Sasha’s Story

Site created on November 25, 2018

On the evening of November 20, 2018, Sasha Ross was critically injured in an incident involving her former husband.  She was in the ICU for five days.  Her recovery will take some time, but she is stable and visitors are currently limited.  We are using this CaringBridge website to keep family and friends updated in one place about Sasha's recovery.  We appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement.  Thank you for visiting.  

Newest Update

Journal entry by Matthew Barcus

I have been incredibly #Blessed since November with the outpouring of love and support from so many. With that said, I am so excited to share this #ProgressUpdate ... I am officially breaking out of the rehab center at the end of the month. What an extraordinary #BirthdayPresent ! While this #journey has taught me many things, it has absolutely #humbled me when It comes to asking for help from others. And so I share this glorious announcement with an ask that you help me rebuild my life. Many of my things were destroyed in the home invasion and we got rid of the remaining majority in order to quickly vacate the rental property due to a dispute with my landlord. I’m registered at #Target and on #Amazon and because I’m me (😂) I also have a #Googledoc going so feel free to look at the links below and consider making yourself a part of my new home! Sidenote: if none of those things are financially feasible for you or you’re sitting there and you’re like “I’ve already given as much as I can” I would love any arts made by my friends or photos I can hang to decorate my new space as well! My #gratitude is unending for all of you as well as my #love! Target registry link: I just registered at Target, take a look! Amazon registry link: Google doc link:
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