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Greg...the picture of you, Kelly and JJ is now my computer's screen saver. So now, I am constantly remembering you in prayer. And those who stop by my "cubie" ask about the picture. Hope you are basking in the beauty of this day and not on dialysis. Love you!
- Thursday, June 19, 2003 3:01 PM CDT
Father Greg, it's so great to know that you are #1 on the list. My prayers continue - that the wait won't be long, and also for the donor. I also pray the Lord keeps you strong so there will be no more delay when the time is right. Just know that we are thinking of you - I wish you the greatest of luck. Take it easy in the meantime....(I know, from the sounds of this web-site, THAT's the hard part for you!)
Barb Williamson <>
Hermiston, OR USA - Thursday, June 19, 2003 11:46 AM CDT
Hi Greg..... Just a note to say hello and tell you that I am thinking about you -- as I do about seven days a week....and that's the truth! Love, Linda
Linda Hathaway <>
Minneapolis, MN - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 10:11 PM CDT
Hi Greg! Just saw the picture of you, Kelly and JJ. What I want to know is... who really got to eat that fudgesicle? Beautiful picture...worth a million words! Loving and praying for you!
Sally <>
Mpls, - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 4:29 PM CDT
Hi Greg,it's Katrina I was just reading some of your updates and decided to write you a little note. I am SO happy that you are number 1 on the list. I've been praying for you that you will find encouragement, strength, and hope in this difficult but exciting time.

If anyone can make it, you can. God will carry you through it. You have an amazing perserverance and faith. And you have always been an inspiration to me in my life. I feel truly blessed to have known and spent time with you!

With that said, I would like to visit you sometime soon and talk about my engagement. Jon is going to be in town around the 4th of July and I'm sure he will be anxious to talk to you again if you are up for it. maybe I could visit you again in dialysis during the coming weeks. I'll be in touch with you soon. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
God Bless,
Love, Katrina Rose

Katrina Froehle <>
Mendota Heights, MN USA - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 1:48 AM CDT
Hi, Greg,
Will offer prayer on your behalf. My brother, Mike Monogue, told me that you had a site here and that you are #1 on the transplant list. St. Anthony has always been a faithful saint to me so I will storm him for what you need.
With prayer and care,
Colleen M. Riley Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Colleen M. Riley
Woodbury, MN USA - Monday, June 16, 2003 6:20 PM CDT
Hello, Father Greg. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!

We love the pictures!

Jean Hawkins-Koch (my dad is Gary, son of Ernie and Dora) <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Monday, June 16, 2003 10:49 AM CDT
Greg, Just wanted to wish you the very best on this Father's Day. Judy and I were praying for you today as we celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary. Even though we haven't communicated that much, I want you to know we constantly have you in our prayers and look forward to spending some time with you at the lake. All the best!
Mike and Judy Schwartz <>
Woodbury, MN USA - Sunday, June 15, 2003 5:24 PM CDT
Happy Fathers Day, FATHER Greg! I hope you have a beautiful day today! For all the lives you touch, I give thanks to God!!! I adore the new photograph -- you and Kelley and J.J. -- wow, if that doesn't capture the innocence of a child, the tenderness of a gentle-man and the absolute adoration of a dog!!!!!! And it's been forever since I've seen a fudgesicle!!! I did see the ice cream truck drive through your neighborhood when last we visited -- somewhere out there is a Dreamsicle with my name on it!

For peace and popsicles in EVERY garden, we pray to our God!!

Abundant blessings to you today and always. I love you, Greg!

With fondness, Megan

Megan McGraw <>
Hutchinson, MN - Sunday, June 15, 2003 6:38 AM CDT
Good morning, Greg! I hope your week has been refueling, charged with anticipation and hope and CONFIDENCE! To our prayers for you, we are adding prayers for your doctors -- for keen judgment, for delicate precision, for robust compassion -- that the Holy Spirit will be their guide -- God's hands working through their hands. Your whole life, Father Greg, you have been a miracle and to be on the threshold of this exciting miracle -- wow -- we are with you. IT WILL HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you aware of how much praying you have inspired?!!?!?!

We send our love...constantly... Megan and Mary Catherine too

Megan McGraw <>
Hutchinson, MN - Saturday, June 14, 2003 6:37 AM CDT
Dear Father Greg: We are praying mightily to all the Irish saints (there has to be more than ONE!) that you will come thru this next hurdle healthier than ever. Congratulations on your 20 years - hope to see you in NR next time. Godspeed - Bill & Maribeth Driscoll

Bill and Maribeth Driscoll
New RIchmond, WI USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 4:38 PM CDT
Though you do not know me, Fr. Greg, we share a friend, Gail Gibo - whom I work with. You are often in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be. You are an inspiration to all of us.
Sally Barl <>
Little Canada, MN US - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:55 AM CDT
Father Greg, Congratulations on your 20th year of being such a wonderful priest. God certainly knows how to pick such great people with so much talent to carry on His works. It is so wonderful to hear that you are number "one" on the list for a transplant. Keep your spirits high and in turn, I shall keep you in my prayers!
Shirley Polejewski <>
St Paul, MN USA - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 11:25 PM CDT
Praise God the wait is almost over. My Spirit is singing and dancing with the great news. I know now more than ever the wait can be anxious however my prayer for you today is that your body be strengthened, may your thoughts be on peace and gratitude and may your soul be resting and awaiting His healing touch!! God Be with You, Kelly
Minneapolis, MN USA - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 1:16 PM CDT
Hi Greg,

I saw some St. Thomas folks yesterday and they told me about your website. I'm really glad to know of a way to say hello and to let you know I'm praying for you. I'll always remember our incredible trip to Jamaica with the St. Thomas group. Remember the hike up the mountain, the cabin full of mice (or rats)? Congratulations on your 20 year anniversary and your #1 status!!

Debbi Brown Horton <>
- Monday, June 9, 2003 12:54 AM CDT
Dear Father Greg,
Please know that you will continue to be in our prayers.
May God continue to give you the strength that you need to endure all that remains ahead. We thank God for sutaining you and being the extra set of footprints when you need Him most. May God Bless You Fr. Greg.

Patti <>
St. Paul, Mn ramsey - Monday, June 9, 2003 11:32 AM CDT
Greg...what great news! But to be perfectly heart is in my can one be excited and nervous at the same time? Do you feel like that? Pentecost is amovin'!

Fasting and praying for you dear heart. Love, Sally

Sally <>
Mpls., MN - Monday, June 9, 2003 9:52 AM CDT
Dear Greg: So happy to hear that you are Number 1 on the list. Hang in shouldn't be long now. Congrats on your 20th year of Ordination to the priesthood. We belong to your sister parish of Transfiguration in Oakdale and we are keeping you in our prayers every weekend. We remember you from Presentation parish in Maplewood where we first met you. We enjoy seeing and listening to you preach every chance we get. Good luck and may God take really good care of you!
Sharon & Dennis Schmitz & family <>
Oakdale, MN USA - Sunday, June 8, 2003 4:31 PM CDT
Hello Greg! How wonderful to view your website and see that you are #1. Continued prayers, good thoughts,
peace, and a 'gentle breeze' for you.
Love, Geraldine

Geraldine Nowak <>
Toledo, OH USA - Sunday, June 8, 2003 4:28 PM CDT
Dear Greg,

We continue to follow you with your journals. We are glad to hear your status has moved up to number one. We know this has been a long wait for you and has required a great deal of patience. We want you to know how much we all care and continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

All our love always,

Charlene, Carrie, and Brian Maly

Charlene, Carrie, and Brian Maly <>
11967 Evergreen St, MN US - Sunday, June 8, 2003 2:33 PM CDT
Dear Greg --- I was joy-filled when I read your June 6th journal entry...we all know that you are Number One -- but now you are truly Number One!!! God bless you and keep you safe and I pray that you will receive this long-awaited call soon.....thank you for being you and for enriching all of our lives so very, very, very much!!! Linda xx oo
Linda Hathaway <>
Minneapolis, MN - Saturday, June 7, 2003 12:01 AM CDT
Dear Greg, I couldn't resist quoting for you the entrance antiphon for Mass today. You can imagine what i thought of when I read it. "The disciples were CONSTANTLY AT PRAYER TOGETHER, with Mary the mother of Jesus, the other women, and the brothers of Jesus, Alleluia !" Yes, we are all united, hundreds of us, after hearing the news this morning. God be with you.
Love, Mary Jude, OSU

Sr. Mary Jude Jun, OSU <>
Frontenac, MN - Saturday, June 7, 2003 11:29 AM CDT
Praise the Lord! What a way to start a Saturday morning To hear that you are finally number 1, Greg. Such a long wait between 2 and 1! May the breath of the Spirit at Pentecost fill you with the strength and courage needed to go forward. Our prayers here at Villa Marie will increase and I will knock at that door until it opens as Christ has promised. I am also praying for the donor who will give you that gift of new life. Peace, Hope, and Joy to you , dearest friend. Love, Mary Jude, OSU
Sr. Mary Jude Jun, OSU <>
Frontenac, MN - Saturday, June 7, 2003 6:12 AM CDT
What blessed news! It will happen! I share the sentiments of your friends who have signed your guestbook ahead of me. I too am dancing in my seat! You are close now, Greg! It will will WILL happen!

Beautiful poem from Sally -- windbreathspirit. If we could judge a man's character by the quality of the love surrounding him, wow, we'd have to create a higher scale for you, Father Greg. Thank you for fighting so hard to be a force -- so gentle and sincere -- in all of our lives!

We renew our prayer commitment as we pray in gratitude to the grieving families that choose life, even amid their own heartbreak. To the heroes who give the gift beyond price -- thanks be to God!!

It will happen! And your prayers warriors will be beside you all the way!

With love and excitement, Megan

Megan McGraw <>
Hutchinson, MN - Saturday, June 7, 2003 6:11 AM CDT
We're Number one! Well, at least you are, Greg. I am SO glad you have finally made it to this place. I am dancing in my seat as I type . . .

Oh please, oh God, oh please, please, please, let the long wait be nearly over. Let Greg swiftly move from "number one" to "transplants done!"

On another note, the reason I logged on today was just to say, what a wonderful celebration we shared at St. Philips last Sunday! I'm so glad you persisted and that the powers that be listened to the call of God on your life and ordained you! I am ever so grateful that our paths have crossed on this journey and most especially that I have grown to know you as priest and "brother" and friend.

Peg Helminski <>
Woodbury, MN USA - Friday, June 6, 2003 2:41 PM CDT
Happy Pentecost Greg!

Wind moving in and out of your lungs:
breath rising and falling.
The world alive with wind.
The world alive with breath.
The world alive with spirit.
Wind and breath and Spirit blowing as one,
uninterrupted vitality.

Not just wind alone.
Not just breath alone.
Not just Spirit alone.
But windbreathspirit:

Windbreathspirit engolf you this Pentecost Greg!

Giant prayers and love, Sally

(not sure of above author)

Sally <>
Mpls, MN - Friday, June 6, 2003 11:41 AM CDT
Happy Pentecost Greg!

Wind moving in and out of your lungs:
breath rising and falling.
The world alive with wind.
The world alive with breath.
The world alive with Spirit.
Wind and breath and Spirit blowing as one,
uninterrupted vitality.
Not just wind alone.
Not just breath alone.
Not just Spirit alone.
But windbreathspirit:

Not sure about the author...

WindBreathSpirit be yours Greg!
Love, Sally

Sally <>
Mpls., mn - Friday, June 6, 2003 9:21 AM CDT
My Dearest Greg,

I want to tell you it was and honor and privilege to celebrate, pray, and worship with you last Sunday. I have no doubt of the great love you have for your parish community and the great love they have for you. The Mass was beautiful, the singing awesome and your homily, as usual, inspiring. You are an amazing man!

After Mass Gerry, Cathy, Joe and I visited St. Philip's peace garden. There was definitely the presence of peace and tranquility within the gates. It is a beautiful garden and the music the birds provided was wonderful! There was a lady sitting at the picnic table reading scripture, what a glorious place to be with God's word.

Thank you for saying "yes" to God's call 24 years ago and entering the seminary and pursuing your dream of being a priest! I'm sure Archbishop Byrne is looking down on you from heaven saying to himself, I made the right decision. You have touched the lives of so many, mine being one of them! The day I met you at the CYC you made a deep impression on my heart and it has lasted for 30 years. May God's richest blessing be upon you this day my friend! I continue to be vigilant in prayer for your transplants to be soon and successful.

Love always,

Lynn Nolan <>
Woodbury, MN Washington - Thursday, June 5, 2003 7:10 AM CDT
Good morning, Gregory T! Your ordination-anniversary celebration was spectacular! I love coming to St. Philip to worship! Your community is so welcoming. Sunday was particularly incredible! The musicians -- such energy and Fr. Dale's talent at the keyboard -- always wonderful. Avery's baptism. The Archbishop's remarks -- filled with praise and humor. It was delightful! And you -- what can I say about you?!?!? Ever phenomenal!! The breath of life...

Greg, we pray earnestly for your transplants and for your strength-in-spirit. Thank you for blessing my life. I am praying for yours.

It will happen.

Affectionately, Megan

Megan McGraw <>
Hutchinson, MN - Thursday, June 5, 2003 6:53 AM CDT
Hello Greg!

All the kids are in bed and all the prayers have been said. I agree that this has been a beautiful spring. It's always bittersweet, though, to think that from spring to spring the kids get a little older and a little more independent. We've been thinking of you lately and wondering at your 20 years in the service of our Lord. Congratulations! By the way, I got to be a substitute first grade teacher for an entire week at Saint Mark's school a couple of weeks ago. I remembered as I did the stories you used to tell of being a first grade teacher. What a joy to learn about faith from a room full of 6-7 year olds! Thanks for being such a wonderful teacher to all of us. We love you so dearly.

Janelle Kelly <>
Saint Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 9:28 PM CDT
Happy 20th Anniversary, Father G.
Andrea JeanBaptiste <>
Houston, TX USA - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 12:43 AM CDT
Gregory, Happy 20th! I remember the day you walked into St. Richard's for your first mass. You opened your mouth to talk and then to sing and I was blown away. You have responded to God's call with such zeal, and have helped to strengthen the faith of others! Soak up all the love and prayers that are with you as you celebrate "the call" and wait for "a call".
I am so glad to know you.
love, Mary Beth

Mary Beth Stearns <>
Inver Grove Heights, MN US - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 6:23 PM CDT
Dearest Gregor....
My mom called to tell me that her pastor at St. Joseph's in W. St. Paul announced that the parish should pray for you. I called and left a message for John at your parish office, and here I am, viewing your website. I send you love and prayers from Wisconsin. I am sorry that I did not know of the big celebration on June 1 until the day after. It would have been wonderful to have been able to celebrate with you. I am grateful for the friendship you have shared with me these past many years. You are a witness to the gentle love of the Lord, and I am grateful to Him for you. I remember fondly the times we have shared the CYC, Nativity, times of celebration. I pray that you will rest in the Lord today and know that you are very much loved by Him...and by me.

Patricia Schuster Denn < and>
Frederic, WI USA - Monday, June 2, 2003 4:55 PM CDT
Dear Greg, When I was with all of you in spirit at St. Philip's celebrating yesterday at 10:00, I went to the Correctional Facility as always to help the residents there. On the table was the morning paper with that long report about transplants with pictures and stories. What a coincidence (or better, providence) to be reading that as you were preaching, It was a good connection. I sent my hug for you via Beth; I hope she had a chance to "deliver " it. And I'm sure the whole day was a GREAT CELEBRATION. Alleluia! Thanks for those 20 years of fidelity, friendship and fun.
Sister Mary Jude Jun, OSU <>
Frontenac, MN - Monday, June 2, 2003 5:40 AM CDT
Greg, Walking in the Lord's Ways for this many years, touching lives and being Jesus in the flesh to so many. I feel blessed to be one of those people. Your Sister In Christ
Kelly Schmidt <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Friday, May 30, 2003 1:17 PM CDT
Dear Greg: I'm blessed to have known you since your Deacon days at OLG. Even then your special gifts were evident for all to see. We fought like mad to keep you, to no avail. When I think of how many people you have had an opportunity to touch, especially students at St. Thomas, I marvel at your tenacity. And now St. Philips. No one can ever say you weren't up to new challenges! It's marvelous to see so many past St. Thomas alumni at St. Philips. To think the Archbishop, at the time, thought you were a bad risk for the priesthood because of CF. God does work in strange and unusual ways. Thank you for being the "Best of the Best." I love your wonderful sense of humor as well as all the "priestly" qualities you possess, and wish the next 20 years will bring you renewed health so we can all continue to be blessed by you.
Congratulations on your 20th anniversary as a priest.

Donna Montgomery <>
Edina, MN - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 11:13 PM CDT
Happy Anniversary, Greg and may you enjoy many, many, many more!!!! --- and you will!!!! With love, Linda
Linda Hathaway <>
Minneapolis , MN - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 10:22 PM CDT
Dear Fr. Greg, Congratulations on this the 20th anniversary of your ordination to the priesthood! Although we have never met, the testimonies offered by all who come to this site tell me that you are truly a model for what the priesthood is to be about. I praise and thank our Heavenly Father for your love and devotion to Him and to His people. May you continue to be blessed in your life and ministry and may those transplants become available soon! My prayers for you continue without ceasing. Your Anglican/Episcopal brother, + Ron
Ron Hall
Eau Claire, WI - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 6:54 PM CDT
Happy Anniversary! I cannot put into words how proud I am of you, as a brother, as a friend, and as a pastor. Twenty years ago seems like yesterday to me. I vividly remember glancing up at you on the altar at the Cathedral and then over at Dad who, with tears in his eyes and a look so incredibly proud, said, "Your mom should be here!" There is no doubt in my mind that Mom and Dad and the rest of the Heavenly clan are giving thanks today, much like all of us who know and love you, for your passionate embrace of life and of the Lord. I know, without question that you are doing exactly what God had planned for you...and I thank you for doing it with such gusto. I love you!

Beth Tolaas <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 6:03 PM CDT
I have been reading your comments & updates for some time now, don't know if my name will be familiar to you or not. I have known your family since the late 50's have pictures of early CF Christmas party's some with some include some of your family. We also had 2 children with CF and the last time I saw you was when you were a speaker at an annual meeting at the U Radison, I worked at the U and our son Michael was in the hospital at the time so attended with me. I knew your Mom & Dad well before we moved to Michigan in 63. Now retired and living in Starbuck Mn. I wish you well and hope your transplant will come soon. You are such an inspiration to so many of the younger ones with CF. Love & prayers
LaVonne Dickinson <>
Starbuck, Mn. Pope - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 5:52 PM CDT
Congratulations on our twenty years of sharing in the priesthood! Do wish Dale congratulations too! I still offer prayers and petitions for your health. My God grant us many more years of fruitful service.

Fr. Mike Anderson <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 4:10 PM CDT
Congratulations!! I can hardly believe you have been in the priesthood for twenty years .I still remember you in Grade 7&8. Know that you are in my prayers for healing and patience.May the Lord bless you and keep you in the Palm of His hand.
Sister M. .Gwendolin <>
New Brighton, Mn. USA - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 3:28 PM CDT
Congratulations. I can hardly believe you have been in the priesthood for twenty years already.I still remember you in Grade 7&8. Know that you are in my prayers for healing and patience.May the Lord bless you and keep you in the Palm of His hand.
Sister M. .Gwendolin
New Brighton, Mn. USA - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 3:22 PM CDT
Greg, CONGRATULATIONS on 20 years as a priest! My life would certainly been less complete if our paths had not crossed. I feel so blessed. I hope that today will be a good one for you and that many, many people will think for a moment of the impact that you have had on their lives. Thanks for making the commitment. You are the best.

P.S. Thanks for the strong message of support for Cathy Itzen in last weeks St. Philips bulletin!

Steve Koller
Dallas, TX USA - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 9:15 AM CDT
Good Morning Greg! Congratulations on 20 years of being a Priest! You are an amazing witness to the love and power of our Lord living among us! My prayer for you this day is that God will bless you with His love, health and happiness. You truly are a man who has been blessed in so many ways by our loving Father!

May the celebration of the anniversary or your ordination bring you God's great joy!

Lynn Nolan <>
Woodbury, MN Washington - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 8:44 AM CDT
Fr.Greg, Congratulations on this very Special Anniversary of your Ordination! What an inspiration and role model you are to any young man who may be thinking of the priesthood for themselves. May the Good Lord bless you with good health soon,so you may continue to do his work and inspire us all.
Teresa Gockowski <>
Cottage Grove, mn - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 7:47 AM CDT
Dear Father Greg, my very best wishes on the anniversary of your ordination. I remember so well how proud your sister, Mary, was when you were ordained. I knew her and your dad from working with them. Every time I check your website I hope and pray that you have gotten your transplant. It will happen! My family has been awaiting a liver transplant for my sister-in-law for the last two years and two days ago she received her new liver at the University of Colorado Hospitals in Denver. I will keep you in my prayers and thoughts with the hope that you will get yours soon! Again, my very best wishes to you on this wonderful anniversary.

Linda Pirri <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Tuesday, May 27, 2003 9:15 PM CDT
hi greg have been vacationing for a few weeks and was anxious to check your web page for a report. sure be alot more comfortable for you to do your dialysis at home. a friends father was i believe one of the 1st in the area to use home treatment and it worked out well. congratulations on 20 years ministry. thank you for all your love and guidance
you give to our church family everyday.
we love you dearly.see you sunday.

mary jean horan <>
new brighton, mn usa - Tuesday, May 27, 2003 7:27 PM CDT
Dearest Greg...Happy Anniversary on 20 years of commitment to the Lord in your priesthood. As you look over the last 20 years, there must be so much for which to be grateful in the midst of joys and struggles within the Church, your health, your ministry, friendship, and...
If I were called to the priesthood, it would be of course a calling from the Lord, but you, as Greg and priest, would inspire me to go for it! "Thank you Lord for this incrdible man (Greg)and for the fire in his belly for You! Thank you Lord for your faithfulness to Greg in the good times and the bad times, in sickness and in health, in sadness and joy. Thank you for how Greg has received the gift of priesthood and brought it to be to such lengths of fruitfulness...yes! (juicy, tasteful, and enticing!)Thanks Jesus for Greg's life and the millions of ways he has whetted our appetite for you and your work. May your graciousness continue to astound Greg...asking continued blessings on this "holy" man."
Loving you Greg and praying for you on this incredible day!

Sally <>
Mpls., MN henn. - Tuesday, May 27, 2003 4:38 PM CDT
Peace to you on this Memorial Day, Father Greg!

Thank you for your latest update. Home dialysis -- I didn't know there was any such thing! We will add that to our prayer for you.

May the sun warm you and this day, refresh you.

Our love, Megan & Mary Catherine

Megan McGraw <meganmcg@hutchinson>
Hutchinson, MN - Monday, May 26, 2003 6:03 AM CDT
your words are so well spoken & your courage is so great.
thanks for the many people you have brought closer to the
Lord.We always look forward to seeing you & hear the word.

BALDWIN, WI. U S A - Sunday, May 25, 2003 10:57 PM CDT

Greg celebrates 20 years as a priest on Wednesday May 28. Please be sure to leave him your thoughts.

Steve Koller <>
Dallas, TX USA - Sunday, May 25, 2003 10:05 AM CDT
Dear Greg, Surely hope that home dialysis will work for y ou. And my God bless you with that patience and acceptance you ask for. Love and prayers, Mary Jude
Sr. Mary Jude Jun, OSU <>
Frontenac, MN - Saturday, May 24, 2003 6:24 AM CDT
Hello Greg,
Glad to hear you are enjoying the Spring. Here in Ohio it's been pretty cool and rainy. I myself have enjoyed watching the farmers work their fields. I've also been more sensitive to their work, given my drive to the parishes, about 30 minutes of farm fields. Have also discovered St. Isidore, patron of farmers. Soon I will be planting some blessed zinnia seeds. It is a great delight to see corn growing again, about two inches......a meditation it itself.
Know you are thought about often, with good energy, love, and prayers. Peace.

Geraldine <>
Toledo, OH USA - Friday, May 23, 2003 6:59 PM CDT
You continue to be in my prayers. Just want you to know that I think about you often. May that transplant come soon!
Laura Stokes (Hill-Murray '74)

Laura Stokes <>
Pamplona (Navarra), SPAIN - Friday, May 23, 2003 9:21 AM CDT
Dear Greg, Just mailed your anniversary of ordination card; it's kind of crazy but I hope you like it. Again I have spent time reading all the latest entries; they give me hope and consolation as I realize all those prayers coming your way. Do know mine never stop. May the sun shine in your heart and on your parishioners. Much love, Jude
Sr. Mary Jude Jun, OSU <>
Frontenac, MN - Friday, May 23, 2003 6:22 AM CDT
Special prayers and love to you at this time.
Donna Montgomery <>
Edina, MN - Thursday, May 22, 2003 10:45 PM CDT
Good afternoon Greg! Terry and I send you sunshine thoughts and prayers for peace on this cloudy afternoon. Your challenging words and life of service inspire us out here near the biggest ball of twine! Take good care, and hopefully come out for a horse ride this summer.
Tifani and Terry
- Thursday, May 22, 2003 2:07 PM CDT
Hi, Father Greg,

I sent you an e-mail yesterday. Later, when hunting for something in my wallet, I came across this website. I remember that I had tried to reach it months ago, but for some reason I could not access it. Anyway, I'm on it now, so I add my prayers and wishes and hopes for you. You have been such a blessing to so many people and at least 3 (how many more?), communities--may all that come back to you pressed down and flowing over!

Mary Payne
St. Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 1:38 PM CDT
Good Morning Dear Fr. Greg: Like Megan who posted here earlier I too am enjoying the coming of Spring and the new life it is bringing forth. The sweet songs of the birds are truly God's music in my ears! Surrounded by all this beauty I think of all the blessings we have received and continue to receive. I, like you, am blessed with so many dear people who support and pray for me and truly love me. I give thanks for all these blessings and for people like you who continue to remain faithful to our Lord in their ministry to others and in their love of Jesus. Prayers continue for you each day from Eau Claire dear brother. Your Anglican/Episcopal brother, + Ron
Ron Hall
Eau Claire, WI Eau Claire - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 8:44 AM CDT
Good Morning Greg, I have been in a bit of a rut, trying to deal with the living part of CF. I have always been the energetic one and not felt like I have CF for most of my life. Well this year has been a welcome to reality and a having to accept limitations. Not always easy however as one person said to me "DO You Want To Live"? A great question proposed to me, I have always been a fighter and will continue however needing help with the simplest of things and finally learning what receiving means. God has placed people in my path and all I have to do is ask and receive. This has caused me to think much about you,I remember a talk you gave at the CF conference about "sucking air through a straw"and how others have no idea what we go through. I keep concentrating on the fact that there is someone who knows and many that go through and experience far more than the things I deal with. It has caused me to draw closer to God. Take this time and be renewed in His Spirit, receive the knowledge of the things He wants you to know and just rest in the arms of Jesus. Always praying and will continue to as the best medicine for me is to not focus on my stuff but pray and when possible do for others! Your Sister In Christ,By your side through it all, Kelly
Kelly Schmidt <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 6:53 AM CDT
Dear Greg,

My night was far too short, but even toward more sleep, I wouldn't miss this chance to sit and listen to birds, busy waking up the world. I've watched with amazement the transformation of spring, happening just outside my window. To go from the gray and grunge of leftover winter to the green and growth of another spring is to have no doubt that God knows all there is to know about hope and healing and how fast they can happen -- with the rain, almost overnight.

I continue to pray for YOUR spring. It will happen. May today be a refreshing day! I love you! Always, Megan

Megan McGraw <>
Hutchinson, MN - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 5:52 AM CDT
Tomorrow is my birthday and I have been reflecting on the people who have touched my life these past 30 years. Thank you, Greg, for the inspiration that you have been in my life. I vividly remember the day that I meant you at St. Thomas. Thank you for the comfort, support, and strength that you gave me during those "grieving" years. Your thought, words, and encouragements will be with me always.
Jenna Diem <>
Maple Grove, MN USA - Saturday, May 17, 2003 12:24 AM CDT
Dear Father,
My name is Cathy Connolly Evans. Like JoAnne Mackley, I also met you the night of the H-M Alumni Awards banquet, being another award recipient (Class of '63). I remember my feeling of awe that, in spite of, or could it be, because of, your life's challenges and appreciation for the gift of life, that you work so hard to help other people become the unique and loving people God so wants us to be. May your rewards be profound. And I hope you are blessed soon with the necessary transplants to continue your life's work. You are in my prayers, Cathy Evans

Cathy Evans <>
White Bear Lake, MN USA - Thursday, May 15, 2003 9:24 AM CDT
You are an inspiration to us all....We pray for your health and perserverence!
Bill and Tereza Baumgarten <>
Campinas, SP Brazil - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 11:01 PM CDT
Hi Father,
My name is JoAnne Mackley, alias, Past-President of the Hill-Murray Alumni Association. I keep updated on you and your health issues from Yvonne McComber - Hill-Murray Alumni Director. I hope you are doing well. I actually got to meet you on the evening of your induction into the Hill-Murray Distinguished Award winner circle a few years ago. I enjoyed listening to all your many accomplishments through the years and I still laugh when I remember your remark at the beginning of your acceptance speech about having to follow "the smartest woman in the world!!!" (Hill-Murray teacher Mrs. Terri Goerke). You surely had us all laughing!! (But she really is quite remarkable isn't she? - hehe). Anyway, I thought I'd take this opportunity to send you this short note of friendship, caring and of course, prayers. I hope you'll find your days a little brighter because of these things. Sincerely, JoAnne Mackley (1965 Alumnus)

JoAnne M. Mackley <>
Little Canada, MN USA - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 5:15 PM CDT
Hello Father,
Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. I only know you through as an HM Alum, me being HM-'82. You are quite the inspiration to continue on as we all carry our own specific crosses. Thank you for being a priest, a role model, and you, as yourself. May God bless you and be with you always.

Richard C. Hogan <>
Woodbury, MN 55125 - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 4:19 PM CDT
Our prayers are with you! I went to grade school with your sister Mary. I am one of the "Focht" family. I watched the Tolaas video at the Science museum and it was so heartfelt. What a gift your family gives to others when you share your family story. God bless you!!
Mary Focht Vierling
Woodbury, Mn USA - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 3:28 PM CDT
Good morning, Greg! I'm up with the birds again, waiting to watch the early day unfold. I hope you had a good night -- joined by the company of sound sleep -- or at the very least, decent documentaries. A good teacher never stops learning!

Peace, Megan

Megan McGraw <>
Hutchinson, MN - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 5:52 AM CDT
Dear Greg,
Just wanted to let you know that you're still in my thoughts and prayers. Have read about your 20-year celebration; enjoy it to the fullest!
Laura Stokes (Hill-Murray 1974)

Laura Stokes <>
Pamplona, Navarra Spain - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 4:21 AM CDT
Dear Gregory T --
The sunrise at my house is beautiful -- soft, pink, gentle -- promising a good day. I pray that God blesses you today with minutes of quiet beauty in your corner of the world.
Warmly, Megan

Megan McGraw <>
Hutchinson, MN - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 6:04 AM CDT
Good morning happy to see that St. Phillip's community has extended an invitation to celebrate God's call in your life and your faithfulness in that call. It will be a privilege to honor you and thank you with your community, family and friends. You will see me. Also invited a few others that might not be prevy to this site. "God, contine to love and strengthen Greg in his quest for You and Your people." Blessings on this day of sun! Love you and pray for you often. Sally
Sally <>
Minneapolis, mn - Monday, May 12, 2003 1:23 PM CDT
A few words of blessing to you on Mothers' Day -- thank you, Father Greg, for all the gentle ways you've nurtured me. Your love helps me to be a more kind, deliberate, grateful mother...

With fondness, Megan

Megan McGraw <>
Hutchinson, MN - Sunday, May 11, 2003 9:40 AM CDT
Dear Greg, as I do every day (and sometimes throughout the day), I find myself checking in on your website. I wasn't going to "sign the guestbook" because I've been telling myself -- if I do it too often, it'll be at best redundant; at worst, trite. Some favor, huh? Greg, please know that I pray for you more than I tell you. It occurs to me that maybe I ought to tell you more so, from now on, I will. Because... if it gives you even a moment of peace to know that, at this exact minute, you are being held up in prayer, then I am going to tell you: I am thinking about you right now!

Those kicker sermons of yours continue to make a difference in our lives! And let's hope that all these prayers of ours will continue to make a difference in yours! It will happen!

As always, my love, Megan

Megan McGraw <>
Hutchinson, MN - Saturday, May 10, 2003 11:10 AM CDT
Dear Greg, Just read about 20 of the last entries -- so comforting to know of all the prayers that continue day after day and the HOPE that is engendered in all of us that soon those transplants will come. God must tire of my saying day after day, "But above all else, dear Lord, I beg That you will bless dear Fr. Greg." But 'Knock and the door will be opened.. ask and you will receive" so I just keep doing that and reminding God of those promises.
Your people from St. Philip's contributed so much to our CELEBRATE WOMAN weekend retreat; such a mutual blessing for all. LaDoris hopes to come and help Cindy and her crew in August as" a gift for Greg and his parish". Love, Mary Jude

Sr. Mary Jude, OSU <>
Frontenac, MN - Thursday, May 8, 2003 5:11 AM CDT
Hi Father Greg ---

Just checking in to say hello --- you are so in my daily thoughts and prayers....God bless you always....

Linda Hathaway <>
Minneapolis , MN - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 12:22 AM CDT
Dear Greg: Am learning more about computer,so interesting to heard about you and will continue to check on you. I will pray to St. Jude for you as he was one my Mom and your Grandma Anna would pray to.Your pictures are great your Mom would be so proud of you.
Marilyn Delander <>
Roberts, Wis USA - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 6:46 PM CDT
Hi Greg
Terrific homily last Sunday. It needed to be said.
Your name has been on the St. Patrick's Church prayer list for over a year. No result. So, last week, I gave your intention over to a 75 year old missionary priest slogging around in the mountains in Honduras.
If at first you don't succeed....try a Jesuit!!

Mike Ducar

Mike Ducar <>
Edina, MN Hennepin - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 3:32 PM CDT
Hello Greg, Just wanted to say "HI". You are though of daily. Love and prayers to you my dear friend.

Debbie Vail LaVoy
Menomonie, WI - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 1:04 PM CDT
Hi Greg,
I heard from Robby Thul that you struggling a bit. I miss the old days @ Vianney. I hope that you are doing better and that good news will be given soon. Take care

Wayne Raiter <>
White Bear lake, Mn Ramsey - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 8:08 AM CDT
Dear Father Greg,
Just a note to thank you for your kind words on Sunday at our breakfast. It was very heart warming to see so many old friends. You may have already thought about it, but I was thinking it would be a good idea to include your web site on the novena in May for your transplant. There would be much prayer power from all over the world at one time for your intention. Thanks for all your inspirations. Carol McFarland

Carol McFarland
Robbinsdale, - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 8:00 AM CDT
Dear Father Greg,
Just a note to thank you for your kind words on Sunday at our breakfast. It was very heart warming to see so many old friends. You may have already thought about it, but I was thinking it would be a good idea to include your web site on the novena in May for your transplant. There would be much prayer power from all over the world at one time for your intention. Thanks for all your inspirations. Carol McFarland

Carol McFarland
Robbinsdale, - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 8:00 AM CDT
Dear Greg,
As I was reading the messages to Mike Joncas today, I came across a reference to "caringbridge"also being the website for "geg t." Of course, I knew that was you and immediately checked in. Please know that I add my prayers to those many, many already being lifted up. Even though we run into each other maybe....once every 5 years or so, I always feel your warmth and friendship! Thanks for that! May God bless you....may your transplants come soon, soon!
God love you, Greg!

Robin Medrud-Thul <>
Mounds View,, MN USA - Sunday, May 4, 2003 7:24 PM CDT
We prayed for you today at St. Stephen's - in the next breath after prayers for Mike Joncas. You are precious and dear to us all - both of you. May the transplants come soon. With much love.

Flav <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Sunday, May 4, 2003 4:44 PM CDT
Of course we are still checking your page! This is my only way of checking in with your clan as all of our busy lives spiral... My thoughts are still with you everyday. I look forward to seeing you soon, hopefully. Maybe at the cabin??!! Peace and love, Noelle
Noelle Bell <>
Houlton, WI - Friday, May 2, 2003 3:37 PM CDT
Fr.Greg, On this National Day of Prayer may the heavens be stormed with prayers for you! Thank You for your continued courage,faith and inspiration.
Teresa Gockowski
Cottage Grove, MN - Thursday, May 1, 2003 6:39 AM CDT
Hi Father Greg, just checking in. It does my heart good to visit this site and realize how very many people you have touched in your life. Lots of prayers going up in hopes your transplant will come soon!
I see my daughter Erin has checked in as well....she'll have all of Oregon State knowing what's going on with you! (Yeah, she's shy like her mom - ha!)
Have a good week....and know that many are thinking of you!

Barb Williamson <>
Hermiston, OR USA - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 12:01 AM CDT
Dear Fr. Greg, I was out of town for almost a week and when I got home, found almost everybody I know needed prayers due to serious problems -- and not just the garden-variety kind! On Easter at St. Olaf's, Father listed many serious problems: abuse, addiction, illness, infidelity, unemployment, abandonment, loneliness, and divorce to name a few. He said, though, that without Easter all this would be too much. I pray you, too, are being embraced by the Light of Easter. Thank you, thank you for your courage which gives us all Grace during this Blessed Season. God bless -- (My sister and I used to end this night time prayer with "and make Judy and Mary Pat good girls. Amen."
Judy Schletty <>
Mpls. , - Monday, April 28, 2003 11:15 PM CDT
Hi, Greg, from New Richmond. we hope your patience and confidence in Christ is a rewarded very soon; thinking from you always on this end and hoping that this spring will bring you some new "life" in a healthier form. Love from us to you. Hope you & Josie will make out a trip out to see us.
Bill & Maribeth Driscoll
New Richmond, WI USA - Monday, April 28, 2003 3:58 PM CDT
Good Morning Greg, The sun has come out and the power of the Son is too. May His Spirit fill you with an incredible joy today and always! Your Sister In Christ, Kelly
Kelly Schmidt <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Sunday, April 27, 2003 8:55 AM CDT
Hi Greg --

This Friday brings me once again to the library on my lunch hour where I always check in on your website hoping to see a message from you that says "stay tuned - transplant in progress" --- Oh! -- how I wish it would be so very soon....and I know it goes without saying that you do too....God Bless you always, Greg....

Linda Hathaway <>
Minneapolis , MN - Friday, April 25, 2003 1:49 PM CDT
Hi, this is Erin again. I recently took the class to become certified as a Nursing Assistant. During my clinicals I met a young man who is my age(20) who has CF. Seeing what he goes through everyday put into perspective what you go through daily. I keep everyone at Oregon State updated through your website and we are all praying you get your transplant soon!
Erin Williamson <>
Corvallis, OR USA - Thursday, April 24, 2003 10:36 PM CDT
Father Greg,
Just a quick note to say I am still
thinking of you and praying for you on your long, brave journey.

Gretchen Craig (Josie's friend)
St Paul, Mn US - Thursday, April 24, 2003 8:31 AM CDT
Russell Schmidt here.
Yup i still play your of your many gifts.

It's been good to see Dale. He's been updating mary and I.

See you soon and I can wait for the 50th Birthday party...the 40th was so fun lol....

Russell Schmidt <>
- Wednesday, April 23, 2003 2:24 PM CDT
We read the great article (and adorable picture of Clara LeBlanc!)on St. Phillips in the Catholic Spirit. What a testament to what you have done for that parish and what you mean to them. Congratulations to all! Hope you are able to enjoy these nice days. Take care,

Martha Conners
- Wednesday, April 23, 2003 2:23 PM CDT
Dear Greg, I first heard of you many years ago when you did an interview for Praying Magazine. I thought your words were the most poignant and brave I have ever read. I have found your beautiful website through our lovely mutual friends, Joe and Sheila. God bless your hopes, ministry and the beauty of you. Love, care and comfort, Joni and Jerry
Joni Woelfel <>
Seaforth, MN USA - Wednesday, April 23, 2003 11:22 AM CDT
Dear Greg...just discovered your sermons on St. Philips webpage. During my break, here at work, I listened to the most recent one. Your words are like a two edged sword...always piercing the heart, challenging us to more, always confirming God's radical love for us. Is there a way we can download your sermons in print besides the audible, (which I love). It would be a way to meditate on them during prayer time. Your heart and spirit are alive indeed! May God's radical love be absorbed into every cell of your body! Happy Easter! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleuia! Much prayer and love for you...Sally

Sally <>
Mpls., mn - Tuesday, April 22, 2003 3:51 PM CDT
Dear Greg,
Please know you are greatly loved and fervently prayed for.
we hope you are enjoying this beautiful day and relaxing after the Holy Week. Thanks for making everyone's Easter that much more special. We are praying for your TP to happen soon and also for healing to take place in your body right now.

Meg Becher <megazelle>
St Paul, mn usa - Tuesday, April 22, 2003 9:51 AM CDT
Good Morning Greg,
The Sun is shining and I am praying for your miracle. I know it is hard to believe after all this waiting however God can work suddenly. Look at all the lives you have touched just by being in the circumstance. Remember we may not be able to change situation yet we can change our attitude. May you receive a breath from God to fill your lungs and know the lungs he intended you to have may very well be in your body and the full healing and restoration can happen. I can speak this as it has happened for me without transplant. Remember ALL things are possible with God and He will make a way, when there seems to be no way!!
May the sunshine warm your spirit, stir up the joy and feel the Comfort, Peace and Grace of our loving Lord. Your Sister In Christ, Kelly Schmidt

Kelly Schmidt <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Tuesday, April 22, 2003 8:22 AM CDT
Just checking in each day Greg, to see if that miracle of TP is on its way. May the Risen Jesus hold you by the hand until that day comes. And, please God, may it be soon. My prayers and love continue as always. Mary Jude
Sr. Mary Jude Jun, OSU <>
Frontenac, MN - Monday, April 21, 2003 6:24 AM CDT
A blessed Easter to you, Greg! May this be the season! I assure you of my steady prayers for your strength, in body and spirit. My words are brief but my love is not.
My every fondness, Megan

Megan McGraw <>
Hutchinson, MN - Sunday, April 20, 2003 8:45 PM CDT
Happy Easter Greg,
As I get ready to leave for the Easter Vigil Mass, I remember fondly the ones we celebrated together back in the 70's and maybe the 80's. As we pass with Jesus from death to life tonight, may we all pass from whatever darkness we are experiencing in our lives into God's glorious light and rejoice in our Saviour's resurrection.

Love and prayers - Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!!

Lynn Nolan <>
W, MN Washingotn - Saturday, April 19, 2003 7:14 PM CDT
Dear Fr. Greg: On this Holy Saturday I just wanted to assure you that our prayers for you here in Eau Claire continue to be offered up to our Lord each day. Thank you for your continued faithfulness and ministry! May you have a most Blessed Easter dear Father. I offer our Collect for the Day: O God, Creator of heaven and earth: Grant that, as the crucified body of your dear Son was laid in the tomb and rested on this holy Sabbath, so we may await with Him the coming of the third day, and rise with Him to newness of life; who now lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Your Anglican/Episcopal brother, + Ron
Ron Hall
Eau Claire, WI Eau Claire - Saturday, April 19, 2003 10:11 AM CDT
Dear Greg,

Happy Good Friday---I suspect more than most of us, you appreciate the suffering of the Lord. As a wise man once said: Hang in there, it's only Friday...Sunday's coming!


Michael J. Kennedy <>
Oak Grove, MN USA - Friday, April 18, 2003 3:21 PM CDT
Dear Greg, I have been going through the Ignatian Exercises and your name rises up within me many, many times. Today is Good Friday and I am remembering you again to the Lord. Kind of like the "dripping faucet" that Proverbs talks about.
Carol Strandquist <>
Roseville, MN Ramsey - Friday, April 18, 2003 2:31 PM CDT
Father Greg,
I want to wish you and your family a most blessed Easter! Your incredible spirit still inspires me. Did I tell you how much I enjoy your photos? They make me smile, as does thinking of you.

Shirley LaCroix <>
St Paul, MN - Thursday, April 17, 2003 4:16 PM CDT
Dear Fr. Greg,
Thanks for the Easter wishes and even more so for the timely reminder that we should ponder and pray on that which is so important to all of us - peace. You continue to be in our prayers, and I must say, God must be answering your plea for patience as your entries sound so accepting of the waiting and patient! Now if only he could answer ALL of our prayers for your transplant....Only God in his infinite wisdom...Happy to Easter to you and your family!
With much love,

Dan, Martha, Nathan, Katie, Michael, Jeremy, Emily, & Maggie Conners
- Wednesday, April 16, 2003 3:26 PM CDT
father greg:
do not underestimate the many numbers of people that respect and love you
and that will faithfully follow this page and wait with you until that glorious day
when the transplant becomes a reality. this family is praying that it will happen
to you over easter, a time of renewal and rebirth. and if it dosen't we will continue
to wait and pray with you until it does happen. this wait, hard as it is, too has a reason.
may we one day know what the heck the reason is!!!!!!
peace and happy easter
joann, darrin, sepp and anya

joann hardegger <>
somerset, wi usa - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 3:01 PM CDT
Dear Greg:

You may not hear from us very often, but please know that you are in our daily prayers as we pray together as a family. We continue to hope that your spirits are bright, that love is being received as well as given, and that you will be back "running" and "raising dogs" soon!

Happy Easter, Greg!

Tom and Rose, Gavan, Lydia, Cabrini, Ronan, and Ava
- Wednesday, April 16, 2003 10:29 AM CDT
Dear Fr. Greg,
We continue to check this as an act of hope and confidence that God will provide for you as you (and we) trust that He will! I will spare you my own theological discourse on waiting! Just know that we wait with you and appreciate your sharing and showing us the realities of the wait. Peace be with you and the most blessed of Holy Weeks and Easters to you.

Teri Nelles Cain, UST '84 <>
Worland, WY - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 11:59 AM CDT
Hi Greg, You are in our thoughts and prayers in a special way as our family heads down the transplant highway (or parking lot, as the case may be) I have been teaching school this year-8th grade science, God help me! Daniel the Spaniel continues to dominate the home front. As Jeff said "He is *this close* to speaking English!"

Our love to you, Kathy and Mike Peterson

Kathy Peterson <petes4@frontiernet .net>
Rosemount, MN - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 10:41 AM CDT
Dear Greg ---

I check your website daily also....without a doubt you are in my prayers and thoughts.

This evening brings me to the downtown library where I can continue to practice my "new" computer skills. I am truly enoying every minute of it EXCEPT when I type a really long message to someone and then accidently hit some wrong button and off goes my really long message into cyberspace....or wherever!!!!

Know that you are loved by thousands.......and I am one of them.....Linda

Linda Hathaway <>
Minneapolis , MN - Monday, April 14, 2003 5:36 PM CDT
Dearest Greg...

"Jesus is so stubborn in loving us!" What a fresh sense of Jesus' love for us! Your words are tucked inside my heart for the rest of Holy awsome and humbling at the same time. And I'd venture to say that Jesus has given you a stubborn love for Him...thank you Lord, thank you Greg, for your Gospel living. Wasn't it St. Francis that said something like: "Use words to preach the Gospel, only if you have to."
As incredible as your sermons are, they take on deeper meaning because of the "energy and fire" you llive with Chirst. May the heart of the passionate Christ draw you deeply into LOVE. You are in my thoughts and prayers during this most Holy of days.
Love, Sally

Sally <>
Minneapolis, mn - Monday, April 14, 2003 3:47 PM CDT
Dear Fr. Greg,
My husband and I were students at St. Thomas from the fall of 1993 to spring of 1997. You touched both of our lives in so many ways through out our years there. We have missed working with you through peer ministry and hearing your wonderful homilies very much these past 6 years out of St. Thomas. When we found out about this web site we watched, prayed and waited for news of a transplant and quick recovery for you. We continue to pray for you and your health. You have not lost your ablity to touch our lives with your words, faith and honesty though out this year.

God bless you and may this Easter season bring peace.

Katie (Cooley) and Darin Bartsch <>
Plymouth, MN - Monday, April 14, 2003 3:31 PM CDT
Dear Greg,
I check your website daily because I pray that you receive the transplants, but also because you are such an inspiration. You have taught me about personal serenity and patience. Thank you.

Carol Tollefsrud, friend of Beth <>
Stillwater, MN - Monday, April 14, 2003 9:37 AM CDT
Hi Greg -
Still checking your website daily, and praying with my family for you each Wednesday evening. And we will continue to do so until your transplants come, and beyond, knowing that if God brings you to it, He's gonna bring you through it. Happy Easter!

Nancy Esboldt <>
Cottage Grove, MN - Monday, April 14, 2003 9:05 AM CDT
Dear Greg,
Guess I can be 25,484 this morning. All those who write you on this website are a sort of community -- an email prayer community and I love to read of the continual prayers being sent your way of which mine are a part. Holy Week is always a challenge for every pastor so you will get special prayer help during these days. Thanks much for your reflection and Easter greetings. The weekend after Easter we will have the joy of welcoming 12 members of St. Philip's to the Villa and my dear friend, LaDoris will come from St. Louis to be the main presenter. Please keep all in your heart and prayers on April 25-27 so the blessings of God will be abundant on all who come. Much love, Mary Jude

Sister Mary Jude Jun, OSU <>
Frontenac, MN - Monday, April 14, 2003 6:40 AM CDT
Father Greg - Our daughter, Mary Jo Otto, went to St. Thomas College - (early 1980's) and you said Mass there which we attended (it was wonderful). Mary told us all about you at that time and we have followed your journey and keep her updated in Wisconsin. Now, we can share your website! God Love YOU! Jim and Karen Otto
Jim and Karen Otto <>
Delano, MN USA - Sunday, April 13, 2003 2:46 PM CDT
Dear Greg,
I have been intending to call you again after our first telephone tag didn't work. I saw Julie at St. Stephen's this morning and she gave me your web site. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I so hope your transplant becomes a reality soon. Know of my love and support, Denay

Denay Ulrich
St. Paul, MN - Sunday, April 13, 2003 1:32 PM CDT
Hi Greg,
After seeing the date on the guestbook, I remembered that today would have been Mary's 42nd Birthday. I'm thinking of her now and remembering her fiesty spirit!!!!

Mary Lukas Pierce <>
Shoreview, Mn Ramsey - Wednesday, April 9, 2003 2:11 PM CDT
Dear Greg,
I was sharing some of your journal entries with my mom the other day and she and I started talking about your dad a liitle, how he would come home from his long day at work and whistle on his way up the driveway. We also were remembering how he seemed unfazed by having a couple extra Lukas kids along when he'd go grocery shopping or up to the cabin. I guess in spite of his heartaches and huge workload he too seemed to be able to find things to be cheerful about. It must be a wonderful family trait!!! I miss both of our houses on Ripley street and the simplicity of those days. I know we don't see each other very often any more, but as I 've aged and look back on those days I realize what an impact you, Mary, PattiJo, Grandma Hawkins, Beth and your dad have had on my life. I'm very thankful for the faithful example your whole family has been for me. I also remember what you said to Brian and I when you married us, You said "There will be days that you will be delighted and overjoyed to be married to one another and there will be days that you will wonder 'Good God' what have I done and only the grace of God will pull you through." As a naive 25 year old I heard what you said that day never really knowing truly what you meant, but believe me there has been many times that I have used your words as my source of 'Grace' over the last seveteen years. Thank you Greg. Please know that mom,Deb,Jeff and I all prayer for you and that your transplant comes soon. Love, Mary

Mary Lukas Pierce <>
MN Ramsey - Wednesday, April 9, 2003 2:06 PM CDT
Greg, I see there are a few other Presentation-its so I figured it is O.K. to take you way back to that time (1970?)!

Best wishes and God bless,

Mark Rocco <>
Prior Lake, MN USA - Monday, April 7, 2003 10:01 AM CDT
Hi Greg ---
Just a note to tell you that we prayed for you at St. Stephen's ll:l5 mass this morning. A lovely lady got up when the request was made "for whom and what shall we pray" and you and your health were her request.

I am FINALLY joining the 2lst century and learning about this place called cyber space.....currently I am at the Southdale library on one of their computers.....perhaps if I truly think this "e-mailing" craze is here to stay I might have to buy myself a computer .... smile, smile, smile

As I mentioned when I saw you, Greg, I pray for you every day .... May God bless you always...Happy belated birthday ... and now that I am an e-mailer I'll be checking in more often. I really enjoy reading all of the lovely notes you receive - to be so loved by so many is truly awesome!!!!!

Well, I better say so long - the library is closing sooner rather than later...... xxx ooo

Linda Hathaway
Minneapolis, MN - Sunday, April 6, 2003 4:41 PM CDT
Fr. Greg,

I happened to be in the neighborhood the other day and decided to stop by the rectory to visit. It's been a long time since I have been in N. Minneapolis to visit with you. I had a nice chat with John and Jan (whom I remember from my days at St. Thomas), but I was quite stunned to hear about the developments with regard to your health. Alia and I wish you the best and will keep you in our prayers.

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for all you have done for me over the past several years. I am so grateful for your willingness to listen. St. Phillip is truly blessed to have you.

So much has changed in my life since we last talked and I'd like to catch up. We will come to visit soon.

Take care of yourself.

Christopher Collins <>
Woodbury, MN USA - Saturday, April 5, 2003 2:43 PM CST
Happy Belated B-Day! You are always saying how blessed you are to have all of us in your life...I hope you realize what a awesome differece you make in each one of our lives. Keep on Keepin' on my friend. We think and pray for you each and every day. Love ya

Andy and Connie Woessner <>
River Falls, WI USA - Friday, April 4, 2003 11:40 AM CST
Hi Gregory,
It was so nice to see you the other day. I enjoyed our visit. I'm hoping you had somewhat of a celebration on your birthday. Not much is new around here, just a lot of praying for the TP.
Much love,

Mary Beth <>
Inver Grove Heights, MN US - Friday, April 4, 2003 0:33 AM CST
Happy Belated B-Day Greg,
It has certainly been a very long time since we last spoke but I wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Your life has certainly been an inspiration for others and no doubt part of God's plan for you. My wife, Junie, is a Healing Touch practitioner (someone who works with the energy of the body) and her practice has been very focused on the spiritual, physical and emotional well being of her clients. I just wanted to offer to you, on her behalf, a session or two of healing touch to help you through these difficult times. If this is something in which you would be interested, let me know and I will pass this on to Junie.

Gods Speed to You

Dave Aune <>
North St. Paul, MN Ramsey - Thursday, April 3, 2003 4:57 PM CST
Good Afternoon Greg, Boy staying home on these lovely drizzly days is actually quite nice. Sweats, blanket and a good worship CD! AHHH the comforts of home. Hope the Lord is touching your heart in a new way today and that you are serene. Thanks for being you! Kelly
Kelly Schmidt <>
Mpls, MN USA - Thursday, April 3, 2003 4:20 PM CST
Hi Greg,
I hope and pray you are doing better from your day surgery experience of a couple of weeks ago. It's not fun when they start cutting around on our aging bodies. We don't heal like we use to, do we? Also hoping your cold is gone by now too and that you are feeling the renewed life that Spring (Lent) can bring. Even though it's cold out today, Spring is here!

Found out yesterday after 30 plus years I'm going to be unemployed. Yesterday was not a good day, but today is better. Testing is not especially easy for a "Thomas" type person that I can be at times. As Jesus went to Thomas and said to him "Doubt no longer but believe", so Jesus now comes to me, you, and everyone else with the same message - BELIEVE!!!!! My response yesterday was "My Lord and God", same as Thomas's, but I wasn't proclaiming Him as my Lord and God, I was saying " what are You doing to me????" Ever been there? Since you are a Catholic Priest (major shortage) you don't have to worry about losing your job, but I'm sure you have asked God many times "what are You doing to me?" about other areas of your life, I know I have too. I will surrender to what I can not change and look forward to the celebration of Easter and the rising of My Lord and God.

As always you are in my heart, thoughts and prayers!

Lynn Oestreich Nolan <>
Woodbury, MN Washington - Thursday, April 3, 2003 1:21 PM CST
it was wonderful to see and hear you at Emma's baptism. it wasn't necessarily a good day for you, but you certainly made it special for the rest of us.

Mike Donahue <>
Stoughton, WI usa - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 4:17 PM CST
Happy Belated 47th Birthday, Fr. Greg
Mike Paul <>
So. St. Paul, MN - Tuesday, April 1, 2003 9:18 PM CST
Happy Birthday to the first boy I ever kissed! Sorry about throwing your lunch box down the hill. I'm hoping and praying you get that transplant. With love from Ruth.
Ruth Koscielak <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Tuesday, April 1, 2003 4:25 PM CST
Happy belated birthday, Greg!

Oh, we're a long way from our days at Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, you and I, but at 47, we're just hitting our stride! The last time I saw you, you were covered with bandages and bruises from one of your Rollerblading adventures. You recovered from that little disaster; I have faith that you'll make it through this one as well. Just wanted you to know you are in my family's thoughts and prayers, buddy...

Bob Reif

Bob Reif <>
New Brighton, MN USA - Tuesday, April 1, 2003 1:43 PM CST
Happy Birthday Greg from the Class of '78.
God still moves.

Donna Wiederkehr <>
Mpls, mn USA - Tuesday, April 1, 2003 8:05 AM CST
Happy 47th to you. Were you able to celebrate some?
I send prayers and love and blessed thoughts your way.
Bernie will graduate on the 8th of May. Praise, praise, and more praise! Julie and Melissa are both doing well at their respective schools. I'm still teaching at St. Paul College,Cosmet. I have a whole new level of appreciation for teachers. Some days are so great and others are...not so great. I'm sure you recall those days too.
I hadn't read your journal entries lately and thought just maybe there would be a surprise. Not this day, but surely another. I do believe it will happen. Sometimes it is truly difficult to grasp the will and the plan of God.
I have so enjoyed the warmth of the sun lately. I hope you have been able to do so.
Peace and I hope to get to St. Phillips soon.
Love, Peg

peg flicek
maplewood, mn usa - Tuesday, April 1, 2003 0:35 AM CST
Good Evening Greg, It has been an exhausting evening as I was in ER once again. I have learned over the last month that they are great at treating the symptom however getting to the core issue of why things are happening is a frustrating battle. My husband and I just watched your video and were so blessed. I must admit we took great satisfaction when you said "some Dr's are just cluless",also the part about "yes they use their heads but where are their hearts"! Hit the nail on the head of how my family and I are feeling. Way over worked they are however at times we suffer in pain for days, months and even years as they just can't fit you in. Trust me I know as I have been in ER 3 times in the last 24 hours. O.K. enogh whining, just appreciated the validation. We saw some organs come in last night and my hubby and I prayed Oh Lord please let those be for Greg. We are standing in faith with you and know it is your season! God Bless, Kelly Schmidt
Kelly Schmidt <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Monday, March 31, 2003 10:25 PM CST
dear father greg
happy belated birthday. may you see your 50th birthday is what we pray for each day.
we continue to patiently pray and wait with you. i know it's alot easier on our end.
tommorrow is supposed to be beautiful. i hope the snot is relieved enough that "thou
shalt go out and enjoy the warmth"--nurses orders!!!
much love
joann and company

joann hardegger <>
somerset, wi 54025 - Monday, March 31, 2003 8:48 PM CST
Dear Greg,

sorting through the junk in my office I just came across the Archdiocesan mailing from last September with the Archbishop's Sept 20th letter. The web address was almost illegible, but after one false try I got it right.

Now I will begin praying for your health and a successful transplant. In the meantime, when you are tempted to depression, remember St. Thomas Aquinas said it is an act of charity on our part to let other people love and care for us. From your website I can see that you are exercising that charity for many people.

I had the privilege last January to spend six days in Iraq. At the children's hospital in Baghdad I was impressed by the fact that each child seemed to have one or more family members by his or her bed in constant attendance. I'm sure that this email guestbook is not so warm as a flesh-and-blood human being, but my feelings of appreciation for your priesthood and your humanity are warm in my heart.

Fr. David Smith. U. of St. Thomas. <>
St. Paul, MN 55105-1096 - Monday, March 31, 2003 7:01 PM CST
Dear Greg:
Caught up with your web site information through the NFPC newsletter and wanted to drop you a line with a note of support and an offer of continuing prayers. First of all, congratulations in your recent 47th birthday. I'll soon be 42 and so not too far behind. However, what I am most grateful for is your example of a happy, healthy priesthood even amidst one's own difficulties. I hope that this message finds you feeling a little better when received and that your transplant is not far off. Know that your encouragement and support are constantly thought about in my own priesthood. I am Pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Merrill, MI as well as Sacramental Minister to two neighboring parishes and chaplain of Nouvel Catholic Central High School in Saginaw. Seems like a long ways from SJV Class of '91, already eight years a priest and six a pastor. Know that I am happy and enjoy living my priesthood each day, just like you. Thanks for being you and know that you are in my thoghts and prayers.

Fr. Craig Albrecht <>
Merrill, MI USA - Monday, March 31, 2003 5:58 PM CST
These prayers and Birhtday well wishes come to you from a family who has never had the pleasure of actually meeting you in person. We have attended events that you have spoken at and have had countless people tell us of the inspiration you have been in their lives. We take great strength in your personal struggles and your endless devotion to God throughout them. It is God who is so faithful to us. All we need to do is surrender to his grace and love. Much harder to do than say. Yet when we do, it can offer us great peace in all that we face throughout our lives. Our son has CF, and is blessed by God to be in our lives and to touch the lives of so many people who care about him. May your birthday be filled with the love of friends and God as he allows your challenges to touch the lives of so many. God Bless you for being such a blessing to us all. We are praying for you and will continue to pray for your good health, successful transplants and a cure for Cystic Fibrosis. With our Love, John, Lisa and Trey Temple.
John Temple <>
Maple Grove, MN USA - Sunday, March 30, 2003 9:45 PM CST
Happy Belated Birthday, Greg! Keeping you in our prayers daily and our dearest thoughts., Love -- All the Dorns
Dave and Katie Dorn <>
Minnetonka, MN - Sunday, March 30, 2003 6:48 PM CST
Happy belated birthday, Greg, from a fellow 47! Remember, we're not getting older, we're getting better. Love you!

Peg Helminski <>
Woodbury, MN USA - Friday, March 28, 2003 9:43 PM CST
"A day late and a Dollar short", whoever wrote this line was thinking of me!!!!!
Here's hoping and especially praying that all your dreams come true THIS year.

Barb (&George) Laurance
Plymouth, MN - Friday, March 28, 2003 7:16 PM CST
Good Evening Greg and a Happy Belated Birthday! Another year wiser! Sounds like you too have had an eventful month. I am finally home from the hospital and thank goodness away from there. Amazing how home feels so good! May God bless you in this time of waiting! Kelly
Kelly Schmidtt <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Friday, March 28, 2003 5:39 PM CST
Dear Greg....just wanted to add my birthday greetings (we are getting closer to 50!), and say HANG IN THERE! There was an article in our local paper this past week about a lady who just got her double-lung transplant (Yes, she has CF)- and wow, is she happy! It made me think of you and double my prayers that your turn is coming soon!!
Barb Williamson <>
Hermiston, OR - Friday, March 28, 2003 10:54 AM CST
Dear Greg,
Just want to add my wish for a Happy Birthday. You're in my thoughts always.

Love, Debbie (a greying Hawkins) Peterson

Debbie Peterson <>
Wabasha, MN - Thursday, March 27, 2003 10:45 PM CST
Happy Bithday Padre......I just got done telling John
Boy that you are 47 today...always remember birthdays....
Amazing....we're almost 50.....hard to believe that
Pres was that many years ago.....I'm getting to the point
now where I can't remember a lot of it...better start
writing it down.....I guess I just need to run into people like you and share the once so funny
know my favorites.

Seriously tho, thinking of you and just wanted to take
a moment to say hello again and to let you know that
you are always in my thoughts.

Much love,


Ann Boulay
Bloomington, MN USA - Thursday, March 27, 2003 10:22 PM CST
Dear Father Greg,
Birthdays are a fantastic thing, for we celebrate the day that God brought someone into the earth. I thank God that you were brought into this earth, for you have touched countless lives, including mine. Happy Birthday!
I just wanted to take a moment and tell you how grateful I am that you spent 2 hours of your very busy life with Katrina and myself last Monday, March 17. I very much enjoyed meeting you after hearing so many wonderful things about you, and I know Katrina also had a good time. Your company, conversation, and thoughts were refreshing, and I look forward to seeing you many times more in the future. Your resilience in sickness provides an impressive example of the strength that God can give. My prayers are with you.
Love, Jon

Jon Plotz <>
La Crosse, WI USA - Thursday, March 27, 2003 10:08 PM CST
Dear Fr. Greg: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope your biopsy site is less uncomfortable today and that your nasty cold is beginning to let go of you. I continue to pray for you each day and keep you on the prayer list at my parish. Thank you so much for your continued honesty, cheer and witness for our Lord! Love and Peace. Your Anglican/Episcopal brother +Ron
Ron Hall
Eau Claire, WI Eau Claire - Thursday, March 27, 2003 6:03 PM CST
Happy Birthday Greg! It's yet another voice from your past. I believe the last time we spoke was when we were both departing from St. Thomas. I have been checking on you through the site since late fall and continue to pray for you daily. Finally stopping a moment to send my greetings. Was in San Lucas Toliman Guatemala in early February and Fr. Greg had asked about you. The trip was the most amazing experience. Things are going well. I am working in Admissions now at Inver Hills Community College. Can't believe how much time has flown by since leaving Career Services at UST particularly since I haven't aged any. I hope you had a wonderful celebration today! May your year ahead be full of good health, happiness, and many blessings. --Peace.
Kerri Carlson <>
Eagan, MN USA - Thursday, March 27, 2003 5:42 PM CST
Happy birthday Greg! I absolutely echo my mom's greetings...and thank God for your passion, sense of humor, and tenaciousness. with prayers for the transplant and your continued vitality of spirit...and much love for you always--Anne
Anne Weyandt <>
Anoka, MN USA - Thursday, March 27, 2003 5:15 PM CST
Dear Greg - Happy birthday from the Driscolls in NR - Thinking and praying for you often - hurry up with the transplants!
Maribeth Driscoll
New RIchmond, WI USA - Thursday, March 27, 2003 4:09 PM CST
Happy B-day Fr Greg It was great to have you celebrate St Pat's Day w/us. Big hug to Kelly from Reynolds.
Kathleen Hogan McKee <>
Saint Paul, MN USA - Thursday, March 27, 2003 2:48 PM CST
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you.....Happy Birthday dear Fr. Greg, Happy Birthday to you! For your birthday, I am going to do my dardest to be on time for services this week! And, I'm going to encourage everyone around me to sing real loud - we have so much to be greatful for! Enjoy your day of days and may it be the beginning of a year full of wonder and amazement for the amazing person you are to all of us! God Bless you, God Love you, today and always! Patrice :)
Patrice Henning <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Thursday, March 27, 2003 2:14 PM CST
Happy Birthday, Father Greg. I'm hoping and praying you get THE birthday present today. I continue to be grateful for the way you continue to minister, even without intending (see entry from the chaplain at Riverside/University) and I laughed out loud at the entry from the priest in Cedar Rapids: "It's always Lent here." I can't tell you to "Keep the faith"...I doubt that I could after this long arduous struggle. So I'll only say, thank you for all you continue to do and know (don't believe, know) that you are so loved.
Rosemary Rockwell <>
Bloomington , MN - Thursday, March 27, 2003 2:07 PM CST
Happy Birthday, Father Greg. I'm hoping and praying you get THE birthday present today. I continue to be grateful for the way you continue to minister, even without intending (see entry from the chaplain at Riverside/University) and I laughed out loud at the entry from the priest in Cedar Rapids: "It's always Lent here." I can't tell you to "Keep the faith"...I doubt that I could after this long arduous struggle. So I'll only say, thank you for all you continue to do and know (don't believe, know) that you are so loved.
Rosemary Rockwell <>
Bloomington , MN - Thursday, March 27, 2003 2:07 PM CST
Happy Birthday, Father Greg. I'm hoping and praying you get THE birthday present today. I continue to be grateful for the way you continue to minister, even without intending (see entry from the chaplain at Riverside/University) and I laughed out loud at the entry from the priest in Cedar Rapids: "It's always Lent here." I can't tell you to "Keep the faith"...I doubt that I could after this long arduous struggle. So I'll only say, thank you for all you continue to do and know (don't believe, know) that you are so loved.
Rosemary Rockwell <>
Bloomington , MN - Thursday, March 27, 2003 2:07 PM CST
Dear Greg,
Happy Birthday and yes it does seem like yesterday you were turning 40! Hoping you get a set of lungs and a kidney for a birthday gift. John and I are checking in today from beautiful Salt Lake City, and having a nice relaxing spring break here. Thoughts of you continue, and prayers for a transplant very soon.
with Love, Christie, John and Anna

Christie and John <>
- Thursday, March 27, 2003 1:06 PM CST
Blessings on this your special day. You are special to our family, and we pray that our prayers will be answered soon. Every day is a plus, and Thank God for that. Love you.
Marianne Weyandt
OAKDALE , Mn USA - Thursday, March 27, 2003 12:39 AM CST
Dear Greg: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You share your birthday with my first-born. I love you both dearly and pray for God's blessings in abundance on two great men. Love Donna
Donna Montgomery <>
Edina, MN - Thursday, March 27, 2003 11:08 AM CST
Hi Greg!

Happy 47th! I did not know that we share the same age for six months! Lynn has been telling me about your progress. She has been after me to get on your website. So here I am. It's not that I have not wanted to. It's difficult to find the time and energy, at the same time, to do anything beyond my daily tasks. (I have fibromyalgia.)You have been in my thoughts and prayers. After hearing about the troubles you have been through, I consider myself very fortunate. My mom (Trish Scoles) has been praying for you to.

Cathy Scoles Burianek <>
Woodbury, MN USA - Thursday, March 27, 2003 10:49 AM CST
Happy Birthday! I was going to call and sing to you (my usual m.o. on birthdays), but thought this was a gentler way of greeting you. Hope you have a wonderful day....some sunshine wouldn't hurt. Love you.

Josie Driscoll <>
New Richmond, WI - Thursday, March 27, 2003 10:26 AM CST
Fr. Greg:
Birthday Greetings!
With your Spirit & Humor, you'll easily reach the half century mark.! :) You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully, this will be the the year for a new you. God Bless!

Elaine A. Throener <>
Faribault, MN USA - Thursday, March 27, 2003 9:23 AM CST
Dear Fr. Greg,
we pray for you to are God for your transplants.
we love you!!
Mary Catherine

Mary Catherine <>
Hutchinson, MN - Thursday, March 27, 2003 8:52 AM CST
Wishing you a very HAPPY 47TH BIRTHDAY

I pray that the Lord has an extra special suprise for you today. He and we love you so much.

Donna Marie Gildemeister Church of the Risen Savior
Burnsville , Mn USA - Thursday, March 27, 2003 7:12 AM CST
Hey Father Greg, A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY wish to you from our family!! May your birthday "presents" arrive shortly. Think of it-----a Hawkins descendant --47 years of age, and still no GREY hair-----AMAZING!!!!! Enjoy your day, take care, and GOD bless. Love, Uncle Mike.
Michael L. Hawkins <>
River Falls, , Wi. GOD BLESS AMERICA - Thursday, March 27, 2003 6:54 AM CST
My dear Greg,
In celebration of your birthday today, I find myself keenly mindful of all you have given to me over the course of the past fifteen years -- conversation, inspection, even some ribbing but always some perspective. I thank you for every minute we have shared. Ah, but what to give you on your 47th birthday?... I trust you need no coffee mugs. In fact, I suspect you need for little, by way of "things." So I give you instead my steady prayers for the one thing you need -- replenishing strength, in wait. IT WILL HAPPEN.

If I may, let me gift you with one of my prayers, one which I composed at a time in my life when I felt consumed by what our philosophers would call good, old-fashioned body-soul dualism -- a free-spirit held hostage by a stubborn mule of a body.

My prayer --

That oppressed people
and those who oppress them may free each other;
That those who are handicapped
and those who think that they are not may help each other;
That those who need someone to listen
may melt the hearts of those who are too busy;
That those who feel all alone in the world
may inform those who are self-sufficient;
That the poor
may impact the rich;
That seekers of truth
may challenge those who are satisfied they’ve found it;
That those who do not want to die
may be comforted by those who find it hard to live;
That the unloved
be allowed to unlock the hearts of those who cannot love;
That those who live without hope
might give witness to their brothers and sisters who are afraid to live;
That the weak
may confound the strong with humility;
That violence may be overtaken by compassion;
That it may be absorbed by men and women of peace;
That we may be healed;
For these things, good Lord, and those which remain silent in our hearts, we pray.

I know I join untold masses in offering prayers of gratitude today. You live with such grace. We are indebted to your parents and to our God for the gift you are! May the presence of God enfold you. Let this be the day! IT WILL HAPPEN.

I love you. My deepest admiration, Megan

Megan McGraw <>
Hutchinson, MN 55350 - Thursday, March 27, 2003 6:51 AM CST
Happy Birthday Greg!!!

47 is DARN close to 50! Praise the wonders of our God that He has blessed you with so many blessings, and 47 years of life is one of them!
May your day be blessed and may you celebrate God's abundant love and joy this day and always!
Love ya!

Lynn Nolan <>
Woodbury, MN Washington - Thursday, March 27, 2003 5:43 AM CST
Dear Father Greg...Happy Birthday! You are in our thoughts and prayers, even tho you don't know us. We are from St. Williams Parish and think of you often. Your patience is impressive. I would be off the wall I'm afraid.
God bless you on the gift of another birthday.

Ken and Mary Ackerman
Fridley, MN USA - Wednesday, March 26, 2003 9:06 PM CST
Happy last day of 46 Greg!

I'm sure you will be blessed by many birthday wishes tomorrow, and of course I will be one of them, but I wanted to ask you to take time today and reflect on what the past year has brought your way. We all know you have had many challenges both physically and spiritually that would have sent most of us running in any direction we could to escape, but you have been faithful to your God, family, friends, parishioners, colleagues,.... I could quote all sorts of scripture passages that come to mind when I think of you and pray for you, but I'm going to spare you, besides, who is the theologian here? Certainly not me!

So today Greg, rejoice and be glad that God is calling you forth to celebrate 47 years of a life that has loved, touched, healed, anointed, ministered, taught, .... so many of God's children. I know I am very grateful for the 47 years God has blessed you with to live and to be with all of us!

Many blessings this day and always!
I love you and hold you in prayer daily!

Lynn Nolan <>
Woodbury, MN Washington - Wednesday, March 26, 2003 9:16 AM CST
Happy Birthday Notice.

Hey, everyone checking in on this page: just thought that you should all know, if you don't already, Greg's birthday is coming up this Thursday, March 27. Let's crank up the responses to this page for him on that special day. (He'll hate that I put this on the page but too bad. I live in Dallas and he'll just have to be humble and accept our many blessings.) Thanks.

Steve Koller <>
Coppell, TX USA - Monday, March 24, 2003 3:02 PM CST
Dear Greg, Just spent a good 20 minutes reading all the most recent entries on your website -- it's like spiritual reading. Thank God for the many friends who are constantly praying for and encouraging you. I will always be one of them. Keep sending that ENERGY of Christ's love and peace into the minds and hearts of all those who want war or think war will bring peace. Only Jesus' love can change hearts of our leaders. Thanks for your prayers for peace as you suffer and wait patiently for those transplants. We continue to pray for you here at Villa Maria -- the place of our first encounter so many years ago. Love and Peace, Mary Jude,
sister mary jude jun, OSU <>
Frontenac, MN - Monday, March 24, 2003 6:31 AM CST
Dear Fr. Greg, May there always be work for your hands to do; May your purse always hold a coin or two; May the sun always shine on your window pane; May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain; May the hand of a friend always be near you; May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you! I saw this on the #2 bus on St. Patrick's Day! A gentleman, possibly from north Mpls, had me sign a huge branch of a tree he was holding which was decorated with a gold necklace and a child's pink, plastic pocket purse. Oh the places I go and the people I meet....! Sounds like Dr. Suess. God bless --
Judy Schletty <>
Mpls, MN - Monday, March 24, 2003 0:40 AM CST
It's a small world. In my career change I am working for John Temple. . .in talking at our Sales Meeting a few months back he mentioned that his son, Trey, has CF. Trey is a trooper (as are you) and I have had the privlidge of seeing Trey do his treatment, the dedication his parents have in getting him to all of his appointments and the family's hope that they are fighting until there is a cure. A hope and fight I also believe in. You are in my prayers and my life is so much better because I know you.

Jed Hastings <>
St Paul, MN - Sunday, March 23, 2003 11:49 PM CST
Dear Fr. Greg, Talked to my girlfriend tonight. Her sister-in-law who is in her 50's had a successful double transplant several years ago. Now she and her husband are building a home near their lake cabin and she will have to commute about 45 miles to work every day! (a school secretary) God is good and we BELIEVE. You are in the Stangl, Gibbs, Schletty & Lukens' prayers!
Judy Schletty <>
Mpls, MN - Sunday, March 23, 2003 11:46 PM CST
Hi, just wanted to say you are in my thoughts. You have always been a hero to me, and I have trouble remembering that you are just a regular guy, and that you can get sick too. I hope you don't have to wait much longer. Thank you for all the kindness and help you have given my family.

Brad Hawkins <>
Roseville, MN USA - Sunday, March 23, 2003 3:14 PM CST
Fr. Greg-
I just this morning "made your acquaintance" by discovering and reading a copy of D. Grow's article of 12/15/02, that has been posted on a bulletin board, partially covered by more current articles, etc.

I am a chaplain intern at Fairview Riverside/University campuses, and work mostly with children, many of whom are dealing with cf. I am eager to share this website with them!

Your comments on "being" Advent are most profound!

May the Lord bless and keep you,
may he make his face smile on you,
and be gracious to you;
May the Lord look upon you with favor,
and grant you peace!

In Christ,

Gary Burkhalter <>
Lauderdale, MN Ramsey - Friday, March 21, 2003 8:22 AM CST
Hi Greg: I recently read a homily by the late Cardinal Bernardin where he described the prophets of our time as persons of passion and compassion. That is so many ways. Prayers and love for our world and especially for you, dear prophet, these challenging days. Blessings always--Anne
Anne Weyandt <>
Anoka, MN USA - Thursday, March 20, 2003 5:48 PM CST
Fr. Greg;
It's great to read your updates and see how your faith and spirit are still strong though realistically and naturally challenged. Thank you for sharing your journey and struggles with us. You continue to inspire all of us and we are glad to walk with you through this mechanism of technology. Continued blessings and prayers!

Teri Nelles Cain, UST '84
Worland, WY - Thursday, March 20, 2003 12:31 AM CST
Greg! My mom has sent me a handful of clippings about you lately. I have enjoyed being able to read about your activities. You are an awe-inspiring man. I hope some day my husband (of nearly 2 years) will be able to meet you. He has enjoyed hearing about our VISION trip to Guatemala in January 1996.

You are in our prayers!

Rachel (Boyum) Hurlbert <>
Lawrence, KS - Wednesday, March 19, 2003 10:15 PM CST
Oh, the waiting. One of my favorite Tom Petty songs is called "The Waiting." Part of the chorus: "The waiting is the hardest part." Leave it to Tom to point out the obvious! Not all quotes and words of inspiration have to come from the Bible!

We've been waiting for our son to "take off." He was born four months early. We were told he would "take off" when we got him home from the NICU. Things didn't get better quickly enough and six months later he needed a tracheostomy and is on a ventilator. We were told - again - he'll "take right off" once the work of breathing is done by the machine. He made some progress, but six months later we were discharged with the doctors and nurses saying he'll "take off" when you get home. Two months later we were back in the hospital for a feeding tube and told once again, "Now he'll really take off." He's finally showing signs of taking off, with good length and weight gains over the last couple of months. But he's still a long way from losing the vent.

We've been told we're running a marathon, not a 100yd dash. Problem is, no one knows how long the race is or where the finish line is. We are nearly two years into our marathon. I feel a measure of your struggle and pray for you often. I too have moments of peace interrupted by temper tantrums, sometimes it's the other way around. I look forward to reading your web page. So much inspiration from you and those signing the guest book. One day I'll open your web page and find out that your waiting is over and you've had your transplant surgery. Just like some day those reading Anthony's caringbridge page will find *the* entry that says he's off the vent and no longer has the trach. Yea!

Shannon from Transfiguration Catholic Church, Oakdale <>
Lake Elmo, MN - Wednesday, March 19, 2003 8:46 PM CST
Hello Fr. Greg. I hope you remember me; I remember you and consider you as a positive influence on my St. Thomas experience and spiritual growth. I learned by your example and inspiration what true faith in God really is and the importance of partaking in human experience for oneself and for each other.

You are in my prayers and your well-being in my thoughts.

Michelle (Hernandez) Vilar <>
Bloomington, MN USA - Wednesday, March 19, 2003 0:38 AM CST
Greg, thank you for going to anoint Lorraine M. from my parish today. I stopped in at about 8:00 on my way back from the cities, and she said you had been in. I appreciate it very much, as did she.
Stan Mader
Mound, MN - Monday, March 17, 2003 9:45 PM CST
Hi, ny mother, Barb Williamson(Swanson) gave me the address to look at your web page. I am happy to say that everyone I live with at Oregon State University loves to read your updates! We are all praying for you!
~Erin Williamson

Erin Williamson <>
Corvallis, OR USA - Monday, March 17, 2003 4:34 PM CST
Wouldn't it be great, my dear friend, if the transplant occurred on the 27th--your 47th birthday. What a fantastic birthday gift that would be!
Pat Guthie
- Monday, March 17, 2003 4:21 PM CST
Love and Peace to you my dear old friend. I think of you and pray for you daily. You are a wonderful model for many. Enjoy this beautiful weather and keep sending it my way. xoxo

Love Debbie

Debbie Vail LaVoy
- Monday, March 17, 2003 1:59 PM CST
Fr.Greg,Irish Blessings to you on this St.Patricks day! You are in our constant prayer. Thirteen years ago my husband was diagnosed with a very aggressive malignant brain tumor and given a year to live. I am very happy to tell you he is still with us. He is an answer to many people's unending prayers.And the good Lord knew he could'nt leave me (An Irish Mother) here alone to raise our children.(hee) You are such a blessing to so many! Thank you for beleiving in Peace! May God grant you peace SOON! Teresa Gockowski
Teresa O'Gockowski <>
Cottage Grove, MN USA - Monday, March 17, 2003 12:33 AM CST
Dear Greg: Just me again. Had to tell you I've never heard a more passionate, inspiring or inspired homily ever than the one you gave this morning. You just keep getting better. God blesses all of us through you. Thank you for the extraordinary effort you put into everything you do. God bless you.
Donna Montgomery <>
Edina, MN - Sunday, March 16, 2003 4:53 PM CST
Dear Greg: Sorry you had to miss Father Dale's "Morning of Reflection" because of dialysis. But he has learned a lot from you! (Sorry, Dale, just joking!) It was a wonderful morning and again I'm reminded how fortunate we are to have such talented and thoughtful priests. Thanks to both of you for being who you are and welcoming all of us into your lives.
Love, Donna

Donna Montgomery <>
Edina, MN - Saturday, March 15, 2003 1:43 PM CST
Hello Greg,
Sounds like you and I had similiar situations this week. I was finally released from hospital after well we will just say it was a trip! I am in constant prayer and belief for your healing, mine came in many ways while in hospital. Amazing how sometimes we have to get totally knocked down before we get the message. Relax, Moderation, Patience, Trust and above all BELIEVE!!!!

Kelly Schmidt <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Friday, March 14, 2003 11:01 PM CST
Dear Fr. Greg,
Just a little blast from the not too far off past. I am the Amy of the Biz, Amy & Anastacia. I just found out about this web site (where have I been?). Though it has been a while since I've seen you, I get updates from Tim and our family has been praying for you. We will continue praying for you and your family.

Amy (Van Hout) Bearth <>
St. Paul, MN 55106 - Friday, March 14, 2003 10:36 PM CST
While I have had some frightening experiences here in the Cedar Riverside neighborhood of Mpls, I was heartened today to learn that one of our customers at the neighborhood pharmacy where I work (clerk & delivery person) received his second successful kidney transplant. The first one, which he received from his daughter, lasted up into the two digit numbers! His daughter looks like she is in her mid-40's. We all hope and pray yours will be soon. Warmer weather is more conducive to healing too!
Judy Schletty
Mpls, MN - Friday, March 14, 2003 10:55 AM CST
Hi Greg,
I'm praying and thinking of you. Look at your page weekly to see how you're doing. Life in Iowa is fine-its always Lent here--I mean Easter!!

Fr. Dave Ambrosy <>
cedar rapids, iowa usa - Friday, March 14, 2003 9:50 AM CST
I have finally visited your site, as you have been coming into my mind recently. I'll add your wait to my prayers -- as well as joining in your prayers for some peaceful solutions to the global problems. Take care, Greg. You are an inspiration to many, whether or not you complain!

(Fr.) Stan Mader <>
Mound, MN USA - Thursday, March 13, 2003 10:04 PM CST
I'm so glad that you are feeling at little better..hoping to see you dancing on the countertops at the St. Patty's day party at the Crosby house. We continue to pray daily for you at the Dorn household and remain faithful in our hope that the BEEP BEEP will be soon! Love to you,
Katie, Dave and all the Dorns

Katie Dorn <>
Minnetonka, MN - Thursday, March 13, 2003 12:30 AM CST
Dear Greg,
I do 3 things for sure when I get to work in the morning: click the pink box on the breast cancer website so more women can get free screenings; check your website for good news or new words from you; and read the following: (Father Zossima from Dostoyevsky's "The Brothers Daramazov") Love all God's creation, the whole of it and every grain of sand. Love every leaf, every ray of God's light. Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. And once you have perceived it, you will begin to comprehend it ceaselessly more and more every day. And you will come to love the whole world with an abiding, universal love."
And then I make a cup of green tea like Grandma taught me.
Love to you, Christie

Christie Hawkins
- Thursday, March 13, 2003 9:31 AM CST
Dear Greg, Just read your March 12 entry; I do appreciate hearing from you. I post it all the time on the bulletin board so all the Sisters and staff continue their prayers. Just getting over a 2-week bout of bronchitis and thought of you with my congested chest and deep coughing. No real comparison but it put me in touch. I pray that the transplants arrive on your birthday as the best of gifts. Your life and example, however, are the best gifts to all of us. Praying and working for peace I am united with you and millions of others. Love, Mary Jude
Sr. Mary Jude Jun, OSU <>
Frontenac, MN - Thursday, March 13, 2003 6:45 AM CST
Hi Fr. Greg-
I am sitting at my computer near a window as a mosquito flies by-outside. Spring is on it's way. It is about 50 here today. Mike says he'll send some snail mail-could be a bit of a wait-but you're used to that!! Hope the Dr. visit went well. We are praying that you become #1 soon.
I always chuckle a little when I see you sign your name as, "g", because that is what Olivia calls Griffin, (at least that is what we think she is saying).

the Jeanettes <>
Wheaton, IL - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 2:31 PM CST
Fr. Greg,

I've been out of town the last 2 weekends and I've really missed your smile and the energy at St. Phillips. I have continued to keep you in my prayers and hope you're feeling better this week. I look forward to greeting you on Sunday!

Peace to you and to all the world! Patrice Henning

Patrice Henning <>
St Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 10:13 AM CST
Dear Fr. Greg, Here is an Irish Blessing which I've emailed my Dad and Mom and friends.

"May the Power of God Uphold you,
His Wisdom Guide you,
His Hand Guard you,
His Path lie before you,
and His Shield,
Protect you,
As you Journey today
and Throughout your Life."

May our God bless you and your work (as a priest wrote to me). I pray that March 17 will be day which promotes peace so this earth will be a more blessed place. Hope you stay out of this terribly cold weather upon us now! Our medical professionals would also say, "Keep up the good work!"

Judy Schletty <>
Minneapolis, MN - Monday, March 10, 2003 0:14 AM CST
You are in my heart, prayers and memory (esp. of your first weekend at St. Dick's a few years back). Do you know some of those you baptised are now graduating from college? Thanks for your letters in the Catholic Spirit and for continuing to afflict the comfortable. Had a close encounter with a snowplow yesterday...actually a cowboy on a cell phone operating a truck with a blade, full speed crossing the main road I was on....I didn't get hurt but I can't say the same about my car; my car doesn't look so
good. St. Dick's is fine...losing a lot of our charter members (Veronica Walsh is the last one) Happy St. Patrick's Day...I'll pray that that will be your lucky day. Blessings, love and prayers.

Rosemary Rockwell
Bloomington, MN USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 8:38 PM CST

You are truly one of God's special children, I cannot even begin to tell you how much you have meant to me.

Although you have battled life threatening physical problems your entire life that's never what I saw or heard. I always saw an extraodinarily beautiful person, handsome beyond words and I always heard Jesus. Long before the w.w.j.d. bracelets were popular you showed me what Jesus would do.

I often use the word blessed when I see someone beautiful, gifted or at peace. Well, the word blessed could not be more appropriatly used than with you.

You have touched my life in a way no other has and I thank you everyday for it. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


Ed MacHolda <>
Shorewood, MN US - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 4:27 PM CST
Greg, I haven't heard how you are lately, and hope things are going well. Know that you have my continued prayers for your health condition. Thaks for being who yu are to so many of us!
Adaire Lassonde <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 11:29 AM CST
hi father greg
i have been sending your updates to my mom in south dakota. she is so interested to hear how you are doing and praying for you faithfully daily. She sent me back a prayer that she says for you and i would like to share it with all the people who write in your guest book. Maybe we can all say it for father greg :)

Lord, you invite all who are burdened to come to you.
Allow your healing hand to heal Father Greg.
Touch his soul with your compassion
Touch his heart with your courage and love.
Touch his mind with your wisdom, that he always proclaims your praise.
Help him to still lead others to you by his example.
Most loving heart of Jesus, bring Father Greg health in body and spirit, that he may serve you with all his strength.
Touch gently his life which you have created
we pray for a miracle, Lord hear our prayer.

glad to hear your lung congestion is clearing up. do you have enough help? is there anything we can
joann and company:)

JoAnn Hardegger <>
Somerset, WI USA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 10:29 PM CST
A message to Dr. Evil ("Evil Exits" - Below):

In case you didn't catch it, the name of this site is "Greg's Transplant and Progress." Check your negativity at the door. We choose to pray because we CAN and we BELIEVE.

- Tuesday, March 4, 2003 6:20 PM CST
You continue to inspire us. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We hope to see you soon.

Love, Corey & Korinn

Corey (cousin) <>
Eau Claire, WI USA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 6:03 PM CST
Hi Greg,
A friend of yours, Sister Geraldine Novak, Sylvania Franciscan was at our house for dinner. I am Ann Marie Emon,OSF originally from Holy Cross in Mpls. You keep coming to me in prayer. When she was here I asked about you and she gave me this wonderful website. I am also good friends with Patrice Neuberger,CSJ. Our relationships are always expanding. Keep me in prayer as I deal with bipolar and diabetes. I am envolved in NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill). Peace in your heart and in our world.
Ann Marie

Ann Marie Emon,OSF <>
Sylvania, OH United States - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 11:36 AM CST
Dear Fr. Greg: I continue to lift you up to our Lord in prayer each day as I say the Daily Office and at other times of prayer and meditation. I pray that you will have a rich and blessed Lenten season as we follow our Lord to the cross in penance, prayer, meditation and action. What a joy it always is when the time of Easter Vigil arrives and we celebrate on Easter morning our Lord's victory over sin and death for our sake. All blessings this day and always dear brother. Your Anglican/Episcopal brother, + Ron
Ron Hall
Eau Claire, WI Eau Claire - Sunday, March 2, 2003 11:21 PM CST
Our family prays for you and for your family. We still have a picture of you holding baby Will (he's now 7 and missing a tooth) up to the sky after Mass one chilly Sunday. It makes us smile.

Janelle, Mike, Will, John, and Carolyn Kelly

Janelle Kelly <>
Saint Paul, Mn USA - Sunday, March 2, 2003 9:42 PM CST
Father Greg..We have been following your progress on your website. Do you think God is trying to teach you patience?(smile). You are in our prayers every day. God's blessings on you. We are from St Williams, so you probably don't know us, but we do remember you.
Ken and Mary Ackerman
Fridley, MN USA - Sunday, March 2, 2003 9:06 PM CST
Good Morning Greg,
It's been a while since I've added my two cents here, but that does not mean you have not been in my thoughts and prayers. Living a Spirit filled life is not always easy, is it? The crosses we are asked to bear in this life are hard, some harder than others as you well know with all your health issues. During these times we are lead into the wilderness as Jesus was after His baptism and tested day after day after day. But in the end our Father sends His angels to look after us. And so we are able to continue one prayer filled day at a time. I am grateful your treatments are giving you some relief. May you know the freedom of being "simple well" soon.

I have enjoyed listening to your homilies on St. Philip's website. You are a very gifted man in many ways.

I continue to be vigilant in prayer for your health and for your ministry so that you can continue to witness to the glory, the love, and the compassion of our Lord and Savior!
Peace and love my friend!

Lynn Nolan <>
Woodbury, MN Washington - Friday, February 28, 2003 6:20 AM CST
Please, contact an average citizen in Afghanistan or Kuwait and ask whether US intervention helped them. Girls are now being educated in Afghanistan and Kuwait is peaceful and not the 19th province of Iraq. I would love a peaceful world but EVIL does exist and must be dealt with. I want peace, freedom, and hope for all no matter their religion or ethnicity but know what steps must be made to achieve it. Americans do not take war lightly. It is a last resort when evil doers do not accept diplomatic resolutions. Peace reigns when those with courage take a stand and demand better for all world citizens. I am not isolated in this belief. God weeps for those being oppressed and for those suffering. If human beings can stop oppression and suffering, I'm all for it. And furthermore, those that visit this website, aside from praying for Father Greg, should sign up to be a donor. My family has, has yours? Or should someone else instead of you? Organs are in short supply. Children die waiting, parents die waiting. A sad fact of life.
Evil Exists <>
Mpls, MN USA - Thursday, February 27, 2003 8:49 PM CST
Dear Father Greg. Sorry, but I cannot let that ANONYMOUS diatribe go without my thoughts. There are some who feel that war is the only way to bring about peace, and there are others who feel that a war will not bring peace but only further violence. I have difficulty as a Christian person believing that war could ever bring peace, although I recognize the need for our country to defend itself from attack. My MAIN complaint about that guestbook signer is his attitude. This is YOUR guestbook and our duty as writers is to encourage you and pray for your peace and well-being. I sincerely hope you will continue your journal entries and let us know your thoughts and feelings. My good friend and neighbor had a heart transplant nine years ago and is wonderfully productive and healthy today. I pray you will get your organs soon and be back ministering to your flock in person. May God smile on you with a twinkle in his eye - soon!

Catherine Dowling
Plainfield, IL USA - Thursday, February 27, 2003 7:51 PM CST
Please don't turn this site into an anti-war site. There are plenty of those. Hitler was not stopped by prayer. Six million jews probably prayed feverishly everyday but died anyway. (Imagine the tears God cried.) Millions of Cambodians died as a result of Pol Pot's rule. I'm sure the Cambodians prayed the blood would stop flowing. And I'm sure the Rwandans hiding in churches prayed while their fellow countrymen came in to slaughter them. Saddam Hussein is cut from the same cloth. There is evil in this world. Evil is not moved by prayer. Evil understands force. But go ahead and pray anyway. I choose to pray for American men & women who have chosen to serve in the US Military and provide oppressed people hope for the freedoms we enjoy. Freedom from fear, freedom to worship, & freedom of assembly are just a few things evil leaders deny their own citizens. As for Greg's transplant, my prayers are with the family who must make the decision to donate in their time of immense grief and for those who visit this site and are not yet organ donors, sign up.
Evil Exists <>
Mpls, MN USA - Thursday, February 27, 2003 3:52 PM CST
Fr. Greg, Your words for peace are so very important! I admire your gift for putting to words what we all NEED to hear. I have been surprised at how many of my high school students here in Litchfield are speaking out for peace too. Many students supported the Republicans during the last election, but they are not towing the party line when it comes to Bush's push for war.
I thought of you right away when the young lady's story reached the media. A double tragedy, that she suffered so and that a set of life-giving organs were denied someone else.
I'm really itching for spring temperatures so my horses and I can get to know eachother again! I do hope you'll be able to come out and ride again this summer. We are working on purchasing a portion of an acre next to us so that we can build an arena on our farm. Then you can run barrels when you visit!
Thank you for writing on this site. I really look forward to your entries. Take good care.

Tifani Luschen
- Thursday, February 27, 2003 11:36 AM CST
Dear Greg, Thank you for your loving words, your hard work, and your presence in our lives. with prayers for you, Christie
Christie Hawkins
- Thursday, February 27, 2003 9:54 AM CST
Dear Greg, thanks for writing an update on Feb. 26. i check every day to see what is there. My heart aches too as I pray for Peace and send the energy of Christ's love and peace into the minds and hearts of all those who want war. there surely is no other HOPE but our God at this stage. But I believe in miracles -- for YOU and for our world. Blessings and love, Mary Jude
Sr. Mary Jude Jun, OSU <>
frontenac, MN - Thursday, February 27, 2003 8:48 AM CST
Fr. Greg-

I am just one of many who you don't personally know, but I am also one of many that prays for you. I was fortunate enough to hear your word at Transfiguration a few times. I have, as someone else previously had done, put your pictures and the article from the Strib up in my cube at work just as a reminder to me and anyone else who might feel so inclined, to send a prayer your way. I feel as though I should have some words of wisdom or some strong hope for you, but then I think those are things you already know...I trust my prayers and thoughts of you suffice.

Aimee Valencour <>
N. St. Paul, MN - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 9:10 PM CST
I have never actually met you, but have heard much about you from my girlfriend, Katrina Froehle, your goddaughter. I wanted to let you know that you have made a huge impact on her life for which I cannot thank you enough. My prayers go out to you - may God keep you strong.

Jon Plotz <>
La Crosse, WI USA - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 3:14 PM CST
Hi Greg, Going in for a tune-up so may not be able to write for a while. May your days be filled with peace, joy and love. May God continue to move the process forward and Oh what a testimony you will have to share! God Bless, Kelly
Kelly Schmidt <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 10:08 AM CST
Hi Greg,
I'm going to ask our recently deceased Bishop (James R. Hoffman) to intercede to God on your behalf. There is much sadness here in the Toledo diocese regarding his death. He died on 2/8 after a 3 month battle with Cancer. The very sad thing is that he dealt with the Church Scandal, got sick and died. He was 71 and a most wonderful Bishop. He was a Toledo diocesan priest first. It's the first time in our diocese that an active bishop died. He was bishop for 22 years. Hopefully, I can send you this week's memorial issue of the diocesan paper.Also, maybe would should prayer to Pope John 23rd as well. He needs another miracle for his canonization. PJ 23rd,. interdede to God for all those of us who love Greg.

Geraldine Nowak <>
Toledo, OH USA - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 5:01 PM CST
Hi, Greg, Got back from St. Louis on sunday but I'm living with a horrible cold. Maybe the misery of coughing and hurting all over can be a special prayer for you who have to suffer that all the time. May you soon announce to all of us "I'm Number one!" Prayers, love and trust that God will send that TP soon. Much love, Mary Jude
Sister mary jude Jun, OSU <>
Frontenac, MN - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 7:32 AM CST
Good Evening Greg, Hope you had a restful day basking in the Glory of the Lord!
Kelly Schmidt <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Monday, February 24, 2003 5:16 PM CST
Greg, just another word of encouragement and a promise of prayer. I so hope that your transplant will be soon! Pat
Pat Collins, OSB
St. Paul, MN USA - Monday, February 24, 2003 2:50 PM CST
Fr Greg
Very moved today when I first read about yur story - and your prayerful vigil for transplantable lungs and kidney. I want to add my note of personal hope for you. I am the father of two CF patients. My daughter Jeanine is 30 years old. In April 2001 she received her new lungs after waiting more than one year. She has now continued her very active life. She & her husband are very active in our local Life Teen program as core team members, and Jeanine often gives witness to the redemptive value of her own years of suffering. My 24 y/o son Nicholas is a student at Franciscan University of Steubenville, OH and is discerning his possible call to priesthood. It has been amazing to me over the last 30 years that these two of my four children, despite their medical complications, have grown up to be the most independent (& in some ways, the most mature).
I will keep you in my daily prayers and will pray specifically that you may reach number 1 on the list quite soon. May God continue to bless you and your many supportive parishoners and friends.

John Moragues <>
Corinth, TX USA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 8:08 PM CST
The little Mexican girl at Duke University got another heart and lung transplant yesterday morning. In the newspaper today they said that this transplant was not a "directed donation," in which a donors' family specifically states who will get the organs. I didn't know there was such a procedure and pray that we have that option for Father Greg soon. I am thankful for this website, Fr. Greg. Words to you, help me too as I try to practice patience coupled with love.
Judy Schletty <>
Minneapolis, MN - Friday, February 21, 2003 12:39 AM CST
Greg, Just wanted you to know there are many of us out here thinking and praying for you. Enjoy this beautiful day! Love to you.

Debbie LaVoy
Menomonie, WI Dunn - Thursday, February 20, 2003 5:33 PM CST
Hi Greg,
Haven't forgotten you. See you on my fridge daily. Seeing you is always accompanied with gratfitude and prayers. Take care.

Geraldine Nowak <>
Toledo, OH USA - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 3:16 PM CST
Hi Greg,
Haven't forgotten you. See you on my fridge daily. Seeing you is always accompanied with gratfitude and prayers. Take care.

Geraldine Nowak <>
Toledo, OH USA - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 3:16 PM CST
Hi, Greg, I'm here in St. Louis until the 23rd working with LaDoris at Imani Family Center. Just keep checking in to see if those transplants have arrived. What patience you have to practice. Just know we will be with you over the long haul in our prayers and love and concern. Always united in prayer, Mary Jude, OSU
Sr. Mary Jude Jun, OSU <>
Frontenac, MN - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 10:09 AM CST
Hi, Greg, I'm here in St. Louis until the 23rd working with LaDoris at Imani Family Center. Just keep checking in to see if those transplants have arrived. What patience you have to practice. Just know we will be with you over the long haul in our prayers and love and concern. Always united in prayer, Mary Jude, OSU
Sr. Mary Jude Jun, OSU <>
Frontenac, MN - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 10:07 AM CST
Hi Gregory,
Just taking a minute to let you know that you're thought of and prayed for daily.I am confident that the TP will happen soon! I just have a good feeling about this. Ron says "hi"and asks how you're doing each time I see him. Not much new on the home front, still looking for full time employment. I am grateful however, for the freedom to look for a job.
Hope that you're doing OK, and again please know that I continue to think of you and pray for you daily.
Love to you,
Mary Beth

Mary Beth Stearns <>
Inver Grove Heights, MN US - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 2:58 AM CST
My friend has one of those diseases under the umbrella of the MDA Assoc. Therefore, I listened with interest, to the powerful words of the MDA Goodwill Ambassador, Mattie Stepanek on the Larry King Live Show last night. Mattie's poetry about peace reminded me of you, Father Greg. "Words have the power to resolve differences instead of war. Words heal." When he is sick he prays to St. Jude. He mentioned two other saints he prays to, but I didn't get their names. I thank God for this courageous child. I know he is praying for you and gives us all hope.
Judy Schletty <>
Minneapolis, MN - Tuesday, February 18, 2003 11:43 PM CST

Dear Father Greg,

Just wanted you to know I have you in my prayers and I will continue to send you an abundance of positive thoughts. I heard about you from my mothers cousin. She sent me an entry from your Journal dated Thursday, October 17, 2002. She helped me with a community project in early October and suggested I might reciprocate by praying for your return to health. I am but one of the many who are with you on your path to recovery. I am drawn to your poignantly beautiful writings as well as outpouring of love and prayers from the community, other cities, states and countries as well. You have touched so many with your faith, honesty and love. I think that those who have had the privilege to know you are very fortunate. However, your beauty travels over the arc of the caringbridge and I feel it in my heart. Thank you.

Maureen Caron-Circele
Palm Desert , CA USA - Tuesday, February 18, 2003 10:49 PM CST
Dear Greg: Missed you at Mass on Sunday, but Father Dale was an outstanding sub! How lucky we are to have the two of you. Thanks for all you both do. You're appreciated.

Donna Montgomery <>
Edina, MN Hennepin - Monday, February 17, 2003 2:34 PM CST
Good Morning Greg, Hope this day finds you reflecting on all the blessings you have.
Kelly Schmidt <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Monday, February 17, 2003 8:17 AM CST
I had the opportunity to march in the Uptown Peace Rally today. While doing so, I thought of you stuck doing your dialysis and how much you would have appreciated the chance to walk with the thousands who still believe war is not the only answer. I marched FOR you today.
Love and peace,

Beth Tolaas
St. , MN USA - Saturday, February 15, 2003 5:56 PM CST
Dear Greg - Happy Valentine's Day from part of your New Richmond connection - we pray for earliest resolution of your waiting period.
Bill & Maribeth Driscoll
New RIchmond, WI St Croix - Friday, February 14, 2003 9:30 AM CST

Hi Greg!

Happy Valentines Day!!

Tim McCarron ;-)

Tim McCarron <>
MPLS, MN United States of America - Thursday, February 13, 2003 9:39 PM CST
Dear Father Greg,

What a beautiful site! Sending East Coast prayers your way Father Greg--complete with the accent and all. :) Only your faith and love for God allows you the daily patience to wait. You are in our hearts always and our prayers daily. We will be overjoyed to hear when you are #1! Give a hug to fellow Philippians and keep up the beautiful work.

Peace and Love,
Holly Redding and Jeff Cooper

Holly Redding <>
Newton, MA USA - Thursday, February 13, 2003 4:50 PM CST
Greg, Since you couldn't run away to a warm climate I figured I had to accept that burden for you. :-) So I was off to Australia in January and now I'm struggling to readjust to a MN winter. But as I was bracing against the cold yesterday, you came to mind and I realized how fortunate I am and how little I have to really complain about. Added to that, your strong faith works to give me faith -- or rather renew it. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Phil
Phil Anderson <>
Brrr city, MN - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 1:59 PM CST
Because of you I have connected with two beautiful voices from my past; dear Mary Jude and my friend Lynn O. On other occasions someone has mentioned the website and seeing one another's names. How great to be connected in the midst of the winter. I once heard Dick Rice give a little talk entitled, "Why January?" May the JANUARY'S of our lives teach us all we need to know and then melt (quickly) away. Unless of course it's patience we're supposed to be learning. Ah glad it's February. May Spring come to you...even a little bit tomorrow.

Prayers and love, Mary W. McClure

Mary Wilkie McClure <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Tueday, February 11, 2003 11:59 PM CST
Happy Tuesday to you Greg, It is a brisk morning outside however, my heart is overflowing with joy. How lucky we are to know of our loving Savior. We can rest in Him, talk with Him, scream at Him and weep with Him. He knows all the feelings you are going through, He hears your prayers. I pray that you may be filled with His Spirit, relax in His embrace and may His grace cover you like the fresh snow. Peace to you my brother in Christ.
Kelly Schmidt <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Tueday, February 11, 2003 8:51 AM CST
Praying for you and all Philipians! You and the amazing people at St. Philips spreading God's message of love are daily inspirations, Fr. Greg. Our horses will be ready with warmth for riding! Take good care. Peace, Tifani and Terry Luschen
Terry and Tifani Luschen
- Monday, February 10, 2003 4:50 PM CST
Dear Greg.....How happy I am that my mom sent me some information about the Caringbridge site. She has tried to keep me up to date over the years about how you are doing. I had your address until you switched parishes.
I know what you mean about hearing God's voice....I have heard it myself. About 7+ years ago, my 39th birthday present to myself was to quit smoking (finally!)....and 3 months later, was told I had a spot on my lung. All I could think of was, "I waited too long to quit." You can imagine my fear....I wanted to be here to raise my children! I prayed harder than I've ever prayed....and God did answer me, the night before the final results were to be in.(You know those tests, they can take days, and I was petrified!) He told me all would be OK, I actually heard his voice...and it was! I did have surgery to remove a bone spur from the back side of a rib (who knows where that came from?) and since that time, I'm not afraid to die....I just want to finish raising my kids, and hopefully be a grandma too! We have been blessed again....when Bill was diagnosed with Lymphoma....and the night before the chemo shunt was to be put in....a wonderful pathologist in Portland decided that, while he does have a "precursor" to was not indeed cancer at the time. God is so powerful, as you know - I will keep praying and praying that you and those others on the list will get what you need. You have touched so many lives....surely God will let us keep you longer! Every major thing, God does answer for us.
Don't ever think that people will tire of praying for you... from what I can tell from reading these posts, it just ain't gonna happen! You have beat the odds for so many things (do you still sing? I loved having you sing at my wedding! We're married over 27 years now)

Barb (Swanson) Williamson <>
Hermiston, OR USA - Monday, February 10, 2003 4:34 PM CST
Dear Greg,
Checked in with you this morning, and I believe we all feel like you do: this will happen, but it sure feels like it isn't happening!! We wait with you. I held the beautiful new baby of Ryan and Natalie yesterday. Corstian is a gem. There is nothing like a newborn. Know we pray for you, and your donor, but wish I could do more. with Love, Christie

Christie Hawkins
- Monday, February 10, 2003 9:29 AM CST
Greg: I was told of your web site by family and I wanted to let you know you are thought of often these days. It has been many years now since 1974. The years in high school buzzed by and the faint glimmers I remember of you at that time were always full of energy and laughter. We didn't travel in the same social circles in high school but I can remember on more than one occasion wondering where the hell you got all your energy, especially considering you were suppose to be ill. yea! right! Flash forward to the 1980's and I found my self delivering oxygen to respiratory patients in their homes and I remember the little kids w/ cf and then I would think of you and it just didn't equate. I also remember delivering oxygen to a women in Northfeild in the late 80's whom I really had a great affection for and was having quite a time with her illness. I was going through a divorce at the time and I confided in her for much of my troubles. We were very supportive of each other and I shared with her a book that I had found by Robert Veninga, called a gift of hope.The book helped turn me around and she never gave up hope. A few years later,after a carreer change and a move to Alaska, I read an article in the news about the first lung transplant done in Minnesota.To my amazement It was her. She could not have been more than mid fiftys at the time. She was also fighting the insurance co. to get them to pay for it. They did. Back in high school I wish I knew then what you knew then. Of course it was no secret then and isn't now. The only difference is that now you have a (tribe following you), congregation that is. They all understand your inspiration and how wonderfull to see their's coming back to you. Thanks for being an inspiration to us all in these troubled times. Thanks for loving us all in spite of ourselfs. You really are the gift of hope for us. Gods speed! Brian Holl, Chugiak, Alaska.
Brian E. Holl <>
Chugiak, Ak America - Monday, February 10, 2003 7:46 AM CST
Dear Fr. Greg, My dad and mom are in Florida. I wrote them today and told them that you'd like to be able to get out of this figid weather. They are in Holy Cross parish in Palmetto and like my parish, Holy Rosary, it has a Spanish influence -- one Mass is in Spanish every Sunday. I wrote and shared your journal with them. Said that I could hear your "voice" in the homilies I've listened to at Mass recently -- Sister Martha at Holy Rosary a couple weeks ago and this morning at St. Olaf's on the radio. All about love. How love out does all our biases, prejudices, and fears; takes us where we may not choose to go and is there in the night (like the song).
Your influence has helped me get back to prayer. Thank you, thank you for that gift. I hope our prayers for you will speed progress. I remember how long my former husband had to wait to even get an appointment at the Mayo Clinic even though he was very sick. Thank Goodness you haven't gotten any bugs this winter. He's with us.

Judy Schletty <>
Minneapolis, MN - Monday, February 10, 2003 0:30 AM CST
Dear Greg,
Just a quick note to let you know that we are still praying for you. Just remember, "good things come to those who wait..." Take care - you are in our hearts.

Martha Conners (and family) <>
St. Paul, MN - Sunday, February 9, 2003 5:27 PM CST
Dear Fr. Greg: Met you once in the old hospital. Just had to let you know that you're in my thoughts and prayers also. I check in each day, and as I struggle with patience in areas in my own life, you and those who write to you give me such hope. God bless, Greg, and I humbly say thanks for your example of love. - Mary
Mary Chalmers <>
Minnetonka, MN - Sunday, February 9, 2003 1:40 PM CST
Dear Fr. Greg: I just finished reading Compline here at my computer and thought I would send a short note. Thank you for keeping all of us updated so faithfully. I do so look forward to reading your postings. As we celebrate Mass in the morning I will be praying for you as I do each and every day dear brother. I offer a Collect from our Order for Compline: Be present O merciful God, and protect us through the hours of this night, so that we who are wearied by the changes and chances of this life may rest in Your eternal changelessness: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Your Anglican/Episcopal brother, + Ron
Ron Hall
Eau Claire, WI Eau Claire - Saturday, February 8, 2003 11:41 PM CST
Greg, I wonder how many websites minister like this one does. The words from you and even the messages posted by your pray-ers are their own kind of manna. I spent more minutes online today than I care to admit, but the link to your parish ensnared me (in only the best of ways, of course). To access your homilies, to HEAR your beautiful voice, to be challenged today (particularly when I wasn't planning to be challenged today) -- I am so profoundly blessed by your words, by the truths you've never been afraid to say out loud. You give me so much; it pains me that I don't know what to give you.

We do pray, privately and communally, for you throughout our day. In fact, today, I stopped Mary Catherine to ask if she was remembering to pray on her own for you and for the gentleman who waits ahead of you for his lung transplant. She said yes. And then she asked if we could pray for the person who is #3...

And just like that, the circle of prayer widens. Something Divine is going on here, Father Greg, and I feel privileged to be caught up in it.

I love you, Greg. Thank you for letting so many of us be part of your painful, provoking, scary, heart-wrenching, heart-warming, amazing journey!


Affectionately, Megan

Megan McGraw <>
Hutchinson, MN - Saturday, February 8, 2003 11:16 PM CST
Dear Greg, After about 5 tries at a strange computer and trying to remember this website address, I finally got in and saw your last entry. I'm in St. Louis now, just having returned from New Orleans where it was 70 for the first 3 days and 48 when we left. But here it was 8 degrees when I woke up on Friday. Wow! Tomorrow I drive back to MN and hope the snow doesn't come until Frontenac does. I know you got my prayers from the Mardi Gras city; you'd think nothing else went on in the world to see the preparations all over. Our faculty/staff retreat at Ursuline was good and also the meetings with religious of the area, the student body and the alums and parents. I'm so glad I got in to read your last message; now I feel connected again. Yes, it will happen; we'll stick with you, dear friend.
Love, Mary Jude OSU

Sr. Mary Jude Jun, OSU <>
Frontenac,, MN - Saturday, February 8, 2003 6:36 PM CST
Dear Greg, After about 5 tries at a strange computer and trying to remember this website address, I finally got in and saw your last entry. I'm in St. Louis now, just having returned from New Orleans where it was 70 for the first 3 days and 48 when we left. But here it was 8 degrees when I woke up on Friday. Wow! Tomorrow I drive back to MN and hope the snow doesn't come until Frontenac does. I know you got my prayers from the Mardi Gras city; you'd think nothing else went on in the world to see the preparations all over. Our faculty/staff retreat at Ursuline was good and also the meetings with religious of the area, the student body and the alums and parents. I'm so glad I got in to read your last message; now I feel connected again. Yes, it will happen; we'll stick with you, dear friend.
Love, Mary Jude OSU

Sr. Mary Jude Jun, OSU <>
Frontenac,, MN - Saturday, February 8, 2003 6:33 PM CST
Hi Greg,

Just checked out your latest post and want you to know that we have no immediate (or even long-range) expectations of a foray into warmer climes. (Darn!) Just thought you'd like to know that there are five Helminski's who plan to be here with you and for you for the long haul.

It was great to see you at Mass last weekend!

And please, God, Bless "brother Uno" today. Let him know both the outpouring or Your Love and the renewed vigor that only a transplant can give him! Be merciful, O Lord. Be swift. Continue also to hold Greg so close to your heart! Give him the strength to endure, the patience to wait and a sense of humor that will carry him the distance.

Peg Helminski <>
Woodbury, MN - Saturday, February 8, 2003 10:55 AM CST
Dear Father Greg,
I just returned from a week long retreat at the Visitation Monastery in St. Louis. The prayers were very good for me. God gives us the opportunity to walk through life holding someone's hand and not being alone. Sometimes that hand is a Sister, a Brother, a Priest, a family member, or a total stranger who holds our hand in Mass during the Lord's Prayer. I returned to see your photo beside my computer and realized that I have been holding your hand prayer. May you be healed with the love of God as soon as possible so you can return to spread his love among his people. Blessings and my prayers for the guy in front of you on the list and for you a timely and successful transplant.

Patricia Chamberlain
San Antonio, TX US - Friday, February 7, 2003 8:54 AM CST
Good Morning Greg,
It's 13 below zero and as I was walking into work this morning my eye's teared, because of the cold, and my tears froze. Interesting sensation. This sensation got me thinking, I know a dangerous thing to do, but I'm going to share my thoughts with you anyways. We sometimes loose sight, as I did with frozen tears, of where I was walking. I knew the direction I was headed, but it was hard to see. I thought of the many times I have lost sight of God's plan for me. We all need to pray for the warmth of God's love to "keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and running the race we all have started. Let us not loose sight of Jesus who leads us in our faith for the sake of the joy which is still in our future." Hebrews 12:2
At Mass last night Fr. Tom told us of a baby's death yesterday in her mother's womb. The babies name is Theresa, let all who read this pray for eternal rest for Theresa and for all babies in their mother's wombs that they may be safe.

Lynn Nolan <>
Woodbury, MN Washington - Friday, February 7, 2003 7:19 AM CST
Good Day Greg, As I sit here doing my treatment, you came to mind and were on my heart. Thank You Lord for this wonderful soul who encourages so many in his struggle. It is a day of feeling like CF has gotten the best of me today. A bit junky so I decided to stay home and take care of myself. Such a inner struggle when times like these come upon us as. I strive to be a "normie" whatever that is. Work,be a good wife/person, fulfill committments and focus on the positives. It is A DAY came to my mind, along with you have NOTHING to be whining about. Your name pierced my heart so I started to pray for you along with the person ahead of you to receive these organs and be well. I thank you for touching my life, for getting me outside of myself as I know I am best when serving others and their needs. God has your situation and mine in the palm of his hand. As I was reminded of this from the Holy Spirit he also said "Do not doubt as I AM and I can act SUDDENLY! Thank You Jesus!! May you receive His Peace, comfort, grace and mercy this day and for those to follow..
Kelly Schmidt <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Wednesday, February 5, 2003 11:57 AM CST
Just checking up on you. I may be far away but you're in my thoughts and prayers.
Laura Stokes

Laura Stokes <>
Pamplona, Navarra, Spain - Wednesday, February 5, 2003 2:23 AM CST
Dear Father Greg,
So glad to hook up to your website. We pray for you daily, and think about you as we attend usually 4:30 mass on Sat. It is wonderful to see you, but it is far better you stay away from all the "bugs" of winter.
Just a comment on your letter in last week's bulletin regarding the impending war. Many of us feel as you do about Pres. Bush's intent on going to war without support from the rest of the world. I have read many comments stating this is a smokescreen for the current economy mess. My 91 year old mother watched today the memorial for the astronauts of the Columbia. She said they indeed deserved all the attention because of their service and dedication to our country. She said she would like to ask Pres. Bush if the boys who are serving or will be sent to Iraq and will die will get special recognition and their faces shown to us on t.v. Will we get to know who the many are, and if they are fathers, mothers etc. You are right to endorse peace, especially when this war will lead to many innocent people killed.

Jan and Tim Mulcahy, mom is Helen McManus <janmul76@hotmail. com>
Minneapolis, Mn. - Tueday, February 4, 2003 10:21 PM CST
Dear Father Greg,
So glad to hook up to your website. We pray for you daily, and think about you as we attend usually 4:30 mass on Sat. It is wonderful to see you, but it is far better you stay away from all the "bugs" of winter.
Just a comment on your letter in last week's bulletin regarding the impending war. Many of us feel as you do about Pres. Bush's intent on going to war without support from the rest of the world. I have read many comments stating this is a smokescreen for the current economy mess. My 91 year old mother watched today the memorial for the astronauts of the Columbia. She said they indeed deserved all the attention because of their service and dedication to our country. She said she would like to ask Pres. Bush if the boys who are serving or will be sent to Iraq and will die will get special recognition and their faces shown to us on t.v. Will we get to know who the many are, and if they are fathers, mothers etc. You are right to endorse peace, especially when this war will lead to many innocent people killed.

Jan and Tim Mulcahy, mom is Helen McManus <janmul76@hotmail. com>
Minneapolis, Mn. - Tueday, February 4, 2003 10:15 PM CST
Hello Greg,
This is my first time to add my name and words to your guestbook. Ruth gave me the address. First I read some of your other messages, including a few from your dear Beth. If it hadn't been for her being in my life 30+ years ago, I wouldn't have gotten to know you and your family. Now my sweet little second grader/flowergirl is a teacher herself. Soon I shall come to St. Phillips, and see her too.
Each day I hold you up in prayer, asking God to hold you in whatever way it is possible to bring you healing. Peace, Rita Speltz

Rita Speltz <>
Mpls., MN USA - Tueday, February 4, 2003 8:08 PM CST
Dear Fr. Greg;
It has been far too long since we spoke. I am happy to find you doing well other than the obvious. Though we never quite saw eye-to-eye while I attended SJV I want you to know I have always respected you as a priest and enjoyed your ability to surround those you are with in a warm blanket of Christ.
I pray all goes right. Thank you for what you have given me.

James "JJ" Koehler <>
Wahoo, NE United States - Tueday, February 4, 2003 6:49 PM CST
Father Greg,
I am Emma's [from Scandia, MN]grandma. Emma is 5 and has cystic Fibrosis. She's a real trooper, but she still has cystic fibrosis and may be in your position some day. I'm going to do a letter writing campaign this week -- telling people that we're not asking for money right now -- just awareness of the importance of organ donor. Maybe our small letter writing campaign will help you. And of course, we are praying continually for you. We enjoyed your talk at the Gala. Did you hear how much money was raised? $238,000. Our God is an AWESOME God,isn't he? And we enjoyed your interview with Mary Jo that we saw at the day-long clinic. You are an inspiration.

Mary Mosbey <>
Lake Elmo, MN Washington - Sunday, February 2, 2003 9:55 PM CST
Dear Greg,

I've had a jolt of realization and decided that I am going at this prayer thing all wrong. How selfish of me to be praying for you to get YOUR transplants! (Besides, you have about a bazillion folks praying for you so you probably float through your good days anyway. Even the bad days have got to be better than a bad day without prayer support!) I will still pray for God to sustain you through your long wait with a continued outpouring of Love and Grace and unending Strength, but I have decided to attack heaven's gates on behalf of the guy who is number one on the list. Maybe this is taking so long simply because there are not enough folks praying for HIM--whoever he is. I promise to resume praying for your transplants just as soon as our brother, Numero Uno is blessed into health and renewed life.


Peg Helminski <>
Woodbury, MN USA - Sunday, February 2, 2003 1:09 PM CST
Was it just a couple of months ago that I was #8000 and now, here I am #14,600. Do you know how many times I had to access this website today to hit that number? Just kidding. No, really, I'm kidding. Good to see you today! Hope you got some good shut eye when you got home. See you at mass tomorrow. I promise to be on time.
Love and peace, Beth

Beth Tolaas <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Saturday, February 1, 2003 10:26 PM CST
dear greg- what an incredible number of people you have touched. these entries are amazing. i thought i would read through them in 20-30 minutes... well, 2 hours later i had read each and every one. i keep updated through the kelleys. so happy to hear that of late things seem to be going along without complications. praying that the tp comes quickly. you are in my thoughts and prayers always. i love the pictures, you havent changed a bit... and neither have i... :) love to you, francie.
francie crowley <>
concord, ma usa - Friday, January 31, 2003 at 08:25 PM (CST)
I'm sorry I haven't written here before, just know that I think of you so very often and hope that you are able to maintain that remarkable spirit and sense of humor that I so appreciate. I haven't seen you in such a long time and
hope that the 3rd annual wake for Ginny will be a possibility for all of us. I'm still trying to get to St.
Phillips and hear some of your inspirational words. We got
a new pastor - Fr. David Cotter from St. John's Abbey. He
is a true scholar and has been very interesting to listen
to. Unfortunately, I have to pay much closer attention
now and can't be scoping out the congregation.
Would love to see you sometime soon. Keep on keeping on. My love and admiration,

Bridgid O'Hara Hoppmann
- Friday, January 31, 2003 at 04:49 PM (CST)

I continue to pray the the TP surgery comes to you very soon and the God continue to hold you in the palm of his hand. Thanks again for being so real and sharing last Sunday. Look forward to seeing you this Sunday! I will try to be on time! :)Patrice

Patrice Henning <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Friday, January 31, 2003 at 11:55 AM (CST)
Hi Greg,
Just happy to see you at Mass and hear you sing every Sunday!

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) (extra smiles!)

Tim McCarron

Tim McCarron <>
Minneapolis, MN America - Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 09:33 PM (CST)
Hi Greg,
It was so good to talk to you the other day. We are looking forward to seeing you soon and want you to know that you are ever in our prayers and thoughts!
Love, Kris, Steve and Fitz

Kris Melloy <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 01:53 PM (CST)
Father Greg, Thank you for you from a fellow Northsider (I know you're from the other side of the river). My family always ask me how you are doing (somehow I'm affiliated with you by way of St. Thomas, the only time I ever seen you was at the senior pray mass in 97). I have snuck away from St. Austins for one of your masses from time to time with family members. I will always remember "with this cup comes hope, but you can not have hope with sacrifice" I now always drink for the cup! THANK YOU! and take care - Johnny

John Joyce <>
North Minneapolis, MN USA - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 09:37 AM (CST)
Greg - Thank you for being real - for being honest, open, loving, and kind - for taking the risk and summoning the strength and courage to repeatedly step out from behind the mask to stand up, speak out, and be counted! Your homilies so often remind me that we are all called to be true to ourselves, even when that may not be the popular or easy thing to do. If you didn't care for your congregation you wouldn't challenge us, and what a diservice that would be. Thank you for your holy disobedience that reminds me we're not unthinking, unfeeling clones on auto pilot! My prayer for you is for a continued and renewed patience as you await the transplants that will happen - to find new and inventive ways to let go and let God - and most of all for strength of mind, heart, body, and soul! Know that you're often in my thoughts . . . Peace! - Ann
Ann Shallbetter <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Monday, January 27, 2003 at 06:54 PM (CST)
Fr. Greg,
I must echo Beth's words entered on 1/26!! She expresses, SO VERY WELL, the thoughts of many of us in the congregation. A congregation that continues to grow and grow by leaps and bounds. I wonder Why!!!??!!!!
Thank you for your continuing inspiration. Love and Prayers,

Barb (& George Laurance)
Plymouth, MN - Monday, January 27, 2003 at 06:12 PM (CST)
Hi Fr. Greg!
Just wanted to send another warm wish to you from my family and the Parishioners here at Presentation who are praying for you daily. You give us much strength and hope in the Lord through your example of faith and courage.

Kay Mottaz/Church of the Presentation of the BVM <>
Maplewood, mn ramsey - Monday, January 27, 2003 at 02:34 PM (CST)
Hi Greg,
Continued thoughts and prayers are with you. I feel like a "Minnesotan" given our Ohio weather. Sounds (from reading the entries) that you are getting a lot of publicity. Great. For sure, they're inspiring stories. And, all are accompanied by prayers, I'll wager.
Take care.

Geraldine Nowak <>
Toledo, OH USA - Monday, January 27, 2003 at 12:19 PM (CST)
Dear Fr. Greg: I continue to hold you up in prayer every day and have put you on the prayer chain at my parish here in Eau Claire. As you know there are many prayers being said for you so many places. I thank God for the whole communion of saints both here on earth and above who offer their prayers on your behalf. All blessings this day and always dear brother. Your Anglican/Episcopal brother + Ron
Ron Hall
Eau Claire, WI Eau Claire - Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 08:34 PM (CST)
Dear Greg: When we keep on keeping on, God's grace flows through us to others. Please know that if you are so dearly loved by so many, how much more God your father loves you. You are goodness walking among us, and God knows it. Don't despair! We love you. You're our hero!
Love, Donna

Donna Montgomery <>
Edina, MN Hennepin - Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 07:26 PM (CST)
I just wanted to take a minute to thank you! Thank you for being so open and honest today during your homily about how you were feeling, both spiritually and physically. Thank you for your commmitment to fighting the good fight EACH day when I know it's a hellish road even on a good day. Thank you for your commitment to PEACE and challenging us, all of us - family, friends, and parishioners - to take a stand against war. But mostly, thank you for just being you and for sharing that amazing you with all of us. I love you bro!

Beth Tolaas <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 07:10 PM (CST)
Hi Father Greg!
You don't know me, but I read about you in a Hill-Murray publication. I read your journal entry of 12/20. It reminded me so much of my mother. My Mom was a double amputee (in a wheelchair) and would comment sometimes as I helped out at my parents' home about how she couldn't do things any more. I reminded her as I'll remind you that what we do in this world is always important. My Mom would sit and read to my young daughter and spend time talking to her and answering questions. My daughter will never forget that. You spend time thinking and praying--for you, for us, for peace in the world. You take time to write and share your jouney and thoughts with us. I love reading what you write. It makes me think about what I do in this world. Always remember your journal entries are important to all of us!
As we say our mealtime prayers we always pray for those in need of our prayers--including you! I teach second grade and we also pray for you and you know that God listens to the little ones. Take care! We will be praying for you!

Trudee Kelly <>
North St. Paul, Mn Ramsey - Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 06:24 PM (CST)
Still thinking about and praying for you. That #2 will be #1 and then home soon! Thanks for the letter in the Catholic Spirit. You expressed well the fallacy of those living in fear in the Church.

Fr. Michael J. Kennedy <>
Oak Grove, MN USA - Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 06:03 PM (CST)
Fr. Greg,
I read about you in Touchstone and wanted to let you know my prayers are with you. I believe in the power of God to heal because I have seen it work many times. Just recently I saw God bring back my mother from the throes of death. She is still healing but I know God is in control. He has been my source of strength. May God bless you with a healing also.

Michael OFM

Michael Blackburn OFM <>
Las Vegas, Nv USA - Saturday, January 25, 2003 at 11:26 PM (CST)
Father Greg Tolaas, remember me? I too caught your story in the class notes of the Hill Murray Today Publication. My children have, do and will be attending there also. I have to say I first heard your name mentioned a few times over the last couple of years by one of my favorite preachers and teachers Pastor John Straiton, I believe you know him as well. I remembered you having CF from our grade school days, but just heard of the other problems. I very much enjoyed your journaling and your sense of humor. I think of you often and pray for you often. God's peace and love to you. Mary
Mary (Ferguson) Post <>
White Bear Lake, MN USA - Friday, January 24, 2003 at 08:38 PM (CST)
Kelly Schmidt - Thank you so so much for your words on worship. I really needed this encouragement this morning. It was an answer to prayer. Please let me add: Zech 4:6 "Not by might, nor by power, but by MY Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts." Amen.

And Greg - thanks for letting me use your guestbook to communicate with your friends. ( Didn't mean to leave you out. ) Still checking on you each day, as I said I would. And still praying, still trusting, still watching to see what good thing the Lord has in store for you.

Nancy Esboldt <>
- Friday, January 24, 2003 at 09:10 AM (CST)
Greg, here is another person from your past who is praying for you. I saw your website in a Hill-Murray publication and in Touchstone from NFPC.
Mike Barrett
Indianapolis, IN USA - Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 09:30 PM (CST)
Greg, thank you for your current contribution to the "Catholic Spirit" about the limits of the metaphor of bridegroom and bride to restrict the role of women in ministry. To use a metaphor, you nailed it!
Mike Tegeder <>
Bloomington, MN USA - Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 12:09 PM (CST)
Father Greg - Keep that wonderful faith of yours going. Our
daughter waited 3 1/2 years for her kidney and I honestly had many doubtful moments. She was patient while I vented!
We continue to pray for you, as I know your day will also
come and you will indeed look forward to surgery!

Marlene Kohn (Sally Hawkins sister)
Plymouth, MN Hennepin - Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 09:14 AM (CST)
Greg, A reading from this morning, thought you would enjoy! God is soooo wonderful, how blessed are we who walk in him!
CLAIM YOUR VICTORY GREG, it is there for you!
...Be not afraid or dismayed at this great multitude; for The Battle IS NOT YOURS,but GOD"S.
—2 Chronicles 20:15
Are you struggling with issues in your life, and frustrated because you never get a breakthrough no matter what you do? YOU WILL NEVER WIN IF YOU ARE FIGHTING YOUR OWN BATTLES.


Perhaps you are in a circumstance right now and you need to HEAR GOD SAY, THE BATTLES NOT YOURS BUT MINE!

WORSHIP IS A BATTLE POSITION! As we worship God for Who He is and for His attributes, those attributes are RELEASED in our lives.

WORSHIP GOD for His ability and might, and you will see them RELEASED on your behalf.

Try bowing down a few times a day and giving thanks. Just be sure your heart is in what you are doing. Working formulas or entering into "dead works" never produces anything of value.

I am sure your heart frequently fills up with love and worship for God. If you are not already doing so, TAKE AN EXTRA STEP and add some OUTWARD ACTION to your heart attitude.

FOLLOW GOD"S BATTLE PLAN. It is enjoyable, unique, and effective. Praise and worship confuse the enemy.(THANK YOU JESUS) Take your position, and you will see the enemy's defeat.

Do This:
BOW before GOD andTHANK Him for His goodness and mercy. WORSHIP HIM for Who He is, not just for what you need from Him.

Kelly Schmidt (Winans) <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 08:10 AM (CST)
Greg, I know the feeling of exhaustion and the waiting game just to feel better some days. God will prevail, he has restored and healed me in Jesus names numerous times. We never know which side the healing will come earth or heaven, however keep the faith as God has a plan. Continue to rest in him, let him be your strength. Just saying the name of Jesus gets me through the troubling times of the cf life, a peace that surpasses all understanding covers me and I know that he will do the same for you. May God bless you in this season of your life and remember all seasons change!
Kelly Schmidt (Winans) <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 07:49 AM (CST)
Hi Father Greg,
As a UST alumni now living in California, I always ask my sister to keep me updated if there is any word on you in the Catholic Spirit. I think of you often and especially in January when I remember the 3 weeks spent volunteering with you in Jamaica in '91. I also think of you at mass and long for the days of 5 pm Saturday night mass at UST. Whenever I leave mass and feel like I've been less than challenged by the sermon, I think back to a few of your sermons. There are several favorites, but the one I always come back to was about living a LJW life (Loving, Just and Wise). Hang in there! Jean Cibuzar

Jean Cibuzar <>
Palo Alto, CA US - Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 07:10 PM (CST)
Hi Father Greg,
You don't know me. I am a H-M alum from 1973. I am sorry that I didn't know you in high school. From reading all these entries it sounds like you are quite an amazing person. I have read about you in the H-M newsletters and most recently, a request for prayers was in our local church bulletin here in Hutchinson. I wanted you to know that you are indeed in my thoughts and prayers.
I received a cornea transplant when I was 14 so I know how hard the waiting can be. Please be strong and hang in there.


Linda (Blomgren) James <>
Hutchinson, Mn - Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 12:43 PM (CST)
Dear Fr. Greg, A couple weeks ago I wrote our parishioners at Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Minneapolis to have them remember you in their prayers; yet, I could hear our pastor's voice speaking to my heart even while I wrote. He said this - "He is praying for us." If I can ever follow your example, if I can find God's love through all my difficulties, if I can put service above self, if I can hear God's call, and see him in others, then I am truly blessed and that will be a part of my prayer for you.
Judy Schletty <>
Mpls, MN - Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 11:34 PM (CST)
Dear Father Greg,

I cannot tell you how many times I think of you and your fight to stay alive, with CF looming in the background. I remember at my daughter Michelle's death, the strength you gave our family. It will be eight years on Wednesday, January 23 that you came to the hospital and stood by her side after she left this world. I know she knew you were there. I remember you getting together with the family to talk about Shellie and her life, her friends and her great disposition. I will never forget the homily you gave about how she fought the good fight and finished the race. I guess God wants you to keep fighting and not finish the race yet. He must have more people for you to help out, just as you stood by us when we lost Shellie, and our good little friend Angela Mogren and the countless other kids we had to watch suffer from CF. The young people you touched at St. Thomas and now your parishioners at St. Phillips are hoping and praying for those transplants, as am I. Thank you for being such a great teacher, and example to all of us on how to carry on our every day lives. It puts a quite different perspective on life when you live with CF. Little problems are not so big, because there are too many overwhelming ones and you learn to deal with them. How can something little bother you when you are looking for a heart or a pair of lungs. I hope God answers your prayers and those of a lot of people and you get the transplants you need to keep going. Sounds a little selfish on my part, but I know the sacrifices you have made to help families through the worst time in their lives and I don't want your work to stop. On the other hand, God is slowing you down some, so he must have a plan. If only we could help someone by taking on a little of their pain. I know you have done that for many. Our love and prayers are with you always. I will pray for you.

Jeanne, Bill, Cindy, Patty and Billy Todd

Jeanne Todd <>
Maplewood, , MN - Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 01:35 PM (CST)
Dear Father Greg,

I cannot tell you how many times I think of you and your fight to stay alive, with CF looming in the background. I remember at my daughter Michelle's death, the strength you gave our family. It will be eight years on Wednesday, January 23 that you came to the hospital and stood by her side after she left this world. I know she knew you were there. I remember you getting together with the family to talk about Shellie and her life, her friends and her great disposition. I will never forget the homily you gave about how she fought the good fight and finished the race. I guess God wants you to keep fighting and not finish the race yet. He must have more people for you to help out, just as you stood by us when we lost Shellie, and our good little friend Angela Mogren and the countless other kids we had to watch suffer from CF. The young people you touched at St. Thomas and now your parishioner at St. Phillips are hoping and praying for those transplants, as am I. Thank you for being such a great teacher, and example to all of us on how to carry on our every day lives. It puts a quite different perspective on life when you live with CF. Little problems are not so big, because there are too many overwhelming ones and you learn to deal with them. How can something little bother you when you are looking for a heart or a pair of lungs. I hope God answers your prayers and those of a lot of people and you get the transplants you need to keep going. Sounds a little selfish on my part, but I know the sacrifices you have made to help families through the worst time in their lives and I don't want your work to stop. On the other hand, God is slowing you down some, so he must have a plan. If only we could help someone by taking on a little of their pain. I know you have done that for many. Our love and prayers are with you always. I will pray for you.

Jeanne, Bill, Cindy, Patty and Billy Todd

Jeanne Todd <>
Maplewood, , MN - Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 01:34 PM (CST)
Fr. Greg,

I read about your health difficulties in the Federation of Priests' Council's newsletter (don't worry, the Church hasn't gotten crazy enough to ordain me - yet :) - it's my boss's copy). Please know of my prayers for you, for a successful transplant and a speedy recovery. May Christ continue to guide and sustain you!

Tim Ferguson (SJV class of 1989 - sheesh, I'm old!) <>
San Francisco, CA USA - Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 12:30 PM (CST)
Dear Greg,
My prayers and Love are being sent to you. I think of you often and feel so thankful for your faithful presence in my life.
Love, Mary

Mary Lukas Pierce <>
St paul, mn. Ramsey - Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 10:33 AM (CST)
Hi, Greg, Just took time to read all your friends' comments on this website. It's so inspiring to spend time in the early morning doing that. Yesterday I was blessed with great talks on public radio from and about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I would have loved to have heard yours also. Do you know that I was there in the Riverside Church in N.Y. when he denounced military action in Vietnam that April 4, 1967. I didn't even realize the greatness of his witness at that time; I remember being more excited about meeting Rabbi Heschel who was there with him. I can still see the 3 (can't recall the other man on the panel) coming down the center aisle at the end. I also didn' t realize until yesterday that it was exactly one year later, April 4, 1968 that he was assassinated. If you have time and strength to read, get the Jan/Feb issue of THE OTHER SIDE. The entire issue is on his journey and mission. Really great. You know how continually you are in my prayers.
Love, Mary Jude

Sister Mary Jude, OSU <>
Frontenac, MN - Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 06:29 AM (CST)
Dear Greg: It was so good to have you with the College folks at the MLK breakfast. You are one of the prophets of today...your courage and your words help keep us all focused on what we must do to create 'the beloved community' in our time. God blesses us with the gift of you...may you be blessed with strength and light and a continued prophetic voice of peace. with love, Anne
Anne Weyandt <>
Oakdale, MN - Monday, January 20, 2003 at 09:45 PM (CST)
Hi father greg:
of late we have missed your dynamic sermons. however i am feeling blessed by this page as you continue your work right here!!!! i am printing your last couple of entries and sending them to my mom (ann hardegger), who asks about you every time i call. your one encounter with her has left a lifelong impression. in their little community in south dakota they have a very fine priest from India. He is however very difficult to understand, and she leaves masses frustrated that she has not taken much from the sermon. I told her i would print your pages and she can get additional words of wisdom and spirituality from you. Thank you much for reaching out.
Hoping the TP comes soon too and hoping today is a good day.
JoAnn and co.

JoAnn Hardegger <>
Somerset, WI 54025 - Monday, January 20, 2003 at 06:11 AM (CST)
Dear Greg: Martin Luther King would have been proud to have you on his team! Great homily, as usual. Feel sorry for your friends who aren't parishioners and miss your dynamite Masses. You need to be published! (Where have I heard that before?)
Donna Montgomery <>
Edina, MN Hennepin - Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 11:10 PM (CST)
Dear Greg,
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Here's hoping and praying that 2003 is your year for renewed health and energy. Thanks for sharing your journey with us though these entries. It is an inspiration to me to keep working to focus on what's really important in our lives.
Peace, Jocelyn

Jocelyn Vyhanek <>
New Hope, MN Hennepin - Friday, January 17, 2003 at 02:46 PM (CST)
Just checking in to say "hello" and to let you know you are in my prayers.
Mavis Hawkins <>
Maplewood, MN USA - Friday, January 17, 2003 at 12:35 PM (CST)
As we all pray for Father Greg, please also pray for those considering donating their loved ones organs and for those who have yet to declare themselves as organ donors. As a recipient of a double lung transplant in April 2002, I can tell you all that life on the other side of organ transplant is so much better. Please consider declaring your intention to be an organ donor on your driver's license. You can make a real impact on many lives by this simple act. I pray Father Greg's transplants will be soon and recovery speedy.
Sherol Dubiel <>
Champlin, MN USA - Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 05:56 PM (CST)
Dear Greg, I just ran across your Grow's story about you. Sorry you have so much pain and suffering to endure. You are an inspiration to me. I promise to pray for you daily. Our family is great. Chuck is terrific. Tom is married with 4 daughters (8 - 3 years old), Stephanie is married to a fellow she met at Franciscan Univ. and has two daughters (2 1/2 and 9 months). Sarah just completed her semester in Austria at Franciscan U and Kate (you baptized her) graduates from Trinity in June and is entering Fran U in the fall. I am DRE at the Shakopee parishes. God has been very good to us. You have been a great blessing in our lives. We hold you in our hearts and prayers. Love, Mary Luxem
Mary Luxem <>
Bloomington, MN USA - Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 11:35 AM (CST)
Dear Greg: Jim Winterer and I here in UST's News Service think of you often and keep praying for you. You're an inspiration to us! While we miss you so much here at St. Thomas, we think God wanted to share you a bit. As we've watched your journey touch so many others, we know He was, as always, right. We thank Him for the gift of you. Here's to a good day today!
Pat Sirek <>
West St. Paul, MN USA - Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 11:07 AM (CST)
Dear friend, Greg--
Only two weeks ago Jillian was home for the holidays and we were in a conversation re: CF. Mike and I talked about you and told her how well you were doing as a "senior" with CF. A few short days later we had dinner with Coffeys and Vyhaneks and learned of this turn in your health. I am stunned, saddened, and truly inspired by this point in the journey and website. Our prayers for your continued well being are constant; our belief in you and in the sustaining grace that will be given to you is just as hearty! I hope your spirits are lightened by the blue skies of January and the bright sunny days, despite this cold snap. We are well at our house with a house addition finally complete (construction is always over time and over budget!), Jillian in her senior year at St. Ben's/St. John's. She's heading off to graduate school next year for a doctoral program in physical therapy. It's a great match for her and she's rather enjoying the application/interview process for grad schools. We can't believe how these years with her have sped by. We have, however, come to know and enjoy the quiet twosome in our house. UST days are good and I love being on the Mpls campus. The skyway sysem keeps me walking and shopping! On a deeper level---As I read your Christmas and Epiphany messages I am struck by your ability to see beyond your current experience and to stir us to do the same. You are and always will be a teacher!

With great care,
Carole Koch

Carole Koch <>
White Bear Lake, MN USA - Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 10:22 AM (CST)
Greg, you continue to be an inspiration and a sign of hope. Thanks for sharing so openly. My brother Joe in Minneapolis told me of your online journal and the newspaper articles. You are in our prayers.--John
John Witchger <>
Omaha, NE USA - Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 10:17 AM (CST)
Hope all is well. I will keep a prayer for you in my heart.
Tony Wolf SJV 88-92

Anthony Wolf <>
Marshfield, WI USA - Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 09:29 AM (CST)

NORTH ST.PAUL, MN USA - Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 07:34 PM (CST)
Hi Greg: I read and hear about you every so often and finally, the web site printed in the NFPC Touchstone. I read your most recent entry and find the same great man who I schooled with in the late 70's. My spirits were always lifted up by you--we had some great times. I am well, pastoring a big parish--just finished (one yr. ago) a new church for Fremont. Lordemann was pastor here before me. 2000 families and who's counting. I find my life ever full and ever filled with challenges. But the people are great. My latest effort to help my church be a better church through all this sexual abuse stuff--was volunteering to be on our Review Board. 11 people, lots of great experienced lay people and me, the one priest. I will learn a lot. Well, God bless and may Mary hold you well while you wait for that transplant. Peace. Owen Korte
Fr. Owen W. Korte <>
Fremont, NE USA - Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 04:04 PM (CST)
Jan. 15, 2003

Dear Fr. Greg,

I'm so glad to have found you and please know that you are in my prayers and on our parish prayer line her at St Mary's. I spoke with John Leblanc and we touched on some things but I'm so glad I can e mail you and keep up on your progress. I pray that all will be good for you and your parish. All is well with me and wow so much to tell you!!!! The Lord, has been good to me! Many changes and yes tons of music in my life!! I'm sending you and John photos of my family ie my wife Nikki, who I met @ the U of Minnesota school of music and married in '92 @ Grace Church of Edina. Nikki went thru RCIA in '94 and we were married @ Blessed Sacarment Church in Burton, MI in '96. We have two boys Dominick who we named after Dominick Argento from the Minnesota school of music. Dom is in the 3rd grade at st mary's. and last Ethan who is in the 1st grade. The are awesome, musical, happy and good boys. They play all day long with legos and and army toys.

We live in Flushing, Michigan near my parents home. All my 13 brothers and sisters are doing great! Me, John, & Reauben have fronted and awesome band Called FLY" We play all over and yes we are doing very well with 6 guys and many dates all over the East Coast. Our web Site is: We are creating a new site so it should be up and running soon. You will be able to down load our cd, songs, music which ive written and bios live digital video.

Enjoy the site and know that I will send you a cd of my music and the band cd or demo. We will be in Ft Wayne, Indiana this weekend and florida key west and destin in February.

Well greg so much info and not enough time in a day! Ihope we can talk soon!!
You were always good to me and I have always thought of you!! I will continue to pray for you!!

Musically Yours,

Eduardo Guerra

5235 North McKinley Road
Flushing,MI 48433
w-810-686-3920 (St Mary's)

P.S. I'm having lunch on Wednesday with Fr J. Munley. Do you remember J.?? Be Good!


Eduardo R. Guerra <>
Flushing, MI USA - Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 12:48 PM (CST)
Dear Father Greg, My niece, Sue Lamb, gave me your Website info and asked for prayers for you. Know that you are on our parish prayer chain and on my personal prayer list. My favorite prayer while going through chemo a few years ago was: Protect us from all useless worry and anxiety! It helped me keep things in perspective. I pray that you feel God's healing comfort and peace as you wait.

Catherine Dowling <>
Plainfield, IL USA - Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 07:33 PM (CST)
Praying for you. You're an inspiration.
God Bless.

Lisa Chatterson
Grand Rapids, MI USA - Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 03:14 PM (CST)
Interesting article by a TP survivor (Charlie Tolchin) in the online version of the NY Times today in the Health section. Keeping you in our prayers. Jane & John Kadlec (new parishioners).
John Kadlec <>
Minneapolis, MN - Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 01:09 PM (CST)
Dear Fr. Greg,
I finally made it too your web page! It is great to read/listen to your words. I know we don't get to chat all that much, but just seeing you gives me great joy. You are in my prayers as always!

Josh Mogren (Fellow Fighter) :-)
North St. Paul, MN USA - Monday, January 13, 2003 at 12:25 AM (CST)
Hello Fr. Greg,
I don't know you and I have never met you, I just read your story in Doug Grow's column and wanted to just write and say that I pray to God that this New Year will bring the miracle of healing to you so you may continue ministering the words and love of our Lord Jesus Christ to all your friends, family and every person whom you touch with your spirit. God bless you and grant you all the health you deserve.

Vera S. Maalouf

Vera S. Maalouf <>
- Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 10:52 PM (CST)
Dear Fr. Greg: All blessings on this beautiful albeit cold day. I remembered you in prayer at Mass this morning and pray you are having a good day. May you feel our Lord by your side in the good days and in the not so good ones. Peace dear brother! Your Anglican/Episcopal brother + Ron
Ron Hall
Eau Claire, WI Eau Claire - Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 02:33 PM (CST)
Good to read the note from your grade school teacher. I remember my 5th grade teacher at St. Columba (Mrs. Boland) tried to direct us all towards holiness too. Every day she'd write a prayer like this on the board before our assignments. "Lord, in this new year, give me the grace to live in response to the simple truth of your love and care for me." My sister Mary Pat Gibbs & husband, Bill, are going to their Aunt Bess Ruffenach's 99th birthday today. Aunt Bess moved into an assisted living apt. but was a long time member of St. Philip's parish. I know they will greet her for you.
Judy Schletty
Minneapolis, MN - Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 11:10 AM (CST)
Dear Greg,
How good to see a new photo in your album -- I love that one with the little children but always like to see Kelly getting a big hug too. Thank God for some days that are somewhat better; may they increase. I am in retreat this weekend, so that means even more prayers for you. Love, Mary Jude

Sr. Mary Jude Jun, OSU <>
Frontenac, MN - Saturday, January 11, 2003 at 06:26 AM (CST)
Gregor, greetings from Dallas. It was good to hear that today was a better day for you. I know they are few and far between. As you know Korman was here for Christmas, we had a brief review of "what we learned this year." We missed your participation, although, with this web page, you constantly let us in on what is evolving in your life. I pray for you daily. It's become my special time of day. Know that your room is always ready. Fear not.

Steve Koller

Steve Koller <>
Dallas, TX USA - Friday, January 10, 2003 at 05:31 PM (CST)
Dear Greg,
Good to hear you are having a somewhat better day today. I think of you often and continue to pray for you. I noticed more neighbors from M. of M. in your guestbook. Please add my mother to your prayers. It's been a long year, a very good year actually, but she will leave us at any time now.

Shirley LaCroix <>
St Paul, MN - Friday, January 10, 2003 at 01:58 PM (CST)
Fr Greg -
We are thinking of you and want you to know that you are in our daily prayers.
Ted and Therese Cyptar

Ted and Therese Cyptar
St. Paul, MN USA - Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 12:01 PM (CST)
Hi Greg, looking forward to seeing you at Emma's baptism on Jan 26th. You are in our prayers, please remember us in yours. God Bless, Mike, Michele, Jack & Frank Donahue
Mike Donahue <>
Stoughton, wi usa - Wednesday, January 08, 2003 at 07:12 PM (CST)
Greg, I read the article in the STRIB about you. After I read it, I told myself that I had to visit that site and tell you that Tony and I have thought about you often and prayed for you as well.

We were at Koch's house having dinner with Bo and Jocelyn and your name came up again. Bo said he would send the web address to us, and today, I received an e-mail from my brother Dan Masica and his wife Marian giving me your web address. So here I am signing the guest book and marveling at the wonders of the internet!

I read your entry for January 1, 2003 and am amazed at your outward look at the world. It would be so easy to focus on your condition right now, but instead you give us your reflections on what you will do, to others, in the new year.

You can reflect on the wonderful gift of you and know that you inspire those of us who listen to the Word and see it present in you.

I am hoping that your days are comfortable and that you will be able to take those walks.

Love and prayers,
Bonnie Coffey

Bonnie Coffey <>
Anoka, MN USA - Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 01:55 PM (CST)
Dearest Greg, WOW how cool is this to have your own website complete with darling pictures of you!!! You have been in my thoughts and prayers since returning to MN over Christmas when I heard you were up for transplants and going through so many other medical procedures. As my husband often says, you're suddenly a member of a club you did not choose to join. YUCK!!! But Greg, you have survived soooo much already, remember French classes? Bonjour Guy, ca va? Pas mal et toi??? That is all I remember! Mon dieux!!! I'd best go no further or I will embarass myself. Greg, my best to you, one day at a time, one walk at a time, one good deep breath at a time. Know that you are so loved, have been so loved and will continue to be so loved. Mag Klein Galland

Mag Klein Galland <>
Durango, CO USA - Monday, January 06, 2003 at 05:06 PM (CST)
Father Greg, You married Jeff and I in 1985 at St. Richards. We have kept track of you through OLG. Our prayers are with you always. Jeff and Ginni Anderson
Ginni Anderson <>
Edina, MN 55435 - Monday, January 06, 2003 at 03:26 PM (CST)

We had dinner with Mike and Carole the other night along with Tony and Bonnie Coffey. We all said a prayer for you and I passed along your site address to them today. I see that the Holidays brought a chance to celebrate, as always, the gift that God has given all of us, His son. I am sure that the voices in song eminating from your church walls during the liturgies rattled the windows upstairs with a sweet sound. I think of you often and I am in your neighborhood for work frequently, maybe I'll disturb your peace sometime with some of my reflections on the art of raising three daughters!!!!

Take care. Love, Bo

Paul Vyhanek <>
New Hope, MN Henn - Monday, January 06, 2003 at 02:46 PM (CST)
How good to know that you have such a wonderful support network and are so supportive in return! It isn't often that a teacher can boast of her former student as being a "real success", for truly your success lies in the fact that you have put God first in your life, through all the circumstances that have been put in your path. You have given great service to others in your years of priesthood and ministry to the People of God.
Now it is time for God to repay your efforts with this transplant that you need so desperately. Know that you are in the hearts and prayers of all of us who know you and have been fortunate to have you crossed our path of life at some point. Be yourself!
We are proud of you!
Sister Myra, OSF/S
PS Never did get famous with those guitar lessons YOU
gave ME! What wonderful memories of that summer at Pres!

Sister Myra <>
Toledo, OH Lucas - Monday, January 06, 2003 at 02:12 PM (CST)
Greg, mom sent me your web page. It was good to hear you still challenging will remain in our prayers.
Tim Bruins <>
St. Louis, MO USA - Monday, January 06, 2003 at 08:51 AM (CST)
Fr. Greg,
Thanks for the inspiring entry on the never cease to amaze me. I'm hoping 2003 is YOUR year. (and I hope that when you are reading this, you have already had your walk...otherwise, maybe you should turn the computer off and hit the pavement!!)Take care. You are in our prayers.

Martha Conners <>
St. Paul, - Monday, January 06, 2003 at 08:39 AM (CST)
Father Greg,
I heard about this website in a very odd way (the supervisor at Lifetime Fitness saw me wearing my St. Richard's t-shirt, and told me about this website!), but nonethless, I knew I had to write to say hi, and to let you know that my family and I have been praying for your health and happiness!

My parents are fine, they live only about 1 mile from St. Richard's now, and my own family and I live in Burnsville, but still commute to St. Richard's every week....we have 2 kids now, 8 and 5 years old.

We wish you a Happy NEW Year, and ask you to please keep us in your prayers as well...3 of us have lost our jobs this past year!

Keep up your spirit,

Nancy E. Halvorson Peralta <>
Burnsville, MN United States - Sunday, January 05, 2003 at 09:39 PM (CST)
Hi Greg! We have been keeping up with you on your web site and have been keeping other family members informed as to how you are doing. There is no doubt you are having a tough year but as you know, there are a lot of people who love and care about you and continuously pray for you. We've been very busy here and, of course, with the holidays, it just gets crazy but you are never forgotten. We may not always write, but you are always in our thoughts and prayers. We saw the article about you in the Minneapolis paper, cut it out, and brought it for the whole family to read on Christmas day. We have been telling people at church and other friends about you and have been asking them to join in prayer for you. There are a lot of people pulling for you!!!

With all our love always,
Charlene, Carrie, and Brian Maly

Charlene, Carrie, and Brian Maly <>
Coon Rapids, MN US - Saturday, January 04, 2003 at 06:58 PM (CST)
Dear Greg, a friend sent me your web page address. I am sorry to hear of this last year's struggles. I wanted to thank you for the very kind act of calling me long distance just to let me know you appreciated me as your second grade teacher! Needless to say I was floored by the call and touched by that generous gesture. It is clear from that call, and all of the E-mails that you have received that you have touched many lives and made a difference to them. You still touch many lives! Your open and honest struggle to keep your equilibrium in the face of all of your pain and setbacks is teaching others that it is quite human to hope and despair and struggle to maintain patience and faith. I'm sure that many people are very greatful for your honesty and are comforted to know they're not alone in their own suffering and questioning. Perhaps that is what God intended for this time in your ministry.
I remember a very talkative, enthusiastic, sweet boy of seven and at that time wondered if you would be alive at 14. (In those days the life expectancy was much shorter). Certainly God did have other plans for you! I loved having you in my classroom and remember you quite well. I can still see that boy in the current photos of you. Thank you for reconnecting. Teachers don't usually hear back from second graders-just because the children may only remember vaguely if at all- (Especially, if like me, they move far away and never return.) I loved our phone conversation and will always remember it, not only for the delight of finding out how you were but the thoughtfulness and time you took out of your schedule to make the call. I'm a counselor now who works in a primary school with kindergarten through second graders. I don't presume they'll remember me but I have to believe that having someone who can love them unconditionally even for a brief time, and try to teach them to cope with the (often) very difficult things they have to deal with will have some impact. (It's my "planting the seed" theory). I think that is what you have done over your lifetime. For many, you have had a huge impact (judging simply from the E-mails I read) and for thousands of others you may have simply "planted the seed" that they are worthy of love and caring. What a gift you have given them. My prayers are added to the many to continue to find the strength and patience to deal with whatever comes. Margaret (Midge) Wiggins Kerlan

Midge Kerlan <JKerlan @>
Geneva, , NY USA - Saturday, January 04, 2003 at 07:09 AM (CST)
Dear Greg, May this new year bring you the love of God continually manifested in the love others have for you. Each time I read througth these wonderful entries, I feel energized and grateful for your ministries throughout the years and all the people you have touched. God is good and may that love of God continue to shine through you in 2003, and may the peace that only God can give be sent to our wounded world as we work together for justice. My prayers for you continue as always -- earnestly, daily, lovingly
Mary Jude, OSU

Sr. Mary Jude, OSU <>
Frontenac, MN - Saturday, January 04, 2003 at 06:59 AM (CST)
Thanks for 'filling' us all up with your inspired challenges and loving ways Greg! Your Sunday words of wisdom and calls for action are very much missed in our lives now that we live 'rural' to St. Philips. However, our prayers are with you and we treasure that much more the times we see and hear you! Take good care Greg!
Tifani and Terry Luschen
Darwin, MN USA - Friday, January 03, 2003 at 10:15 AM (CST)
Hi Greg,
Once again I've been up for a while praying, reflecting and listening to our Lord. I was also begging for sleep at 1:30 since I get up at 4:15 for work and didn't get to bed until 10:30. Sleep didn't come because He was answering previous prayers. God is not an 8:00 to 4:30 God! He is there 24/7! How did you sleep last night?
I've also started to pray and reflect on the rich Mysteries of the Rosary for you. We sometimes forget of the great power and love our Blessed Virgin has for us. Mary is loving, compassionate, and faithful to those who seek her.
May you be specially blessed today and always in Jesus name I pray - AMEN!!!!

Lynn Oestreich Nolan <>
Woodbury, MN Washington - Friday, January 03, 2003 at 06:18 AM (CST)
Just want you to know that I wish you a Happy New Year. May it be filled with good health and your much needed transplants!

Laura Stokes <>
Pamplona, Navarra Spain - Thursday, January 02, 2003 at 02:57 AM (CST)
Dear Fr. Greg: Greetings in this New Year which God has given us. I just read your latest journal entry and was very moved by the things you said. I pray that we may all be better able to set aside ourselves in 2003, with God's help, to be better servants for our Lord in the world. Our Book of Common Prayer contains the following Prayer for the Human Family: O God, you made us in your own image and redeemed us through Jesus your Son: Look with compassion on the whole human family; take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; unite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish your purposes on earth; that, in your good time, all nations and races may serve you in harmony around your heavenly throne; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. You will be in my daily prayers throughout the year dear brother. Your Anglican/Episcopal brother, + Ron
Ron Hall
Eau Claire, WI Eau Claire - Wednesday, January 01, 2003 at 08:52 PM (CST)
Ted, Muriel, Pat and I are reading your web page and
thinking about you and will play a game of cards for
you and add a little prayer. Take care, We love you.
The Rileys and Donahues.

Pat and Helen Donahue
- Wednesday, January 01, 2003 at 05:12 PM (CST)
Hi Greg! I just want to wish you a happy and joyous New Year. It was great seeing you at mass and we will try to visit again real soon. Peg and I are always thinking about you and you have a special place in our hearts. I'm proud to call you my friend. I love you, Bernie. P.S. Notice I did'nt say "love ya!.."
Bernie Flicek <>
Maplewood, MN Ramsey - Tuesday, December 31, 2002 at 03:44 PM (CST)
Greg--I appreciate your patience in prayer and I'll try to have some too --- now I'm reminding our Father to hurry for you and yelling at Him a bit. Please know that as much as we can, our St. Patrick's family walks with you. You really are loved!
Your brother, Michael: Fr. Michael J. Kennedy

Michael J. Kennedy <>
Oak Grove, MN USA - Monday, December 30, 2002 at 08:08 PM (CST)
Greg- I am so happy that you were feeling well enough to attend our Christmas party! It was great to see you. I know that you have a very strong support system (especially judging by the level of kind words and hopeful messages on this page!). I guess I have always assumed that you have plenty of help, but I realized that I have never officially offered. So, PLEASE if you need anything, just ask. Whether you need someone to run errands, deliver a meal, or clean your toilet, I'm your girl!! I would just love to be of help in whatever way that I can. I will be in touch soon. Love, Noelle
Noelle Bell <>
Houlton, WI - Monday, December 30, 2002 at 03:10 PM (CST)
Dear Greg:

Couldn't let this week go by without thanking you for the beautiful Christmas week Masses. People with healthy lungs couldn't have praised God in song as well as you did. What a blessing you are to so many. Wanted to let you know how meaningful you made the Mass to all our visiting children, too. God must be NUTS about you!!!

Love, Donna

Donna Montgomery
Edina, MN USA - Monday, December 30, 2002 at 01:28 PM (CST)
Mike and I were so thankful to be with you in worship yesterday. I always love to hear you sing. I am sorry that it took 5 years. We will be back--soon. I still remember sitting at your kitchen table at UST trying to figure out Campus Ministry's budget. Oh, you were so generous with me!!!! Greg, Mike and I carry you in our hearts and pray for your healing.

Carol Strandquist,

Carol Strandquist
Roseville, MN USA - Monday, December 30, 2002 at 11:32 AM (CST)
When our baby was born premature last year someone told me she was praying for patience for me. I thought that was pretty naive. Patience was the last thing I needed – I needed my son to get well. Patience felt like giving in to what should never have happened in the first place. But she was right. When I think of you I am reminded to be patient.

I’ll add patience to my prayers for you, too. The organs can’t possibly come too soon – but until they do (and even when they do) - patience might come in handy.

Peace to you and to the world.

Andrea Grazzini Walstrom <>
Burnsville, MN USA - Monday, December 30, 2002 at 10:23 AM (CST)
Greg, think about you a lot and try to keep the family up to date on your status. I hope you enjoyed Christmas and I wish you all the best in the coming year.
Mom too is struggling more and more. But she has had a good long life and I am sure God will take good care of her. Keep her in your prayers too and she is not the bravest soul around.
Susan and Tanya are expecting in August. That makes my life exciting too.
We are praying for you and keep you in our thoughts every day.

As always, much love and caring.

Joanne Feyereisen
St. Paul, MN US - Monday, December 30, 2002 at 10:22 AM (CST)
Dear Father Greg,

I pray now as I write this to you for the words that would touch you in such a way as to feel God's hand upon you now.

I read your Christmas letter and want to say 'thank you' for your courage, stength, and strong faith in our Father. It is difficult (at best) to understand why some burdens are so much heavier than others. I have to remind myself that God's ways are not our ways and He is in control. He will never leave us or forsake us. Peace to you brother now, and in each moment to come.

I am believing and standing on God's word that by the sripes of Jesus we were healed. Not will be, but we are now healed. It is up to us to believe, thank Him, and His hand will be made manifest in our lives.

God bless you and his peace blanket you.


Fridley, MN USA - Monday, December 30, 2002 at 09:51 AM (CST)
Hi Greg,

Not sure if you remember me. Sandy Krekelberg, past secretary of St. Richard's 1968 till Jerry my husband died in 1981. Sally Lofte sent me your site.

Looking at your pictures I see this very mature man. (Time does fly by fast!) I always have you in my heart and mind as this young guy with dark hair highlighted by this outstanding pink sweater, and of course, that contagious smile. Think I saw you at Roger Pierre's anniversary. However, you are still that handsome charismatic "man" with just a little grey around the temples.

By observing this site, it is obvious how much you have touched the lives of those who have been privileged as I have to meet you. If there is any satisfaction to the misery you must be in, is in knowing that you did and have made an impact on so many lives. I certainly would never have dreamed my life would turn out so drastically different than what I envisioned when young, but I have to believe there is a purpose for each event along the way. I too never gave up on my God or his helpers when I suffered. That is the most significant work you can do for your faith Greg as you will never know who you might bring forward in faith my your witness. You have touched my heart again.


PS I now live in Houston, Texas. I am a flight attendant for Continental Airlines and witness the faith of people from all religions. Never have I seen so many people of different lands, different faiths, and of ALL ages care for each other (don't believe what you read in the papers)through helping on the plane or going to do missionary work around the world. Never on a flight have I not witnessed some religious symbol - cross, bible, angel, beads. God is intend present.

Sandy Krekelberg Mueller <>
Spring, TX USA - Monday, December 30, 2002 at 09:27 AM (CST)
Dear Fr. Greg,

My sister found this in a St. Olaf Catholic Church Sun. bulletin and printed it in a card for our parents' 50th wedding anniversary. We thought you'd like it too.

ARGUMENT (in answer to Edna St. Vincent Millay) by A. Michele Leslie

I tell you, love is all. It is a meal on silver plates, not mean, of spring-fed wine and wheat, and roses, thorns; it is a pine bough that no wind can sway, a human wheel that turns eternally beneath each teal-blue sky. It is; and silenced, yet will mime the stage that makes an aged heart sublime and turns grim youth into a jeweled castle.

I tell you, love is not the absent place for love fills up each void like snow that settles down upon a bending mast on ships that search the sky for a blinded race. Love is all; love is a choice the bow makes for the arrow; there's nothing else at last.

Printed in Illuminations - Autumn '92

Mary Pat Gibbs and Judy Schletty
Golden Valley, MN - Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 07:54 PM (CST)
WOODBURY,, MN WASHINGTON - Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 07:02 PM (CST)
My ex-husband (Benilde grad) was told he would eventually need a kidney transplant in 1968. A few years later he had to have his bladder and ureters removed in two separate operations at Mayo. I don't know if he ever got his KT. My girl friend from St. Columba grade school (St. Paul) has a sister-in-law who got a kidney and pancreas in two separate operations recently and my girl friend's daughter donated the kidney. I told my girl friend to write to you and also to have her sister-in-law (who is older than you and a successful double transplant patient) to write. Hope they both have email!
Prayers and our love for one another weave us all together. Thanks for all your support. I desperately need to find more God-like qualities!

Judy Schletty <>
Minneapolis, MN - Saturday, December 28, 2002 at 09:25 AM (CST)
Mom always said,"If I couldn't laugh, I'd cry." I've been reading your journal and guestbook. Many people remark about how much time you must devote to maintaining your health but that will be worth it when you get your transplants. In the meantime you are in the same boat with my little Chinese boss (Philip) who is a pharmacist and owns the pharmacy where I work. His whole family is Chinese but they are from Hawaii. I've been told that the people in the area he came from are noted for their hard work and it is true. My boss works 7 days/week, about 12 hours/day. He has two full time jobs. When he works at my pharmacy, he doesn't drink anything so he doesn't have to use the restroom and he never eats his lunch because he's too busy. So you are in good company! Some day I'd like you to meet my gentle little Chinese boss who always smiles and will probably call you "Sir." Then he'll introduce you to his new granddaughter. She also comes in the store almost every day. Mom was right. We find laughter instead of tears and our wait speeds by.
Judy Schletty <>
Minneapolis, MN - Friday, December 27, 2002 at 10:40 PM (CST)
Dear Greg, Please know we are praying with you for your healing . Our God is an awesome God, He is there beside you .Though He allows his children to walk through the dark valleys He is with you. My husband and I will be praying daily for you.Your testimony of His grace touches us deeply. Love in Christ, Shirley and Ralf
Shirley Lendborg <>
Park Rapids, Mn USA - Friday, December 27, 2002 at 07:18 PM (CST)
Hi Greg,
You may not remember me, but I have followed you since the St. Richard days. You were such an inspiration and vehicle to God for me than, and you continue to be an example of authenticity and deep spitituality for me today. I just wanted to add my message and say I will continue to pray for you. I wish you strength, healing and the presence of God, family and friends this new year. Hang in there Greg. You are loved. Bless You, Bernie Schmidt

Bernie Schmidt <>
Richfield, Mn USA - Friday, December 27, 2002 at 06:36 PM (CST)
Dear Fr. Greg, This is part of the Shield of St. Patrick which is attributed to him. I hope his prayer comforts you as it has me.

Christ be with me, Christ within me,
Christ behind me, Christ before me,
Christ beside me, Christ to win me;
Christ to comfort and restore me;
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,
Christ in the hearts of all that love me,
Christ in the mouth of friend and stranger.

Christmas Day Mass was glorious!

Judy Schletty, Pat & Geo Stangl , Mary Pat Gibbs (my family at Mass on Christmas) <>
Minneapolis, MN - Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 11:28 PM (CST)
Dearest Father Greg:
For over two decades you (and your family)have befriended me, and my children Angela and Joshua Mogren. You have been in my prayers since we met, and of course, continue to be. I have always felt, as I walked beside my children on that precarious cystic fibrosis path, and not being able to "fix it", that only prayer can help. I believed, especially, as I watched my daughter, Angela, move from her earthly life to such great joy in her new life in heaven. That was December of 1993.
My prayers were answered that December. Do you remember? What I prayed for was to be with my daughter when she died, but also, to be with my mother, when SHE died. My mother died from leukemia at Mayo Clinic on the 10th. My daughter died from cystic fibrosis at the U of M on the 15th. And I was privileged to be with each of them.
You were with us then, in prayer, as we are with you now. God spoke to each of us through YOU. The beauty of your words as you celebrated Angela's funeral mass are still felt in many hearts. And this you gave to us on the anniversary of your sister, Mary's, death and I believe it was also your sister, Beth's graduation. And yet you gave emotionally and spiritually to MY family. How blessed we are with your presence in our lives!
It was then, especially, that you reached out to my son, Josh. The two of you have much in common, having lost sisters, struggling with the same disease yourselves, and having such wonderful God-given gifts to share with the world. I pray for you, and I pray for my son, that he might find his own way to share his gifts and touch as many hearts as you. God bless you always. And thank you for your gracious generosity to my children. And me.
All my love,

Christine (Mogren) Meyer <>
North St. Paul, MN - Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 08:32 PM (CST)
Merry Christmas Fr. Greg!
After two days of watching five children at Christmas time, I thought of you.... I wish I could capture their excitement and zest for life and ENERGY and send it all on to you! Merry Christmas! Hang in there. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily.

Kari Lyle <>
Chassell, MI USA - Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 07:17 PM (CST)
Merry Christmas, Greg!

We continue to rely on God to bring you, our loved and lovable friend, through this with grace.

When we pray at night with our three children, we always ask special blessings for you. When our two eldest asked who you are, we explained that you married us and that you helped us build our family. John (our four year old) asked if you were like Bob the Builder. I guess in a way, you are! Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy new year. We miss you!

Janelle (Andress) Kelly and Michael Kelly <>
Saint Paul, MN USA - Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 03:56 PM (CST)
Dear Father Greg,

I just want you to know, I am thinking and praying for you. I remember you from your years at St. Thomas. I truly admire your positive atitude and the ability to pass it along to others. Thanks for the inspiration to live each and every day to the fullest! Merry Christmas!

Angie (Kutz) Hertel <>
Chanhassen, - Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 01:40 PM (CST)
Fr. Greg,
I just wanted to let you know that I read Doug Grow's column. You're struggle is truly a noble one, and you're doin' it with courage, compassion and candor. My program advises me to live life one day at a time; you've been doin' that for years. Thanks for the lesson. And I will put you in my morning prayer.

Dave Nimmer <>
Afton, MN USA - Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 01:03 PM (CST)
Father, I consider myself a strong person, however one year of excercise and wieght-lifting does not give me half of the strength and inspiration that you do everytime I see you at mass. My prayers are for you and others that struggle each day.
Steve Mullen <>
Golden Valley, MN USA - Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 12:09 PM (CST)
Blessed Christmas greetings, dear Greg. Reading Mary Wilkie's comments was a real grace for me too. I am joining in with that community of pray-ers and using the daily ups and downs as prayers for you and your family. With only one gift you must have desired for Christmas -- those lungs -- it must be difficult to still be in Advent. But we are all here to stand by your side as long as it takes
I also recall with great joy the memories of praying together with Mary Wilke and others on those early morning get-togethers. Remember? Much love as always, Mary Jude, OSU

Sister Mary Jude, OSU <>
Frontenac, MN - Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 06:58 AM (CST)
Hi Greg!
Merry Christmas from Key West! Here with family and my sister Julie who lives here. If you need a break and want to also see the dentist, come on down! Dr. Julie McCarron will take care of you!

I am sure your Christmas Mass was way better than this one...I'm sorry I missed yours. I hope you feel good today and are keeping warm.

Tim McCarron :-)

Tim McCarron <>
Key West, Florida, Conch Republic - Wednesday, December 25, 2002 at 12:53 PM (CST)
Christmas blessings, Greg! I'm still (always) praying for you. Just read your last entry and felt like it was a "lesson" at Matins. All shall be well, and all shall be well.
Pat Collins, OSB <>
St. Paul, MN Ramsey - Tuesday, December 24, 2002 at 03:36 PM (CST)
How beautifully Mary Wilkie writes and reflects. With Mary, I too, will follow her example of "bearing" the small things in prayer for you Greg. Complaining can reach my lips so easily. May the peace and silence of this Holy day wrap you tenderly and quietly. How good is our God that Jesus lives among us now. God bless you dear heart. With many prayers and thoughts of you. Love, Sally

Sally <>
Minneapolis, mn usa - Tuesday, December 24, 2002 at 01:17 PM (CST)
hey gregor...texas sized greetings to you
i will so miss being with you at mass tonight
my love and prayers are with you
koller has a wonderful new line for us! "be anything but afraid!"
greetings from heidi and matthew

- Tuesday, December 24, 2002 at 12:57 PM (CST)
Joyeux Noel Cher Ami,

I was reading Lynn Oestreich Nolan's entry of a few weeks ago during the shingle plague when she asked our Lord to help carry your cross and the itching began for her. Later that day I passed up a piece of chocolate for you. Not a big deal but then in the evening (after a kind cashier from Cub turned off his light to help me bag my many groceries) I returned the cart to the parking lot stall though it was cold and I wasn't going to do it. I did it for you. It came to me on the way home, a simple line. Your illness could RAISE THE LEVEL OF HOLINESS in the world. Not just random acts of kindness, as good as they are, but real lasting holiness in the world. Could it be that our little sacrifices for you, the fasting that I'm sure is going on and the united prayers of so many could raise the level of holiness in the world. Could it be that your suffering is building the Kingdom of God. And then, Dear Greg, could it be that God would let us take on some of your suffering that you might know some relief. It is a wonderful Christmas wish to hope for. Please know you help me make it through some of the more mundane things in my day with a little more joy and even the bigger challenges with hope.
You and your family are often in my December thoughts. Peace to you all. I love you.


Mary Wilkie McClure <>
St.aul, MN USA - Tuesday, December 24, 2002 at 11:20 AM (CST)
Hi Father Greg,
I am in Cincinnati for the holidays, visiting my sister. Thinking of you as we brought up your web page, so now my sister is also adding you to her list of people to pray for. Your pain and your patience speak to isn't in vain. May God strengthen you with his grace.

Linda Hathaway

Linda Hathaway
Cincinnati, OH - Tuesday, December 24, 2002 at 10:20 AM (CST)
Merry Christmas Greg!
"May the God of hope bring you such joy and peace in your faith that the power of the Holy Spirit will remove all bounds to hope." Romans in 15:13.
You are loved and carried in prayer every day by so many!
May God's special grace and love surround today and always!
Love ya!

Lynn Nolan <>
Woodbury, MN Washington - Tuesday, December 24, 2002 at 08:03 AM (CST)
Fr Greg,
May you have a most blessed Christmas! I continue to think of you often and pray for you. Thank you for posting your journal as a gift for those who watch and wait with you. Your wisdom and wit are refreshing and inspiring. I pray your wait won't be too much longer, yet that will mean sorrow for someone else. Please wait till after the holidays!

Shirley LaCroix <>
St Paul, MN USA - Monday, December 23, 2002 at 01:44 PM (CST)
Jennifer's mother
E. Tray
Andover, MN USA - Monday, December 23, 2002 at 10:27 AM (CST)
THANK YOU. You are an inspiration. The Star Tribune article is posted next to my desk at work - to remind me to be thankul for all that is so taken for granted. Your photos are posted at our desk at home - my 5 year old daughter likens you to Jesus and wishes she was one of the children to walk with you. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Beth keeps us posted and our hope is that soon her pager or cell phone will ring with the much awaited transplant news. Know you have touched many that you have never met...Again, thank you and happy holidays.
Stillwater, MN USA - Monday, December 23, 2002 at 09:27 AM (CST)
Think my post disappeared into cyberspace. Just want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a HAPPIER and HEALTHIER New Year!

Laura Stokes <>
Pamplona, Navarra Spain - Monday, December 23, 2002 at 04:33 AM (CST)
Reading your struggle pulls at my heart....reading your zeal and faith strengthens my heart...reading about your love for God and us makes my heart sing....I hope you know how deeply you are birthing the CHILD in yourself and in so many. Merry Christmas!!
Always much love and continual prayers,

DB <>
Saginaw, MI USA - Sunday, December 22, 2002 at 06:07 AM (CST)
You walked into the office on Friday, and I realized how powerful it was to work for you. With you. In the spirit of your mission, a space of radical love, justice. I don't recall what you did, other than hug me and make inquiries to the Teen Programming...I just felt lucky. Do you ever fully realize how powerful you are in a space? ..I am honored to be a teacher, to know you - to be inspired to be in relationships because of you, and of all that you represent. I am privileged to be in North Minneapolis and working with the Hawthorne community.
Prayer and Peace at this time.

Melissa Borgmann <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Sunday, December 22, 2002 at 02:20 AM (CST)
Fr. Greg,
You never cease to amaze me with your words of wisdom. I'm glad these latest ones are on the computer so I can keep coming back and being refreshed. We are still hoping for you, still praying for you, and still looking to God to guide you. Merry Christmas.

Martha & Dan Conners and kids <>
- Saturday, December 21, 2002 at 08:32 PM (CST)
Father Greg. We want to wish you a Blessed and Merry Christmas. You are in our prayers. Hang in there!
Pete and Maxine Wojcik <>
Longville, Mn Cass - Saturday, December 21, 2002 at 04:04 PM (CST)
Fr. Greg:

Just a quick note so you will have my e-mail. Thanks for your written thoughts. See you at Mass tomorrow - my favorite day of the week now.


Donna Montgomery <>
Edina, MN USA - Saturday, December 21, 2002 at 01:20 PM (CST)
Dear Father Greg:

I've been reading the website and I am thankful once again for the gift of St. Thomas in my life and the chance to meet wonderful priests like yourself. I miss "young" alumni retreats -and falling into that category :-).
I'm now living on the East Coast working in health care policy. These past few years I've strugged with my own health issues with my neck which required surgery this summer. You have always been such a model in the way you handle the day to day struggle, the stress and the pain. You always find a way to smile and enjoy the present.
Know that I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Mary Fran Laverdure <>
Catonsville, MD USA - Saturday, December 21, 2002 at 01:08 PM (CST)
Merry Christmas Father Greg!
Mary Fran Lavedure <>
Catonsville, MD USA - Saturday, December 21, 2002 at 12:53 PM (CST)
Thank you for yet another eloquent soliloquy, my friend. The depth of your suffering is out-distanced by the depth of your spirit! As I read through the messages posted here by the folks whose lives you've touched -- from one-hour phone calls to lifelong friendships -- again and again, I am truly awestruck. Poets and prophets. All drawn to you, a different kind of God-made-man. Inspired. Inspiring. Incessant. It's that fiery pride, Greg, that makes you so REAL!
While the battle rages on, I pray that you KNOW how much you are loved, in every moment of every day.
My every fondness,

Megan McGraw <>
Hutchinson, MN - Saturday, December 21, 2002 at 07:08 AM (CST)
Just read your beautiful Christmas message, Greg; thanks so much for writing it. Even that must have been exhausting. Yes,LOVE is the only answer; the kind that forgives and reconciles. the kind you have always shared with me and everyone in your life. Be assured that love will continue to be in my daily prayers for you. If only we could do more, but God will do the rest.
Keep on keepin on, Your faith will make you whole. Peace and love, Mary Jude, OSU

Sister Mary Jude Jun, OSU <>
Frontenac, MN USA - Saturday, December 21, 2002 at 06:33 AM (CST)
Greg, Mary Forehle gave me this website and I check it frequently to get updates.... also enjoyed the article in last Sundays paper. You are in our prayers and know that we have always thought so highly of you! You are so honest and courageous..... you are very inspiring to both of us! God bless you! Much love, Ron and Marlys Ousky
Marlys Ousky <>
Edina, MN USA - Friday, December 20, 2002 at 11:34 PM (CST)
I'm a teaching friend of Beth's. I retired 5 years ago so you can see I'm old enough to be a mother to both of you. You have been in my prayers for years, but I just recently started receiving your messages via e-mail. You will stay in our prayers - keep fighting!!!!!
Gayle Lobitz <>
Stillwater, - Friday, December 20, 2002 at 04:47 PM (CST)
Fr. Greg,
I was a visitor at your church on the 15th of December, going to a mass for my aunt who is deceased. Just that morning as I read my paper, I read the article about you. I thought, what an inspiration that this man of God is. As I sat and listened to your homily, I was in awe of the homily you delivered that day. Your homily was very touching and heartfelt and made me realize many things in a different light. You have made me realize that the little annoyances in life are nothing, compared to the trials that you are going through. I have never met you but I wish you all of God's blessings for you so rightly deserve them. Keep up the faith and I pray for you daily.

Margie Modeen <>
Maple Grove, Mn USA - Friday, December 20, 2002 at 02:14 PM (CST)
Greg - I am wrapping up work for this week and will not be in until after Christmas. I will miss checking your website every day and hope that you and your siblings have a great time on Christmas. I will be busy both days as we don't take mom out. Our love and prayers continue for you and I hope the New Year will bring you all good things. Oh yes, my good news is that there is another grandchild coming. Brad and Tanya are expecting in August. I am excited.

Love, Joanne

Joanne Feyereisen
St. Paul, MN US - Friday, December 20, 2002 at 01:55 PM (CST)
Keep up the good fight!
I wanted to let you know about "CF Roundtable". It is the newsletter for adults who have CF. It is done by adults who have CF, for adults who have CF. A recent issue focused on transplants. For more information about subscribing to "CF Roundtable", just write to us at the email below.
You continue to be in our prayers.

Kathy Russell <>
Gresham, OR USA - Friday, December 20, 2002 at 01:41 PM (CST)
greg, i heard about you through eric and lisa sorensen,two wonderful people, and i wanted you to know that i am cheering for you. you have a lot of courage -- it's inspirational. my wife was recently diagnosed with lymphoma, and your reflections on your condition have special meaning to me. thanks and merry christmas.
john wickes <>
chicago, il cook - Friday, December 20, 2002 at 09:35 AM (CST)
Dear Greg,

I'm praying for you. As a nurse at the Mayo clinic told my Father and several of my siblings after my Mom's failed Whipple procedure for her pancreatic cancer on May 19, 1995, "Don't ask why me, rather ask why have you been so blessed." Several people died instantaneously that very day as a result of the Oklahoma City bombing. It was a powerful statement to her along with the news of my Mom's terminal diagnosis. My Mom had a few months of life to live and we certaining came together as a family to make that time precious. She died, at home, September 15, 1995 surrounded by my Fther, all eight of her living children and all six of her grandchildren. What a blessing! God is Good!

Now on to how small the world is, your name came up when my wife, Anne (Webber, daugther of Paul and Mary Webber of Edina) and I were having dinner with our friends, Eric and Lisa Sorensen. Anne and Lisa taught at the same Chicago public grade school. Eric was kind enough to forward me an email with this web site attached.

The prayers continue, may you have a blessed Christmas!

God Bless Us.

Tim Casey and Anne Webber Casey <>
Lake Bluff, IL USA - Friday, December 20, 2002 at 07:56 AM (CST)
I have not met you, but have watched you dance on the Crosby countertop at Ginny's first wake and have corresponded with Beth intermittently via e-mail. You so aptly describe the paradox of your life as it is...patiently waiting, vigilantly resonates with my experience of great joy and simultaneous huge and raging sadness in knowing Ginny's path these past years...not a worthy comparison, just a recognition of the paradox of this life and of faith. My prayers for Ginny have moved from being organized and predictable (every day at 11:00 etc) to being always and everywhere, saying her name, seeing her face, hearing her laugh throughout my consciousness, she becoming the prayer that moves through me in an ongoing way. Writing to say that you have become a part of that prayerfulness along the way..the image of you dancing robed that wild night...your struggle and Ginny's struggle interwoven in my consciousness. Prayer for your continued dignity and integrity as you face what you must. I am deeply grateful for shows me the way. Tamara Bisbee

Tamara Hammitt Bisbee
New London, NH USA - Friday, December 20, 2002 at 05:12 AM (CST)
Hi Greg!

I can not believe how time flies!!! Just seems like yesterday Kathy and I saw you at St. Philip's, then I realized it was in the spring. Saw the article in Sunday's paper, so I thought I would drop you a line to say HI and let my know you are in our thoughts and prayers. Even though I have known you for years, I did not realize you were called the "Tornado" - shows you there is always something new to learn about someone. I enjoyed scanning your journal and guest book and wanted to let you know I am moved by the words and messages you give and the lives you have touched!

Well, it's time to go - so may God bless you with renewed health and the capability to continue to keep spreading his word.

Love Jeff and Kathy Mrozinski <>
- Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 05:39 PM (CST)
Hello Fr. Greg! Though I have never met you, I feel like you are an old friend. I got a chance to read Doug Grow's column on Sunday about you. I have been thinking about you since that column. After reading the column about you, I thought I wonder if I could give you a kidney or give you a lobe of my lungs. Then I read that they need to come from a similar body. My kidneys or lungs are probably too small to help your body. I'm only 5'2" tall. I'm not a tall tornado, as it sounds like you are. Oh my heart aches for you. Your pain and your words put life in perspective. I hope and pray we(including myself) can all gain knowledge and compassion for everyone-those alike and those different. Thank you for that tug at my heart to remember to be still enough to listen and for your hopefulness. Have a Merry Christmas and I hope and pray for a donor for you-soon!
Colleen Kaelin <>
minneapolis, mn usa - Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 04:04 PM (CST)
Hi Greg -

Long time no see. We have missed you at the last few Korogi get togethers - but you have never left our thoughts. We still, to this day, get compliments on the wonderful priest from our wedding who gave a homily to remember :) You are always in our thoughts and prayers and you truly put things in perspective for our family. I just spent some time reading your guestbook entries and I am once again amazed by how many lives you have touched. I hope 2003 brings you comfort, peace of mind and renewed health. I hope Matt and I will be able to see you soon - Have a Merry Christmas. Always with love, Kate Korogi

Kate Korogi <>
Coon Rapids, Mn - Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 03:13 PM (CST)
Dear Greg,

Read the wonderful story about you in the Star-Tribune and that reminded me that I've let the semester's teaching stand in the way of staying in touch. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers this holiday season. I leave 2 January 2003 to spend a semester teaching at Notre Dame. I hope we can get together for some food and conversation when I get back in late May.


Mike Joncas
St. Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 11:58 AM (CST)
Hey Fr. G, just stopped by to wish you a Merry Christmas and and happy New Year. I miss you and St. Philip's very much (you cannot be replaced). Once again, thanks for the wonderful opportunity you gave me to work with you for three years. Know that we are all on this journey with you, and because of you we are made better people. My goal in 2003 is to 'err on the side of love' and to 'pay attention'. Know that you are in our prayers and we love you very much. A big hug to Kelly & Max.
Love, Andrea, Shari and Katia.

Andrea JeanBaptiste <>
Houston, TX USA - Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 10:51 AM (CST)
Dear Fr. Greg,
I want to add my voice to the chorus of gratitude for you. Two years ago, my newborn granddaughter in Wisconsin was diagnosed with CF. Her dad, my son-in-law, learned about you from a fellow police officer and called you. You gave him an hour of comfort, good advice and reassurance. It meant so much to all of us. Thank you. I am one of the many praying for you.

Susan Mundale <>
Minneapolis, MN - Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 10:50 AM (CST)
Thank you for your witness to the hope and joy of life in the midst of your great challenges.
John Joslin < >
St. Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 09:10 AM (CST)
Good Morning Greg,
I've been up for the last few weeks at three in the morning not able to get you out of my thoughts. So I get up and pray and pray some more. This morning as our cuckoo chirped three times I knew why the Lord's been waking me up at 3:00 a.m. It has to do with Peter's denial of Christ three times. I've denied the Lord (more than three times I'm afraid) in the past few weeks insisting MY will be done instead of HIS in regards to you. I keep asking how can a loving Father ask one of His faithful servants, His Priests to suffer and go through all you have gone through physically and emotionally. I know in my heart He has His reasons and He will reveal them in His time. Your healing will be in His way and in His time. You are loved by a whole lot of God's children my dear friend, me being one of them.

May this Holy and Blessed season of expectation of our Lord coming to us bring you love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control, happiness, and above all health .....

Lynn Nolan <>
Woodbury, MN Washington - Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 08:40 AM (CST)
Fr. Greg:

Know of my prayers and support.


Fr. Mark McKercher <>
West Point, NE 68788 - Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 03:03 AM (CST)
Hey Tolaas!
A voice from the past. Did they ever find out whose dead body was on the property of the family lake place...did you ever recover your stolen parakeet...have you ever sung "Climb Every Mountain" to anyone else at Nye's Polonaise? All sounds rather sorted doesn't it?

Occasionally hear from Steve...heard bits and pieces about your health...never struck me how serious it was until I saw the Trib article and then read your journal. I have thought of you as invincible. For someone who is hurting so terribly on the inside you continue to be one handsome "devil" on the outside.

Are you saying mass every Sunday?

I will pray for your comfort and your peace. Your journal felt like a gift. Thank you.
Pat Brinton

Patricia Brinton <>
Burnsville, MN USA - Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 10:57 PM (CST)
Greg- We are looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!! I am so amazed at your courage and strength every day. You are such an inspiration. I think of you often and only hope that I can make half the difference you have made in this world. See you soon. Love, Noelle
noelle bell <>
houlton, wi usa - Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 10:07 PM (CST)
Thinking of you with prayers and love.
Rosalie Grazzini <>
Burnsville, MN - Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 08:30 PM (CST)
Hi Greg! Just had to tell you that since I printed the pictures of you from this website and have them in my cubicle at work, people are stopping by and asking who the "handsome" man is! I then have the opportunity to tell them about you and ask them to pray also.
Sally <>
Minneapolis, mn usa - Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 04:06 PM (CST)
Father Greg - I read your article in Sunday's paper after a fellow St. Thomas alum sent me an e-mail. We so enjoyed going to Mass at St. Thomas as students and even attended at your current location after you left St. Thomas. My prayers and thoughts are with you.
Sheri Ritchie - Class of 1987
- Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 03:38 PM (CST)
Hi Greg,
Maureen just emailed me this website and I wanted to let you know how much you have been in our thoughts and prayers. You have always been such an inspiration to us and you continue to amaze us.
Much love,
Teri, Trish, and Tate

Teri Staloch <>
Winona, MN - Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 02:21 PM (CST)
Greg, you are an inspiration to so many of us each and every day. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and your family. Wishing you a very blessed and peaceful holiday season.
Mary Anderson
Oakdale, MN USA - Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 12:33 PM (CST)
Father Greg, The Kinlin Family continues to keep you in our thoughts and prayers on a daily basis. We pray that 2003 brings you a sense of peace and renewed health. Love, Ellen Kinlin
Ellen Kinlin <>
Osterville, MA USA - Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 12:33 PM (CST)
Dear Fr. Greg,
Through my years as a student at Benilde-St. Margaret's and UST the times you brought me comfort in your homilies, and hope through your mere presence, are countless. I think of you often, although I don't know that we have ever met personally. For someone with huge skepticism regarding the Church, you somehow made it accessible to me through your ability to cut through the crap and teach just what is really important...kindness and compassion. Thirteen years of parochial school plus college Theology classes didn't teach me that - YOU DID. Thank you. I will pray for you and the hope for transplants. And thank you to Doug Grow and the Strib for bringing your recent situation to my attention. Again, thank you for making Faith accessible and acceptable to me, time and time again. Best Wishes and Love to you.

Kristin Mickus <>
Eden Prairie, MN - Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 11:44 AM (CST)
Dear Greg,
Just a line to let you know that we are praying that you get your transplant soon. Sad to hear about the shingles because we are sure they are mighty uncomfortable.We remember the homily you gave at Marybeth's memorial service. It was comforting to our family at a very sad time in our lives. Wishing you a happy holiday season.
Love and Prayers,
Jim and Ruth O'Connell

Jim and Ruth O'Connell <>
Roberts, WI St. Croix - Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 11:18 AM (CST)
Fr. Greg-
I am a friend of Jan Kormann's and I knew you...and admired you... way back when I was a st. kates student and you were at CST. The article about you from the CF award program is hanging on my wall at work. The star trib article by Doug Grow was powerful and your words truthful and wise. Thank you. Your journey, and that of our friend Jan who has walked by your side, has helped teach me what it means to be a true friend. You are blessed and we are blessed to have you here fighting for what is right and good.

Deb Sakry Lande <>
- Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 10:50 AM (CST)
Dearest Greg! What a wonderful way to communicate and receive incredible support from those you have touched and nurtured! You are in our prayers daily(my daughter Lindsay prays each night for our dear friend Lindsay she is named after that had CF, and has now added you to her list even though she has never met you). It is unimaginable what you are going through, I wish I were there to care for you! A prayer: This is another day, O Lord. I know not what it will bring forth, but make me ready, Lord, for whatever it may be. If I am to sit still, help me to sit quietly. If I am to lie low, help me to do it patiently. And if I am to do nothing, let me do it gallently. Make these words more than words, and give me the spirit of Jesus. Amen.
My husband Paul and I were fortunate enough to have been in your fold, thanks for all your inspiration! Say HI to your family, I miss you all!

Roni (Bell) Lundeen <>
Eden Prairie, Mn Henn - Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 10:36 AM (CST)
Hi, Greg. Halloween blizzard. 1991. Two+ feet of record snow amassing, the sun rising, you making me breakfast on Summit that Friday morning. Still recall our conversation and those that followed. Including the impromptu lesson in sacristan lingo. So you’re sure then that the plural of ciborium is not “ciboriums”? Post proelium, praemium.
Jared <>
Portland, OR USA - Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 02:08 AM (CST)
Hey Greg: it was so good to see you yesterday...and so wonderful to read the piece in the StarTrib. I had many, many folks at the College today ask me if that was the Greg Tolaas (I must mention you more often than I realize in staff meetings and other places). It is one of God's great blessings to know you; my prayers are for peace and transplant soon. You are a light of caring, conviction, compassion and courage for our world--shine on!
With love and gratitude from Oakdale and Anoka--Anne

Anne Weyandt <>
Oakdale, MN Washington - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 09:36 PM (CST)
Father Greg,
We were so happy you were featured in the Minneapolis paper on Sunday. You were at our parish for a time in the early 80's I believe, Church of the Risen Savior in Burnsville. We wish you the very best and will pray for you.

Colleen and Kevin Rademacher <>
Prior Lake, Mn Scott - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 08:35 PM (CST)
I'm getting a bit ticked off at God at this point. We are so in need of good priests - here's one that needs some fixing, I want Him to do something about this. I'm still going to pray hard for you - but, He and I are going to have words over this when I get up there.

Barbara Fenton <>
Woodbury, Mn Washington - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 07:17 PM (CST)
Greg, it has been way too long since I've seen you. We've managed to keep somewhat up to date on your condition and have been praying for you. Just today found out about this website and happy to have a place to go and get updates more easily. Please know that Phyllis and I hold you close in our hearts and pray that the day of transplant may come soon. I pray you a blessed remainder of Advent (may your own personal advent be over soon), a wonderful Christmas and a New Year that brings an end to the shingles and new organs for you. I will pass on this web site to Jennifer Corbett so that she too may keep up to date more easily. Love to you, Phyllis & Wayne
Wayne Olson <>
Richfield, MN Henn - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 06:37 PM (CST)
hi greg
read the great story in the sunday paper, looked up the website and wanted to say hello and send warm wishes and prayers.... you may know kevin lally is waiting for a kidney, too, so will suggest he check out this caring bridge. hey - when i was in guate a few weeks ago, padre juan francisco came down to antigua to pick up pete and carole fleming at my house and the pick up truck he arrived in blew me away !! of course i told pete and carol they'd be driving to san lucas in a beat up broken down old vehicle..... however, this was first class... he said it came as a gift from your parish... way to go!!.... get well and come visit guatemala again soon
liza fourre

Liza Fourre < >
Minneapolis , MN USA - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 03:52 PM (CST)
FR. Greg: I'm interested in how your medical team is healing the Shingles...per my phone mails, please call or write.
Jack Field <>
- Monday, December 16, 2002 at 03:06 PM (CST)
I had the opportunity to hear you speak at Youth Forum's Summer Festival , I belive it was the summer of 1998. During this festival I was a camp counselor and struggling with the recent death of my father and the recent cancer diagnosis of my mother. Unfortuntely, my mother passed away on December 4, 1999. I was reading the article about you in the Star and Tribune (December 15, 2003) and it saddened me as well as lifted me up. Father Tolaas, I pray to God for the healing of your body as well as for his continued guidance and support not only for you, but for your family, friends and congregation. Father Tolaas, I am sure that many people are questioning God each and everyday asking "WHY" . I questioned God when my father died and then again when my mother died. I know that God knows what is best for us and his plans for you are unknown to most; however, I feel as if I know why I just happended to hear you talk four years ago and why I just happended to read the Star & Tribune Article. God was reminding me how precious and delicate life is and that the crabby mood that I was in all week (because things were not going my way) pales in comprassion to your daily struggles. Isn't it amazing how God just "smacks" us upside our head when we need it the most. Your sister in Christ. Sandra Sands
Sandra Sands <>
Apple Valley, MN 55124 - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 12:26 PM (CST)
Fr. Greg,
It is nice to read of your real courage. Oftentimes, the only courage we see in the world is that which is sugarcoated. The participants are otherwordly and not tangible to the ordinary person. Thank you for making your struggle real.
I have been blessed by your presence and ministry for many years. I will pray that God will pour out His choicest blessings upon you as you wait for Him.
Happy Advent and a joyous Christmas!

Bob Seidel <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 12:21 PM (CST)
Greg, You are truly an inspiration to the rest of us CF patients...I met you at one of the CF Conferences. Haven't seen you for awhile and am sorry to hear things could be going a little easier (just CF would be good!). I will add you to our prayer chain and pray the TP is SOON!
Susan Pieper <>
Princeton, MN USA - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 11:19 AM (CST)
Dear Greg:
Just checked in with cyberspace and found out that you were featured in Sunday's paper. I love your honesty and your hope. Please God, we would know of our own longings as deeply as you do. Today I printed your "gallery pictures" on line. You are now the focal point in my "cubie" at work.This is so cool because now I can pray for you often during my work day! Praise God for the image of Jesus you are to so many of us. Love you and care so much. May the gift of lungs and kidneys soon be yours. Be of peaceful heart. With many, many prayers and thoughts. Sally

Sally L <>
Minneapolis, mn usa - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 11:17 AM (CST)
Dear Fr. Greg,
You won't remember me but I remember your touching and direct homilies as a student and alum of St. Thomas. I have heard bits and pieces about your health over the years and recently saw an article in the Catholic Spirit about your current condition. I am hopeful that all will go well for you. Know that my family and I will pray for you and that you continue to inspire us as you live in your situation with faith and hope. God bless you and continue to lead you in love and peace. Sincerely,
Teri Nelles Cain, UST, '84

Teri Nelles Cain <>
Worland, WY USA - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 11:06 AM (CST)

It's been a long time, but our days together back at the College of St. Thomas (yes, it was the College of . . . ) are fondly remembered. Although I moved away after my years at St. Thomas, you were always in my thoughts and prayers not only because of your health concerns but also as a friend. You were always there to talk or listen. Your mentality, optimism, honesty and drive were and are an inspiration to me.

Love ya

Tracy Nevells <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 10:58 AM (CST)
Greg, You're an inspiration...not only the way you handle your gift of illness, but by who you are, and how you are with everyone. We have been blessed with your presence in this local church, and know that the love that so many of us have for you strengthens us, too. Keep on keeping on.

Adaire Lassonde, SSND <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 10:19 AM (CST)
Dear Greg,

Long time since we have heard about you and your condition. We try to keep in touch via Carole & Mike, but haven't touched base with them lately. Jocelyn and I do subscribe to the philosophy that when you think of someone, you say a prayer for them, and you have had our prayers, because we do think of you, your journey and our past together. Our continued prayers for you.

Peace brother, Paul

Paul Vyhanek <>
New Hope, MN Henn - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 09:18 AM (CST)
My heart is filled with sorrow to see you suffering so. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I am so proud of who you are and who you have become. The world is so lucky to have you.

Sandy O'Connor Stake <>
Hastings, MN USA - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 09:10 AM (CST)
Fr. Greg.

Know that you have always been, and continue to be, an example for me of the power of faith. I'm praying for you and hope that during this difficult time, you find peace in the love we all share for you.

Chuck Tombarge, UST '95 grad <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 09:00 AM (CST)
My sister's in-laws have been members of St. Phillips for years and last Christmas I was fortunate to go to Mass there too. Father Greg' life is an inspiration for all of us and I consider myself fortunate to have heard Father speak about how the Light is stronger than any darkness. Disabled and handicapped friends of mine who live out of state often email me guided imagery -- beautiful pictures with text and music. Very calming and healthy. I would like to forward them to Father Greg too, but they take much space. Is there another address? Thanks for the opportunity to write. We will all be keeping Fr. Greg in our prayers and heart. May God keep him in the hollow of his hand.
Judy Schletty <>
Minneapolis, MN - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 06:09 AM (CST)
Keep fighting Greg, you are such an inspiration to all! I send you my love and prayers during this Advent season. I certainly hope the "itch" will be gone before long!
Shirley Polejewski <>
St. Paul, M USA - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 01:16 AM (CST)
I just read the second article about you in the Star Trib. I know of you from Los Campeones and will keep you in my prayers. Keep the faith.

Burnsville, MN USA - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 11:52 PM (CST)
Many call God's plan a Tapestry, I tend to view it more like a spiders web with continual reconnections !

Your father inspired my mother, your sister Mary charmed her ! ... now you joyfully remind me that our King Eternal uses those of us "a-degree-plus-off-center" for his Kingdom !

I pray that we meet again, that I buy dinner again & that Yahwe blesses your life & ministry continually !

Lear (Larry) Roemhildt ... boy-hood acquaintance ...aka son of Barb <>
Minnetonka, MN - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 10:45 PM (CST)
Father Greg, We met briefly years ago, when I was your sister Mary's nurse at the University Hospital. Mary was a wonderful person; it was a privilege to know her & your entire family. If only we all would strive daily to keep our priorities where yours seem to be. Your work and outlook on this life on earth are highly admirable. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Amy Enderson Johnson <>
Plymouth, MN - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 09:24 PM (CST)
Dear Father Greg,
We have a young friend (2years old) who is battling cancer and we keep connected through Caringbridge. I read about you in the paper today, and "Caringbridge" caught my eye. I do believe in the power of prayer, and will remember you in my prayers. I read some of your past journal entries. You are a loved man. I know God will bring you through this. Aren't you glad you have Him on your side? I sometimes wonder how people survive life's trials when they have no faith. You are a lucky man. I pray for your trasplants to come soon, and I pray for your comfort both physically and mentally.
I will shop less and pray more.

Jenny Bloedow <>
Redwood Falls, MN - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 08:23 PM (CST)
I have been fueding with the church (Catholic) of late. I read Doug Grow's column today, I don't know why, I rarely if ever read it. I feel really good knowing there is a Greg Tolaas out there. He could have been a carpenter, butcher, professor. Better, he is a priest. God Bless!
Charlie Kirschbaum <>
Sauk Centre, Mn MN USA - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 08:00 PM (CST)
Please keep fighting,St Philips needs. you. We met several years ago at the Visitation Monastary and several times since. Most recently at Sister Suzanne's Profession.
Susan Mercier <>
NerHope, Mn. Henn. - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 06:41 PM (CST)
Hi Fr. Greg,
I too, am a person that you left an impression on at was a christmas eve mass that you spoke of your sister...her suffering...your family's...etc. I remember feeling very sad listening to you yet there was this incredible feeling that I felt from sitting there in church...God touching my life...edging me on the path I needed to go. Though it took me a long time to finally do what my heart had told me (over and over again!) I am finally a registered nurse. God was dancing in heaven for me I think when I graduated from St Kates this past May!
Anyways, I too saw the article in the paper which insprired me to write to you. You are in my prayers.
God Bless,
Eileen Kielblock (Jacobs)

Eileen K <>
Prior Lake, MN - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 06:34 PM (CST)
Dear Father Greg: Keep up the good fight. God will respond to all our prayers in His way. Yes I too will keep you in my prayers. Due to my deterioting health specifically an enlarged heart with unacceptable pressures I was taken off the lung transplant list in Denver. Age may also have been a factor I am now 69. Your young and capable and God will care for you and me in His own time and way.
Jerry Nichols
St. Paul, MN MN - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 04:11 PM (CST)
Greetings to you!
I saw the article in the paper this morning about your waiting for a transplant and had to write a quick note.
My husband is also on the lung transplant list. He was listed in April of 2000, so we also have been waiting almost three years. What an adventure!! He is number one on his list but has been for almost a year. We have had three "dry runs" so far with the last being in Oct. We have wonderful doctors, a loving family and a great support group at the U so in spite of it all we feel blessed.
I will pray for you each day that your transplant will come and that God will continue to give you the strength to endure the wait.
Blessings, Barb

Barb Peterson
Lakeville, mn dakota - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 04:01 PM (CST)
Dear Fr. Greg: I just learned about you from Doug Grow's story in the Star-Tribune. I am with Christ
Church Cathedral (Anglican/Episcopal) parish in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. I will add you to my daily
prayer list. I offer here a prayer that I love from our Book of Common Prayer for quiet confidence:
O God of peace, who hast taught us that in returning and rest we shall be saved, in quietness and
confidence shall be our strength: By the might of thy Spirit lift us, we pray thee, to thy presence, where
we may be still and know that thou art God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Your friend in Christ, Ron+

Ron Hall
Eau Claire, Wi USA - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 03:33 PM (CST)
Fr. Greg,
You have lifted me spiritually today - thank you. Your strength and faithfulness is truly amazing. You are an inspiration to me on my journey of faith.
You are in my prayers.

Megan Kalina <>
Eagan, MN - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 02:27 PM (CST)
Greg: I saw the article in the paper today. I recognize your name from knowing your brother, Tim. I worked with him in the 80's at Edina Realty. Hope he is going well. I will be praying for you. Sincerely, Becky Elhardt
Becky Elhardt <>
Minnetonka, MN USA - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 01:53 PM (CST)
Dear Fr. Greg:

After reading Doug Grow's column this morning, I e-mailed 75 friends and asked them to pray for you. I, myself, have been praying for you for a while. (I learned of your situation a couple years ago from friends over at Transfiguration Parish in Oakdale.) My friends recently prayed for my little friend Matteo, 5 years old, who died in October of brain cancer, after suffering mightily for over 8 months. I had the privilege to be with Matteo and his family during this sorrowful, painful time and, through it all, I felt angels surrounding us, especially in the darkest days, bringing a core of peace, amid the horror of watching a beloved child die, day by day, month by month. My friends' prayer support made all the difference during this time.

Matteo told us that God told him not to be afraid, that he would always be his friend and very soon he would be one of his very special angels. I know that Matteo is sitting on God's lap right now. I'll ask him to whisper a special prayer for you.

Know that you are greatly loved, even by strangers--although I don't think any of us are strangers in God's realm. Won't it be awesome when we all meet in heaven one day?


Joanne Lucore

Joanne Lucore <>
New Brighton, MN - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 01:40 PM (CST)
Greg...a message from a couple whom you haven't seen in a while: not since Sept 27th 1986, the day you presided over our marriage ceremony at St. Richards. You had actually left the parish at that time but were gracious enough to come back for our ceremony. Our feelings of deep love and faith continue today and we count you as one of the guidance givers who have so blessed our lives. Though brief, the intersection of your life with ours is one we continue to tell others about as we explain who we are as a Christian couple. Now we have Jack and Annie to help us keep you in our prayers. Peace and love...
Tammy and John Baker <>
Eden Prairie, MN - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 01:19 PM (CST)
Greg, I've done so few of these(visited a website), it's fun.First time I've visited your website. I'll look at it after I've communicated with you why I am writing you. Thanks for the homily today,the third Sunday isn Advent- that's why. I've said to you before that lots of times, in fact more often than not, your communicated thoughts hit me at a place that calls me to hang on to something deeper than so frequently 'skims to the top'and carries this brat away into the ego level of existance.
What happens then is that I get motivated beyond just the 'good thought' realm and I am able then to make a change, sometimes a lasting one.Today it was your idea of luxury-we who have so much, waste a lot of good time before really taking hold of something in our lives that God is stirring.For me today it's to Live Jesus, Love Now (with joy!)I can get dragged down by constantly nagging on myself (and on others too). But now it's GO FOR IT, KATHERINE! Take care to keep up(in spirit!)Go For It, Greg! Sweet love and lasting peace! Sister Katherine PS Whoops! Now I read that this will be read by more that just you-oh well...

Sistere Katherine Mullin <>
mpls, mn usa - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 01:11 PM (CST)
Dear Fr. Greg,

I am saddened this morning to read about your health in Doug Grow's column. I have heard about the "miracles" you are creating up here in N. Minneapolis. While my words cannot heal your body physically, I want you to know how much support you have from neighbors in the community. I have lived with HIV for over 17 years, had shingles twice, and know to a certain extent the uncertainty you live with. As a recovering Catholic, I am reminded that the Church more than the heirarchy, it is about individuals such as yourself and parishoners who are the true spirit of the church. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Eduardo Parra <>
Minneapolis, MN United States - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 12:43 PM (CST)
I pray for you and your love ones....
Vance Corrington <>
Bemidji, MN usa - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 11:47 AM (CST)
Dear Father Greg,

I came to your site after reading Doug Grow's column. Although I left the Catholic Church shortly after my two-year old daughter died from cancer this past May, I know too many God-devoted Catholics to have any anti-Catholic sentiment. (I just felt drawn in a different direction.)

I loved your comments quoted in Doug's column. Especially the one that God is not about giving happiness. America is a comfort-seeking, happiness-seeking society and I have recoiled from the "comfort" people think is offered in the death of a child.

God helps us carry our pain and He strengthens us IN our pain; He does not take away our pain. If anything, the Bible doesn't tell us to run from suffering...but to embrace it. But suffering means pain.

Anyway, I will be sure to bookmark your site and come back for your wisdom. You've touched so many lives, I pray for your miracle.

God bless,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Monica Paquette <>
Minneapolis, - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 10:06 AM (CST)
Dear Fr. Greg, May your heart find joy in this Holy Season. Know my prayers are with you.
Brian Altman <>
Bloomington, MN - Friday, December 13, 2002 at 09:54 PM (CST)
Dear Greg, You are in our prayers especially during this season of Advent. We ask God's blessing on you and your loved ones during these days before Christmas.

Peggy O'Leary and Kathleen Foley
- Friday, December 13, 2002 at 05:19 PM (CST)
Dear Greg,

I was just doing a little light reading in Deuteronomy and ran across passage 31:8. I knew it was for you when I read it. "The Lord himself will lead you; he will be with you; he will not fail you or desert you. Have no fear, do not be disheartened by anything."
As always - you are in my thoughts and prayers!
Love ya!

lynn nolan (oestreich) <>
Woodbury, MN Washington - Friday, December 13, 2002 at 11:19 AM (CST)
Dear Greg,
What an inspiration to read the entries in your guestbook every day. A great community of concern and love and intercession for you is being bound together in prayer; I feel honored to be part of that praying community. Know it never stops, day after day and night after night as your struggle goes on. Thanks for keeping us updated. We all love you very much
Mary Jude, OSU

Sister Mary Jude Jun, OSU <>
Frontenac, MN USA - Friday, December 13, 2002 at 06:33 AM (CST)
Hi Greg,

I love Anna Quindlen's message in this week's Newsweek: "Sign up to be an organ donor right now, and talk to your family about it. Think of it as a secret Santa gift to a stranger." I hope all who love you will sign up and encourage friends and family to do the same. As Quindlen says she's told her family: "if the occasion arises, give it all away." A great Advent/Christmas message!

I look forward to knowing you POST-transplant!!

Margaret Nelson <>
Minneapolis, MN Hennepin - Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 10:58 PM (CST)
I've been thinking about you.....December....and we know
what that month I pulled up your latest
update....twenty years have passed since we met up again
at OLG and 35 years have passed since we first met up
at are still a very very incredible and
loving man in my heart and I must say I envy your being.
Your spirit and heightened awareness of the gift of
life and loving this life no matter what life deals AND
you have been dealt. I still live by your once words
of wisdom you said to me and think of them several times
a week. "One day at a time"......and I have spread those
words with both family and friends. Thank you. It puts
everything into perspective. I will shop less and pray have that guarentee from me.

As usual you have battles being thrown at you physically
and I am so grateful that you are so swarmed in love
by so many wonderful friends and familia.....your
giving has come back ten fold......your laughter
and caring - OUR GIFTS FROM YOU - Thank you.

Merry Christmas and a very bountiful New Year filled
with the gift you need NOW so that you may go back
out into your community of just simply - loving
your people with ALL of your heart.

Much Love,

Ann Boulay

Ann Boulay <>
Bloomington, MN Hennepin - Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 09:58 AM (CST)
As I do my nightly run, I'll pray for your itching to stop. Maybe if I make a specific request versus my generic "God, take good care of Fr Greg and make him well." request, you'll get some relief. I know God is all-knowing, but I think he's a bit busy trying to slow down the "war train". This "free will" thing he gave us definitely has some drawbacks. Anyway, my running mantra will be "stop Greg's itch" - clean & clear. My prayers are with you.

Phil Anderson
- Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 09:39 AM (CST)
Spain calling! Just thought I'd check in and see how you're doing. Sorry to hear about the shingles. I got them on my face; it evidently got a nerve and half of my face was swollen and in pain, only to be followed by itching so I. can honestly say: " I know what you're going through". Seems like God just keeps testing your patience. Praying that this Christmas you receive the gift of new organs. Can you picture a lung or kidney wrapped up and sitting under your tree?
Lots of love being sent from this side pof the ocean!
Laura Stokes

Laura Stokes <>
Pamplona, Navarra Spain - Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 02:41 AM (CST)
Hi Greg, just heard about your website from my brother John and his wife who remember you from the CYC days. Just wanted you to know you are in our thoughts and prayers. I am grateful the shingles are on your back and not your face and eyes. I care for the elderly and have seen many of them suffer with it. So we pray - Father, heal Greg! Take away all the vesicles, stop the itching and pain. Bring relief from his suffering. Amen. You are in our thoughts and prayers!
Adella and Bill Wacker <>
Eagan, Mn - Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 10:38 PM (CST)
Greg, dear one, as I sit at my computer on this Advent Wednesday reading your update and the comments of your friends, I'm filled with sadness. Now shingles! Know with great certainty that you're prayed for here at the monastery. I waited for my nephew's transplant (Carolyn's dad), so I know the endlessness of the wait. But then it came! For you, too. May the Advent quiet hold you close and give you hope. Lots of love. Pat, OSB
Pat Collins, OSB <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 08:29 PM (CST)
hey greg! oh how we remember this day!! i can't believe it has been 36 years---- know that the "clan" upstairs is working overtime for you ....and now uncle vince. sometimes it seems like ...if it wasn't for bad luck,we'd have no luck at all, but that's why we keep the faith!! we're all praying with you and pulling for you, and we know that it will happen soon! we plan to see you and the family over christmas. let us know any other way we can help out. take care, and keep on keepin on... love and prayers, uncle mike and sally.
sally and mike hawkins <>
river falls, , wi. u.s.a. - Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 07:29 PM (CST)
Halleluja on the "NO TO WAR" paragraph. If only the whole world would listen to your outpouring of love,
there would be no war. I am sorry about the shingles, and the pain. I have seen other patients struggle with it, and though i can't say i know what it feels like, it looks like it feels absolutely horrible. can you use benadryl salve for the itching???? are you into any alternative medicine? darrin has a great book that meshes western medicinee with alternative medical. i am going to scope out what it says about high phosphorus in renal patients. i'll let you know if there is anything else to try. maybe they have something on shingles too. if i find anything earthshattering i will give you a call. you are in our prayers everynight and because of you we acknowledge what we are grateful for every night. if only i could walk even one mile for you...................
peace in this advent season of truly waiting.
joann, darrin, sepp and anya

joann hardegger <>
somerset, wi 54025 - Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 12:45 PM (CST)
Fr. Greg, You don't know me but I teach at Hill-Murray and I always have enjoyed your dynamic and meaningful homilies. After going through my own health problems a year and a half ago (I survived 3 heart attacks the same day) I want to say I can relate somewhat to your fear and spiritual quest to find God at your side. Know that God is with you in the scariest and weakest of moments and know that I and many, many others are praying for you.
Paul Deziel <>
Maplewood, MN USA - Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 10:30 AM (CST)
Good Morning Greg!

I've been up since 1:00 a.m. praying that you would find some peace in your itching, weariness, and pain. I also asked the Lord to let me walk with you a while and help me carry your cross, and I started to itch. Ok it might have been a coincidence, but I started to itch and scratch uncontrollably, I couldn't get to the lotion bottle fast enough. Then I asked the Lord to fulfill His promise to you in the passage of Isaiah 40:29-31 "He gives strength to the wearied, he strengthens the powerless. Young men may grow tired and weary, youths may stumble, but those who hope in God renew their strength, they put out wings like eagles. They run and do not grow weary, walk and never tire" I have no doubt that our Lord will answer the prayers of all those who are praying for you. You are a very dear man and are very much loved! You are in my thoughts and prayers day and night!

Lynn Oestreich Nolan <>
Woodbury, MN Washington - Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 06:52 AM (CST)
Hello Fr. Greg,
Thank you for sharing your story with the honesty of a human and grace of a believer in our Lord. You are a great example for us. Actually you have been a great example for while. I will never forget hearing your testimony a long time ago (1975?) at a prayer meeting in St Paul about a time when you had a strong desire to travel, and specifically:- to travel to Montreal, -and how the Lord answered your prayer in such an amazing fashion. It moved me to believe the Lord cared about my prayers as much, and I discovered the same loving and attentive Father you spoke of. Today as we learn to be open to grow closer with to Him with what the Church teaches as a "theology of suffering" (Salvifici Doloris) you continue to set an example for us to follow. Thank you Father Greg. With my thoughts and prayers this Advent season; Sincerely,

John Grevious <>
Minneapolis, MN - Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 01:11 AM (CST)
Dearest Greg:

I just want to hold you in my arms. And since I can't do that, I pray that you are held by many arms and hearts. I am holding you prayerfully in my heart. I care about you and love you but above all, God's everlasting love is holding you ever so gently...

Sally L. <>
Minneapolis, mn usa - Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 02:21 PM (CST)
Dear Greg- I read your update today, and wanted to send you our wishes of peace & healing- Especially this season. You are in our prayers, and Hannah says a special one for you each night. You are a true inspiration to us, with you sense of humor, and thoughts of others before yourself. We love you!

Michelle, Robert & Hannah Larson

Michelle Larson <>
Oakdale, MN Washington - Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 11:06 AM (CST)
Dear Greg,
Just got your last report and want you to know of my INCREASED prayer (if that can be possible) as you struggle with these last complications. It was so great to see you for those few minutes last Wednesday; thanks for letting me come in. I pray those gentle visitations of God's presence will continue especially during these difficult days of shingles and dialysis problems. I'm sure you know that so many hundreds of your friends are at your side in spirit. Yes, I heartily agree; we must keep sending the energy of Christ's love and peace into the hearts and minds of all those who want war. Prayer is such a power and our greatest hope in this present world situation..
Much love, Mary Jude, OSU

sr. Mary Jude, OSU <>
Frontenac, MN USA - Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 06:43 AM (CST)
Greg. May the Lords peace and comfort surround you.
Kelly Schmidt
Minneapolis, MN USA - Monday, December 09, 2002 at 02:50 PM (CST)
Fr. Greg,
I just got your website from Sally. You have been in my thoughts alot lately. You have always impressed me with your positive additude, and your strentgh. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers, and continue to watch your progress on your website. I will share your website with the rest of my family. Love from your cousin, Cheryl

Cheryl Price <>
Woodbury, MN USA - Monday, December 09, 2002 at 10:50 AM (CST)
Hi Fr.Greg, just wanted to let you know we are praying for you at St.Thomas Aquinas in St.Paul Park, at every Mass and in our homes. God Bless You in your waiting.
Teresa (Holl) Gockowski <>
Cottage Grove, Mn - Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 10:20 PM (CST)
Each time I think of you or my sister, I hear your voice and the words you spoke. Keep speaking those words and continue your positive outlook. My thoughts are with you,

Bridgett (Begin) Hubbard <>
Onalaska, WI USA - Saturday, December 07, 2002 at 08:57 PM (CST)
Hi Greg - I am thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. I often think of your inspiring words from the sermons you have shared with us over the years at HM. Take care and stay strong. hugs - mary
mary grau-stumpf <>
maplewood, mn usa - Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 10:42 AM (CST)
Greg - we all know you are being tough with these problems. Hope the shingles (mentioned in a msg.) are not causing you too much pain. Mom had them for a long time. I had them for a short time. Age is a factor I hear as to how long they last. Take care and we are all praying for your recovery and wish you a bright future. Love you.

Joanne Feyereisen
St. Paul, , MN US - Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 09:43 AM (CST)
Bonjour mon ami,
I had a wonderful surprise birthday party for my 50th. (It was nice of my sisters to do it early...maybe late??) You would have enjoyed it. Lots of your old friends and although it was only for girls we would have let you come. (But only YOU)
Just sending my love and prayers with many others.


mary mcclure <>
StP.aul, MN USA - Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 09:01 AM (CST)
We pray your health improves .We also hope your Christmas season is joyful and bright.Take care and we hope to see you real soon.
Tim and Louann Ryan <>
St. Paul, MN Ramsey - Wednesday, December 04, 2002 at 05:29 PM (CST)
You and your struggles are always just a mere thought away. Feel better so soon. I love you! Prayers and peace, Beth

Beth Tolaas <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, December 04, 2002 at 04:50 PM (CST)
Dear Greg,
Thank you for the update. I'll be meeting with my Mom & Dad and sister this evening to pray. We'll be praying for a quick (even instantanious) recovery from the shingles; we'll be praying for healthy lungs and kidney for you in God's perfect time; we'll be praying for wisdom for you and your doctors as you make decisions regarding this wrist-thing; we'll be praying for protection from discouragement, depression and bitterness while you continue to wait and suffer; we'll be praying that God will give you the grace and strength that you need to get through each day ( not just somehow - but victoriously! ) ; we'll be praying that soon, VERY SOON , you will be looking back on this pitiful time as a blessing ( ?!! ) .
And we KNOW that He hears and will answer.

Jeremiah 32:17
Ah, Lord, God!
It is you who made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm!
Nothing is too difficult for you.

Jeremiah 32:27
See, (Greg,) I am the Lord, the God of all flesh.
Is anything too difficult for me?

Don't give up, Greg. God is faithful.

Nancy Esboldt
- Wednesday, December 04, 2002 at 04:46 PM (CST)
Warm wishes to you, Fr. Greg;
We are keeping you in our daily prayers and thoughts for continued love, hope, and sustenance as the day approaches for your transplants. You continue to be an inspiration and example for us all! Take good care.
P.S. Anna is our 6-month old daughter who's excited to meet you!

Patrick, Diane & Anna Howard <>
Richfield, MN - Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 12:24 PM (CST)
Hello to Greg from Iowa!
Happy New Church Year! From your web page it appears love is also chronic! You'll have to talk to Mr. Mogren about using that digital camera of his to PLEASE post more pictures of the padre! Take care and we'll see you next week.
Tim McCarron :-)

Tim McCarron <>
Dubuque, IA United States of America - Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 11:09 AM (CST)
My sister Jan never really liked going to Mass until she heard you speak. She talked about you every Sunday and then my mother and I had a chance to go to your mass and we both cried and it felt so wonderful to hear you speak. It seemed as if you were speaking to each of individually. Thank you and God Bless.
Jackie Bekka <>
Broken Arro, OK USA - Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 09:12 AM (CST)

You are in our daily thoughts and prayers. Keep up the good fight...we trust in God that victory shall prevail!

Tom, Rose, Gavan, Lydia, Cabrini, Ronan, and Ava
- Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 07:09 AM (CST)
Greg---I wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. I have been thinking about you and have been getting updates from Johan. I also recently saw Fr. Karogi at Johan's father's funeral. I recently was married (in Sept. in a civil ceremony--the church blessing with be 12/27) and have been spending part of my time in Ireland as we have a home here as well as business. I am usually in Ireland about a third of the month. I promise I will stop by and see you at St. Philip's.....I am so sorry I have not.

Reynolds is doing well...a very spoiled Springer!

God Bless You.

Maureen Kucera-Walsh <>
Mendota Heights, MN USA - Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 11:38 AM (CST)
Father Greg,
Hello :) it's Teresa Bernu, I saw this website on my moms computer, and thought I would check it out and I am definitely glad it did! I have CONSTANTLY been praying for you,so has my school (Benilde) and my religion class. I want you to know that you are an extraordinary man, and such a good example for me and SO many others. I am visitor number 9,350. Greg, You have over 9,000 people who love you and care about you. That is a reason alone to keep going. i love you and you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong and keep on praying.
With all of my love,

Teresa Bernu <>
Medina, MN - Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 07:07 PM (CST)
Thinking of you always!
Bridgett (Begin) Hubbard

Bridgett Hubbard <>
Onalaska, WI USA - Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 03:35 PM (CST)
Keep smilin' Fr. Greg. I was just thinking about you.
Jack Traeger <>
Anaheim, CA - Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 01:25 PM (CST)
Hi Greg,
Thinking of you this Thanksgiving week with deep gratitude for who you are and continue to be.
Love and gratitude

Geraldine Nowak <>
Toledo, OH USA - Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 12:28 PM (CST)
Hi Greg...

Just found out from one of my colleague's (Tom Daly) that you had a website! Tom is a job counselor here at the MN WorkForce center in Bloomington and was talking to Laura who is in Dakota County. In their conversation Tom found out that Laura is your sister-in-law. You had baptized Tom's daughter, Sara, 17 years ago at St. Richard's. Tom and I agreed that we were so fortunate to have you with us at St. Richard's.

I think and pray for you often and am always uplifted by how you live life. May the God of goodness be with you and those you love this Thanksgiving. I thank our God for you!

Love, Sally

Sally Lofte <>
Minneapolis, mn - Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 11:41 AM (CST)
Psalm 103:1-5, 11
Praise the Lord, O my soul, and all my inmost being, praise His Holy Name.
Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not His benefits -
He forgives all my sins, and heals all my diseases;
He redeems my life from the Pit, and crowns me with love and compassion;
He satisfies my desires with good things, so that my youth is renewed like the eagle's. . .
For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear Him.

Thanking the Lord with you, Greg, that you belong to Him, and He will redeem your life from the pit, and very soon.
Happy Thanksgiving.

- Monday, November 25, 2002 at 01:12 PM (CST)
Hi Greg, its been way too long since I've checked in on the guest book, but dont think for one minute that I have forgotten you. The truth is, I think of you when I am driving, when I am cooking,--I wonder how your day is going and which of the myriad of physical symptoms are on the front burner today. Rick and I pray for you very often, and we remind the kids to pray too. We all love you so much, Greg, and must wait along with you, and trust that better days, much better days are ahead.
Mary Froehle <>
Mendota Heights, Mn Usa - Saturday, November 23, 2002 at 10:57 PM (CST)
the privilege and delight of bein in your life never pales.
jan kormann
- Saturday, November 23, 2002 at 10:37 AM (CST)
Pray daily for your transplants and for the person who will donate them to you......
Barbara Fenton (Tranny)
Woodbury, Mn. Washington - Friday, November 22, 2002 at 08:54 AM (CST)
Praying with you Greg. Your courage is remarkable, gives me energy.
Kerry O'Reilly
- Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 11:32 AM (CST)
Greg Tolass was my first grade teacher at Nativity Elem. in 1977. I frequently catch myself singing " This Little Light Of Mine", as this was a song he taught the class on the first day of school. In addition, we sent a letter to the Pope and received a letter back, and the entire class was in the Pioneer Press. He has always been an excellant role model in my childhood memories.
My thoughts and Prayers are with him.

Daniel Miller <>
Minnetonka, MN US - Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 08:32 AM (CST)
Greg, I have just heard of your great journey. I will pray for you, trusting the Lord to hold you in his hands. You have a very special place in my heart. You are loved very deeply. I will check on you daily and continue to pray for as long as you need.

I remember our teen years together and will hold those memories close to my heart and hope they will also make you smile.


Debbie Vail (LaVoy)

Debbie Vail LaVoy <>
Colfax, WI Dunn - Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 04:57 PM (CST)
Hi Greg!

Haven't said hi in a while and just wanted you to know you are thought about and prayed for everyday. I took a more recent picture of you off this website and showed it to my kids and you are now in their bedtime prayers. Visuals work so well!

Take care!!

Lynn Nolan <>
Woodbury, MN Washington - Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 02:57 PM (CST)
Isaiah 49:15-16
Can a woman forget her nursing child,
or show no compassion for the child of her womb?
Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you.
See, (Greg,) I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands.

Nancy Esboldt
- Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 12:21 PM (CST)
You are in ours prayers. From Sacred Heart and Benilde. Mike and Laurel Murry

Michael and Laurel Murry <>
Robbinsdale, MN USa - Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 07:34 AM (CST)
Hi Greg,

I've not forgotten about you. Think of you daily/prayerfully. Also try to send you lots of energy.
On. Noveber 1, 2002 I became Pastoral Leader of two churches in Fayette and Lyons, OH. These churches are about 40 miles west of Sylvania, OH. I am commuting from Toledo. I am replacing a well loved priest who was removed in July. Fr. David Reinhart, a very fine, young (35) priest is our Chaplain. Because of all the transition you did not receive an email from me.......but again, you are never far than a thought/prayer way. Thanks for your words of 11/7. Take care. My best, Geraldine

Geraldine Nowak <>
Toledo, OH USA - Monday, November 18, 2002 at 03:50 PM (CST)
Dear Greg, I'm checking in with you as I do each day, and am still praying for your transplant to come soon, and safely. I miss you, which I think is a direct result of the praying, which makes perfect sense. I continue to learn so much from you, and am grateful for the work you are doing now, as ever.
with Love, Christie

Christie Hawkins <>
Northfield, MN - Monday, November 18, 2002 at 09:45 AM (CST)
Hi, Greg,
It was great to have Fr. John ask me after Mass "Who is the Fr. Greg you were praying for?" Thus began a nice conversation and the resulting message he left on your guestbook. God is good. Today is my surgery on the left eye -- just like the right -- a trabeculectomy. I'm eager for it because, if all goes well, no more eye drops! They are what keep my eyes so red and irritatied. So pray for Dr. Ketcham's hands as he does that delicate surgical procedure. Thanks. My prayers for you always Those lungs must be on the way soon.
Much love, Mary Jude, OSU

sister mary jude jun, OUS <>
Frontenac, MN - Monday, November 18, 2002 at 06:09 AM (CST)
Hi Gregory,
Mary Beth here letting you know that you're thought of daily. My sister and niece are in town and we were going to come to mass tomorrow (11/17), depending on their schedules. I'll be glad to see you again. If I don't get to mass this weekend, I hope that I can get there before the end of November.
Mary Beth

Mary Beth Stearns <>
Inver Grove Heights, MN USA - Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 12:04 AM (CST)
Hi Greg- long time no see. this is your first mass deacon here- happen to be on retreat at the Villa and heard a prayer for a Fr. Greg... figured it had to be you. Tried in vain to reach you last summer while in Mpls but couldn't get through on the phone. Didn't know about your "recent" health concerns, and Jude was gracious enough to ge me this info. Now you know that George (C) would have some sage advice for you- or even write some sort of parody.... but I'll "refrain". Know of my prayers and love for you, and I will now try to get in touch with you "in person" asap. Will let Norma Jean and the folks know as well. We sang your "You are the bread that has made us one" two weeks ago, after i found it. Prayed especialy for you on that day. Guess it paid off with this info. PTL!
Rev. John Haugen <>
Cedar Falls, Ia USA - Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 05:40 PM (CST)
Dear Reverend Greg - You don't know me. I attended your Mass on Holy Saturday for the Easter Vigil 2002. Your sung mass so miraculously touched my heart. Your life and dedication to Jesus has been an inspiration and altered my life. The Holy Spirit is every day a more and more constant companion. May God give you what He feels is best, including new organs, and may he allow you to inspire others to greater service to his Sacred Heart as you have inspired me. Hope you enjoyed the Icon I sent. Spent time with two Sisters of the Visitation recently as they visited my home State. You are in everyone's prayers. Blessings in the Love of Jesus Christ.

Pat Wright <>
San Antonio, TX US - Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 01:36 PM (CST)
Dear Greg:
I was visitor number 8600 to your guest book. A reflection of the number of people whose lives you have touched and who remember you in their prayers! Thank you for the many ways you have inspired and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers...From one of the former St. Richard's flock.

Jean Campbell
Phoenix, AZ - Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 01:04 PM (CST)
Isaiah 41:10
Do not fear (Greg), for I am with you; Do not be afraid, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.

Isaiah 43:1-3
Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name (Greg), you are mine.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;
When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.
For I am the Lord, your God.

Nancy Esboldt
- Friday, November 15, 2002 at 01:53 PM (CST)
We, and many many others at St. Rita's, continue to pray for you and those who care for you. We are very hopeful about a successful outcome...and soon!

Peace & God's blessings.

Jon & Julie Auge <>
Cottage Grove, MN USA - Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 08:33 PM (CST)
Hi Greg, I continue to keep up with your health through my friends and coworkers in the archdiocese. This is such a great idea to let you know how many are thinking about you and hoping and praying that a transplant arrives soon. You are in our prayer corner at St. Joan of Arc and in our prayers every Sunday. It has been a couple of years since I have seen you but just wanted you to know you are in my prayers. Take care Greg and by the way your dog is soo cute.
Rosie Rogers <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 03:31 PM (CST)

We think about you daily here at Presentation and hold you in our prayers. The daily Mass crowd mentions you in their intentions each morning at daily Mass. Seems like just yesterday Bill Kenney was here and you were directing the 5:00pm choir. On behalf of the staff we wanted you to know we are thinking of you often. K.Mottaz

kay mottaz <>
maplewood, mn ramsey - Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 12:16 PM (CST)
You are often in my thoughts and my prayers continue. Ran across this in my daily prayer time. God is faithful and has his hand in all you are going through, he will sustain you. If you want to be blessed, learn to press through the test. Blessed (happy, to be envied) is the man who is patient under trial and stands up under temptation, for when he has stood the test and been approved, he will receive [the victor's] crown of life which God has promised to those who love Him.
—James 1:12

Kelly Winans-Schmidt <>
Minneapolis, Mn USA - Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 07:59 AM (CST)
Just wanted you to know that I haven't forgotten you. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
Laura Stokes

Laura Stokes -class of '74
Pamplona, Navarra Spain - Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 03:42 AM (CST)
Dear, Dear Greg; I have thought of you so much, wondering how you have been, and then several weeks ago you were mentioned at church in the prayers , at the Basilica. It scared me and I called Tim to check on you. WOW. Now I think i'm caught up with some of your struggles. You are a strong one. And I would guess it is getting very old. I'm thinking and praying for you every day and BEWARE, I'm going to visit you very soon on one of those long dialysis runs. More later, Martha Griffin, (and Keith, Nora, Jane and Louis)
Martha Griffin <keiththo>
MPLS, MN USA - Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 02:50 PM (CST)
Greg, I love the verse from Hebrews that we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses, a fitting November thought. Looking through your guest book I know that you are surrounded by love and prayers. blessings, Mike Tegeder
Mike Tegeder <>
Bloomington, MN USA - Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 08:38 AM (CST)
Dear Greg,
It's been so many, many years. I am sorry to hear that your body has been mistreating you so, after you have worked so hard to take such good care of it. Life is not fair. How I ache for you, and wish, along with all of your friends and family, that I could do something to ease your pain.
My sister, Bev, and I meet each Wednesday evening with my Mom and Dad, for the purpose of praying for the needs of our immediate/extended family. You have earned yourself a place on our list. I guess we're adopting you, Greg. I will check your website daily for updates. And the four of us will meet together and lift you up in prayer to our Lord, until you are on the other side of this crisis, looking back, and until your website is full of nothing but praise and joy and thanksgiving to God, which I am sure will be very, very soon.
I am confident, Greg, that GOD KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING, and as difficult as this is, I trust His PERFECT TIMING.


In Christ, Nancy

Nancy (Kehl) Esboldt <>
- Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 01:28 PM (CST)
Greg, I am utterly amazed at the number of loving thoughts that are being sent your way. I check these messages often and you have an astounding number of friends. Wish I could get to visit you but as you can guess my time is limited for outside fuctions. Things are getting tougher for mom also but she keeps on fighting. Must be a family trait. We are ALL following your rough road and pray that all goes well. Love and prayers, Joanne

Joanne Feyereisen
St. Paul , MN U.S. - Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 10:00 AM (CST)
Holding you in prayer each day.
Therese Murray
Oakdale, , MN usa - Monday, November 11, 2002 at 11:13 AM (CST)
Good morning, Greg. Mary Jo Wojcik Rafferty, '70, asked about you as we discussed the Class of '72 reunion, which was held Friday night. We continue to hold you in our prayers. Thanks for the update.
Yvonne McComber
Whit, - Monday, November 11, 2002 at 07:40 AM (CST)
Hi Greg. It's waaaay overdue that I check in to say hello, and to let you know that you have been and will continue to be in my prayers and thoughts. I was chatting with Debbie Organ at dinner last Wed., and she mentioned that she'd visited with you recently. It sounds as though this is a particularly touch-and-go time for you (as if all other times were not!), and I didn't want you to think that you were having to endure it without support. Now that I've checked this website, I am a bit embarrassed to have been worried about that! I will only add my voice to the many who know in you an inspiration and model for what priesthood ought to be. Peace and Courage!

Mike Byron

Michael Byron <>
St. Paul, MN Ramsey - Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 08:12 PM (CST)
hi, greg
what do you think about the 18th of nov.for a date to get together? we saw b.kinney, r.pierre, horgans, and vincks last night. some of that presentation group you mentioned. bill said he was going to a benefit friday night what's that about? i'm courious. thanks for continuing to keep all of us updated via this site. you are still and always in my prayers. i send you peace, joy, comfort, and love.

peg flicek <flee2552@aol>
maplewood, mn usa - Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 06:04 PM (CST)
Hi, Greg. It's good to learn that you are hanging in there. Methinks it is the powerful prayers of your countless friends and supporters. I continue to be grateful for your friendship. Your life inspires me not to be concerned about minor ailments and failings associated with the aging process. My love and prayers, always. Pat, Ihm
Pat Guthrie <>
Detroit, MI USA - Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 04:33 PM (CST)
Hang Tough,Father Greg! We know it is easier said than done but you are in our daily prayers.
Gert & Rufe Wisniewski <>
Plymouth, MN USA - Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 09:41 AM (CST)
Thanks for adding some info to the webpage , Greg. Although it's not great news, it's really good to have some message directly from you. As your ordeal goes On and On and On, so our prayers go On and On and On. Always remember that. Much love, Mary Jude OSU
Sr.Mary Jude Jun, OSU
- Saturday, November 09, 2002 at 07:17 AM (CST)
Greg dear... I ache for you -- the waiting, the tiring. I pray for you. I pray for the family who, out of their own profound loss, will give you renewed life. I cherish the words on these pages, Greg, such testimony, charming and edifying. You are good to be so honest in your remarks. It reveals such depth, strength born the hard way. And I thank God for every inch of your stubborn streak!

My prayer for you is simple -- for moments of escape from the aggravating reality of all thing "bodily." Surely you can't feel much like the vessel and Temple that the rest of us know you to be, and if nobody else has told you this lately, let me say: YOU ARE VALUABLE! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! YOU ARE TOUGH! YOU ARE LOVED!

And Greg, if it gives you a drop of pleasure, be lazy! I have every confidence that you'll do what needs to be done when it needs doing. In the meantime, may God keep you ready! In the midst of this struggle, Greg, I am filled with hope for the day when you breathe easy, when your body works FOR you. It will happen. Right here in this place. IT WILL HAPPEN!

Soon, God, soon.

My love,

Megan McGraw <>
Hutchinson, MN - Friday, November 08, 2002 at 02:00 PM (CST)

Just wanted to jot you a quick note and let you know that I continue to keep you in my prayers! Also, I would give you a kidney - I'm serious. Are there ways to find out if we are a potential match? I will be on a retreat with family this weekend so I will miss your 10:00 a.m.! I just didn't want you to think I was running late! See you next Sunday. I know God holds you in the palm of his hand - I also feel strongly your work has only just begun. Bless you, Bless you! Take Care of Yourself -please let me know if you are in need of anything! God Speed, Patrice

Patrice Henning <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Friday, November 08, 2002 at 11:07 AM (CST)
Well, I'm not visitor 8000, but it let me sign the guestbook anyway. :-) It was great to see you on the 27th. We all really enjoyed your service. Brunch was fun (next time we'll have to go bowling!). Keep inspiring us all!
Corey Hawkins
Eau Claire, WI - Friday, November 08, 2002 at 11:02 AM (CST)
I am visitor 8000. Mind boggling! It amazes me! You amaze me...and inspire me!
Love and peace, Beth

Beth Tolaas <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 09:01 PM (CST)
Dear Fr. Greg, I was just given a copy of The Catholic Spirit containing The story of the completion of the Cathedral renovation in St.Paul as well as the article about you. I would like you to know that you have been in my prayers now and again all these years since you and our son Mike were in grade school and high school together. I was quite sure God had plans for you way back then and that you wanted to listen. You do have a positive impact on people even your peers' parents which shows the extent of your love for God, His work and His great love for you. Thank you Greg for being faithful to all that you have been called to for all our sakes. You will continue to be in our heart and prayers in an even more special way... Mary Ellen Nemetz
P.S. It has been said " When God is in the center all else comes together ".

Mary Ellen Nemetz <>
Austin, TX - Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 05:38 PM (CST)
Hi Greg, I'm sorry to hear of your health difficulties. I will keep you in my prayers. Also, I will tell the others from Dubuque who were in seminary with us in St. Paul Mn. back in the 1980's to remember you in their prayers.
Fr. Dave Ambrosy

Fr. Dave Ambrosy <>
Cedar Rapids, IA USA - Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 02:55 PM (CST)
Fr. Greg:
Just a short note to wish you well on your upcoming journey through transplant and beyond - may you have an uneventful surgery, a speedy recovery, and a healthy life after. You are an inspiration to all our family and you are in our prayers everyday. It was nice seeing you recently with our friends the Hoffmans.

Bob Garrity <>
Plymouth, MN USA - Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 04:47 PM (CST)
Dear Fr. Greg,
You are an amazing human being, and I admire you greatly. Mark, myself and our four children pray for you every day. You have given us so much vision and strength through our little Maddy's diagnosis of CF. Remember how much you are loved and what a hero you are!!! Keep on hangin' in there!

Mary Peters <>
Stillwater, MN 55082 - Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 12:08 AM (CST)
Fr. Greg,
We are all praying this will be the week for you! You are an amazing person who has touched so many...May God heal you. Hang in there!

Martha Conners <>
St. Paul, MN - Monday, November 04, 2002 at 09:41 AM (CST)
Greg, as that old Irish monk said:
Just want you to continue to know that MUCH PRAYER
keeps coming your way.

Love, Mary Jude, OSU

Sister Mary Jude Jun, OSU <>
Frontenac,, MN USA - Monday, November 04, 2002 at 06:16 AM (CST)
Hi Greg, We think of you often, that beautiful voice when you sang in our wedding almost 20 years ago. We will continue to hold you in prayer as your journey progresses.
Barb Swanson <>
No. St. Paul, MN USA - Sunday, November 03, 2002 at 09:10 PM (CST)
Dear Greg,
I check this website daily, hoping to find that you have had the surgery and you are on the journey of recuperation.

I have not met you, but I know of you through Beth. Also,my daughter was at Summer Festival a few years ago in Menomonie, and she was moved by your talk to all the youth who attended. I must say, too, that she thought it was pretty cool to hear a priest swear!

You have touched so many people's lives over the years, even people like me who have never met you. You are a true inspiration. Thank you.

Carol Tollefsrud <>
Stillwater, MN USA - Sunday, November 03, 2002 at 08:43 PM (CST)
Greg, Passing on a reading from today:
You Can Be the Victor Instead of the Victim

Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us.
—Romans 8:37

Are you hurting physically, emotionally, or mentally? Did you know that you can increase or decrease the intensity of your pain by the way you handle it?

I know from experience and the Word of God that it is possible to be the victor instead of the victim.

The key thing to see is that the victory is "through Christ." If you and I can learn how to lean on God and receive from Him whatever we need, we truly can do all things through Christ Who strengthens us. (Philippians 4:13.)

God is more than enough for any situation. He has promised to enable us and to be our helper. As we come into close fellowship with Him spending time with Him and talking with Him in a simple, familiar way we begin to draw strength from Him.

The number one thing I learned was that I had to lean on the Lord to strengthen me. The second thing I learned was not to talk about the problem or even to think about it unless absolutely necessary.

Whatever you may be going through right now, keep your eyes and your conversation on the Lord and off your situation.

Remember this too shall pass.

Do This:
Submit yourself to God in all things. Spend quality time with Him. Wait in His presence, and you will find He is more than enough.

May God Bless you and keep you in his loving embrace. Kelly Winans-Schmidt

Kelly Winans-Schmidt <>
Minneapolis, MN Henn - Sunday, November 03, 2002 at 08:44 AM (CST)
Dear Father Greg: We've never met each other but I have heard of you from Gene Smith at St. Olaf Church and the recent article in the Catholic Spirit. Gene and I went to France recently and in a visit to Lourdes put in a good word to St. Bernardette on your behalf. With all best wishes.
Rosemary Albrecht <>
Saint Louis Park, MN USA - Sunday, November 03, 2002 at 07:21 AM (CST)
Hello, Greg,
You are in my prayers today. My name is Twink and I am a friend of Peg and greg's. I have had two daughters go thru Visitation school, and another one just began there. I have partaken in many Masses and even a retreat or two given by you over the past 20 years. You are truly inspired and I want you to know I feel that way. You even used to run by our house on Finn often. I admired you then also. Keep up your good work with the energy that you have. I will keep on praying for you. I promise. We need you! lOve, Twink LaFave

Twink LaFave <>
St Paul, MN RAMSEY - Saturday, November 02, 2002 at 09:55 AM (CST)
Fr. Greg, We haven't been in touch for many years, but, when I saw your article, I wanted to write and say that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. I think we originally met at the St. Paul CYC. I was the scrawny guy on crutches because I have cerebral palsy. Your faith in the midst of CF and kidney problems is truly an inspiration. I don't think you remember this, but you once gave me a plaque with the scripture verse "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help." This is my prayer for you, dear friend. My thoughts and prayers are with you in the days ahead.
Brian Altman <>
Bloomington, MN - Friday, November 01, 2002 at 11:02 PM (CST)
Dear Greg,
Can't believe it. After two weeks of trying to get back into your website it finally happened this morning. i surely hope I can keep it.
It was lost when I was in Scotland and so many forwarded emails stuffed my mailbox that they automatically ousted some old entries.

Scotland was a real pilgrimage. the best part was on Sunday when i went to Mass in the small chapel of St. Michael in the huge Abbey which St. Columba founded and which the Benedictines rebuilt. Here is the conversation after Mass with the presider. by the way there were only about 15 people there.

Me - thanks, Father, I'm an Ursuline from Minnesota
Fa - Ursuline? I was taught by Ursulines.
Me - Where?
Fa - St. Louis
Me - St. Louis !!!!! i spent many years there
Fa - (looking at my name tag) YOU were my second grade teacher

Can you imagine! After 52 years, meeting a pupil from my very first class. It was so much fun. He is on sabbatical - Fr. David Rausch.

You were getting prayers from Scotland and Canada and St. Louis, MO and now again in MN. I hope they are keeping your spirits up.
God love you, Greg. i do. Mary Jude

Sister Mary Jude Jun, OSU <>
Frontenac, MN USA - Friday, November 01, 2002 at 06:38 AM (CST)
Fr. Greg,

Just a note to let you know that we are thinking of you. You married us a little over seven years ago and that's always been a special memory for us. We are praying for you daily and hoping that you can return to your work someday soon!

Take care and God Bless!

Jim and Stephanie Vitt <>
Minneapolis, MN US - Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 09:36 AM (CST)
Fr. Greg-
I'd better be careful what I write, Mike told me his e-mail was censored. I hope I spelled that correctly. I know you are a stickler for spelling and grammar. The kids are keeping me hopping-little Olivia is nearly 9 months old and has become the human garbage can/vaccuum for anything her brothers or father leave on the floor. I have thanked her guardian angel a few times in her short life. We have even had the firemen/paramedics here for her. Mike thinks I have a thing for firemen(they have acutally been to our house twice).
On a more serious note, we think of you often. We hope and pray that you get your transplants soon.
Love, the Jeanettes

Jenny Jeanette <>
Wheaton, IL USA - Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 10:23 PM (CST)
Father Greg, I thought about you today as I went through my regular Bronchoscopy at Fairview-University. (Once you get your new lungs, you'll be quite familiar with the procedure & the wonderful staff!) As other folks who've experienced transplant have mentioned, if you want to contact me, please do. The other day I remembered the exact moment I woke up after my bilateral lung transplant. What a surreal situation. These days I can say my lungs are truly puffing away. It is a miracle beyond words. I just wish the immunosuppressant cocktail wasn't so difficult to understand. I'm truly grateful to the pharaceutical industry for the researchers who toil to treat us but there are unpleasant side effects to consider. I wish someone had told me about them before April 2002. Still thinking & praying for you.
Sherol Dubiel <>
Champlin, MN USA - Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 08:56 PM (CST)
Dear Greg, Oct. 30, 2002
Didn't know you had a website till that Catholic Spirit article appeared. But you have been in my thoughts and prayers for many years now, and more intensely so now that you're dealing with dialysis along with everything else. Just wanted to let you know that one of your longtime lobbyists is still at it quite fiercely for you.

Lucy Arimond <>
Bloomington, MN Hennepin - Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 03:53 PM (CST)
Hi Greg,
Patti gave me this web address last nite as we were discussing Vince. Sounds like you are holding your own, although that is a relavtive statement! Things are good w/ us, snow is falling right now and winter is on the way. We will be w/ Maureen on Thanksgiving and will keep you in our prayers. Take care.
Love, Dan

Dan Hawkins <>
Littleton, CO USA - Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 09:39 AM (CST)
Father Greg --- a big hello and prayers from Jack/Caral
Heffernan (OLG) ---- always remember your homilys and talks
--excellent. Also time you were at the house for dinner and
our teen age daughters and there friends cancelled their
evening plans as they wanted to stay and visit and listen
to you. We remember you in prayer and know all will work out. God Bless you and we will keep in touch.

Jack and Caral Heffernan <>
Edina, MN Hennepin - Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 03:00 PM (CST)
Father Greg --- a big hello and prayers from Jack/Caral
Heffernan (OLG) ---- always remember your homilys and talks
--excellent. Also time you were at the house for dinner and
our teen age daughters and there friends cancelled their
evening plans as they wanted to stay and visit and listen
to you. We remember you in prayer and know all will work out. God Bless you and we will keep in touch.

Jack and Caral Heffernan <>
Edina, MN Hennepin - Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 03:00 PM (CST)
Fr. Tolaas,
I read about you and your upcoming transplants in The Catholic Spirit and felt I had to write to you. I had a kidney/pancreas transplant in July of 2000 and so much of what you have written in your journal could (and some has) come from me. I want to add my support, prayers and well wishes to all who are here for you. I would alsolike to offer to you the chance to contact me with questions regarding transplants. I was incredibly fortunate to be given the name and numer of a woman who had a kidney/panc transplant before me and she was invaluable.
She gave me hours of her time telling me what it was like for her, something no medical personnel or anyone can do unless they've been there. I have spoken to others, too, and while no experience is ecaxtly the same, there are many similarities and it is so wonderful to talk to someone who knows what you are going through! Please, please feel free to contact me!

Also, has anyone mentioned a weekly injection called epogen to you? It helps you increase you red blood cells, thereby decreasing the severity of your anemia. I believe it is called epopyiten before transplant. Please ask your doctor, it may help! God bless, and I do hope to hear from you!

Margaret Kenneally <>
St. Louis Park, MN US - Monday, October 28, 2002 at 08:53 PM (CST)
Hi, Greg! I tried before to get in touch but the entry never did go through. Well, here I am again. I received the article published in the Catholic Spirit from one of my friends. You are such an inspiration to so many. I pray with you and with your family and all your friends for the transplant and your healing. After looking at the photo album, I reflected on the days when I first met you at Presentation upon my interview. You touched me by your spirit. You were much younger and I remember your faithfulness, your strength at that time. Blessings and may God's strength and courage continue to be yours. May He continue to hold you so close to Him. Praise the Lord for such ways of using this technology to keep in touch. I am grateful to have this opportunity to do this.
Sister Geraldine Paluszak, O.S.F. <>
Brenham, TX USA - Monday, October 28, 2002 at 11:00 AM (CST)
Our Mom's in Touch prayer group is remembering you often, Fr. Greg. BSM students and staff will miss your annual Mass with us but will pray you into being with us next Thanksgiving. Thanks for bringing Christ into our hearts every Sunday and for welcoming our little ones.
Sharon Shaffer <>
St. Louis Park, MN USA - Monday, October 28, 2002 at 09:23 AM (CST)
Our Mom's in Touch prayer group is remembering you often, Fr. Greg. BSM students and staff will miss your annual Mass with us but will pray you into being with us next Thanksgiving. Thanks for bringing Christ into our hearts every Sunday and for welcoming our little ones.
Sharon Shaffer
St. Louis Park, MN USA - Monday, October 28, 2002 at 09:18 AM (CST)

What a surprise to find out last year that my son was in the Connection at Lily Lake Elementary School in Stillwater and that the teacher was Beth Tolaas. I had met Beth at school PTO meetings but never made the connection that she
had lived up the street from me when I was a kid on Stanford Avenue. When I made the connection I said to her
"So you're Greg's little sister". I don't know where the years have gone but I was happy to meet her again and relive some old memories from my childhood. We caught up on the years that had passed and have had some great conversations. You are very lucky to have a sister like her. She has kept me posted on your health and we send our thoughts and prayers to you.

My aunt, Camille Johnson remembers you from when she worked at the Archdiocese in St.Paul. She said you always came into the office with a smile on your face. She worked there as a receptionist.

We wish you good health soon and send our best wishes to you.


Lois(Beaudry)Watne, Gary and Andrew

Stillwater, MN USA - Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 06:54 PM (CST)
Hello Father Greg!
I attended St. Thomas from 1994-98. During that time, I was constantly impressed by your enthusiasm towards people and life. Your messages of inspiration have since stayed with me, thank you! My thoughts, prayers, and best wishes go out to you. Hang in there!

Jeni Patterson <>
Lawrence, KS USA - Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 06:08 PM (CST)
Good Evening Greg,
I am Tanya's Grandmother. I believe we met at Tanya & Brad Feyereisen's wedding.

Our son-in-law, David, has CF. His brothers also have CF.

The youngest Brother called David this weekend. There is a new drug for CF that seems to do wonders for young people. The drug is ZITHROMAX.

David is being treated in Tampa General Hospital. They have tried some "new" drugs with him, in the past. He said he is going to ask about this drug on his visit to Tampa General Hospital in a couple of weeks.

David is going to be 50 on his next Brithday. His Doctor said this is a record.

David is not eligilbe for a lung transplant at this time.

You are in our prayers. We know God walks with you.

Love, Garm & Gramps Krongard

Loreda Krongard <>
Punta Gorda, FL USA - Saturday, October 26, 2002 at 10:37 PM (CDT)
Father Greg,

The other night you asked the women of the church what keeps them there and I hesitated to answer your question. As I thought about what you asked, I finally was able to answer what you asked. One of the reasons I stay with the Catholic church is the signifigance that the Virgin Mary has in the church. She was a mother who suffered the pain and death of her son. This is something that no other religion has focused on. She holds a special place in my heart because of what she saw her son go through in life. I have also been to different demoninational churches. I still feel a special bond with the Catholic church. Everyday I know that God is there with me. I thank God for holding a special place in his or her heart for me.

Mona Prince <>
Crystal, MN Hennepin - Friday, October 25, 2002 at 08:41 PM (CDT)
Fr. Greg,
I was a student at St. Thomas starting in 94. I want to thank you. You were an inspiration in and out of the church; and you are as much a part of my college memories as anything else. I still carry a quote from you around with me, "Seize the day with passion, and dare to love." From the moment you said it, I have never forgotten. The inspiration, guidance, and love you gave to me and all of the other students could never be appreciated enough. My thoughts, my love, and my prayers are with you always. May you get well and continue to spread that wonderful spirit to many more.

Anthony C. Gardin <>
Fox Lake, IL 60041 - Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 09:33 PM (CDT)
After reading about you in the Catholic Spirit, I just had to add my name to list of prayer warriors. I know how hard you have been working at your parish in the Northeast side. I attend St. Dominics of Northfield.. the Southeast side of the cities.. I am so inspired by your courage and strength. I have to say, I do know where you get it from!! :) I will be praying for you, keep on fighting. I just turned 50 on the 22 of October. I also am dealing with diabetes. I was just diagnosed in 1997. That is hard enough to deal without having more complications. I will be waiting to hear about your updates.. God Bless

Kathy Mahowald (Kate) <>
Farmington, , MN USA - Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 08:53 PM (CDT)
Greg, my friend. What a gift you are to so many. You have touched more peoples'lives than you will ever realize. Thanks for touching mine with your faith,friendship,fun and frolic, at OLG and beyond. I now add my touch of prayer for successful transplant and subsequent healing. God is with you! love, gene
Gene Pouliot
Richfield, MN USA - Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 04:26 PM (CDT)
Bonjour Mon Ami,

What a wonderful way to share our daily lives. Thanks for sharing yours. Caringbridge was already on our computer as we have a beautiful little niece from Columbia who came to us last Thanksgiving and my sister Cathy used this service
while in South America.

Your entries with their eloquent way of expressing the thoughts of humankind will make a beautiful book someday. Perhaps you or a friend will assemble them after the transplant procedure. Your picture is on our refrigerator and for this family that's the best way to stay close to our hearts and remind us to pray.

When my Mom was ill I pictured her doing her dance recital tap dance for us to the tune of Eastside Westside. It always made us laugh and she too could hardly finish before her giggling took over.

For you I picture that youthful teenage boy of 16 or 17 in his bib overalls standing in front of the crowd at the CYC sharing about Jesus. There was such an energy, boldness,
and strength.

Pound for pound and inch for inch you've always lived life with more power than most of us could even dream about. You're doing the same now even in your physical weakness. Know of my eternal gratitude for your friendship and my great HOPE for this next chapter.

Love from Mary and for Randall and the kids.

Mary Wilkie McClure <>
St.aul, MN USA - Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 11:23 AM (CDT)
Hi Greg,

I've been out of computer range (hard to believe in this high techno age), but I haven't been 'out of range' regarding keeping you in thought and prayer. Now I need to catch up on your pictures. Again, many,many thanks for ministering to all of us so well ( as always) as you continue the waiting process. So, it's not four weeks of Advent for you..........but we all know it won't be 4000!!!! Ah, hope is eternal......thanks again for sharing yours with us (this inter-net Communion of Saints.) Take care. love and prayers.

Geraldine <>
Toledo, OH USA - Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 10:49 AM (CDT)
Hello, Father.

I'll say a prayer for you, and also ask my mother to say a prayer, too. I always say she has a hotline to the saints. Best wishes and peace of mind to you.


Pati Provinske <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 10:07 AM (CDT)
I think of you often - my prayers and thoughts are with you. Love Patsy

Patsy Maloney <>
- Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 09:29 AM (CDT)
Hi Greg,
I linked to your page through the UST online bulletin. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
– Tom C.

Tom Couillard <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 07:47 AM (CDT)
Hi Greg,
Just ready to go to sleep and wanted to let you know of my constant thoughts, prayer and love. You're really something you know that? I pray not only for your donor, but that the fatique may lift some, so that you might get a little respite. Peace and God's blessings on you.
I love you,
Mary Beth

Mary Beth Stearns <>
Inver Grove Heights, MN USA - Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 09:59 PM (CDT)
Hi, Father Greg... I wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I think of you and pray for your health often. I also have never told you how meaningful your homily was to me last Christmas Eve. That homily made mine and Willie's holidays much easier to get through without my Dad. Since then, I have shared your homily message with others that have lost loved ones. Thanks...mackenzie xxoo
Mackenzie King <>
Lakeville, MN - Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 03:37 PM (CDT)
I have had my Kindergarten Class praying for you along with Ginny.
As you know, Five year olds carry alot of power.
Blessings to you,
Nancy Beck-Erdman

Nancy Beck-Erdman <>
Minnetrista, MN USA - Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 01:28 PM (CDT)
Greg, just received an update from Beth on how you are doing. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you. I will say the rosary for you this Friday at OLG. The daily mass goers are keeping you close in prayer at OLG. I hope to see you at church on Sunday. Love, Merrie
Merrie Marinovich
- Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 07:58 AM (CDT)
Dear Father Greg,
I am sure that you will not remember me. I am the sister of someone you knew well, Donna Begin. My grandmother sent me the article that recently appeared in the Catholic Spirit and I just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you. It has been over 18 years since you knew the exact words to say at my sister's funeral and those words at 31 are more impressionable then they were at 13. I am now married for 7 and a half years and have a beautiful 3 and a half year old daughter. I spend my time at Onalaska High School, near La Crosse Wisconsin as a Marketing Teacher. I love to be involved in my school and community. My husband and I have been very blessed with life and want you to know that we are thinking of you. In 1994 I lost my mom to breast cancer, another day I would like to erase. But those two very strong woman, my sister and my mother, made me the person I am today. My father lives still in Durand which about an hour and 15 mintues away, so we see him often. Please know that people still talk of your homily at Donna's funeral, it was something that no one present could ever forget. I will think of you always and thank you for touching my life in a very special way. Best Wishes, my family will keep you in our prayers daily.

Bridgett (Begin) Hubbard <>
Onalaska, WI USA - Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 09:25 PM (CDT)
Hi fr. greg,
It's cold tues afternoon and I just finished having lunch with someone I went to high school with and really haven't seen for 25 years. (She lives in Florida now).
Any way her Dad is at North Memorial and she used to live by Fr. Dale. I'm hoping she'll come to church with me while she's here. I told her dad to pray for you, in his spare time, then they aren't running tests or probing him. He also is very sick, though they are hoping his heart is finally stablize.
I hope your time comes soon so you will be recovered and your same young self by the holidays.
I pray for you daily, Keep up your Spirit!!

Becky Deming <>
mpls, mn Henn - Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 03:44 PM (CDT)
Dear Greg,
I don't know if you remember us but my husband Jack and I owned and operated the Four Inns Restaurant in downtown St. Paul for many years. Your Dad was in for lunch almost every day and we remember him fondly-he was a wonderful man and you seem to be following in his footsteps. I recall that he brought you in with him occassionaly and he always seemed to be so proud to have you with him. We will be adding you to our prayers and will hope to hear good news when you get the transplant.

Jack and Elise Lonnee <>
Eagan, MN - Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 09:36 AM (CDT)
Hi Greg,

I just want to let you know that we are praying for God (of course) as well as to my sister Colleen and brother Mark. Maybe they can "pull some strings" for you! Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Hang in there, friend!

Pat Lannon <>
MN - Monday, October 21, 2002 at 11:26 PM (CDT)
Hey Greg! Glad to hear you are doing well. I am praying for you. You have such an amazing attitude, I admire you and your siblings so much.
Love and Peace,

Katie Tolaas <>
San Diego, CA - Monday, October 21, 2002 at 08:35 PM (CDT)
I love your closing comment of the 17th, Let's be powerful! If all of your friends continue to storm heaven and our loving God on your behalf, we then will be most powerful.
Pat Guthrie <>
Detroit, MI Wayne - Monday, October 21, 2002 at 07:30 PM (CDT)
Hello Greg!
We have been thinking of you, and just wanted to say hi. My grandma is in Arizona for 6 weeks now, and she has also been thinking of you and your daily struggle. Hang in there. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
~Al Tolaas

Al & Jim Tolaas <>
Stillwater, MN United States - Monday, October 21, 2002 at 05:06 PM (CDT)
Hi Greg. This is Cathy Schmit (Julie Larson's sister). I just read your latest entry and have heard you preach the "Much prayer" quote in the past. I remember leaving church and immediately taking up paper and pencil to commit it to memory. It holds a special place in my Bible. I pray for you often.
Cathy Schmit <>
North Oaks, MN USA - Monday, October 21, 2002 at 09:21 AM (CDT)
Fr. Greg,

After thinking about what to say, I find myself trying to type something really profound...and it doesn't feel quite right – so I’ll just stick to the basics. I am an old UST Sunday night chapel regular, and now a Basilica parishioner. While I haven't seen you too much lately, your words from homilies long past still stick with me. You were always a favorite with my group of friends. I just want you to know that you are in my prayers, and that lots of folks over here in St. Paul are pulling for you. You helped me (and many of my friends) along in my spiritual journey, and in fact were quite inspirational and instructional in keeping me active within the Church in my early twenties. While I cannot offer any eloquent words in return for all your spiritual guidance, I can say ~ Thank You, Peace and God Bless.


Nathan Hughes <>
St. Paul, MN United States - Monday, October 21, 2002 at 12:11 AM (CDT)
Hi Greg, It's just me again, letting you know of my thoughts, prayers and love. I was just about to fall asleep and I thought YIKES, I haven't talked to Greg this week. So here I am. Not much new on this end, one more surgery about a week and a half ago and all is well Praise God! Some of my friends from the "big House" will probably be writing to you with love and prayers. I love you!!!
Mary Beth Stearns <>
Inver Grove Heights, MN Dakota - Sunday, October 20, 2002 at 11:08 PM (CDT)
Hi, Greg. I've been browsing through your web page and just have to tell you, that with all these prayers, the love of all these people...I know you will get well soon, and you will be aboard a Grand Cayman flight or go back to New York. We all need you and you are loved by all.
Jeannie Van Ort (Carr) <>
Oakdale, MN USA - Sunday, October 20, 2002 at 05:10 PM (CDT)
Greg, You won't know me by name, but my husband and I are two of the "regulars" at Los Campeones. Someone posted an article about your wait for organs. Organ transplantation happens to be a subject I've studied quite a bit. I understand your feeling about how your life will only be saved through a transplant if someone else's life is lost. That true, of course. But don't forget that the family may find solace and meaning in their loved one's death by knowing that the death has brought life to others. Although I'm not a member of your faith and can't offer my prayers, I offer my encouragement and hope for your receiving a successful transplant and return to health. We hope to see you back at the gym before too long!
Liz & Shel Danielson
- Sunday, October 20, 2002 at 01:32 PM (CDT)
Dear Fr. Greg,
How lucky John and I are to have had your guidance in our lives! Eleven years ago you were there for us in support of our marriage, and now, (four children later!) our marriage and our Catholic faith are extremely strong. I believe we owe this to your influence in our lives so many years ago at St. Thomas. You are always in our prayers and may God give you the strength you need all your days. We love you!

Liz Adams <>
Northfield, MN USA - Saturday, October 19, 2002 at 07:43 PM (CDT)
I have come to know of you through a very dear friend of mine that I work with by the name of Cindy. She has a little 4 year old boy named Alex, who has CF. Because of him and his mom, I have become much more aware of not only the disease, but I am happy that the Lord has blessed me with these people, and this new found desire to reach out and help. You are in my prayers. After Cindy told me of your story, she told me that we work with a couple of other guys that have known you for years, Jeff Arundel and Luke Vossen. We ALL wish you the best, and thank you for sharing your story, your faith, and your hope.

Greg Knight <>
Minneapolis, MN - Saturday, October 19, 2002 at 07:08 PM (CDT)
You are in all of our prayers -- including Ma's who is in heaven putting in good words.

Barbara Kommers <>
Minneapolis, MN Hennepin - Friday, October 18, 2002 at 04:36 PM (CDT)
The circle of people you've touched for the Lord is bigger than you'll ever know. Hang in there. We and many others continue to lift you up in prayer.

Liz (Baniak) Zupfer
Mounds View, MN USA - Friday, October 18, 2002 at 12:15 PM (CDT)
Dear Fr. Greg Tolaas,
My daughter, Anne K. McGowan spoke kindly of you while she was a student at the Univ. of St. Thomas. She died two yrs. ago from a severe eating disorder. You had a great influence on her life, and she said prior to her death, how happy she was to be going home to the Lord. I saw her suffering, and I am praying for you.

Rita Quinn McGowan <>
New Market, Md. USA - Friday, October 18, 2002 at 11:28 AM (CDT)
Dear Fr. Greg Tolaas,
My daughter, Anne K. McGowan spoke kindly of you while she was a student at the Univ. of St. Thomas. She died two yrs. ago from a severe eating disorder. You had a great influence on her life, and she said prior to her death, how happy she was to be going home to the Lord. I saw her suffering, and I am praying for you.

Rita Quinn McGowan <>
New Market, Md. USA - Friday, October 18, 2002 at 11:28 AM (CDT)
Hello Fr.Greg, I just read about you in the Catholic Spirit.What an inspiration you are to all of us.I remember many years ago my sister speaking of your wonderful family(she attended Hill Murray with your brother Tim).Our 15 yr old son has severe Asthma and other health issues,he has been having a very difficult time. After reading about you and reading your entrys here I have a renewed strength and realize our challenges are so small. Thank you! You are in our prayers.
Teresa (Holl) Gockowski <>
Cottage Grove, Mn US - Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 11:32 PM (CDT)
hey gregor...try not to fool around with stuff while john and i are away from the office. phil promises prayers for you in all the holy italian places. peace my friend. i love you.
- Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 03:40 PM (CDT)
Dear Father, I am the secretary at the Maryknoll House. One of my duties is to read through the diocese papers and this afternoon I read the article about you appearing in the Oct. 10th Catholic Spirit. I want you to know that I will be praying for you and I have posted a pray request for you on Maryknoll's Post-A-Prayer at our website. God bless, Bette
Bette Jane Baxter <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 02:26 PM (CDT)
Hello Greg!

How many years has it been since our paths have crossed? I was saddened to see your health battle has heightened in the past years when reading the article in the Catholic Spirit. You are in my prayers and so is the donor that one day will give you renewed life.

I suppose I should tell you who I am. We met many, many years ago at the old St. Paul CYC. You were still in high school. When my father passed away last year I went through old pictures from my days at the CYC, and you were in quite a few of them. The fondest picture of you is one at the end of a very wet and cold camping experience in Grand Marais. You were kneeling on the wet ground watching a chipmunk eat the dyed red eggs we couldn't eat. If my memory serves me, wasn't it your red dye bottle that accidentally emptied into the eggs? Or were they green?Those were the good old days my friend. My maiden name was Lynn Oestreich. I have been married now for 11 years and have two wonderful children. I thank God for joy they give me every day.

I would love to hear from you. Like I said before, you are in my thoughts and prayers.


Lynn Nolan <>
Woodbury, MN Washington - Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 02:24 PM (CDT)
Father Greg,

In the mid 1970's, I had a friend who would give other people presents on his own birthday. I have always wanted to start doing that myself, but I never did.

Today is my 51st birthday, and I want to give you something. I want to give you the gift of my prayers. If I had to guess, I probably would be correct when I say that I don't pray as much as most people do. And when I do, they are often selfish prayers. But on this birthday of mine today, I am going to start something new. I am going to start giving presents to others in the form of heartfelt prayers. I just wanted you to know that you are the first person on my gift list.

Whenever I am in the cities, I always look forward to visiting St Phillips to hear your homily. If I lived close enough, I would come there every week to hear you speak. Thank you for all the times your words challenged me, made me think, made me laugh or helped me choose a better path. And most of all, thank you for showing up at just the right moment last January to talk with my mom at the nursing home. Your presence helped her pass away in peace.

'Happy birthday' Father Greg!

Love and miracles,

Rick Novitsky <>
Grand Portage, MN USA - Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 01:52 PM (CDT)
Bonjour Greg,

I'll light a candle at Notre Dame and look forward to great news when I return!!


Margaret Nelson
Minneapolis, MN Hennepin - Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 01:04 PM (CDT)
Fr. Tolaas,
You won't remember me, but I remember listening to (and loving) your homilies at St. Thomas('87). I still read the Catholic Spirit even though we are now in the U.P., Michigan. Seeing familiar faces and places helps keep me close to home. I will add my prayers for you and your family. Your faith has touched more people than you know! Thank you for the opportunity to write.
Peace, love, strength, faith.

Kari Lyle <>
Chassell, MI USA - Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 12:55 PM (CDT)
Mom and Dad sent us the 10/10 write up in the Catholic Spirit. Great article on a great person. You know Al and Phil, always keeping us up to date on what's going on. We are glad to hear you are still celebrating Mass. You have made and continue to make such a significant difference in so many people's lives including ours.

We miss getting together, and wish we could have seen you in August, but we understand. Maybe Christmas time when we are in town again.

As always, we keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

David, Erin, and Julianna Sweet
Brookfield, CT USA - Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 10:23 AM (CDT)
Praying for a day filled with serenity and rest. God is so good and I know is holding you in the palm of his hands. As he says to me in time of trials, I Am here!!!

Kelly Winans-Schmidt <>
Minneapolis, MN Hennepin - Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 08:21 AM (CDT)
Dear Greg, You are as handsome as ever! Your sense of humor appears to be intact, as well. I still laugh to remember the bantering between you and Jerry Kaiser! Seriously, you and your donor (and families) are in my prayers. Please whisper one quick prayer for me, as well. The good Lord has allowed me to experience excruciating pain in my left leg for two years. His motivation hasn't penetrated my thick skull yet. Much love to you, Susan Leifeld
Susan Leifeld <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 09:43 PM (CDT)
Greg - We are sending our love to you and keeping you in our prayers.
Kathy,Ron,Sherri,Steve,& Michael Snyder

Sherri Snyder <>
Woodbury, MN - Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 07:47 PM (CDT)
Greg. I just read Sherol Dubiel's Oct 10th message about getting a double lung transplant after just 8 months -- and what a miracle a full breath is! See, it can happen, and will happen because of all the prayers being sent up to the Big Guy.
What a difference between the messages on your site and the ones on Ginny's site. Yours are so inspirational as opposed to Ginny's more S-A types. Viva la difference! You have an army of supporters behind you, just as she does, and they're all praying hard.
Gin had her usual "near death" experience when she arrived in FL last Friday. Very, very sick -- scared Sue and Dave to death -- but in 2+ days she was out of it and on the beach. Rosie missed Otie so much that she wanted to leave the sunny beaches and come home, even called Nana and asked her to send money for her plane trip home!
We all love you lots.

Dan Kelley <>
Edina, MN USA - Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 03:07 PM (CDT)
Hi Father Greg, I have thought of you so often and wondered how you were doing and now that I am aware of your web-site, this is great! The article in the Spirit was wonderful, but knowing you and how you have touched so many lives, is awesome. I continue to pray for you constantly and do hope you will have a donor soon. I send my love,
Shirley Polejewski <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 03:05 PM (CDT)
We are praying for you Fr. Greg. My husband had a heart transplant and we know what it's like to wait and hope while feeling so rotten. We are with you all the way!
Martha and Bob Bray <>
Bloomington, MN Henn. - Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 12:05 PM (CDT)
hello mom gave me the cath newspaper shes in nativity were we went to school.i met you again in river falls as i took care of your precious anna.there was a healing mass yest at st bs and i prayed and will cont to do so.please hang in there--heidi fargo smith.
heidi smith <>
river falls, wi usa - Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 11:23 AM (CDT)
Greg, It has been way too long since I've seen you. Too busy doing that Monday, Tuesday stuff you talk about. So, no surprise, you have gotten me to once again stop and take a long, hard look at my values. You have touched my life (and many others) in ways you can't imagine. You are in my thoughts and prayers - often. Phil
Phil Anderson <>
St Paul, MN - Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 09:32 AM (CDT)
Fr. Greg,
Just a quick note to let you know we continue to check on your progress and keep you in our prayers. Hang tough.

Dan and Martha Conners and kids
- Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 08:26 AM (CDT)
Tanya Feyereisen is our Granddaughter.

Gramps ( Dale) is a lung cancer survivor. Gram (Loreda, me) is a Breast Cancer survivor. We know the many highs and lows one goes through when confronted with a serious illness.

God walked us through the trying times.

There is an e-mail message that pops up every so often.."GIVE YOUR PROBLEMS TO GOD...HE'LL BE UP ALL NIGHT ANYWAY." As you know He will carry your load for you.

God does provide strength, we never knew we had.

You will be in our prayers. We will watch your PROGRESS! and wait for your message stating you are a SURVIVOR too.

God Bless.

Dale & Loreda Krongard <>
Punta Gorda, FL USA!!! - Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 12:59 AM (CDT)
Fr. Greg,
Many have you touched through your ministry and many you are touching through this difficulty. Thank you for saying "yes" to God in your daily struggle. You are an inspiration.

Praying that the wait for you is not long. We know well what that wait is like as our 5 year old nephew received a new heart in January.

God bless you.

Pat and Karen Hinnenkamp from Totino-Grace <>
Shoreview, MN - Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 11:01 PM (CDT)
We will stay in touch. Keep fighting.
Reed and Mary Gochberg
Surry, ME USA - Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 07:34 PM (CDT)
Fr. Tolaas -
First Grade was a long time ago but the memories will forever be cherished in my heart. You had a phenomonal impact on me and my entire family. We are blessed to have gotten to know you when you were teaching at Nativity. We have followed you throughout the years and continued to pray for your health.

My husband and I recently returned to Minnesota from Ames, IA and are now living in Anoka and expecting our first child in December. We ran across your story on a recent visit to the Science Museum and then again in the Catholic Spirit. We wanted to let you know that we will keep you in our prayers and that we remain hopeful for the transplant. You are so strong and deserve the best.

Crista (Baierl) Walsh <>
Anoka, MN USA - Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 01:39 PM (CDT)
Dear Greg, I haven't seen you in ages. My parents attend church at St. John's in Little Canada and there was an announcement regarding you and your health and the request for prayers. They also included this website. My mom called me and I just needed to drop you a line. I used to be a part of the God Squad group at Pres. I've admired you for ages. You've often been in my prayers throughout the years when I'd hear your health was causing you difficulties. You've touched many lives! Being able to write in your guest book gives me an opportunity to say I'm blessed to know you (even though I haven't seen you in ages). Thanks for sharing your many talents. May God continue to bless you, You're at the top of my prayer list!
Maureen McGee (Molohon) <>
Roseville, MN USA - Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 11:29 AM (CDT)
Greg, finally got your email address and your last msg of 10/4. I talked to Jeanne and hear that you are really holding fast and fighting to see this through. I hope you know that even tho I have not been on this list I think of you often and receive info here and there. I'm glad to be on your list now and hope I will receive updates with everyone else.
Love, Joanne

Joanne Feyereisen <>
St. Paul, MN US - Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 07:58 AM (CDT)
The article about you in the October 10th Catholic Spirit conveys that we priests are human like all others. We have our fears, we have our joys. But we, maybe more than others, realize that this life is but temporary and the time will come when we will return "home" to our Father. May He watch over you in this time of waiting and may it be His will that you stay with us here for some time to come.
Whenever I feel down, I like to look upon my favorite painting of Christ: The Laughing Jesus; and I always feel better afterwards. May He smile upon you too. My prayers are with you.

Fr. Michael Stelmach <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Monday, October 14, 2002 at 11:45 PM (CDT)
It has been a long time since we've seen each other, but you have rarely been out of my thoughts. I thank you for the impact you've had on my life, especially my faith. I hold you to God in a prayer of petition, of course, but also in a prayer of thanksgiving. I am a better person for knowing you. Be assured of my constant prayers during this time. Peace,

Bill Nolan <>
Saint Paul, MN USA - Monday, October 14, 2002 at 05:16 PM (CDT)
Dear Father Greg,
I had the wonderful good fortune to have had you in my class at Nativity in the sixties and have followed your life journeys over the years. I pray that your transplant comes quickly and will give you many more years to serve and inspire. My brother-in-law had twelve years with a kidney from my husband. Now I have a niece waiting for a heart-lung transplant. My heart goes out to you and your family.

Shirley Schmitz LaCroix <>
St Paul, MN USA - Monday, October 14, 2002 at 01:37 PM (CDT)
Prayers to you are coming from North Andover, Massachusetts.
Robyn Seide
North Andover, MA USA - Monday, October 14, 2002 at 01:04 PM (CDT)
Hi Greg,
Am offering prayers for you - especially that the tranplant come quickly. I know that the retired priests here at the Byrne Residence are also praying for you.
Tom Chapple

Tom Chapple <>
St. Paul, mn - Monday, October 14, 2002 at 11:14 AM (CDT)
Father Tolaas, God bless you! I saw the article about you in the October 10 issue of The Catholic Spirit. Whenever I think of you, I think of the Suffering Servant of Isaiah, Chapter 53. As you know much better than me, Jesus has given us the the opportunity to participate in His plan of redemption as His Body, and therefore, our suffering has great value. Just think of all the souls you have saved by offering up your suffering to Jesus through the Sorrowful & Immaculate Heart of Mary! It must be staggering! But someday you will know; we all will. I recently accepted a position at Mary, Mother of the Church in Burnsville, so I no longer work for Saint Anne's in North Minneapolis. I probably won't see you very much anymore, but you are a great inspiration to me, and I am sure everyone who meets you feels the same way.
Maurice Prater <>
Saint Paul, MN USA - Monday, October 14, 2002 at 10:23 AM (CDT)
Hi Greg-
My thoughts and prayers are with you during the "waiting process." I am from Tranny and have enjoyed your homilies here and also at Jim's mother's funeral. You are truly inspirational. God be with you.

Natalie Bonfig
Maplewood, - Monday, October 14, 2002 at 09:20 AM (CDT)
Greg, Got your web page from the Transfiguration bulletin today. We have a caringbridge web page going for our son, Anthony. CaringBridge rocks!! We have been our son's voice for nearly a year and a half, so it is enlightening to read journal entries written by the patient himself. Your words are inspiring. Thank you for letting us walk with you.
Shannon <>
Lake Elmo, MN USA - Monday, October 14, 2002 at 03:58 AM (CDT)
Greg, We saw the article in the Catholic Bulletin and we wanted to send you greetings and to let you know you are in our prayers. By the way, the pictures you have of yourself on the website definitely show that your hair has mysteriously "darkened". What's the secret?? You should share it with Tim!
Hang in there!

Mike and Patti Gorman <>
Eagan, MN USA - Sunday, October 13, 2002 at 09:34 PM (CDT)
greetings to you greg
It was a wonderful sermon today, as it hit my heart, because it is so true. On a lighter note I pray for you daily and all my catholic clients have you in their prayers, one client said you are on their prayer line at St. Anthony. Keep up your spirit!!

becky deming <beckyd2750>
mpls , mn henn - Sunday, October 13, 2002 at 08:45 PM (CDT)
Greg, I have seen you a few times at the CF conferences and was so blessed that as you explained sipping your breath through a straw at times. Finally someone speaks the reality of this illness! I walk on the daily journey of living with CF and am grateful to this day as it has made me the strong woman I am today. Perseverance, tolerance, patience are all things we struggle and celebrate in. However it is so important to remember two things as I travel this path: Let others be there for you and stop pretending. When it is tough say so and that is ok. God wants to hear it all from us and it gives him the opportunity to truly hold us in his embrace. I met your family as your sister Mary was a true witness to me in the hospital and was my first experience with death of a cf person. An experience I cherish as she taught me how to have a strong spirit and grace. You encourage me and have blessed me each time I have heard you speak. Not being able to go to conferences anymore as I have cepacia, I will miss that but am so happy for the website as perhaps a venue to inspire one another. I have so often wanted to connect and for whatever silly excuse it didn't happen. My mom gave me the Oct 10th article and the Lord said NOW is the time. I will hold you up in prayer and continue to believe that Jesus heals. We never know what side of Heaven that healing will be however we have the Hope of Jesus and his love, mercy, compassion and grace. God Bless, Kelly
Kelly Winans-Schmidt <>
Minneapolis, MN Hennepin - Sunday, October 13, 2002 at 07:45 PM (CDT)
Dear Father Greg:
I am a member of St John Neumann parrish in Eagan.
When I read your column in The Catholic Sprit it makes me think of the things I went through many years ago, I had a kidney transplant 36 years ago, this gift of life was from a 28 year old man that died in heart sugery, I will never know his name or his relatives. All I know is that he gave me a second chance at life and it has been better than most people can imagine.
I would like to meet you and hopefully pass on some encouragement.

Steve Erickson <>
Inver Grove Heights, Mn USA - Sunday, October 13, 2002 at 02:04 PM (CDT)
Father Greg,
My son Josh talked about you when he was a student at Saint Thomas. We offer our prayers for you. I will have a candle lit at work for your intentions. God Bless You.

Allen Webskowski <Allen.Webskowski@Prodigy.Net>
Saint Michael, Mn USA - Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 10:26 PM (CDT)
AFter reading the article in the Catholic Spirit (10/10/02) I needed to write as I believe I worked with your sister Jeannie Larson many years ago in Dist. 622. I remember her talking about going home and giving her brother(s) their treatment for cystic fibrosis. Now I read this article about you on two transplant lists. I will pray that God will reward you with new lungs and kidneys. I am going to a benefit tomorrow for a friend who just rec'd a new heart. I also have a cousin who is waiting for a new heart. Just knowing that this is all possible is such a miracle thanks to our advanced medical technology. May God answer your needs soon. PS: If Jeannie is your sister, please great her from me. Thanks.
Joan Moser <>
Richmond, MN USA - Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 08:36 PM (CDT)
A friend gave me the moving article in The Catholic Spirit. I am from the Lutheran tradition, but often attend Catholic Churches with friends. May God be with you. What wonderful Grace has been bestowed to us in Jesus Christ our Lord. My prayers will be you as you await these transplants.
LeRoy Jensen <>
Minneapolis, Mn USA - Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 05:21 PM (CDT)
Father Greg - I saw the article in the Catholic Spirit today and wanted to send my prayers and thoughts to you. I knew and worked with your dad and your sister Mary many years ago. I always felt that your family was so special - the way you all cared about each other. Mary thought you were the greatest big brother any girl could have. My prayers are with you during your wait for your transplant.
Linda Pirri <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 04:25 PM (CDT)
Greg, after reading the article in the Catholic Spirit I logged on to your website. I would imagine there are many like me who are/will want to sign the "Guest Book" now after reading the article. Ever since talking briefly with you at Rose Tilleman's funeral, you have been in my prayers. I am grateful for your website to keep abreast of what is happening with the transplant search.
Are you on the prayer list of the CSJ Retired Sisters at Bethany? Their primary ministry is prayer. Our family has experienced the power of their prayer.
God love,

Joan Wittman <>
St. Paul, MN Ramsey - Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 04:21 PM (CDT)
We are burning a candle that you may have less pain. We pray for you every day. John and Michelle keep us updated.We love you.
Lois LeBlanc <>
Fertile, MN USA - Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 02:59 PM (CDT)
You are a remarkable person, with a great love for life, all fellow human beings, God and His Church. Stay strong and thanks. There are many exciting trips back to Europe in your future.

John Brady
Eden Prairie, MN USA - Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 12:53 PM (CDT)
Fr. Tolaas, I received your site from my mom, who saw a write up in the Catholic Spirit. She took a special interest as my dad was Dr. LeRoy Matthews, one of the pioneers in CF care. Started the Cleveland CF Center. You and I talked some 20+ years ago. Both my mom and I live in Mpls. I work as a pediatric pulmonology nurse . . . CF care is still a part of my life. I will keep you in my prayers and ask my dad to intercede on your behalf. God's peace to you.
Christina Matthews Huebner <>
St. Anthony , MN - Friday, October 11, 2002 at 11:51 PM (CDT)
Dear Fr.Tolaas, I have only met you once. It was at Kate and Matt Rezac's wedding at St. Peter's in Richfield. I think about 5 years ago. I was amazed at the way you enlightened the young people. I think that's the reason so many young people stay away. because they can't connect. You gave a wonderful marriage homily. My daughter was very impressed too. Now she is getting married. I always think of you when I get the Catholic Spirit. You are showing your will to keep doing God's work and I believe this is a part of that work.You have my continued prayers and support. Always, Connie Jones
Connie Jones <>
Richfield, MN Hennepin - Friday, October 11, 2002 at 02:06 PM (CDT)
Dear r, Tolaas, I have only met you once. It was atKate and Matt Rezac's wedding at ST. Peter's in Richfield. I think about 5 years ago. I was amazed at the way you enlightened the young people. I think that's the reason so many young people stay away. because they can't connect. You gave a wonderful marriage homily. My daughter was very impressed too. Now she is getting married. I always think of you when I get the Catholic Spirit and wonder how you are doing. I guess since I didn't see anything I always thought you were still with us. You have my continued prayer and support. Always, Connie Jones
Connie Jones <>
Richfield, MN Hennepin - Friday, October 11, 2002 at 02:01 PM (CDT)
Hey Greg - Emma is here...she is a beautiful baby and has the sweetest disposition too! We are soooo blessed! Plan to come to St. Philip's on Sunday. Jetlag and loads of visitors got the best of us last week. We have been thinking of you and hoping you get your call soon too! Lots of love - Colleen and Emma
Colleen Donahue <>
- Friday, October 11, 2002 at 12:39 PM (CDT)
I will be visiting Lourdes in the near future and will ask Saint Bernadette to put in a good word to the Blessed Virgin for you.
Rosemary Albrecht <>
Saint Louis Park, MN USA - Friday, October 11, 2002 at 11:55 AM (CDT)
Greg, my prayers are with you. I hope for continued health and spirit for you at this time. Paul Wolf, odination class of '83
Paul Wolf <>
Winsted, MN USA - Friday, October 11, 2002 at 10:51 AM (CDT)

Father Greg,

You have every right to complain...The Catholic Spirit 10-10-02. We can pray for you knowing that every request is answered with yes, no or maybe.

I have attended mass at St Philips occassionally with my mother, Rose Deiley. The last one was for funeral services for my mother's sister, Stella Shopek. Your homily had the force of another great orator and reminded me of what Thomas Jefferson said of John Adams after one of his speeches to the delegates of the Continental Congress in 1776, "his thunderous oration moved us from our seats."

Thank you for all you have done to rebuild St Philips.

You have our prayers.

Jerry Deiley, et al St Philips 1939-1950 <>
New Hope, MN Hennepin - Friday, October 11, 2002 at 10:35 AM (CDT)
Greg- Greetings from an old friend. I was so happy to find your website and be able to send you a simple message. When we were young your friendship meant so much to me. It's as if I carry a part of you with me always. It's a part of me that smiles and laughs. I'd LOVE to hear you laugh again!

I know you are a special son of God, that is why you suffer so. You have always been in my prayers but now I will especially pray for your most immediate health concerns. I frequent the Adoration chapel at Epiphany so it fills me with great joy to be able to offer an hour each week for you. May an abundance of God's grace, love and mercy be yours!

Love, Anne(sorensen)Brick

Anne Brick <>
Coon Rapids, MN USA - Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 11:13 PM (CDT)
Fr. Tolaas--

I, too, have Cystic Fibrosis and have heard you speak at past CF Conferences. During Sept. 2000, I got on the transplant list at the U of Mn as a result of my declining pulmonary function. I thought I'd need to wait 3 years for a double lung transplant, which was fine since I wasn't emotionally ready. Imagine my surprise when Dr. Dunitz told me mid-April 2002 that I was on top of my blood type/body type list! On April 25, I got the call at midnight instructing me to be at the hospital by 2:30am. From what we know, the donor family donated all their loved one's organs. A truly amazing gift to perfect strangers, wouldn't you think? My surgeon, Dr. Peter Dahlberg, dealt with surgical complications masterfully, and even honored my request to snap a photo of my 'old' lungs! I recommend you ask for the same since it proved to me the power of my mind to overcome my severely restricted lung capacity. I believe everything happens for a reason. There is a plan and we must wait patiently for it to be revealed. I'm fine now after a bumpy first month post-transplant. As I near my 6th month post-transplant, I recognize the importance of valuing life's seemingly insignificant moments. I will pray for you and hope a donor family like mine will step forward for you. You cannot even imagine how great a full breath can be! You'll see & be amazed. May God continue to watch over you and your family.

Sherol Dubiel <>
Champlin, MN USA - Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 08:10 PM (CDT)
Father Greg, I remember how you made me cry at Mass when you signed the Our Father for the King boy who was deaf. It really touched my heart that you did that. We at Risen Savior pray for you and ask God to provide for you what you need so that we can enjoy many more years of your ministry to us. Donna
Donna Marie Gildemeister <>
Burnsville , Mn - Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 06:17 PM (CDT)
Father Greg, it's tempting for me to monopolize your pages here, but I'd rather impress you with my great restraint. God knows I could jam the internet with my ramblings. I will instead spare you the text and send my unnumbered intentions with God speed. It's going to happen, Greg. It has to.

I so appreciate being able to connect with you, even if electronically. Again I thank you for sharing your insights with me (and about 5600 other folks!). We are blessed by you. And we know it.

The photos you've included on this website are fabulous! Kelley looks like a million bucks! And that smile of yours -- 'tis your signature, no?! I especially love that portrait of you with the children. "Let the children come..." Thank you for showing so many of us the way... you amaze me more and more.

My every fondness....

Megan McGraw <>
Hutchinson, MN USA - Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 04:04 PM (CDT)
Hi Greg,
I am grateful that you are getting the word out for us to pray for you even more steadily as your health worsens! It is odd isn't it that this new technology (internet) can echo an eternal truth and make it more real than ever: The communion of Saints. Please know of my prayers and the prayers of my parish community. Trusting in God we shall not be disappointed!

Fr. Mike Anderson <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 11:19 AM (CDT)
Dear Greg, Having read the journal, I wish to thank you for bringing me back to earth. Your love is felt and returned.
I will, and members of this scattered family here in Australia send our love and pray for your comfort.

Pamela Walker <>
HAMILTON HILL (PERTH), WA AUSTRALIA - Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 09:20 PM (CDT)
Found this website through a search for possible Tolaas relatives in USA. Have communicated with Beth Tolaas and sent family tree information to confirm possible connection.
Pamela Joy Walker <>
HAMILTON HILL, WA AUSTRALIA - Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 09:12 PM (CDT)
Hi Greg,

Peace to you. Thank you so much for your beautiful and most meaningful thoughts on life and living.

Mike Monogue <>
St. Paul, MN U.S.A. - Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 05:09 PM (CDT)

You do not know me but I just had to write. A mutual friend shared your website with me. I am a recent recipient of a single lung at the U of MN for pulmonary fibrosis (November 2001). Your journal entries hit home and are very inspirational. The true gift you are about to receive is mind-boggling. I marvel each day how instructive (in a positive way) the place of sickness and recovery can be. It is one of God's mercies/blessings that has come our way -- wouldn't you agree?

Wanted to share with you a phrase I recited myself to sleep with during a couple of dark days when things seemed to be getting the better of me:

"All shall be well
And all shall be well
And all manner of things shall be well."
... by Dame Julian of Norwich

This simple affirmation of faith gave me great comfort and finally put me to sleep (and calmed the coughing down). The best part was that two days later I got the TP call!

I will pray your call comes today. God's technicians at the U of MN transplant center are phenomenal. We are fortunate to have such a place in our backyard. Stay strong.

Lori Wething
Minneapolis, MN Hennepin - Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 04:01 PM (CDT)

You do not know me but I just had to write. A mutual friend shared your website with me. I am a recent recipient of a single lung at the U of MN for pulmonary fibrosis (November 2001). Your journal entries bring me back all to clearly to the pre-transplant days. They also apply to the post transplant experience as well but in a different way. The true gift you are about to receive is mind-boggling. I am still amazed how instructive (in a positive way) the place of sickness and recovery can be. In that I found one of God's many blessings that have come my way.

Wanted to share with you a phrase I recited myself to sleep with when a dark day seemed to be getting the better of me:

"All shall be well
And all shall be well
And all manner of things shall be well."
... by Dame Julian of Norwich

This simple affirmation of faith gave me great comfort. The best part was that two days later I got the TP call!

I will pray your call comes today. God's technicians at the U of MN transplant center are phenomenal. We are fortunate to have such a place in our backyard. Stay strong.

Lori Wething
Minneapolis, MN Hennepin - Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 03:54 PM (CDT)
Hi Greg,
Just wanted you to know that I'm still thinking of you and praying for that transplant (or should I say transplants) you need. Read your latest note (I read ALL your notes for that matter) and I guess what really hit me was when you admit to complaining, having "down" days, etc. Well, now I know you're human (ha, ha). Actually, I think that courageous people aren't those who never complain when going through tough times but rather those who admit that they have moments of weakness and yet, in spite of those moments, they manage to trudge on, day by day, trying not to let the "weak moments" overtake their lives. So, in my book Greg, you're a courageous person. May you maintain that inner strength which seems to help you keep going and manage to beat the odds!

Laura Stokes <>
Pamplona, Navarra Spain - Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 04:14 AM (CDT)
Dear Greg,

Just thought you'd like to know . . .

All five of us have been praying together for you every night for so long that Beth, (almost 5) considers you her personal charge. It brings tears to my eyes almost every time she says, "Please, Jesus, watch over Father Greg and keep him close to You until his body can get better." Sunday night, she added, "Please make him be better soon . . ." and in typical Beth fashion, ". . . and You'd better make it snappy!" (We had a little talk about reverence after I was able to compose myself.) Anyway, reverent or not, we all hope God listens to that prayer the way He seems to be listening to her regular request that He keep you close to Himself!

You know, I think, in reality, He's drawing all of us closer to Himself through you. Thanks for sharing so much of your struggles (complaining?) and insights. You keep us focused on the important steps along this road toward eternal life. You are a great blessing to me, as I am sure you are to all these other folks who count it a priveledge to be included on this journey of yours!

Much love and continuing prayers,

Peg Helminski <>
Woodbury, MN - Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 11:52 AM (CDT)
Hello Father Greg: My name is Nancy Crawford and I am employed at The Egan Companies in New Hope, MN. Would you please call me at 763.591.5503 to discuss our companies' page in the CF Program Brochure for the Breath of Life Gala Event? I need to have a completed ad submitted to Molly at CFF by October 16. The President of one of our companies, Bill John, would like to recognize you in the program on our companies' page. I am designing the ad and would like to get your permission to use your photos posted here on your web page and get originals of your photos or electronic versions of them to use in the production end of the ad. There doesn't seem to be a way to attach a file copy of what I'm designing to this site so if there is another way to get a draft of the page to you, I'd be glad to do so. Let me know how - fax/other email address/??? Your journal entries are inspiring especially your comment about the "grand yes to life." Nancy Crawford, Director of Communications - The Egan Companies
Nancy Crawford <>
New Hope, MN USA - Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 08:53 AM (CDT)
Hi Greg,
It's just me again. I enjoyed seeing you at mass this morning, and engaging with such a vibrant community! Blessings on this upcoming week, hoping that the news will be soon.
love and prayers,
Mary Beth

Mary Beth Stearns <>
Inver Grove Heights, MN United States - Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 11:52 PM (CDT)
I'm suffering "Fr. Greg withdrawal". Had to go to mass at another church today for a baptism, and it made me appreciate you even more. We are so lucky to be a part of your life through your loving parish. The whole church reflects back your love to each other. You have gifted so many, even, and especially through, your illness. God must love you very much, and so does St. Phillip parish

Donna Montgomery <>
Edina, MN Hennepin - Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 11:48 PM (CDT)
Hey Greg! We just got your web site yesterday from Tim. I just want you to know that you have been in our thoughts and prayers and think of you often. We have been asking Tim, Laura, and Beth all summer about you at the lake. I want you to know how much we love you and are pulling for you. We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers!
Lots of Love,
Charlene, Carrie, and Brian Maly

Charlene Maly <>
Coon Rapids, MN U.S. - Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 09:31 PM (CDT)
Hey Greg! It's Carrie Maly. We're all pulling for you! You're in our thoughts and prayers! Hope we'll see you at a family function soon! Bye!
Love always,
The Maly's

Carrie Maly <>
Coon Rapids, mn U.S. - Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 09:12 PM (CDT)
Father Greg-

The last time we saw you in person was 6 years ago at our wedding. You blessed Michele and me at our wedding and gave a tremendously inspirational talk. We have followed you and your progress through mutual friends and have thought of you often. I, personally, in some tough times have thought of you and how powerful you are as a person. With your physical challenges that you face, and the positive outlook that you have, has given me inspiration. The power that you possess coming from God. As you said at our wedding: No Power, No faith in God;Little power, little faith in God; Much Power, Much faith in God" Keep your faith and power strong. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!

With Love-

Will and Michele(Dornbach) Murray

Will and Michele Murray <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 07:53 PM (CDT)
hi, greg
many,many days i think of you and pray for you to continue to be strong and to receive "the call" that you are on the top of the list. and today i went to your journal page for an update and am amazed and grateful for your sharing of faith, truthfulness, hope, and courage. thank-you for continuing to give to all of us.
melissa has now turned 21 years old!!! bernie and i are truly proud of her.
julie is getting closer to pinning down a major. somewhere in the "helping" fields.
my time at century college has been great. its a very organized dept.
bernie continues to do very well at school--he's proud and so am i.
i will see you at st.phillips.
love and prayers to you

peg flicek <>
maplewood, mn usa - Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 02:06 PM (CDT)
I just found your page, thanks to Archbishop Flynn's note. My prayers are with you. I will put your page in the bulletin next Sunday and add the prayers of all the folks from Saint John's of Little Canada!

Fr. Bob Fitzpatrick <>
Little Canada, MN - Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 11:47 AM (CDT)
Our thoughts and prayers are with you daily. Your inspiration is a constant to us on our faith journey. Thank you and God bless.
Ron and Mary Beth Snyder <>
Apple Valley, Mn - Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 08:48 AM (CDT)
Greg: Not many days go by I don't think of you and pray (at least a little) for you. I'm unbelievably grateful for the friendship and guidance you've been able to provide for some of those people closest to me. We're keeping you in our thoughts and prayers moreso now than ever before.
Matthew Kormann <>
Dallas, TX - Saturday, October 05, 2002 at 11:37 PM (CDT)
Hi,Greg. I think of you often and pray for you every day. Your words today are especially touching. They gave me some ideas for my homily this Sunday with the reading from Philippians (one of my favorites). SCARF. Take care, FRIEND. Much love, David (the Passionist).
David Cinquegrani, CP <>
West Hartford, CT USA - Friday, October 04, 2002 at 10:47 PM (CDT)
I was reading in the Saint Stephen's parish bulletin about your web page, and I am glad I can read your journal entries. I am praying for your health. The fall colors happen so quickly, today I slowed down to enjoy them, and it brought back childhood memories. Thank you for your insights on slowing down, and what is important is inside of us. I see how perfect everything is in nature, and I am picturing you in the best of health with good news coming soon!

Jim Hansen <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Friday, October 04, 2002 at 09:07 PM (CDT)
Hello Greg,
We write from miles away but somehow feel connected to all that has happened there still...we keep you in our daily prayers and hope that you continue to be strong and honest about your feelings and progress. We're looking forward to having you baptize our second baby Rucki in March when we hope to visit MN for 10 days or so. Until then, know we are near in spirit. With God's Blessings

Lynn & Mike Rucki <>
Brasilia, Goias Brazil - Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 07:17 PM (CDT)
I'm so glad Jenny Schmitt told me about your website. I'm on the road again for St. Thomas (Atlanta, today) and nearly every week Sept.-Nov., as such I feel fairly disconnected with people at times. Sometimes keeping in touch electronically seems a bit odd, but I like how it helps shorten some of the distances. I really appreciate your journal comments; powerful, raw and truthful, as always. I'll always cherish our friendship and the conversations we've shared; here's to many more! Eric sends his greetings and well-wishes also. Much love,

Joe Plante <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 10:40 AM (CDT)
Dear Greg,
Today is my first time viewing your www site. What a wonderful witness you are! I loved seeing you and your dog...I remember when you got her and brought her to our home on Cromwell when she was a few days old!! Time has flown.
Please be assured that your Poor Clare sisters in Saginaw are holding you in prayer with much love always.

Dianne Doughty, osc & Sisters Bernie, Laurene & Laura <>
Saginaw, MI USA - Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 07:33 AM (CDT)
Hi Greg, It's just me letting you know that I am thinking about you and praying for you daily. Ron says "hi" and hopes you are feeling better. Tim took my sister, Ron and I to see our childhood home. Dear God it didn't look anything like I remembered. It was a weird experience. But I am so grateful to Tim for his time and energy. I guess that's the Tolaas way. Feeling like any feline fights lately? If these walls could talk!
Love you,
Mary Beth and Ron

Mary Beth Stearns <>
Inver Grove Heights, MN USA - Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 10:23 PM (CDT)
Fr. Greg,
My computer crashed with that great big bolt of lightening a few weeks ago. I have been going to the library to access e-mail etc, not a bad place! Anyway, I have been wanting so much to acknowledge the wonderful! wedding ceremony you presided at for Bruce and Carol on Friday, September 13th. Your homily was very witty, funny and inspirational, as usual. Knowing how difficult it was for you to physically participate made the marriage cermony so much more special and meaningful. Sometimes I think those of us who are enduring pain and suffering are in some way closer to God, somehow in brotherhood with the suffering Jesus endured. Just a thought. George and I think about you often praying for your continued strength.
Love, Barb Laurance

Barb Laurance <>
Plymouth, mn USA - Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 06:27 PM (CDT)
Hello from the Larsons. We saw your paintings after Mass a few weeks back and were very impressed! Your talents are wide ranging and appreciated by many!


John, Sharon, Eric, Haley

John Larson <>
St Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 05:52 PM (CDT)
the "lining" you are looking for will be the new lung tissue lining which will come with the transplant.
wishing you short days till number 1.
our hope is that one day soon, you too will run and jump outside at that basketball hoop with the kids.
thanks for the sermon a couple of sundays ago. it was great to see and hear you. darrin and i both left inspired once again.
praying that today has relieved you of some nasty bothersome symptom - keep that john leblanc in line!!
love darrin, joann, sepp and anya

joann hardegger <>
somerset, wi usa - Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 07:16 AM (CDT)
Hi, Father Greg.

I want to thank you for saving your energy all week in order to be with all of us Philipians for Mass on Sunday. Your priority speaks to us of the love you have for us. You have much to offer us and we need to hear your insights into the Word as well as to gather with you together to worship the God who loves us beyond our understanding. I wish you many moments of peace and hope as you wait for what we are all praying for.

Betty Lou

Betty Lou Miller <>
Robbinsdale, MN USA - Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 10:22 PM (CDT)
YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION. THANK YOU for writing....please know that you are touching lives in ways that you will never know. My prayers and thoughts continue to go out to you.
Jacki Delahunt <>
Stillwater, MN - Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 08:11 PM (CDT)
YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION. THANK YOU writing....please know that you are touching lives in ways that you will never know. My prayers and thoughts continue to go out to you.
Jacki Delahunt <>
Stillwater, MN - Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 08:11 PM (CDT)
Dearest Greg,

I am so grateful for this website! We owe our happiness to your wisdom and counsel and are praying for your health and happiness. Mike and I have three gorgeous children: William,7; John, 4; Carolyn, 1. You guided us through tough times before our marriage, baptised and confirmed me, and gave me my first communion. You are very special to us. Hang in there!

Janelle (Andress) Kelly <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 01:24 PM (CDT)
Fr. Greg, Thank you for the great web site; it must be so special receiving the many beautiful comments from all over the country. You are indeed in the hearts and daily prayers of so many.
Joe, Sheila, and Josiah Biernat <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 12:44 PM (CDT)
Dear Greg, Our prayers are with you today and throughout the coming days as you wait for your surgery. We have been updated by Patti and Eddie, and discovered that our children's new principal also knows you and has Judge Memorial Catholic High School praying for you as well! Now that we know about this website, we can check for updates, too. Blessings and love!
Erin, Rob, Hadley, Sam, and Will Bowers
Salt Lake City, UT - Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 11:41 AM (CDT)
Fr. Greg- I want to thank you for sharing your situation with us. I so admire that you can use your illness as part of your ministry to help others like me. You have always been an inspiration to so many and continue to be. I came to St. Thomas back in 1977 because I knew my dad was going to be in Hennepin Cty. Medical Center for a number of surgeries which, at the time, were as medically challenging as yours. Through the miricle of modern medical science and last minute advances before a number of his surgeries, he was able to have the last 20 years be his best. I will pray for the same for you.
Greg Hendricks UST '81 <>
- Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 11:41 AM (CDT)
Dear Greg: Best wishes for the success of the surgery. I will keep you in my Masses and prayers every day. God willing you will get through this as you have so many times in the past. Oremus pro invicem! Fr. John Riley
Fr. John F. Riley
St. Paul, MN - Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 10:48 AM (CDT)
Oh, Greg, how I sympathize with you! But, as you say, your faith and humor will get you through this. Just don't give up hope. Thanks for your e-mail of last evening. Pat, IHM
Patricia Guthrie, IHM <>
Detroit, MI Wayne - Monday, September 30, 2002 at 07:22 PM (CDT)
Dear Fr. Greg,
I'm sorry you are sick. I like to see you when I go to your church. You make me happy. My mommy and I pray for you. I hope a miracle will happen with you. I hope God sends his angels to protect you and I hope the sun shines for you today.

Mary Catherine <>
Hutchinson, MN - Monday, September 30, 2002 at 01:43 PM (CDT)
Greg.... I pretend that, in sending a message to you, the intensity of my concern makes it from my heart to yours. I thank you for sharing these pages with me so I can weep in wait with you. I beam with pride that you continue to touch MY life, right alongside all the lives of these other admirers of yours. I will keep my words here brief (because wisdom escapes me right now), but please know that if pen to paper could make you breath one whistle easier, I'd write all day for you, Friend. My love.
Megan McGraw
Hutchinson, MN USA - Monday, September 30, 2002 at 01:26 PM (CDT)
Dear Fr. Greg,

I am so glad I finally found your website...I had heard about it some time ago, but could never find the actual address...anyway, I ran into Michelle L. and she was kind enough to pass it along. I wish I was computer savvy enough to e-mail you a picture of Nathan now. remember the little 2 year old boy who sat in your office at St. Thoms and said the "Our Father" with you? He is now a 6' freshman at St. Thomas Academy and loving every minute of it! (He sends you his best and says he will pray). Dan and I are hoping to get to St. Phillips for mass soon. I am forever grateful for how you stepped in and helped us (mostly me) when we needed it most...wish we could re-pay you in some small way. Know that our family will pray for your strength, patience and grace. You are amazing.
Take care,

Martha, Dan, Nathan, Katie, Jeremy, Michael, Emilyand Maggie Conners <>
St. Paul, MN - Friday, September 27, 2002 at 07:08 PM (CDT)
Greetings of peace and love, my dear friend. You are never far from my thoughts and prayers. Geraldine Nowak called me today with your new web address. At last I can get on line to express my continuing hopes, desires and prayers for you. Much love, Pat, IHM
Patricia Guthrie, IHM <>
Detroit, MI Wayne - Friday, September 27, 2002 at 03:59 PM (CDT)
Hi Greg!
I lost track of you for a few weeks because of your new address and my use of a computer at the library. Glad I found you again.....Sue was marvelous in assisting me with your new address. Also passed on your address to Pat Guthrie. Feels good to be connected with you again. Continued good thoughts, light, peace, love and prayers.

Geraldine <>
Toledo, OH USA - Friday, September 27, 2002 at 02:40 PM (CDT)
Dear Greg,

I feel fantastically lucky to have come to know not just someone like you, but YOU. You remain in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs and kisses.

Kara Murphy (UST '97) <>
Minneapolis , MN USA - Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 03:18 PM (CDT)
Greg Greg Greg, who colored your hair. . .still looks grey to me! You look better than ever and while you may not feel it, I think we can attribute it to your spirit. Continue to fight and I will pray my friend. The best to you always as you know how much inspiration and courage you have provided me with over the years! Love you,

Jed Hastings <>
Dallas, TX - Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 01:55 PM (CDT)
Dear Fr. Greg,
Just a note to let you know I am thinking about you and keeping you in my prayers.

Yvonne McComber
- Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 01:48 PM (CDT)
Dear Fr Greg, just to let you know , you are in our thoughts and prayers daily. Love, Sally & Mike Hawkins
Sally & Mike Hawkins <>
River Falls, Wisc usa - Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 02:55 PM (CDT)
Fr. Greg:
Thanks for the way back. I'm greatful for your inspiration.
You are in my prayers.

Sheila Harrigan <>
Golden Valley, MN Hennepin - Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 12:23 PM (CDT)
Greg...hope you were able to enjoy the beautiful day. I've chosen to refrain from expanding on your "complaining" comment for fear you that you might get on-line and expose any of my two or three short comings. My lips are sealed. I love you bro. God bless.

Beth Tolaas <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Friday, September 20, 2002 at 06:57 PM (CDT)
Keep your spirits high. We are all thinking of you and praying for you.

Corey Hawkins <>
Eau Claire, WI USA - Friday, September 20, 2002 at 11:21 AM (CDT)
Dear Greg,
I remember you saying at Mary's funeral that she never complained, but actually I do remember her complaining about you.... Just kidding!! Please do complain to us because I want to know. But I am not ready to even joke about your funeral. Love and more Love, Christie

Christie Hawkins
- Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 06:26 PM (CDT)
Hi Greg,
After hearing how much your paintings went for at the church auction, I am thinking you should do a few more. Why not get a portible easel and paint during kidney dialysis? I hate to see you wasting all that productive time. Thanks for making so many peoples lives, especially mine, so much better. Love, Patsy

Patsy Ryan <>
Lakeville, MN - Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 03:13 PM (CDT)
Dear Greg, Just read your latest comments. sorry about all that "messiness" I will keep on praying hard as usual. I leave for St. Louis by car this morning and for Scotland by Air Canada on sunday the 22nd. I'm glad there are no mileage limits to sending prayers your way. Love, Mary Jude
Mary Jude <>
Frontenac, MN USA - Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 06:34 AM (CDT)
Greg, you still owe me lunch, so don't try and weasle out of it !
Joe Crosby <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 09:53 AM (CDT)
Hello, Father Greg!

Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers and that you are at the top of the prayer list at Judge Memorial Catholic High School in Salt Lake City where I am now Principal. Sue is subbing at the Catholic elementary schools and teaching English as a second language in the evening. The mountains remind us daily of Psalm 121 and we will continue to say it in your name. Thanks for continuing to be an inspiration to young and old everywhere! Take care and God bless!
Jim & Sue Hamburge

Jim & Sue Hamburge <>
Salt Lake City, UT USA - Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 10:21 PM (CDT)
Dear Greg,

We at the Schmalz house pray for you daily. What a journey your life continues to be and what a gift you have been to so many. Thanks for sharing so honestly your struggles and praise. What an amazing example of faith you are. Love,
The Schmalz's - Kevin, Wendy, Quinn, Adrian, and Cameron (friends of Beth)

Wendy Schmalz <>
Woodbury, mn us - Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 07:28 AM (CDT)
Hi, Greg, Just keep clicking in to see if anything new is on your page. Prayers galore keep coming your way; can you feel them? Soon they will be coming to you from St. Louis and after Sept.22, from Scotland. No day passes without prayer and care. Love, Mary Jude

PS Did I tell you we had a fun celebration of our 125th aniversary of Ursuline ministry in MN? A beautiful liturgy at 2 pm followed by an ice cream social. A hot day so the ice cream was a real treat. You were with us in spirit.
PS#2 - What did you think of the Last Supper that Larry Lee crocheted for you and your parish?

Mary Jude Jun, OSU <>
Frontenac,, MN USA - Friday, September 13, 2002 at 08:43 PM (CDT)
Fr. G, please know that you are continously in our prayers and thoughts despite the distance. Miss you much.
Andrea & Katia JeanBaptiste <>
Houston, TX - Friday, September 13, 2002 at 01:20 PM (CDT)
Hi, Father Greg,
All the messages are such a marvelous tribute to you. You have certainly been an inspiration to Kelly, to me and to many others. I just want to let you know how touched I was the first time Kelly and I came to mass at St. Phillip's and you called us both by name when you came to speak to us. Your attitude through all you have endured is so remarkable. I thank God that you came into Kelly's life at St. Thomas. She has often said that joining your group at college was one of the best things she ever did. You are in my prayers. Hope to see you again at mass soon.
Sue Weberg

Sue Weberg <>
Bloomington, MN USA - Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 03:13 PM (CDT)
Father Greg, I am a sister of Sally's. I will keep you daily in my prayers. God Bless You.
Maggie Oliver <>
Groton, SD USA - Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 05:56 AM (CDT)
Father Greg: I am Sally's sister and needed to say HI! Our
daughter Sue received a kidney transplant on June 2nd. She
has not totally recovered yet, but is on her way. She was
'on the list' for over 3 1/2 years and of course on dialysis
during that time. At 5 AM she received a call from the
hospital, stating "her kidney was there". Of course it was
a busy day with testing, etc., but she finally went into
surgery at 8 PM and was in recovery by midnight. The donor
who saved her life...gave all his organs, therefore saving
many lives. So, she now has a VERY active kidney and has
gained an extended family. What a generous person!

Please know we offer our prayers for you every day and wish
you God speed in receiving your organs. We will check in
daily on your progress.

Marlene Kohn <>
Plymouth, MN Hennepin - Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 07:54 AM (CDT)
Dear Greg,
This is your cousin, Debbie.
I wrote that last sentence and then just stared at it for many minutes. For once, I am at a loss for words. I do want you to know that you are in my thoughts, and that I marvel at your strength and faith. I also want to thank you for all of the support you gave my family through the many years of my dad's illness. You've been an amazing gift to this family. Be strong.

Love, Debbie

Debbie (Hawkins) Peterson <>
Wabasha, MN - Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 11:55 PM (CDT)
Hi Fr Greg, You are in my prayers daily. and i ask many of my friends to pray for you, at least the ones that i think pray. we have missed you the last couple of times we've been at St Philips. Frank is now at UofM, when we told Beth that he was going to school there she said she'd be looking for him every Sunday, wouldn't that be great. Hopefully we'll be up there a few times and stop at St Philips. God Bless
Mike & Michele Donahue <>
Stoughton, Wi - Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 10:09 PM (CDT)
You don't know us, but we know you through your sister Beth. She keeps us posted on your progress. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
The Delahunt Family <>
Stillwater, MN USA - Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 04:32 PM (CDT)
WE are praying for you FR GREG to recieve a

transplant very soon

EDINA, MN HENNEPIN - Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 12:49 PM (CDT)
Greg -- Missed you at Ginny's bday party last Sat. Beth was there to hold up the Tolaas end but had to run off early for Dale's celebration, which I presume is where you were. Great party -- lots of humidity and lots of mosquitos but also lots of good food and drink and fellowship. Lots of queries about you, and we filled folks in as best we could. Also, as I've told you, lots of queries at morning mass from folks at OLG and even some St. Richards who still remember you (imagine!). Ginny did well at her party -- even stayed late. She's a trooper. What a pair the two of you make! -- two of a kind, tough and tender and brassy -- and you're both putting up absolutely remarkable fights. Fr. Beaudet cleared the prayer list again last week (he does it once a month so the list doesn't get too long), so both you and Ginny were "dumped." But I made a call today and got you both back on. Luv ya, Dan
Dan Kelley <>
Edina, MN - Monday, September 09, 2002 at 05:47 PM (CDT)
The very best to you,Father....from John and Rosie Mundahl
Rose Mary Mundahl
- Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 08:55 PM (CDT)
Gregory, it was so great to connect with you tonight. The energy that it takes to maintain your spirit and soul not to mention your body is tremendous. I am so proud of you and you can always count on me for whatever support you need. Thoughts and prayers daily.
love, Mary Beth

Mary Beth Stearns <>
Inver Grove Heights, MN United States - Friday, September 06, 2002 at 11:51 PM (CDT)

Our prayers are loud
Our prayers abound

Our prayers are soft
They're sent aloft

Our prayers are heard
Whether thought or word

Our prayers unite
Our prayers are for your fight

Our prayers can be felt
So strong
So many
So loud
So soft

For you, our brother Greg

Betty Lou Miller <>
Robbinsdale, MN - Friday, September 06, 2002 at 04:51 PM (CDT)
Fr. Greg, You are an inspiration for all of us. Keep up the positive attitude. The good Lord is always watching over us and guiding us through our lifes journey. You are in my thoughts and prayers. And hey, whats this hidin' the gray shows stature, maturity, or some BS like that! Just be glad it ain't fallin' out! And another thing, this kneel and pray thing...not a good idea for those of us arthritic old gezzers...where do you think the saying "I've fallen and I can't get up!" came from. Certainly not from TV.
Class of '74 still rocks....just a little slower these days!

Michael Paul <>
So. St. Paul, MN USA - Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 09:43 PM (CDT)
Dear Greg:
I pray that God sends you one of his many gifts.
Please stay strong, and trust in God's grace and mercy.
Let him hold you in his arms and wrap you in his loving embrace.
I will pray for you.

J. Hays
St. Paul, MN USA - Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 02:26 PM (CDT)
I'm sure you don't know me but I was in your brother Tim's class at H-M. You graduated with my brother Brian. Tim & I were good friends & I always remember him with a smile on his face. We were in Bro. Martin's homeroom & chemistry class together & Tim was always cracking jokes. I have been following your progress through Yvonne McComber's mailings & wanted to let you know that you have been in my thoughts & prayers. My youngest brother Kevin died about 18 months ago & I'm thinking that St. Phillips would have been a good place to visit while I was there. I live in St. Louis so I had to make several trips to the twin cities while he was sick. I will be running the Twin Cities Marathon on Sept. 29th & while I will continue to thank God for my lungs & my legs I will also think of you. Hopefully, it will be the inspiration I need to push through or go around "the wall". Good luck to you & please say hi to Tim for me.

Barb Holl Schmank <>
St. Louis, MO US - Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 01:02 PM (CDT)
Hi Greg,
I'm in the process of doing homework for a computer writing class and saw the message about your e-mail address change. Reading your e-mail brought back so many memories that I felt I had to try and write something profound. However, after reading all of the letters in your guestbook most everything I could say would only be a repeat of so many others thoughts.
Simply put, thanks for all the laughs and always being there for me, Peg, and the girls. I cherish the fact that you feel as though you can always be yourself around us. For me, that makes our friendship even more special.
I think about you often and I am proud to be called your friend. You are always in my prayers.
Thanks for keeping Peg and I posted on your progress.
See you soon, Your long-time mechanic, Bernie

Bernie Flicek <Flee2552@aol,com>
Maplewood , MN 55109 - Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 12:59 PM (CDT)
Hi Greg, I wanted to let you know that you are in my family's thoughts and prayers. You are an astounding person Greg and I want to tell you again how much so many have been touched and enriched by your unique gifts! I am proud to have you as a friend, and please know that you have been a great source of comfort and inspiration to me and my family at our most challenging times. I pray for your improved health and hope to see you soon!
Don Maietta <>
White Bear Lake, MN Ramsey - Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 10:12 AM (CDT)

a gift to humanity in far-reaching ways,
the young, the old, in life's every phase.

even #3550 can tell you,
we long to break these clouds and again see your sky blue.

INSPIRATION contains the word spirit,
when strengthened by God, there is no reason to fear it.

For many the echoes of a G homily still ring in the ear,
for others the echoes have stuck in the heart most near.

Please Lord, when you bring our brethren home to you,
match our friend's body to his couragous spirit anew.

Thank you and We Love You, Father Tolaas....

AZ - Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 09:24 AM (CDT)
Dear Greg,
Thanks for emailing me your new webpage address. Tom and I are back in town after a wonderful family get together in Milwaukee this weekend. Went to mass with my parents at the newly renovated Cathedral. It was beautiful but we missed you and the St. Philip's crew. I'm always glad to hear that you are taking care of you and entrusting to others many of the tasks that you used to take on. I am grateful that you allow all of us to be a part of this time in your life. If I were you I would be hiding. I just read a short, nice article on "The Stature of Waiting." If you're interested I'll bring it along on Sunday. You are in my thoughts and prayers. See you on the weekend.

Virginia Stillwell
- Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 09:00 AM (CDT)
Greg, please know you are in my prayers. I say the Rosary Friday mornings with the little ladies from OLG and they always ask if I know if you have moved up on the transplant list yet. Thinking of you and hoping we might see you Saturday night.
Merrie Marinovich
- Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 08:16 AM (CDT)
Dear Greg, it surely is good to have an address to enter your guestbook just to let you know that prayers never stop. All the Sisters here continue to be concerned and prayerful. I am excited about my coming trip with LaDoris to Scotland on the Isle of Iona. I do ask prayers for a safe journey; there are complicated ways to get there by ferry, shuttle, train, another ferry etc. No cars on the island which is only 3 miles long and 1 mile wide so a lot of walking and you know my legs and feet are not very good. but the Lord and Angela will be with us as we share with 70 women from all over the world at the Millionth Circle Initiative of the GEA (Global Educatiion Associates.) We hope to bring the spirituality of Angela which leads to Jesus to the group. Seems there's not much Christianity present but we may be happily surprised. so soon my prayers for you will be coming from Air Canada or Scotland. I'm glad God is not bound by time or space.
Hope you got the beautiful Last Supper crochet work from Larry as a gift of gratitude to your people.
Much love as always, Mary Jude, OSU

Mary Jude <>
Frontenac, MN USA - Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 06:41 AM (CDT)
Greg, This page is awesome.... look at how many, near and far, are touched by your journey! Hope you don't mind I'm passing this page on to so many who always ask how you're doing! Although we had an unbeliveable summer - with LOTS of great family time, I must admit that after 1/2 hour of missing the kids, I'm enjoying my moments of peace while they are at school! Feeling a tad bit guilty that I've spent my first two days of "alone-time" getting my hair colored (at daughter Betsy's request as she said I looked the oldest of any mom in the 3rd grade ) and lunching by Lil's pool. She makes a good sandwich. Maybe we can meet up there for a good sammie soon! As always, my daily prayers take me to you with true hope that you will not only feel well, but that you will soon receive your transplants and be restored to good health. I truly believe it will happen and continue to pray for that very thing... You continue to be such a gift to so many. All the Dorn's pray for you daily... and we hope to see you soon! Much love - Katie
Katie Dorn <>
Minnetonka, MN - Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 06:09 AM (CDT)
In your last homily, you spoke of your hunger for contagious leaders. We, at CSP, have our hunger satisfied-at least in our pastor. Your leadership is so contagious-despite your many health issues. Thanks for inspiring us to be as contagious as you. Prayers and love,

Dale & Nancy Timmerman <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 06:17 PM (CDT)
Hi Pastor Greg,

I send you my love and best wishes. You are always in my prayers. Thanks for the courage and inspiration that you pass on the to rest of us.

Reatha Clark King
Minneapolis, MN USA - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 04:52 PM (CDT)
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Continue to keep your spirits high. You inspire every one of us. I am very proud to have you as a cousin and friend.
Love, Corey

Corey Hawkins <>
Eau Claire, WI - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 04:34 PM (CDT)
Father Greg,
I wonder if you have any idea what a healing and spiritual effect you're having on others? Thank YOU, Father! In my prayers daily,

Colleen Millechek/Transfiguration <>
Oakdale, MN - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 04:16 PM (CDT)
Greg, prayers of support that bring energy, both physical and spiritual. Keep writing for us....
S. Kerry O'Reilly <oreillyk@>
- Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 01:18 PM (CDT)

I miss you! We've been out of town quite a bit these last few weeks and Sammi sang at church (where she goes to pre-school) one Sunday.

I just wanted to send love and good thoughts your way today. We continue to pray for you every day.

Trish Tarnowski <>
Golden Valley, MN - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 12:35 PM (CDT)
We are so grateful for how you live your life. We try to answer your call to be the face of Christ every day.
Against long odds, the Philipian prayers for Lily kept her safe and healthy. They will do the same for you.
You are prayed for, and so loved.

Adam and Meghan Gordon <>
- Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 12:32 PM (CDT)
greg,my friend,
i just read most of the wonderful thoughts and words from your family and friends. does it warm your heart to know that you are so loved? as i sit here i think back to all that we have shared--the difficulties, the laughs, the losses, the laughs, the changes, the laughs, the sarcasm, the laughs...i hope that during this tremendously challenging time, you are--at times--still able to laugh. thank you for your courage and perserverance!!
both girls are back at school now, the house is again very quiet, at times too quiet, at times joyously quiet! my work time is spent between john dolls, century college, and st. paul tech, college. i'm enjoying it all, especially the teaching. bernie's begun his last year of school. he has done very well. at times he feels concerned about employment but i believe all will go as it should. trusting and letting go--praying and listening.
i pray today that i live my life with just a bit of the courage and grace with which i see you live yours.
love and prayers to you, greg
peg flicek

peg flicek <>
maplewood, mn usa - Monday, September 02, 2002 at 09:19 PM (CDT)
Father Greg
My name is Kay Larson, I found you and the music at St. Philips, will be there as often as possible... I'm the one with the flt. uniform at 10:00 Mass on my way to Japan. Working for NWA for 35 yrs. Love & Prayers Kay

Kay Larson <>
Plymouth, Minn, - Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 07:46 PM (CDT)
SAN ANTONIO, TX USA - Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 01:05 PM (CDT)
Fr. Greg - Hello from Julianne Deutsch and Jeffrey Scott.

We HONOR you. We admire your courage and the incredible internal strength you have and have always had. You have far more strength than many healthy people we know.

You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Julianne and Jeff

Julianne Deutsch
Eagan, MN USA - Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 03:43 PM (CDT)
Greg, I just wanted to say how proud I am to call you brother and that I love you! Thank you again for fighting so hard. God bless. Love, Beth
Beth Tolaas
St. Paul, MN Ramsey - Friday, August 30, 2002 at 10:46 PM (CDT)
Fr. Greg: It was great having you stop by for dinner and some talk recently - we consider that a real highlight of our summer. I'm glad Kel was home so he could make the arrangements with you. You are in our prayers and also in the prayers at the Student Center at Wash U, and now in the convent where Mary Jo's sister Sally works near Westby, WI. Good luck and God Bless! Bob, Mary Jo, Kel, and Greg.
Bob Garrity <>
Plymouth, MN USA - Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 02:31 PM (CDT)
I remember meeting you for the first time when I was a member of the Catholic Charities Volunteer Corps so many years ago. I remember this because you blew us away. When I visited St. Philip's last Jan. with some of my fellow seminarians, you again blew the group of us away. You have inspired so many with your vision and passion for love and life and possibilities where there aren't any. Thank you for who you are. Thank you for your encouragement of me. May God be with you and bless you in all you are experiencing. May God be close to you always!

Erich Rutten <>
St. Paul, MN - Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 10:16 AM (CDT)
Thank you for your witness, Fr. Greg. I pray God will continue to give you strength, courage, & love as you, we, keep vigil.
Brian Reusch <>
Collegeville, MN - Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 10:11 AM (CDT)
I've been keeping up with your journey through friends and appreciate your web log and the fortitude it must take some days to make that gift to us. Many people at St. Thomas call you friend, inquire after you, and pray for you. You're in my prayers regularly and in my fond memories too as I leave Campus Ministry for a new role in Justice and Peace Studies. Please consider carefully all the lives you continue to touch and know of our gratitude for your spirit. Peace be yours Greg.
Mike Klein <>
St. Paul, MN - Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 09:59 AM (CDT)
Ann Shallbetter wrote me to ask me to include you in my prayers. Of course!
Barbara Willour
Murfreesboro, TN USA - Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 09:32 AM (CDT)
Dear Greg, I'm just checking in to say I'm thinking of you and praying for you, your sibs, and your perfect, generous donor. Much Love, Christie
Christie Hawkins
NFLD, MN - Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 09:25 AM (CDT)
Dear Fr. Greg, I'm a teacher at Hill-Murray and I have enjoyed each and every one of your masses you have given at our school. You have a special way with our students. I hope you are feeling better and that your days are joyful. May God bless you.


Julianne O'Connell <>
Mpls, MN us - Friday, August 23, 2002 at 02:01 PM (CDT)
Hi Greg,
Many thnaks for your letter today. I was thinking that eventhough you have great fatigue and can't DO what you were used to, you certainly are touching many, many lives just by your BEING. For one, I think you've creatied an on-line community. Eventhough I hardly know the many people you know, I feel very connected with you and all of them, because in your state of fatigue, once more you are drawing us to God. I am most grateful for the many fine folks you know. They all sound just great. My deep gratitude for BEING who you are. Your continued depth of character just keeps evolving and evolving. It is so genuine with you, having known you since the late 60's. Again, my deep, deep gratitude to God for making himself/herself known through you. Continued prayers, light, energy, and love.

Geraldine Nowak
Toledo, OH USA - Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 04:47 PM (CDT)
Greg, Here is a name from your past! I just looked at your pics, and you are as cute as ever! Your cousin Christie forwarded your page to me. I am sorry you are sick. It has been a long time since I have seen you and many good years inbetween. I am still married to Bill Metz. We have three kids/ adults. Erin is 21 and starting her senior year at St. Bens as a fine arts major. Michael is 18, he has been gone all summer working up north at Wolf Ridge Environmental Center. He is in Glacier right now. He will be a senior in high school . And Leah, Leah is 16 and still around for me to mother! We still live in Northfield. I will email you a photo of our clan. Take care Greg, I have fun memories and you are in some of them!
Susan Crow <>
Northfield, MN Rice - Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 01:02 PM (CDT)
Dear Greg,
Here is just a quick note to let you know you are in my heart and on my mind - every day. We were up at the cabin a while back and certainly missed you. I felt your energy there, though. I hope you got the picture of your Mom and Marilyn. I'll print more of your lovely Mom for you guys. She is working for you now - and remember she has got some clout. (Not that you don't, but man I think she REALLY does). Thank you for the work you are doing right now. I'm grateful.

Much love, Christie

Christie Hawkins <>
Northfield, MN Dakota - Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 10:28 AM (CDT)
Dear Greg,
I had to share some of the comments from Larry lee's letter on death row in Jackson, GA when he heard of the generous offering your St. Philip's people are sending. It is a little long, but it is great to know that prayers for you are being said in the death row cells of an innocent man.
"I received your VERY SURPRISING letter yesterday and I am just so overwhelmed I don't know what to say other than Thanks BE TO GOD AND TO ALL HIS FAITHFUL, GENEROUS SERVANTS1...I have never known such kindness in my whole life. Praise be to God. It brought tears ot my eyes....Thanks for sending Fr. Greg's address... We prayed for him at Mass yesterday and I pray for him every day in my daily prayers. What a wonderful priest and man he is. But I knew he was from the first time you asked me to pray for him; that's why I offered one of my kidneys for him...there is a chance I could do this for Fr. Greg if I were a match for him. I am in Good health with no disease or anythying like that. if I can help, please let me know.....Your know, Sister, I was just explaining the other day to a friend in here that ever since I opened my heart to God's mighty love for me, I have received blessings and graces that I never thoguht possible Oh, the daily trials and sufferings still occur, but God gives me the peace and courage to face them. My friend didn't understand how i could be innocent in here and not be pulling my hair out. I just smiiled and told him the truth; it is my faith that sustains me in the worst and best times."

mary jude <>
- Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 08:05 AM (CDT)
Hi Greg
I hear that you are next in line for the transplants, or that you are now the runnerup. I so hope and pray this is true.
You should know that you are number one on my wish-prayer list. I send it down to a Jesuit missionary in Honduras, Padre Nicolas Schiel, on a regular basis. He says daily mass up in the mountains in his thousands-of-native-indians-territory.
You are there always.
But I am getting a bit tired of having you be number one. I want to see you healthy again. Then, you move to my thank-you-God prayer list.
So I pray, as do the thousands of folks who have checked in at this site, and many more who haven't, that you soon yield your top slot.

Mike Ducar <>
Edina, MN USA - Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 04:55 PM (CDT)
Fr. Greg--It is so wonderful that this website is available! You are in my thoughts and prayers every day. Your pictures look great - nice hair coloring! It would be nice to e-mail you. If you have an e-mail address, please let me know what it is. I am still hoping to visit you again this summer at your parish. Please take care of yourself and know that you are among many friends who care about you. I hope to hear from you soon.

God bless you!

Kelly Leclerc
Presentation of the BVM

Kelly (Kasprzak) Leclerc <>
Maplewood, MN USA - Monday, August 19, 2002 at 03:26 PM (CDT)
Greg; Just a note to say how much you mean to kathy and I. Our lives have changed so much for the better since you first came into our lives 5 years ago. We will never forget or ever be the same since our pilgrimage with you to Guatamala and how much that has positively affected our daily lives. We pray for your full recovery and your continued wonderful influence on both ourselves and the community. We love you a lot Greg
Randy L. Hand <>
Brooklyn Park, MN USA - Monday, August 19, 2002 at 03:09 PM (CDT)
Just so you know that Penny and I are praying for you along with your other friends.
Bill Malevich <>
Shoreview, MN USA - Monday, August 19, 2002 at 01:33 PM (CDT)
hi father greg:
just wanting to check in on you. sorry this waiting game is sooooooooo long. we wait daily with you, without your struggles. we pray daily for you, that the struggles will soon end.
hope today is an up day
much love, joann, darrin, sepp and anya

JoAnn and Darrin <>
Somerset, WI USA - Monday, August 19, 2002 at 07:32 AM (CDT)
Dear Greg,
Just read the lovely prayer sent by Mary Lou Miller; The sentiments are mine as well. (thank you, Mary Lou). I heard from Indonesia yesterday and Sr. Stella said she is praying for you every day. Just wanted you to know that around the world at Ursuline missions you are being prayed for. May it bring you courage and peace in this time of waiting.
Love, Mary Jude

mary Jude jun, OSU <>
- Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 07:12 AM (CDT)
A Prayer for Father Greg

Dear God,

We pray for our brother, Father Greg.
We ask that You bring his body to good health.
We ask that You watch over him and be with him.
We ask that he knows in his being the love
You have for him and ours.
We ask that any and all fear of abandonment be quelled.
We ask that his heart, so often wounded, be his strength.
We ask that a generous soul be his donor soon.
We ask that this be done to him in Your name
So that he may continue Your work.
He is leading souls to You.
He cares for us all.
He challenges us to be like You.
He is here for the marginal.
He speaks tirelessly of You.
His mind is about your peace.
We thank You for him.

Betty Lou Miller <>
Robbinsdale, MN USA - Friday, August 16, 2002 at 07:45 PM (CDT)
(Cousin of Peg Helminski) Just heard of your struggle from Peg. Adding you to our prayer list to Our Lady of Medjugorje. Trust in Her to keep you in Her care! God Bless -
Tom & Pat Campbell <>
Fallbrook, CA USA - Friday, August 16, 2002 at 12:23 PM (CDT)
Hi, Greg, Since my email took just a short time this a.m. I spent time reading all the entries in this guestbook, well , not ALL or I'd be here a few hours. How great it is to see, hear and feel all the prayers that are united with mine for your progress every day. Talk about a community of love and support. I am privileged to be part of it. Be assured; we all love you. Mary Jude
mary jude <>
- Friday, August 16, 2002 at 06:01 AM (CDT)
Hi Greg,
We just returned from a great visit with family and friends out East. We downloaded your picture and posted it on numerous refrigerators throughout the shore area with instructions for folks to pray for Fr. Greg as often as they see your picture. If you weren't absolutely blanketed in prayer before, you certainly are now!


Peg Helminski <>
MN USA - Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 09:14 PM (CDT)
Brother Greg,

I was just sitting outside on my patio soaking up the sun and thinking about something someone said to me yesterday. She challenged me to think about what God has for me TODAY...the gift of the MOMENT rather than the week, month, etc. After reflecting on it for awhile, I realized that that's what you do daily. I have wondered how you deal with all that is on your plate, Greg, and I watch you do it with such dignity. I want to thank you for working so hard each day...even when it seems too difficult to do so. I thank you for sharing your strength, you spirit, and your challenges with so many. You are a gift your family, your friends, your parishioners, and many who have never even met you. When I think about today and what God has given me, you are indeed one of my greatest gifts. The sun is shining, the humidity has lifted, the cool breeze is blowing and I am praying today is a wonderful day for you. I love you Greg.


Beth TOlaas <>
St. Paul, MN Ramsey - Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 12:17 PM (CDT)
dear greg, thinking about you today and praying always and all ways. i miss seeing you...hope you have an up day since the awful humidity has really dropped today! love, suzanne
e mail: 8/14/02

Suzanne Homeyer <>
Mpls, MN 55411 - Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 11:33 AM (CDT)
I think that I shall never see,
a priest as versatile as thee.
Your pen awaits your poetry,
for publication from thee to me!

Donna Montgomery <>
Edina, MN USA - Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 09:50 AM (CDT)
Fr. Greg,
The other day in your homily when you talked about the neighborhood and the good you see but also the evil which makes you sad. I want to share with you an experience to shed some light on how sharing the spirit with other people can sometimes change their attitude. I was on a neighborhood store last week and one of the cashiers was rude and short with the customers. I was glad that I was not in that line but also sad that this person had so much sadness in her voice. The cashier that waited on me was also very unhappy and also was short with me. I decided that I was going to turn this negative into a positive. I thanked her for her service and then told her to have a nice weekend. She was so surprised and in return thanked me and her spirit seemed to be uplifted. I was glad that I was able to make someone a little happier with a little kindness. I truly believe that if you have a positive spirit the people around you can feel that spirit.

Keep believing and all is possible!

Mona <>
Crystal, MN USA - Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 07:58 PM (CDT)
Greg-This is amazing! I am visitor #2538! You have so many people who are thinking about you and I pray for you daily as well. I just found out about this web address though so I will surely keep up on your news and print all for my mom and the rest of the fam. Hope all is well. Love, Noelle
Noelle Bell <>
Houlton, WI 54082 - Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 02:27 PM (CDT)
Dear "Pin-up-Man"
Great Pictures of you on this website. I was going to put you on my refrigerator also.
Something's wrong......this Advent is gettting a little long.I think I have to have a "God-tantrum".
Just came across a wonderful book. "Earth's Echo" by Robert Hamma....Sorin Books, Ave Maria Press.
It's a meditation/reflection book based on the the shore, river, mountain, desert, etc. The meditations/reflections reminded me of the poetry you write.Possibly the wonder, beauty, peace, storms, winds, gentle breezes of nature can help us all wait with you from a different vantage point. I like what Bonaventure once said, ...."nature is God's first book of self revelation." Take care.How loved you are. I am so touched,(to be aware of the love/support so many have for you)
but not surprised one bit.
Love and prayers,
Geraldine at

Geraldine Nowak <>
Toledo, OH, OH USA - Monday, August 12, 2002 at 03:38 PM (CDT)
Jude again, Greg. Still can't get over the wonderful generosity of the People of St. Philips. You must have given them a great introduction to Larry Lee and the injustices of the death penalty used on innocent people .God bless YOU and them. My prayers continue as always. Love, Mary Jude
mary jude <>
frontenac, MN USA - Monday, August 12, 2002 at 07:09 AM (CDT)
Fr. Greg:
My prayers are with you. ..You have been a inspiration to me and my faith ,With out you i dont know if i would have found my way back to the catholic church joe

Joe Bydlon <>
Crystal, MN hennepin - Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 12:25 AM (CDT)
Ooopsy daisy, I forgot to put my entire e-mail address!
Tim McCarron <>
Dubuque, IA U.S.A. - Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 10:11 PM (CDT)
Off to Iowa this weekend, not just skipping Mass!
I thought of you as I drove past the sign directing travelers to New Melleray Abbey and hope you are well. I finally got a chance to see your web page. I am not sure you would look good as a REDHEAD, and I think you are still to young to go PURPLE! I'll let you choose your new look.
Wow, what a way to peek into the life of Greg Tolaas! I hope you aren't going to set up a web cam so we can watch your every waking moment! Take care and keep your spirits high! Tim McCarron :-)> (tim smiling w/ goatee)

Tim McCarron <Timothy_P_McCarron>
Dubuque, IA U.S.A. - Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 09:23 PM (CDT)
Hi,Greg, we finally got on line with you. It was good seeing you the other night. The Sisters enjoyed it. Know that you are always in our love and prayer.
Patrice and Mary <>
Mpls. , MN Hennepin - Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 09:12 AM (CDT)
Dearest Greg: There are no simply no words to convey the love and concern we feel for you. We think of you, we talk about you, we pray for you frequently. A few days ago, we printed the pictures of you from the website and posted them on the refrigerator with the plan that anytime one of us sees the picture we will pray for you. You can pretty much be assured that between the 8 of us, you are covered around the clock! We thank you for who you are, for being a great friend for 25 years, for your presence in our lives during various milestones, and especially, for your love and support last summer. We are with you now, in your waiting, though we cant even pretend to know what its like for you. We eagerly await a positive outcome--and will continue to support you during your recovery. God bless you, Greg. He wastes nothing.

Mary and Rick Froehle <>
Mendota Heights, MN USA - Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 03:47 PM (CDT)
Fr. Greg, you are daily in my prayers to St. Pio esp, and the rest of my little group of Saints, even my Dad!!
Barbara Fenton (Tranny) <>
Woodbury, Mn So Wash - Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 09:23 PM (CDT)
Hi, Greg,

Just got back from Boston. spent 7 hours of waiting in airports so I'm in your state of waiting. Not because of the airlines, but just waiting for people so we could return home together and also not having but one car in Boston so having to get to the airport 3 hours before the plane left. but it worked.

LaDoris payne had a real scare and was in the hospital for 5 days. Her blood pressure was so high it's a miriacle that she didn't have a stroke. She's home now and just very tired. I know you will keep her in prayer. \We got news that we have complete scholarships for two to attend the GEA meeting "the Millionth Circle" in Scotland in late September. So we hope we are both well enough to get there. My eye surgery for glaucoma is over and all seems well. The doctor wants me to go through it again for the left eye to save the little sight there. We will see. You know we all are praying for you every day. God bless you with paitience and strength.

Much love, Mary Jude

sister mary jude jun, OSU <>
Frontenac, , MN USA - Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 06:41 AM (CDT)
- Monday, August 05, 2002 at 06:38 PM (CDT)
thinking of you supporting you in prayer

- Monday, August 05, 2002 at 06:30 PM (CDT)
Fr. Greg,
You don't know me personally, yet so many times you seemed to talk directly to me. I was a student at St. Thomas and had the pleasure of sharing mass with you for 2 of my 4 years. I even followed you to St. Phillips for mass on occasion. I recently learned about your website and your wait, and I feel it's a good opportunity for me to tell you that you are so incredible and inspiring. I would walk out of church feeling refreshed and prepared to handle another week. I also became more aware of the areas in my life that I needed to work on. You are really amazing, and I know I'm not the only Tommie to think so.
Know that you're in my prayers.
Thank you,

Lynn Eibensteiner <>
Atlanta, GA USA - Monday, August 05, 2002 at 12:51 PM (CDT)
Dear Greg,
I had a fun memory last week and hope it brightens your day: As I drove my "now-high-school-show-choir-daughter" to Show Choir Camp in Shell Lake Wisconsin, I thought of Mrs. Gaylord driving a few of us to the same camp junior year. We had a flat tire and, since I had just completed that lesson in driver's ed, I got voted to change it. Were you one of the lucky guys that sat on the grass and watched?!? :) Many musical memories from our talented class of '74. It's been a while, but seems like yesterday. God Bless You Greg,

Ann (Pecchia) Ulrich
Minneapolis, MN USA - Monday, August 05, 2002 at 09:17 AM (CDT)
It was wonderful to see you the other evening...sharing with you our own family transplant story (Dad's new heart 1989)was a great revisiting of the miracle. Our family will keep you in our daily prayers as you await your transplants and recover to enjoy renewed energy.
God's peace,
Barb Istas & Family

Barbara Istas
Eagan, MN USA - Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 02:31 PM (CDT)
Greg, I keep thinking of this poem--especially the last line--when I pray for you. Hope you like it. -Peg

Milton's "On His Blindness"

When I consider how my light is spent,
Ere half my days, in this dark world and wide,
And that one talent which is death to hide,
Lodged with me useless, though my soul more bent

To serve therewith my maker, and present,
My true account, lest he returning chide,
Doth God exact day-labor, light denied,
I fondly ask; But patience to prevent

That murmur, soon replies, 'God doth not need,
Either man's work or his own gifts, who best,
Bear his mild yoke, they serve him best, his state

Is kingly, Thousands at his bidding speed,
And post o'er land and ocean without rest;
They also serve who only stand and wait.

Peg Helminski
Woodbury, MN - Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 11:03 AM (CDT)
I am sorry to hear about your condition. My prayers and good thoughts are with you. I wish I had mor ecomforting words.
Michael Teibel
Maplewood, MN USA - Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 09:08 AM (CDT)

I will think of you and pray for you often while I travel, praying especially for patience. Keep a song in your heart. Peace

Julie Strahan
Minneapolis, MN USA - Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 10:23 PM (CDT)
Dear FR. Greg,
I was a classmate of your sister Mary at Hill-Murray. Mary was such a great person always ready with a smile. Mary and Judy were the first two people I met at H-M. My family went to the Science Museum in June. I came across you on the computer there. I sat down and read everything on there. When I was done I sat and cried, thinking back about Mary and all the fun we had. I remember when Mary died. I was away at college and when I got home I found out. I never had a chance to say good-bye. She was the first person from our class to pass away. I remember thinking we are too young. I think I grew up a bit that day. Mary lived each day to the fullest and I try to do that too. I will pray for you and your family. I really enjoyed your visits to Transfiguration Church and I hope you will be able to come back real soon. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. God Bless you, your family and your donor and their family. Julie

Julie Blanda
Oakdale, MN USA - Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 06:46 PM (CDT)
With you being "the priest of the Hill-Murray 1974 graduation class" I was thinking of looking you for a future "wedding blessing" (next year is my 25th so I'd like a small family get-together in MN). Am living in Spain and just found out about the latest on you. Hope all goes well for you! Will be praying like crazy!
Will pass on your news to the twins (Molly and Gigi Ellingwood).
Laura Stokes

Laura Stokes
Pamplona, Spain - Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 09:35 AM (CDT)
I am sooooo praying for you and your donor. Kevin McDonough pretty much caught me up to speed since the last time, Kelly, Connie, and I came to hear your wonderful mass when we didn't sing at Presentation. It doesn't seem all that long ago that you were still there singing! Then how happy and proud we all were when we attended your ordination. I am not sure where to go to get typed for kidney donation, but if some one could let me know, I would be grateful! Please know that I am praying for you and you are always in my thoughts!!!!
My love to you!

Beverly Peterson
St. Paul, MN USA - Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 10:24 PM (CDT)
Fr. Greg,
We have been holding you up in prayer here at Presentation and at home also. My sisters, JoAnne, and Roberta, send you their thoughts and prayers also. Roberta has a four year old son Alex who includes you every night in his prayers. He has become quite a light in our lives. I am grateful for this web page. We will monitor your news often. Continue to make good progress.

Kay Mottaz and family
Maplewood, MN Ramsey - Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 02:08 PM (CDT)
Fr. Greg,
Your perseverance, strength and faith are incredible. Each and every time I attend mass, or attend one of the many programs at CSP I am reminded of all the lives you have, and continue to touch. Reading through all the journal entries further reminds me of all the lives you have changed. You are truly an inspiration and my thoughts and prayers are with you always.

Tara Collins
Minneapolis, MN USA - Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 11:14 AM (CDT)
Father Greg,You'll be in our prayers. We hope that this event in your life will end soon and well. Steven and Mary Swor
Steven /Mary Swor
St. Paul, Mn Ramsey - Monday, July 29, 2002 at 08:59 PM (CDT)
Dear Greg,
Just came out of retreat tnight and checked your website. Many, many prayers and much love are always on the way. I'm sure you feel them. How did the Baptism of that little girls come out? did her parents like th lovely christening robe that larry crocheted? Do take as much rest as you can.

mary jude
frontenac, MN USA - Monday, July 29, 2002 at 07:43 PM (CDT)
Hi Father Greg!
A wise priest once reminded us: "much prayer, much power; little prayer, little power" . . . We say many prayers for you and we say many prayers in thanks for you! It was so good to see you again at Mass on Sunday . . . Congratulations on your five years with the St. Philip community!

Heidi, Scott, and Avery Johnson
Ramsey, MN U.S.A. - Monday, July 29, 2002 at 05:21 PM (CDT)
Hi Greg,
We were happy to be able to attend your 5th anniversary mass. Please keep us up to date. We love you.
Jack and Jeanne

Jack and Jeanne Larson
Maplewood, MN - Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 10:17 PM (CDT)
Dearest Greg,

Your website is very cool. What a gift for you to hear from friends every day. I was so glad you used the reading from 1Kings for reflection this morning. There is no other like you nor will there ever be... and the reading goes on to say that God will lengthen your days and that has already happened and God continues to do it... and through you so much life flows. Congratulations on 5 unbelievable years at St. Philip's! What a blessing you've been to so many. Thank you...thank you.

Ruth Gaylord
St. Paul, MN - Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 10:12 PM (CDT)

I have heard so many great things about your web site, I thought I would chance a visit. No pics? Who is your web designer? (Humph!) Anyway, what a brilliant method to keep us all abreast of your progress. As always, our thoughts, prayers, and love are with you. You are an inspiration to us all. Though it is certain that none of us can fully understand what you are experiencing, know that we are all here to support you on your journey. As we have discussed, I can't help imagining/dreaming of the day that your breathing is no longer labored, but rather, oxygen is flowing freely through your veins. A day that will allow you to move about freely, exercise (or not), to do all the activities that you have been missing. Please understand my dear friend, that you can call on me anytime.


Michael Dyrdahl
St. Paul, MN USA - Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 09:14 PM (CDT)
Fr. Greg,
I recieved the notice of your website through Yvonne Mccomber at Hill- Murray. I first heard of you through the exhibit at the Science Museum and have been thinking and praying for you ever since. My husband's best friend (my son's Godfather) who is in his mid 30's is also struggling daily with CF. We pray daily for the researchers working tirelessly to find a cure. We also keep in our prayers those who must give up their lives to sustain others.
This is a plea to all those who read this, please give blood and consider the gift of life through organ donation.
May God bless you and keep you.

Melissa and Robert Montgomery
Circle Pines, MN United States - Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 08:29 PM (CDT)
Our prayers are with you every week, along with your faithful flock.
God Bless,

john streit
st. louis park, mn us - Friday, July 26, 2002 at 03:06 PM (CDT)
I admire your courage and perseverence in all that you have already gone through. Good luck with all that you will be going through in the time to come. My thoughts and prayers are with you, and with the potential donor.
Peggy (Senta) Baht
Powder Springs (suburb of Atlanta), GA USA - Friday, July 26, 2002 at 07:21 AM (CDT)
Well wishes and good luck......Maybe we can play basketball at presentation again someday.
Robert Zyskowski Jr
Hastings, MN USA - Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 09:48 PM (CDT)
Oops - I sent too soon. My country isn't Washington. Ha Ha -Someday I'll learn how to read. [and get new eyes]
Pat Gehring
Woodbury, MN USA - Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 04:28 PM (CDT)
Hello fellow alumni and dear friend. Your website is really wonderful! I'll pass the word to keep this prayer line going for you, your donor, family, friends, and parish. Reading your website is almost like tapping into the network prayer line to God. Remember the movie "It's a Wonderful Life"? Everyone is praying -- "Please dear God, watch over..." my friend Greg, help him to be strong. I am sending you a big hug Greg! May God and heaven's Angels be at your side! Amen.
Pat Gehring
Woodbury, MN Washington - Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 04:22 PM (CDT)
FR. Greg~
Hi! How are you? I was very touched yesterday when my family visited the Science Museum, and we saw your interview about C.F. It was very interessting to learn more about your disease and your family. Thank you for doing that. We're praying for you and hoping for a donor sometime soon. Luv ya!!!

Your #1 server, Zita
Osseo, MN - Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 02:17 PM (CDT)
Hi Greg......Thanks so much for the update of your health and where you are ON THE LIST!!!! I am so happy that your dream, and the dream of ALL your family are friends, will be soon realized!!!! I pray for you daily, as well as for your donor and that person's family. What a miracle!!!! You are truly an inspiration to all and PLEASE remember..YOU ARE LOVED....Take care and God bless...
Norine Stimart
Robbinsdale, Mn USA - Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 11:00 AM (CDT)
You are in my prayers daily. I was struck by your mention in your 7/18/02 update of the person who would BE your donor. I have prayed for them along with you since first being made aware of your pending transplant.

May you rest easy in the peace of the Lord's embrace until this trial is over for you. Hoping for transplant news soon.

Colleen Millechek
Oakdale, MN USA - Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 10:21 AM (CDT)
Fr Greg -
You and your church community are a source of comfort and strength when I need it most. May my prayers offer you the same in return. May all of us blessed with healthy bodies appreciate them and consider sharing our gifts through organ donation.
In His Love - Jill

Jill Aitchison (UST '93)
St. Paul, MN - Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 07:53 AM (CDT)
Father Greg,
Your spirit and tenacity continue to amaze me. Jim and I pray for you daily. We will add the donor and family to our prayers. You are loved and appreciated.

Joyce and Jim Hawkins
Maple Grove, MN USA - Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 08:29 PM (CDT)
Our dailly prayers are with you. We may be a little selfish because we want you to hang around and guide us for a long time.
Wally and Jill Beckey
Crystal, Mn Henn. - Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 03:28 PM (CDT)
dear greg- always in our thoughts and prayers. hang in there. love- francie.
francie crowley
concord, ma usa - Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 12:03 PM (CDT)
LAKE ELMO, MN USA - Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 11:22 AM (CDT)
LAKE ELMO, MN USA - Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 11:22 AM (CDT)
Animo, chico! Recuerdes que tu eres un milagro, un hombre chevere y mas que todo muy muy guapo!

Juanita La Bella
Excelsior, MN USA - Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 11:02 AM (CDT)
I have a friend with CF this gives me a little more insight for what to expect.
Christopher Ducar
Brookline, MA USA - Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 08:15 AM (CDT)

Jane and I are keeping you in our daily thoughts and prayers.


Joe Cavanaugh
Excelsior, MN USA - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 10:39 PM (CDT)

Jane and I are keeping you in our daily thoughts and prayers.


Joe Cavanaugh
Excelsior, MN USA - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 10:37 PM (CDT)
Dear Fr. Greg,

We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers, you have done so much for others, it is the least we can do to pray for you. Keep that positive attitude of yours, we wait for the news of the successful transplants!
Love and Prayers To You,
Julie, Timm, Kayla & Nicholas Blomquist

Julie Blomquist
Mosinee, WI USA - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 10:08 PM (CDT)
Father Greg -
It's been far too long since we saw you last! Aunt Lynn was just in town visiting - she always has a hectic agenda while she's here. Next time she comes, we'll have her pencil us in and we'll bring her to mass. We know she'd love to see you!
We will be checking your site on a regular basis so we can keep up with you and your transplant progress. Please know that you are in our prayers - we wish you the best! Stay positive - a good attitude will help you win this battle just as much as a successful transplant.
Ross, Amy and Mitchel Gutknecht

The Gutknecht's
Farmington, MN 55024 - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 04:09 PM (CDT)
Fr. Greg,

Peace and strength you. You have been in my prayers for quite some time now. God Bless!

Linda Baughman
St. Paul, MN USA - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 04:00 PM (CDT)
Fr. Greg. Just wanted you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Your perspective on life is so inspiring and such an important reminder of what really matters in life.

Peace - Kim (Hastings), Matt and Will Corbett
Stillwater, MN - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 03:48 PM (CDT)
Fr . Greg,
I am Amy Gutknecht's mom and Ross' Mother-In-Law.
I just received this information from a staff member and wanted to wish you all the very best and my prayers.

I will be forwarding this to Ross and Amy who I am sure will feel the same way. You made their wedding so wonderful that I wish you many years of continued health.

Barb Joynson
Woodbury, MN Wash - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 03:45 PM (CDT)
Dude! You've got a lot of friends!
(And now, in a more formal, respectul tone:)
Father Greg, Pastor Tolaas - Greetings! Prayers! Love to you! I had a nutty encounter today with a colleague (that I've been teaching with at North for 3 years) that feels like a good "omen"... Up until today, I had no idea this woman has had not only a triple heart bypass, but a kidney and pancreas transplant. She shared her entire story of living with diabetes, enduring dialysis, and surviving a heart attack as well as two transplants. (This all happened in her late 40's, early 50's)...And she is walking, breathing, singing, thriving example of survival and faith and love. I've known no other person to be on a list for a transplant of any kind. Talking and listening to her this afternoon in North Minneapolis, I had a powerful feeling about you and your journey toward transplant, recovery, and better health. You're in my prayers.

Melissa Borgmann
St. Paul, MN - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 01:19 AM (CDT)
Dear Father Greg:
We are friends of Maureen and we have had the pleasure of meeting you on two of our trips to MN when we attended mass at your parish. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers every day. May you find all of the strength and support you need as you wait for your Transplant. You have a wonderful family and I know their love will see you through.
May god bless and watch over you
Love and peace
Marlene, Anthony, Irina and Emily Wozniczka

Marlene and Anthony Wozniczka
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 12:21 AM (CDT)
Dear Greg,
Today, you were placed on the prayer list at the Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland,OH. This is the community that Dorothy Kazel, OSU was from. They have a special prayer ministry, so know you are being remembered in Cleveland, OH
as well. All the very, very best to you.

Geraldine Nowak
Toledo, OH USA - Monday, July 22, 2002 at 06:23 PM (CDT)
Fr. Greg,

Missed your cheery smile yesterday - prayed extra hard for you! The priest from Africa was absolutely charming! However, not even close to your charm level! Wishing you well and know you are cared for by many! I know God holds you in the palm of his hand! Much Love, Patrice Henning

Patrice Henning
St. Paul, MN USA - Monday, July 22, 2002 at 06:11 PM (CDT)
Dear Fr. Greg,

Missed seeing you yesterday while we heard about the mission needs in Uganda at St. Philip's. Hope you had an enjoyable day outside the heat. This service is great. My prayers continue for your health and recovery. The Church and North Mpls. need your leadership and care.

Clarence Shallbetter
Minneapolis, Mn USA - Monday, July 22, 2002 at 01:51 PM (CDT)
Father Greg,

I just want to let you know that I am thinking about and praying for you. You are a true inspiration to me.

Asha Bornhorst
St. Cloud , MN US - Monday, July 22, 2002 at 11:13 AM (CDT)
Dear Father Greg
I think of you and pray for you each day. Hope the transplant comes soon so you can begin to feel better. We love you and thank you for all of your inspirations. Carol and Bob McFarland

Carol McFarland
Robbinsdale, Mn usa - Monday, July 22, 2002 at 08:10 AM (CDT)
Dear Father Greg
I think of you and pray for you each day. Hope the transplant comes soon so you can begin to feel better. We love you and thank you for all of your inspirations. Carol and Bob McFarland

Carol McFarland
Robbinsdale, Mn usa - Monday, July 22, 2002 at 08:10 AM (CDT)
Fr. Greg-

Our thoughts and prayers will be with you. We look foward to a return visit to Transfiguration, soon!

God Bless-

Aimee, Bob, Lauren and Kaitlyn Valencour
North St Paul, MN - Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 10:40 PM (CDT)
Dear Greg, You continue to be in my family's daily prayers.
Thank you for all you continue to give to others!
You are so important to so many people!

Sara Wagner (Beth's friend) and family
Bayport, MN Wash - Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 08:44 PM (CDT)
Fr. Greg: Thank you for providing all of us with updates. I continue to keep you in my daily prayers and join all in wishing for your transplant soon and another visit to Tranny. God Bless & Prace!
E;laine A. Throener
St. Paul, MN USA - Saturday, July 20, 2002 at 07:38 PM (CDT)

Sometimes it's hard to find the words to express how special someone is in your life. We only hope you have some idea of how you touch the lives of those you encounter. You are an inspiration and a miracle from God. We pray for you and we love you!

The Wiez's
River Falls, WI - Saturday, July 20, 2002 at 08:13 AM (CDT)
Dear, dear Greg,

Please "harass" us as often as you will with news of your wait. We are trying to be respectful of your diminished energy in order to allow you to use what time you do have (that is not devoted to physical maintenance chores) for the things that are really important in your life. We don't want to bug you with phone calls, but I find not knowing how you are faring to be personally disquieting. Believe me, we appreciate the updates tremendously! You are thought of and prayed for several times each day. And the kids pray for you each night. Please, "harass" us as often as you feel the urge and can spare the time--and certainly if there is any change or you have a specific prayer request!

Grace and peace to you,

Peg & John Helminski
Woodbury, MN - Friday, July 19, 2002 at 05:34 PM (CDT)
Dear Greg,

I was not at the Community Mtg. (I'm doing some wholistic work at the Ursuline Sophia Center in Pepper Pike, OH eastern suburb of Cleveland, OH) that Margaret Metro mentioned, but got your website through the Community Prayer Line.
I was thrilled to hear that things are moving along and transplants are soon to be. I, along with so many,
include my own intercessions to God for you. It was so good to see you in mid-May. All the very, very best to you.
Much love,
P.S. CaringBRidge is marvelous for us to be in communion with you and each other. I am deeply grateful.

Geraldine Nowak,OSF
Toledo, OH USA - Friday, July 19, 2002 at 03:08 PM (CDT)
Father Greg:
Michelle and John have passed this web page address on to me. I am grateful, because daily i wonder how you are doing. I have watched many dialysis patients over the years and can emphatize with the amount of energy, both physical and emotional it takes to keep hanging on. Be assured that this struggle you are going through is not for naught, as even casual acquaintances such as darrin and I are deeply affected in our daily lives by your inspiration and "being", at the masses we have attended and by the delight of you at our dinner table. the kids and i pray daily for you-for the strength to get through the day and for the timeliness and success of the transplants. Know that if we can offer any help to you in anyway-we will be there in a flash. I would be very happy to use my nursing skills to offer some home health care if that is needed. today, i think is not a dialysis day, so i hope you can take it easy and recover some strength and find some enjoyment in the day. and ps-i am down on my knees right now, thanking god for this healthy body-you are right-it is truly a blessing and a miracle and something we take so for granted. thanks for hitting me in the head with the miracle again.
love joann, darrin, sepp and anya

joann hardegger/darrin swanson
somerset, wi usa - Friday, July 19, 2002 at 08:58 AM (CDT)
Hi Greg,
We are all rooting for you, and praying that all goes well for you, and soon. You work so hard at being healthy , you inspire us all!

Jack and Ann Conzemius and family
Afton, MN USA - Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 11:13 PM (CDT)
Greg, You continue to amaze me - from the days at SJV to now. Knowing the support that you have around you makes me realize that there is not much new I can do or say but I did want to pass on our prayers for you. I'll get my daughter (Rachel, 3.5 years old) to pray for you - she has one of those new HIGH SPEED NETWORK CONNECTIONS to God.


Mike Johnson
Cincinnati, Oh US - Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 09:59 PM (CDT)
Greg, Thanks for all you have done to help make St. Philip's and the Community what it is today. You are so loved by all and have been a wonderful inspiration to us all. You are in our prayers and hope it will be very soon when you are called that a match has arrived for you.
Blessings to you Always,
John and Joyce

John and Joyce Reha
Maple Grove, Mn USA - Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 06:49 PM (CDT)
Dear Greg,
My sister sent me the news, by way of the convent in Sylvania, that you are currently #2 on the doner list. Please be assured of our thoughts and prayers. Let me know if there is anything else we can do for you. Our daughter Kally is good at remembering the special prayer needs of our family and friends, so you'll be covered by the Daniewiczs.
God bless,
Kathy, John & Kally

John Daniewicz
St. Paul, MN - Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 02:24 PM (CDT)
Dear Father Greg, You are in my prayers daily. Your positive attitude is an amazing example to others. Stay strong...Love, Mackenzie
Mackenzie King
Lakeville, MN USA - Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 12:59 PM (CDT)
Dear Greg,
Nora just passed on your web page to me. Thank you for sharing so intimately your experience. I am saddend to hear that you are having such challenges in your health right now. It seems ever since I have known you, you have walked a path with more challenges than most people ever face. I remember back a long time ago when you wanted to be a priest and the archdiocese seemed challenged to accept you into the seminary as you had cystic fibrosis. They didn't know what they were up against when Bob reproached them. It seems God wanted you to be a Spiritual Leader. Ever since then, God has walked with each challenge you have been faced with and each time, when you walk through these difficult times, many many benefit. You have healed many with your walk. You have never been forgotten and your suffering always touches others deeply with such transforming powers. You are a great gift to many of us. I believe with all my heart that you are surrounded by a circle of love of great magnitude. May this Blessing carry you each day.

In gratitude, with Love,

Trescia Dunn
St. Paul, MN - Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 10:05 PM (CDT)
Dear Greg: Just received your e-mail site & was glad for the update! Please know you are in our prayers constantly & we love you very much!!
Michelle, Rosco & Hannah Larson
Oakdale, MN USA - Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 11:08 AM (CDT)
Hi, Greg
I have entered the "Tech Age"!! Yes, I know, it's only e-mail!! As you know, I see Maureen regularily and she hooked me up to your site. I'm grateful to her. I think of you so often and now I will be able to keep in touch:) My family and friends ask about you--I assure you that you are in all of our prayers. I send you love, strength, and trust. Peg Flicek

Peg Flicek <>
Maplewood, Mn USA - Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 05:26 AM (CDT)

Please know that you are in my prayers daily. Our daughter Sammi (27 months) won't go to bed until she has "prayed for Father Greg."

If there is ANYTHING I can do, PLEASE call.

With much love


Pat Tarnowski <>
St Paul, MN USA - Monday, July 15, 2002 at 05:28 PM (CDT)
Dear Greg,
Beth just sent us this website info, and am so glad to have this way of communicating. We think of you and pray for you daily. I can only imagine how difficult this time is for you, but we all know how strong you are. Didn't Uncle Bob say "God doesn't give you anything you can't handle"? Please let me know if there is any way I can help you. You can still have my kidney if you want it, but remember I'm not a good dancer. Much love and prayers from Christie, John and Anna

Christie Hawkins <>
Northfield, MN Dakota - Monday, July 15, 2002 at 01:21 PM (CDT)

Just when I think I have this computer thing down I am humbled by the machine. Dan passed on this address to me today so I could see all that our friends and family have been talking about. What a great way to communicate and update. I was excited to hear your current update when I saw you at dialysis on Saturday. These beautiful entries are a reminder to me how God has blessed our famiy with amazing and spirit-filled people in our lives. I love you Greg and pray for you daily. You are indeed an inspiration to me and many. May today be your best day ever.

Love and peace,


Beth Tolaas <>
St. Paul, MN Ramsey - Monday, July 15, 2002 at 12:32 PM (CDT)
Dear Greg,
Thanks for the web site address. As we are so far away from you it will be a great way for us to stay close to you. You are in our prayers and we look forward to seeing photos of your smiling face soon on the road to recovery. Then you can come and visit us and we can give you lots of chores to do to help you build up your strength. The pay will be terrible but we will feed you well!!
Hang in there buddy as you are getting close.

Monica, Aoife & Bert O'Donoghue <>
Brussels, Belgium - Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 12:00 PM (CDT)
Hi Greg -
We want you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers every day. We're praying not only for you, but the guy in front of you and your donor. Jeff and I are both donors and have living wills because it was the right thing to do. I honestly didn't think about it too much until we learned you were waiting for a transplant. There are so many people waiting and hoping for a donor while grieving families can't make the decision to allow their loved one's organs to be harvested. We encourage all our friends to sign up as donors and draft living wills to make their wishes known and relieve their families of having to make such a decision. My cousin is also waiting for a kidney (his second) and he too suffers with diabetes. He lives in a small town in Montana and I think is losing hope because he has to drive so far for dialysis and remembers too well how sick and frightened he was before the first transplant. Please keep him in your prayers if you would. Thanks Greg and keep that crazy Tolaas sense of humor going. It's what keeps YOU going.
All our love - Nora, Jeff, Kate, Bryan and Eleanore

Nora McKinnon <>
St. Paul, MN USA - Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 08:30 AM (CDT)
Dear Father Greg,

I read of the death of a Robbinsdale school teacher, 56, who died June 30, and he is an organ donor. This has new meaning and although his death was unexpected and sad, there is an answer to prayer.

If you want to read about him, I'll save the article.

God bless him, his family, and all organ donors.

Betty Lou

Betty Lou Miller <>
Robbinsdale, MN USA - Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 11:20 PM (CDT)
Dear Greg,

I can only imagine what your life and your transplant journey is really like. Your health - and your life - is truly a part of something much grander, a really great and eternal mystery. Thank you for being a man of character and courage, for being creative and staying connected, for risking being open to share your life and to let others in - - and for being 'real' enough not to have to have it all together, yet faithful enough to do your part and and "grace-full" enough to let others and God do their part.

You are a living reminder to me to 'do what matters most' and to be passionate and persevering. I thank God for you and I will keep praying for you.

I count you as a rich blessing in my life.

Tom Klein <>
St. Louis Park, MN USA - Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 10:39 AM (CDT)
Father Greg,
Between Mom and my Brother, Jack, I have remained well-informed as to your health status and your continued wait for transplant. I visited St. Phillips last Saturday for Mass and truly missed your smiling face and your moving and inspirational words. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you continue your vigil.

Pat Cooksley <>
Gurnee, IL USA - Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 06:12 AM (CDT)
Dear Gregor:

All of the Passionists are praying for you. We like a good cause! Much love, David.

David Cinquegrani <>
West Hartford, CT USA - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 10:27 PM (CDT)
What a great opportunity to stay in touch with how Father Greg is doing...especially since I am in Pennsylvania with my mother for the summer and am not able to attend St Philips. Daily prayers are coming your way.
Jan Nordstrom <>
Richfield, MN USA - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 09:09 PM (CDT)
Hi, Father Greg.

That is good news regarding your moving up closer to the top of the list!

God grant you strength, peace, and all good things.

Betty Lou

Betty Lou Miller <>
Robbinsdale, MN USA - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 09:03 PM (CDT)
I will be in Sylvania this weekend and will put your intention on our prayer list at the Motherhouse. There are so many Franciscans who know, love, and are praying for you already. I will pass your web page on to those who have email and/or internet access. I am sure that all of those who attended Sr. Mary's Funeral Liturgy will remember you! I will never forget that, in spite of your very weakened condition at that time, you were there to Celebrate Her Life with all of us! You are a very special person!
May God continue to hold you in the Palm of His Hand!

Sr. Margaret Metro <>
Belen, NM USA - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 08:55 PM (CDT)
You are in our prayers.
Jerry and Mary Ann Hoffman <>
Maplewood, MN USA - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 08:51 PM (CDT)
Fr. Greg, I am on my knees for you. You are such an inspiration to all of us and I feel richly blessed to know you. Love, Joy, Peace to you.
Lee-Anne <>
Crystal, MN USA - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 08:27 PM (CDT)
Fr. Greg, Our prayers are bombarding heaven for your
continued strength, faith, hope and trust in the face
of extraordinary circumstances. God love you!!!

Barb & George Laurance <>
Plymouth, MN - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 06:44 PM (CDT)
Dear Greg - It was great to see you last week. Thanks to cousins Patti and Eddie for the flight vouchers! You are in my thoughts and prayers daily and I am so very proud to have you for my brother. I will see you soon and talk to you sooner. Everything is going to be OK. I Love You, Maureen
Maureen Tolaas <>
Denver, CO USA - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 06:22 PM (CDT)
Greg, Patsy clued me in to your website. Just want to say good luck to you and I know you have pretty much surrendered yourself into God,s hands which is a pretty good place to be. Mark Zweber
Mark Zweber <>
Lakeville, MN USA - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 04:07 PM (CDT)
Thanks for the good news Greg! Just visited with Dale and Nancy and it was so great to hear that you are very close. Now the second decade of the daily rosary goes for the other person (to hurry up) and the first, as always, is for you.
Ray (and Stephanie) <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 03:51 PM (CDT)
Father Greg,

You are beyond inspiration. Hang in there baby!!!!


Jack Traeger <>
Anaheim, CA - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 11:58 AM (CDT)
Know that you are in my prayer - take good care.

Sharon <>
st. paul, mn usa - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 10:57 AM (CDT)
Greg--Jan forwarded your website ... know that many unitarian prayers are being sent from the west coast every day. Love, j
Janet Kinney <>
Portland, OR - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 10:25 AM (CDT)
Fr. Greg,
It has been very enlightening listening to your homilies over the last few months, thank you for sharing your feelings and emotions that you have been enduring. I see that you are learning so much from this experience, it is wonderful how you tell your stories of the other people you come in contact with at the hospital, it has opened our eyes to their struggles.

GOD has chosen you for this cross to bear, and you are doing an excellent job with this heavy burden. As tragic as this has been in your life it is part of you, and maybe even one of your greatest teachers. I believe you have had to learn to be disciplined and strong in the face of this disease, you have also learned compassion in many ways. Your handling of this has been an inspiration to so many people, you should feel proud knowing that your struggles are not in vain ; they are healing so many in need.

I wish you a peacefulness that you can go to in your times of pain and despair. And the trust in GOD that his plan will be fulfilled in you. I'm positive you are an inspiration to the angles in heaven and when it is your time to go back home (50 years from now) that the angles will have a great party planned for you return.

We will always love you as our brother.

Maria, Lee and our little angle from heaven, Dillon

Maria <Maria.O'>
- Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 09:10 AM (CDT)
You continue to be in my prayers.
Patsy Ryan <>
Lakeville, MN USA - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 08:52 AM (CDT)
Thanks for the web page. Makes keeping in touch from Dallas much easier.
Steve Koller <>
Dallas, TX USA - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 08:32 AM (CDT)
Greg: You are very near and dear to us and we continue to pray for you daily. Sammi includes you in her prayers every night before bed.
We love you!

Trish, Pat & Sammi Tarnowski <>
Minneapolis, MN - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 06:32 AM (CDT)
Dear Greg,
thanks so much for sending this info update and a way to keep in touch. You know how daily I pray for you and tell all my friends to do the same. Keep your beautiful spirit and know God is with you in a special way. Much love, Jude

mary Jude <mary>
Frontenac, MN USA - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 06:15 AM (CDT)
Fr. Greg:

You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers and I know deep in my heart you will overcome this. You are truly an inspiration to us all.

With love and hope and prayers.

Pat Muller <>
Minneapolis, Mn USA - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 04:46 AM (CDT)
Father Greg,

I am just leaving work now for a small vacation for a few days. I was just getting ready to log off when I got your email. You could not have timed it better. I have been Weary with my job lately and have thought about if it is time for a change. Carolyn Dyrdahl and I have been talking about the Administrative position there at St Philip's and I don't know if the position has been filled but she just told me I should really consider it. I will ask the Lord for a little guidance.

I want you to know that when I see the struggles you have endured lately and you try and be positive most of the time, it makes me feel that I am blessed for all that I have. I pray everyday when I am on my way to work for you. Sometimes I will say the rosary asking that you get that transplant. You have so much to give and I feel that your transplant is much more important than having you a little longer at church to lead the community. I am glad to be a part of the community, even if it is only a small part. Philip also enjoys being an altar server. There are times that he serves both at St Philip's and at St Raphael's. I ask him if he wants to serve at both churches and does not hesitate to say Yes!

I believe the Lord meant for us to become part of the community. The name of my son being Philip and both Mark & Philip's middle name happens to be Gregory. You and I also share the same birthday I believe March 27th. Though it is all coincidental it is nice to know that we share some of the same things in our lives.

I will continue the praying so that maybe next time you send us an email it will be to tell us that you are going to the hospital!

God bless you,
Mona Prince

Mona Prince < or>
Crystal, MN USA - Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 10:26 PM (CDT)
Fr. Greg:
Our prayers are with you. Stay are an inspiration to so many.
All the best,

John Michaels <>
Woodbury, MN USA - Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 10:24 PM (CDT)

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