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Saturday, January 29, 2011 7:18 PM CST

Dear Lorraine,

Yesterday, you celebrated your 25th birthday in Heaven. Here we remembered you and celebrated your life. You have impacted such a large number of people to have been on the Earth for such a short time. Your legacy continues to inspire and motivate others. I know you would be pleased.

Everyone wore "Lorraine blue" and enjoyed a piece of your favorite carrot cake in your honor. Also, since this year was 'special,' we all performed an act of kindness for another person on your behalf. Such a "Lorraine-thing."

I miss you every day, always carrying you in my heart.

Until I see you again,



Thursday, January 28, 2010 10:38 AM CST

Lorraine, my dear...

I hope, no...I KNOW! you are enjoying your 24th birthday today in Heaven surrounded by all your angel-friends and beautiful images I cannot comprehend. I'm sure you've preened and fixed your gown and wings to pristine glory and for once, your little shoes are actually slim enough!

There are still so many people here who are remembering you today on your special day. Just glance down and you'll spot many of them easily. They're wearing Lorraine-blue in your honor. I suspect there will be a high demand for carrot cake all over as your admirers are eating a big piece to celebrate your birthday with you.

I miss you everyday, and I always will.

Always loved and Always Remembered.


(Please see our new site at www.caringbridge.org/visit/lorraineroot)

Monday, August 3, 2009 5:30 PM CDT

Lorraine has been checking in with me lately. I think sometimes I hear her melodious voice trailing off in laughter.

I sat down to lunch today at a new restaurant, feeling a bit out of place, opened the menu and immediately saw her name staring back at me. I knew she was with me, reassuring me, offering comfort.

There are some things that defy explanation.

This time of year takes me back to the last few weeks of our good times with Lorraine. Shopping, movies, bonding... Lorraine had plans. Plans for herself and for Livi.

Good memories.

Remember to continue our journey on www.caringbridge.org/visit/lorraineroot.

Monday, May 11, 2009 11:02 PM CDT

My little girl has been an angel for 48 months. I'm sure she's an old hand by now. She always had a talent for transitions. Especially when people were involved.

I can't say the same for me. This transition hasn't been as smooth on my end. I'm trying to do my part and hold up my end.

Please visit our new site at www.caringbridge.org/visit/lorraineroot.

I've included a link below for your convenience.

Thanks for your continued support.

Saturday, May 2, 2009 7:13 PM CDT

One week from Monday will be the fourth anniversary of Lorraine's getting her wings. I know some of you will remember. I hope so. I know I will.

This year I've decided not to put a memorial ad in the obituary page of the paper. I think it hurts more to do so. I'll likely place the add next year on the fifth anniversary and every five years thereafter.

I wanted to be sure those of you who are following our continuing journey on our new website are aware there are no longer any registration or login requirements.

Please look us up and see the expanded photos on www.caringbridge.org/visit/lorraineroot.

Thanks to everyone for your love and continued support.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 9:11 PM CDT

Thanks, everyone, for continuing to follow us on this site and for coming along with us on our new site at www.caringbridge.org/visit/lorraineroot.

I check this site daily for guestbook entries and to see if any "tweeking" is needed.

Please see the links below for easy access to the new site and for other sites that need your support.

Thanks again for Remembering Lorraine.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 3:40 PM CDT

Lorraine's new website is up and running, even the PHOTOS section. All right, so a few of them are sideways, and there are duplicates, but nobody's perfect.

Certainly not yours truly.

I had originally added a log-in and a caringbridge password for the new site, but having been here on this classic site for several years with no such requirement, folks were hindered. Being somewhat of a technophobe, myself, I can relate, hence, I have REMOVED the log-in requirements for the new site.

Please come see us at www.caringbridge.org/visit/lorraineroot.

Thank you for continuing with us on this journey.

For convenience, I have provided a link below.

Thursday, April 9, 2009 10:14 PM CDT

The new site is officially up and running. I will be adding the update there from now on. I'm still adding photos and making up my mind about which profile picture to use for Lorraine.

The journal history is and will continue to be available on this site.

For convenience, I have added a link to the new site under the "Links" section on this page.

Please visit us at www.caringbridge.org/visit/lorraineroot.

Thanks for continuing on this journey with us.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009 7:38 PM CDT

Today I worked on the MY STORY page for Lorraine's new Caringbridge website. I also got the Guestbook preview ready. I added some names to the LINKS, too. The only part of the site that isn't up and running is the PHOTO section. I haven't figured out how to transport Lorraine's photos from the old site to the new one. I REALLY wanted to do figure all the bells and whistles out on my own. I guess I'll be calling the Apple-pie guys tomorrow...

I have had so many requests for additional photos, automatic updates and other features that this "classic" version of the website doesn't offer, I decided to go on and move the journal over to the newer edition. At long last, folks will have a visual image of the pair-a-doxies and Livi. AND, Lorraine's classic site will remain totally devoted to her photos. There is room for fifty-some-odd pictures on the newer site.

Livi and I will be motoring toward the castle for Easter. I'm actually heading that way in the morning, doxies loaded and God willing. Livi has to finish her classes through the week. We'll be having our Easter dinner (that's lunch to non-Southerners) with our Canadian friends. However, our annual dachshund Easter egg hunt may have a hitch; the forecast calls for rainshowers.

Great guns! I'll have to hide eggs in the castle. Good thing we don't have Mastiffs. They'd be turning over the furniture. I have visions of at least one doglet with her head stuck up under the couch in search of an egg, wee buns, legs and tail thrashing about...

Livi saw the doctor today and she has a randy little sinus infection. Oh, good. Just in time for the holiday.

Check the new site...www.caringbridge.org/visit/lorraineroot

Monday, April 6, 2009 9:07 PM CDT

I didn't darken the doorstoop today. Nary a breath from my body nor a hair of my head made way past the doorknob of the apartment. The weather was not fit to venture forth. (Well, after the morning feeding and pooping...)

Brrr-rabbit. Thank goodness Livi has a fella and that fella came over after class to take these pair-a-doxies outside. Otherwise, the duo sat upon the divan with their wee legs crossed.

I busied myself making a potroast and green bean casserole... Livi has a sinus infection and sore throat, so she was abed the live-long day. I did laundry and folded clothes. More excitement than a person could aspire to.

I actually dug deep into my suitcase for remnants of my winter wardrobe and found a heavy turtleneck and some thick sweatpants. Geeze. Larry called to tell me it was cold in Little Rock. OH? We're expecting teens tonight in college town. My poor little pansies back at the castle.

Nobody in these parts has seen hide nor "hare" of the Easter Bunny for this coming weekend. I've got to make tracks to the castle and rustle up Livi's little purple basket. Not to mention there are eggs to dye for the annual dachshund Easter egg hunt.

There will be growling.

Sunday, April 5, 2009 6:52 PM CDT

BRRRrrrrr-Rabbit!!!! Where did Spring get off to? Bring it back!

The girl doxies are chilly. They don't even care to go out to do their business. You'd think I was driving a team of doxen the way they fairly fly back up the stairs IMMEDIATELY after popping a squat. The weather forecast is 18 degrees either tonight or tomorrow night. THAT'S cold. May I remind us all it is APRIL?

I do believe E. Bunny will be wearing ear muffs.

Livi invited me to her sorority fashion expo this afternoon. I wore three layers and my winter coat. She and I still froze.

The doglets were given their baths. I dried their hair with the hair dryer since the weather was so cold. They are prone to colds, stirring about with wet hair. Neither the baths nor the hair dryers are experiences either girldog cares for. Livi washed them during her shower and I took one at a time to be dried and brushed. The obese one was last and OH did she carry on! She cried and groaned and groused til I rescued her. She had done her strokes and dog-paddling while being washed, hoping to swim away...(snicker.)

I washed their snuggle-sack so they were able to get in a warm, fresh bed to reevaluate their situations after the bathing ordeal was finished. I've heard no complaints...

I am working on a new caringbridge website for lorraine. i have not figured out how to load her pictures from the old site. my new computer is part of the problem. i've got to place a call for help. this classic site has limited bells and whistles, so i decided to move her to the new style and provide a link to this one. i'll let everyone know when the new one is ready.

seeking improvement.

Saturday, April 4, 2009 10:27 PM CDT

What a day! I did something new. I learned about handguns and how to handle them. I qualified in target practice. I actually enjoyed shooting the guns. I hadn't fired a gun in over thirty years.

I figured it was time to learn to defend myself. I'm not getting any taller, tougher or bigger. But, I am getting older. As are the doglets.

Now, when I travel back and forth to college town, I will be protected. When I take roadtrips, I won't have to worry (quite so much) in my little car. The doglets have backup.

I believe my Grandpa is tickled with me. He kept a loaded gun behind the front door at the ready. It remained there from my earliest memories until the last memory I have of Grandpa's house. I slept safe and sound in Grandpa's house under his roof. I knew he would protect me.

There were no guns in my cabin, mansion or castle as long as there were children running about. The world is a significantly different place now and I no longer feel secure in my own abode. Setting the alarm doesn't wrap me and tuck me into bed. In Grandpa's day, we often didn't lock the doors. Now, I have two and three locks, big ones, on my doors. The castle is hard to breach. There are reports with regularity about break-ins and robberies in my neighborhood. The castle turrets have motion detectors and we have the brick fence in the postage stamp. I have resorted to bearing arms.

With training.

Friday, April 3, 2009 8:42 PM CDT

MOOOoooo... MOOOOOOO! (eyes pop open.)

I'm awake.

I hear mooing. I'll swan, I hear mooing. Have I gotten my wings in my sleep and gone to a remote, quaint nostalgic heaven complete with cows?

Nope. I truly did wake up to a chorus of cows mooing, though. There was a herd in my friend's backyard, er, pasture. It was glorious. What's more, I got to walk among the herd and toss chunks of food (their version of "cow treats") with my eyes as big as moon pies. All the while, I was ever-so-careful not to step in the "cowpies." I also got to pet the big black bull on his flank. He was a beauty, weighing in at 1600 lbs. My, his hooves were huge!

I saw a donkey as big as an enormous horse standing by the roadside. There were goats, small herds of 'em... Chickens. bwock,bwock, bwock. The token black farm dog was on hand.

I learned a few cow facts. I studied up on limosine cows, angus cows, hereford cows, charlias and brahmin bulls. i recalled the difference between "polled" and horned herefords. I learned the finer points between some of the pigs and various other animals. It was refreshing.

Ah, breathing in some fresh air.

Thursday, April 2, 2009 10:34 PM CDT

Whoa, Nelly.

The apartment got a little too close for comfort today and I found a new nest for a day or two. I made sure the doglets were adequately peeped and pooped and in their cage before leaving them in Livi's care, then I packed my bags...

I'm enjoying the country this fine evening. Nice fire. Cup of hot chocolate. Good friends. Peace and Quiet. Both at the same time.

I plan to do WHATEVER I choose in the morrow. All day. For one entire day.

Somehow I don't think the earth will reverse on its axis.

My friends had some Milky May Midnights saved for me. Soothes the soul. AND, this night my soul could use a little soothing.

I need to spend some time alone with myself and think my own thoughts.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009 7:30 PM CDT

FINALLY. A new haircut that looks like a haircut. Hopefully, the sideshow drama over my hair will end.

(Although, the lady doing my new "do" was clucking her tongue over the way my hair kept poking out and doing what it wanted...)

I stuck my big canister of wipes in a Wal-Mart poke and trotted down to the senior citizens gym this morning. I had a nice go at most of the equipment and worked up a randy sweat. I was thinking of Lorraine as I was working out and remembering how she would get all dolled up in her workout gear to go to the gym with her friends. She'd WATCH them workout and talk to all the boys. Not one to sweat, herself.

The doglets were waiting patiently back at the apartment. They had worked off their morning nap. (Yawn...)

Livi did some turbo exercise this afternoon. We're an energetic bunch for the start of April.

The wind is fierce and fairly lifts the wee doggies off their four legs when I take them out to do their business.

Monsoon season is upon us.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009 8:24 PM CDT

Last and final day of March. Good. This has been a hard month. I'm ready to move on to the next one.

Most folks I run into are struggling with issues lately. There's a cloud hanging over the vicinity, and my "listening area" is touched by a burdening of hearts. It's enough to bring a body down.

I've had a tough day. I finally sat myself down and let loose. I believe I flat scared the pair-a-doxies. It sure felt good to cry and cry HARD. Salt build-up.

I got yet another of those blamed bills from the popsicle stick on that account I closed down three months ago. Lord, help. Lord, do. I mean, what kind of fool do those phone-sellin' people take me for? (Hypothetical, DO NOT answer that!)

I asked Livi to drop me off at the phone store. She wanted to bring her camera. I told them I didn't believe they really had any managers, that they were "figments." Obviously, since no one could take care of my bill! I swore if I got a bill next month I wouldn't be back, I'd be making time with the Attorney General's Office. Great guns! I haven't owed any money for three months, yet I keep running a tab... The service people are scratching their heads, too.

Never, ever inquire about a "FREE TRIAL OFFER."

Livi took a test today. She and her fella both have the same class. They were stumped over a question and both answered in the opposite way. I looked up the correct answer. Neither were... Tricky.

I've made another hair appointment for my hair. I've decided with a holiday coming, I cannot continue to thrash about looking like a redheaded q-tip.


Monday, March 30, 2009 10:32 PM CDT

Oh, yea. I got to that gym today... It felt mighty good, I must say.

HOWEVER, I will be taking a big canister of my own personal wipes with me tomorrow. AND, a water bottle. Maybe even my own personal towel, too. Nobody with the exception of myself was using the one and only squirt bottle of disinfectant to clean off the equipment before they used it. (Take me now, lord!) And, when I got thirsty, I realized there were no cups only a water fountain EVERYBODY drank from, so I GOT THIRSTIER! The towels were dingy and suspect in my opinion, so I kept them away from my face.

The equipment was great, abundant and in very good condition. The four tv's were preset to stations I generally don't watch, but I could adapt. There weren't many mats for floor-work, but since most of the clients can't get down on the floor, there's little need for them. There is a right fine pool, but I don't care to get wet unless I'm bathing, so I don't plan to use that feature. Not to mention, you just never know WHAT might be in the water...

Livi was exempt from her first class per her birthday, so she slept in. The dachshunds were gleeful as I took off for the gym, thinking she was their huckleberry for the day. OH, weren't they the unhappy pair when I returned and found them grousing in their cage?

Livi chose her favorite bar-be-que for belated birthday lunch. We had a teensy birthday cake this evening, as well. She is studying for a test tomorrow.

Closing out March.

Sunday, March 29, 2009 8:24 PM CDT

Livi's back in college town after her trip to Kansas City. She had a good time and had lots to say. She got flowers from her new fella for her birthday today.

The doglets and I were laid low keeping a mild profile til Livi returned. I did run some laundry. The dachshunds missed their bath, but I didn't hear any complaining from the aerodynamically-designed gallery.

I've had all the couch-sitting I care to do. I'm ready for the snow and sleet to go elsewhere. Tomorrow, I'm off to the gym.

I read one of Livi's history books today to chase away boredom. It was an enticing tome regarding history's "bad guys." There were a few nuggets here and yon that captivated me. I read aloud to the girldoxies when I found the really juicy parts. They tended not to pay rapt attention. Slept, actually.

I imagine Lorraine will sprinkle some love on Livi to remember the birthday. She may have gone on the roadtrip, as she loved those.

Larry's back at work. Mouse at the wheel.

Saturday, March 28, 2009 8:54 PM CDT

Livi texted me from Kansas City, and called. She has been shopping in the megaplex interconnecting the hotels via a hampster maze protected from the weather.

Larry suggested her crew consider staying another night just in case. The airport was closed up there due to the weather. Hmmm.

Speaking of airports, Larry is betwixt several. He has been away on a golf trip. He should be arriving by bedtime. I recall something about bogies and birdies in his excited patter recounting all the golf he's played.

There was snow today here in college town. I believe the weather helped my hair. That and hanging upside down with a hairdryer to style it... I wanted to crouch down at eye level to the doxies on the couch and say "Look!, My hair is sorta pretty today." Considering I had NO plans to venture past the grass necessary for business needs... I figured I'd be wasting my energy and interrupting their naps. I might get one to raise her head and crack open an eyelid. Maybe.

I worked over a cauldron of chili when I got hungry and the results weren't half bad. I'd speculate about half good, but half is better than none. I imagine points could be deducted for side-stepping miniature doglet toes underfoot when I was trying to concentrate.

I have stockpiled a hefty stash of black liquorice jelly beans for my personal use and amusement in the coming months. I have become significantly fond of the flavor. Livi is certain I have enough to last until she graduates college.

The dachshunds and I were proud to participate in the international saving electricity movement tonight. We turned off all our nonessential electrical items and looked at each other for an hour. (Blink. blink. Blinkblink.)

It's hard to put anything past those two.

Friday, March 27, 2009 10:09 PM CDT

Livi and her new fella arrived safely in Kansas City for the "event." There are a covey of sorority/fraternity folks there. How fortunate for any business people who happen to be trapped in the hotel over the weekend in the mini-blizzard with those hyped-up young ones!

Ah, as for me, I'm relaxing here at the apartment with a fridge full of food and plenty of kibble. The doglets have a head-start on their weekend nap. I could write a playbook on "Doglet Nap Positions and Their Meanings." There is a code.

I know. I've studied them.

Alas. The living room light blew right before dusk. I dragged the tallest chair right beneath the fixture, climbed up and I WAS STILL A FOOT TOO SHORT TO CHANGE THE BULB!

Fortunately, Livi's old fella was sweet enough to come over and (being tall) change said bulb for me, lest the doglets pass the evening in the dark napping in a room lit only by the tv screen. Curses! What mean and ghastly deeds would I have suffered at their paws tomorrow?

There were whirlybirds about this evening, too. I remained vigilant should the need arise to toss the girldogs in the tub and throw myself on top. Our weather radio blared and bleeped in the wee hours this morning about some flooding elsewhere, in case we were asleep and not sufficiently alarmed.

I found a dumplin' of a tiny cake to fetch tomorrow for Livi's birthday on Sunday. Hopefully, the weather won't preclude my venturing forth.

Lorraine checked in with me today via our old friend. I had been reeling and teetering. She just "knows."

Wes contacted me. He's traipsing around the netherparts.

My hair-do. Ah, yes. This morning the result looked as though I had my head stuck in the garbage disposal and yanked it out. I never worked so hard to have my hair look that bad. I went back to Wal-Mart and read labels. I bought another hair product.

i dread the prospect of tackling my curls-that-aren't and my do-that-won't in the morning.

Thursday, March 26, 2009 9:11 PM CDT

There will be snow.

It is official. The groceries have been bought.

The pair-a-doxies and myself will be busy making chili to keep ourselves occupied and out of trouble. We'll be in off the streets, due to the weather. I would employ the doglets as "tasters", but they are suspect. They'll eat anything except jello and call it "good." Hence, 'twill be up to me to determine whether or not the chili is a good batch or a not-so-good batch.

Livi and her new fella will be motoring to the even-farther North for that shindig where the forecast is a falootin' FOOT of snow. I'm packing blankets and flashlights for the car. AND, i've promised to come after them if I even suspect problems. The girldoxies will be riding sidesaddle and shotgun, too.

I attempted to stock up on black liquorice jelly beans today, but APPARENTLY someone besides me eats them. Wal-Mart was out. I found a bag elsewhere.

I used Livi's hair iron this morning and decided I needed to purchase one. While I was visiting Wal-Mart, I browsed the hair-iron aisle. Land sakes, I had no idea there were so many! I had three models in hand when I called for help. Livi was in class, so I called her fella and asked if he knew anyone who used one... "No." He did not. We tried to apply logic to the matter and ended up with three additional choices. I was getting no where...

AHA! I spied a cute young girl about Livi's age in the hair implements aisle who had "froo-frooed" hair and I asked HER which one (of the six) I should buy. She was full of hair information about all sorts of products and I left Wal-Mart ready to tackle the hair on my head with new products and a right dandy hair iron.

Lorraine would have been so proud. She always wanted me to enter the world of glamour.

Tomorrow I'll try it all out and see if I scare the dachshunds.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 6:55 PM CDT

Twenty-seven years ago today Grandpa got his wings. Yes, indeedy. He flew away. I remember the grin on his face. He was in his 80's. There was still a mischievious twinkle in his blue eyes. What a character.

Livi will be twenty this weekend. She's going out of town to some sort of shindig for sorority/fraternity types to Kansas City! Lord, let's just HUNT for snow! I'll be hanging around college town with our own snowy forecast keeping the doglets warm sans their coats and sweaters. Those are tucked away in the laundry room closet back at the castle. Along with my own long johns. (Shiver...)

Larry and I talked for a bit this morning. His golf buddies commented on the annual trip. The location has had 40 earthquakes in less than a week. Hmmm. Could be bumpy.

We are out of victuals once again here at the apartment. Someone needs to venture forth and procure. "Don't forget the black liquorice jeelllyy beeaannss!" I don't know why I'm yelling, I'll be the one who goes...

I made significant progress on the new machine today. I do not miss wretched machine. No, I do not.

I tried to work my new haircut in this humidity. There was an undesirable outcome. Livi took one look at me and said, "Mom, you were supposed to straighten it!" I did, or tried to...

One side of my head is curled up, the bangs are wavy and the other side, well, there just are no words.


Tomorrow is another day.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 10:10 PM CDT

Mercy Maude. Gracious me.

The obese one was plumb afraid of the loud thunder and thrashing wind earlier today. She barked rather fearfully, shaking all the while, finally climbing into the chair beside me for comfort. Very undachshund-like behavior.

The pup wasn't too concerned about the thunder-boomers. She peeped out of her snuggle sack and looked at me inquisitively. I presented a brave front and her short self resumed the position.

The weather radio was blaring and announcing all manner of atrocities in counties I knew nothing of. I found a weather map on the local tv station and determined there was no need to tuck a doglet under each arm and dive for the bathtub. Good. It needed scrubbing.

Livi came in between classes looking like she had swam upstream. Her long curls hung in dripping rivulets. Her pants were plastered to her legs. She hurriedly changed her clothes and slipped into rainboots and returned to the next class.

I was quite glad to be in the dry. Luckily, the girldoxies had been outside just in time before the deluge.

The weather forecast for the weekend is WINTER-LIKE weather. At the tail-end of March.

I could have sworn Spring was here.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 8:34 AM CDT

I turned in early (midnite) last night due to Livi's study schedule and didn't get on the computer, as only one of us can use the internet at a time. By the time it was my turn, I was tired.

Oh, that and we were glued to the tv for a season finale...

Livi had an onset of cleaning and straightening that hit her about bedtime and every pile of clutter was upended. We still have piles, mind you, just nicer ones. (smile.)

There is a noise outside the wall of Livi's bedroom up against her bed what sounds like a coat hanger scratching the inside of a milk bottle. It plays for us all night long. ALL night long.

The doglets are trying desperately to catch up on their sleep.

Larry is enjoying some good golf weather these days. I'm proud for him.

Everything is in bloom in college town. Keeping the windows closed. TIGHT.

Sunday, March 22, 2009 11:30 PM CDT

We're back!!!

The caravan pulled into college town right at sundown, Livi, her fella, myself and two, count 'em, dos, doglets in vehicles stuffed with "necessities." I wonder sometimes at the numerous items we require to sustain ourselves.

The girldoxies were pleased to find their squirrels on the kitchen floor when they were finally let out of the cage. (I had tossed the raggedy rodents moments before to help the pair-a-doxies settle in!)

The snuggle sack quickly found its place on the couch and was mashed and wallowed into a proper vantage point.

Larry called to see if we were managing. We were.

Amazingly, no grocery fairy filled the fridge! Hence, I suspect one amongst us will make the Wal-Mart run tomorrow. Oh, how I wish those girldogs could drive. I'd send them with a list.

Hmm. What I got back might not be edible. Or, it might have teethmarks in it!

Lots to be done as the semester burns away...

Saturday, March 21, 2009 7:43 PM CDT

Uhg...Migraine. Rainy day. Barometric ups and downs. I oughta just hire out to tape myself up on a pole and predict the weather.

We celebrated Livi's 20th birthday EARLY today. She still has eight days before the bonafide event, but there's a sorority function out of town during the date in question. Livi chose to dine at Chili's out of all the fine dining establishments in town. We had guiltless grills items times three.

Her choice of cake to celebrate was an ice cream cake at Maggie Moo's. A miniature, but full of yummation. There were pictures of Livi with her fella and the cake, Livi and the obese one and the cake (attempting to dive face first INTO said cake, I might add...), Livi and a squirming pup with said cake, and Livi with the momma what bore her some two decades ago with the infamous cake... Did I mention we got photos of the cake? Larry took videos and did a running monotone while we snapped the pictures.

Everyone retired to the family room with ice cream cake and watched Steel Magnolias. I'd say the early celebration was a success. The obese one wouldn't. She DID NOT get any cake.

Oh, we also took in a movie as part of our fun. We were going to go hog-wild and have popcorn and drinks, but we were all full as ticks on a dog's ear, so we declined.

Tomorrow we travel back to college town...

Friday, March 20, 2009 10:20 PM CDT

Herself found a bottle of chocolate syrup in Livi's bag and popped the top COMPLETELY off the bottle. She then slurped her long tongue way down inside the bottle which tumped it over and sloshed sticky syrup inside the bag all over the tees and other clothes.

Livi put her fine obese self into Livi's own bed along with the pup and sometime in the dark of night, tummy troubles set upon them all. Herself puked chocolate syrup on the sheets and the comforter. Livi stripped the bed down to the mattress and tossed the obese one into her crate, alone. Further puking set upon her and she befouled the crate badly into the night.

I can't thank Livi enough for leaving the chocolate syrup in her bag and leaving said bag on the FLOOR, aka, dachshund territory. It is written.

The pup was purely disgusted.

Hopefully, this night will be much less eventful.

Praying all those kids home from Spring Break...

Thursday, March 19, 2009 9:08 PM CDT

Oh, that bird.

He (or she) gave up on the family room and moved to the bedroom. Now the peckpeckpecking has commenced in there. AND, continues.

I knew we were having some rain today.

My migraine.

Livi made it back from Natchez just fine. She loved the food. Brought her daddy some fudge. The pup pert near popped when she discovered Livi inside the castle this 'evening. My, she was excited.

The obese one laid her ears low and vocalized to beat the band til she got her share of attention. Then, she crawled in her snuggle sack and paid no mind to anyone.

I had my teeth cleaned. No cavities. Yeah for me.

Time to consume some black liquorice jelly beans.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009 11:16 PM CDT

I believe the dachshunds have been reading Thoreau.

Larry experienced a double armful of civil disobedience from the canine contingent this evening when trying to put the pair-a-doxies to bed. Having a doglet under each arm, squirming, Larry attempted to lower the obese one into the cage opening. She refused and blockaded the doorway with her body.

The pup used Larry's off-balance attempts to wedge Herself inside the cage and wriggled loose, thereby running amuck. The obese one slipped past Larry at the cage door and ran back to her perch on the couch.

The only living critter anywhere near the cage was Larry, and he wouldn't fit inside.

I picked up the doxies, who immediately became limp and meek as lambs and put them "in" for the night. Tsk, tsk.

I believe I heard the duo blowing raspberries at Larry...

Livi has her driving directions at hand for her return trip tomorrow. I have high hopes.

I got my hair "recut" today. I am better satisfied. Less hair.

Continue to pray for all the Spring Break travelers.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009 8:49 PM CDT

Today's talk at the luncheon seemed to go well. There were lots of questions afterward. I always consider that a good sign.

The bird persisted a bit this morning. However, I didn't see her this afternoon. Sore beak?

I checked in on Livi. She's doing well in Natchez.

The girldogs are enjoying their break, napping, mostly. Occasionally, one or the other of them will explode into a barking melee thoroughly gleeful to have an excuse to make so much noise. The offender is more-often-than-not a passing car or a bird that strayed too close for their taste.

I went to the eye doctor today. I'd been having some issues with my right eyeball. Worried after last year's exam that I could be developing a cataract, I hustled on in. I have nothing against pirates, but I prefer not to wear a patch. The eye doc told me I see almost perfectly outta my "lefty," but I've got a farsighted "righty."

SO, that's why I have a pair of readers in every room.

There's some issue with inflamation, too, making my eyes red and irritated. GOOD! Finally, we'll get that cleared up. The doc offered the idea of wearing one contact (just for "righty"), but I'd rather poke a sharp stick in my eye. The every thought gives me the willies. Maybe next year.

I'm slowly learning to navigate the seas on my new computer. The "Dummies" book is somewhat helpful, although, I need a few more volumes.

Continue to pray for all those on Spring Break...

Monday, March 16, 2009 8:55 PM CDT

The bird was back again today. Still bangin' her beak against the castle window pane.

I spoke with Livi today. She is enjoying Natchez.

I had lunch with The Option. No, the girldoglets were NOT invited. I'm trying to keep this bit of information from them.

I've opened a bag of dark chocolate M&M's in honor of St. Patty's Day. I've eaten all the orange and blue ones, saving the rest for later.

This morning I had the chance to get in a good workout. FINALLY. After and hour and a half, I could feel the stress lifting after my partial semester of "college." Another good go in the morning and I should be right as "rain."

Larry and I stopped by Barnes and Noble for a book I needed, seeing as how I have a new computer. One of those "For Dummies" tomes...

I have a speaking engagement tomorrow honoring Lorraine's memory by way of raising awareness of TBI.

Remember Lorraine.

Sunday, March 15, 2009 7:49 PM CDT

I'm not sure where the robins have been wintering, but I'd say, "don't go there."

One mother robin has been flying at our rear castle window for close to twenty-four hours now. Although, she may call off the assault at dark. I couldn't say, as I've retreated to an inner room.

She hurls herself full-out at the glass beak first with blood in her wide WIDE open eyes and PECKpeckPECKpecks on the glass rather unrelentingly. She flies back to the crepe myrtle beside the glass and repeats the process. Sometimes she sits on the ledge and stares in at us after she's all done pecking. One thing I'm sure of after all this time...

THAT BIRD IS TOUCHED. Crazy. Off her beak, a bubble or so.

It all started with the pup barking at mother bird for flying over the postage stamp, low. I suppose she was headed to the myrtle to build a nest and lay and egg or two.

Two days ago.

Larry baked Livi a brownie and frosted it for her to tote with her on her trip to Natchez for Spring Break. I had a piece on a plate today sitting unguarded on a side table whilst I was out of the room. Uh-oh! I re-emerged to find the obese one tippee-toeing and stretched as far as possible from the couch virtually suspended in mid-air with my brownie (frosted) encased between her nubile lips. I shouted and "SURPRISE!" said brownie was FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST!

Speaking of Natchez, Livi left with my tiny map-in-box that Larry got me for our anniversary plugged in her car. She also had my Rand McNally atlas of the US and a full page of written instructions to get her to her destination. Somehow, bless her soul, she headed for Beaumont, Texas instead of Natchez. We were able to redirect her and she arrived safely.

Mercy Maude.

Saying a prayer for ALL the Spring Break travelers...

Saturday, March 14, 2009 11:27 PM CDT

There is some kind of psychic kismet to having my hair done. All is well in my corner of the universe for a few weeks. Or, til the weather changes.

I decided to spoil myself and get a pedicure this afternoon whilst I was back in civilization, as Larry refers to non-college town life. Mercy Maude! Being accustomed to prices in college town, I nearly came down with a case of the vapors when I paid the bill. I suppose that's the cost of having BOTH feet pretty.

Larry and I spent a goodly amount of time trying to move permanent files from wretched machine to the new computer. We've had no luck. I'm sure there is some magically easy way and we just aren't privy. One more way for wretched machine to act ugly.

Livi leaves in the morning for her bit of Spring Break. She is busy washing laundry and packing. She needed an emergency dark chocolate frosted brownie baked a short while ago. Larry and I were happy to help. We all ate a bit. Fresh and warm and gooey. I'm wrapping the remainder up for her trip...

The obese one was assisting with the packing activities. She dug around Livi's purse and ate an entire pack of gum. She gnashed her teeth on a tin of lip gloss, but couldn't get it open. Fortunately, the epipen and inhaler were spared, too. I can only do so much. I'm sure I've reminded every member of this bunch to keep their belongings off the floor, as the doxies believe anything on the floor is automatically THEIRS. We have made more than one emergency run Wal-Mart sack in hand with a sick doglet to the vet...


Friday, March 13, 2009 9:38 PM CDT

Oh, joy of my heart. Spring Break is here at last.

I don't know who is happier, the girldoxies or me. They fairly danced when I began wheeling my suitcase toward the door of the apartment. And, like Noah's good little doglets, two by two, they marched into their cage, ready to go "bye bye."

'Course, I had scarcely made the outskirts of college town when they began "singing", needing to peep. (Sigh.) It's hard to make good time traveling with those two.

When we arrived at the castle, we three burst inside and just stared at all the space. We were not used to such high ceilings and the echoing of sound from room to room. The dachshunds ran about, barking, listening to themselves. I really enjoyed being in a residence what was clean and orderly for a change. Livi hadn't arrived yet.

Larry took me to Best Buy and together we picked out my Mother's Day present a tad bit early. I got a new computer.

YIPPPEEEE!!! Farewell to wretched machine. The technology I learned to despise.

This computer is a horse of a different color. Hopefully, I'll have a better experience. One can dream.

Tomorrow I FINALLY get my hair done. It has been a long and drastic winter. Time for a change.

There are no groceries here at the castle.

At least we have kibble.

Thursday, March 12, 2009 11:36 PM CDT

One more day til spring break begins!

Lorraine has been so busy getting her message out. I was contacted this week to speak at the ledge, to be interviewed on tv and to speak at a lunch group about her experience. Yeah, Lorraine!

Livi has a test in the morning. I hope we've prepared enough. This is a tough one.

The girldogs are packing their squirrels and preparing for the trip back to the castle. I dread dragging all my belongings back and forth, but I'm looking forward to being back in my own fortress for a change. I'm sure Larry will be glad to have us under the same roof. I can see it now, Larry on his end of the couch, a doxie on either side of him.

Wes has returned from his trek up Mt. Kilimanjaro. He didn't fall off the side and an avalanche didn't blow him away. He wants to climb more mountains.

Say a prayer for all those traveling over spring break.

Thursday, March 12, 2009 9:21 AM CDT

Livi and I discovered if we pour a few grains of salt in our shoes, the doglets will not lick the insides of them. Indeed, the wee ones make the most horrid faces.

I must have witnessed my ovaries' own version of Custer's Last Stand yesterday, given there is no evidence of those ancient organs doing anything worthwhile, as I found myself in Wal-Mart on two different candy aisles. Livi was picking up a presciption and I moseyed. I snatched up my annual bag of black licorice jelly beans (heavenly and only .78!) and became land-locked with indecision in the non-seasonal bagged candy section. I worried and fussed over THE perfect selection until Livi found me. She paced up and down, back and forth, finally screeching, "JUST PIICCCCKKK ONE, FOR GOSH SAKES!" After all, they were all dark chocolate...

Still, no choice.

She threatened to leave me and I believed her, having raised her, so I closed my eyes and grabbed a bag, running after her.

As I hurried to catch up to her long legs, I noticed the aisles full of salty fritos, begging to go with me... I wanted to upturn one over my head and lick the sides to consume the salt. Yup. Hormones.

I snagged a big single-serve Diet Dr. Pepper in line and I was good to go.

Lorraine made another "appearance." She came to Livi's new fella. He never met Lorraine before she got her wings. Yet, he knew about her from hearing Livi, and me of course. He talked of her eyes and how she had SO much to say. She was wearing some dark clothes, blue? We weren't surprised. She had a young man with her. Again, no surprise. However, his description fit Livi's dear friend who got his own wings shortly before Lorraine. Odd, huh?

She's around. Keeping us close.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009 11:56 PM CDT

My what a patchwork quilt of weather this day has been! The day began warm, then progressed to windy. The late afternoon gave way to gully-washers and a mighty cool-down. Tomorrow we are expecting a 35 degree drop in temperatures. The day after, I'll be hovering here in the apartment whilst we experience "winter mix."

Ha! Just a tease with those forsythias and bradford pears a'bloom.

Livi and I are counting the days til our Spring Break. Hopefully, we won't be donning our winter coats to enjoy it.

We threw caution to the four winds tonight and ordered out. We have been economizing and cooking our own dinner. However, being down to one egg and little else in the fridge with the break coming next week, I could see no point in shopping for groceries. Livi has eaten grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch and dinner enough times to welcome a change in her diet.

We looked on the internet at a local eatery's menu and made our selections. I ordered a healthy "free range chicken and veggies." Livi trotted off in pursuit and returned aghast.

$20.00! I sure hope that chicken enjoyed his freedom on the range.

I'll be enjoying THAT meal again tomorrow, too.

Mercy Maude.

Monday, March 9, 2009 11:15 PM CDT

Sometimes I wonder if anyone in my life listens to me.


When I am talking on the phone and trying to convey something deep and important, sharing some part of myself that I need to discuss, inevitably whomever I'm talking with will say "Hold on, I'm getting another call."

Oh. Obviously, what I've said hasn't made much of an impact.

I can't tell you how many times I've let calls go that I really wanted to take just to continue listening to whomever I was speaking with so that person wouldn't feel like what they were saying wasn't important to me.

Pardon me, but isn't that simply good manners?

Or, making plans. I must be prone to taking what is said to me too literally. I expect to mean what I say and say what I mean. Apparently other folks "plan" til a better offer comes along. Gosh, I'm getting to be an old hand at being stood up.

Family and friends expect me to be there when it's convenient and know I'll understand when it isn't. Sometimes, though, I might need a little of their time, too.

It gets old being the stand-up. Real old, real fast.

Lorraine must have known I was needing her support as she came to me last night in my dreams. I felt her touch and heard her voice once again. She found a way to communicate with me. To reassure me.

Trying to hold fast.

Sunday, March 8, 2009 8:36 PM CDT

I've been in college town now for two months. I certainly think I've done more than I expected when I offered up my womb as free lodging for nine months some twenty years ago.

I've seen my child from the inside out as a budding young woman in a set of circumstances I never expected to be privy to. I learned the meaning of the word "tool" today. I know who goes to what bar, who skips class, who lies to their parents about "stuff" and other sundry information I would have gone about life blissfully ignorant of.

Young people don't grow up as quickly in this day and age as before. They are still half-kids and half-adults. Their brains are full of technological garbage and fashion information, yet severely lacking in traits of character development that will carry them throughout the trials of life.

Most of them believe they suffer the cruelest depravity if they suffer through college without a flat-screen tv. Good lord, I felt privileged to have a can opener. I was in high cotton when I had more than three forks. Metal ones, not plastic.

Sure, many of them recyle and join causes, run races to save the rain forrest or buy shoes for some underprivileged kids in a remote village. But, those same neo-adults if spliced in two would reveal layer after layer of selfishness down to the hot molten magnma of their inner being. They just don't get it.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you OUR FUTURE.

Saturday, March 7, 2009 9:31 PM CST

Ah, the tide seems to be turning up here in college town. Sure, the forsythias are attempting to bloom and a few bradford pears are teasing with white sprigs here and there, but I can sense that cold chill in those magnanimous gusts of wind.

The weather forecast indicates possible WINTER MIX next week. There you have it. Right smack dab in the biblical begatting of spring. All that and a stick of chewing wax.

I was fortunate to be invited to a college-town baseball game this afternoon with my new friend. She had an extra ticket, which I graciously used. I actually understand baseball somewhat. Back in the 70's I followed the sport and could spout a stat or two. I munched on popcorn and had a right fine time listening to the crowd and watching the players. If only the doglets could have been in the seat beside me. After all, no one was sitting there.

Livi and her fella joined me for lunch prior to my game attendance. She's on the prowl for a dress to wear to some sorority function. I did the "yea, uh-huh, hmmm." Larry taught me to look interested and not hear one word years ago.

I've set the clocks ahead and tucked the girldogs in early. We'll go through a few days of adjustment with the time change.

Bewilderment in the a.m.

Friday, March 6, 2009 10:46 PM CST

Low and behold. Days like this make you wanna hug someone's neck.

The sun shone gloriously and the mercury teased me by bumping up against the 80 degree mark. I could not help but take those lovely doglets "bye-bye in the car" to play in the park. The pair-a-doxies were simply elated to be outside again today. Their sniffers were on high-gear and their tails were a-waggin'. We took our time, paced ourselves, stopping along the way to sit a spell at the many park benches offering a shady respite. Even so, the pup flipped over on her side and I resorted to dragging her like sack of potatoes every now and again. She just refuses to walk when she gets tired.

Not the obese one! OH, NO! Descended from hearty German stock, she trudges forward stepping on her tongue and panting, but determined not to give in...

Whata weiner.

After our walk I decided to mosey over to the college town vet and have a go at clipping off the winter's growth from the doglet's nails. They were beginning to resemble miniature grizzlies.

My, didn't they enjoy THAT? The obese one screamed and harangued and swore someone was amputating her leg. The pup dramatically rolled her eyes and whimpered, but all-in-all stoically endured. They sniffed and postured at all varieties of breeds in the office and left a marked impression amongst the staff. What kind of impression, I'd rather not say. I was just grateful to stuff my receipt in my purse and slink out the door...

After a nice long, dusty walk one needs a BATH. We three got ours. Two of us shared one with Livi with the third one waiting in the wings with a towel at the ready. I'd swear Livi gets dog-cussed during that shower! The obese one dog-paddles in a vain effort to escape and the pup just suffers in silence. I dry the pair off and brush them. They get treats after the ordeal is over. Then, when I'm good and wet, covered with hair, I take my own bath.

We fell asleep on the couch watching tv as we were clean and pooped from our exercise.

Another extreme Friday night. Doxies gone wild.

Thursday, March 5, 2009 7:52 PM CST

This was a sad and difficult day.

My dear friend's momma got her wings this morning. There is no such thing as "a good time" for someone to go. There is no "being ready" or "getting prepared." It is what it is.

I had just left town for my day of adventure when I got the call to come to the hospital, so I turned around and beat a path back to the apartment. I changed my clothes and told the doglets to "be good girls" for an extra little bit and headed to the hospital.

I really just found myself a shady spot for the most part, but I did blend in well with the decor. (It was a nice shade of orange.) I hope in some small way, my presence was beneficial. Lorraine was likely on duty and fluttering about, worrying over the family.

I managed to get to the park this afternoon with my new college town friend and the girldogs as a reward for their patience. OH WEREN'T THEY HAPPY! The pair-a-doxies went "bye-bye in the car" and took a walk all in the same afternoon. They used their noses and wrote in Japanese on my friend's car window, too. (I'm sure the message was something disparaging to other dogs.) They found several bigger dogs to stare down at the park and a multitude of scarey baby carriages and toddler bikes.

The obese one peeped a river of dominance over every spot she discovered as we were walking. She should be dry for a couple of days...

The pup sat squat down after a bit and refused to budge per usual. I had to tote her fat self. Where's that pink stroller when I really need it?

I was too pooped to even consider dinner after the fresh air and exercise. The doxies have turned in for the night.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009 9:50 PM CST

Well, wouldn't you know it? There IS a gym up here that I can join month-to-month and not pay a whomping big joining fee! Just wait til I get back from Livi's Spring Break.

Ok, so it's for senior citizens, but SO WHAT? Everyone will be covered up, THANK GOODNESS. No more tight spandex exercise groupies.

The girldoxies have taken to squirrel smuggling within the apartment. Apparently, the object is to hide not one, but both the squirrels from the other doglet, THEN, find a secretive place and play (selfishly) with both of 'em. If this keeps up, I may have to send the pair of them outside to cut me a switch.

The weather is warming up nicely around these parts. I've got plans to get outside tomorrow and scuttle about with a girlfriend on an adventure.

I went to the mall for a minute this afternoon. I just couldn't bring myself to part with the cash for a pair of shoes. I bought a cookie. I waited til I got to the apartment to have a Diet Dr. Pepper, as I didn't want to donate the $1.59 including tax to go with the cookie. Geeze.

Livi and I finished another online assignment. We're working toward another test.

Come on Spring Break!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009 9:27 PM CST

Sometimes this journal is just not big enough to contain all my feelings and emotions. There just aren't any words.

If only I could type in "pawprints."

I took a good hard look at myself in Livi's bathroom mirror today. (Actually I've begun referring to her bathroom as "the outhouse.")

I look strained, stressed and drawn.

This has been a hard half semester for one of us.

There are bags under my eyes. The doglets aren't going to recognize me before long.

I'll be ready for a vacation after all this schooling.

Ready to make some new friends and get out of this crackerbox, too.

Monday, March 2, 2009 10:58 PM CST

Bring on another round. Well, another can. This one was a different brand and tasted a little better than the can I struggled to swallow yesterday. Livi came home after I finished imbibing the suds and wanted to know if I'd been using bleach? Hmmm.

The doglets and I took a wee nap late this afternoon. There's something comforting in the warmth of a curled, sleeping dachshund. Even more so with two.

I made my Wal-Mart run and picked up three versions of Cran-Grape; regular, lite and diet. I prefer regular.

I got wind of the pending change coming this weekend whilst watching the news. I would have missed "springing forward." I could have sworn we sprung in early April.

Lorraine was about today, too. She was on several tv programs. Something is definitely up.

The college town weather is whooping and hollering. We'll go from 18 at night to near 80 in the daytime this week. Mercy Maude. Even the doxies will have the sniffles.

Going with the flow.

Sunday, March 1, 2009 11:04 PM CST

Alas. I have been experiencing some unusual knocks and pings in my right side not too far from my belly button and I sought counsel for what might be ailin' me.

My best good friend from law school who is also a registered nurse and I figured out I might just be forming a kidney stone. Momma had trouble with those. She twiddled with her kidneys in forty-odd ways, so I thought, "Why not?"

Having dealt with rural medicine some-odd years ago, my friend prescribed multiples bottles of beer to flush out my kidneys, along with my usual cranberry juice and gallon or so of water.

Beer. Me? The last time I drank beer (except for the sips I had with Wes in Bavaria) would have been in the early 80's. A while back. And, I wouldn't have had more than a cupful then. From what I remember the stuff tasted like horse peep and smelled worse.

Beer isn't sold on Sunday in college town. Fortunately, Livi's fella lives in a fraternity house and as she tells me, there's always a can of beer in a fraternity house.

Do tell. I wonder if their parents know?

Livi's fella brought over two different brands (Lite) for watering down my kidneys. I ate lunch (I didn't want to drink on an empty stomach) and poured half of one can into a glass. By this time it was cold and I used a straw. (I have sensitive teeth.) Yep. Horse peep.

I had two doxies in my lap trying to poke their heads in the glass. I managed to finish the entire can. I drank a bottle of cranberry juice to chase the taste of the beer and spent the afternoon trotting back and forth flushing out my kidneys.

Hopefully, I won't need to pop the top on can number two.

Saturday, February 28, 2009 10:51 PM CST

Say goodbye to February. "GOODBYE."

We had snow here in college town. It was colder than blue blazes all the live long day, too. What a day to host Mom's Day for the Greeks. I was actually glad to sit this one out. Larry, Livi and I went out for barbeque and froze our tushies off.

Larry had already illuminated my day beyond compare before we ventured forth. He managed to step in dog poop whilst taking the doxies out and kindly tracked it back in with him, walking about on the carpet. AND, the obese one peeped the down comforter on the fold-out couch bed, which Larry then sat on and we had another mess to clean up.

I inquired as to the length of his stay.

Bless his sweet heart.

After Larry left for the castle, the snow began to fall in earnest with much bigger flakes. We have a nice accumulation, if you favor that sort of thing. (Sniff.)

Larry reached the castle keep safely and the doglets are tucked in their bed here in the apartment.

Tomorrow brings more preparation for the upcoming test on Monday.

Friday, February 27, 2009 10:24 PM CST

Another day, another test taken. Hopefully, another great grade.

We have snowy, icky weather in these parts. The forecast is, at best, grim. Chalk one up for the Old Farmer's Almanac.

Larry and the obese one arrived about suppertime bearing gifts and supplies in the form of a new toothbrush, more deodorant and an extra pair of shoes. The obese one was DE-Lighted to discover me once again. She acted as though her fine self had been on vacation. I have to admit the pup wasn't overly thrilled to have the obese one back amongst us, though. Funny.

Larry and I played cards this evening and watched tv. Big night. Livi and her fella had a bit of a function on campus to attend.

Tomorrow is officially "Mom's Day" and I have high hopes for a quiet day. With the weather forecast, I'm hoping Livi can creep up to the sorority house and take the official photos and creep back to the apartment with little or no fanfare. We may just postpone our private doin's til a warmer day.

I imagine Lorraine will make an appearance for Mom's Day if I know her as well as I think I do.

We shall see.

Thursday, February 26, 2009 8:01 PM CST

Whew! The doglet and I sat upon the divan this evening poised to dash into Livi's shower and duck down in case a whirly-bird came tearing through college town. We had our weather radio beside us on the table and it would blast off every now and then scaring the be-Jesus outta the both of us.

I imagine this will be a bumpy night. I'm planning to sleep in my clothes. The pup already has hers on.

This morning when Livi's alarm went off, the four-legged one popped up and I knew right away something wasn't right. My underwear was hung up in her collar. Gracious. She does SO like to snuggle. Talk about a fine howdy-do.

Livi came home today with yet another fine grade on her latest test. YEAH!!!

She has one tomorrow. AND, one Monday.

Gotta keep the momentum pumping.

Thursday, February 26, 2009 9:41 AM CST

The pup and I were given a treat yesterday. A ladyfriend of one of my girlfriends back near the castle looked us up here in college town and decided we needed to "get out more."

I tend to agree.

We three took a mini-hike in beautiful warm spring-like weather (cue sunshine, sprigs of emerging green grass and a bird or two chirping...) for might-near three miles. It was grand. The pup faced down three canines of unknown heritage and lived to tell about it. She filled her snout with glorious outdoor smells and the contents of one grimy napkin. She was sated.

This kind soul had picked the pair of us up in her car and on our return trip toted us about town pointing out the sights. The pup was out cold on the floorboard at my feet.

Ah, fresh air, sunshine and good female conversation. I was dozing off on the divan by 7:30pm. I quizzed Livi for her next exam, but she, too, had gotten out and had a good run in the lovely weather and was having trouble keeping her eyes open. We finally gave it up and went on to bed.

Double up today!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009 9:49 PM CST

There are many things about the world I occupy daily that I do not understand. Lots of things. I have studied and observed in various disciplines and continue to do so. One that I've noticed whets my appetite is astrophysics.

I wonder who else might be out there looking back at me? Who else might be talking to Lorraine right now that I have yet to meet? What other worlds did God make to run along side or ahead of our own? I'm not so egotistical to think the broad spance of time and space was created just so our wee planet could wallow around all by itself.

How minute are my daily troubles in correlation to the vastness of the whole. Miniscule really. Yet, God takes the time to concern Himself with every thought I have and every feeling I feel. Awesome.

My life matters not on this planet to many folk. My time spent here will leave no mark and my name will cease to be uttered not long after I pass through. And, the rock housing our world will keep right on turning. The vastness of space will continue to confound the brightest minds. New lives will come into being. Stars will fold in on themselves and someone will fiddle around with their black holes and create a new theory...

Me? I'll be hanging out on the brightest galaxy, seeing what I can learn.

Monday, February 23, 2009 6:31 PM CST

Another spine-tingling day here in college town living in the apartment...

The pup and I cleaned. (I thought perhaps the dust was making us cough.) Well, one of us cleaned and the other supervised. Until the vacuuming began, that is. The supervisory party dug herself a hole in her snuggle sack and hid til the machine cut off.

We two also did laundry. One of us loaded the machine whilst the other one sniffed the underwear. The party what sniffed the underwear had her picture taken with my phone/camera (YES! I did figure out how to work the confounded thing!) while wearing one of Livi's bras around her waist via one strap. She kept looking at me like "What? I don't see why you're making such a fuss."

I'm still "croupy" and coughing. Livi isn't much better. I suppose this will hang around for a bit. Today we are on Mucinex.

Livi has made yet another wonderful test score after we studied our buns off. She's ahead of the curve for the class. Yeah! We have to review tonight for a big one tomorrow. We've prepared and prepared for it already.

Livi asked me if perchance I wanted to attend the brunch on Mom's Day at the sorority this weekend. (OH, COULD I? OH, HAS IT REALLY ONLY BEEN A YYEEEAAAARRR SINCE THE LAST ONE?) I told her if she really wanted me there, I would be glad to go. BUT...

I reminded her I had already been chewed out and spit on by the mother of one of the "no-accounts" that left her in the cold during the ice storm, AND, should that mother have no better sense than to pick a fight with me...

(AND, knowing the woman, she wouldn't have any better sense.)

I promised I wouldn't start anything, but BY GUM I wouldn't run from it. I'm not the kind to stand in the corner and spit wooden nickels out my behind, you know.

She agreed we'd have a much better time on our own.

Sunday, February 22, 2009 10:11 PM CST

Livi and her new fella took time to eat lunch out with me today. I enjoyed my outing. I felt like a mole breaking into the light of day.

Larry called in the evening to check on me. He said I sounded better.

Livi and I worked on her online coursework today. She's making good progress this semester. Those learning disabilities need constant watching after. There are a couple of tests coming up next week we'll be working on, too.

I've been getting those "feelings" again. Something's up. The radar is "a'twitching."

Maybe too much cold medicine.

Sunday, February 22, 2009 11:04 AM CST

(blurry eyes opening...) Cough.


Morning, glories. Nope. I didn't update last nite. I fell asleep on the couch with the pup under the influence of cold medicine. Livi and her fella were watching movies after having fed me and offered their sympathies.

I laid up on the divan all day long yesterday underneath a blankie with one duly-concerned doglet seeing to my every movement with her tongue and snout at-the-ready. I drank the required amounts of fluids and watched the federally-mandated series of Lifetime Television Movies til the pup was wadding kleenex between her paws.

I opened the window a titch for some fresh air in the early afternoon, hoping to allow the germs to escape and infect someone else.

I've eaten fresh fruit, salad, turkey sandwiches on whole wheat, yogurt, oranges and drank lots of water.

If I'm not better next week, I'm planning to lay in wait on Mamma Nature and waylay her.

We girls are gonna talk.

Friday, February 20, 2009 11:56 PM CST

I believe the pup has decided to take up knitting. She has been studying my efforts intensely for quite some time and I am certain she is convinced she can do better.

I have to agree with her.

I don't understand why this project is so difficult. It's KNITTING for gosh sakes. People have been doing it for centuries.

The lady at the knitting shop asked me why I was trying to incorporate the cable stitch in the midst of my knitting and purling? Oh, believe me, I had no intention of doing so.

Like France, I have had much practice at surrender when it comes to this current endeavor.

Lucky college town, we're due some snow tonight. I imagine the pup will be delighted in the morning going out to do her business. AND, won't I be overjoyed to be on the other end of her leash?

Livi is making good progress in her classes. I'm doing well in learning all her subjects, too. I talked to the obese one over the phone today. Larry seems to think she's doing fine, health-wise. She keeps busy patrolling the castle. Larry keeps busy patrolling herself. It's a good trade-off.

Staying out of the weather...

Thursday, February 19, 2009 10:46 PM CST

My tongue is hanging out. Livi and I have finished a marathon study session for one of her classes in anticipation of her test tomorrow. I can't speak for her, but I am ready to pass that test.

The pup is quizzed and ready, too.

Mercy Maude.

I made us a batch of fortificationary brownies with chocolate frosting this evening. An emergency batch, they were. Pulled out all the stops.

I motored over to the knitting store midday with my mess and got right with the knitting gods again. I'll be good to go again tomorrow. Me, the pup, Unsolved Mysteries and a lap full of yarn...

There's some snow forecast tomorrow evening for college town. And, for the weekend. Fine by me. I have tucked away enough victuals and ample kibble.

Just keep the cable on.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009 10:34 PM CST

Good news. Livi and I "wallered" her upcoming exam til we 'bout wore it out and, I declare, she's ready to take the thing.

AND, Livi's teacher rescheduled one she missed on account of her having the flu for FRIDAY (that'd be day after tomorrow!) and we've got to hightail it into highgear to get ready for THAT one.

Even the pup has a pencil behind her ear and a notecard between her toes these days...

I'm forever asking "Has anyone seen my glasses?" One of these days, I'll likely find THOSE atop the pup's noggin.

I'm ready to go take the exam myself, I've been over the material so much. I oughta get SOME kind of credit, at least an audit...

I snuck out and foraged for groceries in anticipation of the cold front (just in time!) and tucked a roast in the oven this evening whilst we worked. We'll be well fed tomorrow when we are too busy to cook.

Now, if only that pup would do dishes.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009 0:15 AM CST

Livi and I studied HARD for her upcoming exam. She finally feels almost back to normal, I think. She's going to class tomorrow. YIPPEE!

We'll study again tomorrow afternoon and evening and she should be ready. She's missed some tests and quizzes being laid up, though. We may have to work to catch up.

Larry called and reported the obese one is doing much better. He still has no findings of excessive peeping or drinking too much water. Funny. I hope she doesn't have that symptom again. EVER. However, Herself does position her wee self in front of the door and watch the world go by. She must have missed being on duty.

I hear tell snow might be in the forecast for the weekend. Uh-oh. Great. How exciting. Oh joy. Let me proclaim my extreme pleasure right here. Darn.

I've got to scurry on down to the store and stock back up on groceries.

Yep. That'd be what I should do.

Monday, February 16, 2009 10:06 PM CST

Yet another day of school passed with Livi in the bed, sick. I rustled up some antibiotics for what now appears to be a raging sinus infection in her noggin. She also has been visited by a new symptom, my old friend, stomach virus.

The fun never stops. The pup can barely keep abreast of the changing environment.

Livi did manage to keep down gatorade and mashed potatoes this evening. Success!!

I have regained my appetite with a vengance. I was beginning to think I'd need a new belt to hold up my britches if something didn't break loose.

I left the apartment today and felt like a mole emerging in springtime. I was fully dressed, makeup and hair done, like a "real" person. I went to Wal-Mart for Livi's gatorade and mashed potatoes, and to return the popsicle stick computer implement we were trying out at another retailer.

The "free-trial" ended up costing me three times what I expected, plus I used up a multitude of my cell minutes interacting with those "people" trying to work out the problems. I exchanged one popsicle stick for another one, got an extension, had more problems, spent more time talking to India, the Phillipines, Minnesota, Virginia Beach and God-Knows-Where only to try and return the thing and find out I was being charged $200 for the attempt.

Today I signed my name on the list to be assisted in the store. I waited patiently with at least half a dozen other nice folks, some elderly, some with small kids... A woman sashayed into the store in high-heels and argyle socks and an expensive coat and bypassed all us "ordinary" sway and when questioned, announced she "just needed to pick up some 'accessories'", and proceeded to do so, moving throughout the store... The greeter told her she MUST give her name to be added to the list, and "argyle socks" did so, but kept on shopping. THEN, a clerk had no one at his counter (normally, they come to the greeter and ask for the next person in line...) and "argyle socks" sashayed over with her collected accessories and plopped right down!

OH, that did not set well. Not well at all. Not witha room full of babies-in-arms and squirming children and old folks and me half sick and others having waited their turns.

Heck no.

I marched over to "argyle socks" and looked her dead in the eye; "you just skipped ahead of all those people who have been waiting in line. but, you know that. And, you don't give a d$%@."

She was mighty surprised and responded she would let me go ahead of her, to which I responded, "No. You will get up and let whomever is rightfully next go."

We all just stared at her.

More than a few were smiling.

I have to suppose she was an orphan.

Sunday, February 15, 2009 10:23 PM CST

Larry left college town this afternoon taking the obese one with him, both castle-bound. I've called and called, but neither of the travelers will bother to pick up the phone. I suspect Larry was put out with Livi and myself, as we were not much company. AND, the obese one is probably pouting as she thinks she's been banished from the apartment whilst the pup gets to stay behind and continue to make mischief.

Livi had a tad bit of relapse today. She coughed most of the night and experienced a recurrence of some of her symptoms. She can't keep food down again today.

Speaking of last night...

One of Livi's neighbors had a party going on. They were sharing their tunes with us at 1am. I honestly thought we had the party in Livi's kitchen. Livi called the proper folks who quieted things down "some" and by 2:30am, we could only hear the conversations and laughter as if it were in her kitchen.

Doxies who don't get their rest can be cranky.

Poor Larry.

Saturday, February 14, 2009 7:11 PM CST

This was a much MUCH better day. Finally.

What a difference a day makes. Sing it, Dinah.

I couldn't take it anymore. I had to clean up SOME of the mess. In between naps, Livi was folding clothes and putting her stuff away and I was running loads through the wash.

I believe I managed to tick off every member of the household by mid-afternoon, but by-dern, I was determined to put things to rights. Even the doglets were hunting a hidey-hole...

Livi's back on the homework scent and Larry's trotting to Wal-Mart for supplies. However, I'm concerned about the formerly obese one's health. She is drinking way too much water and peeping all over the apartment, rather unexpectedly it seems. I've searched the web and I'm thinking diabetes. She has cataracts... It all fits.

Send one up for her elderly little four-legged self.

Friday, February 13, 2009 11:29 PM CST

Sick. Miserable. Oh, make it stop!

The Four Dachshunds of the Apocolypse will probably make their appearance any moment now.

Just when I think "Surely, this is the pinnacle," I get a new symptom. Stomach flu.

Larry arrived late this afternoon and brought me an antibiotic, as my ears and throat seemed suspiciously nonviral.

He immediately set to folding and straightening this gosh-forsaken-apartment. He changed the sheets on Livi's only bed so he would have a place to sleep. Livi and I have been piled up on the couch and in the recliner as we cough if we lay down. When Larry attempted to put clean sheets on the bed, he couldn't find any. Poor man, he's used to the castle where we keep the linens folded and on shelves.

Hoping for a better day tomorrow.

Thursday, February 12, 2009 9:36 PM CST

We are afflicted. Livi and I have spent our day sneezing, blowing our noses, lying piteously and being completely miserable.

I resorted to using the fly swatter to slap at the doxies when they took advantage of my inability to manuever and trot about. Shameless little creatures.

We are on our last two boxes of kleenex. Our throats feel as though we have swallowed bits of broken glass.

I don't like this a'tall.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009 9:34 PM CST

Apparently the flu bug jumped up and bit me. Livi, too.

We motored down to the doctor late this afternoon and had our nasal passages swabbed. Positive.

Jeepers. Who'd a thought it?

We have been coughing into kleenex to avoid sharing and cross-contaminating each other. I feel like someone wearing a high-heeled shoe is kicking me in the head. Livi is a few hours behind me.

The doglets are in their element, tending us.

We have our tamiflu and high-powered cough syrup. Livi has staked out the recliner and I, the couch. Here we'll mildew for the next few days.

Such is life.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009 8:46 PM CST

Busy scouting for whirlybirds tonight...

Livi dashes outside with the doglets on the leash in between rain and hail downpours. The pair of 'em are a bit miffed. Indeed, expecting such as they to sully themselves.

I, myself, am preoccupied with a cough. Some irritating, fog-haze around my bronchial tubes, I suspect. Nary a symptom otherwise.

I am happy to announce I have knitted AND purled a good three inches successfully. Certainly, I had to take the scissors to about two feet of yarn as I had worried it til there was no point in trying to work with it any longer. That bit of yarn had done all it could. Plus, both my knitting needles now have tiny teeth marks on EITHER end.

Livi is dutifully studying for her next test. She has the floor and her kitchen table plastered with materials. The obese one squatted and peeped on one mighty fine pile of neatly typed notes to today's test.

Just stating an opinion?

Monday, February 9, 2009 9:51 PM CST

A unknowing bystander would likely swear an oddly-dressed Mrs. Pillsbury, layered-up and dragged about by two crazed dachshunds was spotted in college town this morning.

Present and accounted for. I had Livi's bathrobe, my jammies, a fleece and a rainjacket all on as I ran forth with those girldoglets, hurriedly, lest they discover raindrops amongst the fierce wind.

They did not.

However, Livi decided she simply HAD to be driven to class in order to stay dry.

After tucking in the four-legged, (after the brutal assault in the cold wind), I drove Livi to class, still in my jammies...

Shortly after I returned from my outing Livi's old fella and one of my all-time favorites sent up a feeble cry. He had the flu. Yes, he had taken a flu shot. The campus sick-clinic had verified he was BONAFIDE sick with the flu. Indeed. I got in Livi's vehicle with a can of lysol and a box of kleenex and went after him.

I carried him to Wal-Mart to get his prescription filled. Whilst he sat in line (he was too sick to stand, and Wal-Mart in college town provides benches) I gathered up supplies. As it turned out, many kids were sick and this medicine was hard to come by. We had to hunt it down later.

I toted him home to the apartment and tucked him in on Livi's couch with a warm blanket. His temp was right at 102 degrees. After dosing him up and using all the remedies, Vicksalve, Robytussin, Advil (alternated with Tylenol), cold washcloth, orange juice and gatorade, (and pair-a-doxie kisses) he began to look better and his fever broke a few hours later. His mom drove in later in the day.

I remember all the times last year when Livi was so wretchedly sick and he looked after her for me. I'm happy to have the opportunity to return the favor.

Besides, the doglets thought he came to play.

Sunday, February 8, 2009 10:23 PM CST

It certainly is nice to be appreciated and treated special. Larry drove a long way and met me part-way to college town this afternoon just to have lunch.

He misses me.

He misses the girldoglets, too.

But, they weren't invited to lunch.

He hopes one day when our offspring has outgrown the temporary lack of cranial cellular integrity phase she currently displays, she too, will appreciate my presence.

Until then.

The weather was incredible warm for the season. The doglets were perky due to the increased temp. They were eager to advance upon the outdoors. The obese one peeped a river on the grass as she wasn't in a hurry to run back inside for a change.

I eagerly await the challenges of next week and the drama attached to each spine tingling day.

Saturday, February 7, 2009 7:18 PM CST

I kept to myself today. With the exception of the canine contingent, of course. We'uns occupied the couch and watched old-fashioned cartoons. Although, the pup paid particular attention when Strawberry Shortcake came on a little later...(she's such a little girl.)

I made up my mind that if anyone in this apartment decided to have a bad mood or behave ugly, I wanted no part of it. Nope. Uh-uh. Nothin' doin'. I can show you ugly, but I'd rather not. There's not enough square footage to get off a good mess o' ugly here.

I got my shower and went to Cracker Barrel and had my daily quota of veggies. I had my fresh fruits yesterday. Lots of water, too. I'm a strong believer in keeping a balance to keep one's spirits up. Perhaps others herebouts should partake. AND, I'm not NAMING NAMES.

I had an appointment to meet with my one new friend up here in college town (who as it turns out, had known Lorraine...) I had a lovely time getting acquainted with her and we ate carrot cake cupcakes. FINALLY. I had been searching for carrot cake since Lorraine's birthday.

The doglets were awfully glad to see me when I returned. I'm keeping my own council, minding my own business, keeping my mouth shut and biding my time.

AND, we'll see how long that lasts.

Friday, February 6, 2009 8:10 PM CST

It must be goat day. I was a hero of sorts a few days ago.

I've been screamed at, all but spit on, despised and told how unwelcome my presence is. I was told I am useless, of no possible good to anyone and no one cares if I continue to walk around or not.

Someone needs a "come to Jesus and the disciples."

There's just not much more I can say about that.

Thursday, February 5, 2009 9:11 PM CST

Another day in the trenches. Livi ended up with a transcriptionist for several of her classes and tapes being made for her use. She has an invitation to lunch with one of the Deans, too. I was most impressed with some of the folks working to help her out today.

Like Dinah Washington said, "What a Difference a Day Makes."

I returned to my knitting group tonight. Once again, I started over. I could cast on and begin again with my eyes shut.

Valentine's Day is approaching. Or so I hear. I believe I saw the girldoxies with their snub-nosed scissors and some paper doilies. They do love to cut and paste.

Lorraine always got creative around V-Day and made outlandish valentines with doilies and construction paper. Somehow, she still needed the store-bought kind to give to her classmates, though. I think she just loved to play in the glitter at home.

Valentine's were much more elaborate when I was small. I recall getting some in my personally decorated box or bag at school with sparkles and glitter on them. Some of the cards were at least 5 x 7 in size. Nowadays, these dinky cookie-cutter cards are an embarassment comparatively. Children don't know what they are missing. Back in my day...

I probably won't bake the V-Day sugar cookies with pink icing this year. I baked many a dozen when Lorraine and Livi were wee. Somehow we seemed to need at least another dozen each time I thought I was finished. I think I had two girls on the consuming end as fast as I was producing on the baking end...

There are some V-Day cupcake papers sitting in my cabinet left over from one of our baking expositions. Maybe we mixed it up with both cookies and cupcakes. We used to really do up minor holidays.

I wonder if the girl's little aprons could be altered to fit the doglets?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 6:38 PM CST

Topsy-turvy. This day was.

Sittin' on the couch snugglin' with the girldogs, minding my own business and Livi called... She had tried for four weeks (count 'em, FOUR!) to get the campus office assigned to assist students with learning disabilities and other disabilities to provide her sufficiently documented notetaker for her classes. Livi had actually spoken to the individual in charge of providing notetakers and was told they were much too busy and had far too much to do and would get to it "when they could."

DO WHAT? She has three tests scheduled in three different classes.

If not for the ice and snow last week, one test would have been day after tomorrow.

Oh, I don't think so.

Livi was beside herself. She has been studying and making notecards and reviewing and reading... She needs those notes. She has turned in the proper paperwork. She has been to the office in person several times. She has asked to speak to the "powers that be." (Never "in.") She meets the requirements. She is protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Thank goodness I went to law school and sweated all that time studying for the blamed bar. (and passed.)

I called those people myself. Listened to the song and dance. I don't dance. The receptionist wanted to have the "never in" call me back. I told her I was through waiting on that individual and such plan would not do. I was going to file an ADA complaint on behalf of Livi and the other students they were setting up to fail as an attorney who had represented folks in the area of disability rights in the past and I needed the name of the college town general counsel.

Somehow, she couldn't give me a straight answer, but she was in tears by the time we finished. I then called her bosses' boss. That person knew diddley-squat about the requirements of the ADA, so I called HER boss. He is a fine person with whom I have spoken in the past regarding other student matters. I mentioned the failure of the office in question and wondered if perchance my one child was the only student they were servicing? AND, failing to serve? He agreed, not. AND, hence, noted the overall problem.

Odd, Livi had a percentage of her required information in one hour. Considering the office had no time for her to begin with...

I've still got the other students to see to.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009 5:50 PM CST

I spent some time cruising around on CaringBridge today checking on the babies. There are some who need special "send ups."

Brave Will and Garrett will be getting their little wings before too long. I have sent word to Lorraine to do a "fly by" and to keep her blue eyes on them. Zack seems to be holding his own at the moment. He has a birthday coming up. Sabrina had her prayers answered today. Thanks to God and all the saints... Baby Abby is teetering, waiting on results from an MRI.

For each one of these, there are a dozen more I either have not mentioned or have not found YET. Each day some momma or daddy is heartbroken, praying for the impossible to happen to save their child right here on CaringBridge. Some choose to blame God. Some choose to thank God. Some choose to accept the notion of a "plan" while others merely ask "why?" Some don't ask anything at all. But, the results are always the same, the gut-wrentching loss of a beloved child who was supposed to outlive the parents.

I still don't understand why Lorraine had her accident. I still don't understand why she got her wings way, WAY too early. I probably won't until I get my own set and can ask her "Lorraine, why did you leave so soon?" But, I understand how it feels to be left here with your heart in tatters and to absolutely ache with every drop of blood that pumps into your veins. I figure sharing other folks' pain is worth something.

That, I can do right fine.

Monday, February 2, 2009 8:49 PM CST

The well-traveled four-legged and I are back in college town tonight. I decided we all needed a fresh start after the ice storm and being "shut up" inside, so I did a bit of freshening up around here. The floors and the bathroom had been sorely used during our confinement, so they got a good scrubbing.

Tonight, we sleep on fresh sheets, too.

Livi had begun restocking, although, I noticed a definite theme in her purchases. Brownie mix, cookie dough, chocolate frosting, sugar cookie mix... I decided we might, MIGHT need some butter and eggs, lettuce, carrots... you know, FOOD!

The doglets took a powernap after their long journey. Riding shotgun takes so much out of one. (or two, as the case may be.)

OH! Livi managed to eat one package of peanut butter crackers before class this morning and within a few minutes was dizzy, sweating and SICK! She ran from the classroom and upchucked multiple times until she felt better. She called me and I said, "save the package!" She seems to be feeling better this evening. She is still sipping coke and eating carefully. Apparently, we are part of the salmonella "conspiracy."

Mercy Maude.

Sunday, February 1, 2009 7:07 PM CST

Well, paint ME purple! Livi called from college town. SHE HAS POWER!

Livi hitched a ride with her dear friend and former fella this afternoon, whilst the wee four-legged and myself waited here at the castle. I couldn't bear (bare?) the idea of exposing the pair-a-doxies to a vagabond lifestyle in case there was no heat, or lights. They are both a might bit afraid of the dark. I didn't cotton to the thought of listening to the duo of "OOOOPHF!" sounds they would make at every little noise, either. And, if I lost my grip on them in the dark, well, they're as fast as speeding bullets and as slick as greased goose poop. Hard to catch.

Livi was busy cleaning out her fridge and tossing items when she called. She was running a load of peep towels through the wash, too. I'm sure they had marinated to a nice ripe level by now. Later, Livi was headed to Wal-Mart for essentials to replace those that spoiled.

I'll be driving up tomorrow in Livi's automobile. Larry vaccuumed it out and I drove it through the carwash. I always feel as though I'm traveling inside a closet or storage shed with wheels. Hey, I'm happy with it if she's happy with it.

Back to my knitting...

Saturday, January 31, 2009 8:46 PM CST

Livi called her apartment management in college town to see if the lights were back on. They were just tickled to help. They didn't know. Some were, some weren't. 'Said Livi'd have to "go see for herself."

Well, let me just load the car, drive up there and flip the switch. I wouldn't wanna put anyone out.

Mercy Maude. Praise be. Who ARE these people? OH, I know. They must be related to the knitwits what left Livi in the cold in the midst of an icestorm. At least second cousins once removed.

Livi is under the impression she has classes Monday. If so, we've got to skeedaddle tomorrow and make tracks BACK to college town. She can stay at the sorority house which we have been told has power.

The doglets and I will be slick out of luck, though. Larry suggested we try the motel near college town... With TWO DACHSHUNDS? Not likely.

The weather is supposed to turn cold again the first of the week.

Doesn't that just figure?

Saturday, January 31, 2009 1:12 PM CST

I know, I know.

I didn't forget to update. I was not out painting the town orange, neither. Livi's power went out right after we left the apartment for a "let-me-out-of-here-i've-been-couped-up-way-too-long" mid-afternoon lunch/dinner.

Since the roads were cleared off, snow and ice melted, we packed up the doglets, their gigantic bag of kibble and headed for the castle. We headed for the miracle of electricity and a thermostat that responds when beckoned. And, warm water.

Larry was tickled plumb silly to see the four of us. We tried stopping along the way to eat, but so did all the other travelers. So, we called ahead and Larry had ordered our late dinner at Dixie Cafe. We snagged the food on our way in. Ahhh, castle sweet castle, complete with takeout.

I managed to get my hair done today.

Amazing what a fresh head of hair will do to your outlook.

Thursday, January 29, 2009 7:46 PM CST

Today would have been Grandpa's 108th birthday. I can only imagine his twinkling blue eyes full of mischief. And, that big grin!

I got a call from Lorraine's first fella today, Jed. He mentioned college town had been hit especially hard during the ice storm with trees down and power lines all over the place. We really don't know what the surrounding area is like as we have no news access, no cable, no local tv and there has been no update available locally. Livi and I have been exceedlingly lucky to have had power, heat and hot water all throughout the week. Lorraine must have put in a good word for us.

However, tomorrow Livi and I hope to be able to retrieve her car from the sorority parking lot. We are hoping not to have to pose as lumberjacks to drive it off the lot.

Another day of knitting, crossword puzzles and trying to backslap cabin fever.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009 11:45 PM CST

Happy 23rd Birthday, Lorraine...

Livi and I were snowed and iced in at her apartment in college town today. We had planned to spend your birthday in our own way, but perhaps you had other ideas. I didn't get to have your favorite carrot cake, but I will as soon as we thaw out.

Your pup and my obese one were unhappy having to poop and peep outside. They flat refused, planning, I suppose to hold out til they erupted like Hoover Dam on Livi's carpet.

I baked (and ate) chocolate chip cookies this afternoon. Livi made a blackberry cobbler. I suppose these were our way of comforting ourselves.

Your daddy called this evening, lonesome, missing you.

Some of our friends have sent messages and sweet notes in your honor. One friend took care of families with small children by providing books (which is such a "lorraine thing.")

You were there in the night sky, my darling. Smiling through the moon and reflecting in the stars...

Still missing you and loving you forever.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009 6:04 PM CST

This is one for the record books. Larry said he'd like to send me a hug. (Over the phone.)

Recall Livi had gone off to weather the ice storm with her BFF's at the sorority house abandoning her aged momma and two cranky doxies to the elements here at the apartment. (Can't you just hear those violins a'playin'?) The storm caused power outages and Livi and her friends lost power, aka "heat and electricity and all human comforts." Livi called me to see if, pray tell, we lil old ordinary folks had any of the aforementioned.

We sure did. And hot water, to boot.

She was willing to come back to the apartment, but FIRST she wanted to be sure all six of her BFF's who had a FOUR WHEEL DRIVE had a way to get somewhere and somewhere to get to.

Well, yes. I brought her up right and proper.

Meanwhile, I put on everything I owned and explained to the doglets they had to get in their cage. The wailing. The pining. The tears.

Livi called back. (On someone else's phone, as hers had died by now...) The six were READY TO LEAVE. They couldn't wait for me. They couldn't bring Livi home. They couldn't meet me half-way. I was in a small rear-wheel drive car no less. I might not make it over there.

They were about as useless as teats on a boar hog.(Farm phrase, not vulgarity.)

Livi was aghast. I was mad. I went outside and used half a can of deicer on the frozed mass that was my car.

I made it. She had been abandoned.

There was a phone call. It was not pretty.

Someone's kids apparently WERE NOT raised.

Monday, January 26, 2009 7:01 PM CST

Ho-hum. There's ice and sleet a'falling outside the apartment. The doglets have been out to peep and poop on frozen grass and have assured me there will be NO MORE of that! No, ma'am. I believe one of them's lip actually curled up at me.

Livi packed a bag before this mess began falling in earnest and headed for the sorority house. She had some sort of sit-down meeting and such there. Interpretation: she'd rather be iced in with girlfriends.

Hence, the four-legged and myself are sitting on the couch by our lonesome at the apartment hoping the power stays on. We've been watching the weather reports, keeping ourselves apprised of the area closings and staying warm. The newscaster advised all viewers to be prepared to weather a three-day power outtage as the expected ice-storm might rival that of some years past. Hmmm.

I have a full tank of gas, not that we three will be doing any driving. There's a mondo bag of kibble in Livi's pantry. I have enough groceries to last a good-long while. Of course, to make sufficient use of them, I'd need electricity.

Livi has five candles. I counted them. I know there's a flashlight around here somewhere, I bought when we moved her in.

I'm planning on taking my bath early in the morning so's to maximize my chances of staying clean in a warm environment. Surely, we'll have heat. I have visions of me snuggled under all of Livi's blankets with two doglets and guess who's keeping whom warm?

Well, I do give off more body heat.

Sunday, January 25, 2009 9:01 PM CST

The doglets and I scurried around and scribbled a grocery list this morning in anticipation of the weather moving this way. I managed to brave the cold frigid temp and made my way to Wal-Mart to forage for victuals.

Livi did help tote the pokes inside from the car. I fixed chicken and green beans for lunch. The doxies were doing a ballet movement in hopes of grabbing a bite for themselves. Wouldn't they have been cute in a tutu?

The winter storm is supposedly baring down on college town to dump sleet, ice and snow for three days. I have visions of me pulling from the front end and Livi pushing from the back end trying to get the girldogs to venture forth into the fray.

OH, and the popsicle stick... it worked SOME.

Saturday, January 24, 2009 10:30 PM CST

Surprise! Larry drove up to college town and snuck in on Livi and me today. He was just giddy with excitement. The girldoglets and I were outside whilst they did their business in the cold air when he arrived. Both doxies were overjoyed to see their daddy.

We all went out to lunch and froze in the process. I could not feel my toes by the time we returned to the apartment. I took a wee nap on the couch with the doxies while the afternoon sun shone through the window. I finally understand the canine appreciation for basking. Next time the pair-a-doxies are lying on the floor soaking up the sunshine, I just may have to join 'em.

Larry worked on the wicked computer problems with Livi's oversized popsicle stick. It worked fine for him. He put a security system on wretched machine while he was here, too. Naturally, he had no sooner hit the road back to the castle and the popsicle stick stopped working.

I must be afflicted when machinery is involved. I should have known back in the day when those room-sized copy machines would spit and throw up whenever I tried to use them.

I worked a bit more on some paintings I have going. I tried (emphasis on the word "tried") to work on my knitting, but had to unravel the mess AGAIN. I had somehow began knitting with the "lead" strand rather than the ball of yarn. Not good.

I had Larry carry me to Hobby Lobby today to pick up some stitch markers so's I won't have to use bread twisties anymore. It is annoying to keep counting my stitches and even more annoying to keep untwisting those bread things. I fear I'm going high-tech without even doing a row successfully.

Ah, life in the fast lane at college town.

Friday, January 23, 2009 10:19 PM CST

Yes, indeedy. Livi and I traipsed down to the communications depot to eagerly deposit a goodly amount of our funds for yet another computer gadget that was supposed to solve all our internet woes.

We were promised wireless internet on demand all over the US of A and they would find us some friends, too, if we didn't have any. All we need do was plug this oversized popsicle stick into the side of Livi's computer and POOF! we were on our way.


Thankfully, we hadn't cancelled her old provider.

After working for several hours on her own "wretched machine" with the new popsicle stick and getting nothing but nasty internet-related messages, Livi went out for the evening.

I wish she'd date someone who (a)could manhandle technology, (b)knew how to fix stuff, (c)planned to support and take care of her aging parental units and two aging dachshunds. Peep could not be an issue, either. Doxies have small bladders.

Lorraine's birthday is fast approaching. I scouted out a bakery I feel certain will have carrot cake at the ready.

I have started over on my knitting so many times my yarn is curly. Somehow I keep gaining stitches. I'm determined to get this right. If I wanted a scarf two inches wide, I'd be finished.

I painted most of the day today. I almost finished one and began another. It was quite relaxing. I can think much better up here in college town than back at the castle. The apartment is small and cozy and quiet. There are no distractions and I don't feel I'm neglecting anything by doing what I want to do.

Odd to have to leave home to feel at home.

Thursday, January 22, 2009 10:43 PM CST

This was a pretty decent day, considering. The weather cooperated. I painted some. I made lunch, tuna salad. The doglets and I watch Unsolved Mysteries til our eyes rolled around in our heads.

This evening I went to my first knitting group. It was great. I was accepted right off. Actually, my homemade oatmeal and raisin cookies may have had something to do with it. Whatever. I worked more on my scarf. I am making progress.

I met two girls who seemed nice. I was happy to know a couple of folks in college town.

In my absence, the obese one had been acting up and peeping on the carpet while Livi was tending her. Livi was upset and the obese one was nervous. There were dogtowels with books ontop all over the floor to soak up the peep stains.

Hmmm. I do have a place it seems.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009 11:14 PM CST

College town has crazier weather than back home at the castle. Much crazier. Indeed.

I noticed the forecast and there will be a drop of thirty degrees in a day's time in a day or two. Brr-rabbit. How's a body supposed to dress for such a thing?

I got chilled out chasing down my knitting supplies yesterday and I've been sniffling and fighting off a cold all day long.

Add the snow and mixed weather precipitation expected and I might be tying a rope to the stairs as I take the girldogs out to peep in case we lose our way in blizzard conditions. You'd think we were smack dab in LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE or something.

However, my toenails are freshly painted and we have a warm batch of brownies to snack on.

Life is good.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009 11:06 PM CST

I watched our new President take office today and I held my breath, hoping nothing bad would happen to him or his family. I had been on pins and needles waiting for this day. It passed without any upsets and no bad news.

I was a very little girl when John Kennedy was assassinated and still quite young when Martin Luther King was shot down. The turmoil rocked us hard and lasted long.

I'd like to think we're entering a healing time. I can hope. No one can tell me otherwise.

After the President was sworn in, I got in my car and located the knitting store herebouts. I actually took a bonafide lesson in knitting and purling. I was taken with the store. They have a store kitty. She didn't think much of me, apparently. I got a parking ticket, too. Wouldn't you know it? Probably the only one issued all day in college town.

I spent the evening trying my darndest to knit two, purl two and ended up taking the whole mess apart, casting on and starting over. AND, over. Several times...

Now, I'm just knitting. Hang the purling.

I seem to be making a scarf.

Monday, January 19, 2009 11:33 PM CST

Well, the obese one and I have arrived back in college town. I feel sometimes as though I might as well be trying to lasso a moose. Difficult, at best.

The wind is cold. I know no one. I'm not particularly welcome and I have a job to do.

I believe I'll seek the local knitting shop tomorrow if'n it warms up a might bit.

Once again both ends of the family are whining and I'm stuck smack dab in the midst.

Ask me if I'm smiling.

Just ask.

I double-doxie dare ya.

Sunday, January 18, 2009 10:31 PM CST

I think Larry must have really missed me. He was actually excited to go to Michael's today and help me select yarn for knitting. That says something right there. I'm holding off buying my super-enriched extra-potent bodacious bamboo needles til I return to college town. I have it on good information I should purchase those from the local shop so I can offer my pathetic excuse for an attempt at knitting up to said shop to unwad, unknot and redirect having actually paid them something.

I found my treatise, circa 1947, on KNITTING MADE EASY and have marked a pattern to work on. I have selected a simple scarf. I figure a rectangle can't be too terribly difficult. If all else fails, I'll knit one doxie-sized.

I called Livi to check on her progress in my absence. She's perking right along. The pup slept in without the obese one to sound the morning alarm. The obese one pooped and peeped amidst the rugs to exhibit her displeasure at the situation during the daylight hours here at the castle. I've got to reunite her with the pup. Herself is completely out of her element.

All the plants are rewatered. Order is restored. Larry is back on his diet. I'll hit the road tomorrow.

Sunday, January 18, 2009 10:02 AM CST

Lord love a doxie. Especially an aged one.

The poor little obese one was barking at the front door of the castle, near the drawbridge, as she heard "voices." Herself had to run right past me as I sat in the home office typing away and talking to Larry on the phone. She had no clue the voice she heard from the backside of the castle was mine. Nor did she notice me in her peripheral vision, nor catch my scent as she, satisfied she had ousted any and all intruders, threats, etc., ambled past the open door AGAIN to return to her nest...

Our drive from college town was unsettling for her, too, sans pup. Herself was absolutely certain I had forgotten the wee sidekick. Since our arrival, she has spent an exorbitant amount of time, both mine and hers, streched across my lap with her snout buried in my armpit.

Tomorrow she and I pack up and make the return trip to college town. I wonder if I should give her a smidgen of benadryl? I recall the cats taking some for a cold back in the day. It would certainly be helpful if the obese one slept rather than "drove" with her feet on my waist and her paws on the cross-bar of the steering wheel.

Mercy Maude.

Saturday, January 17, 2009 7:57 AM CST

Alas. I attempted to update last evening late from Larry's computer in the home office, but when I logged on, there was a dire message of foreboding warning me not to even think of using said computer for anything other than business purposes.

(blink.) Ok. In my own castle.

What with wretched machine nestled snuggly in Livi's spare room in college town, I tried to find Larry's laptop. After searching and turning over every veritable leaf with no results, I checked on the sleeping mound attached to the mask and hose, whizzin' away... He was quite comfy.

I retired for the evening.

(Maddening NOISE!!!! BARKING DOXIE!!!) I was jolted awake! The castle keep had been violated! OHMYGOODNESS! Was there an intruder?

I burst out of Livi's room, where I had been asleep in my clothes, teeth unbrushed, face unwashed, after having visited during the evening with a friend and had laid down there as Larry has a severe cold (which I'd prefer not to catch and share with Livi when I return next week to college town.) Larry and the obese one were swirling around each other in the hallway with the castle alarm sounding.

I had slipped in and set the alarm, as he was asleep. Larry didn't know I was about and had opened the door to let herself out, setting off the alarm. AND, there we were only missing one Marx brother...

I figured Harpo would show up and toot his horn as soon as we turned off the alarm.

Life as usual at the castle.

Thursday, January 15, 2009 11:49 PM CST

I am stuck overnight up here at college town. I had PLANNED to drive back to the castle midday and see Larry. The obese one was scheduled to ride shotgun. The pup had called dibs on staying behind with Livi for the weekend.

SNOW! VVVEEERRRYYY cold weather. Larry called and forbade me to try to travel the roads in my itsy car. Worried over the bridges and overpasses, he was. I had to agree.

The bestlaid plans will resume again tomorrow during the warmest part of the day with a southern wind at our backs.

I caught up on my reading from tomes checked out at the local library. I'm a "local" now. I've watched HOUSE reruns til I can practically lip-sync the show. Heck, the doglets could, too.

I have washed every piece of laundry in this apartment.

I can only hope Larry has kept the castle in tip-top form...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 10:05 PM CST

Good brownies. Very good brownies. Livi bought a mega-box at Sam's. I baked some.

A person has to have some distraction to keep their mind off the cold.

I got a free calendar at the Wal-Mart pharmacy today as I was picking up the replacement antibiotic for the previously prescribed one. This one was $10. Funny how the other one (that caused me to faint near dead away at the pharmacy counter and refuse the prescription) was nearly $400. Go figure.

I color-coded Livi's school schedule and all her tests, papers and activities on my new calendar. I included the doglet's doin's while I was at it, too. I threw in some of Larry's comings-and-goings and a thing or two for myself. I highlighted some holidays and birthdays to round out the months. What I have now is a relatively useful tool, if I do say so myself. Considering it was free of charge and all.

The girldoxies and I spent some time underneath a couch throw as it is definitely getting colder up here. We three practiced snuggling and maximizing body heat (mine).

The doglets have developed a penchant for watching Unsolved Mysteries during the daytime. I think the background music soothes them.

If only they were more help with crossword puzzles.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 7:48 PM CST

Yup. Nope. I didn't get to update last evening. Twern't me. I can't even blame wretched machine. The "Ethernet" was on the blink up here in college town. I had to call this morning and sit through several verses, bad tinny piano verses, of "Memories" whilst on hold waiting for some technical support. I was might near desperate after that musical noise by the time I had a live one on the other end of the phone.

I made a batch of chili today using Granny's old recipes. It tasted pretty good. I made some corn bread to ride along-side. The weather was so gosh-awful cold the weatherman mentioned we were sitting at zero about the time the doglets and myself firt set foot outside. Snow flurries... Mercy Maude.

The coldest weather in SEVENTEEN YEARS is forecast in a day or two. Of course. Naturally. Where else would I be?

Larry called to say "I'm not sick." Ok. He did mention, however, his assistant is passing work to him by way of a ten-foot pole and a clothespin. Hmmm.

The obese one pulled against Livi this morning one time when Livi was attempting to take them out. Not interested. The pup has decided to give up pooping. Fine by me. I can't blame them.

Livi is excited about this semester's classes. I'm doing everything I possibly can to help her get off to a good start.

Lorraine's 23d birthday is fast approaching.

So many changes.

Monday, January 12, 2009 9:34 AM CST

Oh, boy. Livi's internet may work and it may not. Maybe it gets cold and freezes up? I'll hurry and throw on an update...

Yesterday I tried to begin a couple of paintings only to discover all the needed items I forgot to bring from the castle... brush cleaner, pallet, rags... dernit! I used the dregs of turp and made a royal mess of three of my best brushes and smelled up the apartment. I opened the windows and set the brushes outside in the turp for a bit. The doglets were having a smelling contest, I do believe. Thankfully, Livi's place is all electric or I wouldn't dare try to use oils here. I brought some acrylics. Time to work with those.

I wish I had my knittin' and my book. I think I'd like to try that again. I may try to roust up a Michaels herebouts and start over.

The girldoxies and I took a walk in the warmest part of the day. I'd figure we did about a mile. We were clipping along at a good pace when I looked down and saw something hanging out of the obese one's happy mouth. On closer inspection I found it to be a Chic-Fil-A wrapper! "Drop it!", I ordered. She reluctantly did.

Can't take them anywhere.

Saturday, January 10, 2009 9:41 PM CST

Yea. Cold weather returneth. The obese one refuseth to go outeth. She slips to the door and squats. Done deal.

I've put the new coats on them. Taken them out.

The pup WILL NOT walk while wearing her coat. Won't budge. Tired of dragging her, I have to carry her chubby carcass up AND down the stairs for her to do any business. At least she does it outside. I still make the obese one go on out into the cold and stand there, even if she has nothing left to "do."

Livi's washing machine is fast filling up with peep-soaked dog towels.

The forecast for mid-week is twenties and teens. I'm talking HIGHS here. Gracious.

Larry is missing me already. Good.

Livi's new fella cooked pizza tonight. I cooked roast and casserole for lunch. Livi cleaned up.

Lorraine's birthday is approaching. The new administration is just around the corner, too. Change should be coming. Lorraine would approve.

I'm thinking tomorrow is a good day to paint.

Friday, January 9, 2009 10:26 PM CST

My stars. Where did the day go? I feel like a hired hand. I awoke with the dawn to squire the doglets up and down the stairs at the apartment to go IN and OUT. I fed them. I took them OUT again. I brought them back IN again...

Livi and I took my car to the shop to check on that airbag problem. We ran errands. We ran back to the apartment for more letting IN and OUT. We ran more errands.

I had the surprise of the year (so far) at Wal-Mart when attempting to pick up Livi's acne med prescription... The balance AFTER insurance was almost $400!!!

That body laid out on the floor alongside the counter...that would be me. The pharmacy tech looked over the register and asked me if I had any questions?

You can imagine what I responded.

We left without the prescription.

Livi had a pair of shoes to exchange at a high-fallutin' sorority-gal store in the local mall at college town cause she got the same pair from me and from her fella for Christmas, hence the need to exchange one. Seein' as how she arrived back in college town only a day or two ago and classes don't start again til Monday, one would expect this sort of store, dependent as they are in this miserable economy on college clientelle, to work with said college kids' holiday schedules, wouldn't one? If such a store intends to stay in busy, anyway.

Well. Livi asked to exchange her identical shoes for another model. Oh, no. They were 2 days past the "magic" deadline for such truck. Even though God and everybody was still out of town on holiday break. Livi even had the receipt in her hand. From The Store.

Let's just say I felt my hackles rise up along my spine. I handed Livi my purse and she found herself a seat. I told that lady such a response was "not acceptable." I prayed semi-silently that I would be a lady. The salesgirl disappeared for the longest time...

We got our exchange.

My neck and shoulders are tied in knots tonight. I am tired. The girldoglets have had their baths courtesy of Livi.

Time for some shut-eye.

Thursday, January 8, 2009 10:56 PM CST

What a day this has been! I woke this morning sick as a veritable doglet. I felt sure my eyeballs were rolling around in my head and I was about to puke up my toenails...

WHY? Dunno.

I leaned against the doorframe a goodlongwhile til I could hobble into the bathroom and worship at the porceline (I know this is misspelled) god, though. Possible food poisoning.

I managed to pull myself together and load up to head out to college town. The doglets were beside themselves with joy! Bye-bye in the C-A-R!

Larry toted the heavy stuff and followed us. We arrived and met Livi. Larry worked on her tv and computer problems. THEN, there was the car issue...

My car decided to display a message regarding my passenger airbag. Oh, lord, let's. (Sigh.)

I suppose I'll go check on THAT likely tomorrow.

All in a day's work.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009 9:59 PM CST

Livi packed up her vehicle this morning and headed back to college town a few days before classes begin. She has groceries to buy, and odds and ends to tend to before she gets back into the swing of school.

Larry and I will load up the doglets along with my suitcases, canvases and paints and head along the college town trail, too. I've got two bags of my own groceries, including my special decaf coffee and my favorite hot cocoa to help my transition. The doglets' new super-warm coats and sweaters along with a huge bag of fancy high-fallutin' kibble is packed, too.

I watered all the plants wintering in the garage and finished changing the bedsheets so Larry has only to "maintain" in my absence. Everything is clean and in its place. He is supposed to work on his health and make regular trips to the gym.

I'm taking a giant cross-word puzzle book and some reading to catch up on in my spare time. I've thrown in a couple of cookbooks this trip. I seem to find myself in Livi's apartment wishing I had one.

Certainly, the pair-a-doxies' new Christmas squirrels are both tucked in, too. I still have to pack the camera and an assortment of coats for myself.

It's beginning to look like I'm "moving house" as they say in Scotland!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009 9:07 PM CST

Livi is getting ready to return to college town. Or "fixin' to commence" to get ready...

She has everything out in the floor of her room where she can see it, I suppose. I sometimes wonder how she manages to fit it all in her car.

The doglets have been campaigning to go back with her. They have put forth quite a platform. I'm thinking we might just go along with her for a while and ride out the winter.

Livi is anxious to have one or more doxies live with her. I'm not about to split up the pair-a-doxies. I believe the obese one is having some trouble with her vision. I've noticed when she is picked up, she draws back and takes a look at whomever is holding her. Sorta like I do when I extend my arms to be able to see whatever I'm looking at. The pup is Tonto to the obese one's Lone Ranger. And, I'm Batwoman to whatever position the obese one happens to take on.

Larry mentioned tonight I should go on to medical school (something I was planning to do before Lorraine's accident) after we get Livi through, except we'd have to find a "home" for the doglets...

I told him I'd have to find a home for HIM!

Hmmpf! The very idea. I'll hire a sitter.

You think you know a person.

Monday, January 5, 2009 7:45 PM CST

My, my. Today was the first day the school children were expected back after their holiday break. There's ice on the trees! Some folks are without power. The mercury is barely at 32 degrees! Freezing rain feel all day long...

The poor little doxies thought I was trying to be mean to them tossing their behinds out the backdoor toward the postage stamp into the elements. The obese one refused such treatment, doing her business on the concrete portico and scratching almost immediately at the door to be let in. The pup, half-crazed, ran around in a circle and then made a beeline back to said door. They are warm-weather doglets. For sure.

I made homemade pizza and stayed INSIDE. Thank goodness I have a warm snug house. I did laundry and checked the expiration dates on all the pantry items. (It's a zesty life, but somebody has to live it.) The dachshunds slept beside me on the couch later in the afternoon.

Livi caught up on her rest. Larry rode the market monster at work.

Settling into the new year...

Sunday, January 4, 2009 10:20 PM CST

Mercy Maude. I was moving and going from the time my feet hit the floor today til well after noon. There was stuff to be tended to. Sheets to be changed, laundry to be done, boxes to put away...an endless list.

Somewhere in there the doglets had to be bathed and given their end-of-month flea and tick treatments, too. My stars, I'm beginning to think they have attention deficit syndrome. For pities sake, they've only had a bath every week for their entire lives. It's no secret and certainly no surprise. You'd think I'd pulled something new and completely out of the blue on 'em every single time I attempt to wash them. The moaning, the wailing, the crying and the carrying on...

I sing to them. I don't get water in their eyes. I dry them off, so they don't get cold. I hold them and snuggle them so they aren't afraid. They both get a big treat afterward. I wouldn't waste a new rope on either one of 'em. They are just spoiled.

I tried one of Granny's recipes today and made some super-wonderous beef stew. Man-alive, it was good. Why haven't I cooked this before now? I know Granny was a'grinning what with us enjoying her recipe for stew. She truly loved cooking for her family. I'll bet she and Lorraine have had some conversations up in Heaven. Lorraine loved to TALK about cooking and Granny loved to actually COOK.

It seems I bought my wool-infused longjohns just in time. The weather is taking a nose-dive tomorrow. There is even a potential for precipitation. Uh-huh. I know someone who will be sitting under her warm throw wearing her wooluns and whose doxies will be going outside to the postage stamp wearing their coats...

I may be getting old, but I do catch on...

Saturday, January 3, 2009 8:22 PM CST

Well, the time finally came. Wes caught a flight to parts unknown that will end up in another part of the world. He's gone off to be a grown person in his own world.

Livi spent time with her fella this afternoon. I visited with one of Lorraine's friends, Jill, who was in rehab with us at Timber and at Easter Seals. Her mom and I have a "date" to work on my knitting.

I finally folded all the tissue paper from Christmas and packed it away til next year. I boxed the remnants of seasonal decorations I had lying about, too. All that is left is for Larry to tote the cartons to the attic.

Livi is running some last-minute errands as her Christmas break draws to a close. She continues to work on that dratted puzzle.

I feel the need for a long winter's nap.

Friday, January 2, 2009 8:46 PM CST

A nice beginning for the new year...

Wes called midmorning to ask Livi and myself to help him pick out gifts to take back to Europe, and to help him shop for himself. We were ever so glad to oblige. We seldom turn down an opportunity to shop. Love that retail therapy.

I found some really WARM longjohn bottoms for myself with Wes's help. These are made of a goodly percentage of wool, but are machine washable. Do tell. He goes skiing in the Alps wearing these puppies. I recollect I can keep warm here in the South. AND, they were on sale, big time.

Wes flies out tomorrow. Livi and I plan to meet him for lunch. It seems like he just arrived.

Livi will be heading back to college town in less than two weeks. Time is marching on.

Lorraine's birthday is just around the corner. She will be turning 23 in heaven. Larry's relatives forgot her birthday last year. We were all stunned by that ommission.

You never know what people will do til they are put to the test.

Thursday, January 1, 2009 9:13 PM CST

Thanks to a quick phone call from The Option, I managed to attend a one-day sale I'd been waiting for at one of the major retain stores. I was pleased to say the least.

I'd had my eye on a heavy-duty comforter for my bed and today it was 75% off! I will sleep warm... I've been sleeping in warm furry socks and flannels. Some nights I have even worn fleece to bed. Yea, yea. Larry is over on the other side in shorts and a tee-shirt hooked up to his mini spacesuit to keep from peeling the paint off the walls. I do not understand how he keeps warm.

I made that pork loin for dinner. It turned out reasonably well. We all decided we had eaten ENOUGH sweets as of late, so I decided against making the cobbler.

Livi and I helped the doglets make plastercasts of their own special paws. Saddly, there were no "puperazzi" milling about to mark the event for the tabloids. Since their paws are so small, I made a set for Livi and a set for myself out of the goop provided. The obese one was DELIGHTED with herself and the attention. The pup cast about dirty looks and spread her disdainful attitude around the castle trying to clean the goo from between her toes. Perhaps she is Howard Hughes reincarnated on four legs?

Larry worked. Livi toiled away on that enormous puzzle. Nary a word from Wes.

A softshoe beginning for the new year.

Thursday, January 1, 2009 10:34 AM CST


Thank GOODNESS 2008 is over. Do I hear an "amen?" I certainly would not want to be the incoming leader of the free world. Mercy Maude. What a plateful of trouble that fella has ahead of him!

I actually saw the new year in last night. I was bundled up on the couch in my new warm throw, head-bobbing, fighting sleep til about five minutes of the hour... I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and **Wah-lah** it was 2009! Eyes closed til morning...

Earlier in the evening, the three of us had joined The Option and her hubby for dinner and a movie. Driving over, I saw Lorraine's gift. She gave me a gorgeous quarter-moon that highlighted the other three-quarters joined by an amazing single star just below the orb. I felt Lorraine smiling and shining at me, a night-time celestial "Hi, Mom."

My heart was both warmed and reminded of a bit of empty space inside. (Sigh.)

This morning I'm thawing the tenderloin I'm attempting to cook for the day's meal. I'm sure there's tv to watch and puzzles to put together. I made chocolate cow chips and rice krispie treats last night. Larry wasn't home, so I filled in on the rice krispie duty. We have an abundance of snacks to fulfill our celebratory needs.

OH, I am planning to immortalize each girldog's pawprint in plaster today. I expect some kind of trumpet to sound as the event plays out. Wouldn't you, though?

Tuesday, December 30, 2008 10:02 PM CST

Tomorrow is the last day of this tumultuous year. Fine by me. There's been enough sorrow in this year to last so many folks a lifetime.

I remember the "before" years. The good years before Lorraine's accident and all that transpired afterward. There were several years post-accident that were merely dry husks eaten by locusts. I'm working to convince myself those years are over.

Livi and I talked about our lives "before." We are never going to be the same. We recognize that as a verifiable fact. Our family was taken down to the studs. We're doing our dead-level best to restructure SOME kind of homelife with the parties and players left standing. The oddity of that undertaking is people are not static. We all change every day. The addage about never stepping in the same river twice certainly applies here. Just about the time we figure one another out, one of us morphs and upsets the mix. Back to the drawing board...

Pray for us. We continue to need it.

Monday, December 29, 2008 9:47 PM CST

I was a woman on a mission today. I went shopping for doglet duds. I have grown tired of seeing the four-legged shiver and watching their pitiful attempts to hide behind the portico columns to avoid going into the cold tundra of the postage stamp to do their business.

I decided to clothe their wee selves.

I looked for warmth. I looked for quality. I looked for sales. I also looked for their size.


I returned to the castle with one (uno) garment suitable for covering one (uno) doglet on an occasion such as aforementioned in yonder paragraph. A green hooded parka. On sale.

It did not fit.

If looks could kill.

I would have melted into a puddle similar to that of the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz. Lord love a doxie.

Tomorrow I return the green parka and start over.

I'll probably return to the castle and find peep and poop on my rug.

I will pay.

They'll see to it.

Sunday, December 28, 2008 10:25 PM CST

A point of clarification: Wes's "BFF" is his "best friend forever." Actually, his BFF is his best buddy who has had his back since the pair of 'em were fifteen years old. Two peas in a virtual pod.

Speaking of Wes. He is still out and about. Not here. I'm hoping to see more of him this week.

Livi worked a little more on her gigantic puzzle this afternoon. I'd say she's one-fourth done. Maybe one-third. She and I ran the "return" circuit for a time today. I missed a few items, so I'll resume tomorrow. This business of gift-giving is a lot of work.

Larry and I worked out this morning after a hefty breakfast of omelets made with Christmas ham. How many ways can one consume ham, anyhow? Livi was impressed. I don't think she had ever seen me make an omelet. I did notice our ketchup (I cannot eat any sort of eggs without ketchup) was a bit old. That's a first. We used to use ketchup so fast, I bought it in bulk. Gosh, one more new thing about our empty-nesting...

I took down the tree and what few decorations we had out. Somehow I had to do it today. Not tomorrow. Today.

One last bit of 2008 and we can put it behind us. Time for a new start.

Ever hopeful.

Sunday, December 28, 2008 8:50 AM CST

OH, I KNOW!!! I KNOW! I fell asleep in my favorite chair last night snuggled up underneath that new warm throw... Mercy Maude, it got cold here after the thunder-boomers blew past.

The outdoor swing tried to become airborne. Larry asked me, "What happens when you attach a sail (the furniture cover) to a stationary object in high winds?" We found out. The patio table had a big rock atop its cover and both the cover and the rock ended up in the pond. WHAT A WIND!

I was considering tethering the doxies when sending them out to do their business, otherwise the phrase "when dachshunds fly", might have become reality. They do have awfully big ears, you know. Kinda reminds me of that old 60's tv show, The Flying Nun, except with ears.

I got a cute musical Christmas card with singing doglets on it. Whenever I open it, the obese one turns her head from side to side like she's keeping time with the tune. I got her on tape. I could sell copies at a stand out on the highway, along with my cheesedip and spagetti sauce.

Larry, Livi and I took in a movie, as there are currently seven on my list at the moment. Unheard of. You go all year waiting for a good movie... This one had a dog who was wonderful and got his wings at the end. I bawled. I would have howled if I hadn't been concerned about getting Larry and Livi thrown out. (I've been thrown out of better places.) I'm searching for a good taxidermist. I'm planning to put him/her on retainer. Roy Rogers stuffed Trigger. There are stuffed geese, ducks, deer, bear and all manner of wildlife that have no personal relationship a'tall to the people whose walls and homes they "adorn." My lord, one of the restaurants we haunt has stuffed things hanging overhead whilst the patrons are eating! Livi's photos are hanging there, also, so I try not to notice the wildlife.

Wes is still off camping somewhere. Hope he took warm gear.

Remember Sabrina in your prayers. Zack is having troublesome issues, too. Garett is desperately in need of relief. There are SO many, EVERY day...

I'm preparing my wish list for next year.

Friday, December 26, 2008 8:42 PM CST

(Yaaawwnn.) Wee hours. Think one eye open. Need coffee...

Livi and I had our boots on the pavement EARLY this morning to beat the crowds to the stores. We shopped and looked til we wore ourselves plumb out. Larry had doxie-duty during the daytime.

Wes went camping with his BFF from high school.

Livi is spending her spare time tonight working furiously on her 2000 piece puzzle, one of her Christmas gifts. I helped out by sifting through every piece (seriously, EVERY one) to look for the edges. That's where I draw the line, though. The only way I would enjoy a 2000 piece puzzle would be if the back of each piece was numbered for ease of assembly. Otherwise, I could see myself working on one that big for, oh, FIFTEEN YEARS!

I found a big warm throw for the family room. Yeah. Successful day. I talked to Lorraine quite a bit during the day today as I was milling about in the crowd. I think she was flying around enjoying our shopping. Lorraine loved to shop.

Larry is still hard at work. He will be working until the wagons circle.

Hope everyone's holidays were happy.

Thursday, December 25, 2008 6:02 PM CST

Merry Christmas to one and all! Peace has blanketed the castle thus far. Santa came around 4am and filled the stockings, leaving a stuffed squirrel for each of the pair-a-doxies. Fuzzy socks were found in mine and Livi's stockings. Yippee! Larry was overjoyed to discover a bag of maple nut goodies in his stocking. Wes got some strawberry jam and spice tea.

The chubby pup was elated over her squirrel. She took off with it in her mouth, headed toward the freeway. If not for the four walls, I daresay she'd still be truckin'. As it were, the pup made do with the living room sofa.

The obese one squeeked her own stuffed squirrel til we were all about silly from the noise. Fortunately, our lunch guests arrived and she had to attend to door-duty, thus interrupting her train of thought.

I experienced a Christmas miracle from Lorraine this morning. I found THE Hawaii quarter I have been searching for lying on my divan. THE last one in my collection for my someday grandchildren. I know it was Lorraine saying "Merry Chrismtas, Mom." I have looked and looked at all my change for that quarter to finish my set. How sweet of her!

Lorraine's sweet friend, Jed, texted me a Christmas message this afternoon. I miss him. It is good to know she and I are still in his heart. My dear friend, Stevie, stopped by to deliver a handmade gift for me. Another piece of my own heart.

I hugged and kissed every member of my precious family this morning, including the four-legged, to make sure they knew how much they mean to me. Never take the ones you love for granted. They can slip away when you least expect it.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 11:09 PM CST

Santa Paws comes tonight! The doglets are tucked into their bed. They are surely dreaming of stuffed squirrels and gigantic treats or huge bowls of kibble.

Wes is here, as is Livi. We all cooked this afternoon. Wes made the pecan pies. Livi made the green bean casserole. I made potato casserole and deviled eggs. Livi helped with cookies and cleaning up, too. Larry assisted with the cookie baking. Wes's BFF lined the cookie sheets with parchment paper. THAT was a sight. One would have thought we were erecting a skyscraper. However, we got the job done.

I made a cheeseball and some dip for us to snack on during the cooking marathon. Oh, and more dipped pretzels.

Larry brought roses for the table, as this is our anniversary. The dachshunds kept the floor clean. Oh, didn't they just hope we'd drop more?

We went OUT to dinner after all the cooking. We opted for mexican food. Everyone enjoyed the meal. I have homemade pancake batter ready for in the morning. The coffeemaker is loaded and ready. The camera is within reach.

Bring on the fat man!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:25 PM CST

The roads were icy around this town today. Livi and I stayed in as much as possible. I ventured forth just a bit for a lunch date with a girlfriend, but otherwise, didn't budge. The doglets wouldn't go out into the postage stamp without being tossed out the backdoor of the castle. Even then, the pair of 'em would plop down on the portico and refuse to expose themselves to the elements.

Such weiners.

Larry and I exchanged anniversary greetings and gifts early. Tomorrow is our REAL anniversary, but we opened things tonight. I had wrapped his gift and suprised him. He then borrowed the same bag and tissue paper, scurried out to his car and wrapped my gift. Such panache.

I planned out the Christmas menu taking inventory of all the ingredients. There were some items missing, so Larry trotted off to the store. He had a list of nine items and called three times for a detailed explanation. Bless his heart. I'm cooking tomorrow with Livi and Wes, aprons on, assisting.

Santa comes tomorrow night!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008 8:35 PM CST

I baked a chicken for dinner tonight. I had SO much assistance from the floor. Thankfully, they could not reach the countertops.

My friend brought by my annual Christmas fudge today. It just isn't Christmas til she brings her homemade fudge. Boy-howdy, it is somekindofgood. Dark chocolate with pecans. I don't share too much of my fudge, neither. Oh, I'll part with a piece or two, but that's about all. My friend only brings a tiny tin (per instructions.) And, I gratefully accept.

The weather today was unfit for human beings. Nary a dachshund could be seen statewide out of doors. At least not in this castle. Not in this postage stamp. The girldogs spent most of their time inside their snuggle sack. They took their 8am nap, woke and stretched. Pottied. They began their 9am nap, woke at 10:30 due to the extreme cold, and woke again. They stretched and sniffed, decided NOT to move as they were warm, resumed sleeping...ETC! Sheesh! Oh for four legs and a tail...

I mended Livi's only pair of jeans this afternoon. Only, huh? Well, there are jeans and there are "jeans." Mine cost less.

Two days til Santa "Paws" brings a sleigh full of kibble for all the good little doxies!

Sunday, December 21, 2008 10:24 PM CST

Stack up a mess of kibble. The doglets are gonna need a stockpile. We are FREEZING here. The chubby pup went out to the postage stamp to do her business, made it to the bottom step, stood in the harsh winds and just SHIVERED! She was too cold to peep!!

The obese one makes crying sounds when she has to go out. It is plumb pitiful. I am awaiting their reentry into the castle with Livi's down blanket off the end of her bed to wrap their wee carcasses and warm their tiny selves up. How DID their ancestors survive in Germany?

Wes and his BFF came over this afternoon. We all played board games and ordered pizza. I made a homemade pizza for myself, light on the cheese. Everyone had a wonderful time together. We are looking forward to spending Christmas as a family again. What a blessing that will be.

I'm winding down the projects that I just HAVE to finish by the time Santa sets his boots on the roof. I still have three days. The clock is ticking.

I've got to squeeze in an anniversary somewhere in there.

Saturday, December 20, 2008 8:48 PM CST

A goat one day. A hero the next. I'm aspiring to land in the middle somewhere around duckling or goose for tomorrow.

Family holidays and togetherness. Mmmm-mmM!

Larry actually gave me a tremendous compliment today. He told me I was the reason our family is still together after all the hell we've been through. Wow. That was quite a statement.

Funny. I'm usually the one standing at the end of any circuitous path who has (a) caused the problem; (b) been responsible for someone else's causing the problem; or (c) somehow been involved in said problem even if I wasn't aware of its aforementioned existence.

I have heard of cultures that eat their young. I am beginning to think ours has DEVOLVED into the young eating the culture. AND, believe you me, parents are a full-fledged representative of the culture.

Somebody pass the salt.

Friday, December 19, 2008 8:34 PM CST

Mercy Maude. There's only five shopping days remaining til Santa's sleigh lands atop the roop of the castle. I know two doglets who are filled with anticipation at the prospect of a full stocking curtesy of the fat man in the red suit.

I played "elf" today for a time and handed out some of my token seasonal remembrances. Larry stayed abed with a migraine. I am battling the seeds of one at the moment. We are going to have some weather come morning.

Wes's plane is flying toward Little Rock this evening. He will be here-abouts til after the new year.

I had my hair "done" for Christmas this morning. Livi got hers trimmed. We're all prettied up for the big event.

I noticed my aching bones weren't aching today. Huh. Well, I'll swan. No hand ache. No knee pain. No ankle or hip pain. No back pain. What gives? The only difference is the temperature. Today was warm. Nice and warm. I can adjust.

Speaking of warm weather, Livi and I took the girldogs on a much-needed walk. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Gotta gear up for the final push to get everything done that needs doing in time for celebrating and having our Christmas. I'm tired already.

Sounds like a good time to turn in.

Thursday, December 18, 2008 10:38 PM CST

Did I mention our trip home last night was COLD? Livi doesn't believe in using her car heater; it wastes gas and screws up the mileage per gallon. We were only an hour from home when she noticed I was covered by my coat and shivering. I hadn't been able to feel my feet for quite some time.

Fortunately, the doxies were snuggled up together and had a blanket thrown over the top of their cage. Otherwise, I would have been concerned for them, sweaterless as they were.

Err, we all managed to travel homeward and did not freeze.

Today I baked and ran errands. Wes is due to fly into town tomorrow. Livi is settling in for the holiday season. Larry is still working away.

Lorraine is shining down on us all.

Thursday, December 18, 2008 0:11 AM CST

I realized something today while trying to pack the car to trek back to the castle from college town. Some role reversal has occured.

Livi was hustling me out of her way to load the car, as "I move too slow," and she "could do it faster by herself." I remember thinking exactly that many times when the kids were little. But, how would they ever learn if I didn't let them try?

This morning, I sat up watching tv (quietly) before Livi got up and eating my cereal in the living room of her apartment. Hells bells. I used to catch a wink or two while the girls watched tv and ate their cereal in the living room...

Long ago, Larry and I stayed up and watched tv after the girls went to bed. NOW, I'm tucked in early and fast asleep and Livi is up watching tv way into the night. When did this happen? Was there some "changing of the guard?"

When does Livi begin cutting my food and testing the temperature of my bathwater? Puuulleeaze.

Wasn't my signature required?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008 10:25 PM CST

An "inside" day.

The dachshunds didn't venture forth willingly, not a'tall. They would go outside when bribed and dragged, but rapidly. The poor pup shivered so, I felt sorry for her short self. The obese one hopped about, ever manic, and managed to stay somewhat warm.

I wore Livi's bathrobe over my clothes as an added layer, but underneath my coat. I'm sure I was a sight. Ask me if I cared. There was a layer of solid ice at the bottom of her staircase. Mercy Maude.

Livi and I made tuna salad for lunch and baked sugar cookies in the afternoon. I made chicken for supper. We watched tv and played board games to entertain ourselves. I also worked crossword puzzles. Just about more fun than a body could handle.

Larry called in to say the homefront was icy and not to come that way til Thursday. He's concerned we'll drive over the black ice after dark. I share that thought.

Somewhere along the way I have to locate a ham for Christmas dinner. I have presents to deliver and couple more to buy. I have donations to make and various obligations to fulfill before "The Day" arrives.

Is this what it's like to get old? More things to do than days to do them.

Monday, December 15, 2008 9:38 PM CST

'Tis colder than a well-digger's buns up here in the frigid north where college town is located. We drove in last evening in the midst of an icy rain. The mercury dared not creep past the wee twenties during the daylight hours today. I am not inclined to inquire as to how far down we went during the night. BRRRRrrr.

The north winds blew so cold today I thought I truly would freeze just walking to Livi's car. That statue in the midst of the parking lot forever more would be me, popsicled. I had to find an Old Navy and hunt me down a fleece hat. Shoot, I bought TWO! I have my longhandles on and the usual suspects to boot. Not near enough. I'm thinking ski-masks. Larry says I just need more whale blubber on my body. (He should know.)

Larry is iced in back at the castle. He is dining on peanut butter and scrambled eggs. Livi and I traveled to Wal-Mart here at college town for victuals and refilled her larder in preparation for the winter storm expected tomorrow. We are set. I brought lots of kibble, too. The girl doglets are ready. Bring it on. We shall not set foot outdoors except to poop and peep the doglets.

Gotta go make hot chocolate...

Sunday, December 14, 2008 11:01 PM CST

Ummm-mmmh. You just never know. Lord-amercy.

I opened the newspaper this morning to see the sweet face of someone I knew staring back at me from the obits. Another one received their angel wings. Someone kind. Someone good. Someone who knew Lorraine. Someone who came to see after us in the hospital. Someone who cared and showed it.

Cherish each other. Take time to listen to one another. Be the kind of friend you want. Act like you ought to.

I just wish I could be the person the girldoglets think I am. Except for bathday. They don't think much of me on bathday.

I attempted to put eyedrops in the chubby pup's eyes three times this morning after her bath. I had to call upon Larry to hold her fine self still. OH, sure. Larry held her with BOTH arms and ended up rolling around on the bed. Said doxie evaded his grasp, wriggled loose and I did not get any drops in her eyes. Holding her was like trying to hold a greased eel. Finally, I held her with one of my arms, while Larry held her with both of his. I did get the drops in. Just one drop. Per eye.

She limped off, muttering under her breath.

The obese one was not excited to be washed after the spectacle she witnessed with the pup. However, we managed.

I talked to Wes. He's been bitten by the shopping bug. Outlet Mall-version.

Saturday, December 13, 2008 6:47 PM CST

Eleven days. Ten plus one. Santa and all his reindeer will blast through the sky with a sleigh full of toys for the kiddies and orthodic appliances for the geezers. Hopefully, there will be some goodies for the doxies in his sack, too.

I wrapped gifts this morning. Of course, I knew better than to even think about putting them under the tree. I have sacrificed many gifts to the gods of canine curiosity over the years and now just stack them somewhere above snout-level.

Larry actually showed a remnant of Christmas spirit today. I had to look twice to verify, but it was there. He offered to drive me to a store and wait in the parking lot, versus my fighting for a spot and freezing. Good grief.

Thinking back, Livi and I recalled my stocking being virtually empty for literally years. And, my teensy pile of presents every Christmas until Larry noticed, as I was the one who "did" Christmas at our cabin. (We had a cabin back in those days.) He got onboard. I get such a charge out of him shopping and hiding his purchases. He's so sneaky when the UPS man cometh. Livi wraps them.

Larry, Livi and I took in a remake of a movie classic yesterday. It was phenomenal. The popcorn wasn't too shabby, either. We enjoyed all (and I do mean ALL) the cookies we baked earlier, as well as the dipped pretzels. Larry is fixing a batch of his famous Rice Krispie Treats. I had to disclose my hiding place for the Rice Krispies. Now he knows where I have been hiding all the treats I am using for the cookie baking as well. I'll have to keep a close eye on him. Lorraine was the treat bandit in years past. She would eat all the Hersey's kisses I used in the peanut blossoms if I didn't watch her. Funny, as she didn't like chocolate the rest of the year. She also scarfed down the miniature Reese's cups at Christmas time.

I located a source for the hot cocoa mix I like. Giradelli Hazelnut. There is a grocery store in town that carries it, but is temporarily out. The William's Sonoma stuff is heavenly, also, but EXPENSIVE. I used to have to make a different kind for every family member, so I never paid much attention to what kind I really liked. Now I do.

AND, I have discovered marshmallows have an expiration date. My what a difference that can make.

Odd, how I have spent my life studying certain details to the nnnnth degree and was totally oblivious to others. Completely. Utterly.

Life is a funny thing.

Friday, December 12, 2008 10:28 PM CST

There's lots to ponder tonight. I do not understand the people around me. Not at all. I'll fool myself into thinking I have a handle on the way their minds' work and then I realize I was merely chasing down a rabbit hole.

I even fool myself into believing I've figured out what path I should be on, only to discover I, too, am wandering toward yet another rabbit burrow. How is a body to know?

I need a map.

Some days the only constant around the castle are the four-legged. It has been said, "If you want a friend, get a dog."

Please remember during this holiday season those who are suffering. Little Garett is slowly making a transition toward wing-man. Sabrina is waging a tough battle.

As always, if you have a burning desire to give away money, CaringBridge is a good place to stash some of it. A goodly number of people have benefitted from their services, namely a free web-site during personal crisis. Myself included. The journal saved my sanity.

(Stop. It is not up for debate...)

Thursday, December 11, 2008 10:12 PM CST

Another teen is poised to get her wings, probably this night. My heart breaks for her family.

Thankfully, Livi travelled safely from college town to the castle arriving this evening. There was great joy within the castle walls.

I had cooked supper, and afterward, Livi and I made some holiday cookies. Larry was happy to assist in the eating of THOSE. I managed to fumble around and dip some pretzels in white goop. The only problem was the holiday sprinkles. There was no "shaker" in the top. When I opened the container, round-about a quarter cup of those teensy little balls poured out onto the hot coated pretzels. Fortunately, for me, I have four-legged vaccuums for the portions that fell on the floor.

Wes called today from Florida. He is almost over his jet-lag. He is looking forward to being around for the Christmas season. He is apparently doing some shopping.

I've got doglets to dunk tomorrow, barring a cold front. SHHH! Don't tell them. They'll hide from me.

Larry has promised to make Rice Krispie Treats, too.

His holiday job.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008 11:36 PM CST

This was a frigid, miserably cold day. The castle was frosty. Did I mention the temperature?

I thought about knitting wee slippers for the eight little paws padding about on the cold tiles. If I could knit, that is.

Instead, the four-legged and I curled up on the bedroom couch and cuddled. The pair-a-doxies wrapped themselves up in my bathrobe and did not stir til nearly noon. I was in my element.

I worked some on copying the vcr tapes to dvd. I figured it was time since the rest of the world is about to convert to something called "blue ray." Who cares what color the ray is?

The adventure has been soothing to my soul. I have seen my life recorded on video and watched my family growing and changing. It was a wonderous sight. We were truly happy and relatively normal from all the evidence. We had birthdays, birthday cakes, birthday parties, Christmas and Thanksgiving. We baked cookies and went on picnics. Life was good.

I uncovered treasured memories I had completely forgotten. How wonderful to have Lorraine still with us interacting and being herself in private moments!

I found one taped segment of me rocking the baby doxie before she was known as the obese one. Yes, she loved to rock in the rocker/recliner like a baby.

Finding joy in the oddest places...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008 9:34 PM CST

Doing my derndest to avoid holiday depression this year, I have spent the last two days attempting to shop. Thrown myself into the fray, I have.

What a mess!

I coaxed a girlfriend into toodling off with me to JCPenney, Target, Sam's, Wal-Mart, Kohl's, Bed Bath and Beyond and Wal-Green's. All the best places. I had an arm-load of coupons and salepapers and we were fixed to do some major retail damage.

I have but one wish after perusing the shelves at Sam's. I want to be as valuable per pound as shelled pecan halves. I bought my annual bag and carefully placed them in my freezer for safekeeping.

My friend ran into someone she knew while we were out. This person had children who went to school with Lorraine. I had not met the parent before today and as I introduced myself, the response was "OH, you're THAT one." Huh? That parent went on to tell my friend how their own children (with me standing right there!) were just graduating college and going hither and yon and doing such-and-such without so much as a mention of Lorraine. Nothing.

I had to walk off to keep from throttling that parent in the middle of the store. I needed air and lots of it. I sucked air for quite some time. If I'd been a doxie, I would have had my hackles up.

AND, during this time another dear friend called who was trying to endure the holidays without her own baby who had gotten her wings. I thought to myself, "Here stands a regular bonafide silly fool what thinks they are immune." (The parent that dissed Lorraine.)

There was a time when I believed that dream.

Monday, December 8, 2008 9:33 PM CST

Out of fifty states in the U.S. of A., I live in one of three that refuses to protect its citizens with brain injuries or make any sort of advancement in trauma care.

After all the hard work, all the effort, EVERYTHING that was done on behalf of TBI, we've been shut down. There's to be NO TBI Commission formed nor funded in our State.

Word from above.


I must say I'm not totally surprised. Disappointed? Absolutely. I vowed here-while-back to remove myself from the infighting and step back. The people involved to a great extent have lost sight of the purpose, the objective, and have begun feeding on each other, pursuing a path that as far as I can tell won't benefit anyone except themselves.

I met some good people. I also met some I don't care to know. AND, I most certainly would not want to be beholden to them.

Fortunately, I have a choice.

Sunday, December 7, 2008 8:40 PM CST

1941. Six decades and more, ago.

I wonder how much we've learned. I hope the lessons of history don't go unheeded.

I'm sending one or two up tonight on my own behalf. Shine a light on my path. Help me make the right decisions. Life is a journey with a beginning and an end and somewhere in between we hope to figure out what it all means.

People from way yonder back have been wandering around in the same bog asking themselves what possible point there was to all this. I've studied and examined and am no closer to figuring out why we bother bumping into each other for nearly a hundred years before we head off into the next leg of our journey.

The more I know, the less I understand.

Saturday, December 6, 2008 9:52 PM CST

Larry and I are an odd pair. Last night, I was wearing my fluffy socks, leggings, cotton gloves and fleece top to SLEEP in. Larry slept in his underwear. Without covers.

To each his or her own.

We took in a movie today. Otherwise, we worked on staying inside where it's warm. Larry wouldn't even play golf. I'm laying odds on the accuracy of the Old Farmer's Almanac this year. Brrr...

I'm considering buying preemie socklets for the doglets. Their wee paws are chilly on these uncarpeted floors in the castle.

I can only imagine how cold Livi must be up in college town. Larry had her car "winterized" over Thanksgiving. Good. The slow leak in her tire has been remedied, too.

Nineteen days til Santa comes. I'm sure the girldoxies will have their list made before long. It will be no harder to decipher than the girls' from long ago. Generally it contains kibble and treats. Or, a new squirrel. Basics.

Thankfully, I don't have to search for Dachshund Barbie or Weinerwonderland Barbie.

Friday, December 5, 2008 9:41 PM CST

Considering for a moment Larry found one of Henry's kin high up in a patch of decorative grass about 3 feet off the groung just a few days back...

I investigated the matter further via a good bit of assistance from wretched machine. I "googled" Henry.

Henry's kinfolk do not go to ground during the cold season. Nor do they take vacations in warmer climes. Drat. The Henrys of the world are likely to be about in my postage stamp and anywhere else they habituate whenever they have a mind to crawl.

Perhaps I should learn to knit them SWEATERS? Good grief.

This was all-in-all, a pleasant day. My sweet friend came over this morning. We made pizza, hugged doglets and watched old family movies. She knew the kids way back when. Precious times.

This evening, a new girlfriend came over to love up the doxies and eat my cooking. Brave soul on both fronts.

Somehow, the week ended without my knowledge. It occured to me Christmas is somewhere around two and a half weeks away. Time to put 2008 to bed.

I'm eager to see what 2009 holds.

Thursday, December 4, 2008 5:59 PM CST

Larry and I focused this day on saying "good-bye, for now," to Mr. Wonderful.

He was aptly named.

We met many today who thought the world and a good bit of the solar system of Kerry. Personally, I imagine anyone who didn't cotton to Mr. Wonderful had to be deficient in some significant manner.

Kerry was a blessing to a number of people. I rejoiced for him in witnessing everyone's affirmation of what he brought to every relationship he made.

I wonder what would be said about my humble self at my memorial service? It's a sobering thought.

Rarely do I meet someone who makes me a better person EVERY TIME I AM LUCKY ENOUGH TO BE AROUND THEM. Mr. Wonderful was that kind of fella. He cared and he listened. He did whatever he could for everyone he knew.

It's my responsibility to take the gifts I've been given through my angel friend and try to do better with them.

As Kerry said, he'd see us all when we got to Heaven. He'd be the one helping the others get their wings on.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008 10:12 PM CST

I struggled with dark clouds today, threatening to pull me under and cover me up. They tried, but I managed to keep my head out in the open. On days like this, I might as well have legs and feet made of iron, I get so little accomplished.

I did work out early. I went to lunch with a good friend and we had a nice chat. I dropped off some bags at Goodwill. AND, that was the sum-total of my day.

I sat on the bedroom couch nursing a migraine and hugging doxies. Sometime between the news and the first rerun of the evening, I bathed the doxies. This was the first warm night in awhile. Both girldoglets gave me attitude. Do tell. I washed them anyhow.

Tomorrow Larry and I will get dressed and go to Mr. Wonderful's funeral. I'm dreading the entire affair. I need to go for his sake.

Another chapter.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008 9:36 PM CST

I prayed for Mr. Wonderful not to leave me just yet. I asked Lorraine to give me one of her signs they were still here with me.

The moon was dancing with two other planets last night. To me the planets looked like two stars, one a bit bigger and brighter than the other. I'm taking their presence to be a symbol of what's going on in Heaven now with Mr. Wonderful and Lorraine. He's the bigger star and she's the smaller one. Was this occurrence an answer to my request from my two angels? Dunno. I felt a bit better, though. I think they are close by. They see me.

Tonight the stars are moving away from the moon, but staying together in their celestial journey. I can't begin to imagine the new life Mr. Wonderful is experiencing.

Today, I talked with one of our mutual friends about what he meant to us. Both of us broke down at different times during the conversation recalling Mr. Wonderful's friendship and the gift of his love in our lives.

I remember telling him during our last phone conversation to look Lorraine up and take care of her for me when he got to Heaven. He promised me he would do just that.

I have no doubt that promise is being fulfilled.

Monday, December 1, 2008 7:12 PM CST

There was joy in Heaven last night.

Mr. Wonderful got his wings. I know Lorraine must have literally run into his arms, (if she didn't fly!) as he passed through the pearly gates. Mr. Wonderful was Lorraine's Physical Therapist at Timber and my very dear friend.

Mr. Wonderful had lung cancer courtesy of Agent Orange which he was exposed to in Vietnam in the late 60's. War is the gift that keeps on giving, I suppose.

His name was Kerry Williams. But, to me he was "Mr. Wonderful." Kerry worked miracles in the PT gym with the TBI patients he treated. Lorraine was one of his all-time favorites. Kerry treated Lorraine day and night. He tried everything to bring her back to me.

I will never forget how Kerry, a big redwood-tree of a man, stood beside Lorraine's hospice bed and sobbed like a child right before she got her own set of wings. He was there at the memorial service, wiping his eyes, unashamed, man enough to show his pain.

Kerry was a gymnast in "another life." Amazing, considering his size. He was a great big teddy bear, though. He was a father and a grandfather.

Kerry lived simply and worked hard. His greatest joy was bringing back someone who had suffered a hard blow, making them as right as they could be.

He touched my life and I was honored to know him.

Another one of God's gifts.

Sunday, November 30, 2008 7:51 PM CST

Believe it or not! Livi had to cut short her Thanksgiving holiday right after lunch and head back to college town due to snow-spits here and snow in college town!

She called every little while to report on her progress. She was not far from her destintation when traffic stalled on the freeway due to an accident. A car had flipped on its side after losing control on the slick road. Fortunately, Livi was only stuck on the road for a few minutes. She made it to her apartment with lots of leftover goodies from my own kitchen to tide her over.

I think finals are just around the corner. She hopes to finish up this semester and put it behind her. Her job doesn't end for a few more weeks, though. Transience seems to be the name of the game for her life during this stage.

Wes emailed after returning to his home post-Thanksgiving trip to somewhere in Europe. He stated the company was good and so was the food. I'm glad he has these opportunities. At his age, I had three small ones, a house to keep and was going to school.

This turned out to be a joyful Thanksgiving. Livi decorated the castle and our memories are on display. We ate and slept and enjoyed one another's company.

At lunch today right (before Livi left), we played hangman and tic-tac-toe while we waited on our food. Just like old times. Livi tried to show me the inner secrets of tic-tac-toe and why she ALWAYS wins. I'm not sure I got it. She'll probably still win.

Time to launch the Christmas season.


Sunday, November 30, 2008 0:10 AM CST

This day has proved interesting.

We three decided to have barbeque as we've eaten about all the turkey we care to. The doglets punished us severely for leaving them. I'm still working on the rug.

Livi and I decided to put up some Christmas lights outside the castle this afternoon before the wave of frigid cold hits tonight. We looked everywhere, searching the castle high and low. No sign of the lights. Larry swore he had not thrown them out. They are only a couple of years old. Larry searched for the lights...

No lights.

Livi and I decided to copy our old family home movies onto dvd's since we had free time on our hands, as there were no lights to hang outside. It is not as simple as one might think...

I have been at it since early afternoon and I've copied a couple of tapes so far. At this rate, I could be done by Easter.

At least I have a plan.

Friday, November 28, 2008 10:04 PM CST

News from the East. I don't know whether to classify it as "good" or not. The siege has ended, but many lives have been lost.

I am so thankful to be an American and to live in this country. When I travel, I am always reminded of the privilege I have been given simply by the accident of my birth. I breathe a sigh of relief each time I return to my native soil, the boundaries of the USA. Safety, inasmuch as it can be.

As long as there is more than one person on the earth, there will be strife. People cannot abide with each other in peace.

I've come to believe the idea of world peace is an unnatural state for humanity. Impossible.

We could all take a few lessons from dachshunds, though.

The pair-a-doxies coexist peaceably enough as long as no wayward snout gravitates into anyone else's food bowl. The pecking order is paramount. Simple rules. Eat. Sleep. Bark. Peep and Poop.

My next life.

Thursday, November 27, 2008 10:14 PM CST

I took a moment today and reflected on how very lucky I am.

I don't remember when it was, exactly. Maybe as I was trying to finish making the salad while still wearing my bathrobe at 2:30pm. It might have been when Larry went out into the postage stamp to photograph one of Henry's offspring in the mound of grasses that pass for a shrub. Or, perhaps it was when Larry was trying to wrestle the ice maker for the ice cubes. Guess who won that battle?

It could have been when I was rubbing fungicide on the ringworm that has worked its way around to Livi's back. Or, when I told the formerly obese one for the thirtieth time "NO" she could NOT have yet another treat no matter how much she danced on her hind legs.

I know for sure as I sat at the table with our friends and former neighbors whose children had grown up with both Livi and Lorraine, I knew I was lucky. And, when I watched the news updates on the terrorism in Mumbai, there was no doubt in my mind.

It could have been any one of us.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008 11:02 PM CST

You'd never know 'twas the day before a holiday around this castle. The girldoglets would have sworn we'd begun running a train station outta here.

A trio of electricians came shortly after the sun came up and banged around in the attic, going up and down the stairs. They went in the door. They went out the door. They made lots of noise and kept the doxies on edge.

As the electricians were leaving, another workman came rolling up. He had ladders and tools of his own. Worn to a nub, the obese one refused him admittance to the castle interior. I had to negotiate with her fine self on his behalf. "I'm bigger than you, so in he comes."

She relented.

UNTIL said workman went outside to fetch another tool. Repeat the beginning scenario and add an additional layer of frustration. The workman was not permitted to reenter the inside of the castle per the obese one.

"I'm still bigger than you and I can reach the kibble."

She relented, again.

AND, so it was on this day before we eat the turkey, all but the gobble. I cooked. Livi helped me. Larry poked around and wondered what we were doing and took out the trash.

Happy Freakin' Holiday!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008 6:32 PM CST

Eureka! Land sakes! Larry thinks he's figured out the complicated cranial goings-on of the obese one.

Today she repeated her strange rug-dance. The time of day about the same... Hmmm. It was time for her second feeding!! She was demanding her dinner and no one was there to pour the kibble. Curses! A pox on us both! Thank goodness she doesn't have thumbs or the canine would have made a doll and stuck a pin in it.

Perhaps. Could be. We'll see.

Livi is on her way, making the trek from the frigid north country to the castle for turkey eating day. We have plans to meet her for dinner, but my stomach is arguing with my backbone and has been for some time. She might have to eat leftovers.

I have already made the pan of cornbread for the dressing. I have the bisquits cooling on the stovetop. The light bread slices are laid out getting stale. Oh, it's gonna be Thanksgiving soon.

The turkey is thawing the the fridge. I have my favorite canned (YES, CANNED!) cranberry sauce chilling.

Larry hit some golf balls this afternoon. He knew better than to think I could spare him tomorrow afternoon. He'll be needed opening cans and chopping "stuff."

Wes emailed to let me know he has plans with friends in Switzerland. (My little boy is all grown up.) I didn't even know they had turkeys there.

Lorraine sent her rainbow prism today, brighter than ever. I think she was telling me to relax, that she was still around. I sure hope so.

Some days I'm standing in a minefield and I don't dare breathe wrong, much less try and move.

Monday, November 24, 2008 11:39 PM CST

OH, MY LORDEE! Did I mention how much I despise computers?

I had to compile a mini-series regarding my medical mysteries on this wretched machine for Cathi, my former laundry-fairy-turned-almostadoctor who is helping me get my whichits in line now that I'm over fifty. There's so much to have looked at under the hood. How did I get by before?

I had the thing all written and had pushed the "SEND" button... Nope. No way. Lost the bugger. I had to start ALL OVER! Oh, but, didn't I raise the roof plumb offa this castle hollering my disdain? Let there be no doubt as to how completely unacceptable this machine is in my eyes.


I had to leave the castle today to fetch a turkey. Word is, turkey-eatin' day is Thursday next. Larry was in the home office, working away without making a sound. I kissed the girldoglets bye-bye and told them to watch the place, be good and not peep whilst I was gone. I left and motored away.

Larry called right away. The obese one not knowing anyone was home with her was running amuck around the family room rug in a sort of circle. She was barking, staccato, unnerved. Larry was worried about her mental state. She was practically beside herself with what appeared to be separation anxiety. The pup was on the velvet pillow in the living room, tucked up and having NOTHING to do with the crazed one in the other room. She looked up at Larry as if to say, "I'm not involved and you can leave me out of that!" Larry crept in and made himself known. The obese one suddenly saw him and stopped her racing about. She calmed down instantly.

I talked to the vet about her spazmodity. She suggested leaving a video camera out to see if she does this each time I leave her alone. If so, we can (A) medicate her; (B) hire a doxie nanny; or (C) take her with; or (D) don't go anywhere.

Not just anyone could love this dachshund.

Sunday, November 23, 2008 10:19 PM CST

A blue day.

My thoughts took me far and away today, coloring my emotions and bringing back the wave of sadness that I thought was long gone. Thanksgiving is next week. I can only believe my subconscious is working without me and processing my feelings "behind my back" and without my permission.

I remember taking Existentialism when I was studying philosophy. Days like today were the perfect backdrop for pondering the purpose of our existence. I often thought the professor should meet us at the door and dole out antidepressants as we filed through. If you weren't depressed when you began that semester, you were by the time the course ended. Guaranteed.

I worked on poking strands of orange lights inside the wire (lifesized) dachshund I use as a kitchen lamp this afternoon. The project stretched way into the evening as I worried over why one strand would light and another wouldn't. The lights in my signature color were a birthday gift to accent the clear lights already inside the frame of the doxie. I was determined to figure the mess out and put both halves of that dog back together.

I worked and I cried and I sobbed. Apparently, I needed a good cleansing sob.

I was remembering things from Lorraine's babyhood and little girlhood and my heart just broke all over again.

The wire dachshund is lit and back in one piece. Lorraine is still in God's Heaven and I'm no better than I ever was.

There's always tomorrow.

Saturday, November 22, 2008 6:15 PM CST

Mark this one down as a good day. Real good.

Two girlfriends and I had a "girls'day" out of town to wrap up birthday month. We met up in the bitterly cold morning and drove off downing Starbucks and munching banana bread. I was sure we would all freeze before the day was done. The temperature was in the high twenties, if it was a degree.

The friend who drove brought blankets in case we needed them. We stopped and poked among the antique shops and quaint houses with bric-a-brac along the road. One place served up hot cider with lemon slices.

We saw pretty scenery and I took some photos with potential for paintings. I met nice people in other towns. We ate lunch and shared a piece of six-layer carrot cake.

There was a little store in a teensy town that made homemade cinnamon rolls. I bought one to share tomorrow with Larry. Trust me, one is plenty. They are that big.

I will have to watch the doxies, though. Especially the obese one. She has a record when it comes to thievery of baked goods. Shameless and unbridled.

Thanks to all my sweet friends who remembered me and helped make my birthday month special.

Friday, November 21, 2008 6:51 PM CST

Okay, then. I'm ready for springtime. It's fine with me if'n we just skip on past winter this year. With a full month of fall left to shiver through, I'm quite sure I've had enough cold weather.

I haven't heard from Livi today (nor yesterday) but I heard tell the morning temp in college town was a mere 18 degrees. We were below freezing here. The lantana bushes gave up the ghost last night for the most part. The big burly one might have some life left. The doglets reconsidered whether or not a trip to the postage stamp was truly necessary before eating their morning kibble.

Larry was up during the night watching television. He had a smidgen of insomnia and found a good movie. As for myself, the day was so cold and my flannel jammies were so warm, I didn't get dressed til the afternoon. I tried out some new yoga moves with maximum assistance from the chubby pup. The obese one preferred to supervise from her perch on the bedroom couch. I think I heard her snicker.

I tried to get my legs over my head and not fall over. The pup stuck her nose in my face and gave me a good slurfph! I finally leaned up against the bedroom wall and managed a good upside-down stretch. And, I got my face washed, too.

Larry and I went out for a quick dinner right after he came home from work. He propped up on one elbow at the table and nearly fell asleep. I ate my warm bowl of soup and was ready to climb back into my jammies. We were home before 6PM like the pair of fifty-year olds we are.

Mercy Maude.

Thursday, November 20, 2008 10:10 PM CST

Is everyone cold enough, yet? Larry has the spigots covered, and the hoses disconnected, so we are ready for the big freeze predicted around here tonight. 28 degrees. Mercy Maude. I am so very thankful I have a warm castle and a bed covered with blankets.

Every now and again, during these cold days, I check on the dachshunds to make sure they're warm enough. I cover them up and tuck them into their snuggle sacks like two weiner-wraps or four-legged tacos. I'm glad I made those snuggle sacks. The doglets have certainly enjoyed them. They use the sacks every single day.

I enjoyed a long lunch with a special old friend. We've been buddies for over two decades. He was with me before Lorraine was born. He has watched over all my children. We are part of one anothers' "family." I've known him longer than Larry by a little bit, but I didn't know him well until after Larry and I were married. His child is someone dear to me, as well. He is now watching her take the baton and begin to assume the duties and holiday responsibility he carried for years. I am happy for him, yet envious.

Eating lunch we took stock of the changes that had occurred in both our lives during our friendship. Neither of us would have predicted the outcomes we have. Both of us began with a commitment and drive that has since mellowed and softened. Our focus has changed, redirected by the realities of life experienced and faced.

We consider ourselves lucky.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 10:01 PM CST


Henry may have been a family-snake. The pup has been obsessing over the same rocks around the pond for several days. Her fine behind is sticking up in the air, tail a'waggin' whilst her nose is burrowing beneath the rocks. She'll burrow and dig, then sound the alarm with a shrill bark, bark, bark!!! SOMEBODY is beneath those rocks.

I'm wondering if Henrietta and the kids are hunkered down under there.

Surely to goodness, Henry took the hint after that mauling by a snaggle-toothed doglet and hopped a UPS truck for Florida?

Larry came in this evening after letting the pair-a-doxies out into the postage stamp for the final time before beddie-bye and inquired, "did you put the lock back on the gate?"


He had found the gate standing open about a foot and a half with one doglet munching on grass less than a yard away. Larry had to side step right quick over while tipping his hat to said dachshund ("Hey, how're you doin?") without drawing attention to the open gate and SHUT IT!


Mercy Maude.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008 11:25 PM CST

Livi called three times yesterday, but I didn't hear from her today. She must be feeling better.

I had lunch with another sweet friend taking me out for a belated birthday meal. And, didn't we have a great time? I'm scheduled everyday this week with friends. This birthday is stretching til the week of Thanksgiving. I like that fine.

I had been asking Lorraine to flit in and let me know she was around. I've been needing her near. This morning in the shower, she showed up. The most beautiful prism greeted me in the shower. Lorraine was the one who taught ME about ROY G. BIV. The colors of the rainbow. (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) We talked at great lengths about them. She was utterly fascinated by their order and the neumonic to remember the order.

I knew it was her way of letting me know she was still watching over me. Gently. Lovingly.

Golly. Mercy Maude, I could use one of her hugs these days.

Monday, November 17, 2008 6:34 PM CST

Livi called back last night at approximately 3AM. She had been released from the ER. She was diagnosed with bronchitus and had an inhaler and an antibiotic. However, a reader-friend emailed me that whooping cough is rattling around these days...

Hmmmn. Livi did have that before. It's worth keeping an eye out. One can have WC more than once. (Especially considering her job as a nanny for small children.)

She is taking a few days off from classes and resting per the doctor's instructions. She was told to sleep, drink lots of fluids and take her meds. It's amazing how much weight that same information carries when it comes from someone other than momma.

Livi has a jug of Sprite, lots of soup and crackers and plenty of Puffs. She is managing on her own. She told me she had cleaned some of her apartment. Well, boy howdy. That, I'd like to see. The cleaning part. I reminded her to break out those antibacterial wipes and have a go at the doorknobs.

Mmnn-hm. It's happening up there in college town.

Sunday, November 16, 2008 10:29 PM CST

Livi finally called. She hasn't spoken to me in a week. We both suspect she has pneumonia. Her chest hurts between her boobs and down in her back when she coughs. She has been sleeping sitting up in a chair in order to rest for the last three nights. Her cough is so bad she nearly throws up. She doesn't run fever, but she feels clammy. She said last night she coughed so hard, she thought she would lose her breath.

Not good. Not good a'tall.

I support her going on into the ER to be checked over. College town is colder than blue blazes this time of year and getting colder.

Livi has promised to call me after the ER visit.

I know she has had her flu shot and the pneumonia vaccine. She tells me she is covered up and warm when she goes outside her apartment these days. It sounds a little like last year, except without the tiredness.

Hopefully, we won't repeat that cycle of sickness.

Larry is still down for the count. He really needs to wander around and find a doctor, in my opinion. I'm about mended.

Send one or two up for Livi...

Saturday, November 15, 2008 10:11 PM CST

Halfway through NOVEMBER! The eleventh month. So much for 2008.

Remember all the hoopla over Y2K? The world was coming to an end. The bad'ens were taking over. Everyone was holing up with dried beans, cans of Ensure and shotguns.

Fastforward eight years. Repeat the message. I'll swan.

I saw somewhere on the news the hate-groups are increasing in numbers now that the election is over.

I watched a program on the history channel this afternoon snuggled up in Livi's bed with the doglets. It was an expose on the AntiChrist. Enlightening. People have found the A.C. in every era. My own people, the American Indians, were touted as the A.C. by many early on. Mussolini was tagged, as was Roosevelt, Reagan and several other presidents. A host of other historically significant names were listed, too. Just about anybody who was moving and shaking could have made the A.C. list.

Pondering the matter, I figure stirring things up sets off whatever group isn't on the side of whomever is leading the pack.

Whatever good is done, no good deed goes unpunished. Someone will always find fault with what is said or done.

If the Lord Himself were here today, I doubt He'd be popular. As I recall, He wasn't in His own day.

Friday, November 14, 2008 9:29 PM CST

I ran as fast as I could, but Larry's germs that he didn't have caught up with me.

Both of us spent the day in bed today. Separate beds. He in ours; myself in Livi's. The doglets swore their loyalty to a higher authority and threw their lots in with yours truly. They have rested comfortably all day long.

I spent some time on the computer, propped up as I was with lots of pillows, a doxie under each arm. I googled volcanoes. My interest has been tweaked. Just because a volcano hasn't blown its top in a couple of hundred years doesn't mean it's inactive. Look at Mt. St. Helen's.

I was pondering something I overheard while eating lunch a few days ago. Some sweet little ladies, probably in their eighties, were talking about disagreements. One remarked at how someone had smarted off to her and how she had responded in return. Her concern was her lack of restraint and not expecting more of herself in that situation.

Being the better person. Not responding in kind. Refusing to lower yourself to that level. Hmmn.

Our society is lacking something in its character these ladies and their peers were skilled in. Self-discipline. Respect. Kindness. Grace. Need I continue?

Life lessons at lunchtime.

Thursday, November 13, 2008 10:09 PM CST

Larry refuses to admit he's sick. He got up and showered, dressed and sat down. He didn't leave the castle. The obese one couldn't believe her luck. She was beside herself.

Well, actually, she was beside Larry.

Larry managed to plop himself on the couch, in an "intent to leave" position. He didn't. The obese one perched across his lap, happily. The pup, not to be outdone, burrowed and pushed until she, too, had a spot right betwixt the cozy pair.

I told Larry I was moving into the guest room so as not to catch what he doesn't have. My head feels kinds funny and my tummy isn't just "right."

I didn't accomplish too much today, but all in all, it was an okay day. I didn't get started on that painting I've planned, but I'm thinking on it.

I worked out, then spent some time educating myself with the history channel. I know more about volcanoes than I ever wanted to.

I cut my rosemary and brought it in. The aroma was so intense I decided to make a pizza for dinner.

Funny how one thing leads to another.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 8:31 PM CST

The obese one sacrificed a pile of kibble to the canine gods today and her prayers were answered. Her daddy stayed in the castle all day with her. She stood on her hind legs and whined. Larry picked her up. She danced around and got attention. She yelped and Larry gave her treats.

Oh, yeah.

(Actually, Larry was half-sick and stayed in bed most of the day, but I'm not about to apprise one dachshund in particular.)

I got my hair done. It lifted my spirits quite a bit. I opened a new bag of dark chocolate peanut M&M's and ate the orange ones. They taste best.

I put the finishing touches on the painting I was working on. I have plans for another one. This one is of Lorraine and the fairies fitting her for her new set of wings. I'm excited about painting the new one.

The pair-a-doxies are vying for my attention. They both want to be immortalized on canvas. However, I refuse to paint one with her foot atop the other one's head. They simply must pose sweetly beside each other.

I nearly froze today. I wore my long-handles and everything I had handy. Still cold.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008 8:25 PM CST

This was a relatively good day. Considering.

I'm bouncing back. I'm over the hurt and moving onward and upward to "anger."

Everyone has their "place" in the family dynamic. My place has always been "Stonewall Jackson." Remember the phrase, "yonder stands Jackson like a stone wall." Whatever comes, someone had to be the rock that wouldn't roll. At least as far as the wee people were concerned.

Eventually, the wee people were expected to grow and change and assume responsibility. With growth and responsibility, I expected behavioral changes wadded in there somewhere.

We don't always get what we want.

Hence, the anger.

I worked out, hard. Took care of myself. I was kind to "me."

The doglets and I spent quality time. Larry took me to lunch. I talked with friends.

It's going to be all right.

Monday, November 10, 2008 8:58 PM CST

Things didn't get any worse today. That's "something."

I retreated to my studio and PAINTED. I practically finished a piece. Odd, the link between emotion and creativity.

Two of my good girlfriends came by at different times to spend some time with me. It is such a blessing to have girlfriends.

The doxies, stalwart and steadfast, were by my side all day.

At this point, our holidays are completely up in the air. AND, strangely, I couldn't give a rat's patoot. They come and they go. I'll float along and celebrate with whatever and whomever.

There are matters of principle and matters that are not up for discussion.

Sunday, November 9, 2008 8:50 PM CST

What a perfect ending to the weekend from hell.

Only the dachshunds are still in a good mood here at the castle.

I finally called in my backup late this afternoon. One, a friend from law school days. The other, alias "the Option" to talk me through the irritation.

Some things don't bare discussion. There's just no percentage in it.

I had the ultimate privilege of going to church to work in the nursery with my eyelids red and swollen from squawling. I even woke myself up with tears running. That's supremely irritating.

The bright spot in this day was rocking a baby boy in the nursery. I held him and cuddled his sweet self. He took his soft hand and rubbed my cheek. I considered him a little angel, especially today and considering the tumult of the weekend.

I'm going to bed. I'm tired and worn thin with dealing and discussing.

Enough for now.

Saturday, November 8, 2008 9:49 PM CST

There are moments when I'm not sure I understand anything.

I have worked, toiled, struggled, daily-moment to moment at times, to survive the loss of Lorraine and the battering our family took. With no small effort, I thought our family had weathered three anniversaries of Lorraine getting her wings, three holiday seasons and Livi heading to college town.

I thought we were making progress.

I'm mid-way through a big box of Puffs. Livi, Larry and I have just argued over what we don't want, won't do, can't stand and simply will not abide over the coming holiday season.

The reality of the situation is part of "us" are not here. Our good-old days are gone. The wonder years of cookie-baking and decorating have slipped past. The little kids have vanished into the mist and exist only in memories or on the pages of my scrapbooks.

We're stuck between not recreating our old traditions that cause us to relive our past and not being able to make new ones from the remnants.

Happy Fricking Holiday Season...

Friday, November 7, 2008 10:53 PM CST

Livi's in the castle! Oh, didn't the dachshunds sing!

Livi brought all her lovely recycling for the doglets to paw through. They were certain the bags of bottles, cans and miscellaneous boxes were a celebratory offering, a veritable buffet for their delight. Larry quickly took the bags to the garage...

Our little family took in a movie this evening. We saw Madagascar 2. I told Livi to hunker down in her seat, as we were the only family there without a small child.

There is a wonderful movie coming in January for dog-lovers. Livi and I made a date. Larry just groaned and rolled his eyes. He made us promise not to try and sneak in the pair-a-doxies.

Livi baked me a birthday cake and brought it with her from college town. It looks wonderful. She brought a gift, too, with a card.

Wes emailed his regards. I'm hoping to see him over the Christmas holidays.

The week is winding down and I'm glad.

The doglets have turned in, tucked into their snuggle-sack. I believe I'll follow suit.

Thursday, November 6, 2008 8:50 PM CST

I sat my newly aged buns in a CLE class all the live-long day today. I have to repeat that exilerating experience again bright and early tomorrow. I can't begin to express my joy.

Suffice to say, I fell sound asleep on the couch beside Larry around 7:15pm, with a lapful of dachshunds. I wouldn't be surprised if my eyes were wide open. I didn't even have my flannel jammies on yet.

I enjoyed seeing one of my best old friends and law school buddies today. She and I surveyed the crop of newbies taking CLE, sniffed, and decreed them lacking. One was on his cell phone talking loudly enough to disrupt the speaker. Several looked as though they could use a bath. Hmmpfh. Who's raising these people?

Larry tended the girldoglets in my absence. The pair-a-doxies were intensely overjoyed to see me this afternoon. One would think I had been on a three-month trek to the North Pole from their reaction. (I find it quite gratifying.)

Livi is motoring in tomorrow evening in my honor for my birthday. (Belatedly.) I have plans to see a movie or two. My choice.

I'm on the hunt for the last two quarters. Surely Alaska and Hawaii are around here somewhere as I make change.

It's off to bed, as I've got to be up before the sun cracks open the dawn of a new day. Otherwise, I won't get a seat in the "amen corner" for CLE.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008 9:41 PM CST

In case I forget later in this update, Larry threw Henry over the brick wall yesterday. Bye-bye, Henry. Apparently, now that the pup has no front teeth, she only gummed him good after rousting Henry from his hidey hole. Larry found him lying dazed on the grass in the postage stamp and to prevent me from having a coronary event and falling into the pond, tossed Henry's stunned self over the wall.

I was so relieved to hear that Henry had gone. I hope he didn't leave any relatives behind in the postage stamp to reappear next spring.

This has been a good birthday. Larry took care of the doxies this morning. I took my time getting up and getting dressed. I had a wonderful lunch and warm, gooey chocolate dessert with a girlfriend. Larry bought the loveliest flowers I have ever been given, fall colors (oranges, terra-cottas, reds, beautiful!) with roses, sunflowers, gerbera daisies, delfiniums and cattails. He had a small dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate frosting made for me. I took a two-hour afternoon nap with the doglets beneath a wool blanket. (With a tummy full of cake!) We had dinner at a nice white-tablecloth Italian restaurant.

Friends called. I got wonderful cards and emails. Livi called several times today to "see how my birthday was going."

I felt loved and appreciated.

What a wonderful way to welcome the next fifty years...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008 11:34 PM CST

WOW! What a night! The dachshunds are plumb worn out with all the watch-partying.

Unfortunately, all our local candidates lost. I haven't broken THAT news to the girldoglets. I didn't want them to be discouraged, given their stalwart participation "poll" dancing.

I am so glad to have this election business over and done. Now for the birthday business...

I've just about spent my forties. Used 'em all up. When I wake in the morning, I'll be fifty. I've received my invitation from AARP and narrowed down my multivitamin selection. (I plan to start taking one.)

Livi and I spoke a few minutes ago about the election. We're both excited about the historical aspects of this particular year. I remember the excitement when a former governor from our state became President. I remember the day and where I was. Someday, moments like these will be recalled like Granny and Grandpa recounting memories of FDR or Eisenhower to me as a child.

Cathi, my laundry fairy from our days in the hospital, stopped by earlier this evening to give me a hug and a kiss for my birthday. She is working hard at med school. I'm so proud.

I have lunch plans with a girlfriend tomorrow. It will be a good day.

I'll be listening for Lorraine.

Monday, November 3, 2008 7:58 PM CST

Payback isn't pretty. Canine payback is downright ugly.

I got a pedicure today in honor of my birthday Wednesday and I came back to the castle wearing those disposable flip-flops so my toes wouldn't smear. I got my socks and tennis shoes on to go work the polls and the doxies thought I was going to take a W-A-L-K. The pair flipped and twirled around my feet joyously all the way to the door. Larry and I went to eat a quick lunch before I was scheduled to work.

Oh, my.

Not one. Not two. THREE spots deflowering my rug. Two peeps and one poop. All in the space of a mere sixty minutes. Deliberate soilage.

Good night nurse. I got the message.

I put the pair-a-doxies in their cage before I left.

Larry checked on them and fed the afternoon feeding. I worked the polls, glad-handing and waving a sign. By the time I returned to the castle, all was forgiven.

Tomorrow is a new day. Election day.

Sunday, November 2, 2008 8:20 PM CST

Sixty little minutes can be a real gift. Especially in the morning. Even the doxies appreciated some extra snooze-time this morn. Now, THAT was a surprise.

Larry and I took advantage of the unusually warm day to wash the windows I have been fretting over. Larry carried a 16ft extension ladder through the flower beds and I carried the paper towels and windex. Larry climbed the ladder and I supervised. A fair exchange.

The wrinkle in today's work was the reappearance of Henry in the postage stamp. I was flabbergasted. It was totally against protocol. April through October I expect Henry sightings. It is now November. I can only assume snakes don't have calendars.

I imagine global warmning had something to do with turning Henry's world upside down. Today the mercury probably inched toward the mid-70's. I was in corduroys and a fleece vest, but that's me.

Only two more days til my big birthday. I wonder what Lorraine will do to say "hello?"

Saturday, November 1, 2008 8:43 PM CDT

Gee. The last day before the time change. Another "last." A break in the cycle.

I'll have to worry through the adjustment with the dachshunds. They have such a time with changes. How DO you explain an additional hour to the canine mind? Their day is planned down to the minute. Wake at 6:30am. Shake. Alert Momma. Rattle cage. Vocalize. Increase volume and annoy Momma. Bolt from cage and run to bedroom door. Run around bedroom whilst Momma is stumbling toward bedroom door. Scratch bedroom door to increase speed of Momma's stumbling. Dash through bedroom door and run amuck, round couch and between legs of all chairs, arriving at backdoor ahead of Momma. Bark to increase speed of Momma's arrival. Scratch backdoor as additional incentive. Shoot through backdoor into postage stamp in race with other doxie...

Hide under bushes and spy on Momma. Refuse to come when called until Momma hollers and starts down the portico. Waddle slowly toward the castle, stopping to sniff at all bugs and bits of grass. Run faster than other doxie into laundry room for kibble. Jump and bark, demanding kibble. Eat kibble. Scurry to water bowl and lap all the water to prevent the other doxie from having any. Scratch door to go out. Repeat hide and spy procedure. Repeat refuse to come when called and waddle slowly procedure. Come inside castle and go straight to couch. Nap in snuggle sack until Momma leaves, then peep on rug.

I mean, honestly. You can't mess with perfection.

I went to the church bake sale this morning with my neighbor. It was great. Afterward, Larry and I finished the mulching in the yard and the postage stamp. Larry poop-scooped and supervised the doglets. The pup tried to find Henry. No luck. (Yeah!) I was almost certain she was going for a swim a time or two. She nearly fell in the pond. Larry noticed some of my bulbs lying near the edge of one of the flower beds. HUH? I know I planted them carefully IN the bed just a week or so ago. How did that happen? I replanted. Skunks, perhaps?

We also cleaned off cobwebs from the windows. Tomorrow afternoon we're planning to tackle some of those nasty windows. AND, I plan to bathe the doxies. Shhh! Don't tell...

Livi went to a ballgame today. She said her team won. She had to work afterward. Her cold sounded a bit better.

Larry and I went out to dinner. I have begun my birthday dessert celebrating. I plan to eat dessert for several days. Tonight I ate chocolate fudge spoon cake. I shared it with Larry.

Lorraine would have approved. It was very good.

Friday, October 31, 2008 7:48 PM CDT

Ho-hum. Larry has a migraine. There are no trick-or-treaters and we've been in for the night since 7:30pm. Even the doxies are bored silly.

I taped the Bela Lugosi movies this afternoon and was prepared to scare myself tonight and set the doglets to howling, but I daren't as it would cause Larry's head to throb.

I took the brownies and cupcakes I baked to the church in anticipation of the bake sale tomorrow. I splurged on a handful of dark chocolate peanut M&M's to celebrate Halloween. (Sigh.)

Larry and I went to a 4pm movie. We were home right before dark. Just in time for his headache. Livi is at a Halloween party in college town. She is developing a cold or something like one from her flu shot. I did that. Happens every year. I know, I know. Supposedly, it's impossible. Someone needs to convince my body.

I worked a while at the bake sale prep this morning. I have big plans to go first thing tomorrow and buy some homemade jam.

I took my camera to Wal-Mart to get the photos of the dachshunds campaigning developed. Whilst I was outside, I took some wonderful shots of colorful trees in the parking lot. Who would have thought? I may have to paint them.

Counting down to my birthday and to election day.

Thursday, October 30, 2008 9:44 PM CDT

Oh, boy (or doxie) are we tired.

The girldoxies strutted their stuff at the polls (from a proper and respectable distance) and wooed the voters. Who they voted for, I cannot say, but they were wooed, nonetheless. I was merely fluff. I held a sign and handed out treats to the four-legged.

I came back to the castle and baked cupcakes for the church bake sale. Since the oven was hot, I went ahead and baked some dark chocolate brownies with walnuts to carry Larry and myself through Halloween and into the beginning of my birthday week. I frosted said brownies with dark chocolate fudge frosting.

Larry is strong-arming me into making a decision about what I want to do on my birthday. I just don't know. I've never had my 50th birthday before. I called off my costume party. The idea of a party was stressful, so I figured the actual party was certain to send me over the moon.

Livi is going to be in college town. Wes is out of the country and Lorraine is in Heaven. I just hope to get through my birthday "Happy."

I'm sure the doglets have a big blowout planned.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008 7:44 PM CDT

Larry is flying home as I type. Thank goodness! He has been in New Orleans and I've been in a tizzy. With someone on the loose in Our Town, I've been sleeping with one eye open. My heart is broken for the parents of the young news anchor who got her wings in the most tragic way just last week.

I received a "heads-up" today that our local Wal-Mart is experiencing a problem after dark in the parking lot. Ladies are being warned to buy that loaf of bread or bag of kibble during the daylight hours. To quote Livi, "What is happening to our world?"

The pair-a-doxies are ready to go "poll" dancing tomorrow. I have their shirts fixed with the campaign stickers attached. They are extremely cute. The doxies will also wear large campaign buttons on their collars. I wish I could coax them into holding roses in their teeth, but that would be pushing. I'll merely be wearing a tee with the candidate's name and holding a plain old sign. I suppose I could hold the rose in MY teeth.

Good news. I finally found the furniture covers in the garage. All the outdoor furniture is secure for the coming winter. And, according to my Old Farmer's Almanac, 'tis going to be a cold one. Gotta finish putting out the mulch next week when the weather warms up for a day or two. (smile.)

I met a fellow introvert for lunch and we had a nice quiet time. Oddly, when introverts get together, we talk and have a very indepth satisfying conversation ABOUT "something." Conversely, when I'm with my extrovert friends, they chatter on constantly about little or nothing and it's unlikely more than bits or pieces of real conversation are to be salvaged.

Extroverts wear me out. They suck out my energy. I feel I must listen to them, every word, as they are expending the energy to speak. Tiring... Introverts conserve their words and therefore, their energy. Conversely, I would like to be heard when I speak. BUT, extroverts don't always listen. They are too busy talking. Hmmm.

Take time to listen and be still.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008 6:43 PM CDT

Larry's had a bug. Livi got her flu shot. I've got a scratchy throat from going to Wal-Mart without my coat. At least the almighty four-legged are snug and sleeping soundly without a hint of illness betwixt 'em.

I tried to cover the outdoor furniture as there's a freeze-warning tonight. "Tried" as Larry has put the covers somewhere unknown to me. I found the new covers, but couldn't find the old ones. We didn't have much furniture last season, so we didn't have many covers. Those are the ones I can't find.

I put all the tender plants in the garage. The basil had to be clipped and hung to dry, too. My, doesn't the pantry smell nice? I potted the rosemary in the basil pot. No one has any nice pots left in the stores...

The pansies seemed a smidge dry, so I gave them some water to keep their roots warm for the freeze. The birds have been nibbling my seed hungrily this week. Both feeders are emptying out. I bought a hummingbird feeder that I need to put in the crepe myrtle visible from the kitchen window.

HOPEFULLY, Henry has knit himself a long skinny sweater and curled up somewhere for a lengthy snooze. I'd be fine with him relocating to Florida.

I have Mariko's boys' Halloween treats ready to deliver. I don't have any Halloween candy this year, as I don't expect any trick-or-treaters. AND, Larry's candy-eating days are long past. I'm protecting him from himself.

Livi is preparing some kind of costume to wear to a shindig up at college town. She's creative. I know it will be a good one.

The doxies and I are slated to do some "poll" dancing beginning in a day or so in support of our candidates. The pair-a-doxies will be sporting tiny sandwich boards over their wee sweaters. I will be holding a sign. They got wind of one in particular who was big on small dogs and want to do their part.

Hoping for warmer weather.

Monday, October 27, 2008 10:26 PM CDT

Unless you live in a cave without internet access, this has been a busy news day. Naturally, one of the persons involved in the plot to attack a presidential candidate was from Arkansas. Good Lord, why do we always show our worst side when the entire world is looking?

If I hear one more newscast about who's wearing what or who said what (taken out of context) ten years back, I think I'll throw up.

There's no shortage of sickness or tragedy on any given day and we've spent enough time focusing on such insignificant issues. Puuu-llleeezz.

In roughly one week, this too shall pass.

And not a moment too soon.

Sunday, October 26, 2008 8:03 PM CDT

I've been pondering as of late regarding the upcoming election.

Folks get fired up over their personal pick for candidate. Important issues heat up emotions. I worry, though, when religion mixes into politics. I can't help but look backward, historian that I am, and see where religion often covers for intolerance. When intolerance-masked-as-religion comes into power, the outcome isn't pretty for anyone with an opposing view.

Opposing views are healthy and necessary for bright and creative minds to flourish. Gosh, our country was founded by a passel of 'em.

There's a book I've been meaning to read concerning the problems created when everyone who thinks alike segregates themselves into one sector.

Probably fertile ground for growing an "us" and "them" culture.

Could this be how the Hatfields and McCoys started?

Saturday, October 25, 2008 7:40 PM CDT

Castle, Sweet Castle.

It's good to be back. The doglets were overjoyed to be back on familiar turf. They got right to sniffing and peeping.

Livi looked GOOD. She has color in her cheeks. She is taking her iron supplements again (her idea this time!) and eating well. I think she could use more rest, and she agrees. Her schedule is tight, so she catches up when she can. That nasty cough is gone for now. THANK GOODNESS!

Our visit was short, but pleasant. The doxies were very glad to see Livi and wanted to stay until I told them they could ride in the car. Cheap dates.

Larry and I are worn practically plumb out and are going to bed early. It is, after all, almost 8pm. The doxiegirls have turned in at this writing.

Friday, October 24, 2008 11:33 PM CDT

Larry, the girldoxies and I are in college town and it is cold enough to freeze a tick off a coon's rump! Thanks goodness I threw in a winter scarf as Larry hurried me out the castle doorway this morning. I was busy giving last minute instructions and farethewells to the castle-keep...

I was dressed in my undershirt, my sweater, my fleece vest and my winter coat. Add to that, my gloves and scarf. So far, the temperature has not necessitated bringing out my ear-covers, but the trip is still in its infancy.

How do these folks thrive up here?

Larry is abed with an affliction of unknown origin. His head hurts and he is upchucking. He thinks he is allergic to the locale. Possibly a migraine? It could be a bug of some sort.

Likely in the early morn, when Livi's race begins, I will ask Larry to drop me off in a warm sunny spot and send him back to bed with the girldoxies to keep him company. I doubt I'd be able to tote BOTH dachshunds the entire three miles by my lonesome and the likelihood of the pair making the trek on their own paws is slim. Neither Livi nor Larry would hear of me even considering bringing the doxies' pink stroller.

I have Livi's tiny coffee maker filled and ready to go. Brrrr. The forecast is right around freezing and the wind chill will certainly be lower. OH, PLEASE. LET ME! PICK ME!

Lorraine would have gotten up (maybe) gone to the race, visited with everyone, gotten cold and then been ready to go AWAY.

How fortunate we were not indigenous people of the North Pole.

Thursday, October 23, 2008 9:44 PM CDT

The doxies have been watching way too much tv. Way too much. They wanted to know when they get to vote. I had to tell them they weren't eligible. Oh, THAT went over well.

I think they are working on a letter to Congress or at least to Santa. You gotta understand how their wee minds work.

Two young boys got their wings today. I'm sure Lorraine is showing them around Heaven tonight, making them feel "at home."

I'm off to college town tomorrow with two dachshunds hanging out the car windows. (Larry is thrilled beyond words. Believe you me.) Livi has a family event with her sorority and we're all on command performance. I've packed the long undies and turtleneck sweaters. Livi says the north wind is blowing and it's mighty cold. Brrr...

The castle-keep will be here. Good helpers are hard to find.

Wes is working hard, very busy, but loving his job. He hasn't mentioned the weather in Europe, nor the economic outlook in his area. He is intrigued by the political scene here and is interested in the outcome.

I stand amazed at our world sometimes and can't help but wonder what Grandpa would have made of the situation. He managed whatever life threw at him with his pocketknife, his .22 and his Bible. Make no mistake, he treated everyone equally and bowed his knee to no man.

Somehow my Scottish ancestors produced an open-minded free-spirit who believes any one person has the ability to change the world.

I know Lorraine believed she could.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 9:21 PM CDT

Larry reminded me I have two weeks until I begin getting ads for walkers and power scooters. (I'll officially be fifty and a bonafide geezer.)s Personally, I can't wait. I'm gonna sign up for AARP and tag Larry as the "spouse." He refused to sign up when he passed the half-century mark in August.

I stood in line today for two and one-half hours for early voting. The lines have been long and busy all week. I just wanted to avoid waiting in line the day before my birthday.

When I got home, I had a small pile of mulch I had to tend to before tonight's rains make their appearance. I shoveled mulch into four big yard-sized trash bags and tugged them into the garage. I managed to get most of the fertilizing finished, too. Yards are a funny thing. The more you do, the more you see that needs doing.

I put out those mothballs to discourage the skunk family. I didn't put any in the postage stamp, as I could just see myself doing the heimlich manuever on a dachshund who was choking on a partially chewed mothball.

I've had some inquiries about commission work for painting for Christmas gifts. Hmm.

Why don't we just put Christmas lights inside the pumpkins and eat the turkey while they twinkle?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008 9:38 PM CDT

Yes, lucky me. I did, indeed, wander into the poison ivy. The yard fella who helps us keep up the front and the postage stamp assured me the red, ugly-looking bumps on BOTH my arms (NOW) are poison ivy. My leg has itchy places as does my chest. Imagine my delight.

I went to Wal-Mart and bought some magic spray and some show-stopper gel for the rash. I have it on good information this goop will heal my mess and put me on the pathway to good health. I also bought some moth balls for the family of skunks that is tearing into my flower beds. Another reader mentioned their use for fending off Henry in the postage stamp.

I got my bulbs planted and I remembered to put a stake down with some identification. Otherwise, when nothing comes up, I won't remember I expected anything in that spot.

I've spent two whole days in the front yard and the postage stamp, planting and pruning and whatnot. I'm tired.

Lorraine would love the results. She was always so proud of my yard. Livi just has me on retainer to do hers when she gets one.

I've taken an oatmeal bath and I'm planning to take some benadryl before bedtime. I'll try the new magic spray and show-stopper gel, too. Hopefully, I won't need a steroid shot.

The doglets are completely tuckered and in their snuggle sack. Keeping an eye on their momma and goin's on outdoors is quite draining.

Off to dab my dots...

Monday, October 20, 2008 11:00 PM CDT

At last. I located some potting soil at Wal-Mart. The doxiegirls and I worked all day planting and transferring. The pair-a-doxies stood at the front door and shouted at me, whilst I toiled away in the front yard. I enjoyed their up close and personal assistance when I moved my efforts to the postage stamp.

The obese one discovered some lovely munchable berries on my liriope and she proceeded to eat all she could hold. The pup was licking something off the concrete floor of the portico. Upon closer examination, I found she was consuming my precious neo-microscopic cypress vine seeds!!! I shooed her young self away, got down on my knees and began picking up each seed and depositing it into an envelope for safe-keeping til spring.

I planted the goldilocks in the bit of soil near the pond and THANK THE LORD did not see hide nor scale of the snake that lives underneath the rocks. I would have learned to walk on water.

Larry called me today whilst I was out buying the potting soil to warn me not to fetch the mail should it come before he returned to the castle. Huh? There was a lizard inside the mailbox. Apparently, he was subletting. Larry had chased said lizard all around the confined space of our mailbox and the lizard had won. I have no quarrel with lizards, but I would not cotton to one running up my arm without any prior discussion, let alone a "howdy do."

Lorraine would have had one question. What color was the lizard? Livi would have wanted to know his or her name.

While I was tending dachshunds and trying to plant something, I had to wrestle a deceased frog away from the pup before she made a meal out of it. I can abide frogs, too. I don't, however, enjoy handling partially devoured amphibians. I began to think a playpen would be a dern good idea.

Somehow I managed to get into something I'm allergic to in the grand scheme today. My left arm is splotched with itchy red bumps from the wrist to just below the elbow. Just the left. And, just on the underside. I was wearing gloves and a 3/4 sleeve shirt.

Lord, I hope I haven't bumbled into the poison ivy again.

Sunday, October 19, 2008 9:32 PM CDT

Livi headed back to college town today. The dachshunds worked their magic and turned on major charm, but did not convince Livi to stuff their small selves in her car. Hence, both the four-legged were disappointed and mopey all afternoon.

I busied myself washing clothes and straightening the castle. How does one girl visiting overnight result in a "castle straightening?" I've missed it. Larry and I both pick up after ourselves, so neither leaves a trail. Other than the mini-trails left by the pair-a-doxies now and then, the castle tends to molt.

Livi called later to let us, the parental units, know she had arrived safely back in college town. This had been a hard weekend for her. She has a nasty crackly cough and seems super fatigued. Heading toward her twentieth year, she is encountering the inevitable, people you count on, think highly of (think are practically grown) and think are your friends, will let you down.

As a mom, I often stepped back and let the kids experience some of life's roughness. I was there, right behind them, but not in front of them unless they needed me. Still, I hurt everytime they did. What I didn't expect was to still feel their hurts and want to step in front of them (but waiting, still, until they need me) when they were budding adults.

I wonder at what point will they step in front of me?

Saturday, October 18, 2008 7:20 PM CDT

Livi came rolling in this afternoon to brighten the castle and make the doxies jump for joy. Larry did a wee dance of his own. I maintained my outward composure. Inwardly was another story.

I was busy planting pansies and ivy this afternoon. Larry was helpfully digging a hole in what passes for dirt in our soil. He had reached the muttering and fussing stage by the time Livi arrived. I had removed one of those "twirly trees" that had died due to bug infestation and bagged it in two black trash bags with a tie wrapped near the top. Larry said it looked like I had snuffed a smurf, stuffed it's blue body in a yard bag and left it standing on the front porch.

We loaded up the bag and returned it to the store for a replacement. Home Depot laughed when they saw the bundle, accusing of us of playing a halloween joke. Nope. Just a tree. I opted for a topiary as a replacement. Hopefully, without bugs.

I realized AFTER we returned home with our replacement tree, we had little to no potting soil left. Doesn't that just figure?

I do a bit of pondering while I am planting and working in the soil. I wondered over odds and ends such as why Chinese food is always sold on the cheap, but Japanese food tends to be expensive? Why do people, especially jet-setters, tend to adopt children from all over the world and pay lots of money to other countries to be permitted to do so when there are so many children in America in foster care with no permanent home? Why is a brand "hot" and "gotta have" until it hits main-stream? Chucky-T's have held their own for quite some time and now, for some odd reason, they are expensive. AND, has anyone priced Levi's lately? Those were $11 a pair when I was a teen.

Contradictions confuse me.

Saturday, October 18, 2008 8:49 AM CDT

(one eye opening...) (Yawnnnn. Streettttcchh.)

Okay, I'm up. I've been walking around with my eyes shut for forty-five minutes. I tried to sleep in and let Larry take care of the four-legged... Oh, no. The pair-doxies weren't having ANY of it. After Larry fed them and did the poop parade in and out of the postage stamp, he carefully placed the pup back in her cage as she has suspicious sounds emanating from her tummy. The obese one hopped up on the bedroom couch and sulked. Larry went off to parts unknown to read the morning rag in peace and solitude.

I, thinking I was sleeping, began to hear with my right ear pitieous whimpering and lamenting coming from the pup in her cage. I turned over to ignore her. The obese one knew an opportunity when she saw one, and began to assault my left hear from her perch on the couch with sniffing and deep sighing. I ignored HER. Never one to be ignored without a raucus, the obese one hopped down off the couch and began to assail and pummel the bedroom door. This I could NOT ignore, nor tolerate. (Unless I was prepared to permit herself to shred the door.)

FINE! Double FINE!

I got out of bed, stumbled around, found my moccasins and robe and let 'em both out. Funny, the obese one made a bee-line for the leftover food in the pup's bowl. Funny, said leftover food was STILL ON THE FLOOR! Larry, oblivious, reading the paper, sitting at the kitchen table, bolted into the laundry room a doxie late and a serving of kibble short to shoo the obese one away.

You should see how that human dynamo makes the bed.

Thursday, October 16, 2008 9:01 PM CDT

I visited the lady who hems my pants today. I see her everytime I buy pants, since I am short and all the pants-makers think everyone is at least six feet tall. The lady is a dear person and we always enjoy a conversation. She told me today I must have been easy to raise.


I told her about Granny. And Grandpa. And the farm.

I mentioned the cat baptizing in the rain barrel. I also mentioned putting my cat in the freezer. And eating a whole package of Ex-Lax.

I believe the lady reconsidered.

Good news. The darling doxie-duo finished their antibiotics today. Thank heavens. I was running out of enthusiasm for giving them their "juice." AND, they weren't buying it anyhow.

Livi called. She had a test tonight. She's thinking it went well. I'm hoping.

Larry had another seminar. He's a busy boy.

I'm ready for fall planting.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 8:41 PM CDT

Yippee!! No migraine today!

I think I spied Henry sunning himself on a large rock next to the pond in the postage stamp this midday. However, when I opened the backdoor, he slowly slithered off the rock and slipped out of sight. Neither the pup, nor the obese one had noticed his presence. I certainly had. My little heart was just thumping up a storm. Thankfully, I had seen Henry before I ventured forth, or I might have gone out to check on my peacock feathers in the pond. Imagine what would have happened if I had found myself eye level with Henry! I could have keeled over face first into the water. Larry would moseyed into the castle and found me with my feet up and the rest of me in the pond, doxies braying in sorrow.

I managed to find plenty to do without leaving the safety of the portico all day.

I worked in the front yard. I rustled up my whetstone, sharpened my clippers and had a go at the vegetation. I was so busy working to the tunes on my peapod I almost forgot my dental appointment.

I love visiting my hygienist. We've been friends for sixteen or so years now. I watch the history channel and she tidies up my choppers. We've watched each other go gray and saggy. We have a bond. She knows just what kind of toothbrush (and what color) to give me and I know her quirks.

That's the thing about good, old friends. The familiarity and ease. AND, the hugs. Don't forget those.

Can't put a price on someone who actually likes the YOU you really are.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 11:03 PM CDT

I just spent hours erasing special emails from my computer so the wretched machine would stop locking up. It was a difficult task, as I couldn't part with any of the emails my caringbridge friends have sent talking about Lorraine or Livi or the journal. I managed to discard those discount coupon emails and the pet sale coupons, though.

Larry doesn't understand why I can't just wipe the slate clean and start over. Oh, well.

The doxies are feeling much better today. We took two mini-walks and they didn't need to use the stroller.

Livi called with better news about her tests. She has a plan for change. I'm all for change.

I have battled a migraine for the last day and a half. I finally took migraine medicine.

Tomorrow the weather prediction is RAIN. I have a dental checkup. Oh, good. I can pretend to be a duckling.


Monday, October 13, 2008 9:46 PM CDT

I didn't know whether to sing, scream or cry when I got the bill for the doglets' stay in the pokey this morning. I left THAT decision to Larry for later.

The poor defenseless four-legged had their annual checkups, a body-mass determination, (translation: are they fat or thin? do they need more or less of that high-dollar kibble?), a dental checkup and cleaning, and oral surgery.

The formerly obese one is indeed in the "formerly" category. Her fine self is now listed as "ideal" in form and figure. She presented a typed list of demands in triplicate... However, the formerly obese one had a tooth that needed pulling and pulled it was. Her face and snout are still swollen. She has purple stitches in her mouth. She is in pain and does not bark nor open her mouth except for kibble intake. Which, by the way, has been increased a bit per her BMD.

Now, the currently chubby pup is another story. She is now listed in the "very" obese category. Way past chubby. Think waddling. Worse still, she had NINE teeth yanked. All front teeth. She's not just a pup with an overbite. She's a pup with an overbite and nary a tooth. She, too, has purple stitches in her mouth, won't make a sound nor open her mouth. She will drink water and is in pain. Her kibble intake has DECREASED per her BMD. Dont'cha know she's excited beyond measure?

The vet's take on the pup's teeth is genetics. She thinks breeding is the explanation. Both doglets are well-cared for and eat a tightly monitored diet. Of course, the pup was Lorraine's dog and has morphed into Livi's dog. She's had a hard puppyhood.

Larry was ready to rent the dachshunds out to children and the elderly after he saw the bill. He asked, "Surely there's SOMETHING they could do to earn their keep?"

Livi called, depressed, over her tests. She's beating her head against a virtual wall at the moment.

Please keep Livi in your prayers.

Sunday, October 12, 2008 8:52 PM CDT

Larry and I are both tuckered out today. I suppose the dust of the road caught up with us.

Considering we had nothing to eat, not even the makings of a peanut butter sandwich, I went pillaging for food. Why is it I end up with practically nothing in the shopping cart when our fridge is sitting on empty?

A friend went with me to Wal-Mart to restock my lysol and orange juice supply. While we were shopping, I noticed a lady in a tye-dyed tee following me around. She finally came over and shyly told me she had thought I was Reba McIntyre at first. Hmm... Don't know her. I do know she sells shoes at one of the department stores I shopped whilst on our road trip. Not my style.

Lorraine would have LOVED that! Does this mean I have to wear a hat and sunglasses to Wal-Mart now?

I sure am counting the hours until I spring the girldoglets from the pokey...

Saturday, October 11, 2008 11:38 PM CDT

At long last, and a day early, we have arrived back at the castle. Castle, Sweet Castle.

Our much adored and duly worshipped four-legged are at the spa, having proved too much for the castle keepers. Tsk, tsk. I'll fetch them on Monday morning. I'll be the one peering in the windows before the sun comes up.

Larry and I soaked in some local color in Nashville today. I wanted to buy some cowboy boots, but Larry begged me not to. Geeze, I wasn't asking to buy the cow to go with the boots.

We both had the shock of our lives at the mall. There is a booth there that provides Brow and Eyelash Art. The technician uses a miniature lasso to pull out and manicure ones' brows and eyelashes, then sort of macarames wee little beads and other doodads into ones' facial hair. I had to wonder what Lorraine would have said about THAT.

I've unpacked and started the laundry. Larry's plumb tuckered. He has worked and seen clients in a wide cirle of about 1600 miles, covering six states. We cut our trip short by a couple of days and two major cities, so he could be back and rested to begin the work week. I mainly took in the sites and shopped. I'm no longer depressed, though.

Livi is working on some sorority duties and preparing for her next exam. Her spirits are a little better, but she is tired.

It will feel really good to snooze in my own bed for a change.

Friday, October 10, 2008 11:04 PM CDT

We are in Nashville. I'm mighty sleepy. Larry is already tucked in and snoring. We drove through the beautiful mountains with trees turning colors on our way this afternoon. We stopped and ate barbeque.

I called and checked on the doglets. They've been to the vet for their annual checkups and teeth-cleanings. Somebody roll up the rugs! There will be two disgruntled doxies in Arkansas tonight.

Larry was bug-eyed as we brought in our luggage from the car. The fellow on the elevator with us was shirtless and had designs cut into his hair (if he HAD hair...) and he had pierced the tendermost parts of his chest.

The lobby of the hotel is undergoing a renovation.

Funny, they neglected to mention it when we made our reservation...

Friday, October 10, 2008 8:03 AM CDT

In my opinion, Atlanta is a combobulation, a mixture. It is a city rich in history and passages, but currently chock full of new money folks with those nuveau riche manners. In other words, they have little or none. Shallow as bird baths and eager to be noticed.

I visited one of their malls yesterday morning. "Visited" as I sure didn't buy anything. When you can get your face botoxed (any who would?) have your parts waxed, your portrait done by someone whose name is unpronounable and buy clothes I'd have to purchase in installments all without leaving the premises, you know you're not in Little Rock anymore.

And, those catalogs I get? There are actual stores peddlin' those goods. In that mall. Right there. I thought they were all just mail order.

There WAS a Belks in that mall. I rushed in. The same clothes I had been spotting at Belks in Little Rock, Dallas, South Carolina and other places on sale and even on clearance were hanging on racks at regular prices and on a wee-tiny sale. OH. Well, just being in that mall made them special and precious, I suppose. Funny, my being in that mall made me feel the same. I didn't feel any more gold-plated than before I entered.

Lorraine would have been totally in her element in that space. She was gold-plated and lived to shop. Lorraine came with style and a fashion sense. The price-tages were just clutter to her. I imagine as a babe in the cradle she was fussing over the style of her nighty gowns and asking herself if her footed sleepers made her look fat.

She and I would have had a hefty battle before we left that mall over Larry's credit card.

Livi called several times yesterday from college town. She is in the trenches struggling over midterms. She's had little sleep and drinking coffee. Her learning disabilities are rearing their ugly heads at test time. Livi sure could use some encouragement and support. She knows her material frontwards and backwards. She's frustrated and tired.

Send one up on her account.

Thursday, October 9, 2008 9:04 PM CDT

This abomination of communication just lost the lengthy update I had toiled over for the better part of an hour. I am so steamed I refuse to recreate it just now. I'll redo the update in the morning.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008 9:39 PM CDT

Times are hard on the economic front here in Dixie. I was the only shopper in some of the stores in the local mall. Uno. Primo. I had more help than I needed, let me assure you. I could hear my own footsteps as I walked.

There was an abundance of merchandise to be acquired, too. Should anyone have desired to shop, sales were plentiful. In early October. Do tell. I bought socks. To go with the shoes I finally found back in Arkansas.

We zoot-scooted on back to Atlanta today in the midst of a mighty downpour. The sky was dark, so dark it seemed like early evening. Larry's vehicle, all terrain, had trouble finding purchase on the interstate. A tractor-trailor jack-knifed and left the road, plunging into the median. Atlanta's streets were flooded when we arrived. Fortunately, the malls are on high ground. (Smile.)

Larry broke with tradition and took me to the mall, followed me around and watched me shop. I never. HE NEVER. I'll swan. He did find a shady spot and talk business on his walkie-talkie peapod phone. But, he was THERE.

Larry even drove me around to scope out the best routes to all the shopping for tomorrow. I'm watching him pretty close. He might do most anything at this point.

Atlanta has good iced tea. They talk funny, though. Sorta snooty.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008 8:38 PM CDT

I had forgotten how strong Mississippi tea could be. I believe it could be used to tan leather or strip wood. I would put it up against Boston tea any day for strength. I have to dilute either of 'em in order to drink a glass.

The people in South Carolina are by far the friendliest. I spent some time amongst the natives shopping and poking around while Larry worked.

I had a great-grandpapa from North Carolina. I don't know if we'll go that far or not. Tomorrow we backtrack to Atlanta for shopping and museums. No work.

I heard from those at the castle. The moat, postage stamp, turret and drawbridge are all in good working order. The doglets are being pampered.

Larry and I haven't agree once on a book on cd. Not once. I'd be situated and he'd be ready to turn it off. He'd be listening, or tolerably so, and I'd be bored out of my mind. I brought a dozen and we've already tossed over half the stockpile.

We haven't had any problems finding gasoline, though. Fortunately. I brought food and water, too. You just never know.

Livi has called several times each day. Keeping close, the farther away we get.

Livi is narrowing down her field of study. She's getting excited about school with the prospect. I'm excited for her.

She wants to change the world.

I believe she will.

Monday, October 6, 2008 10:30 PM CDT

"On the road again..."

Larry and I are on a driving trip. We've headed into the Heart of Dixie to clear our heads. We have left the castle in good hands, as it is too complex to maintain on its own. Such is the way of castles. I hope the doglets will forgive us for leaving them behind. They are being well-tended with freshly laundered bedding.

Today we motored in Tennessee, Missippi and Alabama. As the sun set and the moon rose, I noticed the north star shining brightly. The moon tonight was a thick slice of the bottom half of the orb lit brightly by that star overhead. A nice blanket of clouds was tucked around them both. I watched as the display followed us from state to state. It was lovely.

Larry was astounded at the amount of belongings necessary to carry us through whilst we travel. He was reminded of his favorite movie, MR. BLANDINGS BUILDS A HOUSE (sometime in the 1940's) and the line "I will not jeopardize the health of my family in a house with less than four bathrooms!"

It's way past my bedtime...

Sunday, October 5, 2008 8:18 PM CDT

I tried to make it to the gym today, working hard to fight the demon depression. I managed to take an early morning walk with Larry and the girldoxies. Brrr-rabbit! I warmed myself with a mega-mug of molten chocolate decaf.

Somehow, afterward the bedroom couch beckoned to me to curl up and the doxies obligingly snuggled beside me. I know it was a sacrifice on their both their parts. I finally made myself get on the carpet and do floor exercises using the dachshunds as weights. Actually, they were dandy little substitutes. I did biceps, triceps, and ball exercises using the obese one. The pup, not to be left out, volunteered to be the one lifted for wee chest presses. I did a bunch of those, since she doesn't weigh much. I tried lifting both, a doglet in each hand, but they were difficult to balance.

I felt somewhat better after exercising and did laundry. I was on a roll, so I poop-scooped the postage stamp, too. Larry picked up lunch and went into work for a bit.

While we were walking this morning I pondered the way the dachshunds give-and-take in their relationship, even in walking. They have their own "dance." There is an unspoken (or unbarked) rhythym to their getting along. They know what is expected of each other in each situation, whether walking, going out into the postage stamp, coming in from the postage stamp, being fed, getting treats or barking at some perceived threat.

The girldogs rely on each other. They meet one another's emotional needs and in their own way, respect and love each other. The pup and the obese one are quirky and eccentric, not white-four-door-sedan variety doggies. They are each other's best friend.

I throw in stability. I'm someone to trust and dump their vast quantity of love upon, all for a small pile of kibble each day at a regular time. It's a fair exchange.

They remind me of Larry and myself in a four-legged fur-covered sort of way.

Saturday, October 4, 2008 7:50 PM CDT

Larry is on his way back to the castle after Dad's Weekend at college town with Livi. He's had a sufficiency of sorority events for the time being.

I believe he's ready for real food, too. No more quiche and girlie-casseroles. I would bet some potted plants in the sorority house have the contents of possibly more than one dad's plate in amongst the greenery.

Larry adored spending dad and daughter time with Livi, but wouldn't have minded skipping the remainder of the events. The two of them took in a movie and played putt-putt golf while they were together. I hope someone took pictures. I can imagine Lorraine flying around them as they enjoyed their time together, holding them in her wings.

Meanwhile, back at the castle, the dachshunds and I hunkered down for some snuggle-time sans Larry. I've felt the heavy weight of depression trying to lock its lead fingers over me and I'm fighting, hard.

Fortunately for me, the doxies are super-sensitive and stick to me like velcro when the dark times try to creep near.

I enjoyed the cool weather this morning, wrapped in my warm robe and slippers, sipping hot decaf. The doglets made short work of their business in the postage stamp. Fall has definitely come to Arkansas. Hopefully, the pup's snakes will all go to ground for the winter. Don't bother to write...

The pair-a-doxies' morning nap was interrupted by crashing thunder and bits of lightening. The obese one responded with a resounding bark of warning. The pup merely looked bewildered. I managed to shower and dress by 1:30pm. Progress. Not wanting to waste a good washing-up, I took the canines on a walk, as the weather had cleared and warmed by that time.

I am relatively certain there are no fried worms remaining on the neighborhood streets since our walk.

I wonder? Have those doxies been reading my MOTHER EARTH NEWS when I'm not home?

Friday, October 3, 2008 8:45 PM CDT

Well, maybe the doglets will see their daddy once again. The bailout has passed and hopefully, the market woes will stabilize.

Larry walks in the door and both girldoglets jump for joy. It reminds me of Larry coming home from work when the girls were small. He would always make their eyes light up.

I took a nice long walk today with a friend. The dachshunds were determined to eat every fried worm along the way. Apparently, those worms are salty, as the pair-a-doxies need lots of water after the feast. It boggles the mind.

(If there are misspelled words tonight, please excuse them. The pup is laying her snout on the keyboard as I type. She will NOT be deterred. Her head is on my lap, and her paws are on my hands.)

I have been supporting local campaign efforts for one of the candidates who, word is, supports dachshunds as superior beings. Here, here. The pair-a-doxies are busy with paper and ink blotters making signage. Paw-prints... The local chapter of the SPCMD (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Miniature Dachshunds) is offering support, too. They may hold a bark-off.

Livi has a busy weekend. Lots of sorority activity. I can hear the squeals from college town.

Thursday, October 2, 2008 8:48 PM CDT

Wes and I have been emailing back and forth as of late. He wants the latest info on the bailout. I remember how little news was available over in his neck'o-the-woods. I really love our wee discussions.

We do have some conversations over some fine topics, he and I. I have always treasured good conversation. It's rare.

Most talk is just a waste of good air. Pointless.

I was treated to lunch to day for an early birthday meal by my friend, Debbie. Yes, it is more than a month til I reach that fine day. However, my present just wouldn't "keep."

Oh, heck. I don't mind celebrating from now until the big day. Why not?

Lorraine and Livi would always have me something wrapped up special for my birthday. Livi always spent more. She sacrificed for family on their days, giving of herself. Lorraine always had something for me, but she usually had seen a little something for herself while she was shopping, too. She was very sentimental, though.

Larry often asks, "What did I get you?"

Speaking of, our anniversary gifts arrived today, too. I caught them a little early, on clearance...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008 9:32 PM CDT

Happy October!

Larry is thinking about establishing "office hours." I dropped by his office today to take him to lunch and there was a line of younger guys ready to genuflect and enter, eager for a gem of wisdom from him.

These are trying times. Steady as we go.

Livi called to tell me to worry in advance over her exams coming up this week and next. I'll do my part.

(How marvelous to have nothing to worry over but NORMALCY!!!!!!!)

The girldoxies are miffed. They saw a commercial for that new dog movie, non-dachshund. They want to know "Why?" I've been mopping up peep.

I know what Lorraine would do. She'd sneak them both into a late afternoon showing and sit way up in the back. Probably buy a trough of popcorn, no butter. (It's bad for 'em.) If anyone came in, she'd just bark and say it was her making all the noise.

Wes has emailed me asking for news on the bailout. He has been to Oktoberfest and several conferences.

Baby Gracie Jean got her wings early this morning. I know Lorraine is snuggling her close tonite.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008 8:40 PM CDT

Livi is dabbling with paint now and again in her "spare" time up in her apartment in college town. She does crafting. Whilst the doxiegirls and I were visiting, Livi had some newspapers spread out ON THE FLOOR with her paint puddles on them.

The obese one walked right through the paint.

Livi and I were hanging pictures and we turned around to find perfect deep red paw prints all over Livi's living room carpet.

The obese one swore up and down it wasn't her. No. Uh-uh. It had to be some other dog. She couldn't explain the red paint on her paw, but it still wasn't her.

The pup was in Livi's recliner, out of the way, and she had the good sense to stay there.

Livi washed the red off the obese one's paw and I scrubbed the paint off the carpet. (Sigh.)

In an alternate universe, my sweet neighbor got THE call today. Her nephew got his wings this morning due to a car accident. Her family is in New Orleans.

Never save a kindness. You may not have another chance to offer it.

Monday, September 29, 2008 7:41 PM CDT


Livi's test results are in from the immunologist. Over the phone, anyhow... There is no evidence of CVID nor SPADS from her blood tests.


So, what's causing her to catch every little thing? Who knows? Maybe it's residual cells from the EBV reacting symptomatically from last years' episode. Could be. She was told to be careful and treat herself well.

Also, the tests supposedly showed less, or possibly no, allergy to cockroaches now, and little to molds. That's an improvement. Livi's been highly allergic to cockroaches her entire life. AND, I can't tell you how difficult it is to avoid mold in Arkansas with all the humidity.

I called Livi and told her the good news. She wasn't surprised. However, she said she didn't feel well last evening and had gotten some Mucinex to take. (Worry and Fret.)

One thing at a time...

Sunday, September 28, 2008 10:27 PM CDT

(Yawn.) It is good to be back at the castle and in my very own bed. The girldoxies seem to be relieved to be back in familiar territory, too. Lord knows we're all due a good long snooze.

I cooked up some chicken breasts for Livi to freeze before I left college town today. She does alright fixing veggies and casseroles on her own. I can rest easy for a few weeks knowing she is once again living clean and fed. She has started back on her vitamins and daily allergy regimen.

Livi filled the trunk of my car with her recycling for me to bring back. She doesn't have the facilities to recycle in her area but she is deadset on saving the planet even if it means hauling sackfuls here and yon.

Livi has banned certain products from our family due to animal testing. I'm all for that. The ban, not the animal testing. She also wears shoes that provide a pair for children each time a pair is purchased.

Livi shuns brand advertising overall. She tends not to worship at the alter of the great commercial gods. I admire her for practicing her beliefs at her age.

There was a whole mess of motorcycle riders in college town this weekend. Some convention of sorts. It occurred to me how ironic their "non-conformity" had become the very conformity they had initially shunned. Most of them looked very much alike; they all wore black tees and do-rags. Even their bikes were all but identical. It was comical. Over-the-hill men with pot-bellies riding in front with chubby older women hanging on in back. Some of them had pot-bellies of their own.

As far as I could tell, all they did was ride up and down the highway.


Sunday, September 28, 2008 11:32 AM CDT

No. Nope, I didn't forget to update last night. I was busy.

I am in college town looking after Livi. The girldoxies and I drove in yesterday morning. Well, we LEFT the castle yesterday morning and drove, journeyed and ventured. Thank goodness somebody suggested books on tape at the public library. However, I do pull rank. I can only listen to so many dog stories. I insist the dachshunds expand their literary tastes.

Livi just hasn't sounded quite "right" to me. She's happy and all, but something seems "off." I think she is already looking pale. I wonder if her blood count is bottoming out. I would love to get some test results back from the blasted doctor. Livi is also really tired. Another symptom of low iron. She is eating well, though. Her appetite is good. Allergies are threatening to take over already.

Someone dropped a basket of teensy kittens off at the sorority house one cold evening. The kitties were so young they needed to be bottle-fed. Guess who rose to the occasion, keeping them warm and missing sleep to feed them during the night until the shelter opened the next morning? (AND, who had an apartment that allowed pets...)


She is highly allergic to felines... Even tiny ones. When the canines and myself arrived her eyes were nearly swollen shut, and running. By then, the kitties had been delivered to the shelter, but the reaction was in full bloom.

Livi coughed all night long last night. None of us slept. Not even the pair-a-doxies in bed with us. The obese one decided since we were "up", anyway, we might as well get up and be fed before daylight. OH, she put up a mighty effort. I prevailed due to sheer body mass.

Livi's eyes are much MUCH better. I spent the morning cleaning her apartment to get any residual "cat" out of here.

Her ringworm is still apparent, but I made sure she has the proper medicine. Could be an immunity issue? Her sheets have been changed and washed as well.

OH! I found some shoes. Not on sale, but they fit.

Friday, September 26, 2008 10:39 PM CDT

I forgot to mention the "bond portion" of my explanation the other day. The taxpayers aren't being put on the hook for the money as the government is selling bonds to pay for the bailout. As long as the money continues to be repaid, that is people keep paying their bills who are in this debt package, keep working and the economy doesn't plug up like a blocked intestine, it won't be a taxpayer problem.

The alternative would definitely be a taxpayer problem.


I've been in Dallas for a few days. Wow. That city has changed since the economy has morphed. Malls were semi-empty and gas pumps had plastic bags over some of the hoses. It was creepy. There were mega-sales but no shoppers.

Larry had a meeting and I went along to find some shoes.

There are no shoes to fit these feet in two states.

The girldoxies were in the pokey while we ventured forth. We didn't arrive in time to spring them this afternoon, so I'll be waiting on the curb in the morning.

Dallas was full of sweet memories of shopping trips past with the girls. Spring Break, after Christmas and just before school started were our favorite times to head down to Big D and warm up Larry's credit card.


Thursday, September 25, 2008 9:21 PM CDT

As I understand it, the "bailout" is necessitated as follows:

The financial institutions didn't have the capital on their balance sheets needed to continue to make loans because the collateral had decreased in value in part due to the fluctuating real estate market.

Lots of businesses who have been around for a very long time rely on commercial paper or short term business loans to operate for 30, 60 or 90 days. If the financial institutions cannot make loans because they are out of "whack", the businesses cannot continue to "do business." People work at these businesses and get paid. Other parts of the economy are involved also. Folks cannot get loans to buy cars or houses, go to school or anything else if there are no loans. Imagine a total credit freeze in our credit-driven economy.

The big old bunch of debt that has been bought "should" continue to be paid off as scheduled by the people who owe it. It is a huge ball of "stuff." Indeed a small amount of it could end of not being paid. But, we won't know that for a while.

That, in a nutshell, is what I think is going on.

Speaking of nutshells...

I think my feet have shrunk. Either that, or they are morphing into Lorraine feet. She had the skinniest feet. I cannot find a pair of shoes to suit myself or the dachshunds. I seem to have gone down almost a size, too. How is that possible? Are the shoe people resizing to make women think their feet are smaller? OH, PLEASE. I'll be in children's before long. I can see it now, pink princess tennis shoes!

My good friend and personal lawyer has decided to wear toesocks with her flipflops this winter. She's given up on real shoes. Well, heck. We're both older than green grass. Why not?

Folks will just think we've run out of our medication...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008 10:19 PM CDT

I was pondering today...

Why would someone work their behinds off in a cold inhospitable climate in order to retire early, just so they could buy an Airstream trailer and a big gas-guzzling truck? THEN, pull said trailer with the gas-guzzler suckin' high-test and leaving a Sasquatch-sized carbon footprint into a warm climate at a time when the mercury is screaming for release in the tube? OH, and finally, try to park that trailor and big old truck in some non-descript town at the local DQ?

Now, I ask, "WHY BOTHER?"

Perhaps it's just me. I fail to see the point.

If I were to retire early, I can assure you, I'd have bigger plans than going to the DQ in Nowhere-In-Particular-USA.

Livi got her grades back on some of her tests and she's doing ok. One less thing to wail and pine over. One can always find a reason for gnashing of teeth with enough investigation.

Larry's finally frustrated with the government. It took awhile, I must admit. He's ready for someone to make a plan and stick to it.

I hear our candidates are ready to suspend campaigning til the crisis is over. HA! They better take up knitting.

Speaking of, I still can't get the hang of it.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008 7:57 PM CDT

Way back when, I thought I was in charge of my life.

I thought I could make decisions and work the plan, steering my own ship.

Yeah, right.

Lorraine taught me different. I learned how little about life individuals really DO control. I learned to look inward rather than outward. I altered my expectations tremendously.

Regarding my expectations, I realized I cannot expect anything from anyone else they aren't ready to give me. Folks may not be far enough along in their growth or character development, with rare exceptions, to meet the high standards Granny had raised me to seek. And, not everyone was lucky enough to have a Granny to teach them anything a'tall.

Regarding control, however, the long and short of it is simply THERE ISN'T ANY. You are born. You live. You die. If you are lucky enough to get through what we call "life" relatively unscathed, well then, good for you.

We are all here to do the best we can for however long we are here. Period. God never leaves us and always walks beside us no matter what happens to us.

God doesn't send the bad and God doesn't take it away. God goes through whatever WHATEVER (WHHHAATTEEVVEERR) happens to us with us. God gives us grace to cope, to deal, to handle our obstacles. And, sometimes, we conquer.

Lorraine taught me whatever happens nothing is wasted. Something good will come out of THE WORST situation. Love will grow and bloom from sadness.

Her light shines from our wounded bruised hearts.

Monday, September 22, 2008 8:15 PM CDT

Happy Fall! AHHH! My favorite time of year.

The weather this week is supposed to be glorious. Pure sunshine. Some (a smidgen) of leaves have begun to change colors. I cannot wait to go leaf-lookin'.

The Option called today and asked the girldoglets and myself out for a good-sized walk. I loaded up the pink stroller and both dachshunds and met her. She brought her own doxie and her jack russel.

The pup hadn't gone more than an eighth of a mile (if that) when she flopped over on her back and stuck all four legs in the air. Quite a sight. I got the message. She rode in the stroller.

The obese one and the jack russel played their own version of Nascar Dog, racing to see who would be lead dog. They would cut each other off and slam the opponent into the wall as they took the lead. It was brutal. The Option's doxie, who didn't participate, finally gave in and rode along with the pup in the stroller.

The doglets and I hit Sonic during happy hour. I got a diet cherry limeade and they got a small ice water with minimal ice. All the fun a body could have on $1.47. (The cupholder and small drink are just at their drinking level when they are sitting in the passenger seat.)

I made several trips to Wal-Mart today trying to purchase rose fungicide and rose food. I visited two different stores on four different occasions. I met THE nicest elderly gentleman and learned a great deal about rose care in conversation with him. We talked a good bit about daffodils, too. I ended up at Home Depot purchasing a particular sprayer on his advice.

I made Larry a salad for dinner and took my tired self to bed.

This was a good day.

Sunday, September 21, 2008 8:27 PM CDT

I can't help but think of how Lorraine views our world from her heavenly perspective. All of the stressors and upheaval from last week with the market and the uncertainties were already a known quantity from where she stood.

Lorraine is privy to the important events that we, her family, will encounter here on earth as we continue on with our journey. I'm glad I don't have that "crystal ball" to look through.

When I was young, I used to read the last page of a book to see how it ended before I would check a volume out of the library.

I order my cereal six boxes at a time. I like consistency and dependability.

As Livi says, the parental units are both nerdy. Lorraine would agree.

Somehow creativity and nerdiness coexists comfortably inside me. Larry doesn't have a creative bone in his body save for the musical ability he was given.

I wonder if the doglets are nerdy?

Saturday, September 20, 2008 8:57 PM CDT

I'm wondering if I've slipped a cog.

I greeted the fog of the dawn by racing the doxies into the laundry room to dispense their allotment of kibble.

Something was amiss.

Granted, it was early and I was half-asleep, but my feet were wet as I stood outside the door to the laundry room. AND, there were wet paw-prints all over the hall floor. In fact, I was standing in a puddle of WATER!

I opened the door to the laundry room and found the floor covered, soaked. "NNNOOOOO!!" What on earth had happened? The obese one was dead-set on being served and ON TIME, while the pup was gingerly lifting one paw after another higher and higher out of the water.

I grabbed dog towels and began swabbing water. The barking began. (The obese one.) I ignored her. The pup found a semi-dry spot and settled in. More barking with leaping thrown in. (FEED ME! FEED ME!) The pup seemed to be watching me as if to enquire, "How're you gonna get us outta this one, Mom?"

The sink was full of water and the tap was not fully turned off. OHHH... Geeze. Mercy Maude. Underneath the sink was wet. The floor was a small lake that had flowed out into the hall. I vaguely remembered being interrupted while filling the sink to clean the brushes I used to "de-cobweb" the portico. I thought I had turned off the tap.

Larry was worried due to all the incessant barking that I had hurt myself. He came to see what was the matter and ended up feeding the girldogs while I mopped.

We have an extraordinarily clean laundry room floor.

Friday, September 19, 2008 8:49 PM CDT

I may make a lot of typos tonight, as I chopped the end of my finger whilst I was preparing some radishes for the salad for dinner. The finger is all bandaged up and cumbersome.

What's with all the bugs today? There are flies and mosquitoes all over. I'm not too fond of the situation.

Livi called. She's bored. Life as a sophomore isn't nearly as stressful as that famous first year. Still waiting on some grades from tests AND waiting on blood test results.

I have not heard one word from Wes since he left for foreign soil.

Larry is so very glad to have this week behind him. Ironic the market began and ended very close to the same place.

I'm going to attempt to wash some windows this weekend if I can fool Larry into helping me. I'll have to pull a "Tom Sawyer" on him.

Hopefully, he didn't read the book.

Thursday, September 18, 2008 9:41 PM CDT

Ahhh... A long-awaited end to a tiring day.

Larry has worked his fanny off this day. Lots of drama in the financial world. Many geezerling-nerdlets are scratching their receding hairlines over the market this week.

Apparently the worst is (hopefully) about over. I know the dachshunds will rest easier knowing their kibble fund is secure.

Livi did, indeed, have ringworm. She has treatment for it. One less fire to put out. She is waiting on the exam results from her classes. Hopefully, she is off to a good start. I'm counting down toward the end of the month and those blood test results from the immunologist.

I shopped for shoes this afternoon. My toes are getting chilly and I needed some with closed toes. Oh, sure. Apparently, we're growing 'em with big wide feet these days. Everything is too wide or too loose somehow, even if the size is right. I was reminded of shopping for shoes with Lorraine. She had THE skinniest feet. Size triple A. And, she loved pretty shoes.

I couldn't make up my mind so I brought home all four pairs of the ones that fit. I figured I would try them on with my clothes in the privacy of the castle, ask the girldogs for their honest opinion and make my selection, take back the others. One does what one can without a daughter on hand to dress one.

Finding new ways of gettin' by.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008 9:36 PM CDT

Sometimes I think mebbe I should peep out of one eye to see what lies ahead before I jump ahead on and open both of 'em up wide.

Like today for instance.

Larry was up early. REALLY early. He watches the Footsie and the Nikkee-eye and the something-or-other on the far side of the moon to see what the market is up to. I, was in the midst of some of the best sleep I've had in awhile, due to the change in temperatures and my long-sleeved ankle-length gown sans winter socks (for now). I woke up because I heard a phone RING. Nothing around here "rings," as we have other noises, instead. Then, I heard something like the castle walls being breached. Fortunately, the precious four-legged did not stir.

I stumbled into the keeping room to find Larry channel- surfing. (The source of the ringing and the breaching noises.) I had two choices. I could either find a skillet and clobber him with it or sit down and keep him company.

We went back to bed just a bit before the dachshunds greeted the morning with their usual joyful adulations.

After a large cup of hazelnut decaf, I worked outside and cleaned spiderwebs off the castle windows. The doglets supervised my work in the postage stamp. After all, they have a vested interest.

I tidied up the front, cleaning around the door and working my way to the sides of the castle. I drew up short when I discovered all the bushes and shrubs on the west side of the castle were paddlin' their way across the River Styx. What on earth happened? I checked the east side, and found a similar pattern, but to a lesser degree. I hightailed it inside and called the yard folks.

At this time, 'tis a mystery. The damage appears to be chemical, but the final verdict is still out. Fortunately, the postage stamp is surrounded by a brick wall with a locked gate. No chemically treated foliage to taint the ground upon which a dainty toe might be placed...

Livi called tonight to announce she thinks she has contracted ringworm from the babies and children she cares for. Well, of course.

Just wait til cold-and-flu season.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008 9:52 PM CDT

Well, howdy-do.

The weather was flat smacking beautiful here today. Cool, crisp and sunny. I even wore 3/4 sleeves. Yup. In September. You'd think I was north of the Mason-Dixon.

Livi said college town was only ten or fifteen degrees above freezing at daylight this morning. Brrrr-rabbit. No, thank YOU. I'd be in my long-handles.

The girl doglets have a definite spring in their step. The droop in the humidity and heat. We took a late evening walk without the stroller. No tongues hung out.

I took some personal time today and shopped, browsed about. I found some art and decorative things for the keeping room to spruce it up a bit. Larry was pleased. I get such a kick out of his interest in what I'm doing. The girldoxies were onhand to put their snouts in, too. Nothing, absolutely nothing, new comes into the castle without dachshund involvement. Quality control.

I ironed this morning, early. "Early", before I came to my senses. Who's idea was ironing, anyway? I'm personally against it. If the rest of the world would agree to forgo, I'd never iron another thing again. I promise.

Larry's slaying dragons lately, due to the market mess. He came home tonight and went straight to the golf course. I cut up a stalk of celery for him to gnaw. We have fresh banana bread for breakfast, too. Comfort food.

I firmly believe happiness is a choice. Sometimes you have to choose it again and again. Day after day.

Monday, September 15, 2008 8:44 PM CDT

Those blues tried to slip up and steal me away today.

I stood in the doorway and bawled a bit whilst the doglets were out in the postage stamp. I took in the breeze and felt Lorraine against my skin. If I looked into the light, I could imagine her as she would be today walking in from outside and sitting down on the couch, long-legged, blue eyes sparking. I could see her tossing her full head of blue-silver black hair and settling in, ready to tell me all about what she had been doing.

I stuck my head in the pantry and buried my face into the Puffs box. When I was good-and-darn-ready, I dried my eyes and went about my business.

My "business" on this day included a meeting preparing a report to the ledge presenting the status of TBI in the state.

I don't play well with bureaurocrats.

I refuse to act as though there are services and opportunities when there aren't. I have lived the life of a person caring for a TBI survivor, seeking services, seeking therapy, seeking equipment and seeking caregivers.

I slammed my copy of the document on the table and told my seatmate I understood for the THIRD time we were financially limited, but I wasn't willing to look the other way and ignore what wasn't being addressed.

I'm not a popular member.

Larry says I am the definition of a lone wolf. He says he is a "cat herder."

Who would have thought?

Sunday, September 14, 2008 8:34 PM CDT

The times, they are a'changin'.

Larry told me about the financial mess bringing down the house that has been around for well over a century and a second that is being bought out by a bank.

We watched a tv preacher this morning preach some prosperity gospel that had absolutely NOTHING to do with the Bible I was raised on. He had a mighty large crowd of folk that were eager to lap up his every word, though.

I watched tv all afternoon whilst I finished catching up Livi's scrapbooks. There were two shows with Lorraine's name as one of the characters. I suppose she was saying "Hi, Mom."

I took time to bathe the dachshunds to their chagrin. The formerly obese one gets practically offended when I brush her. The currently chubby pup is more tolerant.

Larry had a headache from the storms. I had a migraine yesterday. Hopefully, the fronts have passed through.

I'm waiting to hear from Wes, hoping his flight was smooth.

Livi was studying this afternoon. I called to check on her. She sounded excited beyond measure.

Life in the fast lane when one lives in a castle.

Saturday, September 13, 2008 4:29 PM CDT

A night of whirlybirds!!! Fallout from Ike. The tornadoes are coming in so fast the weather radio can barely get one announced before squawking again to announce the next. None have come through Little Rock, yet. THANK GOODNESS!

I called Livi up in college town to let her know it might be a bumpy night. She was taking a nap. Bless her.

I made a pot roast and gravy in case the power gets cut off. Larry gets cranky if he isn't fed. Yes, I cooked. I used Granny's cookbook from the 60's. I'm amazed at myself. Maybe it's because I'm teetering on the brink of old-ladyhood. Somehow, I did it.

The girldoxies are resting up in case they have to dive into the hidey-hole. We've run out into the postage stamp to potty between rain showers, too. So far, no damp doglets.

Wes supposedly flew out this morning. I haven't heard otherwise, so I'm going with that information.

I'm occupying my mind by scrapbooking in between red-alerts on the tv and the weather radio. I've gone through a bunch of dark chocolate peanut M&M's lately.

I'm thinking of switching to plain dark chocolate M&M's when I turn the corner at the half-century mark. Plus, I'll begin taking a multi-vitamin. It seems like the thing to do. I could do without the fats the peanuts provide considering my cholesterol.

We all have our crosses to bare.

Friday, September 12, 2008 5:20 PM CDT

There are many things happening all around us. I've been glued to the tv since early morning watching Galveston and Houston.

I have a Caringbridge friend, Zack, who is in the path of the storm. His family is trying to evacuate, again. I hope they make it this time.

I saw a filmclip awhile back on the storm of 1900 that pert near wiped out Galveston. It occurred September 8th. Too close for comfort.

Wes is still scheduled to leave Saturday as long as the plane can take off. He said the beaches are closed today. The water is fierce.

I'm concerned about the oil reserves in Houston and the repercussions for the country should they take a hit. So many folks are hurting financially already.

While you're sending one or two up tonight, remember some of my girlfriends who are struggling a bit with depression this fall. One has cancer, one has a sick husband and others have family situations that have no end in sight.

Keep Livi in mind as we wait for a diagnosis.

Lorraine, fly low...

Thursday, September 11, 2008 8:24 PM CDT

As I understand the weather reports, Hurricane Ike is baring down on Texas. As bad as that particular set of circumstances happens to be, Texas gasoline is taking a spike at the same time.

Larry is incensed. Oil has gone down a good bit per barrel, so why are the people dodging the hurricane being taken advantage of? Oil exploration in the deep sea is selling lower than it has in a long while. But, some of the refiners are making money on the spread between what they can charge and the fact that their competition is shut down for the hurricane. The poor folks caught in the cracks get hurt both ways.

Any price hikes around here are dern sure 'sposed to be temporary. We shall see. Some people will sell their Grannies to make a dollar.

Fortunately, none of this affects the pair-a-doxies. They have slept unawares in their snuggle sack.

I picked up a few groceries preparing for a rainy weekend. Larry was prepared to watch a ballgame, but it has been cancelled. We are certainly hoping for the best for all of the folks in the path of the storm.

Everyone send one up for Gracie Jean. Remember Livi's still undetermined test results.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008 9:15 PM CDT

I took full advantage of the weather today and walked the doglets at a good clip TWICE. I pushed the pink stroller, too, and ended up both times putting somebody's doxie-buns in it.

I wore myself practically out after all that walking, so I decided to take a break and watch a movie. HA!

I called Larry after I could not figure out where to insert the dvd into the new combo tv/dvd player we purchased. (It must have been a secret.) He told me where to find the slot and which button to push to begin the dvd mojo.

I called Larry again to find out how to "play" the dvd after watching the previews several times and listening to the pre-movie music until my head was ready to explode.

After several minutes of instruction with no results, Larry suggested I listen to the radio until he could get back to the castle. (That would have been fine if I had HAD a radio I knew how to play.)

Larry popped in and we figured out the "tv" button had to be pushed to watch a dvd. I watched my movie and all was well for a couple of hours.

I decided to watch the news after the movie. HA! again. I called Larry to tell him the tv was now in black and white and the "Guide" feature no longer worked. He responded with "put the remote control down and step away from the tv, dear."

Somehow before Larry returned to the castle for the second time I pushed enough buttons to convert the tv from black and white to color once again. I even had the "Guide" feature working. He was impressed.

I just hope he doesn't ask me how I managed it.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008 9:57 PM CDT

I had several long conversations with Wes this week. He is leaving the US the end of the week to return to Germany. Hopefully, he will return stateside around the Christmas holidays.

He mentioned he will have a tour about six months long in either Iraq or Afghanistan in the springtime. (Gulp.)

I remember growing up in the shadow of the Vietnam War. War was the normal state of things from my childish perspective. I didn't understand what the adults meant when I was told "the war is over" because the war was part of my daily life. Every night images of troops in camo were shown on the screen. Everyone either had someone in their family in the war or knew someone who was away fighting in the war.

I studied wars while earning my undergraduate degree. Many wars have been fought as the "war to end all wars."

I've decided as long as there is more than one person inhabiting the earth, there'll be potential for war.

Monday, September 8, 2008 8:06 PM CDT

This was one of "those" days. You know the ones. The kind where a dress, lipstick, a squirt of perfume and a list of errands is required. In my younger days, heels would have been part of the get-up.

I got a lot done, and I'm worn out.

Livi's portrait which I painted is now framed beautifully in a black and gold frame and ready to be hung. I also got another painting framed that a dear friend of mine had given me as a gift in return for something I had done for her.

My alterations are all caught up. The odds-and-ends are tended to. My prescriptions are filled for another month. Everyone who needed seeing has been seen. I had lunch with one of my sweetest friends. I had a good talk with a dear older lady this afternoon.

Something is stirring up in the "nether" regions. My extra senses are fidgety. I can't explain it, yet. There's a wiggle in my nerve-endings and a tightening in my chest.

Something is definitely "Up."

I'll just sit and wait.

Sunday, September 7, 2008 8:25 PM CDT

Sixty months. Six-Oh. Twelve times five. Ten times six.

The total number of months since Lorraine left us the first time.

Lorraine was essentially "Lorraine" for seventeen years, seven months and ten days. Now we've been without her here for five whole years. Oh, her body hung around for another twenty months, sure. BUT, the essential Lorraine was never with us again after Sunday, September 7th, 2003 at 12:18pm.

This Sunday, September 7th, was just as beautiful a day as her day was. Livi commented today's weather was absolutely "perfect." I remember the sky from that day, blue with lovely white clouds. Ironic. Beauty and tragedy existing together.

I waited out the morning until 12:18pm rolled around. I stepped out on the portico to catch my breath and take a moment to spend with Lorraine.

She found a way to be with us, as always. A section of the paper had her name in the headline. Naturally, on this day of all days. Same spelling. We noticed, Lorraine.

We honored the day in our own way. Close and quiet.

Those who remembered let it be known. We greatly appreciated the support.

Saturday, September 6, 2008 8:51 PM CDT

Today was a beautiful day.

Livi slept in and took her meds. Larry went out early to play golf with friends in some tournament. I headed to the gym to clear my head. The pair-a-doxies took their mid-morning naps.

Doing what we needed to ignore tomorrow...

Larry's tournament was cancelled. I returned from the gym in time for the doglets to wake up. We decided to take a long walk in the sunshine and the cool breeze. Livi was still snoozing. Two-thirds of the way through the walk, Larry realized he was dragging the chubby pup on her side with all four legs off the ground. She refused to walk another step. Thankfully, I had brought the pink babydog stroller and we loaded up both doxies. Larry is semi-humiliated to be seen with it. I don't understand why. I don't expect HIM to ride in the thing.

We fixed lunch at the castle while Livi was waking up. She spent a short time with us, the parental units, then took off to tailgate with friends before a Razorback ballgame here in town.

I took her picture right before she left. I had a catch in my throat as I told her to "SMILE", remembering the last moments I spent with Lorraine on that last weekend five years ago. I tried to will myself not to watch Livi drive away. I'm always half-afraid every time I see her leave.

I try to make sure she sees me smiling as she drives off. Waving and smiling.

She can't see the fear in my eyes from behind the wheel.

Friday, September 5, 2008 9:46 PM CDT

Livi came in from college town. She came totin' a bottle of meds for her sinus infection. We took her out to eat at one of Lorraine's favorite Italian places for dinner. I couldn't help but remember ALL the times we ate there over the years as a family.

I stocked up on groceries in anticipation of Livi being home. While I was at the grocery store, I found some beautiful orange roses. The name for that color was "Miracle." I decided it was fit. They look wonderful in my kitchen on the counter.

Larry purchased the altar flowers at church this Sunday in honor of Lorraine. I don't know if anyone there will remember the significance of September 7th, particularly as a Sunday, or not. Neither of us will be in attendance. I think we may go to a movie. We plan to cook out with Livi before she heads back to college town, too.

Larry and I took the doglets on a long walk this afternoon. I needed the walk more than the dachshunds. It was a peaceful walk until we were no more than a couple of blocks from home. The chubby pup sat squat down in the midst of the road and refused to budge. Of course, she chose to sit in a dirtpile, too. I carried her, while Larry continued to walk with the obese one. We passed a house with two standard poodles who carried on at the sight of the doxies. The one in my arms threatened to bark some slight back at them (probably regarding their hairstyle) when I reminded her she wasn't in ANY position to be taken seriously.

Larry seems a bit blue already. I'm keeping a stiff uppper lip, but I seem to find tears in my eyes without warning.

We're doing alright, considering.

Thursday, September 4, 2008 10:11 PM CDT

Livi DID have a sinus infection. She is also so hoarse she can barely speak. Thank goodness she was able to be seen to day. She was given a prescription, too.

This doesn't bode well for the coming fall and winter season. Livi says the second blood draw went well and the results are headed to ACH. Hopefully, we will know something before the first of October. I would like a diagnosis. I want to know what it is we are dealing with.

Here at the castle, there was a committee meeting that lasted two and a half hours. I am glad to have that behind me. The meeting went well. It was just long. The doxies weren't invited. They weren't too happy, either.

Whole lotta whining going on.

Livi is planning to drive home after classes tomorrow. I want to see for myself how she is doing.

I need to lay hands on her.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008 9:01 PM CDT

Oh, indeed. What a day this has been.

Larry took the early shift with the beloved low-to-the-ground ones. I thought I would sleep in a bit. (Til 7am.)

Larry soon returned, shirt soaked and face dotted with potting soil. I opened one eye and inquired, "What have you been doing?"

Fool that I am.

The hurricane dregs had blown my potted plants amuck and toppled one of them over onto the portico, spilling potting soil everywhere. There was even one IN the pond. Larry had been chasing plants in the driving rain and scooping soil with his bare hands. (Not to mention totin' doxies out to peep underneath an umbrella.)

I got out of bed, put on Lorraine's raincoat and my crocs and trudged out into the deluge. Land sakes.

I repotted plants and hosed off the portico while Larry toted this one here and that one over there. We scooted the furniture farther back out of the damp. I noticed a whole mess of earthworms wriggling around on the concrete of the portico and asked the second foolish question for the morning, "Where did ALL THESE WORMS COME FROM?"

The obese one had been tromping out into the rain and rescuing the worms, depositing them onto the porch. She dearly loves eating fried worms (the ones curled and dried on the concrete) and didn't want them to drown, I suppose. All this time she had been refusing to go out to peep without an umbrella!

I picked the worms up with a paper towel and threw them back onto the postage stamp. Maybe they built a raft.

Livi has her second blood draw scheduled tomorrow afternoon. She also will see a doctor to determine whether or not she has developed a sinus infection. THANK GOODNESS she could get in to be seen. We are so indebted to the kindness of one in particular in college town.

Wes called today. He said it was a beautiful day in his part of Florida. Imagine. Hurricanes to the right and left of him.

Someone said goodbye to their little Lili-bug tonight. She's with Lorraine right about now. At least we know she's in good company.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008 9:57 PM CDT

Yeeesss. The rains have come to Arkansas. They have arrived in full force at the castle and are falling in the postage stamp.

Guess who is plumb put out?

Guess who traipsees out totin' a golf umbrella lest two hairy heads get wet?

The girldachshunds are quite sure they have had enough rain. They sit and look out the windowglass and just whine ever-so-slightly. Pitiful.

I spent the day in my studio painting, inspired by all the wind and the whipping trees. I loved it. I painted an entire canvas by nightfall. It's colorful and full of energy. Larry likes it. The doxies weren't so sure. Some say they are colorblind. That would explain a lot.

Livi called. She thinks she is getting a sinus infection. I'm trying not to overreact. Lots of people are having those right now. It could be a normal occurrence.

I'm relatively calm considering Lorraine's fifth anniversary of her accident is only five days away. The anticipation in the past has been worse than the actual day. I'm hoping that will be the case this year.

The hurricane brought more curl to my hair. I woke up with a head full of 'em this morning.

Now that is definitely something I never would have expected. That must be Lorraine's doings.

Monday, September 1, 2008 8:56 PM CDT

My, it was early when I dragged bones out of bed to get ready to be on the telethon this morning. I didn't dare drink any coffee beforehand, either, as I was afraid I'd have to do a "potty-dance" if I got held up in the filming.

Larry was excited, back at the castle still tucked in bed. He and the dachshunds watched me on tv. I hurried home to take him, not the four-legged, out to breakfast on this holiday morn. Unfortunately, many other people had the same idea. We tried three different restaurants and reworked our plan. We headed to the Mall to buy Larry's next five-years' supply of cologne to keep busy til lunchtime. (He only buys cologne every five years. One bottle.)

Unfortunately for Larry, there was a 75% off sale at the Mall, so he spent some time in a shady spot holding my purse while I picked through the racks. He finally went to the car to read the newspaper we had intended to read at breakfast, but left me my purse.

We decided the girldoxies had waited long enough, so we drove back to the castle to let them out into the postage stamp BEFORE going to eat. By the time we sat down to lunch, we were good and hungry, having had no breakfast and a delayed lunch. I was so dry I was spittin' cotton.

For some reason, as we were driving, some young person with the intelligence of a boiled egg, pulled in front of us without having room. Larry changed lanes to avoid his car. The hard-boiled egg rolled down his window, stuck his egg-head out of it and yelled "F$&% Y@#!"

Just the beatinest thing.

Sunday, August 31, 2008 7:55 PM CDT

If it isn't one hurricane, it's another. I'll swan.

I've been glued to the tv most of the afternoon and evening keeping an eye on the latest predictions for New Orleans. The girldoxies have remained beside me perched on the highest spot on the couch, just in case water began to rise, I suppose. They were tense.

The pup ran to and from the door, wanting to be let out into the postage stamp over and over. Nerves.

The obese one paced the floor in the keeping room, aimlessly. Odd behavior for Herself.

By chance, I let the pair out and called them back in right before a gully-washer let loose.

The obese one has been wrapped inside the snuggle sack talking to herself in her sleep since. Traumatized.

The pup is velcroed alongside my left leg. Something is up.

Livi called in. She's fine. Tomorrow is Bid Day, thank goodness, for her sorority.

Wes emailed me. He's keeping his feet dry. His area is predicted to see some surges, but not any hurricane activity.

I'm scheduled to appear on the MDA telethon bright AND early in the AM before the hurricane hits New Orleans. I'll get dressed, run down and smile, drive home and plop back down in front of the tv so as to resume my worrying.

I'm getting a bit anxious, too, as next Sunday is five years to the day from Lorraine's accident.

Saturday, August 30, 2008 8:51 PM CDT

Those that crawl on their belly best do so somewhere besides the postage stamp.

The chubby pup is loaded for bear and on the prowl. She ferreted out and killed another snake this morning before Larry even knew it was on the premises.

Larry left the carcass laying in my flowerbed as he scurried inside the castle walls with a dachshund under each arm. The pup smeared her nose-writing against the glass and wailed wanting back out to eat what she'd killed. Or, at the very least, have a victory roll over the dead thing...(Paatoooeeyyy!!)

When I finally convinced Larry to return to the scene and remove said snake, it was gone. I told him the varmint had crawled off, but he argued "IMPOSSIBLE!" He assured me the last look he had the reptile was in two pieces. We think a bird carried it off.

I know one doxie who is worth her weight in kibble, for sure. I slipped her a treat on the sly.

The obese one, not seeing as well as she used to, was none the wiser as to the entire affair. She had busied herself with finding the absolute edge of the concrete upon which to potty without requiring placement of one dainty toe on the damp grass while the pup was wrestling monsters.

Something to be said for blissful ignorance, I guess.

Friday, August 29, 2008 9:31 PM CDT

Well, I declare. Michael Jackson and Larry are both senior citizens now. Saints alive!

The very first album I ever owned was The Jackson Five. It was one of the few I owned, actually. I got it for my birthday in the fifth grade. That was the year I cut a record off the back of a cereal box, something by The Archies, if memory serves.

I loved music, but I seldom heard any. Granny and Grandpa didn't waste electricity, and even if they had, the AM stations wouldn't have offered much in the way of tunes.

Somewhere along the way I discovered Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong. I never did take a shine to the Beatles, however.

Grandpa picked a little guitar and strummed a tad bit of banjo, even played a smidge of "juice-harp" now and then. There was always somebody picking at the piano and in the summertime on Saturday evenings, folks would sometimes gather at a neighbors house for "a singin'" and a fish fry.

Most of the music was church music, but not the whitebread, proper, dried-up stuff sang today. This was soul, deep-South Gospel, transferred from way back in the tent revivals and the camp meetings, people-of-color churches and full of feeling. I loved it.

I still love music. I realized here recently that Archies tune was actually something by Wilson Pickett...

No wonder it stuck with me.

Thursday, August 28, 2008 9:23 PM CDT

The girldoxies went "bye-bye in the car" today in order to get their nails trimmed. Lord, weren't they excited? They were shrieking and yowling and carrying on all the way to the garage.

The pair-a-doxies stood full-out, noses to the glass, balancing on their hindlegs til I turned into the vet's driveway and the singing began. What DO they DO at that facility anyhow?

By the time I turned off the engine, I was forced to cover my head with my arms or be overrun by legs, ears and tails clamoring to get out. The vet's staff could hear us coming 'cause the girldogs were singing their anthem all the way into the building.

When I returned to retrieve the dachshunds this afternoon, they happily pranced toward me, reminding me of the girls coming out of preschool with their "work" complete with a star on the corner of the page. Another family came in as we were leaving carrying two wee-tiny miniature doxies puplets for their first vet visit. The girldoglets had to have a sniff. They were not overly impressed beyond the initial nostril investigation.

The circle of life on four paws.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 8:36 PM CDT

To holler back and reiterate my feelings about hanging up my apron last spring...

After spending the remainder of my youth in pursuit of change for the better for those with traumatic brain injury, and coming up empty and frustrated by politicos who couldn't give a rat's rump much less two hoots in a whirlwind about bettering the situation for any PEOPLE, but were majorly interested in fattening their resumes (is this a run-on sentence, or what?), I folded my tent and went to the house.

I am convinced my decision was correct. My latest meeting with the task force which I worked doubly hard to be a member of and super-doubly hard to get created in the ledge (with mucho support from all of you) left no room for doubt, had any existed. Less than half the bureaucratic membership is usually present, and was not there for the meeting in reference. We were asked to volunteer to write a proposal to present to the ledge as to our "findings" as a group. I volunteered because I want to see this task from one end to the other. I'd really like to see some changes. After not bothering to attend meetings or participate or respond to emails, wouldn't you know who volunteered to write the proposal so their names would be memorialized?

Forever more.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us.

AND, one of the groups I worked so diggettydarn hard to ressurect from the grave whose "leadership" let me know they want to be governor some day (excuse me while I guffaw..) has piddled away some big old pile of money with nothing to show for it, having helped not one soul with TBI.

I'm not pleased.

Before long, with folks like these in charge, Mississippi will be saying "Thank goodness for Arkansas."

Tuesday, August 26, 2008 8:45 PM CDT

Communication. What a beautiful thing. Especially when it works.

Larry and I were talking (communicating) tonight over dinner (I must digress... We had a gift certificate for a local restaurant that has been around for thirty-odd years we had intended to use before Lorraine's accident and, things happened... Tonight, we were happy to find the restaurant still honored the gift certificate, so we stuffed ourselves and used the remainder to give the waiter a big old tip!) about how unusual my learning style is compared to most folks. Larry knows I need to be given the "big" picture with an analogy or some kind of association upon which to build a framework or the details won't have anywhere to roost. AND, I can't take in more than a teaspoonful auditorily, anyhow.

I can't tell you how much of my life I've wasted in meetings full of details and verbage. Try as I might, little of the info manages to crawl inside my head. But, once I've latched on to a concept, I'm like a junebug in a hole.

Everyone chatters on at each other constantly trying to convey something, to communicate. Wouldn't it be nice if we actually understood the message rather than how it is conveyed or some of the other "noise" that jumps in betwixt really listening to one another?

Don't ask me how, but those chocolate-brown doxie eyes can convey more than I have words to express.

Monday, August 25, 2008 9:38 PM CDT

At last. A day without a migraine.

I've finally figured out after many years why I have what I've always referred to as my "September" headaches.

Hurricane season.

The barometric pressure is all over hell's half acre during the last bit of August and most of September and my head pays tribute.

I walk around some days with my fingers positioned over the pressure points across my face looking like I'm attempting some sort of "witches honor" symbol from "Bewitched" circa 1967, minus the nose-twitching.

I can tell the rain is easing up, better turn the sprinkler system back on.

With all this rain and the cooler temperatures, I'm hoping for a beautiful fall and lots of "leaf looking." I can see it now, Larry, myself, a cooler with diet cokes, snuggle sacks and two girldoxies with their noses out the windows an inch or two...

Livi and I chatted the old-fashioned way, by phone, and her classes were "ok" today. She was surprised to find her French teacher was not a native ENGLISH speaker. Do tell.

Livi tells me we would "talk" more if I would learn to TEXT. That is not TALKING. To speak to someone requires using ears and hearing sounds. I prefer to analyze voice intonations and subleties in conversation, thank YOU. If I wanted a computer for a daughter, I'd buy one.

I'll swan, by the time I have grandchildren, we'll have evolved to the point we no longer have vocal chords for lack of speaking.

Sunday, August 24, 2008 9:06 PM CDT

Well, finally. After two months of measuring and squinting at the wallspace, we hung the tapestries.

I remember now how much I despise curtain rods of any nationality after foolin' with the rods we used to hang the tapestries. And, finding something that would suffice without spending more than I paid for the hangings was a real challenge. I should be in the curtain rod business.

The doglets have blessed the changes in the castle decor, so peace reigns here-bouts. We moved the "new" chair-that-doesn't-look-like-a-recliner and the skinny table that goes with it to a whole different place in the room from where I had intended. The doxie toybasket had to be moved plumb across the room, too. THAT was a matter for speculation from the four-legged. After some snout-poking and a bit of sniffing in the basket, they were satisfied.

Larry and I finished the last of the carrot cake. Larry has had his fill of carrot cake for the time being.

Livi called tonight. She begins her Fall classes tomorrow. We are hoping for a smooth and healthy semester.

Settling in to life with this "older" man...

Saturday, August 23, 2008 10:12 PM CDT

Larry is officially fifty. The pair-a-doxies helped him open his cards and gift. They wanted to help Larry eat more of his carrot cake, too. Sometimes one can have too much help.

We stepped out for a bite of lunch and had a surprise in store when we returned. The obese one had managed to open the pantry door and get into the trash can. She never turned the can over, but rocked it back and forth, spilling a few things out and shredding the plastic liner. We hadn't closed the pantry door completely, and Herself took full advantage. She is without shame.

Wes emailed to say he was dodging tropical storms for the moment. Fortunately, the hurricane winds decreased by the time they reached land and dumped a good bit of rain, rather than doing major harm.

I was surprised to be offered a lawyering job doing estate and trust work on a part-time basis out of the blue. I might have to check into that. I responded that Livi has some medical issues that require me to take flight without much advance notice. There didn't seem to be any opposition, so who knows? Maybe this is a gift?

I've about had enough of the castle being strewn with clutter, waiting for the electronics to be put back together. I'm also good and ready for those tapestries to be hung. I'm really tired of cardboard boxes filled with video tapes adorning the corners.

After all, we will be celebrating our third holiday season of castle-living come this fall. 'Tis time to be fully settled.

Friday, August 22, 2008 9:03 PM CDT

Ha! I can't believe it! With a lot of help, I pulled off a surprise birthday lunch for Larry. His wonderful office team covered our tracks and kept him busy, even picked up the cake and toted it to the restaurant, while I distracted Larry enroute.

He was a bit suspicious when the office was practically empty at lunch-time and I showed up all "gussied up" to take him to eat. I suggested we head downtown-ward to a client-owned restaurant for a "change of pace" and he wanted to eat nearby! That was a close-call. I had to manuever us back on track to the pre-arranged party location.

When we walked in, everyone yelled "SURPRISE!" Larry swears he wasn't, but the look on his face gave him away.

The meal was delicious and Larry's birthday carrot cake was disguised as a giant golf ball. There were presents celebrating his entry into geezerhood from his friends.

The Option came by the castle later on the drop off a gift (golf balls) for Larry. He was excited. How DID she know?

Tomorrow is THE actual birthday, so my present (and card) will come out of its hiding place then. The doglets have a little something, also. Livi said to tell Larry hers is in the mail...

We went to a movie this afternoon, a private showing. Larry was mighty impressed that I pulled THAT off. I'm sure he knew we just happened to be the only people who wanted to see the Mummy movie in the middle of the afternoon on a Friday.

Or, was that Lorraine's birthday gift?

Thursday, August 21, 2008 9:15 PM CDT

Larry is burning through the last few days of his "youth." Come Saturday he'll be a geezer. I'll be married to a man in his FIFTIES.

Gosh. He might begin shopping for a trophy wife.

He's already talking about trading in both the girldoxies for one "smarter" breed. He wants one that can open the door for itself when it needs to go out to the postage stamp. One that can poopscoop and fetch things like the mail and diet cokes.

Lorraine would pamper Larry and treat him so fine if she were here for the big birthday blowout. She'd spoil her daddy til there'd be no living with him. Of course, I'd have to sabotage her efforts to bake.

Larry has mentioned the new Edwin Watts golf store here in town. He wants to go worship at the alter of something or other golf related. We'll probably end up there over the birthday stretch.

Livi is still working steadily with the sorority bunch preparing to torment the next group of Rush candidates.

The doglets are all set to celebrate in style. They've had their naps in anticipation of partying late into the night.

Heck, we might be staying up til at least 8:30pm.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008 10:37 PM CDT

Have you seen the commercial about the two kids who try to teach their parents to use advanced technological features on their cell phones as they leave for a car trip? The parents are completely confused and the kids are very proud of the parental units for the progress the older folks have made.

Larry and I were kind of in the parent's position today after the professionals came and showed us just how much we didn't know about our electronics. After several hours, they left with a goodly amount of our money and I swept up the mess on the floor. Larry has spent the evening trying to learn to record programs on tv. He has run amuck in the castle trying in vain to control the sound system from one room to the next. We have only one remote rather than the fifteen or so we used to have, but we can't operate it. ALTHOUGH, I did turn on the tv without assistance of any sort. Larry was not even on the premises.

We came very close to finally hanging the tapestries I brought home with me from visiting Wes back in June. I've been waiting til the electronics debacle was over and the furniture was in place. Larry and I measured and queried and studied the process til we were worn thin with the idea. Putting an anchor bolt in the castle wall is no small matter. Larry has decided to scurry off to Home Depot tomorrow after a level. I heartily agree.

We put all the cd's in the cabinet and sorted through the vcr tapes for a garage sale this fall. Larry is planning to transfer the tapes of the kids to dvd, but he has to view all our other tapes to be sure we aren't skipping anything. I don't envy him that job.

Counting down to Larry's birthday...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008 8:57 PM CDT

AH, happiness is such a fleeting emotion, isn't it?

I'm still happy, just temporarily living with a grumpy almost-old man. Not that I'm temporarily living with him. He's just temporarily grumpy. AND, permanently almost-old. (until he becomes "old.")

I'm referring to Larry, of course.

Remember the long-awaited furniture delivery, after my taking the better part of pert-near three years to select said pieces to begin with? AND, the armoir moving episode followed by magic movers provided via The Option that saved the day when Larry didn't like where the moving men moved the armoir to begin with?

Also recall, Larry admitted (reluctantly) he had met his match in electronics and we called in the professionals...

We got the estimate today.

More money than the new piece of furniture to house our entire electronics collection...sad and pitiful though it is. The collection, not the new piece.

Larry growled and squawled at me over the phone. The estimate didn't even include a new DVD player, as ours is broken after disconnecting it. He whined. He screeched. He wanted to know why we needed a piece of furniture when we had one to begin with?

Such un-Larrylike behavior.

I really think it was the battle with the electronics. He's still tender.

He's reminded of his defeat everytime he has to stand to use the remote, as ours doesn't work through the couch.

It must be hard to be King.

Monday, August 18, 2008 8:59 PM CDT

I realized today there was something different about me. (Hold the snickers and the hoots. Hollering should be kept to a dull roar...)

I'm smiling more.

I have a pleasant, positive outlook for the most part. I'm calm, centered.

I like this life Larry and I have managed to construct with the four-legged. Livi is plugging along in college town, seemingly doing well. Wes is reestablishing his place in the world.

I am approaching my half-century on this earth. I'm satisfied with myself. Content.

The castle is taking shape, looking like "us."

I am secure knowing Lorraine is safe and only temporarily away from me.

I think I'm happy.

Who would have thought?

Sunday, August 17, 2008 8:16 PM CDT

Larry is getting fidgety as the last dregs of his forties run dry. I've never seen him exhibit so much energy. He's even made a plan for working out three days a week. WOW! I've been working on such an idea with him for two decades.

He tickled me yesterday by bringing home a box of brownie mix. He had decided to celebrate all week by eating a "brownie a day." I fixed up the brownies this evening with frosting and pecans. We each had one while they were still warm. Mmmm.

Livi is busy at college town with work-week activities for sorority doin's. I think about fifteen minutes of singing and organized group functions would do me.

Lorraine probably has something special in mind for her daddy's birthday.

I'm still wandering around trying to find just the right "something" for Mister Hard-To-Buy-For.

Gotta rustle up some vittles...

Saturday, August 16, 2008 9:54 PM CDT

Ode to a snake...

Larry has given him a name, "Henry."

He has seded (given up) the left-most portion of the postage stamp over to Henry.

Larry preceded me armed with a long-handled shovel while I pooper-scoopered just in case Henry stopped in to say "howdy."

Whilst poking about to show off his manliness and bravado, Larry found Henry, who favors the spirea beneath Lorraine's windchime and the lesser birdfeeder, and 'bout ran over me.

I decided I had sufficiently cleansed the postage stamp at that point and skedaddled to the heighth and safety of the portico. Larry bravely remained below, poking at the spirea, WAY BACK using the length of the shovel. Henry wisely chose not to reveal himself further.

Henry seems to grow with each telling according to Larry.

He is black, appears to be non-poisonous and has a wicked-looking tongue. He does not like to be swatted on the head with a stick.

I'm praying to Mary, Joseph and all the blessed saints he does not know how to climb stairs.

Friday, August 15, 2008 6:57 PM CDT

RAIN!!! I guess the doglets did a raindance yesterday while out in the postage stamp doing their business. I'm sure they will hire out, should anyone care to enquire.

The pup rustled up yet another snake on one of her many trips to the postage stamp, too. Larry said this one was poised to strike, yet, she, oh fearless one, was standing her ground. Indiana Root went for his shovel. Somehow the snake made for cover...

Larry suggested I steer clear of the LEFT side of the postage stamp for a bit. Oh, do tell. Pray, does this snake not crawl?


I finished the painting I was working on. I'm pleased. I'm ready to begin another one. Sometimes the need to work just flows out the ends of my fingers. I turn on a little tv (pitiful by techno-geek standards) with an old movie preferably in black and white or some mood music (boy, this can VARY!) and see what takes shape. I get irritated when I'm really producing by having to stop to sleep. My back gets tired and my shoulders begin to hurt. My mind is still creating, but my body can't seem to keep up. It's easy enough to take a bit of food up to my studio and I can always supplement with dark chocolate peanut M&M's for energy. The girldoxies supply moral support and undying loyalty and companionship. Their taste in art is questionable, though.

Livi is a true critic. Some of my work she likes. Some she doesn't. But, she is always supportive.

Love is like that, isn't it?

Thursday, August 14, 2008 9:45 PM CDT

I wonder who in the world of credit card company wizardry determines when my credit cards need to be cancelled for my own protection?

Twice in the last several months with no advance notice this scion of economics has spoken from above and my credit cards have become worthless while languishing in my purse.

I suppose I am so careful not to spend much that when I do take off on a wild hair and spend a few dollars at Belks or some "high dollar" store such as Kohls (???) alarms sound and Wal-Mart's alert moves from orange to red-orange in case I try to use my card in their establishment.

Hence, last week when I was in college town cleaning for Livi, I tried to stock her fridge and none of my credit cards would work. I couldn't even buy gas for my car. Great day in the morning! I called Larry, who was off on a golf trip. Yes, we still had money in the bank. No, we were not in the poor house.

The credit card company had decided SOMEONE was using my cards and "for my protection" had cancelled them. ALL of them.

I'm touched. How nice they cared.

Luckily I had enough cash to fill the tank and drive home.

(Larry arrived safely from his jaunt out of town.)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008 8:54 PM CDT

I had an update almost finished, but the obese one stepped in the middle of the keyboard and erased it.

Unless y'all have been living on the far side of a deserted island without WI-FI or the benefits of THE DISH, you probably heard about the tragedy that befell our beloved Democratic Party this afternoon. Right here in Little Rock.

I did not personally know the man who was killed, but no one deserved what happened to him. And, per the information at hand, more people could have been harmed afterward, as the shooter entered another facility, but left without hurting anyone.

One more reminder our days are precious and sometimes fewer than we think.

Larry is away briefly on a business trip. The doglets are on super-patrol mode. Right now both of them are soundly sleeping in their snuggle sack to my right, breathing deeply. Rest assured, though, there is not one blade of grass in the postage stamp that has not been gone over by both snouts and inspected thoroughly.

Keeping both feet firmly planted.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008 9:52 PM CDT

I pulled myself together today and headed upstairs to my art studio for some therapy. I dove head first into finishing an abstract I had all-but finished for Livi to hang, then turned my attention to a small piece I had intended to do for quite sometime. Oh, it felt good to slap paint around with a brush.

I managed to while away the afternoon and the early part of the evening without worrying myself sick over Livi's still-undetermined diagnosis. That and half a bag of dark chocolate M&M's...

The pair-a-doxies climbed the stairs and discovered their old recliner from the mansion. AHAH! Oh, weren't they the happy duo? 'Twern't long before both doglets were snoozin' contentedly in said chair with a hand-lettered sign indicating they were not taking calls.

So, I guess I'm their social secretary now?

I've researched and sent out feelers far and wide as to the repercussions should Livi have these immunological problems I discussed in yesterday's entry. Cathi, our former laundry fairy from Lorraine's hospital days who is now a medical student, took great pains to cover these issues in detail. Her dad, our long-standing pediatrician and my dear friend also was "on-call."

I'm a strong believer in knowledge being power and that "forewarned is forearmed."

Unlike members of the extended family, I'd rather take baseball bat to the elephants in the middle of the room than pretend not to see them.

Whatever lies ahead, we'll deal with it. Roll with it.

That's our way.

Monday, August 11, 2008 7:08 PM CDT

OKAY. This day did NOT turn out to be the little-old nuthin' I had planned on.

Livi and I set aside three glorious hours for the visit to the immunologist to be told she was finer than spit on a griddle and I was being overly cautious.

She isn't and I wasn't.

Livi had eight vials of blood drawn and was given boosters for diptheria and tetanus. She also had the pneumonia vaccine. I had inquired about that previously with her PCP and was told "normal" folks didn't need it.

The very sweet and knowledgeable (I am hard to impress and I was, very...) immuno doc had already read Livi's ENTIRE volumninous medical history and copied ALL the test results I brought along from our adventure this past winter and spring. She appreciated the novella I had written documenting all of Livi's illnesses from birth to present. It seems there is a trend in Livi and not a good one. She should be past all the chronic "bug" stuff and establishing resistance, rather than being knocked to her knees repeatedly. The immuno doc remarked at Livi's healthy lifestyle and how sick she can become at such a rapid rate. At the moment, Livi is the virtual picture of health. Although, Livi commented on her growing fatigue and easy bruising. I, too, bruise like a tomato.

Livi is being tested for CVID and SPAD. Common Variable Immuno-Deficiency and Specific Poly-Saccaride Antibody Deficiency. (Shudder...) The immuno doc is concerned we may be looking at one of these. She will be taking more blood in four weeks to check on what the immune-building shots did and compare the results with the blood drawn today. The final results may not be available until around six or seven weeks.

This would explain why Livi does so well in the summer time. She is illness-free in warm weather. When the weather turns cool, she begins to catch something and goes downhill until spring comes for good.

I'm spider-crawling along the ceiling about now.

Sunday, August 10, 2008 10:21 PM CDT

This was one of those blissful southern Sundays we "older" folks look forward to as we paddle our funyaks closer to our golden years.

I chopped and washed and cooked up a great mess of the food I bought yesterday at the farmer's market. We ate crooked neck squash and zuchini, green beans and my now-famous stir-fried okra. Larry grilled chicken skewers and we were tempted with melon balls for dessert. I worked over the canalope from the farmers market to create those melon balls, I might add. I figured they were good for the freezer if we didn't eat 'em.

If we're not careful, we're going to figure out how to cook.

Livi is scheduled to see the immunologist tomorrow as a final appointment from her bout with epstein barre (recall our adventures of this past winter and spring). We are hoping to be told her immune system is functioning perfectly. She has begun to run fever with infections for the first time since she was a wee child, which is a good sign.

The formerly obese one is punishing us for putting herself and the currently chubby pup in their cage whilst we were at the farmers market yesterday. She peeped a small river on the tile floor this morning, laying a trap for Larry.

The forecast for most of the week is RAIN. Herself does not like to get her feet wet.

We will suffer greatly.

Saturday, August 9, 2008 9:50 PM CDT

Yippee! "The Option" brought over some magic scooters to use under the armoir and it is now resting in its proper and hopefully, final, place.

Larry and I spent a fair amount of our day searching through the various offerings of modern-day technology trying to buy a tv and a dvd player.

We are not worthy.

I can't speak for Larry, but after three stores, I got in the car feeling completely inadequate for the task. In the "olden days", brand names were all we had to sort through. No more.

The list of features reads like something in Linear A or even scribbled in pre-hyroglyphs. I need some sort of Rosetta Stone to decipher what one model offers versus another.

The girldogs and I took a walk OUTSIDE this evening. I am now enjoying the sound of RAIN falling outside the castle walls.

Livi, who came in from college town yesterday after finishing summer school, is spending the night at camp to celebrate the end of another summer there. I'm sure Lorraine will be making her spirit known, as she, too, was a fixture at camp.

Wes took time out from his rip-roarin' summer schedule to call me. He is super busy, but finding time to scuba dive and snorkle. He saw a whale-shark a few days ago. They are rare.

In less than two weeks, Larry will have finished rubbing the shine off of the half century mark. I'll be married to an offically "older" man.

Speaking of "older..."

I asked Livi's opinion on a pair of bermuda shorts I had found on sale. She scrunched up her nose and peered at the shorts, remarking, "I've never cared for plaids on 'older' women."

There you have it. I'm sure Lorraine is laughing her wingtips off.

Friday, August 8, 2008 9:34 PM CDT

Larry admitted tonight he has finally met his match.


We had to unplug everything when the armoir was moved and all the components were shuffled around onto empty spots on the floor. Oh, for sure, Larry labeled bundles of wires with paper and tape. He's worked for two days trying to reconnect a maze that if stretched out would reach from the castle to college town.

We can hear the tv if we are lucky. There's too much bass. I can't REALLY turn it off, just the screen. The DVD player doesn't work, but the machine doesn't know this. It won't turn off, either. Not that any music or movies can be played, it just stays in the "CLOSE" position with the light on.

Don't even think about trying to listen to music from the radio or "tuner." Not in the room you plan to hear something play. Oh, it's rich.

OH, and the armoir I PAID someone to move? We tried moving it a bit to the left tonight, with the help of Livi's new fella and Livi. Couldn't budge it a hair. Now I have to call the moving fella and ask him to come back so I can pay him again to move the same armoir a few feet.

I lead an exciting life.

Friday, August 8, 2008 7:16 AM CDT

Apparently, I have failed to deliver the required homage to worship at the alter of the god of the computer update.

The entry I prepared last night and nurtured until I was nearly asleep with my face on the keyboard did not get in. I still have a faint "njkop" imprint on my right facial cheek from nodding off.

Let's see if this one makes it. If so, I'll do another mondo-spiffy.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008 11:16 PM CDT

Some days it pays to take a nap.

Dachshunds know this.

They are wise. Short. But wise.

This day Larry and I had to unload the bedroom armoir what had been resting somewhat uncomfortably in our "keeping room" serving as a media center. I don't care for the furniture that most establishments try to sell to folks to house their components now that tv sets hang off the walls like pictures. Hence, the armoir had been hijacked until a substitute could be found.

I finally found one after almost three years. Certainly, I was in no hurry. It seems the furniture store was in no kind of hurry to ship and deliver the piece once I paid for it, neither. Anyhow.

I hired some fellas to move the monster armoir from the "keeping room" back into the bedroom where it rightfully belonged, so the new piece could be placed in the "keeping room". A dance of sorts had to occur to get all the furniture in the right place at the right time. The fellas were to come at 1pm and the furniture was to be delivered at 2:30pm.

Everyone arrived at 3:15pm at the same time. How quaint. I offered everyone cold sodas.

There were dollys with heavy furniture rolling around every which way for a time. I felt a migraine coming on. The girldoglets were in their cage, barking to the extent the cage was nearly alight.

Larry came home after everyone had gone and announced he didn't like where I had placed the armoir.

I took a nap.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008 11:14 PM CDT

This was a wonderful day. I did virtually nothing. All the laundry was done, the house was clean, the doglets were bathed and behaving. It was a fine day to sit on my tushy and avoid the heat.

I still cannot fathom how the pair-a-doxies wear themselves out traveling to and from college town like they do. You'd think they walked it.

Larry has blisters on his toes from all the golf he played while in Wisconsin. 108 holes, I think it was. That's 108 more than I would have needed.

Someone told me we are due for a break in the heat tomorrow. I'd like to believe we are.

Yippee! The sprinkler man cometh tomorrow after lunch. No more toting water.

I'm going to turn in to get a head start on the heat for tomorrow.

Monday, August 4, 2008 10:47 PM CDT

Ah, castle, sweet castle.

I hurried to turn the hose on my container plants, as they were leaning with their tongues hanging out, screaming, "water, water." We have had record high temperatures here. Oh, the fun never stops, does it?

I realized after I left college town that there was a leak in Livi's bedroom wall. Great. Mold will form. She's highly allergic to mold. I called to alert Livi so she can get the maintenance people involved. I hope.

Speaking of Livi, she called to tell me she had been out for her nightly RUN, (Lordy, in this heat) and discovered a small child, approximately three years old, alone in a parked car with the windows rolled up. At 8pm, the temperature was still high 90's and very dangerous. ANYWAY, Livi knew no one should ever leave a child alone in a car. She watched the car for several minutes as she exercised, saw NO ONE attending the child and called the police. GOOD FOR HER!

I'm sure Lorraine was beating her wings with joy.

Livi stayed nearby until she heard the sirens, then left for home. She changed her clothes, got in her car and drove back by to make sure the police were taking care of the child. She said there was quite a scene with a big man and a woman along with the police. The child was out of the car and seemed okay.

Gosh, that girl is growing up.

Sunday, August 3, 2008 9:48 PM CDT

I'm ready for a rest. This weekend has worn me to a nub.

I finished the cleaning this morning, went to Wal-Mart and bought some fresh produce to cook up some victuals for Livi to eat on throughout the week. I also worked up some chicken breasts seasoned in various ways to put in her freezer. By the time she got back to college town this late afternoon, I had supper ready and her fridge stuffed.

Now I can head back to the castle where the fridge is empty.

Livi was completely taken aback at the color of the carpet in her apartment since it has been cleaned. I hadn't noticed the change in color, only the pleasant change in the odor. There no longer is one.

The apartment is practically clean enough for me to consider living in. Well, with a few weeks of perpetual cleaning and a fresh coat of paint.

Larry wrapped up his golf vacation only to find his flight home had been cancelled. He and his buddies were driving around the upper part of the US looking for an airport, last I heard.

I've been told to expect to return to record high temperatures back home, around 106 degrees BEFORE the heat index. Mercy. I may have to fan the doxies. I know I'll be running the sprinklers for them to play in if they need to go outside. One friend called to say her fish were dying in the backyard pond. Gulp.

Soon we'll all be wearing turbans made of linen to shade us from the heat.

I'm searching for a sprinkler man to come over and replace some risers in the postage stamp. The plants have grown so high, some are not getting any water. I'll be toting a bucket in this heat for sure.

Livi is narrowing in on the last days of summer school. I know she'll be glad to finish. Especially considering she's the ONLY student on campus. (According to her.)

Remember Gracie and Lisa tonight...

Saturday, August 2, 2008 10:47 PM CDT

Everyone take a moment and honor Sully getting his wings. He joined Lorraine early this morning, adding yet another baby angel to Heaven. I know Lorraine ran over all the other angels to be the first in line to hold that baby boy.

She makes herself known in the slyest of ways these days. I think she wants to be subtle, as I'm healing and she wants me to continue. One particular Creedence song will slip in here and there when she's on my mind. I'll zone out for a time and when I reenter the world, Lord, if it isn't playing on the radio. She plays around with numerology, practicing her weavings to reassure me, too. I'll take what I can get. I'm not "choicey", as Granny used to say.

Speaking of, Livi and whatshisname were to be back from Dallas by now.

They aren't.

I, on the other hand, having slaved all afternoon in Livi's apartment with the windows open for circulation and the airconditioning off, am in college town. Ask me if I'm happy.

Livi's carpets are clean. That was THE dirtiest shampoo water I have ever seen in five years of do-it-yourself carpet shampooing. Her windows have been washed, along with the blinds, shower scrubbed, sink and potty. I dusted EVERYTHING, even the ceiling fans. I still have to mop and clean the kitchen floor.

Livi and whathisname were supposed to leave Dallas midafternoon. WELL, after I FINALLY found one of their party with a working cell-phone (not one among the eight of them had the foresight to charge theirs) I found they had not seen fit to leave the city until 9:30PM! Given the route from Dallas to Little Rock, they should arrive somewhere around 2:30AM! IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT! Ask me if I'm happy now.

Larry is up in Wisconsin, clutching his cell phone. I'm here in college town, having climbed down off Livi's ceiling. Livi is under orders to call as soon as she arrives at the castle regardless of the time. I'm to call Larry and relay her safe arrival message.

When I finally spoke to Livi, I told her to "Put that boy on the phone!" She really didn't want to, but eventually she relented.

This time I remembered his name.

Friday, August 1, 2008 10:41 PM CDT

What an evening and a morning I had!

Last night, Livi and her new fella whom I have only met one time went on a dinner date. They came to the castle later in the evening after said date to watch my television. I had already retired to my room and was "in for the night." In other words, I had my gown on and wasn't fit for company.

I dozed off and decided I should check to see if the doors were all locked and the lights turned off after the visiting was done. The tv was still on, an odd light or two was burning, so I tied on my wrapper and put on my houseshoes. I shuffled around whispering, "Livi?, Livi? Is whats-his-name still here?"

He was.

Livi giggled at my calling her fella "whats-his-name." He seemed a bit taken aback that I didn't even have his name committed to memory. Names are hard for me.

It didn't help any that I followed with what would have been a discertation on how our relationship would develop should anything untoward occur during the coming trip to Dallas with Livi and their friends for a concert. Livi stopped me before I built up a head of steam. She assured me she had filled her fella in on her importance on this earth. I should hope so.

After I went to bed, Livi said her fella queried as to whether or not I liked him. She responded, "Oh, she likes you. Otherwise, she'd be packing to go with us tomorrow."

Livi made me promise not to lecture anyone this morning when they all came to get her. I didn't. I merely made the seatbelt motion across my chest.

I figured that was fair.

Thursday, July 31, 2008 11:10 PM CDT

Larry woke up before the crack of dawn was even a sliver, around 4am. He disturbed the pair-a-doxies who groused off and on til nearly 7am when I was convinced (nearly) to get up and let them out. By that time, Larry was long-gone to his golf-mecca in cooler parts.

There nothing more surly than a dachshund who didn't get a good night's sleep.

I had to get after the obese one with my good flyswatter this evening.

First thing this morning, I fed the two canine queens their high-dollar three-fourth cup kibble and let them out for a short but adequate time in the well-mannicured postage stamp to do their business. I had no sooner chased the duo back inside than I found "business" beneath the divan in the bedroom. The obese one was THE only responsible party who had been on or about the premises. For shame.

After having been outside twice more to do business during the day, (after naps), interrupting the doglet's busy schedule of leisure activity, I caught the obese one "red-hineyed" peeping on my bedroom carpet.

AND, if that were not enough, right after being let in from going outside, presumably to do business, I walked in on Herself depositing a befoulment again on the luckless bedroom carpet. One has to wonder, did she have it in for me for having disturbed her rest? Or was it the bedbchamber that represented a bad aura? She was definitely out of sorts. She was behaving punitively toward something or someone.

I was left with no choice but to pull out the "B" word. I chased her across the house shouting "Baddog!" She had no shame. Didn't even lower her ears...

I realized the treacherous the territory we were wading into, grabbed the blue-flowered flyswatter out of the pantry and took off after her dogbuns. A couple of light swats accompanied with "BADDOG!" brought lowered ears and the shamefaced long-snout look I had hoped to see. She lay prone on the bathroom rug snuggled close to Livi, who had come in from college town enroute to an activity. Livi was struggling not to snicker and was looking at me in the bathroom mirror. We both adore that old stubborn dachshund so very much.

It occurred to me I have been trying to potty train the obese one for going on eleven years now.

Apparently she chose me as her mommy, too.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008 9:51 PM CDT

And, I ask again, is it hot enough for everyone?

The thermometer in my car registered 102 degrees at 5pm today. Yesterday, (or was it the day before?) at 6:30pm, Larry's car thermometer joyously displayed 104 degrees about the time Larry was preparing to join his buddies on the golf course.

Our government tried to deny global warming existed. Tsk.

The girldoglets won't even venture forth into the postage stamp to relieve themselves voluntarily. Larry is about ready to suspend them in the air off the portico and squeeze them like lemons.

Livi called after her first day of "real" nanny work today. She had been babysitting off and on for the past few days ahead of time. The oldest child tried to best her, it seems. He worked incredibly hard to convince Livi he was allowed to play in the street. When he was unsuccessful, the little boy asked Livi, "When is my daddy coming home?" She replied, "Not soon enough!"

Further, Livi found her cellphone doesn't work inside her employer's home. She needed to call the mother for information and had to stand outside on the deck on one leg reaching as high as she could for a signal.

Larry is happily packing for his long-awaited golf trip to cooler temperatures with friends. He is already bragging about the 70's and 80's he'll be experiencing while I wilt here in Arkansas. I will be busy squeezing doxies...

Please remember dear Sully as he journeys.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008 9:51 PM CDT

And, I ask again, is it hot enough for everyone?

The thermometer in my car registered 102 degrees at 5pm today. Yesterday, (or was it the day before?) at 6:30pm, Larry's car thermometer joyously displayed 104 degrees about the time Larry was preparing to join his buddies on the golf course.

Our government tried to deny global warming existed. Tsk.

The girldoglets won't even venture forth into the postage stamp to relieve themselves voluntarily. Larry is about ready to suspend them in the air off the portico and squeeze them like lemons.

Livi called after her first day of "real" nanny work today. She had been babysitting off and on for the past few days ahead of time. The oldest child tried to best her, it seems. He worked incredibly hard to convince Livi he was allowed to play in the street. When he was unsuccessful, the little boy asked Livi, "When is my daddy coming home?" She replied, "Not soon enough!"

Further, Livi found her cellphone doesn't work inside her employer's home. She needed to call the mother for information and had to stand outside on the deck on one leg reaching as high as she could for a signal.

Larry is happily packing for his long-awaited golf trip to cooler temperatures with friends. He is already bragging about the 70's and 80's he'll be experiencing while I wilt here in Arkansas. I will be busy squeezing doxies...

Please remember dear Sully as he journeys.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008 9:51 PM CDT

And, I ask again, is it hot enough for everyone?

The thermometer in my car registered 102 degrees at 5pm today. Yesterday, (or was it the day before?) at 6:30pm, Larry's car thermometer joyously displayed 104 degrees about the time Larry was preparing to join his buddies on the golf course.

Our government tried to deny global warming existed. Tsk.

The girldoglets won't even venture forth into the postage stamp to relieve themselves voluntarily. Larry is about ready to suspend them in the air off the portico and squeeze them like lemons.

Livi called after her first day of "real" nanny work today. She had been babysitting off and on for the past few days ahead of time. The oldest child tried to best her, it seems. He worked incredibly hard to convince Livi he was allowed to play in the street. When he was unsuccessful, the little boy asked Livi, "When is my daddy coming home?" She replied, "Not soon enough!"

Further, Livi found her cellphone doesn't work inside her employer's home. She needed to call the mother for information and had to stand outside on the deck on one leg reaching as high as she could for a signal.

Larry is happily packing for his long-awaited golf trip to cooler temperatures with friends. He is already bragging about the 70's and 80's he'll be experiencing while I wilt here in Arkansas. I will be busy squeezing doxies...

Please remember dear Sully as he journeys.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 7:46 PM CDT

Today would have been my Great-Granny's birthday. I don't know exactly how old she would have been, somewhere around 127, I believe. Like a lot of the folks involved in my raising, she was a Leo. She was Grandpa's Ma.

Her people were descended from the folks who met the Pilgrims when they arrived from overseas. She was descended from a line of medicine women for their tribe. Great-Granny was a tiny-wee thing. She had beautiful cheek bones and dark piercing eyes. Her hair was snow-white and wound up atop her head. She sat in the corner a lot and didn't have much to say.

I have her trunk, a precious treasure, here in the castle. My children's childhood goods are stored in it. The trunk is now a treasure chest of sorts. The trunk traveled from Texas to Arkansas on a covered wagon with my Great-Granny in 1901 when Grandpa was an infant.

When I visited Scotland in the Spring, I brought back information about Grandpa's father and the link to our Scottish heritage. That information is now stored in the trunk, rightfully, as part of the treasure it is.

I wonder if, say, seventy-five years from now a young woman descended from me will remember me on what would be my 125th birthday? And if she does, will she know who she came from? Will she know the sort of women who left behind trails for her so that she might know herself?

On another note...

Aiden Wilbanks, one of my beloved babies with brain injury, peacefully got his wings while he slept on June 19th. His mom called me today to let me know.

Monday, July 28, 2008 9:03 PM CDT

This was an exciting day for the girldoxies. The drainage men came to work in the postage stamp. We had been expecting them since April.

There was much standing on hindlegs and rubbing of snouts on the windowglass to inquire as to the goings-on. Lots of barking and threats of dominance from the bedroom were issued, as well. Both doxies went outside on their leashes as the gate was open to accommodate wheelbarrows and such.

I got next to nothing accomplished today as a result of the work being done outside. I spent most of my time herding canines. I distracted them from their task (barking) by taking them out the front door a few times to do their business. Most of the time, the pair-a-doxies were so taken with the unfamiliarity of the surroundings, they got nothing done.

We three curled up on the divan in the bedroom and watched Lifetime tv for a bit. I perused my stash of fitness magazines and health rags, taking time out for some stretching and situps, followed by some pilates and ball work. The doglets felt the spirit move them and joined in. I was so grateful I could have spit.

Livi called to report on the status of her childcare duties. She seems to be managing her little ones. There were some issues initially with splashing people in the pool, "Don't, or you'll get out." They did, so she enforced her rule. AND, there were issues with screaming in the car whilst she was concentrating on the road. "Don't, or you will sit out at the activity." They did, so they sat out.

Please keep Sully in your prayers. From his journal, his family is expecting him to get his wings soon.

Lisa is battling cancer and has run out of pain meds. Send some up for her, too.

Remember Lorraine's friends Zack in Texas, Gracie at Duke, Alex's family in Buffalo, Jill in Cabot, John Matthew in Mississippi and so many others...

Sunday, July 27, 2008 10:36 PM CDT

Lorraine and her angel brigade are circling Sully's bedside tonight. His doctors have told the family that Sully is losing his fight. I know anyone so inclined to send some up on Sully's behalf would certainly be appreciated.

Also, please check out the request for support on Lorraine's guestbook regarding childhood cancer from a father whom I have not had the pleasure of meeting.

Gracie is struggling with some issues of her own and while you're in the mood for sending word to God, please mention her name.

I had planned to work with babies in the church nursery today. I did show up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but no babies came. I suppose everyone was on vacation. Drat.

Larry and I had some old friends over for an early supper. We fixed fresh veggies again and grilled meat like last weekend. Our friends brought a loaf of homebaked bread. We were eating high on the hog in this castle. Afterward, we all played Clue. I love to play boardgames. There were lots of laughs to go around.

Livi popped in long enough to get a plate to go on her way back to college town and to say "howdy."

We all took the doglets on a walk to tidy up the day. They are snoozing now.

An introvert's dream day, good food, old friends, simple entertainment and a relaxing walk.

Saturday, July 26, 2008 10:38 PM CDT

Is it just me? Or is anyone else having trouble accessing Sully's website?

It is too hot to do much around here. I did get up early and take the girldoglets on a walk. I had enough sense to push the pink dachshund stroller, as before we made it back to the castle, both canines were riding, rather than walking.

I had tried to get out and going before the heat set in, but we three managed to get out and going JUST as the heat was searing the earth. I was dripping by the time I walked to the end of the driveway, but I was determined to take a walk. The doglets were batpoop crazy with the intoxicating idea of GOING ON A WALK and didn't notice the heat, nor the fact that they were soon stepping on their own tongues. Reality did set in, though. Heck, if they would have pushed, I would have crawled into the stroller.

Larry and I tried twice to go to a movie. There were lines snaking outside IN THE HEAT. We went home.

Livi came in and said, "Howdy," just long enough to make an appearance. She's spending time with her friends before everyone heads back to their respective colleges.

Tomorrow I get to work in the church nursery. I'm told there will be two of us. One will be assigned to the babies and one to the toddlers. I'm hoping for dibs on the babies. I'd like to hold one in each arm and rock them.

Gotta sleep to prepare for nursery duty.

Friday, July 25, 2008 9:45 PM CDT

I've come home and hung up my Florence Nightingale hat for the time being. The doxies are worn out flat-dab from their adventure. Following after and playing with the poodle, who had legs like a giraffe, kept them running.

A few times during the night, the trio of Germanic descent and canine heritage tuned up and sung opera after some imagined foe outside, waking up the entire household. It was a short, but active night.

This morning, I had decided my experiences with dachshunds was boundless. I would never know everything about these wee dogs. Just when I thought I had them figured out...

I've been checking on Lisa, Colin, Sully and Zack who have such a nasty battle to wage. Please remember them.

If you have a spare moment, please remember Livi as she drives back and forth from college town.

Thursday, July 24, 2008 9:09 PM CDT

I'm having a "girl's night" with the doxies at a friend's house, sort of. My friend just came home from the hospital a few days ago after a humdinger of a back surgery. Her honey had to go out of town and here I am. She has a standard poodle, so the girldogs are having a "weiner-poo" outing. Or would it be a "doxie-doodle evening?"

The three canines, the long and short of it, have thoroughly enjoyed each other, racing about, hiding, stealing toys, drinking from one another's water bowls and going outside en masse. I made the mistake of telling the girldogs to "LEASH!" and was nearly knocked over by one super-excited long-legged poodle scurrying to get his leash on first. He is the youngest of the trio by half and thinks accordingly.

The pup is deviously trying to acquire the poodles' toys, but he is on to her. He gathers the toys up and sits almost atop them. Somehow, when his attention wander, and it does quite often, the pup sneaks a toy beneath a low piece of furniture out of the tall one's reach. The obese one is much more interested in reconnoitering the premises. She has been scouring, nose to the ground, since her four paws hit floor boards.

I can only imagine our sleeping arrangements tonight. I may have three dogs, twelve legs and three tails to contend with, as they tend to congregate. There was a "bark-off" earlier this afternoon, as the obese one, ever alert to danger, cut loose. Not to be outdone on his own turf, the poodle added his deep-throated bellow, followed by the pup, who had no clue why they were barking, but by dern, she was a dog, too. No one wanted to cease the noise first, so it continued until I issued the ultimate command, "SETTLE!"

There was peace in the land.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 10:45 PM CDT

Lorraine floated in and landed on my heart again today...

I was taking a load off in the cool haven of the movie theater during the hottest part of the day with "the option" in celebration of her birthday, just past. One of the characters' mentioned his ex-wife, "LORRAINE." Several times. Now, I ask you, how likely is it that name be chosen?

Not that she was or ever is far from my mind. Hearing her name is pleasant. Now that Livi is busy growing up, I realize all the things I'm missing with Lorraine, the coming-of-age passages we would have shared. Little things are coming back and I'm sorting through them in my head. I remember trying to do everything. Going to school (finishing my undergraduate and law school), raising the kids, keeping the cabin perfectly (pre-mansion and certainly pre-castle) for the kids to grow up in, germaphobe that I am, baking and sewing, gardening. I decorated for all the holidays, even the little ones. We baked for EVERY occasion together. I made hairbows for the girls and cross-stitched on everything but the cats we had before we realized how allergic we all were to them. I was at the school functions and drove carpool. The girls took all sorts of lessons. The scheduling was a logistical nightmare. I would sit at the steering wheel of my car and study between stops. Wes was busy being a teen and driving us all sorts of crazy. Larry hid out at work.

It was an insane life, but it was all we had. Somehow we made it work. Somehow, everyone grew. I have a boatload of guilt over the time I didn't have now that Lorraine is an angel. It's almost paradoxical. If I hadn't been busy, she wouldn't have been so proud of me and might not have learned the lessons I tried to teach all of them about striving and reaching and perservering. If I had stayed home and been completely available, I might not have tried so hard to do everything as hard as I did because I had more time on my hands.

As Teddy Roosevelt said, "Do what you can, wherever you are, with what you have." (poorly paraphrased.)

That's about all you can do.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008 10:16 PM CDT

Livi had a "moment" it seems, today. (I wish to caution in advance anyone who may be overly sensitive to what follows.)

She called me and began the conversation with "MOM!" (reminded me ever so much of Lorraine...)


"The Jesus Freaks are crawlin' all over campus this week. I can't step outside the buildings without one pouncing on me."

"You don't say."

"It's always the same thing, 'Have you found Jesus?' I usually politely just tell them, 'Yes, thank you' and try to go on. They won't quit! They keep following me and hounding me and bothering me."

"My friend, Laura, tells them she didn't know he was lost."

"Well, today wasn't the day for it. It was boiling hot. I had a headache. I was starving. I was on my period. They started in AGAIN. 'HAVE YOU FOUND JESUS?' I turned to the first one and yelled 'NO, I worship the devil!' Mom, you should have seen them run!"


I haven't a clue who these people were, but I imagine they got the shock of their lives.

Anything, ANYTHING can be carried to the extreme and turned inside out and be made oppressive.

Yes, there's even such a thing as too much dark chocolate.

I know. I've eaten it.

Monday, July 21, 2008 9:49 PM CDT

I just gotta ask. Is it hot enough for everyone?

The mercury climbed to AT LEAST 102 degrees here today. No telling what the heat index was. Lorraine would have been at the pool. She did not cotton to sweating.

I ran errands since Larry was available for doxie-duty. I came in periodically to see the doglets and drop off my bags. The pup was always ready to stand by as moral support in whatever I decided to do. She couldn't offer much help, but by gum, she was stalwart. The obese one wouldn't leave her perch on the couch.

Livi called with laundry stain issues. I suggested cold water and clorox bleach pens. She called back and stated her air vent was dripping, and "Was it an air vent?" We celebrated her history test score and bah-humbugged her film class quiz.

I soaked my feet in a warm sudsy footbath and gave myself a pedicure. The dachshunds tried to drink the water, but I shooed them away enough times they finally gave up. Gosh, my toes look so much nicer when all ten have polish on them.

In retaliation for all the shooing, the obese one peeped the rug. Blah.

In case anyone is doing the prayer thing tonight, please send a bushel up for Lisa Forss, a young single momma with cancer. Keep Sully in mind, too. He's still waging a hard fight.

Sunday, July 20, 2008 11:04 PM CDT

Things are mighty quiet here at the castle.

Livi left today to return to college town. She had a carload of Wal-Mart goods and a tankful of gas. She also had a ziplock bag of fresh sliced squash and a bag of homebaked peanut butter cookies to munch on in case she got hungry.

I hadn't intended to bake today. The mercury was a bit high for my taste, but the girldoxies, one in particular, got into Livi's groceries and I had no choice. Livi had two packages of cookie mix, but when Larry discovered the source of the "sack rattling" there was only one package unmolested, whilst the other one had the bottom end tore plumb out of it. Two snouts were having a go at the yummy contents and the hallway smelled like peanut butter.

Hence, I baked.

We three cooked up a nice lunch. Yes, indeedy. I made a tomato and cucumber salad. Larry grilled red meat. I boiled yellow crooked neck squash and onions. I even stir-fried okra for Larry. Livi set the table and made our drinks. Larry and Livi cleaned up afterward.

We all sat back in amazement and looked at each other. Did we really just do that?

I made a pitcher of limeade out of the tiny limes Larry brought home. It tasted good on such a hot day. I particularly enjoyed a glass with those hot peanut butter cookies fresh from the oven.

I thought of Lorraine when I made the cookies. She loved peanut butter cookies. She especially enjoyed the "magic" of the floured fork pressing across the cookie and making the lines. To her, that part was admirable and noteworthy.

The dachshunds are in their cage, snoring happily.

My little corner of the world is at peace.

Saturday, July 19, 2008 6:23 PM CDT

OH, wow, am I tired! I know. I know. I didn't update last night.

I have a very good reason. I was in the midst of (as my friend calls it) "obsessive-repulsive" disorder over reorganizing the cabinets and drawers at the castle. I spent many an hour at The Container Store, Home Depot, Target, Wal-Mart, Bed Bath & "Behind" (as Livi dubbed in when she was a wee girl) and Stack & Rack looking at shelves, bins, drawer "mess" and other whathaveyee to make order out of chaos.

I woke up at 4:15AM day before yesterday thanks to Larry. He was up catching the Asian market and perusing some golf reruns and woke me. I finished the day at 1:25AM cleaning and organizing. SOMEHOW, I didn't get the update done.

I got up at 6:15AM again this morning and raced to Wal-Mart to pick up a few more pieces and try to finish before a brunch Livi and I had scheduled. We also had hair appointments following...

The long and short of the matter is I am finished. I'm tired and I'll be tucking my tush into bed in a little while. The girldoxies are home. Livi is out with friends. Larry thinks the cabinets and drawers looked fine BEFORE and doesn't understand why they needed organizing.

Well, of course.

When I need something in the unorganized garage, we can't find it and we go buy another one.

I'll work on the garage when the weather turns cool.

Thursday, July 17, 2008 10:35 PM CDT

I had another unexpected blessing today. Cathi called to tell me she had scrubbed in on a surgery with none other than our "angel doctor" from way back in the day. Cathi was a lowly college student when Lorraine was in the hospital, and Cathi chose to serve us as our "laundry fairy." These days Cathi is a med student.

We have a long history. Cathi used to babysit the girls and her dad, one of my good best friends and one of the few constants in my life, was the kids' pediatrician forever and ever, amen. Cathi considers me her "other" mother. I'm good with that.

Back to the story...

Cathi and the "angel doc" realized they knew each other and that Lorraine was the common element. Cathi said he brought forth Lorraine's angel date forthwith, and seemed moved by her memory, still.

I was so touched. I had tears in my eyes.

He asked after Livi and myself. Cathi assured him we both were doing well. I found this also touching and kind.

My darling little girl. STILL touching hearts.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 8:50 PM CDT

And, what a day it turned out to be!

It began yesterday, actually, with me worrying over the coming world food shortage if the Republicans take over. I began visualizing how much of a garden I could plant in the postage stamp, especially given one-third of it is taken up with concrete and the pond.

Then I realized I had an absolute epiphany. I could raise chickens! I know practically everything about hatchlings and chicken nurserys. I am one of three subscribers to The Mother Earth News.

My joy at solving problem of stuffing the pantry was short-lived. I would only be able to convince Livi to eat any homebred and hand-raised chickens if they lived to a ripe old age and died of natural causes.

On another note...

I got an email letter announcing a hyperbaric oxygen center opening here in town to treat brain injuries and spinal cord injuries. The doctor who started the center was the one who treated Lorraine with HBOT and vowed to make those kinds of treatments available for patients like her. We ran into ALL KINDS of problems and roadblocks in trying to secure HBOT for Lorraine. Lorraine struck a chord in this doctor. He dubbed her "old angel eyes" for the way her big blue eyes spoke volumes when she could not.

The doctor has seen me trying to bring public awareness to the issue of traumatic brain injury and other issues that affected Lorraine and has asked for my help in making folks aware of the center.

When Lorraine needed treatment, Baptist tried to keep us from transferring her for treatment, even though she needed it and Baptist didn't offer HBOT. I wasn't allowed to use an ambulance to carry Lorraine, fragile as she was, because, curtesy of Baptist, she had MRSA. Hence, I personally, physically, toted my immobile quadriplegic daughter in a coma five days per week to St. Vincents for HBOT in my car, along with a wheelchair. (rain or shine in the late fall...)

St. Vincents charged an ungodly amount of money per treatment for the HBOT. (I'm remembering $1600) Lorraine needed 200 of them. We were able to work out a deal and get Medicaid rates, but we were talking REAL MONEY for treatments. Insurance and Medicaid DID NOT cover any of the treatments. We were paying out of pocket. The doctor wanted to treat her FOR FREE, but ST. Vincent wouldn't allow it.

When Lorraine was transferred to Arkansas Children's, they didn't want her taking HBOT AT ALL. The only way she was allowed to go was in an ambulance with a nurse and on our dime. PLUS, we were burning a huge chunk of each therapy day and not making progress to compare against the Medicaid chart every two weeks. In a round-about way, we were being forced to stop the treatments.

When I read the email about the center and remembering Lorraine and her inspiration for the HBOT center, I burst into big walloping tears. She's not forgotten. Her legacy is still touching hearts. Even when her melodious voice was silenced, those big blue eyes spoke for her and carried the message loud and clear.

Remember Lorraine.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008 10:20 PM CDT

One of my friends came over to the castle today. She is from our "before" life. She knew Lorraine as a child, and even babysat the kids for me a few times. In fact, this friend was the one who recommended the book HOW BABIES ARE MADE for Lorraine and Livi when they were "inquiring" at ages 8 and 5, as her own children had found that particular book most helpful.

I still remember the day we picked up the book from the bookstore (it was a special order). The girls walked out together, each holding a corner of the book, eyes wide, reading and looking at the paper-doll-like figures on the pages of chickens and puppies. Ah, the mysteries of life, presented in origami.

My sweet friend saw Lorraine in her cherrywood box and took in the scrapbook I made of her "after" photos before Lorraine got her wings. We had been out of touch for almost ten years and it was comforting to have someone with whom I have a history to share these things.

She surveyed each room in the castle and recognized the few items we had brought with us from the mansion, as "pre-mansion", noting we had remained the same people over the years. This was good, confirming.

She enjoyed my art, asking me to do one for her own house. I mentioned my plans to capture the girldoglets in oil. We both agreed getting the pair to sit still would be the rub.

My friend has a pond and offered extensive knowledge toward my goal of balancing the ecosystem in the pond in the postage stamp. Her suggestion - establish one.

She's bringing some water flora to share with me...

Monday, July 14, 2008 10:19 PM CDT

Is it hot enough, yet? As for me, the mercury is sufficient.

I even DROVE to the gym. The humidity is dastardly. Any outdoor gathering is now officially a "meltdown."

Livi has conditioned the girldoxies to two-a-days. Two walks per day. Hmmm. College town is cooler than the land of the castle. There may be some "disgruntlement."

I staked the outdoor plants as they had put out runners and were taking over my azaleas. I searched out and bought a rose-of-sharon treelet to provide some manner of shade for a pair of hostas suffering from the heat, after we lost a couple of trees right after we moved in. Larry was only too glad to dig that hole tonight.

I am narrowing the gap of minor projects around the castle keep. I'll swan, it's feeling like we may be home. Or almost.

For the longest, I didn't know where we belonged. Not at the mansion, but not here at the castle. We were just roosting. The postage stamp is maturing and growing plants give me substance.

Some women can't rest til their hair is done. I can't get fixed til my yard looks right.

Did somebody say I was born with a hoe in my hand?

Sunday, July 13, 2008 10:20 PM CDT

Well, well.

Livi called Larry, (NOT me, her mama), and announced she's coming back to the castle next weekend and bringing the doxies with her. Somehow, she announced to Larry, (NOT me, her mama), she figures I wouldn't be willing to turn loose of the girldogs again, so she might as well plan on leaving them with us...

Do I detect ill-contentment in college town betwixt the doxies and Livi?

Perhaps it's all a well-formed strategic plot launched and carried out by the alpha-dachshund, Herself, to finagle a way back into my loving arms? I'd say she's been successful.

I'm certain Lorraine is having a good chuckle over the entire scene. She was entirely at the mercy of the doglets.

Livi's new employer for whom she will begin working the end of the month is trying to secure her services during the Christmas holidays and through next summer, and Livi hasn't even worked one day yet! Also, another lady got wind of Livi's qualifications as a nanny and is trying to hire her on the "off" days. Apparently, good care is hard to find, even in a college town.

I worked some more today on the scrapbooks. Livi has to provide her photos of her friends before I can bring her book current.

Larry and I spent a nice day watching movies and munching on dark chocolate peanut M&M's together as I worked. We took a late evening walk and discussed plans for filtering the muck out of the pond in the postage stamp. We agreed we need a plan. (Smile.)

Larry is dead-set against sticking his hand down in murky water filled with plants and fish to clean out leaves and such from the pump. Imagine?

He says if one of the pup's snakes takes a bite out of him, he'd break down the door trying to get in the castle to get rid of it.

Looking for pump filters this week...

Saturday, July 12, 2008 8:48 PM CDT

I'm home from the scrapbooking marathon. I've "cropped" til I've about dropped. I made a bit of progress in documenting our pictorial history, although I still have a ways to go.

Larry finished his golf expedition as well. Someone in his group made a "hole in one." To that, I say, "Good for him."

Livi called me at my crop this morning to explain she was having a disagreement with the obese one. Apparently, one of them did not understand the lay of the land in college town in the apartment at that particular moment in time. Now, I'm not in the business of taking names and pointing fingers, but I would imagine the party in the wrong was walking on two legs in this instance. It was perfectly clear in the mind of the obese one as to what was what.

Livi was supposed to be up and at 'em and ready to do the bidding of both doxies and it was what? 11:40AM? For heaven sakes, the doglets were bored. There was no provision in their schedule for Livi to take a nap or go back to bed and the girldogs do not recognize weekends. Each day is the same for them. Livi was being punished by Herself for her transgressions. The peeping had begun.

I know without a doubt who will win that war.

Friday, July 11, 2008 6:20 PM CDT

I noticed this morning my Bigtoenail was loose again.

After all that superglue and silk nail wrap and whathaveyou.

I foraged around in the kitchen drawer again until I found the superglue and sat down at the table with the newspaper to perform an intricate operation on my Bigtoenail. The newspaper was to read while I waited for the superglue to dry. I forgot one item: toothpicks. I realized this omission about the time my tall man and my pointer fingers, along with my thumbkin were stuck to my Bigtoenail all thoroughly coated with superglue.

Fortunately, I freed my digits from my each other and my Bigtoenail is still attached to my foot. Larry stood in the kitchen shaking his head in amazement, or was he giving thanks? Perhaps, imagining the hospital visit to free my hand from my foot?

I still have not found support for my bouganvilleas. Livi called, alarmed that her apartment management might discover her dachshund count was one above the approved number when they perform the annual inspection next week. Hmmm. A problem. Calls for creativity.

I am on my way to a scrapbooking crop. Yippee!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008 9:25 PM CDT

Was it just me, or did the mercury climb today? I could swear I heard the radio say the heat index was 100 degrees. I believe it. I wilted between the car and the front door at Wal-Mart.

I've been to the grocery store and Wal-Mart and I'm still shy of lettuce and limes in order to have salad and diet cherry limeades. BUT, I have everything else. Perhaps tomorrow, on my third trip this week, I'll seal the deal.

And, what is going on with this hair? First, it's flipping, now it's frizzing. I never.

Livi was offered a doxie puppy today. FREE. OF. CHARGE. She and I wallowed around all the reasons and emoted, but Larry helped us steer clear. "No. Nope. No way. Nothing doing. I'm already supporting eight legs, two tails and two snouts who do not work."

I don't think Livi is speaking to him right at the moment. However, she still has custody of the pair-a-doxies.

Speaking of Livi, she landed a JOB! She's been hired as a nanny. NOT a babysitter, neither. Uh-uh. An honest-to-gosh nanny. She's "certified in everything" and totin' around nearly ten years of experience and ready to go. She'll have three little charges. After tending fourteen at at time at camp, it should be a piece of carrot cake.

Livi and the girldoglets rode to the college town Wal-Mart tonight and shopped for victuals and necessaries. They are stocked up. I wonder who carried what inside?

I took to my bed, or divan, with a migraine this afternoon. The thunderstorms were rolling in with such intensity, the meds just could not keep up. I sought comfort in dark chocolate peanut M&M's, but only the orange ones. I'm cutting back on sugar.

Tomorrow evening and Saturday I'm signed up for a scrapbooking marathon. Yippee! I've got lots of Scotland pictures to crop and place in albums. Larry is scheduled for a golf marathon of his own. I'd say "marathon" is the key word for our weekend.

The satellite dish people are supposed to magically appear tomorrow and spinkle fairy dust on the worthless piece of metal screwed into my roof.

I'm thinking of turning the tv into a plant stand.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008 10:02 PM CDT

Oddly enough, my current mix of close girlfriends are in a state of crisis. Not ALL of them, but a fair number. And, by "current mix", I reference the constantly changing ebb and flow of people with whom I am blessed. I have learned my nature is one of transition and those around me tend to come and go.

I seem to be a traveler, not a resident. I told one of my good girlfriends tonight I've figured out part of my purpose in life is to study the human condition. Seeing people from the inside is wearying, (I'm not referring to my friends, but to acquaintances) but continually interesting and there's a surprise in every box.

Back to the "crisis"...

I'm wondering what is afoot? What energy is at work to bring so many close to me with double-bubble sized problems all coming to a head at the same time? Maybe there was an estrogen vaccuum in the universe and I stepped in it. Or, maybe I AM the estrogen vaccuum. Having none or nearly none, myself.

Perhaps, it's "turn-about-is-fair-play" for all those who took the time to care about me for such a long time? It'd be my pleasure.

Everyone please remember to send one or more up for Tawn-Tawn, for Kaytee, for Brenda, for Mel and for Jen...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008 10:37 PM CDT

Livi and the doxiegirls are getting on famously, spending quality time together. She reports the pup is resisting the daily walks, lying down in the street, flopping on her back, refusing to go a paw's width farther. However, the obese one soldiers on, dragging the pup with her, still on her back. (They are leashed together.) The pup has been giving Livi sideways looks that say, "Are you really necessary?"

Livi has to slip out of her apartment as the girldogs seem to think they are included anytime she puts her running shoes on.

I'm wandering about finding dog blankets, their favorite squirrel, a bowl left behind and missing the pair-a-doxies terribly. Larry predicts I'll go fetch them next week.

Livi reflected back a bit the other day on her raising and she surprised me on what she recalled. She told me no one has ever gotten under her skin like I have, but no one has ever made her feel more loved, either. I guess passion is deep and sometimes prickly.

I think it was a massive and wonderous compliment.

Monday, July 7, 2008 11:39 PM CDT

I spent the day shopping for just the right pieces of furniture. By "right", I mean marked down next to the clearance pile, but in excellent shape, too good to be tossed out the backdoor. I had my eye on a media table to house all the components that go along with the high-tech lifestyle we lead, even though I can't use ANY of it. (and any respectable highschool student would snicker at the sight of our electronic material goods.)

I'm determined to get the armoir back into the bedroom and out of the family room once I find a new home for the VCR and the satellite box. Surely we can toss some of those old movies, too? How many VCR movies from the 90's does one need?

I found some fantastic iron stacking tables for the portico. Little old lady tables. Something to sit my decaf iced tea upon in the morning whilst I rest on the new outdoor stuff I procured. I even bought a plant stand. Now I need to find a plant to put on it.

One item I'm still in search of is a new rug for the family room. I've decided the old one doesn't match the chair with the circle fabric. I had to buy an "artistic" styled table to go with the circle chair. The chair and table look nice together. But, now the rug looks out of place. A friend told me about a wonderful website, a sort of RUGS-R-US that I've been scouting and in about 300 years, I will have looked at ALL of them and made my selection.

I finally FINALLY found a sofa table to suit me. The current sofa table will evolve into a tv table in our bedroom for the doxies to watch in the evenings before bedtime. Naturally, this will necessitate buying a tv to fit the table, as the tv in our room is big, way big, and on it's last figurative leg. The sofa table that is evolving has been a member of the family since the early 90's, so there's plenty of life left in it.

I need a pair of bookends to hold my cookbooks in place, too. (Stop laughing. I do have more than two.) Now that I'm searching for bookends, there aren't any. Well, unless you want rams or elephants. I don't.

On another wavelength, I spoke with Livi today and she tells me the obese one woke the house at 6AM! The poor pup was sooo sleepy she couldn't eat her food. However, by 9PM, both doxies were tucked into bed sound asleep under Livi's watchful eye.

Wes and I ate breakfast together this morning early, then he prepared to drive back to Florida.

Summer is moving on...

Sunday, July 6, 2008 9:12 PM CDT

AH, the day of rest. And, what a day it has been.

The doglets roused us at the crack of dawn, before an eyelid had opened around here. Livi had come in a bit later than some of us and was sleeping "in". Hence, the four-legged were ensconsed once again in our bedchambers. I kept reprimanding them in my best "Dog Whisperer" voice and bought us some time, but eventually, Larry had to get up and let the varmints out.

I made myself a fabulous bowl of Scottish mueslix with berries and pecans for breakfast and took the paper to the portico, along with my entourage. I managed to hang tight to the cereal, but I lost the battle for the couch. I shared the paper, although I'd swear the doglets were only looking at the pictures.

Livi and I joined Wes for lunch. A friend of his came along, too.

Livi packed her many belongings and loaded her car to prepare to drive back to college town. This trip included two passengers; the obese one and the chubby pup. All their gear, their cage, one of their snuggly sacks, their prescription food, their prescription treats, both bowls, their leash, their butt-squeezin' preventative and some pooper scooper bags went with them. I hope Livi knows what she's getting into. I know there was joy on the earth when the doxies realized THEY were going along.

I called Livi and checked on the trio a while ago, and the report was good. She had stopped and peeped the girldogs. The level of excitement was still riding high. I imagine everyone involved will be excited until tomorrow morning. At that point, one of them won't be quite so excited.

I hadn't realized how much I rely on those dachshunds to alert me to noises outside the castle. It's positively creepy here once darkness falls without a protective "oophf" now and then.

Maybe I can teach Larry to bark.

Saturday, July 5, 2008 8:18 PM CDT

Livi is still planning to take the girldoxies to college town with her tomorrow afternoon. However, this morning at 6:30AM, when the obese one began her frantic, nonstop, methodical, mind-numbing, measured barking, Livi didn't do well. Not a'tall.

Larry and I were ever so sweetly awakened by one airborne dachshund being thrown into our bed, sans wings. Livi spun on her heel, one eye open and returned to her abode to resume her beauty rest.

The pup was smart enough to remain quiet to see which side of the corn was buttered. She stayed out of trouble.

Larry and I had plans to see an afternoon movie, but a mighty thunderstorm changed our plan. Instead, we spent the afternoon sitting on the portico on the new patio furniture watching the postage stamp flood. The doxies were full of consternation and highly agitated, especially the pup. The tree frogs keyed up and sang a tune for us after awhile. I actually drifted off until a tremendous clap of thunder coupled with a big lightening strike closeby woke me up.

Larry decided to unplug the french drain in the midst of the storm, as the pond and the pooling water in the postage stamp were about to become "one". He was balancing on a rock on the edge of the pond with a golf umbrella in one hand and the rake from the pooper scooper in the other, when he lost his balance and just about landed in the pond. Fortunately, he did not.

We did finally get to the movie. The doglets were not invited. I do believe they would enjoy going. The pair could share a seat and a bucket of popcorn. They enjoy watching tv.

We four took an early evening walk in the neighborhood. Larry's legs were sore from working out this morning, so we cut our walk short, but at least we took one. We ran into two standard poodles. The dachshunds were impressed, I could tell. The poodles, not so much.

Livi is on her way home from a day at the lake with a girlfriend. Keep her in your prayers. Lots of drunks and partiers out there...

Friday, July 4, 2008 9:57 PM CDT

Happy Firecracker Day!!

The girldoxies, Livi, Larry and I drove to a girlfriend's house for a cookout today. The food was mighty tasty and the friendship was long-lasting. Our girldoxies tangled with their cocker spaniel, especially the chubby pup. The obese one busied herself with sneaking up the steps to the second floor of the house to snoop. Further, the friends have five cats and there were all sorts of delicious smells to tantalize the doxies in that home.

I would frequently miss the obese one and do a head count, then scoot up the stairs looking low to the ground for herself. Sure enough, I'd soon find her laid out on a rug, chewing happily on some contraband.

To my knowledge, the obese one ate several small bowls of catfood, some teensy puppy chow, a "greenie", one catnip-filled mouse, one rawhide chew and a mouthful of the cocker's chow. The pup was busying herself hiding in my friend's arms out of reach from the cocker spaniel.

We all had a nice restful day and right before the meal, we remembered Lorraine, wishing she was there with us, organizing and planning and setting us to rights. It was nice to be with friends who knew Lorraine as a child and appreciated her unique self. They remembered how she watched over Livi and took charge of the situation when I was out of the house, even though there were adults to take care of the two of them. Lorraine always felt responsible for her little sister. She was very protective.

This evening, Livi and I ate dinner at my favorite restaurant with Wes. He was glad to catch up with us and happy to be back in the local area for a short stay. He and Livi talked about college and courses, on a peer-to-peer level, rather than a baby sister/older brother level as in the past.

I believed I witnessed a passage.

Thursday, July 3, 2008 9:12 PM CDT

Livi came in just as I was finishing my workout this afternoon. Both girldogs were assisting me with the workout. I was glad to see her. I had too much help.

The weather was so hot, but Livi still took the doxies on a walk across the Big Dam Bridge. They mutinied. At least the pup, did. The obese one soldiered on. The pup flipped over on her back with her tongue hanging out.

Larry and I went out to dinner tonight, as we had eaten all the groceries. We shared dessert, carrot cake. He ate the best end of the cake, the nutty-frosting-end.

Wes called. He is driving into town from Florida for the weekend. Surprise!

I've got to pick up some cook-out supplies for our get-together tomorrow. We've been invited to some friends' for lunch.

Livi is spending the night with her girlfriend. She may drop in at the cookout. She has her own plans for the 4th. College kids.

The doglets will be attending the cookout. After the night of horrors last night, I wouldn't DARE leave these two to their own devices for an extended period.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008 10:04 PM CDT

Ah, deception, thy name is dachshund.

Just when I'm returning to the mundane, having plowed a new rut and getting used to wading in it, the girldogs yank me out via the end of their leash.

I had pert'near settled in tonight with a nice homemade salad and a tall glass of decaf iced tea, getting ready to watch a rerun of THE BIG BANG THEORY (one of my favorite's since Larry swears up and down I'm Sheldon's clone) when I misplaced the obese one. The chubby pup was perched on Larry's lap and I inquired as to the whereabouts of Herself.

I munched a bite of salad, scanned a bit of tv, nosed around a bit and didn't think too much more of taking a snout-count til I got up for more tea. Where was that doxie?

I beckoned. No response. No excited clatter of toenails on floortiles. Nothing. Hmmm.

I began to search the castle in earnest and told Larry to FIND THAT DACHSHUND! Alarm bells were sounding in my head.

I opened the bedroom door and simultaneously heard munching/crumpling sounds. I gasped and drew in my breath at the sight of the obese one with her snout stuffed way down deep inside my purse, which lay on its side on the carpet contents strewn about. Everything that could have been eaten was. My emergency granola bars were gone, the wrapper discarded. My purse-sized package of tissues were shredded. My peppermint from Sonic was crunched. But, the worst of all was my weekly med case, opened with pills MISSING! My computer was smeared with pill-goo, as though she had wiped her tongue. Perhaps the reason for chewing the tissues?

I grabbed Herself and made for the laundryroom sink. I hollered for Larry to assist. He held the obese one in place while I located the medicine dropper and the hydrogen peroxide. I dosed her up and instructed Larry to shake her hard over the sink to cause her to upchuck while I looked up the emergency vet's number.

The vet didn't know the impact of my meds on a doxie, so I called the Pet Poison Control, credit card in hand. Sure enough, some of the meds can cause seizures and neuro problems. "Make her throw up, or get her to the pet ER!" We took both girldoxies into the postage stamp and walked around, causing great consternation in the chubby pup, but not much else. I gave the obese one more hydrogen peroxide and shook her some more. Still nothing.

We gathered up some doggy towels, the leashes and got into the car with the obese one's snout poised over a Wal-Mart sack and headed to the pet ER. As we drove away, the pup began to whine and the obese one began to retch. We drove around a bit until we were sure the obese one had finished and came back to the castle. Mission accomplished.

As I began to change into my pajamas, the pup started trying to stuff HER snout in betwixt the couch cushions so SHE could upchuck. I bolted across the room and stuffed HER partially into the trash can just in time.

Both doxies are resting quietly in separate crates for the night.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008 8:47 PM CDT

I ran errands all the live-long day and wore myself out.

Thankfully, one of those errands included getting by the vet's and picking up some more flea treatment for the pair-a-doxies. Now that I surprised the girldogs with early morning baths, I had to hurry up and finish off the routine with the flea treatment.

Larry wrestled during the hottest part of the day with the patio furniture I bought to escape the heat. He hauled it home in three trips.

I have lunch plans tomorrow with a lady who recently lost her son.

I'm trying extra-hard to "bloom where I'm planted."

Monday, June 30, 2008 8:39 PM CDT

Everyone please remember baby Colin Lyons tonight. He is earning his wings from leukemia.

I have heard from a few more new folks on Caringbridge who have websites and want to be remembered. Jacqueline Rose, shares Lorraine's birthday, Sarah Heuke, who's mom signed our guestbook, and another family whose baby boy was lost to a drowning. Remember Kami at KamisRoadHome, and SarahECouncil, both who are fighting leukemia. I also found Laken Parson, Olivia Culpepper and Elijah Carlson who need us.

I am happy to announce I sold a painting today. That would be one that I personally painted. I am finally, BONAFIDE.

And, three and one-half months late, the mulch showed up. The postage stamp looks quite nice. The girldogs do not know where to do their business now. There is a major amount of sniffing done each time the pair-a-doxies enter the postage stamp, but not much business. Oh, well, I can always shampoo the rugs again.

I was fortunate to have picked up some tapestries at a market in Germany and I went hunting for rods today to hang them in the castle. OH, was I in for a shock. I'll be spending as much for rods as I did for the tapestries. Lord-A-Mercy. Somebody in the curtain industry is running a racket. You'd think we were in the midst of Southern Reconstruction from the prices.

I'm thinking thumbtacks might do the trick.

I was hankering for a nice trashcan for the guest bathroom (it has been nearly three years since we moved in) and looked around for one of those, too. My stars. I already have the potty and the sink. I'm just wishing to purchase an accessory. I'll continue to use the spray-painted wicker I've had for fifteen or so years, thank YOU.

Perhaps I'm cheap, some say "frugal". I cannot help but recall Grandpa frettin' over his $7 "lightbill" one summer.

Apples and trees and all that.

Sunday, June 29, 2008 8:33 PM CDT

I've been mining the Caringbridge fields and have a few names and sites that could use some tending.

These babies need lots of love, support and prayers as they fight terrible diseases. Please remember Jake Lofton, Macy Bella Gantz, Andon Zehring and Jayce Black. I urge you to continue to check the links at the bottom of Lorraine's page as well. Take the time to leave a short note on the guestbook for these special ones, as any encouragement is so important. I know how much I appreciate each and every entry.

I spent some time today checking in on folks who have children who have gotten their wings, too. One who comes to mind in Mamie Lucille Adams of Alabama who is playing up in Heaven with Lorraine. Mamie joined Lorraine in 2005 at the age of 6.

Whenever you're in the mood to sulk or feel sorry for yourself, surf Caringbridge a mite bit.

Livi drove back to college town today. She'll be starting summer school tomorrow. Livi promises to be back for the 4th of July. AND, she wants to take BOTH doxies for a holiday break to her place. Oh, my. DO TELL.

The three of 'em will all live happily in her apartment in college town this summer whilst she goes to class each morning. I see. And, I suppose the girldoglets will sit by the window and wag their tails when they see her car pull up?

I envision a frantic call after about three days from Livi, "MOM! You've got to come TODAY and pick up these doxies! I can't get any sleep and they have pooped and peeped all over my apartment. They won't stop barking and I'm afraid I'm gonna get evicted!"

I may just prepack to save time.

Saturday, June 28, 2008 7:49 PM CDT

Livi's back from summercamp. She has a whopping minimum-wage paycheck and a tan to show for her hard work. (She wore sunscreen, I asked.)

The laundry room floor is covered with dirty shoes, sand and nasty debris. I always "pick up" before she gets here. I stood looking at the mess in the floor and wondered why I bothered.

I baked banana bread and blueberry muffins today, as I'm missing those German bakeries. Larry and I went to the store and I used my shopping basket to tote home our purchases which I picked up in Germany instead of those plastic bags that are causing such a stir. I felt so eco-friendly for a few minutes.

Larry took me to the phone store this morning to purchase a phone, as mine has stopped holding a charge. The phone salesman took one look at mine and said, "WOW! That's an old phone!" I begged to differ. I had carried this one much less than any previous model and it was still held together without the assistance of duct tape or rubberbands. Sure, it had splattered its technological innerds on the garage floor more times than I cared recall, but it had been a good phone.

I was entitled to an "upgrade", as the phone and I had been together since '06. Two and one-half years. It seems some people buy phones like they do shoes. Imagine Mr. Salesman's surprise when he checked on my service plan. Twelve years. And, I signed up for two more.

The new phone has big numbers. I can read it without my glasses. There are lots of other "features", none of which I care one whit.

He asked me if I wanted to learn to Text.

Oh, please.

Friday, June 27, 2008 7:03 PM CDT

I added yet another child to the links section of Lorraine's page who was born with a serious illness and is fighting for survival.

I have several folks who need a few sent up on their behalf. One of my girlfriends had an accident and cracked her skull this week. Others have family issues that are causing great pain.

Today is the anniversary of an angel named Alex getting his wings. His family reads this journal and supports our family when we reach our own milestones, caring for us and offering friendship in small kind ways, even though we have never met.

I am reminded of a special someone who to this day remains anonymous who sent delicious (and probably expensive) dark chocolate truffles delivered to me in an ice chest from somewhere in the eastern United States shortly after Lorraine got her wings. I know the candies were from someone who read the journal and knew I had relied on dark chocolate to survive the pain of loss. How kind and how caring.

I will always believe in the value of the ordinary human being, the common person, possessing the ability to change the world.

Friday, June 27, 2008 7:58 AM CDT

Top of the morning to everyone!

The pair-a-doxies and myself cuddled on the divan in the bedroom once again, reading. I decided to try sleeping there to see if my back would be better this morning, and OH, weren't those girldoglets excited to be included under the covers!

In the wee hours, around 2am, I heard a child-like whimpering followed by the classic dachshund upchuck and with eyes still partially closed grabbed for the bottom of the sofa. Fortunately, I grabbed the upchucker and the blanket and saved the sofa fabric. (It is washable.) Accompanied by words of comfort, I tossed the girldoxies into their cage and I returned to sleep, in the bed this time as I had no blanket on the sofa.

The obese one did not eat well this morning. I'm convinced she needs to see the vet about her back. The pattern in the past has been throwing up, not eating and lessening activity.

Larry gave me a tremendous precious complement this morning. He mentioned in passing as he was leaving for a golf tournament that he loved me more now than he did twenty years ago when he married me. I asked him "Why?" He responded I was a free spirit who landed every now and then in his vicinity. He recalled a poem or story about a beautiful bird someone held so tightly to keep close to them for fear of it flying away. By doing so, the bird was crushed to death and was lost forever.

It is good to be understood.

Thursday, June 26, 2008 8:44 AM CDT

I lay down on the divan last evening with the doxiegirls to read a book and that was basically the end of my day. Larry came in later to see if I was planning to eat dinner, and I moved to the bed to resume my snooze. I slept in my clothes with unbrushed teeth!

I dreamt last night I could have apple strudel and schoko-croissants for breakfast. I was disappointed when I woke up and realized the bakery wasn't across the street, but far away in Germany.

I made do with my favorite cereal I discovered in Scotland and some kiwi tossed with walnuts. I left a box of the cereal at Wes's apartment. He sniffed at my bowl a time or two, but wasn't extremely impressed with my mueslix.

I've had a day of pampering all for myself. I had a couple of inches cut off my crazy hair. The sweet girl who tends it for me said yesterday, "One side wants to flip up and the other tries to turn under!" Uh-huh. Goes with the personality. I also had a pedicure (bigtoenail is still holding its own) after all that uphill-both-ways walking and treated myself to a facial. I could get used to those. I'm probably had less than half a dozen in my lifetime, but they surely are nice.

I figured out my very own bed is likely the culprit in causing my back to hurt. Larry's all for sending me out to buy a new mattress, but I really dislike wasting a good serviceable one.

Wes texted me this morning. I am happy to report I figured out how to read the message. I tried to save it to a folder, but that was less successful.

Livi is dating a new fella. He seems nice. Larry's criteria that he be able to put more than three words together was met. Of course, we're quite fond of the best friend/former fella, too. Livi's in the driver's seat, and we are merely passengers in the back, buckled up and hanging on.

The obese one seems to be feeling better, although I'm still finding puddles of upchuck here and there. I'm pretty sure her back is troubling her.

Perhaps I should shop for a new mattress for the doxies?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 9:28 PM CDT

My body clock doesn't know if it is in Germany or the USA. I awoke at 2:30am and surfed the internet til the crack of dawn, then napped a bit before starting my day.

The pair-a-doxies slept across me during the early afternoon as they took their nap. The obese one had a tummy problem and was upchucking. I suppose she had been up to no good whilst out in the postage stamp. The chubby pup kept looking at me out of the corner of her eye to make sure I was really here.

I washed up the little bit of laundry around here and finished my unpacking. Livi came in to shower before heading out to dinner with friends. She'll be here at the castle for the night.

One of Lorraine's friends from high school lost her brother this past weekend in a farming accident.

While I was away, one of the children I follow on Caringbridge got her wings. Another one has become very ill and I have added a name to our links for our readers to support.

Sometimes in difficult times you may be THE voice, THE support a person needs. You just never know.

Monday, June 23, 2008 9:25 PM CDT


I am back at the castle and my, doesn't it look good! Larry had a bouquet of orange roses and a huge slab of carrot cake waiting for me. (I think I was missed.) We stopped enroute from the airport at Sonic for a Route 44 unsweeted iced tea.

The dachshunds did their dance routine when I came through the door. They sang in two-part harmony, too. I held the pair of them in my arms as their ears hang low in happy submission. We all four sat on the couch nibbling the carrot cake and snuggling. Wes called to make sure I arrived safely. Livi called later to see that I was tucked in.

I'm very tired as I have been awake since sometime yesterday by my calculations. Larry changed the sheets, per my request, so I'm planning a good long snooze. Livi is coming in tomorrow afternoon to see me and spend the night.

I'm having to adjust to air-conditioning again. Wes didn't have it in Germany. Very few places used it, and those that did certainly didn't set the thermostat like the US. When I left this morning, the temperature was a cool 71 degrees. When I landed in Dallas, the temperature was warm 97 degrees. A bit of a difference.

I have appointments to see to this week, friends to catch up with and errands to run. I'm sure my plants need tending, too. Let's not forget two sorely-neglected doxies who'll need to be loved up.

Larry's attached himself to me like my shadow.

Job security. (smile.)

Sunday, June 22, 2008 2:05 PM CDT

I've spent some time today pondering...

About a gazillion years from now, scientists will discover a gene that permits what we think to absorb into our bodies and literally meld with our DNA becoming transferrable to our offsping. We already have such a gene, but no one has found proof of it. I'm convinced.

Granny used to warn me, "Be careful what thoughts you let inside your head. They'll become part of you." I believe her.

I've spent three weeks living in close CLOSE proximity to Wes and there's no other explanation. Genetics could only explain how he's picked up some of his characteristics. His ideas have come from some of my relatives that he really had little contact with. He picked up mannerisms and ideologies from persons he was related to that I'm not with whom he spent even less time. Genetics, once again.

Someone famous and quotable once said, "As a man thinks, so is a man." See? What more doth one need?

All the people in my life who shaped me and who came before me are represented in me. The bumping and jostling I do as I go about life interacting with others is reflected in someone else's life.

Do we see reflections of each other in our eyes?

Sunday, June 22, 2008 6:43 AM CDT

Wes left the country this morning as he had business elsewhere for a few months. I saw him off with instructions for unplugging his computer and few appliances I might use, one of his cell phones, his extra housekeys and hopes for a shuttle to show up tomorrow to ferry me to the correct and proper airport.

I have sufficient euro, a cold Coke light, the remains of my dinner from last night and some good books to occupy my time. Wes doesn't have tv. I might venture out and stroll about for a bit, but I'm storing my energy for the trip home. I'll begin my "hydration" process this afternoon, ie., drinking tons of water in advance. Flying makes me so thristy.

Wes, a friend of his and yours truly went to the local zoo yesterday. The lion and the tiger were to be pitied. The Bactrian camels (Asian versus African) seemed a bit out of their element, too. Two humps are better than one? I positively adored the chickens, especially the roosters. I want one. Theirs had feather-socks. I believe they crowed to another language.

There were peacocks and peahens, rabbits and bunnies, monkeys eating cauliflower, reptiles (which I skipped) and zebras.

I ate some chips dusted with paprika. Everything here is dusted with paprika. I was starving, as I had missed breakfast and eaten only half my lunch.

Oh, I forgot the charming wee goats. There were several small herds in a pen. Folks could buy small sacks of feed and go inside and feed/pet them. I stood outside and ate my paprika chips and watched.

I'll update this evening before I go to bed after some pondering today.

Saturday, June 21, 2008 3:46 PM CDT

Did I mention the bakery rolls shaped like soccer balls? Or the airhorns that the locals blow to show their team spirit?

The restaurants have only one or two waitresses for the entire place, inside and outside seating. You should go BEFORE you are really hungry and take a book.

Every purchase has 20% tax already included. My, how we fuss in the US over 7%.

Gas in some places is pushing $9 per gallon with cars zooming up and down the Autobahn at 120 miles per hour or more. In the US, we're feeling faint at paying upwards of $5 per gallon.

You can receive a ticket in Germany without ever being pulled off the road. A camera takes a picture of your license plate and your ticket is mailed to you. How efficient. No questions asked?

No one here is permitted to wash their car or mow their lawn, or make loud noises after 7pm. However, the entire town can party til the cows come home and wake entire city blocks when a soccer game is being played.

Add one more to the doxie count. Total of eight...

Friday, June 20, 2008 3:53 PM CDT

Did I mention my camera mishap whilst I was atop the Acropolis?

There I was, nearly blind from the heat, dehydrated and searching for the water fountain I had heard was up there "somewhere", when a Greek woman in a booth snapped "TICKET!" at me. I was so startled, I dropped my camera from about waist high onto the stone steps. The wretched machine ceased all operations from that point forward.

"Football" is a mighty big event here in Europe. We call it "Soccer" back home. (I wonder what Europeans would call our "Football"?) Some sort of major playoff is underway with endless soccer matches, country after country competing. Everyone is all a-twitter. No one is more fired-up than the Germans. They party for hours on end when a match is held.

Way. Into. The. Night.

Imagine the Superbowl with no end and an entire country all charged up, wearing the stars and stripes, a'blowin' loud horns and screaming, singing songs and playing anthem after anthem...

On. Your. Street.

Especially when you are trying to sleep...

Wes and I try to hurry to bed before the major noise starts so we will be in deep sleep and try to ignore the majority of it. With the 'sound-proof' windows and the rolladens, it's doable.

It's nearly midnight here, so I need to bank some sleep in anticipation of next week's return trip.

Friday, June 20, 2008 2:54 AM CDT

After I had eaten and showered last night, I remembered a few more details about Greece.

The taxis were all light yellow and most of them were Mercedes Benz. Nice-sized ones. Odd. In Germany, it didn't strike me as out-of-place to see Mercedes or BMW taxis since both models are manufactured locally. But, such fine cars driven for hire on dirty streets seemed a mite strange.

The shower in our hotel had no stall. Nada. Just a two-inch boundary on the floor with a drain. I tried showering in all sorts of directions, but there was simply no way I could conjour to keep that water from spraying down the entire room. I used all the thin European towels we had to mop the place dry and went on about my business.

There are many stray cats and dogs in Greece. They feast free at the restaurants. I had quite a following. I fed one cat from my plate and she rounded up her friends. The dogs at the metro station loved me, too. It had to have been the hat.

I suppose the reasoning behind not being allowed to put your feet up on an empty train seat is that no one picks up after their pets on the streets. Makes some sort of perverted sense.

Europeans as a group are not the fashion-slaves we Americans are. The mullet is still alive and doing fine here in several countries, as is the rat-tail and boy-band look. Women seem to wear whatever they want, the shinier the better. Hairdyes are surely designed for blacklight use.

Italians have better shoes. Unless you have to walk in them. Germans are fastidious and dependable. Greeks give you a correct change. Luxembourgians are incredibly polite. Austrians are stand-offish. But, Bavarians are the best. They are warm, kind, fair and I even learned to like beer (a little).

Add one more to the doxie count. Total of seven.

Thursday, June 19, 2008 8:37 AM CDT

Finally, we are back in Germany. In case there was a newscast on either the BBC or CNN regarding a crazed redhead atop the Acropolis in Athens wildly seeking a water fountain that'd be me. I had no idea how hot it was up there, and that'd there'd be no one trying to overcharge me for cold drinks along the way. I was good and ready to be overcharged by the time I climbed all the way to the top and would have paid a handsome sum for practically anything cold. I even lowered myself and threw caution to the wind and drank from the public water fountain. I so hope that didn't expose me to hepatitis or anything similar. I decided it was better than hiring a helicopter to come after me.

Wes tried to encourage me to "blend". I suppose he was referring to my broad-brimmed safari hat and my gauzy-linen mosquito-netting shirt. Or he could have been referencing the layer of white plastered across my nose and cheeks. Who knows? Either way, I still teetered on the verge of a heat stroke.

At the foot of the Acropolis, I purchased a 1.5 liter bottle of water for a mere euro (one of the main differences in Greece and Italy, I might add... basic necessities were nominally priced) and guzzled more than half of it straightaway.

Greek people were a rather nice bunch, eager to help when asked for directions and no one tried to take advantage of us. We LOVED the food.

The exception was anyone in an "official" capacity, such as a receptionist or ticket-taker. They usually responded to a question with a sharp "WHAT?!!" I couldn't tell if they were barking or confused. The older folks gave me a drop-stone-dead stare a time or two. Of course, I either looked as though someone had poured a bucket of water over my head, or had on the hat and mirror sunglasses. Hmmm.

Greece, overall was HOT and DUSTY. There are ruins aplenty. We spent the afternoons inside in the air-conditioned museums after my near-expiration upon the Acropolis.

I have noted Europeans as a whole do not understand the concept of forming a line. The UK certainly sees merit in the queue, as do the Japanese and the Americans. In EU countries, the herd theory prevails for lunch counters, airplane boarding and so forth.

Nary a dachshund in Athens.

Monday, June 16, 2008 2:18 PM CDT

I've decided all the toilet tissue in Europe must be recycled sandpaper. All of it. I know about wadding and crumpling pages from Sears catalogs until they're semi-soft, but this stuff is fit to scrub the floor with.

Land sakes, hallelujah and praise be, I found unbastardized iced tea today. I drank the well bone-dry. I had plumb forgotten how good it feels to be fully hydrated and cool from the inside out. Honestly, if some of these cranky folks cooled off with an iced down beverage, it'd help their natures and put a smile on their faces.

I ate at an AMERICAN restaurant TWICE today. Lunch AND dinner. We are getting ready to leave this country for another foreign one and the pickin's might be slim, so we filled up. Bellied up to the trough, as it were.

I packed my favorite chocolate croissant and apple strudel for travel, just in case.

Still no additions to the doxie count...

Sunday, June 15, 2008 9:25 AM CDT

Today is Father's Day in America. I've wished Larry a Happy Father's Day. I left his card and instructions for his gift with him. Livi had hers all ready for him beforehand, as she was scheduled to be at camp. He's at the mercy of the four-legged today. I'm certain there was much paw-painting and tissue-paper rustling in their cage. I do hope they didn't swallow any scotchtape.

All the stores in Germany close on Sunday, even around 4pm on Saturday. Everyone buys their bakery items and goods on Saturday. I'm sure some grocery markets SOMEWHERE are open for emergencies. Wes and I strolled through the Farmer's Market in town yesterday mid-afternoon. I was so impressed. There were fresh baked goods, lots of produce (and produce here is super fresh.) Lemons have cupfuls of juice in them. Cherries are juicy. What's in this stuff?

Cheeses were everywhere with mega-samples to try each one. The flowers, plants and arranged flowers were absolutely beautiful. A large fresh-cut flower arrangement was 10 euros, (about $15.75), in a vase! People were eating (weiner-looking) sausages on a round bun. French fries sprinkled with paprika are a big hit, too.

Wes and I ate lunch at a typical Deutsch restaurant and actually had two ice cubes in our drinks! It was odd, but appreciated. I have been using a hammer to smash the ice I froze. I put the ice in a plastic bag and use the flatside of the hammer and get quite nice results. I really think a Sonic would do well over here.

I was worn to a nub last night. After I did the laundry, (which is an experience in the German washing machine and dryer), I slept 16 hours. I have to use a German dictionary to interpret the many MANY options on these machines. As best I can tell, regardless of what I choose, running a load takes over an hour to wash and an hour and a half to dry. BUT, they are CLEAN. The dryer has not only a lint filter, but also a container for accumulated water that has to be emptied after each use.

I've bought virtually nothing. I've seen many things. I've kept my money close, not knowing what was next and when I might need what I have.

I've lived out of a backpack and on foot.

Saturday, June 14, 2008 12:25 AM CDT

It certainly was good to feel the plane touch down on German soil this morning. Only a little over a week ago, Germany felt strange and alien. After the "adventures" of the past few days, I was about ready to kiss the orderly, daily-swept ground after I got off the plane, right after I used the potty and didn't have to pay.

I can safely say I have seen and done all of Italy from one end to the other, having begun the experience with Larry some years back. AND, incredible sculpture and art aside, I've about got my can full of all the filth and corruption I'll need. Ever.

Wes and I fell into the wrong hands in the pitch-darkness as we got off the train in Naples (one mean-eyed scary place in broad-daylight) and, as Lorraine is my witness, were driven at speeds off 160+ kilometers (that's 100 MPH and then some)per hour down narrow city streets forcing cars off the road and plunging up an alley in the dark. The alley was smaller than the car. The car was squished and the mirrors torn off and one side crumpled. All this at tremendous speed with us in the backseat, white-faced and fearing we would be killed. Before or after the ride, we did not know. The man would stop on occasion, and turn around and scream at us, or stuff part of his huge body out his driver's side window and threaten someone else, while shaking his fist. We had no earthly idea where we were or even what city he had driven us to. We certainly didn't know what had become of our hotel. We had been promised a precise fare and an approximate distance. Throughout the ride, the driver would turn around and demand two, three and four times the agreed price, shaking his fist at us. He stopped at a bank and demanded Wes withdraw money to ensure he would be paid. I sat in the car and tried to keep my knees from knocking together. I told him I was carsick and needed my backpack from the trunk to get medicine. I lied. I wanted to get my hands on our belongings in hopes of getting out of that car and away from that bandit. He also charged us a fortune, additionally, for hauling our "luggages", two backpacks.

We paid him less than he wanted, as Wes told him he had no more money in the bank, but still a tremendous fare for a short ride that surely shortened both our lives. He dropped us off in the pitch darkness in front of the hotel and roared off.

The hotel did not get our confirmation. Naturally. We stayed the night, ate breakfast and visited with the lady and her three-legged dog, Oliver. She called her friend who had a hotel in another Italian town and made him promise to take us for the same price we had been promised at her place. He came to get us in his car, lots of "arrivi-derci" and so on... As soon as the friend pulls away, he begins hitting us up for a much higher fee!

The entire trip was grift and greed. Everyone we met was after something. If you negotiated in one area, they'd stick you in another. It flat wore me out. The hotel clerk lifted Wes's watch, but he got it back. It was a simple inexpensive travel watch.

I had to weigh the value of drinking water against the likelihood of finding a potty AND having to pay to use it. I've always been a bit claustrophobic, but one pay-potty at the train station in Rome sealed the deal. The door was a sliding steel thing that slid open when you popped in your money. It slid shut behind you and the light came on just as the door closed...

OH, if only it were so simple! I found myself in the dark, with NO tissue and no clue as to what might happen next. I couldn't get to my flashlight, but I always carry kleenex. Thank goodness. I felt around to push the button to exit, the light popped on and the door slid open super-quick and then SHUT again! The light popped off and cold water began squirting at me from the floor! I thought, "Well, I never. Imagine drowning in a stainless steel bathroom in the train station in Rome."

I exited with shredded dignity and wet shoes.

Add two dachshunds to the count...

Monday, June 9, 2008 3:24 PM CDT

What a weekend!

Wes and I drove to Munich on Friday evening. Somehow during the drive, the directions were lost and we had to once again rely on THE MAP which I have decided must have been created by a cartographer who was paid by the inch. I have never seen such a map.

Cars on the autobahn whizzed past me at such speeds I thought I was in the midst of a Formula I speedrace. I could only hear a "shwoomp" as they slid past. I puddled along, while Wes snored in the passenger seat.

We were totally lost in Munich and finally found our hotel after 2am. I have stayed in my first hostel. I might as well have slept at the train station. It was super clean and very safe, but noisy and boisterous the ENTIRE night.

We traveled to nearby sights, then on to Austria the next day, enjoying the Alps. I do so love mountains.

We visited a castle while in Salzburg. There was a cablecar lift up the mountainside, but we didn't notice it until AFTER we walked up the pathway at what I'm claiming was 3/4 of the way to straight-up. Mighty steep. Somehow, the ticket-taker charged me a child's price. Compared to the long-legged people populating the area, I can see where he may have been confused.

On the return trip to Munich yesterday, Wes' BMW overheated and completely blew up. Fortunately, we were on the autobahn right outside the city. I called the hotel, (having kept up with the directions) who called the "yellow angels" (a towing service in yellow trucks) and we were rescued. The car was "kaput", but we took the train back to Wes' home city.

I have decided my favorite city in the entire world is Munich. The friendliest, kindest people live there. The food is fabulous and I even could grow to like beer. There are dachshunds. I've seen four. People really wear lederhosen and those milkmaid dresses with aprons. I actually heard polka music on the radio. No kidding.

Bavaria is another world compared to "Germany." I had heard that. It's true.

I saw the Glockenspiel today. It is a clock that has lifesize figures that move at certain times of the day along with chimes and music. Another Munich feature...

We have another trip planned for tomorrow. It will be a few days before I have computer access again.

Friday, June 6, 2008 3:26 AM CDT

I experienced rain here in Germany yesterday. As with everything else, rain here comes in efficient measures. A cloudburst "dumps" buckfuls for several moments, thoroughly drenching the entire area, then stops briefly and starts up again soon thereafter.

The people here are rule-followers to no end. When crossing the street, if the light is red with no cars in sight for miles in either direction folks will be lined up on both sides of the road waiting for the "ok" signal to cross.

I have met and become acquainted with many shopkeepers in Wes's neighborhood. They are friendly enough, but most who are native Germans are somewhat standoffish. Others, who are non-natives are eager to chatter. I met one Afghan man who practically told me his life story while I was looking at merchandise on my way back from buying a cappacino.

The church bells ring at different times of the day. The church was open yesterday and I went in for a bit. It was austere, but lovely.

Last night, several of Wes' friends met us for dinner in a nearby town at another wonderful Italian restaurant. I had great veggie pizza and strawberry crepes. The waiters add up the entire table by hand, remembering the prices of each item, as well as the items. (It's correct, too. I checked.)

Still looking for those weiners. Perhaps they are vacationing at their summer palaces.

Thursday, June 5, 2008 5:23 AM CDT

I wonder what the consequences would be if I tossed a shoe out the window at the pretzel lady across the street? The monotonous litany in German to, I presume, entice people passing by to snap up those pretzels is driving me to distraction each morning.

There are some interesting features in the buildings here I'd advocate for back at the castle. Each window is equipped with its own heavy metal rolling minature garage door that is nice in appearance and sort of disappears when not in use. It operates like the stores in the mall at closing. I'm told they are for insulation in winter and for security if needed. OH, wouldn't I love to have 'em? Talk about battening down your hatches. All the windows open inward from the top AND from the sides. I just love flexibility and functionality. If it weren't for the math, physics and science aspects, I could have been an engineer.

So far, I finding plenty to eat. Amazing to me. Wes and I drove to Luxembourg yesterday. We ate dinner there in a wonderful authentic Italian restuarant. We looked the city over a bit, got lost some and drove back on the Autobahn. The city is like a series of mazes. We drove around in circles for a good long while. The buildings were beautiful. They were a cross between French and German. The language was a mixture as well. The music was great, as they played some super American oldies.

We got a little turned around on the return trip. The Autobahn assumes you know where you are going. Wes's map of Germany also assumes you are using it as an accessory. It is as big as any world map I have ever seen. One side is northern Germany, while the other side is southern Germany. At first, I wondered why it was crunched into a ball-like shape in the floorboard of Wes's BMW, but after trying to use it, I too made my own origami shapes out of it. The map was maddening. I wanted to tear small pieces out of it to make it more manageable. I finally folded it SOMEWHAT (it reminded me of trying to fold a fitted sheet; an impossible task and pointless) and finally shoved it beneath my leg to keep it down. I believe the map had a life of its own...

Tonight, Wes and I are going to dinner a few towns over with a group of his friends who live hereabouts. It is again Italian, so the food should be wonderful.

I have learned a very few German words and am told most everyone knows English, but won't admit it. So far, I have communicated well and had no problems making my way. I have noticed compared to the general public, I am TINY. There are a few folks from other places who are smaller than the usual, but they stand out. Not many redheads, either. Actually, come to think of it, I don't think I've seen one. Lots of blondes. AND, lots of green, purple and strange combinations of dyes.

I want to try a sip of German beer and a bite of chocolate.

And, find out where the dachshund population is being pampered.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008 1:02 AM CDT

(Yawn. yawn...)

What time is it, in REAL time, anyway? I think I'm awake, but maybe I should pinch myself to be sure. I'm in Germany today and yesterday. I'm be here a day or two. I'm inherently glad to be both short and small. I was able to curl up on two seats in the plane and sleep, sorta like the doglets.

As soon as I hit the ground, my nose tried to run the other way. Just like Japan in June in 2006. This time I was ready with my trusty allergy meds. My runny nose led me directly to a bakery and my favorite, chocolate croissants. I ate my way down a street or two. So far, I have seen a nice variety of things I would be willing to eat.

Wes, my son, picked me up at the airport and I am staying with him at his apartment. His place is enormous and mostly empty, but clean. I have begun making ice in his freezer using plasticware with lids. There are no ice trays here.

Wes took me to a Tai restaurant last night and let me taste several foods. I really enjoyed most of them. Unfortunately, the very-spicy food (his) and the less-spicy food (mine) orders were reversed and I had a surprise.

Germany seems to be a few years behind our culture in hair and clothing styles. And, Wes tells me the people are all issued black pea coats at birth. It is warm here now, and thankfully, I missed all that.

On the lookout for relatives of my own beloved dachshunds.

Sunday, June 1, 2008 9:02 PM CDT

Last night brought back memories. Livi came to me in the middle of the night after a nightmare, poked me and climbed into the bed on my side. I was sandwiched between her sweet self and Larry who was cluelessly snoring while attached to his CPAP.

I lay there awhile listening to the hum of Larry's machine, Livi's level breathing and the rustling of the doglets in the midst of their own dreams.

I could not sleep. I was pinned on my side with my shoulder blade drilled into the bed at a most uncomfortable angle. I didn't dare move, lest I disturb everyone else in the room.

I soon got hot, as we were all under my all-season blanket plus a sheet and snuggled like peas in a pod. I HAD to shift. I timed my motion with Larry's noise and "FLOPPED" at just the right time onto my back, throwing back the covers enough to get one leg out in the process. The girldogs noticed, but settled back down. It was close.

I'm going on a trek, leaving tomorrow to find something I've lost. I'm listening to my inner voice and for a little while now, I've felt the urge to do this "thing". Larry and Livi are supportive of my venture, Livi especially. Larry worries more. Livi still thinks I'm made of steel and can whip anything I encounter. After all, she thought I really did have all the answers til she was oh, eighteen. Then, I told her I had made them up as I went along so she'd feel secure.

I'll have access to a computer now and again and will update whenever I can. I've packed and repacked, planned and postulated every possible scenario. I think I'm ready for just about anything. I've even got my bigtoenail repainted. I have several packets of wipes and lots of travel-sized lysol, reloaded purse-size antibacterial goop. I'm good to go. I packed my own pillowcase. I'm taking several good books to read along the way.

I've cleared my schedule and now's as good a time as any.

Going where the heart leads.

Saturday, May 31, 2008 9:49 PM CDT

Larry and I 'stepped out' this morning and tried something new. We participated in a community CPR training event. It was great fun and very educational. We were early-bird sign-ups and as such are now the proud owners of our very own manequin. We can practice saving its life anytime we wish and in the comfort of our own castle. The manequin came with a dvd, so we can work with finesse.

There are other instructions on the dvd including the Heimlich maneuver and children's CPR. I've already taken infant CPR, as Lorraine was in the neonatal unit as a baby.

When we arrived this morning, we were instructed to go out onto the football field and 'find a dummy'. I told them I already had done that years ago. (My apologies to Larry.) My, it was hot down in that hole where the football field was found, amidst the recylced rubber and the phony grass. We had tiny rubber pellets attached to us when we got up off our knees after we finished pumping the manequin's chests. Fortunately, we were given alcohol pads and mouth guards or I would not have been able to put my mouth over the manequin's. No telling where that mouth had been!

Afterward, we were hot and thirsty. We visited one of Lorraine's old haunts and had pizza with practically no cheese. It was a good day together that called for an afternoon nap.

Larry told me later the doglets were mystified and bewildered with what to do with themselves while I napped. Recall they are no longer permitted in my bed. He looked out his home office door and found the formerly obese one glassy-eyed staring into space with her tail between her legs, lower jaw quivering. He felt so sorry for her he scooped her up and sat with her til I woke up. The currently chubby pup stood beside my bed and whined piteously til I evicted her from the bedroom for disturbing my nap.

Livi went to dinner with us, the parental units. Tonight, she is with her friends.

A simple, but sweet life.

Friday, May 30, 2008 10:30 PM CDT

Whilst I was at the mall yesterday, prior to sidestepping the irritation at Victoria's Secret, I found out something that gave me pause.

Apparently, a goodly number of young ladies are registering themselves at high-fallutin' department stores prior to their weddings. Invitations are sent, gifts are given per the aforementioned registries followed by 'air kisses' and hugs a-plenty. The happy couple gets married and everyone is tickled.

The bride returns the pricey goods to the department store and keeps the cash.

Pardon? Do tell. Hold the phone.

My, my. I am concerned for our world at times.

I have far enough to worry over with the price of oil and hypoallergenic dachshund kibble.

I have started a sweet potato vine. It is sprouting nicely, putting out nice wee leaves. My Granny used to grow them now and again. This one is in the kitchen. My one and only houseplant. When the spirit moves you...

The tiny caterpillar carcasses are back. I had swept and vaccuumed them up, but it did no good.

Livi popped in this evening. She WILL be here for a few days, as her schedule has once again altered and morphed.

Tomorrow is bath day. The cries will be heard across the land.

Thursday, May 29, 2008 9:38 PM CDT

Boy, howdy, it may be time to marinate a doxie.

If ever the formerly obese one is missing-in-action, she's probably where she shouldn't be with her head stuck way down deep inside the trash, slurping and going to town.

I can't tell you how much I enjoy picking fibers and fragments out of the carpet. On my bended knees. AND, elbows. You simply haven't lived unless you've dug chewed, smashed apple core out of a lightly dyed rug.

All this and cranky people at Victoria's Secret, too.

I had my coupon for a free pair of underdrawers inhand while I was at the mall today. I selected said pair and sought the checkout line. I didn't need anything else and I was in a hurry. (The girldogs needed to go out. Again.) There were two lines in operation. I got in one and waited. The women in the line opposite me announced, "I'm in whichever line goes fastest."

Beg pardon?

How can you be in two places at one time? That is simply impossible as I understand the laws of physics. You are either "here" or you are "there". Period.

Graciously, with all my Southern womanhood at the ready, I responded. "Well, which line would you prefer?" She repeated her time-traveling statement. I countered with, "You need to get in ONE line and stay there."

NOT today. Perhaps another day, but not this one.

I got my sack, took my Southern-self on outta there, got in my car, locked the door and went home.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008 10:22 PM CDT

As I was vaccuuming up the dead bodies littering the floor of the castle today, I wondered to myself, "Do others sweep or vac?"

Where DO all these wee centipedes come from anyhow? Everywhere I look there are piles of them curled up, having secumbed to whatever it is that takes them. Apparently they have no flavoring, as the girldogs pay them no mind whatsoever. I don't understand the drive to come inside the castle. WHY? Why do they work so feverishly to climb the brick stairs and propel themselves over the stoop only to perish in crackly little wads amongst the spider webs?

Last year it was spiders. Spiders to the left. Spiders to the right. Everywhere I looked, spiders. I don't spray, so they feel right at home. There aren't many spiders this year, only those dratted 'pedes. At least the doglets enjoyed batting at a spider now and again...

Larry and I are working to finish off the watermelon from Memorial Day. It could take a while. I've had offers from the canine contingent.

I've declined.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008 10:00 PM CDT

Just about the time I relax and let my guard down, one of those blasted dastardly doxies poops on the rug what hides every conceivable doglet sin. Naturally, I step in it.

Much screeching and hollering later, any and all dachshunds have skeedaddled, of course, and I have cleaned up the evidence. What, I wonder, is THE POINT?

Just a coupla days ago, I was basking in the warm glow of order and cleanliness. How quickly order returns to the well-worn rut of chaos. Sigh...

I ran errands today and realized midmorning I had misplaced my cellphone. My, it was quiet. I rather liked it. The day seemed a lot longer without the constant ringing of the phone and being tethered to something.

Being untethered is extremely appealing to me at the moment. I need to climb inside my own head and rattle around for a bit, turn things over and investigate the crevices.

I'm seeking my best self.

Monday, May 26, 2008 7:29 PM CDT

Livi, Larry and I celebrated Memorial Day today on the portico with both dachshunds and a watermelon. Larry fired up the grill, sacrificed six chicken breasts to the cause and the girldogs sang in two-part harmony.

I took pictures of our table full of food, plates loaded with salad and Larry's masterpiece. I snapped Livi grinning and doggies dancing, hoping for remnants dropped.

I felt empty inside and realized I was missing Lorraine in the midst of all the happiness. I sat at the empty table with the dishes waiting to be cleared away, tears streaming down my face and wanted her back. Again.

Sometimes I feel as though Lorraine never lived in this world I now inhabit. If not for this journal, she would be forgotten and would never have existed. Days can go by without her name being spoken or her memory being invoked. Is this the healing? Or is it the forgetting?

Do they co-exist?

Sunday, May 25, 2008 9:04 PM CDT

I do believe we are back on Arkansas time. Larry and I slept til nearly 8am. Don't think we didn't have some ticked off doxies. They shot straight out of their cage and headed for the postage stamp when I finally released their fine selves.

For five minutes, I am enjoying having a clean castle, laundry that's relatively done, a clean garage, doglets freshly bathed and windows washed. Oh, I could get used to this.

Larry, Livi and I went to the movies this afternoon. Livi's former fella accompanied us. We have no big plans for the holiday tomorrow. Larry will attempt to grill something. I use the word "attempt" cautiously, recalling the time at a previous house when he burned off his eyebrows "grilling". Well, singed, anyway.

We have a watermelon at the ready. Lord, the formerly obese one LOVES watermelon. She's rolled many a melon around trying to conquer and claim it for her own.

I have so many photos of Livi eating watermelon, usually on Memorial Day. In most of them, she has a utensil in each hand.

If you have the time when you are visiting this site, leave a message on the guestbook. Every message is meaningful and it is inspiring to see who is still with us.

Saturday, May 24, 2008 6:42 PM CDT

Livi popped in this afternoon. AND, weren't those dynamic pair-a-doxies ecstatic! After lying on the divan being worshipped and adored by the four-legged, Livi has gone down to Riverfest with her friends, leaving us, the parental units, to fend for ourselves.

I took advantage of the nice not-too-hot weather this morning and sprayed for spiders outside, then washed all the windowglass with a squeegie on a pole. No more draggin' around a ladder. Uh-uh. After a couple of buckets of dirty water, I began to rethink my position, given Larry was on the golf course. Am I the ONLY family member who cares if the castle appears to house close relatives of the Adams family?

Oh, I shouldn't discount the doglet assistance. Mercy Maude. Every blade of grass in the postage stamp was inspected and sniffed as I toiled nearby.

On a lighter note, I got my hair done yesterday and was introduced for the first time to eyebrow "waxing". My, my. How HAVE I lived without that experience? I was enlightened to find that for a bit more money, the promised land could also be waxed. HA!

Nay. And, should anyone ever consider such an attempt, prepare to gird your loins and the army that'll back you.

I imagine Lorraine was into such, girl-of-the-world, femme fatal that she was. She taught me the finer points of eyebrow TWEEZING and I thought I knew it all. (eyebrow-wise.)

Livi has taken the alternate path, the nature-girl. She wads her hair atop her head with whatever handy item her hand lands on. Comfort rules. Why, today she had on makeup to go out and I hardly recognized her. Her hair was super curly due to the weather and the humidity. Lorraine would have been envious.

I asked Livi to assist me with supergluing my bigtoenail and she recoiled. Feet freak her out, apparently. Heaven help her when she has babies. I'll be on speed-dial. Hence, I glued my own bigtoenail. I was concerned I might mess up and glue my toes together. Fortunately that did not happen. If I'd been working on a pinky toe, I would have had less toe space and we could have had problems.

Livi got her grades. Can I have an "AMEN"? She did fine. Real fine. We are on our way. Second year at college town, here we come.

We'll keep shoveling money their way.

Friday, May 23, 2008 9:28 PM CDT

I could be totally asleep in 2.3 seconds if I shut my eyes, as my body really and truly believes it is 3am. Perhaps I belong in Scotland?

Larry and I took the dachshunds on a walk today to wear them down, energetic little four-legged ones as they were. We were tuckered when we returned to the castle. However, the doxie-duo was not.

I took a poll this afternoon concerning my split bigtoenail and what to do about it. The general consensus is to use superglue. I'm pretty certain I'll go that route, since sandal-wearing weather is upon us and my toes will be on display for some time. I'm bamboozled as to how I split said toenail in the first place. All I know is I deplaned in Washington and I was walking funny. Just like that.

Livi comes in tomorrow for a teensy respite. She stops off here at the castle as though it were a rest stop, with a shower facility.

I am fine with giving in to the need for sleep.

I'll update more in the morning...

Thursday, May 22, 2008 8:55 PM CDT

Did I mention Mary Queen of Scots' mother was one Mary Lorraine who was married to King James V? Stirling Castle, the stronghold between the lower and upper vestiges of Scotland was built for Mary Lorraine as a wedding gift from her hubbie. It was quite a spread. Livi was smitten by the cannons.

The kilts were a sight. I was surprised to learn the Scots designed the first man-purse. The 'sporran' is a leather purse worn on the kilt, originally to carry food and to cover the promised land in battle. Nowadays, they carry their ID and their money in it. We actually got accustomed to the sound of bagpipes and kind of liked the music. There were fellas on the street in full kilt gear playing their pipes for money. Instead of somebody with a guitar strapped to their back on the bus, you'd see a set of bagpipes being toted.

You just had to love plaid. I sort of took a liking to the glen garry caps, too. But, the best, the be-all were the ostrich feather headdresses worn in battle. Remember these folks descended from the Vikings.

Livi and I sort of miss our afternoon and evening tea and shortbread. Their pizza was interesting in that each one had as many slices as you wanted. You cut it yourself.

Where else can you find bangers and mash, neeps and tatties, haggis and deep fried duck breast on the same menu? Oh, and don't forget the black pudding. (Shudder.)

Too bad I couldn't find dachshund kilts.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008 7:12 PM CDT

We are safely back at the castle. After visiting Scotland, a land where one could scarcely swing a cat without hittin' a castle, I understand the meaning of the phrase, "One's home is their castle."

Following our traditional pattern, we cut our own path across the country with a map and a car whose steering wheel was on the 'wrong' side. I recall snapping my seatbelt in our Peugot, as Larry attempted to figure out how to drive with everything 'backward' and muttering something akin to "Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us."

We soon tried the 'Roundabouts', Scotland's answer to four-way stops, except Larry continued to go round and round several times, sort of like Chevy Chase in European Vacation. And, didn't we enjoy filling the tank at around $8 per gallon?

One man asked if we were "moving house?", when he saw how much luggage we had. Larry told him he had women to clothe.

We learned quickly to ration our drinks at mealtime. No free refills. There was no iced tea, of course, unless someone spotted a Starbucks. Even then, it wasn't on the menu, but the barista could be coaxed.

Livi asked for a cup of ice at a cafe in a quaint little village on a roadtrip, as her coke had been served with a cube or two. She got exactly that. A cup. With a few cubes of ice inside. The quizzical look on the waitress' face was priceless.

Daylight lasts a very long time in Scotland. Around 11pm, the night finally comes, but the sun rises again between 4 and 5am.

I am still on Scottish snooze-time, so my body thinks it's 1am. Time for sleep.

Sunday, May 18, 2008 1:49 PM CDT

Tis a wee draft I'd be feeling this fine eve...

I'm wearing my long-handled underwear, my winter scarf, winter coat, gloves, fleece earband and a turtleneck. Did I mention the wool socks?

Most folks here are jaunting about in flip-flops and light summer clothes. The wind chill is hanging around 40. Hearty stock, they are.

Livi has joined me in abstaining from partaking in the local fare. She's had her fill and is longing for Wendy's. It would be nice to see a menu without any suspicious animal parts deep-fried, boiled or pated.

However, the desserts are divine. If one could only live on those.

Larry played a round of golf to remember today. I took photos of the course later. He was beaming.

I found Grandpa's long lost kin whilst I was here. Amazing. Go on vacation and find your roots.

My personality makes a little more sense, too, considering my forebearers.

Saturday, May 17, 2008 4:45 PM CDT

WELL! FINALLY! A hotel with internet. Mercy Maude.

This country is a wee bit odd. I've lived about as long as I can on carbs and diet cokes (when I can get them.) I got physically sick yesterday, in need of a good dose of animal protein, plus there was a storm coming in.

The language barrier is almost laughable at times. I ordered a "fizzy" drink with ice and when the lad asked if I wanted "arse in me coirk?", I all but hauled off and lit into him. Another lad hit Larry up for what I thought was a tampax, when in reality he was asking for "tenpence".

Larry, desperate for real food, bought what he thought was a beef pot pie, called a "bridie". He only had one bite. It may have been beef, although exactly WHAT parts he still doesn't know.

I must say, the restrooms here are THE cleanest in the entire world, bar none. ANYWHERE.

We've seen about everything on the menu, though. Toad-in-the-hole, sheep stomachs, black pudding (made with blood)...NO.THANK.YOU.

If I eat another piece of pizza, I'll sing opera. I'm sure my cholesterol is up near the Milky Way by now. But, hey, we could eat it.

The cows here, "coos", are too cute. They all look like they've had their lips botoxed and their bangs permed.

Larry is going to play golf tomorrow. He is pumped.

Lorraine is making herself known. Her name is popping up EVERYWHERE. The newscast had two ladies in two different cities, one named 'Lorraine', and one named 'Samantha', Lorraine's middle name. How unlikely was that? Shopkeepers in various shops have her name. A very important lady here has her name. It's amazing. She's letting us know.

No time for sadness.

Friday, May 16, 2008 8:58 AM CDT

They continue to be doing well during this travel. Terrie will update soon. Thank you very much.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008 2:52 PM CDT

I'm no longer jet-lagged, but I cannot say the same for Larry. Livi is still on Arkansas time, it seems. She was up til the wee hours, wide awake.

We shopped and ate today, leaving a few of our US dollars behind. We met a very nice young man at one of the shops, half Greek, half Italian, who was actually a citizen of this country. We had a nice chat. He thought Livi was Scandinavian. I've been mistaken for French before. I wonder if Larry would be pegged as Irish?

So far, we've avoided eating any sheep's stomach.

Tomorrow we go to another city. We DRIVE!

I don't know if we will have further internet access after tonight. Larry's phone isn't working after all. If anything is available, I'll update, via Mariko.

Sunday, May 11, 2008 1:16 PM CDT

Surprise! The hotel has a busimess center and for the mere price of $10 I am permitted to update (if I type really fast.)

We arrived at 4am our time and proceeded to join the locals here in their daily activities. Livi was all smiles as she had been stretched across both Larry and yours truly in the plane trying to sleep. Larry said it reminded him of her travels around age three, except she wiggled less. I slept fine, as I could hang from a nail like somebody's coat and snooze. Larry, not so much.

Folks here are awfully nice. The food is strange. Some of it I'd rather not get too personal with. THere are lots of statues and churches. Livi's taking a ton of photos. Right now she's napping.

Lorraine made herself know today. Larry could not get the 'push-pull' sequence on the store doors down to save him. She NEVER could. We agreed, it had to be her.

Love you, Lorraine.

Friday, May 9, 2008 8:26 PM CDT

The packing is done and the preparatory unpacking has begun. I've likely packed too many sweaters as the weather seems to be a bit warmer at our destination than I originally thought.

Unfortunately, we're taking way more luggage than I had hoped. Larry and I checked the regs and we're within the limits. I always take an extra piece for purchases. Livi's bag was heavy, so I had to split her duds into two suitcases. Of course, we all crosspack in case someones luggage gets lost. Then, there's the carry-on should we be detained overnight, plus the "fun bags" to entertain ourselves. We may need two cabs to make our way to the hotel.

The chubby pup staked her claim on Livi's suitcase this afternoon and took a nap inside ontop of Livi's carefully folded clean clothes. I think she was sure she was going along.

Livi's former fella/best good friend will be staying here at the castle with the girldogs whilst we are away. He'll be keeping the castle and tending the pair-a-doxies. He'll need your prayers.

We may not have internet access for a while. If we do, I'll update. If we don't, I'll try to get word to Mariko, who will update for me.

Keep an eye out for Lorraine in the memorial section of Sunday's paper.

Remember Lorraine.

Thursday, May 8, 2008 9:19 PM CDT

It just never ceases to amaze me how I think I'm done grieving or finished with one stage or the other only to find myself blind-sided by some fool and smacked hard right where it hurts the most.

I've been consciously avoiding the upcoming celebratory Sunday on purpose as this day will be anything but for me. I have received THE SWEETEST cards and emails from friends in anticipation of the day, the anniversary of Lorraine getting her wings falling on Mother's Day. What kindness...

Today, however, I got a card addressed to me, standard issue Mother's Day fluff, standard issue signature from folks who certainly know better and clean left out any mention of Lorraine. Like I care about the Mother's Day part. Like there's any way it will be "happy". Like if we just pretend and ignore the elephant squatting on it's haunches in the middle of the room, it'll disappear.

The other card I got, in the same pile, was a notice that a friend had donated to caringbridge in honor of Lorraine. What a contrast. Real caring versus actions without substance.

I got so angry I was surprised at myself. I actually shrieked. I wish the moon had been out so I could have howled at it. I scared the doxies.

I told Larry when he came home. He said, disgusted, "self-absorbed. Can't count on 'em." We tore the card in tiny pieces, placed it back in the envelope and threw it in the trash.

When we get "away", we'll focus on Livi and celebrate being the three of us, and that will be enough for now.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008 9:39 PM CDT

Oh, please. Paint me purple. I'm so glad Larry is a secure soul.

I attended a CLE today (lawyer-speak for high-dollar classes you MUST sit through each and every year if you wish to keep your license). I paid a premium for the privilege of freezing my tush off and it all STARTED WITH THE PARKING!

I was all settled in, colder'n blue-blazes with my coffee sans cream and no breakfast, ready to partake of their knowledge.

The speaker did not show up.

We were asked to accommodate the presenters by selecting someone among us with some experience who could lead us through the manual. ON MY MONEY!

I uttered a protest, as I actually came expecting to learn. That went over like a lead balloon.

It was a very long day.

Livi is castle-bound tomorrow. She's having a girl's night presently. She sounds like a load has been lifted.

We'll be packing tomorrow after she arrives. I've made a list.

There's whirly-birds about. Eyes to the sky.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008 11:36 PM CDT

(YAWN.) Yawwwnnnn...

I'm back home after driving to Magnolia for a TBI town meeting. It was a good meeting, with lots of down-and-dirty input, the kind the officials need to hear to make the proper decisions in forming a plan for this bass-ackward, rural place. I met up with two of the families our family met in the hospital in the very early days of Lorraine's journey. We have a bond. We're all members of that club nobody wants to join.

I overheard one of the ladies telling someone she'd be at any of their meetings as long as I was there. THAT made me feel especially good.

Tomorrow I have to get up at the crack of dawn and head downtown for a CLE meeting to pick up some lawyer education hours. ALL. DAY. LONG. Hold me back.

Livi reported in she had finished ALL her finals. WONDERFUL! She feels good about the outcomes. I'm hopeful for her. She'll be packing up and heading this direction in a day or so for the summer activities until second semester summer classes. Livi will be in summer classes for the first time. I remember those flying by at lightening speed.

The doglets are tucked in and sound asleep. Larry is well on his way, so I think I'll join him.

Monday, May 5, 2008 10:06 PM CDT

Ah, the pitter-patter of eight little paws on the floor of the castle...

I really wonder just what goes on inside the walls of the pokey when the two-legged ones go home. The pup is ultra-chubby and plumb tuckered out. What did she eat? I premeasured her high-dollar kibble for the exact number of meals she'd need. The formerly obese one didn't gain any poundage.

What did they do EXACTLY that was so strenuous to require an extended nap all afternoon and most of the evening? Perhaps the stimulating environment and socialization, the temptation of terrorizing a cat or two, was more than they could stand for two or three days. Hmmm. Maybe I should hire a cat to tease the pair of 'em here at the castle to keep them in shape.

Livi is studying away, chipping away at tomorrow's final. She sounds good. Prepared. Ready to take that exam to the mat.

Please send one up for baby Sully. His leukemia is back in full force.

Sunday, May 4, 2008 10:48 PM CDT

I'm beginning to get a little weird as the anniversary date approaches. It's different this year, as Mother's Day and the anniversary of Lorraine getting her wings fall on the same date. Dadburnit. Gonna suck a sour teat.

Lorraine is making herself known around the castle in small ways. The music she loved kept coming on today as I was busy switching out my fall and winter clothes for my spring and summer wardrobe. Her movies were on various channels as I flipped through, surfing. I found momentos as I began prepacking for our next trip. My throat caught as I found a card she had given me tucked away in a drawer. Something of hers is all over my belongings, a belt, a pair of socks, a sweater, a scarf.

I'm trying to ignore the Mother's Day ads on the tv and in the newspaper. We'll be out of town by then. Hopefully, the day will just pass on by.

I called Livi today. She is deep in the heart of her last final of her Freshman year. Imagine. She'll be making her way to the castle-keep soon enough.

I've got doxies to collect in the early morn. Nasty canines in need of a good washing up. They'll be hung over and partied out, good for very little but snoozing for a day or two. Fine lot of them. My how I love their short selves.

The final count of the tornadoes (is that spelled correctly?) was ten, some of which were F3. Sadly, we live in a zone where we can expect this weather to come again and again. Sorrowfully, eight people were killed this round.

Perhaps the only guarantee is the breath I just took.

Saturday, May 3, 2008 8:16 PM CDT

We're home from Chicago!

If there was any doubt whether or not I could survive winter there, not a shred remains. I 'bout froze my tailfeathers off the day we arrived. I truly would be a hermit were I to live in Chicago about nine months a year. I'd order groceries and doxie kibble over the internet and teach the girldogs to use a litterbox. None of us would be setting foot outdoors, that's for sure.

However, Larry and I had THE best meal we have ever eaten anywhere at any price last night. (AND, it was not expensive!) Let me die in an authentic Italian restaurant in Little Italy with a fork in my hand...

We took in some Chicago blues at Buddy Guy's Legends til I was sitting at the table with my head in my hands sound asleep. (I can sleep anywhere after living in the hospital) The music was fabulous. Lorraine had to be sitting there with us. She loved her some blues. Lorraine had a terrific blues collection; Dinah Washington, Etta James, Koko Taylor, Howling Wolf, Muddy Waters (and of course, B.B.) Eartha Kitt, Keb Mo... all lifted from yours truly.

Larry had a grand time at the Chicago Board Options Exchange, running around the trading floor. He had stars in his eyes for a coupla days. Mine glazed over listening... I can see him throwing trading hand signals around and being mistaken for some gang member flashing gang signals here in town. Lord.

Livi has begun her finals and sounds great. I don't think she missed us a'tall.

The dachshunds are still in the pokey. Our plane arrived too late for the weekend pickup.

Oh, will I pay.

Friday, May 2, 2008 2:16 PM CDT

We were SO tired last night I completely forgot to call Mariko for an update until very late (around 9:45pm!) and I figured she had gone to bed.

I had been riding the subway all day shopping (mostly looking, not buying) and Larry had been in his meeting. When he burst forth, we found an authentic Italian restuarant and had a terrific dinner. Don'cha just love eating with Frank or Mario singing in the background? Lorraine certainly had an appreciation. She would hardly get out of the car when Frank was singing.

The people here are so nice. I haven't run into a single rude person. Amazing.

I called Livi and asked her if she wanted any popcorn as this town is known for popcorn. She doesn't eat popcorn as a rule... She declined. As it turned out, Larry and I missed the store on our jaunt, anyway. So far, we are zero on the souvenir buying.

We are hoping to hear some good blues tonight. IF Larry can stay up past 9:30pm. (I slept in.)

Wednesday, April 30, 2008 9:34 PM CDT

Terrie and Larry arrived at their destination safely. Terrie is glad that she brought her winter coat and her long underwears! They ate a delicious pizza tonight. They also shared a piece of a very very very dark chocolate cake. She is going to bed early tonight. The forecast tomorrow is rain... She will update more later.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008 8:19 PM CDT

Trying to pack...

I had to return one of the new suitcases at the last minute! (Prepacking.) I got a different model. Larry likes this one better. Now his is green and mine is Lorraine blue. I looked for Livi purple, but there wasn't one.

The doxies are unsettled, stirred up over the suitcases open in the floor. They know we're up to something. I've packed the doglets (food and necessaries) and that always sets 'em off.

I watered all the potted plants, cleaned out the fridge, meaning I threw out both rolls left over from Dixie Cafe earlier in the week, and ran the dishwasher. The trash is ready to go out and everything is tidy. I despise coming home to a messy castle.

Larry is still at work, as he plans to be gone, so he always works in advance.

I bought the squeegees to clean the windows when we finally settle in with warm weather that chooses to sit a spell. The spiderwebs are laced on the front doorframe to the point that Charlotte would be put to shame. I'm expecting Lurch and Cousin It to drive in any minute.

OH! The famous rosebush brought from the mansion what was ultra-prolific and ever-so-fragrant over there but has produced nary a bloom nor a bud since coming to the castle is FULL of wee buds ready to burst forth. I hope it isn't holding forth whilst I'm out of town. Wouldn't that just figure?

Mariko will be updating for a day or so while we're away.

Monday, April 28, 2008 8:58 PM CDT

I gave some thought today to the last twenty years. Larry and I spent them married to each other. We were busy raising kids and I was finding my way though the remainder of college and all of law school. I started my practice and Lorraine had her accident. We rode out Lorraine's journey and the past three years.

I'm looking to the NEXT twenty. What will I make of THEM? Some of them will be of my choosing, certainly. Some won't.

After reflecting on the best use of the coming years, it seems I could use some "me" time. By that I mean time to get to know who I have become. The person I was went somewhere and isn't coming back. The person I wanted to become was based on the life that no longer exists. It's time for a new plan. I need to figure out how to be the best ME I can.

Know thyself. Good advice.

Sunday, April 27, 2008 8:02 PM CDT

This is me breathing a big sigh of relief. Livi is back in college town from her roadtrip to St. Louie. Safe.

She texted me, but I couldn't get to it. Techno-geek that I'm not. Hence, her former fella/good best friend called and kept me informed today.

The dynamic dachshund duo were at-the-ready sitting with me all day. (Snoring, but who's commenting?) It was dern near close to cold with rain here. I didn't venture off the couch except to do laundry. Larry must have been snatched by the Pod People 'cause he sat with me and watched Lifetime tv movies. Mercy Maude. Something I did not think he would do. He did sneak off a time or two and check the score of some ballgame or other. He's all a-twitter over his Razorbacks being sent far and wide to play ball.

It's nice to have an 'off' day of rest and relaxation.

Saturday, April 26, 2008 9:00 PM CDT

Another lovely sunshiney day. Livi called. She's safe and sound in St. Louie. Plans have been made to go to the zoo today. Livi loves zoos. I hope the news doesn't carry a report of animals escaping later this evening...

I finished up the last of my volunteer commitments this afternoon. I was interviewed again. I should be on the news again. Same message. Again.

Larry and I planted our topiaries in the planters we've had for the better part of a year. Finally. It takes me awhile to make up my mind. Plus, I would find one topiary, not the pair, and have to wait. I haunted Home Depot for several seasons til I found the right pair. Larry was pleased with the result.

The doxies were very loving today. Their daddy was home all morning and afternoon with them. The pair-a-doxies LOVE attention. However, it must not have been rapt attention, as I found poop in my closet. Larry swore it wasn't him. Although he attested he had let the doglets out several times and there had been ample opportunities presented. And, after I had just cleaned those carpets.

Larry and I spent the late afternoon together. Imagine that. He washed my car and vaccuumed it out. We went to dinner and dropped by the bookstore for a minute. It was very nice. I'm thinking I'll like this empty-nesting, uh-huh. He really wants me to write and paint. OR, paint and write. Nothing else.

I just might.

Friday, April 25, 2008 10:01 PM CDT

A day without precision, few calls. Considering I had pretty much systematically dismantled all the volunteer jobs lined up to fill my time with my lack of tolerance for pretentious, self-absorbed folks who care little for those they pretend to serve, I ran errands and reconnected with my own people.

It was a lighter load, that I can attest.

By Monday, I will be a new woman.

Livi is in St. Louie, on a trip with fraternity and sorority kids, some sort of formal event. She texted me and called me along the way. Her former fella/best friend kept me informed from college town as well, as she was texting and calling him enroute, also. She took her pepper spray and her keyring weapons. Good.

This week has been irritating enough to count for two, at least.

Thursday, April 24, 2008 8:12 PM CDT

I'm already looking forward to tomorrow. I'll be putting my jammies on in a little while to hurry this day to a close. I'm tired of dealing with "ornery" people who might as well be trying to teach a whole pen full of pigs to sing. (Wasting my time and irritating somebody's pig.)

Granny used to tell me no good deed would go unpunished. I believe now I understand the full measure of her words. Just paint me purple.

Larry happened to be home this afternoon when I got a phone call and was chewed out for taking initiative and trying to solve problems when no one else seemed to be hankering. He was astounded.

My final word, "I have no agenda. I'm not interested in running for Governor. I'm trying to be of some use to people who are hurting and who need help." There was no response. I waited. Silence. More silence.

I finally put the phone down and went with Larry to run errands and find some dinner. I don't know how long my phone line continued to be tied up.

It sometimes happens you find out you were mistaken about folks you once thought were worth knowing. Such a waste of good valuable time.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008 8:50 PM CDT

When you've given all you have to give and it isn't enough, all you can do is stop participating. Close up shop and go home.

For the last thirty-five months and twelve days, I have done my dead-level best to promote traumatic brain injury awareness, bring change to our State for those already affected, and hope to prevent further injuries. I had no other agenda, except to honor Lorraine's sacrifice and remember her.

No one worked any harder at the ledge, reaching out to the public and contacting any and all who would listen to bring about the necessary cooperation for the passage of the TBI Task Force and any other legislation important to our purposes.

I took a job as a disability rights attorney (with a JD and ten year's experience) at a salary far below that of Larry's secretary and worked my tush off for nine straight months with no time to take the "comp" time I accumulated. I resigned when I had my fill of attending meetings and doing reports to justify the existence of the organization versus actually DOING anything of substance to assist persons with TBI. (among other bureaucratic nonsense.)

I gladly threw myself into revitalizing our nearly-defunct fully volunteer organization supposedly for the purpose of promoting the same ideals I shared on behalf of those with TBI. Sadly, the same names appear on the roster, year after year, but nothing changes. Mr. Wonderful, our famed and beloved therapist from Timber, remarked the organization is a group who cannot accept success and therefore, will not ever achieve any. I tend to agree after spending a far amount of my precious time and energy there.

I found ways to work around those who would not work for several months. I worked with ACH on committees. I fostered a proposal for a Brain Injury Ball in conjunction with ACH to educate young drivers and raise money for brain injury causes. (this is in development, hoping for next Spring?) I promoted the Walk for Thought, handing out 50+ posters and sending out tons of emails. I made countless calls for sponsorship. Larry sponsored. (The neuro community turned a deaf ear, as no one takes the organization seriously.) I even got two weeks of ads in the Arkansas Times, one-quarter page, FREE!!!!, (almost two thousand dollars of ad coverage at no charge), and could not get the organization to write so much as a thank-you note. I brought the media to the event. I made plans for next year's media coverage AND sponsorship. When this year's organization chairperson announced they would not do the Walk every again, I began to seek an outside source to help us with putting on the Walk, planning to handle the promotion personally.

I began to seek opportunities to speak on behalf of TBI prevention, awareness and education. The president of the organization also presides over another organization and was speaking at the college town sororities and fraternities. I inquired about contact info and was DENIED any. (GEE. I thought we were working together.) Fine. Just give me an obstacle... In two weeks, I had my own contacts and was scheduled to speak in college town. Although, I had been told there was grant funding for the speaking, I have yet to be reimbursed for the money I have spent. The gas alone is over $150. No phone calls are returned and no emails are responded to. Odd, huh?

Speaking of denial...

I have asked about visiting persons (especially those with kids) who are at the hospital with loved ones who have sustained a TBI and have been DENIED any contact. Now, I ask you, having been there myself, knowing how much this contact would have meant to me, and knowing the persons doing the DENYING have no personal experience, doesn't something seem off? Perhaps, the twenty year prior record of not reaching out is standing in the way.

The Task Force has been an utter disappointment. The last meeting was attended by less than half the membership. I've noticed the "power structure" of the task force was predetermined, as was the agenda and the objective. The rest of us are just filling seats. There I go, being optimistic and wasting my idealism.

Recall way back when, the TBI Waiver was approved in our state government proposal. We were told this week at the task force meeting there is no waiver. I'm thinking it was merely a smoke screen included in the grant proposal to make the pitch to the feds more appealing. Well, fine. I'm sure the bureaucrats know what they can do with both that and the horse they rode in on.

My friend from way back once told me I am the epitome of honesty and sincerity. Could be. I cannot spare the mental energy to play these destructive games. My dear husband tells me I've hit a nerve in someone less sure of themselves.

As Mariko tells me, I am results-oriented. It's the beatin'est thing to me why people waste energy destroying each other. Larry's comment was "WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU RUN OFF VOLUNTEERS?"

I'm done. Time to turn my attention to those who appreciate it.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008 10:31 PM CDT

Sometimes there just aren't words.

I've often said this world could be a wonderful place if not for the people.

Sometimes you have to simply stop giving. Quit. Participate no more.

I'm no Bible-thumper, but I recall even Jesus himself saying some problems would always exist. Yes, I'm beginning to see that.

I've had my virtual can full of bureaucracy today and all days for the foreseeable future. ALL bureaucracy. (Is that spelled right?)

Right now, if it walks on two legs, I'm goin' the other way.

I've never worked so hard, for such good reasons, against such ridiculous impediments FOR FREE!

I must be crazy.

Monday, April 21, 2008 8:37 PM CDT


I thought sure I would get a good night's sleep after yesterday. Huh-Uh. I woke up at 3am, laid awake til 4am and got up. I tippy-toed out of the bedroom so as not to disturb Larry nor the dozing doxies and began to do laundry. I also did dishes and changed Livi's sheets. I ironed the few items that had been cluttering up the laundry room since last fall.

I must have made some noise, as the obese one began barking an alert at 5:30am, followed in harmony by the pup. Larry got up, dazed and confused, and asked me what I was doing.

"Getting ready to shampoo the carpets," I responded.

The rugs were pretty nasty. I'd venture to guess the pooping and peeping has increased on the sly.

I went back to bed at 7am. When I awoke at 9am, the darling doxies were running amuck and had left me suprises about the castle. On. The. Freshly. Shampooed. Rugs.

This was almost the morning when dachshunds flew.

Sunday, April 20, 2008 9:30 PM CDT

Livi called yesterday late afternoon and wondered if we would "mind" if she drove home. Well, certainly not. Larry was having his out-of-body experience golfing to the point of nausea. I was still in the yard, planting.

She drove in late and the two of us drove around and found some dinner. Livi was super sweet and seemed glad to be home, happy to be with her momma.

Something wasn't right.

I sat still and listened, wondering. She had some things on her mind, it seemed. Her best childhood friend's wing date had just passed (recall he got his wings three weeks before Lorraine got hers, three years ago...) and Livi was anticipating Lorraine's date.

We came home and snuggled a bit on the couch, watched a movie, her talking and me listening. Larry came in for the night from golf, kissed at us and went to bed. More talking.

Livi turned in. I took to my bed and stared at the computer screen til after 1am. Wondering about her. I fell asleep, finally, until 3am when Livi woke me with "Mom, are you asleep?" I told her I most certainly was NOT; I was lying there waiting. She climbed into bed and we made a Livi sandwich with Larry snoozing happily on his CPAP, me on the other outside "side". The doxies were snoring at medium tone...

Livi asked me how I EVER slept with all the noise? We talked some more. AND somemore. A little before 5am, Livi suggested she'd go to bed. I lay awake til a full fifteen minutes before Larry got up for more golf. My, he has a special alarm tone. Livi was awake when Larry checked on her at 6:15am.

I gave up and greeted the day at 7am. Livi joined me by 8:30am. We got dressed, packed up Livi's car with pretty much the remains of her clothing from home and sought out lunch ahead of the church crowd.

More talking over lunch. Lots of good karma floating about. Livi took off by 12:15pm or so, headed back to college town. I went back to the planting and such, finishing a little before dark. Larry and I are both so sore we can scarcely move.

I learned more about Livi this weekend from her own lips than I ever knew about her beforehand. What a blessing.

Saturday, April 19, 2008 11:07 PM CDT

Oh, yeah. The sun shined warmly today and I had plants to go in the ground.

Once again, the girldogs and I were outside in the postage stamp, hard at it with Aretha belting out "Chain of Fools". I had a supersize decaf iced tea cooling in the shade. The doglets had a fresh clean bowl of water at the ready. I had my sunscreen slathered on thick and a straw, wide-brimmed hat on my red head. Things were lookin' good.

I was hunched up 'neath the shepherd's hook with the old bird feeder (not to be confused with the NEW bird feeder)and the angel windchime somebody graced us with when Lorraine got her wings, digging a gallon-sized hole with a gardening spade, when the currently chubby pup let out a cross between a howl and a yelp. Sort of a "yowl" or "help" in Generation Y+ Doxie-speak.

She had found "her" snake over amidst the rocks in the fountain and was chirping with joy. Thankfully the snake played hide-and-seek and did not venture out into the grass. Small mercies.

Conversely, whilst I was busy shooing the pup off the inner ledges of the pond, away from the water, the formerly obese one was QUICKLY rolling the moist soil that had been beneath the sundial stepping stone, (until I moved said stone and discovered ANOTHER nest of fireants and treated the soil with AMDRO), into little balls and swallowing them.

I put a stop to the matzo-balls of AMDRO being swallowed and prepared to return to digging that hole. AH-HA! The pup was too quiet. She was on the portico drinking out of the cup of water I was soaking my morning glory seeds in. Whether or not she ate any seeds, I could not attest, as I did not count them. Take me now, Lord.

It is darn hard to garden with a dachshund under each arm.

Friday, April 18, 2008 10:56 PM CDT

I decided to go to Wal-Mart and pick up some victuals, restock the pantry. However, the Wal-Martians had plopped a big stack of freshly delivered plants just inside the front door.

I was sidetracked, bushwhacked.

I picked up some homestead verbena to replace what the doxies had eaten, the frost had gotten and the yard folks had killed thinking it was a weed. I selected some portulaca to stuff in the strawberry pot, having learned last year how those plants take to such pottage. While I was in the neighborhood, I put a few creeping phlox into the buggy. Somehow, some ivy, a dianthus and a new bird feeder slipped in while my back was turned. What with the cart nearly full, I figured one stunning orange lily wouldn't hurt, so I added a pot.

I really HAD to have edibles, too. I piled bananas, strawberries, grapes and two navel oranges in the kid compartment of the cart. Carrying my purse, I made room for Larry's ready-made Jello pudding (sugar-free), expiration date not til June-something. I poked around on the cereal aisle, reading labels and finally settled on our usual. I skipped milk, as we never drink it, both being lactose intolerant, and went on to eggs. Why can't I purchase eggs individually? I really only need one or two, but I have to buy at least six, and usually a full dozen. I bought the liquid ones in a box, expiration June-something, instead. Gracious, makes me wonder about getting a laying-hen for the postage stamp. The hen could eat bugs and give the doglets something to chase.

My friend, whom I met through this journal, came over to the castle tonight and met the doxies. They liked her fine. She regarded them from a distance. Oh, she liked them well enough. Not everyone warms up to being scampered upon, sniffed in private places, nuzzled with a wet nose and licked. We had a nice time, ate dinner and watched a movie. She enjoyed viewing Livi's scrapbooks, looking over my paintings and seeing the postage stamp. Almost more fun than a body should be entitled to.

Larry is tuckered from a hard day's golf in the rain. I don't understand the attraction of golf to begin with, but I most certainly don't see standing in the rain to play.

Thursday, April 17, 2008 10:55 PM CDT

So, I was in the postage stamp, with a huge bag of potting soil, several gardening tools, both phones, a big glass of decaf iced tea and my designated plants (to go in the ground.) Both girldogs were either alternately rolling around in the dry grass or snootin' in the flower beds. The warm afternoon sun was just about perfect, shining down from a lovely blue sky, slight breeze blowing. I had music playing, late 60's Soul. Did it get any better than this, I pondered?

AH, that was my mistake. I just HAD to inquire. Had to bother the heavens when all was well. I looked down at that very moment to find the chubby pup licking the AMDRO fireant killer I had only moments before applied to a newly formed gargantuan mound neath my crepe myrtle tree. The tree that contains a nest of rental Robins who are raising baby birds. Possibly last season's relatives to Big Bird. Remember him? I consider these birds "rentals" as opposed to "builders" since they did not build their nest, merely moved into a preexisting nest leftover from last year.

I digress. I put on my glasses, flipped over the bag of AMDRO, followed the instructions for "accidental poisoning" and called the 1-800 number (Lord Help, I knew right straight away I was already headed down a rosey path...) and waited while I held as "all the fully trained personnel were busy helping other callers and I would be treated in the order my call was received." GEEZE! Just how many people or dogs were regularly eating AMDRO in our country on a given day, anyhow?

When a live person answered, I expected to be instructed to flip the dog over on her back and administer something, or poke my fingers down her throat. No. I was asked to recite the EPA numbers on the back of the bag, then give my name, address and phone number, as well as the dog's name, breed and weight. Cutting to the chase, I asked how I could help the pup... "OH, well unless she ate as much as her body weight, she's fine." TEN POUNDS! Do tell? Would anyone actually eat TEN POUNDS of fireant killer? The bag only weighs 2.5 pounds. I gave the pup lots of water and kept a close eye on her. So far, no adverse effects. Mercy Maude.

No wonder the fireants don't die when I douse 'em with the stuff. They just get mad, pick up and move to a new location in the yard.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008 10:21 PM CDT

I could not sleep last night. Nary a wink. I tossed and turned, tried not to wake Larry nor disturb the doxies over in the corner in their box. I was anxious over the goin's-on at ACH today and the launching of the Injury Prevention Center.

Lorraine was one of the featured teens whose life could have been spared had certain things been in place, such as a traffic light and a trauma system. I was interviewed and there's a link on the local rag's online edition,
( http://www2.arkansasonline.com/videos/2008/apr/16/1805/), with a nice plug for TBI and some other features we need in our state to keep folks safe.

I met some very nice people, reconnected with some I had met previously and swapped business cards with a fair amount. I shook some hands and made sure everyone knew about TBI, Lorraine and why it was important.

There was a time I was so timid, I could not have imagined speaking in front of other people. I decided I wanted to go to law school and I made up my mind to work my way out of my stagefright. It's a gooddern thing, too.

On the way home today, I stopped and poked around a plant store. I'm hoping to actually put something in the ground tomorrow.

The dachshunds have promised to supervise.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008 9:06 PM CDT

It sure is good to be back at the castle. The dachshunds are snug in their doxie-sack. Larry is busy planning his annual cutthroat Golf-Til-You-Drop tournament (beginning tomorrow.

I have a meeting in the morning at ACH, press conference and launching of their Injury Prevention Center which will have a section with information about TBI. Good stuff. Lorraine will be represented. She'll be there in spirit and remembered. One of the ladies pulling it all together was Lorraine and Livi's summer camp counselors back in the day. She emailed me how poignant it was to see Lorraine's photo in the assemblage, and how it stopped her in her tracks. Lorraine has a way of doing that.

Back to the speeches yesterday...

I sorta felt like I had stepped into "Animal House" at one of the fraternity houses, only with less furniture. My OCD schelpped into warp speed with a STRONG desire to find a bottle of bleach and a mop. I most certainly did not want to sit on anything. However, the fellas were incredibly cordial and polite.

At the second house, much cleaner, I truly thought I saw John Belushi come back to us. A might bit thinner, though. Truly a nice, polite group of young men who welcomed me and participated in the talk.

I recalled for what reason Larry was "put out" with the doxies. The obese one, in particular, was keen on rolling in the grass every time she went out in the postage stamp. Larry sat them down and had a chat, instructing them this was not to be. However, the grass-rolling continued.

Dachshunds tend to be hard-headed and single-minded.

Monday, April 14, 2008 10:41 PM CDT

Two speeches, two good audiences. Wow! Considering both audiences were college fraternities, I was thankful. Both were participatory and eager to help out. I can only hope my words will travel with them to keep them safe.

I know Lorraine is pleased.

Livi is busy studying and working to get her semester wrapped up. She's furiously working to finalize Rush activities in advance for next fall, too.

Larry called in to say he was put out with the doxies, although I can't recall why at the moment.

I'm tired and Livi needs the computer.

Time to call it a night.

Sunday, April 13, 2008 10:26 PM CDT

College town. Ah, yes. Familiar soil. Apartment, sweet apartment. Honey, I'm home.

Larry and the pair-a-doxies are snuggled up back at the castle. Makin' do and gettin' by.

I got right to it and set up Livi's weather radio. As best I can tell, she's tuned in and prepared for the next time something from Kansas or Oklahoma blows by.

Wouldn't you know it? I was soul-searching whether or not there's anyone out there on the other end of the journal and some sweet soul from Louisiana wrote me this morning.
She'd read the ENTIRE journal yesterday after coming across it. Thank'd us, she did. There is a purpose somewhere.

Lorraine has a message and work to do, yet.

Saturday, April 12, 2008 10:02 PM CDT

I'm beginning to think La Nina has stripped our world of any remnant of order and organization. Where, I ask, is the warmth and the natural progression, the three weeks of Spring we've come to expect this time of year? The only time one can ever expect to sit out on the patio at the restaurants without wilting or being carried off by bugs. Instead, we have 30 mile-an-hour NORTHWEST winds, pert'near cold temps and frost warnings.

I will be packing my winter clothes for college town tomorrow. But, by the end of the week, we'll all be dodging tornadoes again.

Larry and I worked out TOGETHER this morning! So, this is empty nesting? There may be advantages. We both were feeling puny from the wind; my ears were hurting, so we laid low around the castle most of the day.

I'm feeling the itch to paint again. I can see in my mind what I want to put on canvas. Kinda like when your body is really ready for physical exercise.

My Hawaiian plant is trying to sprout out in the garage. That's optimism. I hauled it out to the portico for about 24 hours worth of sunshine during the week and that must be all it needed. Back to the garage it went as the weather turned and now the plant is trying to bloom. Neglect. That's the secret.

My stand of purple verbena in the postage stamp has given up the ghost, apparently. Either the cold, severe winter or the constant gnawing of one chubby dachshund has been the death of that bunch of foliage. I can only hope the poison ivy what was mixed in amongst the verbena bit the dust, too. I do not know why verbena is so appealing to the pup. I may have to eat some myself and solve that mystery.

I've packed so many times for college town by now I could do it in my sleep.

Friday, April 11, 2008 9:14 PM CDT

For some odd reason, AOL is and has been down most all day.

I slept SO well last night. Perhaps it was having Larry back here at the castle. Perhaps it was not worrying about being blown into the Arkansas River by an Oklahoma whirlybird. Larry was worn out, too, from driving home.

Livi called this afternoon to check in as she was planning to visit a sorority sister's home for the weekend. The mom had big cooking plans and I'm sure Livi will enjoy herself.

I realized we have one more month til Lorraine's three year anniversary of the day she got her wings. It is hard to believe we've lived thirty-five months without her presence here on earth.

Lorraine has taught me a lot of things about living in the last fifty-five months since her accident. There is a wide expanse between "living" and merely "existing". Sometimes I wonder if I'm stuck in a version of inertia myself, not living, but a little past simple existence.

I'm old(er) and I don't have nearly as much to look forward to as I used to. The doglets are graying. Larry is slowing down,(he never was a ball of fire, but he IS slower...), Livi is closer and closer to launching.

At least I still have all my teeth and don't need fiber supplements.

Thursday, April 10, 2008 9:15 PM CDT

This day has worn me plumb out. I mean it. I am tuckered. Lord love a doxie, too. Both the girldogs are snug in their sack, exhausted from all the storm-chasing.

Someone must have said some mighty hefty advance prayers on this region's behalf today. There were a few tornado warnings with some funnel clouds spotted mid-morning and around noon. No hail. The sirens did go off for a bit. I loaded both the doxies into my car and raced off to the pharmacy to gather my 'script refills before we got in too deep.

Neither doggie had much to say, other than an occasional "Oophf". I don't know what that means in dachshund-speak, but it seems to serve as sort of an all-purpose word.

A girlfriend asked me to lunch and a movie, but I had to decline. I just could not leave the house and the canines, not today. We rescheduled.

Larry called in for weather reports and flood warnings as he drove in from New Orleans. There were reports of minor flooding in our town. I do know the Arkansas River as well as the lesser ones are filled to the brim. There just isn't anywhere for more water to go.

I breathed a sigh of relief when Larry rolled in today. It is a load of responsibility caring for both a castle AND a pair of attitudinal canines. Not to mention, Livi, far off in college town.

Glad this day is over.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008 9:59 PM CDT

I spent the afternoon in meditation. Deep thought. I was debating just how far to take the disaster preparedness kit assembly. I did my dead-level best not to go overboard. I strove for the middle ground.

With my newspaper article saved from months ago, detailing just what one should include, I searched through drawers, rifled through cabinets and dug into areas I had forgotten about. I amassed quite a pile. Indeed.

Still, there were 'holes' in my preparedness. I didn't have my paperwork, (insurance policies, birth certificates, vaccination records for the pair-a-doxies, passports, dental records), and NO ONE except Larry can force our copy machine to spit forth. It must be passive-aggressive, too. Oh, well. Skip that...

Clothing. I packed some for me. Larry is out of town.

Medication. Well, sure. Almost everything I need is ready to be refilled or sitting at the pharmacy ready to be picked up. Skip that, too...

Bandaids, hand sanitizer, wipes, OTC meds, ace bandage, thermometer, shampoo, lotion, toothbrush, soap, deodorant, q-tips...

Water. A GALLON a day per PERSON? There'd be no room for us in the hidey-hole. I packed eight bottles of water in a separate bag, the one with the clothes, as I'd already run out of room. Hopefully, we won't be thirsty.

Food. I made a special trip to Wal-Mart, as we don't usually have any. I packed pork 'n beans, canned chicken, raisins and healthy peanut butter. AND, a can opener. (Larry will eat these things... I would have preferred tuna.)

Girldogfood. AN absolute necessity. Enough for three days.

Flashlight, extra batteries, backup crank flashlight, weather radio, swiss army knife, paper plates, plasticware, ponchos, toilet tissue, plastic bags and twist ties, and on it goes...

The plastic container AND the nylon zipper bag are both in the hidey-hole (the floor is clean now) and awaiting the next storm. My purse is sitting on the bed with the leashes. There have already been several tornadoes in the western-most portion of the state this evening. I have my brand-new weather NOA radio at the ready.

Livi reports college town has been "getting some weather." Larry will be back tomorrow late afternoon. The girldoxies and I might just sit and wait with a good book with our parcels on the nice clean floor in our safe place, should the weather continue to be unpredictable.

I had some doxie sacks made for the pair-a-doxies. They sorta look like giant pillow cases. The girldoglets LOVE them. I rarely see either of them. Oh, occasionally, I see a leg, or a hindquarter. Dachshunds are burrowing animals. I'm encouraged in this endeavor to continue to keep them outta my bed.

Eyes to the sky, looking for whirlybirds...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008 8:20 PM CDT

Thunder-boomers around here tonight. The weather report says Thursday will be wicked. The hidey-hole floor is clean, though. I'll be ready. I've spent this afternoon programming my brand-spankin' new weather radio codes and testing the volume. I bought a big lot of double "A" batteries just in case. I programmed Livi's college town codes into my radio, too. We might as well be awakened from a deep sleep with sirens and "WARNING - WILL ROBINSON" voices for her locale as ours. I do dread stirring up the doxies, though.

The problem with the new radio is it bleeps and scares the living poop outta all creatures for ANY weather alert, beit floods, thunderstorms, cloud cover, flock of birds and tornadoes. Could pose a problem. Larry might be tempted to toss it far and away soon. I may have to bargain with him.

I've permitted his cell phone alarm clock to go on living thus far. Last week, Larry found it lying in the living room floor, bleating. I was wandering around looking for a shoe with which to beat it senseless. I had tried pushing all its buttons and it would not shut up, so I intended to silence it otherwise. The hour was early.

This is my bargaining chip.

My friend, the "option", as she is known to the doglets, came over today. Thank goodness. I was attempting to unclog the birdfeeder. I had everything cleaned out and the seed back in, when I picked up the feeder by the wrong part. Seed spilled out, went everywhere... Ughh! My friend had that birdfeeder refilled lickety split. Nary a seed splilled. Amazing. Some people are just talented that way.

Larry called from New Orleans. He is feeling better.

I had hauled my wintering Hawaiian plant out of the garage yesterday into the warm sunshine. Today I hauled it back into the garage.

Where, oh where, is Spring?

Monday, April 7, 2008 10:05 PM CDT

Larry left early for New Orleans today. The doglets escorted him to the door, after he had fed them and let them out in the postage stamp way earlier than normal. The pair-a-doxies are not ones to miss an opportunity.

I had planned to work on the postage stamp this fine day, but the weather forecast changed my mind. Fearing anything I planted would rot per the projected rainstorms, I chose to postpone my turning of the soil.

I attended a subcommittee meeting of the TBI taskforce this afternoon. It was productive. Slowly, but surely. Pray for the upcoming ledge.

The weather report tonight showed nine tornadoes having hit last week on that dreaded night whilst I debated tossing the dachshunds into the hidey hole. I bought a new improved weather radio today that bleeps and screams "TORNADO WARNING" and announces where the tornado will be at what time. Many thanks to my dear friend Shannon for purchasing information. I also bought one for Livi. Batteries will be included.

While I was in college town, I demonstrated the self-defense weapons the Bunny brought Livi to her former fella and still good best friend. He agrees they are effective. We talked about other items she might oughta have, though. He pointed out, and I agree, Livi's little, but she's feisty. I'll give it some more thought. It's hard to beat a full set of sharp teeth attached to a dachshund with attitude.

Larry called. He is sick. Something about Chinese food. Something I do not eat.

Today was so extraordinarily beautiful, it made me think "This must be what Heaven looks like, complete with singing birds."

Lorraine enjoys this each and every day.

Sunday, April 6, 2008 10:56 PM CDT

Is it just me? Or are the mosquito-hawks a month late this Spring? (Ah-hem, SPRING is a month late...)

I drove in tonight from college town. I'd been baptised in about all the estrogen I could tolerate. Dipped, steamed and dredged. If I see one more fake "beauty pageant" smile...

Larry had my car door open before I had even come to a complete stop. The dachshunds were pawing at the backdoor and yelping. It was good to be missed.

Larry washed my car, as even Livi had commented on how nasty it was. We agreed a drive-through wouldn't blast off the bugs nor the bird poop, so Larry scrubbed and hosed at one of those do-it-your-self places til the color reappeared. A clean car simply rides better.

Larry is on his way out of town, just as I rode in. I've got great plans to garden this week, hopefully the weather will cooperate.

Livi has her fall schedule for her second year all set. Her summer plans are pretty much intact, with work and school. She's involved with Rush for the incoming group of girls who will be experiencing the anxieties she (and I) went through last year.

I found out Livi has turned her sorority "green". She has made recycling a competition around those parts. Her group hauled six carloads of recylable material off last week. WOW!

Her registered student organization for TBI is all set, too. She should be filing the paperwork very soon. A lot of good work in her Freshman year.

The doxies are groaning. I must put the pair to bed.

Saturday, April 5, 2008 10:43 PM CDT

This has been a day of memories. Many happy memories were made today with Livi during Mom's Day at her sorority. We attended the brunch and pretended to eat along with all the other women. Oh, make no mistake, I would have eaten, had there been any real food. I did sneak a foil wrapped-dark chocolate candy in my purse every time I passed a candy dish. I passed it six times.

Livi and I went to a movie this afternoon after the brunch, but before the afternoon event. We passed on the snacks, as we were promised food at the next event.

Said later event was karaoke. There was indeed food. Shrimp. I am allergic to shrimp. I did eat some chicken kabobs with pineapple. Livi tried some rolled material, but did not eat it. We are still unsure what it was.

After sitting still listening to the walls vibrate, I leaned in close to Livi and asked if she was having a good time. She replied, "I would rather take a good beating. You?" My response, "I would prefer having a heavy object dropped on my foot."

We left.

Livi and I ate dinner with eighteen other moms and daughters. AND, believe me, we ATE. THEN, we went for ice cream.

We bonded and shared a few laughs, took some photos and tucked this day away for when we need it, for when the lean years return.

One of "my" babies I follow on Caringbridge got his wings today. His name was Ethan Powell. He was sixteen months old. I know Lorraine is loving him up and showing him the sights tonight.

Friday, April 4, 2008 8:06 PM CDT

I'm in college town tonight. Tomorrow is Mom's Day for Livi's sorority. We're supposed to wear dressy casual springwear. Uh-huh. It's barely 50 degrees here, if that.

I'll probably have my fleece over my clothes. I am looking forward to being with Livi and meeting her friends and their moms. We drove by the "house" this afternoon so Livi could show me the beautiful banner the girls had made.

I know Lorraine will be taggin' along, too. She loved parties. She'll be shopping at the silent auction, of course. Livi and I will find ourselves bidding on things we aren't sure we want, and it will be Lorraine.

I know there's karaoke planned for tomorrow afternoon. I can't say Livi and I are working up a song, but who knows?

The skies tonight are calm. What a change. As my friend, Shannon, said this morning, "We've had everything but an earthquake and a hurricane, lately." Mercy. Don't forget we're sittin' smack dab on the New Madrid Fault.

Hurricanes, not likely.

Friday, April 4, 2008 9:18 AM CDT

WHAT..... A... NIGHT... !!!!

(I DID post an entry Wednesday night, but only God and Lorraine know what the demon computer did with it.)

Just a note to mention the MDA fundraiser yesterday. Thanks to ALL of you who supported our efforts, we (meaning y'all, me, Larry, Livi, Lorraine and the doglets) raised more money than any other volunteer! The MDA folks did kindly refuse the kibble pellets the obese one had sacficed for the dogs in need. Nor did they take the offering of treats humbly given by the chubby pup for her fellow canines.

It was a wonderful experience, one that I was fortunate to be a participant. The "judge" has been diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) and has surpassed her fellow diagnosees at 9 months.

NOW. The weather.

Where do I begin? Those who live in Arkansas know full well. Livi has sorority friends from afar with nary a clue as to what one does in tornado weather. She said when the weather report showed tornado warnings anywhere in the state, the girls blanched white. They had seen the movie, TWISTER, and had visions of swinging from a leather strap parallel to the ground while the world around them blew away. Livi quickly reassured them and began their tornado protection education. (Bathtub, pillows, radio, flashlight, doggies...)

Here last night, the sirens began to sound, and sound, AND SOUND. I felt like we were in the midst of an air raid in WWII England. At one point, stood still and put my hands over my ears. I had Larry round up the dachshunds and attach their leashes while I gathered up my special and specific weather flashlight, made for emergencies, Wal-Mart's finest. I had my weather radio tucked under my arm, batteries in hand. Since no one had bothered to PUT ANY IN IT...

I was pulling the vaccuum and the sweeper out of the hidey hole, deciding the pantry might not be the smartest place to hide, as those cans could hurt falling on our heads, when I noticed how dirty the floor was in the closet. Mental note to self: clean floor of hidey hole. I had the old tv in Livi's room on to hear the weather report...

Imagine the scene... I'm dragging the doglets around on their leashes. I've got the radio under my arm, my purse on the other arm with the special flashlight, house phone and my cell in it. I'm debating whether or not to toss in some kibble... Tge sirens are blasting continually. I'm in the hallway between the hidey hole and the Livi's old room listening to the tv weather report, ready to dive in, draggin' doglets. My plan is to wad up in the winter coats to dodge debris... I make a call to Livi to tell her we love her and to check on her.

Larry is on the couch watching tv.

The tornadoes hit Little Rock and the surrounding area. I haven't heard of anyone being seriously hurt, thankfully. I counted fourteen rotations on three different spots on the weather map last night. That's nearly fifty.

There's a lot of folks with big trees across their homes and cars, inside their kitchens and such this morning. Many have no power. (That's southern-speak for electricity.) There is flooding all over. Larry's right-hand at work was trapped last night and didn't get home til the sun came up due to flooding.

Life in tornado alley.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008 10:00 PM CDT

I ventured forth into the world outside the castle walls today. I felt like I'd been set free. 'Twas almost like going to the circus. I had lunch with Larry. I went to Wal-Mart and bought some fabric to make doxie snugglesacks using the chewed blankets off my bed as lining.

I have a plan. The plan is to get the doglets outta our bed. I've had quite enough of buying blankets and bedding for having holes chewed in them. Not to mention the "other" things the girldogs have done whilst in the bed. Oh, they whine and carry on, but settle down soon enough in their crate over in the corner near the bed. It's all an act. I'm on to them. They're dealing with a veteran. I raised kids.

I feel a dollop better today. If you take into consideration not breathing through my nose. Or at least not through both nostrils at once. If I were to cram my nose full of Vicks salve, I'd suffocate. At one point tonight my ears unclogged and I'd forgotten how it sounded to hear the regular way.

I have one more day to collect my MDA bail money before my "jailers" come and haul me off on Thursday. If anyone has yet to pay their promised sums, please do so. I'll be happy to email you the link to pay online directly to MDA.

Friday kicks off the Mom's Weekend at college town.

What a way to begin April!

Monday, March 31, 2008 10:14 PM CDT

What a stormy end to this month! As Livi says, this month blew in like a lion, and blew out like a lion, too. There was no lamb. It roared virtually all month long. We're experiencing thunder-boomers here.

I actually drug my tired buns out of the bed and washed both sheets and girldogs this afternoon. What a relief! I even managed a shower for my own self. Larry came home from work, spied the three of us on the couch in the bedroom, and announced "Why, you're out of bed!" He's fast, that one.

We left the bed, not the bedroom. One step at a time.

To my horror, I have discovered I am expected to prepare and deliver a basket to be auctioned at "Mom's Weekend" for Livi's sorority THIS WEEKEND. That would be in four days. Three if you don't count Friday. I am clueless. Utterly.

Tomorrow I will scour the town looking for said basket and something to put in it. Something "girly". Lord help us all.

Lorraine, swoop down and guide me.

Sunday, March 30, 2008 9:55 PM CDT

Ah, another day of rest for the doglets and yours truly. I thought perhaps I would get up today and mill about. Nope.

I attempted, but this crud wears me out. Some of Larry's church buddies mentioned they, too, were fatigued for an extended time when doing their stint. I have a new appreciation for naps, also.

Again, I had no lack of canine attention for the duration. Dare I move lest eight legs and two snouts were in motion. The obese one attempted several times to operate the tv remote. I've secretly wondered if she does this when no people are home.

Livi called. She's working hard on some sorority production. She's discovering the truth about working with groups. When a group finds out you'll do the work, they'll let you.

Hopefully, tomorrow I can change the sheets and bathe the dogs. THEN, we three can hop back into the bed...

I'd really like to aim for the grocery store, if I get ultra-ambitious. Larry bought orange juice and bananas. We discussed whether or not he should pick up bread. Nah. We'd have to find something to put ON it.

With so much to do, I'm frustrated at all this inactivity.

At least the weather was nasty.

Saturday, March 29, 2008 8:50 PM CDT

Did anyone besides me hear the storm roll through last night? I was only a smidge away from taking my weather radio and running for my hidey hole. BUT, it passed us by. Fortunately, no doxies' beauty sleep was disturbed. Boy, do they need it.

Livi officially turned nineteen this morning at 8:40am. Larry and I called her and wished her a happy birthday. She and her former fella/best friend went to lunch. Some friends brought her presents and she got to sleep in. Larry and I shared a piece of six-layer dark chocolate cake in her honor here at the castle. (It was Livi's idea.)

Lorraine's baby sister is almost out of her teens. Practically grown. My baby. Mercy and land sakes. Before I turn around, Livi's going to be graduating college. Larry's goal is for her to have a real job and her own insurance with dental. I'd like grandchildren without fur.

I stayed in bed again today. I felt some better UNTIL I got up. I was really dizzy and weak. Hmm. Might as well rest. Those doglets were worn to a frazzle. My being sick is taxing, apparently. It's looking like I won't be going anywhere this weekend or Monday to be sure I'm over whatever this is. I've got to be well to be hauled off for MDA next week AND for Mom's Day at Livi's sorority next weekend.

I "surfed" Caringbridge today. I never realized how fortunate we were to have healthy kids. Two of "my" babies that I've been following are critically ill and really need a few sent up on their behalf. Please remember Ethan and Sully.

Thankful for all I've been given once again.

Friday, March 28, 2008 9:55 PM CDT

I saw the doctor today. I cuddled my personal stash of Puffs with Vicks while being seen. I expected to be diagnosed with a sinus infection, given some pills and sent home.


My eardrums were bulging. My throat was funky, but not "streppy". My nose wasn't as expected. Why was I surprised?

The nurse came at me with a shotneedle. If I had possessed the energy, I would have run her around the exam table. Fortunately, for her, I just bleeted and rolled over. I got a dose of steroids and some prescriptions. I was told to expect this crud to last ten to fourteen days. Come again?

I may have to miss Livi's birthday. I called her. She wasn't too terribly upset. Not a'tall. AND, I may have to postpone the TBI speaking scheduled for Monday. Drat.

I felt considerably droopy today, hence, the dachshunds took complete advantage of the situation and napped all over me. I hardly noticed, as I was sound asleep myself. Larry brought me Diet 7-Up and neosporin for my sore nose. He's declared that he'll be sleeping "somer's else" as a self-protective measure. Can't say that I blame him. I hope the doglets don't catch this crud.

They would have fits if I tried to rub neosporin on their noses.

Thursday, March 27, 2008 10:03 PM CDT

AAAAAAAAAArrrghhhh..... As Lorraine used to say, "I've got a sinus." The yellow fog is here. Pollen is beginning to coat everything like kudzu around these parts and my body isn't adjusting well. I've taken to my bed (or rather, didn't emerge from it today) and wailed pitieously to myself. The doglets did perk up when my catterwailing reached a prominent pitch, but neither bothered to do more than lift an ear.

Larry brought me lunch. I hadn't gotten groceries since returning from Spring Break/college town speaking, so the pickin's were slim. My nose tried to run off my face, making my throat feel like I had swallowed fire. Both my ears burn constantly. My eyes burn, too. I'm a mess. No fever, though.

I've decided to try and find a doctor tomorrow. I've got to hit the road again this weekend for more TBI speaking, so I have to nip this in the bud. Livi checked in and she's having similar problems up in the mountains of college town. I told her to high-tail it to her doctor and get some meds. Why wait for me? Looks like she'll be ailing for her birthday on Saturday.

I spent some time on the computer today, checking on my MDA fundraising. If anyone has committed to helping pay my bail, please do so, as I'm scheduled to be hauled off to the pokey next Thursday.

At least the doxies are well-rested.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 9:09 PM CDT

I don't know if anyone has noticed, but I added some new links to the journal homepage. Somehow, they didn't turn out to be actually "links", but rather addresses. (What can I say? Computers are possessed.) I've begun to follow the stories of several babies and small children on caringbridge who have a hard row to hoe. I know their parents would appreciate anybody who has a minute taking the time to check in and say a prayer for their little ones.

If you begin to feel sorry for yourself, or take time to wallow, look up some of these kids. I'll guarantee you'll feel differently about your own troubles. I certainly do.

I took time today to look for plants.

I'm thinking the plant people are worrying right along with me that we are not out of the woods yet with this cold weather. There's very little plant material out there to buy. SEE? If the plant people thought we'd plant something right now, you can bet your bottom dollar there'd be plants on the shelf ready to sell.

Someone mentioned to me today that Lorraine would have been getting ready to graduate soon and probably be thinking about getting married, knowing her. If I played the "what if" game, I'd go there. Since I don't, I won't.

Instead, I think I'll work on the "what IS" game and concentrate on getting Livi through school and launched into her grown-up life.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008 9:47 PM CDT

ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... (Shhh. The doglets are snoozing.) Ever since I arrived back at the castle, after their victory dance at my return and their baths, they've been tuckered.

Larry snuggled with the pair of 'em on the couch for a bit, as I went through the mail and newspapers, ran some laundry and tidied up. I'd look up to see two pairs of chocolate brown eyes watching me from the crook of his arm.

I spent a wee bit of time this afternoon in college town with a mom and her little boy who has an acquired brain injury. She is very interested in working with me as a speaker in that area of the universe. YES! There is also a community fair coming up that I can help her with. Spreading the word about brain injuries and raising awareness...

Livi is winding down the Spring semester of her Freshman year of college. Where did it go?

In six weeks, Livi will be into finals. Wow.

Time marches on.

Monday, March 24, 2008 8:53 PM CDT

OH, YIPPEE!!! Lorraine is turning somersaults and I'm doing jumpin' jacks. The TBI talk tonight with the sorority girls in college town was WONDERFUL!

They sat perfectly still, blinking and not saying a word (at least not to each other!) and interacted when I asked questions of the audience. Afterward, some were teary-eyed and they came to hug and thank me for coming. Several shook my hand and told me they were SO glad for the information, that they had no idea...

Lorraine is being heard. Loud and clear.

Livi was a BIG part of tonight's success. She had sown the seeds in preparation and everyone was pumped. Livi is such an advocate for change in the TBI community.

One talk (to the fraternity) got rescheduled at the last minute and moved to next Monday, along with the already scheduled fraternity talk. Guess I'll do two.

It's such a blessing to talk to a group of young women (or men) and have them tell you afterward they remember Lorraine and miss her still. She's not forgotten.

And, she has important work to do.

Sunday, March 23, 2008 10:47 PM CDT

Happy Easter out there! I'm sure Lorraine was a busy angel, decorating her little corner of Heaven, hiding eggs and coloring the wingtips of any who would sit still for it. I wouldn't have been surprised to see tie-dyed clouds this morning, either. She probably played games with all the littlest angels. She loved little kids.

The Bunny found Livi here in her apartment. Her basket was filled with pepper spray, mace and self-protective items. Some chocolate, of course, and a giant book of cross-word puzzles...

Larry worked all day. He's prepping for special work meetings this week. He hoped to be done by daylight tomorrow. Fortunately, the doxies are still vacationing, celebrating Easter among the other breeds, including some cats, at the vet. I imagine the pair-o-doxies finding hidden eggs and not sharing at the massive egghunt today, while the cats looked on, shaking their heads. Those doglets LOVE hardboiled eggs.

Livi and I both had migraines, so we snoozed off and on today. Livi baked some cookies and we ventured forth for some dinner, eventually. It was a restful, peaceful day.

Tomorrow evening I have two talks scheduled about TBI here in college town.

Moving forward once again.

Saturday, March 22, 2008 11:24 PM CDT

At long last, Livi and I are back in college town. Larry is back at the castle. We spent a few days in the hillbilly capital of the mid-south, Branson, Missouri.

WE WERE THERE TO SHOP. Which we did. And, we ate pancakes.

We enjoyed the Titanic exhibit and the wax museum as much as anyone, I'll admit. I've seen all the banjo players I care to for a good long while. Not heard, mind you.

The Bunny will likely show up in these parts tonight after Livi turns in for the night. I wouldn't be surprised. Larry and I took her out for an early birthday lunch, too. Larry is going to be occupied with the work thing on her real birthday, so we celebrated in advance.

Livi will be nineteen in a few days. Boy-dee-howdy. Her last year of her teens. It will feel strange for Livi to be older than Lorraine was here on earth. Lorraine will soon be the younger sister.

Lorraine will be the eternal teenager.

Friday, March 21, 2008 9:34 PM CDT

Tomorrow we head back to our respective homesites. Although, Larry and I will spend Easter Sunday with Livi in college town, as the Bunny will stop off there. Larry will scurry on to the castle after an appropriate amount of egg hunting, whilst I will remain to speak to collegiate types about traumatic brain injury on Monday.

I must admit it won't hurt me any to quit this place. The shopping was all right. The pancake place was tasty, too. Otherwise, I just don't get the attraction. Of course, I don't understand Las Vegas, either.

Larry spent most of his day watching basketball on tv. There was some sort of tournament running twelve or so hours. He took just enough time off to eat. Mercy. Larry met us at the mall for a bite. Livi left him sitting on a bench minding her Victoria's Secret bag while she took a potty break. I should have had my camera. I know Lorraine got a chuckle from that scene.

The three of us toured the local wax museum this evening. Livi and Lorraine always loved these. They would get all scared and bug-eyed at the monster and haunted section and really interested in the historical section. If there happened to be a Ripley's Believe It or Not, we'd have to see it, too. Every time. No lack of curiosity in this family.

Tomorrow Livi wants to have her palm read. Oh, good.

Thursday, March 20, 2008 9:34 PM CDT

Never underestimate the healing power of retail therapy.

Livi and I have bonded over an outlet mall. And, we saved money in the process.

Larry isn't convinced about the saving part, but he's content as he spent his day playing golf. He doesn't come cheap, but he can be bought.

Lorraine was flying low today. She always loved a good shopping mall. I could hear her tinkly laughter on the breeze.

Livi asked me tonight how I felt about her eloping to Los Vegas someday. I told her that was fine, as long as Larry and I were invited. In fact, I told her she could have her wedding any place she chose as long as we were invited. Lorraine had her wedding all planned, too. I think she had begun when she was twelve.

Nothing wrong with planning ahead.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008 9:29 PM CDT

We are officially "ON" Spring Break now. Hallelujah. Let the party begin. The girldoglets have been safely deposited at the dog-spa. Larry was a bit uneasy leaving the pair of 'em as the check-in folks were new and knew not who they had staying at their fine establishment. (I'll call first thing in the morning. You can bet on it.)

We have checked in our hotel, Larry with his raquetball bag filled to the brim with clean undies and a few pairs of socks. It usually contains one item: a single racquet. Livi packed for the prevention of boredom, lots of magazines and funstuff. I packed preventively, as usual. Ever, the worrywort.

I have scoped out the area shopping and have my maps ready for in the morning. My version of boredom prevention. Larry brought his golfclubs. His version.

This place is, to say the very least, STRANGE. I can only imagine what Lorraine would have had to say about it. We came to shop. That she would have whole-heartedly supported. I swear I saw a billboard that said Elvis was appearing down the street. AND, the crowds are considerably my senior. SO, does that mean "Elvis" serenades the over-the-hill crowd who then tosses their granny-panties up on the stage? I shudder to think.

Is perception reality?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008 10:47 PM CDT

Some days defy explanation. We had tumultuous weather here. Some areas flooded. Some had tornadoes. It was rich.

Livi and I had pretty good results on our MRI/MRA tests. Mine had some wee bit of oddities. Hers were fine. However, Livi had an unusual mole that had been removed once before and had regrown darker. We're waiting on biopsy results.

The storms tonight came in package with lightening and thunder. The doglets were highly offended. The obese one stood up and barked in derision.

Livi and I snuggled and watched a movie together on the couch. I packed a bit for our Spring Break shopping trip.

A good friend called in tears to say she had been fired from her job. There is obviously no fairness in this world. Not for real folks, anyway. There's no market for thinking, either.

It will be good to get out of town for a few days to clear our heads.

The girldoglets will get time off at the spa, to get away and renew their fine selves.

It's a good thing.

Monday, March 17, 2008 9:23 PM CDT

Livi had her MRA today. She sees the neurologist tomorrow afternoon, as do I. We should have results from all the MRI/MRA's and, hopefully, be sent on our way with clean bills of health. Our migraines are better since seeking treatment with this neuorologist.

Livi also sees the dermatologist tomorrow to once again check on removing some suspicious-looking moles on her belly that have hung around most of her life. They were removed during her Junior year, but have grown back.

Larry is twiddling with the latest news in the bond market and uttering econ-speak. Livi and I just respond with "uh, huh", eyes glazed over. Something about a Bear.

I've got to unearth my Paas egg-dying kit and my bottle of vinegar to pack for our wee trip. We'll be out and about during Bunny time. The Bunny comes, regardless. It's not Easter without the smell of vinegar and hardboiled eggs. Unfortunately, the girldoxies will have to suffice with the egghunt at the vet/spa this year. Surely, they'll have one? With their allergies, all that special high-falutin' kibble and the pup's growing weight problem, it's just as well.

We'll miss our annual buffet lunch with our friends who were our neighbors while the girls were growing up. I regret that. Hopefully, we can reconnect next year. Easter doesn't usually stick to Spring Break like a sidecar. At least Livi's birthday isn't riding alongside. It's a whole 'nother week away.

I wonder what Lorraine thinks of her baby sister getting ready to turn nineteen? That's the age Lorraine was when she got her wings.

Hopefully, I'll blink and Livi will be graduating college, Larry will be retiring and TBI will be fully funded in all fifty states.

One can dream.

Sunday, March 16, 2008 10:03 PM CDT

Brrrr-rabbit, some more. Where is the warm spring weather, anyway? It's too freakin' cold to set out spring plants and here it is mid-March. You'd think we lived north of the Mason-Dixon. Or at least north of the Missouri border.

Livi and I waited til THE warmest part of the day and hustled the four-legged ones out the door of the castle for a brisk walk. I was bundled into three layers. At least there was no rain today.

Larry is working like a fiend in order to take a couple of days off during Spring Break. Personally, I think he's anticipating all the shopping Livi and I plan to do and he's "prepaying". OR, he's reliving all Lorraine's Spring Break shopping trips. Lord, that girl could drop some change.

Livi and I took in a girl's movie this afternoon. We enjoyed ourselves. Apparently, several other "girls" had the same notion. Lorraine, Livi and I used to slip off and see a movie once in awhile. Lorraine even took the pup a time or two, in her purse. The pup was teeny-tiny. She slept through the show. I don't bring the doxies these days for several reasons. One, their kind is frowned upon and two, they absolutely would demand popcorn and snacks. I've worked too hard to control their weight. We're simply not going there.

Tomorrow we begin a couple of lagging days of leftover doctor appointments here in town for Livi.

Then the Spring Break can begin.

Saturday, March 15, 2008 8:44 PM CDT

Brrrr-rabbit! What happened to Springtime? Where did the sunshine go?

AND, last night the stage was set by thunderstorms and golfball-sized hail. Around 3am, the hail began assailing the windowglass, waking the dachshunds from slumber. They, brave from their perch were too shocked to do much except dive back under their (our) bed-blankets and utter a brandishing "Oooph!"

Larry and I slept with one eye open watching the weather, just in case and rose early to prepare for the Walk. IT WAS FREEZING. Rain, fog. Drizzle. Did I mention the cold?

The girldoxies were "boxed" up as a set to go with us. Doglets can walk, why not? We packed umbrellas, too. Jackets. Plastic bags, pooper-scoopers...

We arrived very early to help out. We dropped Larry off, pottied the doxies and turned around to go back home for bigger, warmer coats. Livi needed a donut run midway, too.

Eventually, we were in place, the drizzle had let up, although the wind had not. We were down by the river, too. Two local tv stations interviewed me, and took shots of Lorraine's big photo. Our organization got good coverage from the event and TBI gained a measure of awareness. I felt we were successful considering the weather.

Larry took a group of us to lunch afterward, Livi's friends and one of my girlfriends. It would suffice to say, "A good time was had by all."

The doglets have been resting after their morning adventures and outdoor exertions. They also had yet another bath. They were a little muddy.

Such is life.

Friday, March 14, 2008 9:04 PM CDT

The sun rose today and my spirits rose along with it. This was a much better day than the one preceding. I got a bath, dressed, put on a smattering of makeup and ran an assemblage of errands. I even managed to wash the car.

My thanks to those who called and held me close with their words. I spent a few minutes with my Japanese sister this afternoon. She always loves me back in line. Livi came rolling in, bringing a girlfriend along to join us on the Walk for Thought in the morning. The yelps of joy reverberated for several blocks. Mine were in harmony with the doxies this time. (I even wish I'd had a tail to wag.)

I got a photo of Lorraine blown up for use in the Walk. I was fortunate to find someone to do this at the last minute and to find someone to drymount the photo for me as well. I have a clear plastic cover, as tomorrow's forecast is slanted toward moisture. The photo can be used over and over in these sorts of events as we work in Lorraine's memory to raise awareness of TBI.

I found out from a friend my new hobby, knitting, is also new slang for smoking pot. Imagine. She had mentioned to someone far more "hip" than either she or I, who knew the both of us and that poor soul practically swooned thinking we had taken up a hobby of another kind. NOT one using yarn. Glad that was cleared up. I just this afternoon saw a poster at the library announcing a knitting group meeting on Monday afternoons at the local branch. Now, I wonder...

Larry called to say he was on the ground, at the airport. Apparently, someone in his group of travelers has arrived sans luggage. They might be awhile. Thank goodness they are on terra-ferma.

We're dodging tornadoes here tonight. One hit the Georgia dome whilst I've been typing. I've got Livi on phone-alert. My hidey-hole is primed and ready to toss doxies into.

'Tis always sumthin'.

Thursday, March 13, 2008 7:30 PM CDT

This day was pretty much a bust. I can't explain it. Sometimes the darkness just creeps up on me like fog rolling in over the mountains around college town.

I wore my jammies and bathrobe til after 5pm. I had such grand plans for accomplishment on this particular Thursday. Ha. I did take a shower and brush my teeth. That's something.

I suppose I'm projecting into the Walk for Thought this weekend and the whole Reason-For-Being-Involved psycho-babble. Yet, it is what it is. That being said, tomorrow I plan to get my buns out of bed and into the shower, get dressed and as made up as I normally get and accomplish SOMETHING.

To end this fine day, we're experiencing thunderstorms. Fittin'.

When Larry and I were first married, I was afraid of storms. When storms would occur during the night, Larry would lie awake til I woke (usually with a start and scared) and reassure me we were fine. Now, after Lorraine's journey, the storms seem insignificant.

Larry comes home tomorrow. Livi comes home tomorrow, too, bringing friends with her to join us at the Walk for Thought.

A new day to look forward to. Yep, that's what it'll be.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008 10:22 PM CDT

Larry had a business trip early this morning. He left before the sun came up. The girl doxies peaked out from under their blankies with one eye open, yawned and promptly went back to sleep.

The schedule is sacrosanct.

I procured several vials of travel size lysol spray today, via a good girl friend's vigilant watch. Just in time for Spring Break, I might add.

Larry called late in the day to announce he had caught a cold on the airplane. I'm hoping it isn't the flu.

Livi called to chastise me to something or other. I forget. It happens more frequently these days.

I attended a meeting of the property owner's association and we squabbled and fumed for three hours. Over what, now I couldn't say.

I spent some time drumming up media for Saturday's Walk for Thought for TBI. Hopefully, someone will show up.

We had a heatwave here today. Almost 80 degrees. At long last, I was warm. I carried only a light jacket.

Lorraine loved the summertime. She fairly glowed yearround, but especially in the summer sun.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008 8:18 PM CDT

I'm back at the castle. The joyous barking and tail-wagging and greeting-at-the-door makes you want to go off and come back again just to relive the experience.

Just on my account, the doxies had prepared a surprise for me and left it on the living room rug. How nice.

Larry swore he'd let them out only minutes earlier, so he had no idea how they'd slid that one past him.

I scheduled two more speaking engagements at fraternities this afternoon for the later part of March. I have "feelers" out with three sororities, too. I'm trying to speak to as many as possible before the end of the spring semester, as the number of incidents tends to rise with warmer weather.

Larry has a business trip to the North country. He'll be packing his long-handles for this one. If I were going, I'd take wool, everything wool.

I'm ready to wash windows and set out bedding plants. I'm sure my roses could use a good pruning, too. Lorraine's little pink rosebush seems like it's holding its breathe, waiting for Spring.

I'll be curious to see if the hysops I planted have survived this vicious wintertime. (Vicious by my standards...)

Tomorrow is dog-washing day. I'm behind schedule. The screams and wails will be heard for miles.

Monday, March 10, 2008 10:35 PM CDT

Whew! I spoke tonight to my first fraternity. They were awesome. I mean it. I have never been treated so graciously. I only hope I did myself proud and presented an adequate program.

Several of these young men knew Lorraine from either high school, camp or about-town. A whole bunch of them knew Livi as well. My heart fairly burst with happiness as one after another spoke fondly of one or the other of my girls. Oh, I daresay I didn't disagree.

I am in hopes that the message I left behind will alter behavior in such way that a life will be saved or an injury prevented. Lorraine will be a'beatin' her wings if we accomplish such.

Livi quizzed me upon my return to her apartment and began finetuning my presentation for the next go-round. "Did you remember to mention such-and-such? It is my favorite statistic, you know." Or, "You just didn't forget so-and-so, did you, Momma? They really need to know that one."

I wish I knew how to do something called "Powerpoint", as Livi says it's substantial.

I return to the castle tomorrow. The doglets and Larry are pining. Maybe I could clone myself or make a cardboard cutout to stand in the corner...

The obese one would likely just pop a squat in front of it.

Sunday, March 9, 2008 9:41 PM CDT

I've driven to college town to prepare for my upcoming presentation to the fraternity tomorrow evening. Livi and I ran through the first rough draft over dinner. She had a lot of good ideas which I scribbled down on the back of my scratch paper. I use a highly organized approach, scraps of paper, notes and torn pieces of envelopes...

I used to write up documents on the paper napkins at restaurants when I was actively in practice. Hey, when the spirit moves you...

Happily, my wardrobe choices passed muster, too.

Lorraine is with us. I know she'll be pleased as punch to spread the word about TBI among the college crowd. I have more new leads in other fraternities and sororities. Hopefully, they, too, will pan out and I will be speaking with their groups.

Larry is once again home with the doglets. I'm certain they have him right where they want him by now.

Saturday, March 8, 2008 7:43 PM CST

Larry and the doxies slept in this fine morning in anticipation of "Springing Forward" tomorrow. Oh, the three got up at the usual time to eat and peep, but returned to snuggle, snooze and resume their beauty sleep.

I'll swan, the doxies need their own wee Cpap masks, they snore as loud as Larry.

We had lunch with "the option", my friend who would just as soon take the girldogs home with her, and believe me they are well aware. Hence, her title as "the option." If I don't walk the line, the dachshunds have an option elsewhere.

Livi went to a ballgame at college town, basketball, I presume. She didn't remark as to the outcome. Larry watched some kind of ballgame on tv, doxies on his lap this afternoon. I was occupied with my prepacking for my trip to college town to speak to the fraternity about TBI.

I had a long talk with Lorraine this evening as I prepare to give the TBI talk. Livi has explained to me her feelings about Lorraine helping others avoid repeating our experience with the horrors of traumatic brain injury. I had to be sure Lorraine was at peace with the idea.

I went through some clippings and photos and had a private cry session, and now I think I'm ready.

There's a time and a place for each step in the process it seems.

Friday, March 7, 2008 8:20 PM CST

AH! This was quite a day.

I awoke to snow falling outside and began tossing doxies out the backdoor onto the white-covered postage stamp. They most certainly weren't going on their own steam.

I envisioned an entire day of Larry home with me. We could play cards, watch tv, read, do whatever... Nope. After an hour or two of relaxation, he got dressed and went on to work. I decided to roast a chicken to keep busy.

The snow continued here in these parts ALL DAY. Odd. Strange even. Maybe I should have done like the ancient Greeks and consulted the chicken parts before I cooked them. (seeking an omen.)

Larry cut his day a few hours short and joined the girldogs and myself in time to put the clean sheets I had just finished laundering back on the bed. (It's Friday, sheet-changing day. It's also dog-bathing day, but the weather didn't permit.) However, Larry accidentally flipped the supersized mug of apple cider I had made for him, sitting on the bedside table. He had taken only one small sip. Cider covered the nightstand, the bedframe, the clean sheets, the mattress and boxsprings, the carpet and anything else that happened to be in the path.

I said not a single word. Nary a syllable.

We stripped everything back off. The mattress had to be moved and airdried. Larry had it hoisted midway in the air when we realized we had covered a pile of blankets into which one of the doxies had burrowed and was now trapped by the mattress. I tugged and Larry lifted. The result was Larry fell back on the bed (box springs) with the mattess atop him. I grabbed the part of the blanket pile doing the wiggling and skidoodled.

At that point I was at risk of dampening my knickers.

Larry pulled the mattress over in the corner where he and the doxies lay upon it and took a nap.

Some things defy explanation.

Thursday, March 6, 2008 7:59 PM CST

In anticipation of our coming snowstorm, I ran errands and revisited the grocery store today. There were a few additional items we might need between tonight and, say, Saturday. The sun will be out and the temperature back up by then. I bought one of these wind-up flashlights with a compass and a phone charger, too. One can never be too prepared. I did draw the line at the $1.97 thermal blankets.

Larry saved the section of the paper covering disaster preparedness. My, oh my. I've got plastic containers to buy. Here we sit right smack dab in the center of the New Madrid shake center, about a hundred years overdue. Tornado alley runs right through town. At least we don't live near the ocean. I could worry myself into a frenzy being that close to the water.

Larry got back into town ahead of the snow. Livi says college town has some snow, but is expecting more.

I'm continuing to collect funding on my MDA bail. I set up a website through MDA for credit card payments.

The trees around here are setting buds, and the forsythia are blooming. I saw some daffodils in bloom today. Lorraine loved the early flowers, like hyacinths and tulips.

My yards I planted at our last two houses should be ready to burst into beautiful color. I thought of the redbud trees, the flowering plum tree, the bradford pears, the tulip magnolias and so many other plants...

Soon I'll get to work here at the castle and see what grows.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008 9:26 PM CST

I'm back at the castle, again. Home from college town. Livi is expecting more snow. Well, they can have my share.

Larry and the obese one were at odds with each other when I returned. Apparently, herself was not inclined toward the postage stamp whilst there was snow on the ground. She much preferred my rug. Larry and she went round and round, what with her peeping a circle and him swatting and hollering.

Larry and I exchanged cars so he could run off on a business trip as soon as I rolled in. No matter, I headed out to the grocery store, as there's a gloomy forecast for these parts. At this point, the doxies and I have plenty of frozen peas, chopped brocolli and minced onion in our freezer. We're good on frozen corn, too.

I noticed today why Livi and Larry discourage me from going to the grocery store. I REALLY DO have to go up and down EVERY single aisle. I honestly don't want to miss anything. If I had time, I'd look at every item in the place, just in case. So many labels, so little time.

Wouldn't you know it? I got confirmation TONIGHT to speak at a function in college town next Monday night about TBI. Guess who'll be driving back up there on Sunday?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008 10:49 PM CST

I had a special dinner last night right before the sleet and show hit here in college town.

I took a book and nestled into a corner in a small Italian restaurant for a quiet meal by my lonesome. I was in my own little world, reading and eating pasta and veggies...

I asked for the to-go box, kept waiting for the check...

Someone at the next table had paid for my dinner!

I sputtered my thanks, gathered my belongings and drove to Livi's apartment watching the world slowly cover with a fine coat of ice. People amaze me.

Livi slept in, as her classes were all cancelled due to a fine snow. I puttered about the apartment, reading and watching tv, determined NOT to clean.

This afternoon we made our way to the internist appointment. The news is Livi's immune system overreacts like a Trojan horse whenever an infection enters the scene and knocks her on her behind. Then, when a secondary infection comes along she has no resistence and no second tier of immunity to fight with, and she's at the mercy of the new infection. (So I understand.) I think she sorta has either a whacky auto-immune disease or an anti-immune disease of sorts.

The internist thinks this may some how be tied to the lack of running fever around the time Livi was two years old. Hmmm. Something in her immune system switched off. How odd. He suggested we consider taking her to an immunologist.

The good news is Livi is feeling much better and, for now, is on the mend. How will she react when an infection comes along? None of us has the answer.

An obstacle...

Monday, March 3, 2008 10:35 PM CST

I was busier than a three-legged doxie on a bowling ball from the moment I opened my eyeballs this fine morning.

The weather was haywire. Tornados the south of us. Snow to the north of us, and drenching rain smack dab in the middle. The doxiegirls were having none of it. The obese one was frantically digging at the couch blankie looking for cover. The pup was running back and forth. I was attempting to get a shower between storms.

I was half poised to toss the dachshunds into the pantry along with my wind-up flashlight and battery-operated weather radio to ride out the tornado warnings. The other half of me was anxious to get dressed and head to the luncheon for TBI.

A good friend called with news of her husband's stroke just as I emerged from the shower and began to roll my hair.

I continued to throw items into my suitcase as I finished with them, ready to hit the road after the luncheon. Livi called to tell me the weather in college town was snowy and to take Larry's car...

As I ran for the car to leave, I realized the doglets had not ventured out into the postage stamp all morning! Curses...

We three, golf umbrella in hand, wandered about until I was satisfied, then I towel-dried the four-legged ones who promptly sought a cushion to begin a nap.

The luncheon was a success. I drove (in Larry's car) through drenching rain and muck and made it to college town. The sleet is more than I am used to. More snow is predicted. We shall see.

OH. Dr. Strangelove called Livi at 3:00pm and CANCELLED tomorrow morning's 8:00am appointment.

Why, of course. Now that I'm here.

Sunday, March 2, 2008 6:36 PM CST

This being Sunday, Larry left to go pick up his women.

Fortunately, they are all over the age of 70. He carries the elderly ladies to and from church.

The girldoxies and I struggled to get bathed. They whined, but I prevailed. Afterward, we all went out into the postage stamp and poop scooped. The pup, to her delight, unearthed her snake from hibernation near the fountain and began joyfully digging and baying like a bloodhound. I quickly scurried INSIDE.

Livi called from college town, saying she had all her windows open in her apartment enjoying the warm weather up there in the north country. Imagine that. Warmth in the north.

Livi worried her daddy into working on her math some more. Then she worried me into working on her history some more. I think we are her unofficial study group.

There was an issue this morning with stray pieces of kibble spilled under the dryer. The obese one could not rest until I got the yard stick and lay down on the floor with my cheek on the tile, sliding the stick back and forth neath the dryer. She stood at the ready til the kibble came flying out. I picked up the lint, though. The pup was utterly clueless, I might add. I had to feed her treats so she wasn't left out.

Tomorrow is the luncheon for TBI at the Governor's mansion. We get a proclamation declaring March National TBI Awareness Month.

Dern. I have to dress up.

Saturday, March 1, 2008 11:24 PM CST

Mercy Sakes! Larry and I attended our annual property owners's association meeting and I ended up on the Board. Open your mouth and that's what happens. Something about a squeeky wheel and all...

Afterward, Larry, myself and two very willing dachshunds motored to a midpoint between home and college town to meet Livi to review homework for upcoming tests. Oh, there was much yelping and smooching and tailwaggin'. We lounged at the local "Crackel Barrel" as Livi calls it and did algebra. Okay. Larry and Livi did. I read a book. AND, traipsed back and forth to peep and water the doxies.

I was put to good use when the history books came out, though. Livi has a timed test coming up that we prepared for.

Speaking of...

Larry and I are working on ideas for costumes for my upcoming birthday gala. Larry sees himself as Napoleon. I couldn't agree more. I'm leaning toward Cleopatra, as fond as I am of all things Egyptian. I wonder if she was a redhead? She was Macedonian, you know. I don't think Livi has a clue as to her costume, yet. One doxie will be a pumpkin. The other will be a fire hydrant, unless there's a weight issue. I can only imagine what Lorraine would have chosen.

I guess this year she's wearing wings.

Saturday, March 1, 2008 7:42 AM CST

I'm a bit late, but last I looked, the cows hadn't come home yet.

I ended the day pert near frustrated with our efforts at running up the hill to the ledge next session on behalf of TBI. In my humble opinion, we're looking at the problem "bass ackwards".

Reminds me of the insect who when offered a snack, demurred by saying, "No, thanks, I ate my young before I came."

The table was loaded with the administrative types on one end (the end that seems to have missed the problem) and the therapist, caregiving, rehab types on the other end who actually SEE the problem. I perched on that end, mind you.

Progress is being made in my dream of a Head Banger's Ball. I've lusted after the funding raised here locally by other charitable causes and their galas. I've daydreamed of the educational component with ninth graders who'll be gathered up and trained in hopes of preventing more TBI's. The honorees for the award ceremony, the "Head Bangers" would be ambassadors for change in their schools.

Much to do...

Thursday, February 28, 2008 11:01 PM CST

Livi called us tonight. She needs help with her homework. Wow. We actually have a role in her college affairs. The parental units to the rescue.

I've been so involved this week with various meetings relating to TBI that I have met myself coming back. Sometimes when it rains, it pours. It seems things are beginning to happen around here for the brain injury community. Perhaps we'll stir things up enough to make some real changes when the ledge meets again in January, 2009.

Livi's Spring Break is just around the corner. Honestly. How can that be? For sure, her second semester will soon be behind us. Livi will be headed into her second year of college before you can say "Swat that doxie!"

Larry and I had a dinner engagement tonight. The girldogs were wearily waiting for us to come home and put them to bed. They are both sawing logs now, tucked 'neath the covers.

Having children made me a better person. Having doxies has qualified me for sainthood.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008 9:35 PM CST

I've been afraid it would come to this.

I was driving when I received a call that there was a school shooting on Livi's campus. I nearly ran off the road.

I pulled over and shook for a moment or two til I managed to dial her number. Thank God for speed dial. AND cell phones. Fortunately, CNN corrected their information before I reached Livi and I learned the campus shooting had actually happened here in Little Rock.

Livi finally called back, wondering why Larry and I, as well as her former fella had all been calling and calling her.

Just another reminder not to get too comfy.

On another note...

I'll be "taken into custody" by the MDA folks on April 3rd and my bail will be $1700. I'll be contacting everyone to arrange to be released in advance. The money will go toward research for Muscular Dystrophy. My Granny and Momma both had severe cases of MD and this cause is dear to me.

Larry and Livi did Livi's math homework over the phone tonight. The pup heard Livi's voice and curled up next to Larry. (She was on speaker.) We're hoping for a passing grade, no frills. As I've said before, Lorraine used to bake a chocolate cake for her math teacher before each major test.

Perhaps Livi might try that approach.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 9:22 PM CST

This day started early and ended late. Livi called several times. She called once to alert me that she was making chocolate covered strawberries. Mmmm...

Another call weighed the pros and cons (mostly cons) of her math professor. Poor child inherited her math abilities from my end of the genetic pool.

I got my hair "done" today. I'm not sure why, exactly, but having my hair done always makes me feel good. I highly recommend it. Whenever Lorraine needed a personal boost, she would always get a pedicure and a manicure. Me, I just like a good haircut.

I met another new friend through this brain injury process and had lunch with her today. She had lost her son several years ago. I'll swan, we're everywhere.

I took an hour or so tonight and participated in a self-defense class for ladies at one of the local hospitals. It was really informative. I know what the Easter Bunny will be bringing Livi in her basket. (Mace, pepper spray, special keyrings to thump somebody with...)

I'm still trying to talk Larry into lettin' me practice the kicking and choking moves we learned.

He's skittish.

Monday, February 25, 2008 8:48 PM CST

This was a productive day.

I attended a Teen Driving Safety meeting. (Our second one.) Yippee! We decided to work on integrating some of the Brain Injury Association's ideas with the TDS ideas and work together. 'Cause, ultimately, we all want the same thing, safer kids and fewer accidents.

Someway, somehow almost all the Walk for Thought posters have been distributed around my end of town. I've held back a few for folks who've requested a couple.

There's been a good response from the Greek organizations at college town for speaking engagements, too. I'll be imparting knowledge and hopefully keeping somebody's son or daughter a bit safer through Lorraine's journey and Livi's efforts by speaking at their respective 'houses' on campus.

I am interested in speaking to any organization, be it rotary, luncheon groups, churches, whathaveyou about traumatic brain injury on behalf of the brain injury association, should anyone need to fill a space on their program.

AND, it's free of charge...

Sunday, February 24, 2008 9:28 PM CST

It's a doggone good thing Livi came home when she did. I had switched the doxie's collars after the dreaded baths. Curses. They were each wearing each other's jewelry.

Larry and I hit the gym this afternoon after Livi left on her way back to college town, trying to keep our minds occupied. We later puttered around Wal-Mart, squeezing oranges and poking among the apples, choosing some fruit. Gotta have that fiber.

I poop-scooped the postage stamp and Larry did his laundry. We shuffled through the line at the local cafeteria and both had veggie plates with all the other soon-to-be senior citizens (and some who already were), arriving back at the castle right at dark.

The trash is on the curb. The covers are turned down on the bed. It's past 9:30pm. The doxies are circling, ready to snooze.

Ah, the life of empty-nesters.

Saturday, February 23, 2008 9:47 PM CST

Surprise! Livi rolled in this afternoon from college town. As for who was happiest to see her, Larry, the doxies or me, I couldn't say. We all snuggled on the couch and watched Hitchcock films. Later in the evening, we took in a movie.

Livi is taking back to college town some enrollment forms for the third annual Traumatic Brain Injury Walk for Thought. Everyone who is available on Saturday, March 15th, come join us here in town. Email me for more information. The cost is $20 which includes a tshirt and refreshments. Lorraine is the honorary grand marshall.

This morning, Larry had a bit of a headache so he and the pair-a-doxies slept in. The obese one obviously grew bored, so she chewed holes in my bed blanket. Thank you so much.

In people years, the obese one is almost eighty years old. I consider chewed blankets and peeped rugs an insignificant price to pay for unconditional love and unfailing loyalty.

AND, nobody wags their tail on my account like she does...

Friday, February 22, 2008 10:30 PM CST

I spoke with Livi today via cell phone (what DID we do before those were invented, anyway?) and she sounds relatively well. I had a dilemma of a personal nature. I was attempting to buy hairspray all by myself. I put in a call to someone with experience, namely Livi. She recommended Full and Thick, ultra hold, versus Sheer Volume, maximum hold.

Larry called and beeped in right smack dab in the midst of my hairspray conversation. "This better be important. I'm in the middle of buying hairspray," I told him.

I'm volunteering in a few weeks to be "jailed" for the MDA in order to raise money. Hopefully, several of my friends will pay my "bail" and spring me before too long.

I found just the right table for Lorraine's cherry wood box to rest on. It has been ordered.

Time for sleep and reflection.

Thursday, February 21, 2008 11:06 PM CST

If Larry were handy with power tools, he would have built an ark today. 'Twas a bit wet.

I went on a mission with a girlfriend of mine. I was looking for just the right piece of furniture to hold Lorraine's cherry wood box and her photo in the hallway outside our bedroom. The space is small, but the job is mighty important. We think we may have located a right nice little chest. I have to take my measuring tape and verify the dimensions.

My girlfriend was quite taken with my knitting and wanted to learn. We scurried over to the craft store to buy yarn and needles. We drove to the castle, swatted doxies til we cleared a place to sit and thought we were ready to begin. HA! I didn't know how to "cast on". The pair of us spent the entire evening with a booklet and two pairs of knitting needles learning how to put yarn on a needle so one of us could knit.

By cracky, I can "cast on" with the best of 'em now. However, those slip knots are tricky.

The girldoxies had a rescue doxie visitor this morning. They shared their cage, a chew toy, one of their ropes and some treats with him.

A few sniffs and licks were exchanged, too.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008 6:54 PM CST

Well, good news, I suppose. Livi's CT scan of her sinuses showed a past sinus infection but no current sinus infection or percolating mass just waiting for those antibiotics to run out. SO, why does she continually get sinus infections?

College town's weather forecast is predicting an ice storm for the evening and the morn. Glad I'm not there. Not fit for mom nor doxie.

Larry is taking his New Year's resolutions seriously, it seems. He's playing lots of racquetball and walking the treadmill in his little short pants. I'm practically beaming with pride. The majority of his forebearers (is this the correct spelling?) have eaten their way into diabetes and other unhealthiness by simply sitting still. Hopefully, Larry will maintain a healthy heart and help me raise those someday grandbabies.

I began some therapy this afternoon. I took up knitting. Heaven in a ball of yarn. Yup, just me, two dachshunds and the clicking of knitting needles.

Okay, a few expletives now and then...(I'm new at this.)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008 9:40 PM CST

This day just about sucked the juice outta my good mood.

I've been jockeying with Livi's primary care doc for a referral to an endocrinologist here who has a spot open during spring break. The endo doc requires the referral, not our high-toned insurance, mind you. AND, the primary wouldn't refer Livi without Livi coming home from college and seeing the primary doc, donating some more blood, etc...

Well, thank you very little.

We'll take our chances in college town.

The second meeting of the TBI Task Force went well. (As well as meetings can.)

I saw a good friend today who has had her share of pain. There's never a shortage, is there?

Larry and I braved the cold wind and took the doglets on a brisk late afternoon walk. We needed to get out of the castle and stretch our legs. Some builder had the cart path we normally take blocked with his truck. The obese one could not cope. Creature of habit that she is, that man had to move his truck. Yep. However, he had his own doggie sitting in the truck cab.

He understood.

Monday, February 18, 2008 11:01 PM CST

I busied myself running errands today. Tomorrow afternoon I'll attend the second meeting of the Brain Injury Task Force.

I spoke with Livi this evening. She's been working on her papers and preparing for tests. I hope she doesn't overdo and get sick again.

I managed to find a book club to sit in on while Larry was playing racquetball. I've always wanted to join such a group. Although I had not read the book, I enjoyed the discussion. Thinking is something I value. Yep, I'm for it.

The doxies were banned from the family bed tonight. One was making the common upchucking sounds and we weren't about to take a chance. They are basking in their cage, discontentedly. So it goes.

I'm living on the wild side this week. I'm made plans all the way through Friday. Hopefully, Livi will be well long enough for me to keep them.

Crossing my fingers...

Sunday, February 17, 2008 8:42 PM CST

Somehow, somewhere along the way I lost myself.

I took care of everyone. I raised. I cleaned. I went to school. I became a lawyer. I worked in my little law practice and I still cleaned and took care of everyone.

Lorraine had her accident. I closed my little law practice and took care of her. Everyone else took care of each other for awhile. Lorraine got her wings and I resumed taking care of everyone, an 'everyone' that had shifted while I was occupied.

I have no idea where I belong anymore, where I 'fit', what my purpose should be.

I have become a seeker.

Saturday, February 16, 2008 11:03 PM CST

Larry and I drove back to the castle tonight, doxies in tow, through the driving rain. Actually, I could have sworn we were driving through pea soup. At one point I think my little car had fins, the rear was fishtailing so. Larry pulled ahead so I could follow his tailights and have some chance of staying in my own lane. He tells me the doglets let out nary a peep the entire trip. There was lots of thunder and lightning.

Whilst in college town today, I decided to do up the doxie's baths in Livi's bathroom sink. OH, they were not pleased! The obese one actually suspended her fine self above the water by hanging onto the edges of the sink with her toenails. (She is longer than Livi's sink.) However, there is more than one way to wash a dachshund. I washed her in sections.

Larry and Livi worked on math homework, figuring out the finer points of dollar-cost averaging. I worked a crossword puzzle. We all three talked about ways to destress Livi's life and "find that happy place" Dr. Strangelove talked about. She dropped a couple of classes and may take one this summer. We discussed resuming allergy shots. College town IS a totally different climate than home.

I came back to discover the doxies had peeped the bed and left dirty footprints on the sheets. Indeed. Larry was utterly speechless. He swore he knew nothing about any of it. Hence, we are doing laundry (waiting on the mattress cover to dry) at this late hour rather than sleeping.

I am now thoroughly convinced he manages to muddle through the workday somehow, but otherwise cannot do without me.

Friday, February 15, 2008 7:37 PM CST

I'm wondering if I've fallen down the rabbit hole.

Things in the medical community are done a bit differently here in college town, to say the very least. I called to check on the strep culture and got a bizarre response. Even though the culture results are not back, and the rapid test was negative (I know this because I have a copy from their establishment in my hand) the nurse is telling me the culture is "positive". OH-KAY.

I'm fine with that. Livi is just gonna keep on taking her meds and we'll all be happy. She also had her sinus's CT'd this afternoon. She was so happy no IV was required. Being stuck has become her new hobby.

I truly did not find any fever in that girl all day. AND, she's blowing clear once again. Thank goodness for medicines, medical research and health insurance.

Larry and the Florence Nighten-Weenies are enroute as I type. Now that the germs are all dead, I suppose.

I finally got this nasty place clean. I'll swan, I don't know from whence this child came.

She truly is an earth-baby.

Thursday, February 14, 2008 9:39 PM CST

Larry surprised Livi and me today with a dozen red roses delivered via Livi's former fella. I'm told the dynamic doxie duo were busying themselves opening their homemade valentine boxes of cards from all their canine friends.

Livi and I saw the infectious disease doc and didn't learn much, other than her immune system behaves atypically. More blood was taken. More tests are to be run. Livi will have a CT scan on her sinuses tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Livi is developing a possible sinus infection. It's a good dern thing she's already on an antibiotic.

Larry and the canines are packing to come to college town. ALTHOUGH, there's snow and ice in the forecast.

I'm about ready to tell somebody, anybody, to go eat a bug.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008 8:13 PM CST


I feel like a middle-aged housewife. I have cooked and done the washing most all day. Livi's doorknobs and lightswitches have been disinfected, too. I scrubbed her potty and bathroom sink. I'd really like to dust, vaccuum and mop, but not with her home. She'd have an allergy attack. I just HAD to strip the bed down to the mattress in case there were strep bugs hiding out.

Livi is somewhat better. I've found very little fever today above 99.2. She took a shower and changed her clothes today, too. Her appetite is improving in leaps and bounds. She asked for soup, so I made homemade chicken noodle. She asked for chili, so I made homemade mild chili. I even made simple eggsalad on organic bread and she ate a tiny sandwich! She has hugged her bed, except for the trip to the shower. I'll be glad when she has more to say.

Larry is missing us something akin to awful. He's planning to come up if I'm still here this weekend. He'll bring the two Florence Nighten-Weenies with him. They have the magic healing touch.

Tomorrow we go to the infectious disease doc. Wow. Seems like old hat, now.

Things change in a hurry.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008 9:58 PM CST

I took Livi to a family clinic today. When she walked in, her temperature was 103.3 degrees. And, I use the word "walked" figuratively.

The test for the flu was negative. The rapid test for strep was also negative. However, Livi was having trouble moving her neck up and down or turning her head to either side. She had a bad headache, as well. I asked about possible meningitis. The response: "We don't do that here."

I nearly keeled over on the spot. I kid you not. As though I "did that" in the trunk of my car. I thought that was why we were there in a doctor's office in the first place. If I had been qualified to make such a call, I wouldn't have needed their assistance.

Blood was spilled.

The result showed Livi had something bacterial, hence, the swab for strep was likely inaccurate and antibiotics were dispensed. Plus, her iron counts are lookin' good.

I spent the remainder of the evening at the local pharmacy waiting on the prescription. Some woman stood at the counter whining to the pharmacist about something or other until I actually began to envision myself attacking her with the folding cane in the aisle beside me next to the flavored aloe. I realized how close I had come to reaching my limit this day.

It snowed on us today while Livi ran this high fever. I lost my gloves. I think the wind chill is single digit. Not fit for living things.

I'm drinking green tea to recenter myself.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008 9:34 AM CST

I should never have unpacked...

Livi called mid-morning to say she had missed her early classes, thinking the EBV was back. Uh-Oh. BUT, she was going to the afternoon classes disguised as the bride of Frankenstein. That's my girl.

Livi's former fella and still very close friend called late yesterday asking "How much tylenol does she take with a fever of 101.5?" FEVER? Come again?

Livi was in bed, sick as a non-doxie, head aching, coughin', very sore throat, miserable with a bonafide fever, asking for apple juice and her momma. Over the phone, I instructed this applicant for sainthood how to use a flashlight and a spoon to look at her throat, give tylenol and ibuprofen alternately, and keep her hydrated until I could pack and make the drive to college town. (My car knows the way on its own by now.)

Of course, the path to college town was interspersed with wreckage from last week's tornadoes and I was in the middle of a fine thunderstorm. To calm my nerves, I listened to the only available radio station, bluegrass, toetapping as I drove. When that faded away, I hummed along with the hispanic station...

The fog was so bad in the mountains encasing college town I could barely see past the end of my little car. Of course, the semi trucks with hyper-vision would blow past me and throw oceans of water over my car til I could not see the lane markings. I would have bitten my nails if I could have managed to let go of the steering wheel.

Livi's former fella met me at the car to haul my suitcase up the stairs in the storm, but slipped down in the mud climbing up the hill from the parking lot to the building. He was covered in mud and debris. I threw his pants in the washer and he wiped down his school jacket, while I checked on Livi.

Her throat is red, she's got all the classic symptoms of the flu. WOW! An ordinary illness with ordinary textbook symptoms for a change. I'm so happy I could spit. We have a family clinic appointment this afternoon. No specialist, just your average doc. But, best of all, FEVER!

Sunday, February 10, 2008 10:17 PM CST

I really wish Lorraine was here to help me learn to use this volumnizing mousse and my new bigger round brush. She was a natural at such things. Livi, with her natural curls, doesn't fool with too much along the hair product line. I've held off trying to find 'plumping spray' til I master these other two new items. It could be quite a spell.

I remember the time Lorraine got a hairbrush stuck in her hair (she was a young teen) and Larry tried to assist in removal. He felt the logical answer required scissors. She screamed and ran. I called for reinforcements.

I can't tell much difference, to be honest, in the before hair and the after hair, mousse or not. I suppose the secret is the hair itself.

Livi called to say she was working hard to manage her stress as she has five tests and two papers due this week. Goodness. So far, she's not sick, but she is sleeping A LOT. I go to college town Wednesday to spend the night in preparation for Thursday's appointment with the infectious disease doctor. I actually unpacked my suitcases.

I like the feeling.

Saturday, February 9, 2008 10:52 PM CST

Larry and I worked together to whip up a couple of appetizers for a church dinner potluck tonight. We were right proud of ourselves. Nary a cheeto was involved and no readymade dip was sighted. I will admit to using cool whip and jello, though.

There were two poodles at the potluck house. I got sniffed suspiciously when I returned tonight.

Bright and early this morning, Larry and I pulled together donations for the tornado victims here locally. Larry found some good pairs of pants he could spare, but questioned whether or not the inseam would be a problem. I told him he wasn't the only short man in these parts; I saw one in Wal-Mart just yesterday...

AND, there's the ziplock bags of kibble. Nowadays the girldoxies only eat highfallutin duck flavored fare, per their allergies.

Some doggie somewhere will eat high on the hog thanks to my finicky doglets.

Friday, February 8, 2008 10:00 PM CST

I woke up today with a mission.

Larry and I moved furniture until he broke away and ran for the office. The pup managed to get caught inside the wooden bedframe and couldn't get out. I don't know how she got IN there to begin with. The obese one gathered up her favorite toys, rope, yellow ring and exhaulted squirrel, and laid them out beside the bed. Hmmm. An offering, perhaps?

After I took full measure of the new design, I wasn't satisfied. The couch in the office would look sooo much better in the bedroom, I decided. I began pulling and tugging until I had the couch half in and half out of the office. I figured out if I lay down on the floor on my back beneath the couch, I could pull without scratching the tile, using my legs to push from the underneath. The doxies took turns riding ontop and peering over the side at me. I wiggled along making progress until I dragged the couch across the living room and lined it up with the short narrow hallway leading into the bedroom.

Couches don't fold in the middle or make S-curves like short narrow hallways. I turned that full-size sofa over and over from top to bottom (with the legs wrapped in dishtowels and rubber bands so as not to scratch the walls) until I had a pretty good angle going and tried again. AND, I managed to wedge the couch into the hallway until it was so stuck I couldn't move it forward or backward. At one point, I found myself stuck underneath and unable to move the couch. I called Larry. (I carry my cell phone around the house, even to the bathroom. Otherwise, it WILL ring and I won't be able to get it. Then, the house phone will start ringing, there's no message, the girldogs will start barking...)

Larry came home late in the afternoon and we worked on freeing the couch from the hallway.

The couch does look much better in the bedroom.

Lorraine used to enjoy moving things around in her room. She sometimes got stuck, too. One time she got her head stuck under the bed. Larry had to lift the bed so I could pull her out.

Thursday, February 7, 2008 8:53 PM CST

Larry called five or six times this afternoon as I made my way back to the castle from college town. I do believe he was anxious for my arrival. The pair-a-doxies danced and sang, until I held them, then they merely grunted at me.

Larry is having delayed stress headaches from worrying over Livi. I am worn to a nub from all the activities of the last few weeks. I'll return to college town for Livi's appointment with the infectious disease doctor next week. Afterward, life should flow into a nice unimaginative rut for a spell. How lovely that sounds.

In about two weeks, I'll be looking for the first bit of springtime around these parts. I always say, if we can get to March, we're home-free. This has been a hard winter, even without dastardly weather. I'm feeling the need to dig in the dirt and grow something. I mentioned to Larry the furniture-rearranging bug is burrowing again. I believe his eyes crossed. Purposely? I couldn't say.

It's good to be home.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008 10:30 PM CST

I recall driving out of the castle driveway with Larry standing in the doorway waving sadly, accompanied by two mournful dachshunds, also waving sadly. It was enough to break a lesser woman's heart. I'll be glad to get back home to the castle and see the three of them jump around, making fools of themselves over my return.

Livi is obviously feeling better, as she's sassing me again. I cooked dinner tonight for her and two close friends of hers. We even had cherry pie.

Larry called to say goodnight and to ponder why with only himself and two doglets in the bed, he STILL has only six inches of mattress? Apparently, the canines scurry to his side in my absence. My portion is sacrosanct. Peep not over there.

I'm ready for less drama in my little life. I'd like nothing more exciting than planning my upcoming fiftyith birthday party. After all, I only have eight and a half months.

These things take time.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008 7:08 PM CST

GREAT NEWS!!!! Yippee! Say amen and pass the bisquits...

Livi's hematologist fairly skipped into the exam room this afternoon, (a mere one hour late, I might add), toting a thick file with her name on it in blaze orange lettering. He reexamined all the little lymph nodes and gave both Livi and me a mini-course on how to find them, what size is "ok" and what is "call-me" size.

Hemo doc made us both pull up chairs and get close enough to read the thirteen pages of test results along with him. (I, of course, needed my glasses...)

The long and short of it is Livi has some sort of Epstein-Barr virus with markers out the wazoo. It isn't mono. At the time the blood was drawn, she was already in the convalescent stage. OH, she seemed mighty sickly to me...

There is NO sign of any cancers or nasty bugs, thank YOU. However, this EBV is a recurrent, chronic sucker that she has had before, will have again, same song, next verse. We are scheduled to see the infectious disease doc on Valentine's Day for more information. (I happen to love and adore information.)

Livi has been cleared to resume moderate exercise. She is not permitted to give blood for at least a year, as the EBV could be spread AND she needs to build her reserves. She has to be ultra-vigilant about monitoring stress, getting enough sleep, eating enough and properly and not running herself ragged. Otherwise, the EBV will knock her back on her buns and she'll be on the infection train unable to get off.

My, isn't it always something? I'm thankful for this little problem instead of the bigger ones we could have be handed.

Monday, February 4, 2008 9:38 PM CST

I'm in college town at Livi's apartment.

We got some good news this afternoon. The CT scans came back GREAT! No bad stuff showed up on her inner lymph nodes (as opposed to her 'outer' ones I guess?). Our appointment is stil scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. Livi said the nurse told her all the test results are back except the one for "rabbit fever"? Alrighty, then. I'm not even gonna ask.

Speaking of not asking...

I've been having some work done on my car. BIG MISTAKE. I found out my car doesn't use real motor oil. Nope. Uh-uh. AND, further more, it does not have a dip stick. How can that be? I just tells me when it needs oil. OH, you can imagine how well that went over.

Larry has a car that doesn't use a key. A CAR WITHOUT A KEY... I'm not ready. This is most certainly not the world Lorraine walked upon. I drove Larry's keyless car the other day and I couldn't find the garage door closer. I poked every doo-hickey on the dash, thinking surely one or the other was really a garage door closer in disguise. I finally called Larry at his office just to shut the blamed door.

I'll bet Lorraine was laughing her socks off.

Sunday, February 3, 2008 9:05 PM CST

This was A DAY.

Livi slept til I woke her at 1pm. She had come in rather late after enjoying the banquet and formal event downtown last night. Larry was hankering to get to the restaurant, eat and be home in time to watch the pregame show and the Superbowl.

When Livi got up, I had her step on the scales wearing her jammies. I was shocked to say the least. She's lost more weight since I got back from college town LAST Sunday. I'm a small woman, but I look like a blimp next to Livi.

We three went to lunch, along with her friend and former fella, then Livi headed back to college town. Larry fretted and worried and decided Livi fared better with me in college town cooking and tending her, so I'm headed up there tomorrow. (I did some fretting and worrying of my own.) I called Livi, and she's ok with my early arrival. We're expecting to hear from the doctor whether or not the test results are all back for the scheduled appointment on Tuesday. Otherwise, the appointment will be moved a few days.

The doxies are storing up some snuggly time. I swear they know I'm leaving.

I gave Larry his Valentine early, just in case. I'm taking Livi's Valentine present with me.

My nature tends to prepare for the worst but hope for the best. I'm hoping for test results that show absolutely nothing wrong. But, then what? Where does that leave us?

I suppose I'll burn that bridge when I come to it.

Saturday, February 2, 2008 8:52 PM CST

Livi came home early this afternoon and the dachshunds are still giving thanks. Of course, they also observed a moment of silence when I passed through the castle carrying the bag of poop right after I pooper-scoopered the postage stamp, too. They are a strange lot.

Livi was busy swatting doxies as soon as she sat down to eat her lunch. The pair-a-doxies have developed a hankerin' for shrimp, it seems. Shrimp is one of the new foods Livi is working her way through to increase her iron. She eats shrimp every which-a-way nowdays, shrimp and frosted flakes, shrimp and bisquits, shrimp with macaroni and cheese...

Larry hurried home after working only half a day, this being Saturday, to watch his ballgame. I thought it was the Superbowl, as excited as he was, what with all the yelling. I was ready to see some good commercials. Apparently, that game is tomorrow.

I noticed today I have a natural mohawk in the middle of my head. Either it is a remnant of my Indian ancestry or somewhere in my sleepy DNA is a renegade curl. Larry got a chuckle out of my hair-do. Geeze. It truly does have a mind of its own.

My hair lady told me now that I have hair to work with, I need to use "volumnizing mousse" and "plumping spray". OH-kay. Let's hope there is only one brand at the store. Otherwise, I will need to pack a lunch.

Gosh, Lorraine would know all about this stuff.

Saturday, February 2, 2008 9:26 AM CST


I fell asleep on the couch last night with a lapful of doxies, all of us snuggled up under their couch blankie. Doglets certainly can't be counted on to update the journal. Larry was snoozin' on the other side of the couch. So there you have it. No entry.

I got up primed and ready to write, but got distracted by the fourlegged, all that whining and begging to be fed...

Livi called yesterday and announced she planned to come home this weekend! She expects the snow to be melted in college town by midday today and she's rested well this week. A special friend has a very ill family member and she wants to offer her support, and there is a formal function here in town tonight she wants to attend. I'm all for it, as long as the trip doesn't tire her out. She will go back Sunday afternoon. Hence, I'm baking pumpkin bread.

The oven repairman finally came. He charged me for the "service" call. What service? Nothing was fixed. Everthing is being ordered. I love the way he told me I was only being charged for parts and labor. ONLY? What, pray tell, else was there to charge me for? The pleasure of his company? AND, considering I've been trying for two years plus to get someone to fix the oven... Why, it's my pleasure.

No wonder I get weak in the knees at the grocery store when I swipe my Kroger card and the automated voice says "welcome valued customer"!

Thursday, January 31, 2008 10:32 PM CST

What a day this was! Livi checked in. She was snoozin', as college town had snow and early classes were cancelled.

I had an early ultrasound (recall that ovary what was acting up last fall?) and was just about to walk out the door when the bottom dropped out. Doesn't it always? You can hurry, get up way early, whatever... Does't matter. Stuff happens right when you're ready to leave. All of it at once.

I was putting on my coat. The obese one began to upchuck. The phone began to ring. The pup began to wail thinking the obese one was dying. I tried to grab paper towels, the pup, the obese one AND the phone all at once. HA. ALL the while, swiping at the throwup without dragging my coat through it.

Later in the day, I had an MRI/MRA for my migraines. That was something. I tried tapping along with the sounds, trying to find a beat. I even began to notice a vague similarity to the sounds of our cabin on our first cruise. It was located right beside the engine room. Right cozy.

This evening Larry had a client function with dinner and a concert downtown. Wouldn't you know one of the songs was "Smile", the theme song from Lorraine's memorial service? She shows up at the most unlikely places.

Livi called late in the day, saying she had restocked her groceries and was ready to hole-up in her apartment for a day or two til the snow melted. Good planning. She's having some problems taking the extra iron supplements. If it isn't one thing, it's two others.

At least the obese one isn't upchucking anymore.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008 8:00 PM CST

After many, many months of worrying over the toilet running in the guest bathroom, I had a plumber scheduled to come by this afternoon. My friend got wind of my plans and nixed 'em, suggesting instead I have her husband take a look at the problem.

I soon found myself in the plumbing fixtures aisle at Home Depot looking for a flapper with a bobber dowhatchit on a chain. I thought to myself, as I paid for my flapper, "Would you look at that?, I'm about to repair my very own toilet!" Mmmm. MMM.

I went home and replaced the flapper. Turned the water back on at the toilet bowl. AND, it still runs. Maybe it's a bad valve. I'll have to check with my friend's husband about toilet valves.

The oven repairman is coming Friday. My car is going in for service Friday, too. My, my. What will I obsess over then?

Livi had her CT scans this afternoon. So far, no news. She was aggravated with the person who attempted to do her IV. Apparently it malfunctioned and spurted blood all over her. She mentioned that she was already a quart low and needed to keep what she had, thank YOU very much. Mercy Maude. Good that I was not there.

So far Livi is feeling reasonably as when I left her. She has not reestablished an infection, although college town is predicting some major winter weather tonight.

The girldoxies have been digging through their gear for their sweaters and snowshoes. They are hopeful I think for one good snowday.

They want to build a snowdoxie.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008 7:15 PM CST

Today was a kaleidoscope. Is that spelled correctly?

I got my hair "done". Good thing, too. I attended the first meeting of the Traumatic Brain Injury Task Force appointed by the governor and established by our efforts in the ledge this past session. I managed to stumble around and be asked to chair a subcommittee on awareness. Lord help us all.

Afterward, I went to Wal-Mart for a few groceries til my next trip to college town. Such a mundane activity after the mindtrip of 'think-tanking' with the task force.

The wind was blowing SO hard, I had to tie weights to the doxies to keep them from blowing over the brick wall as they flew around the postage stamp. I suppose I could have tied knots in their tails and flown them like kites.

I forgot to mention on the trip back from college town, I happened to stop for a potty break. In the SUPER-GULP restroom, door barred, all surfaces covered with tissue, I looked for the soap to wash up before I exited... There were assorted items hanging on the wall, some functional and some not. Not having my glasses on, I selected what I thought was the soap, based on the location and the appearance of liquid in the canister. I slathered up both hands and both arms up to the elbow. THEN, I got close enough to see WHAT was on the label... TOILET BOWL SANITIZER!!!!

Needless to say, I did a Monk in my head, screaming for my wipes, holding my arms straight up in the air, dancing around in a circle until I found the soap and washed and waahhhssshhheeeddddd...

Livi is about the same. She has her CT scan tomorrow, plus a couple of extra blood tests for good measure. She came home from school and took a long nap. It's mighty cold in college town, she tells me.

I'm still pursuing someone to fix the oven...

Monday, January 28, 2008 9:20 PM CST

Overall, a pretty decent day, considering.

Just a few tears. No sobbing. We tried and succeeded in keeping this a day of celebration. Whew...

Thanks for the kind words, phone calls, and emails from all who remembered Lorraine's birthday today.

Larry and I wore our "Lorraine blue" and went to lunch at one of her former haunts. We realized midway through the meal we had reached a new level as soon-to-be old people...

We were dressed virtually alike.

I suppose it had to happen sooner or later. "Sooner" has arrived.

The restaurant used to be Lorraine's favorite place for carrot cake. They've changed their recipe. I'm glad. I don't like the world to continue to spin as it once was without her.

I attempted to actually DO something about the accursed oven what inhabits our kitchen. I called the 800-number and went through the menu, held long enough to examine my belly button for lint, removed one sock, inspected between my toes and hung up. I called again, selected something different from the menu and practiced my deep breathing exercises before I again hung up. Well, wasn't that precious?

I called and checked on Livi. She's feeling pretty good. No major changes today. I'm taking that as a positive.

The insurance company and her hematologist went round and round today. The hematologist won one round and got approval for the chest CT, along with the abdominal CT, but the insurance company won the final round by refusing the pelvic CT.

Some things are not meant to be understood.

Sunday, January 27, 2008 9:08 PM CST

The girldoglets and I are back at the castle. Larry was practically waiting in the driveway for us, anxious as he was. 'Tis nice to be missed.

Tomorrow is Lorraine's 22nd birthday. I plan to locate THE finest piece of carrot cake in town and eat it all. I suggest anyone who is so inclined sample either carrot cake, spice cake, french fries with lots of ketchup, ice cold Dr. Pepper, tuna salad, vanilla cake cone, vanilla yogurt with rainbow sprinkles, angel hair pasta with marinara or cookie dough ice cream. She loved all those.

Let's all wear "Lorraine" blue, either electric cobalt-blue or soft baby blue in remembrance of her. We'll all know each other without saying a word. Imagine, a line of blue stretched across the world linking us in our hearts in honor of Lorraine. She will jump for joy!

Livi was as good as we could get her for today. She slept almost twelve hours, ate a steak and iron-rich veggies for lunch and felt pretty good. She went to a movie with a friend this afternoon. We're hoping for a good week. She has a CT scan scheduled on Wednesday. College town's weather forecast is better this week than last week, which should help.

Carrying on and moving forward.

Saturday, January 26, 2008 9:55 PM CST

A good day. A peaceful day.

I made soup. The pup managed to pry the lid off the vaseline jar. She was poised to poke her snout inside when Livi snatched her out of harm's way. Close call. I surely would have found myself administering mouth-to-snout after cleaning her nose with q-tips. (Shudder.)

Livi is feeling better. She still has antibiotics to take. I worry about her relapsing with a new infection when she finishes this round.

Lots of restlessness from the canines. They really are enjoying their vacation, but are confused as to where they are or why they are here.

Larry is rattling around the castle all by his lonesome. He says the place literally echoes without me, let alone the doxies.

We're nervous and jittery, waiting on test results...

Friday, January 25, 2008 10:57 PM CST

Ahhh, the minefields of life...

Our insurance, the altar at which we worship each month to the tune of roughly a hunk of change equal to a mortgage payment, has refused Livi's CT scan of her chest and pelvis. Perfectly fine to scan her abdomen, though. OH, as though there aren't a GO-zillion lymph nodes hunkered down som'ers in those other areas of her body that might oughta be eyeballed!

I had Larry to call and fight with 'em. I might, NO, I would, go off and act very unladylike and just where would that get us?

Livi stayed abed til after 4pm, either skipping school or, luckily, having cancelled classes due to weather. She ate a good dinner and even had snacks. I made a roast with potatoes(skin on) and carrots, accompanied by some very nice steamed broccoli. More iron, anyone? We drank apple cider; my own special brew.

The dachshunds have self-limited their pooping and peeping due to the bitterly cold weather. We race outside, downstairs. They've pooped/peeped while I' still descending the last few stairs and we all race back upstairs. I go out occasionally with a Wal-Mart sack and clean up. The lone stranger.

We have rescheduled Livi's CT scan for a few days later, the middle of next week. Hopefully, we'll get the all-clear to scan everything she needs scanned.

Otherwise, we'll burn that bridge when we come to it.

Thursday, January 24, 2008 10:14 PM CST

Livi was supposed to see the nurse-practioner today. Emphasis on the word "supposed". Instead we saw a nurse who was eager to skip out and attend a baby shower for a co-worker, so we got bounced around, upstairs and downstairs. First, Livi had a little dab o' blood drawn and no urine sample. Then, she had a pint of blood drawn WITH a urine sample and two chest xrays. We finally got a peek at today's blood draw and found she was a bit lower today than last week on her iron, but better than the draw at the neurologist's office. Hmm. Peaks and valleys.

I'm pretty well in the dark as to how Livi's faring on all the other samples and what the vampires are doing with them. I did speak with the hematology nurse at lenght this afternoon and was told that all sorts of tests have been ordered and are being run. The hematologist has consulted with an infectious disease doctor as to what tests to run and what to look for and so forth. (Hence, all the blood-letting.) We have an appointment with said infectious disease doctor in mid-February should anything show up as a result of all the tests. (Bird in the hand and all...)

The good news today was her chest xray didn't show pneumonia. Her antibiotics and the little green mucus men in pill form have been doing their jobs. She seems better. Now if she will just stay that way and not catch a new infection.

We have lots of groceries, full tanks of gas and are waiting on the weather to blow in.

I solicited local neurosurgeons, attorneys and others who work with brain injuries for sponsorship for the Brain Injury Association's annual fundraiser coming in March. Well, shut my mouth, one ivory-towered group whose members I have engaged on more than one occasion in a meeting of the minds declined to sponsor us. I found it odd they felt it necessary to call in order to notify me they were not interested. Most places just ignore the request and go on with their business. Not to mention the callousness of refusing to contribute to the very people you make your living from. (And, in their time of need to boot.)

I do not understand some folks and I'm kinda glad I don't.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 9:44 PM CST

I'm back in college town tonight. The doglets made the trip right fine. OH, the rejoicing this morning when the pair realized they, too, were going bye-bye with me. When the all-clear was given and the dachshunds were allowed into the garage, they ran around, scampering and playing, in and out of the car while the doors were open as Larry was loading my suitcases.

Then the joy ended and they were placed inside their cage and securely seatbelted in the backseat. Hence, the moaning, wailing and gnashing of teeth commenced and continued for nearly an hour. I didn't dare stop for lunch nor potty break once those two settled down. I kept driving until the grousing resumed.

Once I arrived and Livi finished classes for the day, I was surprised to find her congested and coughing up yucky stuff, rattly in her chest area and experiencing pain in her back. I'm wondering if she's come down with pneumonia? Livi doesn't run fever, so every sickness is a game of Hide-the-Infection.

We have an appointment tomorrow with the nurse-practioner tomorrow at the hematologist's office for an x-ray, MORE blood work and a urinalysis. They asked Livi if I was in town and how long I would be here. Hmm.

We stocked up at the store and I cooked and baked enough to last a few days as we will be hangin' at the doctor's.

The doxiegirls will be going with us, but in their cage with a blanket over them to stay snuggly while we are otherwise engaged.

Oh, imagine my joy. The forecast is blizzard-like for day after tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 9:38 PM CST

It's a good thing I was sittin' on "go". Livi called this morning and beckoned me back to college town. Or, when the ice melts tomorrow. There was a fair amount of bad weather in those parts yesterday and she was worried my little car might not make it.

Livi has a fresh sinus infection. She was so sick she didn't get out of bed til 4pm. She missed school. I managed to get some antibiotics called in for her and a friend fetched them from the pharmacy.

Apparently, I am needed and necessary after all. She's requested the girldoglets accompany me to college town. I've wrestled with the pros and cons and I supposed I'll take their long yet short-legged selves with me tomorrow. Oh, won't they love going "bye-bye in the car"?

I've packed myself in two big suitcases, now I've got to pack for the two of them. I have my art supplies ready to tote and carry. I'll have to measure out kibble and treats, find leashes and sweaters, look for meds, brushes and dog-towels. OH, and I mustn't forget the pooper-scooper bags. Nor the crate. I'll need some toys, especially their squirrel.

Livi's bed might be a bit crowded.

Monday, January 21, 2008 8:05 PM CST

Well, when I think I've settled in and made a plan...

Livi called first thing this morning with sharp pains in her tummy BEFORE the doxies were even awake. The trouble seemed to come from the area of her spleen. She went to the emergency room in college town and was examined by the ER doctor. No, he told her, the spleen was not enlarged, but just to be safe, they'd do an ultrasound.

Well, I do declare. Per the ultrasound, Livi's spleen was one itty-bitty centimeter smaller than our last experience with spleen-enlargement. Roughly, three and a half times its normal size. Three doctors have examined her on three separate occasions and each one has not found an enlarged spleen. Hers must be shy.

Livi's supposed to take it easy, lay off the exercise and try not to get hit in the area of her spleen. As if I needed one more thing to fret over.

Livi called this evening to say her back hurt and her spleen still hurt somewhat. My research coupled with my medical degree from the history channel indicates with increased size and activity in her lymph nodes it's likely some of them are pressing on a nerve and causing some back pain. I suggested she take some ibuprofen and a warm bath.

I'm sittin' with my bags packed, just in case. Larry and I sat around this morning ready to hit the road. He had the dachshunds packed up to hoist off on the spa at a moment's notice.

We shall see...

Sunday, January 20, 2008 7:29 PM CST

Ah, I remembered today was Lorraine's original due date. She was destined to be an aquarius, though, rather than a capricorn and held off an extra eight days.

Lorraine was an ounce shy of nine pounds and a smidgen off of 22 inches long. Can we say "whopper"? Her head was perfectly shaped, as she was delivered by c-section. I thought she was absolutely the most beautiful little girl ever. (AND, she was, until her beautiful little sister came along a little over three years later.)

I suppose it stands to reason the "para-doxies" are without a doubt the cutest canines this side of the Mason-Dixon, too. I'm simply prejudiced, biased, unable to see beyond these rose-colored glasses I wear. (And wear them I do, if I plan to see anything...)

If my someday grandbabies come with one eye in the middle of their little heads, they'll still be beautiful to me. I'm much more worried about the state of the world they'll be born into. My lands, global warming will reach a tipping point in ten years, more and more people are without health insurance, our air and water is dirtier and dirtier... Need I continue?

But, have no fear. I am almost finished collecting my quarters from each and every state in the union. I can see it now, Show and Tell in my grandchild's class with me as the main event along with my quarter collection.

Good times are on their way.

Saturday, January 19, 2008 7:50 PM CST

Well, here I am. Home, again. It was heart-warming to be greeted by the short-legged, dancing around me doing a regular Irish jig at my return. The dachshunds were glad to see me, too, almost as much as Larry, except they didn't do a jig.

I've unpacked and done laundry. Larry had hurriedly taken out all the trash. Hmmm. I wonder if there was contraband in there? He and the doxiegirls were probably eating popcorn and snickers bars while sitting on the couch watching movies.

Brrr-rabbit. It was cold here such that I skipped bath day til tomorrow lest one of the doglets catch a chill.

Livi is scheduled for a follow-up appointment with the hematologist in very early February. I'll go back to college town for that appointment, if not before.

Keeping it simple and hanging loose til then.

Friday, January 18, 2008 9:30 PM CST

After baking two loaves of pumpkin bread with extra pecans and nutmeg, grocery shopping for fresh broccoli, almonds and blueberries, I scrubbed Livi's tub in case she wanted to take a warm soaking bath tonight. The weather up there in college town is mighty cold and a warm bath would feel good.

Livi noticed she needed warmer socks, as hers were soft, but not up to the task. I found a Kohl's and dug around til I found a couple of pairs of boot socks and cashmere blends to keep her tootsies toasty. (Half price.) With her additional long underwear and new socks, she should be better equipped to trek about campus.

I toted in a new round of supplements. There's not much she ISN'T taking now.

I decided to change her sheets and dust the furniture while Livi was at school. The place smells a lot better.

I found some silicone mitts to replace the "flaming" potholders. Livi's baking racks are now adjusted way far from the heating element in the oven. Hopefully, there will be no more flames with the baking.

Making progress...

Thursday, January 17, 2008 9:31 PM CST

Livi and I saw the hematologist this afternoon, or should I say 'this evening'. We left his office after 7pm. He was very nice and quite learned.

Apparently, Livi's iron deficiency is a minor problem. Her lymph nodes have come out in droves, popping up all over, albeit not enlarged. Something has them all stirred up, but right now we don't know what. She's to have a CAT scan to check on her internal lymph nodes to see if anything is amiss and more blood letting (YES, she had blood drawn today, too.) There will be tests to check for viral titers and Epstein-Barre "stuff".

The doctor suspects the episode Livi had in her Junior year of school with a mono-like illness that gave us all a good scare may be what we are dealing with now. Perhaps it has percolated along in her body and when her resistance reached an all-time low it resurfaced. Ugh.

Livi is adding vitamin B12 and a multivitamin with extra iron to her long list of daily medicinals. Oh, boy, more pills.

I noticed tonight Livi had dark circles around her eyes and her pants are baggy. She's lost some more weight since Christmas.

Time to send one up on her behalf.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 9:18 PM CST

I'm in college town tonight and I've already been told how unnecessary and in the way I am. I've vacuumed, mopped, scrubbed the bathroom and done laundry. I'll dust tomorrow while Livi's in class. Her appointment is tomorrow afternoon.

I tried to slip out of town without traumatizing the doglets too much. Larry will pay and quite dearly tonight and until I return. Then it'll be my turn. He plans to put the dear ones in their cage to sleep so as to avoid any unpleasantness.

I finished an abstract painting for Livi's place and brought it with me, wet paint and all. I hung it tonight in her hallway. I think it sets the place off right nice.

Livi saved a memento for me to put in her scrapbook, a burnt potholder. Her first real cooking experience resulted in flames! She chose not to mention that to me over the phone. I'm going to check in to silicone to see if it's fireproof.

Just what I needed, one more thing to worry and obsess over.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 9:46 PM CST

I don't know how they figured it out. I don't know how they got wind of it. I thought I had been so sneaky.

The suitcase is still upstairs, even. BUT, those dachshunds know I'm going somewhere. AND, THEY ARE NOT HAVING IT. No, Ma'am.

I spent this day cleaning up poop and peep off my clean shiny freshly shampooed carpets. I scolded and screamed, threatened and badgered. The obese one lifted one ear at me ande the pup shot daggers through me with her eyes.

I have my suitcase packed to go to college town and visit with Livi. The house is under control for a bit and things will be fine til I get back.

I've checked for snow in the area I'm heading toward tomorrow. There might actually be some forecast next week.

I'm double-packing long-handles and earmuffs just in case.

Monday, January 14, 2008 6:42 PM CST

Just about the time I'm fixin' to commence to get comfy...

Livi's got an appointment with a hematologist in college town THIS Thursday. It seems her iron is perculating at transfusion level for some odd reason. I can see it now, me hooked up to one end of a hose attached to none other than LIVI at the other end, my lifeblood literally draining into her body. People get all sorts of germs and parasites from blood products these days. I'd much rather she have mine.

Livi was tickled silly to hear I'd be up in a day or two to stay with her. Uh-huh. Stunned, more likely. I promised I would not stay two weeks this time.

Oh, and I got the results of my own blood test back today. My genetic cholesterol problem is rearing its ugly head. The LDL is up a tad, but the HDL is fine, as are the triglycerides. I'm now regretting every bite of holiday fun. More treadmill. Pass the oatmeal. If it tastes good, spit it out! AND, like Livi, I'll be enjoying megadoses of Vitamin D each week. Yum.

When I get my wings, right after I hug Lorraine, I'm gonna look up my ancestors and have a chat.

Sunday, January 13, 2008 8:46 PM CST

All kinds of folks are coming out of hiding, slipping out of the woods, climbing down from the hills and descending on our local big box retailer. Larry and I have vowed not to go there again on a Sunday afternoon. It's much too risky.

Having sent all our food to college town with Livi and not being partial to munching on kibble, we were grocery shopping and hoping to check out and take our hides home.

The checker-person moved so slowly she all-but had moss growing on her. I had unloaded my groceries and lined them up behind the order she was supposedly processing. When the checker was unable to enter a coupon amount (OUTSIDE HER SKILL LEVEL) and began an argument with the lady ahead of me in line, I began to stress a bit. I had a chicken, carefully selected, and I did not want it to thaw. I thought happy thoughts...

THEN, the checker rested her bulk, armpit-side down, ontop of my intended box of cereal and I lost it in the check out line. I began scooping up my groceries and tossing them back into the cart, muttering and grousing, steam coming out my ears.

The self-check out line had its own surprises. Larry scanned and I unloaded. We were joined by a comely group who all but climbed in our cart. They put their items ontop of the line along with ours, hung over and peered into my basket to see what I had, and commented on how Larry was doing. They were nice enough to point out the inadequacies of the machinery and call out to the assistant. My, my.

We took our bags and got out of there.

THANK YOU very much. Indeed.

Saturday, January 12, 2008 8:45 PM CST

I've been pondering over my New Year's resolutions for several days and I've narrowed them down.

Last year I wanted to just BE. I did that for a while and I got caught up in my "being-ness" and before long I was swept along, stressing out with everyone else.

This year I want to try to simply live the life I've been given; accept it for what it is, as it is. In the grief process, I suppose I'm sneaking past the depression stage and working my way into the acceptance phase.

Now, I could reflect a bit more and surmise my advancing age has something to do with my philosophy. Potentially. Who's to say?

My inner voice is telling me to hold off, wait and see, sit a spell. This is contrary to my action-oriented, make- change-happen self.

Contrary could be good.

Friday, January 11, 2008 8:52 PM CST

Making plans makes about as much sense as screen doors in submarines.

I had the rest of my month all laid out in my head, what with Livi back in college town, ready to tackle first one project then another. HA!

Livi's neurologist called today with her blood test results. She is severely anemic. Big-time. AND, the girl has donated blood TWICE in the last little while, as she believes strongly in the Red Cross. Lord. Livi is also a runner and runner's tend toward anemia more than the average bloke (at least female ones.)

We're looking for a hematologist in college town as Livi is taking a heavy class load each day, and the doctor is thinking possibly she's a few quarts low.

Well. That certainly explains why Livi was craving shrimp, brocolli, oranges, asparagus and other iron-rich foods over the holiday season.

I can only imagine the results that may show up with MY blood test. I'm just hoping for human...

Thursday, January 10, 2008 8:10 PM CST

Livi rolled out today, fully loaded with the majority of our groceries, most of our money and my heart on her way back to college town.

She called to let me know she had arrived safely and was trudging up and down the stairs carrying her belongings from her car to her apartment. Her "help" was playing basketball. Hmmpf.

The doglets had their picture made with Livi right before she launched. I think I got a shot of both doxies in mid-smooch on either side of Livi's face. I ventured forth the idea that perhaps Livi should show me how to use one of her cameras in pursuit of better pictures. She grimaced and reminded me of the problems I have with the ever-so-complex disposables. She has a point.

I got busy to keep my mind occupied, stripping beds, shampooing carpets, throwing open windows for fresh air, doing laundry...

The minute I sat a basket of freshly-dried laundry in the hallway, the obese one took it upon herself to make a fine nest and take a nap in it. I'll never understand how someone so small can manage to snore so loudly.

The pup burrowed into the pile of coverlets and blankets in front of the dryer and remained there until I threatened to throw her in the washer.

The pair had an easier time with Livi's departure, aided by a bit chewbone to quell their anxiety.

Perhaps I'll sample one myself.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008 10:07 PM CST

Livi's getting packed, finishing up here at home. Tomorrow she'll head back to college town with her car loaded like a veritable ark, ready to tackle another semester.

We bought dry goods today and refilled any remaining meds. Her allergies and migraines need to find a hidey-hole.

Larry finished twiddling with Livi's computer, updating virus protections and whatnot.

Livi and I took time to get in a smidgen of pampering, with a manicure for her and a pedicure for me. I noted the shock on the pedicurist's face when she massaged my unshaven legs. Hey, it's still winter. I'm waiting for the spring thaw.

The pup is sulking. She's aware of the pending change in the family dynamic.

The obese one handles stress in her own unique way. I noticed her absence and found herself munching on Livi's stash of instant hot chocolate, several packets at once, strewn all over the carpet. Tonight, that doxie will likely upchuck all over the cage she's now inhabiting. AND, the change in her diet will probably send her back to the vet to have her buns squeezed. Good times ahead.

Ready to launch into the Spring Semester...

Tuesday, January 8, 2008 9:17 PM CST

There's a new dog next door. He knows not to run off and roams about ever so slightly doing his business. Neighbor-dog barks every now and then while pursuing his adventures and the doxiegirls all but enter the stratusphere at the sound. The dachshunds think they are THE only canines about the vicinity of the castle.

Livi has an MRI in the morning regarding her migraines. We've got some grocery shopping to do before sending her off to college town. She asked me to write down some extra casserole recipes, just in case she wanted to cook them. I was so proud!

The castle looks as though I've housed a stable of wild horses. When Livi packs up and I can once again see her bedroom floor, I need to rally the doglets and break out the rubber gloves, mops and buckets. Maybe a little Motown?

The neurologist advised Livi and myself to change a few things, albeit VERY few, as we eat so carefully, don't smoke, imbibe virtually nothing we shouldn't and are OCD about our health. She did recommend (I wouldn't joke about something this serious) NO CHOCOLATE!


Around the same time I foreswear wet noses and floppy ears.

Monday, January 7, 2008 10:38 PM CST

Great news! I'm got a speaking engagement (gratis) on behalf of furthering the cause of brain injury awareness. I've begun volunteering in this capacity for our local brain injury association. I'm eager to find other venues and opportunities, as this silent epidemic will continue to take away our loved ones.

I had never even heard of such a thing before Lorraine had a brain injury. What you don't know CAN hurt you.

The annual Walk for Thought here locally this year will feature Lorraine as the honorary grand marshal. The plan is to alternate each year's person with a memorial and a living tribute. If anyone would like to either (or both) participate or sponsor this event, please email me. We'll be walking on March 15th. March is National Brain Injury Awareness Month.

Livi is finishing up her errands and appointments before returning to college town. Thank goodness she wasn't there tonight, as tornado warnings were being issued. I would have been beside myself.

Livi is turning into a real domestic goddess. She got an itch tonight and baked us some dark chocolate cupcakes with dark chocolate frosting. Just outta the blue. My prayers have been answered...

The doxies were patrolling the floors, just in case anything had been dropped.

Sunday, January 6, 2008 10:05 PM CST

Well, I thought the pork chops turned out just fine. I was all by my lonesome, sitting high and dry upon my opinion, though.

I scanned several of Granny's cookbooks checking on pork chop seasoning...didn't seem too complex.

Perhaps, the Mama School of Culinary Arts was part and parcel of the problem Lorraine had with cooking.

Livi and I spent this afternoon returning the last of the Christmas gifts that didn't fit or didn't suit. We had some good conversation time, too. This past month together has been good for us both. We've reflected on just about every aspect of our relationship (and everyone else's).

The doxies are noticing something is amiss. They sense the change in Livi as she begins to think about returning "home".

Livi's planning on a heavy course load this semester, along with her sorority duties and maintaining her apartment. I know she'd like to have a job, too, but she may have to hold off until summer. Both she and Lorraine were workers, finding jobs as soon as they could talk someone into hiring them. Livi started babysitting at the age of ten. Lorraine had made flyers and interviewed folks to round up clients. They did pet sitting and dog walking, too.

Larry started a "bank account" for them with parent-issued checks and both girls were financiers for a time. Somehow, Livi always managed to save her money, waiting for just the right time to spend it, while Lorraine's money "gathered no moss." Livi still has the IOU's Lorraine gave her.

I never had a sister. Livi tells me it was grand.

Saturday, January 5, 2008 6:11 PM CST

Livi and I took down the tree today. The process was virtually all the live-long day and afterward, we rewarded ourselves by going to the gym to destress. Larry went, too.

We're both feeling SO much better.

Livi is taking an interest in cooking. It would be dandy if only she had someone to teach her. Lord knows I'm trying, working with what I've been given. She cut celery tonight and chopped fresh brocolli. We're working on a pork chop recipe and a pre-fab blackberry cobbler.

I'm pondering my New Year's Resolutions. So far, I'm in a quandry. I need to pick a lane and get in it.

The pup found a chipmonk out in the postage stamp and went berserk from her perch inside the castle. Larry forbade her to hunt that innocent rodent down and dispense with it on his watch. Instead, she and the formerly obese one nosed through the Christmas ornaments I was wrapping in tissue paper and trying to pack away. AND, stepped in the boxes.

Livi is getting anxious to go back to college town and get her semester started. Wow. Before we know it, she'll have her first year behind her.

Taking a moment to enjoy what I've been given...

Friday, January 4, 2008 11:28 PM CST

OH, JOY! I managed to see the doctor today. True, I had to wait an hour and a half with an appointment, but, by gosh, I've been fixed.

The rash was a lovely shade of speckled scarlet and neither the nurse nor the doctor would touch me. I was, however, the lucky recipient of an injection in my speckled rump of a miracle drug given by what felt like an elephant gun. Say-la-vee. I'm much improved regarding the itch. I also had one rousing sinus infection and got some lovely meds.

I fell in love with Puffs with Vicks salve IN THEM whilst at the doctors office doing my time in the waiting room. I used so many I began to have sort of a buzz. I checked with the doctor to be certain one could not overdose on Vicks Salve from the tissues. You just never know.

Lorraine would have loved those tissues. She was all about the pampering. Particularly in her paper goods. Oddly enough, Lorraine virtually never got sick. She had a cast iron constitution regarding colds and such. However, she was the queen of urinary tract infections. She lived on cranberry juice. She had to stop using fancy soap in her bath water while just a little thing. Washing her hair scared her, too. I used a shower shield she named "funny hat" to deflect the water and somehow with a lot of coaxing we got through it.

It was seldom an issue with Livi, as she never got near a bathtub as a small child. Perhaps she was a cat in another life.

Livi is feeling much better today after beginning her meds. She actually fixed me glasses of high pulp orange juice. Okay, so she held her nose at the pulp.

The doxies nestled beside me like matching salt and pepper shakers as I reclined on the couch this afternoon. Keeping an eye, albeit partially closed, on the situation.

Life is good again.

Thursday, January 3, 2008 10:27 PM CST

Ok. It's official. I'm sick. Livi has a bonafide sinus infection. I went to Wal-Mart and filled my cart with remedies for what ails me. Livi has a prescription for herself. We each have a stash of Puffs.

This morning the obese one was mysteriously leaving a blood trail about the castle. I thought her paw pad was bleeding and promptly bandaged said appendage. She tried walking on three legs, refusing to use the "ruined" one. I continued to find blood on the tile...

Alas, the obese one has injured the tip of her tail AGAIN. Livi and I (along with our tissues) wrestled that doxie to the floor and proceeded to dab salve on, cover with gauze and wrap her tail with waterproof tape. She is a sight. I left the bandage on her paw, as I suspected the sticky part would hurt her pulling it off. Right now she is in no mood to be messed with.

As if this weren't enough, my mysterious rash has reappeared. I'm covered in hives and red splotches and ITCHY.

It's colder than a rat's patooty here, too.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008 10:11 PM CST

We're home from Dallas. BRRR-Rabbit! It was mighty cold in Texas.

Larry was already sick, blowing his nose and sneezing on the trip down, and Livi and I began to move that direction on the trip homeward. We each carried a box of kleenex tucked up under our arm as we entered a store or restaurant, especially today.

Not everyone in Texas is hospitable. I turned around in one establishment's parking lot this afternoon due to loads of construction blocking my path to the interstate and the proprietor chased me out of the lot, waving and hollering.

The weather forecast is FIFTEEN degrees for tonight! Larry has made the rounds and has all the faucets dripping. The girldogs are tucked into bed with Livi, snug and warm. They apparently had a grand old time while we were away.

I have unpacked and washed most of the laundry from the trip. Unfortunately, the tree did not undecorate itself nor pack itself away while I was out of town.

I'll have to tend to that straight away after some shut eye.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008 7:51 PM CST

It seems I am not the only member of the clan having directional issues.

Larry joined Livi and me at the mall today after the football game. He parked in the parking deck. When we were ready to leave, we followed him outside and began our trek all over the deck in search of our car. When my teeth began chattering, I decided to wait INSIDE the mall til he found the car.

Afterward, we searched for a good place to have dinner. Larry recognized a place he had heard of as having good Tex-Mex.

Uh. Nope. Seafood. Lots of it. And me without my epipen. I shared the chicken with Livi.

The talking box in the car must be playing games. We keep entering "Sonic" and wind up at Wendy's or Steak 'n Shake. AND, according to the box, there's only one movie theater within 57 miles.

Larry's in a foul mood, right put-out with his football team. He keeps comparing this game with the one eight years ago, the Y2K trip. Livi was only ten. Lorraine was thirteen.

We shopped and ate, enjoyed each other. I'm sure we got lost some and fussed some, too.

I'm glad we had that time.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008 8:40 AM CST

Happy New Year!

Last night was observed in our traditional celebratory fashion. We found a restaurant whose parking lot seemed to be THE fullest, waited eternally for a table, ate half our meal (with no means to store the leftovers) and returned to our hotel by 8pm.

By 8:01 I was in my jammies and sitting on the bed with one eye open, exhausted from miles and miles of mall-walking. Livi soon followed and Larry tried to rouse us with a tin of fudge saved for the big night. He was unsuccessful. I don't even think he blew the paper horns at midnight. He was probably asleep himself.

This morning, Larry bundled himself up, stuffed his pockets full of Puffs, lip balm and salve for his raw nose, and trekked off to the football game. Livi elected to stay here with me, as she has a bit of a sore throat and a headache. The weather is icy cold with a big old gusty wind predicted. Brrr. No thank YOU.

Yesterday while shopping, I realized I am getting old. Older than I had originally realized, that is. I have no sense of direction, a'tall. Everytime Livi and I would leave a store, she'd say "this way, Mom", as I, goose in a new world, would be wandering off to parts unknown.

AND, if not for the noise box in the new vehicle and Livi interpretting its directions, I'd still be driving the freeways. I think I made the noise box mad or confused it to the point it didn't know what to say. I turned around and backed up and went the wrong way til it was silent. Lordy.

Just hand me a map.

AND, after picking up Larry, I had the noise box telling me to go one direction and Larry in the backseat advising me to go another.

To think I've been accused on having no patience.

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