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Hi there,
Just wanted to say, I love you all very much and miss you!

Aunt L.J. <lorraine.fowler@att.net>
Torrance, CA U.S.A. - Tuesday, September 8, 2009 8:14 AM CDT
Great pictures of the kids! I cannot believe how big they are getting. And so cute too!
Nj - Thursday, April 9, 2009 6:51 PM CDT
Hi Debbie,
I wanted to see Matt. It's such a blessing to see kids that have gone through NB and have come out so great!!! We are truly blessed! Your kids are adorable. God Bless them and your family. I know that when our kids are doing so great we start to slip into taking for granted everything we cherish so much. May we never forget where we've been and where God has led us through to better enjoy what we now have. Joey also has a caringbridge site www.caringbridge.org/fl/joeyvallejo I haven't updated in a long while, which a good sign nothings been going on. I should update it though. Let's keep in touch and get the boys in touch. We'll be using the SpongeBob typing program too this summer. I think it'll be great! God Bless, Lynette Joey's mom NB survivor

Lynette <linnyv@aol.com>
Pembroke Pines, FL US - Monday, April 6, 2009 11:41 AM CDT
Hi Debbie! I think about you and your family all the time. I hope all is well with you. Youre' children are adorable.
God Bless you all. I hope to see you soon. Love, Terri

Terri Bangert <tlc01@charterinternet.com>
Arroyo Grande, Ca SLO - Wednesday, March 4, 2009 6:40 PM CST
Hi Matt
My name is Jenna and I came across your site. You are a brave, courageous fighter, and a real inspiration. I hope you had a good Christmas, and I wish you all the best in 2009. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Jenna <allfighterswin@gmail.com>
Kamloops, BC Canada - Saturday, January 24, 2009 6:12 AM CST
Hello! Loved the picture of the kids. I can't believe how big they are getting! Sorry I did not have time to send cards out this year. Hopefully we can see each other in May! It's always fun when the kids get to play together. They always act like old buddies even when they don't see each other for a year! Hope you had a great Christmas. Love,
The D'Angiolillos <joydangio@yahoo.com>
NJ - Monday, December 29, 2008 6:40 PM CST
Thom & Debbie, it's been years since we were in touch, but I was updating my CV, did a search and found this site. Wow, you all will be in my prayers. Very inspiring. God has blessed you abundantly and I can tell Matthew is touching many lives. Thank you for keeping this up to date so that I could get an overview of the last several years from out here in the midwest. I miss you guys.
Jason Nichols
Lawerence, KS USA - Monday, December 15, 2008 3:46 PM CST
I'm so sorry to hear about your scare. But I'm also happy to hear that everything turned out well. Still thinking about you guys every day!
Joyce D. <joydangio@yahoo.com>
NJ - Saturday, July 12, 2008 10:02 AM CDT
Hi Guys! Hope you're having a great summer! The kids still ask about "California Matthew" all the time. Your family is always in our prayers. Love,
The D'Angiolillos <joydangio@yahoo.com>
NJ - Tuesday, July 1, 2008 9:16 AM CDT
Hi Matt
My name is Jenna and I came across your site. You are an inspiration and a brave,courageous fighter. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Jenna <nevergiveup301@aol.com>
Kamloops, BC Canada - Saturday, May 10, 2008 6:43 PM CDT
Hi Guys - Just checked in... not the news I was hoping to see. I've got you on prayer warriors. Hope you're all keeping the faith! Let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do from here.
Stella <imstell@yahoo.com>
Los Osos, CA - Friday, May 2, 2008 9:55 AM CDT
Thinking of you today and praying for good news~
Love, Ellen and the kids
Scott A., Kathleen, Sean and Heather

Elen Hanson <ehanson89@aol.com>
Cape Cod, Ma - Thursday, April 24, 2008 8:45 AM CDT
Good Morning Sweetie,

Grandma is missing you and Sierra and sending lots of prayers for clear scans this afternoon. I hope your cold is better and that you are playing with your sweet sister. Remember what I said about that sugar before you get your pokie. I love you and can't wait to play when you get home. Be brave my sweet boy, God is watching over you. Love and HugsXXXOOO

Jerri Fredericks <jerrifredericks@att.net>
Atascadero, Ca - Wednesday, April 23, 2008 9:13 AM CDT
Thinking of you graphics

Love & Hope Always


Melissa Hartung
New York, NY USA - Friday, March 28, 2008 12:30 AM CDT
Have a Happy Easter!
Love, The D'Angiolillos <joydsangio@yahoo.com>
NJ - Saturday, March 22, 2008 11:50 AM CDT
Merry Christmas! We are thinking about you and praying for a great 2008! Love,
The D'Angiolillos <joydangio@yahoo.com>
NJ - Monday, December 24, 2007 10:47 AM CST
Hi guys! I am so glad that you updated, I have had you on my mind lately. You have been busy! I had no idea you had a new baby, congratulations!!! I am thrilled that things are going well for Matt. PRaise God! I hope your travels are fun and safe. Keep up the good work! We are doing well also. Taylor will be 7 in January and just started 1st grade. Our God is so good to allow us all this "normal". May God continue to hold you all.
Kim, Jim, Taylor and Logan Watts

Kim <jimandkimwatts@yahoo.com>
McCalla, AL - Monday, August 20, 2007 9:08 PM CDT
Matt, I was searching for hickman catheter when i stumbled on your story.Pretty touching.
Wish You all the best!

tekeba zena <ztekeba@gmx.net>
arlington, VA USA - Friday, July 27, 2007 1:22 PM CDT
Happy Easter! I hope you had a great day yesterday. I'm keeping you in my prayers...miss you all. Love,
Joyce D'Angiolillo <joydangio@yahoo.com>
NJ - Monday, April 9, 2007 5:25 PM CDT
Happy New Year. I hope no news is good news! God Bless, Love, Ellen

Ellen Hanson <ehanson89@aol.com>
Cape Cod, Ma - Sunday, January 7, 2007 2:49 AM CST
Hi, I just wanted to stop in to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Wishing you a great 2007!! Love
joyce D'Angiolillo <joydangio@yahoo.com>
NJ - Monday, January 1, 2007 12:56 AM CST
Wishing you a happy and healthy 2007 and beyond.
Love from

Love from Kaitlyn <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Monday, January 1, 2007 1:52 AM CST
Congratulations, a baby sister, how wonderful! Hope to see an update soon with pix of Matt and baby sister. You are always in my prayers.
Donna Lambert-Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow, OK USA - Saturday, December 23, 2006 9:52 AM CST
Well I was checking in for an update and read the good news from the proud Grandma. I tried emailing you a few times but it keeps coming back that it won't go through?? Anyway, I'm so happy for you. Congratulations!! I want details like a name and how much she weighs and when she was born. Please update us!! (In your spare time of course as I'm sure you're pretty busy right now) I'm thinking about you always. Love you guys, So happy about that new little addition. I bet she's adorable!!
Love, Joyce D'Angiolillo <joydangio@yahoo.com>
NJ - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 6:38 PM CST
Ok, Deb and Thom. Tell everyone that Matt is now a Big Brother! He is so good and helpful. He is ready for her to start talking so he can tell her about his trains and then tell her that they are All his. Please ask all the prayer warriors to keep Matt in their prayers because this is the month he goes back for his checkup. We are all so greatful to God with all the blessing we have received this past year. Ok everyone, bug Deb and Thom to update everyonel
Grandma Jerri <jerrifredericks@charter.net>
Atascadero, CA - Saturday, December 9, 2006 9:15 PM CST
Hello, I'm hoping that no news is good news and that you are out enjoying Life! God Bless, Love, Ellen


Ellen Hanson <ehanson89@aol.com>
Cape Cod, Ma - Saturday, September 30, 2006 1:58 AM CDT
I would love to see a recent update...You're still in our prayers.
Donna Lambert-Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow, OK USA - Monday, September 18, 2006 1:03 PM CDT
Wow! First Grade. You are such a big boy and we are so greatful to God for all His Blessings. I bet you are excited about all you will learn as a new school year starts. Good luck to Mommy with the home schooling! God is Great! I miss you Sunshine.
Love, Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Atascadero, CA - Thursday, September 7, 2006 11:37 AM CDT
Happy 4th of July! Hope you're enjoying some fireworks on the beach tonight!! I think our fireworks will be cancelled due to severe thunderstorms. Hope you're getting nice weather there. Talk to you soon. Love,
The D'Angiolillos <joydangio@yahoo.com>
NJ - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 2:58 PM CDT
Hi, I'm just stopping by to say hello. I hope that the MRI testing is good news. Happy Father's Day to Thom. I hope you are having fun and Congratulations on the baseball medal!
God Bless, love, Ellen


Ellen Hanson <ehanson89@aol.com>
Cape Cod, Ma - Wednesday, June 21, 2006 0:34 AM CDT
Good Morning Sunshine!

Baseball is over and now time for swimming! Your mommy told me you got a trohpy and medal, wow! I am so proud of you and I love you! Have a great last week of school and I will see you on Thursday for the trip to the Zoo.
Love from Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, Ca - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 10:19 AM CDT
Great to hear all is well! We'd love to see you next time you are up here. Our love to all of you!
Lisa & Family

Lisa Wan
Woodside, CA - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 0:34 AM CDT
Hi everyone. So glad to hear Matt is doing so well! I was so happy to see an update! Much love to you all.
Susan Armenio, mom to Justin, NBIV, 8/2/01-10/17/03
New City, NY - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:53 AM CDT
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matthew, i just read your update and I was moved to tears. I think about you guys every single day but don't always have the chance to write. It's ashame that so many miles are between us. I'd love to see you guys more. Thanks for the update on Matthew. His courage and strength are a constant source of inspiration for me!! I love you guys and miss you every single day. Take care, I'm looking forward to more great updates on Matthew. Love,
Joyce D'Angiolillo <joydangio@yahoo.com>
NJ - Thursday, April 27, 2006 6:36 PM CDT
Hi Thom, Deb and Matt!
Thanks for the update Dad. There are so many prayer warriors out there and each and every day you all are lifted in prayer. God is great! and we thank Him for His awesome healing power. Grandma and Grandpa Miko thank you both for sharing your brave little boy with us! We are forever greatful for family.
Love, Grandma and Grandpa Miko

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, CA - Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:24 AM CDT
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Love from Kaitlyn <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Wednesday, April 12, 2006 2:58 AM CDT
Just thinking about you today and hoping that you're having a great weekend. Miss you guys.
Joyce D'Angiolillo <joydangio@yahoo.com>
NJ - Saturday, March 11, 2006 4:03 PM CST
Good Morning Sunshine!
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!! Grandma and Grandpa Miss you. Hope you have a fun filled day.

Love, Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, CA - Tuesday, February 14, 2006 10:31 AM CST
Love to you all!
the Thomas team <Email@ChristiThomas.com>
Tiffin, OH USA - Saturday, January 7, 2006 6:54 AM CST
Happy New Year!! Hope you did something fun yesterday! Love,
The D'Angiolillos <jdangiolillo@netzero.com>
NJ - Sunday, January 1, 2006 11:03 AM CST
We want to wish your family a very Merry Christmas! We're thinking about you and praying for a great 2006 too! Love,
The D'Angiolillos <jdangiolillo@netzero.com>
NJ - Monday, December 26, 2005 12:12 AM CST
Hi Sunshine,
Your Mom just emailed me to say you slept through you MIBG scan! What a big boy you are. That is such tough stuff but you are such a good big boy and we are all so proud of you. Keep warm my Sunshine and I will see you in California soon. Love, Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, CA - Thursday, December 15, 2005 5:12 PM CST
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Love from Kaitlyn <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 8:40 PM CST
Good Morning Sunshine!
Grandma is lifting you in prayer all day today. I am praying for clear scans and all good reports. I am counting on Mommy and Daddy to make sure those doctors don't hurt you and I will be right here waiting for you to come back to California and Play. I miss you!! I hope you find lots of goodies at the sidewalk sale.
Love from Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, CA - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 11:24 AM CST
Hi Debbie, I'll be thinking of you in NY. I hope that you hit a good yard sale day. My Scott really likes that too! God Bless and Happy Holidays! love, Ellen


Ellen Hanson <ehanson89@aol.com>
Marstons Mills, Ma USA - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 2:41 AM CST
It's so nice to hear everything is going so well! You should definitely skate in Central Park when you're in NY... there's nothing like it!
Much love,

Susan Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Monday, November 14, 2005 6:37 PM CST
Sorry it's been so long. I've been without a computer again. I wanted to wish Matthew a happy belated birthday. I'm sure he had a blast with all of his friends!! Hope you're all doing well. Talk to you soon. Love,
Joyce D'Angiolillo <jdangiolillo@netzero.com>
NJ - Sunday, November 13, 2005 9:03 AM CST

I am so thankful to God for your life and the joy you bring to others. Keep strong and be Happy! I love you!!
Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, CA - Tuesday, October 18, 2005 1:28 PM CDT
Hi Matthew
Just wanted to drop by and wish you a very Happy Halloween! It’s our first Halloween in America and we love seeing all the huge pumpkins and decorations! Take care, stay strong and brave.
Love & Hope
Melissa and Dylan xoxo

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Dylan’s website

Melissa <dylan_newyork2005@yahoo.com.au>
New York, NY USA (Home is Australia) - Monday, October 17, 2005 9:43 AM CDT
Hi Matthew,
Just stopped by to say G'day. Stay strong, your an inspiration to many.
Love & Hope
Melissa and Dylan xoxo

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Dylan’s website

Melissa <dylan_newyork2005@yahoo.com.au>
New York, NY USA (Home is Australia) - Tuesday, September 6, 2005 2:02 AM CDT
Hi Debbie, Thom, and SuperStar Matthew:
You look so amazing skiing and surfing...and it sounds like your a very active little boy. I'm so impressed with all of the activities...I feel like I need to get going and have my boys doing more things! lol How wonderful it is that you are accomplishing so much. I really loved the photo's...What a beautiful boy you are. I will continue to keep you all in our families prayers, and it is so wonderful to hear the great news. Someday, it would be great to meet you, and have our boys play together with you! Surely the "Moms" will have lots to chit chat about, but mostly just enjoying watching all of you! Call me Deb for a playdate...You have the numbers! If not, my email is below! God Bless all of you, and may the Lord continue to hold you all in the Palm of his Hands.
Love, The Hansens

Laura Hansen <adiodc1@aol.com>
Arroyo Grande, CA USA - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 2:20 AM CDT
Hi there, Glad to hear all about Matthew's activities. He's keeping himself busy!! My prayers for your family continue everyday. Not a day goes by that I don't think about your struggles and how far you've come. I miss you. Take care
Love, Joyce D'Angiolillo <Jdangiolillo@netzero.com>
NJ - Sunday, August 28, 2005 7:42 AM CDT
HI Matt, Thom & Debbie-
Great to hear everything's going so well! The pictures are fantastic-post more! All is well here, hope to get to visit & catch up sometime soon.
Love, Lisa & Company

Lisa Wan
Woodside, CA - Saturday, August 20, 2005 10:43 PM CDT
Dear Matthew,
Glad to hear that you are having lots of fun and doing so great! You totally deserve it.
Love & Hope
Melissa and Dylan xoxo

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Dylan’s website

Melissa <dylan_newyork2005@yahoo.com.au>
New York, NY USA (Home is Australia) - Saturday, August 13, 2005 9:25 PM CDT
Hey there little man! Glad to see your Mom update the page...'been wondering bout you. I got worn out just reading about everything you've been doing this summer!!! (of course, I'm worn out all the time now...chasing TWO 14 month old babies!) I'm soooo glad you have learned to swim & sounds like you're pretty good at it! Gabbie and Pete are walking (running) and exploring the world 24 hours a day. I'm pretty whooped by the time 8 pm rolls around! :) Hope the rest of your summer is a fun as the beginning. I continue to pray for your good health. God bless you my little friend! love
jan livingstone
- Friday, August 12, 2005 4:07 PM CDT
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matthew, Thanks for the update. We are always so happy to hear about all of the wonderful things you're doing. Sounds like you're having a great summer! Love,
The D'Angiolillos <jdangiolillo@cs.com>
NJ - Thursday, August 4, 2005 5:47 PM CDT
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Kaitlyn <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 6:51 AM CDT
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matt, I just saw that Matt's most recent scans were clean. I am so happy for all of you. It is wonderful to read how well Matt is doing. I think of you often. Please give Matt a hug! Grace

Grace Mercer Schott
Portola Valley, CA - Sunday, July 24, 2005 11:43 PM CDT
Hi, It was great to see you in Chicago. Hope your having a fun summer! Blessings, I'm still catching up on my rest!
Love, Ellen


Ellen Hanson <ehanson89@aol.com>
Cape Cod, Ma USA - Sunday, July 24, 2005 0:49 AM CDT
We are so happy to hear the tests went well!!!! Congratulations and enjoy the summer.
Susan & Anthony Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Saturday, July 16, 2005 9:25 PM CDT
Happy 4th of July! Stay strong and believe in your dreams.

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Dylan’s website

Love & Hope

Melissa and Dylan <dylan_newyork2005@yahoo.com.au>
New York, NY USA (Home is Australia) - Monday, July 4, 2005 12:14 AM CDT
What a great update!! Its very encouraging reading how well he continues to do.

THinking of you guys,
Brandy Regan

Brandy <Brandyregan@yahoo.com>
- Monday, July 4, 2005 0:51 AM CDT
Hi All!!!! Great news about the scans. We are sooo happy!!! We're sorry we missed you, things were a little crazy this time. But the most important thing is what we were all praying for, that Matthew is doing great. Thanks to GOD!! Talk to you soon. Love,
Joyce D'Angiolillo <jdangiolillo@netzero.com>
NJ - Sunday, July 3, 2005 1:43 PM CDT
Hi, it was great to meet you and paint flower pots! I'm glad the scans were good. God Bless, love, Ellen, and the kids


Ellen Hanson <ehanson89@aol.com>
Cape Cod, Ma USA - Sunday, July 3, 2005 1:13 AM CDT
Yea for the great scan news. I'm so glad your trip went well and had to chuckle about the cotton candy:) Hoping with you for a wonderful and normal rest of the summer.

Janene Freerksen <janene23@cox.net>
Topeka, KS Shawnee - Saturday, July 2, 2005 2:56 PM CDT
Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!GOD is Great!! Good news but it looks like mom is way too busy to update everyone. Post a note Mom and let everyone know Matt is doing great! We love you Sunshine!
Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, - Friday, July 1, 2005 9:18 PM CDT
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matthew, Praying all went well with the scans. Sorry we missed each other this time. Take care
Love, Joyce <JDANGIOLILLO@netzero.com>
NJ - Tuesday, June 28, 2005 5:36 PM CDT
Hi all! We hope the tests went well. I'll be anxious to read how it all went! Please give Matt a big hug for us!
Susan and Anthony Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Friday, June 24, 2005 6:47 PM CDT
Thinking of you and anxiously awaiting the results. Post some new pictures so we can see our little friend we have come to love over the past couple of years (via internet). Take care, have a safe trip and know others care and are praying for you all. In Him, Donna Taylor
Donna R Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow, , OK USA - Thursday, June 23, 2005 6:41 AM CDT
Thinking of you and anxiously awaiting the results. Post some new pictures so we can see our little friend we have come to love over the past couple of years (via internet). Take care, have a safe trip and know others care and are praying for you all. In Him, Donna Taylor
Donna R Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow, , OK USA - Thursday, June 23, 2005 6:41 AM CDT
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matthew, I'm thinking about you all and praying that the scans are going well. Take care. Love,
Joyce <jdangiolillo@netzero.com>
- Wednesday, June 22, 2005 9:51 PM CDT
Hi, Looking forward to seeing you in NY. Love, Ellen and Sean


Ellen Hanson <ehanson89@aol.com>
Cape Cod, Ma USA - Friday, June 17, 2005 9:28 PM CDT
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matthew, Just dropping in to tell you how much you're being thought of today. I hope you have fun things planned for the weekend. Miss you. Love
Joyce D'Angiolillo <JDANGIOLILLO@netzero.com>
NJ - Saturday, May 28, 2005 1:07 PM CDT
Hi Deb, Thom and Big Matt!

I just want to say HELLO and let you know i think about you all a lot! I am so so so so so so very happy to hear that Matt is doing so well - that is just AWESOME NEWS!

Debbie - thankyou so much for being such a fantastic MOM and taking the time to put this site up - it really shows how special you are. ;-)

Keep me posted!!



Tina Brorby-Cox <tvlikeads@aol.com>
Playa Del Rey, CA USA - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 4:19 PM CDT
Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, CA 93455 - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 11:12 AM CDT
I am glad to hear the Matt his feeling better. Oh yes, that is a 4 year old thing. Taylor always has a pain here or there yet is running full blast. It is very scary though. We scan in June too then again in Dec. I am already nervous about waiting that long, I am such a worry wart. I will be locked in the looney bin before we get to 6 months. I will keep you all in my prayers.

kim, Jim, Taylor and Logan www.taylorwatts.org <jimandkimwatts@yahoo.com>
McCalla, AL - Saturday, April 30, 2005 9:58 PM CDT
Debbie, So very glad to get the good report, Matt is in our prayers daily. Please take care and May God Bless you all. In Him, Donna Taylor
Donna R. Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow,, OK USA - Saturday, April 30, 2005 9:30 AM CDT
So glad you all are feeling better. The skiing sounds like so much fun. Pretty soon he's going to be racing you down those mountains.
Love & Prayers from Kansas

Janene Freerksen www.caringbridge.org/ks/joshuamichael <janene23@cox.net>
Topeka, KS Shawnee - Thursday, April 28, 2005 1:31 PM CDT
Sorry you can't get to the mountains like you want to or planned to. What a bummer. The weight lose has got to be really hard on you, Debbie and Thom. We struggle with this constantly with Ben. Praying for you and thinking of you often.
Jody Murphy (Ben's mom)
Belmont, CA - Friday, April 22, 2005 11:40 PM CDT
I'm sorry to hear you all have been so sick. We have had the same bugs here in Kansas it would seem. I hope Matt is feeling better soon so he can start eating you out of house and home:)
My Love & Prayers,

Janene Freerksen <janene23@cox.net>
Topeka, KS Shawnee - Saturday, April 16, 2005 3:30 PM CDT
It's so good to check back and have to catch up with some great journals! I am sorry to know that Matt's weight loss is scaring you, but I understand completely! I hope he feels better and begins to pile on some weight to relieve some of your fears! Hope you get to go skiing! Stay strong!
Angel Michaela's Mom Kim ~ http://www.caringbridge.org/pa/michaelaann <knikdan@comcast.net>
Lancaster, Pa USA - Saturday, April 16, 2005 12:19 AM CDT
Hi, I'm sorry you're not feeling well!! We are all fighting the head/chest cold thing too. Hope you're better for the weekend. Love
Joyce <jdangiolillo@netzero.com>
monmouth jct, nj - Thursday, April 14, 2005 5:26 PM CDT
Good Morning Sunshine,
I hope you are feeling better today and can eat some. Grandma misses you and prays for you to be hungry and eat lots. Remember, eat and grow, eat and grow. Soon you will be big and strong and you can go on the boats! I love you!
XXXX000 Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, CA - Thursday, April 14, 2005 10:54 AM CDT
I can't believe how big Matt has gotten, such a handsome young man. I am so glad all is going really good for you 3, you deserve great things. Isn't our Gracious God WONDERFUL???!!!! Please keep us posted on his progress.Love In Him, Donna Taylor
Donna R. Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Brokoen Bow, OK USA - Saturday, April 9, 2005 6:13 PM CDT
Good Morning Sunshine!
Thanks for the phone call this morning, OH how I love to hear your voice. Have fun playing with Mom today and rest to get rid of cold. Have mommy rest too! I love you!!!XXX000 Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, CA - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:16 AM CDT
The ski trip sounds wonderful. You have every right to be one proud mommy. I'm so glad things are going well for all of you. Love from Kansas!

Janene Freerksen <janene23@cox.net>
Topeka, KS Shawnee - Wednesday, March 30, 2005 12:35 AM CST
Hi Matt, Tommy and Debbie! I miss you all very much. I am so glad to hear you all are doing fine. Things are great here! I can not wait to see all of you. I am hopefully making my way down there as soon as I can too see you guys. I can't believe I graduate soon. Then I will have all this summer and more to see and surf with Matt!!! I love you all and I think about you guys often. Love Always, Chelsea
Chelsea Rodgers <r0adclosed@sbcglobal.net>
El Dorado Hills, CA - Wednesday, March 30, 2005 0:19 AM CST
Hope those kidney issues get resolved.
Stephanie & RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Monday, March 28, 2005 3:25 PM CST
Hi there. It's been awhile. Sounds like you guys are having a great time hopping around. It's like taking little mini vacations! We miss you here in NJ. I hope we can get together in June. We'll talk when the date gets closer. I'm very happy to hear that all is well with Matthew's kidney and as always the prayers continue. Love
The D'Angiolillo's <jdangiolillo@cs.com>
NJ - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 12:59 AM CST
Hello there..Long time no talk. I see that things are going well with you and mommy. You are getting so big I will have to see when I can come play with you!! Tell mommy I said HI!
Brandy Gibson <socalibabe70@aol.com>
Canoga PArk, ca - Wednesday, February 23, 2005 10:07 PM CST
Hi there!! It's been awhile since I wrote because I've been without a computer. Just checking in. Hope you have fun skiing. We went Saturday in Virginia. We didn't bring the kids though. I'm hoping to get my kids on the slopes next year. I think four is a good age to start. Love you guys and I'm thinking of you all the time. I hope we can get together in July!!!
Love, The D'Angiolillos <jdangiolillo@cs.com>
NJ - Monday, February 21, 2005 10:43 AM CST
Hi there little man! Sure sounds like you're doing well and getting stronger all the time! Skiing?!?!?! Boy oh boy! I have a hard enough time just walking...much less skiing! I know I haven't 'been around' much lately, but having TWO babies is keeping me VERY busy. Peter is a live wire; he is going from sun up to sundown. He LOVES to eat, and will eat anything I give him. His sister, Gabrielle,on the other hand is Miss Picky. She won't eat ANYTHING from a spoon and insists on feeding herself. (kind of hard when she only has two teeth!) They sure are a lot of fun though. We had pictures made, and I will send you one when we get them back. Have a great weekend. With love
jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
- Thursday, February 17, 2005 7:12 PM CST
Hope you all got to play in the snow-there sure has been a lot of it! So happy things are continuing to go well with Matt's tests. Give him another big kiss and hug for us.
Much Love, Lisa

Lisa Wan
Woodside, CA - Wednesday, February 16, 2005 1:22 PM CST
I've been offline for a couple of months, and I'm finally catching up again.
What wonderful news about the scans...and your trip to Hawaii looked pretty good too!

Have a fun Valentine's Day.

Stephanie & RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, February 9, 2005 10:54 PM CST
Sending lots of love to all of you from here in snowy NY! We're so glad things are going well! And I absolutely love the poem you posted! Hope you won't mind if I add it to Justin's website!

Much love,

Susan Armenio, mom to Angel Justin, 8/2/01-10/17/03 <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 4:49 PM CST
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matt-
Great news about the scans! The pictures are wonderful of all of you. You are getting to do all the wonderful things you deserve to do-finally! I know what you mean about staying in Hawaii forever. It is such a peaceful, special place. Whenever we are there we don't want to come home. Keep up all that hard work at staying healthy/getting stronger/PLAYING! It is a winning combination! We look forward to seeing you on one of your next visits (I understand it's a long trip for only one or two days; you can always stay with us!) We are so happy for you. Give Matt a big hug for us.
Much Love, Lisa and Co.

Lisa Wan
Woodside, CA - Friday, January 21, 2005 8:19 PM CST
Hi Baby!
Hope you sang Happy Birthday to Mom! Remember to be expecially good to her today and give her a kiss and hug from grandma. Have a great day and tell daddy to sing to mommy too! Grandpa and I will miss you and wish you could play with us at Disneyland this weekend.
Love from Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@miles@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, CA - Monday, January 17, 2005 1:15 PM CST
Matthew I am so happy to hear of your excellent test results. You guys are always in my heart and in my prayers.
What a special day it is today. Please give Mommy a big hug and kiss for me and eat an extra piece of that Nemo cake for me also, would you? I Love you very, very much!! I wish we were closer and could see each other more often.

Aunt L.J. <haddco@earthlink.net>
Torrance, CA USA - Monday, January 17, 2005 10:31 AM CST
PRAISE GOD for clean scans! Thanks for sharing!
With love from cold Ohio, the Thomas team <Email@ChristiThomas.com>
- Sunday, January 16, 2005 6:58 PM CST
Just checking in to see how Matthew is doing and am so glad to hear that the scans were all clear. We miss seeing you at LPCH and hope to cross paths someplace other than the hospital sometime soon! Lots of strength, faith and blessings for 2005.
Jody Murphy (Ben's mom) <jodymurphy@comcast.net>
- Saturday, January 15, 2005 5:35 PM CST
GREAT news about those scans! Many answered prayers. It's been VERY cold here today... it was only 12* this morning. I'm looking forward to spring! God bless
jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
- Friday, January 14, 2005 7:05 PM CST
Dear Deb, Tom & Matt;
So very happy that the tests were so good and hope soon that beautiful word "cure" will pop up. Think of you so very often.
Love, Dotte Davis (Paula's Mom)

Dotte Davis <mommmie@webtv.net>
Indian Wells, Ca USA - Thursday, January 13, 2005 1:15 PM CST
By the way I loooove the new pictures. You look like a very happy & well-rested family. I like that!!! You deserve it more than anyone else I know and I'm so glad you had a great time.
Joyce <Jdangiolillo@cs.com>
NJ - Thursday, January 13, 2005 12:30 AM CST
Hi Humes, I'm so happy for the great news with the scans. I'll pray that Matthew's kidney continues to function at it's best. I miss you guys and I hope I can see you in March.
Joyce D <JDANGIOLILLO@cs.com>
NJ - Thursday, January 13, 2005 12:27 AM CST
My goodness, you sure are growing! I won't be able to call you 'little man' much longer! :) You all look radiant in your Hawaiian vacation picture...too bad you don't look anything like your Daddy! ;) A friend handed down a huge Thomas wooden train set and table, to Peter and Gabrielle... I immediately thought of you & wished you were here to put the thing together for them. We hope to have them home with us within two weeks?!?!!? :) I'll be praying for all your testing over the next few days. Love ya
jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
- Tuesday, January 11, 2005 8:45 PM CST
Hi Matthew, Debbie and Thom, I'm glad to get an update!! Praying all goes well with the scans. I'm thinking of you all. I'll check in daily to see how things go. Take care. Love
Joyce <JDANGIOLILLO@cs.com>
NJ - Monday, January 10, 2005 5:41 PM CST
Been thinking of you and I'm so glad you all are doing well. May God bless you with His strength and peace during this next set of scans and the surgery.

Janene Freerksen <janene23@cox.net>
Topeka, KS Shawnee - Monday, January 10, 2005 3:50 PM CST
Good Morning Sweetie,
Grandma is praying for clear scans and for you to have a good time with Mom and Dad. I am so happy Dad is going with you for the first day. I love you baby and I miss you!
Love and Hugs, Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
orcutt, CA - Monday, January 10, 2005 11:54 AM CST
Merry Christmas little man! I hope you all had a wonderful vacation. Enjoy your time with family and friends. God bless! with love
jan livingstone (Andy's mom forever)
- Friday, December 24, 2004 8:23 AM CST
I'm thinking of your family today with love. Hope you're having a great time!
NJ - Friday, December 10, 2004 6:10 PM CST
I'm so glad you guys are enjoying your trip! Rest, relax and enjoy each moment.

Janene Freerksen <janene23@cox.net>
Topeka, KS Shawnee - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 1:17 PM CST
Hey guys! Kauai was my most favorite island! you guys are great, i hope we see you soon. Love, Keith, Brandy and the little to come; 1/11/05!
Keith <keith@colescure.org>
San Rafael, CA USA - Monday, December 6, 2004 7:39 PM CST
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matthew!!!! I'm so happy that you're enjoying some nice family "down time". You guys deserve it so much. I wish the weather here was as nice. It's so cold but at least it's sunny today and we were able to play outside before lunch. Well, I will talk to you soon. Enjoy your day!!
Love, Joyce <JDANGIOLILLO@cs.com>
NJ - Saturday, December 4, 2004 1:07 PM CST
Hey little buddy! I sure wish you could bottle some of that warmth and sunshine & send it here! We've been fighting pretty bad colds; warmth and sunshine would be good medicine! Of course, some surf and sand wouldn't hurt either! :) I'm glad to hear you're doing well, hope Daddy is too. We're waiting to get our phone call, any day now, to jump on a plane and go get Gabrielle and Peter...trying hard NOT to bite all my nails! ;) Have a great vacation. I'm still praying for you all. with love
jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
- Saturday, December 4, 2004 11:05 AM CST
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matthew, We will be without a computer for a few days but we wanted to wish you many blessings this Thanksgiving. Enjoy the holiday. Much Love
The D'Angiolillo Family <JDangiolillo@CS.com>
NJ - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 5:05 PM CST
Dear Debbie, Thom and Matthew, I check Matthew's site everyday to see if there are any new entries but something made me go back and read your very first journal entry. I was touched by your words "Each simple and ordinary instant at home is a fantastic moment of happiness."
It is amazing how we take life for granted sometimes. It is so easy to do. Since I had a difficult time with the kids the past few days I want to thank you for those words. They are so true. I just want you to know that I love you and pray for you everyday. When I don't have a chance to write you are still in my thoughts and prayers all the time. I hope you're having a great day. Love

Joyce D'Angiolillo <jdangiolillo@cs.com>
NJ - Tuesday, November 2, 2004 1:36 PM CST
Matthew, We hope you have fun today!! Have a great Halloween! Love
The D'Angiolillo's <Jdangiolillo@cs.com>
NJ - Sunday, October 31, 2004 1:09 PM CST
Hi Matthew, Debbie and Thom-
I hope you are enjoying the fall weather. I am so happy Matthew is doing so well. I bet he and Spencer are going to be so happy to see each other when they get home next week. Please send me an updated picture of Matthew, I'll bet he has grown up so much. Look forward to hearing about Matthew and Spencer's first playdate this fall!
Much Love Always, Lisa

Lisa Wan
Woodside, CA - Sunday, October 24, 2004 1:08 AM CDT
Hi Matthew, Happy belated birthday. I was without a computer for a few days so I didn't get to tell you sooner. Just wanted you to know how much I love you buddy. Hope you're having fun with Mommy and Daddy. Did you get any trains for your birthday?? I hope so! Love ya!
Joyce D'Angiolillo <jdangiolillo@cs.com>
NJ - Thursday, October 21, 2004 7:54 AM CDT
Hope your day is wonderful. Wish we could play in the rain, like splash and get all dirty. I know you love those puddles. I miss you!!
Love, Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, CA - Monday, October 18, 2004 10:32 AM CDT
Hi there little man! Sounds like your party was a blast! We're staying extremely busy these days, finishing up many projects & getting ready for winter. We trimmed trees and bushes today; it was a beautiful fall day & almost 65! (yeah) It got pretty chilly this past week & I had the furnace on a couple of mornings. I guess I need to get a load of firewood & fire up the fireplace soon. All our neighbors are decorating their houses for halloween. Our little neighbor (she's 4 also) felt sorry for us, since we didn't have a pumpkin on our porch, and gave us one of hers. :) That's the extent of our decorations. I hope you have a great week! God bless!
jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
IL - Sunday, October 17, 2004 4:28 PM CDT
Wow, Grandma had so much fun! What a party you throw!!@#$%$#@ We are all so tired. Christian and Gabby and I all cried after we left your house. We wanted to take you with us to play more. Hope you have a great day sweetie and I hope we get to play again soon. Love Grandma Miko
Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, CA - Monday, October 11, 2004 10:42 AM CDT
Hi Matthew, Glad you are home and feeling well with clean scans and all! Ali got to go on her Make-A-Wish to Hawaii...I guess that is the plus about being older when you get cancer...they let you leave the state! I hope you have a great time in Hawaii in Dec. I will check back again to see how you are doing. I am rooting for you from up north!
XXOO, Marey
Cali Ali

Marey, Ali's mom <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, October 10, 2004 0:46 AM CDT
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matthew, I'm thinking about you so much today. Partly because it was so beautiful here today that I could imagine if we lived closer how all the kids could play outside together. Also, because I miss you! Just wanted you to know that. I'm thanking God everyday for keeping you safe. Lots of love.
Joyce D'Angiolillo <JDANGIOLILLO@cs.com>
NJ - Friday, October 8, 2004 7:16 PM CDT
Hi buddy! I thought of you (again) yesterday, while I was out driving around on our Little Debbie route... our truck got stopped by a VERY long train! This one was soooooo long, that it had 5 engines! I thought to myself, "Matt would love to see this one!" A couple of the engines were hooked on backwards; I wonder why? I stopped counting the cars at about 41. :) (Glenn hates to get stopped at those tracks, but I enjoyed it... thinking of you!) It's suppose to rain here all day, but that's ok. I took the day off work, so I could clean our house. Sounds exciting huh? :) I hope you have an awesome weekend! I continue to lift you all in prayer. God bless
jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
- Friday, October 8, 2004 6:12 AM CDT
From a christian friend in Yukon, OK. - This is my first time to check Matt's web site. I have had him on my mind and in my prayers and decided to find the website to see how he is doing. What great news! Just what I had hoped for!
Sherry Kelly <cubbiekid@aol.com>
Yukon, OK USA - Thursday, October 7, 2004 10:58 AM CDT
Debbie, Thom and Matt,
Awesome news about Matt's latest tests!!! I will pass on the great news to the rest of the ministry. I know you will have a wonderful birthday celebration!!
Love, Grace

Grace Mercer Schott <2gracemercer@earthlink .net>
Portola Valley, CA - Tuesday, October 5, 2004 11:21 PM CDT
Oh Boy, Grandma is so excited! Your birthday is coming and we will celebrate! I am so Greatful to God for His healing power! See you Saturday. Love, Grandma MikoXXXOOO
Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, CA - Monday, October 4, 2004 10:28 AM CDT
Hi Debbie Thom and Matt-
Thanks for the great update- I read it the day you posted it and I've beeen happily dreaming of you guys on your Hawaiian vacation ever since! Sounds like things are moving in the right direction. I am so happy that Matt is doing so well. You guys are such an inspiration to me. Hope to see you on your next visit north. Much Love Always, Lisa Wan

Lisa Wan
Woodside, CA - Monday, October 4, 2004 9:56 AM CDT

I am so happy to hear all of Matt's tests were clear!!!!! What great news.

All the best,

Anthony Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
- Sunday, October 3, 2004 9:01 PM CDT
Debbie, Matt and all: Greetings from back east! So great to hear from you, and so great to hear that Matt is back to doing some normal kid stuff!! How most people take just that for granted... And Kauai in December?! Eric wants Matt to know if that he needs any help carrying his bags, Eric would be most happy to oblige!

It is truly uplifting to see how well Matt is doing; with the love of God Eric wil be there right alongside him soon...17 months after stage IV diagnosis, the fight continues! You are all in our thoughts and prayers; thanks for checking in!!!

Love, The Sonsini's (www.caringbridge.org/ma/ericsonsini) <tsonsini@yahoo.com>
The Berkshires, MA USA - Friday, October 1, 2004 10:15 PM CDT
Hi there!! Just read the great news about the tests. Nothing in the world makes me happier!! I cannot wait to hear all about your party. I bet Matthew is going to have the best time!! Please take pictures so I can see him on his big 4 year old party day. Love you guys. My prayers continue every day.
Joyce D'Angiolillo <JDANGIOLILLO@CS.com>
NJ - Thursday, September 30, 2004 6:40 PM CDT
Hi there big guy! Brrrrrrrrrrrrr...... it's cold here this morning! I actually have a sweatshirt on! Some of the trees are beginning to change color, especially the dogwoods in my yard. The neighbors are all putting out their fall decorations; not me, I move slow! :) I'm trying to keep busy so it feels like the days are moving faster... we're getting anxious to bring Peter and Gabrielle home! I hope you have a great weekend... is there a party planned at your house? :) God bless you my little friend
jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
IL - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 7:21 AM CDT
Hello my sweethearts!
Oh what a thrill it was to see you! I don't know yet if I will be able to come to your birthday party, but I'm going to try real hard to get there.
Auntie took the train home. Wow! that was great fun. You still need to come to my house and ride our train. Remember it's the first Sunday of every month. Be sure and bring your whistle! Hope I'll see you soon, I need another one of those big hugs and kisses!

Aunt L.J. <haddco@earthlink.net>
Torrance, CA USA - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 9:22 AM CDT
hello all!
I know it's been a long time since I talked to you, but I think of you every single day, and check your site almost every day. I am keeping my fingers crossed, waiting to hear that the remainder of those tests come back clear. I am thrilled to hear you all are actually getting to be at home and enjoy the life you had to keep on hold for so long. Would love to see you, next time you are up here, please stop by and say Hi. Much Love, Lisa and Co.

Lisa Wan
Woodside, CA - Friday, September 24, 2004 10:15 AM CDT
Good Morning Sunshine!
I miss you but I know you are playing and having fun. I got the car wash so bring your cars by so we can wash them. Have a great weekend and maybe I will see you at cousin Teri's house next weekend. I love you!!!XXX
Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, CA - Friday, September 17, 2004 9:53 AM CDT
Hello there my little friend... you've been on my heart, and on my mind. Just wanted you to know that I continue to lift you in prayer. I hope you are having a wonderful time...just being a kid. God bless you.
jan livingstone (Andys Mom forever)
- Monday, September 13, 2004 2:15 PM CDT
Hi there!! Just read your update, I'm soooooo happy. Hope you're having a great weekend!!
Love, Joyce D"angiolillo <JDangiolillo@cs.com>
NJ - Saturday, September 11, 2004 6:42 PM CDT
That is wonderful news! Looking forward to hearing the bone marrow and urine is clear too!

Much love,

Susan Armenio, mom to Angel Justin, NBIV, 8/2/01-10/17/03 <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Thursday, September 9, 2004 9:09 AM CDT
Hi Humes!
Great news about Matthew! I will look forward to hearing the results of the other tests. I pray for you often.

Love, Grace

Grace Mercer Schott <2gracemercer@earthlink.net>
Atherton, CA - Wednesday, September 8, 2004 10:52 PM CDT
Just peepin in on you. I see that you are doing wonderful! Hope all is well. Give your mommy a big kiss for me!

Love Always Your Cousin Brandy Gibson <socalibabe70@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, September 8, 2004 0:59 AM CDT
Dear Debbie and Matthew, I'm so sorry I missed you this time and we couldn't get together. I just want you to know that my prayers are with you until you find the results of this scan. I know how anxious you get (I'm anxious too). We love you guys so much. I received a package from you today. I will wait until tomorrow to let the kids open it. Thank you so much. It was so thoughtful of you to take the time. You are so sweet Debbie. I hope you, Matthew and your mother-in-law have a nice flight back. Love you!
Joyce D'Angiolillo <JDANGIOLILLO@cs.com>
NJ - Saturday, September 4, 2004 10:23 AM CDT
Hey little buddy.... sorry it's been awhile. My goofy ole computer decided to crash on me & I've been unable to check on you for almost 3 weeks now! I hope things with you are going well. We continue to get more nervous, anxious & excited; as we wait for our babies to be ready to come home to us. We just got their three month old pictures, and they are sooooo cute! I bought Peter two big Tonka trucks at a garage sale the other day... do you think he'll like them. (in a few months?!?!?!) :) I hope you and your parents have a great long holiday weekend; we don't have any exciting plans... but that's ok. God bless you my little friend! with love
jan livingstone
IL - Friday, September 3, 2004 3:07 PM CDT
Good Morning Sunshine!
Grandma is praying for you and I know GOD is watching over you today as you go through your test. I miss you and can't wait till you get home. Be brave and strong, we are all so proud of you. Love Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, CA - Wednesday, September 1, 2004 10:59 AM CDT
Debbie Hume! I feel like I know you already! I read all of your post's on Justin Armenio's site. I have been friends with Justin's mom, Susan, since we were in junior high. Seeing your wonderful words on nearly a daily basis posted on Justin's site must have meant so much to Susan and Anthony when Justin was battling NB. I love them and for showing them such hope, kindness and compassion, I love you, too, and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

What a cutie pie Matthew is! I am so happy to hear he is doing well. I hope the scans went well. Matthew will be in my prayers by name. Now that I am aware of your site, I will be checking in on you guys from time to time.

Judy Dajnowski <judes81070@yahoo.com>
Bayside, NY - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 6:54 PM CDT
Hi Matt! It was wonderful to meet you, your mom and your grandma the other day, and Anthony had a great time playing with you! Hope your scans go well and you are home quickly. Debbie, I'm so glad we had a chance to get together for a little while. It was so nice to meet you face to face after all this time!
Much love,

Susan Armenio, mom to Angel Justin, NBIV, 8/2/01-10/17/03 <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 10:26 AM CDT
Hi. I came across your son's page. We are from northern CA as well and our children have had similar treatment. I would love to talk with you about the conference in Chicago. I didn't know they had a NB conference. I hope this entry finds you all happy and enjoying summer. God bless your family.
Natasha Maghoney (Jillian's Mommy) <nate2080@frontiernet.net>
Rio Vista, Ca - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 1:07 AM CDT
Good Morning little buddy! It's almost as if fall is already here in the mid-west; highs in the upper 70s. I know it won't last, but we're enjoying it while we can. As I am preparing for church this morning, my mind is on all my little friends, that are facing such battles... and their parents. I just wanted you to know that your name is still at the top of my prayer list & I think of you often. I hope and pray that you have a wonderful, happy, 'normal' day today. God bless! with love
jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
IL - Sunday, August 15, 2004 9:02 AM CDT
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matthew, We wanted to say hello and let you know that we continue to pray for you everyday. We miss you so much and not a day goes by that you're not in our thoughts. Sending you our love.
Joyce & Sean D'Angiolillo <jdangiolillo@cs.com>
NJ - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 12:02 AM CDT
Hey there buddy! I am so very sorry that I goofed up our visit in Chicago. I guess I don't really have a good excuse; except to say that my mind is splintered in so many directions...I knew it was coming up, but forgot when exactly. Again, I am so very sorry. I hope you're all well now & enjoying what's left of the summer. Oh yeah, it's always summer there! tee-hee It's been incredible hot here, and I don't like it one bit! God bless you all. With love
jan (Andy's Mom forever)
IL - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 12:57 AM CDT
It was great to see you in Chicago and talk with you briefly. I'm so glad you all are doing well and that you've had a great Summer! Go Matthew Go! Love & Prayers From Kansas!

Janene Freerksen <janene23@cox.net>
Topeka, KS Shawnee - Sunday, August 1, 2004 10:06 PM CDT
Hi Matthew!! We are back from our vacation at the beach. We had so much fun playing in the sand everyday!! We jumped big waves with Daddy and built sand castles. It was beautiful everyday except for one so we went to the shops instead of the beach. We miss you. We are glad you had fun in Chicago. Sorry your Mommy was sick for a few days but she said you took good care of her. You're such a sweetie. Give Mom and Dad hugs. Love you.
The D'Angiolillos <JDANGIOLILLO@cs.com>
NJ - Sunday, August 1, 2004 9:12 AM CDT
Hi Matt. I wish I would have read about your plane ride. Was that fun? I see them flying way up high every day...except when they are behind the clouds. They have a lot of clouds out here. And it rains everyday because there's gonna be a thunderstorm. I like the big noise but my Mommy is scared. I am getting better and stronger every day and I really miss Cambria, and my house, and Grampa Ernie's horse Brandi, and the beach, and playing with you. I miss it a lot. I can walk okay now but I still can't run or go up steps or get off the floor by myself yet. Kind of wobbly still, maybe because of my big belly. Dr. K says that will go away, but I like it because it's kind of like my Daddy's. We've been here a long time but still have a long way to go. I'm hoping to get back in time to go trick-or-treating for holloween, but that might be tight. I think I'm going to be a ghost. What are you gonna be? I'll be home before my birthday for sure, but Mom and Dad don't think I can have much of a party yet. Maybe you can come. I haven't played with another kid since February. But I'm doing good, driving the parents up the walls again (because we can't go outside much). Say hi to your Mom and Dad and see you...well, not soon really, but a bit later maybe.
Spencer Rocket Caserio <spencer@sideoff.com>
Durham, NC USA - Saturday, July 31, 2004 3:39 PM CDT
May your summer continue to be full of fun adventures. I'm glad the conference was a good one.
Stephanie & RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Thursday, July 29, 2004 8:36 PM CDT
I know we haven't been in touch much lately but please know I think of you guys often! I'm thrilled Matt continues to do well!
Much love,

Susan Armenio, mom to Angel Justin, 8/2/01-10/17/03 <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Thursday, July 29, 2004 9:46 AM CDT
So nice to finally meet you and to see this great little guy we feel like we know! THANK YOU for introducing yourself. I hope you made it home safe and sound! God bless you all!
Love, Thomas Team Mommy <Email@ChristiThomas.com>
Tiffin, OH - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 2:06 PM CDT
Thanks Sweetie for the visit. You are so much fun to play with. Have a super week. I love you!
Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, CA - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 10:31 AM CDT
from the NB Conference - I can't find you!! Please intro. yourself!! I'd LOVE to put your face with your email address!
Love, Angela Thomas (Christi's Mommy) <Email@ChristiThomas.com>
Tiffin, - Friday, July 23, 2004 5:32 PM CDT
Hello all, just checking in to see how things are going and oviously I see they are going great, I am sooo sooo happy to hear all the wonderful news. My little cousin is as strong as can be... I was so disappointed that we weren't able to see eachother on the 4th this year! I cannot wait to see you....I bet you are HUGE!!! So how do you like your new house? Well I will talk to you later I have to give you little cousin a bath, hugs and kisses... oh and P.s. tell you mom and dad I said hi too.
Brandy & Jordan Gibson <socalibabe70@yahoo.com>
ca - Tuesday, July 20, 2004 10:24 PM CDT
Hi Humes, How are things at the new place? I hope you're all having a great summer! I'm praying everyday that God continues to watch over your family. I have faith that HE is holding you close. We all miss you so much and the kids still talk about their fun day in the park. I want to get those pictures developed so I can send you some. I'll try to do that soon. We are leaving for a weeks vacation in NC on Friday. Can't wait. I'll write when I get back. Love you.
Joyce D. <jdangiolillo@cs.com>
monmouth jct, NJ - Tuesday, July 20, 2004 7:07 PM CDT
Yeah Humes! God is so wonderful and has blessed us in so many ways. Even in our "bad" times he is faithfully holding us to get us thru. I am so happy to hear you are all happy and doing so good. One of my friends that is also a member at the church I am called today and asked about you. You are forever in our thoughts and prayers.
Donna R. Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow, OK USA - Monday, July 12, 2004 5:32 PM CDT
I'm glad you had a good trip to NYC and good scan reports. Love & Prayers from Kansas!

Janene Freerksen <janene23@cox.net>
Topeka, KS Shawnee - Sunday, July 11, 2004 2:10 PM CDT
Matthew, We miss you sooooo much!! We wish you lived closer so you could come play with us. You would love the weather in NJ today. It is so breezy and beautiful. Not humid at all. We are loving playing outside today but our Mom made us come in for a nap! She always makes us do that. We will talk to you soon. Love, The D'Angiolillos
Seraphina, Seamus and Matthew <Jdangiolillo@cs.com>
monmouth Jct., NJ - Saturday, July 10, 2004 1:19 PM CDT
Hi Humes!
I just saw your website today, so I missed you when you were up my way. Bummer! However, what awesome news from New York!
I think about you all often and am so, so happy Matthew is doing well!
I am thinking you may be back up to Stanford in August? If so, I would love to sneak in a visit if it works with your schedule. I'll keep watching the website for possible dates when you are in town.
Please give Mat a huge hug for me. Love, Grace

Grace Mercer Schott <gracemercer@mindspring .com>
Atherton,, CA - Thursday, July 8, 2004 10:28 PM CDT
Hi buddy! Sounds like you're having quite a new adventure in your 'little house'; sounds like great fun! We're having a new adventure here also..... baby beds, changing tables, baby clothes. It's been fun too! I'm still hoping to meet up with you all in Chicago; I'll have to get with your Mom for details. I hope you have a wonderful day today! God bless! your buddy
jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
- Thursday, July 8, 2004 10:36 AM CDT
Dear Matthew and Debbie,
A little red bird and a big red bird showed up in my room last night with a note from Matthew that I should get better. I LOVE my birds and make a nest in my favorite blankie for them to sleep. I show them off to the nurses and anyone else who cares to listen. You made me smile and I will remember you always as the ones who remembered me in my need and gave me the birds that sing.

Ben Murphy <jodymurphy@comcast.net>
Belmont / LPCH, CA - Wednesday, July 7, 2004 9:05 PM CDT
I'm so glad the tests went well! Sorry we couldn't see you this time in NY!

Much love,

Susan and Anthony Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Wednesday, July 7, 2004 2:50 PM CDT
Matthew, Are you going to watch the fireworks on the beach tonight?? I hope you have lots of fun whatever you do. I'm sure Mom and Dad have fun things planned!! I'm praying for you today sweetie. Love you.
Joyce D <jdangiolillo@cs.com>
monmouth Jct, NJ - Sunday, July 4, 2004 1:08 PM CDT
Hi, We are just passing by and checking in on you. Continued prayers for you family. Ellen~Seans Mom


Ellen Hanson <ehanson89@aol.com>
Cape cod, Ma USA - Saturday, June 26, 2004 9:43 PM CDT
Hi Matthew,Debbie and Thom, I hope things are going well at your new place. What's the weather like? It's pretty humid here. Just wanted to tell you that I miss you a lot. Enjoy your weekend. Hope you have some fun stuff planned!Love you.
Joyce D <jdangiolillo@cs.com>
Monmouth Jct, NJ - Friday, June 25, 2004 12:15 AM CDT
Hi Matt, my daughter Ali was at LPCH when you were! I will vistit your site often to see how you are doing. We check in on Spencer too. Maybe we will see you at clinic sometime! You are in our prayers, XXOO, Marey and Ali

Marey, Ali's mom <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, June 22, 2004 9:44 PM CDT
Matthew, We miss you already!! We had so much fun playing with you on Friday at the park. The slide was the best. It went so fast. We thought you were funny in the fountain when you threw water on our Mom Mom. The water was cold but she didn't mind!! We liked meeting your Daddy too. He was so nice to help bring the cardboard to the top of the slide so we could go faster!! We love you sooooo much and we hope we can see you again soon!!
Seamus (Bubba) , Seraphina (peanut) and Matthew (Goo) <JDANGIOLILLO@cs.com>
Monmouth Jct, NJ - Monday, June 21, 2004 5:48 AM CDT
Hi Sunshine!
Your Dad gave Grandpa the great news. We are thanking God for watching over you! Hope to see you back in California soon. Love you!
Grandma Miko xxxxx00000000

Jerri Fredericks
Orcutt, CA - Sunday, June 20, 2004 3:27 PM CDT
Hey little Sunshine!
Grandma is smiling, can you see it? I will be so happy someday when I am old and you read all my love notes you. I love you baby and thank God each day for your smiling face and for His protection over you. I hope you have a fun plane ride home. Love and Kisses from Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, CA - Friday, June 18, 2004 6:10 PM CDT
Good Morning Sunshine!
Grandma misses you so much and I am praying for all the test to be good and that our Great Wonderful God has cured you! I am so sorry you had to get poked....I think you should be able to poke that nurse back! You are in my prayers thoughout the day and I am looking forward to you coming home soon. Hey, how was the plane ride? too long? Maybe we can go on your Uncle Tom's plane for a short ride, that could be fun. I love you Baby! Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, CA - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 12:29 AM CDT
Hey buddy! Just sending you a 'cyber' hug from Illinois! Tell your Mom that I need a 'Matt fix'. :) Have a wonderful day! God bless. with love
jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
IL - Monday, June 14, 2004 8:32 AM CDT
I will be praying for Matthew and the whole family. My heart goes out to you. The poem on your website really puts things in perspective. God bless you all.
Carol Thomas <Joemontanafan@aol.com>
Cambria, CA 93428 - Friday, June 11, 2004 8:52 PM CDT
Hey little buddy! Yep, I'm still here & still think about you every single day. I've been very involved in some not so fun 'grown-up' stuff lately; that's why I've not signed in lately. I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you... we had a really bad storm blow thru, about two weeks ago. We lost two trees from our front yard. We had three trees in the front yard, and they were named... Larry, Moe and Curly. (I'm sure your Dad can explain that) We lost Moe and Curly. :( Luckily, they landed exactly where we needed them to land, and NOT on a car or anyone's house. Lucky too, that we have one friend with a chain saw, and another with a pick-up truck. Interesting how God brings just who we need into our lives... isn't it? You'll understand that some day. ;) I hope everything is going well for your whole family. Tell your Mom that I did watch Oprah, like she asked. God bless you little man. Love ya!
jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
IL - Wednesday, June 9, 2004 3:02 PM CDT
Hi Matt, Debbie & Thom: I do not get to visit with you too often and just read you are moving. Have you found a new home and will it be near the beach? I hope to be at the Grape Stomp if I can get off work it I have a job by then. I am so happy to hear things are doing well for Matthew. See you soon,
Joy Fredericks <golfbyjanice@cox.net>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Monday, May 31, 2004 10:12 PM CDT
Hello there my little friend! We've had one full day without storms, but they claim we're getting hit again tonight. The yards are soaked and the big ole Mississippi River is up over its banks. I'm glad I live on top of a BIG hill! :) We're suppose to continue having storms off and on for about another week or so...think I'll come to California till they're over! Have a great (and safe) holiday weekend! (we're sticking close to home) Love to all! your buddy
jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
IL US of A - Saturday, May 29, 2004 5:19 PM CDT
Hey there little man, how ya doing? We have had rain, rain, and more rain around here... no let up in sight either! I'm about ready to put water wings on poor ole Bear dog; just so he can go outside to potty! :) I hope the move goes smoothly. I'm sure you're going to be a huge help to Mom and Dad! We're sticking close to home this holiday weekend. Have a great day! love ya! your buddy
jan livingstone
- Thursday, May 27, 2004 5:09 AM CDT
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matthew!! I didn't know you were moving. Boy we really need to talk more! We're having a beautiful sunny day here in NJ. I hope you're enjoying the same weather!! Miss you. Love
Joyce D'angiolillo <JDANGIOLILLO@CS.COM>
NJ - Sunday, May 23, 2004 8:44 AM CDT
Hi Deb, Thom and Matt,

Thanks for the update. I always look for them. I'm glad to hear Matt is doing well. We will be driving through SLO tomorrow. I will give you a call tonight to see if we can hook up for an hour or so. I'm sorry for the late notice, things have been hectic. Sheri

Sheri Klapper <Sheri.Klapper@nsc.com>
San Jose, CA - Friday, May 21, 2004 12:20 AM CDT
Hi buddy! I'm still here... just returned from Florida, where I was spending time with the children of a dear friend. It was fun to take care of a little baby again; guess I'm not too old after all?!?!?! :) I hope things are going well for you and your folks. Just wanted to remind you that Jesus loves you. (so do I) your friend
jan (Andy's Mom forever)
- Monday, May 17, 2004 9:23 AM CDT
Good Morning Sunshine!
Thanks for all the fun yesterday. You are such a love and I am amazed at how strong and how happy you are. You are getting so big and I know that all those who pray for you would love to see you be so happy. Have a great weekend and hug that mommy for me. Love and Kisses Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, CA - Friday, May 14, 2004 10:49 AM CDT
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matthew, I hope you had a great Mother's Day! Did you do anything fun?? I'm thinking about you today and keeping you in my prayers. Love,
Joyce D'Angiolillo <jdangiolillo@cs.com>
Monmouth jct, NJ - Tuesday, May 11, 2004 8:29 PM CDT
Matt: Sorry things went so tough at the dentist. You must be a brave little guy; I shiver at the thought of novacaine for one filling, and here you go and one-up all of us with your courage! In any case I hope that is all behind you now, and judging by how much your Mommy and Daddy love and adore you, I know that it is. Please know that you are loved so much and by so many, and that God will shepherd you through this crummy disease. You are in our thoughts and prayers; with God's Love, we fight alongside you.
Love and Hugs from the US!

The Sonsini's (www.caringbridge.org/ma/ericsonsini) <tsonsini@yahoo.cam>
Fort Salonga, NY USA - Monday, May 3, 2004 3:47 PM CDT
Dear Matthew, We are praying that you can have lots of fun this weekend.
Stephanie and RachelJoy <sstrom@quik.com>
- Friday, April 30, 2004 10:58 PM CDT
Hello all!!
Haven't written for a long time but I keep looking on the website to check Matt's update out. I'm soooooooooo glad to hear he's doing better. I bet you all are so excited to be able to do things that you were never able to do before. I'm sorry to hear about his dentist trip. And speaking as a mother there's no good time when your child is in pain. But you all have the vacation to look forward to. My nephew has hearing aids also and I think he's so cute with them in. He finally got all of his lines out. And Jonathan was so excited because "Douglas was able to take a bath with him!!" He's doing great and his last MRI showed all of the tumor being gone. Well it's raining outside and Jonathan's wanting me to put his train tracks together. Keep smiling and enjoy your little boy. Peggy

peggy sowards <peggysowards@wmconnect.com>
stout, oh usa - Friday, April 30, 2004 8:00 PM CDT
I'm glad to finally know another dental hygienist NB mom. I'm sorry that Matt had to have a lot of dental work, but it's peanuts in the big picture. All the hyperemisis associated with the chemo has major long term effects on the enamel. We can only do so much, even as hygienists. Take care. You have a beautiful family.

Tracey Dolling <dolling@shaw.ca>
Vancouver, BC Can - Friday, April 30, 2004 6:10 PM CDT
Good Morning Sunshine!
We're heading into another weekend of rain and thunderstorms...boo-hoo! Hope our fundraiser isn't a complete washout. How's things in sunny CA? I'm heading to Florida next week; the other sunshine state! :) I'm hoping to stick my toes in that other ocean, but don't know if there will be time for that?!?!?! Nothing else going on here. Thinking of you today, my little friend! Jesus loves you!

jan (Andy's Mom forever)
- Friday, April 30, 2004 6:39 AM CDT
I could have written that update. Taylor goes in MAy 26th to have all his teeth capped. We will have white crowns on the front, upper 4, but the rest silver. I am sure some unexpected thing will come up. I too hope no front extractions are neccessary since he already has speech issues. We are headed to Disney World for his wish trip in May. However, I want to go to Australia and Jim to New Zealand so bad that we can hardly stand it. I am glad that things are well and I pray that they cont. to be so.
Love and Prayers,
Kim, Jim, Taylor and Logan

Kim Watts www.taylorwatts.org <jimandkimwatts@yahoo.com>
Mc Calla, Al - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 1:12 PM CDT
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matt,
Sorry about all the dental work Matt had to go through! I do hope everything is okay and you are enjoying the beautiful weather at home. Stefan would love to see Matt in New York this summer. We are always thinking about for you.
Lots of hugs and love,
Andrea,Arni, Kristin and Stefan Sigurdsson

Sigurdsson <andreasigurds@yahoo.com>
Ossining, NY 10562 - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 8:49 AM CDT
Dear Matthew, Debbie & Thom, I'm happy to hear that all went well with the dental work. I'm sorry about your anxiety about it.Matthew is so sweet and charming that everyone will look past the silver and see him for what he is, a beautiful little boy. How could anyone look at him and think any different?? I'm sending you all a huge hug. I miss you guys. I hope you get to go on that much needed vacation. You'll have so much fun. Keep us informed!!
Not much new to report here except that I am trying to recover from a really bad case of poison ivy. BLAH!!! I've never had it before. Sean and I have been trying to clear our yard of all the sticker bushes. Little did I know that there's a bunch of poison ivy hiding under it. I'll know better next time!! Well, I have to go. Sean and I are going to ATTEMPT to give Seamus and Matthew crew cuts tonight. Seamus has so many curls that people think he's a girl so I think it's time!! Wish us luck!! Talk to you soon.

NJ - Monday, April 26, 2004 5:10 PM CDT
Good Morning to my little buddy! After raining ALL day on Saturday, it's a beautiful sunshiney day here today... so far!!! I'm glad to hear that you were such a great trooper during all your icky dental work; I know it's a bummer! Nothing exciting to report from here: I'm just getting ready for our big fundraiser this weekend. I hope you have a terrific day today! Love to one and all your friend
jan (Andy's mom forever)
- Monday, April 26, 2004 8:57 AM CDT
Good Afternoon Sunshine,
Tell mom to update the site. I think everyone wants to know that you are doing great. I know you are such a big boy but all that stuff yesterday would have wipped me out! I love you sweetie and hope to see you soon. Love and Kisses Grandma Miko XXX000

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, CA - Friday, April 23, 2004 2:58 PM CDT
Good Afternoon Sunshine!
Grandma misses you so much. I loved all the fun stuff we got to do a couple of weeks ago but now I miss you way too much. Please come see grandma soon! I got some great shoes for you now that you are growing I am so excited. Grandma keeps praying that you will always be healthy. I love you! Grandma Miko XXXXXXXXX000000!

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, CA - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 6:03 PM CDT
Hi Matt, I pray for you and Spencer everyday. Now I even pray for you before I eat my food. I'm really happy that you had a good scan. It was fun seeing you in the parking lot at Ralphs grocery store in Los Osos. I can't wait until we can play again. My big brother and sister, and my mommy and daddy pray for you everyday, too. We miss you and love you. We pray that your trip to Duke is everything you need it to be. Your friend, Mackenzie Bland & family
Mackenzie Bland <scottiemom@charter.net>
Nipomo, CA USA - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 0:20 AM CDT
Good Morning Sunshine! I'm getting a very slow start to my day; just can't get it 'in gear' yet! I've not even stuck my head outside to see about the tempature, but it was HOT here yesterday. (85) I do see the sunshine streaming thru the windows, that's always a great sign that it's going to be a good day! Bear dog isn't feeling too great today. I think I'll be spending some time following him around and cleaning up after him. Thank goodness I have a carpet cleaner! I know, too much information. tee-hee Maybe that's God's way to force me to clean?!?!?! I hope all that ichy dental stuff goes well, I'll be praying for that. When I was a little girl, about 9 or 10, I had to have braces. This was back in the 'olden days' when braces were constructed like railroad tracks...LOTS of metal. My orthodontist was a HUGE man... HUGE! I used to dread the thought of him sticking that entire HUGE hand in my mouth to adjust, add, or tighten!!! I'm sure you'll be able to swap dental stories with me before too long. I hope you have a wonderful three year old kind of week, my friend! Love to one and all.
your buddy jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
- Monday, April 19, 2004 9:42 AM CDT
Hey there little buddy! It was actually HOT here today! I can't bring myself to turn on the air cond. yet... it's only April. :) Poor old Bear dog has learned to lay in front of the fan; maybe he's not as dumb as I claim he is? I guess if I had that big old hairy coat, I'd lay in front of the fan too?!?!?! I planted my tomato plants today. I should have some by July 4th...yippee! Should I bring you some when you visit Chicago? :) I'm so glad to hear you're doing well with your hearing aids, I KNEW you would! I have another little friend that wears them too, and she's learned when to turn them up or turn them down. Her Mommy thinks that she turns them down on purpose sometimes, not to hear her! You wouldn't do that, I'm sure! :) I need to go to bed now, so I can get up for church in the morning. I love ya little man! God bless
your buddy jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
- Saturday, April 17, 2004 11:07 PM CDT
Debbie, We send our love and prayers to Matt and you. We hope he is doing better every day and will be here for many years to come to tell us about his life stories. Please keep us posted on how Matt is doing and hoped he enjoyed the train. It was nice to share something with him that makes him happy.
Love always Gene & Pam Stewart

Gene & Pam Stewart <estewart@iowatelecom.net>
Mt Pleasant, Ia USA - Friday, April 16, 2004 11:40 PM CDT
Hope all is going good for you 3. Have you found out when they will fit Matt with his hearing aids? You are in my thoughts and always in my prayers. I am so happy he is doing so good. Also hope his little friend Spencer is doing alot better by now and can have the cord blood tranfusion. Let us hear from you soon and also Spencer. In Him, Donna Taylor
Donna R. Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow, OK USA - Friday, April 16, 2004 6:10 PM CDT
Hi Humes!! I hope you had a wonderful Easter with many blessings from our Good LORD!! We had a very nice day. As always it was a bit hectic. Lots of baking and cooking on Saturday then lots of running on Sunday. My sister was able to visit from VA for Easter so I enjoyed having them all around and the kids loved it too. Right now we're hoping all of this rain stops so we can go outside. The kids keep telling the rain to go away but I try to explain that it helps all the beautiful flowers grow. They are content for awhile but then they ask to go outside again. I don't blame them. We were spoiled with a few very nice, warm, sunny days so we were able to go for walks and play outside. Friday we will probably go to Baltimore to the aquarium there. The kids love sharks and fish. I can't wait to see the reaction on their faces when they get to see them up close. I'll try to send pictures. Well, take care. Love you guys. I'm thinking about you all the time.
Joyce D'Angiolillo <jdangiolillo@cs.com>
NJ - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 12:52 AM CDT
Good Morning Sunshine! I hope you had a wonderful Easter. Ours was pretty good...first holiday that we've enjoyed for some time now. Spring is finally here & my yard is coming alive with color. My job today is to clean the garage, doesn't that sound like fun?!?!?! (NOT!) Have a wonderful day little man. Love ya!
- Wednesday, April 14, 2004 8:12 AM CDT
HAPPY EASTER little buddy! I hope you had a blessed day! It was beautiful here, nice and sunny, but rather chilly too. That's ok, we were still able to bbq! I didn't get your Easter pkg. in the mail on time, but figured you'd have enough stuff today. This way you can enjoy more next week! I got so busy preparing for our first social worker visit, I let a lot of other important things slip... I'm sorry. We 'passed' so far! She'll be back on the 21st, for FOUR hours of interviews! YIKES! Have a wonderful week my little friend! love to all! your buddy
jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
- Sunday, April 11, 2004 9:21 PM CDT
Hi Debbie, Thom and Mat, I am so happy to hear the scans came back clean!! I will continue to pray for no recurrence as well as for Mat's kidney.
Debbie and Mat, you looked great when I saw you last week. How fortunate for me that I snuck in a very quick visit before you got out the door!! Have a wonderful Easter!!
All my love, Grace

Grace Mercer Schott <gracemercer@mindspring.com>
Atherton, CA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 10:22 AM CDT
Hey there little buddy! For once, I'm writing at the end of my day... and I'm pooped! :) I spent the day cleaning. YUCK! All our trees are budding, plants blooming, and the birds are singing. (because I feed them, and their bellys are full!) Now if my grass seed will just sprout! I'm thrilled that your tests came back good. Now I'll be praying for that kidney funtion! (done that before!) I'm off to bed now; wish me sweet dreams. Love to one and all!
your buddy jan livingstone (andy's mom forever)
- Wednesday, April 7, 2004 8:40 PM CDT
I just got home and am catching up. I'm so glad the scan results are OK and hope you all have a wonderful Easter!

Janene Freerksen <janene23@cox.net>
Topeka, KS Shawnee - Tuesday, April 6, 2004 1:37 PM CDT
Hey little man how are you? I heard the good news! I saw your grandma this last weekend...you should have saw the smile on her face. She is so happy that you are getting better! How is mommy and daddy? Tell them I said hi! I can't believe how fast you are growing...before you know it you little cousin will be as big as you are!! Well I miss you and I hope to see you soon!!
Brandy and Baby Jordan <socalibabe70@aol.com>
canoga park, ca - Tuesday, April 6, 2004 0:11 AM CDT
Hi Matthew, I just read your Mom's update. I'm praying that all is well with your kidney. You are so strong that I just know your body will be able to handle everything. Sending you a big hug!! Say "hello" to Mom and Dad.
PS-What's the weather like there? We are getting some frigid weather with lots of wind. It kept me up all night. And today when I took the kids to the grocery store we almost blew away and the shopping cart was moved by a big gust of wind and slammed into my van. OOOPS!! I forgot to tell Sean that. Our secret. Okay? Well sweetie, take care. I'm praying for you and your whole family. Love you.

Joyce D'Angiolillo <JDANGIOLILLO@cs.com>
NJ - Monday, April 5, 2004 5:36 PM CDT
Hi there Matt! It's a beautiful sunshiney day here in southern Illinois; a bit chilly this morning, but I'm sure it'll warm up later. It feels like spring! YEAH! It's been nice doing some spring like activities...yesterday, Glenn spread all new mulch in our flower beds. Today I'm going to plant some grass seed. (in all the places that Bear dog has killed off the grass.) :) If it warms up, I'm going to paint our mailbox too. Can you tell we're making thing all pretty for our social worker visit next week?!?! ;) I hope you're not going too stir crazy there at the hospital...or driving Mommy crazy. My friends and I have been praying really hard for those tests and scans; I just know The Lord will answer those prayers & I'm already thanking HIM, and praising him for just that! Ok, I'm gonna go and get my day started. God bless you little guy. Love to all! Your buddy,
jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
- Friday, April 2, 2004 8:29 AM CST
Hi Baby!
Grandma misses you soooooooooooo much! I am praying all the time for you little guy and hope your week is not too bad with all the pokes and drugs. I love you and hope to see you soon so you can visit with Gabby and Christian while they are at Grandma's house.
Love, Grandma Miko XX00

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, CA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 10:43 AM CST
Hi Humes, just a quick hello! I'm having some crazy computer problems that's why you haven't heard from me. SORRY. Right now I'm on Sean's laptop and I just can't get used to these keys. Anyway, I still think about and pray for you everyday. I'm so happy that you're home and enjoying being together. Thank you LORD. I will be sure to write more as soon as I get my computer up and running again. Love you guys. Take care
Joyce D'Angiolillo <jdangiolillo@cs.com>
NJ - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 5:31 PM CST
Hi Debbie,
We think of you and check Matt's progress often. So glad he's doing so well and having fun!
Much love,

Susan Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Monday, March 29, 2004 12:42 AM CST
Hey there little buddy! Well, the sun is finally shining here this morning... after raining ALL weekend! The puddles got so bad in our yard, Bear didn't want to go outside to potty! (he doesn't know how to swim) he-he I have many projects to accomplish over the next few days...yuck! One thing is for sure thou... I (and all my prayer warrriors) will be praying for you, your scans & tests, and especially those bad old needle pokes you have to have! I hope you're packing all your favorite toys to take along with you?!?!!!? God bless you little friend! with love
your buddy jan
- Monday, March 29, 2004 11:37 AM CST
Hey Matt........ HELP!!! Have you got a boat I can borrow? It's been raining HARD all day, with no end in sight for the weekend! Bear is a big chicken, and is afraid of the thunder and lightening...I don't get it, because I LOVE thunderstorms! So much for cleaning out the garage on Saturday! Guess I'll have to sleep late instead! :) Much love to you all! your pal
jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
- Friday, March 26, 2004 11:43 AM CST
Hi Matthew, Debbie and Thom- It's great to know things are going so well. We all miss you guys, but we are happy you can be at home! Is there anything we can do? Hope to talk to you soon. Lots of Love and Well Wishes, Lisa and Co.
Lisa Wan
Woodside, CA - Monday, March 22, 2004 11:52 AM CST
Hey there little man! I'm wishing I were in California this morning. We had wonderful spring like weather yesterday, but it's turned cold today! YUCK! I had windows open yesterday, and the cats couldn't decide which window they wanted to be in...kept jogging back and forth. TODAY, they're fighting to get under the covers with me! :) I hope you're having a wonderful, happy weekend. I'm anxious to hear how your Mommy's training is going...tell her to jog a mile or two for me! Sending love to you all! your friend
jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
- Sunday, March 21, 2004 8:23 AM CST
Hi Andy, We came all the way from Oregon to visit you! I am praying that your scans will be clear and the Lord will continue the healing work. Enjoy your weekend.
Stephanie and RachelJoy <sstrom@quik.com>
- Friday, March 19, 2004 10:13 PM CST
I will be thinking of you guys and praying for you as your scans are approaching. I hope the IV goes OK and that those days go quickly so that you can get back to living each day to the fullest. We're leaving Sunday for round 4, but will be watching for good scan results when you post them.

Janene Freerksen <janene23@cox.net>
Topeka, KS Shawnee - Thursday, March 18, 2004 11:38 AM CST
Hi there little buddy! Another bright sunny morning here in southern Illinois...I think spring is coming! I'm still busy cleaning closets, painting, cleaning carpets...don't think I'll have time for any of that after the babies come home! tee-hee No new news, just one day closer. I hope and pray that you are very busy playing; that's your job,you know. I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you and continue to lift you in prayer. Give your Mommy a hug for me. with love, your friend
jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
- Wednesday, March 17, 2004 8:26 AM CST
I am so happy to hear that things are going well for all of you!! That is great news. I will also keep Spencer in my prayers and hope that he can once again reach remission.
Anthony Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Saturday, March 13, 2004 10:46 AM CST
Hi there buddy! I think I'm going to move out your way...it got COLD here again! I'm thankful the sun is shining, but don't want cold temps again! YUCK! I hope you all have a great, fun weekend! We'll be painting. (the baby room) God bless! with love, your friend
jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
- Friday, March 12, 2004 7:12 AM CST
Hey buddy! I woke up to a bright sunshiney day today, and thought of you! I'm soooooo very glad your mom finally updated, I was REALLY needing a Matt 'fix'. It sounds like things at your house are a lot like ours...HECTIC! I have so much to do, but sometimes I get overwhelmed and just spin in circles! (probably sounds like fun to you) We are one day closer to bringing our babies home...that's how I have decided to look at all this; one day at a time. We went to our attorney's office yesterday and turned in a whole bunch of papers! I wish I were there, running in the sand and surf with you! (sure beats cleaning!) tee-hee Have a wonderful day little man. Say hi to Mommy. God bless you all. With much love,
your friend jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
- Wednesday, March 10, 2004 7:13 AM CST
Good Morning Sunshine!
Did you read the Wonderful news about Jan! God is returning all that she has Freely Given! Praise God! What a Great Lady and you are so lucky she has been your chemo Angel! And she has Prayed for you! I can't wait til you get to meet her and her precious little girls! God is so good! I sure miss you Baby! Come see Grandma Soon!!!!!!!! XX00 Love Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Orcutt, CA - Monday, March 8, 2004 11:39 AM CST
Hi there sweetie pie! It's a beautiful day here, following a few days of icky rain. We've got windows open again, and Squirt and Rosie are loving it! I've had a very busy week! Guess what?!?!?! Last Thursday (Feb 26 th), there were twin baby girls born in the country of Guatemala. It seems that God spoke to their birth mother, and together they decided that those babies would have a better life with Glenn and I. Guatemala is a very poor country, and some babies don't even live very long because of illness and poverty. Glenn and I have been VERY busy this week, preparing for our new girls! We've had to go all over town, getting papers signed and ready to send to some important people. We had to get lots of people, that know us, to write letters saying we would be a good Mommy and Daddy!! We're praying that we may all be together as a family by early summer...isn't that cool?! I can't wait to tell them all about my friend Matt! Where they live has beaches too, but I hear that their sand is black...wild huh? Maybe some day I can bring them to visit you, and you can show them YOUR beach? You're MUCH bigger than they are, so you'll have to show them around. :) I hope you're having a great day; I am! :) God bless you little buddy! love ya
your friend, jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
- Friday, March 5, 2004 3:47 PM CST
Hi Buddy! I know it's been awhile since I signed your book, and I'm sorry. 'Things' have been hopping around here, like crazy! :) The last few days have been like spring here; it's been wonderful! It was warm enough to open a couple of windows, and let some fresh air in...the cats went NUTZ! They run from window to window & end up taking their afternoon nap (about 4 hours) :) laying in a chair under the dining room window! Even old Bear dog has enjoyed laying in the sun on the front sidewalk. I hope that before too long, I can get out and start digging in the garden. Want to come help? I hear you're good at digging! Have a terrific day, little man & God bless. How's your Mommy's training going? Tell her to do a mile or two for me! :) with love
your friend jan
- Wednesday, March 3, 2004 3:46 AM CST
Good Morning Sunshine!
Poor Old Grandma did not get her grandma fix this past week. I miss you Baby and hope you had a wonderful week but I am glad you did not visit because grandma has gotten a cold. I love You and I am so Happy that you are playing and playing. I hope you get to go to the park and play today. XX00:) Love Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Monday, March 1, 2004 11:00 AM CST
Hi!!! I'm so happy to hear the great news!! I'm glad you're all having so much fun as a family. I pray for you every day. Much love.
Joyce D. <jdangiolillo@cs.com>
NJ - Wednesday, February 25, 2004 6:41 PM CST
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matt- CONGRATULATIONS!!! This is long overdue, you deserve to enjoy every second! We are so happy for all of you. Please post more pictures of Matt playing. Thank GOD Thank GOD Thank GOD. xox Lisa and Company
P.S. Michael is doing great- he was very lucky, a small "nose job" is in order, but after that all should be well...

lisa wan <lmmmwan@yahoo.com>
Woodside, CA - Saturday, February 21, 2004 11:54 AM CST
I was so excited to hear the encouraging report on Matthew.It is a big step to get lines out. Hope all continues to go well from now. God is so good. Nan
Nan Oestmann <noest@sbcglobal.net>
Midland, YX USA - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 6:28 PM CST
Hello and I am so excited with the news! I TOLD you 2004 was the year for a Miracle. Isn't our God wonderful and all those who have offered prayers on your behalf just great? You have come a long hard road little guy but I see the Rainbow now, don't you? I have come to love you very much and am so HAPPY. May God continue to Bless you all. Hope we can meet someday. Love, In Him, Donna Taylor
Donna Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow, OK USA - Tuesday, February 17, 2004 6:00 PM CST
Stella, Mike & Ben Davis <imstell@yahoo.com>
Los Osos, CA - Tuesday, February 17, 2004 1:27 PM CST
Yea! Yea! Can't wait to see you all soon- Love Marna and Porter
Marna Moore-Barr <cjmarna@charter.net>
- Tuesday, February 17, 2004 12:32 AM CST
I am so glad that I stopped in for a visit on your caringbridge! I love reading such wonderful news!!! I am also happy for you and your wonderful weekend adventures!!!Stay strong and keep well! God Bless you !!!!

Dave,Kim, Michaela,Nicholas and Daniel Mease <mssilky@paonline.com>
Lancaster, PA USA - Tuesday, February 17, 2004 7:30 AM CST
HURRAY!!I am glad to hear the great news! Just wanted to say hi, I guess I will catch up with you later! Love you!
Brandy <socalibabe70@aol.com>
- Monday, February 16, 2004 7:25 PM CST
Oh happy day!!!!! What joyful news!!!!!
I Love You Very Much!!!!!

Great Aunt L.J. <haddco@earthlink.net>
Torrance, CA USA - Monday, February 16, 2004 5:02 PM CST
What incredible news! Way to go Matthew! I pray all 3 of you will get used to your new "normal" very quickly. May God richly bless you with abundant peace as you enter this new phase of your journey. Love & Prayers from Kansas!

Janene Freerksen <janene23@cox.net>
Topeka, KS - Monday, February 16, 2004 4:15 PM CST
I am so happy to see God in your life. I practice turning over my burdens to him and am always happy about his guidance, resolutions to the issues that seem inpossible, his overwhelming love and his timing. God bless you and your family. Love from your family
Frank Fredericks <Frank@npbn.net>
Vancouver, Wa. Clark - Monday, February 16, 2004 2:38 PM CST
Dearest Matthew, mommie and daddy;
I was so thrilled to read the recent good news and as I am writing you are probably having your line removed Matt Dear. What a joyeous day this is. My day started out quite sad and you should see the smile on my face as I read your good news. It is actually tear stained with "Happy Tears"
Sending you all three my Love.
Dotte Davis

Dotte Davis <mommmie@webtv.net>
Indian Wells, , Ca USA - Monday, February 16, 2004 1:42 PM CST
You're in my prayers today little buddy. Much love.
Joyce D <JDANGIOLILLO@cs.com>
NJ - Monday, February 16, 2004 11:52 AM CST
We are very happy for you guys. Congratulations!
Susan and Anthony Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Sunday, February 15, 2004 8:50 PM CST
Dear Debbie ,Thom and Matthew, Just read your update. We are jumping for joy here!!!!! YEAH!!!! No more line! I am thanking GOD right now for watching over my little buddy. We got good news a couple of weeks ago. Looks like my father is cancer free. The treatments worked 100% and The DR.s said "things couldn't look better". We are all very happy and grateful to GOD. Love you guys and I'm so happy for you!!!!!!!! Good luck tomorrow. I'll be thinking about you all day. Love always.
Joyce, Sean & kids <JDANGIOLILLO@CS.COM>
NJ - Sunday, February 15, 2004 6:35 PM CST
Debbie, Thom and Matthew,
I am so happy to hear the great news!!!! I can't wait to tell the other members of our ministry today when we meet! We will thank God for the clear reports, and continue to pray for Matthew! All my love, Grace

Grace Mercer Schott <gracemercer@mindspring.com>
Atherton, CA - Sunday, February 15, 2004 3:10 PM CST
Praising God for a wonderful report from New York! I'm THRILLED to hear you're getting that old line out after so long. I suspect it'll feel rather odd NOT to have it; but only for a little while! I think it's bubble baths for all time! (I think I'll sink into one tonight...in your honor) God bless you little guy! with love
jan livingstone
- Sunday, February 15, 2004 1:56 PM CST
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matt- Congratulations!!! That is such good news- you made my day! We will come say hi tomorrow (or will you be at Stanford tonight?). We're already there- Michael crashed face first into our gate yesterday and so they are watching him at LPCH for a few days. (gate:10, Michael:zip) We're in room 2311 or 2711, I can't remember. Look forward to seeing you guys. Have a great time in Santa Cruz- it's a beautiful day. Love, Lisa
Lisa Wan <lmmmwan@yahoo.com>
Woodside, CA - Sunday, February 15, 2004 1:41 PM CST
Hi Matt,
Happy Valentines Day!!! I am so glad to hear your scans are great and you are getting your line out. Yippee!!! I hope your mom and dad have a party planned. Let's at least make a date to dig a big hole in the sand to celebrate! Or we can just push some trains around the track. Or better yet, let's send up some rockets! I like rockets - now that's a party! We will all be thinking about you on Monday and sending all our good thoughts and prayers your way, that they get your line out and send you off for home super fast. Don't let your mom see any more nose drips, so we can get together for some fun soon. Love, Spencer Rocket

Spencer Caserio <rocket@sideoff.com>
Cambria, CA USA - Sunday, February 15, 2004 2:25 AM CST
Happy Valentine's Day Sunshine!
Grandma is so excited that you will have that line taken out! Thank you God for Your faithfulness to our prayers. God is Great and you are one little miracle. You will be in my prayers on Monday for your surgery. Thank you so much for a fun play day. I am tired but sooooo excited and oh so happy! I love you baby and hope to see you next week. Tell Mommy and Daddy Happy Valentine's Day too!
Love and Hugs and Kisses XXXXXX0000Grandma Miko:)

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Saturday, February 14, 2004 2:33 PM CST
Hey sweetie, it's been so long! I hope all is well.. you are getting so big, it's hard to believe you are so big. What a handsome young man you are from seeing your pictures. Your new cousin Jordan and I just wanted to wish you a wonderful Valentines Day. Your in my prayers always precious. :)
Brandy and Jordan (your cousins) <socalibabe70@yahoo.com>
canoga park, ca USA - Saturday, February 14, 2004 12:52 AM CST
Happy Valentines Day to a little sweetie! I hope your silly package arrived in time for a valentines day sugar overload! :) (sorry Mom) I'm thinking of you. Tell that Mom of yours that we need an update; I need a Matt 'fix'! God bless you all. with love, your friend
jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
- Friday, February 13, 2004 4:12 PM CST
Good Morning Sunshine!
Grandma misses you! Hope I can come and play soon. I heard you had so much fun playing with Tess! That makes Grandma very Happy. I am praying that NY say's "Take out that Line" You are always in my prayers. Love Grandma MikoXXX000:)

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Thursday, February 12, 2004 11:21 AM CST
Helloooo Matt! Just heard the good news from your Gramdma Fredericks. WOW...the line gets to be removed! Time to do a jig! Loved the new picture of you on the beach...looks like you are getting big and loving the water. Looking forward to seeing you sometime soon...but just don't kiss me! (You know what I mean!) Sending you big hugs/kisses and continued prayers for the complete healing process to continue its work on your special body. Hugs to you & your mommy & daddy!
Teri Harmon & family <teri.harmon@verizon.net>
Santa Ynez, CA USA - Monday, February 9, 2004 0:02 AM CST
I bet Matthew will love having those lines removed.
Imagine those hot tubs.
Colleen and Kaitlyn


Colleen <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Rockingham, WA Australia - Saturday, February 7, 2004 0:32 AM CST
Debbie, its been awhile since we have been to your website for matt. We have not forgotten you though and are very glad to hear that Matts scans look very good. The New York Drs. will hopefully tell you the same and Matt can be free of that line.We will continue to pray that all stays well for youand your family and you have peace and serenity.
Gene and Gail sweet,grandparents to Luke sweet.

Gene and Gail Sweet <gailsweet@zoominternet.net>
Ashland, ohio USA - Friday, February 6, 2004 2:01 PM CST
Debbie, its been awhile since we have been to your website for matt. We have not forgotten you though and are very glad to hear that Matts scans look very good. The New York Drs. will hopefully tell you the same and Matt can be free of that line.We will continue to pray that all stays well for youand your family and you have peace and serenity.
Gene and Gail sweet,grandparents to Luke sweet.

Gene and Gail Sweet <gailsweet@zoominternet.net>
Ashland, ohio USA - Friday, February 6, 2004 2:00 PM CST
Debbie, its been awhile since we have been to your website for matt. We have not forgotten you though and are very glad to hear that Matts scans look very good. The New York Drs. will hopefully tell you the same and Matt can be free of that line.We will continue to pray that all stays well for youand your family and you have peace and serenity.
Gene and Gail sweet,grandparents to Luke sweet.

Gene and Gail Sweet <gailsweet@zoominternet.net>
Ashland, ohio USA - Friday, February 6, 2004 1:59 PM CST
Good Morning Sunshine!
Oh what fun I had yesterday! Thank you for playing with Grandma. I hope your mommy feels better today. Give her a big hug from Grandma and tell her she is in my prayers today as she awaits for Gods faithful answer to all our prayers! I love you baby! Grandma MikoXXXX0000

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Friday, February 6, 2004 11:49 AM CST
HI..MY SON HAS BEEN IN REMISSION FOR 3 1/2 YEARS. YOU HAD LOOKED AT OUR WEB SITE www.jeremyspoke.org . thank you for your prayers. your son is beautiful and i know exactly what you felt, feel and are feeling. my son is a miracle at stage 4 cancer and every treatment available kept him alive. but i also know that without ucla , dr. feig...my son may not have been here. and i must not forget 100% GOD! if you ever need to talk, please email me at my email trainhard68@hotmail.com......im sure you have alot of support. i wish we lived closer. i live in castaic, ca. near magic mtn. im sorry for the typos....im tired...i will continue to have prayers said daily for your family and your son. lets talk anytime .kristie salmen...mommie to jeremy salmen
kristie salmen <trainhard68@hotmail.com>
castaic, ca usa - Thursday, February 5, 2004 11:14 PM CST
Hi Humes! Just wnated to tell you I am thinking of you, and I pray for Matt atleast once a day! I'm sure you are looking forward to having all the information you are waiting for. Love, Grace
Grace Mercer Schott <gracemercer@mindspring.com>
Atherton, CA - Thursday, February 5, 2004 9:32 PM CST
Hi guys!!!
I hope NY see's that the scans are clean too! Can't wait to find out. I hope Matthew can get his line removed soon. Patrick will have his removed, but I want to wait and make sure his scans in 3 months are clear still. Then it's GONE! Just in time for Spring. Prayers to you....

Lori Weismann www.caringbridge.org/ca/patrick <Lori4ups@aol.com>
Cupertino, CA 95014 - Thursday, February 5, 2004 3:28 PM CST
Dear Matthew, I just wanted to say Hi!! I miss you and I'm thinking about you, Mommy and Daddy everyday. Yesterday was a rough day. My 3 kids all have a stomach virus and Sean could not get out of an important meeting to help me. All I can say is it was not a pretty sight at my house and when Sean finally did come home at 6:30 I was ready to book a flight to some tropical island. They are feeling better today but are sooooo cranky. Now they are napping so I had to quickly check in on my little buddy. So how are things in CA???? I'm ready for Spring. We're having a sunny day today and at least it's a little warmer but Winter is not over yet. I think the groundhog said 6 more weeks?!?! Well, I hope you're doing some awesome things with Mom and Dad. I'm praying for you buddy. Lots of love.
PS- Good job with the potty...Seamus is getting there slowly. I'll try again after they get over this virus

Joyce <JDANGIOLILLO@cs.com>
NJ - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 11:02 AM CST
Good Morning Sunshine!
Oh how Grandma misses you. I am jealous that Grandpa got to play and Grandma had to work. He loved playing with you and had to laugh and smile the whole time he was telling me about it. I am praying for good news from N.Y. and praying you get that central line you. What a big boy you are becoming! Wish I was there to watch you grow! Love you so much!! Grandma Miko XXX000

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 10:26 AM CST
Hey buddy! Woke up this morning with you on my heart...hoping you're driving Mom and Dad nutz! Praise God! Hey, your buddy Spencer mentioned something about the potty...can this be true? WOW?!?!?! I need to hear more; maybe not as graphic as Spencer's description thou! ha-ha We're expecting a big snow storm tonight and tomorrow...whoopeeeee. I wish you were here to make snow angels with me. (while we watch Glenn shovel the driveway!) :) Have a great day buddy. God bless you. with love,
your buddy jan livingstone
- Wednesday, February 4, 2004 8:52 AM CST
Hi Matt- Hope things are going well with you-it's fine up here, just really rainy. There's another big bulldozer thing in our yard, maybe you can come by and see it soon. please say hi to your mom and dad. Tell them we are praying for good results! Love. Lisa and friends
Lisa Wan
Woodside, CA - Monday, February 2, 2004 9:15 PM CST
I am up here...at Lisa's house. I thought the house was going to wash away for about 1/2 hour. And thunder. I like that now. Mommy is scared of the big trees in the wind. I like the big storms, but it didn't last long. Mommy wants me to tell you that I did a big poopie on the potty, just like you. She is very proud of me. I did it all by myself. It looked like a lincoln log. That's what I told my Daddy. We get to go home late Wednesday, after they torture me a bit more. I am a tough guy though. I am feeling good. I am wearing out both Mommy and Daddy. We play and read and play on the bed all day while it is raining. Debbie, you can go fundraising with my Mom but you have to play with me too. I hope you get over your sniffles, Matt.
Spencer Rocket <spencer@sideoff.com>
Woodside, CA Rainy - Monday, February 2, 2004 8:18 PM CST
Hey Matt bro. I got out of the hospital. I did pretty good, only four nights. Dude, you have pictures all over 2 North. With your Mom, with your Dad, with ME. We're famous in there. Nice. Anyway, I'm going to stay and play at Lisa's until Wednesday. They have skateboards and basketballs so I better stay. It's fun. But I'm not so sure about bouncing on the new trampoline with a needle in my port. I'm going to try but my Dad might try to stop me. Good thing that never works. Well hope everything is going well with you and sorry I missed our play day. Let's reschedule.
Spencer Rocket <spencer@sideoff.com>
Woodside, CA - Sunday, February 1, 2004 1:57 AM CST
As "cancer moms" we can never be too safe. I would have asked for a second opinion too! Good job mom.
Brenda Glenn (mom to Hannah) DXW/NBIV 06/02 www.caringbridge.org/tx/hannah <wsu@wt.net>
Magnolia, TX USA - Friday, January 30, 2004 10:15 PM CST
I am sorry things have been hectic lately. I am praying that all Drs are in agreement that he is disease free and the line can come out. That was such a huge relief to have that thing gone! Sending lots of love and prayers to you all.
Kim, Jim, Taylor adn Logan Watts

Kim Watts www.taylorwatts.org <jimandkimwatts@yahoo.com>
Mc Calla, al - Thursday, January 29, 2004 1:18 PM CST
Good Morning Sunshine!
Are you happy? Grandma is so Happy! Hope you are having a Great Day. Let me know when Grandma gets to play. I miss not getting to play so call me.
Love and Hugs Grandma Miko XXX000:)

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Thursday, January 29, 2004 12:22 AM CST
Hi Debbie Thom and Matt- We are thinking about you every day and praying all the results will be in our favor. Look forward to seeing you soon-wait till you see our construction site, Matt! Thank you so much for the updates, I read them every day. Much Love, Lisa & Friends
Lisa Wan
Woodside, CA - Wednesday, January 28, 2004 10:13 PM CST
Thank you GOD!!!!!!! I'm crying here because I'm so happy!!! I'll continue my prayers that the NY Doctors give you more good news. All my love
Joyce D <Jdangiolillo@cs.com>
NJ - Wednesday, January 28, 2004 9:42 AM CST
Debbie, I know how awful and scary these tests can be. I'm sorry you had a scare, but relieved to know it's probably nothing. Thanks for keeping us updated. We think about you guys all the time.
Much love

Susan and Anthony Armenio, mom to Angel Justin <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Tuesday, January 27, 2004 9:47 PM CST
Praising God here in Illinois! HE'S answered many,many prayers. Next step is to get that old line out!!! It's COLD here buddy & we had a bit of snow. We also had an ice storm on Sunday. (yuck) I'm ready for April to get here. Take care buddy... love ya!
jan livingstone
- Tuesday, January 27, 2004 5:12 PM CST
Debbie, Thom and Matt,

Yea!!!! What wonderful news today!!!! Let's plan a camping trip this summer so Jordan and Matthew can play!

Sheri Klapper <Sheri.Klapper@nsc.com>
SJ, CA - Tuesday, January 27, 2004 11:56 AM CST
Good Morning Sunshine!
Praise GOD! I am still tired but high as a Kite!! I thank you for taking care of Mommy and Me yesterday while you went through the scans. You are so precious, loving and helpful always asking "Are you Happy?" You know what Baby, Grandma is Sooooooooo HAPPY! All praise honor and glory to our Great and Wonderful GOD! I Love you Baby and am so greatful for this and every day !
Hugs and Kisses Grandma Miko XXX000

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Tuesday, January 27, 2004 11:13 AM CST
Hi Debbie,Thom and sweet little Matthew, I'm still here PRAYING!! I have not been able to get on the computer to check up on you but it was the first thing I did when I finally could get on. It sounds as if things went FANTASTIC with the scans....YEAH!!!!!!! Me and my family care about you so much. We just want this to be over for you. I pray that things went well yesterday with the bone scan. You know that if you have to go to NY I will come see you. And if you need ANYTHING I'm just a phone call away!! Love you.
Joyce D <jdangiolillo@cs.com>
NJ - Tuesday, January 27, 2004 10:11 AM CST
Hey There Sweetness!
I am smiling from ear-to-ear after reading Mommy's post. You have so many friends and family praying for you, I can't imaging your scans being anything but clear. What a great way to start 2004. We will continue to pray that these next couple of tests prove that with faith, prayer, friends and family, nothing's going to keep you down! Not even that nasty 'N' word. Keep up the great fight little man!
Big hugs and kisses to you all.

Jeanine Munro <jmunro@leiner.com>
Torrance, CA USA - Monday, January 26, 2004 6:20 PM CST
Praise God from whom all Blessings flow! It sounds so promising that little sweet Matthew is well on his way to a normal childhood at last, without all the poking, etc from every Dr. that comes by. You are all ever in my prayers. In Him, Donna Taylor
Donna Taylor <TAYLORS74728@YAHOO.COM>
Broken Bow, OK usa - Monday, January 26, 2004 4:41 PM CST
Debbie, Thom and Matt,
Just a note to let you know we are always thinking and praying for you. Stay strong. Love you always,
Andrea,Arni, Kristin & Stefan

Sigurdsson <anderasigurds@yahoo.com>
Ossining, NY USA - Monday, January 26, 2004 5:58 AM CST
Matt buddy...I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't play with your trains last Wednesday when we tried to visit in the hospital (you were awol). I know you have so many you can't possibly play with them all at once, and you need help. I will come play with them at your house now.

I am filling my datebook up with playdates with you so you better not go back to New York. That place is too big. You need to stay in Cayucos where we can play. You stay good for me and your Mom.

Well I have to go to the hospital on Wednesday but I don't mind anymore. It is fun to hang with Mom and Dad ALL the time. But I did get to see all six (yes six) of my grandparents in the last three days. When it rains it pours. Now I'm going to give you a kiss...xx.

Spencer Rocket <spencer@sideoff.com>
Cambria, CA - Saturday, January 24, 2004 11:26 PM CST
Hi Baby!
Thanks for the phone call last night I have missed you soooo much. I am praying for a clear scan today and that God is holding you tight while you go through this. I am so happy you get to go home today after your scan. I will come with you on Monday if you want. Give grandma a call I am ready to play! Love Grandma Miko XXX000

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Friday, January 23, 2004 10:47 AM CST
Dear Debbie, Thom and Matthew, Just a note to let you know that I'm so happy you're able to go home. I'm praying all went well with the scans yesterday. Enjoy your weekend!! Love always.
NJ - Friday, January 23, 2004 8:44 AM CST
Yeah! You got to come home! I'm sure that made you very happy. I've been thinking about you and lifting you in prayer all week, my little friend! God brings special people into our lives for special times...I'm sure that's why he brought you into Sage's life today. I'll be praying for him and his family; it's not an easy journey they face. God bless you little guy. love ya
your buddy jan livingstone
- Thursday, January 22, 2004 7:57 PM CST
Dear Matthew, I am thinking about you so much lately. I'm wondering if you got your scans yet??? Just remember our GOOD LORD is always by your side sweetie. I'm praying as always. Love to you and your family.
Joyce D <jdangiolillo@cs.com>
NJ - Thursday, January 22, 2004 10:29 AM CST
Good Morning Sunshine!
Grandma is lifting you in prayer today and pray all the scans are clear. I miss hearing your sweet voice and hope you are having fun with Grandma Hume. Call grandma and tell me you are having fun playing with your trains. Love you BABY! XXX000:) Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 11:14 AM CST
Hi Humes!! Just wanted to let you know that you're being thought of today. I hope this hospital visit goes by quick for you so you can go home and enjoy being together as a family. Love you.
PS. How was Disney??? Did you take pictures?? I can't wait to hear all about it!!

Joyce <JDANGIOLILLO@cs.com>
- Tuesday, January 20, 2004 10:22 AM CST
YEAH! A Matt update! All my prayer warriors have been asking how you are... now I can give them a current update. I'm afraid a few of them will be a bit jeolous thou...Disneyland?!?!?! Most of my friends are just big kids & would LOVE to be with you! I hope Mommy takes LOTS of pictures...I'd trade a few of those for a few cruise pictures, what do you think?!?!?! :) I'm busy painting, painting, painting around the house. (don't have any money for new furniture, but paint is cheap!) he-he Have a great time this weekend buddy! love ya
your friend jan livingstone
- Friday, January 16, 2004 1:10 PM CST
I am sooooo envious - DISNEYLAND!!!!! You are going to have the time of your life! So much to do and see. Your cheeks are going to hurt from smiling and laughing so much. Maybe mommy and daddy will take you to Goofey's Kitchen for a meal. It's really cool. It's a big restaraunt at the hotel and guess what, ALL of the characters are there and they might come eat with you!! They wander around the place and just plop down at your table and eat off your plate. Imaging eating breakfast with Mickey Mouse. How cool is that?! And, oh my gosh, the best part for you will be the trains. Yep, 2 of them - Casey Jr. is a small train that goes around Storybook Land and then there is a BIG steam engine train that goes around the whole park! I can see you smiling already.
Jessica has a soccer tournament right next to Disneyland tomorrow. I will look towards the park and blow you a great big kiss. So if you feel something on your cheek, you'll know it's my kiss. I'll send mommy one too for her Birthday =) Please ask mommy to put pictures of your Disney trip on your site. I'd love to see a picture with you and your favorite Disney character.
Take care little man and have a wonderful time!

Cousin Nene <jmunro@leiner.com>
Torrance, CA USA - Friday, January 16, 2004 11:15 AM CST
Dear Matthew, I'm so excited for you. Disney...WOW!!!!! How cool!! I cannot imagine what the weather must be like in CA because we're having 9 degree cold here in NJ. BRRRRRR.... can you please send some warm sunshine?? Have fun on your trip. Say "Happy Birthday" to Mom for me. Our birthdays are only days apart. Mine is the 20th!!! Love you buddy and I'm thinking about you all the time. Take care.
Joyce <jdangiolillo@cs.com>
NJ - Friday, January 16, 2004 10:10 AM CST
Good Morning! I'm so excited that you are going to Mickey's House for Uncle Derf's birthday. But you know Matt that it is your Mother's birthday also on Saturday. Please sing Happy Birthday, give her a big kiss and a big, big hug for me, would you? Your going to have so much fun. I Love You all very much. Aunt L.J.
Lorraine Fowler <haddco@earthlink.net>
Torrance, CA USA - Friday, January 16, 2004 9:56 AM CST
Are you excited about going to Disneyland!? I have been once and I loved it. I hope you and your family have a great time!!
It is wonderful to hear how well you are doing. I am looking forward to seeing you next week. Love, Grace

Grace Mercer Schott <gracemercer@mindspring.com>
Atherton, CA - Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:37 PM CST
Disneyland?!?! OUTSTANDING!!! Have a great time, Matt! We'll look forward to seeing you next week. Enjoy. Love, Lisa & Co.
Lisa Wan
Woodside, CA - Thursday, January 15, 2004 9:47 PM CST
Another GORGEOUS pics!!!! Great!!!! Christi may be doing antibodies back at MSKCC that same time. I doubt I'll go as I need to work, but please check on Shayne (Daddy) if possible. GOd bless you, sweet family!

Love, Angela

ANgela Thomas
Tiffin, OH - Tuesday, January 13, 2004 2:05 AM CST
We are so happy that Matthew is doing well. We will continue to pray for him and your family. God bless and stay strong.
Eileen Chris, Linda, and Brian Mullin <chrismullin@optonline.net>
Stony Point, NY - Monday, January 12, 2004 1:30 PM CST
Hey There!
Well, I was gonna play the "guess what" game but it looks like my mom beat me to it! Yep, you have a brand new cousin! His name is Jordan Anthony and he was born on Thursday, January 8th at 10:50 am. He weighs 7 lbs 10 oz and is 21 inches long. He has HUGE feet and hands! Your Grandma Miko came to the hospital that evening but I missed her =( I had to go home and get some sleep - we were up ALL night. I will send you a couple pictures in an e-mail that you can share with Mommy.
I pray all is going well with your treatments and hopefully soon you'll have the "all clear" sign! Keep up the tough fight little man, you've got a new cousin to play with!

Jeanine Munro <jmunro@leiner.com>
Torrance, CA USA - Monday, January 12, 2004 12:17 AM CST
Good Morning! I think I'm finally getting the hang of this thing. Matthew, I just wanted to remind you that there is a train ride here at Wilson Park (Yup, a real train!) It runs every 1st Sunday of the month and Mom and Dad can ride on it with you. It goes all around the park. It's great!!
Do you have an engineer's cap? If not we can get you one there. And they take your picture as you come around. your cousins love riding that train. Did Grandma tell you that you have a new cousin? His name is Jordan Anthony.
I sure like that picture of you and Spencer. Don't forget that your Mom's birthday is coming the end of this week. Would you give her a great big special birthday hug and kiss for me? Thank you!
Let me know if you can come down and ride on my train at Wilson Park on the first Sunday of the month and I will make sure that all of your cousins are there, too, to ride with you. I Love You Very Much, Great Aunt L.J.

Lorraine Fowler <haddco@earthlink.net>
Torrance, CA USA - Monday, January 12, 2004 10:35 AM CST
HI Matthew, I hope you were able to go to the train show. Did you have a nice weekend with Mom and Dad?? I'm thinking about you today and praying as always. Love you lots.
Joyce D. <JDANGIOLILLO@cs.com>
NJ - Monday, January 12, 2004 8:47 AM CST
Dearest Matt - I'm having some trouble getting a message to
you but want you to know how much love and prayers are being sent to you from me and the family - you are such a brave little guy and I'm so proud to know you and your family. If I can't get this message to you, I'll write --

Shirley Elizabeth St. John <unique_elizabeth@msn.com>
Torrance, CA United States - Saturday, January 10, 2004 9:44 AM CST
Hi Matt- Glad you are doing so well! It's nice to hear that you guys are getting a break for a little bit. We hope to see you when you are up here Jan 18-28 (?)... Of course you're all welcome to stay with us. Have a blast at the train show if you all go. Talk to you soon. Love, Lisa and Co.
Lisa Wan
Woodside, CA - Friday, January 9, 2004 2:11 PM CST
Hello Matt! I haven't signed the guestbook for awhile and thought I'd let you know I'm sooooo glad the antibodies are working and that you are almost done with them. That is such good news! My nephew is on the count down with his chemo also. He only has 5 more treatments left. We are so happy about that also. I wish I was on the beach today. We got snow here and it's COLD! Me and the winter time don't get along very good. So you like trains. Jonathan got him a train set for Christmas and that's all he about plays with. He loves it too. He's lying here on the floor watching "Tom and Jerry" right now. He's liking the snow and wished he could play in it more. So how's Lacey dog doing? We have a new puppy and him and Jonathan are buddies. Well I'll go for now. I hope you get along fine with the next round and I'll check regular to see if there are any updates. Until next time, Peggy
Peggy Sowards <peggysowards@wmconnect.com>
Stout, Oh USA - Thursday, January 8, 2004 6:30 PM CST
Hi Sunshine!
Grandma misses you! When can you come and play? Are you going to the train show this weekend....I bet it will be fun. Hey! How about Disneyland? Your great Uncle Derf is going to be 50 and you can help him celebrate! I think Gabby and Christian are going to go. We all need a good excuse to go to Disneyland. I love you Baby and love that you are getting stronger each day. XXXX0000:) Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Thursday, January 8, 2004 2:47 PM CST
We are so glad you are home! We check the site every day and I was so glad to see the great update! We are thrilled Matt is almost done with the antibodies! We will anxiously await the results of the next scans... I have a really, really good feeling!
Much love,

Susan Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Wednesday, January 7, 2004 4:47 PM CST
Wow! Matt can jog farther than I probably can these days! I'm glad you are all doing so well. Have fun at the train show!
Adrienne, 2N RN <ajoyce21@yahoo.com>
Stanford, CA - Wednesday, January 7, 2004 3:53 PM CST
Matthew, hi sweetie. I'm so glad you're home and doing fun things with Mom and Dad. Do you know what I can see as I sit here in our office and type on my computer? A Train!! I have train tracks that run behind my home about 1/4 mile away. Now that it's winter and all the leaves are gone I can see one go by every 5 minutes or so. Cool huh??? Now everytime I watch one go by I will think of you. I hope you can go to the train show this weekend. That will be so much fun. Give Mom and Dad a big hug!! Love ya!
Joyce <Jdangiolillo@cs.com>
NJ - Wednesday, January 7, 2004 11:14 AM CST
So glad for the update, I check almost everyday. Matt will probably loves trains for quite sometime. Our 6 yr old grandson still loves them. You are ALWAYS in our prayers! Love in Him, Donna
Donna Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow, OK USA - Wednesday, January 7, 2004 10:04 AM CST
Hi there little sunshine! Can I move to California? It's only 20 degrees here & I'm COLD!!!!!! I don't like this one bit! I'm counting the days till March gets here! Even the cats don't like it...they snuggle even closer at night! :) I hope and pray that you're feeling well. God bless
your buddy jan livingstone
- Tuesday, January 6, 2004 4:50 PM CST
Hi Matthew!! Just wanted to drop in to say HELLO!!!! I hope you're having fun at home with Mom and Dad. How's your weather? Are you still playing on the beach? I wish I could come play with you because it's cold here in NJ. Miss you buddy. Talk to you soon. Love always!!
Joyce D'Angiolillo <JDANGIOLILLO@cs.com>
NJ - Tuesday, January 6, 2004 7:30 AM CST
Hi Matt,
I miss you! Long time - no play! We are wondering what you have been up to lately? I have been going to the beach at San Simeon a lot lately, chasing bubbles and playing with tractors. Does your house shake? Mine does and I don't like it at all! Last night I wanted to sleep in the minivan, but the parents said no. We also found the cure for the common cold - chemo, who would have guessed! Everyone caught one but me. You would think that discovering the cure for a cold would make you rich, but it might be a hard sell.

Just wanted to let you know we have all been thinking about you. I hope we can play trains soon! Say hi to your mom and dad too. Love, Spencer

Spencer Rocket www.spencerrocket.com <spencer@sideoff.com>
Cambria, CA USA - Monday, January 5, 2004 0:04 AM CST
Hey Sunshine! I needed something a bit cheery, so I stopped by to see your smiling face!!! It was nearly 70 here today, but we're suppose to drop by 40 degrees by tomorrow night...I'm afraid winter is coming; whether I like it or not!!! Can I pitch a tent on your beach?!?!?! :) Have a wonderful weekend little buddy! love ya
jan livingstone
- Friday, January 2, 2004 11:44 PM CST
Hello Humes! Happy New Year, this is our year for a Miracle, I just know it!!!! Hope all is going well and little sweet Matt is getting stronger everyday. Our thoughts & prayers are always with you. Love In Him, Donna
Donna Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow, OK USA - Thursday, January 1, 2004 2:10 PM CST
Hey there Sunshine! I sure hope the yucky part of that ole treatment is over, and you're feeling good! I am home from my cruise (boo hoo), and the laundry is almost caught up. The first thing I did when I got home was go thru the mail, and what did I find?!?!?! A beautiful Christmas card with pictures from my little buddy!!! YEAH! I LOVE your pictures! You're going in a place of honor on the frig...with all the other special people in my life! I thought of you when I walked on the beaches...I don't think you have that beautiful white sand thou. :) In Mexico, I got bit by some very bad sand fleas! :( I also got very sea sick, but that's a whole 'nother story! tee-hee Just wanted you to know that I'm still here and still lifting you to our Lord. God bless you little guy! love
your friend jan livingstone
- Tuesday, December 30, 2003 4:57 PM CST
Dearest Debbie and precious Matthew...
You don't know me but I am the one who took over where Dottie left off at Dr. Turner's office. I just want you to know that Matthew is in my prayer's each and every day... I look at his picture each day at the office (thank you for sending us an updated one Ü)and thank God he has surpassed one more round. Everyone speaks so fondly of you and of course that precious little boy, I hope one day to meet both of you. Keep the faith and just know that there are sooooo many people who are praying and sending their love to you all.

Judi Marshall <rabitlvr2@msn.com>
Morro Bay, CA USA - Monday, December 29, 2003 7:38 PM CST
Hi Matt. I hope this past week's treatment went ok. I am so happy you only have 1 more round of antibody treatment left!!! Soon you will be all done with treatment and cured for the rest of your life! Continue to be strong during this last month. You are almost done. Your whole family is always in our thoughts and prayers.


Anthony, Susan and Angel Justin <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City , NY - Sunday, December 28, 2003 6:59 PM CST
Hi Matt, Debbie and Thom- I hope things are going well over at the hospital this week. (by the way, great new photo of Matt on the beach)We had a nice quiet Christmas here. Except when baby Grace took her first big tumble and split her lip. Lots of blood and tears, but nothing a nap didn't fix, luckily. Will we get lucky enough to see you this trip? You are getting so big and strong, every time we see you, you look bigger! We are sending you lots of good wishes and prayers this week, we want you to feel better Now (just like mom and dad). Much love, Lisa and Company
Lisa Wan <*****************>
Woodside, CA - Saturday, December 27, 2003 10:52 AM CST
Hi Matt. I got some trucks. And I got some trains. And I got some planes. And I got some rockets. And I got someother stuff. But mostly I got some trucks and some planes and some trains and some rockets. What did you get? Did you get some trains? You want to play with my trains? You can play with my trains. Can I play with your trains? Hope you guys had a merry Christmas in the hospital. My house is still shaking (lots and lots the night before Christmas) and Mommy is not happy about it. Say hi to your Mommy and Daddy. Tell her I have a new truck that she can race me with. Let's play with our stuff soon.
Spencer Rocket <spencer@sideoff.com>
Shakey Cambria, CA USA - Friday, December 26, 2003 12:21 AM CST
I just wanted to drop by and wish all of you a very Merry Christmas from Kansas. I'm praying for you all and hope things are going OK this week! Love and prayers,
Janene Freerksen <janene23@cox.net>
Topeka, ks - Thursday, December 25, 2003 10:37 PM CST
Just wanted to wish you all Happy Holidays and a great New Year. I feel this is going to be the year of good things for Matthew and for all the little ones who are suffering from this dreaded disease. Think Positive! Prayers and Christian Love, Donna
Donna R. Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow, OK 74728 - Thursday, December 25, 2003 9:02 AM CST
Hi Matt, Debbie and Thom,
We are thinking and praying for you everyday! Stay strong and soon you will all be home to celebrate a wonderful Christmas. All the best and a very, very Happy New Year!
Love, Andrea, Arni, Kristin & Stefan

Sigurdsson <andreasigurds@yahoo.com>
Ossining, NY USA - Monday, December 22, 2003 5:39 PM CST
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matt- We are thinking about you every day, sending good wishes and prayers while you go through this week of treatment. We might stop by the hospital later in the week to say Merry Christmas, if that's o.k. We love you! Lisa and Company
Lisa Wan
Woodside, CA - Monday, December 22, 2003 11:32 AM CST
Dear Debbie, Thom and Matthew, Just a note to let you know that I'm thinking about you all. I haven't seen an update in awhile so I don't know if you're in the hospital doing treatments right now. I'm PRAYING every chance I get. Your family is always on my mind and I'm always here if you need me even if we are 3,000 miles apart. GOD BLESS!!! Love always
NJ - Monday, December 22, 2003 8:05 AM CST
All my love, Angela

Tiffin, OH - Thursday, December 18, 2003 12:34 AM CST
Hi Buddy!!! Just want you to know that you're in my every thought and I'm praying really really hard that the scan went well yesterday. Love you. Sending you and Mom and Dad a HUGE hug!!
Joyce <JDANGIOLILLO@cs.com>
NJ - Thursday, December 18, 2003 8:22 AM CST
What a great picture of the three of you! I'm sorry I missed you at Thanksgiving, but will try to see you before Christmas, especially if I make cookies. You are in my prayers.
Kathy Himmelberger <khimmelberger@pausd.palo-alto.ca.us>
Palo Alto, CA USA - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 6:45 PM CST
Sweet Matthew,
Praying extra hard for you today that your scan is clear. The only thing we want to light up is your smile and your Christmas tree! Only 8 more days til Santa comes!!!
Big hugs and kisses to you all.

Nene <jmunro@leiner.com>
Torrance, CA USA - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 4:24 PM CST
Good Morning sweet Matthew:
You are in our thoughts & prayers as always, today and everyday, but especially today! Sending you a huge hug and be sure to hug mommie for me today ok? You will have good news today, I just feel it in my bones, and I have prayed sooooooooooo extra hard!!!

Remember this "And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease." MATTHEW 10:1

May all your doctor's, nurse's and technicians be divinely guided throughout this round of treatment sweetheart, and I pray our Lord will bring an extra special peace to mommy today as she watches you go through your scan and "HE" will hold her tightly in his loving palm of his hands. Peace and comfort be with you all!! God Bless & ton's of love your way.
Aunt Paula, Uncle Nick, Krytal & Brad xxoo

PAULA PRUITT <paulapruitt@hotmail.com>
Oceanside, Ca - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 12:03 AM CST
Good Morning Sunshine!
I miss you and I am praying today is a great day. I think this is the day you have to go to Stanford for a scan. I hope all your prayer warriors read this and pray for a scan that does not light up for you today and for your protection. Your mom says you were craby yesterday. I would be soooo craby if I had that stuff in me too. Hold your mommy tight today because I think she will be very nervous with the scan and with having to do the stuff that makes it so you sleep while they do the scan. I love you sweetie and will be praying all day. Love, Grandma Miko XX00=)

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 10:54 AM CST
I'm thinking about you today and praying as always. God Bless you. lots of love
Joyce <JDANGIOLILLO@cs.com>
NJ - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 9:42 AM CST
Dear Debbie, Tom & Matthew: I am so looking forward to your visit to Teri's & Johns for our Xmas exchange. I feel so far away from you all, and hope I can see you. Matthew is loved by so many people I just know everything has to turn out great. I will keep good thoughts and prayers. Love,
Aunt Joy Fredericks <golfbyjanice@cox.net>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Monday, December 15, 2003 12:58 AM CST
Good Morning Sunshine!!
I loved hearing your sweet voice this morning. I could wake up to that sound each day. You are such a brave guy and I am calling on all my prayer warriors to lift you in prayer this week and next week too! I love you baby and miss you. I pray our Wonderful God protects you as you go through this tuff stuff again. I pray you feel good enough to play! Oh what a Joy it is when you Play! I am happy you took all your trains with you! Hug Mommy and call grandma again soon. XXX000=)Love, Grandma Mike

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Monday, December 15, 2003 11:53 AM CST
Dear Humes!! I'm going to start putting in my special requests today to our Good Lord. I will ask Him to watch over you during these scans and next round of treatments. I pray you feel His presence and know that so many of us are thinking about you. I'll be checking in daily for an update.....love you guys.
Joyce <jdangiolillo@cs.com>
NJ - Monday, December 15, 2003 8:30 AM CST
Good Morning Sunshine!!!! The prayer warriors are going strong...praying for a GREAT scan! Have a good day, little man. God bless
your buddy jan livingstone
- Monday, December 15, 2003 8:08 AM CST
Hello Matthew, Debbie and Thom- Hope you are enjoying the snow up there. It's been cold and cloudy here in Woodside. Katie, Mark and Grace are in Southern California visiting our Dad, who's not doing very well. Anyway, it's kind of lonely here without our usual company, it'll be nice to have you guys around for a while. Drive carefully tomorrow. See you soon. Love, Lisa
Lisa Wan
Woodside, CA - Saturday, December 13, 2003 8:47 PM CST
Sweet Matthew,
I received the most beautiful Christmas card yesterday. The card has a picture of an adorable little boy scooping up sand on the beach. I looked very close at that little boy and it's YOU! This treasure I will keep forever.
We had our company holiday party yesterday at the Comedy and Magic Club in Hermosa Beach. It was very fun and the comedians were very funny - my tummy still hurts from laughing so hard.
I walked outside and looked across the street at the beach and WOW was it beautiful. It was a clear windy day yesterday. The waves were HUGE and the water was choppy with white caps for as far as I could see (I hope Daddy isn't surfing those 30 foot waves in San Fran!). I stood there and wondered if you were on your beach looking at the same beauty?
God works in such mysterious ways - how can the surface of the ocean be so turbulent and yet underneath it's so peaceful and full of life (Finding Nemo comes to mind). It made me think of you even more. With all the turbulence you've had in your 3 years you still manage to smile and play and be a 3 year old boy. God has blessed our family with wonderful children - full of life and strength. I've got my prayer warriors gearing up for your next round - they pray for you all the time, but extra hard during treatment.
Please give yourself a BIG BIG hug and kiss for me (Mommy and Daddy too).

Jeanine Munro <jmunro@leiner.com>
Torrance, CA USA - Friday, December 12, 2003 10:16 AM CST
Hello Matthew! Only 13 more days til Santa comes. I hope you have a nice visit up in Tahoe. We are looking forward to seeing you in a few days. I'm sorry we missed you today, but Matthew Wan is still a little under the weather. Have fun up in the snow. Love, Lisa and Company
Lisa Wan
Woodside, CA - Friday, December 12, 2003 0:46 AM CST
Debbie and Thom, Our prayers are alway with you and Matthew. May God keep him in his sight and give you the faith that you need to continue to help him in this world. Take care and have a Blessed Christmas season!!
Lynn and Greg Sayre-Carstairs <calynncs@aol.com>
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 - Thursday, December 11, 2003 7:42 PM CST
You are always in our prayers. We would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a New Year full of health and happiness!
Leon and Kathy Van Beurden <kathyvanbeurden@yahoo.com>
Los Osos, CA - Thursday, December 11, 2003 1:10 PM CST
Good Morning Sunshine!
Oh how I wish I was going with you to the snow. I don't like being cold but I love playing with you! Tell mom and dad to have fun and go SLOW, grandma gets scared when you go on the sled too fast. I will see you on the 18th and I hope you will be ready to PLAY! I miss you but I am so excited that you get to go to the snow. Keep warm Baby!
Love, Grandma Miko XX000XXX =)

Jerri Fredericks <miles@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Thursday, December 11, 2003 11:56 AM CST
Dear Matthew, Hi buddy!! I hope you're doing fun things with Mom and Dad!! I bet you're having a blast being home!! What's the weather like in CA? We are having CRAZY weather here. The last time I wrote I told you that you and my kids would have a great time building a snowman together if you were here. But now it looks like you'd be swimming instead. The pond behind my house is right up to my property line!! We are FLOODING!! After that huge snow last weekend we're getting tons of rain and temps near 56. We are stuck indoors so we are playing "Noah's Ark" with all the Little People animals. Well, I'll write soon if I don't float away!! Love you buddy!! Say hi to Mom and Dad!! PS. I'm preparing to pray extra hard for you starting on the 15th. Stay strong. You are doing great sweetie!!!
Joyce <JDANGIOLILLO@cs.com>
NJ - Thursday, December 11, 2003 8:52 AM CST
Hello Matthew! It is almost Christmas and that means Santa is coming to bring you toys! Yipee!!! It sounds like you have been doing well and that makes me happy for you. Your buddy SpencerRocket is up here staying at "Matt's house". But, we haven't gotten to see him this week because Matthew Wan has a cold or the flu or some other icky contagious thing. Has it been raining like crazy down there? It sure has up here. Also, I wanted to tell you we had a really big cement truck here the other day-all day. I think it may be coming back next week also. Maybe you'll get to see it if you are up this way. Give your Mom and Dad a big hug and kiss and tell them we said hello. Look forward to seeing you guys soon. Love, Lisa and Company
Lisa Wan
Woodside, CA - Wednesday, December 10, 2003 10:02 PM CST
Good Morning Sunshine! Well, it's morning here, but the sun sure isn't shining! We're suppose to have thunderstorms AND snow...isn't that cool?!?!?! I love it when it thunders while it's snowing! I'm sure there is some complicated weather explanation for that, but I like to think it's nothing more than God...just trying to get our attention; making us see/appreciate his creation! Have a wonderful day today, my little friend...I'll be thinking about you all day! God bless you
your friend jan livingstone <jagl@htc.net>
- Wednesday, December 10, 2003 6:43 AM CST
Hi Matt. I just wanted to let you know that you are always in our prayers and that we hope these last few rounds of antibody treatment go well with few to no side effects! Your strength during this difficult time is amazing.
Anthony & Susan Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Monday, December 8, 2003 7:23 PM CST
Matthew, Hi cutie!! I wish you could see outside where I live right now. We are getting SNOW SNOW and more SNOW!!! You and my kids would have a great time building a snowman and sledding in it!! Although right now we're sort of snowed in the house!! We will try to get outside tomorrow. I'm thinking about you today. I wish you could come play with us....lots of love
Joyce <jdangiolillo@cs.com>
NJ - Saturday, December 6, 2003 6:02 PM CST
Hey Matt. Have you seen outside? It's dripping. But my Dad says the sun is up anyway. I'm watching Winnie the Pooh. They are waiting for Santy Claus. I watch that one over and over now 'cause Mom and Dad say Santy Claus is coming. Did you know that? We are going to write a letter to the North Pole, which is where Santy lives. It has snow. If you go to the snow say hi to Santy Claus for me. I had fun the other day and you can come play trains any time. Maybe we'll have some new ones pretty soon.
Spencer Rocket <spencer@sideoff.com>
Cambria, CA USa - Saturday, December 6, 2003 1:01 PM CST
I just read the poem you wrote to your son and it brought back so many feelings. My son Jeremy is doing great. He will be 9 this coming February. I know what your going through and I pray your son is healed soon. Hang in there ! It will get better.
Thank you for visiting Jeremy's web site. (jeremyspoke.org)
We will pray for your family.
Don & Jeremy

Don Salmen <dsalmen@earthlink.net>
Saugus, CA LA - Saturday, December 6, 2003 11:15 AM CST
Hi Humes!
I just wanted to say, "hello" and tell you I am praying for Matthew continuously.
Also, tomorrow lots of people at Menlo Park Presbyterian Church will be praying throughout the day that Matthew will be healed, and thanking God for the support so many people have given you.
Love, Grace

Grace Mercer Schott <gracemercer@mindspring.com>
Atherton, CA - Thursday, December 4, 2003 7:39 PM CST
Our prayers our with you! WE all miss you!
Terri Bangert <tlc1@charterinternet.com>
Atascadero, ca usa - Thursday, December 4, 2003 6:01 PM CST
Dear Debbie and Thom, I just read your journal entry. I will pray extra hard for you during the next round of treatments. You have been on my prayer chain with church since March. I will give them an update and tell them to be prepared to put in some extra special requests to God for my little buddy! I pray for the day that Matthew is "NED" and cancer is no longer a word in any person's vocabulary. I'm here for you always. Love you. Take care. Give Matthew a huge hug for me.
Joyce <JDANGIOLILLO@cs.com>
NJ - Thursday, December 4, 2003 12:40 AM CST
Hi Matt, I just read your mom's update and I am so glad you are home. I know you had fun at your grandma's but I'll bet she had more just having you there. I'll be thinking of you later in December when you have your next treatment and you will be in my prayers as you always are. You are a very special little boy to have so many people supporting and praying for you. Have fun at home!!!! Nan
Nan Oestmann <nanoest@aol.com>
Midland, TX USA - Wednesday, December 3, 2003 11:05 PM CST
Hi Matt,
We miss you! Can you come play trains? I've got a cool new balloon game I can teach you too. I hope we aren't worrying our parents too much - I'm scared they are going to crack up one of these days. We better go easy on them! Let's play soon... - Spencer Rocket

Spencer Caserio <spencer@sideoff.com>
Cambria, CA USA - Wednesday, December 3, 2003 4:54 PM CST
Like Jan Say's "Good Morning Sunshine!"
I had so much fun and now I miss you way too much. I think I just love the playing with the train thing too much. Or could it be all the fun we have. Let mommy know I am ready for another visit. Maybe we can send her off to shop or just to have a quite dinner with dad? What ya think?
Love you Baby!

Grandma Miko <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Wednesday, December 3, 2003 11:44 AM CST
Good Morning Sunshine! Thinking of you this morning! Have a wonderful day.
your friend jan livingstone
- Tuesday, December 2, 2003 9:39 AM CST
Dear Matthew, How was your Thanksgiving?? Did you eat lots of turkey?? I hope so. You need to eat and keep up your strength. We had a nice holiday. I didn't dry out the bird so that is a good thing. I think I did okay for my first time!! I thought about you and your family all day on Thanksgiving but I do that everyday. I always wonder how and what you're doing. And I check everyday to see if Mommy added any new pictures or wrote something new. Because even though I only met you once I miss you buddy. I wish we lived closer so my kids could play with you. I'm sure you'd be able to teach them a lot of cool things about trains!! They would really look up to you because you are a big three year old and they are only two and one. I wish I could give you a huge hug. I will have to send one long distance... can you feel it?? Say Hi to Mom and Dad for me. Take care. God bless you.
Joyce D'Angiolillo <JDAngiolillo@CS.COM>
NJ - Monday, December 1, 2003 12:38 AM CST
Hi Baby!
Grandma has got to quit calling you that now that you are 3 years old! Thank you for coming to share Thanksgiving and Christins birthday with all of us. We were so HAPPY!!!! Christian was very sad that you left and he could not play with you on Sunday. I hope we get to do this fun stuff more often. Cousin Teri loved all the kisses and hopes to get more. We are happy Uncle Tom wore that mask so that you don't catch anything from him. Thanks for driving the Tractor for grandma and for helping teach Heather how to drive, I think she is ready to drive a car on road now. We are so THANKFUL for these fun and happy days with you!
Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Monday, December 1, 2003 11:42 AM CST
Good morning Sunshine! I trust you got home, and are having fun again?!?!?!?! Please tell your Mommy that all your adoring fans need an update!!! It was a sunshiney weekend around here, and we got some yard work done. I had a friend take those pictures you requested, will send them soon. Have a great day, my little friend! God bless
jan livingstone
- Monday, December 1, 2003 7:43 AM CST
Hi my name is Jenna and I came accross Matthew's website. Matthew is a real little hero and inspiration in life. His story encourages me to never give up against my fight with a rare chronic and debilitating bone disease.
he is a real miricale! My website is: http://www.matmice.com/home/fighterandchampion

Jenna <hockeykid@telus.net>
Kamloops, BC Canada - Friday, November 28, 2003 1:17 AM CST
Hi there little man! You've been on my mind and in my heart all day long. I hope you're feeling good today. Sounds like you get 'sprung' on Saturday? I'm so glad! I just wanted to say good night, I'm on my way to bed. (have to work in the early am) Tell your Mommy hello for me! love you
your friend jan livingstone <jagl@htc.net>
- Thursday, November 27, 2003 8:32 PM CST
Boy do we have a lot to be Thankful for! I hope your day is wonderful and I know it will be filled with love because you got mom and dad ther with you. I love you Baby! See you on Saturday. Hang tight!
Love, Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <miles@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Thursday, November 27, 2003 12:42 AM CST
Happy Thanksgiving little engineer Matthew. Those Thomas engines are a lot of fun, huh? Do you like to watch the DVDs and Videos about Thomas, James, Percy and all the gang? Which one is your favorite? I really like Thomas, hes a very usful little engine. Take care sport and everyone loves you.
Donna R. Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow, OK USA - Wednesday, November 26, 2003 1:50 PM CST
Oh hang in there, you guys! What setbacks - yuck! I hate this disease!! God bless you all!

Love and best wishes, your NB fighting friends from Ohio,Angela

Angela & the Thomas team
CHOP, PA - Wednesday, November 26, 2003 12:35 AM CST
Hi little man! It's a COLD, but bright sunny day here. I'm not working today, but have some errands to run...yuck! I hope they were able to 'roto-rooter' your lines and get them working again. It sure would be a bummer to have to get new ones, this late in the game!!! I'll be praying that doesn't have to happen. I hope your Thanksgiving day is a happy one; if you, Mommy and Daddy are together, it will be! Glenn and I are going to a movie & then joining some friends for dinner later. I'm thinking of you buddy & lift you in prayer about a bazillion times a day! God bless you!
your friend jan livingstone
- Wednesday, November 26, 2003 9:10 AM CST
Hi Baby!
Two days down and three to go. Hang tight big guy! I am praying for you sweetie and know how happy you are that you don't have to get those shots. God is watching out for you so maybe HE knows something that the doctors don't. Have a good night.
Love, Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <miles@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Tuesday, November 25, 2003 8:57 PM CST
Hi Matt,
We are thinking and praying for you and hope that everything goes smoothly this week. Have a happy Thanksgiving together with mommy and daddy. We love you all very much, Andrea,Arni Kristin and Stefan

Sigurdsson <andreasigurds@yahoo.com>
Ossining, NY USA - Tuesday, November 25, 2003 6:58 AM CST
Hi Baby!
Grandma has got all the prayer warriors going. Can you feel the Love? I sure wish I was with you now and we could play with your trains. I love you Baby and can't wait to see you on Saturday.
Love, Grandma Miko

Jerri Fredericks <miles@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Monday, November 24, 2003 8:58 PM CST
Hi Humes! I just want to let you know that I'll be thinking about you and praying for you this week. Only 2 more treatments to go after this!! Hang in there. You're doing great!!!! This is the week to give thanks...I'm thanking God for having friends like you. I pray you're able to enjoy your Thanksgiving. Lots of love.
Joyce D <jdangiolillo@cs.com>
monmouth Jct, NJ - Monday, November 24, 2003 5:44 PM CST
Hi Matt, I understand you are entering the hospital again today for your treatment.ONLY TWO MORE!! You are almost there and with God's blessing you will never have to do this again. You are in my prayers and on the prayer list at Westway Church of Christ here in Midland, TX. You are a very special little boy and I believe our prayers will prevail for you. Have a great train ride on Friday!!!!
Nan Oestmann
Midland, TX USA - Sunday, November 23, 2003 4:42 PM CST
Hi little buddy! I hope things are going well for you. I've got the 'extra' prayer warriors fired up for this coming week... I hope you'll be able to feel the prayers washing over you, while you receive treatment. Love ya little man
your friend jan
- Sunday, November 23, 2003 12:42 AM CST
Hi Matt,Thom, and Deb

Just wanted to say Hi and Happy Thanksgiving to you all. WE will be thinking about you and will put a prayer in for you! Say hi to Lisa and family for me when your up their and definitly take her up on the dinner. Hope to see you all soon.

The Wilson Family <bcwilson@thegrid.net>
- Sunday, November 23, 2003 11:34 AM CST
Hi Matt,
I'm never going to have another party unless you promise to be there! Now that your parents are letting you grow your hair out I'm finding out what a wild and crazy and really fun guy you are! What was in that apple juice and frosting you ate? Thanks for making my birthday the best one I've ever had! My mom says to tell you she hopes your shot went well today and that we will all be sending prayers and hugs your way next week. I hope we can play some more soon.
Love -Spencer Rocket

Spencer Caserio <spencer@sideoff.com>
Cambria, CA USA - Friday, November 21, 2003 11:43 PM CST
Hi Deb,Thom and Matt,

So glad to hear you are having fun at home. We will pray for Matt this next week. Please call us if you would like some company on the Santa Cruz Railroad on Friday. If Jordan is healthy, we'd love to join you and spend some time visitting. We are currently living at my mom's house (408) 741-5774 because we sold our house and are in between homes. Miss you all very much.

Sheri, Alan and Jordan

Sheri Klapper <Sheri.Klapper@nsc.com>
San Jose, CA USA - Friday, November 21, 2003 5:01 PM CST
Hi Matt. I am so happy to hear that you are doing so well. I hope and pray that next week goes smoothly and that you will be all done with treatment in the next couple of months!
Anthony Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Friday, November 21, 2003 2:54 PM CST
Good Morning my sweet Nephew:

You are very close in my heart today and prayers from all our prayer warrior's down here in San Diego are being sent up North, from all our heart's to your's, and we know today you will handle your "yucky" shot with flying color's, mommie will explain what that that means! In my prayers, this beautiful morning, I am raising you up in prayer, and know that "the peace that passes all understanding" will be with you this entire day, along with all the doctor's, nurse's and entire staff, and of course mommy & daddy too!!!
Sending "TON'S" OF LOVE & HUG'S. Keep that beautiful smile on that gorgeous face and also in your huge heart :)

Love & God Bless,
Auntie Paula, Uncle Nick, Krystal & Brad xxoo

PAULA PRUITT <paulapruitt@hotmail.com>
Oceanside, Ca - Friday, November 21, 2003 10:04 AM CST
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matt- I hope you all had a great time today celebrating Spencer's Birthday. (We'd love to see pictures of those two on the fire truck...) We're hoping to get to see you this coming week. Also, I ordered a thanksgiving dinner (all cooked) I was hoping we could bring it to you guys if you are in the hospital. If you are able, of course we'd rather have you join us at home! Glad to hear Matt's doing so well. Talk to you soon. Much love, Lisa
Lisa Wan
Woodside, CA - Thursday, November 20, 2003 5:20 PM CST
Thank you BABY for the funest day this ol' grandma has ever had. I don't think I laughed and smiled so much as I did on Saturday. I loved watchin you, Christian and Gabby play trains. You taught them so much about trains and they had so much fun. I just loved watching all of you! I thank God each day for the gift of grandchildren! Oh What a Blessing you three are. I love youXXXXX00000 Grandma Miko
Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Tuesday, November 18, 2003 4:15 PM CST
To My favorite Californians: Hey There!! I am back from my trip and I had to stop in to say "Hi" before I tackle my messy house. How does the house get so dirty when I'm not even here?? I think my cat must have had some wild party while I was gone. I hope you're having fun on the beach and still having nice weather. It's starting to get chilly here but we can still venture outdoors. It's not freezing yet. All of our leaves are off the trees now. I can't even see our grass anymore because we were away and didn't rake. Looks like I'll be doing yard work on Sunday. Hope the weather holds up. Take care. Talk to you soon. Love you.
- Tuesday, November 18, 2003 12:32 AM CST
Hey Matt dog! I'm looking forward to a heavy play session with you and your Mom soon, although I've been a bit tired the last couple days. As soon as my Mom and Dad bust me out of hospital town I'll be charged. Meanwhile I'm having a good time at baby's house here in Woodside. You should see how big the hole they dug is now. I'm scared from it. Today there were big mixer trucks and pumps going, as well as the big excavator. I was scared from that too. Noisy. I guess there are some cave-ins and the contractors are not super happy, but they are working hard.
Give your Mommy a big hug for me and tell her she's great. She really knows how to play, but hope she doesn't think she'll beat my super fast race cars anytime soon. Luv ya.

Spencer Rocket <spencer@sideoff.com>
Hospital Town, CA USA - Tuesday, November 18, 2003 0:32 AM CST
Hi buddy! How are you today? Wish I was there, playing on the beach. We have big time thunderstorms rolling in as I type... I'm going to have to give Bear dog his 'happy pills', or I won't get ANY sleep tonight! :( I hope things are well in California. Love to all
your friend jan livingstone
- Monday, November 17, 2003 5:34 PM CST
Hello Humes, wish I was playing on the beach with Matt. We are starting to get some cool weather in Oklahoma. Glad you feel like playing little guy. I just finished doing the prayer list for the Sweet Home Church of Christ and guess who was the 1st name on there?...YOU, little Sweetheart! We all love you and are all praying for you to get well real soon. Take care and remember God loves you and so do I.
Donna Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow,, OK USA - Saturday, November 15, 2003 4:55 PM CST
Hi buddy! It's cold and dreary here, and my mood seems to be following suit... I had to come here and get my 'sunshine fix'! Just looking at your beautiful pictures perks up my day. Thanks so much, my little friend! God bless you!
your friend jan livingstone
- Friday, November 14, 2003 12:52 AM CST
Hi Matt. I wish I could be at the beach with you too. But I'm stuck here in the poopy hospital for at least another couple days. I'm not feeling too hot and I'm pretty crabby. I want to go home but Mommy and Daddy say I have to wait until they unhook me. I did get to play with the wood train set up in the play room. At first they tried to give me the plastic stuff but I said un-uh. I want to play with your trains now. Sylvia the nurse tried to arrange to go see the helicopter on the roof but so far we haven't been able to. I need to see the heliflopter. Have you seen it? See you soon and leave some shells for me.
Spencer Rocket <spencer@sideoff.com>
Cambria/Palo Alto, CA usa - Thursday, November 13, 2003 8:22 PM CST
Hi, i wanted to say thank you and bless you for writeing in
Lukes guest book. Luke goes for scans tomorrow at Akron. Our
prayers are with Matt and your family, he is a real cutie!!!
I understand about the spills and tumbles but you have to let them be boys, even though at times it is hard!!!!! Lukes ,grandma Sweet, Gail. SWEET HUGS,to you.

Gail Sweet <gailsweet@zoominternet.net>
Ashland, Oh. U.S.A. - Wednesday, November 12, 2003 7:03 AM CST
I am so glad that he is doing better.
Jeanette Leino <Lazyjs1@centurytel.net>
Kingston, WA 98346 - Tuesday, November 11, 2003 9:38 AM CST
Hey little buddy... you have good taste! Schwan man ice cream is awesome! We're hooked! Luckily, our Schwan man only comes by every other week. :) (Tell Mommy to get some fudge bars next time) Glenn loves their popcicles too. I'm glad you're feeling good, that makes me happy. love ya
your friend jan livingstone
- Monday, November 10, 2003 7:20 PM CST
I hope Matt keeps on riding that bike.Those walks on the beach must be wonderful.Gail and I wish you ,Matt, and daddy the very best. Your prayer in the journal is wonderful,keep the faith.
with our love, Gail,Gene Luke Sweet and family.

gail and gene Sweet (luke Sweet) <gailsweet@zoominternet.net>
ashland, ohio USA - Sunday, November 9, 2003 7:32 PM CST
I must admit, I am completely jeolous of you little man! You're out playing on the beach, and it's in the upper 30's here!!! We went from almost 90 on Sunday, 70 on Monday & 30s on Tuesday!!!! I don't like this ONE BIT! I may just jump on a plane and head on out that way! tee-hee! Think I could pitch my tent on the beach for the winter?!?! (I have some Thomas stuff of my own that I could bring with me) Ok buddy, I'm off to church this morning... got to run. Thinking and praying for you! Hugs
your friend jan livingstone
- Sunday, November 9, 2003 9:00 AM CST
Hi Matt,
Thanks for coming to play with us yesterday. That is the best time I have had in months. Spencer says your mommy is pretty fun too. Come play trains with us again soon. Hugs to you!

Kerri Caserio <sideoff@slonet.org>
Cambria, Ca USA - Sunday, November 9, 2003 3:11 AM CST
Just stopping by to say hello! The beach?? In November?? WOW!! Enjoy!!
All my love,
Angela (Thomas Team Mom)

Tiffin, OH - Saturday, November 8, 2003 2:24 PM CST
Hey there Matt! I heard about your playdate yesterday and it sounded so fun it made my day just hearing about it. I hope your Dad is feeling better and you guys enjoy the rest of the weekend. I look forward to seeing you soon. Love, Lisa
Lisa Wan
Woodside, CA - Saturday, November 8, 2003 11:36 AM CST
Hi Baby!
Hope you have a wonderful day playing. We had fun last night even though it was too short. Grandma never gets to play enough. Love you Baby!

Grandma Jerri <Miles@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Saturday, November 8, 2003 11:11 AM CST
We are so happy that Matt is doing well. He sounds like a strong little boy. We hope and pray that the remaining treatments go well too. Have a happy Thanksgiving!
Eileen, Chris, Linda, and Brian Mullin <chrismullin@optonline.net>
Stony Point, NY Rockland - Friday, November 7, 2003 7:32 PM CST
Thanks for signing Kaitlyns guestbook.
This is the first time I have seen Matthews beuatiful little face.
Thanks also for being such a wealth of information and support to the group.
Keep up the good work Matthew.
Hugs from Australia
Colleen - Kaitlyns mum

Colleen www.caringbridge.org/ne/kaitlyn/ <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Rockingham, WA Australia - Thursday, November 6, 2003 5:28 PM CST
Hey Matt, Debbie, and Tom, sounded fun on the beach. Spencer and daddy just got back from the beach too. It was nice today but sounds like rain is coming. Spencer has fun when he can visit Matt down on the beach in Cayucos, and play with Matt's toys. He gets a bit tired of his own sometimes. Spencer put a picture of Matt on his caringbridge site (ca/spencerrocket). And while it's not the best place to be he sure likes to see Matt in the hospital when they're both there. Stay happy, keep doing well and see you soon.
Kerri, Brian, and Spencer <spencer@sideoff.com>
Cambria, Ca USA - Thursday, November 6, 2003 4:51 PM CST
I'm so glad everything is going well. Cherish every moment of every day! I wish I could have seen those fireworks, I've never seen them on the beach before. (unless you want to stretch it and count the river front in St. Louis, under the arch!?!?!) It was sunny,beautiful, and nearly 80 on Sunday... today its dark, rainy and 37! How's that for contrast?!?!?! Thinking of you all! God bless
your friend jan livingstone
- Thursday, November 6, 2003 2:05 PM CST
Although I may not personally know this family, I am connected as a friend of the Fredricks. That being said not only has little Matthew been in my prayers but a handful of close christians as well. God bless you, Matthew, along with your family.

Patrick McCoy <trlmccoy@yahoo.com>
Vista, CA US of A - Thursday, November 6, 2003 2:05 PM CST
Hi Matt. I am so happy to hear you are doing so well!!!! I pray that you continue to feel great each and every day.
Anthony & Susan Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Thursday, November 6, 2003 11:57 AM CST

Hi Matthew~
I hope that you are feeling good today and enjoying your time at home with Mom and Dad.
I am Gloria from Smile Quilts. I want to invite you to have a virtual quilt made for Matthew with him in mind. If you'd like to, click the above graphic which will lead you to Smile Quilts and the application. It would be a pleasure to make one for such a brave, cutie like Matthew.
In the meantime, I will keep Matthew lifted in prayer and will be back to keep updated on Matthew.

Gloria <SimplicityMD@comcast.net>
Owings Mills, MD USA - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 5:30 PM CST
Hi little buddy! I'm glad you 'got sprung' and got home to play. I'm so sorry that your Daddy has a cold, they're no fun at all! I'm praying that you don't get it also! It was COLD and rainy here on Saturday & summer like conditions Sunday and today...guess we'll all have the colds next! God bless you little man! with lots of love,
your friend jan livingstone
- Monday, November 3, 2003 5:49 PM CST
Hello Humes! Hope Thom is feeling better and that Matt or you Debbie, haven't caught any of the nasty ole germs that are everwhere. I know you will be so glad when you can go back to Church on the Lord's Day and have fellowship with all those of like faith that have so faithfully prayed for you all during this ordeal. You are ever in my prayers. May His wonderful blessing continue for you all. In Him, Donna
Donna Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow, OK USA - Monday, November 3, 2003 3:08 PM CST
Dear Sweet Brave Matt, Debbie & Thom;

Just a note to let you now I am thinking of you daily and praying for you. So happy this part of the journey went so well. Tell Matt Paula's Mom is sending lots of love and hugs to him. (and to his Mommie and Daddy also)

Dotte Davis <Mommmie@webtv.net>
Indian Wells, , Ca USA - Sunday, November 2, 2003 11:02 PM CST
Hello All, I am so glad to hear that you all are home. Probably not half as glad as you all are. I have been thinking of you alot lately. The weather has been beautiful here this weekend so Jonathan has been playing outside all weekend with his dad. I've let him as much as possible because I'm sure the weather won't last like that for very much longer here. Matt, enjoy your time at home and I'll be praying that you don't have a cold because I'm sure if you do that'll mean another trip to the hospital. I love the picture of you all on the website. You look like such a happy family.You take care of your self and keep smiling. Peggy
peggy sowards <peggysowards@wmconnect.com>
stout, oh usa - Sunday, November 2, 2003 5:53 PM CST
We're so glad this is the last day! Another round done! We're praying for you, and thinking about you all the time!
Much love,

Susan and Anthony Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
- Saturday, November 1, 2003 10:00 AM CST
Hi Matthew,
One more day! Hang in there...we are always thinking and praying for you. You are such a tropper! Soon Mommy, Daddy and you will be home eating all that halloween candy.
Lots of hugs and love, Stefan, Kristin, Arni and Andrea

Sigurdsson <andreasigurds@yahoo.com>
Ossining, NY - Friday, October 31, 2003 6:15 PM CST
Last day for this awful stuff Baby! Grandma is praying real hard. I love you and I wish I was there holding you now but I know God is protecting you. Keep strong Baby!
Grandma Miko <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Friday, October 31, 2003 2:28 PM CST
My Dear little Matthew, Saturday at 12:30 (9:30 your time)I will be a very happy lady knowing that you'll be done with this round of treatments. I'm so sorry you have to spend Halloween in the hospital but I'm sure there will be a lot of fun things going on. I will be praying for an easy night for you. You'll be going home soon sweetie just hang in there!!! You're doing great! Give Mommy a big hug for me. Love you.
NJ - Friday, October 31, 2003 12:03 AM CST
Good Morning, my little friend! I woke up thinking about you this morning. I hope you're feeling better today... when are they going to 'spring' you and Mommy? I am running crazy, getting ready for the big benefit here tomorrow. They've changed the weather forecast on me...30% chance for rain! (of course, that's 70% chance of no rain) Please ask Mommy to pray for NO rain for me. :) Don't forget... the prayer warriors are still going strong down here, for YOU! God bless you! with lots of love,
your friend jan livingstone
- Friday, October 31, 2003 7:53 AM CST
Keeping hanging in there, Matthew!! I know you are not feeling great, but I pray you continue to do as well as you have.
Love, Grace

Grace Mercer Schott
Atherton, CA - Thursday, October 30, 2003 6:03 PM CST
Hi Matthew & Debbie: I read your jounal as often as I can. Thank you Debbie for keeping up with it and letting us all know how Matthew is doing. I hope to see you all at xmas at Terrie and Johns. Take care and lots hugs from Joy.
Aunt Joy <golfbyjanice@cox.net>
Las Vegas, NV - Thursday, October 30, 2003 4:01 PM CST
Hang in there Debbie, before long this will all be behind you and you'll have a healthy young man. I know it must be rough to see him have to endure all the drugs, test, etc. but look how far he has come with Gods help and He'll see you thru the rest of the way. Take care and God Bless, Donna
Donna R. Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow,, OK USA - Thursday, October 30, 2003 1:55 PM CST
Good Morning Baby!
Grandma is thankful to God for watching over you. I felt so bad watching you yesterday, that stuff makes you feel so yucky! And it scares Grandma. I hope your fever is gone today and that you got rid of those fluids. I thank you for playing trains with me. I wish I could have spent the night and played today. I Love you Baby. I pray it is a good day for you and that you get to play with Grandma Hume. I will be praying all day for you and Mommy!

Grandma Jerri <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Thursday, October 30, 2003 10:13 AM CST
Matthew, I am so glad to hear yesterday went well. I am praying you have a smooth week!! I had planned to visit you this week, but I can't now because I caught a cold yesterday. I will see you next time when I am germ free!! Please tell your mom and dad I am praying for them also.
Love, Grace

Grace Mercer Schott
Atherton, CA - Wednesday, October 29, 2003 4:38 PM CST
I am so relieved Matt is doing well. I know those antibody treatments can be awful! Maybe he'll breeze through the rest of them! I hope so! Anthony and I think about you guys all the time. I hope to get to meet you in person one of these days. Maybe we'll take a trip out to CA!
Much love,

Susan Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Wednesday, October 29, 2003 9:03 AM CST
We are so happy that Matt continues to do well. You are all in our prayers. Stay strong.
Eileen, Chris, Linda, and Brian Mullin <chrismullin@optonline.net>
Stony Point, NY - Wednesday, October 29, 2003 7:23 AM CST
Hello Matt, We've been gone for a few days and just got back today. Just checking on how things are going. I wish someway I could take all of the pain away. You are doing so good and being such a good little boy for going through all of this. I bet you would love to be able to stay at home and play with your "Lacy" dog. One of these days you will be able to. I know your Dad must be missing you and your Mom. We just got back today from being in Virginia and then we went to Hershey, PA. The town smells like CHOCOLATE!!! There is chocolate everywhere to buy. We had fun and Jonathan really liked it. Though of course he was glad to be home and play with all of his toys. He's going through all of his toys now and seeing what he missed. You take care little boy and remember alot of people are hoping and praying that you get better soon and you can go back home so you can play with your toys. Keep smiling, Peggy
peggy sowards <peggysowards@wmconnect.com>
stout, oh usa - Tuesday, October 28, 2003 9:03 PM CST
Hi there little man! I woke up last night at 2 am (actually, this morning), and couldn't sleep. I think it must have been God waking me to remind me to get an early start on praying for you today. :) I've been doing just that ALL day so far! It's starting to get get chilly here... wish I was there playing on your beach with you! Sounds like you've got Mommy AND Daddy with you for this round, that's GREAT! I'm praying for both of them also. I hope things are going well. God bless you all lots of love,
your friend jan livingstone
- Tuesday, October 28, 2003 2:57 PM CST
Good Morning Sunshine!
Feel God's arms around you Baby, Grandma is praying real hard this morning. Hold Mommy and Daddy close.

Grandma Jerri <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Tuesday, October 28, 2003 11:58 AM CST
Matthew, Be brave tomorrow little cutie. I know you are going to do great. I have faith that God will see you through this treatment with minimal side effects. I'm keeping you and Mommy and Daddy in my prayers. I love you all.
NJ - Monday, October 27, 2003 6:18 PM CST
Just wanted to let you know we are parying very hard for Matthew to handle treatment well this week. Please give him a big hug from us. Stay strong!

Sigurdsson <andreasigurds@yahoo.com>
Ossining, NY USA - Monday, October 27, 2003 5:07 PM CST
My Dear Sweet Debbie:

Honey-bun, you have every right to be scared and depressed, and our Sweet Lord knows, better than anyone, your deepest fears and agony in your heart, sweetheart! It goes without saying that Matt, you and Thom are in my constant prayers this week, more than ever. My sis too had monoclonal anti-bodies and she did very well. The complete name of her anti-bodies was "Retuxin" (sp?) and I am not sure if that is what baby doll is getting, but regardless, you will all be cradled in God's warm, loving & understaning hands, like never before! Calling in all our prayer warrior's once again and I pray you will feel the out-pouring of love and white light shinning into every vein in Matt's sweet body and will win the battle and come out of this treatment with nothing but "positive" result's.. I love you my sweet niece and I am holding you extra close in my heart right now. God Bless and Keep you all in his tender care.
From my heart to yours, Love you, Aunt Paula xxoo

PAULA PRUITT <paulapruitt@hotmail.com>
- Monday, October 27, 2003 10:49 AM CST
I am so glad you were able to sneak away from the hospital!! I am praying that this week of treatment for Matthew will go well and will be uneventful. Debbie and Thom, it is my prayer that you will head back up to Stanford tomorrow with the energy, courage and peace that only God can provide. And, of course, I am always praying that sweet Matthew will be healed completely!
Love, Grace

Grace Mercer Schott
Atherton, CA - Sunday, October 26, 2003 9:53 PM CST
We're so glad you had fun at your party!! Hope the antibody treatment continues to go well! We can't wait until all of the antibody treatments are over, and you can live out your live cancer free forever! You have a special little angel in heaven looking out for you, and sending you lots of love.

Susan, Anthony and Angel Justin <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Saturday, October 25, 2003 1:50 PM CDT
We are so happy that Matt is doing well. Trust me, the treatments will get a little easier for him as his body adjusts to all these antibodies. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Matt is an adorable little boy who will grow up to be an amazing man. All our love...
Eileen, Chris, Linda, and Brian Mullin <chrismullin@optonline.net>
Stony Point, Ny Rockland - Friday, October 24, 2003 8:19 PM CDT
Howdy Matthew...love the picture of the 3 of you looking so happy!!! I know where that picture was taken and it is waiting for your return! Keep the smiles going, we're keeping the prayers going! Hugs to all 3 of you - always!
Much love and supportive prayers...Harmon Family

Teri Harmon <teri@deltanet.com>
Santa Ynez, Ca USA - Friday, October 24, 2003 7:23 PM CDT
Debbie & Mr. Matthew, Just wanted to drop in to say "HI"...I hope things are going well and that you can go home soon. It sounds like Dad is really missing you buddy. I can't blame him. I miss you too! Lots of love to your family....BTW Sean says "Hi" too.... : )
Joyce D'Angiolillo <JDANGIOLILLO@CS.COM>
NJ - Friday, October 24, 2003 5:41 PM CDT
Yeah Matthew! It is so wonderful you are doing good your 1st round, there are so many prayers and good thoughts going out to you and your mom and dad. May our Heavenly Father hold you in the palm of His precious hand is our prayer. Our thoughts and prayers are going up on behalf of Justine's parents also at this sad time. Hope everyone will keep "giving for the cure". May God Bless, Donna Taylor
Donna R. Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow, OK USA - Friday, October 24, 2003 5:18 PM CDT
Good Morning Sunshine!
Last day for this stuff then home for one day YEA! YEA! Grandma is so Happy you can play with dad at the BEACH soon! I hope they let you out earily. Call Grandma if you need help breaking out of there! I love you BaBy! Auntie Suze sent wonderful pictures of your Birthday. See you soon. XXXX0000XXX and Love Grandma

Grandma Jerri <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Friday, October 24, 2003 1:09 PM CDT
Matthew, This is your dad. Tell your mom to bring you home as soon as possible. Tell her that is very nice at the beach and we have sand castles to build and tractors to drive.

Thom Hume
Cayucos, CA US of A - Friday, October 24, 2003 9:59 AM CDT
YEAH!! Things are going well...I'm SOOOO Glad to hear that!!! I bet you're charming everyone at the hospital right?? It sounds like you're keeping Mommy on her toes too...please give her a BIG HUG for me. I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed your birthday too. It sounds like you had a great time on the beach and the bounce house. How cool!! Well, take care buddy. I'm praying as always...Talk to you soon. Lots of love.
Joyce D'Angiolillo <JDANGIOLILLO@cs.com>
NJ - Thursday, October 23, 2003 5:34 PM CDT
Hey there Matt,
I'm so happy that this week is going well. I'll keep all of my fingers and toes crossed and pray extra hard that the rest of your treatment goes well too. WOW - Daddy, Grandpa and Uncle Tommy dug you YOUR OWN ocean to play in on your Birthday! Sounds like your party was great! Hopefully Mommy will be able to add a few of the pictures to your site. I'd love to see that big smile and those twinkling eyes of yours.
Take care sweet boy. We'll be praying extra hard that the rest of your stay up north is smooth and that the days fly by quickly.
Love ya little man =)

Jeanine (Nene) Munro <jmunro@leiner.com>
Torrance, CA USA - Thursday, October 23, 2003 5:27 PM CDT
Hi little man!!!! Sounds like prayers are being answered this week!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!! I was so glad to hear such a good report on you. (now I can stop biting my finger nails) :) We'll keep the prayers going up & already KNOW they'll be answered! God bless you little one. love
your friend jan livingstone
- Thursday, October 23, 2003 12:29 AM CDT
Dear little Matthew, As always I have been thinking about you many times throughout the day. I just want you to know that I'm PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING that your treatements are going well and that you're not having pain like last time. I'm sending lots of love and hugs to you and your family sweetie. Love always
Joyce D'Angiolillo <JDANGIOLILLO@CS.COM>
monmouth jct, NJ - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 9:04 AM CDT
Hi there our precious "adorable to boot" Nephew,
I know sweetheart that the hospital isn't the place you like to go to...But I also know that you bring much joy and make the best of the situation where ever you are...See, I think of you and I smile almost as big as your cousin Christian- We love you and your mommy and daddy very much! You and your mom and dad are being prayed for extra much these next two weeks! Your a lot of people's love's and are etched so permanently into our loving heart's and soul's- Your the smile in our lifes that make's things always good! Aunty Suz. Uncle Tom & Your Loving Cousins Christian and Gabrielle

Suzanne Fredericks <suzannefredericks@comcast.net>
Placerville, CA USA - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 7:35 PM CDT
Hi Baby!
Grandma is praying and like Jan I do it everytime I think of you which is about every few seconds. Hold mommy tight!

Grandma Jerri <jerri@sbceo.org>
- Tuesday, October 21, 2003 5:51 PM CDT
Hey there my little friend! You're really on my heart today, and I say a prayer every time I think of you! God bless!
jan livingstone <jagl@htc.net>
- Tuesday, October 21, 2003 3:35 PM CDT
Hello My Sweet Hume family:

Just a little note to let you know I have called on all my special prayer warrior's and we are all doing "over time" daily for this week and next week's treatment. I pray that God will comfort you all, and that you will feel his peace that passes all understanding every minute of every day. Sending ton's of white light into that hospital and to all the care givers that are working with sweet Matthew in every capacity that they will be guided and filled with the Lords blessings to help bring Matthew through with flying colors! God bless you all. We love you. Aunt Paula, Uncle Nick, Krystal & Brad xxxooo

Paula Pruitt <paula_pruitt2000@yahoo.com>
Oceanside, CA - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 1:46 PM CDT
Hey buddy!!! I'm getting ready to wind down my day & go to bed. (we get up at 3am) I just wanted to say hi,and remind you that Jesus loves you. I'm praying really hard! love to all
your friend jan livingstone <jagl@htc.net>
- Monday, October 20, 2003 8:36 PM CDT
Hi Baby!
OH what fun grandma had. You are a big 3 years old! I know you wanted the day to go more than 24 hours but I also know you were very tired. We were all so happy just watching you run and play. I loved it that you shared with all your friends and family when the pinada candy all fell out. What a sweetie! You served everyone some of you ice cream cake and then asked if they liked it! ( one of your favorite things to say). I also love the "are you happy grandma?" Each and every day I spend with you and Gabby and Christian makes me happy. I thank God for the gift of grandchildren everyday. I am praying real hard for you this week baby and I will see you Wednesday to make sure everyone is being good to you!

Grandma Jerri <jerri@sbceo.org>
- Monday, October 20, 2003 3:42 PM CDT
Hi there too our "Big" three year old nephew,
We all had such a great time with you celebrating your third birthday! Your cousin's Christian and Gabber's are having Matthew withdrawals- Not to mention your aunty and uncle- Thank you for entertaining us so with the joy and zest you have for enjoying every minute! We love and miss you already sweetheart can you believe that?! It's true even though 8 hours haven't even passed! You have that affect on us we are under your cute spell my love! And when we just think about you we smile can you believe that?! Well it's all true! I'm grinning from ear to ear- Just can't be helped like a reflex- I'm stuck with a smile on my face! We love you bigger than infinity! Aunty Suz. Uncle Tom and your Cousins Christian and Gabrielle

Suzannne Fredericks <suzannefredericks@comcast.net>
Placerville, CA USA - Sunday, October 19, 2003 10:48 PM CDT
I bet your birthday was AWESOME!!! I refused to cook, and went out to dinner... in honor of your birthday! :) tee-hee I can't wait till Daddy can put some of the pictures on the website! I just want you to know that I have lots and lots of my friends, here in Illinois, praying extra hard for you this week. We're praying for wisdom for the doctors & for comfort for your Mommy and Daddy. We're also praying that you 'breeze thru' this round of treatment & the drugs do the things they're suppose to do. I love ya little guy!
your friend jan livingstone <jagl@htc.net>
- Sunday, October 19, 2003 9:40 PM CDT
Happy, happy birthday! Hope you had a blast.
We wish you all the best this week. Please know we will be praying very hard that everything goes well.
Lots of hugs, Stay strong!

Andrea, Arni, Krisitn & Stefan <andreasigurds@yahoo.com>
Ossining, NY - Sunday, October 19, 2003 9:33 PM CDT
Happy, happy birthday! Hope you had a blast.
We wish you all the best this week. Please know we will be praying very hard that everything goes well.
Lots of hugs, Stay strong!

Andrea, Arni, Krisitn & Stefan <andreasigurds@yahoo.com>
Ossining, NY - Sunday, October 19, 2003 9:32 PM CDT
Hi Matt. We just wanted to wish you a very happy 3rd birthday! We hope you have a great time!! We also hope and pray that the upcoming treatment this week goes smoothly with little if any side effects. We love you and your whole family.
Anthony, Susan and Angel Justin <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Saturday, October 18, 2003 3:07 PM CDT
Happy Birthday, Matthew!!!!
I hope you have a wonderful day!
All my love,

Grace Mercer Schott <gracemercer@mindspring.com>
Atherton, CA - Saturday, October 18, 2003 1:48 PM CDT
HAPPY THIRD BIRTHDAY MATT! I'm going to 'party' today, in honor of your birthday! Have a WONDERFUL day little man! love
your buddy jan livingstone
- Saturday, October 18, 2003 8:12 AM CDT
Well little buddy, I'm going to bed now & just wanted to tell you that I'm thinking of you. When I wake up, it'll be your BIRTHDAY!!! Wooohoooo! I hope you have an awesome day! I can't wait to see the pictures of your party! God bless you my little friend! with love
jan livingstone
- Friday, October 17, 2003 11:13 PM CDT
Matthew, Tomorrow is your BIG DAY!! WOW, three years old. I wish I could be there to help you celebrate and to give you a big hug and kiss. Eat a piece of that special ice cream cake for me okay? Too bad you can't send me a piece. Do you think it would melt?? Well kiddo, I love you lots and lots. Have a GREAT day tomorrow. I will think of you often and be hoping that you're having fun. (I just know you will be!!)I think you have some surprises lined up. Can't wait to hear all about how much you enjoyed them. Love always.
Joyce D
NJ - Friday, October 17, 2003 8:10 AM CDT
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matt- What a great weekend you have ahead- A VERY happy Birthday to all of you. We look forward to seeing you next week, let us know if you need anything. Carrie , Brian and Spencer just arrived last night-what a nice family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Justin's family. Every day is so precious, isn't it?
Much Love, Lisa and all the gang.

Lisa Wan
Woodside, CA - Thursday, October 16, 2003 1:53 PM CDT
Good morning my sweet nephew:
We all wish we could be there with you saturday to celebrate your special day, but since your cousin Brad is in Spain doing a semester abroad in college, and Krystal is very busy at her work, uncle Nick just got home from a hunting trip up north in the wilderness and he said it was so special to be with nature an our Lord. He never really goes for the hunting experience, as he does not believe in hurthing a fly, such a wonderful caring man that he is, but he did have some very special time with God, and he put special request's in for your continued success with these treatments, and we are all praying daily for your perfect & complete healing, sweetheart.

Just wanted to let you and mmommie know to be watching for a large white box full of goodies for you honey-bun, and we hope you enjoy every one of them. Also, Debbie I wanted you to know I forgot to include the "gift receipt" from toy's r us, and I will mail it to you just in case Matt already has what we have sent or you just want to exchange anything, for any reason, ok? I sure miss and love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much my sweet niece and I am holding you so very close in my heart every second of every day. I just wish we lived closer and I could help out in any way possible. Please remember though, I am only a phone call away. OK? My love to that gorgeous husband of yours also.

God bless and keep you all in his tender care

Aunt Paula, Uncle Nick, Brad & Krystal xxxooo

Paula Pruitt
Oceanside, Ca - Thursday, October 16, 2003 1:23 PM CDT
Hi Sunshine!
Grandma is so excited about celebrating your third Birthday. I got a special ice cream cake that your mommy thought you would love. I just can't wait. I wish all those wonderful people praying for you could come and see you too! I will kiss you for each one of them!!
Love Grandma

Grandma Jerri
- Thursday, October 16, 2003 11:16 AM CDT
Hi there! I'm sure you're birthday party is going to be so much fun! I hope you eat a nice big piece of cake!! Beautiful boy, it makes me so glad that you are surrounded by people who love and care about you! Your parents are amazing! We are sending many hugs and kisses your way, all the way from NY to CA!

Susan, Anthony and Justin Armenio
New City, NY - Thursday, October 16, 2003 8:29 AM CDT
Hey there our precious nephew Matt,
We are all so looking forward to celebrating with you your third birthday! That's a biggy sweetpea! Your cousins are busy putting your surprises together! They love to take but they love to give, give, give! If they could give their life being a "philanthropist" ( I know that's a really big word and your mom and dad will explain it to you sweetheart )they would along with the taking part! Ha! Ha! We love you guys so! As always, in our hearts and prayers! Aunty Suz. Uncle Tom and cousins Christian and Gabrielle

Suzanne Fredericks <suzannefredericks@comcast.net>
Placerville, CA USA - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 11:56 PM CDT
Hi there Big Guy! I sure wish I could come to that special Birthday Party!!! I LOVE cake (well, as long as it's chocolate) :) You'll be on my heart and in my prayers, on your big day! (as you are every day!) God bless you
your buddy jan livingstone
- Wednesday, October 15, 2003 8:39 PM CDT
We are also listed under caringbridge under Brian Mullin, so if you have any questions, please let us know. Be well and God bless.
Eileen Mullin
Stony Point, NY - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 4:05 PM CDT
We are friends with the Armenio's and Sigurdsson's. Our son Brian also has neuroblastoma. Thank God he is doing well. We hope and pray that Matt also does as well as Brian. Every day is special with him. I have read your messages to the Armenio family, and without personally knowing you, I find you to be a warm and special person. Matt is so lucky to have a mom like you. Take care of each other and may God bless you always.
Eileen, Chris, Linda, and Brian Mullin
Stony Point, NY Rockland - Tuesday, October 14, 2003 9:16 PM CDT
I Love you Baby! and I thank you for yesterday. What a fun day, you are my Sunshine!! grandpa and I are so excited about your Birthday. What fun we will have in Celebrating your 3rd Birthday!! Thank you God!!
Love Grandma

Grandma Jerri
- Tuesday, October 14, 2003 6:05 PM CDT
Oh Sweethearts, Justin is in our prayers. We love you guys so much. We thank you Matt for sharing your grandma and papa Fredericks with us this weekend and looking so forward to spending next weekend with all of you celebrating your 3rd birthday Master Matthew. Our Prayers are focused and very strong for all- Our God is so wonderful with the great big heart he generously gave all of us! We love all of you so- Aunty Suz. Uncle Tom and you loving cousins Christian and Gabrielle
Suzanne Fredericks <suzannefredericks@comcast. net>
Placerville, CA USofA - Sunday, October 12, 2003 11:16 PM CDT
Dear Debbie, I just read your post about Justin. I am so scared for this little boy and his family. I will pray for him and my family will do the same. I'm sending you lots of love today because I know you are very sad. God bless you.
NJ - Saturday, October 11, 2003 12:52 AM CDT
Matthew & family
I'm friends with Joyce & Sean that you met in NJ. She has told me about your situation. Matthew is an adorable little boy. Please know that I will keep you all in my prayers. Keep fighting!
God bless you all.

Sherri W. <sherri_lynne70@yahoo.com>
NJ - Thursday, October 9, 2003 11:16 AM CDT
LOOOOVE the new picture guys!! It's sooooo cute!! I'm thinking about you today and wishing I were with you on the beach! We just went for a little play outside only to come in the house after 1/2 hour. Soaking wet from playing in all the wet grass and leaves. Hopefully the sun will dry out the grass so we can play again later. Talk to you soon. Love ya.
NJ - Thursday, October 9, 2003 10:34 AM CDT
Hi there our "Precious Nephew Matt",
We sure hope all is going well- Spoke to your Grandma Fredericks this evening and heard that you had a visit to Stanford this Monday- Our prayer's are intacted and hope that all is taken care of! I told your mom if she would like my company to call and I will come- Remind her of such- Your cousin's Christian and Gabber's just adopoted a cat today after school- She is about two year's old and her name is "Snuggles"- Christian kept telling Gab our cat is younger than Matt- It was real cute too listen in of their bannter with one another- Your cousin's can't wait to share "Snuggles" with you- We love you so and pray for you and your mom and dad all the time- You guy's are never away from our hearts or minds- Love You All, Auny Suz. Uncle Tom, Christian and Gabrielle

Suzanne Fredericks <suzannefredericks@comcast.net>
Placerville, CA USA - Thursday, October 9, 2003 0:26 AM CDT
Hi Debbie, Matthew and Tom,

Just wanted to say hi and tell you we are thinking about all of you. I love the photo of Matt and Debbie on the web page. Glad to see you are finding time to enjoy the beach. We saw Terry, Jerry and the girls a few weeks ago in L.A. Still hoping to make a trip down to Cayucus this year. Miss ya, Sheri, Alan and Jordan

Sheri Klapper <Sheri.Klapper@nsc.com>
San Jose, CA USA - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 6:29 PM CDT
Hey there Cutie Pie,
Love that new picture Mom put on your site. The 2 of you are having so much fun! Mom's getting a mud wrap and a back massage all at the same time! You are such a lucky boy living on the beach. There is so much we adults take for granted. I live just a couple miles from the beach and only saw it twice this summer - dropping the kids off with their friends =(
I sent in my "Lunch for Life" donations and have received favorable responses from people I sent e-mails to. Hopefully they have all sent in their donations too (they ALL said they would) - YAY!
10 days and counting to the big 3 - be on the lookout for Birthday wishes!
You're in my heart and my prayers today and always. Huggs and Kisses to you, mommy, and daddy!!

Jeanine (Nene) and Family <jmunro@leiner.com>
Torrance, CA USA - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 5:36 PM CDT
Hello my sweet Hume Family:

Just wanted to tell you all we have not only sent in our donation, but have called all the prayer warrior's we know, and emailed a bunch also, asking for all their help both financially and prayerfully, and I know this is going to take off like wild flower's, GOD'S BEAUTIFUL GARDEN, of wonderful soul's that are feeling moved at this very moment to do whatever it is they can afford and will continue with this support on a weekly basis. That is my hope and prayer.
My sweet "great" nephew, when I think of you, I think of your courage and your quiet strength,when I think of you...which I often do these days - I think of how many live's you've touched, and what a difference you've made in this world, but most of all I think of how much you mean to us. What a better place this world is just to have you in it!!
Sending you warm and fuzzy hug's and please hug mommie for me ok?? I sure hope we can see you soon, maybe another Christmas "surprise" visit? We shall see...God Bless you all...Aunt Paula, Uncle Nick, Krystal & Brad xxoo

Paula Pruitt <paula_pruitt2000@yahoo.com>
Oceanside, Ca - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 4:16 PM CDT
Dear Hume Family,
I feel like I know you (especially Matthew) eventhough I have never met you. Your auntie Suzanne is one of my closest friends, and she has kept me informed about your family since Matt's diagnosis. We pray daily for Matthew and the rest of your family during this time.

Cristie Engelage <bigefamily@yahoo.com>
Placerville, ca usa - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 2:27 PM CDT
Good Morning Sunshine
I am thinking and praying for you this morning and wishing Grandma was playing with you today. I pray it is a wonderful day for you and that you get to play, play, and play. While your playing keep eating. I love you Baby!
XXXOOOXXX and Love from Grandma Jerri

Jerri Fredericks
Santa Ynez, - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 11:51 AM CDT
Hello Thom, Debbie and little Matt...I follow your progress and keep you in my prayers. I made my donation and pray others will also so a cure can prevent others from having to go thru all you've had to endure in this past year. Get well little trooper! May God be with and bless you all. In Him, Donna Taylor
Donna R. Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow, OK USA - Tuesday, October 7, 2003 3:51 PM CDT
Howdy Matt...It was soooooo good to see you and your mom & dad last week at the stomp. You sure looked like you had a good time! I'm hoping you have a great 2 weeks off and can run on the beach and play with your dog and just do fun boy stuff! If I'm not mistaken...I think you have a birthday coming up...so here comes birthday hugs your way! If passing by, get your parents to stop by so I can give you those hugs in person! I think the dogs want to give you "dog kisses" too! (yuck!). Hugs to you all and you are ALWAYS in our prayers!
Teri Harmon <teri@deltanet.com>
Santa Ynez, Calif USA - Tuesday, October 7, 2003 12:40 AM CDT
Hello my name is Jenna, and Matt's story encourages me, and inspires me. My page: http://www.matmice.com/home/fighterandchampion
Matt is in my prayers. He is a real inspiration and trooper

Jenna <hockeys_life@hotmail.com>
Kamloops, BC Canada - Monday, October 6, 2003 10:12 PM CDT
Hi Matt. We are SO glad you are home, and now have one less round of antibodies to go through! Hooray! We love to picture you playing and having fun! Enjoy each day and know there are a lot of people who love you and are cheering you on!
Much love,

Susan and Anthony Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Sunday, October 5, 2003 12:58 AM CDT
Good Morning my special little friend!!! I bet you're enjoying being home, and playing with all your toys. Again with the eating thing, huh buddy?!?!?! You've got to keep eating...but I don't suggest mexican food!!! (it'll be a loooong time before I touch it again!) tee-hee!! I'm off to church this morning. I'm sure all my friends will ask "How's Matt?" :) Love and hugs to you
jan livingstone
- Sunday, October 5, 2003 8:25 AM CDT
Hey buddy!!! I'm so happy to hear you got to go HOME!!!! YEAH! I sure wish I lived closer, so I could come over and play. I had trouble sleeping tonight (too much spicy mexican food) tee hee. While I'm up, God put you on my heart, ONCE MORE, and reminded me to pray for you again. God bless you little buddy! sending you cyber hugs
your buddy jan livingstone
- Saturday, October 4, 2003 2:54 AM CDT
Hi Matt,
Yay! First round is over and now you get 2 weeks to play, play, play. I sure hope that antibody army recruits lots of cells to fight against the ugly ones.
I saw pictures that Grandma sent from the grape stomp at Terry's and boy you sure have grown! That twinkle in your eye, that button nose, and a smile that can melt a thousand hearts. I printed some out and put them on my wall at work, so I can see your smile every day. What a way to start the work day - with your smile! The pictures looked like you had so much fun playing with Gabby and Christian, Grandma and Granpa, Mommy and Daddy - you all look so happy. Those are the times you'll talk about when you get older - happy times with family.
Hey, don't you have a birthday coming up?! I think so =)
You take care sweet little man. I'll be praying that your next round of therapy goes quick and easy.
Hugs and Kisses xoxoxo

Jeanine (Nene) and Family <jmunro@leiner.com>
Torrance, CA USA - Friday, October 3, 2003 6:45 PM CDT
To my dear sweet niece Debbie, her wonderful husband Thom and adorable Matthew:

Thank God this week is over for you all and I hope and pray you can go home for the week break, in between your next treatment sweet Matthew..wow - you are such a brave little guy, I know alot of adult's that could take some lessons from you!

You are in our thoughts and prayers as always and I am holding you close to my heart sweetheart and mommie too!!

We sure hope we can see you soon and we are still waiting for that special visit with aunt Paula & uncle Nick and our trip to Sea World. We will be praying "extra" prayer's and sending you ton's of love and hugs....Love you all so very much. God bless and keep you in his tender care. Love aunt Paula, Uncle Nick, Brad & Krystal xxoo

Paula Pruitt <paula_pruitt2000@yahoo.com>
Oceanside, Ca - Friday, October 3, 2003 6:08 PM CDT
Hey Sunshine!
Are you coming home today? Do you feel like playing? Let grandma know when you are ready to play with Thomas and Percy. I miss you and I am praying that you feel good today and get to go HOME!'
Love, Grandma

Grandma Jerri
- Friday, October 3, 2003 1:05 PM CDT
Hi Matthew abd Debbie...
We were at Packard this morning!!! I didnt know you were there! Thats what I get for not checking your site! How long will you be there? Patrick is probably going to school there in the morning..If your still there, I come and find you! I met another NB kid today in clinic(our 1st in person). Her name is Katie and her dad is Greg. They said they know you! Small NB world we have. Let me know where you are at tomorrow!

Lori Weismann www.caringbridge.org/ca/patrick <Lori4ups@aol.com>
Cupertino, Ca USA!!! - Thursday, October 2, 2003 4:03 PM CDT
Way to go Matt!!!!! I am so glad things are going well. You are truly amazing with how well you are handling the treatments and I truly believe, that with God's help, you are going to beat this!

Love, Anthony, Susan and Justin <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY USA - Thursday, October 2, 2003 1:33 PM CDT
Hi Baby!
Grandma is praying for you all the time. I know God is hearing all the prayers from all your pray warriors because he has carried you through three days of tough stuff. I will be praying for you all day and I will be so happy when all today is past. I love you sunshine!

Jerri Fredericks
- Thursday, October 2, 2003 10:27 AM CDT
Debbie, Let me know more about the fund raiser. I have no e-mail address for you other than the guestbook. I'm sure I can help if only a small amount. Just need to know mailing addresses, etc. Hope each day was better since Monday. Nan
Nan Oestmann <nanoest@aol.com>
Midland, TX USA - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 10:33 PM CDT
Hi Debbie and Thom, I'm so happy to hear that Matthew is having a better day today. I'll continue to pray to God that He watch over your precious little boy. We are thinking about you EVERY single day. Lots of love and big hugs!
Matthew-It is very very cold here in NJ. But somehow thoughts of you really warm my heart. Your cute little face lights up my whole world. Thank you for bringing such joy to all those around you. They must love you at Stanford. I know I love you a whole lot!!! Take care and give your Mommy and Daddy a big hug.

NJ - Tuesday, September 30, 2003 8:22 PM CDT
Hi you all! I'm so glad today is going better than yesterday....After getting to visit with you this weekend we fell hard in love with you again Master Hume! You are as precious as they come and what a tease you are! I'm smiling now thinking of you and your adorable ways of expression- You know, you do that and are so good at it! You and your mom and dad are always prayed for and very much loved! Keep us smiling we love you! Aunty Suz.
Suzanne Fredericks <suzannefredericks@comcast.com>
Placerville, CA USA - Tuesday, September 30, 2003 4:37 PM CDT
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matt, I am so, so sorry you had such a rough day yesterday. I am praying for all of you constantly. I'm glad you were able to come back to California and am looking forward to seeing you this week (probably Wednesday afternoon). Love, Grace
Grace Mercer Schott <gracemercer@mindspring.com>
Atherton, CA - Tuesday, September 30, 2003 9:45 AM CDT
Hey buddy... breaks my heart that you had such a rotten day; I'm soooo sorry! I'm praying that your evening/night goes well; that you and Mommy gets some good sleep; and that tomorrow goes a whole lot better! I am there in spirit, and you are here... in my heart! God bless you little friend. Much love and hugs
jan livingstone
- Monday, September 29, 2003 9:32 PM CDT
Oh what fun grandma had! You made me laugh all day and I am now very tired from trying to keep up with you, gabby and Christian. Christian did not get to say goodby because he thought you were coming back to grandma's house to spend the night since everyon else did. He was sad and wanted me to tell you he had so much fun playing with you. He charged you car up for you so when you come over you can play with it. You bring such sunshine to my days and it makes me love being a grandma. Now that everyone has gone home I am sad. Your mom called this morning and said you were at Stanford and you were playing with your cars. I am praying for you all day and all week, I know God will watch over you as you go through another trial. I pray this week is a play week for you and that grandma gets to visit as soon as you get home. If you need me you tell mom to call and I will be there in a flash! I am so happy you have both mom and dad with you. I love you baby and thank you for making each day special! Love, Grandma (the new one?)
Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, - Monday, September 29, 2003 3:09 PM CDT
Hi Matt, I'd like to see your crazy brown hair. ( Had some of that myself at one time.) So good to know you are back in California with your friends and family. Sounds like tomorrow is your big day. I suspect everyone at Stanford is looking forward to your being there. You probably have them all wrapped around your finger! We will be praying for you and your parents. I know how brave you are and I know God is able to do such awesome things. My love to you, Nan
Nan Oestmann <nanoest@aol.com>
Midland, TX USA - Sunday, September 28, 2003 3:17 PM CDT
We love hearing good news from you all! So glad things are going well. You are in our hearts and prayers every day!

Susan, Anthony and Justin
- Sunday, September 28, 2003 9:28 AM CDT
Hey buddy... glad to hear that you're eating good and gaining weight! I just wish I could give you a few of MY pounds! tee-hee My friends and I will be praying big time for you this coming week... I just KNOW you'll do fine! God bless you, my little friend! Love and hugs
- Saturday, September 27, 2003 3:18 PM CDT
Hi guys. Yes I will help out and ask 5 people. I was going to call you and see if you wanted to meet us at the bech next Sat or Sun, It is Christophers b-day and thought you might be able to come by for a little while in Oceano. Anyway I am glade that Matt has gained the weight back and things are going good. Your in my thoughts always!
Dee and Family

Deidre Wilson
G.B., CA - Saturday, September 27, 2003 1:35 PM CDT
Hi My Sunshine,
I loved hearing your voice this morning. I wish I could come up today and play with you, I miss you too much! I look forward to seeing you this Saturday and playing with you. Take care of Thomas for me, and Percy too! I love you Baby!

Jerri Fredericks
- Thursday, September 25, 2003 12:59 AM CDT
Hi buddy! God has put you on my heart once more tonight. Just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you and praying really hard for you. Sweet dreams my little friend. May God surround you with angels.
your friend jan livingstone
- Wednesday, September 24, 2003 10:00 PM CDT
Hi there my sweetheart, I'm so excited! I talked to your Grandma Fredericks this evening and if all goes well I might get to visit with you and your mom this Saturday- I'm so looking forward to it- Long over due my dear nephew- I love you! We love you kiddo! God love's you sweetheart! Your Aunty Suz.
Suzanne Fredericks <suzannefredericks@comcast.net>
Placerville, CA USA - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 11:05 PM CDT
Hi there Our precious, Just wanted to let you know we are thinking about you! It's hot here so I'm guessing you have good weather too! I bet you are enjoying your beach! We sure do miss you sweetheart! Hope we get to see your smiling self this weekend- It would sure be nice! Our love to All! Aunty Suz
Suzanne Fredericks <suzannefredericks@comcast.net>
Placerville, CA USA - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 8:07 AM CDT
Hi Matt. I am so happy to hear you are doing so well and that you are back at home. I hope you have great weather every day so that you can play on the beach from dawn to dusk. Please know that you are always in our prayers!
Anthony & Susan Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY USA - Monday, September 22, 2003 8:42 PM CDT
Hi Humes!! Just had to tell you that you're being thought of today. I hope you're enjoying your family time together. I'm so happy you're back in CA with the people that love you!! But it seems like you have people that love you all over the country!! We are praying for you here in NJ. Lots of love, Joyce
NJ - Monday, September 22, 2003 7:03 PM CDT
Hey there Little Man,
Well it's Fall and 80 degrees outside! Kooky California! Perfect for you to play on the beach. I bet your East Coast friends are looking at beautiful orange, purple, yellow and red leafed trees. My two big (really BIG) Maple trees are starting to turn colors and the leaves are falling. The kids hate this time of year because they know if they get in trouble it's leaf pick up duty! I love it, they're on their best behavior for a couple months until the leaves have completely fallen off and the trees are bald.
Tell Mommy to be on the look-out for the FedEx guy. I'm sending her and Daddy some goodies to keep them strong and healthy - they need to be able to keep up with you! There's something special in the box for you too.
I hope that next week is not too tough on you. We will be praying for great results from this next round of treatment.
Lots of Love, Hugs and Kisses

Nene and Family <jmunro@leiner.com>
Torrance, CA USA - Monday, September 22, 2003 3:50 PM CDT
Matt, Just haven't heard from you in a few weeks. Wondering how things are going. Hope you are making great progress.Love, Nan
Nan Oestmann <nanoest@aol.com>
Midland, TX USA - Sunday, September 21, 2003 10:13 PM CDT
Dear Matthew, I was thinking about you today and I had to write before I went to sleep. I hope you're doing well and having fun playing with your dog, your toys and all your friends. I'm happy that you are back in Ca. I just wish your treatments were over but I know that it is what is best for you. Well sweetie, you will be in my thoughts tonight as I go to sleep. I will pray for many beautiful sunny days for you, lots of happiness and fun times, and that these treatments are easy on you. Talk to you soon. lots and lots of hugs.
NJ - Sunday, September 21, 2003 7:34 PM CDT
Hi Matthew,
We meet you in New York and we just wanted to wish all the best with the antibody treatment. You are always in our thoughts and prayers.
Lots of love,

Andrea, Arni, Kristin & Stefan Sigurdsson
Ossining, NY - Saturday, September 20, 2003 8:04 PM CDT
Good Morning my little buddy! Fall is in the air this morning!!! I was thinking that you have no idea of what that is like! :) My house is surrounded by many oaks, maples, and dogwoods; they're all beginning to turn the most beautiful colors. As always, in fall, my yard is home to many large spiders also. I know, I know, many people would be killing them... not me! They'll be gone soon enough, when winter comes to call. I spent about 30 minutes the other day just watching one big guy spin the most beautiful web. It was glistening in the bright sunlight; I was amazed at the wonder of God in all. What made him think to have the trees turn all those beautiful colors? Why did he give spiders that awesome ability to spin beautiful, snow flake type webs? (or the drive to work so hard?) Why does He love us so much, that He gives us so many natural things of beauty to enjoy? I'm afraid I would just sit at 'your' ocean for hours... drinking in the wonder of it all!!! God bless you today, my little friend! love
your buddy jan livingstone
- Saturday, September 20, 2003 7:18 AM CDT
Just wanted to say hello to my little buddy, before I go to bed. Sleep tight Matt. May God surround you with angels. Jesus loves you little guy. (me too!)
your friend jan livingstone
- Thursday, September 18, 2003 9:11 PM CDT
Hello All!! Your back home!! How nice that must be. I have been wondering how things were going and it was so nice to get the update today. I have checked every day to see how you're getting along. You all must be soooooooo happy to be back home. You better eat Matt so things so better in the next few months. We don't want you getting any sicker. I'll be thinking of you in the next few months and hoping that things go ok. Keep us updated and remember to keep smiling>

Love, Your buddy, Peggy

peggy sowards <peggysowards@wmconnect.com>
stout, oh usa - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 9:32 PM CDT
Hi to all of you. Welcome back to California!! I am so thrilled that Matt can receive the antibody treatments at Stanford. It will be great to come visit you guys at the hospital, and see how big Matt has gotten. I will call soon, and hope to get the name of the family you mentionned who is being treated for ALL. Our ministry thought they might enjoy a visit. God is amazing in working all of these details out so you could be close to home. My prayers are with you all. love, Sharon
sharon Smith <sharon14495@yahoo.com>
Los Altos Hills, Ca USA - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 8:34 PM CDT
To the Hume family with love & prayers from a very good friend of Suzanne's. I have always been updated on your life, as Suzanne & I talk frequently & have been freinds since elementary school. Mathew is continually a part of our conversations and has become a part of our thoughts and prayers here in our home as well. I hope it brings you comfort to know one more home is thinking and praying for your son's recovery. Best Wishes & Loving Thoughts from Jennifer, Ken & Cooper Davis
Jennifer Davis <jdavisid@pacbell.net>
Sherman Oaks , CA USA - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 9:29 PM CDT
Hi Debbie,Thom and Matthew, I'm sorry I've been so busy I haven't had time to write but I check your update daily and you're in my prayers all the time. I hope things are going well. I don't know if you're in NY or CA. I hope you were able to stay in CA. Take care. Love always
joyce D'Angiolillo <JDANGIOLILLO@CS.COM>
NJ - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 8:54 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you know we are thinking about you, and praying for you guys every day!
Much love,

Susan, Anthony and Justin Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 2:44 PM CDT
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matt, We were wondering if you are back in CA, and if so, how did things go in NY? Will you be coming up to Stanford again? We have all been thinking about you every day and wishing for good things for you. So happy to hear about your fun day at the beach before the trip east. Love from all of us... Lisa and Company XOXOXO
Lisa Wan
- Tuesday, September 16, 2003 12:55 AM CDT
Hi there my precious nephew! I was a hoping that I might of gotten to see you today on the off chance that your mom and dad were still in our area of your worldly travels! But you are in your "home sweet home-" I'm happy that you are where you want to be! Nothing beats home after being gone! I love the cute-ba-toot picture of you in your hot tub and camping with your dad last September! Your aunt Suz love's you and misses you but you are never far from our heart's and mind's- Our love & Prayer's for you and family to our Mr. Cute-ba-toot nephew! Love You All! Suz.
Suzanne Fredericks <suzannefredericks@comcast.net>
Placerville, CA USA - Monday, September 15, 2003 3:54 PM CDT

Hello to the Hume family from over in England...I am a close friend of Suzanne and family and she told me all about little Matthew..I teach in a Catholic school in England..and we immediately put you all in our thoughts and prayers...so this is just to let you know that the prayers of the staff and children of St,Matthew's Catholic Primary School in Bradford England are winging their way across the Atlantic and Suzanne is keeping me up to date on his progress.....just keep your faith ...may God be with you on your trip today to N.Y.....Love from Alison Rooke...x

Alison Rooke <aliroo1254@hotmail.com>
Bradford England, - Monday, September 15, 2003 11:48 AM CDT
Welcome home Matt! GOD has heard our prayers and brought you back to California. Grandma missed you way too much. Thank you for taking care of grandpa and mommy, I missed them too. I am happy you got to bring Lacy home with you too. I will come see you this week, just give grandma a call and I will be there! I love you!!XXX000
Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, - Monday, September 15, 2003 11:17 AM CDT
Sending you prayers and hoping to hear some good news soon. I know you have been through more than enough little guy, but remember, Jesus loves you and so do I and all these others people who are wishing you well. May God be with you all is my prayer.
Donna Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow, OK USA - Sunday, September 14, 2003 7:03 AM CDT
Hi Matthew....had to check your website to see your cute picture. I'm sending you hugs and kisses for you to share with your mom and dad. I'm also sending you prayers for a complete healing. It's time to get rid of that yucky stuff and be your happy self. You have a beautiful smile! WHen back in town...please stop by for hugs in person & licks from two big dogs that like to play with kids. We love you bunches!
Teri Harmon & family <teri@deltanet.com>
Santa Ynez, Calif USA - Sunday, September 14, 2003 3:20 AM CDT
Hi Sunshine!
Grandma misses you so much. Come home soon. Make grandpa be good and make him mind you! I love you baby!

Grandma Jerri
Santa Ynez, - Friday, September 12, 2003 2:10 PM CDT
Hey buddy! I just wanted you to know that you're NEVER far from my mind, my heart or my prayers. I pray things are going well. I just realized something... you've been to New York TWICE and I've NEVER been there! (and I'm a whole lot older than you are!) ;) I hope you're finding a little fun time while you're there. God bless you little guy! love ya
jan livingstone
- Friday, September 12, 2003 12:26 AM CDT
Hi Matt. Just wanted to let you know we were thinking about you and praying for great results from these current tests!!
Anthony & Susan Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY USA - Thursday, September 11, 2003 8:40 PM CDT
Hi Debbie,

Thank you so much for the recent letter and updates on Matt's condition. I miss you and your family very much. I hope your trip to NY is fast and you get into the clinical trial in CA. As you requested, here is my email Sherieklapper@yahoo.com. I'd love to be able to correspond with you more. Send our love to Matt. Sheri

Sheri Klapper <Sherieklapper@nsc.com>
San Jose, CA USA - Thursday, September 11, 2003 4:34 PM CDT
Hi Debbie and Matt, We hope you had a nice trip to New York and that everything goes well. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Hugs and kisses!
Love, Mark Laurie and "D"

Laurie <Markandlow@charter.net>
- Thursday, September 11, 2003 10:37 AM CDT
Debbie, Thom and Matthew,
As always, I am praying that Mat will be healed and that all of you will feel God's love for you in a very real and tangible way. All my love, Grace

Grace Mercer Schott <grace mercer@mindspring.com>
Atherton, CA - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 2:14 PM CDT
Hello All!! I hope you got to New York okay. I know some more test, YUCK. You are thought of by alot of people and are in alot of prayers. Hopefully the antibodies in California will work for you and then you can go back home. Keep us updated. Keep your chin up and keep smiling! Love, Your buddy, Peggy
Peggy Sowards <peggysowards@wmconnect.com>
Stout, Oh USA - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 7:54 PM CDT
We think about all of you ...alll the time!
Lesley & Jim Daley <photolesley@aolcom>
Ventur, ca usa - Monday, September 8, 2003 4:15 PM CDT
Matt,Thom, and Debbie
I finally got back on line and love the website. Your on your way to New York and our thoughts and prayers are with you. See you back here soon! Dee, Bob, Cole, and Christopher

Deidre wilson
Grover Beach, CA U.S. - Monday, September 8, 2003 3:49 PM CDT
Hey there Sweethearts, You guys are missed so dog-gone much! Really! But I know that you all know that! You guys are in our thoughts all the time- Our prayer's are focused on all avenues used and the wonderful people that are in contact with you guys and your son- "For Our Precious Matt"s Cure"! I'm termendously glad that your grandpa Fredericks can go with you Matt and your mom to New York for your next trip- And I know your daddy will be with you as soon as possible- Matt, sweetheart, you my precious dear one, have such a wonderful sincere pray group of fantastic people on your side- And it is very, very strong! Your grandma Fredericks as well as all of us, meaning all of your great friends and family pray from the center of our heart's that "Our Precious God Gave Us". Love & Prayer's, Aunty Suzanne, Uncle Tom, Cousins Christian & Gabrielle.
Suzanne Fredericks <SuzanneFredericks@comcast.net>
Placerville, Ca U.S.A. - Monday, September 8, 2003 0:12 AM CDT
Hi Matt. I hope you have a great flight to NY and I pray for great news on your tests! Justin will also be having scans during this same time. I am praying that I will be discussing the great news for both you and Justin with your mom later in the week. I am glad you had a great day at the beach!!
Anthony & Susan Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY USA - Sunday, September 7, 2003 9:31 PM CDT
Hey little buddy! Another adventure, huh? I'll rally the prayer partners again for you, don't worry. My first prayer will be that you, Mommy and Grandpa will be flying right back to California for the other trial. God bless you my little friend. love
your buddy jan livingstone
- Sunday, September 7, 2003 7:57 AM CDT
Hello Matthew,
My name is Randi Aguilera, I'm 7 years old and at the age of 4, I was diagnosed with Medullablastoma..I have also gone through radiation and chemotherapy..
I have been praying for you ever since my cousin Kim Lara shared with me what is going on with you...
God has great plans for every one...Keep your Faith and never give up!
Love, Randi Marie Aguilera

Randi Marie Aguilera c/o Michelle <paulnmichy@peoplespc>
Santa Maria, Ca. U.S - Friday, September 5, 2003 7:42 PM CDT
Hi Matt. I hope you are having a great week and feeling better with each day. Hopefully you will get some great weather for this weekend and be able to play on the beach. We continue to keep you in our prayers daily and that the cure you are looking for is right around the corner. All the best to your mom and dad too.
Anthony & Susan Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY USA - Friday, September 5, 2003 4:02 PM CDT
Hey buddy! I'm sorry, I've been so incredible busy the last week or so... haven't been able to write much or send many 'goodies'. That doesn't mean I haven't been praying for you. You're on my mind MANY times a day & each time, I say a prayer! I hope you're feeling good and playing hard. I'm sending you 'angel' hugs! God bless you little man.
jan livingstone
- Thursday, September 4, 2003 10:31 PM CDT
Dear Lord, Please continue to watch over this precious little boy. He will need all of your stength and love during these next few weeks. And please guide all of his caregivers so that they continue to choose the best treatments for him. This I pray to you, for you are our Lord forever and ever. Amen.
NJ - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 1:05 PM CDT
To our dear precious Matthew, Do hope things can regain some normalcy now that you are home with your love's. I know that their is nothing better than being within your circle- Mom, dad, Lacey and you! We are always thinking and praying for you and your family. We all miss you much! Our love to you and your mom and dad. Aunty Suzanne, Uncle Tom, Cousins Christian & Gabrielle
Suzanne Fredericks <suzannefredericks@comcast.net>
Placerville, Ca El Dorado - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 8:53 PM CDT
Hi Matt, Thom and Debbie...I'm so glad you are able to come home for a bit, even if you decide to go back to NY soon. I bet you all love being home, and being together. I think of you often, pray for you even more, and love being able to get updates on the computer! I'll pray that you can do these antibody trials in CA, and look forward to seeing you sometime soon. Matt, I'm collecting little fun things you can organize! Love, Sharon and all the Smith's
Sharon Smith <sharon14495@yahoo.com>
Los Altos Hills, Ca USA - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 7:46 PM CDT
Dear Matthew, I hope you had a wonderful weekend with your family! I'm happy you went back home when you did. It is sooooo cold here! It feels like winter. Do you think I should get out my winter coat? It has been raining for two days straight. Sean and the kids and me spent our Labor day watching videos and playing INSIDE!! Oh well, I can't complain because Sunday was a beautiful day. We went for a nice bike ride and the weather was perfect. Well, it seems as if it's possible you might be coming back to the city. I'll be praying for you sweetie. I hope somehow you can do treatments in CA but if you have to come to NY it is all in God's plan. They will take good care of you at Sloan Kettering! We are close by if you need anything at all. I'll be checking for an update to find out for sure if you're coming back to NY. You and your family are in my thoughts. Love always
Joyce D
NJ - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 1:05 PM CDT
Thank you buddy for yesterday. You made Grandma's day. My sunshine is back and I can smile again. I had so much fun playing with you. You make grandma laugh! Grandma and Grandpa can't wait until we get to visit again. Grandpa wants you to eat lots so you can be fat like all the other Fredericks! I love you! Hugs and Kiss from Grandma and ol' grandpa too!
Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 11:20 AM CDT
Hello All! Hopefully you are back in California and enjoying being home. I have checked daily to see if there are any updates. Matt, I hope you are getting along ok. I hate to hear that you are going to have to go through more treatments. I bet Lacey dog sure missed you and looked forward to seeing you. We have enjoyed a beautiful Labor Day today. Though I hate to see it come because before you know it, it will be cold and snowing again. AND I'M NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO IT! You take care and remember alot of people are praying and thinking about you, Love Peggy Sowards

peggy sowards
stout, oh usa - Monday, September 1, 2003 5:50 PM CDT
Hi Matthew, I hope you're having fun with all of your toys and your dog Lacey. I'm sure she missed you a whole bunch. I know you were missed by all of your friends and family too. You must be getting lots of kisses and hugs! I wish I were able to give you a big hug too. I'll just send one long distance... : ) Talk to you soon! Love
NJ - Monday, September 1, 2003 1:50 PM CDT
Hi Thom, Debbie and Matt, We are glad to hear the surgery is over and you are home in California. We think about you many times every day and send our love and prayers. Of course if you come back to Stanford you'll stay in your cottage with us again. We miss you and look forward to seeing you. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do... anything. Hugs & Kisses, Lisa & Co.
Lisa Wan and your Woodside family...
Woodside, CA - Monday, September 1, 2003 2:19 AM CDT
Hi Matt... Just checking in for updates! I hope you guys are home and enjoying beautiful weather! We hope you are feeling well! We love you and think about you all the time! Justin would love to meet you and give you a big hug!
Love, Susan, Anthony and Justin
New City, NY - Saturday, August 30, 2003 12:02 AM CDT
Hey buddy! I hope you got home without any hang-ups today! I'm so excited for you! Take care! God bless!
jan livingstone
- Friday, August 29, 2003 5:56 PM CDT
You don't know me ,but a good friend of mine knows your Grandma...I just wanted you to know I have been praying for you and your family...God Bless You little one :0)

Inez Terry
Santa Maria, ca USA - Friday, August 29, 2003 4:30 PM CDT
I love you Debbie and Matt!!! I am praying for you.
Jennifer Mark Koepplin <jkoepplin@cox.net>
Oceanside, CA US - Thursday, August 28, 2003 6:47 PM CDT
Hi Matt. It was great to meet you and your mom on Tuesday. Thanks for stopping by to see me. You really looked great. I am so happy you get to go home tomorrow. Have a great flight and I hope you go back to some great weather so you can get out and play. We continue to keep you and your whole family in our prayers daily for a speedy recovery and ultimate cure!!!!!!
Anthony & Susan Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY USA - Thursday, August 28, 2003 2:14 PM CDT
To "Our" precious Matt, Aunty Suzanne and Uncle Tom can't wait until we get to see you next. The kids and I loved our visit with you over the summer. Yes, it was too short but soooo much fun. I hope you get to see a lot of helicopter's! I know they are your favorite. Your beach is the greatest. You are always in our hearts and thoughts and prayers every single day! Love too your mom and dad. Always missing you three! Aunty Suzanne Uncle Tom and Cousins Christian and Gabrielle
Verbatim a note from your cousins-
I hope that your having a good time. I hope you get better soon. I would like to play with you soon. Love, Christian to cousin Matthew.
I hope you get better with your surgery. Have a nice day. We like teasing with Uncle Thom and grandpa. Aunty Debbie I hope you get better with Matthew and his surgery. Have a nice day! Bye! Bye! Love, Gabrielle

Suzanne Fredericks <suzannefrederickscomcast.net>
Pacerville, Ca U.S.A. - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 10:43 PM CDT
Good Morning Sweetie,
GOD is teaching me patience. I am so happy you are getting to see some of the wonderful people who pray for you. What a joy it is for them to see you and what a Love you are! Please give them your big hug from you and one from me. Only two more days and you get to come back to Daddy's house. I hope you stop by Grandma's house on the way home. I miss your happy face. I hope you are doing fun things. Mommy tells me you went on a boat ride. Yippi!! I wish I was with you. Hug mommy for me too! I love you Baby!

Jerri <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 10:25 AM CDT
Dear Ones, We were sorry to hear that sweet Matt's pathology report was positive. I know you are anxious to go home and hope you can do that as planned. It will be our prayer that treatment can be done there so that Matt can be with familiar things and people although he sounds like a real trouper no matter what. Thanks so much for the updates. With so much on your mind it is thoughtful of you to take time to keep us informed. You all are in my personal prayers as well as the prayers of our congregation. May God keep you in His care and bless Matt with all that is best for him. Love,Nan
Nan Oestmann <nanoest@aol>
Midland, TX USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 10:55 PM CDT
Debbie and Matthew, Only 3 more days and you can go home YEAH!! I know Thom and the rest of your family misses you so much. Just a little longer. I'm praying these days go by quickly for you. Lot's of love.
NJ - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 10:17 AM CDT
Hi Matt. I hope you are feeling a lot better today and that you just continue to get stronger and stronger with each passing day. I hope I get to meet you and your family today. You are always in our prayers!!!
Anthony & Susan Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 6:26 AM CDT
Dear Grandmom Jerri, I'm so happy I was able to meet Matthew and Debbie. You have the sweetest family. You are all very blessed to have each other. I hope the days go by quick for you that Matthew is in your arms again. I know he can't wait to see you. Take care and God bless you always!! Love your friend from NJ
Joyce D
NJ - Monday, August 25, 2003 6:18 PM CDT
Hey buddy, I'm praying in agreement with your Grandma! I'm also praying that your check up goes great today & you get to go home real soon! Take care my little friend. God bless
your friend jan livingstone
- Monday, August 25, 2003 3:20 PM CDT
Good Morning Sweetie,
Please come home soon! Grandma does not smile or laugh anymore. I have forgotten how since you are not here to help me, remember you are my sunshine and I miss your hugs. I am lifting you up in prayer today that your day is filled with fun things to see in New York. Hold mommy tight and give her a big hug from grandma. I hope today is the last day you have to go to the hospital and now you can heal and play, play, play. Was't it cool to meet you friend from New Jersey who prays for you? Did you give her one of those big hugs. I am so happy she got to see your happy face. God Bless you baby! Love and kisses, Grandma

- Monday, August 25, 2003 10:53 AM CDT
Matthew, Words cannot express how I felt the first time I saw you. It's hard to believe that you are even more adorable in person than your pictures!! Is that even possible? I'm so thankful that your Mommy let us come to your room to see you. Sean and I couldn't stop talking about you when we left the hospital!! You are such a little sweetie! I'm praying for you today buddy. You have my heart sunshine. I'll talk to you soon. Love always.
Joyce D
NJ - Sunday, August 24, 2003 7:58 AM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
Grandma misses you way too much. I am scared and wish I was there with you. Grandma has been praying all day. I will share my pray with you. God hear my prayers for my sweet little Matt. Please hold him in your arms and please cure him. Please take care of his mommy, you see she is my sweet child and I am way too far away to hold her. Pleas keep your arms around them as they go back to Ronald McDonald house and please let them feel your love. You have carried us through many storms and I ask you to carry us through this one. I am so greatful for you gift of life and for the special gift of children and grandchildren. Please protect them. In Jesus name I pray I am looking for Jay Jay today and hope I can send if off today. I love you Baby! Grandma

- Saturday, August 23, 2003 2:20 PM CDT
Hey buddy, I'm so sorry this isn't all over yet for you...it just stinks! I am happy that you get to go home next weekend though!!! YIPEEEE! I hope you're feeling better and getting stronger after your surgery. You're still in my prayers little man. (mommy and daddy are too!) God bless you all!
jan livingstone
- Saturday, August 23, 2003 1:05 PM CDT
Hello All, Sounds like everything is going good for little sweet Matt. I know he has been thru alot but luckily we never have to go it alone. I know there have been so many prayers offered in your behalf and Isn't Our God Great? Remembering you all in my prayers. In Christian Love, Donna Taylor (8/22/03)
Donna Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow, OK USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 5:44 AM CDT
Hello Matt! Just checking to see how you are getting along. Sounds like you are doing okay. I bet you can't wait to be able to go to the Ronald McDonald house and run around. If you are anything like Jonathan it's probably hard to keep you down. Jonathan's always running around and playing. I bet Lacey dog can't wait until you are back home and playing with him. I hope you are back with him soon. Keep your chin up and keep smiling. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Peggy
peggy sowards <peggysowards@wmconnect.com>
stout, oh usa - Thursday, August 21, 2003 9:23 PM CDT
Thinking of you each day. Hope things are progressing as they should. Hang in there and remember many prayers are being offered for the three of you. Nan
nan oestmann <nanoest@aol.com>
midland, tx USA - Thursday, August 21, 2003 4:13 PM CDT
Little Man,
Grandma Jerry sent me an e-mail yesterday and said you got your chest tube out - YAY! She said all you have to do is eat and let it pass through your system, then you get to go to Ronald McDonald House!!! That was yesterday. Are you at Ronald McDonald House today - I sure hope so! You are such a trooper. Grandma also said that if you continue to improve you might get to go home in 1 week - YAY!! I'm sure Lacey and Daddy miss you so much. Lucky for you and Mom that Grandma Hume was able to come to NY when Daddy had to go back to work. Well little man, I have to get back to work now. You keep up the good healing and soon enough you'll be back on the beach with Mommy, Daddy and of course Lacey.
All of your Torrance cousins send our hugs, kisses, and best of all, our prayers =)

Nene and Family <jmunro@leiner.com>
Torrance, CA USA - Wednesday, August 20, 2003 4:55 PM CDT
Matt: We are thinking of you and praying that each day leaves you feeling better and better! We're glad surgery is over with and that the results look promising! We can't wait until you're on your feet running - though listen to your Grandma about running in the hospital :) We pray for you every night, Kiddo.
Susan and Anthony Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Wednesday, August 20, 2003 3:42 PM CDT
Hey there little man!!! Just wanted to take a minute and say hello to you! I'm praying you're feeling better today; not hurting so much and maybe getting around a bit? You've been thru a lot little guy. You are so tough!!! All my friends ask about you every day... they've all got to get a Matt fix everyday now too! :) he-he Take care little buddy! Love to you
your friend jan livingstone
- Wednesday, August 20, 2003 3:39 PM CDT
Hi Baby Matt!
Boy I have got to stop calling you that, you are getting so big and will be three in three months. It was so nice to hear your voice this morning. I know you are tired and I know you will feel better each day. God is Great! You are stronger each day. I love you and I am so excited you are free of your chest tube. This means they will have you up walking (remember no running in the hospital)today and now you really have got to start eating so you can go home to the Ronald McDonald house. I will call to hear you voice tonight. You are truely a Blessing!
Love Grandma

Jerri Fredericks
- Tuesday, August 19, 2003 1:05 PM CDT
Hi Debbie,Thom and Matthew, I'm so happy I can finally get on the site and read your update because my computer has been acting up. Now I can sleep well tonight knowing that my little buddy is doing so great! I hope you're all resting well too. I'm praying to God to continue to watch over you. Take care. Lots of hugs.
Joyce D
NJ - Monday, August 18, 2003 9:43 PM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
Grandma sure does miss playing with you. I don't like having you so far away but I know they are being good to you. Your mom tells me that you don't want anyone to touch you because you have learned that they hurt you when they touch you. You tell them if they hurt you your grandma will come and spank them. Today is the day for you to feel like getting up and I am praying that you tell them you are ready to go for a ride on one of those carriage rides around the park. Grandma and all of us here in California are praying for your speedy recovery. I would call you on the phone but you know I will cry and you will tell me not to so I will write that I am missing you and I can't wait till I get to hold you and hug you! You are such a strong boy and you know that no one there wants to hurt you but they all want you to be well forever so all that hurt is necessary for now. God has been so good in answering our prayers for your cure and for holding you in his arms through this very intensive surgery. I am so greatful for all the wonderful people who have gotten to know the Lord through you. I hope someday they all can get to meet you and watch you grow to be a man. You have blessed our lives with your joy and love through all of this. Grandma will call today and I am praying that the chest tube is out and you are feeling like getting up. I Love you baby and send lots of love and hugs your way. Love Grandma XXXXXOOOOOOXXXX

- Monday, August 18, 2003 12:38 AM CDT
Hey little buddy! I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd get up and send you a note. I'm praying that you're resting better than I am, and that your pain is much better today. I'm praying for Mommy and Daddy also, I'm sure they are pretty exhausted. God bless you all! love
your buddy jan livingstone
- Monday, August 18, 2003 4:22 AM CDT
Hi Matt, I'm really happy your surgery went well. I miss you and pray for the Lord to heal you everyday. I hope we can play together soon, like we used to. Love you!
Mackenzie Bland
Nipomo, CA USA - Monday, August 18, 2003 2:03 AM CDT
Debbie, Thom, and Matt:
Praying for all of you back east. Know that the Lord God is in control. We are praying for accurate diagnosis and wise treatment by all of the physicians involved. Letters posted in Dr. Cavigli's waiting room keep us up to date on what is going on. Love from us all!

Tom, Marilyn, and Nick Forselles <slotef@charter.net>
San Luis Obispo, CA USA - Sunday, August 17, 2003 11:20 PM CDT
Sending endless Love and Prayers to all
three of you, Debbie, Thom and adorable
cherished Matt. I feel sure God is hearing your constant prayers.

Our family is with you in spirit all the time and that includes my Daughter Paula Pruitt and Nicky Pruitt and Daughter Sherry and Danny and myself,
Love and Hugs - Dotte Davis

Dotte Davis <Mommmie@webtv.net>
Indian Wells,, Ca USA - Sunday, August 17, 2003 8:59 PM CDT
Debbie, Thom and Matthew, I have been thinking of you and praying for you constatntly the past few days. I was so glad to hear the the surgery went well and that it was over before the blackout. So sorry you had that additional stresser!! Love, Grace
Grace Mercer Schott <gracemercer@mindspring.com>
Atherton, CA - Saturday, August 16, 2003 9:05 PM CDT
Debbie, So glad that Matt's surgery went so well and was over before the black-out.I pray that Matt's pain is controlled and he is improving hour by hour. I know mom's have marvelous strength but you and Thom take care of yourselves. What an awesome God we have, who hears and answers our prayers. Love, Nan
Nan Oestmann <nanoest@aol>
Midland, TX USA - Saturday, August 16, 2003 8:45 PM CDT
Debbie, Thom and Matt, I am so happy that the surgery went well and that there was no cancer in any of the tissue. That is EXCELLENT news!!!! We will continue to pray those are the final results and that Matt has a speedy recovery. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Love, Susan, Anthony & Justin
Susan, Anthony & Justin <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY USA - Saturday, August 16, 2003 7:22 PM CDT
Hey there little buddy!!!! I'm still praying! Love ya
your buddy jan livingstone <jagl@htc.net>
- Saturday, August 16, 2003 3:54 PM CDT
Dear Debbie & Thom, We pray all is going well with Matt and that the surgery is successful. It must be difficult to be away from home at such a time but having an expert surgeon is worth it. Sorry about the Ronald McDonald house. Most of them are so nice but big cities are always different I suppose. And now you have gotten to experience the big black-out. This will be a memorable trip for sure. Give precious Matt a hug for me and remember God is always going to do the very best thing for His children. You all remain in our prayers both privately and at our congregational assembly. In Christian Love, Nan
Nan Oestmann <nanoest@aol.com>
Midland, TX USA - Saturday, August 16, 2003 1:37 AM CDT
I'm praying that Debbie and Thom are able to update us soon on how Matthew's doing. If it is any comfort, my brother works in the city and had to sleep in his office last night because he couldn't get home. He was able to get in touch with me by phone but it took a long time because everyone wanted to make calls from that phone. he was not able to get in touch with his wife who is a few towns from me or my parents. I live the closest to the city so I guess my call went through. So, if Debbie and Thom have not been able to contact their family yet I just want to let you know that they should be getting in touch with you soon. God bless you all.
Joyce D <JDANGIOLILLO@cs.com>
NJ - Friday, August 15, 2003 2:39 PM CDT
Hey there little buddy! Me and all my prayer friends continue to pray for you today. I pray you're resting comfortable, and that Mom and Dad are at peace. I'm sure it was a rather wild time in New York last night, but I am confident that the hospital took very good care of you! I'm hoping that Mommy can get an internet line out very soon, and update us all on your progress. You have a very large fan club, and we're all concerned about you! God bless you
your buddy jan livingstone
- Friday, August 15, 2003 2:08 PM CDT
If ANYONE can update us on Matt's condition PLEASE do so, we are all praying for all 3 Humes during this trying time. I know our Heavenly Father has them all in the hollow of his precious Hand, but I would really love to have an update....Donna Taylor
Donna Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow, OK USA - Friday, August 15, 2003 1:31 PM CDT
Hello, Just letting you three know that I am thinking of you all and hoping and praying that Matt comes out of all this okay. The doctor seems to know what he's doing. Keep us updated.Keep your chin up and keep smiling. Love, Peggy
peggy sowards <peggysowards@wmconnect.com>
stout, oh usa - Thursday, August 14, 2003 8:55 PM CDT
Heavenly Father, I pray for Matt's safety this afternoon. I pray that his surgery was completed and he was recovering easily prior to this power emergency in New York. I pray for comfort for his parents, there with him. I pray also for calm and comfort for his grandparents and family members as they anxiously await word of Matt's safety. Rain peace down on them Lord. I also pray that the needed expertise is found quickly to remedy this situation, and that Matt is able to be easily transported to his place of recovery Lord. These things I pray in Jesus name. AMEN
Jesus loves you little buddy!

- Thursday, August 14, 2003 5:42 PM CDT
Dear Debbie, Thom and Matt...I have been praying for you all, and hope that today's surgery was a successful one. I will pray that Matt has minimal pain, and that you are all finding what you need to get through the next few days. Sorry that the accomodations there are so yucky. You are all so strong and such good parents, I'm sure that Matthew will be ok as long as you both are at his sides. I will keep checking in with this web site to keep informed. love and prayers for healing and strength. Sharon
sharon smith <sharon14495@yahoo.com>
los altos hills, ca usa - Thursday, August 14, 2003 1:52 PM CDT
We think of you all the time and are wishing all the best for Matt and Mom and Dad!

The Barnes Family (Sarah, Coy, Riana and Calvin <thebarnes@charter.net>
Paso Robles, CA - Thursday, August 14, 2003 11:38 AM CDT
Matt, Debbie, and Thom;
We're all thinking of you and praying for Matt's successful surgery and quick recovery. Have faith
in the amazing talent of the doctors. We're looking forward to coming to play with Matthew on
the beach again soon!
Love: Cristi, Mark, Annika, and Vaughn

Cristi Fry <markcristi@aol.com>
San Luis Obispo, CA USA - Thursday, August 14, 2003 8:46 AM CDT
ALl my love and prayers.

Paso, Ca usa - Thursday, August 14, 2003 1:56 AM CDT
Dear Matt, Debbie & Thom

May God give you a night of sweet sleep, a quick surgery tomorrow and a VERY speedy recovery! Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys. Jessie, Natalie & Nick send BIG hugs to you too!

Love & God Bless...Kristin

Kristin & the Reeves Gang <reeves5@pacbell.net>
Paso Robles, CA USA - Wednesday, August 13, 2003 11:40 PM CDT
Matthew, Debbie and Thom,
I am praying for all of you and for Dr. La Quaglia as he performs surgery on this precious boy. The rest of the Cancer Support Ministry at MPPC is also praying for you! God bless you and grant you peace as Matthew undergoes another surgery. Love, Grace

Grace Mercer Schott <gracemercer@mindspring.com>
Atherton, CA USA - Wednesday, August 13, 2003 10:43 PM CDT
I have thought of you all day, I know you are feeling stress but hope you are also feeling our love across the nation and God's loving arms around you all. I know you have been led to this particular hosp. and Dr. for a reason. Our Heavenly Father has it all under control. Your
in my thoughts and prayers. With Christian Love, Donna taylor of OK.

Donna R. Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow, OK USA - Wednesday, August 13, 2003 6:59 PM CDT
Hey there little buddy! I was soooooo glad that Mommy got to update your site & I was able to get my 'Matt fix'! You're beginning to sound a bit like your old friend, Jan... I have a heel that bothers me about 50% of the time. (it's not fun, I know!) My little friend, I have a whole group of people that will start praying for you at 6am my time tomorrow...that's just about surgery time for you there in New York. We'll be praying for you, Mom and Dad, and Dr. La Quaglia. My hope is that you all feel our prayers, and that The Lord gives you the strength you need for this surgery. Tell Mom and Dad that I'll be pacing the floors right along with them; only long distance!! :) Jesus loves you little buddy, and so do I!
your friend jan livingstone
- Wednesday, August 13, 2003 2:05 PM CDT
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matt,

We are all thinking about you and praying for the surgery tomorrow to go well. Glad to hear you are able to do some fun activities. Jordan can't wait to play with Matt. Have a safe flight home.

Sheri Klapper
- Wednesday, August 13, 2003 1:10 PM CDT
Matt, we are so glad you had a fun day yesterday! And hopefully you were able to get to the zoo! We are thinking about you, sending you hugs, kisses and prayers, and we feel confident the surgery will go smoothly! Love to you and your family!
Susan and Anthony Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Wednesday, August 13, 2003 11:59 AM CDT
Hi Matthew, I know tomorrow is a big day for you. I just want to let you know I'm praying for you extra extra hard!! I know God is watching over you sweetie. He is also watching over your whole family. You're going to do just fine. Take care, Give your Mommy and Daddy a big hug!! I'll be thinking about you ALL day and checking for updates. Lots of love little buddy.
Joyce D
NJ - Wednesday, August 13, 2003 8:51 AM CDT
Hi Buddy!
Grandma misses you! I hope you are having a great time with all the cars and the tall buildings. What a difference from your beach town. You are in my prayers night and day. Take care and hug mom and dad for me. Then wrap those arms around yourself and feel grandmas hug. See you soon.XXXXXXXXXXXXXX00000000000

Grandma Fredericks
Santa Ynez, CA - Tuesday, August 12, 2003 10:28 PM CDT
Hi Humes! I'm thinking of you today as always. Everyone in my family is asking how you're all doing. You have lots of fans out here praying for you! Talk to you soon. Lots of hugs!!
Joyce D
NJ - Tuesday, August 12, 2003 5:28 PM CDT
To you 3...you are in my prayers always. I will be thinking of you on Thursday with a special prayer in my heart for the Drs. and all who will be helping that precious little boy get well. In Christian Love...Donna Taylor in Oklahoma
Donna Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow, OK USA - Tuesday, August 12, 2003 7:52 AM CDT
Hey there Matt Man!!!! I just couldn't go to bed tonight without saying hello, good night, I'm praying for you and God bless!
your friend jan livingstone
- Monday, August 11, 2003 10:33 PM CDT
Hi Matt!
Boy does grandma miss you! You've only been gone two days and I am looking at flights to see how fast I could get to New York. Grandpa and I had so much fun with you on Wednesday. You are such a joy to laugh with and play with! You melt my heart and you fill me with laughter. I am so glad you are feeling good and you look good too! I got you a shirt with a dump truck on it and I will send it as soon as I get an address for you in New York. I know you love your shirts and you hate those hospital gowns so I hope you like the dump truck. I will be praying for you extra hard and for all the doctors and nurses that get to be with you and see your sweet little face. Give mom and dad one of those great big hugs you give and then know you are in my thoughts every minute of the day. I love you sweetie and hope to see you running around home in a couple of weeks.

Jerri Fredericks
Santa Ynez, CA - Monday, August 11, 2003 9:48 PM CDT
We're glad you made it to NY safe and sound! Good luck with surgery! We'll be thinking of you and praying for all of you, as always!

Love, Susan, Anthony and Justin <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Monday, August 11, 2003 5:42 PM CDT
Hey there Matt Man! I'm sorry your folks are having such a rough time. I'm sure you feel safe and secure no matter where you are, as long as Mom and Dad are with you! I'll step up the prayers for comfort for Mom. :) I hope all your tests go smoothly! Jesus loves you little buddy!
your friend jan livingstone
- Sunday, August 10, 2003 10:41 PM CDT
Dear Debbie, Thom and Matthew, I see you've gotten a taste of what the city is like?? I'm so sorry. Things can get a little crazy but I hope it gets better for you. Just keep telling yourself it's only for 3 weeks. Not all New Yorkers are like that security guard I promise. I know a lot of very nice New Yorkers. Maybe it's the humid weather. It's enough to make anyone cranky. Hang in there. Talk to you soon. Lot's of Love
Joyce D
Nj - Sunday, August 10, 2003 9:24 PM CDT
Hello All!! I am glad to hear that your plane ride to New York went well. I have never been on plane so I don't know the feeling. It must of been neat to be able to get up and play while on the plane. Sorry to hear that your living quarters isn't so nice. I know the Ronald McDonald house that my sister stayed in in Cincinnati was really clean. It must depend on where its at and who's running it. I know what you mean about living in the city. There is no way I could go to any city like that and live. The noise and the crazy drivers would be enough to drive any person insane. I hope the stay is better at the hospital then you have expierenced so far. Well I'll keep looking and see how you are getting along. I'll be thinking of you and praying that everything will go ok. Until next time. Keep your chin up and keep smiling. Love, Your angel buddies, John, Peggy and Jonathan
peggy sowards <peggysowards@wmconnect.com>
stout, oh usa - Sunday, August 10, 2003 8:18 PM CDT
Good Morning buddy! I woke up this morning, wondering how your flight was, and how long it took before you melted the heart of Mr/Ms. CEO ? :) I hope you got settled in pretty quickly, and things are going well. I'm still praying! God bless
your friend jan livingstone
- Saturday, August 9, 2003 8:37 AM CDT
Dear Matthew, Well, tomorrow is your big trip to New York. I hope you have a great flight. It'll be so neat to be on a corporate jet. How cool is that? I don't know if I'll be able to see you. I might be able to wave to you from outside your room. I'll have to ask your Mommy and Daddy. Take care and God bless you all. Here is a GIGANTIC hug. I'm anxiously waiting to meet you face to face (or at least SEE you...... :) )Lot's of love.
Joyce D
NJ - Thursday, August 7, 2003 7:34 PM CDT
Dearest Matt,
I read your guestbook entries every day (and Mom's updates) and they put a tear of joy in my eye. You have such an amazing loving extended family. Not too many people can say they have friends and family in just about every state! But you sure can; and what great friends and family they are!!
New York - WOW! What sights you'll see - the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, Times Square - so much to see! You'll be able to see the sun rise over the ocean and set behind the buildings - a little backwards for us West Coasters, but spectacular none the less. I wish I could see it all through your eyes.
Don't worry about that CEO. They all have a bark that's much bigger than their bite. He'll take one look at your big beautiful eyes and simply melt. He'll close up his laptop, put his papers away and you'll spend the rest of the flight playing patty cake and singing the ABC song!
We will be praying for you little man. I'm looking forward to the day when you can play at Grandma and Grandpa's house with all of your cousins.
God bless you and keep you on this path to complete health and happiness.
Love, Your Southern California Cousins
p.s. Give Mom a big hug and kiss for me =)

Jeanine (Nene) Munro and Family <jmunro@leiner.com>
Torrance, CA USA - Thursday, August 7, 2003 4:03 PM CDT
Hi Debbie!

It was so good to see you yesterday. Had been thinking of you all and all of a sudden there you were. Forgot to mention in our short conversation that if there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. My love to you all, and please give Matt my hugs.

Nancy C. <Siempre4U@AOL.Com>
- Thursday, August 7, 2003 3:47 PM CDT
Hello All!! I am excited that you all are going to New York. Too bad it can't be Cincinnati and then I could come down and visit you. But you will get the best of care in New York. I have been thinking of you alot this week maybe that's why. My computer has been acting up so I haven't been on here very much this last couple of weeks. I was soooo happy to hear you got the old tube out. You are doing so well. I'll wave as you fly over Ohio. Just follow the Ohio river and you'll see us. I'll keep praying for you and you take care. We'll be thinking of you!! Love, John, Peggy and Jonathan
peggy sowards <peggysowards@wmconnect.com>
stout, oh usa - Wednesday, August 6, 2003 7:34 PM CDT
Dear Ones, I am a friend of Stella Davis and have been following your sadness and sickness of your son with e-mails she sends. My heart aches for you and I will pray for you and Matt! I am touched by you strength and love for one another and of course Matt.
Martha A. Dubois <iammartha_93430@yahoo.com>
San Luis Obispo, CA USA - Wednesday, August 6, 2003 6:10 PM CDT
Hi there! I was just wondering about my little buddy today... thought I'd say HELLO! God bless ya Matt!
your friend jan livingstone
- Wednesday, August 6, 2003 5:17 PM CDT
Good luck Mattew on your trip to NY. Come back well and I hope to see you in September. Love, Joy
Janice Fredericks <golfbyjanice@cox.net>
Las Vegas, NV - Wednesday, August 6, 2003 12:34 AM CDT
Matt, How exciting that you are going to New York on a private jet. Your may grow up wanting to be a pilot after seeing the cockpit. I hear you will be at a Ronald McDonald House. They are great places to stay. Have some fun with your family while you are there even though you will be at the hospital too. You and your parents are in my prayers continually and we know that is the most important medicine of all. Your picture on the web page is so cute. I'll bet playing in the sand was great fun. I hope I can meet you someday and you can tell me about New York. May God bless all of you and safely guide the pilot who flys you there and the doctors who will see you. In His Name, Nan Oestmann
Nan Oestmann <nanoest@aol.com>
Midland, TX USA - Monday, August 4, 2003 4:03 PM CDT
Matthew, Can I just tell you...you are an awesome little guy!! You are talking in full sentences, eating well, learning to go on the potty and running around keeping Lacey busy!! God is WONDERFUL. I'm soooooo happy to hear that you are doing well little buddy. I will pray for you when you are in NY. I know surgery is for the birds but you are a little trooper and you'll do fine. By the way, just a little FYI... I know what people say about New Yorkers and it's not all true (well some of it is true) but overall the people there are great. You will meet some colorful characters I'm sure but for the most part people are kind, caring and very helpful. It is a very busy city so you'll see crazies running all over trying to get to work and appointments. You'll hear people beeping their horns all day and night. You'll see lots of taxi drivers that really shouldn't be driving too!! You'll see just about everything there! I wish you could explore a little more but I know you'll be in the hospital for the most part. Maybe you can come back in a few years and I'll show you all the great sites. Well sweetie, I will talk to you soon. Take care. Lot's of hugs and kisses to you and your family!!
Joyce D
NJ - Monday, August 4, 2003 11:45 AM CDT
Hey there my little buddy!!!! WOOOOOWHOOOOOO!!!! So glad to hear they didn't put that old nasty tube back in!!! I KNEW you could do it! I'm so glad your Mom and Dad can take their laptop with them to New York, I don't think I can go 3 weeks without a Matt update!!!!! :) Have a wonderful day today little guy! I'm still praying! Lots of love
your friend jan livingstone
- Monday, August 4, 2003 11:19 AM CDT
Hi Matthew...We are sending you many hugs & kisses...can you feel them? We prayed for you today & talked about how much fun it would be see you again.... hopefully soon. We miss you but know you are in the loving hands of a wonderful God who has great plans for you. We had a great time at your Grandma & Grandpa's house during the 4th of July and hope to see you there soon. With all our love, ...your kissing cousins...Teri, John, Heather, JR & Holly. XXOOXX
Teri Harmon & family <teri@deltanet.com>
Santa Ynez, Ca USA - Monday, August 4, 2003 1:44 AM CDT
Dear Matthew, Thom and Debbie,
The website is great - what a gift to your friends and family. We sure miss you up here but it must be so good to be back home and breathing in those cool ocean breezes...and playing in the sand of course! We are thinking of you guys constantly and want you all to know we're here if you need anything. We wish you the best in New York and will watch for updates on the site. Look forward to seeing you back at home once you're able to have visitors. Lots of love, Katie, Mark, Grace and Gabriel (woof!)

Katie Sutherland <katell@stanford.edu>
Portola Valley, CA USA - Sunday, August 3, 2003 5:53 PM CDT
Dear Debbie, Thom and Matthew, I just want to let you know that I hope you're all having a GREAT weekend. I've been thinking about you all day and haven't had much time to post a message. We've been busy every night this week but you're always in my thoughts and prayers. It looks like summer is back here in Jersey. Lot's of humidity (yuck). It sure is sticky here!! Well, take care and I will write soon. Love and prayers.
Joyce D.
NJ - Saturday, August 2, 2003 8:07 PM CDT
Hey there little man! You're really on my mind and my heart today. I hope things are going well. I just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you today! Jesus loves you little buddy!
your friend jan livingstone
- Saturday, August 2, 2003 10:56 AM CDT
Good Morning to my little sunshine!!! It's almost spring like here this morning, cool and breezy. I'm sure that won't last very long!!! :) I hope and pray that you have a wonderful day today little buddy! I think I'll make a trip to the post office today...be watching! Jesus loves you little one!
your friend jan livingstone
- Wednesday, July 30, 2003 7:25 AM CDT
Dear Matt!! I am so glad to have found your website!! You have turned into such a big & amazing boy. I look forward to the day when I can meet you & introduce you to my kids...Jessie, Natalie & Nick. Then your Mommy & I can sit on the beach...drink a cup of tea, and watch you guys all play. The kids already feel like they know you...they look at your picture on our fridge everyday!! Give your Mommy a BIG hug for me! Natalie wants me to tell you that she is sending you some pictures soon:) Our prayers are with you always!! Lots of Love...Kristin & the Reeves Gang
Kristin Reeves <reeves5@pacbell.net>
Paso Robles, CA USA - Monday, July 28, 2003 9:00 PM CDT
Hey Matt,
So happy to hear that you're doing better, youmand your folks are still in our prayers and we believe that our God will help,you prevail through this sickness.We are praying for you daily and for your parents as well. We hope you can come out to Oklahoma soon so we can meet you face to face and give you a big hug. Thom and Debbie, keep the faith, our Lord will help you prevail.

Darrell and Beverly Crawford <bugz1955@cox.net>
Oklahoma City, Ok usa - Monday, July 28, 2003 9:35 AM CDT
Mr. Matthew, Hey buddy! Just had to say "hi" to you! I'm getting ready to bring the kids outside in their baby pool. They love it so much that once I get them in I can't get them out!! It's very difficult trying to round up 3 slippery babies to bring them inside. Sean is still scraping the house. So I get to lounge by our "pool" while he does work!! Well I hope you're having a fantastic day today!! Keep eating for Mommy and Daddy so you can keep your tube out. Talk to you soon. Love ya.
Joyce D'Angiolillo
NJ - Sunday, July 27, 2003 9:02 AM CDT
YEAH!!! WOOWHOOOOO!!! I finally got my 'Matt fix'!!!! I'm so glad to hear you're doing well buddy! I'm going to start praying that you keep eating well and are able to keep that ole tube out. I think I'm also going to keep praying about those counts of yours! Bear dog went to his doctor today & got two shots and a blood test. He hates going to the doctor...he's a big chicken! Actually, I have to give him some medicine before he goes, to help keep him calm. (can you believe that?!?!?!) I'm going to go order our Saturday night pizza party now. God bless you little buddy! Love ya bunches!
angel friend jan livingstone
- Saturday, July 26, 2003 5:56 PM CDT
Just dropping in to say "hi". I hope you're enjoying your weekend. We're having great weather here. We've been outside doing yard/house work. It's a beautiful day today! Talk to you soon!! Love and prayers.
Joyce D'Angiolillo
NJ - Saturday, July 26, 2003 4:40 PM CDT
Happy Wednesday to you buddy! Praying for you today! God bless
your friend jan livingstone
- Wednesday, July 23, 2003 8:44 PM CDT
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matthew!! I hope you're all doing well. Did you go for your camping trip?? I bet you had fun if you did! Missouri was nice and the people are very friendly... : ) Wouldn't you know that there was a fire at the arch the day we were supposed to go up? We had to wait until Sunday just before we were ready to leave to go instead. The wait was worth it because the view was the best!! The babies loved being so high up. I was worried they would be scared in the little tram but they thought it was neat. We stopped in Pittsburgh to see "Falling Water" on Monday. The inside was closed but we walked around the grounds. All in all it was a nice trip. I thought about you all while I was gone. I'm still praying for you every day and I will pray for little Justin as well. Talk to you soon. Love always!
Angel Joyce
NJ - Tuesday, July 22, 2003 9:33 PM CDT
Hey buddy! WHOOOOHOOOO! We're having some rather freaky July weather here in the St. Louis area. It was 90 something yesterday, but cooled off down in the 70s today! YEAH! We were able to turn off the AC, open some windows and get rid of some of this paint and stain smell in our house!!! Rosie and Squirt (the cats) are loving hanging out in the windows, and that ole long haired Bear dog is breathing easy! I hope you had a fun day today. I'm very busy with two major community projects AND our house project right now...keeping me out of trouble, but running crazy! Remember buddy, Jesus loves you. (and so do I!) God bless
your friend jan livingstone
- Tuesday, July 22, 2003 9:14 PM CDT
Hey buddy! I hope you're having a great time on your little vacation, you all deserve it! We've been very busy around our house this weekend. We had a pretty nasty thunderstorm roll thru on Friday, and it took part of one of our big trees down. While Glenn was sawing that limb off, he noticed that another was just about to go...so it had to come down too! By the time all the sawing was over, most of the tree was gone... so we decided to go ahead and take it all the way down. Now I have to decide what kind to replace it with in the fall?!?!?! We're also finishing our basement, and have been painting and staining. (inbetween sawing) :) It's REALLY hot here today...close to 100*! I wish I was playing on the beach with you!! God bless you little buddy!
angel friend jan livingstone
- Sunday, July 20, 2003 1:58 PM CDT
Hi Matthew, Thom and Debbie! It was great to hear from you- I love the website and will visit whenever I can. Everyone here misses you all and I get asked often how Matthew is doing-so thank you for this website... It's so nice to hear how much fun he has been having this summer. Everyone here sends love and good wishes. Also, there are a few pieces of mail for Master Matthew Hume, next time you're up here-they're in the usual spot. Lots of Love, Lisa, Mark, Michael, Matthew, Nubia, Mattie, Hazel, Katie, Mark, Grace, Gabe and everyone else!
Lisa and company... <lmmmwan@yahoo.com>
Woodside, CA USA - Thursday, July 17, 2003 0:24 AM CDT
Hey there buddy! I always get soooo happy when your Mommy updates the website! I love to hear HOW you're doing AND WHAT you're doing! I'm so glad you're feeling good....that always makes my heart smile! I will be praying for little Justin, right along with all my prayers for you. God bless you Matt!
your angel friend jan livingstone
- Tuesday, July 15, 2003 1:23 PM CDT
Hi Humes!! I hope you are all having a wonderful day today! We had beautiful weather again. Lots of sun but no humidity. Well, I'm getting ready for St. Louis. I'm leaving Tuesday around 3:00 (ET) and I cannot wait. It will be a long drive but should be fun. With three kids under 2 I'm sure it will be noisy too! I'll be back on the 20th. I'm keeping you all close to my heart and anxiously waiting to find out when you'll be in NY. I sent a little something for Matthew along with my number so you can call if you find out before I get back when he's scheduled. Take care. I'll be in touch... : ) Love always.
Joyce D'angiolillo
nj - Monday, July 14, 2003 9:37 PM CDT
Debbie! I am so glad the website is up, I have been checking since I got your letter. We are praying for you all the time. I got to meet Sheri and Alan in Monterey last week as we went camping at Big Sur. I really enjoyed the trip remembering our "Three Musketeers" trip up and down the coast on my 22nd birthday. Can't beleive I will celebrate my 36th next month!
Sheri and I want to come and see you all as soon as you can have visitors. Will that be in October? I still have not met your sweet son, but I appreciate the letters and the photos. I am so glad things are moving along well.

Terry Lucera <lucerater@yahoo.com>
- Monday, July 14, 2003 12:37 AM CDT
Hi there little buddy! I just wanted to stop by and say sweet dreams and that I'm praying for you right now. Your smiling face brings such joy to my heart! God bless you Matt

Matthew 18:5

your angel friend jan livingstone
- Sunday, July 13, 2003 0:50 AM CDT
Debbie, Thom & Matthew, Just wanted to say "hi"! I've been thinking about you all day. I hope you're having a great weekend!! God bless you all and lots of love!!
Angel Joyce
NJ - Saturday, July 12, 2003 9:47 PM CDT
Hi to you all. I was hoping to catch you at Packard, but I was off on the day, and stopped in to MRI on Wed. instead of Tues. That picture of Matthew is so adorable. He's such a sandy, happy boy. Sorry to hear about the GI bug. Please keep us posted on your possible trip to NY. It just so happens that the social work dept. here just hired a woman for Onc. who last worked at Memmorial Sloan. I could hook you up with some contacts should you end up there. My prayers are continuous. love, Sharon
Sharon Smith
Los Altos Hills, Ca. USA - Saturday, July 12, 2003 11:50 AM CDT
Matthew, I'm so sorry to hear that you had a tummy ache yesterday. Well, you had a busy few days with your scans and hearing tests so rest up!! You'll be out playing on the beach in no time!! How is the weather there? It was cold today. I don't need to use our ancient air conditioner window unit tonight. YEA!! It always sounds like a freight train is coming through our bedroom window!! Well, I hope you feel better sweetie. I'm sending you all a huge hug!! Love & prayers!!
angel joyce
nj - Thursday, July 10, 2003 9:25 PM CDT
Hello Matt! So glad to hear that the test are over. Sorry to hear that you were sick but Jonathan's been sick this week also. Sounds like the same thing, high fever and that's all. I think he's feeling better now. He's got one of the pups in here playing with it. We'll have to take it out before it gets dark. Take care and God Bless. Your angel buddies, John, Peggy and Jonathan
peggy sowards <peggysowards@wmconnect.com>
stout, oh usa - Thursday, July 10, 2003 8:12 PM CDT
Hey little buddy.... I'm so sorry you're not feeling very good! I know Mommy and Daddy are taking very good care of you thou. In a day or two, you'll be up and running...I'm sure! I'll say a couple of extra prayers, just to be sure! love to you little man God bless
your angel friend jan livingstone
- Thursday, July 10, 2003 2:58 PM CDT
Good Morning Matt! I'm thinking about you this morning. I hope Mom updates that journal before too long...remind her that you have a lot of adoring fans out in cyberspace waiting to hear all about you! ;) Have a wonderful day little buddy! Love ya

angel friend jan livingstone
- Thursday, July 10, 2003 8:21 AM CDT
Dear Debbie, Thom & Matthew, I know you are away getting your scans today. Just want to let you know I'll be thinking about you all day. I pray everything goes well and that the Dr. gets back to you quickly with the results! I know this waiting game is tough on you but you are doing GREAT!!! Hang in there! God bless you all today and always.... : )
Angel Joyce <jdangiolillo@cs.com>
NJ - Tuesday, July 8, 2003 12:40 AM CDT
Hello Matt! Hope you had a great 4th of July. We did. Jonathan didn't like the fireworks if he was outside but he liked them when he was either in the car or the house. Did you get to see any fireworks this year? Just wanted to let you know I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and hopefully everything will turn out just fine. Make sure you have your mommy or daddy let everyone know how everything turns out. I'll be checking on here to see if we have any news. Until next time! God bless you little one! Love your angel buddy, Peggy
peggy sowards <peggysowards@wmconnect.com>
stout, oh usa - Monday, July 7, 2003 8:21 PM CDT
HI Matthew! I am Joyce's sister(-in-law, but practically like a sister) and she has told me all about you. I wanted to say hello! I have two boys and they love Thomas the Tank Engine, too! Good job on the ABC's and the potty!! :)
We are doing the ABC's but not quite there yet at the potty. I will be thinking of you as you go for your scans. I bet all the doctors and nurses fall in love with you when they meet you! God Bless you and your family. Lots of love and prayers are coming to you from NJ!!

Colleen D'Angiolillo <cdang@att.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Monday, July 7, 2003 10:05 AM CDT
Hey Matt! I just checked the website again before going to bed, and just realized something (I'm a bit slow)...... YESTERDAY WAS YOUR 100 DAY!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! 100 Days post transplant! God is good! Ok, next step is getting rid of that feeding tube! I'm sure I'll sleep great tonight and have wonderful dreams about you buddy! God bless you! Love ya
angel friend jan livingstone
- Sunday, July 6, 2003 10:37 PM CDT
Hi Matthew, I just want to let you know that I'll be thinking about you on Tuesday and praying for good news. I know God is watching out for you. Take care sweetie... : )
NJ - Sunday, July 6, 2003 10:22 PM CDT
GOOD MORNING Matt! I woke up thinking about you this morning... wondering how your holiday was. Ours was very quiet. Glenn has the hives and is pretty miserable, so we stayed close to home. (and in the AC) Bear dog DOES NOT like fireworks, so I had to give him medicine every evening. Last night, he tried to sleep ON TOP of me. (He weighs about 80 lbs!) I hope and pray you're doing great! Remember, God loves you. (so do I) ;)
angel friend jan livingstone
- Sunday, July 6, 2003 8:21 AM CDT
Hey Matt Man! Today is my birthday! I sure wish I was there with you, playing in the sand on the beach. I'm thinking of you today! God bless
angel friend jan livingstone
- Friday, July 4, 2003 12:33 AM CDT
Hello Matthew!!! Hope everything is fine in CA? It's HOT here in Ohio. Our air has been broken so I got it fixed this week, just in time too. Me and Jonathan went to South Carolina last weekend. We had a good time but was glad to be back home. He bought a turtle! I have been on vacation this week so we have been enjoying being home together. We aren't going to do anything exciting for the 4th. Probably just go up to my sisters house and go swimming. And then watch some fireworks. Hope your 4th is a joyous one and enjoy that Lacey dog. God bless you and your family, Love, Your buddies, John, Peggy & Jonathan
Peggy Sowards <peggysowards@wmconnect.com>
Stout, Oh usa - Friday, July 4, 2003 11:28 AM CDT
Hi Baby!

Thank you for a fun day yesterday. I loved watching the train with you and you were right, it does look like a blue percy! You are such a tease and I love teasing you. I am so lucky to be a part of your life and I thank God for that. I have so much fun lauging with you and you laughing at me. Grandma and Grandpa and everyone else will all miss you tomorrow but we know that sometime soon you will be able to come over and play and run and scream with all the kids. I thank God for each day we get to play! Have a wonderful 4th of July and I will see you soon.
Love Grandma

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Thursday, July 3, 2003 4:46 PM CDT
I hope you are all doing well today!! It looks like I'll be staying in NJ. I'm not going to Vermont afterall. We need to do some house work. The local High School is having fireworks and I think we'll be able to see them from our backyard. Sean's brother and wife are coming over with their 2 boys so we'll have a little BBQ. I'm praying for you today as always Matthew. That you continue to do as well as you've been doing. I'm also praying that God look over Mommy and Daddy and that they are guided by His loving hand. Have a great weekend. Enjoy being home as a family... : ) love always.
Angel Joyce
NJ - Thursday, July 3, 2003 2:34 PM CDT
Hey there Matt Man! I know you like playing at the beach, but this lady is ready for the FALL! This midwest heat and humidity is for the birds!!! You think that I would be used to it by now...living here all my (short) life. ;-) I hope you're happy and healthy today. God bless you little guy! Remember, I'm still praying for you! God bless

angel friend jan livingstone
- Wednesday, July 2, 2003 4:18 PM CDT
Hi Matthew, How are you today? I hope it's a beautiful day in CA. It is a sunshiny day here in NJ! I think I'll bring the babies outside to play in their new sandbox that Mom Mom and Pop Pop bought them on Sunday. You have a HUGE sandbox where you are. THE BEACH!! My kids would love it. I have a hard time getting them out of their sand box. Can you imagine what they would do on a huge beach?? We have the Jersey shore which is about 1 hour from us. We did take them last year but only on the boardwalk. This year I plan on taking them to the beach. I hope you have a great 4th of July!! We might go to Vermont. Sean's family has a house there. Or we might stay home and finish scraping and powerwashing the house. hmmmm??? Somehow Vermont seems more fun don't you think? Well, I'll be in touch!! Here's a big hug to you!
NJ - Wednesday, July 2, 2003 9:58 AM CDT
Dear Matt,
I was so happy to seeing you on the beach.
It has been such a long time, everybody misses you when you are not here.
Already before I knew you and your family personally, I would see you on the beach, playing so happyly and I would think what a nice family this is and what a beautiful and happy child they have.
You have such a wonderful smile and always such a happy expression.
I know that you love dogs a lot and "Lacey", your dog, is taking good care of you.
"Yaya", our dog also likes you a lot.
You are a very special boy and everybody who meets you loves you.
My family in Germany always asks about you and is sending all their good wishes to you.
Looking forward to seeing you on the beach,
Love, Silvia and Dave

Silvia & Dave <magicsunrise2000@yahoo.de>
Cayucos, CA USA - Monday, June 30, 2003 11:23 PM CDT
Dear Matt,
I was so happy to seeing you on the beach.
It has been such a long time, everybody misses you when you are not here.
Already before I knew you and your family personally, I would see you on the beach, playing so happyly and I would think what a nice family this is and what a beautiful and happy child they have.
You have such a wonderul smile and always such a happy expression.
I know that you love dogs a lot and "Lacey", your dog, is taking good care of you.
"Yaya", our dog also likes you a lot.
You are a very special boy and everybody who meets you loves you.
My family in Germany always asks about you and is sending all their good wishes to you.
Looking forward to seeing you on the beach,
Love, Silvia and Dave

Silvia <oceancrafter@yahoo.com>
Cayucos, CA USA - Monday, June 30, 2003 11:19 PM CDT
Matthew, Hi there little buddy!! I hope you are doing well today. I'm thinking about you. I always keep you close to my heart and I love to look at your pictures. Did anyone ever tell you that you have a beautiful face!!!???!! I bet you hear it all the time because you are a little sweetheart!!! Keep smiling sunshine. God's love is all around you!! By the way something is in the mail for you. I wish NJ and CA were closer. It seems that everytime I send a package it takes four days. I guess I either need to buy a plane or somehow grow wings so I can hand deliver your mail!! Do you think that's possible?? I guess I would look sort of silly with wings huh?? Oh well!! Okay little one, I will write soon. I hope you had a wonderful day today.... : )
Angel Joyce
nj - Monday, June 30, 2003 9:37 PM CDT
Hey little buddy! How you doing today? I bet your Mommy didn't like our hot HUMID midwest weather much, did she? Although, if she was staying near Lake Michigan she may have benefitted from a bit of lake breeze. ;-) I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you today...as I do every day. God bless you buddy!
angel friend jan livingstone
- Monday, June 30, 2003 4:09 PM CDT
Debbie, I hope your trip went well but I know you missed Matthew like crazy. I'm still here praying for all of you. Remember that God gives us signs everyday. Sometimes they are obvious but most times they come in the little things. When you see your baby today you will know God is guiding him every step of the way. Tell Matthew his package will be out in the mail tomorrow!!
Joyce D'Angiolillo <JDANGIOLILLO@CS.COM>
NJ - Sunday, June 29, 2003 8:49 PM CDT
Hi there little buddy! I've been thinking about you today and wondering how you're getting along with Daddy and Grandma...just great, I'm sure! I really wish I could have worked it out to meet up with your Mommy, I guess I'll just have to come to California! ;) It's warm again here in Illinois. I can hardle get Bear dog to go outside, he's a pampered pup! I'm nearly tempted to take the electric clippers to him, but a collie would look pretty funny with no hair! I'm praying for you buddy & praying for a safe and productive trip for your Mommy. (I bet she brings you back a surprise...Chicago has some fun stores!) I've never been to the big American Girl store:) there, but I have been to the big Lego store...it's pretty cool! You'll have to go there when you get a little bit bigger. God bless
your angel friend Jan Livingstone
- Saturday, June 28, 2003 4:46 PM CDT

PAULA PRUITT <paulapruitt@hotmail.com>
CARLSBAD, CA SAN DEIDGO - Saturday, June 28, 2003 10:43 AM CDT
Matthew, I've been thinking about you today. I'm praying that you are having a good day. I'm sending you a BIG hug!! Keep your eyes out for something coming in the mail (HINT HINT)
nj - Saturday, June 28, 2003 9:24 AM CDT
You all three are in my prayers daily...I have kept up with Matts progress since I first heard about his illness (via newtestamentchurch.org) and through your thoughtful, timely updates. He is on our Prayer List at the Sweethome Church of Christ in Broken Bow, OK. I have seen the power of prayer time and time again. Isn't it wonderful we have that avenue of prayer? There is such peace knowing we have Him to turn to in times when we are afraid as well as in times of thanksgiving. Every good and precious gift comes from the Father above. Colossians 3:17(KJV)...And Whatsoever ye do in word or deed to all in name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him. In Christian Love,
Donna R. Taylor <taylors74728@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow, OK USA - Saturday, June 28, 2003 8:05 AM CDT
Hi Sunshine!
Hope you are having a wonderful day. Your mom is in Chicago and I bet you are really missing her. I don't think she has this far away from you since you were born. I am asking God for her protection and for Him to bring her home soon too you! I know you are having fun playing with Dad, Kieth and Grandma Hume. I will miss seeing you this weekend but I will see you on Wednesday. May our wonderful God keep you in his loving care until I see you again. I hope you are playing at the beach today, the weather is beautiful. I am so thankful for all the wonderful people who pray for you each day. Great is his Faithfulness! Thank you God for angle Jan whom I hope to meet one day. She has sent you so many wonderful pressie's and I love watching you open them with wide eyes and JOY! I thank God for her prayers. God Bless you Baby. Love, Grandma

Jerri Fredericks
Ca - Friday, June 27, 2003 7:18 PM CDT
Dear Debbie,

Am so thankful to get some news! Sounds as though things are going well. You all have been in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you.

Nancy Chilton <Siempre4U@AOL.Com>
Shell Beach, Calif. USA - Friday, June 27, 2003 6:56 PM CDT
Dear Matt.We love to see You play around the house again. See You watering the garden with Your Mom.We love You to come over for Treats.You are so special to us.
Oma&Janos <Janos_Inka@msn.com>
Cayucos, CA SLO - Friday, June 27, 2003 11:46 AM CDT
Hi Matt!!! How's CA today? It's been hot here today. We went from cold, rainy weather straight into hot weather. Me and Jonathan are getting ready to go to South Carolina Saturday. My brother lives down there so we are going to go visit for awhile. Jonathan was in a wedding Saturday. He was soooooo cute!!! I really enjoy seeing your pictures and reading all about you on the website. I can't wait to get home in the evenings so I can check out whether there's anything new or not. I sent you out some more farm machinery today and some bubbles. You and Lacey can go on the beach and have some fun with the bubbles. We still have the pups. No one has came and got one yet. So we're probably going to keep a couple of them. They are getting big and are really cute. Gotta go! Until next time, Love, Your Angel Buddies, John, Peggy and Jonathan
peggy sowards <peggysowards@wmconnect.com>
stout, oh usa - Thursday, June 26, 2003 7:03 PM CDT
Hi Matthew!! I thought about you all day today. I was over at my sister-in-law's playing with my neice and nephew. I had to log on when I got home so I could look at your cute little face!! I am very hot here in NJ. We went from cold rainy weather all of June to suddenly having 95* heat and humidity. BLAH!! I'm sending you a BIG kiss and hug!! Tell Mommy and Daddy "hi". I'll write soon sweetie.
Monmouth Jct, NJ - Thursday, June 26, 2003 3:44 PM CDT
Hi Debbie, Thom and beautiful Matthew! Debbie, I received your letter today. I am jumping for joy that Matthew is home. I continue to pray for you all EVERY SINGLE day. I look at Matthew's picture that you sent awhile ago and I get so choked up looking at his beautiful smile. He is so precious. Your whole family is blessed to have him. What a joy he must be!! I'm going to look at the pictures on the web site now. I haven't even done that yet because I couldn't wait to tell you how HAPPY I am that you are home with your family!!!! It was so nice to read that you took a much needed camping trip and that Matthew was able to play with some friends. It really brings a smile to my face. I'll write soon. Give Matthew a HUGE hug for me!!!
Monmouth Jct., NJ USA - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 7:25 PM CDT
hey i miss u alot cant wait to see u again
love, Nick Boyett

nick boyett <tacobelldog51@hotmail.com>
corcoran, ca usa - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 7:13 PM CDT
Hi Baby!
Oh what fun grandpa had on his birthday. He was so happy you came to celebrate with him. He loved it when you sang happy birthday to him over and over. You are such a joy for us to watch. I loved it when we went on the tractor ride and you made me stop and let you off so you could pick up all the golf balls that grandpa had hit out in the field. It is so much fun watching you run around the house. Your mommy used to run around the house just like you do, on the toes! I don't think she was as fast as you are! I look forward to the day when Gabby and Christian get to come over and all of you get to play together. God Bless you baby! See you soon, Love Grandma

Jerri Fredericks <miles@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 10:53 AM CDT
Good Morning Sunshine! I'm thinking about you this morning and wondering what you're going to do today? I hope the sun is shining as brightly in CA as it is in IL. Have a wonderful day today little buddy. God bless you
angel friend jan
- Wednesday, June 25, 2003 9:30 AM CDT
Hi Humes! I have been thinking of Mat a lot today. I hope, and am praying, things are progressing smoothly as you are trying to decide what steps to take next. Thank you for sharing the precious picture of Mat in the sand. He looks great! Love, Grace
Grace Mercer Schott <gracemercer@mindspring.com>
- Wednesday, June 25, 2003 0:06 AM CDT
Hey little buddy! You've been on my heart all day long. Good night, sleep tight. God bless
angel friend jan livingstone
- Monday, June 23, 2003 9:15 PM CDT
May God bless you as you sleep tonight little man.
angel friend jan livingstone
- Sunday, June 22, 2003 11:16 PM CDT
Hey little guy! Just wanted to tell you that I'm thinking about you today. God bless
jan livingstone
- Saturday, June 21, 2003 9:09 PM CDT
Hey there little man! I've really had you on my heart today... I hope things are going well. It was a BEAUTIFUL day here today, and I enjoyed the sunshine and cooler temps very much. Every time I picture you playing in the sunshine on that beach, I have to smile. (I also turn a little green with envy!) I got my new walking shoes and am now able to run faster and jump higher...you better watch out! :) I'm sooooo sorry to hear that poor Lacey took a bit of a side trip. I'm sure you loved on her big time when she finally returned home! God bless you buddy!
your angel friend jan livinstone
- Friday, June 20, 2003 10:18 PM CDT
Hello Matt!!! I am so glad to be able to finally see your pictures!! You are sooo cute!! I hope all is going well with you. It's been a long weekend and not much has happened other than Jonathan's birthday. We were going to go to Noah's Ark, a petting zoo of sort, yesterday for his birthday, but he had to go to the doctor instead. Yuck, to go to the doctor on your birthday! He's fine now, playing around here with all of his toys. Gotta go, you take care!! Love, your angel buddies, John, Peggy & Jonathan
Peggy Sowards <peggysowards@wmconnect.com>
Stout, Ohio USA - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 8:32 PM CDT
Hey there little man! I've been wishing for that beach all day today! Summer has arrived here, it was 86 today and FELT LIKE IT! My old hairy Bear dog can't take it. After coming in from outside, he lays on the AC vent on the family room floor! Life is soooo rough for a dog, isn't it?!?!?! Tomorrow is my day off from work, and I'm going shopping. A new pair of walking shoes for me & maybe a goodie or two for a special little guy?!?!?! ;) God bless you little buddy!
angel friend jan livingstone
- Tuesday, June 17, 2003 8:06 PM CDT
Hi Debbie, Thom and Matthew!
I'm so glad you have a website. It is wonderful to see pictures of Mat. I am praying for Matthew continuosly, and for the rest of the family.
All my love, Grace

Grace Mercer Schott <gracemercer@mindspring.com>
Atherton, CA US - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 5:44 PM CDT
Hello Debbie, Thom and Matthew,
Glad you're home and enjoying God's beautiful world in Cayucos. Know that many of us are praying for you at Menlo Park Presbyterian Church. “May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace, as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope." (Romans 15:13) I know from experience how hard and long this journey can be. If you ever want to chat via email or phone, I'm here for you!

Tess Reynolds <tessreynolds@attbi.com>
Mountain View, CA USA - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 1:50 PM CDT
Hi Matthew(and Debbie and Thom). It was so great talking with you today Debbie. It must be nice to be back at home, surrounded by those you know and love you best. You are in my prayers, and I'll look forward to visiting with you this Thurs. when you're up at the hospital. I can't wait to see how much hair and energy Matt has gotten since we last were together. Matt, I'll try to find something little and special for you to play with at your next appointment. love, sharon
Sharon Smith <sharon14495@yahoo.com>
Los Altos Hills, Ca. USA - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 1:13 PM CDT
Hi Matt,
Grandma missed you this weekend! I did not get to play in the sand or run and laugh with you. I love you and hope to see you next weekend. Keep playing and laughing until we meet again. Love Grandma

Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA USA - Monday, June 16, 2003 6:15 PM CDT
Hey there Matt man! I am assuming that no news is good news, but tell that Mom of yours that your adoring fan club could use an update! I'd love to hear what fun things you did today. I hope your Dad had a great Fathers Day! We went to some antique stores and then out to lunch. Of course, no road trip is complete without a trip to DQ...remember that when you get a bit older! :) God bless you little buddy!
angel friend jan livingstone
- Sunday, June 15, 2003 10:54 PM CDT
Hello Matt!!! How's CA today? It's kind of hot here today but it rained this morning a little. We had Jonathan's "Happy Day" party last night! He had lots of fun and of course got lots of presents. He got another John Deere tractor! I think that makes him 5 big tractors and a bunch of little tractors. He likes his tractors! He got some clothes too but he wasn't very excited over them. We still have the pups. We haven't gotten rid of any yet. Gotta go. Take care and enjoy that ocean!! Love your angel buddies, John, Peggy & Jonathan
Peggy Sowards <peggysowards@wmconnect.com>
Stout, Ohio USA - Sunday, June 15, 2003 12:49 AM CDT
Hi Sweet Matthew,
Grandma is so happy you are playing and that you are feeling good. I thank GOD each day for the gift of your life. You have brought me so much joy and happines. I can't wait until you get to play with your cousins, Gabby and Christian. Today is day 78 so not too much longer. I love you sweetie and hope I get to come and play with you tomorrow. Maybe we can go to the beach and dig that all the way to China.
Love, hugs and kisses Grandma

Jerri Fredericks
Santa Ynez, CA USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 6:27 PM CDT
Hi Matt Man! I'm thinking about building a boat...rain just won't stop!!! :) Thinking of you today. God bless you little buddy!
angel friend jan livingstone
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:48 PM CDT
Did I say it was going to be a quiet night at my house last night?!?!?!?! hahahahah A big thunderstorm hit about 1am and Bear went CRAZY...happy drugs and all! After trying to calm him for a long time, I finally had to give him another sedative. He and I walked the floor, and I calmed him until that pill kicked in and then he was out like a light! (thank goodness) Needless to say, he's slept most of today too! :) My big baby! We're suppose to have storms for the next week... I may be a walking zombie by then! :) I hope you got to run and play today. I thought of just that as I danced with my vacume cleaner and mop. :( Still praying for you buddy! God bless
angel friend jan livingstone
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:26 PM CDT
Well Matt... so much for that beautiful sunshiney weather I was just talking about!!!! We've had one major thunderstorm after another today, one very severe one this evening. My dog, Bear, got soooooo scared! He went running into our bathroom and jumped in the shower!!! Can you believe that?!!?!?!?! Luckily, I've given him some more of his 'I'm afraid of storms' medicine, so it should be a quiet night for him now! Hard to believe that a dog named BEAR is such a big CHICKEN, isn't it?!?!?! I bet Lacey is braver than he is! We're having more storms tomorrow, so I guess I'll be forced to stay inside and clean......eeeewwwwwww! :( Take care my little friend. God bless
angel friend jan
- Tuesday, June 10, 2003 9:49 PM CDT
Hey Matt!! How's CA today? It was beautiful here in Ohio but of course I was indoors all day so I couldn't enjoy it. Though it's suppose to rain tomorrow (yuck).Hope all is going well with you and your family. I am sending you out a package tomorrow, so you can be looking for it. Jonathan is lying here on the floor asleep, he must of played hard today at "Granny's". He fell asleep early tonight. We are getting ready for his birthday party Saturday! He is sooo excited!!! Gotta go!! You take care and take a run on that beach with Lacey for me (since we don't get to see the ocean around here). Unitl next time, Your angel buddies, John, Peggy & Jonathan
Peggy Sowards <peggysowards@wmconnect.com>
Stout, Oh USA - Monday, June 9, 2003 9:14 PM CDT
Hey there little man! It's a BEAUTIFUL, sunshiney day here in Illinois & I woke up thinking about you. May God bless you in boundless ways today, may He give you the strength to run and play. (may he give your Mommy and Daddy the energy to keep up with you!) :) I'm back at cutting that silly ole grass again today. I've been tempted to pull it all up and put down rock, but I'd miss the beauty of the greeness in my yard! I'm making a trip to the post office this morning...just for you! Have a wonderful day little buddy! God bless you and yours!
angel friend jan livingstone
- Monday, June 9, 2003 10:10 AM CDT
hello matthew and family ,
my name is patty and i am your angel peggy's sister . i want you to know you have brought so much enjoyment to peggy and her family she is a wonderful person she is one of the most caring people that iknow. and jonathan is so loving . i am so happy you are back at home and i hope you and your family are doing ok. i know it has been hard and you and your family but you keep your little head up and you are going to beat this . i hope one of these days peggy will get to meet you, you take care and enjoy that dog. from somebody who cares patty and alan

patty and alan holsinger <pattyholsi24@wmconnect.com>
stout , oh usa - Friday, June 6, 2003 6:28 PM CDT
Just a short note from grandma thanking you for a fun day yesterday. You are so much fun to watch with your beautiful blue eyes and happy smile. I loved it when you gave Dr. Chris a big hug and told him by-by after your visit at the hospital. You light up the room with your love. I am so happy you are feeling good and running around. I am sorry I just can't keep up with you. After a six hour drive you are ready to run and play and no complaining about having to go to the hospital. I loved it when you said you were home when we got to Lisa's house. Sorry you could not find your tractor there to move around all thoes rocks. You knew that they needed to be moved and you wanted to help all the workers but your tractor was at your other house. Thanks for making my day a joyful one. I look forward to our visit on Saturday when we will go to the beach and play in the sand with the water and the boats. Love, Grandma
Jerri Fredericks <jerri@sbceo.org>
Santa Ynez, CA USA - Friday, June 6, 2003 12:46 AM CDT
Hey Matt!!! So glad to hear that you are home with your Lacey.I have been thinking about you every day. The weather here has been wonderful today. No Rain!! YEAH! Those pups are about ready to find them a new home. They are getting around real good. Of course Jonathan wants to keep all of them. Wish you could come here (or we could come there) so you could help Jonathan play with them!! Until next time. Hugs and Kisses. Your Angel, John, Peggy & Jonanthan
Peggy Sowards <peggysowards@wmconnect.com>
STOUT, OH USA - Thursday, June 5, 2003 8:00 PM CDT
Hi Matt! You just won't believe this midwest weather...today we're in shorts, have all the windows open and the big attic fan on! Sure makes it interesting! I'm anxiously awaiting an update from your Mom, so I can hear how you're doing. I hope you got to go by the 'other house' today and found your box of Interlock blocks. Maybe Mom can post a picture of that motorcylcle, after you and Dad get it built? :) God bless you little buddy!
angel friend jan livingstone
IL - Thursday, June 5, 2003 5:26 PM CDT
Hey Matt! We got a sunshiny day today, and it's a bit warmer...NO sweatshirt today! Thanks to all this 'wonderful' rain we've had, I have to cut the foot tall grass today. (bummer) I hope your whole family is doing well today. God bless you little guy!
angel friend jan livingstone
- Wednesday, June 4, 2003 3:48 PM CDT
Matt, today I turned 4. I am glad you came home. I am so happy for you.i wanted to see you in the hospital. maybe we could go to the beach soon one day.Would you like one of my birthday presants cause I have a lot . I love you .Your my favorite cousin. i have to go to bed it late, XOXOXO
Carly Brookes Jenkins A.K.A. FlowerGirl
- Wednesday, June 4, 2003 0:39 AM CDT
Tommy,Debbie and Matthew,Love you so much!!! I have done a lot of praying and walked into churches that were close by to pray for all three of you and the rest of our family.Thinking Of you often and the kids hope to get to see all of you soon.Gage put Matthew's picture in the bucket, on the background of our computer and I carry a picture of him in my car.Hugs and kisses The angles are watching over all of us.
Nancy J. Hume <NancyJHume@HotMail.com>
Los Osos, Ca U.S.A. - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 0:29 AM CDT
Hi Matt! What a hero you are!!! You are greater than Superman! I'd like to be at the beach with you! Indiana has just been cold and rainy!! I am so grateful you have this website so I can know how you are! You are always in my prayers and in my heart! I have sent you cards and stuffed animal, that I feel like we know you! Put your arms around your neck and squeeze! THERE!! A HUG with LOVE from US!!!!GOD LOVES YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keith and Terri Watson <watsonterri44@hotmail.com>
Moores Hill, IN - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 6:25 PM CDT
Hey Matt, Mom and Dad--You all are going thru so much. Why? Only our loving Lord knows why. You are one of God's precious metals and thru all the fires and hammerring you too will shine in His brillance. My prayers are with you always as your Auntie Paula keeps me posted. Im His name and Love, Sandy
Sandra Kolls <sdkolls@aol.com>
Indio, CA USA - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 3:53 PM CDT
Hey there Matt!! BBBBRRRRRRRRR it's still gloomy and cold here in Illinois! It's only 64* today...it should be 84*! I'm sure we'll pay for it soon, July and August are right around the corner! I hope you're feeling great today and playing very hard. I'm putting a little surprise in the mail this afternoon, be watching for it! God bless
angel friend jan livingstone
- Tuesday, June 3, 2003 1:08 PM CDT
Hi Matt,
We are so happy you are home and doing so well. We had a lot of fun at your fundraiser. We wish you could have been there. Mackenzie prays for you every night. She says "Bless baby friend Matt." Her big brother and sister, Quintin and Whitney, pray for you everyday,too. We all miss you and thank the Lord for everything He is doing for you and your family. We pray for the Lord's healing power for you and comfort, strength, and peace for your parents and family. We love you!

"Do not fear for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you , for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

Shawn & Mackenzie Bland & Family <scottiemom@charter.net>
Nipomo, CA USA - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 0:53 AM CDT
Hi Matt--You and your Mom and Dad are an inspiration to us all. We all need to live each day to the fullest and enjoy all the little things that you find so wondrous, that you help us grown-ups discover again. What could be more fun than running in circles on the beach? We've been having lots of fun on our beach too, although it's pretty foggy right now. Don't tell your Dad that Tom surfed 5 times last week, because he might get jealous like Bruce did (Bruce whined so much that Lisa had to send him to his room for a time-out). Kristian, Dana, and Lauren are looking forward to summer vacation, and so am I. I don't teach this summer for the first time in 3 years, so I am REALLY looking forward to having some fun and working on our dirt pile we call a yard. We can't wait for you to come down to Santa Barbara and visit us. I think about you every day, and pray for you each night when I tuck my own little ones in. You are awesome, and your mom and dad are amazing too. Take care.
Tine, Tom, Kristian, Dana & Lauren

Tine Sloan <tine@sloancorp.com>
Santa Barbara, CA USA - Monday, June 2, 2003 11:22 PM CDT
Hi Matt: We're just another couple in southern California that have been praying for you since our great-grandson's mom, Stella Davis told us about your problem. Prayer is the most important thing we can do and we promise to not stop. We love you, little guy and we are grateful for our little Ben whom you went to day care with. We are grateful to God for bringing you all this way and we will continue our prayers for you, your mom and dad, and the doctors & nurses who have been helping you.
Jess & Ruth Green <ruth.green4@verizon.net>
Hemet,, CA USA - Monday, June 2, 2003 9:12 PM CDT
Hey Matt! Thinking about you again today! I'm also thinking about that beach!!! It's rainy and COLD here in Illinois...I'm in a sweatshirt!! I can't remember another June beginning like this one. I even (briefly) thought about making a pot of chili today...seems like good chili weather. :) I hope things are going well and that God is blessing your family today.
angel buddy jan livingstone
IL - Monday, June 2, 2003 5:43 PM CDT
Matt, we are so happy and thank God you are doing so well with your treatments. We think about you daily and can't wait see you!
Thank you for an incredible website, it is so much appreciated.

Sonia, John and Kenton Meena <smeena@charter.net>
Shell Beach, CA USA - Sunday, June 1, 2003 11:17 PM CDT
Hey Matt!!! I'm so glad your Mom finally set up a website for you... I wonder about you EVERY single day & now I can keep up to date!!! I'm praying for you non-stop buddy! I wish I were there playing on the beach with you! (it's a bit chilly here in IL!) I'm afraid there is a box waiting for you at the other house, maybe Mom can get it the next time you two go that way?!?!?! (then you can start building that motorcycle!) :) Take care little buddy, and God bless!
angel buddy jan livingstone
IL - Sunday, June 1, 2003 3:55 PM CDT

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