What to Say

Believing that the only wrong thing to say is nothing at all, patients and family caregivers offer perspective on words that can be helpful, and not so helpful.

What to Say to Someone With Breast Cancer

Finding out someone has been diagnosed with breast cancer can be a shock. It’s normal to feel like a deer-in-the-headlights and stumble over the right ways to show support when someone is dealing wi...

13 Good Things to Say to Someone with Cancer

Key Takeaways: When a friend or family member is diagnosed with cancer, it’s hard to know what to say or do. Sadly, this sometimes translates into saying nothing at all. Every relationship is differ...

World Caring Day is June 7

World Caring Day on June 7 is an opportunity for everyone to practice caring, which is needed now more than ever. An initiative of CaringBridge to mark 25 years of supporting people on health jou...