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Amanda Anne Galer

Welcome to Amanda's Web Page. Amanda was diagnosed with Pre-B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia with Central Nervous System involvement on May 10, 2002. She was 11 years old at that time and is now 14. She was placed on a high-risk protocol, CCG1961 (arm D). She has received radiation treatments. She started long term maintenance (less intensive chemo) in July, 2003. Her last day of chemotherapy was September 26, 2004.

This web page is provided to keep family and friends updated. Thanks for taking the time to check on Amanda. Please don't forget to sign her guestbook.

Normal CBC ranges are:
WBC 4.0-13.5; Hemoglobin 11.9-14.7; Platelets 150-400; Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) 1400-6500
Normal Ferritin is up to 150



Monday, October 17, 2005 10:00 PM

This will be the last entry for Amanda’s CB page. We really appreciate everything it has had to offer. It was a place where I could journal and keep track of what has transpired with her life and health care issues. A place where she can see the challenges that she faced and battles won. A place where we all got inspiration from the guestbook entries on those not so good days and the good days too.

Amanda’s one year off treatment date was September 26th....wow, an entire year off treatment. You think the day will not come soon enough when she will stop the chemo. Now it has been over an entire year. When being told the length of time my daughter would be on chemo, I felt it was not possible. How could she survive all those toxic chemicals for such a long time? And yet, it was those very toxic chemicals that saved her life. That, of course, and God’s will.

We are very proud of all she has accomplished. We plan on keeping her page “up” for others who may be facing challenges as she has. To give hope to those just entering the cancer world that there can be a happy ending.

With all praise, glory, and honor given to our Heavenly Father.

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http://www.acor.org/ped-onc/diseases/leuk.html   Leukemia information
http://www.wish.org   Make-A-Wish


E-mail Author: galer404@dejazzd.com


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