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Team Pia

Thank you for caring about Pia and her family and friends. This web page is to update you on Pia's progress and on ways that you can support Pia, Kris, and the rest of the family.

Thank you for the calls, the visits, the food, the cards, and the messages. Your thoughts, energy, prayers, and care are helping Pia pull through. Thank you so much.


Saturday, January 15, 2005 12:54 AM CST

Hello everyone,

First, we would like to thank everyone for all of the positive energy, support and assistance you have continued to send our way since we have been home from the hospital. Without all of this help, we know that would not be able to be here.

That being said, we want you to know that this will be our last journal update on Caring Bridge. This site has been an incredible vehicle for all of us over the last 7 months. It has enabled us to communicate, to share, and to acknowledge and honor the vast community in which we are privileged to live. However, the time has come for us to use other methods to achieve these goals. We find that we are challenged in our attempts to write messages that are true to Pia's reality. While many of us marvel at the progress that Pia has made, Pia is living with the enormity of accepting what has happened, and how much there is yet to accomplish if she is to regain her life. These are difficult issues to discuss in a forum such as this website, and probably best addressed in other ways. We hope to strategize together to develop other means by which we are able to share important information about Pia's progress and are open to any and all suggestions that you might have to offer.

In the meantime, please know that we continue to be supported by your thoughts, prayers and messages. We hope to more directly express our gratitude to each of you over the coming year, and send love and positive energy back your way, Pia and Kris

PS Pia is now able to access her personal email account on the first floor of our home, so feel free to write to her directly.

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Hospital Information:

Patient Room: 0000

Bethesda Rehabilitation Hospital
559 Capitol Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55103




E-mail Author: teampia2004@yahoo.com


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