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dear mom, i don't know if anyone still checks in here but i still do. it is a reminder to me about my perspectives.things are not the same,but actually they are.it is the reality that everyone has to deal with.you had it & so will everyone that follows us.my sisters came to the west side. it was quite a deal to me & an adventure for them. everything wasn't able to be done the way we wanted but it worked out.we talked alot about you & the trips you made this way. went to the ocean & i wish we would have done that on one of your trips but its like everything else,there' never enough time. they tried to kidnap me back to minn. angelina put a stop to that. i hope you understand the effects you had on everyone even if they did not show it.(like me) miss you mom see you later. terry
terry fairbanks <tlfairbanks@msn.com>
spokane, wa usa - Saturday, October 7, 2006 0:01 AM CDT
Well its been over a year now and alyssa still asks about her grama vi thats up in heaven. she sleeps with her grama bear every night. We both miss her lots and we both have thoughts about her everyday.
Sara DeVall <smdevall@yahoo.com>
detroit lakes, MN United States - Thursday, March 30, 2006 6:02 PM CST
So many people say you dont know what you have till it's gone. Well that saying is so true I dont know how many times Grandma rescude me from a finacial bind or the wrathe of my parents. She was a strong person and was willing to do anything for any of her family. She was an admiration to all of us. She never turned her back on any of us no matter what we did. Alyssa brings tears to my eyes all the time. She misses her Grandma. We dont get to our prayers evey night but when I do put her to bed she always tells me she wants grandma back. Its hard to explain to her little face why Grandma had to go away. All I can do is tell her God really needed an angel like her. She will be ridding in the car staring out her window and say "mom Gamma's smiling at me again" I reply to her Grandmas smiling at all of. {and probably thinking we are all still the same, her good ol' family}. Iam so proud of her though, for the way she keeps Grandmas memory alive. When Grandma passed away I was angry at God for taking away the heart of our family, taking away some one I love so much. But thinking about it Grandma didnt seem mad at God. It was like she had come to terms with him or something. As the days went by my anger went to but I still wonder why he decided to take her. Now my mind plays tricks on me, every older lady I se walking down the road is her. Sometimes when Rob comes over I see her sitting in the passenger side of his blazer, coming to get dropped off. My hopes get the best of me. She is in my prayers and my memory till the day I get to see her again. Keep smiling at us Grandma!!! Alyssa knows when you are. We love you.
Sara DeVall <sdevall1@hotmail.com>
Detroit Lakes, MN United States - Saturday, September 3, 2005 5:11 PM CDT
Hello, everyone I was just checking to see who has wrote latley. I am going to print this out for Cheryl so she has a memory of what people have wrote. And I just would like to add a couple of things. This is a Month where we really catch ourselves missing Vi. She was my helper with most everything when it came to picking the flowers for my Garden or planting the Garden. I started to cry in Bergens when I was picking my flowers out because Vi always came with me and I would pick some flowers out and she always said well this one looks a little better and to me they looked the same but I always bought the one she picked. It was just spcecial thoughts that would go through my mind and I know we all have many of those she was a very special lady to us all. I was talking with Michelle and we visited about the times when it will be the hardest like hers will be Thanksgiving since Vi would make sure she had to go and spend that time with her family from Hutchinson. I hope that we will still get together from time to time and not grow apart now that Mom is gone. It is so nice to have Terry come and Visit everyone loves that and you still have to Make sure you come and Visit the family remember Mom would love that and does I believe she watches us and has a big smile on her face. We will all be getting together again on Friday to finally put Mom in her final resting spot and now we will be able to go and visit with her I know my children are happy because we will be able to go to the grave and give her flowers or just go and say hello. Well I am going to close now and I just would like to say again that I hope we all keep in touch so we could visit about Mom and Keep her smiling.
Roxanne Fairbanks <fairbanksrm@hotmail.com>
Detroit lakes, MN - Monday, May 30, 2005 7:29 AM CDT
OK I LIED, That was not my last entry. I keep coming back to look at Mom's website to see if anything has been added.It has always been the same except the one day when my aunt Donna's entry was there. It was great to read, and I must say Gary & Donna are two of the greatest people I never really knew. I say that because I left Minnesota with my cousin Brian when we were 18 yrs old, because we wanted to see the other side of the mountain. Brian came back & I did not. I know it probably broke my Mom's heart & worried her but it never stopped her from having my back. I got an E-Mail today from Rob & Roxanne it had some wise expressions but the one I noticed was that it is easy to write what you feel but hard to say to someones face that is true. I am sorry Mom, that I took off that way. I am getting ready to travel back to say see you later again. This time Mateo will be with me. Minnesota may never be the same. He's half Lakota. No wonder he is such a hard head. The little one that Mom waited to hear about is doing great after having open heart surgery to repair a hole in her heart. It was very stressful for awhile but she is strong & will be perfectly normal. Maybe Mom had her hand in that, who knows. She was born two days before Mom passed. Like that nurse said one angel leaves this world & another one enters. OK I cannot say this is my final entry cause I am not sure if I want to let go yet. see you later.
terry fairbanks <tlfairbanks@msn.com>
spokane , wa usa - Thursday, May 26, 2005 0:51 AM CDT
I have done a lot of thinking about Violet lately, because I have lost a good friend as well as a sister-in-law! Vi and I had been friends from the first time Gary brought me up to meet his family. We got along so well, and she was more of a sister to me than my own sister. We could talk about anything, and if it was confidential, it went no further. It will be different as time goes by, not having my friend present at family affairs, but her kids are now my kids, because when we talk about Vi's kids, I just call them "the kids", and that is the way I want it.
God bless my friend, and God also watch over Terry, Cheryl Rob, Tamie and Rory, and their families, and hopefully as time goes by, it will become easier for everyone!!

Donna <spooker55076@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, March 5, 2005 3:26 PM CST
I am beginning the journey of processing both my mom's life and my mom's death. I don't have words of elegance, and I'm not even sure I have words to express. I would like to just share my first day in my world...the first morning of my process.
My body did not want to rise this morning. I forced myself to when I heard Sky practicing his piano, and then reminded myself that I still have some work left to do for my mother. I couldn't go to work so Sandy and I dropped Sky off at school and drove to Walker, MN.
Walker has a casino named Northern Lights. We decided to go there and see if they had the nickel froggy machine that my mom loved so much. We walked in the door and we could not believe the music that was playing. It was the old time country classics that I grew up with, and the song that greeted us was a son singing about his mom that raised her children the best she could. We both noticed it within ten steps in the door and thought it was so appropriate. We asked a couple people that worked there for the nickel frog machines and they directed us to two of them that were located at the other side of the casino. I told Sandy that we needed to put a five in both of the machines so we walked back to get change from the cashier's. When we were walking back to the machines I heard this song that has been haunting me (in a good way).
Just before my mom got sick I got a John Cougar CD where he did this remake of the song. (Cheryl you might remember me playing it for you up in Fargo when we ran to DQ to get mom some dilly bars.) This song has always reminded me of mom because she's in my memory singing this song with so much passion. I also heard the original singer sing this song one night when I slept in her hospital room. (I don't remember hearing this song except for when I was younger).
So anyway...as I was walking up to this frog machine, this song was playing with the original singer. My eyes were filled with tears by the time I got to the machine, I couldn't believe what I was feeling or experiencing.
We put $5.00 in each machine and we lost it just as fast as we put it in. I told Sandy that my mom seems to be able to play for a very long time on a five dollar bill. I said we will put in one more $5.00 each for mom. We instantly won. Sandy won back her ten, and I won back my ten and forty-one dollars more. We cashed out and left.
We were in the casino maybe a whole twenty minutes and on the way out I told Sandy that my mom is laughing about us cashing out so soon. She said she felt that too.
I don't know for certain if my mom was with us, but I know that it felt like she was and that is what's important.
After being long winded, I want to leave with a fortune I found in my fortune cookie the evening that we found out that mom's cancer was incurable.
Good to begin well, better to end well.
I have kept that fortune and that moment made it my goal to try to make that possible for my mother. There is no way in this world that I could have done that on my own. I want to thank my brothers and sister and their families. My best friend Sandy, mom's best friend Joanne, Deb Johnson (hospice nurse), pastor Roy and Vicki, and all of the people I know and all the people I don't know that took the time to let my mom know that you were with her through this. I was with her when she died, and I watched her leave this world with such grace. She definately ended well.

Tamie <tamie@eot.com>
- Friday, January 28, 2005 1:25 PM CST
I just wanted to write what I have never been able say. I am so very proud of my mother. Mom is my hero. I can't beleive anyone could have the strength to raise five children like us on her own. She did this without complaint. She made countless sacrifices for us. She always made sure had before she had. She is the reason I am who I am. Without her I never would have pushed myself to become better. She was mother and father. She was a friend, and role model. I really miss her alot.
To my brothers sisters, I know we will all greave for some time to come, but with time our heart aches will mend. I thank you all for doing what you say you had no choice to do. She could not have recieved better care.
Mom, thank you for everything you did for me. You will always be missed.
I love you very much. See you later!

Rory <fairbank@hutchtel.net>
Hutch, - Thursday, January 27, 2005 7:44 PM CST
I want to say good bye to my mom. I miss you so much already. I know that your pain is gone but I am very selfish as you know. I just want you to know that I wouldn't give up a single day of the last month or so and that I hope you were happy and that I fulfilled your wishes. I thank Tamie and Sandy and Roxie for helping me bring you home. I love you mom and I hope you are peaceful. Alyssa says you are the best Angel there.I believe it's true. Say I love you to Grandma and Grandpa. Love always Cheryl
Cheryl DeVall
Detroit Lakes, mn United States - Thursday, January 27, 2005 5:05 PM CST
I will make one last entry as well. this has been an emotional week for me. i had my baby finally....on friday afternoon, jan 21. she is beautiful and big. i feel so very blessed to have had her when i did. grandma was so anxious all the time about her. my only wish was that grandma get to see pictures of her. my parents were wonderful and right on top of it. they took pictures and had them put on a disk and emailed them. although my father tells me, it was a pain in the rear. but she got to see them and i am so thankful for that. i got the news when i was still in the hospital. my mom was on the phone and she started crying and i knew.....then i started crying. it is amazing the connection between mother and child. angelina knew her mommy was upset and she got upset too. my nurse happened to be in the room when we got the news and she said, " one angel leaves this world, and another one enters." that is so true in this case. grandma.....i love you and i know you are better now.

angel fairbanks <angel_fairbanks@hotmail.com>
Spokane , WA USA - Monday, January 24, 2005 10:33 AM CST
this my final entry. today i was awakened by my 22 yr old daughter at 2:30 am. she was having a rough time dealing with current events. after that i went back to sleep. then my youngest daughter woke me up at about 5am. it was my sis cheryl on the phone. she asked me if i had told her to call as soon as things had turned for the worse. i said of course. then she told me mom was not doing well & her breathing was bad. i think i knew what was happening & i thought i should not go back to sleep, but i could not stay awake. i was awakened again between 6 & 6:30 to be told mom had passed. now i was awake. about 7am sabrina called me from the hospital {where she had spent the night with angel & angelina} to tell me they had not had very much sleep,so i let her & angel know what had happened. then april woke up so i told her. awhile later mary was awake & i told her also, but she told me she thought that when she woke me for the 5am call. about 2:30 pm (these times are pacific standard time by the way}i went to sacred heart hospital to bring angelina to my house(where she will spend the next couple days) i think it was important to my mom to be here when she was born. SHE GOT THE NEWS & I KNOW IT LIFTED HER HEART. everyone in my house is extremely sad right now . sorry i rambled so much, but it needed to be said. see you later
terry fairbanks <tlfairbanks@msn.com>
spokane , wa usa - Sunday, January 23, 2005 8:56 PM CST
Well it is a sad day. My mother passed this morning. I did get to be with her last night. She was in and out of it during my visit, mostly out.....but I believe she knew I was there with her. My phone was out so I didnt get a call but Cheryl made a special trip to my house to give me the sad news. I wont be updating any pictures I guess. This happened to quickly. Well i'm signing off....thank you to everyone who visits here.
Robert Fairbanks
Detroit Lakes, mn - Sunday, January 23, 2005 1:04 PM CST
angelina is a strong & healthy girl. she weighs 8 lbs 12 ounces & is 21 & 1/2 inches tall. tonight she is eating & sleeping!
terry fairbanks <tlfairbanks@msn.com>
spokane , wa usa - Saturday, January 22, 2005 7:34 PM CST
Tamie here. Congrats Angel :) Hope Angelina is a strong healthy girl just like her aunty... I mean mom.
Mom wants me to write to tell April that it's been a long half an hour. She called about 3:30p.m. to let us know that Angelina came into the world a few minutes ago and Angel would call her back as soon as they knew the statistics.
Angel has been on mom's mind and in her conversations daily. She's been waiting so long for Angelina. She had a very special smile when she heard the news. We tried to go on the hospital's website to see if Angelina's face was there. No such luck.
Well its the end of the day and she's about ready to go to bed. Hopefully we'll see her little face tomorrow.

tamie <tamie@eot.com>
- Friday, January 21, 2005 8:37 PM CST
Well it's me APRIL the terror of my generation, wanted to drop a few and let g-ma know that i love her and my ADD ofsping do too. The kids are doing well for anyone who has been wondering about them. I been sitting on the porch a thowing my arrow at people, thanks mike (boomer) i don't have a bow to shoot anybody with. so i work with what i got. angels up at the hospital , i think i am more anxious about her baby than my own. just waiting around for the call to go to the hospital. but the dr. did say it could be a long wait. i miss you all and i love everyone and i can't wait to make it over there and introduce everone to my creations , i will warn ya cheryl mateo acts just like me. he's very over angry and emotional. i'll write soon . tell g-ma to hold her chin hi and our prayers are with her
April Fairbanks <aprilfairbanks4@msn.com>
Spokane , WA USA - Thursday, January 20, 2005 10:02 PM CST
well i just dropped angel & sabrina off at the hospital. the drs. are going to induce labor. she had to sign in at 7pm pst and then i don't know how long before they start,but from what angel said it may take until friday afternoon before the birth. i checked in with mom & cheryl earlier & i guess mom had a really rough morning with her legs & all. she's a very brave woman.it is hard not to get sappy while writing this stuff, but like paul simon said my momma loves me like a rock. right back at ya mom. by the way my comment about spandex was refering to that lady at walmart.
terry fairbanks <tlfairbanks@msn.com>
spokane , wa usa - Thursday, January 20, 2005 9:30 PM CST
Good morning to all! it's raining here and all is quiet. Sounds like it was a good day yesterday at the Devall household. I'm happy to hear about Alysa and miss her cute little face. I don't know you Angel, but I wish you would have that baby! I love babies...but who doesn't? How much space do I have here? I found the cutest things on a web site of an 18 year old. She posted all these answers that kids gave in a sunday school test and they are hilarious. I hope no one minds if I post them here as I think they will bring a smile to everyone's face. In case they are too long the site is: http://musicfreak6.blogspot.com/2004/12/fwds.html
So I will leave you with this and I'll check back later.
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
These are cute! The following excerpts are actual answers given on history tests
and in Sunday school quizzes by children between 5th and 6th grade ages in Ohio. They were collected over a period of three years by two teachers. Read carefully for grammar, misplaced modifiers, enough misinformation to satisfy Donald Rumsfeld and, of course, spelling!
Ancient Egypt was old. It was inhabited by gypsies and mummies who all wrote in hydraulics. They lived in the Sarah Dessert. The climate of the Sarah is such that all the inhabitants have to live elsewhere.
Moses led the Hebrew slaves to the Red Sea where they made unleavened bread, which is bread made without any ingredients. Moses went up on Mount Cyanide to get the ten commandos. He died before he ever reached Canada but the commandos made it.
Solomon had three hundred wives and seven hundred porcupines. He was a actual hysterical figure as well as being in the bible. It sounds like he was sort of busy too.
The Greeks were a highly sculptured people, and without them we wouldn't have history. The Greeks also had myths. A myth is a young female moth.
Socrates was a famous old Greek teacher who went around giving people advice. They killed him. He later died from an overdose of wedlock which is apparently poisonous. After his death, his career suffered a dramatic decline.
In the first Olympic games, Greeks ran races, jumped, hurled biscuits, and threw the java. The games were messier then than they show on TV now.
Julius Caesar extinguished himself on the battlefields of Gaul. The Ides Of March murdered him because they thought he was going to be made king. Dying, he gasped out: "Same to you, Brutus."
Joan of Arc was burnt to a steak and was canonized by Bernard Shaw for reasons I don't really understand. The English and French still have problems.
It was an age of great inventions and discoveries. Gutenberg invented removable type and the Bible. Another important invention was the circulation of blood.
Sir Walter Raleigh is a historical figure because he invented cigarettes. And started smoking.
Sir Francis Drake circumcised the world with a 100 foot clipper which was very dangerous to all his men.
The greatest writer of the Renaissance was William Shakespeare. He was born in the year 1564, supposedly on his birthday. He never made much money and is famous only because of his plays. He wrote tragedies, comedies, and hysterectomies, all in Islamic pentameter.
Romeo and Juliet are an example of a heroic couple. They lived in Italy. Romeo's last wish was to be laid by Juliet but her father was having none of that, that I'm sure. You know how Italian fathers are.
Writing at the same time as Shakespeare was Miguel Cervantes. He wrote Donkey Hote. The next great author was John Milton. Milton wrote Paradise Lost. Since then no one ever found it.
Delegates from the original 13 states formed the Contented Congress. Thomas Jefferson, a Virgin, and Benjamin Franklin were two singers of The Declaration of Independence. Franklin discovered electricity by rubbing two cats backward and also declared, "A horse divided against itself cannot stand." He was a naturalist for sure. Franklin died in 1790 and is still dead.
Abraham Lincoln became America's greatest Precedent. Lincoln's mother died in infancy, and he was born in a log cabin which he built with his own hands. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves by signing the Emasculation Proclamation.
On the night of April 14, 1865, Lincoln went to the theater and got shot in his seat by one of the actors in a moving picture show. They believe the assinator was John Wilkes Booth, a supposingly insane actor. This ruined Booth's career.
Johann Bach wrote a great many musical compositions and had a large number of children. In between he practiced on an old spinster which he kept up in his attic. Bach died from 1750 to the present. Bach was the most famous composer in the world and so was Handel. Handel was half German, half Italian, and half English. He was very large.
Beethoven wrote music even though he was deaf. He was so deaf that he wrote loud music and became the father of rock and roll. He took long walks in the forest even when everyone was calling for him. Beethoven expired in 1827 and later died for this.
The nineteenth century was a time of a great many thoughts and inventions. People stopped reproducing by hand and started reproducing by machine. The invention of the steamboat caused a network of rivers to spring up.
Louis Pasteur discovered a cure for rabbits but I don't know why.
Charles Darwin was a naturalist. He wrote the Organ of the Species. It was very long people got upset about it and had trials to see if it was really true. He sort of said God's days were not just 24 hours but without watches who knew anyhow? I don't get it.
Madman Curie discovered radio. She was the first woman to do what she did. Other women have become scientists since her but they didn't get to find radios because they were already taken.
Karl Marx was one of the Marx Brothers. The other three were in the movies. Karl made speeches and started revolutions. Someone in the family had to have a job, I guess

posted by French Jessica @ 11:30 AM

p.s. Thanks Terry for the info on speedo's. I must have seen that guy! Hi Cheryl, love to you and yours.

P.I.T.A <pam@minnesotamoons.com>
Depoe Bay, OR - Sunday, January 16, 2005 9:26 AM CST
Cheryl here to give a little update on mom. She is trying to keep her spirits up but sometimes it just gets the best of her. It is so hard to see her in pain and she says it will be okay in a little while. But we know its not when hospice keeps coming everyday to see her and they up her doses and the mg.of her medications. She is having trouble with her left foot and leg swelling really large and it kind of is blue so she can only be up for a little while and then its back to bed and elevating her feet higher then her heart. Her new hair came and to me she looks a little like Shelly Winters. She told me that she isnt as fat as Shelly. Tonight we are taking communion with her. Pastor Roy is coming at 6:30 and then at 7:00 Alyssa is getting babtised as that is the one thing Mom says she wants to see done before anything happens. Its a very happy day for her that this is going to happen so she is in bed all day so she can be rested for tonight. Well have a lot to do yet so will touch base again.
Cheryl <tamie@eot.com>
Detroit Lakes, MN - Saturday, January 15, 2005 3:49 PM CST
amendment to my last entry,should read 4 rugrats who know how to count & 1 who lives in washington.
terry fairbanks <tlfairbanks@msn.com>
spokane , wa usa - Saturday, January 15, 2005 1:30 PM CST
hello from spokane. well we did not get all the sub-zero weather they predicted, but i suppose you all did. i would still rather be over there shivering.i did talk to mom last night on the phone. i must have been kinda boring though because in the middle of our conversation she said are you there? i said yeah & she said oh i must have dozed off.meanwhile angel has been reading on the internet that if you drink pepsi & castor oil and walk a lot it will get things going for delivery. i suppose it will get something going but it might be in the bathroom.i know she wants to have her baby so she can call mom & tell her the news.she is also trying to find a digital camera so we can e-mail pics right away. after i bored mom to sleep i called rob & we talked awhile. we talked about what a struggle mom had raising 4 rugrats without an extra dime, but taught us pretty good values & we turned out allright(i guess) so she succeeded. now about this dork & speedo talk, speedos are like spandex & are not too bad until someone tries to shove 250 pounds into a 110 pound bag. a dork from what i hear is a whale's quit that. i probably should not write that but it needed to said. i think i will call now & check in. keep up the love,everyone & iwill see you later mom
terry fairbanks <tlfairbanks@msn.com>
spokane , wa usa - Friday, January 14, 2005 8:52 PM CST
Angel here!! Sorry....no baby yet. My mom and I tried some natural induction yesterday, much to my fathers dismay. I went for two rather decent walks, one outside and one at the mall. The walks were accompanied by two drinks that consisted of Pepsi and Castor oil(a laxative....eeeeeekkk). Much to everyones surprise not one thing happened. I got some more painless contractions, thats it. Guess she will come out on her own terms...dang it. We are all anxious.....grandma I know you are anxious too....I am going to call you as soon as I go into labor and when little Angelina gets here. I hope your days are getting a little easier, I love you.....oh yeah, the rest of you guys are alright too.
Angel Fairbanks <angel_fairbanks@hotmail.com>
Spokane, WA USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 8:26 PM CST
Went to see Vi today. I took Eddy Dormanen with me so he could see Vi. We had a very nice visit. Vi was in good spirits.Take Care, God Bless You and I will visit again soon!
Dorothy E.
Detroit Lakes, Mn USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 7:32 PM CST
Just sitting here with mom and Sandy in mom's room. She finished reading the new messages and fell asleep. Thank you all for writing, what a nice way to go to sleep at night. We'll keep checking in.
Tamie Vi and Sandy <tamie@eot.com>
- Thursday, January 13, 2005 11:03 PM CST
Hi Vi, you must have an in with the doctors...one came to your house!!! I didn't know they did that anymore. I know my comments might be silly but I hope to bring a smile to your face.;) I feel very helpless over here but please remember that I'm praying for you and your family and wish only the best to all of you. love xoxoxox
pita <pam@minnesotamoons.com>
Depoe Bay, or usa - Thursday, January 13, 2005 8:43 PM CST
hey grandma. well i just wanted to let u know that i love u and i hope u get better. well i have to go do homework and other stuff, so bye love ya lots.
Mary Kay (mary moo- moo) <native_nerd@msn.com>
spokane, wa u.s.a. - Thursday, January 13, 2005 7:03 PM CST
Thanks for posting the pictures. We shared them with a couple of the people here at the VF who hadn't made it to the benefit. We all say Hi to you Vi
Doris Iversen <vfwgamb@tekstar.com>
DETROIT LAKES, MN USA - Thursday, January 13, 2005 1:21 PM CST
Tell Vi I said Hello and will stop by and see her one of these days when it warms up and the roads are in better condition
Bunny DeVall <rjdevall@arvig.net>
Ponsford, Mn. USA - Thursday, January 13, 2005 7:37 AM CST
Hi Vi, I think you're in a mad house over there. You've got people comin and goin' all the time....I am so sorry that you are in so much pain. I pray that Jesus comfort you and wraps his arms around you at this time. You have such a wonderful family, even Mike's okay sometimes...:] @->- I wish I was there with everybody helpin' out and stuff. I forgot when I mailed your hat and mittens that I didn't finish your hat. very typical of me. Anyway I hope you're getting some use out of them. When I get the picture of my oldest wearing "my" birthday present *cough cough* I'll send it along. It should be good for a laugh...I'm glad that some pictures were posted I haven't looked at all of them yet but I will....oh, and listen dork, not you Vi, your dorky daughter Cheryl, I do not have a speedo obsession, I'm horrified and embarrassed if anyone wears one of those things. eeck!! I have nightmares, I go into convulsions, my forePhead is hitting the keyboard now,lsjkalkjlkfjalkhgaiuo934
P.I.T.A <pam@minnesotamoons.com>
Depoe Bay, OR usa - Thursday, January 13, 2005 1:38 AM CST
Cheryl and Tamie back after Deb Johnson from Hospice came and added liquid morphine to her medication list for pain. At 10 p.m. we called Deb backed to let her know it wasn't helping like it should. They upped her to a stronger dose to help remedy the situation. Lets hope it helps her get some rest tonight.
Rob brought some pictures from the benifit to show her tonight,she is really enjoying them. You can view a few of them on this website if you'd like. We'll try to update these photos from time to time since there is little space available for photos on this site. Mom is enjoying the photos while talking to Terry on the phone. It sounds as though she is explaining what each photo looks like....I wonder what image Terry sees since he can't see them.
Mom is asking everyday about Terry's oldest, Angel. Angel is due any day to deliver her first child. They know the baby is a girl and Angelina Katherin (spelling ?)is her name.
This is the news of the day.
Oh yeah, to Pam....I have to sit next to Vi's dorky daughter as we write this. Tamie
oh yeah Pam, at least I don't have a speedo fetish! Love the dork!

Tamie and Cheryl (AKA Dork) <tamie@eot.com>
Detroit Lakes, MN US - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:47 PM CST
Hello all, especially my dear grandmother. Dad just filled me in on the web site, so now I will check it often to keep up to date. I wish I could be there with everyone, but as you all know I am going to pop any day now so grandma will have another great granddaughter----Angelina. Look out Rory and Sarah I am due the 19th, you know what that means.....you may have to share your special day with another family member! Anyway everyone take care. Grandma you be strong....you are in my daily thoughts, I Love You.
Angel Fairbanks <angel_fairbanks@hotmail.com>
Spokane, WA USA - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:17 PM CST
this is vi's son terry in spokane wa. i went and had a visit right after christmas {that's right christmas , not the holidays)mom was doing pretty well at that time. we even went to the casino in mahnomen {i hope i spelled that right}it was a great day. the best part was watching mom win $100 on her son-in law's(cheryl's husband aka ***hole)favorite slot machine.that aka comes from a physical therapists' test they did on mom in fargo to test her motor skills. they asked her to say mike and that was her answer. it hurts to call up & hear your mom in pain but with all the pain she is in right now & she still made sure to ask if my oldest daughter {angel)had her baby yet!there is a song called diamond road. it says don't miss the diamonds along the way. i guess that is what mom is doing. when i left mn i said goodbye to my mom & she said you don't say goodbye you say see you later!
terry fairbanks <tlfairbanks@msn.com>
spokane , wa usa - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:12 PM CST
Cheryl and Tamie here...Vi is sleeping now after having two bad nights of pain. We are waiting for hospice to come with better medication. She's still the trooper that's she's always been, and tries not to complain. It's very heartbreaking to watch and see that she is in pain. All we can do is to try to keep her comfortable. Sandy is so much help; she sat and rubbed her aches until she fell asleep. Thank god for angels.
On a lighter note, JoAnne came over and gave her a manicure, which is VERY important you know.
She really enjoys all the company that stops by to see her. Sunday was one of those beautiful snowy days. Cheryl dressed her up in a down jacket,hat,mittens, and blankets. They sat out on the deck about an hour while the huge snowflakes fell to the ground. Mom looked like a snowman by the time she was ready to come in the house.
Hospice is here, we'll write again.

Tamie and Cheryl <tamie@eot.com>
- Tuesday, January 11, 2005 4:17 PM CST
Well ya, don't ya know, I posted this site on my site, hopefully the link will work. Please post some photos, that way we can see everyone together. I miss you Vi, and your dorky daughter Cheryl. P.S. You don't have to wear the hat if you don't want to. Kisses for Alysa xoxo ciao bella's
P.I.T.A <pam@minnesotamoons.com>
Depoe Bay, OR usa - Friday, January 7, 2005 1:38 AM CST
I'm so glad you posted this. Saves me from having to talk to Cheryl...ha ha. Any way that way I can check on Vi more often.
Pamela Wyman <pam@minnesotamoons.com>
Depoe Bay, OR usa - Thursday, January 6, 2005 9:38 AM CST
Vi will be going to Cheryl's late next week to stay. Probably Thursday so Cheryl could get ready for her and we have the benefit to go to on Wednesday night. Talked with Vi a little this morning and sounds good.
Roxanne Fairbanks <fairbanksrm@hotmail.com>
Detroit Lakes, MN - Thursday, December 9, 2004 9:49 AM CST
Vi looked pretty good last night was trying to work on a word find. Tryed to keep her in good spirits, Mike was teasing her and she would come back with a smart remark for him so that was good
Roxanne Fairbanks <fairbanksrm@hotmail.com>
Detroit Lakes, MN - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 7:29 AM CST

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