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Welcome to Shae's Web Page. It has been provided in loving memory of Shae. He was born on December 30, 1997. On July 31, 2000 a lady at our church noticed that Shae was very pale and she urgently suggested that we take Shae to the doctor. Todd took him the next day to our pediatrician to see what was wrong. Todd was told to take Shae to LeBonhuer Children's Hospital. Todd called me at work and told me to get to LeBonhuer immediately. I got there as soon as I could. After more blood being drawn, a doctor finally came in from St. Jude and told us that he thought Shae could have Leukemia. He spent the night in ICU and received two blood transfusions. The next morning we went to St. Jude to find out more information. Shae had a bone marrow biopsy and another blood transfusion. We were sent home and told to return in two days to find out what exactly was wrong with him. We came back and received his diagnosis. He was diagnosed on August 4, 2000 with Myelodysplastic Syndrome (a rare bone marrow disease)also known as Myelodysplasia. He received a bone marrow transplant on January 6, 2001 from a very kind and giving person named Deanna Bellavia. She is in New York and we are so anxious to meet her. Shae was doing well and had engrafted, but developed complications with his lungs and liver. His final breath was taken at 11:13 a.m. on March 20, 2001. He was surrounded by his family when he left this world. He now lives with Jesus free of the cares of this world. He is looking down at us saying, "Hello down there". We love you Shae and look forward to the day that we are greeted at Heavens gates by your precious face. Until then, keep watching out over us.

"So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy." – John 16:22, New International Version

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Saturday, July 5, 2008 11:01 PM CDT

Long time, no update.

I have started a blog and am really enjoying it. I update it more often and have pictures of Mason on there. For a while now, I have been thinking about not keeping up Shae's site. I still like to journal, but I don't like to put day to day stuff on here. We aren't really "following" a St. Jude patient right now, so there's not much to journal about on here. Feel free to check out my blog. It is www.dawnandtodd.blogspot.com. You have to have a google account to leave comments, but from what I can tell you can set up your google account with using your existing email. Anyway, I'd love for you to stop by my blog to catch up on us. I will probably get on here a couple of times a year to journal about my most precious Angel Shae. He is gone from our arms, but not our hearts and minds. He will NEVER be forgotten.

Please give your kids an extra hug and kiss everyday. Don't sweat the small things in life. Remember that we are not promised tomorrow so don't take today for granted. Most of all, know that God is in complete control and He is still on the Throne!

Dawn for Todd, Angel Shae, and Mason

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E-mail Author: dawnpierce@bankplus.net or longhornfan2@comcast.net


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