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Monday, October 31, 2005 8:40 PM CST

Hello Friends and Family,

Dena's party will be on Wednesday, November 2nd from 4pm to 8pm. It will be on the 2nd floor in the day room. Take the elevator to the 2nd floor. Exit the elevator and go left. Once you hit the main hallway the room is just to the right. We will be in there.

It's hard to believe 6 months have passed. This is the second trimester. I just can't believe that much time has passed. I really have no idea where it went.

I will be with Dena tomorrow and I am taking the day off for her birthday.

I hope you have all made the most of the last 6 months, I know Dena has.

With Love,
Dena, Christian, and CAden.

Sunday, October 30, 2005 9:30 PM CST

Hello Friends and Family,

We will be having a party for Dena's Birthday at the hospital on Wednesday Nov. 2nd. I will have more detail tomorrow night. I will be confirming tomorrow night the room and time. I hope you can join us.

Today Rooka and I were with Dena and my parents, Heidi, Jeff, Eva and Caden came a bit later. We all talked for sometime downstairs. I couldn't quite figure out why DEna was annoyed. I think she was cold. We all have to remember to put an extra layer on her when you visit. If she seems upset she may be chilly.

We all sat downstairs and Dena finally calmed down. Again she would hold my hand, I can't explain what that feeling is like when she reaches for my hand and I know she is reaching for it because she knows that I am the one. The one that will be always there for her in so many different ways. Beyond husband, beyond friend the one that will always challenge her and never give up. The one that will be there as often as I can and champion her to the finish line.

As everyone was getting ready to depart Dena wanted to stand up. It's strange she is not quite ready to stand up on her own yet she keeps pushing my arm away. It's my right arm and I am hugging her so she pushes it away with her left arm. Maybe she is saying she doesn't need help on that side put your effort to the other side. That would be Dena once she reaches a certain level she doesn't want to stay there she wants to keep going on her own. So I had her standing up and one by one my family came over to say goodbye. I have been working on hugging with Dena for quite sometime. And today was amazing! I prompted Dena once to give my sister a hug. Dena then proceeded, while standing, to give Jeff a hug, then my mother a hug and then my dad. Caden got a bit jealous so Eva picked him up, handed him to Dena and me, and the three of us hugged. Well, EVa could only take so much and then she joined the three of us. Now that was a group hug.

To see Dena hug everyone as she loves to and to see her loving that ritual is what makes me believe. Please keep the thoughts and prayers coming they are making a difference. PLease hug Dena and when ever possible give her a hug when she is standing up. Wouldn't you want one?

I challenge Dena to push the elevator buttons. Even if she can barely reach I grab her arm and assist so she can make the reach. WE must continue to help her get her motor skills back. That means you ask her to do it, you listen, you push her to complete the task. If she doesn't complete it ask her to do it. "Dena it's practice, I know you can do it. Show me."

Dena, I think ate a lollipop. She had it in her mouth, we stepped out while she was changing and I came back in and noticed that she didn't have it and there was a stick on the floor that the remanants of the same color lolli on it. I coudn't track down the aid to get the skinny, but I'm hoping Dena got that thing and ate it. After that Caden, Dena and I shared a bit of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Dena took a big bite and then we downsized it. I offered a bit more to her and she took a piece, than realized she doesn't do good with large bites, took an even smaller piece and put it in her mouth. Bring treats when you visit and let's get this girl eating. Offer very tiny, tiny bites from your hand.

At the end of the day Caden came through with kisses for mommy.

Whew..that was an update. I will be back tomorrow night with final info for Dena's party.

Christian, Dena and Caden

Friday, October 28, 2005 8:33 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I was with Dena today and we spent the morning looking at our wedding album and the photo album that led up to Caden's birth. She got a bit upset but nonetheless she turned pages and held the albums.

I feel right now that she is so close to talking and other things. Whenever we stand her from a chair to her bed or viceversa we give each other a big hug and I know it is my Dena. I ask her to do a number of things and she always responds. I can only imagine what she is going through and can only hope I am doing what she wants.

Dena is ready to learn any and everything please challenge her when you visit. Today we opened a gift from MElinda. It was soaps and Dena and I both smelled them. My sister visited Dena today and Dena again opened the gifts.

I will be throwing Dena a birthday party at the hospital in a gathering room on Nov 2nd. If you want to attend just show up. I will have the hours shortly.

I hope you all have a great weekend.

Christian, DEna and Caden.

Thursday, October 27, 2005 8:30 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Dena continues to understand more and is gaining more and more body strength. It's amazing to watch her progress.

When I was leaving on Wed, I had just put my jacket on and Dena reached up and ran her hand around my collar on my shirt. She was fixing my collar as it was messed up. She still is looking out for me.

I continue to push Dena into doing tasks she once did. I don't let her stop until she is done. Please continue to assume she can do anything and ask her to do it.

It seems she is so close on so many things right now. She will break through the barriers and return to all of us. I know it more than anything right now. I feel it. I just don't know when. We have plenty of time.

I apologize for the lapse in updates recently but things have been very busy in all fronts.

Caden just crawled up to me so I have to go play.

Dena, Christian and Caden.

Sunday, October 23, 2005 7:48 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Dena and I had a great day. We went for a walk and watched Rooka play in a river and get rocks. Just like old times. Dena finally pet Rooka and they both loved it. Dena reached down and pet her ears. It was so great to finally see her do that. I have been trying to get her to do that since the beginning. During our walk Dena stood up several times from her wheel chair. I really think she wanted to show me what she could do. At one point she her and I were only connected by one arm each. She is getting so strong and I think she wanted to show me that.

After we came back from our walk we got Dena changed and then we went and sat by the fish tank. Dena was kind of annoyed. I think I figured out why. She hates thinking of herself or anyone else as a patient. So I got her out of the wheel chair and we sat in chairs next to each other. We held hands most of the time and just relaxed. It was so rewarding for me to have her reach for my hand on numerous occasions. She really wanted to hold my hand. Dena would sit back in the chair and then pull herself up and sit on the edge. And several times I helped her stand. I would make her put her arm around me and pull herself up, I could feel her strength.

As we were sitting there Vanessa from PT told me about Dena's experience today. Dena was getting bent during therapy so Vanessa showed Dena how she could pull on the wall and move herself around the hallway while in her chair. Dena settled down and got to work for the next half hour. Dena needs independence.

Whenever you see Dena and she is going to do something ask her to do it before assisting her. Challenge her and assume she can do anything.

Caden did his job of giving mom hugs and kisses. I think I saw Dena light up when this happened. It was pretty cool.

I finally know what love is. Love cannot be put into words but here goes anyways. Love is not an experience. It is not a feeling. Love is knowing that there is someone that can hold you and make you lose track of everything. Love is walking through your door and sincing a change in your spirit. It brings out the best in you and wants you to do more than you have ever done to make the person you love so proud of you. Love is looking at someone and getting goose bumps knowing that that person has them too. Love makes you get up everyday to go make a difference. Love let's you laugh at adversity. Love let's you get lost in someone and lose your idenity only to find your knew identity is based upon the love for someone else. Love always allows you to be you. Love embraces you and accepts you.

I hope you all find love and when you do don't let it go.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Sunday, October 23, 2005 7:48 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Dena and I had a great day. We went for a walk and watched Rooka play in a river and get rocks. Just like old times. Dena finally pet Rooka and they both loved it. Dena reached down and pet her ears. It was so great to finally see her do that. I have been trying to get her to do that since the beginning. During our walk Dena stood up several times from her wheel chair. I really think she wanted to show me what she could do. At one point she her and I were only connected by one arm each. She is getting so strong and I think she wanted to show me that.

After we came back from our walk we got Dena changed and then we went and sat by the fish tank. Dena was kind of annoyed. I think I figured out why. She hates thinking of herself or anyone else as a patient. So I got her out of the wheel chair and we sat in chairs next to each other. We held hands most of the time and just relaxed. It was so rewarding for me to have her reach for my hand on numerous occasions. She really wanted to hold my hand. Dena would sit back in the chair and then pull herself up and sit on the edge. And several times I helped her stand. I would make her put her arm around me and pull herself up, I could feel her strength.

As we were sitting there Vanessa from PT told me about Dena's experience today. Dena was getting bent during therapy so Vanessa showed Dena how she could pull on the wall and move herself around the hallway while in her chair. Dena settled down and got to work for the next half hour. Dena needs independence.

Whenever you see Dena and she is going to do something ask her to do it before assisting her. Challenge her and assume she can do anything.

I finally know what love is. Love cannot be put into words but here goes anyways. Love is not an experience. It is not a feeling. Love is knowing that there is someone that can hold you and make you lose track of everything. Love is walking through your door and sincing a change in your spirit. It brings out the best in you and wants you to do more than you have ever done to make the person you love so proud of you. Love is looking at someone and getting goose bumps knowing that that person has them too. Love makes you get up everyday to go make a difference. Love let's you laugh at adversity. Love let's you get lost in someone and lose your idenity only to find your knew identity is based upon the love for someone else. Love always allows you to be you. Love embraces you and accepts you.

I hope you all find love and when you do don't let it go.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Sunday, October 23, 2005 9:46 AM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Dena is off the oxygen, Caden has his smile back and I have my energy. Caden and I will be with Dena today. I will be getting back to the updates that have been lacking. I apologize. It was a rough week but we are all doing good now.

Rachel and Liz were in town to keep Dena company this weekend. The support we continue to recieve has been incredible. We thank you all.


Christian, Dena and CAden.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 8:51 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Dena is off the oxygen and improving. CAden is improving and so am I. This is the hardest thing dealing with this without the comfort of Dena's love.

Sorry it's going to be a short one.

Andrea was with Dena and the therapists said Dena was sitting and kneeling up on her own without any support. She was only holding onto Todd's hand. This was all done on an elevated matt. So even though Dena is under the weather she continues to work. What else would we expect?

Please continue to remind Dena that she needs to make small steps. She get's frustrated when she is doing things that she used to do so easily. So just keep asking Dena to make small steps and try to do the lamest things.

I'm off to bed.

Christian, Dena and Caden

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 8:34 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

It was a rough weekend for all of us. Dena got pneumonia, Caden wasn't feeling himself, tired and grumpy, and I got food posioning.

Dena is getting better quickly. CAden is becoming himself and I am still in recovery. So I will be gonig to bed as soon as I am done.

Dena was still at work today in all therapy. She gave it all she had. I will be down with Dena tomorrow and I will able to give a bigger update.

I am going to talk to Dena right now on Eva's cellphone.

I can't believe how delicate everything is. I have to be healthy at all times to make it all work.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Friday, October 14, 2005 8:47 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I was with Dena this morning. I had her help me with screwing on and unscrewing caps off of bottles that contained her facial lotion. It was amazing to see that she knew lefty loosy and right tighty. She did as if she had always done it. She helped me brush her teeth for the first time as well.

She has realized that there is a shelf above her head. I gave her her baseball hat and she put it on the shelf above her.

Dena and I gave each other plenty of hugs.

I miss her so much, I wish I could do more. I wish I could wave a magic wand and she would be back.

Wishes are great but perserverance will make the difference.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Thursday, October 13, 2005 9:07 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Dena is definetly responding to voice commands better than ever.

Just a quick update to understand where Dena is at:
She does not have much movement in her right side. She cannot speak yet and has difficulty communicating. She can do things when asked and she is trying so hard. She has come along way let me tell you that much.

My parents said that she seemed more focus today than ever before. When asked in PT to grab the walker and lift herself up she made the effort. She isn't quite strong enough to lift herself up but she is trying.

Being that Dena is right handed but has control of only her left she does everything with her left hand. Today they gave Dena a marker and a blank piece of paper and she made the letter D.

So you can read that we are moving in the right direction and there is always improvement.

I want to thank everyone for their words, prayers, time and thoughts. Thanks! You keep us going.

Every moment we have we have a chance to improve ourselves to become what we want. No one or anything can stand in our way of becoming what we want.

Christian, Dena and CAden.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005 7:42 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

I had a great morning with Dena. I was missing her since I had not seen her since Saturday.

Dena's eyes are so clear now. I had Dena help me open bottles today and close them. Everytime I asked her to do something she responded. She also helped put lotion on her face. I asked her to touch my nose, ears, lips and face and she did it. This is the first time. She helped me open a box that had a halloween witch in it that my sister sent and she loved it. I gave her baseball hat to wear and she put it on her head. She put q-tips in her ears to help me clean them and the same with her nose.

Dena is gaining control over her mouth as well. The soundboard still upsets her and I can see why. She hates the fact that she has to use it and wants to go straight to talking.

Andrea was down there today as well. She brings so much positive energy to the room. It's really cool. Thanks Andrea it's so nice to see you there. Don't forget to call me and tell me how Physical therapy was.

I have been reading a book about a doctor that had a brain injury. She wrote it about her recovery. I think Dena loses track of what she is doing and needs to be reminded. So if you want Dena to do something ask her several times in short sentences. Such as "Touch my face Dena." Dena do XXX. Etc.

Dena gave me plenty of hugs and tried to move her head to kiss me as well.

A pretty great day and you can see how quickly things are changing.

With Love,

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 9:05 PM CDT

Hello Everybody,

Sorry I haven't updated you recently just been a bit busy.

I will be with Dena tomorrow and will give a strong update tomorrow.

Dena went in for the baclophin trial. It it was successful it will mean she will be taken off most of the drugs she is on and be on just baclophin.

HAve a great day.

Christian, Dena, Caden.

Saturday, October 8, 2005 6:15 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Today Dena, myself, Sun, Max, Elizabeth, Anita and Rooka went for a car ride. Dena was enjoying herself until she needed to be changed.

Dena closed the car door on her own and knew exactly what was happening. She had a hat on today and she was so quick to adjust it when it wasn't perfect. She looked great. Dena gave a great big yawn when we got back to the room so I know she was a bit tired. She also sneezed today which was just cool to see. Personally I like a good sneeze.

CAden and Eva met us down at the hospital. And again Caden came through with big hugs and kisses for mommy. I really believe he knows what's going on and that is why he is making life so easy on me. He is the best.

Without all the great friends and family there is no way we could be where we are at with Dena's recovery and my spirit. Thank you all so much you have made all the difference in our world.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Saturday, October 8, 2005 12:46 AM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I'm heading out the door right now to take Dena for a car ride and hopefully a walk weather permitting.

Max, Sun, Elizabeth and Anita will be joining us. I will write tonite and let you know how it all went.

Christian, Dena and CAden.

Wednesday, October 5, 2005 9:50 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Anybody know where Mon, Tues and Wed went?

I was with Dena today. I think she was flipping out sitting around, can't say I blame her. She was very active.

She used the comode(sp), portable toilet today. Very exciting to have some independence coming back. Remember if she is active and agitated she probably needs to be changed.

Dena is now able to grab things and bring them to her mouth. Suckers, napkins, lip stuff etc please challenge her when you visit. She now has a board in her room that has pictures on it. If she touches one it will give a message. Please show her how to use it. For example if you enter the room let her touch the Hello button. You may need to help her. And when you leave have her touch Goodbye.

She is gaining more control of her mouth. It's quite a change to see this control. I think she is mad because she just wants to go straight to talking and gets annoyed with the childish games we have to play for her to communicate.

I will be working a full day tomorrow as I do every Thursday and if I don't hear from Eva I won't be able to do an update.

I think it's ok for me to get depressed about this but if I stay there to long it doesn't help anyone. Move from emotion to emotion don't stay in one place too long for you may forget what got you here in the first place.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Tuesday, October 4, 2005 9:48 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I was with Dena this morning. To say she is working hard is an under statement. She is. It's incredible to watch.

We did speech therapy today and she wasn't into the food that was in front of her. But she looks great sitting up at the table.

I watched Dena walk with the walker today. She want's to do it and I think she wants to do more than they allow. If she had her way she would go until she collapses.

It's so hard to know what she wants but I feel I can come close. I don't know if I am doing everything right or not. I judge my days based on Caden waking up with a smile and going to bed with a smile. If they both happen then it is a good day. I hope Dena is as proud of me as I am of her.

An old friend came over tonite and we talked. I missed that. There were circumstances that made it necessary for us to take time apart. Now those are cleaned up and we are back to where we were. Don't let things get in the way of a friendship. Be open, honest and embracing.

Stay strong,
Christian, Dena and Caden.

Monday, October 3, 2005 6:59 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Sorry I didn't get you an update yesterday as I was with Dena. Jarrett came into town and I got sidetracked.

I was with Dena yesterday morning and we got her right into her new wheelchair and we went for a walk. There is a drainage area out back with water running through it and sunflowers next to it. Dena had her held turned to the left and was sitting up straight. A far cry from where this all began.

We then headed back to her room and we called a few people on the cellphone and she grabbed and listened. She is getting faster and more control with her left arm. I gave her a lollipop and she waited for me to unwrap it. Dena then put it in her mouth. I have never seen her do that. She moved it to her mouth and opened it. This is huge. This is a complex set of actions that she did on her own without prompting. Once she got it in her mouth she didn't like it and took it out right away.

After all the activity I put her in bed and put on the football game. She chilled out, leg and all, and looked really relaxed.

Eva and Caden showed up. I asked Caden if he wanted to give mommy a kiss. He walked over to me, I lifted him up and leaned towards mommy. I then set up on top of mommy and he gave her the biggest kiss. He then stayed on top of her giving her hugs. It was amazing to see. He is so smart it blows me away. Dena was into it and then wanted him to be moved, I think it was causing a bit of pain in her arm.

A great day with everyone it was. Eva is pretty sick right now so anyone that can make time in the evening to be with Dena would be appreciated.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Friday, September 30, 2005 8:32 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Another Friday has arrived and I'm trying to figure out what where all the other days went.

I was just having dinner with Shane and Anita. Anita told me that Nancy, she runs the floor that Dena is on, has never seen support like we are giving. Nancy has never seen it in her entire career. Great job everyone and thank you.

By Monday Dena will have a Go Talk device that will have pre-recorded messages on it. There will be pictures that correspond to the messages that are buttons. Please assist Dena in using this device to help her communicate with us and to give her more independence.

Today Dena was really relaxed most of the time. We gave each other plenty of hugs. She did ok at speech therapy. I just know she is frustrated that it's not easy for her to do things she once did easily. It will come.

Yesterday Dena was using the walker instead of the paralell bars. I wasn't there but one of the therapists told me she had this look of "wow" on her face.

I hope you all have a great weekend.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 10:27 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Today Dena was in her new wheel chair and then sat it in a normal chair a table. She tried to drink coffee and eat chocolate pie. She then got upset because she needed to be changed. Dena, for the first time, was walking behind a walker. Our friend Andrea was there to see it and told me all about it. Dena needed some help shifting her weight. I can't believe she is going this quick. As you all know she rocks!

Tomorrow I am hoping they get her up and give her a chance to use the bathroom. The more independence the better.

She talked on my cellphone to her father, brother and Amy. She grabbed the phone and held it ther for sometime. You could really see her focusing.

Dena will be getting a facial tomorrow and I know she will love it. Andrea gave Dena a massage today as well. Dena is looking great in her new The North Face outfits. Thanks Ed and Jacob for taking care of my girl. You guys are the best.

It takes more energy to be mad than to be happy.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005 9:14 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Flojo and I were with Dena this morning. She was relaxed and enjoyed our constant jabbering. So if you visit be ready to talk because Dena loves it.

Dena was in her new wheel chair today. I'm not sure if she liked it but she looked good in it. She has gained so much strength in her upper body. She was doing speech therapy when she was in the chair. Soon we will have a device that will have recorded messages on it for Dena. She will be able to press a button to have a message played. Hopefully this will help us to communicate better and know what Dena's needs are.

She continues to roll over on her side. Flojo and I could of sworn we saw movement in her right leg. I really believe she is pushing so hard right now to gain control of her right side. The rolling, leaning and kicking seem to point to her trying to gain control. It will come.

I will be with Dena tomorrow morning as well. I will keep you posted.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Monday, September 26, 2005 9:27 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Today was the team meeting and it went great. We had all the therapists, nurse leader, doctor and others in Dena's room. I sat right next to Dena and we talked to everyone about the current situation and what we should do for the future.

We will be trying to feed her less during the night so she is hungry during the day and wants to eat. We will be testing an anti-depressant to see if it will help her through the day. They will be combining some speech and occupational therapies to help Dena become more independent.

I asked them what we could do better or what we are doing wrong. They said that we are an example to other friends and families in regards to the support we are giving. They want other people to come in and see how we are doing it. This goes out to everyone that has done anything for us. Thanks and great work team! The one thing that is important is that we don't lose focus on Dena. We have to keep visiting, praying, loving and caring. She has come to expect that and we cannot let her down. I know we won't. Thanks everyone we couldn't do it without you.

Dena was very relaxed and attentive during the meeting. It was great to hear of Dena's progress. Physical said that she is gaining strength in her right shoulder and was able to push and pull with it. When Dena is walking on the parallel bars the person in front of her can't keep up. Speech says that she is focusing more but isn't in to eating much. Thus we are changing her feeding times.

All in all Eva and I came away from the meeting feeling good about ourselves and the people that are helping Dena recover.

Anybody who said they did it all on their own is a liar. Somewhere at some point someone gave you something that drove on to your destination. Embrace the team and the energy it provides.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Monday, September 26, 2005 9:29 AM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

We were with Dena yesterday. Dena was on the grass with Caden, Rooka and myself. She enjoyed it and was happy to see us.

She continues to gain strength and dexterity in her left hand side. She is now assisting in putting on and taking off her clothes. Dena continues to reach for the cellphone with she is offered it. On Friday with Eva she grabbed a cotton ball and dabbed her face with a facial cleanser.

I am heading down there today to have a team meeting.

Remember if you visit Dena and she is agitated she may need to be changed.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Saturday, September 24, 2005 7:39 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Sorry I have slacked a bit the last few days. It seems if I do anything out of my normal routine and the updates get missed. Our great friend Dave is in town from AK. He is the one that helped get the bathroom remodel started a year ago. And I am still working on it. But he got to use the shower and put up the towel racks and tp holder. So I am getting very close.

Dave and I have been busy doing everything we can around the house. He has been a great friend since 93 and it is wonderful to have him here.

I was with Dena on Friday. She was a bit frustrated with speech therapy. I feel she is realizing her condition more and more and it saddens her. However, that is a good thing in that she is waking up more and more and knows what she has to do. I will be down there with DAve, Caden, Rooka tomorrow. I'm going to try and have Dena on the grass sitting with me tomorrow. I hope she enjoys it.

Dena we got a ton of stuff done around the house, you will be very happy.

You can run and hide or you can fight for what you want. Never give up and fight like hell. I say it everday and I mine what I say.

With Love and Prayers for all of you,
Christian, Dena and Caden.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 9:06 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

As I'm sure everyone can see and read there is much heartache in the world today. I realize we are just a small part of it and again I appreciate all the notes, prayers, thoughts and website readings.

Please send your best to George Brehm's passing. Dena, Caden and I were to go to the G/C Family renunion this year but with what happened we were unable. I feel a since of not knowing George that should of happened. I can honestly say we are looking forward to 2006 and the completion of 2005.

I have been with Dena the last two mornings. It has been a bit tough. She is calm except when she needs to be changed. I have the feeling know that she is umcomfortable with being in that condition with people around. So please check to see if she needs to be changed and if so get an aid so Dena can be more at peace with you.

I have a team meeting, that was to be Friday, scheduled for Monday. We will be addressing all of Dena's care etc. We are going to try some different meds to help her out. I will keep you posted.

Don't get wrapped up in your own world that miss what is going on around you. You may miss out on a great oppurtunity to help someone.

Since Dena's accident I have had four wallets fall in front of my face. I have returned everyone and I believe have saved them some great time and frustration. I am paying attention, please do the same.

Dena, Christian and Caden.

Monday, September 19, 2005 8:15 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Just a quick one as I wasn't with Dena today. Eva called me when she was in Dena's room. She said Dena was uncomfortable. So I told her to put the cellphone to Dena's ear. Well, Eva took it away before I finished. So I told Eva to ask Dena if she wanted to talk to me. Dena grabbed the phone and brought it to her ear. She listened to me while I gave her positive energy.

Eva and the nurse were very suprised. I wasn't. I know Dena needs to be challenged every day. We need to treat her as if everything is ok. And let her decide what she can and can't do. She will let us know.

I finally met the 4nonblondes on Saturday. We had lunch with my parents, Eva, Caden, Shane and Anita. It was great! They are incredible. I took them to the mountains for some great views and then we had a beer at Brighton. They enjoyed it. We were going to go out later that night but they called in tired. I couldn't believe 4 party girls from Chicago quitting early on a Saturday night. Just kidding girls, I was in bed by 10pm. We will stay in touch. The one thing I couldn't believe was the similarities between Dena's and DEna's hand writing. It was almost exact. Dena, my girl, will love them.

Don't get behind because it takes more energy to catch up. Trust me I'm dealing with it right now.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Saturday, September 17, 2005 9:43 AM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I was with Dena Friday Morning. She was relaxed and focused. Her leg hasn't been moving as much. She isn't having fits of frustration as much either. She is constantly practicing rolling over. She reachs for the left side rail as well as the right but she only rolls over to her right.

I feel very soon she will be able to get some words going and continues to gain control of her body.

I'm pretty sure Dena played a joke on me yesterday. For years her and I have joked back at each other about giving each othe a kiss and then you wipe your mouth, "Oh I'm sorry do I have cooties?", "Oh you just wipe my kisses away." etc, etc.

Well yesterday I gave her a kiss and she quickly brought her hand up to wipe her mouth, she was looking right at me. I said, "Oh Dena you don't like my kisses anymore." Her face got this glow and it seemed like her whole face lit up. She was excited that I got her sense of humor. I almost cried and she was laughing inside. I could feel it.

Her improvements are small but they are constant. The therapists, nurses and aids continue to see her recovery rate as remarkable. I don't think any of us are suprised. With all the support, prayers and thoughts how could she not feel us all pulling for her. And how could she not be so motivated.

With Love,

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005 9:54 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,
It was a great morning with Dena. We talked quite a bit and she really enjoyed it. She is a great listener.

Dena and I then worked on her rolling over. When she trys to roll over please check to see if she needs to be changed. She has been doing that to help out. She is amazing.

Next, Julie from speech therapy came into Dena's room and I asked her if she had brought coffee because it looked she had. Alas she had not, but Julie offered to bring some coffee from the therapy office. She said they grind the beans there and that is how Dena likes her coffee, freshly ground. She came back up and Dena proceeded to have about 12 spoonfuls of coffee. She was quick in her response time, managed the liquid gracefully, stayed focused and didn't get agitated. It was awesome. We then worked on her picking out some que cards with pictures on them. Julie would ask her to pick one card and Dena was able to make it happen. At one point Dena grabbed both cards and let out sigh that said, "Huh, I can't believe I grabbed both them."

After all this and some practice rolls and a few more changes Jo stopped in the room. She was there to give Dena a massage. Dena was stoked. She showed off for Jo rolling over and then relaxed. I left her in the great hands of Jo. Thanks Jo!

Thought: When things get a bit scary it's good to talk about them. It is a release. It gets out of you into the open where you can take it head on.

Dena, Caden, Christian.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005 9:12 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

I was with Dena this morning along with my mother, Flojo. We had a great conversation and Dena listed intensely. We talked about Caden and others. She was relaxed throughout. If you come to visit Dena she really wants to hear about everything that is going on your life; bad or good. So please share when you are with her.

After our long talk we headed to speech therapy. Dena was not interested in the yogurt today. I don't drink coffee but Dena does and we got her a cup. I think she enjoyed it and it seemed to relax her. She was able to focus on speech and tried to say several words. Dena controlled her frustration. You can see her thinking and working so hard and it inspires me and yet breaks my heart. I wish she was with us every moment but knowing we have this second chance keeps me smiling and moving forward.

Caden continues to take good care of me and we make a great team. I couldn't do it without both sets of parents and of course Anita: Who is Caden's Friday friend.

Tomorrow is not just another day, it will be a great day.

I hope you all know how you have a second chance everyday. Don't wait for something unwelcomed to happed for you to take notice. Do it now.

Christian, Dena and CAden.

Monday, September 12, 2005 8:18 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Sorry I didn't write all weekend. Being in San Diego working didn't leave much time.

There are so many Thank You's! to be said.
4nonblondes Thanks a ton I can't wait to meet all of you this week.
Everyone in PC who keeps thinking about us and calling....Thanks.
Everyone that sends me personal emails...Thanks.
Everyone in the Outdoor, ACtion and Snow industrys that keep asking about Dena. Thanks!
Family and Friends Thanks.
Everyone that writes on CaringBridge..Thanks.
Everyone that prays and thinks about us Thanks.
To Bob, Eva, Fritz and Flojo you are a great family. Thanks.

To anyone that thinks they were missed in the above Thanks.

All of you mean so much to us. It makes me feel so lucky to have so many people thinking and caring about us. I give a Thank you as big as the universe and as high as Everest. Thank you!

I was with Dena on Sunday after I flew in on my delayed flight. Eva and Caden were there with Dena. Dena continues to improve, remember it's a slow road but nonetheless at just under 5 months I feel she is ahead of the curve. Consider that some people are in a coma for years. She responds to me and we continue to work on setting up some sort of communication that will allow us to better understand her needs. Remember if you visit and she is really upset check to see if she needs to be changed.

I keep thinking about Dena and what she is going through. I try to do my best for her and let her know that she is improving and should be proud of herself. I wish I could do more on all fronts but I just don't have anymore time. So if I forget something please don't take it personally, I am forgetting quite a bit these days.

It never seems like it is the right time to do certain things. Money, time, life changing, energy are all excuses we use not do some things. If you wait long enough time will have passed you by and you will no longer be in charge of you decision making. Time has made the decision for you and time has run out. Don't waste time. Sieze the moment and live in the present.


Christian, Dena and Caden.

Wednesday, September 7, 2005 9:20 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Please don't forget to check out www.4nonblondes.org and the silent auction. You have to check out the Oprah Day. There is a link on their site on the left for it called "Oprah Raffle". They are going to throw one hell of a party this weekend. The following weekend the 4nonblondes are traveling to Park City where we will have the honor of meeting them.

Anita and myself spent the morning with Dena. She was enjoying and relaxed during our conversation. We all worked with Dena during her speech therapy. It seems to me that she wants to do everything we ask her but she just struggles to make the connections between her brain and her body. In time it will all come to her. She is making progress everyday, it's slow and steady. Her body continues to gain strength. Remember the accident only happened just over 4 months ago.

Eva said that Dena did so well in physical therapy that it was so exciting. She had 3 attempts at walking and the last time she was very smooth. Her movements were much smoother without delays in her steps. Dena was able to roll over on her side with minimal help. She was able to hold her head up when she was on her stomach. Eva was almost in tears. Yeah Dena!!! I love you baby.

This weekend I am heading to San Diego for work. I will be lucky to see my brother and his wife as well. It will be busy and I will miss everyone in Park City, especially Dena and Caden. I will do my best to update the site and stay in touch with Eva and FloJo on Dena.

We all have things that are happening in our lives, some good some bad. It's the perspective that we take on it that will lead us forward. We must maintain a positive perspective or we will lose hope and find ourselves somewhere we don't want to be battling to get out of it. Take time to smile and be thankful, there is always something to be giving thanks.

Dena, Christian and Caden.

Tuesday, September 6, 2005 8:40 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Dena and I finally finished the Lance Armstrong book, the first one. A great read for anyone, I recommend it.

Dena wasn't in any therpapy while I was there. But we worked on a few things together. I helped her roll over on her right side. I really felt that she wanted to not be on her back, before when I would do this she would really scream. Today there wasn't much screaming and she was in control I would grab her left arm and pull it to her right side. She would then grab onto to the bed railing on the right side and hold herself there. When she didn't want to be there any longer she would let go.

I keep trying to give her things that she can control. I know that is what I would want.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Monday, September 5, 2005 7:16 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

After a night of uncomfortable dreams of Dena and myself I had a great morning with her.

She quite a bit of ice cream and yesterday she ate a whole yogurt. What was really great today was watching Dena in Physical Therapy. When they had Dena walking you could see the increased strength in her torso, neck and head.
She was moving her left arm as she walked without assistance. She was able to stand for a bit with minimal amount of assistance.

The thing that has really changed is her left arm movement. She moves it to scratch her nose, remove a pillow, take a off a sock or boot. I love seeing this it makes me feel great knowing that she has some control, some independence. It warms my heart.

She still has trouble communicating but we will get there.

Be aware of you surroundings, keep your eyes, ears and chin up. At any moment someone or something may enter your life that needs your help. If you are not paying attention you may miss out on doing something great.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Sunday, September 4, 2005 3:47 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

It has been a busy weekend. I helped a friend out on Saturday and then went down to be with Dena. Caden and Eva were down there already. Eva is a queen. She called me asking where I was as both Dena and Caden were causing her fits.

I helped give Dena a very long shower last night and she was very relaxed after it. I wish I could read her mind, I do the best that I can to understand her needs. Sometimes it is so tough to know what she is feeling or thinking.

Caden and Dena shared a cup of ice cream yesterday with the help of Eva. She was very up and down yesterday.

Today Caden and I are getting things done around the house that should of been done 4 months ago. He helped me hang doors, organize the shed and garage. We just had lunch and now it is back to work.

I hope everyone keeps sending what they can in whatever means to hurricane victims.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Friday, September 2, 2005 9:04 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I hope everyone is having a great day. I appreciate everyone checking in on us in our little part of the world. We don't have tv and I finally just saw some of the images of what is happening in New Orleans and the other states. Knowing what is happening down there makes it easy for me to stay positive about life and my little world.

I hope you can all find time to donate to help our fellow Americans. I'm going to do that as soon as I finish. A very close friend of ours grew up down there. The Herringtons have lost two houses and a business. I can't imagine how that must feel. I hope you can find time in your prayers and thoughts to send them some positive energy.

Dena had a strong day. She worked hard at everything she did. Anita, Eva, Caden and myself all visited. She had a great reacation to Caden as he did to Mom. She seems a bit more fussy lately, I'm guessing she is freaking out from sitting around. Dena was never very good and sitting around for too long.

Thought: If a million people gave $100 it would raise $100,000,000. That could help many people in New Orleans.

Christian, Dena and CAden.

Thursday, September 1, 2005 9:20 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I can't believe another week has gone by. I just don't know where the time goes. The busier you are the faster the time goes.

Today Emily, Fritz(my dad) and Eva were visiting Dena. My dad felt he was seeing some great progress today. I haven't been able to talk to Eva or Emily yet. I will be down with Dena tomorrow morning and Caden and Eva will be there in the afternoon.

Caden just crawled into my arms so I am pne hand tpying. I'm so lucky to have him. Everyday I wish I could do more but I do what I can and feel good about it. I don't feel guilty about what I can't do. I take pride in what I have done.

We are just over a week from the fund raiser in Illinois. I won't be able to make it because I have to work in San Diego that weekend. The girls that are putting it on are coming to Park City the following weekend and I can't wait to meet them. We will have some fun when they get here I can promise you that.

Most people say if I could do it differently I would. Well, tomorrow is a new day to do it differently. Take tomorrow and do it the way you wish you had.

With Love and Good wishes,
Christian, Dena and Caden.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005 10:22 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Busy morning and I only got a bit of time with Dena. I left early so I didn't bother Dena while Jo gave her a massage. Thanks Jo!

Emily says:
Hey folks, friends and family...Emily here live and direct from Park City. I was at the hospital today with Dena and I can tell she is waking up more and more...by reports from the hospital folks and family. She looked me in the eyes so intently for what seemed like two minutes (although who knows). Her eyes were focused and she was present with me. I felt her spiritbeing, I KNOW she is going to move through this. I KNOW that OUR LOVE sends her POWER, really...the more we send, the more she feels it, for true!
Dena endures quite alot each day with her physical and speech therapy. I almost felt as though they were pushing Dena beyond what was comfortable, and I realize that is exactly what it takes in life to move forward...for someone or something to push you to that uncomfortable place. One can choose to be present with the feeling and work through it or run away or shut down. She is pushing herself to become strong again, it certainly ain't the easy path and it seems frustrating to be inside her and not all the connections in the circuits are being made. I am saddened and inspired by this situation, and it all seems so surreal. My beautiful sister friend Dena is between the worlds and it is confusing for her and she is making strides to walk in this world again. Dena was standing today with much assistance AND she was sitting up with assistance and holding her head up and WOW!! Dena seemed more relaxed today, maybe it was the massage.
Eva is amazing and so here for Dena!!! She is personally doing what it takes for Dena, Caden and Christian. Nuff Respect to Christian, a loving, awesome friend, husband for Dena, he is such a great easygoing dad for Caden!! I am grateful for the opportunity to witness the family/friends solidarity!! Much love- Emily

So I will be reading the above with you tomorrow.

Good Night,
Christian, Dena and Caden.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005 7:31 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Dena, Caden and I have a guest until Thursday night. Emily, aka Sue, Sis, Dena's great friend from college. It's her first time meeting CAden and they are already fast friends.

Dena had plenty of visitors today. Eva, Barbee, Emily and myself, that I know of. Dena is on a solid sleeping schedule and is resting. She continues to want to work hard. If ever she is screaming it's because she needs to be changed of wants to communicate with you more than she is capable. So please check her diaper and if the stripes are blue ask her to be changed promptly.

Yesterday I was at work. I up to 30 hours a week. I am working full days on Monday and Thursday. I will continue to do this as long as Dena is reponsive to everyone else that is helping her. If she is not I will change my schedule. They worked her really hard in physical therapy yesterday. She wants the work.

I hope you are all having a great week and making a difference.

If you are coming to visit you need to stay with us. We need company and love it. Even if we don't know you come and stay with us.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Sunday, August 28, 2005 5:15 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Caden, Rooka, Sun, and I just got back from being with Dena. Jason, SueB, Bryce, Amy, Jeanne and Eva were there as well. We had a big get together out on the patio down there. Dena got to watch Caden play around. Bryce and Caden are a year a part and are destined to be ski buddies. They both come from incredible skiing genes. They are currenlty looking for sponsors, get em while they are cheap!

Dena was all over the map today. She just wants back what she has lost. And if you know Dena it bothers her that she can't communicate or hug people as they come and go.

I'm hoping the gains that happened last week continue into this week. We have a long way to go and we will not travel alone. Thanks to everyone who continues to stay informed and for always reaching out to us. We need and appreciate it more than words can express.

I have been having strange dreams recently. I had one where I was trying to find Dena and I kept missing her. It was really stressful and freakingm me out. I could never catch up to her. Next I had one where I walked into Dena's room and she said, "Hey Baby!" I was floored and said Dena you are talking. These are the only dreams that I have been able to remember lately.

Please remember if you visit Dena and find her irratated that she may need to be changed. Check to see if her diaper is blue, if so ask a nurse to change her.

Remember to take time and give hugs and kissed to those that mean the most to you. Don't let them walk out the door with out receiving your love. Don't regret not sharing your heart.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Friday, August 26, 2005 7:19 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

It was a good day with Dena. She is working so hard and I really mean that. She is getting more dexterity in her left hand and arm. Today she was able to grasp anything I gave her. I really believe she likes this, it gives her a feeling of independence.

So during speech/swallow therapy she was eating sorbet and was not enjoying it. We then gave her the straw and she didn't want that either. The therapist then gave Dena the cup. She grasped it and proceeded, with assistance, to drink from the cup. She struggled with her timing and was screaming during it. The scream in my opinion is one of determination and frustration. "I know I can do this, why can't I do this." At one point she brought the cup to her mouth and did a natural sip using her lips and a quick swallow. She even tilted her wrist in the drinking motion. Kirstin, the therapist, and I were brought to tears. She is also working on yes and no signs. She is doing things upon command.

It's amazing!

Tonite I am babysitting both Caden and Chase. Chase is Pamela's son. She is a single mom and she has a date. Wish me luck.

It feels good to give back after so much has been given.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005 9:40 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Yesterday I did a bit of a typo. Dena is not talking just yet.

Today was a great day with Dena. After yesterday I felt like Dena was a bit down in the duldrums. So today I kind of laid into her telling her Caden and I needed her home and we all needed her and that she should start working harder.

So we worked on moving a spongee stick, kinda of like a lollipop with a sponge on the end instead of hard candy. She grasped from my fingers numerous times. She worked on releasing it as well. She took my sunglasses off of my head. She held a book. Keep in mind this is all with her left arm and hand. She kinda of got bent when I tried to read to her. So I asked if she could read. I put the Lance ARmstrong book in front of her and I thought DOH! I pulled the Caring Bridge Novels in front of Dena that were made for us by Bonnie, Anita's Mom. She was focusing and being mellow. She was scanning at it as if she was reading. So when you visit hold the Caring Bridge Novels in front of her to read, maybe read it with her. She basically blew away the Occupational Therapist and brought him to tears.

She slept last night as well, 8 hours. She slept with a special hat on that was made from Reika beads and infused with positive thoughts by some great friends. I told Bob and Eva to put it on again.

Thank you all so much. We are so lucky to have all of you out there with us eveyday.


Christian, Dena and Caden.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005 9:31 AM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I just got off the phone with Bob and Eva and Dena was fairly frustrated throughout the day. But she did eat 1/2 cup of chocolate ice cream. This is pretty big!

When I was with her today we groomed her and I had her holding a small stick with sponge on the end of it. I feel that if she has something in her hand that she can control she will feel more in control. I'm going to keep doing that. Interesting thing happened when we were leaving the therapy area, she reached down to her shirt to cover part of her stomache that was exposed. It seemed like a natural action and we helped her with it. More and more of this is happening everyday.

I talked with Mary, the phsycic today and she said Dena is very content and dead set on getting home by Christmas. Please keep sending your positive thoughts and prayers to Dena to help her achieve this. Please focus your energy on Dena. Caden and I are doing great and we have each other. Dena needs the energy not us. But of course we will take any thoughts you give us.

Please don't forget about the benefit coming up on Sept 10th and 11th. If you want to make donations please check out www.4nonblondes.org for info on it.

What type of life would you have if you never asked for help from anyone? If you did things always on your own and never with anyone else. I would think it would be pretty lonely and you may want to share your time or energy with anyone else. I am not that type of person and I hope the same of you.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:25 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I just got off the phone with Dena she was faily frustrated throughout the day. But she did eat 1/2 cup of chocolate ice cream. This is pretty big!

When I was with her today we groomed her and I had her holding a small stick with sponge on the end of it. I feel that if she has something in her hand that she can control she will feel more in control. I'm going to keep doing that. Interesting thing happened when we were leaving the therapy area, she reached down to her shirt to cover part of her stomache that was exposed. It seemed like a natural action and we helped her with it. More and more of this is happening everyday.

I talked with Mary, the phsycic today and she said Dena is very content and dead set on getting home by Christmas. Please keep sending your positive thoughts and prayers to Dena to help her achieve this. Please focus your energy on Dena. Caden and I are doing great and we have each other. Dena needs the energy not us. But of course we will take any thoughts you give us.

Please don't forget about the benefit coming up on Sept 10th and 11th. If you want to make donations please check out www.4nonblondes.org for info on it.

What type of life would you have if you never asked for help from anyone? If you did things always on your own and never with anyone else. I would think it would be pretty lonely and you may want to share your time or energy with anyone else. I am not that type of person and I hope the same of you.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Monday, August 22, 2005 10:35 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Whew..what a day! One of these days I'm going to write down by the hour what I do, just so I can remember how much I am capable of doing in a day. \

I was with Dena this morning. I help get her dressed for the day and then get her into her sort of a wheel chair. I then brush her teeth, clean her face, clean her nose and give her a neck massage. We then headed down to therapy, normally I wait for them but Dena has a new roomate that watches TV. I'm not sure if you are aware of my disdain for TV, but let's just say I don't care for it.

So we got straight into Occupational Therapy. We worked on Dena pulling herself up from about 45 degree angle from being on her back completely. Then we work on her pulling up from her side at about the same angle. She is pulling and getting stronger at it. Then the therapist works on increasing Dena's range of motion in her arms and fingers. He also gave her a neck massage. She was digging it and her neck looked more centered today then any other day.

Next off we headed to Speech/Swallow Therapy. Dena ate some yogurt and drank some orange soda. She screamed when the subject of the popsicle came up. This is good because she is saying no and being able to gain control of what happens in her life. Dena was working so hard at sipping through a straw. She did it and it was great to see. I guess last week when she did it she smiled after each of the two times. I wish I could of seen that smile. I can't wait to see her smile.

I haven't got any Physical Therapy update as Bob and Eva have not called yet.

Don't wait for anyone else to help make your dreams come true. You hold the key so open the door.

Christian, Dena and CAden.

Sunday, August 21, 2005 8:13 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I hope you are enjoying the weekend and looking forward to Monday. I had fun with some great friends. It's amazing how many people I have met just a time or two that are asking about how we are doing. We are so lucky to be in so many people's thoughts and prayers. Thank you all so much. I'm still trying to figure out a way to thank all of you. This will have to do right now. Thanks!

I talked to Bob and Eva and Dena was taking some rest this weekend. Caden was with her most of the weekend. I am excited that we are doing a better job of them seeing each other.

I will be down with Dena tomorrow morning. I will give you good update tomorrow.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Thursday, August 18, 2005 10:22 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

My girl is getting stronger. Today I showered her with kisses and hugs. It felt so good for both of us. I could see it in her face and body. She loved it as much as me. I can't believe we have this second chance. I know it will be a lot of work but we will do it!

Dena's body is getting stronger and more responsive. She is begginning to use her finger in a thumbs up or down manner to answer questions. She is also looking at cards that say yes and no to answer questions. Everyday I ask her questions to allow her to have independence and control.

Bob and Eva just called me and told me that Dena was able to drink out of a straw. It takes weeks for people to learn this and she did it in one day. If you know Dena I'm sure you are not surprised. She also had a great day in physical therapy.

Please keep thinking about Dena and yelling her name. She can feel it!

Life's Lessons:
So tonite Caden had the baby monitor in his hand as I was laying on the floor. I new sooner or later he would drop it on my head. And of course he did. And it hurt! So I did some acting and cried, owww a number of times. He first came up to me and touched me. He was really nervous about hurting me. The whole time he never took his eyes off me with his concerned look. So after I cried for a bit I sat up and reached out for a hug. He knew what it meant because that's what he does when he is hurt. He walked over right away and gave me a hug. It was so great. I feel like I really taught him something tonite.

I am heading to Jackson Hole tonite with my friend Eric. We are going to kayak, mtn bike, eat sushi with Jarret our great friend ,Caden's Godfather and master sushi chef. And yes we are going to tie one on. Call it irresponsible, immature, a good thing, a bad thing whatever, I need it. And I couldn't be with two better guys. I will be back Sunday. I will do my best to update the site because I will be talking to Bob and Eva at least once a day.

So if someone goes wrong you can sit around and complain about your misfortune or you can fix it. I'm fixing things and I hope you are too.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 8:40 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

YEAH!!! Dena slept through the night again. She looked great again today. I spiked out her short hair with some gel. I have been putting her in front of the mirror while I brush her teeth and do her hair. I have her help me with her teeth. She seemed a bit surprised by her short hair today.

She did great at speech therapy with strong swallows. SHe is getting more control of her facial movements. You can start to see parts of her personality coming back. She is in there and fighting her way back.

If you visit please sign in and tell us what you noticed.

It's not whether you failed or passed during the day, it's whether or not you gave it 100%. And you can look at yourself in the mirror and say, "I gave it all I had today." I know when I look in the mirror I am pretty close on each day. I hope you are too.

Christian, Dena and CAden.

Monday, August 15, 2005 9:37 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I'm sorry I haven't updated you recently. I guess I must of not hit the button to submit yesterday's entry.

So Dena has been sleeping through most of the night since Friday night. And since that has happened she has been much more active during the day. Starting Saturday she has started making more voluntary movements and following commands. It really feels like the tide has turned. I feel incredible and rejuvenated about it.

Dena has taken sunglasses off of her face when we have put them on her. She did that both Sunday and today while I was with her. Today she took a "real" bite of popsicle. I told her, "Dena you don't want to swallow that all at once it will be cold." She took the bite and swallowed it all at once. It was really amazing to see the change from previous times. And then she screamed as if she got an ice cream headache. The therapists are very excited. They both think it will be a very big week for Dena.

I hope she keeps sleeping, I really feel she is exciting a stage and entering another one. I felt different today. I felt like it was ok to be happy and smile. I don't know, I just feel different. It all feels different.

It's the small things that make all the difference. In everything we do from personal to business the small things will make up the great things. Start small and you will end large.

Christian, Dena and CAden.

Friday, August 12, 2005 8:45 AM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

The first day of Outdoor Retailer has come and gone. Today is the second day. It was fun to be doing one of the things I love but at the same time it was difficult. Many people asked how Dena and I are doing. Yeah it's tough to answer. I love the fact that they care and ask. Some people I could tell, really wanted to ask but held back. That looked so tough for them. Many hugs were given and taken. It truly is an amazing industry, I am so fortunate to be a part of it.

I was able to get to see Dena after the show as well. She was relaxing and so I read to her. I introduced Dena to Dimity, the young lady that is interested in writing an article about all of us for Health Magazine. I will keep you posted on what happens there.

I talked to Eva yesterday and she said that Dena was doing great in all aspects of her therapy. Dena has been getting sun everyday. On Thursday we had Dena in the sun as well. She looked like a beautiful actress that is in hiding. We had her head covered in a sheet to protect the scars. She had sunglasses on and was resting. It was perfect.

If you don't know what to say to someone in regards to a major life event don't say anyting. Just look that person in the eye, say there name and touch your heart. It means so much.

Today will be a great day!

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005 9:50 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

It feels like it's going to be the busiest week on record for me. Outdoor Retailer is this week and I will be there for the whole show. Tomorrow after the show I will be meeting a woman that writes for Health Magazine. They are thinking about doing a story about us and the recovery process. I'm not sure of the story angle but I think it is important to share this experience with anyone that wants to know. The show goes until Sunday afternoon. I have baby sitting all set for Caden but as usual the schedule is tight. Caden is such a great supporter, he helps keep us on time. He always knows what I need just when I need it. He is truly amazing.

Today Dena looked beautiful. She really knows what is going on around her. I walked in on her while she was doing some assisted walking. And she took her hand off the bar to greet me. The therapist was surprised as she doesn't do that for anyone. We did some speech therapy and she is getting her tongue moving more. Speech therapy is very excited about what is happening.

I know it's tough to understand what these little things mean. But we look at it as Dena giving us a little gift each day. And she continues to do that. After I leave there I am refreshed, happy and full of sadness. It's a strange brew of emotions, I don't recommend it.

The industry I work in is amazing. Everyone is concerned and wants to know how we are doing. I look forward to Outdoor Retailer but with some trepidation. It's tough for me not to cry when people ask how Dena is doing. It hurts so much that I can't change everything with a flick of a switch. If you know someone who can do this tell them to call me. :-)

Just yesterday I developed some sort of tendinitis(sp). It hurts like hell when I do certain things. What makes me more upset is the fact that I am even thinking about it. That this little pain is even a blip on my radar screen. How can anything that happens to my body compare to what Dena is feeling? I take a perspective on life that it can almost always be worse and nothing brings me into the negative world. Nothing! Don't bring negativity into my world, it is not allowed.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Tuesday, August 9, 2005 6:53 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I got an update from Bob and Eva, Dena's parents, and they have now seen real movement, slight movement, in her right leg. This is great news. I know you have heard it in the past but this is voluntary movement.

Today Dena was a bit tired and slept most of the time while I was there. We didn't do much therapy as she was sleeping.

Today I got a big bill for Dena's care down in South Davis. We are not on insurance anymore because they only give 60 days for this facility. That is normal. I wanted to thank everyone for all the efforts and donations in all forms. They will be needed as we continue down this road.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Monday, August 8, 2005 9:58 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I spent the morning with Dena. I read to her and then we had speech and occupational therapy. Dena has been working on looking at one card that says "yes" in green and a "no" card in red. We are helping Dena to track with her eyes. She is making progress.

Occupational therapy Dena is firing her abs and trying to sit up. Since she does that when people walk in the room we are making that part of her routine. Dena then took a nap and I headed to work.

I want to ask a favor when you visit Dena to read her your postings on this site. I have tried so many times and I just can't seem to do it. It overwhelms me. So, if you have the steady voice please share with Dena all of your postings. Bonnie Curtis, Anita Myer's mother, has been putting the volumes together and we know have four printed volumes in Dena's dresser. Thanks Bonnie!

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Sunday, August 7, 2005 11:06 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Today Chuck and Megan were with Dena. They haven't seen Dena in three weeks. They have been on wedding whirlwind and using SLC as there driving base. They commented to me on how she has improved so much. I guess when you see Dena almost everyday it's a different improvement. When they came into Dena's room she tried to get up twice. Now keep in mind it's the effort that counts, it's there and you have to pay attention. They felt that Dena could focus for longer periods of time. I have to agree I have been noticing that more and more.

I keep trying to think what should be the next step. What should I do.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Saturday, August 6, 2005 5:27 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I spent last night with Dena. I didn't get much sleep, I'm a light sleeper and I was trying to pay attention to Dena. I found she was getting frustrated when she needed a change. So I watched for that throughout today as well. If you are visiting Dena and find she becomes aggitated please check to see if she needs a change. If so please get a nurse asap.

Dena got some good sleep last night and the night before too. When we finally woke up I read Dena the Lance Armstrong story. There are so many things that are relevant to what we are going through right now. The one thing that struck me from the get go is Lance had said that his life was perfect and then he got cancer. I had said the same thing right before this happened. Life was perfect and it will be perfect again.

Great news on Pamela Alford improving so quickly, I am not surprised. She is a strong woman and all the support we are giving her is helping.

Recently I met Laura Ellingson, her father, Paul, was in the same hospital with a brain injury. He recently passed away. I hope you can send some prayers to Laura, Paul and her family right now.

We both said the same thing to Paul and Dena: If you need to move on it's alright. Well Paul made up his mind and moved on and I'm sure is having a great time. Dena made up her mind and continues to fight. She looked amazing today and had some great interaction with Caden.

Their is grief when someone we love moves on but there should also be celebration. We have to ask ourselves what would this person want us to do? Everyday I think about Dena would want me to do and I do just that. Everyday I cry with her and everyday I laugh and smile with her.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Wednesday, August 3, 2005 10:42 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I can't tell you how great it was to see Dena without anything around her neck or head. She looked relaxed and comfortable. We are still working on getting her sleep patterns back to normal.

I was only there for speech therapy and she was pretty tired throughout it. I really feel the next couple of weeks we should see some significant improvements. I hope to spend Friday night there so I can see what is going on through the night. I won't be going down tomorrow as my parents will be going in my place.

Please Remember:
Recently a friend of ours, Pamela Alford, was diagnosed with cancer in her leg. It was found to be malign and she had it removed. With that operation there was a significant part of her bone was removed as well. This past week she had a piece of bone put in replace of it from a donor. I need you to take a moment and include Pmela in your prayers. Pamela helped organize the fund raiser in Park City while dealing with being diagnosed. Yes she is very strong and yes she needs your prayers. And she helped organize Caden's Birthday party and visits Dena regularly.

And: As people are reading this I would also like to ask that you pray for a high school friend's son. His name is Luke Pyburn, he is 12 yrs old and went in to have braces put on his teeth last Tuesday. After a routine x-ray, the dentist told his parents that there seemed to be a wisdom tooth that was way out of place, and suggested that they take him to a oral surgeon here in Houston. After further x-rays, they found a tumor on his botton part of his chin that is extended to the top part of his jawbone near his right ear.
They have referred Mike & Julie (parents) to M D Anderson Cancer Center in Houston for further tests and various scans. I ask that whoever reads this lift Luke and his family up in prayer. Thank you.

You can't change people. You can motivate people, inspire people, challenge people but you can't change them. They can only change themselves. Don't ever go into a relationship thinking you will change someone you will only be disappointed.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Tuesday, August 2, 2005 8:04 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Today Dena had her trach removed! I am so happy, Eva and Bob called me at work and I had to take a moment to compose myself. Thanks Amy for helping me take that moment you are a great friend and I looked for you as soon as I got off the phone and there you were. Thanks!!!

Occupational Therapy: Dena is gaining strength and making moves to pull her self up.

Speech Therapy: Dena is working on looking at cards that say "yes" and "no". We are hoping this will help us communicate with Dena.

Physical Therapy: Dena did her best walking yet today. She was on the bike for sometime and kicked the ball as well.

She is coming back and I believe the next few weeks will be very exciting. I can't wait to see her tomorrow without the trach.

Please Remember:
Recently a friend of ours, Pamela Alford, was diagnosed with cancer in her leg. It was found to be malign and she had it removed. With that operation there was a significant part of her bone was removed as well. This past week she had a piece of bone put in replace of it from a donor. I need you to take a moment and include Pmela in your prayers. Pamela helped organize the fund raiser in Park City while dealing with being diagnosed. Yes she is very strong and yes she needs your prayers. And she helped organize Caden's Birthday party and visits Dena regularly.

And: As people are reading this I would also like to ask that you pray for a high school friend's son. His name is Luke Pyburn, he is 12 yrs old and went in to have braces put on his teeth last Tuesday. After a routine x-ray, the dentist told his parents that there seemed to be a wisdom tooth that was way out of place, and suggested that they take him to a oral surgeon here in Houston. After further x-rays, they found a tumor on his botton part of his chin that is extended to the top part of his jawbone near his right ear.
They have referred Mike & Julie (parents) to M D Anderson Cancer Center in Houston for further tests and various scans. I ask that whoever reads this lift Luke and his family up in prayer. Thank you.

I want you to realize and understand what my world view:
I am not the only one, we are not the only ones, dealing with struggles. Life throws tough things at us. These do not define us, they will not dictate how we live. We will dictate how we live, our thoughts, our actions, our will. That is who we are. Life's events are part of us and we can either jump to the challenge or not. Jump!

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Monday, August 1, 2005 11:05 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Recently a friend of ours, Pamela Alford, was diagnosed with cancer in her leg. It was found to be malign and she had it removed. With that operation there was a significant part of her bone was removed as well. This past week she had a piece of bone put in replace of it from a donor. I need you to take a moment and include Pmela in your prayers. Pamela helped organize the fund raiser in Park City while dealing with being diagnosed. Yes she is very strong and yes she needs your prayers. And she helped organize Caden's Birthday party and visits Dena regularly.

So I hope you can help to start a Pamela Alford prayer chain. She would do the same for you and has done so much for our family.

Last night Dena did not sleep, this would be Sunday night. She was up most of the night. I think she might be cold so we are asking them to add more blankets and keep her warm. The nurse/doctor put her on Riddlin(sp) to keep her up today and she did great in speech therapy, she is working so hard. I promise you, you can see the effort and the struggle she is under to get back to us. So hopefully she will be stimulated through the day so she will sleep tonite. I am on the phone with the hospital right now, I got through. They are checking on seeing if she is cold and turning down the a/c and putting a blanket on her.

She was asleep and now is awake. The nurse felt that the room was comfortable and he put a blanket over her.

Sometimes you have to experiment and try different things so you can know what doesn't work. Then you will find what truly works.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Sunday, July 31, 2005 9:35 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Dena didn't sleep last night. Melinda and Erin, Dena's good friends were with her today. Bob and Eva came down this afternoon. Hopefully by the end of the week we will have Dena's sleeping schedule back to normal. I will be meeting with the doctors and nurses tomorrow to discuss what we have done and what will do next.

We hope that she is exiting stage 4 on the Rancho Coma scale. I know she is still working her way back to us. People describe it like this: It's as if the world is two feet in front of you, like your in a tent looking outside, a tunnel of sorts. Hopefully that helps you better understand what I mean when I say, "She is still waking up."

I some of you know how much Dena loves Halloween. Last night was Summerween. We were not invited last year and since then we are friends with the people that put it together. It was a huge party in a lodge on Park City Ski Area, maybe 300-400 people. I knew Dena would have been bummed if I didn't go so I went. I kept thinking that when Dena and I go next year that I am going to make her the Queen of Summerween. It was great to see friends and wear a costume. I love it when you can't recognize someone because their costume is so good. Yeah, I got in very late but I still spent time with Caden, went to lunc with Bob, Eva and Caden. I also got a 20 mile ride done and just had dinner with my parents.

If you have time pray for Dena to sleep through the night and that she doesn't need to worry about anything because it will all be ok.

Make it a great day!

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Saturday, July 30, 2005 3:03 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Thursday night Dena did not sleep much so we are tried melatonin(sp) on Friday night. I talked to Melinda, who is in town with Erin, and the nurses said Dena slept last night. I'm not sure of the details, but I am heading down shortly so will give you more info later.

Friday Dena struggled through speech therapy, so we stopped and let her rest up for physical therapy. Bob and Eva told me that Dena, for the first time, was able to hold her right leg up instead of letting if fall to the bed. This is a first and should mean the beginning of Dena gaining control of her right side.

Dena rested last night...I am sooo happy. Her eyes were wide open today and she had plenty of visitors. I feel if she keeps sleeping at night next week should be pretty amazing.

I'm going to jump in the shower and get cleaned for my girl. I will tell you what happens today later.

We are now 3 months into this. Where are we all at with our lives? Are we doing everything we can for ourselves and each other?

Christian, Dena and CAden.

Thursday, July 28, 2005 10:47 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I wish everyday I could bring you great news of Dena's recovery. But as we know this is a long road with ups and downs.

The last two days Dena has been very agitated. She has not been sleeping at night. Thus she is very tired during the day and rather restless. She struggles through therapy but still makes an effort. They are also doing a test on her throat for a possible infection. We have to wait for the results before I can give you anymore info, that's what the nurse told me.

We tried to keep her stimulated and awake today. We are increasing a mild sleeping aid this evening in hopes of Dena getting a full nights rest. I will let you know tomorrow.

Right now I feel I am useless and not in control. I know it is temporary and I must take my own advice: there will be good days and bad days. There will steps forward and steps backward. Nonetheless that is how I feel. I did get a boost from one of the speech therapists. She understood what I was feeling. She came back into the room after speech therapy and told me I was doing everything possible and it was also up to Dena. I wish I could do more. I wish I could do more for everyone.

I'm not feeling overwhelmed, just wishing I could do more. Someone should extend the day to the 30 hours.

I remember telling all of you to look at life through the eyes of a child. Where everything is for the first time. I started thinking about that. I suddenly realized I needed that advice more than anyone. As I am raising Caden and helping Dena to re-learn I must have the eyes of a child. I must see everything with excitement and enthusiasm to ensure that Caden grows up happy and proud. That Dena doesn't lose her determination to return to perfect health. I must be the historian of their lives with the eyes of a child.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Monday, July 25, 2005 7:26 PM CDT

Hello Freinds and Family,

I took a day off yesterday. Jarrett is in town and we had a great day with Caden.

Today I was able to see Dena at physical therapy. We had her walking, with assistance on the parallel bars. Last Friday she did one lap on them, today she did 3. It was great to be a part of that. Then we got her on a sit down stairmaster type unit. She did 10 minutes of that. Some of it was on her own. Everytime I talked to her about getting back on her bike, or skiing or anything she loves to do she made more movement.

Next we did speech therapy and she was working so hard. She is thinking about her words but just can't quite break through the barrier. She is still waking up, I promise you that.

Every therapist is excited about her progress and you should be as well.

And to The Friend that posted those lyrics...thanks a ton.

Don't beat yourself up at the end of the day about things that didn't get done. If you got done the right things, the things that will matter to your growth and happiness take pride in that. Evaluate what's most important, what will give back the most love and spread the most love is what is really important.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Saturday, July 23, 2005 10:27 AM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Yesterday was a bit tired during speech therapy but she did chew and swallow. During physical therapy they had Dena on the parallel bars and they assisted her, quite a bit, in taking 5 steps. The therapists continue to push Dena and they are truly concerned about her. Please feel good about the care Dena is receiving.

Do you know that song that John Denver, I think it was him, that goes something like this: "I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again. So hold me like you'll wait for me. Tell me that you love me."

Something like that. I went out last night with a few people from work and this band played that song at the end of the night. It felt like that song was about Dena and me. Now it is stuck in my head. It pretty much brings me to tears. Anyway, it is a great song and it's worth a listen.

I'm going to get out on my bike today, then go see Dena, then go to JJ's birthday party and then to The Canyons for a free concert. So it will be a busy day.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Thursday, July 21, 2005 9:50 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I was only with Dena for a short while today as I had a court appointment with Bob to gain guardianship and conservatorship of Dena.

The short time I was with Dena I saw her at the end of speech therapy. She was swallowing and chewing better than ever. Her real voice is coming back. She sounds like herself. It's mostly just quiet screams, but it does sound so good. She is back on the speaking valve and soon I would think they will cap the trach. Hopefully in the next few weeks she will have the trach taken out, that will be a great day.

She continues to gain strength in her body and she looks better everday. I talked to one of the therapists who has had 3 years experience and she feels that Dena is still waking up. She described like there is still a cloud around Dena and that it will gradually clear. I feel this is true as well.

I kept thinking today what it would be like if we helped out and sought to help out with the same enthusiasm, I keep thinking about that.

I asked for help, I got the help. I feel like a burden has been lifted. I don't feel like I lost any pride and I know the people that helped felt great doing it. Please ask for help when you need it. Please give help before you are asked to help.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 10:33 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Caden is in bed, well sort of, he is up there entertaining himself with noises and such. No he is not crying. I think he just went to sleep.

Dena was back to work today. She did all her therapy work today. She was doing some great chews and swallows, she stood up, she worked {nope Caden is not asleep} on her occupational therapy as well. They have the speaking valve back on her and I heard a war cry over the phone while talking to Bob.

Right now there are people all over the world doing something to help our family. There are healers, prayers, thoughts, energy and things I don't even understand happening. The one thing I do understand is love. You all have it, you all share it, you make me move. Thank you, I wish I could hug all of you.

So awhile back (Caden is quiet) a gentleman named Rob came to my door. He asked if I was the one that had a wife in a coma. He tried to give me money. He cried because he had just gotten out of a coma. I remember that moment vividly. It was a moment of hope. I saw Rob tonite and met his wife Dye(sp). I am going to talk to her about what helped Rob. Rob reminded me of Dena. Something about the his smile reminded me of Dena.

Pretty sure Caden is asleep.

I'm going to ask for some more help. How great could we become if we asked for a little help while swallowing our pride. If we seeked to help others as much as we ask for help from others what type of XXXXXX would that be?

Christian, Dena and Caden

Tuesday, July 19, 2005 11:27 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

As usual Dena is doing things fast. She was released from the U of U where her surgery was done at 11:30am. She was there just over 24 hours.

I helped give her a bath, brush her teeth and dress her today. She seemed to relax quite a bit afterwards. Bob, her dad, asked me what I did to calm her down. I said I think it was the medication. But now I know it was all the thoughts and prayers from all of you. Please keep them coming as Dena can feel them.

If you are wondering why everyone that meets Elise, her roomate thinks she is an angel here is just one example: As Dena and everyone was taking Dena out of her room to go on the bus to the U of U for surgery. Elise asked, "Shouldn't she have a helmet?" Yes everyone but Elise forgot. Please include her in your prayers and warm wishes, she needs them as well.

Today I just felt fed up. I can't sight one thing: work, missing Dena, Caden crying, making dinner, cleaning stuff, money, bills, the heat, driving. You name it and it all took it's toll on me. The constant on the go never stop, never relax world I am in right now got to me.

So I took a big breath and thought: Caden and Dena are relying on me. As are all of you. I can do this. I am not a quitter. I am allowed to feel this way. But I will not allow myself to dwell in this emotion. I will be what I want and need to be.

Right now I am having some ice cream and I feel like I did the best I could today. I made it a great day! I'm going to do the same tomorrow. I hope you join me in this simple task of making each day great.

Good Luck!

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Monday, July 18, 2005 11:06 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Dena's operation went perfectly. She has her head whole again. Dr. McDonald said that she lost little blood and her vital signs were strong throughout the procedure. She was a bit agitated after she came out of recovery but she did settle down.

She will be in the hospital at the U of U until possibly Thursday and won't be back at South Davis until Thursday Afternoon.

I will be with her in the morning and I will keep you posted.

I'm off to bed.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Sunday, July 17, 2005 10:05 PM CDT

Hello Friends and FAmily,

Tomorrow at 9am Dena will have surgery to replace the bone flap in her head. I should take 1-2 hours. She may not be back to her current hospital in Bountiful until Wed, maybe Thurs. So please read hear before coming to visit.

I really think this will help Dena. It will bring balance to her head and a sense of completeness to her body. Yeah, that sounds spiritual but think about it if it was you and how it would feel to have your entire head complete again.

Today Dena was resting quite a bit, great timing for tomorrow. I know she is aware the operation tomorrow. Chuck, Megan and I were down there. We were working hard to get her to straigthen her leg and relax it. She will do it please help her to do it. It will help teach her control and patience. That's what she is lacking right now: patience.

I hope you had a weekend to remember and a reason to seize tomorrow.


Blank Space!

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Friday, July 15, 2005 8:26 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I hope you all had a great week and that Friday is just another day not a sigh of relief. I hope you made each day a great day.

Dena had a big day yesterday she scored a 100% on swallowing. If you know Dena she doesn't except anything but perfection.

Today she had all her therapy back to back. She was so tired and breathing so hard that they had to take the speaking valve off and let her breath out of the trach. These things will happen. Remember, somedays you can take big steps but some days you have to go back a little to remember what you learned. I know this from experience so except this as part of the healing process.

Monday is the big day for Dena to have her head back to normal. She may have to spend up to two days in the hospital after the surgery and then she will go back to South Davis.

I hope all of you have a great weekend. I hope you balance your time between chores and laughter. Don't let being tired get in the way of having fun. You can sleep any time but you only get one chance to live one moment.

If you have something that is bothering you don't be afraid to address it with that person. Yes it is difficult. Yes it is uncomfortable. But the payoff of that tension being lifted is worth it. It makes for better sleeping and easier living. Trust me I just did it and I feel great.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005 10:58 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

It has been an amazing few days. We had the reading on Tuesday and it was truly inspiring. I will give you more details later in the week. I need to listen to the audio tape a few times. My goal is to write the whole thing on an entry so bare with me as I work on it.

The bottom line:
Dena is determined to be home for Christmas.
She loves to be carressed.
She wants to hear every detail of you lives, please share.
She wants to be read to, novels please, only good ones.
She wants Eva to paint. Please help Eva, please get a hold of her and reach out. Make her take care of herself.
She loves visitors.
She loves where she is and loves the people.

Today we worked on vocalizing and swallowing. Dena is working so hard. I had her mouthing "I Love". She is still trying to get her voice going. They told me that they would cap her trach on Monday. Well, I got a call at 4pm today and they decided to it today because she is doing so well. That's are girl.

Also, Dena has a new roomate and 18 year old girl named Elisa. She is awesome. She loves Dena. She was in another room with a person that had a coma. Elisa felt that she helped wake up this person. She knows she will help Dena and I know it to. Please share your love and your love for Dena with Elisa when you visit. She will be with Dena more than any of us.

I really feel a momentem shift has happened after the reading. July 28th is the big day where her skull will be fixed. After her surgery recovery she will be stronger than ever!

An open mind is a full mind. A closed mind is an empty mind. Share yourself, share your mind, share your energy, share your love, share your time. Don't we teach children to share?

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Monday, July 11, 2005 7:27 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Today I worked with Dena on getting her voice going. She is trying very hard and is understanding what I am telling her to do. Her muscles are getting stronger as well. W

Dena went to the doctor today and her arm is healed. The concerns are the lack of range in her arm and the possible growth of more bone in her arm. The additional bone can be taken out later if it in fact exists. We are getting a splint to help increase the range of motion.

Tomorrow is the reading with Dena at 9am. Mary can communicate with people that are unable to communicate. I will tell you what I find out tomorrow night. I am very excited. As I have told you all from the get go I will try anything for Dena regardless of my personal views or anyone elses. Helping her anyway I can is what I am doing.

Some of you have told me that I have changed your relationships, your outlook on life, and put things into perspective. I did nothing but help you find the switch. You did it all on your own. We all have the power to change into what we want we just have to realize the personal power that we all have.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Saturday, July 9, 2005 7:26 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Today Dena and I worked on her war cry. Being that she is on a speaking valve we can do voice therapy all day long. She was totally into it and was getting her voice going. I would ask her to give me a war cry and she would do it. I feel she is more awake now then ever before. I still believe she is still waking up.

Tuesday is an exciting day. Brooke Coleman introduced me to this woman who can communicate with people that are not able. She is in SLC next week doing a bunch of readings and has made time for Dena.

Dena also has an arm appointment on Monday and we should know how well her right arm has healed. July 18th she will have her head repaired and I hope that the trach will be out around that time. This should really help Dena in the recovery.

So if you visit Dena please ask her to give you her war cry. And keep asking her. Talk to her about how she needs to use her voicebox and breath through her mouth.

We all need a war cry to call ourselves into action. Something that signifies we are ready for a challenge. Get your war cry and charge.


Christian, Dena and Caden.

Thursday, July 7, 2005 8:22 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Sorry about not updating you last night. I had it already to go and I forgot.

So here is a quick recap:
Dena passed her blue dye test and has the speaking valve on most of the time. As long as she can handle it. If she can go 7 days then they cap the trach, 7 days of that and she gets it removed.

So today she took a bite of popsicle, then chewed it and then she swallowed it with a big "gulp". It was the best bite, chew and swallow to date.

She is working hard on getting her voice back with some good screams.

At physical therapy she continues to work on standing. Today she was able to move pedals around completely and they said you must have some sort of strength in your legs to do that.

To say the least: Everyone at her facility is very excited about her progress.

If you had a second chance to do things over what would you change? I know I have things that I think about that I wish I could have done differently. Well, there is tomorrow. You could use that day to change the path your on and not worry about what you want to change in the past. You could change the present and the future. I believe in doing this you won't worry about the past mistakes because you will be to busy living in the present. Make the effort make your present and future what you want it to be.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Wednesday, July 6, 2005 9:33 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Dena passed the blue dye test and will have the speaking valve on more often. You can help her regain her voice back. We will have a new sheet posted with what you can do to help under her window. Today she had occupational and speech therapy back to back. I was able to get the insurance company to extend Dena's amount of both speech and occupational therapy from 30 to 45 minutes. She stayed awake for both of them and worked her but off. It was incredible to watch.

I have posted an image of Dena's room to check it out. There is where we work every day and she makes magic happen. If you have suggestions of what you think we should add please let me know.

I have contacted a woman that can communicate with people that have difficulty speaking. She will be in town next week and I hope to get her down to see Dena.

Right now I need help making Dena's magic water. Please email if you want to join me.

If you had a second chance to do things over what would you change? I know I have things that I think about that I wish I could have done differently. Well, there is tomorrow. You could use that day to change the path your on and not worry about what you want to change in the past. You could change the present and the future. I believe in doing this you won't worry about the past mistakes because you will be to busy living in the present. Make the effort make your present and future what you want it to be.

Christian, Dena and Caden

Tuesday, July 5, 2005 9:14 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I was with Dena this morning and she continues to inspire me. She was able to keep her swallowing going, thus tomorrow or Thursday she will be doing a blue dye test. If she passes then she will be able to start wearing the speaking valve more. That means she can work on getting her voice back.

I think Dena is a more confused and frustrated than in pain. I have talked to many of the people that work in her wing and they feel the same thing. It's part of the recovery process. It's that she is working so hard to reconnect herself that she is doing everything at the same time and over loads her.

Bob, Dena's dad is in town now, it's nice to have him back. I think it will be great for Eva as well. Eva and Bob have their close friends the Sullivans in town. I think it will be very good for them. I know how great it is to have close friends around you right now.

Sometimes it's just better not to say anything at all. Make tomorrow a great day!

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Monday, July 4, 2005 7:35 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Whew...I'm back home. Quite a weekend.

I flew out on Saturday and spend the night in Santa Monica with the Prestine clan. The Megan and Kelly the girls that have been putting on the fund raisers in Ill via lemonade and sweet treats were there and we had a blast playing and watching the fireworks. They said they liked me because I was so immature. Eyes of a child.

Sunday night was the fund raiser and the PV girls did it up right. It was great to see all of our friends and to meet so many new ones. The local Fox news was there and did a story on the fund raiser. The girls have committed to doing it every year and next year I will be back with Dena and Caden. I believe they raised over $30,000.

The Fathead open sounded like it was great according to my brother and they raised over $11,000. Both events had Dena t-shirts and if you see someone wearing a Dena shirt introduce yourself because they are apart of us.

I was with Dena on Saturday before I left and today. She was a bit tired but she is has become the favorite patient of everyone on her floor. Why? Because of the support we get from everyone. Because they know how much she means to all of us. I will be down there tomorrow morning as I always am and I look forward to getting my schedule back.

I hope everyone had a great 4th. I know I did and I want to thank everyone for keeping us in your thoughts and activities. We love all of you.

I talked with so many people at the PV fundraiser and I kept hearing this: Wow I haven't seen this person in so long. I kept wondering why did you stop staying in touch. I knew Dena would be so proud that she has brought so many friends back in touch with each other. I know it's tough to stay in touch in this busy world but we all have to try. Because when something happens that changes your life these people that we know throughout our lives will be there to rally for us, as you are doing for us.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Thursday, June 30, 2005 6:41 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Just a reminder that we are two days into our next two months. I hope you have great plans I know Dena and I do.

Dena and I did some Occupational Therapy today. We were moving her neck and having her sit up. She works so hard. We also did speech therapy. We were working on numbers and letters. She was able to mouth some words but had troubles getting her voice going. It will all come to her soon.

This is the 4th of July weekend. I remember it last year. Dena, I and Caden were at the 4th of July parade in Park City. It was Dena's first day out of the house after bringing Caden into this world. Mothers everywhere were so suprised to see Dena out and moving. Just another notch proving how strong she is. We were showing Caden off to everyone.

This 4th of July will be very special as well. Caden will be with his grandparents in Park City. I will be in LA to celebrate Dena with all her PV friends at the fund raiser. My brother Kevin and his wife Barbee will be in Wisconsin at the Fathead Golf Open celebrating and fund raising for Dena. I know I will remember this 4th of July like no other. As people across the country are celebrating Dena. Thank you all for your support and kind words. You are all amazing.

If a person like Martin Luther King Jr or Ghandi can change the world, just think what we can do as a group to change the world. One moment at a time we can change it. If we all work together what can we accomplish?

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005 8:10 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Today Dena was tired. She slept until afternoon except when she woke up for Speech Therapy. We worked on swallowing today. She is trying so hard and we will be doing the same excercise tomorrow.

My parents were down there as well. Flojo is close to being back to normal, she has a bit of a ways to go. My parents have helped so much with everything. I am very lucky.

Think about this:
Dena was in the accident two months ago today, June 28th. She was in a deep coma, now, a very light coma if any. She didn't have her eyes open, now, she has both eyes open. She is using her voice and saying words, where there was silence. She can swallow, she can take ice cubes into her mouth. She can move her left arm and leg upon command. Has some movement in her right side. She is breathing completely on her own with no assistance. Two months have passed. In two months what have you done? What could you do in the next two months? What will Dena do in the next two months? I can't wait to see what we all do in the next two months.

A toast to the next two months.

Christian, Dena and Caden

Monday, June 27, 2005 11:08 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I just got back from a mtn bike ride. Flojo was watching Caden. It felt good.

Dena had her best day yet in speech therapy. She had more vocalization than any other day so far. She was working so hard it took my breath away. We are still working on figuring out her pain and/or frustration.

I talked to Dr Hagen and he is willing to come out here. So some of the money that was raised will be used to bring him here. It may be a month or more just until Dena can communicate a bit more. He is sending me some info on how we should be talking and treating Dena during this phase of her recovery. I will post it in her room for all visitors to see.

I continue to read every posting and I thank you all for your time and thoughts. It helps me to keep going.

Did you celebrate today? Did you celebrate someone today? Did you celebrate yourself today? If you didn't you had better do it tomorrow because it may be your last chance.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Sunday, June 26, 2005 8:39 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family.

Happy Birthday Caden!

We had a great party at our house. Lot's of friends and fun. Caden destroyed a cake and is wired on sugar right now. Caden got a ton of gifts. I'm going to have to build him his own gear shed.

Eva, Caden and myself visited Dena today so she could celebrate with us. Dena continues to wake up and has been breathing on her own, no assistance whatsoever, for over 40 hours. She still is in pain so we are trying to figure that out.

I have a feeling next week will be very big for Dena. Just a feeling.

You can talk all you want about changing something but if you don't act it's just talk. People get tired of talk, people love action. Be action.

Christian, Dena and CAden.

Saturday, June 25, 2005 8:52 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Today Dena had Kristina, Eva, Caden and myself as visitors.
It was an exciting day. Dena has been off the ventilator for over 30 hours. And at 21 hours you are allowed to go outside the hospital. So Dena was outside today. She felt the wind, the sun and a bit of rain. She looked great today and she was dressed in her own clothes.

Her left side continues to be full of movements. The physical therapists say that her right side is starting to be felt. She is moving her right slightly but that is still great progress. She is moving her mouth more and more everyday and I feel her still waking up.

I know all your prayers and warm wishes are helping so keep them coming. It really is an honor to talk to you via this website most everyday. Thanks for listening!

Caden's 1st birthday is tomorrow. We will visit Dena in the morning and then have a small party at our house at 4pm. I bought my favorite toy of all time: The Big Wheel. I wish they made it in my size. Rumor has it The Green Machine is being built for adults. Anyways...it will be a great day tomorrow.

I just talked to my very good friend John Paul. His wife, Laura,recently had a head injury. She is going to be fine but nonetheless I ask that you send prayers and warm wishes to them as well. These are both incredible people dealing with a tough time right now. John Paul and Laura, I love you two and please come visit.

I have had many people tell me in person, on the phone, via email that I am inspiring them to be better people, husbands, wifes etc. And everyone thinks they couldn't do what I am doing right now. Well, I would say you are wrong. When life deals you a bump in the road you can either go over it and take it or you can turn around and not reach your destination. I truly believe that we all have it in us to be great and take life's challenges with a smile and bring it on attitude. With that I say BRING IT ON!

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Thursday, June 23, 2005 10:46 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Today was a big day for Dena. They put Dena on the trach mask. BAsically she is breathing off the machine. She is on her own 100% and that happened at 10:15am this morning. She is still on her own. If she goes 7 days on her own she has the track removed.

We are still trying to figure out if Dena is in pain, frustrated or both. I have contacted a specialist a Dr. Chris Hagen for some advice. The power of this site keeps working. Someone suggest I talk to him and I am working on bribing him out here with a working vacation in beautiful Park City, Utah. Hopefully we will know more soon.

Dena did all her therapys today under her own breath. This is very exciting. She is fighting and is doing great.

If you want to be inspired and believe Dena will come back. Check out www.4nonblondes.org and read about Dena Schmitt. I believe that these Dena's are similar and will be great friends in the not to distant future.

Each day is a miracle and each moment a gift. I feel like Dena brings us a new gift everyday. She is living each moment as strong as she can. I hope you are doing the same. She is inspiring me to do more and be more. I hope you are doing the same.

Dena, Christian and Caden.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005 8:08 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

It was another busy day for Dena. Jarrett, Eric, Jill, Shane, Anita, Eva and myself all came by to support her.

Dena worked really hard at speech therapy again making more noises and getting her voice back. Her commitment amazes me. She also worked hard on physical therapy. She stood up with assistance again today. They continue to ween her off the trach. We are getting one step closer.

Right now we are trying to determine if Dena is in pain or not. Or if she is just frustrated. It is tough to know what she is trying to tell us right now. If you have any ideas please share.

Well my parents just showed up, it's raining so the mountain bike ride may not happen. But whatever. Life is good and more positive things are happening than negative.

My brain is done for the day. I'm going to let it rest and hopefully I will have something fresh tomorrow.

Christian, Dena and CAden.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 11:01 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

It's been a bit busy with all the guests, so I haven't been keeping you posted as I should be.

Today Jarrett, Chris Dorsey, Melissa, Michele, Gretchen, Flojo, Eva and Pam visited Dena. I was there with Jarrett, Flojo and Chris when they did speech therapy. I can tell you that we are all very proud of Dena's efforts. She was doing her best to get her voice going. It was impressive. She is trying so hard. She is working so hard. She is my hero. She rules!

Physical therapy was great as well. She was really working on her legs. She is doing great.

Please understand my perspective when I brought Dena back from Egypt. She has come so far and yes, we have along way to go. But with your continued help and support we can't help but bring her back. She will not give up and neither will we.

Caden, Jarrett and myself with to sushi tonite. Caden tried taco(octupus) and liked it. He will eat anything. He also got a Hummer for his birtday from Jarrett. Caden continues to amaze everyone he meets with his great spirit and unstoppable energy. I follow his lead.

Challenge each other to become great. Don't let someone waste their potential. Motivate, inspire lead by example and we will make a difference. Move forward not in a circle.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Sunday, June 19, 2005 7:16 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. I hope you have a great day with your family.

Today I had breakfast with Caden and friends. Then I went on a mountain bike ride. We all went down to see Dena today.

She looks her best yet! I still feel that she is waking up. Her eyes seemed more clear and focused. She was working hard at moving her left arm and leg. She had plenty of mouth movement today and took 3 ice chips from Dana. Dena then swallowed. This is great progress for when they take her off the trach. She is getting ready to eat real food. Dena really wants to communicate and we are doing all doing our best to help her.

I'm going to play with Caden. Go play with your kids or any kids. They can teach us all so much.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Friday, June 17, 2005 7:51 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

The support keeps coming in and I am in awe of it all. Thank you all so much. The PV fundraiser should be a blast, how could it not be with all the great people there. I will do my best to be there.

The 4-non blondes in Ottawa, Ill. are getting the ball rolling. This should be quite an event. I will have more info shortly. Dena you and the your girls rule and I can't wait to see you.

Dena was a bit in pain today but she worked super hard on the speaking trac. She can't say my name yet but she worked hard on saying BART. Bart was there to cheer her on. Thanks Bart! Jennifer and Paul Papas were there as well. Not to mention: Chuck, Jodi, Dana, Melinda and GAry arrive today too. This only shows how great Dena is in that people are coming from all over just to see her and help her recover. We will not be denied.

I feel this is the best week I have had in long time. Great ideas, feelings, friends and fun. I love all of you and thank all of you for your love and support.

Are the little things ever worth getting upset about? Are they worth hurting someone's feelings? Cheer your successes. Be proud of what you did today not what you didn't. TAke that pride and success and roll it over to tomorrow and how can it not be a great day.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Thursday, June 16, 2005 10:41 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Eva said that Dena was a bit tired today. I am not surprised based upon what happened yesterday.

I met Dena and Eva in SLC for Dena's doctor's appointment. Dr. McDonald feels she is coming along nicely. You know doctors just can't give you answer in this type of situation that you want. We all have to be patient and continue to encourage and strengthen Dena. We have her scheduled for July 18th for cranial plastic. This means that they will repair her skull. I feel this is another step to getting Dena into the most comfortable place we can to help her heal. I'm hoping they were able to get x-rays on her neck so we can get the c-collar off of her. She hates that thing.

We have a big weekend with Chuck, Melinda and her husband Gary coming into town, as well as Jodi and Dana. It amazes me how everyone is doing everything they can to get her to help Dena. She deserves it and she loves it. Keep it coming and my our house is always open to all visitors.

I really wish I could thank all of you in person for your support. I hope you are all working on creating your future through positive thoughts.

Everyone wants balance in their life. Before you can have external balance you must have internal balance. You must learn to love, respect, teach, change yourself on the inside before you can work on the external world. Master the internal and the external will easily become what you want it to become.

I am at peace inside and I bring peace to everything on the outside.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005 7:27 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Sorry I didn't touch base with you yesterday.

Dena is still breathing on her own over 100 hours. She didn't sleep much last night and when I was down there I got her to relax and she was out. She looked so peaceful it was great.

I keep hearing good progress from all the therapists. Tomorrow is a big day where I will be with Dena at her doctor's appointment. I will tell you everything I learn. I haven't spoken to Eva today so I don't know how today is going. I hope Dena slept the day away.

Late Night Update from Eva:
Dena was doing speech therapy today and had the speaking valve on which allows her to use her vocal cords. Eva asked the speech therapist if she wanted a pillow and Dena yelled NO! Yes Dena heard her voice today.
Dena was doing her physical therapy and the therapist had Dena's leg off the bed and asked Dena to pull her leg up onto the bed. She did it on command.

Dena had a big day today. She is coming back strong.

I went to the Landmark Education Seminar and I felt about 8 years ago I could of used it. Right now is not the time for me. Basically they give you the mind technology to get rid of the barriers that keep you from attaining the life you want. I have the life I want and there are no barriers to me making what I want happen.

I am cause. I am force. I am power. I will my future into the present. I move through the day with fluid ease and all that happens is because I will it to happen.

With huge smiles and massive hugs I embrace you and challenge you to greet each day this way.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Sunday, June 12, 2005 11:11 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Dena was breathing on her own since yesterday morning at 10am when I left at 4pm today. 30 hours..she rules. Dena was the talk of her floor today with the Respirtory Nurses.

Dena had Cranial Sachral(sp) therapy today as well. If you visit make sure you ask her to keep her left arm relaxed and not clutched to her chest. Please ask her to relax.

Tomorrow night I will be working with Malia and others to make more of Dena's Magic Water. Tuesday night I will be in Salt Lake at a Quantum Physics conference as a guest. I am doing anything and everything to bring Dena back to all of us. We will not be denied.

I went to our neighbors wedding on Friday night, it was beautiful. Mark and Vicki remind me of Dena and myself. In love and so happy and so good for each other. I wish them success on their bid to summit Mt Kilmanjaroo.

By the way if you ever go to a wedding turn off your freaking cellphone. Can that be any more disrespectful.

You are what you say you are. Recently I had been telling everyone that I'm hanging in there. That I was tired. That I was always feeling crappy. Well on Thursday all that came true. NO MORE! I feel great. Today was a great day and tomorrow will be better. Last night was the best night sleep I had and I woke up feeling great. I played raquetball today and I crushed everyone.

You can control your day with your thoughts. You can control your life with your thoughts. Don't deny yourself happiness.

I will wake up and say this: Today is a great day! I will move with ease and fluidity throughout the day. Caden will smile all day long. Dena will have a great day. I will inspire myself and everyone I see and talk to.


Christian, Dena and Caden.

Saturday, June 11, 2005 5:20 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Sorry I haven't touched base with you the last couple of days.

I was seeing Dena both yesterday and today. It seems she is waking up even more. Her eyes were very open today and she was taking in all the visitors. She had a great session of Occupational Therapy today. We can feel her wanting to say more. She is yawning and opening her mouth quite a bit where in the past she kept it shut.

If I am unable to update you it's because I have gotten busy or fallen asleep. Please read the guestbook, that's where I get my inspiration. It keeps me going too.

Tonite is the Hopa Grill Fundraiser night and plenty of us will be there. The support that keeps coming is incredible. I thank all of you.

The weather, either you can ingore or embrace it. You can't change it.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Wednesday, June 8, 2005 10:05 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

It rained again in Utah. It's a desert, we don't get much rain. It seems to be a late start on summer. I can't but wonder if Dena is telling the seasons to hold up because she doesn't want to miss one season.

I find myself smiling every now and then just thinking about Dena. About how she makes me feel, how she makes me want to be a success so she will be proud of me. I remember hugs and kisses, how she would try to release first from a hug but I wouldn't let go.

I know a bit about rehab from my own experience. I know after a tough day you need rest and you may go backwards before going forward again. Dena needs rest after a big day. I caught her in the morning and she was resting. Then Eva came in and her eyes got wide open. It sounds like she had a great day with the speech therapist. This is pulled from Pamela Alfords posting: "The speech therapist came into today and she work with Dena for about 30 minutes then she was about to leave and Eva asked Dena to say Mom and Dena moved her mouth to say mom. Eva and I were so proud that she showed her therapist what she has been working on with her mom. You go girls! The therapist was so excited that she witnesses this she can now put it into her records. Great Progress…"

It's tough not being there when great things happen, but to know that everyone can make a difference is calming.

Tomorrow I will be going to San Francisco for the day to meet with The North Face. They have been so supportive of us as well as the rest of the outdoor industry. I'm nervous I won't be able to see Dena and Caden will only see me in the morning.

I won't be doing an update tomorrow as it will be too late.

I am going to sleep. I will sleep deep. I will recharge and be ready for whatever comes next.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Tuesday, June 7, 2005 8:08 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Dena was tired today, at lease while I was there. I think we can expect this for awhile. She has a great day and then needs rest. I'm not suprised, she was never much for moderation or holding back. She always charges ahead and pushes herself as hard as possible. Another of the many reasons I love her.

Her visitors were: Jarrett, myself, Eva, Joan and Jen. That was all before 1pm and I'm sure more people came down as well.
We have a great team going and I love all of you for your efforts.

Jarret cooked a ton of food for both Caden and I. So we are good to go on healty tasty food. Thanks Jarrett, you saved me again.

If you have big things to accomplish you will need fuel. Lot's of fuel. That's my next thing to eat better. I'm on it.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Monday, June 6, 2005 9:36 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

We, Eva, Jarrett, Bart, Myself and Rubin-Jarret's dog, had a great afternoon with Dena. She was wide awake and well rested. She is gaining muscle strength in left leg. Her hand and are were moving quite a bit and she was tugging at her clothing.

She had speech therapy while we were there and her eyes seemed determined as she was asked to do things. Bart and I felt that she has improved so much from Friday. She is really responding to me. And I feel like I should spend more time there. I will do better.

Dena is getting stronger. We can all feel it. As soon as she gives me the ok I will show some pics of her.

Well dinner is ready so I'm going to join my friends.

Move towards happiness.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Sunday, June 5, 2005 9:07 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Today Caden and I had father son day. We went for a big walk and went to kids carnival. Caden went on his first swing and slide today. He loved both of them. He will be walking anyday.

Dena's visitors included: Anita, Shane, Eva, Sun, Andy and Stumper. I talked to Anita and she said that Dena was responding to voice commands to squeeze her hand. The rest she had on saturday showed today.

I am excited about tomorrow as I will be working in the morning and going to see Dena in the afternoon. Jarrett, Caden's Godfather and our very good friend, will be in town tomorrow. I can't wait to see her reaction to Jarrett. Jarrett hasn't had the oppurtunity to see Dena since she has become more attentive.

Malia Brown, our friend, has created Dena's Magic Water. If you haven't seen a movie called "What the Bleep" rent it and you will understand what Dena's Magic Water is. We will be giving this to her instead of normal tap water.

Why do we want to grow up? I know I have been fighting it forever. Just ask my dad. Now that I have Caden I feel even more like a child. I love acting like him and not caring what other people think. Take a moment and grasp the moment of a child. Look with new eyes, babble, jump around and run in a circle and then fall down on your back and laugh for no reason but that you can.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Sunday, June 5, 2005 0:11 AM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Dena was very tired today and slept most of the day. She looked great doing that. Please read below, it will make you feel great.

Every now and then you read something and it makes you feel proud to say you are part of the human race. I can't tell you how many times I have felt that as I read your notes to us. But what I have put in below is just another great sign that we are all still in this together.

People always say how mean kids can be, never how nice they can be. This story will either make you cry, give you cold chills or just leave you cold, but it puts life into perspective! At a fund-raising dinner for a school that serves learning-disabled children, the father of one of the school's students delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all that attended. After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he offered a question. "Everything God does is done with perfection. Yet, my son Shay cannot learn things as other children do. He cannot understand things as other children do.
Where is God's plan reflected in my son?" The audience was stilled by the query. The father continued. "I believe," the father answered, "that when God brings a child like Shay into the world, an opportunity to realize the Divine Plan presents itself and it comes in the way people
treat that child."
Then, he told the following story: Shay and his father had walked past a park where some boys Shay knew, were playing baseball. Shay asked, "Do you think they will let me play?" Shay's father knew that the boys would not want him on their team. But the father understood that if his son
were allowed to play it would give him much-needed sense of belonging. Shay's father approached one of the boys on the field and asked if Shay could play. The boy looked around for guidance from his teammates. Getting none, he took matters into his own hands and said, "We are losing by six runs, and the game is in the eighth inning. I guess he can
be on our team and we'll try to put him up to bat in the ninth inning."
In the bottom of the eighth inning, Shay's team scored a few runs but was still behind by three. At the top of the ninth inning, Shay put on a glove and played in the outfield. Although no hits came his way, he was
obviously ecstatic just to be on the field, grinning from ear to ear as his father waved to him from the stands.
In the bottom of the ninth inning, Shay's team scored again. Now, with two outs and the bases loaded, the potential winning run was on base. Shay was scheduled to be the next at-bat. Would the team actually let
Shay bat at this juncture and give away their chance to win the game? Surprisingly, Shay was given the bat.
Everyone knew that a hit was all but impossible because Shay didn't even know how to hold the bat properly, much less connect with the ball. However, as Shay stepped up to the plate, the pitcher moved a few steps to lob the ball in softly so Shay could at least be able to make contact. The first pitch came and Shay swung clumsily and missed. The pitcher again took a few steps forward to toss the ball softly toward Shay. As the pitch came in, Shay swung at the ball and hit a slow ground ball to The pitcher. The pitcher picked up the soft grounder and could easily have
thrown the ball to the first baseman. Shay would have been out and that would have ended the game. Instead, the pitcher took the ball and threw it on a
high arc to right field, far beyond reach of the first baseman Everyone started yelling, "Shay, run to first, run to first." Never in his life had Shay ever made it to first base. He scampered down the baseline, wide-eyed and startled. Everyone yelled, "run to second, run to
second!" By the time Shay was rounding first base, the right fielder had the ball. He could have thrown the ball to the second baseman for tag. But the right fielder understood what the pitcher's intentions had been, so he threw the ball high and far over the third baseman's head. Shay ran towards second base as the runners ahead of him deliriously circled the bases towards home.

As Shay reached second base, the opposing shortstop ran to him, turned him in the direction of third base, and shouted, "run to third!" As Shay rounded third, the boys from both teams were screaming, "Shay Run home!"
Shay ran home, stepped on home plate and was cheered as the hero for hitting a "grand slam" and winning the game for his team. "That day," said the father softly with tears now rolling down his face, "the boys from both teams helped bring a piece of the Divine Plan into this world."
And now, a footnote to the story: We all send thousands of jokes through e-mail without a second thought, but when it comes to sending messages regarding life choices, people think twice about sharing. The crude, vulgar and sometimes the obscene pass freely through cyberspace, but
public discussion of decency is too often suppressed in school and the workplace. If you are thinking about forwarding this message, you are probably thinking about which people on your address list aren't the
"appropriate" ones to receive this type of message.
The person who sent this to you believes that we can all make a difference. We all have dozens of opportunities a day to help realize God's plan. So many seemingly trivial interactions between people present us with a choice; do we pass along a spark of the Divine-love that God gives to us every day? Or do we pass up that opportunity and
leave the world a bit colder in the process?
You have two choices now:
1. Delete this.
2. Forward it to the people you care about.
You know the choice I made.

We have an movements in our lives that can define us. We can either choose to follow the example or set the example. The kids above set the example. I hope you will do the same. It's tough but it makes all the difference to everyone and to yourself.

Hey don't forget to give hugs to everyone.


Christian, Dena and Caden.

Thursday, June 2, 2005 10:32 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Well I think we found out why Dena was frustrated. She was constipated. And Eva said that Dena has been resting since then. Myself, Eva, Jo, her husband and Anita were all visitors today. Anita went by around 8pm and said Dena was sleeping hard. That is great news.

I know I haven't done this before but I need to share this email with you.

Dena Gelbuda to me

Hi Christian,
My name is Dena, I am Mary Beth's younger sister. I am pretty sure you are aware, but I was in a bad accident too. I was in a coma too. I was told I would never eat by myself, walk or talk ever again. God had another plan for me. It was pretty bad. I would like to talk to you when you get the chance. You and Dean will get through this. When I saw your website, I broke down. You are both so darling. I believe in miracles. They happen every day. My parents were told that if I were to survive, I would probably be a vegetable. The doctors only told them that because that was what science has shown them. Dena is in my prayers every day. I have spread her story onto my friends. I didn't do it just to tell them a "Oh, that's too bad" type of story. I told them that because I am a big believer in the whole "pay it forward" theme. I was blessed and literally got a second chance. I had my last rights. I am not supposed to be here. But, I am. I was saved for a reason. Back to the whole pay it forward idea. My friends and I are organizing a payit4ward event for Dena. We are throwing a golf tournament with prizes that are to be auctioned off. This is all for you guys. I am in sales, and I know lots of people in lots of industries. I also know some famous people from some golf tournaments I have been in. I am asking them to come too. We will raise money through the tournament and auction and also some items to auction off online as well. When I got hurt, I used to sell pharmaceuticals, my partner who I worked with everyday threw me a fund raiser at my favorite irish pub. Yes there is such a thing. This was so nice, and put a nice dent in my out of pocket bills. (Just an FYI - working for big pharma doesn't get you the most stellar coverage in the world....I am still paying and will be for about 3 more years....the accident was in 2000.) At any rate, I will never forgive the generosity of everyone who didn't even know me, but helped me out. They were my angels. So Christian, this is out mission for the summer. We will do everything we can to help you and your whole family. You all are so darling. She will be back. (Us Dena's have that fighter in us....) My girlfriend Jenna is creating a website for the tournament....we have created a name for our fundraising group...
4 Non Blondes - even though one of the 4 really is blonde, she doesn't act it. :) At any rate, please call me, I can't wait to speak to you. 847 373 1379.

You are in my thoughts so much -
(yes, that is really how I spell my name - it's uncanny - I know)

This is what is so overwhelming that people are just helping us out. I have already spoken to Dena. I couldn't believe I was speaking to another Dena. She is awesome. I believe she will be helping me through a ton of this in explaining to me what Dena is going through.

Eva just called me and told me that Dena is tracking with both eyes and looking to both sides. This is a brand new update.

Pay it forward. I loved that movie, I saw it with Dena. I cried during that movie. I know we will do our best to pay if forward when we are a complete family. But try to pay it forward every day. A smile, a compliment a sharing of your happiness. Giving your energy to someone else to help them through the day. Make a difference without expecting a reward. Just knowing you were there for someone is enought.

Thanks Everyone you are all the best.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Wednesday, June 1, 2005 10:49 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Today Dena was visited by Eva, Ashley, Paige(her 5 week old daughter) and myself. I was only able to be with Dena for an hour. She was sitting in the chair and she looked a bit tired. I think yesterday wore her out a bit. She has been working hard on breathing on her own. Ashley read an inspiring story to her and I felt her understanding it and relating it to her self.

I met with the lawyer, Doug Cummings, today. A great guy who is helping me to put everything in order. I also worked a bit today too. Tonite was the Bandits night for Dena. It was a great turn out throughout the day. Lots of friends were there. It was a great night out for Caden and me. I know we are so lucky to have all of you supporting us.

I believe there will be some sort of fund raiser/party on July 4 or 5 in Hermosa Beach. Jodi and Kristina are putting it together. Please contact them for more info. We will post it on this site as well.

My brother told me that on July 1st there will be the annual Fathead Open Golf Tournament that all proceeds will go to Dena as well.

The love and support is incredible. THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU!!!

Who are you? Who am I? The people we know, the things we do, the effort that we put into those define who we are. Are you happy with yourself? I know I am happy with you. I hope you are too.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Wednesday, June 1, 2005 9:24 AM CDT

Hello Frienda and Family,

I'm sorry I could not update yesterday. Caringbridge was doing an update that would not allow to post until after midnight by which time I was in bed.

Yesterday Rooka and I visited Dena and Eva came down later. Dena seems more frustrated but that's what we want a call to action on her part. We were holding hands lightly and when I would try to pull my hand away she wouldn't let me, it felt so great for her to want me.

Eva was with the speech therapist when Dena mouthed YES. She also moved her lips to when asked to say Caden and Mom. Great news!!! The Physical Therapist also said Dena has movement throughout her right side. This is incredible news since her injury is on the left side of her brain which controls her right side.

I know you are all busy but Dena needs you to visit. Please find sometime if you can and go inspire her to work hard. I know she would be one of the first to be there for you.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 1:00 AM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I hope you had a great extended weekend. I was with Dena today as were Eva, Amy, Anita and Rooka.

Dena went 16 hours yesterday breathing on her own. They will keep adding hours to ween her off the trach. I cannot say when that will happen but we know it will.

Dena had a great reaction to Rooka licking her today. There is slight movement, but movement regardless in her right arm and foot. Her left leg was moving when before it was more foot movement. She seems frustrated to me and I know she is working so hard right now to rush back to all of us.

I think visitors are great right now. Please talk to her as you would anyone. Tell her what day it is. Tell her about your day. Then get down to therapy and motivation.

I know we are all busy but if you can make time it would be great to visit her.

You don't know how good you are at something until you try it for the first time. And first times don't even count. You have to work at everything. The well will only run dry if you do not return to it.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Monday, May 30, 2005 1:46 AM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I went down to see Dena with Eric, Jill, Caden and Rooka. Eva and Amy visited as well.

Yes I took Caden into see Dena. He was great and Dena felt his presence. She has movement in her right arm now. She is more focused. It feels like she is frustrated. Yesterday and today Amy was with Dena when she moved her whole body in what seemed like an effort to get up and speak. She is still waking up.

Remember Vistors Welcome!

I know it's late but I went out for a movie.

You know sometimes it's just better to not think or talk.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Saturday, May 28, 2005 9:42 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Bob, Eva, my mom, Amy and I all saw Dena today. She has been breathing on her own since 8am. Dena is making progress. Her eyes are staying open more and I know she is fighting back to us.

Remember vistors are welcome, just a couple of reminders.
If you are sick please don't visit. I think you can understand why.
Please fill out the journal of what happened while you were there and put your name on it with dates and times. Forget about the visitor log just do this.
Be positive: Dena's Motto: I am a strong, powerful beatiful women. I am working on typing up a list of positive affirmations. Please say those over and over to her. There is a binder in one of her drawers with her picture on it these affirmations are in there as well.
Physical Therapy: we can all do this for her. Move her legs, mover her fingers, wrist, arms.
Speech Therapy: Show her how to say a word, then touch her mouth and ask her to say that word.

I really feel the more we all do this and visit the faster she will be back. If anyone knows better than me please let me know.

The unelightened don't know what they have til it's gone the enlightened know what they have while it's here.

I know I am enlightened.


Christian, Dena and Caden.

Friday, May 27, 2005 8:49 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Dena is waking up. Today Bob and Eva were down there while I took care of personal business. I will be down there all weekend.

Dena is into 7 hours of breathing on her own. YEAH! Dena's eyes continue to focus better. Bob and Eva saw movement in her right arm for the first time. That's my girl. Eva thinks she saw her toes move but she is not sure. That's what she said of her arm yesterday. So I'm going with it. She continues to move her mouth.

Visitors are welcome. There is a sign in log either on top of her dresser or in it. Please fill it out. This way people will know if she has had too many visitors and tiring her out. I'm not worried about that. There is also a medical log, please fill that out as your visit progresses. This way we can look for consistent behavior. She is located in Bountiful, Utah at the South Davis Community Hospital in room #320. I'm sure if you can read this you can get directions from the internet from where ever you are.

I finally feel like I'm in a grove. I have scaled back my work hours to 15+ a week. I have housekeeping that started today. I have daycare for Caden 2 times next week. I have my parents and Dena's parents splitting him on two days. That leaves just one day, Friday. If you want to help call me or email me. I also signed my living will. I have all the other business regarding, trusts, foundations, medicare etc rolling as well. That should be done by the end of next week.

I know have to start reading a 285 page document that my friend Megan found about brain trama.

Thought: Get the lame things out of the way first so you can have fun the rest of the time instead of having to do the lame things after the fun things.


Christian, Dena and Caden.

Thursday, May 26, 2005 8:25 PM mtn

Hello Friends and Family,

Today was a good day. I got down to Dena at 8:30am and she was having OT. Rooka was there with me to help. Dena was breathing on her own today from 10am-3:30pm. Great work Dena. Her eyes seemed more focus today then any other day and Bob agreed. We worked on speech therapy and Dena was able to take ice cubes and ice cream into her mouth. A great improvement from yesterday.

I got a ton of personal business in the works and will finish some of it tomorrow. It feels good to get this moving and off the table.

I know what I have to do going forward and I will keep you posted.

Thought: Go to be early once in a while.

Good Night,
Christian, Dena and Caden.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 10:20 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Today I went to work for most of the day while Caden split his time between grand parents. He sure loves his grand parents.

Dana got down to see Dena before she flew back home. Dena spent 4 hours breathing on her own. So we are getting closer to weening from her the trac. The therapist said that she is more responsive. I wish I could tell you something big but this is how it is going to be. I am not holding anything back I promise you. She had speech therapy and she is moving her mouth more.

I was able to get the living wills read for myself and will have that done this week. Then it's onto the next project.

Sorry this is short but I am tired.

Thought of Honesty:
I feel so alone without Dena. But I feel so lucky to have all of you and I know that I am not alone. I just don't have Dena right now. And if you know Dena and myself you know how much I love her. I didn't know I was capable of this type of love until I gave my heart to Dena in April of 1994. I appreciate all the phone calls and I will do my best to return them in time. Please don't get worried or offended if I don't answer or return your calls and emails. I'm doing what I can in 24 hours.

Christian, Caden and Dena.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005 7:34 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I got down to Dena with Rooka today. I know Rooka was a bit said when she saw Dena but she understood her job. Rooka licked Dena and she responded with eyes opening and an increase in breathing. We stayed with her until Bob and Eva arrived.

Dena had her eyes open quite a bit while I was there. The occupational used Rooka for Dena to Pet. It feels she is aware of everything and is battling to get back to us.

I'm going to work on the Yahoo Calendar tonite to try and get all the help I need in there. I hope it is easy to use for you.

Procrastination only makes the meeting of the deadline more difficult.


Christian, Dena and Caden.

Monday, May 23, 2005 9:35 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Today was yet another busy day. I have a feeling it's going to be like that. I had people in town and we hung this morning. I was able to go to work for a bit and get some personal business in order as well.

Caden was with Dana and Jodi for the morning and then with my parents for the afternoon.

Shane, Anita, Jodi, Dana, Bob and Eva were with Dena today. I will be down there tomorrow morning with Rooka.
Dana said that Dena can smell the perfume that was under her nose. Bob said that Dena is breathing more on her own then ever. They will begin weening her very soon. Dana and Jodi gave her a manicure and a pedicure. She looks great.

I'm going to do my best to keep a daily entry coming. If I miss a day don't get worried I just fell asleep typing.

I know I have to get the Yahoo Calendar going. I will get there.

Thought for the day:
Everything you do to people will come back to you in one way or another. Treat every person as a king or queen. The moment when your empire is crumbling all those kings and queens you have touched will be their to save your queendom.

To all the kings and queens thank you for saving our queendom.


Christian, Dena and Caden.

Sunday, May 22, 2005 8:32 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Last night was incredible and it was great to be with all of you. I couldn't believe the support from everyone on both sides.

To say the least I was a bit rough around the edges this morning. I am no longer young.

I went to see Dena this afternoon with Jarrett and PJ. Bob, Eva, Jodi, Rob, Heather and Dana were already there. So there was quite the crew. Dena's room is looking like home. Lot's of pictures and personal items are there.

When Dana and Jodi arrived her eyes were wide open. She is breathing half the time on her own and her lungs are clear. Rob says she had a smirk on her face today, she must of been jealous of us all partying last night. Her left arm was both moving up to her chest and away from her chest. Yesterday 7 of her friends from PV were there(Jodi, Alpa, Kristina, Kristine, Sue, Lori, Courtney) and Dena gave a big open mouth and then again. It seemed she was trying to talk. It's the biggest mouth movement we have seen. I'm sure we just trying to get a work in with ladies talking.

Tomorrow is a big day for her. They are going to start weening her from the trach.

I hope to keep bringin you positive updates like these.

Thought for the day:
Recently someone just gave me a card with John Lennon's quote: "I get by with a little help from my friends." I put that card on the top of my computer screen. It will remind me of all of you and that you are there to help us. It's tough for people to take help sometimes even though they need it. Don't give up on those people keep asking to help them they will give in and get by with a little help from their freinds.

I hope to have the calendar going very soon. Just a bit busy right now so by the end of the week.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Sunday, May 22, 2005 3:43 AM CDT


We smiled with you tonite.

With Love,

Christian and Caden.

Friday, May 20, 2005 8:07 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I just finished reading all the journal entries and cannot express how it makes me feel. I can't wait to see you Saturday night.

Caden went to my mom's and dad's. I went to work. My mother is keeping a journal for Dena of Caden's visits. I got to work at 8:15am and left at 10:30am to get Caden and go to PC Moms. We met a lot of great women and kids. They are so nice. We are so lucky. We got back to my parents at 1pm and I went back to work. I picked Caden up at 5:30pm and we came home and he had dinner. He was putting a spoonful of food into his mouth on his own and returning the spoon to the bowl and then clapping. I just remembered the digital camera and got it on film. I will do more of this you can rest assured.

Bob,Eva and Rawb went to see Dena. I will go tomorrow. They arrived and Dena was sitting in a chair. The people there put her that way to keep her muscles working. She had her eyes open. I will be able to give you more info tomorrow.

Thought for the day:
What if's and I should of's don't change the past. But I will's and I could can change the present.

Be strong and laugh.

Christian,Dena and Caden

Thursday, May 19, 2005 8:54 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Today was a big day. We moved Dena into her new care facility. Rawb did a great job in organizing a great bed for Dena. I can't tell you how incredible he is. He has made all the difference for me recently. I know my 2nd wind is coming and I will step up to the plate and take care of the new items that need to be addressed.

We got Dena to South Davis around 2:30pm. Within the hour we had met the Speech, Occupational, Physical Therapists. They are on top of it over there. And yes they said vistors are a go! Basically 2-3 people at a 1/2 hour at a time with 2 hour intervals. Next week the website will be rolling and you can sign up to visit.

Eva took Caden to Story Time and they had a grand time. I get to go to my first Park City Mom's tomorrow. Maybe they can add Dads to the name :-).

I can't believe tomorrow is Friday and people will be arriving from all over. I have Chuck, Jeff, Jarrett, Megan and PJ staying with me. An incredible support group. I have a feeling many people will be stopping by and we cannot wait.

Thought of the day: When friends reach out to you in a time of crisis take their hands. They not only want to help you but they need help as well. It's a two way street in this world don't try to drive one way all the time.

With Love and Energy,

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 10:02 PM MTN

Hello Friend and Family,

Today was a busy day. I got Caden to Music and Me and we had a blast. On my way to work I got a call that they wanted to move Dena to the next facility. Well, we all thought that was a bit quick. So we put a hold on that and she will move tomorrow at 9:30am to the South Jordan Long Term Acute Care Hospital. We have all checked out this facility and feel good about. Rawb and I checked another facility to compare.

We really believe that Dena is going to the best place in SLC. She will be challenged and the people that will take care of her take their jobs to heart.

So tomorrow will be a busy day as well. Once we get her settled into the new place we will let you all come visit Dena.

I will let you all know how the move goes tomorrow. Chuck and I will be talking shortly and we will have a site set up where can sign up to help us out. I've just been to busy to talk to him.

Please bear with me.

I was thinking about a conversation I had with Jim Kane. He told me how overwhelming it was being a stay home dad and taking care of the house, kid, bills, dinner etc. After I heard that I came home and thanked Dena and told her I understood how tough it is for her to do what she does. Don't wait to thank someone, you may not get the chance tomorrow.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 7:55 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Today has been the busiest day yet. I feel I might have a rhythm going.

I got up at 6:00am and Bob and I went to the hospital and were there a bit after 7am. Dena had her eyes opened. She was able to grasp my hand and pull it to her chest. I can't tell you how that felt. I also can't tell you what that means in terms of condition. She has been moving her left foot quite a bit. Dr. McDonald has said that Dena is in light coma as opposed to the deep coma she was in when she got to the hospital. It will be two weeks since she has been home this Friday. Her right arm has returned to normal size as well. The tube in her spine is no longer needed which means she is absorbing the fluid produced by her brain. I think these are all positive signs and the more prayers and positive energy the better. Please keep it coming, we need it.

I got Caden to his Dr's Appointment at 9:20am. He is perfectly healthy baby. Would you believe he had a diaper rash when I got there and it wasn't there the night before and now it is gone. Great timing to make me feel like a bad dad. We then went to the store and I got him some vitamins and a toothbrush. I made to work by 11am and then I was home by 3:30pm.

Jason and Dave stopped by to say hello, it's great to be living in town where people can just stop by. I love it.

I can't believe that Saturday is so close and the Celebration of Dena is really going to happen. Lauren, Pamela, katie, Amy and Jill (if I missed some of you I'm sorry) and all the others have done an amazing job.

Whew what a day. I feel like I made a great day. I hope you did the same.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Monday, May 16, 2005 8:28 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Today I went to work. I did about 6 hours there and it felt good. I still had some ideas in my head and it was good to share. I am so lucky to have a such great co-workers. They rule! Caden and I went to story time and we had a ball. There are so many great mothers in PC and they are offering so much help. I can't wait to get to know them better.

Rawb, Heather, Bob and Eva were with Dena. I'm going down first thing in the morning. I haven't been able to talk to Rawb who was there in the morning, but I did talk Eva. She had talked to Dr. McDonald and he had some positive things to say. So I will have more info for you tomorrow on Dena.

Right now I am trying my best to take care of everyone and everything. I know I will need help but I have to see what I can do to know where I need help.

I know everyone says the little things don't really matter. But I hope everyone realizes that when it comes to friends and relationships that's what makes the difference. A compliment, a question, a hug, a kiss at the right moment can make anyones day. What I try to live by in our relationship was this: Worry about the other persons happiness and not yours. Think about that. If both people did that how incredible all relationships would be.

Make tomorrow a great day and if you haven't done that today there is still time.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Sunday, May 15, 2005 3:52 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I'm trying to get an earlier schedule going. I got down to the hospital earlier today around 9:30am. I was in there and the nurses were working on Dena and she had both eyes open.

She kept them open for quite awhile after that. Rawb and Heather came by and spent some time with us. Dena is very reactive to Rawb. She moved her left foot and had a big movement in her right arm. It seemed she wanted to get up.

Heather was kind enough to print up all your postings from this site. I read as many as I could. She finally fell asleep and I let her get some much needed rest. We have set up a notebook by the side of her bed for us to record any movement to look for consistency. Thanks for the idea Patti!

I had lunch with Rawb and Heather. I am so lucky to have them in town. Caden is with Eva and Bob and on his way to my parents house. They need a distraction with all the healing going on over there.

I will be going to PC shorlty to get some excercise.

My thought for today is to talk about things instead of holding them inside. It relieves stress and provides a sense of relief.

Christian, Dena and Caden

Sunday, May 15, 2005 0:30 AM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Today Rawb, Heather, Bob and Eva went to the hospital. I spent the day with Caden. We met with a friend of ours that has experience with rehab for these types of conditions. We also went on a long walk. We had dinner with Eric, Jill and Diane(Jill's mother).

Yes I know I need to go to be earlier. I'm working on it.

Rawb and I were just talking and he said he is heading down early to see Dena. The nurses said that Dena's eyes are open in the morning. I'm going to do my best to get down there with Rawb and Heather early tomorrow morning.

I wish I had more words than this but I am tapped out right now and need to get to bed.

I am excited that we are nearing our Celebration of Dena next week.

Make tomorrow a great day and start it with a hug.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Friday, May 13, 2005 10:23 PM CDT

Hello Family and Friends,

The sun came out today. It has been raining here for I don't know how long. It was great to not get wet when going outside.

I keep reading how strong you think I am. Your words make me stronger everytime I read them. Dena has made me what I am today. She made me this strong.

We went to the hospital today and met with a doctor. Basically we are in a holding pattern as Dena begins the long road to mending herself. She needs rest after all the travel and surgeries. Thus we are holding out on any visitors right now. I promise you as soon as she is ready I will tell you.

I am sleeping and finding myself both crying and smiling as I go to bed. I miss Dena but I keep thinking about her and she still puts a smile on my face.

I'm going to ask a huge favor from all of you when I see you at the Silent Auction and the Celebration of Dena:
I know this is as tough for you as it is for me to know our great friend is hurting. And I know you are all sorry and your best wishes and prayers are with me. But on Saturday night I ask that you don't express that to me. I know we all need to do that but I want to hear only happy stories of Dena. I want us to celebrate Dena. You all know this is what she wants. She knows how to celebrate and we must honor her this way. I know it will be tough but let's do this and we will remember this night forever as a happy time.

A Godzilla size hug to all of you. Make tomorrow a great day and remember you only get a finite amount of moments. Live each one as you would your last.

Christian, Dena and Caden

Thursday, May 12, 2005 8:36 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Just so you know I read all the new postings before I right to you. They inspire me and know that there is greatness in this world.

I ask myself why this happened. I ask God to help. I have a Dreambox I use at night and in the morning. I pray to Dena. I thank her for letting me know her. I thank everyone for all the good that happens to me everyday.

I wonder if I am up for the challenge. I know I am because I have all of you. Thank you. Caden just crawled over to me so I type with him in my lap. Jeff and Kelly Kelly just showed up with dinner. Thank you.

Dena Update:
Dena's arm surgery went great. No issues. The tube is still in her back and it is working. She needs rest right now. I remember, as some of you know, when I had knee problems that a great day meant a week of rough days. I have a feeling this is what is going on with Dena. Keep in mind this is a very long road with ups and downs. Eva, Bob and I went to the next facility that Dena will go to in a week or so. It looked great, it had the right feeling and it comes highly recommended. I know you are starving for more info and I will give you whatever I have. I have a meeting with the doctor in charge of the department Dena is in tomorrow at noon. I will get as much info as I can and share it. I am not holding back as I know you need and want to know.

Christian Update:
I know I have to take care of myself. I went jogging this morning and will do so again tomorrow. Eating: yes I am eating. I am not holding my emotions in and I am sharing them. I feel good and I have Caden to make me smile. He is playing with JJ right now, Jeff and Kelly's child. He cracks me up and makes me feel great.

I wish you all a great day and I hope you all are giving hugs at every chance you get. It's my new greating so beware when you see me.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 11:53 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

It amazes me everytime I read the postings. I can feel all of you sending us your prayers and wishes. I know Dena can feel it as well.

Eva and Bob went down this morning to visit Dena. She opened both eyes today with them. I was with Caden and Lauren at Music Together. I can't believe how much fun he has around music and other people. I think he has a crush on the teacher granted she could sing like a bird and play music.

I went down later to visit Dena. I talked to Dr. McDonald and he stated that there may be some pressure on her brain and that we should put a tube in her lower back to releive some of the fluid and pressure on her head. They did that while I waited. He felt it would get her closer to that comfort zone she needs to be in to heal. Her heart rate was much lower after the operation. She will have surgery on her right arm tomorrow morning. Again we feel this will take stress off of her and allow her to heal in the long term. There is a blood clot in her left arm that they are watching closely. I know everyone wants more info but I can only give you what I know. Keep in mind this is a long process and I will do my best to update this everyday.

Regarding Visiting: Right now I want to hold off for a few more days until she recovers from these to operations. I know it's tough but please bear with me I am doing what I think is best with consultation from multiple doctors and Dena's family. She may be moved next week to Long Term Assisted Care Facilty. If that happens then we will allow visitors.

Regarding all the offers to help: THANK YOU!!
I am saving all the phone #s and and emails. We hope to have an online site that Chuck Dietrich(When you see him at the Fund Raiser give him a hug. He needs it and deserves it.) is putting together. This will allow people to sign up to help Caden and me out. We will also have a visitation protion on that site as well so you can sign up to visit her. I'm trying to figure out where we need help.

What can I say Chuck and I work for .com companies so we love the internet.

Your postings inspire me to get up every morning and make a difference in our lives. I will not disappoint you.

Give hugs to everyone you know. But make them long holding hugs not pats on the back.

We love you.

Christian, Dena and Caden.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 0:16 AM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

We all had a busy day today. Eva and Bob went to the hospital in the morning and Chuck and I went this evening.

Dena has been moved to a new area. She is breathing on her own and not even on the respirator. She has begun to open one eye half way. She does this when you are talking to her. I think she can feel all of us praying and wishing for her return.

I know everyone is asking about visiting her. I have a few calls to make tomorrow to figure out what is best for her. I will post the hours and any other suggestions when visiting tomorrow night.

Tomorrow Caden, Lauren (who has been so great in organizing and supporting all of us PC) and I will be going to Music and Me. Dena told me it was a great class and I cannot wait. I'm quickly getting Caden into a routine of daily events and of course Eva and Bob have been a great help.

The last two nights I have gone out for dinner after Caden has gone to bed. It's been nice to be with friends and share feelings and celebrate Dena.

We love you all and know we will be seeing you all very soon,
Christian, Dena and Caden.

Monday, May 9, 2005 4:07 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

I just got back from the hospital. Dena is stable and looking better. She is breathing on her own most of the time but still needs assitance. She is getting a traciostmy and a PEG put in. Basically it means it will be easier for her to breathe and eat. The goal of this is to make it is easy as possible to eat and breathe so she can focus on getting better. We all agreed this was the right thing to do. I met with a social worker at the hospital today. It was nice to talk to someone who is not so closely affected by this situation. She is helping me understand what the future entails.

Caden and I are doing good. We are making a great team. We got out yesterday and visited some friends. I'm going to play raquetball with two other people and we will take turns watching him. Rawb and Heather leave today but will be back next Friday. Chuck is coming into town tonite.

I talked to Amy at Backcountry.com and she says the donations are pooring in, she says I will be overwhelmed when I see everything. I told her I already am.

I wish I could say something to all of you for everything you are doing but I don't think words exist for what I feel from all of you.

Rawb bought all of us Dreamboxes and I'm sure you know what we put inside them. Please keep the prayers and the postings coming. This website keeps me going everyday. I hope everyone keeps posting because we have a long way to go but I know we will get there. Dena is loved and needed by too many of us to not return.

I love all of you and I will do my best to ask for help.


Chrisitian, Dena and Caden.

Saturday, May 7, 2005 9:56 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Bob and I picked up Caden, Eva, Rawb and Heather today. We went to the hospital and all had time with Dena. I would love to be able to give you some great news but I don't have any. But I don't have any bad news either. Dena is lucky to be alive right now and that I was able to touch her skin and give her a kiss made my day.

All I can tell you is this:

It's going to be a very long road with unseen turns and bumps. But no one will travel alone. We are all in this together.

It was great to have Caden in my arms. He remembered me and we are glad to have each other. If you haven't met him I hope you get to. He is the best person I have ever met. Hmmm, that sounds like something I say about Dena everyday.

I will do my best to update you every day with something. I can't tell you how much the messages mean to me. It has become a part of me.

Love Christian, Dena and Caden.

Friday, May 6, 2005 11:49 PM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,

Dena and I are in Utah, finally. I am writing this from my home computer, it feels good.

Dena did great on the flight and as soon as we got her off the plane her vital signs improved. It seemed she knew she was home.

Currently she is at the Univ. of Utah hospital. I talked to her nurse Scott and they are starting from the beginning with tests, xrays and exams. They want to make sure they know everything. I can't tell how good that makes me fell.

She is still in a deep coma and I will have a better understanding of her condition tomorrow.

Caden, Rawb, Eva and Heather get her tomorrow. I can't wait to hold our son.

I came home to a Welcome Home We Love You sign. A full fridge and a counter full of food. I read through all the wonderful messages from the PC candle vigil. I wish I could all of you one big hug and thank you but instead I will do it one at a time and in person.

Thank you all so much for all the love and support.

The update on the rest of the family is such:
Heidi goes in for skin graphs and has her fiery spirit in tact.
Flojo had a surgery today where an artery was leaking blood into her chest cavity. She will be back home in a few days and just fine.
Barbee is back home with Kevin and is doing great. She will have some x-rays to make sure.

With that I wish you good night and will update this everyday.

I love all of you and can't wait to see each and everyone of you.


Wednesday, May 4, 2005 7:29 AM CDT

Hello Friends and Family,
It's Christian and Dena. Bob left last night and Dena and I will be leaving in less than 16 hours. Yes I am counting. I wish there were words to describe how I feel when I read your notes. I married Dena because she made me a better person. Right now she is making us all better people. She has always been an example on how to treat and love people. I am who I am because of Dena.

We send our love and best wishes to you. Today I ask that when you see someone that you know give them a hug. Hugs feel great and we will want a ton of them when we get home.

Love Christian and Dena.

Hello Friends and Family,
Bob, Dena's father and I just got done reading all the postings. We can't tell you how much this is helping us get through this. Words cannot describe what we are feeling from all the support. All the efforts being done in Park City only reinforce it in my mind that it is the best place to live in the world.

Currently we have AeroCare picking Dena and myself up at 7am on Friday morning and arriving in SLC at 7pm Friday. I can't thank Chuck Dietrich and Jeff Prestine enough for helping me find the best company to move Dena.

I have been reading White Fang to Dena. She has been responding with increased heart rate and slight movement to my readings. It could be that she is getting frustrated that I read to fast. I'm doing my best to slow down. Bob and I are taking turns talking and massaging Dena.

Bob will be flying out tonite and will be in SLC on Thursday at 9pm. He is overwhelmed with the postings on this site and the support that is being generated in Park City. Thanks Jill, Katie, Pam, Lauren, Eric and everyone. I know I missed some people and when we return I will be giving hugs, kisses and tears of joy to each of you.

I know you are all starving for more info but this is a slow process and it will take time. As things happen I will post them. We all know how strong Dena is and the fact that she has been with me for over 12 years she has only gotten stronger in having to deal with me.

Dena is my best friend and I will do anything to ensure her safety and recovery. With all of your help I know we can get through this and bring Dena home.

Bob Dena and I send our love to all of you and we cannot wait to be in Park City.

Tuesday, May 3, 2005 9:53 PM CDT


Some good news...if all proceeds as scheduled, Dena and Christian should be leaving Egypt in 38 hours on a chartered Lear 36 equipped with an ICU, a MD and a respiratory nurse. They should arrive in SLC early Friday evening.

We love you Dena and Christian and await your return home. We are all here for you!

Monday, May 2, 2005 2:08 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,
It's Christian and Dena. I think I figured out how to post on the home page.
I keep thinking of everyone back there and all the support and it warms my heart. Jeff, my sister's boyfriend, was visiting Dena and rubbing her body and telling her that everyone is here. She made a move to try to get up. We all know she is a fighter and to hear this proves it. It's 9:30am here and this means it's an 8 hour difference between us and Park City. I apologize if I haven't called everyone I said I would but it is a bit difficult to talk on the phone.

She has been accepted into the Univ of Utah Hospital by the Dr. Joel McDonald. This is the Dr recommend by Dr. Carter. So right now we are waiting for Dena to stabilize and then we hope to fly her home.

I will keep the updates coming. I can't believe that there is already a silent auction and foundation being set up. If Katie and Pam could please contact Amy Luther at Backcountry.com I feel she could rally some support from the outdoor industry and I know she wants to help.

I want to ask one favor of everyone for today: Please take some time and write a story about Dena that defines here as a person to you. I will be compiling a book and reading those stories to both her and Caden when we return.

I love you all very much and cannot wait to be reunited with all of you.

Thanks and Love,

Christian and Dena.

I will keep the updates coming as I have them.

Monday, May 2, 2005 2:08 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,
It's Christian and Dena. I think I figured out how to post on the home page.
I keep thinking of everyone back there and all the support and it warms my heart. Jeff, my sister's boyfriend, was visiting Dena and rubbing her body and telling her that everyone is here. She made a move to try to get up. We all know she is a fighter and to hear this proves it. It's 9:30am here and this means it's an 8 hour difference between us and Park City. I apologize if I haven't called everyone I said I would but it is a bit difficult to talk on the phone.

She has been accepted into the Univ of Utah Hospital by the Dr. Joel McDonald. This is the Dr recommend by Dr. Carter. So right now we are waiting for Dena to stabilize and then we hope to fly her home.

I will keep the updates coming. I can't believe that there is already a silent auction and foundation being set up. If Katie and Pam could please contact Amy Luther at Backcountry.com I feel she could rally some support from the outdoor industry and I know she wants to help.

I want to ask one favor of everyone for today: Please take some time and write a story about Dena that defines here as a person to you. I will be compiling a book and reading those stories to both her and Caden when we return.

I love you all very much and cannot wait to be reunited with all of you.

Thanks and Love,

Christian and Dena.

I will keep the updates coming as I have them.

Friday, April 29, 2005 4:07 PM CDT

Dear Family & Friends,

Many of you are now aware of the horrible bus accident that Dena Brehm Gennerman, FloJo (Christian's Mom), Heidi (his sister) and Barbee (his sister in law) have been involved in while touring Egypt.

Christian, Dena's father Bob, and several other family member's are currently traveling today to Egypt. Once they have reached the hospital, they will have a much better understanding of what Dena's exact medial condition is.

This is what we know now: Dena is in a coma, has brain damage and is on a respirator. PLEASE, PLEASE pray for her! Get her on as many prayer chains as possible...with God, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!

FloJo suffered several cracked ribs, Heidi underwent brain surgery and thankfully Barbee escaped with minimal injuries. I believe that all three are doing well. Please keep all of these women in your prayers…as well as Christian and those traveling to Egypt.

Before Dena left for Egypt, she had dropped Caden off at her parents home in Florida. He is there with her mother and her brother Robby has flown there to be with mom Eva & baby Caden.

I apologize if this is the first time you are hearing about this…you can imagine the stress that Christian and the family are going through…I know they would much rather call each and every one of you personally to tell you what is going on…I know you understand why that was not possible.

Please sign in the guestbook! Christian will be checking in and updating this web page as much as possible, as well as Dena's parents & friends. For those of you trying to reach Christian, he has asked that you use Dena's email address denagenn@hotmail.com. Dena's parents email address is bbrehm@mindspring.com.

On a personal note, I love you Dena…I know you can feel all of your family and friends love & prayers…no matter how far away you are! We can't wait to see you, Christian & Caden again!

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