October 11, 2022
Madison finished her first round of radiation on September 30th. It was a long 6 weeks but she did great. When she finished she was able put her handprint on the wall in the hospital and ring the bell in front of all the nurses and doctors.
Madi, Bree and Laura then flew from Denver back to Iowa to their new home while Ryan drove the family truck. They are all moved in and settled and doing great. Aubree and Rylee have started at the nearby school and are loving their new house.
Madison took a trip to Iowa City to meet her new Doctors. She even got a picture across from the stadium. While there the Doctors did a brief physical exam and were very satisfied with her progress so far after the first round of radiation. Madison has been feeling much better and learning to walk with her walker.
On November 7th Madison will head back to Iowa City for an Echocardiogram on her heart to make sure it is still improving and regaining strength. The Doctors have also scheduled an eye exam.
November 16th she will go back to Iowa City for her MRI which will tell us more about how well the radiation worked and how fast the tumor is growing back. Her Doctors have also come up with a plan for a new type of medication they believe will help reduce the growing of the tumor. November 16th tests will show a lot more and give us a better idea of what the future holds.
Madison and family are doing well back in Iowa and are in good spirits. The outpour of support has been unbelievable and we are so thankful to everyone for their generosity and support. Madison was even feeling well enough to make an appearance at a recent benefit that was being held in her honor.