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Welcome To Joey Wynn's Webpage

Joey bird hunting Sept 08

Joey Wynn was diagnosed with leukemia (AML) on August 25th, 2001. He spent several months at Children's Hospital in Seattle for treatment, which included a bone marrow transplant he had late December 2001. (THANKS TO BROTHER LOGAN!)
Joey was in remission until November 14th, 2002. He returned to Seattle for treatment & had his second BMT in January of 2003. Joey is currently in remission and continues outpatient treatment through Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.
Check back again soon as we'll keep updates on Joey's progress posted on the website.

Check out Joey's Smile Quilt:

Joey's Smile Quilt

Joey saw how cool all the other caringbridge kid's guestmaps were, so we've got him his own. Please take a minute or two to sign it!


To see some work Joey did while he was attending the Hutch School in Seattle, please
click on this link

You'll have to scroll down towards the bottom of the page to find Joey.


Thursday, April 9, 2009 1:01 PM CDT

Hi All,
Sixteen days until Joey's 13th birthday, where does time go? He is doing okay, a bike wreck on Tuesday put him in a wrist cast again and multiple contusions, he says it was a mechanical mishap....we think he blew a trick! Don't know how many breaks have occurred, Amber has probably kept count though. He and Logan are supposed to start baseball soon, the fields around here are still snow covered from our longer than normal winter. We've had a few beautiful days and it's going fast so we're in the muddy phase of spring.
The other kids are doing well, Jalen is doing karate and Miss Ellennah can be seen buzzing around in her tinkerball four wheeler, she very much runs the show at her house. Good thing she's so darn cute.
No growth hormones for Joey yet as he is still growing on his own and he is soooo skinny, he eats alot just not keeping the weight on. He gets contact lenses any day now and a new pair of glasses but he so wants the contacts...
I'll try and get some pictures taken and posted since everyone has grown so much and maybe post more often. I am not sure that anyone stops by much anymore, this is a good thing as all we want for Joey is continued good health and a few less broken bones. Spring break has been hectic that's for sure
Later-Grandma Janna

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Hospital Information:

Patient Room: B3-ask for Joey's room

Outpatient Fred Hutch
Back home in:
Whitefish, MT.
(206) 987-2000


http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/vivianhayward   Our family friend Vivian
http://www.goldribbons.com   Buy a Gold Ribbon to help support childhood cancer or honor a child you know with a childhood cancer!
http://www.caringbridge.org/mt/shayladunlap   Family friend newly diagnosed with CML


E-mail Author: jannaw@bresnan.net


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