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Tuesday, September 26, 2006 10:43 AM CDT


My Nicholas is feeling much better today! Yes, they ordered an x-ray but when I got home I could tell he was feeling much better. I know he doesn't need the extra radiation either! So, I was a bad mom and didn't do as the dr ordered!

Ok, I'm going to brag......just a little! Guess who got straight A's the first semester of school! Yes! Nicholas' grades were averaged, no grades curved or dropped! I KNEW he could do it! We are so proud of him! Not to be outdone by Nicholas, Spencer told us about all the questions he had to answer...about a 1000 of them! PALS testing this week! He even got to help all the others! He also has a very big imagination that just doesn't stop! I love his big tales! Precious!

Pray for all the ones going through major health problems. Pray for all the families.

Begging for Miracles,

Monday, September 25, 2006 6:56 AM CDT


Nicholas is still sick. The meds help for a while and then he will start coughing again. Its a catch 22, meds slow the coughing down, but he really needs to clear out his lungs too. He is really junky and short of breath. He just doesn't feel well. We gave him breathing treaments just about every two hours on Sat. Sunday, he seemed a little better but just droopy. I'm really worried about his white count being so low. He has been getting G-CSF(white cell booster) for over 2 years now, three times a week. I'm thinking we will start having to give it to him more. I wish we'd get a miracle!

Nicholas said grace yesterday morning and he said, "Jesus, we thank you for today. I don't know what its going to be like to be an adult. Thank you for the power. In Jesus name, Amen!" This was definitely different than what he usually says.

Spencer sang in church this weekend, "I have a Father who can!" He has the sweetest little voice. He had been a little stuffy nosed but his cough is much better.

Well, it has happened. Nicholas received a phone call from Alessandra. He asked to speak to her mom. He told Marie, "May I have a word with you? I've been wanting to ask you this for a long time! May I marry Alessandra?" Then I heard a "YES!" and a whoop! and foot stomping! I assumed she said yes! I couldn't help but laugh and cry!
Then, he talked to Alessandra and I heard him say, "I'd love to be his son-in-law!" Then he told her, "Our wedding plans, its your choice! I'm going to ask you something at Camp and you had better say yes!" We decided that we would just have the wedding at Camp! Alessandra is going to bring her Southern Belle costume and I'm taking Nicholas a suit to camp! I guess we are having an August wedding! I'm happy to see his little smiles and twinkling eyes!

Pray for Papaw, he isn't feeling well at all. Also, pray for Robin, my nephew's wife. Pray for all the children and adults that are sick and taking treatments.


Friday, September 22, 2006 11:45 AM CDT


Nicholas' counts were low. His platelets were 17k, hgb was 10.1, and ANC was 426. We went for a platelet transfusion because he is coughing so hard at times. He also coughed up a little more blood. He isn't feeling well today at all, respiratory rate is high but so far isn't running a temp. His right lung sounds really junky, according to two nurses.

We arrived at 6:15 and was home by 10 pm! Whoo Hooo! But he broke out into hives and I had to give him more Benedryl. There were 15 to 20 hives. I felt so sorry for him but the Benedryl makes him major grumpy and he get very demanding (more than normal!) and wants me to scratch his hives! He had them all over his body last night from head to toe! He was also short of breath which really scared me. Please pray that his lungs clear up before he gets pneumonia.

Spencer was as wide eyed as an Owl last night! He had taken a 3 hr nap in the evening and couldn't go to sleep last night! He told me big tales and I don't know if half is true or not! He begins and then they get bigger and bigger and then he will just cackle out laughing! He is so funny! I can't help but laugh! He is so precious!

Nicholas whispered to me the other day, "Spencer sure uses his imagination don't he!" Too funny! The lady in the lab Rhonda, got Nicholas a card with some money in it for his birthday! She had missed him the last two times we had been there and said she was having Nicholas withdrawals! Thanks Rhonda, you're the best! You know, he has made more friends and can charm everyone the fastest of anyone I know! He is like a little sunbeam magnet! The only time I saw him smile was for Rhonda! He was major grumpy yesterday even with Home health nurse Anita! She had also brought him a birthday gift and he was hateful with her! I told him he had to apologize!

Pray for Sam, Matt, Alex, Charisse, and all the others with FA. Pray for all the empty arms.

In desperate need of Miracles,

Thursday, September 21, 2006 6:45 AM CDT


I forgot to update yesterday! Ooops! Nicholas and Spencer are doing ok, not totally sick and not totally well. I think its this weather! We're all really congested and drooping around! But we are FINE!

Do I need to say that Nicholas made another 100 on his spelling test and just missed one on another! Whoo Hoo! He is so smart! Ok, I'll stop bragging! He does enough himself! He told Fran yesterday....let me back up! He pulled the shower button out for her and then said, "I guess Mary is right! I am a super hero!" Fran told him that he was definitely her super hero. He said, "I'm everybody's super hero!" Ha! I can just see his little smug smile and twinkly eyes as he said that!

We are getting a cbc done today, so I'll post the results as soon as I can. I don't think he will need transfused today. I'm hoping not anyway. But on the other hand, I hate going into these weekends with low counts. It is a total nightmare. I have requested a standing order with a stipulation that if his counts are below 10k, then he gets platelets, and if the hgb is below a certain level, then..blah blah blah. Just so that we can be covered on weekends. Its very nerve wrecking. I guess we just live in the wrong place!

Remember all the children going through an illness and adults too! Pray for all the families too. Pray for the drug users that the devil will lose his hold on them. I hate that devil! He has too many under the influence of alcohol and drugs. He doesn't want to go to the bottomless pit alone and taking all he can with him! The Lake of Fire was created for the devil and his angels..not God's children.

Blessings, Miracles, and Bear Hugs,

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 7:49 AM CDT


We did have a great weekend. No more coughing up blood just still coughing up lots of junk! We all are somewhat congested! Must be the weather change! Overall, Nicholas is doing much better but I noticed last night as we snuggled that he is really dark around his eyes. He didn't sleep well at all last night and neither did I! I had to suction him out several times. He is so sweet! Mary Bear is keeping him today and he may have been just too excited!

Nicholas made another 100 on his science quiz! Yes I'm bragging but hey!, this is the first tests he has really had and he is doing super! I can't help but be proud of my babies.

Spencer also told me that he has read two books to his class! He was jabbering 90 miles a minute yesterday evening. He said his teacher put a "Super" sticker on his forehead and he found enough stickers for the entire class and gave them all one! He said, "Then everyone wanted to play with me on the playground!" He was thrilled! He asked Nicholas if he knew what review was! Then said, "It's doing the same old stuff again!" I couldn't help but laugh! Then, he told us that Kassie had a cast and wanted to make her a get well card. He drew her a cow on it! Nicholas said, "How about the utters!?" Spencer drew them and laughed saying, "Ha! That's cute!" I burst out laughing! Oh, there is never a dull minute between them two!

Some of us got together and are trying to contact everyone for our 25th Class of 81 Reunion! I really enjoyed my day Sunday at Troy and Peggy's house! If you are a classmate and read this, please call me or email me.

Pray for Terry Senter, he was in a motocycle accident. They are doing lots of surgery on him and trying to save his foot. He is in stable condition last I heard. Pray for all the FA patients and families. Rafael, keep praying, if no one else needs the prayer, we do!
Also, Troy's mom was just diagnosed with lung cancer, please pray for them too.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Friday, September 15, 2006 7:28 AM CDT


Nicholas' stopped coughing up blood yesterday afternoon...just a speck later on. Thanks for praying! I know God touched him.

We did get our transfusions, platelets and red cells. He ended up really sick during the red cells, vomiting, diarrhea, and coughing. These bad gas spells just tear my heart out. I was petrified that the hives would start but they didn't. Thank God. He seemed ok afterwards. His face still has no color in it but I could tell it perked him up a tiny bit. He will be hyped up today! Hopefully! Those red cells really make him perky usually.

I didn't get to spend any time with Spencer yesterday evening. We didn't get home until around 11 pm! Yes, long day! I really miss my baby though. I did get lots of kisses this morning. He was getting all dressed up for his school pictures today. Nicholas broke his ear piece on his glasses and hopefully they will be in before the re-make day. Goodness! Today is Grandparents with Spencer and my Mom and Dad can't go they have a dr appointments. Jeff's mom is going. That will tickle him to pieces!

Please remember all the FA families in your prayers. We are all at various stages and could really use the support and prayer. I know God is good all the time. Acceptance is the key. Accept and half the battle is won. I only trust in the Lord, who else could I possibly trust in?

Praying for miracles and accepting blessings,

Thursday, September 14, 2006 7:36 AM CDT


Please be in prayer for Nicholas, he is coughing up blood this morning. Fran saw some yesterday. He coughed through out the night but I didn't see any blood. This morning he started coughing it up again. We will definitely be going for transfusions, he will get platelets and packed red cells too.

He asked grace over dinner Tuesday night and after he said thanks for the food, shelter, his birthday, and Mary Bear for visiting, he said, "Jesus, I'll be there to visit soon, you know! Amen!" Mary Bear jumped up and got a glass of water and the phone rang.....I guess I didn't want to tell everyone......I know...I'm trying to protect everyone else. I'm NOT ready to give my baby up! I snuggle with him every night and it doesn't matter how frustrated I am, his scent, his sweetness, his touch, his hugs and kisses never fails to make me smile.

Thinking back, he wanted me to pat his back a lot during this last sick spell. He was hurting in his lower left lobe of his lung. Even when I thought he was better, he would ask me to pat his back. He was so sore at first, reminding me of the first time he coughed up blood. He hasn't had a temp at all though, so it had to be viral.

Pray for Darrell, he is home recovering well from his surgery. Mildred too!


Wednesday, September 13, 2006 7:44 AM CDT


Nicholas is having times that he is just soooo tired. He will be fine one minute and then just lay his head on the table. It has been tough recouping from that virus we had. Now, Spencer has this deep cough. I've given him medicine but it doesn't seem to help. He will end up at the dr! He doesn't run a temp and no other symptom, just a horrible cough occasionally! I'm hoping and praying he gets better!

The boys have had a ball with the cap busters! They are so funny! I love watching them play! They enjoy themselves so much and love for us to play with them! Yes, we've had fun too!

Spencer goes on a field trip today. They are visiting the animal hospital! They are studying the Community Services! They are also going to a bank! They are getting school pictures taken on Fri! Hopefully, there will be no bruises on Nicholas' face...

We are thankful that Darrell and Mildred both came through their surgeries good. Darrell was up walking around and eating the next day. Hopefully, the pain is gone too.

Blessings, Miracles, and Bear Hugs,

Friday, September 8, 2006 7:11 AM CDT


Nicholas turned blue yesterday at some point during the day and wasn't feeling very well. By the time I got home, he was feeling much better. He wanted to sit at the dining table so he could watch for Mommy! He just needed his Mommy! His teacher was there too and they did what they could. Nicholas ended up with another 100 on his spelling, missed 2 out of 15 on another test and did 3 pages of math! He did really well to feel so bad! He is a super hero to me! Ms Trish was really proud of him too.

We will be celebrating Nicholas' 8th birthday on Sunday! If you would like to make a donation to FARF(Click here for donation info!) in honor of his birthday, that would be wonderful but ONLY if you want too!! Please do not feel obligated! They are already spoiled and do not need anymore gifts! We do covet your prayers though.

Also Spencer is getting congested too. I had to give him some meds at 2:30 am! I was definitely a yo-yo last night! Was up just about every hour! For Nicholas was sitting straight up in bed around mid-night and Spencer started around get the idea!

Remember all the FA families, even if they have had their bone marrow transplants, they still have to be on the watch for cancers. Yes, its a constant vigil.

Please remember the family of Jessica. Fly free Sweet Jessica. She had been a Prayer Bear since December, 04.

Miracles, Blessings, and Bear Hugs,

Thursday, September 7, 2006 2:27 PM CDT


Nicholas is terribly congested. Please pray we can keep his lungs cleared out and he won't get pneumonia.

Please pray for the family of Jessica. She did pass away. Visitation is Fri night at Mullins Funeral home and funeral is Sat at 1 pm.

Please pray for an unspoken prayer request, for all families involved.

Praying for all the children and adults going through some type of treatment.

Our hearts are broken today, please pray for strength and courage and don't forget to pray for miracles,

Wednesday, September 6, 2006 6:50 AM CDT


Yes, we did go for a platelet transfusion. They hung the bags and said, "The donor had a low platelet count and they had to put it in two bags!" Well, I wasn't born yesterday and did go to school in my brothers place once..but something just didn't make much sense to me. The total volume was 563 ml plus 100 ml of anticoagulant. After some phone calls, Dr Begley said to give one bag. Ok, the nurse called the blood bank and they told her that in order to receive the platelets we would have to give both bags. Dr. Begley said ok give both bags and run at a slower rate. I wasn't satisfied with this and called Dr Harris and left a message on his cell. We had finished one bag and Dr Harris called me back and said that was way too much volume, just to give one bag and maybe go back tomorrow and get the rest of it! Well, we stopped with the one bag but there isn't no getting the rest of it! They won't allow anything to be given the next day if it has been on the floor for more than 30 minutes! Loss of platelets! It killed me to have to loose those platelets but I was not endangering my baby! My gut feeling was it was too much!.......Too low of a platelet count and they mixed it with lots of plasma? That doesn't make sense to me! Now, I'm worrying that he didn't get enough platelets. I guess we will do another cbc earlier especially if I can tell they are dropping.

I'm still reeling! I couldn't go to sleep after we got home and feel very tired today. Nicholas is really junky and coughing up lots. He seems lots better than Monday though.

Spencer spent the evening with his Dad. They went to the pumpkin patch and Spencer was thrilled to see the big pumpkins. He also told me about the cantaloupes on the vine! He was thrilled! He woke up this morning giggling at something!

Please remember all of us that are going through tragic situations. Please remember Jeff's brother Darrell, he is scheduled for back surgery on the 11th. Remember Jessica and her family, I haven't heard anything but I'm sure they need prayer.

Begging for Miracles,

Tuesday, September 5, 2006 6:52 AM CDT

Platelets are 15k, Hgb is 8.6, ANC is 1023! I think we will be getting platelets today. He is fighting too hard and needs the extra help....

Good Morning,

Please pray for Nicholas, he has a terrible cold. We both started getting sick on Fri and on Sat I had it really bad and then yesterday he had it. He feels horrible....he looked so pitiful with a runny nose and watery eyes! He went to sleep at 6 pm last night. He didn't even feel up to enjoying his company really well! Kayla and Will did come up for a visit! He would take Kayla and lead her around. Will really enjoyed himself too. On the way to the house, he told Kayla that this area looked like "LIFE!" I thought that was so sweet! He and Spencer had a ball! I think Spencer actually got a little jealous! And was really tired yesterday! We sat up late and got up early! He slept really well last night though! Will brought his hermit crab and Nicholas watched it all the time! He loved it! And they do not have salmonella on them! Unlike the snakes, turtles and frogs.... Will loved the rabbits! He didn't want to leave to go home! I think that we will have to do that more often!

One thing that was really funny...Nicholas refused to show Will the photos of Alessandra! It was so funny! I think he thinks that Will likes her! Of course, Spencer wanted to and that broke Nicholas' heart! We all camped out with Nicholas while he was getting his moisture and the boys threw a ball around and Will entertained us! Nicholas perked up during this time!

We are getting a cbc today and I'll post his counts when I get them.

Please remember Jessica Nowlin. She has brain surgery for seizures and fluid gathered and she was non responsive. They took the fluid off and think she had a major stroke. Please pray as they make decisions to take her off the ventilator. She has been a Prayer Bear just about from the beginning. Oh this is breaking my heart!

Pray for miracles,

Friday, September 1, 2006 11:21 AM CDT

Check this out!
NASCAR National Blood and Marrow Drive


Nicholas seems to be ok. He is running a low grade temp again but that is getting to be too normal too. I'm forever holding my breath and constantly on the watch! Our lives are forever changed now. We have to watch every little change. Radar is engaged and on constantly! I'm so tuned to beeps that I hear every beeper that is! I cannot even go into a resturant without picking up on the fine timers and buzzers in the kitchens! It's a nightmare! I have to make myself stop listening because Nicholas isn't with me! UGH! Thank goodness no one else knows it! Ha! At least I don't think so! I could be shaking my head to clear out the buzzers and not even realize it! That is funny! Yes, it helps to be a little on the crazy side to begin with! Ha! Yes, I said a "little!"

Spencer is definitly his Dad's little shadow. Jeff can't walk for him! It is too cute! He has to "help" him all the time! He is getting stickers for good behaviour every day so far! He gets a prize on Fridays! Last night, he came into the bedroom with a toboggan and a glove on. He said he was a stealer! He steals you tell me where on earth he heard that one! It was funny but goodness! "High aspirations," Sissy Bear said! Nicholas was pretending to be something too...I guess Batman was capturing the villian! They keep us laughing!

Please remember my uncle, Wayne Strouth. He has been diagnosed with lung cancer. He is taking Chemo and radiation. So far, the chemo isn't making him sick. Please remember Jean and the children. Also, another one of my uncles Ken, has some heart problems and is suppose to have surgery. Remember them too.

Don't forget to go give blood or schedule your appoint for platelets!

Blessings, Miracles, and Bear Hugs,

*Nicholas lost another tooth on Tuesday! Thank goodness he had his platelets on Monday!

Thursday, August 31, 2006 10:44 AM CDT


Brag, Brag, Brag! That's all the good stuff about my little hard working boys! Yes! Nicholas made 100 on his spelling, missed on one question on his grammer, and one on his math out of 17 questions!!!!! He was proud as punch! My little Kindergartener was proud of himself too and did wonderful on his work that he brought home! He showed his red light that he had made to everyone! I would hold it upside down and he would correct me every time! He thought that was so funny! He is too sharp!

Nicholas seems to be feeling better and was chirper yesterday evening! He was up early and I was expecting him to feel bad during school but he was great! He slept like a log last night! Spencer said he had a bad dream and hollered for me around 3 am! He just said "MOM!" and I slept with him for a while. I didn't know he had had a bad dream!

Be sure to go and donate blood or platelets. Our area is serviced by Marsh Blood Bank....423-224-5888 and they stay open late on Mondays and Thursdays until 6 pm!

Pray for Larry, and all the children.....
We still need a miracle....I think Nicholas' platelet count of 3k really jerked me back in reality.

Miracles, Blessings, and Bear Hugs,

Wednesday, August 30, 2006 7:10 AM CDT


Well, I took Nicholas to meet his classmates yesterday! He loved it! He loved Ms Long too. She repeated an experiment for him and he loved it too! I did get photos of them all together. He was very open with them. He raised his shirt and showed them his mic-key button and centeral line! He explained the entire process of pulling his picc-line out of his arm, them trying to put it in the other arm and how badly it hurt, and finally getting the c-line! It was really something! I had to explain about his bone marrow not working well and he had to have lots of platelet and red cell transfusions! He was feeling great and really showed out! He invited them all to his birthday party on Sunday, Sept. 10 at our house! He told them about having a "Cowboy" Birthday and Ms Long asked him if he had a lasso! She is a cowgirl herself and gave him her personal lasso! Still brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it! He was one happy camper! He LOVED it! I'm trying to find him some chaps and vest but not having any luck except for the expensive ones! If anyone happens to find a real cowboy costume size 8-10(I think this is too big but the 5-7 is too small), please contact me!

We also got to meet Spencer for lunch! He was suprised! He looked at me then did a double take! He was thrilled but also disappointed when I didn't check him out! Then, Ms Trish took Nicholas to show him the Smart Board! She put up the world map and asked Nicholas about the oceans and continents! He named them! She was so shocked!

We got home and Nicholas declared, "I just don't understand Mom!" I asked what! He said, "I just don't understand why EVERYONE asks me all these questions and they are the ones that is suppose to know the answers!" We all laughed! Then, Ms Trish came for school and I told her what he said! Then, during the story, Ms Trish was trying to read upside down and she said grandfather but the word was grandmother! Nicholas pointed that out to her and then said, "I'll help you with the big words!" Ahhhhhh, too funny! He is a stinker! Then, Ms Trish gave him a test on the continents and he made 100! He was so pleased with himself!!! We are so proud of him!

Later in the night, he had a diarrhea and was chilling but didn't seem to have a temp. Pray he isn't getting sick! He was up using the bathroom again this morning when I left. I'm wondering if it is from the anticoagulent in the transfusion. Yes, we did get our transfusion on Monday. He did really well and didn't have any hives at all! PTL! Thank you to whomever donated platelets on Aug. 24th that was 0 !!

Pray for all the ones in hospital, transplant, or sick. They all need our support and some cheering up but they covet your prayers the most!

They thought my cousins husband Larry was having heart problems and when Nicholas heard us talking he said, "Larry is the best friend anyone could have!" Then, he immediately thought of going to see him and taking snakes to scare him with! I know Lena will love this! Ha! Anyway, pray for him, it may be gallstones!

Miracles, blessings, and bear hugs,

Sunday, August 27, 2006 6:03 PM CDT

Platelets are 3k......yes, 3,000! That is the lowest they've ever been.....


We had the Strouth-Lane memorial this weekend. Lots of good fellowship, preaching, singing, church service at the cemetery under a shed! Then, it was dinner-under-the-tents with lots of good food! If I start naming, I'd be here all day! Too much good food! Ahhh, I have to get you a little hungry! Meat loaf, Sissy Bear's Chicken-n-dumplings, ham that Jeff sliced right there on the spot!, casserols, corn, potato salad, greem beans, baked beans, broccoli slaw, pasta salads, and desserts galore....should I list those too? hmmmm, Hershey Cake, Baptist pie!, raspberry cake, oreo cake, butterscotch pie, lots more....even Lucky-if-you-get-a-piece of cake and believe you me, you were lucky to get was delicious! Lots of good Strouth cookers!

Nicholas enjoyed all the young girls there and Spencer joined all his cousins trying to catch crawdads! They all ended up wet and muddy! Yes, they enjoyed themselves!

Nicholas has petechia all over his face and bruises galore! I'm sure he will get transfused Monday! Yes, I'm updating today. Frances has a death in her family and will be off a couple of days. I'm not sure when I'll get to update again.

Well, have a great week and go donate platelets! I did on Friday! It was a wonderful feeling to be able to give instead of receive all the time! Yes, it took us an hour to get there and a hour and a half to donate! They have two new machines and it takes less time now! So NO excuses! Go! They only stick you in one arm unless its your first time and they have to get a blood work up on you. You get to wrap up in a warm blanket and relax! No, I didn't go to sleep! They actually got two units from me, Sharon, and Joyel Wayne. WOW! That's 6 transfusions! Isn't that wonderful! Give....its a miracle in itself!

Remember the children......

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Thursday, August 24, 2006 11:00 AM CDT


Nicholas had his first test! He missed 5 out of 15 spelling words and I'm surprised he missed any. He also missed 2 out of 10 questions on another one! His teacher, Ms Trish was amazed! She wasn't expecting him to do so good! He works really hard for her and I'm so proud of him! He is working right on target! on 3rd grade level! He has right at a B right now! I'm tickled pink of course! He is so precious! He actually did too many math pages and she took it to show his teacher that he is assigned to at school. She was amazed as well! They were all under the impression that he wasn't this smart! Ha! Too funny!

Spencer is so tired and grouchy of the evenings. I think he needs a short nap every day!! He is so precious! He said last night that he wanted me to come and have lunch with him. They go so early while on heat schedule that I cannot week they return back to normal schedule and that is what I will do. I had thought of it and he must have heard me talking about it! Little stinker! He is all ears! I'm so proud of him. I am amazed at how fast he is growing up! He isn't my little baby anymore! Yes, I want them to stay little! ha! Life happens while you are living!

Vicki sent me a poem titled "Slow Dance!" You know that is what you learn first when dealing with a sick child. Live every second like it is your last! Stop, smell the roses! Or in our case, smell the hospital aromas! Ha! You get to where you hate those smells! Sensations attack you when you walk into the place! You want to scream....NOOOOO! Not again! Not today! Not tomorrow! but you can' look up at everyone and smile! Trying to make their job easier, better, smile more, funnier, and a hug from Nicholas just has to brighten up their world! How could it not? He brightens up the hospital and the nurses! Hmmmm, I guess that's debatable! Some don't look to happy to see us!! Or should I say "ME!" They are always happy to see him! He makes their day! Hey, I'm trying! God is still working on me!

Keep all the them in your prayers, the sick ones, the transplant ones, the blood and platelet transfusion dependent ones, the chemo ones....some have to take chemo for years, all of the families too....we all need your love, prayers, and support.

Miracles, Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Wednesday, August 23, 2006 7:51 AM CDT


Well, Ms Fran has two ruptured disks and has to have back surgery! No, there isn't another option. She will know in a couple of weeks when she has to go. Please remember her in your prayers.

Nicholas had homework and worked really hard for me yesterday evening! He gets really tired writing and he definitely needs lots of practice. He can do it verbally but he really needs to write. It takes him so long to write and that is why I try to let him do the writing part for me and the verbal part for the teacher. It works pretty good that way. He is really doing well. Spencer gave out his words for his spelling test and Nicholas only missed a few out of 15! He is reading on a 4th grade level and we are so proud of him!

I was trying to explain why Nicholas looks the way he does..and I can only come up with this. The transfusions ALMOST reach the level he needs to get rid of all the little bruises ...just enough to change their color to a rusty looking color. Almost enough to reach the peak and then he uses them up so quickly and the decline starts. The red cells flood his little body and everything gets more oxygen for a short time and then the same thing happens, it starts to decline. The dreaded anemic "look" starts showing up again. Ugh! I guess I'm mad! I hate this disease. My hands are so tied. I cannot make him well. I can't kiss it away. I can't help him. Its all in the hands of Jesus. Yes, I know those are the best hands to rest in.

Keep praying for Matthew, Ty, Charisse, Ryan, Jordan, Will, and all the children that are in need of a miracle.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,
Praying for strength, courage, wisdom, and most of all faith,

Tuesday, August 22, 2006 8:45 AM CDT


The FA world is saddened once again with the loss of another precious little girl Taliah W. Please remember this family in your prayers.

Nicholas was a little croupy yesterday morning but seemed ok last night. He had school again and did really well! He is working so hard. He shines under praise that is for sure! He loves to please and will ask, "Did I do good?" Oh, he is so precious. He struggles so hard to write and I'm sure he doesn't feel up to even working let along thinking most of the time but he never complains, even when his hgb is low and we can tell he isn't feeling well.

I was looking at him last night and he doesn't look well. The rosey red cheeks look wonderful but overall, his bruises are numerous and aren't fading and he looks dark around mouth and eyes. Yes, FA stinks! I hate how it grabs these precious children and literally sucks the life out of them. Watching Nicholas' decline has been horrendous in every way, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Yet, he never complains, never says "Why me?" nor does he dwell on any of this... He just lives! He loves life, makes the most of everything he does. He loves everything and everybody! He loves bear tales, he loves calling everyone just for stories! He loves to giggle and laugh. He loves riding his tricycle! Yes a tricycle! He loves it! If this were any of us, we'd be complaining to high heavens but not him! He doesn't moan and groan and have a "woe is me" attitude! He just lives!
He will wake up and throw those little arms up for a hug and say, "I feel great today!", especially after a red cell transfusion! Its all in attitude!

Did I mention that Spencer now has 2 teeth out! Yes, he lost another on over the weekend when we were out in the yard looking for Deno. Our little dog, Deno was killed this past weekend. They were all fighting over a female and our neighbor's boxer got the best of him. We cannot find him at all. He was a sweet little dog. We got him from the pound and had him about 10 yrs.

Please remember all the ones in transplant or heading in that direction. We all are but at different intervals. Some closer than others. If you have lots of time left, count every second and enjoy your babies! If yours are healthy, get on your knees, lift your hands in the air, and shout Praises to the LOrd! Hugg'em and kiss'em but most of all tell them that you love them! They all are miracles.

Blessings, Miracles, and Bear Hugs,

Monday, August 21, 2006 7:55 AM CDT


Well, the transfusions have worked miracles again. I now have a rosey red cheeked little imp! He had a wonderful weekend and wants outside to play! It is hard to get his volume of nutrition in! I hear "Can I get off my milk?" constantly! He is ok if he is on his milk and outside sitting in a chair while playing with the kitten! For the most part anyway! Well, maybe 10 whole minutes! I'm happy he is feeling this good! He looks so different, with rosey red cheeks, I keep checking to see if he has a temp!

Spencer wanted to make cookies yesterday! I let them decorate them however they wanted! Yes, we had some interesting looking cookies! I didn't know a red giraffe could taste so good though! LOL!

Keep those prayers going....there are lots that need prayer. Baby Donavon has relasped, so pray for them. Many are taking their flights home, so the families need your prayers too. Please pray for our miracle.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Friday, August 18, 2006 7:03 AM CDT


We arrived home this morning around 1:15! Yes, we were there way tooooooo long! He had his platelet and red cell transfusion and they both went well. He did get nauseous and actually threw up during the platelets. Thanks to whomever donated on the 14th that was O Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Spencer is feeling much better too. He came and gave me a wake up kiss this morning! He was so sweet! He also reached over and patted Nicholas this morning. He stayed with Sissy Bear and I think she spoiled him with pizza! I'm sure he was content! He and Dad called us several times while we were in the hospital last night. I love to hear his voice. He looked so cute this morning...every morning! He is a precious baby too. I love them both so much!

Please remember the family of Donna Hensley. She passed away yesterday evening. Pray for Kathy, I know she was the one that was taking care of her. Pray for peace and comfort.

Matt is doing much better! Thank God! Evan C was running a temp yesterday too so please remember them. Every temp is a nightmare for FA patients. That is the first indicator that the body is working hard to fight off something and it will lower the counts! Strikes fear in our hearts! Pray for Charisse, Ty, Ryan, Alex, Erin, and all the Prayer Bear Cubs. Remember the empty arms.

Blessings, Bear Hugs, and Miracles,

Thursday, August 17, 2006 11:25 AM CDT


Nicholas' cbc came back as platelets down to 10k and hgb is 7.7.....probably get a transfusion.....if there are any platelets available....

Please if you are healthy and want to do something and get scheduled to give platelets....There was a woman in Wal-Mart that had on a t-shirt with children's faces on it that said, "Give Blood....for all the little reasons!" I thanked her and told her I had one of those little reasons! Please go give..... My little reason is a bright eyed, bushy tailed little fellow that lights up our world! He would light up yours too. One way you can keep the light burning is donating!

Please pray for Spencer, as he is getting a cold or he is allergic to our new additions! Puffy and Hannah are two little black and white bunnies! Yes, Uncle Kenny got them two little rabbits and helped put up the pen for them! The boys really love them!

Hoppy Blessings, Transfusions, and Miracles,

Monday, August 14, 2006 7:20 AM CDT

Good Morning!

I went home Thurs evening to a very glowing, smiling, happy little guy! His smile was HUGE! Guess what caused this? Nothing other than a call from Alessandra! Guess what else? He only has to think about it and the glowing smiling face returns! I found out that he proposed to her at Camp! She told him that she would tell him later! The other night, he said, "I'm getting aggravated at that girl! Later has come and she still hasn't told me yet!" Now, he is making up his little stories with Super Hero Nic and has added Alessandra as the heroine! I love to hear his tales! He is so funny! He makes them up as he goes but now he smiles when he tell how Super Nic rescues her! Tooo funny! He tells them all day long, to himself, while on the potty, in the tub, playing in the living room, or his bedtime story! So precious!

He has finally decided on a cowboy birthday! After numerous choices, he wants the cowboy theme because he thinks he can only get a guitar that way! We went to his cousin Landon's birthday party Fri evening and he received one for his birthday and that's what he wants now!!!! Now, I have to switch themes! Going from Batman to Pirate to Cowboy... Spencer looked throught the Birthday Express book too and every time he would turn the page to something new, he would place his hands in front of him, fingers spread and bouncing his hands as he said, "This is definitely the one I want!" I couldn't help but get tickled at him and he didn't like that one bit! So sweet and precious! Goodness! I have no clue now what he wants! He wants them all!

Spencer still likes school! He was so tired the first day when he got home that he slept until I came home! He was just so excited! He made his hand print on a piece of paper with the story of how they read, "The Kissing Hand!" Yes, it brought tears to my eyes! I love that little story anyway! They also have a reading program in K but I think he is already beyond that by a long shot! We'll see how that develops! Stay tuned!

We had a great weekend. Nicholas looks good for the most part and still has lots of energy. He has only said that he is so tired a couple of times. I'm sure his hgb is getting low. We will be doing cbc on Thurs.

Pray for Matthew, he is having lots of tummy pain. Pray for all the families too with children that are going through transplant or any type of illness! Pray for cures and miracles....

Blessings, Miracles, and Bear Hugs,

Thursday, August 10, 2006 12:40 AM CDT


My baby is now a Kingergartener! Sniff! Sniff! He did fine! "Go on Mommy!" He wanted me to go on ahead of the bus! He rode the bus so they could write his bus number on his ID card! Yes, I could have but that wasn't what we were suppose to do! Ha! I have to obey the rules too ya know! He looked so sweet! He was up at 5:30 am! That was only 30 min early! They are on a heat schedule and the bus runs at 7 am!! Whew! Too early for little guys! But they all looked bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning! Guess who is in his class....KIARA! Yes! His old flame! He was all smiles......but Elisabeth better watch out and do some mighty fine talking on that phone! I can't wait to hear about his day!

As soon as the paper work is all in for Nicholas, we will get him rolling too! I think some changes are being made. I think they are using a teacher from his school who will work closely with his assigned teacher, Ms Long! Nope, not Spencer's Pre K teacher, she is a different teacher! 3rd grade! She is blonde, so Nicholas will love visiting her and his class.

Nicholas was really junky yesterday. Probably the Benedryl making his secretions really thick! He is better today though. We get blood work next thursday...I can guess when he needs transfused! Hey, its not rocket science here! Just look at him and you would be able to tell too!

Praying for Matt, Ty, Charisse, and all the empty arms and aching hearts.

Blessings, Miracles, and Bear Hugs,

Wednesday, August 9, 2006 7:44 AM CDT


After going around the world and half way back, we did get our platelet transfusion yesterday. First, they didn't have any O+ platelets available! Then, they only had two to choose from, so they chose B+ Long story short, we ended up getting the B+ platelets and he only broke out in one hive! Thanks for the prayers!

Needless to say, I'm begging for you to go to Marsh Blood Bank in Kingsport, TN and donate platelets!!! Please look above and schedule your appointment today. I know it takes time to do this and it is volunteerly on your part....but we do not have another option...we HAVE to go and get platelets. I know it takes time to do this...up to 4 hrs of your time....but we were there for 5 hrs.....and most of the time, it takes longer! And we have to go every 8 to 10 days......thats at least 15 hrs per month and that doesn't include packed red cells which take a minimum of 3 hrs just for look at 18 to 20 hrs a month for us vs 4 to 5 hrs for you to donate! And that doesn't include travel time or Cinci trips! Whew! I wish I hadn't figured that up! Thanks! WE really appreciate your time and your blood products! It is so scary for his platelets to be 7k! I'm petrified that he will have a brain hemorrhage! And it is so nerve wrecking, afraid that Spencer will accidently hit him because he doesn't totally understand....

I took Spencer to orientation last night and he met Ms Luther, his new teacher! He liked her and I pray he will have a wonderful year. He met two little girls that are going to be his classmates and I think he is happy! He cannot wait to go to school! Thursday is the big day!

Praying for the empty arms, praying for those in transplant or bone marrow failure, treatments, or just getting diagnosed!


Monday, August 7, 2006 9:01 AM CDT

*Platelets are down to 7k! Bummer, but it has been 11 days since he was transfused! That is a good thing! Hgb is 9.1, and ANC is 966! G-CSF really works well!
Yes, pray for no hives or reaction during transfusion...


I received a phone call on Friday....Nicholas was bawling his little heart out! He remembered his dream! Let me back up! Nicholas was talking to Kayla and Will and mentioned Alessandra! Then, he noticed that in one of the photos that Will was looking at Alessandra! He really wasn't but Nicholas thought he was! HA! Well, he dreamed that Will flipped Alessandra over backwards! He was broken hearted! I reassured him that Alessandra really spent more time with him than she did with Will and that seems to help him! Oh, he was in bad shape! This was really funny but to him it was gospel! Oh, he is smitten!

He decided to name his bear that Jennifer got him Alessandra! I told him that was not cool! Then gave him a scenario that Alessandra naming a bear that he had given her the name Will! Oh!!!!! That didn't set well! Then he smiled really sly and said, "But what if she named it after me!", with twinkling eyes! Goodness, there is no winning with him when he gets his mind set on something! TOOOOO Funny! I guess when he talks to Jenn again and I get those photos of he and Jen printed off it will help him come back down to earth! I definitely need more photo paper!

Well, this weekend was good for the most part! I had to change his trach and he was in major panic! It went smoothly and he bounced back! I guess it was Spencer holding his hand and praying his little heart out! Spencer said, "I almost cried Mom!" Sometimes Spencer will tell him, "Its ok Brother! I will be here with you! You know it has to be done!" He closes his eyes while its being done but sometimes peeks! Then, Spencer dressed with a mask and gave all the bears a shot while I changed Nicholas' dressing on his c-line! He is breaking out around his c-line. I'm not sure what is going on! It seems some better but the dressing seems to be bothering him again. I've had to change it really often this week and I think that is why. He gets so sweaty and it loosens the dressings. Pray it clears up!

Another funny.... Spencer is scared to go in the house by himself and wants someone to go with him. Nicholas always volunteers! As they were going inside, Spencer told Nicholas, "You are such a scardy cat!" I couldn't help but laugh! That was hilarious! His reasoning is so funny! I think he was speaking for Nicholas! Then he just laughed at himself! Too funny!

Please remember Matthew, John, Ty, and all the others that are sick and going through life altering illnesses! Pray for endurance, faith, and courage for the parents!

Miracles, Patience, and Healing,

Friday, August 4, 2006 7:39 AM CDT


Sorry not read this!!! Well, I was going to change the photo to "my love, Alessandra!" like the one I used for the background, but will wait until I hear from Suzanne. I think she was too busy to see it yesterday!;>0

The boys are doing fine! Spencer still hasn't lost his tooth yet! Did I tell you he had one loose? Well, he does and he does not eat corn on the cob very well! He is going to work the ones on the side loose too!

Yes that is what I did yesterday evening....put corn in the freezer! It is so yummy! Nicholas is asking for everything to eat! He will ask for the next day! I cannot refuse his request. I know he is aspirating but you tell him no for me! Yeah, right! Yesterday moring, I was suppose to check to see if we had soup in the pantry! Guess what the first thing he asked me! Yes,..."Did you do what I told you to do this morning?" I said, "Oh, no baby I forgot!" Needless to say, he was mad! Then Franzy told him there was some and he was ok! Little stinker! He doesn't forget anything!

Kayla sent me some photos and Nicholas spotted "my love" immediately in the photo! Oh yes, he is smitten! Jennifer, you have problems on your hands! When I get some more photo paper, I'll print the rest of the Smoky Mtn Boggs Bears(thanks Stephanie!) and friends and he will probably change his mind!

You know, I'm still exhausted! I do need a vacation from our vacation! Of course, I do need to work too though!

Please remember Matthew, he is in transplant and there are so many others on the brink! Where on earth is that cure?
We need a dr with FA CURE on his heart!

Praying for miracles,

Thursday, August 3, 2006 10:19 AM CDT


Nicholas was feeling a little droopy yesterday but seemed more perky by evening! Missing Momma? Hopefully! I sure am missing my babies! Spencer is getting geared up for school, he cannot wait! Mary was teasing him about girls yesterday evening and his little eyes glowed and face did too! Ha! So precious!

I will think of little episodes that happened at camp and will update them as they come to my mind. I know it will be spurratic but hey....that is my life right now! One thing that happened after we left camp....Nicholas puckered up and the tears were threatening to fall...I asked him what was wrong..He said, "I'm afraid to tell you!" I guessed, "Are you missing Alessandra?" BINGO! He said yes! Then, was all smiles when I told him I had her phone number and address! Oooo! I'm in trouble for sure! He is a little heart breaker!

Our tribute to Suzanne, her last day is Aug 11th. Suzanne, thanks for everything! For introducing us to the group and always being there for us! You are just the greatest! I know that you will keep in touch with us and that makes it easier! Sometimes you meet someone and everything just clicks into place and you know you have a friend for life...that's Suzanne! WE love you!

Keep praying for Miracles....
Resting in the shadow of the Almighty has been on my mind all week! That is the only rest that restores the faith!

Blessings and Bear Hugs,
The Boggs Bearz!

Tuesday, August 1, 2006 7:06 AM CDT


Happy Birthday Papaw! Lots of hugs and kisses for your special day! We love you bunches and bunches!

Ok, back to the updates! We did get platelets and red cells on Tues before camp. With a new G-J tube by Mr. Nice!, we set off for a loooonnnnggg trip to Portland, ME! We met up with three other families but our plans were changed when we received a call from Cinci that Nicholas' culture was positive. We had to go to hospital for a round of antibiotics. They wanted us admitted but I talked the dr into letting us go on to camp. He did because he could see that Nicholas wasn't symtomatic! He charmed the nurses there and then we headed for camp and were late of course! We did arrive in time for the bonfire and roasted marshmellows!

Overall, the boys were thrilled with Camp! Had a ball, did lots of different activies. AND Yes! We missed Sissy Bear terribly! Dad missed all the meetings as his back is in terrible shape and he cannot sit for long! But we also wanted him available for Nicholas. Thanks Michael for being so good with him and taking care of him for us! This was Nicholas' first time going by himself and he loved it! I was on pins and needles but made myself relax. It is amazing what bond is made in just a few days! We also met Carol who bought one of his posters! Carol, did you ever get a photo together? I meant to come back with my camera but I'm sure I got side tracked! As ususal!

Spencer went off with his group without a hitch! He loved it! He helped take care of the babies too! He enjoyed himself thoroughly! I asked that he be in the sibling group with Nancy, she is the psychologist on staff! They drew a picture or wrote what FA meant to them. Spencer drew the hospital, parking lot, and road! Yes, it broke my heart! I'm hearing a lot of "WHY's....why do we always go to Cinci to the hospital???"

I came away from camp with a very dissatisifed feeling. But with those feelings, I feel we need a memorial board for the ones that have passed. I have been thinking again! WE could laminate a photo of each one with a brief history of them. Families could submit what they wanted it to say in memory of their loved one. I missed Ms Maria! Her brick was not in and that was so disappointing. Ms Kristen will go up and take a photo of it when it comes in. Thanks Kristen!

We left camp and met Ms Marci in Piegon Forge! That was so much fun! The girls really spoiled my boys! Nicholas was in seventh heaven! He would sit beside of Jennifer and just hug on her and play with her hair! Precious! Spencer wasn't very nice at first but he came around and Ms Elisabeth was telling everyone, "Spencer is now my friend!" Spencer loved the pool and is learning to swim! Thanks Chass for teaching him! Ms Marci actually kissed Nicholas awake and of course he was all smiles! Charlie, hopefully the traffic won't be as bad next time! There will be a next time??? Charlie said, "Yes, but not in Gatlinburg!!!" HA! I do believe that the traffic was his favorite part!!!!

We ended the trip with a meeting a couple of others with FA! Ms Katie and Ms Nicole were beautiful young ladies and it was so nice to meet them. Katie's brother Jordan and mom, Sandra were also there. I think Ms Nicole is going to stay in the mountains! She loved it there! I do have photos and will upload them when I have time!

Pray for Matthew, he is going through transplant and running a temp and having blood pressure issues. Pray for all!

Blessings and Bear Hugs,
Pray for miracles,

Friday, July 21, 2006 10:33 PM CDT

Nicholas has called every night except tonight!!! Do you think they might miss me? A little bit? I would say they are at Camp Sunshine now, busy flirting with all the girls!!! Out of sight, out of mind!!!
As you probably know, I couldn't go this year because of a family crisis, as well as a summons for jury duty. Nicholas was sad about it, but is a very understanding child. I think they made jokes about me all the way to Cinncy. By the way, he had transfusions and had the GJ tube changed; everything went well.
A funny!!! They were at a rest area for picnic and playing. Spencer had to go to restroom!! Nicholas told him to quit _(I can't think of the word he made up_)___________around and not to leave him with all the dam work! They were pretending to be beavers!!!! Can you imagine trying not to laugh at him!!!!!!
PTL for a safe trip and all other blessings!
Missing my little bears,
Sissy Bear

Monday, July 17, 2006 7:27 AM CDT


Nicholas will be getting tanked up for Camp Sunshine! He will be getting red cells and platelets this week on our way to Camp! Whooo Hooo! He is very nervous about it! He is getting his g-j tube changed and he is very scared about it! Pray it all goes smoothly! I usually have to hold him down while they do the procedure and tell him every detail that is going on....He usually screams during the entire process whether the dr is touching him or not! VERY nerve wrecking for both of us! AND IF its the same Dr and he isn't nice, he may just hear from me! We are not looking forward to this! We have fought with that mic-key button all weekend and I'm glad it will be changed out though!

Spencer spent most of the day on Saturday with his Dad! He loves "helping" Dad! It is so sweet! He came back and told me all about it! Mary Bear keeps telling them "No Flirting!" at camp! Spencer frowned last night and said, "I wish she wouldn't say that!" Tooo funny!

Nicholas said grace for us yesterday and he "thanked God for the food and for shelter, then he said, "You know I'm scared...uh, and if you will watch over us, uh, we'll just keep moving on!"

Praying for all in transplant and total confusion!
Keep moving on!

Friday, July 14, 2006 9:10 AM CDT


Today is HUG YOUR KID day! Everyday is Hug your kid on earth could you not??? Yes I know, I do not have teenagers! Ha! Just teasing!

Nicholas woke up yesterday screaming! He had a nightmare! He was dreaming that Brandon (Mike and Robin's son) was taking one of their Thomas trains! He thought it was really happening! Then, he had another one the other night..He has really been worried about getting his g-j tube changed and he dreamed that they did his trach too! I had requested it but will have to wait now! Bless his little heart! He is having a hard time with all of this..his g-j tube is loose so its a good thing I already had it scheduled! This is the only one that has lasted for 3 months!

Spencer is feeling much better! He was playing in the pool and slipped and fell. He loved it! Then, it came a down pour but he didn't mind since he was already wet! I told him he would probably have pneumonia now! It was so hot and hopefully it won't hurt him though!

Pray for Matthew, he received his new cells this morning at 4:30 am! Pray for the cells to grow and bring "new life" to his marrow. What if he were receiving your marrow? Wouldn't you be so proud that you helped this little boy with FA to live, to run, to play again? Wouldn't you want to meet him and realise that your marrow brought the biggest smile in the world to him? Wouldn't you want to feel the joy in your heart that it was YOU that brought "hope" to a family with none? Wouldn't you Thank God that HE made it all possible to give life, hope, and restore faith, just by giving some of your marrow? Please go, join the registry and join the "Life Givers" today! They use a cheek swab now, not needles to do the testing.

I really didn't want to air our laundry here on the site but we really need for you to pray for our family. So much turmoil and heartache. Pray for strength and courage for all parties involved.

Pray without ceasing,

Thursday, July 13, 2006 7:20 AM CDT


Well, I took the boys shopping yesterday and they had a great time! Much to my checkbook's dismay! We did find lots of cute short sets on sale and it wasn't crowded at all! Everyone was at Walmart I guess! Out of all the toys, Spencer still chose JOHN DEERE tractor and accessories! I couldn't believe it! Nicholas of course chose....Superman! Not Batman!!! He liked Superman's cape! After shopping, we met Dad for dinner! The boys had a wonderful time and it was definitely a change of pace for us! They were so good.....well, loud but good!

Nicholas was still bouncing off the walls and couldn't settle down to sleep! We have gotten in bed late every night for a while! Spencer was too! He is feeling so much better! They are getting so excited about Camp Sunshine! I'm having very mixed feelings about it! I'm just too emotional right now. It is bittersweet.....just pray that I'll have extra grace and strength to maybe be a help to others. I'll have the tote bags and some more magnets to sell and hopefully that will keep me busy!!!

Continue to pray for Matthew, tonight is his transplant! He is having a rough time with all the toxins from the meds. Oh why does transplant have to hurt them so much? There are lots of whys....but I don't usually ask why. Acceptance is the key to fighting! If I keep asking the whys, it takes me away from the fight! Fighting to stay on top of the medicines that could possibly help my baby! Fighting to keep Nicholas healthy! Fighting to stay alive and survive! But most of all it takes me away from the joy! Joy in watching my precious boys, listening to their playful banter, catching hugs and kisses as they pass by! Every second is pure joy. Joy in the smiles, frowns, and yes, the endless questions! Joy in their explorations and learning new things, developing their personalities, cherishing every second. Don't miss one thing your child is doing....and huggem every chance you get.

Miracles, Grace, Strength, and Mercy,
Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 7:48 AM CDT


Nicholas received his platelets last night. Thanks to whomever donated on July 5th that was O+!!! Nicholas had one hive about the time they were finished going in! He was a little droopy from the Benedryl but not too grouchy! Spencer went with us and Nicholas asked me in a a whisper, "When are we not bringing Spencer?" He likes to watch cartoons without Spencer! Spencer doesn't like Scooby Doo! He is scared of it! Nicholas loves it! They were so sweet together! I think Spencer was trying to make up for being mean to Nicholas earlier! He would just hug and kiss on him! Nichoals was dancing and prancing around, just full of energy! He and Nina were dancing in the lab! Oh! I love to see him like this! Precious!

Matthew is having a really rough time right now and will get his NEW MARROW on Thursday! They are trying to get 500,000 signatures in the guestbook! Please help them achieve this goal! Please pray the bmt is successful too. God's Blessings Sweet Matthew!

If you have children, go give them a big hug! You don't know how long they will be with you!

Remember the family that had their childs bmt and found out the donor had West Nile Virus.. that is horrible! Pray for all the children needing transfusions, and there are lots of FA children and cancer children that need them. You don't know the need or understand the significance of giving blood or platelets until it comes home to you.... Until you HAVE to depend on others to go and give blood so your child can get revitalized! Please donate!

Miracles, Blessings, and Bear Hugs,

Monday, July 10, 2006 11:23 AM CDT


We had a great weekend! We actually went on a picnic and saw 4 deer and 4 turkeys! It was fun and the boys really enjoyed it! Thanks Gary for the mountain trek! It was awesome for all of us! We will definitely have to do that again!

Nicholas will get a platelet transfusion today. He has petechia all over his face, ears, and legs. He also hit his shoulder on the corner of the bar and it has bruised terribly! Other than that, Nicholas has had one of the best weeks that he has had in a long time! I feel like I'm repeating myself! I did get a video of him singing Amazing Grace! It is awesome! I'll have to upload it sometime today...stay tuned!

Sir Spencer is now on the mend just about completely! His appetite is back today!!! Thank God! And the kittens are getting their torment and torture!! They will let me do anything and keep going back for more! Whew! He is so rough with them! Jeff's back is definitely out of whack! He is limping terribly! I hope this long drive doesn't hurt it too badly!

Don't forget to order your goji if you haven't! It helps a lot of different ailments! If you are interested or have a question, please email me!

Remember all the families suffering or fighting a disease! Remember thoses on the brink of decision, pray they make a confession of faith in Jesus!

Miracles, Blessings, and Bear Hugs,

Friday, July 7, 2006 9:04 AM CDT


As you can tell by the background, we are gearing up for Camp Sunshine! Now, it coaxing Spencer to take his antibiotics because if you don't get better we can't go to Camp Sunshine! Hey, it works!!! He is feeling some better! He was jabbering every second last night! Oh, it was music to our ears and we were so happy he was feeling better. He did throw up but I think it was because of the antibiotic change. But on the other hand, I'm holding my breath, as Nicholas had a very bad gas spell yesterday evening too! Yes, it is a never ending constant worry!

Nicholas has actually had a wonderful week! The best week in a long time, if only it will last at least until Camp Sunshine is over with or for the rest of the year! Hey, I can dream big! I would love it! Well, while I'm dreaming.....a miracle would be nice!

What would you be doing if this were your child? Would you be encouraging EVERYONE to go and give blood and platelets? Would you be praying? Would you be asking EVERYONE to pray? Would you be continually researching for a drug that might have a slight change to boost the bone marrow? Would you grasp at every straw, however remote? Would you want a miracle? Ok, I thought so!

Well, this week may have been wonderful on the medical issue side but Mom has been bombarded with a blue million questions about....Maria, death, Heaven, God, and anything else you can "Why can't we be on the same level as God?" Oh, he has huge aspirations!

Giving God the glory for a wonderful week and Spencer on the mend...
Praying for miracles,

Thursday, July 6, 2006 12:30 AM CDT


Spencer is still sick and the dr is changing his antibiotics! Thank Goodness! I can't stand to see him this way! He was feverish and droopy last night. He is even paler than normal! He did drink for me but isn't eating well at all! His temp was high around 2:30 am and I had to give him some motrin. Then, he wanted some milk and he had cooled down enough for it. He ended up in our bed and at the foot where it was cooler!! I don't think his dosage on his antibiotics was correct either! Don't get me started in that direction......!

Ok, Nicholas has had the best couple of days that he has ever had! Back to his quarreling, fussing, being a little stinker self! I love it!!! Then around 5 this am, he turns over and flips the tubing to his moisture causing the condensation in his tubing to flood his trach! He was stangled and kept coughing. It was horrifing! He finally got better and went back to sleep! Needless to say, I'm tired and sleepy!!

The boys enjoyed a visit from Ms Phyllis, Nicholas' teacher! I just had to give her a sample of my July 4th cake! It was beautiful and tasted good too! Yes, it was red, white, and blue! I layered pound cake, vanilla pudding, cool whip, glazed strawberries, and blueberries in a punch bowl...a couple of layers and it was delicious!

Also, I forgot to thank Lena and Larry for the Christmas gifts!! Yes, they had Christmas again on Sunday! They Loved their blankets and they were soooo soft! Spencer has used his since he has been chilling! Thanks Guys!

Please pray for all the ones getting transfused, and believe you me, that covers a lot of children and adults. Please go be add your name to the Bone Marrow Registry and become a give saver!

Miracles, Blessings, and Bear Hugs,

Wednesday, July 5, 2006 7:34 AM CDT


Nicholas is doing wonderfully and Spencer is so sick! He has had a temp off and on but he does not have strep! I cannot believe it was negative! I took him to the ER and they put him on Zithromax.....Pray it works faster than it has! He feels good most of the time until the fever hits him. He hasn't slept well for the last two nights! Also pray that Nicholas does not get this!

We had a great July 4th! Our cousins were in from Warrington and it was great to see them! My, how time is flying! Their twins are 10 yrs old! I didn't even get a photo! I was just too tired to think!

I'm trying to get every thing coordinated for Camp Sunshine! We will have to get Nicholas transfused with both platelets (a couple of times) and red cells before camp and probably have to have platelets before we get home...Ugh! It is getting difficult to go anywhere or do anything! We do what we have to do!

Pray for Matthew Pearl!! His bmt is 7/13!! He does not have a perfect match! Please go and sign his guestbook and let them know where you are from! They are keeping a record and it helps pass the time away! Lets bombard them with people from all over the world!!

Pray for all the children who are in bone marrow failure. It is difficult to say the least. Pray for the families too.

Please go and join the bone marrow registry! They do the cheek swabs SO there are no needles involved!

Miracles, Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Monday, July 3, 2006 11:06 AM CDT


Friday evening program went really well! Spencer led his troop in carrying a USA flag and they performed great! Nicholas' group did too! The smiles were priceless! They knew they were good! Oh how precious these times really are. Everyone really would spoil them rotten! They took their green snakes and everyone wanted to play with them! Santa's number one helper, Ken came and watched them while the program was going on and ate with them! When he left, Nicholas said, "Now that's what I call a man!" To which Spencer responded, "That's what I call a big kid!" I couldn't help but laugh! If they only knew!

Yes, Nicholas received his platelets on Sat! He did get nauseated and broke out in one hive! He even had petecheia on his legs... that is hard to see. Sissy Bear went with us and took Spencer to Wal-Mart! He brought Nicholas back a toy too! I thought that was precious!

Spencer's throat is worse today but was fine yesterday! His pediatrician and associates are all out most of this week. If he gets worse I'll have to take him to ER! Oh, Nicholas' PICC line is also positive again. Hopefully, they will do another culture as he is not sympomatic! He is feeling great!

I dreamed we traded our kitten for another one that was a black female! We woke up Sunday and must to our surprise we had another little kitten! Yes, it was a little black female and she has been dubbed..."Baby Girl!" Spencer said, "Mom your wish came true!" If only it would......

Praying you have a blessed 4th and don't eat too much!
Blessings, Miracles, and Bear Hugs,

Friday, June 30, 2006 6:55 AM CDT


Tonight is the big program at Davis Chapel VBS, where the children present their songs to the community! I'm hoping Nicholas and Spencer will do well. I had a feeling something was going on with Spencer and last night it was evident! His throat is sore and he was chilling. I had to do all the activites with him and let Nicholas go with his leader. Its hard to be with both and that has torn my heart out all week. Nicholas did well without me and Spencer did better with me! He just needed Mom! I just hope its not strep again. He finally played with the others and I think he is hurt at Kassie. He takes everything to heart and when she sat beside of Nicholas it hurt his feelings! Then, last night he said she hurt his arm! But they were laughing, playing, and chasing each other so I guess all is better and on the mend.

Ms Erika presented Nicholas a framed photo of them together! Nicholas' face lit up and he smiled from ear to ear! It was so precious! She is a beautiful young lady and this has been going on for three years in Nicholas' eyes! It is so sweet and he has had a ball keeping her Uncle Morris away from her! He turns into Grizzly Bear and fusses and quarrels! Morris pretends to get scared and runs away, much to Nicholas' delight! Oh, they have had a wonderful week. Next week will be so lonely for them!

Pray for Ms Sunshine Abbi, she has mouth, hand, and foot virus! Nicholas wanted special prayers for her last night. Also, please pray for all the children needing transfusions and the adults too. Please Give blood and help restore life. If only you could see Nicholas before and after each red cell really perks him up.

Blessings, Miracles, Strength, and Courage

Thursday, June 29, 2006 9:27 AM CDT


Well, today is Robbie's funeral. Please remember them in your prayers. No, I haven't mentioned it to the boys and may not..only if they ask. They may ask at camp and that would be horrible but that may be the best place too. Too much excitement going on and lots of distractions!

Nicholas face and arms have petechia all over them and so do his ear lobes! I don't think we can wait til Monday for a transfusion and will probably get one tomorrow or Sat. Its horrible to be in a crowd of children and worry about them running into him.... but Friday night is the big program for the community! He won't be as active then so hopefully we can wait until Saturday for transfusion.

Miss Erika was there last night and he was in seventh heaven again! They also had Rowdy, the Canine unit there to introduce them to the children. Everyone loved Rowdy! I could tell Nicholas is winding down and the music lady, Breann told him that we didn't want him to get too tired! He said, "I'll never get too tired for this!" So precious!

Spencer was tired and a little cranky last night! He wouldn't let anyone take his picture! He loved Rowdy though! He just laughed and giggled! He loved the Fire Engine too.

GIVE BLOOD AND PLATELETS! Pray for all those that are dependant on your generosity, your act of unselfishness! Thanks from a Mother's Weekly National Disaster!

Blessings, Miracles, Mercy, and Grace,

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 11:02 AM CDT


Nicholas' cbc came back with his platelets at 20k! Whoooopeeee, no tx today anyway! His HGB is 10.3, and ANC is 880.....he was transfused on 6/20th! That means he may go til day 10! They are dropping 17,000 per day on Friday may be the day....don't think he can make it all the way to Monday! Would be nice but I'm too realistic!!

He got a little tired last night but was still able to finish VBS and flirt with the girls! I'm so thankful we are able to go tonight! Wished he was tanked up by Fri night but that would be horrible if we missed the program night for a transfusion! They were so cute last night during practice!

Spencer was fine last night and told me everything they did...he is so sweet! He was precious yesterday too. He opened the door for Nicholas and was just sweet to him. He had gone with his Dad and maybe a day apart is what they needed. A break from each other. When I got home, Nicholas was asking where he was....I think they really missed each other. They are playing really well today.

Remember all the FA children and families. Many are getting their first time drops in counts and its definitely a reality check. It amazes me that looking back over his counts....we have been dealing with this for 2 yrs. Fighting dropping counts. Trying different meds. Hopeful then crashing. Praying for miracles. Rollercoaster rides aren't fun if you do them on a weekly basis. I am feeling the effects, it seems to get harder with each transfusion and rebounding is getting so slow! Then, Nicholas will grab my face and give me the biggest, longest, sweetest, most precious kiss and my heart soars! Never fails to get me bounced back and running again!

Give Blood, Give Life, Get Blood, Get Life; or get kissed by Nicholas and renew your spirits!

Miracles, Mercy, and Grace, along with a few more kisses,

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 1:14 PM CDT


The phone rung last night and it said out of area...Nicholas said......"Hi, Its just me....I was calling to check on you and Spencer!" in his best Marci voice!!!!!!!! I couldn't help but crack up at him! He is so funny sometimes! I think he has missed Ms Marci since he has only talked to her one time in a while..and then conned her into reading him a story!

He was bouncing off the walls with excitement on going to VBS! That may be why he has a touch of diarrhea because of the excitement? May be! Yes, he was boss again last night and told Breann the number on the cd for their song! He is precious and everyone thinks so too...not just my opinions! Ms Sadie is his leader and she gets lead all over the place!! I declare they would spoil him rotten!

Spencer is just full of himself too! We get to see each other as they are in different classes. He is always so happy to see me! I feel that I'm missing out on his class too but he is probably doing better without me! He was telling me all about what they were doing. I wish I could at least go between them some...but I just can't risk Nicholas by himself with his platelets getting low.

We are getting a cbc in the morning and hopefully he won't have to get transfused and miss VBS. I think they are roasting hot dogs tonight! They will love it!

No, I haven't told them about Robbie. It has effected me so deeply and hit too close to home. I need to deal with it first and then maybe, I won't cry telling them. I dread it so much. Will and Kayla released balloons and that is such a good idea. And Spencer will ask me a bunch of questions.....maybe I'll just not tell them unless they ask. I'm sure they will, they are all ears and will pick up on our conversations at some point. Remember Robbies' family as they prepare for the services on Thursday.

Praying for peace, strength, and miracles,

Monday, June 26, 2006 7:40 AM CDT


Be sure to check the photos for Spencer's fish too! He was so proud of himself!

We had a good weekend. The boys have really enjoyed themselves and their new scooters! They are so happy with anything! But they need to get rid of some toys that is for sure! I guess its past time!

Vacation Bible School began last night and that is all I heard all day long! "Mom, what time is it?" The LOVE VBS! Nicholas girl friend Erika is there too and he is in seventh heaven! She was his chosen one three years ago and still is! He is trying to guard her from all the others and it is so funny! I think they are really going to have fun and hopefully learn lots of good stuff! Not from all those girls though!!!

Spencer is in the same class as Kassie and he is fine! He did get upset when he thought they weren't going to listen to one of the songs his brother sings anymore! After he found out they were, he was ok and is singing really good! I think he read the bible story for them last night or to the lady that was listening to him! She couldn't believe he was reading so well! Nicholas did his lesson really well too! He answered some of the questions.

DONATE BLOOD, PLATELETS, AND BONE MARROW! PLEASE. Statistics show that only 5 percent of healthy people donate blood. That is horrible! What do you need to know? Is it awareness? I was talking to people last night and it seemed that they just do not understand the need. I love for people to ask me questions! I'd talk all day about it! Now, did I understand the need before Nicholas came along.....well, no.....not really! NOW I do. I understand the process. First a person donates blood products or platelets, and this could take a couple of hours. Yes a couple of hours out of one day.......and you have given life for a MONTH!..platelets live for 9 days platelets give Nicholas another WEEK. A couple of hours of total unselfishness! Yes, you have time... Now on our you know how much time is involved in getting a transfusion....we'll skip the getting dressed because both parties have to do that! It takes us half an hour to get to hospital, by the time we are registered and in the room, is about an hour. Then, it can take up to 4 hrs for the transfusion, depending on reactions and the medical staff. SO a total of 4-6 hrs or more to receive the transfusion of platelets... Blood takes a minimum of 3 hrs just getting the transfusion plus all the other time for preparations plus an hour to cross and type the blood products. Now sometimes he gets both at the same time....meaning a minimum of 10 hrs..... We HAVE to find the time to get the transfusions! Now, can you find a couple of hours in your WEEK?

And I think of Robbie......getting those transfusions every other day.... BUT NOT anymore! He is FREE of transfusions, needles, drs, nurses, and hospitals and in the everlasting arms of the FIRST Blood donor!

Pray for Brenda, Mark, Dad, and they attend to Robbies arrangements and funeral services. Pray for the peace of all understanding to shadow them.

Mourning and Praying for Miracles,

Friday, June 23, 2006 12:15 AM CDT


Nicholas was in fine form yesterday evening! It was really humid and he was wringing wet! He wouldn't stop though and played ball with Mary Bear! Spencer was too! Between Scrunchie and showing out for Mary, they were drenched!

Today, he woke up with a low grade temp but it is now gone. He is a little droopy but that will vanish when I get home. Hopefully! I'm sure he will perk up when Frances tells him that Scrunchie caught a mouse!!!! Yes! He got his first mouse at our house! Wonder if that is where he got his name? Ewwwww!

Well, I guess that's all our news so far! Now, on to the others...
Robbie is still holding his own...
Charisse is still hoarse and in lots of pain, but now on different meds so hopefully she is on the mend!
Chelsea is fighting a couple of viruses but heading home asap! or at least out of the hospital....
Will's Mommy Kayla had a big birthday Happy Birthday Kayla!.....even if you don't feel like celebrating!
Ty has chicken pox! ARG! and may not be at camp!

Pray for all these and there are at least 400 more just on our list! Pray for strength, courage, wisdom, and grace.

Miracle Begger,

Thursday, June 22, 2006 12:40 AM CDT


I forgot to update! Nicholas is rosy red cheeked and flat footing! He was just slapping his feet against the floor and dancing to his own tune! Too funny! Even his legs looked better and had more color! Talking about raising the dead...that is what red cell transfusions do......gonna nickname him Lazarus! Lazarus Bear!!! LOL!

Spencer....still playing with Scrunchie T! I like that one, just made it up! Spencer says STP, first, middle, and last names! I'll have to run that one by them...Scrunchie T Oh those precious giggles!

Robbie News: Brenda sneezed and Robbie said, "God Bless You!" and his oxygen level went back up! Whooo Hoooo! A Lazarus Bear definitely! Thank you Lord for one more day!

Will, please remember Kayla and Will. Will's counts have dropped again.

Talia, has a virus and going through bmt.

Chelsea having 2nd bmt.

Charisse News: Still battling ENT issues, throat swollen, and she sounds like she feels terrible....Please pray for her. They lost their cat too and Issac is taking it really hard and relating it to him mom being sick..Charisse is having to answer some really tough questions.

Sickness doesn't only affect the patient, it affects everyone in the family, extended families, and friends. Pray for all our families going through illnesses. They all stink! The illnesses not the families!

Begging for strength, courage, and miracles,

Wednesday, June 21, 2006 8:21 AM CDT


Nicholas did get his transfusions, both platelets and red cells, yesterday! He did well! No allergic reactions. He was nervous about getting the meds and only complained a couple of times with the c-line. I think its all physcological of the Benedryl ordeal. He feels the effects of the med and that is when he get a wild look in his eyes and he then gets so angry! It makes him really grouchy and instantly changes his personallity! Antihistamines have always affected him that way. I steer away from them when we can. He was asking, "When are you going to stop giving this to me?" :(

Spencer absolutely loves that little kitten. He giggles and giggles! I think everyone wants to name him something different! Right now it is Scrunchie Tommy Precious! Maybe we could take a vote on it! Please submit a vote and I'll let them know the most popular vote!....but they will still have the ultimate say!

Pray for Robbie and family as they are trying their best to have quality time with him in his last hours. Brenda deserves Mom of the Year! I admire her strength and courage during all of this! She is one remarkable Mom!
Pray for Charisse, she had to put her cat to sleep while battling major issues herself. Pray for all the cubs, we have over 400 and many still need a prayer partner. If you want to become one of Papa Bears' Prayer Bears, please fill out the form to join the group and help pray for miracles.

Praying continually for strength, courage, and miracles,

Monday, June 19, 2006 2:04 PM CDT


As you can tell, we went to Black Creek for a picnic! It was a great day and the boys had a ball! Well, actually I should say a fish!! Spencer is casting beautifully and will tell Nicholas, "Brother, I'll cast it out for you!" Sure! He just likes to show off his casting skills and will volunteer every time! They enjoyed it so much though and wanted to go back on Sunday after church too. Nicholas would reel in a fish and giggle continuously! Soooo precious! Spencer would reel it in and copy Dad's actions to a "T"! Then, he would get so excited and ask Dad to get it in! He would grab the net and help everyone get their fish in! One was tagged and they got money for it! Whoo Hoo! And a kitty cat! Yes, we packed home the kitten named Scrunchie! The kitten perked Nicholas up somewhat!

Nicholas' hgb is down to 7 and watching him this weekend it was obvious he needs a transfusion. He was very tired and would lie down several times during the day. He tries so hard to be "normal" and was racing this little girl and it totally washed him out. He ran a pretty good distance but he was so winded afterwards and just collasped! Scared me and then he got his breath, walked to Dad, and was "I'm too tired!" to do another thing. Broke my heart. Also breaking my heart, is his central line. He is complaining every time we flush his line now. He didn't do that with me earlier so now he is...meaning something is wrong with it. Yes, we have to go to Cinci at some point and get it checked out.

Pray the c-line is ok enough to get these transfusions this evening, both platelets and red cells. His platelets were down to 15k but he coughed up some blood this morning and he needs a transfusion to be on the safe side.

Pray 4: The family of Danny Price, I work with Cheryl and he had a fatal massive heart attack yesterday. Please remember the family in your prayers. Pray for Robbie: he is about the same, Charisse: she needs healing, her son Issac also is sick, Miracles for all........

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Friday, June 16, 2006 12:16 AM CDT


Please remember Robbie and his family...mi/robbie. He has made a turn for the worse. Please pray for strength, courage, and wisdom.

Nicholas has a runny nose and his coloring is way off. He is dark around his eyes and mouth. He says he is so tired! With a hgb of 7.8, it is no wonder. You couldn't tell it last night though! We were trying to locate the puppies by following the STRAY mommy dog around. He was running through the yard and I was pretending he was just too fast! He was giggling and laughing so sweet! Precious! It was afterwards that he crashed! He was out of breath and just lay down in the floor! He had ran out of fuel!

Spencer thought he saw a snake under a piece of plastic! He said it had a white tail!!! He wouldn't get near the place again so I'm sure he saw something! Then, he put his green snake in the bath looked sooo real! I put it in a towel to dry it off and we left it for Frances to find this morning! They loved that idea and laughed and laughed! Oh, that michevious grin and twinkling eyes! She said she picked it up and it hit her foot! I wish I had a video of that dance!!!

Please remember those making these difficult decisions, about life and death, treatments, protocals, clinical trials, and all the rest! Remember Charisse as she struggles with FA. Remember Robbie and his family. They had another week together! Cherish every second you have with your loved ones! Enjoy them, love them, re-connect and ask for forgiveness!

Miracles, Blessings, and Grace,

Thursday, June 15, 2006 1:13 PM CDT


First things first.....his chest is swollen on the left side! He feels when the nurse flushes his line! Then, it hit me what I remember seeing in church on Sunday. Someone picked him up via under his arms.....and I guess it has aggravated his c-line! ARGGGH! Also, has stretch his stoma around his mic-key button and its really tender. I guess I will have to hang a sign around his neck...."Here's your sign! Don't pick me up!" or be hermits from now on! That is so possible! We don't go anywhere anyway! Only time will heal and pray that there's just tenderness not damage.

Now, breathe! His platelets are 73K!!! Sounds higher to me but then again its only been 5 days since transfusion...but I was expecting 21!!! Goooood surprise! Hgb is down to 7.8 and ANC is UP to 1450!!! That can also be bad! His white cells are higher indicating that he is fighting something! Higher but still on the low side of normal!

The boys have played, played, and played! They had a great day yesterday and today! Wonderful and sweet! Nicholas was wanting to come back into the house and needed help. Spencer said, "I'll help him Momma!" He ran and carried his "milk bag" into the house! So precious! Frances has dubbed Spencer as "Fire Ball Boggs!" Tooo funny!

Remember Robbie, he is down to 40 percent O2! Yes! I'm so thankful for them. Remember them as they have very difficult decisions ahead of them! Remember all the ones making decisions.....

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Wednesday, June 14, 2006 8:07 AM CDT


Well, I didn't hear from the blood culture yesterday! I guess that means...not positive yet! I just called and they said it was negative! Whoo hooo! Now we have a fridge full of a weeks worth of antibiotics! What to do with them? They are good for 6 months! and then we will have to trash them....that's a horrible thought! But if he is allergic to them, we will have no choice.

Nicholas enjoyed his visit with Carolyn and Kim! Kim brought Ethan with her and they all played together! Spencer and Ethan played really well together and asked Ethan to spend the night! He told he would one of these days! They told Franzy yesterday that the "Lipstick Woman" was coming over! Tooo funny! Nicholas sang them songs.."Jesus Loves Me, Amazing Grace, We got the Power, Throw me a Peanut, and What a Day!" He sang at least one verse in all of them! So sweet and precious!

Frances just called and said Nicholas has a 99.9d temp. He has been clearing his throat a lot recently and he had a bad gas spell at 5 am!!! I can't stand those bad gas spells when you can't get the gas out of his tummy via the g-tube. It so frustrating! I didn't realize what we had been through for 4 straight years until he stopped having them! How on earth did we survived them? Now, with his platelets low, it is terrifying! He strains so hard and it scares me......its frustrating not to be able to help. I get so angry at that g-j tube! This morning, I just hooked up the extention and lay it on the bed while I suctioned him and you could hear the gas whistle out! He turned and looked at me like he couldn't believe it was coming out of there! Bless his little heart!

We didn't hear from Robbie yesterday..meaning hopefully Brenda is just too busy keeping him occupied! That is a good thing believe you me! Continued prayers for Charisse, Uncle Wayne B is on my mind this morning too, lots of families going through difficult decisions....pray for all of them too.

Blessings, bear hugs, and miracles,

Tuesday, June 13, 2006 8:43 AM CDT


Nicholas and Spencer were in fine form yesterday evening! They were laughing and playing with these little missle launchers that are made out of foam. Thanks to Aunt Cathy they have been really occupied with them! They all played together on Sunday and yesterday! When they didn't put them on the roof that is! They have really enjoyed those! Spencer will just cackle out laughing and get so tickled he can't do anything. Everyone gets tickled at him! He is too cute!

Well, on the Nicholas front, they have repeated the cultures.... to see if he really needs to be on antibiotics. He doesn't have a temp or any signs that anything is wrong. He is laughing, playing, singing, and being a little mischevious pest! One with twinkling eyes and that precious impish grin! Loves to quarrel with Lipstick Kim on the phone! Loves to listen to Ms Marci Bear tales or books being read to him. Loves Carolyn's crazy fox made up stories too! Loves for Mary Bear to read him stories too. He loves all of them! He loves books but his eyes get tired so he likes them told to him better! He likes having everyone cater to him! I courtseyed to him last night when he was deplicting his orders for ice water and yogurt, saying, "Ah, Yes your Majesty!" He smiled, had a sheepish sly grin, and then his little face burst into a huge smile! He LOVED that idea! He is rotten to the core!

Praise the Lord, Robbie is down to 60 percent O2! YES! Charisse's ear ache is lessening too! God is good! Rem Chelsea with her 2nd bmt. Remember the families of ky/will, fl/jacob dealing, and with their Heavenly healing. Sweet little angels. Rem. the family of Burnis Stanley.

Praying for miracles,

Monday, June 12, 2006 9:07 AM CDT


Well, blood work came back with his platelets down to 9k on Friday. We went Sat after the platelets got to the hospital and had the transfusion. He did really well with his transfusion but the pre-meds he had problems with. It had to be stinging or something, he cut a pure little fit, crying and screaming for us to stop. He was furious! He kept asking when I was going to stop doing this to him. Oh it was horrible! Heart breaking! He was too worked up and I was afraid with his counts so low that he would burst a blood vessel. One of my worst fears! He finally calmed down and forgave me.

Spencer spent the day with Dad! I think they had a ball! He let the boys plant pumpkin seeds after we got back home! They loved it! Nicholas wanted a fire to roast hot dogs and marshmellows, every evening this weekend! So we are full of hot dogs! He doesn't even eat but likes everyone there to keep him company.

Sissy and Daddy Bear left on vacation and Nicholas was looking out the window and said, "I don't think I can LIVE without Sissy!" If she had heard him, she wouldn't have left!

Praise the Lord, Robbie is breathing on his own! I know they are ecstatic! Please pray for continued recovery. Pray for fl/Jacob, ky/Will, Charisse, all the FA families, and all the sick children.

God is good all the time!
Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Friday, June 9, 2006 9:51 AM CDT


Nicholas was lying face down on the bed with his arms spread out on both sides and his legs straight. I asked him what he was doing. He said, "Look Mom, I made a cross." I said, "Yes you did, good job!" He said, "It means that I love Jesus, I believe in Jesus, and I'm going to obey His word!" I didn't know what to say! Dad came in and he demonstrated the cross again and said the exact same thing.

You know what? I would love to be more like him. He radiates love. He radiates God's love. He loves you. It doesn't matter who you are, he loves you for what you are as you are, no questions asked. He is an inspiration. I'm was already amazed and he keeps amazing me more and more each day. I know he is only a child but he is an anointed child. We have been so blessed with our boys! Thank you Lord for all this precious time with two of the best! The opportunity to love, tickle, and hold such precious gifts. The pats on the cheek from Nicholas' little hand is a priceless gift when we snuggle.

Pray for all that are struggling right now. Charisse has a severe ear infection, Robbie, I haven't heard from them since Wed., pray hard for his lungs to heal. There are so many that need prayer.

Do me a favor.....make a cross when you lie down tonight! and feel the difference!
Blessings, Bear Hugs, and Miracles,

Thursday, June 8, 2006 11:58 AM CDT


Well, the cbc is back and the platelets were 18k, hgb is 9.1, and Anc is 1350. Another On Edge weekend! The itching has stopped! BECAUSE the antibiotics have stopped! Now that makes 2 he has become allergic to. I'm worried that he will become allergic to all antibiotics... but there are more to try. There HAS to be more that we can try...that is sensitive to whatever bug he is growing. This is a new development for sure....

Nicholas is singing to the top of his lungs today! Yaaaahh! No benedryl equals one happy baby! No ithing means no crying and screaming for MORE Benedryl! UGH! It is like a storm has hit and we are cleaning up the mess. It will be catch a little breath and NEXT?

Prayer requests for Nina, she had a tumor removed, Robbie, kidneys are working again and need his lungs healed and pray for his fever. Charisse, has a terrible cold and requested prayer. Ben H, has a brain tumor and needs prayer. Jacob, Will, the list continues....The rest of the families need prayer too. Pray for all of us. Pray that everyone will be lead to go and give Platelets, Blood and become a bone marrow donor.

One more request...pray for a miracle,

Tuesday, June 6, 2006 10:35 AM CDT


I've put off updating...and am making myself realize a few things......

Ok. Nicholas is now considered allergic to Levoquinn. We had to stop the antibiotics 2 days early. Now, this morning he has broken out in hives....IS he allergic now to Synercid? We have to give it now with Benedryl. This scares me. What if he is becoming allergic to all antibiotics? What if he stops responding to them? Only God knows the answers I guess. I know I'm being hit with a dose of reality and I'll face it when I have too but I can be selfish can't I? I want my baby to LIVE! I want it ALL. Yes, I'm hitting rock bottom but I still have hope too. It's hard to explain. I thank God for the time we've had together.

Our home has been so blessed with Nicholas and Spencer, their constant chatter is so sweet and musical. I just bask in it and listen. Cherishing those precious moments! Listening to them playing hid-n-seek with Sissy and Daddy Bear, laughing at their logic, and Spencer always wanting to be the leader! Nicholas always following along, pleasing Spencer is his main goal in life. He will do whatever Spencer wants to do, be it reading a book, watching a video, playing a game, or being Super Heros. Spencer has it made! They do take turns telling the other one what they are suppose to say! He wants Spencer happy and cannot stand it if Spencer is in trouble!

Nate, the Great is one of his favorite book series.....Now he wants a Dinosaur Book. He loves looking at the Animal books too. Or reading any type of book. I did make it to the book store this past weekend and found them some. One was about a little brave Cowboy and Curious George! They loved them!

It is breaking my heart that young people are just wasting their lives away, drinking, drugs, or whatever. Here I am trying with every fiber of my being to get a child help and the ability to live and they are just flaunting their life away. No purpose, no decisions, just energy enough to lift a bottle to their lips, wasting it away..damaging their liver without a thought in the world. NO thought of giving blood products to help a child. No thought of keeping their blood pure to give the Life saving Bone Marrow to someone like Nicholas that HAS to have it in order to live. Robbie could really use the platelets and they have cut his supply off because they have a shortage of platelets that supply the U of Mi! PLEASE sober up and go give platelets and blood products. Get a new purpose in your life and make a difference...where it your heart.


Monday, June 5, 2006 6:50 AM CDT


Well, on Fri we went for platelets. He had a bad reaction, face and ears began flushing and I buzzed the nurse immediately. She got the iv benedryl ready and had to give it to him. It knocked him out! He was able to get the rest of the platelets and everything was ok. He was so sick! It totally washed me out. Spencer was with us and that wasn't good. We weren't panicky and I think that helped him to keep playing. At first, he was clingy but when Nicholas started vomiting, actually dry heaving, Spencer hid in a little closet! I just realized that's why! He was pretending he was a Super hero! Oh boy does he have an imagination!

Nicholas has been well the rest of the weekend. They did a culture on his mickey button drainage and it is staph. Guess what! Yes, he is back on antibiotics again....

Please remember mi/Robbie, he is in critical condition. He is on the ventilator due to a virus and his platelets are so low he is bleeding in his lungs...Please remember them in your prayers...

Praying for miracles,

Friday, June 2, 2006 7:19 AM CDT


I went home and Nicholas' petechia was worse on his face. His platelets were 12k and hgb was 9.9. We were trying to hold off until Monday but I don't think we can. I'll see if we can get him transfused today.

He is feeling so much better! They were playing outside and I asked him if they were ready to come in and get ready for bed. He said, "No! We are never ready to come in to get ready for bed Mom!" Duh! Mom! I shouldn't have asked! Ha! He is perky and still singing! Last night it was a little bit of everything.....You are my sunshine, Jesus Loves Me, silly songs, and anything to make Spencer laugh! They are so cute! Rotten! but I just listened while my heart broke! I love that sweet, sweet little voice. It seems so much stronger! He was LOUD last night! I had his room on moniter and you could hear him all over the house!

Gee Thanks Kim! A GOOD friend wouldn't have left me a message in the guestbook!!!! She would have taken me with her!!!!!!!! Especially to Hawaii! Ahhhh, what are friends for but to make you dream, huh?

Thanks Angel Jen for the package for the boys! I know its been too long to thank you but I'm way behind in that department! Thanks Lauren for the beautiful "Cowboy" blanket! Nicholas and Spencer loved it! Thanks to all of you for the prayers that went up on Nicholas' behalf when he was so sick..I do believe he is on the mend now! I couldn't make it without those prayers going up!

Let everything that have breath, Praise Ye The Lord!

Thursday, June 1, 2006 9:35 AM CDT


"I'm going to fly!" "Really!" "With angel wings!" "You know..when I die!" Nicholas' Franzy! Not to Momma! He will ask me questions....yes, about death, Heaven, and Jesus; indepth questions! Yes, I did tell him that Jesus would send an angel for us when we passed away...but we do not dwell on death and Heaven....I only answer his questions. Yes, its heartbreaking but I have to put on my smiley mask and answer them. I don't dwell on the death part but the wonders and spendors of Heaven and being with Jesus. Spencer asks lots of questions and I know he realizes that Nicholas isn't feeling the best. Nicholas never asked if he was going to die. If he did, I would have to say...We all are going to die one of these days......and then talk about the joys of Heaven. God gives me the grace to answer without bursting into tears.

Spencer has asked. He is hurting inside..and it is breaking my heart that he has to deal with this at such a young age. He told Nicholas once that he would throw all the PICC lines away! He understands more and asks every detail..I tend to answer in the same way...slowly changing the subject to the joy of the Lord and no more sickness, needles, or bloodwork in Heaven. But I do not evade the questions...they need to know. Who else will tell them? They need to know I will always answer their questions. They need to know they can trust me in every situation. I need to tell them the truth....but presentation is everything! I do need lots of grace and wisdom to be able to tell them the truth and God's simple plan of salvation. Death is horrible to us but to a Child of God its just a step across the river! To everlasting peace, joy, and eternal life, forever to be with our Lord and Saviour! I want to go too!

We are getting another cbc today...I'm surprised we didn't go for transfusion but there wasn't anymore blood in his sputum.

Nicholas was singing to the top of his lungs in bed last night! Oh! What beautiful music to my ears! Actually, he is singing all the time!

By God's Grace and miracles,

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 8:53 AM CDT

***Platelets are 19k! Hgb is 9.8, and Anc is 540.....He is coughing up some blood so I'm sure we will get transfused....


Well, someone touched the throne of Grace! Someone prayed through.........because yesterday evening, I could see the effects of your prayers! Praise the Lord! He was feeling better and acting totally different! Still a little itchy but that too seems to be fading.....he had to have to doses of Benedryl yesterday really close...yes, with the dr approval! I do believe it is a reaction to the Levoquin.

We had a great time yesterday evening, playing outside after it cooled down! It was 90d here! HOT! Too hot for Nicholas. He went outside and came back in and said he couldn't breath! Wanted to be on moisture! Yes, he knows what he needs. He went to sleep of course too! Spencer was loving on him yesterday and being so sweet! I think that is what made Nicholas all better! Ha! Spencer patted him and told him he would make him feel better! So precious!

We are getting another cbc today. Nicholas color isn't the best but praying his counts are holding on! I know he has petechia on his face but we will have to wait on the cbc results...What am I guessing? I'm guessing his platelets to be l7 to 21! Praying they will be that anyway! and going in the upperward direction...
I know, I know, he has blood around his mickey button but I can hope can't I?

Praying for miracles,

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 9:18 AM CDT


Hope you all had a great Memorial Day Weekend! Spencer loved us being home yesterday and wore himself out trying to check up on me and then go "help" Dad! It was so funny!
He told Franzy, "Mom and Dad was home all day and we spent the whole day together!" He was one happy camper.

Nicholas was droopy on Sunday and begin itching on his shoulders.....we have no clue what is going on but Benadryl helped so we are suspecting a reaction to the Levoquinn.....but just his shoulders? It doesn't make sense but Nicholas always tries to confuse us! Then, yesterday, he was itching, crying, and begging for more Benadryl. Broke my heart! I tried everything topically I had but nothing seemed to work. He didn't have any energy at all and the Benadryl makes him extremely grumpy and he took a 3 hr nap! Which means he didn't get to sleep early last night and will mean a late morning today!

Yes! Just as I thought he is just so tired and has no energy this morning. I think he is still fighting his lung bugs...he doesn't sound clear yet. Pray that he will regain his strength and be my perky baby again. Pray he will get through this slump. I hadn't mention this but he was talking about Heaven again last week. I'm not ready for my baby to go to Heaven. I do not want to lose him. Pray he will recover. Pray that his counts will go back up. Yes, I want him healed. Totally and earthly. I want to hold him and feel his sweet kisses on my cheek. I want to feel his precious arms around my neck. I want to continue to hear, "Mom, I love you." each and every day, and more than once a day.

Praying for Grace and Strength, and miracles,

Friday, May 26, 2006 7:12 AM CDT


Nicholas is back to his chipper self! He had a great day yesterday. Franzy hollered for Nicholas and he wouldn't answer her.....Spencer finally said, "I've got him in Time Out!" Franzy couldn't believe him! What happened was Nicholas caught a butterfly in a net but it died......and Spencer didn't quite understand and it made him mad! So he put Nicholas in Time Out! Well, it was funny! But we have to make Spencer realize he isn't the boss! Ah, too funny!

Nicholas was making up stories while Spencer took a bath and Spencer kept cracking up! He stayed in the tub for an hour! I'm glad they made up! Ah, life is good! Thanks Ms Maria for that saying!

We have to start Nicholas on another antibiotic! Hopefully, that will make all the bugs go away and we can get back to getting his counts up!!!!

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Thursday, May 25, 2006 10:37 AM CDT


Can you spell exhausted? I can't! I'm so tired...we arrived home late last night or I should say this morning! It was 12:45 am!!! Yes, Nicholas was tired too and his secretions were so dry and thick! ARG! He has to have his moisture or he dries out! Why are people so slow when you are in a big hurry? It happens that way or seems too. I guess you could say I'm impatient when it comes to my baby.....period!

Brigher note: Nicholas did not have one hive last night! PTL! God is sooooooo good! He didn't perk up like normal after the red cells but hey, it was late and he was tired!

We were in Dad's truck and Nicholas said, "I didn't know you could drive Dad's truck!" He was so shocked! Yes, straight shift and all! I actually like driving it!!! Move over Dad! I'm driving.....HA!

Spencer had fun at Mamaw's except for a scape on his knee. He did not want me to go to work this morning either! Pizza tomorrow night changed his mind! He loves Pizza and I promised Nicholas we would have a Pizza party! Come on over!

Pray for all in need......sick, salvation, homeless, and those in need of a friend.

Thank you Lord,

PS: Happy Birthday To Uncle Darrel and Keisha! Visit his site and wish him a happy day! visit/darrellboggs

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 7:14 AM CDT

**Results are in....platelets are 7, hgb is 6.9.....ANC is 840. Definitely will be transfused with both platelets and red cells. I knew he was low and we couldn't wait until tomorrow...


Well, Nicholas' face is covered with petechia...we are getting a cbc done today. Now..the bad news is.....his blood culutre is positive from his central line. Meaning something is growing that isn't suppose to be in there! ARG! and will sit down where he is! Oh how I hope it is just a contaminated source and not in his system. He isn't running a temp so it may just be a contaminate. Poor wonder he is so droopy. He says, "I'm exhausted!" But still I believe he is just recouping from being so sick. He walked a little farther last night without breathing too heavy. Then he climbed a small enbankment up at Kenny's house, sat down for a minute and then wanted to pet the colt!

Kenny had a 50th birthday on Monday! Happy Birthday Kenny! I found a card with a horse on it! Perfect for him! It was cute!

Spencer was really tired yesterday evening. He didn't want to take a bath! "I hate baths!" I think he was just too tired!

Pray for everything! Nicholas counts to come up, his infections to go away, total healing would be nice too. Pray for Spencer too, he has so much to deal with and gets frustrated when he cannot talk about it! Did you see his photo in the Coalfield? Did I mention that yesterday? He was smiling so sweet! He was proud as a pumpkin!

We are thankful that platelet transfusions help,

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 9:39 AM CDT


Nicholas was singing to the top of his lungs last night! He was singing...."We Got The Power In the Name of Jesus!" It was wonderful to hear his little voice! He left it on Sissy Bear's answering machine! I hope she saves it! I was acting it out when he was singing and he got so tickled at me and began giggling at the end......Oh how precious that giggle is.
He also sang to Mamaw! Anything to do to delay going to bed! He had to eat yogurt and wanted ice water and of course his nightly trek back to the bathroom! I'm so thankful he is able to get up and walk around! He is still breathing hard when he exerts himself but hopefully that will get better. His lungs sounded a little bit better last night! He looks pale and has petechia on his face again! It faded last night but looks bad this morning. We will be getting another cbc this week to see where his counts are. He is saying, "I'm so tired!" which isn't like him at all.

Spencer's photo is in the local newpaper!!!! He is decked out in the Mathathon St Judes' T-shirt and showing his goodies! He is smiling from ear to ear!

Pray for good counts and lungs to heal.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Monday, May 22, 2006 11:38 AM CDT


I just lost the entire update! ARG!

Ok, I had waited until we got his cbc results and now I'm bummed! I knew they would be low but in my heart I wanted them higher! His HGB is down to 7.6, Platelet are 21k! (YEAH!!) and ANC is 1323, yes very high for a Monday! His white count was normal! Which is actually high for him! Probably where he is fighting something! His lungs sound some better, the upper part anyway! He HAS to get better! His counts HAVE to come up!

He had a good weekend....playing in spurts! Resting or lying down when he couldn't take it any longer! He has complained with his legs hurting but I think it is where he is playing more. I could tell a difference from Saturday til Sunday. He played more and for longer periods of time on Sunday, which is an improvement.

Spencer has already been outside playing this morning! Its warm and sunny and I think it perked Nicholas up when I told him to get outside and play! They love outside!

Ok, I need to get something off my chest! It seems that someone has nothing else to do but make up lies on me! I'm tired of it and if you do not know what you are talking about then please do not spread rumors.......its called LYING! Get real! I know the ones that know me.....know better, so you are only hurting yourself and making everyone else not trust you anymore. You would think that if you have a sick child you wouldn't have time for this! I don't have time for it either so stop! I have enough to worry about without having lies told about me. Thank God I know He knows the truth and He is who I have to answer to. Sorry, that wasn't in the first update! Maybe it was erased so I could get this off me! Now, I've washed my hands of you.........

Thankful that we aren't going for a platelet transfusion today.

Friday, May 19, 2006 9:16 AM CDT


Well, I think I've figured out part of the problem yesterday! Nicholas wasn't droopy.......he was pouting!!!!!!!!! Yes, adjusting to sharing Franzy with Spencer's first day home! I thought that could possibly be what was wrong....and I was right! I noticed a difference when I got home.. he was chirper and playing. He is still coughing up lots of junk and the booger fishing is rendering great catches! He wasn't as nauseated this morning when he woke up! Hopefully, he will feel like playing outside if it warms up today! I hope so!

Another concern is he is begining to cough up some specks of blood. As his counts get lower this weekend, I will probably see more. I should say IF his counts get lower! I want his counts to come up so badly! Please help me pray that they do. I'm desperate! I want his counts UP, UP, UP!

Spencer was just full of energy yesterday evening! I hope he gets outside to play some today too! Maybe that will help unleash his energy! I wish I could bottle all of it up for me or Nicholas! That would be a sight! HA!

Praying for a good weekend!
Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Thursday, May 18, 2006 8:29 AM CDT


GIT-R-DONE! That's the idea! Ha! Nicholas loved Tommy's hat! We found them in the ER when we went for platelets. Nicholas just hugged and hugged on Nanny Betty! He told her..."There's no one nicer than you!" He should run for president! He knows just what to say! Remember Betty in your prayers, she had stints put in her heart but one isn't working and she is having lots of pain. They will have to go in and fix it I guess or she will have to have open heart surgery! She needs prayer!

Nicholas now has a full fledged cold..on top of his lungs already sounding full! He isn't running a temp though...he is breaking out in sweats and really nauseated! He is coughing up a ton of junk! I should say a gallon! He is getting it out though! His coloring is off but that is normal for him. He was really pale to me. Pray his counts will come up to help protect him.

Spencer was up at 6:30 am! Can you believe that? No school and a day to sleep in and he is up! Oh, to be young and innocent! He was a sweetie pie this morning! Sweet hugs and sugars! Mary sent me a photo she took yesterday...I'll try to add it here!

Blessings and Bear Hugs,
Donna (Didn't have to fish for boogers! Nose pouring!)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006 11:54 AM CDT


Well, we have had a total of 4 sleepless nights, then on Monday night, he slept! at least until 4:30 am! Then, last night, I didn't hear a peep out of him. Is he better? Not by a long shot. Today, he isn't feeling well at all.....hmmm, the teacher is there too though! Today is his last day! HMMMMMM! No math for a while....wonder if he will feel better this evening! If I was a betting woman, I'd say he will feel wonderful this evening!!! But I know he is still sick....his coloring wasn't the best this morning and he was coughing terrible. He isn't over it yet and is very sore in his back.....don't know why unless its soreness from coughing so hard. He told Ms Phyllis that today was a "Mega bad day!"

He could be sore from laughing too hard last night! OH, I wish I could have captured those precious moments! I went booger fishing and was telling him it was "A BIGGEN!" He got so tickled he was laughing out loud.....I was trying to whisper it because Spencer was asleep but he actually laughed out loud! He said, "Whew Mom! That's the first time I cracked up!" He cannot stand for me to use a q-tip or kleenex in his nose. It was bad or he wouldn't have let me! And I had to make it fun! You can imagine...him giggling and laughing and me trying to fish for them! He tries so hard to blow his nose but most of the air comes out of his trach! Next time you have to blow your nose....thank God that you can!

Spencer, today you graduated from Pre-K. You would make any mother proud to have you for a son! Your face was pure delight and so full of proud sunshine! You were glowing and I'm so proud of you Sweetheart! You have done a wonderful job this year and Mommy and Daddy love you so much. Your smile makes my heart sing! But mostly made my eyes turn into rivers!

Blessings and Bear Hugs,
Booger fishing Soppy Mom!

Monday, May 15, 2006 6:55 AM CDT


Nicholas has been the sickest I've seen him a long time.......We had to put him on some oxygen to help ease his breathing some. It sorta helped. He finally came down to 36/min last night! He definietly has both lungs. They sound horrible. His heart rate is extremely high and he has petechia on his face. I ask for a cbc and his platelets were 22k, I thought they were down to 10k at least.

Spencer is croupy but the antibiotic is helping. His ear ache is gone, just tender now. He was rambunctious this weekend! He also graduates this Wed, May 17th!

Its been a rough 4 nights, so pray for all of us! Pray that Nicholas lungs start healing......

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Friday, May 12, 2006 8:29 AM CDT


Nicholas is sick! VERY sick...xrays showed no pneumonia but I know he does have it. He is now vomiting and just not well at all. We did begin Synercid last night and hopefully this will help soon. I was up all night long either suctioning or giving him breathing treatments. He hasn't been this ill in a long time. He even ask Franzy for a breathing treatment yesterday and me for some cold medicine..."To get rid of this terrible cold!" I listened to his lungs and he said, "OWW!" He is very sore...

He has been chilling and his head will be really hot to touch but temp isn't registering very high. I know he was about 102 this morning....

Spencer's strep came back negative and his mono test was negative! He sounds really congested though and is now on another round of antibiotics AGAIN! Hopefully, being out of school soon will help too. He graduates on Wednesday, May 17th at 9:30 am! Sniff! Sniff! I cannot believe how fast this year has flown by! I told him he was off from school for a couple of months and he asked me, "Did they know we needed to go to Camp Sunshine and closed it so I wouldn't miss school?" HA! Too funny!

Just pray for all the children, Chelsea going for bmt no. 2, Robbie: his counts have fallen as he developed an antibody to the new marrow! Bless their hearts they were in Cinci for 6 months! Matthew, pray for his bone marrow match! Pray for my babies too.

Blessings and Sleepy Bear Hugs,

Thursday, May 11, 2006 10:02 AM CDT


Nicholas is running a temp, coughing, and sneezing. The sneezing started yesterday evening but he seemed fine! He was very energetic and playing... He will get tuckered out really quickly though. He was complaining his hip is hurting! Normally, this means he has pneumonia!

He is rotten to the core...doing anything to get out of doing his math! Typical boy!

Spencer and I were playing ball! I named him Spencer Babe Ruth! He tried to say it but it came out funny! We ended up laughing so hard! He would get so tickled at me kicking a little soccer ball (hey it works for baseball too!) because every time I'd kick it my shoe would go flying in the air! Nicholas did too! I love to watch them laugh! Sweet music to this Momma Bear's ears!

Pray for all the children and their illnesses........
Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Tuesday, May 9, 2006 8:04 AM CDT


We did a cbc yesterday.....platelets were down to 13k, hgb was 9.5, and anc was 520. I did take him to be transfused as his petechia was all over his face, forehead, and one on his ear again! Hopefully, it will diminish today...he looked at his reflection and said, "Mom, look! Petech!" Too cute! He did break out with 3 hives and I was sort of skittish to take him home.....good excuse to go for ice cream! He was really grumpy...I mean major! He kept asking for food! Yes, it breaks my heart as he isn't suppose to eat at all via mouth. We went for a cone and he said, "MOM!" I thought Oh no! What is he going to ask for now! He said, "I love you!" Hmmmm, maybe it will be ice cream all the time! Yes, I totally melted! Faster than the ice cream! He is so sweet when he eats a cone! He trys so hard to lick it but most of the time cannot get any on his tongue! Then, he will get frustrated; then, we have a time! Then imagine, me driving trying to help him eat it! He finally gave up and didn't want anymore!

Spencer has had another temp of 101.1 this weekend and I thought for sure it was the strep but it seems to have disappeared... He went to Papaws and rode Black Jack yesterday evening while we were at the hospital! I think it was fun but he had to get off when Black Jack used the potty! On the driveway! Spencer started gagging! Oh I can still hear Mamaw and Papaw laughing! Tooo funny! They took photos too!

Well that is all the funnies for now! Too much!!!

Keep praying for a cure for FA!
Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Friday, May 5, 2006 12:17 AM CDT


Well what I wrote yesterday just didn't happen! Bummer! His platelets are down to 38k, hgb is 9.9, and anc is 720... He gets another dose of G-CSF this evening to help him through the weekend.

Good News? Mary Bear will become a Mamaw this afternoon! surely by evening anyway! Yes, Ms Becky is having a baby girl today! Mariah Jade..I believe...don't say its gospel or anything! I will post photos as I'm sure Ms Mary will be clicking away!

I did actually have something funny the boys said but I have forgotten it now! Maybe if I ramble it will mosey on back to my pea brain!

Want more good news? I'm ordering a Tote Bag to sell for FA! I'm excited as I love new ideas! new items! new fundraisers! HEY, I can hear the groans from here! Yes, I will be bugging you shortly! Everyone needs a tote bag and YES, Lord Willing, I will be bringing them to camp to sell there too! Just you wait! They will be most helpful there! Just pray that my baby will be able to go to camp! Ohh, he is looking so forward to it. He is getting frustrated when I cannot tell him what will happen every holidays, happenings, so he can put July in perspective! I've started telling him whose birthday it is that month to help him! Whew! I need ideas..He was asking me the other day and I didn't understand what he was saying.....He said, "Does Summer begin? Like Halloween! or something!" I finally realized he was wanting me to tell him holidays, etc!

Oh well, pray for Becky and baby to be fine and dandy! Pray for Chelsea Martin....for the second bmt to take...pray for all the children.

Blessings and Miracles,

Thursday, May 4, 2006 9:37 AM CDT


Guess what I have a belly ache! I guess everytime I write something in here, it just happens to happen! Too funny!!!
Hmmmmmm, that gives me an idea! Nicholas counts are UP!.......ok that means tomorrow it WILL happen! YES! NO? What do you think? Well, here is the truth....Nicholas is very pale and has a yellow tint to him....his liver functions were just tested and they were on the high side of norm...but they were ok. His petechia is more evident this morning....meaning his platelet count has fallen. I think we need a cbc tomorrow to see what his counts really are...going into a weekend is very nerve wrenching with low platelets.... They may want it today..I'll call and see.

Today is the NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER! One thing to do is join the Prayer Bears and begin a fullfilling, life enriching, spirit moving, heart felt connection to a child or cub that needs YOU to pray and stand in the Gap for them. What better way to strengthen your faith as well? Go to Fill out the Form under "JOIN OUR GROUP"
What better way to help a family get through a crisis than to pray for their needs....

Blessings and Miracles,

Wednesday, May 3, 2006 11:14 AM CDT


Well, it seems that it is getting harder and harder for me to come here and blare my soul to the world. I dont' know how much longer I'll be updating every day...You all do not want to hear my belly aching all the time so .......I if I can't tell something funny then I won't update unless I post about his health issues...maybe just a slump I'm in...just pray for us.

It seems that Nicholas has made C's all year long but I never knew it! I'm furious! How on earth can you come up with a grade without any tests? Without knowing what he can or cannot do! 5 hrs a week just isn't enough to cover all subjects thoroughly. The teacher doesn't think he can add....I KNOW he can! She brought flash cards and he held it and told her the answer! She looked so surprised! He said, "You can see the answer if you hold the card up!" The answers were printed on the back of the card! TOOOOO Funny! So he is grounded! Totally until he "gets math!" Yeah right! "I love you so much Mom!" were the repeated words last night! I asked him if he was just buttering me up and he said, "I said that so you would say..."You are the best child in the world!" HA! Yes, a total Mom Melt Down!

All that After the big talk of Maria! He was sad off and on all day thinking about camp and Maria....He had a flood of questions....about how she got to Heaven, and her body still in the ground......Yeah, tough for Mom to answer questions......too indepth for him to be considering!

Some good news! On Easter sunday, Michelle, Jeff's niece was there and Nicholas embarrassed me and asked her when she was having her baby! She said, "Oh not for 3 or 4 more years at least!" Well, she is 5 weeks! Ha! She couldn't believe that he knew she was expecting! I asked him and he said, "Well she can't be a mother without a baby!" Yes, very profound!

Spencer is a hoot! as usual and ended up in our bed during the night. He would move his head and bump into mine! He just had to touch me all night long. I think he is going through something that is hard to put into words... He helped Nicholas use the bathroom and just patted him and put his arm around his shoulders! He said, "I'll help you Brother!" He is so sweet!

Begging for crumbs, praying for miracles, and grasping at straws....

Tuesday, May 2, 2006 12:42 AM CDT


We had a wonderful evening full of laughs and giggles....and of course, a few tears...
Overall, Nicholas' petechia is disappearing and his face is looking much better. Oh I cannot stand to see him like he hurts to the depths of my soul. I did get a photo but probably will not post it. Now, I'm seeing some dark circles around his eyes but overall he isn't as pale! Getting them rosy red cheeks that are only for a few days post red cell transfusion but hey, we'll take them for however long they last.....

In case you aren't familiar with petechia, its when little blood vessels break in his face or sometimes they will look like red dots, about the size of a head of a stick pin or less, sometimes like purple dots...and really pale around everywhere else. He had petechia, on his cheeks, chin, around his mouth, forehead, and ears this time. They pop out much faster if he coughs or stains himself in any way. That is how I know what his counts are! They are fading but will return IF his counts fall again...Pray they stay up.......and start climbing...
Pray for miracles.......

Want to hear another funny...Spencer has been on a Dr. Suess kick and ever since they celebrated at school with green eggs and ham, he has been wanting green eggs. I made him a sandwich last night and Jeff came home about that time! I told him that Dad would say his eggs were molded! Well, when Dad came thru the door, Nicholas said, "Oh, No! Here he comes!" then grabbed him by the hand and lead him to the table! He said, "We have a surprise! Molded Eggs!" I burst out laughing! Then the look on Jeff's face was priceless as he was clueless to what was going on! Then he couldn't help but laugh! He ask Spencer, "Was that chicken molded?" Spencer laughed and said, "DAAAAAAD!" Oh, the joys of my baby boys!

Praying for Miracles and grasping at straws,

Monday, May 1, 2006 8:51 AM CDT

Join the Bone Marrow Registry for Matt Pearl

Don't forget to go registry to be a bone marrow donor! Our blood bank in Norton will do the testing. Be sure to tell them you are wanting to be a donor for Bone Marrow! may be Matthew's match! Join the Bone Marrow Registry for Matt Pearl. Read their story!
See where a drive is near you!!

Well, Saturday morning brought even more petechia on Nicholas face, forehead, and even his ear! I called Home Health and they came for a cbc which showed his platelets down to 10k, exactly what I was guessing! We went for a transfusion that evening but had to wait until they could locate some platelets! Guess where these came from???? Red Cross of NC! Yes, Charlotte, NC! Thanks to donors in NC for donating platelets! Thanks YOU!

We had a wonderful visit from the FA folks from Meadowview, VA. Clinton, Blake, Stephanie, and baby Sarah! Clinton has already had his bmt last year! He is doing wonderfully. The boys had a ball outside playing! They played really well together and will have a wonderful time at Camp Sunshine this year!

Spencer got to feed a baby calf with a bottle! He was thrilled and kept talking about it! He couldn't wait to tell us his surprise when we got home Sat. after the transfusion.

Another funny....Sissy Bear is scared of horses and when we went to the barn to see the new colt, she would close the door when the horse came near...Nicholas got so mad at her. He said, "Sharon! I don't like how you are acting! You can go home!" She laughed and left! It was so funny! Then, last night he was mad at her for something else and was fussing up a storm! He is too funny!

Pray for miracles.......

Thursday, April 27, 2006 12:50 AM CDT

Join the Bone Marrow Registry for Matt Pearl


Please join the bone marrow registry in honor of Matthew Pearl as he is going to transplant soon.


I need your help...Please download, print and
post the attached flyer or
email to all you know as this is our last bone
marrow drive for Matt. We are
having drives nationwide in 80 cities May 13th
honoring Mother's Day, birth
and life. Please participate and help us save
lifes! We are going to
transplant ASAP as Matt is in serious failure.

Thanks so very much
Diane Pearl
This could be your last chance to help…

Please Save My Life!!!

Matt Pearl – Age 9
Matt & Alexandra Pearl suffer from Fanconi Anemia, a rare life-threatening blood disorder. Alex had her bone marrow transplant, but there is still no perfect match in any registry for Matt. We have searched for 5 years adding over 80,000 new donors…many lives have been saved…this does work. However, Matt has started to receive blood transfusions to stay alive and is going to transplant ASAP.

If you are healthy and between age 18 – 60 please attend the:

Saturday, May 13th 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Creve Coeur Fire Station #1 11729 Olive St. Louis, MO

This is part of a nationwide recruitment day of drives in 80 other cities honoring all mothers. See for other cities

Visit for updates and how you can make a difference. We desperately need your help…

Another plea..........from a desperate mother!
Please go and get registered......they are using mouth swabs instead of blood work!!!! Great news if you are scared of needles.........

Nicholas is full of pep today and scared Frances silly yesterday! He was pouting at me because I told him we were NOT going to get a platelet transfusion!!! She thought he was sick but I guess I asked for that one! I'm thankful he can pout! I'm also thankful that he is peppy today and full of life since 6:30 am! Yes, he was up early! He is probably wanting to go to the barn to see the new colt!!! Beautiful little filly! White, red, brown, black, and some silver! Gorgeous! Spencer loved it!

Have a blessed registering day!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:45 AM CDT


Well, we have another packed red cell transfusion under our belt! Or in his blood I should say! He didn't perk up last night at all but has today! His temp left too. Thank you all for praying Bronchitis away so far!

This is the last week of Aranesp....and need a miracle. What else do we try? Is there something out there that could possibly work? If you have ANY ideas, please let me know! When do we stop trying? What are we going to do? When do we give up? I don't think I ever will. I will alway continue searching........for a medicine that MAY have a slight chance of getting the platelets and hgb up...
I honestly think everyone else has given up, the drs, etc.

Pray for a miracle! We need the blessing of the Lord to shadow Nicholas. I know he is under His wing anyway but our human side wants our baby to live......I want to hold him longer, hug him, and feel his little arms around my neck and those precious kisses on my cheek. I want to see that sparkle and mischieveous gleam in his eyes for a long long time. Nothing can capture it like he really is! No camera on earth can get all the preciuos qualities into a flat photo. I want to see him pout, laugh, cry, smile, bubble over, and yes I want to hear him quarrelling, sassing, back talking, laughing, scaring, clapping those feet together like only he can. I want to hear his every word, moan, sigh, cry, and laugh. I want to see those little winks and little finger in the air for ok! I want to see that smile when I tell him he can eat ANYTHING! I want my baby to LIVE.

I want Spencer to not worry everytime we leave the house. "Will you come back home tonight Mom?" I don't want to hurt everytime I have to leave him home. I don't want him to worry. I don't want to see the uncertainities in his eyes. I don't want see his puckered lip and tears of frustration in his eyes. I don't want him to worry about Nicholas. I don't want his first words when he gets home every evening to be "How's my brother today?" or "How's Nicholas today?" or "Guess who met the bus Mom? NICHOLAS!" smiling with so much pride.

Yes, we face all this every day..and so much more that I cannot put it into words! Emotional wonder we are exhausted!

Blessings, Mercy, and Miracles,

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 11:16 AM CDT


We are feeling some better! Thank God! I have never had such a headache in all my life! And it still burns and hurts to cough! But we are surviving!

Nicholas has a temp of 100.6d this am. That means he is fighting something bacterial. He doesn't have any energy much either. With a hemaglobin of 7 its no wonder though. We are getting transfused with packed red cells today. Hopefully, this will give him some color and put some pep into him so he can fight off this bug. He keeps clearing his throat and I didn't want him to get this! I knew it would be hard to keep him totally clear though. Hopefully, they won't keep him in the hospital...

Spencer came home yesterday and crashed for a couple of hours. He was so tired! He slept through Nicholas in school! Nicholas would try not to talk loud and shhhh us when he thought we would wake him up! He wanted him to sleep! I knew it would mean a late night and a rough morning this morning though! Of course, I was right! Spencer was tired this morning! I hate having to leave before he does...but as Nicholas says..."Ya gotta do whatcha gotta do!"

Mary got lots of cute photos yesterday!! Hopefully, she will email them to me before too long and I'll post them. They love Ms. Mary! I think she spoils them! Spencer's eyes lit up when he say the cake with chocolate icing that she made yesterday! You could lead him over a cliff with chocolate!

He comes by that honest of course!
Blessings, Miracles, and Peace for the soul,

Monday, April 24, 2006 12:58 AM CDT


Well we have had a very rough weekend! Jeff and I have bronchitis and it really hurts! Spencer has strep AGAIN! I don't think he got over it the first time! We have all been feeling pretty rotten! Nicholas is now running a temp of 100.3d! He will end up in the hospital if it gets any higher! Bless his litte heart! He is sneezing some too. I prayed he wouldn't get this.......

I do have his cbc...platelets 75k, hgb 7.0, and anc is 817. He will have to be transfused this week, especially if he gets sick. We have been on ARANESP for 3 months and did not get a positive response and I'm scared that when we stop, his counts will plummet. Don't know how much it can drop except to completely bottom out.........

Keep praying for Darrell too, he has another bulging disk in his back. Bless their hearts!

Blessings, Miracles, and more Miracles,

Friday, April 21, 2006 7:30 AM CDT


Well, I have bronchitis! Jeff must have had pneumonia! Now, Spencer woke up around 2 am and begin vomiting! So we just had a snorting, snotting, coughing, hacking, sneezing, feverish, sweating, chilling, and vomiting good ole time! This lasted for about two hours! Nah, I'm fine! horribly fine! Love Nicholas' little heart, he slept like a baby through it all. I guess we all need to quarantined until we all get better!

Guess what Nicholas received in the mail? A Spinoza bear! Yes! He was sponsored by Women of Moose from Richmond! He absolutely loved it! So did Spencer. Spinoza helped Spencer's hurt knee get better and helped him take a bath! It is wonderful! Thanks Marci!

We are getting another cbc today. He will probably have to have a red cell transfusion. It just never ends....vicious cycle. He is really pale though but seems to be feeling ok. He is usually forgetful if his hgb gets real low, so far that isn't happening...not in a big way.

Will post results when I can.

Blessings, Mercy, and Miracles

Thursday, April 20, 2006 12:06 AM CDT


I'm currently having a "No Gall Stone Party!" Whooo peee! But now coughing my head off! No surgery SIS! At least until further testing is completed!

Spencer was so sweet last night and puckered up and said, "I hope they don't take it out!" I reassured him and hugged him so tight! He asked Frances if they would put it back in! Tooo funny! Nicholas kept saying, "I'm glad everything is ok with your bladder!" Oh, my little worry warts! I came home and was feeling much better! Much better than Jeff anyway! He was running a fever and couldn't hold his head up! He is stubborn! Now! I know where Spencer gets it from! I thought it was me but I went to the dr.......hmmmmm, lights are flashing! Ha!

Nicholas did get his transfusion this morning. And that was the hardest thing to do was to leave him........I know Frances was there with a hawk eye on him but it wasn't MOMMY! He didn't have a reaction so we are rejoicing!

He will probably need red cells before too long.....Oh is is horrible!

Blessings, Mercy, and Miracles,

Thursday, April 20, 2006 10:31 AM CDT

As some of you know Donna has been having gall bladder
problems. Well, she ended up in ER yesterday eve. They are going to do a scan this morn, probably right now at this moment. I would not be surprised if she isn't in surgery this eve or tom. one. I will let you know.
When we got home last night, Donna went to living room; Spencer came into the kitchen and asked me, "Did it go well?" He was so concerned for his mommy. Was that precious? He even waited until she was out of the room!!
Nicholas is getting platelets right now, too. He just had a transfusion last Wed.!!!!!!!
Please pray for them; Jeff is sick, too.
Sissy Bear

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 9:50 AM CDT


Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Uncle Wayne is up walking around this morning after a Quadruple ByPass! Yes he had to have 4 bypasses. Great news from a far country. God is so merciful. Thank you Lord!

Nicholas is getting another cbc today. I changed his dressing last night and it has blistered his little chest. I put a smaller one on and it didn't last through the night! Home Health nurse had to change it! I don't know what we are going to do! Change it every day I guess.
He screamed in pain last night when I tried to clean it! He has bruised terribly all over his left chest....where they put it in. His counts have to be down.

I was awake every hour on the hour last night...for one reason or another. Jeff is feeling horrible with allergies and was up and down. Nicholas crimped his feeding line, water gathered in the tubing and was flomping! Mamaws word for it! Ha! She is so funny. She was keeping him when he was tiny and water gathered in the tubing and that is what she called me and said. I had to go home! It was hilarious! I couldn't figure out what she was talking about! Oh, the mememories of those earlier years!

Spencer is fine! Rotten to the core as usual....

I'll post the counts if I'm not too bummed!

Blessings, Mercy, and Miracles,

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 7:01 AM CDT


CBC results were platelets down to 35k, hgb down to 7.7, and his anc was way down to 245!! Yes, I am bummed! Nicholas seems to feel ok though so we will repeat the labs on Wed. and he will probably need both red cell and, I'm not looking forward to either or the possible reactions....UGH! Just thinking of the last one drives a knife in my heart and makes me shutter! Hive on top of hive.....distorted his little face and scared us to pieces. Thank you Lord for helping us that day.

Spencer went back to school today! He said he didn't like to miss school or take breaks! He is too funny! We are still hiding Easter eggs! Not the real ones! Phew! Just he litte plastic ones that weren't suppose to have chocolate in them....yeah right! Thanks Mary! She brought them the cutest baskets just full of what? Yes, chocolate! and lots of other goodies! Thanks Mary they loved them! Plastic eggs with Spiderman and Batman on them! Tooo cute!

Please remember my Uncle Wayne Browning, he had a heart attack yesterday and has to have a triple bypass today. He is in ICU but rested well last night. Please pray for salvation as well as health. I just prayed that God would spare him long enough for him to re-dedicate his life back to God. We love him so much and he has always been there for us.

Blessings, Mercy, and Miracles,

Monday, April 17, 2006 8:36 AM CDT


We had a wonderful Easter! The only problem was trying to keep a sweaty little Bear's dressing on! We are suppose to change it weekly but we have already changed it 4 or 5 times! He is also getting a reaction to the adhesives! Here we go again! His arms still haven't completely healed from the PICC line dressings........ I keep trying different ones.....either they aren't sticky enough to stay on or they are too sticky and break him out.

They had a wonderful egg coloring, egg hunting, egg hiding, egg stealing out of Michelle's bucket time! It was hilarious! They loved it! Again Spencer was in a "I don't want my picture taken AGAIN mode!" I sneaked in a few though!!

Home health nurse said that Nicholas sounds really junky and breathing a little fast! We are getting a cbc today too. Will post when we have the results....later!

Stay Blessed!
Pray hard for miracles,

Friday, April 14, 2006 7:36 AM CDT


Well, its great to be back home and we are grateful for all the prayers that brought us safely back! Yes, we did have a rough time but Nicholas being the little troooper that he is, is now feeling much better..

He did get a central line put in and we are so thankful they were able to put it in. PICC lines will be no more! His little veins have been exhausted. He was in tremendous pain while they are trying to put in the PICC line in his left arm and had difficulty breathing...I thought he was having a heart attack! It was scary. It even bruised along the route where the line went in! Up his arm and across his shoulder! Bruised where the guide wire poked his neck! He could even feel as they flushed the line! Definitely something wrong! Yes, he was growling and showed a bear face when the nurse said, "We so sorry it hurt you Nicholas." Her eyes got big as saucers when Nicholas said, "AND it was all YOUR fault!" I have never heard him ever say did hurt! By the time we left, he was much better though. He even had them crying! Dr. Patel was very sympathetic and you could tell he was sorry it didn't work...the mickey button dr sure could take some lessons from him!

The mickey button did have another hole in the balloon! This one lasted one month and we fought if for a couple of weeks! so 6 weeks! Yes, I proved the dr wrong AGAIN! Oh, he makes me so mad!

Platelet reaction was total horror! I have never seen such a violent reaction and I never hope to see another one! Details are just too gory! He did begin vomiting and had to be put on oxygen. Hives upon hives......millions of them....He did not like that donor! The platelet transfusion that he received actually came from Denver CO! Yes! Thanks to the donor who donated on April 7th!!! IN DENVER, CO!!! We are indepted to your generosity! SEEEEE, go donate! You never know who OR where your platelets will end up or in which precious child they will help! God never ceases to amaze me! Thank you Lord for all you have done and are going to do!!!

Posters? Yes, we have raised over $1000 for FARF!!! Dr. Harris also received an autographed poster from Nicholas and I know it melted his heart. Nicholas had written "I love you Doc!" and signed Nicholas on it! It will be framed and put up in his house! Precious!

Also we met a young lady with TAR syndrome named Meg! Meg, it was a pleasure meeting you and I'm sorry you missed meeting Nicholas! You will make a wonderful Child Life Specialist!

Praying for the children still in the hospital!
Easter Blessings and wonder big ole glad to be home Bear Hugs,

Wednesday, April 12, 2006 10:19 PM CDT

Praise the Lord! Nicholas has come through another surgery; he has a central line now. I just talked to him!!! I feel so much better. As a matter of fact, I had to read a story to him and would have read more, but his mom said, "it is bedtime." He wants me to come to his house tomorrow eve and read more stories. You just don't know how good it was to hear his voice!!!! I would have read all night if that is what he wanted.
By the way Kim,I relayed your message and Nicholas says for you to be quiet!!!
Thanks for all the prayers and concern. God has answered again!!
Sissy Bear

Wednesday, April 12, 2006 4:14 PM CDT

Just talked to Donna.
Platelet transfusion went well today. One prayer answered. PTL
Nicholas is in same-day surgery waiting until they can get to him. They will put the central line in within the next two hours. Ring those prayer bells.
ASA I hear something I will update.
Sissy Bear

Tuesday, April 11, 2006 6:18 PM CDT

My heart is so heavy as I write this.
Nicholas has not had a good day. They tried to put a picc line in, but the vein has shrunk---I believe that is what Donna said. They tried the other arm where it was the first time, but that vein has branched out into smaller ones which are too small. This was very painful for Nicholas; he was screaming and crying telling them it was too long. The Dr. was even crying. They can inject through this line, but cannot draw blood. They said they were sorry it hurt; Nicholas, little fighter, told them it was all their fault!!! I can just see him now.
They began a platelet transfusion, but Nicholas had a major reaction---the worst ever. He was beet red down to his chest, covered with hives. They had to give him oxygen.
They are going to try giving platelets in the morning. He will have to have platelets, because they are going to put in a central line(directly into an artery in chest). They said there might be a problem with scar tissue. If there is, I don't know what they will do.
Please pray for Nicholas. Please pray for Donna and Jeff.
Don't forget little Spencer; he took a diarrhea during the night. I am sure he senses things aren't going well. Besides, he is all ears and understands way too much.
Please get those pray chains going.
May God bless you.
Sissy Bear

Monday, April 10, 2006 10:51 AM CDT

We are starting the week out right!!!!!
Nicholas has pulled out his picc line! Yes, you read it right. They have to go to Cinn.; they will take care of that and the GJ tube, too, since the mickey button is loose. Donna knew they would have to go soon, but not this soon. Please rem. them in your prayers.
Spencer is going with them, too.
They may be on their way by now. I don't know details; I don't know when they will be back, but if it is more than 2 days, I'll let you know.
Thanks for all the prayers, cards, gifts, and calls. They all are so uplifting; it lets Donna know someone is there and cares.
Thanks from the bottom of my heart for helping my little sis through this.
Sissy Bear

Friday, April 7, 2006 8:14 AM CDT

Want An Autographed Poster?
Click on the link and bid today! Most of the proceeds go to FARF! Tax Deductible Donation! This is the LAST POSTER! I don't have any more at the moment! If they do a drive this quarter I may have some then. LAST CHANCE OFFER!!!!


Be sure to bid on this last poster! The last date is Sunday!

Nicholas and Spencer had a great time with Mary yesterday! I guess a change is good sometimes..I was thinking this morning that I had so much to be thankful for. Spencer had the flu, Nicholas did not get it! Spencer had strep, Nicholas did not get it! That in itself is a miracle! We do not go anywhere in a crowded area.....except for Spencer! Bless his little heart! He is catching everything at school! But hopefully, that will not be for too much longer! May 19th is the last day! I know Chris has the days, hours, minutes, and seconds down to the last day!!! Ha! Sharon has too! We NEVER got out that early! I cannot ever remember getting out in May! It was always way up in June! By the way, our 25th class reunion is coming up this year! Whoo Hooo! Wow!

Getting back to my train of thought! Nicholas and crowds, going anywhere! We just don't! Going to church was a risk but staying housed up with us could be a risk too! He did get out of the house last Sunday! It was so pretty out! He picked flowers for Mamaw Boggs as soon as his feet touched the ground! He always does that. Brings me little flowers all the time. Spencer does too sometimes but Nicholas does it every time! Super sweet boys! How could a human being love so much? Sometimes it feels like it will burst! I just love my babies!

Stay Blessed and help pray for miracles,

Thursday, April 6, 2006 12:18 AM CDT

Want An Autographed Poster?
Click on the link and bid today! Most of the proceeds go to FARF! Tax Deductible Donation! This is the LAST POSTER! I don't have any more at the moment! If they do a drive this quarter I may have some then. LAST CHANCE OFFER!!!!


Waiting for cbc results before I updated! His platelets are 48,000 and Hgb-9.6. That is all I have right now! He was in a great mood last night! He was fiesty! He was energic! He was playing! I could tell a big difference in him.... Oh, do I dare hope the Aranesp is working! Oh I pray it is..I really do not want to try the Androgel again but you will do anything if you are desperate! And we are just that! DESPERATE! My heart is continually on my knees crying out for miracles, healing, and life. The continual moans and groans of the soul and heart can only be heard and understood by Jesus. He hears my silent cries. He knows our hearts desires. He knows we love our babies. He knows we are depending on Him.

Miracles and blessings,

Wednesday, April 5, 2006 8:08 AM CDT

Want An Autographed Poster?
Click on the link and bid today! Most of the proceeds go to FARF! Tax Deductible Donation! This is the LAST POSTER! I don't have any more at the moment! If they do a drive this quarter I may have some then. LAST CHANCE OFFER!!!!


No new developments on our end except for that stinking mic-key button!!!!! We will have to get it changed! I'll try to keep it as long as possible but who knows how long it will last like this.

I think Papaw came up with a perfect name for Spencer! He asked him last night if he had ever heard of a TWISTY Bear! Yes, it IS perfect for him! I love that little twisty bear though! He is rotten!

Nicholas took Mamaw to the bedroom for some private bear tales! Tooo funny! He likes to hog her that is for sure! and will shhhhhhush her when she talks too loud! He doesn't want Spencer to know what they are doing. It is funny!

You know its when Nicholas is sort of ok that gives me too much time to think. Its hard to be truly happy when your child is slowly dying. I have to be happy to keep him happy and Spencer is dealing with a heavy load too. He is all ears. Nicholas is a happy little lark most of the time. He was talking about Camp Sunshine and was sad...he told Frances that he was sad because of Maria! Did he say this to me? NOT! He told me he was sad because I had to change his trach! I did change it Sunday and he told me that he was terrified! It went in smoothly and he was all smiles then! I did talk to him about Maria and told him that Maria would not want him to be sad but HAPPY! He didn't even ask me any questions.... but I think he already knows it all anyway! Spencer tells me he knows everything all the time! Tooo funny! I am thankful that God has given us this time with Nicholas. To see a pure soul full of love, happiness, and he has touch my soul beyond words. A perfect gift from God that just radiates love. I just pray for more time with him.

Praying for miracles, acceptance, and grace,

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 6:59 AM CDT

Want An Autographed Poster?
Click on the link and bid today! Most of the proceeds go to FARF! Tax Deductible Donation!


Spencer had a half day yesterday but came home a little droopy! He didn't eat lunch and then went to sleep and slept all evening! He woke up and ate and then was forever going to sleep! Then was awake at 3 am! Fussy and was hungry! Eating jello at 4 am this morning! He woke up Nicholas too! We should have all gotten up! Jeff is suffering from allergies and hadn't slept much anyway! I'm sure we will all be in fine form today!

Nicholas is clearing his throat amost continuously! I think he is getting strep but so far he hasn't developed a fever. His coloring isn't the best but overall he is doing ok, except for the grumpies! Grumpy Bear! He is now on "Read me a story...."to Mary and Marci or anyone that calls! He told Marci she had to read him 5 books next time and that was last night! I don't know how many it will be tonight! If you call and do not know a bear tale then be prepared to read a book! Jeff says he is like a teenager, grabbing the phone and talking all the time! He has also been answering out of area calls! I'm going to have to ban him from the phone!

Jeff and Spencer were talking Sunday about how he was growing up! Spencer said, "Dad, it won't be long until you are my children's grandpa!" Jeff said, "Whoa! Wait a minute! You can stop right there!" Too funny!

Pray for all the FAmilies. Pray for the children that are traveling through this life but enduring tremendous amounts of pain and suffering. Pray for patience, understanding, acceptance, endurance, strength, and wisdom.

Pray for miracles,

Monday, April 3, 2006 7:17 AM CDT

Want An Autographed Poster?
Click on the link and bid today! All proceeds go to FARF! Tax Deductible Donation!


Ok. I'm so surprised! I knew I loved my baby but I didn't know that you all loved him that much too! What a wonderful idea Ms. Lynn Worley! Congratulations to Busykymom and Singersrus for your winning bids on the posters! Thank you from the depths of my heart! If you will send me a photo of you and the poster, I will put it up here on the site! I have relisted another one! If they start the blood drives this quarter, I may have some more to put up for auction but this is the last blood drive that will be going on in his honor. They will get a new poster child for the 3rd quarter! Hopefully, someone will get me some!

Ok now on to the more important update on the little Boggs Bears! Spencer did have strep throat! According to Nicholas he has "A strepped throat!" That was too funny! Spencer responded really quick to the Omnicef but guess what? HIVES! He broke out with a few on Fri evening! Benedryl did the trick and put him to sleep real early too! Then guess who was up Bright eyed and bushy tailed on Saturday morning! I mean like 5:30ish on Sat morn! Guess who wasn't bright eyed!!!!? He wanted me UP! Guess who had a back in major slipping mode? Guess who was feeling so much better and was rotten all day! Yep, I'm happy he is feeling better! He was a totally different child on Sat and Sun! He overheard me saying that chicken pox was going around at school and didn't want to go this morning! He doesn't forget anything!

Nicholas has had a pretty good weekend. He is so pale though and it is worrying me! We walked for a short distance and he was tuckered out! He turned so pale and just didn't do anything for a while. I can see a major difference in him. He is very tired and a little grumpy bear! He sounds congested but isn't running a temp. I'm scared he will get strep too! I think we are going back and trying the Androgel again. I'm not looking forward to that but hopefully he will respond this time. Yes, I'm still wanting a miracle! He did have burst of energy and played ball outside with Sissy Bear and Candy. He and Spencer went to the barn and I took photos of them peeking out the top! You can barely see them but they are still cute!

Praying for peace for the ones that have lost loved ones, miracles and blessings,

Friday, March 31, 2006 7:34 AM CST

Want An Autographed Poster?
Click on the link and bid today! All proceeds go to FARF! Tax Deductible Donation! Closes on TOMORROW!!!

We did get platelets last night for Nicholas. He seems to be doing ok! He did have 3 hives at the end of the transfusion.

Spencer is running high temp and I believe he has strep throat. We are going to dr this morning!

Keep praying for miracles!

Thursday, March 30, 2006 7:10 AM CST

** Transfusion! Platelets! Coughing up some blood and bleeding around mic-key button. He has also pulled his line a couple of times this week and I think that has irritated it. The button is now loose too! It may last a week, maybe not!
Want An Autographed Poster?
Click on the link and bid today! All proceeds go to FARF! Tax Deductible Donation! Closes on Saturday!


Good news on Joyal Wayne, all is well with his heart! Prais the LORD!

Nicholas had a cbc yesterday and his plalets were down to 27, hgb already down to 9.9, and anc was 645! I couldn't believe they were already this low and he was just transfused a week ago. I'm bummed to say the least! But, he seems to be ok except he was playing on a rocking chair and slipped out of it and it hit him in the back of the head. It was just a small bump or I guess I would have panicked! I also noticed his face is broken out! I'm not sure what is going on there! I'll have to keep a watch on him and see what develops.

Spencer helped Dad burn off the garden yesterday evening. He thought he was something in his "mud boots!" That is what he named them! They look like Dad's boots! He was all smiles but didn't sleep worth a hoot last night! He was crying out every couple of hours and I was a yo-yo last night! Now, my eyes are!!!

Miracles, Healing, and Blessings,

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 8:12 AM CST

***Whoooo Hooooo! Spencer won! the Mathathon contest! He brought in the most donations! And won the 50 video game plug in!**** Thanks to all of you that donated! I can tell he is beaming from ear to ear!

Missed your chance on the poster? Here is another one to bid on!

Want An Autographed Poster?

and there's 6 more hours left on the magnets!
Want A Bone Marrow Awareness Auto Magnet?

Nicholas is still doing pretty good! He did well in school last night! Ms Phyllis was pleased. He is just a little on the "Instant Mad" side if things do not go his way! Last night Spencer answered the phone when Sissy Bear called and broke Nicholas' heart! He did not like it one bit! I had to call her back and let him talk to her! He was wanting them to come up and play hide n seek!

Spencer is still doing great! I think the antibacterial hand wash is breaking out his hands! They look scalded! He has always been sensitive to some dyes and I guess there is nothing like soap and water! he is still working the Mathathon! on 2nd grade level now! He is just too smart! I love that little booger though! I did tell him that Maria was now in Heaven. He did fine with it. He will probably ask questions when he has thought about it for a day or two.

Jeff told Nicholas Sunday and Nicholas just dropped his head. He thinks totally different than we do! He knows she is fine now! He knows she is out of pain and not suffering! He is smarter than we are! We are suppose to rejoice when a loved one goes to Heaven and morn when there is a birth! When will we ever get it right?

Remember Joyel Wayne, he has a blockage in the lower part of his heart and goes for a catherization on Wednesday, tomorrow! He has been having some chest pain and all the ekgs were showing up ok! Sharon finally got an appointment in Kingsport and they found it! Thank God she did.

Maria will be laid to rest today at 11 am. Peace and rest at last.

Miracles and Blessings,

Monday, March 27, 2006 9:48 AM CST


Missed your chance on the poster? Here is another one to bid on!

Want An Autographed Poster?
and there's one more day on the magnets!

Want A Bone Marrow Awareness Auto Magnet?

Nicholas is a little grumpy today! He got up too early I guess! He was running a low grade temp last night and sounds like he is getting congested. Laryngitis or something? Who knows! Its always something.

We had a big birthday dinner yesterday! It was for Joel, Wesley, Eric, and Stephanie! Yes all of them in March! Whoo hooo! It was sooooo good! Since it was too cold and snowy, Nicholas had to stay home but Spencer had a ball! He has been a pure ham all weekend! They have both been hilarious!

Please remember Maria's family in your prayers. The wake is tonight from 6-9 pm and burial tomorrow at 11 am.
Remember all the chilren with FA and their families. We are all at different stages but all on the same track! Some have more heavier loads, some have less, but all the engines are still pulling along the tracks toward Home. Praying for the empty cars. Praying for the families just aimlessly mosing along without direction, without hope, without a cure on the horizon, trying every side track in hopes that it will lead to a miracle.

Blessings and Miracles,

Saturday, March 25, 2006 4:37 PM CST


I must say I was totally shocked at what the other poster went for but I truly thank you from the depths of my heart for bidding. If you missed out on that poster, I do have another one and here is the link and the bidding has just started! Please keep trying! Thanks to Kathy for your bid and your company matching bid! That is totally awesome!

Want An Autographed Poster?

Maria has passed from this earth and taken her heavenly flight. I did get to tell her I loved her via the phone. I don't know if she heard me but at least I did get to tell her that Nicholas and Spencer sent hugs and kisses too. I did try to make it there before she passed away but hardly got started when I called them again.

Rest in peace Sweet Little Ms Fireball! You were an inspiration to many FA children. Your spunk and desire for life was an example for us all. I thank God I was able to tell her all of this while she was living!

Speak to your loved ones and let them know you love them! Encourage them!

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Friday, March 24, 2006 7:40 AM CST

**Now, Nicholas and Frances were talking about Camp Sunshine and he told her that we were praying for Maria but he couldn't think of her name. He made Frances call me and asked what her name was! Maria isn't responding now, please pray for her and her family....

Want An Autographed Poster?
Today is the last day to bid on the poster!!!!! Be sure to check it out today!!!

Nicholas finally got his little red cheeks last night!!! Yes, I thought he was feverish! It is never ending! I'm forever checking him and Spencer! I guess my instincts were off the other night! He is congested though! I had to give him extra breathing treatments yesterday.

Yesterday, Spencer wore his little brown boots and his legs had red places on them! I asked if they hurt his feet!!!! He said, "Mom, I ignore the hurt!" Oh man! I immediately hid his brown boots! He will have to wear his black ones! I showed them to him and he asked if they were his! I said, "Yes! These are the ones I got you for Christmas!" He said, "GREAT!" Today, they had character dress up day! He is going as Scooby Doo! He looks so cute in it! We tried on "Clifford" but it was too small! He is growing straight up! Everything is too big around the waist and too short in the legs! I'll have to fatten him up some! He had nightmares last night and I was up and down with him until 2 am, then at 4 am, Nicholas started coughing! Needless to say, I'm so tired and sleepy today.

Pray for Maria, she is now on hospice. Pray for all the ones takin treatmenst of some type. Pray for all of us that need a major miracle for our children. It never leaves our hearts or minds. We are continually searching for meds, ideas, however remote and in constant prayer.

Blessings and Miracles,

Thursday, March 23, 2006 7:17 AM CST


Nicholas did get platelets and red cells! Thanks to the donors....he received 0- in each!!!! He did well and did not have one single hive! Thanks for praying!

His xray was ok. PTL! He left the hospital singing and acting crazy! At 11:30 pm! The nurses were cracking up! Nicholas was exhausted though! He slept through the night and I only heard him turn over once!

Spencer was happy to see Mom this morning! He jumped in my bed and had a big smile! "Good morning Sunshine!" He just patted me and hugged me! Sweet little kisses to make my day!

Mamaw's report was final as an major problems! Thank you Lord for that miracle!

Please continue praying for a miracle for Nicholas,

Wednesday, March 22, 2006 9:22 AM CST

**Platelets are 10k, hgb is 7.6. Yes we are going for both tx! and a chest xray. He is really pale but hopefull will be rosy red cheeked by tonight! Pray it doesn't take forever!

Happy Bidding!

Want A Bone Marrow Awareness Auto Magnet? Please bid and donate to FARF! Thanks.

Want An Autographed Poster?Click on the link and bid on Nicholas' autographed poster! It will be a tax deductible donation and all the proceeds go to FARF! Please help find a cure! BE A PART OF TEAM NICHOLAS! It's over $100.00! Wow! Nicholas sign it last night! He has no thumbs but did a wonderful job and actually made some curly ques on his letters! He is so funny!

Yes, he was feeling fiesty last night! Acutally, felt lots better than I expected! He ran a low grade temp yesterday and was droopy for the most part of the day. Today, the nurse said his lungs sound cruddy and he is coughing up some bloody tinged sputem. She thinks he needs an xray. I'm sure we will go for transfusions today......both red cell and platelets. Did you donate any blood? Did you donate platelets? I pray someone did.

Please go donate where ever you live! Someone is getting chemo in your area and I'm sure will need that blood! or platelets! They have never thrown away any platelets that were donated! Please make an appt today. Tell them Nicholas sent you! Ok, inspired you!

Spencer is ok too! He and Nicholas played and played yesterday evening.

Will post the counts when they are back.......
Blessings and Miracles,

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 7:54 AM CST

Want An Autographed Poster?Click on the link and bid on Nicholas' autographed poster! It will be a tax deductible donation and all the proceeds go to FARF! Please help find a cure! BE A PART OF TEAM NICHOLAS! It's up to $96.00! Wow!


Nicholas is very nauseated. He has been since Sunday. I'm not sure what is causing it but my gut feeling is that he is getting sick again. I told Robin that his culture would probably be positive again. Yes, I've just got a feeling something is going to happen. I hate these feelings. I guess I should thank God for the premonition. It definitely makes me more aware of every little symptom! He is running a little temp this morning but that may be due to low hgb! We are going to repeat labs on Wednesday, unless he starts bleeding somewhere. I'm on pins and needles with him jumping around and playing! I finally said, "Who wants to work on the computer?" Well, of course Spencer wanted to work the Mathathon again! He has one of the addition grids memorized! Nicholas wanted the phone! He was in Bear Tale Heaven! Sissy Bear AND Mamaw!

Guess what!? Frances and Spencer were looking out the window at a snow storm! School dismissed early! It looked like a blizzard! Spencer asked, "Is it Christmas?" Frances said, "No, its the first day of Spring!" Spencer said, "Someone's got it mixed up! Don't they?" Ha! Well, it melted off and is now raining! School was on regular schedule this morning! Tooo bad Sissy Bear!

Remember all the families that are making major decisions. Pray for the Lord's guidance and His sweet touch.

Praying for cures and miracles,

Monday, March 20, 2006 7:56 AM CST

**Platelets are 12k!, hgb-8.1, and anc 960!


Want An Autographed Poster? Click on the link and bid on Nicholas' autographed poster! It will be a tax deductible donation and all the proceeds go to FARF! Please help find a cure! BE A PART OF TEAM NICHOLAS!

Thank you for all the contributions to Spencer.........drum roll.........for a grand total of $605.00!!! Thank you for helping us give back for the services Nicholas received! May God richly bless you! They LOVE that cd! It has some games on it too but they don't do the games, they are doing the math!!!! Spencer went on to the 1st grade! He remembers the answers though! Nicholas was doing a little grid and Spencer remembered the number sequence! TOOO sharp! He is so cute! He will put an answer in the wrong place just for fun! And then has a little sneaky grin on his face and will just giggle when I say something! He is rotten!

Nicholas cbc results will be sometime today! I dreamed his platelets were down to 6k! He is very pale and has lots of petechia all over his face. His energy level is down but we had a wonderful weekend! Mommy really needed it! I love being at home with my babies! Got lots of sweet hugs and kisses! Ummm, mmmmm, mnmmm! Wonderful giggles and sparkling eyes!

Pray for Charisse, Maria, Ty, Jordan, Will from Md, Nc, and Ky, Joanne, and Mamaw Bear! She is recovering slowly!

Pray for cures, miracles, and thank God for His blessings,

Friday, March 17, 2006 7:43 AM CST

**Please donate online for St. is the last day....Thanks to all who have contributed!


Happy St. Patricks Day! Spencer got it in his head that he was going to be pinched! I had told him about wearing green sometime last year! Last night, he decided he didn't want to go to school today! I mean he was so serious! I explained that he wouldn't get pinched if he wore green! Then I told him he would have to remind me to wear green too! That made him feel better! He didn't have any problems this morning and didn't even mention it! I told him I'd go and eat lunch with him!

He LOVES the Mathathon cd! He went back on it last night under a different name and on the 1st grade level! He did well! I'll just let him continue up the grades if he wants too! He is so sweet! He and Nicholas took turns working on it last night!

Nicholas' cbc came back with platelets down to 32k, hgb 8.6, and anc 1448. No, it isn't really doing better, just been a week since he was transfused! Oh how I wished his counts would be higher on Monday! That would be wonderful!

Pray that his counts will go in the opposite direction...UP! Pray he will continue to tolerate the transfusion....Pray the doctors get some divine guidance and come up with another medicine to try......better yet...Pray for a miracle.

Happy Birthday to Joanne:
and Will: nc/will

Miracles for all,

Thursday, March 16, 2006 10:18 AM CST


The boys are rotten! Spencer made it his day to pester Nicholas in every which way possible! Frances said he was a wild child! I'm so happy he is feeling better! He was so full of himself yesterday evening! I put in the St. Judes Mathathon cd and he worked every problem in no time flat! Only a few wrong and he did fine after I showed him what he was was on a Kindergarten level! He did super! He was so funny! It plays music and he would sit there and dance while answering the questions! Hmmmm, maybe that contributed to his energy! He didn't settle down until after midnight last night but that was due to a little nap too late in the evening! Then, Nicholas did the Mathathon too! It was on 2nd grade level and he is working on it today too! He loved it too! They are just the most precious boys on earth!

Do you like that song playing? Turn up the volume! Thanks Ms Marci and family for the Song of Love! It is wonderful!

Mamaw is home! Yes, she came home last night! Still weak but seems to be on the mend. Praise the Lord!

Nicholas informed Frances today that he was "Going home!" He said, "Mom will be so sad and cry." Where does he get this from? They were laughing and playing and out of the blue he says these things! I'm sure the good Lord is tired of hearing my pleas for a miracle but I just have to keep asking, begging, pleading, crying, and praying. Yes, I'm still being worked on! He's the potter and I'm the clay. Molding me and making me what I ought to be. I'm still in the rough! He has a lot of work to do! He gave the disciples power over the sickness and diseases....surely there is someone somewhere that still has that power, that gift to heal, that believes...... I'm not talking about all these fake healers in the land that I wouldn't take my dog to! I'm talking about God fearing, faith believing, spirit filled, bought by the Lamb prayer warriors, bible believing, that worships a true and living God! That has the love of God in their hearts and the GIFT of healing in their hands.. It is a gift! If you have that gift, please help us pray.

Healing and Miracles,

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 9:22 AM CST


First, Praise God for "no cancer, tumors, or polyps" report. Second, Mamaw does have some irritation in her colon..maybe colitis, crohns, or a virus. They did biopsy the area and will know those results next week. She has lost lots of fluids and now her electrolytes are messed up, which caused confusion and a just about caused Sissy Bear to have a heart attack! They had to give her potassium and she was much better this morning! I'm much happier!

Now, the main bears are on the mend! Spencer is feeling much better, no major temps yesterday but now is real congested and coughing. Nicholas seems to be ok.......coloring isn't the greatest!

Please support Spencer by this Friday with the St Judes Mathathon...send them to: 11824 Lyons Fork Road, Coeburn, VA 24230.........Thanks! Or email me with a pledge if you cannot get it in the mail......I would appreciate it!

Lord, thank you for your miracle this morning. We are like little birds with our mouth wide open waiting for the morsels! Hmmmm, maybe I need to close my mouth and pray harder!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006 7:22 AM CST

**Pray hard, Mamaw is suffering terribly. I cannot stand to see her like this! She is so weak and trembling. Her test is tomorrow! Pray for all of us!
Spencer is feeling some better and eating...Nicholas now has diarrhea. probably the medicine!
Thanks for praying........


Well when it rains at our house, it floods! No Marci, I know it isn't really flooding but trouble is........

Spencer does had the full blown cannot keep anything down but liquids......high fever this morning around 330. Please pray that he feels better soon. Oh, it breaks my heart to see him this sick!

Now on to Mamaw! Mamaw is in the hospital with severe abdominal pain. The ct scan showed that she has gall stones and diverticulitis. They are doing a colonoscopy either today or tomorrow. Please, please pray for her.

Nicholas so far is doing pretty good. No signs of flu yet. He was in school yesterday and was suppose to write a sentence about a judge. He said, "The judge is the boss!" Ms Phyllis and I were talking and she looked back at Nicholas paper and he had written...."Nicholas is the boss!" Eyes sparkling, tummy jiggling, and laughing so sweet, he knew he had done something cute! Ms Phyllis burst out laughing! He is something else!

I know God has a plan. I have to trust and turn it all over to him.
God Knows,

**If you haven't donated to Spencer for St. Judes, please do so by Friday! Last day is 3/17/06. Thanks to all who have donated! Click on the link above and check it out!

Monday, March 13, 2006 7:07 AM CST

Good Moring,

We actually had a good weekend for the most part. Then, on Sunday, Spencer was really droopy with fever and had a rash on his chest and back. His temp went to 103.4 early this morning and we are going to dr after while. I think it may be strep. He has only complained with a headache.

Nicholas' face flushed up last night too! I just hope and pray it isn't too serious for either of them! Just pray that whatever it is, we will get the correct diagnosis....
It definitely isn't an antibiotic reaction!

Blessings and miracles,

Friday, March 10, 2006 8:59 AM CST


I'm sorry to say that last night was so stressful!!!! Leaving me totally drained and washed out! BUT yes, I'm fine! Nicholas' transfusion went wonderful! Nurse Cindy was there and hooked us up really quickly and the transfusion was just about over with when Nicholas made a funny sound. I jumped up and knew he was having one of those bad gas spells. I put the extension tube on him to vent but nothing would come out that g-j tube! ARG! He ended up throwing up, face flushing, blood pressure and temp shot up, and scared me to pieces..... but no hives!
He was acting nauseated on the way to the hospital like he has fluid on his ears. He would gag when we went over the mountain and he has been sick this morning too. But he did get his platelets on board! Thank God for the person that donated O+ Single Donor Platelets on 3/06/06. You are a real jewel! Thank you!

Spencer has more sponsors!!!! Thank you all! That was so exciting to check this morning!!!!!! I hope he wins the BIGGEST FUNDRAISER for St JUDES!!!! We went there, we know so many poeple that have gone there, and now do not have leukemia anymore! Praise The Lord!!
If you want to sponsor him, please let me know your pledge if you do not want to give online......THANKS!

Pray for Maria, she is in lots of pain. Pray for all the children that are suffering with all these different types of cancer! We now have 193 cubs in the Prayer Bears! And that is just the ones under 13 years old!!!!!! Please join and help pray for these children and families. Click on the link above and fill out the JOIN OUR GROUP information. God will Bless you!

Lord, we still need miracles but do thank you for the blessings we have each day.

Thursday, March 9, 2006 8:28 AM CST


Well, his cbc is as follows:
Platelets are 13k,
Hematocrit 25.8,
Hemoglobin 9.2,
and ANC is 1620

We will be transfused sometime this evening with platelets.......and that, in turn causes a temporary drop in his Hemoglobin....

I was so in hopes of his counts going back up! Maybe next time!

Spencer went to the Library on a field trip and then to MacDonalds to eat afterwards! I just didn't feel like staying! I now have a terrible cold...

Thank you Lord for your Blessings on me and for the miracles of every day,

Wednesday, March 8, 2006 8:45 AM CST


Spencer received his ST Judes Mathathon package yesterday! This is the first time the pre-k has ever participated! Please donate in Spencer honor! IF you want to donate online, please follow the link above. Coeburn Primary is the school and Spencer Boggs is the one you want to sponsor!!!!!! Please help! This is our chance to give back to St Judes! Nicholas was first diagnosed and we were there for services for about a year! It is INCREDIBLE! God Bless YOU!

Now on to my other celebrity! He is rotten! I think the Tobi nebs are making him hyper! Last night again, he was still up and playing at mid-night! No wonder I have an awful headache! Right after the treatment, he was singing to the top of his lungs! Now we were all in bed, lights off, and here he was.....singing! I said, "Nicholas, quieten down and go to sleep!" He said, "I was singing!" Me: "Ok, What were you singing?" Not really breathing good and having to take a breath between each word and sometimes each syllable, he sang to the top of his lungs and I realized what it was......."Tha nk you Lo rd, for your Bless ings on me!" Shut me up proper! Oh, what a jewel! What a pure joy! Here I am....feeling like a snake having to look up to see dust and here he is the one that has to go through all of this medical stuff and he is singing Praises to the LORD! It should be so easy to Thank the LOrd for His blessings.......but the Devil definitely doesn't want us doing that!!!! He wants us to look at all the cons! I'm putting my blinders back on! Not looking at the bad! Just to the Jesus Blessings! Hmmm, when did I take them off? What sidetracked me? I have nothing to even complain about! My goodness, I am still taking lessons from my baby! Thank you God for two precious, greatest, most wonderful, loving, gracious, kind, and sweetest gifts that are pure blessings! Thank you Lord for your Blessings on ME!

Every Day is a Miracle! Thank you God for the Miracles bestowed on my family!

Tuesday, March 7, 2006 1:58 PM CST


I guess I can update this late can't I? Overall, Nicholas is a little droopy and on the grumpy side at times. Sometimes he is laughing and lots of my sugar away!

Jumping up and down today, he called to Franzy! "Franzy! Franzy! Come here and look! There! See it! Its the cloud I've been waiting for!" Frances look and saw a big white fluffy cloud.......that's all..just a cloud. If only we could see what he sees! If only we were looking up, like he does. If only we had the faith of a child, we could see more. We look through a glass darkly. We need the scales pulled off our eyes and allow the light of the Lord to shine through, then we would see. We cannot see what God is doing. We cannot see what God has done or what He will do in the future. We only see what is happening now. In the moment of time...a small segment of life. In the scheme of things, we have to deal with what is happening now. We cannot see the future. Making the most of every minute, loving every smile, cherishing every hug and kiss, remembering it in detail, heart photos for rememberance.

Miracles, Miracles, Miracles and More Miracles,

Monday, March 6, 2006 9:35 AM CST


Nicholas had a good weekend! Spencer has been sick! Started on Saturday with a runny nose and sneezing! Face really flushed on Fri evening! Ah, it just keeps on happening! Bless his little heart! I don't think he will be able to tolerate the cold very much! He slept on Sunday and last night all night through! He is a real trooper!

Nicholas is a trooper too! He just keeps on trudging along! He doesn't complain except said his eye was hurting this weekend.....If I can keep him from getting Spencer's cold, it will be a miracle! I wouldn't let him touch the same computer or anything! Trying!

Pray for all of us! Spencer that he feels better, Nicholas that he gets a miracle, for Mom and Dad that we will have grace and strength to get through all of this! With our hair intact! With a sane mind! Well, I can hope can't I?

Praying for miracles,

Friday, March 3, 2006 7:42 AM CST


Nicholas was feeling pretty good! He felt good enough to quarrel at Kim! Oh, you should have heard him! It was hilarious! Kim couldn't help but laugh! It sure made me smile! He ran a low grade temp all day yesterday and is still coughing some but other than that he seems ok. He was a little on the pale side....

Yesterday was Parent/Teacher Meeting and I went by to speak with Spencer's teacher. He is now reading on a 2.4 level! They cannot believe it! He is the only one in the Pre-K that is reading at all! I couldn't believe that! He still is having a few little stubborn spells but other than that, he is a pure joy at school and at home! Precious!

Now on to a serious thought! If LOVE could grow bone marrow, it would be oozing out Nicholas ears! I have nothing else to offer him but love. I am powerless. I am helpless to "fix it", and no matter how hard I try, its not happening. I can't make him well. I can't make the marrow to grow new cells. I can't stop the marrow from dying. I can't make it grow! I can't do anything to help my baby. All I can do is pray for Jesus to touch him. It is all in His hands.

Franzy just called and Nicholas is covered in hives AGAIN! I can't stop the hives either! Is there hope? Without divine inspiration to the drs to come up with a miracle drug to get the marrow to respond, then no. Without the touch of God, no. God IS able, God can if its in His plan. God will in His time. My time is now! God can be 4 days late and still on time!

Praying, begging, pleasding, crying for miracles,

Thursday, March 2, 2006 10:01 AM CST


Home health nurse said Nicholas' lungs sound good this morning! I about fell over! Oh, I'm glad! He is doing some better today, just clearing his throat continuously!

Spencer didn't want to go to school this morning! He had a backpack full of reading material and activities that he had to take back and he wanted to keep them! Bless his little heart! He wouldn't wear the clothes that I chose! Oh no! Little hard headed youngen! Wonder who he takes that after!? Dad says Mom! Mom says Dad!! Ha! I guess he has a double dose! Lord, please help us!

I just heard from a Camp Sunshine volunteer that cannot be at the FA session! Nicholas will be devastated but hopefully we can connect up on the way back home! That would be good! To think he is going on a 30th Anniversary Cruise! Ahhh, That is worth it! 30 years! Wow! Congratulations are definitely in order! To Mr and Mrs Joel F Angelico, Congratulations and Best wishes for a wonderful cruise! God has bless you all with 30 yrs together and we will pray for 30, 40, 50 more!

All other volunteers better get ready for FA session on July 21st--24th this year!!!! We are looking forward to seeing you all again. Praying that Nicholas' health will allow us to make it!

Elisabeth is home from the hospital! Sending big hugs and kisses to her! Jo is home but really needs to be back in the hospital! Pray that her pain eases up. What these children and adults go through are beyond comprehension!


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 7:29 AM CST


I guess Nicholas was just freezing because he didn't spike a temp or anything. He was actually laughing and playing really well last night! He was feeling good! He is still on antibiotics. I listened to his lungs last night and they sound horrible! Not full of fluid put popping and crackling! His secretions are really thick but I know he was up a couple of hours early yesterday! We will just have to add saline into his trach several times during the day to keep his lungs moist! He is wanting to eat! Everything! Anything! Breaks my heart! Of course, I gave him some last night and he didn't cough once! He only ate a small amount of chicken gravy! He got the taste of it anyway!

He is feeling a little bad this morning. A little grumpy!
Puckering up and crying a little on the phone. He is feeling a little off today....

Conversation Yesterday:
Nicholas asked Franzy, "Who was your baby sitter?" She told him her Mommy didn't work. "Was your Mommy mean? Dad mean?" She told him, "No, they were really good and I loved them." Then she told him that she really missed them. Nicholas said, "When I leave, I'll cry...because I'll miss my Mommy and Daddy, but I know they will be alright." "I'd say your Mom and Dad miss you too!" Then, the conversation turned to Heaven. Did he even hint any of this to Mom? NOPE!

Maybe that is why I just about had a total melt down in Wal-Mart! It just all came crashing down and I barely held it together! I think it was the clothing. Then, when I had moments alone at various times, I'd just pucker up but couldn't scream like I felt like doing. Just prayed for strength continuously. Oh, the pain and heartache is tremendous right now and I do desire your prayers.

BUT most of all, please pray for Nicholas and all the other children that are going through tremendous amounts of pain. They are the super heros! Pray for the empty arms, we lost another FA patient, Taylor. nc/jeff also passed away, remember his wife and family. Too many...

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 7:20 AM CST


Whoooo hooo! We broke a record! 2 hours and 15 minutes from the time we stepped into the hosptial, received his platelet transfusion, and we walked back out! Definitely a record! It was due to a good RN! She knows Nicholas, they all do!, but she knows and loves him! She was getting him out of there as fast as she could. But then again she said something about getting home in time for a TV show that wasn't even going to be on!!! So, there may just be an indication of why it went so fast! HA! There was a child that came in before we did with the flu! With Nicholas' ANC low, I was terrified.

Now, this morning, he is chilling! He did have hives during the transfusion and I had to give him another dose of Benedryl. He was major grumpy last night! I mean major! Just pray for the protection of the Lord to be on him today.....

Pray for all going through treatments, finished, or needing them. Pray for Spencer's little girl friend, Elisabeth from GA, she is in the hospital with the flu too.

Thanks to whomever donated O Platelets on the 22nd, Nicholas really needed them! Thank you for a wonderful gift. If you donate in Nicholas' honor, please let us know! I may just start a list! They are the true heros!

Lord, we still need miracles,

Monday, February 27, 2006 6:57 AM CST

*****Platelets are 9k....I was guessing 8! and HGB is 10.5...ANC-140, yes, it is 140, too low!! We will be getting a transfusion this evening if platelets are available.


We have had a big birthday weekend! The best bear tale teller had a big 77th birthday! Happy Birthday Mamaw! We love you! We gave her a surprise birthday dinner and I don't know how on earth we surprised her! It did turn out well and now everyone is full, fat, and sassy!

Trossie is doing much better except for the soreness! She is on the mend now and we thank you for your prayers. God is merciful once again.

Nicholas has petechia all over his face and has had since Saturday. I'm sure he will get transfused with platelets today. I was worried and called home health to let them know if I called back that we would need a cbc! He didn't cough up any blood thank the Lord! He was playing yesterday with Sheena and Wesley and just laid down in the floor! He was tired! Oh, it is heart breaking. I did have a time telling Spencer to be careful all day yesterday! Whew! Nicholas still ended up with lots of bruises! He just won't stop or slow down! Still wants so badly to wrestle and tickle, and play rough! Spencer is feeling fine and just full of life! Flipping and flitting around everywhere!

Did I mention his blood culture came back positive? I wasn't expecting that one and felt like it hit me like a ton of bricks. He was put on antibiotics Friday evening. Another round!

I'll post the counts when I get them! I hope she is there really early this morning so we will get the results faster!

Praying, Believing, Hoping, for miracles!
Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Friday, February 24, 2006 6:40 AM CST

**Blood cultures came back positive!! Oh, it never ends! Now, its back on antibiotics again!!!


Trossie did come through surgery ok. She had one bypass. The Lord has been merciful again. Her arteries are small and it burst when they installed the stint and it just didn't heal. They were taking her off the vent last night when we left. I took Mamaw and Papaw to hospital. Thank God all is well.

Nicholas and Spencer were asleep when I got home last night but I did get to talk to my baby this morning! He was so sweet! He was talking in his sleep, laughed and said, "Did I scare you Sissy?" He is going to do the St. Judes Mathathon! If anyone would like to sponsor him, let me know! They are letting Pre-K participate this year!

Nicholas' cbc came back with Platelet at 29k, hgb-10.8, and ANC of 1960! Thank God there is enough marrow left to stimulate the white cells so he can fight off infections. No sign of any more hives but that doesn't mean he cannot break out today! We just take it one day at a time! Nothing else left to do except pray, as if we haven't been!

Pray for an unspoken request. God knows. Pray for continued healing for Trossie. Pray for salvation for our family. Broke my heart! I do thank God for Mom and Dad and for them raising us up in a Christian home. It's up to each individual to seek out their own salvation. When we stand before God on judgement day, it will be only us and God. We can't wait on someone else or blame someone else for what we didn't do.

Praying, pleading, begging, asking, crying for miracles,

Thursday, February 23, 2006 7:26 AM CST

*Pray for Trossie, my sister in law. She has to have a by-pass done. They tore an artery when they put in a stent and it isn't healing. Keep praying!


New G-J tube changed and holding! Nicholas is petrified when itis loose! The SAME dr changed it out this time too! I did get to have my say! He was some nicer this time and could tell I was sort of aggravated to say the least! I told him next time he better listen to Momma! I'm sure he will!!!!!! LOL! He didn't believe me and put water in the balloon to check it himself and it didn't leak one bit and he was shrugging his shoulders and pursing his Hmmmmm, she is crazy! I said, "Here let me show you where the hole is!" I proceeded to show him and squirted water everwhere!!! Yes! He believes me now and is going to show the manufacturer! He kept saying, "They should last forever!" I said, "Well, I'm not doing anything to them!!!!" I'm sure I had my hands on my hips too!! Then he was super nice...while I was explaining to Nicholas each step the dr was doing, he said, "You could put one of these in!" I just laughed! Honey, give me an x-ray machine and I won't even bother him again! LOL! Yeah, right! I could replace one though! I know what to do and the xray tech didn't! That's life though! I guess Experience IS the best teacher!

Spencer just couldn't bear to miss a thing and went with us! He worries so much when we are gone! I understand and miss him too! It actually helps to have him with us, that way I know what he is doing. They both were so exhausted and slept most of the way home! and Spencer slept through the night! He woke up and wanted me to sleep with him around 3 and in a really cute sweet voice asked, "And where's my chocolate milk?" Awwww! Of course, he got his cmilk! He was in a great mood this morning too! He just bounced around everywhere yesterday! Too cute!

Pray for all of us, we are all exhausted!
Pray for Nicholas, Franzy just called and said he now has hives all over his body!! He didn't have any yesterday!

Praying for miracles, peace, and understanding but mostly for grace to get through,

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 7:02 AM CST

***Nicholas is now breaking out in hives! I do believe it is 5th disease! Thinking back while we were at Cinci, Spencer's face did turn red but I thought it was from the fever! It has to be viral! Please pray that the hit on Nicholas' marrow isn't too suppressive.


Well, I looked at Spencer's belly last night and the spots are still there! They had totally disappeared but now they are back! They are really faint but visible! The ER doctor said the shot would last for a week! Well, Benedryl will help I hope!

Spencer was in fine form last night! He was bounching off the walls! Actually, swinging on the Nicholas' feeding pole and knocked it over, causing great panic! Pulled the already loose G-J tube and Frances had to add more water to the balloon! We are barely keeping it in! I'm not sure how much longer it will last. We are waiting on a replacement date! Nicholas was so mad at Spencer! He fussed and quarreled at him! He is very protective of that G-J Tube and immediately grabbed it so it wouldn't come out. Thank God he did!

We were looking for one of the brush attachments for the vacuum cleaner and couldn't find it anywhere! I thought I was being smart and asked Nicholas if he knew where it was! He thought for a minute and much to my surprise said, "You know those pink flowers in the living room? I hid it in them!" It was too funny! I asked him why he did that and with sparkling eyes he said, "To aggravate you!" See! I told you he was rotten! Thank God he feels well enough to be rotten!

Pray for Baby Theo's family, the Helberts. Theo passed away yesterday. He was 9 months old and had a brain tumor. Oh, that is so heartbreaking.

Congratulations to Brandi and Greg Stewart on the birth of their twin girls, Hannah and Brooklyn! Blessings!

Pray that the Aranesp stimulates the small amount of marrow that is left.
Little is Much with God in it!

Monday, February 20, 2006 8:00 AM CST


Well, the weekend began with Spencer waking up too early on Saturday morning! Then, he began scratching his back and saying, "I'm itching!" I looked and guess what! He had broken out in hives! I stuck him in the tub and gave him a bath and noticed more popping out on his tummy, face, and back. I gave him a dose of Benadryl and it seemed to help but made him sleepy! He slept and about 2 pm, he begin to break out again! They would erupt then fade away and leave a little red speck! This was ongoing Sat and Sun! He seemed to be feeling ok but looked pale to me Friday evening, that was my only clue! I stopped his Amoxicillian and talked to the pediatrician that was on call. He said he was possibly having a reaction to Amoxicillian! I ended up in the ER with him Sunday evening and they gave him a Decadron shot! By last night, he hardly had any on him! My goodness, he is such a big boy! He didn't even cry when they gave him a shot! He only whimpered afterwards! He said, "Mom, I hate that place!" Every time he has been to the dr, he has gotten a shot! It's no wonder! I was so proud of my big little man! I'm just thankful that Nicholas was fine and totally rotten! One at a time! Whew!

Nicholas on the other hand was fine and no mishaps. He sounded a little dry last night and didn't sleep well! I could hear him all night long, making noises! We will be getting bloodwork on Thurs this week. Dr Harris wants to continue the Aranesp for a while yet! Pray it begins to work. One little funny thing happened this weekend! He lies down on the couch and settles in for a long "Dial Mamaw Bear Tales!" He was playing with a bear and I asked him if Mamaw was still on the phone! He said, "Yes!" then picked up the phone and said, "I'm back, Are you there?" I realized he was just mocking her when she gets another call! I couldn't help but laugh! Mamaw had no clue what was going on! He had just put her on "HOLD!"

Awwwww, the precious moments, smiles, actions, sweetness, sayings! Precious! Precious Boys!

Praying for all the empty arms, ones on treatment, and the ones that need treatment and don't have any choices left to try.

Praying for Miracles,

Friday, February 17, 2006 7:10 AM CST

Attention Vermont Residents!
Please go to a BONE MARROW DRIVE! For the FLYNN Family in Maine! Jordan, Jorja and Julia all have FA. Jordan is nearing tranplant stage with her counts. See them here:
Click on the Bone Marrow Article or the Twins Photo to view a video of them!
We are doing one in Okemo, MT Vermont this weekend, actually on Monday, Feb. 20th and I am going up to that one. The Department of Defense helps coordinate these for us and gets people registered free of charge!!!!


Well, what can I say? 10 hrs, platelet, and red cell transfusions later, my imp was back! He began smiling and playing! Making faces! Flirting! Super Hero Nicholas Tales! Ahhh, I was so happy to see my baby back! You can ask Sissy Bear about the prior actions and just had bad he was acting and feeling! I did get before and after photos too! I'm just too tired to think at this point!

I do have good news! I went to pick Spencer up yesterday and his teacher told me that he was reading on a 2nd grade level! 2.3 to be exact! I'm so pleased! He is a sweetheart! He did get to stay home and ride his bike outside yesterday evening! He also ate a sweet pickle and mayonnaise sandwich? I guess!

Thanks Sissy Bear for going after dinner last night! I forgot all about eating until my tummy reminded me! The chocolate came in handy too! *sleepy smile*

Still believing in miracles! Praying for one!
Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Thursday, February 16, 2006 8:11 AM CST

**Ok, major scare! Home health had just given the Aranesp, Franzy got Nicholas up and in the living room. He stopped breathing! She ran and got the HH Nurse and they had to deep suction him and clear out the mucus plug that had the trach closed off. He can still breathe via his nose but forgets that and panics! My theory is...his bigger trach is drying him out some and creating the plugs, thus he will need more moisture.....
Now, he is fine and we are all panicking!


Nicholas is running a low grade temp but that could be due to low HGB. Home health is there now and I'm wondering what his counts will be. I'll update maybe a little later.

My mind is just in a you can imagine only if you have tried numerous medicines and nothing is bringing his counts up. I'm clarifying now....if your child has counts around 50k....please start medicines to boost the marrow while there is marrow there to boost! If it continues on the downward are running out of material to work with or stimulate. ESPECIALLY, if you cannot go for bmt or do not want bmt.

Spencer is fine! He came home with a bruiser on his lip yesterday from an accident on the playground. Another little boy's hand or finger hit his mouth! Another little boy hit his head and had to go see the nurse! Must have been a rough day! or all the children had cabin fever!

Praying for miracles, I have more faith in God for a miracle than I do in a Successful BMT! Yes, we may have to decide to go to bmt but that would be the last alternative! God works in mysterious ways......maybe even through transplant! Who knows! We will know when the time comes.

Blessings and Miracles,

Wednesday, February 15, 2006 6:44 AM CST


I went home yesterday to VALINTINES! Bunches for Nicholas and Spencer! Spencer said they liked his Valentine Box! I did get some photos and will post them shortly if I get a chance! Marci, the boys loved their box of goodies! The bears, as big and beautiful as they were, took second place to the books! They couldn't even look at them for looking down in the box for the books! It was so funny but I didn't have my camera handy! Nicholas also sneaked into the M&Ms! No, actually Dad opened them for him! He didn't even hardly nibble at them. Thanks to all who sent cards, Racquell, MaryAnn, your continued support does not go unnoticed! Thanks!

He is just not feeling well. He did want to play on a mattress in the floor! I told him he couldn't rough house, and he asked, "But Mom when can I?" It's hard to answer all the "When can, jump, run, wrestle?" questions! I told him he can eat when he doesn't aspirate anymore! His response, "You've told me that a thousand times!" Ha! Too funny!

Kathy, we will definitely miss you as you go on your mission trip! We will be praying for you though! Thanks for giving blood!

Pray for all the ones on treatments of some type! Pray for Clay H, that the platelets will begin to hang in there longer!

I keep looking up on the shelf, but I realize God is everywhere!
Blessings and Miracles,

Tuesday, February 14, 2006 6:46 AM CST


I don't know if you noticed the cbc results yesterday. Yes, they came yesterday and will come again on Thurs too. His hemaglobin was down to 7.8, platelets 40k(they were post tx, 123k on Wed, the 8th!), and ANC is 494. Yes, overall they are all low. His lymphocytes are up and that indicates he is fighting off something! He was droopy yesterday!

Last Friday, Nicholas motioned for Franzy to lean over to him. She thought he was going to kiss her. He said, "Look up there! Do you see it? It's white with a cane." Frances noticed he was pointing up to a shelf that had brown bears on it! He wanted her to move the bears! Frances couldn't see it! She told him "Ah, that's just your guardian angel!" Sounded like "The Good Shepherd" to me! Of course, he hasn't said a word to me about it! No, he won't either! He is trying to protect MOM!

Spencer was back to his wonderful, loving, little self yesterday! He loved on Nicholas all day long and on Franzy too! Back to eating good too! He has been wanting to sleep with us the past couple of nights! Last night, he was back in our bed around 4 am! I know he knows when Nicholas isn't feeling well and he worries about him too! Too much for one little guy to process!

Did I mention Nicholas' mickey button is loose again? The dr checked it and it was fine! No wonder, I had already put more water in the balloon! That is the dr that needs a heart transplant or bed side manner transplant! or just a dose of iv sweetness! Maybe that is what I will suggest instead of slapping him like I'd like to! Ah, he brings out the worst in me! Yes, that means another trip back to Cincy! I will go in with it hanging to his knees so he will listen to me next time! Ha! Nah, I wouldn't do that!

Praying for miracles for all the ones getting treatments, finished with treatments, or need them.

Maybe if I get slap-happy out of my system, I can see the Good Shepherd too,
Praying for forgiveness and miracles,

PS: For Valentines Day, make an appointment to GIVE BLOOD! Let me know!

Monday, February 13, 2006 7:31 AM CST


Well, overall his marrow is down to 0-15 percent cellularity! About half of what is was last year. No leukemia or chromosome changes and we thank God for that.
Questions are running through my mind.....I won't depress you with them..just from a Mother's heart type of questions and continual prayers for a miracle. The "Why" ones just do not come to my mind, I believe that is all in God's plans and not for me to question. He IS the Giver of Life and it just ain't over until the Big Guy in the Sky says so! Nothing more to be said. AMEN! God is good All the time and All the time God is good! Ann, that always brings you to my mind! God's Will, not mine be done. How on earth can I feel that way? Because, I trust GOD, not myself! I am totally helpless, but God is ABLE!
Able to heal broken hearts, Able to heal Fanconi Anemia, Able to heal Leukemia, Able to heal the blind, Able to speak and Peace comes, Able to mend broken homes, Able to feed the hungry, Able too do anything........what is your need? Take it to the Lord, He alone will give you the "peace that surpasses all understanding."

He was feeling droopy over the weekend again and had a temp of 100.4d! It is very nerve wrecking! One or the other seems to be sick all the time. Spencer is now on antibiotics! He is taking them really well! I was so surprised! He thought he only had to take them for one dose! He is feeling so much better though! He was rotten yesterday! It was good to see him that way though!

Nicholas did get a bigger trach size and it is just a little harder to vocalize! He was aggervated over the weekend! He had to take a breath between each word. He was furious and puckered up so pitiful! He said, "I didn't want a new one!" He is able to get more air in and more junk out! He is getting lots of thick yellow junk out! I just hope and pray he isn't getting what Spencer had!

Pray for Clay Hart, he is rejecting the platelet transfusions, Pray for all the children and adults taking treatments.

Blessings and Miracles,

Friday, February 10, 2006 7:55 AM CST


I see Sissy Bear stole my thunder! Yes, he had a humming along just going from dr to dr, all running behind, kind of day, autographing posters, flashing smiles, dimples showing, and major flirting! Major droopy though but smiling through it all... He knows THE SECRET! Thanks Heidi for that email.

Nicholas wasn't feeling the best Monday or Tuesday, would actually lay his head over on me! I know he isn't feeling great but overall, the Lung specialist words were, "I was pleasantly surprised!" I knew the lungs had to look better but not according to the junk he was coughing up! The invasion in the lungs and tummy are now resulting in bloody secretions but hopefully that will diminish today. He was up at 4 am, coughing and acting so sweet while pottying! He is rotten! He is coughing some this morning and saying he is tired. His hgb was down to 8.4! I was devastated! Does that mean the Aranesp isn't working? I don't have any other choice but wait and see.

Spencer on the other hand is feeling horrible with ear ache, runny nose, coughing, and temp! Ahhh, it never ends! The change of atmosphere and RSV running rampid everywhere only indicates he may just have rsv. He was some better last night but woke around 4 am with ear ache. Pray for him to feel better soon!

Happy Birthday to DAD! Yes, today is Jeff's birthday! Spencer came in the other day and asked me if he was 21! Sure Dad! Tell them you are 21 but that won't work!!! Ooops, that would make me 19! Hmmmm!

Begging for crumbs, praying for miracles,

Wednesday, February 8, 2006 6:27 PM CST

hey, just talked to Donna. Nicholas is sleeping; he is worn out from all the testing today..,,they say he is looking better than he did last visit. His platlets are down to 14 and hemoglobin is down, too, so I guess they will be going for transfusions by Mon.
They are coming home tomorrow. I don't know if Nichols will know us or not!!!! He was busy yesterday autographing his pictures on the posters!!! He was humming and signing!!! He loves all that attention! Can't you just see those eyes sparkling and those dimples shining?! Gosh, how I miss him; I have stayed away since my "flu infested" husband has been home!!! It sounds like he has bugs and not "the bug"!!!!OH, well...
Spencer is droopy, but is doing well overall; he is not missing school!(????)and has not mentioned coming home. Usually, at dark he wants to go home.
Donna will be back, so tune in Fri. for an up-to-date account on the celebrity.
Remember them as they travel home tomorrow.
Sissy Bear

Monday, February 6, 2006 10:57 AM CST

hello. Sissy Bear here!
Nicholas and family are in Cincinnati; they will be back Thursday. Nicholas has 2 full days of testing. Please remember them in your prayers.
sissy bear

Friday, February 3, 2006 7:31 AM CST

*Franzy(Nicholas' calls her this!) just called and said Nicholas is chilling again!


Well, Nicholas is still feeling great! He is so pesky! I actually haven't seen him like this in forever! He is rotten to the core! I love it! He seems to be in fine form! He is looking a little pale but his Oxygen saturation is 98 percent! Better than low 90's!

Spencer and Nicholas were playing together last night and I just sat and listened to the chatter! I absolutely love just listening to them playing. Pure music to this Momma's ears! Trying to soak up every minute, filing them away in the Heart Memories folder! How can I hold on to all of them? How can I capture their personality? They both are so precious.....

Spencer is having a hard time right now, processing everything... He told Nicholas that If he could, he would take his PICC line out and throw it away. He would throw away all the PICC lines everywhere...
I know he is having a hard time with all of this so please pray for us. Pray for me, it's breaking my heart but I know he needs to express himself. I told him to tell me anything but not in front of Nicholas because he hurt Nicholas' feelings. I know some of what he is saying is normal sibling sayings but they are breaking my heart! I guess when you are tired and washed out it doesn't take much!

I was telling someone about how well Spencer was reading and looked around and he had a huge smile on his face! The power of words is phenominal! They can really boost someone's ego or shatter their heart into a million pieces. Be careful what you say to your children. Pray that I will have the right words to guide Spencer through all of this. Pray for guidance and peace in all our hearts..

Praying for all getting treatments too. Pray for those needing treatments of some type. Pray for miracles to the ones that cannot get the treatment they need. Pray for God's peace that surpasses all understanding in the hearts of the parents.

Only by God's grace,

Thursday, February 2, 2006 6:59 AM CST


It seems that Nicholas is BACK!! Full force, pure IMP! He was feeling so much better and laughed all day long! I was trying to get him dressed and he would throw his underwear and I would try to catch it! He would burst out laughing! Once, they went up in the air and sailed out into the hallway, much to his extreme delight! He was in rare form! Yes, I LOVED it! Ms Marci was on the phone with him during this time and she kept telling him he was silly! He definitely was! Believe me, a much needed change of scenery! Needless to say we didn't get much accomplished yesterday but we had fun!

Spencer came home and was happy Mommy met him at the bus! He loves for me to be home and didn't want me to come to work this morning! He was feeling a little off yesterday evening...I think he had been interrupted during his nap! We did get to work on his Valentine box though! Nicholas has to have one too! Just wait until you see the photos! They are so cute!

Guess what! I received a call from Home Health and they apologized for what happened. I think I figured out a remedy......we'll see. Pray that all goes smoothly.

Praying for all the ones getting treatments. Pray for all the children that cannot get any more treatments. Pray for Miracles for them and for Nicholas.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Wednesday, February 1, 2006 9:03 AM CST


Well, we are home as of yesterday around noon thirty! I guess it had to be the most horrible visit yet! I was already exhausted and still had to be up again most of the night! Hawk eyeing the med nurse! AUGGGG! Horrrible experience! Let me back up! We went to register and there wasn't an order! No faxed orders at all! I just about blew a fuse! I knew Dr H had ordered them early because he knew Nicholas was sick and wanted him seen by dr! I decided to leave work early to get him to hospital by 4 anyway...I guess I didn't do my usual checking to see if the platelets had been ordered! Like it is my job! to check on everyone else! I shouldn't even have to do that!!!! THEN, as we were leaving the lab to get a chest xray, they told me that Dr Begley wanted me to go through the ER! Yeah right! My immediate response was...He will be up on the floor getting his platelets and if he wants to see him...he will have to come to us! I'm not going through no ER! on top of all this other! Yes, I knew Nicholas wasn't feeling any good at all and I also knew it was viral! Anyway, I could see it on the x-ray! I knew what was going on......No I'm not an x-ray tech but I can use common sense and see a lot! Duh! Besides Nicholas was admitted because of the x-ray! Well....needless to say nothing happened after that for 3 hrs to say the least! When Dr Begley ordered another antibiotic, the med nurse came into the room with the sniffles and she decided her nose needed wiping! I'm not kidding, she started to hook up his meds without gloves or washing her hands! I know my eyes were big as saucers and thinking back, I was a true Momma Bear! I got between Nicholas and her! I told her his PICC line had to be cleaned for at least 30 sec and I did it! Then I reached for the medicine line and hooked it up myself. I told the House Nurse that she had to wear gloves before she hooked up anything else! That should be standard anyway! When she left the room, Jeff asked if she came from housekeeping! I knew then I was in for another long night! That was just the beginning....I don't know if you even want the boring details.....I'll just put it this way...Nicholas has to have heated moisture and they do not have any heaters anymore, all the hospitals have gotten rid of the heaters! No heater=Nicholas's secretions were very dry and turned into mucus plugs and very hard for him to cough up! Dry mucus = tearing away from lungs = bleeding= Momma's nighmare! Anyway, I think you get the picture! His temp spiked to 103.7d during the night and finally came down! He was chilling most of the night! Whimpering and having to take in extra air(was on O2 too) with a very panic striken look on his face! Yes, definitely terrifying. He finally went into a deep sleep around 4 am.

We came home and I hooked him up to his moisture! About an hour on it, he began coughing up lots of junk! He has had several bad gas spells and ends up throwing up! Now, I'm petrified that his Nissen has come undone. He began feeling better and up running around playing and even had school last night! He wasn't totally up to par but did great! He didn't cough at all last night until early this am! He has had a rough morning but feeling much better! He is back to his old rotten laughing self! He hasn't ask to eat since I wrote about how hard it was to turn him down.....I guess I jinxed him. I would much rather he be asking for food instead of being sick!

That is all for now! More later and maybe never! Who knows! I'm sure everyone is tired of our roller coaster! Thanks EVERYONE for your prayers. I knew you all were praying and that really helped! Thanks Prayer Bears for being just that...a PRAYER Bear! If you pray for us and are not a prayer bear, feel free to join, just fill out the Form on JOIN OUR GROUP on

Spencer is still Spencer! He took an accelerated reading test and made 100 on it! He is too smart!

Pray for all the ones on treatments!
Pray for all of us!

Praying for Miracles...Hey, his Hemoglobin (HGB) came up .3 points! I'll take it!

Monday, January 30, 2006 9:12 AM CST

**Nicholas platelets are down to 8k :(
Temp went down but is going back up! We are going for platelet transfusion and chest x-ray... Storm Heaven on our behalf please.


A very sleepy hello at that! Yes, Nicholas' temp has reached 103.3d this morning and I have fought it all night long. He has had breathing treatments and meds around the clock! Waiting on cbc results today.....know he will need some platelets! Around 5 yesterday evening, he turned really pale and a couple of hours later, his eyes started watering and nose running! By 8 he crashed! He looks really bad and so nauseated! I think he has what we had! I do think its viral.....his lungs sound a little junky but I don't think its pneumonia! Hopefully, his fever will break and he will get his platelets at some point today.

I received a call from school that Spencer was sick. Well, another little girl threw up and that caused him to throw up! Puke party! ARRRRGGG! Then he screamed his head off and cried his little heart out when he had to go home! He wanted to stay! Bless his little heart! He is so torn up dealing with all that is going on! Pray for my precious Spencer too. Its hard for a little guy to deal with these big issues all the in and day out!

Pray for all the FA adults and children..they face tremendous decisions. Them or the parents definitely need God's guidance. Pray for all of us.

Praying for Miracles, peace, comfort, and no more throw ups,

Friday, January 27, 2006 8:02 AM CST

**Temp...100.2d! Never ending cycle! Please continue the prayers....

*check out new photos! Introducing...Nicholas Evan Mills!

Good Morning,

Nicholas' cbc results........Platelets at 32k, Hgb 10.1, and ANC 1470! Will check them again on Monday. I wish they were higher! He sounded a little off with his breathing or something trach related last night! I'm praying he doesn't get what Spencer and I have had! That would be really rough on him. This morning he coughed and sounded congested too. Pray I can head any more colds off! He is beginning to look pale and dark around the mouth with periods of blueness around the mouth...That anemic look that is so haunting! I hate it!

Spencer did go to school today! He was raring to go this morning! Bless his little heart! I can't wait to hear about his day! He will be so hyper and talking ninety miles an hour! He is so sweet! Gave me the biggest, bestest bear hug and kiss this morning! Just made my day start out wonderful! I will just have to replay it several times today! Hmmmm, Hmmmm, Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Remember all the ones taking treatments...Ms Clara has 2 more chemo sessions and she is through! She is getting some symptoms so pray for her. Remember Robbie, his counts are beginning to climb again, PTL, Praise the Lord.

Praying for MIRACLES,

Thursday, January 26, 2006 7:01 AM CST


Nicholas was still up to his impishness again! He hasn't felt this good in so long! He was just bouncing until I mentioned school! He didn't want school because I was the teacher!! He actually did pretty good...he did a page of math, which meant he did 85 problems in a hour! They were simple and he should have finished sooner! Mr. Stubborn! Then Mr. Super Hero Nicholas burnt the paper and pencil up! He was so proud of himself afterwards! One thing I noticed, his hand gets really tired! He hold the pencil with two fingers and he doesn't have much strength in them!
He then read me a book and did really well! His teacher is going to be surprised when she sees that math page!

I kept Spencer home again today and he is UPSET!! He wanted to go so bad today! There was suppose to be a new little girl there today and that is all he talked about yesterday! His cold in his chest seems to be breaking up and I didn't want him to get worse! Needless to say he was broken hearted this morning. He did really well last night and I could tell he was feeling so much beter! Hopefully, he can go tomorrow!

One problem I'm having to deal with is Nicholas wanting ot eat! It is breaking my heart! He is aspirating on everything he attempts! Including chocolate icing and everything! He keeps asking, "Mom, When CAN I eat?" I keep telling him when he doesn't aspirate anything anymore! He says, "You've told me that a thousand times!" Then will turn around and ask for something else. "But I'm so hungry!" "I really would love to have some roast!" or some....bread, cake, mashed potatoes,..any and every thing in site! Ok, I give in and give him roast...but tell him he has to stop when he starts coughing! He ate some and told me....."I didn't cough Mom!" indicating he wants more roast! Then, he asked for some paper and Dad told him he could have it if he didn't eat it! Nicholas said, "I wish I could eat it!" BROKE my heart! He seems to be aspirating more and more! In case you don't understand the situation totally...aspiration = pneumonia! It is a continual battle, keeping him as healthy as possible. eating vs pneumonia, eating vs broken heart, feeding him vs broken heart, hungry vs pneumonia, hungry vs broken heart! Get the picture yet? I can't not feed my baby! Period! Its very hard and I hold off as long as possible! At least he can taste the juices of the roast! He doesn't swallow it anyway!

We are getting blood work today.......cbc and giving him his second dose of Aranesp! I'm guessing....platelets at 36k! Hope they are higher! They actually should be higher! They drop at about 17k per day! Oh, will we see the HGB staying up in the next 6 weeks? I pray so!

Praying for all getting treatments everywhere! Praying for miracles, blessings, and peace of mind and heart. Thanking God that Joyel Wayne is feeling better and out of the hospital! He had the flu, type A and B and pneumonia!

Miracles are in the making,

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 7:10 AM CST


Nicholas is feeling great! He is a pure little imp! He was aggravating Sissy Bear last night! Wouldn't let us talk privately! He would turn the speaker phone on and cackle out laughing! Giggling up a storm! Eyes sparkling, rosey-red cheeks, pure little impishness pouring out of his dimpled smiling, giggling face! Absolutely beautiful sight to see! Ahhh, if I could have captured that on film! Priceless!

Spencer on the other hand didn't feel well at all! He was very pale and nose running! He started chilling and wanted me to hold him. I wrapped him up in a blanket and we snuggled for a while. He fell asleep fairly quick and ran a temp all night long. He is coughing some and sounds really croupy! He has what I had! He seems ok during the day though! I kept him home from school again today. Pray for my baby to get over this cold and feel better soon. I was up every couple of hours checking on him and gave him meds around the clock! Bless his little heart! It is so hard to see him sick! It breaks my heart!

When we got home from Cinci, Spencer told Nicholas..."I was going to pray for you but I forgot!" Oh, that sure brought a smile to my face! He is so honest! He went into this big tale about being down at Sissy's house and ..... I have no clue what he was talking about! Then, they were talking about the next trip! Nicholas was trying to talk him out of going! It was hilarious!

I'm still feeling like I have jet lag without even flying! BUT I'm FINE! It is amazing how one little episode will zap the strength right out of you! Too many episodes together I guess will do that too! I know! I know! God won't put more on you than you are able to bear! With that promise, I can stand strong! God is good all the time!

Don't forget to pray for miracles for all the ones on treatments. We are humans and want an earthy healing. If you have health, don't forget to count your blessings.

By God's Grace,

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 8:03 AM CST


We are home and very tired! Nicholas was the usual trooper and did a super job at holding still! He is awake and very much aware of what is going on during this procedure! He is a Super Hero! The PICC line team really bragged on him! The Dr said that he is the BRAVEST little man that she has ever seen! She said they usually have to put 7 yr olds in a papoose! Nicholas was very still and didn't kick at all! He cried and would say "OOOwwwwl" but didn't protest very much at all! It absolutely broke my heart! He was very scared but overall, he did a super great job and now is sporting a new PICC line in his right arm! The 9 month old, Mommy contaminated one is now history! The blood cultures are negative so far! God smiled down on us and blessed my ignorance! Yes, I did a no-no and shouldn't have put the PICC line back in! I had about two seconds to make up my mind..I knew his platelets were down to 9k the day before and he had to get his transfusions....and getting an iv in would be horrible on him for he is a hard stick....I just reacted on impulse! Be it wrong or whatever, it was done. I'm still reeling from it all! Thank God for my insight on not going the evening before......we would have been there all night long with no drs available for consulting..Thank God Nicholas' blood isn't contaminated! Oh, that would have broken my heart to think I could have caused it!

We woke up this morning with Spencer running a 101.1 temp! He didn't go to school and is home with Nicholas and Frances today! I gave him some meds and his temp came back down. Pray that he gets better soon! I can't stand for him to be sick either! His lungs sound clear but he is really congested! I'll be taking him to dr if he gets any worse!

Now, on to the others! Pray for Robbie, he is having some complications! I don't know why I didn't call them while we were there! I just didn't think I guess! Sorry Brenda! I just wasn't thinking straight! We will try to get in touch next time I'm there.

Praying for all those taking treatments. Nicholas did start the Aranesp without any complications! Pray it will work! We should see some results in 2 to 6 weeks! What a long wait! But will be worth it if it works!

Praying for Miracles,

Saturday, January 21, 2006 8:14 PM CST

Hello. Sissy Bear here.
Yes, Nicholas had to go for transfusions Fri. They arrived about 9:30 A. M. While he was in lab for blood work, his pic(sp?) line came almost all the way out; the nurses would not touch it! Donna put it back in. Then an x-ray had to be done to make sure it was in the right place. It was!! Meanwhile, a call was made to Cincinnati PIC Team to determine if it were contaminated or not( it is considered contaminated, so it has to be replaced. They are to be in Cin. Mon. for a new one.) It was 12:00 before they heard anything; he could have the transfusions, but also, had to be given an antibiotic afterwards since it was contaminated.
They returned home at 9:30 P. M. A 12 hr. ordeal!!! My sister was exhausted by everything; Nicholas had a ball squirting water on all the nurses and had them recruiting others who still had dry clothing, even one former student of mine who is working at the hospital as ....hmmm....head of one department, but works in different areas, kinda of like head honcho. Nicholas has no respective persons; if a doctor had walked in, so what?
Needless to say, he made me promise to come by; I went(yes, he has me wrapped around his little finger, too!) and spent some time with him before picking up Spencer at Miss Clara's house. Spencer and I came home, ate chicken with Ranch dressing, and played Hairball Bowling!! Donna problably thinks I am warping her child, but we had so much fun, especially, Spencer. He scores higher than I. Oh, well.
Hopefully, Donna will be back to update Tues. unless Cincinnati decides to hire her!! My sis is something else!!
But, she still needs our prayers for strength, courage, you name it. Pray for a safe journey up there and back. Pray for Nicholas, Jeff, and Spencer, too. Each has his own need; God knows what each needs.
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!
Sissy Bear

Thursday, January 19, 2006 7:16 AM CST

**Platelets are down to 9k, hgb-7.1, hct 20.1, and anc-1066
Yes, transfusion bound.....I think I'm numb.......just functioning.........


Well Mary just called and Nicholas is starting to cough up blood. He coughed too much yesterday! Last night, he was really nauseated and cough quite a bit and then again around 1 am. Coughing gets the junk out of his lungs but with low counts it is horrifying! I'm so scared he will rupture a blood vessel.........I know! I need to practice what I preach! I need to Let go and Let God! Yes I know that but the fear of the "What IFs" keeps creeping in through a crack somewhere! Just pray for God to cover my mind with peace and Nicholas with Miracles....

We are getting a cbc today......Probably will have to have both platelets and red cells.....when is the question! Nicholas is very active and seems to be feeling good! Just a little off color and short of breath but he is not acting like he usually does with low counts! It is definitely amazing me! He was actually a little hyper last night! Bouncing on top of Sissy Bear so she couldn't leave! It was funny! He was sitting on top of her and wanted her to talk so her voice would viberate while he bounced! He was cackling out laughing! He is so sweet! We did get to play Hide-N-Peek! He and Spencer just cannot help but Peek when she goes to hide! Tooo funny!

I think Spencer rather enjoyed his day home yesterday! Mary spoiled him I'm sure! Spencer actually slept through the night without crying out one time! Guess who had the nightmares! Yes, Me! The dreams seem so real! I had to make myself realize I had not run over a child! I was so thankful it was a dream! UGH! I woke up at the usual 4 am and checked on Spencer, he was sitting up but not saying anything and then went back to sleep! So did I.

Praying for all going through treatments of all types! Too many to name but Clara is on my heart! She just lacks three treatments now totally and will be free from them. Her counts are falling so she may have to have transfusions too. You never know when you donate blood or platelets who will get them. Please make an appointment and give!

Hear my groans Lord, please......

Wednesday, January 18, 2006 7:21 AM CST


Well, Nicholas continues to run a low grade temp! I'm not sure what is going on! He is irritable at times but for the most part, he is singing to the top of his lungs and being a pure little stinker! We are holding off as long as possible on the transfusions! He isn't acting like he normally does with low hemoglobin! I guess as I said yesterday, his body is getting use to the low counts or he is tolerating them better or both!

I went home yesterday to Nicholas crying his heart out! Spencer had turned the big (overhead) light on and he wanted it off! That threw him into orbit! That kind of irritability is very nerve wrecking! I guess it's by the grace of God I still have hair left!!!

Spencer didn't sleep well last night and neither did I! He is home today and will get to take a nap! Snow or Black Ice closed the schools today. They will have fun today! Mary will have a very nerve wrecking day keeping Spencer from wrestling Nicholas!

Frances came through surgery just fine! PTL. She called last night and said she missed the boys something furious! She has fallen head over hills in love with them. I'm waiting on her daugher to email a photo on Nicholas' namesake! I think if have some of Evan, his first namesake! I'll post it when I can find it!

Pray for all the children and adults going through medical issues! Nicholas' Uncle Darrell is still on Oxygen and just about ready for a lung transplant! Pray for him and his family! I'm trying to talk Heidi into creating a website for them! I'll post it when it is up and running!

Miracles, Lord, we need miracles, grace, patience, and........

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 7:12 AM CST


The boys were in fine form yesterday evening! Nicholas had school and did well! He isn't coughing up blood or anything yet but I'm expecting Mary to call me any moment and say, "I'm suctioning out blood!" Those dreaded words that pierce the heart! He actually was feeling pretty good last night! He was singing and laughing yesterday while playing with a paper plate!! He can be amuse with the simplist of items! He is a hoot! I don't know how on earth he felt like doing school work or concentrating but he did great for Ms Phillis! I have to keep reminding him not to run! I guess he is tolerating the low counts better than before!

Spencer brought home a book that he had picked out from the library. He read it without a hitch! Mouse Paint was the title! We all enjoyed it! It was cute! We also decorated his snow girl! He named her Elisabeth after Marci's little girl! I thought was so cute! I'll post a photo when I get it downloaded! He was telling us that one of the little boys in his class thinks girls are gross! I asked him, "Do you think girls are gross?" He said, "NOOOOO, I think they are beautiful!" Ask and you get the answers you don't want to hear!!!!! So sweet and precious when he blushes!!! Aaaaahhhh, the sweet innocence of childhood!

Pray for all the children in the hospital, taking treatments, or only have cancer to worry about, meaning they have had their bmt and gotten the marrow issues overwith......and cancer is no picnic.

Pray for the Kern family, two brothers died in a car wreck.

Praying for miracles,

Monday, January 16, 2006 7:28 AM CST

***Platelets are 14k, hgb-7.8, and anc is 640! He is definitely fighting something! Will need both platelets and red cells this week! Probably....

Good Morning!

Nicholas' weekend was a good one! He is still coughing up lots of junk but seems to be feeling better. He is getting up early and going to sleep earlier! He seems very tired! He is also getting petechia on his face so I'm wondering were his levels will be today! I'm guessing his platelets are 16k. Wonder how close I'll be..... according to how they fall, he wouldn't have any at all by today.......His coloring has been a little of everything this weekend! He has been pale, dark around the mouth and eyes, and back to pale. He has also helped take care of me this weekend!

I've been really sick with a sinus infection. My head hurt the worse it has ever hurt. I havn't had any energy and slept off and on all weekend. Thank God Dad was there yesterday to pamper me! He cooked, cleaned, and fed me dinner-on-the-couch! He is a sweety pie! No, he don't have any brothers left for the taking either!

Spencer had to help take care of me too! He would go by pat me on the head, and give me a kiss! I soaked it all up! He is so sweet!! But I've had a time keeping him from bruising Nicholas this weekend! That sounds like he is beating up on him but he doesn't! I'm talking about hugging and squeezing him! Or just plain old playing! Wrestling! Oh! What a weekend! Me droopy and keeping Nicholas from running and Spencer from wrestling him! But I'm FINE!

Like Nicholas told Frances last week........"I'm going to have worse days like this!" Now where on earth did that come from?

Nurse just left, his oxygen sats was 97 and his temp was 99.7! AARRRGGG! I listened last night and I thought his lungs sounded much better! The nurse did too! He has been running a low grade temp all weekend long! He has been digging under his dressing and actually scratching through the clear dressing until it bleeds! He has so many places on his arm, it is hard to find a place to put the picc line securement. He is so sensitive to the tape and sticky dressings, they break him out and it itches! This is a continual battle for me! Keeping his arm free from infection, blisters, and his fingernails!

Please remember all the ones taking treatments or need them, whether its chemo, white cell boosters, red cell boosters, platelet boosters, marrow boosters, mental illness treatments, or faith boosters!

Could you possibly be a faith booster to someone that really needs a prayer partner? IF you have that gift, please join the Prayer Bears and start your ministry today. Adopt a cub and be faithful in prayer for them and their family.

Oh, Jesus, please let today be Nicholas' Miracle DAY!

Friday, January 13, 2006 7:17 AM CST


Well, what can I say! Nicholas lungs were sounding better BUT they do not now! They sound very rough, both of them! He is coughing up more junk during the day and again through out the night last night! Breathing treatment at 4 am this morning! We will have to do more breathing treatments through out the day! He was really blue around his mouth last night and short of breath! He seems to feel ok, just doesn't look well. He was still playing and wanting to wrestle with his Dad again! He does have some bruising on his legs though. Been a week today since he had his platelet transfusion! His last red cell transfusion was on the 19th! We will get another cbc on Monday.

Yes, I went to eat lunch with Spencer yesterday! He was so happy to see me! I, then read them a book! "Tom and Alley Go To The Doctor!" Just the subject I wanted to read! I could have written the book!!!! Their subject this week is DOCTOR! One thing they have to do is let Spencer hold up the letters so the others will get a chance to say what they are! His teacher is starting him in a accelerated reading class! He gets to school early and she is going to use that time to let him read! He is reading everything he can get his hands on! The children decided they were going to fire me from my job so I could work at the school! That was too cute! They are all so precious!

Now on to the prayer request! I have an unspoken request and the Lord knows all about the situation. Please remember this young lady in your prayers and her family too. Pray for all the children and adults taking treatments! Also, Frances will have surgery next week so remember her! Mary Bear will sit for me! Nicholas told Frances that he would miss her and that he always prayed for her when she wasn't there!

Lord, we don't even know what miracles to ask for! Hear our groans!

Thursday, January 12, 2006 7:28 AM CST

Good Morning,

Well, Nicholas coughed too much through out the night last night! I don't know what is going on! His temp seemed to disappear! Thank you for the prayers! His blood culture was negative at 24 hrs, and his cbc came back with his hemoglobin at 8.1, platelets at 76, and ANC of 1344. We will get another on Monday and will probably start the medicine then too. We are trying to get both at the same time and the stability of the medicine is the problem! I'll have to talk to the pharamacy myself before I can get everything coordinated. Overall Nicholas is pale but energy level seems ok. He was dancing around last night and wanting to rough house with his Dad! He will laugh too hard to do anything though! He cannot do a thing when he is tickled! He will laugh and get all of us laughing! I LOVE to hear him laughing! So mischieveious, eyes sparkling, and giggling to high Heavens when he feels good! Rotten! and sooooo lovable!

Spencer slept for about 10 hrs last night! He was a little grumpy yesterday evening! He came home with his Mamaw and Papaw yesterday! I knew he would want to! And I knew they wouldn't be able to resist him! Mamaw read them a story and all the children wanted her to read to them too! It was precious I'm sure! I don't think Spencer wanted to share her though! He just had to read to her when they came home! He is so sweet and precious!

Mamaw's glucose last night was at 320!!!!!! Pray that she will do better! She loves sweet stuff! No wonder I do to!

Pray for all the ones taking treatments. No one knows the horror or worry until you go through them on a personal level! Pray for options, miracles for the ones like Nicholas that do not have any.............

Praying, begging, pleading for Miracles,

Wednesday, January 11, 2006 10:30 AM CST


Nicholas is still running a low grade temp this morning. They came yesterday and did another blood culture and a cbc but I didn't call before I got on here this morning! Nicholas has been IM with Jo for a while! He loves those smiley faces! He will put up the silliest ones! He is too cute! He seems to be feeling somewhat better though. Still congested some but on the mend slowly. He had a tooth that took forever to come through the gum, maybe the temp is from that! Rather it be that than an infection in the blood! Oh if it could be simple like that!

Spencer's lunch date today is with Mamaw and Papaw. Mamaw had fluid taken off her knee yesterday and is suppose to stay off it! She just had to go see Spencer though! That's Mamaw for you! She would do anything for her grandchildren! She is the best GM in the world! All her grandchildren can say that! She has kept them all at some point or another! Nicholas is probably the least but that is because of his condition! He has never stayed all night down there. Spencer has and LOVES it! Why is Mamaw and Papaw's the best place on earth?

Please remember Clara as she goes for her chemo today. She isn't feeling well and sort of nervous about it. She has been so blessed! She has had very little nausea with all these treatments! The GCSF causes her some joint and hip pain but overall, she has done really well. Nicholas has never complained with anything with the GCSF, and he has taken it for 1.5 years!

Well, we will probably start the Aranesp next week....keep praying.....
His Highness is beckoning! I have to get his bath over with and he is going to tell me a bear tale!

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 8:57 AM CST


Nicholas didn't rest well last night either. He was chilling this morning and not feeling well. I still wonder if we are on the correct antibiotics! He's feeling better but still not 100 percent! He is droopy today.

We will get another cbc on Thursday. AND begin Aranesp, a medicine to stimulate the marrow into making red cells. This hormone is actually made by the kidneys, erythropoietin, and it stimulates the marrow to create red cells. Nicholas has only one kidney! Brainstorming, I requested an erythropoietin level on him and it was high! Who knows? But we are giving him more to see if it will stimulate the bone marrow! It can cause high blood pressure too though. Pray it works without bad side effects. Yes, this is another route to try to get his hemoglobin up and his red cell count up. Praying that it will create Platelets too! I know it doesn't normally but I AM praying for miracles here! Why not platelets too? I told you, desperate parents will do anything! Including wonderful crazy side effects such as platelets!

Spencer enjoyed his Dad eating lunch with him yesterday on his first day of "Featuring Spencer Week!" Today, Mary Bear will visit with him! He will enjoy that too! It is so sweet to have everyone doing this, I appreciate you Mary! Mary will take photos too! Dad didn't! I knew I should have been there!

Pray for miracles for Devin, Jay, Will, Katia, Julianna, Khalita, Will L., Robbie, John, Rodney, Maria, Jo, Jacy, Alex, Nate, David, Alexis, Madison, Joanne, just to name a few......too many to even start naming! But we all need a miracle in some shape, form, or fashion.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Monday, January 9, 2006 7:28 AM CST


Someone donated platelets!!! Whooo Hooo! On 1/4/06! Thank you! They were running low the week before Christmas and called Sissy and Daddy Bear to come and donate.. They went the Fri after Christmas. When the transfusion was overwith, the temp had dropped and black ice was everywhere! There was an accident on this big bridge but we made it home fine. Nicholas actually coughed up blood after we arrived home. I'm not sure what is going on. He is still coughing up some thick secretions. I wish I could get it all out so he wouldn't get so nauseated! He will cough and then start gagging. He doesn't need any bile in his esophagus or throat! The gas just doesn't come back out his g-j tube as well as it did with just the g-tube. I get frustrated when I cannot get him any relief!

This week Spencer is the featured child! I sent some photos and one of his favorite books, "Kittens First Full Moon!" He laughs all through that book! He will have some family member to eat lunch with him all week too! That will thrill him to pieces and spoil him! I would love to be there all week!! I guess I have to share though!

Kim, you made my evening yesterday when you said you had accepted Christ in your heart at Church! You asked if we felt the earth shaking! It wasn't long after that, the wind picked up and it slapped the electrial wires together and knocked out the power a couple of times. I couldn't help but laugh, I knew you were still talking ninety miles a minute! Thank God!

Pray for the family of JC Dingus and Maude Ann Stanley. It's hard to battle cancer but JC is now Cancer Free! No more pain! Just resting in the arms of Jesus.

Praying for miracles,

Friday, January 6, 2006 6:24 AM CST

***Nicholas is coughing up blood this morning. I hope and pray someone donated platelets...


CBC came back with his platelets down to 18k! I was guessing 15! His Hgb was 9.2 and his anc was 1512. Yes it is higher than normal, but so is his white count. His Eosinophils are 4 percent too.....Also his glucose was 116, a little high! Just something else to worry about! We will definitely have one of those weekends I described in an earlier entry! Pray that all will be well. If he starts coughing up blood, I would have to take him in to be transfused.

We have given him Androgel for 2 months and not had any good marrow response. We can try it for another month or we can try something else. We will probably go for something else, I just can't handle puberty at this point. Well I could if we were seeing some good positive results in his marrow! That would be worth the world!

Have you ever needed something so badly that you would do anything for it! Yes, even cut off an arm or leg for it! But that won't help! Yes, even die but that won't help. I don't need it for me, but for my baby. He needs another miracle. Oh, if you could hear him laugh, you would be searching the whole wide world over to get him his miracle. God is the provider of miracles. Please pray, petition, beg, fast, plead, become a Christian or whatever you need to do to reach the throne of God on our behalf, to help us pray for some time, well, actually lots of time!
I just love him so much! He is my baby! Don't get me wrong I love Spencer too! I couldn't ask for better boys! I love them both so much it hurts.

My Aunt Juanita doesn't have to have surgery right away. They are going to watch it??? Doesn't sound right to me but I'm not a dr! Pray for her.

Pray for all the ones on treatments. Pray for the sick!
Pray for miracles.

Pray, Pray, Pray,

Thursday, January 5, 2006 7:33 AM CST


We are getting another cbc today whenever the nurse gets here! I came home yesterday and he looks really pale and had lots of petechia! I'm sure his counts are low. I will post the results whenever I can.

I also got the culture results back and there were only two meds he could be on! Thank God we were on the correct one! That was divine intervention! God is Good! Amen!

Sorry this is short! I'll spare you today!
Don't ever forget to pray for us and all the others! Praise God Little John and Robbie are both at RMH!

Blessings and Miracles,

Wednesday, January 4, 2006 7:45 AM CST


Oh, I cannot look at that series of photos without smiling! Now, you can actually see what a time I have!!!! Nicholas will burst out laughing at the silly things that Spencer does! They are such super hams!

That will help put a damper on this update as I'm still fuming! It amazes me that I had to hear from Cincy that Nicholas' blood culture was positive! The one they took in the hospital!! It makes me furious! Thank God for Dr Harris changing the antibiotics before we left the hospital! He just knows the immune suppressed child needs those high powered antibiotics! And he is getting ready for retirement???? I DON'T think so! Who on earth could I depend on then? He had better be training someone else that is for sure! The more we deal with him the more I admire him! And for dedicating your career to an orphan disease. It has been an honor to meet you professionally and become good friends on a personal level. I know you have been tolerant to us parents, as frustrated as we get most of the time!, and been a wonderful teacher. Thank you from the depths of my heart Dr. Richard Harris for your love and dedication you give to these children and the families. Nicholas thinks he is Dr. Harris only patient! And another little one is trying to walk in Dr Harris' footsteps! We were playing "Hospital" again and Spencer was the dr! Now, we hadn't mentioned Cincy at all and Spencer put on the stethscope and said to Nicholas, "Now, I'm Dr. Harris!" What an honor! He has only been to his local pediatrician! From the mouth of babes........

Well, I guess it was just as well that I went on another tangent! Ha! Now that I've cried my eyes out, I feel better! Just all those tears are inside and now I'm swishy swashy! Can you tell I'm tired? Nicholas was very restless last night! He woke me up several times, twisting and turning, yawning, and coughing a couple of times. He is very nausteated and threw up a couple of times this morning! He actually ate a little fudge last night but what is in his tummy looks like clabbered milk! I hope and pray it isn't the formula! That would mean a g-j tube change! We have to go back to Cincy this month for a bone marrow aspirate but that has to be scheduled!

Nicholas' lungs actually sound much better! Thank God! Thanks for your prayers too. He was really droopy last night and would just lie down in the floor. It may be one of his antibiotics though.

Spencer's first day back at school! He was really looking forward to going back. He missed the children! I told him "NO FLIRTING!" which brought a huge smile to his face! Where's my camera!?

Pray for my Aunt Juanita, she is scheduled for surgery in the near future, not sure of the date. Pray for Maria. Pray for all the children going through bmt or getting treatments. They are so brave and the best heros in the world!

Robin, your tribute will come at a later date! Ha! Love you too!

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Tuesday, January 3, 2006 7:44 AM CST


Nicholas' cbc came back ok, platelets were 51k, but it hasn't been a week yet! Hgb was down to 9.5, and his anc was 432. Will have to do another cbc toward the end of the week. I'm just wondering if we could hold off until Monday but really don't think we can. IF his counts are just hovering above transfusion, it will be another very nervous, heart stopping, hair pulling, admonishing, "Don't run, don't rough house, Spencer! Nicholas' counts are dropping you cannot wrestle with him!, Don't hit, don't push, don't TOUCH!, Don't BREATHE! weekend! UGH!

And to think some people say they don't let FA rule their lives! Well that isn't the case at our house! We have to let it rule for now! I'm glad some can do that and be normal but "our normal" is quite different and it's all because of FA. Nicholas is still just the sweetest little imp that ever lived and Spencer is the best brother he could possibly have. They are just the best in my book!

I did forget to mention Nicholas has another namesake! I was hoping to have a photo to announce it but will post one later. His was born on 12/30 at 32 weeks and was 4 lbs and 7.7 oz, 18.5" long! His name is NICHOLAS EVAN MILLS! His Mamaw is Nicholas' sitter, Frances. Frances' daughter, Amanda and her husband Ralph are the proud parents to this precious gift of God. He is doing well and lungs are ok. He is nursing as of Sunday and will be home in a couple of weeks! The Blessings and Miracles are still flowing, we need to realize them.

Also we have another addition to our family! My nephew Eric got married on Sat 12/31! Kara Holbrook was the bride and the wedding was beautiful. Nicholas really enjoyed trying to make Eric jealous on Christmas! Welcome to the family Kara!

Now for the prayer request: My Aunt Juanita fell and broke her shoulder. Please pray for her during this. Maria really needs your prayer. Pray for the families of the miners that are trapped in the mines in West VA.

I'm fine! Are you?
Praying for miracles,

Sunday, January 1, 2006 7:19 PM CST

Hello and Happy New Year!

I think our motto this year will be....Get it Fixed in 2006! Whatever is wrong, make it right! Whatever is sick, make it well. Last year it was "Strive to Survive in 2005!" and it has definitely been a struggle! We did survive by a hen's tooth! Whew! What a year!

Nicholas is still on antibiotics and I just happened to call the lab in which they couldn't tell me anything! ARG!! I finially came up with a solution. I told her all the meds he was on and she then compared the sensitivity list and called the dr. He THEN called me and told me that Nicholas is on the wrong meds! He had been notified earlier and said, Oh that's ok, he is on antibiotics! Yeah right! BUT my question was is he on the RIGHT ones?? No, he isn't! He will have to be put on something else now! Just as I figured! Niw, what would happen if I hadn't called? Yes, back in the hospital! Not unless we absolutely have to. I counted the other day and he has been in the hospital either out patient or in....45 times! Averaging close to once a week! Not days, just times! He has spent several weeks in! I'd hate to count the days!

Nicholas is still coughing up major junk! Feeling better but lungs still sound so junky. We are getting another cbc tomorrow! Will update the results when I can. We aren't expecting anything to be low but he is having bouts of being dusky in color or really dark around his mouth, noses, and eyes.

Spencer has been just fine...a little stinker as usual! He is so smart and reading everything he can get his hands on! They have a little game on the computer that he has mastered in no time! He can create sentances, adding, subtraction, and just have some fun too! Making pizzas using fractions! Sometimes you don't have enough time to get all the ingredients on and the little dog eats it! He will do some wrong on purpose to watch him eat! And the dog burps too! Really educational!

Remember to pray for Maria, she is really having a rough time fighting the pneumonia and her g-tube is infected too. She will have to have it removed and replaced. Please pray for her miracle as well.

Get it fixed! We know who will do the fixin', so please help us pray.

Friday, December 30, 2005 7:54 AM CST


We are home and on antibiotics! Let me start over! Tuesday, we had to go for a chest xray. I went home and couldn't hear any air moving in his left lung! Whew! That was scary. X-ray didn't show anything wrong but I could tell there was some haziness in a couple of areas that looked more viral that bacterial. Wednesday morning, Nicholas started coughing and there was a clot of blood in his trach filter, it's called a thermovent. I called his local pediatrician and he ordered a platelet transfusion. After the platelet transfusion, we went home and a couple of hours later, he was chilling and then his temp spiked to 101.7d! I loaded him back up and to the hospital we went! We stayed overnight and the portable xray was read by the er dr and he said there was some infilrate in the right lung base. Nicholas continued to cough up blood until last last night. So far this morning, he hasn't. I'm so thankful that he is feeling some better. He is a ham! He has all the nurses wrapped around his little finger! They cater to him! I guess he is just a little magnet!

Spencer really missed us! It was so cute the way they hugged and played when we arrived home! Spencer was happy we were home! He held Nicholas hand and just bent over and kissed it! So precious! And they danced! Spencer was a little over zealous and Nicholas was laughing so hard he could barely stand up let alone dance! Tooo Funny!

They have really enjoyed seeing Mike, Robin, and Brandon! Nicholas would sit beside of Robin to make Mike jealous!! It was hilarious! Then, Mike came over and sat beside of me which brought out the bear face and the growling! He was so jealous! We all laughed at him! He loves to pick on Mike! Brandon would not let me take a photo of him! He looks so cute and sweet in his little glasses!

I'm very tired and exhausted which is needles to say! If you ask, I'll say, "I'm fine!" Racquel told me Yeah right, she knew how fine I was! I told her I was fine.... Forever In Nicholas' Enchantment!

I just talked to Frances and she said Nicholas was feeling well at all this morning! Please pray for him. He says that he is tired! He is also missing Mom! I spoke to him and he puckered up to cry! He sounds really short of breath. I'm getting really congested too. I do not want to give it to the boys, so pray it goes away rather quickly!

Praying for all the sick and broken hearted.
Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 11:49 AM CST


Well, Nicholas isn't feeling well. I called to see if we could get the cbc done today. They did go and get blood. Now, they are wanting a chest x-ray too! His O2 sats were 94 percent. He is never that low unless he has pneumonia. Just found out his platelets are down to 16k! Will find out the rest when it gets faxed to me. I was guessing 20k but it is lower than I thought! You know what? I think I'm just exhausted! To stay on a continual, never ending roller coaster is wearing me down.

He has been really sick, probably the sickest he has been in a while! But yesterday he was feeling great! We just never know what to expect! One day he wil be fine then the next day he is quite ill. I guess he will be back on antibiotics again. Never off of them totally hardly ever anyway!

Praying for miracles!

Monday, December 26, 2005 1:34 PM CST


Where on earth to begin?? Friday, Nicholas felt really bad. He had a cold, with runny nose and eyes watering. I was worried he wouldn't feel up to Santa! But I guess you figured it out that he did and had a wonderful visit! I think he put Santa through the 3 degree! Ask him everything you could think of! Raising up his sleeve, he exclaimed, "I didn't know you were human!" "Why are you wearing a different belt than last year?" "You know everything don't you!" Santa said, "We'll I don't know when Jesus is returning!" "Or who is going to Heaven!"
Nicholas said, "And you don't know when we are going to Heaven either!" He stumped Santa for a moment! They sang songs together! Santa read them a story! Santa had a grand ole time! The boys did too! According to the photos I took, I think Sissy Bear did too!

Santa had them to sit on his lap and tell him what they wanted! Nicholas said "Three things, a batmobile, police car, and fire truck!" Hey, one out of three isn't too bad!
Spencer shocked us all when he said, "A real live monkey!" Then, he burst out laughing! He was too excited to say anything! We all got a big laugh out of that! I definitely missed that one!

Sissy Bear asked Spencer to take a glass back to the kitchen and there he stopped in his tracks! He smiled really big and ran back to tell brother..."There's a batmobile and a Spiderman bike!" He was talking so fast no one could understand him! It was priceless! At Nicholas first glimpse of the batmobile, his little arms went in the air and said, "Whoooooo Hoooooo! Just what I wanted!" They both tried to get in it, first one then the other! They would switch out between the bike and batmobile! We were really worried that the bike was too big for Spencer but it was perfect!

Well overall, we were really blessed to have everyone at our house except for a few. Mamaw had a cold and didn't feel like coming up! We really missed her! The little bears racked up! They both got three blankets! Thanks Marci for the Batman blanket and Buzz Light Year blanket that you made, they were darling! Sissy Bear got them Bear blankets and Aunt Bonnie did too! We were all well blessed and thankful that all was as well as it is.

Nicholas is feeling lots better today! Still really coughing up lots of junk but is fiesty and picking on Mom! He is a little imp! Holding on to the wash cloth with his feet so I couldn't use it! Eyes sparkling!

Oh, he looked really bad when he felt the worst, really dark around his mouth and eyes but is now a little pale and getting petechia on his face. I know his counts are dropping again and we are getting a cbc on Wednesday.

Good news on Robbie, 98 percent engrafted with donor cells! Whoo Hoo and Praise the Lord! I know they are estatic!

Wishing you all a perfect last week of the year!

Praying for all families that are in the hospital during Christmas! Pray for Maria, she is too! Thanking God she has pneumonia instead of a mass!

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Thursday, December 22, 2005 6:44 AM CST


Are you ready for Christmas? Is Christmas ready for you? The boys are ready for Christmas! They opened some of Marci's packages and I couldn't hear myself think for the squealing! They were thrilled! They loved the colored hot chocolate! Red, Blue, and Green! Cool! But then after I made some, Spencer wouldn't drink it! Too funny! Didn't look like chocolate to him! Wouldn't even taste it!

They had received their stocking from school too! They were full of candy! and lots of toys! Spencer was wild after his party at school and took a late nap! Yes, you guess it! Late going to sleep! Nicholas coughed some but kept making noises like he was chilling this morning. I checked him and he wasn't though. Not sure what is going on but he is coughing up some nasty looking sputum! Enough said!

Babbles the clown called and wants to surprise Nicholas and Spencer this evening! I can't wait! They will be thrilled! She is so sweet and precious! Spencer was reading her sticker, "Sharing God's Love Through Laughter" last night! They will love to see her again! Then Santa is coming Friday night! Yes, their personal Santa! He knows we cannot get Nicholas in a crowd and visits our house early! Isn't he sweet! Yes, I have to butter him up! I need to get some brownie points in too!

Pray for all the ones that live at least 50f their time in the hospital or traveling to and fro! It's not fun.

Praying you give yourself the best Christmas gift ever! The REASON for the season! Just say YES to Jesus!

Praying for a miracle.
Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Don't forget to join TEAM NICHOLAS and send a donation in to FARF, 1801 Willamette Street, Suite 200
Eugene, OR 97401
Thank you!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005 7:17 AM CST


I have a little rosy red cheeked imp! Sitting in Melinda and Rhonda's lap! Snuggling with them and telling Melinda that she has beautiful blue eyes! What am I going to do with him! Spencer had a ball playing with Alexis and Austin but Nicholas was just too busy! Then Mary came and brought them more gifts! Thanks Galz!

Thanks to all that have sent gifts! He has received them from Kansas, Missouri, Connecticut, Ohio, Georgia, and California! Wow! I have a lot of thank you to do now! Thanks everyone! They are so excited and ask to open them every day! They have 365 days of Christmas anyway!

He was talking to Marci's husband, Charlie and told him that he was in love with his wife! Charlie, you are going to have to share! At least he told you! Honey, he was laying it on thick the other day to her! Telling her he only loved her! Whooo! I need to talk to that boy and tell him that a "Smart Monkey doesn't mess with another Monkey's Monkey!"

Ok, I created a masterpiece! Rudolf! I'll post the photo later! It is adorable! It's for Spencer's Christmas party today! The children will love it!

One thing I do want to ask of you. Please send a donation to:
Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, FARF
1801 Willamette Street, Suite 200
Eugene, OR 97401

Put "Team Nicholas" in the memo and it will go in honor of him. That is what I want for Christmas! The future of FA children depend on research! If FA was federally funded and not an orphan disease, we wouldn't be in desperate shape with Nicholas! WE NEED A MIRACLE! Please help us find our miracle! Please help by being on the Nicholas Team! Thanks from the bottom of our hearts!

Praying for miracles!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005 7:05 AM CST


I just have to share a precious prayer with you!

Lord, behold this wonderful family and in particular your beautiful child Nicholas. Protect him from any more assaults on his body, infuse him with your life-giving bread of life and cup of salvation. And, Lord, could you give us a CLUE?!?!


H, I hope you didn't mind! Any prayer for my precious is fantastic but I did get a chuckle out of the last part!

I realize God's divine plan far exceeds our puny hopes, dreams, and wishes! He knew Nicholas and Spencer before He formed them in the womb! He knows All. He has great plans for all of us. We are all important in His sight! He looks far deeper than the surface. He knows us inside out! He knows. "Thou knowest" was one of the sermons my Dad preached during my pregnancy. I don't think I'll ever forget it and each day brings a new meaning to it.

We need to get our hearts in tune with God's plan. Forget the fuss of Christmas and wrap the true meaning in our arms and hold it close to our hearts. Something so precious that it cannot be taken away by anyone or anything. No one knows what is in our hearts but Jesus. That is where He wants to abide, in our hearts. The best Christmas gift you could ever give yourself. Life eternal.
It's easy as ABC, Accept His love for you, Believe He came, lived, died, and arose the third day, and Confess your sins and confess to others that you have accepted Christ as your personal Saviour. Heaven will be your home! Who wouldn't trade Heaven for a lake of fire? Happy wonderful life with Jesus to continuous pain and torture. Pray today and begin a new life for Jesus. Make this Christmas the merriest one ever! Celebrating HIS birth and your re-birth!

Praying this journal sparks your heart and God blesses it in your life. Without His blessing, it's just words on a screen. Praying it will triple or bless your heart a thousand times over! Like the blood transfusion that Nicholas received last night. Pulsing through his little veins, new life. Bringing joy, rosy red cheeks, and a smile that would melt anyone's heart. Precious donors donated the blood to help others. Thank you from the depths of our hearts for the time and your love.

Praying for all the ones receiving treatments, transfusions, or transplants. Thank God He has them all covered under His blood.

Praying your decision is Life Eternal in Heaven,

Monday, December 19, 2005 7:06 AM CST

**Platelets down to 11k, hgb-down to 7.5! He will probably get both, platelet transfusion and a red cell tx too.
Do they transplant hair? I'm going to need one too! He cannot be falling in the floor today! or running, or rough housing! Oh Lord, Spencer was trying to sit on him last night! Nicholas was cackling out laughing! I was panicking! I knew they were getting low! Where on earth is our miracle Lord? We've begged, pleaded, fasted, and prayed and are still waiting.


We had a wonderful weekend. No one had any major mishaps! We are trying to get ready for Christmas but its a slow process! The boys have thoroughly enjoyed playing with the wrapping paper! Nicholas will tear it up into little pieces and tape them with a ton of tape! It was funny! He thought he was doing something! I just can't figure out what! He had a ball doing it and a huge mess! Spencer likes to get a big piece and run around with it! Wrapping paper! Go figure! I think that is an indication that they have too many toys! Hmmmm!

Nicholas does get blood work today. He has a huge bruise on his elbow and several on his legs. He also looks very dark around his face! I have no clue as to what his counts will be. He seems a little short of breath and bruising somewhat so he may need both transfusions. No indication that he is in desperate need though.

Spencer was pretending that he had two babies, one was a lion and the other a tiger! He had them wrapped into a blanket and was taking them to Dr Nicholas! Nicholas would get too tickled to do much but he finally asked some questions! I told him that they were running a temp, coughing, and I was afraid they weren't breathing correctly. He said, "Well, we may have to keep them overnight. We'll give them some breathing treatments and get an x-ray!" Sounds like a true dr to me!!!! Get that hospital stay in first and then talk about what tests to do! I think I just let him self diagnose next time! Whew! He has been to dr one time too many, don't you think?

Remember all the ones on treatments! Rem. Clara and the family of Wayne Lawson, his funeral is today. visit/claramoore
Yesterday is Robbie's 8th birthday! and he is in the hospital for his bone marrow transplant! His mom has had shingles! Pray for them.

Did you invite Jesus to celebrate His birthday at your house?

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Image hosted by

Friday, December 16, 2005 8:32 AM CST


Well the energy level is tapering off! Don't know what caused it or what is making it dwindle away. It sure was nice while it lasted! Nicholas continues to act somewhat ok but looks paler. He was also short of breath last night too. I guess he thinks he still has oodles of energy but it just isn't there. He never complains and this respite has been good for all of us. He hasn't been depressed or talked of dying!

Rag Doll Sales from CA sent Nicholas a big Teddy Bear! I needed the box it was in so I let him open it! It is adorable! I think this is the the one that Joanne tried to send Nicholas but they wouldn't let her pay for it! That is so sweet and precious of them. Thank you! I'll post a photo when I can.

Spencer got off the bus and asked Frances, "Is Nicholas ok? I sure missed him today!" He is a worry wart! He didn't want to go to school yesterday and I think it was because he was afraid for Nicholas. He has been home for 5 straight days and loves playing with Nicholas.

With Nicholas' counts dropping, they are making me a nervous wreck! I continually caution them! With Nicholas feeling better too! He will run and just fall in the floor on his knees! Bruising! Ahhhhh! Mom may just loose it before this is over with! I won't have any hair left!!!

Trossie's catherization did happen and they had to put in two stints! They also burst an artery while doing the procedure! The medicine didn't relax her at all and she could feel the pain and feel them working in her heart! Shew! That is enough to make mine hurt! She is now home and doing well! Thank God!

Pray for Clara's nephew, Wayne's family. He was in a car accident and on life support. They had to make a decision this morning to take it off. Pray for them. Also, another one in the accident, Tommy, needs prayer too.

Pray for the Kurks! Some broke into their home while they were sleeping and stole Eli's stuff. They aren't over his passing now have lost more...

Good News, Robbie is doing super! Whoo Hooo!

Praying for peace,

Wednesday, December 14, 2005 7:46 AM CST


Energy is still high! Praise the Lord! I haven't seen this much energy that has lasted this long in quite a while! The rest of us are droopy but Nicholas is going strong! He is getting pale but energy is good still! He is so hyped up he can hardly talk on the phone!

Spencer goes to school today on a snow schedule! He is suppose to have a field trip tomorrow but that may not happen! He didn't sleep well at all last night! I played musical beds again last night! I think I'm giving up on trying to get any sleep! *Yawn*

My sister-in-law does have a heart catherization today! She does have a blockage. Please pray for her and the family. God's peace that passeth all understanding be with them today. I am in tears that I can't be with them but I can pray! and be there in spirit! They know I love them anyway!

Remember all the ones taking treatments. Pray for all of us!

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 6:58 AM CST


Nicholas counts are up! The cbc showed his platelets to be 107K!! Whoo hooo! I know he was just transfused on Thurs but I can still rejoice that he has held on to them this long! His hgb was down a little to 8.2 and his ANC was 606! On Monday! I am happy about that too!

He was rotten yesterday! Feeling too good to pay attention to the teacher! Being rude and cutting a tantrum! He was a little nervous about Spencer being there for one thing! And, Spencer was a little too loud too! I came home and gave them both a good talking too! I told him priviledges could be taken away from him if he didn't mind! "I'll do better on Wednesday Mom! I promise!" was Nicholas' reply! He then sort of pouted and hid under the table! Pouting! He said, "Are you really going to take priviledges away?" while puckering up to cry! What could I say? I said, "IF you don't do better, I will have too!" Then, he was all smiles and laughing! Yes he has us wrapped right around his little fingers! How can I punish him when he hasn't felt this good in forever? I just can't! But on the other hand, I can't let him be rude! He will have to apologize to her first thing on Wed! Oh no, I remember my Mom making me do that! Here I am, becoming my Mom!!! Thank God, she loved me enough to discipline me! Thanks Mom! We love you too!

Spencer finally settled down too! He was a wild child! He is definitely picking up some things from school! Woe is me! He is home today because of snow!!! They will have a ball today too! I have a feeling they will be better today! If not, then on the warpath Mom shall go!

Please remember Trossie, my brother's wife. She was having chest pains all weekend and went to dr yesterday! They put her in the hospital for observation! Ekg was a little abnormal and enzymes were off! They are may send her for a catherization if ekg is still off this morning! Please remember the family, I'm sure they are all torn up about her. Her blood pressure was too high!

Remember Clara, if her counts are ok, she will have another chemo treatment today. Remember all the children and adults on treatments! Robbie's bmt is today! mi/robbie, go by and wish them well! tn/littlejohn just had his too. Remember all the families going through this or similiar treatments. Also remember Jeff, he has a severe headache and ran a temp all night! Pray for him, he went on to work!

Praying for miracles.....

Monday, December 12, 2005 7:39 AM CST


Nicholas and Spencer have had a good weekend! There is no school today and I'm sure they will have a ball today! Nicholas is going full blast! Singing to the top of his lungs! He is feeling GREAT! Sissy Bear said, "He is terrific!" We haven't seen him this energetic in forever. Do I dare hope the Androgel is working?!! Do I?? Oh, what a wonderful gift that would be! It may actually get me in the mood for Christmas!

I'm just not in the groove! I want to do so much but I can't get little Willy in gear! I'm definitely in a major slump! I can't seem to get anything accomplished! Oh well, I will sometime! I have too!

They did another cbc this morning and Nicholas had a bad gas spell in the middle of it! Spencer told the nurse that he had to stay in there and help take care of his brother! He is so sweet and precious! He is definitely worrying about Nicholas too much!

Nicholas' blood culture that was taken in the hospital isn't postitive! I'm wondering now if they are going to keep him on the antibiotics for 10 days or not! What a waste in meds if they do not!

Remember all the ones taking treatments of some sort! Pray for Little John, and Robbie gets his transplant tomorrow!

Praying for Miracles,

Friday, December 9, 2005 7:15 AM CST


We did get a platelet transfusion and got home around 8:30 pm. We walked into the Lab and guess what the news was! His last blood culture is positive for something! ARRRRRGGGGH! Here we go again! They got orders to do another culture before the transfusion. Well, they did that and then he received his transfusion. His temp was 99.1 when we arrived but after pre-tx meds, his temp went down. His respiratory rate increased some during the transfusion too. He really had a rough day yesterday. He was so weak and didn't even want to take a bath! He finally felt better up in the day!

I called home and Spencer wasn't talking much at all! He was so sad, he was missing Mommy. I told him that I would be there to snuggle buggle with him before he went to sleep! He was so hyped up playing with Nicholas that he didn't go to sleep until really late! I woke up around 1:25 am and got back in my bed and at 1:31 am, Spencer woke up and said, "Mom, get in bed with meeee!" So back to his bed! I played musical beds all night long! He finally rested from 4:30 on! Now, I need a really big nap!

The boys are really looking forward to Santa Bear coming to the house this year! He had better be rich is all I can say! Nicholas is expecting toooooo much! Spencer says, "Whatever you want to buy me is fine with me Mom!" Doesn't that just break my heart? Yes! It does!

Remember all the children in your prayers, we have had several cubs to pass away and it is so heart breaking. Pray for those families and the ones still struggling.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Thursday, December 8, 2005 7:04 AM CST

**Have to get a Platelet Transfusion this evening! Pray it doesn't sleet!
This also means extra fluids so hopefully he will urinate better too!


I went home and could tell Nicholas wasn't as puffy! They did the blood work a day early and did kidney function tests too. I don't have those results yet but do have his platelets and they are down to 13k, hgb down to 8.7. Big change in just two days! He seems to be just as rotten as ever! He woke up this morning at 5 am and asked if it was early yet! Yes!!!!! He coughed through out the night more than usual last night too.

He had school last night and Spencer played on the computer while he was in school! Mamaw and Papaw came up, they forgot that Nicholas had school on Mon and Wed! Papaw's test came back ok that he had done yesterday! PTL. My cousin Sherry's test did too! We have lots to be thankful for this morning!

Sissy Bear and I met with Spencer's class for lunch yesterday! Spencer was thrilled and surprised to see Sissy Bear! He threw both his arms around her neck!!! He was grumpy when he came home from school though! He looked so tired and sleepy! He didn't want to go to sleep last night! He did sleep good once he konked out though! He is so sweet and just the best little brother that Nicholas could ever want!

Nicholas will pet on him and say, "I love my Bubby!"

Remember all that are on treatments or clinical trials, finished, or needing them. Pray for the entire family, not only the sick one!

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Wednesday, December 7, 2005 7:19 AM CST


Nicholas isn't urinating as well as he should and his face and even his eyes are a little puffy! After giving him more fluids, he seems a little better though! I'm so scared its the Androgel! This makes twice this has happened!

Spencer is going on a field trip today but I am meeting them for lunch! I told him last night and mentioned it again when we were lying in bed! He said, "Mom, stop talking about it again! We need some rest!" Mr. Opinion! Awwwww, he is growing up too fast! He slept well but I keep checking on him everytime my eyes were open!

It could have been due to some tea and chocolate cake that was so yummmy at our girls Christmas dinner last night! I kept waking up and felt jumpy inside! That is how Nicolas described himself Sunday! He kept saying, "Mom, I feel all jumpy inside!" He was scared about his trach change! I had a really hard time with it too! No wonder he felt jumpy later in the evening too!

Nicholas and Spencer really missed me yesterday evening! I was putting on Nicholas pjs and he kissed my chin, nose and both cheeks! Just what Mommy needed! So sweet and precious! Warm little Papa Bear's butterfly kisses! Yes, I felt like I'd just been blessed by an angel and I was!
Spencer cried, "MOMMY!" and jumped into my arms! He is getting heavy! Whew! I love that little rotten booger!

Well, that's all folks! Remember pray for all going through treatments, transplants, or needing them!
Blessings and BIG Bear Hugs,

Tuesday, December 6, 2005 7:14 AM CST


Nicholas' cbc was ok! No transfusions! Hgb was 9, platelets were 34k, and his anc was 400! We will get another cbc on Thursday. He is enjoying his christmas gift from the Childrens Brunch! He got a talking basketball thing that hangs on a door! He can actually make baskets! He kept working at it until he could do it! He breaks out in a sweat when he plays it! We took Spencer but let Nicholas stay home away from the crowds! Spencer loves his gifts too! He received a remote red Jeep that he decorated up for Christmas last night! And he received Ms. PacMan controller that you hook into a tv that had 5 games on it! Spencer actually hugged Santa this year! That was the closes he has ever been to him! Of course, I got Santa hugs too!

Well, I knew Spencer needed a day with Nicholas yesterday and I was right! He was very sad and told Frances, "I don't want Nicholas to die!" Frances told him that Nicholas was born sick but that didn't mean that he was going to die right now. Then, she told him that if Nicholas did die that he would go to Heaven and he could go to Heaven one of these days and see him again. This satisfied him and he was ok for the rest of the day. He told her he heard Mom and Dad talking about it! I don't remember even talking about it the day he mentioned or even where he could hear us but I guess little ears are everywhere! He picks up on everything! I know he heard us when we were talking about Nicholas' bear tale. I guess we need to be extra careful around him. It breaks my heart thinking about what he has to deal with anyway. We would never intentionally cause him any worry but he is too sharp! He just picks up on everything! I knew he was so troubled yesterday morning. School let out earyly anyway due to water problems so it worked out for the best anyway. I want all avenues open for communication for him and yes, I will try my best to explain things to him when he asks. Yes, I said "when" not "if", because he will talk sometimes about what is bothering him. He slept with us last night again so it isn't over with! Oh, how this is breaking my heart. I know he hurts and worries about Nicholas.

How on earth can I relieve some of his pain? and worries? How on earth can we relieve our own? All I know to do is turn it over to the Lord. Let someone with bigger shoulders handle all our burden. Just crawl right up in the arms of Jesus, while Spencer crawls right up in mine. Snuggled and safe! All the cares and worries just melt away, when you turn it over to someone that wants to help you. I can just see it now! Wow! Jesus has gigantic arms! What an awesome Saviour we have!

Now, others that are there too and need our prayers are: Little John, he has FA and today gets another birthday! He is getting his new bone marrow today! Pray his transplant is successful. Jordan B has had his transplant but really needs prayer and could use some extra prayer. Robbie is now admitted for his transplant too and begins chemo on Wed I think. Remember Ty, he just returned home from his BMT. Remember Clara, she lacks 5 more chemo treatmenst and is FINISHED! PTL! Remember Clay, he is getting Chemo at ST Judes. He still has 3% leukemia cells in his marrow, praying for 0! Praying for all!

Do you ever snuggle in your Heavenly Father's arms?

Monday, December 5, 2005 6:40 AM CST


Please remember Spencer, he is throwing up this morning! I think he ate too late last night! Sissy Bear has been sick this weekend so he could have what she does even though she has stayed away! For the last two nights, he has had to sleep beside of me. He just isn't feeling well. He puckered up this morning and said, "Sometimes at school I get homesick!" I asked why and he said, "I get homesick for Brother!" **MELT DOWN!***

Nicholas was acting a little droopy yesterday evening but seemed fine this morning. Yes, he was already up and wanting to get out of bed this morning! He said, "I didn't go to sleep all night long because I was afraid I would have bad dreams!" I told him he slept like a log! "I did not!" he said!

Remember all the ones finished, taking, or needing treatments. It is a big roller coaster either way! Pray for the families too.

Blessings and Sleepy Bear Hugs,

Friday, December 2, 2005 8:44 AM CST


I knew it!!! I knew it! I asked Nicholas to tell me the story he told Frances! "I forgot!" "But I can tell you another story!" Uh huh! Sure! I knew he would conveniently forget!! That is ok! I totally understand my baby!

He sure has been rotten! Feeling great! IM with Jo yesterday and loved it! He said, "Mom, I'm falling in love!" Flirted with her forever! He was typing xoxox and loved sending the smiley faces! He was all smiles and then she called him! Oh my! He told her he loved her more times than she has ever heard it! In just one hour! It was so sweet and precious! Jo would giggle and Nicholas' eyes would just sparkle and his smiling face would glow!

He told me earlier that I promised him that he could talk to Jo this am! I'm sure glad she is in Singapore! It just wouldn't do for her to be near!

Spencer was just a little grumpy yesterday evening! He had fallen on the bus and hurt his knee! He fell over his bookbag strap! He was raring to go this morning though! They were going to go to the high school to Winter Wonderland today! I'm sure they will have fun. It is just across the parking lot at the Primary! Big trip!

Well, remember all the one going through treatments, finished with them or need them. Clara lacks 5 more and she will be finished! Whoo Hoo! I'm so happy for her!

God's Blessings on You!
Praying for miracles,

Thursday, December 1, 2005 7:42 AM CST


Mickey, I don't have a clue what I wrote that was so inspiring but thanks for the sweet email and the encouragement! Hey, any help is good! I know you have a hard time too! Thank God you believe in prayer!

We had a wonderful day yesterday with Spencer on his trip to the Hands on Museum! It was so neat! Not anywhere as big as Cincy's but the dinosaur exhibit was cool! Spencer did touch a snake! A corn snake named Big Red that was 15 yrs old! He was tickled that his Dad got to go too!
He is just the cutest and sweetest! Spencer! Not Dad! Well, Dad is too!!!! Ha! I'm going to get in trouble now!

I'm home today with HIS HIGHNESS! He is so junky! He is on his second breathing treatment already! I have hooked up an empty feeding bag to his g-tube side to let the bile and gas off continously during the night. I think it will help with the throwing up! I hope so anyway! I have done this before and think it helps. He is still nauseaous but hasn't thrown up yet! The morning is still young though!

I guess that is all for now! Keep the faith! Keep praying! Keep believing! Miracles do happen and pray that you get yours even if we don't. Hey, that doesn't mean I've stopped asking! I will continue to ask!

I see Sissy Bear told you about the story! Whew! I guarantee he won't tell it to me! He tries to protect his mommy! He is a pure angel!

Bless all those finished treatments, taking treatments, or needing treatments.

Our world would be a much darker place without the light of the little angels in our lives!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005 10:03 PM CST

Sissy Bear here. Don't panic, please. Donna was out today because of Spencer's field trip and won't be back til Mon. because Frances has Dr.'s appointments tomorrow and Fri.
Please do keep storming Heaven(I like that expression) on Nicholas' behalf.
Yesterday, he asked Frances if he could tell her a story. Of course, she said yes. Then he said that she wouldn't want to hear it because it was about the day Nicholas died.
He went on with the story: it was a sad day; everybody was so sad, but Nicholas was so tired......

He is tired; he is having those bad gas spells again where he vomits because it is so difficult to get the gas out with that tube. If we don't get our miracle of healing.....
Do I need to say more?
I know that God knows best. My prayer is for strength, courage, and faith for all of us.
See, just because Donna is not updating does not mean that you can forget about us!!! We stil need you.
Sissy Bear

Tuesday, November 29, 2005 6:50 AM CST


Well what can I say! We went for the transfusion and they only had one RN working! Needless to say the look on her face spoke volumes when we walked in! I knew right then it was going to be a long night! They got to us a couple of hrs later! We were home by 9:30. I had to stop on the way home and work with Nicholas. He was so sick! It was coming out both ends! I couldn't get the gas to come out the vent tube and the suction machine just stopped working in the middle of all this! I was so mad! I could have thrown it out the window! A brand new machine that is suppose to be portable and it will not work unless its plugged in to power! It's going to be replaced!! All the time he was sick I was thinking, Oh no Nicholas you are using up the all those platelets! Thank God he was just tx because his little face would have been solid red from petechia! He was straining so hard! I have never felt so helpless in all my life! I hate those bad gas spells! We got home and was cleaning him up and he threw up again! I mean he actually is throwing up! Nothing in his tummy but bile but he threw it up! He was exhausted by the time we got him to bed! He was acting so droopy but stayed awake long enough for Mommy to lie with him until he went to sleep!

Spencer was asleep by the time we got home! I missed him so much! He jumped out of bed, looked to see if Nicholas was in his bed and then gave me a big bear hug this morning! "Let's go into the kitchen together Mom!" So sweet!

Remember all the ones getting treatments, finished with treatments, or needing treatments.

I thank God that He knows.....our hurts, pain, thoughts, loneliness, sins, our forgiveness, hopes, dreams, wishes, griefs, fears, happiness, and our hearts intent.

Gripping His Hand and trusting His grace,

Monday, November 28, 2005 7:03 AM CST

**Well, the drama continues..........Platelets are down to 9k, just tx last Mon! Will have to be transfused and I have a headache from last night! Pray it won't be very stressful but will be successfull.


Well, we didn't have to go to Cincy!!! His G-J Tube is holding water! The only thing I can think of is that he had a lot of gas on his tummy and it pushed it out, even though he didn't act sick. He was so scared though. He panics every time some one touches it but seems to be settling down now. He let me put on the dressing!

Friday, Nicholas started sounding different! He had now developed Laryngitis! He is coughing up lots of junk and a touch of blood. We will get a cbc today and see what his counts are. It is very scary when he coughs so hard with low counts! He coughed all night last night!

We also have a new antibiotic! Cipronex! We put drops around his trach and in it too. Hopefully, it will help everything!

We have been on the Androgel for a week and I'm seeing some side effects! Very demanding! If you do not respond immediately, he will sulk, pout, and say, "Just ignore me then!" No tolerance for thinking at all!!!

The other night, he was looking at his hands and said, "Mom, do you wish I wasn't like this? Do you wish my hands had thumbs? Did you wish Spencer's weren't like mine when he was born? I wish I had good hands." With my heart breaking, I told him, "Nicholas, I didn't care what you looked like or had, I wanted you just the way God made you!" "You could have had blue hair and I would have still loved you!" That turned his thinking to different colored hair and then the questions continued to flow...Did I wish he had different color hair or did I wish that Spencer had different color hair! He just needed reassuring! "I just wanted you and love you just the way you are!"

Spencer and Nicholas had a ball putting up the Cowboy Christmas Tree! We have lots of bears on it too! Some are even Cowboy Bears! Along with Spiderman and Batman, new ones from Marci! Debbie, I had forgotten about the one you had made with their names on it! It was a delight to find! It took all weekend to get all villages and all the decorations up. They loved setting up their Forest Village! Thanks Bonnie! They love it! This year, we put the Christmas Thomas Train around it with one engine that runs on a battery and it was so cute! I think Mom was pretty excited too! I'll have to take photos! I have some I can post from last year! Spencer really helped me set everything up! He is Mommy's little helper!

I can ask Spencer what he would like to eat and he will say, "Just whatever you want to fix me!" He is so sweet! He has had a rash that we thought was scabies, that we have been fighting all week end! I've had everyone scatching! I have turned into a wash, bleach, and lysol Queen! Ugh! I put antibiotic ointment on it and it has disappeared! Now, we do not think it was scabies! I will have to talk to his teacher to see what is going on in his classroom! Last night, Spencer got in his bed and he said, "Mom, you didn't wash the sheets today!" I couldn't help but laugh! He will probably go to school and tell everyone what they have to do! He said, "I can flush the commode at school with my elbow!" Lights went off and bells rang! He started breaking out on his elbow down his arm first! Whatever it was, he definitely caught it from school! UGH!

BUT in spite of it all, we did have a wonderful Thanksgiving! We are very blessed! I'm still stuffed with Pumpkin Bars! They were delicious! Yummmmy! I even brought one for today!

Remember all the ones that are on treatments!

Thank God He loves me just like I am too!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 6:32 AM CST

*We will be going back to get the g-tube replaced on Friday! Happy Thanksgiving and don't eat too much turkey!

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Hey, we are all ok! Didn't mean to raise a ruckus! We are FINE! We are survivors! We are just tired! Nicholas is great! His words on the last trip were: "Mom, I had fun on this trip!" He thinks having Mom and Dad to himself is just the most fun ever! Ha! He gets to watch cartoons and has the child life specialist wrapped right around his little finger! He get cuddled by the dr and gets to entertain everyone else! He thinks this is all just great! He forgets the pain really fast! He also had a battle scar to boast of! He showed Spencer where he received his flu shot! Spencer totally sympathized with him! Sissy Bear was at his mercy! And he was a celebrity! Lots of people recognized him from the Blood Drive Posters! Spoiled? Yes, we are! He is a little magnet and we are all so attached to him!

Not to be outdone by Nicholas, Spencer went to church with Sissy Bear on Sunday evening. He walked to the front by himself and sang the chorus of "I Shall Not Be Moved!"
My heart just swelled with pride when I heard! He is doing so much better! I told him I was so proud of him! He said, "Thanks Mom." Oh, where did my baby go? He is now a little man!

Yesterday, they had Thanksgiving dinner at school! Mamaw and Papaw went to it. Mamaw said that Spencer was sitting there looking so sad and about to cry! He was missing his Mommy! He was glad to see Mamaw and Papaw though! They got to check him out and he wanted to go to Pizza Hut! Yes, they took him! They also took him grocery shopping! He told Papaw to get some Tang! Papaw told him that he didn't like it! Spencer said, "My Mom does and we don't have any!" So sweet and precious! Yes, they got him the Tang and a few more things he just had to have! Spoiled? Yes, we are! We love our little men!

Remember all the families that are not home for Thanksgiving! I know its not ALL about eating at home and being with family but it is about what we feel inside where ever we are! Thankful that we are alive and have more time with our children or friends. Thankful we have family where ever we go, if we reach out to others! Make the most of the time you have together, where ever you are this Thanksgiving!

Thankful that Jesus loves me enough to spoil me too!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005 11:40 AM CST


Well our round trip to Cincy will have to be done again! Yes, AGAIN! We were home for about half an hour and Nicholas began screaming for me and running to find me while holding his mic-key button in! He was petrified! I told him to turn it loose and let me see it! He turned loose and it popped out about an inch! He immediately pushed it back in and held it until I could get some water for it! An explanation of the balloon: The ballon is what holds it into his tummy! The balloon has a hole in it therefore it is not holding water to keep it in place. It will continue to move around and irritate the stoma (where it goes into the tummy) or back out of his intestines. If we see formula in the tummy, we will know it's backed out. I'm really scared when he has those gas attacks again that he will start aspirating the formula into his lungs resulting in pneumonia.

Naaaah, Life is fun, want to join us on this roller coaster! I am extremely tired and aggravated today. Nicholas is petrified if anyone touches his button except for Mom and we have to go back to Cincy to get it fixed or he will continue to panick! And the nervousness causes diarrhea! I would tape it in but he is allergic to most tape! We are figting lots of bad skin break down on his little arm where the PICC line is already! We don't need anything else to worry about!

Bright side, Nicholas was decked out in Batman shirt, pants, and shoes! Dr Harris just had to get a photo! Then, Nicholas had to tell them a bear tale! It was hilarious! Robin couldn't help but laugh! She left and Nicholas continued to tell Dr Harris and said, "Batman sneezed and snot went everywhere, all over Little Britches!" Dr Harris couldn't help but laugh! We all burst out laughing! Oh, well! I guess he tells it like it really happens! Nicholas would tell the tale and then get so tickled he couldn't talk! We all would laugh at him and I just basked in his good mood! Just thankful that he felt as well as he does!

Spencer didn't want to stay in Cincy so he spent the night with Sissy Bear and went to school. He is such a big boy! I can see such a big difference in him. I missed him terribly and so did Dad and Nicholas! We were getting ready to leave and Nicholas asked Spencer to pray for him while he was gone and Spencer said, "I will Bro! I'll pray all day and all night!" The faith of a little child! I think we could all take a few lessons here!

Remember all the children in your prayers and adults too that are taking treatments.

Pray all day and all night,

Friday, November 18, 2005 7:30 AM CST


Nicholas was very restless last night and coughed some! He doesn't seem to be in pain just coughing. I know we will have to get that mic-key button changed! Maybe on Monday, if we can get it scheduled. We are afraid something will happen if we wait and we will have to go on Thanksgiving! That would not be good! I guess Dr and xray techs need a vacation too! Surely, we can get it replaced. This one just lasted a month! I'm clueless as to what is happening. Maybe gastic acid, or cheap ones! Who knows! I'm just aggravated that we continue to have these problems. It just seems that when he is well enough to not be in the hospital, we still end up there!

Spencer had an informal test for literacy levels and he scored the possible highest score or above in every category! He is one smart little cookie! He is already a great reader!

Pray for all the children and adults that are taking treatments. Please remember Clay Hart, a 9 mnth old just dx with ALL. visit/clayhart on caringbridge is his website.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Thursday, November 17, 2005 11:15 AM CST


Nicholas' has had a rough morning, very nauseated. It kept coming to me to hook up one of his feeding bags to the g-side of his button and that would let off some pressure. I did that and got about an ounce of bile came out and he still threw up! not once but twice! Then, there was all kinds of gas that came off. I think we are going to have to increase his prevacid... Dr Putman doesn't want to change it right now! I think we may have too. Nicholas button is still just a little loose. We will try to keep this one for as long as we can, but I know if we keep adding distilled water to it, that the hole will get bigger and bigger. I think we have a slow leak right now! He is a little pale today too.

Spencer slept better last night but went to sleep late last night and was a tad bit grumpy this morning! But was ok and wanted to go to school!

Nicholas said, "Dad, will you call me tiger like you use to?" Then, Dad said, "Good night Tiger!" Nicholas smiled from ear to ear! I just let him read this and he did out loud for me! He was all smiles!

Pray for us! Remember all the ones that are taking

Have a good day Tiger!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 9:27 AM CST


Spencer was feeling much better yesterday evening! I think it was the corn bread! It perked him right up! He loves it! He was soooooo ready for school this morning! He really missed school yesterday!

Nicholas is ok too. Coughing some and has had a couple of really bad gas spells this morning. I do believe his mic-key button is loose again! I think it is the prevacid that is ripping it apart inside. I think we are going to have to have different meds for his tummy anyway, the prevacid isn't working well at all!

We are also going to try something never used before! Androgel! A gel that is applied to the skin! That way it won't upset the tummy! Hopefully! Prayfully! Oh, let it be my miracle! Pray it is so!

Yesterday Nicholas was going to tell Frances a story! Nicholas said, "Bubby, will you let me sit there? It's my thinking chair!!" Oh, he is rotten!

We now have a new system! I have to sleep with him for a while and he wants to think of funny stuff so we can have our private little giggle time every night! Oh, the joys of that smiling face! He loves to laugh! He laughs at Gus Gus on Cinderalla 1 and 2, the little mouse! He loves....."Remember when....." Our new game!

Ok, Remember Emmogene, Sissy Bear's Mother-In-Law! She is in the hospital. Remember Delmar, Donna H., Clara, and all the cubs that have been submitted to the Prayer Bears and their families.

Remember when your children were little and those beautiful eyes would search for their Momma and then that little mouth would spread?

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 7:11 AM CST


We did have a cbc yesterday. Nicholas' platelets are down to 36k, hgb 11, and anc was 1110! Platelets are pretty low with a tx just on the 8th! It wasn't a big tx though.

Nicholas had another spell with itching! He was rubbing like a big bear does against a tree! He will rub anything! Floor was his choice yesterday or beware if you are sitting next to him. His teacher had the honors to "SCRATCH MY BACK!" yesterday! Very demanding, not polite at all! How long do those steroids stay in your system? I can tell his demands are diminishing but sometimes! Whoa! I ask him what are the magic words? He will immediately become humble and say "May I, Please?" He is also a little rotten stinker! Mischevious to the bones! I love it though! I'd much rather see that than him sick, any day of the week! He is still pale and now where he is having those bad gas spells again, he has petechia all around his mouth! Also, he is having some blood around his mic-key button dressing. This doesn't usually happen until his counts are around 10k!

Spencer was complaining with a tummy ache yesterday evening and very pale. Guess who stayed home this morning! I think he is very tired and needs more fiber in his diet! I just felt like he needed to stay home. He will sleep solid for about 6 hrs then begins dreaming and hollering for me to get in bed with him! This happened again last night and he seemed really tired this morning!

The boys had some more visitors over the weekend! Yes, the party continued all weekend long! Mamaw Boggs, Aunt Cathy and her daugher Michele, and two of Michele's friends, Brittny and Nichole came! They brought drs kits! Then, the Dr was open for business! Nichole was the nurse and everyone else were the patients! It was hiliarious! They had a ball! Nicholas and Spencer were in their glory with all those young ladies there! They were so sweet with the boys!

Nicholas wanted to say his prayers to just me last night! He prayed for Spencer's tummy and then asked, "What else Mom?" I explained that prayer was the sincere desire of the heart so talk to Jesus and thank Him and tell him what you want Him to do. He said, "Make Mommy's tummy to rock! uh, feel better and make my platelets high as you can. Thank you Jesus for shelter." Turning to me he asked if I knew what shelter meant! Pointing to the ceiling he said, "See that roof? That is shelter" I told him yes and then he said, "Amen."

Remember all the children and the few adults with this horrible disease called FA! and all the other diseases that are destroying the children.

Sheltered in the Arms of God,

Monday, November 14, 2005 8:05 AM CST


Yes! I guess everything went well! What I can remember! I'm fuzzy headed this morning and a crick in my neck from sleeping with Spencer on and off since around 1:30 am! He was dreaming!

Friday, Spencer's class enjoyed their dirt cups(Ice cream cups filled with good stuff and crushed oreos on top) with gummy worms! I also took sour worms and they loved them too! I'm sure there were tummy aches later that evening!
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Then, we had Spencer's pizza party! His spiderman cake was beautiful! He is one blessed little boy! Believe you me! He has received gifts and from all over too! Thank you guys for helping make his 5th birthday very special! Lynn, thanks for the books! They both enjoyed those! Then, Frances brought him spiderman gloves that shoots out stings or water! He has asked for them forever! They came with a mask that lights up too! He smiled from ear to ear! Oh, yes! I may not have sitter for long!! Ha! Just kidding!

Now, Christmas! I can't wait until Christmas!!!!!!! They are in for wonderful surprises! Too early for Christmas, I know! Not! Camp Bethel in Lights begins on Nov. 24 through Jan 1! The boys really enjoy those! It's drive through and they don't get exposed to the coldness!!!

Ok, guess what kind of music I have heard all weekend??? SINGING! Nicholas has felt wonderful and has took spells of singing to the top of his lungs. I can't make out the songs, they are just made up ones he is singing.....once he was singing praises to Jesus, one was about a baby and its mommy, and Sunday, the theme was....."I Shall Not Be Moved!" Oh, what wonderful beautiful sounds! He has also been feeling well enough to quarrel with Sissy Bear or anyone that will play argue with him! His eyes have been sparkling and the little imp is back in business!! I love it! He still has no rosy red cheeks, but a pale little imp will suffice!!!

Thank God they were well, for I was not! I had a gall bladder attack! Sick as I could be! I had two wonderful little nurses though! Nicholas offered to rub my tummy and Spencer sat on top of me!!!! What more could I possibly ask for?? And lots of wonderful hugs and kisses! YES! I was sick all weekend! They would snuggle under the afgan with me! Oh, precious time! Please go hugg'em, kiss'em, hold them a little tighter and longer! Enjoy every second you have with your precious gifts from God! Moms and Dads, grandparents, and siblings are precious gifts from God too! Hugg'em and tell'em you love them today!

Basking in Sweet little Baby Bear Hugs and kisses,

Friday, November 11, 2005 7:24 AM CST


Nicholas is still coughing up junk! I'm surprised they haven't put him back on antibiotics again! He will have to be, I guarantee it! He does not have rosy red cheeks but is still pale, not as pale as he was but his coloring is horrible. Frances said he was dark around his mouth and eyes this morning and having a rough morning! He will rupture a blood vessel if he continues to cough this hard as his platelets lower! That is another fear of mine! I know! I know! I lay them on the altar but somehow go and pick them back up again! It's so hard watching him decline. I can't even put it into words!

Happier note! 5 years ago today, I was in the hospital for a planned c-section! But the contractions started! and went off the charts! Did I say Happier note????? Well it sure doesn't sound happy! Oh, but it was! They took me down to or room and then the torture began! Spencer Dalton Boggs was ready for a natural birth and was way down in the birth canal! They had to literally pull, tug, coax, pull, tug and pull him back up and then out via c-section! They pushed so hard against my chest I felt like I was choking or having a heart attack! Then, I heard the crying! It was beautiful music, healthy, robust, and LOUD cries! Oh, my heart lurched and my arms ached to hold my baby! Wonderfully, blessed beyond measure to hold that precious baby in my arms, so soft and snuggly! He wasn't satisfied anywhere except next to me! I wasn't satisfied anywhere except next to him. LOVE at first sight! Now, he is 5 years old! Man! Where has the time flown? 5 years old? I cannot believe it! Then Frances said, "It won't be too long before he will be dating?" HUH? NO WAY! You don't date if you are locked in the basement until you are 30! Oops, I don't have a basement! Oh no, what am I going to do! Now, I'm in a panic! He has already been spoken for! Ms Elizabeth Connell turns 4 tomorrow and she tells him she loves him all the time! You should hear the giggles! Man, am I in trouble! Spencer now has 3 and Nicholas 100!!!! Now, you see why I really could use your prayers!

I'm taking stuff to make dirt cups to Spencer's class! Good stuff with oreo topping, then they can put their own gummy worms in it! Gross! Just like they like!! Ha! I hope they like it! It's chocolate! Spencer will!

Pray for Nicholas, Frances just called and said his temp is 100.6* right now! The weekend! I'm getting to hate weekends now! It's so hard to get anything done on the weekends!

Pray for all the ones on chemo and the side effects of it! It's a great thing but side effects are horrible....
Remember all the children too.

Bearthday Blessings to my baby, Spencer.
Miracles for Nicholas,

Thursday, November 10, 2005 7:52 AM CST


Well, my prediction just didn't happen! No rosy, red cheeks! He is still very pale! I don't like this anemic look at all! It haunts you, once you see it! He was playing some last night with Sissy Bear and it sort of helped but not very much! He still acts very angry when he doesn't get his way! This is new territory for all of us. He has only acted this way since we started the steroids. He hasn't had any since October 23rd and he is still showing some signs of it in his system, but not much! Nothing like before!

The boys really enjoyed their package from The Connell family! They loved the pixie sticks too! Also, thanks for the Birthday packages for Spencer, MaryAnn, you are so faithful and he loves Dot to Dot! Joel, thanks for the hat extention! He loved it! I do have a photo for you!!!!
Thanks for the cards too! He has several! I am planning his pizza party Fri, 6 pm! Spiderman is the theme of course! I am brain dead so it may just happen or not! Yes, it will happen! I need some more caffine!

Praying for Rosy, Red cheeks without fevers!

Wednesday, November 9, 2005 6:46 AM CST


I was home by 9:30ish! Don't ask me! I haven't a clue! New nurse! She started the iv and platelets as soon as we got there. It still took 6 hrs, but at least I was home before midnight! We were about an hour into the red cell transfusion and Nicholas just started singing! Wow! Talking about giving life! Those red cells really boosted him! He didn't want to walk out of hospital and had to go in a wheelchair!

Thanks to whomever donated Platelets on Nov. 3rd! O+!!! Thank you! And donated Red Cells, O+! They really do renew life! I wish you could just see him before and after! Today, his little cheeks will be rosey red and Frances will freak out! She will think he has a temp! We are use to his paleness! Yeah, right! We will never be use to that!

Cat news! None under the house! Don't know what is causing the smell! We will never know I guess!

Spencer was in a good mood yesterday, after a 4 hr nap!!! He was asleep before we arrived home last night too! He must have really been tired! He went to store for me and I gave him some spending money! He got change back and told Dad, "Dad, I can use this for lunch money tomorrow!"
He was tickled to pieces!

Remember Ms. Clara, she has started a high dose chemo and she is having some complications. Remember all the cubs getting treatments, clinical trials, or in transplant.....
Remember, pray for miracles and look out your window every day! You may just see YOUR Cloud!

Praying for miracles,

Wednesday, November 9, 2005 6:46 AM CST


I was home by 9:30ish! Don't ask me! I haven't a clue! New nurse! She started the iv and platelets as soon as we got there. It still took 6 hrs, but at least I was home before midnight! We were about an hour into the red cell transfusion and Nicholas just started singing! Wow! Talking about giving life! Those red cells really boosted him! He didn't want to walk out of hospital and had to go in a wheelchair!

Thanks to whomever donated Platelets on Nov. 3rd! O+!!! Thank you! And donated Red Cells, O+! They really do renew life! I wish you could just see him before and after! Today, his little cheeks will be rosey red and Frances will freak out! She will think he has a temp! We are use to his paleness! Yeah, right! We will never be use to that!

Cat news! None under the house! Don't know what is causing the smell! We will never know I guess!

Spencer was in a good mood yesterday, after a 4 hr nap!!! He was asleep before we arrived home last night too! He must have really been tired! He went to store for me and I gave him some spending money! He got change back and told Dad, "Dad, I can use this for lunch money tomorrow!"
He was tickled to pieces!

Remember Ms. Clara, she has started a high dose chemo and she is having some complications. Remember all the cubs getting treatments, clinical trials, or in transplant.....
Remember, pray for miracles and look out your window every day! You may just see YOUR Cloud!

Praying for miracles,

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 10:19 AM CST


Nicholas' counts are down, platelets: 12k, hbg-8.1, and an anc of 205........needless to say, we are getting two transfusions! Platelets dropped 36k in 4 days....!

Today, he isn't feeling well at all! I was getting ready to take him for his tx and called the orders! I was totally shocked! That means it will be this afternoon before we get there and then a minimum of 4-5 hrs.... plus the slow paced system......I may get home before midnight!!!!! Hopefully sooner!!!

Sissy Bear is off work today and will be able to help me! Thank God for Sissy Bears!

We are smelling a foul smell and my cat has disappeared! I think it has crawled under the house and died.... Phew! Just the odor I need!

Thanks Lynn for the birthday package! I was totally surprised! That was so sweet of you, thanks! Now if I can get some time for myself! That would be another miracle!

Remember Maddie Trimper's family, she received her ultimate healing and was promoted to an angel. Remember all the empty arms! Remember all the cubs getting treatments of some kind.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,
Not begging for bread, just crying for crumbs,

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 10:19 AM CST


Nicholas' counts are down, platelets: 12k, hbg-8.1, and an anc of 205........needless to say, we are getting two transfusions! Platelets dropped 36k in 4 days....!

Today, he isn't feeling well at all! I was getting ready to take him for his tx and called the orders! I was totally shocked! That means it will be this afternoon before we get there and then a minimum of 4-5 hrs.... plus the slow paced system......I may get home before midnight!!!!! Hopefully sooner!!!

Sissy Bear is off work today and will be able to help me! Thank God for Sissy Bears!

We are smelling a foul smell and my cat has disappeared! I think it has crawled under the house and died.... Phew! Just the odor I need!

Thanks Lynn for the birthday package! I was totally surprised! That was so sweet of you, thanks! Now if I can get some time for myself! That would be another miracle!

Remember Maddie Trimper's family, she received her ultimate healing and was promoted to an angel. Remember all the empty arms! Remember all the cubs getting treatments of some kind.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,
Not begging for bread, just crying for crumbs,

Monday, November 7, 2005 8:19 AM CST

Good Morning!

The boys had a great weekend except for the sniffles! Nicholas nose is now running and he looks very pale and weak eyed! He is coughing up some horrible looking stuff! I'm just glad it's coming out! We are back on nebulized Tobi, for two months in a row instead of one! He had his last antibiotics so we'll see what today's bloodwork and cultures are! I know they have dropped just from looking at him.

Uncle Roger and Aunt Ann came this weekend and they all had a wonderful time together! Then Ms Libbey came over and brought some Western wooden ornaments to paint! They really enjoyed doing those! Thanks Libbey for cheering up two little guys! You are such a blessing to our family!

What do you do with a nurse that says, "You all had better watch, he(Nicholas) will get immune to all these antibiotics!" AS IF, we didn't already know that! Like we weren't already worried about it! Man! What on earth are we suppose to do? Not put him on something when the cultures turn up positive! Is that one way we can watch!? I'm amazed at the IQ of some people! ARRRRGGGH!

Anyway, new trail to go on! This morning, Spencer was eating his fruit loops and said, "Today is Mommy's birthday!" He thought of it first! That was so sweet and just made my morning! He is so sweet!

Now, pray for our miracle! Pray for my cubs! Pray for our family. Pray for Will, his counts have fallen and Mom, Kayla, has strep or flu. Will is going for his harvest this week, remember him. Pray for Clara, she has completed all her radiation and chemo, but begins a new chemo today. Pray for all the children and adults as well. Maria is in hospital, please remember her.

Praying for miracles, looking for his cloud, feeling God's Blessings,

Friday, November 4, 2005 10:02 AM CST


Well guess what Nicholas did yesterday???? If you said "Ran to the window the very first thing!" You would have guess correctly! That is what he did! Ran and looked for "His Cloud!" Frances asked him again if he had told me and he looked really sad and said no. I asked him if he had seen his cloud and he said no! He said, "I didn't really see God but I know He is up there!" Awwww, the faith of His children! He told us to "M't:25:13: Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh!"

A song came to me this morning, "Feed Your Children!" in which the chorus goes like this:

Feed your children, but Lord,
Give me the crumbs from your table.
I'm not worthy of them all!
Satisfy others, and when they all have eaten,
Lord, have mercy on me!

And I've been begging for crumbs all morning. My soul is crying out continuously! Surely, there is a little miracle for my little guy. God, I know you're up there! Surely there is a miracle for my baby. Surely there is! Oh, the anguish! Oh, the hurt, the pain, the desperation that I'm feeling. I'm begging......just a crumb from His mighty table would be sufficient! He is just a little guy, it wouldn't take but a word from an Almighty God, another littly touch, another little cloud, or another little crumb. I would gladly give all that I have or would ever have for him a miracle.

Do you run to the window each morning...Watching for your Lord?
I know He is still up there, for I can feel His tug!

Thursday, November 3, 2005 6:51 AM CST


Well, Frances asked Nicholas about what he said. He said, "Wait and I'll show you!" After his bath and she got him dressed, he went back to the same window in the dining room, looked up and dissapointedly said, "It's gone!" Frances asked him what and he said, "The cloud! God was on the cloud!" Frances asked him if he had told me and he said, "No, it's a secret!" I asked him about it later and he couldn't "remember" anything! Do you think he is possibly trying to protect me? That just makes it all more amazing! He is so precious! Frances said the he went back to the window twice and said, "He's still not out there!"

His coloring is way off! He is pale and somewhat ashen on his forhead. I'm sure his hgb will be low. We will know today! I'll post results whenever I know them! He is having problems remembering what he wants to say. He started the other night and I know he said it 10 times before he finally got it out! "I, I, I, I, ...."

He seems to feel better late in the evenings and at bedtime of course! I love to listen to the giggles of them playing! It is sweet, sweet music to my ears!

Spencer really enjoyed his field trip yesterday! He said they got to lay brick! They visited the vocational school. I'm sure it was educational for them! I really wanted to go but had already missed one day this week! It's so hard to go every time and they go alot! I love to listen to the tidbit of news! "Austin cried because he couldn't sit beside of Aliza!" Oh, they keep me laughing! They are all so sweet and precious! One day, Spencer got time out! He was really upset because he couldn't put the soft blocks in place exactly just like the photo indicated!!!! Mr. Perfection! Oh, I love my babies!

Remember all the children and adults that are in treatments or need them.

Stephanie, it was good to hear from you, I was wondering where you were! What you said in the guestbook about Nicholas being a mentor to many made me wonder just how many people has by baby touched! If he has shown the love of Jesus to you, please let me know. Large or small, has he brought a smile to your face?

Blessings and Bear Hugs,
Touched by an angel,

Wednesday, November 2, 2005 9:33 AM CST


After a very quiet day yesterday, Frances unhooked Nicholas from the feeder to let him run around and play. He went to the dining room and just stood there for a while and didn't say a word. Frances watched him and then asked him if he was ok. He turned around and Frances knew something was up! She told me that he had a look about him that she couldn't even put into words. He said, "I've been talking to my Father!" "Do you know who I'm talking about?" Frances said, Yes." He said, "God! I told Him I was ready to die and wanted to see Him!" Frances kept it under control and told him the we all wanted to go to Heaven one of these days.....he didn't say anything more.

He was quiet for a while and then had school. He told Ms. Phyllis that he was "So sleepy!" After she left, he and Spencer played and played! They were laughing and playing and had the best little time together!
I was expecting the worse come bedtime but he didn't say anything to me at all. I have come to the understanding that if it is his time to go then God will have to give us all strenght to get through it. We can't do anything about it except cry for more time. I feel we have been blessed beyond measure with 7 precious years but my heart wants more time.

At bedtime, Nicholas would keep playing and he told me that he didn't want to go to sleep because he was afraid he would have nightmares. He will lie in bed and tell his cubs a bedtime story but not out loud! I saw him doing it the other night and asked him what story was he telling and he smiled and said, "Three Billy Goat Gruffs!" He is so funny! He is so precious!

Praying for strenght and courage for all the families going through a diagnosis, treatment, and loss.

How would you look if you had just spoken with your Heavenly Father? Totally at peace, happy beyond comprehension, glowing? Indescrible!

Tuesday, November 1, 2005 11:14 AM CST


If I had updated earlier, I would have requested urgent prayer for Nicholas! He wouldn't hardly talk to Frances or get out of bed! He couldn't think of what he was trying to say and it took him about 15 minutes to get it out! BUT he is now up and feeling somewhat better!

He begged to go out Trick or Treating last night and we did! It was too cold for him but he wanted to so badly! We only went to 5 houses and he said, "Mom, this is the greatest, spookiest, best, scariest Trick or Treating I've ever had!" Broke my heart! Then, when we got home, he said, "Trick or Treating is fine but there's no place like home!" Spencer kept thinking of more places to go too!! He loved all that chocolate!

This morning, Nicholas told Frances that it may be his last Halloween! NO one has said this to him that I know of and he just up and told her that!

I just don't know what to think anymore.....I'm in La La Land! Spencer is some better but I completely lost my voice yesterday! Much to Jeff's delight!!!!!! Ha! Just kidding! I think we all have bronchitis! Now, Nicholas is a little hoarse too. It is probably viral! He is now on antibiotics for 7 days!

Last night, I kept hearing something clink against glass and raised up to see Spencer on top of the dresser! Still asleep, just swaying! I just about lost my breath! I ran and layed him back down in the bed and he didn't move a muscle! I couldn't believe my eyes! His bed is right beside of the dresser but I have no idea how he climbed up there! I was in shock! Sleep walker? Probably could be!

Remember all the children in your prayers and all the adults too! All the families need our prayers too. If you want your child's site added to our new Prayer Bears website, please email me.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Monday, October 31, 2005 7:37 AM CST


Friday began with a call from the home health nurse that the blood and trach cultures taken on Thrus were positive! Again! We had just stopped the antibiotics on Wednesday and started them back on Saturday! It just never ends!

Friday Spencer came in from school feeling worse too! He was complaining with an ear ache! He and I both have a terrible cough! After giving him some medicine, his ear ache was better but he moaned and groaned all night long Fri night in his sleep! Needless to say that is why none of us got any sleep except Nicholas!

Saturday, they were both feeling better. Sissy Bear came up an prepared dinner! Thanks Sissy Bear! Too bad it was her birthday and she had to cook her own dinner! The chicken n dumplings were delicious! Happy Birthday Sissy Bear! The best Auntie Bear, two litle cubs could ever have!

Sunday morning, Spencer decided at 3:30 am he was hungry and ate a bowl of cereal! Then, at breakfast ate some chicken gravy! He continued to eat off and on all day long!

This morning, he insisted he was well enough to go to school! Mom is going to be there so he will get to come home early anyway!

Remember all the children taking treatments and the adults too!

Blessing and Bear Hugs,
Happy Holyween!

October 28, 2005


Nicholas did get his platelet transfusion! In case you didn't read yesterdays results, his platelets were down to 8k. Man! He has petechia all over his jaw and upper lip where he has been coughing. He is having those old really bad gas spells with his tummy again. Oh, I didn't realize how bad they use to be! We have had a wonderful break but they are even scarier now with his platelets low. We are seeing some blood in his stomach and it breaks my heart to see him so sick! Let me describe it! If you don't want to read this, you had better skip to the bottom! First, you will hear him trying to hold it back, and if you ask him if he needs vented, most of the time he will say no! Unless it's really bad, then he will say, "Quick!" and run to lie down so we can get the extention to hook to his g-tube to let the gas out. Then he will begin breaking out in a sweat, retching really hard, but still trying not to throw up and rolling from side to side! Most of the time we can keep it out of his throat but barely! I'm sure this is very painful for him and has to burn. He will shudder and calm down and most of the time will say, "I'm better now!" Never one time have I ever heard a complaint! These gas spells and acid reflux use to occur daily and sometimes more than once a day! After his second Nissen Fundoplication(surgery to wrap part of the stomach around the bottom of the esophagus), they stopped. Now that they are reappearing, I'm scared the nissen has come undone or tearing loose!

Now, another thing we have noticed is he is retaining fluid! I think its when he is on antibiotics and gets that extra fluid. When they stop, his system kicks into "hold on to the fluids" mode! Because last night when she started him on fluid, he started voiding shortly! Now, his ankles aren't as swollen this morning!

Now another thing is, that the right side of his face is swollen just a little bit bigger than the left! Weight gain? He has gained a couple of pounds but he has also be itching down his v-p shunt line! Yes, call me a worry wart! I'm worried his shunt line will have infection in it or have to be replaced! This has been an ongoing thing I've noticed during this entire year, as his little system is failing to fight off infections. It could very well be weight gain and I hope that is it!

Now another thing! Do you want more worries or I prefer to call them prayer requests! Ok, I'll give you a break for now and get on to Spencer's! Spencer threw up at school but isn't running a temp! He said something didn't taste good, so pray it's just bad school food!! That would be better than being sick! He is so particular anyway! He doesn't like "something green or black in it!", as in seasonings, pepper or parsley! He is a ham!

Ready for a funny story? Ok! After giving Frances lots of sweet butterfly kisses, he told her to call, "Cowboy, Nicholas' name for him!", her husband! "Tell him you are getting some good lovins!", he told her! Frances burst out laughing! So did Cowboy! I think Nicholas is just trying to make him jealous!

Have a wonderful blessed weekend, pain and treatment free!
Blessings and Bear Hugs,
Praying that I can FROG! (Fully Rely On God!)

P.S. Happy Holyween!

Thursday, October 27, 2005 6:44 AM CDT

*Nicholas platelets down to 8k! Transfusion this evening! :(


The boys are doing ok! Batman and Spiderman just cannot be stopped! They don the costumes and turn into a totally different character! They call me "Donna!" and can go anywhere in the house and not be afraid to find Sissy Bear while playing Hide N Seek! They are brave super heros!

Nicholas looked spiffy yesterday! They were doing re-makes at school and Nicholas' bruise had disappeared enough to get his pictures taken! We went to visit Spencer and he introduced Nicholas to all his classmates! He was so excited because we were there and acted so precious! He was so proud his brother came to class!

"What happened to him?" was the first question we were asked by someone in the picture line! Then as we went down the hallways, the children would stop talking and just look at us! I guess we are really funny looking! They are so curious about his feeding tube!

We then visited Nicholas school class and someone from William King Art Center gave an Indian presentation! They then did a sandpaper art project! It was really neat! Nicholas did the design with Mom's help of course! He loved it!

We will get cbc results today some time! It has been hectic keeping Nicholas from banging himself and keeping Spencer from injuring him as well! I will post counts whenever I get them!

Pray for all of us going through medical issues!
Pray for patience, strength, courage, wisdom, knowledge, and perseverence!

Pray for healing,

Tuesday, October 25, 2005 7:39 AM CDT


Guess who was up singing this morning to the top of his lungs! He is a pure ham! He said, "I'm glad I woke up this morning to see how pretty you look for work!" Whoo Hooo, made my day! He is going to be a politician for sure! He was feeling fiesty yesterday evening! Very demanding and moody but still feeling well enough to be a little stinker!

Spencer was up and so sweet this morning too! His tummy wwas bothering him and he wouldn't eat breakfast! He will have pizza today on his little field trip so he will be fine I hope! They are visiting the Fire Dept!

Well, Nicholas platelets were down to 13k, hgb 9.5, and anc 490. Right now we are going for another cbc on Thurs. No sign of bleeding anywhere so no platelet tx! Guess what Nicholas received in the mail!!! A card from a Camp Sunshine volunteer that donated platelets in his honor! It thrilled my heart and lifted my spirits!!! Many thanks to you J! for EVERYTHING! Nicholas loves you so much!

Too cool to go outside and play but he enjoys Sissy Bear and playing Hide n Seek! Spencer cannot remember to save his life to be easy with Nicholas! He doesn't mean to be rough but he is pure boy! I feel like a constant harper!
This is very scary to be this low on platelets and go for a long time! Very nerve racking! But on the other hand, I love seeing them full of life and running around playing!
I would much rather be a harper then wringing my hands in worry! Oh well! They will just have to get use to MOM trying to be cautious!

Remember all the adults and children that are going through treatments. We have several cubs on our Prayer Bears that really need prayer for their last few earthly steps.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Monday, October 24, 2005 7:36 AM CDT

Good Morning!

I walked in the house on Fri evening and knew immediately that Nicholas was on the mend! He was so much better it was like turning on a light switch! He is just feeling better all the way around! No more diarrhea! Just a little nauseaous so that part is lots better too!

He is a mystery! Every time he is sick it affects his entire GI!

The tooth fairy was busy again at our house! Fri evening he lost the loose one! That makes 4! And he has started on another one!!!! He is such a ham! He has ran and played all weekend! I told him not to be running because his counts were probabaly low and he said, "Mom, I'm just slow running!"

We do get a cbc today so I'll post the results whenever I can! It will depend when they get to my house! and I get the results!

By the way! Mom's eyes are great! NO cancer or glaucoma!!!!! No more local eye drs either!!!!!!

I had to take Spencer to get blood work on Saturday and it took three of us to hold him down! He was hysterical!!!!!
I dreaded it so much! I just knew what was going to happen! He watch them put the needle in his arm and forgot to cry for a second! He realized that it was over with and was ok! He wouldn't even look at them when it was over let alone blow kisses like Nicholas does! Broke my heart and I was totally washed out! Totally drained when it was over with!

Remember all the ones taking treatments or are just in need of prayer! Debbie, Delmar, Clara, Karen, Joe, and all the children! Too many to even begin to list!

Praying for healing, peace, and contentment,

Friday, October 21, 2005 8:08 AM CDT


Nicholas seemed to be in a great mood yesterday evening! He and Spencer were playing hide n seek with Sissy Bear and they were squealing! Pure delightful, sweet music to my ears!

Spencer has a nursery rhyme contest! It is great and they get prizes if they can recite them! He already knew the one for this week anyway!

My mind is in shambles this morning. They have found something in my Mom's eyes. She heard the word cancer and cannot remember anything else the eye dr said. She is going for another opinion today. Please remember us in your prayers. She had half her lung removed about 14 yrs ago because of cancer! She is really scared and needs your prayers. It could also be diabetes related too.

Remember Robbie, mi/robbie, going to tx because of chromosome change, Monosomy 7. Remember all the ones in treatment!

Praying for God's touch,

Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:00 AM CDT


Nicholas asked Frances to read to him one day and when she was slow in responding he proclaimed, "I'm the King and I'm the boss, what I say goes!" She burst out lauging and then Nicholas got so tickled he couldn't keep his stern look about him! He is a pure ham!

Yesterday, Nicholas was singing to the top of his lungs! Yes, he is feeling much better. We began his two antibiotics again! He is on Synercid and Levoquin again! Hopefully, this will clear up his lungs! He actually sounded better last night! He is still suffering from diarrhea in the mornings from the Anadrol and his bottom is scalded! Yes, big bummer! We are now down to giving the medicine two days a week! I hope and pray that is enough to boost the marrow!

His platelets were down to 38k on Monday and we will probably be getting another cbc again or may wait until next Monday if he doesn't bleed anywhere. It is a day by day case!

Mr. Spencer painted a scarecrow and took it back to school yesterday and they took his photo with it! It was so cute even if we forgot the hair! Spencer said, "That's ok, I wanted a bald scarecrow!" I couldn't help but laugh! He is so funny! He did really well! I was impressed! He chose all the colors and painted it himself! It had a lopsided smile that was just the cutest! I wished I'd taken a picture of it!!!

Remember all the ones taking treatments, Karen Coleman, Keith Perry, both from Norton. They are taking treatments with Clara! Ms Clara is doing fantastic so far!!! Prayers for Delmar, Debbie, Joanne, Charisse, Maria, and all the children that are suffering!

Blessed beyond measure,

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 8:36 AM CDT


We arrived home yesterday evening. Nicholas has been so nauseated, just like old times all over again! He had even been throwing up! It was a very tough trip! Going and coming! He is coughing up some really thick yellow secretions too. They were going to put him on something but I think it will have to be two different antibiotics now. Overall, he is feeling better, the mic-key button site is still tender and sore but he isn't scared it will fall out not!

We hadn't been on the road for an hour when Spencer asked if we were home yet!! Then, a couple of hours later, "I want to eat at Long John Silvers!" Of course, we did. He hadn't eaten well on this trip and still sort of croupy! He did eat some but later in the evening ate some more fish! It was worth the stop.

Jeff's brother, Darrell and his wife Heidi were in and came over with Mamaw Boggs last night. They brought their poodle Misty and the boys absolutely loved it! They enjoyed her little tricks! Now, Spencer and Nicholas are saying they are going to the pet shop and getting a: one said white, one said black, poodle and naming it Misty too!
Thanks a lot Heidi!

Remember Mamaw Boggs today, she is having a cataract removed! Remember all the ones taking treatments for cancer or some other life altering disease.

On this roller coaster we are on, you take a plunge downward and pray, then its a uphill battle with prayer, then its a short respite at the mountain top with Praises to the Lord and then pray again as we start downward. Only ours is more like they could plunge down, with a small plateau, and then go plunge even farther! Yes, we still thank God for the plateaus. Hey, I'd even like to see a very long plateau! Actually, I think that is what we are just seems like its at the bottom! How do we handle this journey? With prayer! LOTS of prayer!

Our journey has let me see the need for encouragement in others journeys. Sometimes we just need a friend who will listen! We don't expect "help" all the time! Remember Colton's mom, Laura, she really could use some encouragement right now!

Praying, Trusting, and Believing in the Healer,

Monday, October 17, 2005 6:22 PM CDT

PTL! Nicholas did great today! He had a different Dr. who was very kind and gentle.
They are very tired and are staying over tonight. They will be home tom. eve.
Pray for their safety tonight and tomorrow on the way home.
I'm always asking, but there is no one else who can deliver us. God can do all.
Sissy Bear

Sunday, October 16, 2005 8:48 PM CDT

Sissy Bear here. I thought I would update tonight because I won't have time tomorrow until late. Nicholas is in Cincinnati; he is having problems with micki-button. It is loose again and will have to be replaced. He has to go there to get this done because of the GJ tube. He cried all morning because of having to get this done. His stomach is so sore and tender, not to mention that the Dr. is rough and very abrupt. He needs people skills as well. Pray for him,too; he needs kindness and the knowledge that he is working on children, not a machine.
If they don't get back home tomorrow, I will let you know how things are going tomorrow night. If they get back, Donna will update Tuesday.
Thanks for all the prayers and support.
Until next time,
Sissy Bear

Friday, October 14, 2005 7:15 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Spencer went to the Pumpkin Patch in Nickellsville yesterday and had a great time. They gave them all a little pumpkin, went on a hay ride, corn maze, and petted a minature horse and some goats! They also had a baby lama! It was ok but I expected more for some reason! Then, I took him to get his physical for pre-k and he had to have 3 boosters for his immunizations! Not a happy camper at all! Super Wal-mart made him feel much better! Now, let me tell you what a sweet baby I have. Here he is the one with the boo-boos and he wanted Batman bandaids for "Brother!" Now, how precious is that!

I called home to check on Nicholas when we could get a signal and he wasn't feeling well at all. He had diarrhea again and said, "My feet are soooo sore and my legs are hurting me, I can't walk." He was back in bed by 9:30 and slept til 2 or so! He doesn't do that anytime!!!!! Hence, it was major late 1 or 2 am before he could go to sleep last night! I'm sick with a sever sore throat and very tired today!

Dr Harris thinks it is from the Anadrol and put him on it twice a week! He thinks it is causing leg cramps! How on earth is that going to help my baby's marrow????? I'm getting very discouraged...............

Pray for all the children and adults getting treatments or need prayer, Clara, Sherry, Donna, Delmar, Joanne, Julianna, John, and all the ones that are on our Prayer Beras! Too many to even begin listing! Pray for these and all their familiess.

Praying for God's touch again,

Wednesday, October 12, 2005 6:40 AM CDT


A very sleepy hello at that! Nicholas received his platelets and a red cell transfusion yesterday evening. He has his tank full now! We got back home around 1 am!!!

Yes, I'm exhausted and so was Nicholas. He said, "I can't wait to get home, I'm totally exhausted!" He has been saying this a lot! Yes, he stayed awake but had a nap again yesterday. He wasn't feeling well at all, no major fever, but really congested. His nose and eyes have stopped running so I believe he is on the mend. His mic-key button stoma looks much better too. Still very tender but looks lots better.

Nurse Debbie told Nicholas that she would walk us out to the van. She said that she wouldn't let anyone else because she loved him and wanted to do it! He said, "Debbie, you have to share your love!" "Did you hear me? You have to share your love!" She didn't know what to say!

Spencer went to Sissy Bear's for a while yesterday evening! He asked Dad where we were but didn't miss us too much! He went to sleep fairly quick and was up early this morning! He woke up around 4:30 this morning and wanted me to sleep with him! I couldn't believe my ears when that alarm clock buzzed this morning! Oh, I was so sleepy! But overall, we got our 4 ususal hrs or so! Ha!

Remember Will, his counts have dropped to in the 50's. Kayla was hit pretty hard because this is the first time it has dropped so low! I would be estatic with a platlet count of 56k! When you've been barely above 10k, 50 looks sooooo good! But I can remember coming down to 50k, Nicholas stayed there for 5 months. Overall, Nicholas averaged dropping about 30k a year until he has hit the bottom. I can't say these meds aren't totally working, they seem to be holding him up some, just not generating enough to do any major number change.

Remember Donna, Clara, Delmar, Teresa, Debbie, all have very different touches from God. Remember all the children also going through treatments. Jacinda could really use any extra prayers you could whisper for her.

Share your love to show God's love,

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 6:41 AM CDT

**We will have to have platelet and red cell transfusions this evening....pray for my baby..
*cbc results above!

Good Morning,

Nicholas had a very rough day yesterday and actually slept for a couple of hours! That just doesn't happen during the day unless he is sick. His little eyes and nose were pouring last night. Spencer was a little better but started coughing when he laid down to sleep. He woke up for another dose of medicine.

Nicholas still did great in school yesterday evening even though he wasn't feeling well. He was even writing better too.

Sissy Bear asked Nicholas the other day and Nicholas replied, "Absolumente nada!" It was so funny! I couldn't help but laugh! I can't even remember what she asked but it was hiliarious, she may have just been wanting to talk to him! Whatever it was, he didn't want to do anything! Now, he is throwing the spanish back at her!

I found a pair of camo fleece lined pants and Spencer had to try them on and pranced around like he was a king! They made him want to dance that is for sure! He is a ham!
We all cracked up at him! He had to show them to Nicholas teacher and to his Dad! He thought those were cool! I told him he could wear them squirrel hunting with his Dad! Now, he will expect to go this evening!!!! He takes everything literally! He is so precious! He also read a book to me last night, Forest Animals! He did really well! He is doing so good but I can tell he is picking up some things from school!

Remember all the ones that are going through treatment, Juliana Banana, Clara, Delmar, Donna, Denton family, all the FA children, cancer patients, mental illness, and all the sick.
Remember the empty arms.

Believing in the Healer, Comforter, and Savior,

Monday, October 10, 2005 7:33 AM CDT

Good Morning,

NO one would believe me when I say, "It never stops!" but at our house, it just doesn't! Nicholas pulled his mickey button by catching it on a toy and it cut his belly a little bit and it is nasty looking! Some blood and oozing nasty stuff! It is so tender and he is really scared when anyone touches it. I have to tell him to totally relax to even get some antibiotic ointment around it.

Friday evening, he enjoyed a visit from Mary and Ms Clara! Clara looks absolutely wonderful!!!! Taking her chemo and radiation really well with no side effects thus far!

Saturday, Nicholas wouldn't let me out of his site! I should have known something was wrong. He wasn't feeling a bit good and coughed all night long. He may have slept for one two hour interval!!! Needless to say, Momma Bear was exhausted!

Dad was an absolutee wonder! He cooked for all of us and even cleaned up the kitchen! He felt better after a nap and after his headache was gone!!! I'm sure he knew most every time I was up with Nicholas too! So Spencer was the only one that slept.

Now, they both are sniffing and sneezing! Bless their little hearts! Colds again. Has to be a virus, any little thing brings his counts down even farther and causes Nicholas looks horrible! He is very dark around his mouth and eyes. We will have another cbc drawn today and I'll post as soon as I know.

Pray for everyone that is going through an illness, Delmar, Clara, Denton family, Baker family, as well as all the empty arms,

Blessings and Bear hugs,

Friday, October 7, 2005 7:49 AM CDT


Nicholas is turning into a Mr. Grumpy Bear! He is short with everyone and will roll his eyes, sigh really big, and say, "Shhhoooooooo!" if he has to repeat anything! Very dramatic! I know this personality change is a direct effect of the steroid Anadrol! His symptoms were just about gone and now, here we are starting it again!

I went home yesterday and he looked so dark around his mouth and eyes. Then, later on he was real pale. I cringe just remembering. Last night, I noticed blood on his PICC dressing but at the back... I held my breath while checking it and he had scratched through the edge of the dressing and it was bleeding. Scared me to death but knew it wasn't where the line goes into his vein. Thank God it was just a scratch but it bled a lot! More since his platelets are down. There probably wasn't much but it sure looked like it to me!

He wanted me to lie down with him "For five minutes!" I was patted on the cheek and heard, "My sweet little Mommy!" Now, I feel touched by the hand of God too! How precious can one little boy be?

Please pray for him, he is so nauseated this morning! Pray for God's will to be done in all our lives. My mind went back to the NICU and remembered how God touched his little body then! And how one nurse was mean to me! I still get aggravated with just the thought of him! I had to pray really hard this morning! Then, I remember the nurse that was so broken hearted when I got to see him after surgery for the first time. I would love for her to meet him now!
What a blessing he would be!

Remember all the children and adults that could use the hand of God to touch them. We all do at some point in our lives. Turn to Him if you feel the touch.

God gave us His Son!

Thursday, October 6, 2005 6:39 AM CDT


Well, the diarrhea is only in the mornings and not in the afternoons or nights. Thank you Lord! Yesterday, he started coughing up blood but it also stopped. Thank you Lord! I can see the Lord working when no one else can. Isn't God wonderful! Again, thanks from the bottom of our hearts for the prayers going up for our precious son.

We did get a cbc yesterday too. His platelets were down to 15k, hgb down to 8.2 and that is all I have at this point. I'll post more when I get more. They will probably do another cbc on Fri. don't think they will wait until Mon. We also did a stool culture. Waiting to see if it is c-diff. Nurse said it looked like chocolate pudding!

Last night was Anadrol night and I only gave him a quarter of the pill, about 12.5 mg to see if he will be able to tolerate that. Pray that he will be able too. If not, then it is not meant to be.

Spencer, well I bragged too quick! He was in a terrible mood yesterday evening. I couldn't get out of his site to even get his food! Then, I suspected he thought we were going for transfusion and told him that we were not going. He was fine after that. We went outside and they played for a while! Checking on the egg!

Did I mention the eggs? Well, Dad was digging in their sandbox and Spencer told him to dig to the right! He did and found 22 eggs! We didn't know what kind they were. Most of them weren't any good, two was left and one of them was oozing! I cracked it open and it was a baby.........mud turtle!!!! It wasn't completely formed but was moving around. We sat it beside of the creek and it was gone the next day! The boys were absolutely thrilled to see all of this and has told everyone that has happened through the door! We buried the remaining egg! What a thrill!

Remember those that need the hand of God to touch them.
Blessings and Big Bear Hugs,

Wednesday, October 5, 2005 6:37 AM CDT

**Update for today: high odor diarrhea this morning, pray it's not c-diff.


The diarrhea stopped! Praise the Lord! Ty, ty, ty for praying for him! If he only has the diarrhea in the morning and that is all, I think we can tolerate the meds! YES! The side effects are horrible or should I say possible side effects but the one we want is the boosting of the marrow into producing white and red cells, and his platelets. We do not want the others, as in liver turmors, stopping his growth, or the masculinization but that doesn't mean it won't happen! Pray for only the good effects of the steroid! Yes, of course I'm selfish! He is my baby for a while and I want him for as long as possible.

Nicholas asked Frances if God ever woke her up! He then said, "God woke me up last night and I saw the hand of God!" I asked him about it later and how God woke him. He said, "He just said, Nicholas!" I asked him about God's hand and he patted his cheek showing me what God's hand did. I didn't know what to think but I do thank you God for touching my baby. I'm still in awe! Peace, like a river flowing over my soul!

I found a toy in Spencer's bookbag and asked him about it!He said that he was the best reader and got to pick out a toy from the treasure chest! I'm so proud of him! He is so sweet! He giggles first thing in the morning and up to bedtime! I love to hear him laugh! He and Dad were in the bathroom this morning and I heard him just laughing up a storm! Dad was letting a little stuffed bear wash its paws and pretending it had gotten its head wet! Spencer was laughing so hard! Music to my ears!

Pray for Clara Moore, Delmar Adkins, Dentin family, Danial Baker, and all the ones in hospitals, getting treatments, transplants, or on clinical trials.

How many times has God patted your cheek?
Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Tuesday, October 4, 2005 7:34 AM CDT


Yesterday's cbc results were down farther than expected and I think it has everyone down. I began the Anadrol last night and guess what? Yes, he has a severe diarrhea this morning! Has to be the medicine!!! Does this mean our only hope cannot even be tried? I just knew this one was going to work and we cannot even get it in his system long enough to see! I don't give it tonight as we are trying alternating nights. Pray this diarrhea will cease and his little system get use to the medicine and the marrow to respond. Is that asking too much? Lord, forgive me if it is, help me accept Your will.

We really need your prayers. You will have to stand in the gap for us right now. Pray for strenth, courage, wisdom, knowledge, peace, and contentment. Surely, there is another medicine we can possibly try.

Pray for Donna Hensly, she is still in a skilled nursing facilitiy. Pray for Clara Moore, she is getting chemo and radiation treatments. Pray for Delmar Adkins. Pray for The Denton family, their 2.5 yr old has cancer and baby has to have heart surgery. Pray for all the FA children, and all the ones that are sick, in clinical trials, on treatments, in transplants, and all the empty arms and broken hearted.

Still trusting in the Healer,

Monday, October 3, 2005 7:46 AM CDT

*Updated blood counts!


Nicholas and Spencer had a big weekend! They have had full days and slept well at night! Their days included church, picnics, hay lofts, wierner roasts, fish fry, playing with new found friends, tractors, and feeding the horse marshmellows!

They helped Dad and Papaw haul horse-made fertilizer to the hay fields! Ha! They spent the entire day "helping" and loved every minute of it! Spencer even ate Beene Weenes with his Papaw and said, "This is just the best dinner, ain't it Papaw?" He is too funny!

Overall, wonderful fun filled weekend. Then, I noticed something next to Nicholas' mic-key button. It was red and I checked it out. He has bruised his stomach and it was turning red and swollen around it. I think he was too fiesty the other day jumping and pulled it a little bit. I put some Neosporin on it and more Vitamen E on it. The swelling was down by yesterday evening. Hopefully, it will heal completely. Scared me to the depths of my being. I have an overactive imagination evidently!

Remember all the children going through treatments, transplants, and trials. The adults too: nc/jeff,

Heir to the Kingdom of God!
Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Friday, September 30, 2005 9:57 AM CDT


The boys are doing great! Nicholas got really nauseated during the antibiotic going in this morning. Most mornings, he gets nauseated but this morning he actually threw up but only when the meds were going in!

The other day, he was feeling real bad and he told Frances, "You know I'm going to die soon!" "I can't wait to see God!" Frances told him to stop or she was going to cry. He said, "I'll see you and Chub(her husband) there too!" Needless to say this broke Frances' heart. NO ONE tells him this or even mentions it! He told this to Mary one morning when he was feeling bad too. It breaks my heart. He just pipes up and says this stuff. Most of the time you aren't even talking about anything in particular, and he will just say whatever is on his mind. Like it or not! I asked him how he was feeling when I arrived home that evening and he said, "That tylenol made me all better!" He was complaining with his ears and tylenol cold probably helped dry them up some!

He tore up the home health nurse too. One time, he asked her to transfuse him and he hadn't ever done that before. She was very concerned about him. He knows when he needs a transfusion.

Last night, he wanted me to lie down with him again. He is so sweet and will just pat on my face. Precious moments! Oh Lord, we need this precious angel a miracle. Please hear my cry and the desire of my heart.

So many children and adults are suffering with the treatments that they are taking, please remember them too.

Trusting in the Miracle Giver,

Thursday, September 29, 2005 8:26 AM CDT


Good rainy morning to you! It was pouring this morning! We need the rain though.

Did you see those black and blue eyes? It is now spreading down in his cheeks! He looks so sweet in that photo! He was laughing so hard, he thought it was something to not pull his glasses off! He thought he was aggravating me! Of course, I played it up! There is another one of him acting silly too! He is too cute!

Spencer is all dressed up today for photos! He would not wear his black slippers! Had to wear brown Cowboy boots! Oh well! I'm sure he will still look so handsome! He was all smiles at Frances' compliments! If he will only stay in a good mood until they take photos! I wish I could have seen him! I'm sure he looked precious though! I showed him what he was wearing today and he said, "Wow, that's snazzy Mom!"

I went home yesterday evening to everyone looking out the window at snakes! There were a den of snakes coming in and out of our block wall. They were playing or something! The were ringed neck brownish gray snakes. I've seen several small black ones but these were more brownish! Nicholas wanted right in the middle of looking for them! Ugh!

Remember Baby Donovan, Jordan, Ty, Clara, and a host of others! tn/littlejohn goes for testing today and will begin his bmt soon, he also has FA. Also, remember the families involved too.

Leaning on Jesus,

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 7:10 AM CDT

Good Morning!

We did get our platelets in record time!!! We were there, platelet tx, and back home in about 4 hours! Yes, it was probably a record! Spencer was crying when I left and fell asleep before I got back home.

Spencer went to Magna Vista Farms yesterday on a field trip! It was fun for the children! They had two ducks and Spencer still is talking about their names! Toast and eggs was the female and Biscuits and Gravy was the male! Spencer like Biscuits and Gravy! He was still laughing about that this morning! They saw ducks, chicks, rabbits, goats, horses, cows and a minature pony preformed tricks for them! They rode a horse and went on a hay ride! It was really fun to watch the sheer joy on their little faces! Spencer enjoyed the rest of his day with Mom! Not to mention the chocolate ice cream!!!!

I think Nicholas is getting more fluid on his ears. He is nauseated more and cannot hear as well. He is still on antibiotics for the PICC line infection but it isn't helping his ears. Needs something else for them...I can tell! Must need something for gram - too!

He was pretending that Frances was his wife yesterday, calling her Honey, Darling, and Baby Cakes! Too Funny!
They were pretending to talk on the phone and she asked him how he was feeling. His answer? "I'm fine but my ears are bothering me some!" They probably were!

Prayers request for all the children needing special touches, ut/jordanbrunson, Ty, Baby Donavan, Jacinda, Nicholas, Sean, Katie, Julianna Banana, Estephany, and many, many more! Remember visit/claramoore too. She has had her first days of chemo and goes for radiation today.

In God I trust,

Monday, September 26, 2005 6:56 AM CDT

**Platelets are 20K, and will go for a transfusion this eve! Hgb-9.1 and ANC-390!


Overall, the weekend was great! The only bummer is Nicholas bump on the head has darkened and is still swollen. He had turned blue on the inside of his little nose. I know his counts have fallen some and it will probably look horrible by the end of the week. I get weak looking at him and can still hear his head hitting the floor.

Nicholas is still positive for MRSA in his PICC line. He is still on antibiotics until today but I have a feeling he will have to have more or that PICC line will have to come out. His little arm is broken out around the site because of the tape that holds the line in is breaking down his skin. He has a terrible time with any adhesives. He came to me the other day and said, "Mom, I accidently made a hole in it!" He had scratched through the dressing and tore the clear bandage loose. I had to change everything! That made the third time. He continues to itch and it is very hard for him to not scratch. He had one spot bleeding! I think I changed it three times last week! I wished we could leave the dressing off but cannot! That would be a direct way for infection to get in his blood stream! And a much greater chance of pulling the line out.

Nicholas is still rotten! He was in the biggest way all weekend. We went to Mamaw Boggs and Cathy said that she hadn't seen him like this in a long, long time! I told her that is what a red cell does! Actually brings him back to life.

Spencer has been sick most of the weekend and droopy. He wanted to go to the Pizza Hut and he actually ate really well! Anytime you ask him where he wants to go, he says,
"Pizza Hut!" I may have to have his birthday party there!
He felt like aggravating Nicholas though! He loves it when he can wrestle with Nicholas but as his counts start dropping, it's hard for him to slow down!

Pray for Clara, she begins her chemo today and radiation tomorrow. Remember Hubbey, his bladder is 95 percent blocked and is in tremendous pain. Remember Joyel Wayne (Daddy Bear) as he goes to Alabama to work. The boys are really going to miss him!

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

P.S. Nicholas will get blood work today, I'll post if I know early.

Friday, September 23, 2005 6:55 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Nicholas' nasty bump didn't bruise like I thought it would but is still a little swollen. It has turned dark all around his forehead and the bridge of his nose. The swelling has changed his facial features. He felt ok though and was going strong yesterday. I asked him if it was sore but he said no, only when he touched it!

Spencer sounds really croupy and didn't feel too good yesterday evening. I went to the funeral home and he told me, "Don't talk to anyone, just go and come back!" He is too funny! He did not want me to go and cried when I left. It broke my heart. He told Dad that no one loved him! Tore Dad up! I told him that no one on this earth loved him more than we did! He knows that! He just knows what to say!

This morning Spencer said, "Mom, I've got 90 girlfriends!" I said, "What? 90!" He smiled and said, "I hope they are there today!" Now I know why he likes school! He is so cute. He was fine with me leaving this morning! "Bye Mom! I'll see you tomorrow!" I told him I thought he would see me before then! Then, he told me to beat him home this evening! I guess all day to him seem like two days!

The dr are going to continue Nicholas' antibiotic for 5 more days. His blood culture is still showing up positive! He has no symptoms but it helped his diarrhea, nausea, and ears! He was nauseaed yesterday morning pretty badly but that is his normal morning thing! He made it three weeks without some type of antibiotic this time! I'll take that as an improvement but truthfully, he needed it before then. I could tell he was having fluid on his ears again. I will begin the Tobi this weekend again. He has been off of it for a month. Hopefully, that will continue to help his ears too.

I think we will be able to start the Anadrol (Oxymetholone)again too. Hopefully, it will not cause any problems but will work on his marrow! Oh, what a blessing that would be. Please pray for that to happen. That would be wonderful!

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Thursday, September 22, 2005 8:32 AM CDT


First of all, please remember the Dingus family. Kim's dad Charlie Dingus was found in bed on Tuesday morning. He had passed during the night!

Now, please remember Nicholas. He fell last night and has a nasty bump on his head. He was in the best little mood and has been so full of energy. He said, "Mom, I'm pretending to be a super hero and I have a cape on!" I was telling him that he was my hero anyway! He walked into the dining room and I looked down. I heard his head hit the hardwood flooring. He started crying and holding his nose. His face was flat on the floor. I put ice immediately on his head and we held it on and off around an hour. He was more upset because he thought he was going to the hospital. He said his head was hurting really bad and we asked him on a scale of 1 t0 10 how bad was it hurting. He said, "Ummm, a 2!"

Blessing in disguise! The home health nurse was suppose to do bloodwork today and came yesterday. His platelets were 122k!!! His transfusion was on Saturday and was a big harvest of 345 ml. That was the first thing I had thought of! Thank God his platelets were 122k today! Thank God that home health came early! I watched his pupils and how he was responding to me and to Dad during the night. He is up this morning and it has turned blackish blue looking! Oh, I have never been so weak afterwards! I was totally washed out!

Spencer had his teacher visitation on Tues evening and read a book to them! I think they were impressed! He acted so cute and sweet! Yesterday was a parent meeting and we made a pumpkin magnet and leaf necklace with our children! It was fun! We also watched a video of their daily activities! Very informative!!!

Blessings and Bear Hugs,
Double thanks to the platelet donor!

Monday, September 19, 2005 7:31 AM CDT


Spencer sat toward the back of the bus and got "bus sick!" I went to school and washed him off. He had an extra change of clothes there. He wanted me to stay a while with him and I stayed through lunch. He was fine the rest of the day.

We got up early Saturday! Spencer woke up and stayed awake! No sleep for Mommy! Then around 11, a dr called from Cincy! Nicholas' blood culture was positive for something. We had to go inpatient for antibiotics! I could have easily done this at home! But he was coughing up a small amount of blood and we got a platelet transfusion while we were there! We weren't home for an hour and received a call from home health! We were on the wrong antibiotics! The other antibiotics were already ordered and I barely caught them in time to stop the delivery! about a 5 hr trip! Anyway, they ended up putting him on on Synercid for 5 days. I do not feel like he has any bacterial infection in his blood stream! He has no symptoms! It is probably a contaminent!

Nicholas didn't want to come home! He wanted to stay in the hopsital, "So everyone will come and see me!" I told him they would come up to the house! He was one happy camper then! Mamaw, Papaw, Lena, and Larry came up. He scared Larry with his little snakes that Mary had brought him and that made him so happy! He is back to his old sweet, rotten, little stinker, michevious self! Mary brought him Batman halloween buckets!! He was thrilled! He had to take it to the hospital and scare all the nurses with it! Letting them get some "candy" out of it! They all knew he was up to something and would scream that much louder for him! Larry is actually scared to death of the snakes and Nicholas hid while he looked in the bucket! Then, when Larry threw it, Nicholas burst out laughing! He laughed and laughed! So precious!

Kim called him last night too! She told him she wanted some sugar! He said, "Absolutely not! You cause trouble, confusion, and delay!" Kim and I burst out laughing! He had heard that on Thomas, the tank engine! Mr. Sir Topham Hat! Oh, he is so funny! Then, he laughed and clapped his feet! He told Spencer that he couldn't clap his hands so he claps his feet instead. He can really make them pop!

Prayer Request: Continue to remember my cousin, Sherry. She is doing great after her surgery, she is so blessed!
Sissy Bear's brother-in-law, Hubert Mullins, has been dx with prostate cancer and goes for a biopsy today. Please remember them in your prayers.
Ms Clara goes Wednesday for her port. She begins Chemo on the 26th and radiation on the 27th. She needs strength!

Please don't cause trouble, confusion, or delay! Pray harder!

Friday, September 16, 2005 7:08 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Thankful for a good nights sleep, just up one time with Spencer! He really enjoyed the play yesterday and said, "I wasn't scared one little bit!"

Nicholas is still having watery stools! They are going to culture it today and do another cbc. His blood culture came back negative, thank the Lord. They are going to repeat it today too.

Nicholas isn't back to his old mischievious self yet, but did have rosey red cheeks yesterday evening! He looks better but was still droopy yesterday. He told Frances on Tuesday, "I'm getting weaker." Hopefully, the red cells made him feel better. He wasn't dizzy yesterday so I'm sure the red cells helped that and he seemed to be thinking better! He was dizzy after his transfusion too. That could be inner ear infection too. We have to repeat everything we say before he can hear us. I think where we stopped the nebulized Tobi, he is getting sick again. It is suppose to be given a month, then off a month. We had to do 2 months on and are now trying a month off. He has been off for 2.5 weeks. I didn't realize how much it had been helping his ears! Don't miss your water until your well is dry!

I made him do some writing yesterday evening and it was terrible. He took a break and I put him back writing some more. He did much better! He said, "This is going to be the best "c" that you have ever seen in your life!" Then dramatically wrote a "C"! He is too funny! He said, "Are you proud of me now?" I told him, "Yes, I'm always proud of you!" Of course, Spencer had to show him how he could write the number 8 too! It was funny! Mommy bragged on him too!

Gotta go, Spencer threw up on himself at school!

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Thursday, September 15, 2005 6:49 AM CDT

Good Sleepy Morning!

You guessed it! We arrived home in the vicinity of 11:30 pm! 6 hours at the hospital for a red cell transfusion! I'm so thankful though for the blood donor! Overall, I couldn't tell it perked him up because as he said, "I'm grumpy, tired, and sleepy!" Maybe today will be a different story. He was short of breath yesterday and hopefully, that will continue to get better too. His legs are bruised terribly and will probably need platelets soon.

Spencer and Dad went to Burger King but it was too cold to play in their play area! He was asleep by the time we got him last night and I missed him so much. He has a field trip today. They are seeing a play, Aladdin Jr. I hope he will like it! They will probably be calling me to come and get him! He hates anything that has a villian in it!
I am hoping he will enjoy the play though. They are going to McDonalds afterwards. He was a little on the grumpy side this morning too. Too early to get out of bed! I hate to wake him when he is sleeping so well.

Remember all the ones in transplant, treatments, or transfusion dependant. Remember the empty arms and aching hearts.

God still cares,

Wednesday, September 14, 2005 7:08 AM CDT

***We are going for a red cell transfusion. Transfusion to combat confusion!!! Bless his little heart! Pray it goes smoothly!


Nicholas' temp went down yesterday even. The home health nurse came for a blood culture, kidney and liver functions, and another cbc yesterday evening. She said he sounds really well, lung wise! Thank the Lord! He wanted to go to bed but ended up looking though some books to give to the Katrina Relief Book Drive, 6730 N. Quail Hallow Dr., Apt 1, Memphis, TN. 38120 IF you have some books to donate, please send them in. Thanks

Nicholas asked me to sleep with him last night! It was the first time he has asked this in a long time. He is so sweet! Just petted on my face and gave me lots of hugs. I loved it!!!!

Spencer has a runny nose again! Bless his little heart! He just can't seem to get rid of his cold or chest cold either!

Remember all the ones in treatment, transplant, or trials! Ms Clara does have to have 25 radiation treatments beginning on the 27th. Please remember her, she will find out if she needs chemo too on Thursday.

Jesus knows,

Tuesday, September 13, 2005 7:08 AM CDT

**Nicholas' temp is up to 100.4 and he is really droopy...:(

Good Morning!

Ms Sherry came through surgery just fine with 5 by passes! She was sore and in pain but was doing fine! PTL!

Mr. Nicholas did NOT have to have a transfusion yet!!! His platelets are 12k, hgb was down to 7.8, ANC was 490. Overall, he still has some diarrhea though and we cannot re-start the meds yet. He is still very demanding and definitely has some "roid rage" going on! My gut feeling is this medicine IS going to work if we can find the correct dosage.

****ANNOUNCING**** Nicholas' namesake came into the world yesterday at 2 pm. EVAN Tyler Wesley Mullins was born to Amanda and Jared Mullins weighing 8 lbs, 6 oz and 20" long. Welcome Baby Evan! You are already loved!

Yesterday was also Grandparents day at Spencer's school! Mamaw and Papaw were both a little under the weather but recouped enough to attend! Spencer was in 7th Heaven! They ate lunch, read a story to him, and checked him out of school to spend the day with them! Papaw sneeked in a Hershey bar too! Of course, Spencer was all smiles!

Pray for all the little chilren battling illnesses. Kyle from Ohio really could use your prayers. Avery earned her little wings, please remember this family too. Pray for Nicholas too.

By God's Grace,

Friday, September 9, 2005 10:30 AM CDT

**Please remember my cousin, Sherry Browning Mullins, she has to have open heart surgery on Monday, the 12th.


Yesterday was Spencer's first field trip! Of course Mom had to go and get photos! We went to Ole MacDonald's farm! It was neat! They had lots of animals, including baby chicks and ducks! The Pre-K classes all went and it was a pure joy just watching the children! They were so curious and fasinated with all the babies! Then I got to check Spencer out and we went home early! Hooray!

Nicholas' cbc came back with his platelets at 14k! I guessed 15k! His hgb is 8.3. Waiting until Monday for a repeat, if we can. He is already coughing up some pink as of now and will probably have to be transfused with platelets during the weekend. I cannot imagine we can hold out until Monday! Hopefully, we can.

Severe diarrhea has subsided some but is still causing some problems. He is looking very anemic! Dark around the eyes and mouth, pale elsewhere. Very haunting to see and watch him deteriorate like this, gut wrenching and heart breaking. I truly didn't expect these reactions to the only medicine that is giving us any hope for a bone marrow boost. It never occured to me that he wouldn't be able to tolerate it. Don't get me wrong! We are STILL going to try to give it to him, once the reactions have stopped. We are going to begin alternating days for the medicine. If they have disappeared over the weekend, then I will begin the medicine again.

Saturday is the big day! BIRTHDAY! My baby will be 7 years old! Happy Birthday Sweetie! Our HERO in every sense of the word! What you have had to endure is beyond comprehension sometimes but you continue to do it with a smile and grace that is only comes from above. Thanks for teaching Mom! I love you with all my heart.

By God's Grace,

Wednesday, September 7, 2005 7:20 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Mamaw spent the night in the hospital! While there they had to give her insulin for her sugar went to 197! She hadn't eaten all day and ate all her dinner. I don't think she had any more episodes with her heart but I'm sure she will have to be monitered for a month to be able to catch them. Her blood pressure dropped down to 90/45 and went to 151/67 so it was bouncing around. She was furious with me for calling her dr! Hey, better to be safe than sorry! She didn't want to go to the ER or stay in the hospital at all! Then she started crying and said, "Lord, I think of poor little Nicholas and how he has to stay in the hospital all the time!" Her face was flushed and she was really pale around her mouth. It may be one of her medicines though. Please pray for her.

We went home to a load of birthday packages!! Thank you all for brightening up a couple of little boys evening! Spencer was a little quite until he realized that no one forgot him! He was so sweet. Thanks to Maryann Y, they loved the Batman sticker books, Debbie H for the box of goodies and Batman masks, and Alan and Charisse for the Australian goodies! They loved them! Thanks Racquel for all the cards that contine to brighten up their weeks!

I do believe the Anadrol/Oxymetolone's side effects are developing. Nicholas is very emotional and easily hurt. He wasn't as grumpy but will cry at the drop of a hat! He is breaking out on his back too. He want anyone who touches his back to scratch it! Just like his Mamaw!
I pray the bone marrow responds as fast! Wouldn't it be wonderful IF on Thursday, his platelets or hgb were to go up! Oh, how that would thrill my heart!

Last week Nicholas told Frances, "My first born son will have this disease that I have too! I pray all the time that I will have children." He just started this conversation up out of the blue! She told me yesterday, she couldn't talk about it before! Oh, this broke my heart! I didn't even realize he was even thinking along those lines!

Praying for my baby, for a cure, for life.

Tuesday, September 6, 2005 8:02 AM CDT

**Please pray for Mamaw, she is suppose to go to the ER! Her heart is having some irregular fast spells. I called her dr this am and he sent her to the ER. If she will go.

**Nicholas platelets are down to 30k, hgb is 8.5!


We have had a very hectic weekend but are still wonderfully blessed beyond measure. Mamaw's family had their Davis Memorial this weekend. Great food, birthday blessings, good fellowship again!

Sissy Bear's son, Michael and his family came from Arkansas to visit this weekend too! Their son, Brandon, tried to spend the night with us but the machines were too noisy and he went home at 11!! They had a great time playing together though. He is so cute! Spencer didn't like me giving him any attention though! It was funny!

Saturday night, we started the Oxymethalone! 2 doses later, he woke up GRUMPY! Mamaw asked him how he was feeling and he told her grumpy! She wasn't expecting that and burst out laughing! He was in an arguing mood too!

He saw a bunch of four wheelers going for a ride and fussed and fussed because they (Lena and Larry) didn't come to see him! I mean FUSSED! Lena, you are in trouble big time! Steroids and no visits mean YOU are in trouble, so look out! I couldn't help but laugh! He then told Mamaw all about it on the phone and told her to tell you all to come and see him. He thought you were going down there! It was too funny.

The boys really had a good time helping Dad gather corn yesterday! They were so precious! Spencer just needs some more practice turning the tractor with the trailer attached! He dumped a load of corn! He needs to slow down! That is what we did yesterday, put corn in the freezer! We had a taste test for dinner on Sunday and it was Ummmm-Ummmm good! Hungry yet? Yummy!

Ms. Clara is now home! Yeahhhhh! Praise the Lord! She is feeling great and was suppose to come over but didn't! She wanted some corn too! Pray for them as they go back to dr sometime this week and will get the reports on the the lymph nodes. She is so strong in her faith! Bless you Clara, you are an inspiration to me!

Don't forget to hug your babies extra long and kiss them twice! It's so important to let them know how much you love them!

Prayers go up and the Blessings come down,

Friday, September 2, 2005 11:21 AM CDT


Nicholas was totally shocked and hid his eyes when he saw the Wild West theme quilt! Then, he smiled from ear to ear! Spencer was thrilled too! Mamaw, Papaw, and Sissy Bear didn't know what to think either! Sissy wanted it because the little indian that was on it! It was totally needlepoint! With horses, indians, cowboys, western theme and absolutely gorgous! Thank You Happy Quilts! Make a Child Smile! You all made an entire family smile! Jeff thought it was really nice too! It was great fun for all to see where the squares came from! Nicholas' teacher loved it too! Nicholas was so proud of it! They both crawled under it for photos! I'll post when I can get them smaller! What a highlight for his birthday too!

Nicholas and the OT, Alicia just happened to create a horse collage yesterday too! How fitting! To be on the receiving end is totally different than I'm use to and makes me realize just how much effort went into the quilt and it is very humbling as well as uplifting. I really need to be more diligent in sending cards and gifts to help brighten others! I'll do better!

I spoke with Ms Clara and she sounds wonderful! She is laughing but not too big! She has 28 clamps in her tummy! How she can go with very little pain meds is nothing short of miraculous! She is definitely a woman I admire! God Bless you Clara! Praying those lymph nodes are negative!

Nicholas has Frances trained already and is having a great day today! He was laughing and playing! Feeling much better with his new Mic-Key button!

Spencer has had his first heart break! Cassie wouldn't hold hands with him and it broke his little heart yesterday! It is so precious and heart breaking at the same time. I told him that I heard that she said he was her boyfriend! That brought a huge smile to his precious little face! Oh, to be so young and innocent! Pure little angels!

God is good! His grace is sufficient,

Don't forget to pray!

Thursday, September 1, 2005 8:03 AM CDT

Good Morning!

We are home! Thank you for your prayers! We are blessed beyond measure that is for sure and thank God for safe travels and enough gas to get home on!

Nicholas had a really tough time during the g-j tube change. I had to hold his arms during the process and tell him every little move the dr was making. He screamed continuously until they put the new one in. The dr was hateful and didn't have any bedside manners! I plainly told him that he was scared, the stoma was tender, and he was afraid it would hurt. The dr said he understood and then shut up! This is the same dr that put the first one in! He hadn't improved at all! After the new one was replaced Nicholas dramatically sighed, let his tongue hang out, arms hang low, and then smiled really impishly and said, "Thanks Doc!" He was much nicer than I would have been!

The platelet tx went really well and very quick! No problems there and he had Ms Emily again! He stole her heart and definitely put her in a good mood! She couldn't believe how polite he was. Dad took Spencer to eat breakfast and then up stairs to play in the playroom while Nicolas was being tx.

They did really well this trip! I'm so proud of them. I love to hear their constant chatter! Spencer and Nicholas slept for a couple of hours on the way up to Cinci! They were wired and Mom and Dad were exhausted! Jacy, Jo, and Krisstina came over and they played with the boys! Jo asked, "Don't they ever get tired?" Spencer went to sleep pretty quick but Nicholas was after mid-night going to sleep! He was keyed up! They wanted the girls to come back over the next night too but they had homework! It was good to see them again!

I do have a prescription for Oxymethalone. Dr Harris doesn't feel it will work though. God can make it work! Pray that it works...that Nicholas' marrow will respond to it and start making cells again.

Ms Clara Moore came through surgery but the epidural came out last night and she was in tremendous pain. The dr feels it is outside the colon wall and when the pathology report comes in on the lymph nodes, they will discuss chemo. Please remember them in your prayers.

My aunt Louetta came through surgery with flying colors too! She had a cancerous kidney removed. Please remember them too. She lives in Oregon.

Remember Ronnie Riner, he also had cancer surgery on Monday. Please remember them in your prayers.

God's grace is sufficient,

Tuesday, August 30, 2005 8:41 PM CDT

Sissy Bear here! Just a line or 2 to let you know what is going on. Yes, Nicholas had to go to Cin. to have Micki-button and G-J tube replaced. He was transfused at 8:30 A. M. and the other at 2:00 P. M. He was ok this eve when I spoke with Donna. On the otherhand, Donna sounded very tired. Please remember them as they return home tomorrow.
Thanks for prayers and concern.
Sissy Bear

Monday, August 29, 2005 8:29 AM CDT


The drama continues! There is formula in Nicholas stomach! There isn't suppose to be! I'm devastated! I don't know if the j-tube has backed out or if it has ruptured between the two tubes. I have spoken to someone at Cinci and waiting to hear what the decision is....we may be going to Cinci!

We had a great weekend. Strouth Lane Memorial, family reunion with lots of family, good food, and fellowship! Next weekend it will be the Davis Memorial and Nicholas' Birthday Party! We are just combining the two! So Sunday will be the day! He wants Batman and even said, "I wonder if they have batmobile candles?" He saw some little car candles and thought of batmobile candles! Now I'm on a quest for batmobile candles!!!

Nicholas' bloodwork will be back hopefully before noon. He was really pale and coughing up a tinge of blood. His mic-key button is still loose and bloody around it too. It is real tender and he protects it constantly! I know his counts are down and he will probably be transfused.

Wake up Sunshine, it's school time! That brought smiles to my baby's face this morning! Last night, he said he wasn't going to school but this morning he was all smiles and got up immediately! Telling me about a snake and a racoon! He was dreaming! So sweet and precious. Yesterday, he and his cousins were playing in this small tree and a limb broke. He hit or scraped his head on the pavement and now has a knot on his head! Scared me to death and we held ice on it for most of the evening. I asked him if it was sore this morning and he felt of it and said, "Just a little bit!" He is such a trooper.

Will update more when the cbc results are in. Nicholas is very tired this morning. He told Frances on Fri, "I'm so exhausted!" He is this morning too. He just never gives up though.

For whatever I have to face,
God gives me the Grace,

Friday, August 26, 2005 8:58 AM CDT


Long one yesterday, short one today! Nicholas' ANC on Monday was down to 210! I wouldn't have taken him to school if I'd known in time. I know he had his G-CSF to help though. He had a rough day yesterday. His Mic-key button is loose and I'm afraid it will have to be changed. He was afraid that Frances was going to take it out yesterday so he was upset most of the day but wouldn't tell her! I tried to add more water to the balloon but it didn't help much. We may be going back to Cinci before the month s up! Just something else to worry about!

Spencer had another good day yesterday! He is eating much better! I'm so glad. Frances had meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans for our dinner! Spencer ate two helpings of potatoes! Thanks Frances, you did great! He is going to blossom! Speaking of blossoming, I have photos of my crepe myrtle that are gorgous! The little boys in front of it are!!! I'll post them sometime! Whew! I'm behind already!

I may have to put them in an ablum!! That would be the fastest for me. And since I have oodles of time, I can....! Ha!

We haven't started the Oxymetholone yet...Dr. Harris hasn't confirmed yet...? We are continuing Halotestin for another week. No reactions yet. No miracles yet but they are coming!

Waiting on our miracle,

Thursday, August 25, 2005 7:16 AM CDT


Well, it happened! Spencer hic-cupped! He wasn't feeling the best and wouldn't participate in circle time and then refused to ride the bus home! He wanted MOM! This was Tuesday evening. We got in the van and he wanted to know if I missed him when we took Nicholas to the hospital one time. Of course, I told him I missed him! He asked, "Every night?" I told him I missed him every second! Oh, how this hurt my heart! After an evening of cuddling and playing, he seemed much better. Monday was the first long day, they had previously been on a heat schedule. He slept really well and ate a good breakfast and then had a much better day yesterday.

I didn't have a sitter so I took Nicholas and we had lunch with him! This tickled him to pieces! Yes, I took my camera! He smiled so sweet when he saw us and just about dropped his tray trying to wave and say "Hello Brother!" Precious! Then, I took Nicholas up to visit his class. Lots of curious 2nd graders! We then caught Spencer's recess and they played outside on the playground! We told Spencer good bye and went to Nicholas' gym class! He didn't have on tennis shoes and couldn't participate! Thank goodness! They were some that were really rough and wouldn't have been able to play that rough with Nicholas. Anyway, the little girls that had on flip flops or sandles recieved a lesson on bone marrow, mic-key buttons, and I answered a zillion questions about Nicholas hands! Why didn't he have thumbs? A couple of times this came up and I told them that he was born that way. After it came up again, I told them that was the way God made them. They were so sweet and curious. Mothering him and petting on him. Trying to be the one who sat beside of him! I told him to hug them and I'd take a picture. He said, "Mom, I don't have that many arms!" They thought that was funny! Nicholas started to tire so we left, to another surprise!

I drove Nicholas to the Library without saying anything! He wanted to know where we were and I asked him what the sign said. He said, "Coeburn Community Library!" "Oh, boy! Are we going to see George?" Yes! Whoooppppeeee! George is an Iguana! Nicholas loved him! We walked back to the kids room and Nicholas said, "Wow, this is just the greatest!" He loves the Library! We read a book and then when we left, the Librarian fed George green beans! He wouldn't eat! "This never happens!" she said, "He always eats!" Nicholas told her to pet him and he would eat! Guess what happened? George loved the petting, closed his eyes, and went to sleep! Nicholas laughed! We then went home and I started his GCSF, neupogen! Whew! What a day! But it's not over yet!

Now for the ending, I drove down to the end of our road and let Nicholas ride the bus home with Spencer! It was about a mile! He loved it! Spencer hit the door, smelled fresh baked corn bread, and ate like he was starved to death!

I thought it was the ending! After all of this, Nicholas started school! He didn't do very well until I told him to work really hard for Ms Hatcher! I guess he was a little tired! Spencer then sang "5 Little Monkeys!" for me and let me know that he didn't sing during circle time. "I just want to sing for you Mom!" Yes, that made me smile!

Hang on a minute, it isn't over yet! The GCSF must have kicked in for Nicholas got his second wind! It could have been because it was bedtime! He decided he wanted to sing! To the top of his lungs he sang,
"We've got the Power in the name of Jesus!
We've got the Power in the name of our Lord!
Though satan rages, we cannot be defeated,
Cause we got the power in the name of our Lord!"
Of course, we had to call everyone and he sang it over and over! Kim, he wanted me to call you but by that time it was going on 10! So expect a call tonight!

Whew, I'm tired just remembering! LOL! It was late before he finally settled down! He didn't want to go to sleep because he was afraid he would have a bad dream! He had one on Monday morning. I had to pray with him and ask Jesus to let him have good dreams! Then, he was afraid someone would come through the door! I told him that Dad locked the door! He said, "What about a ghost?" SISSY BEAR!!??? Those ghost stories are going to have to stop! You just about got called again, late last night! Too funny!

Thanks for sticking though this long update! Hope you aren't tired!!!!

Remember Daniel Baker, scans showed it hadn't spread as much as they thought but it is in his spinal fluid and lymph nodes. Please remember them in your prayers.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,
We've got the power, in the name of Jesus,

Tuesday, August 23, 2005 7:11 AM CDT

Prayer Request*
Please pray for John Daniel Baker. Son of John and Sheila (Fleming) Baker.
He has been diagnosed with Burkitt's Lymphoma. This is a very rare and
aggressive form of cancer. He is currently at St. Jude's Hospital in
Memphis Tn. He is a 2nd grader at Clintwood Elementary.


Still reeling from the jet lag and we didn't fly!!! I think I'm emotionally drained. Too many things happening and trying to deal with it all. Mary's Mom, Clara Moore is having surgery for colon cancer on Aug. 31st. Please remember them in your prayers. I have found another babysitter, Frances, she started training yesterday! I do believe in miracles! She is familiar with trachs and feeding tubes! She was also praying for a job! God is GOOD! Now, if I can get back on track, I'll make it through all of this too! Mary is having a hard time dealing with leaving the boys too. She is like a sister to me so she shouldn't think she is leaving for good! I don't think Nicholas would let her do that either!

Now back to our trip, on day one we stopped at a drive through safari at Natural Bridge, VA, SAFARI, that was absolutely fantastic! I could hear Nicholas giggling and Sissy Bear captured lots of photos while we fed them from buckets out the window! It was great! The boys LOVED it! I'll post some photos when I have time. Then, we drove on to Hershey! Yes, we took them to Chocolate World! Spencer was apprehensive at first but thoroughly enjoyed the tour! One photo shows his excitement really well! It was really fun! Then, we stayed in NH and met three former volunteers at Camp, Mary, Julia, and Megan. Kali, Megan's friend came with her and she is a sweetheart too! Image hosted by
See why Kali is smitten??? The boys had been cooped up in the van and really enjoyed the balls that the girls brought to them. They played Hide-n-Seek and Kali put Nicholas up on the sink. Megan pretended not to see him and he cracked up! I can't wait to show you that photo! It is precious! Image hosted by Photobucket.comI told you it was precious!

I'll break this journal now, so it isn't too long and boring! BUT before I go, Nicholas' cbc yesterday revealed platelets already down to 88k (tx on FRI), and hgb down to 9.5. Remember us in your prayers as we are going to try Oxymethalone next and it can have lots of side effects. Pray they are minimal but that his marrow will respond to it.

Tanya, I just found your entry in the guestbook and it broke my heart! God is full of miracles and I'm thrilled you received one too! That encouraged me so much! You are a sweetie to want to give it away but there are plenty to go around I'm sure. We pray God gives you a double portion!

Blessings and Miracles!

Monday, August 22, 2005 8:17 AM CDT


I'm very emotional this morning! Rough morning? No, actually going very smoothly! Spencer was up early, didn't get upset with me leaving first! He was getting ready for school and going to get on the bus!!! It was really hard to leave first! Dad stayed this morning to get him on the bus and I know that is working good but it just wasn't me! I really miss my baby. He is doing great! He rode the bus Friday to and from school without a problem! He loves school!!! I'm hoping this will be good for him. Something special just for him!

Nicholas' new volunteer girlfriend, Diane Tager wrote a poem and I think this captures their relationship really well! Let me know what you think!

A prayer for Nicholas

His name is Nicholas, the one grisly bear
A six year old boy filled with such flare.
His smile stretches from ear to ear
Filling a whole room with laughter and cheer.
If you have been blessed to encounter this boy
You know of his unbeatable spirit and joy.
You know of his dimples and charming good looks
And how he just loves when you read him books.
Stories on dinosaurs, teddy bears and dogs,
Spooky ghost stories and tales of frogs.
And as I read he would wrap his arm around mine
And when each story ended his face would just shine.
At the end of each book the request was the same
“Read me another one” he would proclaim.
We must have read 40 stories in all
But the characters and names I could never recall.
All I remember is the joy on his face
And the warmth and love in his cuddly embrace.
So Lord now I lift up before you this prayer,
For a spirited boy affectionately called grisly bear.
I pray that his pain would lessen each day
And that you would bring a miracle his way.
That you would put his family at ease
And give doctors the knowledge to beat this disease.
For his family, I pray for blessings galore,
And a renewed hope like never before.
I pray for strength as they continue to fight
And that they would always keep you in sight.
It has been a blessing to meet people so kind.
Families like theirs are very hard to find.
For each person who reads this I have one request
For a little boy who I just think is the best…
Pray that his smile would never fade
And through it all he would not be afraid.
Lord, this is my prayer for Nicholas tonight
A little boy putting up such a big fight.

Diane Marie Tager
August 18, 2005

Thank you Diane for making me cry at work!!!! Again!

Pray for all the children in transplant or trying different meds, treatments to cure a disease. Pray for Maria. Pray for va/cody as they are going through thier loss.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

to be continued! stay tuned.....

Friday, August 19, 2005 3:05 PM CDT

hello! Sissy Bear here!
Nicholas had platelet transfusion this morn. in record time!!! They were in and out in 21/2-3 hrs! the way it should go, right?
Well, we have made it back from Camp Sunshine with colds and all! Yes, Spencer had temp on the way back; now he has a runny nose. Nicholas, too, plus he coughed all night. Donna had his lungs x-rayed today and she is waiting to hear from that.
I have it, too; I think mine is a sinus infection. I'm alergic to perfume and it is impossible to avoid all the time. I haven't gone back to work yet; look out Monday!
Yes, we met new people from all over; it is a small world.
I know you want to hear from Nicholas, but I want to share this with you, too. Fri. night at dinner we were seated with the Flynn family. The mom, Doreen, and I began talking. She told me about moving often because her husband is in the Navy and has been for 12 yrs. I mentioned that my son, Michael, was in the Navy for 4 yrs.(1992-1996), but he didn't re-enlist. She looked at my name tag and asked Michael Mullins from VA? stationed at Jacksonville Fl, etc? I said yes, yes,...! She said my husband, Steve, and Mike were good friends!!! Can you believe this happened? Is this wild or what? When Steve called Mike and told him that he was standing beside his mom, well.. you can imagine....Mike could not believe it, either!! I am so glad that I met them; I am not glad that they have 3 children with FA, but it was a pleasure getting to meet them. They have 5 beautiful children.
Well, it is like this...Camp Sunshine Volunteers are the greatest; they give their time and energy to make the families feel comfortable, to feel at home. They take the best care of the children; parents are comfortable leaving the children in their care. They make each child feel special. This love comes from on the inside. Without this beauty shining from inside, this would be impossible.
You would not believe how strangers could feel like family in 5 days. It is not easy saying good-bye on that last day.
Yes, not only do we make new friends, the family just gets larger.
Continue praying for our "family".
Sissy Bear

Thursday, August 18, 2005 9:08 AM CDT

***CBC is back! Platelets are down to 12k, and Hgb is 10. That is all I have now. I'm sure he will be transfused, as he is coughing up blood and has some around his mic-key button! He is also running a low grade temp!
Remember us in your prayers.

Good Morning All!

I don't even know what day today is! One thing I do know is that my baby started Pre-K this morning! He did great! He has developed a cold and didn't really feel well but still did a lot better than I!!! I have a smile plastered on my face and am so thankful no one can see my heart! His teacher, Ms. Tabitha Long, gave the Mom's a survival kit! A pkg of tissues and kisses! I looked into the bag and just about lost it! Of all the things, chocolate kisses! My baby loves them! I told him I would have to leave when the teacher told me too. He said, "Mom, don't listen to them when they tell you to leave!" I guess it helped because his back was to the door and he couldn't see me leaving! He is excited and wants to ride the bus home! We'll see!

We arrived home late last night from Camp Sunshine! Overall, it was awesome! We met and put faces with names! It was great to meet Charisse and she sings beautifully! I want one of her cds! It was great to meet eveyone else too! Nicholas and Alessandra danced the night away on Masquerade night! It was great! When the song ended, he just fell into her arms and wrapped his arms around her for a special hug! It was so sweet! No camera! My disk was full! I will have to unload them at some point! Nicholas kept saying, "This is just the greatest!" He LOVES Camp and talks about it all year long!! Nicholas did sing in the talent show, "You Are My Sunshine!" His special "new" friend is Diane Tager! Thanks Diane and all the rest of the volunteers for making CS a very special place in our hearts and especially Nicholas and Spencer's! Karen, thank you for helping Sissy Bear so much and all that you did for us too! Joel, you continue to bring smiles to my two and all the children. Thank you. Thomas, you also continue to brighten the boys lives and I also think you have stolen Alex's little heart! It was so precious! She is "in-love!" Thanks again!

Camp was bittersweet! No great news for the immediate needs but will eventually be good for someone else! No miracle for my baby, one we desperately need.

Maria did get to go to camp and LOVED Sissy Bear's fudge! Maria, it was wonderful to see you again and thank you for answering all of Nicholas' questions honestly. I, too, was amazed at his questions! WE LOVE YOU! Thanks for the gifts!

My babysitter, Mary, her mother has colon cancer. Please remember them in your prayers. Her name is Clara Moore. She needs a miracle too. I'll try to get set up at home and update from there. If I can't, Sissy Bear will for me. Hummmmmm, I'll have to be more convincing and tell Sissy Bear, "I'm GREAT!" Do you think she will buy that?

Still praying for a miracle,

Monday, August 8, 2005 8:29 PM CDT

Hello, everybody! Sissy Bear here.
Nicholas had blood work done today. His platelets are down to 10 and hemoglob. is 7. something. He goes tomorrow for transfusions, both platelets and red blood cells. It will be an all day process for both.
Please pray for him; we would love for God to work a miracle, but God knows the future and knows best. Please, please lift my little sister, Donna, up in your prayers. I have never seen her this way before. She doesn't say anything except, "I'm ok," but I know my sis. Her voice tells me differently. I can't help her, but God can give the strength, grace, and comfort she needs.
We often wonder why lots of times, but, as I've heard 2 or 3 times within the last 2 days, trials gets us to where God can use us. He is in control and molding us into what He wants.
Sissy Bear

Friday, August 5, 2005 6:28 AM CDT


Nicholas' cbc came back with platelets at 36(I guessed 40!), hgb=8, and anc of 2166!!! We will be transfusing packed red cells AND platelets on Tuesday to fill up his tank for Camp Sunshine! He will be so bouncy and will probably sing all the way! It is unbelieveable to see him after a red cell tx! Marvelous! Miracleous! He gets so much energy, feels so much better, plays pranks on Momma, laughs, sings, plays, gets that sparkle back in his eyes, and that beautiful mischevious smile back! A red cell tx actually does give him "NEW LIFE!" I couldn't have chosen a better slogan! I know, it was a God thing and not a me thing! I sure didn't have the foresight to know all of this! Thank God He knows everything!

The prayers really worked! His temp didn't get any higher and his hoarsness is just about gone! Now, pray for him to not want to eat! He kept Mary in tears yesterday and wanted peanut butter on me! Yes, I broke down and gave it to him! He looks so pitiful and says, "I really want it now! I can't wait!" He went to Mamaws and ate some banana! Sissy Bear gave it to him! It's so hard to tell him no!

Spencer cried his little heart out when Nicholas wanted to go to Mamaws! I was going to clean out the van and he was so torn, he wanted me to go with them! So he thought he could stop Nicholas from going! He kept saying, "I'll miss you brother!" Shattered my heart to a million pieces! Sissy Bear came and Spencer crawled up in her lap and ended up going with them! Love his little heart, he is on an emotional roller coaster!

The other night, I heard something whopping something and went to check on them! I had been patting Nicholas back and Spencer decided he could do that! He was using a percussion thingy! He was beating Nicholas back with it! Nicholas loved it! Spencer said, "I'm beating his back too Momma!" I had to tell him to be easy and not pat so hard! It sounds really loud but is real soft! Maybe I have a little respiratory therapist on my hands! We all are RTs! LOL!

Pray for all the ones getting tests, treatments, transfusions, and transplants!

We will have a booth at the Cancer Benefit Concert, Sat eve at the Coeburn Middle School. Hosted by YOUTHRACE 2005! Pray for all the youth of our area, drugs are getting worse! Check out for more info. Services tonight too at the Lonesome Pine Raceway!

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Thursday, August 4, 2005 7:15 AM CDT


Notice the new home page photo! This is the one announcing the blood drives in Cincinnati! Nicholas is the poster child for their blood drives for a year! They have quarterly drives! This is the first time they have been in color too! I should have had this scanned in earlier! But anyway, I will leave this one up for a while!
I'll try to post the bottom of it later!

Nicholas is hoarse! I knew he was getting something but don't know what. His temp went to 99.4* yesterday evening.
His lungs sound horrible and I'm holding my breath that he doesn't get worse. To top all this off, the pump messed up last night. I had to use a flow meter for the first time but it was real easy! I didn't have a choice!

I cannot believe it's CAMP SUNSHINE time! It's here already! The boys ask everyday! How many more days Momma? Spencer's thrill is that Momma will be with him for a couple of weeks! He is looking forward to that. He just doesn't realize that he will be so busy at camp that he won't even miss me!!! Then he starts Pre-K! Boy, Oh Boy, I'm setting myself up for a heartbreak! I'm getting use to the idea that my baby is growing up but I think this will help him! He needs something that isn't shadowed by Nicholas but in a way, it still will be!

Everything is shadowed by FA. Families that say that they don't let FA rule their lives are doing a lot better than we are. But then again, Nicholas is probably a lot worse than most of the others, even when he wasn't in bone marrow failure!

Pray for all the ones in treatment, transplant, or transfusions. Remember the empty arms and broken hearted.
Pray for Nicholas and us.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Wednesday, August 3, 2005 7:44 AM CDT


"Can I have a little nasty snack before I go to sleep?" asked Nicholas! I couldn't help but laugh!!! He knows exactly what to say! This is just another stall before sleep!!! He did eat about a quarter of a tube of yogurt! I told him if he cough up blue stuff, we would know what it was! About that time, he coughed and he said, "It's blue!" I looked and looked but it wasn't! He was seeing my blue gown!!! It was funny!

Mom and Dad really need sleep but with all the antibiotics going on, it makes it tough to get any sleep! Both take an hour to do and I actually start the first one early and then do the second one on the pump. It will beep and wake me when it's finished! If I did them in reverse, I wouldn't wake up! Yeah, right! Spencer was crying out for over an hour last night and again around 4:30! I'm very tired, exhausted I should say! I'm feeling totally washed out, drained!

Ms Kim came over and the boys had her sliding down the hill at Mamaws! It was hilarious! She would scream and Nicholas would just burst out laughing! He thought she was too funny! Spencer gets aggervated because Nicholas is a little scared to do something! So he tried to give him a little push, to help him slide down the hill! Nicholas just about panicked!! Then Spencer pretended to pat his back and was trying to give him a little push while patting! What a boy! Scared me to pieces but Nicholas finally slide down the hill after I showed him he could slow himself down with his feet! They had a ball! He was so proud of himself!

Nicholas looked really pale to me yesterday evening but we won't have a cbc until Thursday! I wished we had set it up for today instead of tomorrow. So far, his foot stick blood culture is negative! Praise the Lord!

Pray for Charisse, oceania/charisse, she is going into hospital and needs prayer. Pray for all the ones taking treatments, transfusions, or transplants.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Tuesday, August 2, 2005 6:54 AM CDT

******* August 1, 2005 *********
PLEASE PRAY FOR DANIELLE LESTER. Her mother works in the Courthouse. She found out that she has Acute Myloid Leukemia. That is the same type that Madison HAD! She is 19 years old. They have sent her to Charlottesville, VA. She will begin treatment tomorrow.

**New Photos!**


Mamaw cooked Papaw's birthday dinner yesterday! It was yummy! He is 78 yrs young! The boys made him a birthday card and he loved them! I knew better than to even get him one! He doesn't look 78 or act like he is 78! Nicholas said, "Mamaw and Papaw are the greatest in the world!" I'm so thankful that the Lord has let them live to enjoy the boys. The boys definitely love their Mamaw and Papaw!

I'm feeling totally drained! Emotionally and physically! Dad is too. I'm tired, achey, head hurting and still have to pack!! I just cannot get into packing. I am normally on the ball but I think I need a fire lite under me to get me moving! I will pack something and then get into something else. Enough about me!

Spencer acted so shy in front of Sheena yesterday evening! He finally made it into the kitchen because I carried him in! Then, he wouldn't look her way! She came over and sit in the floor and talked to him! Then he wouldn't let her out of his site! It was too cute! He had to warm up to her! He had to give her good-bye sugars a couple of times! They both love her so much! She will play with them and they have a big time!

Remember all the ones in transplant, treatments, or transfusions. Pray for the empty arms.

You did run well, who did hindereth you?
Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Monday, August 1, 2005 7:55 AM CDT


Where do I begin??? Friday evening, we went for a platelet transfusion! We were there for 3.5 hours! Great transfusion! Great time in and out! I was surprised! Guess I complained enough to get the ball rolling, for one time anyway!! They did a great job so I can't complain!

Nicholas' blood infections aren't sympomatic, no fevers, no anything! I think the samples were contaminated! I haven't heard from the foot stick yet!

Saturday evening, we took the boys to a park and they loved it! They didn't want to go home!

We did make it to church on Sunday. There was a young lady that gave her heart to the Lord. This was very uplifting and encouraging to me! Another one to pray!

Remember all the ones going through transplant, treatments, or transfusions! Remember Grover Osborne and his family, he lost a son-in-law a couple of weeks ago and now his daughter was in an auto accident and they found her a couple of days later! Remember them.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Friday, July 29, 2005 7:17 AM CDT


I received a call yesterday from the home health nurse and she said that Nicholas blood cultures came back positive again. I had to take him in for a blood culture taken from a vein. It took two sticks but she managed to get enough for the culture. Now, he has two bruises! Nicholas screamed! Spencer ran! Mom melted! Nicholas said, "I didn't know I could squall so loud! Ha! Ha!" He did on the first time but was so brave and held still on the second stick! My legs felt like jello when we left. It seem like the hallway was a mile long! I have never been so weak! I hate to see him in pain! I told him that he could have anything or go anywhere for his treat! He could have asked for the moon and I would have tried! He wanted to go to him Mamaws! That is where we went! She was working up beans and putting them in the freezer! I ended up stringing beans for a while! She played with the boys!

I felt so sorry for Spencer too. He hid behind the chair and then couldn't stand it and had to watch! He slapped his hands over his ears and said, "I'm going out there to sit!" He couldn't stand Nicholas screaming and crying! He said, "Tell Mom, my ears are hurting!" to one of the ladies there! It was funny! He prayed for Nicholas and was trying to encourage him! He is so precious!

Nicholas is definitely getting a transfusion today. He will also be transfused again before we go to Camp. Get his little tank full so he can enjoy his time there. Off to the circus we go, I just don't know what time it will be. Please pray the platelets are available.

Remember all the ones in transplant, treatments, or transfusion dependant! Remember Maria as she is dealing with her second round of cancer plus FA.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Thursday, July 28, 2005 7:54 AM CDT


Nicholas platelets are down to 15k, Hgb is 8.7, and his ANC is 540! Barely above isolation! This slow process is getting three cbc a week! It is no wonder his hgb is getting low! He seems to be feeling better except the antibiotics are causing diarrhea! I told you all it was a vicious cycle! His right lung still sounds junky but his trach culture didn't grow anything! NOTHING! Thank the Lord! I keep saying his is so difficult! I told Mary that the xray looked clear and that it was probably viral! Exactly what the nurse told me yesterday, "It must be something viral!"

I had just barely gotten home and it turned really dark and we got a huge storm! Thunder, lightening, and a down pour! It cooled everything off though!

Spencer wanted to know the other eveing if I was going to go to school with him!! Then said that he wasn't going. This story will continue! Stay tuned! I think he will do great once he gets involved with the school projects. Just keep praying for me!!!

Remember all the ones getting treatments, transfusions, and transplants! I'm beginning to hate T words!!!!
Remember the empty arms and broken hearted.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Wednesday, July 27, 2005 6:08 AM CDT


I think the pain in his left side yesterday was bowel! Not his lung! He pointed lower down in his tummy to me when I asked him. He still sounds rough in his right lung but the left one sounds much better.

He seemed a lot better yesterday evening and played in the sand while sitting in a chair! I won't let him sit in the sand. He loves it anyway though and has a great time. It was so hot outside that I wouldn't let them out until late and when we came in, it was still 90* outside! We were all wringing wet! Jeff and I hoed out the corn and he had been working in it when it was hotter. He looked drained! He is use to working in hot weather though.

Remember all the ones going for treatments, transplants, or transfusions. Remember the donors for blood and platelets too. Pray that more will get the desire to donate blood and platelets.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Wednesday, July 27, 2005 6:08 AM CDT


I think the pain in his left side yesterday was bowel! Not his lung! He pointed lower down in his tummy to me when I asked him. He still sounds rough in his right lung but the left one sounds much better.

He seemed a lot better yesterday evening and played in the sand while sitting in a chair! I won't let him sit in the sand. He loves it anyway though and has a great time. It was so hot outside that I wouldn't let them out until late and when we came in, it was still 90* outside! We were all wringing wet! Jeff and I hoed out the corn and he had been working in it when it was hotter. He looked drained! He is use to working in hot weather though.

Remember all the ones going for treatments, transplants, or transfusions. Remember the donors for blood and platelets too. Pray that more will get the desire to donate blood and platelets.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Tuesday, July 26, 2005 7:49 AM CDT

***Blood is positive for something! Even though it could be a possible contaminant they are putting him on Gentamycin and Synercid for three days. He has also been hurting in his left side all day and after Mary gave him some tylenol and he had gotten some relief, he said, "Good going Mary!" He does this every time he gets full fledge pneumonia! Please continue the prayers.


We went for a chest x-ray and sputem culture yesterday evening. Nicholas doesn't act sick and actually seems to feel better! I'm thankful for that! We are going to extend his nebulized Tobi for a few more days. Logically thinking, if he is getting worse on the Tobi, that means that something is growing in his lungs that the Tobi isn't killing. He will probably have to have some other type of antibiotic via PICC line! He has only been off antibiotics one month this year!

We stopped by Mamaw's house yesterday evening and she had a pot of green beans cooked, baked potatoes, tomatoes, onions, peppers with corn bread! All from their garden! It was delicious!!!! Spencer wanted corn bread with butter and I kept hearing this little "Hummmmmm!" He loved it too! I couldn't help but laugh! "Hummmm, Hummmm!" My little country boy! I found them all curled up on Mamaw's lap with a Bear Tale in progress and had to drag them away!!

We went to watch Dad clean up the mess from the flood at the church! During a recent rain, the water got up to the steps and brought in a bunch of sand and dirt! It was a big mess! We had just graveled the parking lot!!! The boys rode home in the backhoe! They were in seventh heaven! Dirt and all!

CBC yesterday revealed platelets down to 19k! Hgb down to 8.9 and ANC of 444! We will go for transfusion after another CBC on Wednesday. It is a roller coaster all the time!

Remember all the ones suffering emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Monday, July 25, 2005 7:20 AM CDT


Yesterday morning, Nicholas started coughing up blood. He stopped by the evening. He has been running a low grade temp but last night was back down to normal. His left lung sounds better but the right one is still rough sounding. Hopefully, he will get the junk out of there and get better!

Spencer is still a Spencer! He is so sweet! I will lip sync "I love you more than.....!" and he will tell me something back. Saturday, he said, "...more than a frog loves water!" I thought that was so cute!!! He slept better last night than he did Saturday night! He woke up this morning at 5 am and said, "Mom, I don't want pepper!"

We are getting blood work today. Friday, his platelets fell from 140k down to 44k. It was scary all weekend, trying to keep him out of harms way!

Remember Maria, she is bound and determined to get to Camp Sunshine! Pray that she is feeling well enough to go. She said, "I just have to go to CS, I just have be there!"
Remember the family of Frannie, she passed away yesterday. nc/frannie

Praying for miracles,

Friday, July 22, 2005 8:09 AM CDT


I listened to Nicholas last night and his lungs sounded horrible! If he isn't getting pneumonia, I would be surprised! I hope its just the Tobi breaking the junk up and getting it out. He seems fine but that is how he will do! Goes until he can't.

We went to a baby shower last night. Nicholas' namesake to be, Evan, is due 9/19! They said 9/10 at first!!! Wouldn't that be wild that it was born on Nicholas' birthday! I found a sleeper with the name Cuddly Bear on it! Therefore, Evan will be dubbed Cuddly Bear in Papa Bear's den!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Remember the children and adults that need lifting up in your prayers. nc/frannie took a turn for the worse this morning. Remember the Windham family, one just out of transplant, Mom just out of hospital, and one son killed in a car wreck! Pray for my little one! Pray for Maria too.

His Grace is sufficient!
Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Thursday, July 21, 2005 8:10 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Nicholas got the "wide-eye" last night and didn't get to sleep until after 11:30 pm! Yes, I'm tired this morning! Spencer slept well! He was still asleep when I left so that made it easier for me!!!

I'm still struggling with him going to Pre-K! I did get him a Spiderman backpack! He loved it! Nicholas wants one now! I wasn't thinking! I should have gotten him one even though he doesn't actually use one! I know! I know! You would do the same thing!

I am trying to pack for Camp Sunshine, with Marys help! Thank God for Mary! It will take us both to remember all that Nicholas needs! I have to start now in order to get it all together! I have a lot to pack up! It will take up a lot of space too! Whew! Talking about packed like Sardines, we will be! We will have fun though! I'm sure Dad is looking forward to the long drive!!!

The boys enjoyed playing Hide n Seek with Sissy and Daddy Bear! That was the first time in a while and they didn't want them to leave. The boys were in tears! I think Sissy Bear was too!!!

Remember all the children in transplant, just out of transplant, or on some type of treatment. Pray that Nicholas' bone marrow will respond to the steriod! I just got his 3rd months supply. If it doesn't work, I'm don't think he can stay on it much longer. Please, help me pray for miracles.

Blessings and Big Bear Hugs,

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 7:47 AM CDT


Nicholas and Spencer found a Bob the Builder Play Doh set and had a great time indoors yesterday evening! It had been raining and was too wet to go outside! Then, Dad went outside to work on some craft projects and guess who had to tag along! We all followed him! Too boring! The boys decided to ride the gator! Spencer got their hoe and rake and went to the muddest spot in the garden! Yes, you guess it! Nicholas followed suit and both had to have a bath before bedtime!

Nicholas, seeing Spencer eating their nightly yogurt, begged for some too. Of course, he begged long enough and got it! How could I refuse? This is the first time he has asked for yogurt since he has been NPO! This usually was his nightly ritual, eating yogurt! He did ok and didn't cough any out his trach! He is still coughing some, mostly this morning! I think he is getting a cold.

Spencer woke up this morning! Rough time for Mom! He was asleep 5 minutes after I left! Sure he misses Mom! It breaks my heart to have to leave him! It will break my heart when he leaves me to go to Pre-K too!

Please remember the Windham family, Devin is in Minnesota for his bmt and his brother, Matthew was in a fatal car wreck. This family has had a rough time lately and I know could use the prayers. His Mom just got out of the hospital too.

Praying for miracles,

Tuesday, July 19, 2005 6:42 AM CDT


Nicholas is getting geared up for Camp Sunshine! He has talked about it all year long. I told him that Megan wasn't going to be there and he asked, "Is Mary and Julia going to be there?" I told him that I didn't know but didn't think so! He asked, "How about Joel, is he going to be there?" I said, "Yes, he will probably be there!" Joel, if you read this you had better be there!!!!! He and Spencer keep asking, "Is it August yet?" Spencer ran to the calendar and found "Camp Sunshine" on it and said, "There it is!" I can't seem to get in the packing mode yet! It will take me forever to get it all together but I don't seem to have my heart into it.

Will is going and Maria is determined to get there! It will be great to see everyone but I guess I'm worried about Nicholas' counts while we are there. We are going to try to get his transfusions the week we go if he needs them then. Hopefully, he won't need anymore! Yes, I'm wishful thinking! Nicholas' cbc yesterday was up because of the platelet and prc tx but his ANC was down to 152. That definitely has me bummed out today!

He is a little hoarse and sounds junky! He started coughing and sneezing last night! I told him it was playing in the sprinkler on Sunday! He shook his head no, then said, "I bet it was playing in the water that made me sick!" He and Spencer had a ball and enjoyed it so much! Nicholas actually got soaked, which is unusal for him! Yes, Mom had to run through it too! Then, I was their towel! They would get their face wet then run to me and dry it off! At least I'm good for something!!! Then, I put warm water in their little pool. They got in it and played a long time. It was hot and humid! You should have heard them squealing when they ran through the sprinkler! I should have caught that one on video! Heart memories!

Remember /visit/littlehannah, a precious little girl with FA going for transplant soon and has a cold now. Remember ga/maria, she has been bitten by a Great Dane! Remember fl/ty, he is out at Day 23! Blessings are still flowing from the throne!

My cup is turned up! Fill it up Lord with a miracle for my baby,

Monday, July 18, 2005 7:59 AM CDT

Good Morning!

Thanks Laurie for the Mickey Mouse Name!!!! It's adorable.

Also thanks for the prayers this weekend. Nicholas did have to have 2 transfusions...! Yes, it was "Two days at the Circus!" Arriving at the hospital Fri eve, first initial blood work was finished before we went up to the room. Then, it was 4 hrs later and nothing had been started! Needless to say, I was stressed, aggervated, and had a headache! I packed my stuff and told them I was leaving and then was informed the platelets were ready! I stayed for the platelets and we arrived home around 2:30 am!
Saturday, we went back! Yes, I'm brain dead! To start with, the RN, didn't clean the cap with Alcohol! Sissy Bear was the eagle eye while I was on the phone with the Fellow in Cinci! She motioned to me and I ask him and he said, "No, I didn't, I'm sorry!" SORRY? It's just my son's blood stream we are talking about! The life sustaining substance that flows through out his little body! It is no wonder there were major concerns about rods in his blood stream that we just did a culture for the day before! I'm furious! To the core! We didn't excape until 3:30 pm! Yes, an all day 2 meal event! The end result is a wonderful spunky little imp! Mischevious grin, sparkly eyes, pestering Mom is the greatest thing on earth to do! He was so wiggly I couldn't get his dressing back on his arm! I love to see him all juiced up! with life! Thanks to the donors! Platelet donor 7/11/05 that was O !!! Red cell donor, whomever donated this O blood, our heartfelt thanks! God bless each of you.

Dad took Spencer to VBS for the last night and we caught part of it but left for the transfusion. Spencer asked where we were and if Mom was coming back! He was satisfied then!

Friday evening when we arrived at the hospital, Nicholas said, "Mom, I love you!" I told him that I loved him too! He said, "The greatest gift you could give me is your love!"
Yes, it was total meltdown for Mom!

Pray for all the ones going through treatments, transplant, or testing! God is good all the time!


Thursday, July 14, 2005 8:19 AM CDT


Nicholas counts were holding steady for the most part, down just a smidgen! His platelets are 13k and hgb is 7.3. We will recheck on Fri again. I'm praying they will go up.
We have reached a plateau and his counts just HAVE to start going up from here. If they get any worse, he will have to have more and more transfusions.

It's scary when their counts stay this low... very nerve wrecking! Pins and needles, shot nerves, and hair pulling is the mode we're in. Major praying, holding on to the knot at the end of the rope, all this equals to survival mode.

And we wonder why poor little Spencer is having problems! It's too much for such a little guy to comprehend. He dreamed the other night that I lived far, far away. This is his fears coming out and I've had to sleep with him the last several nights for a couple of hours during the night. He gets mad at me in his dreams and it breaks my heart. I know he is scared and knows that Nicholas is getting blood work more frequently. He said the other night that he didn't want Nicholas to go to the hospital. I told him that taking Nicholas to the hospital was what made him feel better and that we had to get help for him when he was sick. He said, "If you didn't he would get more sick?" I told him yes. Then, he said something about dying and going to Heaven. I told him that I hoped he stayed with us for a long long time and gets to feeling much better. Yes, I think he understands too much sometimes and knows what is happening.

Remember all of us in your prayers. Remember Sherline, Micah, Cameron's family, Maria, Ty, Jordon, Julianna Banana, Erin, Jonathan, Sammy-Jo, Annette, JC, Cody, Gunnar, Bethany, Will, Emma, Charisse, Frannie, Jo, Jacy, RachaelJoy, Jacinda, and thousands of others. These are just a few, a drop in the bucket! Remember the empty arms.

God is good all the time,

Wednesday, July 13, 2005 8:44 AM CDT


We are getting a cbc again today. He is bruising more but was feeling a little better than the day before. He actually participated in the songs at VBS.

We took Destiny and Jessica with us yesterday and guess who got jealous! Spencer! He didn't like me playing with Destiny at all! He liked playing with her but didn't want me to.

If we go to transfusion, we won't be back in time to go to VBS, unless he is tx tomorrow. They haven't been there to even draw the blood yet, so it will probably be late when we hear. I'm getting anxious!

Monday morning, Nicholas told Mary, "I don't think I will ever feel good again! I think I will have to have a platelet tx!" Yesterday, Mary told him that he needed to take it easy and he said, "I know! I know! My platelets are low!"

Remember all the ones taking treatments and in transplant.
Remember us,

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Tuesday, July 12, 2005 6:53 AM CDT


No Transfusion!!! Platelets were 15k! Hgb was about the same 7.4! ANC was 740. Whoo Hoo! Hopefully, it will come up and he won't have to have one on Thursday. His Lymphs are getting higher and I know he is fighting something! That is why he is so droopy.

We made it to another VBS but Nicholas was a little droopy! Spencer was in a different group and when I told him he started petting on Nicholas and kissing him bye. It was so sweet and precious. They really enjoyed it and there was lots of children there. Nicholas wanted to go home and go to bed. That is exactly what he did!

Spencer had some fruit punch at VBS and it made him wild as ten buck two! He couldn't be still to save his life! It had to be the red dye! I won't let him have any tonight!
We would pass in going to the various activities and he would wave and blow me kisses! He is so sweet.

Remember the ones in transplant or on treatments. Remember Donna Hensley as she is going through some health problems. Remember the empty arms and broken hearted. God is good and a wonderful comforter. He is there when no one else is.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

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Monday, July 11, 2005 10:30 AM CDT

**Update on counts: Hgb-same, 7.5, Hct 22, Platelets down to 13k but no transfusion at the moment.


Nicholas has been real droopy this weekend. I guess that blows my theory that his counts are up. He is real pale too. He will probably transfused with platelets and red cells.

I'll update more when I get the results of his cbc today. Please pray for us, we really need prayer. If it could happen, it has. Monday all the way!

Pray for Maria, ga/maria. She really needs prayer. Alicia too, ks/aliciareed, headd injury. Pray for those in transplant or treatments.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Friday, July 8, 2005 9:39 AM CDT


Please remember the Owens family, PJ was killed in a car accident. He had two small children. Also, Ruby Riner passed away, Please remember this family too.

Nicholas and Spencer enjoyed a birthday party for Tanner yesterday evening. We were worried about the boys running and knocking Nicholas down. We shouldn't have worried! I heard Spencer saying in a rather stern voice, "Don't run and knock my brother down! He's sick!" He is MR. Protector! How precious is that? Now, if only he would apply his advice to himself!!!

Nicholas was drooping for the most part but was perky during the party! He has EVERYONE wrapped around that little finger!

Please remember all the children going through transplant, or treatments, or abuse, or some kind of tragedy. Remember Maria, going through radiation and chemo. Please remember the Dingus family as they travel to Florida today! Remember the victims of the hurricanes, floods, and the tornados that are touching down.

Pray for us too,

Thursday, July 7, 2005 1:47 PM CDT


I wanted to update after the results of the cbc were in. His platelets are down to 37k, hgb up a tenth of a point! Up we can stand! PTL! I'm grasping at straws but that is ok! I'll still take it! No transfusions today, I hope! Monday will probably be a different story! What if they have gone up on Monday! Wouldn't that be a miracle???? Oh, how I pray for that to happen.

Eating issues: "If I beg long enough, Mommy will give it to me!" Point taken! Facts stated! How could I not? It was homemade pizza last night and he loves to nibble on the cheese! Coughing starts, eating stops. He is great about least he is getting a taste. Pizza with pickles, my first! Spencer wanted sweet, Nicholas dill. It actually was good! I added tomatoes to mine and Spencer said, "There are the eyes! Now we need a mouth!" and moved the pickles to make a mouth. He knew I alway make smiley faces on everything! He is so precious and sweet!

Spencer drew a whale and guess what was going on with it! He had it hooked up to IVs! He is trying his best to understand and process everything! I love that baby! "I'm not a baby!" is what he told me the other day when I wrote him a love note! He could read it!!!! He is great at articulating sounds to pronounce the words. It's just too cute.

Pray for all that can to get a desire to donate blood and platelets. Pray for all the people in transplants, on treatments, chemo or radiation..

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Wednesday, July 6, 2005 7:43 AM CDT


Guess who we got to meet over the weekend? Racquell, Ed, and Jae! We met the Sunday and had a wonderful time! It was so good to finally meet. They were the caretakers of Diane Keel, who won her battle with cancer and is now resting in the arms of Jesus. Yes, I did say won because she is free from pain and no longer has to take chemo and radiation!

I think they feel in love with my little boys again! They were already in love with them but meeting them was a heart slide! Nicholas had them all climbing a big hill, playing hide 'n seek, yes, eating out of his little hand! Spencer had a ball piling leaves on Racquell's head! Jae even climbed the hill! She has MS but, yes, Nicholas asked her to go with him and off she trotted! Ed played hide 'n seek with them too! I think they would have done anything that little booger asked! Spencer met a little boy named Brian from Texas and they played and played! I think Spencer followed him around everywhere! Nicholas would talk to anyone that came by! They are having a go-cart race in Williamsburg! They are trying to bring awareness to several different diseases, Breast Cancer, Neuroblastoma, MS, and FA! They are getting sponsors and the winner sends the proceeds to their cause! Racquell is for FA!!!! Would you like to sponsor her? The race is Friday and maybe Saturday! GO RACQUELL, GO! You have to win! I wish I could go!

Nicholas counts yesterday were so so! His hgb is down to 7.5 and will probably need red cell soon. We will recheck tomorrow! His platelets were down to 58, will need them by Monday probably! It is no wonder we are so tired! We can't stay out of the hospital long enough to gain any strength or sleep.

Nicholas said, "I'm so tired!" Yeah, right. He didn't get to sleep until after 11 pm! He slept better after he finally went to sleep and then Spencer had nighmares! He woke up and didn't want me to go to work! He was dreaming that we took Nicholas back to the dr. He woke up at first and was mad at me! Then, he didn't want me to get up, didn't want me to go to work, just wanted me to stay home with them! I was very late for work and came broken hearted. Crying doesn't help anything, just cleanses the soul. Screaming doesn't help anything, just gives you a sore throat! Praying is the only relief I have! Cast all your cares on me and I will give you rest, saith the Lord!

Pray for all the children in transplant, Ty, Jordan, Apryl, Erin, Devin and all that I can't remember. Remember all the ones taking treatments or on some type of medicine, Maria, Nicholas, and all the rest.

Doing a lot of casting!

Tuesday, July 5, 2005 8:33 AM CDT


Yes, I broke over and let him eat! He wants to eat so badly. I know I'm shooting myself in the foot but how can I tell him know. I keep telling him that he isn't suppose to eat. He will do fine for a while but then he said, "But I'm hungry!" We have had a broken hearted weekend. He in turn, has coughed everything he has eaten into his trach! He will stop eating when he starts coughing but then it is too late. He keeps asking, "When can I eat?" It's hard to turn it 180d! Pushing food and then pulling it away now! We try not to eat in front of him but then he would be isolated! That isn't going to happen! Then I think of poor Jacinda, who is a teenager and cannot eat! It breaks my heart for her and her Mom. I'm going to have to buck up and get tougher! They want to do a ct scan to see if there is any structural damage to his lungs. He is coughing up lots of junk! That Tobi is doing the trick!

I see Sissy Bear informed you of the platelet transfusion! They had a hard time finding single donor 0+ or 0-, that is what he does better with. If you are either, please call 423-224-5886, Julia Davis and go donate. Thanks in advance!

VBS was over Friday night and the boys will drive me crazy this evening wanting to go back! I know, it won't take long! I feel like I've been hit by a Mack truck! Spencer was too shy to even get up in front! He turned pale when he entered the church! I felt so sorry for him! He finally sat on the alter beside of the song leader! He would do fine one on one but not in a crowd!

Pray for all the children and adults doing treatments! Maria has pneumonia but is getting to go home, please remember her. ga/maria


Saturday, July 2, 2005 11:21 PM CDT

Hello! Just a line or two to let you know that Nicholas is ok. He went for platelet transfusion Fri. It didn't take as long this time; the carrier of platelets had just arrived as we pulled in. (Yes, I went, too!) We arrived at 11:40 and left approx. 3:15. This was much better. I don't like when they have to stay til 3:00 A.M. Donna is exhausted and doesn't need to go day and night!!
As I said, I went, too. While Nicholas was getting transfusion, Spencer and I went to the park so he could stretch his long legs! What I think he enjoyed the most was watching a group break a pinata. He wanted to join in; he said he could break that thing! Now, he wants a pinata for his birthday!!!
Then we went to Wal Mart for a couple of Spiderman toys. No, I don't spoil them!!!
The day ended with the last day of VBS program.(Spencer's and Nicholas' own personal Santa was there in his everday clothes, but they didn't recognize him!! They just know him as Ken.) The highlight of the program was a solo by Nicholas!!! He sang:
"What a day that will be
When my Jesus I shall see;
And I look upon His face,
The One who saved my by His grace.
When He takes me by the hand
And leads me through the Promised Land;
What a day, glorious day, that will be."

Needless to say, there were lots of teary eyes! He is a little angel ablessing every day! Like I have asked before, "What did we ever do to deserve all these blessings?" Isn't God good?

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers and being there for Donna.
Sissy Bear

Thursday, June 30, 2005 7:22 AM CDT


CBC yesterday indicated the IV fluids were working but his potassium was still low! And the platelets were down to 10k. We will get another cbc today and it looks like a platelet transfusion is in order. I was pretty nervous yesterday at VBS with his counts so low. Nerve wracking after a down day equals total exhaustion, physically and mentally!

Nicholas woke up yesterday morning and the first thing he wanted was mashed potatoes! The fluids had him perky and a totally different child. Mary called me and said that he had asked for them about 10 times. I told her to bake him a potatoe and offer it to him but tell him to be careful that he could aspirate some of it. He said, "I guess I'd better pass!" He keeps asking me when he will be able to eat. I didn't realize just how much he did attempt to eat. We have fought for 6 years trying to get him to eat and I didn't realize just how much we said! Trying to not mention eating/food is very hard. Eating is even worse! He is such a trooper though!

At VBS, they take the children on a ride with the four wheeler pulling them in a trailer but I won't let Nicholas go because of the gas fumes. I didn't realize that this was bothering Spencer until last night. He said, "Why can't Brother go on the ride?" I explained it to him. We were in bed and he said, "Mom, I've got a plan. I'm going to build a wall there and then the fumes can go around the trailer and they won't hurt Nicholas!" I was amazed at his maturity or thought process of solving the problem. It brought tears to my eyes. He is so smart! I told him that was so sweet! He said, "You mean smart!" I burst out laughing then! He is always coming up with something and I love it! He does come up with the best plans ever! Precious!

Pray for all the children taking treatments, transplants, or testing.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Wednesday, June 29, 2005 7:52 AM CDT


Well, another cbc later and we are on IV fluids for 24 hrs with extra potassium in it. Platelets were down to 15k, Hgb is down to 9.0, but ANC is ok.
We are now doing nebulized Tobramycin! I asked about it and the dr agreed that was ok to try. Thank God. He was anxious about it and wanted to know what it did. I told him it would make his lungs better! He said, "Then I can eat?" Yes, my feathers flopped! He is doing ok with all of this but Mom and Dad aren't. No one else is doing great with the eating issue either. Sissy Bear won't even talk to me about it! I know what she is feeling though.

Spencer is doing ok with it and knows everything that is going on. I know he is disturbed about all that is happening but is working through it pretty good. He is so precious.

Someone yelled "That little boy is using the bathroom!" Yes, it was Spencer! He said, "I went behind that old car!" He thought he was hid but wasn't! Too funny! I couldn't help but laugh! Oh boys! If you have only girls, you are missing a lot! Have a boy and things will never be the same again!!!! Gotta love em!

Pray for all the children going through treatments and transplants.

Have you said, "Good Morning Jesus?"

Tuesday, June 28, 2005 8:10 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Nicholas is feeling some better, PTL! His platelets came back at 18k so he didn't need a transfusion yesterday! I do believe the Halotestin is working, do I dare get my hopes up??? His levels came back that he was just about dehydrated. I knew he was and am trying to get fluids into him. His hemoglobin is 9.5 and his anc was 1100. He is feeling better and that is what makes me happy. We did have to change the way we were feeding him. We cannot put any baby food in his formula and may have to add fiber though. He did much better last night! I'm not getting the same amount into him but hopefully we will increase the rate more and more.

Sunday, Vacation Bible School started and Nicholas wasn't feeling well at all but would not think of staying home! Last night, he playing more and talking more. Spencer is enjoying VBS tremendously. He is in a separate group and the first night it killed me! He was fine! I wasn't and had a hard time being in a different place. He really needs to have fun on his own but it was difficult for me. It was all I could do not to go check on him every 5 minutes. I was in pure misery. I couldn't leave Nicholas for any length of time and was so torn. Spencer will not sing with the group but knows the songs! He is a little shy. He will probably open up tonight and then when they put on the performance Friday evening, he will freeze up again. He is so sweet and precious! Sunday night, he told one of the teachers, "I've got to go check on my brother!" She brought him outside and let him see what Nicholas was doing and then he was satisfied. I didn't know he even came out. I thought that was so sweet. He loves VBS and doesn't want to go home after it's overwith each evening!

Please pray for Maria, I received a prayer request on her this morning: Maria tried to call you this morning but the line was busy. She wanted me have prayers said for her because she started coughing up blood this morning and still has a low grade fever. She's very upset and worried. I guess her heart rate is very high too. If you could ask the prayer bears to pray for her, I know she would appreciate it.

Pray for all the children going through transplant, out of transplant, or on treatments.

Praying harder to defeat the devil,

P.S. If you live in the Tazewell area, go directly to jail on June 30th between 11 and 4!!!! The Blood Buggy will be there!

Monday, June 27, 2005 9:08 AM CDT


This journal will be scattered! My mind is going in a thousand directions. Just to clear things up in a nut shell, we are trying to eliminate all methods of lung infections. 1. The first is to not eat by mouth at all! Yes, this is breaking my heart. No Chicken n dumplings! No M&Ms, yogurt, mashed potatoes, cornbread, green(chicken)soup, steak, chicken, brownies, fudge, or any food by mouth! I told him as gently as I could. The dr found blue coated bronchial tubes! and that was the M&Ms! He thought for a second and said, "I'll just tell everybody that I can't eat until I'm better!" He will not put anything in his mouth! He is the SUPER hero! I told him he could have water and ice and he finally ate ice last night!

2. They converted the g-tube to a g/j-tube. It looks the same as the mic-key button but has two low profile ports, one to his stomach and the other with an extention that bypasses his stomach and goes directly into the intestines.
So far, he isn't tolerating it at all. Diarrhea and nausea and I can't get the rate very high, resulting in loss of weight and dehydration. He looks so bad and isn't feeling well at all.

We are getting a cbc today and will post results when I can.
Jeff is feeling much better, it must have been a 24 hr virus.

We missed Spencer so much while we were gone but I don't think he missed us too much! Sissy Bear kept him occupied and that helped so much. He wanted to go back home with Sissy Bear!

Please remember all the children going through a medical situation. Pray for all of us.

Praying Harder to defeat the devil,

Wednesday, June 22, 2005 7:54 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Nicholas is feeling great! He has had a couple of great days and I wish he could have a great year, a great lifetime of laughs and giggles! He is back to being an imp again! With the twinkling eyes and mischevious smiles! He was a little stinker last night!

Spencer isn't eating well! He didn't eat much Pizza after I brought it home! He wanted it but...his appetite isn't totally back. He did eat some Milk and Bread! I asked him if it was better than chocolate! He said, "Yes!" I knew he was still sick!!! Then I put a piece of cake with choc icing on a plate, and then the big smile came back and eye brows starting going up and down! He is a clown! I love it when he feels good. He is rotten! But I was happy to see him full of life. I can't stand to see him sick.. That was the sickest he has ever been.

Remember all the children going through treatments! Remember Ty, fl/ty today is BMT day!!!

Blessingss and Bear Hugs,

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 9:06 AM CDT


I received a wonderful email from someone that wished they could donate for Nicholas! That really touched me. Just remember if it doesn't go to Nicholas, it will still go to someone that really needs it. If you are able to donate, please do so, wherever you live..

Did you notice the ticker on the Fluoxymesterone? Yes, tomorrow makes a month! I hope and pray we get results soon.

Spencer is back to his old self! Including waking up and wanting Mom to stay home! Yesterday, it was Dad! There isn't enough time in the day for everything!

I hate FA and all it entails! I hate what it is doing to my son, my family, our lives! FA and different forms of any sickness that is terminal or only temporary can wreck havoc in a family. It not only affects immediately family but extended family and friends. Some people back off because they don't know what to do or say! Just be youself and be family. I thank God for my support system. We are blessed to have a praying family and I know they all are praying. Pray for our extended FA family too.

Bless all of you with health, happiness, and the desire to give blood or platelets!

Monday, June 20, 2005 10:17 AM CDT


We had a wonderful weekend for the most part except for Spencer. He had a stomach virus and started throwing up around 2 Sat night and all day Sunday. He was in Dad or My arms all day long. That is the sickest he has ever been! It was horrible. Nicholas asked for a piece of paper and he made Spencer a get well card all on his own! It was so precious!

Spencer is feeling better today. PTL! Nicholas has had a great weekend! He was coughing some yesterday. I've noticed his WBC is going up and that means he is fighting an infection. We are getting another CBC today and will know the results today. His post transfusion CBC came back and his platelets were up to 217K!!! Oh, how I wished they would just stay there!

Hopefully, we will have a great week and trip to Cincy. Pray for test results to be good.

Pray for Maria, they are doing the feeding tube today. They didn't do that Friday! Pray for all the children going through transplant, post and pre! Pray for all the children on treatments or trial drugs.

The Miracle Maker is still making miracles,

Friday, June 17, 2005 7:07 AM CDT


I'm sorry to say that we came back from "Heaven!" That is what Spencer asked Dad last night. When was Nicholas coming back from Heaven? Jeff hadn't heard the earlier conversation about Spencer, Mary got a dose of it during the day one day but Dad got it last night! IF that is Heaven, Lord I do not want to go!!! In case you didn't read yesterday's journal and have no clue where Heaven is, then let me tell you all about it!

Nicholas' version:
Heaven is where you walk in around 5:30 pm and register! If you are already an angel, you skip the meeting St. Peter at the gate to see if you are on the roll! You just have to notify God that you have arrived. Then, you go to another mansion and they take your blood. This must be a test to see if you really have Jesus blood and not there by mistake! Next, you are taken to your own personal mansion for eternity! In the comfort of your on mansion, you can do whatever you want, ask for anything and Mom will bend over backwards to get it! Water, Doritos, and M&Ms were on last nights buffet! There is a constant chatter of little people on Cartoon Network but Mom didn't think they were angelical at all! About a hour and a half later, they brought in a bag of ambrosia (platelets) and fed it to via my PICC line. Mom promised there were no PICC lines in Heaven, so something isn't quite right here! That took a couple of hours and by then it was around 11:00! Things in "Heaven" are really slow, no fast lanes, just a s l o w, nice pace. Then guess what they did! They brought in a bag of Jesus blood! I was so shocked, I must not have had enough Jesus blood in me! I guess Jesus told some angel to go donate blood for me because I was really feeling bad. I'm sure I'll feel so much better now! I was too tired to stay awake to see if it made a difference last night but watch out today! I'll wear Sissy Bear out! Then, I woke up again and we went on a ride but I don't remember much about it. The next thing I knew, I was back in my own bed, snuggled down and was back asleep in no time! This was around 3 am! I hate to tell Spencer but this felt more like Heaven to me! I still don't have thumbs, that's how I know it wasn't Heaven! They call it Mountain View, it must be the step before Heaven! I would love to give all of you angels a big bear hug for donating blood and platelets for me! I received O- platelets last night, there were no O . Mom said I was "Universal" and that means I can take a lot of different angels blood products! I've had 14 platelet and 5 red cells this year!! That means a lot of bear hugs!

Remember Maria today, she had the Port placed in yesterday and felt most everything! They had to give her more pain meds. She is having the feeding tube put in today. Please pray for her! She wants everyone to know she loves them and appreciates all the cards.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,
Real Heaven Bound,

Thursday, June 16, 2005 8:15 AM CDT

CBC results: Platelets-11, Hgb-7.5, ANC-1798. Yes, we are going for platelets and packed red miracle yet but it's coming :D


All I want for Fristmas is my two front teef!
Nicholas is definitely snaggle tooth now! Yes, he bumped Sissy Bear and knock the other loose tooth out! I was worried with his platelets down so low. Sissy Bear was singing that song above and Nicholas was cracking up at her. Yes, I captued it and will post it when I get them uploaded!

Daddy played tooth fairy this morning! Nicholas was so pleased and put his dollar in the piggy bank! Spencer thought of it first!

We are getting a cbc and I'm in hyper drive!!! IF we get his miracle, he won't need a platelet or red cell tx!

I'll keep you posted.

Remember Maria, she is having surgery this am for port and feeding tube. Pray for her.

More later,
Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Wednesday, June 15, 2005 7:52 AM CDT


Nicholas enjoyed the cook out at Sissy Bears! He is so pale and it breaks my heart when he gets so tired. He was very nauseated most of the day yesterday too. He is still in good spirits and continues to smile. He is the energizer bunny, he keeps going and going! When we got home, he laid in his bed and said, "I'm so tired!" He looks so bad. When these children's count bottom out, they get "that look" that hits me in the pit of my stomach. Oh, how my heart hurts and my soul crys out continually for a cure.

On the way home from church Saturday night, Spencer wanted to know when his brother was going to Heaven. I asked him why and he said he want to visit him and see him with thumbs. Yes, it was heart breaking. Bless his little heart, he is trying to sort thimgs out and understand it all.

Nicholas has another cbc tomorrow and will probably need both platelets and red cells. Be sure to donate when you can, someone will need it.

Pray for Maria, she called and requested prayer that the Drs at Shands will realize she has FA and cannot take the high doses of Radiation and Chemo. She doesn't need that frustration right now. Please help me pray for her.

Pray for all the families going through a terrible disease that tears them apart in every direction, physically and emotionally. It's tough but if the family is centered on Christ, it can be re-united again! If the child goes to Heaven, the family will meet again one day forever to be with Jesus in Heaven together if they are Christians too.
Talking about a family reunion, what a day that will be.

Heaven Bound,

Tuesday, June 14, 2005 7:48 AM CDT


Nicholas blood work results are: Platelets 30k, Hgb-7.8. No transfusion as of yet we will do another cbc on Thursday and by then he will probably need platelets and pack red cells! I hope and pray that the blood products are available.

He didn't cough up any more blood but his secretions are real thick. He is very pale but still has spurts of energy! Nicholas was a little short of breath but still played some. A little cutie patootie Abby, who just turned three, came to see them down at Sissy Bears and the boys both picked her some flowers! Move over girls, there is a new little cutie on the block!! She woke up yesterday morning and told her Nona, "Today is the day! I'm marrying Nicholas!" Bonnie told her she thought it was Spencer!!! At that, Abby decided that she would just marry both! Nicholas said disgustingly, "She's too little to get married!" Spencer also brought Mom a bouquet! They are both so sweet! Abby gave them a big kiss bye and they both wiped it off! I couldn't help but laugh!

Remember Maria, ga/maria, yesterday was her first day of chemo. Remember Chance's mom, Patty, going to Duke for chemo for cancer too, ga/chance. Remember Ty, Jordan, Apryl, Erin, Nathan, Ty S, Devin, Little John, and all the ones that are on treatments.

Belated congratulations to the Dillow Family, va/clinton, on his new baby sister born on April 27th, Sara Grace that is free from FA, PTL.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Monday, June 13, 2005 7:04 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Overall, the weekend was great! Nicholas did get a little under the weather on Friday night. We went to a wiener roast and it was too humid outside. Nicholas wanted to play frisbee and bad minton but was wringing wet with sweat. We left early and he was just totally washed out. I got some Gatorade in him as I was afraid he was going to dehydrate on me. He is borderline all the time.

Saturday, we were visited by Aunt Bon Bon, Sissy Bear's sister-in-law. She was brave enough to bring 4 children in from Florida! I think she brought 6 but only 4 visited us. Her granddaughter, Abigail is just the cutest and put on a performance for us! She volunteered to be Spencer's girlfriend! It was so funny.

Sunday, Nicholas began coughing up blood again. He looked at it and said, "Mom, That's not blood, that's yogurt!" He had eaten some red and pink cherry flavored yogurt the night before. I wished it was yogurt!

I had to change his mic-key button again! I can't believe the other one didn't last as long. They are getting a hole in the ballon and it won't hold water. The balloon of water keeps it in his tummy. Now, I don't have a spare.

We are getting counts today and I'll post them as soon as I know something.

I'm waiting on my miracle. If we don't get it, then we have to make the decision of transplant. We do not feel he will survive a bmt with all the infections he is constantly fighting. He will not survive without one(bmt or miracle!) and has a small chance of surviving with one. How on earth do we accept God's will? We have to get our plan in line with God's! I wish I was young enough to have a sibling match for him. This is agonizing, heart wrenching, punch in the gut feelings that continually wash over us. Each moment full of heart whispers for miracles, constant worry laced with "With Christ, all things are possible."
Yes, all our strength lies in Christ.

I heard "Momma!" last night and found Spencer in the floor beside of our bed! I don't know what happened! I put him back in his bed and he didn't move a muscle! Other than that he slept well last night.

Maria, ga/maria, also needs a miracle. She will be admitted today to have a feeding tube placed and begin her chemo. Surgery is not an option at this time. She is in lots of pain through out her body, please remember her too.

Please help support us, we have wrist bands, bears, and car magnets available. Please order something today. Email me!

Please go give blood or platelets, wherever you live, someone could use blood products. We have to travel an hour to donate platelets! Pray for all the children and adults that are transfusion dependent.

Miracles are in the making, please Lord have one with Nicholas name on it.

Friday, June 10, 2005 7:11 AM CDT


Nicholas actually has more of his voice back and was a little more perkier! Is that a word? Spencer makes up words all the time so I guess I can too!!! If he says something that is off the wall, he will look at me and say, "That's Spanish for....!" Yes, Sissy Bear has definitely brain washed my child!!!

Nicholas and Spencer were playing with a printer cart. A small one that has rollers. Guess what Nicholas came up with! Did you say surgical bed? He put his spider, Spooky, on it and told Spencer that he was taking it to put it to sleep. "It needs surgery, he can't speak, hear, and needs ivs!", Nicholas informed us. Spencer pretended to say good bye and I asked Nicholas if he needed his assistant to help him. He said, "No, You know like you all do, you all have to go to the waiting room and wait!" He rolled Spooky away! This broke my heart watching him play out a too familiar scene that will have to be repeated again soon. They continued to play this with lots of little animals, I mean patients, and made a "recovery room" on their bed. At 10:00 pm, Spencer had returned them all to their various "homes!" Scattered all over the house! They loved that cart! Who needs toys?

Keep praying for all the children going to transplant, in transplant, or out of transplant. Those on trial meds, pray for a response, pray for a miracle! We are all in various stages of this horrible disease. If FA patients don't have bone marrow issues, they usually have cancer issues. If they don't have either, they are walking miracles! As you know, I've requested prayer for Maria who is facing serious cancer issues. Go by her site, ga/maria and let her know you are praying.

If you can be a blood or platelet donor, please do so. Wherever you live, go give! I'm sure someone needs those products. I wanted to give yesterday but wasn't feeling well myself and it broke my heart. We are going for platelets about every 10 days and have weekly blood counts. It is so scary when their platelets are down to 7k. Keep him calm, don't let him rough house, don't let Spencer jump on top of him, don't let him hit his head....on and on. PLEASE help me pray for a miracle, a cure for FA, or complete insanity one! WHAT? I know, I'm beyond that now!!! do de do, they're coming to take me away, hee hee, haw haw, to the funny farm where life is free from FA, ALL, AML, EG, de do! Only Heaven is free from all of this...

Heaven Bound,

Thursday, June 9, 2005 7:05 AM CDT


Nicholas is doing a smidge better! They both slept well and I did too! It was so strange! Every time I woke up, I kept looking at the clock to see how much longer I could sleep! Duuuuh! I just need lots more!!! Yawn!

I had to change the dressing on Nicholas' PICC line last night and the site looks wonderful, no redness or even blood. I'm thankful. The last time I changed it I said something about hating to have to put the statlok that holds the line back in the same place on his little arm. Nicholas said, "Mom, you know you have to!" He can always make me laugh! There is lots of things that I "Have" to do but that doesn't mean that I like it!!

Sissy Bear is keeping the boys today. Mary's cousin passed away and the family really needs prayer. He was only 28 yr old and has three children and died from an overdose. The family is heartbroken.

Again, I'm struggling every second to keep Nicholas alive and the devil has so many hooked on drugs. I'm mad at the Devil! Like Spencer was singing the other evening, "I'm going to poke the Devil with his pitchfork and throw him away!" I don't know where he gets these ideas from!!! He has the biggest imagination! We will be going down the road and see a logging truck or a truck load of four wheelers and he will say, "That is my friend, he is taking care of them for me! or He works for me and I'm letting him borrow those!" Little Mr. Entrepreneur!! Tooo cute!

Remember all those in various stages of treatment. Remember those who've taken their flights home and the empty arms left behind. Remember those on clinical trials searching for a miracle drug. God Bless all of you that are healthy with the desire to help those in need.

New kids on the FA block:

Become a donor today: Blood Wal-Mart from 10-3!!, schedule appt with Julia Davis, 423-224-5888 or 5886 to give platelets only. If you give blood today, you cannot give platelets for a few weeks. Nicholas isn't the only one requiring platelet transfusions or red cells in this area. Once we were getting platelets and there was three red cell tx going on too! Give Blood and give Life!

Jesus was the first blood donor!

Wednesday, June 8, 2005 7:30 AM CDT


Nicholas' transfusions that he has been getting, had a sticker on them that said "CMV Safe". Now, I find out that Single Donor Aphresis platelets aren't even checked for CMV!!! Radiation does not kill CMV! BUT the transfusion was leukocyte reduced and that would help!!! Now, Dr Harris isn't worried about the CMV part but since Nicholas chilled and spiked a fever, he is worried about a bacterial infection. Yes, his antibiotics were extended for another week.

Nicholas still doesn't have much of a voice and just drooped around yesterday evening. He did have a few spurts of energy. We put up a new bed for them and they were so excited! Spencer didn't sleep well at all though. It may have been the bed change. Who knows? He woke up this morning and did not want me to go to work. I told him that I'd be home before he knew it! He showed Mary his bed and told her that we tore his other bed to pieces! He then came and told me "Bye Momma!" and gave me sugars. I think he wanted to tell Mary more about the bed. He likes his "Big Boy" bed! He was dreaming a lot during the night and I played musical beds. Once, he woke up and said, "I want someone to sleep with me in my bed Momma!" Too cute!

We are trying to get a date set to go to Cincy. This is his yearly bronch and lots of other tests. If this Halotestin doesn't work, transplant is our only option medically besides transfusions. We not only have his lungs to deal with, but his entire system and all the infections he has been getting. If transplant isn't an option, transfusion dependant until they don't work anymore or God calls him home. Please pray, I'm begging God for a miracle. It's so hard to realize they are just borrowed for a while and not really ours to keep. It is beyond my comprehension that there isn't something some where that would work. Only God knows or can bless the medicines to work. Only God can extend life or call His children home. I know Heaven would be his home but I'm selfish and want those little hugs, kisses, and all the cuteness wrapped up in that pure bundle of joy we named Nicholas.

Nicholas was calling Spencer "Sweet Cakes" again yesterday and kept Mary in stitches. They are so cute together. Spencer is now taller than Nicholas by an eigth of an inch! Nicholas is hanging at 40 lbs and Spencer 37 lbs.

Please remember us in your prayers. IF you don't pray, get saved today, ask God to be your personal Savior and start praying! Maria is getting some questions answered about whether surgery is an option so be praying for her. fl/ty is now in NY, getting ready for transplant, ut/jordanbrunson is in Minn getting ready for his 6/20 date, va/apryl has had hers and needs our prayer, ks/nathan gets to go to the RMH today!!!!, all the children on meds, treatments, experimental medicines, all hoping for a cure, a miracle, please pray for all of them, including Nicholas.

Beliving in the Healer,

Tuesday, June 7, 2005 7:01 AM CDT


I decided to create a ticker for the Halotestin, so check it out if you want to know how many days we have been on it.

Nicholas received his platelet transfusion last night. We were there for about 5 hours. Yes, some better but not quite streamlined! Nicholas bounced and danced up to the room and was just full of himself. The nurse couldn't believe how good he was feeling. He just couldn't talk or he would have been heard all over the hospital. He has laryngitis I guess. I'm not sure what is going on. He had been coughing up really thick mucus and I salined him and got a lot out but he lost his voice completely at the hospital. He didn't like it one bit!

During the night, he chilled and spiked a temp. I'm convinced it's a reaction to something in the platelets. I hope and pray they were CMV safe. I can't for the life of me remember seeing that on the bag of platelets and it's worrying me this morning. I'll have to call to find out. I was looking at the bag and didn't see it and then it hit me last night what I was looking for....TOO late now! I'm checking right now! They said that they should have been. Well! I just found out that they do not check for CMV on a single donor platelets, that the radiation should kill it anyway!!!! That is the first time I've heard this! Oh no, here we go again. I didn't see it because it wasn't on the bag! I know it has been on all the rest of can they say it is "cmv safe" if it hasn't been checked.

Another battle! Well, I've called Cincy and they are going to find out for me. If this means going to Cincy for transfusions, I guess we will be traveling every 9 to 11 days to Cincy! I could problably get the tx done faster going to Cincy! LOL! They have been wanting me to move (Jokingly) to Cincy, they just may get their wish! Hey Dr, get that apartment ready over the garage! Yeah, right! I'm so tired I cannot think right now! I was up seveal times with Nicholas.

Remember all the children going for bmt, on treatments or waiting for some type of miracle like us.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Monday, June 6, 2005 9:36 AM CDT

**Platelets are down to 7k.....please help me pray for my baby.


Overall, the weekend was great! Nicholas and Spencer were in great spirits and had loads of fun! Friday evening, Spencer went with Dad and guess what Nicholas and I did? I found a mud puddle and made mud pies. Nicholas wanted to touch them so bad and just couldn’t!!! I held one out to him and he touched it with his fingers. I squashed it into his hands!! Yes, I’m a meanie! He immediately laughed, frowned, and then started wiping his hands on his shirt and pants! I could tell he was on the verge of getting upset with me and I took his shoes off and let him stomp in it! He loved that! I did get photos!! Will post some when I remember to download them!!!

Mamaw Boggs and Aunt Cathy came and made tacos for dinner and we had a great time! They also came back Saturday even for a wiener and marshmallow roast! I was suppose to make a Poppy-Seed cake but I totally forgot! That means that I owe Mamaw Boggs a cake!! Aunt Cathy brought the boys water guns, super soakers! They had a ball with them yesterday! I wasn’t feeling well and slept for about 3 hrs yesterday. I had a stomach bug but feel ok today.

We were trying to schedule a Day with Thomas, the tank engine but it’s so hard! Between transfusions and a low ANC, I cannot take a chance and get Nicholas in a crowd. He is coughing up blood this morning. We did have a blood draw this morning but I haven’t heard back from it. He has some blood around his mickey button too. I’m sure it will mean platelet tx! I’m also worried about his hemoglobin level, he looks really pale. He did have some droopiness over the weekend but also felt wonderful at times.

He has been singing to the top of his lungs! I love to listen to them two! I had to change Nicholas’ trach yesterday and he started crying. Dad came in and held his hand and Spencer had to hold the other. I heard Spencer saying something and looked down to see his little head bowed and praying for Nicholas. It touched me so deeply. The love of a brother in the purest form is amazing. The trach change went real smooth and Spencer wanted to know if his prayer helped! I told him yes and to pray for my tummy. He did and then Nicholas asked him what he said! It was so cute. I love my babies.

I’ll post the blood work when I get it. Keep those in transit to transplant, fl/ty, ut/jordanbrunson in your prayers and those in transplant that we don’t even know and those coming out of transplant. Remember Maria, ga/maria dealing with cancer in her neck again. She is going back today for more scans and results of the test the last couple of weeks. Pray for all of us where bmt is not an option and on some type of medication or treatments.

I hope and pray someone went last week and gave platelets. If you did, please drop me an email and let me know. I’ll keep your names confidential if you want. Thanks to all who’ve donated in the past.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Friday, June 3, 2005 7:40 AM CDT

Day 12 Halotestin/Fluoxymesterone


My second attempt to update!

Nicholas is definitely feeling much better! He was clapping his feet together to the tune of “Pop goes the Weasel”! Especially the POP! He finally settled down around 11 pm! His antibiotics had just finished and then he went to sleep. I was back up around 12:30 am venting and suctioning him. Then we all slept through out the night except for Dad, he changed the water on the moisturizer/humidifier and added more formula to the feeding bag around 2 am! He always sets the clock and does this to let me get some sleep! If I happen to be up around this time, I try to do it and then reset the clock ! Then he will wake up around 3 or 4 and ask me if I reset the clock!!!! No rest for the weary!

This one is no where near what I did the first time!! Oh well, take whatever is put in your plate and be content! Maria called yesterday and Nicholas told her, “Maria, God will take good care of you!” Mary and Maria both boohooed! He believes in prayer and knows the healer! His faith puts most grown ups to shame including me!! He will ask Dad to pray almost every night!

To Prayer Bear Heidi, I love that graphic in the guest book!!! You just got yourself in trouble! You will have to create one for all the Prayer Bears!!! I thank you all for signing the guest book and most of all for your prayers. Debbie N, I had missed you!!!

Thanks to Kathy M. for the wonderful picture book of Horses and the coloring book too!! They loved them and “Whooopppeeeees” and “Yiiiipppppeeeeees” continued the rest of the evening! I know that took so much time and I appreciate it so much. Thanks!

Thanks to Racquel for the card campaign to the boys. They love the goat and turtle photos and the stories!!!! Spencer loved the Spiderman stickers on his and said, “Wow! Awesome!” How many more days until you arrive in VA??? 29?

Thanks Trish for the hand made Prayer Bear cards you sent them. They were adorable and I appreciate all you’ve done for us and the PBs! Glad you are feeling better!

Whew! I was behind on my thank yous! I’m sure I forgot someone but I still thank each of you for the prayers and encouragement! Last week and this one was rough but we have survived without too many scars!

God is good!

Thursday, June 2, 2005 7:00 AM CDT

Day 11 Halotestin/Fluoxymesterone


My super ball has finally bounced back!!! He felt much better and wasn't near as sick at his tummy! Thank you for praying for us. God is so so good! I was up a couple of times last night but overall, I can see a huge improvement. I definitely think that Levoquinn was what was making him feel so droopy. Also, he is sounding different when he coughs! Steroids??? Probably! He was being pesty last night, laughing and making silly faces! Oh, how I love him feeling better!

Spencer was feeling better too! He and Nicholas played "Guess Who?" and had a ball! They are a hoot!

I forgot to mention that they got to see their cousins from Illinois. Jeff's brother, Darrell and his family were in and we all cooked on Sunday. Spencer and Kayla played and played! DJ taught Nicholas how to play the Game Boy and that started the "I want one of these and all these games too!" Jennifer and Heather have grown into fine, beautiful young ladies! They are now sporting the FA wrist bands too! Please remember Darrell, he is now on 6 liters of Oxygen and his lungs are functioning at 50 percent of the normal capacity. They are saying he has black lung but their other brother Ronald is on oxygen too and they both started out with nodules in their lungs. They think Ronald had rhumatoid arthritis and it has attacked he lining of his lungs but that isn't definite yet. Anyway, it was good to see everyone! Heidi, keep up the good work! Nicholas and Spencer really enjoyed tickling Kayla! She is so cute!

If and that is a big IF Nicholas has a series of negative blood cultures, then the PICC line will stay! Please help me pray for the bugs to fly away into "Never return Land!"

Please remember Jo, her blood pressure has dropped to 72/54. ks/joandjacybox
ga/maria, she goes back for more tests next week and the tumor has grown into her esophagus, making only soft foods swallowable!
Remember all going to tranpslant, in transplant or on treatments of some kind.

Bloom where you are planted,

Wednesday, June 1, 2005 7:31 AM CDT


Day 10 Halotestin/Fluoxymesterone

I think I'm seeing some moodiness from the steriod! Yesterday, he wanted his mask to carry outside and cried and cried. I told Mary to give him a clean one to play with. I ended up going home because his little heart was breaking and Mary had to run an errand. I wasn't in the best of moods and really had a rough time mentally. I feel like we are causing the bacteria to get into his blood stream. I guess I'm pretty good at beating myself up mentally! I was exhausted by bedtime! If we are doing something wrong, I want to know. I guess I need to be a better advocate for him in the hospital world too. He cannot keep going through all of this. Jeff said, "We are trying to put bandaids on something much bigger!" I guess he is right.

Nicholas continues to have a diarrhea and so nauseated. He was worse yesterday than on Monday. He stopped the Levoquinn yesterday and I think that was part of the problem. He has no energy and yesterday kept saying that he was sooo tired. He is now on different antibiotics!!! They have put him back on Gentamycin and Synercid, yes, two major guns. I'm praying they will work and the PICC line won't have to be taken out. Please help me pray for this, as well as a complete cure!

Spencer, bless his heart, needed a nap yesterday evening and I could not please him at all! Then, all he wanted was "Momma" to hold him. It is so rough on him and me! Especially, when Nicholas had to be vented every 5 minutes! It has been like this all weekend!

I just about lost it last night! I could have cried a gallon! Kim came over but I knew I couldn't cry on her shoulder, she was just about in tears to begin with!!!! Nicholas started feeling some better late yesterday evening! Mary's mom, Clara told him that she would pray for him again (they prayed together earlier in the day), that Jesus was going to make everything better. He said, "No, don't pray, I already feel better!" Then, he got up and acted totally different! I actually left him off his feeding for a couple of hours and let his tummy calm down. He told Jeff that the water I gave him through his tube helped him get better!

Now, on to Maria! The dr feel this is a seconday cancer that there is more somewhere else. Please pray for her and sign her guestbook

Remember: /ut/jordanbrunson FA bmt 6/14,
fl/ty FA, admit 6/16, BMT 8/10 donor around 6/23/05, FA bmt today! 6/1,
va/apryl, is out of hospital and at the RMDH! Good News!
oh/erinmckee, FA BMT 5/05 remember her.
Remember these children as well as their families.

Trusting in the Healer of broken hearts,

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 9:38 AM CDT

Day 9 Halotestin/Fluoxymesterone


We've had a wonderful weekend! Mostly venting Nicholas' tummy trying to get the gas off so he can enjoy a quality life. It just isn't happening. He continues to grow bugs in his blood stream and on antibiotics, which are going to be changed today. This will mean that the PICC line will have to come out! And that will mean, sticks, pokes, needles, iv's, injections, a very stressed Nicholas and a broken hearted Mom! It seems any device we have installed just doesn't work for him for long and then he starts growing something in it. It makes me furious! It is just one big vicious circle and we keep chasing our tails!

On the bright side, Nicholas doesn't let anything stop him from enjoying life, sand piles, tractors, dogs, outside, or the usual love for reading or bear tales! He did have an accident on the tricycle and skinned his little wrist. I died a thousand deaths when it happened and I just couldn't get to him in time. He was doing so well but was on a slope and turned too fast and over he went. It broke my heart. My fault, I shouldn't have left his side.

Spencer, on the other hand has enjoyed the energy of Nicholas and they have played and played. He will pet on Nicholas when he isn't feeling well. It is so precious!

I think this morning was rough without Momma! But it doesn't take them long to recover! They were playing and talking every breath when I spoke to Mary this morning.

We are getting blood work this morning and I should know something soon. I'm not expecting low counts but remain cautious at all times. I'm devastated about the PICC line coming out so please remember all of us in your prayers.

Remember Maria in your prayers. Cancer is back! It's between her esophagus and spine. They are discussing treatments, so please remember her in your prayer and post her on every prayer group or list you can.

God Bless you and remember to go give blood or platelets in your area.
Our contact is 423-224-5888 or 5886, please schedule a day and give platelets. We need them ever 10 days or so.

Friday, May 27, 2005 7:37 AM CDT

Halotestin/Fluoxymesterone Day 5


Nicholas' platelets went down to 8k and had to be transfused. We got home at 2 am again! Yes, I'm exhausted! Nicholas will not got to sleep when we are there and went to sleep on the way home! He will probably sleep all day! He gets so tired and the Benedryl makes him real grumpy. He started crying because we WEREN"T staying all night!!! I told him at the rate that things were going, we would be staying all night.

Spencer went with Dad and they had a good time together. He wanted to know where Momma was and Jeff explained what was happening. Jeff couldn't remember exactly what he said but indicated that it was something funny about the platelets in his blood! He can come up with the funniest things.

They played "Vet" with these leather horses that I had found and had a ball. I love to watch and listen to them. I had to be the assistant and help hold the horse for its shot! We also did some school work yesterday! Nicholas did really well! I am so proud of him. He knows a lot more than any teacher has ever brought out! Spencer had to do his school work too! He is sharp as a tack!

Another thing about the platelet transfusion, they couldn't find any aphersis single donor platelets available. They found some that hadn't been used and had to be released to us. Thank you, to whomever donated on 5/23/05! Our heartfelt thanks for your generosity. Please call 423-224-5888 or 5886 to schedule an appointment to donate. Nicholas will probably be transfused again around 6/9/05. The platelets are only good for 5 days after they are collected.

Please pray for all transfusion dependent children or adults! Transfusion DEPENDENT means they cannot live without these transfusions. Please check to see if you can donate where ever you live, someone there needs your donation. If you don't have a cause at heart, tell them it's in honor of Nicholas, a little angel that needs blood products in VA!

Thank you God for allowing me to get some sleep the other night, only You knew when I was going to really need it! I'm still waiting on my miracle...patiently? Well, not really, according to the smirk on someone's face last night at the hospital when I went to see if any action was taking place! Lord, please grant me patience too.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 6:44 AM CDT


Halotestin-Fluoxymesterone Day 3

If you are or have been on this medicine, please email me and let me know the pros and cons. I know someone has been on it for anemia and their platelet count went back over 100k!!! If by some miracle you are reading this, please let me know.

Good news first, Nicholas and Spencer are ok and feeling spunky! They are laughing and playing! The other evening, Nicholas was singing to the top of his lungs! He would swing and sing! I loved it! I couldn't understand a word of what he was saying but it was definitely music to my ears! It was to the tune of "London Bridge" and then later, he was singing "Where, Oh Where have the crocodiles gone?" Spencer just wanted to snuggle in Mom's lap for a while. I think he missed me! Mondays are always the hardest!

The other night when Spencer couldn't sleep and crawled into our bed, he kept saying, "Mom, I can't sleep for you snoring!" It was funny! I probably woke him up and he thought it was a bear! Ha!

The bad news: Nicholas' blood culture is still positive! That makes me so mad! We aren't on the correct antibioitics yet! Now, just as he was finishing this round, he will have to have more or different ones! Also, he is bruising again and will probably have to be transfused tomorrow after his cbc results come back. I hope and pray the platelets will be available.

Pray for all the children struggling, trying to live. Pray for the parents or caregivers. We struggle with all the strength we have to keep our children alive and then someone will try to commit suicide and it makes me so sad. Or you hear of someone abusing or killing their children, Where, Oh Where has the love gone?

Still praying for a miracle,

Tuesday, May 24, 2005 7:32 AM CDT


Halotestin Day 2

Yes, Yesterday was Day 1 of Halotestin. I hope and pray it works. My heart isn't into this medicine and it just about killed me to start it. I wanted a miracle but haven't received it yet. I will continue asking. Seemingly, I'm in constant prayer for my children. I know I'm being prepared again for something and pray for strength to go through it. I know God is faithful but I just need some extra strength so please help me pray.

Blood work! Platelets were 100k on 5/16, yesterday they were down to 19k. That is how fast they go. Rest of his blood work was ok. ANC was 564, Hemoglobin was 11.7. That is because of the red cell transfusion on 5/13/05. Hopefully, he will hang on to those red cell longer than usual. I pray the new medicine boost the little marrow that is left and the cells flourish!

I do have more magnets in now!!! Order yours today for your fundraisers! FA or other bm disorder families get them at cost! Please help us find a cure.

Pray for Erin, oh/erinmckee, bmt 5/11 for FA, Devin, bmt for FA on 6/1, /ut/jordanbrunson bmt on 6/14, fl/ty has the go ahead for bmt and starts testing on 6/16, Apryl va/apryl, bmt 5/6. All these children are in need of prayer and their families. They are or will need blood products at some point. Single donor platelets are the best for these children, please go give platelets where ever you live. Give blood today, give life. Help these children over the hurdles.
Also, pray for Prayer Bear Michelle, she is having heart problems, Prayer Bear Maria is undergoing testing at NIH this week, pray for her. Thankfully, Prayer Bears Trish and Sharon are back up and praying after hospital stays recently too! Let's all pray to beat the Devil!

Bear Hugs and Blessings,

Monday, May 23, 2005 9:27 AM CDT


Today is Halotestin Day 1

Friday, I had a IEP, Individualized Education Plan, for Nicholas and signed up Spencer for Pre-K. Spencer had to be tested for Pre-K and I had to take him back that afternoon. I think he tested himself OUT of Pre-K!!! He acted so sweet. It hasn’t hit me totally yet but I stay on the verge of tears! Nicholas did have a short visit with his class! This is the first time this year! I wished he was able to visit more but his counts are just too low. Monday’s are the worst but he has Field Day on Thursday so maybe, just maybe I’ll take him for awhile.

He was droopy most of Saturday but felt better yesterday. We spent the most part of the weekend at Mamaw and Papaw’s! Uncle Kenny’s birthday party was yesterday too! God’s blessings, good food and family, what more can we ask for! My baby’s miracle is very much still needed! We are thankful that all is as well as it is. Things could be a whole lot worse. We are getting blood counts today and will start the Halotestin this evening. I’m NOT looking forward to this medicine. I’m scared that the side effects will be horrible but hoping and praying they are not. Praying for the bone marrow to respond to the medicine. There is another girl on it and her platelet counts went back over 100k, I just don’t know who she is!! I pray Nicholas responds that well.

Guess what I’m listening to right now! Nicholas’ giggle box has turned over and the giggles are pouring out! He is laughing at Spencer about something and can’t stop! Spencer is hollering , “Momma, I love you!” He says it the sweetest. Momma misses her babies this morning too! I love to hear them laughing and talking, sweet, sweet music! They can sure put a smile on my face!

Specific prayers: Pray for the medicine to boost Nicholas’ marrow. Pray for /va/Apryl, she has mouth sores right now but PTL her counts are getting higher! /ut/Jordan is getting ready for bmt, fl/devin is closer to bmt, scheduled 6/5/05, I think. Fl/ty is waiting on donor for bmt. All these have FA. Also an unspoken request, God knows what we need.

Have a blessed day! Cherish the giggles,

New Platelet Donor News!!!
With permission!


I just wanted to thank you for inspiring me to become a platelet donor. I gave for the first time today, thanks to your encouragement. YOU have made a difference.

My nephew has FA, and I have followed Nicholas' site, along with other FA children, for the past two years. Unfortunately, my nephew does not have related donor match. However, the great news is that he is not in imminent need of a transplant.

Being able to donate platelets helped me feel like I was able to do something, if not for my Noah, but possibly some other child. It was a blessing and a gift to be able to do so, and I wanted to thank you.

May God bless you and your family,
Lezlie Chesler
Salt Lake City, Utah"

Thursday, May 19, 2005 7:09 AM CDT


The boys were raring to go outside and play, play, play! They played in the sand pile and rode the gator. Carolyn brought them some wands that can create 4 foot long bubbles and they look like swords. They had an absolute ball playing with those! They loved them. Thanks Carolyn!

Nicholas is just about up to his normal feeding level and hopefully, we can even go up on the amount he gets. I'm thinking of blending the chicken and dumplings and pouring into his tummy! I think that may help getting some calories into him!!!

He was a little restless last night but didn't wake up at all. He didn't require any oxygen at all yesterday nor last night. He has stopped coughing up blood and the secretions are diminishing. He is getting better!!! PTL!

Please remember Jeff's mom, Viola. She is having a catherization of her heart this morning in JC. Jeff is suppose to call and let me know how everything went. It was suppose to be at 7 am but it will probably be around 9. I'm getting good at predicting how long things take! Just say forever and your are close!!! HA!

The bears are selling and I'm currently out of the Auto Magnets right now but more are on the way! Also, the wrist bands should be here this weekend sometime. I can't keep those! Email me and I'll send you whatever you want, except the boys!!!

Give Blood, Give Life,

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 11:18 AM CDT


Thanks Sissy Bear for updating for me! Your the greatest! The chicken and dumplings also helped!!! Nicholas actually ate some! I must have left him off his feeds too long, he actually ate cheerios, M & Ms, and fruit loops while in the hospital!! He hasn't eaten much since until your dumplings last night. He also tried to eat butter! I looked at him last night and he has shrunk. He looks so small to me and I know he lost another pound and it makes me so angry when I can't get any calories in him. I cannot get the 7 lbs that he has lost back on. I wish I could. I will one of these days!

He is feeling much better and didn't require Oxygen last night. Thank God for answered prayers. He has been playing, laughing, and talking to the top of his lungs. He has spurts of energy and then has to lie down and rest. He says that he is "so tired." I WANT a cure for this horrible disease. I want my baby to LIVE! He is now going for platelet transfusions every 10 days and red cells monthly. It takes 5 days to process the donation of platelets. I pray for God to lay it on everyone's heart to go donate platelets and blood products and get on the bone marrow registry. Please. Please get a desire in your heart to help and get jump started! What on earth can I do to inspire you to donate? If those photos of Nicholas do not inspire you, what will? Yes, I'm begging, pleading, and crying for you to help. If you cannot give blood, then please say a prayer for us.

Have you ever needed something so badly then be told it isn't available? The fear that strikes the heart isn't comparable to anything else. The mountain that falls on your shoulders is horrendous. Whether it be platelets, red cells, bone marrow transplant, or medicine, it brings us to our knees. NO CURE. Shatters the heart and leaves us no strength to even try to pick up the pieces. Without God, we couldn't make it through a second of this journey.

God heals broken hearts too,

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 12:10 AM CDT

Oops! I didn't know that Donna had updated! Go to the journal history to read her update!

Donna is at work today, but she is very busy.
Nicholas is doing very well today, so far. He has
tried to bargain with Mary today. He told her that
if she would get him loose from the feeder, he would
help her do the work!!!!
He does have pain in his left side occasionally; this lasts
for 30 min. This is very scarey while it is happening. Rem them in your prayers.
Maybe Donna will be back in touch tom.
Thanks for all prayers.
Sissy Bear

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 11:46 AM CDT


We are home and slowly re-bounding. Nicholas is coughing up blood clots and needs prayer. He had one bad spell with pain in his lower left lung yesterday and requires oxygen periodically through out the day. His teacher was there for school and realized just how bad he was. He started to feel better and she mentioned that she had brought a book. Nicholas immediately perked up and said, "The pain heard the word b-o-o-k and had to go! Take that Mr. Pain!" It was amazing! Totally came alive again and acted like a different child. His teacher said, "No one would believe you if you told them, they would have to be here and see it with their own eyes!" It was miracleous!

Just a plug about platelets! They didn't have what he needed in Kingsport, where all our blood products come from. They finally found some single donor platelets in Johnson City!
Please, please, if you are able go give platelets! Make an appt today, 423-224-5886 or 423-224-5888.
Thanks. Give where ever you live, some one will need it!

19th: Mobile Blood unit is going to be at Mary's Chapel in Coeburn from 2 to 6 on the 19th. Give life.
24th: they are going to be at the Dickenson County Hospital
26th: NOrton Community Hospital

Remember Devin, Apryl, Ty, and all the rest of the children going to transplant or in bone marrow failure.

We are blessed,

Monday, May 16, 2005 10:40 AM CDT

Nicholas came home yesterday eve. He was very happy
to be home again! He is not out of the woods yet, so please keep praying for him.
Sissy Bear

Saturday, May 14, 2005 9:24 AM CDT

Good Morning!
Nicholas does have pneumonia! They did another x-ray yesterday eve and it showed up. Good news--his temp is down this morn.
Donna was telling me about his prayers last night. He wanted to pray for Sissy Bear and her classmates(my students who are sick), Clyde(Papaw's friend who may have lung cancer). He asked Donna who else is sick and she told him, "you". He chuckled and said that he couldn't pray for himself. Of course, she asked why not. This is his reply, "because everybody else is praying for me!" Ok, Guys, he is depending on us to pray! Oh, the trust of a child!!!!! The faith of a child!!!! One of God's little ones!!
Until next time, take care; may God bless and keep you.
Sissy Bear

Friday, May 13, 2005 3:51 PM CDT

I called about Nicholas this eve; he is complaining with his side hurting. He did this before and it was pneumonia.
It does not show up on x-rays. He still has a temp of 102.9. Do you think chicken and dumplings would help?!!! I wish. I do have chicken thawing...just waiting for those words, "I'm coming home!"
Thanks for all the prayers and words of encouragement.
Sissy Bear

Thursday, May 12, 2005 8:14 PM CDT

Sorry, Guys! I was rushing this morn and made error in the
phone #. It is 276-679-6329.
Nicholas has had high temp all day. They finally began antibiotics about 1:30 today!! Grand positive cocci has shown up in culture. Donna kept telling Dr. that he was fighting something, that it wasn't viral! I don't know what part of "not" that he didn't understand; she knows her child. I keep telling her she missed her calling. She should have been a nurse; she is a nurse now, but as a profession, she would be great! Maybe even a doctor!!!
I had plans to go visit this eve., but the Fifth Disease is going around at school and I have been exposed; it causes serious problems for people with low immune systems or with cancer; Nicholas doesn't need anything else. I hope I don't get it either; it is so hard to stay away! I talked to him on the phone, but it is not the same.
Please remember them in your prayers.
Thanks for all support and uplifting messages.
Sissy Bear.

Thursday, May 12, 2005 6:21 AM CDT

Well....Nicholas is in St. Mary's Hosp. 278-679-6329
He had a temp of 103.9, but it is down to 101.9 now; he is very congested, the usual, maybe ear infection. Donna took him in at 3:00 am.; they are getting a room ready-Room 329.
Rem them in your prayers.
Sissy Bear

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 9:35 AM CDT


Where do I begin? The week-end was good and the boys had a great time playing for the most part. Dad and Spencer made me a Mother’s Day Card on Sunday morning. It was precious! Nicholas gives me flowers every time we are outside so I have Mother’s Day every day!!! I also got a dozen red roses!!
Thanks for all the Happy Mother’s Day wishes, they brought a smile to my face this morning!

We did manage to get to church on Sunday with Jeff’s Mom and had dinner on the ground there. We left for Cincinnati afterwards. Nicholas took up with Glenda Johnson while we were there and she fell in love! She told me that “He says the sweetest things! Lord, I haven’t had a man to tell those things in forty years!” It was so funny! Yes, she is now smitten! They exchanged addresses and she is going to send him a card. She is actually a distant cousin on Dad’s side of the family. She sang “Two Coats” during church and had on a red dress! Nicholas told her he liked her singing and how she looked! He is the King of Flattery!!! He knows how to get to these older women that is for sure!!! He also had three other little girls following him around. Spencer took up with a little girl named Christin and she would carry him around! He was almost as big as she was! He kissed her on the cheek and told her he loved her! I’m beginning to wonder just what I’m teaching my boys!! They are sweet and so precious! Everyone falls in love with them!

Both Nicholas and Spencer slept most of the way to Cincinnati. Spencer only woke up for ice cream and dinner. I figured we would be up all night but he was asleep by 11:30 pm. Nicholas doesn’t ask , “Are we there yet?” He asks, “How many more miles is it Dad?” Then when we were just outside of Cin., he asked, “Do you see it yet Mom?” I asked, “What?” He said, “Cincinnati!” We were about 5 miles outside of Cin and there was a Good Year blimp in the air. Spencer spotted it and asked what it was! I told them and Spencer would not call it a blimp! He and Nicholas started pretending it was their friend and called it “Thing!” Spencer said, “Thanks Thing for showing us the way!” He can come up with the funniest things! When we arrived in Cincinnati and Nicholas saw the tall buildings, he knew where he was! He kept screaming “Cincinnati!”

We made it to the Cin Zoo! They really enjoyed it. Spencer was in his glory riding the little train! We rented a little buggy and Nicholas usually doesn’t sit in them but this time he hardly got out of it. Just to stand up and see the animals and then he would sit back down in it again. He kept saying how tired he was. After the zoo, we went to the hospital for a platelet transfusion! Guess how long it took!!!? Can you say a total of 2 hours! That included registering, getting set up in the room, a photo shoot while it was happening, getting the transfusion, and checked out! Can you tell the comparison going on here?? 2 hrs vs 6 or more????? Something is definitely wrong!

Ah, the photo shoot? Yes, he is going to be the poster child for the blood drives! They have them quarterly, I think, and will use his photo for a year. Yes, I do get copies! They took a family photo too! After the zoo trip, you can imagine what we looked like! I glad it will not be used! Nicholas was really apprehensive when we first arrived but the photographer asked him to help with the lights and he was all smiles. Looking at Nikki also helped him smile really big! He became the ham he normally is!

Emily, the nurse, really included Spencer in her play too. She was so nice and made him feel special too. Everyone was thrilled to meet Spencer too! He was accommodating and scared everyone with his cobra mask! He loved it!

Another thing, Spencer got so homesick he cried and cried. He was tired and wanted go home! He finally went to sleep for an hour or so. Then, when I put on my gown, he started again! He wanted to go home! After a little while, he realized we were staying and was ok. I think it was a combination of the zoo, hospital, and home sick! He gets car sick and actually threw up or was nauseated most of the trip. He was glad to be home. Actually, I think Nicholas was more pleased than Spencer! Nicholas jumped on the tractor as soon as we arrived home. Anyway, we are home safe and sound. Spencer thanked God we were home! Too cute!

The bears are in and available to bless your home! I have the white ones now and they are simply adorable. Little white fuzzy bears, with a yellow sweater on! Order yours today! I am currently out of auto magnets ribbons and the wrist bands but more are ordered! If you have placed an order, I’ll mail them as soon as they arrive. Thanks for understanding.

Remember Apryl, Jordan, Ty, as they are in transplant or headed in that direction soon. Remember the Hargraves from CA, they lost their son, Logan. Keep praying for cures, miracles, and patience.

God’s Blessings,

Monday, May 9, 2005 4:15 PM CDT

Nicholas and Spencer went to the Cin. zoo today and enjoyed it very much.
Nicholas' platelets were 11,000; he had a transfusion after the photo shoot.
They are very tired this eve.and are returning tom. Donna sounds exhausted; please pray for them and also for a safe trip home.
Sissy Bear

Friday, May 6, 2005 6:58 AM CDT

Image hosted by

Dear Lord, it's such a hectic day,

With little time to stop and pray,

For life's been anything but calm

Since you called me to be a mom —

Running errands, matching socks,

Building dreams with wooden blocks,

Cooking, cleaning, finding shoes

And other stuff that children lose,

Fitting lids on bottled bugs,

Wiping tears and giving hugs,

A stack of last week's mail to read —

So where's the quiet time I need?

Yet, when I steal a moment, Lord,

Just at the sink or ironing board,

To ask the blessings of Your grace,

I see then, in my small one's face,

That you have blessed me all the while —

And I stoop to kiss that precious smile.

— Anne Foster

Happy Mother's Day!


Nicholas wanted me to hold him all evening! That usually indicates that he is getting sick. I'm having second thoughts about the Halotestin, I guess we will have to start it sooner than later. I have just been waiting on my miracle. I wish God and I were on the same time table!!! I think I need a miracle now but He doesn't think so! Not yet anyhow! It just hurts to see him going downhill. It kills me to think that his marrow will not replenish itself. Please help me pray for a miracle! A cure for FA would be wonderful too.

Spencer had a ball helping Dad clean off the garden! Getting ready to plant some veggies! Fresh corn, yuuummmmy!
I can't wait! I love corn! Spencer does too! He told Dad that he had work to do!!! He is so sweet! He came in and got all stuffy nosed again! They had mowed the lawn too. I hope he doesn't have allergies too!

Pray for all the children taking treatments! va/apryl her transplant is suppose to take place today. jordan from ut is going this month, devin from FL is leaving the 16th to begin his testing. ty/fl his donor backed out at the last minute and now are waithing for the back up donor to give the go ahead! Pray for all the FA families, they are very dear to our hearts and we are all connected by a common thread called Fanconi Anemia, a horrible embedded disease that also eats away at the soul!

I'm waiting for more miracles to rain down,

Thursday, May 5, 2005 6:49 AM CDT


Nicholas is screaming to the top of his lungs! Exercising his vocal cords! He even demonstrated for his teacher! He is still laughing, playing, and being a pure ham!

On the other side of the coin, he isn't looking the best (coloring) and he is getting bruised real easy. The next counts will probably be on Monday. No home health today because I have already changed his PICC line dressing! Yes, I did it all by myself! I had to. His secure lock was even loose! That is a little device that holds the PICC line in place! I was just about finished and he decides to scratch it! Before I could say, "NO!", he reached over and scratched it around where the line goes into his little arm! I had to clean it all over again! It was clean that time!!! Being the little imp that he is, he thought it was funny! Spencer was crying wanting me to pick up his mask out of the floor! I was sterile and had to pick it up with my toes!!! He just had to have MOMMY to pick it up because I was paying too much attention to Nicholas!!! This was Tuesday night!

Did I mention what I had to do Friday? Change his mic-key button out!! It was too loose and I added more water to the balloon but it wasn't helping. I knew the balloon was leaking. He started crying when he realized what I was doing and said, "But I don't trust you!" WHAT? Broke my heart! Where on earth did that come from? Anyway, I had it changed before he knew it and was still whimpering and I said, "It is in! I'm finished!" He immediately stopped crying and smiled real big! "You were right Mom! You did a good job!" Stinker! I asked him, "Now do you trust Mommy?" He smiled really big and said, "Yes! Thanks Mom!" Double Stinker! Yes, it was a total melt down then!!!
Spencer was a real big help! He would look at Nicholas with a stern look and say, "Stop crying Nicholas!" After it was overwith, it was funny! Those two keep me laughing!

What next? Oh, yes, the trach. It has to be changed this weekend! He knows its about time and already has mentioned it! It's really easy to change if he doesn't tense up! He thinks he cannot breathe but he really could out of his nose. He doesn't have to breathe that way so he panics when the trach is out for a few seconds. I don't blame him, I would be panicky too.

Last night, I was holding them both and reading, "I'll love you forever!" It is these times that are so precious. Nicholas started it by holding and rocking a little rabbit and he sang that little song to it! Then Nicholas and Spencer wanted me to hold them and I started singing it to them. Spencer decided it was time to get the book and let Mommy rock, read, and sing to them! When the Mom got too old to sing, I changed my voice to a little old lady and Nicholas looked at me so pitiful. I think he was about to cry! Then, when the man sang the song, my voice changed then too, to the delight of two little boys! That is when we all burst out laughing! It was hilarious! If you don't have that little story, go get it! The meaning is wonderful!

Today is the National Day of Prayer! I thought that was every day! It is in a CB family, just ask us! Now, go pray!

Remember Apryl, Devin, Jordan, Nathan, and all the CB families. We are all going through major problems or we wouldn't have a CB site!

Pray without ceasing, Miracles are still happening!

Wednesday, May 4, 2005 6:54 AM CDT


Nicholas and Spencer were in fine form yesterday evening. Laughing and playing until the sweat popped out! Spencer's hair has been soaking wet where he plays so hard! It is no wonder his cold is still here with us! His nose has stopped running but still has some congestion. He is a little stinker! Ice cream with Dad is becoming a big habit every evening! Of course, I have to have a bite too! Spencer eats all the chocolate! Nicholas is actually consuming some things, M & M's!, ice cream, yogurt, and still chewing on the cheese topping of pizza and chicken. He is aspirating though. His thermovent will be blue, red, brown from the M & M's! He actually coughed out some pizza too! I probably shouldn't let him try to eat but how on earth could I not? I love to see him try to eat. That is the one thing that amazed me on our first trip to Camp Sunshine! The FA children were eating! I stood and just watched! It amazed me!

Remember /va/Apryl, she is having an allergic reaction to the chemo. Remember fl/ty, his donor backed out and they are trying for another. Remember all the ones headed for transplant or on treatments. Remember us.

God gives 2nd chances,

Tuesday, May 3, 2005 6:56 AM CDT


It is with saddened hearts that we are journaling this morning. Another little lamb has been carried by the Angels to Heaven, her name is Emily. She is now sliding up and down those rainbows that she loved to chase her on earth! Can you imagine? Having a rainbow to slide on anytime she wants to? I don't know that that happens but it sure sounds like fun. I'm sure there are more beautiful things in Heaven that we can't even comprehend or even imagine! I can only think of the earthly pains and suffering completely gone, that in itself is Heaven. No more cbc's, no more picc lines, ports, central lines, platelet or red cell transfusions, no more pain, no more hospital stays, and no more infections! Fly Free, Emily. You don't have to chase rainbows anymore, you found the pot of gold! Opps! That would be pavement in Heaven, so I don't think the pot of gold is worth much there! Now, she can hop, skip, and jump from one rainbow to another! Rainbow Hopper!

Also, Spencer and Nicholas' personal Santa needs prayer. Mrs. Claus (Connie Fleming) has breast cancer and is going to dr for treatments options now. Please remember them in your prayers.

The boys are fine and have had a ball with the balls that Brittany gave them. They have had all of us playing with them and Nicholas has laughed his head off! Last night, one of my cups was broken! Not the boys! DAD! I said, "OK BOYS! It's bed time!" I don't think Dad thought that was funny! Spencer fell again playing yesterday and hurt the same arm and after I held him and loved on it, he forgot about it hurting! He is still warm at times and has a runny nose. Bless his little heart!

Nicholas' last cbc was yesterday! Platelets-41k, wbc-4.8, hgb-11.5, and an anc of 816! He is holding on to his red cell but the platelets are falling. Hopefully, we can start the medicine this week and get his marrow kicked back to life. NEW LIFE! That is what we need for him, his marrow brought back to life and working!

Blood Mobile Unit is at Paramont, 12:30 to 5 pm Today!! Give! Yes, they want to draw blood, because we may need it!

Pray for all the others that are in pain or taking treatments of some type.

Now, we are chasing rainbows,

Monday, May 2, 2005 7:54 AM CDT


Spencer has had a cold all weekend. He has a red mustache! His little nose has poured! He was a little better yesterday evening though. Nicholas was a little droopy but is ok for the most part. He kept saying he was tired. His coloring is getting "off" again.

We have no choice except to go on Halotestin for now and see if it works. Pray the side effects aren't too bad but that it will work on his marrow! Watching him decline to the point of tranfusions isn't fun and then when he feels perky only emphasizes just how bad he was feeling. Talking about a roller coaster.

I keep hearing, "I know we aren't suppose to question God but I don't understand why you all have to go through this!"
I don't either but I know it's a God thing. God has plans for Nicholas that I can't even touch or tap into, let along understand. It is not for us to understand but to do the best we can to raise him in the admonishtion of God. Who am I to question? I accepted Nicholas even before he was born. I look at him and see the wonderful, beautiful gift God has loaned us for a while. I look at him and I forget the horrible hospital visit we just went through. I see his smile, flirty eyes, and mischeviousness and all I see is one big love bug! He tends to make me forget all the bad and fills my heart to overflowing. Thank you God for these wonderful gifts called children. Every baby is a God-send but we are too caught up in our selves that we aren't enjoying them to the fullest.

Spencer is a sweet heart too and I love him dearly. He had some splinters in his fingers and said, "God will make them better!" They disappeared and I told him he was right! He and Nicholas have had a wonderful time playing this weekend and love their balls that Brittney gave them. He will do something and then wink at me and click his tongue! He is a card! I didn't know I could possibly love so much. Every day, I think my heart gets bigger! I love them more and more each day.

Remember all the ones suffering, Emily, Nathan, and all those getting treatments. Pray for cures.

God doesn't make mistakes,

Thursday, April 28, 2005 6:35 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Nicholas and Spencer were very rosy cheeked yesterday evening and later Spencer said his throat was sore. Oh, no! I hope they aren't getting sick. Nicholas is having some loose stools again and I'm afraid C-Diff is rearing it's ugly head again. The vicious cycle again and again! Hopefully, we can get some tests started and get ahead of the situation and get it under control. I'm amazed how he just goes on and doesn't let any of this affect his sweet, sweet spirit! He is unstoppable!

I must have had too much sleep or caffine one. I couldn't go to sleep and when I did, I had nightmares. I dreamed Nicholas' blood pressure kept going lower and lower. It was horrible. There was another baby in my dream that didn't make it. I was crying my heart out and was so thankful when Nicholas woke me up. Nicholas coughed quite a bit throughout the night and I was up a lot suctioning his trach out. The medicine I gave Spencer must have helped him sleep, he didn't wake up all night long but was up by 6:30 am. Yes, I was the dedicated mother and sneaked out of the house before he saw me! I can't stand him crying after me. It kills me. I know I'm a big chicken!

I'm in major survival mode. Actually, we all are. It's hard on all of us but we will make it! We are still praying for our miracle or miracles! I'll take as many that can come our way. I know God is there for us all the time and His grace is sufficient to see us through this horrible disease.

Remember all the children that are going through major decisions on treatment, diagnoses, and the families helping make those decisions.

Heaven is our goal,

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 8:33 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Guess what? I slept last night. Everyone slept! Even Spencer didn't wake up all night!!! Wheew! We needed it! I didn't wake up for the alarm clock, or Jeff getting up to add milk to the feeding bag, or change water on the moisturizer/air compressor. I slept through it all! I woke up once to turn over and that is it. Now, I have a crick in my neck for the effort!!

Nicholas is still rotten to the core. He is still congested a little and his trach was positive for pseudomonas, but we knew it was there anyway. He did have a big gas spell with his tummy this morning and that ususally indicates he is getting sick. I hope and pray not. His last dose of antibiotics was on Sunday. One thing I've noticed is that he cannot hear as well. He keeps saying, "I can't hear what you are saying!"

He keeps asking me to tell him about the baby snakes that couldn't say their sssses!!! I told him that in a bear tale one day and now he keeps asking for it! They can't say their sses, ls or rs! Last night he decided he would help me with the story and said, "Twell a twory!" I couldn't help but laugh! Then I let the baby snakes say it. He laughed so hard you could hear him wheezing! I love to see him laugh that hard! It is hilarious and makes my heart sing. He hasn't felt this good in such a long time. I keep forgetting how good he can be! It is sort of sad when he is this good, it makes me realize just how bad he really was feeling. Just like getting a red cell tx! It livens him up so much!

Spencer laughs at these baby snake stories too. I love to hear him giggle and laugh. He laughs so easy and quick. I love it! Last night, he asked, "Mommy, will you read this book? Will you be delighted to?" He is too cute! There were questions he was answering the other day and one of them was, "What does your Mom say to you the first thing each morning?" I asked Spencer and he said with a little smile, "Good Morning, Sunshine!" He is Mommy's sunshine that is for sure!" You know, each little word makes such an impact on your children. I didn't realize that calling him my sunshine was so important until I saw him smile when he told me and it made me just about cry! Words are so powerful! "Be careful little tongue what you say....x2, For the Father up above is looking down with eyes of Love so be careful little tongue what you say!"

Have you gotten your car magnet yet? NO? Email me and I'll send them to you!!

Remember, /ca/emily, she has had a stroke and needs prayer. /ks/nathan/ is getting mouth sores, remember him. Remember all the others heading for transplant, Apryl, Jordan, and all the others taking treatments.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Tuesday, April 26, 2005 7:16 AM CDT

Good Sleepy Morning,

Nicholas and Spencer had a wonderful weekend. Dad slept all weekend! I've never seen him sleep so much. I think it was total exhaustion!

Nicholas is back to his old perky, pesty, sparkling eyed little tickler! He loves to play argue and will just glow! He is rotten to the core!

We did have a cbc yesterday and most already know that his platelets were down to 10k! Transfusion Circus time again! They told me to be there at 8:30 pm and they didn't start the transfusion until 12:07 am! We arrived home around 3 am! I'm extremly tired today, sleepy, achy, eyes hurting, and did I say tired???? I said that wasn't going to happen again! I lied! I'm between a rock and a hard place. He HAS to have his platelets or I would have left. I now have a Plan B! I will let you know how it works! If I can remember it!!!!

Please remember ca/emily, she has had a stroke and the family is asking for prayer. Remember us too.

Keep Looking Beyond,

Friday, April 22, 2005 7:06 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Nicholas is feeling much better and Spencer is happy to have his playmate back! Mom is feeling better but Dad is still suffering from allergies. Nicholas still has a runny nose and sneezing but overall, he is feeling perky!

It rained really hard and I looked outside when it quit and there was a beautiful rainbow in the sky. It lifted my spirits up so much! I love rainbows! Dad told the boys, "Only God can make a rainbow!" That is so comforting. Nicholas then told his Dad why the rainbows exist, "Its a promise from God that it won't rain all over anymore!" I thought that was cute! Of course, I grabbed the camera. They boys had to have their camera but it didn't show up with their polaroid. I took one of them and said, "Here's my rainbows!" Spencer smiled so sweet.

Don't forget to order our wrist bands, bears, and auto magnets! We need a cure badly. Pray for our miracle. We will have to make a decision shortly on what to try next, so be praying on that.

Remember Kelly Fultz'daughter, Ashley. She is expecting and in her 8 month and she fell in church on Sunday and it put her into labor. Please pray for them. Kelly was with Ashley at the hospital when she received word that her son had been in an accident. Whew! Pray for comfort during this trying time.

Also, Pray for /ks/nathan, his bone marrow transplant was Wednesday, the 20th for Fanconi Anemia. Apryl, va/apryl was suppose to have hers yesterday but I haven't heard from them. Still pray for /ca/emily for the GVHD, graft vs host disease, this is when the marrow attacks the body or vice versa. Remember the empty arms and broken hearts.

Pray without ceasing,

Thursday, April 21, 2005 7:11 AM CDT


I can see a slight improvement in Nicholas. He tolerated his feeds better yesterday evening. He slept through out the night without coughing and getting sick. Thanks for praying for him. I know this is going to hit his bone marrow as it tries to fight these allergies off. He hasn't been very active and still has a couple of bruises on his knee. I'm sure we will be doing a cbc on Monday.

Sorry this is short but I'm not feeling well this morning. Thanks for all the orders for the Auto Magnets! They are selling well! Order your's today and I'll mail them to you! They would be great for your fundraisers! The heart in the center is detachable and then the ribbon could be for any and all bone marrow issues!!!

Spencer is feeling a little better too. He got to help Dad mow and played outside with Papaw!

Remember all the children with problems and the families,
Bear Hugs and Blessings,

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 7:08 AM CDT


Nicholas has to be suffering from allergies. His eyes are watering and nose is running. He looked so pitiful yesterday evening. He is so nauseated that we are having a time getting any calories in him. You can tell from the photo that his lips continually peel. Is that a part of FA? Who knows? His lips do that all the time and more so whenever he has a fever. Even when he is hydrated!

He was sick during the night a couple of times and I could not get the gas to come out the vent tube. That made me so mad and then he threw up out his mouth and his trach. I was furious at myself! Why he has to suffer so much is beyond me. Now, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he has aspirated! I had to turn his rate down to 50 cc per hour. He has lost another pound and looks so frail. It is heart wrenching. The home health nurse is doing blood cultures and trach cultures today and I know what his trach will grow! Aspirated formula! I'm still mad! AAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH! Sometimes, I just cannot get the vent tube to work in my direction especially when he is trying to get relief by burping. The amount of gas on his tummy pushes the contents up and out! I vented his little tummy all evening and Mary did most of the day. Pray for some relief for him.

Pray for strength for Mary and all of us. Thanks in advance. Pastor Danny said to "Speak Life to our children" That is so hard when I see him suffering so much and feel so helpless.

Jeff and Nicholas look like two peas in a pod! They are so sick with allergies, it has to be that! Nicholas was in the hospital this time last year! Pneumonia, same ole same ole!

Remember Spencer too, he doesn't understand when Nicholas is this sick and needs a lot of attention too. Pray for our patience as well. It's really hard on him and Mom and Dad as well!

Remember /ca/emily, she is suffering from severe GVHD stage 4. BMT has engrafted 100 percent and now she is in serious condition. Remember the family as well.

Pray without ceasing,

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 7:08 AM CDT


Nicholas has to be suffering from allergies. His eyes are watering and nose is running. He looked so pitiful yesterday evening. He is so nauseated that we are having a time getting any calories in him. You can tell from the photo that his lips continually peel. Is that a part of FA? Who knows? His lips do that all the time and more so whenever he has a fever. Even when he is hydrated!

He was sick during the night a couple of times and I could not get the gas to come out the vent tube. That made me so mad and then he threw up out his mouth and his trach. I was furious at myself! Why he has to suffer so much is beyond me. Now, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he has aspirated! I had to turn his rate down to 50 cc per hour. He has lost another pound and looks so frail. It is heart wrenching. The home health nurse is doing blood cultures and trach cultures today and I know what his trach will grow! Aspirated formula! I'm still mad! AAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH! Sometimes, I just cannot get the vent tube to work in my direction especially when he is trying to get relief by burping. The amount of gas on his tummy pushes the contents up and out! I vented his little tummy all evening and Mary did most of the day. Pray for some relief for him.

Pray for strength for Mary and all of us. Thanks in advance. Pastor Danny said to "Speak Life to our children" That is so hard when I see him suffering so much and feel so helpless.

Jeff and Nicholas look like two peas in a pod! They are so sick with allergies, it has to be that! Nicholas was in the hospital this time last year! Pneumonia, same ole same ole!

Remember Spencer too, he doesn't understand when Nicholas is this sick and needs a lot of attention too. Pray for our patience as well. It's really hard on him and Mom and Dad as well!

Pray without ceasing,

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 7:46 AM CDT

Good Morning,

IT has happened! I added another ID to myself, I am now the Tooth Fairy!!!!! Nicholas lost his first tooth yesterday in Dr. Begley's office. He looks simply adorable! I was just so thankful that he had just gotten platelets! He keep saying, "I can't believe it! I lost my first tooth!" He bumped his tooth on my leg and then just pulled it out. Didn't cry or anything! I think he was shocked! Spencer was totally amazed at the hole the tooth left! I clicked away last night and he was inspecting it! It was hilarious!!! I couldn't help but laugh.

His cbc came back with platelets at 54k, hgb 12.1. That is all I have at the moment.

The Auto Magnets are in and selling well!!!! If you want some, just let me know! Email me for the postage price!
I'll have more bracelet in a day or two! If you want one, please get your order in early! I can't keep any in stock for long!!!! Selling like "hot cakes!!"

I want to thank you all for the prayers, we really need them. Dr. Begley wanted to admit Nicholas yesterday but I refused! I asked him to order me a Pulse-Ox so I can check Nicholas' oxygen levels and I would feel comfortable taking care of him at home! Some one asked me if I wasn't scared to keep him at home and if we were at the hospital, then we would have help! I laughed and said, "The ER is just a half an hour away, I can get help there faster than I can at the hospital!!!!!" It took 2.5 hours to get a suction cansister changed but I realize the respiratory therapist was in the ER with another little girl that had cerebal palsy with RSV! The nurses weren't allowed to give me one!!?! I should have gotten one out of another room and put it on myself! Policies stink sometimes! I needed suction, but thankfully Nicholas went to sleep and didn't require much suctioning. His secretions were horrible for a while.

Pray for all of us and all the children taking treatments. The girl that is in a coma is Robin Herald. Pray for the family too.

Keep looking beyond all trouble and strife, all the cares of every day life...

Monday, April 18, 2005 8:52 AM CDT


Nicholas is still breathing too fast. I'm racking my brain trying to figure it all out.
His arm was infected from the PICC line. He wouldn't move his arm and would take the right hand and lift his left. After they put him on the big gun antibiotics, he is now able to move his arm better. The PICC line had migrated back in his vein on Friday, so this wasn't the initial problem. We, mostly me!, had to pull the line back out and cut the dressing off! It was tricky but I managed to do it without cutting the line. PTL! The head nurse said, "You are steadier than I would be!" ???? Then the dr came and pull it out some more. The line still wouldn't work and they had to put TPA in the line and let it set for 4 hours and then pulled it back out and the line worked. It must have had a clot in it. The TPA breaks up blood clots. Thank God it workded. At one point, Nicholas looked up at me and was so short of breath that he had to take a breath in between words and said, "Mom, I'll get my strength back!"
Broke my heart! I reassured him that yes he would get his strength back! What an unstoppable spirit! Yesterday, he was able to play outside and thinks he can do everything like before and ended up falling and hurting his knee and leg! Cried to go outside!

We are getting a cbc again today and the home health nurse is there right now to check him out and get the blood. I'm worried. We may just be headed to Cincinnati today.

Thanks for all the encouraging messages and prayers. I have slept some and Sissy Bear let me take a nap yesterday.

Remember all of us, Jeff is suffering from allergies and feels terrible. Pray that Nicholas will begin to breath easier. Pray for Spencer that he will understand what is going on.

Remember all the empty arms. Remember someone named Robin, had breast cancer and now is in a coma.

Bloom wherever you are planted,

Saturday, April 16, 2005 9:10 PM

Nicholas didn't have to go to Cincy; his arm had not swollen any bigger.
He got his red blood cells and came home, but....
Donna has to give him 2 antibiotics. He still can't tolerate formula; he is taking Gatorade at the rate of 35 and is still barely tolerating that. I just took his chicken and dumplings up to him; he just looked at them, didn't taste them, but that is ok. At least they are there if he wants them.
He is breathing a little faster again and is still so weak. I told him 2 bear tales earlier this eve and he had Mamaw captured; she was telling him some tales, too. He doesn't tire of bear tales!!! He could sit all day listening to stories, read or made up, he doesn't mind. He is like a sponge; soaking up all that vocab.
If we could just give him strength!!! If only....
Keep praying. He is having a harder time this round; he just doesn't seem to have strength to fight this infection. pray a special prayer for Donna; she is like a zombie.
Sissy Bear

Saturday, April 16, 2005 2:42 pm
Well, NIcholas had trouble with PICCU Line; they worked on it til 2:00 this morn. It finally began working about 6:00. He is just now getting red blood cells; they got the platelets in last night. He might have to go back to Cinncy. I will keep you posted.
Keep praying.
Sissy Bear

Friday Eve, April 15

I just came from visiting Nicholas!! He was bossing me around---he is feeling better!!!! He would not let me talk to anyone but him; I had to sit on his bed and tell bear tales!! PTL he is doing much better. X-rays showed that his lungs are clear; the PICCU Line is in place; they didn't have to remove it. He is getting transfused tonight, both red cells and platelets! He still can't tolerate his formula; just gatorade is making him sick. I don't know when he is coming home, but I have the chicken thawing. When I told him what I was doing, he started licking his lips! Until next update!

Friday Morn, April 15
Donna called. Nicholas' arm is hurting and swollen; she is waiting for a call from Cin. She doesn't know if the PICCU line will have to come out or what. The Dr. doesn't know about it yet; he doesn't make his rounds until noon!!!
I called the hospital and Nicholas talked to me; he wants me to come to the hospital. I'm going as soon as I can get away from here; I have two tests to give this eve. or I would have left already. As I hear I will keep you posted.

Thursday night, April 14
Sissy Bear here!
Nicholas' temp has been 103; it dropped today to 99.4, but went back up to 101 tonight. They started him on another med ordered by DR. Harris tonight after some "gentle" persuasion by his mom. They wanted to wait til his temp went to 103!!!!???????????? Don't ask me. He did play a little today with a balloon Daddy Bear took him yesterday. He has not been talking nor responding; our baby is sick!!Hoppefully, this med will kick in and he can come home tomorrow. I'm going to cook him some chicken and dumplings; that will bring him home!!! Why didn't I think of this earlier?!
Yes, his song was a blessing! I think the preacher was revived himself! He was still feasting on the song last night.
Yes, God is reaching a lot of hearts through Nicholas. He knows how to reach each heart, even if it is through a child. Nicholas can walk up to a total stranger and say, "I love you." Usually, it is someone who needs to hear those words, too! Isn't God amazing?
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.
Sissy Bear

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 7:25 AM CDT

Good Morning!

I'm back. A quick update for today as I have a ton of work to get to. Nicholas was getting worse on Thursday and we had to get his meds changed. After a big hassle, he is back on the good meds and after a couple of doses, I could tell a big difference. On the other hand, he is very hoarse and coughing a lot. The night time is worse and no one is getting any sleep, not much anyway.

He did sing, "What A Day" in church last night. He said, "My song blessed everyone's heart!" It did too!

Nicholas and Spencer have had a ball all week-end, playing outside. We put the feeding bag in the back of the gator and Nicholas can play and get his food too! He loves it!

Nicholas fell yesterday and has a big bruise on his knee. His little wrist were scraped. It breaks my heart when this happens. He was in too big a hurry to tell me there was a wasper in the house!

Remember all the children with chronic problems and no solutions. Remember the empty arms.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Thursday, April 7, 2005 7:10 AM CDT


It is with very sad hearts that I'm greeting you this morning. Davaan passed away yesterday and I'm very heart broken. He was so special and just a pure joy. He was a sunbeam, that is for sure and will be greatly missed.

Nicholas is having another round of c-diff symptoms. He is so sick at his stomach and had blood in his stool again yesterday. It still isn't keeping him in the house when the sun is shining! He played and rode his Gator most of the day yesterday. Spencer rode the JD Tractor! I was labeled as a John Deere Mom! I thought that was too funny! Thanks Chris! That actually made me smile!

Pray for the saddened FA world this morning and for all the families with empty arms and broken hearts.

Khalita, I'm glad you are feeling better and got a little boost from the transfusions.

Blessings and Prayers,

Wednesday, April 6, 2005 7:55 AM CDT


Nicholas and Spencer had a great time outside yesterday and also when I got home. I didn't even make it in the house until around 7 pm! He played ball with Kenny's girlfriend Sharon. She played and played with them. Nicholas would kick it really well and then ask, "Mom, didn't I do great?" He played hard for an hour and then crashed. He turned pale and was nauseated. I had to take him in and he fell asleep! I guess he was just exhausted. Mamaw and Papaw came so he didn't nap too long! He probably would have slept the night through! Around 4 am, he had a bad gas spell and just about threw up! I hate these violent spells. I'm wondering if it is the c-diff. I don't think this medicine is working really well. His c-diff seems to be coming back by the smell of things!!! Get the picture?

Spencer's face actually had a rosy red tint last night! I told Dad that it was a sun burn! I think he did get some sun, no joke! He is rotten! I could just squeeze him to pieces! He wants attention too and would ask me if he did great too!, mocking everything Nicholas does! He is a pure ham! He wanted to go home with Kenny and cried his heart out when we had to go in! He didn't want supper! Then wanted my spagetti! I was just bragging that he was out of the terrible twos! He was just tired, sleepy, and played more than usual! He slept really well last night! Mom and Dad did too! I was exhausted and I know poor ole Dad was too!

Pray for us, we need direction and guidance to make decisions on what meds to go on next, if we don't get our miracle! Yes, it can happen at any time. I'm still hopeful! That is when God really likes to work, when it seems all else has failed, He chooses to touch! That is what He wants anyway, our total dependance on Him! Not only in the major issues of life, but the little things too. The next time you hear a bird sing, think about it! If we don't praise God, the rocks will cry out to Him, as the birds already do. He deserves all our praise! Thank God for every day of life, it's the best gift ever! God's mailbox is never full, knee mail Him!

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Tuesday, April 5, 2005 10:40 AM CDT


Nicholas cbc came back with platelets at 13k!!!! hgb was 10.8 and an anc of 1062. The dr sent order for platelets, we arrived around 8pm and guess what time we got home! 3:30 am! If I'd known that was going to happen, we would have waited until today. I'm too tired to be upset! Nicholas was so tired he just started crying. He would not go to sleep! He missed his mask and string, he chews on! I'll try to post a photo showing this!

Image hosted by

Thank God for the donor on 3/31/05! Nicholas received O patelets and he usually does better, longer time between transfusions when he gets O !!! Thanks!

We need a blood processing place here in our area! That way we wouldn't have to wait 4-5 hrs on the arrival of the precious bag of gold! They were supposedly ordered 3 hrs before we went for transfusion! I'm not sure what happened!!! My hope and wish is someone rich would read this site and get a center started here! New Life Blood Center!? Good name and a good start!!!! Any takers???

Pray for all of these children needing blood products! Pray for our miracle,

Monday, April 4, 2005 5:46 AM CDT

Good Morning,

The weekend was ok. Nicholas isn't back to 100 percent but I can tell he is on the mend. He gets a cbc today and I know his counts are lower. I'm guessing 13k but would really feel blessed if they are 10k. He has more bruises last night. I told him no rough housing but yeah right! He wants to play and wrestle so bad. He would run and fall in the floor! I love to see him playing but...

He looks really pale and dark around his eyes and head. It kills me to see him this way. He also has lost more weight. I noticed as we were leaving the hospital that the pants he was wearing were more baggy! It broke my heart. The jeans he had on use to be too tight!

I was so happy to hear the angels chatter this weekend. It's music to my ears, I just love listening to them! I just didn't know that angels stuck out their tongue!! Spencer is getting some bad habits! He began to think before it happened again! I think he picked it up from cartoons! He clung to us this weekend, he had missed us so much. He giggled and giggled yesterday at Nicholas. I was trying to nap but couldn't for laughing at Spencer! I love to hear him laugh!

Remember all the children going to transplant, fl/ty will be leaving sometime this week if his donor is comfirmed. Pray for us for the decision of what medicine to put Nicholas on.


Friday, April 1, 2005 7:33 AM CST


We arrived home last night around 6:30 pm! Nicholas sang and told me bear tales (but I went to sleep on him!) all the way home! He is feeling so much better! He amazes me!

He did get his PICC line in on Wednesday morning, but Dr. Kelly was going to let him heal some before they put it in! I guess it's hard to stop a rolling train! It happened and is now in use! It flushes much easier that the other one did. This one is bigger, a 4 french! I hope it can last up to a year, like they think! Pray for that to happen!

Nicholas has c-diff in his colon! It is horrible smelling and very painful! He was dehydrated and had to be bolused with fluids. His heart rate came down after he received some fluids. He perked up by Wed. night and started talking and playing with me. I knew he was on the mend then! The ER dr took one look at his stool sample (looked like tomatoe gravy!) and said, "C-diff!" I knew it had blood in it! He was so nauseated and couldn't tolerate his formula and I put him on gatorade until they got the IV fluids running and then we let his tummy rest. I put him back on his formula last night and about a hour later, he had a vilolent gas spell and still has diarrhea! I know he has lost weight! His pants are so baggy! It breaks my heart. They put him on Flagl, another antibiotic! It can lower the platelets too.

Antibiotics kill off the good bacteria and the bad bacteria (c-diff) flourish! Then, we have to give another antibiotic to kill the bad bacteria! I told you it was a vicious circle!

Spencer smiled from ear to ear when he saw us! He went to Nicholas and said, "Which arm?" Hugged him and all was back to normal! Snuggles and hugs and kisses! Mamaw and Papaw brought up a fresh made chocolate pie! DEEEELICIOUS! and very much welcomed! Thanks Mamaw, you are the greatest!
Thanks to all who called and checked up on us, we love you all and you help us more that you will ever realize!

Guess how many FA bracelets I sold while in the hospital? 17!!!! I always carry them with me! I could have sold more adults but didn't have enough with me!!! Kristina, take some more to hospital!!!

Pray for all of us, especially Nicholas. He is on the mend but his intake is way below where it needs to be. Pray for his healing. Pray for all the children and the empty arms.


Wednesday, March 30, 2005 8:43 PM CST

Sissy Bear is back!
I visited with Nicholas yesterday eve before he left for Cin. Childrens Hosp; he had an appointment today for port or piccu line. He was not feeling well at all, so Donna and Jeff took him on to ER; he was admitted. His fluids were low, temp, couldn't tolerate his milk. They don't know what is wrong, but have done blood work and are waiting for results. I called this eve, but he didn't feel like talking!!! I know just how sick he is if he doesn't want to talk. Please pray for him, his mom, dad, and little bro.
Spencer is here with me; I don't know if we will stay the night here or not; he has mentioned home a couple of times this eve.
Please remember us in your prayers.
Love you guys,
Sissy Bear

Tuesday, March 29, 2005 8:42 AM CST

Good Morning,

Nicholas' cbc came back after a couple of hours with his platelets at 15k! Hgb was still at 11.6! ANC at 2059! Thank God they were as high as they were! I guessed at 16k!

Nicholas was a little droopy while waiting for the bloodwork! We wanted to go to a resturant to eat but the lab was backed up and took longer than we thought it would! We decided to get something and take it home! Spencer was starved to death by the time we got home! He ate a whole piece of chicken and some hush puppies too! Dipped in Ranch dressing of course! He look adorable in a long sleeve white shirt with bib overalls and cowboy boots! No, I didn't get a photo! He was a little grumpy and wouldn't cooperate with a photo shooting Momma! I did get one on Easter! Jeff said, "Can't we have anything without that camera around!" He hates cameras! Sorry Dad, I have to try to capture every second!!!!!

That is the way of things when you have a child with a fatal illness, you want to capture every possible memory but we actually realize that is impossible! The best ones are the heart memories! Like last night, Nicholas reached up his little arms and said, "I love you so much Mom!" Melt down time! How do you capture something so precious! You can't, it's impossibe to capture all the love that that child gives. "I love you!" are his words. He tells everyone that, many times over! Three little words spoken by an angel and giants fall! I love watching them tumble! Little miracles every day and we are too blind to see them. Lord, please take the scales off our eyes so that we may see clearly.

Blessings and Miracles for Frannie, Katia, Julianna, KylieJae, RachaelJoy, Jo, Jacy,Davaan, Wesley, Maria, Ty, Benjamin, Will, Joshie and Jamie, oh, the list could go on for pages!

Monday, March 28, 2005 7:24 AM CST

Good Morning,

A beautiful morning it is! Everything just freshly washed off with the rain, birds singing out praise to God, what more do we need besides a cure for all these chilrens's diseases? God is good! You know, we ask for cures but God may have totally different plans for our children. I need to humble myself and ask for God's will to be done. God's plans for all these children are far greater than anything we can offer here on earth. It still doesn't hurt to ask though! He may just extend their time on earth for our pleasure or send us miracles, I pray so. Pray for acceptance of God's will for all of us that are going through a fatal health condition.

Easter was wonderful for the boys! I was sick but the boys were great. We all made it to church and then to Mamaw Boggs for her birthday and Easter dinner! The boys colored eggs with Aunt Cathy and Michelle couldn't sit anywhere but beside of Nicholas! Thanks to Dad, he did most of everything that needed to be done! I didn't accomplish one thing but sleep when we got back home. I was chilling and covered up with afgans and slept! I feel better today though!

The boys brushed their teeth and afterwards Nicholas asked, "Mom, can I have an enormous cup of water?" I think he was thirsty!!! I couldn't help but laugh! He has been feeling great! I did find a knot on the back of his head with a bruise! I think they bumped heads on the swing! They did get to go outside and ride the Gator and JD Tractor on Saturday for a while! They played and played, on the swing, slide, and the riding toys!

Carolyn brought them big stuffed roosters for Easter! They were adorable. I did get photos but left my camera home and can't download them today, maybe tomorrow!

Nicholas only had droopy time in the evening but he still can't go to sleep until late! I can hear him playing in the bed! He has been doing great! I can tell his counts have dropped some because of the bruising and darkness around his mouth or he is playing more! We will take him in for a cbc today and will know later this evening. Hopefully, he will not need a platelet transfusion.

We have decided to put in a PICC line. Hopefully, they can put in a little bigger one and it will last longer. We will be going to Cincinnati on Wednesday for this surgery. Please pray for my little guy.

If you want wrist bands, please email me your address so I can mail you some! If you can send a little extra for postage, I'd appreciate it.

Since we cannot post other CB links, please email me your child's link if you need prayer and we'll post it to the Prayer Bears. Heidi has created a list for adoption if you are interested in adopting a family to pray for them.

Blessings and Miracles,

Friday, March 25, 2005 6:44 AM CST

Good Morning,

After 4 finger sticks to get enough blood, the home health nurse took it to the lab only to find out it had a clot in it! I ended up having to take him to the lab yesterday evening for a big surprise! His platelets were 28k! I guessed 25k! I was so thrilled! His hgb went back up to 11.5! Did I say I was thrilled!? His ANC was 4968 and he had missed one dose of his G-CSF. The only down side was overall his counts are low and his wbc was elevated. I'm still excited with my little miracle! It was a miracle to me and I'll take the little ones! Gladly!

Spencer wanted pizza so we went for pizza and actually went in to eat! That was the first time just the three of us had eaten inside a restraunt by ourselves! It was different!

Michael, Sissy Bear's son is getting married on Sunday, March 27! They have all gone to Arkansas for the wedding, even Mamaw and Papaw are going! We will miss them terribly! Congratulations Michael and Robin! I pray that you have a lifetime together and that your marriage will be blessed beyond measure. I'm so sorry I can't be there!(Sniff) My heart is there and I love you both! Brandon, you are getting a wonderful 2nd Dad! We welcome you to the family with open arms! I just had a wonderful thought! I'm getting another niece too!!!! Robin, I know you will make a beautiful bride!

The WRIST BANDS are in! Email me if you want one, they are so pretty!

May you all have a Blessed Easter and remember it's not about bunnies and eggs! Christ is risen!

Thursday, March 24, 2005 7:16 AM CST

Good Morning!

It seems so odd not to be writing DAY ** of Oxandrolone Trial at the top of the journal every day! It also seems so odd not to be giving him any meds! I keep thinking there is something I'm forgetting! Nothing to do and miss it??? What am I? Crazy? I should bask in it while it lasts, for it won't be like this forever! It amazes me that we get a small break and it feels like a vacation! What was it Krisstina said? "I met you all and feel like we have a breeze!" I knew we were good for something! It makes others appreciate how good they have it even though they are facing challenges too. Met us and you get a perspective change!

I was being prepared again the last time Nicholas went to hospital but Nicholas had had two wonderful days and I couldn't figure out what was coming! It made me realize that I cannot let my guard down for a second. Nicholas got his g-csf shot yesterday and he perked up even more! He was bouncing around everywhere and felt wonderful! He called me and said, "Momma! I got a Flu shot!" They think all shots are Flu shots since Spencer received his!

Spencer was tired, sleepy, and nothing satisfied him yesterday evening! He didn't want Nicholas' teacher there! He didn't want anything! I made chicken salad and he helped me! Then we made banana pudding and I made a face with the mini wafers! I was pretending he couldn't see when I placed the banana layer in it and said in a squeaky voice, "Oh no, I can't see anything but bananas!" Spencer went in the opposite direction and laughed so hard he had tears in his eyes! One extreme to the other! It was funny! It put him in a much more tolerable mood that is for sure! It just takes a crazy Momma to accomplish that!

Nicholas couldn't go to sleep for asking questions about the central line. Then after several "Mom! I want ice!" or "Tell me about Mary, Martha, and thier brother that died!" I told him a really short version and he said, "Can I sing you a song?" I was delighted! He sang, "I love you, You love me...", the Barney song! So precious. I thought he was going to settle down but, again, he said, "Mom! Come!" I went to him and he said, "God takes such good care of me! He watches over me and I love Jesus. I thank God for His gift!" I was speechless and finally asked, "What gift?" He said, "I just told you! He watches over me!" I said, "And?" Then he said, "Everybody isn't made like me, I should have been made healthy!" while dropping his shoulders and sighing really big! What could I say? God makes us all the way He wants us to be. I said, "I know baby, but we will make it through all of this! It will be alright! It's ok!" That satisfied him and he laid down and went to sleep. I asked Mary if they talked about any of this yesterday and she said "No!" He is a very deep thinker! Wise beyond his years! As Mary said this morning, "He glows when he talks about God!" He does.

Pray for all of the children going through treatments and the caretakes making decisions.

Spread the word...if you want your child added to our Prayer Bears, please email me the link. It isn't through CB and we can pray all we want to for these families that need prayer.

Blessings and Miracles,

Wednesday, March 23, 2005 10:25 AM CST

*Blood Drive BSG, Walmart 1 to 5 tomorrow! Give!


Nicholas' medicine came last night and he is getting his injection of G-CSF in a few minutes! Please remember him. He isn't on any antibiotics and I have a fridge full of antibiotics and no way to get them in!

Cincinnati doesnt want the PICC line replaced but how are we going to get a platelet transfusion in! IV?! He will need something so we can give him platelets in order to do a PICC line? He may not need a PICC line at all!!! I don't think that we can go for a long period with just IVs. He is a very hard stick! That is why we went with a port two years ago!! His best vein is in his big left toe! It would be wonderful if we could go without a port or central line. Central line, Hickman will probably be our next option if we can get the outlet away from his trach area! Oh, this is so complicated! Decisions! Decisions! Decisions! Options, and more decisions!

We will have another CBC tomorrow! Nicholas asked questions and was real worried about it last night. He kept saying, "Mom! Come!" I would go to him and he would repeatedly ask, "What are they going to do a CBC for?" HE finally settled down and went to sleep. I did too. I don't think anything could have awakened me! Except for two little boys, one coughing and one wanting Momma! And I woke up once praying for all the children! I did get some much needed sleep though.

Pray for all the children, pray for the parents/caretakers making decisions. Pray for more blood and platelet donors!

Pray for miracles,

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 6:51 AM CST

*New Photos added!


We are extremely exhausted, frustrated, and did I say sleepy? What an evening! Understatement by a million miles!!! We arrived at the ER in JC around 5pm. We were put in a room rather quickly because I told them he was immune suppressed! By 6:30 pm we hadn't seen a nurse let alone a dr! We were visited by a Physician's Assistant and she said a nurse would be back in a few minutes and we didn't see her until Jeff told them what was going on. After a few scenes in the circus, with different actors brought to the room, one call from a hemotologist and the PICC line was removed in about 5 minutes just 6 hrs later!

His platelets were down to 45k. The line wasn't moving in any direction and they couldn't get the TPA in and didn't even try when I told them it wouldn't budge. They pulled the line and Nicholas will have an injection of Nupogen(G_CSF) today. He just won't get any antibiotics. Cincinnati will be informed this morning and I don't know what they will think. Who knows?

Nicholas and Spencer had a great time playing with the chairs and walking the halls last night. They both went to sleep on the way there and back! They had a great time! Mom and Dad are the ones who are sleepy!

Pray for miracles! Pray for Dakota, his brain tumor is back and the family is requesting prayer. It's so sad. Please pray for guidance and wisdom for the treatment. These children are my heros.

Praying for miracles,

Monday, March 21, 2005 6:41 AM CST

**Nicholas' PICC line isn't working at all! Whew! Please pray for it to start working properly.


We had a good weekend. Nicholas and Spencer back to singing and playing, making wonderful music to Mom's ears. They continually play medical stuff, taking an animal to visit someone in the hospital which breaks my heart. The toys of choice are still "Orangy, the snake, Sharkie, the long handled wrench are all Nicholas and Spencer's are "Little long horn bull, and anything he wants to carry around! Trucks, little black kitten, puzzles, Sheriff's badge was a big hit this weekend too! Thanks Libbey! Little Horse finger puppets were too! Nicholas played with them all the way to Cincinnati! Also, thanks for the Easter card and stickers Kathy/CA! Thanks to Racquell for the cards and the green heart. Spencer's eyes lit up when he saw it! Thanks for taking the time to brighten up two little boys life!

Nicholas is scheduled to have his port put back in on the 30th. That will be the 25th time he will be put to sleep! He has a cbc and some other tests today. I think his counts are still up. I pray so anyway.

Thanks for all the prayers. We had very uplifting church services all weekend that were greatly appreciated and needed. God is good! Continuing praying for miracles. I'm still rejoicing over our miracles that are coming our way. Pray for wisdom and knowledge for all parents making decisions for their children. I know we aren't the only ones!

Pray for more miracles,

Friday, March 18, 2005 12:05 AM CST


We are home and there is no place like it!! Spencer came through the door and eyes went directly to Nicholas right arm where the blue bandage was hiding the PICC line and wanted to look at it and said, "Hi Brother! I missed you!", then it was on to Mom and Dad. Hugs and kisses all around and then on to playing. They had missed each other so much. I missed the sounds of playing too.

Nicholas did well and said, "I'm a trooper aren't I mom?" He cried so pitiful before the surgery and had everyone else crying. That was the first time I've cried in front of him but made it to the bathroom before he saw me. Should have gotten it out of my system before hand! We arrived to the surgical room and Nicholas puckered up and said, "Mom, can we talk about this?" "I'm just a little scared!" I held and talked to him until he was out. The 24th time he has been put to sleep and it doesn't get any easier. Why not? He is getting older and realizes what is going on and where he is. He didn't want the gas and he didn't get it. They used his port to put him to sleep. When it was overwith, he immediately looked at his arm and said, "Did they put in a PICC line?" Still groggy but knew exactly what was going on! He is amazing!

He will be on antibiotics for another week at least. I am game to keep the PICC line in for a while if it will last. I'm so tired of trying to fight these bugs out of his little system. It seems so hopeless. Then I get so angry and want to zap them to smitherines! Is that a word?? You know what I mean!

Our options? More steroids! More side effects! A different regimen for a immune-surpressed bmt with different drugs that haven't been tried on FA patients! All questionable! As in dosage for FA, side effects for FA patients and their dna damagable cells. Too many unknowns! Too many questions, too many decisions, and not enough clear answers.

Nicholas did get to meet Jo and Jacy Box, another family with FA! Mooooove over past girlfriends! Jo and Jacy are on the front line now!!!! Tooo cute patooties! Nicholas was hugging them and sneaking Jo sugars!!! "I snuck that one in and don't tell Mom!" I'm going to have to watch that boy!!!!

Pray for all these children and families making major decisions! Pray for the decision makers and the families struggling. Pray for all these families.

Praying for miracles,

Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:50 AM CST

Nicholas is home!!! He came through "with flying colors," he said. He is asking for cherry pie, chicken and dumplings!!! I'm getting ready to take them to him in a few minutes!! I was almost ready when they got back home!!
I had to go buy buttermilk or I would have had them done on time!! Everybody says I'll be late for my own funeral! Oh, well.

Good Morning!
Mary talked briefly to Donna last night; Donna was talking to another parent while Nicholas was running around screaming and having a good time playing hide-n-seek with 2 little girls!!! Yes!! He had the port removed and a pic line put in yesterday, but when there are girls around....!
Doesn't he amaze you? He has a great attitude which is healing within itself, but we know why and where all these blessings come from, don't we? Isn't God good? What would we do without Him? If you don't know Him personally, you need Him in the worst kind of way. What if this were you going through this with your child? What would you do? God knows all about you and would carry you, too, and He would gently remind you that He's there. All He wants is for you to acknowledge and praise Him. That is our sole purpose in life--that is why we are on earth--to serve God. When you realize this, your life will never be the same. Once you make that decision and turn to Him, you will be the happiest you've ever been. Yes, you will still have problems, but you will have God to turn to and totally depend on. It is so different, knowing He carrys our burdens for us; they are too great for us to bear.
He is definitely carrying us; He deserves all the praise and glory we can give and then some.
Hopefully, Nicholas is on the way home and will arrive safely later this evening.
Thanks for all your prayers.
Sissy Bear

Wednesday, March 16, 2005 8:20 AM CST

Sissy Bear here.
Pray for my little sister! She didn't update yesterday;she said she didn't feel like it! She does have a bad cold, but I am not sure that is what she meant. Please lift her up this morning and today. Don't forget Jeff either. Don't you wish there were something we could say or do to comfort them? All we can do is pray for them and be there to listen when they feel like talking. Only God has that comforting spirit; isn't God great? He is carrying them right now!!! Not only is He there for them, He is there for everybody in whole world!!!
They are in Cin.; she called last night after they got all the equip. packed in and settled. Nicholas has his port taken out today at 1:00 and a pic line put in his arm. Pray for this surgery, too. They are supposed to be coming home tomorrow.
At first, Spencer said he was going to spend the night with Papaw and Mamaw, but when it came time for bed, he wanted to go home. I took him home and spent the night with him. He was more content and went to sleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow. All this is tough on the little fellow, too.
Thanks for all your prayers; thanks for signing the guestbook. Nicholas loves to have them read to him.
Sissy Bear

Monday, March 14, 2005 9:45 AM CST


I guess I've put it off long enough! I don't like to journal anymore...

A lot has happened! Miracles, Dropping the Oxandrolone, Port Infections, Red Cell Transfusion AGAIN!, and platelet transfusion. One hassle after another at the hospital! It amazes me the number of times I had to ask, "Do you have your alcohol prep?" AAARRRGGGG! No rest for Mom! Always have to be on your toes and it's total nonsense! You would think the RNs would know to clean, clean, clean, any type of access that goes directly into the system! I'm so disgusted! It is no wonder that there are so many infecions and disease in the hopsitals. It is spread because of lack of cleaniness from the nurses! Some are dedicated and some aren't. Some are there to draw a paycheck and that is ALL! Besides incompetant nurses there is the drs dropping the ball! I wouldn't leave a loved one in the hospital for any length of time by themselves for anything in the world, unless they were well enough to care for themselves! Where on earth did common sense go?

Sorry guys! I'm frustrated and need to vent. If you are a RN and are reading this, then please try harder to take care of these children or sick adults! They need professional caring care! If you don't know how to take care of a mediport, then ask and find out! I'm sorry! Ignorance isn't bliss in this case!

Back to the reason for this website: My sweet precious babies and dealing with this horrible monster, FA! Nicholas made it to Day 227 of the Oxandrolone Trial and was taken off the Clinical Trail due to "NO RESPONSE!" I received this ground breaking news while we were at the hopital! Talking about depressing! I know, I've been saying that for months but to literally be told there is no hope with this medicine is such a let down. I guess I wasn't expecting the "punch in the gut" feeling. It made everything more real, the lack of hope, the turmoil of making more decisions on what to try next, etc. First things first, the port is coming out on Wednesday! Yes, another surgery and a PICC line put in. I'm so exhausted and there isn't a chance to rest or sleep.

Which brings me to another thought! Don't call me and tell me what a relaxing week-end you had!!!!! I think my "Friends" like to torture me!!!! I'm going to write a book of "What NOT to do, when a friend is going through a major crisis!" Another called, yawning, stretching, and purring, still in bed at 11:30 am!!!!!!!! Yes, you know who you are! Thanks a million! ;>) Hey, I have to insert some humor!

Pray for Nicholas during surgery and all the children going through transplant or some type of treatment. Pray for hope and wisdom for the decisions on their care. We are basically at the mercy of the drs and thier knowledge. Pray for bolts of enlightenment to hit the drs!

One more thing, I came the closest of witnessing a miracle that I can remember, except for when Nicholas stopped bleeding at birth. Nicholas was in the ER, temp went to 103.3*, respiratory was in the 30-40 range, pulse 166 and he went into a deep sleep. Breathing slowed so much that I thought he was going to stop breathing. I was mesmerized and was starting to panic. He started mumbling something and just sat up a few minutes later, a totally different child. Sweat started, fever broke, and he was perky! God touched that child through the miracle of prayer. I will believe nothing else! Someone touched the throne of Grace and Jesus intercepted to God on Nicholas' behalf. Thank God for another miracle. Mary witnessed this too and will verify what I'm telling. We haven't talked about it but I'm sure her version will be close to mine. I'm still in awe at the power of prayer. Thanks Prayer Bears and all the others who were praying for us.

Nicholas broke out in hives again with the platelet transfusion. I'm taking my own Benedryl from now on. I'm packing an emergency bag to take to the hospital from now on too. As Sissy Bear stated, Nicholas started singing during the red cell transfusion! Thanks to the donors for the 2nd Chance with the blood products. Please go give blood and platelets.

Praying for another miracle,

Sunday, March 13, 2005 2:12 PM CST

Sissy Bear here again!
Nicholas is at home on 2 antibiotics! He wasn't feeling too well this morning; he didn't get to go to church. He called me before church and said, "you know why I can't go to church, don't you?" We missed him and Spencer, of course.
He is weak and gets tired easily. Please storm Heaven for him, his mom and dad, and Spencer. Spencer worries about him and he has to stay home a lot, too.
Donna always requests prayer for all the sick children and to remember those going through transplant at this time. I want you to know that she prays constantly for you guys. She is always telling me who is going through what; not only does she deal with Nicholas, she is remembering you and hurting with you, too. Lots of times, she talks, I listen, and we cry together. It seems like I know some of you already, even though we never have met face to face.
Apryl, I have met and love dearly. I think she is up for transplant this month or next. We haven't heard an update. She is on our hearts and minds and we send lots of prayers her way, too.


May God bless and keep you and yours.
Sissy Bear

Friday, March 11, 2005 9:29 PM CST

Sissy Bear here! Sorry, I didn't think to update; I had parent-teacher visitation, mostly had Nicholas on my mind.
Donna did bring him home today; he is on meds for pseudomonas and staph in his port; he has to take another med or two for a couple of organisms they found in his trach. But he is singing!!! Donna said that halfway through his red blood cell transfusion, he started singing!!! He is like his mamaw; she loves to sing, too.
Please storm Heaven for Nicholas, Donna, Jeff, and Spencer. It is tough for all. Then pray for the rest of us, too. We all need your prayers.
Thanks for every thought and prayer.
Sissy Bear.

Wednesday, March 9, 2005 9:27 AM CST

**Temp is over 102* now and that was with tylenol. Going to ER. Pray for us.

Day 227 of 228 Oxandrolone Trial


I’m having a hard time getting started on journaling today. Nicholas counts were lower than we wanted of course. Options we have are:
1. Go off the Oxandrolone Clinical Study but stay on Oxandrolone at a higher dose.
2. Go on another androgen, Oxymethalone, which has bad side effects, but what doesn’t?
3. Go on another medicine that may or may not help. That is the option for all of them evidently.
4. Go on another medicine that may or may not help!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you getting the picture? We are down to trying anything and everything to get a response from his marrow. We need a miracle. At the moment, I’m comfortable stopping the Oxandrolone and seeing what his marrow will do on its on! Thinking back, his infections began when we started the medicine but in reality, his counts were falling and his ability to fight off infection has diminished. Medicine? I don’t really think so but who knows for sure. When we stop the Oxandrolone, I guess we will see exactly what it was doing. If his counts plummet, then we will know the Oxandrolone was holding it up some! If they go higher for no reason, then it’s obvious! The reason we went on it was because his platelets were on a steady decline. I just pray for something good to happen.

On a lighter side… Sissy Bear was speaking too much Spanish last night and Nicholas said, “Sissy, let me teach you to count in English!” “Now, repeat after me, One….!” It was hilarious! I couldn’t help but burst out laughing! Too cute!

A Spencer funny… he came running into the kitchen and scared me yesterday evening. I screamed and told him to pick up my heart that fell into the floor! He stopped in his tracks and looked around and then looked up at me and laughed. He said, “MOM! It’s stuck in your chest with bubble gum!” I haven’t a clue where that came from but I loved it! Too funny! Oh, how they can make me smile!

Pray for all of us, the extended family too. It’s hard to understand the situation fully unless you are directly involved with his care. He has two huge bruises on his legs. Terrible bumps! I ask him what happened and he said, “I guess it was the table when I climbed up on it!” I can’t hog tie him and keep him immobile! He flopped down on a pillow and hit his head on a rocking chair but it wasn’t a hard hit. It scared me into a million pieces!

Mary just called and said that Nicholas isn’t feeling well at all with a temp of 100.2*. Please help me pray for him to feel better. I pray he isn’t getting a virus or the flu. His counts would definitely fall if he has to fight anything else.

I’ll keep you posted,
Pray for miracles,

Tuesday, March 8, 2005 7:40 AM CST

**Platelets are 23k, hgb-8.6, anc-1020!

Day 226 Oxandrolone Trial, 2 days of medicine left and we don’t know for sure what we are going to do…..stay tuned!

Good Morning,

Nicholas had a wonderful day yesterday. He slept late and woke up a totally different child. He laughed and played all day. I think he was just exhausted and needed to get more sleep! He was rotten and pesky! I love it when he is like that! The twinkle was back in his eyes and the “I’m up to something” smile was on his face! He hadn’t read that message in the guest book from his secret admirer either!!!!!

He told everyone he talked to on the phone, “I love you!” That is he favorite thing to tell everyone. Unconditional love, that is what he has! Not only for Mom, Dad, Spencer, and family but for everyone he meets! He is the epitome of love. He is so sweet. Spencer doesn’t say it as much but shows it. He will just walk up to you and give you a kiss. Last night, Spencer leaned over and kissed Nicholas on the head. Precious and priceless! Nicholas will pet on Spencer too. How precious they are!

Spencer has found something else he likes to do! Take my braid loose and brush my hair!!! He had a ball yesterday trying to brush it with a baby brush! He went to the kitchen and carried a stool back to the bed room and proceeded to take my hair loose! He is something else! He also gave me a flu shot! A BIG one! Then he pretended to give me blood! It breaks my heart that all he knows to play is “hospital” or “dr”! I guess that is all we do!!! Play “Dr!”

I wish I knew all that the drs knew! I would be trying a blue million different meds to help my child. Yes, I need lots of patience, so get busy and help me pray! I need a miracle for my baby. It is scary to be stopping a medicine that is suppose to help. We are getting a cbc today and another port culture. I’m praying that his platelets are still up, 50k would be fine with me! 100k would be a whole lot better! Oh, we need a miracle.

Pray for all the families that have lost loved ones this week. Pray for all the ones on a treatment of some kind, for hope and a cure.

What would you be doing if it were your child? Where is our compassion? Why aren’t we helping each other, bearing one another burdens like we are suppose to do? I know for a fact these families that have a website need you, your support, and most of all your prayers. If you feel lead to become a Prayer Bear and want to spread cheer, join today and begin praying. If you can’t pray, let us know and we’ll pray for your salvation. We aren’t the only group that is helping others, if you don’t want to known as a prayer warrior, then join another group but do something! We would welcome you with open arms. One stick can be easily broken but a bundle is a lot harder to break! One prayer warrior can easily be discouraged but a group is a lot harder to break up! Keep the faith.

Pray without ceasing,
Pray for miracles,

Monday, March 7, 2005 12:18 AM CST

Day 225


We've had a good weekend, no major mishaps. Nicholas did have a very hoarse voice a couple of days. Tylenol cold help him get over that. I was worried it was strep or something. He has tolerated the Synercid really well. No diarrhea, Thank the Lord. I have been pleasently surprised!

We will culture his port again this week and he will probably be on antibiotics for another week. Hopefully, he will get over this infection too!

Those boys have everyone wrapped around their fingers! It is so funny to watch! I love it! It is a total melt down when someone falls in love with them! I can't blame them though!! I love listening to them laugh and play. They have said so much that I can't even begin to remember it all! They keep me in stitches that is for sure.

Pray for all the ones on treatments! We are down to the days on Oxandrolone! No definite plan as of yet! This is very nerve wracking for me and Dad! Constant worry so pray for us too.

Pray, Pray, and Pray some more,

Thursday, March 3, 2005 7:00 AM CST

Day 221 Oxandrolone Trial


The new antibiotic, Synercid, came around 7 pm last night! The home health nurse came around 6 and Nicholas' blood pressure was up, had a temp, high pulse rate and respiratory rate! He wasn't running a fever a half hour before! That is how quick he can get sick! He was also wheezing! You couldn't tell anything was wrong except for the fast breathing! He was playing and having a good time, not running around but sitting at the bar! I was so thankful that the antibiotics were on the way. We prepped him with Benedryl and Tylenol before the antibiotic and he did fine. I was worried about a reaction with a different antibiotic! Yes, I just had to pick it back up and worry some more!!!(Read Yesterday's Post!)

Another worry, is he keeps scratching his head where the V-P Shunt(for Hydocephalus) is. I would hate for something to be going on with it too. I have a suspicion that this bug is on that artificial device too! It may be the source! That is what I found out about this Staph Epi that is in his port, it likes artificial devices and creates a slime on the plastic parts! His V-P Shunt has a line just under his skin that runs down his neck and into his abdomen cavity. Could this be why he stays so nauseated? Probably! Have I mentioned this to drs? Numerous times! And ready to tell it again until someone listens to me! The only problem with this shunt is that it isn't working! He still has fluid on his brain but shows no problems with it and they want to leave it alone for now. If they tap it, it could take infection in directly to his brain. We don't want that! The other plastic devices he has are his trach and Mic-key Button but those are changed pretty often without a surgical procedure! Dr. Mom does that!

Did you check out the little Teddy Bear? It is so adorable and will be available in white also! Please email me with your order anytime, so I can get an idea of how many to order. We are working for a CURE FOR FA! That can only be done through research. Thanks in advance for your order.

Spencer is fine and going strong! Mary Bear said he was a good little boy yesterday! He is sweet and precious. He has a hard time dealing with a sick brother that hogs all Mom's attention! Bless his little heart, he needs lots of special attention. Pray for extra strength for us to meet all the needs of our family.

Please help me pray for all the children on some type of treatment. Pray for hope! Pray for miracles!

We need a miracle,

Wednesday, March 2, 2005 6:55 AM CST

Day 220 Oxandrolone Trial


I'm in a fog! I am aching all over and feel rotten! Mentally and physically! I hope and pray it is not the flu! I think I'm allergic to sleep! I slept like a log last night but must have laid wrong on my pillow. My neck is sore! Could it possibly be because I couldn't move for a little snuggle bug in bed with us? I barely woke up enough to realize he was getting in our bed and went right back to sleep! I woke up this morning with his arm thrown across me and hugging my neck! What better way to wake up? Being hugged and cheek to cheek with a sweet precious baby. He did this night before last too! He is sleeping better though and growing straight up!

Well, it seems we are on the wrong antibiotics! New ones should arrive today! It is the same bug in his port as before but this time it is resistant to the antibiotic that he was on before! Is this bug becoming use to the antibiotics and becoming resistant to all the antibiotics we feed it? What if that continues? The port will definitely come out if that is the case. What if it is in his little system and we cannot get rid of it? What if....I could go on like this for a year! I'm so glad God takes care of "What IF's", don't you? There, Lord, I'm giving it back! Please help me not to pick it back up! It's too big for me to handle anyway!

Whew! I feel better already! God is good all the time and all the time God is good!, quoted from Ann Eckstadt! Thanks Ann! I love it!

Pray for Nicholas that these antibiotics will take care of the bug in his port. Pray for a cure, a miracle for his bone marrow whether it be through medicine or whatever the Lord choses to do. I know all He has to do is speak it and it would happen, please help me plead for this to happen or bless the medicine to boost the marrow or just however He chooses to bless. Pray for Jeff and I to have the patience, wisdom, knowledge, and did I mention patience?, grace, and keep our sanity. If Jesus has other plans for my baby, please pray for grace for the entire family.

And Nicholas is just one child, there are numerous ones that also need miracles.

Pleading, praying, begging for a miracle,

Tuesday, March 1, 2005 7:09 AM CST

Day 219 Oxandrolone Trial

Good Sleepy Morning!

As some already know, we went for a transfusion last night! His platelets were down to 10k, hgb-8.8, and the rest I don't even know yet. I haven't received my faxed copy yet. The transfusion was just about over when he started squirming and I check him. He had broken out into a couple of hives, one on his hip and the other on his shoulder. He was scatching his head too but I couldn't see anything there. For some reason, I knew it was going to happen and wouldn't hardly take my eyes off of him. We had to stop the transfusion and give him epinephrin and it stopped the itching immediately. Thanks to the A donor who took the time to donate on the 25th!

Dad and Spencer went with us. Spencer was eating chips and Nicholas ate some too. Spencer said, "We're having a party!" I said, "Yes, a platelet party!"

Spencer fell asleep on the way home. Nicholas was grumpy from the Benedryl but he has been feeling bad all weekend. He would cry at the drop of a hat some times. It may be the Oxandrolone but I think he is just feeling bad. I'm sure I wouldn't be half as civil if it were me and my counts were this low. God love his little heart. He is a true hero.

We had Mamaw a little party yesterday evening. She loved the purple roses on her ice cream cake! Spencer sang "Happy Birthday" a dozen times, much to her delight.

Remember all the children on the brink of The Incredible Journey to Heaven and their families.


Monday, February 28, 2005 6:35 AM CST

*Antibiotics are on the way! Home health made it through the snow and finally got enough blood for cbc and cultures. Port wasn't working the best but they finally got it! Keep praying!

Day 218 of Oxandrolone Trial

Good Morning,

First and foremost, we don't have antibiotics yet! They were ordered Friday evening but we haven't received any yet. I'm fuming. I had some Clyndamycin to give via g-tube and I started him on that Saturday. I figured some in his little system is better than none. He ran a temp of 99.4* last night. I'm holding my breath and praying he doesn't get any worse. He is droopy.

Which brings me to Saturday and the wedding, he turned pale and started crying in the middle of it! It was his shut down time and Aunt Cathy went and brought him to me and he cried his little heart out. I think when the bride was saying those vows and started crying it got to Nicholas. He is so tender hearted. I put him back on his milk and he just laid in Sissy Bears arms for about an hour before he perked back up any. He later said, "I was happy too when I was crying!" He tries so hard to be a big brave bear! He is the bravest one I know! Spencer decided he could be a part of the wedding too! He held a song book and began, "Doo de dooo"ing! When? While the preacher was quoting I Corinthians 13, the passage on "The Greatest of these is Love!" Anyway, he was too cute! I guess I had better mention the little bride, Alexia! She was adorable and they looked so sweet together! Nicholas was scared of course! They walked up the isle and Nicholas didn't stand where he was suppose to! He went and stood beside of the groom! It was cute!

I know! I'm going backwards but on Friday, when we went to get the tux, there were several girls trying on prom dresses! Which was a huge delight to the boys of course! One tried on this red dress that didn't leave anything for the imagination and Nicholas and Spencer were all smiles! Nicholas modeled the tux and Spencer modeled "Bob the Builder" in front of the mirrors and they kept waiting for the girls to join them but they were all finished! It was so funny! Mary Bear got some photos of that!!! Thanks Mary, I'm glad someone was thinking! I'll have to get a copy and scan them in!

Going back to Saturday, Mamaw turned 76! Please wish her a happy Birthday. She tells the best bear tales on earth! We thank God for Mamaw and are so blessed to have her with us! She is a cancer survivor you know! She had a heart attack and they were reviewing her x-rays and saw a golf size tumor in her lung. She had half her lung removed about 15 years ago! It hasn't effected her singing very much at all! She still sings to the top of her lungs! She is a blessing to all of us and definitely an inspiration to many. She is the sweetest mother on earth! Thanks Mamaw for everything, we couldn't do without you! Spencer loved the chocolate pie she baked for him this weekend! Her birthday and she baked for Spencer! Spencer had made a comment that he didn't want Mamaw to come back up because he didn't like cherry pies! Nicholas like cherry pies and she buys them for him! I told him he was going to have to ask for a chocolate one! He did! Ask and ye shall receive!

Pray for all the children and adults on treatments. Pray for the parents or decision makers! Pray for the families too that have lost their loved ones. It hurts.
Nicholas is suppose to get a cbc and repeat cultures today but it has snowed here and may be postponed until tomorrow.

Pray without ceasing,

Friday, February 25, 2005 6:59 AM CST

**Port is positive for something!! ARRRGGGGHHHH! Pray it's identified quickly and he gets on the correct antibiotics asap. What a way to go into a weekend! Bummmmmmmmeeeerrrr!

Day 215 Oxandrolone Trial


Well, Nicholas' bloodwork came back, Platelets were 16k, Hgb-9.5, and Anc-918. Overall, a little low. RBC-2.8 which was lower too. His temp came back down to normal during the day but went back to around 100* last night. He slept really well and didn't cough all night long. I didn't hear a peep out of him except one time when he turned back around and put his head back on the pillow! Yes, he was upside down in the bed! Spencer woke up around two and was hollering for "Momma" and when I put the cover over him and check to see if he had a fever, he went back to sleep. He is such a sweetie and has the greatest giggles!

Nicholas called me yesterday to tell me about the needle change! He said, "I was perfectly, perfectly still and didn't even have one tear!" He is such a brave bear! He wants Mary to pray and then will ask her to pray again! He is so sweet.

Nicholas is suppose to be in a wedding tomorrow! I'm not sure if that is going to happen or not! He says he will feel like it! He seems ok. Laughing and playing, just a little droopy and breathing a little fast. The dr in Cincy wanted a chest x-ray and we may take him this evening if he gets worse today. His breathing slowed down yesterday evening and I was hesitant to take him to that flu and stomach virus infested hospital! That is why the blood work wasn't back until late yesterday evening! The hospital is full! I'm so thankful that he didn't require platelets or we would have been right in the middle of all those bugs!

Thanks to all who gave blood yesterday at Pound High School! Sissy Bear was able to give and she was on cloud nine last night. Her blood type is 0 too! That means her blood can be given to anyone!!! She cannot give platelets for 56 days now! That is what they told her, so it will be sometime in April before she can give platelets. Sissy Bear is a brave bear too! She worked really hard to get her count up! Even ate liver!!! Thanks Sissy Bear! You're the greatest!

Pray for all the sick in the hospital too. Pray for Susan, our new banner maker! She is having kidney stones and in lots of pain. Pray for the ones on various treatments, clinical trial, chemo, radiation, etc. All hoping for a cure.

Keep praying,

Thursday, February 24, 2005 6:58 AM CST

**It seems that the hospital is full of flu and stomach virus and the lab is way behind. I did get a number on the platelets.....16K! I wanted 20 but I'll take 16...better than 7! Maybe they are on the way UP! I pray so!

Day 214 Oxandrolone Trial


I can't tell if its good yet! I'm too tired and sleepy! Nicholas spiked a fever yesterday evening around 4:30 of 101.2* The tylenol took care of it and it bounced around but started going down and he was cool every time I checked on him through out the night. Thanks Prayer Bears for praying for my baby! God heard our prayers and cooled his brow. Keep praying that his blood work is up and an infection isn't starting.

By the way, if you want to join the Prayer Bears and adopt a child, please click on the Prayer Bear logo and do so. Lots of families need prayer and support. Thanks Heidi for starting this and for the bear blowing kisses in the guest book! That is so precious.

He felt good enough for school! Did really well for feeling bad. Spencer had to work in his workbook too! He is such a sweet heart.

I'll keep you posted on the blood work. I had to cut his feeding off around 3 am for some fasting glucose, liver, and kidney function tests. It worried me but since he had cooled off, he seemed to be ok. I'd much rather do the fasting part while he is asleep than when he is awake and asking for food. I'm thankful the home health nurse comes the first thing in the morning.

Remember all the children/adults taking treatments. Remember the empty arms, too.

Pray without ceasing,

Wednesday, February 23, 2005 7:14 AM CST

Day 213 Oxandrolone Trial


Guess what we did yesterday evening? Hid Easter eggs inside! I know we are early but they love to hide eggs! We took turns hiding them and they did a great job! Some were hidden so well that we couldn't find them! Spencer would forget where he hid them all!!! It was so much fun. It's good to have fun!

One little mishap, Nicholas got Spencer's thumb with "Sharkie". Have I told you all about Sharkie? If so, please forgive me, for I'm telling it again! Sharkie is a pair of long handled pliers! This is one of his favorite toys! He found it in the tool drawer and laid claim on it. Sharkie and Orangy, the coral snake, are constant companions with the boys! Spencer started crying and said that Sharkie bit his thumb. Nicholas started crying because it scared him. That is the first time he has inflicted pain on anyone in his life! It scared him and he puckered up so pitiful. A bandaid took care of it! I think Spencer was shocked too! Sharkie apologized and made everyone laugh again and then the Easter stuff came out!!!

Mamaw, Papaw, Sissy, and Daddy Bear came and the boo-boo was kissed and the banjo was a total distraction!! Mamaw laughed at Daddy Bear singing "Kicking my Dog Around!" that he had to keep singing for Nicholas! Nicholas sang "What a Day That Will Be" and I captured it on video this time!!! Spencer requested "Jesus Loves Me!" but would not sing!

Those boys sure make monkeys out of everyone!!! They are so funny and we all love to hear them laugh! I'm am so blessed to have two beautiful angels.

Pray for a little girl named, Melody, brain tumor and getting her angel wings shortly. Pray for strength and comfort for the family. Pray for a little girl Hunter, ALL and on long term treatment.
Ty, is starting his transplant process for FA. Please remember them. Emily, FA, leaves today to begin her bmt process too. Please remember all the ones taking treatments too.
Pray for comfort for the ones with empty arms today.

Pray for Nicholas, tommorrow is blood work and needle change. I feel the real picture will be seen in the counts tomorrow. If his platelets are higher, the Oxandrolone will be working, if his platelets are back down to the 10k range, we will definitely be changing medicines. I have contacted the ones in charge and there is a chance we will give it until April, until after all the scans are completed again. Pray for wisdom for us as parents to make the right decisions and for knowledge to know when to do what. It definitely isn't easy.

Be Blessed, Give Blood!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005 6:43 AM CST

Blood Drive Today!!! Crutchfield/EMI, Norton 12 to 4:30....Give, it will help sustain life in some one!

Day 212 Oxandrolone Trial

Good Morning,

Nicholas had school yesterday evening and it was hard for him to get started. I had bought a new Leap Pad game (on sale! of course!!) and he was distracted to say the least!! Spencer loved the the Talking Word Factory game! He caught on really quick and has it mastered now!

Racquell was blessed by a little song bird last night! Nicholas sang the course of "What A Day That Will Be!" She told him his voice was angellical! He asked about Diane and Racq told him she was in Heaven. Nicholas looked at me so quick and asked "WHY?" Later, he wanted to hear what Racquell said about him again. I told him that her heart was heavy and his sweet little voice lifted her spirits! He said, "I know. That is my power!" I asked, "Who gave you that power?" He said, "God."

Then, the questions began...."Why did Diane go to Heaven?" I told him Jesus took her home and now she wasn't in pain. He said, "Oh, that is why Jesus called her home." He ask ed, "What is cancer?" I told him and he asked, "Do I have cancer?" I told him "NO!" He went "Whew!" with his tounge hanging out and rolling his eyes! Then the bomb hit. He said, "It won't be long and I'll go to Heaven." With my heart bursting into a million pieces, I said, "I hope not!" He patted my cheek and said, "Mom! I want to go be with my Father!" What on earth do I say to that? I said, "I do too Baby." One question after the other and then asked, "Why did Balaam beat his donkey?" He wanted it to go forward but it wouldn't because the angel was in front of it. "Why couldn't Balaam see the angel?" Because he wasn't obeying God and wasn't listening to the voice of God. "Why did the donkey see the angel?" Because it had more sense than Balaam did and the angel was in front of it!
On and on the questions went and Momma finally said, "Nicholas, it's time to go to sleep!" I finally made it to bed and then I heard, "Momma?" What. "Can I have a drink of water?" YES! I can handle that question!!!!

Pray for a little girl named, Melody, brain tumor and getting her angel wings shortly. Pray for strength and comfort for the family. Pray for a little girl Hunter, ALL and on long term treatment. Pray for comfort for the ones with empty arms today.

Pray without ceasing,

Monday, February 21, 2005 6:53 AM CST

Day 211 Oxandrolone Trial


The boys have had a great week-end. I did pull out Nicholas trach on Saturday while taking his pjs off! He was in a panic! I put it back in and told him, "See you can breathe while the trach is out!" He said, "That is the first time!" He is so funny. I worried that it hurt him inside and would start bleeding. He did cough up blood later in the evening. He also got strangled eating pretzels, or the salt off of them and coughed some into his thermovent. Then, yesterday, he was eating some blue candy, powder form and coughed out blue mucus! He is definitely aspirating a little. He looks some better in his coloring. He is such a sweetie. I have noticed some mood swings and pray the oxandrolone is kicking in and will work on the bone marrow.

Spencer? Is pure Spencer! Hanging on to Mom like a leech! Eating much better and loves to play on the computer. He can turn it on, and start his Elmo Pre-school "game" that teaches them shapes, numbers, patterns, and has a session on feelings that you make a face to match the feeling. He will be frowning at Nicholas and turn to me and smile real big!!! Yes, he is rotten to the core! Maybe it will help him to sort out his feelings. He did really well this week-end. We went to church last night and they let him ring the church bell. He loved it.

Remember Davaan, his leukemia is back and they are preparing for his journey home to Heaven. His counts have fallen and he is being transfused. They are going to Disney next week if he feels like it. Please pray for comfort and peace for this precious family. They feel that Davaan has fought long enough and now want to have quality time with him as long as God lets him live. He is truly a warrior and a true hero.

Remember all the others taking treatments and have to face major decisions. Pray for wisdom, courage, faith, and most of all peace.

John, in Alabama, please email Sharon.

Pray without ceasing,

Friday, February 18, 2005 7:08 AM CST

Day 208 Oxandrolone Trial


I didn't mean to have such a down journal entry!!! Some days are like that but most aren't. Some days are much worse!!!!

"Momma, God DOES answer prayer!" I know, what makes you say that? "My platelets were higher!" That is one of the statements he wanted me to get back out of bed and hear!
He is so sweet! He had to tell everyone on the phone last night.

They were laughing and playing so sweet last night. I love to listen to them playing.

My little guys had to help Momma make chili yesterday evening. Spencer wanted a hot dog and wanted some of that "brown chili!" Yes, Momma made chili and he ate most of a hot dog. He loves my chili. That made Momma happy!

Remember all the ones taking treatments of some type. Remember Racquell and Ed, the care givers of Diane Keel. They went yesterday evening to make funeral arrangements. Remember her family too.

Blessings in every little thing,

Thursday, February 17, 2005 6:56 AM CST

Platelets 75K, hgb-10.4, anc=3888!!
Nurse Bessie did great with one stick and one ouch! no tears during but a few before! He is such a Brave Bear! She brought him some Easter stickers!!

Day 207 Oxandrolone Trial


Nicholas has blood work today. I cannot see a difference in him after the last transfusion. His coloring is still off and the bruises aren't disappearing. He still complains of being tired. I'm curious what his platelets are going to be today.

Kayla, it isn't easy to watch your child deteriorate. It's torment. It's heart wrenching. It's horrible. It's nerve wracking. It tears the soul out of you. It's very depressing but I'm not on anti-depressant meds! It's mind boggling. It keeps me searching for a cure. It makes me downright mad, angry, and oh, so helpless. My hands are completely tied. I may not be able to do a single thing to help my son but I continuously try to find the miracle medicine to boost his marrow in hopes of harvesting for gene therapy. Yes, I'm jumping at straws! When you are drowning and going down, you will grasp at anything, even a straw to try to stay above the water. The downward spiral gets faster the farther down you go. I feel we have hit the bottom and struggling to get it in 1st gear so we can move FORWARD. Right now the current is just pushing us along, we can't find 1st. When you do all you can and make the most of every day with your loved one, there isn't anything to regret. We do not have REVERSE for this trip! We won't be able to take this same trip more than once that is why we have taken lots of scenic routes along the way. It will only be by the Grace of God that we pull out of this abyss we are in and get in the FORWARD motion again. We don't know God's plans for us or our children. We do have to trust in Him and accept His choice for our life and theirs. God knows when they have suffered enough. Nicholas was telling Mamaw and Papaw that in Heaven, everything would be perfect. "No more mic-key buttons, no ports, no needles, and there won't even be trachs in Heaven, it will be PERFECT. I will even have thumbs!"


Wednesday, February 16, 2005 5:23 PM CST


It is with sad hearts that we journal today. Remember the family of Diane Keel. Remember Racquell and Ed for their loss. They were dedicated to Diane and no one will understand to the fullest how they are feeling right now. Remember the children and the rest of the family. Pray for peace and understanding.

Until tomorrow,

Tuesday, February 15, 2005 7:03 AM CST

Day 205 Oxandrolone Trial


Platelet transfusion! Last night! I called the lab and couldn't get a definite answer on when the platelets were going to be there! After about 3 calls, they said to come on in, they wanted to transfuse him because the platelets ran out at midnight! We was there around 8 pm and I opened the door for someone carrying a huge box. "Human blood products!" were the words on the box! We had arrived about the same time!!!! He received his transfusion of A platelets that were collected on the ninth of February! He is 0 and that is universal!!! That means he can accept different types! Go give platelets!! I'm so happy that someone did! Thanks to all who have gone and donated platelets in Nicholas honor! You are truly an angel.

The mobile blood unit will be at Mountain View Regional Medical Center (Old St. Mary's) collecting blood from 12 to 4 pm TODAY!!!!! Eat a good meal and then go give blood a couple of hours later! THANKS. There was an elderly lady getting platelets last night too. Someone needs those blood products and you know how much cancer we have in this area, give in honor of your loved one or Nicholas.

Spencer had a terrible time with me leaving last night. He woke up at 6 am and I hugged him. He said, "I missed you Mom!" He let Nicholas wear his Thomas shoes last night! He said, "You can wear them if you want to brudder! I'm getting to be a big boy and they are too little!" Well, I didn't know that!!!! They are actually a little big on him!! He is so funny. Dad said he cried and cried. It breaks my heart to have to leave him.

Remember Diane Keel, they have called the family in. They have stopped all treatments. Pray for them and for Racquell, her care giver. They need your prayers.

Remember all the others still taking treatments. The horrible side effects of the only hope they have have to be endured in hopes of a cure!


Monday, February 14, 2005 7:06 AM CST

Platelets are 12k! anc- 660 hbg-10.7
Also pray for Diane Keel, the family has been called in. Her link is in the drop down box above.

Day 204 Oxandrolone Trail


Today is bloodwork day...don't know when they will get there or I'll get the results. He was so pale yesterday and so tired! Dad just tickled his legs and it ended up bruising them. I know he was devastated! Nicholas was having such a great time, laughing and tickling his Dad! I told them no wrestling but he just has to do something!! Tickling became the game of choice. It wasn't until later that I found the bruises! They are just little specks all over his legs. I know they will be lower today according to that! I keep hoping and praying they are higher but the evidence isn't corporating!

They boys have had a wonderful weekend. Sissy Bear made chicken 'n dumplings again! I told Nicholas to stop asking for them but he will not listen! She sent cherry pie too! He gets anything he asks for!!! He actually ate some too so what can I say! He ended up having a bad gas spell with his tummy on Sat. night. I barely kept him from throwing up but it was close. I know he didn't eat enough to hurt him so it couldn't have been Sissy Bear's cooking!!!! I just pray he isn't getting sick!

He is now off all antibiotics! I don't know what to do with myself! I was on the 10, 6, 2 schedule for so long and feel lost now! It was wonderful to drop one antibiotic and gave me a break. Now with none, I'll feel like I on vacation!

He just got out of bed on Sunday and said, "I'm so tired!" He was pasty looking, pale almost white. I was worried but he had more color a little later.

Spencer is ok, just having a Mommy crisis! I think he is scared I'm leaving and cries out for me all night long. He seems frustrated and mad at me during his dreams. It breaks my heart. He isn't that way during the day. It is so hard on him, I hope he isn't tramatized for life. I am only one person and feel like I'm stretched to the limit but I know everything will be ok. With the Grace of God, I'll have the strength I need to care for my babies. Sissy Bear came up Saturday and I took a good nap! Thanks Sissy Bear! I really needed it! I didn't realize how tired I was!

Remember all the ones taking treatments and having to deal with a sick loved one in their family. God's grace is sufficient.

Still praying for higher counts,

Friday, February 11, 2005 6:55 AM CST

Day 201 Oxandrolone Trial


Mary Bear and the boys baked Daddy a heart shaped cake at Spencer's request! Nicholas and Spencer had a big time decorating it for Dad! He was surprised! They made him cards and it thrilled Dad! He hugged them and told them it was the best birthday ever! Dad's family didn't celebrate birthdays growing up and he just cannot believe I make a big fuss about it!!! He has 8 siblings and I guess they couldn't afford a big todo. Even after about 23 years of marriage, he really doesn't like a big fuss over him! He doesn't know about another cake coming his way today!!! I think seeing the boys enjoying the surprise helped him too! He let them light the candles and they loved it. Mary had found some tool candles for his cake and he really liked them! I took photos and will try to post one later today! Thanks Mary for all you have done!

I cannot believe that it was yesterday when Nicholas had labs. It seems like forever ago. His platelets were down to 13k, hgb 11.3, and anc of 2015. We are holding off on transfusion and getting bloodwork again Monday. Hopefully, no major mishaps this weekend. It is scary for his platelets to be this low and the possibility of him hitting his head! I don't even want to think about it. I know who is on call at the Home Health in case I need to call. Mic-key button has a little blood around it that is normal most of the time but gets worse when his counts are down. That is how I can tell most of the time. His little bruises on his legs seem to be fading more so than yesterday. I pray his platelets are going up!!! 20k on Monday!!!!

Pray for all the children and adults taking treatments of some type. It breaks my heart to see the side effects of most of the meds. It is only by the Grace of God that we survive them!

Hoping and praying for higher counts on Monday,

Friday, February 11, 2005 6:55 AM CST

Day 201 Oxandrolone Trial


Mary Bear and the boys baked Daddy a heart shaped cake at Spencer's request! Nicholas and Spencer had a big time decorating it for Dad! He was surprised! They made him cards and it thrilled Dad! He hugged them and told them it was the best birthday ever! Dad's family didn't celebrate birthdays growing up and he just cannot believe I make a big fuss about it!!! He has 8 siblings and I guess they couldn't afford a big todo. Even after about 23 years of marriage, he really doesn't like a big fuss over him! He doesn't know about another cake coming his way today!!! I think seeing the boys enjoying the surprise helped him too! He let them light the candles and they loved it. Mary had found some tool candles for his cake and he really liked them! I took photos and will try to post one later today! Thanks Mary for all you have done!

I cannot believe that it was yesterday when Nicholas had labs. It seems like forever ago. His platelets were down to 13k, hgb 11.3, and anc of 2015. We are holding off on transfusion and getting bloodwork again Monday. Hopefully, no major mishaps this weekend. It is scary for his platelets to be this low and the possibility of him hitting his head! I don't even want to think about it. I know who is on call at the Home Health in case I need to call. Mic-key button has a little blood around it that is normal most of the time but gets worse when his counts are down. That is how I can tell most of the time. His little bruises on his legs seem to be fading. I pray his platelets are going up!!! 20k on Monday!!!!

Pray for all the children and adults taking treatments of some type. It breaks my heart to see the side effects of most of the meds. It is only by the Grace of God that we survive them!

Hoping and praying for higher counts on Monday,

Thursday, February 10, 2005 6:34 AM CST

Day 200! Oxandrolone Trial


Happy Birthday Dad! We had a little box waiting on Dad this morning! He was shocked! It was a "Dad" ring! It wasn't the bulky ones but a little thin one! I knew he wouldn't wear a big one and was tickled pink when I found the little ones! It was definitely a surprise!

It is snowing here but the roads weren't bad. They have closed schools everywhere! Snow and the flu! I am worried about the flu issues with Nicholas and Spencer. Spencer ran a temp yesterday but didn't during the night. He looks weak eyed and pale but seemed better later in the evening. Nicholas had school and Ms. Phyllis said he did an exceptional job! Yeaaahhh! He was feeling pretty good.

Those boys and Mary Bear have been up to something! I have an idea what but will have to wait until Monday I guess!!! Spencer pulled out a birthday card he had started for his Dad but Dad didn't really look at it! He will get his cards they made this evening! They have been so sneaky and will not tell me what is going on. Their little eyes just sparkle!!! Precious!

We are getting Nicholas' needle changed today and another cbc. Pray! Pray! Pray! He fell against the book case and has a huge bruise on his arm and the other bruises aren't fading. That means the platelets are about the same or lower. I'm hoping that bone marrow will kick in and start producing cells.

Congratulations Ms Eva from NC! Ms New Gramma Eva!!!! I think Ms Racquell has adopted this grandbaby too!

Pray for Diane Keel, battling cancer and on some heavy pain meds as well as radiation treatments. Pray for all the children on treatments in some form or the other. Too many are sick!

Keep knee-mailing!

Wednesday, February 9, 2005 6:28 AM CST

Day 199 Oxandrolone Trial

Good Morning,

No Transfusion!!!! Not yet anyway! Thursday may be a different story. His platelets are back down to 14k! Hgb stayed at 11, and his ANC is 1475. I'm just praying his platelets will be higher tomorrow and start going in the upward direction!!!

Spencer was happy to see Mommy yesterday evening! He just hugged and hugged on me! Dad brought him pizza and he was one happy little camper! He loves pizza and could eat it three times a day! Last night as we were going to sleep, Spencer whimpered and said, "Mom, I don't want you to go to work! I want you to stay with us while Daddy goes to work!" Broke my heart. I know he doesn't understand everything and our life is so confusing to him. It is so hard on the siblings of a sick child. We had to talk to him about being rough with Nicholas and had to stop the wrestling completely for now. Nicholas didn't like that one bit! I just pray for all of us!

Nicholas has had a couple of episodes of crying, just bursting into tears without telling you what is wrong. Very moody or sensitive, reactions of the Oxandrolone? Most likely! Are we going to get a marrow reaction too? I pray we get a good reaction! No, a great reaction! Or Fantastic reaction would be much better!

We were playing "I Spy" and I said I spied a cutie patootie. Spencer pointed to himself and said, "Me!" I couldn't help but laugh. Nicholas kissed me and said, "You are my cutie patootie!" I just had a melt down there on the spot! So precious! They are the sweetest!

Please remember all the ones taking treatments of some type. Pray for patience, guidance, wisdom to know when to question the drs, knowledge of what to ask in the first place, and understanding.

Surviving by the Grace of God,

Tuesday, February 8, 2005 11:31 AM CST

Day 198 Oxandrolone Trial

2nd time I've updated today!!!! Lost the first one! ARRRGGGHHH!



Today Nicholas gets bloodwork and should already be at the lab at this time! Pray for his counts even though the bruising is worse. Considering he is more active, maybe just maybe we won't be going for a transfusion!! Who am I kidding? You I hope! Why do I try to make things appear normal? When they are definitely not! I don't want you to worry. That is just the way I am. I'm the type of person to pray and then help Jesus make it happen! Pray for rain, take an umbrella!

My baby, Spencer was awake this morning. Dad had to lay back down with him and then he left for work asap. I wasn't so lucky, he woke up again before I left for work and I had to lay back down with him too. He didn't go back to sleep! and of course that made me late for work! I finally talked him into a smile and was able to leave. Whew! What a way to start the day!

Is the rest of the day going to be the same or worse? Not! It's already better! Every small blessing is a GIANT blessing at this point! Racquell and I are doing the happy dance together for good reports! Yes! Thank the Lord.

Remember all the ones taking treatments. Remember a lady that has breast cancer and they did bone scans on her today. She will start treatments soon too. Oh, I hate cancer and sickness.

Susan thank you so much for the banner. It made me smile. You are so talented!

Ask, Jesus knows how much I have asked.
I'm waiting for a miracle,

Monday, February 7, 2005 6:40 AM CST

Day 197 Oxandrolone Trial


Nicholas and Spencer have had a wonderful weekend. We did make it to church yesterday and then took Nicholas to get fitted for his tux. He is in another wedding as a little groom! He will be adorable! I hope he will be able to do it and the weather is warm! Yes, I can ask for it all!!! I may not get it but I can always ask.

Nicholas will have blood work again tomorrow. No one wanted to wait until Thursday. He is bruising terribly and getting that darkness around eyes and mouth. He is complaining of being tired. I'm sure his platelets have dropped down some. I keep hoping they will get up and stay up. Why isn't that medicine working? There are other medicines available but not all FA patients respond to them either! It is so frustrating.

I think his appetite is increasing. He wants something to eat more often now. I hope and pray it kicks in and stays there! Wouldn't that be a miracle??? Am I asking for too many miracles? It doesn't hurt to ask!!!

Remember all the ones taking treatments of some form, pill, machine, chemo, radiation, therapy, trials, or transfusions. They all need prayer and the care givers too. I heard more request for cancer patients than anything yesterday. I don't know all the names but God does. He even knows the number of hairs on their heads. Yes, God knows what is best for us and we only have to trust Him. He can heal all our diseases or self inflictions as in drugs and alcohol. God can take the desire away. We have to turn it over to Him and let Him take control of our lives. He knows what is best for us but it is up to us to choose, that is why it's called free will. It is our choice, Heaven or Hell.

Trusting in the Healer,

Monday, February 7, 2005 6:40 AM CST

Day 197 Oxandrolone Trial


Nicholas and Spencer have had a wonderful weekend. We did make it to church yesterday and then took Nicholas to get fitted for his tux. He is in another wedding as a little groom! He will be adorable! I hope he will be able to do it and the weather is warm! Yes, I can ask for it all!!! I may not get it but I can always ask.

Nicholas will have blood work again tomorrow. No one wanted to wait until Thursday. He is bruising terribly and getting that darkness around eyes and mouth. He is complaining of being tired. I'm sure his platelets have dropped down some. I keep hoping they will get up and stay up. Why isn't that medicine working? There are other medicines available but not all FA patients respond to them either! It is so frustrating.

I think his appetite is increasing. He wants something to eat more often now. I hope and pray it kicks in and stays there! Wouldn't that be a miracle??? Am I asking for too many miracles? It doesn't hurt to ask!!!

Remember all the ones taking treatments of some form, pill, machine, chemo, radiation, therapy, trials, or transfusions. They all need prayer and the care givers too. I heard more request for cancer patients than anything yesterday. I don't know all the names but God does. He even knows the number of hairs on their heads. Yes, God knows what is best for us and we only have to trust Him. He can heal all our diseases or self inflictions as in drugs and alcohol. God can take the desire away. We have to turn it over to Him and let Him take control of our lives. He knows what is best for us but it is up to us to choose, that is why it's called free will. It is our choice, Heaven or Hell.

Trusting in the Healer,

Friday, February 4, 2005 12:33 AM CST

Day 194 Oxandrolone Trial


Nicholas' platelets are 42K!!! That is the difference between 150cc of platelets and 408cc of platelets via transfusion!!!! He goes a little farther on more fuel!! His white count is up to 8.5 which is a little high for him. He may be fighting something again! Face was flushed yesterday evening and temp of 99 when the home health nurse was here. His hgb is 11 and that has remained steady. He is still feeling good and wrestling around with Dad and Spencer! I love to hear him giggling! I didn't realize how much I'd missed it. Brings tears to my eyes every time I hear him laughing. He just bubbles over and Spencer will laugh so hard! I love to listen to them playing, have I mentioned that???

Nicholas is eating Sissy Bear's chicken and dumpling right now. He is going to tell her to make more!!! Buy more chicken Sis!! I'm having a gall bladder attack so don't count me in on eating any!!!! Nothing sounds good right now!! I was real sick last night but feeling some better today.

Spencer is looking at a Thomas the Tank Engine book and dreaming!!! He has been playing with little trucks and cars and the car wash! They love that car wash!

Thanks Debbie for the package full of goodies and valentines. They have played all evening and most of the morning with the little bears. They pretend they are their cubs and have had a ball with them! Spencer is mocking me type right now! He is so funny! I love being here with them. He doesn't take a nap when I'm home!! He is afraid he'll miss something I guess.

Pray for Mary Bear's husband, Charles. He has a ruptured disk in his back and they are at the dr today! He has been in lots of pain and foot has been numb! Surgery is in the future for him so be praying for them.

Remember all the others taking treatments of some type. Remember all the care givers too.

Remember my baby too for his miracle. We have dodged a transfusion today but Tuesdays counts may be very much lower. If you can give platelets and are O , please consider donating platelets. The number is at he top of the page, please make an appointment today to give. Many heartfelt thanks to whomever donated in the past and for the ones in the future. He could have a hemmorrhage anywhere if his platelets get below 10k. He hasn't had a nose bleed or bleeding gums and I'm so thankful. Him having a nose bleed would be terrifing with a trach. I don't even want to think about it.

Hoping and praying for a miracle, really soon!

Thursday, February 3, 2005 6:58 AM CST

Day 193 Oxandrolone Trial


We are home!!! Quick trip that has left me tired to the bones! My heart was lifted yesterday, "Nothing remarkable about the MRI" other than the existing fluid that we knew was already there. The fluid is showing no signs of increasing the pressure in his brain. Thank God! We will only revise the shunt if the eye dr thinks there is pressure on the optic nerves. The eye dr will check again the next time he is under anesthesia.

Nicholas was blowing kisses when he came awake and immediately looked up to the anesthesia dr and said, "Thank you for taking good care of me!" The nurses were amazed! He was the comedian of the hour and had all those nurses eating out of his hand! They couldn't believe him! He is so precious and sweet.

He was very anxious about being put to sleep and the MRI! Daddy, trying to console him said, "Nicolas, if they did that MRI on me they wouldn't find anything but a watermelon!" Nicholas said, "I know Daddy!" I couldn't help but laugh!!! It was so funny.

Spencer was so happy to see us that he burst out crying!!! He was hugging us and just started boohooing! It broke my heart. Nicholas was so worried about him! He kept saying, " Spence are you ok?" Nicholas kept waiting for Spencer to hug him but he didn't until later and then he said, "I missed you Brudder!" Oh, how precious my babies are!

Nicholas has blood work again today! I hope his counts are up high enough that he doesn't have to have a transfusion. He received the LAST bag of platelets that were on the shelf last time! I hope and pray someone has donated more since then! If you can possibly give, please do so. Call the number listed above and set up an appointment to give platelets. Please.

Remember Diane Keel, she is in tremendous pain and discomfort. Remember Natalie, she is in PICU and needs three organ transplants. Remember their families and the care givers. Remember all the ones on various treatments too.


P.S. Debbie Estep, you actually made me laugh!!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2005 7:02 AM CST

Day 191 Oxandrolone Trial


Nicholas was so happy that his port isn't coming out and he doesn't have to have a PICC line! He cried, "Yippppeeee!" Exactly what I said!!! That was too funny.

He was so happy and I'm sure couldn't concentrate in school yesterday eve. The teacher said he did well but I have my doubts! He was so hyped up! I'm glad that he is happy and able to laugh and play. He is so much different with that red cell transfusion! I'm amazed at the difference in him. Yes, I know I'm repeating myself as I have done so the past few days but I'm so thrilled and I want you to understand what it is like. If you don't have a cause, you don't understand the seriousness of giving blood and platelets. It is actually giving renewed life. He came ALIVE!!!! He hasn't felt this well in so long, I couldn't imagine him at full force, healthy, and no problems!! That would be awesome! Fantastically awesome! And I think being refueled is awesome!!! WOW!

Now, get your mind on Nicholas and feel the need, the need to give blood and platelets. It is a blessing to give. Thank you donors for restoring my babys energy. Thank you, thank you, thank you, and thank you again. Being on the receiving end is a blessing to and so humbling. Thank you.

Remember all the ones taking treatments and on some form of medicine. Remember the care givers for renewed strength, wisdom, and courage. God's Blood bank is always open for transfusions. What type of transfusion do you need? An instant renewing of Faith, Grace, Patience, Salvation, Wisdom, Love, Hope, Courage, and a heart full of pure Joy. Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find. Thank You God for always having the fountain open and all we have to do is tap into it. And we don't have to worry about germs! That is so wonderful and fills my heart with joy.

Jesus was the first blood donor!

Monday, January 31, 2005 7:22 AM CST

**Blood cultures from the port are coming back negative!!! Port is staying in!!!! We still have to go for other procedures but I'm so happy!!!! If it shows up positive again, we'll have to do something then but for now it stays in!!!! Thanks for praying! Yipeeee!

Day 190 Oxandrolone Trial


I'm trying to remember what happened last!!!! It was late Friday evening before he received his transfusion!!!! Same old story, same old fight! Incompetence! I know we aren't the only patient there but the orders were sent ahead of time this time and they still weren't carried out! I can get aggervated about it in a second! OK, let me explain! They will only give him 150 cc of platelets because of his weight, according to their hospital lab policy!!! They they throw away the rest of the platelets, which breaks my heart! The dr ordered an entire unit! They even contacted the Oncology dept in Kingsport! They cannot take orders from Dr Harris in Ohio but they listened to Dr. Kalwinsky in Tn!! He hasn't seen Nicholas in 3 yrs!!!!! I was furious! Just so happens, the charge nurse walked by and spoke to Sharon! She came in to see us and I told her the hospital policy needed to be changed! She asked what was going on! Within 5 minutes, she came in with a Lab tech, they were discussing the situation. I told them that Nicholas could tolerate the entire unit, he had several times before!!! They received another dr's opinion and he blessed the whole unit!!! That releaved the Lab from their responsibility and put it on the 2 dr shoulders! and mine!!!!! Nicholas received the entire unit!!! and did well, no problems at all! Thank God! Swoooosh, went my baloon and I crashed, after I came home of course!!!

Aunt Cathy and Mamaw Boggs came again and they baked valentine cookies with them. The boys loved it!!!
Sissy Bear brought up chicken, gravy, and dumplings again!!! Nicholas ate some of the gravy! He is rotten! Yes, he has Sharon trained!!!!

Overall, we had a wonderful week-end full of laughter and lots of hugs and kisses! Some wrestling with Dad and just hanging out together! We let the bed out that is in the couch and the boys thought that was the best thing in the world! We had a ball!

Getting geared up for this week! Getting all the ducks in a row! We are real tired and frustrated but still kicking! I'm just devastated that his port is infected again and it makes me mad too. Pray for us!

Pray for the families that are struggling and fighting for life. Pray that the nurses will have more common sense and do their job properly. Pray for peace of mind and comfort in the ones that are ready to take flight.

Remember when you are scared, Jesus is right there!

Friday, January 28, 2005 7:01 AM CST

**Platelet Transfusion!!!! Some time today!!! I hope and pray it will be better than last time.

Day 187 Oxandrolone Trial


Nicholas asked for prayer as Anita was changing the needle and we prayed together. He was very anxious but did really well. He held his breath and didn't cry! He is so brave! He was so proud of himself. I pray the cultures come back negative so they don't have to take his port out. Please help me pray. The cbc showed his platelets have dropped to 18k. Short lived happiness! They have fallen from 95k to 18k in a week! I wish the cars could have stayed a little longer at the top of the roller coaster! These downhill plunges are killing me. Swooooooosh! We will have to have another cbc and it probably should be before Monday for sure. I'm in La La land today!!!

We told Nicholas he couldn't wrestle very hard last night and he was disappoint! They played some and he told me later that he has so much fun! Bless his little heart. Spencer cannot understand why he can't be rough!!! I think he understands some but forgets! He has started to aggervate Nicholas by pretending to bite or tickle him chasing him all over the house wiggling his fingers. Nicholas can't stand it and ends up crying! I noticed yesterday that he is realizing that Spencer is playing and they had the best time, laughing and playing. God is good!

Remember Diane Keel, a very courageous Cancer Warrior is in the hospital and needs your Cy-Bear Hugs. Remember all the ones taking treatments and the care givers.

Waiting for a miracle,

Thursday, January 27, 2005 8:12 AM CST

Day 186 Oxandrolone Trial


Nicholas overheard me telling Aunt Cathy that his port had to come out and the questions began. He is getting too sharp. I answer only what he asks and do not tell him everything that is going to happen! He is such a worry wart and immediately started to cry. The first thing he asked was, "Are they putting in a PICC line?" while pointing to his arm. I told him yes. Spencer said, "What is a PICC line?" I told him it was a pheriphally inserted catheter. Nicholas said, "Oh, no! I can't wrestle with Daddy and Bubby with a PICC line!" Yes, he is feeling so good that is the first tradition he picked back up was wrestling with Dad!!! Spencer told him that he would be very careful!! Well, we have the bruises on his legs to show how much fun he has been having! They try to be easy with him but Spencer gets so excited he just cannot be easy at all! Nicholas is feeling so good he can't be easy either! That is a good thing! The feeling good part, anyway!

We are getting bloodwork today but Anita is late getting here. There was black ice at her house and she has to wait until her car thaws out!! Nicholas knows that Thursday is needle change day and he was talking to Sissy Bear on the phone (again!) and asked, "Sissy Bear, do you know what Thursday means? Needles!" He lives in fear of Thursdays and is constantly asking what day it is! Then he will say his days of the week until he comes to Thursday! He is counting the days!

Thanks Megan for the photos! Nicholas loved them! They are on the fridge! Thanks for whomever gave blood and platelets for Nicholas' last transfusion, it restored life and refuel him! It also brought joy, joy, joy to the entire family's hearts. Everyone can see such a difference! He was singing to the top of his lungs yesterday and I told Papaw, "I didn't realize he was feeling so bad, did you?" Papaw couldn't help but laugh, but it was with pure joy!

I found Mamaw a sweatshirt that said, "My Grandkids are the Beary Best" with three bears and hearts on it. She loved it of course!!!

Spencer is still up to his big tall tales! He told me the first thing this morning that he left his big sword at the big house he was building! He pretends to build houses all the time. He will tell me his progress. It is so cute! He told Sissy Bear that he was building her a big house! He will get started talking and there is no stopping him! Sissy said he had a motormouth which cracked Nicholas up!

Remember all the ones taking treatments. Remember the families and the care givers too! It is a wonder we can carry on a normal day and most of the time we are just functioning. Normal? This is our normal! Praying, worrying, and researching continueously, that is our norm!
Waiting for our miracle! Nicholas wanted me to sing, "waiting so long!" last night. It took me a minute to figure out what he was wanting and it was, "When He(God) is four days late, He is still on time." It is a song about Jesus raising up Lazarus! Yes! It broke my heart! I had to hurry out of the room and I don't know how I kept it in! Thank you God for continued strength. He is always faithful.

God still answers prayer,

Thursday, January 27, 2005 8:12 AM CST

Day 186 Oxandrolone Trial


Nicholas overheard me telling Aunt Cathy that his port had to come out and the questions began. He is getting too sharp. I answer only what he asks and do not tell him everything that is going to happen! He is such a worry wart and immediately started to cry. The first thing he asked was, "Are they putting in a PICC line?" while pointing to his arm. I told him yes. Spencer said, "What is a PICC line?" I told him it was a pheriphally inserted catheter. Nicholas said, "Oh, no! I can't wrestle with Daddy and Bubby with a PICC line!" Yes, he is feeling so good that is the first tradition he picked back up was wrestling with Dad!!! Spencer told him that he would be very careful!! Well, we have the bruises on his legs to show how much fun he has been having! They try to be easy with him but Spencer gets so excited he just cannot be easy at all! Nicholas is feeling so good he can't be easy either! That is a good thing! The feeling good part, anyway!

We are getting bloodwork today but Anita is late getting here. There was black ice at her house and she has to wait until her car thaws out!! Nicholas knows that Thursday is needle change day and he was talking to Sissy Bear on the phone (again!) and asked, "Sissy Bear, do you know what Thursday means? Needles!" He lives in fear of Thursdays and is constantly asking what day it is! Then he will say his days of the week until he comes to Thursday! He is counting the days!

Thanks Megan for the photos! Nicholas loved them! They are on the fridge! Thanks for whomever gave blood and platelets for Nicholas' last transfusion, it restored life and refuel him! It also brought joy, joy, joy to the entire family's hearts. Everyone can see such a difference! He was singing to the top of his lungs yesterday and I told Papaw, "I didn't realize he was feeling so bad, did you?" Papaw couldn't help but laugh, but it was with pure joy!

I found Mamaw a sweatshirt that said, "My Grandkids are the Beary Best" with three bears and hearts on it. She loved it of course!!!

Spencer is still up to his big tall tales! He told me the first thing this morning that he left his big sword at the big house he was building! He pretends to build houses all the time. He will tell me his progress. It is so cute! He told Sissy Bear that he was building her a big house! He will get started talking and there is no stopping him! Sissy said he had a motormouth which cracked Nicholas up!

Remember all the ones taking treatments. Remember the families and the care givers too! It is a wonder we can carry on a normal day and most of the time we are just functioning. Normal? This is our normal! Praying, worrying, and researching continueously, that is our norm!
Waiting for our miracle! Nicholas wanted me to sing, "waiting so long!" last night. It took me a minute to figure out what he was wanting and it was, "When He(God) is four days late, He is still on time." It is a song about Jesus raising up Lazarus! Yes! It broke my heart! I had to hurry out of the room and I don't know how I kept it in! Thank you God for continuied strength.

God still answers prayer,

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 6:56 AM CST

*check out his counts after his red cell and platelet transfusions!!!

Day 185 Doubled Dose of Oxandrolone yesterday!


Good news on the marrow!! No leukemia, malignancies, or blasts. He is hypocellular with only about 0-30f marrow in his bones. Our options are: double the dose of Oxandrolone, nupogen but all fa patients do not respond to it, oxmethalone that is known to cause bloody cysts in liver, chronic transfusions, or as a last resort a bmt. We chose to double the dose of Oxandrolone since Dr. Smith felt he had responded in a small way before. If it doesn't work in about a month, we will have to do otherwise.

BMT is not possible with pseudomonas (a bacterial infection) in his lung. I asked if the bottom part of his lung could be removed to elimate the chances of it flaring up during transplant. Dr Harris is consulting with the lung specialist to see if there is any way possible to get it out completely with antibiotics. Thinking back, there is no way they can get biopsies of the bottom part of his lung (unless they go through his back!) and the washings they did previously showed pseudomonas and that means its all over his lung not just isolated to the lower lobe. My opinion is that he has too many bugs in his system that are hanging around and will definitely cause major problems for bmt. The lung specialist may want to do biopsies this visit too. That would be signing a definite death warrant to go into transplant and him with so many infections. His little system is just too weak to fight off the normal bugs that are in the air and on the skin. But that is totally science talk and not God talk!!! I know God can touch him and make a bmt a success. Nicholas is in His hands and always has been.

The boys have said so many funny things and my mind is completely blank!!! I wanted to remember them so and should have written them down!!!! If they come back to me, I'll pass them on. They are so funny and sweet. I love to listen to them playing. Music to my ears!

Did I mention Nicholas is on another high powered antibiotic! He had a reaction to the first dose, broke out with a hive under his arm and a couple of blisters on his chest. It was an instant reaction and I couldn't believe it was the medicine. It disappeared by the time the medicine finished and hasn't had any allergic reactions since. We have to give him about 5 min. worth and stop it to watch for reactions, then we can finish it. Who knows?

His port is coming out next week. Meaning, he will have to have a PICC line put into his arm or another location for a while. They may go with a central line next time but if the bugs in his system aren't gone, it will become infected too. DUUHHH! That is just common sense stuff! I suggested a completly different location if possible!!!???

I tried to change the subject but you see where my heart is!!!

Remember all the ones taking treatments, Diane Keel, Apryl who is getting ready for transplant for FA, Will, Pam, the Tys, Khalita, Matthew, Kyliejae, Alyssa, and all the ones that I didn't mention but are on my heart and I check on. The family of Jack Baker also need our prayers.

God DOES answer prayer,

Monday, January 24, 2005 11:24 AM CST

Day 183 Oxandrolone Trial
Yes, we are still on it for now!!


No decisions to change medicines have been made as of yet. We will make a decision after the bone marrow aspirate results come back.

Good news first? As Sissy Bear updated, Nicholas is prancing, dancing, singing, laughing, playing with boundless amounts of energy. Different as Daylight and Dark!!! Talking about re-fueled!! The red cells brought him back to life!!!!! Amazing difference! He sang all the way home except for a nap!!!

After hugging, kissing, laughing, and acting silly in front of Nicholas, Spencer informed him he didn't miss him!!! I burst out laughing!!! No one believed that!! Oh, we all missed each other so much.

Bad news! His port is infected with yet another bug and has to be removed!!! They wanted us back this week but it looks like it cannot be scheduled until February 2. The eye dr did get to look in his eyes while he was under anestesia and consulted with a neurosurgeon. The neuro wants a MRI of the brain and that will take place while he is under this next trip. Nicholas was too scared to do the ct scan while awake, he tried and said, "I'll try to be brave!" but he was just too scared. He was so pitiful. It broke our hearts too. I should have known better. We couldn't get it scheduled while he was under this time like we normally do. Hopefully, that will be different this time.

I did manage to get his port needle changed and his mic-key button while he was under this time!!! He was shocked and the first thing he said was, "Anita will be shocked!" Anita is the home health nurse that usually changes it. He will have a big story to tell her on Thursday!!!

Remember all the ones taking treatments and their care givers. Keep praying for our miracle.

God does answer prayer,

Sunday, January 23, 2005 8:08 AM CST

Sissy Bear here!
Nicholas is home again!!! There is a world of difference in him after receiving red blood cells and a platelet transfusion. He came prancing through the door, practically dancing! He and Spencer met with a big embrace; they were so happy to see each other. Of course, another embrace came later and some performing from Spencer which made his brother laugh.
I had chicken gravy and dumplings ready for Nicholas; he told me I had made his day. He knows what to say when!!!!
He told his mamaw and papaw, "God answers prayers!" From the mouth of babes....

Test results will come in next week; no decisions have been made at this time.
Sissy Bear.

Friday, January 21, 2005 10:52 AM CST

Sissy Bear here.
I talked to Donna last night; Nicholas did not feel like talking. It was about 9:30 P. M.; they had just given Nicholas red blood cells and was going to give him a platelet transfusion. They began yesterday morning about 9:00, so they had a long day of bm aspiration, blood work, and I don't know what all. While he was sedated, they changed the needle in port, changed his mickey button; he was glad all that was done while he was sleeping.
Donna and Jeff don't eat either while Nicholas has to fast, so Donna had a severe headache last night; I suppose partly because of no food, but mostly from stress.
Please remember them in your prayers for strength and safe travel. There was a 3" snow on and they were supposed to travel back to hotel in KY, about 15 min. away. Also, they will be traveling back home tomorrow.
Thanks for all your concern and prayers,
Sissy Bear.
ps. Spencer is staying with me; he is missing them, but is doing well.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005 7:08 AM CST

Day 178 Oxandrolone Trial

Good Morning,

Everything was booked in Cincy at our normal stomping grounds and we had to get a room about 10 miles out! I'm sure we could have found something closer but we really aren't far away. Nicholas was devastated! He couldn't understand why we weren't staying in Cincy! He keeps on asking the name of the place where we are staying, over and over. I can tell he is forgeting other facts too. He will try to tell me something and forgets the name of things. I've noticed it alot this week. It is so scary.
Heartbreaking! I hate FA and cancer and all sickness.

New cup!!!! I was going through their stuffed animals, trying to get rid of some!!! Yeah, right!!! Every time I'd pick one up, they wanted to keep it and would start playing with it. They left the room and I managed to get rid of some!!!! Ronald McDonald House, here we come!!!
Nicholas would say, "This one isn't fuzzy!" He knows he cannot have the fuzzy ones! Some were smooth or cloth! He is too smart!!!

Please be praying for our miracle. Thanks Khalita, I know everything is up to God and it is all in His hands. That is where my miracle is coming from!!!!! Pray for our patience!

Pray for all the people taking treatments, for courage to fight and the wisdom to know when to let go.

I was praying for some pain relief this morning and then stopped in the middle of it and just asked God to give all of whatever He had in store for me to Nicholas. I would joyously endure all of his pain if it were possible. Why can't I trade places?


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 7:33 AM CST

Day 177 Oxandrolone Trial.
Day 180 will be 6 months!!!!!!


If you came back here yesterday evening, then you know Nicholas platelets were up but the rest of his counts were down. They were: anc=160 :(, platelets are 52k transfused!
hgb down to 7.8!
mom and dad's spirits= together may be a 1!!!

Mamaw and Papaw came to see the boys yesterday evening. I was telling Mamaw that if they find an abundant amount of CD-34 cells, then we may do the gene therapy. Nicholas asked, "What did you say Mom?" I knew I was in trouble then!! He had heard me and then the questions began. I told him what I had said and he asked, "Where do they find those cells?" "Do they have to stick my port?" I told him no, that he was already accessed. I hope they can change the needle while he is still under for the bm aspirate! "How do they get them out? Do they have to put me to sleep?" Yes. Then he started puckering up and saying that he didn't want to be put to sleep. I told him that Dr Harris had to look at his bone marrow to see what kind of medicine to give him. I then pretended to be Dr Harris and was writing down the facts as I found them! Bone Marrow, Check! Platelets, Check! Red Cells, Check! Now what kind of medicine do we need to boost those platelets and red cells, hummmmmmm, Oh this one will work!!!!! This got him tickled and turned the tide!! I looked at Mamaw and she was about to burst out crying. Thankfully, when he started smiling, so did she. Mom finally began to breathe!!!
Sissy and Daddy Bear came up and played hide-n-seek for a while and Nicholas was short of breath again. He was pale and sort of pasty looking. I can tell his counts are going down just by watching his color.

Talking about breaking my heart, it is. Watching him go down hill and then someone else will say, "He is so pale!" in front of him! I cringe inside! Sometimes, I want to scream, "He has ears!! and feelings!!!" Everytime we have to explain what is happening, the wind is knocked out of my sails. It is hard to be strong for everyone. Especially for Nicholas and Spencer, but I have to be strong for them.
We gathered around the bed and had prayer last night. Spencer reached over and kissed Nicholas' foot. So sweet! Broke my heart! Then he patted my hand and kissed it. He senses that something is happening and is trying to process it. He prays for Nicholas. Thursday, when Anita came to change Nicholas' needle, Spencer knelt down at the hall tree. Mary thought he was playing with a car but later, he popped in the bedroom and asked, "Brother, are you ok?" "Mary, did you see me praying at the hall tree?" Precious, the love of a brother.

Remember Diane Keel, Ed, and Racquell Werbe, Diane's cancer is back and they need our prayers. What a fighter she is! She is an inspiration to all of us to keep moving FORWARD, no matter what the circumstances are, just keep going!!!! Pray for grace, mercy, and wisdom for her doctors and all the family, all the TEAM!! Life is a TEAM sport, the slogan on Hendricks Motor Sports, wrist bands for bone marrow awareness!!!!! It is definitely a TEAM effort, especially the CB team!!! Thanks for all the guestbook entries here too. You are a part of our Team and we couldn't make it without you!!

Hug them tight and let them know you love them,

Monday, January 17, 2005 6:59 AM CST

anc=160 :(
platelets are 52k transfused!
hgb down to 7.8!
mom and dad's spirits= together may be a 1!!!

Day 176 Oxandrolone Trial


We've have a very busy weekend. Mamaw Boggs and Aunt Cathy came over yesterday and the boys played and played with them. Popcorn and banna splits were the party foods and crawling through the tent was the highlight, well, Aunt Cathy getting stuck in the tent was!!!! Nicholas butted her with his head to help her through!!!! He is too funny. Spencer giggling all the way!! They were hilarious.

Nicholas cannot play for long at a time without breathing real loud and fast. We had to make him sit down a couple of times to rest. He hasn't coughed up any more blood though. He has been feeling good and playing in spurts. He keeps saying, "I'm so tired!"

We were saying our prayers and prayed for Uncle Ronald who is in the hopsital and Nicholas said, "That woman with the race truck, what is her name?" I told him Racquell and he said, "And Diane, she isn't feeling good either." Sorry Ed, he didn't mention you! We have been praying for you all all weekend and I requested prayer from others too. Hope you all are having a better day today. All things are possible with God.

Remember us as we go to Cincinnati this week. Nicholas gets so scared and panics when a nurse goes near him. Remember all the children and adults taking treatments and for the families for guidance, wisdom, and patience.

God Bless,

Friday, January 14, 2005 12:28 AM CST

Day 173 Oxandrolone Trial


A transfusion of confusion once again!!! Yesterday, we waited and waited, it was after 8:30 pm before they even started and we were there around 4:15!!! Someone dropped the ball!!! Nurses didn't have orders, platelets were there and waiting. I was so mad, I would have walked if he didn't need the platelets. We finally got the platelets transfused and arrived home around 11:30 pm last night!!! Nicholas wanted mashed potatoes and ham!! Guess what he was doing around midnight!! Yes, eating mashed potatoes and ham!!! Dad and Bubbie were asleep but Dad woke up when we came home. He had just dosed off to sleep and Nicholas tried to climb on the bed to get some sugar!! What a night!! That will never happen again. I promise!!! Chaos! Total Chaos!!!

Nicholas is still coughing up pink tinged sputem and is breathing a little fast. He appears to be ok but I'm not sure what is going on with his lungs. His secretions are very thick and dark sometimes with bright red specks of blood. Sorry to be so descriptive but that is just the

I'm drained today but in survival mode!! I'm fortified with a couple cups of coffee and still barely keeping my eyes open!! Sitter is off today and I'm home with my precious babies. They are so sweet. Ms Libbey brought a bunch of stuff to play with by the hospital last night which included wooden snakes and that is all they have played with this morning. They are something else! I found out later that Nicholas had asked her to come. He is getting good at begging that is for sure or Libbey is easily persuaded!!! Honestly? A little of both!!!

The speech therapist is here and they are playing a game of "Guess Who!" She is trying to explain the rules!!! Good Luck, Ms Davina!!! The rules will be modified that is for sure!!! I'll try to join in a moment!!! I want to play too!!!!! It helps to be a big kid sometimes!!!

Now, Nicholas' counts should be good for the trip to Cincy next week. I would like for him to have is port needle and his mic-key button changed while he is asleep for the bone marrow aspiration. He will think that is so cool!!! God Bless his little heart! He still looks pasty this morning but not as dark around eyes and mouth. He has been playing and laughing all morning. They are a hoot!

Thanks to whoever gave platelets on 1/10/05!! Our heartfelt thanks for your dedication, platelets, and time it took for you to donate. Thanks for the gift of life.

Remember all the children taking treatments and their families, for hope and patience.


Thursday, January 13, 2005 7:02 AM CST

*** Going for transfusion but not sure when. Please call the above number and schedule an appointment to give platelets if you are able. Thanks.

**Nicholas hasn't coughed any more but his platelets are down to 12, hgb is 8.3 and his anc is 1987. Overall, his counts are the lowest they have been this year except for the platelets.
I still don't know about transfusion yet.

*Nicholas is coughing up bright red blood! We will probably be going for a transfusion......stay tuned. :(

Day 172 Oxandrolone Trial


Nicholas has his needle changed today in his port. Please remember him in your prayers. Pray for good cbc results too. He had a great day yesterday and told his teacher that he was terrific!! He was feeling so good. After school, he immediately called Sissy and Daddy Bear for him to bring up his banjo! He was thrilled and played and played on it. He actually rubbed a blister on his pinky in just a short time but he had a ball doing it!!! We found something for him to use as we didn't have any picks. Talking about jamming!! Spencer and Sissy Bear went to town! I captured it on video!!!! Can you tell we are all monkeys!!? Especially, when it comes to the boys!!!

Nicholas wore his red boots yesterday and had to put them on to show Sissy Bear too! He stepped back on Spencer's toe and Spencer fussed at him. Nicholas said, "Spencer, Don't you know I don't have eyes in the back of my head?????" Sissy and Daddy Bear cracked up and I could here Spencer giggling! They are so funny!

I will not be worth a hoot today until I get those results!!! I don't really have a bad feeling about them today for some strange reason. Maybe, just maybe, he won't have to go for a platelet transfusion. Or I'm numb. Too much happening in too short of a time span. It is hard to process all the feelings, emotions, and the realization that we may be out of options for Nicholas at the same time. Besides the fact that I had surgery too. I don't know why I'd be so bogged down!!! I know, God makes a way and I'll keep trusting in Him. That is how we are making it!

Now you know why I've signed this years motto as "Strive to stay alive in 2005!!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2005 6:51 AM CST

Day 171 Oxandrolone Trial


I predicted that Dr. H would put Nicholas back on an antibiotic and guess what?? He did!! He is now on Clindamycin through his port for 7 days. The local folks said it was through his g-tube. I had to make several calls to get that straightened out. I knew it should be though his port!! I know what Dr H is doing, keeping him on antibiotics until we get there next week. Nicholas has a lot of appointments in two days. He will get another bone marrow aspiration and a possible ct scan of his head for the little episodes that he has been having. I feel his hydrocephalus is getting worse but not causing seisures, I don't think anyway. His shunt hasn't worked in 3 years. I just pray they don't have to replace it soon unless of course the fluid is putting pressure on his brain, then it would have to be replaced. He is definitely dropping platelets and getting more pale every day. Did I mention that I dread tomorrow's counts!!!?

I have photos of the boys putting on their shoes they got for Christmas! His red boots were a huge success!! He thinks he is IT, THE COWBOY! Spencer loves his Thomas tennis shoes too! He had to go put on his boots too and posed and posed!! I'll try to post some photos today if I can. They are gorgeous! and some are hilarious!!! All are precious! Nicholas told Sissy Bear, "They are red as red can be!" Sissy Bear told him she would wear her red boots and they could dance! I told them they could do the boot scooting boogie! Look out Lyons Fork, our house will be shaking!!!

Kim's hubby Sammy called me and said that Kim was in lots of pain. She had one disk that was badly ruptured! She may get to come home today. Please remember her in your prayers.

Remember the Fecteau family from Canada, their daugher Charlotte passed away last week. She had FA and suffered many complications from the BMT. She is now a beautiful angel.

Remember all the children taking treatments. Remember all the families, it is a struggle every day dealing with sickness, heart break, and the emotional roller coaster ride. The last time Nicholas has a transfusion, it zapped me! I was forever regaining my strength back. Thanks for all who have been there for me, you will never know how important a positive attitude is when you need one!!!

Strive to stay alive in 2005!

Tuesday, January 11, 2005 7:12 AM CST

Day 170 Oxandrolone Trial


Here is an example of how sensitive Nicholas is. He spoke to Diane Keel on the phone and knew immediately she wasn't feeling well. He said, "You sound funny, what's the matter?" I told him I bet she thinks he talks long and slow!!! and that got his mind off of her!!! It was great talking to her and Racquell. Nicholas'eyes just sparkeled when she mentioned riding in the race truck!!! He loved that idea!! He got so excited when I told him they may come to see us or we would meet somewhere when the Werbe Team goes to NC!!! Maybe it will turn into a CaringBridge Picnic like Eva said!!!! That would be great!

Yesterday was a pretty good day, he felt some better and was laughing and playing for the most of the day. It's times like that that make you forget the bad stuff. Nicholas did well in school yesterday evening too. He is reading more and more and impoving some too. I don't think anyone is pushing him at the moment! I don't know how he feels like concentrating anyway. He is amazing and just doesn't stop trying. He is definitely a fighter and has a lot of fight left in him!

Aunt Cathy brought them a Brit Lite Cube and they loved it!!! I printed off some photos for her and she fell in love with my printer!!! Now she wants one!!!

I am ordering some Wrist Bands to sell. They will be pink, red, and white with written on them. If you want one, just let me know. I'll post the price when they come in. Thanks to Krisstina and the Joy Team for getting this on the roll!

Remember all the children taking treatments in your prayers. Remember Kim Belcher, she is having back surgery today. Nicholas told her he would pray for her! We left her a photo that Nicholas autographed at her home this morning. Be sure to get it Kim!!!

Need God? Ask Him!
Don't need God, Thank Him!

Monday, January 10, 2005 6:58 AM CST

Day 169 Oxandrolone Trial


We had a wonderful weekend until the home health nurse called and said that Nicholas' port culture came back positive with staph, the kind that is common on the skin. It takes a high powered antibiotic, Vancromycin to kill it and Nicholas had an allergic reaction to it. We had to take him in yesterday for a foot stick for blood cultures and cbc. He cried so pitiful that it broke my heart. He had only one stick but that was enough. As soon as it was overwith, he was all smiles and we went for ice cream. He actually took a couple of licks off Dad's cone. He said, "This is the greatest day ever!" He is definitely a super hero!

His platelets have fallen to 28k from 61k on Thursday. Hgb was 9.6 and his anc was 1380 I believe. I don't have them in front of me and trying to do it from memory! I'll change them later if I'm wrong. I dread to see what this Thursdays are going to be.

If we don't get the correct medicine in him to help his bone marrow to produce more cells, then we are in trouble. If God doesn't heal my baby, there is no hope for him. How long can he live being transfusion dependent? If anyone knows, please email me. I know as long as God wants him to live and until the transfusions do not make his counts any higher. That is scary, scary, scary. All Nicholas wants is for March, Spring, warm weather to get here so he can go outside and play. I pray he gets his chance to ride the Gator!

Keep praying for all the children taking treatments.
If you need something, Call on God
If not, Thank God.

Friday, January 7, 2005 6:37 AM CST

Day 166 Oxandrolone Trial


Nicholas bloodwork came back with platelets 68k, hgb 8.6, hct 24.7 and rbc 2.41. I'm not sure what his anc is yet. All of it wasn't back by the time I left here yesterday evening. Overall, he has held on to the platelets a little longer this time and the other counts had dropped a little bit. I think.....who knows what I think! I forgot what I was going to type!!! Of course, I'm not brain dead, you have to have a brain first!!!

Can you tell by the above photo that Nicholas has lost weight? The little boy on the left holding Spencer is six years old too! It breaks my heart to see how different he looks with just a 5 lb drop. His jeans are so baggy and they were getting too tight around his thighs, not now! I hope he can gain some back soon. You can bet your breeches, I'm trying! He has been pulling one over on us, wanting off the feeder, he just has to use the bathroom!!! Yeah, right! He has picked up this term and uses it all the time now!! It's so cute. Mom's to blame for that one!

I found a Thomas Fix-It Station at Wal-Mart and Spencer played with it the rest of the evening. It was so cute with a little air compressor that moves various tools which are used to wash and repair Thomas the Train Engine! He didn't even participate in anything Mamaw and Papaw did until Papaw got in the floor to wrestle! Then, he was back and forth. He absolutely loved it!!! I know, I know, he needed another toy!!!

Nicholas called Kimmy Bear to see how she was feeling. She was moving some boxes and injured her back. She may be going to surgery on Monday!! Pray for her! She had been asleep and when she spoke, Nicholas asked, "What's wrong?" immediately. He is so sensitive! She probably doesn't even remember talking to him!!! He told her that he would pray for her. How precious is that?

Pray for Kimmy Bear, and all the others taking treatments of some type. There are so many that need your prayers.

Thanks to the donor who gave platelets. If you are O and would like to be a single donor for platelets, this is the type Nicholas needs, call 423-224-5888 to make an appointment. It takes a couple of hours to harvest the platelets. If you are not O , go give so some other child can live. Thank you.

Blessings to you,

P.S. Susan, I'm sorry I had to take the graphic off your guestbook enty, it was hanging up the site. I printed it off to show Nicholas! It was so cute. I copied/pasted back the message. I hope I didn't mess up too badly!! Thanks for being there for me and answering my mulitude of questions!!

Thursday, January 6, 2005 6:36 AM CST

*One stick reaccessed the port and no other blood work!!! PTL! I'll post when I have some counts.

Day 165 Oxandrolone Trial


Nicholas and Spencer were thrilled to the max when they saw Damon and his family there to visit! Spencer said, "There comes Dad in his grey truck!" Nicholas said, "That's not Dad!" Spencer said, "It may be Damon!" About that time Damon popped his head out of the truck and Nicholas screamed, "DAMON!" He loves Damon! He kept on screaming his name! Jacob, Ben, Abram, Amanda, Mamaw, Papaw, and Damon came up and ate with us and the boys were so happy. Spencer kept after Jacob! I had to scold him several times for hitting him! He was excited and couldn't be still and was a little too rough! Jacob, bless his little heart is 9 and just let them wool him good! It was so precious. Nicholas couldn't play hard without breathing too hard and fast and had to continually sit and rest. It didn't matter as long as DAMON was holding him!!! He had Damon in the Spiderman tent!! Damon is about 6-5!!!! Yes, his long legs stuck out of the tent!! I should have snapped a photo!! I did get one of the boys together that is just precious. I'll try to add it to the home page later.

Nicholas does get bloodwork today, port and foot sticks too. I dread it for him and pray it's not too bad. Hopefully, Anita will get it on the first stick. Pray for them.

They are going to do a bone marrow aspirate when we go to Cincy later this month. I cannot believe they even think they are going to find any cd-34 cells, those are what is needed for gene therapy. He only had 10 percent of what they needed in April, 04! His counts are lower now! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this stuff out!!! Common sense can easily do the job for the most part!!

I honestly don't know if we are going to continue the Oxandrolone or not. Six months is a good try in my opinion and we have not gotten the results that we wanted, as in higher platelet and rbc counts. I just pray there is another medicine available that will do the job. If not, we may be without an option. No hope for help. I know God can heal but He may have other plans. Pray that we can accept His plans whatever they are, with Grace and peace.

I pray for inspiration, strength and courage,

Wednesday, January 5, 2005 6:32 AM CST

Day 164 Oxandrolone Trial


It seems that the nurse didn't take one of the ends off Nicholas' line when she drew the blood cultures which could result in a contaminated culture! I hope and pray that is what happened. They are doing repeat cultures tomorrow!

Nicholas was feeling lots better yesterday evening. I set up their Spiderman tent and they had a ball. I laughed and laughed at them playing. I took pictures!!! They loved it and guess who slept in it last night? Spencer had to have in in his room and he slept in the floor. I put pillows down first! He thought he was something. I just couldn't get enough sugar yesterday evening. He had missed me too!

Nicholas sounded dry when he was breathing and I put him back on moisture and gave him a treatment. It didn't take long before he coughed up some really junky gunk. Then I could hear something still in his trach that he couldn't get out. I had to deep suction him! That was a first in a long time. He was scared but I talked him through it and suctioned out a huge plug! It would even go into the tube with water! Nicholas' couldn't believe it! He said, "Wow! I didn't know that was in there Mom!" Sorry, I don't mean to be gross but this is an every day thing with us! He sounded better but coughed throughout the night. I think he needs to stay on his moisture a little longer or during the day some. He is getting his antibiotics now once a day and I'm not up every 6 hrs. Thank the Lord! I was still up with him suctioning during the night, venting his tummy, and checking his temp. He was running a low grade of 99.6* when we went to bed but he cooled off during the night.

I had my staples taken out on Monday and Nicholas told me last night that he would pray for my tummy to get better! He is so sweet. He told Mamaw the other day that he would pray for her arm where she had burned it. When we left the hospital, Nicholas asked, "Mom, do you know who is with us?" Who? He said, "God is with us!" Debbie, the nurse, said, "Some one is teaching him right!" He told Mary the other day that he missed his father! She asked him if he meant his Dad and he said, "No, God, my Heavenly Father!" Sometime we have no words to say and just listen.

Sissy Bear went to give blood but her's was too low to give! It broke her heart and she cried all the way home. She told them that she wanted to give for Nicholas and the lady told her that Nicholas had brought out a lot of donors!!! That thrilled my heart. I know how she feels, I cried when I realized I couldn't give any for a while because of surgery. A BIG thank you to all who gave on Nicholas' behalf.

Baby Eddie received great news! There wasn't any evidence in his heart that anything had been wrong! God is good!

Remember all the children and adults taking treatments. Remember those parents with empty arms too. Remember my baby.

Congratulations to David and Michelle Altizer on the birth of their baby girl, McKenzie Jade! Now, Tanner and Ethan have a new baby to play with!!!

Thanks again to all who gave blood,

Tuesday, January 4, 2005 7:03 AM CST

**The Vicious cycle has begun again. His port cultures are positive for "gram cocci", not identified as of yet. That means antibiotics, which means diarrhea, which means dehydration, which means....
see what I mean. How much of this can my baby stand? Pray for him, please.

Day 163 Oxandrolone Trail


We went to the dr office and let him check Nicholas. Nicholas was feeling pretty good and loved and kissed on Dr B. Dr Begley said, "Nicholas, I believe you know how to get to a man don't you!" Nicholas said, "Dr. Begley?" Yes. "I love you!" Dr B told him he loved him too. This is how it usually goes when Nicholas is feeling half way decent. We got to the hospital for chest x-ray, blood cultures, and a dose of Rocephin and then we had to wait over two hours until the platlets got there. I gave Nicholas his dose of Benedryl and Tylenol before the transfusion. Nicholas jumped and said, "Mom, where am I?" He looked so scared and he was frantic. I calmed him down and am still trying to figure out what exactly happened. He did it again a little later. It broke my heart and the nurses just stopped whatever they were doing and just watched him for a while. It was scary. The Benedryl makes him real grumpy and he wasn't in the best of moods when we arrived home at 9:30pm. Spencer was in major hyper form! He was bouncing off the walls and Nicholas wasn't the least impressed! He was totally mad at Spencer for making too much noise while he was trying to talk to Sissy Bear. He pouted and pouted! Dad talked to him and he told me, "I'm just going to ignore Spencer!"

I'm totally washed out this morning and overslept! I feel achy all over and cannot even imagine what Nicholas feels like with platelets down to 7k! I checked him through out the night for fever but he didn't have one. He coughed up a lot of junk. I hope and pray he has a much better day today.

Pray for Baby Eddie, the baby with a hole in its heart. Pray for Kylejae's family, they are having one tradgy after another in their family besides the flu!! Pray for Heather that she gets some much needed sleep. Pray for my baby too. Pray for Kayla Lackey's Dad, Bill who is having a stint put in today.

Thanks for all the prayer yesterday, for all the guest book entries and the encouragement. You all are the best! Thanks for being there for us. Give your children a big bear hug!

Thankful for another day,

Monday, January 3, 2005 7:01 AM CST

**Platelets are 7, yes 7, we are going for transfusion, blood cultures, antibiotics, and dr visit!! Pray for my baby.

Day 162 Oxandrolone Trial


Saturday, Nicholas ran a temp of 101.6 most of the day. He started the New Year off with feeling bad and drooping around all day. I was droopy too but we have survived. I think my motto for this year is.....Strive to stay Alive in 2005!!!!

Yesterday, he felt better and was back to his little loving self. Kissing everyone that crossed his path and just being his normal little angel self. I love it when he feels good. He looks real bad, pale but dark around his eyes and mouth. It is breaking my heart in two watching his decline. We have a very somber household as of now. New Year's was just another day. The only highlights are when the boys are laughing and playing. Sweet, sweet music to my ears. Spencer was trying to take the tires off the Gator! They are too cute with all the tools banging here and there! I get so tickled at them. Nicholas and Spencer are still playing with the stuffed snakes they bought at the petting zoo in July! They loved them and now are putting them in the Gator and taking them for rides! Hilarious!

I have taken a load of photos! I'll have to post them asap! The boys have said so many cute things that I can't remember all of them. I have enjoyed being home with my babies! Nicholas keeps asking when Spring is getting here. He knows it gets warmer and wants to take the Gator and Tractor outside! He keeps asking! I pray they get to enjoy them as much as they can. Uncle Kenny has a new foal that is simply adorable. I can't wait for the boys to see it.

I'm sorry my mind is hopping and jumping but Nicholas gets bloodwork today and had to fast for five hours! I am worried about him and know his platelets are going to be down again. How long can he hold on with his counts so low? How long can he be transfusion dependant? His body will get use to the transfusions and will get to the point that they won't work anymore. I'm still praying for a miracle. We are in desperate need of one or more!

Remember Lakshmi Amulya's family, she passed away on the 29th from complications of the BMT for FA. Pray for all the families taking treatments of some type. Pray for Nicholas.

Strive to stay alive in 2005,

Another prayer request:

I have an URGENT prayer request for you all. One of my cousins on Kent's side of the family has a nephew who is about 6 months old named Eddie. Tonight they found out that he has a hole in his heart and that the heart is so enlarged that it is pressing on his little lungs and so they cannot function properly. He is being sent to a children's hospital tomorrow. They don't know if they can get his lungs working properly. My pastor and Kent and I prayed together for this little baby and I need you all to stand in prayer with me also. This is a SERIOUS situation. Little Eddie needs a miracle. Pray. Pray. Pray. Please.

Love in Christ,

Thursday, December 30, 2004 6:49 AM CST

Day 158 of Oxandrolone Trial

Good Morning,

I went home to two happy to see mommy boys. "Hi Mommy, I missed you!" were the sweet Spencer words that greeted me.
Nicholas was getting a breathing treatment and was feeling a little droopy. It is no wonder with him trotting to the bathroom all day. He was a little on the "Spencer is getting on my nerves!" mode, which means he isn't feeling well. I couldn't lift him so he slid off the bed and we went into the living room to play with Legos!

Nicholas wants to use the phone all the time now that he can dial Mamaw, Sissy Bear, and Kim all by himself. He loves that phone! He called Sissy Bear and asked them to come up. He told Daddy Bear, "I miss you!" Yes, you guess it, here they came. Who wouldn't after that!!!! They played Hide n Seek and Nicholas had to take a break, then it was Lego time again. Nicholas was crawling around on top of the Legos and I know he will be bruised to high Heavens!

Nicholas has blood work today and was suppose to be fasting for five hours but guess who didn't wake up at all last night!!! I slept like a log and so did everyone else! I figured Spencer would have nightmares from watching Dad change the dressing on my surgery sight! He just had to watch and then he would pet my head and say, "Poor Mommy!" "It will be all right, Little One!" "It will feel brand new in a minute!" Nicholas had to have his glasses on so he could see my stitches! They weren't stitches they were staples, six of them! He was straining his little eyes out trying to see! I thought Spencer was going to turn green but he didn't and came back to watch again! He is something else! Dad was so patient with him and explained every thing he was doing. I think that helped him not to be scared. He wanted to know exactly what Dad was doing. He is too cute!

Remember all the children taking treatments and the adults too. Remember to hug'em tight and let them know you love them.

I'll post the results when I get them.
God Bless you,

Wednesday, December 29, 2004 6:49 AM CST

*check out photos!

Day 157 Oxandrolone Trial


I'm baaack! After a big scare and some minor surgery, I'm back in the saddle! Yes! I said me! Scar tissue from the c-sections was giving me some problems and I had to get it taken care of. They sent it for evaluation but I think its ok. Thank God Dad is there to help lift the boys or I couldn't make it!! He is definitely a handy man!!!! Ha! I love my jokes!! He is a carpenter by trade!

Now on to the main subject, His Highness is suffering from diarrhea again. I think it's a bug or the antibiotics he just finished up. His blood work came back with his platelets down to 49k (transfusion 12/23/04), hgb 8.9, and his ANC was 389! We are staying with the G-CSF three times a week instead of two. Thank goodness. He looks really pale and peaked. I wish Santa had a healing dose in his sack. I keep praying for a miracle. He will play for a while and then just lie down. They have enjoyed the Gator and the tractor so much even without batteries! I love to listen to them playing. It is music to this Mom's ears. Nicholas was singing to the top of his lungs the other day, "Don't ever loose sight of your goal!" I had the monitor on and it sounded so sweet and precious, I wish I'd taped it. One of those heart memories. One I did capture was him laughing at Spencer! He was so tickled he couldn't stop laughing. Oh the joy that radiates from his sweet little face. It's infectious! Spencer kept trying himself when he realized that Nicholas was laughing at him! It was too cute! They are so precious. Wonderful gifts for Christmas! I love my boys.

Remember all the children and adults taking treatments. Go give your babies a big hug and kiss, it doesn't matter how old they are! Let them know you love them. Don't take them for granted.

God's Blessings,

Monday, December 27, 2004 6:37 AM CST

Day 155 Oxandrolone Trial


Where do I begin!? Overall, we were blessed beyond measure for Christmas. The boys had a wonderful time and do not want me to take the tree down.

I'll start with the 22nd, Wednesday was blood work and needle change day! His platelets had dropped to 11k and Dr. Harris wanted him to have a transfusion. I called and they said the platelets would be ready at 3:00 pm the next day! I couldn't believe my ears! The next day? What if it had been an emergency? To me it was! I was so hyped up and when she told me that all the air left the balloon and I was completely exhausted. On Thursday, I wasn't much better and could not function properly! I didn't have any energy nor coffee!! If it hadn't been for Sissy Bear, I wouldn't have made it through the day. She came up and loaded the blazer and took us to get the transfusion. Thanks Sis, you are the best! The platelets were not single donor and that worried me. They had finished going in and Nicholas started chilling and his temp went up to 99.9* but they let us go home. We were gone for 5 hrs total! We arrived home and his temp went to 101.6* but Tylenol took care of it! Santa also helped! Yes, Santa came to our house early to visit with the boys! He was just the greatest! The boys were thrilled! I couldn't believe Spencer! He just took up with him like he was part of the family. He climbed up in his lap and hugged him. Spencer has NEVER sat on Santa's lap before!! I do have photos!!! and video!

Friday, the boys opened their gifts and they have played and played and then played some more. They loved their Gator and Tractor that Santa brought. Dad asked Spencer if he was going to sleep in it and he asked, "Where is my pillow?" He would have. He did eat in it!!!! They both loved them and I can't wait until Spring so they can enjoy them outside. We didn't put the batteries in but they've had a ball with them. They also received Laser key chains from Mike and that is all they have played with since! They absolutely loved them! Thanks Mike, they loved them.

Saturday, everyone came to our house for Christmas! Yes, all of us turkeys were stuffed!! Good food, fellowship, and God's blessings, how much more do we need? It was wonderful. Mamaw and Papaw loved their footprints and handprints on the ceramic tiles!

Yesterday, Nicholas said he was hurting in his side "my hip", I patted his lung on that side but he wouldn't let me go very low. He said, "Ouch!" I know he has pneumonia in it. I pray the antibiotics work soon. He is still on them! He even gives to his left side when he walks. Please remember him in your prayers. I think they are doing blood work again today. I'll post when I find out the results.

Remember all the children and adults taking treatments.

God Bless you,

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 6:40 AM CST

Day 149 Oxandrolone Trial


I have some good news!!! Pita and The Werbe Crew do the hat dance all over again! Nicholas is feeling much, much better! I think the worst is over with and he is on the mend. He is still sneezing and coughing some but overall looks and acts much better. I'm so thrilled. Spencer still sounds like he has some congestion in his chest but you can't tell anything is wrong with him! He is rotten! Thank the Lord they both are feeling better.

I hooked Nicholas up to one of his meds and checked on it a half an hour later when it should have been finished and guess what? I hadn't unclamped one of the clamps and his medicine hadn't even started!! Oh well! That's how it goes some days. It definitely got me off track with his others meds. He had to have two antibiotics, the g-csf, a breathing treatment, and his oxandrolone. Yes, I managed to get them all in before bedtime. One of the antibiotics runs for half an hour and one for an hour! Then, I have to give the hour one every six hours! That is going to be difficult when he is feeling better! Did I mention he has to stay on them for 2 more weeks!? Dr Harris from Cincinnati changed that one! I would be headed for Cincinnati if Nicholas had gotten any worse. I'm thankful to be home for Christmas!

Here is a poem I wrote the other day:

Nicholas, who just got out of the hospital but isn’t bouncing back very fast.
Spencer, who has a cold and doesn’t feel well.

By Donna J. Boggs

Christmas is coming.
Gifts mean nothing if you aren’t feeling good.

Christmas presents wait to be wrapped…
It means nothing if you aren’t happy and well.

The tree is up and the decorations are hung…
It means nothing if you aren’t able to enjoy them.

I need to shop for Christmas…
Presents aren’t important, if you aren’t well.

I need to think….
But cannot when you aren’t feeling good.

I’m frustrated and want answers…
I look at you and realize what is important.

All the above are unimportant
You are, your hugs and your kisses.

Christ is why we celebrate Christmas,
He was born, buried, and rose again. Christmas will always be.

People including myself will always rush around the last minute and forget what is important , this too will always be.

I want you both feeling good, laughing, and playing.
My wants aren’t material.

Could Santa possibly bring me my wish?
I don’t think he has that power!

A healing Santa! What a picture that conjured up!
What would be in his healing bag for you?

Hair? New blood? No chemo? Remission? A happy home? A child? A husband?
Cures for FA?, ALL?, AA?, CML?, AML?, and all types of cancer and disease?

Only God can dish out those type of gifts,
Would we give Him the praise? The glory He deserves?

Why is it we glorify the man in a red suit but not the man with scars in His hands?
Why is it easier to believe in flying reindeer than Christ dying on a cross?

If all is well in your household and with your loved ones,
It will mean nothing if Christ isn’t in your Christmas.

Please have Christ in the center of your Christmas this year,
Merry Christmas,
The Boggs FAmily
Jeff, Donna, Nicholas, and Spencer

Thanks to all for the cards and gifts for the boys. They loved pulling all the goodies out of the boxes. Thanks Debbie for the ornament, it's hard to find Spencer's name on anything! Krisstina, I have another journal entry about the gift you sent to me, thank you so much. To the Werbe crew, I tried my best to claim the butterfly pillow for myself but Nicholas would not give it up!!!!! Thanks for everything. Spencer loved pulling out the candy canes! I loved the photo of Diane and Ed on the pillow idea! Good ideas!!!

Monday, December 20, 2004 7:01 AM CST

**Nicholas actually sat up for about 3 hrs this morning and is now back to sleep. That is an improvement!! Keep praying.

Day 148 Oxandrolone Trial


I'm sorry to say that Nicholas is one sick little boy. He has caught Spencer's cold or has rsv and had a very tough week end. He was out of bed yesterday for a total of an hour and a half. He has mostly slept. His blood work yesterday showed his platelets down to 14k already. Last night, he said, "Mom, tomorrow I'm going to feel better and get my streeennnngggth back!!!" I told him I hoped so!!! He has such a wonderful attitude.

Spencer is feeling much better and rambunctious as ever! He is so sweet. He "helps" Mom take care of Nicholas. That is such a big responsibility for such a little guy. I let him do whatever he wants to do to help me. He told us yesterday that he didn't Nicholas to go back to bed. He wanted Nicholas to play with him. I held Spencer most of the day Saturday he was feeling so bad. Yesterday he made a complete turn around. Thank the Lord for small favors!

We are extremely tired but surviving. I was up most of the night Friday night with Nicholas coughing and nauseated. I had to put him back on Gatorade. He is still on it and still nauseated even with the Gatorade but I have to keep him hydrated and keep his kidney flushed because of the antibiotics.

Remember all the children who are on treatments or battling a disease. Please pray hard for Nicholas and all of us.

God Bless,

Thursday, December 16, 2004 7:27 AM CST

Update: Today is Day 144!!! Nicholas isn't tolerating his formula very well but still trying. I went ballistic a while ago, when I found out that they didn't do any cultures on his port!!! It isn't any wonder why there weren't any blood cultures results, there weren't any ordered! AAARRRRGGGG!
Now I'll be on pins and needles waiting for results if any show after the antibiotics.

? Day of Oxandrolone Trial!! I have no clue! I'll figure that one out later.


Yes, we are home but that is all. Nicholas is still weak and chilling. His trach sputum grew Pseudomonas and staph along with a lot of other bugs. He had been feeling bad in spurts but then he started chilling, with vomiting and diarhhea and high fever. His heart rate went up to 188 and respirations were in the high fifties at one point. I haven't seen him this bad without it being pneumonia. X-rays were clear though. Dr still thinks he was fighting a viral pneumonia and we caught it in the beginning. If that were true, I'd sure hate to have waited any longer. I cannot describe how it felt to watch him while he was delirious or hallucinating or whatever he was doing. I think he was just low on oxygen. His oxygen level wasn't stable at all and his finger tips turned blue. Everyone was so slow. Dad was furious. Overall, it was a very trying time but I knew ahead of time something was going to happen. I was prepared for most of it and God's grace was sufficient. God is good and I'm so thankful he is home. The home health nurse came for blood work and changed his needle last night and Nicholas asked, "Mom, will you pray?" Of course!

Pneumonia? I'm not sure. I think he had been off his antibiotics for a while and the pseudomonas florished and just reared it's ugly head again. One dr is afraid he is becoming antibiotic resistant. I am too. One thing is for certain, Nicholas is a fighter and a half. Yesterday, he sang all day long. I was talking to Maria on the phone and he started singing, "I believe in G O D, G O D, G O D, I believe in G O D, God has a plan for me. Do you believe in G O D....God has a plan for you!" Yes, I died a thousand deaths.

Yes, I got sweet little kisses all over my face and Spencer was thrilled to see his brother. I just knew I would get some much needed sleep but Spencer had a stuffy nose and couldn't breathe well. After some medicine, he finally went to sleep around 2 am. I was already up and I started Nicholas' antibiotic while I was up, it runs for an hour. He gets one every six hours and one every twelve hours. I have no clue when I'm suppose to sleep!!! I think we all crashed around two am.

Thanks to you, you wonderful platelet donor, Nicholas counts went up to 53k! I won't go into the hassle I had to deal with with the transfusion, but there was a question on it's safety and I refused it until it was determined that it was safe. Whew! What a mess! I felt I had no choice with his platelets at 8k but then again, I couldn't sign a paper if it was going to give him a virus either!!! Nicholas has to have single donor platelets. Single donor platelets are given through aphersis, a process which take a couple of hours. Thanks to whoever took the time and donated their precious blood products.

Remember all the children that need some form of treatment. Go hug your precious children and let them know you love them. Feel those precious warm little hugs? Unconditional love not like anything earthly. When Nicholas started coming around the first words he said were, "Mommy, I love you." Sweet, sweet precious words. I knew he was getting better then.

"...God has a plan for you!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004 4:04 PM CST

Nicholas is home!!!! PTL
When I went to pick them up, he was lying in bed singing, "I love everybody" over and over. Was he one anxious bear to get back to his den!!!! Baby Bear was
waiting anxiously for him and his mom, too.
I'm sure Donna will update tomorrow and tell you what you want to hear. Please say a special prayer for her; she is so tired.
Thanks for all the prayers and concern.
Sissy Bear

Tuesday, December 14, 2004 8:39 PM CST

Sissy Bear here. Nicholas received a transfusion last night; his count is back up to 53. He sat up for a couple of hours today, reading, coloring, and bossing me around. He is feeling a lot better, but he isn't out of the woods, yet. He went to sleep at 2:00; he doesn't sleep during the day unless he is sick. Donna said he woke up at 6:30 and when I talked to her at 7, he was talking a lot; that is a good sign! He still can't take food; he'll have to stay until he can tolerate food. He told me that he would be home in a couple of days. We sure hope so. He and Spencer are missing each other so much. The first question Spencer ask his mom this eve. was, "how does my brother feel?" He told his mom, "I want you to come home. I love you so much. I am going to kiss your face all over." He is precious.
Please keep those prayers going up.
We love you and appreciate all your thoughts and concern.
Sissy Bear

Monday, December 13, 2004 1:16 PM CST

Sissy Bear again today.
Nicholas is feeling some better; at least he is responding. He talked to Mary on the phone. PTL! I haven't heard if his count is back up or not. It dropped to 8,000!
When Spencer woke up and saw Nichlas' bed empty, he cried his little heart out. He is just moping around; he misses his brother soo-o much. Pray for him, too.
I will update as soon as I hear.
Sissy Bear

Sunday, December 12, 2004 5:44 PM CST

Sissy Bear here. Nicholas has been doing so well until last night. His temp was 103 and he was shivering all over. He was not responding to us at first, but began responding late this eve. and ate half a popcycle. At one point he was delusional and was talking about cows. He is in St. Mary's Hospital. We have a sick little bear. Please pray for him.
When Spencer woke up this morning and found out his brother was sick, he looked at his dad and said, "Pray, Dad. You pray over there and I'll pray here." Donna, Jeff, and Spencer held hands, formed a circle, and prayed. The family that prays together, will stay together.
Thanks for your concern and prayers.
We love you.
Sissy Bear

Friday, December 10, 2004 6:38 AM CST

Day 138 of Oxandrolone Trial


Again, I'm so thankful that Nichoals counts are going upward. I thank the Lord over and over. We had decided not to go to any Christmas gatherings but have reconsidered now that his ANC is so high. We have decided that as long as his counts are this high we had better let him enjoy as much as he can. If they fall back down, he would be back in isolation and would not be able to be in a crowd. I just have to be careful where his counts are concerned. He seems to be feeling better and is a pure monkey!

Thanks Kim and Katherine for the Christmas gifts. Kim got them a FurReal Puppies. They were adorable and of course took 4 AA batteries each!!!! Duracell loves us! Anyway, the puppies start with a whimper and cry and then become playful and barking. Nicholas and Spencer loved them and played with them the rest of the evening. They were adorable. Katherine brought them a bag of fruit and they were thrilled with it. They just love surprises!

Tomorrow is our Christmas brunch. I will get my 15 year service award! I cannot believe it has been 15 years! It has flown by. I'm going to try to get some shopping accomplished while we are out. It will probably be my only chance.

Remember all the children taking treatments and the families. It is so stressful having a sick child and during the holidays, it's more so. There is so much to be done and not enough time for everything. Do we try to do too much? Of course! Trying to make it the best Christmas, the most magical, and the most meaningful one ever. The boys helped me wrap some gifts last night and enjoyed it so much. Being together is the most important part.

Jeff's brother Ronald's picture was in the Coalfield yesterday. He announced his wedding date! He is getting married on Dec. 31st!

On the heart front, do you need a second chance with God?
Trusting in the God of second chances,

Thursday, December 9, 2004 6:48 AM CST

**Blood work is in!! Everything is up!
Platelets 25k, hgb-10.8, and his anc is 6439!!!! PTL.

Day 137 Oxandrolone Trial


Nicholas has bloodwork and his needle changed this am! Please remember him in your prayers. He had a droopy morning yesterday. He perked up in the evening and did ok in school. I think I'm a distraction to him. He keeps wanting to know what we are doing in the kitchen, etc! He is hilarwious! Spencer's word! I'll post the results later.

Nicholas was telling Mary about the visit to Dr Rose. She is the endrocrinologist and gave him a complete physical, measuring all parts! before he started the steriod. He wasn't cooperative on the first visit but I explained everything to him again and he did better on the second visit. This physical has to be done every 3 months while on this trial. He explained that Dr Rose measured him with her finger to Mary using the correct terms and Spencer came in and heard part of the conversation and asked, "What? She measured your peanuts?!!!" Yes, Mary lost it on the spot!!! Oh, the joys of little boys!

Remember all the children taking treatments and remember Haley, she is now on hospice care and the family could use the prayers and encouragement.

Is Heaven your goal?,

Wednesday, December 8, 2004 6:59 AM CST

Day 136 Oxandrolone Trial


God is definitely watching over me! I got to work yesterday and heard a pssssssf and thought, "Oh No! A hose has burst! It was a tire. It went flat after I pulled in. Thank the Lord! I would have ruined a rim if it had happened sooner. Between a couple of guys here at work, it was repaired and back on the van by lunch time. Thanks guys!

Nicholas was breathing a little different yesterday evening and is looking a little pale. I feel the constant need to pray for strength and courage and I know that God is preparing me for something. I just don't know what yet. This happenens every time he has low counts so I'm prepared before hand. It hasn't failed yet. I know God gets tired of hearing me call on him. It's me again Lord!

Pray for a young lady going to Vanderbuilt to donate marrow!!! PTL! She is donating for a leukemia patient. She attends UVA at Wise and joined our drive in April of last year. Isn't that exciting?????

The boys were glad to spend the evening with Mommy. I was just as happy. We did something special for Mamaw and Papaw and are trying to keep it a secret. We used an idea sent to me from Anita and it was soo neat. The boys really enjoyed doing it and it was so much fun. Their hand prints are on a 4" ceramic tile and their foot prints on a 9" one. Nicholas' are red and Spencer's green of course! I will have to spray them with something to perserve them. I'm sure will not be used as coasters!! I need to buy some felt for the backs and then I will be finished. Of course, I made me a set too!!! I told the boys that we could put them in their stockings and that little impish gleam came in Nicholas eyes! He loves the sneaking part! I feel sure they will tell before Christmas!!!

Remember all the children taking treatments and please visit this site to read about Jacy and Jo: FA, Gene Thereapy, CCHC

Forward to the prize of the high calling of God,

Tuesday, December 7, 2004 6:33 AM CST

Day 134 Oxandrolone Trial


Nicholas did well in school yesterday evening. She said that he read the best he had ever read! I didn't get to see her because I was having Christmas dinner with the girls.

Yes, I actually went out and it felt awkard! The week-end was hectic and then I was gone last night. I felt like time just flew by and I was totally out of sync! I kept thinking that I had something to do and just couldn't settle down. The boys have missed me too but have enjoyed their Daddy being with them. He can be pretty funny sometimes! I love to listen to them playing. He keeps doing or saying crazy things to make the boys laugh. Spencer will crack up and laughs so easy. He gets so tickled he cannot do anything. I love to watch him laugh. Then Nicholas will join in and try to keep him laughing. It's too cute! One of those heart memories.....

Monday evening we went to Glady Fork for a revival. The pastor, Troy Belcher was so happy and full of the Spirt that he couldn't be quiet or still. It was a joy just watching him rejoice. He came in the church crying and said he had felt good all day long. My mom's brother-in-law, C.E. Large was saved last week and we were in church with him during the week-end. He was rejoicing and the good news lifted everyone's spirit. I thought of all the angels rejoicing with us. God is so good and we are so blessed to have His spirit leading and guiding us. It's worth saying again and again, God is good!

The verse for the day:
Ph'p:3:13: Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
Phillipians:3:14: I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

There isn't anything else worth working for. Material things will not last for eternity, Heaven and the Lake of Fire will. Which prize are you pressing onward for? We need to stop worrying about all the earthly and get our mind toward the Heavenly, that is all that will matter one of these days. The past God will erase and wipe the slate clean, it's the future we need to work on.

FORWARD is the motion. Don't look back, just improve your future. I have no clue why that verse is my mind but I hope it will help you too.

Remember all the children taking treatments. Give your child a big hug and kiss to let them know you love them. They need to know.

Hold on to your faith and don't loose sight of your goal,

Monday, December 6, 2004 6:57 AM CST

Day 133 Oxandrolone Trial

Good Morning,

Friday evening we went to see the parade. Nicholas chewed on the cheese off the pizza. Dad actually thought he was eating it but he was putting the abc pieces on a napkin. Dad grabbed the napkin and you guess it!...dumped cheese everywhere! I couldn't help but laugh. The boys loved the parade! Nicholas got tired and kept asking when we were going home until Santa came along and then he didn't want to leave. Spencer loved it all. He wants a fire truck! I told him he already had one. He said, "No Mom, I want a big one to ride on this road!" Oh, boy!

Saturday, we had to get up early to go to the Children's Brunch. By the time we arrived, Nicholas had two bad gas spells and Spencer was car sick and threw up too! What a way to start out!!! It ended well! They enjoyed the Magic show and Babbles the Clown was there! Nicholas actually sat up front by himself to watch the Magic show! Spencer liked it but wouldn't go up front, he acted so shy. Nicholas hugged Santa but Spencer would not go near him! We then visited a shop that has Thomas the tank engine trains and toys in it! They were thrilled! I don't think I'll take them back there with me next time!!! Spencer wants it all!!! They have little tables set up with toys to play with and Nicholas sat in one of the chairs and said, "I'm going to make myself at home!!"

Nicholas kept thanking me for taking them to the parade! It was cold but we wrapped them up real good and stayed in the van. Hopefully, they won't get sick.

Remember all the children taking treatments and their families. Remember Caroline they are considering hospice care for her. Tim Fleming needs your prayer and his care giver, Vindetta needs them too.

God Bless,

Friday, December 3, 2004 8:41 AM CST

Day 130 Oxandrolone Trial


Yesterday brought more changes! We are going back to the original dose of Oxandrolone because of a tiny increase in Nicholas' HGB! It definitely wasn't the increase I wanted but on the other hand, I do not want to increase his chances of toxicity. Also, we will not be giving more G-CSF nor any blood work on Mondays! We will only be doing blood work on Thursdays from now on! I do not think like Drs evidently! On the other hand, maybe this will help him hold on to some blood suppy! His HGB will probably increase just because of that!!!

Nicholas was so excited about seeing Santa on Saturday that he didn't rest well at all. He kept asking questions! The company I work for has a Childrens Christmas party for all the employee's children. It is so nice and wonderful for them to do this. The boys absolutely love it. Spencer said he wasn't sitting on Santa's knee! Who knows what will happen! Stay tuned! Tonight we are going to take them to a Christmas parade and to eat pizza! We may go see some Christmas lights too. They will be thrilled! I love to see their expressions and to just watch them enjoying themselves.

Remember all the children taking treatments of some type and their families too.

God Bless you through out the holidays,

Thursday, December 2, 2004 6:26 AM CST

**Blood Work is in! Platelets are same at 21k, hgb is up to 9.8 and ANC is up to 6145!! From 78 to 6145!?!! I'll take it!

Day 130 Oxandrolone Trial


Nicholas will get his needle changed today in his port and has blood work also. Please remember him in your prayers. I'm sure his ANC will be higher today because of the two doses of G-CSF medicine. I'm watching his pattern and his counts are usually higher on Thursdays.

He seemed ok yesterday but I noticed he was a little pale and he mentioned his head hurting again. I think he was tired from being up so early. He sure wasn't in a hurry to go to sleep though!

Thanks Debbie for another package! Dad had it in his truck and I put it out for the boys to find this morning! They will love it, I'm sure. They love getting mail, it must make them feel important!! They both are so happy with the little pleasures in life.

Nicholas has eaten venison stew every day! Well, he gets to taste it anyway. I wished he would consume it! He has been aspirating more and more. I found a small piece of ham in his thermovent recently and last night he had coughed in it and it had a red tint in it. I thought it was blood until I remembered he had eaten a red popsicle. He keeps trying though, he loves corn bread but it always starts him coughing. Spencer on the other hand loves corn bread and butter! He is pure country!

Spencer scratched his thumb and had to have a bandaid on it. He told Nicholas that he could have one on his thumb when he cut his too. Nicholas told him that he didn't have a thumb. Spencer laughed and said, "You can have one when you grow up I mean!" Nicholas told him he wouldn't have a thumb until he went to Heaven. I just listen to them talk and cringe inside while waiting for the questions to begin. Thankfully, he changed the subject.

I hope all is well on your home front. Remember Pam C. she is having surgery today. Remember all that are taking some form of treatment.

I'll post the blood counts this evening or tomorrow morning. Stay well and have a wonderful day.

Basking in the beauty of the Jack Frost dressed trees, did you notice them this morning? They were beautiful.
God Bless,

Wednesday, December 1, 2004 7:09 AM CST

Day 179 Oxandrolone Trial


I spoke with the folks at Cincy about Nicholas' counts and they may recommend another dose of G-CSF on Saturdays to get him through the week-end. Mondays counts are low and the ANC is declining with each count. In a nut shell, he is dependent on the medicine to keep his ANC up. Without the medicine, where on earth would his counts be? 0! I keep hoping and praying the Oxandrolone will kick in and do something to boost his marrow. If we don't get his supply of cells up, then Gene Therapy will not be an option. We are in desperate need of a miracle, a cure, and hope. I know God's Grace is sufficient. I just hold on to that hope for our only hope is in Christ. If we don't have His blessing on any of the meds, they will not work. I know God has a plan and I trust Him completely. Nicholas is His and will always be. It just hurts so much to see his health declining. Yesterday, he complained with a headache on the side where his shunt is. It made my stomach flip flop It is always something. I thought, "Oh no, will he have to have his shunt replaced?" It isn't working anyway and stays on my mind continually about causing infections. Please remember him in your prayers.

Our electricity is out right now at home. The boys are having a ball "camping out" in the living room. Nicholas tried to turn on the lights and said, "You are right Mary! You said we didn't have power, you are so right!" Mary asked Spencer if he was warm and he said, "Yes, I'm as warm as a cuddly bug!" He is the cuddly bug!!
Dad will have to go hook up the generator to get them some heat and power is some of the rooms!

Poor Dad! He is really down about Nicholas' counts. I think he realized how dependent Nicholas is on the medicine and it's breaking his heart. Everything is out of our control, sometimes we have to let go and let God have it all. Is it easy to do that? NO! We have the instilled nature of wanting to "fix" everything that is wrong and when we can't, it hurts. We feel like we are failing him in some way. Our best isn't good enough, our love isn't enough to cure him. It is definitely a God thing. It is out of our hands and the drs can only offer medicine in hopes of boosting his marrow. God can heal it completely. I get a thrill in my heart when I think of what all God can do, will do, and is doing. It is a God thing.

Good news about Jacy, she is doing great as of now. It will take about three to six months to see a definite increase in her counts. God is good! God has a plan! Sometimes He chooses the ultimate healing by taking the children home to Him and sometimes they are healed here on earth, all are healed in His time.

Have a good God day,

Tuesday, November 30, 2004 6:50 AM CST

Day 128, Oxandrolone Trial


Nicholas counts have dropped, platelets are down to 21k, hgb 8.8, and an anc of 78. No, that's not a typo, it is less than 100. I'm not sure what is going on. Monday's counts are always lower because of an extra day for the G-CSF medicine to get out of his system. Hopefully, Thursday's counts will be much better. They are just spiking and bouncing around right now. He actually looks better, coloring is much better. The hgb is higher and that's what I'm contributing it to. The questions keep swirling around in my mind: Are we stressing his marrow with the meds? Can we wait for four more months on the Oxandrolone to work? Clinically speaking, Nicholas comes first. If he needs some other medicine to help him, then he will be taken off the Oxandrolone immediately. We're just trading one roller coaster for another. And winter is coming on, I dread it so much.

On a happier note, I'm sure Andrea and Ann and thier families were thrilled beyond measure to have their children home for Thanksgiving. To have a child survive a BMT is such a blessing. God is good! I was thankful to have Nicholas and Spencer home too. Things could be so much worse.

The boys woke up on Thanksgiving and saw it snowing and were thrilled. They wanted to go out and make a snowman! I told them the snow was melting and there wasn't quite enough for a snowman!

They enjoyed decorating the tree on Friday. Spencer put several ornaments on one little limb and I started to move one. He said, "No Mom, it's a family!" Stephanie came over and helped. They love her and were thrilled to have her there. They love all the stuffed animals wearing santa hats that I put out on top of the couch every year. They have played and played with them. They were under the tree the other evening playing and knocked a bunch of the decorations off! Spencer is having a ball eating the candy canes too! They are so excited now, I'm not sure if it will last for a month! It's fun watching them enjoying the simple things. I wish everything was simple. In a way it is, enjoy what you have and grasp each moment you can. Make the most of every minute you have with your children. Memories cannot be taken away from their minds.

Remember Ty from Florida, he is in New York for his transplant and needs your encouragement. Click here: Ty's Website
Remember all the children taking treatments.

Make some good memories,

Monday, November 29, 2004 11:17 AM CST

Day 128 Oxandrolone Trial!


Hope all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We stayed home because it was too cold. Everyone stopped by in the afternoon to visit with us but didn't get to stay long. It didn't really feel like Thanksgiving to me.

We did get the go ahead to double the dose of his steriod on Day 122, last Tuesday! His counts on Thanksgiving were about the same for the platelets, they were 30k but the Hgb went up to 9.5!! Whoo Hoooooo! I haven't heard from today's draw yet.

The boys have enjoyed Mom being home and I've loved every minute of it! They have said so many cute things and kept me in stitches! Dad went deer hunting and got a 6 pointer. Nicholas was so thrilled! He rubbed his hands together and squealed saying, "Oh boy! Deer stew tonight!"

One thing that Spencer is saying that just cracks us up is "I'm just testing you!" He means "teasing!" Another thing is "hilwarious!" He is too cute!!

Go by Diane Keel's site and congratulate Tom and Lynn on their engagement!! Best wishes you two!

Remember all the children taking treatments. Caroline is back in the hospital, please remember her too.

Keep the prayers going,

Monday, November 29, 2004 11:17 AM CST

Day 127, Oxandrolone Trial!


Hope all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We stayed home because it was too cold. Everyone stopped by in the afternoon to visit with us but didn't get to stay long. It didn't really feel like Thanksgiving to me.

We did get the go ahead to double the dose of his steriod on Day 122, last Tuesday! His counts on Thanksgiving were about the same for the platelets, they were 30k but the Hgb went up to 9.5!! Whoo Hoooooo! I haven't heard from today's draw yet.

The boys have enjoyed Mom being home and I've loved every minute of it! They have said so many cute things and kept me in stitches! Dad went deer hunting and got a 6 pointer. Nicholas was so thrilled! He rubbed his hands together and squealed saying, "Oh boy! Deer stew tonight!"

One thing that Spencer is saying that just cracks us up is "I'm just testing you!" He means "teasing!" Another thing is "hilwarious!" He is too cute!!

Go by Diane Keel's site and congratulate Tom and Lynn on their engagement!! Best wishes you two!

Remember all the children taking treatments. Caroline is back in the hospital, please remember her too.

Keep the prayers going,

Tuesday, November 23, 2004 6:58 AM CST

Day 121 Oxandrolone Trial

Good Morning,

Nicholas had blood work yesterday. His platelets are 33k and hgb 8.9! I'm getting hopeful! One thing that is giving me hope is this: He is over the parameters for Gene Therapy! I thought his platelets had to be higher but they have to be over 30k and hgb over 8! Now, if he has enough of the type of stem cells they want, Gene Therapy would be an option!!! Now, we want that marrow to boil!!!! Not boil dry but produce enough cells to maybe get some help for my baby. Maybe....just maybe we DO have an option.

Guess what? We haven't upped the dosage of Oxandrolone yet!!! It seems they had a meeting with the safety board and they wanted additional blood work yesterday. That meant two home health visits in one day! The first one had just left when I received the call! I received the results late yesterday evening and I left Moira a voice mail. When I finished, Nicholas said, "Holy Mackerel Mom, what did you tell that woman!" I burst out laughing! I guess it did sound totally foreign to him and the list was long!

Spencer received another gift yesterday evening! It was a big milk truck and the cab was painted like a cow! It has the motor sounds and plays music! Perfect to drive Mom crazy! and make a little boy dance whenever he played the music. He loved it! Thanks Carolyn! Between the two of them they had enough birthday money to buy a John Deere Tractor that they can ride! It's in the garage and I'm hesitant about bringing it in the house!! They would want to ride it in the house all winter!!! Bye Bye wood flooring!! They will love it whenever they get a chance to ride it.

I received the sweetest email from Stephanie of Haysi! Thanks Stephanie, you made me cry this morning!! She met Nicholas in K-mart and said that Nicholas really touched her heart. It couldn't have been for more than a few minutes but he made a huge impact on her. That's Nicholas and his sweet little smile!

Remember all the children that are taking treatments or will need them in the future. Remember the Mom and Dad of Riliegh Mullins, I know their hearts are breaking and pray for their peace of mind. They have been constantly by her bedside for 8 or 9 months and I'm sure they felt the magnitude of her absence yesterday and today. Pray for their healing. Pray for Kayla, Will's Mom, her "adopted" Mom passed away due to cancer.

A prayer a day keeps the transfusion away!

Friday, November 19, 2004 6:49 AM CST

Day 117 Oxandrolone Trial

Good Morning,

I will find out today what we are going to do concerning doubling the dose of Oxandrolone. I don't see how we can continue as we are with no response. My feelings are: The G-CSF meds caused his platelets to go down and now they are coming back up to his "norm", which isn't the greatest but better than 13k! I hope he responds to the higher dose.

On the way home, it came to me that we need something to create bone marrow. As of now, our only choice is to try to get his counts back up. Think of it like boiling water! We are trying to boil his marrow to get the three cell lines to increase! What we actually need is more marrow!!! Stem cells make marrow!!! That means transplant but with the bad bugs that are lying in Nicholas lungs, he cannot survive a transplant. During transplant, the immune system is knocked completely out with Chemo and other drugs and then the new stem cells are infused via IV! When the immune system isn't working, the infection in his lungs start to grow causing pneumonia. Knowing this, we cannot take that chance or can we? Will it come down to that? Will we subject him to such a slim chance? What are our chances of finding a drug that will increase his marrow without causing cancer or leukemia? It's a viscious circle and constant turmoil that eats at us continually.

Walking down the children's shoe isle, looking for red cowboy boots, the thought "will he be able to wear them long?" comes to me. I start crying and have to leave. I know God is preparing me already. I'm not a morbid person and think "death" all the time but I'm not stupid either. How long do we have? Only God knows these answers and holds the key to life and death. It's all in His hands. How long do any of us have? That is why I enjoy my babies to the fullest. That is why I try so hard to let him have a good time and let him experience all the joys of the Lord.

Don't worry I found him some red boots! He will be so thrilled! Can I wait until Christmas to give them? I doubt it!!!! Maybe...but then again we may have Christmas early! 30 days of Christmas! Probably! That sounds like the best idea to me!! I bought them some more foam soap and he kissed the can! He is so pleased with the simpliest of things. Spencer is too. I love seeing their little eyes light up. They are wanting the Christmas tree up! Yes, it goes up next week!! Why not? Everyday is a celebration of the birth of Christ. We have been blessed beyond measure.

Stay tuned...and in the mean time keep praying for miracles. We all need them. If you don't think you do, then you are in the most need of one.


Thursday, November 18, 2004 6:47 AM CST

**Could you use more good news??
Nicholas counts are back up! Platelets-30k, HGB-8.8, and ANC-5768! He may have been fighting a virus! PTL!**

Day 116 Oxandrolone Trial


Great News!!! My Mom's catheterization went really well. She has no blockages! We brought her back home and she has to take it easy for a few days. She cannot lift anything over 10 lbs or bend over or any activity that could possible tear the stitch loose that is in her groin area for 3 days. We told Dad that he had to do all the cooking and cleaning for 3 months!! It was so funny! He was just elated to bring his cook home!!

Nicholas and Spencer are both doing ok but really missed me yesterday evening. Nicholas looked at Mary and said, "It's dark outside, why are you still here!!" They were getting worried about Mommy coming home! I came home with a severe headache! Stress, I guess! Nicholas is still having some loose stools and I'm still waiting for all the results. He has to have bloodwork today and his port needle changed. Hopefully, it will go ok. I pray he will do fine and his ANC is higher. We will see what the counts are today and then will probably increase his dosage of Oxandrolone. If they do not bring his counts up by the end of March, he is taken off the clinical trial. Then the search will begin for other meds to boost his marrow into making cells. If nothing works, we will keep searching and continue praying for our miracle. Then we will pray, pray, and pray some more.

Another family needs your prayer, they have twin daughters and now both have been diagnosed with ALL. Please stop by their websites and leave them some encouragement for them. Caroline's Site and Lee's Site

Remember Trey and his family, they have received more bad news.

Thanks to all who have signed the guestbook and prayed for Mamaw! Miracles are still happening!!

Pray until something happens,

More Prayer requests:

Please remember the family of Riliegh Mullins, she passed away this morning.

Please keep Bethany Mullins in your prayers. I requested prayer for
her a couple of weeks ago. She has hydrocardiomyopathy and is 8
years old. Bethany is undergoing balloon angioplasty today in
Charlottesville. She has two blockages. She understands what is
going on with her, but it is still very scary for her. Remember her
and her parents, Jerico and Debbie and three brothers, Eddie, Joshua
and Matthew in your prayers.

If anyone would like to send a card or a note of encouragement to
her or her family, here is their address:

Route 1 Box 545-H
Clintwood, VA 24228.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004 6:42 AM CST

Day 114 Oxandrolone Trial


I have blood work results! Platelets 28, HGB-7.9, ANC-421 (low!), basically the same but not high enough to keep the same dosage of Oxandrolone. We will probably be doubling the dose as of tonight. I will hear definitely today. I just heard, we will up the dosage after the counts on Thursday.

He definitely has something going on with his colon, maybe c-diff. If it's c-diff, he will be put on another antibiotic, Flagl, which lowers the platelets! AAARRRGGGGG!
He actually ate some yogurt last night, maybe a teaspoon. Hey, that is more than usual! He wanted chicken gravy, too! He has been asking for water and pretzels! I'm sure he is getting some what dehydrated and trying to replenish his fluids. He just eats the salt off the pretzels! I guess he needs it or he wouldn't want it.

He is doing better in school. He is sharp as a tack. He can draw whatever is asked of him. It takes a lot of patience with him but he can do it! It takes more time for him to accomplish a drawing or writing a sentence but he CAN do it. He just needed to be given the opportunity. I will bring one of his drawings and post it to the site. I loved it, it is a drawing of tadpoles! His writing is improving because he is writing more too! I'm so proud of him. Spencer is doing great in "school" too! Ms Phyllis had to stay with him for about 10 min. He did great! He is writing all his numbers and doing little excerises in Nicholas' book too! He thinks he is the top banana!

Remember all the children taking treatments. Remember Greg Ireson's family, his Mom passed away and the funeral services are this evening. Remember my Mom as she goes for her catheterization tomorrow. She will be there a minimum of three days. Pray for her and us.

Until I can post again, God Bless,

Monday, November 15, 2004 7:01 AM CST

Day 113 Oxandrolone Trial

Good Morning,

The birthday dinner was wonderful!! Spencer loved his gifts and had his fill of cake and ice cream! He didn't really eat very well all day and woke up not feeling well. He ate a piece of corn bread with butter before everyone got there. He is a country boy for sure! He hid his face in my shoulder when we sang "Happy Birthday!" and I had to blow out the candle! He is kind of shy and doesn't like to be in the spot light. He loved his Spiderman cake! He smiled so sweet. I cannot believe he is 4 years old! Where on earth has time gone? I love my babies, my big boys!

Nicholas is doing ok. No growth in his urine at 24 hrs! Thank the Lord. I just waiting on the rest of the results. He gets blood work today too. I'm anxiously waiting! They probably won't get there until 1:00 pm! That means, I won't know what his counts are until this evening. Patience is definitely a gift that I'm lacking!!
Oh well! Now that I've confessed, I'll try to do better!

Good News! Jacy's day of reinfusion is today!!!!! Please remember her in your prayers. It will be history in making in the FA world and known as Gene Therapy Day 0 for Jacy. God Bless you Jacy, we are praying for you. If the oxandrolone works and increases Nicholas cellularity, his marrow will be harvested and Gene Therapy could possibly be an option for him. It may be our only option. Lots of ifs!!! His counts would have to go back up quite a bit. It's possible!! Anything is possible with God in it! If God doesn't bless it, it will not happen. When one door closes, there will be a window of opportunity somewhere in the future! God wants his children to be happy! The only way to achieve that is to trust in Him! His plan is for us to prosper and praise Him! He wants only good for His children. That brings me back to the storehouse full of blessings again. God is wonderful.

Remember Greg Ireson and his family. His mother passed away last night and they need our prayers for comfort. Remember Darla, she is in need of healing to be pain free and cancer free. Remember all the children that are taking treatments and the families.

Remember my mom, she goes for blood work today and the catheterization is on Wednesday, the 17th. I kept dreaming about us getting lost and kept having car trouble while trying to get her to the hospital. Last night was a long night!

A prayer a day keeps the transfusions away,

Friday, November 12, 2004 6:42 AM CST

*They (Cincy) are ordering blood/urine cultures and analysis and putting Nicholas on a one time dose of iv antibiotic and then oral for a few days.
They believe me!!! He is now having diarrhea. Pray we have a good week-end!

Day 110 Oxandrolone Trial


Don't you just love that photo of Spencer! He absolutely loved the beach. He's a water dog anyway!! I can't help but laugh when I look at his sweet little face and that happy smile. He is a good brother most of the time. Last night, he grabbed Nicholas head and just pushed it down! Nicholas went into fits and cried his little heart out, not actually hurt, just his feelings. Spencer can be rotten sometimes and forgets that he can't be rough with Nicholas! He is just a normal little boy, all boy! We will be having his dinner on Sunday! Partying all weekend!!

Nicholas coughed some during the night last night but didn't get much junk up. I hope he does not have pneumonia. He looks pale but not pasty like before. I can tell what is going on with his blood work by looking at his coloring. I know it's crazy but it's the truth. He actually looks a little yellow when he counts are where they are now. He looked like this before his counts fell. His coloring is so dark and when his counts are down he gets a yellow tone to him. Another thing I'm noticing is his urine has a different odor to it, it's strong! I had forgotten how it use to smell. It hadn't smelled like this while he was on all those antibiotics and anti-fungal meds. My gut feeling is....yes, he is getting sick again, probably more ways than one. Most people live from payday to payday, we live from payday and cbc to payday and cbc! Or blood cultures to blood cultures! From one round of medicines to another! God love his little heart. He takes this all with a smile and never complains! He goes until he can't go any farther and then his is in the hospital!

He sat for an hour playing with a cup of water, some ham, and strawberry perserves last night! He bit off a small piece of ham, it was the son and the big piece was the father! The son would jump into the cup of water and then back out into the perserves! Spencer got so tickled, he burst out laughing! It was fun just watching them. The more Spencer laughs, the bigger the expressions on Nicholas' face! Yes! The bigger the mess too! They are hilarious! Spencer says, "Hilwarious!"

Thanks for all the birthday wishes for Spencer! I received a poem for the boys and I'll post it here!

Beary Boys! Beary Boys!

Bears that like bugs & bears that give "hugs"!

Bears that like toys & bears that like little boys!

Bears with hair that curls & bears that like little girls!

Bears on your noses & bears on your toeses!

Bears in the air & bears in your hair!!

Bears on your chins & bears make you grins!!

Bears that can dance & bears that wear pants!!

Bears that wear skirts & bears that wear shirts!

Bears that like trucks & bears that like ducks!

Bears that can bake a big old gooey "Happy Birthday" cake!!

For two beary special boys from Lyons Fork - - Nicholas & Spencer!!

A Beary Happy Birthday Boggs Boys!!!

NadaCarole, Brittany & Morgan Hall

Wasn't that precious!!! I loved it Nada! Thanks.

Remember all the other children getting treatments.

A prayer a day, keeps the transfusions away,

Thursday, November 11, 2004 6:47 AM CST

Can you possibly stand any more good news!!!! Nicholas counts are UP! HBG-8!!!! Platelets are 30!!! ANC-4873!!!!
Thank you Lord, thank you, thank you, thank you! Are you doing the happy dance too????? Yesssssss!

Clinton may get to come home this weekend!!! Day 19? or so!!! PTL

Davaan is out of the hospital at Day 19!!!!! Praise the Lord!

**Big Bummer! Spencer received his flu shot today!! and on his birthday! Nicholas ran and hid in the bathroom and came to him afterwards and said, "Bubby, I'm so sorry you got stuck too!"

Day 109 Oxandrolone Trial


Nicholas coughed up a little more bloody phlem yesterday but seems to be a little better. He has started acting real nauseated and I had to vent his little tummy several times. He slept well and didn't cough at all. I heard him take a deep breath several times but other than that he slept.

I cannot believe my baby is 4 years old today! Yes, Spencer's birthday is today. He was awake and didn't want me to go to work. He is a very special brother. He worries about Nicholas and talks about his port and getting blood all the time. The other evening, he was singing Old McDonald's Farm and guess what he had on his farm!!! Blood and a line. I asked him what line and he said, "The one going to Nicholas port. They're giving him blood and making him all better!" I drew a picture for him and he told me what to draw. I had to draw Nicholas in the hospital getting a transfusion and Spencer home with Mom and Dad playing with all his toys! I asked him who was with Nicholas and he said, "Mary!" All the child knows is medical this and medical that for 4 solid years, what can you expect? When Spencer was only a couple years old and Nicholas was sick, here he came offering Nicholas a toy. I realized what he was doing and just about cried. He was worried about Nicholas and giving him something to comfort him. He is so precious. Oh, they have their moments of sibling rivalry but I'm thankful they can. I'm thankful for the times that they can play and fuss! That means they are both well!! He is becoming a little show out!! Dancing and prancing to his keyboard! He is my Baby Bear. I left him and Nicholas a big chocolate kiss on the bar! His is wrapped in green and Nicholas is red, of course! He LOVES chocolate kisses! He will eat one or two in the day and will tell on himself when I get home!!! I love my little bears!

Thanks to all who've signed the guestbooks! Be sure to wish Spencer a happy birthday today! I'll print them off and show him! He received two cards in the mail and he thought he was something!

Abbey's Uncle Chris signed the guest book too. Thanks Uncle Chris! I know you all still have aching hearts and are hurting. Thanks to caringbridge we are expanding our families! We can comfort each other and check on each other.

Nicholas does get his bloodwork today and they have to put in a new needle. That means another stick!! Spencer will be on hand to pat his head up to the last minute then turn his head and say, "I just can't watch!" I'll post the new counts when I have them.

God works in moments! Thanks Libbey for the angel plaque!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004 6:31 AM CST

Day 108 Oxandrolone Trial


Nicholas seems to be ok. He did start bleeding more yesterday evening. He coughed and his thermovent was splattered with blood. Sorry to be so graphic. I hooked him back up to his moisture around 7 pm and gave him another breathing treatment. I did listen to his lungs and they sound real rough on that lower left lobe. He definitely has something in there! I just couldn't believe that he had a bleed with his platelets higher! I'm not sure what is going on. He has been running a low grade fever for a while but nothing real high. I'll have to start antibiotics if he gets worse.

Spencer crawled into his bed and Nicholas threw one more fit! That made him start coughing and more bleeding! I got Spencer down out of bed and then he threw a fit! Whew! Believe me, everyone was cranky, tired, exhausted, and sleepy. It was just one of those evenings! I felt like screaming and crying too!! Afterwards, as if by magic, Spencer asked Nicholas if he could get in bed with him and Nicholas told him yes, as pretty as you please! I told Nicholas that I couldn't believe it after that fit he threw earlier. He said, "I remembered that Bubby loves me!" Well, what could I say! They played and had the best little time! They put a little bear down into a pocket of a pillow and pretended it was their baby. We did that over the weekend and pretended it was baby Jesus and I told them the story of Jesus and why we celebrate Christmas. They loved it. All is well that ends well!

Thankfully, we all slept last night. Nicholas didn't cough at all during the rest of the night. Thank the Lord. He does look a little pale. We have blood draws tomorrow and will find out the results as soon as possible.

Remember Darla, Angel Matthew's Mom, she goes for surgery to remove tumors from her stomach and side. Remember all the children taking treatments. Remember my baby.

Trusting in the Healer,

Wednesday, November 10, 2004 6:31 AM CST

Day 108 Oxandrolone Trial


Nicholas seems to be ok. He did start bleeding more yesterday evening. He coughed and his thermovent was splattered with blood. Sorry to be so graphic. I hooked him back up to his moisture around 7 pm and gave him another breathing treatment. I did listen to his lungs and they sound real rough on that lower left lobe. He definitely has something in there! I just couldn't believe that he had a bleed with his platelets higher! I'm not sure what is going on. He has been running a low grade fever for a while but nothing real high. I'll have to start antibiotics if he gets worse.

Spencer crawled into his bed and Nicholas threw one more fit! That made him start coughing and more bleeding! I got Spencer down out of bed and then he threw a fit! Whew! Believe me, everyone was cranky, tired, exhausted, and sleepy. It was just one of those evenings! I felt like screaming and crying too!! Afterwards, as if by magic, Spencer asked Nicholas if he could get in bed with him and Nicholas told him yes, as pretty as you please! I told Nicholas that I couldn't believe it after that fit he threw earlier. He said, "I remembered that Bubby loves me!" Well, what could I say! They played and had the best little time! They put a little bear down into a pocket of a pillow and pretended it was their baby. We did that over the weekend and pretended it was baby Jesus and I told them the story of Jesus and why we celebrate Christmas. They loved it. All is well that ends well!

Thankfully, we all slept last night. Nicholas didn't cough at all during the rest of the night. Thank the Lord. He does look a little pale. We have blood draws tomorrow and will find out the results as soon as possible.

Remember Darla, Angel Matthew's Mom, she goes for surgery to remove tumors from her stomach and side. Remember all the children taking treatments. Remember my baby.

Trusting in the Healer,

Tuesday, November 9, 2004 6:32 AM CST

**Nicholas has started coughing up blood. We are going for x-ray and dr. Storm Heaven, Please.

**Update: Nicholas' x-ray doesn't show pneumonia according to the dr but that left lung looked hazy to me in the lower lobe. I've seen it clearer! The bleeding has stopped just tinged now. Thank the Lord. I'm going to start breathing treatments every 4 hrs and see if we can head off the pneumonia. Hopefully, we can do this without antibiotics! Thanks for praying. See how fast things can change here!!
Talking about a roller coaster ride!

Day 107 Oxandrolone Trial


The ultimate questions began again last night! First, one from the other night....Whose going to die next? I was caught completely off guard and asked what he meant! He said, "The pups, which one will die next?" Whew! Close one!! Whoooosh, went my breath! I told him I had no idea and asked him which one the thought was going to die. He said, "One of the puppies!" These puppies are now full grown dogs, but he still calls them puppies! Now, back to last night.. Why don't I have thumbs? I told him I didn't know why, that is just they way you were born. God wanted to make you special and He did. That must have satisfied him.

I'm exhausted today. Nicholas started coughing and crying out in his sleep for most of the night. I would get up and check on him and he wouldn't be moving! I suctioned him quite a bit too. I pray he isn't getting sick again. The home health nurse said Monday that he was sounding different. Yesterday, I was just thinking about how good he had been doing. Not many gas spells and feeling so much better! I jinxed him I guess!

Spencer threw up yesterday and isn't eating much. He seemed to feel ok, laughing and playing last night like normal. I hope and pray they aren't getting sick. When Nicholas settled down last night, Spencer started! I hadn't been asleep for an hour and I had a nightmare! It took me forever to go back to sleep and then Nicholas started!!! Yes, I'm a walking zombie today!

I'm collecting hats for chemo patients. IF you have any soft hats, caps, or knitted hats, please get them to me or you can send them directly to: Kaps for Kendall, c/o Allison Adams, 10283 E. Peakview Ave #104, Englewood, CO. 80111. Kendall had FA and passed away this year from complications of a BMT. The caps are being sponsored/auctioned and all proceeds will go to the Fanconi Anemia Research Fund. The kaps will go to the patients taking chemo treatments. Please help me send some. If you knit, please send me some knitted ones. I have a few the boys had and never wore that I'm sending. To find out more click on Kaps for Kendall

God Bless all the children taking treatments,

Monday, November 8, 2004 6:58 AM CST

**WooooHooooo! No transfusion today!! HGB is 7.1!! Platelets 29k!! Yeeesssss! PTL!

Day 106 of Oxandrolone Trial

Good Morning,

Nicholas had a wonderful week end! Full of mischief and ready to quarrel at a moments notice. He loves to say things that he knows will get us riled up and the end result is "getting him!" Pestering his Mommy and wrestling his Daddy caused more giggles than I've heard in a long time and were definitely sweet music to my ears. Sometimes we don't realize how bad he feels until he starts feeling better! He said, "We love to aggervate each other, don't we Mom?"

He is a little pale but I don't think his HGB is down to 6.5 or transfusion time. He gets bloodwork this morning, so please remember him in your prayers. If we need to get a transfusion, then I'll just have to take him to get one. We do whatever needs to be done and don't wallow in self pity, just do it. God is so good.

Spencer let the cat out of the bag Sunday morning. He was helping Daddy bake me a cake and brought the heart shaped pan in for me to see!! Ooops! It was a surprise Birthday cake, heart shaped surrounded by cup cakes with pastel colored icing! Nicholas had a wonderful time decorating them. Using food coloring is one of his greatest joys. Dad said he kept saying, "This is going to be a great day!" Spencer and I went to Church and everything was finished by the time we got back home! It was a great day and my family surprised me with another Birthday dinner!!
God is good and blessed us with each other.

Dedication to Jacy:
Jacy is undergoing the process for Gene Therapy. She is the first FA patient on this clinical trial. To be the first is a big undertaking and I want to commend Kristina for the decisions that she had to make. It is so scary to be the first and undergo all the decision making. Today is Jacy's 13th birthday, so be sure to click on the drop down box above and sign her guestbook. She is a brave and very courageous young lady to undergo this trial. The outcome could be very varible but the potential is beyond comprehension for all the FA children. They take the stem cells out and put the corrected gene back into the cells and then reinfuse them back into the blood stream. The outcome is suppose to be: A cure for the bone marrow!! Wouldn't it be wonderful if it stopped the bone marrow from failure? Stopped the process of cancerous cells? Jacy, we are praying for you and that God will give those corrected cells a double portion of blessings. Our hats off to you Jacy! Thanks Kristina for pioneering the way. I pray this works.

Praying for all the children undergoing treatments,

Friday, November 5, 2004 6:24 AM CST

Day 103 of Oxandrolone Trial


Nicholas had to be stuck twice in order for the port to work! Bummer!! He said it stung a little bit and had to tell me exactly what happened. His counts are about the same, Hemoglobin is down to 6.8, platelets 25, and his ANC is a whopping 4520! He looked a little pale yesterday evening but felt ok.

Nicholas had a little play fan and Mary heard him say, "AAhhh, This is what I use when I have a flash hot!" He is too funny! His speech teacher has them all the time since she had chemo for breast cancer. I'm sure this is where he heard it!

Well, the big questions began last night. He asked when he was going to die and a ton of other questions. We talked about Angel Abbey. He asked if her Mom and Dad missed her and did they cry. Then he said, "They will get to see her when they go to Heaven!" It took everything in me not to start crying again. He is so smart. He also asked how God reached down and picked up our little dog, Angel. I told him I didn't know if where dogs went when they died. He declared they went to Heaven! Then he asked how God made him! Oh boy! He asked when me and Dad were going to die! and Kara! He always manages to bring Kara into the conversation!! What will the next level of his questions be??? He is too mature sometimes!

I was on the phone trying to reserve a flu shot for Spencer and when I got off the phone, Nicholas whispered, "Is Spencer getting a flu shot? I won't tell him!" He listens to everything!!!

Spencer had nightmares around 4 am and crawled in bed with us. Dad asked, "Is this our baby boy?" Spencer giggled and went right back to sleep and slept wonderfully! He stayed snuggled on my shoulder and my arm was numb as numb could be! He is such a snuggle bug. He is Daddy's boy the moment Dad steps through the door. It is so cute. He won't allow Mom to do anything else for him! He misses his Daddy so much, especially on Mondays!

Remember all the children taking treatments and the care givers too. Remember us that we will have the wisdom and knowledge to make the right decisions for Nicholas.

Hoping and praying for a cure!

Thursday, November 4, 2004 6:24 AM CST

Day 102 Oxandrolone Trial


I couldn't stand it any longer, I had to go see the bill board this morning! It was beautiful of course!! Nicholas is still feeling pretty good. He is wanting to eat again! Maybe, just maybe the steroids are kicking in!! I pray so.

I received a thank you from Evan Smith's mom, Diana. I posted a prayer request for him on 10/12. He is adorable and has been healed of meningitis. It's so good to hear something positive. Thanks Diana for the note and photo. She also wants everyone to pray for a little baby, Gavin Banks, 4 month old with a vascular disease.

Spencer slept all night long and didn't cry out one time. Thanks for praying for him. He needed a good nights sleep.

Everyone else is ok at the moment, still surviving anyway!

I thought of another funny on Nicholas! We were waiting for the blood counts on Monday and this lady with a child came in. Of course, Nicholas had to as what her name was. She told him and then asked him his. He said, "I'm Nicholas. We're the Boggs Family!" I couldn't help but laugh. That was the first time I'd heard him say that!! Too funny!

Remember Clinton, his transplant is going great.
Remember all the ones taking some type of treatment. Remember the ones who've lost their loved ones too.
Remember Nicholas, he has a blood draw today and his port re-accessed, that means a stick! I was giving him the G-CSF and have to flush with Heparin last. He said, "Wow, when you flushed with that, it made my head feel dizzy." It scared me when he said that. I'm not sure what happened.

Trusting in The Man With The Plan,

Wednesday, November 3, 2004 6:28 AM CST

***Bill Boards are out!! Someone just called and said they saw one!!! His Majesty will start getting the big head!!!***

Day 101 of Oxandrolone Trial


The drs feel that something big is about to happen with Nicholas' marrow!! Hopefully, it is something real BIG! I honestly feel they should have started the steroids when the counts were higher but it wasn't approved then. There has to be enough marrow to work with and I feel that the platelets should be in the 40 range to start this medicine. There is marrow there and the steroid has a chance to work then and if the counts drop they won't get down so low. It's too scary when the counts get in the teens this early in the trial. We are going to double the medicine in a couple of weeks! He is on a real low dose.
Pray that God allows the steroids to work. I know it's all in His hands. He knows the desire of our hearts.

Nicholas was feeling real fiesty yesterday evening. It was so good to see him that way. It's been a while. Mamaw was telling him a ghost/bear tale and I grabbed him and made a squawking noise. He jumped and then couldn't stop laughing when he realized I was playing with him. It was too funny. If he hadn't been feeling good, he would have cried like he did on Kim. Kim, you just have to know when to do it!! Spencer had to join in the tale and tell his version of it. He has to tell them bigger, meaner, louder, and more vicious than anyone else. It's so cute. He is getting more dramatic and will tell something funny at the end to make everyone laugh. He is becoming the little entertainer!

The other morning, Spencer carrying a couple of stuffed animals into the kitchen and said, "My other two babies are sick. They have to have their ports accessed and have blood work!" Then later, he said, "My babies are sick and have mic-key buttons." I asked him if they bruised too. He said yes. I asked him it his babies had FA too. He shook his head yes. Then I asked him what was wrong with his babies and he said, "Fanconi Amemia!" I couldn't believe he only messed up on the Anemia. He knows too much! Yes, this conversation broke my heart. I know he is trying to process all that is happening with Nicholas and it is so hard on him. He has so much to deal with, a sick brother, Mom and Dad disappearing for three or four days at a time, being told constantly not to hit, push, punch, knock, kick, or even touch Brother because he bruises. Not completely understanding but still knowing that something isn't quite right. Then, I hear their conversations which are always talking about death and sickness and it rips my heart out. Spencer was pretending the train was sick and Nicholas told him it was ok that he would pray for it. Spencer picked up the train and pretended it was talking and said, "Don't pray for me! I'm not sick!" Nicholas will say, "It's ok, Jesus and God are right there with you. You have to be brave!" Spencer's toy will say, "OK!" Then he takes a syringe (without a needle!) and gives all the animals a shot to "make them feel better!" Love their little hearts. I'm just glad they can play their feelings out and not keep them harbored inside. Pray that I have the patience and wisdom to help them process all that is happening, even if I don't understand it all!! Maybe I need to start play acting too!!! Theraputic??!

Did I mention that I received flowers for being such a good nurse?? I did!!! A fall arrangement that looks great on my table! Now where, oh where will I choose to go out for dinner? Isn't that suppose to come next? A date?? I've forgotten!!!! Stressed? Naaaahhhh!!

Remember all the sick and the ones taking treatments. Remember Michael C from Jonesville, he goes for test on his liver. He doesn't have a website yet. They did find a mass and will be going to Charlottesville or Duke. Remember them. Remember the empty arms and aching hearts.


Tuesday, November 2, 2004 6:59 AM CST

**Day 100 of Oxandrolone Trial!!!!!**


We did not have a red cell transfusion!!! PTL. Nicholas hemoglobin went up to 7.1!!!! Platelets went up to 24k from 19k! I am so relieved! I told Nicholas we prayed the transfusion away this time!!

He now has new frames on his glasses! He broke his frames and they had to be replaced. Thankfully, they didn't have to order the frames and we got everything accomplished in one visit!! They were still under warrenty, which was the best, made Mommy's day!!

We also visited Dad on the job! The boys "helped" Dad dig sewer lines and fill them with gravel!! Spencer wanted me to leave him there! I knew he wouldn't want to go home!

Spencer was awake this morning and wrapped his little arms around my neck and didn't want me to leave, breaking my heart in the process. I had to read a couple of books to him before I left and that satisfied him, with the promise of pizza this evening!!!

The boys did go trick or treating! Nicholas was Scooby Doo and Spencer was Clifford! They had a ball! Spencer even got chocolate kisses and M&M's!!

Thanks Debbie for the package that also had Smarties for Nicholas and M&M's for Spencer! They loved it! I couldn't remember if I thanked you or not! If I did, thanks again! He actually hadn't been eating much because of a cold and ate some of the M&M's for breakfast! I was at the point that ANYTHING to eat was a plus!! That did the trick and he started eating! What better way to get your stomach jump started???

Remember Connor Hunley's family in your prayer. Remember all the families that have lost loved ones. I think of Brandi and Greg and Coley's family all the time. I pray for comfort and peace for them through the holidays.

Remember my baby, I could tell his hgb was up just by looking at him yesterday. Sunday, he was so pale and just drooped around, it was probably low then. He walked out to the playground and blanched white and just didn't feel good. Then, by evening, he perked up enough to go trick or treating!

God Bless you and your family,

Friday, October 29, 2004 11:37 AM CDT

Today is Day 96 of the Oxandrolone Trial


Nicholas' bloodwork yesterday showed his Hemaglobin has dropped to 6.7. If it gets to 6.5, he will have to be transfused with red blood cells. Monday, I'm taking him in to the lab to be checked and then we will be there for the transfusion. His platelets are back down to 19k. His ANC is up to 4798!!!! The G medicine is working!!!! The Oxandrolone isn't so far but I keep hoping.

Spencer is suppose to get a flu shot but is sick and if he doesn't get better he won't get his this time. I pray he will get one soon. His little nose is red as a beet! Pray that he gets well soon too. He feels so bad.

Sissy Bear's birthday is today. We called the school and they announced it over the intercom that Nicholas and Spencer Boggs wishes Sissy Bear a happy birthday!!! She cried!!! Happy Birthday Sis!! We love you big, so much!

Kayla, you actually made me laugh!!! I'm ok, I promise!

NEWS!! One of our recruits to the Bone Marrow Registry is donating marrow!! I'm thrilled beyond measure!! The recipient has leukemia. She is giving the gift of life or a chance for him to have one. I pray the process goes smoothly and the marrow takes. Go and get registered today. I wish they would call me and tell me I match someone. What a blessing to be able to give marrow!

Remember all the families that lost loved ones and the children taking treatments. Remember the ones that haven't found the right treatment yet, like Nicholas.

God Bless,

Wednesday, October 27, 2004 5:22 AM CDT

Day 94 Oxandrolone Trial

Good Morning,

Nicholas is accessed!!! PTL. It went smoothly and he only cried a smidgen, his word!! He did really well and the results of the CBC are above. I don't have all of it yet. I will post when I get it all.

My uncle Philmon does not have heart problems. I'm not sure what is going on and will post if I hear anything else. Mom doesn't have her appointment yet either. Someone was sick and out of the office yesterday! Stay tuned..

Some funnies:
We checked in to the hotel when we got to Cincy and I asked Nicholas which bed he wanted to sleep in. He said, "Where's the electricial outlet?" I burst out laughing! He knew he had to have his equipment hooked up! Dad said, "Just like his Mommy!"
Yesterday, the house was too warm and Mary was wiping the sweat off and Nicholas asked her if she was ok. She said that she was and then he asked, "Is it one of those flash hots?" She lost it!!!

Remember all the children taking treatments.

In His Hands,

Tuesday, October 26, 2004 6:45 AM CDT

Day 93 of Oxandrolone Trial


I met Mom and Dad at the Dr office and they did another EKG on her. It was abnormal and they will do the catheterization after Nov 5. We will find out today exactly when. Stay tuned...and keep praying.

My gut feeling about Nicholas is the port was not accessed and I did not give him the G-CSF yesterday evening. There was drainage all under the dressing. I cannot tell that the swelling is down much at all. Around 1 am, Nicholas turned over on his left side and immediately screamed out that the tape was loose. I checked and he had dumped water from the moisture on it and I cleaned it off. There was blood all over his t-shirt! I checked and the needle had back out most all the way and he was screaming in pain whenever it was touched! I explained that I wanted to put a clean dressing on it and calmed him down some. I pulled the clear dressing off and the needle fell into my hand! No wonder it was hurting him, it was poking him continuously! I knew it wasn't in! I called the home health nurse around 2 am but didn't get a response. Too late, it came out anyway!!! IF we get any longer needles today from the supply co., we will try again today. Please pray hard for him. I shouldn't have asked him to be de-accessed. Hindsight is always 20/20.

We barely made it home yesterday evening when we received a call about my Uncle Philemon. He was in ICU but they are shipping him to JC for a catherization of his heart today. Please remember him too. I just couldn't go to sleep last night and then when that happened to Nicholas I couldn't go back to sleep again. I'm very tired and sleepy today to say the least!

Needless to say, I'm stressed to the max! I know, I know, His Grace is sufficient! I will be ok as long as my baby and mommy and uncle and everyone else's baby is ok. Remember all the ones taking treatment too. PTL for Davaan's transplant going so smoothly. Thanks to the donor as well. Join the bone marrow registery today and help save someone's life.

In His Hands,

Monday, October 25, 2004 7:01 AM CDT

**The home health nurse has accessed Nicholas but isn't getting a good blood return. He is in tremendous pain and is still swollen. We will be putting ice packs on it along with tylenol into his little system to give him some relief. Pray she will get enough blood for cbc and his pain goes away along with the swelling.**

Day 92 of Oxandrolone Trial


Nicholas had his new Port de-accessed on Saturday after his last dose of Ambisome, the anti-fungal medicine! Today, they have to access him again so I can give him his G-CSF and to draw blood for blood work. We will access him on Mondays and take it out on Fridays to give him the weekends free of needles. Spencer patted his head as he was crying and screaming while the nurse took the tape off! Spencer said, "It's ok brother, you're a brave boy!" Then he promply jumped up in the chair, hiding his face and said, "I can't watch!" Is it any wonder that they play "Medical" stuff all the time? Bless their little hearts, that is all they know.

We had a wonderful weekend overall. Nicholas was feeling great Sunday, just full of himself, and definitely had sparkling eyes! I found some reindeer antlers with little bells on them and Mary had gotten the boys blinking noses and guess what? Yes, you guessed it. Nicholas was Rudolf! Spencer wouldn't put his on but did sing "Jingle Bells" while Nicholas shook his head to make the bells ring. Nicholas tried to sing "Rudolf" but couldn't remember all of it. Then he sang, "You are my sunshine!" I wish you could have seen Nicholas. He can't help but giggle when he was "Rudolf!" He had just the sweetest little laugh and smile on his face when he was showing his Dad and his company last night. Mamaw Boggs, Aunt Cathy, Jason, Candy, Kim, Amanda, and Betsy came over to see them. Spencer had to perform for them too and they tossed him coins! He thought he was something!!

Nicholas' teacher brought him and Spencer some "kisses!" She asked Nicholas if it was ok with Mom if he had one. He said, "She don't know I have them!" Spencer was in seventh Heaven!

Remember Nicholas this morning as they access him. I know it will be sore and tender. His little breast is swollen. He will be hysterical.

Remember all the children taking treatments. Remember Mom as she sees the specialist this evening.


Friday, October 22, 2004 8:12 AM CDT

***Please remember my mom, she is having some heart problems and will see a specialist on Monday.***

^Coley^ earned her angel wings this morning. Please remember this FA family in your prayers.

Day 89 Oxandrolone Trial


We arrived home around 3:30pm yesterday. Wednesday, Nicholas came through his 22nd Surgical procedure and his 32nd time in the hospital really well. He was really groggy for most of the evening and I had to give him some tylenol for pain. He didn't want it but I knew he was sore. He also received his flu shot while he was out! It worked perfectly. His new port is in and is working well. I asked them to leave it accessed so I could give him is G-CSF! That created some confusion because usually that means they are being admitted to the hospital! I had to explain the reason I wanted it accessed!! It worked! That is all that matters as of now!

His blood work on Tuesday were: Platelets-14k, hgb-7.7, and his ANC is 3264!!! He did received a platelet transfusion before surgery and his platelets went to 151k!

Nicholas and I slept for most of the way home yesterday and he was asleep by 10 pm last night. He was glad to be home and Spencer was so happy to see us. He hugged and kissed us and couldn't stop talking. He acted so sweet and asked Nicholas, "Did you get your new port in?" Nicholas showed him that his PICC line was gone too! Spencer said, "Good job Nicholas!"

They prepped Nicholas with a relaxer and he said, "Mom!, Mom!, Mom!" then was real slow acting and kissing Daddy bye. He couldn't quite get his lips puckered and kept trying. Then they gave him the "good night" meds and he kept calling "Mom!" until he went to sleep. It broke my heart. I crashed yesterday and slept for the most part and slept really well last night. I woke up this morning with a big headache! Another roller coaster ride! I wouldn't invite anyone to join us on this ride.

My heart is still breaking for Abbey Stuarts mom and dad, Brandi and Greg. Please remember them.

Trusting in the Savior,

Thursday, October 21, 2004 10:59 AM CDT

3:45 pm I just called---They are home!!!! PTL
Spencer was so excited!!!!

Sissy Bear here. Sorry I haven't updated, but my time is limited, especially while Spencer is spending eve and night with us.
Nicholas had surgery yesterday; he was a little tired last night--not feeling too well. Who would?
Spencer misses them so much and wasn't in the best frame of mind yesterday eve either.
Hopefully, Nicholas is on the way home at this time as you read this.
Thanks for thoughts and prayers.
Sissy Bear

Sunday, October 17, 2004 2:18 PM CDT

Day 84 Oxandrolone Trial


It is with great sadness that we are updating
today with the passing of Abbey Stuart. We haven't had internet service at work for a couple of days and I didn't have time to get online at home. My heart is breaking and I can't even imagine what Brandi and Greg are feeling. I told Nicholas and he said, "I remember that cute little thing." I can just see her with her new white wings flitting here and there all over Heaven. Precious, Precious little angel. Then, he asked about Apryl. He was in the tub and I went in the kitchen and he hollered, "When am I going to die?" I was already crying and whispered, "Oh God, No!" I went to the bathroom and he didn't ask anything else. Wait til tonight, when the lights are off and then the questions will begin. Pray for us.

We will be going to Cincy tomorrow evening and Nicholas will be having tests on Tue and surgery on Wed to get his port put back in. Hopefully, we will be back home on Thursday. He had his last dose of Ambesome on Sat. I don't know if they will decide to continue those or not. He is still on Diflucan and Cipro.

His platelet are down to 16k, and his ANC is up to 1980!! We will have more blood work on Monday, to see if his ANC is higher. On Tuesday, he will have a fasting glucose test and ultrasounds of the abdomen. He will also see Dr Rose, the endocrinologist. He will see Dr Harris and have a platelet tranfusion on Wed morning before surgery.

Thursday, October 14, 2004 6:39 AM CDT

Day 81 Oxandrolone Trial


Nicholas did better in school yesterday. He also had OT but wasn't too worn out for school. They played several games to incorporate movement in his fingers. I'm not sure if he will ever be able to pull up/push down his underware and pants. Maybe we could add loops to help. He was complaining about a month ago that his wrist were hurting. I'm not sure what was going on.

Spencer just had to be in on the schooling again last night. The teacher(Ms. Phyllis) is so patient with them. She takes a few extra minutes with Spencer every time she comes and he thinks he is in school too! It is so sweet.
Nicholas is doing some work during the day too and doesn't like it one bit!! He is so far behind but will just have to work when he feels the best. His energy is in spurts, down during school!, up during play!!!! Believe you me, he knows how to work the system!!! System being, Mom, Dad, Teacher, and Baby Sitter!!! He'll start yawning and saying, "I'm so tired!" Some times he really is and some times he's a good actor!

Nicholas' surgery is scheduled for the 20th, with his 3 month Oxandrolone testing on the 19th. His blood cultures haven't grown anything in 5 days! PTL. PTL. PTL!

Happy Birthday Sheena!!! We love you so much!!! 24 years young!! I hope today is even more than your greatest expectations!

Remember all taking treatments or living with a fatal diagnosis. Remember Connor and his family.

God Bless,

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 6:42 AM CDT

Day 80 Oxandrolone Trial


Today makes the 2nd week on G-CSF! I'm so happy his ANC has responded to the medicine. I'm still worried about taking him out into a crowd but he is able to fight off some bugs right now. I dread this winter, flu season, and RSV! Just too many viruses for his little immune system to fight off!

Nicholas was talking to Sissy Bear on the phone last night. I had just hooked him up on the moisturized air and giving him a breathing treatment. He has been real dry for some reason. Anyway, I am listening to a one sided conversation and have to guess what Sissy Bear is saying. He said, "It's my moisture! I've told you that before! You just can't remember can you!" He was so disgusted, I couldn't help but laugh. He just kept quarreling with her!

Spencer started sticking out his tongue at everyone yesterday evening! I told him what happened to me, many moons ago! Sissy Bear and Mamaw were in the kitchen baking something for her home ec class. I was in the Den, fighting with my two older brothers, Kenny and Joel. I stuck out my tongue at them and of course, that started everything all over again. I started crying and told Mamaw on the boys! Mamaw came in there and gave us all a spanking!!! Me for tattling and the boys for whatever it was they were doing! I'm sure we all had to hug each other and say we were sorry too! That was the ultimate punishment!! Spencer just couldn't comprehend Mamaw spanking his Mommy! It was so funny. Anyway, he didn't stick out his tongue any more. Better than peeing on the wall I guess!

Thanks to all who've signed the guestbook and offered so much encouragement and prayers. It means more than you will ever know!

Abbey is being transferred closer to home!! Thank the Lord. Remember her and the others in transplant.
Remember Clinton and his donor, Blake, his little brother!, their schedule is posted on his site, just click on his name above.
Davaan will be undergoing more testing as they prepare for his transplant.
Maria is still real weak and is going for her bloodwork results this morning.

Trusting In The Healer,

Tuesday, October 12, 2004 7:01 AM CDT

Day 79 Oxandrolone Trial

Good Morning,

We started the Cipro yesterday evening and Nicholas had major stomach problems. I had to vent him about three times and barely kept him from throwing up. This was during his school time too. After his stomach settled down, he did a lot better. He actually drew some socks like he was suppose to and did a marvelous job. He can do the work, it just takes him longer. It has to be just so and he will erase it until he is satisfied with it! He is a hoot. One thing that had him distracted was the fact that Papaw came, just before the teacher, and brought the puppy up for him to see. He just had to pet it. He named him Brownie and was so excited he couldn't stand it. I had to tell him that Papaw had already left and gone home before he could get down to school business! He thought Papaw was still there for some reason! Then Spencer just had to watch Nicholas do his work! He wanted to do a page too!!! He is too cute! He had to help me clean!! He had to help put out the Jack-o-lantern, wanted to turn all the lights off, including the one Nicholas and the teacher were using!! Nicholas just had a lot of distractions! Besides the fact that he will start yawning and exclaiming how tired he is!!! This is an action that usually works but I told him he was tired all the time but he still had to do his work!!! He perked up and began working! One thing was for sure, he was sick at his tummy.

Blood work results!! Platelets down to 19, Hemoglobin down to 7.9 and ANC up to 1204!! The G-CSF is working but the Oxandrolone still has a long way to go. The dose will not be doubled for 33 more days! If it doesn't work when doubled in four months, then he will be taken off the trial.
The next course of action will be...I have no clue. Besides trying more drugs and transfusions, transplant is our only option and will be the last resort only if he doesn't get his miracle. Yes, we are still praying for a miracle!

Remember all the children and adults taking treatments. Here is another prayer request that I received: Evan Smith is in Johnson City Medical Center with menengitis, please remember him.

Storm Heaven,

Monday, October 11, 2004 7:28 AM CDT

Day 78 Oxandrolone Trial

Good Morning,

We had a great week-end. Nicholas is back to his old pestering ways with sparkling eyes and mischevious grins!

He and Spencer joined in the Sacrament service on Sunday, with communion and feet washing. I had the most high honor of washing Spencer's little feet for his first time. As we prepared for the service, he lifted his little feet up to me to pull of his shoes! I couldn't have told him no for anything in this whole wide world. Nicholas joined the men and Dad stacked up song books to get the pan of water high enough for his little feet to get into the pan. I think all the men joined in and washed his feet. He was thrilled and after it was over with, came to me and told me what Dad did to get the pan high enough and just laughed. To be humble as a little child... God is so good.

Remember Abbey, she get to go closer home tomorrow! Remember Connor, he is going on hospice today, remember the family, his website is
Davaan's leukemia is down to one percent and will under go testing for his BMT! Yes!!! The chemo worked!
Remember Maria too.

Trust in The Healer,

Friday, October 8, 2004 6:37 AM CDT

Day 75 Oxandrolone Trial

**Putting him on Ciprofloxacin, via the g-tube! The ID is Staphylococcus Hominis!**

Good Morning,

If you missed yesterday's update, go back and read it! We were put back on antibiotics, Vancomycin. I began the infusion last night and Nicholas started scratching his head vigorously! I called Home Health and yes, it was an allergeric reaction! I stopped the meds, gave him a dose of Benadryl, and let the iv fluids run for a little longer and then stopped them too. He demanded, "SCRATCH MY HEAD!" We had a scratching party! Dad and I had to help scratch! Then he started scratching his chest and belly. Whew! The itching stopped and the Benadryl knocked him out. I missed the "MOM! COME!" and actually slept til 4 am before I woke up. I didn't hear a peep out of him and checked on him to see if he was ok. The nurse said that he could break out today even. Believe it or not, I knew something was going to happen. I was looking through his supplies trying to find everything for the iv fluids and ran across one of the little Benadryl kits they send in case there is an allegeric reaction, (anaphaxic kit). I just stopped in my tracks and considered the possibility of a reaction, even though he didn't have a reaction the last time he was on it. Scratching his head wasn't what I was expecting to happen!!! Thank you Lord for preparing me, for making me pause, and think! Reality check!
I'm not sure what we will do today. Stay tuned!

Now on a different subject! I had come to the conclusion the the commode was leaking in the bathroom because of the odor! Clorox just wasn't helping! Mary asked the boys yesterday if they knew why it was smelling. Spencer said, "I do!" With little giggles, he stated, "I've been trying to see how high on the wall I can pee!"
If you have daughers, see what fun you are missing!!!

Maria called last night and she is being moved to a step down unit. They are putting steriods into her back because the nerve endings are malfunctioning. I'm not sure what is going on but she called this procedure 'surgery.' Remember her in your prayers. Remember all the children taking treatments.

Keep praying,

Thursday, October 7, 2004 7:12 AM CDT

**Coley is in need of platelets and they have none!! Platelet Donors Needed in the Raynham, MA area. If you are there or know of someone there, please see if they can give blood products!!**

Day 74 Oxandrolone Trial


I received a fax with Nicholas blood cultures testing positive for "Gram Positive Cocci in pairs." Streptococcus pneumoniae OR hemolytic Staph is the culprit! It can possibly cause pneumonia and other complications in the lower lobe of the lung or any other body part!!! Could he possibly be getting pneumonia again? He complained the other day of hurting in his hip again. I thought it was gas pains related to the Diflucan he is on that is causing some gi problems for him.
How on this earth could he have anything in his little system after all these antibiotics? Evidently, he needs a different kind, a big gun. This is the one that is so hard on his gi, with severe diarrhea and raw bottom. I hope that isn't the one he has to go on, he will definitly dehydrate if so.

Bless his little heart. One bug after another to fight. It is no wonder his little system is exhausted and depleted. One causes the other. System too low and infections proliferate because there is nothing left to fight it. His bone marrow just isn't producing enough white cells and neutrophils to keep these infections at bay.
He cannot go to transplant full of infection.

I'm sure there will be more bloodwork in the works for today. Keep praying.

Kim, you actually made me laugh when I read your guestbook entry!!! It's not hoof! It's foot, mouth, and hand disease!!! I've heard about it and am trying to keep Nicholas and Spencer protected! I hope and pray that Ethan gets better and Tanner doesn't get it. We saw them on Monday evening!!! The reason you couldn't get through was Nicholas was on the phone to Mamaw, Papaw, Sissy, and Daddy Bear! He talked, sang, and talked some more. I wish I had taken a picture of him lounging on the couch, talking on the phone! It was too cute!

Remember Maria, she is in ICU. Remember all the others taking treatments.

Heaven is my goal, what is yours?
Don't ever loose sight of your goal,

Wednesday, October 6, 2004 6:34 AM CDT

Day 73 Oxandrolone Trial


The home health came back yesterday for blood cultures but so far none of the pheripheral blood has grown anything, thank the Lord. I'm just praying those extra white cells are attacking the yeast and creepy crawlies in the tissue where his new port is going back in. Getting him all brand new for another round. His surgery is scheduled for the 20th, exactly two weeks from today. It will fly by. Nicholas was not feeling the best yesterday, droopy and moping around. Spencer is feeling just fine and bouncing off the walls!

Kayla, I'm sorry to disillusion you but I haven't moved a mountain yet!! It is God who is faithful and just. He is always there for us, it is us, who move away from Him. Peter was able to walk on water, as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus. It is when we take our eyes off Jesus that we get into trouble too. We start looking around and Satan will do his best to pop up obstacles to dim our vision. If we could only stay focused on God's promises, oh the joy that could fill our souls. God has a storehouse full of blessings if we will only ask. I want all that have my name on them, don't you? God wants to bless His children. Nicholas told Kim the other day that "We are all God's children!" He wants to bless us all. Nicholas and Spencer are big blessings to us, so precious and sweet. How can my heart hold much more joy without bursting? Yes, I love my boys!

The lights were out and I heard, "Mommy, Come!" I thought "Oh no, more questions!" He just wasn't sleepy and wanted some excuse to talk! I was sleepy but little man Spencer cried out "Mommy" all night long. He was dreaming and I heard him say something about Nicholas. Needless to say, I'm very tired today and my eyes are hurting!

Remember Maria, Abbey, Clinton and his brother Blake who will be his donor, Davaan, Coley, Ty (donor is ill and they have to postpone his BMT), Jo and Jacy (gene therapy) paving new roads! and all the others taking treatments.

Trusting in the One who can move mountains!

Tuesday, October 5, 2004 6:42 AM CDT

Day 72 Oxandrolone Trial


We had a scare yesterday! The home health couldn't get the PICC line to work and she worked with it for an hour without any success. I tried after I came home and guess what? Yes! It worked! The only difference was he was lying down when I tried! The PICC line is positional! Mary was thrilled it started working! Mommy was too! The home health nurse on call came back last night to draw his labs and watched me give him the Neupogen. I don't have results yet. I will post them when I receive them.

On the home front! Nicholas was having a bad gas spell on Sunday, trying to potty at the same time, and I was try to vent him while he was on the potty. He said, "God shouldn't have made me THIS different!!" I actually think he was trying to be funny but just couldn't because he was so sick. He didnt' throw up but he came so close it wasn't funny. The questions have continued on a steady basis all week end. I explained that some diseases wouldn't allow the children to walk, talk, or run and play. He said, "Like that little boy at Mayor Clayton's Village (Give Kids The World Village) whose foot was turned backwards?" I had no clue what he was talking about!!! But he remembered! He mentioned something else but I can't remember what!!! He wants to go back to Disney! I told him maybe one of these days.

I asked Nicholas why he thought that God made him the way he was. He said, "He made me without thumbs and that's all I know!" I think he is getting frustrated to some extent because he doesn't have thumbs and I explained that I could take him and let the doctors fix him a thumb. I explained the procedure and he shook his head NO! He didn't want a thumb!

Spencer is also noticing that Nicholas doesn't have thumbs and told him that he had five, while holding up his fingers! Nicholas told him to count them! Spencer did and Nicholas said, "Good job Spencer, I'm so proud of you!!" That actually diverted Spencer's attention and nothing else was said. If Nicholas does get to go to public school, he will hear more than Spencer gave him. He will just have to learn how to deal with whatever is said. I'm sure he will come up with something!!

Thank you for all your support, signing the guest book, and the prayers! He is dealing with a lot right now and his comprehension is improving. I am having to explain more and I can tell the difference in the level of what he wants to know. Pray for guidance that I will know what to tell him and when. How on earth will I explain to him that he is too high risk for the only "cure" for the bone marrow? Maybe he want ask that one! Yeah, right! I'm sure he will ask just pray that I'll have the grace and wisdom in explaining it to him. He is beyond his years and it seems sometimes that he already knows the answers and is checking to see if I will tell him the truth!!! Spencer too! He is asking "Why?" Why can't he wrestle with brudder? Why can't he be rough? Why can't he be Spiderman and attack Nicholas? Surprisingly, I still have hair left!!!

Last but not least, THANK YOU Joel for the camera and film. It was a big hit and Nicholas can take pictures by himself. It was perfect! Spencer loves it too! Polaroid! It think you got in the last trick! I read the boys your letter and Nicholas smiled from ear to ear!

Remember the children taking treatments.

Just one of God's children,

Friday, October 1, 2004 6:53 AM CDT

Day 68 Oxandrolone Trail
Day 3 of G-CSF, Doses on Mon, Wed, and Fri


Nicholas was feeling a little better yesterday. He was just a little more rotten! I told him about the Sugar Hound Photo and he smiled. Mary called him and was talking about it and he said, "In the morning, you call Sissy Bear and tell her to tell Kara NOT to look at my website!!!! Never look at my website!!" I couldn't help but laugh! Those little brown eyes were big as saucers and he was as serious as he could be!

Mamaw and Papaw came up and the boys ran for their spatula swords! Papaw said, "I'm not fighting tonight!" Guess what? The boys made him fight! Papaw told Spencer not to hit his hand and Spencer immediately hit his hand! He is something else! Papaw usually wraps up his hand but forgot last night!!

Lights were out and we were trying to go to sleep when Nicholas said, "Mommy, Come!" I went to him and he said, "Why am I different? Why was I born without thumbs?" Explaining that God made us all different from each other and that we loved him just the way he is, he said, "But I'm am different! I'm not a big brother! I'm different from Spencer!" Spencer had told him yesterday that he wasn't a big boy that he was little. Swallowing the lump so I could speak, I told him he had FA. "What is FA?" I told him about FA and that Apryl and lots of the other children at Camp Sunshine had it too! He asked, "Does Apryl (Gibson) have thumbs?" I honestly couldn't remember but I think she does and told him so. He said, "I guess we all are different, I'm just special!" He hadn't noticed any of the other children that had missing thumbs either! Then, he asked, "When am I getting my bone marrow transplant?" I told him he may not have to have one. Then out of the blue he said, "I've never seen a real angel!" I told him that Mom and Dad considered him and Spencer to be our angels! He said, "I saw that woman in an angel dress but she looked like just a girl to me!"

I survived that round but feel burdened and very heavy hearted today. All I know is that God has a plan and pray to be an instrument in His plan. Whatever He has in mind for me to do, I pray for strength and courage to do it.
He is the source for all my strength, courage, smiles, and my-get-up-and-go! I can't do it alone but with God all things are possible!

Remember all the children going through treatments of some kind.

Still trusting in The Healer,

Thursday, September 30, 2004 6:59 AM CDT

Day 67 Oxandrolone Trial
Day 2 G-CSF, he will get this on Mon, Wed, and Fri!
Blood work today, I can't wait to see what his counts have done overnight!!

**Whoooo Hooooo!!! ANC is up to 660!!! Hemoglobin actually has went up to 8.4 on it's own! Thank The Lord!! Rejoice with us!** My day just improved!!

Good Morning,

Nicholas had a good night and no reaction to the first dose of Neupogen. He was scared at first with the injection! He said, "I'm going to cry a little bit!" He trys so hard to be brave and does really well! He didn't even cry when she first poked him. She began shaking his arm a little and then he started crying and saying that it hurt. Hopefully, they will get the syringe pump there for tomorrows dose. Just keep praying his marrow responded and his white cells will go up. It was his ANC that cannot be over 10k. I can't imagine an ANC of 10k!!!!

Sissy Bear has laryngitis and tried to talk to the boys on the phone. Nicholas looked so worried at first and understood that she cannot come up. He ask me if she was blind! I have no idea why he thought she couldn't see because she couldn't talk! She has been feeling bad for a while and has stayed away. It is killing her and I tried to comfort her by telling her that they didn't miss her!!! She said I was CRUEL!! Oh, well.

Spencer has to have "school" after Nicholas now every time the teacher is there. It is so precious! He is too smart!

Remember all the children taking treatments. Maria is doing better and thanks everyone for the prayers.

Stephanie has posted Clinton's photos and he and Blake are so adorable. They are having a fundraiser for them at Meadowview United Methodist Church, Saturday, Oct. 2, 7 PM if anyone can attend! They leave Monday, the 4th for Minnesota and testing starts on the 11th. Remember them.

Still Trusting,

Wednesday, September 29, 2004 6:28 AM CDT

Day 66 Oxandrolone Trial
Day 1 G-CSF-White Cell Stimulator

**This first dose of Neupogen(G_CSF) will be given as an injection. Please pray for my baby, he will be terrified.**


Today, Nicholas receives his first dose of G-CSF, which will hopefully push white cells out into his blood stream and that will increase his ability to fight off infection (ANC). Matthew Pearl started his on Friday and his
ANC went to 2850 by Saturday! His was below 500 too! His website is He has a 5/6 donor match and they are still looking for a perfect match but will have to go with the 5/6 match if he needs BMT now. Remember him in your prayers.

We will have bloodwork on Thursday to see how much it increases Nicholas' ANC and white cells. The ANC has to stay below 10,000!! I couldn't believe it could go that high but it does in some cases. That doesn't sound correct to me, it may be his white blood cells that has to stay below 10k. I'll check on that!

The pictures above are of Julia and Mary, the volunteers that were captivated by none other than Papa Bear! I received precious emails from them and wanted to share parts of them with you all:

Hello Donna,

I wanted to ask you if it would be okay or appropriate for Me and Julia to raise money for little Nicholas. I have been planning to do a recital with operatic and classical music possibly at my church. I was thinking sometime in November. I was going to ask Julia to play the piano for it and dedicate it to your wonderful son and family. I was thinking we could try and sum up some donations. I want to just ask for your blessing to put this together in Nicholas' name. I think about you're whole family all of the time and Julia and I never stop talking about you guys. You are simply but truly wonderful. I just want to do something for you all, and it may not even be the most successful recital put together, but I want to work hard to make it so. Just let me know if you have any suggestions, and let me know if it is okay that I do this for little Papa Bear. I wanted to in a sense share his story with the audience and tell them about our Camp Sunshine experience with all the wonderful families we've met, especially your family. So if you could let me know about that that would be absolutely wonderful. I also have another favor to ask of you. Julia and I were talking and we remember you taping alot at camp. It you wouldn't mind, and if it's not too much to ask, I was wondering if you had any copies of the video or could easily make one (I don't want to be a bother) I would greatly love to be able to hear Nicholas' little voice and witness his priceless manerisms. Don't worry about it if it is too much trouble, but if not, it would be so much appreciated. Okee Doke! But Take care and give Nicholas a kiss and hug for me. Miss you!
Love Mary

Donna! This is Julia from Camp Sunshine! Wow, my computer really is so slow, I have been trying to email you since I got back from camp in August. But, its fixed now, so I can keep in touch more hopefully. I just wanted to let you know, that Nicholas, Spencer, and the whole Bogg's family are in my prayers every single day more than once. You all are such an inspiration to me, I can't explain to you how touched I was. Your boys are amazing, and I know you are so proud of them, which you should be. Nicholas is my angel, he turned my whole life around. I never once do anything without thinking of him and how he would respond to it with his beautiful smile. I am so happy to hear he is home from the hospital...I have been checking your website about a million times a day! I just love to know how the boys and the family is doing. So i guess the gist of this email, is to say thank you to Nicholas for being so brave and strong (like the papa bear he is) and to Spencer for being the biggest sweetheart and loving his brother oh so much (like baby bears should do!) and to Sissy for being so helpful and caring, and to Jeff for being so supportive, and to you especially Donna, you are so incredibly strong, I look up to you. I hope that one day I can be even half of the person that you are, thank you for being so wonderful.
I hope to hear back from you! Love, hugs and kisses for the whole family!
-Julia Z.

Yes, I cried! Aren't they so precious? They both got the boys bears, cards, and disposable cameras while at camp! They dedicated "Jesus Loves Me" to Nicholas during the talent show! It was beautiful and had all of us in tears. They are both incredible and are so blessed with beautiful voices and definitely don't need my blessing!! I'll post the final recital dates when I hear from them. I'm sure they will also be singing Nicholas' most favorite, "Amazing Grace and Jesus Loves Me!" Girls, I want a copy of that video too!

Nicholas was a little droopy yesterday but hopefully today will be a better day. Remember all the children taking treatments.

Too Blessed to be stressed!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004 6:44 AM CDT

Day 65 Oxandrolone Trial

**UPDATE! We start the G-CSF transfusions tomorrow!! Thank the Lord.

Tissue cultures are positive for yeast and gram positive cocci, yet to be identified!**

*New Photos!*


I'm brain dead this morning because of lack of sleep. I have to have some excuse don't I? Between Nicholas' meds and Spencer not resting well, I didn't get much sleep. I will definitely need tooth picks to prop up my eyelids! Maybe I will just have to hook up an IV and let the coffee drip in continuously today!!

Nicholas did well in school yesterday and the teacher, Ms Phyllis thinks he is a ham! He told her about he was a star! St. Mary's asked me if Nicholas' picture could be on their November Billboard Campaign! Of course, I said yes and the photographer came yesterday for a photo shoot! Nicholas was in a fantastic mood and was feeling much better. I told him to think of his girlfriends and that would make him smile! He asked, "Which one?" I told him the one that makes him smile the biggest! He said, "That's ALL of them!" Rotten to the core!!!

The home health nurse called back late with his results. His platelets were 87k (still hanging on to some from the transfusion!), hemoglobin -7.7 wbc-2.4, rbc-2.2, and his ANC was down to 120. G-CSF here we come! The nurse couldn't believe how active he was yesterday with a hemoglobin of 7.7. He is tolerating the low counts really well!

Spencer tried to write Nicholas' name and Nicholas went into orbit! He did not want him to and cut the biggest tantrum you have ever seen. I put him to bed to finish pouting it out. I told him that was nonsense to get so mad over that. Dad came home and told him the same thing. He said, "I know! I know! Mom told me!" Then, Spencer woke up during the night and didn't want Nicholas to say the ABC's!!! Whew! What boys!!!

Thanks Debbie for the wonderful box of goodies that was waithing on Nicholas when we arrived home. He loved it all but that little, red, bull truck was precious!! El Torro Loco! And Spencer has had a ball with the little puzzles! It has diffferent characters on it and you can mix and match the head, body, and legs. He loves making the angel have hairy caveman legs!! or cowboy boots! It is hilarious!

Remember all the ones suffering during treatments and the caregivers too.

Sleepy but still praying,

Monday, September 27, 2004 9:34 AM CDT

Day 64 Oxandrolone Trial

Good Morning,

Bad news first! I just received word from Cincinnati that the tissue around the port did test positive for yeast. Good news, he is still on the antifungal medicine. Why isn’t it getting rid of it? The yeast hasn’t been typed yet so hopefully he is on the correct med for the type of yeast he has. Otherwise, the medicine will have to change!!! And that means, longer time on medicines!

Let me go back to last week! Sissy Bear told about the tearful good byes with everybody when we left for Cincy. Mamaw brought up a wonderful dinner of chicken ‘n dumplings with all the trimmings to see us off. Spencer then realized we were leaving and the first question he asked was “Is Nicholas going to the hospital?” Then he started crying and saying he didn’t want us to leave. Nicholas, in his little pitiful way, began consoling him, petting him and saying, “Spencer, I don’t want to leave you but I have to. They are taking my port out!” “It’s ok, Jesus and God will be with me.” “I’ll be back when I can.” They then hugged and kissed and broke everyone’s heart. I don’t remember how many times they hugged and kissed but it was every time I looked at them! Very emotional, very hard to leave.
On the way to Cincinnati, Nicholas counted to 100, and then counted by tens to 100, laughing and so proud of himself. He was so full of himself! Good trip overall.

Thursday, we began the day with a platelet transfusion which brought his platelets up to 155k!!! Hemoglobin down to 7.2! ANC was 190. He was considered in “Protective Isolation!”, which meant he had to wear a mask, which he refused to do and compromised by using a paper towel!! He sailed through surgery and I ask to go back to the recovery early so that I could replace his mic-key button while he was still asleep. This worked wonderfully! He woke up and I told him what all had happened and about his new mic-key button. Still real loopy and talking long and slow, he said, “Mom, you’re so smart!” We all burst out laughing. Then, to the radiation dept to put the PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) into his right arm. He was awake and aware of what they were doing but still a little loopy. He did everything they wanted and was asking questions and talking up a storm. They used ultrasound to insert the line into his vein but had a hard time finding the vein! The doctor said that ultrasound was the only way to go with him. They gave him a shot to numb the arm and he said, “Ouch!” That was all he said for the rest of the time. He told everyone that “when it stung he didn’t say one word, not one word came out of his mouth, nothing!! He is something else!! The doctor said, “Mom, you know he is well beyond his years don’t you!” As we were leaving, he said, “Thank you guys!” I could hear them laughing as we went out the door. He slept for the rest of the evening and night.

Friday, we made it home after a couple of stops on the four-lane, one due to a bad tracker-trailer wreck in which both burned completely up and the other due to road work. It was a happy reunion between two little brothers! They played for most of the evening.

Saturday, Nicholas stayed in bed all day. He had another infusion of Ambesome, the antifungal medicine that lasted about 2 hrs. They had to prep him with Benadryl and he went to sleep around 4 and slept until 9 and then went back to sleep for the rest of the night. He was feeling ok for the most part and just played in bed, reading books and playing with Spencer.

Spencer was glad we were all together again. He is so sweet and worries about Nicholas. He is becoming a little baby prayer bear, praying when someone else does. He looked so sweet at the altar yesterday praying for Nicholas. He looked up at me during service and asked, “We will pray for Nicholas in a minute?” How precious is that? I love my boys and thank God for the precious gifts we have been given.

We did get a brief visit with Davaan’s sweet parents, Andrea and David. Too brief!!! We had really just got started talking and they called us back to recovery with Nicholas. I wish we could have met Davaan but his counts have bottomed out and we didn’t want to carry any germs in to him. They have had a hard row to hoe and now are trying some really strong chemo to kill the leukemia so he can have a transplant. Pray hard for them to have the strength and courage to help little Davaan fight.
Remember Maria, she still has her chest tubes in and it is a struggle for her to breathe let alone fight this storm Jeanne that is pounding them. Remember little Abbey, she is still in the hospital. Remember Nicholas that he meds will take care of the bad bugs in his system so he can get his port put back in on the 13th of October. Remember us too.


Sunday, September 26, 2004 12:20 AM CDT

Sissy Bear here! Nicholas is back home! Praises to the Lord! He is chipper as ever; he is truly amazing! He is doing much better with all this than we are!
Donna will be back with you tomorrow, probably! She is much better explaining this than I, so I'll leave it all to her. She should have been a nurse; she is a nurse, what am I saying!! God has given her many talents. He knows what we need.
Spencer was at the altar praying today; he told me he was praying for his brother. Was that precious or what!!! Train them up in the way they should go....
We appreciate and love you all.
Sissy Bear

Thursday, September 23, 2004 7:33 PM CDT

Hello, Sissy Bear here. Our hearts are praising God this eve. We thank Him so much for being with Nicholas today and all of us! Nicholas had his port removed and a PIC U (sp?)Line put in his right arm. Nicholas watched and helped put the line in(they numbed his arm first)! Is he brave or is he brave? When they finished, he said, "thank you, Guys." Humble as a little child! Will I ever be?
Before they left for Cin. yesterday eve, Nicholas was so sweet; he was explaining to Brother that he had to go to Cin. and that he hated to leave us so badly. He sent his love to Kara and the other students in my class; this was enough to make my eyes smart! When he ran to the car and hugged me, telling me that God and Jesus was with him, the dam broke! A heart this child can't touch is already hopeless!!
Hopefully, Nicholas will be back home tom. eve sometime. Please pray for them to have a safe trip home.
Love to you guys.
Sissy Bear

Wednesday, September 22, 2004 6:30 AM CDT

Day 59 of the Oxandrolone Trial

Good Morning,

Nicholas was feeling great yesterday evening. Kim, I wasn't going to tell on you but since you put it in the guestbook, I'll explain what happened. Kim came over and brought Nicholas a birthday gift and was pestering him. He cried like his heart was broken! He told his Dad, "I baled my eyes out!" Kim's eyes were as big as saucers! It killed her that she had hurt his feelings. That is what it amounted to, hurt feelings. He doesn't like to be tickled, poked, or grabbed suddenly. I'm not sure what he is thinking but he has cried over these actions more than once. I guess he has been stuck by a needle so many times for so long that he relates it back to that in some way. He is like his Mamaw and Mommy, he wears his feelings on his shoulders! The funny part about all of this was what Spencer did! He got Nicholas' bull and hit Kim with it, then started using his hands and feet. I finally realized what he was doing and explained that Kim didn't mean to hurt Nicholas. Spencer was definitely taking Nicholas' part! He just kept on and on. He was mad at Kim for hurting his "brudder!" Anyway, Kim brought Spencer a little game of hunting dogs that try to eat marbles and Nicholas an AquaDoodle! What better than water to play with? You put water into a pen and doodle on a large mat that has ABC's, numbers, and animals on the border. It has a white background that turns blue when water touches it! Then it dries and you can start over! No ink, markers, or paint mess! Thanks Kim! Great idea! Thanks for your friendship too, it means so much to me. There is still room for the old friends, if they would only come around!

We dread this trip so please pray hard for us. Dad is really down and it's hard to keep smiling when you don't feel like it. Where on earth would we be if you all weren't praying for us? We can feel the prayers and God will bless you too, one of these days with a double portion.

Remember my mom, her sugar level was around 200 last night. Remember Abbey, she is still in the hospital. Remember Davaan, a baby with Neuroblastoma, AML, FA, and trying to get his levels low enough for a BMT. I hope to meet his mom, Andrea this trip. Click on his name in the list above to see his website. He reminds me so much of my nephew, Wesley when he was a baby! Remember Nicholas, this will be the 21st surgerical procedure and his 31st time in the hospital. No wonder he doesn't like pokes!!!
He will start getting his platelet transfusion around 8:30 in the morning and the port replacement is scheduled for noon.

I'll update whenever I can or Sissy Bear will while we are gone.

In His hands,
The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, September 21, 2004 6:30 AM CDT

Day 58 of the Oxandrolone Trial


Blood work hasn't changed all that much. Platelets did drop to 19k though. His ANC is 374, still under 500 and in isolation. Hey, I never dreamed it would help with salemen though!! Two came to the house and I told them that my son was in isolaton and they couldn't come into the house. They graciouly left. I still wonder what they were selling!

Anyway...Nicholas was feeling so much better yesterday evening. He was singing to the top of his lungs to Kim and Sammy! It was too cute. He sure is the little entertainer.
I may have talked for 5 minutes and he talked for about 39!!! He loves to quarrel back at Kim when she tells him his girlfriends look like monkeys or turkeys! His little eyes will just sparkle and he will scream "No!" I had to tell him to stop screaming last night and threaten to take the phone! He is a ham. When we say our prayers, the first one he wants God to bless are "all my girlfriends!" then he and Spence go through the family. He also asked God to bless him. Yes, it broke my heart.

Whitney, we did get the photos and I'm going to try to get them scanned in today. They were georgous!(Spencer's word!)
Thanks so much for sending them to us. Nicholas' loved them! I'll have them posted before too long! I'm behind on photos! I have lots more film to be developed too.

Spencer has been the Prince and he calls me Rapunzel! He acts so sweet and has a huge imagination! He was working in a Kindergarten book while Nicholas was in school and did a wonderful job. He is too smart! Nicholas is reading more and more! I think it's in his little brain but he has a hard time getting it out.

We barely found a room at the Vernon Manor! Everything was booked and I called Saturday when I had time, if I'd waited any longer we would have had to stay farther away from the hospital. That may not be a bad idea!!

I think the surgery is still on and will not be rescheduled. Once something is growing in the port, it is hard for all of it to be killed out. We could take a chance, go off the antibiotics, and culture it again. Too big of a risk, since his counts are so low. He just cannot fight off all these normal bugs that live in our bodies. His immune system is slowly slipping away and every time he has a bad infection, his recovery is slower and longer. His bone marrow just isn't producing enough cells. It is failing. That makes my heart sink into my feet. There comes a time when you stop denying the evidence and accept the cold hard truth. God, we are still waiting for our miracle. If it don't come soon, it will be too late.
Please help me pray harder. How many more times do we have to turn our face to the wall and ask for more time? He is the life giver and the healer. In Him we live, move, and have our being. It is all up to Him.

In His hands,

Tuesday, September 21, 2004 6:30 AM CDT

Day 58 of the Oxandrolone Trial


Blood work hasn't changed all that much. Platelets did drop to 19k though. His ANC is 374, still under 500 and in isolation. Hey, I never dreamed it would help with salesmen though!! Two came to the house and I told them that my son was in isolaton and they couldn't come into the house. They graciouly left. I still wonder what they were selling!

Anyway...Nicholas was feeling so much better yesterday evening. He was singing to the top of his lungs to Kim and Sammy! It was too cute. He sure is the little entertainer.
I may have talked for 5 minutes and he talked for about 39!!! He loves to quarrel back at Kim when she tells him his girlfriends look like monkeys or turkeys! His little eyes will just sparkle and he will scream "No!" I had to tell him to stop screaming last night and threaten to take the phone! He is a ham. When we say our prayers, the first one he wants God to bless are "all my girlfriends!" then he and Spence go through the family. He also asked God to bless him. Yes, it broke my heart.

Tiffany, we did get the photos and I'm going to try to get them scanned in today. They were georgous!(Spencer's word!)
Thanks so much for sending them to us. Nicholas' loved them! I'll have them posted before too long! I'm behind on photos! I have lots more film to be developed too.

Spencer has been the Prince and he calls me Rapunzel! He acts so sweet and has a huge imagination! He was working in a Kindergarten book while Nicholas was in school and did a wonderful job. He is too smart! Nicholas is reading more and more! I think it's in his little brain but he has a hard time getting it out.

We barely found a room at the Vernon Manor! Everything was booked and I called Saturday when I had time, if I'd waited any longer we would have had to stay farther away from the hospital. That may not be a bad idea!!

I think the surgery is still on and will not be rescheduled. Once something is growing in the port, it is hard for all of it to be killed out. We could take a chance, go off the antibiotics, and culture it again. Too big of a risk, since his counts are so low. He just cannot fight off all these normal bugs that live in our bodies. His immune system is slowly slipping away and every time he has a bad infection, his recovery is slower and longer. His bone marrow just isn't producing enough cells. It is failing. That makes my heart sink into my feet. There comes a time when you stop denying the evidence and accept the cold hard truth. God, we are still waiting for our miracle. If it don't come soon, it will be too late.
Please help me pray harder. How many more times do we have to turn our face to the wall and ask for more time? He is the life giver and the healer. In Him we live, move, and have our being. It is all up to Him.

In His hands,

Monday, September 20, 2004 6:40 AM CDT

Good Morning,

***UPDATE:!! Nicholas last blood culture didn't grow anything after 4 days!!! YES! Thank the Lord. Keep praying that the surgery will not have to take place.... I don't have a good feeling about this surgery... Please pray hard. Thanks.

Nicholas received another package in the mail, totalling 23 birthday cards! He loved the Cooper Bear, books and SpongeBob Leap Pad book. Thanks Shawna! Spencer did too!!

Nicholas' color is back but he get real pale at times. We are getting bloodwork today and will know what his counts are by this evening hopefully. He will play for a while and then just get real droopy. He will not give up and is the biggest fighter I know. He is definitely our "Super Hero" not fighting villians, just fighting to stay alive. He started wheezing and was short of breath. I hooked him back up on his moisture and gave him a breathing treatment. Sissy and Daddy Bear came, and he couldn't wait to play Hide-n-Seek, he loves it. Sissy Bear noticed how hard he was breathing and told him to rest! Guess what she had to do? Yes, read books for a while! He loves books. Dad has to read them at bedtime now! I read to them earlier during the day and so did Dad! That made at least 4 times!! Nicholas told me he read a little in one book by himself! I took a nap, a three hour nap! I didn't realize how tired I was. It was good that I did because I didn't sleep much from 3 am on this morning! One of Nicholas anitibiotics take 2 hrs to go in and I have to turn it on and off, then Spencer got in bed with us. He is so sweet. He was dreaming and burst out laughing. I love to hear him laugh and giggle.

I spoke to Josh, Maria's husband on Friday and she was in ICU and was still groggy. I don't know much but that she is ok. Remember all the others taking treatments and their families.

Hug'em like you won't see them again,

Friday, September 17, 2004 6:56 AM CDT

Day 54, Oxandrolone Trial


Trying to coordinate between Cincinnati and the drs here at home is a total headache. I was on the phone yesterday all day long with one or the other and the home health people too. Everything set to give him his antifungal medicine and he needed Benadryl. Wouldn't you know mine was outdated but still in the wrapper!! I had to rush home with a new bottle and guess what? The iv machine wouldn't work!!! They didn't have another one to send out yesterday and I wonder where they are going to get one for today????
I could feel myself shutting down last night or my coffee ran out one!!

Nicholas is feeling good but would just set down at times. I can tell a difference in him and it breaks my heart. His coloring was ashen yesterday and it was like someone took the scales off my eyes. Maybe the coffee helped me be awake enough to really see him. He looks so bad to me but for the most part I doubt anyone else would notice. Everyone else says, he looks so good doesn't he!!! If they only knew! He bumped his head a little on the floor and it bruised immediately. It wasn't a hard bump either. He and Spencer were wrestling. I had to keep telling Spencer to be easy with him. Oh how I wished the oxandrolone would raise his counts. Any amount would be appreciated at this time, just so they go in the upward direction. Sometimes we don't even know what to ask for, just strenght and courage to take the best of care of my babies.

Remember Maria, her biopsy is today. I spoke with her last night and told her I would ask all of you to pray with me today. Remember Abbey, she is in the hospital as of yesterday. Remember all those taking treatments and their caretakers too.

Also remember the family of Harold Dotson, his funeral is today.

God Bless,

Thursday, September 16, 2004 6:40 AM CDT

Day 53 Oxandrolone Trial
Birthday Cards-23!


Yes, Nicholas received another gift and card yesterday evening! He loved the Turbo racer with the cars, Scooby Doo Coloring Book, and the ABC book too. He and Spencer played with the tubo racer and would just laugh and laugh. They are getting better at taking turns. Thank the Lord!

The teacher is learning that Nicholas does know a lot of words or can sound them out. He just wants everyone to read to him so he won't have too! He will correct you if you miss a word in a book! He is amazing! Dad gets so tickled at him. We all will miss a word on purpose just to listen to him telling us what it says!! He is so funny. Spencer would rather be in "school" than go outside and play. He is so afraid he will miss something! They are too cute!

We spoke to a FA family in Meadowview, VA, The Dillows. Their son, Clinton, has FA too. Dx in July and going to transplant in October! Lot to digest in a short time. They are being interviewed by a local TV station today, maybe Channel 5, I can't remember now what she said. I'll find out when it will air and let you know to watch for it. She wanted us to be there too and I told her Nicholas was in isolation at the moment. I'm camera shy! Nicholas isn't!!! Clinton has no visual birth defects. He doesn't even look like he has FA, maybe just something about the eyes. They all have the same eye formation. He was dx by the same dr that dx Nicholas. Clinton's platelets were too low and the dr decided to check for FA because he was familiar with Nicholas' case. Awareness is the key! I will put a link to Clinton's website above with the rest. Go and sign his guestbook and let them know you are praying for them.

We are going to try to do some booths and fundraising together whenever we can and the boys are healthy enough. So look out!!!

I'm dreading the trip to Cincy next week. Another surgery, another recuperation trip, another start over with the feeding issues, again. I just pray he sails through the surgery and the port is replaced and it works well afterwards! That reminds me, Home health didn't change his needle that is in his port yesterday and I'm going to call them first thing this morning! Guess what I just got off the phone with them and they are coming today. He receives his weekly Antifungal medicine today and the RN has to sit with him through the entire medicine. He had a reaction to it when he was in the hospital and will have to have benedryl before the meds today. It never ends!! Bless his little heart, he tolerates all of this so well and is just a little happy camper. Wherever he is planted, he blooms!

Remember all the children. Remember the people in Al, where Ivan has hit.

PUSH, Pray until something happens,

Thursday, September 16, 2004 6:40 AM CDT

Day 53 Oxandrolone Trial
Birthday Cards-23!


Yes, Nicholas received another gift and card yesterday evening! He loved the Turbo racer with the cars, Scooby Doo Coloring Book, and the ABC book too. He and Spencer played with the tubo racer and would just laugh and laugh. They are getting better at taking turns. Thank the Lord!

The teacher is learning that Nicholas does know a lot of words or can sound them out. He just wants everyone to read to him so he won't have too! He will correct you if you miss a word in a book! He is amazing! Dad gets so tickled at him. We all will miss a word on purpose just to listen to him telling us what it says!! He is so funny. Spencer would rather be in "school" than go outside and play. He is so afraid he will miss something! They are too cute!

We spoke to a FA family in Meadowview, VA, The Dillows. Their son, Clinton, has FA too. Dx in July and going to transplant in October! Lot to digest in a short time. They are being interviewed by a local TV station today, maybe Channel 5, I can't remember now what she said. I'll find out when it will air and let you know to watch for it. She wanted us to be there too and I told her Nicholas was in isolation at the moment. I'm camera shy! Nicholas isn't!!! Clinton has no visual birth defects. He doesn't even look like he has FA, maybe just something about the eyes. They all have the same eye formation. He was dx by the same dr that dx Nicholas. Clinton's platelets were too low and the dr decided to check for FA because he was familiar with Nicholas' case. Awareness is the key! I will put a link to Clinton's website above with the rest. Go and sign his guestbook and let them know you are praying for them.

We are going to try to do some booths and fundraising together whenever we can and the boys are healthy enough. So look out!!!

I'm dreading the trip to Cincy next week. Another surgery, another recuperation trip, another start over with the feeding issues, again. I just pray he sails through the surgery and the port is replaced and it works well afterwards! That reminds me, Home health didn't change his needle that is in his port yesterday and I'm going to call them first thing this morning! Guess what I just got off the phone with them and they are coming today. He receives his weekly Antifungal medicine today and the RN has to sit with him through the entire medicine. He had a reaction to it when he was in the hospital and will have to have benedryl before the meds today. It never ends!! Bless his little heart, he tolerates all of this so well and is just a little happy camper. Wherever he is planted, he blooms!

Remember all the children. Remember the people in Al, where Ivan has hit.

PUSH, Pray until something happens,

Thursday, September 16, 2004 6:40 AM CDT

Day 53 Oxandrolone Trial
Birthday Cards-23!


Yes, Nicholas received another gift and card yesterday evening! He loved the Turbo racer with the cars, Scooby Doo Coloring Book, and the ABC book too. He and Spencer played with the tubo racer and would just laugh and laugh. They are getting better at taking turns. Thank the Lord!

The teacher is learning that Nicholas does know a lot of words or can sound them out. He just wants everyone to read to him so he won't have too! He will correct you if you miss a word in a book! He is amazing! Dad gets so tickled at him. We all will miss a word on purpose just to listen to him telling us what it says!! He is so funny. Spencer would rather be in "school" than go outside and play. He is so afraid he will miss something! They are too cute!

We spoke to a FA family in Meadowview, VA, The Dillows. Their son, Clinton, has FA too. Dx in July and going to transplant in October! Lot to digest in a short time. They are being interviewed by a local TV station today, maybe Channel 5, I can't remember now what she said. I'll find out when it will air and let you know to watch for it. She wanted us to be there too and I told her Nicholas was in isolation at the moment. I'm camera shy! Nicholas isn't!!! Clinton has no visual birth defects. He doesn't even look like he has FA, maybe just something about the eyes. They all have the same eye formation. He was dx by the same dr that dx Nicholas. Clinton's platelets were too low and the dr decided to check for FA because he was familiar with Nicholas' case. Awareness is the key! I will put a link to Clinton's website above with the rest. Go and sign his guestbook and let them know you are praying for them.

We are going to try to do some booths and fundraising together whenever we can and the boys are healthy enough. So look out!!!

I'm dreading the trip to Cincy next week. Another surgery, another recuperation trip, another start over with the feeding issues, again. I just pray he sails through the surgery and the port is replaced and it works well afterwards! That reminds me, Home health didn't change his needle that is in his port yesterday and I'm going to call them first thing this morning! Guess what I just got off the phone with them and they are coming today. He receives his weekly Antifungal medicine today and the RN has to sit with him through the entire medicine. He had a reaction to it when he was in the hospital and will have to have benedryl before the meds today. It never ends!! Bless his little heart, he tolerates all of this so well and is just a little happy camper. Wherever he is planted, he blooms!

Remember all the children. Remember the people in Al, where Ivan has hit.

PUSH, Pray until something happens,

Wednesday, September 15, 2004 7:45 AM CDT

Day 52 Oxandrolone Trial
Birthday Cards to date: 22

Good Morning,

Nicholas’ platelets are up to 22k!!! I’m so pleased and pray they get to 100k. Dare I get my hopes up? Could it possibly be the Oxandrolone starting to work? Is it helping his platelets stay up and not fall? The rest of his counts have fallen a little but they will pick up too hopefully when the Oxandrolone fully kicks in. Keep praying that this medicine will work. One of the antibiotics, Primaxin is what is causing the bad gas spells. I just gave it to him this morning around 3:30 am and he actually threw up! He was so sick and I’m afraid that his nissen fundoplication will be torn loose. He doesn’t need more surgeries.
He is scheduled to have his port replaced on 9/23. Pray that it is successful and he does well after surgery. He has been through so much and more than his share, in my opinion!

He has received more gifts too! He saw a motorcycle in a box and rolled his eyes, mouth popped open and he said, “Oh me, oh my, Miss Molly!” He loved it! Thanks Kathy and Greg. Thanks to Aunt Juanita, she brought them gifts too and I received a fresh baked chocolate pie and fresh cut flowers out of her garden! Sorry Sis, I forgot to call you!!!!! Yeah, right!

Nicholas and Spencer did get to play outside in the sun yesterday. Nicholas rode the 4-wheeler and kept bumping into things. It scared me to death but he kept trying. He will probably have more bruises! He also sat in the swing and just chilled out for a while! He watched the dogs run and play and watched Spencer chase them, cheering him on! Spencer worries about him on one hand and is jealous on the other. They missed playing together while Nicholas was in the hospital and acted so sweet together. Spencer has been kissing Nicholas’ hand and being sweet for the most part! Nicholas has been hugging Spencer and kissing his cheek. They are so precious.

Nicholas is in school, home bound again this year. He is reading but I’ve found out he is behind for the most part. Hopefully, this will inspire all of us to work more with him. Writing is also an issue for him. He just needs to practice. I think his energy level is going to play a role in this area, especially in the evenings. Hopefully, this will improve.

Pray for little Abbey, she is back in the hospital. Pray for the Martin family, during the months ahead of them. Lakota gets to go home, Yeah! Jonathan is doing great, thank the Lord for answered prayers. Coley will be taking chemo treatments again, please remember them in your prayers. Tom’s sister Kathy has been cancer free for 7 years and now her tumor markers are rising again, pray for her too. Pray for all the Moms and Dads of these children taking treatments, for wisdom and guidance.

Thanks for making my baby’s birthday special,

Monday, September 13, 2004 8:07 AM CDT

Day 50!!! Of Oxandrolone Trial


Friday, Nicholas enjoyed his 6th birthday party. The office where I work got “Babbles, The Clown” to come to our house for his birthday. She was absolutely the best clown I’ve ever seen. She was wonderful and the boys thought she was the greatest. She made the party! Nicholas would kiss the different balloons she made for him. She came in carrying a banana tree with a monkey on it, all made out of balloons! She then made a mouse, cat, daushound, giraffe, hats, swords, tried to make a bull but Spencer said it was a rabbit!! She made them monsters out of big balloons too. She had puppets that sang “Happy Birthday” to him. A big bear being the main character with Becky being a Baboon and I was the Dog. It was so cute and Nicholas just smiled and shook his head. Spencer saw her getting out of a van and he hid under the table! It didn’t take long for him to come out though. Thanks to Libbey for helping me and getting Babbles. I was too exhausted to think and she ordered the cake for me and brought it and ice cream to the party. Libbey, I can’t thank you enough and you’ll never know how much it meant to me. Thanks from the bottom of my heart.

Saturday, Nicholas wasn’t feeling well at all. His nose was running, eye watering, and slept until 1:00 P.M. I coaxed him out of bed around 5:00 P.M. with a wiener roast but he was still droopy. He was asleep by 9:30 P.M. again. I didn’t get anything accomplished for going to his bedside to check on him. I called the home health nurse and she checked him for me. His left lung sounded junky and his temp was 99.9d. He must have caught a virus and sounds real hoarse. He didn’t get any higher than that and on Sunday was a totally different child. He was feeling a lot better. Not 100whatever that is. It’s been so long since he was 100hat I can’t remember what it is like.

You can hear him breathing all over the house and sometimes it gets worse! He is so nauseated and the gas spells are violent and horrible again, just like they use to be. He can’t seem to win for loosing in another area. I was up a total of seven time last night and that was a good night!! He is on antibiotics, one at 10 that takes a half hour and the other at 12 that takes close to an hour to go in. They are in the little ReadyMeds that are so handy. He isn’t on continuous I.V.s, thank the Lord.

A neighbor brought him a big stuffed Bull for his birthday and he was thrilled. Spencer got a little long horn brown bull. They were both adorable. They played with them all evening long. He also received 14 birthday cards and three packages came via FedEx. Thanks to all who sent him cards and gifts, all the Spiderman stuff from Megan, SpongeBob Bubble Blower from Jo and Jacy, and a personalized Bear with his name and birthdate on it from Maria! He was thrilled with them and all the gifts at the party. This child racked up and Spencer did too!!! Thanks everybody for making his 6th birthday special. Thanks Mary for all the help all the time especially when he is in the hospital and for keeping me straight!! Everyone needs a Mary!

My heart is saddened by the passing of Carter Martin. He stole my heart and I take comfort in knowing he is pain free.

I’m glad when we don’t know what to pray for that Jesus interprets our groans.

Friday, September 10, 2004 7:03 AM CDT

Day 2190 of Blessed With An Angel, His birthday is today!
Day 47, Oxandrolone Trial


Six years old today! Happy Birthday, My sweet, michievious angel! He was quarreling with the nurses yesterday, especially Renee. She pesters him and his little eyes will just sparkle.

He doesn't act sick expect just a little tired. His port is full of infection! It will have to come out, probably on the 23rd. I hope his counts will come up after these bugs are gone. It is no wonder his counts have fallen so, fighting to live. I'm thankful they aren't in his blood stream, just in his port. I'm glad I requested a peripheral stick too! They took blood from his foot and it hasn't grown anything so far! Every time we use the port, we are pushing them into his blood stream and so far, they have been zapped with the antibiotics. This reminds me of a game. Who on earth would want to play? Most choose to play the games of Hero vs Villans but these children have been chosen to fight the most dangerous game of all. Every day is a fight for life.

The dr on call yesterday said Nicholas was one of his favorites and that he would be praying for him. I thought that was so sweet. He seems to care about the patients. Hmmmmm, what am I saying about his regular pediatrician? I think he cares but I never see him when Nicholas is in the hospital! The dr in the clinic comes up to check on Nicholas every day just about and she has only seen him one time in clinic!! I wish she had an office! I need someone who cares.

New cup! Spencer was happy we were all together again, under one roof and in our own beds! He slept better, I didn't hear a peep out of either one OR I konked out completely. I was tired...

Remember all the children taking treatments and the families.

Keep smiling even if you feel like crying,

Thursday, September 9, 2004 10:05 AM CDT

Sissy Bear here, filling in for Donna.
They called from Cin. and told Donna to get Nicholas
to ER and get hooked up on ivs immediately. They found
multi-organisms in his port. So..... Nicholas is in St. Mary's Hospital(276-679-6319) again taking 3 different meds. through ivs, of course. Organisms so numerous, they could not pick out the yeast!!!! Donna is waiting to hear from Dr. in Cin. to see what next move is----back to Cin? Change port? or what?
Spencer spent the night with me. He called for his mom all night long! He misses them so much! Please rem. the family in your prayers!
We love you and appreciate your thoughts.
Sissy Bear

Wednesday, September 8, 2004 7:09 AM CDT

Good Morning,

We have been back to Cincinnati for blood work and more testing. The lung xray looks clear, thank the Lord. His blood work was about the same except for his ANC is down to 190. Under 500, it's isolation time. As a result, we are not having a big birthday party, just a private one. Please send him a birthday card if you can. It will help us celebrate his birthday in confinement. I will post his address at the top. Thanks for helping make his 6th birthday special! He will be a big 6 on the 10th, FRIDAY!!!!!

The trip to Cincy was exhausting to say the least. Nicholas slept a couple of hours on the way there and back! He is still breathing too fast. His c-diff was negative and that makes me worry why there is blood in his stool! The drs have agreed to let him get G-CSF, which will bring his ANC back up, while he is still on the Oxandrolone. I'm so thankful for that. Sorry for jumping around but my mind is going 90 miles a minute!

Our power went out at 4:30 am, Spencer woke up at 5, saying it's dark! and wanted me to turn a lamp on! He finally went back to sleep at 6:30 am. Dad got the generator running and hooked up Nicholas' room so he could be on his moisturizer. I'm glad Dad was there and we had gasoline! Dad was a little frustrated!

Nicholas really missed his brother! He kept saying, "I wish we could have brought brother!" We sat all day in a room, Spencer would not have liked it at all! He is becoming a little worry wart over Nicholas. It breaks my heart to hear them playing anymore. They only know the hospital scene, dr's offices, etc. They are acting out the same things that Nicholas is going through with their stuffed animals. Nicholas will put on his gloves (socks) and put in ivs! Spencer hooked up an imaginary feeding tube to one of the puppy's mickey button. Nicholas stormed, "He don't have one, dogs don't have mickey buttons!" He doesn't want anything else to have a g-tube or trach. IVs, ports, and shots are ok!

Please remember Coley, click on her name above to go directly to her site, her leukemia is back on 2nd BMT, Day 30. She also has FA.

God is still on the throne,

Saturday, September 4, 2004 7:23 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Nicholas should get off his ivs today and be de-accessed! He will be so happy to get out of that bed. He asked me the other day, "Don't you think I've been in this bed long enough?" He is a hoot! He is back to his old michieveous, sparkle eyed little imp! I'm so thankful. He is so sweet and content with most everything as long as Mommy or someone is in the room with him. Yes, I've spent most of my time in the room with him. Spencer and I have camped out on the big bed and have enjoyed different activities every day. Yesterday, we water painted and we have read every day. They have played with the computer and Dee Dee the duck has entertained them really well! Dee Dee is on Jump Start, a kindergarted program. Educational and fun. Nicholas has typed on the computer, one finger at a time, and can remember where most of the keys are. He typed a list of all his girlfriends with his name in there too! He is so funny. I have enjoyed my time with my babies that is for sure!

Nicholas is doing better but his ANC is still around 350 and is considered in isolation at the time. His platelets are around 15k. We have a conflict with using a stimulating factor to get his ANC up and the Oxandrolone. We may have to stop the steriod to get his anc back up so he can fight off infections. I do not see why he can't stay on both. Dr Harris wants to see Nicholas next week so we will go there and get additional blood work. It seems our hospital doesn't break down the exact type of yeast that was in his blood stream. The day we left the hospital, the blood culture still showed yeast. We may be treating with Diflucan but it may not be the one that is needed to treat the yeast. It all depends on what type of yeast is there! There are about 12 different types! Yes, I'm frustrated to the max and have stayed on the phone all week long with various drs but mostly with Robin. She is trying to get information for me too. She has been so helpful. Thanks Robin!

My sweet baby is trying to help me type and I had better go before I loose what I have typed!

Keep all the children and adults and their families in your prayers.

Keep those prayers going up for us too! Thanks to all who have signed the guestbook and are praying for us. We are so blessed with friends.

Love and prayers,

Tuesday, August 31, 2004 1:44 PM CDT

Hello!!! Today is DAY 37 of The Oxandrolone Clinical Trial! My, time is flying!

I'm trying to update but Nicholas just hollered for me!! I'm back! He is feeling much better and back to bossing! He has everyone wrapped around his little fingers! I know I have lots of updating to do but I'll have to do it a little at a time. Nicholas has bloodwork tomorrow so we will have to update his counts then. Thanks to Sissy Bear for the updates when I couldn't find the time to get on line. I am staying busy catering to his highness, but loving every moment of it. Spencer missed me so much and I missed him too. We have loved playing together and just being back together as a family! He has entertained Nicholas with his keyboard and dancing! He has picked up a little something from each one that was in the talent show at Camp Sunshine and mocking them to a tee! He is hilarious!

Nicholas did have pneumonia, viral and pseudomonas! He also had yeast, candida growing in his blood stream. He has been one sick little boy but is now bouncing back. A lot slower bouncing back this time and his counts have taken a hit as a result. If these steriods would only kick in and boost his bone marrow, we would see some relief from all these infections. If it doesn't, we will have to try a different one. Please pray for them to start working.

Pray for all the others in transplant and different treatments. Thanks for praying for us, we couldn't make it without those prayers.

His Highness is hollering so I have to go.
Until next time, continue praying

Tuesday, August 31, 2004 10:37 AM CDT

Hello, Sissy Bear here.
The sitter is on vacation this week; Donna is home with
her boys!
Sunday, I cooked chicken, made dumplings and gravy for boys; they love it. I took my food; mom made banana pudding and jello with fruit; Jeff cooked potatoes and fresh green beans. WE DID NOT PLAN THIS. IT COULD NOT HAVE TURNED OUT BETTER! We had a feast. The food was good, but even better than that, Nicholas joined us in the dining room! Jeff pushed the iv pole and here came Nicholas all smiles. He said, "Sissy Bear, look at me. I can walk!" Believe you me, I am learning from this child. God is still working on me, making me what I ought to be.
Nicholas looked so much better; we are so thankful for all of God's blessings. Nicholas is one blessing; I don't what we have done to deserve such a blessing.
We love you and appreciate your thoughts and prayers.
Keep praying.
Sissy Bear

Saturday, August 28, 2004 6:23 PM CDT

Hello, Sissy Bear here again!
First, some good news--Nicholas' platelet count has gone back up to 20,000! Praise the Lord!
Dad and Mom went up to visit yesterday eve. and Nicholas was singing YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE, AMAZING GRACE, AND I'LL FLY AWAY. Isn't that wonderful to hear? There was another one but Dad couldn't remember it.
I haven't been to his house yet; yesterday and today I felt like I was taking a cold, so I was not going to take a chance of carrying something in on Nicholas. It is probably just alergies, but it is better to be safe than sorry. By the way, Spencer is feeling better, too. Donna gave him a couple doses of Claritin(allergy medicine) which has helped some.
I just talked to Nicholas, Spencer, and Donna on the phone. I miss them so badly. Nicholas and I have made plans; as soon as he gets finished with ivs, I am going to go get him and Spencer and bring them to my house!! He always wants to come to my house; it doesn't matter where we are and what is going on, he will come up to me and say "Sissy Bear, I want to go to your house!" Yes, he has me wrapped around his little finger!
Donna still sounds "down". We didn't get to talk much, and she didn't say anything; it is just her tone of voice. Continue to pray for her and Jeff. As much as this is hurting me, I'm sure it must be so much more hurtful to them. I can't imagine!
We love you and thank you for your prayers and support.
Sissy Bear

Friday, August 27, 2004 2:38 PM CDT

Hello everyone, this is Sissy Bear again.
Even though Donna and Nicholas are home and glad to be home, Donna is so "down" right now; she doesn't have the heart to update at this time. Please lift her up in your prayers.
Nicholas' platelet count has dropped back to 13,000; his anc is 300, so he is more or less in isolation until there is improvement. There was word through the grapevine that he is ok today, meaning he is not sleeping, but is talking and as active as possible as one can be in bed taking ivs. His isn't jumping around I'm sure.
I suppose you feel as helpless as I; there is nothing we can say or do, just leave it in the hands of God. He heals; He comforts; He gives peace of mind; He is in control; He knows best. God is everything. We'll understand it all by and by.
We love you and appreciate your thoughts and prayers.
Sissy Bear

Thursday, August 26, 2004 11:08 AM CDT

Hello, This is Sissy Bear again. I just talked to the sitter; Nicholas and Donna are coming home today after 2:00 P. M., if nothing else takes place. Of course, ivs will accompany them and Home Health Nurse will have to make her visits to administer medicine.
His platelet count is 13,000 today. We need a miracle.

It is now 6:40. Nicholas is home with ivs--taking 3 or 4 medicines. The nurse came and set things up and returns once a day to give one medicine.
They are glad to be home--very tired, of course. Spencer is so happy they are back; he is Mommy's little shadow this eve.
At this time Nicholas is sleeping. He had a bad gas spell and then fell asleep.
Keep praying.
Thanks for visiting this site and thanks for your prayers.
Sissy Bear

Wednesday, August 25, 2004 7:35 PM CDT

Hello, This is Sissy Bear updating for Donna re Nicholas.
As you probably know, Nicholas is in St. Mary's Hospital, Norton, VA. He has pneumonia and yeast in his blood stream. He has been a sick little boy. His hemoglobin dropped to 6.2, so they gave him a transfusion yesterday eve. which caused his platelet count to drop to 11,000 today. By this eve, they were back up to 15,000 which is nothing to brag about.

Please remember him and all the family in your prayers. Donna is so tired; Spencer isn't feeling well and is missing them like crazy.

Donna is hoping to come home tom. with ivs. I'll keep you posted; just hang in here til she can update again.

Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts. We love you.

Sissy Bear

Thursday, August 19, 2004 6:42 AM CDT


A quick note to let you know we are back home and tired!
We had a great trip and the boys have had a wonderful time. We did make it to the beach and the water was ice cold, but they thought it was awesome.

We will have to go into detail later. Camp Sunshine was great but different this year for me. Not for Nicholas and Spencer though! They had a string of girls following them around and the celebration show the last night was awesome. Nicholas sang with his girlfriends! I do have it on video!

I'm very tired and worn out but amazed again at all the children. There were 45 families there and it was amazing to see the children. The volunteers were awesome.

I'll elaborate later!

Monday, August 9, 2004 6:30 AM CDT


Several activities filled each day,
While parents went their separate way.
Kids loved when it was time to work on crafts,
Especially when decorating the tiny rafts.

Each raft would fit the small owner's hand,
As red, blue, and green shapes haphazardly land.
Each was the prettiest in each child's eyes.
The finished product was the parents' surprise.

One spot left uncovered was a small, round hold,
Where a tiny candle stood, there so bold.
In a child's eyes, this was all play.
They didn't understand the symbolism that day.

Each candle was lit. The rafts placed on the lake.
The flames burned brightly. Not a breath did we take.
Each ripple rocked the tiny raft around and about.
The flames flickered before they went out.

There was a lot of hope in that bright, little flame.
Those uncontrollable ripples were the blame.
The ripples took the rafts farther and farther away.
This happened in a few seconds, not a whole day.

Some rafts moved a few inches, others a foot or two.
We watched unmoving. There was nothing we could do.
When the flame went out, we exhaled with a sigh.
I looked around; there was not a dry eye.

Each raft was the child, the candle, his life.
The ripples were Fanconi Anemia and the strife.
The flame is very special in its own way,
Whether it lasts a few seconds or a whole day.

By: Sharon Strouth Mullins
Jan. 31, 2003

Here is a poem written by my sister, Sharon who has been by my side this entire journey, yes, every trip to Camp Sunshine too. If she wasn't with us to care for Nicholas, then we wouldn't be able to attend all the meetings during the day. Thanks Sis! All Nicholas has to do is ask and she always says, "Yes! I'll go!" I have the best Sister in the world!

Weekend was great, just full of packing, packing, and more packing! We have to take the house when we go!! Spencer will say, "I want to go to Camp Sunshine now!" I cannot believe it is time to go! So many mixed feelings....

Thanks Debbie for the well wishes, maybe you could come to Camp Sunshine one of these days! Keep up those prayers!

I'll post when I can during Camp.

We do go for bloodwork this evening so please pray for my baby. Remember all thoses taking treatments of some kind. They all need our prayers. So many side effects from the medications and most don't know them until they happen!!!

Until we meet again, keep praying,

Friday, August 6, 2004 7:55 AM CDT

Day 12 of Oxandrolone


“I wish I had thumbs!” were the words that brought another lump to my throat. Why? “So I could push those buttons!” We were making milk shakes and I told him that I didn’t use my thumbs to push the buttons on the blender! Then he told his Dad that he wished he had thumbs so he could pick up stuff. Dad told him we loved him as much without thumbs as we did Spencer who had thumbs. I told him he could pick up anything he wanted to and it hadn’t hindered him in the least. I told him that when he went to school that there would be people that ask him about his thumbs and trach. “Little kids?” he asked. I told him yes and asked him what he would say. He said, “I was born that way! God made me special!” I asked him what he would say about his trach. He said, “It’s a trach and it helps me breathe easier!” I told him that the other children were just curious and didn’t know what it was for. He is such a little trooper! If we are out and a child comes up and asks what it is, it always seems to embarrass the parents. I always answer them and it usually puts everyone at ease. I would rather they ask than just stare.

Spencer started missing Mommy and cried his little heart out. He met me outside, wrapped his little arms around my neck, and squeezed me to pieces. He was so sweet and adorable. I miss them too.

Nicholas was telling us last night that Mary checked his blood sugar levels again and showed us which finger she used. He told us that he held a napkin to his finger until it stopped bleeding. I told him I would have to check it tomorrow evening and he said, “No, I want Mary to do it!” I asked him why he didn’t want me to do it, was it because he didn’t want Mommy hurting him. He said, “Yes.” I hugged him and told him that I would never intentionally hurt him. He smiled and said, “That is better than having my port accessed!” Yes, he talks very medical! Spencer does too! That is all they know, this is our “normal” life.

Remember all the children. Abbey didn’t have her biopsy because she drank some milk!! Oh, well, we will find out next week!

Next week! We will be at Camp Sunshine!!! Have you noticed that I’ve been featuring Camp Sunshine pictures all week? I’ll put up one of Sissy Bear’s poems for next week!

Keep Stormin’ Heaven

Thursday, August 5, 2004 7:01 AM CDT

Day 11 of Oxandrolone,

Nicholas is brusing horribly! Not in number but deep purple. He kicked at something on the ground and hit a chair and it bruised immediately. Now he has another one on his thigh.

Nicholas has been eating a little more! Could it be the steroids are kicking in??? He wanted mashed potatoes yesterday evening, corn, pork chops, and a roll. He did eat some of the potatoes. Then at bedtime, he has eaten yogurt for the past couple of nights, eating about half of one of those little tubs. He is eating ice continuously.

Mary Bear is the one he wants to do the blood sugar level tests! That just tickles me pink! Better she than me! We are doing them at symptomatic times and at intervals two hours after he is off his feeder. So far, so good.

Spencer didn't sleep well at all last night. He woke me up every hour hollering "Mommie" in his sleep and then he was awake around 4:30. When he did sleep well, Nicholas feeding line was crimped and the feeder went to beeping. No sleep for the weary! It was a good thing I was up around 3 for Dad didn't set the clock correct and Nicholas needed more formula! I wonder how long I would actally sleep if given the chance. Probably a couple of hours!!!

Remember all the children taking treatments. Madison is getting to come home today!!!! They have found more spots on Jordan's lungs and kidneys. Please remember them.
Abbey is having her 60 day biopsy today, pray for her.

Keep Storming Heaven,

Humbling Exercise: Get a straw and put it in your mouth, hold your nose and breathe in and out through the straw. This is sort of the way it feels to breath through a trach. Grab a tissue!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2004 6:26 AM CDT

Day 10 of Oxandrolone


It's sort of sad when all your children wants to play is doctor!! Spencer went with us for blood work and the nurse gave him a mask to play with. He had to take it home and you guess it! I had to saline Nicholas' trach and Little Dr was there too, mask doned, and armed with an unopened vial of saline!! Nicholas was just a little nervous of his new dr! Later, we were snacking and Spencer had an opened vial of saline and was pretending to saline my trach. I coughed and snorted around and Nicholas burst out laughing! Then, he decided he didn't like that idea and wanted us to stop. Spencer loved it! Then he had the stethoscope and listened to the animals heart beat. I let him listen to mine and I could tell he actally heard it this time. His stopped moving, looked up at me and his little eyes grew wide in wonderment! He said, "Mom! I heard your heart burp!" Needless to say, I burst his ear drums from laughing! He is hilarious!

You should have seen us yesterday evening! Packing for camp sunshine!!! I have no idea what is in the suitcase. My little helpers threw everything in it and then turned it upside down! Spencer actally hid in it when his Dad came home!! I'll definitely have to re-pack!!

Celeste from PA earned her little wings, please remember this family in your prayers. Remember all those taking treatments of some kind and the families.
Remember Coley, she is having a rough time and her transplant is scheduled for today!!!

Keep Storming Heaven,


Blood work yesterday evening! Platelets: 20k, same as last time, but at least they didn't drop. Eveything else about the same too. After fasting yesterday, his glucose was 74 but we didn't the bloodwork exactly 2 hrs afterwards. I don't know what they will say about that. They want him fasting 4 times in 10 days. I'm not sure that will happen. He was washed out totally yesterday evening and looked real pale.

We did get to celebrate Dad's 77th birthday dinner out! After blood work we went out to eat and the boys were so excited. Happy Birthday Pupaw! We called him Pupaw all evening because he had too many puppies running around at his house. I found a birthday card that had pups all across the card that was too cute not to get. The boys loved it too! Papaw just laughed!

A funny that happen Sunday morning! Nicholas was asking about VBS and I explained it was over with and we were going to church. Later, he said, "I guess Dad is too handsome to go to VBS!!!" I lost it! I told Dad and he ask Nicholas if he was afraid that he would steal his girlfriends!!! That must have been it!! He is hilarious!!!

Remember all the children taking treatments. Remember the parents too, I'm totally washed out this morning.

I'm ok but I'll get better!

Monday, August 2, 2004 8:56 AM CDT

Day 8 Oxandrolone


First, Mamaw’s knee was x-rayed and she has to get an appt with an Orthopedic so she really didn’t find out anything. She is hobbling about with a walker. Her entire leg is swollen and sore. Ice packs are helping. Papaw’s birthday was on Sunday, he turned 77. I had just gotten some film developed and I put together a collage for Papaw! He loved it!
A storm blew Mamaw and Papaw’s corn down so guess who helped put up corn this weekend! Nicholas and Spencer kept Mamaw busy with bear tales and Sissy Bear and I put up corn until 9 pm! I helped a little between hooking Nicholas up to the feeder and his medicine. I did get to taste test it, umm it was yummy. I love corn.

After church on Sunday, we took the boys up to Camp Bethel. Someone had a baptizing and three were baptized which lifted my spirits. They boys had a great time in the water. It was sort of cool but was ok after you were in it for a while. Nicholas wanted to hold my hand and I would back up, making him walk farther and farther out into the water! He would just giggle and giggle! Spencer just ran out into the water, fell and came up sputtering! He knows no fear! Mommy had a heart attack! I had bought a swim ring with Spiderman on it and Spencer had a ball with it. We came home and had a wiener and marshmallow roast. Mamaw Boggs and Aunt Cathy came down and brought them a little fold up camping table and chairs. They were perfect for the patio and matched their swing perfect. Red, Yellow and blue! They looked so cute sitting there and the table had cup holders in it. Just what they needed!

Remember all the children in your prayers. Carter M. has more tumors and I’m sure they would appreciate all the prayers you could pray for them. Remember Jan Boggs, she has to have a double by-pass this morning. We go for blood work this evening and I’m a basket case today! I know what you’re thinking, she is a basket case every day! Yes, I guess so but it sure helps!

Storm Heaven,

Friday, July 30, 2004 6:34 AM CDT

Day 5 Oxandrolone

**They have just taken my mom to ER with her knee. She has had problems with it for a while but she cannot put any weight on it and has fallen a couple of times today. Pray for her.

Also Jan Boggs has had a heart attack and the heart is too damaged for stints. She may have to have open heart surgery. Please remember her too.

Good Morning,

Nicholas finally relented to trying the new filter for his trach after a couple hours of coaxing. Mary told him I would be so proud of him and to surprise Mommy when she came home. She put it on him and he said, "I can breathe!" He thought they were the same as the Passey Muir, the speaking valve that allows air in but not out. The new filters are cylinders that are fatter and bulkier than the others. If they are sterile, they are beautiful. I declare, I was scared out of my wits yesterday and felt that all the air was released from my balloon! I was totally washed out! I know, it didn't take too much!

The boys enjoyed VBS again. They did get to play together outside but Nicholas' group would rather chase me than play ball or something. They are all so precious and just eat up any attention they can get and love the little praises like, "good job!" I will miss them and I'm sure the boys are going to miss playing with all those other children. They have a bigger attendance than the other VBS they went to. Tonight is the big program presented to the parents. If those girls sing like they have this week, they will blast everyone's ears off! They have out done themselves! The only thing that has quietened them down at all is when I suctioned Nicholas last night! Total silence as they all watched! They are all so curious and I've answered all their questions this week and they have gotten use to him being hooked up to his feeder. They adapt better than most adults! It has been fun. Yes, I'll probably crash all weekend but the boys have loved every minute of it. Even Spencer apologizing!

As we left home we told Blackie and Splackie "Bye!" Spencer said, "Bye Angel!" That brought on a ton of questions. I explained that Dad buried her in the ground. They wanted to know if she was in Dog Heaven! Nicholas asked, "Why did Jesus want our dog?" "Does she have a new body?" "Why did Jesus want our dog?" I know I typed it twice! He asked twice! Then Spencer piped in with his opinion of what Angel was doing! Boy, does he have an imagination! I explained what happened to the best of my ability while my heart was breaking in two! Nicholas said, "When I die and go to Heaven, I'll get a new body too!" Try being bubbly happy when your child says that! All I could say was, "Yes, no more ouchies! No more bloodwork!" with a heart that was shattering!

Remember all the children taking treatments. Pray that the medicine will correct the problems, just to give them some relief, so they can run and play like children should. Free from pain, cancer free, bones full of marrow, eyes shining, and smiles on those precious little faces.

Keep Storming Heaven,

Thursday, July 29, 2004 6:31 AM CDT

Day 4 of Oxandrolone

***We were just notified by Nicholas' supply company that the thermovents that we put on his trach are contaminated! I don't know with what yet. They brought him some different ones and he is going into fits because they look different. I have a head ache. Please help me pray.

***The packaging had developed holes and the manufacture couldn't guarantee the t-vents would be sterile! Better than a big bad bug!


It was just one of those evenings! Spencer hit a little girl in the eye in his class at VBS. I can't get to the bottom of the story but am about to pull my hair out! He wasn't in the best of moods at the beginning but seemed ok when we got back home.

Nicholas seemed really tired after they played outside and I hooked him back up on his milk. I was afraid his sugar had dropped. He seems more and more tired. He just laid his little head over on my arm and said he was tired. I just hope it not the steroid having a bad affect on him. I need for that steroid to be the "Miracle Pill" for him. If it doesn't elevate his counts by the end of 4 months they will up the dosage and try for four more months. If that doesn't work, he will have to go to transplant. Today will be 4 days of steroids, I want results now!! We will go for bloodwork on Monday.

I had to vent Nicholas again yesterday evening after VBS and again around 1:00 am this morning. Venting is when I hook an extention to his mic-key button to allow the gas to come out of his tummy. Yes, the formula comes back out too but I have to let it go back in. The gas will shoot out or bubble and gurgle. Sometimes it's really hard to get the gas out and sometimes it shoots the formula out. If I don't get it out, he will vomit. I vent before his feedings and before we hook up for the night just to see if I can get any gas out so he won't have these major gas spells but he still has them. It's real frustrating sometimes. He is fed continuously through out the night and that means Dad is up at least once to put formula in the feeding bag. Good Ole Dad! Last night, he couldn't go back to sleep and I didn't know he was even up. I didn't hear the alarm clock and it couldn't have been too long after I was up with Nicholas. I think we are all exhausted!
Spencer was even awake around 1:30 am too! No one gets a complete night of sleep but Spencer most of the time.

Remember all those in transplant or taking treatments of some kind including Nicholas. Remember Alyssa as she started chemo yesterday.

Join the Bone Marrow Registry today, Please. Give Blood too!

Keep Storming Heaven,

Wednesday, July 28, 2004 7:39 AM CDT

Day 3 of Oxandrolone

Yesterday, Nicholas ran a low grade temp all day long. I’m not sure what caused it. It could have been the steroid or Robinul. Nicholas did play some outside at VBS and seemed really tired last night. He slept pretty good and I didn’t’ have to vent him during the night.

Mary said that he was on the potty yesterday and was singing “God Is So Good To Me” to the top of his lungs. She grabbed the video but the battery wasn’t charged. She now has it ready to capture those precious moments.

The boys are in different classes at VBS and they are missing each other. It is so precious. Nicholas took Spencer some stickers and Spencer got Nicholas a lollipop! Yesterday, Nicholas asked when we were visiting Spencer! They did get to sit together during Pizza! Spencer was in seventh Heaven, pizza and brownies! These children are so precious. The little girls in Nicholas’ class wanted to play ball with me! They are so sweet and giggly!

Nicholas will get his “Miracle Pill” this evening. He gets ¼ of a pill today and ½ tomorrow. They alternate back and forth. I need one of those little pill boxes to put his medicine in. Still on a roller coaster!

Remember Alyssa, she starts her chemo today for the brain tumor. Please remember them in your prayers.
Remember Olivia, she is in Cincinnati. Her website is Storm Heaven on her behalf.
Remember all who are in transplant or taking treatments of some kind, including Nicholas.

Keep Storming Heaven,

Jennifer, to be a bone marrow donor you have to be able to be put to sleep. I think the thinner you are, the easier to extract the marrow. You may go by a Blood Bank and inquire if you are eligible. There is a medical questionire you need to fill out. If you have just had any body piercing, including ears, you will be deferred for a year before you can join. Thanks for considering and I hope you are feeling better. I wish they would contact me to be a donor, it would be an honor.

Kayla, I'm definitely NOT an angel! Just too human!

Tuesday, July 27, 2004 6:48 AM CDT

Day 2 of the Clinical Trail for Oxandrolone

Friday, 7/23/04 we had to put my little dog, Angel to sleep. She had been my baby for 14 years and was so precious. Otherwise, the weekend was ok except when I had to explain what happened to Angel to the boys.

The boys were invited to another Vacation Bible School, which began on Sunday evening. They are using the same curriculum and theme, Power Up For Jesus. The boys are split between classes and that is good in a way and bad in a way. They are really enjoying it.

Day 1 of the Clinical Trail for Oxandrolone
Monday, July 26th, we received the ok to start Nicholas on the steroid, Oxandrolone. Talking about an emotional roller coaster, I had wave upon wave of emotions rushing over me. I was nervous about starting it, anxious that it will do the job without side affects, and hopeful that it will boost his bone marrow. I keep getting this image of looking inside his bones and there is a small amount of marrow there. It begins to boil until it boils dry. That is what this Oxandrolone will do, give us higher counts (this is when it is boiling) for a while and then his little body will get use to the medicine and will start to fail again. Who knows how long we have? Who knows how much time this will give us? Who knows if he will even respond to this steroid? Who knows for how long it will boil? God knows and it’s all in His hands. I guess the hardest part is Trusting in Him totally, turning it all over to Him. Saying it and really meaning it are two different things. I know God is in control and He only wants what is best for His Children. Lord, I pray for my will to disappear and Yours be done. His plans are far above ours and He knows what is best. My hearts desire is for God to bless this medicine so it will help Nicholas and give us more time with him. We enjoy him so much. He is a blessing to many people.

Spencer woke up yesterday morning and said, “Mary, Mommy’s baby loves chocolate milk!” Wasn’t that precious? Then he said, “Mommy and Daddy loves their babies sooooo much!” I miss them so much too! Spencer wouldn’t turn me loose all weekend long. He wanted his arms around me most of the time! Yes, Mommy was in Heaven.

Remember all the children taking treatments or in transplant of some kind. They all need our prayers as well as the family and caretakers. Remember Marcus, he tested positive for GVHD and his sister Anna needs a bone marrow match for transplant. Please, Please join the registry to become a bone marrow donor.

In His Care,

P.S. Please be patient, God isn’t finished with me yet!

Monday, July 26, 2004 7:04 AM CDT

The Little Fish
Donna J. Boggs
July 23, 2004

He’s just a happy little fish in a big ocean.
He darts here and he darts there.
He explores everything that in within his sight
He keeps looking beyond what he sees.
He meets other fish along the way,
They are all different, in shape and size.
Each one has a different enemy.
Yet they live in a sea world of their own,
In different places, all over the world.
They are mostly in doctor’s offices and hospitals
They are in waiting rooms.
Test, test, and more test
Examinations and clinical trials
Chemotherapy, radiation, protocols, and bone marrow transplants
Ports, blood counts, ANC, liver, and kidney tests results
All make some sort of weird sense to Mom and Dad.
They either make them happy or send a bolt of fear through their hearts.
All trying to swim FORWARD to the cool waters of Remission,
The little fish swim with a purpose, in these ever changing waters.
Some are swimming up channels, charting new courses
Others are floating along the previously tried and true routes.
Some are sinking in the deep, dark waters
That lead to a perfect place of eternal rest and peace
Where there are no more enemies to conquer.
To rise again in a new port
One of total happiness, laughter, and joy.
Whole, with a new body darting here and there, exploring
Free from iv lines, feeding tubes, and treatments.
A happy little fish in a Heavenly ocean.

Friday, July 23, 2004 6:48 AM CDT


Nicholas is getting agitated at times. I'm not sure what is causing it, normal temper tantrums or medical feel bads! Or possibly a little of both! He pitched a little fit when I wouldn't let him go home with Sissy Bear, actually started when he realized she was headed home. I told him no, as bad as it hurts me to see him cry. He has to control his actions at some point and told him he could possibly go this evening IF he didn't cut any more temper tantrums. He was trying his best to smile and it ended up being a grimace. It was funny but then he got tickled at Sissy Bear trying to show him how to smile. We both laughed at her! Then the real smile started and he looked so sweet and precious. Sissy Bear left and he cried for a little while and then he and Spencer played and played. They love playing in a suitcase! They pretend it's a boat!

Mary Bear was telling them how good God was to us and asked them how they knew God was good to them. She told them that they had a good Mommy and Daddy and they agreed. Then Nicholas said, "I know how God is good to us! He let you come and take care of us!" Yes, Mary Bear's heart just melted! She is totally caught, hook, line, and sinker!

Abbey is doing a little better and her counts are going up!! PTL! Remember us and all the others too.

In His Hands,

Thursday, July 22, 2004 7:23 AM CDT


Nicholas slept a little better last night and so did Spencer. I was only up a couple of times and that means I received some much-needed sleep. I feel worse today! Not use to sleep, I guess!!

I’ve been swamped with medical issues and have forgotten some little funnies along the way. I’m going to try to remember some of those and write them down so I can post them. I’m definitely slipping these days!!! My head is throbbing!

Nicholas was a little grumpy yesterday evening but perked right up when Candace came for a visit. He began playing and seemed to feel better from all her attention. He felt even better when Mamaw and Papaw came to visit! Mamaw had to tell a Bear Tale! Papaw was so tired from putting up hay. He has baled hay all week…making hay while the sun shines!

Here is one funny, Mary Bear asked the blessing over their dinner the other evening and said “Amen” when she was finished. Nicholas said, “Excuse me, you didn’t say it right! You were suppose to say, In Jesus name, Amen!” Mary Bear immediately said, “Oh, ok! In Jesus name, Amen!” Nicholas was then satisfied!

Something that Spencer said last Sunday morning that is not so funny…. He had just gotten up and wanted to go to potty. We went into the bathroom and he looked back down the hall and said, “Oh, Jesus just went into the office!” I do believe these little angels are closer to God than we can ever comprehend.

We were trimming trees the other evening and Nicholas was standing on top of an ant’s hill. He started crying , screaming, and stomping his feet for they were biting him. I got them off and was putting his sandals back on and Spencer came over to us and asked, “Why did those ants bite my Nicholas?” He was worried about “his Nicholas!” I thought that was so precious and tried to explain that the ants thought Nicholas was going to hurt their baby ants and were just protecting them Nicholas said, “They didn’t know it was me did they Mom!”

Remember all these precious babies in your prayers, the ones taking treatments or in transplant and remember the siblings in prayer too. It is so hard on them sometimes. Pray for us parents that we will have the right words to say, when there are questions from both the patient and the siblings.

I’m doing great but I going to get better! If I say it enough, maybe it will come true!

Wednesday, July 21, 2004 6:18 AM CDT


Can you spell Hypoglycemia? Yes, his glucose level went down to 40 after his feeding! This is the second test that has shown this. We now have to do a study to see if this is his normal trend! Hopefully, we can coordinate the study around his weekly blood draws so I won't have to stick him at home.

Around the clock feeding has been a blessing in disguise. Low Blood Sugar, love his little heart. I have suspected this since the first reading!

He didn't sleep well last night, he was just too restless. I'm not sure what is going on. Spencer kept hollering "Mom" during the morning hours so I haven't had much sleep either. We definitely need your prayers.

Remember Abbey, her billirubin level is higher than it should be. Remember all those in transplant or taking treatments.

Thanks for all those encouraging guest book entries but mostly for your prayers. They lift our spirits on a daily basis and I can feel the prayer. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts.

In His care,

Wednesday, July 21, 2004 6:18 AM CDT


Can you spell Hypoglycemia? Yes, his glucose level went down to 40 after his feeding! This is the second test that has shown this. We now have to do a study to see if this is his normal trend! Hopefully, we can coordinate the study around his weekly blood draws so I won't have to stick him at home.

Around the clock feeding has been a blessing in disguise. Low Blood Sugar, love his little heart. I have suspected this since the first reading!

He didn't sleep well last night, he was just too restless. I'm not sure what is going on. Spencer kept hollering "Mom" during the morning hours so I haven't had much sleep either. We definitely need your prayers.

Remember Abbey, her billirubin level is higher than it should be. Remember all those in transplant or taking treatments.

Thanks for all those encouraging guest book entries but mostly for your prayers. They lift our spirits on a daily basis and I can feel the prayer. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts.

In His care,

Tuesday, July 20, 2004 6:27 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Sissy Bear prepared dinner for us yesterday evening! Who am I kidding? She fixed chicken n dumplings for Nicholas and Spencer!!!! It was delicious. Thanks Sis, you're the greatest.

We have to wait until next week to start the steroid. Some of the blood work will not be complete until Monday and then we can start the "Miracle Pill!" This trial is for two years but I don't know how long he will be on this medicine. Only 50 percent even respond to the steroid and if he doesn't, they will up the dosage and if they get no response then, he will be taken off of it. He is real dark on his forehead and around his eyes and mouth. It's terrifying to watch his decline. His little spirit is still as strong as ever. He is so funny sometimes. He is precious.

Nicholas told me the other night that he didn't want a brother! This was Saturday night when we came back home and he had to share his Mom again. I thought it was sweet.
I ask him if he wanted me to give Spencer away and he said yes. I said, "What if Spencer didn't want a brother and wanted me to give you away?" The look on his face was priceless, a slideshow of emotions crossed his little features. He got a little twinkle in his eye and then he just smiled and shook his head no! He knew what I was doing! I let him think on that one for a while and ask him later if he still wanted me to give Spencer or him away and he shook his head no! I though not! I started frowning, growling like a Momma Bear and said, "NO WAY! I'd fight a she-bear for my babies!" He got so tickled!

He asked Mary Bear yesterday, "When am I getting thumbs?" One of his favorite sayings is "When I grow up and get thumbs and get my trach and mickey button out......" These are heart wrenching remarks. Mary told him he was loved whether he had thumbs or not. This satisfied him and he continued playing. He was singing to the top of his lungs again yesterday. I love it when he feels this good. The only thing is that I become cautious when he is in a good mood because there is a storm that will hit soon there after. There is no rest in site as the conditions get worse. Hopefully, the steriod will up his counts but can have many side effects with it. Please help us pray that there will be little or no side effects and that his counts will go up to help him fight off infections.

At His mercy,

Monday, July 19, 2004 8:42 AM CDT


Wednesday, we went for blood work and Nicholas’ platelets dropped to 20k. I called the lady involved with the clinical trial for Oxandrolone and let her know. She called me back after 5 and told me to come on to start the testing for the steroid. Sissy Bear took Spencer home with her and I packed for Cincy. I was worried about Dad driving but we made it there around 1 am! Jeff was exhausted. Nicholas slept the entire time and woke up when we arrived but went back to sleep.

Thursday, our first appointment was with GI but wasn’t until 11 am and that helped, we could sleep in a little bit. The GI decided that Nicholas needed some meds to help dry up the fluid in his ears to help with his nausea. I told him I had used Tylenol cold medicine a couple of times but he said that Tylenol was too hard on the liver. I gave him his first dose on Saturday and his face started flushing, ran a temp, and turned blue around his mouth. He ate some ice and his temp came back down. It was only temporary. I am going to halve the dose and try one more time. The medicine did the trick, he wasn’t as nauseated but it made his secretions too thick and he had several mucus plugs. AAAARRRRRGGGGG! We had a little free time in the afternoon and Nicholas wanted to go to the Aquarium. He loves the sharks. We ended up with an octopus on a string and an alligator and a shark head on a stick with trigger action handles! They had a ball with them when we got home on Saturday. Spencer actually had his alligator to bite everyone and we had to hide it when he bit Nicholas too hard!!! It never ends!

Friday, after a 6.5 hr fast he had several tests done. His glucose was 93 fasting and that was within range. Thank goodness. He had ultrasounds of his liver, kidneys, pancreas, and spleen. I don’t have the results of those yet. He also had an eye appointment and he doesn’t feel that Nicholas has any pressure on his optic nerves but we may want to consider surgery to correct his eyes. I cringe at the thought of that and start screaming in my mind, NO! NO! NO! But all in all, if he needs it and it will help him see better then I suppose it will happen one of these days. Nicholas was worn completely out by that evening and fell asleep around 6 pm and slept for 13 hours. He woke up and wrestled with his Dad. He loves to jump in the bed (when Dad pretends to be asleep) and “get him” He was in seventh Heaven!!

Saturday, Nicholas was in the best little mood. He sang to the top of his lungs, laughed, and played all the way home. He didn’t stop or run down at all! For five hours! My head was splitting by the time we arrived home. I couldn’t help but laugh at him, he was so funny. He hadn’t been this hyper in such a long time but my ears were throbbing! He was playing with a new little dog, Schultzie was its name. Nicholas informed me that he was a she! Shultzie sang a dog’s version (Mom’s rendition) of “Digging Up Bones!” and Nicholas was thrilled and would help me sing it! It was hilarious, we even had Dad laughing!
We had a visit from some friends and the boys were complete show offs! Nicholas now has a new girlfriend! Picture are forth coming! He beat up her husband!!! Jonathan was a good sport and shared his wife, Regina for a few minutes! Nicholas is such an actor! I don't know where he picks up all these actions from, you would think he watches the soaps! She called him "honey and he started fanning his face!!! Too funny!

It seems that all is well on the various tranplants I’m following. A few minor backsets but that is all for the most part. Please continue all the prayers for these families and all families that are going through treatments of some type. Please remember us.

In God’s Hands,

Tuesday, July 13, 2004 6:18 AM CDT

**Marshall is in the hospital and blood cultures grew something but they don't know exactly what yet. Storm Heaven on their behalf.

Good Morning,

I slept last night and so did everyone else! Spencer woke up around 5 this morning and wanted me to kiss his little finger! He must have been dreaming that he hurt his finger. He ended up in bed with us and went back to sleep. He is so precious.

It was real hot and muggy yesterday evening with no air stirring at all. I thought of the "calm before the storm!"
The boys enjoyed being outside though. They love to swing. We played ball, kicking it all over the yard. Nicholas can kick it really well. He is so competitive and loves praise! Spencer landed on the ball, it's a real big one, bounced over the other side, and landed in the wet grass! It was funny and he kept doing it. He liked it too! It started raining and we had to go in. Spencer was just a little hyped up on coca pebbles and was hugging Nicholas just a little too hard. Nicholas didn't like it one bit! He just stomped his feet and pouted! He is hilarious sometimes.

Nicholas was trying to put his tooth brush up on the island and just fell down. He must have twisted his ankle but was ok. He couldn't walk on it for a bit. I don't really know what happened. We are going for blood work tomorrow, remember us.

We finally used a blender to blend the formula with the baby food and it works perfect now! Such a relief!

Guess what I found in front of the dairy door this morning? A copper head! I froze! I turned around and went back in the house and told Jeff. He killed it! Oh, if the boys had been out there I would have died. Snake Away does not work! They say if you have a cat or dog running around they won't come near the house! Yeah, right! I have both! I'm going back to spreading moth balls around outside.

Remember Sweet Alyssa, she is having a port put in on Thursday. Just click on the names that are underlined above to visit their website. Remember all the children in transplant or taking treatment of some type. Remember Zoie's family as they return to Louisanna for the services this week.

Pray without ceasing and God Bless,

Monday, July 12, 2004 6:52 AM CDT


First, I have to thank Mary Bear for a great week of keeping the boys for me. Thanks for all that you do and for having dinner ready for us and the cake was wonderful. I know you had some wonderful help making it!! You will never know what your faithfullness and love have meant to our family. God knows who to put in our lives and when!

We have had a great week-end. Saturday evening, I took the boys to Tanner's birthday party. Spencer loved it and just didn't want to leave! He doesn't do "goodbyes" well at all!
Yesterday, we had a Sacrament service at church and Nicholas wanted his Daddy to wash his feet! It was so precious. He was so excited and enthusiastic he couldn't be still. Sissy Bear said, "We, as Christians should be that enthusiastic to do things as well!" Spencer slept through it all. Then, after a two hour nap!, we went up to Carolyn's. They love being up there but didn't see any cows! Royce was baling hay and Spencer said, "It dropped out round and was rolling!" He was baling the round bales!

They were brushing their teeth and I noticed Spencer was pouring water into his hand. I couldn't figure out what on earth he was doing! He took the water and rubbed it on the back of his neck and then on top of his head! I couldn't help but laugh!! I knew he had seen someone do this and thought it was Royce. There were some men at Sissy Bears seining for minnows and one of them had done this! He watches every move everyone makes and then mocks them to a "T"!

Spencer had tried to potty earlier in the day and couldn't so he said, "It's in it's office! I burst out laughing! He has said so many funny things, here are a few: "It's...
"...reading the newspaper!"
"... asking it's mommy if it can come out!"
"... getting it's coat and hat!"
He is hilarious and I never know what he is going to say!

On a sadder note, Zoie passed away on Saturday, please remember the family.
Jonathan has mouth sores, remember him.
Abbey and Michael are doing well, please continue praying for them.
A new little friend Alyssa has a brain tumor called hyplothalamic glioma and has to start chemo, her website is Sweet Alyssa , remember her and the family.

Pray for Nicholas too. He has lots of bruising on his little legs and is coughing up some more blood this weekend, just little streaks not much. If he starts bleeding more, then he will have to be transfused. I will get counts on Wednesday again.

Storm Heaven for all the sick children,

Friday, July 9, 2004 6:23 AM CDT

Good Sleepy Morning |),

We started using a new feeding pump last night and guess what!! It kept beeping and there was an error in the flow. I think the tubing is too small for the food we put in his formula. We finally changed back to the old feeder when we found an extra feeding bag around 2:30 am! I just hope we can come up with something so we can be able to use the smaller feeder. The other one is so heavy and a monster to carry around besides looking so tacky with the mop handle!! Yes, we look like mountain ramps everywhere we go!!! Tugging that contraption around but hey, it worked and it fed my baby. I just didn't realize how heavy it really was until we received the little one!!! It is no wonder my shoulders and arms are killing me. Poor Jeff, I'm glad he is a pack horse!

We went down to Mamaw's and Papaw's to help string beans. They put 21 quarts into the freezer yesterday and we strung another bushel! They have gotten about a bushel per row! not one bushel for 3 rows like I said yesterday! They have another bushel to sting!! Help!!!! They have put out a huge garden! Anyone want any green beans???? I'll help them get rid of them!!! The boys captured Papaw and outside they kept him. His blood pressure is too high and they kept him in the dr office the other day for two hours. He has to go back in two weeks. I told him I knew what was caused it, RAIN! It has been too rainy to cut his hay and he is in a tizzy about it!!! I'm so thankful they are healthy enough to do all this work. Mom is 75 and he is 77 on Aug 1st! Back to the boys, they rolled down the hill behind their house and were filthy! Then they threw rocks into this little water hole just to watch the dog go into the water after them. The dog thought they were frogs jumping into the water. Nicholas kept telling me how funny Spotty was! He laughed and laughed! He enjoys the simple things to the fullest!

Remember Abbey, she has hemorrhagic cystitis, clots in the bladder that are really painful. Remember all those in transplant or taking treatment. Michael is back in the hospital with a fever too. Maria had a PET Scan and it showed something wrong in her lung, sternum, and lower jaw bone. Please remember these requests.

Here is an update on one our our prayer bears little girl Alyssa. She has a brain tumor called hypothalamic glioma:
UPDATE! Alyssa's surgery went well! We are home from the
hospital. Through the grace of God her pathology report came back and the tumor (exactly what the surgeon thought)
is benign! It was the same color as her brain and very soft! He says it is operable if need be. We are opting for chemo (new kind that doesn't make the kids as sick or maybe they won't lose their hair). That will start in a couple of weeks. She is also getting a port put in and tubes in her ears (to eliviate any ear infections she may
get --- she had chronic ones and they want to reduce any possible fevers). Thank you to everyone who have prayed for her....she was up walking/talking/eating the next day! She has been playing and laughing and it's so nice to see her smile![:)]
I know our faith in God and his miracle work took over! The day of surgery we prayed and prayed - - - I opened my bible and scriptures came out flowing!
Thanks again and I'll keep on posting!


In times of trouble, may the Lord respond to your
cry. Psalms 20:1

Keep Storming Heaven with prayer,

Thursday, July 8, 2004 6:33 AM CDT

*Check out the new photos! Taken in Pigeon Forge at a wedding we attended.

Good Morning,

We took Nicholas for bloodwork and he only cried a tiny bit. He is so brave. Mommy is so proud of him. He is truly amazing. His platelets were the same at 23, they didn't drop, PTL! His ability to fight off infection is still pretty high at 1458. I'm so thankful for that. He was dancing in the Lab and feeling so good. I absolutely love seeing him this way. These counts are above the level needed to go on the steroids!! I wish they would just start moving upwards!! Wouldn't that be wonderful? Fantastic!!

Spencer took a nap while we were getting blood work and felt so much better. We went out to eat and then to Mamaw's and Papaw's. They were picking green beans out of the garden. They had over a bushel in three rows! I help for an hour then we went home to get ready for bed. Sissy and Daddy Bear came up and they all played hide-n-seek outside! Then Sissy Bear read to them. They didn't settle down until after 11 pm. I'm more brain dead than usual!!! I do have a headache this morning and do not feel well. My nose is stuffy too! Just remember us in your prayers. God is so good and faithful and truly my refuge.

Thanks Maria and all who sign the guestbook for the encouraging words!! I did smile!!!!
Remember all those in transplant or taking treatments of some kind. We all need your prayers.

PTL!! Abbey's aspiration came back at 100onor cells!!!! YEEESSSSS! Thank you Lord.

Storming Heaven for Zoie: Please remember Zoie and her family, she is in St Judes, visit her site:

Blessings to all,

Wednesday, July 7, 2004 6:48 AM CDT

Good Morning,

I didn't have a good day yesterday. I had withdrawl symptoms, I missed my babies and guess what? They missed me too! It has been noted that I'm not very talkative in the mornings! I reckon I'm suppose to be chipper when leaving my boys behind every day of every week besides I've not had any coffee yet! I only function after my coffee now days. Is that too terrible? Please allow me some type of vice to make it through the day!!! That is the strongest thing I drink!!! and the sweetest!!

It was hot and muggy yesterday evening so I had the bright idea of washing the cars!! I got little sponges for the boys and they washed their cars and bikes too. We had a blast and I got the water hose turned on in my face to the tune of Spencer giggling!!! He thought it was so funny but didn't like it when he got sprayed by Nicholas! He can dish it out but does not take it well! They were soaked to the bone by the time we were finished but loved it. Spencer splashed in the mud puddles and laughed when I spayed his little legs and feet off with the water hose! Nicholas had to me spray his hands off and of course I had to spray him a little bit. He just giggled and giggled and used my dress to wipe his face off!

My cousin, Pamela came over and I gave her some of the baby stuff I had. She brought her three month old baby, Lucus Paul and Nicholas kept asking when they were getting the baby stuff and leaving!! Lucus started crying and Nicholas went inside and closed both doors! He hates crying babies! I told him that Lucus was asleep, he came back out, wiping the sweat off his head, and saying "Whew!!!" Pam and Tony just laughed! I'm glad they understood!

Remember the families of those in transplant or taking treatment. Remember all those trying to live like they are dying, trying to pack a lifetime into a few short years. It's tough believe you me.


Tuesday, July 6, 2004 6:45 AM CDT

Good Morning,

I'm trusting you all had a wonderful 4th. We headed to the mountains for a wedding and some R & R in Pigeon Forge, Tn. We ventured outside at least once a day for some fun but mostly did nothing. I didn't realize how exhausted we really are. I think we just function most of the time and let the rest go by.

We did manage to feed some bears! The boys were thrilled! There were 5 bears there and they were just lying around and wouldn't hardly move to get food! They were fat and lazy! Nicholas loved seeing their claws! We also went to the Dixie Stampede for some dinner and a show. They had a variety of entertainment, horse tricks, pig racing, children chasing chickens(Spencer's favorite!), buffalo, Ostrich racing, and a variety of North vs South competition! It was good and we got to relax for a while! We enjoyed the fireworks show from the deck of our chalet! It was beautiful!

We also stopped at a Deer Farm and petting zoo! Much to the delight of Nicholas and Spencer! Spencer would go right in the pens with the animals if Momma went! He would also let them eat out of his hand. They saw Wallabies, one had a baby joey and Nicholas loved it! They saw a Zebra up close and got to pet it, along with goats, reindeer, fallow deer, camels, a pot-bellied Pig, miniture ponies, donkeys, a zonkey (a cross betweet a zebra and donkey), Highland Cows from Scotland that had lots of hair and big horns and Nicholas called them Bulls! They also saw chickens, roosters, geese, ducks, and peacocks! They loved them and were wet with sweat it was so hot and humid! They were thrilled to the core! Yeah, it was worth it!

Overall, Nicholas did really well. Spencer was a little scared and insecure at first and just clung to Mom and at the end didn't want to leave our "new house" and come home! It was funny. After they got home, they were glad to be home. We brought some fireworks home with us and the boys were thrilled with them last night. One of the roman candles had sparkles and fire crackers in it and all Nicholas could do was giggle and giggle. He was totally thrilled! It was precious to just listen to him laugh.

Remember all those in transplant or taking treatments. I hope you all have a wonderful week.


Friday, July 2, 2004 6:22 AM CDT

**Pray for Matthew a bone marrow match. Pray for the computer to re-check the matches and let it be me! I would donate bone marrow for anyone in a heartbeat. If you aren't on the registry, go and get typed to be a bone marrow donor. Give someone their chance for "Independence!"
Have a blessed, safe, and happy 4th!

Good Morning,

Nicholas had a big bad gas spell around 1 am this morning. I had tried to vent it off at bedtime but without any success. It makes me so mad when it won't come off. He coughed so hard it hurt me. He has been coughing up mucus tinged with blood for the last two to three days. If he doesn't bleed today it will surprise me because he coughed too hard last night. I keep thinking I should have tried harder to get the gas off.

Spencer slept pretty good. He ate earlier in the evening and fell asleep around 9 again last night. He had played so hard in the dirt and gravel pile I had to put him in the tub again. I wish I had taken a picture he was so dirty!

Mary Bear came over to see the boys and they had a wonderful time playing outside. I think Nicholas swung for a hour! He made his Daddy swing him too! I told Nicholas that I do believe that Mary Bear would spoil him!!! She is going to start keeping them for a while and I'm sure she will spoil them ever chance she gets.

Ain't God Good? That is what Little Ms Abbey's parents are saying as of yesterday! YES, she was released from the hospital yesterday!!!! HHHHHOOOOOORRRRRAAAAYYYYY! Wonderful, Glorious new for a Friday or any day!!

I've had a prayer request for Kim Stanley, a 32 yr old from Clintwood that has cancer. Please remember her in your prayers.

Have a blessed day,

Thursday, July 1, 2004 6:11 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Another sleepless night! Spencer had a bad dream or his tummy was hurting him. He was asleep before 9 pm and I knew it was too good to be true!! He ate before he went to bed and I think that is what is going wrong! Too much on his little tummy at bedtime. I'll try my best to change that to an earlier meal then a snack at bedtime. Hopefully, that will do the trick. He must have woke Nicholas up because then I had to start suctioning him and vented his tummy. Oh well, same story different night.

I received a call from another FA mom in North Carolina. She is really struggling and her son's counts have fallen real low too. Please remember them in your prayers, she doesn't have a support system at all.

Remember Matthew Pearl,Alex and Matthew's Website. His cellarity is down to 10nd he doesn't have a perfect bone marrow match for transplant. I emailed his mom but she hasn't answered me. Please pray for them.

Michael is doing great and so is Abbey! Good news!
Remember all those in transplant or taking treatment. Remember Lakota, she is in transplant too.Lakota's Site

Try and have a blessed day. Cherish each moment and Live like you are dying. That is what it is like, trying to let Nicholas enjoy as much as he can while he feels like it.

Here is the latest poem that I wrote yesterday.

The Secret Box
Donna J. Boggs
June 30, 2004

There is a little box that I put my heart ache in.
It also contains the worry, tears, and all my pain.
These emotions I don’t show outwardly, I keep them deep within.

To show them is to be weak
Lord, help me be strong is my daily plea.
Don’t let me turn bitter and hard hearted, please keep me meek.

I keep this little box on a shelf, hidden from view
I don’t want pity or sympathy from anyone
It’s deep inside, a secret I’ve kept from even you.

There are little eyes watching every move I make.
Help me be a perfect example of Your love, I pray.
Help me quite my fears, if only for their sake.

This little box is always there
It never goes away
It helps me smile, laugh, and enjoy my precious pair.

You see, I have a son who is dying
And every second of time is so precious
I keep those demons in the box and laugh, well, I’m trying!

There are those who don’t understand,
How precious each moment really is.
They gripe and complain all day long, looking for a grumbling band.

This little box is worn and tattered,
I don’t know how much longer it can last.
I take a closer look at it and there are crosses where it is battered.

These crosses are each time that Jesus patched me up
Wiped my tears, comforting me, and put my mind to ease.
There must be a million or more, too many to fill a cup.

The next time I feel a demon coming on,
I’ll take my box to Jesus, He’ll fix it with a patch,
I’ll put back on the shelf, so I can sing another song.

The next time you see me
And strong I appear to be
Remember the secret box that only Jesus can see.

Wednesday, June 30, 2004 6:34 AM CDT

**New VBS photos on the photo page!!


Sometimes it's hard to journal. Sometimes I'd rather just scream, rant, rave, and cry. Sometimes it's just too hard to let anyone in. I always try to not write about all the heartbreak, depression, and fear. I try to keep everything happy and just tell the funny parts, the uplifting little things the boys do to make us all feel better. Is it easier this way? I guess. Does it stop the heartaches? Never! Does it stop the dying process? The bone marrow failure? The evidence of bone marrow failure? No, but it lets me get my mind off of this horrible, horrible disease. It's so painful to watch the life ebbing out of my baby, my flesh and blood. There is no describing it. It's too painful and full of heart ache. No one understands unless they are going through the exact same thing, no one. Don't even try to imagine it, you just cannot comprehend the horror, the rage, the terror, or the anguish. But you can pray that the God of all Comfort will send comfort to the families of a sick child, mother, father, sister, or brother. You can pray can't you? If you can pray and offer support, it helps so much. For all the support of my family and neighbors, I'm thankful from the bottom of my heart. For all the guest book signers, Thank you. Your entries mean more than words can ever express. To all the teachers and volunteers at VBS, thank you for dedicating your time and effort to help the little ones have a fun filled week. Thanks for your committment and love. Thanks to Sandy Bear and Diana, the boys will never forget you and you will always be a shinning star in their eyes.

Deep breath! Now, the boys enjoyed an evening with Kimmy Bear! She plays with Spencer as much as she does with Nicholas. Spencer loves it! Nicholas cannot play for long and he starts breathing hard and he had a bad gas spell last night. I barely vented him in time. He has been this way all week, ever since his antibiotics stopped! The same old stuff happening all over again. It has to be the fluid on his ears making him so nauseated. I'm not going there again! Anyway, I can tell his energy level comes in spurts and there is a big difference in him. He is getting more moody too. Yes, you can start praying for patience for MOM!

Spencer wasn't feeling the best during the day but perked up when I came home. He hadn't eaten much but I made macroni and cheese! That does the trick every time!! He ate and then played with Kim. We had been outside playing with the dogs. They haven't been worked with and are still skittish. One grabbed Spencer's shoe and took it under the shop. I finally got it out! It was funny but the look on Spencer's face was priceless! I had a cheering section when I got it out. Nicholas, always the encourager, said, "Good job Mom, I knew you could do it!" So precious.

Something was said about Nicholas being jealous of Jarred when he was with Amanda. I started telling on Nicholas and his girlfriends at VBS! He looked up, with that sneaky little grin, at Kim and said, "Forget about that Baby!" We rolled! Where on earth did that come from? It was so funny. Spencer decided if it was that good it was worth repeating and started saying it! They are a hoot!

Glad I made you smile at last! One thing that made me happy this morning was the report on Ms Jellie Bean Queen, Abbey! She may get out of the hospital this Thursday or Friday! Good Job Jesus!


Tuesday, June 29, 2004 6:09 AM CDT


The boys were ready to go when I got home. I ask them where we were going and they said to Mamaw's! They went all last week and were still ready. I wish I had their energy. I was totally exhausted from carrying Nicholas suction machine around all week! My should hurt, my back hurt, even my feel bads hurt! It was worth it though. They enjoyed it so much and Spencer wanted to "go to that other church!" I told him no one was there! They had all gone home. We had a toy pick up before we went to Mamaw's! Spencer made a bee-line to the puppies.
They are adorable. Anyone want one? Free Puppies! He helped Papaw feed the horses and the puppies. He didn't want to leave. Mamaw had cherry cheesecake and roast and Nicholas was in seventh Heaven! He looked at the puppies and then sat and chewed on the food the rest of the time!

They must have been hyped up for they couldn't settle down to sleep! Nicholas chews on the mask string and I told him to stop. No, he didn't stop and it made him start coughing. I told him I was going to cut the string off and it broke his heart! It made me feel like a heel! I told him I wouldn't cut it but he had to stop putting the entire string in his mouth! He agreed and finally went to sleep. It was 11:30 before they konked out but I didn't hear a peep out of either one after that. I could have been the one that actually konked out!!! I've been running on empty, well actally coffee! Wonder if that would be cheaper than gasoline? Can you tell I'm tired?

Remember all the children that are in transplant or taking treatments. There are too many that is for sure. Remember their families and caretakers too.


Monday, June 28, 2004 6:34 AM CDT


Friday, I took Nicholas to the dr. The chest xray was clear, thank God, no pneumonia! The pain has subsided in his side, it may have been a pulled muscle or sore from the fall. He still has fluid on both ears but dr decided to leave him alone until he shows more sign of pain or temp.

The VBS program went well. Nicholas did great but Spencer came into the church and saw everone, stopped dead in his tracks, and wouldn't march with the rest of the group. It was cute but he looked so scared and I felt so sorry for him. He made his way up front to me and stood beside the group while they sang. They were all so cute and so precious. The pastor, Clifford Bevins called Nicholas to the front and said we all need to be like him. He just walks up to you and says "I love you!" without judgement just pure love. It was so sweet and yes, made me cry! Diana sent me some photos, I'll try to post some later. Thanks Diana for all your help with the boys this week and for being one of their teachers!

Nicholas was a little droopy until Uncle Joyel let him run through a big water puddle! Spencer and Kassi joined them along with Sissy Bear and Cathy Dotson! They had a ball but were soaked to the bone! That is how VBS ended!

Saturday, we went to the Lyons Fork Reunion in Flat Woods. It was a little cool but the rain held off. Spencer met a little cousin, Ethan and followed him around everywhere. He wasn't quite two years old! It was precious. Then the boys went to Sissy Bears for a while.

Yesterday evening, we went riding on the four wheeler and had a wiener and marshmellow roast. The boys love being outside, the fire, and playing on the swing and slide. Spencer can climb up the ladder to the playhouse on top all by himself. It is about 6 feet high. He is a little monkey.

Spencer must have eaten too much for he had a bellyache and was awake from off and on from about 1:30 am until 4:30! I am so sleepy.

I'm not getting bloodwork this week. We are waiting until next week unless something changes. Pray for my babies.

Remember all those in transplant or taking treatment.

Have a good God day,

Monday, June 28, 2004 6:34 AM CDT


Friday, I took Nicholas to the dr. The chest xray was clear, thank God, no pneumonia! The pain has subsided in his side, it may have been a pulled muscle or sore from the fall. He still has fluid on both ears but dr decided to leave him alone until he shows more sign of pain or temp.

The VBS program went well. Nicholas did great but Spencer came into the church and saw everone, stopped dead in his tracks, and wouldn't march with the rest of the group. It was cute but he looked so scared and I felt so sorry for him. He made his way up front to me and stood beside the group while they sang. They were all so cute and so precious. The pastor, Clifford Bevins called Nicholas to the front and said we all need to be like him. He just walks up to you and says "I love you!" without judgement just pure love. It was so sweet and yes, made me cry! Diana sent me some photos, I'll try to post some later. Thanks Diana for all your help with the boys this week and for being one of their teachers!

Nicholas was a little droopy until Uncle Joyel let him run through a big water puddle! Spencer and Kassi joined them along with Sissy Bear and Cathy Dotson! They had a ball but were soaked to the bone! That is how VBS ended!

Saturday, we went to the Lyons Fork Reunion in Flat Woods. It was a little cool but the rain held off. Spencer met a little cousin, Ethan and followed him around everywhere. He wasn't quite two years old! It was precious. Then the boys went to Sissy Bears for a while.

Yesterday evening, we went riding on the four wheeler and had a wierner and marshmellow roast. The boys love being outside, the fire, and playing on the swing and slide. Spencer can climb up the ladder to the playhouse on top all by himself. It is about 6 feet high. He is a little monkey.

Spencer must have eaten too much for he had a bellyache and was awake from off and on from about 1:30 am until 4:30! I am so sleepy.

I'm not getting bloodwork this week. We are waiting until next week unless something changes. Pray for my babies.

Remember all those in transplant or taking treatment.

Have a good God day,

Friday, June 25, 2004 5:59 AM CDT


Last night was the last night of classes, tonight they present the program to the community. It will be a hoot I'm sure! There are 13 in the boys group alone and vary in age and ability! It will be fun to watch them perform tonight! I am sure one or both of mine will back out at the last minute!

Nicholas actually participated a little bit last night. He had been complaining all day with his hip hurting, actually his side. It reminds me of when he had pneumonia. He did the same thing. I gave him some tylenol and it seemed to ease up some. He is such a mystery. I've always loved mysteries but he takes the cake! I listened to his lungs but they don't sound that bad. Who knows what is going on?

We caught lightening bugs and put them in their bug house! We went inside and turned off the lights to watch them light up. Spencer didn't want them in the house at first and then didn't want to turn them back loose! The bug house was too small for them and they didn't light up very much. We turned them loose to go back to their mommies and daddies!

Spencer was worn out and fell asleep in no time. Nicholas went to sleep but didn't rest well and coughed some. I was up with him and then with Spencer. I didn't get much sleep at all! I was having a bad dream the first time I had to get up with Nicholas so I was glad he woke me up!

Remember all the children going through transplant or taking treatments. There are so many. Abbey is doing great! Walking the hallways and may get discharged next week! Great news. Good Job Jesus!

Have a good God day,

Thursday, June 24, 2004 6:07 AM CDT

**Our condolences to the Saleem family from Canada on the passing of their daughter, Ameera. She had her third transplant with no engraphments.

Good Morning,

We went for blood work and nurse "Betty" did a great job! In and out very quickly! Just the way Nicholas likes it! His platelets were down to 23K. The rest of his counts are just above the "Clinical Trial requirements" for the new steriod so we won't be going to Cincinnati until later! We have a target date set for July 16th. This roller coaster ride is horrible. It doesn't get stuck on top or ever come to a stand still, just a continual motion climbing then plunging down into despair, very curvy, and never level. Is it no wonder why our nerves are frayed at both ends?

Thanks to Jonathan Estadck's Nani, I found so much comfort from one of the verses she quoted, Psalms:121:3: He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Telling me that God never tires or sleeps and that he is always there to bring us comfort and let us rest in His big arms. He is our only comforter. Thanks Nani for your inspiration and for giving me my second wind again!

Spencer did great last night at Vacation Bible School! Nicholas sat down on the floor with the others for about 2 seconds and then he got back on the pew. I think the music and the loudness of the children just gets to him sometimes. He will hold his little arms over his ears sometimes. Actually, he is acting nauseated again, just like he does with his ear infections. I think he keeps fluid on his ears all the time. If only they could put in tubes. No time to dwell on "wishful thinking!" I could stay in that realm and wallow around for a few years if I let myself. It does absolutly no good and doesn't accomplish one thing except make the load heavier. I like to shake off all unnecessary burdens and get on with the program, as in endlessly researching! There are so many unknowns, and the unknown generates fear, fear generates panic, panic generates the "happy pill!" And I'm not going there! Yes, I did forget depression in that secenerio somewhere but don't ever kid yourself, depression is always knocking at the door wanting in to comsume you. I just have a big stick called Jesus that keeps it on the outside.

Remember all the little ones in transplant or taking treatments. Thanks for all the wonderful prayers for us.

Have a good God day,

Wednesday, June 23, 2004 6:13 AM CDT


We went back to VBS last night and the boys really enjoyed it again. Spencer was grumpy and wouldn't participate! I bragged too soon! Nicholas started to but backed out at the last moment. He enjoys the time outside playing the best! As usual! Spencer and Cassie found the only little dirt pile in the parking lot and loved playing in it. They were so cute. Filthy but loved it! Spencer didn't want to leave again. He loves all the children. Nicholas cornered Ginger and she let him play with a doughnut again! Spoiling him? Never! I can't wait to see all the pictures!
I haven't even taken a camera! Too much other stuff to carry!

We are going for bloodwork this evening. Please pray that this on goes better than last time and that his counts have continued on up! Wouldn't that be a miracle if they just kept going..and going.. and going upward?

Remember all the ones in transplant or taking treatments. Abbey's counts are coming in and going upward!! I'm so happy for them. She is feeling a little better.

God Bless each of you,

Tuesday, June 22, 2004 7:51 AM CDT


What do you think of Papa Bear in a tux?? Isn't he darling? He has the cutest actions as evident in those picutes!

I'll post more photos later. There was one of him when he sat down during the ceremony! It is darling! I'm glad the photographer captured it.

We went to VBS again last night and guess who fell again? Yes, Nicholas. He was prancing around and landed on his elbow this time. Now he has another scratch and bruise. They really enjoyed the four wheeler and cart ride. I should say Spencer did because Nicholas refused to ride it this time. No one could talk him into it. Spencer cried and cried because he didn't want to go home. He and a little girl Cassie have hit it off and are playing well together! She is so sweet and cute. She keeps saying, "Peek-a-boo!" to him and he will say it back to her. So precious.

Nichols gets bloodwork tomorrow evening so be praying for those counts. Hopefully, we will make it back in time for VBS. I will try.

Remember all who are in transplant or taking treatment.
What would you want people to do if it were you in the hospital with your child? Pray? Perhaps, give blood? Join the bone marrow registry to become a potential donor? Pray? Send cards and well wishes? Pray? Think about it seriously and do what God puts on your heart.

Rich Blessings to you and yours,

Monday, June 21, 2004 6:23 AM CDT

Good Morning,

We had a wonderful week-end except for one mis-hap! Friday night, we took the boys to the rodeo! Nicholas kept hollering, "Woooo Cowboy!" It was so cute. He loved it! Spencer said the calves were sooo cute! Then they tried to ride the bulls! The bulls won!!! They both really enjoyed it.

Saturday, it was to the picnic the company I work for has for their employees. I didn't win anything big but the boys got money and had a great time playing. Spencer kept Dad busy in the slide and tunnels. He was soaked to the core and covered in mud! He had a ball! Nicholas found him a girl friend, Kayla and they played in the gravels! He loves rocks. Then Ms LaWibbey Bear took them to throw rocks in the lake! They were in their glory! We stayed late and fished a while! We caught four trout and Spencer helped reel them in. He loved it but wouldn't touch the fish! He would "go check on the fish!" Once they flopped when he opened the lid to the cooler and he jumped and slammed it shut really fast. We all laughed. They enjoyed the playground too. Nicholas was in the swings and fell out. It looked like I pushed him out of it! I just about died! He was ok and said, "I don't want to swing anymore!" I guess he was afraid! He really enjoyed the merry-go-around though. It was fun to watch them having fun. Spencer is a pure little monkey!

Sunday, we went to a family memorial at Nicholas' buddy Jimmy Slemp's. Service was over with and they had dinner-on-the-ground. Nicholas was walking around and didn't see the step-up to go on the carport. He fell, skinning both knees and hands and hit his head on the pavement. It bled and made a huge place on his forehead. I know it had to hurt and looks horrible. The pavement made an imprint in his forehead and it bruised accordingly. His knees bruised immediately. Going to Sissy Bears made it all better though! Then Sunday evening, Vacation Bible School started! Nicholas wouldn't participate but Spencer fit right in! Completely opposite from last year! Nicholas kept wanting to go outside. Then when it came time for the buggy ride, Nicholas wouldn't go. Clifford talked him into going with him and he settled in the buggy and went with Cathy Dotson! He enjoyed it. Spencer didn't want to go home! It took them forever to settle down to go to sleep! And it goes on for a whole week! How do you spell more tired??? Yes, I will be exhausted but I will do it for them! They will enjoy it and have a great time!

Remember all the ones in transplant and taking treatments. Remember the ones that are going through testing too, pray for good test results.

Until next time,
God Bless,

Thursday, June 17, 2004 6:03 AM CDT


We went for blood work and his platelets came up 6k!! Wooo Hoo!! I guess we can hold off a little longer before going to Cincy!! I hope so anyway.

Nicholas fell last night and hit his head on the deck. It scared me to death. He didn't hit too hard but enough to make me panic. I was running on empty anyway and after that I was as weak as a kitten. I had just told him not to run on the wet deck, he had already slipped on it earlier.
I told him that we needed to go to the dr to see if he was ok. He went wild! He did not want to go to the dr! He said, "I'm ok now!" He had a very bad stick yesterday evening and was not going back! I was so mad. She will not access him again that is for sure. She said that she was afraid of hurting him! Well, DDUUUHHH! She was hurting him worse by being so slow and putting it in a little at a time! He was kicking, crying, and screaming! No! She wasn't hurting him!!! I told her his port was deep and she would have to go deeper than she thought. THEN she was afraid to turn it loose to get the blood and the other nurse had to do it. I was furious. I'm still furious! I told Dad that I would do it myself next time! No, I've never accessed him before but I could if I had to. I try to leave the ouchies in the medical realm.

Nicholas and Spencer slept pretty good. I had to suction Nicholas around 1 am and checked on him. He was lying crosswise of the bed with his foot up on the wall this morning. He usually has his foot propped up on the other leg, even in his sleep. Spencer didn't peep all night long. The best we have slept in the last couple of nights!

Remember all of us in your prayers. Remember all those in transplant or taking treatments, too many that is for sure.

Have a blessed day,

Wednesday, June 16, 2004 6:15 AM CDT


Another rough night, for me anyway! Nicholas didn't get to sleep until midnight! He is a night owl! Spencer went to sleep around 9:30 but was awake at 3 am. He didn't really go back to sleep after that and kept wanting something. First it was chocolate milk, then it was a toy, then it was "I love you!" I finally put him in bed with us and he played with a truck and did not go back to sleep after 4:30 am at all! I think it is the medicine I gave him for his cold. He will do good for a while and then his little nose starts running all over again. He seems to feel better though but wouldn't eat anything last night. I think that was part of his problem this morning, I think he was hungry!

Nicholas was so sweet last night! A pure little imp! Mischievous as he can be! I'm so glad he is feeling better though. I'd much rather see him making big plans and playing until midnight than see him lifeless and feeling terrible. Everything comes with a price I guess!

We were going to try for next month to go back to Cincy but I think they want us back by the end of this month. We go for blood work this evening so be in prayer for that.

Remember all those in transplant or taking treatments. Pray for Maria's bone scan results, they are concerned with something they found on her sternum.

Have a good God day,

Tuesday, June 15, 2004 6:19 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Nicholas is feeling a lot better but Spencer is not! He sounds croupy and nose is still pouring. The meds only last for so long. He didn't want me to do anything but hold him. He didn't want me to wash his or Nicholas' hands or hook Nicholas back up on his milk. Nothing suited him! He felt terrible and I put him to bed at 7, in his dirty little clothes! He slept until 5 am but woke up wanting something to drink a couple of times. He had slept out but was in a good mood! So sweet and cuddly. I thought "Oh boy, we can get in the bed early and get some much needed rest!" Good thinking if only Nicholas thought the same!! He had slept out on Sunday, enough to do him a couple of days!! He didn't go to sleep until 10:30! Mom didn't get much sleep from then on! Too much on my mind and got the "wide eye". Maybe tonight!

I'm glad that Nicholas is feeling better. He was in the best little mood yesterday evening. I could tell such a big difference in him. Mamaw and Papaw came up for a while and Nicholas told her "Don't do that, you make me nervous!" I don't know what she was doing but we had a good laugh! He was wanting a bear tale and I don't think she was cooperating the way he wanted! I don't know where he heard that either, that didn't come from me! I just remembered it was from me too! He was too close to the edge of the pond the other evening and I told him he was making his Dad nervous!! He is just too smart! What a hoot!

Remember Abbey, she is itching from all the pain meds. Her white count is up to 400! Thank you Lord!
Michael is still having to go to the bathroom every 20 min. Pray he gets the much needed rest so his bladder can heal and the family can get some sleep too.
Jonathan is now in Minnesota starting his testing for his bmt, remember him and his family.

Remember my babies,

Monday, June 14, 2004 6:47 AM CDT

Good Morning,

We did have to take Nicholas to Dr. Begley on Friday. He has fluid on both ears with the right one being worse. He is now back on antibiotics, Omnicef. He started Saturday evening sneezing and eyes watering. Spencer has it too! Noses are pouring! Nicholas went to sleep around 7 and slept until 8:30 on Sunday morning. He fell back to sleep around 10:30 and slept until 12:30 and wouldn't have gotten up then if I hadn't told him he was having company! The Bevins boys came down Saturday night and Nicholas slept through it all! They came back Sunday and spent the day with us. It was wonderful to see them again.

Spencer actually felt so bad that he went to sleep around 3pm and just woke up as they were leaving. He cried his little heart out as they were getting into the truck. He didn't want Ben to leave! Jacob, Ben, and Abram all loved the train table and played and played with it. They had a great time together! They have moved to Bowling Green, Ky! or close to there anyway. Hopefully, we can get together when they come in on week-ends. Amanda, let me know when you are coming and I'll bake us another chocolate cake with chocolate icing!!! She loves them too!!!

We went up to the pond to see the beavers but they didn't show up! Nicholas said, "I LOVE to throw rocks in the water!" I guess that's why the beavers didn't come to see us, they were scared of us!!! We went home and guess who came to see them! Sissy and Daddy Bear! They're baaaccckkk!

Please remember my babies in your prayers. Remember Abbey, she has mouth sores and is really uncomfortable. Michael didn't get out of the hospital, he has blood in his urine, hemorrhagic cystitis.

God Bless,

Monday, June 14, 2004 6:47 AM CDT

Good Morning,

We did have to take Nicholas to Dr. Begley on Friday. He has fluid on both ears with the right one being worse. He is now back on antibiotics, Omnicef. He started Saturday evening sneezing and eyes watering. Spencer has it too! Noses are pouring! Nicholas went to sleep around 7 and slept until 8:30 on Sunday morning. He fell back to sleep around 10:30 and slept until 12:30 and wouldn't have gotten up then if I hadn't told him he was having company! The Bevins boys came down Saturday night and Nicholas slept through it all! They came back Sunday and spent the day with us. It was wonderful to see them again.

Spencer actually felt so bad that he went to sleep around 3pm and just woke up as they were leaving. He cried his little heart out as they were getting into the truck. He didn't want Ben to leave! Jacob, Ben, and Abram all loved the train table and played and played with it. They had a great time together! They have moved to Bowling Green, Ky! or close to there anyway. Hopefully, we can get together when they come in on week-ends. Amanda, let me know when you are coming and I'll bake us another chocolate cake with chocolate icing!!! She loves them too!!!

We went up to the pond to see the beavers but they didn't show up! Nicholas said, "I LOVE to throw rocks in the water!" I guess that's why the beavers didn't come to see us, they were scared of us!!! We went home and guess who came to see them! Sissy and Daddy Bear! They're baaaccckkk!

Please remember my babies in your prayers. Remember Abbey, she has mouth sores and is really uncomfortable. Michael didn't get out of the hospital, he has blood in his urine, hemmorrhagic cystist.

God Bless,

Friday, June 11, 2004 6:27 AM CDT

Good Sleepy Morning,

Yes, we've had a rough night. Nicholas has had a phenomenal amount of gas on his tummy all night long. It causes him to start coughing and if I can't get it off in time, it will push bile up in his throat. I'm so afraid he is going to aspirate it into his lungs. I listened to his lungs and there's popping and cracking in there. I just pray his pneumonia isn't coming back. He is beginning to act just like he did with pneumonia. He isn't running a temp though.

I went home and Jamie, from our equipment supplier, was there with his new feeding pump. Jamie has been checking his equipment for the past 5 years. It's a Kangaroo Pet, tiny and more portable!!! It's really neat! Nicholas came running into the kitchen and said, "When I grow up, they'll put me to sleep and when I wake up, I'll raise my shirt up (raising his shirt up in slow motion) and it will be gone and when I feel here (pointing at the trach), there will be nothing there!" He said all this while smiling from ear to ear and rolling those big brown eyes, in all his cuteness and face just beaming. He went back to the living room and Jamie ask me what he said. I started crying while I told her and we ended up having a Boo Hoo party! I ask her if she was ready to go on the biggest emotional roller coaster ride of her life! She just shook her head in disbelief! Nicholas keeps saying he's getting his trach and mic-key button out. I told him, "Yes, you may one of these days."
"When I grow up and be a big boy and......!" is the beginning of his sayings every day now. They are just tearing my heart out, especially "...and get thumbs." He even said "big boy like Spencer" the other day. Heart wrenching is what it is.

Well, his counts are up too high to start the clinical trial with oxandrolone. We will have to get weekly blood draws now until he qualifies again. AAAARRRRRGGGGGG!

Check out Michael's progress!!! He may get to get dismissed on Day 19!!! Great news from a far country! Continue to remember Abbey in your prayers too.

Blessed Be The Name of the Lord,

Thursday, June 10, 2004 6:24 AM CDT

Good Morning,

We went for bloodwork yesterday evening. His platelets were up 3k to 21k! Yeaaah! His hemoglobin is down to 8.6! He is real droopy and that is the reason why! He had coughed up a little blood yesterday morning and I want to make sure his platelets weren't below 10k. He will have to have a red cell transfusion if his hemoglobin gets below 8 and he hasn't had one since he was a baby in the NICU! Mary Bear went with us and it was a lot better than going alone! We went to Fish Tales to eat and Spencer loved the hush puppies! Thanks Mary for going with us and helping me. You are a God send!

Last night Nicholas showed me how he could close his Mic-key button! I asked him if he could open it for me and he said, "No. When I get to be a big boy and have a thumb, I can do it then!" Yes, my heart broke into a million pieces. BUT I smiled and said, "You can do it without a thumb too!" He is so precious and makes everything more bearable.

Remember the Redekop family in your prayers as they prepare for Janelle's funeral services. Remember Abbey, she had to have her central line replaced yesterday. She is in a lot of pain so "Storm Heaven" on her behalf.

God Bless and we love you Big so much,

Wednesday, June 9, 2004 5:54 AM CDT

**I just read that Janelle passed away yesterday evening. My heart is broken. She was an inspiration to all of us at Camp Sunshine and we all loved her dearly. Please pray for this family that is so dear to our hearts.


I would like to thank all those who have signed the guestbook so faithfully and for checking in on our babies. Some days are full of too much excitement and some days are full of frustration but all days are blessed beyond measure.

I forgot to mention a funny that Spencer said. We went to a nearby town to eat on the way back from Tweetsie and when we went off the exit, Spencer said, "It looks like a doctor's home!" Bless his little heart, he related the tall buildings to Cincinnati! I had already reassured Nicholas that we weren't getting bloodwork though! It's sort of pitiful when the only tall buildings are related to doctors! But that is our life I guess! I told you we needed to do some fun things!!

Nicholas thought we were going somewhere yesterday evening. Do you think he may be getting spoiled? No! Never! We did go outside and play for a while. I read them a story, "Who Will Bell The Cat?" The children wore masks for the cat and the mice and that gave me an idea. I cut out a cat and mouse out of paper plates and made them a mask! They were thrilled! Nicholas squeaked and Spencer meowed all evening long and then had to "surprise" Dad!! They had a load of fun chasing each other. I made the strings out of some blue bandage that we use to use on Nicholas hands when he had surgery and guess what? He remembered it and said, "Mom, you use to put that around my arms!" I wish he couldn't remember some stuff!

I was singing and Spencer wanted me to hush! Ok! I can take a hint!!! He began telling me the story of Peter walking on the water. It was so precious! He loves to tell stories. He elaborates and embellishes on them too!!! He is just too cute! Last night, he piled up three little pillars and said, "The eggs haven't hatched yet! There's little Spencers in there!" That cracked me up! No pun intended! He sat on them and then handed me "three Spencers!" Oh, he is too funny!

Remember Abbey and Michael that are in transplant and Maria, who had some tests yesterday. Some of the FA children are listed under the "Families with FA" that have websites. Be sure to check them out, several are new ones!
We go for bloodwork this week too, please remember Nicholas as well.

Have a Good God Day!

Tuesday, June 8, 2004 6:28 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Oh, where do I begin!!?! Friday evening, we loaded up Mary Bear's van with everybody! We kidnapped Mamaw and Mary's Mom Clara, and Becky Bear too! It came the biggest downpour I couldn't hardly drive on the way to Mary's and everything was soaking wet! We arrived at the Big Top and it started raining again. Mamaw was shocked! I had a blast just watching Mamaw and Clara! I think Mamaw kept Clara in stitches! The Circus was pretty good, they had a camel, a llama, goats, horse and minature horses that all did tricks. The boys were totally mesmerized! It was so much fun watching their expressions! A little girl did gymnastics and a little boy did a balancing act, they were both great. The Poodle Parade was cute too. Nicholas and Spencer both were exhausted and went to sleep on the way home. They enjoyed it so much, the trapeze artists and tight rope walker had them holding their breath too! Thanks Mary for all your help, you are a blessing to us.

Saturday, our plans fell through because it was barely 65*! We were suppose to go to a fishing tournament but didn't make it. We were going to set up a booth for Nicholas but maybe next time. Thanks Davina for the idea though.

Sunday, we did make it to church and had a wonderful service. After church, we headed out to Blowing Rock, NC. We spent the night there and the boys enjoyed the pool. Spencer had an absolute ball but it was chilly when they got out and he was freezing! Nicholas got to sit on the steps in the water and Dad took him out in the pool but he couldn't let the water get in his mic-key button! We have to be carefull in public pools when his ANC (absolute neutrophil count) is low. If he gets an infection, he wouldn't be able to fight it off. We don't get in public pools enought normally to worry about it! He enjoyed himself though. It was fun to watch them laugh and play.

Monday, we went to Tweetsie Railroad! Thomas, the tank engine was there! You have to purchase tickets ahead of time to ride Thomas. Go to and check out "A day with Thomas!" Go, if you can. Spencer was thrilled to the core! He saw Thomas and started jumping up and down. He was thrilled! I loved it! Nicholas was pleased too but wasn't as emotional! Spencer was in his glory! Yes, he got a train engine named Spencer too! They each got a wooden gun! Nicholas' was red and Spencer's green, of course! There were several "cowboys" there and they posed with Nicholas and his red gun! It was priceless! He is a pure ham! They fell asleep before we got out of the parking lot! They had had a big day! Nicholas told me last night, "Guess what I want to do again?" I asked him what and he said, "Go back to Tweetsie!"

I'm down in my back and was totally miserable while we were at Tweetsie! Needless to say we didn't stay there all day! Tugging the stuff around for Nicholas was torture! Poor Jeff he is a pack horse! It is no wonder he doesn't enjoy these excursions very much! I think we are too tired to go anywhere else for a while! We definitely need a rest. Give me a day or two!!!

Abbey had her transplant! Please remember her in your prayers, she is having a rough time. Thanks to the European for the donation of the bone marrow. Isn't it amazing that there is someone somewhere that matches your bone marrow. Who do you match? Join the Bone Marrow Registry and find out!!!

God Bless you and yours,

Friday, June 4, 2004 6:04 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Nicholas didn't run a temp last night!! I was up with him about an hour and an half, suctioning and venting. He finally got clear up and settled back down. He does have a bruise on his forehead from the fall. He also hit the corner of the couch yesterday and bruised his abdomen. He has a couple of bruises on his legs but overall, I think they are improving. I hope and pray his counts are back up. We will get his bloodwork in a week or two.

We have big plans all weekend starting this evening. We are taking the boys to a circus. I can't wait! I just hope he stays well enough to go through with the plans. They think they have to go down Mamaw and Papaw's every evening! They just had to go see the puppies! There will be more puppies too! I checked their little dog, Baby Doll and guess what! She is going to have puppies too! Much to Papaw's dismay!! Strays just love to go to Papaw's house!!! I have never known them not have a dog! People know where to set their dogs off!! If that is what is happening! They have to come from somewhere!

Sissy and Daddy Bear left to go on vacation! She deserves a break! I'm sure they will have a good time. They were just east of Bowling Green, TN last night! They are headed out West! I'm sure Arkansas will be a stop! Their son, Michael lives there and they will visit him I'm sure.

I want to go to the Beach!!!! I just want the boys to see the beach. I'll do my best to get them there this year. We tried all of last year but it didn't work out. I can't wait to watch the boys expression when they see it. When? Sometime...don't know when yet. Right now, I'm just taking one day at a time and trying to survive it!

Remember all the children in transplant or taking treatments. Continue those faithful prayers for my baby too. There is Power in Prayer!

God Bless,

Thursday, June 3, 2004 6:22 AM CDT

Good Morning,

I forgot to tell you a funny that happened on Sunday morning. Nicholas was asking where we were going. I told him church. He asked me why. I told him we went to church to praise God and thank Him for everything so we could go to Heaven. He asked me how we go to Heaven. I told him we had to die to go to Heaven. He said, "I don't want to go to Church!" I asked him why. He said, "I don't want to go to Heaven right now, I want to live on earth a while longer!" He thought we were going to church and then going to die and go to Heaven right then! A million emotions went through my heart. It broke my heart on one hand and then was funny on the other. He is such a deep thinker!

He wasn't feeling well yesterday evening. I know his little ears have fluid on them because he couldn't stand any noise. And guess who wanted to play the keyboard! Spencer! Guess who got a headache! Me! Both ended up crying, and I almost did too! Nicholas' temp was 100.5* last night but he seemed ok. I just hope and pray he doesn't get any sicker.

I couldn't get Mamaw on the phone so we ran down there to check on them. The wind was so strong it snapped a little tree in half and it tore the phone line down! I didn't realize the wind was even blowing yesterday!! We started to leave and Nicholas saw Mamaw's birdhouses and ask her where she got them. She told him that Papaw had built them and that he had built them one too! He said, "Papaw, Bring my birdhouse up and don't you forget it!" Well we weren't home too long and guess who came with the birdhouse!!! Papaw and Mamaw! It is yellow and has 8 holes in it! It is two story and so cute. It is a Octaplex I guess!! It came a downpour and he had to wait until it stopped to put it up. Papaw put it where they could see it out the dining room window. Yes, I took a picture of it!!!

We were sitting at the table and the sun came back out and there was the biggest rainbow that I have ever seen. We all jumped to the window to see it. I burst out singing, "God is still on the throne!" It was beautiful! Dad came home and asked us if we had seen it. He said it was a double one too! That makes three this year that have been doubles! The boys were so excited!

Nicholas was excited when Dad came home and was going to run to the window. He fell across Papaw's foot and bumped his head. I put ice on it but I think he will still have another bruise!

Remember all the ones in transplant or taking treatment! There just are too many!

God Bless,

Wednesday, June 2, 2004 6:30 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Please remember Zachary German and the family in your prayers. His HLH is back and may have to have a second transplant. He started having trouble breathing and they have put him on the ventilator for a much needed rest. Please storm Heaven on his behalf, as Chance says!

Also, one of my best friends in grade school, Myra McFall Whitt, lost her husband and the funeral was Memorial Day. He was 46 yrs old and had a massive heart attack. Please remember the family in your prayers.

Now getting to my baby. He ran a temp last night of 101.0* but has no other symptoms. I listened to his lungs and they sounded real clear. He did cough up a little blood yesterday but not much. He may have some allergies or something. Dad has a sore throat and I feel like I'm coming down with something too. Please pray that he doesn't get any sicker. I feel like his platelets are going back up because his bruises are disappearing. He had a brand new one yesterday and has one in the center of his back! This isn't fun! His mic-key button is so tender and sore. He starts crying when I start looking at it without even touching it! Hopefully, it will heal soon too.

We got outside for a little while yesterday evening. Nicholas and Spencer followed their Uncle Ronald around in the garden for a while. I'm sure they were asking him a blue million questions. It has rained so much the creek was a rolling river. We saw a huge mud turtle too!

Saturday, Carolyn brought down another calf for Nicholas. It was three days old and he named him "Blackie!" It was so cute. Spencer just smiled and petted it. I have a bunch of pictures to post! I'll get them developed one of these days!

Remember all the ones in transplant or taking treatments. Pray for us too.

God Bless,

Tuesday, June 1, 2004 6:27 AM CDT

Good Morning,

We have had a wonderful week-end and Memorial Day holiday. Friday evening, we had Kenny's birthday dinner, complete with ice-cream cake that had a horse's head on it. The boys loved it too!

Saturday, we went back to Mom's for left overs and then we high jacked Mamaw to take her with us to Becky's graduation party! Of course, the boys were a highlight there too! Justin's mom said that she had prayed for Nicholas all the time but seeing him in person made such a difference. Yes, he stole her heart too! We went shopping a little bit and then I took them for a custard. By the time I went back with the ice creams, the boys had fallen asleep. Spencer couldn't hold his eyes open for even one bite and he loves ice cream! It's still in the freezer! That evening, we had a wiener and marshmellow roast. The boys had a wonderful time and absolutely loved the fire.

Sunday, we made it to Mamaw Boggs' house for Sunday dinner and met a bunch of cousins! More babies than you could shake a stick at!!! Nicholas was a nervous wreck! One would get close to him and he would freeze in place and scream "NO!" He doesn't understand that they all don't cry! He did a little better than normal, at least he didn't stay in Daddy's arms!

Yesterday, the boys wanted another fire but it looked too much like rain, so we grilled in! They just like a big time it doesn't matter where or when! Mamaw had to tell them another bear tale! Nicholas laughed and laughed. Most of the day yesterday, he was laughing and singing. He was singing to the top of his lungs. He was singing, "The Old Account Was Settled!" I called Mamaw and let her listen to him. It thrilled her heart! I didn't get it on video, my battery was dead! Bummer!

Remember all the children in transplant or taking treatments. Nicholas' energy level is dropping but overall I think he is feeling a little better. He slept yesterday until 10 am!

God Bless,

Friday, May 28, 2004 6:18 AM CDT

Good Morning,

The boys had a great time playing outside yesterday evening. Nicholas can ride the tricycle now and Spencer is riding a bike with training wheels! Nicholas doesn't like it at all! It is hard for him to reach the handle bars and it actually has brakes on it. I made him go outside without me yesterday evening! Believe you me, that was a feat in itself. I always prop the door open so he can come back in and he did a hundred times before I could get out there! He doesn't like me out of his sight! I also encouraged him to go back into the house for a drink of water and he did. He said, "Now I'm a big boy!" So he made about 5 trips inside for a drink after he realized he could. What a boy! He was afraid he would drop the glass.

We take so much for granted! He cannot even get his underwear down to use the bathroom. He just does not have enough strength in his hands. I encourage him to try but he just cannot do it. He tries real hard to get them down and back up again. He just has to have help. Maybe one of these days we will come up with something to help him. Any ideas? We've tried several things but if they are loose around the waist he can manage part of it. It breaks my heart sometimes. He is such a doll baby and tries so hard to do things. For the most part he does great and best of all he keeps trying. He has a great attitude about everything too.

We are having Kenny's birthday dinner this evening. I'm getting him an ice cream cake with a horse on it. Then on Saturday, Becky Bear is graduating! We will get to go to her party hopefully! Sunday we will be going to Mamaw Boggs' house for dinner. It will be a party week-end!

Remember all those in transplant or taking treatment. Abbey get admitted today! Marshall is still in hospital unless he got out yesterday evening. Check out the link to the Fa Families, several more have been added, too many!

Have a great memorial day week-end,
Donna and family

Thursday, May 27, 2004 6:34 AM CDT

Good Morning,

I got to work and our parking lot is flooded! Tornado touched down in the Gate City/Kingsport area and we received the wind and rain from it. It is a mess everywhere. Signs were blown over and some trees were down too. I didn't even hear it raining last night! I was exhausted. The power has kicked off once each night for the last couple of nights. When that happens, my eyes pop open immediately because it shuts Nicholas' equipment down! I always let out my breath, which I don't realize I'm holding, when the power comes back on! I'm just thankful that Dad has a generator close by in case of emergencies. We usually hook up the bedroom and the refridgerator to it.

Nicholas slept through the night again. He had a big, bad gas spell and came so close to aspirating last night. I just can't get the gas off his tummy fast enough sometimes and believe you me, it makes him so sick. He breaks out into a sweat, starts coughing, and gagging. Not pleasant to say the least. I cannot figure out what caused it. He had eaten some chicken noodle soup, actually just the broth. Who knows? It doesn't have to be anything major, just simple things trigger his tummy.

He got his hands dirty again last night but had a ball outside with his Dad. He and Spencer were playing with an umbrella and Spencer would walk off and leave Nicholas. I could hear them coming around the house, giggling all the way. It was so precious. They knocked on the door and stood there bursting their sides. Nicholas thought Spencer was so funny. The umbrella was bigger than both of them put together!

Remember all the ones in transplant or taking treatment. Abbey get admitted tomorrow. Marshall is still in the hospital from the seisure. Michael is feeling the effects of the chemo and check out his new hair do!!!! I hope Spencer doesn't see it!!! Lakota had her cord-blood transplant too, she didn't have a perfect match. Join the bone marrow registry today and you may save one of these little children's lives.

Have a good God day,

Wednesday, May 26, 2004 5:56 AM CDT


Our phone is out! We went to Sissy Bear's to report it and she fixed dinner for us! It was a nice surprise! I guess the bad storms we have been having has knocked out our service somehow. When we got back home, Daddy was working on his truck! I hooked Nicholas up to his feeder and sat him down on the cardboard that Dad was using to lay on! Nicholas picked up the tools and "helped" his Dad work on the tires! Yes I got pictures! Spencer loves Dad's tools too! I pulled some weeds out of my flowers (saw a snake and a frog) and came back later to check on him and he was filthy! I said, "Nicholas, look at your hands how dirty!" He said, "I know! Now, I'm a Daddy!" I burst out laughing! I guess getting your hands dirty makes you a Daddy!!! We went inside to wash our hands and I let the dirty soap drip into the sink and told the boys to watch it. Spencer said, "Chocolate Bubbles!" Only Spencer could have related it to chocolate!!! I needed a good laugh and received two!!
Now you know what keeps me going!!

The boys had a good night. Nicholas was asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow and only coughed one time during the night. He fell the other evening and has a big bruise on his knee and several more that I have no idea where they came from! I was hoping the platelets would last to Friday at least! He is looking pale to me.

His report on his lungs came back. Nothing new in his lungs that we didn't already know about and believe you me that is good news!

I must not have made myself clear on our options the other day. Nicholas does NOT have enough extra cells in his bone marrow to harvest for Gene Therapy. I think they had about a tenth of the amount they needed. GT is not an option for us and the BMT will be put off until his lungs get a chance to heal from the pneumonias. Our only other option is growth hormones to boost the marrow into producing more cells. The bone marrow has had to work extra hard to fight off the pneumonias. I don't think the marrow can recover his platelets back up to 35k. I pray it recovers fully and climbs even higher! Wouldn't that be a blessing! Pray that Nicholas responds to the growth hormones. If he doesn't, we will have no choice but to go to transplant. It would take 3 months to activate the donor and get everything lined up for transplant. Where has time flown?
I'm not ready for transplant and I don't think I will ever be.

Remember all those in transplant, Michael received his early yesterday morning. Abbey will get hers on 6/4/04. Remember Marshall, he had a major seisure and is in the hospital. Janelle needs our prayers, she is having a rough time too. Who doesn't need our prayers? My heart is so heavy, it seems when it rains, it pours. Please remember the families of those in transplant too. The entire family goes through a major transition during transplant, not only the patient.

Pray without ceasing and have a good God day,

*Check out the photo page linked below!

Tuesday, May 25, 2004 6:45 AM CDT


To read a donor's perspective, go to John Maxwell's Story and read about his bone marrow extraction for Michael who had his bmt late last night! Please keep Michael and his family in your prayers too.

Sunday evening, we went to Little Stoney Falls and it was beautiful. There are three water falls but we only made it to the first one. Nicholas barely could make the steps down to the water. It was real muggy and he was wet with sweat! There came some others who went swimming and one little boy was a pure little monkey. He would fall off the inner tube backwards and the boys would burst out laughing. He noticed Nicholas and Spencer watching him and he did all kinds of tricks for them. It was so cute. When we told them where we were going, Spencer kept asking if we were going to the zoo, or see any wild animals or monkeys! The little boy's mom walked up to us and said, "Now there is a pure monkey!" We all laughed and I told Spencer, "See, you did get to see a monkey afterall!" The water was cold! I don't know how they stood it. I guess you get use to it after you've been in there a while. Several were in the water and got under the falls! It sprinkled the rain on us a couple of times but it felt good. We left and Nicholas was wheezing by the time we got back to the top. He enjoyed it so much and looked up at me and said, "When I get big, I'm going to get in the water too!" My heart broke inside but I told him, "Yes you can sweetie, when you get bigger you can get in the water." If the water had been warm, I would have let him in it. We had just barely got back in Coeburn when a big storm hit. I was glad we weren't still at the falls!

When we first arrived at the falls, there was a man fishing! Spencer picked up a stick, cast his imaginery line, reeled in his fish, took it off the line, and threw it back into the water! He hadn't missed one thing that the fisherman had done except bite the line to cut the fish off! I couldn't help but laugh! He is a monkey himself!

Yesterday evening, Nicholas was drooping around. I could tell his energy level was dropping. We went inside and Spencer couldn't do anything right in Nicholas' eyes! I think his ears were more sensitive and he couldn't stand any loud noise at all. I hope he isn't getting an ear infection. I just need lots of patience!

His platelet transfusion will be gone by friday. Platelets just live up to nine days! If you could possibly be a blood or platelet donor, please do so. There are so many transfusions before, during, and after a transplant. It will make you feel so much better about yourself! Knowing you will be a part of helping "give the give of life" and increasing someone's quality of life. Thanks.

Please pray for all those in transplant or taking treatments.

Pray without ceasing,

Monday, May 24, 2004 6:27 AM CDT


We have partied all week-end! Friday evening, we started to the wedding rehearsel and Nicholas' mic-key button was pulled out. We had to go back in the house and get a new one! It bled a little and was sore. It didn't have much water in the balloon so it wasn't as bad as it has been in the past! Yes, Ms. Chris I just had to tell! I know you felt terrible but all is well now! I'm just glad that Ms Chris didn't pass out on me because I would have had to leave her on the ground! Anyway, we went on to the rehearsel and Nicholas did perfect!

Saturday we went to a house warming for one of our neighbors and Nicholas and Spencer had a good time there. We went to the wedding and Nicholas looked absolutely adorable! He wore a grey tux and I had to make do with the tie! It was too low because of his trach but it still looked cute. The shirt was too big and they didn't take up the jacket or shirt in the arms! He was so full of himself and strutted around everywhere. He wasn't feeling the best and actually sat down on the altar during the ceremony but that is ok. He crossed his legs and proped his elbow on his knee for a minute or two. The photographer tried to get a shot of it but I don't know how it will turn out. He did really well and did whatever we ask him to do. He carried the little pillow but ended up giving it to the Best Man to hold during the service. Overall, he did great!
Spencer had to have a vest like Brother so he wore a little suit too. He looked so handsome!
Amanda was a beautiful bride! Georgeous, as Spencer says. Congratulations Amanda and Jarred! During the reception, they played the song, "Butterfly Kisses" and she danced with her step-Dad! It brought tears to everyone's eyes!
Someone asked Nicholas if he married Amanda and he frowned and said, "NO! Jarred married her!" Jarred doesn't know that Nicholas sneaked in a kiss before the ceremony but they caught it on film.

Remember all those in transplant and in the hospital!

Pray without ceasing,

I can remember your wedding date because it is Uncle Kenny's birthday! Happy Birthday Uncle Kenny!

Friday, May 21, 2004 6:23 AM CDT

Good Morning,

We are back from Cincy! Nicholas' counts were down to 18,000! They gave him a platelet transfusion and he broke out in hives! They had pre-opted him with Benedryl and Tylemol too! He had 4 on him and they stopped the transfusion and gave him Hydrocortizone, then resumed the transfusion. We went to Same Day Surgery and he had another hive on his face. That was the last one. All in all the results were good. Hydrocephalus, the ventricles hasn't changed in size and we are leaving the shunt alone for the time being. Lungs: they got washings of his lungs and we will know the results next week, but there was no major inflammation going on and no reasonable cause for the blood except for the pneumonia, some mucus was STILL there and it was pink. He does have some lesions on his adenoids and they biopsied those. Overall, he was pleased with his lung condition. Ears: same deformaties there, left funnels down to nothing and cannot find the eardrum, right does not have three little bones but one large bone mass there. His ears were ok though. Teeth are pearly white! They look wonderful. They also removed some granulation tissue from his mic-key button stoma. It is real tender! Overall, his reports were great.

Now! For the not so good news! Dr feels he is too high risk for bmt because of his lungs and wants us to consider growth hormones. This drug is Oxandrolone. Toxicity is unknown! Someone has been on it for a year and their blood counts are over 100,000! They haven't had any major problems with it. If this drug doesn't work, then he will have to have a bmt. His lungs have two mean bugs growing in them, pseudomonas and klebiesella. You cannot go into transplant with a known infection in your lungs. I feel we do not have a choice but to try a growth hormone for now. There is another type of hormone that we can go with but it is a shot every day! I'm sure Nicholas would hate that. I am so against the growth hormones because the general population do not do well with bmt if they have been on growth hormones for a long period of time. Now that is basically our only choice. We have to decide shortly, if there is a decision to be made. I think it's evident what we have to do. How long will the growth hormone work? No one knows! It takes a couple of months to see any results. If Nicholas doesn't respond to it, we will not have a choice but to go to bmt.

His little tummy is so mess up and he was sick all day long yesterday. He slept better last night than I thought he would. Spencer was so happy to see us. He saw Nicholas waved and said, "Oh, Hi Brother!" He couldn't be still and jumped up and down. He was happy we were home. I was too!

Remember all the children in transplant or taking treatment. Remember Nicholas in your prayers too.

Pray without ceasing,

Monday, May 17, 2004 6:44 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Diane, thanks for the guestbook entry, it was beautiful and lifted my spirts. And to all the other entries, thanks from the bottom of my heart. I may not get to respond to all of them but I do check them first to see who has visited. It is so encouraging to receive them. Thanks.

I hope all of you had a wonderful week-end. Nicholas did cough up more blood yesterday. I was up with him every 2 hrs on Saturday night, coughing and venting his little tummy. I don't know what is going on but I pray he holds off until Wednesday, when we go for testing. Please remember us in prayer for wisdom and discernment. I know we will be bombarded with new info of different treatments and we need God's touch. I have my trust in Him for I know He knows what is best.

One time Nicholas was coughing up blood and he said, "Yuck!" Then I vented him after he had eaten red yogurt and he asked me what was in the vent tube. I told him it was yogurt. He looked up at me and said, "You thought it was blood! Didn't you?" He is just too smart! He isn't feeling the best, whining and being fretful at times. I need lots of patience! I told Dad he would be feeling a lot worse as his counts drop, if we don't get our miracle! I am waiting but not too patiently! Grant me patience Lord but hurry!

Nicholas told my nieghbor last night that he wanted to ride her bull!! It was so funny! She told him that she didn't doubt one bit that he would "be as big as her grandson Greyson, and be a bull rider!" Greyson is in remission for Leukemia, is doing wonderful, and looks so good. He has a spinal tap next month so please remember him in your prayers.

Remember all those in transplant or taking treatments. Remember Nicholas as he will be having some test on Wednesday and pray for us as we go for consultation.

Pray without ceasing,

Friday, May 14, 2004 6:36 AM CDT

Good Morning,

We didn't have church last night because of the funeral of Renee Cantrell. We will be there tonight if it's the Lord's will!

I took the boys outside and we planted some flowers! They enjoy being outside doing anything as long as it is outside! They played on their tricycle and little cars! They helped me water the flowers! They love playing in the water too! We also planted some sunflower seeds in the garden! Spencer put all the seeds that was in his hand in one spot! It was funny. I hope they all come up! I love being with them. They are so precious.

Nicholas had stopped coughing up blood by the time I came home! Thank the Lord. That makes two days this week that it has happened! I just hope it stops for good and just due to irritation. He has bruises all over his little legs. We will find out next week what his blood counts are! Please help us pray. Pray hard!

Remember Janelle, she is having a difficult time right now. Miss Abbey's transplant has been postponed for a week due to elevated liver levels. Connor is going to fight this next round of cancer too! I knew he would, these children are so tough and resilient! Remember all those in transplant and taking treatment right now.

Big Bear Hugz and I hope you have a good God day,

Thursday, May 13, 2004 6:46 AM CDT

**Nicholas is coughing up blood again. It seems as though it's happening every other day. Please pray he makes it until next Wednesday so he can get scoped to find out what is going on.

Good Morning,

There were six little angels at prayer meeting/revival last night. They are all so precious. I think the boys have enjoyed each other so much.

I got into the van the other night singing, "Oh when the saints go marching in.." and Jeff sneezed about that time. I revised my song to "Oh when the saints go sneezing in!" Nicholas laughed and laughed! He thought that was the funniest thing he had ever heard! I love to watch him laugh. Spencer giggled too! Spencer laughs so easily. Last night I started the song again and Nicholas said, "Say sneezing Mom!" I think I've started something!

Jeff was taking the lid off of a sipper cup to give Nicholas a drink of water and tapped it against the top. The straw popped off throwing water all over me, much to the delight of Nicholas! He got so tickled I didn't think he was ever going to quit laughing! I love it when he feels good and can laugh so much. I enjoy those moments so much and hold them dear to my heart.

Every moment is precious and so much joy. FA has made a big difference in our lives, that is for sure! We do not take anything for granted anymore. Enjoy the little things. Enjoy what time you have with your children. Love them to the fullest and hug them every chance you get.

Remember all the children in transplant and taking treatments. Remember Nicholas.

Big Bear Hugz and have a good God day,

Wednesday, May 12, 2004 6:48 AM CDT

**Remember Carl Cantrell's family. Their daugher passed away yesterday from a blood clot after some minor surgery. She was 31 yr old.


I think Nicholas has decided he likes Jacob's dad, Damon! He sat on his lap for the most of the service last night. They have 3 little boys and acquired two more last night!! The more the merrier! They are all so precious.

Nicholas has bruises galore! He also konked himself in the head with a chair yesterday evening. One of the legs is broken on it and of all the chairs on the deck, he tried to get in that one before I could stop him. Down he came and the chair arm hit him in the head. It was a pretty hard hit and scared me. He had a knot pop up and it is so close to his shunt. He is ok though.

He started sounding funny breathing this morning about 5 am. I checked on him and sure enough, the hose had come loose from his mask and he wasn't getting any moisturized air! I don't know how long he was like that. It could have been moments or hours! If he starts coughing up blood, then I will beat myself up! He may be having dry pockets in his lungs that is causing the bleeding. If he bleeds today, that is what I will definitely think! There isn't anything simple at our house!

His teacher said she could tell a difference in his reading since he got his new glasses! Either that or he is just feeling better now! She brought him another new Bear book! I don't know how many this makes! She is definitely spoiling him.

Remember Abbey, she will be admitted today to begin her transplant.
Michael will be admitted this week too.
Zachary has GVHD and needs lots of prayer.
Janelle is having some GVHD and other complications and she needs prayer too.
Connor's cancer is back and received a bad report. His website is

Big Bear Hugz and I hope you have a good God day,

Tuesday, May 11, 2004 6:09 AM CDT


Nicholas did have another episode of coughing up blood. He begins to sound different and then starts coughing it up. It had stopped by yesterday evening though. Thank the Lord. It is so scary because we don't know what exactly is happening. The lung specialist said he would be able to tell me when he scopes him next week. I hope Nicholas stays well until then.

Nicholas has started saying, "You're kidding me!" when you tell him something. It is so cute! I get so tickled at him. Spencer was a little grumpy yesterday evening even after his nap! I think he needed more sleep! I hope he grows out of this moody stuff! Do they ever?

Tommy came over and brought one of his horses. The boys were thrilled and wanted "Joe" to go faster! They are a hoot! They will tell Daddy to "Go Fast!" in the van! They are little dare devils! They will play in their cars and tricycle and pretend the light is red! I can't help but love to listen to them playing. They are so fascinating and entertaining!

We had another wonderful service last night. We had five little boys and one little girl there. It is so precious to see the children there. Spencer went to sleep last night saying, "Jacob is my best friend!" It is usually Ben but he said Jacob last night! They are all so precious. Abram is two and wanted to shake hands with Nicholas. Nicholas put his hands behind his back and kept saying, "No!" Abram is a little too rough!! Nicholas is just protective of his little hands too!

Remember all the children that are in transplant or taking treatment of some kind. I put some of their pictures up on the wall at church last night. I think it helps to see their faces. I could probably cover the entire wall! There are too many! I also told about Mr. Maxwell being a donor 3 times! It sparked some interest and lots of questions!! Matthew was on there too and I wrote that he didn't have a perfect match yet! Please pray for a match for Matthew Pearl. His counts are pretty stable right now and that is a blessing. He and his sister Alex website is

Pray without ceasing and have a good God day,

Monday, May 10, 2004 6:35 AM CDT


Friday evening, we met for prayer and a revival has begun! Joel Cantrell is preaching wonderfully for us and we are so blessed by his preaching. He has been anointed with the spirit during his preaching and it has blessed us all.
We had Brandon with us and that made six little boys at the service! Mike and Robin made it safely in from Arkansas and we kidnapped Brandon to go with us! He loved playing with the boys trains!

Saturday, the boys had a ball at the Walk-A-Thon playing on the playground and in the sand pit! There weren't many there but we did have fun. Then we went home and took a nap. I cut the boys hair and then we had to rush to get ready for church! We made it on time but barely! Wonderful service again.

Sunday, Dad served ne breakfast in bed! Spencer wanted pancakes at 7 am!! One thing wrong with the scene, I wasn't in bed! I was up working with Nicholas, he was coughing and needed venting. He has had a lot of gas on his little tummy. We spent the day with Jeff's mom. They always have dinner on the ground at their church and we went. Nicholas spotted a cowboy there and no one else had a chance to hardly talk to him. I think he was a Mullins. Nicholas lead him all over the place and they were inseparable. He said that Nicholas was more important than food! He was a sweet little man. Spencer had a great time throwing rocks in the creek!

Last night after church, Nicholas was so nauseated. I vented but didn't get off a lot of gas. He was sick a couple of times during the night but I still didn't off a lot of gas. He did cough up a speck of blood yesterday morning but not much. I thought, "Oh no! Here we go again!" He has been a little grumpy all week-end. I hope and pray he feels better today.

Remember all the children in transplant or taking treatment of some kind. They and the families need your prayers more than you will ever know.

Pray without ceasing,

Friday, May 7, 2004 6:44 AM CDT

Good Morning,

The boys had fun playing outside for a while yesterday evening. I found a grub worm under a piece of plastic and took a stick to show it to the boys. Spencer jumped back when it started crawling again. Nicholas got as close as he could and kept watching it. It crawled on it's back to get back to the dirt. We were totally fascinated! It made it to the dirt and buried itself and talk about the questions!!! I told them that when they heard that a Bear ate grub worms, they would know what it was now!

We are getting geared up for the Walk-A-Thon tomorrow!! Nicholas found out his little friends were going to be there and is so excited he can't stand it!!! He didn't go to sleep until after 11:30 pm!! I will be selling t-shirts and Bone Marrow Awareness pins too!! Thanks for all who are involved with this fundraiser.

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers! I have a very special Mother and I thank God for her. Thanks Mom for everything. Thanks to my two precious little boys for making Motherhood a blast. I love every minute of it and thank God for the opportunity to become your mom. You have made my life worth while and inspired me beyond measure. You have made me so happy and my heart fills to the brim, it could just burst with happiness because of you two!! I love to feel your little arms around my neck and the sweet little kisses on my cheek. I love you.

Remember all the ones who are in the hospital, have lost a loved one, or dealing with major decisions.
Go hug your children tighter, a little longer, and kiss them twice, or more!

Happy Mother's Day,

Thursday, May 6, 2004 6:47 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Nicholas is so chipper! Singing and talking non-stop! He was like that when we went to pick up his glasses. He was just jabbering up a storm, talking about chips and other things I couldn't quite make out. He was pretending to read! It was so sweet. He sang, "The B I B L E" and part of "Amazing Grace." Mamaw was in seventh Heaven!

Yesterday evening, Ms Chris said she hadn't seen him like this in a long time. He is definitely feeling better!
Spencer, on the other hand was running a low grade temp again, nose running and then it would be stuffy. He told Nanny B, "I'm just like my Daddy!" I think they both have allergies!! We all slept better last night.

In case you missed yesterday wonderful news, Nicholas' x-rays came back "NO PULMONARY DISEASE!" Thank the Lord! Thanks for praying for us and for him.

The Prayer Meeting is still on going. Come and be with us if you can, pray at 7:00 pm nightly if you can't. We had 5 little prayer warriors praying beside of Papaw last night. It was a wonderful sight. Nicholas and Spencer are becoming fast friends with them. I heard "I love you!" a hundred times!!! It is so precious. They are all so sweet and I love to watch them all playing together. Last night, they all sang, "Jesus Loves Me!" Talking about pulling some heart strings! You could even hear Nicholas singing. Spencer wouldn't sing and acted shy!

Remember those who have lost their loved ones and those still suffering and struggling with treatments. Remember all those starting their transplants.

Pray without ceasing.
Have a good God day!

***Check out the photo page link down below!

Wednesday, May 5, 2004 6:23 AM CDT

**Don't forget about the Walk-A-Thon this Saturday!!!!

**x-ray came back "NO Pulmonary Disease" YYEEEAAAAHHHH!! Thank you Lord! No more IV antibiotics!!

Good Morning,

Yesterday was very busy. First, we went to the dr. There was a medical student named Michael that came in first. We were talking and Nicholas said, "Excuse me." I said, "What?" He said, "Can I tell Michael something?" I told him sure. He looked up at Michael and said, "I love you!" Michael said, "You do!" Then Nicholas told him he wanted what was on Michael's tie. It was a pool table! Nicholas saw Will playing pool at the RMH while we were in Cincy. Michael went to look for some toys. He and Dr. Begley came in then. Michael told Nicholas he couldn't find any toys. Dr Begley sent us for a chest x-ray. Michael pulled off his tie and put it on Nicholas!!! You should have seen this! Striped railroad jeans, long sleeved black shirt with a "RED" tie hanging to his knees!! It was a kodak moment for sure!!! He thought he was something! He wore it the rest of the day! It was hilarious! Everyone would look at him and just smile!
I thought the x-ray looked much better so I don't think he will be put back on antibiotics. I'll find out later today.

Mamaw had gone with us and we stopped to get her something to eat! Of course, we had to get a blizzard too!! Spencer ate some ff! Then it was off to get Nicholas' new glasses! They are bifocals! I thought he would have problems with them but he hasn't. He has done really well and adjusted fine! Much better than I thought he would do! He is one tough little cookie!

We then surprised Daddy on the job! Spencer had fallen asleep and missed seeing Dad and the house he is building. It is gorgeous! I stopped and bought Spencer some chicken strips and he loved them. I would dip them in Ranch dressing and he almost ate all three! That is the first time he had tried them and it thrilled me that he loved them!

Then back home to prayer meeting, a full evening that is for sure! There were 5 little boys praying again last night! Priceless! I'm taking my camera tonight! Would that be appropiate? I'll have to think on that one!

Remember Marshall and family, Abbey, Michael, Fatma, Lakota, Daavan, and all the others that are going through treatment.

Big Bear Hugs,

Tuesday, May 4, 2004 7:11 AM CDT


Nicholas is still running a low grade temp. I checked him last night and guess what, it was 99.3d. His last antibiotic was yesterday and home health came and de-accessed his port. The site is a little red which has me worried but we are going to the local dr today.

We also are getting new glasses! YEEEEAAAAHHHH! I can't wait. The others are barely hanging in there. The new ones are going to be bifocal so please pray that he adjust quickly to them.

We had 5 little boys at prayer meeting last night. It was wonderful to see them all praying at the altar. Precious moments forever etched in my heart. They also sang for us and it was precious. Perfect praise! If we could only be as humble as a child and have their faith, we would have it made. Where do we loose it? The better question is why do we loose our innocence? our faith?, our humbleness? God is still God. It is us who drift away from the lighthouse.

Please remember, Marshall. He now has Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia that can only be treated with steroids. AHA is when your body makes an antigen against the red blood cells and starts destroying them quicker than the bone marrow can make them. Pray for Kelly and Dad to have the strength and courage to fight this. Remember all the families going to transplant. Remember us too, I cannot believe how his counts have fallen. I still hope and pray they go back up.

Pray without ceasing,

Monday, May 3, 2004 6:33 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Nicholas has had a temp off and on all week-end. I'm still getting a lot of yellow mucus up out of his lungs. He had his last dose of antibiotic this morning. I hope and pray it has kicked this pneumonia. He woke up yesterday morning in the best little mood. He was acting so sweet and precious.

Spencer was in a good mood too but sounded so croupy. It was just when he first got up and sounded stuffy nosed! I gave him some medicine and he was fine the rest of the day. He had a big nap and still was asleep by 10:30. He can be so grouchy when he is sleepy! Whew! He woke up in a good mood though.

Mamaw and Sissy Bear are both sick too. I think they have caught the boys' cold! Who knows! They try to stay away from the boys when they are sick. Everyone helps me try to keep them healthy and I appreciate that so much.

Remember Abbey and Michael as they being tested for their transplants in Minnesota today. Also, Fatma Esmail, a child with FA from Norway is going to transplant in New York. Remember the families too.
The prayer meeting is still going on if you would like to come and pray with us. We are also praying for the surrounding communities.

I woke up with a song in my heart. It is "Everything's gonna be alright." Thanks you Lord for everything, each blessing in our lives and the two precious gifts you have given us. Go hold your children and hug them a little longer.

Have a good God day!

Friday, April 30, 2004 6:17 AM CDT

Good Morning,

I went home to two little sick bears! Both had runny noses and sneezing. Spencer had a temp and just felt bad in general. Didn't want me out of his sight. How is it possible to get a terrible cold while on antibiotics? Allergies? I have no clue.

We went to prayer meeting and had a wonderful little service. Ms Libbey and Ms Becky sang songs and they both have beautiful voices. Thanks for being there for us. Spencer said, "I don't love Becky, I love Mary!" I know Mary's head was to big to get in the house last night!! Ms. Libbey had the priviledge of holding Nicholas during the service. He stuck to her like glue! He loves La Wibby!

Both of the boys were asleep before 9:30! I started Nicholas' meds a little earlier but it takes an hour and a half to be completely finished. I was so tired. Then Nichoals started coughing at 3 am. I was up with him or Spencer from then on! They actually slept better than I thought they would. It took everything in me to stay awake coming to work this morning. Whew! I'm tired.

They are stopping the antibiotics this sunday. Pray they do the job of getting the big bad bugs out of his lung. His glasses are in and I can't find the time to take him to get them. Hopefully, we will get them next week when he is off his meds.

Remember the Stuart family as they begin their bmt journey this Sunday. Remember Darla and Robert during this first week without Matthew. Remember all the families struggling with a horrific disease.

The Best is Yet To Come,

Thursday, April 29, 2004 6:31 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Guess who is flushing Nicholas' port? Nicholas is!!! He wants to do it every time. He is so independant and I believe that is a good thing. He is amazing.

His platelets came back at 65k down from 90k two day ago! The bleeding isn't from low platelets although it could be at some point. I believe it is irration or inflammed bronchial area. He coughed up some blood last night but the redness was tapering off.

I dreamed he was coughing up chunky clear stuff that looked like red blood cells under the microscope. The dr wouldn't tell us what was wrong and they were giving him medicine and didn't know what was wrong or wouldn't tell me. I was furious. I couldn't get an answer from anyone. I also dreamed I picked up a baby and it started crying. I looked down and you could see into the abdomen, entirely open, intestines were going in every direction. I dreamed I put it's diaper back on and it held in the intestines. Whew! I was glad when I woke up but what a nightmare all morning long!

Spencer was a little stuffy during the night. He would snuff and try to get his breath. I believe he has allergies too!

Nicholas coughed some during the night and I had to vent him around 4 am. He was acting sick last night but didn't want me to vent, I shouldn't have listened to him!!! He thinks he knows best sometimes! all the time! Who do I think I'm kidding.

Sweet Hour of Prayer continued last night. We had a wonderful little prayer meeting and it was good to have friends there supporting us. It is wonderful to also have other churches praying at the same time for us. Join us if you can and if you can't, remember us when you pray. We need a miracle and right now, a BMT does not look like a miracle in our eyes. We need guidance, support, strength, wisdom, peace, understanding, faith, and patience. In other words, we need it all. Yesterday, I was exhausted mentally and physically but I felt the prayers and regained my strength. Thanks for those wonderful prayers. There is power in prayer. Thanks Jesus for being the mediator.

Pray without ceasing,

Wednesday, April 28, 2004 6:31 AM CDT


***Still coughing up some blood. After they do the cbc to check the platelet levels, we will decide what to do. He may need another platelet transfusion. I feel like someone burst my balloon.

Nicholas is coughing up blood this morning again. There was just a trace when he first coughed and after I got to work, he has coughed up bright red blood. I have called home health and they can get in touch with the dr sooner than I can. I'm waiting for them to call me back. Please storm Heaven on his behalf.

They have put him on another antibiotic. It arrived at our house around 9:30 pm last night. I had no clue how to set everything up. I had to page the home health nurse and she come over at 10:00 pm. The first words out of Nicholas mouth were, "What's your name?" the next words were, "I love you, Hester!" She asked him if he loved everybody and he said, "Yes! I love everybody!" We are suppose to love everybody too! Become humble as a little child and so full of love, is that not Christ-like? He is so full of love and radiates it to everyone.

"Sweet Hour of Prayer" again last night. Hollis was there and when Nicholas looked up and saw Hollis, his mouth flew open and his eyebrows went up and he smiled from ear to ear!!! Nicholas looked up at me and whispered, "I got my wish!" His wish was that Hollis would get to come. Nicholas was annointed with oil and he sat as still as a mouse. As soon as we finished praying, he wiped his head off. I hope this prayer meeting turns into a revival! Wouldn't that be wonderful? Continue praying with us wherever you are.

Spencer cried his heart out because he couldn't go home with Sissy Bear. He was so tired and was asleep before 9 pm. He woke up this morning so sweet. Dad had to read a book to him the first thing. He read, "I'll Love You Forever!" It brought tears to my eyes. Nicholas wanted to see his Dad before he left this morning too.

Remember all the families with problems and sickness. Remember Carter Martin, severe headaches and in the hospital. Remember my baby too.

Thanks for all the get well cards. They were so precious. Thanks Libbey for all the gifts you've given, too many to name them all! Most of all, thanks for the prayers and friendship everyone has shown us. Thanks Kim for faithfully sending Nicholas and Spencer cards. They love you too. Mary and Becky too. I knew if I started naming I'd forget someone, so thanks to all.

Big Bear Hugs and Pray without ceasing,

Tuesday, April 27, 2004 6:29 AM CDT

Good Morning,

The home health nurse came yesterday and took blood to check the levels of the antibiotic, Tobramycin. Guess what! They were too high and I had to skip two doses! This antibiotic is hard on the kidneys so the levels have to be checked. They may lower the dosage or go ever 12 hrs instead of 8. I'm just guessing but we will find out today what the decision is. They did a cbc yesterday too but I haven't gotten the results yet.

We had a "Sweet Hour of Prayer" yesterday evening. I went expecting a miracle. God is still in the healing business and we are petitioning Him for a mircle for Nicholas. If you want to join us in fasting and prayer, please do so wherever you are. We are meeting nightly at 7 if you want to come to church and pray with us. The song, "Nothing But The Blood" keeps coming to me. I guess it will be the theme song if there is one. I told Nicholas someone may want to annoint him with oil and he keeps asking, "Now what's that stuff they put on their hands?" He only ask that Hollis be there. Pray for Hollis that he will be able to come tonight. God is so good and has blessed us beyond measure with a little angel we named Nicholas. His twinkling brown eyes and mischevious grin will light up anyones world and blesses all that meet him. He definitly pulls the heart strings. To God be the Glory.

Spencer decided he wanted to pull his shoes off when we got to church. He looked at me and said, "My shoes are tired!" I couldn't help but laugh. He is something else!

Remember all the families suffering from the loss of a loved one. Remember Abbey and Michael and their families as they prepare for transplant. Storm Heaven on Nicholas' behalf and all the children that are suffering.

Pray without ceasing and expect a miracle,

Monday, April 26, 2004 6:48 AM CDT


We are home!!! It is so wonderful to be home and I got to sleep in a gown and in my own bed! Aaaahhhh, the simple joys of being with my family.

Nicholas is doing great. He sleeps well too! He is not on continuous IV, just Tobramycin to be infused ever 8 hours. The medicine is in a pressurized cup and I have to hook it up to his line that goes into his port. The supply company wanted to know if I could be trained to do the infusions!!
That is the easiest thing I've had to do!!!! A lot of his care is just common sense stuff!

When we were leaving the hospital, two little ladies were in the hallway watching Nicholas. Nicholas saw them and asked one of them her name. He was talking to her and embarrassed me to death!! I can't remember what he was saying exactly, it went something like this..."What's your name, you crazy old woman?" I was totally shocked! But thank the Lord, she just laughed! I still don't know what to think!!!! I guess he couldn't figure out why they were standing out in the hall watching him and laughing!

Spencer was so glad we were home and wanted me to unhook Nicholas so they could play! They have played and played. Outside and inside!

Nicholas still sounds different when he talks, sort of croupy. He loves the home health nurses!! Flirts with them all!!!! Tonya is just 25 and I think she fell head over hills in love with him yesterday! He kept wanting her to go outside and play with him! It was so cute.

Please remember the Bailey family, they lost their son, Seth this week end. He had a trach too. Nancy was one of the first people I was in contact with when Nicholas came home from the NICU. She was a big help to me and I am appreciative of all she has done for us. Now, after 24 years of struggling to keep her son alive, he has passed away. Please pray for this dear family.

Please remember the Lindenmayer family as they try to regroup after the loss of their son, Matthew.

Remember my baby as he recovers from this pneumonia. We need a miracle and are praying for one. Please join us in special prayer this week.

Big Bear Hugs,

Saturday, April 24, 2004 12:31 AM CDT


We are going home!!! He is getting a dose of antibiotic now and gets it every 8 hrs. He won't be on the iv continuously because they dropped one of the antibiotics he was on. That makes it so much better. The home health nurse will come to the house and give him his meds! That will be a big help for the next 10 days! I am anxious to get home.

I told Nicholas we were going home and he said, "Right now?" He is so funny. He is going to miss all of this attention. He has had some of his honeys to visit and he is so full of himself!!! As usual!

Well I'm out of here! Have to finish packing. I'm glad I sent a load home with Dad last night!

Remember all the sick and the ones who've lost a loved one.
Thanks for all the prayers.

Big Bear Hugs,

Friday, April 23, 2004 11:38 AM CDT

**Update: they took Nicholas off his oxygen and he is doing fine. His saturation is 100 Thanks for praying for him. We are still here so maybe tomorrow we can go home. I'm exhausted. I'm sure Nicholas is going to miss flirting with all the nurses!! They have all fallen in love with him! Spencer went home with Sissy Bear to spend the night. He will love that. The Balloon count is up to 26!!!


The dr was in and we may get to go home this evening or tomorrow but on iv antibiotics! Meaning we have to get home health set up and the equipment brought to the house. I am assuming it's going to be tomorrow because it is a slow process here!!! No complaints but then again I have several! Too much to go into here but I'm disgusted most of the time.

Nicholas is feeling perky but still not 100 His little bottom is raw and he is miserable with it. He lays around most of the time and will not sit up on his bottom. He screams every time I go near it. I try not to wipe but it is hard not to get him clean! I know, too much info and I need to change the subject. He has received 22 balloons, coloring books, crayons, markers, bear figurines, dinosaurs, books, sticker books, and videos. He wants to stay here!!! We did get a visit from Baby Bear. He ran to me saying, "Moooommmmmeeeeeeee!" I love him so much and miss him. He got up on bed with Nicholas and just patted his leg. Then he swarped him across the head with the vent tube! It was an accident but broke Nicholas' heart. They did get to play together for a while and he was ready to go back home with Dad. He and Dad got in bed at 6:30 the other evening!!! Dad is still suffering with allergies and feels terrible. They both needed the rest I guess.

I am heartbroken over Matthew too. I had the opportunity to meet Matthew while we were in Cincy and it brings every thing closer to home when one passes away. Darla, if you read this, I wish I could be there for you all.

Remember the loss of Matthew and the families going to transplant. Remember us too.

Big Bear Hugs,

Thursday, April 22, 2004 2:14 PM CDT


As most of you have heard, we are back in the hospital. He is having issues with pneumonia in that left lung. They put him on Rocephin but and have changed his antibiotics today to two different ones. I know these will tear his little bottom to pieces as the other one has already started the process.

I made the dr appt thinking his ears were bothering him again and before we could get to the dr office, he had blood coming out of his trach. His oxygen saturation was 94nd the dr put him on 2 liter of oxygen. His platelets have dropped to 18000 and had to have a platelet transfusion. Thanks to whoever donated! I don't know who you are or where you are from but thanks for being our hero for the day. The blood has just about stopped coming out of his trach. He is feeling so much better, you can't even tell he has pneumonia or couldn't tell it before either. He has such a high tolerance for pain or sickness you don't know he is sick until he is bad off. We were admitted and that evening he ran a temp of 103.6d!

The dr came in yesterday and mentioned going home because Nicholas don't act sick! I told him I could handle everything except the bleeding. I can't handle the blood! No way! I don't know for sure where it is coming from and I can only imagine the consequences of me "trying to take care of that end!" The dr looked over at the suction cup and saw how blood tinted it was and then panicked!!! He said, "We may be sending you to Cincinnati!" Dr Manatu called Dr Harris in Cincy and Dr Harris recommended a platelet transfusion.

If this lung issue isn't cleared ALL the way up, it will interfer with the bone marrow transplant. Can't have infection going into a transplant.

Hopefully, we will be home tomorrow! I miss my baby. He is coming up to see us this evening! Nicholas has missed him too. Nanna B told him that Nicholas was in the hospital. He said, "I know, I told Mom to take him to the dr!"

Please remember Matthew's family today. He passed away around 2 am this morning. My heart is broken.

Remember us too and all the families facing transplant.

Big Tearful Bear Hugs,

Tuesday, April 20, 2004 6:26 AM CDT

**I've gotten Nicholas an appt this afternoon with dr. I was up most of the night with him. Please remember him in your prayers.

Good Morning,

In case you didn't read yesterday's journal later in the evening, Spencer's strep culture came back negative! He is feeling so much better and was so good yesterday evening. We went to a revival at Indian Creek and they were real good. I was so proud of them. The Deacon let them ring the bell which thrilled them to pieces. Spencer had a smile bigger than life. If the Deacon hadn't held on to him the bell would have pulled him up with the rope! It was so cute. Nicholas loved it too but gave the Deacon a work out!

Spencer helped Papaw plant potatoes yesterday evening. Papaw put some potatoes in a bag and showed him how to throw it over his shoulder and carry it to the house! I could just picture it in my mind! Nicholas told Spencer that he "used his imagination" the other day! I couldn't help but laugh! They are too funny!

On the way home last night, Nicholas tried to tell us something and got tongue tied! He said, "I got splitter splattered!" I burst out laughing! He was trying to say, "I can't speak plain for spluttering!" He has heard his Sissy Bear say that!!! We all laughed at that and then Spencer tried to say it too! He had to be in the scene! They keep me going that is for sure!!

On a more serious note: here is a letter written by Matthew's Mom, Darla to President Bush.

Dear President Bush:

It is becoming more and more disheartening for me when I see how much money is spent on AIDS, diabetes, cancer, etc. Although yes, federal money needs to be spent so that there can be a cure. But has anyone stopped to think about all the other disorders out there that are rare and we cannot get federal money for research for these disorders because they are just that: TOO RARE!!
I am writing this as I watch my 13 year old son slowly dying right before my eyes, he is on hospice service now and only has a few weeks to live. He has always said at even his age that he is a true Republican, bless his young political soul. He would have made a great President one day but instead he is dying. His last request was for me to write to you about medical research and why more money cannot be donated and funded for research projects concerning his disorder which is: FANCONI ANEMIA. Fanconi Anemia is a rare genetic disorder that causes bone marrow failure and leads to having to have a transplant. Yet even with transplant these kids still have the cytogenetic defect that causes cancer. Along with this they have kidney defects, arm, hand, etc anomalies, small stature, heart defects, etc. All money that the Fanconi Anemia Foundation gets is raised by families who are struggling themselves to survive yet cannot spend the time they need with their children because they need to spend their time on fundraising so that there can be a cure for fanconi anemia. So that their children who have this awful bone marrow failing disorder may live.
My son Matthew had an unrelated transplant in 1997 from a wonderful donor who we have corresponded with through calls and letters but have never met and wish we could before his death. She gave of herself more than anyone could and donated life to him. But due to so many medical problems because it was an unrelated donor and not a stem cell transplant which would have been better. He now has Graft vs. Host disease where the marrow has attacked his bones, liver, skin, kidneys, everywhere. He has had 5 sepsis infections, constant seizures, and more recently a stroke. We are trying to keep him as pain free as we can with hospice who have been wonderful. I just get so upset when I think of all the money we are spending on this war when I know we have to be in it, yet just 5r less could save so many children's lives with this devastating disorder. Matthew is the longest living survivor right now from an unrelated transplant for fanconi anemia with the regimen he went under yet now we are losing him. Scientists cannot do their work to help us find a cure without doing stem cell research, or any research period without funds. Why should we be ostracized because it is so "rare." Even the carriers of fanconi anemia have a higher incidence of cancer. So who knows finding a cure for fanconi anemia may unlock the key to cancer cures everywhere. Already in the last year one of the breast cancer genes BRCA1 was also one of the same genes that causes fanconi anemia. If it wasn't for families who diligently fundraised, where would we be now? Where would we be research wise if we had federal money to help us find a cure? I know where I would be, I would be somewhere else than watching my son die and dwindle away before my eyes. Its so hard President Bush to see your child who used to be able to joke with you, sing to you, share their inner most thoughts with you, to not being able to communicate, and moaning because they hurt, and looking at you with such sadness in their eyes because they know they are going to die and there is nothing else that can be done. This is so hard for our family. I have 2 other children also, Spencer is 7, and Cierra is 4 and they have to lose a brother because there is no cure. Cierra will have to be tested soon to see, is she next, does she have fanconi anemia or is she a carrier and can she pass it on to her children and have to relive the suffering that I am going through. I pray not. Medical research is so important but even more important is deciding where these funds need to be spent and how. No organization should be left out. I also have a dear friend to me who is also in the same "boat" as us and watches her daughter suffer with a stomach condition called pseudo-obstruction which has their family devastated. Where is the help for them or us?
I have never written to you before but the more I watch Matthew suffer and die right now, the more frighten I become realizing is there any hope for any of us if our own government won't help with research. Or our own President. I have always had such high regards for you and your wife Mr. President but, now as I see and hear Matthew crying while he is transitioning to become one of God's angels, I can't help but think, what can you do for us now and in the next 4 years if you win this next presidency. Families who have been hit hard by devastation such as ours should get extra tax breaks for all the expenses they have to put out for medical care, home nurses, medical supplies, travel back and forth to hospitals (ours is 125 miles each way from home). We have lost everything to this disorder, our house was foreclosed on because neither of us could work when we had to take care of Matthew and the other children. My husband became diagnosed with Parkinson's and Meiniere's disease and I with multiple sclerosis and recently had thyroid cancer and had to have a thyroidectomy. There has been so much tragedy in our lives and now here we are losing our first born to a horrible disorder that gets very minimal funds for research. How sad that I have to lose my son, my home, our jobs (no one wants to hire someone that has to keep running back and forth to hospitals, and has a terminally ill child) But throughout any of this, I refuse to lose my patriotism, I refuse to lose the belief that my government will come through and help us to fight for what is right in this ever changing political world we live in, and I refuse to lose my family. I may be getting ready to lose my son in the next few weeks but he will always be in our hearts and minds and nothing will break or tear our family apart. What this country needs now more than anything is a belief in God and that he will guide all of us and keep us strong no matter what we or you are faced with. And we need a President who will do the same and help us who are out here who have devastating circumstances like our children dying everyday from devastating disorders that get no federal funding. Please help us to find a cure Mr. President Bush for Fanconi Anemia ( Please allow some stem cell research, my son may have been able to live instead of be dying right now if he had the opportunity to get the benefits from stem cell research. And please approve or show me how to help so that more federal funding can go to rare disorders such as Fanconi Anemia. I beg your help. My 13 yr. old boy pleads for your help. For more information about Matthew and to see what he has to go through, you may visit his website at, (

May God bless you during this election year Mr. President Bush and May God bless all of America!!

Darla Jane Ford Lindenmayer
2804 South Mulberry St.
Lexington, IN. 47138

Now go hug and kiss your babies, no matter how old they are and let them know you love them. Time is precious, use it wisely. If you don't have children, find one that needs love and sponsor it. Adopt a caring bridge family and be diligent and faithful to encourage and pray for them. Help someone today! We all need it.

Big Bear Hugs,

Monday, April 19, 2004 6:29 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Oh Tamra, you made me laugh! I cannot believe that time has flown by so fast. Can you believe that Ken and I worked together over 15 years ago!!! Ken started that nickname because no one could understand my last name. I would receive mail to Donna Fox! Donna Box! Everything but Boggs!! Now you know!!!

Nicholas and Spencer had a great week-end! My Aunt Ova is moving and this was the last week-end she will attend church with us. Most of her brothers and their families were at church with her on Sunday. Good idea Lisa! She was so touched! Her grandson, Steven, took part in the service and that added the icing to the cake! We then gathered together for a pot luck dinner. Nicholas and Spencer were thrilled to have so many playmates! Jeff and Cathy took them for a ride in the school bus which was a thrill and a half!!

We had Ova a cake with "Best Wishes! We love you" written in purple, her favorite color! We will miss her so much. I always made sure she was up and would blow my horn to say "hello" each morning. A great friend, neighbor, a pillar in the community, a prayer warrior, Yes, she will be definitely be missed. Ova, we love you and will miss seeing that little white head bobbing in the window. I may just blow my horn every morning anyway!

I took Spencer to dr on Friday and they did a strep culture. I don't have results yet. His left ear was a little red and he had the "strawberry tongue" that goes along with strep. He hadn't complained with sore throat and had no other symptoms except for fever. His fever is better and I can tell he feels better. The antibiotics did the trick!

Remember Matthew, he and the family needs your prayer. Storm Heaven as Chance says! Pray for peace, courage, and strength. Remember all the families going to transplant.

Big Bear Hugs,

**Spencer's strep cultural came back negative! Yeeeaaahhhh!

Thursday, April 15, 2004 6:32 AM CDT

Good Morning,

I went home to a little sick boy. Spencer was running a temp of 101.4d and it got to 102.6d last night. I was up giving him medicine every 4 hours. He drank some kool aide and cooled back down and this morning it was up again. He said last night that his head and heart hurt. He is so pale and I am worried. Please help me pray for him today.
He did feel a little better and ate some chicken noodle soup yesterday evening and played with Nicholas until the medicine wore off.

Nicholas told everyone about Will and the zoo animals! He has to tell it in chronological order! He is so amazing. He remembered that the African Hissing Cockroach had holes in its belly! He has a new friend now and told Sissy Bear that Will was from camp! He was happy to see Mamaw and Papaw yesterday evening. They started to go home and Nicholas said, "Mamaw, I want you to tell me a bear tale!" She told him a short one and then they went home. Spencer said, "I don't won't you to go home!" He got attached to his Mamaw! She got lots of sugar while Momma was gone!!

Thanks Kim for the Easter card. I found it last night in the pile of mail. Spencer pretended to read it, it was so cute! The card was too! They loved the bear hugging the bunny!

Please remember all the families going to transplant or in transplant now.

Big Bear Hugs,

Wednesday, April 14, 2004 6:33 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Where do I begin? First, thank you Tanya and Steve for the wonderful package. You have an insight that is totally wonderful and a true gift from God. The puzzles were perfect with the little pegs on the pieces. Those are the ones we get for Nicholas to play with and you were so thoughtful to get those for him. It touched me deeply and the boys loved them. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Saturday, the boys enjoyed painting the eggs. I had found the kits with little paint rollers in them and they were perfect for Nicholas to use. They had a ball with them and loved it. Afterwards, I painted a paper plate with three crosses on it and asked Spencer who was on the cross and he said, "That's Jesus' cross!"

Sunday, Nicholas sang, The B-i-b-l-e and did a wonderful job! Just needed to be louder. Spencer wouldn't sing. We made it to Cincy and visited with Kayla and Will at the RMH. We couldn't get in so we stayed at the Vernon Manor. Nicholas told Will he loved him about a hundred times!! He told Kayla too! Will didn't know exactly what to think of Nicholas! He just turned 6 years old but they weigh about the same!

Monday, the eye dr thinks that Nicholas does have some pressure on his optic nerves but would like to look at them while he is under anethesia when he is having other procedures. Another dr added to the list to coordinate!!
The bone marrow aspirate didn't take too long to do. Nichoals was so loopy when he came out, he kept hollering at Will, who was across the room! He wanted to get out of bed and check on Will, to see if he was alright! Then he would holler at Kayla and tell her he loved her! He is a sweetie! He was hilarious! Dad was suffering from his allergies but even he laughed at Nicholas! We went back to the room and Kayla called to say they were bringing animals from the zoo. Nicholas was so excited and wanted to see them. After we came back, Nicholas was asleep by 9:15. He slept for 13 hours! Dad and I slept until 10! I couldn't believe we slept so long! We were all exhausted! Mentally and physically.

Spencer was so happy to see us! He hugged Nicholas and said, "I want to go home!" Nicholas had missed him so much and kept talking about him! We were all happy to be together again. Spencer looked like he had grown a foot! It seemed like we hadn't seen him in a month. He enjoyed his stay with his Mamaw and Papaw but was ready for home.

Now the bad news, Nicholas counts have dropped even more. Hopefully, they will go back up.

Remember Matthew and the family, they are preparing for his homeward journey together with grace.
Remember all the families getting ready to go to transplant.

Big Bear Hugs,

Friday, April 9, 2004 6:34 AM CDT

**I forgot to tell you what happened yesterday evening. I was packing some things for Cincy and Nicholas saw what was in my hand! He asked, "Why do you have those patches?" I told him we were going to go to Cincinnait and they were going to check his eyes since he broke his glasses. I was trying to evade the issue of bloodwork for I had the Elamax creme(Numbs the skin) and patches to cover his port in my hand. He looked up at me, pointed to his port, and said, "They are checking my port too?" Too smart!!! I told him yes they would also flush his port while we were there. He worrys so much I usually don't tell him until we are on our way at least. No secrets at our house!!

Good Morning,

Thanks Debbie for the wonderful package full of goodies!! The boys loved their motorcycles, Nicholas chose the yellow one and Spencer chose green of course! Nicholas wanted his in his bed last night! Dad had to read all the books to the boys last night so they have already been put to use!! I loved the magnet too! Beautiful! Thanks it lifted the spirits of all!

Thanks Auntie "Bunnie" for the little story book of candy! and the stickers, they loved them. I didn't realize you had put their names on them and let them choose which one they wanted! You did great!! They chose the one with their name on it so it worked out perfectly! The boys love stickers too! Thanks.

I also received the new "Blood" Pins or Tie Tacks. They are shaped like the pink breast cancer awareness pins but are striped. Red, white, and pink representing the three main components of the blood; red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets! ON SALE NOW! Part of the proceeds will go to FARF too. I wore mine today and it being Easter week-end cannot keep from thinking about the blood that Jesus shed for us. Now everytime I think that the pins represent Blood, I do not think of FA or leukemia or cancer! All these diseases are covered by Jesus blood anyway! That just sends a thrill through my heart and lifts my spirits! Thank you Lord!

I also have a new low carb recipe for you this week end! I had never seen it before. Here it is:
Resurrection Cookies,
{Low Carb version}
Makes 36 cookies

3 egg whites
1 pinch salt
1 teaspoon vinegar
1 cup splenda granular
1 cup pecans -- chopped
a zipper baggy
1 wooden spoon
scotch tape
These are to be made the evening before Easter.
Preheat oven to 300F.* (this is very important
don't wait until you are half done with the recipe).
Place pecans in zipper baggy and let children beat
them with the wooden spoon to break into small
Explain that after Jesus was arrested, He was beaten
by the Roman soldiers. Read:! John 19:1-3
Let each child smell the vinegar. Put 1 teaspoon
vinegar into mixing bowl.
Explain that when Jesus was thirsty on the cross, He
was given vinegar to drink.
Read: John 19:28-30
Add egg whites to vinegar. Eggs represent life.
Explain that Jesus gave His life to give us life.
Read: John 10:10&11
Sprinkle a little salt into each child's hand.
Let them taste it and brush the rest into the bowl.
Explain that this represents the salty tears shed by
Jesus' followers, and the bitterness of our own sin.
Read: Luke 23:27
So far the ingredients are not very appetizing.
Add 1 cup Splenda. Explain that the sweetest part
of the story is that Jesus died because He loves us.
He wants us to know and belong to Him. Read:
Psalm 34:8 and John 3:16
Beat with a mixer on high speed for 12 to 15 minutes
until stiff peaks are formed.
Explain that the color white represents the purity in God's
eyes of those! whose sins have been cleansed by Jesus.
Read: Isaiah 1:18 and John 3:1-3
Fold in broken nuts. Drop by teaspoon onto waxed paper
covered cookie sheet.
Explain that each mound represents the rocky tomb where
Jesus' body was laid. Read: Matthew 27:57-60
Put the cookie sheet in the oven, close the door and turn
the oven OFF. Give each child a piece of tape and seal the
oven door.
Explain that Jesus tomb was sealed. Read: Matthew 27:65-66
Explain that they may feel sad to leave the cookies in the oven
Jesus' followers were in despair when the tomb was sealed.
Read: John 16:20&22
On Resurrection Sunday (Easter) morning, open the oven and
give everyone a
cookie. Notice the cracked surface and take a bite.
The cookies are hollow! On the first Easter, Jesus' followers
were amazed to find the tomb open and empty.
Read: Matthew 28:1-9
* Source for these cookies is unknown.
Per serving: 21 Calories (kcal); 1g Protein; 1g Carbohydrate; trace Fiber

God Bless you with His richest Blessings this weekend and always,
The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, April 8, 2004 7:25 AM CDT


Nicholas got to go to his Easter party at school. Spencer went too and enjoyed it so much. He looked all around the room and was fascinated with every thing! He acted so sweet and was so good. Nicholas kept wanting to go outside and play. Ms. Dingus wants him to come back when it is warmer and they can go outside. He smiled from ear to ear. They served pizza, cookies, chips, and brownies! Spencer loves school!!!

We came home and they wanted to go to Mamaw and Papaw's. Mamaw was thrilled to see them again. They played outside for a long time. They picked Papaw's horse some grass and let it eat out of their hand. It was so funny. They enjoyed themselves. We had a great time and it was beautiful outside. They had a ball looking through their Easter baskets last night. Eating chocolate right before bedtime but Nicholas had no problem going to sleep!
He was so tired. Spencer did too.

Remember all the children. They took Jacob off the ventilator last night. Please remember this mother in your prayers, I'm sure she is devastated today. Jacob's Site

Remember us this week-end too.

Big Bear Hugs,

Wednesday, April 7, 2004 6:51 AM CDT


We made it to the barn to see the new foal, Blazer? Blaze? Blazie? She is so cute and Papaw thought she was blind but I don't think so. Spencer watched her nurse and just smiled so sweet. Sheena, my neice, was there of course! She loves horses too.

Nicholas couldn't be still and just had to climb up the hill which is the hay field! He loves to climb mountains! He is the best mountain climber that I know of! He just had to pick the biggest, highest, most dangerous and fatal one called FA! He climbs the little bank behind Mamaw and Papaw's house and thinks it's a big huge mountain!!! It is sort of steep and he feels it is a big accomplishment and it is for him. He smiles from ear to ear when he reaches the top!

Remember Jacob Shotwell's family, they unhooked him from his ventilator last night, Jacob's Website
Matthew was presented with a quilt from his school mates they had made it. Check out the picture!

Big Bear Hugs,

Tuesday, April 6, 2004 6:17 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Miracles ARE still happening! We had one performed at our house yesterday evening. Guess what it was? I'm not sure if I should disclose this or not!!! I'll think about it...Maybe.

Mamaw called around 6 am and scared me to death! Papaw has a new colt, a little mare with white stocking feet and a blaze face. Mamaw thought of the name Blazer and I thought that was so cute!! She hasn't seen it yet but named it anyway!!! I hope it sticks!! Papaw went to bed early and got up around 1 am to go check on her and the foal was born around 3 am this morning!! He has some more to deliver soon too! I can't wait to tell the boys and let them go see them. They will be so excited. Nicholas' minature pony, Black Jack has had the colic or something! I think Papaw has figured out the hay is too strong for him! He has always said that you can't overfeed a pony and that they can eat anything but he was wrong!!! Every time he feeds it a certain type of hay, he starts pawing the ground, rolling and wallowing the ground, and kicking his legs.

The other night, Nicholas was going through his nightly ritual of wanting "MOM!" a half dozen times until he goes to sleep, and one time I went to him and he said, "I'm getting my mic-key button and my trach out in Cincinnati!" He keeps saying this and it breaks my heart in two. I told him, "Not this time but if you start eating real good you may get it out!" He says, "I'm going to be big like Papaw!" squealing and laughing. I told him that he already was!

I asked him something the other night and he said, "Absolutely not!" He is so funny and says the most unexpected things. He is getting back into "describing God's animals!" He wants me to describe an animal and let them guess what it is. I have to start the description a certain way... God made an animal that..... If I don't he gets upset! He gets something in his mind and its hard to change the way he thinks! Spencer enjoys this too and often tries to guess it first! Most of the time he does but Nicholas knows the answer and let's Spencer say it! He is the best big brother a little guy could ever have! Spencer is doing better toward Nicholas except when I'm around!!!!

Remember Marshall, he has a rash and Kelley is afraid it is GVHD, graft vs. host disease. The bone marrow that is transplanted can recognize the host as foreign and start attacking it. It can be any organ in the body! There is a risk of GVHD at any time after a transplant. See, it's never ending! Matthew is suffering from GVHD now and he was transplanted in 1997! Jordan is doing a little better but has Mucor in her system, please remember her. There is nothing to big for God. All these diseases are just words to Him and he could say "Cancer, be still FA, be still, Leukemia, be still, Mucor, be still and it would disappear! Just speak it into nothing! He is the Healer and still in business! Do you know how many times a day I ask? "Please Jesus, touch Nicholas." and Jordan, Matthew, Abbey, Will, Apryl, Chance, RachaelJoy, Jacob, Savannah, Brecklin, Maria, Zachary, Kendra, Julianna Banana, Austin, Cole, Janelle, and the list just keeps growing. Names change when some get the ultimate healing and are now resting in the arms of Jesus or when someone else joins the rank of the dread.

Big Bear Hugs,

I just about forgot to tell you of my miracle.......
My living room got vaccumed AND dusted in the same day!!!!!

Monday, April 5, 2004 6:47 AM CDT


If you missed the poem from Marsha yesterday, check it out in the history files. Nicholas has inspired more poetry!

It was too cold to take Nicholas to church, so Spencer went with me. It seemed awful not to be all together. I'm sure it won't be the last time that we are separated but at least some of us got to go. Spencer wanted to go home with Mamaw and Papaw. He will be going next Sunday too! They are keeping him for me while we go to Cincinnati.

Nicholas is still getting a lot of junk out of his lungs so I have increased the breathing treatments. He played on the computer while he received his treatment yesterday. He remembers so much and typed some of his words and all the abc's. We added some graphics, guess what? Wolves and a big brown Grizzly Bear! He loved it. He is so smart!

Last Sunday, Spencer was pretending their stuffed black kitten was sick. I bowed my head and said a prayer for it. Spencer looked up and said, "Oh Hi Jesus." He then looked at me and said, "Jesus is putting oil on its head!"
As far as I know, he has never seen anyone anointed that I can recall. I didn't know what to think. Maybe they see things that we do not see, their heart is more pure. His demonstration of FAITH was a lesson to me! Ask and ye shall receive!

Now for the asking, please remember us as we go to Cincy. Will Lackey,, is also having a bone aspiration on Monday too! I'm sure that won't be all, so please say a prayer for all of the children having them that day. That hospital is just for children and you can see 500 people go through the hallway any given hour!
Matthew L. has found a angel of a dr! They were baptized together yesterday. Get you some tissues and go read his update yesterday!
Maria how has a website, go sign her guestbook and ours too!
As Chance says, "STORM HEAVEN!" for Jordan Belcher, she has a fungus that is growing in her brain. Continue to pray for them.

Big Bear Hugs,

Sunday, April 4, 2004 2:29 PM CDT

Nicholas' Poem

Such a precious child,

so meek and so mild . . .

Yet, he's been thru so much.

Only five years old

But he is so bold,

As he waits for Gods' healing touch.

The pain that he has gone thru

Is hard to understand,

But you can bet he'll smile at you

If you hold his little hand.

In his eyes, you'll see sunshine.

On his lips, you'll see a smile.

Gods' love shines around him . . .

He's a happy, loving child.

I know Jesus loves Him

So very, very much

And I wanta say we love you, too.

God bless you, Nicholas!

All my love and prayers,

Marsha Robinson

Friday, April 2, 2004 6:30 AM CST

Good Morning,

Matthew and Darla are being baptized this Sunday!! How precious!! Please remember them in your prayers!

Nicholas and Spencer had a good evening. I went in and someone had taped his glasses!! They are not sitting correctly on his face and he looks so pitiful. OT, Sara was there and told him she wanted to see him write. He wrote the word "see!" How cute is that?

He was a little droopy yesterday evening and to me he just sounds different when he is breathing. I can't seem to figure out what is going on. I put him back on moisture and gave him a breathing treatment last night and he coughed up some more thick mucus! I know TOO much info!!!
I'm worried about his lungs still! Please help me pray for this particular situation. Dad changed his mic-key button dressing and looked up and Nicholas was crying his little heart out. He wanted Mom to do it!!! I think it hurt Dad's feelings! Nicholas' looked really dark around his eyes last night and he has several bruises on his legs. FAITH is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence not seen. The evidence is that his counts are dropping but my faith is that they will go back up!

Remember us and all the others going through similar situations. It is amazing how when we are going through major issues, others are there for us and when they are going through major issues, we can be there for them. That is how the family of God works, helping each other, being there for each other, caring, sharing, loving, encouraging, and most of all praying!

Remember Pamela Kiser, they are taking her baby today!

BIG Bear Hugs,

Thursday, April 1, 2004 6:27 AM CST

Good Morning,

Zachary had his transplant yesterday from 2:00 until 2:30! Grow cells! GROW! I pray for an easy transplant process for him and his family.

My troop is doing ok. Nicholas had school yesterday evening and I heard Ms Chris tell him to make a sentence with the word "little." He looked around the room and said, "That little yellow egg is plumb little!" I couldn't help but laugh!!! It was a sentence though!! You never know what he is going to say! He is a hoot.

I tried to keep Spencer occupied while Nicholas was in school. He helped me make crescent rolls! Sneaking little bites of dough from the corners! I told him he was part duck! He thought that was funny. Later, he helped me make a banna pudding! Making Dad nervous being so twisty on the bar stool, licking the bowl, banging the wisk on the bar splattering pudding everywhere but having loads of fun! I let him garnish the top and asked him what he wanted to make. He said, "A smiley face!" Then he kept adding the wafers making eyebrows, "He's mad and mean!" Making a face as he was working, I should have ask him if it was a self portrait!!! He couldn't help but laugh though!! It was cute! Nicholas was playing in the spagetti and making a big mess again! Nicholas loves to make mean faces when he draws!

Maybe I'm too dramatic when I tell the bear tales!!! He loves it when I make mean grizzly bear faces! I told him one about Papa Bear fishing and missed his fish, lost his footing, and fell into the river! He laughed so hard. He loved it! Spencer loved it too and put on a big laugh!!!
They are so precious. When they are laughing!!!

Haven't heard from Matthew since Monday's update, so remember them. Continue praying for Maria as she is facing more obstacles.

Go hug your babies and hold them real close. Let their scent fill your being and tell them you love them. Every moment is precious.

Have a good God day,

Wednesday, March 31, 2004 6:33 AM CST


I am dressed in purple today!! Zachary German is having his BMT and she asked that all wear purple today and I thought of it the first thing this morning! I pray for a sucessful transplant for you precious Zachary. Check out his picture! He is a gorgeous baby from VA! Make your webpages purple today too!

The boys are feeling a little better and we enjoyed a good evening together. Nicholas has now broken the other side of his glasses!!! Between me and Dad, we finally got it glued back together! Our appointment isn't til 3 more weeks, we are trying to get it moved up! Hopefully, we can. Pray for us! The boys enjoyed another visit from Mamaw and Papaw! We hid Easter eggs, worked a puzzle of a foal, and Mamaw read books and told bear tales!

Here is a message I received through the Prayer Bears, I just had to share it with you all. It's so uplifting and thrilled my heart.

Hi Nicholas and family!
You don't know me but we are still family because we are a part of the family of God. I was checking out another webpage when I came across little Nicholas. He is such a treasure! How I wish I could take away all the pain he has suffered as well as the pain it causes you all. I looked at Nichoas' picture and I saw an angel.
I have a son too. His name is Larry and he turned 7 on November 11. He is my little miracle. He is a healthy little boy and for that I thank God everyday! He was born 7 weeks early and weighed only 3 lbs and 12 ounces. God was with us then as He is now. He had no health problems and I got to take him home in only 2 weeks.
Praise God!
That is why when I see such a precious little boy like Nicholas, I get so many feelings at once. First of all, I feel a love for him and you all that God has put there. I love everyone and I love to live for Jesus. I also get very angry . . . not at God, NEVER!!!!!
I get mad at the devil for causing this little angel so much pain. I fully believe that we have power to tread on the devil and right now I am taking that power. The devil has no right there. Nicholas belongs to God! Jesus bore 40 stripes so that little Nicholas could be healed. The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy! But we as children of God need to put him back where he belongs . . . under our
feet! I am gonna pray and pray for Nicholas and I promise that I will not stop until I get a message that he is healed completely!
The Bible tells us, "Having done all you can do to stand, Stand therefore". We must put on the full armour of God to fight the fiery darts of the devil! Jesus already defeated Satan! We have the victory! No weapon formed against us shall prosper! . . . not sickness, disease or anything else! Isn't it awesome that we serve such an awesome God? Whatever you do, you must not let the devil have his way. Every day, you fill Nicholas' mind and heart with
Gods' words of healing and you will see a miracle! He said that His word would not return unto Him void but that it would accomplish that which it was purposed. He said that all things work together for good to those that love Him and are called according to His purpose.
Sickness is NOT a good thing, especially in your little child! The devil means it for bad but if you will be persistant in your faith, God is gonna work a miracle for Nicholas! I know that He will . . .without a doubt!!!!! He is a miracle working God! He said that His word is so strong that it could even cut to the marrow of the bone!
And the good news is that God never fails and He cannot lie! Claim little Nicholas' healing every single day. Don't go by what you see. Go by faith! I know in my heart God wants to heal Nicholas and use him for something very special. Praise God thru it all and speak only Gods' word. Watch God work! God bless you all.

Love in Christ,
Marsha Robinson
Birchleaf, Va 24220

Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:15 AM CST

Good Morning,

Nicholas wasn't feeling the best yesterday evening. We went outside but it started cooling down and we had to come back in. He pouted and cried about that! Everything that Spencer did caused him to cry! He had a rough evening to say the least! I just hugged and held him for a while and that seem to help for about 5 minutes! He pulled his glasses off and they came apart again. I forgot to tell you that they were playing and I think Spencer knocked his glasses down and it broke the ear piece where it attaches to the glasses. They cannot be repaired! He goes next month to the eye dr and will probably get a new prescription then. I super glued them back together! So far so good! His old glasses cannot be worn either! I guess I could tape them!!! Get him some high water pants and suspenders and he will look like Urkel!!!

Marshall and his family got to go to church together for the first time as a family of five!! I can only imagine what was in Kelleys heart! I'm sure it was full of a 1000 different emotions. Thankfullness, gratefullness, happiness, wonder, but most of all a new revelation of God's grace, and miracles.

Matthew had 3 grand-mal seisures yesterday, please remember them in your prayers. Darla needs extra prayer too. Pray that his central lines start working better and they get his pain meds back on track. Stress can make everything seem wrong. Little things can turn into mountains of pressure that erupt into screams and tears and feelings of helplessness. God's grace will sustain us.

Maria is having a really tough time right now too. Please remember her.

Have a "son"-filled day, a good God day!

Monday, March 29, 2004 6:31 AM CST

Good Morning,

We have had a party weekend!! Saturday was Amanda and Jarred's shower! I didn't tell the boys where we were going and they were shocked!! All the pretty little girls and AMANDA!!! Nicholas was in seventh heaven! He kept hollering for Amanda and taking her picture!!! Blowing kisses and taking Nanna Betsy Bears picture too!! I think he kept her seeing stars with the flash. He was using a little disposable camera and the way he had to hold it, he kept covering the lens with his hand! It's untelling how those pictures are going to turn out! He wasted one that is for sure!!! Lisa was suppose to be videoing Amanda but I think it was mostly of Nicholas!! It was fun anyway!

We had the March Birthdays a dinner on Sunday! I had gotten them an ice cream cake with a horse on it. They loved it! Eric, Wesley, Joel, and Stephanie all celebrated a bday in March! Ummmmm, the food was delicious! as ususal!! The boys loved playing outside with their Papaw! They would have stayed out all day! Papaw took them up to the barn, pond, and in the pasture field. It's up on a hill and they could watch the traffic go by. There was about 15 motorcycles that went by and thrilled the boys and Papaw too!! Nicholas just about took Eric's girlfriend away from him. He kept calling Kim his honey! Watch out Amanda!! Nicholas went to sleep really quick! He was exhausted! Dad was sick all weekend with his allergies! He slept most of the day Sunday and missed the dinner!

Remember all the families who are making decisions about their children, for guidance, understanding, and peace with the decisions they have made.
There are several going to transplant, remember them and their families.
Matthew's wish is coming true, he is learning to drive!!!

Have a good God day!

Friday, March 26, 2004 8:43 AM CST


The weather was warm enough for the boys to go outside and play! They loved it! They would live outside if I would let them. Nicholas seemed a little tired yesterday evening but I think he pulled one over on his teacher! She said he didn't feel up to writing much but he sure perked up later!!! He can pull a fast one if you let him!!

I had to go to his IEP Eligiblitly meeting this morning. He is eligible for the next three years now! He will get his IEP at the end of school. He is doing great but I feel like he needs more than 5 hours a week. I wish he were able to go to school for the socialization side of it. I walked into his class room and the children looked up so excited! They thought I had brought Nicholas! They have him a year book that the children are going to sign for him. That will be fun for him to see the pictures of his classmates. His picture will not be in it! He missed picture day and they are taking spring pictures in April and he will be in Cincinnati and will miss it too! Oh well!

Remember all the children who are suffering from one sickness or the other. There are so many and we all need encouragement. Choose one from the links above and please go sign their guestbook! We need those positive thoughts and prayers coming our way!!!

Have a good God day!

Thursday, March 25, 2004 6:37 AM CST

Good Morning,

An animal sticker book was the key last night to wonderful play time and harmony between the bears!! I would let each take a turn putting a sticker on and they loved it. It had all types of animals in it, including bugs, fish, insects, and birds. The Puffed Fish captured Nicholas' attention and he said, "It sure is different!" They are being more careful and putting the stickers on really well. Nicholas got tired of sitting on his knees and sat down in the chair, which made him to short! I had to rearrange the book so he could reach it. I will have to get a booster seat for him to sit at the table or start using a pillow!

Nicholas told Nanna B that "I want Mary to start taking care of us because you're not doing your job!" He normally does not tell tall tales but he did yesterday! He had spoken to Mary on the phone and told her that he wanted her to come over and take care of him! I told him that Mary would come for a visit, that she couldn't take care of him unless Nanna was sick or just wanted a day off! Nanna was floored and called me and asked me! I was floored too! I ask to speak to him and told him that he had hurt her feelings and to apologize! He told her "Sorry!" He then asked me, "Do you know who is going to keep us?" I said, "Who? Expecting to hear Mary!" He said, "You and Dad! Tommy is going to get sick, sick, sick, and Nanna is going to have to take care of him!" We were all shocked to hear this! This came out of the blue too! I told Nanna that unless he was predicting the future, I had no clue what he was talking about! I told her to take everything he said with a grain of salt! Spencer is usually the one to tell the big tales but never Nicholas! Nanna then realized that he was just using his imagination I guess! I called her later and said, "I was just checking to see if you were doing your job!" Ohhhhh, sometimes I don't know what to expect next! I asked Nicholas why he said that and he said, "Oh, I'll have to explain it!" That was the explanation!!! Too Funny! Now that is the going joke at our house!

Thanks for the positive thoughts and prayers, keep them coming!

Go and hug your precious pups and tell them how much you love them!

Have a good God day!

*Jordan is being moved to Atlanta today! Pray for them.
Marshall is doing better and walking without a walker! Good Job!
Pray for baby Riliegh Mullins, she has Zellweger Syndrome

Wednesday, March 24, 2004 6:25 AM CST

Good Morning,

Congratulations to Kim and Ryan on the birth of their new baby girl, Riley Page, 7 lbs 5 oz, 20.5" long! When I told the boys they had a new cousin last night, Nicholas said, "I want to meet her! Is she a real baby?" Spencer said, "Does she have teeth?"

Please remember Matthew, he had his port put in yesterday after a 6 hr wait in isolation! They finally got it in and found that he has several blood clots in his chest area. Please pray for him and his family as he goes on hospice care this week.

Nicholas and Spencer had a wonderful time playing yesterday evening. I get so tickled at them. They were dancing to the music that one of their trucks plays. It was hilarious. Spencer dances to any music he hears! Mamaw and Papaw came up and yes, you guessed it! Mamaw had to tell bear tales. Spencer came into the kitchen with me and helped me make Mac-n-cheese! He has to stir it but mostly ate it! I think Papaw snoozed until Spencer finished and then Spencer told Papaw a huge tall tale! The boys love their Mamaw and Papaw and enjoy their visits so much. I think Spencer got the best of his Papaw in the sword fight!

Spencer went to sleep in the floor at the bottom of the bed last night. He usually wants his Dad to lay down with him under the comforter (that is still attached to the bottom of the bed so that it makes a tent!) but last night he wanted his Momma! His little eyes closed as soon as his head hit the pillow. I didn't make it through "God Bless...naming the immediate family before his little eyes were shut. Nicholas had to have a drink and then he had to have a hug. He just patted my face and told me he loved me! How sweet is that? Sweeter than honey, let me tell ya!

Please say a prayer for all the families making the decisions for their children. We only want what is best and pray that we have enough knowledge to make those decisons. It isn't about us, it's about LIFE and Death. Pray that God will reveal what is best, help us accept the answers, and be at peace with the decisions we make.

Good God Day,

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 6:35 AM CST

Good Morning,

I went home and the boys were playing up a storm. They have one of those Leap Pads and Nicholas was playing with a book about Thomas the Tank Engine. Spencer's favorite! It is so educational. I put one of the books in it about vowels and they played with it for an hour. It was a story about a frog named Tad, eating olives! It was cute. Nicholas can do all the words in it. He is doing so good. He read one of his little books to his teacher. He also is doing more of splitting the words to make more words! He has to make a sentence with his words and he has no problem doing this! He is so cute.

They had clothes hangers, pretending they were bows. They would pull an imaginary arrow out of the pouch on their back and put it in their bow! We went hunting, I caught a deer, Nicholas caught a buck, and Spencer a rabbit. Then it was a little bit of everything! From a rat, mouse, baby deer, mice, squirrel to I don't remember what all! I told them to be careful and not get lost in the woods and Spencer stopped in his tracks! He wouldn't go into the utility room without me turning the light on! I didn't mean to scare him but he had to have a flashlight from then on! They were hilarious but had a good time pretending.

After our bear tales, and after a couple of "Mom's", once for taking the arrow pouch off of his back!, we finally went to sleep. I was exhausted and so were they. Spencer beat us all asleep and Dad was a close second! Around 1:00, Spencer was saying, "No, Mom!" I don't know what he was dreaming but he was mad at Mom. Then, he ended up in bed with me around 5:30, he was soaking wet. I think he was sleeping too sound to wake up for the bathroom!

Remember all the families making decisions for their children. Every day, there is something to worry about or something to decide. We depend on the drs for all the answers and they need prayers too.

Have a good God day,

Monday, March 22, 2004 6:07 AM CST

Good Morning,

We did go for bloodwork. Platelets were up 2k, not a whole lot but it didn't drop! I was hoping for more! He still sounds like he has something in his lungs and getting a bunch of junk out the first thing in the morning. He is ok the rest of the day. I think he is still fighting an ear infection too. He will until summer!

We had a pretty good weekend. The boys are playing together so much better and are so funny. Nicholas has been reading little books on the computer and loves it! He worked on it yesterday for a couple of hours while Spencer slept! and would have the rest of the evening if we would let him. He did wonderful and gets to choose what he wants to do. He can use his little finger or his index finger. I could tell when he got tired, he would switch hands or ask me to do it for him. It takes a little more for him to use the touch pad than it does everybody else but he will not stop until he has accomplished it. He is very determined and doesn't want any help most of the time. Independant? Very! Which is good! I'm glad he doesn't want someone to do everything for him. Every time he read a book, I'd put a sticker on his star sheet! He loved the butterflies! He even wanted me to take the Sponge Bob stickers off and put the butterflies on! He saw them and said, "Oh, how cute!" He is so funny.

Remember Jordan Belcher, Matthew, Marshall and Amelia, Abbey, Carter, Diane, Baby Rileigh, and Will, just to name a few! They all need prayers and are in various forms of sickness. My baby too, of course!

Have a good God day!

Friday, March 19, 2004 6:22 AM CST

Good Morning,

Nicholas is reading!! He read a little book or memorized it one!! He can sound out the words and get them correct. I'm so proud of him! He was going over the word "good" and Ms Chris told him the difference between the sounds of o and oo. He said "good" and covered up one of the o's and said, "This is GOD!" Ms. Chris didn't know what to think.
He is so smart and catches on so fast. The more you expect the more you get out of him. He loves books, stories, and bear tales.

Spencer had to show me that he could read too! He picked up a little book, and said, "One day,...." He sounds so sweet when he does this. He makes up stories all the time and rearranges the traditional ones to his liking, making them much more exciting and incorporates a shark and whale in them every time! He is too smart and so funny!!

A funny I forgot to tell you. Nicholas' girlfriend Amanda, is getting married to Jarred on May 22nd. Nicholas is going to be in the wedding and Kim, Amanda's Mom, asked him if he was going to be in that wedding. He said, "Yes and tell Jarred to be there!" It was so funny. He thinks he is going to marry Amanda! Yesterday, he said, "I'm going to be the meanest bear there! I'm taking my shark and going to get Jarred!" He has one of those little shark heads and you pull the trigger to make the mouth operate! It is un-telling what he is going to do! I've tried to warn them! I have no doubt it will be a "Kodak" moment! I can just see him walking down the isle and him stopping in his tracks when he sees Jarred and start growling like a bear!

The boys enjoyed a visit from Kim and Nanna Betsy yesterday evening. Nicholas told Kim that he liked her lipstick and clapped his hand over his mouth like he told an oops! It was hilarious! He also told her that you get germs from holding hands! He told her that germs come out from under your fingernails and have sharp, pointed tails like bees! He saw an illustration of "germs, cooties, and yucky things when someone touches you" in a book!

On to more serious issues: we are going for bloodwork this evening, so please remember him in your prayers. I will be holding my breath.

God Bless,

Thursday, March 18, 2004 6:56 AM CST

***Check out all my Cousin Bears! New Photo!***


I think I have figured it out!! Nicholas' breathing treatment, Albuterol, is making him hyper at bedtime. He was after 11:00 pm settling down! I guess we will have to start getting our treatment earlier in the evening and see if that is what it is. He was stacking the bears up on top of each other and I moved them. He got mad at me and snubbed and snubbed. I got back up to see what was wrong and he said, "I was making a mountain!" I told him we would make another one tomorrow and that satisfied him. He finally went to sleep and was up coughing around 3:30 am and then Spencer got up around 4:30!!! I have had about 3 hours of sleep! NO! I'm NOT grouchy!!!!

Nicholas will not talk to you if you aren't looking him square in the eye! He will keep saying, "MOM!" even if you answer him! He will not tell you what he wants unless you look at him and you HAVE to respond or he will keep repeating it. Last night he said, "Listen to me!" He doesn't think you can clean the potty and hear what he has to say at the same time!! I couldn't help but laugh. I've had to tell him that before....Listen to me....

I bought them a globe and they had a great time with it yesterday evening. It is a lot fancier than the one I had at home. It's from LeapPad and has pictures on it and you use the pencil that is attached to point to the pictures. It then tells you all the facts about that animal. It is so cool. I like it too! It has music, languages, games and fun facts to explore about each country! They love it. It is educational.

We are honored that Diane Keel signed the guestbook. Thanks a million Diane for being the inspiration that you are! I'm so thankful that you are feeling better and are able to surf your extened families sites.

Jordan Belcher has a website started...I'll put the link up at the top. It's
Go sign the guestbook and let her know you are thinking and praying for her.

God Bless,

Wednesday, March 17, 2004 6:38 AM CST

Good Morning,

Spencer was so loving yesterday evening and so sweet to Nicholas. He kept saying he loved him and Nicholas would tell him too. I loved it of course! It didn't last all evening though!

Nicholas coughed a lot yesterday evening. I'm not sure what is going on, I just hope it isn't pneumonia! I pray that he received enough antibiotics to kill that germ. I would love for his counts to come back up and go higher. Wouldn't that be a miracle? He may have aspirated some pork roast that he ate for dinner with lots of salt!! He got choked and coughed a lot while eating. He slept real good after he finally went to sleep. He couldn't settle down and we went through the nightly ritual of me jumping out of bed a half dozen times. Once for "I love you Momma!" that melted my heart and made me feel terrible for being so grouchy and sleepy! Yes! I admit it I was so sleepy that I couldn't lift my head and was short with him. I told him "Go to sleep!" He layed down immediately but popped back up when he thought I wasn't watching him!
I thankful he isn't sick and not able to lift his head off the pillow like he was in Cincinnati. You would think I would be use to him being in the hospital but it doesn't get any easier, actually worse each time.

We go for bloodwork this weekend so be praying for his counts to go back up. He has several bruises on his legs and a huge one on his head. He was playing ghost with Aunt Cathy and stumbled over the bean bag and hit the train table!

Remember Matthew, he isn't eating and having fevers off and on. Remember Marshall, he is home but his counts are still low. Remember all of the children who are ill and their care takers. Remember Sissy Bear too.

God Bless,

Tuesday, March 16, 2004 6:33 AM CST

Good Morning,

Here is some great news! Marshall Bennett and his family are home!!!! After spending 6 long months in Minnesota for a bone marrow transplant, they have arrived home safe and sound, and best of all, all together again as a family. With lots of unpacking to do!! Thank the Lord for answered prayers.

There is something I forgot to tell you all. Papaw has been walking on air for about a week now! Sunday before last, we had a sacrament service at church. We washed feet as well as ate unleaven bread and drank grape juice(represents Christ body and Blood) during the service. The boys were so excited and watched every move. They went up front with the "Men" and helped wash Papaw and Daddy's feet! Dad was in seventh Heaven too! Spencer wouldn't wash anybodies but his Dad's! He showed some partially but he is still learning!;) Spencer washes mine at home all the time in the bath tub! He washes them exactly like we do at church! He is so sharp! Papaw said he had never seen anyone wash his Dad's and his Papaw's feet in the same service before. Miracles are still happening! It is a blessing to be served by my parents too. We are truly blessed that they are alive and able to participate in the services. We thank God for Mamaw and Papaw and the Love for the Lord they have in their hearts. They have been a true inspiration and Godly example for us to follow. Thanks, we all love you guys, BIG so much!

Nicholas and Spencer are still feeling great and playing up a storm. Nicholas had on some slick pants and couldn't stay on Dad's back last night. He kept sliding off and was laughing so hard he couldn't get back on! It was so funny. He tried to hold on to Spencer but couldn't. They were all laughing so hard! Where is my camera when I need it???

We got in bed and Nicholas started his "I'm thirsty...I'm want some pudding..." I said, "No, nothing else tonight!" Yeah, right! He said, "I'm starved!" I said, "In that case, we had better get you some pudding!!!" I made it to bed and was just drifting off to sleep and it was "MOM!" I jumped out of bed, scared to death, and he said, "I'm thirsty!" The usual, normal, nightly ritual! Why am I not use to it??

How can one little muscle torment the life out of you? I never knew it existed and now that is the only one in my back! How can one little shingle spread and cause so much torment? How can one little bone marrow failure cause so much heart ache?

God Bless,

Monday, March 15, 2004 8:03 AM CST

Good Morning,

Hey Tom, I knew better than to let a camera within a mile of me especially being a clown with a hula hoop!! The boys loved it though!! That is why I am a clown, just to make them smile!

Maria, guess what? Nicholas remembered how the dog kicks his leg while you scratch his belly!!! I couldn't help but laugh!! He is hilarious!

Nicholas continues to be totally fascinated with bear tales and books. He would sit for hours with either or both and does just that when he can. Spencer loves them too and is beginning to ask for them too! They both had a wonderful week-end with visits from Mamaw and Papaw, Cathy and Mamaw Boggs.

I have pulled a muscle in my back and Sissy Bear has shingles! Yes! I said shingles, which means that the boys have been exposed to chicken pox!!!! She has been too stressed of late and started breaking out last thursday. After spending 4 hours in the er yesterday with her, she was dx with shingles as we expected! Now we have been exposed with that flu bug again too, as there were several children that felt terrible in the er! They put Sissy Bear in isolation for most of the time we were there, so she wouldn't give it to others. Please remember her in your prayers.

I was heart broken to read of Abigail becoming an angel on Friday. She is a beautiful angel now and in the loving arms of Jesus, free from pain and suffering.

Remember Matthew, he has been running a temp this weekend but is doing a little better.

God Bless,

Thursday, March 11, 2004 6:46 AM CST

Good Morning,

Thanks Maria for reminding me of that cutie! I couldn't help but smile at those memories! Nicholas is such a clown sometimes. I'll check to see if he remembers. I'm sure he will.

I took a Hula Hoop home yesterday evening and you should have seen Spencer with it. It was hilarious. I showed him how to put it on one foot and jump it with the other one. He thought that was so funny and said, "Do it again Momma!"
Nicholas remembered Apryl having one at Camp Sunshine! They both tried to do it around their waist! Still working on that one! It was fun to watch them too! Spencer laughs so hard he can't do anything! He is so sweet!

Nicholas isn't feeling 100% and I think he is having problems hearing, probably that ear infection back. He just can't get rid of them. He conned his Mamaw into another bear tale yesterday evening and Papaw into working puzzles with them. He actually ate quite a bit of chicken noodle soup too! He had the ABC's out on the bar and said he was pretending they were snakes and eating one at a time. Mostly making a big mess, as usual! He LOVES playing with his water and food!

Go check out Diane's website! A surprise is in store for you! Even I smiled!

Remember all the children and go hug yours extra hard today!

God Bless,

Wednesday, March 10, 2004 6:29 AM CST


Thanks Debbie for the prayers and YES, we know the Pearls. We met at Camp Sunshine a couple of years ago. Alexandria look beautiful last year at CS and we hope and pray that Matthew finds a Bone Marrow Match too. Hopefully, as we all have bone marrow drives, his match will be out there somewhere. We are trying to get a drive started in our area again. If you want to become a bone marrow donor, go to the Norton Blood Bank, in our area and tell them. Funds are usually available if not, let me know. If you cannot become a donor due to health reasons, then you can donate your time and money to help with a drive. Let me know.

Spencer was riding his horsey, Uncle Joyel, around the house last night and actually was lying down on him. When he got off, he kept holding his heart. He climbed upon the couch and turned pale. We kept asking him if he was ok. He came to me and said, "My heart's singing!" It must have been beating really fast. I'm not sure what happened but he had just drank some chocolate milk. He may have gotten sick at his stomach. I couldn't go to sleep for worrying about it last night. Please pray for him and us.

Nicholas was a little pouty yesterday evening. We started playing and turning around in circles, getting dizzy and falling down. They were having a ball! I have fluid on my ear and had to quit! I was so sick! Nicholas has shown everyone how he can turn summersaults! He looks adorable and Spencer can do them really fast! We brag and brag on them and they just try themselves! They are hilarious! Sissy Bear was totally amazed!

Remember all the ones who are sick, going through chemo, or transplants. There are so many! There is such a need for encouragers to sign those guestbooks. I know how much I look forward to those messages. It helps so much.

God Bless,

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 6:40 AM CST

***Check out my sweet hunny's photo from Camp Sunshine!! She will be there at CS again this year!!!

Good Morning,

I'm having a hard time journaling. I don't know where to begin and have decided to just start typing. The boys and I played "Mother, May I?" yesterday evening. I would tell them to pick up a toy and where to put it and they had to ask, "Mother, May I?" and of course I'd say "YES!" It turned out being a fun way to pick up toys so I could vacuum. I went into the kitchen and I heard them saying they were building a fire! I looked in on them and they had piled up everything they could get their hands on into the floor, pretending to build a fire like their Papaw did the other day!!! I put Marshmellows on the handle of wooden spoons and they "roasted Marshmellows and had a wiener roast!" Then we had to clean up that mess! They enjoyed themselves anyway.

Spencer helped me make Eclair cake and I told him it was a surprise for Daddy and put it in the fridge. It wasn't two minutes after Dad came home that Spencer told him! It was funny because Dad didn't hear him and I ended up letting the cat out of the bag, or so Dad thought!

Nicholas was talking about his girlfriends and I told him I was going to get a Bull Dog to keep the girls away. He said, "No! I will stand in front of that Bull Dog and throw it away!" He is so funny. He mentioned something about Amanda getting married! I asked him if he was going to be in the wedding and he said, "Yes!" It is untelling what he will do at the wedding! I hope he is able to be in the wedding. He will probably jump on Jarred during the ceremony and start growling like a grizzly bear! You just wait!

Remember Abbey and family as they prepare for transplant, my heart breaks at the thought of her going to transplant.
Remember Matthew and his family, he has the greatest attitude: Live in the present and not worry about tomorrow! We could all take lessons from him.

Remember us and God Bless,

Monday, March 8, 2004 6:33 AM CST

Good Morning,

Nicholas and Spencer had a great week-end. Nicholas called his Mamaw and told them to come up and of course they did. Of course, he climbed into Mamaw's lap and the bear tales began. Spencer hid from them and was quiet as a mouse. If he decided to hide from me, it would be difficult to find him. He is such a ham.

Please remember Little Abbey Stuart, she had one of her central lines put in last week and her counts are really low. Remember them as they prepare for transplant.

God Bless,

Friday, March 5, 2004 6:19 AM CST

Good Morning,

We did get to play outside yesterday eve with a warm sunny temp of 73d!! We went to Mamaw and Papaw's and the boys enjoyed themselves tremendously! They fed Black Jack and Star corn and petted them. Black Jack is so funny, here he is so little and bosses Star around! I wish I had my video camera, it was hilarious. Papaw built a big fire and the boys thought that was the greatest! Spencer got to pet their big black tom cat, Blackie, and said, "He is so precious! His tail is the mostest precious I ever saw!" Blackie has long hair and a big fluffy tail. Spencer would giggle when it swiped his face. He didn't pull it! He got to see Papaw's purple tractor! The one that Nicholas told him to paint red!! I can tell a difference in Nicholas, tiring easily and breathing heavier. Spencer didn't want to come back in the house. I didn't either!

Someone ask me how I handled the stress emotionally. I told them my faith in God sustains me. When I "Let Go and Let God" handle everything I do really well, it's when I worry and fret about everything that I slump in spirit and body. It is a big heavy weight on my shoulders. Watching Nicholas' health decline isn't a picnic and I'm not living in a fairy tale land of "everything is going to be alright". I've had to tighten the cinch more than once and suck my fears in. I've had to remind everyone else that he is going to die without a bone marrow transplant and may die with one UNLESS God touches and heals him or blesses the transplant. Without the touch of God in either situation, death is going to happen. Do you think it's easy to come to this realization? Do you think its easy to watch or hear about others that have passed away and get a "reality check" slapped in your face? Do you think it's easy to worry about what his platelet count is (if it gets too low he will hemorrhage), white blood count (if it starts going up, LEUKEMIA is knocking at the door), and red blood count (if it drops then his hemoglobin will drop too and he won't get enough oxygen to all his organs). Do you think it's easy watching your son turn dark around his eyes and mouth while his energy wans, knowing its a constant reminder that his counts are falling? Well it's not easy! Then someone stupidly says, "I don't believe there is much else wrong with him!" What? People just don't understand. That remark wasn't one of faith and believing that he was going to be alright! Like Peter, when he kept his eyes on Jesus, he was able to walk on water, it's when he looked around him that he began to sink. When I "Cast my cares on Him because He careth for me" is when God lifts my load and lets me stand tall and smile through my fears. I cannot carry this burden by myself and I don't see how others do that do not depend on God to help them. When we try to help God and carry the burden ourselves, we become too occupied and cannot see the joys, hear the laughs, or feel the love of our precious little gifts from God. Is it hard to have faith you ask? Of course, it's hard to turn it ALL over to God and completely TRUST but I believe that God has a plan for all of us and knows what is best, I sure don't. But to all you parents that are going through similar situations, God Believes in YOU or you wouldn't be the Mommy or Daddy of that special gift from God. He knows you can handle the situation and look out for the best interest of that child, the advocator for him or her. He wants to know what we want, so ASK, He is there to help not hinder.

God Bless,

Thursday, March 4, 2004 6:24 AM CST


Dad is on the way to the hospital this morning with my Aunt Ova. She is in her 80s and has that stomach virus. Please remember her in your prayers. No, I wasn't around her and she didn't catch it from me!

A storm hit after I got home yesterday evening! A tantrum storm, missing their Mom and not wanting me to do anything for the other! Nicholas cried at Spencer's every move and Spencer just tried himself. I told Sissy Bear that I think that I'm going to go stand in the corner!! Nicholas was using me for a hanky and started gagging. I asked him if he got a hair in his mouth and he said, "No! A booger!" I started laughing and that turned the tide. We all got so tickled we were rolling in the floor! That was all it took to get everyone back in a good mood and playing together! They then started running around in circles, getting dizzy, and falling down laughing. Whew!

I forgot to mention what else happened when Nicholas started asking Mamaw questions about her Mom and Dad. I was getting clothes out of the dryer and heard the conversation. I was willing Mamaw not to go there! I wasn't sure she could handle the deep questions that Nicholas asks! He ask her where her Mom and Dad were and she told him that they were gone on to Heaven and that one of these days we would go to. He told her, "And I'll get a new body!" And then she said, "Yes! We'll all get a new body and be with Jesus." He said smiling and his eyes just twinkling and glowing, "Oh, I just can't wait!" She broke down and started crying when he said that! I knew it! She couldn't believe what all he said. I tried to warn her!

We put up Easter decorations and I told the boys that Easter was a celebration of the resurrection of Christ. Nicholas told Nanna B all about it when she got there! They are little sponges soaking up everything. They are truly amazing. Children are wonderful gifts from God. They totally amuse and amaze me. I love them so much.

Remember all the children that have FA, leukemia, all types of cancer, and health problems. There isn't anything that can tear your heart out like a sick child or more resilient.

God Bless,

Wednesday, March 3, 2004 6:44 AM CST


Now wait a minute! I could not have contaminated all these people!! There are too many sick everywhere for me to have been the culprit! Whew! This is one bad bug! Ms Kimmy Bear and Nicholas' new found Blonde, Christy now has it!! Hope you guys start feeling better soon! Hugs and kisses from Nicholas should do it!

I'm back to work today and am missing my boys already. I did get some snuggles in this morning with Baby Bear. Nicholas wanted to know who was taking care of them today! I told him Nanna B! He wanted to know if Mom and Dad were going to work! He just petted on my face and head last night, and kissing my hair! Being the sweet little angel that he is. He was feeling so good yesterday, even Ms Chris said he was exuberant!! He was singing to the top of his lungs. Ms. Chris said that she could tell when I stayed with him because he sang more. I hadn't thought of it before but we do sing alot! They love singing and Spencer knows every word of every song of the videos he watches. He is something else and was counting in Spanish all day yesterday!

Mamaw and Papaw came up yesterday for a while. Mamaw was telling Nicholas a story about a bear that wanted to fly and was boo hooing because he couldn't. Papaw started boo-hooing too, pretending he wanted to fly too. Nicholas puckered up and really cried his heart out! Then he started laughing about it when I explained that Papaw was pretending and the bear tales were going to have to stop if he kept crying! Mamaw couldn't believe he started crying. She thought he was pretending at first but he wasn't. He is so sensitive and cannot stand anyone crying or arguing! He was so pitiful and it breaks my heart when he cries anyway. Papaw is going to have to stop aggravating him! They brought out the swords(spatulas) as soon as Papaw came through the door! They love to gain up on him!

Remember all the sick, Matthew and family, he is now home on hospice care. Abbey as they prepare for transplant. Madison, as she prepares to come home, pray she can swallow her meds. Remember the families that have lost their children or loved ones.

God Bless,

Tuesday, March 2, 2004 9:51 AM CST


Nanna B is sick with the stomach virus and so is my brother. Evidently I was still contagious when I got home and spread it to every one here! I'm sorry but I definitely wasn't staying in Cincy! When the bus left, I hopped aboard! I'm so thankful the boys are so much better. I have enjoyed listening to them playing. It is the sweetest music a mother could ever listen to. The laughing and playing just tugs on my heart strings.

Mamaw and Papaw enjoyed a surprise visit yesterday from the Bear family! The boys enjoy going down there so much and they got to see Black Jack! This morning they had a plastic horse and was pretending he was eating corn and drinking water. Black Jack must have ate some corn yesterday and it made an impression on Spencer. He is so sweet. He wanted Momma to sit and hold him a lot yesterday too. He is feeling so much better but he threw up again yesterday. I think he has a very weak stomach and cannot tolerate the thought of anything gross! or the smell since he was using the potty when he threw up!! I really don't think that was part of the virus since he had been doing so much better. He ate really well Sunday. Dad fixed pork chop gravy and he ate it twice!

Well I have to go suction Nicholas, he is coughing quite a bit of junk up but is definitely doing much better.
Remember all the children, Matthew went home on hospice care yesterday. Marshall and Amelia are both having bone marrow biopsies this week, remember them, they have been there 6 months.

God Bless,

Monday, March 1, 2004 2:43 PM CST


Mamaw's 75th birthday party was really a surprise for her. She was still weak but managed to go and really enjoyed herself. Everyone was so nice and the dinner was great. Celebrate did a great job with the food, decorations, and hospitality. We didn't have to clean up!!! It was worth it to us since we had all been sick and was just on the mend ourselves. Mamaw was thrilled with the grandchildren's picture and was in tears most of the evening. Papaw helped us keep the secret! I just about told her or mentioned something I wasn't suppose to several times. I'm just glad I don't have to keep a secret any longer!

The boys are feeling much better and made a big leap Saturday. They must have just needed Momma!

Remember Matthew Lindenmayer in your prayers, he is in the hospital and on seveal antibiotics. He is in sepsis shock and the family needs prayer too.

Remember Abbey Stuart as they prepare for her transplant. I was telling someone on the phone that her transplant was going to be in May. Nicholas heard me and ask me, "When will I get my bone marrow transplant?" I told him sometime this year. He asked, "How will they do it? I told him through his port, like an IV. He smiled and raised his eyebrows! I thought, "Oh, Boy!"

Remember all of us in your prayers,
God Bless,

Friday, February 27, 2004 6:37 AM CST

Good Morning,

Spencer was feeling a little better but stayed in my lap most of the time. He just isn't feeling well. He didn't throw up anymore or have diarrhea and did eat some snacks. He drank some chocolate milk last night and kept it down. He woke up around 2:30, must have had a tummy ache. I rubbed his tummy and he finally went back to sleep with his head on my tummy. I eased him down on my arm and slept the rest of the morning like that. He is such a snuggle bug. Hopefully he will eat better today. This bug is terrible, leaves you real weak, pains shooting through abdomen, and the thought of food makes you gag. Spencer really hasn't had a bad diarrhea but then again, he hasn't eaten much. I just pray he is on the mend. He was laughing and playing last night some. I was so relieved.

Nicholas is feeling much better, laughing, dancing, and singing while shaking his booty! He is such a comedian! He is acting a little jealous of Spencer, wanting to sit in my lap and just be near me at all times. He had his momma and dad with him for an entire week and feels he has the right to our undivided attention! Ms. Chris was surprised that he knew all of his words when he returned!! He is just too sharp! Papaw tells him he is sharp on both ends, just like mouse doodoo! Only Papaw could come up with something like that.

Mamaw and Papaw are feeling a lot better. I just hope Mamaw feels like coming up this evening for her fake birthday party and feels like going to the real one on Saturday! They were so pale and looked terrible. It broke my heart and I blaimed myself that I brought it in to everybody. I just couldn't help it. Jeff is too mean to catch it evidently! Maybe we are all inoculated now!!

Remember all the children suffering from a terrible disease or illness. Go hug yours and let them know you love them, do not take them for granted. Tell them you are proud of them and be a good example for them to follow. We are all human and all make mistakes, just ask God to forgive you, pick up the pieces and try again. God is merciful and just. He loves you, you are one of his babies.

God Bless,

Thursday, February 26, 2004 6:41 AM CST

**Please say a prayer for Spencer, he is now running a temp and threw up his gatorade. I'll have to take him to dr, I can't pour liquids into him like we do Nicholas.**

Good Morning,

I woke up from a dream this morning and I'm still mad! I dreamed Jeff was with another woman. Why do dreams seem so real? All the feelings of betrayal, the pain, the hurt, and the madness are all there. I told him and he said something and I moved away from him. He laughed and said, "If I would do that, then you wouldn't be able to believe whatever I told you either." Which is true! If someone isn't true to their spouse, then they would definitely lie about it too. My chance to sleep and I have nightmares! Be faithful to your loved one! If it hurts this bad in a dream, I don't want to feel reality.

Yes! I did say sleep! I left Nicholas on Pedialyte and he slept through the night. He was exhausted. Everyone slept until Spencer woke up around 4:30 trying to throw up. He ate a little bit yesterday evening, so hopefully he is feeling much better. I came home and found two tired little boys. They cried if the other one got close to me. It was hectic to say the least. I called Jeff to see if he wanted something for dinner other than what I had. He asked, "What do you have?" I said, "NOTHING!" He laughed! I ended up cooking before he came home so he didn't starve!

Mamaw, Papaw, and Sissy Bear are on the mend, thank the Lord. I hope she feels like coming up this evening for her "fake" birthday party! Today my mommy is 75 years young. Happy Birthday Mom! I love you dearly and couldn't make it without your love and continued support. Thanks for always being there for me through out my life. I love you and so do the little bears.

Remember all the sick and the ones in the hospital.
God Bless,

Wednesday, February 25, 2004 6:37 AM CST

**Dr. Harris just called me and they are discontinuing Nicholas' antibiotic!

**Nicholas just threw up! This is the first time since his Nissen Fundoplication in April 03. Spencer also! Please remember them in your prayers.

**I moved a sample of Nicholas' hand writing and a drawing to the photo section. Please check them out!**


Spencer went to sleep early and I tried!! We made it to bed and Nicholas would not go to sleep, he kept thinking of things he needed! I checked Spencer and he felt too warm, yes! a temp of 102.7d! I had to wake him to give him his medicine. Then I couldn't go to sleep and didn't realize I had, until Spencer woke me around 1:30 am. I put him in bed with us and he was burning up again. More meds and 3 hrs later he finally went to sleep. Then it was Nicholas' turn, he had been on pedialyte for 24 hours and I switched back to formula at bedtime. His lungs were really wet yesterday evening and couged up a lot of junk. He tolerated the formula better than I expected. He cannot tolerate the formula while on anitbiotics! His bms are pure water and he voided and bm a total of 500 cc in one hour this morning! It takes me 5 hours to get 500 cc of pedialyte in him and he looses it in one hour! He just cannot tolerate the antibiotics. If anyone out there knows of a solution to this problem, please contact me and let me know. I'm ready to pull my hair out.

A funny...Nicholas helped me fix a banana pudding and wanted to garnish the top with cookies. He made a smiley face!!! He has watched Momma too much!!! I turned around and he was licking his fingers and guess what he had done? Used his finger to draw a circle all around the face!! He didn't see Momma do that! It was too cute!

Sissy Bear, Mamaw, and Papaw are all sick. Spencer wasn't as bad as I first thought, just running a temp now. Please remember them in your prayers, they all feel terrible.

God Bless,

Tuesday, February 24, 2004 6:52 AM CST

***Check out Nicholas' first drawing in the Photos!!!****


I was up again most of the night, after a couple of hours of sleep but not with Nicholas! It was Spencer, throwing up all over himself and his bed. He didn't have anything left to throw up and was still trying. I felt so sorry for him. Guess who else is sick? Sissy Bear was up sick all night too. I hope I didn't bring it in to them but I don't know how else they contacted it. Papaw was not feeling the best last night either. It is so painful. Please help me pray for my little baby bear and the rest of my family. We are having Mamaw's birthday party on Saturday and I just hope all is better and she doesn't get sick. Her 75th birthday is on Thursday! We had a portrait of all the grandchildren taken at Christmas and are presenting it to her Saturday night for her present. Papaw saw it last night and absolutely loved it. He was totally surprised! I just hope he can keep a secret!

Nicholas is still not 100ut hopefully getting there. We took him off his milk and put him on pedialyte to help with the diarrhea. Hopefully it will work. He was playing hide-n-seek with Sissy and Daddy Bear last night. He was so short of breath, I could tell a big difference in him. Then it was on to the Bear Tales by Mamaw, which I captured the most of them on video, much to Mamaw's dismay!!!! Papaw was pestering Nicholas and he decided that Mamaw should spank Papaw for it!! I got that on video too!! It was hilarious and Nicholas was totally thrilled. He is too funny. It is amazing what monkey those boys have made out of us!

When we arrived from Cincinnati, Mamaw asked Nicholas if he had prayed for her while he was gone. He said, "I've been real sick, you was suppose to pray for me!"

Remember Marshall, he is back in the hospital. Matthew is still there too but will get out sometime this week and going home.

God's richest blessings to each of you,

Monday, February 23, 2004 7:15 AM CST


We are home! Last night around 6, we had a family reunion. Our sweet little boy was so happy to have Mom, Dad, and Nicholas home. He just kept hugging his Dad and hugged me all around my legs after the first big bear hug. He and Nicholas hugged and begin to wrestle. I am so happy to be home. Sissy Bear had chicken and dumplings and a cherry pie ready for us. I'm still not eating real well so maybe I'll enjoy it for dinner tonight. Nicholas ate some though!

All is still not 100ut hopefully we will get there. Nicholas was up most of the night last night, "I'm thirsty!" drinking water and had to use the bathroom once. I'm afraid he will dehydrate. Please continue to remember him in your prayers.

I'll update more later.
God Bless,

Friday, February 20, 2004 2:27 PM CST


Nicholas had a low grade temp last night, 99.6d and it has went up today to 100.2. He was up all night with a severe diarrhea and they had to put him on maintenance iv fluids. His stools are pure water and now his bottom is red as a beet and he is screaming in pain. It breaks my heart every time he has a bm. I'm sorry for too much information but that is why we aren't coming home today. They are testing the stool for c-diff. The roto virus came back negative, that is a good thing. If he has the c-diff, he will have to be put on another anitbiotic, Flagl, which lowers the platelets.

Even without sleep last night, he was all smiles this morning and a pure little angel. He started eating ice and drinking water around 7 am and has eaten/drinking it off and on all day. He is really weak and has to have help standing. He looks sicker today than he did yesterday. I'm sure he was just about dehydrated.

He has been playing with a barbie doll he named, "Amanda!"
He was jealous of Ken and kept knocking him off the bed into the floor! He is a hoot. He drew a picture last night and I've got it hung in the room. He wrote his name on it and "Mom" beside of it and drew a tree. So precious.

I'm still in shock over the loss of Cade and Tom. I'm so heart broken, especially with Nicholas having a lung bleed too. Anything can happen and that is just a fact of life that we FA parents are going to have to face. So many factors affect so many things with these children. All do not have to happen to one person, some may get some of the issues but not all of them. We just have to deal with whatever issues come our way and pray for the Grace of God to sustain us.

Darla should have been in here(family resource center) today, they have chocolate fudge brownies! Just what I needed!

We are in room 704 of the A building, actually called A7 North, the phone number directly into our room is 513-636-1704.

Thanks for the prayers, Remember Matthew Lindenmayer today, he is suppose to have surgery.

God Bless,

Thursday, February 19, 2004 1:41 PM CST


We brought Nicholas up Tuesday to Cincinnati and on the way he started complaining with his hip but was holding his left flank. We stopped to walk around and eat some dinner but Nicholas just couldn't get comfortable. We left and went on to the motel and he was breathing really fast and had stridor. He walked from the elevator to the room and the stridor was really loud. I hooked him up to the moisture and gave him a breathing treatment asap. He started running a temp but I couldn't find a theometer to know what it was for sure. It had to be close to 103d. Then he started coughing and there was some blood in it. After getting up every half hour, sometimes every 10 min. suctioning him, breathing treatments around the clock and tylenol cold for the temp, there was more blood by morning. I got him ready asap and we went on to the dr. We got through a partial eye exam and had to cut it short. He wasn't feeling well enough to continue. By this time we were suctioning pure blood. They did a chest x-ray and said he has a pocket of pnuemonia in his left lung. We then received a platelet transfusion and then to the lung specialist. Dr Wood felt he was too ill to put to sleep for the procedures scheduled for Wednesday. Dr Wood suctioned out a lot of blood to send to lab for cultures. He was then admitted to the hospital and antibiotics started. They had accessed his port for the platelet transfusion but it wasn't working well and have had a terrible time with it since. They re-accessed it today and it is working much better. He is feeling better today and, just has streaks of blood in trach, and laughing and playing. And yes, flirting!!! He has responded so well to the antibiotics that they may let him come home on oral meds tomorrow or Saturday. Without the touch of God the meds wouldn't have worked. My deepest thanks to all who have prayed for my precious baby.

We have all missed Spencer so much and he has been sleeping in Nicholas bed all night. We did get to talk to him and it didn't help me a bit. I want his hugs and little wet kisses! He has missed Nicholas too.
For now we are ok just tired and worried. We will probably be back in a month to do the other tests.

We are devastated to hear about the passing of 2 FA children, Tom and Cade. My heart is broken. Please remember these families in your prayers.

God Bless,

Monday, February 16, 2004 5:55 AM CST

Good Morning,

Nicholas did enjoy a day with his classmates for a Valentine Party. His favorite blond, Timber Buffy has moved and is no longer in his class. He kept looking around for her. There are a couple more though! Look out! He recieved a lot of valentines and the children were so excited that Nicholas was there. His teacher made the mistake of telling them that he was coming that morning and that got them so hyper! Nicholas wanted to go outside and play and was so disappointed that he couldn't. He likes recess!

The boys enjoyed their company this weekend. Valentine presents from Carloyn, Chris, Mary, Becky, Libbey, and Sissy Bear made their day! Too much chocolate though!!! I got them a dancing turtle and you should see Spencer mocking it! He is a little ham! I did get him on video! He also sung "Mr. Noah built an ark" to the tune of "Old McDonald's farm and I got that on video too. It was so precious. They had several cousins to visit this weekend too. Kenzie and Kayla played friday evening with them and Spencer shared so good with Kayla. It was precious. Nicholas wouldn't get down to play at all! He was afraid that Kayla was going to cry, he wasn't use to her running around and playing! Then Jeff's brother Darrel came in from Illinois and they came over Sunday. Their four children had a ball playing with the train tracks! Spencer didn't know what to think! He kept going from me to Dad and had the funniest look on his face. He wasn't use to that many children even though the oldest is 15! It was hiliarious! Darrel is still on oxygen because of lung problems. They are consulting with a lung transplant dr to see if he is a candidate. Please remember them in your prayers.

Marshall is at the RMH! Yeaaahhhh! Good job Jesus.
Cade is doing a little better but is having difficulty with his lungs.
Please remember all the children that are in the hospital.
Remember Emmagean Mullins, Sissy Bear's mother in law, removed her gall bladder, she is still in ICU.

Please remember Nicholas in your prayers.
We are leaving today for Cincinnati for a bm aspiration on Wednesday and other tests. I hate to leave Spencer and it tears us apart to have to. He just hates the hospital scene. Remember all of us.

God Bless each of you,

Friday, February 13, 2004 5:38 AM CST

Good Morning,

The boys enjoyed a visit from Mary and Becky, especially the valentine buckets! They were adorable and full of chocolate! Spencer must have eaten too much for he threw it all up! He had eaten really well yesterday for the first time in a few days. He and Nicholas were chasing each other and giggling all the way! Mary really enjoyed those giggles! You just have to be there to appreciate them. Wonderful music to my ears.

I'm going to try to take Nicholas to his assigned class at the primary school for the valentine party. I can't wait to watch him with the others. He does really well, no problem on the social end of things! He is a little social butterfly or should I say caterpillar? I'll let you know how it turns out, hopefully there won't be anyone sick there.

Wish us well and start praying for us as we go to Cincy next week for testing. Remember Cade and Marshall, they both are improving. Tom from RI is stable but still critical, remember his lung problems. Matthew is doing a little better but has to have more surgeries. Remember Jordan, they are moving her to Atlanta to a hospital for brain injuries. Remember Madison Adams family as they are in Memphis for treatment.

God Bless each of you,

Thursday, February 12, 2004 6:47 AM CST

Good Morning,

I wish you all could have heard the giggling and laughing yesterday evening. It was wonderful. Spencer was feeling so much better and I could tell it! Nicholas would chase him and try to tickle him and Spencer couldn't do anything except giggle. It was precious. They are playing so much better together. They painted some with the coloring books that already has the paint on the pages and they just use the water to spread the color. Nicholas was playing a long time with the water, spreading it out on the table. I went over to the table and all the water was gone! I ask him what happened to the rest of the water. "I just drink it!" Nicholas said. I couldn't believe it! I searched all over the books for it to say, NON TOXIC, but couldn't find anything about it. I was in a panic! Nicholas thought I was mad at him and kept telling me that he loved me the rest of the evening. I told him that I wasn't mad and he said, "Oh!" THEN Nicholas pulled Spencer off the chair and Spencer landed on top of his head!!! He broke his fall with his hands and just sort of rolled over. He wasn't hurt and was back to giggling in no time. WHEW! What boys! I was glad they both were feeling good even though it caused me more head aches in the long run!

We made it to bed, all in one piece. After drinking water, after getting up several time for this and that, Nicholas wanted me one more time. I went to him and he said, "When you get rid of all this stuff, after I get my mic-key button and trach out, I can sleep by myself!" I asked, "What stuff?" He said, "This suction machine and stuff." I was speechless and just petted on him. He reached up and gave me a big hug and kiss. He comes up with these comments out of the blue! No one even mentioned or was talking about these issues! I never know what he is going to say, it seems he tells me what is on his mind at the same general time every night, when we are alone and the light is out.

Sometimes I just hold my breath and wait for him to ask about FA and will he die, etc. I tell him when he is scared about changing his trach or mic-key button or something, that Momma would never, knowingly hurt him. Then a little silent voice screams, "Yeah, what about all the side effects of chemo, radiation, and transplant?" I silently cry and die inside. Just pray for me! Pray for those families in transplant, it is such a hard decision that we really have no choice in. It's a have to case. As Nicholas approaches transplant level, it just gets more difficult, all the decisions to make, planning to do, and I'm no where nearer than I was two years ago.

Just remember all the sick children, Madison is now having to have dialysis, she is in St. Judes and taking treatment for AML. Remember Cade, Marshall, Tom, and Matthew, all have FA and are having difficulties.

Pray for my little Poppa Bear and Baby Bear too.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004 6:33 AM CST

Good Morning,

First an update on the boys, Spencer is having some cold symptoms. He did eat some party snacks last night, chips and dip! Not health food but something at least. Loved looking at the cake but wouldn't eat any. Nicholas had to have a plate of food but didn't eat any. Played with the knife and carrot, chopping it!

We did have a good little birthday party. Nana's birthday is Friday so we celebrated her's too! The cake was white with white roses and gold leaves with a basket weave pattern on the side. It was beautiful. It was round with raspberry filling between the two layers! UUUMMMMMMM. Delicious! If you didn't come, you missed it t-totally! Jeff's sister, Glenda baked the cake! Jeff's twin, Cathy came over and enjoyed the party too!! She brought the boys painting books and a Sno-Cone machine. It was her birthday and she brought gifts to the boys! They loved the Sno-Cone machine! I had orange Kool-Aide made and they used that to flavor it. The boys love ice anyway and that was perfect!!! Spencer ate some!

Guess who had to tell bear tales? Mamaw and Aunt Cathy! Aunt Cathy did a great job and actually caused Nicholas to jump at one part of the tale. It was hilarious! He just laughed. He wore his Passey Muir (speaking valve) and sang "Amazing Grace" for everybody. He is a little ham too! He likes to make funny noises with the Passey Muir and cause Mamaw to jump. Then he gets so tickled he can't sing. He is so funny. I didn't get it on video, but I will!

He was washing his hands the other night and tried to turn on the water which caused him to loose his balance on the stool and fall. I was standing right behind him but it happened so fast, I couldn't catch him. I knew he would be bruised! I guess I only saved him from hitting his head. I helped him up and asked, "How on earth did that happen?" He got so tickled he couldn't even talk and got me to laughing too! I asked him where he hurt and he said, "All over!" His leg has two big bruises on it! He then tried to tell his Dad what had happened and couldn't for laughing about it! He has such a good attitude! He is my hero.

Remember Cade, he is improving some but they all need prayer. Marshall is moving to another floor and out of the BMT unit. Then it will be to the RMH!!!! Hooorrrraaayyyy!
Thanks for all the prayers and encouragement to these families. Jordan Belcher is making small steps forward too.
Go to for a list a mile long of children and adults that have websites and need encouragement and prayer. I'll make a link for it to!

May God give you his richest blessing, His Son.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004 6:32 AM CST

Good Morning,

Kim, email me again, I deleted it before I realized it was from you and Larry. Sorry!

I sent a prayer request to the prayer bears yesterday evening for Spencer, he was throwing up. He is feeling a little better and didn't throw up any more. He isn't eating though, just drinking. I started him on Pediasure so he is getting his vitamins. Please pray for him as we go to Cincinnati next week. I don't want him to be sick and have to leave him. Leaving is bad enough the way it is, let alone him sick. We are living on a tight rope as it is, trying to keep everything balanced. One little thing can throw it either way. Just remember us.

There were some funny things I was going to write about but I can't remember them at the moment. I did get to read some of the messages in the guest book to Nicholas Sunday and he loved them. His eyes twinkled and he smiled from ear to ear when Ken Fleming told him to keep smiling. I read a second message from Libbey to him and he said, "That's rediculous!" I couldn't help but laugh. I told him the xxxxoooo meant hugs and kisses. He loved it! He would just smile and say, "What!" Later he came back and said, "Momma, read just one more!" He loves those messages, keep them coming!

Last night, in bed as I was telling him good night. He was drinking his water and looked up at me and said, "When am I getting my white blood? I was floored. I asked, "White blood? What do you mean? He said, "White blood counselors!" I said, "Do you mean white blood counts? He said, "Yes." I asked, "Where did you hear that? He said, "When they handed you that white paper yesterday." I explained to him what his white blood count was. He asked, "My red blood count?" I told him and said, "And your platelets are 35k, are you wanting to know when you are getting blood work again? He said, "Yes." I told him next week sometime.

This is the very first time he has mentioned each one specifically. I couldn't believe my ears!! A 5 year old should not have to worry about his white and red blood counts! And Spencer playing with the stethoscope, checking the bears heart beat and telling them to breathe! Spencer is helping suction Nicholas and telling us when he needs it! That is all they know, sickness and continual venting and suctioning. What a life for two little boys. It's reality though. Our normal. Anything else is just off track and makes us feel out of sorts!

It is amazing what a person can get use to. We condition ourselves to live, it's natural instincts. SURVIVE! Only by and with the Grace of God are we surviving. He is our strength and our anchor. Who else could we possibly trust? There is no other that can be with you when you need someone to talk to in the wee hours of the morning. Family and friends cannot be with you 24/7. God can. He is always there, with open ears and outstretched arms. Waiting and wanting us to come to Him, to cast our cares onto the one with all our needs, ready to deliver with the asking. Ask Him into you heart today and only then, you will begin to LIVE.

God Bless you with His richest blessing, His Son.

I remember a funny!!!
Sissy Bear showed everyone the cake and when I got home I told the boys it was a secret!! Not to tell Daddy!
Daddy came through the door, Nicholas made a bee line to him and said, "We have a surprise for you!" I told Jeff that he had told me that too, that they must have made us a valentine or something. Spencer said, "No! It's a white cake!" Keep a secret for Momma?!!!! Yeah, right! Oh well, the cat is out of the bag now!

Monday, February 9, 2004 7:18 AM CST

Good Morning,

After a lazy week-end, it time to get back to work! The boys enjoyed another visit from Sissy Bear Friday evening and Mamaw and Papaw Sunday evening. Nicholas told Papaw that he didn't love him! Then he said, "I do love you, I changed my mind!" Papaw was aggravating him and interrupting the bear tales! Then Papaw was stealing popcorn! Nicholas actually ate popcorn this week end, and I'm talking about a handful, two different times! We would not give him any of the husk, just the soft part and he loved it! Of course he would, it was salty!

Spencer slept so good last night from 9 til 5:30. Nicholas slept pretty good until 5:30 and needed venting and suctioned. Every day process, major gas spell first thing of the morning, sometimes its early and sometimes its up in the morning. He is still having lots of congestion the first thing in the morning too. He will see the lung specialist this time, so hopefully all will be well.

Dad's birthday is Tuesday!! We are having a little party tuesday evening for him. Wish him a happy one! I haven't mentioned it to the boys yet, I am trying to surprise him!
He is use to lots of different vehicles there, so maybe I can pull it off! Yeah, right!

Tom K. from Rhode Island, he had his transplant and has been put on the ventilator. He is having lung problems and now kidney problems. Pray for him and his family.
Marshall, he is walking around by himself and kidney is doing better. Trying for 2/14 to get out of hospital.
Cade, blood pressure is dropping and needs prayers.

Blessings and Joy,

Friday, February 6, 2004 6:57 AM CST

Good Morning,

Please remember the family of Alex Haigler, SC, he passed away this morning. He was 4 years old and had ALL.

Cade Smith is having a very hard time with his blood pressure, they couldn't find one yesterday. Please remember them.

Now on to the Boggs Boys....

Nicholas and Spencer had a great time with their Mamaw and Papaw again last night. As quick as Papaw comes through the door, Nicholas grabs the pliers and gets his thumb! Well, Spencer didn't like it one bit. He thought he was hurting his Papaw and grabbed Nicholas and pulled him back. Nicholas lost his balance and down they both came. Spencer hit his head on the cabinet handle pretty hard as they went backwards. Mommy had to kiss it several times and Mamaw had to also. Then, he saw the valentine cookies I was baking and his head was instantly healed. I also baked the christmas tree cookies too. I had forgotten to bake them!! They were still good! Spencer didn't even eat one but Nicholas ate a bite of one! Then it was on to the bear tales....

They both slept good last night. I only woke up a couple of times but still feel tired this morning. I guess I not use to that much sleep!

Remember Madison Adams, she is having treatments every 12 hours and if the treatments dislodge or break up the tumor it could possibly stop up her kidneys. Then she would need dialysis. I couldn't go to sleep last night for thinking and praying for them.

Go give your children a big hug and kiss and let them know how much you love them. Don't take them for granted, they are precious gifts loaned to us for a while. We just don't know for how long.

God Bless you,

Thursday, February 5, 2004 6:27 AM CST


I don't know where to begin this morning. My mind is jumping here and there and everywhere. Mostly, its on Madison Adams. She is 9 yr old and just diagnosed with AML, a type of Leukemia. She also has a tumor in her stomach area that is growing at a rapid speed and is inoperable. She is an only child and the only grandchild. I just keep praying for the family. I know her Great Aunt, Mary Doris Adams, she works at the bank. Please remember this family in your prayers. There are so many children with Leukemia in this area, or other forms of cancer. What is causing it? I know God has the ultimate plan and knows what is best for us all. We all have to trust in Him.

Nicholas was having a bad gas spell and I was venting him. Here came Spencer and brought him a car to play with, trying to comfort him. It was so sweet. Then he sat down at his head and laid his face on Nicholas' head and kissed it. Precious! He must have been trying to make up for being so ill with him earlier. He would grab Nicholas and pull him down to the floor. I was petrified that Nicholas would bump his head. He would also just push him and wrestle him. It wasn't playing either. I sat him down and explained for the hundredth time about bruising Nicholas. Then later, they were playing and laughing and Nicholas started pushing him and they ended up in a pile. I scolded him too! I know, I can't put him in a glass bubble and he has to play but not so rough. Worry Wart??? Never! I'm glad they felt like playing and weren't pouting like the other evening! One extreme to the other. I have been letting them work out their own problems, or trying to. Sharing is such a hard concept for them to grasp. Mine! Then we started saying "Switch!" The one who wants a certain toy has to give one in return. They have to swap toys. That has been working much better. They don't feel like they are giving anything up when they receive something in return. Hey! I may be slow but I'm learning!!

Spencer fell asleep in Nicholas' bed again last night. When Nicholas realized that Spencer was asleep, he petted on him and kissed him too. He has done this several times and it is so sweet. I love to watch them playing together with all the stuffed animals. I took some pictures the other day of them and all their bears. I hope at least one turns out good. I'll post it whenever I finish the roll of film.

Prayer Requests: the Families of:

Cade, FA,blood pressure problems and maybe seizures.

Marshall, FA, bladder to heal so they can get out of hospital.

Tom, FA, had bmt and now has pneumonia.

Alex, AML and going through difficult transplant,

Matthew, FA, had transplant in 97 and now having other difficulties.

Maria Godwin's brother, Brain Tumors.

Madison Adams, AML, Tumor in stomach, in St. Judes, starting treatment

Jordan Belcher, car wreck, in coma, with brain pressures getting better, going to try to bring her out of coma.

Please rememer all the rest, I haven't even touched the surface. Here is a list you can visit of all the FA patients who have a website,
I'll try to fix a link at the top of the page.

Blessings and Joy,

Wednesday, February 4, 2004 6:50 AM CST


Hopefully, this update will not be too deep!! These deep questions are going to get the best of me yet!! He just knows too much and is a deep thinker. Smarter than we are that is for sure! The children with critical illnesses are very special and have an insight that we adults do not take the time to see.

I was trilling my "r" and sang a little song in Spanish and had the boys rolling last night. I emphasized the rolling r and stretched them out even longer! Spencer said, "You are so funny Momma!" Dad couldn't even talk on the phone for us!

Nicholas was a little touchy and Spencer was sleepy yesterday evening. Spencer went to sleep fairly quick and slept in his bed all night long!!! He wanted "choclik mulk" around 4 and it took me forever to go back to sleep. Too much on my mind.

Please remember Cade, he has spiked a temp and Marshall wants to go home. Matthew is out of the hospital and will be at the RMD house for a while. Remember us and all the children that have cancer in some form or another. If you haven't joined the prayer group yet, then you may not heard that a little 9 yr old girl from Norton, Madison Adams, has been sent to St. Judes for testing. Remember this family in your prayers.

Blessings and Joy to each of you,

Tuesday, February 3, 2004 7:15 AM CST

Good Morning,

Thanks for signing the guest book Sissy Bear!! A special thanks to Silas for signing. Silas, you are an inspiration to me and I thank God for you. We all need your determination and will. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Nicholas had his six weeks test!! Kindergarten test! I didn't bring it today but I will scan it in and post it. It is wonderful! Tanya you will be so proud of him!

Mamaw and Papaw came up and Nicholas monopolized his Mamaw. She told Bear Tales from the time she hit the door until she left to both of them. Spencer was sitting at the bar and when he heard her start with "Once upon a time...", he peeped around the door, got down, and headed for the couch! I heard a lot of smacking going on in there too! Mamaw doesn't pass up an opportunity to get some sugar either! Then Spencer had Papaw building a house out of Tinker Toys while listening to the bear tales! I talked him into showing them how he could sing "A hole in the bottom of the sea..." like he did Sunday. He is so sweet!

We went to bed and said our prayers. I asked Spencer who he wanted to pray for. I say, "God Bless.... and he supplies the names. He said, "Miss Molly, Miss Ova, Miss Papaw...." I couldn't help but laugh. I said, "Mister Papaw!" He then said, "Mister Nicholas..and we went through the family and then, "Uncle Joyel, Sissy Bear, Uncle Joyel's house(this is the first time he has said anything but people!). I prompted him with Miss and he said, "Not Missy, it's Miss Chris! Then I said, "Delmar, but she calls him D.A." and he said, "What's his name?" I told him Delmar and then that was all. I then asked Nicholas who he wanted to pray for and he said, "Whitney and that's all." Then he said, "And those having problems." I said, "Yes, especially those who are having problems." He said, "That's what you do, pray to Jesus for me when I have problems, ain't it Momma?" I swallowed the big lump and said, "Of course that is what we do. We ask Jesus to help and He always does!" He said, "Jesus and His disciples." I told him that his disciples weren't alive but that Mom and Dad were Christians. He said, "We're all disciples!" It wasn't a question! I said, "Yes we are!" He said, "We all want to live with Jesus don't we Mom." I said, "Yes we do." Then he started asking about where he was and what we would live in. He asked, "A house?" I told him that there were many mansions in Heaven, a big house! That the street was pure gold. He said, "Paved." I told him that sometimes we accidently said paved with gold but the bible said, "Street of gold, walls of jasper and gates of pearl." He smiled and said, "I love gold. What else is going to be there." I told him there would be a river and all kinds of things, that the half had never been told and that I didn't know what all would be there. About that time Spencer said, "Jesus is asleep!" and then he went to sleep!

Heaven is easier to talk about death.
Momma Bear

Tuesday, February 3, 2004 7:15 AM CST

Good Morning,

Thanks for signing the guest book Sissy Bear!! A special thanks to Silas for signing. Silas, you are an inspiration to me and I thank God for you. We all need your determination and will. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Nicholas had his six weeks test!! Kindergarten test! I didn't bring it today but I will scan it in and post it. It is wonderful! Tanya you will be so proud of him!

Mamaw and Papaw came up and Nicholas monopolized his Mamaw. She told Bear Tales from the time she hit the door until she left to both of them. Spencer was sitting at the bar and when he heard her start with "Once upon a time...", he peeped around the door, got down, and headed for the couch! I heard a lot of smacking going on in there too! Mamaw doesn't pass up an opportunity to get some sugar either! Then Spencer had Papaw building a house out of Tinker Toys while listening to the bear tales! I talked him into showing them how he could sing "A hole in the bottom of the sea..." like he did Sunday. He is so sweet!

We went to bed and said our prayers. I asked Spencer who he wanted to pray for. I say, "God Bless.... and he supplies the names. He said, "Miss Molly, Miss Ova, Miss Papaw...." I couldn't help but laugh. I said, "Mister Papaw!" He then said, "Mister Nicholas..and we went through the family and then, "Uncle Joyel, Sissy Bear, Uncle Joyel's house(this is the first time he has said anything but people!). I prompted him with Miss and he said, "Not Missy, it's Miss Chris! Then I said, "Delmar, but she calls him D.A." and he said, "What's his name?" I told him Delmar and then that was all. I then asked Nicholas who he wanted to pray for and he said, "Whitney and that's all." Then he said, "And those having problems." I said, "Yes, especially those who are having problems." He said, "That's what you do, pray to Jesus for me when I have problems, ain't it Momma?" I swallowed the big lump and said, "Of course that is what we do. We ask Jesus to help and He always does!" He said, "Jesus and His disciples." I told him that his disciples weren't alive but that Mom and Dad were Christians. He said, "We're all disciples!" It wasn't a question! I said, "Yes we are!" He said, "We all want to live with Jesus don't we Mom." I said, "Yes we do." Then he started asking about where he was and what we would live in. He asked, "A house?" I told him that there were many mansions in Heaven, a big house! That the street was pure gold. He said, "Paved." I told him that sometimes we accidently said paved with gold but the bible said, "Street of gold, walls of jasper and gates of pearl." He smiled and said, "I love gold. What else is going to be there." I told him there would be a river and all kinds of things, that the half had never been told and that I didn't know what all would be there. About that time Spencer said, "Jesus is asleep!" and then he went to sleep!

Heaven is easier to talk about death.
Momma Bear

Monday, February 2, 2004 11:01 AM CST

Hello Againx2!

Sissy Bear emailed me and told me to update! She asked, "Do you know how disappointing it is to find no update?" Of course! About 1000x less than finding no guest book entries!!!!!!!! gotcha! The ball is in your court now!

Ok round 2: We had a wonderful weekend of playing, playing, and more playing! My house is still a mess! BUT we did get 3 or 4 puzzles worked, books read, LeapPad Amazing Bible Stories read and played with, each one had to do a page but Spencer still tried to do it all! Wrestling, tickling, Tinker Toys, and "I'm so glad you heres" filled both days. I love to here the chatter of angels. Listen sometime and your ears will hear the sweetest music. They turned the foam steps upside down and climbed to the top!! You would have thought Nicholas climbed Mt. Everest, he squealed and said, "I made it!" On the way up, Spencer told him, "You can do it!" and then proceeded to grab him around the waist and help him! Yeah right! It was hilarious! Dad would be a nervous wreck if he stayed with them all day long! Dad did help them with a 5 foot long construction site puzzle. Spencer and Nicholas loved it and both did really well working it, helping each other, and praising each other. They are the sweetest things most of the time, they didn't fuss at all this weekend. YES!

Lena came up for her annual super bowl visit! The boys had her playing hide n seek in no time at all! The funny part was, she was eating chocolate cake and Nicholas told her she had to use a fork and got one for her. He said, "You have to use a fork or it will get you fingers nasty!" I told on him! Putting his hand in his water! Good lesson! I was telling her about Nicholas' counts going up, up, up, and then dropping way down, pointing with my finger with each word! Little ears, Spencer mocked me to a T! Motioning with his little finger and saying, "Up! Up! Up! Down. Down. Down!" Little stinker! Tie our hands and we wouldn't be able to say a word! And then Dr. Harris asked if we had any Italian in us????? I told him we had everything in us!!!

Remember Cade, they had to put him back on the ventilator! Matthew is suppose to be in the RMH but will be there for 6-8 more weeks. Hopefully, we will get to talk with them when we go on the 17th. Start praying for Nicholas now please.

Blessings and Joy,
Momma Bear

Monday, February 2, 2004 9:41 AM CST

WHat happened to my update??????? I promise I updated and then I just checked and it was not here. I'm not in the mood to do it again now, maybe later.
Momma Bear

Friday, January 30, 2004 6:44 AM CST

Good Morning,

Spencer decided he had slept enough around 2:30 and wanted in our bed. He would sit straight up in bed and then fall backwards. Depending on how he was turned, sometimes he would end up on me! He finally made his bed and ended up-side down in bed! We tried to put him in his bed later but nothing doing! He wanted with his momma! He is so sweet and such a snuggle bug. He went back to sleep and so did I.

Nicholas slept pretty good too! He is getting so spoiled! Sissy Bear and Daddy Bear came up and played Hide n Seek with them and they loved it. Sissy Bear started to go home and Nicholas cried and wanted her to read another story to him. You know what she did! Of course, read another story to him while Spencer slept! Nicholas is getting in the habit of "Mom! I'm thirsty!" every night! My mistake! The bear tales retaliate! Never tell your child a bear tale that the hero gets thirsty and wants water before he can go to sleep! That was forever ago too! Now, every night I hear the "I'm thirsty!" thing!!!! I'm glad he is able to drink and even wants to.

By the way, I did say "tomorrow" in my journal yesterday. We go for bloodwork TODAY! This evening around 5ish. I always stay and get a copy of the bloodwork so I will know asap. I have a feeling his counts were lower last week and are coming back up. His face sometimes looked grayish to me and I know his platelets were low. Just pray for us.

Cade was extubated and doing ok. He is still on oxygen but his blood gases are climbing up to normal. They are finally getting to hold him and I know they are so happy.
Marshall's mom hasn't updated since wed. Maybe we will hear something later today.

3 more members!!! Yeah! Good Job Jesus!
Love and prayer to each of you,

Thursday, January 29, 2004 6:44 AM CST

"Love in My Eyes"

Good Morning,

The boys were thrilled with Sissy Bear's Chicken N Dumplings last night. Nicholas had to have a BIG piece of chicken!!! He just chews but does not swallow. I think he managed to eat some dumplings and gravy though. Cherry pie the evening before! Spoiled? Naaahhhh! Just loved to pieces. Spencer greeted her with a "so glad you here!" Mamaw and Papaw joined us for dinner too. We also enjoyed some peach cobbler!

Mary and Becky came over about the time the peach cobbler came out!! Perfect timing! Nicholas came running into the kitchen and just stood there with a funny smile on his face. Sissy Bear ask him what was wrong, did he need venting? He just smiled, rolled his eyes and said, "I've got Love in my eyes!" He was flirting with Becky!! She is a senior in high school, blonde, and beautiful. I have a new picture of them together, I'll try to get it posted soon, maybe after I finish updating. They both ended up fighting over her before the night was through! Spencer wouldn't let Nicholas sit beside of her and I told him to go on the other side of her and sit!!! Perfect solution! She is taking child care in shop and just loves children, especially my boys.

Mary said that they took Cade off of the ventilator! Thank the Lord for that. I haven't checked on him this morning. Hopefully, everything is still ok.

We have another member added to the prayer group this morning! We all need to try to get the word out. I think it's mostly women maybe a couple of men. Now, I know some of you men can reach the throne of God, so join in and help us pray for the needs of all.

Love, Blessings, and Joy to each of you. Please remember us tomorrow as I take Nicholas for blood work.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004 7:00 AM CST

Good Morning,

We have two new members this morning in our Prayer Bear group. If you haven't joined yet, hurry up! We have prayer request going out and need prayer warriors. You don't realize how many children are sick until you have one of your own. You don't have to have a sick child in order to pray! We that have one sick are in definite need of prayers from those who can pray all day long un-interrupted! A prayer is the sincere desire of the heart. Let God know your heart, He wants us to ask. When Nicholas had just had surgery and was loosing blood as fast as it was going in, I BEGGED God to let him live, that I wanted my baby, and He gave me the desires of my heart. Nicholas stopped loosing blood within three hours. I will never forget that answered prayer. It is through Christ, that Nicholas lived and has been such an inspiration to so many people and has blessed our home. He is pure LOVE.

Did you like Sissy Bear's poem? God's Love just pours out from Nicholas. He is like a fountain of love, ever flowing. God is so good and merciful. I thank God for Nicholas and Spencer. They are such a joy to us and our families.

Spencer couldn't decide where he wanted to sleep. He fell asleep in the living room with Sissy Bear reading to them. I didn't let him get in a deep sleep and he woke up when I tried to move him to the bed. It was then 2 hours before he went back to sleep. They both slept really well last night. Nicholas woke up around 5 this morning coughing and needed venting. He is still real congested. I think he just about had pneumonia. That was scary.

Spencer said that about Nicholas' feeder and line. I told him to be careful around the milk line and he pointed to it and said, "That is scary." He is getting an education in nursing at a very earyly age. Maybe he will be a doctor one of these days. He will be rotten one minute and petting Nicholas the next.

Nicholas was in seventh Heaven last night with Sissy Bear reading a dozen books to them. I laminated Nicholas' word list so we could reuse it to check the words as he practices them. He showed Sissy Bear how many he knew and wanted to check them off himself. He did great and made the check marks perfectly after practicing a few. He is so smart. He was doing a little program on the computer that had Dee Dee the duck in it and you can do different activities in it. He went to the wood choppers, Woody, the woodpecker pecks toys out of shapes. Nicholas had the cursor on the shape waiting on the computer to tell it which one it needed. He did this several times. He remembered the order of the shapes that the computer asked for! He hadn't worked with this program in months but still remembered this. He is amazing.

Enough bragging on my babies!! Never!
Blessings and Joy to each of you,

Cade, they are trying to take him off the ventilator. Marshall is trying to get out of the hospital!!
Matthew Lindenmayer is having complications with his lungs and colon. He needs prayers really bad, he had his transplant in 1997 and is in Cincinnati Hospital.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004 6:44 AM CST

Good Morning,

I went home to two beautiful little boys yesterday evening and I had missed them so much. Spencer greeted me with "I'm so glad you home!" I love to hear him say this! He tells his Dad this too. So precious. We just worked puzzles and played in the floor, having a grand ole time. They laughed at everything I did. Of course, I acted like a monkey the more they laughed. Cause and Effect! Acted? Yes, I had to act like a monkey!!! Angels don't normally act that way!!! Can you tell I've had a little sleep??? Back to my old perky self. Sleep and little hugs and butterfly kisses make me float!

Spencer has been going to sleep in Nicholas' bed and on Sunday wanted to get in Nicholas' bed to play. They played for about an hour, while Nicholas got his breathing treatment and all his morning stuff. I think it is so sweet. It is becoming a ritual, playing in his bed before sleep and then playing the first thing in the morning. I miss him in our bed at night, all the snuggling. Just before he went to sleep last night, he said, "Momma, I want in you bed!" It made Momma happy any way! He fell asleep almost immediately, talking about having fun playing. He rattled off something else and was gone. Oh, well it was a little snuggling.

Nicholas is still congested and coughing some but seems to feel a whole lot better. He gagged when I cleaned his ears on Sunday. I know he has more fluid on them and that is part of the problem too. I wished he could get some relief with his little ears.

The Prayer Bears are praying and meeting their call to duty. We now have 19 members and I'm so excited. If you would like to join, click on the link above and join. When you get your welcome message, be sure you activate it by verifing your email address. Then you are officially a member of a very powerful group of prayer warriors.

What tracks are you leaving for the little ones to follow in?
Donna, Momma Bear

Monday, January 26, 2004 6:45 AM CST

Good Morning,

Day 4 and we have 17 members of The Prayer Bears! Just think when you request prayer for yourself or someone else there will be 17 people praying for you with just one email. That is awesome! That is 17 times the prayers, 17 times the power of prayer going up for you! Thanks to all who have become a member and join if you think you will ever need prayers.

Friday evening, Nicholas was mostly lifeless, no energy at all. Just wanted to be held and didn't feel good. Spencer was so sweet with him, asking him if he felt bad, offering to do things for him. They are getting so close. Nicholas ran a temp of 102.2d and was up every two hours. Saturday morning, he was a totally different child. He was up playing and felt so much better. I was so thankful. He still had diarhea, and still congested, but for the most part is a lot better. He has coughed so hard and where his counts are low, he has petechia on his face. Those little red dots where the blood vessels have broken. That is what is so scary about the platelets being low. Hemorrhaging.
He was still coughing last night and this morning he sounded so tight. We will have give him more breathing treatments. He had them every 3 to 4 hours for two days around the clock. We have to get aggressive in our treatments in order for him to knock colds or whatever in the head. Exhausting for Mom but rewarding when he is lots better.

Just remember us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Friday, January 23, 2004 6:54 AM CST

Good Sleepy Morning,

Yo-Yo, Yoo-Yoo, Yooo-Yooo, That was the pattern ALL night long. Nicholas is now sick. He looks so pitiful. He is weak eyed, droopy, and nose running. I started him on pedialyte when he went to bed hoping he would have a good night. He was even sick on the pedialyte, gas galore. The gas would build up, causing him to start coughing, and then he would just about throw up. I vented him so many times I lost count. The longest we slept was from 3 to 4:30. Then Spencer woke up and wanted his Daddy. Thank the Lord :)
He got in bed with us and snuggled next to me and went back to sleep, with our heads touching. It was so sweet. He slept good. We gave him a dose of Claritin and it took forever to begin working but it cleared up his watery eyes.
His nose was still a little runny. I think the Claritin made Spencer hyper or he is feeling better one. He was a wild child yesterday evening. They played a little bit together but Nicholas just wasn't feeling like playing.

The thought of Nicholas fighing another virus so close to the last one is killing me. I know his counts are going to drop even farther. We go for bloodwork at the end of the month. Please remember us in your prayers.

I started a group called, "The Prayer Bears". Go on the link provided above and join if you want to. I can send out one message and it will go to the members automatically without me having to put in all the addresses! Anyone who is a member can post a prayer request and it will go to the entire group. I have added a new FA child, Matthew Lindenmayer to the group links. He is in Cincinnati Hospital ICU and needs prayers. Lets all start praying more for each other. Let your request be known and we will do our best to pray for you. Wouldn't it be great for all the churches to be on one prayer group, talking about reaching the throne of God. That gets me excited just thinking about it.

The Bears that pray together, Stay together.
Blessings and Joy,

Thursday, January 22, 2004 8:33 AM CST

Good Morning,

Deep Breath! I’ve updated once and hit the wrong button and lost it!

The other day in school, Ms. Chris was going over some word definitions with Nicholas. The word was “wish” and she told him that he already had lots of things but if he could have anything in the world, what would be his wish. He said, “Jesus!” Whew! What an answer! He is simply amazing. I thank God for our special gifts that he as given us. I know that they are only lent to us for a while but I cherish every moment with them.

Even the ones that make me want to pull my hair out! AS IN yesterday evening, Spencer was Grumpy Bear and Nicholas was Frustrated Bear. It started when Nicholas wanted to eat cheese and Spencer wanted him to get down and play with him! Spencer told Nicholas not to eat it and Nicholas puffed up and wouldn’t eat then. Nicholas cried his little heart out when Spencer told him that the helicopter wasn’t his! Spencer then cried his little heart out when Nicholas wouldn’t join us in playing with Noah’s Ark felt board. I told them that I was throwing away any toy that they fussed over! That got their attention! They started playing like nothing had ever happened. Can you believe I still have some hair left? It ended really well with me reading the story about Casper and Wendy. Twice! I love Casper and it brought back a lot of memories for me too! One of the song, “The Boogie Woogie Ghost!” Call me and I’ll sing it for you!!!!

Nicholas had the wide eye last night and could not go to sleep. He started sneezing several times and I just pray that he isn’t getting Spencer’s cold. I’m sure Spencer would be glad to get rid of it. He is Rudolph, the Red Nosed Reindeer! If Nicholas gets a cold, it would bring his counts down even farther. Keep us in mind when you pray.

If you knees are knocking, kneel on them!
Blessings and Joy,

Thursday, January 22, 2004 6:45 AM CST

I just updated and lost it! Will try again later!

Wednesday, January 21, 2004 6:52 AM CST

Good Morning,

Spencer had another rough night. He was up from 1 til 3, with a runny nose and just didn't want to go to sleep. He was mad at Dad for some reason and told me to tell him that he didn't wuv him. I was shocked! It is usually me that he wakes up mad at!! He just doesn't feel good. He was running around playing, seemed a little better yesterday evening. The house was back to normal. It felt horribly quiet when he went to sleep at 7 yesterday evening. His Dad missed him too.
I have come to the conclusion that he has allergies. His little nose was so red and irritated. I sneaked some lip therapy on a kleenex and cleaned his nose and rubbed it on. He looked at me a few minutes later and said, "My nose quit hurting!" He finally caught on to what I was doing and wiped it off!

Nicholas broke my heart yesterday evening. He was running to greet Mamaw and Papaw and fell. His sock feet slipped or he stumbled and went bouncing across the floor. He fell forward and just couldn't catch himself with his little short arms. He ended up hurting his wrist and fell on his face. He sort of broke his fall and didn't hit his face or his head too hard. His wrist will probably bruise but hopefully his head won't.

He was talking to Sissy Bear on Monday and told her to fix him a cherry pie! He told her, "Well I got to get off here, I've got a lot on my mind!" He had told Jeff that on Sunday too. It was so funny. Did I write about this yesterday? If so, please forgive me, I just can't remember, no sleep, no brain function!
Nicholas couldn't stand for his Papaw not to come up and I had to call them. He told Mamaw to come up and then he asked to speak to Papaw. I knew they come then!! No one can refuse his requests! As in, Sissy Bear called and said the pie was ready!!! I told Mamaw and Papaw that Sissy Bear was spoiling him and giving him everything he asked for. Guess what? He told Sissy Bear exactly what I said! Who needs a parrot to tell everything?

Remember all the sick and their families. We all need enouragement, cheerfulness, and positive thoughts sent our way. I look at the guest book the first to see who has written. Those entries brighten our days in ways that you will never know, unless you are walking in our shoes. I hope the shoes never fit you.

Blessings and Joy,

Tuesday, January 20, 2004 6:39 AM CST

Good morning,

I'm too sleepy to care how cold it is outside. I didn't hardly feel it this morning. Yes, Spencer has a cold and ran a temp yesterday. His little nose kept running yesterday evening, the medicine didn't help much. He fell asleep in my arms around 7:00 pm. This was very unusal and I just put him to bed. My mistake!! He woke up around 1:00 am and was talking about everything under the sun. He said, "Do you see that black owl?" Then it was birds, spiders, and something was getting hotter and hotter! He just jabbered away. I was glad he was feeling better, then he started sneezing again and said he didn't feel good. Around 2:00 am, I finally talked him into taking more medicine! Threatened to take him to the dr! Hey, it worked! He doesn't like drs either! Around 3:00, he finally went to sleep and I put him back in his bed! It must have had springs, for 20 minutes later he was back up, hollering, "MOMMA" and wanted back in our bed. He twisted and turned forever it seemed like. I ended up with feet in my face, then his head in my bladder! He finally went back to sleep with his head on my legs and his legs across his Dad's. Needless to say, Dad was tired this morning too!

Then at 5:30, Nicholas hollered, "MOM!" then "POOP!" He scared me to death! I ran to his bed and got him ready to go to the bathroom. He started crying and passed up the bathroom door. He then pointed to his tummy, he needed venting! I thought he need the bathroom! I took him back to bed, vented and hooked everything back up. He settle down and went back to sleep. Whew! What a morning! That is not all, I got ready and opened the fridge and knock a cup of pudding out and it splatted all over me, the floor, the door, the cabinet, and inside the fridge! AAARRRRGGGGG!

Hey! I have survived! Thank God for small favors! Now you know you have to do your job today and pray really, really hard for me!

Remember Marshall, his bladder has started bleeding again and he is really discouraged. Remember Cade, he is doing better and they are trying to wean him off the vent. Remember me that I can keep my eyes open today and not get fired!

Love ya,
The Crazy, Sleepy Boggs FAmily

Monday, January 19, 2004 6:39 AM CST

Good Monday Morning,

How did the guest book entries get centered? I haven't a clue. It must have been when I pasted the poem in, that is when it changed!! Who knows?!

The boys had a great week end. Stehpanie came over and they had a ball! They love Stephanie and didn't want her to go home. She loves staying with her Mamaw and Papaw. Papaw let Nicholas pinch his finger with the pliers! It is actually an adjustable wrench but Nicholas calls them pliers. Papaw pretended that it hurt him and hollered to Mamaw to take him to the hospital. Nicholas looked at his finger and said, "You'll be all right!" :) It was funny.

Yesterday Nicholas was in the bathroom and was pretending to tell his cub a bear tale. I walked in and listened. He was telling his daughter.....Poppa Bear was in the hospital and was trying to take that thing out of his nose. I asked him what thing, the oxygen? He said, "yes, that oxygen!" And the needle in his foot, they took it out. He told her that one of the bears had used pliers on his toe and it was bloody. And do you know what happened then? They went home and the baby cubs had been bit and swallowed by a tiger. Poppa Bear got a gun and shot that tiger. And it was laying there, dead! The cubs were all bloody and sticky and Momma and Poppa bear was glad to see them. Then the mommy and baby tiger came down that path to the garden and cried when they saw the daddy tiger. Then the Daddy tiger got up. Then there was a flying Bear with wings, he helped the tiger and he was not dead.....

That was his first story and I have never told him one like that! I was amazed myself! He saw someone with oxygen on a long time ago but it must still be bothering him. I just listened and tried to learn what his fears are. I know he hates IV's. Mamaw was telling him about flying bears so I knew where that came from! I am glad I heard her tell him that! I thought that was pretty good for his first story! He definitely has a vivid imagination. I'll have to let him tell more tales. He usually refuses. He loves stories and even knows too much and can catch the funny parts with just insinuations. He is too sharp sometimes!

Remember us in your prayers, and all the sick and those in the hospitals. Marshall is doing so much better and Cade is improving too.

Blessings and Joy,
The Boggs FAmily

Friday, January 16, 2004 7:07 AM CST

Good Chilly Morning,

This week has been a rough one for me. I feel like I haven't been home enough and feel disconnected. Too much to do and not enough time to do it all in. Am I stressed??

We did have a good evening butit just went by too fast. The boys have played so well together this week, not much fussing. I love to hear them play and laughing together. I can't wait until it warms up and we get to go outside. I think I have cabin fever already. I can't wait for sunshine and butterflies. The puppies, Blackie and Splackie, are growing so fast. They will be a lot of fun this summer, if Nicholas isn't afraid of them.

I am trying to get his schedule together for February. He has to go back to Cincinnati for a bone marrow aspiration and some other tests. Please start praying for good results. I hope his counts are back up by then. The bone marrow really tells what is going on with his counts. We will get a much clearer picture with this test.

Remember Cade and Marshall and all the others who are sick.

When you pray, do you call Jesus Daddy? Can you imagine telling Jesus that you "love Him big so much"?

Remember us in your prayers,
The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, January 15, 2004 6:55 AM CST


Tanya, I hear you all got snow, more than you wanted and wind! Hope all is well with you guys and you have plenty of hot chocolate!

Nicholas enjoyed his Mamaw's bear tales last night and Papaw's visit! He also loved to see Mary and Becky come over, especially so he could hug her!! Sorry Amanda, Megan, Jessica, Timber, Candy, and all the others! I should have taken a picture for black mail! He just hugged her and played with her hair, rolled them little eyes, and smiled from ear to ear!

Here is a another poem that my sister wrote last year but just now gave it to me:

by Sharon Mullins

We will need a sonagram; focus on the head.

I tried to walk, but my feet felt like lead.

The doctor looks at the sonagram and then at us.

There is evidence of hydrocephalus.

Futhermore, look at this.

Then we knew something was amiss.

Hands I don't see; the arms end here.

Never in my life was I filled with such fear.

You have the option, the fetus terminate.

That's no option. I did not hesitate.

Give my baby a fighting chance.

Anti-abortion did this enhance.

The baby is under stress the doctor told me.

Immediately, a Cesarean it must be.

I could not hold my baby close to my heart

He was rushed upstairs. Wait. Do not part!

Surgery! IVs in his head and toes!

Tubes running here and there and out his nose.

I touched where I could. There was not a choice.

He learned my loving touch and my comforting voice.

My mind and emotions grow numb

As I stare at the place where there should be a thumb.

As I drift in and out of reality,

I hear him say, two thumbs there could be.

Your child has one kidney jars me awake.

What else could be wrong? My insides quake.

We need to x-ray the head and the heart.

It feels like my whole world is falling apart.

I talked to him, telling him, it is ok.

I left the mucical angel playing at the end of each day.

After two months, we finally took him home,

With the diagnosis being TAR Syndrome.

Trial after trial which brought lots of tears.

Surgery after surgery for two trying years.

After blood work, the count was not right.

Oh, suddenly, the sun was not as bright.

Fanconi’s Anemia is what is wrong with this child.
What is that, Doctor? Something mild?
Mom and Dad, have a seat, please.

And we’ll discuss this terminal disease.

Terminal? You mean there’s no cure?

What do you mean? I’m not sure.

It is a blood disease that is rare he said.

I looked at our beautiful baby lying there in bed.

How could this happen to us? We ask.

Breaking the news is a terrible task.

It’s genetic, both carriers of a recessive gene.

No! No! Our silent hearts scream.

Please don’t let it FA be.

Let’s research the family tree.

FA invades every cell.

How long? Only time will tell.

We do lots of tests and platelet counts.

The bone marrow is stressed when the readings bounce.

The bone marrow production will begin to cease.

Then less oxygen the red cell will release.

If we do nothing, one by one to the end the organs draw.

A bone marrow transplant is like grasping at a straw.

A little time with our child it will enhance.

We are afraid not to take the chance.

We know they go through so much.

It won’t be successful without the Master’s touch.

Lots of things we don’t understand.

Either way, God, we will walk hand in hand.

That sums it up! Remember all the ones going through transplant. Marshall is doing a lot better but Cade needs extra prayers.
Blessings and Joy,

Wednesday, January 14, 2004 8:50 AM CST


Guess what? We STILL have snow at our house! It’s melting down and by morning it is ice! I’m ready for spring! I’m sure it will get here before I can turn around.

Another evening of crushed crackers in the beanbag and playing in the water with lifesavers this time! That is what is happening to the crackers! After he licks the salt off, they end up being crushed in the beanbag. I have said, “No more crackers in the living room!” Then he will look up and say, “Can I have just one more cracker?” Yeah, Right!!! Sure I can refuse him…. Don’t laugh, you would give him more too! He has that effect on everybody!

Spencer ate his favorite food, pizza! His favorite is the yellow box! He knows that is his ham and cheese pizza. He doesn’t like pepperoni and actually most of the time doesn’t eat the ham. He likes the crust and bread. He is so funny and particular, if he sees the seasonings in the sauce, he will not eat it. “It has little green things!” He doesn’t eat the crust on bread. He doesn’t eat the bean in green beans!

Here is some food for thought:

When I look at Nicholas and see his deformed hands, I don’t thank God that mine are not like his.
When I look at his trach, I don’t thank God that I don’t have a trach.
When I look at his mic-key button, I don’t thank God that I don’t have one.
When I see a “handicap,” I don’t thank God that I’m not handicapped.
When I see his smile and the depth of his joy, I ask God to let me feel a part of that joy.
When I see his love, I ask God to make my heart love unconditionally, just like him.
When I see his humbleness, I ask God to help me be humble, like a child.
When I see his meekness, I ask God to help me be meek.
When I see a healthy child, I don’t wish for it to be mine or be Nicholas.
For it would not be Nicholas or Spencer.

Much like the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican, the Pharisee prayed that he was glad he was not like the others, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or like this Publican. I fast twice a week, I give tithes of all that I possess. And the Publican prayed, “God be merciful to me a sinner!” Who do you think was justified?
Instead of being thankful that we are not like those that are “less fortunate than we are, or handicapped, or sick, or what ever, we need to be praying, “Lord, help my “handicap” of blindness and let me look on the inside to see the wonderful person that lies within.”

I am humbled to be the parent of such wonderful boys and pray that I will be the best advocate for my children that I can be.

Blessings and Joy,
The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, January 13, 2004 6:21 AM CST


We still have snow! Sissy Bear has ice on her carport! Do you know how I know? I dropped off some bears and stepped on her carport and you guess it!! My feet slipped out from under me and I fell and slid until my feet were over the side and I was sitting on the edge! I just stood up and walked around to the front of the car. Glad I had some padding!! I caught myself with my right arm and the elbow of my sweater is damp and my arm is a little tender! I'll probably be sore later! I don't think Sissy Bear even knew I was there. It was funny but I'll have to laugh later!

Spencer was so glad to see me yesterday evening. He stuck to me like glue and didn't even want Nicholas in the same room! Jealous? Naaaahhhh! He eventually loosened up and I made them both sit in my lap! We started playing and reading books. He hadn't eaten much all day and I had fixed some Hungry Jack cheesy potatoes. He ate all that I put in his plate of the potatoes, green beans, carrots, roll and even some chicken! He felt better after he had eaten and they played and played. They were singing their abc's and I tried to get it on video. It was so cute and precious. A cutie that I forgot to mention was when Dad came home on Saturday and Sissy Bear said, "There comes Jeff Boggs!" Spencer said, "That's my daddy! He's my best friend." That was so sweet and precious. He wasn't to precious when he was cutting a tantrum at bed time though! Did I just brag on Dad being patient? Well, we all lost our patience last night. He was so sleepy and tired that he didn't want to put his pjs on. Power struggle? Who knows? Yes! He put on his pjs but wore his shirt under it!! Fine! He slept all night long.

Nicholas had to have a bear tale at bed time and I think he got hyped up and couldn't go to sleep. He LOVES bear tales and helps me name the animals. It is so sweet. I have been letting him wear his passey muir, speaking valve! He cannot be quiet when he has it on. He loves to listen to his voice and sings everything. He wanted chicken when we sat down to eat last night. He chewed and chewed until he got all the salt out and then he spit it back out. He will take his food and dip it in his water and then chew it. He is hilarious. He loves to play with his water, mixing it with his food, spilling it and then cleaning up back up. He usually makes a big mess with his plate. This is so different from before, he wouldn't get anything on his hands. He has to have a salad fork, knife, and a spoon every time he sits at the bar. One day, his Mamaw was there and he ask for his "utensils!" It was so funny. He will take his fork or knife and dip the water out and put it on his food or use a napkin to transfer the water from the cup to his plate. This aggravates Jeff to no end, but I find it amusing! I think it us theraputic for him. He has come so far and if he wants to eat soggy food that is fine with me. Maybe he wants it softer to be able to swallow it. He usually does not consume much but just plays with it. If he sees me watching him, he will get a sparkle in his eyes and looks so sneaky! Like he is doing something he isn't suppose to be doing and cannot help but grin! Rotten? Yes! To the core! But I love it. When he is finished, he wants his hands cleaned up immediately! He says, "They are so sticky!"

Every moment is precious, don't take it for granted. Love them, hug them, kiss them, but let them know how much you love them. There is nothing sweeter than those little kisses and hugs from someone that trusts you completely.

Remember all the sick in your prayers.
Blessings and joy, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, January 12, 2004 6:42 AM CST

Good Morning,

We had another cold weekend! It is suppose to be warmer this week! Maybe it will melt the snow at our house, we still have lots of it. Our house is on the North side and is the last to melt, it's just colder on our side.

Nicholas helped Dad fix breakfast Sunday morning while Spencer was still asleep. He kept asking Dad questions, "Dad?" and Dad has to say something after he says his name. Dad, "Yes Ang?" Ang being his shortened version of angel! Then Nicholas asked one question after another, "What is that?", "What are you doing?" "Can I help?" Then the last thing he said was, "Dad?" "Yes honey?" "I love you!" Dad answered, "I love you too honey!" Dad thought he was going to ask something else! He is so loving and just patted on Dad's arm and back. Dad is so patient with them.

We had another good week-end together, hanging out, and playing. Spencer ate several ice creams! He loves Pet Cream Sicles! Orange! Just like his Daddy. That is their thing, eating ice cream together! They both love it! Nicholas always wants a cracker! He licks the salt off of it most of the time but will take small bites.

Sissy Bear kept the boys Saturday evening and we went out to eat!!! It was different believe you me! I kept thinking I left something behind! It was a good break in the normal routine! The boys love for Sissy Bear to stay with them but acted like we had been gone for a month! They are so funny.

Aunt Cathy, Uncle Wix, and Mamaw Boggs came on Sunday and the boys were thrilled to see them. Aunt Cathy brought some more of the "See Them Grow!" animals. You put them in hot water, which melts the capsule and the little foam animals expand in the water! They love them and get so excited trying to find out what animal it is. They had a blast and there was animals all over the floor this morning!

It was too cold to make it to church and we missed it terribly. It makes the weeks seem so long. Nicholas kept asking what day it was. He missed it too. Remember us in your prayers and all the sick children. Especially the ones in the hospital, they need uplifting.

Remember Helen Bond's Family, her funeral is today. She is Kimmy Bear's Aunt and Nanna Betsy's Sister.

Remember to hug and kiss your children, don't take them for granted. They are precious gifts and don't really belong to us, they are God's little jewels. He had entrusted us with them for a while, make the most of it and cherish every moment with them.
Blessings and joy, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, January 9, 2004 6:53 AM CST


This morning is cold, snowy, and the roads are slick! We have about 3 inches of snow and it's still coming down. There is a solid sheet of ice on most of the roads. If you don't have to get out, STAY HOME! Snuggle up under a quilt, grab a cup of hot chocolate, and read a book! Then when the children get up and eat breakfast, go snuggle under a quilt, drink hot chocolate, and read to them!! Why did I come to work????? I wannnna goooo hoooome!

I am thankful that I have a good job to come to. I'm thankful for a lot of things this morning. The boys were in a good mood and feeling great yesterday evening. Nicholas had school and is back in the swing of things. Chrissy Bear said he was doing great and had retained all prior knowledge!! He is one sharp cookie!

I did get to video them dancing yesterday evening. It was so cute! Nicholas was laughing so hard and Spencer was teaching me some moves!! You should have come over and joined in the party. They get so tickled at me! On second thought, I'm glad no one saw me!! It didn't take long for Nicholas to start wheezing and we had to stop. He has shortness of breath sometimes. They will evaluate him when we go to Cincy and see if he needs a bigger trach.

Remember all the sick, Marshall, Cade, Diane Keel, and all the rest. Remember Rose Ann Boggs' Family, she had a stroke in her spine, had a blood clot that move and she passed away. Her funeral is today. She played the piano at Indian Creek Freewill Baptist church.

God Bless,
The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, January 8, 2004 6:39 AM CST


My faithful and trusted website critic said,"tooo ooooo much info!" Oh, well, I can't win them all!!!!

I went home yesterday evening and had received a call from the Aerodigestive Dept from Cincy. They will do a bronchial scope and check his ears again while we are there. This is recommended on a yearly basis and it is time.

Nicholas is feeling a whole lot better or was just in a great mood yesterday evening. He was tickling Dad's neck with a horse's mane and Dad was acting dramatic!!! This just egged Nicholas on and he was bursting out laughing. I did take some pictures. Well, Spencer and I took some pictures. He loves to help me! Did I mention the toy camera that I picked up for him? He loves it! He will get the camera and say, "I have to wind it first!" It is so cute. It talks! When you push the button, it says, "Smile!!" and "Say Cheese!" Spencer will say it first and then the camera! He could be getting some wonderful smiles!!

After I washed my hair, I braided it, much to Nicholas' delight! He loves it braided. He looked at me with a surprised, delighted look and said, "Just what are you doing?" Then he used it to tickle Dad and my neck, giggling the entire time. He was such a ham! It worked perfect to tickle HIS back too! Then, we were getting ready for bed and He was kissing my braid. How precious is that?

Spencer wanted in Nicholas' bed with him last night. That is where he fell asleep! I missed him terribly!!!! I love that snuggle time with him but he went right to sleep among all the bears. I was lifting him out of bed and Nicholas said, "He isn't going to like this!" He covered up both ears as I put Spencer in his bed and when I went over to tell him good night, he said, "Whew!" I couldn't help but laugh, he thought that Spencer was going to wake up! He said, "He can sleep with me tomorrow!" They are playing so well together and now are sleeping together!!!! I just couldn't trust them together all night long!!!!

Spencer did sleep all night and didn't wake up until 6:00 this morning. I hope this is going to be the habit from now on. He needs his rest and so does Mom and Dad.

Continue to remember Marshall and Cade. They gave Marshall some contaminated blood and Cade is still on the ventilator. They need lots of prayer.
Thanks for remembering us too,
The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, January 7, 2004 6:46 AM CST


Sissy Bear said my journal was hard to follow yesterday. I re-arranged it if you want to go back to the history and read it again if you didn't understand it. I left out some questions, more in depth about the grave, what they dug it with, etc. Several have asked if he had ever been to a funeral service. To the best of my knowledge, he went one time but didn't view the person.

The only glimpse of death that he has witnessed is the deer that Dad killed this year and the mice and bird that the cat brought and left on the doorstep, besides the lady bugs. Since we sing in funerals a lot, he knows the word but hasn't really asked a lot of questions about it. I knew he was going to start asking. Several have emailed me and said their 5 yr olds did the same thing. Maybe it's just typical curiousity.

On Monday, he was whispering and Nanny B ask him what he was talking about and he said, "My blood cancer!" Now, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that no one has said this. IF that is what he really said, I have no idea where it came from but it scares the life right out of me. He and Spencer play with the cars, trucks as mommy and daddy. He told Spencer that his brother was dead. Spencer said, "He's not dead, just asleep." I assumed they knocked one of the cars over or something. Maybe it just their imaginations taking a different route.......

I know more is coming and pray continuously for the grace of God to be with me and know that is how I made it through the first round of questions. Just help me pray to be strong and answer the best I can.

Nicholas was feeling better but Spencer hadn't eaten much all day long. He helped me make mac-n-cheese and ate some of it. He ate pretty good. I think his stomach doesn't wake up until evening! He does eat better when eating with someone. He got a little stubborn at bed time and didn't want his pjs on! Battle of wills I guess. Of course, he wore his pjs!

Medical Stuff: Test later!

Logically thinking:
Hemoglobin is the major substance in red blood cells. It carries oxygen to all the organs. If there is a decrease in red blood cells, then there is less oxygen going to the organs. This is the reason for the darkness around the eyes and mouth and paleness. Anemia! That is the reason he doesn't feel good and seems more tired.

Platelets, they clot the blood. Lower number of platelets equals bleeding, hemorrhaging anywhere in the body, brain, etc and bruising whenever he bumps into things.

Lower white cells equals inability to fight off infections. Meaning if he catches a simple cold, he cannot fight it off using his white cells, there just isn't enough there. That is why it is important to wash hands, take extra precautions to sanitize everything, wash hands, and wash hands, and wash hands. Clorox is going to love us or kill us one!

That is the reason we stay home and do not go into crowds. That is the reason there is a sign on the door to wash hands upon entering.
That is the reason I have asked his home bound teacher, Ms. Chrissy Bear to change her clothes before coming to the house. She is around so many children, especially during the flu season.
That is the reason we couldn't go to the Christmas party at his school. It just happen to be cancelled because of snow.
If you are sick, please do not visit. We still love you and I know you all love Nicholas. Everyone is so good to stay away when they are sick. Thanks everyone for helping us keep Nicholas as healthy as possible.
As his counts continue to fall, we will have to take more and more precautions to be germ free.

Does New Life take on any new meaning now?
The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, January 6, 2004 6:37 AM CST


Thanks for all the guest book entries, they lifted my heart. It helps knowing that people are praying everywhere.

Now hold on, we are going for a ride. It's going to be deep so if you want to get off now, you had better. I mentioned "the widow's mite" from the Bible on Friday evening and actually said the wrong thing. Dad and Spencer were asleep and I had told Nicholas a bear tale. The conversation went something like this: I'll try to get this in the order he ask, but I may not...

N. What's a widow Mommy?
Me. I explained that her husband had passed away and that she buried him.

N. Where did he go?
Me. He went to Heaven.

N. How did he get to Heaven?
Me. Jesus sent His angels to get him and when you die Jesus would reach down Hand and take yours.

N. Who buried him?
Me. The widow did or the funeral director did.

N. Where did she bury him?
Me. In the ground, called a grave.

N. In a hole?
Me. Yes, they did a big hole in the ground and put the casket in and then cover it back up with dirt.

N. What happens to their nose when it has dirt on it? How does he breathe?
Me. The body doesn't breathe anymore and the soul goes back to Jesus to live in Heaven.

N. What happens when children die?
Me. Jesus sends his angels to carry them to Heaven?

N. Who would bury me?
Me. Mommy and Daddy but lets not talk about that.

N. What happens to their shoes and socks?
Me. They have their clothes and shoes and socks on.

N. Ok. Why do they put clothes on for?
Me. To cover them up.

N. Who would bury you?
Me. Daddy.

N. Daddy?
Me. Me.

N. If Me, You, Daddy, and Spencer died, what would happen to this house?
Me. I don't know.

N. How does Jesus see us?
Me. With His eyes, He sees everything and knows everything, even our thoughts.
In Heaven, there will be no more pain, no more blood work, no more ouchies.

Nicholas smiled and raised his eyebrows up and down. Now, it's time to go to sleep. Ok, Mommy. Then he gave me the biggest hug and kiss, like he knew I needed it. If he only knew how much I needed it.

My heart burst with each question but I held on to my sanity and just answered them as best as I could. I'm sure I missed a few and will post them as they come to me. These questions came from a 5 year old who wasn't suppose to have an IQ of 40 to 60!!! Yeah, Right! If only I could let the dr answer those questions. Now you see why I ask for prayer?

I had just told a guy at work that it wouldn't be long before he was going to ask me about dying. I just felt it. The New Years service was one to give me strength for what I was about to face. I knew something was coming and the Lord had prepared me. Thank You Lord.

Thanks everyone for your prayers, just do not stop!
New Life for 2004,
The Boggs FAmily

Monday, January 5, 2004 6:42 AM CST

Good Rainy Morning,

It's pouring out of a bucket this morning! I had to hurry in to work so I wouldn't melt!!! I probably should have stayed in it a while and it would have woke me up. I was up around two with Nicholas coughing and nauseated. Then Spencer was awake at 3:15 and didn't settle back down until 4:00, couldn't make up his mind what he wanted. He decided he needed to use the bathroom. He started giggling and I ask him what was so funny. He said, "That pee is tickling me!" It put him in a good mood anyway! He went back to sleep and then sat up in bed and said, "Now, where was I!" I couldn't help but laugh! I'm just a little tired this morning but it is nothing a little coffee can't take care of! Maybe a lot of coffee!

Nicholas was a little touchy yesterday and cried some. I hadn't realized that he was feeling so much better until he started crying again. He only does this when he is starting to get sick. Spencer grabbed his arm and wanted him to play with him and it broke Nicholas' heart. Then Spencer smacked his back because he thought Nicholas was hurting me and Nicholas cried again. Spencer aggravates him to death when he knows that Nicholas will cry. Spencer received time out several times Saturday and it broke his heart. He had slept for 10 solid hours Friday night and that is something that just does not happen. He was acting like his ears were bothering him too. Every thing was too loud. He was feeling better Sunday and picked on Nicholas. He is going to have to stay in Time out!

Just remember us all in your prayers. Remember all the sick children, visit Marshall and Cades site by the link above. Marshall is still having lots of pain and Cade is still on the ventilator.

I've done some research and children with bone marrow failure needs different transfusions at different times depending on the levels of each. Hemoglobin is at 11.6 and will need red cell transfusion when it is below 10, Platelet transfusion if he is having surgery, they like for it to be around 100k for surgery. There is some controversy about transfusions, the less the number of transfusions, the better the bmt will take. Soooooo if Nicholas gets transfusion dependent, then it would be time for bmt. Bmt will take place when the platelets remain below 30k, hemoglobin below 8, and ANC is below 500. He is considered Aplastic Anemia when all his levels are down, red, white, and platelets; in complete bone marrow failure. If one level is high or too low, it can a completely different name, depending on what is wrong.
Leukopenia: low white cell count; Neutropenia: low neutrophil (poly) count; Pancytopenia: low number of red, white, and platelets; Thrombocytopenia: low platelet count; Anemia: low hemoglobin, low red cell count and low hematocrit(f red cells in blood). Just to mention a few! There are 5 different white blood cells and each can be high depending on what you are fighting, virial or bacterial infection, allergy, etc. Now are you sorry you asked for the medical side? I haven't even touch the surface! The more I learn just about the blood, the more I realize how blessed it is to be healthy. God is such a big God and is in control. I'm just amazed there aren't more sick. If you have a healthy child, you have one of the biggest blessing in the world. Go hug yours today and let them know that you really love them.

New Life,
The Boggs FAmily

Friday, January 2, 2004 7:56 AM CST


Wednesday night, I made it to church for a “watch service!” I didn’t get to stay for the second service and watch the New Year in though. I made it back home in time to get the boys in bed. We did have a wonderful service, a good old fashion one with everybody blessed and shouting. Papaw got so happy, Sharon thought he was leaving this old world and was going to hold on so she could go too! It was truly a wonderful out-pouring of God’s Spirit and I was uplifted too. God is so good. I wished everybody was there.

Yesterday, we took down the tree. The boys had a ball “helping” me and ended up in the floor playing with the horses that were on the tree. There were decorations everywhere! It’s all gone now! For the most part anyway, I didn’t get the wreaths down from outside, so I still lack a little more! I also cooked yesterday! Dad came home to a good cooked meal and was delighted! Spencer was too! He ate the mashed potatoes with his finger! They were delicious! Chicken n dumplings, gravy, green beans and a yellow cake with chocolate icing made it complete! Too much in fact! It was delicious. Are you hungry yet?

I enjoyed staying home with the boys so much. I could listen to them playing for hours on end, especially when they aren’t fussing. Spencer was in a great mood and feeling good, Nicholas is feeling some better but is getting a little cough. His dr in Cincinnati emailed me and said we just need to keep an eye on his counts and see what they do. No transfusions at this point. I think his hemoglobin has to get real low before they transfuse as well as a low red blood count. Do you want to know? Just how much info do you want to know? Am I giving too much info or not enough? Do you want the medical end or just the cute stuff?? Give me some feed back and let me know. I have noticed a decline in guest book entries and just wondered. Do you know how encouraging those entries are? Some days it’s all we get. Just a “hi” helps!

Which just reminded me to thank Mr. Matthew and Mr. Barry for signing the guest book. They are from WHCB Kids Radio, Briston Tn.. I hear them on my way home during the “Bible Buddies” 3-hour broadcast. They are on 91.5 FM, tune in and listen! I emailed them and ask them to pray for Nicholas and ask all the children to pray for him too. He loves getting mail! I keep all of his cards and letters. One of these days they will go into a scrapbook.

I was told Wednesday that we were on WJHL TV again! We made the top ten stories of the year and they featured Nicholas again!!!! Wasn’t that great! Congratulations Nicholas! You are a celebrity! You always will be.

Thanks for all the prayers! Continue to pray for Marshall and Cade. Did you like the links to their websites? I’m learning something!!!!

Thanks for a wonderful year and we are wishing you New Life,
The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, December 31, 2003 6:34 AM CST


We did go for blood work, his platelets have dropped 1k since last month. I was hoping they were at least in the middle 30s but they only dropped. His white count came back up and increased his ANC considerably. That means he can fight infections better. Thank God for that.
We did go to the dr and he still has fluid on both ears. Dr decided not to put him back on antibiotics unless he shows more sign of being sick. He doesn't seem to be in pain and actually acted a lot better last night. The dr looked in his ears and Nicholas said, "Hey!" Dr said, "Hey what?" Nicholas said, "How did my ears look?" The dr smiled and said, "Well Nicholas, they actually look a lot better!" Nicholas just smiled. He was a little apprehensive about getting a shot and previously had been wanting to "go home" or "let's get out of here!"

The dr's office was full of coughing children and I waited in the car until they had a room ready for him. We saw a lot of people bringing their children in without a coat on and some were in short sleeves! Where are these people's brains? I had Nicholas so bundled! He will probably get the flu and those others will not! It definitely wasn't warm enough to go without a coat. The parents had on theirs! It amazes me sometimes the way people do.

Again, what do you really want the most out of next year? There are a lot of things I want, but it's useless to even mention because it just isn't going to happen. Where is my faith you ask? My faith is intact! I believe there is a great big God and he still reigns on high. I believe in a risen Savior that is sitting on His right hand. I believe that one day, we will be caught up in the air to meet Him. Doesn't that just send a thrill through your bones? Knowing that one of these days, we will be going to Heaven to live forever in peace, joy, happiness, where there is no death, sickness, or pain. I'm glad I know the Healer, the peace Maker, and the Joy Giver. He sends His Holy Spirit down to us to give us the comfort we need, encouragement when we need it, and he is closer than a brother. Isn't God good? If you don't know him, make that the first thing you do in 2004, give your life to Jesus and begin your new year of life. Better yet, do it now! and the next year will be the best in your life time.

Wishing you the Peace of God always, the Joy of knowing you are going to Heaven, and Love beyond measure for the New Year.

New Life,
The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, December 30, 2003 7:34 AM CST

Good Morning,

I trust all had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to the New Year. I am not looking forward to the New Year but I hope you can. We had a wonderful Christmas, with both sides of the family and the boys received too much, as usual. I enjoyed the time with the boys and loved every minute of it. Thanks to everybody for the wonderful gifts that they received. Santa even sent some through the mail and they loved them. “My favorite color!” was what Spencer said about the green trucks and helicopters. He loved it and has played and played with them. Thanks Santa.

The mornings that Nicholas could beat Spencer out of bed, he wanted to get in bed with Mom and Dad. He would smile from ear to ear and just nuzzle us. He is the sweetest little imp. He wouldn’t be there 5 minutes and it was, “Dad, let’s go fix breakfast!” Spencer would wake up in the meantime and they would sit on stools beside of Dad cooking breakfast! It was wonderful, just to listen to them jabber. They love to watch Dad fix bacon, eggs, biscuits, and gravy. Spencer usually puts in his order before we leave the bed. “Lets go fix bacon, or pancakes, or gravy!” He doesn’t eat much though. He likes raw bacon!!!
Nicholas decides he wants to “help” crack the eggs! I couldn’t help but laugh when he hit the egg too hard and it spilled out on the counter. Dad didn’t think it was so funny but realized that Nicholas was just learning and bragged on him. Nicholas said, “I’m sorry Dad, I didn’t mean to do that!” Dad told him that it was alright that he had to learn, just don’t hit it so hard next time. Then, Spencer had to do it too. He did great until he poked his thumb through the shell and into the egg! He didn’t like it and I had to wash the “sticky stuff” off. He is so funny. He did eat some gravy and biscuits. He loves bread. He will do pretty good for one meal but won’t eat much for a while until later in the evening. He and Dad are getting into the habit of eating ice cream every night!

We did get to go to Camp Bethel and tour the lights. Spencer loved them and wanted to go through them again. They had a lot of different scenes and of course, I ooohed and awwwed at them all! Hopefully, they will add more and more.

I’ve been thinking…..I know it’s dangerous but bear with me..
What do you want out of next year? What is your desire? What would you like to see happen in the coming year? World peace? New car? New home? Happiness? Loose weight? Health? Success? Wealth? To be a better person? Closer to God? More active in church? Make a child smile? Join Hugs and Hopes? What do you want?
You all could probably guess what I want.

Blessings and joy,
The Boggs Family

P.S. Remember us in prayer, as we go for bloodwork today and to the dr to check his ears.

Friday, December 26, 2003 6:22 AM CST

Twas the night before transplant, and all through the house,
Not a thing left unpacked, even the mouse!
The suitcases were put by the door with care,
In hopes that maybe, just maybe we wouldn’t have to go there.
We put the children in pjs and coaxed them to bed,
While we had visions of terror running through our head.
Momma, don’t forget his cowboy hat nor Dad a cap,
Wishing we could go to sleep and not wake from the nap.
Nicholas coughed, kicked the hospital bed, and made it clatter
Getting up, I went to see what was the matter.
To his bed, I flew like a flash
Making sure he was ok, not floating through the sash.
He is critical, to the hospital even in rain, sleet, or snow
As we are pleading, please don’t leave us here below.
Strength, faith, hope and love began to appear
As we called on God, not Santa and the reindeer.
Life is precious, it can go so quick.
Please take me I prayed, not our Nic.
Peace on the wings of an angel came,
As I heard Spencer calling out my name,
“Choclik Mulk” was the call from my little vixen
Jerking me from the planet called Blitzen.
Several days, I banged my head against the wall.
Do the doctors ever listen to parents at all?
I don’t want my baby to fly
I don’t want him soaring through the sky.
Lots of little angels, my, how they flew.
Death angel stay away, not Nicholas too.
Then my blood pressure, it went through the roof
My head felt like the pounding of a horse’s hoof.
As I dropped my head and then turned around,
My heart lifted, here the boys came with a bound.
Feeling better from his head to his foot,
Eating Oreo’s, mouth black like soot.
I thanked my God, a load off my back,
Tears flowing as I begin to unpack.
His eyes begin to twinkle and to look so merry,
He called his Mamaw wanting a pie of cherry.
He is a special gift with a big, bright bow,
Soul as pure as the white, driven snow.
Smiling, trying to show off his teeth,
Decorating, just like a wreath.
Eating better and getting a little belly,
Trying new foods, even strawberry jelly.
Chubby and plump, not a little elf,
Becoming a mirror image of myself!
Compliments never go to his head,
Getting so spoiled, that’s what I dread.
Bills come, it’s back to work
Snapped to reality with a jerk.
Back to the grindstone goes our nose,
Hoping to come out smelling like a rose.
Home life at the five o’clock whistle,
Singing along with “A Bear named Thistle!”
Another year with the transplant out of sight,
God has blessed us with another good night.

Merry Christmas,
The Boggs FAmily,
Christmas 2003

Tuesday, December 23, 2003 6:53 AM CST

Good Sleepy Morning,

Things can sure turn around in a hurry. Spencer was irritable yesterday evening and has run a low grade temp all night long. Up at 4:00, his temp was 100.6d and I gave him some more medicine. He doesn't have a cold or any other symptom. His "feel bads" hurt and he looks weak in his eyes. They were out of the split flu shot and he didn't get his. If he is sick, I'm not getting him one when we go back to dr, if they even have any in. I pray it's not the flu. Please remember us in your prayers. Also, their friend, Tanner has the flu, please pray for him.

I was up at 12 with Nicholas coughing and thought I had slept all night. Woke up at 2:00, dreaming that I had to sing at one of Nicholas' functions and was making a big mess out of everything. All of the words weren't there and I was trying to think of them while I was speaking. The song was "Because He Lives" and now that is all that is going through my mind. At 5:00, Spencer started telling me a big Bear Tale! It was mostly about sharks and whales! I said, "That sounds like a whale tale to me!" He said, "It's a Whale Bear Tale!" Then it was, snakes, monsters, rats, whales, and seals. They were coming down the road (the bed) and I told him I was scared. He petted my face and said, "It's alright, it's a Mommy snake and her baby. They won't hurt you!" I couldn't help but smile. I told him that monster said it was bed time, to go back to sleep! He said, "They were going down the road....Open your eyes Mommy!" while trying to pry my eyes open. He went back to sleep around 5:30! He was in such a big way of telling the tale and being dramatic! He is so sweet. I think he started feeling a little better! He sure has an imagination.

Uncle Roger wouldn't have thought that Nicholas was a saint if he'd seen him throwing a little tantrum last night because it was bed time. I had told him before that if he didn't stop those tantrums that I wasn't going to tell any more Bear Tales. Guess What? This terrible Mom didn't tale him a Bear Tale last night. He started putting on a smile and said, "Look Mom, I'm smiling!" I asked him what that meant!!! He said, "I'm throwing away that bad act and not cutting any more tantrums!" I couldn't help but laugh! No, I didn't fall for it! I did break a rule and feed him pudding after he brushed his teeth!!! I motioned for Dad to look and he looked at Nicholas with a big frown and you should have seen Nicholas! I would have loved to have captured that on video. He threw his little hand over his mouth and burst out laughing with a sheepish look on his face. He couldn't stop laughing and then started raising his eyebrows. He was so cute and knew it too. That was a moment to live for.
He was too hyped up to go to sleep and kept hollering for me. One time to tell me he loved me and gave me a hug, then he told me what he wanted to do tomorrow, he was sick, then he wanted to know who was going to keep him right now....on and on. I finally told him it was time to go to sleep, that it was late. I love his little hugs and kisses
but I was exhausted and still had a slight headache.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, all fear is gone.
Because I know, who holds the future.
And life is worth the living, just because He Lives.

Blessings and Joy,
The Boggs FAmily

Monday, December 22, 2003 6:54 AM CST


We had a wonderful weekend. I just had a terrible headache on Sunday that clouded it. The boys played and played and I just love listening to them. We just enjoyed our time together. I think they were tired of seeing me!! We had lots of snow and Spencer kept looking at the van and showing Nicholas the snow. I said, "Look at my van, there is a bunch of snow on it!" Spencer petted my arm and said, "It's ok Mom, it'll be alright!" It was so funny. I looked out the window yesterday and there were twelve doves in the weeping cherry that were feeding out of the bird feeder. They were so pretty. The lighted deer had about 6 inches of snow on them but they looked beautiful when the lights were on. We tied red bows on them and a gold one on the fawn. Spencer loves using the remote to turn the lights on. I was afraid the doves would fly when we turned the deer on(they are animated) but they didn't.

Please remember the sick children and the ones going through transplant, Marshall, Cade, and Tom. Cade coded this weekend and is now on dialysis. He only has one kidney too. Please say extra prayers for them, they will be in the hospital during Christmas. Any time is bad to be in the hospital, but during a holiday puts a damper on it, especially if your family can't be with you. You make the best of a bad situation and that is all you can do. Make the most of it.

Thanks for the beautiful poem, Roger. You made me cry.

I also received gifts for the boys from Santa, in the mail!!! He must be really busy this year! There must have been a lot of good boys and girls and he is using the mail to help deliver gifts! Thanks everyone for all that you have done this year to make our year a brighter one. I love you all. God knows all and I pray He sends you a special blessing.

Remember us in your prayers.
Blessings and Joy to you this Holiday Season and always,
The Boggs FAmily

Friday, December 19, 2003 6:31 AM CST

Good Snowy Morning,

I went home yesterday evening to a little boy crying his heart out. He had seen his Dad pull in and run to the window to watch him. Sock feet hit hard wood floors and down came Nicholas. He had hit his head and hurt his finger. I thought he had broken it but he didn't. He showed me he could wiggle all fingers but has blood under one fingernail. Just like his Daddy's, who hit his with a hammer. Nicholas thought that was cool! He has a big bruise on his head, the ice helped some but not quite enough to make it disappear. He must have hit really hard. I had went grocery shopping and brought back the antidote, red centered oreo cookies! Squealing he said, "Oh Boy!" He licked his lips, rolled his eyes, and raised his eyebrows up and down, just like he would eat the entire package! Sure! He did nibble on one and made him forget all about his boo boos!
Spencer didn't like Nicholas getting all the action and told me that he had hit his head. I had to make a big "to do" over him until he giggled and then all was well.

I did get some gifts wrapped last night. I still have a few more to do and then I quit, not finished, just quitting. As I was shopping yesterday, it all hit me and I started crying in Food City! I thought about who would say Grace over Christmas Dinner and what all I'm thankful for. I'm so thankful that we are all home this Christmas and can enjoy everything. I know if it wasn't for the Lord, we would be in transplant right now. I'm so thankful that Nicholas counts leveled off instead of the normal dropping for two years. This allowed us to be home instead of the hospital. I'll not complain about anything, all the shopping, running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, getting the goodies for dinner and candy making, wrapping gifts, or the mess. I'm just happy to be here, thrilled, and excited. It has been fun explaining to the boys why and what Christmas is all about. I bought them a plastic nativity scene and Spencer loves it. Last year, we went over board with the gifts for Nicholas and Spencer, we didn't know if we would be home at Christmas this year or not. This year, I have went over board with the decorations, but Nicholas and Spencer have enjoyed them so much and that makes it worth everything. I don't know if we will be home for Christmas next year or not and am trying my best to make this one the best ever. We've had to cut down on the gifts (you couldn't tell it by looking at the tree!) for the boys but making up for it in other departments. We made Christmas cookies last night and I rolled the edges in red and green sugar and they were so pretty. We will make candy this week end some time at our house. That is always fun. We let the boys help with the peanut butter balls, rolling them and getting their hands in it. It will be memory making I'm sure!

Remember those in the hospital that won't be home for
Christmas, Marshall, Tom, Cade, and all the rest. Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, December 18, 2003 9:50 AM CST

Good Morning,

I went home the other day and there were snowmen made out of cotton balls. Nicholas’ ot teacher, Ms. Sara had let Spencer make one too! She is so nice and sweet. Then yesterday evening, Ms. Chrissy Bear came down on her day off and helped them make a sparkly one! It was so pretty. She has said that she will come down during the holidays to work with Nicholas, to keep him in the groove. How cool is that? He only gets 5 hours a week, compared to 5 days a week. It doesn’t seem fair. It is sweet of her to spend some of her time off with my boys and get in some “teacher” time in with Nicholas. Ms. Chris brings him books every week and reads every day to him. He loves it. Spencer calls her “Missy Chrissy” or just “Missy.”
She could see an improvement on word recognition after we worked on them too. Nicholas will start having home work!!! Actually, this won’t be anything different! Just the written homework. Oh, if only I could stay home with them.

Nicholas slept until 10:30 am yesterday! He wasn’t feeling the best all day long and his face was flushed yesterday evening. I just hope he isn’t getting sick. It may be reactions from the antibiotics. He is already showing some signs of diarrhea. If it gets worse, we will have to go with an iv antibiotic. He and Spencer started playing together right at bedtime and I just let them play for a while. I love to hear them playing together. There is such a comforting melody to it.

Then the Bear Tales began….Spencer had to tell his version again. He is so sweet, motioning with his little hands and those expressions. Kimmy Bear called in the middle of them and Nicholas cut a little tantrum! He can’t stand to have to wait and I had to talk a little stern to him. He said he would do better tomorrow!
The other night in the Bear Tales, I mentioned that Sister Bear was doing all that girl stuff and Nicholas, grinning, raised his eyebrows and said, “I like that girl stuff!” He is definitely a big flirt and rotten to the core!!! I don’t know where he heard that. He loves any type of story. I believe he would sit all day long and let you read to him.

Remember all the children going through transplants for various conditions and all the sick. Remember to hug and kiss your children or loved ones an extra long time today.

Blessing this joyous holiday season, the Boggs FAmily

*Do you like the new pictures????

Wednesday, December 17, 2003 9:16 AM CST

Good Morning,

We didn’t get blood work yesterday. Nicholas is back on Omnicef because he still has fluid on both ears. I told the dr that I would try it again, but if he couldn’t tolerate the antibiotics this time, that I would like to just have home health to come and administer it by iv. He thought that was a good idea too. He would have to have a daily dose for so many days. I have to take him back on the 30th again and will get blood work then. I would have gotten blood work again yesterday if I didn’t know what caused his drop in counts.

The boys “helped” Mommy clean last night! It started out with a cup of spilled milk and Spencer kept saying, “I’m sorry Mom!” It was precious. Nicholas thought he caused it and said, “I didn’t mean to do that Mommy.” They are both so sweet and precious most of the time! Spencer helped me dust too!

Spencer stacked up some presents in a stair step and climbed on top. He informed me that his back was hurting and he just had to sit there! I burst out laughing. What an excuse! That was a first! Then he tried it again when we got in bed. He said, “My back is hurting and I need to sit on the presents!” He is definitely a night owl! He has to sit up until everybody is in bed unless he is exhausted. Dad was asleep before everybody, he was so tired and just a little grumpy!

I let the boys turn on the outside lights and guess what happened! I’ve lost my toy!!! They loved the remote control!! I guess I have to share my toys too!! The Bear Tales reinforced the sharing theory again last night. Then Poppa Bear ran into a hunting party! They actually shot at Poppa Bear and at the explosion of the gun, Spencer got interested and wanted to know what happened. I told him but he didn’t like my version and proceeded to tell it his way. It went something like this… No, Poppa Bear shot that man! He then fell into the river and an octopus and shark ate him up! Being very dramatic and motioning with his hands, he finished his story. I stood there amazed! Where did all that come from? He has shark tooth brush covers and an imagination too!!! I asked Nicholas if he liked Spencer’s tale. He shook his head no. Spencer, getting upset, said, “Yes you do like it!” Then Nicholas agreed! They are a hoot!

I love this and copied from Chris’s granddaugher’s website: She sure has a way with words…


C is for the Christ child, born upon this day
H is for the Hope he gives upon his way
R is for the Risen saviour who loves me so much
I is for the Infinite gift of his loving touch
S is for the Sin he lay his life down for
T is for the Trust of my heart's open door
M is for the Master, the ruler of my life
A is for the Altar, where I may lay my strife
S is for the Serenity that he gives to me
Grammy Chris & Grampy Alan

I’m putting it at the top too for the rest of the Christmas Season. Hope you enjoy it too.

Remember all the sick and their families. Hug and Kiss you children an extra long time today and every day.

Blessings and Joy to you, the Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, December 16, 2003 6:24 AM CST

Good Morning,

I called the dr office yesterday and they are going to let me bring Nicholas in the back door! Isn't that nice? I just forgot my cell phone so I will have to run back and forth to find out when they have a room ready. The cell phone wouldn't have worked anyway, it takes a half hour to get through to them on the phone. They stay swamped! They do not have any flu shots left for Spencer, he has to have a split dose and they are out of those. I should have taken him last week. Hind sight is 20-20! She said they gave out 500 flu shots last week! They must have run them through like cattle!

Anita McCoy's children are both sick with the flu and one in the hospital with pneumonia. They went to dr last week but didn't get in to see dr. They thought they were wanting the flu shot but when they found out the children were sick, they didn't have an opening to see dr. Please remember them and her in your prayers, she hasn't had much sleep for two weeks now, maybe a couple of hours a night. She definitely needs prayer.

My friend's biopsy was ok. Isn't that great? I was so happy for her and Thanked God for a good report. I know she was ecstatic.

The boys both slept well last night. I wasn't up with Nicholas at all just when he first went to sleep. I have added a couple of characters to the Bear Tales and he loved them. Ding Bat, a young bat that doesn't have his radar quite right and keeps bumping into things and going, "Dinnnng!" Nicholas cracked up! Skunky Stunky, is a skunk!!!! Surprise! He sprays Mean Wolverine and Brother Bear has his first experience with a skunk and starts calling him Skunky Stunky and makes up a song about him! Nicholas and Spencer loved it! Did I mention the smallest bee in the bee hive? His name is Little Britches! He let Brother Bear get all the honey he wanted, much to Nicholas' delight! These tales are getting longer and longer! Spencer has started helping me tell them! I end up being the one who laughs! Maybe Mom likes these bear tales! Mom is getting a work out with her imagination that is for sure. Thank God I have one. The boys had a little sharing problem and hence, another sharing lesson in the Bear Tales. Nicholas does not want to share and pouted to high Heavens last night! He needs to realize that Spencer isn't the only one who has to share the toys. Spoiled? YES!

Remember us in your prayers today, that Nicholas' ears have cleared up.
Blessings and Joy to you, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, December 15, 2003 6:41 AM CST

Good Morning,

We had a wonderful weekend. Busy as ususal but enjoyable. We decided to go shopping Saturday and got a few things for the boys, not Christmas presents, clothes that they needed! Warm sweaters and corduroy pants! I did find two beautiful little suits for their Christmas pictures. We are having a portrait taken for Mamaw and Papaw of all the Grandchildren! They are all going to be in this Christmas for the first time in years. It will not be in time for Christmas but will be a special delayed Christmas present I'm sure. There has only been one that I can remember that was taken before and not all of the grandchildren were in it then. I have to work the day after Christmas and that is when they are going to have their picture taken. I just hope the boys will cooperate for Sissy Bear, she is the one that is taking them!!! I just hope Nicholas and Spencer give heart smiles. Spencer was a pure ham in the ones we had taken at home. I will try to scan some of those in and get them posted.

I have a new toy! I kept asking Jeff to go outside and turn on the lights on the reindeer and carport and then he would have to go back and turn them off before bed time. I kept saying I needed a remote inside that activated them and Jeff would laugh at me. Guess what!! I found some remote controls for outside decorations! I asked Jeff one more time to put the new outlets on them and WAAALLAAAA! I can turn them off and on any time I want without bothering him! I didn't even know they made remotes for decorations or whatever and I was tickled to death! You can tell I don't get out often!! To go shopping anyway! It's the little surprises in life that count so much!

Which reminds me of two little arms reaching up last night to give Mom hugs. I love those little arms, they fit perfectly around my neck. I leaned down to hug and kiss him and he just petted on my head. He is so loving and precious. I told him good night again, this made about three times that we had hugged and those little hands reached back up again for another hug. How precious is that?? Then Spencer just had to have Mom sleep upside down in the bed with him! He loves to go to sleep that way! I use to do the same thing! He is taking me back to my childhood! I had put on his little footed fleece pjs and he was so warm and snuggly. I just loved it!

Remember all the sick, Marshall is doing a little better and we are so thankful for that. Remember a child with FA named Robert, his first transplant didn't take and they are trying again.

Blessings and Joy this Holiday Season, The Boggs FAmily

**I posted another poem about Christmas above. Make sure you read it.

Friday, December 12, 2003 8:41 AM CST

Dad kept the boys last night and I went to a Christmas dinner with the girls from work. It was so nice just to relax for a minute or two. You know we, as parents, never completely relax, never let our guard down or think we don't anyway. Sometimes things sneak up on us but not to close without us catching on. We can't afford to let our guard down, our children's lives depend on us. We know what is important! When you have children, your priorities change and especially if that child is sick, the priorities change drastically. Only a parent in the same circumstances can understand completely. They are the only ones that know exactly what the others are going through. That creates another total family. Sometimes the new families are actually closer than blood relatives. Its a connection that isn't broken. Blood relatives can come and go, don't stay in touch, don't call, "just too busy to fool with it" attitude but the caringbridge family always checks back on each other and when we are too busy to check on the others, then something is wrong! We understand each other, we know what it is like if the children are sick and the reason we aren't corresponding. We know when to pray for the others, ALL the time! That's what is unique about this new family.

Nicholas and Spencer are holding their on. Nicholas is having those nasty gas spells again and Spencer isn't feeling the best. They were both talking in their sleep. Spencer was carrying on a conversation! It was so sweet. I missed them yesterday evening even though I wasn't gone long. I came home and they were laughing and playing so good together. Nicholas was hollering to the top of his lungs, playing with the trains. It was music to my ears.

Remember Marshall, he was suppose to have surgery again last night. Remember the child they air lifted to the tri cities yesterday with 107d temp, she had meningitis as well as the flu.

Blessing and joy,
The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, December 11, 2003 6:30 AM CST


I was awakened at 4:30 this morning by Nicholas coughing. I'm sure if someone was watching they would have the laugh of their life. Here I am, trying to hit that itty bitty hole called a trach with the suction wand with my eyes half opened. It's a rude wake up call to begin with, you're startled, jump out of bed, and run over to try to see what is wrong. After prying my eyes open, trying to get his mask down, trying to hit it just right to get the gunk out so he can breathe easier, he decides he doesn't need suctioned and starts fighting me. I guess I didn't suction the trach but his neck instead! Wide awake by now, I manage to get the vent tube on to vent his little tummy and this time I remembered to put the continuous feeder on hold!!! About this time, he decided to start coughing again! I then have to juggle the vent tube, turn on the suction machine, and try to hit his trach just right. The mask has a hole in it and you would think that suctioning would be a breeze but Noooooo, he has turned on his side and the mask isn't lined up just picture perfect! Remember the vent tube? I have to hold it without dumping the contents on my baby, pull the mask down, turn the suction machine back on, suction the trach, and keep my eyes open! Hard task but I manage to do all of these in the dead of night just about every night without waking everybody up! Sometimes I don't even need to keep my eyes open! Then the bubbles start rolling up the vent tube, out of my baby's stomach, giving him instant relief. I feel good that I vented and let my eyes close again. The coughing quits and he goes back to sleep. I have up unhook the vent tube, hook the continuous feeder back up, wash the vent tube out, and remember to turn the feeder back to run or it will beep me back out of bed minutes later! Then I crawl back in bed, good and cold by this time and proceed to find warmth! You guess it, I snuggle up to Daddy and scare him to death! Nothing like cold feet touching you in the middle of the night interrupting those pleasant dreams!!!!! Hey, I was so quiet not to wake him during the suctioning! What was I thinking? I just like surprises better!! Why spoil a good thing? I finally drift back off to sleep only to be awaken later by the alarm clock! And I left out the part of Spencer waking up a couple of hours earlier wanting a drink!!!! And I left out the part when the alarm clock goes off to tell us to check the continuous feeder formula supply and the water on the moisturizer machine! And this was a good night!
And I wonder why I have a headache every day.
I thought I'd give you a glimpse of our night life!!!!
Now you see why we need prayers!!! There are others who are having it a lot worse than we are and need your prayers too. Remember those who have the flu.

Just don't stop praying, hug your babies, no matter how old they are!

Blessings, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, December 10, 2003 6:43 AM CST

We had a busy, hectic evening and I just couldn't settle down to sleep. I kept mulling over everything. Sometime after 11, Nicholas was crying and kicking. I couldn't figure out what was wrong. He gagged and I begin venting him. He just about threw up on me. The gas rolled off. He was so sick and I have no idea what caused it. He couldn't tolerate the rest of his antibiotics and I just hope and pray it is not his ears. I take him back next week to see if the fluid has cleared up. If not, they will have to put him back on something else. I am going to ask for it to be through iv. Nothing like an ear infection to cause a series of other problems. I do not want to take him to the er so they can administer the iv antibiotic for the risk of other "bugs" unless I absolutley have to. He may have to spend the night in the hospital or I may request a home health nurse to do it at home if possible. Hopefully, he will not get a nurse like last time. She had never seen a trach or mic-key button!!! She took his temp and had the themometer sticking out behind his arm!!?! Talking about competent! That was my first experience with home health nurses!!! I sure not all are like that! Some are dedicated to their profession and are terrific! Hopefully, I'll get one of those. ;) Sometimes, I feel like screaming but it wouldn't do Nicholas any good, just clear my lungs out and make me feel better or just cause my throat to be sore!!

Spencer was on the grumpy side last night. He wanted Nicholas to get in the tent with him and then would pull the tent until it pulled Nicholas over. He cried and cried when Nicholas wouldn't play with him. Wonder why?? We fixed cherry turnovers and that got him occupied and his mind on something else. Then they went back to the living room and played with the trains. They played and played. I love to listen to them playing together. Nicholas started hollering "Help!" Jeff ran in there but he just had a train wreck and was hollering to "Butch" to help him. Jeff came back in laughing and I'm sure very relieved.

Thanks for those wonderful prayers, just do not stop. Continue to pray for Marshall, and I heard of another little boy from BSG, that has a brain tumor, remember that family as well.

May you have peace, happiness, blessings, and joy during this holiday season, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, December 9, 2003 6:25 AM CST


Well, after school, we had a photographer to come to the house and take pictures of the boys. It was a hoot. Spencer is becoming Mr. Photogenic, posing as asked, smiling on request, and a pure little sweet heart. He did get tired some but bribery works every time. A hobby horse did the trick. On occasion, Spencer wouldn't smile and looked so solid and Nicholas didn't give me a heart smile. One time, they were laughing at me and I hope we got some good ones. I can't wait to see the proofs. I know in some poses, Nicholas was looking sideways, a little sneaky look of his. He smiles all the time but sometimes they just melt your heart. I will put new picture up as I can.

Nicholas laughed so hard last night. I have never seen him laugh so much. It was precious. During the "Bear Tales", Brother Bear was going over his new words he had in school and Momma Bear asked him how to spell "that" and had to sneeze about that time. She said, "S-n-e-e-z-e!" and proceeded to sneeze. Laughing, I said, "That's how you spell it!" I turned around and Nicholas was cracking up! Those "Bear Tales" are coming in handy! I can incorporate any lesson I want and both of the boys love it. Spencer will sit on the bed and listen too. He loved the part about Poppa Bear moving a log last night. He got into the story and showed Nicholas how Poppa Bear did it. He strained and made an awful face. I would have loved to capture that on video! I told him Poppa Bear was strong as Daddy. Spencer said, "Yeah!" I couldn't help but laugh. He is so sweet. I have found a way to strengthen his schooling, learn new lessons, learn Bible stories, and just have fun. I must be very entertaining! Nicholas told me last night I had to tell him "five dozen" stories, as he tried to hold up five little fingers. He tries so hard. He just doesn't realize how he pulls on my heart strings. He is so sharp. Brother Bear had math last night too! Pretending to use five blue berries, Momma Bear gave him two and ask him how many she had left. He caught on so quick and then he had five and pretended to give me four. I asked him how many he had left. He held up one finger.
He has some fingers that have stiff joints but he manages to do whatever he wants to. He is amazing. We could all learn from this child. I try to teach him but I think I'm learning so much more. My eyes are getting more open on a daily basis. Life is so precious. God is so good and we are so blessed to have Nicholas and Spencer in our home. Thank you Lord for the unseen gifts.

Remember a friend who goes for a biopsy today. She has the faith that all is well. God is still in the healing business. I'm still waiting on the miracles that are coming my way.

Lots of love, blessings, and joy to you,
The Boggs FAmily

Monday, December 8, 2003 8:19 AM CST

We had a good week-end. We attended the children's Christmas party on Saturday. Nicholas stayed home, I just couldn't take a chance of taking him into a crowd. Especially, during this flu season. Spencer thoroughly enjoyed himself. He was a big $100 winner and they both received wonderful gifts. Spencer enjoyed his day shopping with Mom and Dad.

Back to the conversation we had the other night. I was telling Nicholas the meaning of Christmas and what each represented, the lights, the nativity scene, and the gifts. He ask me if he was once a baby. I explained that he was a little tiny baby. He asked, "How did God send me and Spencer back down here?" I just looked at him in total amazement. After digesting this info, I explained that he started as a tiny seed and grew and grew! As I was talking, I realized just how amazing this little guy really is. He had asked his Dad how he had gotten out of my belly before. I cannot recall any conversation we've had that he would have heard this, I haven't a clue how he knows all of this.

How did he know he was from Heaven to begin with??? This only confirmed my belief that all children are gifts from God. I explained that Mom and Dad had been married for 17 years and then God gave us two precious gifts. He said, "I want to marry one of these days too." I told him that when he found someone that loved him as much as I did, then he could get married! He said, "Mom, I don't want you and Daddy to die when I marry Candy!" I don't know where he got this from either. I explained that we wouldn't die, and tried to illustrate that Mamaw and Papaw didn't die when I married. I explained that God was the giver of Life and Death and that was His decision. This child is too deep!!!

With each explaination, I realise just what I'm telling him and have to fight back the tears and swallow the big lump in my throat. Why does everything have to be so complicated? When I explain things to him, he understands, it doesn't matter how complicated it is, I try to put it in simple terms for him. His comprehension is unbelievable.

Is the glass half full or half empty? Getting to "the Crap Sandwich" written by a Mom with a child with Leukemia ie,

It was a good comparsion but I have mixed feelings about it. It depends on how you look at things. Half full or half empty? One sick child, one healthy child. We, as humans seem to focus only on the bad and let the good float on by. We look at the sick child as the main entree? Yes, that is the biggest focus at the time, because we have to do what is needed at the time. Yes, the healthy child is put on the back burner because of time and exhaustion. But to think of our sick child as a crap sandwich just isn't in my thinking. Sorry. I just can't completely be satisified. It may be true and illustrates life but and that is a big BUT maybe the "FAMILY" should be the main entree and only have a side dish of sickness. We are not going to go through life without trials, trouble, anxiety, death, sickness, pain, or worry. God isn't going to only let the "bad things" happen to "bad" people and make these disappear for the "good" people but has provided a way through these troubles, He will be us. I don't even think that God looks on us as "bad or good people", we are all precious in His sight. We are like silver and gold, tried through the fire and purified through these trials refined into a pure Child of God. We have to trust in God and Believe, not in a Santa Claus but a living God, the true healer and giver of Life, the most precious gift God could have given, His Son. My family has been blessed by the birth of Nicholas and Spencer, even with the constant concerns of bugs dropping Nicholas' counts! FA has made us focus on the appreciation of family, even the smallest of giggles are precious. Life is to be lived, throw away the crap sandwich and order up a family with a side dish of whatever God wants to dish out. God will give us the Grace to eat it all, with thanksgiving.

I wish you only the best, blessings and joy as your side dishes, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, December 5, 2003 6:43 AM CST

I went home to a wonderful evening. Sissy Bear had cooked dinner and that was a treat! The boys and I just played and played. Spencer was in a good mood and had the giggles, which I enjoy so much. We repaired the railway system, which Spencer had crashed, to the delight of Spencer according to Sir Topham Hat's orders!! Sir Tophap Hat is about 2 inches tall but gave big orders!!! He bragged on Spencer helping with the bridge repair and he had to oversee it all!! Spencer loved it!! He also loved me being a horse and giving him rides and wrestling.
With Nicholas, I have stopped the antibiotics!! He is having too many problems with them. I'm going to call the dr office again! I actually got to just hold him in my lap last night. He loved it, of course. He barely fits! He is getting so big and so heavy, I can barely lift him. My arms are feeling like lead again. They love their Dad playing too. Dad is a very serious person and when he isn't too tired, he will play and play. They absolutely love it! They love attention from everybody and yes, they usually get it. Spoiled? Never!!! Just loved and cherished.
Thanks to FA, we realize that every moment is precious. It has made us savor every smile and expression, not just with Nicholas but with Spencer too. Life is precious and shouldn't be taken for granted. Live every moment like it is our last, make your children smile inside and outside. Time spent with your family is never wasted, even if you are just playing games.
Huggem and Lovem them till they giggle.
Remember us in your prayers,
The Boggs FAmily

****Remember Marshall Bennett in your prayers. He is praying not to die and for God to help him.

*Also, I will relate Nicholas' conversation last night when I have time, stay's deep.

Thursday, December 4, 2003 6:43 AM CST

I called the dr and they changed Nicholas' antibiotic and the side effect of it is mild diarrhea! Just what he needs!!! I can tell it is easier on his little tummy, hopefully this one will do the trick. He was rambunctious yesterday evening, jumping everywhere. I can definitely tell he is feeling better. Thanks for the prayers.
Mamaw and Papaw came up and brought our Christmas present! I was surprised! It was a big roaster with the buffet styled compartments for it. It was so nice. Sissy Bear got one too! I asked, "Why did you get me this? Am I suppose to cook Christmas dinner????" They just laughed. I think Sissy Bear had the same thoughts!!! I have thought of several uses for it. It will be so handy at big gatherings! Thanks Mom and Dad, you are the greatest parents anyone could ever hope to have and I thank God for you all. I'm not going any farther! I'm too mushy these days, crying at the drop of a hat! I'm gonna have to toughen up!
Mamaw was kept busy telling "Bear" Tales to the boys. I get so tickled at Spencer. He can't stand it, he has to help tell the tale! He will elaborate the tale and is using his imagination really well. The other night, he came to the bathroom door and knocked. I said in a piggy voice, "Who isssss it?" "Big Bad Woof" "What do you want?" He said, "All those things in there!" I opened the door laughing and told him he was suppose to say, "Let me in or I'll huff and puff and blow the house in!" He politely informed me, "Huff and puff and blow the house DOWN!" He can be the sweetest child in the world and he can be the grumpiest! I love to hear him giggle. He laughs so easily. He raised up the covers and said, "See those care bears!" I pretended to see them and said, "Did you see that one sliding down the rainbow?" He looked at me so solid and said, "No!" Then he realized I was pretending too and laughed and then he saw it! He pretends to carry them everywhere, bears, puppies, and the other evening at dinner it was spiders! I love to watch them playing, the innocence and imagination growing. I love my babies. Every moment is precious. Not the one when the temper tantrum is raging, such as bed time last night. "I don't want to!" That is going to stop, I'm more stubborn than he is! Just another glimpse of time at the Boggs Ponderosa!
Keep those prayers going and please don't stop praying, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, December 3, 2003 6:58 AM CST

Nicholas isn't able to take the augmentin, it is going straight through him and has already broken his little bottom out. He cried and cried last night when he used the bathroom. It has broken my heart. I didn't give the meds to him this morning. I will call and see if the dr wants to change it. No use to put him through all of that but he will have to have something to fight that ear infection. I'm afraid he will have the c-diff in his colon and will have to be put on Flagl, which lowers the platelets! C-diff is when the antibiotics kill all the bacteria in the colon. I started him on yogurt yesterday, it has the live bacteria in it that we all need in our colons. Love his little heart, if it isn't one thing its another. This roller coaster ride is getting to me.
Please remember Marshall Bennett in your prayers, visit their website and leave them encouraging words its
Marshall has had 4 surgeries this week and is now on the ventilator, to let him rest. Also, Diane Keel, just found out she may have lung cancer also. I hate all cancers.
All these illnesses are just words to God, He could just speak the word and all of them would just disappear. Lord, I just pray for all the sick, for healing, peace of mind, and rest. God is still in the healing business and is an awesome God. He knows all and everything is in His time, not ours. He will not put more on us than we can bear. He must think that we are stronger than we think we are! We all need strength, faith, rest, and a sane mind!
Continue those wonderful prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, December 2, 2003 6:46 AM CST

As you can see, the counts have dropped 15k! White and red blood count are also lower. I didn't expect them to be that low. I knew they had dropped some but I guess fighting two viruses knocked them down. He still has fluid on his right ear and is now on Augmentin for 10 days. He had a lot of tummy problems after his first dose so pray that he will be able to tolerate the antibiotic. They also gave him a flu shot. If he gets hit hard with the flu, it would knock his counts even lower. It kills me to put a live virus into him with his counts so low but if we don't, he could be a lot worse. Just pray that after these bugs are gone his counts will go back up.
I tried to explain to him about hitting his head into things and not to jump. I also tried to explain to Spencer about what is going on. It's just too much for a little guy to remember! He is getting more active and it's hard and really not fair to him to curtail his actions except being mean to Nicholas. He pushed him last night and then grabbed him to kiss him but Nicholas was mad and wouldn't let him. War was on. Spencer is so rough even when trying to apologize! If Nicholas has to wear a helmet to protect his head, Spencer will need one too then they will butt heads! Spencer hates time-out! Dad and Mom will just have to wrestle more with Spencer to expell some of that energy.
The Bears are in!!! I will try to get the orders together this evening and out to you. Thanks.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, December 1, 2003 6:58 AM CST

We survived the turkey!! Now it's turkey salad to the max!
Yes! I ate too much and had way too many carbs. I just remembered the chocolate dressing that we didn't fix!!! Oh, well!
We are going for bloodwork today. I have to take him back to the dr and decided to do it all in one day instead of two. Hopefully, it will be warmer today too.
I enjoyed being home with my babies for four days straight! On Friday, we put up the tree and they were so excited. I let them decorate it any way they wanted and it looks great. We put all the horses on it, about 18 or so and they are so adorable. I found some of those bubble lights like those that Dad grew up with! and we put them on and the boys think they are the greatest. Spencer has chosen the green ones for himself and Nicholas the red ones! That is their favorite colors.
Everything that we have out moves, sings, or is musical! We have singing dogs, singing angels, dancing santas, chirping and singing birds, and blinking snowmen. The boys absolutely love it. Nicholas saw the village and said, "Thanks Mom, it's beautiful" as his face lit up into a big smile. He knows exactly what to say and when. Mamaw B and S even helped decorate the windows for me! And to think, I'm not finished yet!! I knew I needed to get it all done while I was off work and the boys loved "helping" Mommy. I love the Nativity scene the best. It is on the mantle and has a big star above it and I put blinking angel lights across the top.
Remember all those that have lost their children, Christina, Tommy Bennet and Mighty Max have passed away this past week. Remember to hug and kiss your babies, hold them a little longer and tighter. Don't take them for granted and enjoy the time you have with them. Not knowing how long they are going to be with you puts a different perspective on things. Remember they are gifts that God has trusted you to love, nurture, and guide.
Pray for good blood results. Spencer had a stomach virus and Nicholas caught it next. Spencer didn't have a temp but Nicholas did. Spencer was better Friday and Nicholas was feeling better yesterday. I'm afraid it has dropped his counts. He was still a little droopy yesterday.
Remember us please,
The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, November 26, 2003 6:24 AM CST

Happy Thanksgiving!
We all have so much to be thankful for. I'm continually thankful for the time we have as a family. I thank God for the most precious gift, the sacrifice of His Son on a cross so all of us could go to Heaven. It doesn't matter how poor or rich we are, we all have equal opportunity to go to a place of eternal rest and peace. No more sickness, no suffering, no pain, and no dying. Can you imagine that? All these little children that have made the journey before us are perfect little angels. Flitting here and there, laughing, playing, singing with Jesus. A complete new glorified body, whole, and walking, talking, enjoying the nectar of Heaven. It just thrills my heart to the fullest. Pure Joy and Happiness. Makes you want to hurry and get home doesn't it?
I'm also thankful for my earthly family and friends. God knows I couldn't have made it without them. Thanks guys and gals for everything. You already know how thankful that I am for my babies, 2 precious little gifts from God. God is so good.
On to the deer stew! Nicholas wallowed around about a half pound of deer meat!! The first words his Dad heard were, "You are going to have to get another Buck!" Dad laughed and thoroughly enjoyed it! Nicholas loved it! Spencer wouldn't touch it let alone eat it! It was delicious, the best I've ever tasted. It was so close to the taste of beef that I could hardly tell the difference. It was tender and just right. That was all that Jeff kept for he gave the rest away. Too bad!
Nicolas also ate some banana yesterday! Maybe, just maybe he is going to start eating! Wouldn't that be the greatest! That also thrills my heart. Ahhhh, the little things, I'm thankful for those too.
Be Thankful, Be Happy, and Don't worry! Yeah, right! Good advice, I just need to do it too!
Remember all the families that have lost loved ones, I know the Holidays are sad for them.
We go for blood work on Friday and you know what I want! Pray! Pray! Pray! and hug your children today.
Blessing and joy to you this Thanksgiving and always, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, November 25, 2003 8:17 AM CST

I couldn't help but laugh at DaDuck's guestbook entry!!! Brownie Stuffing? Sounds delicious to me. You had better be glad it's turkey day instead of Da "Duck" Day!!! You are a hoot! Thanks, I needed a good laugh. Hmmmmmm, good idea!
I had gotten Nicholas a cherry pie, he asks his Mamaw for them all the time. He is actually eating little bites of it too! He is eating more and more but still could hold what he eats in the palm of you hand in a month! Every bite is a step for him and we deny him nothing. Spencer? You have to tell him he can eat the sweet stuff, after he eats the good stuff! He really knows what the good stuff is though!!!
Nicholas is picking up on everything we say. We can mention going somewhere and he starts the endless questions of "Who is going to be here when I wake up?" I finally figured out what he is trying to do!!! I ask him why last night and he said, "Sissy Bear can stay with me while you take Spencer to the dr!" He is wanting his Sissy Bear to stay with him again!!!! He isn't worried if Mommy is going to be gone! Noooooo! He just wants his Sissy Bear to stay! I'm crushed! I told him "Sorry! we aren't taking Spencer to the dr!" He is talking about when Spencer bumped his head and we took him to the ER. He just wants rid of us!!! I called him a "little booger" and he smiled from ear to ear. He loves to aggervate and is just a little mischevious!!!
Sissy Bear is selling home made fudge, plain chocolate, chocolate with peanut butter, cream sicle, peanut butter, and maple nut fudge! With or with out walnuts or pecans! It is all delicious and will mix any of the flavors. She makes it the best! Call her to order, 276-395-5239. or email me if you want some.
Remember the Wright family, they keep coming to my mind. I pray for the peace of God to comfort all the parents who've lost their children or loved ones. Don't take your children for granted, or your parents, let them know you love them. We all have so much to be thankful for every day not just on Thanksgiving. Give God the praise and glory every day. Remember us all in your prayers.
Blessing and Joy,
The Boggs FAmily

Monday, November 24, 2003 6:35 AM CST

Why do the week-ends pass by so fast? We had company, little Miss Candace spent the night with us Friday night and the boys loved it. She is my just about adopted daughter! She loves coming up to our house and playing with her "brothers" and getting special attention. We fried french fries, baked cookies, and had pop corn. She felt so special and didn't want to go home.
Dad came home Saturday with a buck, a 4 pointer. He backed up to the window to show it to the boys. The deer had its tounge hanging out with blood dripping off of it and Nicholas spied it the first thing. Then the questions began, what's that in it's mouth? I explained that Dad had shot it and the muscles were so relaxed that it couldn't keep it's tongue in its mouth, sort of evading the blood issue. Then, Deno came sniffing around and started to bite the deer and the boys got so excited trying to shoo Deno off. Nicholas kept mentioning that it was gray. I think he was surprised it had so much gray on it. Dad hung it up in the shop. Dad had gotten 3 squirrels too. I called Mamaw and Papaw to tell them about it. Papaw called back to talk to the boys about the buck but they wouldn't talk to him. Spencer said, "No Daddy didn't kill a buck, just 2 dogs!" I laughed and have no idea where that came from. Dad brought a squirrel in for them to see. Nicholas wanted to know why it had it's eyes closed. I asked Nicholas if he was going to eat the squirrel that Dad had gotten. He laughed and said, "I'm not eating the fuzz!" Dad cooked the squirrel Sunday morning and Nicholas chewed on some of it to get the salt off and then spit it back out as usual! He then asked for a toothpick "to get the squirrel out of his teeth!" Then, he asked his Daddy where the deer was. I think he was wanting deer steak! At church, he told everybody what he had for breakfast! Sissy Bear asked him if he ate deer too. He proceeded to tell her that a Daddy deer was called a buck and that Dad had put it in the shop! He told her that he was going to eat a deer steak later!
They spent the day at Sissy Bears and had a wonderful day. They had planned to go see Santa but were playing hide-n-seek with Daddy Bear and forgot all about Santa! They love their Sissy and Daddy Bear.
Another FA child has passed away, Austin Wright from Jenkins, KY. Remember this family in your prayers. It broke my heart.
Do not take your child for granted, they may be healthy today but could very well be sick tomorrow. Tell them you love them and give them extra hugs while you can. They are precious gifts from God.
Remember all the sick and their families, The Boggs FAmily

Please, Please remember little Tommy and family, his website is

Friday, November 21, 2003 6:02 AM CST

A very busy evening, teacher, ot, mamaw and papaw! Ms. Chris didn't get her time in so will have to do some make-up time. Ms. Sara, ot, worked with Nicholas tracing and catching a ball. She is impressed with Nicholas' improvement in his writing skills and his understanding. She brought a gift to Nicholas and Spencer from Ms. Terri, his previous teacher and speech, Ms. Nancy. Thanks! He wrote them a thank you note with Ms. Sara's help. Ms. Sara is real nice but Nicholas has her wrapped around his little finger too. She needs to be tougher on him! Patience is the key with Nicholas, just like any child. He is typical, wants to doodle around instead of working!!!
Mamaw told Nicholas a bunch of bear tales and I think there was one about a rabbit! Spencer and I played with the trains. I think I like that train set too! I try to create more tracks and keep changing things around. I should have been a train engineer and then I could get these tracks right!
Spencer ate his favorite for dinner, carrots! He ate real good and the cheese potatoes didn't hurt either. Anything with cheese, he loves. Just like his mommy. He is starting to eat chicken! What I fixed last night had pepper on it and he did not like it. Brownies helped his appetite too! Just like his mommy! I am going to have to quit eating sweets. That is so hard to do, especially when I love chocolate. It is my brain food!!! It just doesn't stay there, it settles on the hips some how!! That's why I keep needing brain food! Somehow, I don't think my dr is going to support my theories!
I really desire your prayers for the decisions ahead of us. It's hard to know what is best for our baby. We will probably have that decision made for us, there will be no choice but transplant UNLESS they find a quick cure.

Research! Research! Research! If you want to donate to something this year for Christmas, Please consider FARF to send your money to, it would benefit all FA patients. Go to to find out how to donate. They have a PayPal link so you can donate directly. Without the research, there would never have been a discovery of how close the FA gene is to the Breast Cancer gene. Thank you to all who have supported us too. We couldn't make it without your help, prayers, and support. Let us know you are thinking about us by signing the guestbook. I need to know.
Remember all the sick children and their families and we send only blessings and joy to each of you, the Boggs FAmily

Thursday, November 20, 2003 6:24 AM CST

I have finally managed to get the Holy Bear order together and guess how many we sold???
Thanks to Sissy Bear, I couldn't have finished it without her. She has a lot of experience with fundraisers!
Nicholas is feeling so much better but Spencer didn't have a good day yesterday. He didn't eat much and said his tummy hurts. Dad got them ready for bed last night while we were busy. Nicholas kept running back to me and telling me he loved me. He is use to having Mommy's attention and just couldn't stand it when I couldn't give it. He had to have a bite of orange cream pudding before bedtime, a nightly ritual. I opened one and he just ate 2 bites. He has been eating at least three forths of the top layer and believe you me that is a lot for him. Yes, I ate it and I wasn't suppose to! I've not been doing to good on not eating sweets or carbs. I feel sorry for full blown diabetics. There isn't much left to eat without carbs in it. Too much protein isn't good either, so there you go. I'm going to turn into a rabbit and just eat lettuce. More like a chicken, that is about all I eat is chicken. If you hear me clucking, you know what has happened! Hopping and clucking? How about a chabbit???? Enough foolishness for now!
Remember all the families and sick children, The Boggs FAmily

Grand total of.....572! I wouldn't leave you hanging overnight! Thanks!

Wednesday, November 19, 2003 6:35 AM CST

"I so glad you here" are the sweetest words any mom could be greeted with. This is how Spencer greets me when I come home every evening. Isn't that so sweet? He will tell Daddy, Sissy Bear, Mamaw, and Papaw this when they come home too. The next words out of his mouth to me are, "Daddy not here?" Oh well, I can't win them all... Nicholas will run to me and give me a big hug and say, "Hi Mom."
This morning was a different story, Spencer was awake and didn't want me to go to work. He didn't want Daddy to go to work either. Daddy lay back down with him so I could get ready! After his nap Monday, he told Nanny B that he "saw Jesus and he had something on his head in that building." I ask him last night if he dreamed of Jesus and he said yes. I ask him what Jesus was doing and he told me that he was looking at the toys. He said that he "picked up a truck" and acted the motions out, turning the truck over and looking at it. I have no clue.
Nicholas is still doing good in school and received his first report card last week. He is a super duper student!
He is doing so much better with his writing and catches on so fast. He is an angel that is for sure.
Remember all the sick and their families, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, November 18, 2003 6:31 AM CST

Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning!!
Red sky and soft puffy clouds this morning made the trip to work absolutely beautiful. I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't had a terrible headache! Oh Well!!
We had a wonderful visit from Maria and Josh Godwin on Saturday. She is 34, has FA also and was just diagnosed in July. Nicholas had Josh wrapped around his little finger in no time at all. He said he wouldn't have missed meeting Nicholas for any thing in the world. Wasn't that sweet! He had to read to them and had them both in his lap. He couldn't see the book for the boys. They loved Josh as well. Maria brought Spencer a monkey and Nicholas a prayer bear and both of them a little bear figurine. I also incorporated a Maria Bear in to the bear tales. Nicholas loved it and smiled from ear to ear. Josh also taught him how to shake his leg when his ear is scratched, just like a dog. He will never forget that!!!
I'm so thankful that he is feeling better, a totally different child. He still has to have mommy close but is a lot more playful. Spencer is sleeping too much during the day!! He has been a little wiggle worm for the last two nights. He is such a sweetie pie.
We worked up the holy bear order last night and we have sold over 500 bears!! Thanks sales team! One person sold 90 and another sold 70!!! One of the students sold 30! They were the top three sellers are getting a little extra surprise!! Thanks and we love you all. Thanks Sissy Bear for letting the Spanish Club sell too.
Remember all the sick and their families, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, November 17, 2003 6:29 AM CST

I lied! Spencer is not anemic! All his counts were normal, they had the adult counts posted and he was anemic according to them! I am so happy that all is well with him. That was a big relief. He is also feeling a little better from his cold. He didn't eat well yesterday but his nose didn't run as much. Nicholas is feeling a whole lot better. I could tell a difference after the first dose of zithromax. He and Spencer have played and played. We went to Sissy Bear's for a Mexican Birthday party for Daddy Bear. They had a wonderful time down there, as usual. Nicholas was a big show out, wiggling his tail! Spencer had a nap and was a little shy in front of every body.

The other day when we went to the dr and were eating, Spencer just jabbered and at the end of it he said, "And I saw Jesus." Mamaw and I just looked at each other and he continued, "...and he had this thing on top of his head." By this time, we were in tears and I asked, "Was it gold and shiney?" He shook his head and said, "Yes it was" and just smiled. Mamaw asked me what he was talking about and I told her I didn't have a clue. We were at St. Mary's hospital but I can't remember any picture or cruifix that he may have seen. I don't know where this came from.
I think children are closer to God than we could ever imagine.

Please remember my aunt Erma Strouth tomorrow as she goes in for surgery. She has a knot in her shoulder that they are removing. She had had a kidney transplant, +/- 30 years ago but it has also failed and she has been on dialysis for a few years. She needs your prayers. I admire her so much, she never gives up and is so full of determination. I love her so much. She use to baby sit me! Also, continue praying for all of us, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, November 14, 2003 7:41 AM CST

I took the boys to dr yesterday and Spencer is anemic and has a cold. Nicholas has fluid on both ears and he put him on zithromax. The dr said he had never seen Nicholas that way before and that clarifies the difference in how he has been acting. The number of times that he has been sick and been to the dr, he still was smiling and happy. I told the dr that he has been this way for a while and still clinging to me. He has been doing a little better but a baby was crying in the waiting room and Mamaw had to bring him to me. He kept saying he wanted to get out of there and was crying. He kept Mamaw busy telling bear tales yesterday while I took Spencer for blood work. It was so cold yesterday and I just pray it doesn't make them worse. I was up a lot with them last night. Spencer couldn't breathe and then his nose would pour. I felt so sorry for him, he felt terrible and looks so pitiful. His little nose is so red and will not let me put anything on it. I knew Spencer was just too pale. Hopefully, iron will do the trick of getting his levels back up.
Maria is coming to our house tomorrow! I was telling Mamaw and Nicholas wanted to know who was coming! Sorry Maria, I couldn't keep it a secret!!!! Maybe he will forget! Yeah, right! Maybe we will just have a fa reunion day at our house! That sounds like a good tradition to me!! Come if you want to. The more the merrier!

Remember Nana Betsy Bear, she is in the hospital and needs prayers.
Remember my babies that they will feel better soon, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, November 12, 2003 6:27 AM CST

Good Morning,
The home of Barry Nowlin was burned completely up the other night. They lost everything. The have 2 sons and came home from school to find their home in flames. It is devastating and brought back so many memeories of when my brother's home burned down. I know it is all material things that can be replaced and thank the Lord that his wife was able to get out. I think they are staying with her mom but will need household items later when they get another home. I remember the one thing we bought Kenny was a photo album and filled it with pictures. I'm sure we only replaced a small portion of their photos because some memories cannot be recaptured. Please remember this family in your prayers.
Nicholas woke up yesterday morning and wanted to know why I was leaving. He cried his little heart out and upset me, needless to say. He wanted to know why his Dad was leaving and acted so pitiful. Nanny B said that he settled down and went back to sleep. It broke my heart. He is a little congested again so its back to breathing treatments and medicine. I have to take Spencer to dr tomorrow and will ask for a trach culture on Nicholas. Who knows what bug he is fighting. His counts will go farther down too. And you ask why I'm depressed???? I know things are pretty good for us right now, Thank the good Lord. They could be a lot worse that is for sure, we could be in transplant. I'm always thankful for this little rest.
Spencer loves his table that his Dad made for him. It holds the SDB Railway system! or N & S!!!! It is so cute and he will spend hours at a time just playing and rearranging the pieces. He loves it and kept saying, "WOW!" He is too cute.
Just say an extra prayer for all the children in transplant right now. Some aren't doing too good and are in a lot of pain. If you want to follow some, go to and go to the link for families. You'll find more than you want!
Remember us all in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, November 11, 2003 6:34 AM CST

Happy Birthday Spencer!

Today, 3 years ago, we headed out for Johnson City early in the morning. It was on Saturday and I was so anxious and excited. I was admitted and hooked up to all the equipment for monitoring the situation. Then the contractions began, the machine couldn't chart them, they were so hard. I had started in labor but the c-section went on as planned. They had a really hard time getting the baby out! He was all ready for natural birth. They had to pull him back up out the birth canal and just about choked me to death. I felt like I was having a heart attack, they were leaning across my stomach to get him out. Dad was watching every move! I had asked to watch but they wouldn't let me. I used the equipment overhead to watch their reflections! I couldn't make out everything though. At 12:10 pm, Spencer Dalton Boggs, 8 lb 6 oz, 19.5" in length entered the world. He was beautiful! Little round face, and a little rolly polly. We were so proud of our new baby boy. They brought him to me and I got to feed him. He would startle and cry when he wasn't next to me. He ended sleeping next to me all the time. He was so cuddly and wanted the warmth and security of his mommy. He is still cuddly. We brought him home and Nicholas laid eyes on his baby brother for the first time. He was totally fascinated until he cried! Spencer then had Jaundice and we had to go back into the hospital for a few days. I didn't have enough milk for him and we had to go to formula. It broke my heart.
Now he is three years old and such a big boy. He is a good little helper and very protective of Nicholas around other children. The past three years have flown by but we have had lots of fun together. Spencer, I love you with all my heart and hope we can lots more fun together. I know he has had a tough time sharing Mom and Dad with Nicholas who requires a lot of our time but you are still my hero and a champion through and through. Spencer, we love you and happy birthday. God has blessed us so much with two beautiful and smart boys that is for sure. Thank you Lord for my babies.
I hope you all have a blessed day as well, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, November 10, 2003 6:36 AM CST

Good Morning,
We have had our good times and bad this weekend. Nicholas wasn't feeling very good on Friday and Saturday but seemed ok yesterday. Saturday, he would just lie around and didn't seem to have much energy. He is worrying me! Sunday, we celebrated Spencer's birthday with a Thomas the Tank Engine theme. He smiled from ear to ear when he saw the cake. It was precious. He loved the table cloth and plates and couldn't believe that someone cut his train on the cake! Kim and her family got him a keyboard and Nicholas a little drum set! Thanks!!!!!! I need ear plugs! They did enjoy them so much for the rest of the evening and that was the last thing I heard last night! Nicholas has retained the beat of B-i-b-l-e and that is what he played on the drums! He is too funny. Spencer would go back and forth between the two. He loved the drums too! Spencer would say, "WOOOOW!" when he opened his gifts. He loved all his train stuff and slept in his new pjs! Thanks everybody for a delicious dinner and a wonderful 3rd birthday for my baby.
We cleaned out the toys!!!! Surprise! Surprise! They had an absolute ball! I couldn't get anything accomplished for them playing with every thing that I was getting rid of!!
I think I'm having a yard sale!!!

Remember all the sick children and their families, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, November 7, 2003 6:37 AM CST

"Mommy, Can I kiss you?" The Million Dollar Question!!! I heard it over and over this week. I told him I was just going to stay home every day for such good sugars! He smiled from ear to ear and said, "Has it been 5 dozen sugars?" 5 dozen is his new number!!! I think that pertains to girl friends!! Yesterday, Spencer woke up and asked me, "You not go to work?" I told him no and he smiled so sweet. I have loved being home with them. I played and played and didn't get the house cleaned!!! Nicholas has had to have me in sight and I mean most of the time touching me. Yes! I feel lonely today. Nan Nan is back but trying to pass a kidney stone. Please remember her in your prayers. She was sick on Monday and covered up with an afgan on the couch. Nicholas told her to sit there and he would take care of her! He is such a doll and so sensitive. He is bruising again. He has also complained of being "so tired" and every time he says it, my heart just jumps into my throat. He is real dark around his mouth and eyes with a couple of face brusies too. He hits with his head and hit me in the back the other night and bruised his head again. He had been coughing a lot and has petichia on his face again. I'll never be ready for transplant.
On a happier note, we do have apple butter, 364 quarts!!! and some pints, most of them are promised!!! I will deliver next week.
Have a great day and God Bless, the Boggs FAmily

Thursday, November 6, 2003 10:59 AM CST

I've been home with my babies and haven't had time to update!! Nan-Nan had a kidney stone attack and was in the hospital but is now home. She came home with medicine and instructions to drink lots of lemonade. They told her that she could probaby pass it. I'd like for that dr to pass it! Yeah right! It is the size of a half of a walnut! I can only imagine it!
Nicholas asked us to pray for him the other night. He wasn't feeling good. Yesterday, he had a big bad gas spell, the third one, and told me to ask God to pray for him. He is so sweet and precious. He makes us stop in our tracks most of the time.
I have eaten breakfast with Spencer every morning! I love it. I have enjoyed being with my babies so much! Miss Mary couldn't stay because she has been exposed to that stomach virus and the flu. I just couldn't take the chance of exposing my babies to those bugs.
Apple Butter is in the making as we speak!!! They are making it today. It is so hard not to be in the middle of everything. I have to do what I have to do and the rest of the world goes by...
Remember all the sick and their families. Blessings and joy to you from the Boggs FAmily

Monday, November 3, 2003 6:56 AM CST

Poppa and Baby Bear made their debut Friday evening and treated as well as getting lots of treats. The most frightened were Mamaw and Papaw who screamed to high heavens and ran around behind the table, much to the delight of the bears. Their bear masks came from the zoo trip in Cincinnati and the black sweats were perfect. I was just afraid they couldn't see good and were going to fall. They had a great time and yes, I did get pictures and will have them up on the website whenever I get them developed! Probably next year!!!
Our weekend was saddened by the passing of Randy Kiser who had just turned 50 in September. He had known he had cancer 5 weeks and 5 days. Please remember this family in your prayers.
Saturday night was the Benefit Singing at Ferbies Chapel. Blue Grass Messengers and Still Water were the featured singers and the fiddle and bass captured the eyes of two little boys. They were totally captivated and mesmerized! Spencer pretends to play a fiddle all the time after watching a lady play the violin? at Camp Sunshine. I guess that is where it came from! Nicholas was all eyes. Dad got up during the group switch and told Nicholas' story. He brought tears to everyone eyes. This is probably the first time he has spoken publicly and was very good for him. He choked up several times and really portrayed the emotional struggle of dealing with a sick child, the roller coaster ride, the expectations, and the possibility of death during transplant. He was given the scripture, "We are conquers through Christ" and stated the Nicholas was a winner either way, through life or death, he was heaven bound. He did a fantastic job and a lot better than I could have ever done. He keeps so much inside and it was theraputic for him to share some of the heart break. They did get a video of it and I would love to have a copy. Spencer went to the front with him, playing with a blanket the entire time, acting shy, while Dad played with his hair. That part was cute. Thanks Chris for the love and support that you and your church have shown.
Remember us all in your prayers and keep signing that guest book!!!
Blessings and Joy to each of you, The Boggs FAmily

**Holy Bears Fundraiser!! If you want one, let me know. If you want to sell, let me know.
Thanks, Donna

Friday, October 31, 2003 6:47 AM CST

The boys were happy, laughing and playing together yesterday evening. I had leaned the floor mat up against the couch and the bean bags at the bottom. They were climbing up and then sliding down into the bean bags. Nicholas was laughing so hard, we all got tickled at him and started laughing. I love to hear Spencer giggle. Yes, of course the sliding turned into jumping!! Spencer loves to jump and of course, Nicholas would not be out done!! I did them on video until my tape ran out :-(
Dad had stayed with them so I could go by the funeral home. He had cooked and everything!! He hadn't pulled his hair out when I got home. He is a good Daddy and the boys hadn't even missed me! Spencer said, "What you doing here!" and then kept rubbing my skirt and asked, "What's dis?" I couldn't help but laugh, it was made out of a knobby sort of material that he hadn't seen before. It was so funny. Oh well! The days and lives of a mom!
Tonight the boys will be dressed as .......oops! I just about let the cat out of the bag! You will just have to wait and see! Sorry Sissy Bear. I don't do Halloween, so this isn't one of my better areas. I do fall harvest but not witches and spooks. It is an opportunity to show the boys off! and I love doing that.
I went by Mrs. Phyl's Toy Store! It was so neat! They have all of the Thomas, the Tank Engine stuff! I bought too much for Spencer's birthday! He loves Thomas and his railroad buddies. I had bought some toys before at JC but now I don't have to pay Tn tax! And they have their Christmas Decor out on the other side, it was gorgeous! Spencer would say, "Georgeous!" I want the Victorian Tree! I could have it for about 2k!!!! Too rich for my blood. They have beautiful decor but it has a beautiful price to go with it. Oh Well! Too Bad, So Sad.
I have another website I'd like for you visit, she had breast cancer and has graceously allowed us some insite on her courageous battle, its
Please sign her guestbook, I know how encouraging those messages are and check mine every day.
Also, another child with FA, They have had very discouraging news.
Remember us all in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, October 30, 2003 6:44 AM CST

Dishearted Hellos,
Nicholas' counts have dropped from last month. I couldn't believe it. I just knew they were at least 55 but they weren't. They have dropped 7000 this month. He isn't bruising and is feeling great. I thought I had put my roller coaster ride on hold. I was just going to sit at the top for a while. Needless to say it went down the other side in a hurry. Now it's a climb back up the hill and I'm so tired. I still thank God for this respite otherwise we would be in transplant now. I don't think I'll ever be ready for that and I know who I have to trust in to carry us through. Thank God He is always there.

We had just gotten to Norton and Spencer threw up! Car sick again. Love his little heart. By the time we left the hospital, he was hungry! We went to Bonanza to eat, Nicholas' pick, and Spencer ate pretty good. There was a bunch of children beside of us and he didn't want to leave.

They are having Lou Ellen Hensley's funeral this evening so please remember the family in your prayers. This makes three, one per year that has passed away in Kathys' family.

Remember all the sick and their families, the Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, October 29, 2003 6:23 AM CST

Happy Hellos,
The apples are finished!!! I'm so happy. Thanks to Mamaw, Papaw, Kenny, they did a bunch yesterday and we finished what was left last night. It is great to have them done. Yoo Hoo. We received another call yesterday, they have more apples if we need them. Thanks but no thanks! Not at this moment, maybe later.
Happy Birthday Sissy Bear! Sweet 16? NOT! Just a few years more!!
In case you missed the update later in the day yesterday, my co-worker's sister passed away yesterday morning. She did have cancer. Her name is Lou Ella Hensley, she is Kathy Ireson's sister. Remember them in your prayers.
Also, I received an email from Carolyn about Randy Kiser requesting prayer for him. They sent him home from Charlottesville and can't do anything else for him. They have given him 2 weeks or less and the family needs your prayers. He has colon and liver cancer.
On a happier note, Nicholas sang all day long yesterday. It was so sweet and music to my ears. As we were doing apples, he told his Papaw, "This attitude of yours has got to stop!" He was just wanting to quarrel and was picking on Papaw. He wanted Papaw to play instead of working. Papaw didn't know what to say and just burst out laughing. Sissy Bear came and helped us for a while. She had been sick and the boys had really missed her. They were so excited when she came in.
One of our FA families had to be evacuated due to the fires out in California. Thank the Lord, their home is safe. Remember them. Their website is
Other families are going through transpant are:
Please visit and encourage these families as well, they all need our prayers.
We do go for blood work this evening, Please remember Nicholas and pray that his counts continue to rise.
Thanks for all the prayers and encouragement. We couldn't make it without all of you, the Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, October 28, 2003 6:27 AM CST

Christian's are like Pumpkins
A woman asked a co-worker,"What is it like to be a Christian?" The co-worker replied, "It is like being a pumpkin. God pickes you from the patch, brings you in and washes all the dirt off you. Then he cuts off the top and scoops out all the yucky stuff. He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, and then he carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside of you to shine for all the world to see." I thought that was cute and wanted to share it with all of you.
Nicholas is doing better with the clinging. Still don't know what it was about. He was wanting to do something the other day and asked, "Mommy did you hear me?" when I didn't immediately respond. I told him yes and then he said something that I couldn't understand. I asked him to repeat it. He said, "Sometimes parents need to listen to their children!" I burst out laughing! I don't know where this came from, he is something else. I told him that I had heard him but was trying to finish the dishes before we went to play. It was funny. He started laughing then. I could just squeeze him to pieces. His little legs have filled out and his face. He is looking so much better but getting too heavy for Mom to lift. He helped us with apples last night. Yes! We are still doing apples and have about 8 more left to do. We are bumming freezers to put them in!
Spencer ate good again yesterday, back on green beans and macroni salad, except he spits out the pickles. He loves pickles if he eats them by themselves but doesn't like two textures together. He is so funny. We are getting those crazy lady bugs again and he is my official "Lady Bug Spotter!" He tells Papaw so he can catch them. He gets so excited and then shivers. He is so sweet but rotten! I think Nan Nan worked in apples yesterday and he didn't want to help with them any more. He wanted to play. He joined Mamaw and Nicholas in the bedroom for the Bear Tales. Mamaw is a great story teller. She is very dramatic and Papaw was peeping in on them the other night and he said that Nicholas was mocking Mamaw. Everything she did Nicholas was doing it too. It was too funny! I would love to get them on video. I'll have to set it up and catch them! That would be too good! He loves "his baby" and his Papaw. Both boys make Papaw sword fight with them every time he comes up. They get the best of him most of the time. He has to wrap up his hand with a towel or blanket! Spencer was mocking him the other day and I couldn't help but laugh.
Getting to my roller coaster ride, I wasn't mad at God, just sickness and heartache. God loves us and cares for all of us. We all deal with things differently. I think I have figured out that I have more time to think since Nicholas is doing better. Even Jeff and I are at different places in our grief. Now, I'm hurting and feel like I'm mourning inside for all the families that are going through what we are or worse. My co-worker's sister is really sick and they didn't expect her to make it through yesterday, she is in kidney failure. Please remember them in your prayers. Remember the family of Dalton Meade, a six year old boy from Pound who passed away.
Blessings and Joy sent to you from us, the Boggs FAmily

**My co-worker's sister has passed away this morning, around 8:30. Remember them that God will be their comforter.***

Monday, October 27, 2003 6:30 AM CST

Dad called me Friday for lunch!! Surprise! Surprise! He had gotten me a butterfly ring for my birthday and just couldn't wait to give it to me. It is tri-color and beautiful. He is a sweetie!
Nicholas is having some kind of psychological problem. He does not want to be by himself at any time. I finally talked him into playing while he had a chance to do anything he wanted. He said, "But what about you?" I told him I would be fine that I had the kitchen to clean up. He played with the little trucks for a while on a table where he could see me. I'm not sure what is going on. He will not be in a room by himself. He wants to know if I will stay with him. If I am working, I just about trip over him that is how close he clings to me. Needless to say I can't get anything done except playing! If I go out of the room, he immediately start hollering for me. I asked him what was going on, but he keeps saying different things. He mentioned a Mommy and Daddy spider. I'm not sure if he dreamed something or not. I've racked my brain and cannot think of anything major that has happened that brought this on. I've gotten a thousand kisses and hugs in the process though! I'm not sure if Spencer likes it or not. He got a little aggressive towards Nicholas last night. I think he decided Nicholas couldn't share my lap anymore with him. My "talking" knee patched things back up! Spencer is so easy to entertain!
Yesterday, while Spencer was napping, I put food coloring in water in different cups and showed Nicholas about making different colors! He said, "Wow! This is great!" He was totally fascinated as I knew he would be. He will take his food and mix and play with it in a cup of water. He loved it and said that he could do it tomorrow too! I wish you could have watched him. He smiled from ear to ear. He ended up mixing it all together in one cup to make a forest green color! He is going to be a scientist or chemist? I loved watching him pick up the cups and mixing it without spilling any.
Spencer is eating better! Everything in sight. Sissy Bear fixed meatloaf and mashed potatoes and he ate the most that I have ever seen him eat meatloaf. Sissy, he loved it! I poured more ketchup on it and he just about ate a whole piece. Hopefully, he will gain some weight now! Nicholas, on the other hand, weighed 36 lbs and Spencer 31-10. They were just a pound apart! Nicholas is getting so heavy that I'm going to have to have a ladder for him to climb into his bed! He is killing my back and his Dad's.
Remember the sick and hug your loved ones tighter and more often, The Boggs FAmily

***If God brings you to it, He will see you through it.****

Friday, October 24, 2003 6:55 AM CDT

Today my heart is full of hate. Yes, I did write hate! I hate FA, cancer of all types, leukemia, and all diseases. They rip apart families, tear up the immediate family and all the families on both sides. It keeps everybody tired, grouchy, and down right hateful! There are a million moods and feelings that course through our bodies every day. Nothing is balanced it's always in an uphevel. No two days are the same. With every cbc, complete blood count, there is always something else there for us to worry about. Some days it only takes something small to set everybody on the warpath. Some days it only takes a hug from the boys to make everything just right. "I wuv you" said in my little country boy's voice can calm a thousand storms and make my eyes melt. "I so glad you here" can even make your heart sing and make us dance! Yesterday evening, we danced into the living room and interrupted Nicholas' school! OOPS! Then it was sugar blowing time until the school session was over!
Spencer helped me make corn bread! It was so good. We had a big sword fight! Spatula's make the best swords until somebody starts hitting Mom with them! "Let's get her!" cried Spencer and then it was on. I was attacked by two little pirates! They can actually hit pretty hard or I can't block very good one! Tickling is a good defense for Mom. They can't do anything when they are tickled. Mamaw and Papaw came up for a little while. Nicholas got Mamaw to tell him "just one bear tale!" Yeah, right!
Miss Kim came over and she had to play with them too. They wore her out! She had to tell bear tales! We all laughed at her bear tales!!
We are getting geared up for the Holy Bear Fundraiser. If you want to help, just let us know.
Thanks for letting me vent some feelings, I would scream if it would help but that wouldn't help Nicholas one bit. I just thank God that He is always there.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, October 23, 2003 6:50 AM CDT

God is so good. He is always there with us no matter what is going on in our lives. Big or small, He knows all. Can you imagine how precious we are to Him? If He knows every sparrow that falls, we can't begin to comprehend how much more precious humanity is to Him. I know He created the birds too, but He put man to have dominion over the animals. We are special and a special creation. He knows everything there is to know, all our fears, sadness, hurts, pain, sorrow, and he knows when we are happy. He wants us to be smiling, happy, and full of joy. He created this world with that in mind to bring joy and happiness to His people. He created the seasons, beautiful fall colors to bring a little joy before the winter season. He supplied the most artistic and beautiful sceneries with all their splendor to bring peace and contentment to soothe our souls and give us rest. Rainbows, babbling brooks, mountains, deserts, plains, hills, flowers, clouds, butterflies, bugs, trees, fog, mist, wind, rain, storms, and all that I didn't name, they all play a part to make up our beautiful place to live. All of this is far different from the hospital scene yet the cycle is the same. Life and Death. Sunshine and Rain. Rainbows after the storm. God knows what we need when we need it. There may be storms in our lives but He will send peace and contentment afterwards. This is the cycle of life and only He knows why some die young and some live to be old. Think about it, He knows the number of hairs on your head. We don't even know that about our children and we think we love them. God knows everthing.

Yesterday, Nicholas didn't want us out of his sight. He had to have someone with him all the time. He slept real good last night and Spencer did too. What is going on? He usually is getting sick when he does this. I wasn't very patient with him, trying to do too much in too little time. I told him I was sorry I was grumpy. He just patted my face and said, "That's alright, I forgive you." I felt worse! He is so loving and forgiving. I need to take lessons from him. I received a Sears Christmas book in the mail and sat down between to look at it. Big Mistake! If I bruised easily, I would be black and blue. They couldn't get close enough and kept elbowing and try to get in my lap. I couldn't even see the book most of the time but couldn't do anything except laugh. "Wow!" "Look at that!" "What's that Mom?" "Oh, my!" "There, there is a..." "Wow!" "Let me have that!" "I want one of dem, Mommy!" They were so excited and that was just looking!

Remember the ones suffering from cancer and treatments.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, October 22, 2003 6:30 AM CDT

Good Morning,
Ms. Chris came to teach Nicholas and was just about finished when Mary, Clara, and Becky came. They had brought him Halloween buckets that looked like Sponge Bob! Yes, they were full of chocolate and other goodies! Spencer was in seventh heaven! Nicholas asked them to leave him alone for just a minute until he was finished with school! Ms. Chris was thrilled that she was chosen over Sponge Bob! They even had little Krabby Patties in there! I ate one and it was pretty good. I just don't like gummy candy! But they are sort of sour. Spencer wouldn't even try them. He went directly for the mini kisses! That's my baby! They all ended up in the floor in the living room and playing. Spencer is still a little dare devil and jumping off of the couch. I tried to show him how to use his hands to break his fall. I finally got him on the puzzles and coloring. He says he can't color! Nicholas did a little bit but is improving. He does better with smaller objects. The main problem that I'm seeing is that his fingers are blocking his view of what he is coloring or tracing. I'm not sure how this can be resolved.
They both slept pretty good last night. I was worn out and fell into a deep sleep real quick!
We haven't worked up any more apples, they are a little green and we are trying to let them ripen some. We just have about 14 more bushel to go!!!
Remember all the sick and afflicted, cancer, leukemia, and all the rest of the diseases that are hitting our loved ones. God is supreme and in control. Why can we not believe that? We always want to help Him out with everything. We lay things on the altar but cannot leave them there, in the most capable hands of all time. We return time after time and pick them back up again. Leave it! God knows what to do with our problems, not us! He wants us to FULLY depend on HIM! Lets all remember each other in prayer.
Blessings and Joy sent to you from the Boggs FAmily.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003 6:28 AM CDT

We went outside to play for a while and you couldn't even tell anything had been wrong with Spencer. We played with Blacky and Splacky! They are barking and will come to you when you call for them. Spencer get so tickled and just giggles at them. Nicholas wanted to swing but Spencer didn't. The puppies kept following Spencer around and I was afraid he was going to step on them. He knows no danger and will hopefully learn one of these days to be careful. I get so tickled at him. It was warm and a beautiful day. They also helped me fill up the bird feeders. We went in the house and played for the rest of the evening. They pretended I was their little baby and you should have heard the giggles from Spencer. He laughs at everything. Nicholas teared up and didn't want me to be a baby, he didn't like the crying! Then I was their horse, as usual. They had to feed and water me. Spencer is getting good at pretending. We worked the abc and number puzzle, held hands, sang the "ABC" song, and counted. They are simply adorable. Dad came in and then he played ball with them. I could hear Spencer laughing. Nicholas was sitting at the bar pretending to eat a cimmimon roll, licking the orange icing.
I did get some of their clothes sorted while they played. It was definitely a different evening, a relaxing one. Everybody needs one of those once in a while. I could use a few more!
They boys slept pretty good after they finally went to sleep. I put Spencer to bed with us around 3:30 and he went back to sleep. He started giggling up a storm and got me tickled. Dad said, "Is he asleep?" He thought he was awake. Spencer would sleep and then set up in bed and flop back down. He ended up hitting me a couple of times in the head. I don't know what was wrong with him but he finally settled down and then it was time for me to get up! My back is bothering me some, up around my shoulder blades and wasn't sleeping the best anyway. I must have pulled a muscle Saturday.
Remember my co-worker's sister in your prayers. They did do surgery and have given her a 5% chance to live and a year with chemo. Randy Kiser does have cancer and his heart is too bad to do surgery, he is on chemo also. Please remember these families in your prayers. God is an awesome God and he knows what is best for all of us.
I have a thankful heart for I know we could be in transplant right now and Spencer could have been hurt a lot worse. God is good and I know He touched our family in a mighty way.
In case you missed the update at the end yesterday, Nicholas asked me to pray that Jesus and God would bless him. 1Ch:4:10: And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.
The prayer of Jabez came to my mind. God is still the same God and can bless us too. We are blessed if we could only look up to see where it comes from. Thank you Lord.
We pray that God blesses you in a mighty way too, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, October 20, 2003 6:57 AM CDT

Friday evening, the boys were showing out for Kim and her family. They were jumping on the bean bags, when Spencer missed the pillows and the bean bags. His head hit the floor, hard. He started crying and crawled up to me. I was trying to see if it made a place and laid him back in my arms. He closed his eyes and went totally limp, he had passed out for a few seconds. I shook his body and he came to and I sat him up. He broke out in a cold sweat, which was shock. He was still crying and Kim went out to get Dad. We took him to the hospital and by the time we got there, he was car sick and was throwing up as we went into the emergency room. I started crying and cried, "HELP!" The nurses came running and we laid him down on the bed. I told them I felt sure he was sick from the car. He was white as a sheet for a while. I have never been so scared in all of my life. They preformed a ct scan of his head and everything was ok. His head or neck seemed to be a little sore yesterday but he is ok. With Nicholas, I can suction if he needs it or relieve his stomach pain with venting but he has never passed out on me. I felt so helpless. We washed his face off which he hated. It didn't make a place on his head but he had a hard hit. The dr said he had a small concussion. Before we left for the hospital, Nicholas asked me which dr was I taking him too. He was so worried about him. Sharon came and stayed with Nicholas. I will never forget that feeling of him going limp in my arms. I'm so thankful that he is ok.
Saturday, we had the benefit ride for Nicholas. It warmed up to around 60d but was still chilly. The boys had a great time there and loved riding on the horses. Nicholas said, "I had a good day today Mom." They threw sticks in the creek and played at the playground and enjoyed their day. I put on Spencer's jacket with a hood and zipped it up to his chin and he said, "It's choking my heart mom!" I couldn't help but laugh.
Sunday at church we had a sacrament service and the boys helped hold the towels for the men as we washed feet. They loved helping. We called them the little altar boys. After church, Dad and Spencer took a long nap, a four hour nap! Nicholas went down to Sharon's for a couple of hours and he didn't want to come home. We went to church at Indian Creek and they couldn't believe how much he had grown. After church, we went down to tell Sheena Aloha! She is leaving for Hawaii this week. She had cried all day long. Nicholas hugged her and said, "Bless you Sheena." I had an awful dream about her going and it was so hard to tell her bye. I just pray that God will watch over her.
Continue those wonderful prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Sunday during prayer, Nicholas looked up at me and said, "Ask Jesus and God to Bless Me Mom." Yes, the dam broke!

Friday, October 17, 2003 6:46 AM CDT

Thank God for Mamaw and Papaw. They pitch in and work their fingers to the bone and it doesn't matter what is going on, they are alway there to help. Thanks Mamaw and Papaw for everything, for always loving, supporting, helping, giving, and most of all for praying for us. Papaw did a bushel of apples by himself last night while Mamaw helped me fold t-shirts. Yes! New T-Shirts for the Ride for Life tomorrow! They turned out great! We have Red, White, Royal Blue, and Teal. We put them all in bags and labeled their sizes, that is what Nicholas did was put on the size labels! He had to pull off the labels and then he placed them over the tag area of the shirt. He told Spencer how to place it and it had to be turned a certain way! I knew this would be good ot for his fingers. He did great until the last bunch and then he quit! Spencer helped too! He got in the box on top of the t-shirts and loosened them up for us!!!! He helped put on labels too and put them in a box for us. He loves for Mommy to brag on him. My mother use to do that to me and here I am doing it to!! Like Mother, like Daughter! Brag on them and they will work their little fingers off! They just love to be praised and just smile so sweet. Nicholas said, "I'm a good helper ain't I mom?" And you know what I said. I held the teal one up to me and Nicholas said, "Oh Mom, you look beautiful!" with his eyes batting and twinkling and the biggest grin that you have ever seen! He knows just what to say! Miss Chris, his teacher said that he was in that sweet mood again. She doesn't realize that he stays in that sweet mood most of the time. He is just sweet and happy. He told Spencer, "I love you baby brother", last night. If he tells you "thank you", you have to respond with a "you're welcome" or he will keep telling you. That reminds me of a certain young lady named Amanda Cantrell Pressley. When she was little she would do the same thing. You had to respond verbally to her or she would keep repeating it. She was so cute and sweet. One of my earlier babies of long ago, now grown with two little boys of her own. Time sure does fly and I'm not getting older!

Spencer said, "I'm so glad you're here!" to me yesterday evening. I loved it too! He wouldn't sleep with us, he wanted in his bed! :-(
Nicholas slept good until around 5:00 and then had to be vented and suctioned. We are all still a little congested. Dad sounds like a bull frog! Say a prayer for him to feel better too.

Well, that is enough for today. Until next time, may you be blessed with bundles of joy, love, and compassion and sing praises to God for all His goodness, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, October 16, 2003 6:27 AM CDT

Nicholas woke me up with a bad gas spell around 2:00 am. this morning. I just pray that his little tummy will have some relief. He has been trying to eat more, maybe that is it. I don't know what is causing it. It kills me when he has so much gas and comes so close to throwing up. If it keeps it up, I'm afraid it will burst the fundoplication loose. We try so hard to get things just right and the gas always comes back. Spencer slept pretty good until 3:00 am and then he got in bed with Mommy and Daddy. He tried to go back to sleep in his own bed but kept hollering for me. Then he said, "Let me sweep in you arms." That suited Mom to a tee! I can keep him covered up when he is with me. He is such a snuggle bug. I love my boys to pieces. Needless to say, I'm sleepy today.
We worked up 4 1/2 bu. of apples last night. Nan Nan worked up 1 1/2 yesterday by herself. We have about 13 more to go. I figured I'd dream about them in my sleep but guess what I dreamed! I dreamed we were traveling up the country and stopped at this restraurant to eat and it was called Fanconi Anemia Cafe! There was some woman that just had one eye that had FA and had several children with arms like Nicholas. Their pictures were all over the walls, dark and spooky pictures. One picture looked just like my cousin, Janice. It was amazing. I dreamed they said that she was in the basement cooking. They were shocked to see Nicholas and didn't know anybody else had it. Jeff did not have a good time there and was so aggravated. I dreamed the food was real expensive and macroni and cheese for Spencer was $9.99! I don't know why I dreamed that. I dreamed we stopped back by there again. It wasn't a plesant dream and made me sad. I had better hush or I'll start crying and I feel that if I get started I'll never quit.
Nicholas told everybody that he loved them a hundred times yesterday evening. He is so full of love. He did his usual and got his Mamaw into the bedroom so she could tell him 5 bear tales! He loves bear tales and has at some point in time gotten everybody he could talk into to tell him a bear tale. Tommy came over to help with apples and Spencer said, "I'm so glad you're here!" when he came in. He is Mommy's welcoming committee of one! He is so sweet. They both helped us with apples! That is the reason we got so many finished yesterday!
Remember all the sick and their families. Remember a co-worker's sister, just diagnosed with cancer. That makes 4 in the last month that I know. They all need our prayers. Blessings and joy to each of you, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, October 15, 2003 6:55 AM CDT

Good morning,
We had a rough night. Spencer kept dreaming and crying out in his sleep. Nicholas went to sleep really quick but after an hour, he was real restless and coughing. I vented and suctioned and he settled down after an hour or so. I heard him during the night tossing and turning. I didn't get much sleep and neither did Dad. He is getting sick and had an itchy throat. He is now getting what we had. It will probably make another round and hopefully play itself out!
We did a bushel and a half of apples. The power was out for a while and we got a late start. I'm sure they are still out there waiting on us!
It is suppose to be a high of 58 degrees on Saturday. I will not take the boys since they have been sick and cannot afford to get them sick again. His health is more important than a public appearance! Sorry folks! If it would just warm up a little! In the 70's would be so nice.
Nicholas had a good time aggervating Papaw last night. They must have been talking about sheep nose apples and he started telling Papaw he had a sheep nose and that started it. I think Mamaw had something to do with it too. They were laughing and having a good ole time. He loves to pester and has been it the habit of doing just about anything if it pesters you. A big stinker! I love seeing both of them in such a good mood. They have been feeling good the past couple of evenings and been rotten to the core.
Remember us in your prayers and hug your child a little tighter today, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, October 14, 2003 7:10 AM CDT

Don't weave me.......
Those words have ripped my heart out this morning. He wasn't feeling good yesterday and wanted Mommy all evening until Daddy came home. Then he wanted his Daddy to do everything until it came to bed time. We did get to wrestle and play, work puzzles and just have a good time for a while. He acted fine when I got home. He hadn't eaten much and I got him to eat a bowl of Lucky Charms. He had a tummy ache again. He ate corn Sunday and I guess it was hurting his stomach.
Nicholas is still a little junky but was feeling rambunctious last night. He will whisper he wants to wrestle and his little eyes will just sparkle with anticipation. They have been jumping off of the couch onto the bean bags. They have had a ball with those bean bags. Spencer's birthday party will be Nov. 9th and he already has his bean bag. He got it early. I'll have to get him something else for the party!
We will get back to doing apples this evening if anyone would want to come and help us!!!!
We are also getting ready for the Benefit Horse Ride this Saturday, October 18, at 10:00. We will be serving hot dogs, hamburgers, cowboy beans, and soft drinks. Come and enjoy! We will have fried apple pies for sale and new T-shirts!!!! They don't have a picture on them this time, just a horse and cowboy silhouette. Sorry! Hey, they are cheaper!!
Remember us in your prayers, as well as the other sick folks, The Boggs FAmily

I added some more photos!

Monday, October 13, 2003 7:01 AM CDT

The week-end was pretty laid back. We did do a couple of bushel of apples and ran out of freezer room. The rest will have to wait awhile. I picked up one half bushel of apples the wrong way and hurt my back! I didn't get much accomplished Saturday! I did get to go clean the church. I hadn't got to do that in such a long time and I didn't realize how much I had missed doing it. It felt wonderful, to give something back for a change. Mamaw and the boys helped me. The boys had a great time dusting!
Nicholas is doing better with his writing. He just gets tired and has to rest his hand. He is learning how to control a pencil better and keep it stablized. He also loves to cut with Mommy's scizzors!! He had his first "test" on Saturday!! He made a 100! and was thrilled with the smiley face she put on it! I'll have to frame it. He has a ton of papers already, and I'm running out of room to store it all. He get so excited over the little things. He loves reading better than anything. He could sit all day while you read to him.
Dad and the boys were playing hide and seek and I just listen to them. I love to hear their little conversations. They all ended up under/behind the piano bench and lay there talking. They ended up in the kitchen eating pop sicles, that is becoming a nightly rictual. This is their "Daddy Time." I get so tickled at Daddy. He is learning patience the hard way! They love playing hide and seek but Nicholas does not like to be scared. They are taking turns hiding their eyes and it is so sweet. They count and then go from room to room and say the things that we say. It is simply adorable. Nicholas wants us to hide in the bathtub all the time. They will tell you where to hide when it's their time to count. They are so sweet.
They have sent Randy Kiser to Charlottesville. He has cancer but they aren't sure if it's in his liver or not. Remember them in your prayers. Remember all the sick and their families in your prayers. Take time for your children today, and they will take time for you tomorrow. The Boggs FAmily

P.S. If you want to help with another fundraiser, please email me and let me know that you are interested. I will be sending kits out soon. Thanks.

Friday, October 10, 2003 6:24 AM CDT

We finished another bushel of apples and here Nan Nan came with 20 more bushel. They were donated to us and we appreciate all the apple donations. A total of 39 bushel of apples were donated and that just tickles me red and green! Our heartfelt thanks go to all who are making this possible. God sure does supply doesn't he. Ask and you shall receive.. He has a store house full of blessings and all we have to do is ask. How simple is that? We, as people, are so stubborn. We have been blessed with so many friends and family through all of this. Not only our community, but surrounding towns have put forth so much effort on our behalf and it is so humbling. My faith has been restored in man-kind. People really do care, when it comes down to it. Everyone that has been through a major sickness are the first to lend a helping hand. First hand experience is the best teacher and they know what it is like to be in need, to need someone to talk to, to need someone to listen or just be there. God strengthens us in different ways, through our hearts, through different avenues, most of all through family and friends. The best part of this is that no one is a stranger, they all become friends. I've met so many wonderful people just because of Nicholas' illness that I would have never gotten close to or been able to talk to, or to witness to what God has done for us through all of this. I've met so many wonderful Christians too. I'll never be able to return the magnitude of favors that have come our way but I can pray that God blesses you with a double portion too. When I start updating, I never know where it will go but I just can't go for long without praising God for all that he has done for us. God is so good to us and I have a thankful heart this morning, for everything and pray for strength and courage each day.
The boys are feeling better. Nicholas is having some bleeding around his mic-key button, it may be caused by him jumping around and playing. I just pray it heals more. Spencer was too excited to go to sleep last night. He was jumping and squirming around but finally settled down. No more chocolate before bedtime!
Continue those wonderful prayers for all the sick children and their families. Go give your child a kiss and hug them an extra long time today, The Boggs FAmily

I also have a special prayer request for a friend who is having medical problems.

Thursday, October 9, 2003 6:22 AM CDT

We worked up a couple more bushels of apples last night. Sissy Bear and Daddy Bear came up and helped us. That is the first visit in a while and the boys were so excited to see them. Nicholas immediately said, "Oh Boy! We can play Hide-and-Seek!" That has been the game since cold weather has set in and we can't go outside. He recruits anyone that is willing to play. We had to do apples first! Nicholas told Sissy Bear that he missed her seven times a day! Daddy Bear played more than he worked! He had missed the boys so much. Spencer talked non-stop, he was so excited. They were so hyped up they couldn't settle down for a while.
Spencer didn't sleep very well last night. I think his tummy was hurting. He isn't eating very well yet but did eat some french fries yesterday evening. Nicholas has actually eaten more lately, pudding and mashed potatoes with gravy. Not a big amount but little bites at a time and more than usual. He is still congested a little but slept very well last night. I was only up one time with him. I am so sleepy today, I could have slept all day if I had the chance. I think it has all caught up with me. I'm not feeling well at all. Mamaw is still sick too so remember her in your prayers too.
Continue those wonderful prayers, they work. There is power in prayer, The Boggs FAmily is living proof.

Wednesday, October 8, 2003 6:55 AM CDT

Little Man was up this morning and kept asking me what I was trying to do as I was getting ready for work. I told him and he started crying and saying, "Don't Weave!" It broke my heart. Then he started coughing and threw up in my sock drawer! Mothers shouldn't have to leave their babies and go to work. I'm sure changing baby sitters for the last while has got him upset. He seems fine with either one and loves them both dearly. It's just when he is up so early in the morning (5:20 this morning) and watches Mommy leave that there is a problem. He didn't want Daddy to weave either. I promised to bring him some french fries this evening. That doesn't help me feel a bit better and I'm sure it didn't him either. One of these years, things will be different.
Nicholas slept pretty good last night, just one gas spell at 4:30 this morning and up with Spencer around 2:30. No, I didn't get much sleep last night but still feel pretty good, as good as usual!
We worked up 2 more bushel of apples last night. Papaw is getting pretty good with the corer! Nicholas helped us and we were bragging on him. He smiled and said, "I'm special because everybody loves me." I told him, "No, you are special because you love every body!" He is so loving and tender hearted.
I haven't seen much bruising yet. I just hope his counts stay up.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, October 7, 2003 6:54 AM CDT

The boys are some better, a lot better! Nicholas is still a little junky and Spencer's nose takes spells running. I rubbed his chest in Vick's vapor rub and he slept real good. Nicholas slept good last night too. I slept so sound when we first went to bed that something woke me up and I thought it was time to get up. I looked at the clock and it was just 12:45 am. I couldn't believe I still had more time to sleep. I kept waking up every few hours, Spencer was talking a lot in his sleep. He still is not eating well at all. Please remember us all in your prayers.
Spencer brought a toy in the kitchen and said it needed batteries. Dad got the screw driver out to change them and Spencer said, "Me do it myself." Mr. Independent! He wants to do everything himself now. He even put the batteries in too. Dad tried it and it still wouldn't work. I looked at it and then turned the volume up!!!! Those other batteries were already in the trash! The adding machine wasn't turned on the other day and Spencer said, "It needs batteries, I guess!" He is so funny. Everything needs batteries at our house!
Nicholas and Spencer were glad to see Nan Nan back yesterday. She is feeling much better. I think Nicholas hugged and told her he loved her a thousand times yesterday. It sure tickled Nan Nan. Mary called last night and told Nicholas that she missed him and still loved him. He told her, "I know Honey! I miss you too!" He is going to be a politician for sure! He knows just what to say and when!!! He has gotten in the habit of calling everyone.. honey, baby, and sweetie. This just makes him more adorable.
Go to It is going to be this week-end at Natural Chimneys Regional Park, Mt. Solon, VA. A fundraiser in VA! Its for Fanconi Anemia Research Fund. I don't know who is getting this together. I would love to go but don't know if we could make it or not. It depends on how the boys are feeling. It's about a 6 hr drive for us. If you are in that area, go to it. The more they research this terrible disease the better the chances of a cure!
Thanks and continue those wonderful prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, October 6, 2003 7:03 AM CDT

Where do I start? Friday and Saturday night, Nicholas was so sick, I was up most of both nights. Sometime every hour, sometimes every half hour, suctioning, venting, breathing treatments, and medicine around the clock. I knew he was getting sick. He started feeling bad, looking weak out of his eyes, and very touchy. He went to bed at 5:00 pm Sat. and last night too. He slept most of the night last night and seemed a little better. Spencer was feeling better when Nicholas started. Then I started getting a sore throat and now I'm sick too. Jeff isn't feeling the best either. We will survive I guess!
I know this virus will bring Nicholas' counts down. Just remember him in your prayers, that his counts will go back up. Our new motto is: A prayer a day keeps the transplant away. Or multiple prayers.
I hope all of you had a wonderful week-end, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, October 3, 2003 8:07 AM CDT

This is the second time I've tried to update this morning. Maybe it will work this time.
Spencer has a terrible cold and had a rough night. He was so congested this morning it made him sick and he threw up in our bed! I felt so sorry for him. He threw up his medicine too. Nicholas had a temperature last night too.
The Estep Family came over. Please remember their son, Billy Joe in your prayers. His ANC is 300 but the rest of his counts are fine. He has to have a mickey button too. He is 16 months old and wears 3-6 month clothing. He is adorable. He has a big sister, Josie that Nicholas fell in love with too! I've talked them into going to Camp Sunshine next year! Maybe we will all get to go together. Please remember Austin Ryan in your prayers also. He isn't doing too well. He had a transplant last year but is having major complications.
I'm going through a very angry stage. FA makes me so mad. These children have to go through so much, not only with FA but other diseases too. We just don't understand why they have to suffer so. I just pray for Grace, strength, faith, and lots of patience. I sat alone at the kitchen table and just talked to God. He knows our heart but still wants us to ask for our needs.
I found another website Prayer Warriors are needed to join in and pray for these children and their families. I've added Nicholas to their list for prayer.
Remember us all in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, October 2, 2003 7:09 AM CDT

I hear we are all celebraties! Someone called my mom yesterday and said they saw us on Heritage TV!! I didn't even know that they were at the Special Olympics. I saw someone videoing but I thought they were going to sell the videos to raise money for next year. Oh well, what can I say. If someone could tape it for me, I would appreciate it. She said that Nicholas looked like he was having a good time! He did.
We just about finished another bushel of apples last night. Spencer and Nicholas helped me! 5 more to go on this round and then we will have around 24 more bushels to do! HEEELLLLPPPP!
I received a call from a family in Ky with a child with FA. They are coming over this evening if they can find our house! I gave her directions but I'm terrible with mileage. I'm excited to meet them, we have been in contact with each other for about a year. Her son is going to have to have a mic-key button too. I hate FA, leukemia, cancer, and all sickness.
I hate colds too! Spencer now has a runny nose and sounds so stuffy. He was sitting up in bed at 1:30 am this morning and "Want in yore bed Mommy!" Of course! Around 4:30 he was sitting back up and couldn't breathe and had a runny nose. I gave him some more medicine and he was up and down until 6:30 am and then went back to sleep. Yes, I feel great this morning!!!! NOT! I just hope Nicholas doesn't catch it.
We had a big frosty morning here and I have been freezing all week. I wore fleece yesterday and still chilled. I don't know what I'll do when it gets really cold. It must be this medicine I'm on, I've always been hot natured but not anymore.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, October 1, 2003 6:36 AM CDT

We worked up 4 bushels of apples last night. Apple Butter will soon be ready! Spencer and Nicholas even helped. They just out did themselves! Spencer emptied a bushel by himself and then quit! He did great. He was running a little temp yesterday. I just hope he isn't getting major sick. He was a little on the grouchy side and the later it got the worse he felt. He looks weak out of his eyes and I have the feeling he is fighting a cold. Nicholas slept pretty good last night until 5:30 this morning then had to be vented and suctioned. He is so sweet. He just petted on my head when he went to bed. He knew I was upset about Spencer and was trying to console me. He is so sensitive and knows when Mommy needs a little extra hug.
Chrissy Bear came up for school yesterday evening. I heard her bragging on Nicholas. He is writing much better and doing great in school. Spencer left them alone yesterday evening. He was too interested in helping me with the apples and was fascinated with the apple slicer/corer. Papaw fell in love with it too and kept me and Mamaw busy bagging the apples.
Please remember in your prayers, Paul Czar, Grace Stanley, and Randy Kiser. They are all having medical problems at this time and need lots of prayer. Everyone knows the source of help to go to when sickness strikes. They know the healing power of God and all are Christians. We just need to pray for extra strength for them and their families.
I know the power of prayer first hand and believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is in control. He has a plan and I keep praying just to be an instrument in His plan. We all need love, faith, grace, and knowledge and are nothing without our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Pray Warriors, keep those prayers going for all of us, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, September 30, 2003 6:30 AM CDT

Good, Good, Good Morning!
PLATELETS UP 7000!!!! THANK THE LORD. I pray these increased counts get him throught this winter. I hope he can withstand any sickness for the rest of this year. We are taking extra precautions, starting now. Wash hands as quick as we go into the house, teacher is changing clothes before she comes to our house, isn't that so sweet of her. She loves him too though. I know no one wants to endanger him in any way and usually when someone is sick, they don't come around him. That just reminded me, I asked for everyone to be masked for his blood work yesterday evening and afterwards Nicholas had to hug and kiss the nurses. The one from the lab said she would have to pass on the kiss, she had had a bad cold. I was so aggervated, she didn't mention it before we went to access his port. Thank the Lord we were all masked! Nicholas asked me why she had a cold and I tried to explain it to him. He said, "We'll have to pray for her tonight." I bowed my head in shame. There I was getting worked up and wanting to fuss instead of what I should have thought of first! I said, "Yes Lord." Nicholas sure can put a different perspective on things for all of us. He had those nurses in tears before we left. While we were waiting for the results, I told Nicholas stories. He wanted, "Goldilocks and the Three Bears." I was close to the end when someone else came for blood work. I just smiled at him and kept on telling the story. He shushed his wife when she came in. We were interupted by the lady bringing the results out to me. That guy told Nicholas that we couldn't leave until Mommy finished the story! I had to finish telling the story! He told Nicholas that I was a good story teller and we all laughed. I think he enjoyed it too. Maybe he was apprehensive about his blood work and needed a story!
We went to eat at Bonanza (Nicholas' choice!)afterwards, he wanted steak! He licked the salt off the steak and that was about it! Then, we went to Wal-Mart! They were so excited just seeing something different I think. Spencer had a ball in the toys. He got real excited when he saw the riding Jeep and bicycles. He was all eyes. Nicholas picked out a video, Kipper the dog and Veggie Tales, Jonah, for Spencer. I bought them singing dogs, black puppies that sing "Deck the Halls and Jingle Bells." Nicholas couldn't take his eyes off of them. It was so sweet. I'll try to hide them until closer to Christmas but couldn't resist getting them now. I'm too big of a kid myself! We were asked by several different people how Nicholas was doing and when we got in the car, Dad asked, "Who were all those people?" I just laughed and told him that everyone knew Nicholas. Dad just doesn't realize what a celebrity he has on his hands! No one can believe that Nicholas has grown so much. His face has really filled out, as well as his little legs. I love to look at his legs, they have never been this full before.
Thanks for those wonderful prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, September 29, 2003 7:05 AM CDT

Nicholas and Spencer had a great time on Saturday! We arrived around 10:30 am and rode up to the activities on the hay ride, which thrilled the boys. They had several characters through out the day there, a lion, rabbit, Barney, and Baby Bop. Nicholas hugged and loved on the lion. He enjoyed himself tremendously! He and Spencer participated in the 10 and 20 yard dash, baseball and basketball toss, and the long jump and won a medal at each one. They were so cute! There were other activites as well, duck pond, treasure hunt in a sand box, face painting and lots more. I actually talked Nicholas into getting his face painted, Sponge Bob to the rescue! This is the first or second time he has gotten it painted. He doesn't like it at all. Spencer was at home in the sand box and then would go wash his hand in the duck pond, back and forth all day. Barney came over and played in the sand box too. I got so tickled at Spencer, he watched his every move. They served Pizza, cookies, and brought home a bag full of goodies. It rained it out around 1:30 but not before Nicholas had the priviledge of dunking Becky Barton in the dunk booth! She raised $100 and Nicholas got the honors! Becky was Nicholas' Early Intervention person and she hadn't seen him in a couple of years. She was amazed to see how he had grown and couldn't believe Spencer. She took one look and said, "He is the spitting image of his Daddy!" We wore our New Life for Nicholas t-shirts and Becky bought 4 of them! Dad was so tired and when we came home, he took a long nap. He would have slept longer if Spencer hadn't crawled on top of him! Nicholas was tired too and went to sleep around 7:00 pm and slept all night. I just had to get up with him one time.
Sunday, we went to Mamaw Boggs for dinner. Mamaw told Nicholas she was fixing chicken and dumplings. He clapped his hands and with a big smile, he said, "Oh boy!" He did eat a little bit of them. He wanted his aunt Cathy to fix mashed potatoes! He had a good day except for his little cousin who is 18 months old went toward him and he became petrified. I heard him scream (as only he can scream with a trach) and went to him. He was crying and just trembling all over. He drooped around the rest of the evening and wouldn't get out of his Daddy's lap until she left. She didn't even touch him just walked toward him and had him cornered! I felt so sorry for him.
We go for blood work this evening, I'll post the results as soon as I can. Please remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, September 26, 2003 6:42 AM CDT

We went outside yesterday evening for a while. The boys enjoyed it so much. The puppies have their eyes open and are so darling. I forgot to tell you that my dog, Angel has puppies. She has two little black and white ones. There was a brown one but it did not make it. I got them out so the boys could pet them. Spencer just could not be still and just laughed when it licked my fingers. Nicholas actually touched it and acted so sweet. They wouldn't hold them yet. Nicholas tried to but just couldn't get it right. I can't wait until they are a little older so the boys can play with them. I'm going to try to keep these because Angel is 13 years old. If they are like their mother, they will be smart little dogs. Nicholas named them Blackie and Splackie! I don't know about those names!
Nicholas and Spencer "helped" me set out some flowers and decorate on the fodder shock. It is looking a little better, I still need a couple bales of hay and it will look good. I got some yellow and rust mums and still need some purple to make it look really good. I bought two mini pumpkins for the boys and Nicholas spotted it and ask where I bought it. He doesn't miss a thing. He slept good last night but had a bad gas spell with his stomach around 5:00 am. I can't stand to see him so sick like that.
Nicholas is going to the Special Olympics on Sat. I'm sure he will enjoy it. I'll try to let you know more about it on Monday.
Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, September 25, 2003 6:48 AM CDT

Spencer decided he had been good for as long as he could stand it!!! He was a little terror yesterday evening and had been that was since his nap. He must have been feeling good and full of energy and wouldn't leave Nicholas alone. I had bought them a new cartridge for their Leap Pad and he got interested in that and was ok for the rest of the evening. It was abc and 123 puzzles. It was so cute and the abc's had animals for each of the letters and had sounds and interesting facts about each one. They both loved it. Spencer dominated it of course. He loves puzzles. He has 6 of Thomas and friends and he can now work all of them by himself. He is going to be mechanical minded like his mom and dad! He will be 3 in November and the puzzles were for 4 and older. He love the Leap Pad.
Nicholas doesn't want to stay on the continuous feeder for any length of time now that he is feeling better. He still has a bruise on his hip where fell. It must have been really deep or his counts aren't as high as I think they are. We go for more blood work next week. Please remember us in your prayers. I'm so thankful that his counts stayed up. According to earlier predictions, we would be in transplant right now or getting ready to go. Thank you Lord. I am so thankful for this respite.
Kim called last night and talked to Nicholas. She asked him if she could come over and he said, "Absolutely! And bring uh, uh, (tapping his head) my girlfriend, Amanda with you!" He told her that he had 7 girlfriends. Seven is his magical number. Everything is seven.
Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily.

The cannery was booked until November 6th. We will be making apple butter on that day!! Just in time for Christmas.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003 7:13 AM CDT

Dad kept the boys yesterday evening and I went to church. We had a wonderful service, the Lord blessed everyone that was there with a great outpouring of His Spirit. It was wonderful. I really needed an uplifting.
I came home and told the boys about it. Nicholas asked, "Who shouted? Who preached? Did he preach loud? Real loud? Who sang?" He smiled so sweet. His little girl friend, Tiffany (10) sent him four love letters and one said that she loved him and they would go to Heaven one day together. It broke my heart. She is so sweet and precious.
Spencer acted like I had been gone for a week. He was so loving and just attached himself to me. Of course I loved it.
I was only up with Nicholas one time last night and once with Spencer but it was a couple of hours apart. I need sleep!
Again, we need canning jars if you have any, please call me or Sharon or email us. Thanks.
Continue remembering us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, September 23, 2003 6:09 AM CDT

The boys had a great time yesterday evening. Spencer was in the best little mood and so sweet. Nicholas seemed to be feeling better too. It always helps if he is in a good mood. If he is feeling droopy, then nobody can do any thing right. No major pouting or fighting!
They both slept pretty good but woke up around 3:30. Nicholas had to be vented and suctioned. Spencer wanted some "choclate mulk" and went back to sleep. He woke me up one time laughing in his sleep. I was then wide awake and couldn't go back to sleep.
We are making apple butter the first week of October if anyone wants to help, just call and let me know! We are already getting orders and everyone is asking when we are going to have any. "Don't count your chickens before they're hatched" keeps coming to my mind. I'm just telling everyone we are going to have some soon, I don't know how much. We made over 400 quarts last year and could have sold more, it is delicious. That reminded me of what Spencer said about chicken noodle soup the other day, "Ummmm, it's delicious!" while licking his lips. He is so sweet and says it so cute.
We are trying to round up apples, sugar, and jars. I think we are going to have some pints this year too. If you have any jars, please let me know.
Continue to remember us in your prayers, we are dreading this winter. The Boggs FAmily

Monday, September 22, 2003 7:08 AM CDT

Good Monday Morning,
We had a good week-end. Just had school, played, and had a good time. We have been going to a revival at Hubbard Hollow and a girl got saved on Saturday night. We had a wonderful service and had another good one last night. Nicholas was holding his little hand up like some of the others. It was so precious.
We made it home last night and Spencer threw up on the door step. I noticed he was clammy on the way home but didn't think about him being sick. Dad must have been driving too fast around the curves. I felt so sorry for him. He said, "I sick!" We got into bed and he was singing, "God is so good to me." I don't know this song, he must have made it up as he went. He also sang, "Jesus Loves Me." He sings me to sleep almost every night. He is so sweet.
Nicholas has been doing pretty good until around 3:00 pm and then he starts getting grumpy and tired. After about an hour, he will start feeling better. I think he needed a nap and actually snoozed on the way to church. He was real congested yesterday and I gave him some cold med. He slept real good last night, I was only up one time with him. He stumbled over my foot and sat down on the leg of his feeding pump pole. He got a nasty bruise on his hip and another one on his head. He hit the corner of a table while we were playing in the floor. I was just bragging that he didn't have any bruises on his legs and Wham! I think his counts have gone back up for now. I just hope they stay that way.
Continue to remember us in your prayers as we pray for blessings and joy your way, the Boggs FAmily

P.S. We need canning jars, if anyone has any. Thanks!

Friday, September 19, 2003 9:53 AM CDT


As I lay there, crying myself to sleep,
Praying for Jesus, my soul to keep,
From this world I didn't want to depart,
Because I had not given Jesus my heart.

In the next room my dad began to pray,
Oh, God, have mercy and give her faith this day.
I could feel the love as he prayed for me.
I was as broken-hearted as any lost soul could be.

I gave my heart to the Lord in that young, tender year.
I am so thankful for that prayer I can still hear.
Together, Mom, Dad, Sister, and I pray and sing.
To have brothers join us, oh.. what joy it would bring!

To pray for their sons, they never fail.
Now, they pray for grandchildren as well.
My heart breaks when I hear their pleas.
Thank you, God, for those bended knees.

Sharon Strouth Mullins
Feb. 10, 2003

I found this poem this morning and found so much encouragement there. It brought back a lot of memories as well. We were at a revival last week and Emma Lee Mullins sang a song and one verse was about a sick child with a grandfather being a prayer warrior. That was the case with Nicholas. I knew that when Mamaw and Papaw weren't with us in the hospital, they were home praying. It always gave me comfort during those difficult days, weeks, and months. It doesn't matter what Papaw was doing, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was praying. He will go off by himself, out to the barn, out to the shop, in the hay field, walking around outside somewhere, continually praying. I know that prayer is what brought Nicholas home 5 years ago and is what has kept us sane all these years. Prayer is also what brought Spencer through Pyloric Stenosis Surgery and what has allowed us to enjoy our baby for 3 years. I thank God for all the Prayer Warriors that I know and for the ones that I don't know who have prayed for us. Thank you.
Nicholas is feeling a little better today but didn't really rest well last night. He wasn't fully awake or coughing and didn't need venting, just restless. Spencer had eaten pizza before he went to bed and was awake around 2:30 am!!! How could I refuse? He is so sweet and rotten!
Nicholas found another girl friend last night!!! Move over Megan!!! Tiffany is a little younger and sort of blonde!!! He was all smiles!
Continue those prayers for all the sick children and go hug your child a little longer and tighter. Let them know how much you love them, The Boggs FAmily

P.S. The boys helped me put up a fodder shock in the yard and decorated it with hydrangea blossoms, the ones they are standing in front of in the pictures. They had a ball, especially knocking it over!!

Thursday, September 18, 2003 10:52 AM CDT

I had a wonderful day at home with the boys. Spencer and I had our bowl of cheerios for breakfast. I enjoyed it too much! Then Chris came after Spencer and I took Nicholas to "his school." He wouldn't play too much at recess and wanted me right with him. I should have recognized the symptoms, he was just a little droopy. We came home and got ready for school again! They worked about an hour and he just laid his head on the desk. He was sick and had to be vented. He started chilling and looked flushed in the face. I vented a couple of times before he got any relief. I don't know what to think sometimes, Nicholas can be fine and then the next moment be so sick. I was in the middle of cooking dinner and just had to quit. I felt like bursting into tears when it was all over with, but it wouldn't do any good. He drooped around for awhile and then just perked back up. It was just like his system shut down and had to be recharged. There were all kinds of coughs and sneezes going on at school but I know he didn't catch something that fast. I just hope and pray this isn't the top of the mountain and we are going down hill from here on out. I have the biggest dread for winter and feel so frustrated. I hate FA and all diseases that take our loved ones away.
I did finish dinner and afterwards, we baked cup cakes and Nicholas wanted pink icing while Spencer wanted green. He didn't like his green icing and wanted "chocolate milk icing" on his. What can I say, he loves chocolate as much as I do! I had also baked an heart shaped cake. When I put the icing on it, Spencer started singing "Happy Birthday to Daddy!" It was funny. We all laughed and enjoyed chocolate cake with chocolate icing! Yesss, I cheated and ate a cup cake! Needless to say, I had a big mess to clean up. Nicholas told Mary that we baked a "I love you cake for Daddy." Isn't that precious?
Nicholas had a pretty good night. I had to vent him around 12:30 and gave him some tylenol cold medicine. He slept through the night and so did Spencer. I slept but kept waking up and feel rotten today.
WE NEED QUART CANNING JARS!!!! If you have any extra canning jars that you don't need, please send them our way. We are getting ready to make APPLE BUTTER and need the jars. Thanks.
Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

P.S. go to
it's a great place to learn about the monarch butterflies.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003 6:32 AM CDT

Fall is in the air!! It was 46d this morning! Chilly!
Check out the Birthday Quilt Link below to see Nicholas' Quilt. It's beautiful! They are truly angels.
I don't think I'm back in the swing of work yet. I haven't been getting enough sleep that is for sure and feel droopy. One of these days things will get better! It has been a little chilly in the evenings and the boys haven't been able to go out and play for long. They love outdoors and are missing our outside time. Nicholas has school a couple of evenings a week and loves it. We will have to plan him a field trip! Maybe when the leaves fall, we can collect some. I have a ton of stuff for a scrap book! It would probably fill up two or three. I keep all of his school work and special projects, cards and letter he receives, and everything else!
One of his "seven wives" from Camp Sunshine sent him a birthday package! He was thrilled and had the biggest smile on his face. Thanks Megan for the beautiful picture, I will have to scan it in and post it asap. They were both smiling so sweet. She had made him a Pooh Bear shirt that said, "The Best Hunny in Town!" He loved it too, as well as the love letters!!!! He had wished for a black kitty cat on his star at Camp Sunshine and she sent him one. He carries it everwhere and took it to Lexington with him the other day. He adores it and just talks to it. Spencer loves it too! Thanks Megan for everything. You are a sweet heart and we feel that you are now part of the family. Her birthday was on Sept. 11th, so Happy Birthday! You will have something in the mail soon!
God has truly blessed us these last 5 years. Nicholas' blood counts have steadily fallen but overall he looks great and has a lot more energy now. He is talking more and still smiling around the clock! He loves life. He is a walking, talking sunbeam for sure.
Spencer wasn't feeling well last night and would not do anything without a fuss. How long does the "terrible twos" last???? I think I stuck my foot in my mouth about them not being so terrible and now am tasting toe jam and spitting out toes!! He forgets that he is not suppose to play rough with Nicholas and will push him down. He needs a good wrestling match with his Dad to get out some of that energy! He had me in the floor with him last night and didn't want to stop and go to bed. I think we started playing too late and will have to get an earlier start this evening. He can be so sweet sometimes and that makes up for his fussiness and stubborness! He knows how to pull Mom's heart strings.
I dread this winter flu season. I'm afraid Nicholas will get sick and pull his counts down. Every time they drop, they don't go back up to where they were previously. This means that winter will bring the transplant on earlier. Please help me pray, pray, pray.
Love and blessings from The Boggs FAmily

Monday, September 15, 2003 7:07 AM CDT

Good Morning,
The boys did great on Friday when we went to Shriners in Lexington. Spencer loved all the toys in the playroom. The dr said they may want to do more surgery when things settled down. They made new splints for him and they are different. I'm not sure if they are going to work or not. We'll see. Nicholas had tummy problems all day long. I had to vent him several times, he was pretty miserable all day long but still smiled and played. He is something else. We just about made it home before Spencer got car sick but not quite! He was so pitiful, I felt so sorry for him. He had a tummy ache Sunday and didn't eat much until yesterday evening and then ate everything in sight. He loves ice cream. He and Nicholas shared hullless popcorn. They were asking each other if they could have this one, picking up a piece of popcorn. It was so sweet.
We went to another memorial dinner-on-the-ground, Daddy Bear's family, The Mullins'. Nicholas saw a woman get out of a car with a cowgirl hat on. He turned to me with a big smile and said, "Mom, there's a cowgirl!" He walked up to her and ask her what her name was and where she lived! He told her he lived in Coeburn, VA and was 5 years old. He is so friendly and never meets a stranger. Ms. Lori thought he was a doll and so did everyone else.
"Aunt" Bonnie brought him more toys and a little bear that growls when you push it's tummy. He and Spencer loves them.
Continue those wonderful prayers, they are working. I know his count have gone back up. I hope and pray they stay up, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, September 11, 2003 9:05 AM CDT

I came home to the most handsome little men that I’ve ever seen. Mary had them ready for church for me. We went to Pyles Memorial and had a wonderful service with one re-dedication. The boys were so excited to get out of the house I reckon! They were thrilled to see the moon full too! We had a howling good time.
Nicholas was on the droopy side but is doing ok. I had to be up with him only one time last night. I got in bed last night and Spencer said, “I wuv you!” I told him that I loved him too and got lots of hugs and kisses. He said, “I wuv you, big, so much!” He spreads his little arms wide open when he says this. It is so precious. What else is needed? To have that unconditional love is awesome and empowers me to face another day! Mary said that Nicholas was drooping around yesterday evening and told her that me missed his mom so much. It broke my heart. All I need is a payday and insurance and I could stay home!!! Is that asking too much? Ha! Ha! You would think I would want to work after I’ve just been off for a month!!!! Thank God I had some vacation time saved up. I couldn’t just stop by Wal-Mart any time I wanted so probably saved some money!
We will be taking Nicholas back to Shriners tomorrow for a check up on his hands. New dr, another opinion, more surgery probably but not now maybe never unless he absolutely has to have it. He will probably get new splints. He sweats so bad, I wished they would come up with something else instead of plastic splint materials. I’ve racked my brain but cannot come up with anything new in this area. I will see it one of these days and bells will go off! I continually search for ideas, different types of material, and alternatives, but to no avail. Endless searching in every area, sensitivity around mouth, hands, different types of markers, pens, and pencils, eating utensils, and of course, bone marrow failure preventions. It could drive a sane person crazy, let alone one that is half crazy to begin with!!! I guess that is what helps! I thank God for his continual giving of mercy, love, grace, and strength. He is the best source of help that I could ever recommend. He is always there with us, in everything. He has sent me two little angels to keep me company. He has actually sent me a lot more than my two babies, each and every one of you that have helped us in any way are truly angels. We could not make it without you all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do that I know about and for what I don’t know about too.
Thanks for continually lifting us up to the throne. Your prayers make a world of difference in our days, nights, and in every minute, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, September 10, 2003 10:01 AM CDT

On September 10, 1998, I went to the dr for a check-up and they did a fetal stress test. That test found out that you, the baby was in distress with each contraction I was having. They sent me to the hospital and via an emergency c-section, Nicholas Evan Boggs was born at 6:59 pm. He was swaddled in blankets and cap and all that I could see was the prettiest little round face. It was 6 days later before I could hold him. The tears flowed as I held my precious baby for the first time. That feeling of him in my arms was awesome, joy flooded my soul. Everything was all right, I had my baby in my arms. He had had surgery and there were ventilation tubes, monitor wires, and iv tubes hooked on every part of his little body, but most of all I had my baby. He would sleep so good in my arms, so peaceful and content. I would hold him for hours at a time and every chance I could get. God had spared his life and given me the most precious gift in the whole world. He gave me sunshine, laughter, smiles, hugs, kisses, days full of blessings on all the rainy days. He gave me the son that I had prayed for. We have been so blessed with his presence in our home. Nicholas is a very special child and touches everyone that he meets. He is so loving, caring, humble, and has just a wonderful disposition. He tries so hard to please and will just push himself. He has a light shining within that just burst out the seams all the time and spreads sunbeams to all. He is the highlight of everyone’s day, especially mine. He was two years old when we were blessed with our second son, Spencer. Spencer is a pure joy too. Nicholas was awed by baby Spencer and would just sit and look at him. That has changed! They do love each other and now are little playmates.
I cannot believe that 5 years have passed. It has flown by in one way and been a blur on some days. We have spent the most of the 5 years going to and from drs offices and in the hospital. He struggled for life in his first 2 ½ yrs, with constant infections of the ear and lungs, then has spent the last two years dealing with the diagnosis of a fatal genetic disorder called Fanconi Anemia. Dealing with failing bone marrow, his counts have steadily dropped. My hands are tied and I can’t fix what’s wrong, no matter how hard I try. And try, I do, constantly thinking, researching, wondering, and most of all praying for a cure. Nicholas, I don’t know how many years you will be with us, I hope forever, but you will always be our sunshine. I love you will all my heart. If I could take away what you have already been through, I would. If I could make it all better, I would. If I could make it all go away, I would. If I could trade places with you, I would.
Together we will get through this and fight FA will all our might and with the help of God, we will have another miracle. You are my miracle.
We love you and Happy 5th Birthday,
Mom, Dad, and Spencer

Tuesday, September 9, 2003 11:47 AM CDT

****Check out the new photos!!****
Please sign the guestbook and let me know what you think of the new photos, I live on the enouragement in the messages!

How do you like the new pictures? They are the latest and greatest. They were taken on Sunday, the 7th, the day of his Birthday Party. Aren't they the most precious babies in the whole world??? Of course, I'm not biased! I could just squeeze them to pieces.
I know they aren't babies any longer, they are little men. I cannot believe that time has went by so fast. We have spent the most of the last five years in the drs offices or in the hospital or on the way there! It amazes me the conversations they have together. I love to watch them playing together. I got them bean bags for their birthdays and they were having a ball with then yesterday evening. They wanted Mommy to play in the floor with them. I didn't get one thing accomplished in the house but I loved every minute being with them. Nicholas would cackle out laughing at Spencer. I did get some on video! They are so funny.
I thing Nicholas is amazing Mary at the things he is saying. He listens to everything! He told her yesterday that "some parents weren't good to their children, they didn't read to them!"
I also got some pictures developed of his first day at school. I post them when I can.
Keep those prayers going up for Nicholas, he is sounding congested and I had to give him more breathing treatments, even during the night. He can't stand another drop in platelets, nor can Mommy.
Remember us, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, September 8, 2003 7:12 AM CDT

The boys had a wonderful week-end! Nicholas didn't sleep well Sat. night and I felt terrible Sunday with a head ache. He was coughing and had lots of gas on his tummy. I had to vent several times and suction all night long Fri and Sat. He slept better last night. He was exhausted and around 8:30 pm he asked his Dad to hold him, which is unusual. He laid his head on Dad's shoulder and Dad took him and got him ready for bed. He fell asleep almost immediately. Spencer didn't have a nap yesterday and fell asleep early too.
We made it to The Davis Memorial at Davis Chapel Church on Sunday for a wonderful service. They sang Happy Birthday to Nicholas and everyone enjoyed seeing the boys.
Nicholas and Spencer had a wonderful day at Mamaw and Papaw's. They both received lots of presents and we had a wonderful dinner. Nicholas would open the cards and get so excited! He would say, "WOW!" He was pleased with everything. He got too much! Carolyn, we just couldn't destroyed the Pinata! We saved it!!! Nicholas' loved the Scooby Doo and Spencer would not use the bat to hit it. He didn't understand what was going on. I shook out the candy and toys for them!
We came home and Spencer was playing and singing "Happy Birthday to Mamaw and Papaw!" It was so sweet and precious. I wish I had it on video.
I'll update more later. Baby Jeremiah is home! I know they are happy and it thrilled my heart to hear the news. Praise the Lord for his mercy and grace.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, September 5, 2003 6:29 AM CDT

The boys slept better last night and so did Mom and Dad. My head is starting to hurt! It isn't use to sleep!!!! We went down to Mamaw and Papaw's for a little while and she was thrilled to see them for 4 days in a row. I told her she was going to get tired of us. Never! She helped me put together the goody bags for the party. I have a feeling more grown-ups than children will be there! The adults will get the goody bags!! That is what he is use to anyway. There aren't many children that live close to him. I am making a craft for the kids or adults to do! I hope it turns out ok.
Now, I have to concentrate on the Davis Memorial Dinner, also Sunday!!!! This is Mom's side of the family. I hope there is a lot there. It will be fun too. Lots of good food and fellowship. Come if you want to, Davis Chapel Church, 11:00 am Sunday, September 7, 2003.
That is the reason I wanted Nicholas' party the same day, just later. I didn't want to plan two different days of partys, just combined it into one! A full day that is for sure!
Come on over this week-end and help us celebrate Nicholas' Birthday!
Remember us all in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

I thought of something Nicholas did the other night. Spencer and I were doing the abc'c in sign language and doing the t. I told him that a "t" was the same as "I got your nose!" That night Nicholas was trying to do it too. I showed him how to do it with both hands and he wouldn't let me do it that way. He told me to use my thumbs! Then he crossed his middle finger over the index finger and made a "t" and pretended he got my nose. It was just too precious for words and my heart has been in my feet ever since. He did it his way and succeeded! He smiled from ear to ear.

***The Benefit Singing has been postponed until October!!!! Will post date when it's re-scheduled!

Thursday, September 4, 2003 6:45 AM CDT

Good Morning,
It's raining cats and dogs outside! Where did that expression come from anyway? I have no idea why I'm so cheery except that Nicholas' friend Will gets to go to Disney! He has FA too and they finally got to meet at Camp Sunshine. He is the same age as Nicholas and started Kindergarden this year too. He has a lot more energy than Nicholas does though!
We went down to Mamaw's and helped her clean off her carport for the party Sunday. She cried. Jeff power washed it and it looks great! It took so much off of her, much to her delight. The boys were soaking wet and had to have baths when we got home. It was sort of cool, I just hope they don't get sick.
Nicholas had a bad gas spell around 4:00 am this morning. He starts coughing and I know it's on! He gets real junky during the night and coughs a lot the first thing in the morning. I guess the moisture loosens everything up! I wouldn't know how to act if we didn't have equipment running all night long. If he was to get his trach out, we wouldn't need the moisture machine running during the night. That is not going to happen though. He would have to have major reconstruction in his throat and then he wouldn't be able to drink water without aspirating. I'm much happier with the trach, it feels safer to have it than not! Spencer didn't sleep well either. Needless to say, I'm sleepy this morning. I've rattled on enough!!
Just keep those prayers going up to the throne for us and we will make it! Love you all, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, September 3, 2003 6:18 AM CDT

We've spent the last couple of days canning green beans, 77 quarts to be exact! The boys have enjoyed being down at Mamaw and Papaw's house. Nicholas helped break beans and actually sat for long periods of time, content as could be. Spencer ended up sleeping for 3 to 4 hours each day at nap time and no one had the heart to wake him up. I'm afraid he is fighting a cold or something. They like being outside and playing with "Baby Doll", their dog. Baby Doll scared Nicholas yesterday morning, she is so fiesty and likes to jump on you and lick you. Taboo in Nicholas' mind! She is only about 6" tall and cute as can be. Just too fiesty for Nicholas. Spencer laughs and laughs at her.
Nicholas wanted soup last night and it broke my heart watching him trying to eat. He has to mechanically chew and consciously swallow. He actually chewed and swallowed a noodle or two, but likes the broth mostly. What Spencer eats in one bite would take Nicholas a week to eat. I've found a spoon that is swilved and stays level no matter how you turn it. I'm going to see if OT can get it for him. I hope it helps.
Everybody sang "Jesus Loves Me" at church Sunday and you could hear Spencer singing. Papaw enjoyed it so much. Spencer crawled up under Papaw's arm while he was kneeling during prayer and just jabbered up a storm. Papaw kept talking about it, how precious he was.
We are trying to get ready for Nicholas' Birthday Party, Celebrating 5 years of life! Cake and Ice Cream at Mamaw and Papaw's house, Sunday, September 7th at 3:00 pm. Come if you can. I have a lot to do!
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

P.S. I think Chrissy Bear received a loaded question yesterday. They were studing "A" words, i.e., ambulance. Nicholas ask her why kids got sick! Whew!
She was talking to me and said, "Duh!" Nicholas ask her what that meant and she told him. He said, "That isn't sensible! and don't say it anymore!" I'm glad he had a "Teacher" to explain all this to him! He is hilarious!

Sunday, August 31, 2003 3:05 PM CDT

Thursday, we left for Cincinnati and the trip went really well. The boys do great with traveling. We hook Nicholas up with the continuous feeder and he does a lot better that way. Spencer's middle name is "go" and is satisfied just going and is easy to entertain, the wheels are enough for him. He loves the transport trucks and doesn't miss a piece of equipment beside of the road. We saw Dr. Harris and he was impressed with how Nicholas is doing, the weight he has gained and how he is acting with less suctioning going on too! We made it to the Newport Aquarium and the boys absolutely loved it. I found mugs and key chains with Spencer's name on it. His name is hard to find so I was tickled pink!! Friday, we had bloodwork done and his platelets had dropped 10k! I knew they were down because of the bruising. We also saw Dr. Callen and Dr. Garcia. They have both decided to do some procedures while he is under anethesia having a bone marrow aspiration in February. We made it to the zoo friday evening and Spencer enjoyed it so much. Ask him what he saw and he says, "Elephants!" He loved the elephants and monkeys. They both loved it all. We were rained on but it was a warm rain and cooled the temp down for us too. It actually felt good. They enjoyed themselves and this trip was a lot more relaxed with less dr appts.
Nicholas broke our hearts before we left asking if they were going to access his port and if it was going to hurt. I told him they were and we would do our best not to let it hurt. He cried during the procedure and thanked her in the next breath after it was finished. He rebounds really quick. He did not like the dentist looking in his mouth at all and cut one more fit. I suggested we clean teeth in February and she immediately agreed.
One funny thing that Nicholas did the other night was telling Sissy Bear "That wasn't too cute" when she told his Daddy to hush. Sissy Bear just scared him and he said, "Great day in the morning!" He said that was what Papaw says. He remembers eveything!
A Spencer funny... We were coming out of Cracker Barrel and it was raining, they were having a porch sale and Spencer told his Daddy, "Let's get out of this stinking mess!" I burst out laughing. He is so funny and repeats everything too.
A note on the Robinson Baby, Jeremiah, had surgery for "pyloric stenosis" on Friday and is now eating and doing much better and will be home soon. I know they are thrilled. Continue the prayers for him and Nicholas, The Boggs FAmily

I just found out that we have lost another FA child, Brandon Knupp. He just turned 12 and also lived in VA. Remember the entire family in your prayers. This breaks my heart.

Wednesday, August 27, 2003 6:37 AM CDT

Nicholas asked me last night if I was leaving when Mary came. I told him that I was going to work and she was going to stay with them. He also heard me on the phone with Cincinnati Drs and ask if she was going to pull his teeth. I asked him who, and he said that woman Dr. Callen. He listens to everything! I could not believe he knew her name. He also said, "Did you know that Mary is the baby center!" I couldn't help but laugh, he got close! I told him that she was the "baby sitter" and asked how he knew. He said, "She told someone on the phone that she was the baby sitter!" I told him he was going to have to quit eavesdropping! He is just too sharp.
I came in and Spencer was mocking me, using his thumb for a microphone and singing "Jesus Loves Me" to the top of his lungs. I don't know how Nicholas was having school! Miss Chrissy Bear was leaving as I got home and they had had good time using the scissors! It breaks my heart to watch him use his hands. He cannot use scissors without using both hands and I have taught him how to brace them against the table. He wants to use the regular ones not the ones the ot brought him. I will let him use anything he wants to use. I will not hold him back because I don't think he can do something. He will have to decide that for himself. It is looking like an impossibility for him to be able to write and is killing me but I will never tell him he can't write or cannot do anything. He tries so hard. He spelled his name last night and wrote it for me and I jumped up and down and praised him to high Heavens. He smiled and giggled and of course tried harder. Spencer even got in on it and started writing his name. He is so sweet and just giggled when I praised him too. I got him the little tape player with a microphone on it and he sang and sang. The abc song and Amazing Grace, just nonsense to make noise too. I love to hear them jabber. I put Nicholas' Passey Muir on and he tried himself. They took turns singing. It was so precious. He will laugh with a Ha, Ha, Ha, Haaaaaaaaaa, not really laughing but saying the words. It is so funny. I love to hear their little feet pitty patting through the house. If you have someone that is fatally ill in your house, you learn not to take each day for granted and treasure every sound and move. I take each little memory and hold it close to my heart and just bask in the little things. It takes so little to make them happy and he take delights in the simplest of things. He is wise beyond his years. I blew him kisses this morning and he kissed me back. After a few minutes, he told me "bye!" as in "why aren't you leaving yet?" He is so funny sometimes. I just love my babies to pieces.
I heard from Baby Robinson, he is doing much better and after they get the feeding issue resolved they are coming home! I know they will be happy. We will continue to remember them in our prayers as well as rejoice with them. God is so good and deserves our continual praise.
Thanks for praying for us and continue to remember Nicholas as we go for bloodwork on Friday. I'll update when we get back home.
Blessing and joy sent to you from the Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:46 AM CDT

I miss having breakfast with my baby. Spencer loves to help me eat my cereal! I would fix me a bowl and here he would come flying, he must hear the cereal hit the bowl! I would always have his ready but he wants the big bowl with the big spoon. My baby is growing up but not out! He loved having Mary with him yesterday but I could tell he missed his mommy. Mary said he squealed and took off running to the living room to hide when he saw the van coming home yesterday evening. He spent the evening outside with his Daddy, helping him mow the lawn. They both were so sweet yesterday evening. Nicholas was bouncing everywhere, he was feeling so much better. This morning he had a gas spell and cried his little heart out. I know he realized that I was going to work and Mary was going to stay with him. He reached his little hand out for me and then his foot. He wanted me to touch him and comfort him. He has been acting scared and starts crying when he wakes up coughing and gagging. It would break your heart to see him. I just sucked it in and came on to work. I called back later and he had gone back to sleep, that is his normal routine. He woke up laughing and playing with Spencer. They have to tell each other that they love each other, hug, and kiss IF Nicholas is feeling good. Otherwise, he would cry if Spencer even looks at him. Some days are like that and some days are worse, you never know what to expect. I'm glad that Mary had a good day. She heard "I love you" a thousand times and her head was so swollen she couldn't get out the door! She came back like she hadn't ever left and remembered some things that I had forgotten to tell her. It's good to have a back up. Thanks Mary for everything, you'll never know how much you are appreciated.
Nicholas' summer ot called and made a comment that he was "not of this world." That describes him to a "t", a pure angel. Wasn't that precious?
Blessings and joy sent your way from us, the Boggs FAmily

Monday, August 25, 2003 6:40 AM CDT

We had the Strouth-Lane Family Memorial Reunion and Service this week end. Saturday evening we had a wiener roast that was enjoyed by all. Sunday we had service at the cemetery and dinner on the ground at the old home place. The boys loved it, especially the marshmellow roast, and the other children to play with. I think Nicholas found another girl friend, Maggie! He told her he loved her!!! Sunday they were all rolling down the hill, they were darling. Of course, I took several pictures. It was good to see everybody and all thought that Nicholas was doing so much better. Talking more and gained weight. Everyone noticed! and couldn't believe that Spencer had grown so much. The auction on Saturday was the highlight of the reunion. Sissy Bear's Fudge and fresh apple cake were great auction items. I won a case of tissue paper in one of the mystery gifts! It was fun. I was disappointed in the turn out...about half of what usually comes. Come on family......lets make it a better one next year. Bucky is making a family website so everyone will keep posted!
It's back to work for me today! That is good and bad! I miss my babies already. I didn't realize my arms would feel so empty so quick! I love my boys.
Thanks for the prayers and continue them. We go to Cincinnati for drs appts and bloodwork this week, so remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Here is another poem my sister wrote:

Silent Tears

Surgery had to be; there was no choice.
But afterwards, there was no voice.
Rock-A-Bye, Baby. Silent tears he makes.
My heart bleeds silently, as it breaks.

Paralysis, strider! He was trach bound.
What was that? A tiny sound?
The doctor does not understand.
His vocal chords were touched by God's hand.

His voice, like thunder, does not boom.
Yet, the loudness fills the whole room.
His voice, like a whistle, is not shrill.
Yet, with joy, your heart it will fill.

A voice like honey, sweetest of sweets,
Sticks to the memory of each one he meets.
There's another who has a still, small voice.
To listen to this one, you have a choice.

This other voice, even more precious, may speak to you.
This one said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
Were silent tears bathing the Saviour and the cross,
As He hung there, dying for the lost?

Sharon Strouth Mullins
Feb. 26, 2003

Thursday, August 21, 2003 5:31 PM CDT

Nicholas is taking Robin away from Mike!!! Robin is loving it. She thinks he is so funny. He now says that he is Robin's Dad and just blinks his eyes at her. Mocking Bashful, he turns his head to one side and say, "Oh, Gooooosssshhhh!" with a country slang to it! He is hilarious. He will tell Spencer he loves him and Spencer will say, "I love you to Poppa Bear." They sound so sweet together. Spencer cannot stand for Nicholas to get all of the teacher's attention and has to get in the middle of it all. I told him to come in the kitchen today and he said, "In a minute! Me looking at this thang!" I couldn't help but laugh. Chrissy Bear is doing a great job, bring Spencer stuff to work on too. He slept through yesterday's lesson, they were on a heat schedule and she came early, but he woke up today and didn't sleep for three hours! Chrissy Bear has her hands full with both of them. I'm going to have to occupy Spencer from now on. Outside is the best place for him. Nicholas told his Papaw that he hadn't learned anything yet! He just came in the house and told me he had worked and worked for Daddy Bear pulling in wood for a wierner roast! I cooked chili and am baking a Mississippi Mud Cake. I'll tell you how good it is later!!!! He just told Sharon to "go outside and straighten up that child of hers." Mike is throwing sticks at him!!! He loves to aggervate Nicholas and Spencer. Spencer cried the first day, he was scared of Mike. He finally came around and started playing with him. Brandon is bigger than Spencer and can get the best of him. I love it. Spencer cannot push him around! It is funny to watch them all together.
Remember Lessie Yates family, we sang at the funeral today. I had a time finding someone to stay with the boys. No one wants to keep Nicholas, they are afraid I reckon. It hurts sometimes, when people tell you they will do something and then not follow through. I would rather they come out and tell me they can't, than to lead me to believe I can call on them at any time. Sorry, I just had to vent. We made it and all is well now.
Remember us in your prayers, Nicholas is bruising again. I know his platelets have dropped due to the virus he has been fighting. Blessing and prayers sent your way. Thanks for praying for us, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, August 20, 2003 2:01 PM CDT

Yesterday, Nicholas visited his assigned schoolroom, Ms. Dingus is the teacher. She fell in love with him, as well as the children. Nicholas LOVED it! He wanted to go back today. He had fun, ate ice cream, played on the big play ground at recess time, and did not want to leave. He fell in love with, Timber, a little blonde, blue eyed girl with a long pony tail. The boys liked him too and all wanted to be his buddy. It was soo sweet and precious to watch them with him. They were fasinated with his trach and mic-key button and couldn't believe he ate that way! It was educational for them too! They were all curious. Spencer stayed with his Mamaw and ate "chicken-n-dumplings" and cherry pie. He had it made in the shade! Then we went to Sissy Bear's and Nicholas drank some juice like Brandon had and ended up with a tummy ache all night long. With Gas and congested, I was up every two hours either venting or suctioning. Yes, I'm exhaused today.
His teacher is here now, Ms. Chrissy Bear! I hear them playing with red monkeys! He cannot be quite and jabbers continuously. I love listening to them. He just told her that the monkeys brother was silly. Now they fell and he is cracking up. He laughs so easy and eyes just twinkle. He is so precious.
Spencer is taking a nap and I want ONE TOO! He is so cute and loves to sing. He knows his ABC's, colors, and can count to 15. He picks up so much from Nicholas' "school. He loves to pester anybody that will let him. I have enjoyed loving them so much. They give the best hugs and the sweetest kisses. Spencer is finally learning to share and doing better.
Mike, Robin, and Brandon are in and the boys have enjoyed playing with Brandon. They are sharing their riding toys with him. Brandon has the bluff on Spencer but he is learning.
Blessings and prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, August 18, 2003 11:20 AM CDT

WE'RE HOOOMMMMEEEE! The best part of Camp Sunshine was "Megan" as per Nicholas!! Megan stole his heart too and he stole hers. They became fast friends and parted crying! We did make it to Niagara Falls but thought we were going to have to take Nicholas to Cincinnati to hospital. He caught a bug at Camp and had a fever with chills and lots of congestion. I started breathing treatments and meds around the clock and he started feeling a little better. We had to carry him around everywhere at Niagara which meant we didn't do a lot there but he enjoyed the falls. They are absolutely beautiful, if you haven't been make it a point to go. They are worth the drive. Totally awesome. When Nicholas first saw them he started pointing and telling his dad to look! I videoed him. Spencer wanted in the water but settled for chasing squirrels in the park. Sharon was totally surprised and didn't realize where she was until we were 46 mile outside of Niagara. It was hilarious. We missed the blackout by a few hours. We had just arrived in the northern part of W. VA. and checked into a hotel and them found out about it. I thanked God we weren't still in Niagara. It would have been terrible if we were caught in traffic with Nicholas and no moisture for a long period of time. We would have to had to hook him up in the van I suppose. The boys traveled really well, no trouble at all. It was great to be away for a while but was still worried about Nicholas. He got to feeling better and then Spencer got sick. He has cold symptoms but no fever or chills. Then, I got sick on Saturday with fever, chills, and a severe sore throat and felt terrible. There I was, sick and all the washing to do. I pushed myself just to fold clothes. I finally gave up and went to bed for a couple of hours. That night I ran a high fever and my feet and hands were cold as ice. Thank God for Dad, he had to put the boys to bed with my verbal instructions, I just could not sit up. I understand why Nicholas wanted to sleep so much, he didn't feel like sitting up either. Spencer's immune system must be stronger than mine! Dad only got cold symptoms. Sharon felt like she was getting a sore throat while we were in Niagara and she started on antibiotics there. She was smart! My throat was so sore it hurt when I bent over or moved my head. The worst one I have ever had. Today it is still sore but a lot better. I woke up Sunday feeling like a totally different person, just on the droopy side. Nicholas is feeling a lot better but is still congested some. We went to church Sunday and when we got in the van Nicholas said, "Mommy, I'm so thankful that you and Dad take such good care of us!" I was speechless, with tears in my eyes and a direct hit in the heart. God knows what we need and when to send it, in the simple words of a 4 year old. I don't know what sparked that comment but I loved it.
Blessing and prayers to each of you and thanks for praying for us, The Boggs FAmily

Sunday, August 10, 2003 10:39 AM CDT

Hello from Camp Sunshine,
We are having a great time at Camp this week, so far. The boys have had busy days and lots of attention. Nicholas told his "first girlfriend here, a 5 year old, Apryl that he was going to marry her when she grew up. She asked, "In five days?" "You will marry me when I marry you won't you?" It was so precious. They are darling together and have to eat together, play together, and everything. Several of the volunteers are besotted with him already, of course! He has hooked several. Move over Amanada and Lynn is having competition. Mom and Dad are more confused than ever with lots of information to digest. The drs are still coming up with different regimens, it's confusing. We are meeting lots of new people and talking our little heads off, us women anyway! We had a special dinner, adult time only, that was nice. Dr. Harris sat at out table, it was the Cincinnati table! We did have fun.
More later....probably much later!!!! Love to all, The Boggs FAmily

Sunday, August 3, 2003 7:41 PM CDT

Quick update! Nicholas' bloodwork friday evening was up, platelets were 55k!!!PTL. Everything else was basically the same. We met Papaw and Mamaw at Bonanza for his birthday dinner and sang to him. The boys loved it. They have kept me in stitches with all their cuteness and ready to pull my hair out with the terrible two tantrums. I love being at home with them. If only....
We visited Mamaw Boggs today because Nicholas was "hungry for mashed potatoes!" He did not eat one bite because "my belly isn't growling yet!" I ask him if Mamaw made good mashed potatoes and he said, "No, but Aunt Cathy does!" Mamaw thought it was funny and Aunt Cathy cried.
Remember Baby Jeremiah, he is doing a little better with 6/7 drs taking care of him in NC. His heart rate is terribly high and they are trying to get it back down. Remember the Salyers Baby, they think she has leukemia and sending her to Duke? next week. I hate CANCER!
Remember us in your prayers as we travel to CAMP SUNSHINE next week. Nicholas is estatic!
Blessings and Hugs from the Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 10:35 PM CDT

I guess you already know that we went to the Baptism at Camp Bethel and there was eleven baptised. It was a good one. I just wish there had been a few more! Hmmmmmmm. We will just have to keep praying. Nicholas and Spencer loved it. Afterwards, we stayed and let them play in the lake. They didn't want to come home. They loved it. Nicholas even liked me splashing and accidently sat down in the water and just laughed and laughed. It was priceless. I have loved being home with my babies. I have realized how nasty my house is though!!! Jeff made a big mess in the kitchen when he sanded the walls! The paper is going up slowly. It looks different that is for sure! Spencer said, "It looks beeeautiful!" He is so precious. My heart has been so full of love just listening to them playing, laughing, talking, and yes fussing too! It broke the other day when I heard them comparing scars on thier bellies. Spencer asked Nicholas, "Did them guys cut your belly open?" Nicholas said, "The doctors way over there next to the bridge did!" The bridge isn't that far away! I laughed. They are a pure joy to listen to. I put Nicholas' passey muir, speaker valve, on and he jabbers continuously. I love it! He sings everything that he says. He cannot hardly talk, just sings. I think he likes to listen to his voice. Spencer just stares at him. He doesn't know what to think!
Well its late and the bed is calling me. I will update whenever I can. Nicholas goes back for blood work tomorrow or friday. Probably friday, Papaw's birthday!
Remember us in your prayers. Remember baby Jeremiah, they sent him to Salem, NC, via med flight today. Remember the family in your prayers too.
Blessings and hugs, The Boggs FAmily

Saturday, July 26, 2003 12:27 AM CDT

Everything is going ok for the moment. Nicholas went back to dr yesterday for physical for school. He had to get three booster shots and he didn't like it one bit! He keeps asking me if he has to go get more shots. I changed out his mickey button the other day and he keeps asking if I'm going to change his mickey button every day now. It bled a little but isn't leaking now. That one just lasted 2 months, they usually last for three. I've enjoyed being home with my babies, I just wished I felt better myself. This dull headache is killing me! I tried to give the boys haircuts this morning, Nicholas' was a wiggle worm and Spencer did not feel like being fooled with. He cut the biggest tantrum you have ever seen and cried his little heart out. I finally had to quit before he had a heart attack! I didn't get to trim it up, so he has half a haircut. He didn't even want to take a bath. I hope he feels better after his nap. Nicholas just walked in with some frog puppets on his head! Being sweet and silly! Well, I have got to go for now, I've got too much work to do now that I'm home. I'll update whenever I can. There is never a dull moment around here. That is the way I like it!!! They keep me in stitches. The other evening, Spencer was pretending that Nicholas was his little puppy and I laughed and laughed at them. They are precious most of the time!
Remember all the sick children and their families, Blessings and Hugs from the Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, July 23, 2003 6:12 AM CDT

We visited Nan Nan yesterday evening. She is doing pretty good, still sore and in some pain. She was happy to see the boys and they were her too. Tommy had to put up their poodle, Sugar. They were afraid that she would scratch the boys. Spencer wanted to touch her so bad but Nicholas moved as fas away as he could. Spencer laughed when she licked my hand. Libbey brought her little shih tzu, Emily, to the house last Saturday but Nicholas would not touch her. Chrissy Bear brought her sister's Yorkie, Gi Gi, down Sunday and Nicholas kept edging closer and closer to her. He finally touched her back a couple of times. Gi Gi didn't know what to think of Clifford, the Avon dog, when I pushed his paw and he barked. It was hilarious! She would bite and shake it. Nicholas did laugh at her and enjoyed her from a distance. He can't stand a dog's bark, even Deno or Angel's.
My visits to the doctor have resulted in the confirmation that I am pre-diabetic! It's called Metabolic Syndrome! I've had symptoms for years but didn't have any idea. My triclyerides were high, bad cholestrol is high, good cholerstrol is too low. I dropped my tryclyerides but she still felt that I was going to have to have help and put me on medicine. She said I would have diabetes if I don't do something now! As in, no sweets, no carbohydrates, no fat, no food, no fun! More exercise, less food. What kind of life is that? It is hard to find food without carbs in it. I feel so sorry for my mother and all the others who have been dealing with this for years. Type 2 Diabetes, my mother has it and YES! it is inherited! Insulin resistant, meaning my body produces the insulin but the cells do not absorb it correctly and insulin shots will not help at all. She put me on medicine that is suppose to help my body use the sugars and burn it for energy. The medicine is making me feel funny, headaches, irritable, mood swings, and it's suppose to make the ovaries produce more eggs!!! I needed something else to contend with right now! It is so hard to concentrate on myself, I've not done so for so long. Now it will be important to be healthy so I can take care of my babies. I wonder if other parents of FA children are having any metabolism problems. Good question!
Please remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, July 22, 2003 6:32 AM CDT

The boys are doing just fine. Sissy Bear brought chicken and dumplings and Spencer ate two bowls! He loves them and then ate more before bedtime. That could be the reason he was crying in his sleep, he had a tummy ache! He acted so sweet yesterday evening, he must have felt wonderful after his three hour nap! Then he was late going to sleep last night! I can't win for losing! Nicholas slept pretty well last night and fell asleep fairly quick. He looked so tired last night. He is doing great at the moment, he didn't bruise too bad, very little in fact! That means his platelets are still around 50k. Thank the Lord. What if his counts kept rising? What if they raise back up to 200k? What if he didn't have to have a transplant? What if I pass out? Wouldn't that be the most wonderful thing that the Lord could do? Total healing would be the most but it would still be wonderful, bone marrow healing would be a big help. Talking about thrilled! I can't imagine ANYBODY that would not be thrilled.
They did get to play outside even though it was cloudy and looked like it was going to rain any minute. They love outdoors.
I'm thankful that Kim and Sammy have had a safe trip back home from a vacation in Cancun! Kim's daughter (Nicholas' girlfriend) Amanda and her boyfriend Jared are getting baptized this Sunday at Camp Bethel. I can't wait to see what the boys say.
I haven't heard from baby Jeremiah, no news is good news. I'm assuming he is doing much better.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, July 21, 2003 10:03 AM CDT

Baby Jeremiah came through surgery and is doing ok. We did not make it to the Ronald McDonald House because Melissa came home. She came by and got all the food and toys to take back there. I hope they enjoyed it all! We were cleaning the carport when she came. Nicholas and Spencer were having a ball getting their feet wet and riding through the water on their tricycle and car. They both ended up falling. Spencer bumped his head but is ok and Nicholas was trying to jump on the step and fell. He hurt his knees and wrists. He catches himself with his wrist because of his hands. It kills me when he falls. It scratched one and bruised his knees. I checked him for bruises Sunday morning. He told me he had a "headache in his hands, a headache in his knees, and a headache all over!" I burst out laughing, it was funny.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, July 18, 2003 6:37 AM CDT

Nicholas and Spencer played outside again and had a great time with his baby and Papaw! Spencer followed Dad around on the four wheeler while he mowed. It was so cute. He tried to go around Dad's shop but got stuck and then went and got the tricycle. He must have been going to pull it out with the tricycle! He had one stubborn spell yesterday evening but is doing a little better. These little tantrums are going! He was so sweet this morning at 4:30 am which is unusal. He had to use the potty and smiled so sweet. He said, "Me sweep in your bed!" How could I refuse that? He is such a snuggle bug.
Mamaw was entertained with our humming birds. There were about five fighting. They are fascinating, I love to watch them too. We did get a small walk in, having to sneak off. Nicholas said, "Where did you all go?" He doesn't miss a thing and just picks up on everything. He has asked Sissy Bear to go with us to Camp Sunshine about 10 times. She told him that her son, Michael, would be home when we got back. He immediately look up at her and asked, "Are you not going?" He is too sharp.
Nan Nan is doing better. They removed 14 staples yesterday and have 14 more to go. She is having problems with her sugar too. I took her some fresh green beans, cucumbers, corn bread, and chicken this morning, so maybe her appetite will kick back in. She may get to go home today.
Remember all the sick children, if you want to visit some of their sites go to the hugs and hopes link at the bottom of the page. Also, more children with FA can be found on the website.
Remember Jeremiah Donovan Robinson today, he is having heart surgery. He is the son of Melissa and Greg Robinson and the grandson of Kathy and Donnie Mullins. They all need your prayers.
Blessings and hugs to you, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, July 17, 2003 6:26 AM CDT

***Check out the new photos!***

My wonderful little helpers helped me wash the van yesterday evening. Nicholas started singing, "This is the way we wash the van, wash the van, wash the van, this is the way we wash the van, early in the morning!" He sounded so sweet and then Spencer joined in and sang too. I told the it was in the evening and sang it that way! NOT! Nicholas informed me it went "in the morning!" He will not deviate from how he first learns it! Give Mom a water hose and she becomes the Queen of Clean, I ended up washing all the windows outside. I love a water hose! The boys do too! Spencer didn't have a dry stitch on him. He played in the soapy water all evening long. He washed his tricycle and little hammer. It was too cute. He is a water dog! Nicholas wouldn't get the cloth out to wash the van out of the bucket but I finally talked him to getting it and he barely was holding on to it. He acted like it was a snake! He ended up soaking wet too though. Spencer tried to wash him at one point. It was hilarious. We had so much fun. It was hot and the water sure helped to cool us off. If it's not raining out this evening, I will get to scrub the carport and deck. It actually needs to be steam washed or power washed but when is my husband going to find the time? I helped him bleed the brakes on his truck and that took forever. He had to put new brake lines on as well as shoes. He finally got that Dodge back on the road. It had been torn up for months. Thankfully, he had another truck.
I met Pearl Powers Fogleman, Mamaw's girlhood friend and neighbor. She want to know if Mamaw remembered that they (Pearl and her twin brother Earl) baptized a Rhode Island Red Rooster, one of her Dad's prized roosters and drowned it. I asked Mamaw and she couldn't remember them doing it. Her Dad told her that the booger man was going to get them, but he gave it to Ellen Hyder for their family to eat. She said that they had just come home from a baptizing and that was the first one that they had been to and when they brought the rooster out of the water, they were expecting it to shout but it just gurgled and rolled its head over. She was laughing so hard at all those good ole memories, reminiscing about playing in the creek with Mamaw. Mamaw's old home place is 2 houses down from where I live now. Pearl's sister married Johnny Dotson and that is where I live, at their old home place. I wonder how long they kept that rooster under the water????
I love hearing those old time stories. Life was simple back then. Everyone worked in the garden and ate what they raised. They worked hard and played hard.
They all seemed closer to God back then than we all are now. What is the difference? Do we let too many things take up our time from serving the Lord? I do not want my prayers hindered. I want my baby healed, that is my heart's desire. No one wants to see their children suffer. I also want all the others healed and feel selfish when I think of Nicholas' healing. When I think of healing, I mean complete healing from head to toe and still be with us. I know he will have the ultimate healing when he goes to Heaven but I am selfish. There have been so many that have had their healing and are now in the arms of Jesus, with perfect little bodies, glorified bodies without pain. No machines running, no feeding tubes, no medicines, no venting, no tummy aches, no pain, and at perfect peace. That sounds like Heaven to me. I know I can't have it all or both. God knows best and I will be content in all things. If he heals him here on earth, I will glorify Him and if He heals him through death, I will have to be content with that too. God knows best. I trust Him. In Him I live, move, and have my being.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, July 16, 2003 6:13 AM CDT

Good Morning,
Yesterday evening, I took pizza home for dinner and Chrissy Bear and Dakota ate with us. Dakota is missing his two front teeth and talks so sweet. He is adorable, rotten but adorable and cute as a button. Spencer has met his match. Dakota is someone to play with but he can wrestle back and play a little rougher! Spencer had to have time out because he didn't want to share with him. He finally let Dakota just ride it all the time and didn't take his turn. We went outside and the process started again with the four wheeler. He pouted for a while and then took it out on Nicholas. He had to go to time out again and cried for over half an hour. He cried and cried. I made him sit in his little chair until he finally quit. I would ask him if he was finished crying and he would say no. He is so stubborn but I'm more so! It is so hard to discipline him on one hand I understand his feelings but I can't let him behave this way. He would be running over everybody in no time at all. It is hard to do, to be consistant all the time and I see why so many children act the way that they do. A lot of parents just don't care but that is a whole different story. Spencer finally stopped crying and I put his shoes back on to take him outside to swing. He then started laughing and I told him that I was glad that pretty boy was back. He then strained out several laughs!
We took Carolyn Baker a picture of Nicholas, her son Jason and George the calf. She put it on her fridge and then went and got the boy their presents. She had gotten Spencer a little stuffed Husky and Nicholas a big black Lab overnight case with a little zipper across its back. He put the strap on his shoulder and carried it around the rest of the evening. It was so sweet of her to do that. Thanks Carolyn for everything. She tells him "Bucky" stories about their black Lab. I guess he will name it "Bucky." Bucky was a little too playful for Spencer! He licked him in the face and Spencer didn't like it! He loved watching Bucky go after the frisbee and bring it back. Bucky was taller than Spencer, about face to face. They were hilarious. We were sitting on her front porch and watched the cows come home! The parade of cows and calves were the highlight of their evening and they didn't want to go home. It is beautiful up where they live, with mountain views all around them. Nicholas was delighted to see the bull and told Sissy Bear later, "That was the biggest, fattest bull that you have ever seen!" He and Spencer laughed when the cows were bawling for their calves. Nicholas also saw George running around every where. I'll try to scan some more pictures in today and get it uploaded to this site.
Remember: Baby Donovan, he is still in the hospital; Nan Nan has been up walking but is still sore and in the hospital; all the children who are suffering and it pain,
Lots of love and blessings sent your way from the Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, July 15, 2003 6:26 AM CDT

Good Morning,
I woke up this morning thinking it was friday!!! No, I didn't sleep all night long! Ha! Ha! I was just hoping I guess. The boys went to sleep fairly easy last night and I did get my usual 4 hours until Spencer woke up for a while. He wanted "choclit mulk" and when I got back to the bed with it he was asleep, but kept waking up wanting it. There will be chocolate milk in the bed this morning. Since I was awake I refilled Nicholas' milk and reset the clock. Jeff didn't know what to think when the clock alarmed at 5:30. That was the first night in forever that he didn't have to get up in the middle of the night. Spencer woke him up briefly. When you are the walking dead, it doesn't take long to go back to sleep no matter how many times you wake up. We have not had an un-interrupted nights sleep since Nicholas has been born unless we went off for a day or two but still didn't rest good then. Kept feeling like I left something behind. I have to pack so much for Nicholas, his portable suction machine is like having another child with us all the time. It gets so heavy, I've started leaving it in the car when we go out. Enough about the woes of ours, on to the important stuff...I had the best little helpers yesterday evening. We set out some flowers, Red Hot Pokers and the boys had to "Me holp you Mom", helping me carry the shovel and mattic. I dug some holes and Nicholas asked, "What are you doing Mom?" It was funny. They were so proud of them when we finished. Nicholas spotted the ants and ran when we found some earth worms, one being real wiggly. We have 3 humming birds! I know Mamaw and Papaw have about 20. It was amazing to watch theirs but we stole some I think! The boys rode their tricycles, three and four wheelers, and cars until bedtime. They love to swing and slide too. Dad was working on his brakes and Spencer just couldn't resist getting the tools and carrying them off. Dad was talking to me and Spencer came up beside of him and just stood there. Two peas in a pod. Where was my camera? I asked Spencer what was wrong and he just stood there with his hands behind his back. I asked him if his hands were as black as his Dad's and sure enough, he showed me his hands and smiled from ear to ear! He acted so precious and funny. I heard Daddy ask him where the wrenches were. Dad just loves this kind of help!!! He was aggravated at the brakes anyway so I tried to keep the boys occupied and away from the tools. I was only semi-successful! I ended up with a little grease monkey, he had it on his nose too.
Nan Nan had surgery yesterday and is still in a lot of pain. Please remember her and baby Donovan Robinson. We are going to try to take dinner over to Johnson City Ronald McDonald House Saturday if anyone wants to bake something, we will be glad to take it or if you want to go with us let me know. I saw a little baby girl at Wally World yesterday and it brought back so many memories. She was having a few problems and the mother was torn all to pieces. She said she couldn't handle it if something major was wrong. I told her yes she could and would if it was her baby and proceeded to tell her about Nicholas needing a bone marrow transplant. She said she was already a nervous wreck with all the little things they were finding wrong with her baby.
Remember that baby too and the mother.
Blessings and Love sent your way from the Boggs FAmily

Monday, July 14, 2003 7:19 AM CDT

I really needed your prayer this past weekend. I was feeling terrible with a headache and grouchy. Yes, I admitted it. I tried to find patience but sometimes it alluded me. I heard Nicholas say, "You just don't feel good." Poor baby. He knows too much! Spencer has a sore toe and could not wear his sandles. I think they rubbed a blister on his little toe. We put some ointment on it but he had pulled off the bandaid some time during the night. He kept crying out last night and didn't sleep well at all. He sleeps better with Mommy and Daddy!
I had the best laugh yesterday. Chrissy Bear brought two little boys down to play with my two. They are actually cousins, Paul and Mackaline's grandchildren. Dalton and Dakota Dailey, they were riding bikes and Spencer was trailing right behind them and working 3 times harder to keep up with them on his tricycle. It was so precious and looked so cute. We all laughed. He thought he was something. When they left, he rode his tricycle out the drive and said, "Bye Mom!" He thought he was going with them. He told them to "come here boys!", he definitely didn't want them to go.
Remember Paul Czar in your prayer, testing for cancer. Remember Melissa and Greg Robinson, baby boy Jeremiah Donovan has fluid on heart and lungs. Remember grandparents Kathy and Donnie Mullins too. I've been there and know what it is like, a continuous roller coaster ride of emotions. There is only one thing to do and that is TRUST IN THE LORD! Know that he has a plan for baby Donovan and all of us and all we have to do is trust Him. It's hard sometimes and we don't always understand everything but God will make a way. We have to listen to what God says and He wants us to make our wants known. Ask Him to grant Donovan life, health, and a life time of happiness, it's all in the hands of a loving, caring, and merciful God. If we don't praise Him, then the rocks will.
Blessings and Love in Christ, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, July 11, 2003 6:25 AM CDT

Good Morning,
Nicholas was feeling great yesterday evening. He was bouncing everywhere, almost hyper. Hyper for him anyway. I love seeing him like that. Spencer is alway full of energy but has a runny nose right now. We went outside and Spencer rode the little battery powered 4 wheeler everywhere. He did absolutely wonderful. He can even put it in reverse and tries to turn. He doesn't quite have the hang of turning the handle bars in the opposite direction yet and says, "holp me!" I am so proud of him.
He fell and burst his lip and kept telling me to get it off. Nicholas said, "I'm so sorry you hurt your lip Spence!" Spencer said, "Thank you!" It was so precious. I wish you could hear the actually voices. They are so sweet. A fresh wave of love spreads over you when you hear them conversing. They truly amaze me.
We are to be as humble as a child. I have a long way to go. What happens? Our heart hardens as we grow older? Do we become conditioned to sin, pain, blood, murder, lying, stealing, cheating? Are we accepting too much sin in society and calling it good? If it's on TV, it's ok? NOT! You can just about say if it's on TV and everybody is doing it, then it's wrong. I think the TV has conditioned people as a whole and we wonder why the teenagers are so violent? Full of hatred? Disrespectful? We, as parents, are responsible for our children until they reach the age of accountability, until they are responsible enough to answer to Jesus for themselves, responsible enough to make decisions. Believe me, it starts at the age of 2! Spencer will get away with whatever he can and is learning fast how to get around everybody. If we never discipline our children, then they are going to be little heathens with no respect for authority. How can we expect them to follow Jesus if we don't start training early? They have to learn respect at home first. Charity begins at home. I know we all don't make the right decisions, even as respectful adults who have been taught by a loving mother, but then we have a loving Saviour who disciplines us. It hurts when I have to correct one of mine, can you imagine how much it hurts our Saviour when he corrects us?
Remember us in your prayers, that we would always be a loving example, that our children will see Christ in us, that we would be the parents that God would want us to be. It isn't easy, and yes, sometimes we make huge mistakes but we have to pick up the pieces and try again. Remember Austin Wright, KY, Jacob, VA, Brandon, VA and all the others who are sick and suffering, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, July 10, 2003 6:55 AM CDT

Good Morning,
It was back to the Bear Family yesterday evening, their visit to the Make-A-Wish Man Village! He doesn't forget much and will tell me what they did last with a little prompting. He is amazing. They visited the train village and rode the train down memory lane. I hope it is reinforcing his memories of our trip. He loves stories and hates interruptions.
I had picked up some green beans at the store and the boys just had to help me string them. Nicholas can do pretty good with his little hand, even strining them. He tears them apart but tries to pop them. Spencer says, "I want to holp!" No, I spelled it like he says it "holp." It sounds so sweet. They loved holping Dad too. He finished putting up the sheet rock finally. Now, I can get started on papering and decorating.
I hope you have a very blessed day, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, July 9, 2003 6:27 AM CDT

Sissy Bear told Nicholas that it was time for a break from the continuous feeder and he said, "Yes! I been here for forty days and forty nights!" He is so funny. He was pretending to be a "tiny little mouse" the other evening and wanted me to tell him mouse stories. Yesterday evening I was a mommy horse. It's untelling what I'll be this evening. He told Sissy Bear that I was Spencer's Mommy! For some reason, that broke my heart. He gets jealous too! I can't win for loosing!
We did get to play outside yesterday evening after the sun went down. Nicholas wasn't out long before his hair was soaking wet, it was still that hot. I got so tickled at them, Nicholas riding a little car and Spencer on the tricycle. Nicholas uses his feet to propell it and can fly. Spencer follows where ever Nicholas goes and if he gets stuck Spencer will push him out of the way. It was hilarious. They stop by me for gas and water and pretend to pay me. It is so cute. Spencer mocks Nicholas in everything he says or does. They are so comical. They are such a blessing and I thank God for them. God knew we were going to need some laughs!
Spencer was a totally different child last night at bedtime. He was cooperative and sweet! Surprised me too! He put on a cowboy hat and asked Bob on the "Bob the builder Cup" if he liked it. I answered for "Bob." He looked adorable and I did get some pictures. PJ's and a cowboy hat! Priceless! I told him to smile his angel smile too! I did get it all I think! I hope.
Continue those wonderful prayers, I started to type smiles, you can continue those too! Hug your babies, kiss them, and let them know that you love them. The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, July 8, 2003 6:18 AM CDT


Good Morning,
We have been blessed to wake up again this morning. I did get some sleep last night after a little fit was thrown by Spencer just to get to bed. He fights it every night. Some worse than others, when he is the sleepiest he fights it the worst. After he lies down, he is almost asleep immediately, he just doesn't want to give up. Stubborn! Just like his Daddy!!! Actually, he reminds me of me! Ouch! I remember crying myself to sleep. Sharon was probably aggravating me! You know how big sisters are, always the boss! She still is but she is the best sister anyone would ever want. I thank God for her and the boys adore her. She is a good teacher and they love for her to read to them. She is teaching them Spanish too! Spencer doesn't want her to leave and cries after her. Nicholas wants to go down to her house all the time. I told him the other day that his middle name was GO!
Nicholas has learned that if he says he is too tired, he can get his way! He didn't want to go back out and play yesterday evening, he was "just too tired." He even droops when he says it. He is a good actor! He is a card and a half. He played real hard for a while and then started acting droopy. His energy level comes and goes. I just hope he isn't getting sick again. He looks pretty good right now, face is filling out and he is gaining some weight. I weighed them about two weeks ago and Nicholas weighed 32 lbs 13 ozs. That is the most he has ever weighed. Spencer weighed 30 lbs 10 oz. Nicholas has gained on him, they usually stay a pound apart. Spencer has caught him in height. We are asked all the time if they are twins. No one can believe that they are 26 months apart.
I hope you have a blessed day.
Remember us in prayer, all the sick children everywhere and their families, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, July 7, 2003 9:39 AM CDT

We went to see the fireworks for the first time. They were awesome! Sissy Bear said, "There's a circle!" Spencer corrected her with an "Oval!" It was an oval and Spencer was right!!! We all laughed.
Nicholas informed Sissy Bear that he wanted "My Baby to make her special Poppa Bear a very special cherry pie!" This came out of the clear blue sky. Sunday, here came his Baby with a cherry cheesecake pie! He actually ate some and wouldn't let her take any back home! Is he spoiled??? Nahhh! I fixed a patriotic cake for the weekend and Spencer was delighted. I garnished the sides with strawberries and Spencer said, "Mommy! What are you doing?" He was totally amazed. It was so cute. Everyone that came in, he would point to the cake and say, "Look!!" He was so proud of that cake. Of course I was too. It was my creation, my masterpiece! That is what Nicholas would have said. He was stacking lids the other day and they fell off. He put his hands up to his mouth and said, "Oh no! My masterpiece!" He mocks me all the time. He is hilarious!
He is now mocking Bashful! Sissy Bear was bragging on him the other day and he rolled his head to the side, smiled, and said, "Oh Gosh!" He does this so sweet and melts everybody's heart. Sissy Bear has taught Spencer to show his "angel face" which is so precious. He will just smile so sweet. Spencer sang the ABC song to his teddy bear last night and did great. He is so sharp. They both are getting so attached to Sissy Bear and cry when she leaves. I don't know what she is going to do when school starts and she can't be with them. She had withdrawals over the week end!
Nicholas is scared to death of having his trach changed now and will not help me changed it. He thinks we are getting bloodwork every time we go somewhere! I am going to have to take them out more often!!! He wants to go all the time! I think I'm just too tired to do anything at the moment. I am going to have to get started on packing for Camp Sunshine! If I don't get started now, I won't get everything I need packed in time. I keep thinking of things to pack and I have to pack it while I'm thinking of it or it won't get packed. No! I'm not getting older! My thinking is just slowing down! I just need to pack the whole house and be done with it!
Nicholas had a couple of bad gas spells with his tummy this week end. He actually does better on the continuous feeder but can't be tied up day and night too. I'm trying to increase the night feeds and give him some time off during the day. Pray that it works for him. He needs some relief.
Remember us all in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, July 3, 2003 6:50 AM CDT

Nicholas has new glasses and they look darling! They couldn't get the same kind that wraps around his ears but they are staying on really well. Better than I expected. He looks so handsome. Dad likes them too.
Guess what? We may be going to the beach. I want the boys to see it and since Nicholas' counts are still up we may get to go. If all comes together, we may be staying really close to the beach! Like ON the beach. Spencer will be in seventh Heaven with that much sand! Talking about a big sand box! I am getting so excited. I can't wait to watch their expressions when they see it for the first time. I haven't told them yet but Nicholas overheard me talking to Kim about it and asked who lived at Myrtle Beach. I have been only one time and it was beautiful. I couldn't sleep for listening to the waves and wanted to sit and just look. I want to cram everything, all the creations and wonders of God into a few months! I know we can't see it all but I want him to experience and see what he can. He can find joy in everything and it spreads to those around him. I know this is something small in the scope of things to come but I still feel compelled to try to share everything and experience it with him. I just want to bring him joy and happiness. Make memories for him and Spencer.......
Remember us in your prayers, remember all the children that are sick. The Boggs FAmily

Have a wonderful and blessed 4th of July Holiday. Freedom...
Yes! I wore a jumper with flag hearts on it today.

Wednesday, July 2, 2003 6:48 AM CDT

Nicholas and Spencer went to Sissy's for a while yesterday. Sissy Bear had dinner fixed and we were talking about it being so nice to have it ready when I come home. She asked me, "How do you like having it waiting on you?" Nicholas asked, "How do you like them apples?" Sharon frowned and said, "What apples?" I burst out laughing! Nicholas has heard me say that a hundred times and just repeated it. It was so funny. He repeats everything! I don't realize what all I say until he repeats it. He does it so cute. He is also repeating, "I have no clue!" Spencer even told her "That's impossible!" He says it soo sweet and tries so hard to talk big. Nicholas is using big words too and Spencer is trying to repeat after him.
I saw Nicholas' dr in Wally World yesterday evening and he asked about the boys. I told him about the blood work and he was pleased too. He had been on vacation and hadn't seen the fax yet. I did get some film developed, the Disney trip! Some were so good, I'll try to post them when I can get them scanned in. Nicholas is back doing the "Bear Tales" when we feed. I told him about Baby Bear sneezing ice cream on everybody and he cracked up. Dad even got tickled just listening to him laugh. It was precious.
I heard that we have lost another 14 or 15 year old from TN, after the 3rd transplant. I have heard of a 11 year old from Tiawan with FA that is up for adoption. It broke my heart. He has less than 6 months before he goes to a state facility. Only someone who has a child with FA could understand the total picture of this situation. If only I were rich and had a huge house.......oh the possibilities. Those that do have, don't have my heart or understand the need.
Continue those wonderful prayers for all the sick children, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, July 1, 2003 7:15 AM CDT

Platelets are 50k! WooHoooo!!! They have just fallen 1000 from last month. I know they were lower earlier in the month when he was so sick but have rebounded nicely. Thank the Lord. He knew we needed a break. One of the test results is the size of his red blood cells that has increased. I'm researching this concern. I'll let you know what I've found out. It could be the result of alcoholism, liver disease, lack of folic acid or vitamin B12, or certain bone marrow disorders! Health Lesson 101 for the day. Certain bone marrow disorders...I hate those words. It's so open ended and do not tell you how they affect the child besides cause anemia. Enough of the lesson for one day. I'm sure there will be more later!
Nicholas cried his heart out when he realized we were in front of the hospital yesterday evening. He knew we were going for blood work. He kept asking if it was going to hurt. He was immediately better the second the needle came out, laughing and playing with the nurses. He said, "It didn't hurt too bad!" He is something else.
Spencer came along for the lollipop! He told me the story of Moses on the way to the hospital. I made out "baby Moses, basket, water" in between all the jabbering. He tries to talk too fast. He will motion with his little hands, frown while he is trying to think, and act so sweet. He saw a big truck in the middle of the story and had to show it to me. He is so funny and soooooo precious.
We could not find Nicholas' splints for his hands last night. I finally told Nicholas that I couldn't find them and ask him if he remembered where he had put them. He said, "Don't worry Mom, we will find them tomorrow!" He was so reasuring that I just quit looking! Ha! Ha!
Remember us in our journey of uncertainity and all the other children, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, June 30, 2003 10:32 AM CDT

Ahh, where to start, so much has happened and the boys have done so many cute things, I don’t think I can remember them all. Friday evening was the last evening of VBS and the children performed for a packed house. They did really great. Spencer wouldn’t stand up front but did walk in with his class and then stayed with me. Sissy Bear gave him a disposable camera and he had a ball pretending to take pictures. Nicholas stood up front and sat down when he was suppose to and was good as usual. Just before the program started, Nicholas asked me who this little girl was. Erica is now his new girlfriend. They fed everybody pizza afterwards and Nicholas announced his love for Erica. He whispered that he wanted to marry her. His eyes were twinkling and he couldn’t help but smile. I told him he had to ask her Dad for her hand in marriage. He looked at the Dad and said, “Maybe I’d better wait!” He edged closer and closer until he was with Erica and then was her shadow. Sissy Bear said you could tell he was “in love” by looking in his eyes. He just beamed! He came to me later and said, “Her Dad was real nice to me!” We all laughed. He must have been expecting the worst. His teacher, Sandy, has been given a bear name, Sandy Bear. He told me that he was going to tell Miss Gayle that he loved her. He did and then told me that she said she loved him too! She has a deformed hand with tiny fingers and Nicholas had not mentioned it at all until Friday night prayers. He prayed for her fingers to grow and told me that he was sorry that her fingers wouldn’t grow. I tried to explain to him that God made us all and each one was different, using his thumbs and explaining that she knew her fingers wouldn’t grow any more and that she was happy with it they way it is. That satisfied him.
Saturday morning the first words out of his mouth were, “Are we going back to VBS?” He cannot understand that it is only for a week and that no one is there. “Why did they leave?” “Why can’t we go back?” “Where is Erica?” Sunday the same thing, He loved being with all the other children.
He and Spencer played so good together this weekend. They loved playing with the play dough and making snakes and worms with the press. Spencer would press them out and Nicholas would cut them off. It was so sweet just listening to them. That reminds me, the other day we were changing clothes and they didn’t have on shirts. Spencer pointed to Nicholas scars and said, “You got a boo boo!” Nicholas pointed to Spencer’s scar and told him he had one right there and then said, “I got lots of boo boos.” Then hugging each other, just laughed and started playing. It broke my heart.
Last night, at the late night potty trip, I sat on the stool beside of Spencer. He said, “What you doing?” I told him that I was just sitting and talking with my precious angel baby. He said, “Me big boy!” “You are not Mommy’s precious angel baby?” “No, Mommy’s big boy!” I could just squeezed him to pieces. He is growing up much too fast.
Remember us this evening, we are going for blood work. I feel that his platelets won’t be down too much. Down at all is definitely too much! He does have a horrible bruise where he stumbled and scraped it on the carport leg.
Blessings, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, June 27, 2003 6:26 AM CDT

The boys enjoyed another day at VBS. Spencer was cranky and sleepy by the end of it and would not sing or even march. Then he didn't want to go home. He was so tired he was asleep by 9:40 pm. That is early for him. Nicholas was tired too. He did stomp his feet a little last night but made a bear face most of the time. They all are so funny and cute. At some point in time, several have tried to take off Nicholas' thermovent and have asked why he has it on. What it that thing? Why don't he speak good? They are so curious. Precious. When I see all of them together, I realize how small Nicholas really is. Overall, it is heartbreaking. I know how far he has come and I am so proud of him. He is so good and cooperative, does anything they ask him to do. He is a sweet little angel.
Remember us all in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, June 26, 2003 7:12 AM CDT

The boys had another good evening at VBS. They put 3 age groups together to practice for the final show on friday night. Nicholas just stood there and would not even prance. He was having a sensitive ear evening and everything upset him. He cried several times. Spencer wasn't in the best of moods but did cooperate pretty good. I did get some pictures. Last night I was going over the songs and pretended to forget them. Nicholas supplied the words! He remembered them! He soaks it all in like a sponge. They had a wiener roast afterwards and the boys enjoyed that. The pastor, Clifford was taking marshmellows out to roast them and Nicholas said, "I just can't stand myself." They couldn't understand what he was saying and I ask him to repeat it again. He said, "We're roasting marshmellows!" I knew then what he meant. He was so excited that he just couldn't stand it! Everybody laughed. He smiled from ear to ear, flapped his arms, squealed and laughed while he was helping Kathy roast marshmellows, bringing tears to Cliffords eyes. Clifford said, "This week has been great, it's been worth it just to watch Nicholas." Nicholas brings joy to everybody he meets. Nicholas had a happy ending at last. He was knocked down earlier by a little boy named Nicholas on a scooter, bruising his arm and scratching his leg. Of all the people standing there, he had to hit my baby. None of us could stop it from happening in time. There are three boys named Nicholas in his class! My Nicholas being the oldest!
I've read several other children's websites that are going through BMTs and I'm just sick. There are so many diseases and conditions that they are going through, it's heart breaking. It makes you ask "WHY?" Why are the innocent ones having to suffer? What is the purpose? Are they the gateways to Heaven for Unbelievers? The heart grabbers? The ones to get our attention to make us stop and think about the hereafter? We can ask a blue million questions but it all boils down to "God's Plan." He has the power, the ultimate power over his children and knows what to do to get our attention. His plan is perfect and far above our earthly imaginations. Trust Him, He knows the way.
Remember us all in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, June 25, 2003 6:34 AM CDT

Tne boys attended VBS again and had a wonderful time. Spencer did much better and participated in most of the events. I sat in back and let them go up front without me and encouraged them to go on and sing. They all looked so sweet. Nicholas wouldn't clap or dance just make music with an alligator clapper. He kept asking about the hay ride, if it was going to come back. I think he was a little scared. He was in Kathy's lap by the time they came back. They are using a trailer full of hay pulled by a four-wheeler! A modern day hay ride. My brother, Kenny, was coming out of the field with a load of hay and he told them they should take a real hay ride. He asked the boys about the snake. You talk about looking around before I get out of the van! I do. We came home and I searched the entire area before I let the boys out of the van. I still shutter when I think of that snake. The Bible lesson last night was Moses throwing down the rod and it turning into a snake and being brave! Of all things!
Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, June 24, 2003 8:30 AM CDT

Saturday was sunny but cool. The picnic was wonderful and the boys loved jumping in the tiger and sliding down the fire engine! Spencer actually knocked down a ball for a prize at the carnival. They got loads of stuff and won money in the dipping for dollars. I didn't win a major prize but enjoyed watching the boys playing. They loved the big play ground with the spiral slide and one of the slides was real bumpy much to Spencer's delight. Sunday after church, we went back and let the boys fish. They loved reeling their little fish(a little yellow plastic weight)in. Nicholas actually lost his on the first time out and Dad put a bobber on it. Spencer loved it. Nicholas reeled his fish in and brought a lot of slimy weeds in on it and he said that he caught a sea horse. We all laughed at him. Nicholas was afraid that Makayla was going to cry and couldn't enjoy himself for covering up his ears. He cannot stand crying. He loves his Aunt Cathy (Daddy's twin)and wanted her to go to the playground with him. I told him that she might slide with him. I had told him earlier that it was for children and that adults were too big for the slide. He immediately said, "She's to big to slide down that slide. She's big as a wart hog or something!" I burst out laughing and told on him! Aunt Cathy thought it was funny too but just had to show him that she could slide down too! He loved it when she slid down and wouldn't let her stop until she had slid down all three slides! She is a big kid herself! Wart hog? I have no idea! That is the first time he has said that. Too funny.
Yesterday evening, we went to Vacation Bible School. I think Spencer was amazed at the little girls and acted so bashful. He wouldn't participate at first but finally came around. Nicholas loved it all but had a surprise lick from a big dog and cried his heart out. Blowing bubbles did the trick of putting smiles back on his face. Spencer kept wanting to go back to the singing session.
We came home and I had just made it in the door and noticed the cat watching something. I looked closer and there was a snake crawling on the step and wall. It was a copper head! The boys usually walk up that side and use the wall to brace themselves. I had walked up the step right beside of it holding Nicholas' hand and Spencer had checked out one of his cars and then walked straight up to the door. I had to rethink how they came up on the deck and just about panicked. I just thank the Lord that they didn't go up that way. I was as weak as a kitten after it was all over with. Joyel Wayne came and killed it for us. Nicholas said, "That is the biggest copper head that I ever saw!" Joyel Wayne laughed and said, "That is probably the only one that you have ever seen." Spencer jabbered and then tried to sic the cat after it. It was good to laugh at last.
I told you that something was always going on at our house!
Thanks for praying for us, we are really struggling emotionally, mentally, and physically. Thank you Lord for your guardian angels around us, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, June 20, 2003 6:35 AM CDT

Nicholas is doing a little better but Spencer is getting a stuffy nose. I am getting it too. I woke up with a severe sore throat, I just hope Spencer doesn't get it. We are suppose to go to our company picnic tomorrow. Nicholas is so excited. They have lots for the children to do. I'm sure they will enjoy it. I pray for sunshine!
I'll try to update more next time.
Thanks for the prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Thursday, June 19, 2003 6:34 AM CDT

Good Morning,
Nicholas is definitely sick, cold symptoms, temp, and just doesn't feel good. I gave him breathing treatments every 4 hours and Tylenol Cold med through-out the night. It breaks Mom and Dad's heart when he is like this. He was asleep by 8:00 pm. He had his leg propped up on his knee (he will do this in the middle of the night and sleep that way!)and you could see every bruise that he had on his little legs, about 10 bruises. It's heart breaking. He was wide awake around 1:30 am for an hour or so. I had just laid back down and was about asleep and Spencer woke me up hollering for me. He wanted some milk and then went back to sleep.
We ordered his glasses and they are going to look so cute. When we arrived home yesterday evening, Sissy Bear told the boys bye and Nicholas went into a panicky fit, crying and screaming. He wanted her to stay. Yes! She did. She ended up reading two stories to him and then he was satisfied. Yes. She is spoiled!
Spencer saw a "Cowboy" at Reno's. I told him it was a "Cowgirl!" He said, "No, a Cowboy!" I saw her later and asked her to come to our table. Spencer didn't know what to think. He acted so shy. It was so funny. Nicholas has added a couple more girlfriends to his list. He loved throwing the peanuts in the floor. He actually cracked one with his teeth and looked up at me laughing, with his eyes twinkling, "It's salty!" He loves salt.
I thought we were going to have some respite from sickness for a while. I was just getting too comfortable and needed a wake up call. It feels like someone just hit me in the stomach. I know Jesus won't put more on us than we are able to bear, but will make a way for our escape. Here is the actual verse in the Bible: (1Co:10:13: There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.) I was close! I know this and believe it. I just don't understand how hard it is hitting me. It tears my heart out to see him drooping around without his usual spark. I guess I depend on his sweet spirit too much. "God is faithful"..that is standing out to me now and giving me the comfort I need. Isn't God good?
I asked Dad last night if they told us to come for transplant right now would we be ready? He said, "I'll never be ready." I feel the same way but I know that God is faithful and will be there through it all. I heard a message this morning about God granting our prayers..He may not give us everything we ask for, all at one time but will give it in increments. We couldn't stand the full force of God's power at one time. He knows what we need when we need it. Letting us grow in small steps so we can stand steadfast when the trial actually hits us. Thank you Lord for being so merciful to us. Good Job Jesus.
Continue praying for us, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, June 18, 2003 7:03 AM CDT

Nicholas had a really rough night. Coughing and gas on his tummy every two hours. Needless to say, Mommy is one tired little mommy this morning. Spencer was up and cried when he saw that I had shoes on. I left him crying and it has ripped out my heart. I can't stand to leave him anyway let alone when he is crying. I had to read "A Crack in the Track" about Thomas, the tank engine before I left. Yes, I was late for work. Nicholas had to be vented around 6:00 and I gave him a breathing treatment before I left, so yes I was late, late, and later!
We are going to get new glasses ordered today so I will see them around lunch time. We get to spend the evening together with Sissy Bear!
Remember us in your prayers, pray that Nicholas isn't getting sick, cold or flu or a virus that will bring his counts down farther. He looked so dark around his mouth and eyes last night. Dad said his counts had to be dropping, he looked so dark. It is so hard watching him deteriorate and feeling so helpless. If his trend is still the same, then his counts could be way down this time. I know this but will have heart failure when I actually see the numbers. I don't even realize I'm holding my breath until I see the numbers and then breathe. It happens every time. I'm glad Nicholas doesn't know what is going on, even though he is asking more and more questions. He just wants to know if we are getting bloodwork, the fear of the needle. I fear the numbers. It's just UGLY all the way around. I pray for strength continuously. Maybe the end of time will be here before he has to have a transplant. 1Th:5:3: For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. You all are aware of all the peace negotiations going on.
Please join in prayer with me for my baby and our nation.
The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, June 17, 2003 6:17 AM CDT

Dad had lots of help from a little boy while he put up sheet rock. Spencer had to hand him the screws and use the pry bar to bang on the woodwork! He looked so sweet and precious. They did this to the beat of a spoon on cans and cups provided by Nicholas. He is a little drummer. Mamaw and Papaw heard it on the phone and burst out laughing. He drums to the beat of B-i-b-l-e or B-i-n-g-o. That is his tune that he does everything in. You could be singing "Amazing Grace" and he will provide the tune to "B-i-b-l-e" but at a slower beat! He is so funny.
Nicholas is still acting nauseated during feeding and has to be vented. It seems harder to get the gas off than before. I feel so sorry for him sometimes. He has more interest in eating, but isn't consuming any great amounts. He hasn't thrown up since his surgery and that part has been better but he stills has a tremendous amount of gas and more is passing through the system. I call him "Flower" after the skunk in "Bambi" and he gets so tickled. Spencer will say, "Phew..weeeee!" Overall, Nicholas is doing better with the feeding. He has more bruises and fell last night so I know there will be even more this evening.
Spencer ate corn and carrots last night and had a tummy ache around 3:30 and didn't sleep much until around 5:00. Yes, I'm so sleepy this morning. When I get the chance to sleep, I can't sleep or will continue on the same schedule of a couple of hours, wake up, and then doze back off. It's habit forming! I guess our bodies get use to a routine and it's hard to break.
We need more prayers as his counts fall, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, June 16, 2003 9:53 AM CDT

We had another busy weekend. I didn’t feel like I was home enough and feel a little disoriented. We had to sing again at funerals all weekend long. Dad stayed with the boys and reinforced the meaning of “Father’s Day!” We did get the boys a little school desk and they are adorable. They both loved them. This will be the “work table” for school.
We went to the horse show Saturday night and it poured the rain. We left thinking they had called it off but I think they had it around 8:30. The boys were going to be in the Leadline so they could get a ribbon. They wore their blue jeans with their Ky Horse Park shirts with cowboy’s boots and hats. They were so cute and were dancing around stomping those boots. It was adorable and I didn’t have my video camera ready. Aaaarrrrggggghhhhh. They looked so cute. We were within a mile or two of the horse show and Spencer threw up all over his clothes! Oh well, we tried but he got car sick. My van still stinks! We did get to eat pizza and have a good time while we were out. It turned out to be a wonderful evening. Dad took us by the pasture where Papaw’s horses were and the boys absolutely loved that. They wanted to get out but it was too wet. They were thrilled to see Black Jack. We named the new colt “Princess” and still working on the spotted colt’s name. We have no idea what Papaw calls them. Black Jack is a miniature pony and looked so funny with the big horses. He is fat as a butterball but can still take his part by kicking those little legs. Champ, the big horse, was being mean to Black Jack. Nicholas told Papaw all about it when we got home. Papaw told him that he would bring Black Jack back home and that satisfied him.
Sunday morning, Spencer was singing “Jesus Loves Me” in a half sleep mode! It was so sweet. He has sung “If You’re Happy and You Know It” and the “ABC Song” too. He is a little songbird. He is so sweet and doesn’t pronounce all the ABC’s correct but that only makes it sweeter. I will have to video him when he doesn’t know about it. He is so adorable and so handsome.
Nicholas is bruising pretty badly again, legs and on his back. He is on the continuous feeder a lot of the time so he isn’t even as active as before and still bruising bad. That means his platelets are dropping again. We go for blood work at the end of the month. It scares me to death every time we go, especially as they continue to drop. I will never be ready for the transplant. It hurts so much even to think about it. Another FA family had a child to pass away from heart surgery from the United Kingdom. Remember their loss in your prayers. I thank God for letting Nicholas survive his 18 procedures so far. Having Faith, trusting in God, and letting go is the only way to cope with any sickness. Accepting the plan that has been designed by a higher power isn’t easy but it can be done. My prayers are continually to be an instrument in His plan, allowing the Grace of God to cover us.
Take the time to hug, love, and nurture your children, nieces, nephews, mom, dad, and let your family know that you love them. Family, father and mother I love you. If we keep that love in our hearts, there is no room for hate.
Remember us all in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:46 AM CDT

I don't even know if I should post this conversation or not but Nicholas said it. Sissy Bear always says it's ok because "it's just Nicholas'!" He can make a big mess...etc.
Here goes,... after making our usual late night potty trek, Nicholas said, "I saw that mommy cat poop and she hid it!" I ask him how she did that. He motioned with his hand and said, "She just flipped that uh, uh, stuff over it." Mulch? "Yes, mulch." Where were you? "Out at the swing." I couldn't help but laugh as he described everything! I said, "You are the stuff the cat covered up!" He laughed and said, "No I'm not! I'm not poop!" He was watching the dog clean himself the other day and I've held my breath ever since. See, I told you there wasn't a dull moment at our house.
At church Sunday, Spencer had just went to potty and was so proud of himself. It was the end of service and Jeff asked if anybody had anything on their heart to say. We just walked back into the church at this time and Spencer announced, "I pooped!" Everybody laughed. I know my face turned beet red but couldn't help but laugh. He will not say "potty". I'm sorry this is such a stinky update!! From the mouth of babes......
I have found out what the critter was we found. It's a Dobson Fly! The larve is hellegramite, used in trout and bass fishing. They very seldom reach adulthood because of the fish eating them. Mystery solved!
I told you this Mommy and family needs prayer. If only life could stay this simple.....

Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:43 AM CDT

Another evening outside in the sand box, with a dump truck or two. Spencer plays for a while then wants to wash his hands. "Nasty! Wash hands!" only this time they pulled off their socks and shoes and wanted to wash their feet too!
Nicholas said, "That tickles!" and just started laughing which got Spencer to laughing too. It was so cute. They were walking around in the yard, trying to find dandalions to blow acting so sweet with each other. Nicholas would spot one and tell Spencer where it was so he could have one at the same time. Actually, so Spencer wouldn't want his!! I just followed along behind them taking heart pictures and savoring the images. God gives us so many gifts if we look with our hearts. Creatures great and small. By the way, we discovered a new insect while we were out. It is about 2.5" long, with floppy wings, antennas and a scorpion-like tail. Papaw had never seen one in his life and has no idea what it is. It looks evil. I'll let you know what it is or if you have an idea, please email me. I could take a picture! I guess we will have to wait and see. Nicholas watched it for a long time. Of course, it was in a jar so he could see everything. I need to get him a bug house!
I heard two messages on faith on the way home yesterday evening. I think God is trying to tell me something. Faith is trusting and I trust only in the Lord. I know the Drs are great but it is God who gives the increase. God is tried and true, Drs? are human and can make mistakes. I pray for Nicholas' drs for guidance and knowledge. Without God's blessing, it just won't happen. He has a storehouse of blessings and they are ours for the asking. I want more and more but deserve nothing. I am human and selfish. I want Nicholas to be completely healed. What a miracle that would be! Miracles happen every day. If a bmt is his miracle, then so be it.
Continue those wonderful prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, June 10, 2003 6:31 AM CDT

Good Morning,
The boys had a great time playing in the sand box yesterday evening. The sand was damp and great for throwing! They ended up with sand everywhere. They played really well together and had fun. I'll have to watch the sand if its really dry and not let Nicholas get any in his trach. Love his heart, it's always something to watch out for. He looked real dark around his eyes and mouth last night. His platelets are definitely going back down. The transfusion only last up to nine days, they are gone. We go back for bloodwork at the end of the month. Nicholas keeps asking if we are going for bloodwork. He is petrified of bloodwork. I reassure him but he keeps asking. I just hope he doesn't get sick and have to have bloodwork done before the end of the month. It kills me when he cries or pouts. He can look so pitiful and knows just how to pull your heartstrings. He is a good boy though, mischievious and rotten. He wanted to throw a shoe out the window and his little eyes just sparkled in anticipation. Spencer mocks everything that Nicholas does. He even copies his words, mouth expressions, and actions. Spencer drew a face a couple of times. It was on the Magna Doodle and I didn't get to keep his first drawing. It was so cute. He can draw a circle real good, with eyes, nose, mouth and sometimes hair. He is precious and recognizes most of his letters. He drew a "s" last night, backwards! It was cute too and he told Nicholas to look. Nicholas said, "Good Job Spence."
That reminds me of "Good Job Jesus!" I thank the Lord for Nicholas' good recovery from surgery. He is doing a little better with his feeds too. There are good days in between the rough ones. No day is a bad one, for we are all alive and well enough to fuss! God is good!
Remember all the sick children and their families in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, June 9, 2003 6:31 AM CDT

We had a good week-end and got to visit Mamaw and Papaw. They love going down there and "playing upstairs and eating peppermint candy" as Nicholas whispers! He begged me to let him stay down there by himself, crying and cutting a little tantrum. Mamaw and Papaw just aren't able to take care of him by themselves and he doesn't understand that. I'll have to figure out a way to let him stay down there for a couple of hours by himself. I think he heard me say that Spencer was staying with Mamaw and he wants to do the same. Sheena and Stephanie were down there and they played so hard, his hair was soaking wet with sweat. We went outside and walked around their driveway. There is a little hill up to their yard and Nicholas wanted to climb "that big grassy mountain!" He smiled from ear to ear when he reached the top. He was so proud of himself. He conquered that one and wanted to climb a steeper one! I wished that was the only mountain he had to climb. Spencer wouldn't let Nicholas out do him! He had to climb it too. He is so cute.
They didn't know what to think of the cat leaving a mouse at the back door. They kept looking at it. Nicholas said it was cuter than Mickey Mouse! Then he scrunched up his face and said, "I don't like mouses, do you Mom?"
We are bouncing back and forth with bolus feeding and continuous. He is still getting bad gas spells with his little tummy. The dr felt his problems would all be over but not so. We will have to figure out what is best for him and do accordingly. As usual. His g-tube site is still tender and leaking. I hurt it yesterday and Nicholas said, "You didn't do it on purpose!" He is too smart.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs Family

Friday, June 6, 2003 6:26 AM CDT

Nicholas told his Nanny something that still had her laughing this morning. Spencer had touched him and he was crying. She was trying to console him and get him to do something fun, but he didn't want to do anything except sit on the couch. She asked him what he was going to do. He said, "Just sit here and feel sorry for myself!" He is too cute. He gave his Dad some a note pad and asked, "Am I sweet or what?" Dad and Mom burst out laughing. He also told his Dad that the only reason he wants to go to Camp Sunshine is to see Lynn. Lynn has signed up for FA week so she will be there. Nicholas told me last night that Lynn knew about his girl friend Whitney and his friend John. I told him that if she reads the web page then she definitely knows. He must be worried we were going to tell on him and he beat us to the draw! He wanted to know who else we were going to see.
Spencer is talking up a storm, dropping his "s" is happening. "Want to peep in Mommy's bed!" I'll say "ssssssleep", he will say, "ssssweeep" He is so cute and will pat Nicholas when he is upset and tell him "its alwight" He has been hugging and kissing on Nicholas a lot more. Maybe he is getting the idea. Nicholas will say, "Look! Look!" when Spencer hugs and kisses him. It is so funny. They make me laugh all the time.
They enjoy their time outside. Nicholas and Spencer were in the top part of the slide, its wooden and looks like a play house and about 6' high off the ground and wanted me to get in with them. I climbed right in and their eyes got big as saucers and Nicholas couldn't stop giggling. They wanted me to go down the slide but I was afraid it wouldn't hold me up! Spencer cried when I got back down. He did not want to go back in the house. He loves outside. He made a bee line to Dad's tools when we first went outside. He looked at me and said, "I going to fix that thang out there!" He ended up carrying a bolt and a wrench around for a while. He's going to be a grease monkey!
I did get to cut more weeds down and it looks a lot better. Maybe someone lives there afterall.
Mom is feeling better but still bruised. My uncle came through surgery and it wasn't as bad as they thought. I let you know more later. Cancer is horrible. FA is horrible. Nicholas thought we were going for blood work all day yesterday. He ask me at least 5 times. He is a little worry wart and has good reason to be one.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, June 5, 2003 7:49 AM CDT

I have whip lash from yesterday’s roller coaster ride! Oh well, I’m trying to get back on track. I attempted to clean house yesterday evening. I said, “attempted!” I can never get the entire house done in one evening any more, just bits and pieces. A continuing process for it is never done. I can’t wait to get the toy corner cleaned out. It looks like Toys-R-Us only hit by a hurricane. I’m taking a load to the Ronald McDonald House the next time we go. That should help! I will probably be taking 2 little boys with the toys. They don’t want to get rid of anything. I’m a pack rat too! Yes, I admitted it. I’ve been called “Aunt Maluva” all of my life. She was a wonderful person!!! I loved going to her house. I’m just conservative and try to figure out how to use things for something different later. I don’t save egg cartons! Ha! Ha!
Nicholas is tolerating 100 cc per hour! I cannot believe it, he was barely taking 47 cc per hour before the surgery. He gets to feed for a while and then play for a couple of hours. He loves playing and has a little more energy now to play. I can tell his energy level is dropping. By bedtime, He is ready and goes to sleep really quick. He has been sleeping much better too. Spencer too. I slept for 4 solid hours last night. Spencer woke up around 4:30 this morning, then he was laughing in his sleep around 5:00. He sounds so sweet when he laughs. He was up at 6:00 am going strong. He wasn’t too happy when Mommy went to work. Mommy wasn’t too happy either.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, June 4, 2003 6:34 AM CDT

We had Nicholas' IEP meeting yesterday evening. He will still be home bound but will be in Kindergarten! I cannot believe he has reached this milestone so quick. He will be assigned a new teacher, and hopefully speech too. They will be working on Feeding Issues with him. He will get to interact with the class via videos, email, and cards. It kills me to think of him missing the classroom activities and the other children. He will catch up one of these days.
I dreamed I was having to take chemo and radiation but didn't know why. One of the side effects of the chemo was teeth spreading apart and I turned to Sissy Bear and was acting goofy saying with my teeth showing and stuck out, "That is all I need to look like a hick, a bald hick!" I dreamed we were all laughing. Only I could have come up with something like that! Nicholas was with me in the dream. I woke up wishing I could take his place so he wouldn't have to go through all of the pain. I am having an emotional roller coaster day. At the top of every turn, we are blasted with another emotion, another hurdle, another medicine to keep up with, another characteristic to watch out for, and then slide downward. You don't think there is an end in sight and then the Arms of God wrap around you and give you a comfort that is like no other. Cradling, rocking, caressing all the fears away, giving us the needed strength to climb to the next mountain top. Thank you Lord for always being there.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, June 3, 2003 6:31 AM CDT

Nicholas was able to tolerate the continuous feeding at a much higher rate than normal. Thank the Lord! That allowed for a couple of hours off on feeds to play outside. I know Dad loved his little helpers carrying the tools off while he worked on his truck. He had to hunt Spencer down several times to trade wrenches with him. I couldn't help but laugh. Spencer smiled so sweet when I told him he was a good little helper. They loved swinging and sliding. Chrissy Bear stopped by and played with them 2 days in a row. The boys love her, she is so crazy! I should say Nicholas does, Spencer does sometimes! I actually got to work in my flowers or weeds I should say. It helps clear my mind and improve my attitude to work outside. A rare treat these days. If it would just stay warm enough and not rain for a couple of days, it would help. Chrissy Bear said it had rained for 47 days straight!
This is the last week of school here and Sissy Bear and Chrissy Bear will be delighted to be off for the summer. They will be helping take care of the boys for me this summer. We are going to have fun!
Remember Nan Nan in your prayers, she is having surgery this month, also, Mary will too. Remember my uncle, C. E. Large, has lung cancer and will have surgery on the 5th of June. I will probably have surgery for carpal tunnel this month if it can be arranged. Whew! Surgery Month! Did I mention that my Mom fell? She is all stoved up, back hurting, bruised hip, and still won't go to the dr. When did Mom's become so stubborn? Like Nicholas said, "Thanks Mom for minding me!" Mine does not mind me! I still love her though.
Remember us all in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, June 2, 2003 7:31 AM CDT

We are home and still kicking. The bolus feedings are not going so good. I have put him back on continuous feeding. He is having a tremendous amount of gas on his tummy and the formula is going straight through him. He is in a lot of pain so bolus feeds are not going to work for the time being, maybe he will lead up to them. I pray so.
Today is MONDAY! It started by me forgetting my purse at home. You know the rest of the story! I hope it can only get better. I'll update more later.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

I got the boys a Tigger Fishing Pole. They loved it. They have a little yellow fish weight to help learn to cast on it. Nicholas sits on top of the table and releases the weight. I have to pull on it and pretend to be a whale. His little eyes just sparkle and he reels it in. He has to hold it different ways as he reels it. This has been wonderful exercise for his hands. He loves it and they both look darling in their little fishing hats! Nicholas sat there for a couple of hours Saturday playing with it. Spencer goes back between his cars and the fishing pole. I have to watch out for them continuously so they don't poke each other or break something! It has been worth it just watching them. I don't think I'm taking Nicholas with me shopping any more! He wants everything! No, I did not get everything he wanted, just a couple. We got Dad a early father's day shirt, "Fishing with Dad, an American tradition" showing a man and son on a boat! Perfect!
***check out bloodwork, platelets up to 51,000!***

Thursday, May 29, 2003 4:29 PM CDT

A three minute procedure and we have a new mic-key button!! He is so happy. He told the surgeon "thank you for turning us loose!" We all laughed. I just gave him his first feeding and he was really nauseated. He had to go to the play room as soon as we came over to the RMDH. We have an early appointment in the morning and then we will be leaving for home! Yeeeeeees!!!! They checked out his shunt and feel that it hasn't been working in a couple of years. Thankfully, he is showing no signs of pressure on his brain and they are going to leave it alone for now. PTL. Thanks for all the prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, May 28, 2003 11:27 AM CDT

Guess what? Nicholas' feeding tube was pulled out and we had to get to an er before the site closed back up! The er close to home was not comfortable putting a new tube back in. We arrived in Cincinnati around 11:00 pm last night and thank the Lord the tube went right in and he didn't have to have surgery to have it put back in. We finally got settled in around 3:00 am this morning. Nicholas stayed awake the entire time. He is definately a die hard! Mommy Bunny had no energy left to keep going ;)
The tube they put in has a little hole in it and started leaking, I wasn't about to go back to have another one put back in. Thank you Dad for using black electrical tape to fix everything that tore up when we were growing up!!! Tape works on leaks too! This morning I was giving him his prevacid, which has time release granules in it and they stopped up the tube, its much smaller than the one he had before. I about lost it! I had to put a little wire down it to unclog it. What a day! night! morning! I've got a tremendous headache now. Please continue to lift us up to God in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, May 27, 2003 6:49 AM CDT

We have had a hectic week-end. We had to sing at 2 different funerals which meant every day of the 3 day week-end. I feel exhausted today. I have packing to do when I get home this evening, Nicholas is getting his mic-key button this week. I can't wait! Neither can he, he thinks we are going to Camp Sunshine as quick as he gets it in! The drs think his ventricles (hydrocephlus) are too large and he will have his shunt checked this visit to make sure it's working right. The only sign I can tell is his eyes are staying dilated, if that is even a sign. I have mentioned this to the drs before. I may have to tell someone different. I'm hoping and praying they don't have to replace his shunt. On second thought, if it's a must, then it would be better now than during transplant. During transplant, it could be devasting to him if infection got in his system. I pray for protection for him and keep reminding myself to trust in God and His plan.
The boys have been ROTTEN this week end and Oh so sweet. I have enjoyed them so much. It was hard to leave them and go back to work. My neighbor had a round-up this week end and brought a 2 week old calf down to let the boys see it. Nicholas got so excited I couldn't hardly get his stomach dressing changed. He said, "I'm going to call it George!" while we were putting his shoes on. We went outside and Carolyn said, "Now Nicholas, I'm going to let you name it!" I told her he had already named it. I have no idea how he knew she was going to let him name it. I asked him later why he chose "George", he said, "That man at Camp Sunshine." "Which man?" "The one with Janie!" My cousin, Janie Cheruk and her husband came to see us while we were at Camp. Nicholas doesn't forget anything! Spencer loved the calf and said, "Oooohhhhhh!" He then started wrinkling his little nose at the barn smell and sniffing! It was funny.
It breaks my heart when Nicholas talks of Camp Sunshine. I pray his counts stay up enough to go or we are going to have a disappointed little boy. I want to do so much before his counts drop any farther but it is not possibe to get everthing in and still keep a job. I have missed a week a month for the most part of the year so far, sometimes more. It seems like the Disney trip was years ago. Thank God for understanding employers. They have been so good to me.
Please remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, May 23, 2003 6:26 AM CDT

Kimmy Bear came to the house to see the boys and had them both laughing. Nicholas would hit his tray with a plastic serving spoon and Kim would scream. A chain reaction...Spencer would cackle out laughing. He laughed so hard his eyes scrunced up and he bounced all over. He is so sweet. He would tell them to "do it again!" She finally got some sugar from Nicholas by making lip prints on his foot, hand, and cheek. She will do anything for a kiss! Spencer did not like the lipstick on his foot! As she was pulling out of the driveway, Nicholas said, "Bye! You ole Lipstick Lady." I burst out laughing.
Nicholas is looking bad again, dark circles around his eyes and mouth, his counts have to be going down. This is the hard part, watching him deteriorate without a means to help. My hands feel tied and all I can do is scream silently and pray continuously. Chris, a local pastor said yesterday that Nicholas had touched so many lives that it was amazing. I've been a Christian for 30 years and he has accomplished more in his little life of 4.5 yrs than I have. He gets to the heart, a straight line is the shortest distance between two points and he can accomplish that in seconds. He tugs on the heart strings that unplug the tear ducts. My uncle Wayne that was so sick is now home, thank the Lord for answering prayers. His daughter Lena called and told Nicholas to pray for him. She said that Nicholas had a direct line to God. I later ask Nicholas if he had prayed for Wayne and he said, "Not yet, I will tomorrow!"
"I just can't wait to go to Camp Sunshine, can you Mommy?"
Dad had to tell him things that they would be doing and what all they did last year. He will smile and say, "What else are we gonna do at Camp Sunshine?" He talks of Camp Sunshine every evening and at bedtime. He must have dreamed about it or heard us mention something that reminded him of camp. That is all he talks about.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, May 22, 2003 6:51 AM CDT

I was fixing mac n cheese for the boys yesterday evening and started singing, "Sunshiney! Sunshiney!" something I just made up all of a sudden! I turned around and Nicholas was smiling, placed his hand on his forehead and said, "Gosh!" while shaking his head back and forth! I cackled out laughing! He then laughed too with those little twinkling eyes and a mischievious look. Spencer then stared doing the same thing. They couldn't believe their crazy Mother! The whole episode was hilarious! That was different from an earlier..Spencer pulling on his feeding tube! screaming, crying, and wanting to just stay in bed!
I had gotten them Winnie-The-Pooh comforters and it looks so cute. Ok, I will admit it, one is on our bed, which I told Spencer was his. They now have a Pooh Room! I put some stuffed animals on the shelf above Nicholas bed and arranged Eeyore so he would be looking down at him. He noticed immediately! Spencer loved it too.
Spencer woke up around 2:00 am from a bad dream, crying his little heart out. Of course Dad put him in our bed, he is so snuggly and huggly! Spencer, not Pooh. He is even going to potty in the middle of the night! He will look up at me with those little sleepy eyes and smile and giggle so sweet, doddling just a little. I could just hug him to pieces.
I can't wait until Nicholas gets his mic-key button back in. Last night, he said, "I am going to get my mic-key button in and go to Camp Sunshine!" He has been talking about Camp Sunshine everyday since Sunday. He asked me if Lynn was going to be there. I couldn't believe it. He remembers everything and that was 9 months ago. He still remembers his girl friend Lynn Adams from camp. I told him that Lynn just emailed me and said that she had signed up for the week when he would be there. "Oh Boy!" He was still talking about it in bed last night, about what all he was going to do. Spencer thought we were going "Bye-Bye" right then and cried when I told him it was bed time. I just pray Nicholas' counts will be high enough for us to go.
Remember us all in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, May 21, 2003 6:41 AM CDT

The Walk-A-Thon has been changed to Friday, May 30th, RAIN OR SHINE, after school, time?, Pound High School. Sorry for the inconvenience of date changes.

I went to the wake of Missy Shepherd. She had gotten GVHD, Graft Verses Host Disease, where the transplanted marrow sees the host as foreign and starts attacking the organs, liver, kidneys, etc and causes them to fail. She had her transplant on the 28th of February and passed away on the 17th of May. She had a framed poster of ...An Angel came and cleared my path, if you want to follow me pray for an angel to clear your path to the promised land. Love, Missy
She is now at rest in the loving arms of her Savior. She knew she was going to die and spoke of it often to me. She was content to whatever God had in store for her. She was the bravest person I have ever met in my life.

We had a wonderful day yesterday. The boys loved having mommy home and I loved being there. They got to play outside for a couple of hours and were in seventh heaven. Dad had gotten out their little cars and Nicholas would make his go so fast and turn in a complete circle. He is a little dare devil. Spencer would drive his a little while, get out and go over to Nicholas, say, "Give me five!, and then get back in his car and drive off! It was so cute. I actually got to clean off the deck and it looks like somebody lives there! It's not as clean as I'd like but another day or two will help.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

I just heard about the 14 in the Johnson City Oncology department that joined the registry. Thank you on someone's behalf for the chance of a life. That make the drive total to 60!!! Great!

Monday, May 19, 2003 6:32 AM CDT

The Walk-A-Thon was rained out and rescheduled for May 31st, 2003, 10:00 am. We were there with bells on but it just didn't happen.
Nicholas is getting a little stronger. We went walking yesterday evening and he tried his best to keep up with me. He started wheezing and we had to turn around. He and Spencer are so precious. Spencer will do anything to get outside. He loves it.
Nicholas had used the bathroom and Spencer told him , "Good Job! I'm so proud of you!" Nicholas said, "Are you, Little Man? Huh?" I burst out laughing at this little conversation. It is amazing what they pick up and repeat.
Please remember Missy Shepherd's family. She passed away Saturday after a bone marrow transplant. She is 21 and from Wise and has two children about the same ages as mine. We included her in our first Bone Marrow Drive. This has broken my heart.
Remember us all in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, May 16, 2003 6:39 AM CDT

My instincts said not to use hydrogen peroxide around his feeding tube, if it's the stomach lining, gastric mucosa, then why not use an antacid like, mylanta. Guess what, I was right! I found something on the web about using tums or rolaids crushed and mixed with constant care, a vaseline product with zinc oxide in it used as a moisture barrier. We have used it a couple of times and his stoma looked so much better last night, a little red but most of the swelling had gone down. I was so relieved. Home remedies sometimes are just the best. Isn't it amazing how God puts these natural instincts in us? I don't always go with what I feel is right but in retrospect, most of the time I usually could kick myself for not listening to that still small voice. It's always right and that gut feeling is a God given. He is such an awesome God.
I've been trying to find something for Nicholas to use to write with, a pen that marks real easy. I bought several to try last night and they had a ball. Of course the markers were not washable! Yes, I goofed up! Nicholas, love his little heart, cannot control it well and ends up with both hands covered, as well as his shirt. He chose red, his favorite color, and it looked like he was bleeding. Spencer chose green. I also had gotten them some mechanical pencils with little rubber holders on them. They chose the same colors in those too. They are so sweet.
It looks like rain, rain, rain for Saturday. I'm not sure what they will do if it rains, maybe walk inside? Are you going to walk with us? Come on and leave your tracks behind so someone will want to follow in your footsteps.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, May 15, 2003 6:35 AM CDT

Good Morning,
Life in the fast lane and we don't live in the city. Our life would be a snail's pace in comparsion. Everything is happening so fast. The Walk-A-Thon is Saturday, May 17th at 10:00 am, Pound High School and I can't believe it is here already. Come on and join in the Walk For Life.
Nicholas' tube site is looking terrible. It is like the stomach lining is coming to the outside. It may be infected and he will have to go on antibiotics if it is. It is always something. It kills me to see him in pain and it is real tender. He doesn't want me to clean it or touch it. I can't wait to get his button back in. I may be going back to Cincinnati if it gets worse. Please pray for him concerning this issue.
Spencer is trying his best to say everything. If you give him something, he will say "thankyouyouweltome" all together in one breath. It is so precious. He was mommy's big helper yesterday evening, setting out some flowers. He had to keep washing his hands in the water bucket! He loves water, I think he is a water dog. He first looked at the flowers and said, "Butiful!" I had to move Nicholas a short distance at a time. It was plant a few flowers, move everything including the feeding machine and Nicholas to another location, plant a few flowers...etc. We did it though! Nicholas was so proud of himself, he told me what to plant in some of the pots. He was the BOSS! He told me to do something and when I didn't he said, "Why didn't you mind me?", with his face all scrunched up, lip pooched out, hands on his hips, looking so disgusted! I would've loved a picture of that face. It was hilarious. I can tell a big difference in him, short of breath, turning pale, tiring more easily. I had to sit him on the porch to rest for a while. It's so hard watching him deteriorate and not be able to stop the process. I feel so helpless, kisses just aren't helping. It's frustrating and sometimes I can't help but get angry. Emotional roller coaster.
They were introduced to earthworms, and a thousand legged worm. Spencer threw the earthworm a kiss until it started wiggling and then he didn't like it at all, pushing my hand away. I wonder how long that will last. He will start putting frogs in his pocket and taking them to bed with him before too long!
Sissy Bear came and took us to see Emogene, Poppa Bear's mother. Nicholas has been wanting to go see her for days, that is all I've heard. He said, "Hi Emogene Bear!" Another member added to the bear family. She was ticked to see us (HIM!) but wasn't feeling too good. When we left, Nicholas said, "I hope you get to feeling better." She said, "God love your heart, I'm a lot better than......" Realizing what she was saying, she just stopped. He loves to go around there and walk up and down her steps!
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, May 14, 2003 6:31 AM CDT

There is nothing like a child to rally our spirits. I got so tickled at the boys last night. Spencer was playing with my dress and I started "acting" crazy, which cracked Nicholas up. It was good just to be silly. Later, Nicholas wanted to go to bed. He laid in there and played with a little Mickey Mouse lunch box that his Aunt Trossie had given to him. He had to put the handle in the center then open it. If the handle moved before he could get it open, then he started all over again. I couldn't help but smile. He would repeatedly put his "stuff" in or rearrange it. He has played with this little lunch box for a week now, even taking it to bed with him. I had to pack his lunch so he could go to work the other night and every square inch had to be covered. He scooted the snacks around until he had some empty space and then told me to put something else in it, there's room right there! He is so sweet and kept hugging and kissing me last night. "I love you soooo much" were the beautiful words I heard last night, kissing my cheek and rubbing noses. He is so sweet and precious. Spencer is too, just in a different way. Spencer had to sit beside of me on the couch last night and was satsified as long as we were touching. He gives the best little kisses. He is starting to make them last longer and "ummmming" when he gives sugars. It is so sweet. He is doing absolutely great with the potty training, just about completely trained. He will wake up at night and need to potty, four-thirty is too early! He is doing great though. I'm so proud of him. I am so blessed with my babies.
My Uncle Wayne was moved to Bristol and they had him sitting up, unstrapped, and the ventilator turned down. He was more alert and doing better by evening time. Thank the Lord. Continue to remember him and Jeff's mom in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 6:46 AM CDT

Yesterday was a day full of things to do. Nicholas had speech and then we went for haircuts. Spencer cried and would not sit still, it looks pretty good but needs some more work done on his. After lunch, we went to the dr for Nicholas' physical and then on to the hospital for bloodwork. Mamaw and Spencer went up to see Mamaw Boggs who is in the hospital with a hurt back. Nicholas cried his little heart out because of the bloodwork. They accessed his port and he could not believe it was over with. He laughed, hugged, and kissed Nina and Misty, the nurses. He told his Mamaw and Dad all about it. He said it didn't hurt just when they pushed on the port. He winced a little bit and it was over with. He slapped his knee and had those nurses rolling. I'll post the counts later. We then went up to see Mamaw Boggs and then on to another hospital to visit with my cousins. My Uncle Wayne Browning is in ICU and not doing well. Please pray for him. I was so tired by the time we arrived home. I had to carry the feeding pole around where ever we went. I don't think I'm going to try that again in the near future.
Please remember us in your prayer, the Boggs FAmily

Friday, May 9, 2003 5:45 AM CDT

I pulled up to the house and there was a big poster on the door. It said, "Happy Mother's Day, I love you!" The v was upside down. It made me smile and cry. There were little foot prints that formed a butterfly and hand prints that made the flowers. It was the most beautiful and precious card that I could have gotten. Thanks to Terri, his teacher for the great idea. Nicholas will miss you next year and we hope you will always remember him with the little book worm caterpiller we got you.
My heart is so full this morning to think what being a mother really means. You see, I have the best Mother in the whole wide world and the boys have the best Grandmother. Mom loved her babies and always will. That is what being a Mother is really about. Loving, caring, nurturing, playing, guiding, instructing, teaching, holding, training us up in the way we should go and is always there to just listen. Anyone woman can give birth but it takes love to be a true mother. Look how powerful a mother's kiss really is! A kiss can cure all ills, make boo-boos go away, make the heart lighter, comfort, and feel loved. It doesn't matter how old you are, you still need your mother's love. A mother loves unconditionally, without judgement, and is always there with her arms open when you need a shoulder to cry on. The arms of a mother offer safety, comfort, encouragement, and love. I've had a good example to follow and thank God for my mother and the upbringing we had. I love you Mother and Happy Mother's Day. I hope I can be as good as a mother as you have been to me.
Being a mother makes me feel wonderful. I didn't know my heart could swell so big and feel so much. Children can make a mom feel all those good things to. It's a two way street but when you are a child, you don't realize how powerful you are either. My boys make my heart so full I just can't hold back and cry like a big baby myself. There is pure joy in being a mother. I thank God for the millions of blessings He sent to me through Nicholas and Spencer. I'm going to give my mom a big hug, kiss, and tell her how much I love her, and flowers too. She loves flowers.
Go and tell your mom just how much you love her and what she means to you. Make her feel like a queen. If your mom's in Heaven, she is already a queen.
Remember all the mothers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, May 8, 2003 5:21 AM CDT

The boys are feeling better and get more rotten every day! They helped me bake cookies yesterday evening. Spencer was trying to roll them in his hands and kept wanting to nibble at the dough. He finally got a bite and said, "Yuck!" They were peanut butter and you should have seen them try to press them down with a fork. Nicholas did really well doing it one way, he would use both hands to press the fork down. Spencer did good too. Nicholas couldn't roll them too good but he did get his hands gooey! I figured that was an accomplishment. It is amazing to watch Nicholas do things with his hands, he emprovises and gets the job done in his own unique way. He will do something and then ask, "Did I do good?" It is so hard for him to hold a pencil or anything to write with and keep it stable. I'm not sure if we've found the best way yet. He holds it between the pointer and tall man. I've showed him how to brace it with his pinkie and he will most of the time but its still not stable enough. Some of his fingers have stiff joints and he has a hard time controlling it. We take so much for granted and he has to try so hard just to grasp anything. He has the desire to keep trying and doesn't give up easily. Maybe a little stubborness is good!
He tries so hard to please. We should all be like him, if we did the world would be a better place.
Kim, thanks for the envelope sealed with a kiss! His mouth flew open, raised his eyebrows, laughed and said, "Look!" He knew exactly who had sent it. It was so sweet. He even told Sissy Bear about it when she came up. By the way, I got some film developed and there were kiss prints all over his feet!! I'll try to get some scanned in.
Remember us all in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, May 7, 2003 5:34 AM CDT

What Fanconi Anemia cannot do:
FA is so limited.....

FA cannot cripple love.
FA cannot shatter hope.
FA cannot corrode faith.
FA cannot destroy peace.
FA cannot kill friendship.
FA cannot suppress memories.
FA cannot silence courage.
FA cannot invade the soul.
FA cannot steal eternal life.

Author Unknown

This was originally written for cancer but is true for any substitution.

Nicholas is feeling a little bit better and they played together. I unhitched Nicholas for a while and he was pretending to talk on the phone, saying, "Hello. Alright. Are you ok honey? ok honey....." He sounded so sweet.
Spencer is funny too, pretending to go to work with Daddy. I packed him a little lunch box and found his hard hat (Bob the Builder) for him. He looked so sweet and is using his imagination. They are growing up too fast. Waaaaaah! Spencer slept all night in his bed and actually slept better or I did one! I was exhausted and still coughed my head off.
I don't feel the best today, I think all the surgery stuff is getting to me or just now hitting me. I know! We have so much to be thankful for and shouldn't be complaining, clothes, food, and a roof over our head. Thank you Lord.
Now I feel better.
Continue to pray for all the sick children, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, May 6, 2003 5:08 AM CDT

Nicholas does not feel good at all and went to bed at 6:30 pm last night. Up around 9:00 for an hour but went back to sleep and slept through out the night. His nose started running again and I gave him more medicine. Spencer could just look at him and he would cry. Spencer keeps saying, "Nic sick." I brought home a new book "Do you see what I see?" and its full of different pictures that are real busy. You have to find objects within the pictures. Nicholas didn't want to look at it, I know he is sick. He loves books and to refuse one means he is ill. Spencer liked it, he likes to try to spy the hidden objects and some are real hard to find. He is pretty good at it. He is so sweet. He was sleeping beside of me and I just watched him. What is in store for their little future? I just started praying for protection for him. Only God knows the future and I just pray for wisdom and guidance to let me be the best mom that I can be. As a parent, we are responsible for their welfare, education, family values, morals, and actions until they reach the age of accountability. That is a big responsibility that God has entrusted to us and I thank Him for the chance to love two little boys. I cherish every moment with them, time is flying so fast. I cannot believe Nicholas will be 5 in September and Spencer will be 3 in November. I look at them and my heart just swells as though it would burst. I didn't know that I could love so feriously and deep. Don't take your children for granted, love them as though there is no tomorrow. What would you do differently today if you knew that you wouldn't have tomorrow? Hug and Kiss them while you have the chance and listen to the giggles. You are the closest lantern that they have so let the love of God shine through you.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

**Check the photos!

Monday, May 5, 2003 5:44 AM CDT

Friday evening, Nicholas watched as 4 people climbed out of a little blue car. He realized it was Whitney and John and started squealing, laughing, kicking his feet and waving his hands. Stephanie and Tabitha also came to see him. He couldn't even tell Sissy Bear who it was. He said, "I can't believe it!" He acted so shy when they came in and talked in a whisper for the longest time. He was thrilled to see them and played with them. It was precious. Spencer showed out for them too and acted so shy. Thanks for catering to a little boys whim. Best wishes on the finals this week and have a safe trip home girls and John.
Saturday, Kimmy Bear came after us and took us to the birthday party. Spencer embarrassed me to no end by hitting Tanner. I didn't see him but Nicholas came to me with tears in his eyes and told me that Spencer hit Tanner. He got mad at Spencer for hitting "his friend!" I don't know what I'm going to do with him. Do they ever grow out of this stage and learn to share? Right now it looks hopeless. The party was so nice and thanks to Kim we got to go.
Sunday, I dressed the boys in little suits and they looked like little men. So precious and darling, but would not let me get a picture without crying! Spencer put on his cowboy hat and looked so sweet and sharp. I wore an organge dress and Spencer saw me and said, "butiful!" Of course, that tickled me pink. He told me again last night when we got in bed. He was trying to make up for being so rotten!
Nicholas started sneezing, eyes watering, and nose running yesterday evening. Dad and I are having some congestion problems and I just hope and pray that the boys don't get it. I gave Nicholas some medicine and he went to sleep at 8:30 last night. He slept a lot better than I expected.
Remember us in your prayers, I seem to have hit rock bottom for some reason, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, May 2, 2003 6:54 AM CDT

Nicholas is so excited that "all those girls, John and Whitney are coming to our house this evening. That is all he talked about while we were gone to Cincinnati and told all the nurses making them jealous! Some asked if they could come and he told them no. It started out being 50 girls and is now 40 girls. I don't know where this came from, I'll have to let you know for sure how many shows up. To keep my sanity, I'll not mention it until they show up in the driveway. His eyes just sparkle when he mentions it.
He is invited to a birthday party Saturday and can't wait to go. He thought we were going last night when Kim, Tanner, and Nana Bear came over. 3 days is a long time to wait for a party! Spencer has a lot of learning to do about sharing too. Tanner tried to ride his train and Spencer cried like his heart was broken, he must have thought he was taking it with him. I have no idea what he thought. He is in that "dats mine" stage. Is that a typical 2 year old? He hit Tanner in the head with a car but didn't like it when I kissed Tanner's boo-boo. I may not have any hair left when this stage is over with! Maybe man is born with evil in his heart. I've been thinking, a Mother never has to tell a child what to do that is wrong but is constantly telling them the right thing to do. Is that not correct? Just the way in our relationship with Jesus, He is constantly chastising His children. Oh well, I'm too deep this morning and thinking is dangerous around here! It is the thought for today!!
Pray for us all, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, May 1, 2003 11:23 AM CDT

I guess I forgot to tell you that Nicholas does not have his mic-key button in yet. They are going to wait a month before they put it in, letting the surgery heal more. That is probably the best for him as he heals, he doesn't need to be too active anyway. Spencer will just have to wait to rough house with him, look out Dad! Nicholas has to go back to Cincinnati on May 29th and will have the procedure under an anesthetic for the first mic-key button. That was a relief in one way maybe he won't be in much pain and or under for any length of time.
It was wonderful to be home and sleep with my baby again. He is so rotten it isn't funny! He would bounce back and forth from Mom to Dad, hugging and kissing us, it was so sweet. He sure has missed us too. He patted Nicholas on the stomach, of all places, and chest. He missed Nicholas too but got a little jealous of Mamaw and Papaw paying attention to Nicholas. Spencer loves being the center of attention while we are gone. He got to go see the new colt at Papaws house. Sugar finally delivered a filly that is the color of Nestle' Quick with a black and white mane and tail and has a white star in her forehead. I don't know what Papaw will name her, it will be anybody's guess. Cocoa?
Nicholas named his stuffed horse, Brownie. Oh, I forgot to mention that we went to the Kentucky Horse Farm in Lexington. It was wonderful. All Make-A-Wish Children get to visit several parks for free for one year and this park is on the list. They let us all in free and had a care package waiting for Nicholas. It included a stuffed pony, t-shirt, 2 free pony rides, and admittance to everything there. The parade of Breeds included Annie Oakley on Teton, who gave Nicholas a long ride after the parade. She fell in love with Nicholas too. I have to send her a copy of the pictures. He stood beside of the famous race horse, Cigar and had his picture taken, holding the reigns. He knows he's something even if he does just came up to Cigar's knees! It is a wonderful park if you love horses. Stephanie and Sheena would be in seventh Heaven if they could go there. There was a 2 week old colt and a baby mule there. They have a barn full of Clydesdales and Belgims, and lots of other huge horses. Nicholas peeped in one of the styles and said, "WOW!" He got so excited. It was great and right beside of the Interstate. We had a great time and will definitely go back some time in the future.
Nicholas and Spencer have done so many cute things I can't begin to write about all of them. None of them beats a whispered sweet voice of Nicholas saying, "Mom, guess what?" "What?" "I love you."
In His care, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, April 30, 2003 7:21 PM CDT

I forgot to mention that we had to go back to Cincy for a post surgical appt. He also had a ct scan of the head but we are waiting until they get his past reports for a comparison before we find out anything. We also met with a feeding team for evaluation. We are to continue encouraging him to eat any chance he gets or wants.
Nicholas gave Dr. Garcia a big hug and kiss. Dr. Garcia totally melted. He is over 6 feet and to watch him crumble was something. Nicholas just has that effect on people. He also charmed the feeding team with that wonderful smile of his. He didn't have to have blood work this time and had a good visit. He loves time with his dad and mom when he can be the center of attention. We missed Spencer so much but Nicholas didn't feel like contending with him the first day. The medicine that they give him for the ct scan makes him real grumpy and irritable but he wasn't too bad this time. Overall, we had a great trip. Thanks for the prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, April 25, 2003 6:51 AM CDT

Another sleepless night! Spencer wasn't feeling the best still has a runny nose and wants Mommy to hold him all the time. We had a good ole crying time yesterday evening. Spencer did not want me to do anything for Nicholas and when Spencer cried Nicholas would cry too. I don't think I have even one nerve left! Sissy Bear to the rescue. I thank God for my sissy. Now I need: COFFEE!!! I cannot believe I have resorted to such to keep me awake! Oh well.
Spencer just had to have bologna at bed time and Nicholas saw it and wanted some. He ended up with it in his bed! He chews it and then spits it out, at least he gets to enjoy different flavors.
Thanks to the Red Onion Prison for the beautiful Easter basket, it was huge and full of toys and chocolate of course. I will give it to them this evening. That made the 5th one. Nicholas received 3 at the hospital and rmdh. Thanks to everyone.
Did I mention Nicholas had to have platelets before surgery and his counts went up to 250,000? I just wished it would stay that high. They haven't been that high since we brought him home. He also had to have a blood transfusion during surgery. I thank God for all the people who go and give blood. Nicholas' blood type is O+ , maybe that is why he is so positive all the time!!!
Remember Jesus was the first blood donor, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, April 24, 2003 6:55 AM CDT

Nicholas is feeling much better and walking around. I unleashed him for a total of hour and a half last night. He wanted to play hide-n-seek with Sissy Bear. He stood up and walked a few steps and said, "My legs are wobbly like Bambie's!" We laughed. Spencer just patted Nicholas and hugged him when he stood up. He had been worried about Nicholas. Nicholas wanted to take his "baby" and put her in bed when they arrived. Papaw was pretending to fight with Spencer and Nicholas told his baby to tell Papaw to leave him alone. Papaw then asked Nicholas if he wanted to fight. Nicholas said, "Sure!" Spencer then jumped on Papaw and told him to "stop that!" Papaw told Nicholas that he was tough. Nicholas said, "Spencer is tougher than I am." They were so precious taking up for each other. Then Lena and Larry came up and she didn't get out of making french fries! Nicholas does not forget a thing. He said that Larry was his friend. It was so sweet.
Spencer is now sick with a terrible cold. He must have caught Joyel Wayne's. His little nose runs "like a sugar tree" and he is sneezing his head off. The meds didn't seem to help much. He must have allergies like his Dad. He was so stuffy last night and would set straight up in bed, trying to breathe. Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep last night either. I will have to crash at some point.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, April 23, 2003 7:14 AM CDT

A sleepy Hello,
Between allergies (Dad's), Spencer's tummy ache, and Nicholas, mom had no sleep last night and feels rotten today. Nicholas sat up yesterday for an hour and when I got home I carried him to the living room. I sat him up in a recliner and he sat there until 9:00 pm. He did not want to go to the living room nor try to walk. I made him stand beside of the chair for a few moments and he got so mad at me that he stomped his feet. I tried not to laugh. If he feels like stomping his feet, then he can walk! I'm a mean mommy evidently. I had to carry him back to his room and then he didn't want to go to bed! I can't win either way. He pouted on me. Hopefully it will blow over and he will forget all about it until this evening. He doesn't feel like running a marathon that is for sure, he still looks pale and is still a little weak. It will take a week or two to recover but he is one tough little guy. His tummy has started to itch so it is healing. Just remember us in your prayers and all the others that are sick and suffering, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, April 22, 2003 11:27 AM CDT

WE ARE HOME!!! We were stuck in traffic for 2-3 hrs and arrived home last night around 9:30 pm. Spencer was so glad to see us he could not be still and jumped straight up and down. I was just as happy to see him. He lay as still as a mouse last night and let me and Dad kiss all we wanted to. He is so precious. I have never missed anybody so bad in all of my life. Talking on the phone wrenched my heart in two but did help lessen the pain.
Nicholas looks pretty washed out but has had no pain meds for two days. Tylenol will do for now, thank the Good Lord.
There is some redness around his incision, please pray he doesn't get an infection. He is a little sore but isn't moving around much anyway being tethered to the feeding line, continuous feeds no bolus. Hopefully, we have the diarrhea in check with the baby food. Baby food will go through the feeding tube when mixed with formula!
Implanted Port-consist of a silastic catheter threaded into a large vein in the upper chest. The catheter is attached to a little round reservoir or port that has a rubber top that seals itself after access. This port and catheter is completely under the skin. He just has a small knot where the port actually is. This port allows access for iv and blood draws. A skin numbing lotion is applied an hour before access. No more sticks in the foot or hand! Hooray! The port has already been used for iv and meds, so far so good. It is actually wonderful. It killed me to say "yes" to the port but knew it was inevitable after 3 hours of torture and still not enough blood or iv installed. It would have to be done at some point in the near future anyway. They will also have to put in a c-line later on before or during transplant. A Double Lumen Central Line is implanted in the chest also with 2 access ports hanging outside. I'll put off this port as long as I can. Spencer would be sure to grab it! Information just so you will know what is happening and what the little fellow had to go through. This is in addition to the Nissen Fundoplication, they took the upper portion of his stomach and wrapped it around the bottom of the esophagus. The doctor felt it was successful. We shall see. They did have to close up the old stomach g-tube location and create a new one but the outside place is still the same. Thank God. Nicholas was in bed last night and said, "Mom, I'm so glad to be home!"
God is good, The Boggs FAmily

P.S. I met another family with a totally different disease. The mom, Teresa, really needs encouragement. Visit their website, and sign the guest book for her. I told her I had a big support group and WE would all pray for them. Thanks.

Sunday, April 20, 2003 9:48 AM CDT

Nicholas was a little under the weather all day yesterday. He didn't feel like doing much of anything just lying around and didn't set up at all. Later on, he had been off his meds and stated having withdrawal symptons and scared the life out of me. He seems to be feeling better this morning and looks like a little man.
The hospital looks like a ghost town this week-end. There is nobody there. It is totally different than usual.
We may get to go home tomorrow. If he stays on 55 cc per hour without complications, then we get to go home!!!!
Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Saturday, April 19, 2003 1:34 PM CDT

Nicholas has slept until 1:30 pm today! It is no wonder, he had just gone to sleep and they came in around 12:00 pm and woke him up doing vitals. It made me so mad. He wanted me to lay in his bed with him, that was precious. He holds on to my arm with both of his now and won't let me go. He is scared of those nurses I guess. The dr came in this morning and press on his stomach and he cried and cried. He is still real sore and snubbed himself back to sleep. Dad has had a boring day over there. Isn't that great? He has definitely improved. They did start his feeds at 14 cc per hour around the clock but did not up the volume this morning, trying to get some bowel action before they do. He is empty! I'm not sure when we can go home, Monday hopefully.
Guess what? You guessed it, another FA family from Knoxville, TN. Kashar(11)has had 2 stem cell transplants and the leukemia has come back. She has to have chemo again and they are going for a live donor transplant, May 1st. Her mother is going to have a bone marrow drive here at the rmdh if she can. Please add this family to your prayer list too. 3 transplants!, it's enought to boggle the mind. We talked a long time yesterday.
Pray for our release out of the hospital and for a quick recovery, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, April 18, 2003 10:32 AM CDT

I have a little boy who sat up this morning, got a bird bath, put on his glasses and looks like a totally new guy! He is smiling a little and making surprised faces when someone new comes in. They are falling hard around here. He will not talk on the phone to anyone yet and is still under the weather a bit, but overall is feeling much better. They are going to start his feeds via continuous feeding at one third the norm. He only had to have medicine one time last night so they are switching meds via g-tube. He doesn't have his mic-key button yet but will have in a couple of weeks. Dr. Garcia, the surgeon, is so nice. I really like him.
We were in the surgery waiting room and ask another family why thier daughter was having a bone marrow aspirate done. Guess what it was???? FANCONI ANEMIA. They are from Puerto Rico. Venus was dx with blood work but had had surgery on her thumbs before. They received bad news yesterday, she is pre-leukemic and a bone marrow transplant has to be done asap. Please help me pray for this family and for us as the news was devastating to us as well. It could happen to any of us and made the threat more real. She had never talked to another family and we briefly connected this morning in the lobby as they were leaving to catch a plane. I went to the cafeteria to eat breakfast but couldn't decide what I wanted. I kept feeling complelled to come on over here to the rmdh. It was like, "Go to the rmdh now!" I thank God I was listening for I would have missed them if I had been 15 min. later. God is so good. She seemed so relieved when I told her I would be praying for them. We hugged and promised to keep in touch.
Remember us all, The Boggs FAmily

P.S. Thanks to all who made it possibe to add 50 more people to the bone marrow registry!!!! Good going guys!

Thursday, April 17, 2003 11:00 AM CDT

We are out of ICU!!!! We are now in room 512 Location B-West. He is feeling a little better. He slept better last night. They have stopped the continued pain meds and we can push a button to pump him some if the pain gets too bad. He is having stomach pain as expected. He is more alert and making faces this morning. He still wants his hand held when any white coats or colorful tops or strangers come in the room! He is so sweet. He was making a nursing motion with his mouth during his sleep. It broke my heart. He would look up to the ceiling and have a far away look in his eyes. I can't wait until he is pain free and off the meds. He will start feeds this evening or in the morning. He is doing so much better. Thank you for the prayers. I thank God for all the prayers and fasting that has been done on Nicholas' part. I thank God for praying friends. Thank you from the depths of our heart. Nicholas sends kisses too. Did you catch yours?
In much better spirits, just keep praying, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, April 16, 2003 2:35 PM CDT

Nicholas is in ICU because of the extended time in the surgery. 5 hours is toooooo long. He is in a lot of pain and discomfort but the psa morphine pump is taking care of most of it. He wanted me to hold his hand about every 20 minutes last night, not with just one of mine but both! I hate to see him like this. He asked for water and lets me know when he needs suctioned. Please pray for him. His left lung has collasped because he has stayed on the left side toward mommy. They are suppose to turn his bed around!!?? I offered to go on the other side but Nicholas will not have it. He is on oxygen but will be weaned off as soon as possible. Just remember all of us in your prayers but especially him. He and Spencer did get to speak on the phone before surgery. Nicholas told him that he loved him and asked Spencer if he loved him. It was so precious. Got to go and relieve Dad, came over for a nap and shower. Love you guys, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, April 14, 2003 8:12 PM CDT

A very tired hello. An exhausting day trying to get blood work. After calling in reinforcements from the transport team and on the seventh stick, they managed to get all the blood they needed and an iv in place. No sticks for tomorrow, PTL. He will get platelets in the morning, his are down to 37,000. We have decided to have a port cath put in so they won't have to stick him a thousand times to try to get the blood. I just hope its the right decision for it can get infected. He will be in surgery for 2-3 hours and we will be here for 4-5 days. Please remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, April 11, 2003 6:56 AM CDT

Thank God we didn't get flooded last night but some areas did. It was the same scenario in Feb. I had just packed to go to the hospital and we were evacuated from our hollow and I picked up the suitcase and left with it. Last night, I was packing and it was pouring the rain. I thought, OH NO, NOT AGAIN! But it didn't happen. I did get a lot packed last night, we are just about ready. I will not be ready on Tuesday either! Oh, I dread this so bad. Please pray for us, but especially for Nicholas for a quick recovery. I woke up this morning with a gigantic head ache. It feels as though a ton of brick is on my head.
Nicholas and Spencer loved their buckets of CHOCOLATE! Easter goodies that Mary and Becky brought. Jeff hid the worst of the chocolate but Nicholas missed it immmediately! They loved playing Hide-N-Seek with Becky and made Mary follow them around in circles! Mary cried as she watched the Disney video of Nicholas' dancing with Mickey. That trip seems like an eon ago, not just a month ago. Time is flying.
Spencer is doing TOO good, he had to potty at 4:30 am this morning! He smiled so sweet and said, "Rain Drops" as he was using a urinal. I told him the other day that it sounded like rain! I make a big deal out of him pottying and "Hip! Hip! Hooray!" three times every time. He gets so tickled at me and starts mocking me. He is such a ham!
Nicholas is SPOILED! He cut a big shine last night every time it was feeding time. He does not like to take the time to be fed anymore. Kicking his legs and stomping his feet and crying. He is learning this behavior isn't to be tolerated. He doesn't stay mad for long though. Thank the Lord. I usually can get him back in a good mood fairly quick. See your prayers are working, I do need lots of patience. I will need a lot more next week, so don't stop praying for us, The Boggs FAmily

I'm not sure if I will have internet access so I don't know when I'll be able to update again. Sharon usually updates for me by signing the guest book, so check those entries.

I added a new photo! Check it out!!

Thursday, April 10, 2003 6:39 AM CDT

It didn't flood yesterday but may today. I had a hard time leaving home this morning. Everyone was awake around 4:30 am but went back to sleep. Nicholas was coughing and I vented him and then he woke up and kept asking for me. I was ready to walk out the door and he wanted to see me. I went in there and he ask what I had on. He wanted me to pull my sweater off, with a puckered up lip and real tears. I didn't know I had nine lives! I loved on him and told him how much I loved him... a blue million times a blue million times a blue the power of infinity. He says this so sweet. He wanted me to "pat" him and then he dosed back off to sleep. How precious is that? I didn't want to leave him. He has the most pitiful little pouty face that cuts to the bone.
It was a short night. Mamaw and Papaw brought up milk chocolate Easter eggs. Thanks! Spencer was hyped up on sugar and didn't go to sleep until 11:00 pm. No more candy! I do not feel good today, no, no, no!
Mamaw brought up dinner for us the other evening, Meatloaf, green beans, corn, mashed potatoes, cole slaw, and pineapple-up-side-down cake. It was delicious. She makes her meatloaf different from anybody else that I know. She uses a can of vegtable soup to add flavor to it. Mamaw is getting into the swing of things, she used alphabet soup this time for the boys. I thought that was so precious. Mamaw would spoil everybody if you let her. We do!!!!
Thanks to Sissy Bear for helping us last week and this one. She will be keeping Spencer for us and we appreciate her so much. There is no one like a sister. We love you Sissy Bear!
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, April 9, 2003 6:59 AM CDT

Good Morning,
It is raining really hard and the river beside of our office is just about in the parking lot this morning. If it continues to rain, we will definitely will be flooded. This area floods quite often but it hasn't been in the building since I've worked here. It has been to the top step several times, but so far we have been blessed.
There isn't enough time to do all I need to do. One thing at a time and when its done I go on to the next. I haven't even started packing but will have to get in high gear in order to get it all done. The boys had a ball while I was trying to unpack from the trip in Feb.(see how far behind I am!)so I could get started on this trip. They love playing in the suitcase. See why I have a hard time packing! I love to watch them jumping and playing around and listening to their conversations and laughter. I finally had to quit they were so rowdy. I can't stand to keep telling them to stop this or that. They are only exploring and do not see any danger at all. They love to climb and the most diffcult, precarious place is where Nicholas wants to go. He is rotten to the core and keeps a twinkle in his eye, especially if he is in to something he isn't suppose to be. Repeat is following on his heels, everything that Nicholas does, along comes Spencer. I just love to watch them, they are hilarious. The only time it isn't so funny is when I'm in the wrong frame of mind. If I'm frustrated and feeling pressed to get things done, then is when I have to re-evaluate what is the most important. If I start playing with them, then it doesn't become a chore and we all have fun. They love the attention and "helping" mom. They would rather play in a pile of clothes than with their toys. Spencer was covering up his "puppy" with a skirt. It was funny. Nicholas has been on a "puppy" kick. I think the bears are hibernating!
I am dreading the surgery. I might just run away with Nicholas and not go to Cincinnati!
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, April 8, 2003 11:19 AM CDT

Tax time is keeping me tied up every evening, trying to get everything ready before we leave for Cincinnati. I think the boys are missing their mom. Nicholas told me he couldn't wait to play with me this evening. Sissy Bear is spoiling them rotten!! Kimmy Bear came over last night and they had a ball. I could hear them laughing. Nicholas said she was a crazy puppy! They love Kim. Spencer was happy playing with Dee Dee and Sissy Bear. It kills me to have to stay away from them even more than I usually do. I will miss Spencer next week, I wish we could take him with us but I know it will be rough enough. I just wish Nicholas didn't have to have another surgery. It is killing me to think about the healing process afterwards. He has been eating more and more, pop sicles, ice, and nibbled on a roll and a tortilla yesterday evening. See Sissy Bear is even affecting his eating habits!!!! Every time we get his feeding to a good level without many problems, the dr need to do a procedure and here we go again. Starting at the bottom of a ladder and taking one step at a time, trying to see the top. Been there, done that, tired but will keep trying.
He was so hyper last night, he didn't go to sleep until mid-night! Whitney! Whitney! Whitney! Dreaming of UVA girls and John being jealous!!! This is an every night ritual!
Spencer was so tired he fell asleep pretty quick. He is still going to potty real good. He is a doll baby.
My uncle, Charles Hall is having colon surgery on Thursday, please remember them in your prayers.
Thanks for all the prayers, please don't stop, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, April 7, 2003 9:09 AM CDT

We had a good weekend. The boys were little stinkers as usual. Spencer is using the potty really well and talking up a storm. I love to hear him say, “I want some.” The “some” is two syllables and sounds so sweet. I think this new time is going to mess up the sleeping habit until they get use to it. Spencer took a late nap and was late going to sleep last night. Dad is feeling the effects this morning! I can’t tell I’ve lost an hour of sleep! I did sleep Saturday night and Spencer did too. I was up around 1:30 am and felt like I had slept all night long. I couldn’t believe I still had more time to sleep. I guess it made up for Day light savings time!
Nicholas gets mad at me if I don't tell him what Whitney and John are going to do when he sees them again. The other night he said that he was going to tickle her with a feather!! He has a computer program that has a feather for the cursor and when the feather lands on DeeDee the duck, she giggles. Whitney, we are going to have to talk before you and Nicholas get together!! You are going to tell him all sorts of things and "crumble" from so many hugs and kisses. He wants John to be jealous, as well as Kim and Amanda! He also gave his Nanna Betsy a bear name and she didn't even ask. He looked up at her so sweet and said, "You are Nanny Bear." He loved all the attention that Kim gave him. She would spoil him given the chance! Betsy is his friend Tanner's Nana. I think Nicholas is going to share everybody's Nana. He has so much love and will continue to pray for God to bless "Everybody."
It was warm Saturday and I opened a window for the boys to “fish” out of. Nicholas just laughed and laughed! It doesn’t take much to please him. At bed time, he said, “I had a real good time today, I fished out the window.” Simple pleasures and we try so hard to make everything so complex. They just love the little things. They watched the cat rolling around on its back and Spencer thought that was the funniest thing he had seen. He just giggled. They also enjoyed watching Uncle Kenny mow the yard. He must have mowed for that piece of “Sunday Cake.” I baked a yellow cake and put milk chocolate icing on it. Papaw said it was good enough for a Sunday cake. It was delicious.
I dreamed I went to the dr and all my blood work came back real low and they put me in the hospital for a transfusion. They were trying to get my platelets up to 65,000 and had given me a list of anti-cancer foods to eat, herbs and vitamins, etc. The dr had a sample of something green and I mixed onions with it and ate it. She said that I would be able to feel the heat leaving my body. Whew, I sure was glad it was a dream but on the other hand gave me an understanding of how each child feels that has to be transfused. It wasn’t a good feeling, I was full of dread, anxiety, scared feelings, and frustration. I pray that each of these FA patients and those with leukemia and cancer will be blessed with a peace of mind, free from worry, turmoil, and chaos. I only know one way that could be possible and that is to completely trust in the Lord. He is the giver and taker of Life and is in control. We just need patience and understanding. There is peace and rest in the loving arms of Jesus. Aren't you glad He is always there for us when we need encouragement? Thank you Lord for everything.
Remember the troops and the war, there and our battles we are fighting on the home front with FA, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, April 4, 2003 9:24 AM CST

I thought of the funny Nicholas did the other day. We were getting a breathing treatment and I listened to his lungs. He got the stethoscope to listen to me breathe. I told him my head hurt, coughing, and had a belly ache and asked him what was wrong. He listened to me breath and said, "You're sick!" "What's wrong are you going to give me a prescription?" He wrote it out, handed it to me, and said, "Reflux!" I burst out laughing and the next moment was sobered. To think what they comprehend and think about is beyond what a normal 4 year old should have to. Like pretending to take blood...reflux?!....doctors! This is his normal life, he doesn't know anything else. He is one tough cookie and still smiles through it all. Pure angel.
One situation I was dreading presented itself yesterday evening. Nicholas' ot was there and I was telling her (in hushed tones) about his surgery on the 15th and that they may have to open him up to do the fundoplication. He figured out what I was saying and trying not to say. She left and he said, "Who going to do that to me?" "What!!?" "That surgery!" "They are going to fix your reflux so you won't throw up." "Are they going to cut my belly open?" I couldn't believe the comprehension of my little guy. I definitely did not use those terms. He doesn't miss a thing. I responded, "They are going to fix your stomach to help with the reflux." He responded with a "dread/surprised" face. He didn't mention anything else about it. He will start crying when we go to the surgical room and he sees all the masked, green suited people. Pray he doesn't get too scared. I usually help them put him to sleep and it doesn't get any easier each time. He's getting older and knows too much.
I woke up to a little voice saying, "MOM, more milk!" and a little fellow named Spencer signing "more!" He woke up in a great mood and was soo sweet. He got his milk and a biscuit and went back to bed but did not go back to sleep. He accidently bumped into me and he said, "OH! Sorry mom." I love to hear him talk, he sounds so sweet. I love my boys, all three of them!!!! Spencer placed his hand on Dad's arm and said, "Dad!" He loves his daddy. Dad tried to get him to go back to sleep but no deal. He was up and playing with the train while I got ready for work. I miss them so much.
Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, April 3, 2003 11:19 AM CST

We had a great time together yesterday evening. Everyone was feeling a little better. We sat in the floor and they each sat on a leg and pretended to ride the horse! That horse would bounce them off and they loved it. We pretended to be airplanes and played Find Scooby Doo in a book. Spencer has all the characters location memorized and acts so cute when he shows you where they are. Nicholas knows too but holds back and lets Spencer do the pointing. They are rotten. Last night, Nicholas wanted to know what "his girlfriend Whitney" was going to do when he told her that loved her and kissed her. He whispered, "It's a secret" and then told me that he was going to hug and kiss her. He acted so sweet. He was too hyped up to go to sleep.
If you can go to the blood bank and give blood or become a bone marrow donor, it would be deeply appreciated. There are so many blood products that are needed. All through the transplant, they are given red blood cell or platelet transfusions when their counts drop too low. Fanconi Anemia is not the only disease that requires blood products, any type of anemia may require a transfusion.
Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, April 2, 2003 9:21 AM CST

I guess Amanda Bear is going to have to get out the tissues!It's "my girlfriend Whitney" now! I told Nicholas that I had missed him and loved him, he said, "I've missed you mom, so much, and my girlfriend Whitney too!" It looks like I am taking a back seat too. Amanda come on over and we will have a pity party!!! I thought of something else earlier that I forgot to tell but it has slipped my mind now. Old age!
My prayer this morning was for Worthiness to receive the blessings with my name on them. I feel so guilty asking for more when we are so blessed to begin with. I read recently that "Ye have not because ye ask not" He has a storehouse of blessings for us but we aren't asking. To me, blessings I need are not material things but: courage to face the reality of a bone marrow transplant that is inevitable, wisdom to know what questions to ask, comprehension and knowledge of all the medical terms and conditions, and serenity with the decisions we must make. Having a clear head to be able to think is such a blessing that we all take for granted. I feel as though I've been in a fog for so long and just awakened. It's like coming out of darkness and entering Spring Time. There are lots of joyous things happening all around us if we take the time to enjoy them. That is what it is like being in the hospital and then being released. It makes me pray harder for the families that are going through transplant and staying in the hospital for long periods of time.
God knew how to direct my mind this morning, as I received a package from the National Marrow Donor Program stating that an active search was taking place. It seemed as though a ton of bricks hit me full in the face. It is actually happening! Right now! Someone is being contacted of a possible match for my baby. Oh, pleeeeaaaasssseeee go get on the registry to become a bone marrow donor. I can feel what all those that is waiting for a match must feel. Hope! Excitement! Dread! Scared! Praying constantly! Oh, I pray for a match for Matthew, a 6 year old waiting for a perfect match for his blood to hold up until a match can be found. These children need blood products all along through the process. Nicholas will need platelets before his surgery. Go out and help give the products of life to our children and those in need of the gift of life.
Hugs, kisses, and love to all for all that you do, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, April 1, 2003 8:13 AM CST

The boys were feeling a little better yesterday. Nicholas was a little pettish and wanted to be held and did not want anybody to do anything for Spencer. He was very demanding and assertive. Definitely different. Sissy Bear watched them for me so I could get some work done and I think she had to read to him the entire time. I found them a bible stories book for the Leap Pad and they played with it. It was neat.
Nicholas and Spencer send hugs and kisses to Ms. Kimmy Bear on her 29th (again!) birthday! We wish you the best today and always Kim. Happy Birthday.
I forgot to mention the snow on Sunday. We received around 2-3 inches and it has killed my beautiful Magnolia tree blossoms. They were in full bloom, the prettiest they had ever been. They usually get frosted on early and never reach full bloom. They have brown, droopy blossoms on them now. They will survive I guess and try again next year. I didn’t check on the weeping cherry tree. It had started blooming too. It is pink and so pretty. The bird feeder is beside of it and the cardinals sit in the tree. They look beautiful sitting in the pink blossoms. Nicholas and Spencer get excited when they see a red bird. They run to the window to look at them and end up scaring them away.
Nicholas cried his heart out because he didn’t get his way last night. I got him ready for bed and he was still snubbing. He pouted and pouted. I got everything hooked up and then he decided he needed to use the bathroom. This is getting to be routine every night. I put him back in bed the 2nd time and then he started hollering for me every 10 minutes, I think this is getting to be a habit too. The last time he hollered, I told him to go on to sleep. He said, “I love you mom.” I told him that I loved him and to have sweet dreams. He said, “Sweet dreams too.” Then he went to sleep. I think he wanted to make up for being stubborn earlier. He had to make sure everything was all right and initiate the good nights again. He must have still been pouting a little bit when we said the first good nights and kisses. I got him to smile by telling him to hold up two fingers and using them to push up the sides of his mouth, getting him tickled. He smiles so sweet and I love to hear “I love you mom.” They both say it so sweet. Spencer has been mocking Nicholas, crossing his arms, making a pouty face, and saying, “Mad at you.” You can’t help but get tickled at him, he looks so cute trying to make a pouty face but can’t. I mock him and he gets to laughing. They are rotten.
Remember the Persson family, they lost their little girl, Diamond, due to complications from esophagus surgery. These children are so fragile. It jerked me back into reality and now I’m dreading Nicholas’ surgery. It brought back all those memories of Nicholas when I first got to lay eyes on him after his surgery. Sometimes it is overwhelming. I know God's Grace is sufficient. On Him we depend. "Trials are not enemies of Faith but are opportunities to prove God's Faithfulness"
May the Grace of God be with all of us, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, March 31, 2003 11:21 AM CST

Well, it finally happened. I couldn’t hold it all in any longer and cried my heart out Friday evening. I guess I had held it all in for too long and needed a good cry. I scared my mom to death, I shouldn’t have answered the phone. Nicholas just held on to my skirt. I gained control of myself and hugged and kissed him to let him know that Mommy was ok. I’m surprised he didn’t start crying too. I usually don’t cry in front of him, but I couldn’t help it. Spencer was in the living room and didn’t know what was going on. I think Spencer gets mad at me for going to work and hold grudges, taking it out on Nicholas. When I first get home, he acts mad at me but finally comes around and says, “Love you Mom.” He is so sweet when he wants to be. Nicholas is totally intimidated by him, especially when he doesn’t feel good. I have to constantly watch Spencer and get so aggravated at Nicholas for not taking his part. It will never happen, Nicholas is just tender hearted and will not change. Spencer don’t have to touch him, just act like a bear, and Nicholas cries. He thinks Spencer will claw him and he will if he gets too close to Nicholas. I have to tell Spencer that Nicholas doesn’t feel like playing “bear” right now, or whatever. They played well together Sunday evening, hugging and kissing each other. It was so sweet. They are feeling a little better now. Spencer didn’t have a runny nose Sunday and ate three bowls of green beans. That was definitely a change.
Move over Amanda! Friday night I told Nicholas “sweet dreams” and he said, “I’m going to dream of my girlfriend Whitney.” I said, “Oh no, she will crumble and tell you she loves you.” That started a question secession for half-an hour every ten minutes. I would just dose off to sleep and he would say, “MOM!”
I would go to him and he would ask me what Whitney was going to do. He said that he was going to crumble just like Whitney! It was so funny. He is a hoot. Saturday night, Whitney and my friend John. Sunday night was the same. Sunday, he wanted them to come to his house. Maybe we call all get together again soon, before he goes to Cincinnati. Maybe Kim and I can get something scheduled.
Continue to remember all the FA families in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, March 28, 2003 7:31 AM CST

I picked up some plastic Easter eggs for the boys and anticipated on a great evening. NOT! Spencer was fretful and didn't want to share. After time out did not work, I opted for making pigs-in-a-blanket with crescent rolls. It worked! They love helping Mom cook! They actually do quite well making the crescent rolls. They think they are big stuff! They are. Nicholas is so timid around Spencer when neither one is feeling good. The rolls got them back in a good mood and they started laughing and playing again. Nicholas will ask Spencer something and end it with a "Huh?" blinking his eyes all the time, using a higher pitched sweet tone. It is so sweet and precious. We did get to hide Easter eggs later and they enjoyed that too.
We are all sneezing and have runny noses again! I don't think it's ever going to end. Spencer took a coughing spell around 2:00 am but took his medicine without a fuss and slept better. I didn't hear a peep out of Nicholas all night long. He looked so pale last night and I was worried about him. Spencer didn't even wake him up and he cried out loud several times with a bad dream.
I thought of another funny thing that Nicholas did. I was drying him off after his bath and told him to keep the towel over him to keep him warm. "Why?" "Because you don't have any clothes on." He then asked, "Am I naked as a blue jay bird?" I burst out laughing and said, "Yes you are!" I think they listen to EVERYTHING that is ever uttered and do not forget anything.
Keep those prayers going up for all the sick children, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, March 27, 2003 8:48 AM CST

I guess everything is ok for the moment. Spencer still has a little stuffy nose and Nicholas slept great last night. I told Nicholas “sweet dreams” last night and guess what he said? “I’m going to dream of my friend John!” “John! John! John!” that is all I’ve heard. I don’t know the connection here but something is definitely going on. John you now have a big responsibility of being a good role model for one little boy. I told him you had signed the guest book and his eyes lit up and he asked, “Is he coming?” John, we will have to get together and invite you to dinner one Sunday or one evening. As a matter of fact, you are welcome to come over any time.
The boys were playing on the bed last night. Spencer had been given some cold medicine and he was hyper! He could not be still and ended up bursting Nicholas’ lip with his head. Nicholas now has one big fat blue lip. I put ice on it and it stopped bleeding pretty quickly but still swelled and turned blue. I know, it was my fault for letting them play on the bed, but they love playing on it and messing up the clothes that I was sorting. I was getting aggravated at them for messing up my clothes until Nicholas threw something in the air and I ended up with a pair of red thermal underwear bottoms on my head. You should have heard them laughing. It was funny and I started acting crazy then. Ok, I didn’t have to act too much! It only takes a child to put perspective on a mundane task. Spencer crawled back up on the bed and asked worriedly, “Nic?” I was holding the ice on Nicholas’ lip and he said, “What?” out of the side of his mouth and it sounded funny. Spencer burst out laughing and Nicholas did too, that was the end of the tears. Nicholas asked, “Did I sound like a cow?” He must have thought so. Thank God for happy endings. I was shaking like a leaf when it was all over. It totally unnerved me. Thankfully Dad came home shortly thereafter.
Thanks for praying for us, as you can tell, things can change fairly quick at our house, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, March 26, 2003 9:38 AM CST

We took Nicholas and Spencer to meet with the various sororities at UVA yesterday evening. I think he inspired some of them to volunteer at the Bone Marrow Drive. A couple of brave guys were there also and Nicholas chose John as “my very best friend”. All the girls were jealous and fought for his hugs, kisses, and pictures, with prior approval of John of course. Nicholas would hug John and sat on his lap most of the time. All he talked about on the way home and before he fell asleep was JOHN. He was so hyper and jabbered for the rest of the evening. The last thing he said before he fell asleep was, “I can’t wait until John comes to my house and plays in the tent.” I think John’s heart was captured completely. Thanks John for befriending a little boy. Nicholas will never forget you.
Thanks to Phi Sigma Sigma for the generous donation and the prayers. Thanks everybody for volunteering on April 15th at the Bone Marrow Drive, I got so excited and was totally impressed. If you don’t become a donor, then give blood or donate your time to the various St. Judes Drives, Leukemia, Cancer or one of your choice. It only takes one person to make a HUGE difference in someone’s life. Be that helping hand for someone.
Spencer was awake when I got ready for work. He cried and wanted me to pull my jacket off. I did and when he got interested in a video, I had to sneak out. It was a big adjustment for me too. I loved being home with my babies.
Lots of hugs and kisses to the UVA girls and John from Nicholas and Spencer.
Prayerfully yours, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, March 25, 2003 10:33 AM CST

The boys are feeling much better today and have played so well together. They both are so jealous and it's hard for them to show their emotions. I have laughed at them and love to just listen to them playing together. Yesterday, Nicholas sat in front of the door and talked up a storm. I could make out some of what he was saying. He said, "That big ole giant just about knocked me down and I got my sling....." He was telling the kitty cat about David and Goliath. How precious is that? He would say one word at a time and take a breath in between. It broke my heart. He was breathing fine yesterday but it was like he was telling it in slow motion. Maybe that is the only way the cat could understand! We are sorry NanNan is sick but Mommy has had a ball being home with them. They keep me laughing. The other day I was finishing Nicholas' bath and he grabbed my hands like we do when we pray in a family circle. I said a prayer and asked God to bless him and us. As I finished, he said, " with lots of money!" I said, "Do you think God would give you money?" He said, "No." "What would God give you?" He said, "JOY!" I just about fell over. His understanding is far beyond 4 yrs of age. I love those precious boys. Spencer grabbed my face and kissed it all over, saying, "I wuv you mom, sooooo much! I have got bunches and bunches of hugs and kisses. SEE why I enjoy staying with them. My heart is so full of joy. I did get to take them outside for a while yesterday. They did not want to come back inside the house. I had better go I hear Nicholas banging on something. He is going to wake Spencer up! Thanks for praying for them, your prayers were answered.
Hugs and kisses, (I may spare a few) The Boggs FAmily

Monday, March 24, 2003 6:44 PM CST

I have been busy with 2 sick boys. Spencer has had a stomach virus and now Nicholas has it. They are feeling a little better today. So far I been able to keep them hydrated! Nicholas woke up with a fever of 102d but it came down with Tylenol. We celebrated birthdays yesterday at Mamaw and Papaw's. The month of March is full, Eric, Wesley, Joel, and Stephanie all had a birthday. It was great to be all together. I think the boys conned everybody to take them upstairs at least once. Nicholas fell asleep early and so did the rest of us. He slept until 10:30 am this morning. I had to give him Phenergan and it sure helped him rest. Spencer is wanting to be held....more later. Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, March 21, 2003 7:16 AM CST

Silent Tears

Surgery had to be; there was no choice.
But afterwards, there was no voice.
Rock-A-Bye, Baby. Silent tears he makes.
My heart bleeds silently, as it breaks.

Paralysis, strider! He was trach bound.
What was that? A tiny sound?
The doctor does not understand.
His vocal chords were touched by God's hand.

His voice, like thunder, does not boom.
Yet, the loudness fills the whole room.
His voice, like a whistle, is not shrill.
Yet, with joy, your heart it will fill.

A voice like honey, sweetest of sweets,
Sticks to the memory of each one he meets.
There's another who has a still, small voice.
To listen to this one, you have a choice.

This other voice, even more precious, may speak to you.
This one said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
Were silent tears bathing the Saviour and the cross,
As He hung there, dying for the lost?

Sharon Strouth Mullins
Feb. 26, 2003

Wasn't that a good poem? I just loved it even if it did make me cry. The boys were a little grumpy yesterday evening and so was my crazy neighbor. Chris told me she was coming down last friday and did not appear. I had not heard from her, I thought she left town! You are forgiven even if you didn't apologize! Kim and Amanda Bear came for a short visit last Saturday to see the boys. Tanner just loves on the boys but Spencer runs from him. It is so funny.
I slept like a log last night. Nicholas and Spencer did too. Dad was up a couple of times but did get more sleep than usual. I have a bad headache today, I'm just not use to sleeping so sound. Nicholas did not need his O2 last night and when I told him, he asked, "Are you so proud of me?" Of course I said yes and he then asked if his Dad was proud of him too. He is something else. He loves praise. Just like the rest of us I suppose! He wanted me to read, IS YOUR MAMA A LLAMA as usual every night. I opened the book and let him read it. He has memorized it line for line and knows what page each line is on! The Llama asks a bat, cow, swan, seal, kangaroo, and a llama if their mama is a llama. He knew it from cover to cover. He is something. And they told me his IQ would be 40 to 60. NOT!
I love to proving the drs wrong.
I hope you have a wonderful and blessed day, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, March 20, 2003 6:56 AM CST

Good Morning,
I know God is tired of hearing from me but he did listen to someone. Thanks for praying for them and us. Spencer's fever is gone and Nicholas was a different child yesterday. Rambunctious as can be. Spencer still has a stuffy/runny nose and Nicholas still is on O2 but they are a lot better. He could not go to sleep last night. That is one thing I wondered about! His rate of healing vs mom and dad resting. He is way ahead of us. I'd much rather see him bouncing around than droopy and feeling bad. Spencer is talking so much more now and so sweet. It breaks my heart how fast they are growing up. I want them to stay little.
I replied to the virtual quilt for Nicholas. If you want to add a square, go to and ask for help. It sounds like fun. This is in short supply of late!
We have to just make the most of every day. Nicholas and Spencer will blow sugar and melt my heart. They mock everything everybody does. They are continually watching.
Nicholas has been preaching on Noah's Ark again. Spencer is mocking Nicholas. It is hilarious and oh so precious.
Remember the leaders of our nation, the war, and as always pray for the sick children, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, March 19, 2003 7:06 AM CST

A very tired and exhausted hello,
Nicholas woke up ill the 17th with a high fever and coughing. He was sick all night long and the meds I was giving him wasn't doing anything. I took him to the er yesterday and they think he has pneumonia in the right lung. They wanted to put him in the hospital but I can do what they do at home. Spencer is now running a high temp and runny nose and I didn't want to be away from him. Nicholas' fever broke last night with a flushed face and sweating. They gave him Roseflan in 2 injections and a Zithromax for 5 days. I have O2 at home and he had to have it for 24 hours. He slept all night long and didn't cough or need venting. He was exhausted himself. Spencer ran a temp all night long and couldn't settle down for long at a time with a stuffy nose and then it started pouring yesterday. He sat up in bed and scratched my head and I thought..Well, I must be a good dog! Sure enough he said, "Pups, Woof, Woof!" He acted scared and was trying to get away from them. He finally laid back down and went back to sleep. Tylenol Cold has an antihistimine in it and it drives him up a wall. He will probably end up on antibiotics too. Mom and Dad are exhausted. Spencer is a Daddy's boy and he wants his Dad to do everything for him. Nicholas' blood work is down from last time and is brusing a little more.
Please remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, March 17, 2003 11:38 AM CST

GKTW Village-Last Day 3/7/03 Founder’s Day
We had to be out of our Villa No. 104 by 11:00 am. We packed up while the boys slept in. We went to the Ginger Bread House for breakfast and told Susie Q and Wild Wayne goodbye. He gave me a bubble pen that hangs around your neck to remember him by. It was so sweet. He kept saying we were such a special family. We loved the clowns and want to thank them for making breakfast fun and enjoyable. Then off for the last ride on the merry-go-around, a ride on the roosters again. Jeff took Spencer with him to check out and Nicholas went for the last trip to the castle to slide and play in the hollow tree. We came out of the castle and they had started the Founder’s Day Celebration. Henry Landwirth , the founder, spoke and declared employees would be called Dream Makers from now on. It was so sweet. It was also his birthday, he and his twin sister Margot, and they received a cake. They came down off the stage and we had the opportunity to thank him in person. I cried like a baby and could hardly speak. I told him that I hope that God continued to inspire him. He said that we inspired him. He told Nicholas that he had a wonderful smile. Nicholas acted so sweet with him and gave him a hug. It was very emotional. He had tears in his eyes.
I found Jeff at the check out and I just started bawling. Nicholas started crying and said, “I don’t want you to cry Mommy.” How do I explain to him all the emotions that coursed through me? I told him I was happy too. Spencer kept saying, “Mom.” I finally gained control of myself and it started all over as we went through the exit gate. We had a wonderful time. Words cannot explain how grateful we are for the opportunity. I’m so glad we went. Visit their website, donate if you can, , it is a wonderful program.
Now, to catch up on what has been happening, Nicholas isn’t feeling well today. He has thrown up three times and is coughing a lot. Spencer has a stuffy nose and didn’t sleep well. Mom and Dad are tired and grouchy!!! Not too bad though. I feel pretty good today. I brought pictures of the boys with Mickey and the other characters and that makes me smile just looking at them. Many memories to keep me smiling, for a while anyway. Sissy Bear and Poppa Bear came by Saturday with a battery powered motorcycle. It is simply beautiful, red, black, and chrome. Nicholas did not want Spencer on it. They rode it around the table and did really well. I could not get Spencer off of it Saturday night to go to bed.
I am sure I’ve missed a lot writing about the trip. I’ll write about them as I think of them. I’m dreading Nicholas’ surgery on his stomach. Please start praying now for a quick recovery, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, March 14, 2003 12:44 AM CST

I have thought of something else on our trip down the first day. We were traveling along and Nicholas wanted to know where we were going. I would show him the map and tell him the place we were going to try to stay that night. He asked me if he was going to have blood work. I told him no. A little later he was wrapping his mask string around the lion’s arm. I asked him what he was doing. He said, “I’m doing blood work on this lion.” I had a medicine syringe without a needle and gave it to him. He wouldn’t use it, he wanted me to do it. We took everybody’s blood work and sent it off to the lab (which was behind the seat)! He played this way for a long time. It is amazing what these children comprehend. He mentioned blood work again later in the week and I told him there would not be any blood work all week. He hugged my arm and said, “Thank you Mommy.” My heart ached.

At breakfast on Wednesday, as Nicholas entered the Ginger Bread House he spotted Wild Wayne, the clown, and blew him a kiss. Nicholas thought the clown blew him one back so he made a motion of grabbing it. He then strutted down the chow line walking like a big bear! This captured Wild Wayne’s heart. We sat down to eat and here he came to our table. He said, “I’ve been here 7 years and I have never seen so much spirit in a child. He is the happiest and has the best attitude of any I’ve seen.” We thanked him and he announced to the crowd that there was a special little boy from VA there and proceeded to serenade Nicholas with “For He Is A Jolly Good Fellow”. Nicholas loved it and smiled from ear to ear.
He even wanted his picture taken with Nicholas and that is the one in the photo section. Wild Wayne and Susie Q spoiled them with more sword balloons.

Disney Day 4, Thursday, 3/6/03
We went to Sea World and walked forever and ever. We saw so much, Shamu in the tank and then later watched the show. The boys were tired and restless during the show and you need to take Dramamine just to watch the video! It was fabulous and the whales so amazing. Spencer slept through the dolphin and black killer whale show but Nicholas enjoyed it. He played with my braid most of the time. He loves my hair. While we waited for the Shamu show to begin, the boys played with the wheels for the remote controlled boats. Mom rested while they played. They loved turning the big wheels and stayed there for over an hour. That is what the trip was about, their enjoyment. We took in another show and Nicholas kept saying, “Let’s get outta here!” We heard this during the Lion King Festival too. The music was real loud and it must have hurt his ears. We were heading out and Nicholas spotted a ride where a boat was coming down a steep incline and splashing water on everybody when it hit the bottom. I couldn’t get him away. He just wanted to watch for a while. He would laugh and laugh. I had to tell him that his Auntie Bonnie (the one who got him the cowboy tree) was coming to the villa in order to get him to leave. Then that is all I heard until 8:00 pm when they arrived, late of course! Nicholas wanted to go to the castle and Spencer the train station until she arrived. We then went to the Outback to eat. Bonnie got a waitress to give him an Outback T-shirt and our waiter gave Nicholas his Outback Florida pin. Pins are BIG down there. It was so sweet of them to do that. Nicholas charmed them all, as usual. We enjoyed the evening out and the change of atmosphere. Nicholas was thrilled to see Emogene, Pat, Heather, Jeffrey, William, and little Abigail too. He has Pat wrapped around his little finger too. Spencer did not like me holding Abigail. After she went back to her mom, Spencer came to me and said, “Hi Mom!” It was so sweet. Dad said that Spencer was just reclaiming his territory! We went back to the Village and started the packing. Washed clothes and packed everything we could pack up. It was a little sad. Friday was much worse!
Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, March 13, 2003 11:47 AM CST

I would like to thank all those who have signed the guestbook and offered their continual love and support. We appreciate everyone but a special thank you to Sydney Bowman of Wise, an eigth grader who has invented the "Nickels for Nicholas Club." She is putting the small pringles cans out in the school for the students to donate to Nicholas. Someone put their lunch money in and made me cry. Do not put your lunch money in the cans. You need your nutrition so please do not go without your lunch. Thanks so much Sydney you are too sweet.

Nicholas is scheduled for surgery April 15th at 1:00 pm. The same day as the blood/bone marrow drive. He will probably need platelets so go on out and give blood and remember us in your prayers. Again, THANKS.

Disney Day 3 Wednesday 3/5/03
After breakfast and the merry-go-around, we went to Animal Kingdom. Lots of characters out for pictures, Flick and Queen Anna from "Its a Bugs Life" gave Nicholas lots of attention. We saw lots of different animals including kangaroos. The boys loved the Safari Ride, especially the male lion who was lying on his back. They saw live free roaming lion, elehpants, giraffe, rhino, deer, crocodile, and lots of different birds. It was fun. They also saw the "Lion King Festival" show, it was neat but I felt sorry for them. Their costumes were making them sweat in the heat. One guys face was soaking wet. We also went to EPCOT. The boys loved the big fountain and the "Living Seas." They got to watch a dolphin do some tricks but liked to stand next to the glass and just watch the fish. A scuba diver was feeding the fish and she saw Nicholas and came to the glass. She pulled out her mouth piece and blew him a big bubbling kiss. Nicholas grabbed it, and then blew her one back. She just had to blow him some more kisses. It was so sweet. They really enjoyed their day.
We went back to the village for dinner. After dinner and the normal merry-go-around!, Dad took Nicholas to the Castle and I took Spencer to the Water Works Park. He cried and would not get in the water. The man who turned the water on full blast and then screamed did not help one bit! Spencer would not go near it. I took him to the pool and he didn't want to get in. We waded down the ramp into the pool. Before long he had quit fussing and was kicking and splashing all over the place. He loved it. I knew he would. He kept pulling on my hand saying, "Com'On Mom!" wanting to go deeper. He got in up to his chest and kept giggling when his legs wanted to float. It was so precious. I held on to his head and told him to relax and float. He got the hang of it and then I had a time getting him out. He ended up crying going in and then crying going out! He is something else. We made a visit to Trunkie and then called it a day. My conclusion is there was just not enough time to do it all.
Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, March 12, 2003 8:20 AM CST

I forgot something funny yesterday. We had taken only one cup of milk with us to Universal Studios and it was gone before we got there. Sodas and water are ok but Spencer likes his milk. We got back to the van and Spencer said, “Milk!” I told him we didn’t have any that we would get some when we got back to the village. He said, “BIG MILK!” I burst out laughing. He mocks everything I say. He is hilarious.
Disney Day 2-Magic Kingdom
At breakfast, clowns entertained them: Susie Q and Wild Wayne. Susie Q made them swords out of balloons. They loved them. Wild Wayne was playing his banjo and singing (off key!) to some other children. They did a great job and the boys loved them. Nicholas is usually scared of clowns but has been doing better. Check out the photos! Then off to Magic Kingdom we went. The first show we watched was Cinderella and lots of other characters in front of her Castle. It was great and they boys met with the characters afterwards. First, they met with Mickey, Donald Duck, and then Minnie. Spencer was shy with Minnie at first, but Nicholas hugged and hugged her. While he hugged her, here came Mickey running over. He thought Nicholas was taking his girl! Nicholas loved it. I told Mickey he had to dance! Nicholas received his wish. He danced with Mickey and Minnie! It was so sweet how they catered to the GKTW children. They were put up front and didn’t have to wait. It was so precious. I bottled all this up inside and will never forget our trip. Thanks to all who made it possible, I am forever indebted. Memories….
The rest of the day was just as great. “It’s A Small World” followed by the Peter Pan and Winnie-the-Pooh Rides. They watched the race cars for a while. Spencer and I counted them and he told me the colors of the cars. Yes, we continued schooling as we went! We also visited Minnie’s and Mickey’s House. They were so cute. Mickey even grows pumpkins in his garden that have ears like him!! We also got to meet other characters. Tigger, Eeyore, Winnie-The-Pooh, Chip, Dale, Minnie, Cinderella, and one of the mice all got hugs and kisses, and fought over the boys. You really have to watch the video to appreciate it. It was so sweet. They also rode the Looney Toons Train. Spencer couldn’t stay awake for any thing else and we stopped and rested Dad’s back. Spencer awake is heavy enough but asleep, he’s dead weight and Dad’s back was killing him. We just happen to rest in front of Cinderella’s Castle again and saw part of a second show. We were farther away and the fireworks showed up a lot better. Nicholas loved it. We did not waste money on a lot of souvenirs. They picked out hats, Nicholas a Pluto and Spencer’s had a twirly blades on top. The only thing Nicholas asked for was a telescoping fluorescent sword with a flashlight for the handle. I’m sure it glows in the dark. We got back to the van and Spencer laid back in his car seat with his head on a pillow. He said, “Dis is de Life!” He cracked us up again. He is so sweet. He doesn’t miss a thing either. We went back to the village for dinner, merry-go-around, and a visit to Trunkie. Trunkie was an elephant head vacuum that loved paper, talked and sneezed. There was absolutely no litter anywhere on the grounds. Trunkie and a Clown took care of the trash. The children loved to feed them. Trunkie would sneeze every time he was fed paper. Nicholas made Trunkie so happy and vise versa. He would not actually feed him, he was scared of the vacuum, but would hand us the paper. It became a daily ritual. I had to carry paper just for Trunkie.
We took them to the Castle. It was a place for play. Arcades and computer games for the older kids in one section and little tables and a play area for the smaller ones. Then we discovered the hollow tree. It was dark but had little lights twinkling like stars and had night sounds with a hoot owl, crickets, and frogs. They were too scared to go in it. I had to go first to show them it was ok. We climbed up these little steps and went through the tree and slid down the slide! One section had a beehive in it and when you went through it, the bees would start buzzing. Perfect for the Bears! We couldn’t get Nicholas out of it! It became the only place he wanted to go. He absolutely loved it. Spencer liked it too.
We visited Amberville, the village train station. Spencer found the love of his life. He was so content to play with wooden trains and tracks on these little tables. They also had remote controlled boats they could play with. There were also trains that went around the room and a total village set up enclosed in glass that you could activate various trains and operations, such as construction sites, carnivals, and coal mining sites. It was awesome. Spencer loved pushing the buttons to activate them. Spencer cried when we left for the villa. Mom and Dad were exhausted and called it a day, a great day.
We need a vacation to get over the vacation! The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, March 11, 2003 11:49 AM CST

The official day one: Monday: We had an appointment at 8:00 am for pictures with Mickey and Minnie. That meant an early morning for my little guys, who usually sleep late! They were in a great mood though. We went to the Castle for a family portrait and they both acted sooo sweeet. Minnie and Mickey were great and they each received lots of hugs and kisses. Goofy, Pluto, and Mary Poppins were there also. Spencer threw his arms around Goofy but was a little shy with Pluto. Pluto gave Nicholas a big hug and then got down on all fours and rubbed his nose in their bellies, which made Spencer laugh. Nicholas would just pet him on the nose. Spencer would not have anything to do with Mary Poppins. We then went to the Gingerbread House for breakfast. They had very ornate shelves with dolls, dolls, and more dolls, 1005 was the last count, around the ceiling. It was neat. All the tables were children height, so the adults were brought down a notch or two! The tables were made of red framed real pepperment candies with a thick epoxy covering them. The children loved them. Everything was red and white inside with wooden smiley flowers in the windows. It was beautiful. Merry-Go-Around was the next attraction. Our next stop was Universal Studios! Nicholas had a badge that he had to wear at all times, which identified him as a GKTW child with his name and address on it. This badge worked magic at all the theme parks. It gave us free parking, free use of a stroller inside the theme parks, and did not have to wait in the long, long lines. The stroller ended up being a cart for his suction pump and a catch-all bag for snacks and cameras. They were so heavy, I was grateful for the stroller. This lady helped me lift the suction machine across the check in counter and she asked, “What is in there? Whew! That’s heavy!” There was several times I thought my arms would fall off, they were hurting so bad. When the boys were cranky, we had to carry them too! Was it worth it? OH, Yes. There was characters everywhere in the streets that you could get your picture made with if you wanted. They saw the live “Barney” show with Baby Bop and BJ. Spencer laughed and laughed. It was wonderful and I forgot my video camera that day! Barney came and met with all the GKTW children that were there for photos. They got to play in Barney’s backyard for a while. Then we saw the Animal Planet Show. They liked all the animals. They brought out Lassie, after everybody had left, so Nicholas and Spencer could pet him. Nicholas would not touch him but Spencer couldn’t be stopped! Mom and Dad were exhausted and it started to cool down, so we called it a day and went back to the village for dinner, merry-go-around, and baths. It was a great day.
Let me know if I'm telling too much or not enough. Do you want details? I'm trying to hit all the highlights and not be too wordy.

They are going to activate THE search for Nicholas' donor. Pray that his perfect match will be willing and ready to donate at any time, pray there are other matches for back up, and pray for us, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, March 10, 2003 11:16 AM CST

It is with enormous thankfullness that we are back home. We had a great time in Mickey land. Words cannot convey our heartfelt thanks to Make-A-Wish Foundation for all they have given to our family. We have made wonderful, unforgettable memories. My heart is so full and my eyes still tear up at the thoughts of all the contributions to the village where we stayed, "Give Kids The World", that made it a dream land in itself. Nicholas would have been content to just stay there. There was so much to do and not enough time to do it all in.
I'll try to convey everything as I think of it. We arrived around 5:30 pm on Sunday. Nicholas was given a Mickey Mouse and Spencer a Shamu. That was the beginning of gifts delivered every day to our villa. We were shown to our villa. It was beautiful and stocked with drinks and candy! We unpacked and headed to dinner at the Gingerbread House. Gorgeous! It was a cafeteria style with pretty good food. The mayor of GKTW is Mayor Clayton, a big rabbit. The boys loved him and his wife, Mary. Spencer couldn't eat for watching for him. "Wook!" "Wook!" When he arrived at our table, Spencer kept giggling at his bunny tail. It was so funny. Outside of the Gingerbread House was the Merry-Go-Around, which we had to ride morning and evening, every day. Guess what Nicholas chose to ride! A rooster, every time. I was surprised he didn't choose a horse.
That was the end of our first day. Thanks for praying for traveling mercy. We saw several accidents and was just about hit by a driver merging into our lane. He didn't even look. Jeff had no where to go and had to slam on the brakes. Every time he applied the brakes, Nicholas would say, "Yabba Dabba Doooo!" It was hilarious and lighten the tension. Traffic was heavy and motorcycles were everywhere for the Daytona Bike Week. Jeff was exhausted mentally and physically by the time we got there. Nicholas was without his moisture Saturday night, the air compressor would not work and we had to rent one while at GKTW when we arrived there Sunday. Never a dull moment!
More later...we are glad to be home and missed everybody, continue to remember all the children that are fighting diseases, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, February 28, 2003 9:11 AM CST

It's getting closer and closer, time for "Wagons, HOOOOoooOO." I'm getting so hyper it's not even funny. I was just about asleep and heard, "MOM." I went to him and he said, "Where we going?" "Disney World" "Are we driving?" Yes. "Are we going down the road?" with a swooping hand motion. "Yes we are!" Then he repeated the hand motion and said, "going down the road" and just laughed. I think he is getting excited too. He pointed to his mic-key button and I asked him if he was sick. He said, "I'm nauseated!" I get so tickled at him using words that are bigger than he is! He is something else. Spencer did not have a nap yesterday and was asleep at 9:15 pm. It was still after 10:30 for Nicholas. He was too excited. I can't wait to watch their reactions to Disney. I'm sure there will be smiles on all our faces.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, February 27, 2003 11:33 AM CST

The boys were so sweet yesterday evening. I love it when they giggle and laugh. They are so much fun. I didn't get much packing accomplished! Spencer is still a little jealous but with continued constant reprimands he is improving a little bit. He laid down for a nap yesterday, told Nicholas, "nite-nite, ove ou" He can be sweet sometimes! They enjoyed their visit from Mary and Becky.
I've heard from a surgical nurse at Cincinnati. When they do the fundoplication, they may have to move the stomach up, which entails moving his mic-key button. I'm heart broken at the thought of going through another surgery, let alone moving his mic-key. It will take a couple of months for it to be totally healed and back to regular feeding. It's no wonder these children cannot gain weight. It will be a two week stay, if all goes well. He will probably need a platelet transfusion before surgery. We will have to consult the transplant dr to get his opinion before everything is finalized. I will post the scheduled date as soon as I know.
I am going to make sure we all have a wonderful time in Disney. He will need a good time to tide him through what he has to come back home and face. Start praying for us now please. I'll need every ounce of strength for the trip and lots of brain food (chocolate!!) for my imagination to entertain while we are on the road. Its going to be f-u-n, f-u-n, f-u-n or I'll burst my sides trying! I've been looking through the travel guide and Spencer is going to love it. I hope Nicholas won't be too scared at some of the things. He will not be able to do some of them. Especially the rides that shake or turn him upside down. I wish everybody could go with us. I can't wait to see the sparkle in Nicholas' eyes when he sees everything. I'll take plenty of film and post pictures as soon as possible.
I can't believe it's Thursday already. In case I can't update tomorrow, Please remember us in your prayers. Pray for traveling mercy, a wonderful magical time together as a family, and good health while there. We love all of you and thank God for your friendship and prayers, The Boggs FAmily
Nicholas and Spencer send hugs and kisses your way from home and all the way from Mickey world.

Wednesday, February 26, 2003 11:44 AM CST

There is not enough time in the evenings to get everthing done and still get all the hugs and kisses that I want in. Trying to pack for warmer weather is a PAIN! I have summer clothes packed away and have to get them back out again! I'm going for cool/warm weather clothing. Layers, that should work.
I also heard from the Aerodigestive Dept. in Cincinnati, they want to redo the Nissen Fundoplication. I knew they would. I told them we would definitly not be there next week! The fundoplication surgery is where they wrap the top portion of the stomach around the bottom of the esophagus. This procedure will hopefully stop the reflux and will reduce the risk of aspirating food into his lungs, which could be fatal during transplant. They will need to do this prior to transplant so it can heal. He does have inflammation in the mid section of his esophagus from the reflux. I say redo because he had this surgery when he was a month old and it came loose. I asked if it was guaranteed this time, with my tongue in cheek look! DUUUHHHH! There are no guarantees. I still can't believe the doctor said 80%. I'm afraid to get excited.
During the eye exam, Nicholas had to tell the nurse what several objects were. To make a long story short, there was a picture, black and white, of a jeep and he told her it was a "vehicle". Her eyes got big as saucers. She was shocked and said to him, "You are just tooooo smart!" It was funny. He has 20/20 in his right eye and 20/30 in his left, with his glasses on. I was tickled pink.
Continue to remember all the sick children, The Boggs FAmily

P.S. Sharon's poem, Fly, Fly Butterfly, is a Semi-Finalist on!!! It will also be published. She will have to start her own website!

Tuesday, February 25, 2003 7:23 AM CST

It's official, we are going to Mickey World. He will get tickets for Magic Kingdon, MGM Studios, EPCOT, Animal Kingdom, and Sea World. They will have a blast. There is a fishing lake and a Wacky Waterworks park in the village that we will be staying. It sounds like FUN. We received a package yesterday and he got a camera, 2 beanie babies, they sent Spencer one, a game, spending money, a t-shirt, and an itinerary. It was so colorful and informative. Make-A-Wish is just fabulous. I cannot believe this is truly happening. I'm getting so excited.
Pray for a good journey and a good time for the boys. Making memories.....
The Boggs FAmily

Monday, February 24, 2003 12:02 AM CST

We all are glad to be home safe and sound. Spencer was just as glad to see us. He smiled from ear to ear. I just couldn't get enough kisses and hugs. Nicholas was glad to see him, he just hugged Spencer and Spencer hugged him back. It was so precious. Spencer even stopped eating he was so excited.
I have jet lag today. I started packing for Mickey world and told Nicholas what I was doing. He smiled and said, "I just can't wait!" He got in bed and ask Dad again about going on vacation. Vacation? I hope it is a really good one. We need a vacation. I just think it going to be tooooooo busy. Maybe not. I think the boys will enjoy it.
Thank you for all you have done. You all have made our trip to Cincinnati a lot easier. May God Bless you all.
Continue to pray for Nicholas and the rest of us and all those other sick children, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, February 21, 2003 7:59 PM CST

Good news no diabetes, growth hormone is just below normal but is not recommending any meds at this point in time. Praise the Lord. Eyes are ok, nothing new or different. Heart? Another story, he does have a murmur and an abnormal ventrical but will not require surgery. How could a heart murmur go for 4 years and not be detected? It's beyond my comprehension. Overall he is a good candidate for a bone marrow transplant. I was elated. This increases his chances for surviving the bmt to 80%! Yes the bmt dr said 80%. I could not believe my ears. He has given me a little hope!
We are on our way home tomorrow. Look out Spencer here we come. Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, February 20, 2003 7:35 PM CST

Another day of testing, with so-so news. There isn't anything wrong that cannot be corrected in the future, if then. No immediate action is needed! Praise the Lord for that. I want to thank all who have prayed for him this week and for the donations. I haven't forgotten nor will I ever. It has meant so much to us for all the generosity shown to us. I tear up just thinking about everything. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts.
Nicholas has slept since the procedures at 11:30. He just woke up and said, "Good Morning!" He threw me sleepy sugars and drifted back off to sleep. He will probably be up for the rest of the night. I got to speak to Spencer and guess what he asked...."Where DaD?" The little booger! He sounds so sweet I could hug and kiss him to pieces. I have missed him so bad. I can't wait to see him. Saturday we will be coming home and Nicholas wants to go to Sissy Bear's house. I think he heard me say that Spencer was having fun playing hide and seek!
Another day tomorrow full of dr appts, and then we will be home. NO! I'm not homesick!
Continue to pray, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, February 19, 2003 11:03 PM CST

A very tired hello. They tried 6 times to put in an IV. Had to give him chlora hydrate to sedate him for the ct scan. It worked for a while but they couln't get all the scans they wanted for he woke up! He refluxed the med and threw up everywhere. That is the reason he woke up, he didn't get the full dose. He wasn't feeling well all evening and is having tummy problems. Then he pulled his mic-key button out with his foot. He was trying to kick his shoes out of his way and accidently grabbed the bolus tube and POP! At least he has a new one in now. He will have another day of testing tomorrow (or today should I say). I think this comprehensive group will get some answers that we should already have. I'm so aggravated. Some of these test should have already been done. The studies yesterday showed severe reflux. They may want to repeat a surgery that he has already had that did not work the first time. It may be a have to in order to ensure no aspiration into his lungs which could cause a major infection. We can't have that at transplant. Process of elimation of the "Chances of infection." Who knows what the poor little guy is going to have to go through yet? I forsee a long, long, longer journey. It's like a tree in reverse, so many branches reaching the trunk to get to the root of the problems.
Not only do we need prayers, there are so many others.
Several 2-3 yr olds that continually remind me of Spencer. I miss him so much. We love you Spencer and can't wait to get back home. I think Nicholas has enjoyed having his Dad's undivided attention. They have been like glue.
Continue those wonderful prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, February 18, 2003 7:47 PM CST

A brief update, Nicholas has had a very tiring day without nutrition to speak of. He is very tired and sick at his tummy. Lots of swallowing studies without good results but could be worse. His vocal cords are not working only one is moving a little bit but are in a position for vocalizing. Thank the Good Lord for that. He will not have much nutrition tomorrow either but won't have as hectic of a day hopefully. He is so tired and cries every time a little girl here cries. There are so many here that are so precious but in need of LOTS of PRAYERS. Please remember these children in various stages of sickness and pain. Pray for the families also. My hearts is breaking, for mine and theirs. Remember tests and scans tomorrow and the procedures on Thursday. The Boggs FAmily

Sunday, February 16, 2003 1:55 PM CST

The power went off last night at 3:00 am. Everyone else heard the big thunderstorm but me. I was sleeping soooo good when Nicholas' equipment went silent. My eye's opened immediately and there was a big flood outside. At 4:00 am, they evacuated our hollow. We packed up and went to Mamaw and Papaw's. The boys were so excited that they got to spend the night at Papaw's house. The first words out of Nicholas' mouth were "Upstairs!" They finally settled down around 6:00 am and went back to sleep. They didn't want to go back home. The boys kept saying, "Big Water!" We came back home and everything is a muddy mess. I think the flood had crested by the time we left the house and wasn't in any danger at all. Thank the Lord for his mercy.
Pray for good traveling weather next week. It seems to be sleet and snow in the forcast. Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Saturday, February 15, 2003 9:14 PM CST

Friday was a hectic day. We had a change of plans and had to go to Jenkins to be on Heritage TV. Kim and I were up first. My mind went blank and I had a terrible headache. I guess I told what I wanted to but thought of a lot more later. Kim did a great job as usual! Sharon had to read a couple of her poems and did a great job. Debbie Large did the promotion of the Avon Campaign and showed some of the products. I guess it went ok. I haven't heard from anybody who has seen it. It aired live in Pound and Jenkins and is going to be on Norton, Channel 37, I think. It will be available to the other counties through different stations.
Nicholas loves his bed. It is much easier on our backs and a lot easier to get kisses. I told him that I loved him last night and he said, "I love my bed!" I think he likes all those kisses too! He just smiled. Spencer likes his new bed too, but wants to sleep in Nicholas'.
I asked Nicholas something today and he said, "I don't have the foggiest idea!" He is hilarious. He also told me he was "running as fast as his little legs could carry him." He is something else.
I've been packing, packing, packing! I have to pack the whole house for Nicholas. He has to have a lot for a whole week. I hope we will be staying at the Ronald McDonald House. Sharon is staying with Spencer. I think he would be better satisfied at home. He doesn't like hospitals anyway. Thanks Sissy Bear, you're the greatest!
Libbey you have been christened, Libby Bear, but may change to Crazy Libbey Bear. I wish you could have heard him mocking you answer the phone today. He did a perfect imitation. We all laughed.
I don't know when I'll be able to update but will the first chance I get. Continue those wonderful prayers, and remember Nicholas next week, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, February 13, 2003 11:27 AM CST

Well we did the big change over last night. We put up the hospital bed for Nicholas but didn’t use the “h“ word. We told him it was a big boy’s bed. He slept great and didn’t need venting at all during the night. Spencer has Nicholas’ bed now. It is different but he slept great too. They were so excited when Dad took Spencer’s bed down. Nicholas kept asking, “What is Dad doing to Spencer’s bed? Where was he taking it to? Where’s my brown bed?” Nicholas looked so little in that big bed. I held back the tears. I will be able to lie down with him now, that is a plus! The bed wasn’t as bulky as I thought it would be and is a big help on our backs. It is still a little crowded but we will survive. It was 10:30 before anyone went to sleep. I think they were too hyped up. I did get some cleaning accomplished in their room, the walls and carpet but still have a long way to go. Nicholas woke up disoriented and Spencer woke up in a whole new world. I had gotten them a lion and tiger for Valentine’s Day that had real long legs with Velcro on the hands. I put them around their neck and waist and they carried them around last night. They loved them. Spencer slept with his tiger.
Continue those prayers and positive thoughts, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, February 12, 2003 7:25 AM CST

Be sure to check out the guest book and go to the Adopt-A-Kid link.
Heritage TV anchor man was in an accident and they had to cancel. We are trying for Friday. That is Valentine's Day so it will be appropriate to use the theme "Show your Love for Nicholas" in the Avon Campaign. Contact us if you want to help, we appreciate the efforts of this group: Debbie Large 796-5048, Beckie Browning, Sherry B. Mullins, Jackie Gilliam, Anita Mullins, Kim Belcher, Sharon Mullins, or me. There are a lot more helping sell that I don't even know. It is amazing how each of us have something to give or offer and packed together with the blessing of God is dynamite! Are you the fuse that leads to a big explosion of love?
The boys enjoyed playing "Chase Becky!" last night. Mary and Becky had a lot of fun too. They wanted Mary to knock Becky down and then they would jump on her. I have no idea where that came from. Then, Nicholas started chasing Becky around the house. Nicholas just had "too much fun" and had a big bad gas spell and threw up. He looked up at Becky and told her, "When I feel better, I'll chase you again." He must have been afraid that she was going to quit and was reassuring her he would play with her again. It was so sweet. They had a bunch of energy from all that chocolate Valentine candy Mary brought! I had to hide it. Thanks to the Lisa-s for the Valentine cards and to Rachel's Chapel for the beautiful card. They love those cards. Spencer pretended to read them. He is such a big boy. He didn't feel too good yesterday, a little grumpy.
It looks as though we will have more than 3 days in Cincinnati, please start praying early for his tests.
The Boggs FAmily

Tueday, February 11, 2003 9:08 AM CST

Another restless night and another day to be a walking zombie. I don’t have the energy to keep my eyes open, let alone think about cleaning house for the Heritage TV crew that is coming tomorrow evening. Whose idea was this anyway? Oh well, it's for Nicholas and will get done in time to show off my pretty little angels. He out shines that old house any day of the week, any time, and in every way. With his little shadow tagging along, they will out shine everything. They are so sweet. I wouldn’t have said that at 4:30 am this morning. Spencer is just spoiled and yes, we have Dad to thank for that! I love them both to pieces. Nicholas had to use the bathroom at 11:00 p.m. and I was so sleepy. He looked up at me and I smiled. He must have thought I was aggravated, for his mouth just spread and he nuzzled my leg and told me he loved me. He is so sweet. He knows exactly what to do and when. I knew something was wrong with him for he couldn’t go to sleep. Of course, the sweet “red sucker” didn’t have any thing to do with a sugar high! He just had to have more last night.
It is going to be really hectic in Cincinnati, please remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, February 10, 2003 10:31 AM CST

Another good week-end, with Nicholas trying to eat more and more. He tried to eat a deviled egg. He said, "I don't like eggs, just the yellow stuff." He is so funny. He would pick the pickles out and ended up with more on his hands than in his mouth! He had a bad gas spell with his stomach at 1:40 am, I'm sure it was the eggs. Yeah, right. How can I not give him anything he wants to eat? Spencer ate just fine, one and a half of cresent rolls along with corn and green beans. Dad's birthday dinner. It was delicious and we will have the leftovers today. Nicholas asked me what I had put on top of his cake. I told him chocolate roses and he said, "Oh boy!" Totally chocolate-rich but good.
Sharon and Joyel Wayne were acting crazy, making faces. Nicholas got so tickled. He kept telling them to "make everybody laugh." Of course, we laughed, who wouldn't at those silly faces.
Thanks Nana Betsy for the valentine cards and candy. The boys loved them. Nicholas sat in his chair until around 8:00 pm eating on heart shaped suckers. They had to be broken up so he could chew on them. You made his day. Of course, he got so excited with a visit from Lisa, Kim, Sammy, and Tanner too. The first question out of his mouth as he watched them get out of the vehicle was, "Where's Amanda?" "Why didn't she come?" Tanner made up for Amanda not being there with lots of hugs and kisses for Nicholas. He loves him to pieces. Lisa got several good pictures of them together in front of the butterfly. When she sends them to me, I'll post them to the website.
Next week, we will be going to Cincinnati for extensive testing. I wish he didn't have to go through all of these test but its better to find out everything now for a good baseline before transplant. Please remember him in your prayers and for us to have the wisdom when to say "NO" if necessary. The Boggs FAmily

Friday, February 7, 2003 9:20 AM CST

So far this morning everything has gone wrong! All before 7 am. The rest of the day surely will get better. It just has to! The big snow wasn't too big at our house or here at work. Roads were clear for the most part. The boys enjoyed another episode of "Poppa Bear and the Hound Dog" last night. I think I'm going to have to write these stories down. Nicholas gets so tickled at me.
I moved the butterfly commode lid cover out of the boys bathroom and put it on mine. Nicholas saw it, stopped, acted surprised then frowned, pointed, and asked, "Who put that in here?" in a real gruff voice. I couldn't help but laugh. He doesn't miss a thing.
Rocking Spencer last night, I told him "Fishy Fishy in The Brook" and lowered my voice when I said, "And Baby ate it like a man." Spencer thought that was so funny and then he mocked me when he told it to Dad. Jeff burst out laughing at him. It was so sweet. He loves stories, singing, and nursery rhymes. He will try to sing along. He and Chris were singing "Wheels on the Bus" the other night. I tried to video them but Chrissy Bear turned into a Grumpy Bear! Ha! Ha! She doesn't like a camera either.
Do you all like the new pictures? Let me know.
Now, go prepare your child a nice surprise for this evening to let them know you love them.
Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, February 6, 2003 11:15 AM CST

Thanks to the Fleming family of Clintwood, the Kestner family of Abingdon, Hale family of Coeburn for the beautiful cards. Nicholas just smiles when I read them to him and asks, "For Me?" He has to look at them over and over. He enjoys the little things so much. Thanks Chrissy Bear for the books. Nicholas is a little book worm. Spencer loves them too. He likes to scatter them all over the place!
Spencer is doing great with the potty thing. I found him another little boy figurine with his fishing gear to go in the bathroom, also bobber lights! Tacky but cute! I don't know if we will use them or not. I seem to be using the fishing theme.
It is suppose to be snowing and cold tomorrow. That means no live show of Nicholas. I'll have to take photos and a big poster for them to shoot. I can't take the risk of getting him sick. Sorry about that, maybe later. The avon fundraiser will still be promoted.
I was up with Nicholas a lot last night and feel out of sync today. Keep those prayers and positive thoughts coming our way. They encourage us so much. Thank you.
The Boggs FAmily

P.S. I just found out Heritage TV has re-scheduled due to snow until FEB. 14th!

Wednesday, February 5, 2003 11:46 AM CST

I have updated the pictures. Check them out and let me know what you think. I posted another poem by Sissy Bear, do you like it? She is writing about some of the activities that went on at Camp Sunshine and captured them perfectly. I'll post another in a day or two.
The boys enjoyed Mamaw and Papaw last night. I think Mamaw and Papaw enjoyed the Poppa Bear Tale, they enjoyed watching Nicholas and Spencer laughing or were laughing at me one. I'm not sure which, now that I've thought about it. The boys bathroom is looking good. The border is rabbits and mice! fishing on a pond. It is beautiful and they love it. I'm trying to find decorations for it now. I found a Dad and Son frog fishing, that was really cute. Spencer loves it. I'll will have to start telling Rabbit Tales next!
Nicholas had a couple of bad gas spells last night with his tummy. Please pray for some relief for him. I hope they find out something in Cincy.
I forgot to mention, Nicholas will be on Heritage TV, Norton Station, friday, Feb. the 7th, LIVE! I'm getting nervous about this stuff!! I think it is channel 37. I'll let you know more when I find out.
Until next time, we are still in His care, The Boggs Family

Tueday, February 4, 2003 9:45 AM CST

Spencer wasn't feeling well yesterday, a little grumpy all day long. He went to sleep fairly quickly last night but didn't sleep well and ended up sleeping like a baby in our bed. I think our mattress is just more comfortable! Ha! I like him snuggling with us anyway. He is so sweet.
Nicholas went to sleep quickly but had a couple of gas episodes during the night. He has his own ideas of what I should do and how I should do it. He sometimes fights me when I try to suction him during the night. I just talk to him and tell him it's ok and he settles down. He is a doll baby. He is feeling better for the most part. He likes me telling him bear tales at feeding time. I even had Dad laughing over the week-end at my yarns! Nicholas gets so tickled. Spencer had to crawl up on top of the table too!
I need a bigger table if they are all going to sit on top and listen to the tales. Tale Time is a continuous bear tale of a family of bears and their daily travels. They loved the tale of Poppa Bear teaching Brother and Sister Bear how to catch a fish. I'll have to remember what I've said for it will have to be told the same way next time. Spencer liked the one of the bees stinging Poppa Bear on the nose and every time we fed Nicholas, he would climb on the table with us and say "Nose!" and make a buzzing sound. They love the drama! Last night as I was feeding Nicholas, I started describing a frog and he started pouting saying, "No! Do an animal game, a Poppa Bear." He did not want a frog! I kept describing it and he guess it correctly. He is too sharp.
I had several rolls of film developed and will post one picture of Nicholas that is a true treasure whenever I can. They all are treasures. It's so hard to decide which one to do. Maybe another collage whenever I get time.
Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, February 3, 2003 11:06 AM CST

An update to let you know we had another great week-end. The boys helped Dad carpentar and no matter where they wanted to go the route was over and across Daddy's back to the other side, whenever Jeff was in the floor. He put down a new rug in the kitchen and had plenty of help. I videoed some of it. It was so funny. They had a ball. Sunday was so pretty and we all got to go to church. If you are able to go to church, then go whenever you can. It's a privilege and a honor to go and thank God you have the freedom of choice. The more I learn about the human body, the more I am amazed. God is Awesome. Thank you God for everything and for praying friends, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, January 31, 2003 at 06:44 AM (CST)

Helping Dad drywall is fun! Not for Dad though! There were too many monkeys in the little bathroom getting into the wet mud. I asked for my little bug spotters to help Mommy vacuum up some of those little lady bugs and here they came running. Spencer loves to help me vacuum. They shout to the top of their lung when they spot a lady bug. I think all of the lady bugs love our house. I think they are bored with house cleaning. Nicholas was so happy to hear from his girlfriend, Amandy Bear. He was talking on the phone with her and looked up at me and said, "Did you hear that? She's coming to play with me!" She must have asked him what they were playing for he said, "We will just play." I suggested hiding Easter eggs and he told her that! They talked for about 3 minutes! Thanks Amanda for taking time out of your busy schedule for a little boy with a big crush on you. It's so precious.
Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 07:44 AM (CST)

We didn’t play hide-n-seek, they wanted to jump on the mat. Nicholas likes to climb to the top, which is on the couch, and pretend he is a “poppa bear”. The mat turns into a tree. It just happens to be green! Then Poppa Bear gets a whiff of something and he has to go check on the cubs. “I’m going to go down the road for a minute. I smell something after the cubs! I’ll be right back!”, says Poppa Bear, sniffing the air. He then goes back down the tree and checks out the den. The den is an angled space behind the couch. He’ll tell those cubs to “get back in there and go to sleep.” He is the official protector of Baby Bear and Momma Bear. His eyes just twinkle and he loves for everybody to go along with him. Then here comes Baby Bear, paws raised in the air, growling (with a big grin), ambling along from side to side, mocking Poppa Bear. Momma Bear then pretends to get scared as they attack and we all end up in a big pile on the floor, laughing and stealing sugar. Momma Bear can’t find her honey pot and had to search in all of the funny bone places. I love to hear them laughing. Most of the time somewhere in this time frame, Nicholas will get sick and need to be vented or his feeding timer alarms and we have to begin feeding. Typical evening. Papaw and Cousin Stephanie came up last night. I think one night alone with Mom and Dad is all they can stand! They were so excited to see Stephanie and love to play with her. Papaw brought them a jar of sweet midget pickles and some Hershey’s hugs and kisses. See who spoils them? Those kisses must have given Nicholas the “wide eye” for he didn’t go to sleep until almost midnight! Spencer didn’t have a nap and wanted me to pat him to sleep. He went out like a light. I thought Nicholas was asleep and went to get ready for bed. I heard him and went back to the room. He asked, “Are you going to lay down beside of us?” “Who’s “us?”” “Me, mom and dad.” I said, “Honey, I am mom.” I don’t know what he thought. He said, “I want to lay in your bed with you!” That broke my heart. “I wish we could but you have to be hooked up to the moisture.” I told him we could get a king-size bed, move everything else out, and all sleep together. I don’t think he liked the idea of sleeping with Spencer! I hugged and kissed him and told him to go to sleep because it was late. I know a king-size bed won’t work because he has to be elevated at all times. I told Jeff we were going to have to get him a new bed, one we could raise up and down. Bending over that rail is killing my back. I just can’t stand the thought of a hospital bed, but may have to get one. Some time around 11:30 pm, he said, “Mom.” I went to him and he asked me with a smiling frown, trying his best to look serious, “Why aren’t you asleep?” “Because somebody keeps saying MOM!” He smiled from ear to ear. I told him to go to sleep and have sweet dreams of “Black Jack.” He said, “Ok, sweet dreams, night-night.” I just had to pick him up and get more sugar. He hugged me and kissed me. He is just too sweet. I could still hear him twisting and turning. He settled down and at 1:00 am Spencer had a tummy ache. Oh, well. Hopefully tonight will be better. I may go to sleep sometime today.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 11:11 AM (CST)

We had a busy evening. Trying to get some house cleaning accomplished. A hard feat at our house. Jeff was taking down the molding and Spencer was laughing at me making faces. I was pretending he was going to hit me with the trim work. Spencer thought that was so funny. I love to hear him laugh. He gets so tickled he turns red in the face. I love that child. I pretended to eat his green beans and then he started eating good. He is such a ham. He tried bbq chicken and said, "Yuck!" Nicholas on the other hand, asked for more!! He dips it in salt, chews it, and then spits it back out. How much nutrition is in chicken juice and salt? Billions of calories!!!
I pulled out some old toys and the boys thought they had found a gold mine. It is amazing what a different toy can do. A blue frog key chain went to bed with Nicholas! A big bird train pull toy went to bed with Spencer! Then the skating Mickey went to sleep with him. He has started talking to his toys a lot more. I guess he is just getting more verbal. I asked him what he said the other day and he hid his face. I had embarrassed him. He is a little shy sometimes, which only makes him cuter.
Bed time came but Nicholas wanted to play hide-n-seek and hid in the bathtub. I told him we would play it this evening. If you want to play hide-n-seek, come to our house and join in the fun. We will let you hide Easter eggs too. We try to have fun most of the time. I would much rather see them running around and playing than to be sick any day.
Thanks for helping us pray this one through, The Boggs FAmily
Nicholas and Spencer send hugs and kisses to you.

Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 07:26 AM (CST)

Nicholas was feeling so much better yesterday evening. I think he actually is back to his old self. He is showing a few signs of jealously too. Typical brother stuff or so I’m told! Chrissy Bear brought them another book and stole some kisses! They love a big time any time. Chris told me that some of the children didn’t see a book until they came to school. I couldn’t believe it. It is beyond my comprehension. How do you go for five years and not read to your child? If they are lacking in one area, it breaks my heart to think of the other areas. It is no wonder so many are starved for love and attention as well as food. I pray for mercy.
Papaw rode them on his shoulders and on his back. He felt much better once he had seen the boys. Mamaw said he was complaining with his back hurting before they came up! Miraculous healing? You could hear them laughing all over the house. It was wonderful. I love to hear them laughing and see them smiling. Nicholas put the Easter bucket on his head and said, “I’m a bucket head!” I love to watch them find the Easter eggs. Spencer is a little hawk eye. He can spot them in really fast. Nicholas will tell him where they are and let him get them. The other night , I hid all of them in a drawer to my sectional. It was so funny. They walked in and couldn’t find a one. I ended up giving them hints. That drawer use to be “Noah’s Ark” and I used that for hints. They finally found them and just laughed. I thank God for my boys and all the blessings He has bestowed on us. They are so precious.
We were talking about chemotherapy last night. The horrors of a treatment after it is administered, mouth sores and loss of hair will appear in five to fourteen days. It eats lining of the stomach and bladder. He could possibly have sores through out his entire digestive tract. I can’t begin to imagine the stomach problems he is going to have. The G-tube will be a blessing during that time. The chemo kills off the old diseased bone marrow. It is killing me to think of what he is going to have to go through in order for a chance to live. The pain he will have to endure. He is a fighter and one tough little cookie. I pray he will be tough enough. I pray we all will be tough enough. Once it starts, there is no going back. You can’t say, “STOP!” in the middle of it. Please pray continually. Then there are so many other side effects and so many medicines. Morphine pump that he can pump himself. Will he be able to tell me that he is in pain? I’m sure I could probably be able to tell. My heart is breaking.
I know Sharon will bring Spencer to me. That is such a consolation. I will miss him so much. Nicholas will miss him too. I’m sure Spencer is going to miss us. It’s so quiet without one or the other at the house. If one is taking a nap, they are missed. I just pray for strength.
Charles Stanley spoke on “Everything works together for Good….” , that God refines us by allowing every little thing to happen in our life. That is the way I feel. God is still working on me, whittling, chiseling, sanding, polishing, taking us through the fire, and looking to the end product. It’s like refinishing a piece of furniture. It’s precious, too good to throw away, yet needs something. First you apply a stripper, to strip down the old paint or finish. In our life, first you accept Christ and the blood is applied to our soul. It strips down all the old battle scars, knocks, bangs, scratches, takes them away and leaves it brand new. The blood takes away all of our old sins, hurts, pain, resentments, selfishness, and leaves us brand new with a brand new heart. Then the process starts, the sanding, replacing any damaged parts, applying the stain or first coat, sanding, and then the final coat of stain or paint. Then the polish is applied. God is refinishing us, molding us in His image. Giving us a brand new start, sanding down the rough edges when we get out of hand, chastising us when we get out of line, and comforting us when we are hurting. Polishing us to let our light shine out a little brighter. Isn’t God wonderful? Unconditional LOVE. Thank you Lord for everything. I feel better already. It is all in the hands of God. It always was. Good Job Jesus.
Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, January 27, 2003 at 07:38 AM (CST)

We had a wonderful weekend. Playing, playing, playing, reading, and helping daddy. Anybody that comes to the house has to play hide-n-seek, play on the mat, or hide Easter eggs! Around 4:00 p.m., Nicholas will start saying, “ I want Sissy Bear and Joyel Wayne to come up and play hide-n-seek.” I let him call them yesterday. It is so funny how easy it is to get into a routine. If it happens more than once, it has to continue that way every day. Yesterday evening, Joyel Wayne knocked down a flower arrangement while they were playing hide-n-seek. It had some dried flowers in it and they went all over the couch. Nicholas started fussing at him and asked him, “Why did you knock that dirty thing down on that big ole couch for?” We burst out laughing. He does have a way with words! We had company yesterday! Mamaw Boggs and Aunt Cathy came and yes, they played hide-n-seek. They actually got me out of bed. I lay down at 10:30 a.m. and woke up at 2:30 p.m. That is the first time that has happened in a long time. Jeff brought Spencer to me at 12:30 for his nap. He was so sweet and snuggly. He went to sleep immediately and slept for 2 hours. He didn’t want to get up until he heard Nicholas saying, “Mamaw!” Nicholas coughed a lot Sat. night and I wasn’t feeling well anyway. I guess I was exhausted. I didn’t have any problems sleeping last night either, I was up at 11:30, 1:00,and 3:00. Nicholas is growing and kept pulling his tubing off of his mask. I had to reroute it around 12:00 last night, and didn’t have any more problems with it after that. Yes, I do have a head ache this morning!
Lena came up while the guys were watching the super bowl! The boys love her to death. I think she has the bluff on Spencer. He doesn’t know exactly how to take her yet. It is hilarious. She was singing opera style and cracked Nicholas up totally. Spencer just looked at her. She has to fry french fries next time she comes! That’s what she did the first time Nicholas remembers her coming up and that is what he will expect from here on out. Tommy has to bring him french fries all the time. He told him Sat. on the phone to bring him some and that there was a lot of people there! He doesn’t slight anybody.
Spencer is a typical 2-year-old. I don’t know if he will ever get the idea of sharing or not. Time out definitely is getting his attention. He hates to be still! He knows if he tells Nicholas “No” that he will cry. He will then say, “Ma, Look! Nics cry!” He uses sign language for crying while he says it. He is talking so much more now. He asked, “Where Daddy go?”, this weekend. He is so cute but still rotten.
They were tired last night and went to sleep pretty quick. Nicholas didn’t have a nap. When he gets tired, he looks so bad. Real dark around his mouth, nose, and eyes. This is the typical look for FA. I have seen it on several pictures of children just before transplant and sometimes after transplant.
Thanks to all that have signed the guest book! WOW! It amazes me to think of all the prayers going up all over the world for my baby. We need and love those encouraging words coming our way.
Thanks for those wonderful prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, January 24, 2003 at 06:55 AM (CST)

Good Morning,
Today it is 5 degrees outside. The snow we got night before last was the biggest one so far. The boys loved it. Spencer loves to watch people drive in it. He loves wheels, trucks, cars, and equipment. He is pure boy!
I woke up yesterday with a severe sore throat! AGAIN! This bug is tough! I will have to get more antibiotics, something strong enough to knock it. I fixed chicken and dumplings last night for supper. Spencer ate like a little pig! He had his favorites, peas and corn too. Nicholas had to have a plate with everthing in it, he actually ate a bit or two. He thinks he can eat like everybody else and we don't tell him any different! He was a little tired last night. Everybody was. They were asleep by 9:30. It just didn't last long. I was up and down for 1:00 am on. First, Spencer started coughing and I had to give him some medicine. He settled down (on the couch with DAD, I put him back to bed at 3:00) and then Nicholas started. Nicholas got his moisturing tube off of the mask again. He must have turned over and it popped off. I'm just glad I checked on him and found it fairly soon. He dries out pretty quick without it. I kept checking on it the rest of the night. Yes, I'm tired today. We will survive with the help of the good Lord. Thanks for the encouraging words and prayers, The Boggs FAmily

I am on 875 mg antibiotics. A cannon? I hope knocks it in the head! I was running a temp and didn't know it. Please pray that the boys don't get it.

Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 10:06 AM (CST)

The boys are back to their old feisty selves. Chrissy Bear brought them another book titled “Heaven is having you” with bears as the characters. It is so cute and the boys loved it. She had to read it two or three times. They even got her to hide eggs with them. Spencer had to have time out again! Hopefully, he will get the idea of sharing. I have thought about it all morning. I think most of this behavior is due to jealousy. He hasn’t seen anyone else cut a tantrum but he sure can throw a little fit! He will mind and sit in his chair. I feel so sorry for him sometimes. He will get just a close to me as he can sometimes when I’m feeding Nicholas. I still give him something when I feed Nicholas. I hope he understands one of these days. I just don’t want any feelings hurt. Nicholas is so intimidated by Spencer and will not hurt him or retaliate in any way. I’m sure things will work out. Spencer and I sang our little song again. He would lay his face against mine. It was so sweet and precious. I love my boys.
Mamaw and Papaw came up to see them last night. Papaw was a horse and Nicholas put him under the table and locked the door to the “barn”. He had a long string and was using it for a bridle. He is using his imagination to the fullest. It is so much fun to watch them play. Spencer was crawling all over Papaw. He thought it was fun for him to be in the floor. Nicholas told Mamaw that he had been worried about her. She hadn’t been there for long when he wanted his “baby” to go to bed. I think Mamaw steals sugar when she gets him by himself. I asked Nicholas the other day if Mamaw stole my sugar. He said, “Yes, but not all of it.”
I received a call from Cincinnati and scheduled Nicholas’ appointment. We will be going the 19th through the 21st of February. He will be seeing a specialist in every field. He needs a baseline established before transplant so they can determine what is wrong and where, if anything, during transplant. I don’t have a choice in this matter. At least, there is a chance of survival with the new bone marrow. I know there is no chance if his bone marrow doesn’t produce enough red, white cells, and platelets. The red blood cells carry oxygen to all the organs. If his number of red blood cell decrease, what is that telling me? The white blood cells fight off infections if they aren’t enough there what does that tell me? Platelets help in clotting blood, if they aren’t enough to clot the blood, what does that tell me? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out. It narrows down to time. How long can he live with reduced cells that are vital for him to live a normal life? Yes, he can function at a very low level but for how long? It is up to us to look out for our children’s welfare. If we can’t figure it out, then we go to the doctors for guidance. We need to pray hard for our doctors. They definitely need the gift of discernment, knowledge, and divine guidance. I have been doing a lot of research on the blood. It is so complicated. God made our bodies and we all function at amazingly different levels. One low count can be due to a number of things that are wrong, and it is up to the doctors to find out what. Nicholas’ counts have been falling for over a year now. Every three months, he has had a platelet drop. Normally, his white blood cells will begin to be erratic and his red blood cells will begin to fall. His hemoglobin will drop if the number of red blood cells decrease. So many conditions could possibly affect either of the counts. Consider a viral infection, his white count will go up but it will drop his platelets. I want him to live life to the fullest, but would love to put him in a protective bubble where he would be safe from all the flu bugs, etc.
It amazes me that there are so many healthy children. I thank God for Spencer’s health. All children are little angels. Hug yours today and tell them you love them. Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 06:17 AM (CST)

His blood work came back better! His wbc-8.9, rbc-3.63, hgb-12.3, ptlts-48,000, and an anc of 1335. PTL. I was so happy and thanked the Lord. He was so fiesty at bedtime. I can tell he is feeling a lot better. Spencer threw up a couple of times yesterday, I just hope he isn't getting a stomach virus. He doesn't like "time out!" I think it's getting his attention. Mom is going to have to buckle down on him. He is learning but so stubborn and yes! he comes by it naturally!
Go hug your child, nephew, niece, spouse, or friend and let them know how much they mean to you. Do some good today!
Pray for all the sick children as well as us, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 08:29 AM (CST)

Black Ice!! Our driveway was a solid sheet of ice. I slid in front of the house but had no other problems. I was relieved when they called school off today. If the weather permits, I am taking Nicholas to have his blood work again. I will probably have to take him to the dr somewhere if the platelets are still low just to be on the safe side.
Guess what we did yesterday evening? Hid Easter eggs! Spencer was so excited and would holler, “Theerree’s oonnee!” with his eyes blaring. I would clap and praise him when he found one and he would just smile and try harder. Nicholas would spot them and put them in Spencer’s bucket. They had a great time and played so good together. They play for 2 1/5 hrs. They even got Papaw to play! I would put an egg in Elmo’s mouth and in Mr. Potato Head every time to see who remembered where it was. Most of the time Nicholas would go there first. I enjoy watching them so much. If they couldn’t find one, I would give them hints. They are so funny sometimes. Spencer did really well, he could spot them before Nicholas sometimes. I tell him to give me sugar and he closes his eyes and puckers up! He is rotten! I sometimes wish time would stand still and I could watch them for a long time. I love to watch them when they don’t realize it. The other night, Nicholas sat in the floor and was pretending he was driving a car. Jeff asked him what he was doing. He said, “I had to go on a job and nail some nails!” He told me that he was just pretending to have nails. He loves to mock his daddy. You should have seen Spencer and Nicholas laying out the flooring for their dad. It was so cute. Nicholas keeps saying, “Momma, I love you.” “Daddy, I love you.” The other day he said, “I love everybody.” He does too.
Last night I was rocking Spencer and singing “Hush Little Baby”, I would stop at the end of each line and he would supply the word. He is so smart. I would stop singing and he would point to my mouth, wanting me to keep on singing. He went to sleep and looked so precious. He is such a beautiful baby. What on this earth is more precious? Everyone slept better last night (after Nicholas finally went to sleep), I just had to vent Nicholas one time around 4:00 am. Nicholas slept for 13 hours Saturday night and 14 hours Sunday night. Its no wonder he couldn’t go to sleep last night. Doesn’t that sound absolutely wonderful? 8 hours even sounds Heavenly to me!
Keep those positive thoughts coming our way and pray extra hard for the blood counts to be higher, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, January 20, 2003 at 08:33 AM (CST)

Go back to the top of this page and read the poem that Sharon wrote. She has definitely been inspired!
We have had a wonderful weekend. Chrissy Bear came and entertained the boys. She brought books! She knows what they like. Then Sharon and Joyel Wayne came and they all played hide-n-seek. Nicholas would not stop playing. He would play it 24 hrs a day! He likes to hide in the same place and jump out on you. Sammy and Kim brought a beautiful butterfly that Sammy and his family had made. It lights up and the boys absolutely love it. Spencer will go to it and say “on” or “dis” and will try to plug it in the 6-way. He loves it.
Nicholas was happy to see his girl friend. That is all I heard Sat. morn, “I want Amanda to come.” Michelle and her son, Tanner, and Kim came with Amanda. Tanner, who is 2, absolutely loves Nicholas. He calls him Nic Nic and smiles every time he hears Nicholas’ name. He loves Nicholas and Spencer. He loves children and tries to hug and kiss Spencer. He finally managed to kiss Spencer one time right on the smacker! It was so funny. Spencer wiped his mouth off, made a face, and went “splaah.” We all burst out laughing. Tanner has a baby brother Ethan. They now have “New Life for Nicholas” T-shirts. I know Tanner will wear his! Michelle, now you can have yours back! I asked Nicholas what bear name he was giving to Amanda and Kim. He smiled and said, “Amandy bear!” and “Kimmy Bear”. I think the bear family is growing! He is now Poppa Bear and Dad is Daddy Bear.
They also had a visit from their little cousin, Madison Browning. Spencer would not share his toys and didn’t want her in his tent. She just laughed at him, thinking he was playing. At first, the boys would just stand there and watch her from a distance. She is 20 months old and a pure little angel. Spencer finally caught on and let her use his vacuum and they played in the tent. She loved the tent. I think Nicholas melted, Madison’s mom, Pam’s heart when he looked up at her and said, “I love you.” He already had Lena’s captured but reinforced it with another, “Hey, I love you.” He told me he loved me a thousand times Saturday. He is so sweet. He has been glued to his Daddy. Dad was trying to put down hard wood flooring in the dining room and couldn’t move for Nicholas being right at his side. I think he liked those hugs and kisses from his dad. Dad just laughed, I think he liked it too. He just had to be careful. He gave Spencer 5 nails and an empty box, which occupied him for an hour. He loves to play with odd stuff! I found my shampoo and soap bottles re-arranged in the shower! He loves playing with anything except the toys!
Nicholas slept until noon on Sunday and was back asleep at 8:00 p.m. This is the most he has slept in a long time. I can’t help but be worried. Petechia is all over his face, but worse on his cheeks where he has coughed so hard. He has a coughing spell the first thing in the morning and is fine the rest of the day. Another little boy had a brain hemorrhage a couple of weeks ago because his platelets are so low. Remember them in your prayers, too. I’m going to take Nicholas to have another blood count this week. I know all things are possible with God, please help us pray. Mamaw had a plaque that read, “A family that prays together, stays together.” That has stayed with me all these years. I thank God for a praying family and praying friends, The Boggs FAmily.

Friday, January 17, 2003 at 11:12 AM (CST)

I went home yesterday evening and Nanna showed me the outlet on Nicholas’ air compressor. It was black and had melted one of the prongs completely off and the prong was stuck in the 4 way plug-in. They had to bring him a new air compressor. I just thanked the Lord over and over. He had watched over us and there was no fire. Jeff had gotten a flashlight and tried to find out what was wrong. The problem was under the plug in and he couldn’t see it. I told Sissy Bear about it and she had fire on her mind for several days and had been praying for protection. Thank the Lord for a praying sister and family. I saw a bear with a sign on it that said, “To Blessed to be Stressed!” Now that is an attitude we all need. Most of the time, we are too stressed to see the blessings. Thank you Lord for everything.
I was thrilled to see that Myra had signed the guest book. She is the one who is beautiful. We had a great time in school. She was one of my best friends. Talking about taking a journey down memory lane. Oh, Myra I still remember those good ole times! My short term memory is another story! I can’t believe how time has just flown by. I wish I had kept in touch with you better. Just too busy with life I guess. Now I don’t have time to keep up with myself, let alone everybody else too!!!! I cannot believe you are a grandmother and here I am just getting started with children. We always said that Sharon was the “late” one in the family but it appears to be me.
Spencer would not go to sleep last night. I put him in his crib and he went to sleep in no time. I think that means he is feeling his old self again. He was crying out for momma around 3 but went back to sleep. That is the first night in a long time that he hasn’t ended up in bed with us during the night. He is so sweet when he wants to be. I tried to explain to him that he needed to be careful around Nicholas but I don’t think he understands yet. Nicholas ran into the dresser and now has a bruise on his little head. He dramatizes everything now. He shook his head and acted like it knocked him silly. He is so funny. It was scary. He will have to start wearing a helmet to help with head injuries. We will have to get Spencer one too! We may all end up with one before too long!
They were so excited to see the snow. Spencer wanted me to "wook" at the snow and "bir"d! I told Nicholas that Chris wanted a bear name, how about Chrissy Bear? He looked up, hummed, hit his head with his finger and said, "Think!Think! Think!" Eyes twinkling, he said, "Yeah! That will be just fine with me!" So, Chris you are now "Chrissy Bear!" Hey, this may just lead to something....hummmmmm!
Continue praying for strength, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 07:16 AM (CST)

Thanks to Sharon, Chris, Mamaw, and Papaw, Jeff and I got an evening out. We picked out our flooring for the kitchen and did get to have dinner out! We discussed business! We have forgotten how to have a date. It just seems like I have forgotten something when we don’t have the boys with us. It’s hard to adjust back and forth. Yesterday morning, Spencer didn’t want Dad’s work shirt on nor my boots on. He kept trying to pull them off. It broke my heart. I like it better if he is asleep when I leave for work. Last night around 1:00 am, he was standing up in the crib, hollering “Momma.” He ended up waking everybody! I couldn’t resist, I had to put him in bed with us. I wasn’t sleeping very well anyway. I smelled something burning, like a wire too hot. My sense of smell is off due to the cold and I knew something was wrong. I kept thinking about a fire and how to escape with the boys, what I would absolutely have to grab for Nicholas. Making sure the fire extinguisher was beside of the bed. I hate times like that. I have decided to pack a diaper bag with their extra stuff in it and keep it in a vehicle. I kept checking his moisturizer tubing to make sure it wasn’t the heater burning out. Spencer settled down but I kept kissing him and keeping him awake. I decided I had better let him go back to sleep or he would do this every night! He finally settled down and slept great from then on. He has always been such a snuggle bunny.
Our neighbor, Chris came down. She loves spending time with them. They love her to death. I get so tickled watching them fight for her attention. I tease Nicholas about her being his other girlfriend. He just smiles and agrees. Chris wants a bear name too, I guess she will be “Chrissy Bear.” Nicholas will probably dub her something else! Who knows what he will come up with! She works with elementary children with special needs and is so good with my two. She says that Nicholas is beyond his 4-year-old level. Sharon has always said that but I just thought she was prejudice! Chris said she would be glad to come to Cincinnati with Sharon and bring Spencer to me. She is so sweet. You don’t know how much I appreciate your offer Chris. Thank you.
I am so mixed up inside about the transplant. Please pray for guidance, wisdom, and knowledge in our decision making. Thank you for those wonderful prayers and encouraging notes in the Guest Book. We need those positive thoughts coming our way, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 07:16 AM (CST)

Thanks for letting me vent my frustrations yesterday. Today is a new day and I will rejoice and be glad in it! I will! I will! Today I will be a goose. My Dad always said that a goose wakes up in a new world every day. I will be a goose and discover the good things the Lord has in store for me today.
The boys are feeling much better. Spencer strained his ankle last night but it was better this morning. He was up at 5:00 saying, “Mom.” “Mom.” I would groan a reply and he would just look at me and repeat it later. He would lay back down and try again later, touching my face. I just could not wake up. He gave up on me and started on his Dad. I felt really bad last night and the medicine I took knocked me out.
I told you that you couldn’t stay down for long around Nicholas. I’m so happy he is feeling better. I can’t stand not to see his smile. We were getting ready for bed and he has been on a green “sweet tart” kick lately, it use to be the red ones now its green. I put him a little red (his favorite color) truck in his bed and put the green sweet tarts in the bed of the truck. He loved it. Last night, I was cleaning his nose and he asked me what color it was. I showed him and said it was green. With a twinkle in his eyes, he asked, “Like a sweet tart?” I burst out laughing. I asked him if that was where all those green sweet tarts were coming from. He laughed, then frowned and shook his head no. We had a big laugh. He got so tickled. He can come up with the funniest things, gross maybe but funny. He catches on so fast. He is using all kinds of techniques for stalling bed time. He wants ice, water, to use the bathroom, or play with my hair. Any thing so he won’t have to go to sleep. If he hasn’t had a nap during the day, he drops off to sleep in the middle of eating his ice!
It was exciting to hear from Make-A-Wish Foundation. It look like we will be going to Florida, late February or early March. He will enjoy Disney so much. I can’t wait. We will probably go to Cincinnati before our trip, just to make sure he is well enough. That appointment will be scheduled sometime today.
Thanks for those wonderful prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 06:53 AM (CST)

Nicholas and Spencer are a little better. Nicholas slept all night long last night. I feel odd, not use to that much sleep!
I have contacted the dr. in Cincinnati to see when he would recommend the next bone marrow aspiration. I’m going to guess in February or March. I guess this means we are going there for his consultations from here on out. During bone marrow failure, the platelets drop first and then the white blood count begins to get erratic, bouncing up and down. There are 5 different types of white blood cells. Each one plays a different role in protecting the body. Next the red blood count will drop as well as the hemoglobin. Red blood cells carry the oxygen to all the body organs, if this count drops the organs may not be getting the amount of oxygen it needs. Hemoglobin is the major substance in the red blood cells, it carries oxygen and gives blood its red color. As there counts drop, he will have these symptons: fatigue, weakness, or lack of energy, headaches, breathing problems that occur after exercise, infections that keep returning or are more severe than usual, frequent nosebleeds, or bruising, gum bleeding, inside eyelids will get whiter in color, check finger tips and toes for blueness. There could also be internal bleeding. I’m sure I haven’t listed all the symptoms for every child is different and have different levels of the blood cells. I’ve heard of children having leg cramps as well. The more I learn the more I shutter. Sometimes I can’t help but ask WHY? Why do these little children have to suffer so? It is like watching someone die in slow motion. A bone marrow transplant is like signing a death warrant. There is a little hope of survival, but it IS a last resort. It doesn’t matter what we do if God does not bless it, then it won’t happen. Everything is in His hands. Think about it, would you want to see your son or daughter suffer? I didn’t think so. We have to go to transplant when he is healthy enough to stand it, but his counts have to be below a certain level and before he develops leukemia. We’ve had a long time to prepare for this and we still aren’t ready. I can’t imagine going for a routine check up without suspecting anything this drastic and having to go straight to transplant without any time to prepare. I guess you do what you have to do. I saw on a church sign…Sorrow looks back….Worry looks around…..Faith looks up. Lord I pray thy will be done and for faith.
Please help us pray for all the FA children and their families. I know everybody has their own problems but please remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Guess what? I was just contacted by Make-A-Wish Foundation!!! Probably late Feb/early March we will be dancing with Mickey! It's in the final stages, they have the drs approval! I'm getting excited!:)

Monday, January 13, 2003 at 07:13 AM (CST)


The boys are feeling better. Now, I have it. I'm feeling terrible. Sissy Bear wrote a poem for Nicholas yesterday and I just have to share it with you all. It tells the real story....


Oh, how beautiful these few years!
Even now, I smile through the tears.
From you, I have learned so much.
A kiss from you is like an angel's touch.
You have taught us how to play,
How to laugh, and cherish each day!
Your bright smiles melt each heart.
You've inspired hope and a brand new start.

So little, so fragile, yet you stand tall!
For you, a small effort to win the heart of all.
So sensitive, so caring, so full of love,
Knowing you is a glimpse of Heaven above.
So wise, so angelic, you're such an inspiration!
Because of you, many will join the Heavenly Celebration.

Little like David, yet big as the giant he slew,
Even giants fall for you!
You do not use stones and a sling.
To something tangible you do not cling.
Like Cupid, you don't need arrows and a bow.
Hearts are captured by those kisses you blow.

Going through life, we might stumble,
But like this child, we must be humble.
If the pearly gates, enter we,
Like this child, we must be!

Written by Sharon Mullins(Sissy Bear)

Friday, January 10, 2003 at 11:25 AM (CST)

We love colds so well and are trying our best to keep it in the family! @@>)(sideways grin!) Nicholas now has a runny nose and my throat is sore and I feel rotten. I was up all night long between the two of them. I'll have to get antibiotics in order to keep it to myself. They aren't running temps, pray that they don't. I'll clorox everything again! I just hope they don't get any worse. Chicken soup tonight!
I guess we will have to go on our Disney trip as soon as possible. If his counts drop lower, we won't be able to go. It would be a big risk for infection. I hate winter flu, rsv, cold, and sickness season. Nicholas' immune system isn't very stong. I think I'm just exhausted.
Thank God for friends and family. They keep me cheered up. Just knowing someone is thinking about you can make you feel better. Knowing that they are praying can even make you dance, especially kicking out a foot every now and then. That is the Nicholas dance. I wish you could have seen them last night. Nicholas is now jumping across two of the colors. He has strong legs. Spencer is doing great too. He can throw a ball with some punch in it, left handed of course. He uses both but prefers his left. He's rotten! Had to go to sleep in our bed last night. Sooo, he wasn't feeling very good. He is so snuggly and sometimes he just has to touch my face. I love it. I want time to stop for a while, it's flying by too fast.
Continue praying, hugging, kissing, and laughing, The Boggs FAmily

Hey, Thanks so much for signing the guestbook. Keep those positive thoughts and prayers coming our way. I print them off and read them to Nicholas and Spencer. Thanks so much. Ok, thanks for making my eyes water!!

Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 11:07 AM (CST)

We went for blood work yesterday evening and she came in and told me that his platelets were 20000. My heart dropped into my feet. They had to repeat the test. We were there for an hour waiting on a copy. They had to contact a dr who was on call. I had to talk to him before they would give me the copy. His counts are Platelets-39,000, a 20,000 drop in 4 wks, wbc-8.3, rbc-3.69, hgb-12.6, and his anc is 1328. If he held to his trend over the past year, he would have had a drop in December. He was transfused in October during a test and that accounted for the extra month. I only thought I was prepared for his counts to drop. Seeing the actual numbers was shocking to say the least. Its down hill from here. Yes, they can go back up and probably will for a couple of months and then the same thing will happen again. I'm trying so hard to keep everybody well, including myself, so he won't get sick. Spencer was so happy to have a change in scenery, he couldn't be still. He little eyes were darting everywhere a wheel turned! He loves the 18 wheelers. We met Sissy Bear and Poppa Bear at Pizza Hut for pizza. That was a good change too. Somber mood but different. We got home and Nicholas told Dad that his legs were tired. We looked at each other immediately and the fear was mirrored. I pray for strength for the journey. Please continue those prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, January 08, 2003 at 10:57 AM (CST)

Spencer has a terrible cold with a runny nose and a red mustache! He had wiped his nose on his sleeves! I told you he was a country boy! He'll point to his nose and say, "Klee! Klee!", wanting a kleenex! He was still able to pick on Nicholas.
I pulled out the floor mat and they loved it. They can do a great forward roll. Their Aunt Trossie taught them that! They can jump from one color to the other. Spencer mocking everything that Nicholas does of course. I was feeding Nicholas and Spencer climbed up on the couch and kissed his head. Of all the times to get lovey-dovey! I'm doing everything to keep Nicholas from catching it and here comes Spencer wanting to share ice and kissing him! They are so sweet. I love them so much it hurts. No truer blessing than the love of a child. God is so good to us. To be able to be a part of their life, share in the joy of the smiles, and those wonderful hugs and kisses is such a blessing. I cherish these good times. Oh, there is a lot of stress in everyday living at our house but we try to have fun too.
We watched the video of the interview. I was shocked that they took the issue of abortion and showed that part. I would have missed trillions and trillions of blessings if I had aborted my precious babies. They are little angels. Josh asked me why I didn't just take the drs advice and abort. I told him that I was against abortion in every shape and form. I had waited for 16-17 years for a baby, there was no way I would abort, no matter what was wrong. I still can't believe how easy it is to be advised to abort. Excuses like, a deformed child can cause marital problems! BIG DEAL! A life, once lost, cannot be replaced. Marriage problems can be worked out! One dr told me I would probably hear these words, "It isn't developing right we need to get it out now!" We as people are suppose to look up to the drs, they know "everything" Helllllo! They aren't God. Maybe I'm stubborn, hard-headed, and opinionated, but I believe in a true and loving God, creator of man. ALL children are created in God's own image, how can we be selective in the ones we keep or the ones we throw away? I have issues with throwing away the embryos who are FA in the PGD world. I know that I would do just about anything to help Nicholas and can't really say anything bad about "gene therapy", it may be the life saver of future FA children. I can only pray there is a cure out there somewhere.
Trusting, hoping, praying for miracles for all sick children, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 11:51 AM (CST)

I'm sorry for not updating sooner. Nicholas is a cellebrity!!! He was on WJHL yesterday evening and this morning! I received several calls but I haven't seen it yet. I hope to get a copy sometime. Their website is Hometown Heroes Section for the article. I can't wait for him to watch it. He will be fascinated I'm sure. Spencer too. Spencer was playing on the computer yesterday evening, jump start toddlers. He started repeating all the abc's and everything it said. He looked so cute, using one little finger to press the space bar. Nicholas cannot extend one finger and uses his entire hand sideways to move the cursor around. That is the first thing that Spencer did, positioned his hand just like Nicholas! They watch EVERYTHING! He mocks Nicholas so much. Hugs him one minute and slugs at him the next! They are getting runny noses!:( I could tell they had missed me yesterday. Whew! It was hard to go back to work. I miss all those hugs and kisses. Spencer was fretful this morning and I put him in bed with us. I think he is getting spoiled!! He laid his little cheek against mine and went back to sleep. He is so sweet.
I was singing "God picked a rose today" and Nicholas started asking questions again. Who is God? Jesus? Moses? Mary? I told him you forgot about the one who built the ark for the animals! His eyes lit up and he said, "Noah! Tell me about him!" He is too sharp! He is bruising really bad so we are going for bloodwork. Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Sunday, January 05, 2003 at 12:32 PM (CST)

I had thought about leaving the Christmas decorations up all year but just couldn't stand it. The Cowboy Tree came down as fast as the tears. It was a lot harder taking down than putting up. Nicholas asked why we were taking down the decorations. Dad told him everything has a season....I cringed inside as the Bible verse came to me. "To eveything there is a season, a time to die, a time to live....(my version) The tears kept falling. It was like closing a very special book after reading the final chapter. Dear and precious yet sad.
On with the show...Dad has built on a bigger dining room and we tore the wall down as I took the last decoration down. No time to dally! The boys were fascinated with the "new room" and have had a great time. We put in lots of windows and they are viewing a whole new world. We moved the bird feeder and they have enjoyed watching the birds and the snow! It's melting fast though. They can now see Mamaw and Papaw coming! No more surprises! I now have a decorating project to do. New wall paper! When am I going to find the time to pick out the stuff??
Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, January 02, 2003 at 02:24 PM (CST)

We have had a great new year's eve. We slept through it but didn't sleep much last night. Spencer had a tummy ache and tossed and turned all night long. He woke Nicholas up who had to potty but didn't! He just didn't want to hear Spencer cry. He now sleeps with his arms over his ears!!
They say you will do all year long whatever you were doing on new year's evening. Oh Boy, Sleep! Sleep! Sweet blessed sleep! Nicholas has not been feeling well. Running a temp and feeling rotten! But thank God today when he was interviewed by WHJL Channel 11, Hometown Heros Segment, he was feeling great. He told Josh Smith he wanted to be just like him when he grew up! Josh is smitten! He said, "I want to be a carpenter and build a house for everybody." He wouldn't even hug Amanda for wanting Josh to play with him. Spencer was playing with the tent and knocked it into Kim while she was being interviewed. Kim cried throughout the entire time. Thanks Kim for everything. You'll never know what your friendship means to me. I just hope everyone sees it and joins the bone marrow registery and helps to save someone's life. Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, December 27, 2002 at 11:02 AM (CST)

Nicholas is still feeling a little under the weather. He and Spencer bumped heads, Nicholas bruised the worst! I'm not sure that means Spencer's head is the hardest! My feeling is Nicholas is fighting a bug and his counts are dropping. I pray not. He will go for bloodwork in Feb.
This Christmas was wonderful but at the same time it wasn't. It was so difficult thinking it could be Nicholas' last one. It could be any of our's. Do you really think in those terms all the time and do enough for everybody? If it was your last Christmas, what would you want to get accomplished? What would you do? Tell everybody how much you really loved them? Bury those old hatchets? Bring your family back together? Renew old acquaintances? Make a new friend? Help someone else carry their load? Get down on those rusty knees and renew your faith? Return back to God? Make a resolution to pray more? Be a better person? What would you do?
I was getting ready to go to the funeral home for a song service for Nell Cantrell, 92 last night. Nicholas started asking questions...where are you going? Why did she pass away? I told him Jesus wanted her to go home to Heaven to be with Him. Where's Heaven? I couldn't speak before I swallowed the big lump. I came back home and Nicholas said, "I'm so glad you came back." I don't know if he thought I went to Heaven or not! He is so sweet and loving. I think Spencer was even glad to see me. He just hugged and kissed me. They both ended up in my lap for a while. They are Pete and Repeat!!! Jeff was using his back massager with heat that I got him for Christmas. I think its going to help with the pain. He is having a lot of pain lately. I asked him how he liked it and he told me he'd tell me when he felt 16 again. I hated to tell him to dream on!!!! Unless I've stumbled on a miracle! Hmmmmmmm!
Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Hey! I've added a little country to the pictures. Be sure to let me know what you think!

Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 08:04 AM (CST)

The boys had a great, wonderful Christmas. They were so excited! I think the word for the day was WOW. Nicholas kept saying it as he opened his gifts. He would open one, throw it aside, and ask for another one. It was so funny. Spencer opened his faster and started helping Nicholas. Nicholas had to have every bit of the wrapping paper off before he would open it or go on to the next one. Spencer had a couple in gift bags and wouldn’t open them! He didn’t understand that they were gifts too. It was funny. He helped his Aunt Sharon by opening hers before we could get them to her. They had a big time and loved all of the gifts, toys! Not the clothes! At Mamaw and Papaw’s, they were so excited they couldn’t stand it. Spencer kept trying to open Aunt Sharon’s! I would tell him no and he would frown at me. He actually opened one of Stephanie’s and cried when he couldn’t have it. What would he do with Lip Smackers? I can only imagine! They actually got too much. Libby got them punch bags, one with Mickey and the other with Donald Duck. We have never laughed so hard. Nicholas would punch it and it would hit Spencer or vice versa. One would punch it and the other one would at the same time and it wouldn’t be there and they would fall in the floor. It was hilarious. They have wallowed them all over the living room and kitchen. Thanks Libby they loved them. Kathy got Spencer a Goofy Jalopy with a remote control and he loved it. He loved his gifts with wheels. She got Nicholas an ABC Frog Pond and so did I! That made the third gift that they received twice! What can I say? Great minds think alike.
Mamaw was thrilled with her new dishes and accessories. She also received a fiber optic dove from my boys and she was thrilled. She said she hadn’t ever received such beautiful gifts, “I feel like my heart is going to stop.” I thought she was going to have a heart attack. The doves were beautiful. We turned off the lights and watched it for a while. Spencer was fascinated with it. I think Papaw was pleased with the warm stuff from the boys. They got him everything to keep him warm while feeding Black Jack this winter. Thanks Papaw for everything. Think Spring! Pray that Nicholas is well enough to be around Black Jack in the Spring.
It was wonderful to see Sheena. She is still as beautiful as ever. She will always be special to me. Wesley and Eric have grown out of sight. They are so handsome. Stephanie has grown up also. She isn’t the baby girl anymore. She is a beautiful young lady. Thanks for the pictures, they are gorgeous. It amazes me how time has flown.
I heard “Momma” for two days and it was wonderful. I told Nicholas I was so proud to be his Momma and he smiled from ear to ear. Spencer is ok as long as I tell him he is mommy’s baby and his Dad rocks him to sleep. He is his Daddy’s boy and it breaks my heart. I have to bend over the crib to do Nicholas’ stuff when we get ready for bed. Dad isn’t able to because of his back, so he gets Spencer ready and he is spoiling him! He needs a little spoiling though. My rib cage has been so sore since Nicholas has been sick and I’ve had to vent him during the night. I need a bed that can be raised and not so back breaking. I can’t stand the thoughts of a hospital bed but may have to seriously consider it.
Did I mention that Nicholas will be interviewed next Thursday, January 2, 2003? Kim Belcher nominated him for Hometown Heroes and he will be on Channel 11, probably on Monday, January 6. If any of you could tape it for me, I would appreciate it.
Happy New Year and Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, December 23, 2002 at 11:48 AM (CST)

The boys are feeling a little better. I had a little more sleep last night than any night this week-end, I just couldn't go to sleep. We had Christmas at Bonanza with the Boggs Clan, the ones who came. I'm ashamed of some that could have been there but chose not to. Family is important and will be the ones to stand by you when no one else will (I would like to think so anyway.) I hope they never suffer from a fatal illness and have to learn how precious family really is. We had a wonderful time and great fellowship. The children were so funny. Nicholas cried until a crying baby went to sleep and then he was ok. It breaks his heart and was not feeling the best. We drove home through Coeburn to look at the lights. There is a house in Bondtown that has a big display in their yard. Some of it was turned off and I told Jeff to pull over so the boys could see it. She saw us out there and began turning the lights back on. I had just said that I hope she turns the navtivity scene back on and then she did. Nicholas' mouth flew open and he laughed and got so excited. Spencer said, "Wook, Wook!" and just laughed. They enjoyed it so much. Thanks Lady, whoever you are. Susie has Ms. Owens decorated too, the boys loved it. They saw Santa and said, "There he is!" Thanks Susie, I know you put in a lot of time each year and it looks beautiful. We drive up to see it every year. The boys really love it. I guess Christmas is for the children. They love the lights and decorations. Nicholas never fails to say, "It looks beautiful Mom." He is so sweet. He thanked Dad for bringing them back home last night. It was priceless. They are having a great time, Nicholas helped wrap gifts Saturday. He would put them under the tree and just laugh.
I figured Spencer would tear into them but he was a good little boy. I don't know about today though. He was climbing on them but not opening them. He is precious but rotten when he wants to be!
I wish you and your family a bundle of blessings during this celebration of the birth of Jesus and through out the New Year. Love, the Boggs FAmily

P.S. Check out the Christmas Photo!!!

Friday, December 20, 2002 at 10:28 AM (CST)

Spencer is feeling better, but Nicholas continues to have severe stomach episodes and congestion. I had a couple hours sleep last night, as the gas continued to build up during the night. It may be the congestion meds causing the stomach problem, I'm not sure what is going on. He definitely needs some relief. Please remember this in your faithful prayers.
We had a great time at our little party last night. Nicholas was in seventh heaven with his girl friend there. He didn't jump on her "young man" much at all. You can tell he isn't up to full speed! Thanks for all the gifts and cards. We love you all dearly.
What do you want for Christmas? Give yourself the best gift of all, Jesus Christ in your heart. Make Him a dwelling place, He is waiting at the door. It's not Santa!
Let Him in and you will have that perfect peace through out the holiday season and for the rest of your life. Then you can sing those wonderful Christmas hymns with heart felt feeling. I hope all has a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year. May you be blessed beyond measure this holiday season, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 11:58 AM (CST)

Exactly one week until Christmas. Where has the time gone? I can't believe its here already. I can't seem to get enough for the boys. Nothing big, just the little things. I keep thinking of things they would love to have. The best is just spending time together. The only thing I want for Christmas is the one thing no one can give. Only God. I do appreciate everything everyone has done this year to ease our pain and worries. My heartfelt thanks and gratitude are being sent your way via prayers.
We are having a little get together with Nicholas' girlfriend's family this evening. Christmas will come a little early starting tonight! Who am I kidding? They get gifts all the time!!! Everyday is Christmas. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 11:50 AM (CST)

Spencer was so sick when I arrived home. His temp had been 102.9d. He felt terrible! I have never seen him that droopy before. I fixed spagetti and he ate a lot more than I expected. He finally cooled off and went back to sleep around 8:00pm. I think the meds made him sleepy. He and Nicholas slept better. Nicholas was 12:00 going to sleep. They both feel better today, it must be a 24 hour bug.
Nicholas' baby (Mamaw) came up and told him she was going to kiss him. He said, "Don't kiss my lips off!" and put his hand over his mouth. It was hilarious. Every move that Spencer made, Nicholas would cry. He just wasn't feeling well but that didn't stop him from wanting to wallow me!! I was his horse until my hands got numb! He is so sweet.
I have decorated for Christmas and he brags on it. He loves lights and gets so excited. They love a big time. He almost fell out of his chair the other night while on the phone with Kim and he told her that it almost gave him a heart attack! He is so funny. On the way home from Memphis, Nicholas was talking to GiGi, a beanie doggie and I heard him say, "Sometimes girlfriends kiss thier daddys!" I said, "What?!!" He started laughing and that twinkle appeared immediately in his eyes. Amanda had better watch out tomorrow night!!!!
Here's looking to a great holiday season and a better new year, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 11:28 AM (CST)

My heart is broken for another FA child of 14 has passed away. (that makes 2 within a week):( I have followed his bmt and was in hopes of his recovery. Sharon was blessed to have such a special gift for 14 years, I can only hope and pray for that much time. I have gone through so many emotions this morning. I've been angry, sadden by reality, heart broken for their loss, mad at all the diseases that destroy the life of these precious children or anybody for that matter. A reality check to say the least. There is no hope for a child with FA, we can only fight the battles but will not win the war. Morbid? Yes, but reality none the less. Some say we will not allow that to happen, we will stand against it! HEELLLO! Tell that to the Eddy family, the Goldberg family, and all of the others who have lost their loved ones. God's will is not our own. When we accept that, only then can we begin to live. I know every day should be lived as though it were our last and that's what we have to do. We may celebrate Christmas all year long. We do at our house anyway, just not with presents. Who knows? We may have presents all year too. If Christ lives within us, then we will give gifts continually. Oh, if we could only be more like Him. His ways are as far above ours as the heavens above the earth. I pray to lose my will and accept His. Nicholas is a special gift, wise beyond his 4 years of life. How does he know so much in such a short time? They are all angels.
Spencer is now throwing up and running a temp. Nicholas is feeling better. If he doesn't catch what Spencer has, it will be a miracle. A funny...Kim told Nicholas she could just kiss his lips off. Nicholas stopped, cocked his head to the side, rolled his eyes, and said, "I thought that might happen to me!" We all burst out laughing! Now, that made me smile!!!! He and Spencer can always make Mommy smile.
Say a special prayer for their sickness, an increase in faith, and strength for this journey, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, December 16, 2002 at 11:23 AM (CST)

A very glad to be home Hello,

We arrived home Friday evening, tired, happy, exhausted, excited, and had to get in high gear to unpack! We went to the Children's Christmas party on Saturday and Nicholas actually let Santa carry him around, the first time he has been that close to Santa ever! He sat in Star's (the Clown) lap and played with her jingle bell! He is usally scared of clowns! I kept telling him she was so nice and dress soooo funny. She made them hats with balloons. Spencer loved it. They enjoyed the wonderful music and singing by Carla Karst. She is great. Her website is if you need her services. She is a wonderful person and fell in love with Nicholas, of course!
After the party, we left for Memphis. Mike, Robin, and Brandon met us in Memphis on Sunday evening. It was great to see them and the boys loved playing with Brandon. Thanks Robin for the book and batman towel set. They will enjoy them. Monday, we went to St. Judes and met with hematology and endocrinology. Nicholas wasn't to happy to have bloodwork done and it clotted, which meant he had to have it repeated the next day! Wednesday, we went to another facility to have the endo study. His blood sugar dropped to 37 and scared the nurse and me to death! I had to feed him immediately. He had to fast for both nights and his stomach is messed up now! We won't hear from the bloodwork for three weeks. His platelets were about the same. I'll post as soon as I know for sure. Spencer was so home sick. He would cry every time we went back into the room and Nicholas kept saying that he wanted to go to his house! They were estatic to be home! I told Nicholas, "No more hospitals!" He said, "No more ouchies!, No more bloodwork!, No more IV's" smiling ear to ear with each statement!
Saturday, Nicholas woke up very congested and nauseated all day. I was up with him every hour and a half all night long. Sunday, he was running a fever of 101.3! I gave him Tylenol cold medicine around the clock and he had cooled down this morning. I hope this is only temporary and not a viral infection. I can't stand this roller coaster ride! Yes I can! I have to. Nothing extra just what I have to do and still try to make the boys happy! That's how I cope with things. You do what you have to do! I love them so much. Please say an extra prayer for us and thanks for all the prayers that you have prayed, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 11:30 AM (CST)

My mind is flying today. A hundred things to do and not enough time to do them! I have to have everything finished before we leave for Memphis on Saturday. They are doing an Endocrinology study on Nicholas. They will have to do a lot of bloodwork so begin praying and continue all next week. I still have to pack for all of us and I just have to go the "girls" Christmas dinner tonight!!! Oh well! I'm sure it will all come together by the last minute. I just hope Spencer can be entertained while Nicholas is being seen. They are kid oriented it shouldn't be to much trouble. We will be seeing Mike and Robin, so that will help, if they get to bring Brandon with them. They love to play with Brandon.
New pictures coming soon! Well, got to go for now! Until next time, we are still blessed, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, December 04, 2002 at 11:31 AM (CST)

After several attempts, we did get a few shots of the boys beside of their Christmas tree. Spencer was a little grumpy and did NOT want to cooperate with us. Nicholas did everything everybody told him to do. I had a great idea and brought in a little chair. Spencer sat in the chair and was pretty as punch!!! I should have thought of that an hour earlier! I was exhausted after wrestling him into his clothes and then trying to get those pictures! Moneka was a great photoghrapher and was so patient. Thanks! Thanks Kim for distracting them with a new made megaphone!! It was actually a light that she was holding and pretending to talk through it. Then, Nicholas and Spencer had to try too!!! It was pretty funny. We finally had Dad to come in to help. He was preparing dinner and it was delicious! I believe Spencer was hungry, he ate like a pig! He had his favorites: corn, green beans, and carrots! Nicholas had to have a plate too.
I also received a call from another mom with a FA son, who is also 4 years old. There are so many ups and downs, it like a roller coaster ride. Keep your chin up Kayla and keep smiling! Cry when nobody is looking, that's my motto! Please remember all of us in your prayers. Not only FA families, but others who are dealing with a disease of any kind.
It is snowing outside! Sissy Bear was in an accident on the way home from school. They are ok, no injuries. I dread going home. It is slick out there, so you all be carefull too. Continue those wonderful prayers, I can just see them flying through the air and landing in Jesus big wonderful hands. Aren't you glad we serve a praying Saviour? He is always listening and passes our prayers on to the Father. Thank You Jesus. As Nicholas said, "Good Job Jesus." The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 11:26 AM (CST)

Check out the new photo! Mamaw and Papaw came up to see the "Cowboy Christmas Tree" and the boys acted like it was the first time they had seen it. They get so excited, jumping up and down, running around in circles, showing the horses on the tree, and laughing! I put the perfect star on top, one I had purchased last year that lit up and was just the right size. They noticed it immediately! I have the hearth decorated with a nativity scene and angel lights. It looks so pretty. I need some more flowers on it I think and it will be great! We have only decorated since the boys came along, so I'm pretty new to this! It is so much fun watching them enjoy it. I hope we will get to make millions of memories for them. "It will put the spirit in everybody's heart", that is the motto!!!!
This Christmas, I'm so torn between emotions. I want it to be the best ever! I know we should live every day like it is our last and we try to. I just want it to be special and so far it has been already. Nicholas knows what the nativity scene represents and that is the reason for the season. Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. It has become so commercialized that the true meaning is lost to a lot of people. I do not promote Santa in any shape, form, or fashion, just the birth of Jesus. I hope to touch someone this season in a way that will lead them to Christ and begin a whole new life. Wouldn't that be the greatest gift you could give someone? New Life! God is so merciful and forgives us daily for our sins. I'm so glad I know a risen Saviour. May you and your family be blessed beyond measure in spirit and gifts, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, December 02, 2002 at 11:17 AM (CST)

I had to go back to work today and it has been rough emotionally. I've had a very weepy week-end, praying for strength. Seeing my baby on the front page of the Kingsport Times News didn't help a bit! Yes! The Front Page! believing! Thank you Stephen Igo for a wonderful, well written description of my babies. He described Nicholas as "....a walking, talking sunbeam!" Isn't that a perfect description of him? The Fig Newton Parade was wonderfull too.
One of the cutest things that happened over the week-end that I forgot to mention was what Nicholas told Bonnie. He said, "I haven't met a woman quite like you!" We all laughed and I looked up to see that Bonnie was melting, weeping, and laughing at the same time. We told the guys to take note!
Aunt Pat had to sing her little Christmas song again. Then she sang "I'm just a little piece of tin..." for Spencer. Spencer said, "agin!", then "agin!" He joined in and danced with her. She had to carry him around and he would not get down. She was too much fun! He loves dancing and singing too! They love a big time all the time.
They have enjoyed their Thanksgiving Holidays! Nicholas told Dad, "We had a great day at Papaw's, didn't we?" They love going down there. Thanks Mom for a wonderful Thanksgiving. We love you and Papaw.
Continue to remember all of the FA children and the others that are sick, remember us in you prayers too, the Boggs FAmily

Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 02:28 PM (CST)

Where do I begin? Tuesday, we left school and went for haircuts. Nicholas got his wish, he didn't cry and was a big boy. Spencer was another story! He started crying about half way through. We barely made it home, about 10 minutes before the reporter for Kingsport Times News came to do the interview. He was real nice and wanted Nicholas' little black book with his girlfriends numbers in it!
On Wednesday, we (my faithful mom, sister, Amanda (Nicholas' girlfriend), and her mom and Nana) went to JC to meet a bunch of people who had purchased Apple Butter to help support Nicholas. We felt we owed them a visit in person for they have been so good and wonderful to us. I'm sure we didn't meet them all but we do want to thank you for your support. Nicholas made eyes at a few girls even though they weren't blonde! Thanks Logan and Lisa for the videos and trucks. They have enjoyed them. Kim was trying to get him to show off in front of some of them and Nicholas told her to "SSSHHHH Stop this nonsense!" We all laughed at him. He had to be good in front of his girlfriend!!! Then we were put in a conference room and were playing with the trucks, when a photographer from the Kingsport Times News showed up and took pictures of the boys. They were suppose to have it in the paper sometime this week end. I haven't seen it yet.
Thursday, we went to Mosby's for Thanksgiving dinner. We had some people in from Northern VA and we all dined out. They had a wonderful meal. We then went to K-mart and got some shopping done. I went past the Christmas area and Nicholas started fussing, hollering at me to go back and look. I didn't know what he wanted to see. I backed back up and there were the trees lit up! He got so excited! Spencer was hollering, "Wook, Wook!" They are so funny. I have so much to be thankful for. God has blessed me in so many ways, I have no reason to complain.
Amanda, Becky, Sissy Bear and her sister-in-law Bonnie came for a visit and brought us some leftovers! It was delicious! That is the bad thing about eating out-no leftovers! We were telling Aunt Bonnie about Make-A-Wish-Foundation and Nicholas started telling her what he wished for. He told her what his biggest wish was to have a "big big tree, the biggest one!" She started talking about a "Cowboy Tree".
Friday, we enjoyed another wonderful day together. I could get used to being home in a heart beat! My Uncle Ken and Aunt Evelyn came down to our house for a visit. I was so excited to have them and enjoyed their visit tremendously. Uncle Ken bribed Nicholas into singing "Jesus Loves Me" for them. Both boys showed out big time! After they left, here Bonnie, Uncle Joyel, and Pat came with a "big tree!" They had bought him a tree with all the trimmings, cowboy hats, rope, lights, horses, little straw hats, ornaments, bears, snowmen, red birds, and with a bandanna skirt! It was beautiful. Nicholas saw it and started laughing and laughing. He couldn't stop! He grabbed the rope and started pulling it into the living room. He and Spencer jumped up and down constantly while putting the decorations on it. They were sooooo excited! Nicholas ran up to the tree and hugged it and kissed one of the horses. He and Spencer lay down under it and looked up at the lights. It was so precious. Nicholas said, "It looks beautiful." After they finished, Nicholas asked Aunt Bonnie, "Can we keep it?" Of course, she said yes! He laughed and said, "Oh boy!" They couldn't be still. I don't know who enjoyed it the most, the "big" kids or the little ones!!! Joyel, Pat, and Bonnie said that they had already had their Christmas! I don't know how to thank you guys. My heart has been so full of joy just watching them enjoy it. I can't begin to put it into words. "Thanks" just seems so little.
On Saturday morning, we had just turned the lights on the tree and Nicholas said, "That puts the spirit in everybody's heart." That kicked off another wonderful Thanksgiving day as we prepared to go to moms for dinner! She did most of the cooking and it was wonderful. Yes! I ate too much again. The boys loved being with their baby and Papaw! They kept Papaw busy climbing up the stairs. We could hear them running back and forth playing ball. Papaw acted like he fell down the stairs and we could hear Spencer laughing at him. They had a great day. We then paid Uncle Joyel's family a visit. We decorated gingerbread houses. It was so much fun. Nicholas couldn't put his gingerbread house together because he had to keep Jarred away from Amanda! I asked him if he were ready to go and he said, "No, I haven't hugged everybody yet!" When he hugged Amanda, he told her that he missed her. Sniff! Sniff! Now we know why Jarred couldn't wait until Christmas to give Amanda her ring! He knew Nicholas was cutting in on his time!
Continue praying for us and hug yours a little tighter, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 02:04 PM (CST)

Nicholas is in hog heaven.....sorry Amanda...he is eating tacos with a bunch of blondes!!! He quarrelled at another guy for coming too close. I asked him what Amanda was going to say...! We are visiting Sissy Bear's classroom. He loves being the center of attention. Spencer was in a good mood after a 2 hr nap. I was worried about coming across Bold Camp, its a crooked road, afraid they may get sick. We made it into the parking lot at the school and to the sidewalk and had to return to the van and vent. The gas just rolled out. If I don't get the gas off, he will throw up. He ended up throwing up just a little bit!
By the time we were ready to go in, Spencer had pulled off his coat and hat. Whew! I don't know why I do this. It is worth it! Just to see him chasing those boys away from the girls and hearing their laughter, its wonderful. Those children are enjoying him as much as he is enjoying them. They have no idea I'm writing about them. They are having a ball! I should tell you that today is taco day in Senora's last block. That is why we are here! We are going for haircuts and I decided to meet her so she wouldn't have to come home first. She then invited us over to her class. The girls are loving it. Spencer is having a ball looking at all the kids and Senora's decorations! He is running around everywhere. Thanks for letting us be in school again! It does bring back a lot of memories! That was too long ago to think about. We are going to be interviewed by Kingsport Times News this evening. I'm a little nervous. Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, November 25, 2002 at 11:44 AM (CST)

Nicholas and Spencer had a great time at Sissy Bear's. Nicholas told his dad that they "enjoyed their visit at Sissy Bears and had a great time playing Hide-N-Seek with Papa Bear!"
Jeff actually slept for 3.5 hrs. After countless nights of interrupted sleep, you just have to crash. If you don't, then no one want to be around you if you're grouchy all the time. I left so he could sleep. He sure needed the rest. That is the problem with dealing with a loved one who needs around the clock monitering, you lose sleep. Sleep is one thing that is hard to catch up on, once it's lost there is no going back to find it. You just do the best you can, snatching a nap if one comes along! I think Dad tries to be too tough and doesn't ever nap! Time is a hot commodity at our house. Yesterday, I put the stuff in the van, loaded the boys up, and stood there wondering why I was doing it. I was too tired to go and then when we left to come back home, it was so cold. I think I'm going to hibernate for the winter. If anyone wants to see us, you'll have to come to my house. The boys act like they have been let out of prison when we do get to go out. That is one reason we go a lot when it's warm, for I can't take a chance of them getting sick when it turns cold.
I forgot to mention, we have a WINNER!!! David Taylor, of Wise, won the Miner Quilt!!!!! He actually use to work in the mines. Congratulations David on your beautiful quilt.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Sunday, November 24, 2002 at 02:27 PM (CST)

We are down at Sissy Bear's house. She cooked and we invited ourselves down. She knows Nicholas loves chicken gravy and dumplings and told him at church that she had fixed them. He rolled those big brown eyes and licked his lips! We pulled up outside and Nicholas started sniffing the air and said, "Mom, I smell "shicken" and dumplings!" He probably ate a half of a teaspoon! Sissy Bear melted when Nicholas told her that they were sooooo good with a smile from ear to ear.
We had fun yesterday, we played, read, and played some more. Nicholas called Spencer 'ole pretty boy, and was so sweet with him yesterday. They were in the best moods and we had a great time. It was wonderful to be home with nothing pressing to do. I did get the fireplace cleaned but at a leisurely pace. I had to stop and read to Nicholas in the middle of it. It's good to have a day like that! I figured out why Spencer hasn't been eating like normal. He is cutting two molars! That explains a few things. I thought he was getting Bell's Palsy again. I will forever be on the outlook for that. Well, I guess we had better go home and wake up dad! He told Nicholas he was grumpy and Nicholas told him that he was too! Nicholas said, "I'm just a grumpy papa bear!" Naaah, I guess we had better let "grumpy daddy bear" sleep!!!!
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, November 22, 2002 at 11:02 AM (CST)

The representatives of Make-A-Wish Foundation came in bringing a stuffed duck and balloons. I looked up and saw the balloons and burst into tears. It's a wonder I didn't scare Nicholas and Spencer. I just wasn't expecting balloons. We had some papers to fill out and then she ask Nicholas what his wish was. He had an energy spurt and was bouncing everywhere. He came over to them and put his little finger on his mouth, blinked his eyes, and kept saying,"HMMMMMMM,HMMMMMMM, I wish, uh, HMMMMMMMM", so dramatic with that little impish grin and sparkling eyes. He knew he was being cute. Then he pecked his head with his finger just like Pooh does and said, "Think, Think, Think! HMMMMMMMMM." Then he told them he wanted to see Mickey, Minnie, Donald Duck, and Goofy, and that he wanted to dance with Mickey! They have to send it to headquarters and then they will contact us with the arrangements. If we are approved, we will try to go in March, unless his counts start dropping. We may have to go earlier. It sounds wonderful, I had no idea they did all of the things she was talking about last night. I let you know details later. It sounds as though they will treat him like a king. It is amazing. I hope he has a great time. Those girls fell in love with both of them and kept saying that they were too cute.
I returned a call from North Carolina and it turned out to be a FA mother, newly diagnosed within the last 6 months. A baby boy, that has several problems just like Nicholas. It brought back lots of memories. Say a prayer for her too. That actually makes about 3 or 4 within the last month that has been diagnosed. Our extended family is growing and will continue as the doctors become more educated on what to look out for.
This disease is horrible. You can help make a difference. Give Blood, Become a Registered Bone Marrow Donor, Keep your Bone Marrow Donor Status updated, especially if you have moved or if your health changes. Help organized a blood drive in your area, or a bone marrow drive. I'd love to have a bone marrow drive in all over the US on the same day. Wouldn't that be awesome! I would love to hear from, Northern VA, Oregon, Alabama, North Carolina, Tennessee......Let's go for it. We are thinking about one in March, 03 at the University of VA at Wise. If you are interested, please let me know.
Continue those wonderful prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 11:11 AM (CST)

I asked what he wanted again last night and he said something about his hair cut (he is worrying about his haircut) and go see those pretty girls at Johnson City!!!! I laughed! He heard me saying something about going to meet Lisa and her friends at JC and he started asking questions. He was afraid he had to have blood drawn! He is a BIG flirt! Lisa had better warn those girls beforehand. He is going to knock them for a loop!! I can just see him...smiling, rolling those beautiful eyes, crossing his little arms, and patting that foot! He is a ham! Spencer won't let him get all of the attention, he will make sure he receives his share. He and Nicholas were fighting over Kim's keys the other night. Spencer would get them and put them on a chair and Nicholas would take them back to Kim. They did this several times. I got so tickled at them. Then, they started pushing the other one away, wanting all of the attention themselves.
Last night, Nicholas told me he wanted his Daddy. I asked him if he still loved me. He said, "No! Spencer does!" He has been jealous of me patting Spencer the last couple of nights. After we were in bed, this little voice hollered, "MOM!" I went to him and he told me he loved me. He reached for my hand and laid it on his heart. I melted! He said he was just teasing me. I love them so much. Spencer had the wide eye and didn't go to sleep until late. I woke up at 1:30am and he had the afgan, that my Aunt Ova had made for him, up against his face and was asleep. I don't think he had been asleep for long, maybe an hour. I think he got still and that's what woke me up. I was back up at 2:40 with Nicholas and again at 4:00 with Spencer. He wanted "Ma." I feel like a yo-yo!
Well, tonight is the big night. He will tell what he wants! He asked me last night where we were going. I told him anywhere he wants to go that we would take him. He asked if Spencer got to go too. I told him yes, that we all were going. He was better satisfied then. He said he didn't know where he wanted to go, then turned around and ask his dad to give him a bath before they go see Mickey! He must of thought that we were going today to see Mickey. It was so cute. We will go see Mickey or Lisa at JC!!!!!
Jeff and I were discussing the right time to take him night before last and when he came in last night, I knew something was wrong. I think this is depressing him, granting Nicholas his "once in a lifetime trip". He wouldn't talk about what was bothering him. It's not easy. There are so many different emotions that we are going through and will go through. I've been on an emotional roller coaster all week. Just pray for us and remember a friend of mine who is going through a tough time right now, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 11:41 AM (CST)

Spencer was in bed and Dad was brushing Nicholas' teeth when Spencer started hollering for his dad. I started singing "Daddy, How We Love You", the one that Sharon serenaded Papaw with at his 75th birthday. Spencer didn't like that at all. So, I substituted his name in there. Guess what he did then! He settled right down, then he turned over and looked up at me so sweet and said, "Baba" Again, I substituted "Baby" for "Daddy", He loved it. I would quit singing to see what he would do. He would look at me and say "Baba" to get me to sing again. It was too precious. He went to sleep really quick! I may be on to something, his special song. I love him so much. Nicholas went to sleep fairly quick too. I patted him and made kissy sounds and he gave me a sleepy little smack. It was so sweet. He told Kim, who came after the last of the apple butter!, that she was so kind. That is his saying for the week it seems.
No joke, the apple butter is gone! It has been suggested we make more! Anybody know where we can get some apples?
Tomorrow night is the night! Pray for us, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 11:41 AM (CST)

Spencer was in bed and Dad was brushing Nicholas' teeth when Spencer started hollering for his dad. I started singing "Daddy, How We Love You", the one that Sharon serenaded Papaw with at his 75th birthday. Spencer didn't like that at all. So, I substituted his name in there. Guess what he did then! He settled right down, then he turned over and looked up at me so sweet and said, "Baba" Again, I substituted "Baby" for "Daddy", He loved it. I would quit singing to see what he would do. He would look at me and say "Baba" to get me to sing again. It was too precious. He went to sleep really quick! I may be on to something, his special song. I love him so much. Nicholas went to sleep fairly quick too. I patted him and made kissy sounds and he gave me a sleepy little smack. It was so sweet. He told Kim, who came after the last of the apple butter!, that she was so kind. That is his saying for the week it seems.
No joke, the apple butter is gone! It has been suggested we make more! Anybody know where we can get some apples?
Tomorrow night is the night! Pray for us, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 11:46 AM (CST)

I just remembered a couple of funnies from the last few days. Nicholas received a card from his new friend, Kim. I told him he had mail, he stuck his tongue out to one side, rolled and blinked his eyes, and smiled from ear to ear. I read the card to him and he said, "She is so kind."
Soooo I put his address on this site if you want to send him a card. He will love it.
He has been granted his wish from Make-A-Wish-Foundation and will interview him on Thursday. I have been asking him what he wants...hopefully Disney World!!! Thanks for the tip on getting the Disney video from the Travel Agency Kim. He loved it. I asked him again last night and he said, "I wish that I wouldn't cry when I get a haircut!" I just hugged him and told him that he hadn't cried the last several times. It was so precious. Of course there were tears in Mom's and Dad's eyes. He will get HIS wish, it's untelling what he will tell them. IF he does say "go see Mickey!), then we will have to decide when is the best time to go. We will have to go before his counts drop too low but yet warm enough for him to tolerate the trip. I want him to see EVERYTHING, enjoy the little things, and experience life. How on earth can I cram it all in before his transplant? If he doesn't see Mickey, I know its not the end of the world and not the most important. I guess I'll have to depend on God for guidance. Maybe, just good, quiet, quality time with God, mom, dad, brother, family, and friends would be best.
Until next time, hugs and kisses from the Boggs FAmily

Monday, November 18, 2002 at 11:39 AM (CST)

We had the Soup Bean-Taco Salads Dinner for Nicholas Saturday and it was a very nasty day. Not much of a turn out, so guess who has to eat about 15 lbs of Soup Beans and a huge bowl of Taco Meat left!!!! We did meet a new family and were grateful to make more friends. Thanks to the faithful ones who always come to his functions and continue to support us in all ways. My heart is full of gratitude. Thanks to those who sent money and didn't eat.
Spencer was rough-housing with Nicholas and they fell on the floor. Nicholas ended up bumping his head on the floor. Another bruise! He hit his head the other night and it scared me too death. It took him a while to get over it. I'm going to check to see when he has his next ct scan.
Everyone is telling me that Johnny Woods has bells palsey and that they did a segment on it. When Spencer crys, he still has a droopiness on the right side of his face. It will be 12 weeks this Thursday. He is eating a little better. He wasn't feeling well Saturday and slept 3 1/2 hrs on Sunday. It was after 11:00 when he went to sleep last night. I still feel tired today and my hands and arms are hurting. I think I overdid it Saturday. I will have to have surgery this winter sometime! Whenever I can fit it in!
Nicholas has said so many cute things that I wanted to remember but I can't think of a one now. I'll have to record them whenever I think of them.
Until next time, lots of love, hugs, kisses, and prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, November 15, 2002 at 11:13 AM (CST)

We had a wonderful evening, playing and laughing. It was so different than evening before last, someone prayed through! Thanks. The boys were feeling better and so was mom. Pray for Mamaw, she has it now and is on antibiotics.
They both enjoyed a visit from Lena Gay and send her hugs and kisses for the homemade fries. I'll have to think of something else to leave in her vehicle so she can bring it back up! They also enjoyed having Jarred and Amanda over. Nicholas growled at Jarred and told him that he was ferocious, trying to scare Jarred away from his "girlfriend." Amanda asked Nicholas if he was going to flirt with the girls tomorrow at the Soup Bean Dinner. He said, "No, I'll just be friendly with them." I told Jarred he couldn't use that excuse with Amanda! We had a good laugh.
Last night, Nicholas didn't want to roll over for me to vent his stomach. Again, I asked Jesus to help him mind me and obey his parents. He rolled over immediately and I said "Good Job, Jesus." Nicholas looked at me and asked, "What did Jesus say?" "Jesus said that He wants all of his children to obey him." That satisfied him. He is so sharp.
We are gearing up for the Soup Bean/Taco Salad Dinner. If you want to bring something by, then have it there by 2:00 pm. I get too excited at these events. We will draw for the miner quilt at the end of the day, Saturday.
I'll be busy tonight!
Continue in prayer for the Robert Hale family of Coeburn. I think they are burying him on Sunday. Continue to remember us, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 11:05 AM (CST)

We had a pretty rough evening with Spencer being ill as a hornet! He didn't want me to do anything for Nicholas. I think he is trying to adjust to mommy going to work and wanted my undivided attention. Nicholas wasn't feeling the best and started crying every time Spencer looked at him. He was pettish as well, pouting when he didn't get his way. I wasn't feeling well either. I don't know why we didn't just have a pity party and get it over with! By the time I arrived at home there were waves of nausea washing over me and a roar in my ears. I don't think I'm over the inner ear thing yet. I feel better this morning. I don't know why though, Spencer slept 4 hours and was up at 3:30am! He went back to sleep at 6:10am, but I couldn't! He was rubbing behind his right ear and I'm so scared he is going to have bell's palsy again. He didn't eat much at all yesterday and that is what happened last time, the very same symptoms. If he does, then its back to Knoxville! What else is going to happen? I'm just glad that God has big shoulders and can lift heavy burdens. I was worried about Nicholas Tuesday, he looked blue around his mouth and nose, more so than usual. He is so congested the first thing in the morning but gets ok up in the day.
Last night Dad hit his fork against the plate to get some butter, and Nicholas jumped and said, "You scared the life out of me!" We got so tickled at him. He asked to pray for "everybody" at bedtime, then asked where those pretty girls were going to be in the next breath. I told him he would see them Saturday at the Soup Bean Dinner. He smiled from ear to ear, rolled his eyes and blinked his eyelids! He gets so excited. "For me?" Yes, they are doing it for you. "Oh, Boy." He is something else.
Night before last he asked Dad, "What's germs mean?" We couldn't hardly make out what he was saying. We have been stressing hand washing to get rid of germs. He wanted to know all about them and then he wanted to pray for Spencer and me that God would keep us safe from germs, my body and my pretty legs and hands. I laughed so hard I was crying when he said that but tried not to let him see me, for he was serious about those germs. I know he hears me saying these things but he remembers them and applies it to whatever he wants to. It is hilarious. They both are so sweet, when they want to be.
Continue to remember us in your prayers and pray that God protects us from those germs, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 08:09 AM (CST)

We have survived! Nicholas and Spencer are doing great. Saturday they only had runny noses. We didn't have to go on antibiotics, thank the good Lord. Spencer saw Dr. Begley on Tuesday and he didn't have fluid on his ears just a stuffy nose. I was worried that he may get an ear infection and have to deal with the bell's palsy again. They have played hard and had a great time with mommy the last two days. Nan Nan got sick but is feeling better. Guess who is crying today? I miss them so much. I don't think I will ever get "caught up" on hugs and kisses. We have had a ball. I think I actually strained a muscle in my leg, dancing around and playing. It feels better today.
The boys have done so many cute things I can't remember them all. They keep me laughing. Nicholas told me that something was "awesome!" He tells everyone that a bear is "ferocious" when something gets around its cubs (tubs):) He doesn't forget much. He is so little to be using such big words. Jeff told him those words were bigger than he was. He just laughed! Nicholas and Spencer were soaking wet with sweat Monday evening playing with Kim and Sammy. They were "bears" and were scaring Kim. Nicholas would playfully push Spencer away from Kim! (using his head)! They had a blast. When Kim left he told her, "See ya later honey! Kim cracked up!
We were saying our bed time prayers last night. Nicholas said he loved his "daddy, mommy, and Spencer, but sometimes I get grumpy, tired, and get into things I shouldn't"........ He said other things but I couldn't make them out. I don't know what brought this on. It must have been confession time or something. I told him I get grumpy sometimes too, like yesterday when I had a headache. He said that he remembered that! I told him we would just ask God to forgive us and help us to do better. He has the sweetest actions and just smiled. He petted on his dad and rubbed noses with him and told him he loved him every other breath! He is such a doll. Spencer will mock him and hug on us too. Spencer went to sleep last night with his horse he got for his birthday. He had a Veggie Tale 2nd Birthday Party. The cake was beautiful and he loved it. He sends kisses to Aunt Glenda for the cake. He kept poking his finger in the edge of the icing and eating it before dinner! He loved it. I had a brain storm and fixed Larry and Bob out of a cumcumber and tomato (of course), and Mr. Potato Head parts. They looked adorabe. I used them for the center piece on the goodie table. I think Nicholas was more excited about Spencer's presents than Spencer was. Spencer pulled out the clothes and just held them up and looked at them and them he tried to fold them back up. It was so cute. He liked everthing and loved his little Dirt Devil Vacuum Cleaner! You guess it! Mom is starting eary to train him right! Thanks everybody for all the gifts and money.
On the mend, we are forever indebted to you for your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

12:30 I've just had a withdrawal panic attack. I had the feeling that something was wrong and called home. Everything is ok. I hate these scared feelings. Please whisper a prayer for me.

Friday, November 08, 2002 at 11:15 AM (CST)

Guess who I'm talking to?!?! One on my babies! He wants me to bring him just french fries home. He is coughing and coughed through out the night. He had to be vented, breathing treatment, and suctioned all night long. He may have slept for 2 solid hours in between. Spencer coughed some too. The medicine didn't help much. They go to the doc on Tuesday anyway. Maybe they won't be too sick before then. We've had to give breathing treatments every 3 hours. I just hope they don't get rsv. We will still have cake and ice cream on Sunday for Spencer's birthday for the adults, I don't want the other children sick. Hopefully, we will be well enough for that, if not we will do it sometime. He will be 2 on Monday! He wasn't feeling well yesterday evening and did not want me to do anything for Nicholas. We had a time. My throat is still sore at times and I'm getting congested in my chest. I will probably on antibiotics for a while. I feel sure the boys will be on them too. Pray for us, we need it all. The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 10:06 AM (CST)

My sister tried to surprise me with a 40th birthday (girls only) party at Bonanza. I was surprised that so many came. I was pleased. Thanks Sis. I didn't know it sounded so old until I just wrote it! AAArrrggggg! I feel terrible today and I think the boys are getting it. Nicholas nor Spencer slept the best and woke up coughing several times. Nicholas is real junky today and Spencer acts like his throat is sore. I must have an inner ear infection, I've had several dizzy spells. I'm not blonde either! Not yet! Dad didn't get much sleep at all. He was sick on his birthday and now I'm sick on mine. It's still not as bad as turning 30. Oh well, you may have to pray a little harder for us from now on. There are 2 other children that have recently been diagnosed, one from North Carolina and the other from Harrisonburg. I thank God for all the support from my family and friends. It sure makes it easier to bear when everyone else helps with the load. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts. Remember us all, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 11:43 AM (CST)

Yesterday, Jeff was working on the blazer and went in the house for something. He told Nicholas that he had to go back out and work on the blazer. Nicholas asked him what was the problem? Jeff told him and he said, "Oh." Just like he knew all about it. Mamaw called and asked about him and I told her he was a little grumpy. He didn't want me to write on a piece of paper and I asked him what was wrong with him. He folded his arms, pouted, and said, "I'm just a little grumpy." I couldn't help but laugh. I ask him if he want to go to bed and he said yes. I put him to bed and told him he could get up when he felt sociable. I made it back to the kitchen and he hollered. 30 seconds at most. I went back to his room and he smiled and said he felt so much better and could be sociable now! I rolled. He knew what he was doing. I just wished 30 seconds would do that much for me. Powerful. I'm on antibiotics and started coughing yesterday evening. Nicholas asked me what was wrong and I told him I was sick. He hugged me, rubbed his head against mine, and told me he would pray for me. Precious. Talking about a little touch of Heaven here on this earth. We were singing "Jesus Loves Me" and Spencer supplied the "so." He is so sweet and tries to sing. They were holding post-it notes and singing "Amazing Grace" and "Jesus Loves Me." Nicholas had to push a button on the antique phone before each song. I guess that was his pitch pipe! I get so tickled at them. Spencer will sing and then check to see if I'm watching him. They both are darling. Another day at the Boggs Bungalow! Keep those prayers going, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 11:02 AM (CST)

The boys have done so many cute things, I can't remember them all. Spencer had a tummy ache the other night and Dad put him in bed with us. He wanted next to Mommy. He had to be touching me at all times. It was so sweet and took me back to 2 years ago when he was born. I think I'll save this update for his birthday. Naaah, I'll do it while its on my heart. He was born via c-section and they had to use forceps for he was already in birthing position. I started labor pains when I arrived at the hospital and they kept checking to see if I had dilated. He was hard to get out for they kept pushing on my stomach, trying to move him around, and almost pushed my chest into my throat. I felt like I was choking, they were pushing so hard. I couldn't feel exactly what they were doing, but I knew they were pushing and tugging. I finally felt him leaving my body with a swooshing sound. He was snatched from his warm nest and was terrified. I don't blame him, I wanted him back too. He opened his eyes to bright lights and a cold room. He wanted back in his warm, safe mommy. He continued to cry while in his bassinet and would throw his hands into the air and just tremble at every sound. Every time I picked him up and put him next to me he would calm right down. He slept next to my hip and thigh with my hand on him at all times. He wanted that warm, snuggly feeling. He was so sweet and precious, such a snuggle baby. Then he had jaundice and was re-admitted into Norton Community Hospital. I was trying to breast feed and didn't have enough for that little hungry baby and finally relented to formula. He then started throwing up continually and on Dec. 12 underwent surgery for Pyloric Stenosis. The valve at the base of his stomach had closed off. The surgery helped and he could eat all he wanted then. I felt so helpless the day of his surgery. He couldn't have anything to eat and they performed surgery at 10:25am the next day. I had to listen to him cry all night and the next morning and couldn't feed him. That was when they gave him a pacifier. Talking about torture. I was an emotional roller coaster anyway with my hormones going haywire. My instincts were to feed him!
Anyway, the other night he kept turning and twisting but had to touch me at all times. If he was up-side down in the bed, then I had to play with his feet. He would turn back around and lay on my stomach, my bladder!, my chest, or my arm. It brought back all those precious memories and brought tears to my eyes. There is nothing like a baby, a true gift of God. I thank God I have two precious gifts. Remember us in your prayers and hug your precious gifts, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, November 04, 2002 at 11:05 AM (CST)

Wed. Spencer saw the ent and he said that if the ear infections are causing the bell's palsy then he can put a tube in his ear, but he has to see him within the first couple of days of onset. I hope he doesn't have another round with it.
Thursday, we went to the aquarium. The boys loved it. Spencer saw the sharks and said, "Teece." He throughly enjoyed seeing all those fish. Nicholas was afaid of the octopus but enjoyed the rest of it. We had a great time just relaxing and enjoying a change of scenery. It was too cold to go hiking but we still had fun.
Friday, Nicholas went to the gi doctor. He has had tummy problems since Sunday. They took a specimen to check for infections. We'll have to wait on that one. He seems to be a little better.
It was good to be back home. My house is turned upside down! Worse than before! I've washed clothes and tried to do a little house work, but haven't made a dent in it. I'll get there eventually. We have apple butter, 336 more quarts to sale. If you want to buy some, let me know. I appreciate Betty, Tommy, Sharon, and Kim for taking time to make it. They put in a good day and worked so hard. I think Sharon and Kim livened up the whole place, they are both so crazy! Thanks guys.
I woke up with a severe sore throat this morning and feel terrible. Remember us all in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 12:15 PM (CST)

This will be the last update for this week, unless I find access to a computer somewhere. Spencer goes to see the ent at Knoxville tomorrow and Nicholas has an appoint on Friday so we are taking an extra day off. I'll have to let you know what all we get to do, hopefully just relax and enjoy a day off. Maybe go to the aquarium in Pigeon Forge. Nicholas and Spencer are ok, Nicholas is feeling a little better. Continue to remember us in your prayers, remember the appointments this week, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, October 28, 2002 at 11:28 AM (CST)

What a week-end! The horse ride turned out beautiful with rain in the morning and cleared up with sunshine on and off for the rest of the day. Many, many thanks to the 42 riders who rode and came back hungry. The Dingus family outdone themselves with good chili for hot dogs, melt in your mouth brownies, hay stacks (delicious), and fried apple pies. Thanks to Clara and Becky Moore, and Mary Mabe for making fried pies too. Thanks to Mamaw and Aunt Sharon for the fudge and cakes. As always we are thankful for Tommy Finch, the trail master, for doing a wonderful job. I guess the ring leader of the horse rides is Betty Jones, a long time friend. Nicholas and Spencer love her dearly. We thank Betty for the wonderful job of organizing the entire event, the riders, food, contributions, and donations. She has put in so much of her time into planning these rides and deserves a big thank you. Our hats off to you Betty. (Clap, Clap, Clap). Nicholas thanks everyone too, with hugs and kisses. He and Spencer loved the horses and didn't want to get off when someone rode them. They made lots of new friends too. The day ended with special prayer at the Dungannon United Methodist Church where a youth rally was going on. They have been praying for our family and I wanted them to meet Nicholas and Spencer. Thanks Libbey for the invitation and most of all for the prayers. The boys thank Diane for the cupcakes too. Spencer fell asleep on the way home and only woke up briefly during the pj change and slept throught the night. He was exhausted from his big day. Nicholas slept a little while on the way home and was 11:30 going to sleep. He was too excited! Sunday, he woke up with an intestinal bug. He is still sick today so remember him in your prayers. Until next time, we are in His care, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, October 25, 2002 at 11:11 AM (CDT)

I thought of something that happened the other night and forgot to write about. Nicholas noticed the sheetrock had been taken down from the bathroom wall. He asked his Dad what happened and Jeff explained that he was going to combine two switches into one and then put the sheetrock back up. Nicholas said, "I don't believe a word of it!" Dad laughed. It was too cute. Nicholas also told me who knocked down our mail boxes. He said it was a white and blue truck, a big one. Sure enough Grand P&F tried to turn in our driveway and hit them. He doesn't miss a thing.
He also took up with Charlotte last night during Bible study at Davis Chapel. He went with them to pray at the altar and pulled his little glasses off and laid them on the altar. Spencer went too and put his little hands and face down on the altar. It was so sweet. I think it touched all who saw them. Oh, if we could only be as humble as a child, all the time. God could really use us and we would be able to do great works. I let too much interfere. Today must be Friday Confession day! You don't have the time to listen to all my faults and I don't have enough space. I must be thinking too hard, I have a head ache.
Dad went after 39 bushels of apples yesterday evening. Apple butter is on its way! I think the plan is to make it on the 31st, if you would like to help just let us know.
Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 11:21 AM (CDT)

Everyone is ok at the moment. I'm excited about the horse ride for Saturday. I'm making gift baskets with apples and caramel apple dip, and goodies. They are so pretty. I can't wait. The miner quilt is going to be given away soon, so get a ticket if you want one. I guess that's all for the moment, just getting ready takes a couple of days, actually weeks of planning. Thank God for all the friends that are helping, I couldn't do this by myself. Through Nicholas, we have met so many wonderful people who have poured their hearts out in so many ways. It has been amazing, the effect he has on people. He wins their hearts with just his picture and melts it when they meet face to face. Everyone is trying not to be partial to Nicholas and leave little Spencer out. Spencer won't be left out in any shape or form. He makes his own statement! He has a wonderful smile and when he smiles, it's from the heart, no pretending with him. He is a sweetheart too. They painted their "home-grown" pumpkin last night and had a blast. Nicholas said he didn't have fun finger painting but loved painting with the brush. Freezer paper is great to paint on! We made feet with our hands and Nicholas put 7 toes on his. It was hilarious. Spencer kept painting in everybodys spot, he helped me a lot! They had more paint on them than on the paper. Dad's t-shirts got the most! He didn't know what to think when he came home.
See, we can have fun in the midst of heartache. We have to!
Remember us in your prayer, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 11:52 AM (CDT)

We went to sing at a revival held by Randy Short and Danny Mullins at Martha's Chapel last night. This lady felt impressed to be anointed for Nicholas. They anointed both of them. It was so sweet. I got a glimpse of Nicholas totally healed, running and playing. I don't know what it means, but it was wonderful. Within seconds, the lady that was anointed shouted and praised the Lord. I actually checked his visible deformaties to see if he had been healed, it was so powerful. I know the Lord can touch him at any moment, I have to be patient. In His time...
Continue those faithful prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 11:37 AM (CDT)

Today is Tuesday and I will smile and be glad. There! That's settled. I look back at Nicholas' pictures when he first came home and I shutter. Why wasn't I scared to death? I did not have enough sense to be! I looked at him, then and now, and I see a beautiful, happy, funny, fun-loving, great spirited little angel. (That makes me smile). I don't see the deformities or sickness. I see my precious gift from God. I look at the water in the half full glass. I see what is there, the potential, and the good.
I was feeding him and we were playing our "Guess this animal" game. I was helping him describe a rabbit. He is so funny. I love to hear him try to describe things. It makes my heart swell with fresh love. I ask him what Thumper liked to eat. He was trying to remember "blossum" and he said "bloomers." I lost it and he laughed too. We couldn't stop. He then kept saying it to make us laugh again. He loves a big time. Spencer was playing in the living room and he just turned around and looked at us. He then threw his head back and laughed which caused us to start laughing again. We needed a good laugh. It must have engerized me for I cooked dinner and then cleaned on the house until 9:00 pm. I actually vacuumed and dusted the living room in the same day!
Yesterday I spoke with Nicholas on the phone. He asked me who was speaking please. I told him mommy. He then asked me my middle name. I told him and he said, "What?" then told me bye. Short and to the point!
Keep laughing, hugging, and kissing those precious gifts. Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, October 21, 2002 at 11:09 AM (CDT)

I've added a new picture, a collection that shows Nicholas from birth to 3 yrs old and Spencer to 1 yr old. I'll add more as I can. We had a great week-end, the normal gas and throwing up. We had hair cuts this week-end or trims I should say. We went to a home-interior party and sold 7 t-shirts! It was fun. This was the first party I had gotten to attend in a long time...4 years probably! I had a time keeping Spencer out of the goodies, she had items displayed on the floor. Thanks to the Dingus family for the support and love you've shown our family in such a short time we've known each other. I guess we have Nicholas to thank for that, he brought us together and now we have increased our circle of friends. It seems we've always known each other. We went to Mamaw Boggs for dinner Sunday and it was delicious. Thanks Mamaw.
Spencer is doing so much better. He isn't staring anymore. I think I'm going to cancel his eeg. I'm so tired of puttings these boys through so many test and still not knowing anything. He must have been tired and that was his way of dealing with it. The dr was right! Most of all, he has his dimple back. He only has one in his right cheek. I was tickled to see it and had missed it so much. He is a doll. I can brag! I'm the mommy, that's why!
I'm still going to see the ent in Knoxville about his Bell's Palsy, to see if there is any thing they can do to prevent another episode, besides surgery.
Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, October 18, 2002 at 11:04 AM (CDT)

Nicholas has a rash on his hip and is verrry sore. Spencer threw something and it hit his hip and caused major pain. He was sort of restless last night and cried out in pain. Spencer then had a tummy ache at 3:30 until 4:30. Life in the fast lane! I'm tired to say the least. I'm now gearing up for the 3rd horse ride on Oct. 26, 2002. Thanks to all who have bought apple butter. We sold out and have to make another batch! 256 quarts so far! It is delicious.
If anyone wants to help, let me know. I hate to keep asking so please volunteer!
Mamaw and Papaw came up yesterday evening and she informed me it had been two weeks since she had been there. Nicholas hugged and hugged on her. He had missed his baby. It killed her because she couldn't lift him. She is still very sore and is protective of her right arm. Spencer was happy to see them too. The other day, Spencer dropped something, he threw those little hands on his hips, said, "Oh shoot" with a frown. Then he look at me to see if I was watching. I lost it and he started laughing too. He is something else and mocks everybody. I'm glad I don't curse! He mocks his daddy sighing too. If you ask Nicholas something, he has started saying, "Well" and then answering the question. I don't know where he got that from. They mock us and we don't realize what we are doing. It is hilarious. I love them so much. Last sunday, Nicholas mocked Hollis Layne preach and said, "Bless your heart." Hollis loved it.
Continue to remember us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 11:22 AM (CDT)

We're home. Typical hospital stay. Arrived at Hospital at 2:00. Admitted around 3:00. The ped floor had not been notified of our pending arrival and it was chaos. The nurses that knew him were coming by to say hello and were amazed at how much he had grown. One nurse was asking me questions for the admit in between. I had to repeat the procedures scheduled about 4 different times. One nurse ask me if the doctors knew that they were doing the procedures. I laughed and explained yes it had all been coordinated between the physicians. They put the Ph probe in his nose and down his esophagus, he gagged and fought. He was so good and didn't pull it out. He was very subdued after that and wouldn't play. He was pouting at me. They had to draw blood and put in an iv. The got the blood needed but stuck him 3 times and still no iv. I told them to put it in his left big toe but they wouldn't listen. They waited until the night shift came on so they could do it. I was trying to feed him during all of this too. I can't feed him a full feeding for he will throw it up during the iv sticks. Around 9:00 the night shift nurse decided not to wait on the nurse from the NICU unit(a nicu nurse is used to putting the ivs in small veins). I told her about his good toe and she got the iv in the first attempt! At 12:15 am, his platelets arrived and they had to take his blood pressure and temp every 15 min until 1:30 am. If they had put the iv in earlier, he would have gotten to sleep and so would I. Wednesday: They came after him at 7:15 am and after prepping him, took him in for procedures at 8:00. They took out the ph probe first. The bone marrow aspiration was next, then the bronoscopy. His lungs were wet and the lower lobes were irritated. They did cultures. They couldn't do the endoscopy, his esophagus is too small. They didn't have a baby scope in this surgical area. The ph probe showed he does have reflux. We will update test results as we get them.
Spencer was so happy to see Nicholas. He walked from side to side, like a bear, laughing and squealing "Nic". It was priceless. Thanks for praying for us, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 06:10 AM (CDT)

The drs have decided to admit Nicholas today and start the procedures early. We will starting at 3:00 today. Pray for us, pray that the iv goes in the first time, pray for good test results. He will need a platelet transfusion before his biopsy tomorrow, remember that. I'm sure he will charm the nurses as usual. I'm taking t-shirts to sell, you never know when someone will want one. I know, I missed my calling. I should have been a peddleress! I feel sometimes like the con man who opens his trench coat and there are watches attached all over it! My trunk is full of Nicholas' stuff. Many many thanks to Robin and Mike for the bumper stickers. Thanks to all who worked on them at the Arkansas Labeling Company. They are beautiful and everone wants one. Thanks Robin. Nicholas sends hugs and kisses to you and a bear growl for Mike! I asked Nicholas who he wanted to pray for and he said ...all those young fellows take care of the blondes. He fell in love with two blondes Sunday and he was asking God to let Jeremy and Jarred take care of Becky and Amanda. It was so cute and sweet. He looks out for his girlfriends! Spencer looks out for his Mamaw. He knows what side of his bread is buttered!
Remember us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Monday, October 14, 2002 at 11:13 AM (CDT)

We had a pretty good week-end. No major hic-cups! The boys played well together, they like tickling each other and wrestling. I get so tickled at them. I have been sorting toys and trying to give some away. I don't think it is going to happen, Spencer and Nicholas go to the give away box and drags the toys back out. Oh, well!
Nicholas' hematologist has decided to do a biopsy of his bone marrow on wednesday while he is under general anesthesia. That makes the 4th procedure they are doing. Please pray that we have great test results. The bone marrow biopsy will tell exactly what is going on with the marrow. I'd rather have it done now than wait a month and have to sedate him again. This is the 14th time he has had a procedure done to him, not including all the bloodwork! I think his counts have improved, he has less bruising. Except for his head, he ran into an open drawer(my fault) and then fell the next day and bumped his head in the same spot. I felt terrible. He and Spencer are going to have to stop rough housing, too! How can you stop him playing? I love to see him run around, if he isn't moving he is sick. It will be more difficult, mentally and physically, as we continue on this journey. Remember to hug yours a little tighter and longer, tell them you love them, and pray continually, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, October 11, 2002 at 11:00 AM (CDT)

A sleepy Hi,
I thought my head was hurting yesterday! Today, after a sleepless night, it feels numb! I was up with Nicholas, coughing and needing venting, until 2 am and then at 2:30 Spencer started crying. At 3:30 am, he is playing and laughing and won't go back to sleep. Instead of fussing and quarreling, which is what a sleep deprived "normal" person would do, we start playing too somewhere in the neighborhood of 4:15. 5:30 it was time to get up anyway. What a night! I think he is getting his days and nights mixed up. Oh, well. He acted so sweet, I couldn't help but get tickled at him. Maybe tonight will be better, please pray for that to happen. Thanks, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 10:11 AM (CDT)

I'm just not feeling well. My head hurts. I'm sleepy and grouchy... you get the picture!! Nicholas has a rash around his trach and it looks awful. I'm afraid he is getting sick. We gave him Tylenol/cold medicine yesterday and it dilated his eyes. He slept pretty good and did not need venting until this morning. He was so tired and fell asleep almost immediately. This makes 2 nights in a row he has been asleep by 9:30 pm. He slept with his little arm up behind his head and he was half way on his stomach. Seeing him like that broke my heart for some reason. He can't sleep on his stomach because of the g-tube. The speech therapist gave him a pipe to blow through that has a ball in it. He has to blow until the ball hovers above the pipe. We were practicing tuesday evening and he blew the ball up about 3 inches. I whooped and hollered! He was so tickled that he did it. I have never heard him laugh so hard and for so long. Jeff even got tickled at him. He had his passey muir on and sounded so sweet. It brought tears to my eyes. He asked us if we were proud of him. I told him I was pleased as punch! He thought that was funny and started laughing again. He is still doing well with it. He got the ball to hover last night. This exercise will strength facial muscles, improve speech, as well as his lungs and lung capacity. Spencer is still a little grumpy but sweet as ever. Until next time....remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 11:32 AM (CDT)

We took Spencer to a neurologist and he dosn't feel that he is having seisures but is going to do an eeg and send him to a ent for the bell's palsy at the end of the month. Another 3 hr trip! one way! Spencer was a pure angel and did really well on the trip. Nicholas missed his mom. He missed Spencer and Dad too. I guess things are ok for the moment. Mamaw is still sore and her foot swells up at night, otherwise is going strong. I feel brain dead at the moment so I'd better go for now. Thanks for stopping in. Continue to pray for us, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, October 07, 2002 at 11:04 AM (CDT)

I've calmed down but still don't have a video camera yet. Too busy getting ready for the fall fling sat. It was a success and I want to thank all those who made it possible. Many thanks to the Pound Spanish and Beta Club volunteers for their time and effort on Nicholas' behalf. They sold 121 chances on the Miner Quilt as well as took care of our booth. Thanks for your hard work and support. We were busy but had fun and enjoyed meeting old and new friends. Thanks Senora Sissy Bear for making all the fudge, rice krispies, cakes, and brownies. Thanks to Aunt Juanita Large, Pat Mullins, and Geneva Dotson for making fried apple and peach pies. We could have sold them all day long. Everyone wanted fried pies. My mom made a Modified Cake before her accident. Yes, an accident. She left the car in gear and was going to get something out of the trunk when she noticed it rolling backwards. She tried to grab the handle and it jerk her around and she landed on her right sholder. She rolled away from the car, thank goodness and didn't have any broken bones, just bruises and sore. The car rolled back into the creek, missing the bridge and tree. Mamaw was more worried about the sugar she had bought for apple butter and the car. It was soaked! The trunk went into the creek!
We had an sacrament service Sunday at church (Communion and Washing Feet) and Nicholas helped wash Joyel Wayne and Papaw's feet. It was so precious. We have so many things blessings to be thankful for. We were so thankful to have Mamaw there. Sharon and I washed her feet. Things could have been a whole lot worse. These are memories never to be forgotten.
We are taking Spencer tomorrow for a brain wave test. He isn't staring as much, I believe it is related to the bell's palsy in some way. Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs' FAmily

Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 11:11 AM (CDT)

I'm so mad I could bite the head off of nails. We have tried to feed Nicholas the way the gi told us to do and he is having terrible stomach pain and more gas. He has had 5 gas spells in 5 hours this morning! I should have known better. I could kick myself. If its not one thing to contend with it another. I just got off of the phone with his nurse and she could tell I'm upset. I just wish he could hear Nicholas trying to scream with a trach. It's heart breaking at the best we can do, let alone inflict more pain. His gi made me feel that we were causing his gas episodes. The only way he is going to believe me is video him. I'm going to buy a video camera today! It just came to me to do that. It's the only way anyone is going to believe me. I'm shaking inside. Please pray for us and especially for Nicholas.
I almost forgot the good news: platelets were up 4 more thousand, 58,000, wbc-6.6, rbc-3.83, hgb-13.4, and anc of 1848, holding his own for the moment. PTL.
I think Spencer is likes to go to Mamaw's and will propably want to go somewhere this evening. We did get to play outside for a while yesterday evening. He acted so sweet. He got to pet the kittens and tried to rub his face against it so it would tickle him. Nicholas actually petted it too. They acted so sweet both trying to get in my lap to pet the kitten and me trying to keep them for squashing it. It was hilarious. Keep those prayers going up, thanks, the Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 11:49 AM (CDT)

A quick Hi,
Everyone is ok at the moment. We've been to Drs in JC for 2 days. Going around in big circles over his feeding. It seems we have been feeding wrong! We shall see. I'm so furious I can't see straight. We did find out that Nicholas is not aspirating from eating by mouth. At least he didn't while they were doing the swallowing test. He was a perfect gentleman. We were so proud of him. He smiled from ear to ear. He blood work was messed up and we have to do a repeat. I'll let you know the results tomorrow. See ya for now. Please say extra prayers for us during this round, the Boggs FAmily

Friday, September 27, 2002 at 11:24 AM (CDT)

Nicholas has won more hearts. Several at the horse ride wants to have another one in October and possibly a soup bean supper. I'll have to let you know the place and time whenever the details are worked out. I cleaned canning jars for the apple butter until my arms just about fell off yesterday. They had to be scrubbed, washed in the dishwasher, and then packed back up. It takes a lot just to get ready for these events. Many thanks to all who have gathered jars and put out flyers, you know who you are and I am grateful for your friendship.
Many thanks to Steve Hopkins with the VA Delta Chi Chapter of Pi Lambda Phi of University of Va for all you are doing on Nicholas' behalf. They have voted to dedicate their time and effort in helping "New Life for Nicholas" for this year. They are having a meeting today and wanted one of us to be there, but time will not allow it. I know you will do a good job Steve! They are also helping at the fall fling on Sat. Oct. 5th. Again, thanks.
Spencer is doing a little better. His face has just about returned to normal. He has had it for 4 weeks yesterday. Can you believe that?
Until next time, keep those prayers going up for us, the Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 11:10 AM (CDT)

I was up every two hours last night. First Nicholas, then Spencer. I changed the water on the moisturizer and added his formula since I was already up. Dad slept until Spencer woke up at 5:30. Spencer is eating better. He must be getting his taste buds back. He wanted a bite of onion. I gave it to him and he said,"Souwer." He says sour so sweet and "countryfied"! That's what he says to anything he doesn't like. The boys were sitting on the stool that their Dad made for them, (There is barely room for both of them to fit) and were acting so sweet. They put their arms around each other and were taking turns kissing each other. Kodak moment and no camera. There are so many "heart" pictures that I have stored. I guess this journal will help me save them, since I can't download them!Ha! I couldn't help but laugh, they bring so much joy to me. I told them they were acting so sweet that it made me cry. Nicholas said, "No its not, you're laughing." He just didn't see the tears. Then they took turns running to me and kissing my arm. I was in pure heaven. I thank God for these precious moments in time, stepping stones of happiness. Keep those prayers going, its almost blood work time again. Thanks, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, September 23, 2002 at 11:30 AM (CDT)

Saturday, Horse Ride, Rain! It was a rainy morning but even the rain could not deter the 51 brave, faithful riders. They began their ride at Clear Creek, Ramsey Park and rode up to High Knob and back again, being a 5 hour ride. It quit raining around noon and allowed the volunteers from CVC ______club to grill hamburgers for us. They were a great group of young men. I appreciate all they have done. Thanks to all who have made this benefit ride a success. Thanks to the riders who gave Spencer and Nicholas rides on the horses and the mule! They would have ridden all evening. Everyone enjoyed a feast of hamburgers, hot dogs, cowboy beans, fried apple pies, fudge, and brownies. I was exhausted!
Sunday, we went to Mamaw Boggs'. Spencer fell and hit his head on the door facing. He did not need a bruise or bump on his little head. My bones felt like jello. He is ok but mommy isn't. Nicholas was pretty tired last night from a big week-end and is sleeping late today. He was so excited Saturday. I think he melted everybodys heart. He wore his red cowboy hat and Spencer wore his black one. They were adorable. They found the only water hole there! On top of a big rock! Thanks to everybody and remember us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily.

Friday, September 20, 2002 at 11:45 AM (CDT)

Another sleepless night! Nicholas started coughing at 1:00 am and Spencer started crying around 2:00 until 3:45. I think he needs start eating tiny bites. I'll try that. This is getting old. I have been wondering about the pyloric problem that he had a birth, maybe it is closing up or interferring with his bm. Oh, well. Another issue to tackle. I wonder if any NFL team would want me. I'm getting my share of experience! Nicholas didn't want to pray for anybody last night. I think he was too tired. We are trying to get ready for the "RIDE FOR LIFE" Saturday, I think I'm going to make "Cowboy Beans." I hope it doesn't rain. Well got to go for now, remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 11:21 AM (CDT)

Spencer is a little better. We now have an appt for Oct. 8 to see a neurologist. Hopefully, they can tell us that nothing is going on. Who am I kidding? Last night at prayer time, I asked Nicholas who he wanted to pray for and he said, "Me". That just broke my heart into a million pieces. He had never requested himself before. Spencer said the usual, "Mamaw." I guess Nicholas knew he needed them for later as I found the moisturizing tube off of the mask and lying in the bottom of the bed, meaning he wasn't breathing heated moisturized air but room air. I was so aggervated. He must have pushed it off with his feet and pulled with his hands. Its sort of hard to get off. Surely I put it on good. I'll never know for sure but will from now on. I guess one time in 4 years isn't too bad. Where has the time gone? I have developed tunnel life and tunnel vision!! I do not know what is happening any where else in the world except in the realm of FA. My! How you can be so caught up in one thing is amazing. I guess all of our energies are focused on life with FA and bell's palsy and that is what is most important at the moment. My babies! Except for Jesus there is greater or more precious gift that could be given to a person than a child. Hug yours a little tighter and savor every moment. I can't stress this enough. Even without a fatal disease, they could be snatched out of your arms. What an empty feeling that would be. Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 11:50 AM (CDT)

Spencer was having some side effects from the meds on monday and slept off and on all day. He was real irritable and wanted mommy. Around bedtime, he started feeling better and wanted to play. I crashed last night, daddy said he was up with him for an hour and a half. I didn't even hear them. I thought everybody had slept great! Nicholas is still rotten and mischevious as ever. We are staying busy trying to get everything rounded up for the horse ride this Saturday. Come on to Clear Creek and join in the fun. We have new colors in the t-shirts and will have concessions also. Remember us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 11:09 AM (CDT)

CT Scan is normal. PTL. PTL. PTL. The earliest appt is Oct 3, they are tring to get him in earlier. We may have to go to Knoxville. He is still having the little staring spells. I hope its not epilepsy. I wouldn't know what else it could be though. I'm sure glad I had experience with the knock out drug they prescribed for Spencer. I'm upset with the way things went. They do things differently in Johnson City but that is all I have to judge by. I had to give him the medicine myself and a RN does it in J.C. I'll hush. I'll only make things worse. So There!!
Spencer's face is a little better. It will be three weeks this thursday. His appetite is coming back and his eye is moving better. He still looks funny out of his eye. I'm so thankful there isn't a tumor to worry about. Nicholas is still a little stinker. He pulled off his splints and pushed them behind the crib. I had to pull out a drawer and get them out, at 10:30 pm with a flash light. He told me he would try to be a good boy. I told him he was a good boy but he didn't mind me sometimes. He is a hoot. The other night he wanted to pray for Larry and Lena. No one had mentioned their names, I hope all is well with them. I ask them who they want God to Bless and they tell me so we can pray for them. Spencer always says "Mamaw" first and "Papaw" next and then goes through the whole family. Nicholas is adding "Black Jack" to the list now! They are so precious. Nicholas was a little jealous of Brandon, Mike's girlfriend's son. He didn't want him to lead Black Jack or play with the cat. I had to threaten to go home if he didn't stop crying and explained the sharing theory again. Oh, well! Continue to remember us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Monday, September 16, 2002 at 11:16 AM (CDT)

We went for a ct scan this morning. Spencer had a rough night and only took half a dose but was still enough for the test. I don't have the results yet. I have realized that I'm not super women and can't get everything done. I can only take one task at a time and try to get it done. If the rest isn't done, I can't worry about it. My head is hurting, no rest last night. Spencer was crying off and on. He finally slept from 3:30 to 5:30 am. Nicholas didn't go to sleep until 11:45, needless to say I didn't sleep either. Nicholas is doing a little better. Continue to remember us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 06:20 PM (CDT)

I am home with the boys and love every minute of it. Especially nap time! Spencer's face is a little bit better. They are scheduling a cat scan monday moring before they send him to a neurologist. I have to let you know the results later. I can't seem to get much accomplished except playing when I'm home with them. I've missed doing the little things with Spencer. He is smart too. He knows his colors and tries to count. He is still mocking everything. He has had a couple more episodes of staring so I am not imaginating them. Sometimes the doctors make you feel as if I don't know what I'm talking about. They should realize that I'm not a "panicky" mom by now. I sure they don't know everybody and their ways for they see so many people. Today is Saturday and we are waiting for Mike to get in from Arkansas. We have fixed a big meal and of course we waited on him! Ha! Mom brought up a cake pan and Sharon put it in the oven to warm it up. She thought it had chicken casserole in it. About an hour later, I told mamaw to get it out. She open the oven door and said, "That's not chicken, it's cantaloupe!" I laughed so hard there were tears. I told Mamaw to put butter, cinnamon, and brown sugar on it! Nicholas and Spencer joined in the laughter. I needed a good laugh. Nicholas has had a couple of bad gas spells with his tummy and has thrown up twice today. He is congested also. I hope and pray he isn't getting sick on me. I have suspected an ear infection coming on. Please pray it doesn't develop into anything major. Someone has donated 100 quart jars for apple butter. Thanks from the bottom on our hearts. We appreciate it so much. Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 11:31 AM (CDT)

Music woke us up this morning. The prettest, sweetest, smile rendering music that you could possibly hear. The sound of laughter. Spencer must have been dreaming and laughed out loud. It was so precious. Nicholas is as rotten as ever. Still a little tummy upset. He hasn't seen Black Jack in a couple of days and is looking forward to going down to Papaw's this evening. He loves his pony. Sunday morning he woke up with a sparkle in his eyes and said, "I want to go see Black Jack. He needs his master."
Thanks to Sharon Saunders from Jersalem. I was thrilled to see you had signed the guest book. It was great to meet you and Ruthie. It was so encouraging to meet you both. I wish you both protection and health. I hope to see you next year.
We are trying to gather up ingredients for apple butter and will have it available for sale after October 4th. If you know where we can get apples and jars, please let me know. Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 11:30 AM (CDT)

We all slept last night and feel better today except for Nicholas who has a stomach virus. He was sick yesterday also, but seems to be worse today. I don't know what I'm going to do! I will be a bag of nerves before this is over with! I now understand that expression as I continually shake on the inside and stay smiling on the outside. Spencer was cranky yesterday evening and his upper lip was swollen but he slept well. I am a little sad as they read the names of the ones in New York that were involved in such a tragic event. There were so many that 9-1-1 affected. I'm sure its been a long year. I'm wearing red, white, and blue today and trying to smile. I thank God for my family and Nicholas already knows that the flag stands for the United States of America. He is so smart. They both are. Must take after me!!! Ha! I'd better go on that one.
Continue to remember us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 11:34 AM (CDT)

A very sleepy hello,
Spencer was diagnosed with Bell's Palsy yesterday! Shock!!!
I told them what I thought it was and they said yes! No known cures besides steroids and antibiotics, no definate cause except viral and it has to run its course unless its something else completely. He has been having a few episodes of staring, especially when he is tired, and will see a neurologist in the near future to make sure its not seizures. Dr B said the two weren't connected. I'm not for so sure. This is the 2nd time he has had facial paralysis and hopefully won't damage the nerve in his face. We had about 2 hours of sleep last night. Spencer seemed to be in pain, partial tummy ache. He isn't eating normal but I can't figure out what was wrong last night. Around 4:30 am I was rocking him and felt little surges of twitching in his face. He had a stuffy nose and could not breathe correctly. He also had difficulty swallowing. Good news was no more ear infection. No fluid on his ears. I hope his face will return to normal in a few days. Spencer woke up, settled down and then Nicholas had to be vented at 12:00 pm and threw up a little bit. There was so much gas on his little tummy. Then Spencer was crying and woke Nicholas up again. I patted Nicholas and he hugged my arm and went back to sleep. Dad is totally exhausted today. He was up with Spencer more than I. Spencer is daddy's boy. Please pray for healing for the boys, strength for mom and dad, and sleep. Thanks, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, September 09, 2002 at 11:24 AM (CDT)

"Fine Boy"

Sorry about Friday's update, I couldn't get it to post correctly. No major improvement in Spencer's face so its back to dr today. The boys had a great week-end and a big surprise for thier birthday. A miniature pony, Black Jack, black with a white patch on his back and white stocking feet. He is adorable. I was shocked the way Nicholas took to it. He lead it around for an hour and didn't want to go home. He would pet on it and say "You're a fine boy." It was precious. He even got Mamaw to pet the pony! She told me today that she wasn't scared of this little pony. She even led it around. Spencer loved it too. He would pet on it and lead it around too, then would give Nicholas the lead line and go play with the cat or dog. He finally got to ride it Sunday, while Nicholas led it, and didn't want to get off. They also received cowboy hats for their birthday! Spencer received a lot of his stuff early! I couldn't let Nicholas get all of the toys, now could I? It didn't bother Spencer one way or the other, as long as there area rocks and sticks around, he is happy. Continue those wonderful prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 11:13 AM (CDT)

I must confess. I know better than anyone to grasp each moment and cherish it forever but it seems I've had a good dose of a reality check. I've taken Spencer's health for granted. I guess I was stuck in a big rut, trying to survive daily living and needed a good push. Spencer is feeling a little better and has more facial movement today. I was getting more worried and scared. To love someone so much is amazing. I prayed for God to give me both of their sickness and not let them suffer. I don't understand why the children have to go through these horrible diseases. I will never know and it isn't meant for me to know. I do know that God still has a plan and I will trust in Him for strength, courage, and deliverance. We are going for bloodwork this evening so I will be posting the results tomorrow. Continue those wonderful prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 11:09 AM (CDT)

Spencer is a smidgen better, a little movement in his mouth and lower jaw. He is half-way with his antibiotic. If he doesn't show improvement by friday, it's back to the dr. I think I'm brain dead and you could push me over with a feather. Mental exhaustion is just a bad as physical exhaustion and there is no escape. Nicholas' birthday party will keep me busy and alive. I thank God he has let him live to celebrate his 4th. I cannot believe he is 4 years old, it has passed by so fast. Spencer will 2 in Nov.
Nicholas is so jealous of Spencer. He will pick on me when I'm working with Spencer and crawl up into my lap between us. It is so funny. They both are repeating everything they hear and say. It's so cute. I'm glad we don't cuss! They mimic every word and action. They completely fasinate me. Please continue to remember us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 11:28 AM (CDT)

I took Spencer to see the dr. friday eve. and he has an ear infection. He said it has the nerve inflammed. I wasn't too impressed with him. He is on antibiotics for 10 days. I wait until then and take him back. He looks so pitiful, it breaks my heart. He can't chew on that side and I'm sure it has affected his taste buds. He is eating much better, hopefully he is on the mend. I can't get his meds down without a fight. I think chocolate milk is going to do the trick. We will take Nicholas this week for bloodwork so pray for us. As Nicholas told Spencer this weekend.. I'll see you in the funnies. Remember our family in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Friday, August 30, 2002 at 10:58 AM (CDT)

Well guess what. I went home yesterday evening and noticed something wrong with Spencer's face. He would cry and only one side of his face would work. We think it is Bells Palsy. It can be brought on by ear infections, stroke, head injury, or virus. I'm taking him to the dr. this afternoon. He hasn't felt good all week, no appetite, picking at his ear but hasn't had a temp. I think it has gradually came on. Pray this only temporary. Another hurdle? I am going to need some strength to jump. Nicholas is doing pretty good. Continue to pray for the entire family, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 11:47 AM (CDT)

Sissy Bear came up last night and played with the boys. I wasn't feeling the best and envied her energy level! The boys think she is the greatest and I have to agree. I couldn't make it without my sissy. I'm trying to gather Nicholas' records to send to a fa expert for her opinion. I wonder what route she will recommend. We will be cooking this week-end for a wonderful dinner on Sunday. Come and join us if you want to. We are also trying to get things together for the horse ride and concession stand. Volunteers are needed and appreciated. I'm sorry my mind is jumping on a thousand things at one time. One thing has me disturbed is the dr office called yesterday and informed me that they were not performing any of the test that I had requested. I remained adamant and succeeded in getting a meeting scheduled with both drs and Nicholas on Sept 30. I will go armed with info about fa. There is always a hurdle to cross. We will cross them one at a time. Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 11:42 AM (CDT)

Check out the new photo of the boys at the lake. Nicholas actually wanted to play in the water. I am still in awe of our experience at camp Sunshine. It was marvelous.
Nicholas' baby and papaw came up last night. The boys wrestled with papaw after we played ball. It was a much needed break from the worry and stresses of living with fa. I witnessed several children at camp with very low platelets hovering around 10000. I have prayed for their families. Having to see the bluish skin tone, especially around the mouth, daily and constantly worrying just has to be gut wrenching agony. We,as parents, try to be so strong, putting on a happy face, constantly swallowing the lump in our throats so the children and extended families can try to live a "normal" life. Grasp each moment and enjoy the beauty around you. That is one of the most important things we have done. I have had to re-adjust my habits, thinking, my whole way of life. I was always in such a hurry. Now, I look through a child eyes and explore with them the wonderful, God-given, beautiful, breath-taking, world. There is so much beauty around us if we take the time to stop, look, feel, and listen. Each moment with the children is so blessed. God is so good.
Continue those faithful prayers and as always hug those blessings God has given you and tell them you love them, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 11:14 AM (CDT)

Nicholas was so sweet yesterday unlike his brother Spencer who felt bad all day. I told them to go find their shoes and I heard Nicholas tell's yours bubba. It was so sweet. They brought them to me to put on and I thanked Nicholas for being so sweet. He said, "Thank you too Mommy for being so sweet." I thanked him for being so polite and mannerable. He said, "Thank you Mommy for my soul and everything." I don't know where he gets this from. He is amazing. We went down Sissy Bears and ate left overs. It was still good. Nicholas told Sharon that his baby was crying and he had to go check on her. To Mamaw and Papaw's we went. Mamaw was feeling better and instantly perked up when she saw the boys. Did I mention that she fell? Scared me to death. Scrapes and bruises but it could have been worse. I guess we will go for blood work every month now. Next week. I can't believe that a month has passed already. I think Nicholas' count will be back up. He isn't bruising as easy. Please help me pray. Remember to hug yours tighter and tell them you love them, the Boggs FAmily

Monday, August 26, 2002 at 11:14 AM (CDT)

A very busy week-end indeed! Family came in from northern Va and Mass and we had a wonderful time together on Saturday and Sunday. We had around 91 for the picnic and felt very fortunate and blessed to be with so many of our families. Sunday was the memorial service at the family graveyard with dinner-on-the-ground at the old family homeplace. We are keeping photo albums from year to year and keep adding to our family recipe book. I wish we had started them a long time ago.
Nicholas and Spencer had a wonderful time, playing with so many other children. Spencer stumbled on a container of Italian dressing which flipped open and drenched the top of his head and down his back. We washed him the best we could. He fell asleep on the way home and slept throught the night. You could smell Italian dressing in the middle of the night. Not very appetitizing at 3:00 am. Overall we were glad to be home to rest and play by Sunday evening. Next Sunday is my mom's family reunion, but we just take food to mom's and enjoy a lazy day. Then on Sept 7, 12:00 we are having a birthday picnic for Nicholas. Everyone who knows him is invited. Call me for the details.
I want to have this birthday a memorable one for him as they have predicted he will be in transplant next summer. Help me pray hard. Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, August 23, 2002 at 11:33 AM (CDT)

A very hectic evening with both boys wanting my attention and me needing to get stuff together for the reunion this weekend. We managed to work and play! Nicholas and Spencer played follow-the-leader by running around the island and into the utility room carrying straws with a clown on them. They would hit the washer with the straw, count, and then start running back to the kitchen. I would cross their path by running and jumping out of their way. They got so tickled. I love to hear them giggle. Spencer thought it was the greatest game yet. He even tried to count. Said, Theeee and started running. He couldn't run for laughing. Dad came home late and heard us from outside. I baked a Mississippi Mud Cake, mmmmmmh it was delicious. Oooops, just a tiny bite. I'll have to let you know how things went next week. Until then, keep praying, keep hugging and kissing your children, and be sure to tell them you love them, embracing and savoring each moment, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 11:18 AM (CDT)

Another day that is so blessed. Mamaw cooked dinner for us last night. MMMMMMM meatloaf, green beans, mashed potatoes, corn, cole slaw, corn bread. It was delicious. We were going down there and Nicholas said, "Mommy, when I grow up I want to be just like you!" My heart swelled and my eyes melted. I finally asked him why. He said, "So I can drive my tricycle down to my baby's house! Whooooosh went the air out of my baloon! I laughed and laughed. Papaw's kitten, Snowball, lives a hard life around Spencer. Every stick in sight is picked up and tried it out on the kitten. I guess he thinks its funny to see the kitten jump and run. Putting the boys to bed, I asked Nicholas what he wanted for his birthday. He said a candlestick. What? A candlestick. It must be from "Jack be Nimble". I still don't know what he wants! He wants a pink cake! I told him his aunt Glenda would fix him a Thomas, the Tank Engine and it would have candles on. Do you want pink candles on it? No. I want a blue one to match Thomas! Oh well. I guess he will have Thomas with blue candles. Life is never dull around those two. They are into everything at Papaw's house, including grease! Spencer doesn't care if he gets dirty or not. He is going to be a mechanic or carpenter, he loves tools and "bopping" things. (Hammering) Like father, like son. We are getting ready for the Strouth-Lane Reunion. I can't wait. I love get togethers. Lots of food, laughs, and catching up on family stuff. We know how to have a good time, good clean fun. Hug your family and tell them you love them. Family is so important.
Remember us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 11:10 AM (CDT)

I had to take the day off yesterday. I throughly enjoyed it and so did the boys. Nicholas had his first day of "school". He was pleased to see Ms. Terri Polly back this year. She was thrilled to see him too. He has a new speech therapist this year as his former speech therapist took a new position. Best wishes on your new job Karen. We will miss you. Hopefully Nicholas will go great with Ms. Nancy. Nicholas would not sing his ABC's for Ms. Terri. He has known them for 4-5 months now, but wouldn't perform for her. Oh well!
We went to Mamaw and Papaw's yesterday evening. They were tickled to have the boys down their house. Spencer found him a stick the first thing. He loves sticks and rocks. Pure BOY!! He brought back both from Camp Sunshine! Both boys slept last night and I feel worse today. I must have slept too hard and I'm not use to it! I have some pictures from Camp Sunshine and will update when I can.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, August 19, 2002 at 11:21 AM (CDT)

We have had a great week-end. Everyone safe and sound. It looks like we have survived the trip. We had the opportunity to stay one night with my cousin Janie and her husband, George on our way to Maine. They live in Grafton, Mass. They were the perfect hosts and we enjoyed our visit and stay. Thanks Janie and George for your southern hospitality! We love you guys and Nicholas and Spencer send hugs and kisses to "Billy Bear". I'm still amazed at the gathering of over 40 families involved in FA in some way. It was tremendous! I'm still taking in information in segments and digesting it. Overall, it was fantastic.
Last night Nicholas hollered for me. It was late and he couldn't go to sleep. I went over to him and told him to lay down and go to sleep. He said, "I just need to love on you." Talk about melting! He knows just what to say to get to mommy. Spencer does too. When he hugs you he will pat and pat. He is so sweet. Spencer is doing the "potty" thing once in a while, only when he wants to! He loves mocking everything Nicholas does. They actually mock each other. It is so cute.
Continue to remember us in your faithful prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, August 16, 2002 at 11:32 AM (CDT)

A very tired one at that. Spencer had a tummy ache for a couple of hours last night. I'm past exhaustion. Thanks to Libbey for a wonderful lunch of Chinese food. Jeff won't eat Chinese and that is the only opportunity for me to eat it is at lunch time. Now I want a nap. I think I was in a fog all day yesterday. Trying to get medical information rounded up for bone marrow transplantion consults. I sometimes feel....I think realization is hitting me. I can't express myself except for feeling like I have been run over by a never ending locamotive. You keep getting hit over and over and over, and when you finally sit up here it starts again. You never get to stand up and if you do it is so brief. I stay on my knees (mentally) praying constantly. If God spreads his fingers, I'd slip through. I don't think I could hold on. Isn't God good? He is definately carrying us on this journey.
Something funny now! I had a brainstorm for one of our trips and took along a urinal when Nicholas first was potty trained and it worked wonderful. I took it to Maine on this trip but Sharon was sitting in the back with the boys. She was letting Nicholas use the urinal. I was asleep and felt something wet hit my arm. About that time Jeff woke me saying, "What is that?" I woke up to see a wet streak up the radio, the vents, across the dash board and onto the windshield! You guess it! She was holding the urinal toooo high!!! It was so funny. (Sorry Sharon I had to tell.) I thank God for my sister. She gave me a rest and a half. She rode in the back, entertained the boys, fed Nicholas, and was a good back seat driver! If she had not been with us we could not have attended the meetings together. I am forever indebted to her. I love you Sissy Bear. Nicholas and Spencer do too. Jeff does too but don't tell him I told you.
Continue those prayers, love your children, enjoy life, make memories, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 11:13 AM (CDT)

We're baaaack! Camp Sunshine was wonderful. Please sponsor this camp if you want your money to be put to a good use. There were 50-75 volunteers who donate their time to help with the children so the parents can attend the meetings, cook and serve, show you around or do anything you ask of them. They were absolutely great. Nicholas found a "girlfriend" within 2 seconds of being there. Lynn Adams, was the lucky one and by the time we left I think there were a couple of others! Mr. Flirt at work! The Camp for the parents was so intense but very informative. I'm now more confused!! We received several opinions on Nicholas and will have to weigh our options. I guess it will boil down to the major decisions by next summer. I'm glad we had the opportunity to meet with different specialist but actually needed more time to talk to the other families. I heard there were over 40 families there from all around the globe. It was amazing!
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 11:44 AM (CDT)

Bloodwork! Counts have dropped. Platelets are 48,000, wbc-7.5, rbc-3.72, hgb-12.8, with an anc of 975. I haven't heard from his dr. I would think they will want me to repeat bloodwork in a couple of weeks. I pray they will go back up. Rollercoaster Ride! He knew what was going on and cried his little heart out. I asked him if he was going to give her sugar, he said, "Sucker!" He knew what he was suppose to get for being good. Then he blew them a kiss. He took Spencer a sucker too. We are off tomorrow for FA camp in Maine. It is the meeting of the minds and should be very informative. Again, pray for traveling mercy, strength, sleep, smiley faces :), and courage, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, August 05, 2002 at 12:00 PM (CDT)

How we managed to keep Papaw's party a surprise is beyond me. He did not find out until he was there in the parking lot. He was so shocked. There is my old bible! (The one that is wired together!) How did you get that? There is my old dinner bucket and mining hat! Mamaw, did you know this was going on and didn't tell me? Yes, I did!..rolling her eyes as only mamaw can do. She was the instrument in getting all of Papaw's stuff to me. It was so funny. She had everything loaded in the car and papaw decided to come up to the house in the truck! Mamaw had to come in the car. Papaw took the boys down in the front yard to see if they could see the rabbit. Sharon, Stephanie, and I rushed out to the car and carried everything into the house and hid it. We were rushing around and in a panic. It was fun. If you didn't make it, you missed a great meal and lots of fun. Nicholas and Spencer enjoyed playing with the microphone. I'll try to post some pictures later. Nicholas go for bloodwork this evening. Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 11:21 AM (CDT)

Yesterday, Nicholas actually saw two doctors. They seem to think he is doing fine. He will stay on Prevacid for a couple more months and then try to wean him off. His lungs are ok and I have to get a "stopper" for his trach. We are trying to teach him to breathe through his nose. Pray his will be able to have his trach removed, if that is what is best for him. We arrived home late last night and Spencer was already asleep. I miss him so much. He looks so sweet while sleeping. We are all tired. We are planning Papaw's 75th birthday party. I will make it through this....There is a lot to planning a good party. I thank God for friends and family that are helping. Time is a commodity that I don't have anymore and I'm trying to cram too much in. Come if you can, Wise Fire Hall, 6:00 pm Friday, Aug. 2.
Continue to pray for us all, Jeff is still in a lot of pain with his back, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 11:41 AM (CDT)

Oh, where do I begin. We left Friday for Cincinnati and could not find the motel upon arrival. We finally got to our room and got up early Saturday to go to the hospital where the meetings were taking place. Several families were there and it was a great, informative meeting. Major enlightments: definately best to go to transplant before a lot of growth hormones and transfusions, gene therapy is very complicated!, and I still have a lot to learn. We got to meet with other families and just talk. It was great to hear from the others, from Canada, Illinois, California, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and us from VA. We were all at different locations in this FA journey.
We came home Sunday to two little dirty, pop sicle stained, wet from playing in the rain boys. I had the best grape and cherry kisses and hugs in the whole wide world. I love them so much. They had missed us too. Thanks Aunt Sissy Bear (Sharon), for taking good care of my boys and giving us a break. I feel guilty when we have to be away from them. I feel I have to attend these meetings for updated information to be able to make the best decisions for Nicholas. To be pulled in so many directions is very nerve racking, to say the least. Continue those wonderful prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, July 26, 2002 at 10:32 AM (CDT)

We slept last night. At 11:30, Nicholas was sick and I had to vent him. I looked at the clock and couldn't believe my eyes. I thought it was at least 2:00 am. I had slept so hard in a hour and a half. Nicholas had been playing with Spencer on the bed, laughing every breath until he was wheezing. I told him to calm down or he would throw up for I had just fed him, and no sooner than the words were out of my mouth, he threw up everywhere. He just can't have any fun at all. Spencer slept well, a lot better. No hard-core food after 7:00 pm. I think we are going to have to change our schedules. It would help us all. Nicholas said something that I was going to write today but it has slipped my mind. A lot does that anymore. vrooom!!!! right over my head, and I'm not blonde! Remember us for we are going to a FA meeting in Cincinnati this week-end, pray for traveling mercy and protection. It should be informative. I'll let you know if I find out any great news....The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 11:19 AM (CDT)

We are definately going to change Spencer's diet. He was awake at the same time last night. Jeff and I need sleep badly. Other than that, we are fine. Nicholas wasn't feeling well and clung to me all evening. He says, "Hold me, I don't feel good" and will sometimes pucker up to cry. I think he misses mommy. Spencer "helped" me vacuum yesterday evening. He loves the vacuum cleaner and the duster attachment. He is so funny. Papaw came up to play with them. Nicholas saw Papaw's truck and said, "That's my grandfather." He usually calls him Papaw. When Papaw came in the house, Nicholas said, "What kind of fellow are you anyway?" Papaw didn't know what to think. I didn't either. We all had a big laugh.
Can you believe school is just about to start? Where on earth has the time went? It sure has flown by. Where is summer? I'm ready for it now, but it has disappeared. I seem to be in a fog all the time and wake up periodically to look around and smell the roses, but there aren't any! I now know the feeling of being consumed by a disease. It consumes the victim and the entire family. I thank God that Nicholas doesn't know much about fa now and can continue to be a little boy and live life to the fullest. He is full of life and puts sunshine in the lives of others. Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 11:18 AM (CDT)

Spencer ran a fever yesterday with sneezing and a runny nose to go with it. He seemed ok last night just a little fussy. Awake at 2:30 until 4:00 wanting to play. Mom and dad are in a fog today. Dad looked so tired this morning. What I could see between the slits of my sleepy eyes! I was feeling droopy and since it was raining we stayed inside and played. Spencer knocked Nicholas on the head with a plastic Blue Clues refrigerator. It may have been an accident but Spencer has a habit of throwing things. You know the rest of the story. I actually got in some house cleaning last night, one of those rare moments. Dad had gotten Spencer in the habit of eating ice cream every evening and he will pull on dad's hand and say "come on" leading him to the freezer. Last night Dad brought in cookies to snack on. I suppose it will be cookies for a while now. Nicholas wanted a "big" cookie and carried it around and managed to crumble it all over the floor. He may have eaten a crumb. By the way he is up to 26 lbs 12.75 oz! Spencer weighs 25 lbs 12 oz. Nicholas has done well to manage a pound ahead. It sure keeps us busy pouring in the formula. I pray he will eat one of these days. He chewed on a "big" piece of steak but actually licked the salt off of it. He would get a piece stuck between his teeth and tell us to "get it out." He can't stand anything in his mouth for a long period of time unless he is holding it under his tongue.
Continue with those prayers, we seem to need more and more strength, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 11:26 AM (CDT)

Nicholas has a big bruise on his forehead. It wasn't as bad as I expected and is fading into green hues now. I hooked up the sprinkler again yesterday evening and the little water dog, Spencer, was soaked. I don't blame him, it was so hot and muggy. Spencer kept falling, his shoe got caught in a hole and down he went. Then he walked in front of Nicholas swinging (one of his favorites), and was knocked down again. I accidently tripped him once. Whew! What an evening. They love to play Ring-Around-the-Rosie and look so sweet holding hands and falling down. I love to watch them playing and laughing together. Nicholas would try to go faster and faster but ended up standing in one place and stomping. They would fall down too early and just laugh. It was so funny. They also played it at bedtime and had a hard time settling down. Dad had them wound up by wrestling with them earlier. The boys won! They are a pure joy most of the time. They enjoyed their visit with Aunt Sissy Bear and Uncle Joyel. Nicholas told her that her chicken gravy was soooo good. He has her wrapped around his little finger. Spencer doesn't bribe..just eats. It was nice to have dinner waiting on us. Thanks Sis. Sunday evening Mamaw and Papaw, Mamaw Boggs, Aunt "Crazy" Cathy, and Jason came up. Nicholas' took Mamaw Jean his "baby" to the bedroom again. He loves to play "Daddy Bear". He told Aunt Cathy that she was his Aunt "Crazy Bear". He can come up with some funny things. She had brought them a trip case to put over the back of the car seats. It folds down to make a little table to color on or play on and has pocktets for their toys. It will come in so handy for our Maine trip. It was full of coloring books, crayons, and little cars. Thanks Aunt Cathy for your thoughtfulness.
Spencer slept better last night and I was only up with Nicholas a couple of times. He still has a little cough but hasn't required any meds yet. I'm holding my breath. Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, July 22, 2002 at 11:18 AM (CDT)

Hello Everyone,
Hope your week-end was wonderful. Our was pretty good. Nicholas was a bit congested Sat. night and I was up with him about every hour. He finally went to sleep around 3:30 and then Spencer started. I think I going to have to change Spencer's diet! We stayed outside Sat. all day. I devoted my day to them. Who wants to do house work anyway? Especially when the sun is shining. They enjoyed their pool after naptime. It was humid out and I put my feet in too. Nicholas then wanted to "wash my feet." We had a good o'time. I actually got to do some weeding beside the sidewalk and enjoyed it. I think I losing my mind! I wish I could pluck out every FA cell and make Nicholas whole again. That is what the weeds were, I attacked them with a vengence. Isn't it funny how we incorporate day to day living with our problems? It is therapy in a way. Of course Nicholas would sit down beside me and "help" for a few seconds. He then would have to go check on his "son". He called Dad his "son" all day long. It is so precious. Spencer wanted to trample everything that I planted. He helped too. He totally mocks Nicholas. It is so precious. He also went to potty saturday. He was mocking Nicholas by putting his hands against the wall while standing over the potty. I was running the bath water on purpose and he did a great job. I was so excited and danced around with him. He has this little look about him, like it was nothing great while rolling his eyes to the side, but with a little smile. He is something. Everyone says he is a doll and too pretty for a little boy. Nicholas' is back to preaching again. Noah's ark has been his topic for the last two week-ends. Spencer is mocking Nicholas and jumped with both feet off the ground during his preaching. Those moments will be forever etched in my mind. I pray for their future. I don't know about all mothers or dads but the moment I found out I was pregnant, I began praying for them. I can't afford to quit. Their life is in our care and with the help of God, we'll direct them in the right direction. Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, July 19, 2002 at 11:01 AM (CDT)

A visit from Candy delighted the boys. She was turning cart wheels in the living room and Spencer was trying to mock her. It was hilarious. Dad is remodling the boys' bathroom trying to get the "pink" out. I guess it will have to be blue now! He was using a drill to set the screws and Nicholas would hold his arms over his ears. Spencer came and stood beside of me until he got use to the noise. They are so funny sometimes. We went down to Aunt Sharon's for awhile. Nicholas was coming up the steps, trying to crawl up them like Spencer, and missed the step with his little arms and it threw him off balance. He scaped his head on the step above him. It turned blue but I kept the swelling down by applying ice. I didn't realize I could hold my breath for so long. I don't panic outwardly, just hold it in until its all over. Then I breathe! I guess we may need some extra prayers if you have time. Thanks, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 11:01 AM (CDT)

Last night was better, we had about 4 hours sleep! Spencer was wide awake at 3:00. I put him in bed with us around 4:00, but he still didn't rest well. We had a good time outside, playing, planting flowers, and exploring. I've found one of the puppies out a couple of times, so we have to check on them every day. Spencer is so fascinated with them. Nicholas still won't have anything to do with them. He won't pet them, just look at them and is ok as long as the dogs are in the dog lot. He will pet the cat sometimes. It doesn't jump on him, I guess that's the reason. It's just as well because when his platelets get so low, I can't allow him to pet anything. I've found a guideline to go by when his counts get real low. No carpet in the house!, he can't sit on the ground or in sand box, he can't eat any food prepared by anyone other than me, cannot be around anyone who is sick, and general good hygiene, washing hands often, and not eating/drinking after anyone else. We practice good hygiene and will only have to change a few habits. Its good to know this now as we can start early on changing our old habits. How can I stop him from touching dirt and exploring? I tend to let him enjoy little things like that while he can. I guess I have to limit that too. Living in a bubble, that is what it reminds me of. Sometimes I'm on the mountain top and sometimes it feels as if the mountain is on me. I thank God for all your prayers and don't stop praying, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 11:22 AM (CDT)

Yesterday evening was great. The boys didn't fuss and we spent a lot of time outside. I hooked up the water hose to the "butterfly" (of course!) sprinkler and we ran through it. I was so surprised that Nicholas went first. He had on a hat and must have felt protected from the water. I guess it kept the water off of his face. I actually sprayed his feet and he just laughed. He has the sweetest laugh. I love to hear both of them laugh. Jeff came home and took the for a backhoe ride! They loved it. I guess the four wheeler is too bumpy for his back. He is having a lot of pain again. Lack of rest and sleep, trying to work again, and tugging Spencer around doesn't help it heal. It's so hard to give up the "normal routine" when surgery has been in the picture. I think he is still doing too much lifting at work. Hard headed, stubborn, workaholic? are just for starters, the words that come to mind. Both of us together! Whew! I can't complain for he is so good with the boys and takes time for them every evening. I actually sprayed off my front porch and changed my U.S.A. flag back to a butterfly! Spencer kept trying to touch the water and ended up soaking wet. Then he fell on the sidewalk and just sat down in it. He had fun, fun, fun. He was so tired and got fussy but still didn't want to go to sleep. He was awake again last night with a tummy ache. I was up from 2:00 am on. Spencer finally settled down and Nicholas woke up at 3:30 pulling on his mask and crying. I couldn't hear air moving in his trach and thought he had a mucus plug. It scared me to death. He must have had gastric reflux for when I vented he had a lot of gas that came off. I adjusted his mask and told him that mommy fixed it and he settled down and was soon asleep. Spencer woke back up at 4:30 and I was up and down with him until 5:30. I just stayed up and he got up at 5:45. Jeff had to get up then too, for I had to get ready for work. A typical night! I've yawned and yawned this morning. Spencer knew I was going to leave and started getting fretful. He was sitting in his chair and eating breakfast. I hate to leave him like that and kept hugging on him. He would hold on to my arm and lean against me. Jeff took him in the living room and rocked him back to sleep to make it easier for me to go to work. Of course, I was late. I do what I have to do, cry and pray for strength. Continue to remember us in your prayers for they are working, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 11:04 AM (CDT)

Did I say my boys were angels? I must have had my head in the clouds. They really are but they aren't perfect. Spencer was good for as long as he could stand it and then had to cut loose yesterday evening. He cried until he threw up. He didn't want time-out! He didn't want me to feed Nicholas. I don't know what he wanted. He was fine after a while, and then we went outside. He loves outside. His crying sets Nicholas to crying and usually has to be vented or he will throw up. He will hold his arms up over his ears so he can't hear Spencer but will still cry. After dinner, Dad took them for a ride on the four-wheeler. This is getting to be routine. Guess what I did while they were gone. I went walking. That is something I have missed. The opportunity to walk and work in the yard. It was so peaceful and quite. No crying, just birds singing and rabbits hopping out of my way. The boys are getting bigger now so maybe I will get back in it.
Sunday at church he had hugged Hollis and Sharon told him to hug Hollis' wife. Nicholas crossed his arms and with a twinkle in his eye, he said, "I not kiss somebody's wife!"
I never know what he is going to say. He is so funny.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, July 15, 2002 at 11:20 AM (CDT)

"I wuv you"

This weekend was a lazy one. I could not get up and going. Everything was is slow motion. I need some energy vitamins or something to get me moving. Nicholas and Spencer do not need any though. They are feeling better and are full of life. I love to see them being rambunctious and laughing together. It sure beats fussing and crying any day. Mamaw and Papaw kept them Saturday for a couple of hours. I called her and talked her through the feeding. They love their Mamaw. Mamaw makes them feel so special. Talking about unconditional love-they have it-both ways. Papaw has taught Nicholas how to walk down the stairway. Spencer...another story. He never looks down and would tumble all the way down I'm sure. I was bathing Spencer and kissed his head. He looked up to kiss me and said, "I wuv you". I laughed and laughed. I wish you could hear him. He talks real country. The "you" is more like "yo". I got him tickled I laughed so much. Talking about pulling heart strings. Mine are still ringing today. I hope I can always remember that moment and hope it still brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart. He is so precious. He is quite and very watchful...just like his dad. He will mock something to a tee. Facial expressions, hand movements, everything. He doesn't miss anything. He will be able to do everything and anything he puts his mind to. He notices detail. He is saying a lot more things recently and putting words together better. It is so much fun watching them grow and learn. It is hard on him I'm sure, having to deal with a sick brother. He worries when Nicholas is sick. Nicholas has had several bad gas spells this weekend and threw up everywhere Saturday. I asked Spencer to bring me a towel that was on the shelf in the kitchen and he brought me a pillowcase that was in the utility room floor. I could hear him going in that direction but couldn't figure out what he was doing. I didn't really expect him to do it. I was seeing if he could follow directions, but he surprised me. He brought me something to put over the pillow that Nicholas had thrown up on. Could he reason that? They understand a lot more than we give them credit for. I love my boys.
We went to Mamaw Boggs on Sunday. Nicholas was so excited. Crazy Aunt Cathy was going to be there. Spencer noticed that her birds were gone. Thanks for the wonderful dinner Mamaw.
Continue in prayer for health, happiness, wisdom, patience, peace, and understanding, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, July 12, 2002 at 11:05 AM (CDT)

Another day, another fuss. Nicholas' ears must have been sensitive and Spencer still isn't eating well, just drinking. Spencer would cry and Nicholas would cover up his ears and cry too. Mom took a deep breath and grabbed smiles from a winner-the-pooh scene and put on everyone. It worked for about 5 minutes! They think I'm crazy. I tell them it helps. I'm still cleaning in the junk room/our previous bedroom. It had gotten piled up with Nicholas' supplies, toys, you name it and I found it. I can't believe that things accumulate so fast. And the dust! Man was created from the dust of the earth and to dust he shall return. Well let me tell you, someone was either coming or going. Ha!
Continue to remember us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 11:11 AM (CDT)

After dad finished pressure washing the deck, the boys went outside to play. I feel like we have a just built the deck on, it looks so much better. It feels cleaner too. The boys both have had tummy problems. I'm afraid they will dehydrate. Maybe they will be feeling better tonight. They are still going strong and fussing, so they are alright. I tell Spencer that I am the mommy sugar bear and I am going to steal sugar. He is so ticklish under his chin and on his shoulder, all over actually. He is so sweet and rotten. I love to hear him giggle. Nicholas will have to go for blood work in August again. I will be curious to see if his bloodwork is up. He is still bruising easy. He had blood around his mic-key button last night. He is so rough sometimes. It's going to be tough to keep still. He is going to have to go to sleep earlier, this 11:00 is for night owls. We need sleep desperately. Continue to remember us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 12:07 PM (CDT)

We had another eventful day. Nicholas had a wreck on his hot wheels trike and the handle bar scraped his jaw. Another bruise. Spencer has several scrapes on his little legs too. He is a typical little boy. Whatever typical is! They were both feeling bad yesterday evening. Spencer had thrown up and Nicholas didn't have a nap. You guess it, Mom had a mess on her hands. I'm changing my name to referee! I have to constantly watch them to see which one is at fault and what to do. M-O-M the things those simple letters stand for. The world, to two little boys that want mom's attention at the same time. I try but have yet to perfectly succeed. God is still working on me too. Isn't life wonderful? I love it. God Bless and remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 11:37 AM (CDT)

We were having so much fun yesterday evening, playing follow-the-leader, running, jumping, and falling in the floor, which caused Nicholas to have a major gas episode and he threw up. He is getting so active but can't enjoy himself to the fullest. It's the pits! Maybe one of these days he can enjoy fun boy stuff. I pray every day for him some relief..complete relief. It is a lot better and he has less gas, I just wish for absolute relief for his little tummy. He seems to want to eat more. Bread, "green soup" which is chicken noodle soup, and pop-sicles. Maybe he doesn't feel as full with less gas on his tummy. The medicine is suppose to help ulcers also. Maybe I need to give it more time. I pray for patience. The boys were a little fussy again. I made them hug and tell each other they were sorry! Just like my mom use to do! Nicholas changed his story once and I gave both of them time-out. Spencer grabbed Nicholas' arm and Nicholas was trying not to cry, so he wouldn't have to tell me what Spencer had done. I happened to see them. I got so tickled because Nicholas was afraid I was going to give them time-out again. They are too sharp.
Spencer helped himself to Dad's hot dog. I couldn't help but laugh. He just reached his fork over and was trying to cut him a piece of the wiener. He just looked so innocent. Jeff just laughed and cut several pieces so it would be easy for him to get. By the way, you don't get by just saying Grace one time at out house. Spencer keeps wanting to say it again and again and will reach for our hands. We all hold hands to form a circle. I think he is telling us we need to pray more. He loves saying "A-men". He says it so sweet. Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily
P.S. Check out the new pictures.

Monday, July 08, 2002 at 11:24 AM (CDT)

This has been a crazy week and week-end. Did I mention my great uncle Mack Mullins passed away and we had to sing at his funeral friday? Then, Saturday, my cousin, Sherry Browning was betrothed to John Paul Mullins. The boys were worn out and had a late nap. Every thing has been off track for the last few days, but we have survived and continue to be blessed to live in the land of the free. Nicholas and Spencer had a great visit with Mike, Robin, and her son Brandon. Spencer was scared of Mike, it was so funny. They have been mocking Brandon pretending to shoot each other and falling down just like he did. Only Spencer made sure he landed on the pillow. They laughed and played for a long time. Spencer tries to do everything that Nicholas does and has to sit on the potty when Nicholas does. He ends up in Nicholas' lap. Major fuss. Nicholas was getting down from a chair and scraped his back. I knew it would be a big bruise. Dad took them 4 wheeling and they saw chickens, cows, and picked berries. They had a great time and Spencer did not want to come into the usual. We got the boys a kitchen center at a yard sale and they have played and played with it. It also has a phone on it and last night, Nicholas was mocking me and told someone that Dad was getting the little one asleep. He is something else. He has been trying to eat a little more. The Prevacid has helped his gas. He is having only one bad gas spell a day verses five or six. He isn't acting nauseated either. If swallowing air was his problem, would this medicine help like this? I can't wait to ask the dr!!!! Continue to remember us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Friday, July 05, 2002 at 05:53 PM (CDT)

I'm baaack. We had a very nice time on our little 20th anniversary celebration with a trip to Boone. We missed the boys terribly. It is just not the same. We felt like we were leaving something behind everywhere we went. We made some new friends, the motel put us both in the same room. It was so funny. Hello to the Hubbards in Baker, Florida. It was so nice to meet you and your family.
The boys missed us too. It was nice to be back home. Some many new things to update I can't remember them all. They are saying so many cute things and growing up so much. Of course we brought them back a lot of if they needed it. How could I pass up a coon-skin cap? Nicholas had one and Spencer needed one too! Continue to remember us in you prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, June 28, 2002 at 11:07 AM (CDT)

Aunt Sharon and I took the boys for a new hair-cut. They look so much better and cooler! We then went for pizza and french fries much to Spencer's delight. He loves both but had a tummy ache at 3:30 am. I just put him in bed with us. It's easier to pat and comfort him when he is close. At least that eliminates us having to get out of bed. I think we need some time off and Aunt Sharon has volunteered to stay with them for a day or two. I will be eternally grateful to her. A chance to catch up on some zzzzzs! I probably will get the "wide eye"!
Nicholas seems to be doing better on Prevacid. Still nauseated but has less gas. I can't wait for a whole day without him getting sick.
I was asked how I am coping with this roller coaster ride. To put it simply, I fully trust in God. "I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me" I can do nothing without him. I thank God that He has trusted me with two little treasures to guide and teach. Pray that I will do my best and be able to show others the love of God.
Here's wishing you and yours a happy and blessed 4th as I won't be able to update until next friday. Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 11:15 AM (CDT)

Another day, another blessing. I thank God for giving me two precious babies. I love holding and kissing them. I hold my breath as they play and just watch them. So innocent and untouched by the ugliness of the world. I pray they stay that way. Nicholas must have missed me yesterday he just clung to me and didn't want me to give Spencer any attention. We played follow the leader with me chasing Nicholas who was chasing Spencer. Spencer kept looking back and giggling. He can't run for laughing. He gets so tickled that he stops and turns around to run back to you. We had so much fun. They are so easy to entertain. Everything fascinates them. Worms, bugs, birds, kittens, dishes, paper, pencils, crayons, it takes very little to get their attention. Its so much fun telling them things and showing them how they work. There is so much to teach them and sometimes I feel like there is not enough time. We just learn as we play. They are teaching mom and dad a lot too. Outside to them is like God to us. We all are learning and are being taught daily. God has to be patient for we are difficult, stubborn, ignorant, selfish, and unlearned students. Isn't God amazing? If I get impatient with my children, I stop and think how loving God really is. Its like being saved all over again. Aren't you glad you have a heavenly Father? My prayer is that I would be the best mother possible and that I will always be a good example before my children. Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 11:36 AM (CDT)

God is still good! Not like us humans, who despair at some point and time. Nicholas' dr appointment. The dr claims he is swallowing air. I told him he would have to swallow a gallon per hour. I can't believe he is swallowing that much, especially since he doesn't swallow that much any way. I could see that if he ate by mouth, but rarely does. I can't believe these dr sometimes. He put him on Prevacid. I hope it helps. No one should have to suffer like he does. I wanted Nicholas' to throw up on him just to show him what he is going through. I know that was ugly, but I get so aggrevated sometimes. It just like they don't believe what I'm saying. It makes me mad. I know my baby better than they do. Last visit he tried to show me how to vent Nicholas' stomach, after I have been doing it for almost 4 years. Anyway thanks for being my sounding board!
Nicholas and Spencer are still the best and the brightest, I think so anyway. Aunt Sharon was our chauffeur yesterday and kept us entertained by singing in Spanish. Nicholas would get so tickled at her. He laughed all the way home. Spencer stayed with Mamaw and was spoiled again. I can't believe how easy it is to spoil him. He misses Nicholas when we have to go somewhere that he can't go with us. He said "Nic" when he saw him. He is so sweet but rotten!! Lots of love, hope, peace, and happines sent your way. Remember us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Monday, June 24, 2002 at 11:12 AM (CDT)

Another busy week-end, starting with vbs on friday evening. They presented the community with the groups singing. They were so good. Nicholas got scared and wouldn't march in with them. They received a certificate and a t-shirt. Saturday morning I got Spencer and Nicholas ready to go to a reunion and Nicholas wanted to go back to vacation bible school. I explained it was over but we would try to go to another. Supermom! We actually got a nap in Sunday, but was up from 1:30 am on with Spencer. Then at 2:30 am Nicholas had to be vented, again at 3:30, then at 4:00. To say the least, I am exhausted today. We go back to the gi dr tomorrow. Maybe he will come up with something else. Nicholas definately needs some relief. I think this has gone on long enough, we have tried everything. If I knew what to do, I would do it in a heart beat. These episodes are violent and very nerve racking. I can only imagine what Nicholas is feeling. Probably like having a heart attack. I can't stand to see him suffer. I'm also afraid something is wrong with Spencer's gi tract. He is having too much pain during the night. He is so sweet and precious. I love my boys and can't stand to see them in pain. I guess all mothers want the best for their children.
I was cleaning Nicholas' mic-key button which stays red and tender. I have told him before that I will be easy as I can. He told me that he would be so proud of me if I would be easy. I couldn't help but laugh. Continue to remember us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Friday, June 21, 2002 at 11:43 AM (CDT)

I took the boys to vbs yesterday evening. They did great. I was so curious to see how they would react to others their age. They are only around older children. They followed instructions well and played. They enjoyed the singing also. Of course!! There were 10 in their class. All of them were so sweet and precious. I think they were content just watching the others. It was so funny. Faith Mountain was the theme, I guess its what we needed. Maybe we can attend again tonight. Hopefully, the dogs won't be there. Nicholas will not get on the ground when they are around. He has a fear of dogs and anything on his face. Dad fixed the turtle sprinkler and Nicholas would not go through the water. Spencer..a different story, he was soaking wet even though the water was cold. I brought him in and put him in the shower. He thought the water was still going to be cold. I laughed. Nicholas would stick his feet in the shower but that was it. He laughs when he get splashed but has to immediately wipe his face off.
Here's looking to a restful, peaceful, lots of sleep week-end. Hope it happens. Remember to hug tighter, kiss more, and enjoy those precious children, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 11:30 AM (CDT)

What did you think? Nicholas is still whispering sometimes when he is talking to me. We had to go to Lexington, 12 hr round trip, to see the hand dr. He now has new red splints. Sorry no orange or green available! He usually wants blue. We were exhausted when we got home. We bought a new booster seat to raise the boys up and Nicholas loved it. He can see outside better and was much more satisfied. He is so good traveling. He was fine except for stomach problems..major gas, retching, trying to throw up, coughing, losing his breath every other feeding. Stressful and scary. I only pray for an answer to his problems. Just some relief for him.
Spencer stayed with his Aunt Sharon and was asleep by the time we came in. I felt so lost and kept going to the crib to look at him. I miss him so much when we have to leave him. It doesn't have a thing to do with who he stays with, I just miss holding, touching, hugging and kissing on my baby. He loves singing.. just like his mamaw!!! I usually sing him to sleep. He acts so shy sometimes. Its so cute.
The medical world has found a link between a breast cancer gene and fa. The breast cancer gene can actually cause fa. Isn't that interesting? I hope this opens up a world of possibilities in research, therapy and cures for both cancer and fa. Our bodies are so complicated. Isn't God awesome. It amazes me more and more how anyone could doubt the creation.
Continue to remember us in your prayers and thanks for traveling on this journey with us, The Boggs FAmily


Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 11:05 AM (CDT)

"Big White Spirit"

Are you ready for this update? I am still amazed and in wonderment. This will be a long one as I have thought of several things that I had forgotten. First, Happy Belated Fathers Day, To all the fathers before us and presently. A tribute to Bertsy Stanley, my adopted church father, who has completed his earthly journey. A big strong man who, when I told him we were expecting our firt child, Nicholas, cried and said, "That just blesses my soul." I will never forget him. I always admired him and his strength in the Lord. A role model I could look up to. Thank you Lord for his guidance. To Hollis Layne: We also grew up with his children and were always together singing. Grew apart and have within the last couple of years grown closer. Nicholas has him wrapped around his little finger too. Thank you Hollis for being another adopted church father. I will never forget the inspiration you have been to me as a child and now. To my father, I love you with all my heart and could not ask for a better dad, father, earthly comforter, a faithful prayer warrior who has always been there for me and our family. You can count on Dad to be praying, praying, and praying. Dad, thanks for everything. I love you. To Nicholas and Spencer's dad, Jeff, I love you with all my heart and could not ask for a better daddy for my children. Thank you for being you. Through the thick and thin you have persevered. Today being our 20th anniversary, thank you for being my best friend, the love of my life, a faithful companion, husband, friend, and daddy. Thank you for being an anchor in Christ and clinging to your faith to encourage me when I've been down. Thank you for being dependable and faithful. Thank you for all the nights you have gotten up with the boys and let me sleep. Thank you for having big strong sholders and arms to comfort, lift and hold my head up when it was drooping. To you all, I wish you the best possible father's day.
Now, are you ready for the rest of the story. Are you sure? I was feeding Nicholas last night and told him that I loved him. He shook his head no. I told him that I loved him better than anybody else in the world. He said in a half whisper, "somebody else loves me." Who? "Somebody who has the spirit" What? He then repeated himself. The Holy Spirit? "No". I asked him if he knew what the spirit was. He said, "Yes, the big white spirit." I asked him if God was the big white spirit. He said yes. Jesus? He said yes. Angels? He said no. I asked him when he saw the big white spirit. He said, "Yesterday! When I go bye-bye and get french fries."
By this time, chills were running all over me and I was crying, trying not to let him know. I don't know what he has seen, maybe a vision. He had never used these words before. I called his nan-nan and she said he whispered all day long. He would not tell her what he was whispering about. This was the first time that he has acted this way. Later, Sharon came up and I tried to get him to tell her about the big white spirit. He said, "Lots of people." That is all I could get him to say. Maybe he and Spencer can communicate with the Heavenly world. Maybe they are more open to God. Maybe we need to stop, humble ourselves as a little child, and listen to the Big White Spirit. I pray that God will continue to watch over us all. The Boggs FAmily

Monday, June 17, 2002 at 11:31 AM (CDT)

We've had a very busy week-end. On the go, most of the time and very hectic. Nicholas is still having major gas problems. He cannot enjoy himself to the fullest without being nauseated. Please pray that we will find the answer to his problems. Is there a solution? It is probably so simple that we are looking over it. If anybody has any suggestions, please do not hesitate to make it. I'm open minded and need help.
Spencer is so jealous of Nicholas or any other baby! He won't even let me hold one. It is so sweet. They both woke up Sunday in the best mood and played so well together. Totally opposite from a nap on Saturday!!! I think mom and dad are totally exhausted. We will survive and persevere.
Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, June 13, 2002 at 11:12 AM (CDT)

We received great news from the bone marrow aspiration. There was no evidence of leukemia or cloned cells. His cellularity is 40-50%, a little down from last year. The megakarocytes were decreased in number. Megakarocytes are cells in the blood that break down into platelets. The down side to all of this is the platelets are the first to start dropping in bone marrow failure. The dr thinks his counts will go up, I don't see how. It would be a miracle. A possibility I know. I still believe in miracles. Nicholas in himself is a wonderful miracle. God knows what we need and we have to be patient. Like the song, when He's four days late, He's still on time. God's time... Our time. We have no idea what is in store for us, by the grace of God we will make it. My trust is in the Lord, not man. We just pray that the drs are receptive of God's knowledge.
The boys are doing pretty good. Nicholas is still throwing up with lots of gas. Dr. Jeng believe me when I told him about the gas! He also agreed that the ears could be playing a part in his nausea. He listened at least.
We are having a booth at the Best Friend Festival if anyone is interested.
Continue with those prayers for sleep, rest, strength, patience, love, and peace, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, June 12, 2002 at 11:03 AM (CDT)

We are all exhausted from the long trip. Nicholas did great. He woke up just as the procedure was finished wanting his mommy. He has loved sleeping with us and stuck to me like glue last night. He and Spencer did not know what to do when the run toward each other. Nicholas thought Spencer was going to knock him down. They finally hugged and kissed each other about 4 times and ended up falling down in the grass and laughing. It was so sweet. "Let's go get Spence" that is what we heard before the end of the first day and also what we heard the last two days! It was hard to believe he missed him so much. Spencer was so happy to see mom and dad too. He can give the sweetest hugs and kisses. He wrapped his arms around me several times. I love that little guy. He had grown a bunch. He loves eating at Mamaw's. I did not worry about that. If you step foot in Mamaw's house, it is guaranteed that you will eat something.
Nicholas' counts were wbc-7.6, rbc-3.67,hgb-12.5, platelet-68,000, anc-2100. The dr thinks he is stable at this time and isn't going to do anything. There is so much to digest at this time. Maybe alternative meds as Nicholas' blood counts start dropping. I haven't heard from the bm biopsy yet. I'm getting worried. Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, June 07, 2002 at 11:54 AM (CDT)

Another blessed day. God is so good. We are so blessed with everything we need. I thank God for everything, life, health, my family and for his Son, Jesus. We could do nothing except He give us strength, breath, and the will to live. The man who broke is neck is having surgery today, please remember that family in prayer. We are leaving in the morning for Memphis. Nicholas overheard us and ask if we were going to go see Michael. He is too sharp. He is fully potty trained, except for the night. He thinks it's the grandest thing on earth and has to show everybody what he has done!! Packing, I'm glad I have another day. We have to take all of Nicholas' equipment and supplies with us. We will be loaded down for sure. Pray for us for traveling mercy and for good results on Monday. Lots of love until then, the Boggs FAmily

Thursday, June 06, 2002 at 11:13 AM (CDT)

A very tired sleepy Hello,
Guess who ate pork-n-beans? Spencer! Guess who was up for 3 solid hours with a tummy ache? Guess who else? All of us! Guess who fed it to him? Can't tell! Guess who I wanted to strangle at 3 am? Can't tell. We had to put cotton in Nicholas' ears so he would not hear Spencer cry. Didn't work! 4:30 he finally settled down and guess who overslept! Mom and Dad! Alarm clocks need legs that move and arms that pull and hands to grab and pull us out of bed! Guess what I need now? Tooth picks to prop up my eyelids!
Packed for Memphis? Not! Even though I have to pack for 4, I will still beat Sharon who will only pack for 2!!!! This week has been so hectic. I've had to round up meds, luggage.. I came up with the idea to get a pull along for Nicholas' portable suction machine for it gets so heavy packing it around all day, I just hope it works. It was so hot last year in July when we went down there. Stifling with all that pavement-around 100d. We are going to try to see Michael while we are there. I can't wait to visit him. He feels like mine too.
Remember a co-worker whose brother-in-law was trying out a trampolin for the first time and it bounced him off, breaking his neck. He is now paralyzed from the neck down. Pray for him and the Shelton family. His 12 yr old daugter is blaming herself for she wanted the trampolin. Life is so precious and we don't realize how fragile it is until a tragedy strikes. Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 11:26 AM (CDT)


I went home yesterday and Nicholas had his speaking valve on, its called a "passey muir". He had been saying,"Glory, Glory, Glory" over and over. I was feeding him and he started singing, "La, La, La". I asked him how Papaw sang bass and he lowered his voice as best as he could and growled,"La, La, La"; Mamaw...he got on a high tone; Mom... he was singing and shaking his head and drawing out the laaaaa. I rolled. He can make a monkey out of everybody, especially mom! I didn't realize I was so dramatic. He laughs when I "act" crazy with him and we do so every chance we get. I try to make the most of every minute and have fun, sometimes it is possible even at the worst of times. We enjoyed the company of Chrissy, Brandon, and Evan. It was so good to see them. I hope Chrissy has her little boy soon, she looked miserable. I wish her a happy,healthy baby. Brandon chased Spencer and it scared him, but he still gave him a good-bye kiss. Spencer is so jealous of Nicholas and I think that is why he lashes out at Nicholas. I have to give him specific quality time every evening, just him and me. I think he misses me during the day. I have always wanted to stay home with my boys but cannot afford the insurance. Maybe one of these days my dream will come true.
I'm trying to get ready for Memphis! I have to pack all week to remember everything we need to take. Mamaw and Stephanie are keeping Spencer. He would fair a lot better with them than with us. It will take 12 hours to get to Memphis. Not an enjoyable trip with a toddler. It is so hot there and Spencer would be miserable. I'm already missing him. He is so sweet. I love my boys. Remember us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 11:04 AM (CDT)

While I was home with the boys, Dad was working at a neighbors house. I decided to take them up to see their dad. Loading them up in their little radio flyer wagon, we took off. Spencer didn't know what to think and absolutely loved it. Our cat followed us all the way. Spencer kept trying to look back to see the cat otherwise they sat so still. They were captivated. I didn't think about my foot and it began to swell nor did I think about carpal tunnel in my wrists. You guessed it. It has flared up again with a vengence, numbness in my fingers and my arm is now swollen just above the wrist. Me and my ideas! The boys loved it and that is what matters. We were within sight of the house and both of them were nodding off to sleep. I got so tickled. It was a mile-round trip. Needless to say the boys went to sleep real easy. Nicholas is still pottying! Doing great. He still isn't feeling well, so remember him in your prayers. Keep praying, hoping, loving, and smiling for God is Good, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, June 03, 2002 at 11:01 AM (CDT)

"I'm A Big Boy"

I've had 4 and a half wonderful days with my boys. We have had a ball. I picked up one of those kiddie pools and the boys have had a ball in it. Nicholas cannot stand anything on his face and had to wipe off any little splash or drop. He finally learned to say, "Towel please." Then he would say, "Thanks! Mom." He is so sweet.
Thursday, the 29th Nicholas started using the potty. We camped out in the bathroom for 20 minutes and after I refused to put on his underwear and shorts, he finally used his potty. I could do nothing but laugh. Dad actually got to see the end of it and praised him too. Nicholas just laughed. He will tell us he has to go now every time. It's wonderful. After using Mamaw's big potty he came downstairs and told Papaw, "Now, I'm a big boy." Mamaw and Papaw is so proud of him. His arms are short and his hands do not have the strength to pull down his pants and he has to have help in this area. Any ideas? Spencer is mocking him and will stand in front of the potty and pretend. It won't be long for him too.
Nicholas' little legs were free of bruises for a whole day, then I could tell he wasn't feeling well Sunday and bruises pop out all over his little legs everywhere. We are sheduled for Memphis on Monday, June 10 for a bone marrow aspiration. They will put him to sleep and extract marrow via needle from his hip bones. He is so small they have to do both hips to get enough marrow. Last time he had a small bruise that lasted for a month or two and was a little sore. Over all he had no real problems with it last time. Just pray for a painless procedure for him. Pray for good results as well. More next time, continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 11:14 AM (CDT)

What a memorial week-end! Saturday was a very exhausting day. Spencer and Nicholas had to be entertained. Dad poured water into an empty tub and put Spencer in it. He had a ball mocking the dunking booth next door by standing up and sitting down with a splash. He loved it. We met a lot of new friends. Nicholas greeted everyone with a smile for the most part. He had a lot of gas and needed venting every hour just about. We parked the van behind the booth and made them a bed in the back. It was so handy to have the van so close.
We have a lot of fudge left and also caramel dip. What do you do with left over dip? I'm open for suggestions. Many thanks for all who contributed donations and food and volunteered to work the booth.
Yesterday, Mom prepared a wonderful birthday dinner for Kenny. It was great being with the family having fun. Spencer and Nicholas loved being outside watching Stephanie ride the horses. Nicholas has another stomach bleed. I can't stand it when I feel helpless and can't relieve his stomach pains.
Continue to remember us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 11:00 AM (CDT)

Another day at the Boggs' house.. Nicholas and Spencer were grumpy and fussy. A rough evening to say the least. Mom must have had one nerve left and lost it. I finally decided to clean doors..full length glass doors. I sprayed them on the outside and the boys tried to clean it on the inside with paper towels. It was funny and kept them occupied for about 5 minutes without pushing and shoving or crying. Nicholas actually hugged and kissed Spencer. No camera, no proof. We survived though.
Aunt Juanita is sick and is devastated that she cannot fry pies. Don't worry, Juanita, there will still be opportunity to help in the future. We love you and are praying for you.
Hopefully, things will look up and everybody will feel better. Continue to pray for us, the Boggs FAmily.

Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 11:09 AM (CDT)

What a boy! I went home and heard the prettiest sound. Nicholas hollering to the top of his lungs. He was feeling much better. He didn't go to sleep until 12 last night. He was wired from so much sleep I guess. Today his nose is pouring, eyes watering, and sneezing. So is Spencer's! Allergies? Colds? I don't know. I just hope Nicholas' isn't bacterial for that would lower his platelets. Do you know what it is like?...waiting, worrying, scared, holding your breath at every sniffle. Even I can't comprehend it all. I just trust in God for He has the plan. We each are a part of that plan, each of us is doing something, helping, encouraging, praying, hurting with us, crying with us, lifting us up, each one makes a difference and it takes us all. Thanks from the bottom of my heart for all that you have done.
On a lighter side, I have just received a shipment of butterfly jewerly and will have it available soon. I'm getting excited about Saturday. Being with everyone helps keep your mind off of the inevitable. Please continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 11:22 AM (CDT)

Nicholas was feeling a little better yesterday evening. He got up at 11:00 and started playing with Spencer. He was fighting sleep by the time I got home. He was much better but not 100%. He helped Dad put a work station together and was "bopping" a screw with a screw driver. He was biting his little tongue while he was "helping" dad. Of course, I had to take a picture. He posed again for me. He loves a camera. Dad was busy entertaining and put the bottom on up-side down and had to redo it after Nicholas went to bed. Nicholas loved it. Spencer loved the box.
More fried apple pies for the bake sale booth at the Pound Heritage Days on Saturday! Thanks for everything. Remember us all in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily.

Monday, May 20, 2002 at 10:56 AM (CDT)

The walk-a-thon went ahead as scheduled despite the cool temp. There were 16 walkers and I want to thank them, among them being a new baby and a small child. Mom had it bundled with three blankets and I gave her a fleece throw to add to it. A special thanks to Coach Lee and the Fellowship of Christain Athletes for being a great host. Nicholas presented Coach Lee with a complimentary tee-shirt. Aunt Mildred Rutherford won the free tee-shirt for bringing in the most money. God Bless each and every one that walked on Nicholas' behalf.
Nicholas did not get out in the weather Saturday but by Sunday he was sick. I started the new med for his stomach and added rice cereal to his feedings. Did it work? NOT! I should have known better than to give him Erythamician? It has totally upset his stomach. Cramping and 100x the amount of gas. He must have aspirated and was running a fever, coughing his head off, and did not step foot on the floor until 11:00 today. I was yo-yo ever time he coughed last night. Suctioning and venting. My night was sleepless to say the least. He didn't rest well either. He wouldn't hardly let me out of his sight.
He is nowing playing a little bit. Please
pray an extra prayer for him and us. Spencer was worried about him and kept going to the crib and saying "HI".
We are going to have a bake sale booth at the Pound Heritage Days. Also selling the angel pins and t-shirts. Volunteers are needed. Come join us if you can and are in the area. Love to all and thanks, the Boggs FAmily

Friday, May 17, 2002 at 11:54 AM (CDT)

Going home with t-shirts yesterday, Nicholas saw them and said, "That's meeeee." It was so cute. The t-shirts are beautiful!!!! I was pleased with the results. Innovative Graphics did a great job. We will have them available at the walk-a-thon and all of our booths at the local gatherings. Thanks in advance.
Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 10:49 AM (CDT)

A crazy hello,

Computer virus! I'm going crazy with this stuff. What could motivate anyone to write a program just to mess everybody's computer up? It has to be the devil. That only goes back to choices. We all have to make choices...good or bad, do or don't, and will or won't. I think of all that wasted talent and cringe inside.
On to better things..Nicholas and Spencer of course! Spencer must have missed mom and dad. I had to sneak out to go to work and Dad couldn't go out of the room. He must have thought we were leaving again. He is so sweet but can be fretful when he is upset. He gives the sweetest hugs and kisses. Nicholas can too. Thanks to Sarah for the butterfly sun catcher. Everyone knows I'm using butterflies for Nicholas' campaign slogan and are helping me find items. Thank you. We are getting geared up for the walk-a-thon on Saturday. I'm so excited. I pray for a warm, sunny day.
Nicholas was mocking mommy yesterday. He threw up his arms and shouted, "Whoooooo, Praise the Lord." He also said he was going to leave this world with a shout. He must have remembered that from a song. He is something else.
Love to all and remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 10:46 AM (CDT)

A very exhausted hello,

Monday, Spencer had his booster shots and Nicholas had speech pathologist to visit with him. We should have the report and her recommendations in a week to 10 days.
Tuesday, Spencer stayed with Mamaw while Nicholas visited with 3 drs. He told them he loved them. Total melt down. It was amazing to see the different reactions to 3 simple words. Tranformations! On Sunday, Nicholas sang "Jesus Loves Me" in church. It was priceless. He has been wearing his passey muir, speaking valve, and jabbers up a storm. His counts are: Platelets 75,000 up 2000, wbc-6.3, rbc-3.83, and hgb-12.6. He is stable at this time. We are sheduled to go for a bone marrow aspiration in Memphis in July. Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, May 10, 2002 at 10:53 AM (CDT)

I came home to a little pot of flowers for Mother's Day. This little pot was decorated by Nicholas, he painted it. He also made me a card. These gifts are so precious and can never be replaced. Thanks Ms. Terri Polly for being a creative teacher.
Developments...Nicholas used the potty a little bit... and then asked if he could go to Aunt Sharon's. That was the bribe the night before and he still remembered it. They went for haircuts yesterday evening. They look so much better. Spencer got his french fries and strawberry shake..he loves them. Of course he loves everything. Nicholas has had major gas, ear ache, and sneezing, but is feeling some better. I hope it does not pull his platelets down. If his anc drops along with his plateletts, he will be in isolation. This means his infection fighters are too low to be exposed to additional germs. I dread this portion of the journey for it means the beginning of marrow failure. Continue to remember us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 09:28 AM (CDT)

Nicholas is still tring to get the idea of potty training in his head. He will hold it for hours. He has only one kidney and doesn't need to go often. It's going to be the moment he needs to go!! Pray for us. I thought this would be easy. If only it was the hardest thing we had to do.
Spencer mocks everything Nicholas does except eating the crayons. Nicholas won't attempt too but Spencer tries all the time. I'm going to have to feed that baby!
I never thought about this kind of love before. If you don't have children, you don't fully understand. It even puts a new prespective on God letting Jesus be a supreme sacrifice for us. It us trully amazing.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 11:20 AM (CDT)

I love you

Nicholas is still "I love you-ing". Yesterday he told Spencer he loved him and then told Spencer to tell him that he loved him back. Spencer says, "choooo" for I love you. I think he is trying to say "you". For thank you, he holds his head over to one side or drops his chin and says "choo". He got one tooth through and another is on the way. Night before last Spencer was sitting petting the cat. I look around and he was chewing something! Guess what it was? Yes, cat food!!! I guess I waited too late to feed him dinner!
Remember Lisa and Burt Franks in your prayers as they are suffering from the loss of their daughter, Anna. Anna is Aunt Ova's great-grand daughter, so remember her in prayer too.
Next week will be busy, Monday, Spencer has a dr appt and Nicholas'goes back to JC for more blood work on tuesday. A group from VA Tech is going to do a swallowing evaluation on Nicholas Monday too. I go back to the dr on Wednesday! Do you want anything next week? Call for appt.!
Love to all, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, May 06, 2002 at 11:25 AM (CDT)

Mr and Mrs Crip!

Another good week-end for the most part. Dad stepped on a nail Saturday. By Sunday morn, it was swelling and turning red and he had to go to the emerg rm. Antibiotics for infections! Now we are Mr and Mrs Crip!
Nicholas and Spencer will soon be walking with a limp!! As they are mocking everything they see! Nicholas is still telling us he loves us. Now he is telling Spencer too. It is so sweet and heartbreaking. We had lots of company Friday night, Aunt Cathy, Uncle Wix, Mamaw Boggs, Mary, and Becky. The boys had a ball. They love for people to come and see them. I guess they are tired of Mom and Dad. Uncle Wix went outside to chew and Nicholas asked Cathy where he was and she told him. Nicholas then asked, "Is he spitting?" Cathy didn't know what to think. I don't know where or if he has seen anybody chew unless he is relating to Uncle Joel spitting in his cup when he dips that nasty stuff! Nicholas does not miss a thing. He is sharp as a tack and the dr told me he would probably have an i.q. of 40 to 60. NOT! He had grasped everything except potty training! He actually stood on his step stool and tried last night. He told Dad he would go to the potty in the morning. It was funny. Spencer likes to sit on the potty and pretend he is using it! He is so precious.
Continue to remember us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Friday, May 03, 2002 at 11:57 AM (CDT)

Friday again, time is flying. May is already here and a quarter of the year is gone. The boys keep us busy and the time flies so we must be having fun! We do enjoy them so much. Storms kept us inside last night so Dad got in the floor to play with the boys. They have missed him getting in the floor since his back surgery. They love it. Nicholas was soaking wet with sweat. He play so hard, gets too hot, and starts coughing and ends up throwing up. He just can't win for losing. He wanted Blueberry Buckle last night and actually ate some by mouth. I love it when he eats. Spencer loves it too.
We had to wait on Dad and Nicholas to say our prayers again, our nightly family prayer. Spencer will holller, "Daa" "Comon". Then Nicholas will hold Spencer's hand through the crib. My eyes melt to tears when I see them do this. If Spencer says anything, Nicholas will shush him. It is so funny and sweet. Spencer will see if Nicholas is bowing his head then he will bow his. They are darling. We are making happy memories. Kodak moments of the heart. Continue to remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 11:05 AM (CDT)

A national day of prayer. Every day is a national day of prayer for us. So many people are going through hardships of some kind. We have had 4 or 5 fatal car accidents this week. These families need your prayers during their grief.
Yesterday we planted flowers. Everyone pitched in and it was fun. Nicholas had to help Papaw and Tommy dig holes. Of course I took pictures! Spencer was having the thrill of his life. Uncle Kenny was riding him on the 4 wheeler and gave in to him for more riding when he tried to lift Spencer off and he started crying with that little pouty lip. He actually cried after him when Kenny went down the road. Daddy pacified him with riding the little one. We kept hearing a kitten mew and found them behind the shrubs. Nicholas had to see them and I took his picture beside of the azaela. I hope it turns out good. Our neighbor went up the road and of 8 people outside who do you think she yelled "hi" to?
You guess it. Nicholas! Our other neighbor went up in his coal truck. He saw Spencer and Nicholas pumping thier arm trying to get him to blow his horn and backed up to blow it several times. It was so sweet. Just about too loud for Nicholas and his sensitive ears. Those boys have everybody wrapped around thier fingers.
Nicholas was keyed up or the breathing treatment made him hyper and he couldn't go sleep. After the big storm knocked the power off for a few seconds, Nicholas said, "Mommy, da light was off". He eventually went to sleep. I checked on him about 3:30 a.m. and he had Dad's hankie-a red bandana across his arm, like he was holding on to it. Dad's hankie is the key to wipe all the tears away, especially when Spencer was pestering him last night. Nicholas would cry at the drop of a hat. I guess he was too tired and had had a big day outside.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 12:02 PM (CDT)

God let me live to see another day. Did you notice I didn't finish the sentence yesterday? Alert!?!
On with the good stuff, Nicholas and Spencer are so precious. Have I told you that? Oh, sorry if I'm boring but I love to talk about my boys. I received the issue of FA Newsletter and they had published "The Gift" and had the boy's picture in it. It was so pretty. Other children were in it too. I just have to be honest don't I.
The boys have coughs and sniffles again. Maybe we will make it to summer without a hospitalization. I hope so. Got to go...Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 11:22 AM (CDT)

A Year--A Life Time

One year ago today, Dr K handed us some paper work on Fanconi's Anemia. Sitting in the docter's office, digesting the suspicions of a hematologist, we were in shock. I read some of the info and it was describing my baby. They wrote the book using Nicholas as the subject. I told Jeff if the blood work came back negative I would have been surprised. It finally made sense, everything that was different was described. Spencer's white count came back real low. He was to be tested also. It would take about 2 weeks to get the results back, there was still a little hope. On May 14, 2002 we had the verbal results..Nicholas Positive for FA and Spencer was negative. I look back and it seems an eternity ago. So much information has been crammed into a year, and so much I have to learn. I haven't even scratched the surface. Where has the time gone? How much longer do we have together? No one knows. There isn't a promise of tomorrow. There isn't a promise of the next breath

Monday, April 29, 2002 at 11:33 AM (CDT)

My heart is saddened by the passing of another little precious girl named Kacie Goodwin, also from VA. I get so attached to these children I'm following. Praying, cheering, constantly learning new things about them and thier families. I'm thankful the family were Christians and were so brave and had lots of faith. It is amazing what a family has to go through when there is sickness or an affliction. We are survivors and God has given us all the equipment we need. A prayer line, faithful friends, encouragers, the comforter, and a precious family. What else do we need? Earthly possessions don't mean anything and have no real value. My boys are the most precious jewels that Dad and I could ever have.
Spencer is in to everything and loves to chase the cats. He tries to step on them too. Petting its back and saying "ooooh or wheeeee" when it lifts up its tail. He tries to help it sometimes and pull it up by the tail. The poor cat doesn't know what is happening to it. He doesn't know what to think of Uncle Kenny's beard. Kenny roughed up his face and Spencer did not like that at all and wanted to go to Papaw. Anywhere to get away. He just looked at him so straight without smiling. We all laughed at him.
Nicholas is still hopping around. Yesterday, He told his dad that he loved him a hundred times. He was so loving. Hugging on us and giving us sugar. He was feeling good and pestering mom.
My best to all. Remember us in your prayers and I thank God for your faithfulness, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, April 26, 2002 at 11:29 AM (CDT)

I wore a regular shoe yesterday and today. My leg is weak but feeling better. The boys will be mocking me limping around yet. I love those precious, priceless moments. I was telling Nicholas goodnight and cuddled his face with my hand. He wrapped his little hands around my arm and hugged it. He then kissed my hand and said, "I love you mommy." Those are the sweetest words. He is so sweet. My heart swells and my eyes fill up and I want to stop time. Time to grasp it all. Every thing that he is going to miss I want to cram into every moment. I want him to enjoy God's goodness. I want him to feel the wind in his face while the horse is galloping, riding the bike, or just enjoying a sunny day. I want him to do it all, see an ocean, ice skate, dig for night crawlers to go fishing, catch frogs and lightening bugs, splash in a mud puddle, climb a mountain, an earthly mountain. I want him to live. He is happy just being outside. He and Spencer were splashing in water the other evening and I just listened to the laughter. They loved it.
He tries to comfort us when he is getting sick now. He told Papaw that he would be alright last night. He is the bravest little boy that I know. I'm so proud of my boys. Spencer is sweet too just in a different way. He will lay his head over on his shoulder and say peaaasee. We were singing "Jesus Loves Me" last night and came to ..the Bible tells me so..I stopped and Spencer said "Biiiblabla" for bible. It was so precious. I could hug them both forever. He has grown up so much.
Please continue to pray for us, the Boggs FAmily

Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 11:41 AM (CDT)

Another evening of nose blowing, aches, pains, and laughs. Nicholas and Spencer watched Tweety Bird and in one episode a rooster licks his wing and runs it across his comb. Nicholas was brushing his teeth and I heard Dad laughing. I peeped around the corner and Jeff asked if I had seen what Nicholas had done. Nicholas licked his fingers and ran them through his hair. It was so funny. Nicholas just laughed. He knew he was doing something cute. Spencer was in a good mood too. Every time you lay him down, he points to the radio and says "on". I have a cd of classical bedtime music of nursery rhymes. It sounds so soothing and peaceful. He loves it. He loves singing and tries to sing la la la, la la la. Nicholas knows the words to several songs and books. You can stop at any given place and he will supply the next word. He never ceases to amaze me. I love them so much. I pray for many years of hugs and kisses. Continue to pray for us and all the sick, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 11:07 AM (CDT)


The other evening I took Pizza home for dinner. Spencer got so excited and was trying to say it. He would get out the first part really well, scrunching up his face and laughingly blubber up the end... it came out as Pizzzzblabla. We all laughed at him, which made it worse! He would try to be funny then.
Nicholas has more bruises on his knees in various shades and forms of healing. We go back for blood work in the middle of May. Then they will set up a bone marrow aspiration test in Memphis at St. Judes in July. The doctor visits are slowing down then they will hit all at once. Nicholas asked Nan Nan if he could go outside. She told him he could if it had warmed up. He told her he could wear a coat! Spencer will go and get his coat, wanting it on to go outside. They would stay outside if we would let them. I can't blame them. No garden yet! I can't really have a say since I don't get to work in it. Spencer will have to have fresh green beans and corn. He loves them.
Putting the paws of a bear together to say our bedtime prayers, Spencer loves it. Last night we all held hands, the bear included. Nicholas stuck his hand through the crib and held Spencers. It was so precious. Spencer kept saying "amen" before Dad was fininshed. I love those moments.
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 11:23 AM (CDT)

Another evening sitting with my ankle propped up. It was swollen quite a bit amost like a glove blown up with the fingers (toes) stuck out. It did look funny. It was too cool to go outside and the boys had to put up with us until Mamaw and Papaw came up. Then as quick as Nicholas was fed, he led Mamaw to the bedroom to play and hide from us. Spencer followed and you could hear them laughing all over the house. I think he wears his Mamaw out. She loves it though. Nicholas pouted at Papaw when they had to leave. He told Mamaw he was mad at Papaw for taking his Mamaw home. He is a character.
Spencer loves to brush his teeth. He will say "teece" and rub his finger across his mouth and get so excited. I think he likes the taste of the toothpaste. He is so sweet. It took Nicholas a while to get to sleep last night. I laid down and every few minutes I would hear this little raspy voice..."mom my, com ere min ute" (come here a minute) How could I not go? He wanted me to pat him or he wanted to play with my hair. He didn't want to go to sleep. I love to hear him "mommy". He has to take a breath between each word. It take a lot of effort for him to talk. An hour later, he finally went to sleep. I didn't hear another thing all night long. I was exhausted. Dad is having lots of back pain, also.
Jeff's brother had a biopsy yesterday but we haven't gotten the official results. The dr. said it looked ok to him. Darrel did really well but definately has black lung. Remember us all in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, April 22, 2002 at 11:21 AM (CDT)

"Bubble King"
Nicholas runs to me at night and tells me he is the "bubble king." Dad has dubbed him that from making bubbles while washing his hands. He thinks its great. Dad is suffering with a back ache and allergies today. Spencer is having fun mocking him with a hankie. He will take a few steps and pretend to cough and blow his nose. He is something else. They see everything. Thanks to Sissy, Dad and I got a break friday night. We went out to dinner and went shopping Saturday. The boys were most in our minds and benefited the most from our shopping! I guess that is the way from now own. How do we make it through the day without a kiss and hug? There isn't anything to compare to those little arms going around your neck. So precious.
Nicholas had another small stomach bleed yesterday. There is always something to worry about. Now I know why we thought Mamaw was a worrywort. Like Mother Like Daughter. The only difference is that I worry silently. Oh no..... I admitted it.
Thank you for your continued prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, April 19, 2002 at 11:05 AM (CDT)

Comeon, going to the back door, wanting to go outside Spencer and Nicholas love the outdoors. Picture this... Mom tired of being helpless and trying to be a super woman pulled off the hot boot and doned a pair of slip on tennis shoes. Limping but doing better until Nicholas tries to catch Dad and Spencer on the big 4 wheeler. That little battery operated 4 wheeler can go faster than I can hobble along!! Nicholas, who is just learning to steer but would rather watch the wheels turn and not where he is going, headed for the creek, then across the bridge, and up the road. By this time Dad is long gone. Making it up to the barn, I talked him into turning around. That accomplished, in which he did great, he went back down the road. I was just out of reach of him and told him to stop. He tried to look back at me and drove straight into a ditch. He did not fall off! It scared him and me. We made it back across the bridge and he preceded to drive over a shrub and into a block wall. He has yet to understand that all he has to do to make it stop is lift his foot off of the pedal. By the time he made it to the open yard he had had enough. It was funny in one way. At least he didn't give up. We decided to go for a walk to see the horses...again. Walking across the bridge to meet Spencer and Dad, the boys decided their shoes were more interesting to see and ran into each other, knocking each other down. That was funny but they failed to see the humor of it! Swinging is much safer or so we thought, barely catching Spencer from walking in the path of a swinging Nicholas. What an evening! Mom and Dad were exhausted but love it. Once inside, I discovered my swollen ankel, which let me know I had overdone it, and had to sit out for awhile!! There is never a dull moment at our house.
Please remember Darrell Boggs, Jeff's brother. It looks like a mass between his heart and lungs. He is having surgery on Monday the 22nd. Lymph nodes are swollen also. I'll let you know what they found out later. Remember us all in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 11:21 AM (CDT)


After dinner, we went outside to play. Thunder and lighting drove us in the garage where we blew bubbles and tried to ride the 4 wheeler. Spencer decided to run out of the garage. He forgot that he isn't use to gravels and uneven surfaces. You guess it...he fell. A gravel made a place on his nose just missing his eye. Scared? I was. Then he decided once wasn't enough and fell again. He finally got the idea to step from the concrete to the gravels! That boy!
Nicholas will tell him, "I love you boy". I hope "boy" does not stick. Nicholas has had another rough day with gas this week. It kills me to see him so sick. As soon as he feels relief, he will sit up and say "I better". He is amazing. We learn so much through our children.
Every evening, Spencer will run toward the kitchen with his hand back motioning you to "comeon". He runs the words together. It sounds so sweet. If you don't follow him as soon as he says it, he will come back for you. Guess what he wants. Did you guess ice cream? Popsicles, any flavor.
He will squeal, "OhBo" for OH, Boy!
I love to hear them laughing and playing. I was feeding Nicholas in the floor and Spencer joined him on the lion pillow. Nicholas reached over and kissed him! You never know what they are going to do! Fight or hug. It all depends on their moods or if they have had naps I guess. They don't pretend for anyone, they are what they are. Grouchy, Loving, Sweet, Rotten, Mischievious, Sleepy, or whatever. Nicholas had his feelings on his shoulder the other evening and no one but "Sissy" could help. Oh, well. Mamaw told me there would be days like that. I should listen to Mamaw more often.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 11:38 AM (CDT)

I Love Him

Dad was getting Nicholas ready last night and he wanted to kiss Spencer good night. They kissed and ended up shaking hands. It was so funny. He told his dad that he loved Spencer. I never know what he is going to say. I've tried to explain that he still loves Spencer even though he is upset with him. Eventually, he will grasp the idea. Spencer slept last night without his pacifier. It's gone...for good. He did really well. He chewed on his bears foot until I said, "Yuck". Then he tried to mock me and laughed. He thought is was funny. Of course I made a big ugly face and was dramatic about it. I sang him to sleep. He did great. What did I ever do before my babies were born? I slept! Cleaned house! Wasted a lot of time! I now play with them. I know what is important don't I?
Remember us in your prayers as each day brings on more challenges, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 11:42 AM (CDT)


Leaving a crying Spencer behind to visit Sissy and Uncle Joyel Wayne, Nicholas had no sympathy for him. He said, "I've had enough of that boy!" I still don't know where he gets this stuff from. I rack my brain but cannot come up with the answers. Its so funny. Another funny incident was my flannel gown. I put on a cooler gown the other night and Nicholas grabbed up the flannel one. He ran with it to the back bedroom (in the dark) and was trying to hide it. I could not help but laugh. He was laughing too. He is so mischievious! ok.I get the hint. He likes silk better!
Spencer is gaining weight. He is so cute. He mimics Nicholas in everything. Actions, hand motions, and talks like him too.
Guess what? I went home and my dad had plowed the garden spot. I was so excited. Jeff informed me he was going to plant grass seed. I wasn't much help in the garden for the last 3 years and I guess he and dad are tired of doing it themselves. No fresh green beans, corn, tomatoes, and peppers? I'll have to do some heavy talking. ok. Begging! I'll get back with you on that.
The boys rode the four-wheeler again. They love it. Nicholas' eyes sparkled when he heard me bragging how he could ride it all by himself to Mamaw. They are something else.

Remember a friend of mine, she just found out she has breast cancer. Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, April 15, 2002 at 11:54 AM (CDT)


My heart is saddened by the passing of 2 more fa children. One was in her 20s and the other was 5 and going throught a transplant. Please remember the families in your prayers.
Nicholas is doing ok. The new formula isn't a miracle cure but is a lot easier on his little system. If only he can gain weight on it. Spencer is still a little stinker. A sweet stinker though. Nicholas is now calling his Aunt Sharon "Sissy". It is so sweet. I'm sure Spencer will too. Sissy will not sneak off with Nicholas any more without him. She will have to learn to handle both at the same time!!
Hope all is well with you and your families. Love them more and let them know.
Remember us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily.

Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 10:38 AM (CDT)

One step at a time, not one day at a time. It gives new meaning to my world. I hobble here and there. It has made me appreciate more and not take things for granted. I will not hurry any person I see on or in crutches, walker, wheel chair, cast, or limping along. You never know the entire circumstances until you are there. I hope to be a better person when this is over. I thank God for my health and for my family. I could not make it without them. Bless Jeff's heart, he is a jewel. I already knew that. He has helped so much the past 3 and a half years. We have had to work together or both of would be looney! God had provided what we needed. He always does.
Nicholas and Spencer are getting use to me being out of commission. They don't ask me to do much these days. I hope they don't forget me. I love them so much and its so hard not to be able to do for them. I should enjoy the "rest" according to Sharon. I'll have to revamp my thinking. Hmmmmm.
Nicholas was feeling bad yesterday and did not have any energy until after his nap. He was a live wire when I got home. I enjoy watching them play when they don't know I'm watching. Jeff had put the cushions off in the floor and they were using them to step up and get on the couch. Nicholas would jump and see if Spencer was watching. Then Spencer would mock him. Nicholas would just laugh. It was so cute. I wish all moments were like that. Could I stop time at those times and make them last forever? Precious moments and no camera ready.
Remember us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, April 10, 2002 at 11:44 AM (CDT)

Hello to all,
It amazes me the things that children say. You never know what they are thinking until they can talk. Nicholas loves to play with Mamaw on the bed making a tent. He can be a little bossy too! Telling Mamaw, "You stay right there!" They pick up on everything. Spencer wasn't feeling the best with another tooth trying to come through the gum. Rosy cheeks and a temp. eating popsicles like they are going out of style.
Mommy was nursing a swollen ankle. On the foot too much! I'll try to do better. Not much luck so far today. Daddy busy as a bee trying to help everybody. A typical hectic evening at the Boggs Bungalow.
Keep smiling, kissing, and loving your precious children. Remember us all in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 11:32 AM (CDT)

Yesterday, as I was on the way home, guess what I saw. My neighbor had plowed her garden. The sight of fresh dirt getting ready for planting brought a big smile to my face. I could just imagine my bare feet in the dirt. Country girl? You bet. I love Spring time. The birds are singing, frogs croaking...its new life. New Life, new growth, a time of hope. Hope for life, love, health, and happiness. Gardening Hope...Hope the moles don't eat the potatoes. Hope the crows don't eat the bean and corn seed! I needed to lighten up, so there.
On to the good... Nicholas is still a precious little boy with big ideas. He pouts and gets "upset" with Aunt Sharon if she gives Spencer too much attention, such as hello. Spencer is precious too. He is stuck on his daddy...mommy is pouting too.
He has his daddy wrapped completely. Nicholas does too of course. They are special gifts from God. I treasure each moment, good and bad. Nicholas has lost 4 ounces, please pray he starts doing better with his feedings. I pray for wisdom to know what to look for and watch for and what to have checked out. He has had another stomach bleed. I think I scraped his mic-key button against the chair as he climbed up in my lap. It kills me to think I wasn't careful enough. Everyday is a challenge and I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me. Continue to pray for the Adkins family as well as all the children who are having bmts. Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Monday, April 08, 2002 at 11:39 AM (CDT)

The week-end was needed. A lazy day with mom, dad, and the boys. We needed it. Dad is doing everything as I can't walk very good yet. Supermom tried to do without meds yesterday! Not so. In pain most of the night and today also. The boys had a ball with a homemade tent: the pooh-bear quilt that our precious friends in Castlewood and Nickellsville gave to Nicholas. The boys love it. They will never be forgotten. Thanks everybody for what you have done.
Nicholas is still trudging alone with smiles and cute sayings! He came home yesterday from Aunt Sharons with a water bottle the little white ones. He said it was his spit cup! Thanks Uncle Joel! How long ago since you were at our house with a little white spit cup!!!? You are going to have to quit dipping skoal!
Spencer and Nicholas now have matching bruises on their cheeks. Spencer fell on his cup last night, tripping over the little tent entrance! Nicholas fell into the couch, coming out of the same tent friday evening. They are a mess. I can't stand this much longer. I love to get in the floor with them.
Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, April 05, 2002 at 11:12 AM (CST)

Smile. Smile. Smile. If I keep saying it, will it happen. Of course. My leg is throbing, my heart is in my feet, my mind is going everywhere and not getting anywhere. Do you ever have days like that? I hope not. Nicholas and Spencer are ok. That is enough to make me smile. It always is. I love them so much. I missed them so much yesterday when I came back to work. Mommy got spoiled. Spencer is mocking everybody. Hand gestures when he jabbers, its so cute. They pick up on the funniest things. He also loves lasagna just like his mommy, bread just like his daddy. He does look more like dad now. Sorry mamaw. Nicholas has a bruise on his cheek and more on his legs. He is getting so rough and loves to jump and land on his knees. I don't know what we are going to do later. They also love to hold on to one another and fall down together. I love to hear them laugh. So precious, I treasure each moment with them.
Pray for the Adkins family, Caitlyn is 8 yrs old with Ewing's Sarcoma and has to start chemo. Pray. Pray. Pray.
Lets all band together in prayer for each other. Remember us, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, April 04, 2002 at 11:33 AM (CST)

I know its been awhile since the last update. I broke my leg Saturday. Of all things to do! Nicholas went to get new glasses and more blood work Monday, April 1. His platelets have come up to 73000. Thank the good Lord. I went to the orthopedic and they gave me a boot to wear instead of a cast. The boot is much better as I can take it off. Its hot though. I enjoyed being home with the boys the last couple of days. Spencer was hopping on one leg mocking me walking down the hall. It was so funny. The little stinker.
Check out the new pictures!
Continue to pray for us. The Boggs FAmily.

Friday, March 29, 2002 at 12:10 PM (CST)

Hello to all,
Thanks for visiting our website. Nicholas has a dr appt monday. Very busy day, getting new glasses and then possibly getting to see 2 drs. Hopefully we can get blood drawn then so we can save him a stick. His little feet look like a pin cushion most of the time.
He loved his visit from a little friend named Candy. Spencer was totally fasinated with her. I love to hear the boys laugh. It was refreshing after a rather hectic evening. Thanks Candy and may God bless you.
Then they had a blast playing hide-n-seek with Uncle Joyel Wayne and Aunt Sharon. They spoil them too much!!!
Have a wonderful and blessed Easter week-end, a celebration of the Risen Saviour, The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 11:57 AM (CST)

We went to Nicholas' EIP meeting, to discuss what areas need to be addressed in the coming school year. Nicholas has made great improvements this past year. His speech has made great progress and he is where he should be. This is a great accomplishment since he has a trach. The speech therapist is amazed that he can talk without occluding the trach. No one knows how he does it but he does.
He is still congested and coughting today. He konked Spencer with a truck yesterday and had to get "time out". He hates it. Spencer is still going strong and loves chocolate! They love to imitate mommy cooking! and love to help with daddy's dinner. Spencer loves to play with the vaccum! Go figure!
Keep those prayer wheels turning and the mid-night oil burning. Thanks to all of you who pray for us on a daily basis. We love you and could not make it without our good friends. Thanks again and keep the faith, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 11:05 AM (CST)

Hello to all,
Its hard to remember all the sweet things the boys do and say. You think you'll never forget them, but you do. Loss of sleep will do that to you. I can't seem to remember what I want to now days! Spencer has finally gotten his incisors throught the gum but was still grumpy last night. Monday night we were sitting in the floor looking out the back door at the moon. I told them the moon prayer. I see the moon, the moon sees me. God bless the moon and God bless me. They loved it. I said, "I need some sugar." Spencer kissed one cheek and Nicholas kissed the other. Heavenly..then Spencer had to kiss the same cheek that Nicholas had kissed. It was so sweet. He is mocking everything that Nicholas is doing. Nicholas will make faces and cut up just to keep Spencer laughing. Spencer's giggle is infectious. I love hearing him laugh. There is no greater sound than the laughter and playing of your children.
The boys really enjoyed their company last night. Mary, Becky, and Mary's mom, Clara, visited and brought them an Easter bucket full of chocolate and other goodies. Much to Spencer's delight. Spencer was scared of the yellow grass in the bottom. It was so funny. Later, I couldn't hear him and guess what he was doing? You're right...spreading it all over the living room floor! Mom had fun cleaning it up. Thanks Mary!! Nicholas had a ball with the Noah's ark sticker book. He matches so well. Nicholas slept better last night and so did mom. I think he is getting over his cold at last. His coloring is still off especially when he is tired. I was hoping he would look better when he started feelling better. I guess we will be going for more blood work friday. I didn't expect him to look bad this early. Some people can't tell it but I can.
Keep praying for his healing, strength, courgage for all of us, The Boggs, FAmily

Monday, March 25, 2002 at 11:13 AM (CST)

I Do It Myself

"I do it myself" the quote for the week-end. Nicholas is getting so independent and grown up...Dad made him a stool so he can wash his hands himself, brush his teeth by himself. That smile was wonderful. He also got to ride his four-wheeler. I do it myself.. He did too. Spencer did too. Spencer loved it and did not want to get off. This week-end was so refreshing. We did not have to go anywhere or do anything but play and catch up on sugars. I throughly enjoyed it.
I spoke to Nicholas' hematologist and he wants a repeat of his bloodwork done in a couple of weeks. He said there would not be any restrictions on Nicholas until his platelet count is below 50,000. Then he will have to be careful and not rough-house. He is getting so fiesty, with his little shadow following in his footsteps. They are so cute. They love playing "follow-the-leader" and then end up falling in the floor in a heap. Pray for our healing, restoration of strength, and grace. Keep the faith and remember to hug and kiss your children more often, The Boggs FAmily.

Friday, March 22, 2002 at 11:25 AM (CST)

Another busy evening, wiping noses, keeping peace, and entertaining. Nicholas was feeling some better and Spencer was feeling worse. I think Spencer is getting an ear infection, although he slept the best last night than he ever has. Nicholas was gasey and had to be vented several times. I know it is his ears. It sounds crazy but that is what is causing his nausea. Can that be proven? Who knows? Nicholas told me yesterday evening that he was upset with Spencer. He is so funny. I think he is going to hold grudges!! Who does that sound like?
I picked up the proofs from Mamaw Boggs' birthday party. They are beautiful. I can't wait to put them on the website. Look for them in the near future.
Nicholas is getting new glasses and Dad is getting reading glasses! The optometrist said Nicholas' eyes were worse. There is nothing they can do to help his eyes except for the glasses until he is older and has more testing done on them. Just remember us in your prayers and keep the faith, the Boggs FAmily.

Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 11:13 AM (CST)

Hello to all who happen upon this website,
God is good, just, and alive. I thank God for my family. Mom and Dad were Christians and raised us up in a loving home. We didn't have a worry in the world. Mom was always there for us: cooking, cleaning, and always teaching us the right way to go. Thank you mom. You are the best. Dad was the provider in our home. I look back at all the pressure that was on him. Making sure money was there to provide for four little children. We had a roof over our head, food on the table, and clothes on our back. Every evening dad would sit and read the Holy Bible. I appreciate the memories of seeing him there and he is still doing it now. You can always count on him to be praying for you, where ever you are or what ever you are going through. Thank you dad. I appreciate you both so much, thanks for the love and support down through the years. Thanks for always being there. Now the boys are enjoying their mamaw and papaw. They love them so much. Nicholas says he's going to be big like papaw! He doesn't realize it yet but he is already!!
Nicholas is still coughing but feeling better. Spencer's nose is now running like a sugar tree! He is cutting another tooth! He wasn't feeling well at all yesterday evening but slept better last night. Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 11:37 AM (CST)

Hi to all,
Its so good to see the visitor number going up. I hadn't checked it in a while. I was tickled pink! Please sign the guestbook and drop us a note. Nicholas is a little better. We all met at Bonanza to celebrate birthdays...Stephanie, Wesley, and Joel's yesterday evening. I picked up an ice cream cake and we shared with others that were there. The boys loved it. Nicholas is feeling a little better and is not on antibiotics yet. Trying to let his immune system kick in. Its so hard to see him feel bad. He coughed some last night and Spencer cried out all night long with a tummy ache..too much ice cream? No sleep for mom. Dad has a cold and doesn't feel the best either. We all need a healing touch.
To all of you that received a nasty email, I apologize. I had an address wrong. Just continue to pray for them, that's what I'm doing. I guess that is why I felt troubled earlier. Jesus knew I was going to need extra grace. Thank you Lord. I pray we all get a new dose of the Jesus virus. Be brave and couragaeous and more infectious for Jesus. Christ will prevail. Please remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 11:44 AM (CST)

I now have 2 little men. Curls are definately gone. Nicholas has very little left and Spencer looks so sweet and grown up. Everyone thinks he looks just like Jeff now!!
Please pray for Nicholas, he is sick again. He started Sunday night and has steadily gotten worse. I know it is his ears. Antibiotics again. He looks so pale.
He had another rough night last night. Keep us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Friday, March 15, 2002 at 11:20 AM (CST)

The birds were singing so happy this morning. I think Spring is finally here and I'm glad. I love Spring. It creates a whole new world. Life burst forth. Hope is renewed. Spirits soar. Beauty instead of bareness, like love, it covers a multitude of sin. Isn't God awesome. Spencer loved watching the birds eating yesterday evening. He stood at the front door, which is all glass, for a long time. There were cardinals, robins, and wrens. He is going to love outdoors too. Yesterday evening was warm enough to go outside and see Uncle Kenny's horses. Spencer did not want to go back inside. He wanted to chase the cat. He would squeal and ooooh when he felt of its tail. It was so sweet. That is the first time he had a good hold on it. Needless to say the cat kept running.
He loves to eat green beans and mac-n-cheese. Of course I don't think there is much he has refused. Nicholas ate a purple popsicle which turned his tongue purple. He said, "I Barney". He kept sticking out his tongue and looking at it in the mirror. It was so funny. He loved it.
Please remember us in your prayers. Pray for lots of springs, the Boggs FAmily

Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 11:43 AM (CST)

We all have gotten sleep for 2 nights in a row. Look out week-end. Its going to be busy with birthday parties! We probably need the sleep for strength to survive. Spencer was shooting mommy with his pacifier! Pow! Pow! He thought it was so funny. He was jabbering...delaying sleep as long as possible. I thought he said he was good. I responded with, "Who is good?" Lovingly asked, "What are you good for?" Nicholas piped up with, "Nothing!' I use to say that when Spencer was at the cooing age. Nicholas does not forget anything! How long ago was that? Time is swiftly passing. I can't believe how grown up they are already.
Some clubs at Pound High School are organizing a walk-a-thon for Nicholas on May 18, 2002. If you want to participate, let us know.
I haven't heard from the hematologist. I don't think any thing will be done right now. Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 11:50 AM (CST)

I still haven't heard from the drs. I sent the chart I made to the hematologist. I hope to hear from him.
Yesterday evening was an experience. Being a mother is a full time job in itself. Saying no and sticking to it! No more fussing.. thats the new slogan for the day.
Spencer was fussy with new teeth coming in and Nicholas wasn't feeling the best either. He is so tender hearted. It doesn't take much to make him cry when he feels bad. I think I got their attention though. Just pray for me.
New shoes! Too big for both of them, but Nicholas wouldn't pull his off. Especially when they were similar to Uncle Joyel Wayne's. Aunt Sharon came in and Nicholas asked, "Where is Joyel Wayne?" much to Sharon's dismay! Spencer liked playing with the shoe box. Oh, well. Mamaw played cowboy and indian with Nicholas. She would shoot him and Nicholas would make his hobbie horse bounce and jump. He loved it and laughed and laughed. He wore Mamaw out!
We just try to make the boys happy. That is what everybody is doing. Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 11:39 AM (CST)

Yesterday, I functioned. Today, I'm numb.
Nicholas was coughing most of the night. Spencer cried out every other hour. I was like a yo-yo between the two! We had to sing at Anna Browning's funeral and then came home and Spencer was already asleep. I sneaked in and sat on the couch. When Nicholas saw me. He laughed and said, "Me and Dad didn't know you was here." Long sentence! What a night. I love the boys with all my heart. They are so precious.
I'm waiting to hear from the Drs. I'm not sure what they will do if anything at this point. Nicholas' platelett count has to get lower before they do something. Transfusions? Big issues before bmt. Please pray we make the right decisions.
Remember to hug tighter, laugh often, kiss more, and tell your loved ones you love them. The Boggs FAmily

Monday, March 11, 2002 at 11:40 AM (CST)

We did go for blood work, but no hair cuts!
His counts are down. WBC-8.5, HGB-12.9, RBC-3.76, PLATELETS-65,000, ANC-1105. The platlets are down 23000 from December. Needless to say the week-end was gloomy. Dad was upset and I told him I loved him. Nicholas patted his shoulder and said, "We all love you dad." He is so sensitive. He blew the nurse sugar and told her he loved her before we left. She melted.
I know God has a plan for us. Just pray that we have the courage, wisdom, and whatever it takes to carry out His plan. I know its going to get worse from here on out but still pray for a miracle. Pray for stength for me so I can help everybody else cope too.
Spencer still has his curls! He is spoiled rotten, but so lovable.
Just remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily.

Friday, March 08, 2002 at 11:17 AM (CST)

We're down to the nitty gritty. Nicholas goes this evening for blood work. I hope and pray everything is ok. Last night Nicholas hugged me and said those magical words again, "I Love You Mommy." So precious. He really has to put forth more effort with his trach. He closes it off somehow and has to take a breath to say that many words at one time. He is amazing! Watching them sleep last night broke my heart. I love them so much. I know God only lends them to us for a season and pray daily, hourly for guidance. We forget sometimes and need to be remined that they are not ours.
I hope to get hair cuts this evening too! Everyone will cry when Spencer's curls are gone. Mommy will not cry. Mommy will not cry. Does that help? I'll let you know later. The first hair cut symbolizes time, growth, maturity, and time lost! Why do they have to grow up so fast? Spencer's curls are tighter than Nicholas' was. Nicholas just turned 1 when he had his first hair cut and his hair was down on his back. Spencer has a head full of curls at 16 months, they are down on his neck. You can't tell which end of the curl is in his head. Everybody says it won't be curly anymore. It will be wavy! I'll have to take my camera.
Mr. Early Bird Spencer, up at 6:00 am every morning woke up everybody including Nicholas this morning! Nicholas was in such a good mood. I hope it last forever.
Keep us in your prayers. Remember to hug a little tighter, kiss more, laugh often, and love fiercly. The Boggs FAmily

Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 11:36 AM (CST)

Yesterday was so hectic, I forgot a couple of funny things that Nicholas did. Papaw was talking to him and told him that he loved him a big truck-tandem? load full..Nicholas said, "Ok. You said it man!" I'll never know where that come from? When I asked who was ready for bed, Nicholas said, "Spencer is". I couldn't help but laugh at him. He is too smart.
Spencer is picking up on all of this stuff. He is like a sponge soaking it all in. You never know what is going to come out of their little mouths. Nicholas told Nan-Nan that she cracked him up. I know where that came from!! It is so much fun to watch them grow and learn. I hope...and pray... you know the rest of the story.
Nicholas wants salt all the time. Last night, he licked the salt off of pretzels. Dad gave in (again!) to "just one more" plea. Spoiled? Yep, dad sure is!!!
Look out school, Becky is baaack. Glad she is feeling better and walking tall after knee surgery.
Keep praying for all those in pain and suffering a bmt. Remember us in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 11:23 AM (CST)

Good day to you,
The big news-Nicholas has lost a total of 2 lbs during this last sick spell. I finally weighed him Sunday. I knew and still was heart broken. The gas started this morning again on the Pediasure. Hope the new formula gets here quick.
Is there anything better than a hug around the leg with a kiss to top it off? Spencer was so loving last night. I guess he knew what mommy needed.
I spoke with Missy Shepherd. She went to UK last month. They want to do a bmt in a couple of months. They do not have a match yet. Please pray for her and her family.
I thought the other day that God is not only carrying us in his hand, He has his fingers wrapped around us to help us stand. My prayer for the last few days has been for strength and courage to face what is ahead. It seems to be something major, but maybe not pertaining to Nicholas. I don't know for sure. Please help me pray. Remember these things in your prayers, The Boggs FAmily.

Tuesday, March 05, 2002 at 11:26 AM (CST)

The new formula is working much better. We ran out and had to order more. So far so good. There is less gas and he hasn't vomited but one or two times. This is great. It is Nestle, Peptamen Junior formula. It is for children up to 10 yrs old with various gi problems.
Nicholas and Spencer had a late snack. Nicholas had to have a cookie with chocolate on one side. His fingers were covered with melted chocolate. He held them up for me to see and said he was daddy. I told him he would have to use go-jo on them! He loved that idea! He has seen his daddy use it to wash his hands.
Last night after we said our prayers, I turned around and Nicholas was trying to get his hands in position. After several attempts, he got his fingers laced together. His fingers are sort of curved and he knew they didn't look quite like mine so he laced his fingers. My heart lept up in my throat. It was so precious. I said, "Good job baby!" His mouth spreaded into a big grin, then he turned over and went to sleep. Spencer had a late nap so he was still awake. He had to give mommy good night hugs. He just patted me. He is so sweet and precious too.
Remember us as we go for blood work this week. Remember all the children having bm transplants. Pray for healing, The Boggs FAmily.

Friday, March 01, 2002 at 11:46 AM (CST)

Another month has gone by. Time is flying. Looking at some old photos, Spencer's curly hair is identical to his dads!! It is amazing. On another note, Nicholas does not look good. He hugged his Aunt Sharon and placed his face against hers. I couldn't believe it. He is so dark around his mouth and eyes. Please pray for us as we get blood work done on or about the 10th. Next week! Maybe its from this last bout of colds. Nan-Nan said they had been good all week-no fighting!! Last night was another story. I think Nicholas is still a little jealous of Spencer. His temper will flare up and then disappear. He didn't want Spencer to sit in my lap and look at a book. When both are in my lap, its just a little too close! Spencer is also jealous of Nicholas. He has to have his sipper cup when I'm feeding Nicholas. They both are so cute.
Remember to hug yours extra long and tell them how much you love them. Keep praying for miracles, The Boggs FAmily

Wednesday, February 27, 2002 at 11:44 AM (CST)

Another blessed day! Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Nicholas slept better so did mom. I woke up and was so dizzy I could not walk. I thought I was going to have to call in to work, but finally settled down to a severe head ache and sinus pressure. Tylenol-Sinus to the rescue! Can you tell I'm feeling better? Nicholas is still having lots of gas on his little tummy. If you get if off via the g-tube it keeps him from throwing up. Please pray for God to heal his tummy.
Another child, Caleb Glover needs you prayers also.
I was asked to write an article for the fa newsletter. I know you will not get that newsletter so I thought I'd let you read it from here. Here goes....

The Gift
By Donna J. Boggs

Children, like packages, come in many shapes and sizes. Each one is unique and created solely with the recipient in mind. Dad’s eyes, mom’s mouth and chin, dad’s hair color, and mom’s sense of humor. Each cell takes on specific characteristics that separate each child from the other, yet is fashioned in the master’s own image.

The first time I laid eyes on my baby, he was wrapped in a blanket with a nursery cap on. All I could see was a beautiful, little round face. The next time I saw him was in the neonatal intensive care unit. He had had surgery to repair a trachea-esophageal fistula. Tubes and wires were going in every direction. I saw a little black hair, dark brown-eyed angel whom had arms-shorter than the other babies, hands-turned in toward the arms with no thumbs, and fingers-four on each hand. He was beautiful. They could not see hands on the ultra-sound. I was ecstatic. The only place I could kiss was his little toes, which immediately clamped around my upper lip. With tears of joy, I prayed and begged God to let him live.

This package is call Fanconi’s Anemia. The contents of this package are different on the inside also. His esophagus wasn’t connected to his trachea, instead, it had grown into his windpipe. His stomach is extra sensitive. He has reflux, aspirates easily, and needed a g-tube for feedings. He needed a tracheotomy so he could breathe easier. He has paralyzed vocal cords and only one kidney. He has hydrocephalus and had to have a v shunt. He also has asthma. He is underweight and not as tall as others his age. He is in bone marrow stress, will go into failure, and require a bone marrow transplant. He is at risk of cancer for the rest of his life.

They call these differences anomalies. I call them wrapping paper, ribbon, bows, and angel decorations. Each day is blessed. His will is of iron and his heart of gold. His laughter creates a sparkle in his eyes and in yours. He has a special affect on others and they never forget his sweet disposition. I will always treasure this precious gift created just for us.

Let me know what you think by signing the guest book. Thanks and remember us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Tuesday, February 26, 2002 at 11:13 AM (CST)

We're trying to get Nicholas on his formula at night. He is going to have to get over this cold first. He coughs and coughs. I finally added pedialyte and weakened the formula down so he (we) could sleep. Overall I guess they are a little better. Everyone seems to be getting this bug. I hope we don't keep passing it around. Nicholas has lost weight and looks so thin. It breaks my heart. He looks so pale. His coloring is totally off. Spencer has also been pale but where Nicholas is darker it shows up on him worse.

On a lighter side, Nicholas asked the sitter to put Spencer in the trash the other day! Let someone else pick on Spencer and see what happens-Nicholas is there to fuss at them. It is so funny. Nicholas' ears were sensitive last night and Spencer got on his nerves so bad. I guess it hurt. Spencer can be loud. I'm so amazed at them. Motherhood is a blast for the most part. Does it ever slow down? Do you ever fall out of love with them? You can asked me again when they become teenagers!! I love for every minute of it, the good and the bad. I hope they both live to see those days. Remember to hug yours extra hard and tell them you love them. Keep us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily.

Monday, February 25, 2002 at 11:57 AM (CST)

Hello to all,
I was up all night friday night- Nicholas coughing. Nothing seemed to help. He had no voice Saturday. Sunday was a little better. Nicholas and Spencer are on the improvement list. They actually got to visit their Uncle Joel and Aunt Trossie in their new home. It is beautiful. They also got to go to church. Nicholas had to wear his cowboy hat and boots! Spencer thinks he can get down and run around. He is a little stubborn! Wonder where he gets that?
Nicholas is doing a little better on his new formula, so hopefully its a miracle cure! Keep us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily

Friday February 22, 2002 11:43 AM CST

Sleepy Greetings,
Did I say Nicholas was an angel? NOT! He was feeling horrible yesterday evening and could not be pleased. After one episode, I was shaking inside. Mom, Steph and Dad came up and occupied the boys while I locked myself in the bathroom and prayfully cleaned it! At least I accomplished something without crying and none was the wiser. Is zithromax a miracle antibiotic? I hope so.
Nicholas had the wide-eye again last night, he went to sleep around 11:00 pm! Spencer also slept a little better. Dad said the good night prayer and went to sleep.
Mom? I went to sleep around 10:30-11:00 after jumping up to Nicholas saying "Mommy. Come here minute" 5 or 6 times! I love to hear him say "Mommy". Once to give me sugar, once to kiss his doggy good night, once to give it a bone!, once to see where he had put his little horse for the night, and twice for me to pat his back. The night ended sweet-for that I'm thankful. I'm also thanful for each cherish moment we all have together.
They still have runny noses today. Pray the medicine works in a hurry. Remember to say "Good Job Jesus", The Boggs FAmily

Thursday February 21, 2002 11:12 AM CST

Nicholas' cold came back yesterday about 11:30. Major nose dripping! Move or he will wipe his nose on you. Tissues and napkins are not in his vocabulary! Typical boy? I don't know. After repeated reminders, he will ask for a kleenex. Around 11:00 pm last night, he started sneezing. I checked on him and he just had to lay his head on my hair. He loves to play with it and wrap it around his hands. Spencer is still sick and was also restless but finally settled down after another dose of Tylenol Flu! At 12:30, I checked the tubing on Nicholas' moisturized air to make sure it was draining properly, and he stood up in bed. I thought, "Oh no!" He held his little lips up to kiss me on the cheek. I bent over to hug and kiss him back and he put his arms up around me. He rubbed and patted my shoulder and then laid back down. Have you ever felt you were just hugged and kissed by an angel? I stood and relished the moment. 1:15 I changed the water on the moisturizer and Jeff made sure his continueous feeder had enough in it to last awhile. Nicholas had to kiss and hug us again! He is so sweet. I finally went to sleep around 2:15 and he was still awake! I guess he had his nap and was refueled! Spencer slept the best that he had in a long time.
I just checked on the boys and they both are still sick. I guess its antibiotic time! Please remember us in your prayers, the Boggs FAmily.

Wednesday February 20, 2002 11:44 AM CST

Colds!!! Spencer had his 15 month shots on the 11 and had a full fledged cold by Valentine's day. Nose running, coughing, fussy, croupy, the works. By Saturday evening, Nicholas had it. Nicholas had a runny nose and a fever of 101 that kept coming back. No sleep the weekend for mom or dad. I thank God for Jeff. He helped with Spencer. Since Jeff's back surgery, he cannot bend over the crib to vent Nicholas. Spencer knows daddy will hold him and carry him wherever he wants to go!
Monday to the dr. Just a cold! Nicholas had fluid on one ear but Spencer's ears were fine. I was shocked. By wednesday, Nicholas was back to his ole happy self and is a stinker! Spencer was feeling better this morning after a good nights sleep. Nicholas goes back for blood work next month.
Congratulations to Brian and Amanda Cantrell Pressley, big baby boy #2, Matthew Jacob, 9 lb 8 oz, 21 3/4" Long! Whew!
Please pray for a little girl named Kacie. She is from northern VA. She has had a bmt and having complications. She needs a special touch as well as all the bmt patients. Go to and let her know sw VA is praying for her.
Remember Ethan Gibson, 11 months old in JC multiple birth defects and on a ventilator. Say a special prayer for the family. He has only been home for 24 hours in his little lifetime. God has a purpose for these special children. I pray for wisdom and understanding every day.
Remember to say "Good Job Jesus!", the Boggs FAmily.

Thursday February 14, 2002 11:21 AM CST

Happy Valentine's Day,
I searched for the perfect gift for the boys for valentine's day. It wasn't to be found. I want to hand Nicholas a life without pain, health, happiness, joy, all of the things that can't be bought. I want to be able to hand Spencer the chance to be a brother forever. Instead, I found a stuffed puppy with a heart dangling out of his mouth that sings "I give you my heart". I'm glad they can't tell if its broken or not. On the outside, we smile, laugh, play, and try to be "normal", while on the inside, some days we cry, ache, morn, seethe with anger, hurt, love feverishly, and pray continually. I am thankful for the days we have together. The boys are always doing something to make me smile. You can't stay down for long around them.
Remember to give your loved ones an extra hug and tell them you love them. Keep the prayers going for us, The Boggs Family.

Tuesday February 5, 2002 11:32 AM CST

My heart is saddened by the passing of Travis. We missed the opportunity to meet but are bound by this horrible disease called Fanconi Anemia. Nicholas went to 2 dr last week- the lung specialist wants to try to wean him from his trach. Pray for this miracle to happen. The GI dr thinks Nicholas may be alergic to protein, so we are going to try a new formula and hope for another miracle. Nicholas has come up with another idea! I was venting him (releasing gas from his stomach via the g-tube) and barely kept him from vomiting, when he clapped his hands and said, "I'm safe now." His wisdom astonishes me and never fails to bring tears.
Spencer gets upset when Nicholas gets sick and has to make sure he is ok. He is so sweet and rotten. I was up last night venting Nicholas at 2:30 am, then Spencer had a tummy ache at 3:00 am and stayed up for 2 hrs. They say not to play with them when they wake up in the middle of the night but how can you help it? That smile! These are moments that can never be recaptured. I love my boys.
Remember to say, "Good Job Jesus!"
Thanks for the support and prayers, the Boggs Family

Friday January 25, 2002 11:34 AM CST

Good news!! We have a possible match from our bm drive for another child with Fanconi's Anemia. Please pray everything works out. I am so excited. As Nicholas would say, "GOOD JOB, JESUS."
Nicholas has been on Flagyl and it suppresses the bone marrow. He has lots of bruising again. We go back to the GI dr. on the 30th, please pray for him some relief. He was so sick this morning and the gas is getting bad again. He has gained some of the weight back that he lost.
If you would like to host a bm drive, please let me know. Also, I have recieved my first shipment of "Angel Butterfly" Pins to sell for Nicholas. They are beautiful and so appropiate for my little angel. E-mail me if you want to purchase one. Spencer likes them alot!!!!
Thanks, The Boggs Family

Wednesday, January 09, 2002 at 11:41 AM (CST)

Happy New Year!
What a year! I had to update and let you know that Nicholas has lost over a pound and a half. He has had a couple of stomach bleeds and is on another antibiotic to help his colon, which is infected because of the other antibiotic he is on. Hopefully he is on the mend.
The other night I was trying to get gas off of his stomach and asked him to roll over. He wouldn't. I bowed my head and said, "Jesus, Please help Nicholas to obey is mom and dad. Thank you, Amen." Then I asked him to roll over and he did so immediately. I said, "Wow, thank you Jesus, you work fast." Nicholas pointed his little finger up and said, "Good Job Jesus."
Let us ever be so humble and always give God the perfect praise.
Good Job Jesus.

Thursday, December 27, 2001 at 11:39 AM (CST)

Hello to all,
We had a wonderful Christmas. The boys received too many toys as usual. Could we possible start a used toy swap??? God is so good to us and blessed us beyond measure. Nicholas has lost a pound through his recent illness. He seams to have developed an intolerance to Pediasure. Please remember us in your prayers, for health, strength, and sleep. If you have children or family, hug them closer, take the time to appreciate the little things, don't take them for granted, and love them twice as much as before. Wishing you a happy and healthy new year, The Boggs Family

Wednesday, December 19, 2001 at 01:35 PM (CST)

Nicholas has had a bug but is recovering. Check out the new pictures.
Merry Christmas and have a blessed new year, the Boggs Family

Thursday, December 06, 2001 at 11:31 AM (CST)

Nicholas is doing pretty good. Keep praying for his feedings and that he will start eating. My heart is thrilled to know so many are praying. I would like to thank each and every one who has helped us this past year. You have helped make our year bearable. I've stood in awe and didn't know what to say most of the time or couldn't talk for crying during all of the events. It has been truly wonderful to see everyone working together. Everybody has been so good. Thanks for lifting us up to God. We are still praying for more miracles. The more I learn about Nicholas' illness the more I realize what an awesome God He really is. It is truly amazing. Love and prayers to all. Hugs and kisses from Nicholas and Spencer. May God Bless you with health and happiness this holiday season, Donna

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