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Sara, the "I'm not happy" in your Oct. 5th update made me so very sad. Would you ever consider seeking some counseling to help yourself rise above your sadness and be able to attain a certain amount of happiness. Zach would want you to be happy no matter what it took.
- Tuesday, October 11, 2005 1:13 PM CDT
Bill and family -
I am very sorry for your loss - I can't imagine anything worse than losing a child (or brother). I hope your run is succesful and brings an additional measure of healing to you all. I have two sister-in-laws fighting Lymphoma - I am behind you 110%!

Gary Cotton

Gary Cotton <gcotton157@aol.com or ghcotto5@rockwellcollins.com>
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 7:58 AM CDT
Curiosity made me check your site today. Cathy Stiglic and I were talking about Zack and the boys from his class the other day and we were wondering how everybody is doing. The pictures of Zack and Nathan brought a smile to my face. I am so glad that you are keeping the site up and keeping us up to date on the Marion family. You are in our thoughts from time to time here at Carpenter and it is nice to know that you have found bright points of comfort in this time since Zach's passing.
Mary Pat Meharry
- Saturday, October 8, 2005 11:13 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Mrs. Marion

Ryan Knight <RKShorty22@aol.com>
- Sunday, October 2, 2005 11:48 AM CDT
Hi. I am DeeJo's sister. I briefly met you at Hannah's b-day. DeeJo has talked about what you and Bill are doing. You are incredible parents and an inspiration to many, many of us. Thank you for re-opening this site. Many of my friends and I will be checking in weekly and look forward to supporting your efforts. I never met Zach, but think of all of you often and know his amazing spirit seems to inspire a lot of people. I know your entire family has helped my sister's family. I thank you for that.

julie moran <jmoran@highlandusd.k12.ks.us>
highland, ks usa - Saturday, October 1, 2005 9:19 AM CDT
Sara & Bill, I'm glad to see that you are making a positive effort towards healing with updating Zach's site. I'm sure he is so proud of how his parents are survivors and are trying to help others in their fight against cancer. Keep up the effort. I think of Zach often, he certainly left a mark on all of our hearts. Your love for him is why it hurts so much to lose him, but your love and God's grace is also what gives you the strength to carry on until you see him again in his eternal home. In the meantime, hang in there!
Love & prayers, Christine (RN on 4 Henson)
ps. If you ever think you might benefit from meeting or talking w/other parents who have lost a child to cancer I would encourage you to visit a Candlelighter's Bereavement Group. Sometimes it helps to talk to someone who's been there...

Christine McHenry <christine8100@yahoo.com>
Lee's Summit, MO - Saturday, October 1, 2005 1:26 AM CDT
I'm glad to be able check on you and Bill's progress. Hannah is so honored to be included with Zach for your training. You know that we think of you every day and you inspire us to keep our chins up and keep going. We all need to keep reaching out to our friends because we need all the strength we can muster! I'm going to include info about your training and Zach's site on Hannah's webpage. The answer to all of this is a cure and the best way to help is to put our money to the research! We love you!

DeeJo Miller <deejo_222@yahoo.com>
Gardner, KS - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 12:25 AM CDT
Hello to you. I hope you and your family are doing good. It sounds like Hannah is fighting through her rounds of treatments. I miss you Sara and DeeJo so much. I would like to find a evening with DeeJo and you for dinner again. I'll be in touch soon.
Sherri and Mark Weeks, Sam and Dan <http://home@comcast.net//~the4weeks >
- Tuesday, August 16, 2005 4:07 PM CDT
Hello Sara and Bill! I think of your family often and Jared and I talk about Zach often. We bought a candle for Zach at relay for life and Jared helped light it when they called his name. He will be in our hearts on September 24th when we are walking at Light The Night Walk for the leukemia and Lymphoma Society. May God Bless! Cynthia & Jared
Cynthia & son Jared Peters <cyndi730@hotmail.com>
St. Joseph, Mo - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 7:31 PM CDT
Hi Sara and Bill, I was thinking of you today and wanted you to know we do constantly, including Kevin. We miss seeing you, though I understand why you haven't been able to come back to Knox, but please know you are in my prayers and thoughts alot. Hope we see you sometime.
Call if you ever need anything. Dianne

Dianne Conway <con5way@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS usa - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 6:50 PM CDT
Sara and Bill--It was SO good to see you tonight. We sure do miss your family. You are often in my thoughts and prayers. I think about how much fun Zach must be having in heaven. I'm sure he has lots of friends and is quite the entertainer. He could always brighten my night even in his last few days here with us. I remember in particular, he and Bill making a turkey sandwich at about 2:00am one morning. Many, many good memories. Take care and thanks again for coming to visit the night girls :)

Shelley Jackson <shelleyj5@aol.com>
Lee's Summit, Mo US - Friday, July 1, 2005 1:35 AM CDT
Sara and Bill,
It was so nice to see you up on the floor tonight. We think of you guys and especially Zach all the time. We all have our own funny memories of the silly things he did. He will always be a part of us.

Amanda Coldwell <amanda8874@hotmail.com>
Shawnee Mission, KS USA - Thursday, June 30, 2005 11:11 PM CDT
Dear Marion family - I was deeply saddened to hear of Zach's death. So much so that it has been very difficult for me to bring myself to come to the website, and especially to post my thoughts. I met Sara in the Parent Room on 4H. You probably don't remember me, but my daughter Christina started treatment for osteosarcoma in July 2004. I remember seeing Zach in the hallway with a curly black wig on, sneaking so quietly up to an unsuspecting nurse or care assistant, and his glee when he succeeded in surprising them. I feel blessed to have been able to see him fight his battle with humor in tact. I will cherish that memory of him forever. My thoughts and prayers are with you constantly. I know the pain will never be gone, but I hope it will be more manageable with each passing day. God be with you all.
Susie Mohr <sjmohr@ku.edu>
Lawrence, KS - Monday, June 27, 2005 3:15 PM CDT
Just want you to know that we think of you daily. I know this month has particular meaning to you since Zach was dx in May of 2004. Rest assured that you're not alone. There are countless people praying for your family and asking the same questions you are....why?? We love you guys and wish so desperately we could do something that could take away even a little of the pain. We'll continue to do the only thing we know how....pray. Blessings to each of you.
Ronda Lawson and family <krselawson@yahoo.com>
Carl Junction , MO USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 1:57 PM CDT
I saw this entry in the Journal of a little boy I take care of. It made me think of life's journey and the places we are sent...it made me think of you......xxxx:):):)xxxx

Welcome To Holland
by Emily Perl Kingsley

When you're going to have a baby, it's like planning a fabulous vacation trip - to Italy. You buy a bunch of guide books and make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum. The Michelangelo David. The gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It's all very exciting.

After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands. The stewardess comes in and says, "Welcome to Holland."

"Holland?!?" you say. "What do you mean Holland?? I signed up for Italy! I'm supposed to be in Italy. All my life I've dreamed of going to Italy."

But there's been a change in the flight plan. They've landed in Holland and there you must stay.

The important thing is that they haven't taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, famine and disease. It's just a different place.

So you must go out and buy new guide books. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met.

It's just a different place. It's slower-paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you've been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around.... and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills....and Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandts.

But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy... and they're all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life, you will say "Yes, that's where I was supposed to go. That's what I had planned."

And the pain of that will never, ever, ever, ever go away... because the loss of that dream is a very very significant loss.

But... if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn't get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things ... about Holland.

Lin Fennell <fennells@sbcglobal.net>
OP, KS USA - Monday, May 9, 2005 7:25 AM CDT
Sara-I've been thinking of you continuously, hoping things are getting easier for you. I'm sure you will be happy to know that Sam is ending his treatment this week (hopefully for good). He was able to keep his promise to Zach to finish out strong. Please know how much I miss you and am praying for your family. I'll call soon.
Sherri Weeks and familiy <http://home@comcast.net//~the4weeks >
- Saturday, April 16, 2005 9:26 AM CDT
Sara, thinking of you lots. Come relax with us Sunday night at my house. We miss you. Di and Julie
I haven't been able to delete the site.

dianne conway <con5way@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS 66215 - Thursday, April 14, 2005 0:20 AM CDT
Sara and Bill, I just wanted you to know I was thinking of you today. The kids went to Wildwood last week and in one of their challenges the group I was with had to use boards to make bridges to cross from one platform to another. At one point the three boards were in the shape of a Z and the kids commented that it was a "Z" for Zach and they felt like he was with them that day. I'm sure he was! He will always be a part of their lives and I know they think of him often. I hope you are both doing all right and Nathan too. I think of your family often and keep you in my prayers.
Jana Collins <bcollins11@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Tuesday, April 12, 2005 6:31 PM CDT
Bill,Sara,and Nathan,
I think of you all so much. Zach's love and spirit has touched each and everyone one of us here on 4 Henson since the first day we met him. I hope you all had a wonderful Easter.
Your night care assistant,

Amanda Coldwell <angel_girl81@hotmail.com>
Shawnee, KS USA - Monday, March 28, 2005 8:54 PM CST
Sara, Bill and Nathan,

Today is Easter and though the gloriest of days, I know it had to be particularly difficult for you. Time may pass but we think of Zach constantly and the inspiration he was to us all. You are all in our hearts and prayers. Di Conway

Dianne Conway <con5way@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS 66215 - Sunday, March 27, 2005 8:07 PM CST
Dearest Zach, This will be my last visit to your website. You don't need earthly communication systems anymore. I love the picture that is on your page -- with the sunshine beaming off your smile -- and now your face radiates "Sonshine". Please tell Jeremy I love him. I'll see you when we all get together one day in the presence of our Heavenly Father. . . the God of all Comfort.
Bye for now --

Mrs. Raynes

Jeannette Raynes <plaidraynbowj@yahoo.com>
Kansas City, KS USA - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 7:39 AM CST
My sister-in-law, Janet Leitterman, just told me today of Zach's passing. It was actually me who first told her about Zach having Leukemia after I had heard of his plight from my friend George in KC. After my neice's passing, I thought and said a prayer for you all often but could never bring myself to check the website. Somehow, I think I knew that maybe God had taken him home, too, and I couldn't stand thinking of another family losing a child. I read your last note and thought how angry I was at God when our little Brooke passed away. In time, I have come to be thankful that we had her as long as we did. I will forever see her dancing last September at her Uncle Travis's wedding. I think God gave us a miracle cure last July when we all believed that her Leukemia was gone because there were no blasts in the blood tests after her last transplant. Sadly, it was a cure that lasted only long enough for her to see her favorite Uncle Travis marry the love of his life! It was truly a miracle that Brooke was well enough to out-dance us all at the wedding. While I'm still sad when I think of how much my family & I miss Brooke, I think it was my 13 year old who said it best and helped me to find my way again to faith. Gina said shortly after the funeral "Mom, don't be so sad. I'm NOT going to cry anymore about Brooke because I know she's happy and dancing in heaven. She's well now and doesn't hurt anymore. Best of all, she gets to spend Christmas with Jesus and someday we'll get to share our birthday's with Him!" You see, my 13 year old daughter shares the same birthday as Brooke--just 2 years apart. (March 13th) I pray that you, too, will find the faith of a child.
Signed with love & prayers from Brooke's Aunt Dee

Dee Ann McKinney <Ddeemac1952@AOL.com>
Jefferson City, MO USA - Monday, March 7, 2005 11:09 AM CST
Just wanted you to know that my heart goes out to you and your family. We lost my Granddaughter Brooke on 11/23/2004 with the same AML that Zach had. I was her primary caretaker for the last 2 1/2 years of her life and she was so strong and such an inspiration to all of us. I wonder why these beautiful kids have to go through such a cruel disease but I know that all our questions will be answered someday when we join them in Heaven. I am getting better but sometimes the loss overwhelms me still and I know it will continue to do so for a long, long time, probably for the rest of my life. I know that God grieves along with us--after all, he sent his only son to us, knowing that we would torture, crucify and kill him. I wonder if any of us grasp that concept completely--would we have had children if any of us knew that we would have to watch them suffer and die before us? I don't think we would, so mankind would end. We do have the assurance that we will see our sweet children in heaven when we will never have to say goodbye again.

God bless you and your family as you struggle to get through your grief and make some sense of it. Remember that Zach would want you to live life to the fullest and enjoy all the things he enjoyed to the best of your ability. He is as close as your thoughts of him, which I know are with you all the time. Love, peace and prayers, Grandma Janet (Brooke Leitterman's grandma) Brooke was also 11-- she would have been 12 on 3/13/2005, this coming Sunday.

Janet Leitterman <j.leitterman@mchsi.com>
Cameron, MO USA - Monday, March 7, 2005 9:34 AM CST
Bless you dear parents of Zach. I have kept up with Zach through Dee Jo Miller's website about Hannah. Dee Jo and my son grew up together and her parents were our dearest friends. As a 7th grade teacher, mother of four, and grandmother of 10, tears come to my eyes at the beauty of that little boy and ...I pray that God blesses you with a quiet peace until you and Zach are back together again someday. Your strength gives courage even to strangers like me. Lovingly, Judy Miller
Judith Miller <jnewhardmiller@michianawireless.com>
South Bend, IN USA - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 7:50 PM CST
Hi, my name is Stacy and I am a friend of the Lawson's. I have never posted on your website, but I have kept up with you on your journey through this website and through the Lawsons. I am so sorry for the loss of your son. I have been very touched by your postings. I have an 18 month old son and my heart aches for you and your family. Your experience has touched my life and made me appreciate the time I have with my little boy in a way that I never had before. My son and I said a prayer for you today that God would begin to mend your broken hearts. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.
In Christ,
Stacy Clark

Stacy Clark <lsclarkpt@yahoo.com>
Grove, OK - Sunday, February 27, 2005 1:37 PM CST
Sara - it was good to share some time with you and Dee Jo. I am so thankful to have gotten to know you. You are truely an inspiration to me. Continue to take one day at at time. I think of you and your family more than you know. We'll talk soon. Sherri
Sherri Weeks and familiy <http://home@comcast.net//~the4weeks >
- Saturday, February 26, 2005 11:40 AM CST
Hi, my name is Julie Buchanan and I am a friend of the Lawson's. I have posted once or twice that I was keeping you in my prayers. I have never met you and probably never will but I have been very touched by your postings. I have an 11 year old son and my heart aches for you and your family. Your experience has touched me personally and made me realize that we should be thankful for each and everyday. There is a song on KOBC aboutif home is where the heart is then I am in the wrong place and about being so homesick now after loosing a loved one and I think of you each time I hear it. I pray that eventually your pain will be replaced with happiness and joy again. I will continue to pray that you will have healing and understanding with each and everyday. God Bless!


Julie Buchanan <jbstampinup@junct.com>
Welch, OK - Wednesday, February 23, 2005 12:16 AM CST
Zach has a very special place in my heart and I pray for you to get through these days. Perhaps God needed someone creative to put the blue in the sky, the green in the trees, the sun shining brightly, and the beautiful fall colors. I am in awe of your strength - Zach lives on in many hearts because you shared with us. Thank You!
JoAnn McCormack <jmccormack@ceressenior.com>
Mission, KS USA - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 9:12 AM CST
Thank you for the update on your family. We think of you offen. May God give you the strength you need at this time. You are in our prayers.
Jeff, Penny, Emily and Christopher Wood <pwood@zouire.com>
Pittsburg, KS USA - Friday, February 18, 2005 2:24 PM CST
My name is Christina. I am recieving treatment at Children's Mercy right now, and I had met Zach a couple of times. I just wanted to say that Zach was an great kid, and he put up an awesome fight!
Christina Mohr <lilsweetiepie697@yahoo.com>
Lawrence, KS U.S. - Friday, February 11, 2005 5:48 PM CST
Thinking about Zach and each of you not just today but everyday. We pray for your healing, peace and comfort. Know that you are loved so very very much! You are such a special family. Each one of us is so blessed to have gotten to know your family. May God continue to give you the daily strength you need. Sending you all our love....
Kelly, Ronda, Sylvia, Ellie Rose Lawson <krselawson@yahoo.com>
Baxter Springs, KS USA - Thursday, February 10, 2005 1:18 PM CST
My name is Shelby, Hannah Miller is my best friend, and I learned about Zach that way. I didn't read his updates until today, (I read the journal history), but Hannah did that for me and told me everything. I was heartbroken to hear he had passed away, and I'm very sorry. He was an awesome person, and just think about how much strength he had to carry on through. Wow, thats amazing. I'm deeply sorry, and may God watch over your family.

ShelbyLyn VanHoose <fluffball960@yahoo.com>
Coral Springs, Fl USA - Monday, February 7, 2005 7:12 PM CST
Dear Sara, I miss Zack too, as well as all the wonderful simling faces of his family and friends. Although my role in Zack's care was not as hands-on, I was so intrigued by such a masterfully creative young boy. I feel very lucky to have met Zack and you, Sara. I was tickled to see a cartoon that Zack drew and have a copy over my desk at the hospital- remembering Zack every day! Love and prayers, Jamie Wilkins (CMH dietitian)
Jamie Wilkins <jwilkins@cmh.edu>
Platte City, MO - Friday, February 4, 2005 10:05 PM CST
Hi Marion family--I have gotten to know one of your friends, Beverly Godwin, as I am an individual that has held several marrow drives--I briefly stopped by the one that was held for Zach. I just wanted you to know that you all are in my prayers and my heart aches for you. One of our dearest friends lost their 12 yr old daughter several years ago--they still ask "why." I still haven't come up with anything "wise" to say to them, and I'm at a loss of words for your family as well. But just wanted to encourage you all to lean on God. Like you said in the journal, it's ok to be angry with God. But ultimately, He has a plan, but with our "humaness" we really can't understand it. But that's why we need to have faith and someday we will get the answers. Until then, please know that I will be praying for you, thinking of you, and when I'm doing my next marrow drives, (actually next Mon & Tues Feb 7 & 8) Zach will be in my heart, motivating me to tell others how they can possibly help save lives and save some of this type of pain for other families.....
Blessings to each of you! Stacy

Stacy Stuerke <stacy_stuerke@merck.com>
OP, KS - Thursday, February 3, 2005 11:17 AM CST
What a beautiful entry to the website! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. Please know that you and Bill and Nathan continue to be in our prayers. I can't comprehend how badly your heart must hurt, but I will consistently ask God to comfort you. I thank God that nothing can separate us from His love. May His love fill you with peace and comfort.

Kathleen Miller <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Wednesday, February 2, 2005 4:16 PM CST
Sara, I know how hard it was for you to do this last update, but hope it helped you to express it. We miss him so much and tonight Kevin visited Troop 256 and he was the person I thought of. Though our grief is hard, we can't begin to compare it to yours. You know we love you all and think of you daily and pray for comfort and peace.
Dianne Conway <con5way@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, ks - Tuesday, February 1, 2005 10:54 PM CST
Dear Marion Family,
Our pride is in you...Our prayers go with you! May God give you the strength you need to endure the loss of your precious Zach.Blessings..Ryan's Grammie Kathi

kathijacobs <kathijacobs@kc.rr.com>
overlandpark, ks - Tuesday, February 1, 2005 10:19 PM CST
Dear Marion Family- You are always in our thoughts and prayers. We wish for you healing and peace in this new phase of life. Zach will be forever in our hearts.
The Meara Family- Tracey, Brian, Lauren and Elise <btmeara@kc.rr.com>
Leawood, KS USA - Tuesday, February 1, 2005 10:23 AM CST
Your family has been in my daily prayers and will be for
awhile to come. I think about Zach alot and his wonderful
~Katie(night RN)

Katie Yardley <kt_lildrago@yahoo.com>
Overlan Park, KS - Monday, January 31, 2005 11:58 PM CST
Hello! We have been cheking Zachs web-page atleast every other day! We loved seeing the new pictures,and Sara it was good to hear from you.When I see Sam and his Mother I always ask about you. We think of you all often and think of Zack as well. Jared and I still pray for you all and Jared says Zach is another one of his Angels. Also, I do not know if you new or not but Jared did a movie drive in Memory of Zach and T.J.He did very well. Some movies went to Childrens Mercy and some are going to children with cancer at K.U. Please Take Care! God Bless!
Cyndi & son Jared Peters <cyndi730@hotmail.com>
St. Joseph, Mo. - Monday, January 31, 2005 6:36 PM CST
Sara and Bill,

I am also still in shock and disbelief. It's so hard to understand, and I guess we're not meant to. At least not yet. However, Zach is still in my heart, and always will be. Everyone he touched carries a piece of him wherever they go. We were so fortunate to have known him! I pray for peace in your hearts. - Jeff

Jeff Smith <jeff@jayhawkwireless.com>
Bonner Springs, KS USA - Monday, January 31, 2005 8:59 AM CST
Dear Marion's:
My thoughts and prayers are still going strong for all of you! I think about Zach a lot and really miss his personality and bright smile. Please know that all of us on 4 Henson send our love!
~Mindy (night CA)

Mindy Townsend <mindyjotown@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, January 30, 2005 10:57 PM CST
Bill, Sara and Nathan,
I am so sorry. Your family has been in my thoughts since I heard the sad news. My hope for you now is to hold on to what has made you all such a special family.

Bill and Sara, you must be so proud. What wonderful people you have loved and coached and nurtured. When your boys are around they light things up, and that is how I will remember Zach. That is a gift Nathan has too.

Kim Hudson <khudson20@hotmail.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 4:06 PM CST
My thoughts are with your family during this difficult time.
Kansas City, MO USA - Wednesday, January 12, 2005 8:52 AM CST
Dear Marions,
Though I have not met you, Zach's story and the story of your family's strength, has touched me in so many ways. I often think of you and pray for peace in your hearts, as I know Zach is happy and free and an angel among us.

God Bless You, and know thoughts and prayers are still encompassing you.

Rachel Cooksey <rachcooks@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Sunday, January 9, 2005 3:55 AM CST
Canon Of Saint Paul's Cathedral
By: Henry Scott-Holland (1847-1918)

Death Is Nothing At All

I Have Only Slipped Away Into The Next Room

I Am I And You Are You

Whatever We Were To Each Other

That We Are Still

Call Me By My Old Familiar Name

Speak To Me In The Easy Way You Always Used

Put No Difference Into Your Tone

Wear No Forced Air Of Solemnity Or Sorrow

Laugh As We Always Laughed

At The Little Jokes We Always Enjoyed Together

Play, Smile, Think Of Me, Pray For Me

Let My Name Be Ever The Household Word That It Always Was

Let It Be Spoken Without Effect

Without The Ghost Of A Shadow In It

Life Means All That It Ever Meant

It Is The Same As It Ever Was

There Is Absolute Unbroken Continuity

What Is Death But A Negligible Accident?

Why Should I Be Out Of Mind

Because I Am Out Of Sight?

I Am Waiting For You For An Interval

Somewhere Very Near

Just Around The Corner

All Is Well.

Nothing Is Past; Nothing Is Lost

One Brief Moment And All Will Be As It Was Before

- Only Better, Infinitely Happier And Forever -

We Will All Be One Together With Christ.

From Our Hearts 2 U 3

Nick's Other Parents :) <dentech2@prodigy.net>
Mt Vernon, Iowa - Friday, January 7, 2005 1:23 AM CST
You are in our thoughts and prayers. Another beautiful angel in Heaven in the arms of Jesus.
Cean <jcaewilson@cableone.net>
Miami, Ok USA - Thursday, January 6, 2005 8:51 PM CST
Marion family,
I am a friend of the Lawsons and have been ocassionally checking your page. I just wanted to let you know that even those who have never met you are keeping you in their thoughts and prayers. I hope with each day you have healing and continue to allow Christ to "carry" you through this time.

Praying for you,
Julie Buchanan

Julie Buchanan <jbstampinup@junct.com>
Welch, OK - Wednesday, January 5, 2005 5:59 PM CST
Thinking of all of you every day and know that just getting through one day at a time is a challenge right now, but God is Faithful and will continue to help you through. The saying I keep in my planner and look at frequently is "If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it" In my prayers daily.
Dianne Conway <con5way@everestkc.net>
lenexa, ks - Tuesday, January 4, 2005 8:54 PM CST
Hi Bill, Sara, and Nathan,
I still have to check in to see how everyone is doing! Heard that Nathan had a good Christmas presents. Hope everything is going okay. Jeff is working on your project very hard. It is looking every nice. He is doing a great job on it. Hope you are keeping busy. Think of everyone knowing that Zach is watching over all of us.
My prayers are coming to help comfort everyone broken hearts. LOVE Deb XOXOXO to everyone.

Deb Sindelar <dlsinde2@rockwellcollins.com>
Cedsr Rapids, IA - Tuesday, January 4, 2005 9:58 AM CST
Dear Marion Family,
It is human nature to want to give words of comfort and understanding but unfortunately in our humaness we either say the wrong things or we say nothing at all. I cannot imagine what you are going through. I cannot say to you that "I understand" because I don't. I cannot say to you that "I know" because I don't. I have no words that could possibly comfort you. Only God Almighty can do that. But our family can pray for you and we are. If that is any possible comfort to you then that is what we can give. We do so willingly and with faith in Jesus.
Kate Dolan for the Dolan family.

The Dolan Family (Kate, Pat, Clare & Kyle) <katelovesred@hotmail.com>
Overland Park, Kansas USA - Monday, January 3, 2005 5:53 AM CST
Hi there Marion's,
Even though your 'HAPPY' isn't so Happy right now, we wanted to wish you all a 'Happy New Year' in hopes that 2005 brings you the strength you need to guide you to that Happy place again! We think of you all the time and truely felt Zach's presence in all the Magic at Disney. He had to have been there, watching over that incredible band from SMS. We love you guys and thanks so much for your lovely note. Good luck at school tommorrow Nathan, we'll be thinking of you. Love, hugs and MUSHY kisses, Lin John James & Alex xxx

The Fennell's <Fennells@sbcglobal.com>
OP, KS USA - Sunday, January 2, 2005 8:21 PM CST
Dear Sara, Bill and Nathan -- I was so hoping that your family would not have to experience this overwhelming pain.

Our son, Jeremy, died when he was 16. I've asked the Lord to tell Jeremy to watch for Zach. He is a trombone player and has a great sense of humor, like Zach.

Heaven is definitely an even funner place now and we are temporarily poorer for the loss here on earth of your sweet, sunny, gentle son.

Jeannette Raynes

Jeannette Raynes <plaidraynbowj@yahoo.com>
Kansas City, KS USA - Tuesday, December 28, 2004 11:07 AM CST
Thinking about you today and everyday. "Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint, lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been by refuge, a strong tower against the foe. I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings." Psalm 61 We love you guys, and continue to lift your family up in prayer.
Ronda Lawson and family <krselawsn@yahoo.com>
Baxter Springs, KS USA - Tuesday, December 28, 2004 10:59 AM CST
Bill and Sara,
I think of your family often and will continue to pray that each day gets a little easier to bear your loss. Zach will never really be gone in your hearts.

Sorry for your loss.

The Mohrs

Anne Mohr <anneopks@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, December 28, 2004 9:58 AM CST
Bill, Sara and Nathan
I am so sorry to hear of your loss, and although you are heartbroken now, in time you will look back at the good times you had with Zach and will stop, remember and smile about it. Zach will ALWAYS be watching over you. He is in good hands now...

Sue Pataray-Hughes <rsughes612@cox.net>
Avondale, AZ USA - Monday, December 27, 2004 6:51 PM CST
Bill, Sara and Nathan,
I cannot find the words to express to you just how special Zach and your wonderful family is to every single person on 4 Henson. I thought of all of you so much on Christmas. Zach is no longer in pain and he is looking down on every single one of us...that is probably the best Christmas present of all. We're thinking of you.
Your night CA,

Amanda Coldwell <angel_girl81@hotmail.com>
Kansas City, MO - Monday, December 27, 2004 4:54 AM CST
He Only Takes The Best

God watched you as you suffered and knew you had your share.
He gently closed your weary eyes and took you in his care.

Your memory is our keepsake, with that we will never part.
God has you in his keeping, we have you in our hearts.

Nothing could be more beautiful than the memories we have of you.
To us you were someone special. God must have thought so too.

All our lives we shall miss you, as the years come and go,
but in our hearts you will live forever because we love you so.

God saw you were getting tired, and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around you and whispered "Come with me"

With tearful eyes we watched you suffer and slowly fade away.
Although we loved you dearly, you were not meant to stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, hard-working hands to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the best!

Thinking of you....The Fennells

Lin, John, James & Alex <Fennells@sbcglobal.net>
OP, KS USA - Sunday, December 26, 2004 1:43 PM CST
Bill, Sara, and Nathan:
As I sit here on Christmas Eve most of my thoughts are about Zach and your family. I know this holiday season will be difficult but I hope and pray that you find ways to remember Zach and enjoy the time with Nathan. Know as I celebrate the holiday your family are in my thoughts and my holiday is not the same this year. The Marions have touched my life and I am so grateful for each and everyone one of you. Every smile and laugh in Payton is cherished. I know that time is so precious and I value every moment with her. The patients that I tend to fall in love with have the great parents to go along with them. I know that I will continue to have you in my life and for that it helps keep Zach alive in my heart. I wish you nothing but peace and comfort this holiday. All of you are amazing and Zach is smiling down. I love you all dearly.

Amy Diggs-day nurse <diggsley@yahoo.com>
Overland Park, KS - Friday, December 24, 2004 6:37 PM CST
Bill, Sara, and Nathan, My heart goes out to all you all during this time of loss. May the Lord comfort you with His peace and the knowledge that Zach is now resting with Him. In Christ love, Pam
Pam Bower <pambower@cox.net>
Salina, KS - Friday, December 24, 2004 7:29 AM CST
Hey everyone, NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!

The Dough boy (ZACH), Budda and The Fat Man are starting a comedy troop.

In order to play you must do the following:
#1 laugh and laugh alot!
#2 laugh some more, and out loud!
#3 laugh and bare your cheeks (the why Zach does) Shine on Harvest Moon! (')
and #4 Revert to all of the above!

Thanks for the great time! enjoy your holiday!



richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
overland park, ks us of a - Thursday, December 23, 2004 10:34 PM CST
We are praying for strength, peace, and comfort for your entire family. Zach has made a lasting impression on so many people. His character and personality that touched so many lives is a direct reflection of his parents. Sara, if you wouldn't mind emailing me your home address I'd appreciate it.
Ronda and family <krselawson@yahoo.com>
Baxter Springs, KS USA - Thursday, December 23, 2004 9:14 AM CST
Bill, Sara, and Nathan~ Please know I'm continuing to pray for you. Zach truly touched my life and inspired me with his sense of humor and wonderful personality. Thank you for sharing him and your lives with me. Love, Wendy
Wendy McClellan <wendysue03@hotmail.com>
Lenexa, Ks USA - Thursday, December 23, 2004 7:34 AM CST
To the Marion's
We are new members to Knox and did not get a chance to meet Zach in person. However, what a beautiful celebration of his life on Tuesday. Our family now knows Zach and we appreciate him. As parents, Zach has made us appreciate our kids even more and so we thank Zach for that. We prayed everyday at 10:40am for him and there wasn't a day that we missed. We will continue to pray for you all at 10:40am for healing and comfort. Sincerely, The Stupp's

Craig, Agnes, Kyle, and Rachel Stupp <cakrstupp@sbcglobal.net>
Olathe, KS USA - Wednesday, December 22, 2004 9:18 AM CST
Sara and Family;

While I did not know Zach, the pictures, journal entries, and stories about Zach show what an amazing boy he was, and how much he was loved. Sara, you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Sincerely, Laurel Nicholson

Laurel Nicholson
Chicago, IL USA - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 5:11 PM CST
Sara and Bill, I am glad you are keeping the website up a while longer. What a beautiful celebration this morning! Zach's love and laughter touched so many lives. My heart continues to hurt and can't even grasp your pain. We will keep you in our prayers. May God grant you peace and enfold you with HIs love. Kathleen Miller
Kathleen Miller <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Tuesday, December 21, 2004 4:22 PM CST
I'm a friend of Karen Haffey, and have followed Zach's progress through the journal and prayed for Zach and your family. I cannot tell you how sad I am on reading of Zach's passing. As a nurse, I understand the medical challenges you have faced, as a mother I can only imagine the tremendous pain you must feel. I know Zach is in a far better place, with God comforting him. I will continue to pray for your family.
Susan O'Neil <mmikeo@sprintmail.com>
Leawood, KS 66209 - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 10:03 AM CST
I have heard about Zach from Deejo Miller and following Hannah's web page. I wanted to tell you how sad I am to hear of his passing. Deejo mentioned him often and asked for all our prayers. Your family has been, and will continue to be, in my prayers. I wish comfort for you from your family, friends and faith. I do believe Zach is a beautiful angel watching over you and will always be with you! May God bless you during this difficult time and help you find peace.

Cathy Jackson <cjackson626@yahoo.com>
Overland Park, KS - Monday, December 20, 2004 9:40 PM CST
May you have peace in knowing that he is truly an angel now. And is running around in heaven feeling completely healed and smiling as he did in this photo. I never knew your family, but I am a friend of Christopher Woods family. I lost my mother recently after her battle with a long term illness and as painful as that was, I'm sure it in no way compares to the loss of a child. I will be praying for peace for you and your entire family. As you begin to heal, remember the good times.
Sharise Vaughn <svaughn@zouire.com>
- Monday, December 20, 2004 10:38 AM CST
Bill, Sara & Nathan
You have touched our lives and we continue to pray that the Lord comfort and strengthen you at this sad time. Zac truly let the Lord shine through him and we are blessed to have shared a moment in his life. We are here for you if there is anything you need.
With Love and Prayers, The Odum's

Trina, Dennis, Daniel, Elaine, James, Eric & Josh Odum <tjodum@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Monday, December 20, 2004 7:52 AM CST
Marions-I am really very sorry for your loss. Nathan-it was so good to see you tonight at the youth party.Our whole family has been praying for you and we will continue it.
Rachel Hawkins <hawkinssw@yahoo.com>
Lenexa, KS USA - Sunday, December 19, 2004 11:08 PM CST
I am Debi Bazzel's mom. I am so very, very sorry for you. Our daughter, Debi's sister, died in a car accident when she was 19. Of course I do not know your pain, but I do feel for you as only a parent who has lost a child can. I would be glad to keep in touch with you. Kathy Borck
Kathy Borck <realkatgirl@aol.com>
Larned, KS - Sunday, December 19, 2004 2:59 PM CST
Our hearts go out to your whole family. We will be there on Monday and Tuesday to celebrate Zach's life. God be with you. Our church is our family and you are our family and we love you. Love, Tim and Barb Brown
Tim and Barb Brown <tiba@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, Ks Johnson - Saturday, December 18, 2004 11:24 PM CST
We are heartbroken to hear this news. Kayla and I are so sorry, and our prayers and thoughts are with you.
Jenny & Kayla Schranz <jen9399@sbcglobal.net>
Mission Viejo, CA USA - Saturday, December 18, 2004 10:53 PM CST
Dear Marion Family, I didn't know Zach, but I have prayed for him and for you along with your Knox church family over these past months. In yesterday's passage in the Advent reflection booklet, the thoughts were about loss...may this great loss in your life lead you closer to the Lord into His healing and hope. And may it comfort you to know that Zachary is safe in the arms of Jesus, who has such a heart for children.
Joan Brown, Knox member
- Saturday, December 18, 2004 6:01 PM CST
I have such a sweet memory of Zachary etched forever in my mind. He and Lauren were doing little bead pictures in the Playroom, and when he realized that blue is Lauren's favorite color, he quietly would slide each blue bead over to her (even though Sarah needed them for her own picture!). Such a simple, yet thoughtful, gesture which represented Zach's true nature. What a special gift to the world he is. Our hearts are with you always.
The Meara Family- Tracey, Brian, Lauren and Elise <btmeara@kc.rr.com>
Leawood, KS - Saturday, December 18, 2004 2:34 PM CST
Dear Marion Family,
Your family is so special to us. I'll never forget the first "late night" we met when your nurse brought you to Ellie's room for us to meet. It's very difficult to understand this cancer journey ...................We'll have a list of questions to work through with our Lord and Savior someday. Know that we're praying endlessly for your strength, comfort and peace right now. Zach is now resting in the arms of the Lord........a place were cancer and heartache doesn't exist. We love you guys! Your family has been etched on our hearts forever.

The Lawsons' <krselawson@yahoo.com>
Baxter Springs , KS USA - Saturday, December 18, 2004 10:12 AM CST
I am truly sorry and our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!
Lisa Hill Greater KC Mothers of Twins Club President <lisahill@kc.rr.com>
Lee's Summit, Mo USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 11:01 PM CST
Dear Sara, Bill and Nathan: We are all so blessed the Lord shared your Zach with us. Nathan Nicholas sends his love.
God Keep You--Lindsey and Nicholas Roeder

Lindsey and Nick Roeder <LRoeder@hotmail.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 9:30 PM CST
I can't even imagine what it is like to lose a child. I have been following the case because I work at the insurance company and heard about Zach and this website, which was done very nicely. I hope if I was ever in this situation I would be able to do the same thing. I have been checking it a lot and was very sad when I found out that Zach had past. I only wish I knew what to say. He is such a handsome little guy. He made me smile.. esp the picture of him in the dress..that was great..hahaha!! :) I know Zach is in a wonderful place right now and some day you will all be together again. Until then you have a wonderful angel watching over you. And just remember to keep those memories of Zach alive. I will continue to pray for you all!!!! You are all in my thoughts.
Christa with Wausau Benefits <cuzzyp@hotmail.com>
Schofield, WI USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 8:22 PM CST
God saw that he was getting tired
And the cure was not to be,
So He put His arms around him
And whispered, "Come with Me."

With tearful eyes we watched him suffer
And saw him fade away.
Although we loved him dearly,
We could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating,
Busy little hands to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us,
He only takes the best.

It's lonesome here without you
We miss you so each day,
Our lives aren't the same
Since you went away.

When days are sad and lonely,
And everything goes wrong,
We seem to hear you whisper,
"Cheer up and carry on."

Each time we see your picture,
You seem to smile and say,
"Don't cry, I'm in God's keeping,
We'll meet again someday."

Rhonda Braswell

Allan Cooksey <pappaworm@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 7:05 PM CST
Your sons are an amazing bright light. Thank you
for letting me have the opportunity to share in
your lives. 4Henson, and its people, will never be
the same. Bless you,

Laura L, 4Henson <llocke@hotmail.com>
KC, MO USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 5:35 PM CST
Zach is now in a place with no pain and much relief. He will forever be young and handsome. God calls only the best first. Please know that we will continue to pray for your family in this time of sorrow. May your family find peace during this time.
The Wood Family....Jeff, Penny, Emily and Christopher Wood <pwood@zouire.com>
Pittsburg, KS USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 3:27 PM CST
Words cannot express the sorrow we feel. Zach and your family have been in our prayers for months.
God gives us two great gifts in life - one, if we are lucky enough, is the precious gift of a child and, the second is love.
Zachs' life was a precious gift to all who knew him. He has touched so many lives and he will be remembered by everyone with nothing but love.
Please know your family will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Keith, Sandee & Nicole Jamour

Sandee Jamour <sandeejamour@yahoo.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 2:44 PM CST
Bill, Sarah, Nathan, Marion Family,
I found this and thought you might like it.

The mention of my child's name
may bring tears to my eyes,
But it never fails to bring
music to my ears.
If you are really my friend,
Let me hear the beautiful music of his name.
It soothes my broken heart, and sings to my soul.

Zach is an eternal gift, and on this earth lives his legacy of eternal love.

Marla Harris <MarlaHarris@smsd.org>
Shawnee, ks usa - Friday, December 17, 2004 1:43 PM CST
Bill, Sarah, and Nathon It's so hard to say how heavy our hearts are for you, but I know you know that. With all the beautiful words, and prayers, that so many people have shared with you, and Zach, just proves over and over again how special Zach was to all who knew him and what a tribute to such a loving family and friends. You have been in our thoughts and prayers continously and will remain in our hearts as well. Randy, Janet, and Sam
Randy, Janet, and Sam Stephens <rlstephens68@juno.com>
OP, KS - Friday, December 17, 2004 12:52 AM CST
Dear Sara, Bill, and Nathan,

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I will continue to pray for Zach and your family. Your family has been an inspiration for me and my family. We have Carlie who also has AML. We will be thinking of all you often. God bless all of you.

Jennifer, Chris, Rachael, and Carlie Stallbaumer <stllbmrjnnfr@yahoo.com>
Paola, KS MIAMI - Friday, December 17, 2004 12:49 AM CST
I am a tiny angel
I'm smaller than your thumb;
I live in peoples' pockets
That's where I have my fun.

I don't suppose you've seen me,
I'm too tiny to detect;
Although I'm with you all the time,
I doubt we've ever met.

Now God has many angels that He trains in angel pools,
We become His eyes, ears and hands.
We become His special tools.

And because God is so busy,
With way too much to do;
He said that my assignment
Is to keep close watch on you.

When He tucked me in your pocket,
He blessed you with angel care;
Then told me to never leave you,
And I vowed always to be there.

I’m sure Zach is now one of God’s tiny angels watching over you. We will keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

Karen and Duane Butts <kmbutts@terracon.com>
Olathe, KS - Friday, December 17, 2004 11:43 AM CST
I am writing an essay about your son for my english assignment. i attend westrige middle school
grace carson ( mrs. carson's daughter.) <jacarson@everestkc.nte>
overland park, ks usa - Friday, December 17, 2004 11:02 AM CST
There is a new star in the Christmas sky.
Bradley Crabb <bbsrk@msn.com>
- Friday, December 17, 2004 10:01 AM CST

I’ll lend you for a little while,
this child of mine, He said.
For you to love the while he lives
and mourn for when he’s dead.
It may be six or seven years,
or forty-two or three
But will you, till I call him back
Take care of him for Me?
He’ll bring his charm to gladden you
And should his stay be brief,
You’ll have his lovely memories,
As solace for your grief.
I cannot promise he will stay,
Since all from earth must return,
But there are lessons to be taught down there
I want this child to learn.
I’ve looked the whole world over
In search of teachers true,
And from the throngs that crowd life’s lanes,
I have selected you.
Now will you give him all your love,
Nor think the labour vain
Nor hate Me when I come
To call him back again.
He heard Me say
“Dear Lord, Thy will be done”
For all the joy this child shall bring
The risk of grief we’ll run.
We’ll shelter him with tenderness
We’ll love him while we may,
And for all the happiness we’ve known,
Forever grateful stay.
But, if the angels call for him
Much sooner than we’ve planned,
We’ll brave the bitter grief that comes
And try and understand.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Marion Family

Bob, Pam, John and Jeff Clark <rjcpdc@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, Ks USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 7:58 AM CST
Marion Family- I ust wanted to let you know you all have been in my prayers.
Brenda Fuentez <boobear70@everestkc.net>
overland Park , Ks - Friday, December 17, 2004 7:40 AM CST
Sara, I want you to know my thoughts and prayers are with your family.
Karlena Kuder
Las Vegas, NV USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 7:12 AM CST
Zach was such an inspiration to everyone. He had all of the qualities that all of us will strive to achieve and maintain for the rest of our lives...he was courageous, intelligent, strong, honest, funny, loving, and brave. I feel so lucky to know that he has touched my life in so many ways. I will miss him so much and will always have my sweet memories of him, as I'm sure everyone else feels the same way I do. Zach was such a wonderful person and he was so lucky to have so many people to surround him with love. Bill & Sara: I know it's going to be so hard to not have your sweet boy with you, but just remember that he will live on with us always. Zach touched so many lives, and he will continue to forever. He is my hero. Thank you for allowing me to take care of your son. I feel so lucky to know that I have been a part of his and your lives. 4 Henson loves you all so much. You are in our thoughts and prayers now and forever!!!! God bless.
Your night care assistand,
Amanda :)

Amanda Coldwell <angel_girl81@hotmail.com>
Kansas City, MO USA - Friday, December 17, 2004 5:14 AM CST
My name is Sarah, Hannah's aunt, and I am so very sorry to hear about Zach. My thoughts and prayers go out to you all.
Sarah Miller <millerlastof8@yahoo.com>
Newton, MA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 10:29 PM CST
Sara, Bill, and Nathan - Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time. My heart dropped when I heard about Zach. My family followed his treatments
through the CaringBridge website, in addition to using it for my daughter Sydney, who is also being treated for AML. We thought it appropriate to make a
donation to CaringBridge in memory of Zach.

Reif Family - Mike, Stacey, Briana & Sydney <mbreif@terracon.com>
Omaha, NE US - Thursday, December 16, 2004 10:26 PM CST
Marion family-Our thoughts were with your family from the day we heard about it. You have many people here to support you. Zach will always guard over you. With Deep sympathy.
Ritter family- Phyllis, Gerald, Amanda and Erin <peritter@everestkc.net>
Shawnee, KS USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 9:04 PM CST
Nathan, Sara, and Bill, My thoughts and prayers are with you all during this difficult time. Valerie Fernandez and Family
Valerie Fernandez <valval_74@yahoo.com>
Olathe, KS US - Thursday, December 16, 2004 8:54 PM CST
Nathan, Sara, and Bill, My thoughts and prayers are with you all during this difficult time. Valerie Fernandez and Family
Valerie Fernandez <valval_74@yahoo.com>
Olathe, KS US - Thursday, December 16, 2004 8:54 PM CST
Marion Family, I with all of my heart am so sorry! I will never forget his smile and the smiles he brought to all of us! May God Bless You!
Cyndi & Jared Peters <cyndi730@hotmail.com>
St. Joseph, Mo. - Thursday, December 16, 2004 6:32 PM CST
Hi marion family, I am sorry for your loss. Zach was always a joy in class.
sarah Mcdonald <smac@everestkc.net>
overland park, ks united states - Thursday, December 16, 2004 6:16 PM CST
May the God of Peace grant you the peace that surpasses all understanding. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers.Words can't express how our heart hurts for you. We rejoice that Zach is free of pain and with his Heavenly Father. Please know how much we love and care for your family.
The Millers

The Miller family - Scott, Kathleen, Marshall and Kelsey <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Thursday, December 16, 2004 5:52 PM CST
Sara, Bill and Nathan-I cannot begin to express my sorrow, I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing Zach and your family with us, I am truly blessed to have known you all. I will continue to pray for you as I have prayed for months. I will miss seeing you at work everyday, but I know Zach will be with us. May God be with you always.

Kara H. 4 Henson Nurse <karawalsh2@yahoo.com>
Kansas City, MO - Thursday, December 16, 2004 5:20 PM CST
Your family will be in our prayers zach was a great kid
and a real joy to be around.

Anastasia Herrera (Zac Herreras mom) <zolingo@sbcglobal.net>
overland park, ks johnson - Thursday, December 16, 2004 5:12 PM CST
Sara, Bill, and Nathan.
Zach was a tough guy and the three of you provided him with such love and strength. We are all thinking of you and praying that Zach will be able to comfort you now, as he has found peace.

Jessica Hailey, Rick Krupco, and families <jrhailey@terracon.com>
Kansas City, MO USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 5:01 PM CST
Bill, Sara, and Nathan: There is no way we can begin to comprehend what you are going through, but we want you to know we are praying for all of you. We think of you constantly. Zach will be missed by many people. Todd said he was happy that Zach is now playing with his dog in heaven.
Julie, Rick, Robin & Todd Nobles <noblesj@umkc.edu>
Overland Park, KS - Thursday, December 16, 2004 4:42 PM CST
To the Marion Family:
My heart, my thoughts, and my prayers will continue to be with you.

Rachel Cooksey <rachcooks@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 4:35 PM CST
Zach touched many hearts in his special life. I know I am forever changed because I was fortunate enough to know him as a friend. His creativity, sense of humor, and strength of character will be long remembered. I am relieved to see his pain is gone, and I will cherish the time we shared. ZachZoo, the one set of footprints in the sand was the Lord carrying you.
Jeff Smith <Jeff@jayhawkwireless.com>
Bonner Springs, KS USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 4:31 PM CST
Sara, Bill, Nathan:
Our prayers and thoughts are for you and your family. May you find comfort in God's grace.

David and Julianne Svingen <dmsvingen@terracon.com>
Omaha, NE USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 4:27 PM CST
Bill, Sarah and Nathan:

Bitsy, Danny and I want you to know how sorry we are to hear about Zach's passing away. Zach was often in our thoughts and wishes. We know from your journal entries how hard he fought and how much help he received. The spirit, personality and joy that he demonstrated, in good times and in difficult times, make us feel proud to have known him. We know that all that was possible was done for him and that there was no shortage of well wishers and prayers for Zach. We all miss him and want you to know you and Zach are in our hearts.

Neil Sader <nbsader@aol.com>
Overland Park, Kansas Johnson - Thursday, December 16, 2004 3:53 PM CST
Bill, Sarah and Nathan -
Our prayers are with you all at this difficult time. God must need Zach in heaven. The prayer for you all is that you feel the warmth of God's arms surrounding you, upholding you and strengthening you. Your friends at Knox Church love you and are always here for you.
Erica Butler - Knox Church

Erica Butler <erica@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 3:25 PM CST
You are in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. May strength and peace surround you.
Leesa Whitson/McCarls
- Thursday, December 16, 2004 2:42 PM CST
Sara, Bill and Nathan. Please accept my deepest sympathy for the loss of Zach. I have prayed for his recovery but God wanted him to be with HIM. Zach is at peace and your family will find peace knowing he is with his Creator. God bless you!
Sue Pracht <ppracht@comcast.net>
Olathe, KS USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 2:35 PM CST
Dear Bill,Sara and Nathan,
After talking to you this morning I had the thought that Zach passed away so peacefully that God must have picked him up so gently to carry him home. He is being held and cradled by his Heavenly Father. Our love and prayers for you and Zach's friends. We were blessed to have you in our lives. Love, DeeJo and Hannah

DeeJo and Hannah Miller <bobdjo@kc.rr.com>
Gardner, KS USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 2:18 PM CST
Bill, Sara & Nathan:
We all continue to pray for you. God puts us on the earth to glorify Him and Zack did that daily. We are so sorry for your loss. The stars will be brighter with Zack smiling down.

The Williams Family - Corey Katie Thomas & Beth <ctkttww@everestkc.net>
Overland Park , KS USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 1:59 PM CST
To Zach's family- Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this hard time. God bless.
Nick Dinnebier <cadinneb@smsd.org>
overland park, ks - Thursday, December 16, 2004 1:54 PM CST
To The Entire Marion Family
We know that words cannot serve to soothe the hurt of your loss, but may they offer comfort to express that you and all who are dear to Zach are in our prayes at this time. The love that you shared and the memories that you have can never be taken from you. God's richest blessings until your sweet reunion.

Jeff and Bonnie Vanderpool <jvanderpool@millerstauch.com>
Blue Springs, MO USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 1:53 PM CST
Sara, Bill and Nathan,
We'll not stop our prayers and hope that peace fills your hearts.

Bryan, Sherri, Eric, Sara and Anna Watson <swatson@hntb.com>
Olathe, KS - Thursday, December 16, 2004 1:27 PM CST
"When people are tempted and still continue strong, they should be happy. After they have proved their faith, God will reward them with life forever. God promised this to all those who love him." James 1:12 Zach and your family was certainly tempted and yet you have remained strong. Praise God for his promises, Zach has received his reward this day. Our love and prayers go out to you.
Lisa Campbell <lisa@knoxchurch.org>
Olathe, Ks - Thursday, December 16, 2004 12:47 AM CST
Dear Zach,

I am so happy for you! On God's wings you will travel. We will not understand that feeling until we join you.

As alway's I'm going to laugh at this... I'm so proud of you. You are at peace! And for that I am thankful. "WE" could never make you feel that. "WE" could never comfort you the way you are now.

However "WE" miss you. Your family is a strong one! "WE" will take care of them as well. You can count on that!

While your soaring above, my little angel, stop by every now and then, let me know everything is allright.

In closing for now "GODSPEEDS" and smile down upon us!

Love Rich, Dylan, Tanner and Keenan Briggs

richard briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, k US of A - Thursday, December 16, 2004 12:40 AM CST
Dear Zach,

I am so happy for you! On God's wings you will travel. We will not understand that feeling until we join you.

As alway's I'm going to laugh at this... I'm so proud of you. You are at peace! And for that I am thankful. "WE" could never make you feel that. "WE" could never comfort you the way you are now.

However "WE" miss you. Your family is a strong one! "WE" will take care of them as well. You can count on that!

While your soaring above, my little angel, stop by every now and then, let me know everything is allright.

In closing for now "GODSPEEDS" and smile down upon us!

Love Rich, Dylan, Tanner and Keenan Briggs

richard briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, k US of A - Thursday, December 16, 2004 12:39 AM CST
There is a new angel with a beautiful spirit in heaven today.
Bill, Sara, Nathan, we're all praying for your strength.

The Contreras Family <marcia.contreras@mail.sprint.com>
OP, KS - Thursday, December 16, 2004 12:11 AM CST
Sara, Bill and Nathan,
There are no words that can express the sadness we feel for your profound loss. Please know that we continue to pray for you all.

Craig & Terry Denny <ckdenny@terracon.com>
Lenexa, KS USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 12:06 AM CST
Bill, Sara and Nathan
We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. I'm sure TJ and Zach are playing golf together again.

Mike, Michelle and Sarah White <mmstw@comcast.net>
Pleasant Hill, MO 64080 - Thursday, December 16, 2004 11:31 AM CST
Sara Bill & Nathan ~ I am profoundly sorry for your loss. You are always in our thoughts & prayers.
The Love Family - Vivian, Scott, Mason & Olivia <vivian@teamconstructionkc.com>
Overland Park, KS - Thursday, December 16, 2004 11:31 AM CST
To Zach's family.
Our deepest sympathy. Prayers for you all. Love, Ryan's Grammie Kathi and family.

kathi jacobs <kathijacobs@kc.rr.com.>
overland park, KS - Thursday, December 16, 2004 11:24 AM CST
God's Speed Zach,
Love and prayers and comfort to Bill and Sarah and Nathan.
Chris, Marla Harris

buddha <k_st8r@hotmail.com>
shawnee, ks usa - Thursday, December 16, 2004 10:54 AM CST
Marion family - we are so sorry for your loss. We continue to pray for strength and peace for your family in the difficult time ahead. While I never met Zach personally, he was clearly loved and endeared himself to many. "The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart". (Ps 34:18)
Sue & Tony Maden, Natalie Parker <smmaden@terracon.com>
Overland Park, KS - Thursday, December 16, 2004 10:49 AM CST
I am sorry for your loss. Words simply cannot describe how you must be feeling at this time. Please try and keep the faith that your son is no longer in pain or suffering. He is once again healthy and watching over you.
Kammie Meyer <klmeyer@terracon.com>
Houston, Tx USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 10:36 AM CST
We are so sorry to hear the news of Zach's passing. I received the following poem from a coworker who had received it when her dad passed away Nov 17th. I hope that in some way it may help to ease your sorrow.

My First Christmas in Heaven
I see the countless Christmas trees
around the world below
With tiny lights, like Heaven's stars,
reflecting on the snow.
The sight is so spectacular,
please wipe away the tear
For I am spending Christmas with
Jesus Christ this year.
I hear the many Christmas songs
that people hold so dear
But the sounds of music can't compare
with the Christmas choir up here.
I have no words to tell you,
the joy their voices bring,
For it is beyond description,
to hear the angels sing.
I know how much you miss me,
I see the pain inside your heart.
But I am not so far away,
We really aren't apart.
So be happy for me, dear ones,
You know I hold you dear.
And be glad I'm spending Christmas
with Jesus Christ this year.
I sent you each a special gift,
from my heavenly home above.
I sent you each a memory
of my undying love.
After all, love is a gift more precious
than pure gold.
was always most important
the stories Jesus told.
Please love and keep each other,
my Father said to do.
I can't count the blessing or love
He has for each of you.
So have a Merry Christmas and
Wipe away that tear
Remember, I am spending Christmas with
Jesus Christ this year

Kevin Almloff <kalmloff@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 10:13 AM CST
The Lord received into heaven your very special angel this morning...our continued prayers for strength and understanding go out to you.
Cris and Gordon

cris wood <cmw@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 10:02 AM CST
Dear Marion Family - Our thoughts and prayers are with you all in this sad time. Zach is in a better place and watching all of us to make sure we keep on laughing. I am so glad Sam and Zach got to be good friends in such a short time and under such tring times. You are a wonderful family and we wish you peace and strength. Sincerely, Sherri

Sherri and Mark Weeks, Sam and Dan <http://home@comcast.net//~the4weeks >
Olathe , ks usa - Thursday, December 16, 2004 9:45 AM CST
Sara, Bill, Nathan, Nick and all of your family.
No words can express at this time how much our hearts go out to you and all of us share in your sorrow. We know he is no longer in pain, and singing, joking and acting with the angels. Our prayers and love are with you.

Lenexa, KS 66215 - Thursday, December 16, 2004 9:10 AM CST
Our prayers go out to your family. We will continue to pray for you each day as you face the days ahead. Much love, Steve & Kathy Wright
Kathy WRight <klwright@terracon.com>
- Thursday, December 16, 2004 8:49 AM CST
Sara, just wanted you to know you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. We pray for you as a family at home. May God give you and Bill peace in these very tough times. I'm glad there is family there helping you. Take care.
Phil Wood <pdwood@terracon.com>
Oklahoma City, ok - Thursday, December 16, 2004 7:18 AM CST
Hello Zach and Marion Family

We are the Anthony Family and we also live in Wycliff. You are in our thoughts and prayers each day. My son Jake Anthony attends Carpenter and is in the 2nd Grade. If there is anything you need please feel free to ask. Keep your chin up and remember the LORD is watching over you.

Lindsay Anthony <lanthony@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 4:29 PM CST

How you doin! Just got a call from Santa... You know that guy that lives around the corner on Santa Rosa Street. He said things are pretty "COOL" around there.

Got just a minute so I sent you this "HELLO" So Hello!

I will see you soon!


richard briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, ks US of A - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 1:03 PM CST
Zack, Sarah, Bill, and family: I am reminded of Rom 14:8, then Heb 10:35. May He keep you all 'in perfect peace'. Our family continues to support you in our prayers.
Joe Marsh <jwmarsh@terracon.com>
Lenexa, KS - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 12:52 AM CST
hi zach how are u? Well right now i'm on the a laptop so ya. You have been missing out on alot of reports. well i have to go so c ya bye!

ps. Merry Christmas!

Brittany <bsoto9@yahoo.com>
overland park, kansas USA - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 9:29 AM CST
Hey Zach! We all miss you! We all are just sitting in the class room while the band is practicing. We all say hi and you are so lucky because you dont have to do all of the homework and reports! If you email me back please say that its from you, Zach.
Britt Burke <bmbleopard@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS US - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 9:28 AM CST
Hi Zach, my name is Howie I am Ethan and Eran Schreiner's dad,
they are here with me and want to say a big HELLO! They are in Mrs. Richter and Mr. Colemans class and think it's cool you have your own web page. Our whole family is praying for you.
Bill and Sarah, Kathy and I would like to tell you we pray that the Lord would give you strength, and that I am available as a possible donor. May God bless you in the name of Jesus.

Howie, Kathy, Evan, Ethan, and Eran <NONWO@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, ks USA - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 10:26 PM CST
Hi Zach, my name is Howie I am Ethan and Eran Schreiner's dad,
they are here with me and want to say a big HELLO! They are in Mrs. Richter and Mr. Colemans class and think it's cool you have your own web page. Our whole family is praying for you.
Bill and Sarah, Kathy and I would like to tell you we pray that the Lord would give you strength, and that I am available as a possible donor. May God bless you in the name of Jesus.

Howie, Kathy, Evan, Ethan, and Eran <NONWO@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, ks USA - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 10:26 PM CST
Hi Zach, Bill, Sara & Nathan,

I talked to Jeff last night to find out how things were going. I told him I didn't want to bother you guys but he said to bother you anyway. So here I am. I just want to let you to know that I am praying as hard as I can for all of you. Jeff has told me what a trooper Zach has been and how much Nathan has grown up (although he still has his mischevious side - thank goodness). Kevin is at a meeting in Minnesota but he will try & get in touch with you when he gets back. I think he has been afraid to call because he doesn't know what to say - I told that it doesn't matter what he says as long as he speaks from the heart. God bless you all.

Gail Kennedy <jeep339@aol.com>
Cedar Rapids, IA - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 9:06 PM CST
Hey Zach, how hope your doing good right now. My class just made chirstmas poems for you to read. I hope you enjoy them!
Tim Rodden <Bosox1407@aol.com>
Kc, Ks U.S. - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 5:41 PM CST
Hi Zach, I am an adult with Troop 256...and just wanted to let you know that I was thinking and praying for you and your family. Keep trusting in God and looking to him for healing and understanding. What your going through right now must be very difficult...but try to understand that this time is so small compared to the rest of eternity that we have to look forward to. Keep looking to God for strength and try to focus on the promises .
Manuel Gross <gross@skw-inc.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 5:05 PM CST
I am a customer service representative with Wausau Benefits, and just want to let you know my prayers are with you...
Jillian Janikowski <jmjanikowski@yahoo.com>
Wausau, WI 54401 - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 4:03 PM CST
The pictures are great. We continue to pray for Zach every night. May the Lord guide you in this journey and give you the strength you need at this time. I will pass on your prayer requests.
The Wood Family.....Jeff, Penny, Emily and Christopher <pwood@zouire.com>
Pittsburg, KS USA - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 3:33 PM CST
Hi Sara & Family...I check your website weekly & I wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year and hope it brings you all everything you wish for. We all here at Terracon think & pray for you all!

Jane Kitt

Jane Kitt <JUKitt@terracon.com>
Melvern , KS USA - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 1:28 PM CST
Hi Zach and family,
I am the school nurse at Katherine Carpenter and just wanted to let you know we think of you every day and have high hopes of complete recovery for you. Our God is an awesome God and I am praying for His grace to
dwell in each of you. Have a great day!

Sally Redlingshafer <sredlingshafer@smsd.org>
Overland Park,, KS - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 12:29 AM CST
Hi Zach, Sara, Bill and Nathan...Zach I think about you all the time. So many people check you website daily. You have so many that think and pray about you. We all love you and know how hard your fighting. I'm glad that the new meds help ease your pain. I hope your up enough to enjoy seeing Nick and Shelley.
Aunt Sue <sthomas@avalon.net>
ic, ia - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 11:45 AM CST
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa <a@aol.com>
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 8:55 AM CST
Hi Zach,

I love the Halloween pictures- you are soooooo cute!!As you probably already know, the kids at Knox dedicated their performance of 3 Wiseman and a Baby to you yesterday. It was wonderful. We miss you and your family and we pray for all of you all the time. May God's peace and love surround you in a mighty way.
The Millers

The Miller family - Scott, Kathleen, Marshall and Kelsey <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Monday, December 13, 2004 8:58 PM CST
I just wanted you and your family to know that you are in my prayers. You are sure a fighter!! We all miss your smiling face here at Carpenter. God Bless you and your family and give you strengh to get through this!
Dawn Foster (Para)
Overland Park, KS USA - Monday, December 13, 2004 8:46 PM CST
Dear Zach and family,
You are on our prayer chain, which goes from Iowa to Florida to Michigan, even as far as India!! So while we are asleep in America, prayers are said for you in India because there it is day! God Bless you, and He will because He loves you so very much! Lisa Gallet/Andre in CR terracon

Lisa Gallet <ltakes@msn.com>
Cedar Rapids, IA usa - Monday, December 13, 2004 8:33 PM CST
Hey Zach - Wow - just a bit of information about your web page - it has been viewed 14,220 times since your mom set it up - that's about 68 times a day! Wow! You have alot of friends! Hope that gameboy and Incredibles game is passing time a little quicker! No pun intended! Thanks for sending home one of your movie posters! Taylor loves it. We are going to frame it and put it downstairs in our "movie" area!!!! (that would be the basement!) I'm afraid you started something though - now she wants to collect movie posters! Stay strong Zach and know that God loves you so much. You and your family are in our prayers every single day.
Paul, Kim, Morgan and Taylor McMahon <kmcmahon4@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS 66221 - Monday, December 13, 2004 9:44 AM CST
Hey Zach,
Bet it is a busy weekend. I think Shelley and Tyson up there now. Probaby them, Grandma,Grandpa, Sara,Bill,Nathan and assorted other visitors in your room as I write. You will just have to stick the overflow in the hall. Wish I was there too but I will be up before Christmas. Grandma said you were watching a video yesterday. Hope you had a strong weekend and aren't to worn out from visitors in your room all weekend. I am riding around with a community service officer this evening. Is slow for them on Sunday but I can see the Christmas lights.See you in a week or so.

Aunt Sue <sthomas@avalon.net>
ic, ia usa - Sunday, December 12, 2004 3:09 PM CST
Hey there Zachster,
Boy have you been going through it. Sounds like this thing is trying to kick your you know what! We really hope you start to feel stronger again soon, nothing's worse than feeling crummy all the time. Remember, that when you do get to come home you are surrounded by a crew of top notch nurses, who can help you or your mum and dad with anything you need, any time of the day or night. How about them apples! In the mean time take care of yourself and stay strong, even if it means grabbing onto the strength of everyone's prayer's.
Love, hugs and mushy stuff....your friends as always.... The Fennell's xxxxxxx

The Fennells <fennels@sbcglobal.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Sunday, December 12, 2004 0:31 AM CST
My name is Margo Lister and I work with Nick. Nick has told me about Zach's brave fight. I wanted to let you know that my thoughts and prayers and with Zach and the entire Marion family. Happy Holidays and God Bless.
Margo Lister <margo.lister@mcleodusa.com>
Salt Lake City, UT USA - Saturday, December 11, 2004 5:44 PM CST
Marion Family, I don't know if you remember me Sara, but I have worked in the daycare for the last 7 years [minus 2 maternity leaves :) ] I just found out about Zach yesterday and I wanted you to know that I will say a little prayer for you and your family everyday. Stay strong. And I hope to see you around the daycare again very soon! Feel better soon Zach! Valerie, Mike, Tori, alicia, and Gabriella Fernandez
Valerie Fernandez(used to be Romero) <valval_74@yahoo.com>
Olathe, KS USA - Friday, December 10, 2004 7:28 PM CST
Zach and Family:Just because we haven't seen much of you lately doesn't mean we are not thinking of you because all of you are in our daily prayers. We never go by your house without saying a prayer for comfort and strength and we know we are being heard.Keep the faith. Much Love to all.
Jack and Mary Winne <marysip@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Friday, December 10, 2004 11:54 AM CST
Dear Zach and your loving family,
My daughter Morgan Greenough came home from Knox Youth Group last Sunday and asked us to join in prayer for you. We pray that Jesus will fill your hearts with His peace and comfort. We know that God has a plan for all of you and that He will allow no harm to come to those who trust in Him. We do not understand why this has happened, but we (and we know you too) trust Him with our lives, both here on Earth and our future life with Him. May it comfort you to know that many are in prayer daily, asking the Lord Jesus to provide healing, comfort and His peace which passes all understanding to fill your hearts and minds.
In Him,
Cheryl Greenough (Morgan's Mom!)

Cheryl Greenough <crg52@aol.com>
Leawood, KS USA - Friday, December 10, 2004 11:46 AM CST
Zach (and his family, too!),
I am a friend of Hannah Miller's family, and any friend of theirs is a friend of mine... (Dee Jo and I have been working together in Christian Education Ministries at Aldersgate United Methodist Church for several years, and I had the privelege of being Jacob's and Hannah's Confirmation teacher.)
I'm glad you have a Christmas tree (lights, too!) and your trip to see The Incredibles was incredible, itself...
You're in my prayers right along with Hannah...

Iva Lee Colgan <ivcolga@kckps.org>
Olathe, KS - Friday, December 10, 2004 9:50 AM CST
Zach - it was great visiting with you and your family last night. I told my boys how good you looked & they all said to tell you hi. I'm glad you have a Christmas tree in your room and I like your new brown bear. I like teddy bears and have several that I dress up for Christmas every year. Take care of yourself, get lots of rest, and we'll see you again soon.
The Reynolds - Terri, Steele, Jacob, & Luke <terri.reynolds@mail.sprint.com>
OVerland Park, KS USA - Friday, December 10, 2004 8:21 AM CST
We are glad you got to see the Incredibles. We hope you enjoyed the movie. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You have a strong faith.
Bill, Nancy, Dan, Carolyn and Rebecca

Bill and Nancy Magee <nwmagee@everestkc.net>
overland park, ks - Friday, December 10, 2004 6:46 AM CST
Dear Marion family:
I just wanted to let you all know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I have always enjoyed taking care of Zach and getting to know your wonderful family. God Bless!
~Mindy Townsend (nightCA)

Mindy Townsend <mindyjotown@yahoo.com>
- Friday, December 10, 2004 2:58 AM CST
With all my heart, I am praying for all of you for peace, wisdom, health and comfort. I have come to know you through my dear sister-in-law, Cathy Casey, and I admire your courage, your realism, your family and friends support system and your faith. Gods love and care, Kathi Flynn.
Kathi Flynn <kathi.flynn@mail.sprint.com>
Gardner, Ks USA - Thursday, December 9, 2004 10:42 PM CST
Hey there, Zach! We are sending you our warmest thoughts and prayers. We miss you and are hoping that you feel much better very soon. If there is ANYTHING that we can do for you, your mom, dad, or Nathan, please let us know.

Joe, Amy, Blake, and Ryan Dubinski <dubinski6@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, December 9, 2004 10:01 PM CST
Hi Zach, We saw your picture in the paper with Ryan and Nathan. We saw the movie too. It was a cool. We are praying for you and so are some of our friends that go to our church. Take care! Your friends from Carpenter, Nathan and Logan Pendergraft
Nathan and Logan Pendergraft <coyeugene@sprintmail.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, December 9, 2004 6:31 PM CST
Hi Zach, We saw your picture in the paper with Ryan and Nathan. We saw the movie too. It was a cool. We are praying for you and so are some of our friends that go to our church. Take care! Your friends from Carpenter, Nathan and Logan Pendergraft
Nathan and Logan Pendergraft <coyeugene@sprintmail.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, December 9, 2004 6:26 PM CST
Hi Zach. We've been working hard getting ready for the Children's Musical at church and always thinking and praying for you. I hope you feel stronger soon.We will continue to pray for you and your family.
Jill Anderson <loquitur@sbcglobal.net>
Overland Park, KS U.S. - Thursday, December 9, 2004 5:30 PM CST
HA Zach, Sara, Bill, and Nathan,
I am here and wishing that I could be there helping you through everything you have been through.I pray and cry out for help to come your way. I am sending my hugs to you hoping you can catch all of them. LOVE you very much and we will be coming soon. I saw the news letter of your great Friday movie. Hang in there, help is on the way.
Zach you are one super person. LOVE Aunt Deb XOXOXOXOX

Deb Sindelar <dlsinde2@rockwellcollins.com>
Cedar Rapids,, IA - Thursday, December 9, 2004 11:39 AM CST
Hi Zach and Family
You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Zach, you have been "adopted" by a group of 11 years olds from Mullein Hill Baptist Church Sunday School in Lakeville Massachusetts (my parents church). The church has been praying for you and your family. The Sunday School class will be sending cards, etc.
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1
Erica Butler, Knox Church
With Love,

Erica Butler <ericabb@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, December 9, 2004 8:50 AM CST
Praying continually for strength, courage, comfort, wisdom and peace for each of you. We'd love to wrap our arms around you right about now and hold onto you real tight. We pray that you feel the sweet spirit of the Lord cradling each of you.
Ronda Lawson and family <krselawson@yahoo.com>
Baxter Springs, KS USA - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 9:49 PM CST
Dear Zach and family,
I am Hannah Miller's aunt and thought that I would give a quick shout out to you and your family. As I sit here at the computer writing to you, I think of the many occasions I have written to Hannah to let her know how extremely proud I am of her courage and her will to fight this nasty thing we call cancer. There is always a tough day or a day that it seems may be the best, but what helps the most is the strength that you may endure through friends, family, and others that you may not know, such as myself. You will be in my prayers and my thoughts on a daily basis. I wish there were a million things I could do for you and your family to take this away, but there is a plan for you. From what I hear, God gives those pain who can endure it the most. I wish you the very best, Zach!

Sarah Miller

Sarah Miller <millerlastof8@yahoo.com>
Newton, MA - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 9:43 PM CST
Dear Marion's,
I was thinking of you guys and wanted to let you know you are ALWAYS in my prayers. Take care and tell Zach hi! I always enjoy taking care of him:)
Tiffany (night CA)

Tiffany Trokey (night CA) <tiffychris@hotmail.com>
Lee's Summit, MO US - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 8:32 PM CST
Sara, Bill, Nathan and of course Zach,
You cannot imagine all the people, strangers to you, who have asked after Zach the past couple days. Out of the clear blue, my sister in Oregon called and asked after him - she is having her synagogue say prayers of healing for him every Friday during their services. Two co-workers who had seen his newspaper clippings on my cubicle wall asked how he is doing. Each is sharing in your pain, and in your prayers for strength and comfort and most of all for Zach's healing. I think of you all many times each day, and say a little prayer each time.

Marcia Contreras <marcia.contreras@mail.sprint.com>
OP, KS - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 5:06 PM CST
The Marion Family,
My heart and prayers continually go out to you through these difficult times. May God settle into the depths of your heart, and calm the fears. Many people are praying for strength and courage for you all, and especially for Zach. God Bless!

Stephanie Wise, Night Care Assistant <skw99680@cmsu2.cmsu.edu>
Shawnee, ks - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 3:50 PM CST
Zach, I just wanted to write to you, your mom, dad and Nathan about how much we are thinking and praying for all of you. I know sometimes you really feel aweful, but I know that you are a real fighter. Take care of yourself, rest, be happy and know that God watches over you and your family.

Can I bring a Cabela's Christmas ornament to you to put on your Christmas tree?? If your mom gets a chance, have her let me know. My cell is (913)485-2148.

May peace be in your heart. Marla Harris

Marla Harris <marlaharris@smsd.org>
Shawnee, ks usa - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 3:14 PM CST
Zach we've all been thinking of you, and praying for you to feel better soon. The entire neighborhood misses you, including all of your 4 legged friends, Sadie, Ginger, Chaps, and Boxter. Sadie is now equal to all the other 3 doggies put together - as I'm sure Nathan can verify, she takes him for walks, not the other way around! I'm so glad that you got to see the movie and being in the newspaper is pretty cool! We just want you and all your family to keep up your strength, and know that you're all in our prayers! We hope to see you soon,
Susan, Pedro, Alex, Tori, and Paul

Overland Park, KS USA - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 3:02 PM CST
Zach, you and your family are in our prayers daily. We sure miss seeing you at our small group meetings. I have not seen The Incredibles but it must have been cool if your room is already decorated. The Whites
Terry White <twhite3263@aol.com>
Lenexa, KS - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 2:37 PM CST
Dear Zach, Sara, Bill & Nathan,

We have been following your progress and want you to know that we along with the millions of others (as evidenced by your guestbook) are praying that God continues to give you all strength and peace during these difficult times. You are such a wonderful family!! You also are in a wonderfully caring hospital. From hearing stories of your stay and our friends the Weeks stay I think that CMH is truly the best place in the world for children and their families during times of illness. It was great to see your picture in the paper the other day, and I'm soooo glad you got to see that movie. Thomas asks about you frequently and sends his greetings. Love--The Boltons

Susan Bolton <sbolton@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 1:36 PM CST
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. I LOVED The Incredibles TOO! Best Wishes - Jane Rockhold

Jane Rockhold <calamity_jane@hotmail.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 11:29 AM CST
Hey Zach and family,
I have a packet of Christmas cards the kids made this Sunday in class coming to you the next time Tim comes to visit (careful, the 6th grade had too much fun with the glitter...) It feels like forever since I've seen you and your mom, we miss you around here terribly. I don't think an hour goes by that someone doesn't ask me about you or pray for you...and mom...and dad...and Nathan... Get strong soon, okay?

Lisa Campbell <lisa@knoxchurch.org>
OP, KS - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 10:20 AM CST
We learned about Zach through Alexis Bajich. Zach has really touched Alexis and she keeps me up-to-date on how he is doing. Zach is in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless You.
Joyce Paich <pjoyce8@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 9:35 AM CST
Grand Master Zach!!!!

WE have missed you so dearly. Your Mom and Dad are the bomb. Nathan, well he's your brother, and you know what they say... You can pick your nose but you can't pick your family!!! Just kidding Nathan.. Hey can you explain how Iowa got to a bowl game anyway???? The Marions rock each and everyone, it is truly our honor to have you guys as friends. Everytime I see the "catchphrase" box in the corner, I think of you Zach. Our thoughts and our prayers go out each day. We wish peace and happiness for you and yours throughout this holiday season. "...surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

Fatman Buddha <k_st8r@hotmail.com>
Shawnee, ks usa - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 9:32 AM CST
Sara - Zach is in my thoughts everyday. Please take care.

Love, Shelly

Shelly Ledbetter <shelly.ledbetter@marleyct.spx.com>
Bonner Springs, KS USA - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 9:20 AM CST
Hi Marion's, Hey Zach, We loved seeing your picture in Sat.'s newspaper. Everyone was talking about it on Sunday and how Pretty cool it was to have an entire theatre to yourself. Kevin and Mikhail and Kim all liked the movie alot. I haven't seen it yet.

Hey Zach, it's Kevin. My favorite character was Dash, what was yours? We put up our Christmas tree this weekend. I wish I could visit you. We miss you and your family at small group. We hope you have a good Christmas. Hope you feel better soon and we'll be praying.

The Conway's, Dianne, Greg, Kevin,Mikhail and Kim <con5way@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS 66215 - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 7:50 PM CST
Zach, Sara, Bill and Nathan: All of us here at the Kellermeyer house are thinking of you. It's been a while since we've written but you've always been in our hearts. We love you all. Kurt, Nancy, Mark, Matt, Kate and Bones
Nancy Kellermeyer <kellermeyer@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS 66215 - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 4:03 PM CST
Hello Zach! We are so glad that you got to go to the movies! How was it? Jared has not seen that one yet! That is so cool you have a tree in your room. Santa will be here in 17 days. I hope you get everything you want, especially blessings of peace and healing! We are rooting for you and praying for you as well. Jared and I would like to see you soon! Until then Please take care and God Bless!
Jared Peters & Mom (Cyndi) <cyndi730@hotmail.com>
St. Joseph, Mo. - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 3:46 PM CST
ZAC ack,

Well you missed it! My 50th birthday party. Of course if you remember it was celebrated a year ago!

Keenan and I went to see the Polar Express. Can you still hear the ringing of the Bell.

Zach, From me and my boys, Dylan, Tanner and Keenan "WE LOVE YA"

Keep up the fight! Rest when you must. Put come out and come out SWINGING!



richard briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, ks US of A - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 3:37 PM CST
Last year I spent a lot of time on 4Henson at CMH as a volunteer. Your son is in the best of hands for his care. The nurses, care assistants, doctors, etc are awesome! Please tell Gina, Jeanne, Amy and the nurses hi for me!

I will pray for Zach and your family. Here's a favorite quote that helps me get through tough times.

In the middle of the night, when despair tries to close in, when the diagnosis comes in, when the husband leaves, when trouble arrives, or the the money goes...'All shall be well'...Just as we have trusted him with our hearts, we can commit ourselves to trust him with the ending...'And all manner of things shall be well'.

-Nicole Johnson

Cathy <cwickern@yahoo.com>
Redmond, WA USA - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 2:15 PM CST
Zach, Sara & family,
We are doing 40 days of prayer at our church, and you are on our prayer chain and in our petitions every day. We pray that God will sustain you and hold you in the palms of His Hands every moment of each day.

"If I speed away on the wings of dawn, if I dwell beyond the ocean, even there your hand will be guiding me." Psalm 139:9-10

"He is always watching, never sleeping. The Lord himself is caring for you." Psalms 121:4-5

"Unload your burden unto God and he will sustain you; never will He allow the upright to stumble." Psalms 55:22

"When my spirit grows faint, it is You who know the way." Psalms 142:3

Anne Davis <amdavis@terracon.com>
Fairfax, IA USA - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 1:43 PM CST
Hey Zackridible.... did you like the movie? we have'nt seen it yet. God gives you the strenght to fight, so put on your boxing gloves and punch this one out... we love you, and pray for you and the whole family. Lance Rebecca Cody Colin and Boxster....
corbin <rcorbin1@ks.rr.com>
o, ks usa - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 1:38 PM CST
Hey Zac-a-roni Mac-a-roni!
Hope you are feeling better today! I"m lighting candles at church for you! Take care sweetie.
Love you and Miss you!
Your favorite lunch lady!

alexis bajich <alexisbajich@smsd.org>
- Tuesday, December 7, 2004 12:39 AM CST
My thoughts, my prayers, and my heart are with you all. "Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You." - Psalm 56:3.
Linda Bingham <ljbingham@terracon.com>
Indianola, IA USA - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 12:19 AM CST
Hi Zach, Hope today finds you feeling a little better, we are thinking of you and your family all the time and keeping you in our prayers. I am so glad that you have a Christmas tree, we havent finished decorating ours yet, it takes a while doesn't it? How was the Incredibles, it looks like a fun movie, how cool you got to see it by yourselves. Keep your good humor and smiles coming, we love you.
Adrienne, Chris, Dylan, Hannah and Isabel <adrienneo@everestkc.net>
O.P., KS USA - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 11:47 AM CST
Zachman - The incredible. How was the movie, DUDE private showing. I still love the picture taken on your front sidewalk that was at the Valley View BMD. WE, all the scouts, are all thinking and praying for you. I am so glad you came to the meeting, what a month ago? And wish you could have been at the Turkey Campout. Next year, we look forward to getting you in the kitchen and being a "dough boy" !!! You have to start on vegetables, rolls or something before you get to cook the birds, or at least that is what the older scouts seem to think. Zach - Come on now lets get better and back to scouts soon. We are doing general troop advancements tomorrow night and the 14th is the court of honor. We will be thinking of you tonight at 8:00 pm.
Gary Bond, Troop 256 Scoutmaster <gary@the-bonds.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 11:19 AM CST
Zack and family--We are thinking of you and praying for you all the time. We hope you can have some peace this Christmas time. We were so glad to read that you have a tree decorated up there in your room. Think of all the little lights as a prayer and good thoughts being said for you. With our love, from the Naylor Family
Mary Ellen Naylor <menaylor@earthlink.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 9:00 AM CST
Hi Zach: I saw some pictures from your trip to the movie..I also heard you had a lot of candy and many drinks. I am so glad that turned out to be such a good time. I have you and your family in my prayers at church today. I am Jill's Mom. I live in Columbia and she was home to help me decorate this weekend.Lots of us in Columbia are praying for you..
Linda Van Stone <lvscsa@aol.com>
Columbia, MO USA - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 8:21 AM CST
Good morning, Zach! Heard a good joke I thought you would like -- You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen and Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen and Rudolph BUT do you know the name of the OTHER reindeer? ? ? ? ? ? ?

It's Olive -- You know -- Olive, the other reindeer, used to laugh and call him names. They never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games. =)

I'm praying for you, little friend. Each day I place you in the loving hands of our Heavenly Father -- He's the best and loves you INCREDIBLY! He is faithful.

Mrs. Raynes

Jeannette Raynes <plaidraynbowj@yahoo.com>
Kansas City , KS USA - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 7:51 AM CST
Hi Zach, I hope you are feeling better today. Does Nathan get to see you every day? I hope you had a good Thanksgiving. I like your robot in the pictures. My Mom and Dad are sending good thoughts to you and your family, they say hi to your Mom Dad & Nathan. I know you can fight off this pain. In your head keep saying "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can ......"
Andrew Hollingsworth <hollingsworthpj@hotmail.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Monday, December 6, 2004 6:32 PM CST
Hi Zach! The trip to the movies sounded like a lot of fun.
I sent a copy of the great article that was in the paper
to lots of friends by email. Heard from Heather, my grand daughter at Trinity University in San Antonio and she said
she had you and your family in her prayers. She also thought the article was great. Me too. I am happy to know also that you were able to enjoy the candy and drinks.
I took Nathan to Church tonight. I hope you will have a
comfortable day tomorrow.
I love you,

Shasta Hornack <hornack@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Sunday, December 5, 2004 10:32 PM CST
Hi Zach! Ykies! I can't believe how long it has been since I have written. Even if I haven't sent a message, please know we pray for you daily - multiple times a day!!! I talked to your mom on Thanksgiving. It sounded like Grandma was going ot bring you some home-cooked food. I hope you were able to enjoy it. Wow! How about your Friday adventure - that was INCREDIBLE!! We were so happy for you and it was so fun to read about it in the newspaper. Zach, remember you are always in our thoughts and prayers and the rest of your family, too!!
Kathleen Miller

The Miller family - Scott, Kathleen, Marshall and Kelsey <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Sunday, December 5, 2004 10:24 PM CST
Zach & Family
Our family continues to keep you & your entire family in our prayers. We understand at times it may feel like you are alone, always remember we pray to an AWESOME God & he has cirled your family with friends & caregivers who are praying for you daily. We would like an opportunity to support your family during this holiday season & journey . If you need ANYTHING , please feel free to call. 816-540-5154. Mike , Michelle, Sarah White

Mike , Michelle White <mmstw@comcast.net>
Pleasant Hill, MO - Sunday, December 5, 2004 9:41 PM CST
Zach & Family
Our family continues to keep you & your entire family in our prayers. We understand at times it may feel like you are alone, always remember we pray to an AWESOME God & he has cirled your family with friends & caregivers who are praying for you daily. We would like an opportunity to support your family during this holiday season & journey . If you need ANYTHING , please feel free to call. 816-540-5154. Mike , Michelle, Sarah White

Mike , Michelle White <mmstw@comcast.net>
Pleasant Hill, MO - Sunday, December 5, 2004 9:41 PM CST
Zach, Wanted to let you know I am thinking about you and your family. Hang in there kiddo and don't be too hard on the nurses! I read you were able to see the Incredibles. I hear it is a good movie. What is your take on it? Good?
Love, Aunt Pam

Pam Mosca <pamosca@att.net>
St. Louis, MO - Sunday, December 5, 2004 1:47 PM CST
Hi Zach, I'll be the official "blue jacket craft lady" on 4H tomorrow evening with my volunteer partner, Patsy. Hope you can join us, but if not we'll deliver the craft to your room. You and your family are always included in my prayers. P.S. Love your jokes. Keeps me chuckling!! Say hi to your mom and dad for me.
Mary Jo Meara (Little Lauren's Gammie) <mmeara@kc.rr.com>
- Saturday, December 4, 2004 8:46 PM CST
Zach and family,

We're so glad you got to see the Incredibles yesterday! We saw the article in the paper this morning. Scott liked Dash the best. We think about you every day and are praying that you are getting a little stronger each day. Keep fighting and feel better soon!

The Collins family <bcollins11@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Saturday, December 4, 2004 8:05 AM CST
Dear Zach and family,
Our prayers continue for you and your family.We check in on you regularly. We pray specifically for the strength to overcome the challenges of those bumps in the road on this journey. Stay strong...Keep the FAITH. Blessings, Ryan's Grammie Kathi

kathi jacobs <kathijacobs@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS - Friday, December 3, 2004 11:00 PM CST
Hey Zach! How are ya bud? We think about you and hoping your doing well. Jared and I were coming up to see you on Tuesday and Sams Mother said that you were sleeping. We will be up there next Tuesday. We will try to come see you then. Until then, stay strong and hang in there cutie! Tell your Mom hello. With love and Prayers... Jared and Cyndi
Cyndi & Jared <cyndi730@hotmail.com>
St. Joseph, Mo. USA - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 11:23 PM CST
Hello Zack, Sara, Bill and Nathan-
Hoping that all in going well and wishing you all of the best for the holidays. Just wanted to let all of you know that I have recieved information for the Light The Night Walk for 2005. It has been scheduled for Friday, September 16th 2005. Hopefully Zack will be well enough to attend again next year and hopefully my daughter (Lexi) will not break her arm again :) Anyway just wanted to let all of you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers always. I know that you will overcome the little bump in the road Zack!!! Lexi has an appointment on Wed Dec 8th at the Ortho Clinic down there for her follow up after her pins were removed so we will stop by to say hi!!!!

Leslie Prayson <LGPrayson@Terracon.com>
Independence, MO USA - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 3:35 PM CST
Just a BIG hello hoping your day is better since you heard from ME. We LOVE you very must and wishing that you get filling better real soon. LOVE Aunt DEB
Deb Sindelar <dlsinde2@rockwellcollins.com>
Cedar Rapids, IA - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 9:18 AM CST
Hey Zach,
The class, Mr. Coleman's, continues to work feverishly on your special book. I am amazed each day at the devotion these kids have for trying to create something so special, but then I am reminded of the special person this is all for. I miss you a lot and each day I save a Jolly Rancher for you. You need to come back because my desk isn't all that big.
You are in my thoughts and prayers............ :>)
Mr. Crabb

Bradley Crabb <bbsrk@msn.com>
Leawood, Ks. USA - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 8:47 AM CST
Hey Zachster,
How was your turkey day? We hope you were awake to enjoy the best bit ---- great tasting food! We had a lot to be thankful for this year, especially where you were concerned. We are so thankful that there are so many wonderful people in your life to pray for you and comfort you. We are also thankful to all those wonderful nurses and doctors, who are working hard to get you well again. We are especially thankful to your family, who have stayed by your side through thick and thin, and we're eternally thankful that we know YOU!! Hang in there Zach. We miss ya tons. Mushy kisses for all those sore bits...love The Fennell's xxxx :):):):)xxxx

The Fennells <fennells@sbcglobal.net>
OP, KS USA - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 1:21 AM CST
Hi Marions, We've missed seeing you and hope you'll feel up to visitors again soon. We stayed in town this Thanksgiving and it was nice not to be on the road. The Rays came over for a Thanksgiving brunch and then we were lazy the rest of the day watching movies. Kevin had the flu so he slept all day. Greg and Kim got bad colds the next day so I've been trying to Chlorox/wipe everything so the rest of us don't get it. Tree lot is doing pretty well even with the snow and cold. We're getting ready for the Kids Musical on the 12th. I know they'll video it and we'll be sure to get a copy to you. Thinking and praying for all of you daily.

Hey Zach, Kevin told me a joke and I liked it so I'll pass it on. You've probably heard it before, but it made me laugh. Why did 6 run away from 7? Because 7 eight 9. Ok, so corny, but hope you smiled. Take care, The Conways

Dianne Conway <con5way@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS 66215 - Tuesday, November 30, 2004 7:48 PM CST
Hay, little fellow!

Well got some good news and some bad news!


Quickly, Over a short period of time you meet all kinds of people. You to Zach. For instance you met your Mom and Dad. Pretty neat people. So you kept them! OK. then you met a brother. Pretty neat kid. So you kept him too!
then as life would have you met a doctor and some nurse's who helped you into this place called "The WORLD". Pretty neat, this "WORLD". So you decided to stick around, and you have. Then as time should pass you have met alot of people from this world. And thus far you have stuck by them as well.

Pretty neat this world. Where you can be Happy and Free. And then Sad and Trapped. Where you are all to be thankful for what you have, even if it's a box of rice.

Again, we have all been blessed to meet so many neat people. I'm honored to know you and your family.

Only a selected few know the way that we really are.

To the end of this short SAGA!

I choose not to coach Keenan's 7th grade Basketball team this year. So that a group of boy's in the 8th graders would have a coach and a team. A group of boy's from the SM South, Holly Spirit, Olathe East and Olathe South areas. The skill level is not important. Some are good and are not so good. They just want a chance to be a part of a team. Win or lose, just getting that chance of "belonging".

Well I have always said you do things for a reason. So I felt pretty good about this task.

Did you hear about the 21 year old "KU" student that died in the Car wreck Saturday Evening or Early Sunday Morning? His name was John Fullbright. I met him a week ago while he was watching his 8th grade brother play basketball at SM North last Sunday Evening. the first time his little brother was on a team, in a uniform and played alot of minutes. Scored some points and did some really silly things as well. things your not supposed to do after you have been told over and over and ... Well the big brother was very proud of Steve.

Then in a flash, Blink of the eye he was gone. Not because of DRUGS, DRINKING or anything silly. Just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

So I get to meet this boy and this strong family. And you know me, we all become as one. Family does what it can and when it can. No matter what.

It's funny when we are all together the laughter seems to follow.

Well know my little friend the end! The Grins are feeled with tears for this family and teammate. I'm blessed to be a part of this life. The same as with yours.

I will always reach my hand out to you if you need it! Your mom and dad, yes nathan too.

So don't take this "WORLD" lying down. Fight every fight, turn over every stone, Keep your chin held high little buddy. It's today! The same day you started with just in a different color and place.

Always, Godspeed


richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
overland park, ks us of a - Monday, November 29, 2004 11:39 PM CST
Hi Zach, I wanted to let you know that I'm checking in, and I think of you often. You are such a trooper!!!
Many, many good wishes to you and your family!
Jennifer Quick

Jennifer Quick <jquick@kc.rr.com>
Leawood, KS 66206 - Monday, November 29, 2004 7:13 PM CST
HI Zach--I am a Deacon at Knox Church...I wanted to let you know I am thinking of you and continue to pray for your encouragement and healing....the courage of you and your family is an inspiration to us all...keep looking UP!! Joan Brown
Joan Brown <jm-brown@earthlink.net>
Overland Park, KS - Sunday, November 28, 2004 9:56 PM CST
Dear Marion family - we hope you had a good Thanksgiving, we thought of you often. We hope things are going better for Zach. We come to the clinic on Tues for labs and will come for a short visit. See you then
Sherri Weeks and familiy <http:home@comcast.net//~the4weeks>
olathe, ks johnson - Sunday, November 28, 2004 6:52 PM CST
hey,zach i hope you had a great thanksgiving. I'm going to come see you really and im so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tim Rodden <Bosox1407@aol.com>
Kc, Ks U.S. - Sunday, November 28, 2004 4:46 PM CST
Hey Zach! We all hope you start feeling better! You are in our prayers. We hope you guys had a wondreful thanksgiving!!

The Hawkins Family

Steve, Paula, Rachel and Ashley Hawkins <hawkinssw@yahoo.com>
Lenexa, KS USA - Sunday, November 28, 2004 4:34 PM CST
Zach, Nathan, Mom & Dad,
Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. Wanted to let you know I am thinking of you. Hope to see you at Christmas. Hang in there Zach. You have such outstanding courage. I saw your Halloween costume - it was GREAT!
Love, Aunt Pam

Pam Mosca <pamosca@att.net>
St. Louis, MO - Saturday, November 27, 2004 7:36 PM CST
Zach sorry we havent been on the website for a while but we never stop thinking about you and keeping you in our prayers. Dylan talks about you all the time especially some of the silly stuff you guys did mostly when you were spending the night with each other. I am so sorry to hear you have not been feeling too well this last while but you will be better soon and getting into trouble again, no doubt!!!! I am trying to think of one of my great jokes to tell you ( i know I can hear you groaning already but here goes)
Patient: Doctor, doctor, I think I am a pair of curtains, what should I do?
Doctor: Just pull yourself together man!!!!
I know I will try and do better next time.
Thanks Sara for keeping up the website so we can check on Zach's progress all the time..

Adrienne Owings <adrienneo@everestkc.net>
OP, KS USA - Friday, November 26, 2004 3:10 PM CST
Marion Family,
Thank you for sharing your journey with us through this journal. I've only been at Terracon a couple of months (my office is next to Sara's) but have heard so much about your family from my coworkers. I've been praying for you, and now that I've read your journal, I have specific things I can pray about for you. Thank you for including inspirational scripture passages with your entries - it helps keep all of us focused on what's really important. Blessings, Sue

Sue Matcuk Maden <smmaden@terracon.com>
Overland Park, KS - Friday, November 26, 2004 1:43 PM CST
What a perfect passage of scripture on your website this week. . . I submitted your name and concerns on a prayer request at church again this week. You can't imagine how many people you don't even know have Zach and his family in their prayers. In that you can be thankful, today and everyday.
Debbie West <debbiewest@smsd.org>
Overland Park, KS - Thursday, November 25, 2004 11:08 AM CST
Zach,Sara,Bill & Nathan,
We are thinking of you this Thanksgiving and wish that you were at home. We continue to pray for you and your family. Hannah will be back for chemo on Monday the 29 and the next week too. We'll be checking on you then. Things can change so fast once those counts start rising so we are praying for your counts. Your mom and dad and Nathan are as Incredible as you are. Hang in there guys!
The Millers
DeeJo, Bob, Jacob and Hannah

DeeJo Miller <bobdjo@kc.rr.com>
Gardner, KS USA - Thursday, November 25, 2004 9:37 AM CST
Happy Thanksgiving Zach, Sara, Bill and Nathan!
What a beautiful morning with the sun on the snow.
You are in my thoughts and prayers always.
Zach the impatient plant is still growing and has
13 blooms on it! I have never seen a plant grow and bloom
for over 2 and a half years. A new picture will be along soon. I love you, Shasta

Shasta Hornack <hornack@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, November 25, 2004 9:20 AM CST
Sara, Bill, Zach and Nathan- HAPPY TURKEY DAY!! It is a bummer that you are in the hospital for the holiday, but I know you guys will make the best of it. You guys are an amazing family and your love and support of zach truely shows what family is all about. I am so thankful that Zach is starting to feel better, he is such a strong fighter. Keep up the good work Zach, I am ready to take you on in another game of CONNECT FOUR and this time I am going to win!! :) (probably not, but oh well). Take care and I'll see you this weekend. Love ya guys-
Cristy Bettes, RN <cbettes@dellmail.com>
Overland Park, KS - Thursday, November 25, 2004 8:57 AM CST
Zach: We miss you on 104th Street - huge snowfall today and I know if you could you would have been out there playing in it... you and your family are always in our thoughts and prayers... don't ever give up - keep that fighting spirit...we know you can do it!! Cris and Gordon Wood
cris wood <cmw@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS usa - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 7:35 PM CST
Bill, Sara, Zach, and Nathan---I wanted to take the time to tell you all Happy Thanksgiving. I know that I am so thankful that I met the Marion family. Zach---you make me laugh like you would not believe!!! Your smile is something that I look forward too seeing when I go to work. Please know that you are all in my prayers everday and ecspecially this holiday season. Zach--you have a great set of parents that love you dearly----remember to go easy on your mom!!!! Take care you guys and I will see you later.

Amy Diggs

Amy Diggs <diggsley@yahoo.com>
Overland Park, KS - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 3:54 PM CST
Hello Zach,
We havn't officially met before but I work with your Mom at Terracon. I know based on your Mom that you must be a terrific kid. I've heard a little about the tough time you're going thru right now but hang in there. There's a saying out there that tough times never last but tough people do! You keep your chin up and get well soon!! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Take care and God Bless.

Sam Palmer <sdpalmer@terracon.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 3:26 PM CST
Hey Zach - we are so greatful for how your artistic gifts have colored this world - you truly are amazing. Thank you for helping us with our wedding invitations - everyone loved them! To the whole Marion family - know that you all are in our prayers. We pray that GOD gives you simple and great blessings to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. You are blanketed in our prayers.
Leslie and Kevin Meador <lmeador@cmh.edu>
DeSoto, KS USA - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 10:03 AM CST
Zach, I hope you start feeling better soon!! I miss seeing your silliness on the floor at shift change. You are such a high spirited kiddo, and it is a bummer for the staff to know you don't feel well. I haven't taken care of you in a while, but I do miss taking care of you, and talking with your mom. I'll see you later. And I wish your family a Happy Thanksgiving!!

Niki Welch, Night shift CA <littlebit124@hotmail.com>
Blue Springs, MO USA - Monday, November 22, 2004 10:06 PM CST
I am so grateful to your mom for updating the information on your website. Thanks Sara! Sounds like there are some signs that are providing just the hope you need. I know all of you are trying to stay positive and depend on your faith to help you get through this rough spot. I'll continue to pray for good news and grit for each of you. Happy Thanksgiving. We'll be in Springfield, Kansas City. We're going to Temecula,Ca to help our friend Kevin get ready to move back to Kansas City. I'll be thinking about you and hope you have a boutiful Thanksgiving in regard to Zach's progress. Love, Mrs. "K"

Jan Keirsey <kjkeirsey@cox-internet.com>
Bella Vista, AR - Monday, November 22, 2004 7:52 PM CST
Hi Zach,
My husband works at Terracon in Omaha, NE. One of his coworkers told him about your website back in July when our daughter was diagnosed with AML. She is going through chemo right now, so we understand a little bit about what you and your family are going through. We just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you and we think about you and your family every day!

Stacey Reif <reifs@cox.net>
Omaha, NE - Monday, November 22, 2004 7:24 PM CST
Hey Zach,
Sorry I havent written you lately, I have been really busy and havent been on the computer that much. I have been really busy with school, basketball, and student council, but i think about you everyday. I have started basketball and this year i am on a new team. At school we have still been working on our country reports a lot. School is getting harder than i thought it would be. Rachel is still in Tuscon, she is coming in for the hollidays. She always asks about you. My mom says hi and her thoughts and prayers are with you always, she wrote you a little note last week and put it in your bears back pack. My baby sister is doing good, she is getting bigger by the day and, is almost 4 months now. I hope each day you keep getting stronger and stronger. This thanksgiving i will be praying for a speedy recovery for you.
Miss you!

Ryan Knight <RKShorty22@aol.com>
- Monday, November 22, 2004 5:57 PM CST
Can't even began to tell you how many times a day we think of you and are in prayer for you. We pray that your pain and any discomfort you've been feeling is completely gone!!! You are a brave boy and a hero to so many. Blessings to you today and everyday Zach.
Ronda Lawson and family <krselawson@yahoo.com>
Baxter Springs , KS USA - Monday, November 22, 2004 12:13 AM CST
Hi Zach, Sara, Nathan and Bill,

Just a quick note to say Hi and I am thinking of you.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving and count our blessings for some good news. We love you all. Aunt Deb OXOXOX
Just to let you know that Alex gave Melissa a promise ring.

Deb Sindelar <dlsinde2@rockwellcollins.com>
Cedar Rapids, IA - Monday, November 22, 2004 12:08 AM CST
Well, Well, WEll! So Well! WEll, Well, You know that's a really deep word!

Missed you! We mention you alot when we are doing things!
Like during the turkey campout, this past weekend, we were looking for young scout to lose in the woods, and we thought of you. Then we were working on the first aid stuff, we all said Zach...NAH, Then we started talking about the TURKEYS... Ahh ZACH! NAH.

So the days have come and gone! Today, your still there and we're still here!

From the book of Rich Briggs,

Keep the chin taught! And your butt COVERED!

Remember that passage from the good book!

God Speed little friend!

Kiss's to mom and dad. And a boot to Nathan!

Love ya all


richard briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, ks US of A - Monday, November 22, 2004 9:29 AM CST
We continue to pray for healing and for comfort for Zach. Sara, I am amazed at your resolve and strength. It is heartening to see you counting your blessings even in times like this. Your Terracon friends are thinking about you.
Phil Wood <pdwood@terracon.com>
Oklahoma City, OK - Monday, November 22, 2004 8:47 AM CST
Whew! What a week you have had!!!

As I was thinking of you, the words to an old song popped into my head: "Many things about tomorrow I don't seem to understand. But I know Who holds tomorrow, and I know He holds my hand."

I'm just going to ask Him to hold on really tight!

I love you --

Mrs. Raynes

Jeannette Raynes
Kansas City, KS USA - Monday, November 22, 2004 7:52 AM CST
Zach and family,
My name is Julie Buchanan and I am a friend of the Lawsons. They asked that we keep you in our prayers so I checked to see what is going on. From previous readings I know that Zach is a fighter. I will pray for comfort and Zach returning to his energetic self. I also want to say I really liked your joke Zach. I work as a pediatric physical therapist so I really found it funny!! Hope things turn around soon and will pray for you.


Julie Buchanan-friend of Lawsons <jbstampinup@junct.com>
Welch, OK - Sunday, November 21, 2004 10:03 PM CST
Hi Zach, I pray you will feel like spending much
more time with other activities very soon. Hurry home.I love you, Shasta

Shasta Hornack <hornack@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Sunday, November 21, 2004 9:16 PM CST
I just checked your web page and I surly hope Zach will soon feel a lot better, You don't know me but I have been following Ellie Rose, whose Mama is a friend of a friend of ours. Prayers do help I know and I will try to think of Zach oh so often. May God bless you all.

Arlene & Jack Palmer
Bolivar, MO USA - Sunday, November 21, 2004 6:47 PM CST

I read an article today about a Video game that was created specially for a boy, "Ben" who had leukemia. He thinks the video game helped aid his full recovery. The designer of the game has made it available for free by downloading it off of the web at www.makewish.org/Ben

Let me know what you think about the game. Still praying, Lori

Lori Triplett
- Saturday, November 20, 2004 6:36 PM CST
Dear Zach and family,
We know that these bumps in the road are soooo hard on everyone but especially YOU! Our prayers are with you ...our pride is in you and your family. Blessings ..Stay strong..Keep the Faith ..Love from Ryan's Grammie Kathi

kathijacobs@kc.rr.com <kathijacobs@kc.rr.com>
overlandpark, KS - Saturday, November 20, 2004 2:01 PM CST
Hi, Zach-arary, as Marcas calls you. Hope you are feeling much better soon. We're thinking of you!
The McCarls
- Saturday, November 20, 2004 11:12 AM CST
Hi Zach. I'm from Grand Rapids, Michigan, and I received an e-mail from Sue Brown asking for prayer for you. I am praying for you and for your family.
Bonnie Rozema <rozemab1@comcast.net>
Byron Center, MI USA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 7:59 AM CST
Hey Zach, we just got your web-site info. today. We want to let you know that Jared and I think about you a lot. Jared Prays for you at dinner time and we will continue to do so. We loved your pictures and we will stop up to say hi next time we are there. Take care and stay strong cutie pie!
Cyndi (Jared Peters Mom) <cyndi730@hotmail.com>
St. Joseph, MO. USA - Friday, November 19, 2004 3:21 PM CST
Hey Zach - I understand you had a better day yesterday. That's great news. Our family continues to pray that this rough time will end soon and those counts start making some progress. Keep the faith!
Sheryl Paulsen <slpaulsen@terracon.com>
Olathe, KS Johnson - Friday, November 19, 2004 2:24 PM CST
We're thinking of all of you every day. Call us for ANYTHING at any time. We hope you can get up and around better each day and the counts will soon come up. Praying daily and hope you will feel up to visitors soon. Keep those jokes coming, we love them. The Conway's
Dianne Conway <con5way@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, Ks 66215 - Thursday, November 18, 2004 9:11 PM CST
I was impressed to see you out of bed today! I know how rough it's been for you and I'm glad you are trying to get up and around again. You are strong and courageous. We are hoping Hannah doesn't have a fever tonight so we can go home. We are praying for your counts to go up so you can feel better and get out of here too. Hang in there and keep working on getting out of bed!

DeeJo and Hannah Miller <bobdjo@kc.rr.com>
Gardner, KS USA - Thursday, November 18, 2004 7:41 PM CST
Hey Zachster, remember us? It's bin a while hasn't it? Sorry about that. You know we've been thinking about, and praying for you .... and your mum ... and your dad ....and that big brother of yours. We also have our spies keeping us updated on your every move. In fact, there's not much that gets by us as far as your progess is concerned. We were so sorry to hear about your rough week, and all those extra tests/surgery you had to have. You are more than brave, you are the super hero of Johnson County, and by the looks of your 'Fan Club' - half of the USA too! Everyone who writes to you, talks about their prayers for you and your family. Sometimes, when our prayers don't get answered right away it can be very discouraging, but you mustn't loose faith Zach, no matter how tough it gets. My grandfather used to say that some prayers have to take a little detour before they get to the right address. We know in our hearts that God has a plan for you to get better, and we're praying that all the prayers for you and your family, finally get delivered to the right address. Luv ya Zach. Hugs and big sloppy kisses xxxx The Fennell's
The Fennell's <fennells@sbcglobal.net>
OP, KS USA - Thursday, November 18, 2004 5:39 PM CST
Hey Zach
Thinking of you and want to let you know that I am waiting for that call.. I love you honey Take care and I will see ya soon - real soon.

Cathy Casey <rccglc@aol.com>
Lenexa, KS - Thursday, November 18, 2004 4:23 PM CST

I hope things are going better for you. All the prayers you are receiving should help. Please stay strong...I know you can do it!! We continue to have you and your family in our prayers every night. Please continue with the jokes as I read them to my staff when I get on your page.

Penny Wood <jpecwood@mobil1.net>
Pittsburg, KS USA - Thursday, November 18, 2004 3:41 PM CST
Hi Zach, Nathan, Sara, and Bill:
Just wanted you to know everyone at the Terracon Corporate office is thinking about you, and just like the little angel wishing "REEEEAL HARD," we have our fingers, toes, hearts and hands in prayer crossed and holding on "REALLLL TIGHT" and asking and praying for your healing and good health. We love you all.

Roseann Sanders
Overland Park, KS - Thursday, November 18, 2004 1:56 PM CST
Hi Marions
It was nice talking to you yesterday. Zach Is today going better? Hope you are up walking so you can get strong.
Alex and Devon says HI Alex is going to CHicago this weekend to see his friend graduate from the Navy Basic training. Talk to you later


Deb Sindelar <dlsind2@rockwellcollins.com>
Cedar Rapids, IA - Thursday, November 18, 2004 9:32 AM CST
Hi Zach. Sorry I have not written to you much, but I want you to know that I pray for you every day. We read your website very often to keep up to date on what's going on. Tell your Mom and Dad hello for me. Thanks for the great jokes!! Keep being strong. Joe
Joe Burwinkle
Overland Park, KS USA - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 7:59 PM CST
I think this is a wonderful way to get people to say hello.
Taylor Obersteadt

Taylor O
Overland Park, Ks Usa - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 7:35 PM CST
Zach: I am your nurse, Jill's, Mom. She has told me you are the best joke teller she has ever heard. They say laughter is the best medicine so keep laughing. I am praying for you and your family. I know you are very strong and will get through this rough part..Linda Van Stone
Linda Van Stone <lvscsa@aol.com>
Columbia, MO USA - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 2:57 PM CST
Zach: I am your nurse, Jill's, Mom. She has told me you are the best joke teller she has ever heard. They say laughter is the best medicine so keep laughing. I am praying for you and your family. I know you are very strong and will get through this rough part..Linda Van Stone
Linda Van Stone <lvscsa@aol.com>
Columbia, MO USA - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 2:56 PM CST
ZACH! I thought you might like to hear that my class is working on a book for you! The kids have written a story and will be doing illustrations that use a drawing of yours as the main character. I hate to say too much because I wanted it to be a surprise but with all that you are going through I thought you might be interested in what the students have worked on for you. The book is all about you and your fight, and it even has Jack and I in it! (and a dragon!) The class has learned a lot about what has happened to you and they talk about you everyday (and I suspect they also like that your book has taken them away from the Open Court Reading book - and for that you are the 4th graders' superhero - hehehe). Kelli and I talk about you often and I must admit I have all sorts of jobs in the classroom that simply don't get down without you and Kayla around. We miss you.
Mr. Coleman <timcoleman@smsd.org>
- Wednesday, November 17, 2004 1:11 PM CST
Hi Zach! My name is Robin Nobles. My little brother Todd is a 4th grader at your school. I'm at college at Pitt State in Pittsburg, Kansas... about 2 hours from Overland Park. I have been reading your website and praying for you. I'm sorry you've hit a rough spot, but I know you're tough and will continue to be a fighter. There are people praying for you all over... people you've never even met. Just remember that God loves you and he has a reason for giving you this cancer. Continue to believe that His purpose is perfect and He will get you through this.
P.S. I love all your jokes... they crack me up!!! Keep on writing them!
In God's Good Grace,

Robin Nobles
- Wednesday, November 17, 2004 10:48 AM CST
Hi, Zach! I'm so sorry the road has gotten so much rougher recently. I've been trying to think of things you might enjoy doing (or learning to do) that wouldn't require you to move that hip too much.

Should I look for things you could make for gifts for Christmas? There should be some cool stuff around if I keep my eyes open.

Just let me know if that sounds like fun for you and we'll set up a rendezvous (now THERE is a weirdly spelled word!!!) time.

I love you --
Mrs. Raynes

Jeannette Raynes <plaidraynbowj@yahoo.com>
Kansas City, KS USA - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 7:44 AM CST
Zach, Sara, Bill and Nathan,
Sorry I haven't been diligent about popping in to say "hi", but please know that we're all thinking of you and praying for you every day. You're all so strong and have so many people praying for you, I know you'll get through this tough time just as you have all the other bumps along the way. Love to you all -

The Contreras' - Dan, Marcia, Chris & James
OP, KS - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 4:15 PM CST

I looked for a joke to send you, but I just don't know as many as you do. Keep telling the jokes! Instead I'll send you a verse:
May the God of hope bring you such joy and peace in your faith that the power of the Holy Spirit will remove all bounds to hope. Romans 15:13
I'll keep faithfully praying for you and your family, Lori

Lori L. Triplett
- Tuesday, November 16, 2004 1:31 PM CST
Sorry i havent written in your guestbook in quite some time. However i think and pray for you daily and check the site often for the updates(the ones i dont get from Cody of course!) Although you are only neighbors i see SO much of you and Nathan in him. I am still tryinng to figure if that is a good thing. Keep strong buddy- we are all thinking and praying for you here!! Thoughts and prayers to Sara, Bill and Nathan too!
Ms. Donna

Donna Baughman <donna.baughman@jocogov.org>
- Tuesday, November 16, 2004 1:25 PM CST
May our strengths be shared with Zach in these difficult times. Miss ya, buddy = > ))
Mr. Crabb

Bradley Crabb <bbsrk@msn.com>
- Tuesday, November 16, 2004 12:50 AM CST
Hi Zach, I'm little Lauren Meara's grandma, and CMH volunteer on Sunday nights - you know - a "blue jacket lady". Patsy (another volunteer) and I had a great time with all you guys on 4H during the Halloween "parade". You looked very scary and Nathan looked very "cute" in his sleek black sparkly party dress!! Never never never give up the fight, Zach. Continued blessings for you and your family.
Mary Jo Meara <mmeara@kc.rr.com>
Prairie Village, KS - Monday, November 15, 2004 11:55 PM CST
Hey Zach! Just want you to know that I am praying for you and your family. This tuff time will pass and you will be on the road to recovery soon. My prayers are with you always!
Kathy Wright <klwright@terracon.com>
Olathe, KS - Monday, November 15, 2004 3:39 PM CST
Hi Zach,
Hope you are having a better day. I talked to your dad on Saturday and he said you are having a better day. LOVE you and praying for "grrrrrrreat news" (that what Tony the tiger would say). Hang in there. LOVE Aunt Deb XOXOXOXOX
Devon is starting wrestling practice today.

Deb Sindelar <dlsinde2@rockwellcollins.com>
Cedar Rapids,, IA - Monday, November 15, 2004 3:35 PM CST
Zack, hang in there buddy. It is pretty clear how proud your Dad and family are of you. All of our love and light prayers are with you and all of your family.
Jim Hollingsworth and Family <jjhollingsworth@hotmail.com>
- Monday, November 15, 2004 12:49 AM CST
Hi Zach, I am sorry to hear that you have hit a few road bumps in your treatment. I just wanted you to know there is not a day that goes by that a little prayer goes out to you from someone here at Carpenter. You are always in our thoughts. Since I believe in praying to all of the Gods here is a Buddhist prayer that I have taped to my computer. I find it calms me down when I am worried. I hope it works for you and your family. "May I be free from fear. May I be free from suffering. May I be happy. May I be filled with loving-kindness." I know loving-kindness is going your way. Thinking of you always. Mrs. Meharry
Mary Pat Meharry <marypatmeharry@smsd.org>
Overland Park, Ks - Monday, November 15, 2004 11:01 AM CST

Many people are praying for you and your family as you do the hard work of waiting and trusting God. Stay strong and focused on the things you plan on doing when you're healthy again.

(I am a coworker with your mother at Terracon)

Joe Marsh <jwmarsh@terracon.com>
Lenexa, KS - Monday, November 15, 2004 10:11 AM CST
Hi Zach!! This is Debbie, one of your favorite nurses Mom. I want you to know Doug & I think about you and pray for you often. You are a very brave and strong young man.
Cristy thinks you are awesome. She loves being your nurse. I hope things go well with your leg and lung. Keep fighting the fight. Tell Cristy "HI" from me OK!! I think she is your nurse today. Love - Deb Bettes

debbettes <debbettes@msn.com>
lenexa, ks usa - Monday, November 15, 2004 8:50 AM CST
Hi Zach, I wanted to tell you that I was up at the old mountain music shop on Saturday. The Backporch String Band were there and asking about you. They wanted me to tell you that they were thinking about you and they asked if i could set up another visit from the band(with instruments of course). Zach...we're praying for you to feel better and fast - Kurt

Kurt Kellermeyer <kellermeyer@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS USA - Sunday, November 14, 2004 10:39 PM CST
Hi Zach! I am praying with you! The 6th grade is not the same without you. Hang in there! Love, Janet
Janet Iams <caiams@smsd.org>
Overland Park, KS JO - Sunday, November 14, 2004 6:54 PM CST
Dear Zach,
My mother is Shasta Hornack. Your visits to her home over the last few years have always brought her such joy. You are a fine, creative young man with a gentle caring heart. The world needs many more young people like you. On behalf of my family, I extend our deepest thoughts and prayers to you and your family for a complete and speedy recovery.

Kevin S. Hine <kevinshine@earthlink.net>
Vienna, VA USA - Sunday, November 14, 2004 4:52 PM CST
Many of our Sunday School classes had a special time of prayer for you this morning. We pray that you will feel God's peace around you today and know that it is His way of telling you --you are in His hands. We love you, Nathan, and your mom and dad!

Lori Unthank <lori@knoxchurch.org>
Overland Park, KS Johnson - Sunday, November 14, 2004 1:18 PM CST
Dear Zach,
I'm sorry you had such a tough week. You have such a loving family and so many great friends and lots and lots of doctors and nurses and care assistants that care about you so much. Hopefully you'll have a better week.
Your night CA,
Amanda :)

Amanda Coldwell <arc8874@mwsc.edu>
Kansas City, MO USA - Sunday, November 14, 2004 4:29 AM CST
Dear Zach and family,
Our pride is in you ...our prayers go with you ! We pray that you too will be one of God's miracles like our grandson, Ryan. Miracles do happen ! Stay strong...Keep the Faith.Prayers, Ryan's Grammie Kathi

kathi jacobs <kathijacobs@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS - Saturday, November 13, 2004 10:19 PM CST
HA Zach,
I think of you all the time wishing I could be there holding your hand and giving you some good counts so you could get better. Hope you have a good visit with Grandpa Leo and Mary Jane. Don't give them nurses too much trouble. Everyone at work really liked your halloween outfit. You give your Mom and Dad anf Nathan a big hugs for us and we all LOVE you. Marty, Keri, Amber and Drew all says HI and they are all praying for good news. I am going to bed now. LOVE Aunt DEB, Uncle Jeff, Alex and Devon

Deb Sindelar <djsindelar@hotmail.com>
Cedar Rapids, IA - Saturday, November 13, 2004 10:05 PM CST
Hi Zach,

Sounds like it has been a rough week. We pray for you all the time. Hang in there Zach.Remember when we are weak, He is strong. God is your rock and He is your strength. We consistently pray for your family, too. "Cast all your cares upon Him because He cares for you."

The Millers

Kathleen Miller <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Saturday, November 13, 2004 9:46 PM CST
Hey sweetie---I hope you are all hanging in there!!! I have been thinking about you so much since Thursday. I don't work for awhile so I will call and have to get an update. Just know that I am praying for you and thinking about you daily. Sara and Bill---stay strong and know you have so many people that love you. See you soon----Zach---I will watch Sat Night Live for you tonight!!

Love--Amy Diggs

Amy Diggs <diggsley@yahoo.com>
Overland Park, KS - Saturday, November 13, 2004 7:30 PM CST
Dearest Zach and Family,
I know you are going through a very tough time right now and it's the very time you must have faith that God is with you. I know Zach and each of you are doing your very best to cling to one another and share your strengths. Please know my prayers and thoughts are with you and I am asking Him to provide you with the grit you need. Love, Mrs. "K"

Jan Keirsey <kjkeirsey@cox-internet.com>
Bella Vista, AR - Saturday, November 13, 2004 2:15 PM CST
Hey kido it sounds like things are getting tough again. One thing I know is that you are a very strong and brave young man. My prayers are with you and I have faith that you will come trough this tough time okay. Tell your mom and dad and Nathan hello for me. How was your visit with aunt Deb, uncle Jeff and Devon and Alex? Good I hope. Did you get a lot of candy for Halloween? What did you wear for a costume? Take Care My prayers are with you. Janet

Janet Parrott <parrottjanet@wmconnect.com>
Belen, NM USA - Saturday, November 13, 2004 10:34 AM CST
Prayer and more and more and more prayers being sent up for you sweet Zach. You deserve a badge of honor for being such a brave patient. You're constantly in our thoughts and always in our prayers. You are a very courageous patient!!!
Ronda Lawson and family <kreselawson@yahoo.com>
Baxter Springs , KS USA - Friday, November 12, 2004 10:47 PM CST
what a trial period you have all gone through. I am keeping all of you in my thoughts and my prayers! Taking care of Zach at night is such a pleasure for me, it is always so exciting when I see that he is assigned to me so that I can be involved in his care and that I can be there for support to Mom and Dad. You have a special family together and I will do all I can for you. Jenny Williams, CA nights.
Jennifer Williams <jjwilliams@cmh.edu>
Gladstone, Mo USA - Friday, November 12, 2004 3:44 PM CST
HI, Zach! I love the new pictures! That looks like quite a robot. I finally have a joke from you (not an original joke by any means).
Why didn't the turkey want any lunch?
---He was already stuffed!
I keep you in my prayers daily.

Debbie West <debbiewest@smsd.org>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, November 11, 2004 4:44 PM CST
Hi Zach! I hope you feel good enough for a visit this week. It's a tough road, but you are stronger! Remember how powerful your own mind is, and the power of prayer. Use your gifts. Draw!

I have some more sketches, and I even rendered one of my car pictures on the computer. I can't wait to show you!

Lock - it - down!


Jeff Smith <jeff@kkg-inc.com>
Bonner Springs, KS USA - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 9:24 AM CST
Hi Marions, Love the new pics. Sorry Zach was feeling worse by Halloween and couldn't do the party. You are in our daily prayers and that's great news on the bone marrow matches. I have been looking for the basketball net you have to get Kevin for his birthday this week. Haven't found it yet (will definately take out the battery) The robot is cool too so looking for it as well. Hope we can get down again a little sooner or that you will be home for a break. Take care, The Conway's
Dianne Conway <con5way@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS usa - Monday, November 8, 2004 11:38 PM CST
Zach, you are in our thoughts and prayers. You are a strong person with a lot of faith. Keep your positive attitude.

Love, Bill,Nancy,Dan,Carolyn & Rebecca

Bill and Nancy Magee <nwmagee@everestkc.net>
overland park, ks usa - Monday, November 8, 2004 6:36 PM CST
Hi Zach! You don't know me, but I work with your mom and love her to pieces. I just wanted you to know that I pray for you every day, and all of us here in the Des Moines office of Terracon are thinking of you.

I know it is after Halloween, but have a joke for you:

Why wouldn't the skelton cross the road? Cause he had no guts!!!! Funny stuff.

God Bless you Zach!

Linda Bingham <ljbingham@terracon.com>
Des Moines, IA USA - Monday, November 8, 2004 12:47 AM CST
Hey Zach,
Glad to hear that you had a good halloween.
I had a pretty good one to i dressed up as a guy named gabe cotter my mom said it was some guy on an old tv show and so i asked everyone if they knew who i was.
well i would write more, but i have to go to school so i will talk to you later

Ryan Knight <RKShorty22@aol.com>
- Monday, November 8, 2004 7:47 AM CST
Hi Zach,

It was so great to read about the good news concerning bone marrow matches. We will keep praying for your counts to go up and for you to be in remission, and NO infections!
I loved the pics!! That was an awesome costume you wore at the Renaissance festival. Cool robot, too!

In His love,
Kathleen Miller

Kathleen Miller <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Sunday, November 7, 2004 9:00 PM CST
Hi guys!!! We're praying that Zach's ANC starts moving upward quickly. We know he must be getting the "itch" to get to home sweet home. We continue to pray for remission. We're so encouraged about the bone marrow donors found thus far!!!! Keep strong and keep the faith.
Ronda Lawson and family <krselawson@yahoo.com>
Baxter Springs , KS USA - Sunday, November 7, 2004 5:37 PM CST
HI all. I loved the pics. I can't think of a better way to get your favorite nurse than to be in control of the shift board! You could probalby take bribes from the other kids on the floor and make a good profit. heeheehee.
Guess I should quit giving you ideas like that. sigh. oh well. We're all thinking of you! PS Matthew had pseudomonas too. Blech. Double blech. He didn't like it either. Take care.

Leesa Whitson/McCarls <leesakw@yahoo.com>
OP, KS USA - Friday, November 5, 2004 10:56 PM CST
Hi Zach,

Thinking of you and praying for you daily. I hope you felt well enough to enjoy Halloween. Did you decide on a costume?

Hang in there - Please know how much we love you and God loves you even more!!
The Millers

Kathleen Miller <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Friday, November 5, 2004 9:11 AM CST
Hello Zacharoo,

I have not been signed on for a while, but that does not mean we are not thinking about you. We think about you and pray for you constantly. The good Lord has you in his hands and he will watch over you.

Wow, what an artist you are!!!! You just keep getting better and better with your art work. I thought the design for the front cover of the KC directory was awesome dude!! Going bananas at KC!!!

Here are a couple of jokes for you. What belongs to you, but is used mostly by others. Your name. Why do you never see Giraffes at college? They only go to high schools.

Well, I gotta go. Have to do that dreaded go to work thing. We will be thinking of you.

Randy Haffey <rhaffey@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS - Friday, November 5, 2004 5:29 AM CST
Zach, just wanted to let you know that I'm continuing to hope and pray that you'll get better. I know your mom from working at Terracon. Hang in there.
Phil Wood <pdwood@terracon.com>
Oklahoma City, ok usa - Thursday, November 4, 2004 2:09 PM CST
Zach & Family ;
Our prayers are with you & yourfamily , we pray to an AWESOME God & remember your are not alone . Zach you are definitley an inspiration , your personality & SPUNK will keep you strong. Our Family will definitley honor your request & pray for Remission . If U need anything, we are here for you & your family .

Mike , Michelle White <mmstw@comcast.net>
Pleasant Hill, MO USA - Wednesday, November 3, 2004 3:45 PM CST
Ha Zach,
We had a great time seeing you and the family. I have good pictures to send you. I took some pictures over to Grandpa Leo's to show him how you are doing. He says HI with XOXOXO
You get your counts up so you get the Bone Marrow done and on the way to a good life out of the hospital.
See you later. LOVE Aunt DEB XOXOXOXOX

Deb Sindelar <dlsinde2@rockwellcollins.com>
Cedar Rapids, IA - Wednesday, November 3, 2004 9:24 AM CST
Hey Zach!
I hope you have have been feeling better!
Sorry i haven't been sending you ending thing lately.
In school we have been working a lot on our country projects, last month went by realy fast in school and this month will be even faster we have been doing our itbs testing :(
Other than that we havent been anything way to special we got our report card a few weeks ago and tomorrow we are going to have the awards asembly and today we voted and in the school Bush was elected president.
I hope to see you soon!!!
~Your friend,

Ryan Knight <RKShorty22@aol.com>
- Tuesday, November 2, 2004 6:26 PM CST
Zac-A-Roni Mac-A-Roni!
What's going on??? I miss you buddy! We've got a semi-new lunch today: pretzel with cheese. No nachos. i've decorated for Thanksgiving for the school. Come back soon so that you can see. Thanksgiving decorations are a little boring. Not as much fun as halloween!
I miss you. Hurry and get better.
Love ya!
Your favorite Lunch Lady

Alexis Bajich <alexisbajich@smsd.org>
Overland Park, KS USA - Monday, November 1, 2004 9:03 AM CST
Hi Zach! Happy Halloween! We just sent you a package today.
You should have it in a couple of days - some photos of the Halloween party at school are included. You are always in our thoughts and prayers!

The Collins Family <bcollins11@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Sunday, October 31, 2004 7:10 PM CST
Hope you have a super spooky one, so spooky that it scares the AML and M7 right out of you - for GOOD. Hang in there. You're always in our thoughts and prayers. Big HUGS and sloppy kisses. The Fennell's

Fennells <fennells@sbcglobal.net>
OP, KS USA - Sunday, October 31, 2004 8:58 AM CST
Hi Zach!
Was great to see you Friday. I hope you are continuing
to improve. Have you seen the Witch Watch? If you do be sure to set it forward tonight!
I love you,

Shasta Hornack <hornack@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Saturday, October 30, 2004 8:04 PM CDT
Your costume definitely helped everyone's night start out great! You are so silly and you know how to work the crowd!! You and your family are so much fun...I love taking care of you. I get to take care of you all weekend long and we are going to pray for NO FEVERS!!! We want you to be able to celebrate Halloween with us on Sunday! I pray for you often and I just know you will find a match and beat this.
Your night CA,
Amanda :)

Amanda Coldwell <arc8874@mwsc.edu>
Kansas City, MO USA - Friday, October 29, 2004 11:19 PM CDT
Thank you so much for my card. It was very sweet. I wish you the best of luck with everything in your future. You are a very strong young man with an incredible personality.
I know that you will do great!

Emily RN

Emily Passman <empassman@hotmail.com>
KC, MO 64111 - Friday, October 29, 2004 1:56 AM CDT

I wanted to let you know that Karla from Church of the Ressurection submitted a prayer card for you. (Bill, Kathleen, and I have been doing some dramas for her in the nursing homes.) Now there are a ton more people praying for you. I look forward to seeing whatever you choose for your costume in the photos. Have a Happy Halloween!

Lori Triplett
- Thursday, October 28, 2004 3:46 PM CDT
Zach, You probably wonder who some of these people are who write you, well this note is from one of those people. We lived next door to you when you lived on 97th st. You, Nathan, Joe and Beth would play together. Joe enjoyed reading your jokes. Your mom has done an wonderful job with the web site. You and your family are in our prayers. Take care and keep the jokes coming.
Pam Bower <pambower@cox.net>
Salina, KS USA - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 10:41 PM CDT
May God place His hand of healing upon you. I will pray for you.
Sara (Friends of Allie) <jeffsara@telus.net>
Port Moody, BC Canada - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 8:20 PM CDT
Good morning Zack, just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you.... just a few Halloween ideas..Ozzie Ozbourn, texas chainsaw, rap star,or sports fan.. looking forward to seeing you this weekend. Are prayers and thoughts are with you everyday..keep the chin up!!!!!
love ya Lance, Rebecca, Cody, Colin,and Boxster.

Rebecca corbin <rcorbin1@kc.rr.com>
op, ks usa - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 8:22 AM CDT
Dear Zach and family,
Our prayer for you is that your BMT will be as successful as our grandson Ryan's. He is our two and a half year old miracle boy ! Our fervent prayer is that you too may be yet another of God's miracles. Stay strong...Keep the FAITH! Blessings..Ryan's Grammie Kathi

kathijacobs <kathijacobs@kc.rr.com>
overland Park, KS - Monday, October 25, 2004 10:47 PM CDT
Dear Zach,
I am surely praying for that match. Sounds like you have had more trouble than you need lately. I think about you everyday and wonder what you're doing. I hope you are working on some exciting 6th grade project you can do to take your mind off some of your other concerns. Not much news from Arkansas. I am now a CASA and I have a case where I am trying to help a little boy. I have learned a lot. I am sending positive thoughts your way. Take care and know God loves you. Love, Mrs. "K"

Jan Keirsey <kjkeirsey@cox-internet.com>
Bella Vista, AR. - Sunday, October 24, 2004 7:27 PM CDT
Hi Zach,
I was so glad to hear from your mom that you are getting stronger every day after this last round of chemo. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Hang in there buddy!

Kathleen Miller <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Friday, October 22, 2004 9:27 PM CDT
HA Zach,
Just checking in to say I am thinking of you. Hope you are not too under the weather. We will see you in a week.

Deb Sindelar <dlsinde2@rockwellcollins.com>
Cedar Rapids,, IA - Friday, October 22, 2004 1:50 PM CDT
Hi, Zach. We're thinking about you and wishing you well. Hope you get lots of candy. Happy Halloween! If you look at the Katherine Carpenter web site you can see us.
From: 1st and 2nd grade combination classroom at Katherine Carpenter

Ms. Bartelsmeyer <cabartel@smsd.org>
Overland Park, KS USA - Friday, October 22, 2004 11:08 AM CDT
Hey Zach! Hope you are having a good day despite all the rain and clouds. It's suppose to be a sunny day tomorrow. I have faith that you will climb "Mt. Everest". We are praying for you daily and want you to know you are in our thoughts just as much. Your pictures are such fun to look at with that huge smile and bright eyes. I'm extremely hungry after looking at that HUGE piece of chocolate cake. Please tell me you had help eating that! Be looking for a little surprise to help you over Mt. Everest.

Kim McMahon <kmcmahon4@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Friday, October 22, 2004 9:02 AM CDT
ZachZoo! How are your cartoons coming? Jacob and I are making a book of our HotRod drawings! I'll have to show you when it's done. Hope you're feeling OK. I have a cold this week, so I probably can't come by until later in the week. Keep drawing, and stay in the Zone! We're all praying for you!


Jeff Smith <jeff@jayhawkwireless.com>
Bonner Springs, KS USA - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 9:16 AM CDT
Hi guys! Just a quick not to let you know that we are sending up many prayers for all of you. We've notified the "prayer warriors" to active and send some mighty prayers up on behalf of Zach. We're hoping to get up to the floor to see you guys before we head home on Friday. You have many people lifting you up to the Lord. May you continue to feel His strengh carry you each day.
Ronda Lawson and family <krselawson@yahoo.com>
Baxter Springs, KS USA - Monday, October 18, 2004 10:36 PM CDT
Hey Zach, I was looking at your pictures, and I noticed that you and I have matching Raider football t-shirts. Cool!
On Friday, I had a meeting with one of my students and his mom. I mentioned that I will be in San Francisco running a marathon for the Leukemia Society this weekend, and it turns out that my student's mom knows your mom from Katherine Carpenter. There sure are a lot of people who care about you!
I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as I run the marathon on Sunday, Zach. Hang in there!
Jennifer Quick -- The Mearas' neighbor and also a teacher at Shawnee Mission South

Jennifer Quick <jquick@kc.rr.com>
Leawood, KS - Monday, October 18, 2004 7:27 PM CDT
Hi Zach-- I hope you will be feeling better day by day. Whenever you came to school we had a lot of fun playing kickball with you. Whenever we can play kickball again it will be fun. Our family prays you will get better soon. May God watch over you every moment. Lauren and Brenda Lewallen
Lauren and Brenda Lewallen <dlewallen1@kc.rr.com>
- Monday, October 18, 2004 2:05 PM CDT
Hi Zach, We've been thinking of you and praying daily for you. The Joyful Noise sang this morning (KG - 2nd grade) and they did such an awesome job Praising God. Many of the kids in that Choir are praying daily for you as is Kevin. He went to Camporee this weekend, but we're in a different district than your Troop. We want to visit your troop and hear about all the neat things they do. I know youv'e always liked it and camped alot and Kevin crosses over in Feb. So we'll have to have you give him some info about it when we can come see you some day. God gave us beautiful mountains to climb and you will reach the top and do it buddy. Thinking of all of you. The Conways
Dianne Conway <con5way@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS 66215 - Sunday, October 17, 2004 10:26 PM CDT
Hi Zach, This is Nathan and Logan Pendergraft. We just wanted to say, "Hi". We hope you feel well and hope to see you at school soon. We miss you playing kick ball at recess! Send us some new jokes, we like hearing them.
Nathan and Logan Pendergraft <coyeugene@sprintmail.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Saturday, October 16, 2004 8:41 PM CDT
Hey Zach,
Just like others who have climbed Everest, you can get over this hump. Just keep thinking good thoughts and keep putting one foot in front of the the other and you can overcome anything.
Have a great day.

Steve Hawkins <hawkinssw@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, October 13, 2004 12:41 AM CDT
Hey Zach
Took me forever to find your page this time. I have tried calling but it's always busy! Guess I'll try again. Hope your having "good" days. You better have a afro wig picture on the site, I want to see!!

Aunt Sue <sthomas@avalon.net>
ic, ia - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 11:56 AM CDT
Zach, you don't know me. My name is Phil Wood, and I work at Terracon with your mom. We worked in Iowa together when we were both a lot younger. I'll be thinking of you and praying for your recovery.
Phil Wood <pdwood@terracon.com>
Oklahoma City, OK - Monday, October 11, 2004 7:15 PM CDT
Hey Zach-I have been meaning to get up to the school when you were there, so I decided to check out the webite and see what was up with you lately. Well, I know this may seem like Mt. Everest but I know that you are going to conquer this quicker than you think. I am praying for you all the time and it sounds like a ton of other people are doing the same thing. So, I didn't get to come to the bone marrow drive that was held in your name because I was in New York that weekend, will you or your mom let me know where I can go to get tested? I put my email at the end of this note. Well, hang in there and tell your mom, dad and Nathan "hi" for me. Love, Miss Rachel.
Rachel Chadwick <rachel45@hotmail.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Monday, October 11, 2004 4:52 PM CDT
Hey Zach-I have been meaning to get up to the school when you were there, so I decided to check out the webite and see what was up with you lately. Well, I know this may seem like Mt. Everest but I know that you are going to conquer this quicker than you think. I am praying for you all the time and it sounds like a ton of other people are doing the same thing. So, I didn't get to come to the bone marrow drive that was held in your name because I was in New York that weekend, will you or your mom let me know where I can go to get tested? I put my email at the end of this note. Well, hang in there and tell your mom, dad and Nathan "hi" for me. Love, Miss Rachel.
Rachel Chadwick <rachel45@hotmail.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Monday, October 11, 2004 4:49 PM CDT
Thanks for taking a group picture with all of us nurses tonight(even if it embarassed you!) I will have to give you copies when I get them back. Take care of youself.

Emily 4Henson RN

Emily Passman <empassman@hotmail.com>
KC, MO USA - Sunday, October 10, 2004 11:33 PM CDT
Hi Zach,

What color is your wig? It sounds like the nurses at Children's Mercy are really special and care so much about you. I know God will see you through this "bump". You are always in our thoughts and prayers.

Kathleen Miller

Kathleen Miller <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Sunday, October 10, 2004 7:21 PM CDT
Whaz up Zachster? Therz a lot of uz getting joke withdrawal out here. HELP uz out pweez!! Hope yooz iz doing OK. Weez iz juzt fine except for zee lack of JOKES. Bin thinking of youz ALL the time and mizz seeing youz sooo much. Weez don't even know what youz look like nowz. Any hair yet? or did round three zap out thoze chances? Keep on smiling :) :) :) :) and could youz find uz juzt one joke so weez knowz youz iz OK.(: (: (: (:
Love and Hugz
Your Frendz - The Fennell's

The Fennells <fennells@sbcglobal.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Friday, October 8, 2004 11:31 PM CDT
Just wanted to say "hi"....
Can't think of anything else to say.

James Contreras <cristom@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Tuesday, October 5, 2004 10:15 PM CDT
Hey Zach,
hope things are going well. I really want to see you soon, so we'll see what we can work out.

Rebecca Burwinkle <becca88@prodigy.net>
- Monday, October 4, 2004 7:13 PM CDT
Hi ya Zachster, I've been checking in with you, but there hasn't been a whole lot of news about your most recent hospital adventure. Now I hear that you are back home for a while - YIPEE! Does that mean I can come by and give you one of my specials - a great big hug and a mushy kiss. I'll catch you when you least expect it. Until then keep getting stronger and better by the second.
Love n stuff
Those Fennell's :):):)xxxx:):):)

The Fennells <fennells@sbcglobal.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Friday, October 1, 2004 0:19 AM CDT
Hey Zach!
Sorry I haven't been by to see you in awhile. My luck, I as soon as I was going to I come down with a cold. I'll see you after the germs are gone - I have lots of cards the kids have made at Sunday School for you -I'll mail them today. Take care and we are always praying for you! (My daughter, Kelsey, has been planning a "Welcome Back Zach" party for when you come back to church!)

Lisa C. <lisa@knoxchurch.org>
- Thursday, September 30, 2004 3:19 PM CDT
Mr. Zachary, I have an issue with you! After 3 days of forgetting your movie, I finally brought it up to you at the hospital today and they told me that you left an hour before!! I had that picture for you, too! Finally, I was not a forgetful nurse and you went and left on me! All kidding aside, I am very glad that you get some fun time at home! I'll keep my fingers crossed for NO FEVERS!
See ya soon!
Megan L

Megan Lynch <mel081279@yahoo.com>
Kansas City, Mo - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:58 PM CDT

Hey there! There isn't much recent scoop on your webpage, so I wanted to touch base and see how you were doing. What's the latest? I'm still praying for you!

I also have a favor to ask. We are going to do another performance of Don's Dream soon and I wondered if we could borrow your cd player again?

Take care!

- Tuesday, September 28, 2004 9:36 AM CDT
Hi, Zach! Boy, it's been a long time since I've written. School started and that took care of my free time. Then on Sept. 12th, our daughter had a baby girl! ! ! ! Her name is Delaney Jeannette France. She only weighed 6lbs and 5 oz when she was born and was 19 inches long. She's already gained more than a pound and is absolutely wonderful. I'll have to email you a picture.

I'm trying to track down a tape recorder that will make a good recording of the Choir music so you can practice with us while we learn the tunes for the choral festival and Borders and Crown Center and our concert!

I'll continue to pray for God's strength and courage for you and your family as you walk continue on this journey. Don't forget -- God is faithful and He loves you more than you can imagine!

We love you too --

Mrs. Raynes

Jeannette Raynes
Kansas City, Kansas City USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 7:30 PM CDT
Hi Zach--just had a new program put on our computer and now I can pull up your web-site-am so glad that now I can keep up with you. You are in my thoughts and prayers
Love you Marilyn (Freeborn) (Knox)

Marilyn Freeborn <dfreeborn@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, Ks USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 5:02 AM CDT
Zach and family
I don't knnow if my name will ring a bell with you but your dad and I grew up together and I am good friend of your anunt deb. my hisband Bill and i came to your house in kc with our dog smokie. we came down with our big 5th wheel trailer we were with Deb and Jeff and Alex and Devon and Grandpa Leo.
Your aunt debbie told me today that you are in the hospital and she gave me your website and I have read the journal and all of the entries on your guestbook. It sure sounds like you have a lot of friends that are keeping you reading.
I am living in New Mexico now for 4 years. I live in a town named Belen that is Bethlehem in Spanish. Belen is 40 miles from Albuquerque. It is a desert surrounded by mountains. I work at Presbyterian Hospital in Albuquerque. I am a social worker and I help people get the things they need when they are ready to go home from the hospital
I bet you have a social worker that is working with you at your hospital. What is her or his name?
I hope that this round of chemo will do the trick.
Take Care and tell mom and dad and nathan HI for me
My prayers are with you and your family
Janet Parrott

Janet Parrott <parrottjanet@wmconnect.com>
Belen , NM USA - Saturday, September 25, 2004 11:44 AM CDT
ZachZoo! I got your cartoon finished on the computer. It looks like the pros! I think you'll like what I did with it. This week has been crazy at work, so hopefully, I can come by next week and bring it to you. (if you're still at the hospital) Hope you go home soon! Did you "brainstorm" for your phone book drawing? Stay "in the zone" and draw some more "Captain Chemo Underpants" cartoons!


Jeff Smith <jeff@kkg-inc.com>
Bonner Springs, KS USA - Friday, September 24, 2004 1:58 PM CDT
Hey Zach- I just wanted to say "Good Day" as the British would!! I am in London and it has been quite an experience. I hope that you are feeling better because when I left I heard you had some fevers. Just wanted to send you a note from half way around the world and let you know that I am thinking about you!! Talk to you later
Love ya-

Cristy Bettes, RN 4HT <cbettes@dellmail.com>
London(temporarily-ha! ha!), - Friday, September 24, 2004 11:26 AM CDT
HA Zach,
Was thinking of you today. Haven't talked to you lately.Your dad called me the other day and it was nice to hear that you are doing great. We keep praying that everything goes good. Alex & Devon keep asking how you are.
Alex is doing good but he is bored like you are in the evening cause there isn't anything to do. He goes to school or PT training dearing the day. He helped out with a program that only 21 men got picked to help set a training and tear it down when they were done for the day. When we come see you at the end of October you will have to talk to Alex about it. We are planning on getting another dog. It is Alaskan Huskie. I hope it works out good. Keep in touch. Hope you like your quilt. LOVE YOU Your Aunt Deb XOXOXOXOX

Deb Sindelar <dlsind2@rockwellcollins.com>
Cedar Rapids, IA - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 11:41 AM CDT
Hi Zach,
I hope you had a good day today. We just got back from Scouts and Mr. Lawrence mentioned the bone marrow drive, so I was thinking about you. I'm glad you're through round 3 - we'll be praying for good news on your tests. That sure is a beautiful quilt your aunt made.
Anyway, I just wanted to say hi to you and your mom and dad and Nathan and tell you that we're thinking of you.

Marcia Contreras <mcon322@everestkc.net>
OP, KS - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 10:20 PM CDT
Hi Zach, So glad round 3 went well. Mikhail and Kevin side with you strongly on not wanting to do school work. But what would us mom's do, if we couldn't nag all of you about doing your homework and getting good grades? Do you like to read the "Unfortunate Events" series by Lemony Snickett. If you haven't we will bring you some, they are so funny. Mikhail's waiting for #12 or #13 due out this fall. He started reading them in 5th or 6th grade and still likes them in HS. Take care, hope to see you soon. Your in our daily prayers.
The Conways

Dianne Conway <con5way@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS 66215 - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 10:13 PM CDT
Zach, we know it is not exciting to do homework while stuck in a bed...........we pray you will be back at Carpenter soon. The 6th graders voted for the yearbook cover they wanted so I will show you when I see you...but it will be a secret for everyone younger! 6th grade rules! Linda and Wil Stoker
Linda and Wil Stoker <walkstoker@att.net>
Overland Park, Ks - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 7:14 PM CDT
Hi Zach,
Hope you are beginning to get in the swing of having a teacher come to you. No it's not the same as being with the "funny man Falk", but it's learning. I know you are well prepared for 6th grade because you made 5th grade count just like you have made every grade count with your effort. Hope this finds you having better days and those germs aren't having a party where they aren't supposed to be partying. I continue to pray for you a lot and I know you'd rather be with your friends at school. You have been strong for a long time and I know you will continue to face tomorrows with the best attitude you can muster because that is how God made you. I miss you and the Carpenter kids. I got to work with 150 third graders today at the Peel Museum. They came to learn about Pioneer life. Do you remember studying about pioneers and the Civil War in third grade? I bet you are enjoying some of the sixth grade research projects...if you have started. Tell your family "hi" for me. Love, Mrs."K"

Jan Keirsey <kjkeirsey@cox-internet.com>
Bella Vista, Ar USA - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 4:54 PM CDT
Hi Zach-- My name is Brenda Lewallen and I the mom of Lauren and Dalton Lewallen that go to Katherine Carpenter school, just like you. I have been thinking and praying about you, your brother and parents for a long time now, so I thought I should write you a few lines. First, it was TOTALLY GREAT to see you at school this year, just being with your friends. They sure do care about you a lot and are always willing to share with me when I ask them about how your doing.( You know, Grant,Dillon, Jake) It's also awesome to see what dedicated, wonderful parents you have Zach. I saw your dad a week ago patiently waiting to pick something up for you at school with a smile on his face and a "Hi, how are you?" to me. I thought I was going to cry at that moment. I was the one who should have been giving him the hug. Your mom, I have seen on occasion. She is passionate about her job of caring for you, her son. The love they have for you is endless and it is evident. Your brother, Nathan,goes to school with my oldest daughter Lindsey. He talks about you and obviously loves you very much. You have been blessed with a wonderful family to help you threough this difficult time in your life. I pray for God to give you strength, MANY days of feeling good, to know God is there holding your hand every moment and COMPLETE HEALING! You are such a brave young man. I mean that too. On the lighter side, I have a little joke for you. First, know I am not really a joking type of person, so I will do my best. I wasn't sure if you played in the band or not, but here's a little band joke. What instrument does a skeleton play? The trom--bone. As you can see we better leave those jokes for the funny people, like you. Here are a few encouraging words from the Bible. My favorite Bible verse is actually the entire chapter of Psalm 91 but I am just going to give you a few of my favorite bits.verse 2 I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust". verse 4 He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield. Verse 11 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. God bless you Zach in every way from the bottom of my heart. Brenda Lewallen
Brenda Lewallen
Overland Park, KS USA - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 9:05 AM CDT
Hey Zach! Did Karen Haffey tell you that she went to New York Ciy with Terri Reynolds and I? It was really interesting with all of the lights in Times Square, the super tall buildings, Ground Zero(September 11 sight), the subways, the crazy taxi drivers, and a guy that stood out on the street corner in nothing but his underwear, cowboy boots and cowboy hat strumming his guitar, and lots of ladies dropping money into a can for him. It's a very different city, fun to visit, but I sure appreciate my own home town. I saw the building where the David Letterman show is filmed. It's a dump!!!

I hope you are feeling well. The Harris family is thinking of you always. I know all of this attention might be a little overwhelming, but just know you have so many friends pulling for you. Say hi to mom, dad and nathan.

Love, Marla Harris

Marla Harris <MarlaHarris@smsd.org>
Shawnee, ks united states - Friday, September 17, 2004 8:33 PM CDT
Hi Zach!
I am so happy to hear you have been doing so well.
By the way, did you take any of the CUSHIONS to
the hospital with you?
Can't wait for you to come home.
I love you,

Shasta Hornack <hornack@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Friday, September 17, 2004 11:35 AM CDT

I loved your joke today. It made me laugh out loud! Well, just thought I would drop a short note to remind you that you are always in our thoughts and prayers.

Kathleen Miller <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Friday, September 17, 2004 8:21 AM CDT
Hey there, Zach. I'm that teacher from Shawnee Mission South just checking in on you. How awesome that you got to go to school??? It looks like you have a very happy and smiley class. I bet that they can't wait for you to join them again real soon.
So many good wishes to you!!!

Jennifer Quick <jquick@kc.rr.com>
Leawood, KS 66206 - Thursday, September 16, 2004 7:00 AM CDT
Hi ya, Zach!! I just got back from a meeting in Toronto (Canada). It's too late for me to call and check in on you, so hopefully you'll read this soon and know I'm thinking of you. While in Toronto, we got to witness the massive celebrations of the Toronto Maple Leafs (ice hockey team) play for the World Cup Championship. Those hockey fans were all over the streets, and cars were honking ALL night long through the city streets. And I thought Chiefs' Red Fridays were wild?

The Canadian Film Festival was also in town. Can you imagine people watching 392 movies in 10 days? I'm not sure how many movies a person could see in one day. We heard tickets were going for $300 per day. It was similar to a Red Carpet night in Hollywood. There were lots of movie stars in town because they kept showing them on the news.

This weekend is the Overland Park Parade and the Pack will have a float again. Come see us if you can. Take care little buddy.

Karen Haffey <khaffey@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 11:17 PM CDT
HA Zach,
Just thinking of you today and was wondering how everything is going. Alex wrote in his letter and was wondering how you are. I am sending him the pictures that you put on the web. Devon bought a truck that is stick shift. He is having a good time with it. I had a great birthday and thank you and your family for the bigggg bouquet of balloons. I was very surprise. One of this days I will be able to talk to you. Take care LOVE Aunt Deb oxox

Deb Sindelar <dlsind2@rockwellcollins.com>
Cedar Rapids, IA - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 2:07 PM CDT
Hey Zach!!!!!
For marching Band we have to carry notebooks with all of our charts(Where we have to move next). We can put pictures and stuff on the outside, so I put your picture on the cover. Everyone was asking who the cute boy was so I told them about you. Now you have a bunch of people praying for you that you probably haven't even met!!! Every day since I put that on my chart book, people ask me how you are doing. I hope things are going well, and I hope to actually get to visit you soon!! I carry this passage in my pocket every day and when things get rough, I just pull this card out and it calms me down. Hopefully it will help you too. "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH HIM WHO GIVES ME STRENGTH."PHILLIPPIANS 4:13

Rebecca Burwinkle <becca88@prodigy.net>
- Tuesday, September 14, 2004 8:04 PM CDT
Hey Zachster,
Guess what? We (Alex's team) played Carl's team on Sunday. It was so much fun especially when Ray tried to takeAlex's head off with one of his "Pitches". They both started laughing and Ray shouted "Oops! Sorry Alex". Next pitch Alex smashed the ball into center field and on his way to 2nd base said, "Oops! Sorry Ray". Then Ray picked Alex off at 2nd, got him out and said, "Oops! Sorry Alex". It was great! Nathan also got to pitch and he was awesome, he smiled the whole time and loved every minute of it. We all had sooo much fun, but not nearly as much fun as when you're there too. James didn't have anyone to pick on!
Well, I finally made it back from England. Now that's a pretty cool place to visit...if I do say so myself.
Hopefully you got my post card. I did check in a couple of times while I was gone to find out how you were doing. I was thrilled to hear that you were back in school for a few days. Mr. Falk is the BOMB isn't he?
So, now it's onto round three for you and counting down to "Total AML & Monosomy 7 Dude Recall". Who do they think they are invading the Zachsters space. Don't they know who they're dealing with?
Keep safe. Ta ra for now. Love ya lots and lots of big mushy peas and spotted dick pudding xxxxxxxx
P.S Great pics. Wonderful quilt. Great looking 6th Grade. Now that's what I call a slice of chocolate cake!! :)

Fennell's <fennels@sbcglobal.net>
Overland Park, Ks Johnson - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 1:57 AM CDT
OH, and SORRY I didn't spell your name right...duh!!
Vivian Love <vivian@teamconstructionkc.com>
- Sunday, September 12, 2004 9:58 AM CDT
Hi Zac! You probably dont' know me, but I'm one of the PTA presidents at Carpenter. You might know my son Mason who is in 3rd grade. Mason has a 6 year old cousin who had AML and is now 5 years cancer free! I also wanted to pass along a joke:

A new teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses. She started her class by saying, "Everyone who thinks you're stupid, stand up!" After a few seconds, Little Johnny stood up.

The teacher said, "Do you think you're stupid, Little Johnny?

"No, ma'am, but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself!"

Hang in there Zac!

Vivian Love <vivian@teamconstructionkc.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Sunday, September 12, 2004 9:57 AM CDT
hey this is zach sayin hi to my buddy me, hang in there


zach marion <sjmarion@terracon.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Saturday, September 11, 2004 1:07 PM CDT
Hi Zach,

How great to hear about all the things you have been doing. I am sure everyone at school was glad to see you. We will keep praying. Hang in there with those eye drops. You are such a trooper.
Kathleen Miller

Kathleen Miller <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Thursday, September 9, 2004 11:05 PM CDT
Zach- It was so glad to hear that you got to go back to school for a while! I bet you loved doing all of that homework! I loved your joke for the day! I told it to my little sister and she didn't understand it...so I had to explain it to her! I'm glad to hear your doing better! Your in my prayers!
Rachel Hawkins

Rachel Hawkins <goalgirl411@hotmail.com>
lenexa, ks us of a - Thursday, September 9, 2004 7:57 PM CDT
Hey Zach and family-I was just checking in to see how things were going and I am so glad to hear about the remission, I have been praying everyday and will continue until you are completely better! So, how was going to school? Sounds like you were pretty excited to get back, I wish I could have been there to see you! I'm not working at Carpenter this year because I am about to graduate and have been too busy with student teaching and getting my classes out of the way. But, I am going to have to come up to the school and see you when you are back full time-I know it is going to be a lot sooner than you think and then you will be wanting a break from it. Anyway, I hope you are all doing really well...Love, Miss Rachel.
Rachel Chadwick <rachel45@hotmail.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Wednesday, September 8, 2004 5:30 PM CDT
Hi MArions,
Hope eveything is going good. I called the other day and Nathan saided that you three were to a movie and about going to school. that is super. Keep up the good work.
I will try to call you again.

Deb Sindelar <dlsind2@rockwellcollins.com>
IA - Wednesday, September 8, 2004 2:34 PM CDT
Hi Zach,
Nathan told me you are back in the hospital.
I hope you are doing ok and this time will
be easier for you.
I am glad you, Ryan and Cody could come
see me while you were home.
I love you, hurry back. If you want anything
just call.

Shasta Hornack <hornack@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Tuesday, September 7, 2004 5:20 PM CDT
Zach & Family, your Aunt Shelley told me to check out your website and I'm glad she did! I especially like the jokes. I'm going to save some of them for my girls when they get a little older. I'm glad to hear that you are doing so well and you will all be in our prayers.
Karlene Reith (Shelley's friend) <kreith98@hotmail.com>
Stockbridge, GA USA - Thursday, September 2, 2004 6:25 PM CDT
Yeah! You got to go to school! Did you ever think that you would be that excited for school??? We miss you up here at the hospital! Have a great week!
Megan - night nurse :)

Megan Lynch <mel081279@yahoo.com>
Kansas City, Mo - Wednesday, September 1, 2004 11:08 PM CDT
It was so good to have the surprise of seeing your smiling face in your mom's van at church last Friday. We had a Prayer Service at church tonight and as always the people remembered you in prayers. In fact, do you know that one of the words I here most at church is "Zach". How is Zach? We're praying for Zach. Did you hear this about Zach? People are so excited to hear that you have been in school. Even people that don't know your face know your name and are praying for you. You are a walking example of how God answers prayers. Have a great week at school and ENJOY doing your homework! Love, Lori Unthank

Lori Unthank <lori@knoxchurch.org>
Lenexa, Ks USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 10:23 PM CDT
We are so glad to see Zach's page. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers everyday.
Penny Wood (Christopher's Mom) <pwood@zouire.com>
Pittsburg, KS USA - Monday, August 30, 2004 7:16 PM CDT
Zach- I'm so glad to hear that things have been going well for you at home. How did mom do on the dressing change???? ha! ha! I'm sure she is doing GREAT! I bet you really enjoyed having some freedom and going to school, you better stay out of trouble! :)
I heard that you got to meet my parents at your bone marrow drive. They think you are the cutest thing ever! I also heard that they gave you permission to continue to nail me with the marshmallow gun.... we may have to talk about that! Enjoy your time at home, look forward to seeing you in a few weeks for your next chemo admission. Take care and know that I am thinking about you.
Your REAL favorite day nurse! (who does that Amy think she is??) ha! ha! :)

Cristy Bettes <cbettes@dellmail.com>
Overland Park, KS - Saturday, August 28, 2004 12:48 AM CDT
Wow! What exciting news about the remission and that you got to school!! We will keep praying and specifically pray about the Monosomy7 - that it goes away for good!!
Hope you have a good week at school.

The Millers

The Miller family - Scott, Kathleen, Marshall and Kelsey <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Saturday, August 28, 2004 11:36 AM CDT

How's it going? There were a lot of people at the Bone Marrow Drive in your honor! Thanks for letting us borrow your C.D. player! We might have to borrow it again, but only if you let us. Are you watching the Olympics? Hope the tests results come back excellent! Take care, Lori

Lori Triplett
- Friday, August 27, 2004 5:02 PM CDT
Hi Zach,

Thanks for letting us borrow your CD player for the Don's Dream performance yestereday. It was so great to see so many people at the bone marrow drive on Saturday. As always, you are in our prayers. You are a very special person.

The Millers - Scott,Kathleen Marshall and Kelsey

Kathleen Miller <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Tuesday, August 24, 2004 7:27 PM CDT
Hey Zach! I'm glad your home for a while. It's good to have a break. Rest up, and enjoy it! Janie said she saw you at the bone marrow drive, and I guess she told you that I have a surprise for you. I'll come by and see you in a few weeks when you go back. I got you something to inspire the artist in you. Keep drawing and "Lock-it-down!" :)

Jeff Smith

Jeff Smith <Jeff@jayhawkwireless.com>
Bonner Springs, KS USA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 1:31 PM CDT
nathan <nathanater89@aol.com>
- Tuesday, August 24, 2004 12:47 AM CDT
Hey, Zach! I'm so glad you're getting to hang out at home for a while! We haven't started Choir yet -- just letting everyone get settled in first.

They chose "Saints on Parade" for one of the tunes we'll sing in November for the choral festival -- so that's great since we already know it from last year! We're going to do a mixture of holiday songs in December and try to take them to a senior center or 2. Might sing at Crown Center if we can schedule it.

We'll save the musical for 2nd semester. Don't know which one we'll do yet -- we may put our own together. Some of the kids want to do a bunch of tunes from the 50s and 60s. I looked for a junior version of "Bye Bye Birdie" -- but there isn't one.

Our daughter's baby hasn't arrived yet -- but it won't be long now! She's due Sept. 14th.

Mr. Coleman's baby is really cute. Of course, we'll have to draw whiskers on him to see if he REALLY looks like his daddy. =)

May God continue to bless you and strengthen you and your family and make your treatments work supernaturally well!

Much love --

Mrs. Raynes

Jeannette Raynes <plaidraynbowj@yahoo.com>
Kansas City, KS USA - Monday, August 23, 2004 8:27 PM CDT
Hi Zach, Karen told me about the big success they had for the bone marrow drive on Saturday. Great. Hang in there and keep getting well. I keep checking your web page and enjoy your jokes. God Bless you and your family. My love to all. Grandma Haffey. Hale Mo.
Sue Haffey <sbhaffey@cvalley.net>
Hale, Mo. USA - Monday, August 23, 2004 7:24 AM CDT
Hello to the Marions!!!
Guess what I saw on the news this evening??? You guys....it was great to see. It is such a great thing that you guys did having the bone marrow drive. We miss you on 4 Henson but I am so glad that you are having time at home with friends and family. We will get to see you soon enough. Take care and know that we are thinking about you guys.
Your favorite day nurse :) :) :) :) :) :)
Amy Diggs

Amy Diggs <diggsley@yahoo.com>
Overland Park, KS - Saturday, August 21, 2004 9:00 PM CDT
hey zach,
i hope your feeling good...
me and my mom stopped at the bone marrow drive today there were alot of people...
well i am at my grandmas so im gonna,
so i will talk to you later
yourf freind,

Ryan Knight <rkshorty22@aol.com>
- Saturday, August 21, 2004 7:01 PM CDT
hey Zach! I heard a really good joke today and thought you might like to hear it!
Does a tuna fish + a tunafish = a 4-a fish?
get it? cuz tuna sounds like 2?? haha! I thought you might like to hear that one!
Rachel Hawkins

Rachel Hawkins <hawkinssw@yahoo.com>
lenexa, ks USA - Saturday, August 21, 2004 4:06 PM CDT
OK Zach, Don't faint or anything, but it's the Fennell's -at last!!! It's not that we haven't bin thinking of ya, (you know we have), but we thought we'd save the best for last!!! hee hee. Traveling back through time, takes us to when we first heard about you getting sick. Since then, not a day has gone by that we haven't thought about, and prayed for you, your MUM (English spelling), Dad and Nathan. When we saw you in the hospital, you looked sooo good, it was still so hard to believe you were really sick. Then we saw you at the BB game with your 'New Do' and that never ending smile and we knew you were going to kick this thing in the B... You made our day (as Clint would say). Since then we've been keeping up with your every move (007 style) and despite all the ups and downs and ins and outs, you have continued to touch so many hearts with your stories, jokes and that great big smile. We Luv ya Zach
Tought you'd like to hear a Funny FENNELL story:-
Last night Lin decided to read your whole web page in one shot. After 1 hour she took an ice cream break, after 2 hours she needed coffee, after 3 hours she fell asleep with hands still in the keyboard position. 2 hours later she woke up unable to move her legs, arms, or hands, and couldn't even push her chair away from the computer. She sat there laughing because she was "STUCK ON YOU".
Thought you like this one.
We luv ya Zach.
The Fennells
xxxxxXXXXXXXxxxxXXXXXxxxxxXXXXXxxxxxx(Kisses English style)

Fennells <fennells@sbcglobal.net>
OP, KS USA - Saturday, August 21, 2004 10:04 AM CDT
Hey zach
glad to hear that your home hope your feeling a little bit better!
school started it isnt as bad because mr faulk is a really fun teacher!
he has some assignments but there fun. Yep i have a new baby sister she is so cut when she was born she weighed 5.0 lbs and 5.5 oz. and 18 inch. i got to hold her wednesday.
well i will talk to you later.
your freind,

Ryan Knight <RKShorty22@aol.com>
- Friday, August 20, 2004 6:50 PM CDT
HI Zacharoo!!

You are the big celeb now!! Looking good in the paper, not once, but twice. Girls are going ga ga!! They can't wait to see you. Your going to have to fight em off with a stick.

Glad to hear you are home for a few days. I know it is always easier to sleep at home and it is much more comforting to be there. We are all getting prepared for Saturday for the bone marrow drive. I think we are going to have a great turnout. Maybe we will find a match for your friend TJ who really seems to need one at this time.

School has started and I'm sure you wish you were in the class room. Keep doing well and you can be back soon.

As always, you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Randy Haffey <rhaffey@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park , KS USA - Friday, August 20, 2004 6:54 AM CDT
Hi Zach,
My son Steven who is now 22 has AML (Type1)he is in his 15th month of remission! He is back to school(had to take a year off) and says that a little cancer isn't going to stop him from living his life, sounds like you have the same positive attitude. I like the jokes.

Patti Andersen <bafl97@yahoo.com>
Overland Park, Ks - Thursday, August 19, 2004 10:20 AM CDT
HA Zach,
You haven't heard from me lately. It looked like you had a great party for your dad. Did you give him a big kiss from me? Monday morning we sent Alex off for his Army training (Started in Des Moines to get his physical and paperwork done) back to Fort Leonard Wood. Tuesday he had a big delay in Chicago for more than 3 hours because the plane they were going to send him on had something wrong with it. After 2 hours seating on the plane waiting they had them get off the plane so they can wait for a different one. Hopefully they got there okay. Is your days getting better? Did Nathan go back to school yet? Devon starts on Monday August 23. The blanket is on the way. Sorry it tookk so long. I hope you like it. LOVE you very much. Keep strong.

Deb Sindelar <dlsinde2@rockwellcollins.com>
Cedar Rapids, IA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 2:23 PM CDT
Hey Zach!
You are becoming a little celebrity!! What will it be next? Letterman? Leno? I hope you are starting to feel the good vibes as the Bone Marrow Drive gets closer. There will be another article promoting your story and the Bone Marrow Drive in the Sun Newspaper tomorrow (Thursday). I'm getting really excited! This one's for you buddy and your new-found comrades at CMH.

Karen Haffey <khaffey@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 12:53 AM CDT
Hey Zach - I agree with Susan - Sadie's new house is beautiful- "an architectural wonder":} -Nathan and your Dad did a great job on it! I can keep an eye on all of the animals during the day! Sadie grows bigger everyday- is there no end- you sure she isn't a Great Dane?? Keep your spirits up .. so glad you are doing better this week..
cris wood

cris wood <cmw@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS Johnson - Monday, August 16, 2004 9:58 PM CDT
Hey Marions!!
Zachawy (not a typo - how Pedro always says your name)- We want you to come home. Sadie keeps growing, she is definitely the biggest dog - watch out for that tail - it can knock you over! She is loving her brand new accomodations (much nicer than Ginger's!), I think Pedro is envious of your Dad's building skills. Sadie came out and played with the all the dogs yesterday, until she was tired out. School is starting today, Paul had to wear a new shirt, he probably wants to impress the girls! I informed our office of the donor drive for this Saturday, and I hope losts of people can make it. We hope that you're feeling better, stronger, and get to come home soon.
We're all thinking of you,
Your neighbors, Susan, Pedro, Alex, Tori, Paul, Sydney, Ginger and Chaps

Susan Blomer Rodriguez <SBLOMER@SCOULAR.COM>
Overland Park, KS USA - Monday, August 16, 2004 11:16 AM CDT
Zach: Your Dad was Jesus in the skit this morning! With that kind of power on your side you can't fail to get back in the mainstream sooon! Incidentally, he did very well.

We're pulling for you ,praying for you, and that includes my two granddaughters, who regularly comment on your empty chair in Sunday School. They want you back, too.

God bless! Fred (Mr. Fred) De Sieghardt

Fred De Sieghardt <fdesieghardt2@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Sunday, August 15, 2004 7:38 PM CDT
hey zach,
i havent emailed you for awhile (i havent been by a computer for awhile)...
i hope your feeling good...
and also my mom went to arizona with my sister and my mmom came back last night. And my step mom went to the hospital for her baby on thursday night and the hospital is not letting her leave until she has it.so im gonna be a big brother :)...
well i have to go i will talk to you later.
your friend,

Ryan Knight <RKShorty22@aol.com>
- Sunday, August 15, 2004 5:42 PM CDT
It sounds like every day you are getting a little better.Keep it up!!I'm sure all the prayers coming your way have something to do with that.Here's a joke for you from my grandson Chris(also 11)Why did the football coach go to the bank? He was trying to get his quarter back!! Great article in the paper. I sent my copy home with Nathan in case you needed extras. Hope to see you in the neighborhood soon.
Mary Winne <marysip@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS usa - Sunday, August 15, 2004 1:08 PM CDT
Hi Zach, So glad to hear the infection is resolving and your counts are rising. We got home tonight and were thinking of you. Hoping Kevin and some of us can visit you soon. I like the new pictures. My birthday was Aug. 9th (your dad and I won't compare ages, it's probably a toss up) It was cold all week but we got to go up to the top of a lighthouse that was 140 years old. Pretty cool.
Your positive attitude and faithfulness is going to continue to shine each day and we are praying for you.
The Conway's

Dianne Conway <con5way@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS 66215 - Saturday, August 14, 2004 9:49 PM CDT
Zach, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You have been through a lot and your positive attitude continues to shine through.
Love, Bill, Nancy, Dan, Carolyn and Rebecca Magee

The Magee's <nwmagee@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Saturday, August 14, 2004 12:04 AM CDT
Hey Zach-
I don't know you but I read about you today in the Blue Valley/Leawood "Neighboorhood News" Article. My heart goes out to you and I wish you all the luck in beating AML. I'm going away to college on the 18th, but if all possible, I will try to come back on the 21st to particpate in the bone marrow drive. God Bless you and your family! :)

Jessica <E5Uduckette@aol.com>
Overland Park, - Saturday, August 14, 2004 7:03 AM CDT
Hey Zach,

I always love reading good news on your website. Sounds like your lungs are getting better everyday!! It sounds like the article might be in our neighborhood news tomorrow. I will be looking for it!!As always, you are in our thoughts and prayers. We pray for T.J. and Adam, too!
Remember: The God of the Universe loves you and will never leave you or forsake you.

The Millers (Kathleen, Scott, Marshall and Kelsey Rose)

Kathleen Miller <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Friday, August 13, 2004 10:28 PM CDT
Dear Zach,
Hi ! I am the grandmother person who popped in to meet you on Sunday at CMH. My friend, Mrs.Scofield taught your brother at Carpenter. I wanted to meet you because our grandson, Ryan, is an AML survivor! He had lots of bumps in the road just like you. He is now almost 18 months LEUKEMIA FREE ! ! ! I pray you will be one of God's miracles, just like our Ryan. I hope on my next visit I can meet your Mom.
Prayers for you and your family.Blessings, Ryan's Grammie Kathi

kathi jacobs <kathijacobs@kc.rr.com>
overland park , KS - Thursday, August 12, 2004 10:51 PM CDT
Hi Zach - One of the SM homebound teachers lives just down the street from us - Mrs. Barbara Burkhardt (8802 ) she is a great teacher and has been doing homebound for several yeas...I hope maybe they can set that up for you to be with her:} - if you need anything at all in the tutoring world etc. let me know .. I am subbing again this year but I will be around - if your Mom or Dad needs me ..Gordon and I just went up to the Chiefs training camp at River Falls - they looked really good - tried to get an autograph for you but it was sooo cold after practices that they all went straight inside ... Glad to hear you are doing better .. cris wood
cris wood <cmw@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS usa - Thursday, August 12, 2004 7:10 PM CDT
WOW! You're famous! May I have your autograph? Everybody was talking about the cool article in the paper today at school. We are all so proud of you!
We have DESKS in the music room! Now we can play our recorders and write our music and stuff without balancing everything on our laps or kneeling on the floor. Would they let you practice at the hospital? Might be good for your lungs. If they will, I can send your recorder and book home and let you know what we're working on. Just ask your mom and then let me know.

Don't forget -- God is faithful!

Mrs. Raynes

Jeannette Raynes <plaidraynbowj@yahoo.com>
Kansas City, KS USA - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 8:17 PM CDT
Zach, Zach, Zach,
I don't get a chance to check your website for a week, and find out that you've had surgery AND are in the paper!!! What a great article by the way. I hope it brings out a lot more people to the drive. I know you're working hard on the breathing excercises and I know how hard that is. You hang in there. Chris is going to take your article in to school next week to show his principal that he wasn't joking around! We're all thinking of you.

By the way ... happy birthday Bill!!!

Marcia Contreras <mcon322@everestkc.net>
OP, KS - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 8:00 PM CDT
Hi Zach,
The teachers went back to school today. I thought about them a lot. It means I missed the delicious P.T.A. breakfast, greeting everyone, meetings, bulletin boards, class lists, name tags and routine clarifications. I really missed the greetings and the breakfast.... So homebound will be getting you through until you can return? Sounds good to me. Wish I was going to be your teacher. You'll be fine and I hope you like your teacher. Sounds like you have dodged a bullet. I think I know what the breathing machine is like. My friend Judy has one too. I am beginning to get involved in things in Arkansas. I played bridge today. Next week I am going to play Bunko, go to two picnics and start golf lessons. I have also applied to be a CASA volunteer. They work with kids who are in foster care. I am so proud of you and think of you often. I will be in Kansas City for a Dr's appointment on the 26th of August. I will try to come see you. Take care and keep doing what you are supposed to do and I'll keep praying for you. Prayer is pretty powerful. God bless you and your family. Love, Mrs. "K"

Jan Keirsey <kjkeirsey@cox-internet.com>
Bella Vista, Ar. USA - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 6:42 PM CDT
Hey, Zach, a soft food Matthew used to love was peanut butter applesauce. It tasted like Apples with peanut butter on them. Yum. Add a little cinnamon and it's great!
Also, we have a milkshake "maker" if you need one. Let us know, we'd be happy to loan it to you for as long as you need it. :>)

Leesa Whitson (McCarl)
- Wednesday, August 11, 2004 5:22 PM CDT
Zach and Family,
Andy and I are already on the registry, but we hope that you are feeling better every day. Hopefully many more people will get signed up through the drive. :>)

Nice article in the paper btw....

Hang in there, Lung stuff is a pain and seems to take FOREVER to get rid of, but it CAN be done! We have direct experience with that. lol
Take care,

Leesa Whitson (McCarl) <leesakw@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, August 11, 2004 5:20 PM CDT
Zack- just learned about you from a mutual friend. My granddaughter Brooke, also 11 years old, has been battling this AML for 20 months. She has had 2 stem cell transplants and is now 100% cancer free!!! Lots of people prayed for her just like we are all praying and pulling for you now. Hang in there, guy! You can do it. We'll keep watching for more good news on the website.

Janet Leitterman <j.leitterman@mchsi.com>
Cameron, MO USA - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 3:49 PM CDT
ZACH ak ak ak

What's up! and all!

I' have this shirt fur you from the SMSouth football camp!

So when you gonna come by the office and get it?

So your in the paper one day and look at you!

Well the air outside is just short of wonderfull. What would make it any better you ask? That would be you out workin at a sports practice,, going on a Scout campout,, or just hangin with the family and friends.. 62 easin degreeeessssss...
You gotta love it!

Keep the chin up, the eyes open and the MOUTH shut. Sometimes it tatses nasty...



Richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, k US of A - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 3:32 PM CDT
Hey Zach Man, Good news your beaten this infection, keep it up. Saw your newspaper article today, it was real cool. Hope this helps get alot of people interested in bone marrow donation. Sam has a snake that he is feeding mice to. GROSS!!!! When you get home maybe you and Nathan can come see it. Bring a mouse. Our family has been working on our camp site alot this summer trying to get rid of all the poison ivy, and ticks. We think that we are just about to win the battle and we are camping there alot. When you get to feeling like it maybe your Mom and Dad will bring you down for a visit. We can swim, fish, shoot BB guns, have a fire, or whatever. Zach it's really good to see all the people that you know, and don't know writing to you, praying for you, and really getting into supporting you and all kids with their recovery. Our family prays for your recovery daily and can't wait to see you at school, and Scouts again real soon. You have always been a very lucky kid with a terrific family who loves you very much, and now you have this really huge new family of people who are terrific and love you and want you well as soon as possible.Talk to you again soon. Part of your extended family the Stephens
Randy, Janet, and Sam Stephens <rlstephens68@juno.com>
Overland Park, ks usa - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 1:24 PM CDT
Hey Zach Man, Good news your beaten this infection, keep it up. Saw your newspaper article today, it was real cool. Hope this helps get alot of people interested in bone marrow donation. Sam has a snake that he is feeding mice to. GROSS!!!! When you get home maybe you and Nathan can come see it. Bring a mouse. Our family has been working on our camp site alot this summer trying to get rid of all the poison ivy, and ticks. We think that we are just about to win the battle and we are camping there alot. When you get to feeling like it maybe your Mom and Dad will bring you down for a visit. We can swim, fish, shoot BB guns, have a fire, or whatever. Zach it's really good to see all the people that you know, and don't know writing to you, praying for you, and really getting into supporting you and all kids with their recovery. Our family prays for your recovery daily and can't wait to see you at school, and Scouts again real soon. You have always been a very lucky kid with a terrific family who loves you very much, and now you have this really huge new family of people who are terrific and love you and want you well as soon as possible.Talk to you again soon. Part of your extended family the Stephens
Randy, Janet, and Sam Stephens <rlstephens68@juno.com>
Overland Park, ks usa - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 1:23 PM CDT
Hello everyone!!!
I just wanted to let you know that Zach's story is in today's Shawnee Mission Neighborhood News (cover story). It will be in the Shawnee-Lenexa and Blue Valley Neighborhood News as well but not until Saturday or later (definitely before the drive). I hope you have a great turnout. It was a COMPLETE joy meeting your family - and Zach you're awesome!! Best of luck to you on your road to recovery. You'll be home and back out boating and tubing in no time!!

Kati JIviden, KC Star reporter <katilee@hotmail.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 10:23 AM CDT
Hello everyone!!!
I just wanted to let you know that Zach's story is in today's Shawnee Mission Neighborhood News (cover story). It will be in the Shawnee-Lenexa and Blue Valley Neighborhood News as well but not until Saturday or later (definitely before the drive). I hope you have a great turnout. It was a COMPLETE joy meeting your family - and Zach you're awesome!! Best of luck to you on your road to recovery. You'll be home and back out boating and tubing in no time!!

Kati JIviden, KC Star reporter <katilee@hotmail.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 10:23 AM CDT
Zach - I loved your joke today!!! I check your website regularly and continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. I am already in the bone marrow registry. It was such an easy thing to do. I so hope that many others will sign up during the bone marrow drive. Keep smiling! - Mrs. West
Debbie West <cawest@smsd.org>
Overland Park, KS USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 4:27 PM CDT
Hi Zach,
It was so great to read the good report tonight. Sounds like your lungs are getting better every day. We are praying fervently for your complete recovery. The worship service yesterday was very moving. It was so cool that your dad spoke about the bone marrow donor drive. He did a fabulous job. The entire Knox family loves you and your family so much. After the women's brunch, I will definitely be heading to the donor drive! Keep the faith, Zach. Our prayers are always with you.

The Millers

Kathleen Miller <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Monday, August 9, 2004 10:43 PM CDT
hey zach,
im glad to hear your feeling a little bit better!:)
tell your dad happy belated birthday for me.
i will talk to you later i have to go..
your friend,

Ryan Knight <RKShorty22@aol.com>
- Monday, August 9, 2004 2:47 PM CDT
Zach- heuy there buddy! I'm so glad you are feeling better! Our whole family prayed REALLY hard for you! If you ever need anything just let us know!
rachel and ashley hawkins

Rachel and Ashley Hawkins <goalgirl411@hotmail.com>
Lenexa, KS us of A - Monday, August 9, 2004 1:24 PM CDT
Hi, Zack. I'm so glad to hear that you're doing better. I've been thinking about you lots and praying for your recovery. I check your website each day anticipating the good news I saw today. Must be exciting to have a reporter interview you. Hope to see you as soon as things at school get set up and are running smoothly.
Lots of love and hope to you and your family,
Ms. Bartelsmeyer
PS. If you ever feel like emailing me you know where to find me.

Charlotte Bartelsmeyer <cabartel@smsd.org>
Leawood, KS USA - Monday, August 9, 2004 1:20 PM CDT
Isn't it great how many people have been in touch with you. You're a very special guy!!!! Just wanted you to keep knowing your friends at Terracon think about you and if we could just squeeze you and hold you reeeeaaal tight we would. But we're here working and away from you, so hope you can feel how much we love you. Take care of MOM!

Roseann Sanders <gsandop@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Monday, August 9, 2004 10:58 AM CDT
Ha Zach,
Always thinking of you all the time wondering how you day is going. Keep on fitting that bad bug. We will all make it threw the days. Alex will be leaving next Monday to go to Fort Leonand Wood for his Army Police training. I will keep checking in for all the updates.

Deb Sindelar <dlsind2@rockwellcollins.com>
Cedar Rapids, IA - Monday, August 9, 2004 9:21 AM CDT
Hey Zach! I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy taking care of you and your family here at CMH. This infection may be a setback for now, but I know you're tough and hopefully you will be able to get out of here in time to enjoy the rest of the summer. I wish you had that funny poster up on your door again. I laugh everytime I see it. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Start feeling better buddy! :)
Your night care assistant,

Amanda Coldwell <arc8874@mwsc.edu>
Kansas City, MO USA - Monday, August 9, 2004 4:33 AM CDT
Hi Zach- A real "bummer" to learn that you hit alittle "rut" in the road to recovery...but we know you will be back full speed soon ! You be sure to get up and walk and do those breathing exercises to help make you stronger- it is REAL IMPORTANT! Our continued prayers are with you and your family - the whole cald-sac is pulling for YOU really, really hard. Thinking about you always- cris and gordon
cris wood <cmw@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Sunday, August 8, 2004 11:04 PM CDT
Dear Zach and family,

We are praying that the infection goes away QUICKLY!!! You are sooo brave!!!! We'll be admitted into the bone marrow unit tomorrow late afternoon. We'll be by to check on you in the next day or so. Blessings to you Zach.

Ronda Lawson and family <krselawson@yahoo.com>
Baxter Springs , KS USA - Sunday, August 8, 2004 9:42 PM CDT

I wanted to tell you what happened at church service this morning. Your father got up and spoke very eloquently about the donor drive in your name. It was wonderful to see the love and committment he has for you, as all your family, extended church family and friends have for you. It is great what you are able to accomplish through the donor drive in your honor. You will be helping to save lots of lives! I'm going to call and see if I can sign up to be a donor. Remember you're going to get well soon!

Lori Triplett
- Sunday, August 8, 2004 8:12 PM CDT
Hi Zach,
I hope you have a good nights rest. I am praying for a very speedy recovery from the next step in your treatment.
I love you,

Shasta Hornack <hornack@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Sunday, August 8, 2004 7:53 PM CDT
Hello Zach! You don't know us but we attend the Church of the Resurrection & rec'd an e-mail from a friend about you. Please know there are SO many people praying for you. You are a very special child of God! Take care & smile 'cause God loves you!! :)
The Conrad Family <rlconrad7@yahoo.com>
Overland Park, KS United States - Sunday, August 8, 2004 12:41 AM CDT
Hi Zach, Sara &Bill and Nathan. We made it to Michigan and the Lake is gorgeous. The guys hiked on the beach yesterday. We are going to the Pier later to check out the fishing boats. We are thinking of you and praying the infection is going away. Kevin says Good Luck with the new medicine. Have a good day, The Conway's
Dianne Conway <con5way@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS 66215 - Sunday, August 8, 2004 10:39 AM CDT
Hi Zach!--Wow, we finally got into your website. (We never could get through, but were finally able to get there through the K. Carpenter site.) It's great to see your smiling face on the pictures. We want you to know that we pray for you, as a family, every night. We won't stop until you are ok and back at school. You've been through so many hard things this summer but keep up the good fight.
Ian, Connor, Linda &Dan Hakes <dlic@planetkc.com>
Overland Park, KS - Saturday, August 7, 2004 10:11 AM CDT
I'm so thankful to hear that your surgery went well. We are praying every day for your healing!
Do you like baseball? We went to the Royals game tonight. We lost - but the fireworks were awesome!

Lori Egan <loriegan@kc.rr.com>
- Saturday, August 7, 2004 2:09 AM CDT
Zach- It is so good to hear that your sugery went good! We have been at the lake this past week but you have been in all of our prayers! We hope you are doing a ton better and tell your family that we all say hi!
the Hawkins family- Steve, Paula, Rachel and Ashley

The Hawkins Family <hawkinssw@yahoo.com>
lenexa, KS US of A - Friday, August 6, 2004 9:07 PM CDT
Dear Zach, My name is Jennifer Quick and I am a neighbor of the Mearas, Lauren's family. I was reading your website, and I saw that you are a Katherine Carpenter student. Starting this school year, I am going to be teaching English 11 at Shawnee Mission South, which is in your area. Go Raiders!
You and your family are in my prayers!!!

Jennifer Quick <jquick@kc.rr.com>
Leawood, KS US - Friday, August 6, 2004 7:44 PM CDT
Dear Zach--My family has a special little girl named Brooke who is 11 years old and was exactly where you are 18 monthes ago. Through the love and prayers of family and friends, the wonderful doctors and hospitals and the fact Brooke NEVER gave up hope, NEVER considered that she might not get well, she has received the miracle of a cure for her Leukemia. Keep faith that there is a cure out there for you too!
Dee Ann McKinney <Ddeemac1952@aol.com>
Jefferson City, MO USA - Friday, August 6, 2004 2:26 PM CDT
Zach, I heard your surgery went well. I hope it wasn't as scary as you thought. It's hard, when you have to wait around and think about that stuff. I know it's been tuff, and you have a ways to go yet, but stay strong and fight it! God is with you, and so are all of your family and friends. Keep drawing, and I'll come by soon to check on you.

Jeff Smith

Jeff Smith <jeff@kkg-inc.com>
- Friday, August 6, 2004 9:32 AM CDT

Just a note to say "hi" and remind you that you are always in our prayers. Psalm 27 reminds us "The Lord is my light and my salvation- whom shall I fear?" We will keep praying for your complete healing.
The Millers

Kathleen Miller <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Thursday, August 5, 2004 10:28 PM CDT
We are thinking about you and praying for you daily, and we KNOW that this will all turn out great in the end! Sometimes the journey to the end is tough, but with God on your side, you couldn't ask for a better partner!

The Cormack family <cormackfamily@comcast.net>
Olathe, KS USa - Thursday, August 5, 2004 9:09 PM CDT
Hi Zach!
I am happy the surgery is over!
Love you, Shasta
What to do when you get a flat tire...Texas

A good ol' boy had a flat tire, pulled off on
The side of the road, and proceeded to put a bouquet of flowers in front of
his pickup truck and one behind it. Then just stood back and waited.

A passerby from the city studied the scene as he drove by and was so
curious he turned around and went back. He asked the fellow what the problem

The fellow replied, "Flat tire." In response the passerby asked, "But,
With the flowers?"

The man responded, "When ya' break down they tell ya' to put flares in
the front and flares in the back.........I ain't never understood it

Shasta Hornack <hornack@everestkc.net>
Overland Park,, KS USA - Thursday, August 5, 2004 9:08 PM CDT
Hi Zach, Glad your surgery is over. Hope you get rested so you can be up and about. Just remember that everyone that reads this website really cares about you and is praying for you and for your family.
Virginia McKnight
- Thursday, August 5, 2004 5:26 PM CDT
Zach & family:

We have been keeping up to date with what has been going on with you even though we were gone and have been praying for you and your family. We were glad to hear things went well with your surgury and heard you were a real trooper. Well, just know we will continue to pray for you and your family and know that Knox and Katherine Carpenter people are all praying for you.

V. James
Overland Park, KS Johnson - Thursday, August 5, 2004 4:06 PM CDT
Hey, Zach! We've been out in Western Kansas remodeling a room in our daughter's house for their new baby -- due Sept. 14th.

I've been checking this page to keep up with what's happening with you. You are in my prayers every day (whether I'm at home or not!) We'll be waiting for the report on your lung tests.

We've gotten a keyboard that goes on the floor at school (kind of like the one in the movie "BIG!"). You'll have to stop by and try it out. If you can't be in big crowds for a while, I'll just meet you in the Music Room after school.

I'm so proud to know you! We'll all keep praying!

Much love,
Mrs. Raynes

Jeannette Raynes <plaidraynbowj@yahoo.com>
Kansas City, Kansas City USA - Thursday, August 5, 2004 12:59 AM CDT
HA Zach,

Just checking in to see how everything is going. Hope the procedure went good. I went over to Grandpa Leo with Jodi (from KC) to tell him about what was going on. Grandpa and Mary Jane sent there prayers with there oxoxoxox to you and your family. I got ahold of the hospital to see what it takes to get on the bone marrow donar list. They are going to send me information. I hope there is a match out there to help you. Keep up with the smiles. Talk to you later. You give your Dad a big kiss from me for his birthday saturday. See you later LOVE Aunt Deb OXOXOXOX

Deb Sindelar <dlsind2@rockwellcollins.com>
Cedar Rapids, IA - Thursday, August 5, 2004 12:04 AM CDT
Zach and family:

Aislinn and Aine's school (Stilwell Elementary) will be distributing flyers about the bone marrow drive the first day of school (August 18). That's 350 more families!

We are praying for you!

Ken, Aislinn and Aine DeSieghardt and Sara Beals <KDeSieghardt@aol.com>
Stilwell, KS USA - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 9:23 PM CDT
hey zach,
sorry i havent emailed you for awhile.
I hope everything goes well and that the prosedurure goes good. I will be praying for you!
i will talk with you later.
your friend,

Ryan Knight <rkshorty22@aol.com>
- Wednesday, August 4, 2004 3:57 PM CDT
Hi Zach, Our computer is finally back up and working so we can send you notes now. YEA!!! Now I just have to learn how to type... Sam and I, Mr Stepehens, went to summer camp and had a great time. You were missed and talked about alot. It was real good to have Nathan tentwith Sam, and they didn,t get into much trouble. Nathan gets up pretty easy at camp, Sam doesn't. It was real good to see your Dad at visitors day, again missed you and your Mom. We are all looking forward to hearing you are getting better, we know today you are having a test that is kinda scarey, I have had one sorta like it in my liver. I get scared too but it goes pretty fast. The Doctors know what they have to do and you just keep being brave, and with all the prayers going your way from all your family and friends, our too, will really help. I don't know how you have time to read all the notes people send you, it's really great to see how much you and your family is loved, even people who don't know you are thinking good thoughts for you, realy cool. Sam said he hopes you are enjoying the games and wants to see you soon. Stay strong our love and prayers to you and your Mom, Dad, and Nathan. Randy, Janet, and Sam Stephens
Randy, Janet, Sam Stephens <rlstephens68@juno.com>
OP, KS usa - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 12:28 AM CDT
Ha Zach,
Just a little note to tell you that your dad called us with the update and we are all praying for you. Keep strong and positive. Everything will go good. You are one brave young nephew. We will all make it through this together. LOVE Aunt Deb

Deb Sindelar <dlsind2@rockwellcollins.com>
Cedar Rapids, IA - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 9:19 AM CDT
Zach, I am praying for you and your family. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Ph. 4:13.
Linda Bingham <ljbingham@terracon.com>
Indianola, IA USA - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 9:13 AM CDT
Zach, I have been praying for a full recovery since I heard the news. I hope your dog likes his new kennel.
Cathy Mann and family
- Tuesday, August 3, 2004 3:51 PM CDT
Zach, I have been praying for a full recovery since I heard the news. I hope your dog likes his new kennel.
Cathy Mann and family
- Tuesday, August 3, 2004 3:51 PM CDT
Zach, Sure hope you feel better tomorrow. I enjoy your jokes and send the riddles on to my nephew who is also eleven. Keep them coming! You and your family are in my prayers.
Virginia McKnight (Knox) <vmcknight@everestkc.com>
- Monday, August 2, 2004 11:31 PM CDT
Bill and Sara, Zach and Nathan

We are all praying that tomorrow's surgery goes well and they can get a handle on these lung infections fast. I have got it out tonight on the church prayer chains, as there are several, so we are all blanketing you in prayer tonight(there are lots of us who do late night emailing) & tomorrow. Sara and Nathan, I am gone next week to Michigan, but your 2 favorite decorating people (Julie and I) would love to help strip, wallpaper and work on your room sometime soon. We'll have to make some plans to work on that in the future.

Dianne Conway <con5way@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS 66215 - Monday, August 2, 2004 10:47 PM CDT
Hi Zach,

We just got back from Texas today visiting family. The weather was so great! Sorry to hear about the tooth and the fevers. I bet that was so fun to have the bluegrass band at the hospital last night. You are always in our prayers.

The Millers - Scott, Kathleen, Marshall and Kelsey

Kathleen Miller <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Thursday, July 29, 2004 8:33 PM CDT
ZACH- who,


while I was at camp, Your name was mentioned alot!

So I read the old updates, How you doin'? We have tried (not real hard) to get ahold of your mom and dad! Hopefully they are doin' fine.

The Nathan, was a good lad at camp sort of.

Can you figure out the weather? 77 Sunset Strip Decrease, with a light breeze coming off a coast. Breath taking!

got-ta trot!

Godspeed Buddy


Richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, Ks US of A - Thursday, July 29, 2004 11:36 AM CDT
Hi Zach & Sara,
(I've seen Bill and Nathan so I don't need to say "hi" to you guys). I haven't said hi in a while, but I've been thinking of you every day. Hope the tooth's feeling better and you can get on to "Round 3" soon. Zach I have your picture up in my cubicle at work and every time I look up there you are (right next to Chris and James) smiling at me so I say a little prayer for you.

Hey have you heard the news about corduroy pillows?
They're making headlines!

LOL - the Contreri

Marcia Contreras <mcon322@everestkc.net>
OP, KS - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 9:52 AM CDT
We're praying that the fever GOES AWAY AND STAYS AWAY!! Last time we were on 4H we were given room 17 (which I think you'd just been dismissed from).....anyway, we heard there was a pretty funny poster on the front of the door. Wish we could have seen it, we needed the laught!! The bluegrass music sounds awesome!!! You have some special friends Zach!!! We'll be admitted to the bone marrow unit on the 9th of August and will be there for quiet some time.......so we'll see you around. Hope you're having a glorious day!
Ronda Lawson and family <krselawson@yahoo.com>
Baxter Springs , KS USA - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 12:19 AM CDT
Hey there Zach! I hope your tooth is feeling a lot better than it was! That is cool that you have a drive named after you! I think my dad is going to go to it. He is out hiking in West Virgina so I will have to inform. him when he gets home! We all are praying for you and hope you get better soon!
Paula, Rachel and Ashley Hawkins

Hawkins family <hawkinssw@hotmail.com>
Lenexa, Ks USA - Monday, July 26, 2004 4:22 PM CDT

Get rid of that tooth and stop the fevers. It is exciting that you have a donor drive named after you! You're famous. Hope you get home soon!

Lori Triplett
- Monday, July 26, 2004 1:31 PM CDT
hey zach, my mom said she was probablly calling the hospital to see if it was ok to come up to your room maybe today or tommorow see ya soon.
Tim Rodden <slotypaplezewait@aol.com>
kc, ks u.s. - Sunday, July 25, 2004 12:56 AM CDT
Hi Zach, you don't know me but I was doing some 'surfin' around the Internet and came across the website for my old school Katherine Carpenter and started reading about you. I have boys that go to SM West, as I did, I graduated from West in 1985 and from K Carpenter in 1979! That makes me feel old. My mom still lives in the same house I grew up in. You know where the creek is that runs behind K Carpenter? You can see the back of my old house when you are in front of the school. It backs up to the creek, gray house, with two sundecks, 9801 Connell. I sure hope you are feeling better, a family member of mine had leukemia too, I know that chemo is no fun! But you look cool with the shaved head!! I can tell you one thing buddy, it sure sounds like you have some great doctors and nurses helping you out. But just as important your family and friends sure love you, you must be one special guy. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Keep fighting and smiling. I love your jokes, I have one you can use on the nurses. Why did the blonde nurse take a red magic marker to work?
In case she had to draw some blood.
Your friend, Matt Heath

Matt Heath <mheath2@kc.rr.com>
- Sunday, July 25, 2004 2:47 AM CDT
Zach - Sorry to hear you are back in the hospital but I am sure you are having plenty of water fights with your nurses!

Tyson and I will give you a call later tonight or tomorrow.

Love you, Shelley & Tyson

Aunt Shelley & Tyson <shelley.thomas@wachovia.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Saturday, July 24, 2004 6:02 PM CDT
Hi Zach, I just got back Tuesday from Webelos camp. It was ok. I like whittling with my pocket knives. I bought a new one and a sharpening stone. This pocket knife has a fork and spoon too. This weekend we are going camping at Lake Perry with the Rays and on the Houseboat. It should be fun, Mom likes sitting around the campfire and I like cooking marshmallows for s'mores. Maybe we can come see you next Tues or Wed. night and we can play cards alot.
You are in my prayers. Kevin Conway

Dianne Conway <con5way@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS - Thursday, July 22, 2004 9:32 PM CDT
Hi Zach, We have been out of town for a few days but came to your site to get an update. Do you need someone to pull a troublesome tooth? I have heard that all you have to do is tell one of your nurses and they will tie one end of a string around your tooth and the other around their waist. They then will get into a football stance and all you have to do is yell "Hike". Seems simple enough. You might ask them how many successful attempts they have made before you ask for their assistance.
Terry W. White <twhite3263@aol.com>
Lenexa, KS USA - Thursday, July 22, 2004 8:40 PM CDT
Hi Zach,

Glad you are home. I know it must be nice to be in your own bed. It's nice for mom,too. It was good to see you last week. Marshall and I enjoyed meeting T.J. and Adam and attempting to play Monopoly. I guess we just missed the Bible Express gang. Enjoy your time at home. You are always in our prayers.

The MIllers

Kathleen Miller <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Wednesday, July 21, 2004 10:58 PM CDT
Q:why was the ocean arrested?
A:because it beat upon the shore.

Brent Haffey
Overland Park, KS - Wednesday, July 21, 2004 10:14 PM CDT
Like one beaver said to the other " It's just one dam thing after another"
Sorry your in Hospital again. Hope your in and out quick.

Aunt Sue <sthomas@avalon.net>
- Wednesday, July 21, 2004 7:20 PM CDT
Ha Zach,

Good everything is going fast with the recovery. There is no place like home. I heard that Aunt Pam was in town to see you and the family. Tell everyone Hi for us and we will keep on praying for a complete recovery. We are off this weekend to go camping. Keep in smiling. We all love you. Have fun with your friends while you are home.

Deb Sindelar <dlsind2@rockwellcollins.com>
Cedar Rapids, - Tuesday, July 20, 2004 9:15 AM CDT
Zach Attack!

I saw your Dad Saturday, and am glad to hear your already home. The weather down at Camp is BBBBeeeaauuuuttifful. Fatman Briggs sends godspeed. I have to keep paying Nathan a quarter everytime I rub his head. I just have one question: When Nathan is sleepwalking at night, am I supposed to wake him up before or after he steps on the skunk? I am going back down to Camp tommorrow. WE are all glad your home and look forward to seeing you and your MOm soon!Thought and prayers!


Chris Harris <Charris@hotmail.com>
In the sticks of Oceola, Mo - Monday, July 19, 2004 9:26 AM CDT
hey there Zach! It's good to know you are home again! I went camping this weekend with the McMahon family and it was fun! But I don't really think I would like sleeping in a tent all the time! I hope you are doing great and maybe we can come visit you soon! Ashley says hi as well!

Rachel Hawkins <goalgirl411@hotmail.com>
Lenexa, KS USA - Sunday, July 18, 2004 5:13 PM CDT
Hi Zach,
It all sounds like good news to me. I know you must be glad to be home. Sounds like you have learned a lot about your treatment. Maybe you will want to be a doctor or nurse. My friend Judy had a tough week in Little Rock and I am returning tomorrow. We hope she will get to go home Wed. or Fri. She's having to be brave just like you are. I believe that what God brings you to, He will also help you through. Hope you can recuperate from home as well as at the hospital. Tell your friends I said "hi". I saw the picture of Frick and Frack, Ben, Tre, Dylan and Ryan. Bet it's nice to have them visit. Doesn't sound like you will be going back to Carpenter until later. We can e-mail each other on the first day and compare our activities and wonder how it's going at school. I'll miss it and I am sure you will too. I bet they'll save a desk for you and Mr. Falk or Mrs. Stiglic will send stuff for you to do. You'll get a taste of what home-schooling would be like. Take care. Love, Mrs. "K"

Jan Keirsey <kjkeirsey@cox-internet.com>
Bella Vista, Ar. USA - Sunday, July 18, 2004 2:58 PM CDT
Hey Zach. I was thrilled to hear you are back home. Don't you miss the water fights with your nurses?? It was good to see your cheery face last week-end. You have a great attitude and that is what it takes to keep fighting your battle. Hang in there. Say hi to Mom, Dad & Nathan. Tell Nathan I really enjoyed seeing his ballgame while I was in KC. What a slider! Love, Aunt Pam
Pam Mosca <pamosca@att.net>
St. Louis, MO U.S.A. - Saturday, July 17, 2004 8:55 PM CDT
Hi Zach
I wondered whose full head of hair was downloading and its Grandma Thomas! Such a good picture of you, her too but bet she won't like it. Hope your doing great still. You sound good WHEN I talk with you. I think about you all the time.

Aunt Sue <sthomas@avalon.net>
- Friday, July 16, 2004 5:16 PM CDT
Hey. Zach! I check your website regularly for news from you. I was so glad to hear that you were home for quite awhile. That must have been great for your whole family, including Sadie! Glad you got to see the fireworks. I just returned from vacation in Lake Tahoe. The fireworks on the lake were awesome! I look forward to seeing you soon. Take care . . . and follow the nurses' orders! -Mrs. West
Debbie West
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, July 15, 2004 7:42 AM CDT
heya Zach, Man - IT is really HOT outside!!! Thank goodness for a/c !! Hope you are doing good. Glad to know the first round went well. Katlynne and Joanne and Bruce all send you their best (I don't know what their "best" is yet) Naah I'm just teasing you - they hope you are feeling better and better everyday and can come to church soon. Oh, by the way, that goes for the rest of the Marions too.

Love, The Georgiana Family (there is just too many of us to write all the names.) <Kat7117@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS USA - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 10:36 PM CDT
Ha Zach,

Just checking in to see how you are feeling. Hope good
We went to Des Moines this last weekend to Adventureland and it rained most of the time. Keep you head and I am with you in my heart. Hugs and Kisses Aunt DEB

Deb Sindelar <dlsind2@rockwellcollins.com>
Cedar Rapids, - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 9:27 AM CDT
hey zach,
i hope your feeling good,
i havent seen you for a while but i hope to see you soon!
talk to you later,
your friend,

Ryan Knight <RKShorty22@aol.com>
- Tuesday, July 13, 2004 11:37 AM CDT
hey zach,
Hope you are still feeling good today. It was really fun seeing you yesterday and shooting the nurses. Hope they have dried off by now! THANK YOU for the birthday presents and the cake too. The cake would have tasted better in my mouth than on my face and in my hair, but it was more fun that way. see u soon. THANKS AGAIN
Your friend, Jack

Jack Meyer <kerrimeyer@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS - Sunday, July 11, 2004 10:32 AM CDT
Hi Zach,

Just saying hi! So glad you had a good break at home and are now ready for round two. You are always in our prayers!
Kathleen, Scott, Marshall and Kelsey Miller

Kathleen Miller <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Friday, July 9, 2004 10:25 PM CDT
Hey Zach this is your cousin Jill. Glad to see you count up again. I hope everything continues to go good for you. You are in out thoughts. Tell mom and dad hi for me. Tell your mom to let us know when the fund raiser is. Take care of yourself if you need anything or want anything let us know please. We love you hope to come see you soon.
Jill Tilden (Your cousin) <crzylttlelady36@yahoo.com>
Blue Springs, MO - Thursday, July 8, 2004 9:58 PM CDT
Sara, you are ALL in my prayers! I was so very devastated to hear about Zach. As a mother and grandmother I cannot imagine. But, you know, you are such a wonderful person and I know you are very blessed and I know our Father is with you all of you right now and forever. You keep the faith and know that all of us are praying so very hard! If there is ANYTHING, and I mean anything I can do to help, please call me.
Linda Bingham <ljbingham@terracon.com>
Des Moines, IA USA - Thursday, July 8, 2004 2:56 PM CDT

Been busy! Glad things are going so well! Miss you around the Troop..

Things are going as planned summer camp is around the corner. And I'm truly going to miss your "Snipe" hat going up the "Flagpole".

I save some of the fine Bartle camp food for you. A little moldly you ask.. Sure all the campers love it! You will too.

A joke! The neighborhood is very quite now that your gone!
and that's no "JOKE"......

Keep up the fight! and watch out for the left hook its' a dos-sie..



Richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, Ks US of A - Thursday, July 8, 2004 10:33 AM CDT
Hi Zach, It's Kevin Conway, I'm glad that you got back to start the second round of chemo. Good Luck! Maybe we can come visit next week. I saw Fireworks and got to shoot some off afterwards too. I haven't been to a Royals game this year yet, but I did get to go to KU basketball camp and get some players autographs. We're praying for you.

Dianne Conway <con5way@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS - Wednesday, July 7, 2004 10:56 PM CDT
hi Zach, hope you're doing ok. Glad you saw the fireworks-they were really great. hope you are being nice to your nurses!! Chris and Ethan say hi too. Take care, julie ray
julie ray <jafr@everestkc.net>
overland park, ks johnson - Wednesday, July 7, 2004 9:14 PM CDT
Ha Zach and family,
Did you have great fireworks? We did. When to a party and say Elvis. He was good. Glad your count went up. Hope everything is going good with the treatment. Give mom and dad kisses for me and Nathan too. Your kisses are on the way. We are heading to Des Moines for the weekend.
I will be talking to you soon. LOVE Aunt Deb

Deb Sindelar <dlsind2@rockwellcollins.com>
Cedar Rapids, Ia - Wednesday, July 7, 2004 2:01 PM CDT
Hi Zach,
I am glad you are able to begin the 2nd series and hope
and pray this will take care of everything for you.
I have mailed some cards and took some others to your house. I left them with Bush's Baked beans in the wagon today.
I pray you are comfortable and the time goes fast!
I am so glad you could be here for my birthday. Wasn't it great?
Thanks for everything!.
I love you,

Shasta Hornack <hornack@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Wednesday, July 7, 2004 1:58 PM CDT
Hi Zach,
I am glad you are able to begin the 2nd series and hope
and pray this will take care of everything for you.
I have mailed some cards and took some others to your house. I left them with Bush's Baked beans in the wagon today.
I pray you are comfortable and the time goes fast!
I am so glad you could be here for my birthday. Wasn't it great?
Thanks for everything!.
I love you,

Shasta Hornack <hornack@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Wednesday, July 7, 2004 1:55 PM CDT
Glad to hear you guys had a great 4th - we did too. Stayed at home and had a view off our front porch of about 5 or 6 different firework shows. It was fantastic!! I hope you enjoyed the baseball games, sounds like fun to me.

Dottie & Peaches successfully passed their training class. We will move on to the next class (off leash training) in the fall since it is too hot in the evening for our pugs (and us)!

I am glad you are back to get your second round so that you have 0% on your next test.

Our thoughts are with you - talk to you soon!

Love, Shelley & Tyson

Aunt Shelley & Tyson <shelley.thomas@wachovia.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Wednesday, July 7, 2004 12:33 AM CDT
ZACH'S BACK sounds like a scary movie! How was BOWFINGER? I think you fell asleep before the end!. I think Grandma and Grandpa are still eating cupcakes. Next time you and Grandma should cook a dinner. Hope you got a "good" room....and your time is as good as possible. Talk to you soon

Where do bees go after there married?.....on their HONEYMOON

How do you start a fire with 2 sticks??
Make sure one of the sticks is a match.

Love Aunt Sue <sthomas@avalon.net>
- Wednesday, July 7, 2004 12:02 AM CDT
hey zach!
Im glaad you had a great 4th of july and that you got to go to a couple royals games...
You got a baseball signed by Curt Schilling he is a good pithcer he used to play for the diamondbacks...
You guys were right atleast there wasnt a skunk in my garage. I will see you soon
your friend,

Ryan Knight <RKShorty22@aol.com>
- Wednesday, July 7, 2004 9:49 AM CDT
Hey, Zach! I am thinking of you daily. I haven't written because I was on a week's vacation in Florida. I was thrilled to spot three alligators in the wildlife refuge. We were only about 30 feet from them. It was the highlight of my trip. I'm so happy you got to be at home longer than expected and to enjoy the Fourth. It's such a fun holiday. Hang in there, buddy! love Carol Halter
Carol Halter <cmhalter@everestkc.net>
- Wednesday, July 7, 2004 9:32 AM CDT
Hi Zach. Hope today goes well.
Roger Lawrence <rjljal@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, ks usa - Wednesday, July 7, 2004 7:40 AM CDT
Hi Zach...
I'm glad to hear you had a fun 4th of July holiday. I bet the fireworks were great! My youngest son lives in a loft in the River Market Area, so we had a great view of the air show going on all weekend, but he had some friends over, so my husband and I left before the fireworks started. We figured the young people wouldn't want us "old folks" hanging out with them. I hope your next round of Chemo does the trick! I'm praying for you and your family. Take good care and I'll check back with you soon!
Mrs. Phillips (school secretary)

Sandy Phillips <sandyphillips@smsd.org>
kansas, Missouri USA - Wednesday, July 7, 2004 1:11 AM CDT
hey zach,
i hope you are feeling good,
i heard you went back to the hospital i hope your next round of chemo gets your lukemia cells to 0%!!!!
i will talk to you soon,
your friend,

Ryan Knight <RKShorty22@aol.com>
- Tuesday, July 6, 2004 2:55 PM CDT
Zach and Family,
I am so glad you were able to be home for the 4th of July. I bet you even got to see fireworks. We did too. Just want you to know that I think about you a lot and continue to pray for your complete recovery. I just know you are doing your best to beat this and do what the doctors say for you to do. I am going to Little Rock next week to be with another friend for a week. She too is having chemo treatments. She will be in Little Rock on and off for the next six months, so I will be there a lot. I am just glad I am retired and have the time. Take care and love one another. Love, Mrs. "K"

Jan Keirsey <jkkeirsey@cox-internet.com>
Bella Vista, AR. USA - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 2:18 PM CDT
wanted zach to know i think of him and his family all the time sorry about not being in touch more often. good luck and tell zach to drop me a line if he's bored sometime.
Johnny Dollarhide <dollar7499@yahoo.com>
Virginia Beach, VA USA - Monday, July 5, 2004 8:17 PM CDT
Hope you and your family had a WONDERFUL 4th. Hope you got to see the fireworks. I went to Drexel to watch the fireworks over the lake. They were beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing you back at school. Hope you've been feeling good. Your mom and dad are doing a GREAT job!!!
Dawn Foster (Ms Dawn) <dfoster1@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Monday, July 5, 2004 11:07 AM CDT
hey zach,
hope you had a great 4th of july and saw plenty of fireworks
i was at my grandmas who lives at the lake for it and the people next to us were shooting fireworks like crazy but they were cool to watch...
well feel better and i will talk with you later.
Your friend,

Ryan Knight <RKSorty22@aol.com>
- Monday, July 5, 2004 9:45 AM CDT
Happy July 4th Zach - I'm glad to see that you get to be at home for the holiday. Yea!!! I've had a busy summer with a few classes and 'pet setting' for my dog, Trouble's, best friend, Chip. It was an interesting week - Chip was homesick and wanted attention, then Troubles became jealous. They are exactly like two little kids - they even tattled on each other.... I continue to keep you in my prayers for a very speedy recovery... Enjoy the fireworks tonight - and eat lots of hot dogs and ice cream. Mrs. R-
Judy Richter <jrichter@smsd.org>
Lenexa, KS - Sunday, July 4, 2004 1:29 PM CDT
PENSACOLA, FL USA - Sunday, July 4, 2004 9:54 AM CDT
hey zach, whats up. I've been so busy and i am so unhappy that i havent been able to see u in awile. I hope u have the best fourth of july and im sure u will enjoy the fireworks. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tim Rodden <slotypaplezewait@aol.com>
KC, ks u.s. - Saturday, July 3, 2004 8:07 PM CDT
Hi Zach, Sara, Bill, and Nathan;
Rog just sent your website to our home computer. Wow!!! Zach, you are one popular guy! We have been thinking of you and praying for you daily. Have fun celebrating the Fourth of July. Zach, here's a riddle for you. What's black and white over and over? (A skunk rolling down a hill). Sarah and Bill, be sure to let us know if you need anything at all.

Rog and Theresa Herting <therting@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS Johnson - Friday, July 2, 2004 10:56 PM CDT
So glad you guys are getting to enjoy an extended stay at home. I know it's hard to ever feel you're really "at home' when you know you'll be packing up and moving into 4 Henson again. We pray for Zach daily. Ellie will be admitted into the transplant unit on 7/26.....so like you, we're trying to enjoy this time we have together at home before another lengthy admission. Oh.....before I forget, eat a steak for me Zach!!!!! I'm so proud of you for staying FEVER FREE!! You ROCK!!!
Ronda Lawson and family <krselawson@yahoo.com>
Baxter Springs , KS USA - Friday, July 2, 2004 2:32 PM CDT
hey zach,
I have got a story for you...
Yesterday my mom wanted me to pick up so i was putting my basketball in the garage and i dribbled it and i heard something move so i dribbled it again harder and i saw some thing jump out of somwhere...
I screamed my head off my mom was like whats wrong i said thers something in the garage, and so the animal control came and the lady in the animal control truck looked and found out it was a chimpmunk me and my mom were just releived that she got it out of our garage but she didnt take it with her :( so now im afraid to open the garage...
Feel better
Always your friend,

Ryan Knight <RKShorty22@aol.com>
- Thursday, July 1, 2004 9:38 AM CDT
Hey zach and family!
Just thought we would drop a line to say hello and you are still in our thoughts and prayers daily! That is awesome that you get to be home for the fourth- although i am sure you would have found a way to have fireworks in the hospital! Tomorrow is the lovely Oceans of Fun field trip for summer camp that we love so much!! Hope it doesnt rain.
WE all miss you and we'll keep up the prayers!

Donna <donna.baughman@jocoks.com>
- Wednesday, June 30, 2004 2:55 PM CDT
hey there Zach- Just one word for you... Yippeeeee! I am so happy you get to stay home for the 4th of July! And steak every night sounds pretty good to me! Well my dad and I are playing Xbox...he has lured me into the video game world... and he is threating me to go to bed if I don't come play a game with him...even though it is 12:30 in the morning! I'm so happy for you! And i love the joke!!
Steve and Rachel Hawkins <hawkinssw@yahoo.com>
lenexa, ks usa - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 0:34 AM CDT
Zach -

Tyson loved his special note - thanks! I am glad that you will be home for the festivities this 4th of July weekend!! Tyson and I are helping 2 sets of friends move on Saturday and Sunday - fun, fun. Hopefully we will be home in time to bbq and watch some fireworks. I have Friday and Monday off so looking forward to taking care of some things around our house.

Tonight is the big night for a puppies to take their training test - hopefully they will both pass with flying colors :). I'll let you know tomorrow!

I don't blame you for wanting steak - I would too! You should have your mom make you a steak omelet for breakfast so you can have it at every meal!!

Glad you are feeling good - enjoy your week and weekend. Call you soon.

Love, Shelley & Tyson

PS - Sara, Tyson and I had a great time at dinner - will tell you about it next time I call.

Aunt Shelley & Tyson <shelley.thomas@wachovia.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Tuesday, June 29, 2004 12:27 AM CDT
hey zach,
i hope you have been enjoying your time at home:)
i hope i can see you sometime before you have to go back to the hospital...
I hope you feel better and the next round of chemo clears out all of your lukemia cells!!
feel better
Always your friend,

Ryan Knight <RKShorty22@aol.com>
- Tuesday, June 29, 2004 11:40 AM CDT
hey zach,
i hope you have been enjoying your time at home:)
i hope i can see you sometime before you have to go back to the hospital...
I hope you feel better and the next round of chemo clears out all of your lukemia cells!!
feel better
Always your friend,

Ryan Knight <RKShorty22@aol.com>
- Tuesday, June 29, 2004 11:40 AM CDT
Hi Zach and family, We have been thinking of you while you were home. Steak is always good, (I like a little salmon on the side too) Kev has been pretty busy and is at Heartland this week. We hope you have a wonderful 4th and can go sailing with Art and Carol. Take care.
The Conways

Dianne Conway <con5way@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS 66215 - Tuesday, June 29, 2004 7:26 AM CDT
Zach, here is a message from the "Rat Lady". The craving for red meat might be Zach's body telling him that he needs the iron to build red blood cells. This is good, I think. I am so unsure of what is happening in Leukemia. Anyway, Zach, hamburgers will do the same thing!! :-) Since you are going to be home for the 4th, is there any chance that you are well enough to go for a sail with us? Please let us know and we will get it planned. Also, are you well enough to have a few visitors once in awhile? We'd love to see you all. Keep up the good work and remember that "patience is a verture." In God's love!
Art and Carol Hicks <ACHicks@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Tuesday, June 29, 2004 6:54 AM CDT
Hi Marions
We had a good weekend. Hopefully you had a good one too.
You are in my thoughts. Keep on smiling and all that bad stuff will go away. Alex got his wisdom tooth out Thursday and he was in alittle pain. He is getting better. Alex and Devon says HI Keep up the good job. See you later.
LOVE Aunt Deb

Deb Sindelar <dlsind2@rockwellcollins.com>
Cedar Rapids, IA - Monday, June 28, 2004 9:18 AM CDT
HI, Zach and Family! We are thinking of you here in the McCarl house. Hey, it beats cleaning!!! You're in our thoughts. Hang in there... The McCarls

Leesa Whitson (McCarl) <leesakw@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, June 27, 2004 10:43 AM CDT
HA Zach,
I'm glad that you could stay home longer. Hopefully this stay will go faster so you can get back home. I will have a count down on my calender. We are going to try to come down again before Alex goes to Fort Leonard Wood. I have a picture on my computer of you with the quilt pieces on the table. Did you get the pictures that I sent on Mom computer? Please let me know so I can send them to you. I wear my pin every day. Keep on smiling. I'm still prayer.

Deb Sindelar <dlsind2@rockwellcollins.com>
Cedar Rapids, Ia - Friday, June 25, 2004 11:50 AM CDT
hey zach, whats up man. Sorry i have not seen u in a while i've had a cold it really stinks. I've been praying for u at church and i know you are going to be done with you're illness very soon. My mom and dad have been wanting to see you so im guessing i will be visiting you soon.
Tim Rodden <slotypaplezewait@aol.com>
kc, ks u.s.a. - Friday, June 25, 2004 10:36 AM CDT

PENSACOLA, FL USA - Friday, June 25, 2004 8:43 AM CDT
Hi Zach!
We thought we saw you drive by in your Dad's truck last night when we were getting ready for Addison's birthday luau. I wondered if you had gone back to the hospital on Monday. We are so thrilled with the results of the first batch of chemo. We will pray that the next set isn't too bad and you will be at 0% after this. We are so glad you enjoyed your time at home. We love going to drive-in movies. It's one of the funnest summer activities!! Don't get into too much trouble at the hospital. We'll continue to pray for you!!! The Goff's

Marnie, Logan, Addison and Steve Goff <marnie527@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Friday, June 25, 2004 0:08 AM CDT
Hi Zach,
Hope you are still feeling ok.
Love you,

Shasta Hornack <hornack@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, June 24, 2004 7:13 PM CDT
Zach -

It was great talking with you last night. Tyson said thanks! Glad to hear your test results were under 5% - that is fantastic!!! We look forward to seeing you again soon. Dottie & Peaches have their big test next week and hopefully graduate so we are working with them each night. Maybe, we will end up with 2 well behaved puppies. We will try to call you guys later on tonight to see what is up. Talk to you then.

Zach - have you had a chance to paint with the water colors? Do you like them? We would love to hear what you think.

Sara, I did the same as you - sort of. I forgot to call Sue and wish her a happy birthday and I forgot to call mom & dad to wish them a happy 54th anniversary. Hopefully they will read this and I will call them tonight.

Aunt Shelley and Tyson <shelley.thomas@wachovia.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Thursday, June 24, 2004 12:36 AM CDT

GLad to hear you had great fun while at home. Go for 0%! Here are some silly answers that students gave from tests:

"Esau was a man who wrote fables and sold his copyright for a mess of potash."

"The brother of Jacob was called Seesaw."

"Samson pulled down the pillows of the temple."

"The people who followed the Lord were called the 12 opossums."

Take care!

Lori Triplett
- Thursday, June 24, 2004 11:03 AM CDT
Hi, Zach!
A friend sent me this joke and I thought you might enjoy it. It's a groaner, but a good one I think.

An elephant is drinking out of a river when he spots a turtle asleep on a log. The elephant ambles over and kicks the unsuspecting turtle clear across the river.
"Why did you do that?" asks a passing giraffe.
"Because I recognized it as the same turtle that took a nip out of my trunk 47 years ago."
"Wow, what a memory!" says the giraffe.
"Yes," says the elephant.  "Turtle recall."

I'm so glad your chemo results have been so good. I'm keeping you in my prayers. Please know that God holds you in the palm of His hand.

Much love --
Mrs. Raynes

Jeannette Raynes <plaidraynbowj@yahoo.com>
Kansas City, Kansas City USA - Thursday, June 24, 2004 7:07 AM CDT
Hi Zach,

Wow! The drive-in- what a great idea. I'm so glad you got to see the movies you wanted to see. You are in our prayers every day. We will be praying for 0% Leukemia cells on the next test.
In Christ's love,
The Millers - Kathleen, Scott, Marshall and Kelsey

Kathleen Miller <skmiller@everestkc.net>
lenexa, ks - Wednesday, June 23, 2004 9:57 PM CDT
Hi Zach,
Is there anything I can do for you or get for you
to take with you? Your cards will begin again!
I love you and pray for you daily.

Shasta Hornack <hornack@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Wednesday, June 23, 2004 9:39 PM CDT
Hi Zach
You may or may not be in the hospital today...........oh boy Hospital food!!Better than Sara's??You tell me!!!

Q. Where do most ants live?

A. Antlantic City!!!!

Love Sue
I made it in your journal!!!Oh boy I'm almost famous!

Aunt Sue <sthomas@avalon.net>
- Wednesday, June 23, 2004 5:32 PM CDT

If you see Quilabee let me know!
Dang dog took this morning While I was showering!
Everybody I saw when I was looking for her said she was headn your way!
Whzup with that Kibble?
Hope things are well!

Headn for the river again this weekend!

gotta walk! Godspeed my man!


Richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, Ks US of A - Wednesday, June 23, 2004 10:09 AM CDT
hey zach,
i had a great time hanging out with you...
we got the whole spider man set, no ones gonna know what that means!
i hope you are feeling good and that yuor stomach cramps go away...
Always your friend

Ryan Knight <RKShorty22@aol.com>
- Tuesday, June 22, 2004 10:48 PM CDT
Hi zach,
i hope you are feeling good and that your lukemia cells are out of you!
I had a great time seeing you last week.
i have to go some place with my mom, so i will try to come see you son,
Always Your friend,

Ryan Knight <RKShorty22@aol.com>
- Tuesday, June 22, 2004 6:44 PM CDT
Hi Zach...
I hope you're feeling good! I love seeing your pictures. I bet it was great being at home, huh? I'm sorry I missed the chance to come and see you at the hospital. I was supposed to come with Mrs. Stiglic, Mrs. West, Ms. Bartelsmeyer, and Mrs. Halter, but I had to work that day. You and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers daily. I hope your next round of treatments go by fast. Take good care and remember we're all looking forward to seeing you at school next year!!
Mrs. Phillips (school secretary)

Sandy Phillips <sandyphillips@smsd.org>
- Tuesday, June 22, 2004 1:17 PM CDT
Dear Zach, I have been thinking about you quite a bit today. I know that today was supposed to have been the start of round two and that you have had an awesome week at home. I was pretty excited to hear that. Keep focused on another week at home. I will pray for you and for the days to go by fast. Keep the jokes coming...
Jane Meyer <djmeyer@everestkc.net>
- Monday, June 21, 2004 9:20 PM CDT
Hi Zach and Family!
We have been praying for all of you. You are in our constant thoughts! We're so glad you got to come home for a while. It had to feel great! We'll continue to check your website. The Goff's

Marnie & Steve Goff, Logan and Addison <marnie527@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS US - Monday, June 21, 2004 7:31 PM CDT
HA Zach
I tried to call you last night but no one answered. I hope you had a good week at home. I passed all the pins you gave me to the family so everyone can wear them. Let us know what is going on, and good luck.
I am going to practice up on golf so I can do better the next time we are together.

Deb Sindelar <dlsind2@rockwellcollins.com>
Cedar Rapids, Ia - Monday, June 21, 2004 11:29 AM CDT
Zach and Sara, So glad to hear you got to go home for awhile. I bet you really had a good time. Keep up the great fight! I am sure it must not be easy, but you know all about effort. All of you are in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Mrs. "K"
Jan Keirsey <kjkeirsey@cox-internet.com>
Bella Vista, Ar USA - Monday, June 21, 2004 10:10 AM CDT
Za ak k,

well there goes the neighborhood! We go camping and you zap the trees,

We had a great time on the river! As always the food was great! The weather was perfect! We just missed you. no i'm mean really missed you! We - They did'nt get to tip your canoe! The older boy's (including Dylan) got "EVERYONE" unless you got yourself! Which pretty funny too.

Glad your do'in fine! Sorry this a short note.And since your home you "know" how nice it is outside! think about 67% on June 21, The first day of Summer!

Gotta Run, Godspeed my friend!


Richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, Ks US of A - Monday, June 21, 2004 9:44 AM CDT
Hey, Zach! I just came from 3 days of meetings with Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Collins and Mr. Falk. We were talking about what a cool kid you are -- so I thought I'd check in and see what's new.I've been watching to see how your tests on Friday came out. I know God is holding you in the palm of His hand.
I can sympathize with your Aunt Sue and jokes -- I can't even tell the good ones right :( My family always starts laughing before the end because they know I'm going to mess it up! Oh well ----
Hug each other for me ! --- Mrs. Raynes

Jeannette Raynes <plaidraynbowj@yahoo.com>
Kansas City, Kansas City USA - Sunday, June 20, 2004 8:24 AM CDT
Hey, Zack! Sorry I didn't have time to sign your guestbook before. Anyway I can see u liked jokes so here's one.
The wife of the cheif of an indian tribe. She just had a baby girl. She decided to name her Running Deer. The woman's other son came in and asked, "Mother, why is my sister's name Running Deer?" His Mother replied, "Because right when your sister was born, I looked out the teepie and saw a running deer. Why do you ask, Pooping Dog?" -Hope you like it.

Camille Larson <ldsgigglefairy@yahoo.com>
Overland Park, KS United States - Friday, June 18, 2004 9:08 PM CDT
Hey Zach
I called but couldn't interupt you baking cookies with Grandma. That sounds so good. Bet Grandpa will want to take some home with him!! Have a great weekend and eat some cookies for me.

Aunt Sue <sthomas@avalon.net>
- Friday, June 18, 2004 5:38 PM CDT
HA Marions

We had a wonderful time seeing everyone. Zach I hope your head is feeling okay. Great golfing even if you beat me.
I am working on the quilt. I got some orange color for the quilt. Going to Chad wedding this weekend. Hope everything is going good.

Deb Sindelar <dlsind2@rockwellcollins.com>
Cedar Rapids, IA - Friday, June 18, 2004 11:46 AM CDT
Hi Zach,
I hope you are having fun at home.
I love you,

Shasta Hornack <hornack@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, June 17, 2004 0:02 AM CDT
Hi Sara - just got back from having lunch with Doug and heard the news about Zach. Man, bummer!!! Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. By the way, my grandson's wife, Michelle Liem, works at that hospital 4-midnight. Keep the faith and God be with you all.
Sue Pracht <ppracht@comcast.net>
Olathe, KS USA - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 1:50 PM CDT
Hi Zach (and fam') I am sooo happy to hear that you are at home!!! It truly brightened my day when I heard! Anyway, I know that everyone is telling you how much they are thinking about you and care about you but I just have to say it too! I have been praying for you every day that you will not only be completely healed but that you will also be happy all of the time or at least most of it!! Have a wonderful time at home and make the most of it!! Love, Miss Rachel.

Rachel Chadwick <rachel45@hotmail.com>
Overland Park , KS USA - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:51 AM CDT
Hi Zach,
I'm sure you are enjoying being at home. We miss seeing you at VBS this week BUT just knowing you are home for a bit makes all of us at Knox happy. Nathan is doing a great job in the VBS drama--you would be proud of him. Have fun at home!! Love, Lori Unthank & the Knox VBS crew

Lori Unthank <lori@knoxchurch.org>
Lenexa, KS USA - Tuesday, June 15, 2004 5:37 PM CDT
Hi Zach.
Hope you had a great weekend. For some reason I thought you had a cousin your age. Bet its great to be home. Does it look the same? Better I bet. I'm not sure what time you go to get blood counts tomorrow but I'll call anyway to say Hi at least. Maybe I will catch you.
love sue

Aunt Sue <sthomas@avalon.net>
- Sunday, June 13, 2004 4:06 PM CDT
GREAT, SUPER, FANTASTIC, TERRIFIC news - you getting to go home. I have been collecting a few things for you and will bring when I come visit you in KC in a few weeks. Keep that beautiful smile you have. Love, Aunt Pam

Pam Mosca <pamosca@att.net>
St. Louis, MO usa - Saturday, June 12, 2004 6:07 PM CDT
Good morning Zach

Knock Knock
Whoes there?
Great who?
Bet it feels great waking up at home!!!

Lame I know....I can't help it. Have to make up my own lame joke cuz I don't know any good ones!!

Hope you aren't giving nurse Sara too hard a time. Bill won't know what to do with all the people around!! Make Nathan make you biscuits and gravey! It's all good.

Have a great weekend with your cousin......not too great....stay out of trouble!!
love sue

- Saturday, June 12, 2004 6:59 AM CDT
Hey Zach. Its friday evening AND YOUR HOME!!! you get to sleep in your own bed if you don't fall asleep on the sofa first! Good picture of you and the teachers. Your head is so perfect it looks fake!!! Maybe you better keep that do forever, it loooks good!!! I'm so thrilled you (and Sara) are home.
love sue

Aunt Sue <sthomas @avalon.net>
- Friday, June 11, 2004 7:23 PM CDT
HOLY COW!!!! I just heard the great news!!!!! I knew if you kept playing those practical jokes on the nurses they would eventually kick you outta there. Great plan!!!! Your bed is going to be so glad to see you, you may have to tie it down to keep it from jumping around. I know Sadie will be glad to see you at home too!!!! Let me tell you, there is lots of celebrating going on around this town involving the people who know and love you guys. We will be singing songs of joy that you got to go home, and songs of praise to the GOOD LORD for answering our prayers. We know that you will have a great time at home and that will help make you feel better. We will still continue to pray for you each and every day.

Have fun Zacharoo!!!!


Randy Hafffey <rhaffey@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS 66212 - Friday, June 11, 2004 5:43 PM CDT
Hal-leigh-lu-ya!!!!YIPPEE!!!YAHOO!!!ALRIGHT!!!(JUMPING) WAY TO GO, Idaho!!!Yeehaa!!!(Cartwheel) Yowwwzaaa!!! HIGH FIVES!!! (Front flip) AWESOME, DUDE!!! WAHOOOO!!! I'LL BE JIGGERED!!! (Double Back Flip) OOUUCCHH! Okay, I think you can tell how excited I am that you and MOM are going HOME!! Enjoy the comforts of your own abode until your next trip! The least they can do, is give you a different room next time. Love you ALL!!!
Karen Haffey
Overland Park, KS - Friday, June 11, 2004 1:55 PM CDT
Hi, Zach! I am so glad that you are doing better! I have wanted to come see you, but I can not shake this cold that I have. Conner, Kiara and I keep passing it back and forth. Our thoughts are with you though! Best wishes!
Leanne <lemado1@aol.com>
Kansas City, MO US - Friday, June 11, 2004 12:29 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I work with Shelley at Wachovia in Atlanta.
Karen Singletary <karen.singletary@wachovia.com>
Atlanta, GA Dekalb - Friday, June 11, 2004 10:41 AM CDT
Just read the news and I know you are excited to be going home and sleeping in your own bed!! I hope that you will enjoy your latest package from Tyson and I. We loved seeing you this past weekend and look forward to seeing you soon.

Sara, don't worry toooooo much! They would not let him out if they didn't think it was ok. Sounds like you will be careful anyway.

Talk to you at home this weekend!!

Love you, Aunt Shelley & Tyson

Aunt Shelley & Tyson <shelley.thomas@wachovia.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Friday, June 11, 2004 10:31 AM CDT
im gonna beat u next time we play spoons!so get better k later
landon harris <k_st8r@hotmail.com>
shawnee, ks usa - Friday, June 11, 2004 10:17 AM CDT
Zac K,

Headn' Home, Home on the Range, home in a cityyyyyy, the home of homes.

Breath the air buddy! It's LIFE!

On the wings you will fly! Godspeed and enjoy your stay!


Richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, ks US of A - Friday, June 11, 2004 9:27 AM CDT
WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!We are so happy for you all. We have been praying for this small step. You know taking small steps one by one can help you climb any mountain. In Christ, The Butler Family, Knox Church
Erica Butler <ericabb@att.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Friday, June 11, 2004 8:05 AM CDT
Yea!!!!! We are so excited for you and so happy for you.
We continue to pray for you daily!! Please know how much we care about you and your entire family. Have a great time at home!! There is nothing like sleeping in your own bed. God is good.. and we can cast all our burdens upon Him. Again, thrilled to hear the great news.

The Millers

Kathleen Miller <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Friday, June 11, 2004 7:51 AM CDT

What great news about going home. We just got done with Day Camp. It was only 4 days instead of 5 days. Mr Dowd was out there with his pack. Of course, Mr Dowd came and visited us many times. Mr Falk was there with his nephew's pack on Wednesday.
Andy's joke (borrowed from Boys Life:
Josh: Knock, Knock
Jess: Who's there?
Josh: Water
Jess: Water, who
Josh: Water you doing in my house?

We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. I know this has been said many times, but if you or your family needs anything, let us know.

John, Jenny, Andy, and Tommy Ott <jjott@wans.net>
Overland Park, KS - Friday, June 11, 2004 7:26 AM CDT
Hey, Zach! I am SO excited that you get to go home today and sleep in YOUR OWN BED! Awesome! I'm planning on doing a little cooking for your family -- thought I'd just make something and freeze it so it's ready whenever your mom doesn't feel like cooking. Do you like lasagna? How about Mexican food? Chocolate cream pie? or coconut cream pie? (I won't freeze the pies, of course! :)

I loved reading some of your messages and seeing the names of the Katherine Carpenter kids there. We've saved your spot in Choir for next year.

Enjoy your backyard and the sunshine and just hanging out with your family at home.

Much love and continued prayers --

Mrs. Raynes

Jeannette Raynes <plaidraynbowj@yahoo.com>
Kansas City, Kansas City USA - Friday, June 11, 2004 7:23 AM CDT
Hi Zach,

Sorry I haven't been back to your guest book for a while. But Brent and Aaron's baseball are keeping me pretty busy. Guess what? This old man got out and played softball this week. I had not played in a year, so wasn't sure how good I would do. But, guess what again? I'm still pretty good, picked up just where I left off when I played all the time 8 years ago, even better. Just so you will know, this is how I did: Two abrasions on the left leg from sliding, a sprained right ankle from my foot going under the bag (when sliding)and as for the better part, every muscle in my body is hurting (two days later). And they said I could never play the same again. Ha, I showed um!

I also said I would not come back on without a joke or two, soooooo, here goes. Why don't grizzly bears wear socks and shoes? Because they like going "bare foot". Who is the strongest man in the world? The policeman because he can hold up cars with one hand!!!!

Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers so that you can go home for awhile. I hear your bed misses you.

We will come and visit again soon.


Randy Haffey <rhaffey@rr.kc.com>
Overland Park , KS - Thursday, June 10, 2004 9:32 PM CDT
Hey Zach,

I just wanted to say hi before i left for Virgina on Friday for a week, Im really gonna miss ya next year sencie im goin to a new skool. That is gonna seriously suck..Well ill try to talk to you in virgina..

Rebecca Irvine <smsluver88@yahoo.com>
Olathe, Ks USA - Thursday, June 10, 2004 4:22 PM CDT
2 blonde jokes for you#1 What do you call a smart blonde? A Golden Retriever. #2 A blonde pulls into a parking space and rolls down the windows to make sure her Labrador Retriever has fresh air. The dog was stretched out on the back seat and the blonde wanted to impress upon her that she must remain there. She walked to the curb backwards, pointing her finger at the car and saying,"Now you stay. Do you hear me? Stay! Stay!" The driver of a nearby car gave her a strange look and said,"Why don't you just put it in park?" Hope you're home soon Zach. Take care Mary
Mary Winne <marysip@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, June 10, 2004 2:30 PM CDT
ZACH who!

How's the 4th floor? I've heard you have been up and down and all around. You have the nurse's a little scared! BUt they really do care for you!

I called Dr. Fix-n-it. But his nurse said, He was All-broken-up and to busy today. So I then called. Dr. Goes-in- tight! The nurse said he was to busy lubbing nuts-and-bolts. Well I was a little upset that I could not get a hold of a Real Doctor to help you Zach. None of those pretend Dr.s the you are seeing today! But real ones! S oI finally got a hold of the most famous Dr. in the Whole "WORLD". Dr. un-huh. So I took the time to explain your problem. He paused for a moment and came up with this resolution to "YOUR" problem! He Said, and I quote "Un HUH". With that "I" felt so much better. And from that I understand what he said: Zac... BE COOL! and Love your family! and me too! (I just threw that last one in)

Zac a smozzzer, is a soaking and booming Seventy Three Degrees outside right now.

I'll write to you later!

Godspeed little buddy!


Richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, ks US of A - Thursday, June 10, 2004 2:29 PM CDT
hey zach!
I hope you are feeling better today so you can come home for a few days,
i will see you laer,
Ryan knight

Ryan Knight <RKShorty22@aol.com>
- Thursday, June 10, 2004 7:54 AM CDT
Hey Zach!
I wanted to know if you had a publisher for your new book yet? Which book is that, you ask? The book you are probably going to write called "101 Flying Positions for a Pediatric Hospital Bed." That is some built in airline you have there, buddy!! Complete with "nuts." Glad to see you making good use of your spare time. I hope your blood counts "bounce" you out of there before the bed does!!!!

Okay. Why did the goose cross the road? Because the chicken was on vacation!!! Keep smiling, champ!

Karen Haffey
Overland Park, KS - Wednesday, June 9, 2004 8:59 PM CDT
How was your day? I've got two jokes for you...
How did the monkey cross the road?(It jumped on a chicken's back)
Why didn't the skeleton climb the mountain?(because he didn't have the guts)
hope your feeling better.

Brent Haffey
O.P, KS USA - Wednesday, June 9, 2004 8:45 PM CDT
hey its your causin jeremy you havent meat me yet but I hope you get to go home soon and imight come and see you

love your causin

jeremy klein <earon2@yahoo.com>
bluespring, mi usa - Wednesday, June 9, 2004 8:39 PM CDT
Hey Zach, hope your chimichunga was as good as it sounds. I went chinese with a friend. Had twice cooked chicken. Yes Sara ther really is a Santa Claus....it's just like hot braised pork, only better! Delicious. I only get it every time I go there.
Zach, I can't believe you figured out the riddle so fast. You must think "outside the box" If you haven't thought of a career choice you can be a genius!!ha ha.
Luv Sue

Aunt Sue <sthomas@avalon.net>
- Wednesday, June 9, 2004 4:39 PM CDT
Brother Zack ack,

Can you smell the rain? It's so fresh and clean. Makes you just want to go play in it! Which Dylan, Tanner, Keenan and I did Saturday evening while we where playing golf. Speaking of Golf. I got a par and a few boogies', Kept trying to get one of those birdes, but they are really quick. They are apart of the Snipe family from Bonner Springs, near Camp Naish.

I was talking to Keenan and Tanner During the game and was asking them all kinds of Questions about Golf. And do you know when we where done they had the Golf Merit Badge completed. I know "amazing".. Thank you very much!

Zach it's a dripping 68 slippery degrees right now. With a chance of more weather to come. Just wait you'll see it!

My minute's up! Back to makin a buck! With all this rain my yard must have good luck!

Brother Zack ack, Godspeed


Richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, ks US of A - Wednesday, June 9, 2004 9:30 AM CDT
Good Morning Zach, Bill and Sara
Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you and praying for you. We hope you have a good day and pray that those counts go up so that you may go home for a while. Stay strong in the Lord and He will sustain you.

The Butler Family - Knox Church <ericabb@att.net>
Overland Park, - Wednesday, June 9, 2004 8:10 AM CDT
Hi Zach, Sara and Bill,

Praying those counts will go up so you can escape a while. Kevin and Ethan Ray have been hanging out for the last 4 days while their brothers are on the trip. Mikhail was impressed with the Kennedy stuff too. Sounds like a good trip for Celebration Choir. Greg is travelling all over this week, then he and boys are going canoeing with another church this weekend. I'm going to New York City with Kim so should be interesting. I want to see Ground Zero. We're thinking of you. Hope your'e home when we check back in next week.

Dianne Conway <con5way@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS - Tuesday, June 8, 2004 10:02 PM CDT
Hi Zach
It sounds that you are getting to feel great. Keep it up.
I am looking forward to see you and your family. Devon took off for the weekend from McDonald's. Keep smiling

Deb Sindelar <dlsind2@rockwellcollins.com>
- Tuesday, June 8, 2004 2:12 PM CDT
hey zach,
i hope you are feeling better so you can come home for a few days...
i got my hair a little bit shorter it feels good (but i still like yours better)
this summer has been pretty good so far i am goin to a basketball camp (the south basketball camp) but hopefully when you get better we can hang out and go to the pool or we can just paly around one of our houses that was really fun last summer when i spent the night at your house one night and the next night u spent the night at mine!
everyones hearts are with you
Always your friend
~Ryan Knight

Ryan Knight <RKShorty22@aol.com>
op, kansas - Tuesday, June 8, 2004 1:32 PM CDT
Hey "BEN zac HUR"!

Just a few quick notes! I'm not sure if you heard yet? But there's "news" on the street.

Some of it is good news and some not so good. And then some of it is real good news and some is really not so good news.

Then some more of it, the news, is really really good,, and then some more really not so good.

SO I guess news is just news!

So whats news with you?

It's almost 76% sultry dagrase! OH Joyyy!

Got a call yesterday afternoon from some people attending the "DAY CAMP" program. I sure don't miss those days!
They were fun and I have had some wonderfull moments in Day Camp,, But I don't miss them.

FLASH more news.... Sounds about the same!

Zach be "BAD" (smile)and Godspeed!


Richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, ks US of A - Tuesday, June 8, 2004 10:07 AM CDT
hey mom i read the e mail and i hope u guys are doing good
nathan marion <nathanater89@aol.com>
- Tuesday, June 8, 2004 9:24 AM CDT
Hi Zach and Family,
You don't know me, and our only connection is that I was once a student at Katherine Carpenter (though it was about 10 years ago). Your story and the strength of those around you is empowering. I'll keep you in my prayers, and hey, keep having fun in the hospital. It's always good to get into a little bit of trouble :)!

Rachel Cooksey <rachcooks@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Tuesday, June 8, 2004 2:22 AM CDT
I am sorry that i missed you today. I hope that you like the cookies and the Mad-Libs! We are still praying for you every night at dinner, and every Sunday at Church. We are all thinking of you. 8-}

Jill Anderson <loquitur@sbcglobal.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Monday, June 7, 2004 10:57 PM CDT
Sarah, Zach and Family...
I was sooo excited to hear that your counts may be on the upward trend. We'll pray that you get to go home real soon for some much needed fun and relaxation. Despite this leukemia, I'm thankful that we've had a chance to meet. It's truly touches me to see how other families are dealing with the day to day ups and downs. You're a strong boy Zach. I was glad I got to see that cute smile of yours today. May God bless you and keep you cradled in loving arms.

Ronda Lawson and family <krselawson@yahoo.com>
Baxter Springs, Ks USA - Monday, June 7, 2004 10:14 PM CDT
Hi Zach.
I hope you continue to feel better and can come home
for a few days soon.
I love and miss you.

Shasta Hornack <hornack@everestkc.net>
overland Park, Ks USA - Monday, June 7, 2004 6:29 PM CDT
Hey Zach, Sorry I talked so long to your Mom and delayed breakfast!! Your feeling good and ornery. Dont get too ornery with Sara. Who else will get you biscuits and gravy in the morning!!!??!!I am so excited about your counts. Hope they keep climbiing and you'll be home before you know it!!

Aunt Sue <sthomas@avalon.net>
- Monday, June 7, 2004 1:37 PM CDT
hey buddy, hanging out at home its one hot summer day. I just put a alarm in my car. Spending most of my time with melissa. Went fishing yesterday, I didnt catch anything but everybody else did. We still plan on coming down to visit you. I have drill next weekend but after that were coming down. I think melissas coming down too. I can introduce her to you. See you later
Alex Sindelar <djsindelar@hotmail.com>
Cedar Rapids, IA USA - Monday, June 7, 2004 12:52 AM CDT
HI Marion's
It's nice to hear that zach is feeling better. We are looking forward coming and seeing everyone. How long is Nathan going to be gone? We will be coming Saturday morning. Keep up the good work. LOVE Anut Deb

Deb Sindelar <dlsind2@rockwellcollins.com>
- Monday, June 7, 2004 11:42 AM CDT
Good morning! My son, Thomas, just finished the 4th grade at Carpenter.

We know someone that has worked with Cub Scout Pack 3259 from Moody Elem. School who also has leukemia. This past Saturday, June 5th, there was a bone marrow drive for him. I just received an e-mail this morning and wanted to let you know that the Church of the Resurrection over at Roe and 135th Street is having a bone marrow and blood drive beginning on Monday, June 7 thru Wednesday June 9. The drive will be from 2 pm until 8 pm each day. On Tuesday, the drive will be from 8 am until 8 pm. The church's website has more information.....the drive information is at the bottom of the church's homepage.


Even though this drive is for someone else, you never know when or if it might help someone else.

Anyway, I thought that I would pass this along.

Best of Luck to you all and our prayers are with you.

Lynn Ward <mlward00@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Monday, June 7, 2004 8:51 AM CDT
hey mom ad dad and zach i am in austin and i just wanted to say hi. i am having a great time here in texas. we are going to the boardwalk and beach today. i hope that you guys are doing just as well. zach i got you a puzzel from the jfk momreal . steve also wants to know howmany games of chekers yyou have plaied. back at the jfk momreal i got to walk along the grassy knowl and walk the paraid rought. and i saw where the sniper was suposidly standing. well i gotta go so i will see you all later hope you are feeling good and i hope you get out of there to come home. 8)
nathan marion <nathanater89@aol.com>
ks - Monday, June 7, 2004 8:17 AM CDT
get better
Anthony Whatley <storm@everestkc.net>
- Sunday, June 6, 2004 7:28 PM CDT
Hi Zach....have to read your messages to find the answer to Devin's riddle. I hope he gives it because I can't figure it out! Probably really simple and obvious and I will have a Duh moment when I see the answer. You sure sound good. I heard you and a friend were running up and down the halls and figured out the code to the nurse's snack room. Your a regular James Bond. That good...I guess!!! Hope you had a great weekend. I'm sure Shelley loved seeing you

Aunt Sue <sthomas@avalon.net>
- Sunday, June 6, 2004 10:40 AM CDT
Hi Zach,

I love reading all the jokes people send you. Know that we pray fervently for you every day. I will get the joke books to you...hopefully, soon. We will be specifically praying for good blood counts and an opportunity to go home soon!!! May you always feel God's peace and comfort.

Kathleen Miller

Kathleen Miller <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Sunday, June 6, 2004 6:14 AM CDT

I have a riddle for you. What word has over a thousand letters?

Devin Magee <magee4family@everest.net>
Overland Park, KS Unitedes States - Saturday, June 5, 2004 9:48 PM CDT

The Wathens <VRWATHS @AOL. COM>
Overland Park, ks USA - Saturday, June 5, 2004 12:30 AM CDT
hello from ohio, we miss you and check in on you every day via- web page... stay cool little man... why are tomatoes red? becauses they saw the salad dressing HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...love rebecca and the boys....
rebecca and the boys <rcorbin1@kc.rr.com>
overland park, ks usa - Saturday, June 5, 2004 9:19 AM CDT
Hey Zach -
We are friends of the Brooks (Makenzie, Clayton & Natalie) from Illinois.

Do you know that you have 236 messages? That is awesome.

Our ten year old son had leukemia four years ago. He got into remission in a short time. We are PRAYING that your remission comes quickly.

It sounds like you are having as much fun as you can. Here is something we learned: (OH - the nurses will just hate us :o) Ask your nurse for empty syringes (without the needles) Fill them up with water. Keep them concealed under the sheet next to you. When you have a nurse that you know you can have fun with call her using the call button. Now the fun part . . . get those syringes in the ready position. When she comes in the door make sure she is within firing range and push on those plungers!

It feels so incredibly good to be laughing when you are in the hospital.

Thanks for the updates.


Karen Witek <kwitek@mfire.com>
Geneva, IL Kane - Saturday, June 5, 2004 7:13 AM CDT
I saw Mr. Hicks last Sunday and thought that he had lost another bet at work. It was even better that he was with you when you had your haircut party! Your dad looks pretty cool, too! Our family prays daily for you - stay strong in the Lord!
Jeff McCullough <mac5@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Saturday, June 5, 2004 6:42 AM CDT
Hey Zach,
I haven't gotten to sign it yet so here it is. I hope you get better. Wait no, I know you will get better. I like the haircut it's really how do you say, becoming. See you round.
Tom Bolton

Thomas Bolton
Overland Park, KS United States - Friday, June 4, 2004 10:52 PM CDT
Why did the tissue dance?
Because it had a boogy!

How much did the pirate pay to get his ears pearced?
a buck an ear!

Natalie Moran <jbmoran@everestkc.net>
O.P., KS USA - Friday, June 4, 2004 10:06 PM CDT
Hey Zach! I hope it isn't to bad in there. I read some of the other comments in the guest book and it sounds like you are having a good time. I hope that I will be able to see you some time soon. Don't worry, something special will come with me! GET WELL SOON!
Matt Brooks <mattbrooks9@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS United States - Friday, June 4, 2004 10:06 PM CDT
How's it going Zach? It must be hard to deal with lukemia. My family's thougts and prayers are with you. Get well soon!
Jordan White <www.itwasntme@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS United States - Friday, June 4, 2004 10:01 PM CDT
Hey Zach! Kerri & Ben told us what a great day you had. Fabulous! It makes us all so happy and relieved that you are having fun and running the halls. Something must be going right! Also heard that you swined out on Subway. Todd can't wait to come see you. Kerri said she would bring him up one day next week with Ben & Jack. Todd got his hair buzzed the same day Ben & Jack did. You have started quite a trend. Keep your chin up. We are so proud of you and your bravery!
Todd & Ben & Mrs. Nobles <noblesj@umkc.edu>
Overland Park, KS - Friday, June 4, 2004 9:33 PM CDT
Hi Zach - Happy Friday - another week towards remission- great going! We all loved seeing your Mom and I think it was Nathan (that ran threw the party with no hair!!!:}) last Saturday at Alex's grad party - we missed you and it was great you let Mom have alittle R&R to see everyone - 104th misses you guys out in the middle of the street - way, way too quiet out there and no one to "slow down " for - no fun at all!! We saw all the great pixs of the "Rebecca do's" - if anyone can make you guys look handsome - it is Rebecca... right? Hey when you are feeling better - Mr. Wood says a ride in the little black corvette is what you need - so count on that! Glad food is tasting like food again .. Keep up the good recovery - we know you can do it!! Cris and Gordon Wood
Cris and Gordon wood <cmw@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Friday, June 4, 2004 5:50 PM CDT
What ARE you Do'in?

Man what a great FRI day! Whazzzup with these 77 Sunset strip degree days?

What's new? I won some Kenknee Chets knee tickets to tonights concert from Q104. I "NEVER" listen to that country stuff. So I gave the tickets to Tanner and his girlfriend. So i'm going to the baseball game with the big haff dog and budda, I've got the K-man this weekend so he'll go with me.

well my minute is up phones are a ringin.

Godspeed, Zach man


Richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, ks US of A - Friday, June 4, 2004 11:39 AM CDT
Hi Zach!! I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better. Hang in there.

I have a dumb blonde joke for you.

This dumb blonde woman buys an airplane ticket in coach class destined for Tahiti. The airplane takes off and one of the stewardess' notices that this dumb blonde lady has moved up to first class section. She told her that she bought a coach class seat and she couldn't stay in first class. The dumb blonde lady said "I'm blonde, beautiful, and I am going to Tahiti, and I am not moving!" The airline stewardess went to another airline stewardess and asked her if she would try to get this lady to move back to her coach seat. The next stewardess approached the dumb blonde lady. The dumb blonde lady told her the same thing.
So that stewardess went to the supervisor and asked her to please handle the dumb blonde lady sitting in first class. The supervisor approached the dumb blonde lady and asked her to move to her seat in coach class. The lady, once again, said "I am blonde, beautiful and I am going to Tahiti." The supervisor leaned down and whispered something in that dumb blonde ladies ear and the dumb blonde lady replied "oh" and got up and moved promptly back to her seat in coach class where she belonged. The other two stewardess' couldn't believe that the supervisor got this dumb blonde woman to get up and move to coach class. They asked her what she whispered to the dumb blonde woman and she replied "I told her that first class isn't going to Tahiti!"

Take care and know that you and your family are always in our thoughts and prayers.

Marla Harris <k_st8r@hotmail.com>
Shawnee, KS Johnson - Friday, June 4, 2004 9:29 AM CDT

PENSACOLA, FL USA - Friday, June 4, 2004 7:39 AM CDT
Hi Marion's
Zach hope your day have been better. I like seeing you smiling face. June 12 we will be there to see you and your family. Have a goooooood weekend. Have the food been tasting better? My heart is with you and your family.
If you want me to bring anything from Iowa please let me know. LOVE YOU Aunt DEB Hugs and Kisses

Deb Sindelar <dlsinde2@rockwellcollins.com>
- Friday, June 4, 2004 6:51 AM CDT
Great to hear that you ate your steak the other day. Sounds like your dad's a great cook. I was glad to hear that your doing so well. Hang in there. Mom and Dad, we all understand how hectic it is in your life right now. We are so glad to read your updates on Zach. My prayers are with your family. God Bless you all!!!!
Dawn Foster (Katherine Carpenter) <dfoster1@everestkc.net>
Overland Park , KS USA - Thursday, June 3, 2004 10:22 PM CDT
Hi Zach,
This is your cousin Lori, it sure is good to hear that you are doing better. Love all of your new hair doos. Bet it is a lot cooler isn't it? It sure is good to hear that your getting your appetite back. If there is anything you need just call and we will bring it to you. Or if you just want to talk just call and we will talk. If you need my phone number just call Aunt Marcia and she will give it to you.
Well you take care and keep getting better. Also good luck on getting to go home soon. Hope to see you real soon.
You cousin Lori

Lori Klein <lorik1964@comcast.net>
Blue Springs, Mo. USA - Thursday, June 3, 2004 9:42 PM CDT
Did you know that you have had 230 people write messages to you?? That's 200 more people than the number of kids in my 6th grade class! It took me 15 minutes to scroll down and count them all!! And that's no joke, of course I kept loosing count somewhere around 100, so 230 is my best guess. With that many people checking in on you, you're sure to kick this thing faster than anyone in the entire world! I check this site every day, but I don't always leave a message, sorry. Everyone has given you some kind of a joke, so here's my best attempt:
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Police Who?
Police let me in, it's cold outside!!
Pretty lame, I know, but's it's the only one I could remember on the spot! Have a good day tomorrow, and for the next week!!

Rebecca Burwinkle <becca88@prodigy.net>
- Thursday, June 3, 2004 8:41 PM CDT
Hi Zach
Hope you continue to have good days. We used get biscuits and gravy at Hardess, course we called it bickets and gravy. Anyway it was GOOD. Nathan learned how to make from Grandma. Not quite scratch but neither is Mcdonalds! He can make them for you when you get home. Guess Shelley and Tyson are there. Say Hi. Talk with you tomorrow.

Aunt Sue <sthomas@avalon.net>
- Thursday, June 3, 2004 5:36 PM CDT
Dear Zach,
I hope you're feeling better. It is great if you are feeling better. It was real nice of people to shave their heads. I saw the pictures. You looked happy and looked like you were feeling better.

Thomas Reed Ward

Overland park, ks U.S.A. - Thursday, June 3, 2004 1:23 PM CDT
Hi Zach
Its good to hear you are feeling better the last few days. Steak and spuds, no less, and biscuits and gravy, hey you are chowing down. Did I ever tell you that biscuits in Ireland are 'cookies' so you can imagine what I thought the first time I heard the expression "biscuits and gravy", hmm cookies and gravy, oh its sounds delicious!!!! (Still cant quite bring myself to eat them, but i have been told many times how great they are.) I know you finally got your year book, did you have fun looking at it, I certainly did, especially seeing you, Dylan and Jack in those lovely chef outfits. We are all praying that you will get out for a while because we know how much that means to you. Anyway I think I have written enough for now, but i do have a little joke for you (yeah its as corny as all the others!!)
Q: Why can't you borrow money from a leprechaun?
A: Cos they're always a little short
I'm trying, honestly

I hope we will be in soon to see you, so just keep getting better and better now do you hear??
All our love.
The Owings

Adrienne Owings <adrienneo@everestkc.net>
O.P, KS USA - Thursday, June 3, 2004 11:49 AM CDT

Its not Sixty + 8, or Seventy big one's degrees today. So you do the math.

Got the new Boy's Life last night in the mail. All about "HEROS". Funny! I've heard and read about all of them. You may have heard of some of them as well.

The bottom line is you allready have your HEROS. And you are the HERO to many of people as well.

And I'm not talking about a sandwich.


Later zacher, Godspeed


Richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, ks US of A - Thursday, June 3, 2004 9:58 AM CDT
Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about Zach and your family and hoping and praying for the best Sara!!
Amy Jacutin <ajjacutin@terracon.com>
Gardner, KS - Thursday, June 3, 2004 8:35 AM CDT
Good Morning Zach and Family,

What a glorious day the Lord has made! I am praying you are having a great day today Zach.

Psalms 115:50 - This is my comfort in my affliction, for your word has revived me.

Joke for today

Why did the Computer Squeak?
Cause somebody stepped on the mouse.

Make it a great day with the Lord! And Keep smiling Sunshine ;-)

Becky Dale <becky.dale@mail.sprint.com>
Prairie Village, KS usa - Thursday, June 3, 2004 6:55 AM CDT
Hey Zach Why did they let the turkey join the band? A: Because he had his own drumsticks!

How do you know that carrots are good for your eyesight? Have YOU ever seen a rabbit with glasses?

Why did Beethoven kill his chicken?
It kept saying ''Bach, Bach, Bach...''

How do you stop a skunk from smelling? You hold his nose!

How did the telephone operator propose to his girlfriend? He gave her a ring.

Zach I hope you feel better an if you would like to work on you advancments while you are there give me a call. you mom and dad have my phone number. Hope you liked the jokes.
Your friend (from the troop)
John clark

John Clark <rjcpdc@everestkc.net>
- Wednesday, June 2, 2004 9:23 PM CDT
Zach--You are the most popular person I know--getting a card from the Governor of Kansas and a special proclamation from the Mayor of Overland Park! What's next? Greetings from President Bush? I wish I had a good joke to send to you but you know Grandma can never remember the punch line if she hears a good joke! You looked so good today. Hope you feel great again tomorrow. Those yummy warm chocolate chip cookies would make anyone feel better--maybe there will be at least one cookie left for tomorrow. See you soon--love you--Grandma
Le Thomas <jackle1950@aol.com>
Lansing, KS - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 9:05 PM CDT
Hi Zach,

Just one of your Mom's working buddies checking in with you. Boy, do you have a lot of friends!! I can't get over how long your e-mail list has grown. It just shows what a very special person you are and how much people love you. I hope you get your time at home very soon or whatever will make you feel really, really good.

Best wishes to you and your family and much love always,
Roseann Sanders

Roseann Sanders <rmsanders@terracon.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 5:23 PM CDT
Hey there Zach! Just wanted to let you know that I've been thinking about you. LOTS AND LOTS. Can't you just feel the brainwaves coming your way?? Oh no! Now I suppose you're gonna blame me for your hair falling out!

Sounds like you're sporting a new look these days; and who would have thought that you, of all people, could start such a fashion trend!!! I hear that Nathan had just as many people sign his "head" as his yearbook! What a good brother you have. A smile on the face keeps a glow in the heart. Love ya, buddy!

Karen Haffey
Overland Park, KS - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 3:03 PM CDT
I opened the photo book and what a surprise. I heard about the haircuts from Loretta since I was not in church Sunday. I had to drop Kristin in New York for her summer internship. Big city,young woman. Your barber did a great job. Just tell your Dad and Nathan to make sure and wear their ball caps. Nathan better wear one under his catcher's mask or else we'll see one big blistered head. Hey, it sounds like your feeling better eating McDonald's. Love your jokes. Terry, Loretta, Kristin, Derek, and Kelsey
Terry W. White <twhite3263@aol.com>
Lenexa, KS - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 2:39 PM CDT
hi -this is jeanna roberts (daughter hayden at katherine carpenter and drew -14 and will be at south next year - just wanted to let you know that we are all thinking and praying for you and your family. Rebecca keeps me posted and think of you all often. hayden loves her monkey that she got at your garage sale - ha! stay strong and try to keep up a good attitude - i really believe in this... i am a cancer survivor twice ! if you ever need anything i would be glad to help!
jeanna roberts <margaritamom1965@yahoo.com>
overland park, ks johnson - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 1:23 PM CDT
Marion Family - getting all packed up tonight and look forward to seeing you this weekend. Can't wait to see the new do's in person! If you want anything from Atlanta, let me know before tomorrow evening. See you soon. Love, Shelley & Tyson
Aunt Shelley <shelley.thomas@wachovia.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 12:04 AM CDT
Zach- You are doing great. All of us are thinking about you, and you and your family are in our prayers. Can't wait to see you at school next year!! Hang in there- we are all very proud of you and miss you a lot.

Mr. D PE teacher

Nick Dinnebier <ndinnebier@hotmail.com>
Overland Park, ks - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 11:34 AM CDT

I'm not sure about all of this! But Since someone has been sick! The weather is great! We have had more Tornados' in a one month ever! Well since we have been keeping records.
Kids are moving on to the next grade level, Scouts are advancing, Stocks are up! Crime is Down!

And More LOVE is around you then you ever would have thought!

AND it's sixty-ate,Sun knee, dee graees. And there is a lot of wind coming from the Children's Mercy Hospital area!

In the Kansas City Star today! Good Stuff on KC!

So the Hospital Hill run is this weekend! Still up for the Wheel Chair Divison?

"As the Hair turns" comes on today at 11:30am. PS: do not call Dan Contreas during that time! He really gets his "Hair" up when you call him during his soaps!

Keep the chin up! Progress is right behind!

Always, Godspeed


Richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, ks US of A - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 10:47 AM CDT
Hi Zach and Family,
Talked to Marcia yesterday, she said it was so nice to see you Zach. You are such a strong and awesome little boy. I just wanted to let you know you are still in our prayers every day. I know the Lord is so faithfull, and is watching ever so closely over you to make you better. Exo 23:25 - You shall serve Yahweh your God, and he will bless your bread and your water, and I will take sickness away from your midst. ;-)

Here is a joke for you Zach -

Why does Dracula have no friends?
Because he's a pain in the neck

Have a blessed day in Christ, dear friends. Talk to you soon

Becky Dale <becky.dale@mail.sprint.com>
Prairie Village, KS usa - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 7:04 AM CDT
Zach, Sara,Bill, Nathan,
How is the family holding up with the change of life.
Zach I an happy to hear that you are getting to feel a little better. Keep up the good work. We all LOVE you.
Alex had his soccer banquet last night, so he is officially done with school. Is Nathan all done with school for the year? Talk to you later. LOVE Aunt Deb

Deb Sindelar <dlsind2@rockwellcollins.com>
- Wednesday, June 2, 2004 6:59 AM CDT
Hi Zach, Sara, Bill and Nathan. Kevin typed you a message last week but I don't see it now, so somehow we must have goofed it up (how hard can it be???) Sorry about that, but Kevin has been asking, praying and thinking about you as we all have. Glad to hear youv'e had some appetite these last few days. I love bisquits and gravy. We hope you'll get a break at home before the next round. Keep those jokes coming, they're great. Sara, You don't have to write thank you's, just take care of Zach and all of you.
Dianne Conway

Dianne Conway <con5way@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS 66215 - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 0:21 AM CDT
I am so happy to hear you are beginning to feel
like eating. I hope you can continue to
improve and come home for a few days soon.
I made a picture of Natalie Moran beside the
flower so you can see much it has grown.
I miss you,

Shasta Hornack <hornack@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 11:42 PM CDT
Steak and potato... way to go. I've known all along that Zach was a smart kid; of course he doesn't like hospital food! It's part of the speedy recovery plan to get you out of there fast. Of course the red jello isn't too bad, but then again, how can you mess up jello?
Sara and Bill, please, please do not feel you have to thank us for anything we're trying to do to help you guys. You are such a special family, and we're all so helpless in trying to make this better. We sure don't want to cause you the extra work of having to write thank you notes. Anyway, we know you'd be there for us if the tables were turned. I just wish we could do more....
Love you guys.

The Contrary Contreri; Dan, Marcia, Chris & James <mcon322@everestkc.net>
OP, KS - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 11:18 PM CDT
Hey there Zach! I'm glad you are feeling better! You are still in our thoughts and prayers... To the rest of the family- stay strong! God is there 100% with support just as we are!! Hope tomorrow is a great day also! Stay cool Zach!

Rachel Hawkins <goalgirl411@hotmail.com>
Lenexa, KS US - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 11:07 PM CDT
How you feeling...Feeling good enough to come back yet? We all think about you every day hope you get better. Don't stay in there to long. You should really be looking forward to 6th grade its the bomb. You will be the oldest in the school and then the next year you get to go to junior high which rox even more.
I will see you soon...
Don't worry we are all taking good care of nathan for you

Cara Hollingsworth <kaekae49@yahoo.com>
Overland Park, KS America - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 9:40 PM CDT
Hi Zach, nice hair do! Miss seeing you around the Katherine Carpenter stomping grounds. Hope you get to go home soon. I hope you get better soon. I'm sending thoughts of strength and healing your way.

Andrew Hollingsworth <hollingsworthpj@hotmail.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 9:32 PM CDT
We're so glad to have been able to visit with Zach and Sara. Zach looked good and I really like his cap. I knew he'd be a trooper through all of this. It sounds like he's got lots of support, love and prayers. Please know you are in our prayers everyday. God bless you Zach.
Keith and Jan Keirsey <kjkeirsey@cox-internet.com>
Bella Vista, Ar USA - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 8:42 PM CDT
I forgot to tell you, wait a minute, this will be the first one you see. oops. oh well just read the one below it too, and then the first line will make sense!!! My favorite bible verse is Habbakkuk 3:18. You should look it up if you have any extra time. Pastor Tim shared this verse with the confirmation class,(the class you take to become a member of Knox), and I really liked it. Maybe you will too. Oh yeah, in case you haven't heard, your new hair cut looks awesome, not that you didn't look awesome before of course. See ya around, and I hope you get to go home for a few days. Justin says he saw Shrek 2 and it was really funny. I hope you get to see it soon.
You are really cool, and strong. To the rest of the Marions- stay strong, physically and spritually. We are here for you whenever you need us!!
Stay Cool Zach!!

Rebecca Burwinkle <becca88@prodigy.net>
- Tuesday, June 1, 2004 6:00 PM CDT
Hey Zach!!!
I hope today was a good day for you. Even though it was the last day of school, i had two extremely difficult finals, they are huge 200 question tests, so i didn't get to party all day either. oh well. i like reading your jokes, where do you get all of these? I hope to come up and visit you soon, but i'm not sure when because we leave on Choir Trip on Friday. Just know that I am praying for you daily, and I know the youth group's thoughts and prayers will be with you as we leave. Remember when you and I used to run around during Justin and Nathan's basketball practice. That was fun. Didn't we pretend to be different animals or something, and we always tried to get up on that high monkey bar thing. Think of that next time you feel down, but I doubt that happens often. You are a happy guy, and they say that humor heals the soul! Have a great day tomorrow!
-Rebecca Burwinkle

Rebecca Burwinkle <becca88@prodigy.net>
- Tuesday, June 1, 2004 5:45 PM CDT

It is great to read all your jokes! Did you know that in Nigeria the name of God is "Father of Laughter". It is clear that you are keeping God close to you! Hang in there! I will keep praying! Lori

Lori Triplett
- Tuesday, June 1, 2004 1:08 PM CDT

It's Seven - (tee-time) Three Won-der-Full Da grease.

Sorry, I missed you yesterday! I was looking for you, but with your new dooo! I kept talking to these DUMMIES! Then one of them asked If I wanted to go Bowling? I simply replied that I didn't have a bowling ball with me! The "Dummies" said no problem.. So I got your room number. the sign over your door read "Welcome to Luk at meia Lanes"! I was a little shocked and stunned the rock group "Bobbing Heads" were the "Headliners". Remember they were with the "Crew Cuts" rock band from "Balding" England. To be continued... in another story of "As the HAIR grows".

Hope you had a great weekend. I did! The family says hello! Gma Betty Said let her know if you need anything! I had to remind her that could be a loaded question.

I'll stop by soon.

Keep smiln, Godspeed!


Richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, ks US of A - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 11:19 AM CDT
We love the pictures of your beautiful bald heads (now you know what Paul has to live with on a daily basis!) Man - I'd love to have seen Carol's face when Art got off that plane! Ok - I have been going through the joke books: What's the difference between a joke and a wise guy? (One is funny and one thinks he's funny!) What do you call a mouse that can pick up a monster? (Sir.) Why did the lion feel sick after he'd eaten the priest? (Because it's hard to keep a good man down!) Why do doctors wear masks when operating? (Because if they make a mistake, no one will know who did it!) Why did the boy laugh after his operation? (Because the doctor put him in stitches!) Doctor, Doctor, can I have a bottle of aspirin and a pot of glue? Why? (Because I have a splitting headache!!!) Doctor, Doctor, I keep thinking I'm a dog. "Sit on the couch and we'll talk about." But I'm not allowed on the furniture! OK - this is the last one: Three men were in a boat. It capsized, but only two got their hair wet. Why? The third man was bald!

Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers daily and we love all of you.

Paul, Kim, Morgan & Taylor McMahon <kmcmahon4@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS 66221 - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 10:52 AM CDT
Hi Zach,
It was fun to see your parents and Nathan at church yesterday. Art Hicks said he had a blast with you at the "buzz" party. I got some joke books that I hope to bring up this week. We had a book sale at school and I picked up a Gary Paulsen book, too. Well, Hang in there. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Remember, God is with you and he will NEVER leave you or forsake you.
Hope you are having a good day,

Kathleen Miller

Kathleen Miller <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Tuesday, June 1, 2004 9:15 AM CDT
Zach Daddy!!!

WAZUP??? I'm a little confused with the pictures, and I have a couple of questions. When did you grow a moustache???? If you put three holes in your Dad's head, could we use him for a bowling ball??? We missed you all dearly this weekend. Thought and spoke of you often. I'm glad Randy gave your Mom and Dad a little break Sunday. The pig roast was pretty cool the pig had sunglasses and an apple in his mouth. Love the hairdos's,(I think your Dad's is actually catagorized as a hairdon't)Great picture, you guys are definitly all related. Sarah you and Bill(Notice Sarah first than Bill) You guys have two of the greatest kids. Love, thoughts and prayers.
Old Fatman Harris

Older and Fatter Harris <k_st8r@hotmail.com>
Buddhaville, KS potbellysvilleokia - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 8:32 AM CDT
Zach, I love the photo of you, your Dad and Nathan with the new haircuts. Quite stylish!! You all look great - and those great big smiles. I wanted you to know I am thinking of you and your family. You are a brave young man. Hang in there. You will be home before you know it. The holiday week-end went by pretty fast. We had some violent storms here in St. Louis. Luckily, I was not a victim of hail damage or power outage. Many trees down. This week should be a bit calmer. Keep that smile and I will be over to KC to see you in a few weeks. Love, Aunt Pam
Pam Mosca
St. Louis, MO U.S.A. - Monday, May 31, 2004 7:21 PM CDT
Hi Zach...Sorry I almost woke you up Monda morning...at least before Sara had coffee!!! After a not so good night you sounded good at the start of the day. Hope if you wantd you got steak! We all stayed far from Idabelle since she still had a sore throat.Hope you had a great Memorial Day. I love you.

Aunt Sue <sthomas@avalon.net>
- Monday, May 31, 2004 6:03 PM CDT
Hey Zach, miss you, were thinking about coming down. I just graduated from high school. (the cermony was boring but went by fast) Right now just working at menards and hanging out with friends from school before we all go our seperate ways. I was at a graduation party a couple of days ago and there was a younger kid there. He really reminded me of you and how we would always wrestle. I'll have to bring down some pictures of the end of school to show you. (man, there is a lot of them) Hope to see ya soon!
Alex Sindelar <djsindelar@hotmail.com>
Cedar Rapids, IA - Monday, May 31, 2004 2:06 PM CDT
Hi Zach (and Sara, Bill and Nathan). I just finished reading your guestbook entries. Wow, do you have a big bunch of friends who love you and pray for your speedy recovery? I'll say. Terry and I and our family hope and pray for you all.
I like your jokes of the day. Here's mine (from Jay Leno): An elderly woman who lived in the country called the county road supervisor. "I want you to take down the 'deer crossing' signs near my home" she said. "Too many deer are being hit by cars, and I don't want the deer to cross there any more." (ha, ha, get it?)

Sara and Bill, if there is anything you need, just ask. Godspeed.Craig & Terry Denny

Craig & Terry Denny <tmdenny@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS USA - Monday, May 31, 2004 1:29 PM CDT
Hi Zach, Well, tomorrow is the last day of school. I am really going to miss the class. I truly looked forward to seeing all of you everyday. I want you to know that seeing your smiling face in the morning started my day on a happy note. Your sense of humor always added to the climate of the classroom. Using your pace has taught me to slow down and enjoy every moment. Thank you!!! I have told many friends your broccoli joke. Keep them coming. I plan to visit as soon as I can. Miss you. Fondly, Mrs. Stiglic
Cathy Stiglic <csku@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS 66220 - Monday, May 31, 2004 1:24 PM CDT
Hi Zach, Well, tomorrow is the last day of school. I am really going to miss the class. I truly looked forward to seeing all of you everyday. I want you to know that seeing your smiling face in the morning started my day on a happy note. Your sense of humor always added to the climate of the classroom. Using your pace has taught me to slow down and enjoy every moment. Thank you!!! I have told many friends your broccoli joke. Keep them coming. I plan to visit as soon as I can. Miss you. Fondly, Mrs. Stiglic
Cathy Stiglic <csku@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS 66220 - Monday, May 31, 2004 1:24 PM CDT
Hi Zach, Well, tomorrow is the last day of school. I am really going to miss the class. I truly looked forward to seeing all of you everyday. I want you to know that seeing your smiling face in the morning started my day on a happy note. Your sense of humor always added to the climate of the classroom. Using your pace has taught me to slow down and enjoy every moment. Thank you!!! I have told many friends your broccoli joke. Keep them coming. I plan to visit as soon as I can. Miss you. Fondly, Mrs. Stiglic
Cathy Stiglic <csku@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS 66220 - Monday, May 31, 2004 1:23 PM CDT
Good morning Zach,
I hope you have a good day today.
I love the new picture your Mom put on your site.
The Impatient is three and a half feet tall and still blooming!
I love you,

Shasta Hornack <hornack@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Monday, May 31, 2004 11:02 AM CDT
Hi Zach, I like the new hairdo. It is very stylish. You are very popular around school all hear is Zach this and Zach that(Not like you are not used to that cool kid)I still don't get who carl is. Miss you a lot.

Sarah McDonald
Overland Park, KS Umited States - Monday, May 31, 2004 9:21 AM CDT
Hi Zach,
Right after we talked with you Grandma, Grandpa and I checked out your web page to see the pictures of your new do, Awesome. All the shaved heads looked great! Good thing you inherited a nice shaped head. You can thank Sara and Bill for that!!!

Aunt Sue <sthomas@avalon.net>
- Sunday, May 30, 2004 6:09 PM CDT
WOW!!! Zach you are the man! tons of comments!! I was gonna read them all but it would have taken about an hour! I hope you are feeling better, you are the bravest kid I know! I am glad to hear your hickman went well! I hope you like the "how to make paper airplane's book!" Nice picture of you, your brother and dad! I saw Nathan at school with the moe hawk! It was awsome, every one loved it! Well I hope that you keep getting better and get to go home soon, every one misses you SOOOOO much! Me, my family and friends are all praying for you!
love ya tons, Kayla (Pfoltner)

Kayla Pfoltner <kaylapf@everestkc.net>
overland park , KS USA - Sunday, May 30, 2004 4:26 PM CDT
Hi Zach, I think of you often and hope you will feel better each day. I thought the picture was good of the three of you especially you. You look great. I and my friends are praying you will be better soon and home again. Tell Mom,Dad and Nathan Hi. Take care. Love, Grandma Haffey
sue Haffey
Hale, Mo Carroll - Sunday, May 30, 2004 2:01 PM CDT
Hey Zach,
This is your cousin Jill, I just wanted to say hi and hope you get feeling better soon. I saw your pictures of all you with your new doos. Looks pretty cool. I will try to get up and see you soon. It will probably be next weekend because I am on call all weekend at the hosptial. Take care of yourself and get your strength back up. We are all praying for you. (Bill, Sarah if you need ANYTHING DO NOT hestiate to call and ask, the family is all here for you all).

Jill Tilden <crzylttlelady36@yahoo.com>
Blue Springs, MO 64015 - Sunday, May 30, 2004 1:33 PM CDT
Hey Zach ,
I love the new dew you and Nathan are sporting , not so sure on your dad though . In the words of that famous pet detective " Nobody touches the dew " . See you later .
The Bacon's

Phil Bacon <pgedb@everestkc.net>
O.P. , Ks. USA - Sunday, May 30, 2004 10:05 AM CDT
Hi Zach - You and your brother are looking good. Love the haircut :-). It is good to see you sitting up with a big smile on your face. We are all thinking about you - and praying for a speedy recovery. Keep Smiling Kiddo...Mrs. Richter
Judy Richter <jrichte@smsd.org>
- Sunday, May 30, 2004 3:10 AM CDT
Hi Zach,

Todd is spending the night tonight at my house and we are looking at your pictures. You look really cool with your haircut. We will be down to see you soon. Hope you are feeling better. By the way, your Dad and Nathan look pretty cool too!

Miss you around our house!
Your friend,
Ben (Todd too!)

Kerri Meyer <kerrimeyer@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS - Saturday, May 29, 2004 11:18 PM CDT

Ryan Knight <rkshorty22@aol.com>
kansas, op - Saturday, May 29, 2004 10:46 PM CDT
I'm so glad we stopped by to see you today. That sparkle in your eye made me really happy because I've been thinking of how tired and sad you looked on Mother's day.
Sorry again about the "stink man".... Chris and James couldn't stop laughing all the way home. We've left him out on the back porch to "air out". Nasty!!!
Sara, sorry we missed seeing you , but it's good to know that they let you out every once in a while.
Now if we could just break Zach out of there.....
Type at ya later.
(Oh, by the way, if you put enough messages on this thing, they start asking you to donate. Oops, guess that means I've been talking too much again! ;-)

Marcia C. <mcon322@everestkc.net>
OP, KS somewhere over the rainbow - Saturday, May 29, 2004 10:26 PM CDT
Hi Marion's
The pictures are great handsome duds. You are looking awesome. I am trying to let everyone know the news if they don't have internet. You guys look like you are ready for the Army with Alex. Uncle Jeff got a t-shirt from ALex and Devon of Shrek 2 for his birthday. Talk to you later. LOVE you all.
Aunt DEB

Deb Sindelar <dlsinde2@rockwellcollins.com>
- Saturday, May 29, 2004 9:58 PM CDT
I can't seem to get that little smile of yours out of my mind. Everyone was so happy to see you today. The boys had so much fun visiting with you and were so relieved that you are feeling a little better. We'll talk tomorrow. Love you and keep smiling!!

Kerri Meyer <kerrimeyer@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS - Saturday, May 29, 2004 7:29 PM CDT
I hope you feel a lot better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Roz Henn <hennhenn@everestkc.net>
O/P, KS USA - Saturday, May 29, 2004 4:06 PM CDT
Hope you recover soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Natalie Moran <jbmoran@everestkc.net>
O/P, KS USA - Saturday, May 29, 2004 4:04 PM CDT
Hey, Zach. Love the pictures. Tell your mom they'll be after her next with that razor! It makes me happy to see you smiling and sitting up in the chair.
Charlotte Bartelsmeyer <cabartel@smsd.org>
Leawood, KS USA - Saturday, May 29, 2004 12:44 AM CDT
Hello from Atlanta! Hope today will be a good day. Hot and muggy here. Can't wait to feel your beautiful head soon! See you soon.
Shelley & Tyson <shelleythomas@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, GA USA - Saturday, May 29, 2004 8:55 AM CDT
Good Morning Marion Family!!
What a great group of GOOD LOOKING BALD GUYS!!!
I hope you have a good day Zach. Just let me
know when you feel up to cookies or anything else.

Shasta Hornack <hornack@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Saturday, May 29, 2004 8:43 AM CDT
PENSACOLA, FL USA - Saturday, May 29, 2004 8:31 AM CDT
Zach and family,
We loved the pictures! Thanks for letting us see how good Zach looks and handsome,too, with the new hairless "doo"! You all look great actually. Bruce has done quite well without hair all these years! I'm sure you will too. Hang in there, Zach! You look wonderful!

Jana Collins <bcollins11@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Saturday, May 29, 2004 7:27 AM CDT
Woah!!! Those are some good lookin' heads!!!
The Contreras family <mcon322@everestkc.net>
OP, KS - Saturday, May 29, 2004 0:27 AM CDT
Woah!!! Those are some good lookin' heads!!!
The Contreras family <mcon322@everestkc.net>
OP, KS - Saturday, May 29, 2004 0:26 AM CDT
Hey Zach,
Hope this is one of those days
when you wake up happy...
...one of those days when you hop of of bed
sing in the shower,
eat your favorite breakfast,
and feel like smiling at everyone you meet.

Hope this is one of those days when
everything you work on works out...
...one of those days when everything
you wish for comes true,
and nothing, not even the tiniest
little anything goes wrong.

That's what we hope.

But, just in case it isn't one of
those superfantastic days...
...just in case it's kind of an average,
blahish, so-so sort of days...
...We just want you to know...
We're thinking a lot of good things
about you...
We care a lot about how you're doing...
...and we're wishing you a terrific tommorrow!

Hope you are feeling good. Can't wait to see you.

Your friends,
Jack, Ryan, Tim and Ben

Kerri Meyer <kerrimeyer@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS - Friday, May 28, 2004 10:57 PM CDT
I hope your having a good day Zach. I miss seeing you at lunch time. I love the pictures on your website. You really look handsome with that haircut. Mom, you better keep an eye out for those girls lining up at Zach's door.
Dawn Foster (Ms. Dawn) Katherine Carpenter <dfoster1@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Friday, May 28, 2004 9:48 PM CDT
Thanks for keeping all of us updated on your progress. I check every day to see how you're doing. Although I don't know you too well, I can tell by all the emails that you are a very special boy and are loved by soooo many people!
My family and I are praying for you daily. I'm telling everyone I know to pray for you too. I know God is taking care of you all.
Drew likes your hair cut! I hope you get to see Shrek 2 soon. The cat is my favorite character. You'll be laughing!

lori egan <loriegan@kc.rr.com>
lenexa, ks usa - Friday, May 28, 2004 9:40 PM CDT
Remember the old saying.... Parents are like tea bags...you don't know how strong you can be until you are in really hot water. :>) Hang in the folks.

Leesa Whitson (McCarl) <leesakw@yahoo.com>
- Friday, May 28, 2004 7:47 PM CDT
Well, Zach, I personally think the new Zach-buzz hairstyle is very fashionable - I have been sporting it for years! Just remember, God made very few perfect heads - the rest he covered with hair!
Glad to hear you are hanging in there and fighting hard. You are a strong young man, and you have a super family.
We are all thinking of you every day, and look forward to visiting with you soon. I listen to KLJC 88.5 quite a bit, it is a local radio station that plays contemporary Christian music. You might tune in from time to time, if you feel like it. I heard a song the other day that was really neat. Not sure what it is called, but I think the chorus repeats the verse "sit awhile with me" and "you lift me up". Of course, it has many meanings, but just know that God is with you and your family, and you can do all things thru Him who gives you strength.
Love, Joe, Cynthia, Rebecca and Justin Burwinkle

The Burwinkles
Overland Park, KS USA - Friday, May 28, 2004 7:36 PM CDT
Hi Zach, Grandma and I reading and cracking up at all the good jokes..especially the brocolli one!!!! I laugh first cuz Grandma reads SLOW!! I better watch what I write since she's paying for dinner, unlike you I still LUV food. Waiting for the "Buddah" pictures of your beautiful bald head to be posted. COOL! Grandpa doing...you guessed it CROSSWORD PUZZLES. Talk with you tomorrow.
Luv U, Sue, Grandma and Grandpa

Sue <sthomas@avalon.net>
- Friday, May 28, 2004 4:34 PM CDT
Handled the hickman like a stud! gee' what a surprise (not!) You are the man. I've heard your room needs a revolving door put in with all the visitors. I figure if you want us to come by you'll ask, but I think that since you ARE in the hospital and DO need to rest, the last thing you need is a whole lotta of visitor's gettin in the way. I think anyone seeing this webpage can tell how great you really are,(especially how many friends you have)but hello!!!! anybody who knows Zach knows this. As far as the sores go, sores are the same as scars. And Zach you of all people know, CHICKS DIG SCARS!!!!

I do have to say to Nathan-Contreras's-

If I get a mohawk will they send me home from work????
Going to the pig roast at Teeter's this weekend. I'll save you a couple of pickled pigs feet and pork snout for ya if'n you like??

Have a great weekend Zach, you call, I'm there!!

Say Hi to MA and PA and Nater the skater.

Old Fatman "Buddha" Harris

Old Fatman Harris <k_st8r@hotmail.com>
out in the sticks, Ks e pluribus unum - Friday, May 28, 2004 2:35 PM CDT
Ha Zach,
You are one brave little boy. My heart is with you hope and praying we all can get though this together. You are getting good help and support from everyone. Keep up the good work. Alex graduated last night. He is all done with school. Have a good weekend and I will be talking to you tomorrow on the phone.
LOVE Aunt Deb hugs & Kisses

Deb Sindelar <dlsind2@rockwellcollins.com>
- Friday, May 28, 2004 2:08 PM CDT
Glad to hear the Hickman went well. We sent you something else in the mail hopefully it will be there today or tomorrow! Cant wait to see the pics of you and Nathans hair. We have plenty of crazy pictures of you but this may take the cake! Hello to the family. We are thinking of you daily! We miss you!

After School Care <donna.baughman@jocoks.comZac>
Carpenter Elementary, - Friday, May 28, 2004 1:58 PM CDT

Daily weather update!

A very pleasent 77 ("sunset strip") degrees!

Took The Keenan to see the Moody Blues last night at Starlight. "Dad these guys are kinda old!" "They sound pretty good" Well they sounded a whole lot better a "FEW" years ago. But it was a great time for some one on one wiht the K-man.

So you had the hic-ups and they put a Hickman in. Zach, Zach, Zach... News Flash form the Shawnee Mission School District: (I know you love these) Mohawks are on the loose! So cover it! or You'll lose it!
ZACH... Your Head dude!

So.... (Lion King) ... How you do'in?

Headn' to Gma Betty's (At the lake house now) for Saturday and Dr. Teeters on Sunday and will drop n to see you on Monday. Like a Dr. 10 minutes maybe more...

Saw this sign this morning. Said DRUG FREE! So I stopped in to see what it really ment. It was a Rock.... It really looked STONED!!! Ok not a real good joke.....

But silly humor is better than "NO Humor"

Zacher, Godspeed


Richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, ks US of A - Friday, May 28, 2004 10:22 AM CDT
Zach- I hope today will be good for you! I was looking through my little sisters joke book today and decided that i would share this one with you!
**What did Cinderella say when her photos didn't show up?**
"Some day my prints (prince) will come!"
I know it isn't that funny but it got a giggle out of me! Stay strong and have a good day! I'm praying for you!
Rachel hawkins

Rachel Hawkins <goalgirl411@hotmail.com>
Lenexa, Ks US - Friday, May 28, 2004 10:04 AM CDT
Hi Zach,
Well, Chris and James got sent home from school because of their new "do"! They didn't really mind though because it was the last day anyway and they only missed out on going to Mass. The principal said it was too "extreme", and wouldn't let them stay even after Chris explained why he did it!
They were going to shave their hair off totally for you, but they really like the mohawk, so they're thinking they might keep it that way for the summer. We'll see.
Now here's a frightening thing - Dan also buzzed his hair. He didn't go totally shaved because I wouldn't let him, but it's only about 1/2 an inch long. He looks REALLY funny. Glad HE didn't go with the mohawk!
I'm glad to hear that you got through the Hickman okay. It sounds like you've been really brave through everything. I guess it's nice to have your arm back too. Hang in there buddy!!

Marcia Contreras <mcon322@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Friday, May 28, 2004 9:47 AM CDT
Dear Zach, Thanks for letting me do the honors on your hair, fun was had by all... we love you and pray for you several times a day... chin up little one, and show your teeth when you smile...Ha! Ha! {:>) Rebecca and the boys
rebecca and the boys <rcorbin1@kc.rr.com>
overland park, ks usa - Thursday, May 27, 2004 10:08 PM CDT
sorry thats not my email adress. oh i have prayed for you every night and i am always thinking of you especialy when im at church.i hope your felling alot better by tomarrow.well ill probably write you tomarrw. so ill talk to you tomarrow.

*luv ya lots*

brittany klein <lil_angel21791@yahoo.com>
blue springs, mo united states - Thursday, May 27, 2004 8:49 PM CDT
whats up?
this is your third cousin.i just wanted to say hi and i hope you get well soon.if you guys are going to papas surprize party ill see you there.im going to kaerny missouri to do a cancer walk with my friends and im going to have me and all of my friends make shirts and wear them when we walk. ill try to take pictures if we do it and ill send them to you so you can see them.it will probably be after june 4th because thats what day the walks on its 7pm to 7am soo well be walkin all night.well i have to go and i hope you can write me back and ill write you back as soon as possible.


brittany klein <lil_devil21791@yahoo.com>
Blue Springs, MO United states - Thursday, May 27, 2004 8:33 PM CDT
hi, Zack hope you feel better soon. I miss you!!!
Scott Collins <bcollins11@kc.rr.com>
kansas, ks USA - Thursday, May 27, 2004 7:47 PM CDT
Dearest Zach and Family,
You don't know me, I am a Sprint peer of one of your pack leaders, Marcia Contreras. You and your family have been prayed for every Wednesday and Friday at my bible studies. My daughter, who is 12yrs old, and I pray for you at dinner every night. You have touched our hearts so. Continue to stay strong in the Lord, as He is always with you. Remember Psalms 107:19-20, "Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble, and he saveth them out of their distresses." In Christ all things are possible.

Hey Zach - Do you know how to make your hanky dance?
Add a little Boogie he he he

Becky Dale <becky.dale@mail.sprint.com>
Prairie Village, KS - Thursday, May 27, 2004 3:21 PM CDT
Hi, Zach. I work with your mom and have heard lots of great things about you and your family for the past couple of years. I just want to let you all know that my family and I are thinking of you and know that you have the most important things for your recovery - family, friends, prayers, and love. Your guestbook is proof!
Jessica Hailey <jrhailey@terracon.com>
Mission, KS USA - Thursday, May 27, 2004 3:11 PM CDT
Hi Zach,Hope it was a good Thursday. The weekends almost here and I hear you room is Grand Central Station then. I just read Shelley found your site, see I read all the messages too! Love Aunt Sue
Aunt Sue <sthomas@avalon.net>
iowa city, - Thursday, May 27, 2004 3:03 PM CDT
Hi Zach
Hope you are feeling a little better today. We are all thinking of you and your family and praying that you will feel better soon. Hmmm, not sure what i think about all those blonde jokes but then again I dont understand most of them, dont really know what that could mean but anyway here are some non blonde jokes for you:
Patient: Doctor, doctor, I feel like a pair of curtains.
Doctor: Please pull yourself together/// (my exclamation point isnt working)
Patient:Doctor, doctor, I feel like I am a deck of cards.
Doctor: I'll deal with you in a minute////
Okay I know I will try really hard to do better next time.
We will be in to see you as soon as you are feeling better and dont forget to let us know if there is anything you would like us to bring.
Dont forget: Faith doesnt get you around problems, it takes you through them.

Adrienne Owings <adrienneo@everestkc.net>
O.P., KS usa - Thursday, May 27, 2004 2:35 PM CDT
Hi Zach!!

Happy Thursday! I hope it is a good day for you. Everyone sure misses you and wants to come see you when you are feeling up to it. Just let us know and we'll be there! Are you ready for some more Boston Chicken, or maybe Subway this time? As always, we are keeping you in our prayers.

Oh, by the way, who started with all the "blonde jokes" anyway?

Kerri Meyer <kerrimeyer@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS - Thursday, May 27, 2004 1:38 PM CDT

Well you passed! and your name was mentioned "aaa Ton" today.

It's 80 +3 da gr ease today. And really nice outside.
They all said it rained last night! Funny, I don't remember it raining at all!

Sorry about the 3 notes yesterday! OOPS!

I saw Chris "Budda" Harris today, Zach do you have a friend that when you just get together, don't say a word to each other and you just start laughing, out loud and you just can't stop? Well he's that kind of friend to me!
They're pretty special! Yeah they are!

Well enough,

Godspeed Zacher!


Richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, ks US of A - Thursday, May 27, 2004 1:28 PM CDT
Hey Zac-A-Roni Mac-A-Roni!
What's shakin bacon?
Here's a corny poem for ya!
Roses are Red
Turkeys have Giblets
Today for lunch
We're having BBQd Riblets!
ho ho ho - ha ha ha - my tummy hurts on that one!!!! :)
Take Care - Happy Memorial Day Weekend! The UN-OFFICIAL Start of the Summer!
Your favorite Lunch Lady!

Alexis Bajich <alexisbajich@smsd.org>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, May 27, 2004 9:53 AM CDT
Hi Zach
How are we felling today. I fell great, thinking that you are on the way to recovery. Have a gooooooood day.
Alex's team lost in soccer, it was 4 to 1. Soccer is over.
Tonight Alex graduate. He is all done with high school.
Give hugs & kisses to mom,dad and Nathan for me.
Love Aunt DEB I will be sending pictures.

Deb Sindelar <dlsind2@rockwellcollins.com>
- Thursday, May 27, 2004 9:16 AM CDT
I finally made it to your website! This is so cool!! You have some many friends and family that you must spend all day reading your messages. Glad to hear your first round is over and hope your new line going in today is ok. Tyson and I are looking forward to coming to visit you and the family on June 3rd. Love you and talk to you soon! Shelley & Tyson (Dottie & Peaches are think about giving you kisses as well!)
Aunt Shelley <shelley.thomas@wachovia.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Thursday, May 27, 2004 8:39 AM CDT
Good Morning Zach and Family - Glad to hear the first round is over - Keep strong in the Lord and he will sustain all of you. In Christ - The Butler Family - Knox
Erica Butler <ericabb@att.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, May 27, 2004 7:52 AM CDT
Good morning Zach--I've been reading all those great greetings from your many friends--there were so many I didn't have time to look at all of them! I hope getting the new pic line goes good. I'll have get sharper playing SORRY or else find another game. Grandpa and I love you. Hang in there, and we'll see you after we get back from IA. Grandma
Le Thomas <jackle1950@aol.com>
Lansing, KS USA - Thursday, May 27, 2004 6:52 AM CDT
Hey Zach, Hear that you are feeling better. Well buddy keep it up and before you know it you'll be up chasing the nurses. Just wanted to say HI! We LOVE YOU! Uncle Bob, Aunt Sue, Bear & Dusty.
Uncle Bob & Aunt Sue <BB61BOB@YAHOO.COM>
Pensacola, FL USA - Thursday, May 27, 2004 5:30 AM CDT
Hey Hey Zach!! I hope you understand Mr. Briggs and Mr. Harris' message. You know they are both crazy, but a lot of fun regardless.

Our card/game group is anxiously awaiting your return. You are an important part of the team. Mrs. Lawrence (the wino lady) asks about how you are feeling all of the time.

I am glad to hear you made it through round one of your chemo. Please know the whole family is thinking about you everyday. I will send you a card soon.

I am not going to tell you any jokes because I know you have probably heard just about all of them being that you hang around Mr. Briggs. That silly guy is the king of corny, with Mr. Harris a close second.

Tell your mom, dad and Nathan hi from us. Hang tough kiddo. We all look forward to seeing all of you again.

Love------Marla Harris

Marla Harris <k_st8r@hotmail.com>
Shawnee, KS United States - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 9:08 PM CDT
Zach:This blonde,wanting to earn extra money,knocks on a man's door and asks if he has any odd jobs she could do.He says she could paint his porch. How much would she charge? She says 50.00. He says the job is yours. Everything you need is in the garage.His wife hears this and said does she know the porch wraps all around the house? He says she should, she was standing on it.A short time later she rings the bell. He says are you through already? She says it wasn't hard at all. In fact she had enough paint to give it two coats. He pays her and as she is leaving she says "by the way that isn't a Porche it's a Mercedes. Enjoy
Mary Winne <marysip@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 5:49 PM CDT
Thinking of you all and wishing you the best!
- Bitsy Sader

Hi Zach, this is Danny. Hope you like Blonde jokes and haven't heard this yet...

There are 3 criminals on a roof, a blonde, a brunette and a redhead. The police have them surrounded and are ready to shoot. The Police Chief says, "ready, aim...". The Brunette shouts "tornado". They all look away and she escapes. Once again the Police Chief says, "ready, aim...". The Redhead shouts "tidalwave"! They all look away and she escapes. Once more the Police Chief says, "ready, aim...". And the Blonde shouts "fire"!!

I hope you feel better Zach.
- Danny Sader

Bitsy & Danny Sader
Overland Park, KS USA - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 4:00 PM CDT
Hey Zach!

We have been thinking about you SO much! Prayer is a powerful thing. Hope you are feeling better today. Here's some (pretty corny) jokes for ya...

What kind of hair do oceans have?

Why did the child study in the airplane?
He wanted a higher education!

Why are goldfish red?
The water turns them rusty!

What happens when you throw a green stone in the red sea?
It gets wet!

What runs but never walks?

What is green, four legs and two trunks?
Two seasick tourists!

What is the best hand to write with?
Neither - it's best to write with a pen!

The Watsons - Bryan, Sherri, Eric, Sara and Anna <bryanandsherri@yahoo.com>
Olathe, KS USA - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 1:10 PM CDT
Good morning Zach,
I hope today is better for you!!! Let me know if there is a favorite movie or cartoon that I can bring for you; and tell mom I'd like to bring here some lunch tomorrow... with love, Lisa Campbell

Lisa Campbell <lisa@knoxchurch.org>
- Wednesday, May 26, 2004 11:25 AM CDT
Good morning Zach.
I hope you are having a better day.
The weather is perfect for outside activities,
Come on over
I love you,

Shasta Hornack <hornack@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 9:36 AM CDT
Zacher, "59" thhhhhats right "59" Fan -a -ta -stic degrees.
Slip sliding, easy day "59" lets get outside degrees.
How ya doin? How are things?

The interest has peeked at scouts! I mentioned the Wheel chair races on your floor! and they thought it was kinda of stupid. Until I mentioned the NURSES, Then they changed there minds!

It's all about the prize! Don't you know!

I really enjoyed my visit although brief. Have you considered being a Boxer? you gotta be a toughy to be good in that sport. And well your fighten pretty darn good.

Your mom looked great!

Rememeber "Tell your MOM & DAD "I" love you,

Lunch with the Keenan on the Pla -zzzzzz -a today. That 6th grade stuff! You'll see!

Gotta go been on the phone for 45 minutes from 8:45 till now!

Rich, And Zach Godspeed!

Richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, ks US of A - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 9:30 AM CDT
Zacher, "59" thhhhhats right "59" Fan -a -ta -stic degrees.
Slip sliding, easy day "59" lets get outside degrees.
How ya doin? How are things?

The interest has peeked at scouts! I mentioned the Wheel chair races on your floor! and they thought it was kinda of stupid. Until I mentioned the NURSES, Then they changed there minds!

It's all about the prize! Don't you know!

I really enjoyed my visit although brief. Have you considered being a Boxer? you gotta be a toughy to be good in that sport. And well your fighten pretty darn good.

Your mom looked great!

Rememeber "Tell your MOM & DAD "I" love you,

Lunch with the Keenan on the Pla -zzzzzz -a today. That 6th grade stuff! You'll see!

Gotta go been on the phone for 45 minutes from 8:45 till now!

Rich, And Zach Godspeed!

Richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, ks US of A - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 9:30 AM CDT
Zacher, "59" thhhhhats right "59" Fan -a -ta -stic degrees.
Slip sliding, easy day "59" lets get outside degrees.
How ya doin? How are things?

The interest has peeked at scouts! I mentioned the Wheel chair races on your floor! and they thought it was kinda of stupid. Until I mentioned the NURSES, Then they changed there minds!

It's all about the prize! Don't you know!

I really enjoyed my visit although brief. Have you considered being a Boxer? you gotta be a toughy to be good in that sport. And well your fighten pretty darn good.

Your mom looked great!

Rememeber "Tell your MOM & DAD "I" love you,

Lunch with the Keenan on the Pla -zzzzzz -a today. That 6th grade stuff! You'll see!

Gotta go been on the phone for 45 minutes from 8:45 till now!

Rich, And Zach Godspeed!

Richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, ks US of A - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 9:29 AM CDT
Good morning Zach, Sara, Nathan & Nathan
It is too early to think but I wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you today. Devon worked yesterday at McDonald for 4 hours. Alex plays his soccer today for the play-off. Hope they win. See you later LOVE Aunt Deb

Deb Sindelar <dlsind2@rockwellcollins.com>
- Wednesday, May 26, 2004 6:54 AM CDT
Hi Zach, Thinking of you and hoping you are feeling better and will get to go home soon. Take care and Hi to the rest of family. Love, Grandma Haffey
Sue Haffey <sbhaffey@cvalley.net>
Hale, MO. USA - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 5:42 AM CDT
Hi Zach,
Get your mom to check e-mail. We just sent you a surprise picture at your aol address. Hope it makes you laugh!

Chris and James Contreras
Overland Park, KS USA - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 10:42 PM CDT
Hi Zach: This is your neighbor Mary Winne and I echo everything your friends on 104th St have said.I have many candles lit for you. Please pray I don't burn the church down!! Jack and I send our love, thoughts and prayers to you , mom, dad, and your bro Nathan
Mary Winne <marysip@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 6:49 PM CDT
Hi, Marion Family--
Wanted to let you all know that we are thinking of you. I was trying to come up with a joke--but I am no good at those. However--at least I think it is funny-Nick who is 17 is looking to buy a car--he came running out of his room to tell me he found one for $500.00 only 5000 miles. I asked him if it had an engine he said yea--of course but it has no brakes. I told him to keep looking.
Love you all--Lindsey and Nick Roeder

Lindsey Roeder <RoederNick@yahoo.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 6:13 PM CDT
Hey, Zach -- I just read the lunch-lady's husband's bloody nose remedy. Please let me know if it works. That would be a good thing to know ---- Like drinking out of the wrong side of the glass to cure hiccups!

Mrs. R

Jeannette Raynes <plaidraynbowj@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, May 25, 2004 3:14 PM CDT
Hi, Zach! We just had a small Choir meeting with some of the 5th graders. (Some of the others forgot to come.) Anyway -- we did some classroom cleanup work and then read Laffy Taffy jokes... and ate some too! :)

Here are some of our favorites:
1.Why did the students eat their homework?
Answer: Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake!
2.What did one math book say to the other?
Answer: "I've got a lot of problems."
3.If Miss Issippi brought a New Jersey for Miss Ouri, what would Delaware?
Answer: I don't know, but Alaska!

Hope you're feeling better! We love you --

Mrs. Raynes

P.S. We've ordered some cool songs for Choir for next year. Get well soon -- we're going to need your help to sing them!

Jeannette Raynes <plaidraynbowj@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, May 25, 2004 3:04 PM CDT

Verle and Joyce Wathen <vrwath@aol.com>
Overland Park, ks usa - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 2:14 PM CDT
Hey Zach- Just to let you know we really miss you down here at the end of the cal-d-sac - no one to slow down for and honk to get out of the way ! :} Congrads on the First Round Over With! Know you can HANG IN THERE and be SUPER STRONG! Lots of prayers are being said on 104th Street :}
Cris and Gordon Wood <wood@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS Johnson - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 1:37 PM CDT
Ha Zach,
It is my lunch time so I get a few minutes to write to you. It is like school, you can only get on your e-mail during lunch hour. Isn't that the pits. I hope today is getting better. Alex has soccer district tonight. If they win they get to go to state which is in Des Moines.
Keep strong and you head up high and we will fight this together. LOVE Aunt DEB oxoxoxo

Deb Sindelar <dlsinde2@rockwellcollins.com>
Cedar Rapids, Iowa USA - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 11:39 AM CDT
Hey Zach-the boys told me that your room is very cool and they are mad at me because I didn't take them there when they were sick. I hope you have a great day and know that we are all thinking about you and your mom and dad and Nathan. Kiss, Kiss, Julie Ray
Julie Ray <jafr@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 10:20 AM CDT
Great NEWS! See ya today! Don't be running around the hospital when I get there so I can find you in the maze.
Richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, ks US of A - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 10:07 AM CDT
Zach Daddy!!
Glad to hear the food is plentiful. Usually hospital food is the pits. If it gets to bad, let me know, Mr. Briggs and I will come down and fix you a special batch of our favorite oatmeal!! MMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmm, yummy. Don't get caught speeding in the halls during the wheelchair races!(the nurses love that) Step one over and handled it like the stud that you are. Hope you have a great week.
" A man walked into a bar, ... and said Ouch!!! Get It?

Old Fatman Harris <k_st8r@hotmail.com>
Shawnee, Ks usa - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 8:16 AM CDT
Good Morning, Zach! I just finished reading the journal entry for the day and the guestbook entries and I am still laughing about some of the jokes! Hope the jokes are bringing a smile to your face, too. Just want you to know I'm thinking about you and continue to pray for you daily. Will be back to visit you when you're feeling a bit better. Hope this is a good day for you. -Mrs.West

Debbie West
Overland Park, KS USA - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 7:25 AM CDT
hi zach...
i hope you are feeling ok...
everyone misses you very much and luckily the school year is almost over hahah...
in branson i got you something that might occupy your time its confusing i will give it to you the next time i come up...
you are my best friend and always will be...
my mom and my sister and my dad all said hi...
I hope i see you soon ~Your friend
Ryan K.

Ryan Knight <rkshorty22@aol.com>
op, kansas - Monday, May 24, 2004 8:24 PM CDT
You don't know me but I work at Knox Daycare and your parents use my room on Sundays. You are in my thoughts everyday. Just remember God is always there for you and he can do some many amazing things. I hope you feel bettter soon.

Brenda Fuentez <Boobear70@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, Ks USA - Monday, May 24, 2004 6:57 PM CDT
Dear Marions,

We just wanted to let you guys know that we are all thinking about and praying for you. Your web site is great, and we're so impressed with your positive spirit! Thank you so much for making this web site available so we can continue to check on your progress. We'll keep praying!! Love,
Bob and Lisa Fulton, Christine, Brittany, Annie, and Holly

Lisa Fulton <lisa@thefultonfamily.net>
- Monday, May 24, 2004 6:54 PM CDT
Hello Zach,
How are you I heard you were not doing well on friday! Hope you feel better even though it is Monday. I will visit soon again! :) I am in Mr. Coleman's room. It is boring without you. Mr. Coleman and I have a suprise for you. We will give it to you soon.

Kayla Schranz <angel8kayla@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS - Monday, May 24, 2004 5:06 PM CDT
Zach, I'm here to tattle on Nathan. I was at Grandma Haffey's this weekend, and she sent you one of her famous cinnamon rolls. Nathan ate his right before he played baseball. Hopefully he gave it to you. (I think he even left the biggest one for you!!) Hope you're having a good day. Love ya Buddy!!
Karen Haffey
Overland Park, KS - Monday, May 24, 2004 3:42 PM CDT
Hello Zach,
I hope you are feeling better each day.
Congratulations on completing the first series
of treatments.
I love you,

Shasta Hornack <hornack@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS US - Monday, May 24, 2004 3:16 PM CDT
We all sure missed you at church yesterday! Nathan looked pretty sad in the performance knowing that you couldn't be there to watch. We are all praying that you get better soon so we can watch you run through the halls at church again. Things are just too quiet without you! Hope you are having a great day and that the lime green jello from the cafeteria doesn't move off of your plate on its own! Yuck

Jessica Waggoner <jlwags2585@aol.com>
Olathe, KS USA - Monday, May 24, 2004 2:57 PM CDT
Hi Zach, Well I hear round one is over. As I have said all along stay strong!!! We are in the last week of school-everyone is a little relieved. 6th grade goes on a field trip tomorrow and Mrs. Stiglic will be back. I bet you 5th graders like it when the 6th grade is gone. Hope you are feeling O.K. Hope to see you soon.
Janet Iams <janetiams@smsd.org>
Overland Park, KS USA - Monday, May 24, 2004 2:29 PM CDT
hey mom zach and dad i am in studhall
just saying hi

nathan marion <nathanater89@aol.com>
op, ks jonson county - Monday, May 24, 2004 2:16 PM CDT

Keep the jokes coming! I'm so glad that your Mom set up the webpage to keep us in the loop. Take care and know that a lot of people are praying for you.

Lori Triplett
Overland Park, KS USA - Monday, May 24, 2004 1:24 PM CDT
Zach, It was great to see you last Thursday night. You were having a good day. I was really glad to see that. I hope today is a good day for you too. I will be praying for that and for a full recovery for you. How was Nathan's concert? Did he do a good job? I bet he did. You will be in my prayers daily...
Jane Meyer <djmeyer@everestkc.net>
- Monday, May 24, 2004 1:17 PM CDT
Zacher, 83 bea -u -tee full da grease(say it like a new yorr - ker)

Ok the Shawnee Mission School District just posted a notice that read: All "BOY" students that miss any time the last month of the current school year, must repeat "after me" I'm Cool! I'm Neat, I'm Cute and the girls love me! "3" times! Then turn around to the left 10 times. STOP! Then turn around to the right 10 times. Then look at your best girlfriend and Say I don't rememeber you!

Zach try it with the nurse's they will really enjoy it!

will take care I've got a lot going today, So i'll try tomorrow.


Kiss your mom and dad and tell thanks and that "I" love them both!

Rich, Godspeed zacher

Richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, ks US of A - Monday, May 24, 2004 12:44 AM CDT
Hey ho baritone man! Keep the faith strong--I know you'll lick this. We'll keep the baritone waiting for you when you get back!
Chris Kohl <chriskohl@smsd.org>
Overland Park, KS USA - Monday, May 24, 2004 12:32 AM CDT
Aunt Deb
Deb Sindelar <djsindelar@hotmail.com>
Cedar Rapids, Iowa USA - Monday, May 24, 2004 11:42 AM CDT
Hi Zach and Family - We are all thinking of you and praying for all of you.
Richard and Erica Butler - Knox Church <ericabb@att.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Monday, May 24, 2004 11:21 AM CDT

We look forward to seeing you back in Sunday school. Your in our prayers @ every meal and bedtime.


PS if you need anything let us know and we will take care of it!

Molly,Devin, Paula and Darren Magee <mage4family@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS usa - Monday, May 24, 2004 9:54 AM CDT
Hey Zac-A-Roni!
We've got hotdogs cookin today and chicken and noodles. I like both. I think I"ll have a hotdog for me and for you! I might even have a bowl of noodle-eez.
I'm thinking about you buddy, I lit some candles for you on Sunday at church.
My hubby says if you have a bloody nose - what ever nostril it's coming out of - put the opposite arm up in the air! :)
Miss you!
The Lunch Lady

Alexis Bajich <alexisbajich@smsd.org>
Overland Park, KS USA - Monday, May 24, 2004 9:37 AM CDT
Happy Monday, I'm not your first e-mail today. I read the updates too, looks like you get some jokes, I will have to come up with a good one. Hope you had a good weekend or at least some of it was good. Bet your room was crowded. Will probably talk with you before you read this. Know what? It's Grampa's birthday today. Its a big one. He would be thrilled if you called....come to think of it he would be thilled if I did! Hang in there, you will spend time in your own bed soon.
love Sue

Aunt Sue <sthomas@avalon.net>
iowa city, ia - Monday, May 24, 2004 8:44 AM CDT
Hi Zach: You have been in my prayers but remember that if God brings you to it, he will bring you through it. You don't know me but you know my daughter Cathy Casey. Keep positive and remember you are loved by a lot of people and a lot of people are praying for you.
JoAnn <jmccormack@cgisenior.com>
Mission, KS USA - Monday, May 24, 2004 7:05 AM CDT
Hi Zach,
I can't believe we only have practicly 1 week of school left. I can't wait. I hope you are feeling better right now and all of the time. Oh yah I Tre was my partener in the 2nd mini society market and we sold oot and also Tre left to go to Colorado for like 3 weeks so he gave me all of his money even though he sold out R.J., and Glen's product because he wanted to spend all of the money he could but finally the market ended and he still had like $200 left so i have like $700. YAY! Our auction is on Tuesday. I will buy you something. Uh oh, I have to go cuz it is 3:00 in the morning and I hear my mom comming. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! BYE
Take Care,
Dylan Owings

Dylan Owings <weeirishdude@yahoo.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Sunday, May 23, 2004 9:27 PM CDT
Here's is a joke for you!
Q: What is a polygon?
A: A dead bird!
Get it... Poly Gone!
I just stayed at Children's Mercy for my chest surgery..they have cool games! Get well soon, man.
Zac Brown
We are praying for you Zach.
Dan and Mary Brown

Zachary Brown <marybrowndan@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS Johnson - Sunday, May 23, 2004 9:21 PM CDT
Hi Zach
Hope you are doing okay tonight, Dylan and Jack were glad to see you today, they talk and think about you a lot. Hey I have a corny joke for you (as you seem to be the master of corny jokes!!!!!) so here goes:A frog walked into a bank and went to talk to a loan officer named Patty. The
frog said, 'I would like a loan.'
Patty said, 'Well, sir, we can't give you a loan.'
'Why not?' asked the frog.
'Well,' said Patty, 'You're a frog.'
'I'd like to see the President of the Bank,' said the frog.
So Patty went and got the President. 'What seems to be the problem?' asked
the President.
'This woman says I can't have a loan because I'm a frog.'
'Well, do you have collateral?' asked the President.
The frog pulled a small glass elephant out of his
pocket. 'What is that!?' exclaimed Patty.
The President says, 'It's a knick-knack, Patty.'
Whack!!! 'Give the frog a loan.'

Okay I will try and do better the next time.

Adrienne Owings <adrienneo@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Sunday, May 23, 2004 8:57 PM CDT
Zacher, I did'nt cut the back yard yet! So let me know what time to come get you. 74 Sunny, but cool deg-trees!

Lots to say!! so forget it~! we talk about you (in a good way) always these days! I'm going to come by Monday afternoon sometime. If your awake! Or not busy!!!!.. WINK wink, NOD nod.. (ask your mom or dad)

Any requests "thatI can help with".

Smile, and the world smiles back! Godspeed!


Rich Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, ks US of A - Sunday, May 23, 2004 1:56 PM CDT
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Kith who?
Kith me you fool.
Ha! Ha! Ha!
Mom says that laughing is exercise for the insides.

Joel Almloff <balmloff@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Sunday, May 23, 2004 12:31 AM CDT
Zach and Family, you are in our prayers. Its great to hear that the first round of chemotherapy has proceeded with little incident. Keep the joke of the day coming!
Carolyn and Glenn Hodges <HodgO1@aol.com>
Lenexa , KS USA - Sunday, May 23, 2004 6:24 AM CDT
Hi Zach and Marions. Zach, I hear that you finish up you first round of chemo therapy tomorrow. I know that it has not been much fun for you, but in the long run it will help you feel better. I love your jokes. I would send one back to you, but I can not think of one. I will have one the next time I sign in. We miss having you around, but you are constantly in our thoughts and prayers, so it is like you are there any way. Brent and Aaron are anxious to see you, but I think we will wait until you come home. We know you are getting a lot of visitors already. Remember, we love you and are praying for you daily. Hope you had a great day today.
Randy Haffey <rhaffey@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS - Saturday, May 22, 2004 10:36 PM CDT
Zach, we're thinking about you and praying for you every day. God is great and he's with you always. You have wonderful parents and we love you all. We'll write again soon. We love you. Tim and Barb Brown
Tim and Barbara Brown <tiba@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, Ks Johnson - Saturday, May 22, 2004 9:49 PM CDT
Hi Zach,
We miss you, here is a joke for you what has a fin but is not a fin.
(a dolphin hahaha thats a real knee slapper.)
At field day we drenched Mr. D with water.Take care.

Grant Pfoltner <www.gpfbball@everstkc.net>
Overland park, KS U.S.A. - Saturday, May 22, 2004 6:56 PM CDT
We love you zach, we all are taking good care of sadie, even boxster is keeping her in line.. have a great day and a restful night... lots of love the Corbins p.s. can't wait to give you the Rebecca do! {:~)
lance,rebecca, colin,codyand boxster <rcorbin1@kc.rr.com>
overland park, ks usa - Saturday, May 22, 2004 4:18 PM CDT
Gerald and Audrey Olson were so sorry to hear of your news. We know a little about what you are going through.
Audrey had a picc line in her arm for six months and now we can't tell where it was. Hang in there, as we found out - all will be well again. just keep smiling.

gerald and audrey olson <gragolson@worldnet.att.net>
tonto verde, az - Saturday, May 22, 2004 3:10 PM CDT
Good joke Zach. Thinking of you and hope you have a good weekend. I know the company perks you up. Your Mom does great jounaling, the update is nice. Talk with you Monday.
Hang in there.

Aunt Sue <sthomas@avalon.net>
iowa city, ia - Saturday, May 22, 2004 3:02 PM CDT
Hey Zach,
Sorry to hear you aren't doing well. We miss you and hope to see you again at the next ski trip, if not sooner.

My Dad had a PIC tube for a month about a year and a half ago, so he knows that can't be fun for you.

Mike and Austin Roberts <mike@roberts-engineering.com>
- Saturday, May 22, 2004 11:52 AM CDT
Zach and family, We are praying for you that God would give you strength and healing. I liked Zach's joke. Thinking of you. The White's
Terry W. White <twhite3263@aol.com>
Lenexa, KS USA - Saturday, May 22, 2004 9:26 AM CDT
Hey Zach! We had the raingutter regatta tonight. The boys kept challenging me to races. Must have had "sucker" on my head or something. I've lost my touch because I lost them all! The boys are sending you a surprise in a card. Take care little buddy! We love you.

Karen Haffey
Overland Park, KS - Friday, May 21, 2004 10:54 PM CDT
Hi Zach, You don't know me but I go to church at Knox. You and your family are in my prayers. This is a neat web site. Keep up the good jokes.
Virginia McKnight <vmcknight@everestkc.com>
Lenexa, KS USA - Friday, May 21, 2004 9:43 PM CDT
Hey Zach...This is Bo's mom from Nathan's baseball team. We miss you running around at the games! You have such a warm and wonderful smile. You and your family are in our prayers. You can make it through this. Be strong! You have a lot of people that love you. Miryana
Shawnee, KS Johnson - Friday, May 21, 2004 9:03 PM CDT
Hi Zach and family,
You have been in our thoughts and prayers daily. I took lots of pictures at field day yesterday and will be sending them your way soon. Scott sends his love and we all hope you feel much better soon. We miss you, Zach!

Scott, Blaire, Sam, Jana and Bruce Collins <bcollins11@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Friday, May 21, 2004 9:01 PM CDT
We are praying for you Zach and we love you very much.

The Casey's
Lenexa, Ks USA - Friday, May 21, 2004 8:30 PM CDT
Zach, its great that you have this website to keep us all informed on how well you are doing. Your Mom must be a computer whiz after all. I hope you are feeling as good as you were the other day myself, Dylan, Hannah, Isabel and Jack came to see you. We are all thinking of you all the time and we will be in to see you over the weekend. Is there anything special you would like us to bring??? Just let me know.Tell Karl Weezer we said hi!!!!!!!
Adrienne Owings

Adrienne Owings <adrienneo@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Friday, May 21, 2004 7:08 PM CDT
Hey, Zach We wanted you to know that we are thinking of you always. I bet you get a lot of messages from people you don't even know- huh? Well Nicholas and me go to church with you. I am Lindsey the director of the day care. Nathan and Nicholas were in day care togather a long time ago. Your mom has done so much to help out on the day care board--especially those big Thanksgiving feasts. We want you to know we are always praying for you. Nicholas says to tell Nathan Hi for him. God Bless you Nick and Lindsey Roeder
Nick and Lindsey Roeder <RoederNick@yahoo.com>
Overland Parl, KS USA - Friday, May 21, 2004 6:20 PM CDT
Hey Zach,
This is Kayla and wanted to tell how much i missed you i am over at jacks and lucy keeps licking (gross). Miss ya! See ya soon!

Kayla Schranz <angel8kayla@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS - Friday, May 21, 2004 6:15 PM CDT
Hi Zach
I can't believe all the messages! You have lots of friends who love you. Talked to your Dad a minute and he said it wasn't your best day. It can't be all fun and games your in a hospital for pete's sake!!! Hopefully Nathan and guests can cheer you up on the weekend. Tell Sara or Bill to update your page this weekend. Miss you and hope you have good days soon.

Aunt Sue <sthomas@avalon.net>
iowa city, ia - Friday, May 21, 2004 5:25 PM CDT
Hi Zach,
Miss you in class everyday. You didn't miss much today we ran the mile and yesterday was field day, my legs hurt! Your'e not going to miss much since its the end of the year, haven't been doing much in class. Just a lot of art projects, most of the projects are you for :) planning on coming to see you this weekend, molly

Molly Schroeder <lisaandrocky@everestkc.net>
overland park, ks - Friday, May 21, 2004 4:51 PM CDT
Hello Zach!!
So i hear you have been missing school but what about after school care?? I am sure you miss us! We sure do miss you!
Today is movie day and we are watching Little Rascals- they got a break from homework today! We are all thinking of you!
Sara I am very impressed with the web page too! Let us know if we can do anything here at ASC!

Donna <donna.baughman@jocoks.com>
Overland Park, KS - Friday, May 21, 2004 4:43 PM CDT
HiZach, you don't know who I am but you do know my daughter. Your lunch lady Alexis. She told me all about you and what a swell kid you are! She told me she was bringing you food - all the things you like. So whenever you get hungry and want special food you just call her and you know that she will bring you whatever you want. I'll keep you in my prayers every day,Zach. God Bless You! Carol (Alexis's Mom).
Carol Bobick <carol@griffininsurance.com>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Friday, May 21, 2004 3:37 PM CDT
Hi Zach and Marion Family, Found my way to this web page and you did a great job, Sara! This is going to be great to keep up with everything. Zach, Art and I hope that you are having a good day. The boat goes into the water tomorrow morning, so I do hope that you will be able to come home in a couple of weeks so that we can take a sail together. Meanwhile stay brave and keep the Good Lord close at hand. Remember that He is always with you. We keep you in our prayers daily. Love to all of you.
Carol and Art Hicks <ACHicks@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Friday, May 21, 2004 3:34 PM CDT
Zach -
I know you're missing school, so I thought I'd send along an "American history lesson" for you. I swear this is a true story ;-)
A cowboy moseys into a saloon and orders a whiskey. When the bartender delivers the drink, the cowboy asks, "Where is everybody?" The bartender replies, "They've all gone to the hanging." The cowboy asked, "Who are they hanging?" The bartender answered, "Brown Paper Pete." "What kind of name is Brown Paper Pete," the cowboy asked. The bartender explained, "Well, he wears a brown paper hat, brown paper shirt, brown paper pants and brown paper shoes." The cowboy said, &"That's weird. What are they hanging him for?" The bartender said, "Rustling!"
Miss your smiling face!

Marcia Contreras <mcon322@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Friday, May 21, 2004 2:11 PM CDT
Zach you are a very brave and strong boy and I know that God is very proud of you. Many people email or call me, Pastor Tim, Pastor Eric, Lisa, and Karen and ask how you are doing every day. You, your mom and dad, and Nathan are being prayed for by SOOOO many people. My favorite Bible verse is "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:13) If I am having a tough day I say that verse over and over and you know what? I start to feel better. Love, Lori Unthank
George, Carrie, and Travis say hi, too!

Lori Unthank
Lenexa, Ks USA - Friday, May 21, 2004 1:29 PM CDT
Zach you don't know me my name is Rosie Lindgren and I work with Karen Haffey. I was very sorry to hear about your hospitalization and about your newly diagnosed lukemia. My granddaughter is a frequent visitor to CMH 4 Henson. She was diagnosed with a rare cancer at the age of 3 1/2 years. She is now 6 and will have a birthday in Sept. Her name is Brianna and all the nurses know her well. Please keep your chin up and keep smiling although at times I know you won't feel like it. You have a great support system not only your family and friends but also all those beautiful nurses--use them all. I'll keep you in my prayers and thoughts. Don't give up!!!!
Rosie Lindgren <rlindgren@saint-lukes.org>
- Friday, May 21, 2004 11:33 AM CDT
Hi from St. Lukes Hospital...i hate hospitals and i work in one...i am a friend and work with Karen Haffey in the research depart. at St. Lukes....I have a friend who is a doctor at Childrens Mercy Dr. Barbara Furguson and I have told her to come by and say HI....She is an anesthesiologist
(puts you to sleep) or gas dr. as they sometimes say....
I also know Dr. Hethington as I had her mother on one of my studies that i do for Heart Failure.....I am thinking of you and if you need anything ask Karen....esp. $$$$ hahahaha no really if you need anything you let me know and we will think of some way to sneak it in to you...much love from a nurse...ann stewartBSN

ann stewart <a!stewart@saint-lukes.org>
Kansas City, MO - Friday, May 21, 2004 11:26 AM CDT
OK Zacher, by the looks of ALL of these notes, you need a break. So just meet downstairs by the front doors and lets just getaway for a while, smell the fresh air "hot" but fresh. Get some ice cream or a sno cone, feel a breeze (and not from you know where). I told the gang when I came down to see you, YOU had the BIGGEST smile, where so happy and feeln great. And that well... I didn't tell them everything!

Get to get'n on! As always Gods Speed!

Richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, ks US of A - Friday, May 21, 2004 11:14 AM CDT
Who dat "Boy" in the winder?
Richard Briggs <rbriggs@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, Ks US of A - Friday, May 21, 2004 10:27 AM CDT
Hi Zach. Everyone misses you in school. I only got three minutes left so I get to make this message fast. Everyone misses you. If you hadn't been diagnosed than Ryan would have had you as a campaign manager when he ran for president. But instead he chose Jack.
Kate Naylor <kansasdolphin813@yahoo.com>
Overland Park, KS Johnson - Friday, May 21, 2004 10:10 AM CDT
Zach, as you can tell your family is part of a much larger family, the scouting family. We are all praying for you and your family and will be eagerly awaiting your return to the scouting outings. If you have not already learned, your scouting family will be there for you and your family when ever you call on us. God Bless
Rob Gilkerson <rgilkers@bsamail.org>
Kansas City, MO - Friday, May 21, 2004 10:09 AM CDT
Hey zach! I herd you were feeling better. We really really do miss you at school! We give all our wishes to you. Like today in school ryan put you in his speech! I want to be able to some see you soon but i do not know.. I hope that you know you have dylan jack and ryan right by your side 24\7 and that i bet they would want to see you all the time unstead of doing other things..If you get to go on the internet then i know a website that could entertain you FOREVER is badgerbadgerbadger.com
Anyways on feild day the teachers planned a surpise water balloon attack on us. Grr those evil teachers! today in gym we had to run the mile run i think i got like 12:30 mintues hahaha!
Well ive got to go so i guess ill try to come see you, later


Rebecca Irvine <smsluver88@yahoo.com>
Olathe , KS USA - Friday, May 21, 2004 10:06 AM CDT
Dear Zach - What a cool webpage!!! We really miss your smiling face around here... We are videotaping our social studies 'news reels' and will send you a copy as soon as we are finished. Some of the students have added messages for you in their projects. We have some real 'clowns' in our class... Continue to do everything the doctors tell you to. -We want you healthy as soon as possible. God Bless You, Judy Richter
Judy Richter <carichte@smsd.org>
Lenexa, KS 66219 - Friday, May 21, 2004 10:02 AM CDT
hey zach,this is tim i hope u get well soon. I still remember all the fun we've had in our short lives even though it feels like a we've lived a long life. Field day was ok it would've been better if u were there. I hope get well soon i can't wait 2 see u next year.
P.S. im going 2 visit u very soon.

Tim Rodden <Slootypaplezwait@yahoo.com>
Overland Park, KS U.S. - Friday, May 21, 2004 10:02 AM CDT
hey zach,this is tim i hope u get well soon. I still remember all the fun we've had in our short lives even though it feels like a we've lived a long life. Field day was ok it would've been better if u were there. I hope get well soon i can't wait 2 see u next year.
P.S. im praying for u.

Tim Rodden <Slootypaplezwait@yahoo.com>
Overland Park, KS U.S. - Friday, May 21, 2004 10:00 AM CDT
U DA MAN!!!! How many rubber gloves have you blown up like a balloon? I've got a couple of new rockets ready to fire with your name on them when you get a chance to cut loose for awhile. They will be here whenever your ready. Spoons and catchphrase are awaiting your return. If you don't want to wait let me know we'll bring the game to you! Nice joke.
Say hello to Mom and Dad for me. Thoughts and prayers.

Old Fatman Harris <k_st8r@hotmail.com>
Shawnee, Ks usa - Friday, May 21, 2004 9:30 AM CDT
Hi Guys!!
Wednesday night at Choir practice I was thinking of you all big time. We sang a beautiful song called "Peace Unto You". It's basically about praying for God's Peace during difficult times.

I tried to think of a funny joke but nothing is coming to me.

From the fax times: Ways to burn calories while at work or school:
Jumping to conclusions
Passing the buck
Dragging your heels
Pushing your luck
Climbing the ladder of success
Putting your foot in your mouth

Deb Meissner <dlmeissner@terracon.com>
Olathe, KS - Friday, May 21, 2004 9:27 AM CDT
Dear Marion Family...... Can you believe ????????? Arlene knew what to do and found your web page????? What a wonderful idea ... ( this is high tech , for a old lady like me,you know )We are sending our love, concern, and prayers, knowing God has wrapped his healing arms around Zach. "For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways" Psalm 91 : 11...Love
John and Arlene Burroughs <jaburroughs15@hotmail.com>
Overland Park , Ks Johnson - Friday, May 21, 2004 8:37 AM CDT
I miss you buddy! I have all this extra food leftover because you're not here eating it! :) Hurry and get better soon! I'll be down again to visit soon.
Love ya!
Your favorite Lunch Lady

Alexis Bajich <alexisbajich@smsd.org>
Overland Park, KS USA - Friday, May 21, 2004 8:25 AM CDT
Hey Zach, Sarah, Bill and Nathan!! I just wanted to let you know you are in our thoughts and prayers. When all quiets down, please let me know what we can do to help. Take care and hang in there.
Marla Harris <MarlaHarris@smsd.org>
Shawnee, KS USA - Friday, May 21, 2004 8:20 AM CDT
I miss you very much. I'll come see you soon.
Brent <rhaffey@kc.rr.com>
- Friday, May 21, 2004 7:25 AM CDT
Hello Marion Family - What a great web page. You know you are all in our thoughts and prayers. We miss your smiling faces! Bones was holding down the fort in Sunday School last weekend. Zach, bring on some more jokes!

Kellermeyers: Kurt, Nancy, Mark, Matt and Kate (& Bones) <kellermeyer@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS USA - Friday, May 21, 2004 7:02 AM CDT
Zach, Nathan, Sara and Bill

You are in our thoughts and prayers daily. Kevin and Mikhail send their thoughts as well. Kevin hopes we can come up and visit sometime soon. We miss you all and are here for you any time/ any way. Dianne and Greg

Dianne Conway <con5way@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS 66215 - Friday, May 21, 2004 0:02 AM CDT
Zach, Your Mom did a super job on the website.
You looked great today. The haircut is so nice for you. Rebecca did a wonderful job.
I am glad you had a better day. All our friends from England, Athens, Australia and the US are praying for you and your family.

Shasta Hornack <hornack@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 11:14 PM CDT
Hi Zach!!
Please know that you are constantly in our prayers. This is so great to be able to e-mail and receive updates. What a great mom!! Zach, I will get some of the books we talked about. I was wondering if you might enjoy listening to them on a book tape. I thought I might try to get the Harry Potter book on tape from the library, too. That way if no one feels like reading ..you can just listen!!
We will keep praying - Remember, God is with you and He will never leave you or forsake you, so be strong and courageous. Love, The Millers

The Miller family - Scott, Kathleen, Marshall and Kelsey <skmiller@everestkc.net>
- Thursday, May 20, 2004 10:41 PM CDT
Zach--Can you believe I actually did this right and am sending you a message? Where are you getting those good jokes? See you tomorrow.
Lansing, KS USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 10:27 PM CDT
Zach, Sara, Bill & Nathan - Just wanted to let you know that we are praying for your whole family. Zach, Thomas considers you his best friend at church and prays every night for God's healing hand to be with you! We'll check back often!
Corey, Katie, Thomas & Beth Williams <ctkttww@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 10:20 PM CDT
Hi Zack and Family, Your web-page is awesome and it is now bookmarked in our browser. We will check it often to read your jokes and check on your progess. You all are in our prayers.
Tom, Lori, Nick and Clare Noren <tjnoren@hotmail.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 9:39 PM CDT
Hi to all the Marions,
Zach, hope you had a good day. Really liked your joke. Have been thinking about you every day. Just take one day at a time and ask for lots of hugs, it will make everybody feel good.

The Hawkins, Steve, Paula, Rachel & Ashley <hawkinssw@yahoo.com>
Lenexa, KS USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 8:44 PM CDT
Hi Marion family! I am sure you are really sick of that hospital room by now--BUT are there any cute nurses? How about any cute patients? I know you have scoped them all out already :) Heard you ate 1/2 of a Boston Market Chicken the other night-AWESOME! We are all thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way. When you are hungry for something, just tell Kerri and we will make it and deliver it in a jiffy! Love the website, great job Sara. Keep fighting bud. Julie, Rick, Robin & Todd Nobles
Julie Nobles <noblesj@umkc.edu>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 8:43 PM CDT
Hey Zach, I too hope that today was a good day!! You know your Forever Friend is with you always, he said so himself- "..And surely I am with you always..." Matthew 28:20. So when you are having a not so good day, try to remember he's right there with you. I can still hear a little disciples anwer: "Can anything stop the love of God? NO WAY!"
Lisa Campbell <lisa@knoxchurch.org>
- Thursday, May 20, 2004 7:30 PM CDT
Zack, prayers are said for you and family daily. We will continue to read your web site and read all of your e-mails. Our prayer is that you will soon be back with family & friends.
Dorothy & Fred Sivyer <DSiv501949@everestkc.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 7:09 PM CDT
We're among those following Zach's progress daily.
Sue and Joe Wilson
- Thursday, May 20, 2004 6:26 PM CDT
Hi Zach - We are praying every day for you! We hear that you are a really good patient! That always makes things easier for the doctors and nurses. We are praying that you will be able to come home for a few days so you can sleep in your own bed. How is that hospital bed? Have you played with all the buttons? Up and down!
Bill, Nancy, Dan, Carolyn, and Rebecca Magee <nwmagee@sbcglobal.net>
Overland Park, KS - Thursday, May 20, 2004 6:21 PM CDT
HiZach, I am a member of Knox Presbyterian Church--we have received updates on you through Knox e-mail! I wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and praying for your recovery...may the Lord continue to strengthen and bless you and your family! Joan Brown
Joan Brown
- Thursday, May 20, 2004 6:15 PM CDT
Hey Zach it is Jack i hope your arm gets better so they dont have to put a new tube in. Cause i know how much u hated that. I hope you are feeling good today we had fun last night and we will come and see you a bunch more.

Miss you
Your Friend Jack

Jack Meyer <zsbb2123@aol.com>
Overland park, ks - Thursday, May 20, 2004 5:49 PM CDT
Hi Zach! Isn't this web page great? I bet you will get to spend your time reading messages from ALL the people who are thinking of you. We miss you at school and in the lunch room. Today was Field Day and it was hot! The teachers threw water balloons at the kids at the end to cool them down. (I didn't get to see if Jack got hit!)
I hear that your favorite meal is mac and cheese. I will find when would be a good time and I would love to make that for you. Let us know any other foods that sound good. I will be reading the web page for more updates. You take care and be strong!

Janet Iams <janetiams@smsd.org>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 5:28 PM CDT
Hey Zach, you'll spend all day reading your guestbook. I can't believe all the messages. You must be a popular guy!!!! Your Mom did great on the web page, especially liked your joke. I would send you some but I only know dirty jokes! I know you would like that..ha ha.
Aunt Sue <sthomas@avalon.net>
iowa city, ia usa - Thursday, May 20, 2004 4:42 PM CDT
Hello to all! I sure hope today is a good day in Room 4419! Zach, your mom did a great job on the web page. I am quite impressed! We won't be down tonight because Ben has a ballgame, but we will be there in thought. I will give you a call before we come down this weekend to see if anything sounds good that we can bring to you! You know that all of you are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. See you soon - if anyone needs anything, just call!
Kerri Meyer <kerrimeyer@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS - Thursday, May 20, 2004 4:40 PM CDT
We lift you all to the Lord daily in our prayers. Keep the faith.... remember, Faith makes things possible...not easy! This is just a challenge that you WILL overcome! Stay strong!
Michelle, Pat, Bailey and Hollie Cormack <cormackfamily@comcast.net>
Olathe, KS USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 4:32 PM CDT
This is a great way to communicate with everyone and Sara you did a great job setting up the web site. I especially liked Zach's joke. I think of you and your family often and will keep you all in my prayers. If you need anything, let me know.
Karen Butts, Terracon <kmbutts@terracon.com>
Lenexa, KS USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 4:24 PM CDT
Hi Zack! We loved your joke and the girls are looking through their joke books to find one as funny! You are on our minds and in our hearts daily. You are prayed for often and we have faith you will be better soon. Please let us know what we can do to help out in any way! Your mom did a great job on the website and it is very much appreciated by many!
Paul, Kim, Morgan & Taylor McMahon <kmcmahon4@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 4:12 PM CDT
Bill, Sara, Nathan, and, of course, Zach too! We all think about you and send you only our best thoughts,prayers, and wishes. This is such a great chance to tell you how often you all are thought of. We are in this together. Let me know if there is anything we can do for any of you all.
Love Andy, Katrina, Bruce, Katlynne, and Joanne

Ps this is a not from a tech-challanged person so,I have no idea how this will turn out.

The Georgiana Family <kat7117@aol.com>
Lenexa, ks 66215 - Thursday, May 20, 2004 4:11 PM CDT
Hello Marion family. We are praying daily for all of you. Does Zach have any favorites for video games or movies we might get for him to use in the hospital?
This website is great. We will keep in touch.
The McCullough family

Kathleen McCullough <mac5@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS US - Thursday, May 20, 2004 4:05 PM CDT
We are keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers. We will continue to monitor the site, so just let us know what you need. One day at a time. When you are ready for visitors, just say the word.
Joe, Cynthia, Rebecca, and Justin Burwinkle
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 4:00 PM CDT
Hi to all the Marions,
This is really a special way to keep in touch--thoughts may not get there as strong and quickly, so I'm glad we can write down everything. You have so many friends and so much love coming your way!! What great people you are!!
Much love to all of you. Roseann

Roseann Sanders <gsandop@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 3:59 PM CDT
Hi Zach...
I liked your dog joke. I'm a dog lover also. I hope this was one of your good days. You have been in my prayers each and every day! Tell your mom and dad that we're all thinking of them and we miss you here at school! Take care and I hope to see you soon.
Mrs. Phillips (the school secretary)

Sandy Phillips <sandyphillips@smsd.org>
Kansas City, Mo USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 3:58 PM CDT
Zach, Sara, Bill & Nathan,
I'm so glad you set up this webpage. We've been thinking of you so often for the past week. Chris and James are begging to come see you Zach, but we've not wanted to bother you guys, knowing that you must have many others calling and visiting. Also, they've both had strange rashes and I don't want to run the risk of passing it on. Karen has kept us posted on your progress every day. Please know that we're praying for you all many times every day, and that if you need ANYTHING, no matter how big or small it seems, we're here for you. Just e-mail, or call and we'll be there. There is a bible study group that meets at Sprint every week that is praying for you too. You can't imagine the people who don't even know you guys that are asking how they can help. And Zach, be nice to the nurses!!!

Marcia Contreras <marcia.contreras@mail.sprint.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 3:48 PM CDT
Hey, Zach - Great way to keep in touch. Hope you get well soon and can get active in Scouts again. We are thinking about you. Let us know when we can come visit. CU
Gary Bond
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 3:45 PM CDT
Hi Zach and family,
Frank, I and Sage are praying for you guys! I liked your joke today!

Frank, Anne and Sage Mohr <anneopks@hotmail.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 3:37 PM CDT
Zach - Kathleen and I pray for your healing daily - stay strong in the Lord! (Proverbs 3: 5-6)
Jeff McCullough <mac5@aol.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 3:33 PM CDT
Dearest Zach, We miss you so much at school and are thinking about you all the time. Are you feeling our good vibrations? I hope to get to come to see you at the hospital very soon.
Carol Halter <cmhalter@everestkc.net>
- Thursday, May 20, 2004 3:29 PM CDT
Hi Zach and family. This is a great web page and I will visit it frequently. Zach, Nathan, Bill and Sara, you are in our prayers daily. We look forward to visiting you soon.
Randy Haffey <rhaffey@kc.rr.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 3:16 PM CDT
Hi, Zach. I'm so glad I got to see you yesterday. Please tell your mom that she did a great job with the website. I really liked your joke today! You're in my prayers. Ms. Bartelsmeyer
Charlotte Bartelsmeyer
Leawood, KS USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 3:14 PM CDT
Hey, Zach! Just wanted to say "Hi" and let you know that I am praying for you every day (sometimes lots of times in the SAME day -- depending on how many times the Lord brings you to mind.)

Today just the 4th graders that think they might like to be in Choir next year came in at 2:30. Everybody got a piece of Laffy Taffy and had to read one of their jokes WHILE they were chewing on their taffy. The tricky part is getting the paper off without tearing up the joke and the answer! We heard some real groaners! They were right up there with the cross-eyed dog joke!

Much love to you and your family --

Mrs. Raynes

Jeannette Raynes <plaidraynbowj@yahoo.com>
Kansas City, KS USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 3:04 PM CDT
So glad you sent this. Want to keep up with Zach and the family. You guys are in my prayers daily. Also have you on the prayer chain at church. We miss you around here. Keep your chin up. We are thinking of you always. K
Kathy Wright <klwright@terracon.com>
Olathe, KS - Thursday, May 20, 2004 3:04 PM CDT
Found the web page and the guest book. Looks great so far. We continue to hold Zach and everyone else up to the Lord in prayer.
Tim Waggoner <tim@knoxchurch.org>
Overland Park, KS U.S.A. - Thursday, May 20, 2004 2:51 PM CDT
This is a great way to let us know how things are going.
Hope you all are doing well. My boys and I say a prayer for Zach every night.

Terri Reynolds <terri.reynolds@mail.sprint.com>
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 2:35 PM CDT
Hi! I just received your e-mail with the info on how to log on to CaringBridge. It worked just fine! I read your web page. What a great way to keep us updated on Zach's progress. I will pass this on to the Carpenter staff.
I was so glad to see Zach last night and have a chance to visit with all of you. I've told everyone today about the picture of your dog on your pillow. I loved it!
I will keep you in my daily prayers, Zach.

Debbie West
Overland Park, KS USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 2:12 PM CDT

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