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Happy Easter

The Covelli family website

Isabel Maria and Samuel Miguel

Born: Isa-May 7, 2004 Sam-November 15, 2005

Weight: Both nice! Length: Both long!

We are truly blessed with 2 of the most interesting and delightful babies ever put on this earth. They continue to bring us joy and laughter and their intelligence and love humble us daily.


Monday, March 24, 2008 1:26 AM CDT

Happy Easter everyone!!! We had a very California Easter--first church in our Sunday best (and Kissy-Kissy original for Isa!) and then off to Disneyland!!! Did we mention it was 87 today at Disneyland---it was a little too hot for us!!

Sorry---Ron made me write that!

I know, I know...it has been too long since our last update---I actually agree with you and every time I update I swear I will be quicker the next time...we will see...

The kids are fabulous! Both babies are growing up so stinking fast it is almost frightening! I used to hear older people say to "enjoy these years as they go by fast" but man o man--it is really true!!! Our Sam is just a big grown up little man!!! For Easter today he wore a tie and his first belt!!! He looked so precious I cried!!! And our Isabel is just a little girl now--she is just maturing and becoming an attitude filled teenager already- it is scary!! Both are doing so well here and are enjoying all the things that California has to offer-ESPECIALLY DISNEYLAND!! We just can't get there enough for these two, and Ron and I both enjoy it so much as well! It is just it's own little vacation every time we go--and the kids are getting pretty good at understanding that they have to wait their turn in line...a feat not always accomplished, especially when we get up close to the ride itself! But we are working on it.

Ron has been busy working hard and I have been busy playing hard...I have taken up yet another new hobby---some of you know that I had started taking a stained glass class soon after arriving here in California and I am still enjoying that immensely. I have met some really wonderful people there and have become friends with them...I really enjoy my Tuesday nights out with the girls and feel a great sense of accomplishment once I finish a project--we meet other times for dinners and nights of drinks and a dominoes game called Mexican train...just fun all the way around and I am so grateful to have found this bunch of gals...I don't think they know how much I enjoy their company...and then, thru one of the girls there, I have started stamping cards...It is something I always had an interest in, (some of you may remember the really bad stamped thank you cards from Isabels christening-ugh-what I know now!)and now I have some professional guidance! And I have met another bunch of gals there that are more like my Buffalo friends,,a little nastier, a little drier humor, and much meaner--but FUN! (only kidding...?!)Both are expensive little hobbies--but I am really, really enjoying both so much---some of you ask about Ron's new hobbies---well, his new hobby is watching the kids while I go to my new hobbies!!! Also, he has become the official wine taste tester of every cabernet sauvignon from any California vineyard...the verdict is still out--he will let you know (although--"Franciscan" is running near the top of the list!)

We are just busy living our lives CA style...the weather is, of course, utterly perfect every day and we really do take advantage of that , especially when my Dad gives me the Buffalo weather forecast every morning as I sit and look over my palm tree at yet another sunny perfect day---the weather is really unbeatable!!! AND so incredibly enjoyable!!! It is nice to wear a t shirt EVERY day and know that if you throw a fleece in your back seat that will get you thru the next 24 hours--that is the only thing you MAY need if it gets chilly--you know--chilly--anything around 65 !! (These Californians make me laugh when they say it is "soooo cold" outside and the thermometer in my car reads 63!

We went home for Christmas---what a nice time we had--2 weeks of visits--we all got sick again for the first few days but quickly came over it. Isabel LOVED the weather and especially the snow---she would put her hand in it and say---hey--that is cold!!! But our Sam--not so much---that was his first time ever seeing snow! I think his thought was..what the...?? He would curl up his nose when he touched it and quickly wanted to be picked up!!!Difficult to do when he was all wrapped up like a weeble!!!! But it was so nice to be in our own house and see all of our friends and family and celebrate the season--my brother came in and we had some uncle time with him as well--the kids love Uncle Frankie!

My aunt and Uncle came out in January for a week and a half and we had yet another great time with them as well---both kids love Uncle Peter and Teta and can't wait for their visit in May! They are coming out for Isabels dance recital! Yes--our Isa is a little dancer! She is having her very first dance recital for her tap and ballet class in June and has been so very busy practicing her "routine"!--Honestly--I really don't think I can stand it--she thinks she is such a little adult! SO precious!! Our big boy shows off his moves quite often as well...they both show that Latino rhythm!! Both actually sing very well too!!! Honestly--they are both so cute we almost just can't believe our blessings! Both kids just bring us such joy and smiles...they are soooo fun and funny! They are starting to play with each other more and more and it is just so cute---I love when I look in my rear view mirror in the car and see each of them in their car seats and they are holding hands in the middle...just...precious!!

Sooo, what else is going on in this state..
I can drive on any freeway now and not lose my sense of direction! I am comfortable on all the streets and feel like I am a seasoned California driver...although there is just one thing as a New Yorker I just can't get used to---pedestrians here have the right of way here!!---no, I'm not just talking casual right of way--pedestrians RULE THE STREETS here. Let me explain-in New York---it is basically a game---you just keep driving and if someone crosses in front of you, you tend to speed up just to see how fast that person can run, if you hit someone -it is a few points etc...here in California--the pedestrian ABSOLUTELY has the right of way and all traffic comes to a COMPLETE stop to allow this person to WALK SLOWLY, even leisurely across the street. It is still something that floors me---you MUST give way to ANY pedestrian and if you find yourself slightly over the edge of a crosswalk it is like, several hundreds of dollars in fines!!! (there are cameras at stop lights here!) And, on the pedestrians side of view--you actually don't even look to see if traffic has stopped for you--they take total faith that the cars will just stop and allow you to cross...again---maybe it is the New Yorker in me but to think that a pedestrian rules over a motor driven, 8 cylinder, 4 wheeled vehicle, that can go from 0-60 in 10.6 seconds, with crazy Californians behind them is just...not right!

Also, everyone out here has tattoos...EVERYONE!!! Old people, young people,... people have them on their faces, foreheads, inside their ears...it must be the thing out here---maybe that is why so many Californians wear their clothes too skimpy and too tight...to show off their tattoos!COVER UP PEOPLE!! (Although--in Buffalo, "covering up" means wearing a turtle neck, scarf and snow suit!) Again--just something I am not used to!!

Anyhoo--check out our fabulous children in the pictures--don't forget all the extra pictures when you click on the link on the bottom of this page---there are two pictures on the first page and then about 15 more on the "click for more pictures" part---just look at how old they are already!!! Just an amazing thing to watch!!!

Thanks for reading---I will try to update (here goes that promise again!) to update more quickly next time (I really just have to learn to transfer pictures from my camera to the computer and then I won't have to wait for Ron to do it--he IS busy with that wine-tasting job!! (LOL)

Please keep in touch--we miss you !

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http://mysite.verizon.net/resusp8i/covelliwebsite/   California Pictures Updated, March 23,2008


E-mail Author: samstar@hotmail.com


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