Steven’s Story

Site created on February 16, 2021

As you may know by now Steven was diagnosed with Stage 4 Melanoma Cancer which had spread to his brain (Leptomeningeal Brain Metastases), back in January.  I set this up mainly to ask for prayer and to send updates on his progress but things rapidly changed quickly...

My husband passed away peacefully in his sleep on March 9, 2021. And, although I am completely brokenhearted I strongly believe he has left this earth with forgiveness in his heart and no regret. In my heart God has revealed to me that my husband has gone to the Light where there is no darkness at all. I know he will be awaiting at those pearly gates for me one day at Heaven’s gate with my Jesus.

Thank you all for your love and support, 
ChrisTina M. Dapper

Newest Update

Journal entry by Christina Dapper

Attached is a 13 min. video of Ed Jimenez sharing his tribute to his best friend, Steven of 40+ years - enjoy:)

* It is not too late to include your shared a memory for my Memory book... if you have a favorite memory please send it to me and I will add it. 

Thanks, C 
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