terrible days last August and then in November and December. Praise be to God for His healing power!!!!

At my last entry everything was wonderful. I felt great and was anticipating a few days working. Well all went great until after work on August 6. I left work feeling great and went to Wal-Mart to pick up some meds and groceries. I began to feel "funny" so I checked my blood sugar. It was 52 so I took a glucose tablet to bring it back up. Evedently I didn't take enough so I headed to the orange juice section planning to drink some right there. I remember trying to focus on the cartons and waking up in the ER. I spent the night in the hospital. Evedently I had a concussion with dizziness, blurred vision and headaches for three weeks. I am finally feeling better.

I took Brayden to the beach with Mama, Daddy and Lori last week. We had a ball but that little one wore us all out. Tomorrow is his 4th birthday.

Things are in FULL swing for the wedding on Monday. Pray for no rain on that day.

Please pray for Jenni Wallace Cornwell. She is having trouble with sores in her mouth from GvHD. Pray for a quick recovery.

Will update after the wedding.

Oh, by the way, Kenneth and I have finally started our house.

Love to you all.

Monday, July 21, 2008 6:45 PM CDT

Sorry it has been so-o-o-o long since my last update. I went to Duke July 10. I got a good report. All is well. I still have a little patch of the GvHD on my right elbow. Even so Dr Horwitz and Jill say I'm doing great. They decreased the dosage of the Prednisone to 15mg per day. I keep it there for 2 months then decrease to 10 mg per day. The best part is that I don't have to go back to Duke until Nov. Now that is really something to shout about.

Our new grandson was born July 8 at 1:59 am. His name is Lukas Charles Gilliam and we'll call him Luke. He weighed 8 pounds and was 18+ inches long. He and Charlie and Rebecca seem to be doing great.

Brayden, Bridget's son, will be 4 in August. It seems only yesterday that he was a newborn.

Kelly, Kenneth's oldest, will be getting married Sept 1 which is Labor Day Monday. Plans are well under way for that. She is getting married at Lake Tillery which should be a beautiful setting.

So you can see things are really busy for me. The Lord has gracoiusly made me feel better and has blessed me with more energy which is really good because He has also blessed me with a few days work. I will be filling in at Dr. Cleveland's office on Monday and at Dr Palmer's on Aug 6 & 7.

Thanks again for your continued prayers!!
Will update again soon, won't wait til Nov.
Love to all!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008 7:58 AM CDT

Well, hello everybody!!!! I know I said in my last entry that I would update after my next Duke visit on June 5th. Well I'm a little late. As you know I had an issue with GvHD for which I was prescribed large doses of Prednisone. The GvHD is pretty much gone but the medicine is rough. The side effects of the Prednisone have kept me from sleeping and have in general made me jittery. I have felt pretty bad and especially bad last week. I thought all was related to the Prednisone. I had an appt with an endocrinologist on Wed. of last week to help me get my blood sugars more under control. That day my heart rate was 152, much to high. They were VERY concerned. I told them I thought it was the Prednisone but I also had my regular appt at Duke the next day. The next day all was well with my counts and the GvHD but the heart rate was still too fast,160. A EKG revealed the the top part of my heart was beating about twice as fast as the bottom part. It was decided that I needed to enter the hospital. There I would be given meds to slow the heart down. Well the meds didn't work and on Friday they put me to sleep and shocked my heart back into rhythm. As soon as I woke up I knew I was better. No one really knows why this happened but now I'm on medicine to regulate the heart. I still continue to do good.
Please continue to keep me in your prayers.
Love to all of you1!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008 7:43 AM CDT

Hey everybody!!!!! I don't know how many of you are still checking the sight but I promised I would update after each doctor visit or if there was a problem. Mt appt was yesterday,May 8. Jill, my precious nurse practioner, assures me that I am doing remarkably well this early. All my counts are normal and I'm just doing great. I have developed an itchy rash over most of my body. They suspect that it is Graft versus Host Disease.

****Graft-versus-Host Disease(GvHD) is one complication that may occur after an allogeneic stem cell transplant. (allogeneic meaning the cells come from a donor not from your own blood) T-cells are the part of your immune system that recognize anything foreign, from a cold virus to human tissue, and attempt to "reject" it to keep your body safe. GvHD is caused by T-cells in the donor's immune system. The donor's T-cells recognize you as "foreign" and attempt to reject you. Generally it is good to develop a mild case of GvHD. Research has shown that mild GvHD may help fight your disease.******taken from the ABMT patient handbook

There are two kinds of GvHD acute(the kind that is fatal) and chronic. I know I have chronic but I don't know if ths is going to be a forever thing or not. I know that forever I have to be extremely careful of the sun by using #50 sunscreen, long sleeves and pants if possible and sitting under an umbrella or covering.

I thanks you for your continued concern for me and for your prayers.

One other note. I found out Friday, April 25th, that I will not be returning to work with Dr McKinnon. It seems that since I have been out, his practice has taken a downward trend and since his patient load has dwindled he does not have enough work for me. I am deeply saddened by this. I do so need to work so Kenneth and I can build a place to live but also I love my patients so dearly and I will miss them so much. As sad and as scared as I am about my financial situation, I know that God will give me what I need at the right time. This bout with GvHD has shown me that even though I feel good most of the time that I am NOT well yet and I need to "wait on the Lord".

I will updaye in a couple of weeks to let you know How I doing. My next Duke visit is June 5th.

Love to all of you,

Thursday, April 3, 2008 11:34 AM CDT

I went to Duke yesterday for my regular visit. Dr Horwitz has started decreasing my Prograf which is the anti-rejection drug. This drug also lowers my immune system so I cannot go back to work until I'm completely off this med.I am doing great and I don't have to see Dr Raybon until after my next Duke visit on May 8. Thanks for all your prayers.

I weant to remind everyone of the first presentation of our musical My Utmost for His Highest. It will be this Sat. April 5th at 7:00 PM at Cameronian Presbyterian in Rockingham. Next Sat, April 12 we will bat First United Methodist Church in Rockingham at 6:00 PM.
Hope you can come
Love to you all!

I'm going to try to change to photos. Check and see.

Saturday, March 22, 2008 8:56 AM CDT

Last Thursday after I had updated the site I received a call from Jill my hurse practioner at Duke. They were concerned that my liver enzymes were high and had remained high for a few weeks. She said they wanted me to stop the med Voriconazol(an antifungal med). She said if that didn't work we could try something else. If you recall in the beginning I told you that the liver, lungs and kidneys were the most vulnerable organs for damage during transplant so you can know I did not want to hear bad things about my liver. I stopped the med and this week the liver number was down 99 points. Good hey? I also feel a lot better this week. Maybe it was stopping the medicine or maybe I've turned a corner. Whatever it is I'm glad! I've even been thinking about going back to work. I know I can't yet but only a couple of weeks ago I was wondering if I would ever feel like working again. The magnesium was up to 1.6. Great!

Thaks again fir your continued prayers!
Love to you all,

Thursday, March 13, 2008 9:45 AM CDT

Not much to tell this week. Mag is still holding at 1.5
All else is normal.I am very blessed to be doing so well this early.
Thanks again for your prayers!

Thursday, March 6, 2008 9:41 AM CST

Well, just got back from Dr Raybon's office. Everything is great! I do have a cold that he is treating with antibiotics just as a precaution.

Heard from my bone marrow biopsy. No cancer as we already knew and the donor is working at 98% which is perfect. One more thing. I was told right before I was discharged that since the beginning they knew I had a chromosome abnormality. I assume that this is part of the reason I got Leukemia in the first place. Well, now I don't have that abnormality anymore. I guess that's God's way of telling me I'm totally cured and done with this cancer. Again I give Him the glory and the praise!!!!!

Thanks again for all your prayers and concern!!!
Love you all'

p.s. The wedding was beautiful and went off without a hitch!

Thursday, February 28, 2008 10:15 AM CST

Just a quick update. First, I heard from Dr Horwitz on Friday about the preliminary results from the bone marrow biopsy. I am cancer FREE. We already knew that but it is always nice to hear it again. The genetic tests will take up to two weeks. These tests will show at what percentage Mike's cells are working in me. Will let you know as soon as I know. My Wednesday visit with Dr Raybon went well. All counts great. Mag was 1.5.
That's all for now. Got to go do more wedding stuff.
God bless all of you!!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2008 6:43 PM CST

I went to Duke on Wednesday. Dr Horwitz is very pleased with where I am. That was day +106 and he reminded me that most people don't even go home til day +100 and I've been home three weeks. All my counts were very good. The potassium is almost back to normal. Magnesium was 1.4. I had to have a bone marrow biopsy (surprise). I wasn't expecting that. Dr Horwitz said that they do one around day +100 but this should be my last one------forever! Hallelujah!
He asked what was my complaint, if any. I told him my fatigue and my shakes. Again he reminded me that I was still relatively early in tmt and to be patient. He explained that the shakes or tremors may be caused by too high a level of the Prograf (anti-rejection drug). Sure enough I got a call late that afternoon that my level was indeed high and I needed to reduce the amount I was taking. Hopefully an easy fix for the shakes.
Since not much is going on, I will probably just update once a week on Thursdays unless something changes. I don't know how many of you still check this site but to those of you who do I want to say again, please continue to keep me in your prayers. I still have many hard days. I also want to thank you again for your continued concern for me and Kenneth.
Love to you all!!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008 9:11 AM CST

Well, well, well. Again I have to say Praise the Lord, Hallelujah. I just returned from Dr Raybon's office. My potassium is down to 5.2 from 5.6 which is more in the normal range. Magnesium was 1.6 up from 1.4. Dr Raybon, who by the way is one of the nicest, most compassionate doctors I've ever met, says I'm not doing good, I'm doing GREAT. He says I am a very blessed woman(that I already knew). My kidney and liver function are good and all the blood counts (red cells, white cells and platelets) are normal. Again I give God all the credit. He is truly blessing me!!!!!!!

I want to let you know about our upcoming musical, My Utmost for His Highest. Many of you remember our community choir did a musical last year, Experiencing God. This year, and I mean a year, we have increased in number and are again ready to present this new musical to you. Right now we will perform:

April 5th @ 7:00pm at Cameronian Presbyterian Church
April 12th @ 6:00pm at First United Methodist Church R'ham
April 26th @ (? time) at Cole Auditorium

At the performance at Cole Auditorium donations will be taken that will be given to Relay for Life. Please put these dates on your calendar now. This is a blessing you won't want to miss.

The musical is based on the well known devotional book by Oswald Chambers. The musical points you upward to the Heavenly Father and inward to your innermost being for a self examination. Oswald Chambers has been quoted saying,
For it is my determined purpose "to be my utmost for His highest--my best for His glory." This is "a question of the will, not of debate or of reasoning" It is an "absolute and irrevocsable surrender--a shutting out of every other consideration," and keeping myself "before God in this one theing only----My Utmost for His Highest.

Love to you all!!!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008 11:52 AM CST

Well I was finally able to get my blood drawn and checked in Laurinburg. My magnesium was 1.4 which was still low but Dr Horwitz says if I can keep it at 1.3 with the pills then he will be satisfied. Potassium was still high and a couple of the things that indicate kidney function were high which is not good. I suspect to hear from Duke about that. Will let you know. I continue to feel good. I will update only every few days if things are still good. If there is ANY change I will let you know and will keep you posted about my counts every week. It has been so good to see some of you. Now I can't wait to hug all of you!
Love to all of you,

Friday, February 1, 2008 11:30 AM CST

Sorry I haven't updated in a couple of days. Went back to clinic on Wednesday. Mag held at 1.3 so they took out the PICC line. Hallelujah! I don't have to go back until Feb 20th, but I have to see Dr Raybon weekly in the meantime. I'm feeling good but have to be careful not to overdo. Please continue to pray. My potassium was high on Wednesday and that makes me feel bad so pray that returns to normal and pray that the mag holds. It is such a blessing to have all you prayer warriors out there praying for me. Thanks!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008 6:52 PM CST

Got a real surprise last night about 8:15. Peggy a nurse practitioner from the clinic called and said Dr Horwitz said I could come home. So today Velma and I came home. It feels so great to be here. I still have to go to clinic tomorrow but I can sleep in my own bed tonight.
When I got home there were orange ribbons, lights and balloons all over the yard. There was a large welcome home sign in the house and on the church sign. Thanks to all of you who had a paart in such a surprise!!!!!
Love to all of you!

Monday, January 28, 2008 3:06 PM CST

I was a little disappointed today in clinic. The new pill held the mag at 1.3 but it also caused the potassium to be very high which is not good. So I am not going to take that pill.We are still holding off of the home infusion and I have to go back to clinic Wednesday. Dr Horwitz would really like to be able to pull my PICC line before I go home but if he can't that will not keep me from going home. Hopefully I can come home Wednesday after clinic.
Jenni is going home Thursday.
Keep praying for us all!

Friday, January 25, 2008 5:21 PM CST

Well the mag did not hold with the 10 tablets. The level was 1.1 and I had to get mag in the clinic for the first time in many days. There was much discussion about what to do and the final plan was to prescribe a drug which is actually a diuretic called Amiloride. This drug sometimes helps to hold onto the mag. I am to try this over the weekend and see if it works. Dr Horwitz is still working to discharge me next week so we will see. Keep praying. Love to all of you!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 3:09 PM CST

Hey! Hey! Good news! I may be going home as early as Tuesday of next week. Everything, meaning all counts are great. Still having a little trouble keeping the mag up without home infusion. Am now taking 10 pills of mag a day. Please pray that the Lord will allow me to come home next week. I realize that His purpose for me may mean I have to stay longer but I hope not. Dr Horwitz has called Dr Raybon in L'burg and he is very comfortable with him as my local oncologist. Hope to see you all soon. I covet your prayers.
Love to all of you!

Monday, January 21, 2008 11:41 AM CST

Well here it is Monday. Day 76. All counts are good. Mag was 1.3. We had tried home infusion every other day. Don't think that is enough. I'm really begging to go home Feb 1. If the mag doesn't level off so that I only need oral supplements, I don't know what will happen to the going home plan. I continue to feel good. Kenneth and I had a great weekend. Went to the movies yesterday. It is great having weekends off.

Love to you all!

Friday, January 18, 2008 12:45 AM CST

Had a good day at the clinic. All counts good except mag was a little high (2.4). Just have to leave off the home infusion tonight and Sunday. Have the weekend off. Hope you all stay warm this weekend. Love to you all!

Thursday, January 17, 2008 2:32 PM CST

Not much to tell today. We stayed inside putting together a puzzle. The weather was not as bad as forcast but still cold and rainy. I'm feeling better since we adjusted some of my meds. Never felt real bad but just not as good as before. Mama and daddy go home tomorrow and Kenneth is here until Monday evening. Hopefully only two more weeks.
Thanks again for your concern and your prayers.
Love to all of you!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 12:18 AM CST

Just got back from clinic. Potassium was still a bit high but everthing else was normal. Have the day off tomorrow which is good because they are calling for bad weather here.

Received bad news today. One of the ladies I met at the clinic passed away Monday night. You get close to these people up here and you hurt with their families. Please pray for Toni's family.

Thank you for your continued prayers!
Love you all,

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 4:08 PM CST

Not much to tell today. I still feel good and hope the electrolytes are getting back to normal. My aunt Melba(mama's sister) and uncle Charlie came to visit from Thomasville today and took us out to eat. It was nice to see them. Will let you know tomorrow my counts.

Love to all of you!

Monday, January 14, 2008 4:23 PM CST

Well, after all the magnesium at clinic, by mouth and by home infusion now my magnesium is too high. This might be funny except some of my other electrolytes are high, too. All this together could mean trouble in my kidneys. I received a huge bag of fluid in clinic to try to flush the electrolytes out. Please pray that this works. Have tomorrow off and go back Wednesday.

Love to all of you!

ps Jenni had today off. Isn't that great?!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008 7:25 AM CST

Another free day in Durham. Kenneth and I planned to go bowling but then remembered I'm not supposed to lift over 10 lbs, so bowling is out. Even if I found an 8 lb ball the strain might be too much . We'll wait til later for bowling. Bridget and Greg plan to visit today and Mama and Daddy are coming to stay the week with me.

I promised you something special today. My friend, Genie Ramsey, loaned me the Mitford series of books by Jan Karon. I am thouroughly enjoying following the Pastor Timothy Kavanaugh through his ministry. Today I want to share a part of one of his sermons and I want you to know that this is my prayer for each of you.

When this bad thing happened, whatever it was for you,"did you call on Him?
When you called on Him, was He somewhere up there, or was He as near to you as your very breath?
What some believers still can't believe is that it is God's passion to be as near to us as our very breath.
Far more than I want a bigger crowd or a larger parish hall or a more ambitious budget...more than anything as your priest, I pray for each and every one of you to sense and know God's presence...as near as your breath.
In short, it has been my prayer since we came here for you to have a personal, one-on-one, day-to-day relationship with Christ.
I'm talking about something that goes beyond every Sunday service ever created or ever to be created, something you can depend on for the rest of your life, and then forever.I'm talking about the times when you cry out in the storm that prevails against you, times when your heart and your flesh fail you and you see no way out and no way in, when any prayer you utter to a God you may view as distant and disinterested seems to vanish into thin air.
There are legions who believe in the existence of a cold and distant God, and on the occasions when they cry out to Him in utter dispair and hear nothing in reply, must get up and stumble on, alone.
Then there are those who know Him personally, who have found that when they cry out, there He is, as near as their breath--one-on-one, heart-to-heart,savior,Lord, partner,friend.
Some have been in church all their lives and have never known this mighty, marvelous, and yet simple personal relationship. Others believe that while such a relationship may be possible, it's not for them----why would God want to bother with them, except from a very great distance? In reality, it is no bother to God at all. He wants this relationship far more than you or I want it, and I pray that you will ponder this marvelous truth.
But who among us could ever deserve to have such a wondrous and altogether unimaginable thing as a close, personal, day-to-day relationship with Almighty God, creator of the universe?
It seems unimaginable, and so...we are afraid to think it.
For this fragile time in history, this tender fleeting moment of our lives, I am your priest; God has called me to lead this flock. As I look out this morning, my heart has a wish list for you. For healed marriages, good jobs, the well being and safety of your children,...for knees that work, ...ears to hear, ...good news from your doctor. On and on, there are fervent desires upon my heart for you. But chief among the hope, the prayers, the petitions is this: Lord...let my people know. Let them know the unthinkable is not only real, but available and possible and can be entered into, now, today--though we are, indeed, completely undeserving.
It can be entered into today, with only a simple prayer that some think not sophisticated enough to bring them into the presence of God, not fancy enough to turn His face to theirs, not long enough, not high enough, not deep enough...
Yet this simple prayer makes it possible for you to know Him not only as Savior and Lord, but as a friend. 'No longer do I call you servants,' He said to His followers in the Gospel of John,'but friends.
In the storms of your life, do you long for the consolation of His nearness and His friendship? You can't imagine how He longs for the consolation of yours. It is unimaginable,isn't it, that He would want to be near us--frail as we are, weak as we are, and hopeless as we so often feel. God WANTS to be with us. That, in fact, is His name: Immanuel, God with us. And why is it so hard to imagine, when indeed, He made us for Himself? Please hear that this morning. The One who made us...made us for Himself.
We're reminded in the book of Revelation that He created all things--for His pleasure. Many of us believe the He created all things, but we forget the very best part--that He created us....for His pleasure.
There are some of you who want to be done with seeking Him once a week, and crave, instead, to be with Him day after day, telling Him everything, letting it all hang out, just thankful to have such a blessing in your life as a friend who will never, under any circumstances, leave you, and never remove His love from you. Amazing? Yes, it is amazing.
God knows who is longing to utter that simple prayer this morning. It is a matter between you and Him, and it is a prayer which will usher you into His presence, into life everlasting, and into the intimacy of a friendship in which He is near...as your breath.
Here's the way this wondrous prayer works--as you ask Him into your heart. He receives you into His. The heart of God! What a place to be, to reside for all eternity.
Sense, feel God's presence among us this morning....
He waited.
...as those of you who are moved to do so, silently repeat this simple prayer.
Thank you God for loving me...
...and for sending Your Son to die for my sins.
I sincerely repent of my sins...
...and receive Jesus Christ as my personal savior.
Now, as you child...
...I turn my enire life over to you.

Many of you during this time of my sickness have said to me," How brave you are" or " You have so much faith" and other things like that. I am not brave but I do have a friend who has stuck by me, carried me, loved me and taken care of me. That friend is Jesus Christ. It is only because of His love for me that I have been able to stand even one day of this illness.

I don't know where you stand with Jesus but maybe you need to pray that prayer for the first time or renew, rekindle your relationship with Him. He's still there just waiting for you to come back.

My prayer for you is that you talk to Him today. Don't wait for sickness or tragedy before you cry out to Him. Talk to Him today. He's a great friend who will never let you down, I KNOW THIS FOR A FACT.

Love to you all,

Saturday, January 12, 2008 4:19 PM CST

What a beautiful day!!!! Kenneth and I left about 8:45 this morning and got back about 5:00 this afternoon. We started out at Sam's then went to South Point mall where I found a dress for the wedding (pending Jessica's approval). We went to a movie and were going bowling but the place was too crowded. We then had to pick up a prescription at Walmart and looked at appliances at Best Buy. I think I walked my mile today and then some. It was wonderful not to have to go to clinic and have the whole day with Kenneth.

Hope you all go to church tomorrow. I will have something to share with you tomorrow that I read this week.
Love to all of you!!!

Friday, January 11, 2008 2:42 PM CST

Another good day!!! Mag was 1.7 so did not need in clinic. All other counts good except potassium. It was too, too high. I take potassium supplements at home so they just told me to stop that for now. I have the whole weekend off. What a blessing!!!

Thanks for everything!
Love you,

Thursday, January 10, 2008 10:56 AM CST

Not much to tell today since I did not have to go to clinic. Ellen and I are just sitting around reading and taking it easy. We're cooking cinnamon glazed pecans practicing for Jessica's wedding. They sure are good! Hope she and Heath like them.

Thanks for your continued concern and your prayers!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008 1:27 PM CST

WOW!!!! What a week!!!!
First of all thanks to all of you who went to Smithfield's. Kenneth and I received over $700.00 from Smithfield's and donations. I heard a good time was had by all. I also heard that there has not been such a crowd at Smithfield's since their grand opening. I hate I missed it.

Again I did not need magnesium today. This is the third day in a row that I haven't needed it and today the level was 1.9. All I can say is Hallelujah!!! Praise the Lord!!!!! I have tomorrow off from clinic and may have the weekend off. Homecoming sounds a little closer.

Thanks again for everything!!!!
Love to you all!!

p.s. Jenni is still doing good!!!! Keep praying!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008 2:18 PM CST

What a day!!!! Did not have to get anything at clinic today. Mag was 1.4 but they did not make me get any. Got a call last night saying they were stopping the IV antifungal and going back to the pill form. Keep on and I will get a whole day off from clinic. Hooray!! Home is looking closer all the time.

Jenni is doing even better! Please continue to keep us both in your prayers.

Don't forget Smithfield's tonight 5-8 pm.

Thank you all for everything!!
Love you!

Monday, January 7, 2008 1:08 PM CST

What a great day!! Today is the first day that I have not needed magnesium. The level held from yesterday at 1.7. I'm feeling good. Ellen is with me this week. Not much more to tell.

Don't forget Smithfield's tomorrow from 5-8 pm.


Sunday, January 6, 2008 2:08 PM CST

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation!
Oh my soul praise Him for He is my help and salvation!
All ye who hear, now to His temple draw near.
Join me in glad adoration!

When you are away from home or 65 days or more you miss many things. I miss my friends. My family has been great about visiting. I really miss Brayden. I talk to and see him via webcam but I miss hugging and kissing him. One thing I miss most is my church. Up here, Sunday is the same as other days. Get up, go to clinic and come home. I usually have an early appt so I even miss TV preaching. We take our worship services for granted, even dread going to church sometimes, even sleep late sometimes. I miss my SS class and our discussions. I miss morning worship and especially my choir. I hope I never forget this time in my life so I will not take Sunday morning for granted. My cousin Betty Sue called me last Sunday morning before church. She was so excited. She told me she couldn't wait to get to church. She just "had a feeling" something was going to happen. It did. At worship service the preacher asked for prayer requests and praises. The testimonies of praise flowed so that it took up the whole service. I know God was pleased. So on Sunday I try to spend as much time as I can praising Him in my mind and heart and have my own church. My individual church is good but I love to worship with my fellow believers. God is so good!! His praises should continually be in our mouths.

All was well today at clinic. Mag was 1.6 so I had to get 2 grams. Thank you Lord for taking care of me!

Jenni lost 3 more lbs of fluid today. Only has 5 more to go. She looks so good. Even is back in her jeans. I have about 50 more lbs of fluid to go and I'm not back in my jeans yet. You would think that if God is taking through this transplant He could let me drop a few lbs. I watch other people in the clinic wasting away but not me. I look as healthy as a horse. Oh well at least I feel good.

Don't forget to eat at Smithfield's on Tuesday from 5-8 pm.

Thanks to all of you!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008 2:13 PM CST

Hey everybody! Hope you're having a great Saturday!! Kenneth and I are. We had to be at clinic at 8:30 am(yuck). I had to have the antifungal, an antibiotic and magnesium (only 2 grams). They only gave me 2 grams of mag today because with the pills and home infusion of mag my count held at 1.5. This is even with some severe diarrhea I'm having (I know, TMI). The diarrhea causes you to lose mag faster so hopefully when we get that cleared up the mag will hold. Hopefully I'm getting to that magic day when my body holds onto the mag without supplements. Hope so cause this is day 60. Only 30 (hopefully) days to go. That will be Feb 4. Very important because Jessica, Kenneth's youngest, is getting married March 1. Gene and Ellen's 50th anniversary was Aug 24 and at the last minute I had to call on the women of Cameronian to handle that for me because I had to come to Duke. I don't want to have to call on them for the wedding reception. But I know if I need to they will be there for me.

More good news. Talked to Jenni Wallace Cornwell today. She looks so good and says she feels so much better. She lost 5 lbs of fluid from yesterday til today.Praise be to God!!!!!! She is becoming such a close friend I feel like I could be her mother. Keep praying for her,too. We hope to get out together.

Forgot to tell you we went out to eat at On The Border, a nice Mexican restaurant up here. It wasn't crowded so we thought it was safe. The food was delicious.

**********NOW A SPECIAL NOTE********


I am just the most blessed woman I know. So many friends and wonderful family and especially a Savior who takes care of me far better than I deserve. You all have been great. TRUTHFULLY, TRUTHFULLY I could not have made it through this without your love and support. As I have said before, this is the hardest thing I've ever done and you all have made it bearable.

Love to you all!!!
Hope to see you in about 30 days (but not all at once)!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008 2:13 PM CST

Hey everybody! Hope you're having a great Saturday!! Kenneth and I are. We had to be at clinic at 8:30 am(yuck). I had to have the antifungal, an antibiotic and magnesium (only 2 grams). They only gave me 2 grams of mag today because with the pills and home infusion of mag my count held at 1.5. This is even with some severe diarrhea I'm having (I know, TMI). The diarrhea causes you to lose mag faster so hopefully when we get that cleared up the mag will hold. Hopefully I'm getting to that magic day when my body holds onto the mag without supplements. Hope so cause this is day 60. Only 30 (hopefully) days to go. That will be Feb 4. Very important because Jessica, Kenneth's youngest, is getting married March 1. Gene and Ellen's 50th anniversary was Aug 24 and at the last minute I had to call on the women of Cameronian to handle that for me because I had to come to Duke. I don't want to have to call on them for the wedding reception. But I know if I need to they will be there for me.

More good news. Talked to Jenni Wallace Cornwell today. She looks so good and says she feels so much better. She lost 5 lbs of fluid from yesterday til today.Praise be to God!!!!!! She is becoming such a close friend I feel like I could be her mother. Keep praying for her,too. We hope to get out together.

Forgot to tell you we went out to eat at On The Border, a nice Mexican restaurant up here. It wasn't crowded so we thought it was safe. The food was delicious.

**********NOW A SPECIAL NOTE********


I am just the most blessed woman I know. So many friends and wonderful family and especially a Savior who takes care of me far better than I deserve. You all have been great. TRUTHFULLY, TRUTHFULLY I could not have made it through this without your love and support. As I have said before, this is the hardest thing I've ever done and you all have made it bearable.

Love to you all!!!
Hope to see you in about 30 days (but not all at once)!!

Friday, January 4, 2008 4:31 PM CST

Hey everybody! All is still well. Counts are good. Still having trouble keeping the magnesium up.

Thank you Susan for that beautiful poem. Those words are reassuring for all of us at times.

Great news!!!! Jenni Wallace Cornwell is out of the hospital at last. Still not feeling 100% but on the upswing. Please keep all of us in your prayers. The woman whose transplant didn't take so she had to start all over, the man with rectal cancer that the doctors cannot seem to get into remission who had a bone marrow biopsy today to check again, the man with multiple myeloma who knows transplant is not a cure for him but may give him a few more years to live and so many more whose stories I don't know.

I have been so blessed that everything has gone according to plan for me. Even though it has been very tough I can look forward to possibly being free of this terrible disease. I know without a doubt that God has heard your countless prayers for me and has honored your requests. I can never repay you for your faithful prayers.

Today is day 58. Hopefully only 32 more days here in Durham. **Note to community choir** Since I won't be home practice will resume Jan. 28 unless you hear differently from Cornelia.

Love to all of you!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008 12:29 AM CST

Hey everybody! I'm back at the apartment. As much as I whined about being here, it sure does feel good to be back. It probably was a good thing I had to go to the hospital since the Hickman had become attached to my skin. They had told me at the clinic that just before I was discharged that they would pull the Hickman. I really would be upset if I was ready to go home and had this much trouble getting the Hickman out. God is always looking out for me.
I feel much better and hopefully am through with fevers now. Thank you all for your prayers!
Love you,

Wednesday, January 2, 2008 5:55 pm

I talked with mama this afternoon and she is doing good. She said the doctors thought the fever was due to her Hickman catheter. They pulled it today and placed a PICC line. Hopefully, they can use the PICC line for the rest of her treatment. The PICC line is inserted in her arm not in her chest. She said they had a hard time getting the Hickman catheter out because it was stuck to her skin and tissue. She is getting several strong antibiotics. She said that she should be discharged tomorrow. She said the doctors talked about consulting the cardiologist but decided to wait and do that as an outpatient.

Please continue to pray for her and that the infection will clear up quickly.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008 5:32 pm

Greg, Brayden, and I went to see mama at the apartment today. When we got there she asked if it was cold in there and we said no. She said she was freezing and she wrapped up in a blanket. She said she had checked her temperature before we got there and it was 99.5. I asked her when she started to feel bad and how she felt. She said her stomach did not feel good and she felt like that coming back from the clinic this AM. I told her we were going to leave since she felt bad. We were there for only about 20-30 minutes.

Charlie called me about 3:30 and said Kenneth had called him and said he had taken mama to the clinic and they admitted her to the hospital. Charlie said that they told mama they would keep her a few days and monitor her and probably give her some antibiotics.

Jill Lucas called about 4:45 pm and asked what was wrong with mama and her heart. Mama has long QT syndrome which has to do with the heart rhythm. This is not new and she has known about it since having the transplant. Jill thought something new was wrong from the information she had received. The long QT syndrome is not new and that is why the doctors monitor her magnesium so closely. Low magnesium levels can cause the heart to have some abnormal rhythm or arrhythmias. It also puts her at risk for seizures. They are more cautious with mama's magnesium because she has long QT syndrome and they want her to see a cardiologist to see if they need to do anything else for her or with her medications.

I called mama about 5:00pm and she is in room 9208 at Duke. She said she checked her temperature after we left and it was up to 101. She called the clinic and they told her to come back over. She had some vomiting and diarrhea before she got there. She said she felt better after that. They did some blood work and sent her to the hospital. Her magnesium was down to 1.1 so they wanted to monitor her closely and get the level up. Her blood pressure was also up but has come down. She said she feels like the fever has come down too and that she feels better. Mama said that the doctors will probably keep her for a couple of days to monitor her fever and the magnesium. The diarrhea could have caused her to lose some magnesium. They did not check any lab work this AM when she went to the clinic, she only got the Mycofungin. With the magnesium that low she is at risk for seizures and rhythm issues with her heart. Maybe while they have her in the hospital they will consult the cardiologist to evaluate her while she is there.

Papa and Grandma were coming up to spend the rest of the week with her. They will stay at the apartment while she is in the hospital. I don't know much more than that at this time.

Pray that the fevers stop and that she does not have any more problems with her stomach. Also pray that her magnesium level will come up and stay up. I will post more when I know something.

Contact Info:
Duke Medical Center
Room 9208
Phone # (919) 681-9208

Monday, December 31, 2007 3:27 PM CST

Happy New Year's Eve! Had to be at clinic at 10:30am today. Got out at 1:30pm. Went to get something to eat then to Walmart to get prescriptions filled. I've only been getting prescriptions filled at this Walmart for about 30 days and already they don't even have to ask my name. I walk up and they greet me with "How are you today, Mrs. Lynch?" That tells you how many drugs I'm taking.

All is still well with my blood. Still need mag daily but everything else is great. God is so good!!!!

Thank you for your continued concern and you prayers!

Sunday, December 30, 2007 5:19 PM CST

Hey everybody! All is well. Counts are good. They let me have another day off from the mag. I had a stitch attaching my Hickman catheter to my skin. At some point the stitch had pulled out of the skin. The nurses at the clinic and my doctor had known about this for weeks and thought it would be ok. Suddenly today it became imperative that they replace the stitch today which they did. I then had to go over to the hospital for a chest x-ray to make sure the catheter was in the right place. All this made for a longer day at the clinic even without the mag infusion.

I have truly enjoyed the rain. Thank you, Lord.

Thank you all for your prayers! Love you all!Kay

Saturday, December 29, 2007 9:19 AM CST

Well we are back from clinic early today. We had to be there at 8:15 am. I had to get the antifungal drug and labs drawn but they didn't make me get the mag (magnesium) today. They had planned to give me the day off from the mag but my level was 1.8. This is better than before. I told you before that I am now infusing 6 grams every night. Maybe this is the key to keeping the magnesium levels up. It needs to be 1.9-2.2.If the mag level gets too low it could cause problems with my heart or seizures.
They mentioned today that they plan to set me up with a cardiolgist here about the QT syndrome. Hopefully the cardiologist will decide or devise a plan to get me off of the antifungal so I can truly have a day off once in a while. All my other counts are great and I give God the praise and the glory for that.

As far as I know Jenni is still in hospital. I didn't see her in clinic today.

Love to all of you and thanks for your continued concern and prayers!

Friday, December 28, 2007 6:41 PM CST

Hello all! 38 days to go (hopefully). All is well. Had to get mag again. They have changed my home infusion (which means I give it to myself at home) from 4 grams to 6 grms. They are hoping to get to the point that I will not need mag at the clinic. That doesn't mean I can have a day off because I have to take the antifungal drug IV everyday and they do not intend to change that for several weeks. Oh well what would I do if I didn't have to go to clinic.

Jenni is still in hospital as far as I know. Keep praying for her.

Love to all!!

Thursday, December 27, 2007 4:29 PM CST

Well today is day 51. The doctors all tell me not to expect to come home before day 90. 39 days to go. All is well today. Had to get mag today but all other counts back to normal. I continue to feel good. Lori is with me now. Kenneth will be back tomorrow through New Year's Day. Mama and Daddy will stay the rest of next week.

Thank you for all the cards and well wishes! Hope to see you soon.

Love to you all!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007 2:53 PM CST

Merry day after Christmas! Kenneth and I just got back from clinic and had a bite to eat. All is still well with me. Platelets up to 130, Mag still low.

All my brothers, sisters and in-laws, plus 3 nephews and Jessica,Heath and Ellen came up yesterday. They brought lots of food. What a time we had! I am so blessed that they took time out of a busy day to drive up here to give Kenneth and I a Christmas we will long remember.

Lori is coming today to stay with me a couple of days so Kenneth can go back to work.

Jenni is still in hospital but has lost some of the fluid. She is still on a lot of pain med but may be able to get out in a couple of days.

Found out today that one of the men who started the transplant process with me passed away Christmas Eve. Please pray for Mr. Cook's family.

Love to all of you!!!!

Monday, December 24, 2007 1:38 PM CST

Hey everybody!! First please let me apologize for being so whiney yesterday. Yes I am very disappointed that I will not be home for Christmas but at least I'm in the same state and will see most of my family tomorrow. I'm so sorry.
Platelets up to 116 today. Mag was 1.6. Had to get mag today but they are allowing me to skip mag tomorrow. Still have to go to clinic at 8 am for the antifungal drug.
Mama and Daddy, maybe Ellen, Robbie and Dawn, Lori, maybe Rose and Andrew,and Mike and Lisa are coming tomorrow. It will be great to see them.

Jenni had to go back into the hospital today. She is having a lot of pain from all the fluid. I pray they can get her better real soon. Please continue to pray for her.

Merry Christmas to all!

Sunday, December 23, 2007 3:38 PM CST

Hey everybody! Kenneth and I have not been back from the clinic very long. We went to get some lunch and needed to go to the grocery store. Had to get mag again and the Mycofungin (sp?) Platelets up to 105. All is well but still I don't get a break for Christmas. I am more than a little upset about this. People who are not doing as well as I am are getting off for Christmas. My patience is really being tried. I have to be at the clinic tomorrow (Christmas Eve) at 10:15 and 8:00am on Christmas Day. I miss my family so much especially Brayden. This is so hard. I hope to be home soon. Pray for my patience.

Jenni is doing a little better. Please continue to pray for her.

Love you all!!!

Friday, December 21, 2007 7:23 pm

Mama is doing okay. Platelets were 92 and magnesium was 1.5. Please continue to pray for her and that her counts will continue to come up.

Please pray for Jenni. She is sick and mama is worried about her.

Thursday, December 20, 2007 5:15 PM CST

Hey everybody!!! Again not much to tell. Had to get mag today. Platelets up to 102 today. Am feeling well. Still no hope of going home for Christmas. Keep me and especially Jenni Cornwell in your prayers. Love you all!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007 2:51 PM CST

Hey eveybody! I feel much better today. Platelets up a little. Still had to get magnesium. Not much to tell.
will update again tomorrow.

Jenni is out of hospital but needs LOTS of prayer!

Love to all!

Monday, December 17, 2007 7:30 pm

Mama is doing okay. She is giving herself a dose of magnesium in the evening and also getting a dose at the clinic. Her magnesium was 1.2 today and it was 1.6 yesterday. She said she talked with the doctors today regarding her medicine and what the pharmacist had told her about the antifungal and the anti-rejection meds. She said the doctors are aware of all of that and are baffled as to why her level will not come up and stay up. She is nauseous today and had gotten sick before I called. Her platelets are 98 today up from 97 yesterday.

Velma Alford is staying with mama this week. We hooked the cameras up last night so mama and Brayden could see each other. Brayden thinks it is funny to see himself and he makes faces at the camera. Mama and Kenneth got to see Brayden and talk to him. I think it made a little difference even though she can not touch him at least she can see him and talk to him. I feel she is having a hard time with this right now because Christmas is next week and she is not at home. She feels good for the most part and she has to stay while others there get to go home for a day or so.

Keep her in your thoughts and prayers and continue to pray that her magnesium will stabilize so she does not have to get 2 IV doses everyday plus the oral dose of magnesium. Also pray for her emotional health as well. This is a hard time for her and she tries to stay strong for the rest of us. Thank you for all of the messages that everyone has sent to her.


Sunday, December 16, 2007 11:46 AM CST

Hello to all!! Everything is about the same today. Platelets down to 97 Magnesium 1.6. Hopefully mag will be better tomorrow. Not much to tell. Still feel pretty good. Actually feel too good to still be here but they don't go by how you feel. All is going according to schedule (actually better). Will probably be here till at least the last of Jan. Today is day 40 and they tell you to expect to be here 90 to 100 days after transplant. Long time to be away from all of you. I'm getting very homesick, especially for my grandson Brayden.Maybe time will pass fast. Take care and I miss you all.

Saturday, December 15, 2007 12:04 AM CST

Hello to all! Not much to tell today. Still had to get mag at the clinc. A nurse is coming this afternoon to teach me to give myself mag at night. They still say all will catch up. I'm still concerned about my platelets. They are down to 106 today. Pray that they will turn around soon. Love to you all!!!!

Friday, December 14, 2007 12:44 AM CST

Hey everybody! It's me again. I've been updating these past few days because I've had such good news that couldn't wait until Bridget gets home. Today we found out that Mike's cell are working at 98%. That is the best it can be. My platelets continue to fall and I still need daily supplements of magnesium but since there is no cancer and the stem cells have ingrafted and are working at 98% I know everything will eventually get to where it is supposed to be. PRAISE BE TO GOD!!!!!!

I haven't heard anything from Jenni today. Hopefully all is better with her.

Love to all of you!!!! Keep praying!!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007 12:30 AM CST

Hey everybody! It's Kay again. All went well at the clinic today. My white count and red counts are normal. Platlets are still low but did come up about 4 points. I had to get magnesium today. They are going to try to let me give myself mag IV at night. Hopefully this will help. I saw Dr Horwitz today and asked him about the possibility of me coming home for a visit on Christmas and he was NOT encouraging about that at all. So I guess I'm stuck here. As bad as I feel about that at least I am doing well. My little friend Jenni Wallace Cornwell had to go back into the hospital today. She's having some trouble with her kidneys. Please pray that they can find out what the problem is and she will be out quickly.

Keep me and Jenni in your prayers so that we both will be home soon!!

Love to all of you!!!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007 1:00 PM CST

Hey everybody!!! This is Kay. Today is a great day. I have been VERY concerned about my platlets. They have been falling some everyday. They have been as high as 246 but they are now 125 which is below normal. I didn't know and still don't know what is going on but I did find out today that my bone marrow biopsy reveals NO leukemia, No cancer, in the marrow. Praise be to God!!!!!I thank Him for His mercy!! Thank you for your prayers!! I am still needing magnesium everyday but when I see the problems other pts are having I can't complain. I still have no clue as to when I might get to come home even for a visit. As long as I need mag everyday that means I'm stuck here. Keep praying for me and Jenni and all my friends here. One lady just found out that her transplant didn't take and she has to start all over. We all cried with her. I know that God still has me in the palm of His hand and is making this time as easy as possible. I give Him all the praise and honor and glory for my continued success. I have so, so much to be thankful for. My church has provided a place to live, many of you have sent money to help with the mounting expenses, I know SO many of you are praying for me daily, I have wonderful caregivers who have given time out of their busy lives right here at Christmas to come up here and care for me, a wonderful family, and the best husband in the world. Thank you all for you continued concern for me. Love to you all.

p.s. to the community choir---you better be practicing at home so when I get back we won't have to relearn any songs. I love you and miss you!!


Tuesday, December 11, 2007 9:05 pm

Mama's platelets are down to the 140's today and her magnesium was 1.3 again. She said she feels good and she has gotten out and walked since it is warm outside. Catherine Dawkins (don't know her new last name) is staying with mama this week. Mama said she feels good but wishes her counts would come up.

Continue to pray for her and her counts. She should have the results of the bone marrow biopsy tomorrow or Thursday.

Monday, December 10, 2007 3:40 pm

Mama said her platelets were down a little more to the 150's today. Her magnesium was 1.3 and she had to get the IV dose again. She asked that everyone pray for the bone marrow to come back clean of leukemia and to pray that her magnesium will come up and stay.

Mama asked that everyone pray for Jenni Wallace Cornwell also. They got a little worried today. Another patient at the clinic found out that the stem cells did not take and mama and Jenni are a little worried about their own. Both of them have had their bone marrow biopsies and are waiting for the results. Hopefully they will both get good news this week or the first part of next week.

Please keep them in your prayers.

Sunday, December 9, 2007 2:00 pm

Mama had to get magnesium yesterday and today. Her counts are still good. Said she feels good. She went to Sam's and ate at the Mayflower today. She said Rose and Lori are supposed to be coming up today to visit.

Continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Friday, December 7, 2007 3:50 pm

Mama's white count is 6.3, platelet count 174, and red count is good. Magnesium was 1.5 today so she had to get IV magnesium. She is going to try to take 6 tablets of magnesium by mouth and see if that will help. The level has maintained around 1.4-1.6. She has not dropped down lower than 1.4 since she increased the oral dose of magnesium to 5 tablets. She has to go to the clinic at 9:00 in the morning.

Continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers. The biggest issue now is that she can hold her magnesium and that will allow her to go every other day to the clinic.

Just a reminder...Benefit for Jenni Wallace Cornwell on Saturday at Pat's Kitchen.

Thursday, December 6, 2007 4:20 pm

Mama's counts were still good today but magnesium was 1.5 so she had to get more magnesium. She had her bone marrow biopsy today and will know something next week. She said she probably feels the best today that she has felt since the transplant.

Continue to pray for her continued healing.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007 3:15 pm

Mama's white count today was 5.7, platelets 219, and red count okay. Magnesium was 1.4 today so she got 6 grams of magnesium today. She has to be at the clinic at 9:00 in the morning. She will have a bone marrow biopsy to check the level of Mike's cells which will take about 10 days to get and also to check to see if all of the leukemia is gone. They want to make sure that the count is lower than it was before the transplant. She saw Dr Horowitz today and he is very pleased with her progress and how well her counts have done.

Papa and grandma are here so they will go with her tomorrow and I will come back tomorrow afternoon. Continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007 4:00 pm

Mama's counts are still good. Her white count is up to 6, platelets are 234, and red counts are almost within normal limits. Her magnesium was up to 1.6 but they want hers at 2. She had to get an IV dose of magnesium before we left today.

Mama will have a bone marrow biopsy toward the end of the week to check and make sure the bone marrow is good and to check the percentage of Mike's cells. They like for the cells to be at 98%.

Please pray that her magnesium will be at 2 tomorrow and she doesn't have to get an IV dose. She is tired of having to sit around and wait for them to get the labs and start the magnesium and then sit there for 2-3 hours. She has had to get it everyday and she is hoping for a break.

Papa and grandma are coming up tomorrow to spend the night because I have a follow-up appointment on Thursday. I will be back Thursday evening to stay through Friday.

Just a reminder there is a benefit dinner for Jennie Wallace Cornwell. She was in the room beside mama and is from Rockingham.

Proceeds to help with Medical Expenses
Saturday, December 8, 2007
11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Pat's Kitchen

Barbecue or Fried Chicken
$6.00 per plate

Eat In or Take Out
Plates of 4 or more can be delivered.
Call 895-0683 or 331-4204 to place orders

Monday, December 3, 2007 3:30pm

We got back from the clinic about 2:30 pm. Mama's white count is 5.3, platelets are 236, and red count is good. Her magnesium is still low so they increased the oral dose to 5 times a day and gave her an IV dose today. She is doing good. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, December 2, 2007 7:45 pm

Here with mama at the apartment. She is doing good. Still only had to get magnesium today.

Please continue to pray for her.

Friday, November 30, 2007 8:10 pm

Talked with mama earlier today and not much has changed. Counts are still good and she had to get magnesium again. The anti-rejection med causes her to lose magnesium.

Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, November 29, 2007 8:00 pm

Mama had a good day. She had to get Magnesium again today but not as much as yesterday. They increased the oral dose she was taking so hopefully she will not have to get anymore through her IV. The anti-rejection medicine will be changed to oral form tomorrow. It was supposed to be changed today but they had already mixed up a new bag when she got there.

Papa, Grandma, and Mike came up today to visit. Betty Sue is still up here with mama and she will go home once Kenneth gets there tomorrow.

Please continue to pray for her continued improvement.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007 5:45 pm

Just talked to mama and she has had a good couple of days. Her white count is 5, platelets are over 200, and her red counts are good. Yesterday she was at the clinic for 3 hours and did not have to get anything. Today she had to get some Magnesium. She said she has gotten a rash on right arm and leg and the back of her neck. She said this is a graft vs. host reaction but the doctors told her that is normal and there is no reason to be worried.

We apologize that there was not a post yesterday. Betty Sue came up yesterday and is staying the rest of the week with mama. Kenneth, mama, and Betty Sue went around yesterday evening to show Betty Sue where everything was. I had my gallbladder out yesterday and did not get home until 7:00 pm so I did not talk with mama yesterday.

PLease continue to pray for mama and her continued healing. Pray that she has no setbacks and that everything continue to improve. Hopefully, the rash will heal soon and not get any worse.

Monday, November 26, 2007 8:10 pm

Mama got out of the hospital today around 4:00 pm. She said the apartment is nice. She has to be at the clinic at 9:00 in the morning. She still has the anti-rejection medicine through her IV. She said they sent her home with a small pump and she may have it for only 4 more days.

The test result came back today with the percentage of Mike's cells. She has 91f Mike's cells in her blood. She said they were pleased with that especially since the test was drawn early (before her counts came up much).

She said she feels pretty good. She went by Walmart to get her prescriptions filled and she walked in but Kenneth pushed her in a wheelchair once in the store. She was pleased with herself for walking in and not being worn out tonight.

Please continue to pray for her and that she does not get sick. She will have computer access and she asks that if you send any cards to mail them to her home address. I will put the home address and the apartment phone number on the page below.

Sunday, November 25, 2007 6:15 pm

Not much change from yesterday. Mama ate some fried chicken today. Charlie and Becca came up to see her. She is not sure what time she will leave tomorrow. She did not know her counts but no news is good news.

Please continue to pray for her and her continued healing.

Saturday, November 24, 2007 3:16 pm

Mama ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich today. White count is up to 6 and platelets are 171. Red cells are coming up. She said her mouth is better but still sounds like she has a cold. Still planning to go to the apartment on Monday. Still no results on the percentage of Mike's cells yet. She said she feels better. She is looking forward to getting out of the hospital on Monday.

Please continue to pray for her continued healing.

Friday, November 23, 2007 11:15 AM

Just talked with mama for a minute. Robbie and Dawn had just gotten to the hospital. She said she feels better today. She sounded better. She did not tell me her counts or anything but she said they are changing everything except the anti-rejection medicine to oral form today.

GREAT NEWS!!!! She said they told her she will be discharged on Monday and go to the apartment unless something unforeseen happens this weekend. Kenneth is going to stay until Tuesday and her cousin Betty Sue is coming up on Tuesday to stay with her.

Please pray that she does not have any setbacks and she continues to improve. Please pray that she does not get sick and run any fevers once she is out of the hospital.

Thursday, November 22, 2007 12:00 PM

Mama said her throat and mouth is still very sore today. She ate apples this AM and went to exercise. Her white count is 5.3 today and platelets are 135. She said yesterday that her counts were 131 not 191. The doctors have not been in yet today. She said if they tell her anything different today she would let me know.

Continue to pray for her and that her mouth and throat will heal quickly.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007 4:14 pm

Mama is better today and sounds a lot better. Throat is still sore but she is not having to suction her mouth as much. She said she ate some peaches today and has kept them down. She still has the Morphine IV and TPN.

Her white count is up to 3.5 and platelets are 191. Her red count is still low but not low enough that she needs blood products.

The social worker is getting everything set up for the apartment in case she gets go to it next week. She said the biggest concern is that she doesn't have any setbacks and she can eat more than peaches. She was worried about having to take the medicine by mouth but they told her that the medicine can be given in IV form if they need to.

Kenneth is already at the hospital with her and he will stay through the weekend. Everything is looking good for her getting to leave the hospital within the next 2 weeks. Please pray that her throat and mouth continue to get better and she is able to eat so they can take away the TPN and IV Morphine. Also pray that there will not be any setbacks.

Thank you for all of the messages and prayers that have been sent.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007 5:30 pm

Mama's white count is up to 1.7 and her platelets are 109. She said that they told her she is "engrafting" and they sent blood work off yesterday to determine the percentage of Mike's cells in her blood.

She said the social worker told her that she may be released by the end of next week.

She sounds much better today but still hurts. Please continue to pray for her and that everything continues to improve and she can be released next week.

Monday, November 19, 2007 5:12 PM

Mama feels some better but her mouth and throat are still very sore. She is coughing up a lot of mucus due to the mucocitis. Her white count is 1.0 today and platelets are in the 70's. She is still not able to eat because it hurts too bad. She still has the TPN and the morphine IV.

Please continue to pray for her and the counts to come up.

Sunday, November 18, 2007 9:42 AM CST

Mama sounds a little better this AM. She still feels bad from the sores. She said she is breathing better and is coughing a lot of stuff up.

Her white count yesterday was 0.2 and is up to 0.4 today. Her platelet count is up to 38 today. Please pray that the counts will continue to go up. The sooner they go up the better she will feel, the sores will go away, and she can get out of the hospital and to the apartment.

She said thank you for all the prayers and asked that you please continue to pray for her and that her counts will go up quickly.

The following information is for Jennie (she is from Rockingham and is in the room beside mama). There is a benefit dinner for her to raise money to help with medical expenses. Please support her by purchasing plates.

*Benefit for Jennie Wallace Cornwell*
Proceeds to help with Medical Expenses
Saturday, December 8, 2007
11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Pat's Kitchen

Barbecue or Fried Chicken
$6.00 per plate

Eat In or Take Out
Plates of 4 or more can be delivered.
Call 895-0683 or 331-4204 to place orders

Saturday, November 17, 2007 12:01 AM CST

Mama still does not feel good. Her mouth and throat is very sore still. I did not ask what her counts are today because I did not want her to have to talk much.

Not much to say today. Please continue to pray for her.

Friday, November 16, 2007 6:53 pm

Mama sounds and feels terrible today. She has been sick a couple of times today. Her throat is very sore and they are now giving her Morphine. They also started her on TPN (nutrition through her IV) because it hurts her so much to eat. She doesn't know her white count today.

She asked that everyone pray that this doesn't last long and that the sores heal quickly. It sounds like she is right on schedule with what they told her would happen. Keep her in your prayers.

Thursday, November 15, 2007 6:53 pm

Mama is sick today. White count is 0.7. The rest of her counts are down too. Throat is very sore and she is taking pain med every 4 hours. She said she thinks the pain med may be making her sick.

Please continue to pray for her. It looks like the bad days are here.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007 7:30 pm

Mama said she has had a good day. She has not been sick today. Her white count is down to 1.5. She said her mouth and throat are sore. This was a side effect of the treatment that they were expecting.

Papa and grandma came up today and brought her some Boston Butt. Please continue to pray for her. She will probably start having those bad days now that her counts are dropping.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007 8:46 pm

Mama has had a pretty good day. I talked to her this AM about 10:00 and she had a headache and they had given her Tylenol. When I talked with her this evening around 7:30 she said she had gotten sick on her stomach. They ended up giving her oxycodone for her headache. She was feeling much better this evening.

Her white count was 2 something. Still nothing growing on the cultures from the bronchoscopy. She said her breathing is better and the doctors seem to be more relaxed about her lungs. She said the doctors said she is doing good. They are still expecting bad days.

Papa and grandma are supposed to come up tomorrow and bring her barbecue.

Keep praying for her healing.

Monday, November 12, 2007 6:50 pm

Mama said her stomach hurts today. They are giving her some Prevacid and Mylanta. She went to the gym today and worked out for 30 minutes. She said feels good other than the stomach pain.

She had pizza for supper and she said it was wonderful. Kenneth is there until this evening. Her white count is 3.1 and she said the doctor said she is doing good. They are not worried about the white count unless she gets to day 10 and the count has not dropped. All of the cultures from the bronchoscopy are negative but she is still waiting for the parainfluenza test and that should be back on Thursday. She had the third dose of methotrexate today and she has one dose left.

Please continue to pray for her.

Sunday, November 11, 2007 8:59 PM

Wow! What a wonderful message from mama. It is always nice to have her do an update instead of me because she always says something powerful.

Charlie and I went to see her today and were there for about 3 hours. She acted and looked like she felt great. I believe the Marrinol is working in more ways than nausea and appetite. Greg saw the pictures and asked if mama was 'high'. We laughed the whole time we were visiting today. For the first 30 minutes all she talked about was food and what she wanted everyone to make for her. We will have to have a big celebration meal when she gets to come home and everyone take her favorites.

She said the doctors are still telling her she will have bad days ahead. Her white count is still up over 2. When that goes down below 1 is when she will feel bad. That will probably be this week or next. The stem cells are still fighting her cells.

Mama told us about this lady (Mildred, I believe) she met last week in the gym. The lady needed a transplant but no one in her family or on the national registry was a match. A woman had a baby and donated the cord blood and that was a match for Mildred. Mama said she told Mildred that God had created that baby to save her life. She said Mildred said she was so glad Mama said that because she felt the same way.

Again, one more example of how God puts people in your life for a reason. Sometimes it feels as though God is not in control and you wonder why God is letting this happen and then something like this happens and you realize it is His plan for your life not yours. I look at mama and wish my faith was as strong as hers and wish I could let go of things and let God take care of it. I have a hard time with it and you would think that after watching her go through leukemia and treatment three times now that I would have learned. What an inspiration she is!

Please pray that her bad days will not be as bad as the doctors say they will be. Pray that she will not experience anything worse than she has with the previous treatments.

Sunday, November 11, 2007 9:07 AM CST

HALLELUJAH!!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!! God is so good!!!!What a beautiful Sunday morning!! I've already been blessed this morning. First with a wonderful message by Dr James Kennedy entitled "Semper Fi". This Marine slogan means "Always Faithful". What a great attitude for our Christian walk. Whatever comes our way, may we always be found faithful to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And that should not be hard for us(but it is) because we KNOW that the object person of our faith has NEVER let us down. I was also blessed by something my doctors said this morning. They were talking about my lungs and how if I had been where I was healthwise last Thursday, in need of transplant, only few years ago my transplant would not have been possible. They did not have the medicine available to keep my lungs safe with my history of asthma, chronic bronchitis,pneumonia and ASPERGILLIS. I cannot wait to tell you the revelation anew of how, even though God is allowing me to go through this, He has been paving the way for my safe and peaceful journey for many, many years. I whine and cry nad have pity parties sometime but I pray you know I have never doubted God's love and care for me, no matter what happens from here on out. I hope I can remember all these thing to write them down.

I continue to feel great. We have the nausea under control, and so far no sores in my mouth. I have energy and appetite. My white count is still up, 2.3 today, so I haven't hit bottom yet. Both the doctor's and nurses keep reminding me that I should expect a few very bad days ahead, but for now I feel great!!. I know I'm basking in your prayers and God is giving me a massage, helping me through. Right now I 'm not afraid. Please pray for my faith that I will not be emabrrassed to stand in front of my Father at any time.

Sorry the site was not updated for a few days. Bridget is being tested too. She's having some issues at work, the stress of my being here, and facing gallbladder surgery Tues., Nov 27 (plus a PERFECT 3 yr old) are taking it's toll on her. Please pray for her and Greg. Pray for Charlie and Becca,too. They have started building a house. Charlie is wanting to physically build as much of it as he can to save money. Will try harder to keep you infromed daily.

As always, thank you for your continued concern and your prayers.
Love you!!!

Friday, November 9, 2007 8:35 pm

Mama has had a good day today. She got a methotrexate injection today so she has two left. The first one made her sick but so far so good with this one. Kenneth had already gotten to the hospital and he had brought her Chinese food. She was eating as we talked.

That is all the news I have for today. Again, thank you to everyone who has written messages. It means alot to all of us. I am enjoying reading them as much as she does.

Thursday, November 8, 2007 9:34 PM

Mama was sick again today. The doctors started her on Marrinol to help with the nausea and vomiting. She has taken that in the past and it has helped. She said she feels ok other than the nausea/vomiting.

This was her first day alone and she sounded a little down. Kenneth will come back up tomorrow evening. I told her that in 2 weeks when I have to have my gallbladder surgery I will come over and sit with her during the day once I am released to drive. She was excited about that.

Please keep lifting her up in prayer. Pray for her physical healing and emotional wellbeing. I know she is lonely, and I wish I could go over everyday and spend the day with her. Please continue to send the messages and kind words.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007 7:13 PM

Talked to mama twice today. She was doing good earlier today but got sick after I talked to her at lunch. She said she walked today.

She said the told her that they gave her 5 million of Mike's stem cells so they have 4 million available if she needs a boost.

Thank you for all the messages today.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007 7:35 pm

Mama got her stem cells today about 3:30 pm and they were done about 4:45-5:00 pm. She tolerated it well. They told her this morning that Mike was able to give 9 million cells and they only needed 2 million cells. They will freeze the rest and use it if she needs a boost.

She had a bad night last night because she was very nauseous. She started the anti-rejection medication yesterday and that is what is making her sick.

Now it is time to wait and see. Day 15 should be when the cells take hold and her white count should go up. They call this engrafting.

They put her contact isolation until they rule out she has parainfluenza. This is one of the things they wanted to rule out with the bronchoscopy. The nurses told her this afternoon after the transfusion started. So we all had to put gowns and gloves on again. They had just taken her off contact isolation yesterday.

I have added some pictures from today to the site. Mama wanted to be sure everyone saw this.

Please continue to lift her up in prayer.

Monday, November 5, 2007 1:06 PM CST

Hello, everybody! I'm back. I'm feeling low today. They started a drug to bring down my immune system before infusion. This is an anti-rejection drug of sorts that I will be taking 6-12 months. I hope I get used to it cause I don't know if I will be able to work and take this but it is probably like some of the others that the more you take it you get immune to the side effects. Mike is giving his stem cells as we speak. They said he should be finished by about 3:30pm today. Kenneth said the nurses said that Mike was an overachiever. For my sake that is good. They are getting all the stem cells they need. They have advised Mike not to work tomorrow. He may come back tomorrow with Mama and Daddy. Please continue to keep me in your prayers.I can feel the peace. Also please pray for Jenny Wallace, a young girl from Rockingham, she is also having transplant. She's my next door neighbor up here. Love to all of you!!!! Kay

Saturday, November 3, 2007 9:30 pm

Sorry there was not a post on Friday. I did not speak with Mama yesterday because I went to the Emergency Room after work. She does not have the laptop with her yet, she will have that on Monday.

I went over and saw her today and she is doing well. No nausea or vomiting and she said she feels good. She was finishing today's chemo treatment when I got to the room. Her blood sugar is high due to the Decadron she is receiving.

Sunday is the last dose of chemo. She does not have any treatments on Monday because it is a day of rest. Mike will give his stem cells on Monday and Mama will get them on Tuesday around lunch time and she said they have to be in by 3:00 pm (not sure why).

Mama had the bronchoscopy yesterday. She said they kept going back and forth on whether they should do a bronchoscopy or not to find out what is wrong with her lungs and she told them to just do one. They should know something this week. Pray that it is related to the cold she has had and that it is nothing serious.

Mama has always had good care on the 9100 unit. This is the first time she has been on 9200 which is the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit. Her nurse today used to work with me. Her name is Kim and she is a great nurse. It was comforting to see a familiar face and know that she is definitely being taken care of. Just more proof that God's hand is in this and He puts people in your life for a reason. What are the odds that a nurse involved in her transplant care would have worked with me two years ago on a cardiac unit. Kim worked with transplant patients before she came to work with us at Wakemed. She went back to Duke after 4 months at Wakemed and that was the same time Mama was fighting leukemia for the second time. I remember talking to Kim about the transplant then because the doctors thought she needed it 2 years ago. Some of us were talking about Kim at work this week because we missed her because she was such a good nurse. I never thought she would be caring for my mom.

Please continue to lift Mama up in prayers and thank you for the journal entries. I am sure that she will post something as soon as she gets the computer Monday. Tuesday I am going over and I will help her set up the computer so she can see Brayden via webcam. I believe that is the hardest part for her because she won't be able to see him or touch him until she is released home (about 3-4 months).

Thursday, November 1, 2007 6:30PM

I talked with Mama about 6:00pm tonight and they were coming in to start the chemo. She said she was doing good but that it had been a busy day.

The CT scan she had revealed something in her lungs. She said at one point the doctors said they might have to postpone the transplant and do a bronchoscopy. They wanted to go in to see what was in her lungs. Mama said the doctors decided that the transplant did not need to be postponed any longer. She said they feel that what they are seeing is probably due to the cold she has.

She said the room is really nice. She is in room 9215. She can have visitors during the day but no one can spend the night.

Thank you all for the words of encouragement. Please continue to pray for her.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007 7:46 AM CDT

Well, here it is, the day before I leave. My clothes are packed(two suitcases-one for the hospital and the other for the two months in the apt) thank you notes written, hugs given out to everyone I can, so I guess I'm ready to go. Tomorrow is Day -5. Tomorrow I start 4 days of chemo and then on Day -1(Monday) I rest. This is the day that Mike will give his stem cells. We will be in seperate places. I will be in the hospital and he will be at the Adult Bone Marrow Transplant clinic(ABMT) We will countdown to Day 0 (Tuesday) which is the day of infusion(when I get Mike's stem cells). The BMT team calls this the day of your rebirth. While I know this will always be a day to remember it will never be as important as the day I was BORN AGAIN. After the infusion we will count the days upward. I may have to stay til day +100 but hopefully not.

I want to thank you all again for your prayers. I know without a doubt that God is listening. Already I feel His arms of peace around me, giving me strength and comfort. It is great to look at my guestbook and read notes from people I know well and see often, people I haven't seen in a VERY long time , and especially those who don't even know me but have taken the time to pray for me. It may be a small thing to you but you will never know how precious those entries are to me.

I'm feeling good except for a little cold, probably from all the hugs and the change of weather. I won't have the laptop for a few days so Bridget will update. I'll write as soon as I can.

I love you all more than words can say!!!!!!

Friday, October 26, 2007 8:38 AM CDT

Well, I went back to Duke yesterday for my final visit before entering the hospital. Some of you may have heard that I got a call on Wednesday from Jill, NP at the BMT clinic. She told me that I had not scored well on my pulmonary function test. I knew this because Dr Kelsey( radiation oncologist) had already informed me. He said my test was not good but he thought I could tolerate the radiation ok. Well, Dr Horwitz disagrees. He is afraid to risk TBI on me so the plan is changed. I will enter the hospital on Thursday, Nov.1 instead of Monday. I will have 4 days of chemo (Thurs,Fri,Sat,Sun) then 1 day of rest and receive Mike's stem cells on Tues. Dr Horwitz is confident that we can accomplish what we need to with chemo alone. I was afraid that they might say that because of the lung problem that the BMT was off. As much as I do not want to have transplant, I am convinced that this is the right way to go. I prayed and gave all this to the Lord so I am sure this is His plan. He has spared me some horrific side effects of the radiation and I am convinced He will make sure every little cell of leukemia is erased with the chemo.
I am continually awed at how awesome my God is and how He cares for me even before I ask.
Love you all!!!!!

Monday, October 22, 2007 3:08 PM CDT

Mama, Daddy and I have just returned from my appt with the radiation oncologist. I was VERY nervous but everyone was super nice. Dr Kelsey explained the treatments thoroughly and said that to them they were quite boring. I will not have to be in a tight place, in fact, quite the opposite. I will be in a large roon, sitting on a stretcher. I will be as far away from the source of the radiation as possible. The reason was explained to me this way. Think of a flashlight. The closer you hold the light to an object, the smaller the radius. And the farther away you are, the wider the radius. The radiation will come from the side. They will radiate one side then turn the stretcher around to get the other side. About 7 mins per side and I'm done. Just like a big fat juicy steak( but not as tasty). I have 9 scheduled tmts. One on Monday and 2 a day the next four days. Of course there are possible side effects ranging from cataracts to lung and liver problems that could lead to death. I'm praying (and I hope you are too) for MINIMAL side effects. Also be praying already that Mike will produce an abundance of stem cells.
I fell a little better about the tmts even though I'm silll anxious. Thank you for your continued concern and your prayers. I'll update again on Thursday after my appt at the BMT clinic.
Love to you all!!!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2007 9:45 AM CDT

Hey everybody!!
Sorry I haven't posted an update sooner but things have been busy and I still have to set aside time for rest. We went for our BMT consult on Thursday. We had to listen to all the risks again and be told again that I could die during transplant but Dr Horwitz said that after that day he would not mention any negatives again. He feels very positive about sucess for me. Mike is a perfect match so they are hardly concerned about rejection. I had to have another bone marrow biopsy (what fun) that I wasn't expecting. After a long afternoon at the clinic and hearing again the dangers of BMT, I was glad that Kenneth and I had planned to go out of town. We had a great time and for a few days could almost forget the struggles ahead.
I check into the hospital Oct 29. On that day I will have 1(one) total body irradiation (TBI). For the next 4 days I will have 2 a day. The Dr said these were easy and lasted 10-15 min but the notebook of info they gave me says 60-90 min.Following 5 days of TBI, I will have 2 days of chemo.After the chemo I will have 2 days of rest to allow the chemo to flush out of my system before the stem cells are introduced. I will be in the hospital for 30-35 days then be discharged to live in an apt for approx 60 days. The apts look very nice. They are fully furnished,even linens, housekeeping services 1-2 times a week. It would almost be like a vacation if I wasn't sick and away from Kenneth, my family and church.
I'll update once more before the 29th to give you the latest. I'll be able to have the laptop but Bridget may need to do the updates again. But I will be able to read your encouraging words.
Thanks to all of you for your continued concern and your prayers (especially your prayers!)
Love to all of you!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007 8:07 AM CDT

Hey everybody! Today is a good day! I overdid it over the weekend and did not take rest periods and yesterday I was extremely tired. I couldn't even make it to choir practice so you know I was tired. Today I feel much better.
On Thursday Mike and I will be going to the BMT consult. We should find out the approximate date and all the details for the transplant. After that appt. Kenneth and I are going out of town for the weekend just to try to get our minds off the coming months. On Monday I'll update you on the BMT.
Thank you all for your continued prayers and concern. I know God has heard your prayers bacause I am truly in remission(not a small thing for a 54 year old relapsing for the second time) God is good all the time!!!!!
I would like to ask you all to pray for my friend Sharon King's sister,Cindy. She has a mass in her kidney. Pray that it is confined to the kidney and can be easily removed.

Love to all of you!!!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007 3:07 PM CDT

Hey everybody!! This is Kay.

In case you haven't heard, my white count jumped up from 1.1 to 2.2 overnight. The bone marrow biopsy revealed nothing bad in the bone marrow, 85% neutrophils ( the good stuff) so all is well in the bone marrow. Because of all your prayers I was able to come home yesterday but I was not discharged until almost 4:00 pm and we did not get home until late and I was exhausted. We got up this morning and had to go to Walmart to get prescriptions filled, went to the monument place to view the monument selection for Gene, and since we've been home we have had a few visiters. So sorry I haven't updated til now.

It is great to be home even though I am still very tired. I go for BMT consult Oct 4 and probably transplant the end of October.

I'll update every couple of days. Feel free to call or come by (call first). I should feel stronger day by day.

Thanks again for all our prayers!!!!!!

Love to all of you, Kay

Thursday, September 20, 2007 5:24 PM CDT

Hey everybody!!! This is Kay. Just had to post another entry today. What a day this has been. This morning after I learned that my counts had stalled at 1.1 and another biopsy was needed to determine if the leukemia was back I had an emotional breakdown. I was crying, my nurse was crying, Becca was crying everybody was crying. If the leukemina was back that would mean going back into chemo and putting off the BMT til later. This was more than I could take. I finally pulled myself together and reminded satan that he has NO authority over me.I reminded him that I AM a CHILD of the MOST HIGH GOD, bought with the blood of my Jesus Christ. I read Psalm 91 which was given to me by a special friend. I read from Ephesians 1:18-23 and put on my armor in 6:13-18. I asked forgivness for doubting and being anxious.
Later, Kenneth arrived then Mama, Daddy and Rose arrived and just their presence seemed to calm my troubled soul.

Then this afternoon late Dr DeCastro came with the news from the preliminary results from the biopsy. He said he saw NOTHING bad in the bone marrow. Nothing to indicate that there was any cancer in the bone marrow. WHAT GLORIOUS NEWS!!!!!! Kenneth and I hugged and gave thanks to God for sparing me once again.

Thanks for all the special prayers today and hopefully I can see you all real soon.

Love to all of you,

Thursday, September 20, 2007 11:36 AM CDT

Hey, this is Becca coming to you from the recliner in room 9125. Kay's white cell counts are the same as yesterday, 1.1, but her platelets are up. She had to have another bone marrow biopsy today. Please pray that the leukemia is not found in the biopsy. And pray that counts come up. The doctor did say that as long as the cell counts come up tomorrow she can go home. Kenneth is coming up today and I am going back to R'ham. Again, please pray that cell counts will rise and spirits will rise as well. Kay appreciates your continued love and support.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 8:30 pm

Mama's white count is up to 1.1 today. She asked that you pray that the counts are up to 1.5 tomorrow. She said they told her it would be Friday before she could go home.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007 5:42 pm

Mama's white count is 1 today. She said if she doesn't have any more fevers she will probably go home on Thursday. She is still hoarse and on antibiotics.

She asked that everyone continue to pray for her.

Monday, September 17, 2007 4:47 pm

Mama's white count is up to 0.6 today. She has laryngitis and had a fever last night. She thinks it is due to the temp in the room. She has had trouble getting the temperature regulated and said se froze Friday or Saturday night. The vent is right over her head.

She has asked that everyone pray her count will be up to 0.8 or higher tomorrow.

Sunday, September 16, 2007 10:55 am

White count 0.3 today. Platelets and red count are up. Today is day 27. Mama said she is tired today.

Please continue to pray that the white count will go up.

Saturday, September 15, 2007 5:10 pm

Mama's white count is 0.3 today. She is off all of the IV medications. She walked a half mile today. She said she feels good.

She asked that everyone please pray that her counts go up more tomorrow. She is wanting to go home so bad.

Friday, September 14, 2007 3:46 pm

Mama's white count was down to 0.2 today. Platelets are up but red count down. She had to get blood today. Eyes are back to normal.

Please continue to pray for her and that her counts will come up soon. She really wants to get home.

Thursday, September 13, 2007 9:02 pm

Mama's white count is up to 0.3 today. She said she still feels good.

Please continue to pray for her.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007 3:30 PM

Just spoke to mama. Her white count is down to 0.2 today. She said that the doctor told her day 25 is when counts normally start to go up. Day 25 is tomorrow. He said if the counts don't turn around by day 30 then they will get concerned.

We all know mama and know that if she was at home right now she wouldn't be as focused on taking care of herself. She would be doing whatever it took to make sure everyone else is okay (Kenneth, Ellen, and the rest of the family). I told her last night that this is God's way of telling her she comes first right now and everyone else will be okay too.

Please continue to keep everyone in your thought and prayers. Mama asked that the prayers are that her counts will start turning around in the next day or so. She feels a little discouraged because she is in the hospital and the counts have gone down not up.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007 11:01 AM CDT

Hey everybody!
This is Kay.
Bridget has been sick for a few days with a sinus infection so I thought since my eyes were better that I would update today. I continue to feel good, too good to be here, but my counts aren't cooperating. My white count was down to .3 today. This is normal but I had hoped for a little higher number today. I so need to be home now to be with my family. Needless to say I'm not in the highest of spirits today. I couldn't help but tear up when the doctors came in this morning. Then they sent the social worker by to help me "talk it out". She's really nice but she is no substitute for all you guys.

Thanks for all the cards, notes here on the site and phone calls. Don't know how I'd make it without you. Like the song says "I get by with a little help from my friends".

Please continue to pray for me and all the Lynch's. Also continue to pray for Cameronian. We are all so close and we have lost Kenneth Baldwin, Mr. Alford(Hoyt's Dad) and now Gene.

Hope to be home soon. Love to all of you. Kay

Monday, September 10, 2007 9:01 pm

Mama's counts are unchanged. She is doing good.

Keep Kenneth, his mother (Ellen), and his brother's (Donald and Danny) in your thoughts and prayers. Kenneth's dad, Gene, passed away this evening.

Sunday, September 9, 2007 6:30 pm

Mama's blood count today are: platelets 49, hematocrit 29, and white count 0.4. She said the counts usually come up around day 21 and that will be Tuesday. She hopes she will go home sometime this week.

Please continue to pray for her.

Saturday, September 8, 2007 1:40 pm

White count is still 0.5 and she is having to get platelets today. She said she feels good. Her eyes are still bothering her but she said today was the best day.

She said her hair is coming out.

Mama said thank you for the cards, phone calls, and the prayers. Please continue to pray for her.

Thursday, September 6, 2007 8:39 pm

Just talked with mama. Her counts are still about the same. She did have to get some blood today. She will meet with the transplant team on Oct 4th. It looks like the transplant will take place at the end of October.

Continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Her eyes are still bothering her and she has not looked at the site. I told her she needed to look at the post from Jill from last night. I had not looked at it before I talked to her. I saw all of the post so I am glad I told her to look at it.

Thank you to everyone that has sent well wishes to mama.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007 5:40 PM


Dr Moore just came in and told mama that the bone marrow looks good and they are where they need to be. Now her counts need to come up and she can go home.

No definites as to when everything will happen with the transplant process but at least her bone marrow is clean and she can proceed.

Praise the Lord!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007 4:55 pm

Mama's white count is0.5, platelets in the 20's, and red count is better. Still no word from the bone marrow biopsy. They just were not able to give her preliminary results yesterday.

She will let me know as soon as she hears something. Please continue to pray for her.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 9:00pm

No news about the bone marrow biopsy. They were not able to get enough bone marrow for a result. Her white count today was 0.6 and her platelets were 4. She had to get some platelets today.

Please continue to pray for her and pray that she is in remission and her counts will come up this week.

Monday, September 3, 2007 9:53pm

Mama's eyes were much better today when I took Rebecca over to the hospital. Her white count is up to 0.5 today. When it gets above one and the other counts are staying on the upward trend she will get to come home. Her bone marrow biopsy is tomorrow and she was told that she would have preliminary news tomorrow evening. I told her to call as soon as she knew so I could post.

I took some pictures today and they are in the photo album. Just click the link below.

Continue to pray for mama and that the bone marrow will be clean.

Monday, September 3, 2007 1:55pm

I saw mama yesterday and she had to get 2 units of blood. Her eyes are bothering her bad. She said they burn so bad. Yesterday they started the Decadron (steroid) drops back. She said the first couple of doses helped but by the fourth dose her eyes were hurting bad again. They are starting new drops today. No blood products today.

Pray for her tomorrow as she will have a bone marrow biopsy. Pray that the marrow will be free of leukemia and that she can proceed with the transplant process. She said if it wasn't for her eyes she feels like she could come home.

Today is Kenneth's birthday. Happy Birthday Kenneth!!

Please continue to pray for Gene and Ellen, Alan, and the church.

Saturday, September 1, 2007 9:11 AM CDT

Saturday, September 1. Can you believe it. Hopefully finally an end to unbearable heat and drought and hopefully an end to all the trials of us at Cameronian. As I lie here and think ( and I have lots of time for that), I remember the excitement we were feeling only a few months ago when God saw fit to bring together the Clan Gebhard and Cameronian. We imagined all sorts of scenarios about chuch revival and spiritual renewal, about lots of kids in our halls and Senior citizen needs being met. We felt we were on the verge of something BIG at Cameronian. Several of us have felt for some time that God has blessed us with such a beautiful facility not for our own comfort or pride but to further His kingdom. After listening to Doug's sermon from Sunday (thanks Pat!) I still feel the same way. Maybe even more so.
As I sit here just biding time I can see satan is very upset and running around trying to discourage us. Just since August 1 every family has had to deal with devastating news. We've had death ,illness,joys and sorrows.I thank God everyday for Doug and his family. It is so nice and comforting to be able to call at any time for a comforting word. Keep Doug in your prayers that he may not grow weary.Satan would like nothing better than for us to give up under overwhelming circumstances. But I'm not giving up. I'm putting on my full armour to stand and I thank God that I am not standing alone. You all will never know how much strength I draw from you. I am a bit jealous that I can't be there with you right now but I'm trying to be patient. I love all of you.

For those of you who read this page who do not go to Cameronian please pray for our church during these sad times.

God IS preparing us. I know it! Pray for me as I pray for you that we may be sensitive to His teaching that we may be soon out and casting our BIG nets so that others may come to know the MOST WONDERFUL GOD we serve.

By the way, I feel good today. Don't now my counts yet so I don't know if I'll need a transfusion. My magnesium is low so I will recieve that. My biggest complaint is my eyes. They burn and hurt. Pray that this chemo side effect will quickly leave.

Friday, August 31, 2007 6:50

I saw mama for a few minutes today when I picked Rebecca up. She was tired. Rebecca said that when mama took a shower today it wore her out and she had to rest. They had not gone for a walk today. Mama had just taken a Benadryl because she was getting ready to get platelets. Her platelet count was 7. She did not know her white count or hematocrit today.

I talked to her a few minutes ago and she said she feels about the same not quite as sleepy since the Benadryl was wearing off.

Mama's entry this AM had in there to pray for Gene and Ellen (her in-laws). After I posted yesteray, mama had Rebecca call me to tell me that Hospice had been called to start seeing Gene. For those that may not know about him, Gene has leukemia too, but is not able to take the chemo like mama can. He has had a some rough weeks lately.

Please keep all of them in your prayers especially Kenneth as he cares for mama and his dad (Gene).

Friday, August 31, 2007 9:03 AM CDT

Hey everybody! This is Kay this morning. It's still early but already things are hoppin' round here. One round of doctors has rounded and I've had 2 bags of antibiotics. So far so good with the fevers. You may think fever, what's the big deal? Well it is a very big deal when you have no immune system to fight off the bug that is causing the fever. Hopefully mine are controlled early with antibioics and now it will be just a waiting game. Keep praying. DON'T LET UP! Seek the Lord daily on my behalf, but not only mine but Gene and Ellen(my in-laws), Alan Snead, Mr Goodman and the Baldwins. Oh well, spend time in prayer for even those who seem to have no problems.

I thank God for SO many blessings that I can't begin to list them not the least of which is all of you who care for me.

Love to all,

Thursday, August 30, 2007 5:35

Good news!

Mama did not have any fevers today. She said her and Rebecca slept all day and her day was uneventful. Mama does not have much of an appetite and nothing tastes good. Her white count today was 0.1, platelets 12, and her hematocrit was 26. No blood products today.

More good news!!

Alan Snead (mama's cousin)has a rare form of lung cancer. He has to have surgery and was waiting until he passed his breathing tests. He had the test this week and passed it. Jill (his daughter) called and said that the doctors were very pleased with the results. She said they told him that they will take the middle and lower lobe of his right lung out and if the left lung does have cancer, when they do the biopsy, they can afford to take the lower lobe of the left lung. The doctors feel that he will do fine if they have to take all three but hopefully they only have to remove part of the right lung. His surgery may be as early as Tuesday of next week.

Please continue to pray for mama and for Alan. Both need lots of prayer for healing and protection.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007 8:39 PM

Mama had a fever today of 100.6. She said she is on a couple more antibiotics and that they will probably change those tomorrow. She said they got the fever under control pretty quick and it did not get any higher.

She said she has not felt good today.

Please continue to pray for her and that the fevers will not be too bad.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 8:15 PM

Mama is doing good. She said she broke her glasses last night and had them taped together. She said Dr Gockerman told her to take them to have them fixed and told her where to go. She said she asked him could she really leave the floor and he said yes. She said her and Rebecca went to the first floor and to the Opthamology clinic and they fixed her glasses for free. She said it was nice to have the chance to get out. She laughed saying that she was a sight because she had on her pajamas, robe, a yellow isolation gown, mask, and her bedroom slippers. She said not too many people bothered them. I told her I guessed it was a good thing her head was bald so people sort of knew why she was dressed like that.

No fevers today and she did not have to get any blood products. She asked that everyone continue to pray for her not to have any fevers. Tomorrow is day 9 and she said days 9 and 10 are when the fevers are most likely to start.

She said Rebecca is holding up good. She said Rebecca said every time she eats something the doctor comes in to see mama. Mama said nothing tastes good. Papa and grandma are going up tomorrow and taking them barbecue sandwiches.

Please continue to pray for her. Thank you to all of those that have sent messages.

Monday, August 27, 2007 7:55 PM

Mama finished her chemo this AM. She said she did have a "spell" this AM. She is not sure what happened. She said her blood pressure and vital signs were all good but it was like she fell asleep. She said when it happened Rebecca was standing at the window and she remembers calling Rebecca's name.

Her white count is down to 0.1 today. I do not remember the platelet count. She walked a mile today.

She said she feels the prayers going up and she knows that is why she has been so forunate not to be sick from the chemo.

Please continue to pray for her. This week is when she is going to be at the highest risk for infection because her counts are so low. She will probably run some fevers. She said her and Rebecca are being very careful and washing their hands a lot.

I will keep you posted. She reads the guestbook daily if able. I have changed the address on this page to a Yahoo! account. This will allow her to check the emails in the hospital.

We all thank you for your prayers.

Sunday, August 26, 2007 8:58 AM CDT

Hey everybody! This is Kay today.
Bridget has been real busy with Brayden's 3rd birthday party. But as she said 'no news is good news'.

I continue to be surprised at how well I am tolerating the chemo. The chemo drugs are VERY strong this time so we can blast this leukemia out the first time around and get on with the transplant process.

I know your continual prayers for me are being heard and God has been so gracious.

I wish I could tell you how blessed I feel to have so many people out there who are concerned enough about me to take time from your busy lives to check out this site, call me or send me an encouraging card. One of the worst parts about being here is not seeing all of you. As I am writing this journal I notice the time. I would be in SS now or preparing for worship service.HOW I MISS THAT!!!!!
Bridget is going to continue the daily updates but I'll add personal notes frome time to time.

I am recieving my 10th bag of chemo. Only 2 more for this go round. One tonight and the last one in the morning. From then on for the next couple of weeks it will be a waiting game. Once the drugs have all but killed my bone marrow we then have to wait for it to grow again. During this time I will be prone to infections and fevers but these too will pass and hopefully all will go well once again.

Please pray that I will not get discouraged. This is a very serious disease and I am constantly confronting words of doubt like "if we get you into remission". My doctor says though "when we get you back in remission", now that's better.

God is so good and has been so wonderfully present with me through this. He has shown His mighty hand in so many ways I could not begin to list them.
Thanks for taking the time to check on me and pray for me!!

ps to Mike. Thanks for the laptop!!!

Love to all of you!!!! Kay

Thursday, August 23, 2007 8:22pm

Just talked to mama and she said she feels better. She said she was nauseated this AM but she did not have to take any medicine for it.

She said she walked a mile today (the unit has distance marked so patients know how far they are going). She was able to take a shower and the bandage on her Hickman was changed. She said that made her feel better.

Her nurse today used to work on the bone marrow transplant unit. She said that the nurse had not worked there in 3 years but she told mama how things used to be. The way it sounds it is set up like an ICU. One nurse to 1-2 patients and the nurse is right outside the room and able to observe the patient through the windows at all times. No one can stay overnight during that time. She told mama that the staff is very attentive in the transplant unit.

We did not talk long because the nurse came in to start her chemo. Again, I thank all of you that are praying for mama and have sent messages to her.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007 6:37 PM

Just talked with mama. She has her Hickman in and the chemo was started last night. The fellow from the transplant team came by this AM and mama said she was not very positive. The transplant doctor came by this afternoon and mama said he was positive.

The doctor asked if she wanted the odds for the transplant working and she told him no. She said the plan is to have the transplant no matter what. He asked why she didn't do it last time and she said that there was too much going on. The goal is to get her in remission and then go home for a few days and then go back for the transplant.

When the transplant happens she will get the marrow from Mike and have to stay at or within 5 minutes of the hospital for 90 days. If she is doing good toward the end of the 90 days she be allowed to go home for long weekends. After the 90 days if she is doing good and there are no complications then she gets to go home. She will not have to stay within an hour for awhile as she was told last time.

He told her the leukemia can come back after the transplant and she is aware of that. She is positive and prays this will take care of the leukemia. There will be a consult with the transplant team once she is in remission and we will go to that with her. She will be at increased risk of infection, as she is now, so she will have to be very careful for some time.

Thank you to all those that have sent messages via the guestbook. I told mama about the posts and she wanted everyone to know how much she appreciates the messages and the prayers. It means a lot to know she is on prayer lists in churches she has never attended or even met the members (Benson, NC, Brunswick, Ga, and in Texas-How Amazing!).

I will continue to keep you posted of her status. There may not be posts every day which means every thing is okay and she is doing good.

Thank you again to everyone that is praying for her and her recovery. God Bless You!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007, 9:22pm

Mama saw Dr Moore this AM and had blood work done. The plan since last Tuesday was to be admitted to Duke today to start her chemo.

Her blood counts today were down some more. White count was down to 1.5 , platelets down to 160 , and red count was 11. She said the nurse practitioner told her she could go home with those numbers and Mama told her that wasn't the plan. Mama has a sore throat, ear ache, and one of her lymph nodes is swollen in her right arm. She burned herself last week and again on Saturday at the breakfast. She said the doctors are monitoring the site for infection.

The plan was to start the first dose of chemo around 8 or 9 tonight. She will get it for 3 hours twice a day for 6 days. She will receive a second type of chemo via IV push once a day for 3 days. She will have the Hickman catheter placed tomorrow (Wednesday) and she will keep that permanently until she is completely done with the process.

No mention of the bone marrow transplant today except she asked when someone would talk with her because I want to be there. We both have a lot of questions because the plan is for her to stay with me, Greg, and Brayden after the transplant so that she is close to Duke. Once it is safe for her to be back home and not have to be within an hour of Duke she will return home. Her brother, Mike, will be the bone marrow donor.

Grandma is staying with her until Friday then Kenneth will go up to stay the weekend.

Friday, August 12, 2005 10:12 AM CDT

I went for my checkup yesterday. My counts were good. Platlets- 162,000 White count 9.5 Hemaglobin 10.6 Hematocrit .32 Red count a little low but still good. I did have a bone marrow biopsy. I should hear the results next week. I continue to improve daily and am planning to work Mondays and Wednesdays in August then back full time in September. I will update next week about the bone marrow results. Thank you all for your prayers. Love you, Kay

Thursday, August 4, 2005 7:38 AM CDT

Well, I'm finally home again!!! I had a very rough week this time, fevers everyday. I was not able to walk much and coupled with the effects of all the antibiotics, fevers, not eating much and other things I'm still not real strong. I'm trying to be a little more active today and eat very healthy to try to get my strength back up. I will have blood drawn locally tomorrow. When I left Duke, my white count was 5.8. Red blood cells were down a bit, I even recieved blood before I left. Platlets were 13 but rising. I go for a check-up Thursday and will probably have a bone marrow biopsy. This is routine to confirm that I am still in remission. Pray that this is true. Tahks for all your prayers and concerns. Love you all, Kay

Tuesday, August 2, 2005 8:19 PM CDT

Mama had a rough day yesterday. Had fever off and on during the day and night. Her white count was 0.8 yesterday. She was still on antibioticcs. Today she has felt better. Her white count came up to 2 today. She said Dr Gockerman told her she could go home tomorrow. She said her heart rate got up today and they did an EKG and consulted a cardiologist to see her. They had not been around yet. So if everything checks out ok she will go home tomorrow.

Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, July 31, 2005 8:34 PM CDT

Mama is some better today. They did a chest xray and a CT scan last night. She does have a sinus infection and they started her on IV Avelox. The chest xray showed a spot in her lung but they do not think it is pneumonia. She said they told her she has pleurisy. She is still on IV Vancomycin. They stopped the Cipro and started her on IV Clindamycin and IV Tobramycin (all antibiotics). She has had a low grade fever since last pm. She did walk some today and she said before today she has not even felt like sitting in the chair.

Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Please pray for strength to continue to fight this infection.

Saturday, July 30, 2005 1:54 PM CDT

Mama is getting blood this afternoon because her counts are low. She said her fever broke sometime between 4 and 6 this am but she has a fever of 101 now. She had a coughing spell this afternoon and got a sharp pain in her side. She has also had some wheezing on the same side. They are going to repeat her chest xray today. She had to take 2 oxycodone for the pain and it was starting to help the pain. Continue to pray for her.

Friday, July 29, 2005 8:14 PM CDT

I just talked with mama and she is still having fevers. They just checked her temp and it was 103. She still feels pretty bad. They are going to start her on IV Vancomycin and see if the fevers break. If they continue they are going to do a CT scan of her sinuses to see if she has a sinus infection. The blood cultures have been negative so far. She did have to get platelets today because her counts were low.

Mama sounded like she was feeling a little down. Please keep her in your thoughts and pray that the fever breaks and she begins to feel better.

Thursday, July 28, 2005 8:35 PM CDT

Mama started running a fever yesterday and went to Duke. She did not get into a room until today and it was on the fourth floor. They moved her about 9:00 pm EST tonight to room 9102. She is tired and still running a fever. The highest it had been was 103. They were given her Tylenol and IV Cipro. She called me back once they got her to the new room and her fever was 104. She said that they had put ice packs under her armpits.

She sounded tired and down tonight. Please pray that her fevers break and that she does not have anymore 104 fevers. Pray for strength to fight this infection. She has come to far to let a fever and infection get her down.

Thursday, July 21, 2005 6:04 PM CDT

Mama is doing pretty good. She has had a headache and again she believes it is from the IV pushes of chemo. She finished those yesterday. She says that if all goes well she should finish the chemo about 5:00pm on Saturday. She will be able to leave once that is done.

Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Monday, July 18, 2005 9:04 PM CDT

Mama is tired after the busy weekend. Charlie got married and all the stress of the wedding is over. She went back to Duke today to start another round of chemo. We hope this is the last one and that the leukemia does not come back this time. The first dose was supposed to start about 6:00pm tonight. Mama said she should get to come home on Saturday.

Her room number is 9126. If you want to call her the number is 919-681-9126. Please pray for her and that she doesn't get sick like the last time. We will keep you posted on her condition.

Monday, July 11, 2005 8:41 PM CDT

Thank you all for your prayers! I'm feeling better this time! Love you! Kay

Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:35 AM CDT

Today I'm feeling pretty good. I go Tuesday to have my counts checked. If the white count, platlet count, and hematocrit are coming up then I will not need to have them checked again until the 18th before I enter the hospital.
After the last consolidation round my energy level did not respond as quickly as other times. Pray that things go better this time since Charlie's wedding is on the 16th and there are lots of things that need doing. I'll be on vacation next week at Lake Tillery so I won't update until after the 10th. Thank you all for your continued concern and your prayers. I don't think I could have made it without you!!!!! Love you all, Kay

Sunday, June 26, 2005 7:35 PM CDT

Well I'm finally home again. I thought I would be home yesterday but my white count stayed at .9. Thankfully today it was 1.2, still low but up enough that it is safe for me to come home. I am scheduled to return to the hospital on July 18 to start my last round of chemo. Thank you for all the cards and especially the prayers. I love you all!!!!! Kay

Saturday, June 25, 2005 11:22 AM CDT

Mama's white count is still at 0.9, so she will not be coming home today. Hopefully, it will go to one tomorrow. She is upset that she could not come home today. Please continue to pray for her.

Friday, June 24, 2005 8:52 PM CDT

Mama's white count was 0.9 today. Hopefully it will be 1 tomorrow and she can go home. She said the bacteria isolated was E.coli and they do not have to remove her Hickman.

Kenneth, Jessica, and Grandma surprised mama last night for her birthday and brought her a little birthday cake.

Please continue to pray for mama and her recovery.

Thursday, June 23, 2005 2:53 PM CDT

Talked to mama earlier today. Her platelet count is down a little bit today. Other blood counts are about the same. She still is having problem with fevers.

Mama said that the blood cultures show that she has gram negative rods present. They have not isolated the specific type yet. Last time she had the same bacteria type and it isolated to E. coli. Mama said one of the interns came in and told her that she was going to take her Hickman catheter out because the bacteria could adhere to it. Mama told her that she had the same type last time and they didn't mention taking the Hickman out. The intern talked to the doctor and decided to wait and see what isolates. She said the doctor told her if they had to take it out they would give her platelets first since her count is really low. She was a little upset that the intern was just going to take it out and did not even say anything about giving her platelets. Mama said the doctors probably get aggravated with her because she questions a lot of what they do. I told her she is an informed patient and she should not worry what they think because she is looking out for herself.

Thank you to all of you that are praying for her and keeping her in your thoughts and prayers. Please pray that the bacteria is a type that can be easily treated with antibiotics and that they do not have to remove the Hickman.

I wished her a Happy Birthday and told her it could not be to happy because she was in the hospital. She says she has had worse.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005 8:12 PM CDT

Mama had to go to Duke yesterday. She started running a fever yesterday morning and she left for Duke around lunch time. I talked to her last night and she said her fever had come down some. It had gotten to 104.2 yesterday, and she was taking Tylenol.

Her counts had fallen even lower since Monday and they were going to give her platelets last night. Please pray for her and the fevers. Also pray that her counts begin coming up. She has a shower to attend for Rebecca on Sunday.

I will update the site tomorrow. As before, continue to pray for mama and pray that she has a Happy Birthday tomorrow. At least as good as it can be in the hospital.

Monday, June 20, 2005 9:13 PM CDT

Well a miracle has happened. I went to Duke today and my counts were VERY low. Hemaglobin 7.4/ Hematocrit 22/ Platlets 19,000/ White count 0.5. I had to have 2 units of blood but guess what-NO FEVER. I'm back home tonight and still NO FEVER. I have to go back Thursday and probably recieve platelets. The Lord is being very merciful by keeping my temp normal. Thank you Lord!!!!!!
Love you all,Kay

Saturday, June 18, 2005 5:41 PM CDT

Sorry I haven't updated since I came home Wednesday. Well so far so good. I go back to Duke Monday morning for my checkup and if I have a fever I'll be back in the hospital. Right now I still feel pretty good and hope to continue to feel good. Thank you all for you continued concern for me and for your prayers. Love you all. Kay

Tuesday, June 14, 2005 10:06 AM CDT

Mama had a rough day yesterday because she was nauseated. She said it is some better today but she still feels bad. She has a rash on her hands and they are going to give her some Benadryl. Still planning to go home tomorrow. Please continue to pray for her.

Sunday, June 12, 2005 5:49 PM CDT

Mama is doing pretty good. The doctor took the Decadron to help with the nausea out of the chemo because it was causing her blood sugar to stay high. She has had some nausea because of that. She has gotten both chemo pushes and said she should not get anymore this time. She said she had a headache Friday and Saturday after the pushes but had not had a headache today. Still looks like she will be home late Wednesday afternoon. She said the hospital food is horrible and she will probably eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches the rest of the week. She asks that you continue to pray for her and keep her in your thoughts.

Saturday, June 11, 2005 8:59 AM CDT

Mama spent the week at the beach and returned to Duke yesterday. She started the chemo about 2:15 pm. She will be at Duke for about 5 days. Her chemo should be finished around 2:30 pm on Wednesday and then she will come home that afternoon. She still feels good but just a little tired. Please continue to pray for her and that the leukemia stays in remission.

Thursday, June 2, 2005 1:47 PM CDT

It has been a while since my last update. I hope you all know 'no news is good news'. I continue to feel good and am leaving for the beach tomorrow morning for a week. I will return Thursday night then leave early Friday morning, June 10 for Duke to start my third round of chemo. I should be there for five days, be home for a few days, then be back at Duke with a fever, I thank you all again for your continued concern and prayers. Love you all, Kay

Friday, May 20, 2005 7:23 PM CDT

Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. I came home last Saturday and I don't know where the days went. My red counts and platelets are still low but coming up, therefore I'm still a little tired. I try to do some things each day but I need to rest a lot, too. Unless I feel real tired I don't have to back to Duke until June 10 when I will start my next chemo. I plan to work next Tuesday and Thursday which will be a treat. Thanks again for all your prayers. Love you all, Kay

Thursday, May 12, 2005 3:00 PM CDT

Well, I'm still here at the hospital. I had hoped that I might be home today but my white count was only .7 (it needs to be at least 1.0 for me to go home). I'm hoping for a big jump tomorrow so I can attend the Relay For Life. I needed platlets today but otherwise feel great. God has been so gracious to me that this week has been easy as compared to other weeks of many days of fevers. I love Him so much and am so grateful for all He has done for me. You cannot imagine the suffering up here. It almost makes one feel guilty. Thank you all for your continued concern and your prayers. Love you, Kay

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 4:36 PM CDT

Yesterday when I went for my check-up at the clinic I had a fever of 100.2. The big number here for fevers is 101. I could have been sent home with antibiotics but with my history of getting sick very fast Dr Moore wanted to admit me. I was disappointed but I understood. Last night my fever spiked to over 103 and my heart rate went to over 160 beats per minute. I was glad I was here and not 2 hours away. After we finally got the fever and the heart rate down things have smoothed out. I received blood and platlets today and right now am feeling pretty good. The fevers have been low grade today (an answer to prayer) and things are looking up. I will probably go home as soon as my counts turn around and start back up if whatever antibiotic is working comes in pill form. I hope that will only be a few days. Thank you again for your prayers. love you all,Kay

Thursday, May 5, 2005 9:04 PM CDT

Hey everybody! It's late on Thursday. Kenneth and I just got back from the awards reception of the JROTC at RSHS. Jessica is a senior and received many awards and I wanted to be there. We got home from Duke about 9:00 pm last night and I've either been resting or researching things online. I still feel pretty good. I slept very good last night (needed to make up for some lost sleep). I'm trying to take it easy while waiting for my counts to drop. My prayer is that I will not run a fever until it's time for me to have more chemo. PLEASE join me in this prayer!!!! I have several things I need to do these next few weeks and even though I will probably feel bad I hope not to be in the hospital. I have not had much success avoiding fevers in the past so this would truly be an answer to prayer. Thank you all again for your continued concern and for taking the time to write a few words of encouragement for me. As I have said before,"No one fights this battle alone! you only make it through by trusting in the Lord and with the help and support of your family and friends." Love you all,Kay

Tuesday, May 3, 2005 1:07 PM CDT

Just wanted to let you all know that I'm still doing well. My blood counts are still way up but are expected to go down next week. It's been boring which is good for this place. I thank God for no fevers, no trips to the ICU, and a still fairly good appetite(if the food was edible). I still do not plan to go through with the BMT at this time but I know that is always an option if I change my mind. One of my brothers is a great match but we don't know which one it is ( they are in the computer only by number and it must be top secret since no one I've talked to can find out the name). As Bridget said in the last entry I hope to go home Wednesday evening if all continues to go well. I thank you all for your continued concern and prayers. Love you all, Kay

Sunday, May 1, 2005 9:36 PM EST

Mama started the third bag of chemo today. She said she still feels good. Still no fevers.

Grandma came up to stay the week with her. Rose brought her lunch. She had roast beef and vegetables and peach cobbler. She said she ate so much her stomach was still hurting.

Please continue to pray for her and that all goes well and she goes home Wednesday night.

Saturday, April 30, 2005 6:47 PM EST

Greg, Brayden, and I visited mama today in the hospital. She looked good and said she felt good. Her first bag of chemo was almost complete. Lori was there and Kenneth came in while we were there. Grandma is coming up tomorrow to stay with her this week. Mama said they told her if everything goes well she will go home Wednesday night. Keep praying all goes well. She had not had any fevers since she got there yesterday.

Friday, April 29, 2005 9:00 PM EST

Mama called about 30 minutes ago. She got in her hospital room about 2:30 pm today. She saw the interns and Dr. Moore for a short period this afternoon. As of right now the plan is for 3 more rounds of chemo with 2 IV pushes. She is hoping to get the first one started tonight. She is looking at coming home on Thursday.

She was told today that one of her brothers is a match for the bone marrow but she does not know which one of them. If she ever decides or needs to have the bone marrow transplant at least she knows that the donor is a sibling.

If you plan to visit mama while she is in the hospital, you will have to wash your hands, put on a gown, and wear gloves. This will help prevent spreading any infections to and from her room.

Please keep her in your prayers.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005 8:47 AM CDT

Just a quick update about my decision about the BMT. I have decided not to do this at this time. I have been made fully aware of how agressive my Leukemia is and that it statistically will return at some point, however right now I feel the risks outweigh the benefits. I now put my faith for a long period of remission and if it is His will a lifetime, not in a BMT but in God alone. I will have the chemo treatments Dr Moore recommends but that is all I'll do right now. Many, who know how agressive AML is, will call me foolish, but I am at total peace with my decision. God is in control of when I live and die and He has His plan whether I have the BMT or not. Doctors sometimes have tunnel vision and sometimes can only see one way and many if not most do not understand faith in The Great Physician. I thank all of you for your prayers during this time of decision. I will enter the hospital on Friday afternoon for more chemo. I feel sure that there wil be more chemo after this but I don't know the plan. Bridget and Greg will keep you up to date on how I'm doing. I should be back home in a week. I love you all, Kay

Saturday, April 23, 2005 7:57 AM CDT

Sorry I didn't update on Friday as promised. Kenneth and I went to Duke on Thursday for our consult with the Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) team. We were hit with an awful amount of information. The team recommended what they called a 'mini' transplant which is not quite as bad as the full transplant but is not without it's risks. After the transplant (if sucessful) they only promised a 20% increase in the chance for me staying in remission. That's not an awful lot to me for what you go through. After that visit we saw Dr Moore. His nurse stated that even a little % increase in the chance for staying in remissiion was desirable. But Dr Moore told us that unless we were 100% sold on BMT, not to go through with it. We are still praying and reading the info about BMT but at this point we are leaning towards only having some more chemo. Dr Moore plans to start more chemo next Friday unless we decide to do the BMT. I don't want to be foolish and I know that the Lord gives doctors wisdom, but right now I have more faith in THE GREAT PHYSICIAN. Please continue to pray for my continued good health and the wisdom to hear God's voice in regards to this BMT. Love to all of you, Kay

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 9:27 AM CDT

Well, it's official. I AM IN REMISSION!!! PRAISE THE LORD FOR ALL HIS MERCIES SHOWN TO ME !!!!!!! I called the doctor at about 9:30am this morning. The results are not usually in until the afernoon but I couldn't wait and sure enough my results were in. The nurse scrolled down to the bottom of the report and there were the words NEGATIVE FOR LEUKEMIA. I said 'Praise the Lord!' and she said 'Yes Mam!.Thank you all for your prayers but continue to pray that Kenneth and I will see clearly what direction we should take about the Bone Marrow Transplant. We go Thursday for a consult. I'll update on Friday. Love you all, Kay

Friday, April 15, 2005 9:05 AM CDT

Sorry I didn't update yeaterday. Kenneth and I got to Duke at 12:00 and did not leave the clinic until 5:00. We got into the 5:00 traffic and did not get home until 8:30 and I was very tired. We did get good news though. My platelet count was 353,000. My white count was 9.8. My hemaglobin was 11.4 and my hematocrit was .35. For all of you who have no idea what those numbers mean, IT MEANS I'M NORMAL (well my blood counts anyway). Dr Moore said my blood looked great under the microscope and he had no reason to believe that I was not in remission. We did do a bone marrow biopsy to be sure but I won't know the results until Tuesday. Dr Moore wants me to have a consult with the bone marrow transplant team next Thursday. This does not mean that they will definitely recommend a transplant but Dr Moore feels I need to have all the info possible before proceeding. Even if I don't do the transplant I will need more chemo. Dr Moore wants to wait 2-3 weeks so that the infection in my lungs is completely gone. So I am waiting again. I would like to get the 'show on the road' but Dr Moore knows best.
Please continue to keep Kenneth and I in your prayers especially as we may have to make the decision as to whether or not to do the transplant. I pray that God will give us clear guidance about this. Right now I'm not wanting to go this route.Talk to you soon. Love you all,Kay

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 10:28 AM CDT

I'm sorry we haven't updated the journal in a few days. Since I've been home there hasn't been much to tell. When I got home last Wednesday I was very excited to say the least but I was also very weak, but each day I feel myself getting stronger. I was able to go to Ellerbe on Saturday to a gospel sing for Relay For Life. Sunday I went to church(a real treat) and then all my family (except my nephew,Andrew) got together at my parents house for lunch. That was good,too! I've been able to do a few things around the house here to catch up before I go back to the hospital for more chemo. I go back to Duke on Thursday and most likely will have another bome marrow biopsy. If I am still in remission (which is my prayer), I will probably go back for three consolidation rounds of chemo(one a month for the next three months). Please continue to pray for me. You have no idea what it means to me to know that so many of you are praying for me. Also thank all of you who have signed the guestbook. I look forward each day to checking for messages from my friends. I'll update again on Thursday or Friday after my doctor's visit to let you know the next step on my way to recovery. I love all of you and thank you so much for caring about me! Love you, Kay

Thursday, April 7, 2005 7:47 PM EST

I apologize for not posting anything yesterday or anything earlier today, but Brayden has been sick and has had a fever.

Mama got home yesterday around 3:00 pm. She said she rested for about an hour and a half then went to eat. Her and Kenneth went to Peking Wok to eat Chinese food. She said it was nice to get out and sit in a restaurant. Mama said it is amazing how much things change when you are confined inside for several weeks. When she went into the hospital the trees weren't blooming and now everything is green and blooming.

She has to go to the doctor next Thursday and she thinks they will do her bone marrow test then. She hopes that it is still okay and she can start her consolidation rounds a week from Sunday. If this happens she should finish the week before Charlie's wedding if there are no complications. She came home with a lot of medicine including the Voriconazole to treat the fungus.

Today, she cooked some breakfast and played the piano. She said she got tired around 10:30 and then she rested. She ordered two wigs this morning. She plans to post entries herself as soon as she cleans off her computer desk and gets the laptop hooked up. She is going to use the laptop at home because Greg has rebuilt her computer and we have it at our house. Those of you that have sent emails or plan to, the email address is changing back to her email: kslrdh@msn.com. She will be able to view this when she does go back to the hospital.

Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers and pray that her doctors appointment next week is positive.

Tuesday, April 5, 2005 9:58 AM EST

Mama called this morning and she is GOING HOME TOMORROW!!!Her counts are up. White blood cells up to 1.2, platelets are 34, and hematocrit was 26. She is getting blood today because of the hematocrit. She said she feels good and she is ready to go home.

The doctor told her that she will have to have a bone marrow biopsy in 1-2 weeks. She asks that everyone pray that biopsy also comes back negative. That is a critical point in her treatment because if it comes back positive than she will have to have more rounds of chemo in addition to the consolidation phases.

The doctor told her that Dr. Moore and mama will be the ones that decide on what happens next if the bone marrow is clean. He told her that she could choose to do the 3 consolidation phases like before or if she wanted she could have bone marrow transplant. Mama prefers to do the consolidation phases. If she did a transplant she would be on isolation for a while plus have to take anti-rejection drugs and then there is the chance it would not work.

She is also going to ask them to work around the Relay For Life walk which is May 13. She wants to be able to go to the walk. Also she wants to hopefully be done with the chemo by the time of Charlie's wedding in July.

Again we ask that you keep mama in your thoughts and prayers. Please pray that her next bone marrow biopsy also come back negative and free of cancer.

Monday, April 4, 2005 525 AM EST

We saw Mama yesterday and she looked good. The rash is still on her legs and arms but her neck looked much better. She had someone at the hospital shave her head last week. Even though it is shaved you can tell that her hair has fallen out more this time.

She started the medicine for the fungal infection on Saturday. Still no mention of the plans for the next rounds of chemo. She said she had been up most of the morning.

Praise the Lord, she did not have any fever yesterday. She asks that you continue to pray for her and that the fevers stay away.

Saturday, April 2, 2005 3:16 PM EST

Mama called about 30 minutes ago and said they had the results of the bronchoscopy. The pneumonia is caused by a fungus called, Aspergillus. They are going to start her on some medication called Voriconazole. She said she feels pretty good today. She said she is probably going to be in the hospital another 8-10 days.

Her blood counts were low today and she is getting some blood. She said they aren't stopping the antibiotics at this time. She asks that you pray for her and that the medication will treat the fungal infection. She hopes that she will not have any bad side effects from the medicine.

Friday, April 1, 2005 9:46 PM EST

Mama had her bronchoscopy today. The doctors will know in a few days which antibiotic they need to put her on. She said she did not have any fever until this afternoon after they started the antibiotics (the ones they have been giving her for several days now). She said thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, March 31, 2005 9:48 PM EST

I talked to Mama late last night and did not get to update the site. She had a CT scan of her chest to see if it might show something the chest xray didn't. She said the interns were very concerned about her fevers. She also cut her hair yesterday because it was falling out and making her sick to look at it.

When I talked to her tonight she said she feels good and she is ready to go home. She said that the CT scan she had of her chest showed "pockets" of pneumonia. Tomorrow she is going to have a bronchoscopy to get out some of the pneumonia to culture it. They want to give her the right antibiotic to treat the pneumonia. She said they will not do the bronchoscopy until after 3:00 pm because she is the last on the list.

Please continue to pray for her and that the pneumonia will be treated appropriately and she can go home soon.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005 820 PM EST

The bone marrow is CLEAN!!!!!

Mama just called and said the doctor had just come in. She said they did not tell her what they will do as far as the next rounds of chemo.

She has felt better today. Her white blood cell count is up to 0.5 and her platelets were down so she had to get platelets today. She is going to have someone cut her hair because it is falling out and she said it is making her sick. Charlie went to see her today and left right before they started the platelets.

Thank ypu for all of the specific prayers. Continue to pray that she stays strong because the fight isn't over. Praise the Lord for watching over her.

Monday, March 28, 2005 9:15 PM EST

Mama had her bone marrow biopsy today. Hopefully, she will know something tomorrow. Mama said she feels better today. Said she woke up feeling good and she walked some today. She had to get several different antibiotics in a row so she had to stay in the room earlier today. While she was getting the antibiotics she started running a fever. She walked again this evening. She was sitting in the chair while I was talking to her. She said her hair is starting to fall out more.

Please continue to pray that the bone marrow biopsy comes back clean and that there is no sign of leukemia. Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, March 27, 2005 8:23 PM EST

We visited with Mama today. She still has the rash that they believe is caused by one of the antibiotics. Her neck, arms, stomach, and legs are broke out. We were going to take a picture of her and put it up on the website but after seeing the rash we decided to wait. Kenneth, Kelly, Mike S., Papa, and Grandma were there when we got to Duke. Grandma is going to spend the week with Mama.

Mike said when he got to the room that the nurse followed him in and drew his blood. Mama said yesterday Robbie, Dawn, and Meredith came to visit and were there when the doctor came in. Mama said it wasn't a few minutes later that the intern came back and asked if they had ever tested her siblings bone marrow. He said that they do not foresee having to go that route but they would like to test Robbie while he was there so that it would be on file. They got Mike today. So whenever Rose and Lori are well enough to visit, they will test them also.

Mama's white count today was 0.3 and her platelets were 7. She had to get platelets today. While we were there they drew blood to recheck her platelet count. Mama said she walked some this morning and took a shower before they started the platelets. She said she is starting to feel better. Her hair is still falling out.

We need everyone to pray for Mama tomorrow. She is going to have a bone marrow biopsy and we pray that it comes back clean. If it does then her next rounds of chemo will be consolidation rounds like she had 2 years ago. She said the doctors may change some of the chemo to hopefully keep her in remission longer this time. All of that will depend on the results of the bone marrow test. The earliest she may know the results will be Tuesday. Please pray for her and that she will get good news.

She said she will be in the hospital a minimum of 2 more weeks. Kelly got the laptop hooked up to the internet this weekend. This will allow Mama to view the site from her room and make updates to the site when she feels up to it.

Thank you again to all of you that have written and for all of the prayers. She is strong and full of hope but we all know that she is also depressed about the situation. Mama wants to be strong for all of us so that we don't worry as much. Pray that she will continue to be strong for her sake. Positive attitude is a great healer also. God will take care of her and His Will will be done. God Bless.

Friday, March 25, 2005 914 PM EST

Mama still has a fever today. Has had upset stomach again. All of her cultures are coming back negative. Still getting Vancomycin.

White blood cell count 0.4, platelets up to 25, and hemoglobin/hematocrit were okay. Her hair is starting to fall out some. She asks that everyone pray that the cause of her fever is revealed and that she will start to feel better soon.

Thursday, March 24, 2005 9:29 PM EST

Mama is running a fever today. She said it got up to 103 but is now down to 102. They have cultured everything again and repeated the chest xray. So far everything is coming back negative. They started her on Vancomycin to treat any infection she may have. She had an upset stomach last night and she says she feels like she got dehydrated. She has had some abdominal cramping. Her blood pressure went down into the 90's today.

Her white blood cell count was 0.4, hemoglobin and hematocrit were okay, and platelets were down to 8 (8000). She had to get some platelets today because the level was so low. Ellen is staying with her tonight and Kenneth will be back up tomorrow. Grandma and Papa visited for a couple of hours today.

To those who knew about the fever earlier today and were already praying, thank you. Please continue to lift her up in prayer. It was good to look at the guestbook today and see messages from people we have not heard from in a while.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005 6:49 PM EST

Mama is feeling 'yucky' today. She said she had a fever of 101.9 this afternoon and they are running the gammet of tests (blood culture, urine culture, chest xray, etc.). She says she walked some this morning before she started feeling bad. She has a bad sounding cough. She went to look at the site but someone was already using the computer and she has not felt like dealing with the laptop today. Please continue to pray that her body will resist any bad infections and that she stays strong.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 9:37 PM EST

Mama completed her chemo this morning around 2:30am. She has been nauseous the last two days. She started taking Marinol to help the nausea. I know this sounds funny but it is derived from marijuana. She said today she has been hungry, probably due to the Marinol. Kenneth came up tonight to bring his mother to stay with Mama. He brought Mama some sesame chicken from Peking Wok. Velma left around 2:00 pm today and Kenneth got there around 7:00pm.

Her white count today was 0.4, platelet 25, hemoglobin 8.9, and hematocrit 26. They did not give her any blood today. She had developed a rash on her neck and hands. At first they thought it might be contact dermatitis from the hand soap in the room but since it is now on her neck and stomach they believe it is from one of the antibiotics. She said she feels much better today than yesterday. She says she walked some today and she viewed this site.

Kenneth brought her a laptop that Lori is letting her borrow. If her and Greg can figure out how to get on the internet (if Duke has wireless internet), she will be able to view the site without leaving her room.

Papa and Grandma are supposed to visit Thursday. We are going by Sunday on our way back from Rockingham. Kenneth is going back up on Friday and staying the weekend.

Thank you to all that have signed the guestbook and sent emails. We will print the emails out and take them to her. Please continue to keep Mama in your thoughts and prayers. This week will probably be the toughest because her counts will be low and she will be more susceptible to infection.

Sunday, March 20, 2005 9:34 PM EST

Mama is doing good today. Her white blood cell count is down to 300, platelets are 42, and hemoglobin is 7.9. She had to receive 2 units of blood because her hemoglobin and hematocrit were low. She says her blood pressure is staying normal. Mama says she is tired today and the Benadryl that she took before the blood was started has made her groggy. She had a bad cough and she says it is better since they gave her some Lasix, which has helped get some fluid out of her.

Charlie and Rebecca visited Mama today and said she was doing good. Velma Alford is going to stay with her until Tuesday and then Ellen, Kenneth's mother, is supposed to come up and stay with her.

Saturday, March 19, 2005 7:14 PM EST

I did not post anymore last night because I did not talk with her. Kenneth had turn the ringer off to her room when he had to leave the ICU. Mama was moved back to the 9th floor this morning. She called about 10:00 am to tell me. I was not able to make an entry because I was called in to work. If you look at the journal history she made an entry today. I talked with her this afternoon about 6:00 pm. She is in good spirits and says she feels much better.

Her white blood cell is 400 and her platelet count is down to 42. She has 2 bags of chemo left this round and will finish sometime early Tuesday morning. She said the doctors told her she had septic shock which caused her blood pressure to drop. Thank the Lord he healed her fast and she is better. They have put her on steroids and antibiotics. She said she walked a half mile today (the floor is measured out with the distance).

She is in room 9119. She said she is right across the hall from the computer room and is able to see from her door if anyone is using the computer. Thanks again to all of you for praying for her. She said she has seen and feels the miracles that are happening. Please continue to lift her up in prayer. Her immune system is very weak and any infection could be life threatening.

Saturday, March 19, 2005 1:57 PM CST

Hey guys,Just a quick note to say thanks for the prayers!!!!Bridget and Greg will give a more thorough update later today. I'm stll kind of weak but feeling better enough to be back on the 9th floor. The battle against Leukemia is always up and down. I really had a downer yesterday but as I well know, the miracles are not far behind the troubles. I have already seen many miracles, not the least of which is the fact that we caught the AML early this time. For those of you I have not talked to in 30+ years, you have never been forgotten!!!! For those fo you who do not know me at all, a special thanks!!!!! For my dear prayer warriors who were with me last time and whom I know are with me again this time, I LOVE YOU more than words can say and I cherish you!!!! Don't give up even in the midst of bad news. He is greater than all the bad news and I trust that He will see me through again to great health. Will talk to you soon. Thanks again!!!! Kay Snead Lynch

Friday, March 18, 2005 2:39 PM EST

Mama called around 1:00 and left a voice mail that she was being moved to an ICU room because of her blood pressure. I talked to her about 10 minutes ago. She said she is better now and that her blood pressure has come up some. She says she had vomiting and diarrhea last night and she got dehydrated. This caused her blood pressure to go down. They were starting an IV when I talked to her because they are going to give her some IV fluid to help hydrate her. They are also giving her Neosynephrine. This medication helps raise blood pressure but cannot be given on the oncology unit because of the inability to monitor her heart rate, rhythm, and blood pressure continuously. She expects them to move her back to the oncology unit in a day or two. She says right now she feels okay and has not been sick since last night.

Please continue to pray for Mama and that God will continue to give her strength to fight the leukemia. She was unable to look at this site today because of the weakness and fatigue. I told her that several of her high school classmates had signed the guest book. She thanks all of you for thinking of her.

I am not going to give out the ICU room number because she does not want a lot of calls in the ICU except her family. Kenneth is only allowed to go in and see her at certain times. When she is moved back to the oncology unit I will post her new room number and the phone number. I will post again tonight after I talk to mama.

Thursday, March 17, 2005, 9:45 PM EST

Mama is weaker today. She did not sleep good due to the discomfort from the Hickman catheter. She states the site is feeling better and she hopes she will sleep better tonight.

Her white blood cell count is down to 500 from 1000 yesterday. She is halfway through the first round of chemo. The doctors took the Decadron out of the Zofran, which she gets to help curb the nausea. Decadron is a steroid and it is causing her blood sugar to stay in the 200's.

Kenneth had to go to work today and will be back Friday. Mama said she is going to stay by herself tonight. Charlie and Rebecca are going to visit Sunday. Greg, Brayden, and I were going by this weekend but Greg and I are sick. We will go see her next weekend.

Mama was able to view the site today before the computer at the hospital started going down. She thanks all of you who have viewed the site and signed the guestbook. She asks that everyone continue to pray for her. Please pray that she will continue to stay positive and pray for continued strength.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005 8:27 PM CST

Kay received her Hickman catheter today. States she did not get it until this evening around 5:00 or 6:00pm. Her PICC line was pulled out so her chemo is going through the Hickman now.

Her white blood cell count is down to low 1000, So she is at a greater risk for infection now. Platelet count is 152. Red blood cell count is okay. She states she is a little weaker today and had some nausea last night with the chemo. Kay has one more dose of the IV push chemo and then 5 doses of the other type of chemo.

She still sounds like she is in good spirits but she sounded tired today. This could be due to going all day without food and the Versed she received for the Hickman procedure.

Please continue to keep Kay in your thoughts and prayers. These next few days are going to be tough since her counts are getting low. Please pray that she does not get sick to her stomach from the chemo, and that God will protect her from infection while her counts are low.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Kay is still getting her first dose of chemo through a PICC (peripherally inserted central catheter). The PICC line is in her arm and is temporary until she gets her Hickman catheter tomorrow. The chemo was started last night. She states she feels good and has not been sick any.

She had an echocardiogram to evaluate her heart today. Ejection fraction was >55%, which is very good. She did not have any fluid around her heart and the walls of her heart were in good condition. Her heart is strong and should tolerate the chemo treatment.

She has been up and walking around the unit. She is in good spirits. She states she has showed everyone pictures of Brayden. She has access to a computer and she viewed the site today for the first time. If you view the site please sign the guestbook so that she knows you are thinking about her. We want her to stay in good spirits and to keep her positive attitude. Greg is going to show her how to update this site herself this weekend and we will add pictures to the site.

Monday, March 14, 2005 9:04 PM EST

Kay was admitted to the hospital today to start her first round of chemo. She's in good spirits about the battle that she's facing. The doctors will give her a low dose round of chemo tonight and start the high dose stuff sometime Tuesday. Her doctor told her today that since she had been clean for over two years that he would give her the same type of chemo that she received before. Other than that, the doctor really hasn't given a timeline of how things will proceed at this point. It really all depends on how her body reacts and responds to the chemo and if the chemo puts the leukemia into remission again on the first round. Once these questions are answered, we'll be able to let you know more about the course of treatment. At this point, should things proceed the way they did the last time, she'll have seven days of chemo followed by a 3-4 week recovery phase and go through a total of 4 rounds of this treatment. Please keep Kay in your thoughts and prayers and check back often for updates. God Bless!!

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