Journal History

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Saturday, January 23, 2010 10:18 AM CST

Good morning!

A friend reminded me that I haven't updated in a while. So, I apologize for that and hope you all are doing well. I finished my second semester of nursing school in December and went home for Christmas break. During that time (about 4 weeks), I went 2 times a week to TCH for physical therapy for my headaches. This was the recommended amount of time to see if it would work. At the end of my sessions, the PT told me to continue some exercises that would help me strengthen my back and hopefully after about 6 weeks I would be headache free (or as soon as my back got stronger). I have seen minimal relief. I have some times when I am headache free (yay!), some days when it is manageable, but have recently had episodes of very severe, debilitating headaches.... which does not bode well for this semester! But, we are doing what we can and trusting that God will take care of it... He always does! :) So, I am continuing to strengthen my back and will probably return to the neurologist after the 6 weeks if we can't figure something out....sooner if the headaches get worse or I continue to have those episodes.

But, other than that, we are still thanking God that I am cancer free and able to go to nursing school! I just started my 3rd semester this past week and I am looking forward to it. I am taking Adult Health 1 (which is basically learning how to take care of patients with different diseases), an Aging course, and an evidence-based practice course (which I'm thinking will be a lot of writing-not my favorite). I'll be in clinicals 2 days each week this semester.

Thank you for checking in. I am so blessed to have such a great group of people to pray for me... so THANK YOU! I hope that the new year has started off great for each of you! Love you all,


Friday, November 13, 2009 11:51 PM CST

Hello Friends,

It has been a very long time since I have last updated as I'm sure you know. I am very sorry for this, but we have always said that no news is good news! A friend recently reminded me that I had not updated and so here I am. I have been busy checking some other friends' pages and have neglected my own. I am doing well, just busy in nursing school. We are doing clinicals on a medical floor and I am learning so much! So much in fact, that I am ready for a break!

I have still been having the headaches. Seems so small compared to what some others are going through, and I think about that often. I also have hope that God has already brought me through what will hopefully be the biggest trial of my life and that He can do the same in this situation! We are trying to find a therapist in College Station, as I could not keep up going to Houston every week for appointments. Nursing school does not allow that! Otherwise, I have been doing great and have been able to stay clear of the hospital! Well, at least me as a patient! God is so good and His Word never fails! I thank you all for your prayers over the years and for checking in.

Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

Love, love, love,


Friday, August 21, 2009 10:04 PM CDT

Hello friends,

Leanne had her 2 year post-transplant check-up last Friday. We are so pleased the results came back-- she is still 100% engrafted with her donor cells. The lung, heart, bone, and chest tests and blood work have so far come back in semi-normal (normal for her) range.

The headaches are still occurring. The neurologist sent us to a physical therapist at the hospital who has worked with other post-chemotherapy patients. So we are back into the routine of going down to the medical center. But we are thankful that we are not there for cancer treatments. Please pray that this therapy will rid her of her headaches. It is so hard to study, take tests, and attend class with pain.

Leanne returns to A&M in a new living arrangement with 3 other girls. It will be fun for her but a challenge to study. Pharmacology, pathophysiology... and 6:30 am clinic days are all on her schedule for this semester! Thank you again for all your prayers and love.


Monday, July 6, 2009 1:44 PM CDT

Hello friends!

I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July! Sorry for not updating in a while. I have been in nursing school for a little over a month now! It's a lot of fun, and of course a lot of work! The class is small so we're all making friends fast!

Meanwhile... I am still having the headaches. I have been going to acupuncture (an idea proposed by my oncology doctor) for about 6 weeks now and so far have not noticed a change in my headaches. So, my dad has put me on a diet that is specifically used to treat headaches. I have been on it for a week and will keep on it, slowly adding certain things that could possibly cause the headaches. Thankfully, the worst headaches that I have had were on the weekends, or at night when I'm not at school. I know I'm in God's hands!

Thank you so much for checking in. I was able to talk to my bone marrow donor on my anniversary of the transplant on June 29th. He is doing well and just had a baby in May right after he got home from Afghanistan! It's so neat to be able to talk to him and of course we are excited to one day meet in person!

Hope you all are well and enjoying the summer... and keeping cool in the heat! It's so hot walking to school in my scrubs.... and yet I'm so thankful I am able to do it!

Love, Leanne

Thursday, May 21, 2009 10:15 AM CDT

Dear friends,

This is a busy month for so many of us. Eric graduated from A&M last Saturday. We are so proud of him! He is currently looking for a job. He has one but it doesn't start until August 2010 because of the economic times. Laura and Kyle are getting married in less than one month! A small family wedding in Galveston is planned. May God allow you to enjoy your special moments in your busy schedules.

Leanne continues to have headaches with no solution. She has recently been to a pain center and had physical therapy. The occipital neuralgia diagnosis and treatment has not helped. Our next try is acupuncture. On a positive note, a recent TCH visit for her 3 month cancer check-up revealed no cancer. So we are thankful and know that because God can move mountains, He can remove this headaches. She continues to persevere and starts nursing school on June 1st. Leanne has a job working at Maggie Moo's (ice cream shop). We are praying she can handle nursing school and working with these headaches.

Please pray with us for our friends: Jim- cancer surgery; Christi- tumor; Lindsey- graft/host disease after ten years post-transplant; Janice- colon cancer.

Love to all,


Thursday, April 30, 2009 8:34 PM CDT

Leanne has still been experiencing the headaches despite the second round of nerve blocks. She has, however, started a new pack of Medrol packs that we hope may help. On another note, she has put in her two week notice at Dr. Jackson's office and is moving on! She will have two weeks off before nursing school starts in order to get all moved in up in College Station. She is looking forward to nursing school, and is very thankful for the opportunity presented. Her costume (for class) is coming in early so we are looking forward to seeing her attire for the first day of class! Thank you all for checking in and your continued prayers and support. As she says, "It means more than you will ever know".

P.S. Her hair is getting long!

with love,

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 10:01 PM CDT

Hello friends! Hope this finds you well and enjoying the beautiful past few days that God has given us...

Mom and I went to the hospital today to get four more of the "nerve block" shots. Since the first round, the headaches seemed to have gotten better, but they were not completely gone and I still needed to take the pain meds. We are so glad this doctor is able to help and also that the treatment is not more medications. We are so thankful God has provided us with answers! Thank you so much for your prayers and love. It is the only way I am getting through this. Hopefully this will be the last round of the shots and they will not have to do the root block. The doctor is trying to avoid it if possible as it is very "invasive" and risky. So, your prayers that I do not have to have the root block are greatly appreciated.

Also, please pray for a family friend, Christi, as she had a brain tumor removed this week. Another friend of mine encouraged me this week with this verse and it is one of my favorites. Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations; I am exalted in the earth." I have learned that no matter what I go through, God is always glorified through it! I am so blessed that God is using me to further His great Kingdom! I love to know that I am a child of THE King!

Love to all,


Monday, April 13, 2009 8:54 PM CDT

Hi friends and family,
Well today we finally got some ANSWERS!! Dad took Lee to the appointment with the headache specialist at Texas Children's. The doctor diagnosed Leanne with Occipital Neuralgia. It is a very painful inflammation of the nerves in her spinal column due to the chemotherapy and radiation she has had over the past several years. According to the doctor, it is the cause of the severe pain/headaches she has been having. The doctor has seen other cancer patients that have developed this condition as a result of the extensive chemotherapy that they undergo, and she was so insightful and a great listener...she said other kids have also been misdiagnosed and treated with the migraine medicine and experienced no relief, just like Leanne. The course of action was to give Leanne 4 injections (steroid and lidocaine) into the base of her neck where the spinal cord attaches to the brain to relieve the inflammation. She had those injections today (ouch!!! she is on pain meds to help with that!!) and then in one week if it has not gotten better, they will do the injections again. However, if none of this works they will consider surgery. We are praying that it doesn't get to that. We are so thankful that we finally know what is going on and can actually get to work on treating and relieving this horrible pain. I feel so bad that she has been suffering with this for so long and we are just now getting a diagnosis. Hopefully this will be exactly the right diagnosis and treatment, and maybe she won't even need surgery. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement! We will keep everyone posted on how this progresses!

Sunday, March 22, 2009 9:47 PM CDT

Hi friends,

Thank you foremost for checking in on me. I am still having the headaches and appreciate your prayers. On Friday the neurologist changed my pain medication to get me off the Vicodin. I'm not sure yet if this medication is working and it causes dizziness. I am trying anything-- even a wheat-free diet. I am able to sleep at night and trying to work. The OBGYN doctor I am working for has been very flexible with me.

On a happy note, I got accepted to Texas A&M's nursing school in College Station. It is a new program, I will be a part of their second class. They accepted 20 students.... Gig 'em!

Prayer is the voice of faith. Thank you again and again! (and again!)


Thursday, March 5, 2009 10:03 PM CST

Leanne and Mom had a much better day at the hospital yesterday despite being there all day. After all that has gone on, they felt like this time they got VIP treatment...the doctor actually came to the room to take the spinal fluid sample to the lab herself!! The doctors looked at everything yesterday evening and compared it to previous test results.
All of the results have come back fine so far, praise the Lord! He is so good. They are not seeing any signs of cancer or anything suspicious on the MRI. The next step is to go to a headache specialist...we thought that the neurologist fell under that category, but apparently there is an even more specialized doctor for headaches, so that will be the next move. Leanne is supposed to lay flat the next day or so in order to prevent any more spinal fluid leakage (or a worsened headache). Thank you again for your prayers! I was talking with a friend last night, saying that I wish that Dr. House was a real doctor, and not just a tv show character, so that he could come up with a diagnosis for these headaches. I realized that unlike Dr. House, God ALREADY KNOWS what is going on and doesn't have to guess, doesn't need a team to help him solve the case, and is the only source of healing that we can really rely on...and, if you have seen the show, God can do all of that with love and compassion instead of sarcasm and mean-spiritedness!
Anyway, Leanne and Mom wanted me to pass along a prayer request for a friend at the hospital who had a bone marrow transplant about 14 years ago. She is 24 now and was just diagnosed with graft vs. host disease. It is so sad that she had so many years of a successful transplant and is now going through this awful disease. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

Hi friends,

The mra report came back good. While we are thrilled to not have found anything, we still do not know the cause of my headaches. The doctors are talking about doing another spinal tap and MRI. They are wondering if they missed something on the mri and going to recheck the white cells in the spinal fluid. The first spinal tap showed 2 white cells and 0-5 white cells are considered normal. They want to make sure this number has not increased. These tests are scheduled for next Wednesday and we will try to keep you updated.

I have been able to stay all day at work, but I have still had the headaches. They just seem normal now for me to wake up with a headache. I have to remind myself it is not normal! God has healed me twice already and I know that He will take care of me this time as well. Thank you for your prayers and for checking on me. I also want to thank you for your words of encouragement. What sweet friends I have for whom I am so thankful!

I hope you all are doing well and having a great week. I am excited about the warm weather this weekend and I hope y'all are able to enjoy it as well!!


Saturday, February 28, 2009 10:04 PM CST

Hi friends!

Thursday I had to leave work early (I only stayed for 2 hours) because the headache was hurting so much. We called the neurologist and she said to come for another infusion of their migraine "cocktail". So, mom and I headed downtown right before the nurse left so we could get it. While we were down there, I also had an MRA done. This was great because it isn't very likely there is a spot to get one on the same day you ask for it! God took care of us! The MRA is similar to an MRI but instead it looks at the blood vessels and flow from the heart to the brain. We do not have any results back from them (hopefully that means its not bad news) but we should hear back by Monday.

The doctors were hoping the infusion would stop the headaches completely. It seemed to do so Thursday night, but I got a headache on Friday and again today. I don't think they are as bad as they were, but we're still praying they go away completely. I appreciate everyone checking in and the messages and calls really show how much you all care. I saw a movie today that reminded me of how much God has kept me safe from so much and He has only chosen this one thing to be my battle. I need to focus not on the battle but on the wonderful things God has done and His protection and provision! It's so easy to get so overwhelmed with the battle and to forget how God has and is blessing me more than I deserve! Thank you to everyone for your prayers. I cannot thank you enough.

I will try to update as soon as we hear something from the MRA. God's grace keeps pace with everything we face!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009 10:25 PM CST

Good evening!

I just wanted to say THANK YOU so much for all of the prayers and words of encouragement! I am so blessed to have such great support from so many friends and family. It is so amazing to know that even after a year and a half, I have people praying for me during this time! I am trusting God's plan and know that He always proves to be faithful!

On Monday I was able to go back to work for a half day, and I did the same today. The headaches seem to be the worst in the morning through mid-afternoon. However after that, they seem to go away. We still are unsure about what is causing them, but all the tests so far have come back with good results...of course that doesn't give the doctors any help in trying to get rid of the headaches... doesn't this just prove we need a God who is greater than all of the doctors and meds to put our hope in?! We are still waiting for a few more tests to come back, and then we will discuss other options if the headaches continue.

I thank you again for signing the guestbook and for your prayers. I read 1 Peter yesterday and it gave me a lot of encouragement... I would share a verse that I particularly liked, but I think I would end up sharing the whole book! Thank you for taking the time to check up on me.



Saturday, February 21, 2009 10:17 PM CST

Hi sweet friends,

Leanne went to the neurologist today and had three injections (technically they were 3 hour-long transfusions)to help with the headaches. So far, she still has a headache this evening but has experienced some relief. We don't know if it is really helping or just one of her better days, but should be able to tell more in the next few days. We are thankful for any relief, no matter how it happens! Leanne astounds us all with her toughness and great attitude...I shouldn't be surprised any more because she has had the most wonderful outlook from day 1, and we know she draws her strength from the Lord and He sustains her daily. We still have not heard any final results of the tests from last week, but we are feeling very confident with the prelimiary report and the doctors did say that none of the viral tests were positive. We are amazed at the continual good reports; God is so gracious. Thank you so much for checking in and your faithful prayers.

Solei Deo Gloria. (Glory to God alone!)


Tuesday, February 17, 2009 1:41 PM CST

*Thursday Update*
The preliminary results from the spinal tap showed no signs of leukemia in the spinal fluid. We are so thankful for this great report. Hallelujah! The favor God has shown us is unspeakable.
The doctors will finish the rest of the testing tomorrow, and they should have the results of the viral tests tomorrow also. Lee has had a very bad headache all day today and still nothing has helped ease the pain...she is such a tough girl, it must be so hard to feel so awful for this long and with little relief. We are hoping they find some answers soon. However, we have nothing but grateful hearts today and are especially grateful for all of you who spend countless amounts of time in prayer for our sweet girl!

Wednesday Update!
Hey everyone,
Mom and Dad wanted me to let everyone know that we still did not get any results yet. Honestly, it was yet another rough day at the hospital, it seems that nothing went smoothly for Lee and Mom...but at the end of the day (literally!) they were able to get the fluid they needed from the spinal tap, which is the most important thing right now. It was such a long ordeal that the clinic was closed by the time they were finished with the procedure, so we have to wait until tomorrow (Thursday) for any results. The results from the viral tests (for things like meningitis) won't come in until next week. The doctors were "unable" (it's a long story) to do the blood patch which was supposed to help with the spinal headaches that Leanne has been getting since last week's attempt. So, she is still having some very bad headaches and the morphine, vicodin, and steriods aren't helping yet...please be praying that she gets some relief soon. The next step is to go to a pain clinic that can possibly do the blood patch, so Mom and Dad will be working on that tomorrow. Well, we may not have any results yet, but what we DO know is that God has been so faithful to Leanne and our family, and when the doctors and hospital and medicines can't make anything better, we know that He can!! It wasn't any of those things that healed her twice in the past, it was our loving and miraculous God who we put our trust in. We are thankful for all the people He has put into our life that He has used to treat, care for, and pray for Leanne. Thanks for your continual prayer support, it means SO very much to our family. I was reminded today that people who have never even met Leanne have been praying for a great report!! Thank you and we love you.


Hello Again
Leanne had her appt today and the neurologist says first she needs a blood patch after last weeks disaster spinal tap trial. The recent head pain (she cannot even sit up without head pain) is due to leakage from the pokes attempting the spinal tap. The dr.thinks the previous pain could be estrogen imbalance or from the vaccines (she is getting all her childhood vaccines over) after the transplant. The dr does not really want to diagnose until after the spinal tap on Wed. but we wanted to get started with the headaches as soon as we got an appt. Well-known neurologists take 10-12 weeks to get in. Rick has a friend that got us in on Mon. She gave several prescriptions to try after the test on Wed. Thanks for praying, we are asking for no cancer cells in the spinal fluid! The oncologists says 50/50 chance of the cancer returning. Check the web site Lindsay will be updating on Wed.

Thank you

Saturday, November 1, 2008 6:07 PM CDT

Hello friends!

Sorry for not updating in a while! God has done some great things in my life and I'm sure in yours! The biggest news of them all is that I got to talk to my donor over the phone! This is very exciting because I had to wait a whole year to meet him (because of rules with the donor center). Anyway so I got to talk to him for a long time and learn all about him and he all about me! I also got his e-mail and we have been communicating back and forth a bit. His name is Josh and he is from Virginia. He is 33 and is married- his wife is pregnant with their first child! He is in the Air Force and is actually going over to Afghanistan next Tuesday, the 4th! Please be praying for his safety! He hopes to come back by May (when his wife is due with their child!) He signed up to be on the donor list when he first got in the military and a few years ago his dad passed away from lung cancer. He told me the reason he wanted to donate was so no one else would have to go through what he did with his dad. What an awesome thing God did to make something good out of a terrible situation! God's plan is always better than ours.... why don't we realize that all the time and fully trust Him? I wish I would all the time! But I guess that's just our selfish sin nature wanting to do things our own way!

I am just staying busy with school. This semester has just flown by and I can't believe its November already! I go back to Tomball quite a bit... I miss the fam :) I also go back once a month to continue getting my immunizations. Those are the best kind of shots I've had in a while because they mark that I am healthy! Praise God for His healing hand!

Thank you so much for checking in.... I don't have much else to say, which is always a wonderful thing! Please keep Josh in your prayers while he is away....and also for his wife!! Thank you so much for praying for me all these years... your love and prayers mean so much.

Romans 5:3-5 "Not only so, but we also REJOICE in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."

God's love is amazing!


Saturday, September 20, 2008 10:06 AM CDT

Hello friends!

I hope you have all fared well from the storm. My parents are without power and they just found out it won't be for another week to 10 days. The power line next door snapped in half due to a tree falling on it, so I figure that's why it's taking so long! They do have a generator, but without power, they have no water because we get water from a well. We had a little damage from the storm. A tree flew into our roof and caused a hole, which caused a leak. Not to mention a mess of limbs and branches, and the top half of about three trees were snapped off and laying all over the yard. But, my parents are safe and that's all that matters! Dad was able to go back to the office on Thursday when they got power, so that leaves mom home alone with no power, water, ac, and dealing with all the workers! They both sound like they are doing okay...

I know it's been a long time since I've updated, so I just wanted to give ya'll an update. Not much as been going on, but there are a few things I would like to share. I have been staying pretty busy with school. I am a volunteer for Breakaway, which is a huge Bible Study (6,000 people came a few weeks ago) at A&M. Every Tuesday they have worship and then the speaker is Ben Stuart, who is just awesome. It's been great getting to know those people and finally feeling a part of something again. I am also doing a MUCH smaller Bible study with a group of girls that I am very excited about. We are going through the Old Testament and learning (and relearning) about all those great stores about God's provision, love, and grace!

I am going home tomorrow to go to a drs appointment on Monday. It was supposed to be for last Monday, but obviously there was no power. I am just going to my pediatrician to continue getting my immunizations. I'm glad I will get to see mom and dad, although not so looking forward to the no power! But if they can do it for over a week, I can do it for a night! :) My mom does keep reminding me of the "simple" things that I have and shouldn't take for granted... like flushing the toilet!

I do have a prayer request for you. Mary Ellen is a friend of a friend of mine who I have been e-mailing back and forth. She is going to have a bone marrow transplant on the 23rd of September, so Tuesday. I have been very happy to get a chance to tell her all about my transplant and answer any questions she has had. Please pray everything goes well and to take her nausea away. I am unsure if she is a Christian, and so is my friend. We are both hoping for the opportunity to bring it up. I can't even imagine going through that without knowing our Lord and Savior! He comforted me and gave me strength when I didn't know I had it! He gave me peace and hope for the future, which helped me get through it all. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

Finally, the last bit of news that is so exciting! A lady from the bone marrow donor unit called to tell me that my donor has given his name and number and e-mail to be released! I am so excited as I have been waiting so long for this! He did write me a letter a few months back that I never received (I guess something with the post office) and I was disappointed that I didn't get that. However, she also called to tell me that the national donor program had a copy of the letter and she was going to send me that... if I still wanted it.... who was she kidding!? Of course I wanted it! So I have e-mailed my donor - his name is Josh (it's great to have a name!) - but I have not heard back from him... I have been checking my e-mail so much these past few days.... I did try to call him before I e-mailed him, but I don't want to bug him so much.... he will respond when he can!

Anyway, thank you so much for checking in on me! I do appreciate it! I hope you all are safe and doing fine! Much love to you all.

"The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17


Sunday, August 24, 2008 3:32 PM CDT

We are so thankful! The orthopedic doctor confirmed it was nothing related to the cancer. He told us I probably pulled a ligament (I cannot remember which one) because of just being active after being sedentary for so long. He called it snapping hip... my mom and I thought we could have come up with that name ourselves! Anyway, he told me to exercise it so it can heal itself. This is contrary to what my other doctor said, but I am going to exercise it because I have been off of it for a while now and it hasn't healed. Nonetheless, I am just so thankful I don't need a hip replacement or anything related to that! It really shows God answered all of our prayers-- thank you so much for praying!! Amazing how an x-ray can show something and then the MRI didn't show anything at all! I think that just proves our God heals!

I moved back to College Station this past weekend. Although it was easier than last semester, it was still tough! I just keep in mind that I'm still very close to home. :) School starts Monday and I'm getting excited! I am taking just a few hours to finish my prerequisites for nursing. I don't know what school I plan to go to, but that will most likely depend on wherever I get in!

I can't thank you enough for your prayers. You all have been so faithful in praying for me! And also, thanks for your words of encouragement in the guest book!

God's grace HAS KEPT pace through EVERYTHING I've faced!

Much love,


Thursday, August 14, 2008 8:59 PM CDT

Thank you for praying!

James 5:16 "...and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The intense prayer of the righteous is very powerful." I like "the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." (KJV)

God once again proved to us His faithfulness. The hospital was able to get us in on Wednesday rather than at the end of the month. After waiting 3 1/2 hours for a 7 AM appointment at the hospital, Leanne finally got her scheduled MRI. Laura went with us, so it made the waiting a lot easier for Leanne. It is usually just the two of us waiting for appointments. We are praising God it is not leukemia back, bone cancer, or vascular necrosis. The preliminary results show that the necrosis from the x-ray is just scar tissue. It also looks like we have escaped a hip replacement, but we know there is some damage from the chemo and radiation. She still has the pain even though she has been sedentary for the past week, so we are going to see an orthopedic surgeon to see what he thinks.

It has been a hard week. We lost our first and only pet, Roddick. He was with Leanne during all her chemo days and transplant. We enjoyed having a small dog around the house, greeting all of us when we got home, especially Leanne.

We thank all of you for your prayers during this past week. God's grace keeps pace through everything we face!


Sunday, August 10, 2008 5:07 PM CDT

Hi Dear Friends
Leanne needs prayer again. You have been so faithful in the past. She has had pain in her hip for awhile and had an x-ray last week.
The x-ray showed decreased blood flow to the rt hip area. They do not think it is leukemia, but will do an MRI to see what exactly is going on. She could not get scheduled until the end of the month but Rick is pressing for this week. A hip replacement is a possibility. An alternative treatment would be a better choice! A&M is starting in 2 weeks. She is really excited about going back. Walking around campus will be painful.
She has been in such great health all summer; she has been exercising and is in great shape! We thank God for these last few months of good reports on the bone marrow and blood counts. Last summer we did not know much of what this year would hold.
Leanne has been a walking testimony of God's mercy to others at Texas Children's, visiting those having transplants and letting them see her strength and encouraging them. One father asked her to go visit his son and wife to give them hope.
Please pray for the MRI to show a miraculously healing and for the pain to subside! (and for mom it will be hard to let her go back to A&M hurting)

Love to all of you

Tuesday, July 1, 2008 10:46 PM CDT

Hi friends,

We had a celebration last Sunday for the one year anniversary of my transplant. This past week I have just been really thinking about "what I was doing at this time last year" and I never thought I'd be where I was now! God has just blessed me in abundance! I'm sure I'll still be thinking over these next days and months of the time I spent in the hospital, isolation, away from germs, going to doctors appointments... it's just crazy that it is all over! God really has healed me! I don't think it's quite hit me yet. I have just been so used to saying "oh I have another appointment in a few weeks". I do have another appointment next Tuesday, BUT after that I won't be able to say that for a while!! I have emotions of pure excitement and joy and being overwhelmed with God's great blessings!

Today I was down at Methodist Hospital where Eric donated his marrow!! What a wonderful gift for just around the same time as my transplant last year! God sure has PERFECT timing, doesn't He? I think He likes to do things like that just so we'll say, isn't that so amazing!? The extraction went well and Eric felt fine during the procedure. They took 15 liters and it was about 5 hours long. Eric gave stem cells which means they took blood (just like when you donate) separated the stem cells from the rest of the blood and then put the rest back in him. He was able to give enough marrow today, so he won't have to go back tomorrow as planned. Just another proof of God's hand at work! Please continue to keep "Nelson" in your prayers as he is trying to graft.

While I was down there, I was able to sign the release to give permission for my donor to contact me. They will then give him the release to sign and once he does that, I will be able to contact him. I am very excited yet nervous at the same time. I think I'm nervous because I won't have the words to say. "Thank you" just doesn't seem enough. I don't know anything about him, so I am really excited to meet him and find out all about his life and reason for donating. I don't expect to hear from him for a while (I've heard the donor coordination center takes a long time to get contact information) but I will let you know about him so you can praise God with me for this selfless stranger who was willing to save my life!

Thank you all for your prayers, love, support, and encouragement throughout this journey. I go back Tuesday, as I mentioned before, for tests on my organs (lungs, heart, kidneys...). I will keep you updated on these results and anything I hear about my donor! Thank you again, just I don't have the words to say to my donor, I don't have the words to say to you all. Ya'll have been so faithful in praying for me and many of you, I do not know. I can't even think of words to express my appreciation for every one of you.

I just love this verse, because it really shows how much God really cares about us! He kept me in His arms the entire journey and never let go!
"He tends His flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart!"- Isaiah 40:11

Much love-

Wednesday, June 18, 2008 10:49 PM CDT

What a wonderful God we have!

The trip to the hospital on Monday went well. Mom, Dad, and Laura were able to make it down there with me for my year check up. It was certainly a day of excitement for an end to cancer, but not nearly as celebratory as today when my doctor called and said I was 100 percent donor (this means I do not have any of my own marrow to make the cancer cells). Praise the Lord! She said that everything looked great and they were really happy with the results! I can't even begin to tell you the joy that we have and the praise we give to our Lord! I do hope you are joining with us in giving Him the glory!

I do already have another appointment scheduled to go back. I tell you, they just can't keep me away. I am scheduled for check ups on my bones, heart, lungs, kidneys, and well any other organs they can think of. The chemo certainly has been very hard on my body, so I am rather glad they are doing these routine check ups. Hopefully, they won't find anything wrong! They will also check my blood while I am there to see if they can start giving me my immunizations. The transplant wiped out all the shots I had gotten from since I was a baby, so it will probably take a while for me to finish them all! While we were at the hospital, I saw one of my good friends who also had a transplant. She was there for her four year check up and she was still getting her immunizations!

I do ask you to keep in your prayers my boyfriend, Eric. I ask that you keep him healthy, as we know what it is like to depend on a date for a transplant, and then to have the donor back out- whether he was sick or what. Please also keep in your prayers "Nelson" (Eric's name for the guy to whom he is donating). Right now, I'm sure "Nelson" is going through intense chemotherapy.

Thank you so much for your prayers over the past year, and previous years. It is such a blessing to hear your words of encouragement and to know that so many people (more that I know!) are praying for me. I thank you that you all have been so faithful and prayed for me through my toughest times.

"I call on you, O God, for you will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer." Psalm 17:6



Sunday, June 8, 2008 6:26 PM CDT

Hi friends!!

I just got back from a trip to Hawaii! The whole family was able to go as a celebration of God's healing in my life. We planned the trip after I relapsed last year and it definitely gave me something to look forward to while in the hospital. We had a great time and were in awe the entire time of God's wonderful creation! I am looking forward to a "normal" summer away from the hospital.

Before they fully let me go, I have a one-year check up on June 16th. They are going to do a bone marrow aspiration, to test to see if my marrow is cancer free. This is just a routine test, but I can't help but be a little anxious. I've just got to keep in mind that God is in control and to give him all my worries! If everything is clear, then I will go back in July to get all my immunizations up to date- I have to repeat all the shots from when I was a baby! No fun- but it will help me on the road to complete health! I will also get some other routine tests done, such as for my heart and other organs. The chemotherapy and radiation are hard on my body, so they are going to make sure everything is working fine. Please keep these test results also in your prayers! June 29th is the exact one-year date of the bone marrow transplant. I will for sure be celebrating, thanking, and praising God that day!

I have some other news of excitement. My boyfriend, Eric, has been contacted to be a bone marrow donor. He was contacted last year for blood work, but they called him back and said he was not needed at the time. A few weeks ago, they called him again for blood work and a physical and he learned it was for the same patient. They have set the transplant date for July 4th. The patient is male and 31 years old (sounds similar to my donor!). We are so excited God is using Eric to be a blessing in the same way I was blessed! We do not know the patient's name, but Eric has named him "Nelson" if you want to keep him in your prayers.

Thank you for checking in and your love, support, and continued prayers. I can't thank you enough for the time you have spent praying on my behalf and caring for me.



Sunday, April 13, 2008 4:49 PM CDT

Hi friends!

I made it back to Tomball this past weekend. I had a doctor's appointment on Friday. Everything went well. My blood counts are great and I don't have to be back for two more months! I do have to go next month to my local pediatrician for blood counts, but at least we don't have to go all the way downtown! Then, the next month will be June and I will go in again for the year check-up! That will include a bone marrow aspiration, among other tests. I have almost made it to the year mark and I am so excited! Thank you for your continuous prayers!

I can't wait for summer to be here. This weekend back at home really made me miss my family, but only a few more weeks until I'm home. God has really blessed me and I thank Him for His provisions. Thank you for your love and support during this time!

Saturday, March 22, 2008 7:54 PM CDT

Hi friends!

I came home this weekend for Easter. It's good to see the family again, even though it was only a week ago that I was here for spring break. I'm already ready for summer when I'll get to see them all the time! :) Ok, and that school will be out!

Everything is going well. I know it has been a while since I've updated, but remember that no news is good news! I've just been busy with school and not going to the doctor. Sounds like a pretty normal life to me!

Easter is such a great time to really reflect what Jesus actually did for us! I read on a church sign today that said "Christians celebrate Easter every Sunday" and also one that said "the Easter bunny did not rise from the dead". It is so true how the world has turned every holiday into something else. Don't they realize that Christmas, Easter, Good Friday... those are all Christian holidays? And our world has taken over these holidays with the Easter bunny and Santa... these holidays that have been around for so long and for some it's still hard to see that Jesus did come, die on the cross for our sins, and conquered death all so we could be ultimately reunited with our God in Heaven one day! I hope you all have a wonderful Easter Sunday with your family and whoever you celebrate with! Sure, it's hard for us to understand that He resurrected, but at the same time, I know that my God is greater than death and all-powerful and He can do anything! He has proven His power in my life and in many others! I'm sitting here in awe of Him because He has risen!!!

Monday, March 3, 2008 7:30 PM CST

Hi friends!

I took a trip back home last Friday. I do not have any classes on Friday, so it works out perfectly for me to go to my doctor's appointments. I was able to come home on Thursday and see the family! The appointment went well. The shingles are all gone, that was the first appointment since I had gone in for the shings. I had a little sore throat, so they swabbed me for strep throat and the results were negative. Praise the Lord! I also had a dexascan (bone scan) on Friday. They told me I had osteopenia - just a fancy word for bone thinning. They expected this due to all the chemotherapy and radiation. They told me to take some calcium pills, but my dad was (like usual) a step ahead of them and he had me taking those since right after the transplant. So, nothing new happened, which is wonderful! Spring break is next week and I cannot wait to be home and spend time with my family!

Well, it's been almost a year since the diagnosis. March 7th is the official date. It is so crazy! I never would have thought I would have to walk down that road again, but God has His plans. And although it was tough, I know His plans are perfect. It is so amazing to see how many of you prayed for me and are continuing to pray for me. I cannot thank you enough for your prayers on my behalf.

James 1:2-4:
”2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

I do take joy in knowing all the things that God has taught me this past year. Learning to depend fully on Him, to know that He will always be there, being able to find joy in the midst of fighting for life, to see how He has worked in other's lives around me, knowing that His plans are greater and better than mine, resting in the fact that He will always take care of me... these are only a few of the treasures that I will carry with me for the rest of my life all because of this trial.

There are many that are battling through cancer and many that do not know our Lord. I hurt for these people because they have nothing to cling on to. No one can tell them, it will be ok and KNOW it will be ok. No one can say, it's in My Hands. They only can rest on the doctor's knowledge and power, which is so minimal compared to God's! It is not even an assurance of life! I knew, throughout this whole battle, that no matter what happened to my earthly body, LIFE will always await me! How exciting is that!

As always, thanks for checking in. Sorry for rambling, but I just wanted to share with you some of my thoughts. Hope you all are doing well.



Wednesday, February 13, 2008 9:51 PM CST

Hello friends!!

Just a quick update to say that the shings are getting better. I have finished all the medicines, so now it is just waiting time until they are all clear. They are not too bothersome, only slightly itchy at times. I cannot say thank you enough for going to God on my behalf. Thank you for letting me be able to share with you my needs and for knowing that you will pray for me.

God is continuing to bless me each day and I learn more and more about Him and His plan for my life. Classes are going well and I am trying to stay away from large crowds, germs, and sick people! I was able to come home this past weekend and see the family. It was good to be home. Dad gave me a back to school gift....a huge box of Germ-X hand sanitizer towels....oh leave it up to dad! ;) Thanks again for checking in... it means so much and I love hearing from you!

God's blessings,

This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

1 John 4:10

Thursday, January 31, 2008 2:42 PM CST

Hi friends!

We drove down to the hospital yesterday and the doctor said I have shingles (I've been referring to it as "the shings"). I had called them on Tuesday and they started me on medicine, so on Wednesday the doctors were able to confirm it was the shings. Surprisingly, one in five transplant patients gets the shings, sometimes even while they are in the hospital. Not surprisingly, it is because my immune system is still so low, so it is not able to fight the virus. If you do not know much about it, it is from the same virus as chicken pox. The virus stays in your body and it can get active from stress. I have not been stressed, so who knows, that's just what the doctor told us. I am thankful that it is not something more serious. It is treated with pills and ointment on the sites. The doctors said I caught it early, which is good so maybe it will not spread anywhere else. I also had a pain in my side, which the doctors said it was related to the shings. The pain is a nerve pain, which is supposedly different than a pain when you break your arm. I was given pain medicine for that which should start to work in a week. They said the shings will take a month to clear up. Thank you for your prayers. It is so comforting to be able to come here and share what I am going through and know you all will pray for me. This is only a small bump, and I know my God will take care of me. I will update if anything else comes up.

God's grace keeps pace with everything we face!!


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Leanne developed a rash today on her back and side, along with some pain. We are not sure what it is yet, but the hospital said there is a possibility it could be shingles (alot of BMT kids are highly susceptible after transplant). She is going in first thing tomorrow morning so please be praying that it is nothing serious!! We appreciate your prayers so much and we will update after her hospital visit tomorrow.

Hello friends!

Sorry that it has been so long since the last update. I hope you all had a safe and wonderful Christmas and New Year's and that your time with your family was great. I had a cough for a couple of weeks that the doctors decided to treat with antibiotics. It seems to be getting better. They told me that all the kids at the hospital seem to be getting some sort of cold or another! It's no wonder with flu season and all sorts of colds people get during the winter! They told me my immune system will not be back to normal until a year after the transplant.

I am excited to tell you that I am starting school at Texas A&M today! I cannot thank you enough for your prayers! I am so excited to be back and feel like a normal person again! Of course I still need to be careful of all the germs around here. That's probably my dad's biggest fear. So, hand washing is a must as well as staying away from sick people. I am not taking too many classes, and have kept Fridays open for doctors appointments and/or going home to see mom and the family. God has surely shown me and my family how He can bring us through trials. There were many times when I could not see the end, but I am finally in the "last leg of the race". I am getting excited now about how God is going to continue to use me and I am asking Him constantly to show me His plans. Thank you for continuing to pray for me and for going to God on my behalf. Through all this, I have learned about God's timing, patience, not worrying, that everything is for His glory... the list goes on. It helps me realize, though, that school is just a small part of life, and everything we do here on earth needs to be for His glory and His Kingdom in Heaven, and that's all that matters. Well, thanks for stopping by, I am truly blessed to be covered in prayer by all of you. THANK YOU.

Much love-


Saturday, December 22, 2007 6:17 PM CST

WOW! Christmas is almost here! What a wonderful time of year as we celebrate Christ's birth and how much that means to all of us! I hope you all are enjoying the holidays. I ask that you pray for those families who lost someone this year. I am so thankful that I can spend Christmas with my family this year and that God brought me through. So, thank you for your prayers.

I went back to the hospital this past Wednesday. I am recovering from a cold. The nurse told us all the kids are sick because all of our immune systems are so low. I'm so thankful to not be in the hospital celebrating Christmas! I am looking forward to making memories with my family. Other than the cold, everything still looks good! I go back in two weeks for a last checkup before I go off to A&M! The doctors (and my dad) are already reminding me to be cautious of germs!

I hope you all are safe traveling and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Remember the real meaning of Christmas because Jesus IS the reason for this wonderful season! I just love that phrase. God has already given us the best Christmas gift and I am so glad that I have received it!

“[The Shepherds and the Angels] And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.”- Luke 2:8-11



Friday, December 14, 2007 8:37 PM CST


Sorry for the long delay in another post. Finals were this week and last and I have been busy with that! Our recent visit (last Wednesday) to the hospital was fine. Everything looked okay, and hopefully by January I will only have to go once a month...which is great because I will be back at A&M!

I have great news. My boyfriend, Eric, got a call from the National Bone Marrow Registry asking if he would be a donor. Of course he said yes. Apparently he matched a 30 year old male with donor was a 30 year old male and I had leukemia. God works in neat ways, huh! I am hoping that Eric will get to do it, and stay healthy for it. He goes for further blood work this next week so we are all excited to hear what happens!!

As always, thanks for your prayers and love! I have been blessed by your encouraging messages.



Wednesday, November 21, 2007 10:20 PM CST

Hello friends!

As I sit here writing this, I hear the wind, and that means it's getting cold outside and I'm excited! Just in time for Thanksgiving! Wow, I have a lot to be thankful for this year. I went to the doctor yesterday and everything looks great! My blood counts are almost to the low end of whats "normal"! Glory be to God!

Well, because it IS Thanksgiving, I would like to share with you some things I'm thankful for. First and foremost, I am thanking God because He is the reason for why I can even sit here today. I thank Him for giving me the best thing of all- the gift of life. It's really something we all take for granted- until it is almost taken away, or put at risk. I want you to all know that He is the sole reason I am here and He enabled me to fight through the toughest battle of my life! But, I also have each and every one of YOU to thank. I thank you all for your prayers, support, encouragement, and love. I feel as though I could never thank you enough. So, for all of my prayer warriors, a huge THANK YOU! I am so thankful to have such sweet friends who have been dedicated these past nine months to pray for me. God sure goes above and beyond in His blessings, as He has blessed me with so many friends!

1 Chronicles 16:34
"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever."

My Bible has devotions in it and I found this quote that I thought was neat:
"Celebrating each new day helps us develop the ability to be grateful for all new moments and for the God who is in each one."

I hope you all are safe traveling and have a very blessed Thanksgiving. It is such a wonderful time to spend with family and even friends. We sure have a lot to be thankful for, and I know you do too.

Much love and thanks,


Thursday, November 8, 2007 9:34 PM CST

Hi friends!!

Mom and I went back to the hospital on Wednesday. Everything is looking good. I am continuing to go every other week. It's sure nice having a week off in between though! I have been trying to get out and play tennis with my mom and Laura whenever I can. My endurance level is still pretty low, but that should increase with time. I am excited about returning to Texas A&M in the spring! I'm planning on going alone, but mom might come with me. HA HA. It will be rough having to part from the family- especially my mom who was with me every minute of every day the past 9 months! I have been so encouraged by her- she has kept my spirits high and helped me when I am down!

I am so blessed with wonderful friends like you. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your prayers! Words cannot express it. I hope you all are getting excited about this cold weather coming up!! November is a wonderful month that reminds us to be thankful! I sure have a lot to be thankful for and I know you do too! God sure has blessed us beyond what is even imaginable! As always, thanks for checking in...


Thursday, November 1, 2007 5:52 PM CDT

*We do not go back until next week. It's been so crazy having a whole week away from the hospital! I added some NEW PHOTOS, check them out if you'd like! I'm leaving up the last post so you can remember to pray for our other friends still up there! Thank you for your prayers!!

Hi friends!

Wednesday was another day at the hospital. We saw many of our friends that we had met on the unit- Coleson, Aaron, and Nick. Please pray for their recovery too! They are all behind me, but both Coleson and Nick are coming up on their one hundred days! Praise the Lord! Aaron had to have two transplants because the first one did not take. He is doing well now, and is a very happy baby! My blood counts were a little lower than last weeks, but that is expected. I don't go back for two weeks and this Monday I get off one of my medications! Thanks for checking in!


Thursday, October 18, 2007 9:18 AM CDT

Hi friends!

We went back to the hospital yesterday for the weekly check up. Since I am still on some medications, they have to see me once a week. After that, which should be in a few weeks, I should be able to go once a month! What a change from before! My blood counts from yesterday were great. I am finally starting to get back to a normal life! I could never thank each one of you enough for your prayers.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007 3:03 PM CDT

Hello friends!!

Just this morning we got the report back from the hospital, and my bone marrow is now 100 percent donor, just what they wanted!! They found no leukemia cells!! Praise God for His healing!! We are having so many celebrations around here! Thank you to everyone who made my birthday extra special this year! And for all the celebratory wishes on my last day of isolation!

My verse of the day for today is "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him." James 1:12 How appropriate! God has shown me how precious is the gift of life throughout this journey and has proven it to me today!

But, mom and I still trek back to the hospital tomorrow. I have a 2-3 hour infusion of what's called IVIG. Basically it's just an infusion of immunoglobulins (proteins that act as antibodies) to help boost my immune system. How's that for a science lesson? I'm practicing for nursing school :).

I would also like to ask that you pray for my Aunt Sarah. She broke her leg this past weekend and had to have surgery on Monday. You all have prayed for me diligently and I would like her to have you prayer warriors praying for her as well! Thanks!

What a great day to be thankful for! I am so glad you have dropped by...


Thursday, October 4, 2007 10:38 AM CDT

Hi friends!

Long day at the hospital yesterday, but we finally got out of there! The preliminary results of the bone marrow test look good so far. The doctor said by the end of this week they should know the final engraftment results. We will keep you posted as to what those are. Things are getting exciting as there are only 3 days until my 100 days are up! Thanks for continuing the countdown! Most importantly, thanks for your prayers! God has been so amazing blessing me with friends like you! Thanks for stopping by...


Monday, October 1, 2007 11:19 AM CDT

Good morning folks!

Mom and I return to the hospital this Wednesday for the bone marrow aspiration. This is just a routine biopsy scheduled around the 100 day mark. Please pray everything looks ok!! As of today, I only have seven days left until I'm out of isolation! Thanks for counting down with me! It has been exciting and is getting even more exciting as I get closer! As always, I appreciate your prayers and words of encouragement! I love hearing from you if you drop in.

Praising God,


Thursday, September 27, 2007 10:36 AM CDT

Good Morning!

Another good report from the doctors yesterday. We just go once a week now, if you haven't figured it out from the weekly updates. :) Next week (Wednesday), I have a bone marrow aspiration which is just a biopsy of my bone marrow to see if everything is still ok. This is just a routine test, so they aren't checking it because they are worried about anything. The rumors are true, I am starting to grow my hair out! Okay, so it was never really up to me when it would start growing, but its finally starting to show! I thought it was about an inch, turns out according to everyone else its only about a quarter of an inch. But, I'm still very happy with the progress! :) It's good to hear from you! Thanks for your prayers and thanks for checking in.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 3:25 PM CDT

Good Afternoon friends!!

Mom and I went back to the hospital today. We had a good check up. Although some of the blood counts were a little lower, others were higher so they were not worried. They also expect my counts to fluctuate some. Everything else has been fine. The rash is not completely gone, but it is getting there and they can tell a difference each time we go in. So most of our prayers are turning from less requests to more praises!! God is just amazing how He works. His love is never ending, and He never ceases to be there when I cry out to Him. I am finally starting to see the "peak" of this mountain in my life. I have been so blessed by God throughout this journey. He has taught me so many things, and I have witnessed once again how the power of prayer works! HE IS TO BE PRAISED!!

Always a thank you for your prayers. I've started the countdown!! It will get more intense the last 10 days, but I just couldn't wait! Only....18 more days!!!!! Don't forget to sign the guest book, I'm always happy to hear you dropped by! Thanks for checking in!!


Tuesday, September 11, 2007 4:43 PM CDT

Hi friends!

Mom and I traveled again downtown today for my appointment. I still have the rash, but we've noticed some areas where it has cleared up a bit. We're going on the second bottle of the lotion but it seems to be helping. The doctor said it might even get a little worse before it starts to clear up, so that was comforting! My tongue and mouth have all cleared up! I finally have some pain relief in my mouth and it is much easier to eat now!! Thanks for praying for both of these problems!

I'm keeping busy with my three classes online. I'm taking history, government, and psychology, so it's a lot of reading, but I'm certainly glad to have something to keep me occupied! I'm very excited though I'm on day 74! Pretty soon, instead of counting up, I'll be counting down! :)

I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your prayers, words of encouragement, gifts, and cards. Each one means so much to me and I am just so supported with so much love and by so many wonderful friends and family! On those days that it is just so rough, I think of everyone supporting me and I hope you know how much you all mean to me! God has certainly blessed me so much and I feel His love every single day. Thank you so much for checking in!

Much Love,


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

**The doctors confirmed today that Leanne has Grade 1 Graft vs. Host disease. It is a unique (but common in transplant patients) situation where cells from the donor's marrow attack Lee's organs and tissue, thinking they are "foreign". There is not a "cure" for it, but the symptoms can be treated. She has throat (thrush) and stomach pain and of course the full-body rash that is extremely irritating. So far those are the only symptoms and she is on several meds to help control that. It can progress to different stages, or her body can learn to coexist with the marrow and she will no longer experience any of the symptoms. Please be praying that the disease does not progress at all and that she will be able to get the pain and itching under control. We know that God can make it all go away and are trusting that He has her body in His hands. She will hopefully be able to come home tonight from the hospital and continue with her 2-3 times a week visits, as long as the medicines are working to alleviate her symptoms and as long as she doesn't progress beyond Grade 1. We are praying that God does a miracle and that she is better in no time!

Hi everyone,

We have a quick prayer request for Leanne. For some reason today she developed a rash all over her body and has had a lot of throat and stomach pain. We are not really sure what is going on but she is taking Benadryl and will go in to the hospital first thing tomorrow morning. Please be praying that it is nothing serious and that she will be able to fight the rash quickly. We will update tomorrow once we see what the doctors say. Thanks for checking in!

Thursday, August 30, 2007 12:00 AM CDT

Leanne is having a fairly good week for the most part. Her hospital visit on Tuesday went well- her counts are steadily going up and her temperature is staying around where it needs to. They were a little concerned that she had lost some weight, which makes sense when a person can't keep anything down for a few months! Of course that is a fairly simple fix and she has already been working on that this week, trying to eat whenever her stomach is not hurting. She has had some stomachaches lately and has been extremely tired, and then some days have been just fine. It just really depends on the day! We are just so thankful to be on the way to having a healthy Leanne and are amazed at how far God has brought her. She is trying to take some online college courses to help pass the time, and we are so proud of her and her determination to make the most out of her situation! Thanks again for checking in and for your continual prayer support...just look at what God has done as a result of your faithfulness to pray! He is such a great God. We will try to update again soon.


Friday, August 24, 2007 8:43 AM CDT

Leanne is finally at home and had a good report at the hospital yesterday. Her counts are good and she still has a little bit of a fever that fluctuates, but we are hoping that now that her line is out, we will see her temperature continue to go down. We really appreciate all your prayers and are so thankful that God brought her through a very dangerous situation! She will continue to go to the hospital on her regular schedule. Right now she is at day 56, so a little more than halfway through the isolation period. To me it seems like it is going by quickly but I am sure to her it is dragging on and on, not being able to go anywhere! Thanks for checking in today! We are so thankful for you!

Monday, August 20, 2007

**Unfortunately, Leanne's fever did go back up last night to 101 again. So, she and mom had to go back to the hospital (major bummer!) and the doctors will most likely be taking her line out today sometime. They will monitor her to see if that was causing the infection and then possibly put the line back in later this week. More updates later!

**This afternoon, the doctors surprised us by saying that Leanne could go home! Her fever has not gone up past 101 and has stayed right around 99 for about 24 hours, and there are not any other antibiotics to try at this point, so they sent her home still on a few meds to see what happens from there. However, my mom just took her temperature and she is up to 100 since they got home. If it is 100.5 or higher, she has to go right back! She has to go back anyway on Tuesday so MAYBE she will be able to stay home tonight and tomorrow and rest a little as long as her temperature stays down. It is kind of strange that they let her go home while still on the antibiotics and antiviral, but we are hoping that she will get more rest from home anyway and maybe can kick this infection- wherever it is hiding- faster. We are thankful she is home but are trying not to get too excited just yet...please continue praying that the infection will go away and that her fever will stay down. She is feeling okay and is being her usual very funny self so that is a definite plus. It would be so nice for her to enjoy this week and only have to go to the hospital on her normal schedule! Thanks SO much for your prayers!

**Saturday** Leanne's fever has been fluctuating alot the past few days. Today it has gone down to 99 from 101 last night, so that is definitely a good sign. Hopefully tonight it will stay down all night. She is taking maximum dosage of antibiotics and antifungal medications and has to be checked every hour or two in the night, so she and mom have hardly been getting any sleep! It doesn't seem like that would be a good thing for a BMT patient, but what can you do?! The doctors are thinking about taking out the pic line she has in her arm if the fever jumps back up again in case it might be causing the infection. But, if it stays down tomorrow, they may let her go home next week sometime. It has been a very confusing week and frustrating to not know what is going on, but we know that God has it under control! Thank you so very much for your prayers and for checking in. It is so incredibly comforting to know that people are constantly lifting Leanne up in prayer and helps us get through these difficult weeks!

**Tuesday** The doctors still cannot find the cause of the fever but are thinking it is some kind of infection. The cultures have come back normal so it may be something viral or just something "hiding". They have her on the maximum amount of antibiotics but her fever has stayed around 102 for some reason, so they will not let her go home until the fever is under control. We know she is in the Lord's hands even when the doctors are not sure what to do, so please pray that they will find something out soon and that the fever will start to drop. The doctors may do a bone marrow aspiration towards the end of the week if things don't start to progress. Thank you for your continual prayers and for checking in!

**UPDATE Saturday, August 11

Leanne had a 102 fever in the middle of the night last night and had to be taken in to the TCH emergency room. Anytime there is a fever she has to go in...they are still there right now waiting to hear what is causing the fever. Please pray for no infection to be developing and for God to just take her fever away so she can go home soon. We appreciate your prayers so much and we will try to update soon.


Tuesday, August 7, 2007 9:40 AM CDT

Hi friends and family,

Leanne has been going back and forth to the hospital every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. She has been doing a much better job of keeping her food and medicines down, so they took her off of the TPN (nutrients). She still has some other IV meds to do from home but that was the most time-consuming one. Way to go, Lee! Yesterday she had a three hour transfusion of IVSG which is another anti-rejection drug to make sure that her body doesn't reject the donor's cells. She has had a rash lately, which is sometimes a sign of host vs. graft disease, but the doctors are not concerned about it at this time and will keep an eye on it for now. She has also started to produce her own hemoglobin and platelets, which is a really great sign of progress. Overall she feels okay with a few "yucky" days here and there. We know your prayers have been heard and God is continuing to heal her! Please keep praying for no infection, fevers, or viruses as those will result in immediate admittance to the hospital. Thanks for checking in and we are SO thankful for you!

~The Scotts

PS Our friend Aaron from the BMT unit found out he has to have another transplant because the first one did not work. Please pray for their family!

Thursday, July 26, 2007 10:10 AM CDT


God's perfect time and plan were revealed, in part, yesterday as Leanne was released from the hospital and she and Fayrene returned home last night!

They were so thankful to be in their own home after 5 weeks in the bone marrow unit at TCH.

God has blessed us through this time in so many ways - I don't know where to begin. Fayrene has been at Leanne's side this whole time - I could not pry her away. She is a perfect example of a mother's love and devotion for her family. I am so blessed by her. Leanne's sisters, Lindsay and Laura, have both been unbelievably helpful behind the scenes. They have demonstrated love and graciousness to their sister and parents. I am very proud of their selflessness and sweet spirit amidst a time so difficult for them.

God has used so many of you to bless us. We have received so much prayer support, so many acts of kindness from friends and family, our church staff has been awesome to visit and stay in touch and the prayer room has been faithfully praying, many caring doctors and nurses, our DONOR!!!!...the list goes on and on. I wish I could publicly thank each of you but I fear I would leave out someone, so THANKYOU all.

Leanne will now be in isolation at home for the balance of the 100 days. Her doctors told us to remember that her immune system is in it's infancy - she will be susceptible to everything and will have to go through all the childhood diseases, and immunizations, again. She is on IV nutrition until she can eat well and receives IV anti-rejection meds among others for a few months. She will be monitored in the bone marrow unit every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the next several months. She has bravely come so far and has critical days ahead.

We have learned new lessons about God's grace, His provision, our dependency on Him and His perfect timing, our own plans vs. His, His ultimate sacrifice for us and certainly the truth of Proverbs 3:5. Learning how to be thankful despite the circumstances has had an incredible impact on us all. The Lord has indeed been faithful to my family!


Thanks for checking in.


Friday, July 20, 2007 2:40 PM CDT

Leanne is officially engrafted! Her counts have gone up steadily since Wednesday and today the doctors announced that the donor's marrow has engrafted. Praise the Lord! It is so hard to believe that God has brought us this far already! The doctors are really encouraged about how well her counts have increased. They have started to taper off some of her meds and are trying to get her to take them orally to prepare for going home. So far, she hasn't been able to keep everything down yet so that is the next challenge... They also had to put her back on the morphine pump for her stomach pain. Because of all these things they haven't given her a date that she can come home yet, but they have started to talk to us about what it will be like when she goes home. She will still have to be hooked up to her IV for some of her meds, so Mom and Dad will have to learn how to work her IV line...that should be interesting! There will be a home care team that will help with some of that. She will still be under social isolation and will be confined to the house until the 100 days is over (we are on day 21), but I think she will just be glad to be in the comfort of her own room compared to the hospital! We are just so thankful that God has truly been faithful to be with Leanne every step of the way, and are trusting Him to get her through these next several days as they determine when she will be ready to go home. We are so excited but we know it could still be awhile until they release her, and even after that she will still have a long journey in front of her at home. But, our hope is in the Lord, and the joy of the Lord is our strength! We are so proud of Leanne and the fighter that she has been, and are amazed at her sweetness even though she has had to endure so much. She never doubted what God could do and He has really shown her His power! Please join us in thanksgiving and praise for our God! Say a special prayer for our sweet donor today too. We have a few friends on the BMT Unit that also need your prayers: Haley, Aaron, Roman and Coleson. Thanks for checking in!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

We have some great news. Lee's counts went up from 50 to 200 today! Praise the Lord! The doctors had given her some medicine to help boost the counts, so they aren't convinced that it is going up on its own yet, but are encouraged that her marrow appears to at least be doing something! She still hasn't reached the safe levels yet but as you can imagine we are really thankful and hopeful! God is so good and has also freed her from a lot of the pain and nausea she has been experiencing lately. We credit it all to Him... know that your prayers are heard!! We love you and thanks for checking in.

Hi friends,

Lee is doing well today. 3 days ago she was throwing up all night and she and mom prayed it would be the last time she threw up...and she hasn't thrown up since! Praise God! Her ANC (the indicator for when the marrow is reproducing) still has not gone up yet, so they have given her a medicine to help boost it. They check the labs every day so hopefully we will start to see the ANC increase...please be praying for God to miraculously increase it to the right levels. She is no longer on the constant morphine but still has the pump hooked up so she can press the button if she needs it. It's been a really long week with lots of ups and downs...the other night mom was helping her with her IV pole in the bathroom and Lee fainted and hit her chin on the sink! She is feeling better and we are always amazed how she just moves on and toughs things out. We are just so thankful that she is having a much better day today, so maybe that will be a sign of a good week to come. We are so appreciative of all your prayers and please continue to lift her up while we wait for her ANC to rise. Thanks for checking in! We love you all!


Friday, July 6, 2007 9:49 AM CDT

I can't believe it's been a week since the transplant! Leanne has been having a very unpredictable week. Some days she feels fine and others she feels miserable. She is being given a lot of medicine to try to help control the nausea. She is starting to get mouth sores and throat pain, so she is receiving medicine to help treat that too. Leanne continues to be such a sweetheart and is really determined to get through this with the best attitude possible. Mom is doing a GREAT job staying on top of all the rules and regulations that the hospital enforces as far as mouthwash, cleanliness, diet, etc. It is a 24 hour a day job to keep track of everything and care for Lee. She does it with such a selfless heart and I know she wouldn't want to be anywhere me, we have tried to get her to trade us and take a night off but she won't have it! Dad has not been seeing patients for almost 2 weeks so it has been great for him to be able to be up there too.

We have definitely felt so blessed by all of the prayers, emails, cards, and guestbook entries. We have felt God's presence and His peace this past week when it has been very trying. We are so thankful for your continued prayers. These next several days will tell us if the marrow has started to ingraft, so we are trying to be very patient and wait for those counts to start is soooo hard to wait but God is strengthening us as we trust in Him! Leanne has been very blessed to not have any fever or infection so far, and we know it is from all of your prayers! Please keep praying for no complications in the meantime until the ingrafting takes place. It is so crucial for her body to be strong and safe during this time. Thank you so much for your support and prayers! We thank God for you daily!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

The transplant was finally finished last night around 10:30. Lee has not had any fever or infection and we praise and thank our amazing God for the marrow getting to her safely and for the great doctors and nurses who helped the transplant go smoothly. She is not feeling well though and has had some pain and nausea and just overall weakness. These are all typical reactions to the transplant, although not fun for her at all! What a trooper she has been! We will not know if the marrow has ingrafted for several days, so it is hard to say if it "worked". However, we are trusting God's faithfulness and letting Him work His miracle in Leanne. Please keep praying for no infection and for the ingrafting to take place without complications. THANK YOU so much for ALL your prayers, Leanne and our whole family feel so loved and supported and know that we couldn't do it without you! We will keep you updated as much as we can!

The donor's marrow is being flown here this morning and the transplant will occur sometime this afternoon. Leanne is tired and weak but is so courageous, and we know that God is so faithful to bring her through these next few weeks as her body tries to graft and then reproduce the marrow on its own. Please, please continue to go before the Lord with us and ask Him to be victorious in Leanne's healing so that He may receive the glory! We love you all so much and ask God to bless you for your faithful prayers.

Deu 20:4 For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to FIGHT for you against your enemies to give you VICTORY!

The chemo this weekend definitely went better than we were expecting...Leanne was very heavily medicated so that really kept her from getting too sick. God truly protected her from alot of the bad side effects.
Today she started radiation and that hasn't gone as well. She was so sick from it that during the 2nd round she was throwing up while in the radiation treatment room. She also developed a fever tonight and they are doing some tests to determine if its an infection or just due to the chemo/radiation combo. We are hoping that's all it is and that she isn't developing an infection. Please pray that God will continue to hold her in His hands and protect her from the traumatic side effects of the radiation. Please pray that He will comfort her and be there for her in that radiation room when we can't be in there with her. We are so thankful for his continual provision and peace. Thanks so much for checking in!! We appreciate your prayers more than you know! Also, if you haven't received an email about it and want to be on the prayer chain, you can email Alisa Redweik at for more information.

Leanne, Mom, and Laura were down at TCH yesterday and had a meeting with the Bone Marrow Team. Leanne's test results were all fine and the donor is ready to go! The new donor is a 31 year old male and he is going to be harvested the same day as the transplant, and they will airlift the marrow to Houston. The tentative date for this is June 29th. Starting Thursday Lee will go in for chemo and radiation. The chemo she has to have is the same one (except higher dosage) as the one that made her so sick a few weeks ago and burned her eyes. As you can imagine, she is not looking forward to that plus the radiation! But we know we have a great God who can keep her from experiencing the nasty side effects of the chemo and only let it do its job. We are praying for the Lord's protection over her body for this week before the is definitely more intense than the transplant itself. After the transplant her body will have to start making its own marrow with the new cells and will require a strict diet, very cautious germ prevention, and 100 days of isolation, most of which will be at the hospital. I think we are all just ready for this to get here and be over with! We are so thankful that God has provided a new donor and that someone special was so willing to give of their time to help Leanne beat cancer. There is nothing we could ever say or do to show this person how much we appreciate them, and so we are asking you to join us in asking God to bless them so abundantly in ways we could never think or imagine!

Y'all would just not believe what an amazing person Leanne is as she faces these new challenges. I know so many of you have been blessed by her and by what a sweet spirit she always has, but I promise you that as her family we can attest that she is even more graceful, sweet, and fun being around her all the time. We are so proud of her courage and strength as she faces this battle and I admire her so much. She is a truly special person! She is my hero and her faith inspires me daily.

I think there is going to be an "around-the-clock" prayer chain for Leanne going on starting Thursday. CFBC members will probably get an email about it, and if you are interested and don't get an email, leave your email address on the guestbook and we can have someone contact you with more information. We truly need and appreciate all of your prayers during this critical time. You can specifically pray for Leanne's body to be protected from the chemo and radiation, that her body will respond well to the treatment so that she is ready for the transplant, that the donor will have a safe and smooth procedure, that the marrow will arrive properly and on time, that the doctors will have wisdom in all their decision making, that Leanne's body will accept the transplant without any complications and begin to reproduce quickly, that she will be protected from any infection as her immune system is totally absent, that God will provide peace, comfort, and joy for her during the long hospital stay, and that the rest of our family will have energy, strength, no illness, and safe travel as we are visiting and staying with Leanne. We love you all so much and appreciate your support during this time! We trust God completely to heal Leanne and that He can make this the last hospital stay she ever has to have!

* Many of you have asked about gifts for Leanne. She is unable to receive flowers because she will be neutropenic. Cards or emails just letting her know you are thinking about her and praying for her are the best medicine!

PS Barbara Barnes sent me this passage in a letter when Lee was first diagnosed 5 years ago. I have memorized it since then and it has brought me so much peace. Daniel and I had it read at our wedding and I think it is so appropriate even now for this journey as we trust the Lord for amazing things!

Ephesians 3:16-21
I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being,
so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love,
may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,
and to know this love that surpasses knowledge–that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

Thursday, June 14, 2007 1:00 PM CDT

Hi friends,

It has been a long week since last Saturday for Lee at the hospital. Her fever just would not go away and her counts were really low. She started feeling more like herself on Wednesday and the fever finally went away, but her ANC has been almost at 0 all week. It finally went up a little today and so they are going to let her come home tonight sometime...hopefully! We were told Tuesday she could come home, then maybe Wednesday, so we'll see!

We have some great news to share. The Bone Marrow Transplant team called and said one of the potential donors has cleared medical testing. They are actually getting the ball rolling with her transplant and have an approximate transplant date of June 28th. They want her to go in next Thursday to begin pre-transplant radiation and chemo assuming everything with the donor goes as planned, and assuming Leanne has bounced back from whatever has been attacking her this week. It has all happened so fast and we can hardly believe we have another donor! We do know that alot can happen because of the situation with the first donor, but we are trusting that God has it under control and are praying that everything will go smoothly from now until the tentative transplants dates. We are so thankful that God has been faithful to provide another donor and are rejoicing in the fact that He takes such good care of Lee for us when things are totally out of our control!

We will let you know any updates as the dates get closer!
Thanks again for checking in.

Sunday, June 10, 2007 8:25 PM CDT

Leanne is in the hospital today...she was feeling weak all day on Saturday, then had her temperature taken at home, was above fever level and had to report to the hospital. She must remain in the hospital until her fever has retreated for at least 48hrs and her cultures remain negative for 48-72hrs. The cause of the fever is unknown at this point, but could possibly be from her last round of chemo. She had a rough night again last night and didn't get much sleep. This has been an unexpected hospital visit so it is very upsetting for everyone. We were looking forward to a pleasant little weekend in Tomball! A drive in movie was even on call! Lee has been very weak the whole time but still throws in her little comedic lines to keep us laughing. Isn't she awesome?! Please pray that all the cultures turn out negative and for positive news about the prospective donor. Also, pray for the Mckenna family who recently lost their daughter in a tragic car accident. Thank ya'll so much for checking in!
"Worry about nothing, pray about everything"

Saturday, June 2, 2007 3:09 PM CDT

**Lee got to come home late Monday night (around 10:30). Yesterday, she had to take a trip to the eye doctor, dad, because she has been having a lot of eye pain. The chemo has been causing some problems with her eyes so she is having to take drops to relieve the pain. She also had to get platelets today and they had a long unexpected day at the hospital. Please pray that no new problems arise!


Hi everyone,
We are down at TCH today and right now Lee is sleeping. She got here yesterday and had a lot of chemo around 9 pm, and was very very sick last night from about 10:30 to 4:00 am. She and mom did not get any sleep and none of the nausea medications were working. They gave her phenergan this morning and again this afternoon, and that seems to be the only thing that helps because it knocks her out. She is really tired and worn out already and they are saying she isn't scheduled to leave until about Monday afternoon. Please pray that tonight she doesn't get sick again and that she will have a more restful evening. Please pray that mom will have an extra amount of energy since she is running on no sleep too. We still have not heard anything about the donor situation, so please continue to pray that God will provide someone soon. Yesterday was the original transplant date so now that it has come and gone we are trying so hard to be patient as we wait for a donor. On Monday she is supposed to be getting an injection that helps her counts to go way up, so hopefully she will have a better and more relaxing week next week...we are trying to look forward to that to help get through this long weekend!


Tuesday, May 29, 2007 8:49 AM CDT

Lee did not have a very great weekend at the hospital! The new chemo gave her flu-like symptoms and she had a lot of nausea and vomiting. She also had a fever pretty much the whole time and so she had to stay until Monday afternoon. She and mom were really glad to finally come home...she was really tired but had her usual sweet attitude. She goes back in for the same process again this Friday, so please be praying that she recovers well and gets a few days of relaxation and rest before she goes back.

We still do not have any updates on a donor. We really appreciate your prayers and continual support as we are waiting for a donor to be found. We know many of you participated in the recent blood drives at CFBC and want to thank Don Littlejohn and all of the people who organized and donated...we are encouraged by everyone who continues to support and love our family. Many of you have been wondering about donating your marrow, and we still are not able to do a designated donation for Leanne, but you can always go to a Gulf Coast Blood Center and be tested for the national registry. It can definitely help save someone's life! We have so many sweet friends and family to be thankful for and we thank you for checking in. Please continue to pray with us for a donor!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007 9:32 AM CDT

Yesterday Mom, Lee, and Laura went down to TCH for counts and meetings with the bone marrow unit, and then they went over to M.D. Anderson for a meeting with the radiologist. It was a long day and they learned alot about the coming weeks. They found out that Lee has to be admitted to the hospital Friday for another 5-day long chemo treatment. Not the best Memorial Weekend plans!! They are still looking for a donor and we don't have any updates on that yet. It has been hard waiting but we are trusting God for his provision. Please keep praying for a healthy, eager donor. Please pray for Lee during this next hospital stay, that she will not feel sick from the chemo and that it will fly by. We appreciate and need your prayers so much in these next few weeks as we face so many new things and so much uncertainty. Thanks to each of you who check in, you keep us going!

Monday, May 14, 2007 2:31 PM CDT

Hi friends,

Leanne gets a week off of chemo this week and won't go back until Monday the 21st. We are glad she gets a break for a litte while!

The hospital called this morning to tell us that the donor's test results came in and he is not medically able to be the donor. They couldn't tell us any more information than the fact that he didn't pass the tests. So, the hospital is going to go back to the people that were potential matches from the registry and see if they can do further testing. We are praying that this process doesn't take as long as it did the first time around and that God will provide another donor. All we can do is trust the Lord for His provision again! He is always faithful and we know that nothing is impossible with Him. Please join us in praying that this will not set back the transplant dates at all and that He will find a special person to be the donor for Leanne. Thank you for always praying for, encouraging, and supporting our family. We will update as much as we can.

Thanks for checking in!

Thursday, May 10, 2007 8:54 PM CDT

Hi friends,

I just wanted to update you quickly. Lee was supposed to get to come home yesterday from the hospital (she has been there since Monday), but her methotrexate levels have not gone down enough yet. The doctors are wanting to make sure the chemo does not do anything to damage her kidneys so they are keeping her monitored at the hospital. She and mom are still there and will hopefully come home tomorrow. We are really praying they will be able to come home ASAP because Laura is graduating this weekend. We are so proud of her and want to all be there! Thanks for checking in, and please continue to pray for Leanne's healing and for the upcoming transplant. She continues to have a great attitude and we are so thankful for the comfort God brings.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007 2:16 PM CDT

We got some great news from the BMT nurse today. Our donor went in today for his testing. They are just making sure that he does not have any viruses and that his marrow is clean enough for Lee to receive. We won't hear the results for about 3-4 weeks, but after that they will be able to do the harvesting procedure. June 1st is the tentative date to begin the transplant process. We are SO thankful that God has answered our prayers and that the donor has been able to move forward with the process. What a great God we have! He is so faithful to meet all of our needs in his perfect timing.

We will update as we find out more info about the transplant and the test results. Thanks for checking in!!

May 1st
Leanne and Mom went to the hospital yesterday. Her day there went smoothly as far as the clinic goes...but, she and mom got questioned by HPD because they were near a "crime scene" at the hospital, which made for some excitement. Of course, they didn't see anything happen so they weren't much help! But at least it wasn't a boring day at the hospital.

Anyway, they found out that Lee has to go in again for a 3 day stay of around-the-clock chemo and monitoring next Monday (it was moved from Friday). There has been no news from the donor so we are just waiting patiently to hear if he has scheduled his appointments. Once he is finished with everything on his end, the doctors are saying that Leanne will be able to have the transplant within 4 weeks. So we are praying that he will be able to get his testing and harvesting done ASAP! Leanne is ready to get the transplant over with at this point. We are so thankful that God has provided a donor and are just trusting Him for his perfect timing, even though we don't understand it right now. We know He is in control and that is all that matters. He can heal Leanne with or without a transplant and so we are continually praying and trusting him for her ultimate healing no matter how that happens.

Lee has been keeping up with some of her college classes at A&M and we are so proud of her. She has a final on Thursday so please pray that she feels well enough to take it and that she studies well and does well on the test! She deserves an A!!

Thanks for checking in!

Lots of love,

PS Thanks to all who sign the guestbook! We all love reading your entries and are comforted by your continual support!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 2:26 PM CDT

Hi everyone,

My mom talked to the Bone Marrow Transplant coordinator today. There has been a bit of a delay with the donor...he has had his consultation but has not been able to start the rest of the donation process yet. They are still hopeful about his commitment, but the main issue is just that any delays prolong the amount of time that Leanne has to stay on this intense chemo schedule. We are not certain what is causing the delay but we are obviously grateful to have a donor at all so we are trying not to get discouraged. We have been praying that the donor's work and family situation would be uncomplicated and just an overall smooth process for him, so we hope for his sake that he is not encountering any problems. Please pray that God will take away whatever is in the way of him being able to get started with the process and that Leanne's transplant will be able to stay on schedule. We know that there is nothing we can do to move the situation along and so we are definitely leaving it in God's hands. Please join us in prayer for our amazing donor and ask God's blessing on his life as he goes through this time. Thanks for checking in and we are so grateful for your prayers!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007 9:51 PM CDT

Leanne got to come home from the hospital Wednesday night. She had a few rough nights but yesterday and today she seems to be doing much better. She has been laughing and talking and it has been so nice to see her have a break from feeling badly. One of my main prayers lately is just that the chemo will do its job and that God will spare her from its nasty side effects...He really does hear and answer our prayers. Please pray that she continues to have a good and restful weekend before she goes back to the hospital on Monday. Also, so far all the testing they did on her organs seemed fine, and we will let you know when we hear more.

He who began a good work in LEANNE is faithful to complete it!

Hi friends,
Leanne's hospital stay has been a long and tiring one, and hopefully she will get to go home in the next day or two. She has had to get chemo in the evenings which means they check her vitals constantly throughout the night, which means little to no sleep for mom and you can imagine, that has been tough! She has not been feeling great today which is due to the rigorous chemo she has been getting. Yesterday and today they performed several different tests on her heart, liver, and other organs to make sure they are staying strong and healthy during the chemo. Please pray that the doctors do not find any issues there. A nurse from the Bone Marrow Unit came to talk to us about what to expect during the transplant, so we are trying to learn all we can about how the process will be. They are aiming for the end of May so we are hoping and praying that everything stays on schedule. It looks like they are going to have to do radiation in addition to the chemo to get her ready for the transplant, but that won't take place until right before. There are so many things that she is going to have to endure before, during, and after the transplant so it has been overwhelming to learn everything, but we know that God is in control and that He will continue to protect her throughout the whole process. He is a great and mighty God and we trust him completely to heal Leanne...there is none like Him!!

Please continue to join us in praising God for the marrow donor and ask God's blessing and favor on him and his family as he gets ready to donate. We have so much to be thankful for!

Thanks for all of you who faithfully check in. We love and appreciate you! We will try to update later this week after Leanne gets home from the hospital.

~The Scotts

Tuesday, April 10, 2007 10:17 PM CDT

Tomorrow Mom and Lee go in again to the hospital. Leanne is getting a pic line put in to help with her transfusions and eventually the transplant. Last Friday was the end of her leg shots, which also indicates the end of the initial induction stage of treatment. The last round of chemo was really rough for Leanne, so we are praying that God will truly prevent her from feeling the nasty side effects from the coming rounds. This Friday is of course the first day of her 6-day stay. As much as she is not looking forward to that, it does mean that she is on her way to getting ready for the transplant. She will begin a 36 day series that will hopefully totally prepare her for the transplant, and so we are praying that this next phase stays on schedule (and that the process with our amazing donor goes smoothly) and goes as planned the next few weeks. The less chemo she has to have to get ready, the better, as you can imagine! Please be in prayer that her body is strengthened and not weakened through all of this! Y'all would not believe what a trooper she truly is. I don't think anyone, not even our family, can really imagine what it must be feel like to be so sick and run down and constantly at the hospital. I am so amazed at her lack of complaining, at her attitude, and her determination. She is the easiest person in the world to help take care of because of her sweet spirit. She is a blessing to our family.

We want to thank all of you who came out to the tournament and were tested for bone marrow donation! What sweet and giving hearts you have. It is so amazing to think that we could have the opportunity to save someone's life just like someone we don't even know is going to save Leanne's. If you didn't have a chance to be there, you can always donate any time at any Gulf Coast Blood Center. Thank you friends!

A final prayer request would be for Mom. She has not been feeling great lately and I know she is wanting to be back at 100 percent(or in her case, 1,000!) for when Lee has her hospital stay. I know it takes a toll on her too with all of the traveling and constant mom does such an incredible job handling all of the things she does on a daily basis and it's no wonder where Lee gets her determination from! Please pray that God will renew her body and mind in time for Friday, and that Dad will stay healthy as well so that we can all be up at the hospital as much as possible. It is crazy all the things my amazing parents are juggling right now and the last thing they need is to get sick!

Thank you for checking in and for praying for our family. I know it means so much to each of us to know that we are being prayed for. We read all of your guestbook entries and appreciate your encouragement so much. We thank God for you daily!


Wednesday, April 4, 2007 12:15 AM CDT

Hi everyone!
We have some truly exciting news. We found out yesterday afternoon that the hospital has found a bone marrow match for Leanne's transplant. All we know is that he is a 30 year old male that lives somewhere in the United States. We will not be able to contact him or know who he is for a whole year. We cannot tell you how grateful we are to this person who is donating his marrow to give life to Leanne!! We already cannot wait to meet him and tell him how truly thankful we are for him someday (how will we even begin to do that?!). He is a 10 out of 10 match which is exactly what were needing. They also found a backup who is only 9 out of 10, but it is comforting to know that there is an alternative. Our donor has been contacted that he is a match and so of course there is a long process on his part before the actual donation happens, so we are praying that nothing will come up that will prevent him from being able to donate as he finds more out about what the process involves. Please pray that he will not have any complications with the whole process and that he will be ready and eager to donate ASAP! Please pray that God will bless him abundantly for his amazing gift to us. Leanne will not actually be able to have the transplant until her chemotherapy treatments are finished and the doctors have cleared her for the transplant, but we are so thankful that we have a match ready for when she is ready. It is so overwhelming to know that a stranger would willingly give his marrow so that someone he doesn't even know can have a chance at a new, healthy life. We are just so grateful to whoever he is and to God for putting our new favorite person into our lives!
We are able to see the amazing impact and importance of bone marrow and blood drives...we want to thank everyone in advance who will be going to the His Grace Foundation fundraiser to be tested for bone marrow donation...just think, you could save someone's life just like someone is going to do for Leanne. Can you imagine?! As a reminder, you can drop by any time on April 9th at Northgate Country Club from 10-1. See the previous journal entries for more info.

Leanne is going tomorrow for a VERY long day of bone marrow aspiration, chemotherapy, spinal tap, etc. Please pray for her and mom as they travel and spend so much time down at the hospital. Please pray that God will protect her body and that the chemo will only do what it is supposed to do and not make her sick in any way!

We are just so incredibly thankful for this great news and wanted to share it with all of you who love, support, encourage, and pray for us...please join us in giving all the glory to God!!

Sunday, April 1, 2007 4:35 PM CDT

We have had a lot of sweet friends and family ask about donating marrow for Leanne lately. The doctors are encouraged by some possibilities of a match already on the registry so they aren't asking for specific donations for her at this time. However, on April 9th at Northgate Country Club there is going to be a fundraiser for His Grace Foundation, an organization that provides emotional, spiritual, and financial support for children and families on the Bone Marrow Unit of Texas Children's. At the event (it is their annual fundraiser/golf tournament) Gulf Coast Blood Center is going to be there to test anyone who wants to be a bone marrow donor. The best thing is that it is just a mouth swab! It is such a quick and painless way to be tested, and your name will go on the national bone marrow registry. Your marrow could potentially match Leanne's or any another person in need of a bone marrow transplant. Keep in mind this is not going to be specifically for Leanne, but it is such an easy way to be tested and to potentially give life to someone (maybe even Lee!) in need and we wanted to let everyone know of the opportunity. You can stop by any time from 10-1 and you don't have to be a part of the golf tournament in order to be tested. If you would like more information about His Grace Foundation, their website is The Kiltz family is the founder of this very special organization and they are dear friends of our family and have an amazing heart for kids and families in the BMT unit. They have been a such a blessing to us throughout this whole process as they have been in our shoes.

Leanne will be going to the hospital this Monday and Thursday. She will be getting chemo and then will also have a bone marrow biopsy on Thursday to check her progress. Please pray that God protects her and mom as they travel, that God will ease her nausea and headaches as she gets more chemo, and that the results of the testing are great. After Easter she will have to be admitted into the hosptial for about a 6 day stay as she undergoes another intense round of chemo. We will try to give more information about that as we know more. We appreciate your prayers more than you ever could know! Thanks for checking in.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007 5:26 PM CDT

Hi friends,
Leanne's visit to the hospital yesterday was a long one. Mom and Lee had to be there around 11 am and they didn't get to leave until almost 10 pm! She got chemo yesterday and was also given the shot she has been allergic to in the past. She thankfully did not have any reaction to it so that was good news. She also had an MRI of her brain to see what could be causing the severe headaches she has had recently. The MRI came back negative, so we are still wondering what is causing the headaches, but we were thankful that the MRI did not reveal anything serious.

She goes back again on Friday for more chemotherapy. We still have not heard if any of the donors on the registry are matches for her bone marrow transplant. The doctors have said that they have seen some possibilities already so we are encouraged by that news. Please be praying that there is a perfect match and that it belongs to a very willing and cooperative donor! Thank you again for all your prayers, it is the best thing anyone can do for our family right now. We are thankful we have a God who hears our prayers and provides comfort and healing in our time of need. Thanks for checking in!

The Scott family

Thursday, March 22, 2007 10:24 AM CDT

**Friday Update:
Lee and Mom (and Mrs. Linda..thanks!) are on their way home from TCH. It was a very very long day up there but Leanne's body did not have an allergic reaction to the chemo (so far!) so we are thankful for that...God is good. The bone marrow aspiration showed that the chemo is working, but those were just the preliminary results. That seems to usually be a good indicator though, so again, we are THANKFUL! I will try to update more later, but I did want to first tell everyone thank you if you have gone to donate blood. The blood center has notified us that we are not allowed to have blood given in Leanne's name right now. Last week, they told us to round up donors ASAP, and this week the insurance company and blood center are saying we are not eligible for blood drives or donations at this time because of a stipulation with the insurance company. Of course next week the story could change! If you have ever dealt with hospitals or insurance companies before, you know that it is rare that they are all on the same page or are always easy to deal with. Ultimately, Leanne will have access to the blood she needs so that is all that really matters at this point. We are so grateful for all of your prayers and for checking in on Leanne. You are all special to us.

This week has been a bit busy for Mom and Leanne. Monday Leanne had to go in to the hospital because she was experiencing headaches and the doctors wanted to monitor her and run some tests. They gave her platelets and she was feeling better by Tuesday so they let her go home that afternoon. However, she had to go back on Wednesday for her scheduled chemo and blood transfusions. The hospital still did not get authorization to give her Irwinia (the special drug strain that she is hopefully not allergic to) so she did not get that yesterday. She has been premedicating every day before she is scheduled to get it and of course anticipates having the shot and then is not able to, so that is getting to be kind of frustrating. Again she is scheduled to have it on Friday but we aren't holding our breath this time!

We found out yesterday afternoon that no one in our immediate family is a match for the bone marrow transplant. We were disappointed by the news but her doctor said that there are some possibilities on the national registry, so they are already beginning testing on some of the donors. Please pray that God will find a perfect match for Leanne through the amazing people who are willing to donate marrow. At this time the doctors have not prescribed for other family or friends to donate until the results from the registry are back; certainly anyone can sign up to be on the national registry any time but we are not able to have people donate specifically for Leanne yet.

Tomorrow Leanne has to be at the hospital early for a very long day of chemotherapy, bone marrow aspiration, and spinal tap. It is an important day because we will find out how her body is reacting to the chemo and if it is doing its job to clean her marrow. Please pray that her surgeries go smoothly and that we get good news back from the testing. Also, please pray that God will protect her from feeling nauseous and yucky from the chemo she will be getting.

Thank you for keeping us in your prayers! We are in the process of memorizing Psalm 34...taste and see that the Lord is good; oh the joys of those who call on His name.


Sunday, March 18, 2007 3:18 PM CDT

Hi friends,
I just wanted to update everyone on Leanne's last hospital visit on Friday. She wasn't able to have the drug that she was allergic to because the hospital had not gotten authorization to give it to her yet. She got the other chemo though and has been nauseous off and on this weekend. They are supposed to be ready to give her the drug on Wednesday along with the rest of the chemo, and she will be getting her first blood and platelet transfusion that day also. She is going to attempt to go to class one or two days this week (she is going to drop all but one class) and then be at the hospital the rest of the time. She always amazes us with her attitude and courage to continue with "normal" life. Please pray that she feels good enough to go to that one class and that she will have a lot of energy and no more nausea this week!

Also, if you haven't heard, we are needing a lot of people to donate blood so we can build up credits at the blood bank in Leanne's name. Please read the prior journal entry to find out more information on how to donate. Her body can't make enough blood on its own while under chemotherapy treatment, so we appreciate your help SO MUCH with this! Thank you for your prayers and support...we know God hears and answers His people when we call on Him!
P.S. In addition to the neighborhood blood centers listed on the Gulf Coast Blood Center's website and the mobile donation centers, I noticed on their site that you can also donate every Friday at Tomball Regional Hospital from 12-5. That may be more convenient for some people...the website is really helpful so you may want to check it out before you donate. Remember to give them Leanne's name when you donate so she gets credit! THANKS!!

Thursday, March 15, 2007 4:12 PM CDT

Hi everyone,

We know that many of you have been asking what you can do to help Leanne and our family. We actually have something very important that you can help with! Leanne is going to need several blood transfusions before, during, and after her bone marrow transplant. In the next few weeks she will begin the blood transfusions and is going to be needing a LOT of blood according to her doctors. So, we are asking people to donate blood at any of the Gulf Coast blood centers...basically, that is any local blood donation center or blood drive. All you will have to do is tell them that you are donating for Leanne Scott at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston, TX. You do not have to be a certain blood type, it will all just be banked in her name as long as you tell them when you are there to donate. We would greatly appreciate your help with this!! Thank you so much, and let us know if you have any questions.
To find out more about donating blood at one of the centers, visit . Also, you can go to
to find out a donation spot closest to you.
We will try to update again after her hospital visit this weekend.


March 8, 2007 10:00 am

**UPDATE MARCH 12, 2007
Leanne got to come home from the hospital yesterday afternoon. She has been taking chemo from home and will go back to the hospital on Friday for her next treatment. She has been feeling nauseous some of the time and okay some of the time. We are trying to find either a prescription or another remedy to help with the nausea, so if you have any ideas let us know! Last time we tried a lot of things and nothing seemed to work very well.

In addition to praying for a match for the bone marrow transplant, you can be praying for Leanne's next hospital visit on Friday. She will be receiving a type of chemotherapy that her body is actually allergic to. It is the only option, so they are going to try a different strain this time as well as medicate her with Benadryl for 24 hours prior to the treatment. The last time she had this treatment, her allergic reaction was pretty violent so of course she is concerned about how it will go this time around. We are so amazed at her bravery to face this situation, but we definitely need your prayers that God will protect her from any allergic reaction and give her peace as she goes to the hospital Friday. We will continue to update as we know more! Thank you for your prayers and support!

March 9, 2007
Hi friends,

I am sure you have heard by now that Leanne's cancer is back. We are sitting in the hospital right now waiting to go to the PACU for a bone marrow aspiration. They will also be starting her chemotherapy treatment today. She will have to undergo chemo for 2 or 3 months and then will need a bone marrow transplant. Today, Rick, Fayrene, and Lindsay will be tested to see if they are a match for the marrow, and Laura will be tested later this week. Please be in prayer that someone in our family is a match! Also, Leanne has bone pain from the leukemia and is taking morphine for that but is still in a lot of pain, so please pray that her shoulders will start to feel better soon.
Leanne will be admitted to the hospital tonight and we will be up here for a few days (indefinitely at this point) while she undergoes her first round of chemo.
Obviously we are devastated that this is all happening again. We know what a nightmare it is, so it is hard to anticipate what is to come. We do know that God is going to bring us through this just like He has before. He is our healer and our comforter and we fully trust Him with Leanne's health.

Thank you for checking in. We will continue to update when we have more information, where her room will be, and the results of the testing today.

~The Scott Family


Sunday, February 13, 2005 10:55 PM CST


This past Wednesday I had another checkup. Everything was fine. I am still taking pills to prevent pneumonia. I will stop those soon. I am back to doing normal high school activities consisting of: homework, homework, and more homework!! I am practicing for a harp competition. Keeping up my cheerleading skills for tryouts in March, and playing tennis for the district tournament in April. As you can see, I am very busy!

Thanks for checking in on me. Please pray for my friend's mom, Cyndy. She was in a car accident and her husband was killed.

Thanks. God Bless.


Thursday, January 13, 2005 10:43 PM CST

Thank you for checking on Leanne today. She had a hospital visit and bloodwork yesterday. Praise the Lord for her continued good report. Her counts were almost normal! She had some knots on the back of her neck and a lot of bruises but everything turned out to be fine. We saw her friend Laura who has been off chemo for 5 months and she has relapsed. Also another friend Ava of course we were rejoicing over Lee's good news but we are also saddened to hear the news about those sweet girls. Please join us in praying for them too.

We returned from Orlando on Sunday and had a great time-the weather was 75 degrees and beautiful. Her cheer squad placed 4th and Leanne was the only junior to receive the Scholar Cheerleader Award. The team also won best jumps and tumbling. We did get to have some fun at Universal Studios!! She has a lot of make up work to do from missing school for Nationals but it was worth it. Also next week she will get to cheer for the Rosehill basketball team when they play at the Toyota Center before a Rockets game!

We are just so thankful that she is able to some normal, fun high school activities. God is so good!

We are thankful for you.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004 1:15 PM CST

Hello Friends!

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and I hope you have a happy New Year! I apologize for not keeping everyone updated. But, that is good that I do not have a lot to say because that means everything is going well! My very first checkup went well. My blood counts were good and everything else looked fine. We have not gotten the results back from my heart test. ( They do a heart test just to ensure the chemo has not messed up anything.) My next checkup is January 12th and they will do a liver test for the same reason.

This week my cheerleading squad is preparing for Nationals next week in Florida! Please pray that I have the strength to get through the routine. Thanks for checking in...


Tuesday, December 14, 2004 1:16 PM CST

Hello friends:

I had my first checkup about a month ago, and everything was fine. Tomorrow I have my second follow up along with a heart test. Please pray all is well there. I have been feeling pretty good. I am still taking pills, but mostly vitamins and another pill for pneumonia prevention. This is quite a change from the chemo pills! This week is finals week and we get out of school this Friday. My cheerleading squad is training for Nationals and that will be the first week in January. We are trying to practice as much as we can now! We are going to Orlando, Florida for our Nationals with the Fellowship of Christian Cheerleaders. It should be a lot of fun! Thank you, as always, for your continued love, prayer, and support. Have a Merry Christmas and God Bless!

Saturday, November 20, 2004 3:22 PM CST

Hello Friends:

Leanne has been officially in remission and off chemotherapy for just over a month. She looks radiant, beautiful and feels great! Praise God! Fayrene and I have been amazed watching her character and maturity develop during this time. She is thinking about nursing as a career - she has had some wonderful nurses and doctors these past almost 3 years. Seeing God at work in her life is thrilling and fills us with awe. Going forward, she will have blood tests every month for a couple of years and stay on an antibiotic to prevent a lung infection. Her next visit will be Dec. 10 for a routine echocardiogram and bloodwork.

Fayrene and I want to thank you for all you have done for Leanne and our family. The amount of prayer support has been overwhelming. The cards, e-mails, blood donations, the pager ministry, meals and other expressions of love have always been just the right thing at the perfect time. We wish we could thank each one of you personally and publically. However, we know that you share in the great JOY of her healing. Your part of God's plan was huge to us. We are thankful for you and thankyou for caring about us. May God bless you and your family as He has ours.

With Thanks,

Rick and Fayrene

Wednesday, November 10, 2004 9:14 PM CST

Hello to All!

Today was my first check-up since I finished my chemo. YAY! I am still rejoicing! ;) My blood counts were great. Just like any normal teenager's .... that was a blessing. I have not been feeling to well, I have a cold. From my blood counts, they were able to tell the bone marrow was producing hte cells needed to fight the infection, so this is very good news... besides the fact I have a cold... thank you so much for continuous prayers. The doctors have told us if I do relapse, it will most likely be in the first year after finishing treatment. Thank you as always for checking in.. I hope you have a wonderful day!

Acts 20:24
"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete that task the Lord Jesus has given me- the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace."


Monday, November 1, 2004 9:56 PM CST

Hello Friends!

I got my reports back from Dallas and everything looks good! I go back to the doctor for an appointment and blood counts on November 10th. This will be routine every month for a year. I am totally off of chemo and it kind of feels weird. But, I have [quickly] gotten used to it! ;) It is strange not going to the hospital all the time.... seeing the nurses and my friends.. I think about all of the kids that still have to take chemo and my heart hurts for them. Praise the Lord that He has brought me through this!

Tomorrow is Election Day; do not forget to vote!!

I thank God for everyone who has ever prayed for me. Please know that you all are appreciated and I pray you will be blessed. Thanks for your continual support and love.

Psalm 91:14
"Because He loves me, says the Lord, I will rescue him, I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name."


Friday, October 15, 2004 12:35

The preliminary results came back looking good! Praise the Lord! We still have to wait on a report from Dallas. We are also waiting to hear about the bone marrow aspiration is important because it checks for a certain chromosome. Sometimes the results from that test are skewed because of the chemo they also gave her, so the test may not come out and she may have to have another one in a few weeks.
Anyway, I know this is a lot of information, so to summarize: from the preliminary results done in the lab, the doctors think that she is in remission from her leukemia and she requires no further treatment. We will update when we get the "official" results. The Lord is so amazing...we know it's not the chemo that healed Leanne but her Creator who knows her inside and out. We are continuing to trust Him for more good news!!

Hello Friends!

I had to get up early this morning....I had to be at Texas Children's at 8:00. I had a spinal tap and a bone marrow aspiration (they were also able to give me my flu shot while I was under). If the results are good, I will not have any more chemo. We have not gotten the results back, but I will keep you updated once we know something. This is scheduled to be my last treatment, so praise the Lord! I am finally through.

Thank you all SO much for everything- the prayers, gifts, cards, and for signing in to my guestbook all mean so much to me. I really do appreciate everything- every single prayer, anything thing you all have done over the past (almost 3) years. I cannot thank you enough for your support, love, and kindness to me and my family.

The next thing to tackle is trying to understand God's plan for my life. I know He has something BIG for me and I am excited....I just don't know yet what He has planned.

Psalm 118:5-7, 14-15

"In my anguish I cried to the Lord, and he answered by setting me free. The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.. The Lord is with me; he is my helper. I will look in TRUIMPH on my enemies....The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. Shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous: The Lord's right hand has done mighty things!"


Love Always,


Monday, September 27, 2004 11:51 PM CDT

I hope you are enjoying the weekend! Laura and I came home to spend the weekend with our family for Lee's birthday...she is 16! I can't believe it. She will get her license in a few weeks when she finishes her driving time.

Wednesday is the big day...Leanne is going to the hospital for a round of tests which will hopefully tell us that she will be done with her chemo treatments!! She will have a spinal tap, bone marrow aspiration, and chemo all on that day. Please keep her in your prayers and pray with us for Wednesday to be the LAST DAY! We are confident in the Lord's ability to heal and we know that even if we get news that she needs to continue treatment after Wednesday, He is still faithful and we will trust Him.

We are thankful for you!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004 4:04 PM CDT

Psalm 115:1

Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to YOUR name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.

Great news!
Leanne's counts went up to about 950. That is so awesome because last week they were at one point about 30. Praise the Lord! They are going to restart her chemo and other meds, and she is going to get back on track. We are so thankful for the Lord's faithfulness.
Thank you SO much for your prayers and for checking in. There is nothing we could ever say or do to thank you for your love and prayers for Leanne and our family.


Sunday, September 12, 2004 1:28 PM CDT

***Friday Update***
Leanne had bloodwork today. It still doesn't look good. She goes back to the hospital Wednesday. She is still off of chemo and is neutropenic. Please keep praying!!

***Wednesday Update***
Leanne is now home from the hospital. However, her counts are still very very low and she cannot leave the house or have visitors for a while until her counts go back up. The doctors took her off all chemo and medications for now. Please pray that she continues to get better and that she will be protected from any more sickness while she is so susceptible. Thank you!

The hospital admitted Leanne last night. She is on the 9th floor of Texas Children's and is right now being treated with antibiotics for what they think is a cold virus. She has a fever of 102 degrees which is high for leukemia patients. Her ANC is very very low and the doctors will not let her leave until it gets much higher. It is around 30 right now and it's supposed to be in the thousands. Therefore, she will be staying at the hospital indefinitely. It will probably be around 3-4 days but we aren't sure. They are still running some tests to make sure it is not anything else. They may do a bone marrow aspiration this afternoon depending on the results from some of the tests. Thank you for checking in, and please join us in prayer for her.
We know God hears our prayers and answers!

Saturday, September 11, 2004 6:38 PM CDT

Please pray for Leanne. She has a fever which has been rising today. We are waiting for the oncologist to call - I suspect we will need to admit her to Texas Childrens Hospital tonight. Thankyou for the continued prayer support. I will update later when we know something.

God Bless,

Saturday, September 4, 2004 10:17 PM CDT

Hello friends!

I hope you are enjoying a nice Labor Day weekend. Rick and I are back from our cruise. We took one out of Galveston; it was really hard to leave Leanne. We enjoyed our restful time on the ship. Leanne had a nice time staying with her Aunt Mary while we were gone. Lindsay and Laura are back at A&M. Lindsay gets her senior ring in a few weeks!

Leanne is taking a full load at school. U.S. History, Pre-Cal, Honors Biology, Honors English, Spanish 3... please pray for her as she tries to keep up when she misses for treatments. Her last treatment is October 13 with a bone marrow aspiration. Praise the Lord we are almost through! She will still have her usual chemo until then, and then checked closely thereafter.

We are enjoying our new puppy. House training is getting better and he is learning what he can chew on! Please pray for my mom's house to sell. The upkeep is a lot of work. Please also pray for Heather. She is having complications from her bone marrow transplant. Many thanks to Faithbridge for their prayer support. The prayer pager is always going off. Leanne left it at home one morning, and it went off five times before noon!

In His Grip,

P.S. Leanne was wrong about her last chemotherapy treatment. She thought she had chemo through September 22nd, but she really has it through October 13th, along side the bone marrow aspiration. Sorry for the confusion!!

Thursday, August 26, 2004 9:26 PM CDT

Hi everyone!

My sincerest apologies for not updating sooner. We have had some trouble with the computer, but we have gotten high speed internet now, so everything is resolved!

Yesterday, I went in for pentamidine and vincristine. It was my first time with out the port-a-cath and so I had to get an IV. It was a little different, and using the port-a-cath was so much easier. However, things will be okay because we scheduled my last chemotherapy treatment! I think it is September 22, and then I will have my last (hopefully) bone marrow aspiration. After that, the doctors want to see me every 2-4 weeks for check-ups. What can I say?? They will miss me too much. :)

School has started, and I am already loaded with a lot of homework and schoolwork. This year, I am taking a full load of classes, so hopefully I won't miss too much going downtown. But that should end soon!

I really appreciate all of you who faithfully read my journal entries. I am so sorry for not updating sooner... thank you for your prayers and guestbook entries. Everyone of them means so much to me, more than you will ever know. Thanks again for everything.

Much love~


Monday, August 9, 2004 12:43 AM CDT

Leanne is recovering from her surgery and on constant pain medication. Please pray for quick healing, she wants to get back to her physical activities. We can see God's hand in even the problems, since her port a cath wasn't working and had to be removed early. It is still a blessing because of the healing time. The doctor says no activity for two weeks. It is better to have the down time now than late October when cheer practice and football games are in full force. God knows what is best even in what we think are set backs. Thank you Lord for doing what is your plan and not ours!

She starts school this Wednesday- the 11th! I know it is early! She is going to cheer again this year, and she is looking forward to that!

We would like to leave you with this verse:
"He will kepp you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful." 1 Corinthians 1:8,9

As always, we thank you for your prayers, and for checking in on her! God has blessed us with so many friends and family that has given us so much support these past 2 & 1/2 years. THANK YOU!

God bless you all,

The Scott's

Monday, August 9, 2004 12:43 AM CDT

Leanne is recovering from her surgery and on constant pain medication. Please pray for quick healing, she wants to get back to her physical activities. We can see God's hand in even the problems, since her port a cath wasn't working and had to be removed early. It is still a blessing because of the healing time. The doctor says no activity for two weeks. It is better to have the down time now than late October when cheer practice and football games are in full force. God knows what is best even in what we think are set backs. Thank you Lord for doing what is your plan and not ours!

She starts school this Wednesday- the 11th! I know it is early! She is going to cheer again this year, and she is looking forward to that!

We would like to leave you with this verse:
"He will kepp you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful." 1 Corinthians 1:8,9

As always, we thank you for your prayers, and for checking in on her! God has blessed us with so many friends and family that has given us so much support these past 2 & 1/2 years. THANK YOU!

God bless you all,

The Scott's

Wednesday, August 4, 2004 8:32 PM CDT

Hello friends!

I was thankful to not get the spinal headaches this time around. However, the problem with my port a cath did persist. It was hurting constantly over the weekend, so on Monday they told us to come in so they could check it. The doctors did not think that I had an infection in my port a cath, and since it was almost near the end of my treatment, they decided they could just take it out. So, this Friday, they scheduled the surgery to have my port removed. However, I am on the waiting list for Thursday... so please pray I can get in!

Thanks for all of your prayers. It has helped me so much throughout this journey. Reading the guestbook entries brightens up my day, and thanks for taking the time to sign in and check up on me. I do appreciate every one of you!

Philippians 1:6 says this:

"Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

God Bless You All!


Saturday, July 31, 2004 9:30 PM CDT

Hi friends!
Leanne had a long day at the hospital yesterday, starting bright and early at 7:30. She was scheduled for another spinal tap (they check the fluid for leukemia cells and inject chemo to prevent it from spreading). First her port-a-cath wasn't working right... the nurse drew her 4 tubes of blood but couldn't inject the medications very well, so they had to send her for a chest x-ray. She has grown so much since the port was put in 2 years ago and it has shifted some. The oncologist from the beginning said she probably wouldn't grow, but if you have seen her lately, she is taller than Lindsay and Laura! Thank you Lord! The nurse finally got the port to temporarily work so were sent to surgerty late and we were last on the surgery schedule...we didn't go in until 2:15! It may have been a blessing in disguise because she was able to get lots of IV fluids ot prevent the spinal headaches. So far she hasn't had them...but please keep praying against them because they are so painful!
In recovery she had an unusually slow heart rate and low blood pressure so we had to stay longer. Then the doctor injected a medication into her port to help it work better and want her to stay 2 more hours to check for an allergic reaction. What a day! But, I was still able to go with Laura and a friend to meet Lindsay at the Beth Moore conference that night and this morning. It was awesome!

Our friend Heather left the hospital yesterday after her bone marrow transplant. She stayed the minimum time of 5 weeks and is doing so well. Please pray for the family of Gary Haverkorn and his 5 children. Gary passed away last week of cancer.
Our family knows that God is real and He is who He says He is. He is Our Holy One, Our Redeemer, and we have no doubt of His power! We have received a great gift--the knowledge of how great our God is and we have HOPE! We want to pass that hope in Him on to you!


Thursday, July 29, 2004 3:29 PM CDT


WOW! Summer has gone by so fast! I start school August 11th, and I start practicing for cheerleading next week. I hope you all have been safe traveling this summer.

I have a spinal tap tomorrow. I will probably go see my dear friend Heather while I am up there. Please keep her in your prayers. I have been on my same pills, although I started a new steriod this week... don't worry, it's only chemo :) I have taken this pill before, but I only take it about once a month or so.

Thanks for faithfully checking in... I do appreciate the journal entries and the mail! I praise the Lord for such wonderful friends that you all are!

Thank you for your love and support.

God bless,

Sunday, July 18, 2004 6:10 PM CDT

Praise God!
Leanne is feeling so much better this week than last. She was so nauseous after starting chemo back. Her counts were up enough that she was able to go with the Sunshine Kids to Austin on Lake Travis! (A nurse goes with them.) A nice family has a lake house up there that they stay in and treats them for four days. They went on a yacht, went tubing, parasailing, swimming, got facials, massages, manicures and pedicures.... she came back with tons of stories and gifts! She had a blast and was busy the whole time!
Leanne goes back to the hospital this Wednesday and has a spinal tap on July 30. Thank you so much for your prayers and love.
God bless,
The Scotts

Monday, July 5, 2004 10:54 AM CDT

Hello friends,
Leanne's counts were up to 1500 on Friday,and therefore she was able to get chemo... We are so thankful that her counts have been increasing but it also means that she will feel so nauseous because of the chemo! We are just happy that she is starting to get back on track with her protocol. She has hardly eaten anything all weekend and has been very nauseous...if anyone has any anti-nausea tricks, please let us know! We have tried LOTS of things and nothing really works well for her! Even the prescription medication...

Thank you to her Sunday School friends who called to check on her, and to all of you who have sent cards and signed in to the guestbook. We love you all very much and are so blessed to have friends who support us!

She is taking chemo orally for the next week but doesn't go to the hospital this week.

Remember to check out the new pictures!


Monday, June 28, 2004 7:27 PM CDT

Praise to Him!

Thank you to everyone who has been praying for Leanne and signed in to the guestbook!!

She had the bone marrow aspiration this morning and the results were very encouraging. The preliminary findings were that she has not relapsed and her counts are finally starting to go up. (The doctors still do not know why the counts have dropped over the past few weeks.) Some test results are still pending, but we are so thankful that she will not be needing a transplant at this point!!

We are so grateful to the Lord for the good news. We know that many of you have been praying so much for Leanne and we appreciate that more than you know!

The Scott Family

Please also pray for 3 of our friends who are battling cancer: Heather Carpenter, Gary Haverkorn, and Ben Gregory.
Thank you!

Thursday, June 24, 2004 10:50 PM CDT

*****Leanne's counts have gone down again. they are in the 100's. this is a very dangerous level. there is no explanation for this b/c she has not been taking chemo. they may have to do a bone marrow test on monday. Please keep her in your prayers. we will update as soon as we know.

Quick update: Lee was still not able to get chemo ths week but we are going to try for Monday...keep her in your prayers as her energy is slowly increasing! She is finally feeling a little better.

Good news...I know you have waited so LOOONG for some new pictures, and I finally got around to figuring out how to use some new equipment, hallejuah! I think some new ones should be up and working, so please check out our photo page! You can see our new puppy and a beautiful picture of Leanne at prom, and we are trying to get one up with Andre Agassi and Lee at a tennis tournament!
Check back soon if they aren't up yet.


Tuesday, June 22, 2004 11:39 AM CDT

Hi friends,
This past weekend has been a bit of a rough one for Leanne. Since she didn't get chemo last week because her counts were so low, we can't really understand why she is not feeling well. She had headaches and fevers all weekend so Monday morning, Mom took her in to the doctor to get blood work done. Her counts have fallen even lower then they were last week! ANC is now at 354 which is really strange...usually when she is off of chemo her counts go way it's all kind of a mystery to us and to the doctors! She is very susceptible to infection right now and we are guessing since her ANC is so low that is why she is suffering from fever and pain. Lee won't be able to get chemo on Wednesday either because of her counts so she is kind of discouraged about that (I know, it sounds strange to be sad about NOT getting chemo) because she was really looking forward to being done for GOOD at the end of September. It's now looking like that date may get pushed back further...we are going to see if maybe next Monday she can get in and that might help keep her on track. She may have to go in before that if she needs a blood transfusion...Please keep her in your prayers this week and next! We will try to update soon if anything changes.

Thursday, June 17, 2004 10:52 PM CDT

Hello All!

I appreciate your thoughts and prayers in the guestbook... those are always a joy to read!
I went downtown yesterday for chemo (a breathing treatment and a chemo IV) however, my counts were not high enough for me to get the chemo. They took my counts right before the breathing treatment and we did not get the results until after I had it done and they said no on the IV chemo. (I guess the IV was more critical with my counts than the breathing.... ) So, they rescheduled me to go back in next week on Wednesday. They took me off of all my chemo- even my daily pills so that my counts would come up. Please pray that next week they will be good enough for me to take my chemo.
Please continue in your prayers, Heather. Please pray for high spirits and her faith in God.
Thanks again for everything! Don't forget to sign the guestbook!


Saturday, June 12, 2004 11:07 PM CDT

"I will praise the name of God with a song and will magnify Him with thanksgiving." Psalm 69:30

Dear Friends,
Wow! Thanks for praying for Leanne this week...She had a great week at cheer camp at Houston Baptist University. Before camp, her counts were really low: ANC was 768 (normal counts 3000-5000) and at 750 they take her off chemo. So, I made a plea with her oncologist to not have to take the chemo (because that would make her even more tired) and he said no, that she still has to take it! So she had to go to camp after taking the meds and had to cheer all day long, stunting and tumbling and jumping. (her platelets were ok so that helped alot)Leanne's squad came in 2nd place in the camp championships. Lee and her team did a great job and we are so proud of them! But the most exciting part was Thursday night when Leanne got asked to compete in the individual competition along with 7 other cheerleaders. She had to perform by herself in front of the whole camp and all the fans! Lindsay, Laura, and I drove to HBU that night to watch her...needless to say we could NOT believe that she had any energy at all, much less enough to have done well enough all week to get honored with the individual we raced down to see her perform! God surely gets the glory for her strength that week and her ability to do all she did considering her health! Only a few there even knew what she is going through. God has been so faithful to bless her with amazing physical energy. It can only be from Him, there is no other medical explanation! Thank you, Jesus!! None of the 8 girls nominated for the All-American award actually got it, but Leanne did end up getting the All-Star award so we were just as happy!
Next Wednesday Leanne will go to Texas Children's for chemo, so please keep that in your prayers! It is so evident to us that God hears and ANSWERS and we thank you for your prayers for Lee. This past week at camp is just another way God has strengthened and blessed Leanne...
Thank you for checking in and for your support!


II Timothy 4:17
Nevertheless, the Lord stood with me and strengthened me...

Wednesday, June 2, 2004 11:00 AM CDT

Hello all!

Thanks (as always) for checking in with me. I have been doing fine. My summer has started and my finals are over with! YAY! I have cheer camp next week, so please pray for extra strength! I get my blood counts today, so please also pray those are good. I am still on the same pills as always...Nexium, Purinethol, Methotrexate. Methotrexate is the 12 pills once a week, and those sometimes make me feel sick. I usually take those on Saturday and then I feel crummy on Sunday adn Monday, but it usually is gone by Tuesday.

I have a special prayer request for all of you. One of my really good friends, that I met on a Sunshine Kids trip, is in need of your prayers. Her name is Heather, and she had leukemia like me, but it was AML (mine is ALL). Her treatment plan called for 6 months of intense chemo. She was finished with her protocol for a couple of months and last week, they found out that her cancer has come back. She is going to need a bone marrow transplant and more chemo. Please pray for her, she is a senior and graduated this past year. Thank you, I know you all will keep her in your prayers. I will try to update you all on how she is doing.

I have been reading James this past week and I found a few verses I would like to share with you:

James 1:2-4
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

James 1:12
"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."

Thank you so much for your prayers and support. I really do appreciate each and every one. I love it when you sign the guestbook, thanks to those that take the time to do that. I love you all and I hope you all have a safe summer!

God bless,

Friday, May 21, 2004 11:39 PM CDT


Thank you so much for checking in!
Leanne has not been feeling very well lately. Lee, my mom, and I went to the hospital on Wednesday where she got her counts and chemo. It was a very long day. Just to give you a little insight into a typical day at the hospital:

We drive downtown. We check in for her appointment. We wait and wait until a nurse comes for her breathing treatment(to prevent pneumonia). Then we wait again until another nurse comes to draw Leanne's blood through her port. Then the nurse sends the blood to the lab for processing. Then we wait for the results and to be seen by the doctor. After this, the doctor first does a checkup, reviews her counts to confirm everything and then sends the order for the chemo down to the lab. Then we wait for the chemo to be processed and then it gets sent back up to the nurse who then prepares it. THEN Leanne actually gets chemo and either gets her port de-accessed or gets hydrated depending on how she is doing. THEN we drive home...usually in downtown Houston traffic!

The reason I describe this is to tell you how Leanne's spirits stay up the whole time. Yes, she gets tired and honestly hates being up there. But she never complains... and I am so amazed at this. I do not get to go down to the hospital often with her and my mom because I am usually at school. But when I am able to go, I am always amazed at my mom's patience and Leanne's strength. It is ridiculous the waiting and waiting that has to be done...and it's not like Lee actually looks forward to getting chemo because she knows it will make her nauseous! I can't think of a worse thing to wait for!
To tell the truth, I hate being at the hospital...those precious kids sitting or walking while hooked up to an iv and chemo drip...many without hair, most feeling hopeless and tired. Of course it is my pleasure to go with Lee and my mom...but I can tell you it is not fun! (we definitely try to make it "fun", but it's tough!) I just can't believe Leanne has been such an angel going through all of this for what seems like FOREVER now. God has really strengthened her and given her hope and peace. I often wonder if I would be able to handle her situation with such grace and hopefulness...not to mention without hardly ever complaining! I am so proud of her.

Please keep her in your prayers. The chemo has made her tired and feeling pretty yucky since Wednesday. She has finals next week and I know she will be very glad to have them over, but it will be hard for her to study when she isn't feeling well! I know she can do it and she really just wants to get it over please pray that she has strength to do her best! God has been SO faithful and we know He will continue to be. My parents have taught us girls the power of prayer and that nothing is too big or small to take to Him...we know it is because of your prayers for Leanne that God has been healing and comforting her!

We are so thankful for those who check in on and pray for Leanne. Please feel free to sign the guestbook and leave a message! Especially if you haven't signed in before but check in often, please say hello because we would like to thank God for you.


Sunday, May 16, 2004 1:40 PM CDT

Hello all!

Everything has been going just fine. I went to prom with a friend of mine at Rosehill. It was amazing. Spiritual Emphasis was awesome too. It was great to be able to not worry about anything and to get away from school for a while. Pineywoods is just a great place to have it and the speaker was amazing. You could tell the Lord was working throughout our whole highschool. It was really a neat time. So we all returned to school with three weeks left. So we got through one week, and this week will be a review for finals, which will be next week. And then finally the summer! Please pray I am able to concentrate on my studies and to feel well enough to study! It's especially hard now that my sisters are home from college- and I'm still in school! No fun! But I am glad they're home for the summer. Yay!
I have a chemo treatment this coming Wednesday. Pentamidine (the breathing treatment) and Vincristine (IV)... I'm not too excited about that, Vincristine sometimes makes me feel yucky, so we will see how things work out. Please pray for no nausea this time! I am already looking forward to my last treatment ever, which will be September 29th. So.....YAY!!!! Thanks (as ALWAYS) for all of your prayers and cards. I appreciate them all.

Jesus and I love you--

Countdown: 4 months, 13 days until the end of treatment!!!

Saturday, May 1, 2004 7:37 PM CDT

Praise the Lord! I have been feeling great. The purple pill (Nexium) is working. My counts were good. The doctor froze off the bumps on my shoulder, but they haven't fully gone away yet. Please pray they will so I will be able to wear some cute summer clothes! The teachers prayed for me in their teacher's meeting the day of my spinal tap, and my spanish class wrote me cards and delivered them to me at home. That was really neat.
My school takes a spiritual emphasis retreat for a week during school. I am feeling well enough to go on it (it is next week). It is really neat to take the time off and worship the Lord. Kind of like church camp- except during school. It's really neat how the school cares not only about our education, but also our spiritual life. I am really excited about that.
Thanks for your prayers- much love to all.

Sunday, April 25, 2004 12:21 AM CDT


I went to the state tennis tournament in Waco for TAPPS this past weekend. I won my first match in a tie breaker (7-6, 6-2), I was down 1-5 in the first set but then came back and won! (with all the Lord's help!) But, then I lost the 2nd match. The girl I lost to was a senior, so she won't be back next year ;). But, Lindsay and Laura and their roommates came up and got to see the second match so that was fun. It started raining two minutes after the match ended. So, I was out after the second match. However, I still had a lot of fun!! I kept having my stomach pain after the spinal tap, so the doctor took me off of my cute pink and black pill (Prevacid) and put me on the "purple pill called Nexium". My parents would say I watch way too much TV. :) The chemo has called little blisters on my body, they are pea-sized, and not too attractive. The doctors said I should get them removed (they can spread) so I am getting them surgically removed this Wednesday, along with my usual counts at the doctor. Thanks for your prayers.
Much love always,


Sunday, April 18, 2004 4:45 PM CDT

The spinal tap went OK on Friday. I was sick the rest of the day, and have not been feeling to well, but, that's normal for me after the spinal taps. I have a state tennis tournament this Friday and hopefully Saturday, if I make it that far. Please pray for strength for me to finish out my matches! I am playing singles, and it gets to be a little tough. But, we were very surprised and thankful I am going to state. Thanks for all of your continuous prayers and journal entries! I will update all of you on how I do on Friday. Thanks for everything.
Much love,

Monday, April 12, 2004 2:01 PM CDT

Hi! Happy Easter!

For the update on the harp competition, I got a II rating. I didn't think that I had done that well, I'm not sure what happened, but it just wasn't on that day. But, I am thankful just to be able to get to play in it! Now, I have some wonderful news. But, before you read this make sure you are sitting down. Okay, here goes. We got a dog! After all these years of not having a pet, my mom was finally convinced... she loves him!... I should start getting jealous.... :) He is so cute - gray and white mostly, with splotches of black and brown. He is a doodle,( a mix between a poodle and dachshund). He won't get very big, mainly a lap dog. His name is Roddick... like Andy Roddick... the tennis player, yes, he has already gone to the tennis courts with us!! :) We got off Friday and MOnday for Easter break. It is nice! Today, I have not been feeling well, though. I have been pretty nauseus, and some stomach pain, but the dog keeps me on my feet! I have the wonderful spinal tap this Friday. I will start caffeine on Thursday so maybe that will help some. My cousins are coming in for their Spring Break this week from California. So, it will be fun having them around,... my sisters got to come home from college on Thursday, (no class Friday) and so now I can look forward to some "siblings" again this week! :) Well, I hope you are all doing well, and thanks for your prayers. Much love to all of you-


Friday, March 26, 2004 5:38 PM CST

Thanks for your prayers. I have a harp competition tomorrow, to which we will be traveling to Belton, TX. My stomach was feeling a little better until the doctors put me on the meds that caused all of this again. We stopped it, and I am supposed to take it again tonight, so we will see how things turn out. Please pray for no pain, nausea and safe travel! Thanks for everything.

Monday, March 8, 2004 7:50 PM CST

Hello to all!!

I am so very sorry for not updating you all for so long. I have been sick and not feeling very well for the past couple of weeks. It is still the pain and nausea that I have always been having, it has not gone away. The doctor has called in a medication for me to take, so that is helping a little, but it doesn't seem to keep it all away. So, they have scheduled an appointment for me this Thursday with a Gastrointologist? I will also go in Wednesday for the regular chemo routine.

I have cheerleading tryouts this Friday. Please pray for my energy and strength to come back, as well as no nausea or pain. Thank you all for your continued prayers and for checking in on me each week. I hope you all have a safe and fun weekend.... Thanks for everything.

Much love,

Sunday, February 22, 2004 5:19 PM CST

Hi everyone!

It sure has been a rough past week for me...luckily we had a four day weekend, so I didn't miss those two days of school, but I still have three days of school work to catch up on. I went to school on Thursday, feeling a little better, but by Friday, I was feeling sick again... it just never seemed to stop! So, they ran some tests on Friday, (I had to drink barium and they watched through an X-RAY where it when throughout my upper stomach, and small intestine.) ... So far, the immediate results look good, but we won't get the full report until Monday. They have put me on medication for toxicity of the stomach, that's all I need, more meds to take, right!?! ;)
I still have some stomach pain and nausea, but it is not as bad as before. Thank you so much for your prayers.
God bless,

Tuesday, February 17, 2004 6:01 PM CST

****The doctors say that Leanne has toxicity of the nerves and stomach. She also has another stomach problem that I don't know how to spell! But she did get released from the hospital, and can take medication from home. This diagnosis may change the next chemo treatments, and we don't really know what is going to happen with that yet. But we are thankful that someone finally knows what is going on and that she doesn't have to be in that yucky hopsital tonight!! Thank you so so much for your prayers.

I just got off the phone with my mom, and Lee has been admitted in to the hospital. She and my mom went to TCH this morning at 5:30 because Leanne has been having stomach pain and nausea for a week now, and it finally got so bad that she had to go in. She was in the clinic pretty much all day and nothing there helped her, so they admitted her just a few minutes ago. Please pray that the doctors can find out what is wrong. So far, none of them have been able to help at all and they have no clue what this could be. They are going to be running a lot of tests and so please pray for discernment as they are trying to figure out what this is.
Please pray for God to heal Leanne SOON and that she and my mom do ok up at the hospital. I know they both don't like spending any more time there than they have to! It is so hard not being able to do anything for her...but I know that when we present our requests to God, He hears us!
My dad is supposed to call me when we know something, so I will try to let everyone know what is going on when I hear from him.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004 9:15 PM CST

Hi everybody,
Lee and my mom went down to the hospital today where she got chemo. Everytime they go down there they check her vitals and do blood counts. Well, last time they did all of this they noticed that her red blood cell count was very low and that is why she had to have the blood transfusion and be hospitalized. This time, they said the blood count was back down to the rate that it was before she got the transfusion, which is very strange. They are running some more tests and reevaluating everything to see what the problem is. As my mom said, "We know she didn't donate the blood BACK!" but we don't know what could be causing this. Please pray they find out soon and that everything is ok.
Today my sister and mom went to visit Lee's friend who had a bone marrow transplant. Her name is Lauren; please keep her in your prayers. Lee is so sweet and caring about the people she meets in the same type of situation!! I really admire her for that. Please keep her in your prayers, and I will update you soon on what is going on.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004 3:50 PM CST


I celebrated my two year "anniversary" of cancer a little while back... the last time I signed in... and God still has stayed with me through it all! It's been tough, yes, but He has brought me through and through.

I return to the hospital tomorrow (Wednesday) I will get Vincristine. It shouldn't make me nauseated, but one can never know! I felt a little sick today (nauseated) and I was just going about my usual routine! nothing new, or different, but that's all apart of it.

Thanks forever for your prayers, they mean so much to me and your support has helped me get through this!

Much love and God bless,

Wednesday, January 28, 2004 10:09 PM CST

Leanne went to the doctor today and had her bloodwork done. They said that her counts are very low and she needs a blood transfusion, so she will go in tomorrow morning to get that. This has been the source of some of her headaches and fatigue. She had a blood transfusion a year or so ago but I know she's not looking forward to this, because it is unexpected and also probably because she really doesn't like being at that hospital again!! She will be admitted to what they call a "short stay", which hopefully means that she won't stay overnight but unfortunately she will have to be there after regular clinic hours at least. please pray for her and mom tomorrow. I believe that someone from church is giving the blood, which is a wonderful blessing; please pray that everything goes smoothly with the transfusion itself, with the hospital stay, and traveling to Texas Children's. Thank you for checking in and for your prayers.
Lots of love,

Tuesday, January 27, 2004 4:51 PM CST

Hello everyone,
Leanne has finally gotten to feeling better! She was in the hospital on Wednesday, and they released her when the morphine and fluids started working. She was actually feeling good enough to join the church this weekend for a Girls Retreat. We were very glad that she got to go and do something other than school or hospital! Thank you for your prayers. We know that the only reason she is doing better is because God continues to be with her and heal her each day.
Lots of love,

Tuesday, January 20, 2004 11:48 PM CST

Tomorrow morning Leanne is going to the hospital for morphine and fluids to hydrate her. Please keep her in your prayers, she is not doing well and is in a lot of pain. I will try to update when they release her from the hospital. Please pray for Mom too as she is down there with Lee and driving very early in the morning.

Monday, January 19, 2004 9:59 AM CST

Lee has not been feeling so great these past few days since her spinal tap. She has very painful headaches that won't go away! We have been trying hard to take her mind off of it but sometimes it is very overwhelming for her! Please keep her in your prayers. Thank you for checking in today and I will try to update soon!

Tuesday, January 13, 2004 11:37 PM CST

Hi friends,
This is going to be a brief update...hopefully more of an update later...Tomorrow Lee has a spinal tap and chemo. She is not looking forward to this because last time she was very sick afterwards and in a lot of pain...but as she said in her update on Monday, we are all trusting in God to comfort and surround her during her not so fun visit to the hospital tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers tomorrow as she and my mom go down to the hospital! I will try to report after Leanne gets home. Thanks for your support and prayers,

Monday, January 12, 2004 9:30 PM CST

Hello All,

This Wednesday, I get to go get my "Christmas gift" at Texas Childrens'. (the spinal tap) I ask for prayers for me on that day, it is a very big day, and I never like going. But, I do know that all I have to do is trust in the Lord and He will take care of the rest. I took my many pills this week, as I will continue on that until my counts are low or, like this week, when I have a spinal tap. I have felt pretty good, off and on, but I have gotten used to it by now. Thank you so much for checking in on me, and for signing in to the guestbook; it means so much to me. Thanks for your continuous prayers. Much love.


Tuesday, December 23, 2003 12:54 AM CST

Merry Christmas to all!!

I hope you all are having a wonderful Christmas holiday! I went to the hospital this past week for chemo and was sick for a while after that. I had to take all my many pills this past weekend, and didn't feel so well when we went Christmas shopping on Monday. But, I am feeling much better now, and can't wait to celebrate Christmas and Jesus' birth!

Texas Children's is giving me a Christmas present the next time I go up there.... don't be jealous; it's a spinal tap. That will be January 14th and maybe my sisters will be able to go with me since they go back to school the 20th. It's really nice to have them home for almost a whole month! :)

Well, I hope you all have a safe and wonderful Christmas. God bless you all.

Happy Holidays!!

Saturday, December 13, 2003 1:53 PM CST

Hello...thanks for checking in today.
I have very sad news. My Nana passed away yesterday. She was my mom's mother. Her funeral service is Sunday at 3 pm at Klein Funeral Home (on Champion Forest Drive in Spring). In lieu of flowers, donations can be sent to Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Wednesday, December 3, 2003 7:15 PM CST

Hi everybody,

Today I got my counts at my pediatrician's office. I don't know the results yet, they have to fax them to the hospital, and then the hospital will call us. Well, usually! :) I still have chemo pills everyday, and if my counts are high enough, about 15 pills every Friday or Saturday. I continue to ask for prayers for my grandmother. Thank you so much for your prayers for everything--

School is going fine, I have finals in about two weeks, so we will see how that goes! Basketball season has already started, and with Christmas just around the corner... its already getting so busy! This is one of the busiest times of the year!

I hope all is going fine with you. Thanks so much for everything!


Sunday, November 23, 2003 8:18 PM CST

Howdy do!
Thanks so much for checking in on me! Chemo this week was not that bad, I was sick only for a day or so afterwards. I was ready to go to the cheer competition on Saturday. Our squad placed third. About ten minutes before the competition, a girl on our team broke her ankle in two places. She could not go on, so we had to make a few adjustments and we were all really nervous especially after losing one on our squad. But, we all pulled through, and it was only with God's strength that we made it through the competition.
Thankfulness is obviously a big part of our lives this week. After my friend passed away, I have learned so much more to be thankful for. Remember to thank God everyday for even the little things! For me, I am especially thankful for no chemo treatments at TCH this week! But, even more, I am so thankful that God has (is) healing me. I have also learned to be thankful for my leukemia because God is using me to be a witness to others and He has a bigger plan for me, one more than I can imagine! God has also blessed me with so many people who check this website everyday, pray for me, and give me comfort and strength. Thank you so much. Every entry in my guestbook, every prayer, every card and every gift you all have given me mean so much. It shows how much you care, and it helps me through the tough times. It seems a lot of times when I was feeling the worst that something would arrive for me in the mail, a card or a gift that would cheer me up and help me through it. Thank you so much for all you have done.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
Hebrews 12:28
"Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our 'God is a consuming fire.'"
Have a happy Thanksgiving!!
Please keep in your prayers:
*Heather, the girl who broke her ankle
*Hannah's family and friends
*My grandmother
*A happy and safe Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 17, 2003 8:51 PM CST

Hi everyone-
Please pray for Hannah's family and friends. She passed away today (November 17th) and I ask that you all would pray for all that her family has gone through and that they would be comforted in God's love.
Wow... this just makes me so much more thankful for even the small things- I just thank God that I am alive and all that He has brought me through! I cannot tell you all how blessed I have been-- I have such great support through friends and family and all of you who pray for me daily. Thank you!!
I go in to the hospital Wednesday for more chemo... it should only be a half day, so there's a blessing! Thanks for checking in... James 1:12...

Tuesday, November 11, 2003 11:20 AM CST

I went in for my counts last week. They were fine. I am trying to stay away as much as possible from the sick kids at school... its so hard though! God has blessed me with no headaches! Praise the Lord! Lindsay and Laura came in this past weekend, they hadn't been home in 3 weeks! (which is long for us!) My cheerleading competition is in 2 weeks, I ask for your prayers for my strength... I get tired easily, and its sometimes hard for me to keep up, but I am making it and having fun! Thanks so much for everything...
"I will praise You with my whole heart; Before the gods I will sing praises to You. i will worship toward Your holy temple, And praise Your name For Your lovingkindness and Your truth; for You have magnified Your word above all Your name. In the day when I cried out, You answered me, And made me bold with strength in my soul...Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever; Do not forsake the works of Your hands." (Psalm 138:1-3; 8b)

Monday, November 3, 2003 7:27 PM CST

Hello All,

WOW! God has blessed me with so many people praying for me! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I am feeling much better this week, as I am able to stay all day at school. I really appreciate your sweet notes in my guestbook, and I really enjoy reading them! I had a great time at camp YOLO (You Only Live Once) this weekend. It is a camp for kids with cancer and other diseases (sickle cell, AIDS, heart and lung diseases...) to get together and just have fun. We did rock climbing, horse-back riding, canoeing, fishing, arts and crafts... I had a great time and went with one of my other friends. I met alot of new people and met up with some people from Camp Periwinkle. It was a great weekend to be able to get away from everything...
Well, not much else is going on, besides the usual-- homework! My homecoming is this weekend and I am looking forward to that. Our class theme for Thursday is holidays. So, they have me dressing up as an elf! Who knew!? :) I don't go down to TCH this week, but I do go in Wednesday to my pediatrician's for counts. So that's all for now.
My Bible verse for this week is: Isaiah 41:10 "Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."
I hope you all have a wonderful day and a beautiful week.
Much Love,

Friday, October 31, 2003 9:45 AM CST

I just wanted to update everyone quickly...Leanne is doing much, much better! thank you for your prayers. We love to let you know how much your prayers help because it is a testimony to your faith and to our God who heals and provides and comforts!! Thank you so much for your prayers. She is doing well and will be able to enjoy the weekend!
Lots of love,

Monday, October 27, 2003 3:18 PM CST

Hi friends,
Today Leanne is still very sick and in lots of pain. The doctors at the hospital said she has "aracnoditis". I know, its sounds like something to do with spiders. But really it is an inflammation of the spinal cord and nerves to the brain. She is hydrating with 16 glasses of water today and is on tylenol with codeine every 4 hours, plus steroids. The poor thing cannot even lift her head, she has to lay flat on her back or else she is in extreme pain. Please pray for her! We know the Lord can sustain her and give her comfort and peace. The doctor said that it should go away in the next few days...please pray for a very speedy healing, even faster than the doctors expect...
Thanks for checking in on Lee today.
Lots of love,

Sunday, October 26, 2003 11:28 PM CST

Hi friends,
I just wanted to update you quickly. Leanne has not been doing very well this past weekend. Her chemo/spinal tap on Wednesday made her very sick and she has been in so much pain. Please pray for her during this time! She also had to miss some activities this weekend because of the pain so that is never fun! Please also pray that she will not get sick as the flu is going around. It's funny...more like we hope and pray she will feel well enough to get out of bed and go to school in the morning when most kids would give anything not to go! Anway, thanks for checking in! It really does mean so much to us that you care and come by her website.
Lots of Love,

Sunday, October 19, 2003 9:57 PM CDT

Thanks for checking on Leanne today. She won't brag on herself so I will. She made all A's on her report card last week. She is taking World History, Chemistry, Algebra 2, Bible, Spanish... Leanne has a big college test on Monday. She is taking a class at Tomball College to try to catch up with her missed credits from last year. She is determined to graduate with her class.
On Wednesday, Leanne has a spinal tap and three chemo treatments. They check the spinal fluid and replace it with chemo. She goes to the outpatient surgery area and the last two times they have needed to give her more anesthesia, which puts her out for most of the day in recovery. Leanne had a visitor from Austin, Tracey (a volunteer with the Sunshine Kids), who came to her football game with another TCH's cancer patient, Sarah. They went to dinner after and had fun catching up! They met at a lake trip this past summer.
Please pray... 1) Test on Monday; 2) Hospital visit Wednesday; 3) NO nausea on Thursday! 4) strength and endurance for cheerleading; 5) my mom and Hannah- cancer

"Cast your cares upon the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall." Psalm 55:22

Love, Fayrene

Wednesday, October 8, 2003 2:43 PM CDT

Hello everyone!

My birthday was great! It was very special. It doesn't feel any different being fifteen, but there are already many decisions and tons of obstacles! But, that is just a part of life. I guess there is no way to escape them, but we have to learn to always trust in God in everything that we do... and to never give up- for He will pull us through!

I went to my pediatrician's office for counts...we are still waiting for the results. I am starting to get a cold, so we are trying to keep me as healthy as possible.

I now ask for prayers for my friend, Hannah. Please pray for her family and friends as the doctors have only given her a few more days to live. But, she is keeping her faith in God, so please remember her in your prayers. Also, we pray for my grandmother; I heard she was a little more alert yesterday, so praise God for that! We must also remember all of the kids at TCH, and their treatments. Thank you for your continuous prayers.

God Bless,

Thursday, October 2, 2003 11:12 AM CDT


Praise God from whom all blessings flow... That song just popped into my head. So, another hour, another day, another week, another month, and pretty soon, another year that God has blessed us with so much.
This week, I have had some stomach problems. Nausea, pains, and such. I was up at 4:30 on Wednesday, and then throughout the day I was not feeling well. But, just like every other day, God was there to pull me through! I am doing a little better now, but still not quite up to feeling great...
But, I am looking forward to a special day! I am really excited because October 5, 2003, I will be fifteen! I cannot wait!! Lindsay and Laura will be coming home from A&M to help celebrate my birthday!
Please keep in your prayers my grandmother, as well as my other friends at TCH. There are many who are struggling, and I hope you will keep in your prayers their recovery. Thank you for your uplifting notes in my guestbook! I appreciate your thoughts and prayers...

II Corinthians 12:9 "And he said unto me, my grace is sufficient for thee: for my strencth is made perfect in weakness, most gladly will I rather glory in my infirmaties that the power of Christ may rest upon me."

Much love,

Saturday, September 13, 2003 1:07 PM CDT


I didn't go down to the hospital this week; I only went to the pediatrician's for counts. My counts were really high!!

School has been busy. I am cheering this GO EAGLES! :)

I go to the hospital September 24th for three chemo treatments... SO, until then, I hope you all remember that Jesus and I love you. HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!


Tuesday, September 2, 2003 4:32 PM CDT

Hi everyone!

I am so sorry that I have not updated this website for a while. Our computer had a virus and it was down for a while. School is here, I am still getting adjusted to the schedule! But, it is alot easier now that I have fewer treatments. PRAISE THE LORD!

I went to the hospital last week on Wednesday, and was sick for a few days after that. So, I am just now getting over that. We are praying I don't get sick, there are some viruses floating around this time of the year...

Over the Labor Day holiday, I was able to visit Lindsay and Laura at A&M. I had a great time, but didn't realize how much I missed them! It is really weird being the only one home!!

I just want to thank you all for everything. The Lord has blessed me so much with so many things and in so many ways. Please know that I appreciate all you have ever done for me. Thank you for your many prayers.

Let me leave you with these verses:
Psalm 100

"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness come before his presence with singing. Know ye htat the Lord, he is God; it is he who hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people nad the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with htanksgiving and into his courts with praise; be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting, and his truth enduresth to all generations."



Saturday, August 9, 2003 9:25 PM CDT

I just got back from the cancer camp with Texas Children's. I had a blast! My doctor was the head doctor there, so I didn't have any problems. They close the clinic on Wednesday to let the nurses come to the camp and check things out. One of my friends from a Sunshine Kids trip went with me to camp so we really had a great time together. The weather was very HOT!!

I start school this Wednesday. I will be taking on more classes, but I think I will be able to keep them up this year. I still won't have a full load and need some credits from last year. Alot of my friends from the hospital don't go to school, so I told my mom I deserve a cell phone! :)

Thanks for checking in on me. I really appreciate your prayers. I still take chemo everyday, and my seventeen pills once a week! Please pray for my friend Chase who had a bone marrow transplant. He's my age and was diagnosed the same time I was.


Saturday, August 9, 2003 9:25 PM CDT

I just got back from the cancer camp with Texas Children's. I had a blast! My doctor was the head doctor there, so I didn't have any problems. They close the clinic on Wednesday to let the nurses come to the camp and check things out. One of my friends from a Sunshine Kids trip went with me to camp so we really had a great time together. The weather was very HOT!!

I start school this Wednesday. I will be taking on more classes, but I think I will be able to keep them up this year. I still won't have a full load and need some credits from last year. Alot of my friends from the hospital don't go to school, so I told my mom I deserve a cell phone! :)

Thanks for checking in on me. I really appreciate your prayers. I still take chemo everyday, and my seventeen pills once a week! Please pray for my friend Chase who had a bone marrow transplant. He's my age and was diagnosed the same time I was.


Friday, August 1, 2003 1:18 PM CDT

Howdy Everyone!!

My spinal tap went okay on Wednesday. I was a little nauseated a couple of days after, but I it's not too bad- thanks to your many prayers!!

I am going to Camp Periwinkle again this year. I am really excited, it should be one of their best camps considering it will be their 20th anniversary... I met some girls on some of the Sunshine Kids trips who will be going as well. On Wednesday I found out that I will be rooming with them. So, I am really excited that worked out. Camp starts on August 3 and gets back four days before school starts on the 13th.

Someone sent me this verse in an e-mail this past week, and I thought it was really neat.
Isaiah 41:10, "Fear thou not; for I am with thee. Be not dismayed; for I am thy God. I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." What more do you need than one of God's great promises like these to help you through each day?

Hope everything is going okay!:) Remember that Jesus and I love you. Hope you all had a blessed and safe summer!



Monday, July 28, 2003 11:18 AM CDT

Hi everyone!!

Thanks as always for checking in on me. I appreciate it alot! I have a spinal tap coming up this Wednesday. And I am still taking chemo pills everyday. My grandma (Nana) is doing radiation and needs lots of prayers. I thank you all for your prayers for her and me.

I was on channel 13, ABC, last week, Monday, in the segment on the Sunshine Kids. I was interviewed by Bob Allen. (We taped the whole thing - from Monday to Thursday!) I was so nervous, but I had fun! I didn't realize until then that I had so much of an accent!! Oh dear! :)

Well, thanks for all you have done. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

Love always,


Tuesday, July 1, 2003 6:25 PM CDT

Hi everyone!

I apologize for not posting anything for a while. I have had a very busy month of June!! I went to cheer camp at HBU- it was so fun to see Laura work at our camp! We got 3rd place in our Varsity cheer category at the competition held on the last day of camp. I went straight to the hospital and didn't get sick. So, I was home for a night then left to go on a trip to "the Hill Country" with the Sunshine Kids. It is an organization that helps kids with cancer to have fun again, and take their mind off the chemotherapy. There were about 30 of us kids from all over the U.S. and we went to Fiesta Texas, Sea World, the Capitol, and Schlitterbahn. We got to ride in "hot rod" cars- I rode in a Viper- to the capital, and another day we drove around Austin on Harley-Davidson's. The vehicles were provided by two different groups who volunteered their time to take us for a ride. It was a really fun trip and I got to meet a lot of kids from my hospital and am keeping in touch with them. I was home for a few days after that with an ear infection. The chances were slim that I would go to Spain, but the Lord healed me and I got to go! I had a lot of fun with my sisters, mom, aunt, and a family friend. My grandmother was supposed to go, but since she was diagnosed with four brain tumors- that turned out to be malignant- the doctors told her no with the chemotherapy and treatments that needed to be done. It was a really neat experience. It was so beautiful. It was hot during the day (a city tour guide told us the week before it was 113 degrees!) but then it cooled down during the night. We went to Madrid, Seville, Torremolinos, Toledo, and Granada. We were there for a little over a week, and had a wonderful time. If we ever figure out how to put more pictures on here, we will try to get some pictures soon! I go to the hospital tomorrow for chemotherapy treatments. Please pray for no nausea... and thanks again for your continuous prayers. God has blessed me in more ways than I can imagine. Thank you for checking in on me.

Love always and God bless,

Saturday, May 31, 2003 10:45 PM CDT


I hope you are having a wonderful summer! I go to the hospital next Friday for chemotherapy treatments after a cheerleading camp at Houston Baptist University next week. Please pray for strength throughout the week. I leave for a trip with the Sunshine Kids on Saturday with kids from five other cancer hospitals around the country! I hope to meet other kids my age that are going through the same thing I am. Please also pray for my grandma. After a week's worth of tests, she was diagnosed with four brain tumors and had one biopsied. She gets the results back Thursday- please pray it is benign. She also has an aneurysm in the brain.

Thank you for all your prayers. I hope you have a safe and happy summer! :)

Love to you all~

Thursday, May 15, 2003 7:19 PM CDT

Hey ya'll!

I had my hospital visit yesterday and took my fifteen chemotherapy pills! My spinal tap last week didn't go so well. I stated waking up in the surgery room- kind of scary- because usually my mom has to shake me to wake up in recovery! I had a lot of back pain and headaches this time after but- thankfully it is over!

We have finals next week and our school doesn't allow exemptions until senior year! So, Laura is done and Lindsay has been home since May 7th. It will be hard to have to study alone while they are having fun, but I am looking forward to the summer.

I found a few verses this week that I thought were neat:

Psalm 115:11&13
"Ye that fear the Lord, trust in the Lord; he is their help and their shield...He will bless those who fear the Lord, BOTH small and great."

And, of course, Psalm 91:14-16, I really like this version:

"The Lord says, I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue them and honor them. I will satisfy them with a long life and give them my salvation."

Thanks as always for checking in on me. I appreciate your continuous prayers. Love to you all.


Wednesday, May 7, 2003 6:12 AM CDT

Hi friends,
Leanne has a big day today at the hospital with a spinal tap and chemo even after that! Please pray for her safety as she and mom travel down to Texas Children's, and that their day will go by quickly and smoothly.
The other day I came across this email that Lee had written me FROM THE HOSPITAL when she was first diagnosed. It was encouraging and bright and optimistic...and that same morning she'd gone through a spinal tap and a lot of other no fun stuff! She knew that since I was away at college I would be worried and upset that I couldn't be there with her, and even though she was going through such a difficult and confusing time, she was able to put her trust in the Lord and do His work by comforting and uplifting her older sister and those around her! All of this from the hospital bed. Lee knew I had been having trouble getting ahold of them and in the email she wrote "Linds now you don't have to go to the trouble of calling the room, I found this computer so we could keep in touch with you!" What an amazing person to care about others in her own time of need. Lee is so strong and so sweet-natured, but I know that God has given her extra strength each day to continue being her wonderful self. Thank you for checking in and for your prayers.

Tuesday, April 29, 2003 7:51 AM CDT

HeLlO aNd GoOd AfTeRnOoN!

I was at a Spiritual Emphasis Retreat this past week (Tuesday thru Friday). It was with my school and it helped students have a close relationship with Christ. I didn't have to leave for any treatments- I only took daily chemo pills. I will return to the hospital on Wednesday for a spinal tap and 3 chemo treatments. So, it will be a big day. But, I have been blessed with a good break and lots of excitement here and there. I have added a new link to the bottom of the page. Go and check it out. You can "adopt a troop" and will be asked to pray for him/her. It is a really neat organization and I hope you all check it out sometime soon. I got the name of Lee B. It was really cool because my sister calls me Lee B and I thought its really neat how God planned that out. Thanks again for signing in and praying for me daily.

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God- this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- his good, pleasing and PERFECT will." (Romans 12:1&2) I thought this was a really cool verse.
Hope you have a great day! Remember Jesus and I love you.
Leanne (Lee B!)

Monday, April 21, 2003 10:18 AM CDT

Hi everyone!
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter. My treatment is so much easier- it’s like a whole new way of life! I was excited to see the tournament of Clyde Drexler/Andy Roddick vs. Dr. Phil/Andre Agassi. That was a fun match! I have my state tennis tournament in Waco this Saturday. It has been so much fun being able to play with Laura this year! I do not return to the hospital for a little while. I go sometime for counts first then the next week to the hospital. It has been a great break off of all of the chemo. I have been sick the past couple of days- but, God has restored my health and I am feeling much better- special thanks for your prayers!
“The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. And they who know thy name will put their trust in thee; for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken those who seek thee. Sing praises to the Lord, who dwelleth in Zion; declare among the peoples his doings.” Psalm 9:9-11
“I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever; with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.” Psalm 89:1
“Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him; I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him. will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him. With long life will Isatisfy him, and show him my salvation.” Psalm 91:14-16
Thanks as always for your continued support and prayer. Love to you all. Hope you had a blessed Easter.

Thursday, April 10, 2003 2:04 PM CDT

I am so happy to hear from all of you in my guestbook! Thank you for your continuous prayers every day. Laura and I got second -after having to play our own teammates in the finals- at our district tennis competition in Pasadena. So, we have qualified to go to the state competition April 25 and 26 in Waco. I go to the hospital tomorrow for chemo- I have not gone in for a while so I have been really thankful. Please pray for no nausea! Thanks! I hope you all have a great day and thanks for your support.

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." (Psalm 46:1)

God bless all of you.

Monday, March 31, 2003 1:45 PM CST

Hi everyone!!

I will go in for an ECHO tomorrow at TCH. That is my only trip down there this week! I went to my pediatrician for blood counts and they were good. So, I will continue to take the seventeen chemo pills once a week- but I have not had nausea with those! PRAISE THE LORD!

A week ago I went to a state music competition where I competed in harp. Thank you for all your prayers- they really helped me calm down and earn a I rating for my solo. Thank you! Laura is playing tennis with me in a district competition that is on April 8. I was excited for her to be playing since she has won state the past two years, and is now playing with me, a freshman. So, we are working hard to do our best, and trusting in the Lord to give me strength. As I have looked over the past year, I have seen God's hand at work in my life, and many blessings that He has continued to give me. That makes me excited about my future, and once again, thank you for your generous prayers and support, every little bit makes it easier.


Love to you all- Leanne

Thursday, March 13, 2003 5:58 PM CST

Howdy friends,
We made it back from our trip safely...and just in time for Leanne's hospital visit today, where she got a lot of chemo. This made her very sick today and she still needs to take 17 pills tonight!!! Yuck!! We were glad to have a break this week from school, and our trip was wonderful. The snow was great and Leanne was able to hold up really well, with the exception of getting kind of tired.

Next week Lee and Mom travel to Abilene where Lee will compete in the state TAPPS music competition for the harp. Leanne's next hospital visit is March 17th, so please keep Mom and Lee in your prayers on that day...NO NAUSEA!!! and a safe trip. We are so proud of her for making cheerleader again this year (tryouts were last Friday). She worked hard to prepare and she had lots of God-given energy...I saw her do her round-off backhandspring with more energy and technique than I have seen in a long time! We know our prayers were answered that she had a safe tryout and that she did her best.

Thanks again for checking in. We praise the Lord often for "good days" (as my mom puts it)...may He receive the glory for all the things Leanne has been able to do recently despite having cancer. I know each of you will be rewarded greatly for keeping us in your prayers; we appreciate it more than you know.


Thursday, March 6, 2003 3:51 PM CST

HI friends,
Well our family is going to enjoy our time together over Spring Break, and we are so excited that Leanne is able to share it with us. But before we start, she has cheerleading tryouts...she is very excited and has been practicing a lot. It will obviously be a bit of a challenge for her, as she is still trying to build back all of her skills. But she is doing great and other than getting tired easily, she should do just fine. Lee continues to amaze me and my family with all the things she is still able to do. I credit that to God's continued faithfulness, as well as her willingness to persevere and her fantastic attitude. She is the coolest girl I know. Well we will continue to keep you updated, and thanks so much for checking in. I hope that you are able to tell from Leanne's life that God hears and answers our and YOUR prayers; her progress up to this point is due to Him alone. Love and peace!

Wednesday, February 26, 2003 8:13 PM CST

I went to my pediatrician today for blood counts. He is just 30 minutes away, much closer and faster than TCH! My counts were okay, but I should stay away from those who are sick, just like any other kid with cancer! I am so relieved to have my trips down to TCH reduced! Praise God! These months are supposed to be some of the hardest and tedious as far as school goes, and it is great not having to miss so much work. I am so thankful to have the support of so many friends, and so many people who barely know me have signed on... THANK YOU! Next week I have cheer try outs. Please pray that I have strength during those tryouts. Thank you.
Please keep in your prayers the family of Corinne Grimes. She was fighting another type of leukemia and passed away on Tuesday.
Thank you for your continued prayers and I hope you all have a blessed week.

Thursday, February 20, 2003 9:06 AM CST

Praise God, O give thanks to the Lord for He is good!

The doctor report from the bone marrow confirmed that Leanne is in remission! The cytology report was negative for the AML-1 which was defective. This means she stays on chemotherapy for another year and a half but starts mostly oral meds (one day she takes 14 pills!). Our hospital visits will be once a week- her cell counts will still be up and down with the chemo. Spinal taps are every 12 weeks instead of every 3 and she still gets IV vincrinstine and pentamidine treatments.

We have been so blessed with support from you. God sent HIs hand of love through all of you. Leanne recently got a prayer pager from the prayer ministry at Faithbridge Church. It goes off whenever someone prays for her. It is really amazing to know how many people are praying for her from many churches.
Lindsay comes home this weeked for Freedom Weekend (Disciple Now) at church. She will help with seventh grade girls. Laura has decided to go to A&M. WHOOP! I can't believe I'll have 2 Aggies. Leanne has a harp competition today with school. (UIL) She has started playing again recently. Our basketball team is in the playoffs for TAPPS- so we are traveling with the cheerleaders to San Antonio over the weekend.
It is so wonderful to be back to "normal" activities. Leanne has cheer try outs March 7. Please pray for her strength to come back enough to make the team again next year. She has also left her bandanas off and going with the European hair style. A big step for high school. Thank you again for all you have done for us.

Sunday, February 16, 2003 6:08 PM CST

Hi everyone!

I cannot tell you all how much I appreciate your prayers for the bone marrow test! Oh, how God is so good in the prelimenary results! We should find out the rest of the results by Tuesday. Thanks for continually checking in to the page, it means so much to me to have all of you signing in to my guestbook and reading the page.

I go back to the hospital this Wednesday. It shouldn't be a hard day, so thank the Lord for that! A lot of my trips down there should be cut, which will be much easier! I hope you had a great Valentine's Day, and continue to have a great week. Thanks for your notes and gifts, everyone is appreciated greatly!!!

Love to you all,

Wednesday, February 12, 2003 8:22 PM CST

Hi friends,
Just wanted to update y'all quickly on today's results. The preliminary results showed that she is progressing fine, and that maintenance chemotherapy is the next thing on the list for her. The test has to be sent to Dallas for an official count and they will send us the final results soon. But for now, we are so thankful that it looks like Leanne won't need a bone marrow transplant. Thank you so much for interceding on her behalf; you can know that we have a God who hears and answers our prayers! We will let you know as soon as we hear something for sure but we are so optimistic after getting the preliminary lab results today. I am so so thankful you have checked in and that you care for our family enough to pray for us often.
Praise God for how He works; it is Him alone that we have to thank for helping us to endure.

Lots of love!

Sunday, February 9, 2003 10:35 PM CST

Hi friends,
I'm so glad you checked in today. Leanne's BIG test has been moved to Wednesday. The doctors moved it because they wanted to give her one extra day of treatment before they check her bone marrow. She is very excited because tomorrow will be the last of her leg shots...the ones that have given her so much trouble with allergic reactions in the past. Leanne continues to have the best attitude as she goes to the hospital so often, while trying to still keep up at school. She has been able to cheer at the past few basketball games and has enjoyed that a lot!

Please do keep her in your prayers throughout this week. Your intercession for our family means so much to us! I can not tell you how confident we are that we have a God who listens and cares and is active in our everyday lives. We know that He is going to carry our family through this week no matter what the results of Wednesday's tests are...looking back on the past year and even reading through the old journal entries on here just confirms how He has lifted this burden from us and made it possible for us to persevere. I hope this week is so wonderful for each of you! We will let you know ASAP when we hear the results from Lee's may be at the end of this week or early the next.

Lots of love,

Psalm 27:1 "The Lord is my light and my salvation, so why should I be afraid? The Lord protects us from danger, so why should we tremble?"

Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 04:28 PM (CST)

Hi everyone!

Today is my one-year anniversary of being diagnosed. I am excited to tell you that through all of these trials, I have learned a lot from God! He has taught me so much. He has given me so much more than I could possibly imagine, and each day, I see something new for which I am grateful. He has helped me every step of the way, and never left my side.

My family has also helped me through this time. I appreciate everything they have done for me, and I can not thank my mom enough for driving me down there every day. Each one of them give up so much of their time just to help me. I know its not always easy, but they have been supporting me each and every day.

I want to thank each of you who check in, pray for me, have sent me gifts, and cards. Each one of those things have just made it so much easier to know that so many people care about me!! I can not thank you each enough. Every little thing brightens my day, and I feel better after I come home from the hospital and see so many cards and gifts from you all. It means a lot to know that you all are thinking of me, and I appreciate it a lot.

This portion of a song talks about how God helps others during their trial and He is always there for people and I wanted to share it with you:

So dream a little dream for me in hopes that I'll remain,
And cry a little cry for me so I can bear the flames,
And hurt a little hurt for me, my future is untold,
But my dreams are not the issue here, for they, the hammer holds.
(The Hammer Holds by Bebo Norman)

Thanks again for checking in. My chemo schedule for this week is Wednesday and Friday. (I went Monday) That was for a leg shot, which I will have later on this week as well. Have a great day!!


Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 11:40 PM (CST)

Hello friends,
Thank you for checking in once again! This week is weighing heavy on our hearts, because this Wednesday, the 29th, will be the anniversary of Leanne being diagnosed with leukemia. We are thankful for how the Lord has brought us through each day and we have learned how to trust in Him more than we could have ever imagined. This past year has taught our family so much, and it is incredible to see the Lord's hand and His provision in every aspect of our lives.

Last week was a busy one for Leanne. The Home Care nurse came on Thursday to access her port and give her chemo...but she didn't come until almost 10 in the evening! So that was kind of a long day for Lee. She continues to take chemo pills at home. Saturday night, she got a sharp pain in her stomach from the chemo and it made her very sick. Leanne has gotten used to that whole ordeal, and it just breaks my heart that she goes through that DAILY. She is just so precious to me and I wish I could take it all away for her. But, she continues to bounce right back and look at everything with such a cheerful attitude, even though she knows she is about to go through the same routine the very next day.

One very important thing that is coming up is something I will probably post on here every time, because it needs to be bathed in prayer. February 10th, Leanne will get a bone marrow aspiration to determine the status of her cancer. If things are going well and as planned, she will get a new chemotherapy plan. This would be very exciting as it would mean she is one step closer to being eventually finished with chemo. The other option is for Leanne to receive a bone marrow transplant if her own marrow is not doing the job of getting rid of the leukemia cells. This would mean she would be hospitalized and Laura and I would be tested to see if our marrow matches Leanne's. Please keep that day in your prayers starting now. We are confident that the Lord has Leanne in His hands and that He is going to take care of her no matter what. Our God is so faithful! We definitely appreciate your prayers as this is a concern for our family.

Have a wonderful week! Lots of love,

Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 11:39 AM (CST)

Hi friends,
Last night Leanne got to see the Rockets/Spurs game in San Antonio! The Sunshine Kids Organization flew her and about 10 other kids to see the game...she got to meet some of the players, get autographs, take pictures, etc. I think she had an absolute blast! She will sign on soon to tell you all about it.

Today the Home Care Nurse is coming to the house to access Leanne's port. She will give Leanne chemo through that today, and leave it accessed so that Dad can give her chemo the rest of the week that way. We are so thankful that the hospital has allowed him to do that every once in awhile with this particular chemotherapy! It makes for a lot fewer trips to the hospital. Please pray that everything goes well with that this week and that the chemo won't make her sick.

Thank you to all of you who sign in to the guestbook. Our whole family reads the entries and we love to hear from all of you. We feel so blessed to be surrounded by such caring and encouraging people! May your week be filled with peace.

This verse is on my mirror so that I see it and believe it every morning and night; I hope it encourages you as well:
"What is impossible with men is possible with God."
Luke 18:27

Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 10:38 PM (CST)

Hi y'all,
Sorry its been awhile since the last update...when they are kind of scary like that one I try to let everybody know how things are doing as soon as possible, but its been a busy week. She was home from the hospital on Tuesday morning, so we were thankful her stay wasn't too long! I am not sure what her hospital schedule looks like for next week, but I know that tomorrow my dad is going to give her chemo through her port. The hospital left her "accessed" (they left her IV line in her port) so he can give it to her through that.
Please continue to pray for her healing...I know that sometimes I just pray for daily needs like strength and no nausea. But I am just so confident that she can be completely healed...not just in a year and a half or whenever they project her chemo to be finished...but TODAY, this very minute. Our God is so faithful and He has promised to hear our prayers. A sweet Sunday School teacher of mine from High School sent me a note from the prayer room, and at the bottom was this verse that I want to leave y'all with tonight:
"Before they call, I will answer; while they are still speaking, I will hear." Isaiah 65:24
Lots of love,

Monday, January 13, 2003 at 06:59 PM (CST)

Hi everyone,
If you are logging on tonight, I am so thankful. We need your prayers! Leanne was admitted to the hospital tonight. She had a really long day in the PACU (where she receives the spinal tap and chemo) and it made her pretty sick. They had to admit her to give her fluids...there is a chance that she and my mom can leave before midnight, but they might have to stay through the night. There weren't any rooms available on the cancer floor so she is on the bone marrow transplant floor for now. Its one of the most sterile floors, so at least that is a plus! Thanks for checking in...please be praying that they get out SOON and that Lee feels better, and that they have a safe trip home from the hospital.
Lots of love,

Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 10:50 PM (CST)

Hi sweet friends and family,
Thanks for checking in once again! Not much is new this week...Lee and Laura started school again on Monday. Lee has already had to turn in an English paper! She had the week off from chemo, so she was able to go to half-days at school for most of the week. I think it helps her a lot to be there with her friends and back in the swing of things. We had such a nice break with our family and we are sad the holidays are pretty much over! We hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year's.
Lee goes back to Texas Children's on Monday for a spinal tap and a lot of other no-fun always, please pray for NO NAUSEA! I think my dad may be able to give some of the chemo at home next week, which we are so thankful for so that Mom and Lee don't have to make as many trips to the hospital.
I return to College Station this weekend and start school on Monday. It always helps so much to know that my family is surrounded by such loving, Godly people at makes it a little easier to leave again.
Love you all so much,

Thursday, January 02, 2003 at 12:06 PM (CST)

Hi everybody!
Christmas went great. I did not get sick very much over the Christmas holiday! PRAISE THE LORD!! I went the past couple of weeks for chemotherapy treatments. I will be going back again this Wednesday for more treatment. I will go to the hospital again January 13th for a spinal tap. I hope you had a wonderful new year. I hope God blesses each of you this year in a special way. Thank you for your continuous prayers, cards, and gifts throughout this time of my life. I appreciate everything you all have done for me to make this easier.
Psalm 66:8&9
"Let the whole world bless our God and sing aloud His praises. Our lives are in His hands, and He keeps our feet from stumbling."
I hope you all are safe as you travel throughout the holidays. Love to you all-

Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 09:54 PM (CST)

Sorry we haven't written in a while. Leanne had chemo three days last week. And she has it three days this week too. Last Friday she had a spinal tap and three chemo drugs - they changed it for the Lombardi Awards!- but, it made her sick all weekend. She went back Monday for more and we go back tomorrow and Friday.
Leanne had a great time at the Lombardi Awards. The highlight was getting to meet former President George Bush! She got her picture made with him, and they talked for a while. She looked beautiful in her ball gown.
We are supposed to go back three days Christmas week. They are going to try some new drugs so that the chemo hopefully won't make her so sick.
We hope you have a very blessed Christmas!! We are having both sides of the family over for Christmas lunch.
Thank you again for your prayers.

Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 04:38 PM (CST)

This week I had no chemotherapy. I had the week off and it was great. I was chosen to go to the Lombardi awards this Wednesday with other teenagers from Texas Children's. They let us pick out a dress, and they are renting a limo!! I am really excited. I have a spinal tap that day, and some other chemo, but we are praying I will feel good for the awards that night. Then, I will go back to the hospital again Friday. Thanks for checking in. We are trying to put up some new pictures, so I will keep you informed on when they come in!! Thanks for your continued prayers!!

Monday, November 25, 2002 at 06:43 PM (CST)

Hi all,
Thanks for checking in today. Tomorrow and Wednesday, Leanne has to go the hospital. Hopefully I will be able to join them at the hospital on Wednesday because I will be home for the Thanksgiving holidays. Please pray that she doesn't get nauseous this week at all! What a miracle that would be. It will be a lot of chemo, so we are really hoping that she is feeling good for Thanksgiving so that she can enjoy spending time with our family.

I hope you all enjoy the Thanksgiving holidays! We are so very thankful for all that God has given our family! Leanne has such a great attitude, and the Lord has just carried us through this whole ordeal and given our whole family peace and comfort and strength. We are also very thankful for each of you who constantly pray for us and lift us up before the Lord. Peace be with you this week, and may you enjoy spending time with those you love!

"Let your roots grown down into him and draw up nourishment from him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all he has done." Colossians 2:7

Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 01:23 PM (CST)

Thanks for checking in today. The weekend went well; Laura and Leanne came up to College Station to watch the football game with me! We had such a great time, and I was glad Leanne was such a trooper; I thought it might be very tiring but she got to sit down and rest a lot and the weather was perfect.

Well, my sweet sister had a long day at the hospital yesterday...they had to be there EARLY. She was pretty much sick the whole day; she got a lot of chemo and felt pretty terrible until she went to sleep last night. Today she goes again at 2:30; please pray for safe travel on the way there, no nausea, and that the additional chemo won't make her even more sick! The poor thing just feels weak and tired and I am sure she is tired of throwing up all the time. I imagine Leanne and my mom will be sitting in a lot of traffic yet again, so please keep them in your prayers.

Our family has been thanking God for all of you who check in, write notes, and send gifts to Leanne; you cannot imagine what an encouragement it is not only to know that people are praying for us, but also that you care enough to let us know that Leanne is on your minds so often. I think I say that every entry; but it's so so true.
All of our love to each of you!!

"Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord!"
Psalm 27:14

Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 07:56 PM (CST)

hey everyone!!
I hope to find you all well and doing great! I have been incredibly blessed with no chemo this week!!! Yea!! I didn't have to go this week because there was not a surgery slot open... Oh, how the littlest things make the biggest difference!! But, I will have to go Monday and Tuesday. But, I am really happy of the break. I had a great time at homecoming, and the next time Lindsay comes home, or I talk to her, I will get some pictures up soon!! I have been so extremely blessed with each one of you all who check in, pray for me, and leave the little messages on my site. I really appreciate each one, and thank you for your continuous support as I go through this. I am so thankful to see how so many people come and look at this site, and I hope to be an encouragement to you all as you go through your daily struggles.
I am doing a cheerleading mini-clinic this Friday to help the little girls who want to be cheerleaders. My whole team is doing it and it is really fun. We each have a verse to share with the girls, and of course I am doing Psalm 91:14. I am going to share with them, that Jesus is our life saver, as it says he will rescue and protect us. I wanted to share that with you all because I felt the Lord wanted me to share that. I have learned that no matter what the situation, big or small, that the Lord will help you if you call on Him. I know that some of my situations, seem WAY smaller than my biggest one, and He has continued to help me through them all.
I am getting through highschool. I have a lot of papers and projects due just about every week, but I have learned that is just a part of it all. We just had progress reports, and I did good. So, you can count on it that I am happy!! I am excited to get to go to school most of the day. (I know, that sounds strange, but it really is a blessing compared to the hospital!!!!) I am also glad to see so many of you at church on Sundays. That is another one of God's many blessings!!! The church has been so great to me and really touched me. Everyone has been so supportive and I am just blessed that they would think that much of just a teenager. (Thank you!) Also, thanks to the staff you have all been so sweet to me and I could not even tell you thanks enough!! I hear from people on the website, in the mail, or even just in church who I have met and say that they have been praying for me!! It just makes me feel so much better. I just know that there are a lot people who I don't even know who are praying for me, and I just can't even say thank you enough to all of you. Thanks!!!
Thanks for checking in to my site. I appreciate it and all of your cards, gifts, and prayers.
Love to you all,
Remember Jesus and I love you!
Psalm 91.

Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 11:35 AM (CST)

Hi everyone,
Well yesterday was a long day at the hospital! For starters, my mom and Lee waited for almost 2 and a half hours before even getting started on any of the treatment...that makes for a long long day at the hospital. I think most of you are aware of the breathing treatment that Leanne and the other kids at TCH have to take, because of the nurse that got tuberculosis and as a precaution the kids have to take a medication since they were exposed to it...anyway, we found out that after Leanne did her breathing treatment (called pentamidine) that another patient before her had used her apparatus! So please pray that she doesn't get sick from anything that the kid before her may have had! Also, they have been increasing the dosage of chemo and yesterday when they gave her the injections, she could feel it burning her legs, and she had a hard time going to sleep last night because of the burning. My heart just breaks that she has to be in any pain at all; please do pray for no pain as well. Also, it is such a long drive home after being at the hospital practically all day...pleae keep them in your prayers as they travel back and forth. Lee missed school this morning but I think she is feeling better as the day progresses...praise the Lord! Its so incredible how His mercies are new each morning. We have one crazy day and then the next is fine.

I appreciate you checking in on our family. If you could also just pray for my parents and for Laura too...We are just learning to have to adjust to a totally different lifestyle! But we are thankful that our God is faithful each day, no matter how crazy it gets. of Leanne at Homecoming should be up soon!
Lots of love,

**PLEASE pray for our sweet friend, Robert Charlton...we have come to know of their family because Robert has cancer too and is about Lee's age...he is in the hospital right now (he possibly has pneumonia and is still undergoing chemotherapy) and needs your prayers!

Sunday, November 03, 2002 at 01:31 PM (CST)

HI family and friends,
This has been a big week for Lee. Last week was Homecoming Week at school, and she and her classmates dressed up as Smurfs one day, what they wanted to be when they grow up (Leanne went as an actress) and then the last day was School Spirit Day. Saturday was the homecoming game, and despite the rain Laura and Leanne cheered for the football team...the team won, so the girls were pretty excited. Saturday night was the Homecoming dance. I was so glad I got to be home to help Laura and Lee get ready! Leanne got her wig styled with lots of curls, and she looked sooo pretty! She and her date, Keith, went with a group of friends from their class...Mom took lots and lots of pictures, so we will have to put some of those up soon! It sounds like they had a blast!
This coming week Leanne has to go to Texas Children's Monday, Tuesday, AND Wednesday. That is a LOT of chemo in a short amount of time, so please pray that she doesn't get weak and tired! Also, please pray for no nausea...she's been getting sick on the way home from the hospital lately, and that's no fun for Lee or Mom! As usual, she works so hard to keep up with school, so please keep her in your prayers for that as well.
I am currently doing a Beth Moore Bible Study online and it is all about "Believing God"! How perfect for our family--we are trusting and hoping and believing in Him for a miracle to heal Leanne. We have to remember to wait but to wait expectantly for His provision and healing. It is so exciting to know that we have a God who can not only fully heal Leanne but to know that He wants to take care of us in the process. Thank you for your prayers for my sweet sister and our family. Please keep checking in on us!

Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 11:22 PM (CDT)

Howdy friends,
Thanks for checking in once again! This week has been a good one for Leanne so far...becasue she hasn't had to go up to TCH. But tomorrow and Friday she will be up there to get more chemo...vincristine and metatrexate. Please, please be in prayer for her...that she will not be anxious about going up to the hospital; that the chemo will not make her sick; and that she and mom will have safe travel to and from the hospital! It's quite a drive down there, and traffic has been pretty bad the last few times they have gone to the hospital. We are so thankful for the safe trips during the many many times we travel to TCH.
Leanne is also trying to keep up with school work, and I think it's just that time of year where everything piles up, so please pray for her not to get overwhelmed with school. I personally appreciate your prayers so much, and for the cards and emails...they mean so much to our whole family! I don't think we can reiterate that enough! Hoping in Him,
(from College Station!)

"So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God! There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it." Hebrews 5:16

Monday, October 14, 2002 at 06:43 PM (CDT)

Hello friends!

Leanne had her monthly spinal tap today along with other chemo - and she goes back tomorrow for more chemo. She still has a wonderful attitude despite the nausea. Thanks to all of you for the encouragement and most of all for the continued prayer support! I know we are unaware of many of you that faithfully pray regularly for us. Please know how thankful we are for you. Leanne wanted to thank some special friends from Calvary Community Church for blessing her life last saturday. To see God at work in all this is so amazing! Thank you all for caring about us.


Saturday, October 05, 2002 at 09:36 AM (CDT)

I had three leg shots this week, and it was not fun at all. But, I did not let that bring me down because today is my birthday!!! That helped me get through the week alright! Thank you for your cards I loved them! For all of you who don't know, I am fourteen now. Yes, and I am excited! I hope all of ya'll have a great day like mine. Don't forget, if there is the opportunity,to share Christ with someone. Thanks for all of your prayers, gifts, and cards. I really appreciate them all.
Jesus and I love you!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 06:58 PM (CDT)


Paris was AWESOME. I had such a wonderful time. It was also great to be off of chemo! We had two days of touring around Paris, and all three days of the Davis Cup. Well, we went to the Louvre, we ate at the Eiffel tower, saw Notre Dame, and the embassy. It was all so pretty and wonderful. We saw the Monna Lisa, tons of other beautiful paintings, and many sculptures by Michelangelo and many other famous artists. The Davis Cup was the thrill of a lifetime! It was great being there to cheer on THe United States tennis team. Although we didn't win, it was still TONS OF FUN! The last night was very special. Jim McIngvale rented out all of Hard Rock Cafe for the whole group. The tennis players were there, dancing, taking pictures, and signing autographs for us. It was so much fun meeting them, and they were all so nice to us. I could never thank Mr. McIngvale enough. It was such an AWESOME trip that nothing could have been better!

After such an exciting week in Paris, meeting the players and everything, I come home to a week of chemo. Yuck! But, it was worth the trip to delay my chemo! Well, I guess I had to get back to my "now" regular rotine sometime!!

Thank you to all for your continuous letters, gifts, and prayers. Each and every one are always appreciated.

Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 10:12 PM (CDT)

Howdy y'all!
I had a lot of chemo last week with a spinal tap and chemo everyday, I am on a re-induction cycle now.
Do you remember the essay I wrote to win Laura a trip to Paris, France. Well I get to go with her!! On Friday, they had a meeting with Mr. McIngvale and he asked why I wasn't going too!! So I had to get permission from the hospital and my oncologist is taking me off a chemo for the next week so I can go. They said sometimes there is other therapy besides chemotherapy. The trip organizers called about 1/2 hour later and said I would probably be more comfortable if my mom went too!! So... we are packing and thanking God and Gallery Furniture for this opportunity!! We leave Tuesday and come back Monday. We have five days of tours, and we will go to the Davis Cup on the weekend. Go USA!!!
Please pray for our travel safety. Thank you!!! Thank you to all who sent me bandannas and hats, I finally get to wear them!!
Sorry for the inconvience of the website. I don't know why it doesn't work sometimes. I thank y'all for checking in...
**Jesus and I love y'all!!**

Monday, September 09, 2002 at 07:04 PM (CDT)

Hello Friends!

After a week off Leanne started the chemotherapy again today. She had a spinal tap to receive methotrexate (she has this proceedure once a month) and got a shot of another type of chemo. The week off of chemo was really a nice break. Unfortunately, Leanne lost the rest of her hair over about 3 days that week. Obviously, this was a big blow to her and Fayrene.

I want to thank all of you for the incredible support you have given to us! I am so amazed at the number of people who have done so many thoughtful things for us all. Cards, letters, emails and other surprises all come just at the right time to encourage and cheer us. You will never know how much the Lord has used each one of you to meet our needs. To know that so many folks are praying for my daughter and family is humbling and makes me cry out to God with thanksgiving. Even though you are not doing it for recognition I wish I could thank each one of you personally.

By the way, some of you have had trouble logging on recently. The website address changed and the automatic transfer doesn't work from a bookmark. Try if you or someone you know is having trouble logging on.

Thanks again for everything. May God bless you.


Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 08:57 PM (CDT)

Howdy friends and family,
Well, Leanne and Mom especially enjoyed this week off of chemo...not having to go down to Texas Children's was nice!! This week definitely brought a new turn of events though...Lee started to lose her hair this week. We are thankful that she has kept it for this long!! She has been wearing a bandana and if you ask me she looks as cute as can be. Some girls at school and church have started wearing them, too, so she won't feel left out! Lee got a wig when she was first diagnosed, so we played around with that a little this weekend. She is pretty comfortable with the bandana though so we will probably stick to that for awhile.
Tomorrow Leanne has a big day at the hospital, including a spinal tap. The rest of the week Dad will give her chemo through her port from home. It is great that she doesn't have to go to the hospital, but please pray for Dad and that everything goes well with the chemo at home!
Thanks for checking in on Leanne and our family again. We are so thankful for your prayers and love each of you very much!!
Gig 'em Ags!

P.S. I hope this verse brings you as much joy and hope as it does to me!!!
Lamentations 3:22&23 "The unfailing love of the Lord never ends! By his mercies we have been kept from complete destruction. Great is His faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each day."

Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 01:41 PM (CDT)

I am excited to say I get a week off of chemo! I am really excited. Just one week with out chemo is so great for me! I am getting sick of going down there, and I am so excited. I am also glad I don't have to go down there on Monday- since I get Labor Day off of school!

I am going to school this fall. I already started, and although I am not taking all of the classes, the four I am taking are keeping me busy! I like going to school because it takes my mind off of everything. Highschool is fun, and I look forward to the upcoming year and all that highschool will bring.

Thank you so much for continuing to check into my website. I appreciate so much all your prayers. You all are so sweet and I just couldn't thank you all enough.

Thanks again. ** Remember that Jesus and I love you!! **


Saturday, August 24, 2002 at 10:12 PM (CDT)

Howdy everyone!

I had to go down to Texas Children's Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of this past week. It was a leg shot every one of those days, and a breathing treatment on Wednesday. Thankfully, I was only a little sick on Monday. I was able to go to school this week for most of the time. We were able to try to schedule my treatments for later on in the day, so I can go to school in the morning. I will return downtown Monday of this next week, and then I get a break from the chemo therapy treatments! I am really excited.

One of my dad's patients gave us tickets to the Astros game today. Sadly, we did not win; but that did not matter. Just getting to get out of the house and spending time with my dad was really fun!

Tomorrow Lindsay is moving into her dorm room at A&M. She met her roommate in one of her classes, so they already have some plans for the room. It is going to be really sad letting her go off to college again. But, we will just have to keep the phone lines open for her calls! ;)

I have some very exciting news for you all. Two of my cousins are getting baptized in the new worship center Sunday. We are so proud of them for pronouncing their faith, and I can't wait to see them grow up in the Lord.

As always, thank you so much for checking in. I appreciate every day all the love and support you give me. I love all the cards and gifts I receive. But, most of all I love the prayers. That is the best gift, and I just can't thank you all enough.

I hope you have a great week. I will keep you informed on anything big that happens.

Jesus and I love you....
Psalm 91:14


Saturday, August 24, 2002 at 02:11 PM (CDT)

Howdy friends and family,
We have had a long two weeks but God has been faithful! Leanne is now undergoing a pretty rigorous round of chemotherapy. For the past two weeks she has gone to the hospital every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and she also has treatment that she takes at home. But she has been able to go to school a lot (on Tuesdays and Thursdays and even a few times before a hospital visit!!) and we are so thankful for that. She really wants to keep up as much as she can with her classmates, and it is an encouragement for her to be with her sweet friends. She has been feeling really great, which is so unusual for the amount of chemo that she gets these days! Praise the Lord! Her hair is actually growing (we cut it short while she was in the hospital and it is actually a few inches longer now!) as well as her loooong legs. One of my constant prayers is that the chemo will only affect the BAD cells and not the good ones! They are currently still trying to find new chemo drugs that don't harm the rest of the body, so right now we attribute her growing to a miracle from God!
Next week Lee only has to be at the hospital on Monday, and then she doesn't go for two weeks! We are so excited about that. Dad will give her chemo from home (through her port) and she will continue to take oral medications. It is such a blessing for my mom and Leanne not to have to drive to Texas Children's so much in the next few weeks! It gets to be really tiring for both of them.
I am getting ready to move back up to A&M...I am so sad to leave my precious family, but I know there are so many people in Tomball and Spring and Houston that are lifting the Scotts up in prayer! Thank you again for checking in on Leanne and for praying for her and for our family. That is the most precious gift that we could ever receive!

Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 09:04 PM (CDT)

Howdy brothers and sisters in Christ,
I know that so many of you are praying constantly for Leanne and our family...THANK YOU. We try to update the site as much as possible so that you will know how to pray for us, but also so that when we receive news, you are able to join with us in giving glory to God through the way He answers our prayers.
Yesterday Leanne had a bone marrow aspiration and also got 3 different kinds of chemo. The preliminary results say that the bone marrow looks good...praise the Lord! We still have to get the final results from the lab, which will either be the end of this week or the beginning of next. We are just so thankful for the news. God has been so faithful to us from the beginning and we are learning to trust in Him more each day.
Today was Lee's first day back at school...she went for 2 classes and was feeling pretty tired by the end, but she was glad to be there with her friends! Tomorrow is another day at the hospital, with 2 more chemo treatments...these are new drugs this round and so we aren't sure how they are going to affect her; please pray for no nausea!! Her nurse said that Leanne has one of the worst cases of nausea she has ever seen, so we are concerned that the new chemo will add to that. Hair loss is another side effect...but most of you know that Leanne still has all of her hair and that is an absolute miracle! We are continuing to pray that she keeps her hair through these next few months as well. I just can't get over how much of a testimony that is to God's faithfulness, as well as a testimony to His glory and power shown through answered prayers!
Once again thank you so much for checking in and for praying for Leanne. She has to go to the hospital again on Friday, so this will be a tiring week for her, and for my mom as well. Please pray for both of them as they travel and spend time at the hospital.
Lots of love,

Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 08:18 PM (CDT)

Hey everybody!

I had a great time at my camp!! All the kids there had cancer, or came with a brother or sister who had cancer. It was really fun, and the counselors were really nice. It was in Burton, Tx. near Brenham, at Camp For All. The cabins were nice and even air conditioned!! They had a ropes course, pool, and a lake nearby. We went canoeing at their lake. Also, the two older cabins went to Lake Somerville and went tubing and rode wave runners. We also went fishing, horse backriding, got glamour shots, and Clinque came out and did make overs for us!! There were two dances, a magic show, and a cooking class.

After an awesome week of camp, I come home to a bone marrow test on Monday, with three chemo treatments. I start school Tuesday, and then will return to the hospital two more days this week!!

I got to go to the locker room with the Sunshine Kids and meet the Astros. We got our picture made with Jeff Bagwell, who hit a home run that night, Craig Biggio, Lugo, Cruz, and a lot of other players! They even won the game!

I am thankful I have gotten to do a lot of fun things this summer. God continues to bless and heal me. "Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved." Psalm 55:22

Thanks for checking in!



Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 10:32 PM (CDT)

Thanks for checking in on Leanne today! She had her chemotherapy and again it as made her really sick...she hasn't eaten all day and she gets more chemo tomorrow. Sunday afternoon she is supposed to go to Camp Periwinkle, but we aren't sure how those plans are going to work if she is still feeling sick. Please pray that if God wants her to go then she will feel much better! Camp Periwinkle has about 160 cancer patients that go and some of the doctors and nurses attend with the campers, including Leanne's oncologist. She was really looking forward to it so please pray that she starts feeling better.
We have some exciting news...earlier this summer Lee submitted a sweet essay for a contest that Gallery Furniture is sponsoring. The winners of the contest get to attend the Davis Cup in Paris in September. Well, Leanne immediately thought to send in an essay about Laura and about her involvement in tennis. She wrote about how Laura won the tournament in the spring and how our family has a long history of tennis players. Leanne's essay was so sweet...she felt that Laura's accomplishments were downplayed this year because Lee was in the hospital, and she wrote a lot of other neat things about Laura. We found out on Tuesday that Laura is one of the winners!! I think that Lee was more excited than Laura!
Well, as usual we have some prayer requests:
--Please pray that Leanne is well enough to attend camp
--Please pray that her blood counts are high so that she won't be neutropenic (susceptible to infection) during camp
--Please pray that she finds some friends and has opportunities to minister to the kids at camp
--Please pray for our family that we won't miss her too much!!!!!!!
Thanks for your prayers and support...we love y'all and you are special to our family!
Love always,

Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 09:15 PM (CDT)

Hey everyone!

My week has been good. Well, any week is good after I was sick for four days straight last week!! But, I recovered and just in time to go to the hospital again! I will go Thursday and Friday of this week, and then I leave for camp! Please pray for me for tomorrow (Thursday) because I am not too thrilled about going, after what happened last week. I would also love your prayers for me at camp; it would be the perfect time for me to share God's Word and I hope to use that opportunity for good! Well, I better close for now and I thank you for your prayers continually. You all are such a blessing in my life. Thank you.

I would like to share with you these verses:
Psalm 37:3-5
"Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun."

If I could, I would just write the whole chapter of Psalm 37. So, I would encourage you to read it. I have found many verses there that has helped me.



P.s. Jesus and I love you!!

Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 01:17 PM (CDT)

Howdy everyone,

I am so thankful that Lee got to have a fun week last week...because this week has been NOT so fun! Leanne had a higher dosage of her chemo on Monday and Tuesday and she has been sick all week. She doesn't feel like doing much of anything and is just now starting to eat a little bit. She also had another allergic reaction to the new kind of wasn't as bad as last time but she gets nervous just thinking about having that again. But she hardly complains and none of us know how she puts up with being so sick all the time! Please pray for her nausea and that she won't get sick anymore this week!
The Sunshine Kids Foundation sent tickets for our whole family to meet the Astros before Saturday night's game, and then to watch the game with other Sunshine Kids and their families. We are praying that she feels much better so that she can enjoy it!
It encourages us so much to hear that people are lifting Leanne and our family up in prayer daily. Thank you so much for that! We can't live a day without Christ and the strength and peace that He brings. Thanks SO MUCH for checking in.
Lots of love,

Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 01:45 PM (CDT)

Hey everybody!!

Wow!! The cruise was so much fun. Disney has a private island that we went to and it was great! We went parasailing, snorkeling, bike riding on the beach, and rented some floats!! It was tons of fun. Thank you for your prayers-- they really helped, and for once I was not nauseus!! PRAISE THE LORD!!

I will go to the hospital Monday and Tuesday of this coming week. I will get a methatrexate, and vincristine on Monday. But, neither days are going to be all day long!!! So, that's good. ***August 12th, I have a bone marrow test which will tell if I have any more leukemia cells. Please pray for me that day!!! Thanks!!***

I got to meet Nicole C. Mullen at a concert this weekend at Astroworld. She is really sweet! She asked me and my best friend to quote Psalm 91 for her. She even sang a song just for me backstage. It was really fun getting to meet her.

Thanks for all of your prayers! That is the best gift I could receive!!

I want to leave you all with this verse: Isaiah 41:10: "Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand."

Love to you all. Remember Jesus and I both love you.


Friday, July 12, 2002 at 10:42 PM (CDT)

Howdy everybody,
Our internet has not been working...sorry it's been so long since the last update!
We went to the hospital today and found out Leanne's white blood cell counts were up...meaning we are good to go for the Disney cruise from the Make-A-Wish foundation! We are really excited and are getting ready to pack. Leanne has felt pretty good this week and we are so thankful!
Please pray that she (and me!) doesn't have nausea or other problems during the cruise. Thank you all for your continual prayers and support.
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Love always,

P.S. Lee wanted me to leave you with this verse:
Psalm 31:23&24: "Love the Lord, all His saints! The Lord preserves the faithful, but the proud He pays back in full. Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord."

Monday, July 01, 2002 at 05:41 PM (CDT)

"The Lord's delight is in those who honor Him, those who put their hope in His unfailing love." Psalm 147:11

It's Lindsay again. Our family got back yesterday from San Antonio. We had a nice weekend with grandparents, cousins, and family friends, although it rained and we had to cut our trip short! We had fun anyway and Lee was feeling great!
Leanne's hospital visit was today. She had a spinal tap and 3 chemo treatments. Lee goes back tomorrow for 2 more chemo treatments. We have some prayer requests...
Please pray for Leanne tomorrow, because the chemo she gets usually makes her nauseous, and sometimes it causes an allergic reaction.
Also pray for Jessica, a friend from the hospital, who has just relapsed and has 6 new tumors. Pray for her family as well as they receive this news.
We hope that y'all have a safe and fun July 4th. Thanks for checking in!

Friday, June 21, 2002 at 05:07 PM (CDT)

Thank you all for your prayers this week. Leanne did not have an allergic reaction to the last chemo treatment, but she did get sick. She was nauseous and felt pretty bad for about 3 days this week, but we are very thankful she was not allergic!!
She is feeling much better today. I took her to see the new Disney movie, Lilo and was really cute! We are so glad when she is feeling well, so we like to make the most of those days!
Lee still has her precious hair and I pray for that daily. It may seem like a small issue, but it is such a huge blessing and a confirmation that God does hear our prayers!
Thanks for checking in on Leanne and our family. We love each of you and are so thankful to have people lifting her up to the Lord in prayer.
Lots of love,
P.S. We have updated the photos page!(finally, I am sure you are thinking!!)

Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 10:41 PM (CDT)

I hope everyone had a great Father's Day! We spent time with family and friends and it was a good weekend.
Lee had a hospital visit today and she got vincristine and methatrexate. Tomorrow she has a new kind of asperaginase, which is the one that she has had an allergic reaction to lately. She is concerned about tomorrow, so join us in praying that she doesn't have a reaction to it and that the rest of the day goes well for her!
I found out over the weekend that for now I do not get to go to Camp Periwinkle with Leanne. I am on the waiting list, and we are still praying that it works out. I have prayed that God's will be done in the situation and I know that if He wants me there to be with Leanne and to minister to the other kids then I will go. Otherwise He must have a different plan for me!

Thanks for checking in on Leanne. We appreciate your prayers and concerns SO much. God bless and Gig 'em!!
Much love,

Saturday, June 15, 2002 at 10:27 AM (CDT)

Hey Everyone!

I hope you are enjoying the summer. I am finishing up Algebra still, but I only have one more test before the final at school. I will go to the hospital next week Tuesday and Wednesday. We still haven't heard if Lindsay got accepted or not to be a counselor; we were supposed to hear by today. We are anxiously waiting. I hope all of you fathers out there have a HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!! I hope you enjoy the day with all your family. Have a blessed week.

Jesus and I love you,

Saturday, June 08, 2002 at 09:34 AM (CDT)

Hello everyone,
Thanks for praying for me while I was at cheer camp. I had a great time. It is the Fellowship of Christian Cheerleaders camp and the staff is so AWESOME!!! They are 16 cheerleaders from all different states. I was able to participate alot. God gave me more strength than I thought ever possible. I got sick one night only. It was over at noon on Friday with a final competition. Our squad placed first!! Rosehill has placed 1st or 2nd the last 5 years or so. There were over 300 girls there. I had to go straight to the hospital from camp for chemo. The camp was at Houston Baptist University so it wasn't too far from the hospital. They increased my Methotrexate amounts and I also had Vincristine. It made me sick at the hospital and at home already, so it is back to my treatment routine. It was great having a short break from it!! I treasured every moment of it!!

Laura got the All-American award, which is the highest award at camp. She was the only one who got it. She also was asked to be on the staff for next summer!! I was lucky to have her there to be my support when I couldn't go on.

Thanks for checking in!
Jesus and I love you,

Monday, June 03, 2002 at 09:14 PM (CDT)

"Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that for out weighs them all! So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
2 Corinthians 4:16-18


I got to go to church on Sunday with my family. It was huge treat to go and I am so thankful I got to go! It was a special time for me and my family. Last Thursday I had my chemo leg shot treatment, and had an allergic reaction to it. Within minutes of the injection I was sweaty, had breathing trouble, a rash, and whelps! It was a new chemo-peg, instead of L-asparagenase... the other chemo I might have gotten a reaction from before. They had to give me 2 more shots and access my port. Thankfully, I got to come home from the hospital that day!
Sunday night I was really nauseus and you know!....

But, Tuesday thru Friday, I get to go to Cheer camp with my school squad at HBU in Houston I have to go to the hospital by 1:00 on Friday. Please pray I don't get sick. I am taking a bag of medicine!! The chemo I had lasts 10-14 days in my system.
Jesus and I love you all....

Love you bunches,

Wednesday, May 29, 2002 at 08:23 PM (CDT)

Howdy y'all,
Today Leanne had a big day...3 chemo treatments. The methotrexate is now given in the IV and she also had a spinal tap. She is very nauseous right now and is in her bed after a long day. Please pray for the nausea to go away!
She had a nice graduation (she looked so pretty at the ceremony!!) but she couldn't get near anyone and had to miss the parties and the dance. We are so proud of her!
Tomorrow she goes back to the hospital for two more chemo treatments given by leg shots. Please pray that all goes well tomorrow! Leanne still has most of her hair but these past few treatments have been pretty intense...please continue to pray for that issue as well!
If her counts continue to stay up, Lee will be able to go cheer camp next week, with permission from her doctor. It is at HBU (close to the hospital) and we are glad she is able to be there with the rest of the girls, even if her activities will be somewhat limited. She has another trip to the hospital planned the day she gets back.
It is so good to be back at home with my sweet family. Thank you all so much for your continued prayers for each one of us. We love you and are thankful for you all!

Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 07:54 PM (CDT)

Psalm 116:1&2
"I love the Lord becausehe hears and answers my prayers. Because he bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I have breath!"

Today I had my hospital visit. I went fine with a pentamidine treatment (to prevent pneumonia). I also found out I'm neutropenic-I can't go anywhere because my counts are too low. The doctor will let me go to my eighth grade graduation if I sit in the back, away from every one. I would also have to leave before everyone gets to close and starts hugging me! I am thankful I can at least go. Fifty students were out this week at my school! So, I can't go take my finals! How sad. :(

Lindsay had her interview for camp counselor. There were three times as many people as they needed! She won't know until June 15. We are still praying she can go.

I am so glad many of you are learning Psalm 91! It is such a great chapter, and I remember it always! It helps me when I need something to cling on to. By the way, my mom has finally learned all of it!

Have a safe Memorial Day and spend time with your family.

Jesus and I love you,

Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 08:23 AM (CDT)

Hey Everyone!!

Well, I haven't updated this in a while... so that is pretty good....that means I haven't been terribly sick. On Tuesday Evening, Wednesday, and Thursday morning, though, I did have a terrible pain in my stomach. I did not go to school, because it was so bad. But, I finally got over it late Thursday... just in time for two tests at school!! :)

I am feeling much better now. I went to school Friday, and next week is Finals!! I am kind of nervous; but I know GOd will be with me and I can just depend on Him.

I have a prayer request (besides the normal). Lindsay has her interview with the camp leaders for my camp today(Saturday). [In case you didn't know, she has applied to go to my camp with Texas Children's.] Please pray for her. Thank you!

Thanks again for checking into this site.

Jesus and I love you bunches...


Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 05:00 PM (CDT)

~Hello to all!!

~I hope this message finds you all well. Monday I had an injection through my port, so I did not have to stay there all day!! Yea!! I was really excited and I did not have very much nausea.

~Today, I went to a drawing for a car. I was picked as one of the make-a-wish kids who got to pick a key and try it in the car for someone else. This person who got to pick the key had guessed the right number of birdies in the Houston Open Golf Tournament. They also had pledges to do this, so it raised money for charities. I drew for Les Alexander!! My key did not start the car, but the person who won it donated it back to the Make A Wish Foundation!

~Thanks for checking in. Love to you all.


Monday, May 06, 2002 at 05:26 PM (CDT)

Today at TCH I had my spinal tap and the methatrexate injection into the spine and three other chemo treatments. I had a new drug, also, because of the reaction to the old one. It was two injections, instead of one, in both legs, because it has a high dosage. Please pray all this doesn't make me sick. Thankfully, this new drug works for 2 weeks, so I won't have to go down there every day! My counts were not low enough for a blood transfusion, thank you, Lord!!

Thanks to all that have donated blood in my name!! It still helps even though I don't always use it.

I finally memorized all of Psalm 91!!!! My mom still has two verses to go, but she's getting there!!

Hope you have a great week, and thanks for checking this out!!


Sunday, April 28, 2002 at 11:06 AM (CDT)


I am so sorry that I haven't updated in a few days. I had to go to the hospital with a fever and some side effects from the chemo Thursday and Friday. Thankfully, I did not have to stay overnight. One of God's miracles! The doctors stopped the chemo for a while until my fever went down-they told us a fever and chemo don't go together. My mom and sister were in Waco for a state tennis tournament. By the way, she won first!! So, my dad had to cancel his afternoon patients to be with me. He will give me my chemo through my port like last week.

Thanks for continuing to check in on me. I appreciate your prayers and encouragement through all your cards, gifts, and the guestbook.

I am continuing to see God work in my life over and over. It may be something as having the road cleared of no traffic, or making my nausea go down. God is in control!

Love you bunches...May God bless you...


Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 10:05 PM (CDT)

HI Leanne had her treatment today along with an echocardiogram, chest x-ray, and CBC. A new development came with an exposure to Tuberculosis by one of the nurses, so all patients on CHEMO have to take medicine for three months. More drugs-not so great on her liver. Please pray for protection for her and our cancer patient friends at the hospital. Mom says if you came to visit don't be alarmed. Our family isn't even being tested. It is because Lee's blood counts are low and she would be at risk. Dad will give CHEMO thurs.-sun. at home. She continues to have nausea. The doctors increased her medicine to prevent it, so please pray that it works. Thank you for your love and prayer. Laura

Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 10:05 PM (CDT)

HI Leanne had her treatment today along with an echocardiogram, chest x-ray, and CBC. A new development with an exposer to Tuberculosis by one of the nurses, all patients on CHEMO have to take medicine for three months. More drugs-not so great on her liver. Please pray for protection for her and our cancer patient friends at the hospital. Mom says if you came to visit don't be alarmed. Our family isn't even being tested. It is because Lee's blood counts are low and she would be at risk. Dad will give CHEMO thurs.-sun. at home. She continues to have nausea. The doctors increased her medicine to prevent it. Please pray that it works. Thank you for your love and prayer. Laura

Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 09:24 PM (CDT)

Tomorrow I am off to the clinic. Hopefully we won't be asking anyone for anything this time!! They will access my port so my dad can give the chemos again through there. Well, I had a little rough night last night, but I really cheered up seeing all of your guestbook entries! Thank you! I will tell you how everything goes tomorrow! Thanks again for checking in on me!! Love,
* There is a new picture, if you are interested!!

Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 02:55 PM (CDT)

Thanks for checking in on me. Today I watched the Lakewood Church on TV. It was really good, especially since I hadn't been able to go to church for a couple of weeks. I learned that we should be thankful for what we have, and not to dwell on things that we don't have. So, I am going to tell you things I am thankful for in my life. First, I still have my hair. I have great doctors. I haven't been nauseus today. I have a great family, friends, church, and school supporting me as I go through all of this. I was confident before that God will heal me, but after reading Zechariah 9:12, I have even greater hope, because it says He will restore me with more. If we have hope, He will restore twice as much to us. My dad is able to give me the chemo at home in my port, the last couple of days. What an exciting weekend!! My other chemo is taken orally, so I didn't have to go in. Praise the Lord! Love you bunches,

Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 08:25 PM (CDT)

Howdy!! (As they say in Aggieland. Whoop!) I took my Aggie pillow to the surgery area today. Bad results. They were all longhorns. I had my spinal tap and the chemo drug that goes along with it. The fluid was clear-preliminary results. I also had a cyclophosphamide-don't ask me what that one is! I also had a 6MP. I got sick on the way home in the 45 traffic! We did not have any thing for me to use. The car next to us had their window down, no it didn't land in their laps, but my mom asked them for a plastic bag. He gave us his dry cleaning bag right off his shirts! I wish we could thank him. More importantly, we were able to share a New Testament Bible with a bone marrow transplant patient we had formerly met. It was a nine-hour, 34 min. 23 sec day!! My dad will give me a chemo treatment everyday for four days in my port. Please pray for no more nausea. Love you all bunches,
Leanne :)

Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 09:42 PM (CDT)

Hi everyone. I had a great weekend. My dad took me to look at the wild flowers, because I wasn't able to go any where else with people. I don't have any chemo until Wednesday...Yea! I have a spinal tap and three chemos though. Love you bunches,

Friday, April 12, 2002 at 01:50 PM (CDT)

Hi everyone! Just a little quick note saying, that if I don't write much, that means nothing bad has happened-so that's good!! I am feeling pretty good today. The rash is almost completely gone. Praise the Lord! Thanks for signing my guestbook-I love to hear what you all have to say! God bless all~Leanne

Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 04:36 PM (CDT)

Hi. After such a bleak couple of days, we are still seeing God's hand work in our lives. This allergic reaction (if you don't know what I am talking about, please check the past journal entry) is finally going away and doesn't itch as much. No chemo until Wednesday to recover, and because my counts are so low. YEA!! One of my chemo drugs is going to change to a new drug just approved, which may shorten my trips to TCH!! I want to congratulate my sister at A&M for being inducted into the Honor Soceity! Laura advanced to the state tennis tournament so we will be going to Baylor sisters are special to me as they cheer me on. Love, Leanne

Wednesday, April 10, 2002 at 05:16 PM (CDT)

Hey everyone!
I was up a little too early today-about 1:45 a.m. I had a rash that was all over my body. My mom and I waited in the emergency room from about 1:45 to 4:45. We had to be back at the hospital at about 7:45 so we only had 3 hours left to sleep! We had spent the night at one of my mom's best friend's house so we were very thankful we were close to the hospital-she lives 4 minutes away! I was scheduled to do a spinal tap but we decided to hold off since I had this rash. Also, my counts were so low that they couldn't give the chemo so I won't be going back to the hospital for about a week. I was very relieved. It was a long day...we saw alot of doctors, but not one knew what had caused this rash. My next verse in Psalm 91 is 91:14: "Because he loves me," says the Lord,"I will rescue him, I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name." I hope if you have time that you memorize this verse too, because when you need the Lord, this is a great verse to remember!! Hope you have a great week! ~Leanne

Monday, April 08, 2002 at 09:43 PM (CDT)

Wow what a storm last night! We were all awake at midnight and needed Leanne's Psalm 91-"You will not fear the terror of the night..." Did you know that the Lord sends angels to keep you from stubbing your toe? See Ps. 91:9-10. This past weekend Lee couldn't keep much food down and she barely ate at all. Today was a long day at TCH. She and dad got home around 8- Lee had a reaction to the chemo and dad had to take her back to the hospital. Wednesday is another long day with 3 chemo treatments and a spinal tap in the surgery area. Please pray that she doesn't get sick this week! Thanks- Laura

Friday, April 05, 2002 at 03:50 PM (CST)

Hello friends! Leanne had a visit to the hospital today. She did not need a blood transfusion as per her protocol. She is neutropenic (low blood count) So she can't have visitors! She had her chemo-treatment and was sick last night. We go back to the hospital Monday and Wednesday is another Spinal Tap with 3 chemo-treatments. Rick may be able to give chemo Thursday thru Sunday. Please pray for no nausea. Thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement. God Bless All. Fayrene

Friday, April 05, 2002 at 03:50 PM (CST)

Hello friends! Leanne had a visit to the hospital today. She did not need a blood transfusion as per her protocol. She is neutropenic (low blood count) So she can't have visitors! She had her chemo-treatment and was sick last night. We go back to the hospital Monday and Wednesday is another Spinal Tap with 3 chemo-treatments. Rick may be able to give chemo Thursday thru Sunday. Please pray for no nausea. Thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement. God Bless All. Fayrene

Wednesday, April 03, 2002 at 08:25 PM (CST)

Hey! I had a leg shot today and some chemo through my port. I did not get to put emla, a numbing medicine, on. I thought I only had the leg shot but, SURPRISE! I had to access my port too. Luckily, they have a quick free spray which numbs it too. It works pretty good-only the emla is much better. I have a leg shot this Friday and Monday. Wednesday, a week from now, I have another spinal tap-in the PACU again. So, I am very thankful for that! My doctor said I might go back to where they just do the spinal tap in the clinic-not PACU-sometime soon. I am not to happy about that. But, we will go through the steps before this time, so that maybe I won't be so scared! I have been feeling pretty good-for the most part. There are times when I don't feel good at all, but I have not had very bad side effects from the chemo treatments. I am also thankful about that. I went to school some this week. A little on Tuesday, and Wednesday and I might go tomorrow (Thursday). I will just see how I feel and it all depends on that. I am asking God for help constantly and I want to thank you for your continuing prayers. They are the best gift you could give! I hope you have a great day and thanks for looking at my website! God Bless. Leanne

Tuesday, April 02, 2002 at 01:46 PM (CST)

Hi! I hope you had a wonderful Easter. Thank you for your prayers Monday. Monday went really well. There was not a lot of pain so I am really thankful! I am not sore either, so there is just too many things to be thankful about! I went to school Tuesday for part of the day. I will go to the hospital Wednesday for a leg shot. Those are not too bad-and there's another thing to be thankful for! God sure blesses us in many ways! Thanks for your prayers. God bless all, Leanne

Friday, March 29, 2002 at 02:06 PM (CST)

Hello everyone,
Thanks for your messages and for your prayer and support. I am just spending the weekend at home with my family and then on Monday I go back to TX Children's for another spinal tap. Have a splendid Easter and remember that HE IS RISEN!
Love you all bunches,

Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 04:09 PM (CST)

Leanne is 13 and a member of Champion Forest Baptist Church. Prior to her diagnosis, she was a cheerleader and played the harp and piano. She is going to try to keep up her music, and they took her scores from last year and she was able to make the high school cheerleading squad. She, her mom, her best friend, and her best friend's mom are memorizing Psalm 91. They are up to verse 10 and their key verse is verse 14: "Because he loves me, " says the Lord, "I will rescue him. I will protect him for he acknowledges my name."

Monday, March 25, 2002 at 04:43 PM (CST)

Leanne's chemotherapy is 3 days a week, some months 5 days of therapy. The Leukemia Society had a 5k run and the youth group from Tomball Bible Church supported her in this. They made signs that had her picture and "I'm running for Leanne" on their backs. It was so neat to see her friends support her. Laura, her sister, ran with them.

Monday, March 25, 2002 at 04:05 PM (CST)

Monday-I tried to do the spinal tap test in the clinic area. It did not go through. I am scheduled to do it in the PACU where it is easiest. I feel pretty good. I am thankful for not feeling sick to my stomach. I am most thankful for your prayers, cards, and gifts. You all have been such a help for cheering me up! Thank you!

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----End of History----