Lisa Byrom

First post: Mar 4, 2024 Latest post: Jun 23, 2024
Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken. 
Psalm 62:4-6

If anything can shake a person, it’s the word cancer. I received my diagnosis this week after an abnormal mammogram and a subsequent biopsy. It has been determined that contained within my left breast is DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma in Situ). Because this form of breast cancer generally remains within the milk ducts, I have a very good prognosis.

At this point, I am considered a Stage 0. There are, however, some caveats to that. My DCIS is a grade 3, which means it could have a greater chance of becoming invasive or reoccurring. Based upon that determination as well as my family history, I will be having a bilateral mastectomy later in the month of April.

The surgeon will be taking some sentinel lymph nodes from my left side during the surgery to be sure the cancer has indeed remained in place. If by chance it has spread, my stage would be upgraded and further treatment such as radiation and chemotherapy would be required.

The bilateral mastectomy is only the first surgery. As much as I was hoping for a one-stop shop, it just isn’t going to work out that way. I will be given time to heal and later have one or even two reconstructive surgeries when the site is deemed ready.

Those are the facts, now let me tell you the truth (thank you to a friend for that good word). Shaken? Okay, yes. But crumbling? No. My hope is in the Lord and I have more ‘knowns’ than ‘unknowns’. I know that…
..God is for me, not against me.
..He will never leave me nor forsake me.
..what the enemy has meant for evil, God has meant for good.

I’m feeling well and other than doctor’s appointments, it’s almost like business as usual for now. Although the surgery is Iooming and there is much to pray about, we’ve already seen God working in our midst. It is in Him we place our trust.

With Love,
Lisa, along with Scott, and the children Joshua, Emma and Caleb Byrom